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DRYSDALE & CO, 932 St. James Street. / 2:9 7 f Entered according to tho Act of the Parliament of Canada in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, by William Drysdftle & Co., in the office of the Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa. Til ■•y Printed by The Hrrald Poblishino Company, 603 Craig Street, Montreal. CONTENTS. A INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. The Sciencb of Agriculture. § I. The Relations of Theory and Practice ^ I § 2. Agriculture in Schools 4 § 3 What may be taught by the School Teacher 6 § 4. Order to be pursued 8 § 5. Uses of Agriculture in Schools 10 ♦CHAPTER I. Forms of Matter. § I. Gases 14 § 2. Liquids 24 § 3. Solids 30 CHAPTER n. Heat. * § I. Temperature 34 i * § 2. Expansion 36 * § 3. The Unit of Heat 39 «^ * § 4- Specific Heat 40 * § 5. Latent Heat of Water and of Steam 42 I • § 6. Dew, Rain and Snow 46 CHAPTER HL Chemical Principles. § I. Laws of Combination 51 * § 2. The Aim of the Chemist 54 * § 3* Chemical Symbols and their Connotation 54 » § 4. Acids, Alkalies, Salts 59 IV TAHLE OF CONTENTS. '/ •CHAPTER IV. ClIKMICAL PROCEMSKS. § I. Tests and Testing 62 § 2. Separation of Mixtures 65 § 3. Analysis of Compounds 70 § 4. Synthesis, Combination 73 {i| 5. Metathesis, Replacement, Double Decomposition 75 t CHAPTER V. Chemical Properties of the Elements and Compounds most Important in Agriculture. § I. Oxygen 80 § 2. Nitrogen 81 § 3. Hydrogen, Water, Ammonia, Nitric Acid 83 § 4. Chlorine, Hydrochloric Acid 87 § 5. Carbon, Carbon Dioxide 88 § 6. Sulphur, Sulphur Dioxide, Sulphuric Acid 92 § 7. Phosphorus, Phosphoric Acid 94 § 8. Sodium, Sodium Oxides, Chloride of Sodium, other Sodium Salts 95 § 9. Potassium, Potassium Oxides and Salts 97 § 10. Calcium, its Oxides and Salts 100 § 1 1. Magnesium 102 § 12. Silicon, Silica, Silicates, Glass 103 § 13. Aluminum, Clay, Earthenware 103 § 14. Iron 104 § 15. Manganese 104 CHAPTER VI. Plants, their Functions and Structures. « § I. Living Things 105 • § 2. The Vegetable ic6 t § 3. The Root no § 4. The Stem ..114 t § 5- The Leaves 115 § 6. The Bark 120 TAULE OF CONTEXTS. V •-^o CHAPTER VII. Orc.anic Compounds Produckd by Pi ants. § I. Organic and Inorganic Substances ,22 § 2. Organic Part of the Plant * ' | " ^ ,23 § 3. Organic Substances arranged in (houps j^a § 4. Carbohydrates , § 5. Vegetable Acids \ * § 6. Oils and Fats ',',]]], ,,, § 7. Nitrogenized Substances , ,- * § 8. Proximate Analysis of PI ints , ,7 § 9- Conclusions as to the Food of Plants ,30 CHAPTER VIII. Thk Asiiks of Plants. * § I. Table of Plant Analysis , ^2 * § 2. General Deductions from the Table ,.2 * § 3. Essential Ash-Ingredients , . , * § 4. Occasional Ash-Ingredients , . . * § 5. The Purpose of each Ash-Ingredient j^^ * § 6. The Distriimtionof Ashes in the Plant in Different Parts and at Different Stages of Growth 146 § 7. Accidental Ash § 8. General Conclusions • M9 ^CHAPTER IX. The Atmosi'hekic Food of Plants. § I. The Plant Creates Nothing ,.j § 2. The Composition of Air j - . § 3- Air as Food for Plants , -^ CHAPTER X. The Soil, Origin and Classification. § I. Nature and Origin of the Soil , .5 ^ § 2. Classification of Soils according to Mechanical Tex- ^"•"^•••' 158 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. g 3. Classification of Soils according to their General Chemical Characters 159 i 4. Classification of Soils according to Details of Composi- tion and relative Fertility 160 CHAPTER XI. TiiR Relation of thk Sou, to Plants. * § I. The Soil as an Anchorage for Plants 162 * § 2. The Soil as Supplying Moisture to Plants 164 * § 3. The Soil as a Storehouse of Nitrogen 166 t § 4. The Soil as a Storehouse of Inorganic Food for Plants 173 t § 5. The Soil in Relation to Heat 178 CHAPTER XH. Exhaustion ok thr Soil. § I. Causes of Exhaustion 181 § 2. Exhausted Soils of Canada. ... .... 188 CHAITER XIII. Improvkmrnt of the Soil by Mechanical Mkans. t§ I. Tillage 196 t § 2. Draining 204 CHAPTER XIV. Improvkmrnt of thr Soil by Manures. § I. General Nature of Manures . *. 213 § 2. Stable Manure 214 • § 3. Green Manuring 223 § 4. Other Organic Manures 224 § 5. Mineral or Inorganic Manures .... 235 CHAPTER XV. Crops. § I. Wheat 252 § 2. Cits 269 § 3. Rye ^. 272 § 4. liarley 274 , TABLE OF CONTENTS. vii § 5. Indiiin Corn 27e § 6. Buckwheat 277 § 7. Beans and Peas 270 8 8. Turnips, Carrots, Mangel Wurzel, &c a8i t § 9. Potatoes 289 § 10. Clover and Grasses . , . 298 •CHAPTKR XVI. Soiling and Silos. § I. Green Fodder ^og § 2. Ensilage ^og * For these chapters and sections the editor must be held responsible. t This chapter and these sections have been much modified by the editor. 1 PREFACE. FlUST EDITION. The writer of this little hook had, in his youth, some opportunities of becoming familiar with agricul- tural operations ; and reave siiai . therefore, make this our hasis, an 'c Ises. 1. Under a pressure of 10 lbs. on the square inch, a certain amount of gas fills two cubic inches ; what space will it till under a pressure of 20 lbs. on the s(|uare inch ? of 25 lbs. ? of 40 lbs. ? of 5 lbs. ? of 1 lb. ? of J lb. ? 2. One cubic foot of air, under an initial pressure of 15 lbs. on the square inch, is successively com- pressed into the space of 432 cubic inches, lOcS cubic inches, 100 cubic inches, 50 cubic inches and 12 cubic inches ; what pressure is exerted on each square inch of surface at each of these stages of compres- sion ? 3. One cubic inch of gas under a pressure of 2,000 lbs. per s(juare inch is permitted to expand to 4, 5, 10, 20, J)0 cubic inches ; to one-fourth, one-third, one- half of a cubic foot ; to one, two, three cubic feet. What is the pressure per square inch at each stage of expansion ? Air like every other material substance has weight. At a temperature of 60^ F., and under a pressure of 14715 lbs. on the s(]uare inch, one cubic inch of air weighs '31 grains. Some gases are heavier than air, some are lighter. The following numbers give the weights of a few of the principal gases, air being 1 ; oxygen 11088, hydrogen '0693, nitrogen 0702, chlorine '9A^, carbon dioxide 15240. These numbers are ( ali( d ^:iio specific gravities of the several gases. To iTid J'he weight of any volume of either of these gases, iiufl tlu^ weight of an equal volume of air in the given circumstances, and multiply by the specific gravity as given above. 17 H Experiment (ind Examples. Expt^riment 2. Make a cylindrical paper Im^f large eiiougli to hold about a pint, and counterpoise it in a delicate balance. Then pour into it some carl)()n dioxide as prepared in experiment 71. 4. H(^\v many times heavier than hydrogen is air ? 5. What is the weight of a cubic foot of air at stanler, inverted and full of water, if the tunihler wei*e taller !* Consider the subject carefully and answer for your- self. T M The pressure of the air varies a little from time to time with the varying states of the weather. It may increase in very tine settled weather to as much as 15 Ihs. on the scjuare inch, or sink in stormy weather to 14 J lbs. 'J he varying pressure of the air is measured by the barometer, an instrument in which the wx'ight of a column of mercury in a glass tube is balanced against the pressure of the air. When the top of the column of mercury in the tube is 80 inches above the level of the mercury in the reservoir, and the temperature of the air is 00" F., the pressure of the air is 14'7l51bs.on the square inch ; and the pressure is greater or less by "49 lb., nearly half a pound, on the square inch for every inch that the mercury rises or falls. Because the pressure of the air is greatest in tine settled weather, and least in stormy weather, the barometer is often used as an indicator of chanofe of weather, and is, therefore, sometimes called a weather glass. A rising of the mercury shows increasing atmospheric pressure, and, therefore, indicates a tendency to tine w^eather ; a falling 1)arometer shows diminishing atmospheric pressure, and indicates approaching storms, with the fall of rain or snow. L>l a ivs es P)iit it i'(M|uir('s SOUK! cxpcritMJce uiul skill to r«';ul arii^lit the iiiini-l'rcu Mr. Whimper found the liei^^lit of the hjirometer to he 172IJ inches; what was the pressure of the air on the scjuare inch ? It must he rememhered that as any ^ovs l)eeomes denser, when compressed, in proportion to tlie pressure, proper allowance for the effect of harometric variation must he made, wlien calculating the weight of any volunje of air. Allowance for change of temperature must also l)e made ; but this is a point to be afterwards considererl. E.i'amph's. 25. What is the weight of the air in a room 2.") feet long, 15 feet wide and 10 feet high, at a temperature of 00^ and under a barometric pressure of 295 inches ? 20. Under a pressure of 8 lbs. to the s(^uare inch more than the barometric pressure, which at the time is 80 inclies, and at a temperature of CO", a bubble of air containing one cubic inch is formed ; what is its weight and to wliat dimensions would it expand, if the extra pressure were removed ? 27. A balloon contains 1 0,000 cubic feet of hydrogen wlien it has ascended to such a height that the baro- meter has fallen to 20 inches. What weight can it sustain at that elevation, the temperature being 60° ? N.B. — It can sustain the difference of the wx^ight of 10,000 cubic feet of air and 10,000 cubic feet of hydro- gen, under the given conditions. One gas expands into the space occupied hy another gas in the same way as it w^ould into an empty space, but more slowly. If for example a quart bottle of 23 cjU'Imhi tlioxidc \v»'n3 connected l>y im open tn)»e \vitl» an empty (juai't Ijottle, the carbon dioxide would instantly expand irito tlie empty l)ottle so as to shan' the gas ecjually h(;tvveen the two hottles, the pressiu'e an as it was in the first hottle in the Ixginning. Hut it* two hottles ecpial in size, one tilled with carhon dioxide at a pressure ot* l.') Ihs. per s([uare inch an t]H. The sides of n liox arc so sti'oiiu; tliat fi pi'cssun; of 50 11)S. on tlie S(|nare iiicli will just crush it; if it be full of air at a pic ssure of 15 lbs. on the square inch, how lui ^orongly adhere to one another. Solids in a div icd state have special relations to liquids and gases. Th' "?;rfaces of many solids attract both gases and Ih nidi;:. Since a finely divided solid exposes a far greater sui' fr/ ' I^han the same solid in a compact state, many granulated, porous or cellular solids absorb considerable (juantities of both gases and licjuids. Thus, one cubic inch of box-wood charcoal absorbs 90 cubic inches of annnonia, 85 of c:irbon dioxide, 92 of oxygen, 7'5 of nitrogen, and 1*75 of hydrogen. Cocoanut charcoal, doubtless because of its minuter cells and therefore more exten(hMl surface, is almost twice as absorbent as box- wood charcoal. Experi/inent. Exp. 9. Fill a gem jar, prepared as in Exp. 1, with CO^ as in experiment 71. Slip a piece of rubber tube over the end of the tube in the plug. Drop about a cubic inch of charcoal that has been recently strongly heated, into the jar ; quickly seal up the jar, letting the end of the rubber tube dip into some water. Why does the water rise in the rubber tube ? Some solids have a surface attraction for some liquids. A piece of wood or of stone immersed in di water is wetted by it ; some of the water clings to it when withdrawn from tlic water. Water creeps a little way up the surface of a clean glass cup in which it is contained. It rises a considerable distance in u tine glass tube. In the same way if one end of a chip of wood or the corner of a porous brick be dipped into water, the chip or the brick will soon become wet at a noticeable height above the water level. Tins sur- face attraction of solids for liquids is called capillary attraction. ExperimentK. Exp. 10. Weigh a thin piece of thoroughly clean glass, dip it in water, take it out, shake it well and w^eich it again. Do the tl same thinef wi th a piece of glass which you have wiped with a slightly greasy raof, »• Exp. 1 1. Lay a strip of thick pasteboard, one-quarter of an inch wide, along one edge of a clean pane of glass. Lay another similar pane of glass on it. The two panes will touch at one edge and be separated by the pasteboard at the other edge. Wrap some thread around the two panes to bind them together. Lay them down in a little coloured water. Then tilt them up so that the pasteboard strip is upright while the lower edges of the panes stand in the water. Observe the level of the water between the two panes. Exp. 12. Fill a cup with w^ater. Wet a strip of cotton an inch wide and six inches long, put one end into the w^ater in the cup and let the other end hang down outside three or four inches. See how long before the cup will be empty. Many solids are dissolved by liquids: especially by ! I A 32 water, which slowly corrodes and wastes away even rocks and stones. The solvent action of water is often much aided by the j^ases and solid substances dissolved in it. Limestone is almost insoluble in pure water, but water holding carbon dioxide in solution dissolves limestone in relatively lai'ge amounts. Many of the great caverns of the world have been excavated in lim(3stone rock by the solvent action of water charged with carbon dioxide. When water holding a solid in solution evaporates slowly, the solid left behind frequently arranges itself into masses sometim')s very small, sometimes of con- siderable size, of definite form, bounded by fiat sur- faces. These dennitely shaped masses are called crystals. Thus if we throw common salt into water, it is dissolved. If a drop of this solution of salt be placed on a piece of glass, as it dries the particles of salt unite, and become regularly arranged, forming little transparent cubes. This is crystallization, and it may take place either in bodies which have been dissolved in water, or in those which have been melted or dissipated by heat. | Experimevt. Exp. 13. Dissolve half an ounce of alum in two tablespoonfuls of boiling water. Let two or three twigs dip into the solution and set it aside to cool slowly. When cold lift the twigs out. / The specific gravity of a solid is expressed by the number which multiplying the weight of an equal bulk of water gives the weight of the solid. As already stated on page 29, a body innnersed in water loses of its weight an amount precisely equal to the • >,> wi'iglit ot* an ecinal Imlk oi' water. TluTet'orc to find the specific gravity of any substance heavier than water and insoluble in it, weigh first in air, tlien when innnersed in water, and divim('t<'r, tlu' (listaufc lictwcni tlic iVrcziui^aiid tlic l)(>ilii»<^ points is (lividcd 'nto l«SO equal ])ai'ts called d«'Ol•('(^s, and an iMjual graduation is continui'ij alu.""* and lu'lovv these ])()ints. Tliirty-two of these denrr below the iVeezini^ ])oint is marked 0, and is calle(i zero. l)e«;rees ot* temperature lower than this are saiii)^. It is not certain that a lo», temperature than -()() has ever been obsei'ved in the open air, or a higher than 118 . The temperature of the inside of the closed mouth of a healthy man is from 1)8"' to 100°. Lead melts at 504" Mercury boils at 0()2 '. Iron becomes red hot a little under 1,000'', and cast iron melts at a temperature less than 3,500'. § 2. Expani^ion. Gases expand with great regularity as the tem- perature I'ises. For every degree above or below the freezing point the volume of any gas under constant pressure increases or contracts by 1-401 part of its volume at the freezing point, which is the same as 1-510 part of its volume at 60 \ It will be readily inferred that the pressure of a gas contained in a con- fined space will diminish or increase in the same proportion with fall or rise of temperature. 37 Let pupils verily l»y calcMilatioii tlw statciiinit tliit l-41 to 120 ? See example »M. U2. An iron pot containing 12 lbs. of water at a temperature of 40^ is set on a stove wdiere it gains tw^o heat units a second ; how \ouiX before the w^ater will be boiling hot, if the pot recjuires as much heat to warm it as lialf a pound of water ? O.S. A cubic foot of water w^eiijjhs G2.1 lbs. ; half a cul)ic foot of w\'iter set on a lire, ice-cold, rose to 100' in ten minutes ; how many heat units did it gain per minute ;* Exp. 11). Mix known volumes of boiling water with known volumes of ice-cold water ; o))serve the tem- peratures, and compare with the results of calculation. § 4. Specific Heat. E((ual weiglits of difl'erent substances require differ- ent amounts of heat to raise them equally in tempera- ture. Water r(M|uirt^s more heat than an equal weight of any otlser li(|uigen, it absorbs more heat in getting warm, and gives out more heat in cooling, than any li(piinces more extreme temperatures both of heat and cold than islands and peninsulas in the same latitude. Arable land, by reason of the water it abs(jrbs, heats up and cools 0 iieat units which are absoi'bed by surrounding obje ;ts, and raise their teirv^erature proportionately. Tlif a the condensed water as it cools, gives up one her.t unit for every degree of fall in temperature till ?2" is reached. Then if the abstraction of heat still continues, the water U'gins to freeze, parting with heat, yet getting no colder, until it lias evolved 142 heat units, by which time it has become a solid mass of ice at 32 . After it is frozen, it yields up one heat unit for evoy two degrees of fall in temperature. Examples a ml E.i'pcvi m cut. 68. In a cold room four gallons of water at GO" lose one heat unit per second ; what weight of ice will have formed in an hour ? GO. One pound of steam is condensed by ten lbs. of ice-cold water; what is the resulting teniperature ? 70. A mass of dry earth, of which the specific heat is one-fifteenth that of water, and which weighs 30 lbs., is moistened with 5 lbs. of water, and. beini^ at a temperature of GO , is exposed to cold in such 45 of circumstances that it loses one heat unit a second. When will the mass be^in to freeze, and when will it be completely frozen ? 71. The specific heat of a sani])le of sand is one-fifth tliat of water ; 10 lbs. of it are moistened by 2 lbs. of w^ater, frozen hard, and cooled down to K) below zero. It is placed where it will gain 20 heat units per min- ute ; how long before the mass will be quite dry at a temperature of 212' ? N.B. — Reckon that each pound of water .«. ♦ 10 ...... T".^ Grains. .. 8..S .. 9.t) ..ll.() 60^ 65^ 5.8 7.0 70°. 75°. SO". Of) ■•••••ii'S**) 00^ ,15.0 Grains. 95' 18.0 100" 20.5 105" 23.0 110' 20.4 1 lo"......30.5 Examples. 75. How many tons of water are contained in a cubic mile of saturated air at 70^ ? 76. How many tons of water in a cubic mile of saturated air at 30° ? m.!t:^ 49 lescend r. Tlie ouds is of air vapour I of the ortions not be all the r must here, a ne that ►duced, r con- h they whose [ ways s, and form hail, water oot of oned : Grains. .18.0 .20.5 28.0 ..2(5.4 ..1)0.5 m a le of 77. How many tons of water in two cubic miles of saturat(Ml air at 50 ;* Kcmark that for the purpose of the next (juestion we may reckon that il' (Mpial (juantities of air at Calcium Oxide Forminle or eleDientar}) bodies. Fifthly. It is found that these principles apply to nearly all the objects known to us ; that these are, like limestone, compoun>e greatest S , 'e eonf '"" ^'^ '^>''"bol.s whici. J 'lie 1 are pi-oLabJy i„ ' "'" "* ■''>''"Iiv;,li„„ an.l fmple substance, espec ,11? l >"'P'''=^-^ '^'"ke in'eac 55 iir- naines of the substances. 80 the three simple sub- stances which constitute lime-stone are thus repre- sented : — One atom of carbon by C, one of calcium by Ca and one of oxy i^en by O. Further, as the weights of these atoms are supposed to be quite definite, C stands for an invariable though exceedingly minute weight of carbon. Similarly, Ca and O stand for dirterent though quite detinire weights of calcium and of oxygen respectively. No one knows with any ap- proacli to accuracy just what the weight of any atom is as compared with our ordinary weights like the iiniin or the ])ound. But chemists have ixood irrounds for affirmino- that the relative weij^hts of the atoms of different elementary substances are known, and this with great exactness. When compared with one atom of ]iv(h'0(jcen, the liofhtest substance known, one atom of carbon weighs 12 times as much, one of calcium 40 times as much antl one of oxvixen 10 times as much. It is, tlierefore, customary to repi'esent the weight of one atom of hydrogen, H, by 1, making it the stan- dard of comparison, and to say that the weight of one atom of C is 12, of Ca 40, and of O 10. These num- bers are called the atomic weiij^hts of hv»'-n- The carbonate, by CO + P..n *^'' ''«* "'""es calcium pressions ^tl! r.^by '8,S:6'="'t""f '''' *-« « ''"efly tj.e fact that ca^eimn ^^ "*" *''"« expresses parts calcium, 12 mZ oV^ carbonate consists of 40 combined tog^the.f '^'''"" *"'' « P'^rts oxygen Exwrnplea. 82 In one pound of ptrl^r.,. i- • , ^ve.|ht of C, a,Kl what of O r" '''"''■"'^ ^'''at is the eaching.^^die^t'r- '"" "'' '"»^'' CaO, how n.uch of ^'i-^In^l'l ltn/°" '"-'¥'« 2.240 lbs. ^'■•<'xi.Ie, Ca T '^^ <=""'P°«fon of ,s« lbs. carbon «6. In ft charcoal fire ciul,.,., r • . • the „n,o„ of the charcoal el !'''•," '' *°""<^'' ^v tl>e air; how many lbs of ov', ' "",'', "'^yS*^^" froia burn up a pound^and a half^o'Vr"''' Y" "^"^ed to of the J. to ?,,."'' ;■;■"! "" t- with the oxygen "----^;o. wiro.:: ;s, of c^^^^^ 57 how •bon bv H'oiii to JOW fen of is l)urno(l, with how iiuicli oxygen does it unite, and how much water is formed ? (SS. What is tlie weight of each ingredient in 75 lbs. of wliite niarbh', pure calcium carbonate ? iS9. There are 20% of impurities in a piece of lime- stone weighing: '^75 lbs.; how much carbon dioxide, and how much calcium are there in it ? 90. When charcoal burns with an insufficient supply of oxygen, a gas named carbon monoxide, of which the fornuda is ('(), is formed ; how nnich C, and how^ much 0 are there in il2 lbs. of it ? 91. Carbon mo>i')xide will burn : it maybe some- times seen burning with a Hickering bluetlame on the top of a coal fire. In burning it unites with O to form CO2. What weight of O is required to consume 14 lbs. of CO, and what Aveight of CO2 is formed ? 92. In the processes of digestion and respiration of an animal one ounce of glucose, CeH.aOe, is made to unite with O so as to produce carbon dioxide and watt^r. How nnich oxygen, in af of ^'^P^^a^^ecl atoms buf nf ? ^ ^^^' nude un O.. vveighs twice 7fiT ^'^'^ molecule of n . atoms of r,v„ • o«cause it is ™„ f oxygen, the moleculf o? f"^ ^•^'■•gl'ing ic' Tnl^^ ^^ ^^o ">e ^oleSof oA^^"8^n, ,< 4hs"ttVrT <^he molecule of l3^ ^^'^^« ^^ fchnes m. 7 i ^"^ 59 To finer So as tint >int ice. as • IS lile of lat le la volume of carbon dioxide is 22 times, and that of the same vohmie of oxygon is l(j times that of an ofjual volume of hydrogen, the pres-jures and temperatures being also equal. Remember that the specific gravity of hydrogen is .0093. (See page 16.) Examples. 93. What at 60' and barometric pressure 30 inches is the weiglit of one cubic foot of hydrogen ? (See page 16.) 94. If the weiglit of a certain volume of hydrogen, be one ounce, what in the same circumstances would be the weight of an equal volume of each of ^he following gases, — oxygen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide ? 95. What is the weight of one imperial gallon of each of the following gases, — H, O, CO, CO2, at the freezing point, when the barometric pressure is 29.4 inches? (See page 25.) 96. The barometric pressure being 30 inches and the temperature 60°, what would be the weight in pounds of a room full of CO2, the room being 14 feet long, 10 feet broad and 9 feet high ? 97. In the same circumstances as in the preceding example, what is the weight of air in a room 34 feet by 21 feet by 15 feet ? § 4. Acids, Alkalies, Salts. Acids have a sour taste, redden blue litmus paper and vegetable blues generally. Alkalies are highly soluble in water, have a caustic and soapy taste, com- bine with acids to form salts, and with fats to form soaps ; change vegetable red to blue, and yellow to brown ; and tend, when strong and pure, to corrode Wr Ml f In 11 r 60 l-vo a peculiar tl«t lif ^t;; "" '''■•''='' '^"'-•; ti.ey cabbage bright rod v,!hl?\!- f ,^" P"'"!''*-' "'' ••'-"'I acrid taste; asiarletTr,? "'"'•'""' '"'■" '^ b"r„i„g tion of cau tic 2 i In «i '!" l""""''^^''' '" '^ ""l"- taking place outcklv^f '.,''""'>' *""' '''"«■ "'« change tile ihJevs ■ c ,,,S;7' 1 , *^"''''-''' ''« fi'-st crusliod m >^'-<'wn. But if it" •""■?.'■ "'^ * t^uttei-cup dark l>oth the caustic taste ,ftl'^ ^''"^'ar be pourcl, ">o vinegar will d tj^ '^^I t" ''"^ "'Y'*;' '' sahne taste • and H„. ,. u' . '* replaced by a effi^ct upon vcH Ota 'T """" "'"' '>*'^''' "° stancesVlicfunite vvir?w'^''^'"''^^ "^"^I -" -'l^- their acid proper es I T"'' "^ '''^ *° "outrali;.e with'arrcaS bt " '"C^'^^f ^f eon,bi„atio„ slight V or nof af nil i i i . ^*^^"y ^t tliein beinij but suc\ cfus ic"ty Ir io "^r " --'-•> do not exhibit colours as thecal alies iuT^ "'' ''°'!"'" °" vegetable proportional to Swiity ^'°^'''^"'' ^''""^ '^''""'^t wal?a'fra^;reS' r ^'^P'^'-^l^ tablespoonfuls of calcium oxide el^h f. 1„° ""' hydroxide, a bit of a drop of anmSa fe ^' ^f ^''''" °^ ^'"'^*' ''"d write on reddened litmn^ '''''*'" .P''" '" '^^e'l and itaacned litmus paper. Put a bit of red 61 litmus paper into each. Try the effect of each on the crushed petals of red flowers, and of yeHow flowers. Exp. 27. Into separate tablespoonf uls of water drop one drop of sulphuric acid, one of hydrochloric acid, two of vinegar. Write with the solutions on blue litmus paper. Put a bit of blue litmus paper into each. Try the eflect of each on the crushed petals of blue flowers. Exp. 28. Collect your acid liquids together in one glass, and drop your alkaline liquids in cautiously until the resulting mixture will neither turn blue litmus red, nor red litmus blue. Then the acids and alkalies will have neutralized each other, and the solution is said to be neutral. CHAPTER IV. CHEMICAL PROCESSES. 5 1. Teds and Testhui. A most important practical (juostion for chemists is this : How shall we reco to- — - 1"> U.I leinists is inty the :h which physical icksilver it is not from one uantities or corn- peculiar how the seek to y repro- pheno- were do not rticular called epends which 3h sub- stances ame of it Some of tlie tests used by tlie chemist are j^jeneral, servintr to indicate classes of substances. Thus a solution of blue litmus is a sensitive test for acids, which in very small ([uantity turn it red ; and red- dened litmus is a test for alkalies which change it back to blue. See Exps. 26 and 27. Exp. 29. Into a test tube put a bit of iodine as large as a pin's head and warm the tube over a spirit lamp. Smell cautiously. The appearance of this beautiful purple vapour proves the presence of iodine. No other substance presents such an appearance. No other substance smells ([uite like iodine. The appearance and the smell are tests of iodine ; by these properties the chemist re- cognizes it. But these properties are not always avail- able ; iodine in solution gives no purple vapour ; iodine in combination has no characteristic smell. And these tests are not sensitive ; for exceedingly small quanti- ties of iodine cannot be thus discovered. Exp. 30. Smear a piece of paper with starch paste and dry it. Put a drop of water on the starchy side of the paper and into the water a bit of potassium iodide as large as a pin's head. Near the water draw a line of nitric acid like a pen stroke, and run the rlrop of water into the nitric acid. Observe the color- ation. No substance but iodine colours starch in this way. Iodine and starch are tests for each other ; they are used by the chemist as reagents ; they are very sensi- tive tests each for the other ; they can be used when the iodine is in solution ; and, with the help of a little nitric acid, when the iodine is condaned with a metal. 6 (>4 Kxp. .SI. Dissolve n l)it of almn as Imt^c us ji <^rain of wheat in a teasj)()onful of Nvater. Divide the sohi- tion into two parts. Into one part (h'op one (h'op of ammonia ; into the (jther (nie (hop of sohition of barium nitrate, an y as ji <^min ide tin: solii- Diit: drop of solution of rop of nitric mI in the first lud the white ornied in the dpliuricacid. With a hlow- ^ain a steady, Ml tlame from 2oaloil)hunp. ) do this, 1st, cheeks dis- Jle breathing e nose ; 2nd, low-pipe be- lips do the ', but, as the jscape from pipe, the st be from me refilled lungs, witli- Iruption to 8rd, direct ito a candle |ii and size. downward ►f this cone ter scarcely a). Exp. .*^'^ At the end of a tliin copper wire, four inches long, make a loop about i'., in. in diameter: heat it red hot in the oxidizing Hanje, put on it a bit of microcosmic salt as large as a grain of wheat, and boil all moistui'e away in the blow-pipe Maine ; then dip the ••lassv bead of .salt while still hot into some finely powdercil eounnon salt and once m<>i«' heat in the' oxidizing flame, '^i'he magnificent blue colour ))ro- dueed is eharaetei'istie of coj)per chloride, and in the ])resent instance demonsti'ates the presence of chlorine in the common salt. Otlu'r examples of tests and testing will be found in the next chapter. § 2. Separation ({f riiirtarfs. In all the experiments that follow weigh carefully the substances operated upon and the results of the operations, when possible. Before weighing, thoroughly dry the substances to be weighed, if they are at all damp, by exj)()sing them for s(jme time to tin? tem- ])erature of boiling water. Com])are the weights of the (juantities of matter operated on, and of the result- ing (juantities and endeayour to account for all the matter employed, ay.oiding loss. Use the smallest (juantities of the materials employed that will enal)le the results to be clearly noted. Ejcperhnents. Exp. t]4). Mix fine sand and sawdust; divide into halves; separate half of the mixture b}* ivi n lunvhig, and the other half by shaking up in water and skim- ming off the sawdust, that is by floatation. Grain and chafl'are separate*! by wianoiving. r.f) Exp. ']o. Mix iron tilings and sand. Put a tea- s])uont'ul of the mixture in a heap at one siini'' ex])cri- you have capuriftiini 1 of watei*, t* sweet oil. [)ink li(|uid tuhe stand decant the )our it into ieh do not mix may he separated by dccantation or hy filtration. Exp. 4(). Half fill a test tube four inches long witfi beer. Cork the tube with a cork that has a loncf tube "<^ cZ^ throuoh it bent nearlv at ri^i^ht ans are collected, smell it; set it on fire ; it is alcohol. The boiling ])oint of water is 212 , that of alcohol is 173'. Li([uids boiling points differ consider- ably miy b(? separated hy iUsfUljifiou. Exp. 47. C'olh'ct a bottle full of carbon dioxide as in experiment 71. Pour into it, in a cool place, a little watci and shake well, covering the mouth of % II m 70 the bottle with your thumb. Repeat the process until the bottle is halt" full ot* water. Divide the water, saturated with gas, into equal parts in two glasses. Put one in a warm place, put the other into the gem jar of experiment one, and suck air out of the jar. Observe the formation of bubl>les in each case. The bubbles are bubbles of carbon dioxide. Gas may be removed from liquids in which they are dissolved by heating the liquid or by diminishing the pressure on the surface. Exp. 48. Having prepared some chlorine, as in Exp. 68, pour some into a bottle by the aid of a funnel until the bottle is half full ; then pour in lialf as much water and immediately close the mouth with your thumb and shake the bottle. Why is your thumb sucked into the bottle ? Exp. 49. Half till a bottle with chlorine. Cover the mouth with your thumb. Invert the bottle ; dip the mouth under water and remove your thumb ; soon the chlorine will be absorbed by the water and the air in the bottle will remain. Gases may be separated from one another by means of the greater solubility in some licjuid ot* one ingredient of the mixture. § 3. Analynifi of Compounds, All the separations considered in the preceding section have been merely mechanical and physical. No permanent change of properties of the substances operated upon has been produced. In Exp. 86, for example, the sand and salt operated on remain sand and salt throughout the operation. But in Exp. 28 the heated calcium carbonate breaks up into two distinct substances, CcJcium oxide and carbon )Coss until he water, o glasses. ^ the gein f the jar. se. ^1^ The liich they niiiishiiid* IS m Exp. a funnel f as much ith your ir thumb Cover )ttle ; (lip thumb ; ater and may be 3 (greater o f the receding physical. )stances '^6, for I in sand Exp. 28 to tM'( ) carbon dioxide differing materially in their properties from the calcium carbonate fi'om which they were derived. The calcium carbonate is in this case detunnposed by the heat, and if we carefully weighed the original substance and collected and weighed the results of the operation, so as to be sure that we had lost noth- ing, we should say that we had analysed the calcium carbonate. One or more ingredients of a mixture may oftim l)e removed by chemical means. Exp. 50. Mix some filings of zinc and copper and pour sulphuric acid, diluted with ten times its bulk of water, on them ; ol)serve that the zinc is dissolved and that the copper remains undissolvenne(l and copper, Cu, is set free, and forms acoatino- on the knile hiade. The whole as rej)resented hy tlie ecpiation Cu SO, + Fe ^ Fe SO, + Ou. Exj). r)(S. Fill a test tuhe with water, invert it under watei* in a hasin and raise it until its mouth is just undei' the level of the water in the ])asin. Plunij;e under the mouth of the test tube a hit of sodium as lari^-e as a ^rain of wheat wrapped up in a fragment of paper. The sodium will rise in tlie test tube, accompanied by a torrent of bub])les, wdiich will dis- place the water and till the tube. If, when full of pis, its mouth ])e closed with the thumb, the test tube may be lifted from the water. Li«^ht a match, approach it to the mouth of the tube and remove the thumb. The pis in the tube will catch lire. It is hydrogen that has been set free from the water by the sodium according to the equation, H2 O -f- Na = NaOH -f H. The NaOH, sodium hydroxide, formed has dissolved in the w^ater and will reveal its presence by changing the colour of a bit of reddened litnuis paper back to blue. In this examj)le one atom of hydrogen has been replaced by one atom of sodium. Other substances, of which we shall name onl}- potassium, are able to replace hydrogen, atom by atom. Certain other substances combine with hydropen atom with atom ; wo name only chlorine. Hyy the ert it ')uth is Plunyo urn as ginent tube, II dis- jf pis, ; tube roach luinb. ro^eii diuni + H. !)l\'ed iofilio- ft in ik to been ices, e to tlier 0111 ; ium and eliloriiic are ealle(l monads, or are said to be univalent. Into some dilute sulpliui'ie aeid drop a slii'ed of zinc. Hubbies will speedily pitlieron tile zinc, detach them- selves, an^n = Zn SO, + H., Some substances, as calcium and maL;nesium, I'eplace two atoms of hydrop'n by one atom, and some substances, as oxy<^en and sulphur, condtine one atom with two of hydro<;en. Calcium, magnesium, oxyeen and sulphur ai'e called dyads, or are said to be bivalent. Aluminum, nitrooen and phosphorus are triads, are ti'ivalent : carbon and silicon are tetrads, are (piadri- valent. Oroups of atoms, molecules, are often univalent, bivalent, trivalent, etc., and replace or are replaced by atoms or other UK^lecules accordin<^ly. Such <^roups of atoms are called radicals, an a^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 873-4503 s k^ f/. ? 78 ! I I t f ; i t ' Aj( NO, -f Na CI = Na NO, + Ag CI. Both the silver nitrate and tlie s(Kliuni chloride liave been decomposed and their constituents luive interchan^e()l, X ; atojnic J^eight 14. As nitrogen constitutes 77 per cent of the vv'elgliT jot the. ^ii r ■' 82 fitinosphore, it will l>o ri;;litly iiifcrnMl that it is a^as without color, taste, or siiioll. It does not itself burn, neither will it support the comhustion (»f othei* luxlies : and animals and plants die when confined in it Nitro- gen enters into conihination with dirtieulty and readily lisenjjfages itself from niaiiy of its combinations. riiei'efore compounds containin<( nitrogen are unstable, apt to it of phosphorus as lirge as a pea ; .set fire to it, and invert over it a quart gem jar with the mouth dipping into the water. First air will escape from the jar, because it expamls with the heat. White fumes of phosphoric anhydride, P, O5, will fill the jar. Water will rise in the jar showing that a part of the air is consumed. The phosphorus will be extinguished before it is all consumed, and liefore the air has disappeared. Let the whole stand for a while. Water will continue to rise in the jar as it cools, and care nmst be taken to supply water to the plate so as to keep the mouth of the jar alwa3^s covered. The white fumes will gradu- ally disappear dissolved in the water : slip a piece of paper under the mouth of the jar, while still under water ; fold it up around the mouth of the jar, lift the jar out of the water while wrapped in the paper, and 88 keeping th<' paper over th«3 mouth set tlic jar upri<(]it. Ilan^ an cml of liglittMl caiulle on a wire and ks like air, I ait it will not sup])ort conihustion. There is no easy direct test for free nitro^in. It is recognized hy its negative ])i()]>erties. A cohairless oas which has no smell, which does not hum, nor sup- ])ort comhustion, nor proe reco^mized even in combination by the magnificent red colour produced when nitric acid or any nitrate is brouj^lit into contact with a solution of brucine in concentrated sulphuric acid. 102. How much O, ami how mucli H, in 9 lbs. water ? in one imperial pxllon :* in one cubic foot i in one ton ? 103. What are the proportions by volume and by weight of hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen in nitric acid. 104. What weight of O, of N and of H is contained in 504 lbs. nitric acid ? § ^- .Q!iU^h\&^- Symbol, CI ; atomic weight 85.5^ E.rpermients. Exp. 68. Put a tablespoonful of chloride ofjlime into a tall narrow jar, pour on it an equal bulk of hydrochloric acid, and loosc^ly cover the jar with a card. Effervescence will ensue anstances which it may contain, and even some of the inorganic saline substances. When charcoal is burned it combines with oxygen, forming carbon dioxide, C 0^, a gas which disappears in the atmosphere ; and when animals breathe, the oxygen of the air which enters their lungs, ccnnbines with carbcm derived from the blood, ann.sti«>n of 1 II). 15 oz. of phosplionis :* Wliut wt'i^^lit of phosphoric aiihyy the potassium present, at Oc a pound ^ 12tS. What is the wei»^]it of eaeh constituent in 1,000 grains of each of the following substances: a. potas- sium monoxide, h. potassium liydroxide, c. potassium chloride, d. potassium nitrate, e. potassium sulphate, f. hydrogen potassium sulphate, g. potassium carbon- ate. It. hydrogen potassium carbonate, i. mono-potas- sium phosphate, /'. bi-potassium phosphate, A*, ter-potas- sium pliosphate. Note. — Compounds of ammonia arc most readily understood by assuming that when one molecule of ammonia meets one molecule of water, the atoms rearrange themselves as by the following equation : NH3 4-H, O = (NH, ) HO. The molecule NH, to which chemists crive the name ammonium, has never been isolated, but it seems to play in many reactions the same part as one atom of sodium or one of potas- sium would i^lit2H. This is kiinwn to the clit'iiiist as a lunNvii j)()\\rnis in wlncli it occurs/ [t unites with alkalies, with alkaline earths, /md with hases nem. rally. \ o-|vat pai-t of the i-ncks of th(3 earth, especially of the? ])riiimry nxdvs, are mixtures of silica and the silicates. For e\ani})lc, <;ranite is plaiidy seen to he a mixture of thrt?e minerals, one glassy and transpai'ent, (piart/: one somewhat poi'Ci'lain-liki' in appearanc, felspar, an«l on<' in tile form of scales intermixed with the others, nnca. (^)uaitz is silica : ft'lsj)ar is j)otassium alumi- num silicate : and nnca is in the main a complex silicate (>f aluminum, potassium anelves have the power of selecting from the soil what is required by the plant, or whether they absorb all matters indifferently, and leave to the other parts of the plant the office of selecting the most proper kinds of food. A brief discussion of the manner in which sub- stances dissolved in water pass through animal and vegetable membranes will throw some light on this question. If in a bag of animal membrane, say the lining membrane of a turkey's crop, a mixture of sugar, salt, dissolved gelatine and thin, boiled starch, be tied up rnd the whole set to float in a pail of water, it will be found, after the lapse of some hours, (a) that the membranous bag is fuller than at first, water having entered it ; (b) that some salt and some sugar have passed out through the membrane so that the water on the outside has become just as sweet and just as salt as the liquid within the bag ; but (c) that no gelatine and no starch can be detected outside the bag. From the results of many such experiments, varied in countless ways, it is now known that crystalloid substances, such substances as will 112 i !f f I I fl crystallize, e.g., sugar and salt, will pass through a wet membrane to mix with water on the other side, while water will come through in the opposite direction to dilute the strong solution, and that this will continue until the solutions on opposite sides of the membrane are of equal strength. It is also known that colloid substances, such as form a jelly with water, e.g., gelatine and starch, will not pass through a membrane. This passage through the membrane, called osmose, does not depend on the vitality of the membrane, which, indeed, in the case supposed, is dead, and which might be inorganic ; and the membrane exercises no selective power, all crystalloids pass through it indifferently, and colloids never pass. So the roots of plants, apparently of all plants indifferently, transmit to the interior of the plants whatsoever crystalloid substances the soil waters bring, and continue to do this until each crystalloid is of equal strength of solution in the sap and in the soil water. If the plant removes one ingredient by consuming it, the soil water continues to provide it, as fast as removed, until the soil itself is exhausted. If the plant uses none of it, equilibrium is soon established between the sap within and the soil water without, and no further interchange of that particular substance is effected. The selective power, then, lies not in the thin membranes that constitute the walls of the delicate cells at the extremities of the roots, but in the whole economy of the growing plant. Similar considerations throw light on the excretive power of roots. Plants produce various crystalloid substances that are dissolved in their sap. Such sub stances will be transmitted outwardly, to be retrans- ferred inwardly when they have been chemically 113 i changed l»y acting on suUstancis outside the plant. A demonstration ci tlie excretion of organic matter is furnished l>y the f »ct, tlmt when grain is maranes. Under the influence of these powerful causes of chemical change, the leaf becomes the seat of important pro- cesses. 1 A large portion of the water of the sap escapes trom the leaves by evaporation and perspiration. Water contained in a vessel in which the roots of a growing plant are placed is gradually drawn up and given out by the leaves, until at length, if not renewed, it becomes altogether exhausted ; and then the plant droops and withers, because the leaves are rapidly exhaling its Hinds, while the roots are receiving no new supplies. This emission of water proceeds with the greatest rapidity when the plant is exposed to the direct ravs of the sun, and in darkness it becomes veiy slow or ceases altogether. Thus the sun-tlower, which, in a sunny day, can give off 30 ounces of water, emits only 3 in a dry night, and none in a dewy one. In* consecpience of this rapid escape of water, the substances which it held in solution are left in a more ctmcentrated state, and ready to be deposited wherever they are required. The large ({uantity of water which thus passes through their system also >■ 117 i'niil)l«js plants to obtain from tin; soil alannlanco of many suljstances which are containt'd in it in very small quantity, or arc with i 11 I i' i leaves, and thus that the air plants of China and Buenos Ayres flourish when suspended from the walls and balconies of liouses, without any connection with the ground. But the amount of water thus imbibed by such plants as the farmer cultivates is very small. 2. The leaves absorb and decompose carbon dioxide, which, as before stated, exists in small quantity in the atmosphere, and is the principal source of the carbon in plants. If a vegetable be confined in a glass vessel containing air, with the usual proportion of carbon dioxide, or having a little more artificially added, and then placed in the sun, after some time it will be found that a part of the carbon dioxide has disappeared, and that a corresponding quantity of oxygen occupies its place. This change is eflected by the leaves, and other green parts of the plant, which, therefore, have the power of absorbing carbon dioxide, decomposing it, retaining the carbon, and expelling the oxygen. If a handful of parsley be bruised, squeezed into a cup and covered with alcohol for a few hours, an alcoholic extract of olilorophyll will be made, which will appear green by transmitted and reddish brown by reflected light. It is to the presence of this sub- stance, chlorophyll, that leaves owe their colour, and, as before remarked, their power of decomposing carbon dioxide. This decomposition of carbon dioxide proceeds with rapidity in sunlight; it goes on much more slowly in the shade, and ceases altogether in darkness. Accord- ingly, during the prolonged sunshine of the summer in arctic and subarctic regions, vegetation advances with extraordinary rapidity. At A I ten, in Norway, lat. 70® N., peas have been known to grow in length 119 3 J inches in 24 hours, and some of the cereals 2 J inches in the same time. At the same place barley ripens twenty days earlier than at Christiana, 10*^ further south, where also the average temperature of the summer is 6° F. higher. While leaves absorb and decompose carbon dioxide in the sunlight only, all developing parts of the plant are constantly absorbing oxygen and emitting carbon dioxide ; relatively in much smaller quantity, it is true, during daylight, so that this process is then apt to be oveHooked. As the latter process goes on in darkness, when the former is wholly arrested, it then attracts attention, but in 15 or 20 minutes of direct sunshine a plant will decompose as much carbon dioxide as it exhales during a whole night. The decomposition of carbon dioxide by the leaves of plants is most important to their growth, because upon the carbon thus fixed in their structures their strength and solidity in a great measure depend ; and as this decomposition can only proceed in the pre- sence of air and light, plants cultivated where these are deficient, become blanched, slender and watery. For the same reason, potatoes and other vegetables, cultivated for the starch and similar substances con- tained in their roots, are unable to obtain the neces- sary quantity of carbon, and in consequence produce a crop of inferior quality, when cultivated in the shade or too thickly crowded. It is thus also that where plants can obtain light only in one direction, they grow toward it ; for the side next the light being able to fix more carbon, becomes firm and woody, while the other, being soft, extends more rapidly, and hence the stem bends toward the light. From the same cause the wood of trees which have grown in 111 i i u 120 open ground, ivS more hard and durable than that of those which have lived in thick forests. 3. The leaves absorb and emit other gaseous bodies beside carbon dioxide. Experiment shows that the leaves cannot absorb nitrogen directly from the air, but that they readily absorb the ammonia and nitric acid floating in it, and, by decomposing these obtain the nitrogen recjuired by the sap. The various odors and perfumes exhaled by many leaves and flowers are all volatile matters, formed in their cells and vessels, and which would probably be injurious if retained. In the leaves, then, the sap loses much of its water, receives an additional quantity of carbon, and is subject to other changes afterwards to be considered ; thus altered it passes into the vessels of the bark. §0. The Bark. "■^The pi-incipal office of the inner bark is to apply to the formation of new tissues the substances contained in the thickened sap which it receives from the leaves. For this purpose this fluid is carried down- war, variety of beautiful forms and valuable products are they transmuted by nature, and how interesting and instructive must be the study of the ways in which these wonderful processes are effected. This becomes still more remarkable when we add that by far the larger part of the mass of vegetables consists of substances composed of three of these elements only — carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Of this nature are wood, starch, sugar, etc. The substances containing nitrogen, or the nitrogenized substances, are in comparatively small quantity in plants, though of vast importance, since they are those on which the subsistence of animals chiefly depends ; for while the organic part of the plant consists chiefly of non-nitrogenized matter, that of the animal consists principally of the nitrogenized. § 3. Organic Substances Arranged in Groups. We have seen that carbon dioxide, water, ammonia and other substances, which form the food of plants, 125 ful liore art ces on. od, en, ely ce, of tof ter, Ithe iia its, are taken into tlieir cells and vessels, and constitute the raw material wliicli afi'()r'■ u i Ifif in 120 subordinate groups, viz., carbohydrates, acids and fatty or oily substances. §4. Carbohydrates. The greater part of the substance of vegetables consists of compounds destitute of nitrogen, contain- ing, therefore, only three of the four organic elements. Of these substances we may notice : 1. Cellulose or Woody Fibre, so named because wood is almost wholly composed of it. It is present in the stems, roots and leaves of nearly all plants, forming the sides of their cells and vessels ; and hemp, flax and cotton consist of cellulose nearly in a state of purity. When the wood of different trees is analyzed, it is found to vfvy somewhat in its composition, pro- bably because the cells and vessels of wood become incrusted or partially tilled with other matters which cannot be easily separated from the true woody fibre. It fs, perhaps, for the same reason that the composi- tion of cotton, pith and the cellular matter of soft vegetables is found to differ slightly from that of the wood of trees. In pure cellulose, however CeH.oO., the quantity of oxygen is 8 times that of the hy irogen ; or, in other words, these two elements are in the proportions required to form water ; HO th&t woody and cellular matter may be viewed as composed of charcoal and water ; though it is evident that the water or its ele- ments, which thus compose more than half the weight of wood, must be in a very different state from that in which this fluid is usually found. For this reason it is that this group of substances is designated by the term carbohydrates. 2. Starch. — This substance is, like wood, contained 127 tio7is llular and ele- leight that jason by lined in nearly all plants, but, while wood is the mat(;rial of the cells and vessels, starch is at particular seasons stored up as a reserved stock of food, to be employed when other supplies fail, or when a growth more luxuriant than ordinary is required Many plants whose stems die in autumn, form larfje roots or under- ground stems, containing matter fitted to send forth and nourish vigorous shoots in spring, and this matter very frequently consists in great part of starch. The tubers of the potato, for instance, are constructed of cells, each of which contains several littk^ grains of starch, destined, if not used as food by animals, to be drawn off by the vessels of the sprouting " eyes " in spring. Grains of all kinds, and many other seeds, contain large (juantities of starch, destined to furnish the first food to the seedling plant. Thus wheat con- tains from 59 to 77 per cent, of starch ; barley 67 to 70 ; oats, 70 to 80 ; rice 84 to 85. Starch therefore forms a large part of bread, and most other kinds of vegetable food ; in using which we are applying to the promotion of our growth w^hat plants have prepared for theirs. Starch, when pure, is colorless and tasteless ; it is not dissolved by cold water, but with hot water it forms a jelly which by prolonged boiling becomes clear, the starch havinof been rendered soluble. The com- position of starch is indicated by the formula Ce H10O5, the same as that of cellulose. 3. Gum. — Of this substance cherry gum and gum Arabic are good examples. It is found in the state of mucilage in the sap of all plants, and in nearly all the roots and seeds used for human food. Gum dissolves in water, forming mucilaginous solutions ; that ob- tained from different plants differs in solubility, some 10 iljj I } 'II 128 varieties being soluble only in hot water, others in cold, and others forming a kind of jelly. The composition of gum is the same with that of starch, Ce H,o O5, 4. Sugar. — The most familiar example of this sub- stance is common cane sugar, sucrose, which is found abundantly in the sugar cane, maple, Indian corn, beet, and various other plants. The composition of cane sugar ditiers little from that of starch and gum. It is V^,2 ^22 ^If In a number of plants, varieties of sugar are found, differing somewhat in chemical constitution from that of the cane. The most important of these is grape sugar, glucose, which contains more of the elements of water than any of the substances before noticed, its composition being Ce H,2 Oe. This sugar is less sol- uble in water and less sweet than the common variety. It is found in honey, in germinating seeds, in fermented liquors, in the grape, gooseberry, apple, plum and most other fruits. It is therefore especially the sugar of fruits and of germinating seeds, as cane sugar is especially that of the general sap. Before proceeding further, we may pause for a little to consider some of the Diutual relations of the four substances which have just been described. They are produced by vegetables in greater abundance than any other substances, and are concerned in most of the changes which take place by the agency of vegetation. That they may be more readily obtained by all plants, they are composed of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen alone, so tliat whenever carbon dioxide and water are present, the materials for their formation can be ob- tained ; and these, as w^e have already seen, may be found in f.very place where vegetation can subsist. So simple are the isolations of these carbohydrates V2\) to carbon dioxide and water, tlie universal food of plants, that it is easy to iina«^ine tlie general method of transformation by which the deoxidation of CO^ and of Ha O gives rise to these substances. Boussin- gault has suggested that VO.^ and H^ O are deoxidized together, the former losing one-half of its oxygen and the latter the whole. Thus CO, -f H, () = C()-|- H, -f Oa of which we may suppose the 2() to be disengaged. Then six times the resi' •auuoiqo •aojj JO apiXQ I «''!I>S "8IB3UaB]\[ '901 iq Is fl e« o fl .2 •3? m ^ p^ >-< iM CI 05 -f ^ CI CI 1^ lO Ci CI ^ -^ iJ —I CO O iC CI lO CO CI «C CO CI QO O) 05 -^ O "I* p t^H 00 o »— I t— ' C^l 1— ( "^ CI I— I 1—1 O 1-0 >— I O Tt •-- i^ CO O I- I- »'ti iC vl l^ 05 :0 -t OS 05 <-< .^ CI CI ^ P CO p ■»f so ip 00 rf CI CI T* Clip CI tT IC »C ' .li ^ ' ' CI CI CI -t O -- -^ t' O 05 CI O lO -t CO CI CI X OS CI 00 O 1^ 3* rH CI CI .^ -^H CI CO I;- ep CO CI I;- SO p OCICI O -t" O O oo o ic -r -f o »c ic »c p p »C CO CI p l_-* 1^^ ip CI CI OS CO p p lO .^ CI CO p ■ «b CO ' * * h-. OS -^ 00 •^ CI \ri ^ CI lb -^ 1— I CO CI CI i-H ^H ■— I 00 -H OS -f* iC O l^ X O X CO O CI »0 -t OS »0 »H CI lO «o TfOS^CO-^OS eOCOOSOSO--! COI- O:''^ '^ TfiO-^CI CI >-^ CI CI CO 1-H ,-H >^ _< CI CO i-i l^ -t■ X CI CI o -r —• ci os ci ^ -^ _( o cp o I CI CO '-^ CI .-H CI I-I CO CO X CI rf O CI r^ lO lO O CO F- CO CI --I CI »0 <-4 O CI CI X p X X ep ep p T-H OS CI !_;- ?* ■? "!*• T' ^ '?' '.^ '^' T' CO Tt* -^ lb lb o CO o o lb CO X ci o cb ^ ib ib w Tt ib l—l 1-H 1-H 1— I »-H CI O O "^ O 10 CI i-H .-( CO lO »-i CO OS CO I-I X -^ i-t «0 CI t>. coos.-".— iCSCI CICICI.-ICOCO 05C0 .-ir-tCI Cl.-i.-t'-t .-H .— I f-H CI ^ ^ CO 10 1^ o CO lo lf^ ic o CO — < o .-i co lo o lo co ci ?-• »•-< J— I C I iQ CI CO CI .-I >-t CJ fh »-(jM CO CO — ^ CO 1^ 10 CI CO X t>- CO CO coco r-\ CD CI CO CO CO lO -r 1^ o i^ifjGOOS'f.— I .— ir-iosi^oco Oso f-icOOS ^^p-hOSO CO CO IC CO CO l.Q) CO CO CO CI -y CO -^ CO .-I .-t CI ^ ph Tt< iC> OS lO CI CI ■^ X 10 CO lO O -H CI OS O X »-i X O Cl" CtXOSCOlOOS OO-HiC-H.— I COCO •^XCO ,-(,-(,-(»-( ^JO 'f iC -t T CI CO Tfcococo-fico cocococooco coi~- cioso 0000 •fi'^^-f-t'^ TT'Tj^'^rt^'^^ "tCO CICI— H lOiQXt>- .—I fH rH.— I.— Ii— I ,— I,— I— ^1— I.— I^H f-l.— I X t'- X r>- 00 X X O CO O O — iC 10 lO O CI O O lOCI .-I CO -^ OS O OS o CI CI CO C^l CI CI tClOlOCO'ti-t< -to -^-^F-^ >-! ph CO CO •^ CO lO ^ ic -H CI ic -^fi eo co ci co ^^ '-I CI OC>.--p>H iCO5*^O0 iC >C IQ »!t iC »0 if^ O •-< .—I "^ ^^ CO co" lO X CO X' CO -t X -t OS CO •^ pH -t X X X OS o; t^ CO CO i>. .— 1 1^ p-i cO lO i-O Ct CO CO CO CO CO CO CO >-> ^H .iin« i«rv I O X X O CI p CO CO r^ CI -H CO ^ iC i-OS CI O "t -H lO UOqJUQ OSXOSOSOO COCOCOI^I^t^ XCO l>..-(X r-icOiOiC I CO CO CO CO -r -f CO CO CO CO CO co co co -^ ■^ • USB JO J •aaouBjsqns snouoaojji^j 'SEIO •B9}iijpi{qoqjBQ 8[qniog ■ajqii •J8JBAV •qsy •uaaojji^ 0 lO 1^ t» lO! lO < CI -H »-( F-l —1 CO 'uaaojpiCji ^ ^? iC -fl CO -t < IC lO iC iC it lO 'aaS.tzo CI X t^ CO CI c: 1^ 1^ IC t^ CO Tf* CO CO CO CO Ct CO Ph OJ Q CO lii ^ ?q C tf ^ ^ ^ < M ^1 I'd C o n 3 H o CO -< n S 03 2 w o !i CHAPTER VIII. THE ASHES OF PLANTS. § 1. Table of Plant Analysis. We have already seen that the combustible or organic part of the plant, at least in the kinds culti- vated by the farmer, largely preponderates over the ashes. We are not on that account, however, to sup- pose the materials of the ashes of small consequence to the plant ; on the contrary, experience proves that they are of the utmost importance ; and since they can be obtained only from the soil, and not at all from the air, their presence in the ground must be closely connected with its fertility or barrenness. The table, page 141, compiled from various sources, representing the results of chemical analyses of plants and their ashes, will enable us to illustrate these points. § 2. General Deductions from the Table. An examination of the foregoing table suggests at once several important truths. First. — The chemical relations of the ash-ingredients are manifold. Two are alkalies, potash and soda ; two are alkaline earths, lime and magnesia ; two are oxides of heavy metals, oxide of iron and oxide of manganese ; two are acids, sulphuric acid and phos- phoric acid ; one, silica, and one, chlorine, difter widely in chemical relations from each other and from all other ash-ingredients. Secondly. — As each ash-ingredient is present in the ashes of each plant given in the foregoing table, in j 143 plants that differ botanical ly so widely as wheat, peas, potatoes and turnips, it is difficult to avoid the con- clusion that each substance enumerated has relation to the functions of plants as plants, and not merely to the peculiar functions of each kind of plant. Thirdly. — Yet that the varying proportions of ash- ingredients have something to do with the peculiar functions of each kind of plant is evident by observ- ing the resemblances in the ashes of plants of allied species and the differences in those of widely diverse species. Compare, for example, the amounts of lime and of silica in the straw of wheat, barley and oats ; and contrast with the amounts of those substances in pea straw. §3. E^ sh ngredients. Are all the substances named above essential to the development of plants ? Many experimenters have shown by growing plants in soils artificially prepared, or in water, that potash, lime, magnesia, phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid are essential to the growth of plants. Of soda it is found that the proportion is very variable ; in some cases the amount is almost inperceptible ; in other cases, with plants of the same kind, it is present abundantly. The conclusion to which we are driven, as stated by Johnson (" How Plants Grow "), is " that soda is never totally absent from plants ; that, if indispensable, but a minute amount is requisite ; and that the foliage and succulent portions of the plant may include a considerable amount of soda that is not necessary to the plant, that is, in other words, acci- dental." A precisely similar statement may be made of chlorine. XI '1 I [« pi ^;i: 144 Oxido of iron in iiiiiiutii (|imntity is essential to the growth of plants, although the amount is so small as to be discoverable in some instances only by sensitive tests. Silica is found in the ashes of all plants ^rown in ordinary conditions, and is very ahmidant in the grasses, accumulating in them centrifugal ly ; that is to say, it is most abunxcid is specially related to the nitrogenous substances whiciv are so abundant in the grain, so scanty in the sti;:w. There are about four times as much nitrogenous material in the grain as in the straw , and, correspond- ingly, almost four times as much phosphoric acid in the one as in the oth3r. The varying composition of the different parts of the plant in relation to organic products necessitates a varying composition of their ashes. The second question is this. Does a plant show a constant proportion and composition of its ash at all L lie tir a ill ' 147 stages of its growth ? When we rec(jlleet that certain organic products are predominant in the earlier stages, others in the later stages of the growth and develop- ment of plants, we shall anticipate the answer to tlie above question. The absolute quantity of ash and the proportion of the ingredients of the ash differ in different stages of growth. Young leaves have little ashes ; old leaves, a very large quantity. § 7. Accidental Ash. So far it has been found impossible to (U'termine with accuracy the amount of each ash ingredient essential to the full development of each part of the plant. But it is clearly shown that in very many, if not in most cases, there is an additional amount accidentally present, brought into the plant with the soil waters absorbed by the roots, and left behind when moisture is evaporated from the leaves, some- times forming an incrustation or efflorescence on tlie surface of leaves and stems ; sometimes depositee washed away in whole or in part, and deposited in valleys and flats, giving rise to a stiff' soil. The sand may remain or be washed into some other place, and will constitute a sandy or light soil, and there may of course be any number of mixtures of these two opposite kinds. Further, let plants grow on this soil, and their roots and fallen leaves decay in and upon it, and a certain quantity of vegetable mould will be produced, and mixed with the soil, constituting its organic part. It will be observed that these statements refer to a granitic soil only, but in the case of other rocks the process is similar ; though it is evident that the greater the variety of the rocks and minerals ground up to form the soil, the more complex will be its composition. Still as the common rocks are everywhere composed of a few elements, it follow\s that in the main the soils of all parts of the world are alike, differing principally {. Ui ■ r: ill ' I ( ' ■ * > m 11 - 168 in the />/v>/)oWio»,s of tlw nut wry numerous substances of which th<'y are ctniipostMl. Such bein^ the ori<;in of tlie soil, it is evident that, regarding it from (liferent points of view, we may for practical purposes form different chissifications or arrangements of s(jils. Let us next consider these. §2. C/assijic(itio7i of Soils arrordhii/ to Mechdnical Text lire. We may re<(ard soils as more or less coarse or tine, and thus obtain a classification dependin<^ (m the mechanical texture of the soil, which, for practical purposes, is much used and of great value. In this respect the soil may vary from coarse pebbles or loose sand to the fincist and most tenacious clay ; and in general, those soils are best atlapted for agriculture which consist of mixtures of sand with a moderate quantity of clay and a little vegetable matter. When sand or other coarse matter predominates, the soil is deficient in the power of retaining water and the soluble and volatile parts of manure. When clay is in excess, the soil is too retentive of water, is not easily warmed, does not admit of access of air, and conse- quently does not allow those chemical changes to take place in the soil and manures placed in it, which are necessary to prepare proper food for plants. The following classification of soils in reference to these points has been proposed. 1. Pure Clay; from this no sand can be extracted by washing. 2. Strong Clay, or brick clay, contains less than 20 per cent. sand. 3. Clay Loam has from 20 to 40 per cent. sand. V or ;ted 20 4. Loam has from 40 to GO per cent. sand. 5. Sandy Loam has from GO to 80 per cent. .sand. 6. Sand has less than 20 per cent. clay. Examples. N.B. — In answerlnchietlv as common suit ( hlorine, j Sulphuric acid Phosphoric acid Carbonic acid (comhincil with the lime and magnesia) Loss Fertile without Fertile with Manure. Manure. «»7 i;4s n? :>!> s.', ()i 1 {I 2 M 40 14 1000 50 51 IS 8 30 trace lOOC Barren. 40 778 91 4 I 81 trace 4* 1000 Pi CHAPTER XI. THE RELATION OF THE SOIL TO PLANTS. §1. The Soil as an Anchorage for Plants. The soil affords the plant mechanical support. By its roots the plant is anchored to the ground and upheld against wind and rain. To subserve this pur- pose the soil must have weight and coherence. Dry Organic soils weigh about 50 lbs. per cii. ft. " Heavy Clay " " " 75 " " " " Silicious or Calcareous " " " 110 " " '' From these numbers it is possible to calculate the weight per cubic foot or per acre, to a depth deter- mined, of soils in general, which are mixtures in varying proportions of the substances given above. Exam2)ley. 149. A calcareous sandy loam consists of 45y of its bulk silicious sand, 10// colca'-eous sand, 35// clay and 10% organic matter. vVhr.t does it weigh per cubic foot, and winit is the ^Yeight of an acre of such soil one foot deep ? 150. Of the bulk of a certain clay loam 60% is clay, 25% sand and 15% organic matter. What is the weight per cubic foot and per acre 1 foot deep ? 151. The roots of a maple interpenetrate a mass of loam, half silicious sand and half clay, measuring 80 feet long, 25 feet wide and 4 feet deep. What weight of soil anchors the tree ? The weight of an acre of soil one foot deep may be 163 estimated at from .'U million to 4 million ll»s., that is from 1,750 to 2,000 tons. In the calculations that folloW; the last number will be employed. 152. Calculate the weight in tons of the several inorredients that make up an acre one foot deep of the soil fertile without manure, whose analysis is ^iven on page 161. 158. If a cart-load of lime weighs 1,000 lbs., how many loads of lime would be needed to give to the soil fertile with manure as nuich lime to tiie acre one foot deep, as is contained in the land fertile without manure ? 154. If it cost 5c per lb. to supply phosphoric acid to the soil in some form, what will it cost to bring up one acre one fo3t deep of the soil fertile with manure to the richness in phosphoric acid of the soil fertile without manure ? 155. Manufacturers of artificial manure reckon potash worth 6 cents a lb. in manure ; at that rate what would it cost to bring one acre one foot deep of soil No. 2 to the richness of potash of soil No. 1, if a trace of potash mean 1 100 of 1^. The cohesion of a soil, in other words its stiffness, may be either too great or too small. The so-called heavy clays, (which are, however, heavy, n<»t because of the weight of the soil, but because of the cohesion of its particles), and especially clays which contain large quantities of alkali, when wet form a tenacious, plastic, intractable mass ; and when dry cohere into stony lumps, through which the plough can scarcely force its way, and which will not crumble down into a state of fine tilth. In ••uch soils seeds do not readily germinate, and into tliem roots I'h y I I I 1 1()4 rlo not easily poiR'tratc. On tlii' other hand light sands, easily y the wind, do not afford a footdiold for plants Inicause of their lack of coher- ence. Wh(.'n the thin vegetation that in tiie lapse of ages has slowly crept over such surfaces of shifting sand, and that by its rootlets binds the particles togethei", is once broken up, it becomes a difficult task to re-estal)lish vegetation. § 2. The Soil as S applying Moisfiwc to Plants. The soil is a reservoir from which the plants culti- vated on the farm derive almost all their supply of that indispensable nutriment, water. Water exists in the soil and subsoil in three fornis — ground water, capillary water, hygroscopic water. Ground water is that which will drip from the soil ; capUhiry^ water is that which, like the oil in a lamp wick, creeps up through the pores (jf the soil from tlie ground water, and hydroscopic water is that which a dry soil can absorb f i*om nToIsture-laden air. If we dig dow^n a few inches in some cases, a few feet in others, we reach a stratum of soil so surcliarjxed with water that the moisture oozes out more or less rapidly and collects as a pool at the bottom of the excavation — a well is formed. The level at which this ground-water stands in wells is uniform over considerable areas of flat sands and gravels, and Is called the water-table. When the sul)soil at or below the w^ater-table is per- meable, the water-table rises with abundant rains, and falls in lono-coritiinied drouo-hts, so that w^dls are filled to overflowing or run dry together over con- siderable areas. In deep tenacious clays, however, the wells are usually filled not by infiltration from below I 165 but by overflow from above. They are then of the nature of mere tanks, each independent of its neigh- bours. Below the water-table the pores of the soil are filled with water, air cannot penetrate, and the roots of agricultural plants will not grow. Water is attracted by and creeps slowly in all direc- tions over many surfaces in contact with it. Thus a clod of dry earth of whicli one corner is dipped in water, will soon become damp throughout. Water so distributed through the ])ores of the earth is called capillary water. From the capillary water in the soil land plants derive their chief supply, although many plants send down a few strong roots into the ground water. The height to which capillary water rises above the water table, varies with the nature of the soil and with the state of tilth. In fertile, well worked soil, it may be as much as six or eight feet, so that to that height moisture w^ill be supplied in a slow ascending current sufficient to keep the soil damp and dark in colour, replacing the water lost by evaporation from the leaves of plants and from the surface of the soil. It must not be supposed that capillarity gives rise only to ascending curi'ents of moisture in the soil. The texture of all cultivated soils is too close to permit water poured on the surface abundantly to sink down out of sight iunnediately, as if it were poured on a pile of broken stone. It forms puddles on the surface or runs down over it in streams. Bui the capillary action of the soil begins at once to convey the super- natant water downward. The water soaks into the land. From particle to particle the moisture slowly descends, until it has more or less completely If ^ 1 <',(', disappeared from the surface. After rain, capillary currents creep downward, adding to the ground water. In drought, capillary currents creep upward, supplying surface evaporation. Lateral capillary currents distribute moisture right and left from damp to dry adjacent ground. Thus a continual slow cir- culation of capillary moisture refreshes the rootlets of growing plants. The same surface attraction which distril)utes capillary water also retains it in the pores of the soil. Soils differ greatly in their capillary power as measured by their retentiveness. If dry soils be thoroughly wetted and permitted to drain, they will retain varying amounts of water. Thus coarse quartz sand will retain 25°/ of its weight of water, marl 30^, loam 60°/, pure clay 70%, garden mould 90%. Hygroscopic water is that which a dry soil is able to absorb from damp air. The amount varies much with the chemical constitution of the soil, with the ^caiperature and with the degree of saturation of the t.i^. If the soils of which the power of retention is stated above were thoroughly dried and exposed for 24 hours to saturated air, it would be found that the quartz sand would gain nothing in weight by absorp- tion, marl 80%, loam 35%, pure clay 50%, garden mould 55%. Generally speaking hygroscopic povrcr increases with capillary power. Experiment has ^hown that hygroscopic water in some soils can sup- ply sufficient moisture to keep some kinds of plants *'rom wiltiuiT. y I § 3. The Soil as a Store-House of Nitrogen. The soil supplies almost all the nitrogen that plants require. In ammonia, in nitric acid, and in 'ft I Cm has sup- ants that d in comparatively inert nitroj^enous compountls of organic origin, all fertile soils contain much nitrogen. That the plant depends chiefly upon the soil for its nitrogen is evident. Nitrogen abounds in the air ; but we have seen that the plant cannot assimilate atmospheric nitrogen. Ammonia exists in air, and some doubtful experiments seem to indicate that the leaves of plants can absorb and use it; but so small is the average amount of ammonia in the air that, relatively to the demands of the growing plant, carbon dioxide is nearly 400 times as abundant as ammonia. To make the same statement concretely, it would require more than a year for a plant to collect from the ammonia of the air the nitrogen recjuired to organize with the carbon which the plant collects from the air in a day. Nitric acid also is found in the air, but in still smaller quantity, so that if a plant had to collect its nitrogen from nitric acid as diffused in the air, ten years would scarcely suffice for gathering enough nitrogen for the daily growth of a plant. If atmospheric nitrogen is not availaV)le for the plant, and if the atmospheric supply of nitric acid and anmionia together, for 350 years, would not furnish the nitrogen required for one year's growth of plants, it is evi(lent that vegeta- tion cannot be fed with nitrogen from the air ; it must draw its nitr')gen from the soil. The soil is a store house of nitrogenous food for plants. This is evident, for three reasons. 1st. gecausetciiLthii rains bring down the anuuonia and mtric iuii^i-which escape into the air through - stances are rapidly oxidized into nitric acid, which unites with such alkalies or alkaline earths as maybe present, and which in combination with them forms the most valuable because the most readily available source of nitrogen to higher plants. Another microbe plays a part still more important in the nitrogenous nutrition of the higher plants. It has long been 11 I. ;-l IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) A 1.0 I.I '- ilia - m 2A 12.2 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 lA '■ ^ 6" — ► V] m n. 'm o // •'% ,;> / ^^ 4. Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 V^EST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 ? i/s ^ 172 r I I : ! suspected that the leguminous plants such as clover, vetches, peas and beans, add to rather than subtract from the nitrogenous wealth of the soil, or at least that they do not deduct from the nitrogen accumu- lated in the soil as much as they organize in their own structure. From recent researches it seems highly probable that some forms of microbic life, parasitic on the roots of leguminous plants, have the power of assimilating nitrogen from the air, especially when growing in soils rich in carbonaceous matter, thus increasing the nitrogenous wealth of the soil. Whether washed from the air, or collected from the debris of animal and vegetable life or manufactured Ijy bacterial ferments in the soil, certain it is that larsje amounts of nitrofjen in various forms of combination are stored up in the organic matter of the soil. In the form of ammonia an average soil may contain about 20 lbs of nitrogen to the acre ; a rich garden soil may contain as much as 75 lbs. In the form of nitric acid the amount of nitrogen will vary greatly with the weather, as the nitrates are leached out of the soil by rains, and accumulate in dry weather. There may be in a good soil as little as 20 lbs of nitrogen in the nitrates contained in an acre of soil one foot deep, or as much as 500 lbs. The inert nitrogen of a fertile soil, associated with its organic matter, vastly exceeds the amount present in ammonia and nitric acid. It mav amount to from 2% to 5% of the organic mattoi" of the soil. The average of fertile soils will give about '16% of the total weight of the surface soil, or from 4,000 to 8,000 lbs. of nitrogen per acre one foot deep. 173 § 4. The Soil as a Storehouse of Inorganic Food for Plants. The soil is also the storehouse from which plants derive all their inorganic nutriment. The potash, soda, lime, magnesia, iron, silica, phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid and chlorine necessary to the develop- ment of plants must be present in the soil or plants cannot grow upon it. The percentage of any of these ingredients may be but small, because a small per- centage of the composition of an acre of soil one foot deep, weighing 2,000 tons, 4,000,000 lbs, represents a large absolute amount, one one hundreth of one per cent, being 400 lbs ; but each ingredient must be present. In fertile soils the constituents of the ashes of plants are present in very different proportions from those in which they occur in the plant ; some of those most abundant in the plant being the rarest in the soil, and vice versa. Hence the mass of the soil is to be regarded not as in itself food for plants, but only as holding and containing this food, and giving support and protection to the plant and its roots. The substance alumina, which we find in the soil and not in the plant, is especially important in these ways. It is possible to reduce a fertile soil to barren- ness without materially altering its weight, bulk, or mechanical texture. The fertility or barrenness of soils does not alto- gether depend on the quantity of organic matter, that is of vegetable mould or humus present in the soil. This is no doubt of great value. It is constantly yielding by its decay, carlxmic acid and nitrates to nourish the organic part of the plant. It is setting free, little by little, the earthy matters of its own 174 i , I I ... i ashes. It is also by its decay inducing chemical changes, which tend to set free other matters held in combination in the particles of the soil. It renders clay soils more friable, and sandy soils more retentive of volatile substances, and of substances in solution. It darkens the color of the soil, and thus enables the solar heat to have more effect on it. These are all important uses. Still there are some alluvial soils nearly destitute of organic matter, and yet of almost inexhaustible fertility, and there are some peaty soils very rich in organic matter, yet very barren. If or- ganic matter has accuuiulated in a soil by the growth of vegetation of a high order, then, conditions of heat and moisture being favourable, the soil will be fertile, and if the organic matter be abundant, they will be exceedingly fertile. Such soils were formed by the growth of the deciduous forests (»f Canada, and by the growth of the grasses of the western prairies. But if the organic matter has resulted from the growth of lower forms of vegetation, as of the coni- fers on our gravel ridges or of mosses in bogs, the soil may be comparatively barren. Important though the organic matter of the soil is, the mineral matter is more so. Not only must all the inorganic matters needed by the plant be present in the soil, but they must be pres- ent in an available form. Inorganic matter enters the plant only through the tender tissues of the rootlets, in a state of solution. Unless then these matters are in such a state as to l)e soluble in soil-water, that is in water which hckls in solution carbonic acid or alkalies or other substances derived from the soil or the air or the roots of growing plants, their presence in the insoluble state is of no immediate value to the plant. 175 jmical leld in enders entive lution. ies the are all il soils almost by soils If or- growth of heat ! fertile, will be by the L and by prairies, •om the ,he coni- the soil though pi matter jeded by be pres- iters the rootlets, bters are Ihat is in alkalies kr the air Lee in the the plant. It is true that they need not be very soluble. Phosplioric acid in solution in soil water does not in any case exceed one part in 50,000 ; but as the forma- tion of every pound of dry vegetable matter is attended by the evaportion of at least 2*50 pounds of water, this very small proportion of phosphoric acid in solution would account for 5 per cent, of this sub- stance in the vegetable structure. It is true also that the whole amount needed is not necessarily available at once. If while a crop is growing the chemical changes which are inc- ssant in a soil, progressively render soluble the needed nutriment as it is required, the crop will Hourish ; even if at no given moment of the season the soil holds ready all the nutriment requisite. Chemical analysis of soils is of comparatively little service as a guide to agricultural practice, just because it fails to answer the question how much of the nutrient material in the soil is available or will readily become available for the wants of a crop. It can accurately state the amount of each ash ingredient present in the soil. It can dt^monstrate the absolute barrenness of a soil b}^ proving that it is destitute of some essential ingredient of the ashes of plants. It can show what amount of each ash ingredient can be leached out of the soil by water. But plants can undoubtedly take from a soil more than pure water will dissolve from it, just how much chemistry cannot say ; and it cannot tell the farmer what additional amount will be set free during the growth of the crop by the chemical changes resulting from the development of roots in the soil, from the operation of bacterial life, from the influence of heat, moisture and frost, and from the combined interactions of the many »3 176 Ir. ii I : substances contained in the soil or supplied to it as manure. Soils differ materially in their power of retaining soluble substances. The absorbent and retaining power of soil is one of its most remarkable properties. The arable soil is not a mere sieve through which any matter in solu- tion can pass freely ; but, on the contrary, it has a great power of retaining, as in a filter, all saline and other substances that may be present in the water permeating it. This power is very different in different soils, and in the same soil in the case of difierent substances. In passing through any ordi- nary soil the dark water of a dunghill, or a saline solution, will lose large portions of its contents, which remain, so to speak, entangled among the particles of the soil, or adhering to their surfaces. In light and sandy soils this power of retaining nutritive sub- stances is less ; in heavier soils, greater ; in soils hav- ing much vegetable matter it is strongly marked ; and in light soils of a red or brown color, having the particles mixed with oxide of iron, it is greater than in colorless, sandy Poils. Extremely light sands, and extremely compact clays, possess this power in the smallest degree, so that the porosity of the soil seems to be mainly important in reference to this property. Further, the absorptive property of the soil appears to be connected with a chemical action upon the sub- stances present in it ; some solutions being decomposed in passing through certain soils, and one substance retained while another is allowed to pass. Thus salts of potash and ammonia sometimes part with these bases to the soil ; the acids present entering into other combinations. 177 it as ining me of ioil is solu- has a le and water jnt in jase oi y ordi- i, saline 1, which tides of y]\t and ve sub- ils hav- narked ; ^^ing the ter than ids, and in the )il seems ►roperty. appears the sub- •omposed jubstance hus salts lith these tto other It would seem from various experiments that the matters thus absorbed by the soil are more readily available to plants than those in chemical combina- tion with its ingredients. Tlie latter are only little by little set free by decomposition ; and this is believed to explain the effect of tillage in improving soils, and also the fact that chemical analysis often shows a larger amount of nutritive substances than experiment proves to be practically available. Thus, if an analysis shows a large quantity of phosphate of lime in a soil, it may yet happen that plants like wheat, which require much of this substance, may not be able to obtain it in time, in consequence of its occurrence in the form of solis 28 5 Grain Straw 45.0 3.3 0.6 <{4.3 5.8 1.1 12.0 D.O :s.5 0.9 45.8 2.1 12.9 030 l«.5 1.5 7.2 15.5 1.8 7.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 2.2 0.5 3.4 0.3 0.8 0.4 2.; 23.0 23.0 90.0 8.0 «2.0 «.o 86.0 4».0 1.2 2.8 10.0 8.0 0.8 1.0 22.4 4.2 3.7 15.0 0.0 0.6 6.0 14.0 0.4 1.5 8.0 O.l 0.2 0.9 Total. 239.0 im.«j 149 0 329 10.3 299.2 72.8 61.5 25.6 Total pounds 970.9 If we were to suppose the common four years' rotation of oats, turnips or other green crop, wheat and hay, the result would not be very materially different. The table shows a loss by cropping in four years of rather less than half a ton of mineral matter from an acre ; and if we enquire as to the nature of this loss we find that it might be repaired, if we except the silica, which, being abundant in nearly all soils, may be left out of the account, by the following quantities of mineral manures : 325 lbs. dry Pearl Ash. 333 " Carbonate of Soda. 43 " Common Salt. 30 " Gypsum. 150 lbs. Quick Lime. 200 " Epsom Salts. 83 " Alum. 210 " Bone dust. These substances would be required to replace those taken away, provided that no part of the crops or the manure derived therefrom should be returned to the soil. It will be observed that the green crop portion of the rotation carries off the greater part of the mineral substances, and consequently that grain crops are not 1«3 Potal. ..970.9 years' wheat .erially ears of rom an lis loss pt the Is, may antities Lce those )S or the d to the )rtion of } mineral s are not the moat exhaustinpf to the soil. Practically, how- ever, the 0 Lime 711 Magnesia 2.810 Potash r,:\6 Soda ;J40 Phosphoric Acid 418 Sulphuric Acid 020 Soluble Silica 180 No. 3 consisted of — Silicious sand with a little feldspar 9.0 Clay 7U.2 Vegetable matter 08 Water o.O 100.0 100 parts of it gave — Alumina not determined Oxide of Iron 4.o00 Lime ^^7 Magnesia S88 J^i»s^\ m Doda } Phosphoric Acid 126 Sulphuric Acid 031 Soluble Silica 080 14 1«2 n : ■ k ilf By the action of water, a solution containing minute traces of chloride and sulphates of lime, magnesia and alkalies is obtained. 100 parts of the soil give in this way, of chlorine, .0018; sulphuric acid, .0005. No. 4. This soil contained about 20 per cent, of pebbles, and 12 of coarse gravel : that portion which passed through the sieve consisted of — Gravel 75.0 Clay 13.7 Vegetable matter 6.1 Water , 5.2 100.0 The soil was very red, and the sand silicious and quite ferruginous, consisting of the disintegrated syenitic rocks which make up the coarser portions. 100 parts gave — Alumina 2.935 Oxide of Iron 5.505 Lime 156 Magnesia 409 Potash 109 Soda 144 Phosphoric Acid 220 Sulphuric Acid 018 Soluble Silica 080 The first of these soils, (No. 2) that which had not been exhausted, closely resembles in its proportions of inorganic plant-food that first noticed. It is further to be observed, that while one of these soils, that from Raleigh, is very rich in vegetable matter, and the other, that from Chambly, contains very little, both are equally fertile as wheat soils. This is a striking evidence of the great importance of the mineral riches of the soil. If now, we compare the fertile soil No. 2, with the lori ining lime, i the )liuric snt. oi which 75.0 13.7 6.1 5.2 100.0 )\is and .egrated tions. 2.935 5.505 .156 .409 .109 .144 .220 .018 .080 with the exhausted soil No. 8, we see at once that the latter ha.s parted with the greater part of its alkalies and phosphoric acid, and probably with the more available part of these substances. The exhaustion of potash and phosphates is, in truth, the cause of its present sterility ; and when we consider that the straw and grain of thirty crops of wheat have been taken from it without return, we have sufficient reason for fche change. The third soil. No. 4, characterized as of light quality, is, in comparison with No. 2, poor in lime, phosphates, alkalies, and soluble silica, but it has nearly twice as much phosphoric acid as the worn out soil, No. 3, and is not behind it in soluble silica. An equal (juantity of ordinary manure would probably produce more effect on it than on the exhausted soil No. 3. Another tferm of comparison is afforded by a soil from the farm of Major Campbell, at St. Hilaire, which is said to have been reclaimed from compara- tive exhaustion by manuring and draining. It is a heavy clay, and afforded, on analysis, in 100 parts : Alumina 12.420 Oxide of Iron 7.320 Lime 697 Magnesia 1.490 Potash 591 Soda 231 Phosphoric Acid 390 Sulphuric Acid 022 Soluble Silica ia5 This soil, it will be observed, rises very nearly to the level of the unexhausted soil from Chambly ; and the difference between it and the exhausted soil. No. 3, is, no doubt, due to the manures added by the 104 N,.' proprietor, and to the admixture of unexhausted sub- soil by draining and deeper ploughing. That this last cause had some share in this result is indicated by an analysis of subsoil, taken from the same field, but at a depth of thirty inches from the surface. No manures penetrate a clay soil to such a depth as this, so that this analysis gives the natural (juality of the soil. It shows in 100 parts : Alumina 4.380 Oxide of Iron 6.245 Lime 980 Magnesia 1.080 Potash 753 Soda 355 Phosphoric Acid 474 Sulphuric Acid 024 Soluble Silica 210 It thus appears that the subsoil is far richer than the improved surface soil in alkalies, phosphates, and soluble silica. The subsoil is a vast store of mineral manure, ready to be applied to use by under-draining and subsoil ploughing. It would seem that this applies very generally to the exhausted clay soils of Canada, which, having been undrained, ploughed in a shallow manner, and cropped by plants which feed in these circumstances only on the surface soil, might be renovated by tile draining and the use of the subsoil plough more easily than by the application of manurial substances. This is a fact which holds forth a gleam of hope for all the impoverished farms of the older and exhausted districts. It is to be observed, however, that the material of the subsoil probably requires some tillage and aeration to make its constituents available for plants, so that it should be very gradually mixed with the surface 105 jub- jsult the the ch a tural m 45 80 i80 '53 $55 174 024 no than ^s, and lineral •aining ippUes Janada, Ihallow these rht be subsoil murial gleam le older soil. It would also require the addition of some organic matter, as, for instance, peat or bog mu«l. In leaving these Canadian soils, it is deserving of remark, that even the richest of theui are rather poor in sulphuric acid, and would, therefore, probably bo benefited by the use of gypsum. It nmst also be observed that the exhaustion of soils is not to be accounted for simply by the removal of mineral matters. The soil, as already stated, is the storehouse from which many plants derive the greater part of that indispensable substance nitrogen. In the husbandry of nature which carefully returns to the soil the debris of life, and which mingles on each foot of ground in proportions determined by the needs of the case, plants of many divers species continually supplanting each other in a ceaseless rotation, the store of nitrogen is constantly replenished, but when a farmer removes from the same Held the same crop of grain year after year without adequate manure, he not only exhausts the soil of its mineral wealth, but he reduces it to infertility by depriving it of available nitrogen. jrial of leration so that surface CHAPTER XIII. ITi I- r 5' ' f i I IMPROVEMENT OK THE SOU. HV MECirANICAL MEANS. Amelioration of the soil may be mechanical, l»y acting on its texture and its relations to water aiul the air, or chemical, by adding to it nutritive substances. The former only will be consi .--.■ g . Bill ill '^r •I i 202 ; i^' I: I in" ■ f : common plough, preparatory to spring work, it is best to throw up the furrows in little ridges that may crumble down in the frost. This is best done by making the depth of the furrow-slice about two- thirds of its breadth. The furrow-slice will then be turned through one right angle and a half, (135^, three fourths inverted), and the angle formed by the meeting of the inner face, and the bottom of each furrow-slice will be thrown directly upward, so as to cover the field with longitudinal right-angled ridges, exposing to the action of the weather the largest possible amount of surface, and admitting air freely to the corresponding longitudinal hollows left empty between and under the furrow-slices. It must be remembered, however, that in a field ploughed in this manner, if the soil be so coherent that the furrow- slices retain their form, the capillary connection between the plougheortant processes of nitri- fication and fermental/ion aie dependent. But no money value can as yet be assigned to these services Liquid stable manure is a fei'tilizer of great value as will appear from the following table : — Compoi^ition of Lnjnul SlnUe Manure (Boiissaingault). Horse. Cow. Urea 31-00 18-48 Potassium hipjmrate 4-74 1(5-51 Potassium lactate 20-09 17-16 Magnesium carbonate 4-l(> 4-74 Calcium carbonate 10-82 0-55 Potassium sulpbate 1-18 3-60 Sodium chloride 0-74 1-52 Silica 1-{»1 Water, &c 926-26 937*44 1000-00 1000-00 Urea, as appears from its formula, C H^ N2 O, is very rich in nitrogen. In decomposing, it changes into carbonate of ammonia, which, being volatile, m 219 1 4 rapidly escapes, unless prevented by some absorbent material, as charcoal, or by the chemical action of sulphuric acid or gypsum. A similar statement may be made respecting hippuric acid of which the formula is C^ Hg NO3 ; tl»e results of its decomposition are, however, more complex than those of urea. In the above table, we see that the liquid manure contains large quantities of potash and soda ; and that a large portion of it is urea, a substance which from its abundant nitrogen is, in fact, quite similar to the richest ingredients of guano. Johnston estimates the value of 1,000 gallons of the urine of the cow to be equal to that of a hundredweight of guano. The farmers of Flanders, — who save all this manure in tanks, — consider the annual value of the urine of a cow to be $10. One ton of licpiid horse manure contains 298 lbs. of nitrogen, and 15 lbs. of potash; that of the cow 19.4 lbs. of nitrogen, and 19*7 lbs. of potash. On the presence of these substances their manurial value largely depends, for phosphoric acid is but an in- siornificant constituent of the urine of horses and cattle. One ton of liquid horse manure is worth $5.22, and of liquid cow manure $3.90. In the solid manure there is little nitrogen. This element, so valuable for producing the richer nutri- tious parts of grain and root crops, is principally found in the liquid manure. The little that is present, however, in the solid manure, is soon lost in the form of ammoniacal vapours, if the dung be allowed to ferment uncovered. The other oi^ganic matters are less easily destroyed, unless the dung be allowed to become " fire-fanged," in which case the greater part n '. t i i I i! « 'I i'F . ! i' J; 220 of it is lost. In the ashes, or inorganic part, we find all the substances ah'eady referred to as constituents of fertile soils ; and many of the most valuable of them are, as the manure decomposes, washed away, and, along with a variety of organic matters, appear in the darlc-colored water which flows from exposed dung-hills. It is not too much to say that the loss of the volatile and soluble parts of manures, on ordinary upland soils, cannot be repaid by any amount of out- lay in the purchase of other manures, that our farmers can afford ; and we can plainly perceive, that the prevailing neglect in this one particular, is suf- ficient to account for the deterioration of once fertile farms. How, then, is this waste to be prevented ? In answer to this, I shall merely indicate the prin- ciples on which the means adopted for saving manures are founded, with a few general hints on the best modes of carrying them into effect. 1. The solid manure should be covered with a shed or ropf, sufficient to protect it from rain and snow. Its own natural moisture is sufficient to promote, during winter, a slow and beneficial fermentation. Snow only*prevents this from going on ; rain washes away the substance of the fermented manure. 2. The ground on which the manure heap rests should be hollowed, and made tight below with clay or planks ; and in autumn, a thick layer of bog mud, or loam, should be placed on it, to absorb the drainings of the manure. 3. When the manure is drawn out to the field, it should be covered as soon as possible, either in the soil, or, if it must stand for a time, with a thick coating of peat or loam, — a pile of which should be prepared in autumn for this purpose. All unneces- sary exposure should be avoided. i 221 4 Where gypsum can be procured cheaply, it should be strewed about the stables, and on the manure heap, for the purpose of convertiuj-^ volatile ammoniacal vapours iniojixed sulphate of ammonia. This will also render the air of the stables more pure and wholesome. 5. It must be borne in mind that the richest manures are the most easily injured. For example, many farmers think horse manure to be of little value. The reason is, that when exposed it rapidly enter.-i into a violent fermentation and decay, and its more valuable parts are lost. Such iranures need more care than others, in protection and coverinjy, so as to moderate the chemical changes to which they are so liable, and to save the volatile and soluble products which result from them. 6. The liquid manure should be collected, either in the pit or hollow intended for the other manure, or in a separate pit prepared for the purpose. The latter is the better method. If a tight floor can be made in the stable, it should be sloped from the heads of the cattle, and a channel made, along which the urine can flow into the pit. If the floor is open, the pit should be directly beneath it, or the ground below should be sloped to conduct the liquid into the pit. In whatever way arranged, the pit should be tight in the bottom and sides, and should be filled with soil, or peaty swamp mud, to absorb the liquid. Gypsum may also be added with great benefit ; and the urine pit may very well form a receptacle for door-cleanings, litter which may accumulate about the barn, and every other kind of vegetable or animal refuse. These additional matters may occasionally be pro- tected, by adding a new layer of peat or soil to the top. i I i ! I f y ! ■ : !| ■i i i - ■ S ' ; ' j , t 1. II' s ■if" 1 1 ^ lii , 222 Tlie pit for liquid manure .should be roofed over. A method much followed in Britain and the continent of Europe, is to collect the urine in a tank, and add sulphuric acid to prevent waste of ammonia. When used, the licjuid is diluted with water, and distributed to the crop by a watering cart. This is too expensive for most of our farmers ; but when it can be followed, it will be found to give an astonishing stimulus to the crops, especially in the dry weather of spring. Gypsum may be put into the tank, instead of sul- phuric acid. An examination of the table on page 216 will show that the combustible part contains a large amount of ammoniacal matter, and the rest is principally the richest humus or vegetable mould ; while the incom- bustible part contains all the ingredients in the ashes of cultivated plants, and these in a soluble state, ready to be absorbed by the soil and taken up by the roots. This table, in short, affords the most conclu- sive evidence of the immense loss sustained by the farmer who allows his stable manures to be weathered, and their soluble part washed away by the rains. No economy in other respects, and scarcely even the most costly additions of artificial manures, can com- pensate this waste. This subject is, in all its details, deserving of the careful study of every practical farmer. When the circumstances of the farmer are such that he cannot provide shelter for his manure heap and tankage for his liquid manure, he may minimize the waste by thoroughly underdraining his barn yard. The leachings of his manure heap will then filter through the earth instead of flowing away in open drains, and will leave behind, absorbed by the earth, I 223 such heap limize yard, filter open jarth, the chief part of their valuable materials, water, nearly pure, alone escaping hy the drains. The top layer of the barn-yard soil then becomes very rich, and should be carted out with the manure and sprea I m Ii2i ministorin^ abundant soluble inorganic food to the rootlets of the following crop. Hesides the rotting vege- tation ameliorates the physical as well as the chemical condition of the soil. It renders loose sands more coherent and more retentive of moisture and manures, and it helps to disintegrate cold and lumpy c^*^vs. Accordingly, green nianuring has been resorted .n the reclamation both of hungry sands and of soggy clays. When green manuring is so practised as to involve the loss of the crop of one year, it is and must always be an exceptional method of treatment. Then in order that the farmer may lose nothing, the crop of the succeeding year nmst be so much more abundant than it would otherwise have been, as to pay by its excess the cost of working and seeding the land for the green crop, together with interest on that cost and on the value of the land for one year. Onlv in rare cases can the increase of crops do this. £!.trveise8. 1()9. The pasture on a certain field is worth $1.00 per acre per month. The owner can pasture it six months, then plough it up in the fall, put in oats in the spring and harvest 40 bushels per acre, at a total cost for labour and seed of $8.55 per acre. Or he can pasture it three months, put in a crop of buckwheat, plough it under and put in and harvest a crop of oats of 55 bushels per acre, at a cost of $10.75 per acre. Which had he better do, if oats will bring J^5c. a bushel, and which if he cannot get more than 34c. a bushel ? § 4. Other Organic Manures. The remaining organic manures may be arranged under the following heads : 225 be ?^'" cal ore ITS, • vs. .n s to lUlst lieii »pof dant / its I for cost W iu $1.00 [t six in the ll cost le can heat, If oats acre, lushel, ishel ? Ian ged 1. Tliose which, hke peat, li()<^ mud, leaves, spent hark, saw-(hist, straw, etc., consist principally or ex- clusively of woody tihre. 'J'hes(^ suhstances «lecay hut slowly in the soil, ansistence and w^ealth. As Sea tveed is a very important manure, and is extensively applied in many parts of the sea coast, a few additional remarks may be made, respecting its composition and uses. The ashes of sea weed have been found to contain : Soda and potash 15 to 40 i)er cent. Lime 3 " 21 Magnesia 7 '* 15 " Common salt 3 " 35 Calcium phosphate 3 " 10 " Sulphuric acid 14 " 31 Silica 1 " 11 These are all important substances, and, in addition to the nitrogen contained in the organic part of the weed, nmst exercise an important influence. Seaweed, however, is but a temporary manrrc, as it decays very rapidly ; and it is extremely unwise to place the 007 t. tlition If the Iwecd, [ecays je the whole dependence on it, to the exclusion of other manures, especially of the stable manure. The farmer should save his stable manure, and consider the sea weed an additional, or supplementary aid. In this way, there will be no danger of his having to complain that, notwithstanding constant applications of sea manure, his land is becoming poor. He nuist also remember, that sea weed does not contain all the materials of land plants, in due propoi'tion ; and that, therefore, it cannot supersede the necessity of other fertilizers. With respect to composting sea weeds, some good farmers on the sea coast compost carefully all the weed obtained in autumn, and apply, in the recent state, that procured in spring. It has also been successfully applied as an autumn dressing to grass. This is certainly better than the practice, which I have observed in some places, of top-dressing grass with the stable manure, and applying nothing in the drills with green crops but sea weed. Land weeds form a somewhat useful kind of man- ure, as they are often rich in alkalies, and other constituents of crops. Rank road-side weeds are especially valuable ; and their removal prevents the dissemination of their seed, and improves the appear- ance of the country. 3. A third class is formed of those manures of animal and vegetable origin which, though highly fertilizing,- are not liable to rapid decay ; and are, therefore, permanent in their effects, and may be kept for application in a dry state. Such are bcnies, hair, hoofs, hen manure, guano, wood ashes, and soot. Banes are of great value, as they afford that rare and important substance, phosphate of lime, along with a rich animal matter ; ground bones, " b. ■ated boric )ility diate es as L-ound more ^y be c acid three sphate patite ; aection oduced phos- n-phos- und in [y to a 90,000 Iturated IsoluUe, )f pure water )spbate, Phos- bay be ^tate oi \i super- )Spbates in the ter-phosphate of lime. Potasli may be valued at 5c. a pound. A useful mode of estimating the value of ferti- lizers is to reduce the above prices to a price for each one per cent, in a ton of manure. One per cent, of a ton is of course 20 lbs. Therefore twenty times the value of a pound of any fertilizer is the value of (me per cent, of it in a ton of manure. Estimated thus one per cent, of nitrogen per ton is worth about $3.00, of phosphoric acid in superphosphate $2.00, in reverted phosphate $1.20, of ter-phosphate and insol- uble phosphates in general $1.00, and of potash $1.00. Exami)les\ 170. What, by the above scale of values, is the worth of one ton of barn-yard manure, which con- tains '76% of nitrogen, '14 of soluble and "18 of in- soluble phosphoric acid and "96% of potash ? 171. What is the worth of 100 gallons of liquid stable manure weighing 11 lbs. per gallon and con- taining '8% of nitrogen, '3% potash and an inappre- ciable amount of phosphoric acid ? 172. What is the worth of bone dust per ton, the guaranteed analysis of w^hich give }1'5% of nitrogen and 20% of insoluble phosphoric acid ? 173. What is the worth per ton of a sample of bone dust containing 27% of insoluble phosphoric acid and 5% of nitrofjen ? 174. Calculate the value per ton of an artificial manure containing 3 per cent, nitrogen, 5% soluble phosphoric acid, 5% reverted phosphoric acid and 2J% potash ? 175. If all the phosphoric acid in the foregoing n m 111: m 2:]4 sample had been soluble, what would the value have been per ton ? 176. Another brand of artificial manure contains 2°/ nitrogen, 4% soluble and 2 J% reverted phosphoric, acid, and 2J% potash, what is it worth per ton? 177. What is the worth per ton of a fertilizer con- taining 8% nitrogen, 8^ soluble phosphoric acid, 2% reverted phosphoric acid, 2% insoluble phosphoric acid and 2°/^ potash ? 178. A sample of Saldanha Bay guano contained 9% nitrogen, 0*2% insoluble phosphoric acid and 1«^% potash ; what was it worth per ton ? 179. Formerly Chincha Island guano gave 13% nitrogen, 12% phosphoric acid (insoluble) and 2% potash. What would its worth be per ton if it could be now procured ? 180. A sample of Peruvian guano sold at S70.00 per ton, showing 81% nitrogen, 14% phosphoric acid and 2% potash. Was this price excessive ? What should it have sold for ? 181. When the above guano was sold chemists valued its nitrogen at 30c a pound, its phosphoric acid at 6c a pound, and its potash at 4Jc a pound. What was the ton of guano worth at these prices ? 182. What is the value of 1 ton of wood ashes as described on page 229 ? 183. What is the value of 1 ton of peat ashes as lescribed on page 230, if its potash and phosphoric acid alone be considered ? 184. What is the value of 1 ton of the ashes of sea- weed containing 15% of potash and 5% insoluble phosphoric acid ? 185. What is the value as manure of one bushel of wheat ? of barley ? of oats ? of rye ? of maize ? of h have tains loric, • con- J, 2% )hovic ,aine(l i 1-3% : i3y„ id 2/ i cou & $70.00 c aciil What leniists jphoric [pound. les? iVies as ihes as iphoric ihes of isoluble shel of lize ? of 235 peas ? of potatoes ? of carrots ? of mangolds ? of rutabagas ? N.B. — Consult tables on page 141, and reckon the phosphoric acid as soluble. 18(3. What is the value for manure of one ton of wheat straw ? barley straw ? oat straw ^ rye straw ? corn stalks ? pea straw ? timothy hay ? red clover hay ? green maize ? green rye ? green oats :* § 5. Mineral or Intyrganic Manures. After what has been already said, it is scarcely necessary to mention here that manures of this kind may be as truly the food of plants as substances that have already actually formed parts of vegetable sub- stances. Any of the substances mentioned above as necessary ingredients in fertile soils, or in the ashes of crops, may produce valuables effects, if they can be procured from the rocks of the earth, or any other source, and applied to the land. The beneficial influence of these substances may be summed up under the following heads : — 1. They may supply original chemical or mechanical wants in the soil. They may furnish substances required by some or all crops, and previously defici- ent ; and thus not only directly promote the growth of crops, but enable them to avail themselves of other materials which, though abundant, they could not use, from want of that which was deficient. For instance, if clover contains in its ashes 28 per cent, of lime, and if the soil contains so little that, in the course of the season, the plants can get only half the (juantity they require, they will take just so much less of everything else, and produce little more than half a crop. Hence the addition of lime to such a 236 soil will enable clover to take a great deal more of other kinds of food, and the effect on tlie crop will be very marked. On the other hand, if the soil con- tains a sufficiency of lime, its addition as a manure may produce no appreciable effect. We learn from this, the nature, in part at least, of what is called the stimulating and exhausting effect of mineral manures; and also the reason of their frequent failure. A farmer who finds by experience that some mineral ingredient, as lime, gypsum, etc., produces marked benefit, continues to apply it, and neglects other manures, until at last it produces no effect, and he finds that his land is completely run out. He now says that, after all, his supposed fertilizer was only a " stimulant," and condenms it ; whereas the error is in his own ignorance of the fact that, though necessary to fertility, it only rendered more necessary a suffi- cient quantity of the other kinds of food required. It is just as if a farmer were to find the appetite and flesh of his cattle falling off* and were to add some salt to their food ; and finding this to remedy the evil, were to withhold all other nourishment and attempt to feed them on salt alone. Again, a farmer, anxious to improve, learns that great benefits have resulted from some mineral manure. He at once applies it on a large scale, and is surprised to find that it does no good whatever. The reason probably is, that his land has already enough of it, while that to which it has been successfully applied had not. He should have ascertained by experiment on a small scale, or by an analysis made by a competent person, the actual state of his land in reference to this particular substance ; and then he might have pro- ceeded with certainty. These errors, arising from 237 ^viU ;on- lurc rom the ires; A icral rked 3th er (1 he now nly a ' is in jssary suffi- h\. It e ami some y the it and armer, have once ,0 tind obably le that id not. small person, o this e pro- from imperfect knowledge, work incalculable mischief to the cause of agricultural improvement. The true course with respect to mineral manures, is to test the land as to its wants ; and then to supply what it needs, without neglecting other ordinary manures. 2. Mineral manures may produce chemical changes in the soil, which may preserve or render useful other substances previously present, or may decompose poisonous ingredients. I have already had occasion to notice the effect of gypsum in saving ammonia, and that of lime in decomposing sulphate of iron, ano licU s of jeks Incli larls. jroiis Ooo- largo e col- Lvl, as ttects. intity I this uonce marls on as much 1 with Marls sands stance water, our in •»' iiy 1, it me, V ill be inay he y- Limestone ordinarily requires to be burned in order to be rendered tit for application to land. Burning deprives it of its carbon dioxiperly y ^or limilar com- lauses Imanures 241 the inert woody matter to decay and fill the soil with products valuable as food for plants. It is to this cause that we must also in great part ascribe the beneficial change which lime effects in pasture lands overgi'own with coarse grasses, or more useless herbage, causing this rank vegetation to give place to tender grasses and clover. In all these cases the lime is merely the means of bringing into a useful form a quantity of matter previously existing in the soil in an inactive or positively injurious state. In the case of swampy land, however, we must not forget that lime will prove only a partial and temporary remedy, unless it be assisted by draining. The facts already stated will enable us to under- stand the utility of composting peat, black swamp mud, and similar substances, with lime. By the decomposition which they are thus caused to undergo, they are converted into valuable manures. Since the benefit of lime arises in great part from its power of bringing into use the stores of food already present in the soil, it is plain that its eftects must be greatest in soils which ctmtain abundance of vegetable matter, and also that its tendency is to exhaust this matter more rapidly than if lime were not used. Heavy liming, therefore, when not accompanied with other manures, must, at each successive application, produce less effect, and end in causing comparative barrenness. From observing this injurious effect of the misapplication of lime has arisen the English proverb that, " Lime makes rich fathers, but poor sons." The Germans have a better proverb, to the effect that heavy liming and heavy manuring must go together. These considerations also show how lime may 242 iu " burn up " and impoverish some light soils, by wast- ing with unnecessary rapidity their already small stock of vegetable mould. When applied to such soils, lime should be either in the form of clay marl, or of composts made of peat, sods, ditch cleanings or similar matters, which will furnish it with materials to act upon, without exhausting the soil. Lime also exerts an important influence on the inorganic materials of soils. It has been already mentioned that the soluble salts of iron present in some boggy lands, and injurious to vegetation, are decomposed by lime, owing to its superior affinity for the acids which they contain. Another change of the mineral matter of the soil, effected by lime, depends on its affinity for silica, which is sufficiently powerful to enable it gradually to decompose frag- ments of granite, trap, and other rocks consisting of silicates, combining with their silica and setting free their potash, soda, etc., in forms very useful to crops. Beside these, there can be little doubt that lime aids in effecting many other changes among the mineral ingredients of soils, tending in many cases to make their constituent parts more available for the nourish- ment of vegetation. Duration of the effects of Lime. — When lime, in the quick state, is placed in the soil, it acts energetic- ally from the moment of its application until it is reduced to a state of partial mildness, when its influence is exerted more slowly. This slower action, however, continues with unabated, or even increasing vigor, for two or three years ; and although it may then diminish, the influence of a heavy liming may be felt even thirty years after its application. The decrease of the influence of lime may be accounted r 243 m jetic- lit is its ttion, ising may Ly be The inted for in ilifierent ways. It is usually applied only to the soil near the surface, and has a tendency to sink downwards into the subsoil. In light soils, this may be caused by the fineness of its particles, which causes them to be washed down between the coarser grains of the soil. In rich and close soils, however, it is very probably due to the earth-worms, those industrious agriculturists which are constantly employed in carry- ing to the surface tl e finer parts of the soil, on which they feed, a process which must result in the Inirying of every substance which they are not inclined to devour. Lime is also dissolved by water impregnated with carbon dioxide, and is rendered soluble by com- bining with various acids present in the soil, and in these states much of it is absorbed by the roots of crops, and much washed away from the ground by rains. Anoth'?r mode in which the influence of lime may gradually become insensible, is by its combining with silica, and forming an insoluble compound, possessing none of the active properties of lime. Qiuiiitity of Lime tvhich should be applied. — When land is originally destitute of lime, a large quantity may be mixed with the soil, with beneficial results. This will be evident when we consider that in order to give one per cent, of lime to a soil six inches deep, we nmst apply above thrt^e hundred bushels of lime to an acre. If, therefore, the lime be well mixed with the soil, a large (|uantity may be used without pre- ducing any very grf;at change. The quantity of lime whicli should be applied, depends, however, in a very great degree, on the nature of the soil. Clay grounorated state. Hence it will neither thrive in a poor soil, nor in one the riches of which consist of vegetable matter in a crude or undecomposed state. It also very readily permits weeds or grasses to grow beneath its shelter. P'or these reasons, newly burned land, land that has been fallowed and manured with composted manure, or land clean and well manured, that has just carried a soiling crop, or clover or peas, is most suit- able for winter wheat. Spring wheat should follow a hoed crop. On lea land it is very subject to rust, and also to the attacks of the Hessian fly, whose 253 of •ated nor very Ih its land )sted just suit- )llow 'USt, rhose : larvre are generally present in the grass, and destroy the wheat which takes its place. Tht» place of wheat in the rotation of a scientific farmer nuist, therefore, be like that assigned to it in the ordinary Scottish four-course rotation, viz., after a green crop and before grass, which is sowed with the wheat. The organic part of the grain of wheat consists principally of gluten, albumen, starch, gum, sugar, oily matter, and the woody matter of the husk. Of these ingredients the most important in reference to human food are the gluten and albumen, which are also the substances whose elements are least easily obtained from poor soils. They are obtained from the richer kinds of manures ; and their nitrogen, — the most difficult of their elements to procure, chiefly from the auunonia and nitric acid afforded by these manures aided by the atmospheric supply. It is also worthy of remark, that the percentage of gluten varies according to the amount of such rich materials in the soil. Hence the wheat of well manured land is not only more abundant, but yields bushel for bushel more flour — and more nutritious flour than that of poor land. The rich and well tilled soils of this country produce wheat equal to that of any country in the world. The poor and worn out lands furnish inferior grain, milling badly, and yielding an inferior flour deficient in gluten. The ash or earthy part of wheat is also of some importance, especially as for this the plant is entirely dependent on the soil ; and though this part of the plant is comparatively small in quantity, yet its due supply is absolutely necessary to healthy growth. More than one-half of the ash of the straw of wheat consists of silica, an element sufficiently abund- ^j 254 :iH ant in most soils ; but it is to bo observed that this element can be obtained only by the aid of potash or soda, which i uist therefore be present in the soil. Potash and soda are also required independently of the conveyance of nUica. The ashes of 1000 lbs. of tl^e grain of wheat contain 6 or 7 lbs. of potash and soda ; the straw contains a much smaller proportion. Wheat also contains in its asli, lime, ffVDSum magnesia and conunon salt, but in small (juantity. The ingredient of the ash of wheat, which of all others is the nicst important, is bone earth or phos- phate of lime, ot* which about 100 lbs. are taken by a good crop of wheat from an acre of ground. This may appear to be a small quantity, but it must be borne in mind that this substance is scarce even in fertile soils. It is chietiy the presence of alkalies and phosphates derived from the ashes of the woods that causes wheat to produce so r.bundantly in new land. The facts respecting the composition of wheat stated abov^e, indicate that manures containing nitro- gen, phosphates and alkalies, are especially suitable to it. Such manures, in addition to the richer farm yard manures, are nitrate of soda, muriate of potash and superphosphate. Of these the first is always valuable, and the last is more important to spring than to winter wheat. After peas, when tlie ground is clean, or after a hoed crop, th-; ground is sufficiently prepared for sowing wlieat by the use of the cultivator, but after a soding crop or clover, or if the ground be weedy, it will be necessary to plough the land. For winter wheat the ground should be ready for the seed dui-ing the first part of September ; not much earlier lest the 255 )le ^ays jhaii ;r a for ifter it Inter jiing the too abundant leafai^e be smotliered under the snow, nor much later lest the growth l>efore aiTestod by winter be insufficient to shelter the roots. From one bushel to two busliels of well ripened seed is suffi- cient for each acre, the larger amount is required in poor soils with spring wheat sown broadcast, the smaller in rich soils with winter wheat drilled in. With winter wheat timothy is sown and clover on the same crop in spring. With spring wheat both timothy and clover are sown. These grasses flourish under the shade of the wheat. If w inter wheat be partially thrown out by frosts, it is well to roll it in the spring ; and, where labor is available, it is well to hoe and weed it at the same time. Generally, however, the crop grows without further care after the seeding until harvest. Wheat should be harvested for the miller when the straw immediately beneath the ear begins to turn yellow ; for the straw of wheat, if cut sufficiently early, and chopped with a straw cutter, is highly nutritive food for cattle and horses, and is nmch relished by them. In this country wheat is generally cut too late, and the grain is thick in the husk and inferior in flouring qualities, and thr straw is com- paratively worthless. By cutting i in mediately after the grain is tilled, and before the straw is wholly dead, both would be much more valuable and nutritious. Wheat, though the most important of grain crops, has, of late, acquired the character of being a precarious crop, especially in the older districts. It becomes therefore necessary to enquire into the diseases and l)lights to which it is liable. We may consider these n some detail, remarking in the first place that none 18 250 n of them arc peculiar to British America, all of them being more or less experienced in most or all the countries in which wheat is cultivated. 1. Mud. — A reddish or rusty substance attached to the straw and leaves of wheat in the end of summer or in autunm. When examined by the microscope, it is found to be a parasitic fungus or mould whose minute and invisible seeds or spores arc wafted by the winds, or Ijorne to the plar.t with the water it absorbs from the soil, and taking root in the cells and vessels of the stem and leaf, weaken or kill it by feeding on its juices. Its attacks are favored by the following causes : Fird, damp and cold weather succeeding warmth, at the time when the straw is still soft and juicy ; hence late grain is very liable to rust. Secondly, a deticiency of the outer silicious coat, which in the healthy state protects the surface of the straw, or an unnaturally soft and watery state of the plant. These unhealthy conditions may proceed either from poverty and want of alkalies in the soil, from the presence of too much crude vegetable matter, as sed or raw manure, or from a wet and unus, whicir gTOVVt!i ivdliin the gi-ain, and converts its substance into a dark colored fetid mass of spores or mould balls, which under the microscope look like rough berries, and are filled with the nninite dust- like spores of the smut. Its mode of propagation is pretty well understood and easily guarded against. When smutty grain is threshed, the infected seeds are broken, and the smut being of an adhesive nature attaches itself to the sound grain, and when this is sown, the tiln-ils of the smut pass u])ward through the sf.em, and infect the crop. In like manner, if sound grain be put into bags or boxes which have contained snmtty grain, or if it be threslied on a floor on which suuitty grain has l)een latcdy threshed, it will be infected. These causes of the disease shoidd therefore be avoided by all prudent farmers. If clean seed be sown in land that is not itself infected the crop will be free from smut ; but it is difficult to secure clean seed as one kernel of smutty wiieat ccmtains as many as forty million spores of smut. Seed must be cleaned, which is done either by I' i. 25S washing off' tlie adliercnt spores by alkaline waslies, or l)y destroying the vitality of these spores ]>y steeping the seed in poisonous licpiids, or by plunging it into hot water. Of course in the latter cases the steeping must not be continued long enough to kill the seed itself. Thus the seed may be allowed to soak for a day in a solution of 1 lb. of caustic potash or 24 lbs. of hardwood aslies in () gallons of water, then washed, drained and dried by stirring slaked lime, gypsum or wood ashes with it. Or four bushels of seed may be stirred up with a solution consisting of one pound of copper sulphate, blue vitriol, to 4 (juorts of water, and dried as before. Or the seed may be dipped for five minutes into a bath of scald- ing water at a temperature of 185" F. 4. Ergot. — This is an unnatural enlargement of the grains of wheat, by which they are converted into a black spongy substance about twice the length of the ordinary kernel, and of a very poisonous nature. This disease, like rust and smut, results from the growth of a parasitic fungus in the wheat plant. Ergot does not usually destroy any large propor- tion of a crop, but when not attended to, may make it useless or deleterious by its poisonous properties. When observed, the grain should be sifted through sieves oufBciently small to retain the enlarged ergot grains. This should be attended to whether the grain be intended for the mill or for seed. It is said that low moist lands are more subject to ergot, and that in such lands the disease may be removed by thorough draining. This view, which seems to be confirmed by experience in this country, deserves the attention of farmers whose fields are infested by this nuisance. 259 the )ugh U'got the ;t to be [hich ptry, are 5. TJie Wheal Midge or Weevil 1ms in recent tiinog been the niost destructive of all wheat hliofhts. It is improperly called weevil ; the weevils, properly so called, being a tribe of beetles, the young of which destroy corn in gi'anaries. It is only by a careful study of the habits of a creature of this kind, that we can hope to counteract its ravages. The observations of naturalists in England, where the creature has been much longer known than in America, have proved tliat the destroyer is the larva or grub of a miiuite midge, which deposits its eggs in calm sununer evenings, on the chaff' scales, whence the little grub when hatchentain, the full grown larvjD remain in tlio cliafi' until the grain is ripe, or until they are shaken to the ground by the first violent storms of autumn. When grain is observed to be infected, it sho ild be attentively watched and cut so soon as this can be done without serious loss. In this country wheat is often left till it is too ripe ; over ripe grain being much inferior to that which is earlier cut in the quantity and quality of its flour ; and when the weevil is pi'esent there is a double gain in early cutting. It would also be advisable whenever it is possible, to reap, rather than cradle, the grain, in order to avoid shaking out the insects. The wheat should be threshed on a close barn floor which will not allow the larv{\3 to fall through, and when the grain is cleaned, all the cltaff and dust separated from it sJtotdd he hiirned, or if the chaff be saved for fodder, it should be kept dry, and none of it allowed to be mixed with the litter or thrown on the manure heap. This method costs little trouble, causes no loss, and if faithfully followed out, would grer.tly diminish if not altogether prevent the losses occasioned by the w'eevil. It is worthy of attention,even in cases where the crop is only affected to a small extent. The midge often destroys a fifth, fourth, or even a third of a crop, without exciting much attention, and it is only when almost total loss ensues that great alarm is excited ; but even these partial losses are not of small impor- tance, and by destroying the larv^aB in a season in which only a fourth of the crop is lost, we may perhaps prevent a total loss in the next season. I is true that wheu this precaution is neglected, Provi 2Hn prop, rhen |ted ; )or- in [nay I >vi (lenco, kinder to tlu^ fanner tlian lie is to liinisolf, may by some of the natural causi's already mentioned, check the increase of the as Iboui the n the irpie favor- able, it seeks the o-rowinn^ wheat for the i)Urposc of clepositin. ■J^'^ ^^.>> v!>, f 1^ V A^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^- fe <. ^^ f/. V ^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 25 iiiiii 2.0 1-4 III 1.6 "/ <^ <^: ^ el % '^ /i /y A y%^ Or Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^ <.'' ^1 i , •' \ \ ' .; , j' :i' :;! 266 insect is the want of any rational system of rotation of crops ; an«l the introduction of tliis usually arrests its ravages. Several parasitic insects prey on the larvji) of the Hessian fly and greatly diminish its numbers. ^i- ^/Ytf? ^imy W\fVli\ ^^ ^ naked catei'pillar of the cut-worm trihe, of a gray color, with black and brown bands. Their native haunts appear to be meadows ami similar phices, when^ they devour the leaves of grass, Imt in some seasons they migrate in innnense numbers to tiie grain fields and strip the grain of its leaves. When full grown they pass into the pupa state, under clods and in the L''roune l)y digging narrow and deep ditches across their path, and killing them as they accumulate in these ditches. 7. Wheat is attacked by the larvtw of many other in.sects. Those of certain little flies of the genus (JIdorops establish themselves in the stem. Other flies of the genus Oscinix, in their larv%'X state, eat the young grain. Several beetles, moths and neuropterous insects also prey on it. None of these have however been so destructive as the midges, and the habits of many of them are very imperfectly known. 8. The Oat Aphis is a little plant louse which appears in vast num])ers on wheat, oats and other grains, and often causes much alarm and inflicts some injury on the crop, though not usually to a great extent. It appeared in great abundance in Canada in 1801. Wheat, long the staple crop of Canada, has ceased to be profitable in the older provinces, partly through exhaustion of the soil, partly through the increased 207 and on It Lsed kigh sed ravages of enemios, especially the midge, but chiefly through the fall of price in the markets of the world, due to the large amounts annually produced in coun- tries newly accessible to the commerce in bread- stuffs. How much does it cost to produce a bushel of winter wheat in Canada? Let us investigate two cases. First, let the crop be fall wheat preceded by summer fallow. Then there may be one deep plough- ing, followed by fiarrowing and rolling, one gang ploughing with harrowing and rolling, one going over with the cultivator, one harrowing, one drilling in of seed wheat and timothy togetlier, followed in the spring by broad-casting clover, then harvesting and housing the crop, threshing and preparing for market. Of these operations it would be fair to charge the crop of hay that will succeed with one- half of cost of cultivating, of harrowing once, of rolling once, and of drilling in seed. It WM)uld also be fair to charge one-half year's interest of the value of land occupied, and one-fourth of wear and tear of implements to the hay crop. There remains as the cost of raising and housing the crop of one acre of fall wheat, 1st ploughing, $ti ; 2nd ploughing, SI ; two harrowings and one rolling, SI. 20 ; one-half cost of cultivating, of harrowing once, of rolling once, and of drilling in seed, SI ; of harvesting, S2.25 ; cost of seed, SI. 20; three-fourths of wear and tear of implements, say Si. 50 ; 6% of value of land, woith say S50 per acre, for one year and a half, S4.50 ; total cost in the barn, SI 5.65. The cost of preparing for market and marketing may be set ■ il m j ! * 1 ^^' II 268 cost of raising a Imsliel of wheat will bo between 48c. and 40c., say 48jc. plus the value of the nitrogen, phosplioric acid and potash removed in the grain. At the values statey wlieat. It is tluTcfore a great mistake to sup|K)se that the oat is so much less exhausting than wheat, that the farmers ran aficml to overlook this effect. The oat, however, can take nourishment from raw and uiidecomposed vegetalile matter, such as sod, peat, etc., from wliich wheat can obtain little nutriment. As in the case of wheat, silica, alkalies and phos- phoric acid are the principal ingredients of the ash. Silica and potasli are, how^ever, removed in larger (juantity than by wfieat. The oat also carries off from the soil a larger proportion of g3^psum ; hence it thrives in gypseous soils, or in sour soils which contain sulphuric acid, after they liave been limed. The (juantity of bone-earth re(|uired by the oat is, however, less than that retjuired by wheat. The above remarks show the proper place of the oat in the rotation to be that which it usually bears in the ordinary Scottish rotation, viz: the first grain crop after ploughing up the sward. It is w^ell fitted for this, not oidy by its power of extracting nutri- ment from the decaying sod, but also by its dense shade, which prevents to a great extent the growth of weeds and grasses. This last character, as well as its great demands on the soil for inorganic food, unfit it for sowing with grass seeds, or occupying the place of wheat in the rotation. It is barbarous farming to extract two successive crops of an exhausting grain like the oat from any ordinary soil, or to take a crop of oats and then let the land run out into ijrass. Nothing but dire neces- sity can excuse these practices, which are unhappily too prevalent. The manure produced from the oat straw, or its equivalent, should in all cases be restored 27i its It it of tny let jes- I oat red to the soil in the succeedinpf year, for a jifreen crop. If this be done, the soil is improved, rather thaii deteriorated. Our country is well adapted to the growth of oats, and this applies even to those parts of it in which wheat is uncertain. Oats must therefore always form a prominent object of attention to our farmers; more especially in the colder and less productive districts. Few crops re(]uire more frequent changes of seed than the oat. When cultivated for a number of years in the same soil in our climate, it aci^uires a thick outer husk at the expense of the kernel, and becomfes more liable to dust-brand. Experience has proved that the best change of seed is that imported from Scotland; and no oats are superior for this climate to the early varieties of that country. They are thin- skinned and heavy, and bear cultivation here for five or six years before they acquire the appearance and defects of run-out oats. Indeed, for two or three years after importation, they greatly improve in size and appearance, though probably not in actual value, Oats should be sown as early in the spring as the ground will admit, and be cut when the straw of the head turns yellow while the stalk below is green. From 2 to 2 1 bushels per acre will be enough of seed. The Black or Tartarian oat is chiefly recommended by its earliness. It is inferior as a mealing oat both in quantity and quality, and though in some quarters a preference is given to it as food for horses, there can be no doubt that the white is more nutritious. Much loss is also sustained in this country by the cultiva- tion of those lean, chaflfy and bearded oats, that have been run out by long cultivation, and mixed by care- lessness with better varieties. 19 p N it ■' 272 The dust brand and the grubs of the Harry-long- legs often injure the oat crop, but I am not aware that they have ever become so destructive as to call for any special attention on the part of the cultivator. The cost of raising a crop of oats may be estimated as follows: One ploughing of greensward, in autumn if possible, S2 pe^ acre ; one gang ploughing in spring, $1 ; one harrowing, 40c.; one rolling, 40c.; one drill- ing in of seed, 40c.; cost of seed, 70c.; wear and tear of implements, $1 ; interest on land, S3; cost of har- vesting, S2.25; total cost per acre, S11.15. The aver- age crop in Ontario is 85 bushels per acre; the average of 11 years on a good farm was 50 bushels and the maximum on the same farm was 70 bushels. The price per bushel for threshing anriiig; lly in Uains, Jluten [n its [oduc- m the in the rcarth liffers Rye prefers light soils, and may be mllde very use- ful in l)ringinf( in light ground unfit for the growth of wheat. It also forms a suhstitutc for wheat when the latter grain appears to ho in danger of heing destroyed hy weevil ; hut in ordinary circumstances it should not he sown on ground capahle of producing wheat, heing much inferior to tliat grain as an article of food, live straw is of little or no value as fodder; hut is excellent for thatching, collar-making, and basket-making, and makes tolerable hats. Rye may be sown later than wheat because of its greater hardiness, and should be harvested when the straw is yellow, except at the green knots. It is said that rye has occasionally suffered from the wheat fly, but sliglitly. Its worst enemy is the ergot, a fungus-like eniargement of the grain, which, like the ergot of wheat, renders it black and poisonous. When the ergot is observed, it should be carefully sifted from the grain before grinding. TIk; principal inducing cause of ergot appears to be too great mois- ture in the soil; and where this is the casi', the cul- ture of rye should not 1)0 persisted in, when the ergot is found to appear constantly or often in it. The cost of preparing an aero of land for rye is less than for wheat, both because it may be grown on lighter and more easily worked lan a ton, will therefore cost the farmi^r 4ic., .say 5c. a bushel, stacked in the barn. To this add cost of threshing and marketing, say 5c. a bushel, and value of deported nitrogen, potash and phosphoric acid, 17c. a bushel. The net value of a bushel of barley to the farmer is thus brought up to 27c. a bushel. § 5. Indian Corn. An inspection of the table, page 141, will show that maize, being very rich in oily and fatty matters, has a very high value as an article of food, especially for fattening stock. In this climate, Indian corn requires a light,jdeep_spil, and a good supply of rich manure. Gypsum should be strewed on the top of the hills or drills, both as a direct manure, and to prevent the escape of the ammonia from the manure beneath. The most convenient place of corn in the rotation is 270 as a liVLHrn crop, since the tr«uitineiit vvliich it rc(|uiro3 ami its ertects on the soil are not very vith a light plough or cultivator. Pumpkins are often planted with corn ; many good farmers, however, l)elieve that the gain in pumi)kins scarcely repays the loss in corn. This must depend r less 285 " The worm, or caterpillar, has been found a diffi- cult enemy to deal with, as it sometimes attacks the turnip (chiefly the white and Aberdeen varieties) in immense numbers, and devours them very rapidly. In England, flocks of young ducks turned into the fields have been found to destroy the grubs ; and it is likely that watering with soap-suds, lye, lime water, etc., would do something toward diminishing their numbers. " Some complain of turnips being difficult to keep; those who find them so keep them too close ; with proper management there is no difficulty in keeping any quantity. They should be put in piles in the field when first pulled, and covered with tops or straw, and a little earth. Here they will sweat a little. A dry day should be chosen to cart them to the root- house. My root-house is dug four feet deep, and then the roof pitched from the earth, and covered with seaweed and earth, well sodded over ; the floor formed of slabs and longers, raised six inches from the bottom, and divided into three divisions. It will contain about two thousand five hundred bushels of roots, and I generally fill it full, and have never lost any turnips. In the top there is a chimney, which is never shut, night or day, during the winter ; the vacancy below, and the partitions, allow all the confined air to ascend, and as it is constantly escaping through the chimney, no frost comes down. Any one who will ventilate his root-house in this way, will find the turnips as sound in June as when first put in. The situation of the root-house is a matter of importance ; it should be attached to the barn, and entered from the barn ; this will save a deal of labor in carrying the roots to the cattle during winter. Some 286 store them in their cellars, which are the worst places that can be selected, as they are generally too hot and close to preserve the turnips, too far from the barns for convenience, and the gas which escapes from them renders the air of the houses unwholesome. " The Mangel Wurzel (niayigold), is, of all green crops, the best for milch cows. It produces a large quan- tity of milk without communicating to it any disagree- able flavor, and it keeps remarkably well in winter. The mangel wurzel transplants well ; and its thinnings may be very properly used to fill up any gaps that may occur in turnip drills. It r^ciuires a somewhat stronger and deepei* soil than the turnip, and in light soils the yellow globe variety will be found moro profitable than the common long red. "The Carrot is also a most profitable and sure green crop, especially in the lighter kinds of soils, and is admirably adapted for the winter feeding of work- ing cattle and horses. " The Parsnip is well deserving of culture as a field crop. It thrives in the heavier kinds of soil, and yields a large quantity of very nutritious roots, which should be left in the ground during winter, and may be dug in early spring, at a season when little succu- lent food can be procured for stock. It would form an admirable resource in case of deficiency or loss of other roots stored in autumn. The carrot, parsnip, and mangel wurzel should be sowed as early as possible. I have even sowed them on a small scale in autumn, with success. " As has been remarked, green crops are the most costly crops that the farmer raises. Indeed, it has been asserted that they do not pay for themselves directly, that they are profitable to the farmer only r\ 287 places ot and barns from e. orreen o 3 quan- sagree- winter. innings ps that newhat in light d moro nd sure oils, and )f work- re as a [soil, and ,s, which ,nd may e succu- would iency or carrot, as early lall scale tihe most it has jmselves ler only through the manure which, when fed to live stock, they supply for other crops, and through the extirpa- tion of weeds which results from frequent tillage. The cost of raising an acre of any green crop may be stated approximately thus : One ridge and subsoil ploughing, ^3 ; two gang ploughings, $2 ; three har- rowings, S1.20 ; seed and drilling seed, $1.20 ; horse- hoeing twice, $1.60; hand-hoeing twice, $4.50; cost of hauling and spreading 15 tons of barn -yard manure, $3.75 ; cost of distributing mineral manures, 50c. ; cost of harvesting roots, $8.00 ; rent of land and wear and tear of implements, $4.00 ; total cost exclusive of value of manures, $30.25. Value of man- ures, 15 tons of barn-yard manure, containing 200 lbs. of available nitrogen, 200 lbs. of potash and 100 lbs. of phosphoric acid, of which one-half is soluble, $47.50 ; 200 lbs. of 80% muriate of pot- ash yielding 100 lbs. of potash, would cost $5 ; 200 lbs. of superphosphate yielding 20 lbs. soluble phosphoric acid $3.20 ; and 200 lbs, gyp- sum, 50c.; total value of manures, $56.20. The total cost of raising a bushel of turnips, of carrots, or of mangolds will be found by adding the cost per bushel for labor, for interest on land and for wear and tear of implements, to the cost per bushel of manures. The former cost is easily ascertained beyond the possi- bility of dispute ; but the latter cost is calculated in two ways, namely, either by charging the green crop with a certain estimated share of the total value of manures supplied, or by charging the value of the manures carried off' in the green crop. The first way is open to serious objection in that the proportion of manure left over for succeeding crops is less, the larger the green crop. It has been assumed that one-half so t I 288 the manure supplied is left behind by the green crop, and this is a just estimate when the manuring is lib- eral and the crop only average. But for large crops it is an erroneous estimate. The largest crop of tur- nips reported from the Agricultural College, Guelph, is 900 bushels per acre. Such a crop (see table,p. 141) will remove from the soil 162 pounds of nitrogen, 276 pounds of potash, and HI] pounds of phosphoric acid, while the amount supplied in manure as given above is 200 lbs. of nitrogen, 300 lbs. of potash and 120 lbs. of phosphoric acid, of which 50 lbs. is in the insoluble state. The requirements of the crop for other substances will be rather more than sufficiently met. It is evident that very little of the manure furnished is left by such a crop for the crop that is to follow. The fairest way of estimating the cost in manure of the crop is to value the ash ingredients removed by it as has been done in arithmetical exercise 185. The cost then of raising a maximum crop of turnips, 900 bushels per acre, is for labor, rent and wear and tear $30.25, divided by 900, 3'4c.,and for manure 5'2c. (see rutabagas in example 185); total cost per bushel, 8-8c. Examples. 187. The maximum crop of carrots reported from the Agricultural College, Guelph, is 900 bushels, and of mangolds is 1 ,020 bushels ; what is the cost of raising them per bushel ? 188. What would be the cost per bushel of raising the average crop in Guelph College if the ground were worked as stated in the text above, the average being 635 bushels turnips, 595 bushels carrots and 797 bushels mangolds ? 289 . crop, is Ub- cvops )f tur- luelph, p. Ul) trogcn, spboric Ls given potash lich 50 trements ler more [jry little p for the I manure removed rcise 1^5. I turnips, wear and Liire 5'2c. ir bushel, Irted from isbels, and ^e cost of I of raising ound were Irage being and 797 189. What is the cost per bushel of raising the average crop of Ontario, 420 busliels of turnips, »SH5 bushels of carrots, anout a hundred years ago. Cattle were killed at the end of summer, and salted for winter use, because the stock of hay at the farmer's command was not sufficient to keep them through the winter months. The beef these cattle gave was so poor that it took the salt badly, was hard and indi- gestible, and kept badly in the brine. Now, the cattle are not killed in the autumn more than at other 299 r of than The s per ive of id for , total I crop iduced sold at severe, ugh, as t )S, e, it IS to be much I have ston on ract, on in New 3X1 with iars ago. >d salted farmer's >ugh the i was so ^nd indi- e cattle ,t other seasons. The present modes of husbandry provide winter food for all the stock the farmer finds it conven- ient to keep. When killed, the beef or mutton is now of excellent quality ; lar^e quantities of both are for- warded, all the year through, to the southern markets ; and it can be cured for the naval service, or for any other use." It appears to me that, in the present state of our husbandry, the most important points to be considered in reference to hay crops, are, in the first place, the injurious practice of cutting hay from the same ground for a great number of years in succession ; and secondly, the best modes of promoting and ensuring the growth of clover. To these subjects, therefore, I shall devote the remainder of my remarks under this head. The skilful farmer should never forget that run-out hay land is in every respect unprofitable. It costs almost as much per acre for fencing, mowing, and raking as better ground, and yields little, and this of very inferior quality, possessing little nutritive power. In dry seasons, also, it cannot be depended on. Hence, one acre capable in a good season of yielding three tons, or two tons in a poor season, is far more valuable than six or seven that in a good season may yield, perhaps, one ton per acre, and in a poor season may fail altogether. Hay land should be sown out in good heart, and then not more than two crops should be taken, at least without some fertilizing top-dressing ; and even with top-dressing, not more than three or four. After this, if it cannot be broken up, it should be left for pasture. Circumstances may render neces- sary partial deviations from this rule ; but the prin- ciple should be considered as settled, that every 300 deviation will entail loss in the end. Every farmer, on ploughed land, can at least apply this principle to a part of his land — and the larger that part the better. In connection with this it must be remembered that good summer pasturage, independent of more direct benefits, does much to aid good winter keeping. Hay culture, without impoverishing the land, is, after all, not so difficult as may be imagined, if the produce be fed out upon the farm ; for the liquid and solid manure of the animals that consume the hay, contains nearly all that the hay took from the soil; and if saved and restored, no impoverishment results. On the other hand, the grand secret of hopelessly and rapidly impoverishing the farm and the farmer is to crop the land in hay till it will bear no more, and then let the manure go to waste, or sell off the hay. Johnston, in his Report on New Brunswick, gives the following example of a prevalent error in this respect : " I visited the farm of a most intelligent gentleman, one of the best farmers in his neighborhood, and I believe most desirous to improve; who informed me that after one dressing with mussel mud, from the sea bank not far from his farm, he had taken one crop of potatoes or turnips, one of wheat, and eight successive crops of hay; and he seemed to think that the land had used him ill in not having given him more. For the first four crops, from such an application, a British rent-paying farmer would have been thankful and content; and in taking these, he would have been thought rather hard upon his land." The timothy grass (herd's grass) usually cultivated in this country, is one of the best of grasses, in every respect. It is, however, often treated with injustice, by being allowed to remain too long before cutting. 301 xmer, pie to letter, d that direct Hay ier all, Luce be nanure nearly ^ed and e other rapidly crop the 1 let the [iston, in ollowing pect: "I man, one I believe [hat atter )ank not potatoes ve crops Land had For the British [k£ul and ^ave been jultivated \ in every injustice, :e cutting. Wliere there is a hxrge crop to be cut, and few hands, mowing should, if possible, be conniienced befoir, rather than after the flowering of the head, — which is the time when the grass contains the largest (juantity of nutritive matter. It is true, however, that few grasses will bear late cutting better than lierd's grass. Even when left to ripen its seeds, it is worth more as food than many of the light grasses of worn-out lands. The substances which this grass re(|uircs to be present in the soil are very much the same with those needed for grain crops. Its favorite ground is a moist and deep soil. Clover is a most valuable adjunct to herd's grass, especially in the lighter soils ; but the conditions necessary for its successful culture are as yet vt?ry imperfectly known in this country. The ashes of clover contain large quantities of potash, lime and gypsum. These substances must therefore be present in the soil. Clover loves a calcareous soil, and hence it is observable that in those soils which, from the vicinity of beds of lime and gypsum, are naturally rich in calcareous matter, clover thrives without any trouble. I place first, therefore, among the requisites for the successful culture of this crop, the presence of lime and gypsum in the soil. If not naturally present, they must be supplied artificially. The next requisite is a deep and dry soil. Clover sends its roots deeply into the ground, and will not thrive in shallow, wet soil. To fit it for clover, such soil should be drained and subsoiled. Thirdly, the leaves of the clover must not be destroyed by the scythe or by cattle in the autumn of the year in which it is sown. These leaves ought to be employed till the frost kills them, in pre- paring nourishment for the growth and strengthening r J 302 of the root ; and if cut early witli the grain, the plant is so enfeebled that it has little chance of standing in winter. In reaping, the wheat straw should be cut so high that the scythe or sickle shall not touch the clover leaves. This high stubble will also shelter the clover in winter. Of course no cattle or sheep should be allowed to enter the stubble fields in autumn. Fourthly, the ground should be rolled in spring, to press in the clover roots. Fifthly, after clover has been sown several times, in the ordinary course of succes- sive rotations, the land becomes "clover-sick," as it is termed, and the crops fall off. Clover-sickness is due to the attacks of a minute eel-worm, which destroys the vitality of the root and stem. Whatever adds to the vigor of the plant enables it more successfully to contend with the foe, so that manuring with wood ashes, lime composts, and urine, have been found beneficial. But, when ground has become thoroughly infected by the presence of this pest, no course seems to be open to the farmer except to abandon for some years, eight or ten, the cultivation of red clover on that spot. Neglect of these facts is the principal cause of the , two great evils complained of in this country in respect to clover, viz : the winter-killing of the roots, and the too early ripening and death of the top in summer. These losses are otten attributed to particular varieties of seed ; but they depend far more on the nature of the soil and treatment, — though of course, some unfavorable seasons occur, in which no manage- ment is altogether eflfectual ; and as the natural life of red clover does not extend beyond two or three years, it cannot be expected to remain permanently in the land. Shallow, undrained, poor soils, which do not 303 plant ng in )e cut ch the ,er the should itumu. •ing, to as been succes- as it i« s is due lestroys adds to dully to th wood n found infected IS to be lie years, [hat spot. 56 of the , intry in ; roots, le top in [articular on the ff course, manage- :al life of :ee years, bly in the do not allow the roots to become large and strong in the first year; destruction of the leaves of the first year in autumn; deficiency of lime and alkalies; and neglect of rolling, — are the principal causes of winter-killing; and the same causes, with the addition, in old farms, of clover-sickness, cause the crop to ripen prematurely. Clover, like peas and beans, is a leguminous plant, that is, it produces its seed in pods, and like all leguminous plants it appears to nourish in small callosities on its roots a form of bacterial life that in ways ill understood as yet, has the power of assimilating nitrogen from the air, rendering such plants independent of the nitrogen of the soil, and, indeed, enabling them by their growth to enrich the soil in nitrogen, rather than, as all other plants appear to do, to impoverish it. The whole subject is one that is as yet under observation and discussion, and it is impossible to speak with the definiteness that all practical men must desire ; but, perhaps, it is not premature to say, 1st, that a leguminous crop usually shows an amount of nitrogen in its nitrogenous material greater than it has taken from the soil and from the manures supplied to it ; 2ndly, that this assimilation of nitrogen is due to the growth of microdemes which feed upon the carbonaceous matters accumulated in the soil, and the growth of which is speciall / favored by leguminous plants ; 3rdly, that this is the most plausible explanation yet offered of the value of clovftr as a fertilizer for grain crops ; and, 4thly, that as a practical lesson derived from these considerations, every farmer should arrange that in turn every part of his land should be made to carry at frequent intervals, a crop of peas, of beans, of vetches, or of clover in one of its forms, red clover, white clover, alsike, etc. 81 804 V' ? The place of a crop of clover and timothy, in a rotation, is after wheat, rye, or barley, the seed, in the case of spring grains, being sown with the grain, or in the case of fall grains, the timothy may be sown with them, and the clover broadcast and lightly harrowed in on the green grain in the spring. For one or two years after the grain with which it is sown has been cut, hay may be cut, and the land pastured for a year or even longer afterward, before breaking up for oats. It is difficult to estimate the cost of a crop of hay, for two or three reasons ; first, the labour of preparing the ground must be done for the grain, even if the hay crop were not to follow ; secondly, no further labour is expended on the ground for the second crop of hay and for the pasture that may follow ; thirdly, it is not possible to state quantitatively the relation of the clover to nitrogen, as it is not believed that all the nitrogen of the clover crop is abstracted from the soil. However the hay must be charged at least with the cost of seed, and, when clover is sown in the spring upon fall grain, the cost of sowing and harrow- ing must be charged against it, then the cost of saving the hay, the rent of the land, the wear and tear of implements, and the value of the ash ingredients and nitrogen of the crop must also be charged against it. The account of the hay crop will stand something like this : seed and seeding, $5.00 ; harrowing, 40c ; mowing, making, and hauling hay, two years, $4.00 ; rent of land, two years, $6.00 ; wear and tear of implements, $2.00 ; total $17.40. The average hay crop of Ontario is Ij tons of mixed timothy and clover, three tons for two years, costing $5.80 for iiy, in a seed, in he grain, be sown I lightly ng. For ich it is the land Iter ward, ►p of hay, preparing ^en if the 10 further scond crop 7 ; thirdly, le relation 3d that all 1 from the d at least ►wn in the id harrow- he cost of ir and tear ingredients )e charged something )wing, 40c; ears, $4.00 ; ad tear of verage hay mothy and r $5.80 for SOS that $13.94 a t n L hTc^'^ "? ''"^-^ "'°^'""- *«14; •«> and clover If two L *'""°'''"« ""'■^•-''l ""'"thy year, the ^Ji^ .SueltV^'Li^T' ^''^ ',1 i| m ii II 1: ' U : i lif r ; m 1 j 1 1 .1 J.'; 1 il 1 CHAPTER XVI. Soiling and Silos. § 1. Green Fodder. Pasturing stock is not profitable employment of arable land. The amount of food which stock can find on three acres of grazing land is not equal to that which can be grown as a crop en one acre. Temporary pastures that follow hay as usually grown from timothy, and clover seed only, contain but few and haphazard species of grass, and these do not afford sufficient variety to enable the pasture to meet vicissitudes of season, especially the drouths to which in Canada we are somewhat liable. Ccmsequently such pastures cannot be depended on ; if they are made to carry as much stock as they can in rainy weather, the stock will^be apt to suflfer from insuflfi- cient food in dry weather. Besides much more of the manure of grazing animals is wasted than of stall fed animals. On the other hand, pastures and grazing animals require but little labour, while the process of growing a crop and of cutting it and dis- tributing it to animals involves much labour. Accordingly, agriculturalists have sometimes re- sorted to soiling, that is to the growing of such crops as peas and oats, oats and vetches, rye, maize, clover, lucerne, or millet, which are cut green and fed to stock in stables or in paddocks too small to provide sufficient pasture. In this way abundant food is supplied to animals at all times, their strength 307 nt of k can lal to 5 acre, crrown it few lo not o meet which ^uently y are rainy nsuffi- more Ihan o£ es and ile the d dis- les re- ii such inaize, m and Imall to mndant ltren seconds, and wil be completely frozen in 11 minutes 50 seconds more. 71 — 2 hours 31 minutes. 72-^r lb. 73—46-27". 74-75-5". 75—87267 tons. 76—18925 tons. 77—82009 tons. 78—24183 tons. 79— 3-9 grains; 25%; -76%. 80 — At a quarter past two dew begins to form, there will be no hoar frost, ♦' ^r the temperature tails no lower than to 33". 81—83-84%; 43 37%. 82-C,i3, lb.; O, i^lb. 83— Ca, 1600 lbs. ; O, 040 lbs. 84— Ca, 10 lbs. ; C, 3 lbs. ; 0, 12 lbs. * 85— C, 24 '1»8.; O, n4 lbs. 86—4; 5-5ibrt. 87— With 8 lbs. of oxygen, forming 9 lbs. of water. 88— Ca, 30 lbs. ; C, 9 lbs. ; O, 'Mi l])s. 89— CO,, 132 lbs. ; Ca, 120 lbs. 90— C, 48 lbs. ; O, 64 lbs. 91 — 14 lbs. of carbon monoxide unite with S lbs. of oxygen to form 22 lbs. carbon dioxide. 92 — Iyj oz. of O will be needed ; ^ oz. of H.^O and I/5 oz. of CO2 will be formed. 93—37-1 grains. 94— I60Z.; 14 oz.; 22 oz. 95—6-17; 98-71 ; 8637; 135-73 grains. 96—145-59 lbs. 97—819-6 lbs. 98—16; 1-1088. 99—14; -9702. 100 — (a) That two volumes of hydrogen and one of oxygen make two volumes of vapour of water; {b) that oxygen is bivalent ; (c) that the specific gravity of vapour of water is nine times that of hydrogen, and compared with air is -6237 ; {d) that water consists of two parts by weight of hydrogen united m hi h f ■ 320 with sixteen parts by weight of oxygen, or, more simply, one- ninth of the weight of water is hydrogen iftid eight-ninths is oxygen; {e) that three volumes of hydrogen and one of nitro- gen make two volumes of ammonia gas; (/") that nitrogen is trivalent; (g) that the specific gravity of ammonia is eight and a half times that of hydrogen, or, compared witli air, it is •589; that ammonia consists of three-seventeenths hydrogen and fourteen-seventeeiiths nitrogen. See pages 57, 58, 77, 80, 81 and 83. 101— U'^joz. 102—0; 8 ; 8»j ; 55'4 ; 1777^ lbs. H, 1 ; 1^ ; 6-9 ; 222| lbs. 103 — 1 volume H, 1 volume N, 3 volumes O; by weight 1 part H, 14 parts N and 48 parts O. 104—384 lbs. O; 112 lbs. N; 8 lbs. H. 105—35-5 and 2-46. 106—16. 107-4-176 oz. and -882 oz. 108—1 volume each of H and CI make one volume HCl ; 2 parts in 73 by weight are H, the rest being chlorine; 1265. lU9-36if lbs. 110—22; 1-5246. Ill— About six ten-tliousandths. 112— 27 -m; tons. 113—7-54 tons. 114—80 lbs. 115-l.»lbs. S; 32« lbs. O; U lbs. H. 116—32; 2-218. 117—2 lbs. 8 oz. ; 4 lbs. 7 oz. 118—1 lb. 11 oz.; 6 lbs. 2 oz. 119—23 oz. Na ; 8 oz. O ; 8^* grains II. 120— 4() lbs. Na ; 71 lbs. (1 ; 7 ft. 8 in. high. 121— (a) 2.,".j oz. ; (/>) 3.'.5 oz. ; {c) 3,,^., oz. ; (c/)5.,^- oz. ; {e) S\^ oz; (/)5J\, 6z.; (f/)3/, oz.; (//)2;?|oz.; {i) 2|;j oz. 122— ;«) 2K + 0=K,0; (/>) K + H,0 = H + KHO; (c)K + Cl = KCl,orK,0 + 2HCl = U,0 + 2KCl, orKHO + HCl = H20 + KCl; (d) K2O + 2HNO3- H,0 + 2KNO3 orKHO + HN03= H2O + KXO3 ; ('') K20 + H2CO3 = H20 + K2^'^3= water and potassium carbonate,or K HO + H 2CO3 = H20 + KHCO3 = water and hydro- gen potassium carbonate; (/) 1^2^ + ^2804 = 1120 -}-K2S04 = water and potassium sulphate, or KHO + H2SO4 = H20-f- KHS04 = water and hydrogen P=t issium sulphate ; {g) either K 2O + 2H 3 P04 = H20 + 2KH 2^04 = water and two molecules of mono-potassium phosphate, or KIIO + H,l*04 = H2O + KH2PO4; either K2O+ H.,P04 = H20 + K2HP04 = water and 821 iths is " nitro- (gen is J eight ir, it is drogen ,77,80, 39. eight 1 ne HCl ; . 1-265. I ; {e) ^\t i)K + Cl = ^,0 + KCl; 1= H2O + jotassium fndhydro- Ug) either klecules of 1= H,0 + vater and bi-potassium phosphate, or 2KH0 +H.PO4 = 2H20 n-KaHPO^ either 3K2O+2H3PO4=3HaO+2K8P04= three molecules o water and two molecules of ter-potassium .phosphate, or 3KHO+H3P04 = 3H20+K3P04. 123 — S^ oz. ; 9 frrains ; 56 grains. 124— 14 lbs. N; 39 lbs. K. 125— $87-92. 126 -$4-98: $4-18; $3-14; $3-:^9 ; $269. 127 $63*27. 128~(a) 829|l grs. K, 170}2 grs. O; {h) m^ jjrs. K, 285i grs. O, 17^ grs. H ; (c) 523^/, grs. K, 47(Ji^7, ^r^- <'l ; ('0 386rVj grs. K, 475AV grs. O ; ISS^^^, grs. N; (0 448^^ grs. K, mu grs. O; 183|2 grs. S; (/) 286IJ grs. K, 470fU grs. O ; 235 jV grs. S ; 7^ grs. k ; (g) 565^\ grs. K, 347 .If grs. (), SiV^ grs C ; {h) 390 grs. K, 480 grs. 0, 120 grs. C, 10 g"rs. H ; 0) 286[^ grs. K, 470} I! grs. O, 227if grs. P, 14rf grs. H ; ( j) 448,«, grs. K, 36711 grs. K, 301 ) J grs. O, grs. O, imj 178Ji grs. P,5|-5 grs. H; (k) 5511, grs. P. 129-71f lbs. Ca; 28| lbs. O. 130—71 lbs. 131—44 lbs. CO, will be absorbed; 18 lbs. H.O will be set free and evaporated ; 100 lbs. Ca(X)., will remain. J 32 1 ^-'^ lbs. 133— 60 'lbs. Mg ; 40 lbs. O. 134—10661 lb. O; 933', lb. Hi. 135—529-4 grains. 136— All tlie differences cannot be given liere; but, from the proximate analysis of wheat grain tlie ultimate analyses deduced would be (', 389-4 ; O, 370-3; 11, 546 ; N, 208 ; and of wheat straw C, 3632 ; O, 383-7 ; H, 51 4 ; iN, 3-4. 137— (a) 34795 tons; (b) 10534-8 tons; (r) 485-9 tons; (rf) 27-5 tons ; {e) 7-5 tons ; (f) 91-7 lbs. ; {g) 54 tons. i:~8 — 1-07 inches. 139 24'24 lbs. 140-7700 lbs.' of CO, ; 68 lbs. of NH3 ; 2232 lbs of H2O; 6416^ tons. 141— A little more than 187,. 142-92* lbs. 143-121 a lbs. 144— Loam. 145 — Sandy loam. 146— Loani. 147-Sand. 148 — Strong clay. 1^, M: U h 1 1 \ 1 i i m 322 149—911 lbs. per cubic foot; 3996630 lbs. per acre, one foot deep. 150—80 lbs ; 3484800 lbs. 151— 277500 lbs 152 — Orjranic matter, 194 tons; silica, 1296 tons; alumina, 114 tons ; lime, 118 tons ; magnesia, 17 tons ; oxide of iron, 122 tons ; oxide of manganese, 2 tons; potash, 4 tons ; soda, 8 tons; chlorine, 4 tons; Kulphuric acid, 4 tons; phosphoric acid, 9 tons; rarbonic acid, 80 tons. 153-102^ loads. 154— $550. 155— $456. 156— -14. 157— -16. i:)8— -473; 159— -605 ; 160 --35. 161 -800 rods. 1()2— 880 rods. I(i3~^)80 rods, 164— As in 161 426 ; -4 ; 57 : '55 : •453. •59. (( 162 (( 163 Depth, with collars without " with without with without (< 4 ft. $640 $600 $704 $660 $544 $510 'A ft. 6 in. $61600 $576-00 $677-60 $633-60 $523-60 $489-60 3 ft. $584-00 $544-00 $642-40 $598-40 $496-40 $462-40 2 ft. 6 in. $544-00 $504-00 $598-40 $554-40 $462-40 $428.40 165— $4800. 1(>6— $1022. 167- 9}2 7„. 168—2-21 7„; $99-20. 169 — In the former case he will gain 5c per acre, in the latter he will lose 10c per acre by ploughing in buckwheat. 170 -$3-70. 171— $1-48. 172— $24-50. 173— $42. 174 -$33-50. 175— $37-50. 176— $23-00. ] 77— $31-40. 178— $37-50. 179— $79-00. 180— It was worth onlv $42-25 a ton. 3ne foot iluinina, ron, 122 ,, 8 tons ; il,9tons; 323 181 -$7110. 182--$i8-90. 183-$i.2«. 184— $20. -'.'■'; nfa^ef'^SS,"' "l„?Toc' ""t^.'^f '"^v''- = ""t". '2<-- ; rye oat 'traw^^S3r'r;e''Xf \T'-f •'"' ''"^'^y «"•»»•, $2M6- straw, $4-79 ;timotiryi,ay**i'7f'.l^,i T" '■"'"'«• «'''-*2; pea .nai.e, 7ne.; g,«en r^el-5* grien .'a^al!!. r"' ' *»52; sr^n H , ^i. , (arrets, ll/c; mangolds, 9 7c. 2 ft. 6 in. $544-00 $504-00 $598-40 1554-40 $462-40 $428.40 the latter