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|«ijal |an»ii.ii| f caSfii «1 |^rls,

As Revised and Amended, July, 1881.







Royal Canadian Academy of Arts,

Whereas a society, consisting of professional aitists, has l)»>en founded in tlie Dominion of Canada by His KxceUency the liight Houourahh' the .Manjuis of Lome, Cxovernor General of Canachi, and l»y Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise, and, with tlie sanction of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, lias be<Mi »'ntitled the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts ; and whereas th«' said Society hath, by petition, ])rayed for an Act to incorporate the said Society ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition : Thercjfore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Connnons of Canada, enacts as follows :

1. The present members of the said Society, who have complied with all conditions of membership under the prestnxt constitution then?- of, and such other artists as may hereafter become Academicians and Associates pursuant to the provisions hereinafter set forth, shall l)e and are hereby incorporated and constituted a body politic and corporate by the name of tiie " Royal Canadian Academy of Arts," hereinafter called the Academy ; the objects of the said corporation shall be the encouragement of Design, as applied to Painting, Sculpture, Architec- ture, Engraving and the Industrial Arts, and the promotion and suj^wrt of Education, leading to the production of beautiful and excellent work in manufactures ; such objects to l>e attainetl by :

1st.- The institution of a National Callery at the seat of Govern- ment ;

2nd. The holdijig <)f exhibitions in the principal cities of the Dominion ;

3rd. The establishment of Schools of Art and Des'gn.

2. There shall be two orders of members of the Academy, vi/,., Academicians and Associates, all of whom shall V)e artists by profession, and either painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, or designers, who shall be British subjects or, if aliens, permanent residents in the Dominion.

3. The said Academy shall consist of not more than forty Academicians, of whom not more than ten shall l>e architects, not more



lliiiii tlirtM t'lim-iiM'is, iiiul iKil moil' ili;iii six <l<siyiii'i's, aiul of .in iiii- liiiiiu'd iiiiiiilici' of Associate's.

I. An " /vcacleniician " shall Ik; an artist l»y protVssion, and shall havo contiibuttnl to tilt; National (lalh'iy of the honiinion a pictur*', pifice of sculpture, design, or (Mi^raving ajiproved and accepted l>y the Council as a satisfactory s|)ecinien of his work in his i)articular branch of art, and shall havt^ signed the oldigation in form and manner pre- scribed by the Governor (ieneral, or as may hereafter be prescribed by the laws of the Academy, and shall have r(H;eived a diploma signed by the (lovernor (Jeneral.

5. All " Associatt! " shall l»e an artist by profession, whose election shall ))(' ap[)roved by the Governor (Jeneral, and who shall l»a\e re- ceived a diploma signed by the President of the Academy.

t). There shall be annually one general nuH-ting of tht; Academy at which the Associates may be present, but only for the purpose of taking part in the election of Academicians as hereafter provided. At such meeting the President shall declare thi Council ; and the Academy shall elect otticers and new members and conlirm new laws ; adjudge premiums to be given to students, donations to art schools and to any student who is sent abroad ; hear complaints and redress grievances ; and transact any other business n.'lativi; to the Academy of which such notice shall have been given as may be recjuired by the laws of the Academy ; sucli meeting to be held at such time and place during the holding of an annual exhibition as the President may appoint.

7. At such general annual meeting the Acadenncians and Asso- ciates shall jointly elect by ballot from amongst the Associates such members for Academicians as may have been ])reviously ordered by the Council to be elected ; and the Academicians shall also at said meeting ballot for any artist eligible as an as.sociate member of the Academy whose name has been proposed for election as such Associate, and if such person shall ol)tain a majority of votes of Academicians present at the meeting, lu; shall \m declared elected : provided that Associate Archi- tects shall \ot(^ only for the election of archite(;ts, and all other Associates shall vote in all elections except those of architects.

8. The govennnent of the Academy shall be v(!sted in a Council to be composed of the President, Vice-President and twelve Academi cians to be appointed as next hereinafte)- provided,

9. The present Council shall continue in office until the next general annual meeting, when th(; six senior members of the Council shall retire and their places be tilled by other Academicians who shall serve in rotation in the manner directed by any rule in that behalf, so that the seats in the Council may go by succession to all the Academi- cians. The six senior members of the Council shall subsequently retire by rotation yearly, and these shall not reoccupy their seats in the Council till all the rest of the Academicians have served.


10. The Pn'sidciit shall have power to assemMc rlw (iJouiu'il us ot'tcii iis he shall think it necessary.

1 1. Th«' President sliall have power to nominate ont^ of the Council to act as his deputy in the absence of the President and Vice-President.

1*2. The Pre'sident or his deputy, and no other person, shall have power to sunnnon either the Council or any general meeting. In the al)sence of the President, tlie Vice-President authorized hy hiui shall have th«' same })owers. In the event of the V^ice-President heing un- able to und(!rtake the President's functions, the President may nomin- ate another deputy.

l."i. The constitution, rules and by-laws of tiie Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, as existing at tht; time of the passing of this Act, shall be and eontniut' as the constitution, rules and by-laws of tl)e .said Academy so far as the same an? consistent with this Act and with the laws of Canada and the Provinces thereof, until the same are altered or repealed in the manner prescribed by this Act.

14. No such ruh' or by-law shall be altered or repealed, or new rule or by-law made, except at a meeting of the Council to be called foi- that purpose, of which notice shall be mailed to each member of the Council at least fourteen days before such meeting takes place.

15. The Council tor the time being shall hav(! power, at any meet- ing called for the pui'pose, to amend, repeal or add to the then existing rules and by-laws in such manner as it may be deemed expedient for the interests of the Academy in respect to the following matters :

1st. The election of new members ;

2nd. The election or appointment of Academicians or members of the Council ;

"ird. The vacating of membership owing to the absence or non- attendance of mend)ers ;

4th. Th(^ regulatioji and collection of fees payal)le by members ;

.")th. Tlie susp«'nsion or expulsion of obnoxious members ; but no expulsion to take place except upon a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present at the gen<n'al annual meeting ;

6th. The granting of premiums or donations to distressed artists who have been exhibitors at the Exhibition of the Academy, or to their widows or children ;

7th. The holding of meetings and the conduct of business thereat ;

8th. The management of the affairs of the Academy where not otherwise provided for by this Act, and all other matters necessary or expedient to carry out its objects ; provided that such new rule or by-law be not inconsistent with this Act, or with the law of the Do- minion or of any Province thereof.

U). Such new rul<^ or l)y-law, or any aiiit^ndmcut or n-pcnl of iiiiv rule or l)y-Iaw, shall only hav<' forc«^ until tho next general meeting' of the Academy, when it shall either confirmed or annulled hy the Academicians, and shall in no case conie into forcte until approved hy the (TOV«^rnor (Jeneral. All changes in existing rules or by-laws must originate? with the (>)uncil ; all business relative to the Academy, after it has been settled by the ('ouncil, shall bt^ laid iiefore the (Jovernoi (ieneral by the President ; and the President or his Deputy shall make re])ort to the (Council of the (iovernor (itaieral's ])l«'asure there(»n.

17. The Academy may sue or be sued in its corporate name.

18. It shall be lawful for the said Academy to ac(juire and hold any such rc^al or personal property as it may recjuire for actual use or occupation or to carry out the objects, of its iiuovporation.

19. It shall be lawful for the said Academy to sell, lease or othei- wise dispose of the property so actjuired under the constitution, rules and regulations and l)y-laws of the said corporation, subject to the law of the Province in which such property is situated.

20. The present President and Vice-President having Ix^en ap- pointed in the first instance V>y the (jovenior General in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty, for a term of five years terminating at tlie time of the general meeting of the Academy in the year one thousand eiglit hundred and eighty-five, shall hold oftice for that time, and their successors shall subsequently be elected annually at the annual meeting, as shall be also the Secretary, Tieasun^r and Auditor or Auditors.

21. If the Presidency or Vice-Presidency is vacated before five years shall have elapsed from the date of the ai)pointment of the first President and Vice-President, the Gov«-rnor (ieneral shall appoint to either the Presidency or the Vice-Presidency.

22. Except as hereinbefore provided, the Council shall have power to fill a vacancy in any office which may occur dui'ing the year.



The objects sought to be attained by the Royal Canadian Aeadeniy are hereby declared to be : the eneourag(nnent of Design as applied to Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Engraving and the Industrial Arts, and the promotion and support of education leading to the production of beautiful and excellent work in manufactures ; to be attained by

First. The institution of a National Gallery at the seat of Government.

Second. The holding of Exhibitions in the principal cities of the Dominion.

Third. The establishment of Schools of Art and Design.

i— 1- MjrMWffi-.;-:p-.'J :


I. 'V\w Society sliall consist of not more than forty nunnhera, who sliiill l)c culled Acadciiiicians of the Royal ('anadian Academy. (.)f tlies(! not more than ten sliall l»e Ai-cliitects. The nuniher of Acad(!- mician Engravers shall not exceed three, and tin* number of Acade- mician iJesij'ners shall not (ixceed six. At the discretion of 1 lu^ Acach'mv, the numlxir of Academic^ians may consist of a less mimliei-.

'2. Then! shall lie another Ordei- of members, who shall he called Associat(!S of tlu; lioyal Canadian .Vcademy, the number to he indefinite, with a minimum of tw(Mity. These shall he divided into Associate Painters, Associat*; Sculptors, Associate Engravers, and Associate J)(!signers.

3. The members shall be of fair moral charactisr, Artists by pro- fession. Painters, Sculptors, Archit(?cts, Enj^'ravers or J^esiguers of Ornament for Decorative or Industrial j)urp()S(!s. They shall be P>ritish subjects, or, if foreigners, they shall be permanent residents in the



4. Th(!re shall be anothen' Order of m(nnb(?rs, to be called Honorary Non-resident Academir'ans, con^^isting of distinguished artists not resident in the Dominion. They shall be presented with a Diploma signed by the President and the Secretary. The election of Honorary Non-resident Academicians shall be l>y ballot, in tlu^ manner following. Separate Nomination Books shall be kept in charge of the Secretary, in which Academicians and Associates may inscribe the name or names of non-resident artists of high repute, either painters, sculptoi-s, archi- tects, or engravers, and a separate; page shall be reserved for each such nomination, wh(!reon members of the; Academy having knowledge of the works of such artists so nominated may add their signatures in token of approval, and a recommendation for election It shall be the duty of the Council to examine such Nomination Book, when, should the Council agree in the propriety of recommending any such non- resident artists for honorary membership, a resolution to that eli'ect shall be submitted to the General Assembly at the time of the Annual


•tm! 'in




lOxhiMtioii, when, should tlu^ iiiajority of tlif (li-iu'ral AssciiiMy coiuui" l)y l»;ill()( ill tin- fcc(iiiiiiii'ii(l;iti()ii (if tilt' (/omicil, tlif election sliiill tln'ii Im- (jt'chilrd.

;■). Thcrf sli.ill l»i' an Ifouoi-ary llctin-d (Mass <»f Afadeiiiifijuis. Those Academicians who arc desirous of hcin^ admitted into such class shall si^'iiify tlieii- wish by letter uddress<'(l to the Secretary. The a|»|»licatiitii shall he considered hy the Council, and, if approved l»y tlimi, shall he l»r()ui,dit before the ( leiieral Asseiiiltly, and it' cDiilinned l»y a majority of votes, the applicant shall he admitted from the date of such election an Honorary lietired Member, 'i'hat on such election the vacancy in tin; list of AcachmiiciaTis shall bo declared (and shall be tilled uj) according,' to I'y-law Sectittii 4, Article 2, on lOlections). The rt^tii'iu<if Academician shall recei\e an hoiuirary ])eiision of per annum. Ife shall retain the title of Academician; he shall be in- vited to the pri\ate \ iew, to the varnishint^ days, id lO any social <,'atherinL,' in conuectiiMi with the K.vhibition ; luit sh;ill not lie c()nsidei'<'fl eli<^ibl(! to scT've as Visitoi- or at Councils or (Ic I'al A .seinb' ■,-.-,. The names of H'>n".^ii'y Retired Academicians shall aip'.ir in all the printed lists of nuunbers befon? the list of Actiiii; .^ cMucnii'-ians. Aca- demicians wlio may l)e on the ordinary pension list will not be pnickuh^d from beini^ candidates for tin; retired class with all its jirivi- leges. AcadtMiiicians who may b(^ on the r»!tin,'d class may apply i'or the ordinary ])ension if they re(pure it. Members of the retired list of Academicians, and who are also on tlu; ordinary Pcmsion Kund, will have no further claim on the funds of the Royal Canadian Academy.

6. Women shall be eli<.(ible for membership in the lloyal Canadian Academy, l)ut shall not be required to attend business meetin<,'s, nor will their names be placed upon the list of rotation for the Council.


There shall be an Honorary Secretary of Foreign Correspondence ; there shall be a Professorship of Ancient History ; th(.'re shall be a Professorship of Ancient Literature ; there shall be an Anti(iuary ; men of distinguished reputation, eligible for whatever term of years the Council may appoint.

There shall be a third Order of Members, who shall be called Hon- orary Members, men who take an interest in Art and in the industrial



progress of the country, to be nominated by the President subject to the approval of the Council.

Honorary Members shall be invited to support the Academy by subscribing not les than one dollar per T,nnum, and the Secretary shall acknowledge receipt of subscription by a card, such card to be presented at the Annual Re-union in proof of membership.



1. The Government of the Academy is vested in the President, Vice-President, Council and the General Assembly.

2. The President shall hold office for five years.

3. The Vice-President shall hold office for five years.

4. The President shall have power to assemble the Council p,s often as he shall think it iiecessary, and the General Assembly at the time of the Annual Exhibition, but shall have no vote in either unless the sufirages are equal, in which case he shall have a casting vote.

5. The President shall have power to nominate one of the Council to act as Chairman in the absence of the President and Vice-President.

6. The President or his Deputy, and no other person, shall have power to summon either the Council or General Assembly. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President authorized by him shall have the same powers. In the event of the Vice-President being un- able to undertake the President's functions, the President may nominate another Deputy.

7. The Council shall consist of twelve Academicians and the Pre- sident and Vice-President, who shall have the entire direction and management of all the business of the Society which may not be dele- gated to nor assumed by committees of the general body.

8. The Council is in no respect whatsoever subordinate to the General Assembly,

9. The seats in the Council shall go by succession to all the Acade- micians. The six senior members of the Council shall go out by rotation every year, and these shall not re-occupy their seats in the Council till all the rest of the Academicians have served.



10. The newly eksctod Academicians ha vino; received their Diplomas,, shall be placed at the top of the list and serve in the succeeding Council.

11. Whenever an Academician shall from any cause decline to be a member of the Council in regular rotation, his name shall be passed over and his claim to a seat in it forfeited till it shall again appear in regular rotation, except in the case of any member being abroad at the time wh(;n his name would a})pear in rotation of service in the Council ; his name shall then be omitted for that year only, and shall stand on the rota for service the year next ensuing his return.

12. If any member of the Council shall have failed to attend in his place for six successive meetings, such member shall be considered as having vacated his seat in the Council, and the seat so vacated shall be filled according to the provisions of the following law, unh^ss such absence, for sufficient reasons assigned, shall be sanctioned by the Council.

1.3. When the seat of a member of Council shall have become V8„cant within the first yt^ar of the period of his service by death, resig- nation, or otherwise, the rights and duties attached to it shall inniie- diately devolve on the Treasurer fgr the residue of the said year. The vacant seat for the second year shall be declared by the President at the Annual General Meeting ; and after the usual nomination of persons to serve by rotation in the ensuing Council, a member shall b3 appointed l)y ballot from amongst all the Academicians, except those who serve by rotation the succeeding year, to supply the vacancy so declared. When the seat of a member of Council shall have become vacant within the second year of thc^ period of his service, the residue of the said second year shall be sup})licd according to the regulation before applied to the residue of the first year.

14. The lists of rotation shall be printed annually, and the name or names of nvw members, if any, shall be placed at the liead of the list of the junior members of the Council according to the order of election of Academicians. The President and the Vice-President being always of the Council, their names are to be omitted in such list of rotation, provided always, that it shall be in the power of the Pre- sident to direct that, in preparing the lists of rotation, Academicians, not exceeding three in number, residing in the city where the next Amiual Exhibition is to be held, may be substituted for a similar




number residing at a distance, whose term of service in the Counei sliall be postponed until the Exhibition visits their locality. .

15. The Council shall meet as often as the business of the Academy requires it. The meeting of four meml)ei-s of the Council, including the President or his Deputy, shall be deemed a quorum. It is also pro- vided that on the requisition of seven members of the Council, not more than four of whom shall l)e residents of the same locality, V)eing handed to the President or the Vice-President, or the President's De])uty, asking for a special meeting, it shall be the duty of such othcer to summon such meeting, the object of which shall be distinctly specified in the requisition and summons.

16. In the absence of the Pn^sident or his Deputy, it shall be in the power of four in the Council to nominate a Chairman for that meeting and proceed to business.

17. The Council shall confirm all m)\v laws, but they shall have no force till ratified by the consent of the General Assembly, and the ap- probation of the Governor-General.

18. All officers and servants of the Academy shall hv, subservient to the Council.

19. The Council shall have power to reform all abuses, to censure those officers who are deficient in tlu'ir duty, and with the consent of the general body, and the Governor-General's permission first obtained for that purpose, to suspend or entirely remove from their employment those who shall be found guilty of any great offence.

20. No correspondence whatever connected with the business of the Royal Canadian Academy shall be carried on without the concurrence of the Council, the routine liusiness of Dei)artments excepted.

21. All business relative to the Royal Cauaflian Academy, after it has 'been settled by the Council in the usual form, shall be laid before the Governor-General Ijy the President, antl the? President or his Deputy shall make report to the Council of the Governor-General's, pleasure thereon.

22. There shall be annually one General Meeting to declare the Council; elect Auditor or Auditors, a Secretary, and Treasurer; to confirm new laws ; to adjudge premiums to be given to students, donations to

gf^^^^HP'Mf'.' " tji'"'"



Art Schools, and to any student who is to be sent abroad ; to hear com- plaints and redress grievances ; and transact any other business relative to the Society.

23. Ten of the General Assembly, including the President or his Deputy, shall be deemed a full meeting.

24. In the absence of the President or his Deputy, it shall be within the power of ten of the Assembly to nominate a Chairman for that meeting, and proceed to business.

25. If at the General Assembly of the Academicians five members object to any law made in the Council for the government of the Society, they shall deliver their objections in writing, signed with their respective names; which done, the law objected to shall be referred to the Council to be reconsidered.

26. No motion or proposition shall be entertained at a meeting of General Assembly, of which notice has not been given in writing to the President two months previous to such meeting; such notice to be signed by the member proposing it ; and the President shall on receipt of such motion inform the members of the terms thereof.

27. If any member shall become obnoxious to the Royal Canadian Academy by improper conduct, he may be reprimanded, suspended, or expelled by the majority of a General Assembly of Academicians, to be decided by ballot, and subject to the Governor-General's pleasure.

28. If any Academician or Associate shall have wholly neglected, during a period of three years, to communicate personally or by letter with the Secretary, so as to afford the means of authentic information as to his existence and place of residence, he shall be considered as having ceased to be a member of the Royal Canadian Academy, and his place shall be declared vacant accordingly.




1 The officers of the Society shall in the first instance be nonii- naterl by the Governor-General, and shall subsequently be elected as

follows :

,1 '

At the expiration of five years from the date of appointment, the President and Vice-President who shall have been nominated by the Governor-General shall vacate their offices, and the General Assembly shall elect them or others to fill the offices of President and Vice-Presi- dent, for such term as shall then seem best, and subject to the approval of the Governor-General.

If the Presidency or Vice-Presidency is vacated before five years have elapsed from the date of the appointment of the first President and Vice-President, the Governor-General shall appoint to either the Presidency or the Vice-Presidency.


2. There shall be a Secretary of the Royal Canadian Academy an- nually elected by ballot from amongst the Academicians or Associates and approved of by the Governor-General. His business shall be to keep the minutes of the Council and General Assembly, to write letters, send summonses, attend during the arrangement of the Exhibition, make out the Catalogues, etc. He shall have the direction of the ser vants of the Academy, keep the accounts, and be responsible to the Treasurer and the Council for the same. He shall have no vote either in the Council or the General Assembly. All sunnnonses to meetings of the Council shall be sent by registered letter ; and in order to reach all parts of the Dominion in which members may reside, the time elapsing between date of despatch of such registered letter and holding of such meeting shall be at least fourteen days.


3. There shall be a Treasurer of the Royal Canadian Academy, who




shall be in the first instance appointed by the Governor-General from amongst the Academicians, and shall bo thereafter annually elected at the General Assembly.

His business shall bo to receive all moneys accruing to the Academy to pay its expenses. He shall be summoned to all meetings of the Council by right of his office, and have the liberty of giving his opinion in all debates, but shall have no vote except he is of the Council for the time being. He shall once in every (quarter lay a statement of his accounts bcfon^ the Auditor or Auditors and Council.

4. All sums of money which shall hereafter be received by the Trea- surer on account of the Royal Canadian Academy, shall be immediately paid by him into a bank appointed by the Council.

5. In every year, as early as practicable, the Treasurer shall deliver in an account of the whole receipts and disbursements of the foregoing year fairly written and arranged under definite heads, when the quar- terly bills, with their a1»stx'act and the annual account, have passed the Council and been approved of by the auditor or auditors ; the general book of accounts, with their original bills, voucher and receipts for pay- ment, shall be kept wherever President and Council may determine.

6. The Treasurer shall not be at liberty to dispose of any money- remaining in his hands without the order and direction of the Council-

7. There shall l)e an Auditor or Auditors of the accounts of the Royal Canadian Academy, who shall be chosen annually by ballot.

8. He or they shall examine the Treasurer's quarterly and annual accounts, and report upon and certify the same to the Council. He or they shall inspect the bank book and specify the balance of cash remain- ing in the Treasurer's hands at the time of passing his accounts. He or they shall prepare the Abstract of the Treasurer's Financial State- ment, to be printed and distributed to every member previous to the annual meeting of the General Assembly. '

9. In the event of the demise or resignation of the Auditor or Auditors, it shall be in the power of the Council to appoint another or others to officiate for the remainder of the year.

Mii-j^ to^iuinii^t.'iiti.-i^^iauSik.:.




10. The Professorships of the Royal Canadian Academy shall be limited to a period of five years, the Professors being eligible for re- election.

11. There shall be a Professorship of Painting.

12. There shall be a Professorship of Sculpture.

13. There shall be a Professorship of Architecture.

14. These three Professors of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture shall be elected from among the Academicians.

15. There shall be a Professor of Anatom;y% who shall V)e elected from amonjjst the most eminent men in that l)rancli of science.

IG. There shall be a Professor of Chemistry, who shall be electiKl from amongst the most eminent men in that branch of science.


Any vacancy occurring may be filled for the remainder of the year n which it occurs by the will of the Council.





1. All vacancies of Academicians shall be filled up by election from amongst the Associates. The voting at elections shall be by ballot, but when the elector is necessarily absent, he may vote by send- ing a signed voting paper to the Secretary.

2. The elections of Academicians shall take place at the time of the Annual Exhibition.

3. The Associates shall be entitled to vote as follows at all elections of Academicians. Associate Architects shall vote only for the election of Architects : all other Associates shall vote for all elections, except those of Architects, but Academicians only shall elect Associates.

4. The Secretary shall give two months' notice of election of an Academician to each Academician and Associate, in writins, enclosing a list of the Associates ; but the omission of this by neglect or otherwise shall not impede the election.

5. When more than one vacancy of an Academician is to be filled up, separate votes shall be taken for each, and the vacancies filled up as they appear on the list.

6. No Academician elect shall receive his Diploma until he has deposited in the National Art Gallery at Ottawa (to remain there) a picture, piece of sculpture (marble, or bronze, or other metal), engrav- ing, or other specimen of his abilities in the walk of art which he professes, approved of by the Council of the Royal Canadian Academy ; which specimen of his abilities shall be presented for the consideration of the Council within a period of six months after his election, in failure of which his election shall become void, unless such an apology be made by him for the omission as may be deemed sufficient by the Council. Every work of art and design deposited in the Canadian National


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Gallery by each Academician elect shall be submitted to public inspec- tion in the Exhibition of the Royal Canadian Academy next ensuing, and shall be described as such Diploma work in the Catalogue.

7. Every Engraver, on being elected an Academician, shall deposit in the National Gallery a proof impression of one of his works subject to the approval of Council. He shall also be recjuired to deposit in the National Gallery a proof impression of each of his works executed subsequently to his election as an Academician Engraver.

8. Diploma works in the National Gallery being the pro])erty of the country, may not be removed from the National Gallery without the sanction of the Council and Governor-Gen(>ral first obtained, and in the case of a contributor of a Diploma work desiring its temporary loan, a work by the same artist of at least e(jual value, to be a{)proved by the Council, must, previous to its removal, be deposited in the National Gallery, forming the only admissible guarantee for the safe return of the original work.


9. Associates shall be Artists of high attainments in their several Professions, that is, Painters, Sculptors, Architects, Engravers, and Designers, and shall be elected by the Academicians at the General Assembly from a list of candidates to be nominated as follows : '

10. Each Academician and Associate shall have the privilege of nominating candidates for the Degree of Associate, by inscribing the name or names of the proposed candidates in a Notice of Nomination to be sent to the Secretary of the Academy. The Christian name and surname, the department of Art or Design practised, together with the residence of each candidate, must be written in full and signed by the proposer.

11. The list of nominations shall be closed one month before the opening of the Annual Exhibition, when the Secretary shall make out a certified list of such candidates arranged alpliabetically and in classes. A list shall be printed and forwarded to each Academician in the notice convening the General Meeting.

N.B. No name shall be printed in that list unless seconded by another member, for whose signature space shall be provided.




12. Such iK)niinatinii onoo ontored in the hook, shall require no r(*]»otitioii, l>ut the ('ouiicil shall have autho»-ity to cliniinate from the Annual Printed List tlir names of caiulidati^s, who, from death or other sullieient reason, may no lonijer l)e elii^nhle.

l.'i. if on any election of an Academician or Associate there shall ai)|)ear thre(! or mon; candidat(!S who have an equal number of suf- fra;f(;s, a hallot shall be taken of the members present to reduce them to two, previous to the second ballot.

14. No election of an Associate shall be d(M'm(!d valid until he lias received his Dij)lonia, si«,'ne(l by th<' Presid«nit and t^ecretary.

IT). Whoever shall be elected an Associate and shall not take u}) his Diploma within one year from his election, will be considered as declin- ing to become a mendxa- of the Academy, unless there shall be such an apology made for the omission as shall l)e deemed sutiicient by the Council. '


10. All elections of members or otticers shall be by ballot of the members pn^sent, and by the voting [)apers received by the Secretary, a,nd shall be decided by the majority of the votes given by both methods.

17. All elections of Academicians and officers must have the sanction of the Governor-General's approval. .,






1. Th(^ funds of the Royal Canadian Aeadciny arise from sul>- scrijttions, [)rofits of Annual Exhibitions of Works of Art, from legacies, donations, and from any moncjy which the Academy may invest in tlu^ Puhlic Funds.

2. No part of such funds shall be applicable to any purposes but those of the Institution.

3. There sliall be an annual subscription paid by each Academician of $10, and by each Associate of $5, the first payment to be made before the issue of Diploma, and subsequent payments upon the first day of January in each and every year. Memb(!rs in arrears shall not be allowed to vote at any meeting or at elections.

4. The Council shall direct all purchases of Stock Funds.


5. All moneys which have been or may hereafter be laid out in tho purchase of stock shall be vested in the name of four Trustees, who shall be the President, Secretary and Treasurer for the time being, and one other member of the Royal Canadian Academy to be chos(jn by the Council, and the Council shall direct the Treasurer or any other Trustees to receive the dividends as they become duo.

6. Whenever any one of the said Trustees dies or desires to be dis- charged from, or refuses, or becomes, in the opinion of the Council, unfit or incapable to act in reference to the trusts nsposed in him, the Council shall immediately appoint some other person in his place. And upon such new appointment all the trust property (stocks or other trust property) vested in the surviving or continuing Trustees or in the heir, executor or administrator, of any Trustee who may have died, or \\ ho may refuse or be unfit to act, shall with all convenient speed be assigned to the new Trustee jointly with the surviving or continuing Trustees, and such new Trustee, together with the surviving or continuing Trustees, shall have the same power and liabilities as if originally nominated ; such new Trustee shall, upon such assignment being made, execute a declaration of Trust in reference to the trust property (stock or other trust property) in favor of the Roya^ Canadian Academy, to be deposited as aforesaid.





1. The Secretary's Salary shall bo determined by the Council.

2. Members of Council shall, if the Funds of the Academy permit of it, receive three cjjnts travelling allowance per mile going and re- turning, in payment of expenses of travelling upon business of the Academy, if the distance to be travelled exceeds five miles.

3. Each member of Committee for arranging the Works of Art in- tended for the Exhibition shall be paid five dollars for each day of his attendance. The number of days during which the services of such Committee is required to be determined by the President or by his Deputy.


Any servants engaged shall be paid by directions of the President or his Deputy.


The accounts shall be submitted annually by the Treasurer, at the time of the Exhibition, to the General Meeting.


1. A sum not exceeding one half of the net profits of the year from any source shall be set apart to form a Pension Fund.

2. Any Academician or Associate who shall omit exhibiting in the Royal Canadian Academy for two successive years shall have no claims on the Pension Fund under the above Regulation, unless he can give satisfactory proof to the President and Council that such omission was occasioned by illness, or any other cause which they shall think reasonable excuse. This limitation not to extend to Sculptors, who are to be allowed three years, nor to Academicians or Associates who have attained the age of 60 years.



3. Any Atwlcniiciaii or Associat*^ witlulrawiii^' from prof«'.ssional occupation as an Artist shall c«'asc to hv a inctiilM-r of the Uoyal Oaiia- (lian Acadi^iny. In tlw ahscnci' of other evich-iK^c, the omission to exhibit at th(! A(ra(h!niy l'2xhihition for Hve consecutiv*^ years shall ho deemed sulKciout j)roof.

4. Any p(!nsion shall not precludes any Aciadeinician, Associate, or their widows, in cases of particular distress arising; from youn^' children or other caus(;s, from receiving' such temporary relief as may appear to the Council to l)e necessary or prop«.r to be ^'rant«Hl ; hut it is to bo strictly understood that the Pension Fund shall on no account be con- sidered as liable to claims to relieve such dilHculties. All sums paid on account of claims of such a natun; shall be carried to the curri>nt exp(!ns(\s of the year.





1. No sum exceeding fifty dollars shall be granted by the Council within the term of one; year in aid of any Royal Canadian Academician, Associate, or other person whatever, without the ratification of the General Assembly, and the sanction of the Governor-General.

2. Every Academician shall have the privilege of recommending proper objects, being artists, their widows or children, for a charitable donation.

3. No petitions can be entertained unless from petitioners who have been exhibitois, their children or widows.




1. There shall be an Annual Exliibition of Paintings, Sculi)tures, Engravings and Designs, in which all Artists of distinguished merit shall be permitted to exhibit their works. It shall continue open to the public for a term which shall be at the discretion of the Council, and be under the regulations expressed in the By-laws of the Society.

2. No copy, with the exception of Paintings in Enamel and En- gravings which have not been elsewhere publicly exhibited, shall be admitted into the Exhibition.

3. No needlework, artificial flowers, cut paper, shellwork, models in colored wax, or any such performances, shall be admitted into the Exhibition of the Royal Canadian Academy.

4. No work of Art which has been publicly exhibited in the city in which the Exhibition for the year is held, shall be admitted.

5. Not more than ten pictures shall be received from each Acade- mician or Associate, to be hung for sale in the Exhibition : and not more than four pictures shall be exhibited for any Artist who is not a member of the Royal Canadian Academy. All works marked for sale in the Catalogue must be the work of the exhibitor, and the property

of the exhibitor.


6. No picture shall be received without a gilt frame.

7. No work intended for exhibition shall be received after the time limited for the reception has expired.

8. Descriptions of works sent for the Exhibition to be as short as possible, and all unnecessary quotations to be condensed at the dis- cretion of the Council.

9. As soon as the time limited for - mding to the Royal Canadian Academy works of Art for exhibit^jn is expired, the Committee of

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Arrangement shall attend immediately to receive or reject the same, which they have full power and authority to do.

10. The arrangement or disposition of the Paintings, Sculptures, Models, Designs, &c., for public view shall be entirely left to the Council or to a Committee appointed by them.

11. A Committee consisting of four Academicians shall be chosen out of the Members of Council for the arrangements of the Exhibition. The President or his Deputy shall be an additional member of the Committee of Arrangement.

12. A list of the members of the Koyal Canadian Academy shall be printed and inserted in the Catalogue after the title page.

13. Title^i from foreign academies or princes shall be exhibited only in an index at the end of the Catalogue.

14. No application for changing the situation of any work of art, after the Committee have finished the arrangement and the members are admitted to view the Exhibition, can be attended to or permitted.

15. One day or more, at the discreition of the Council, shall be allowed to all exhibitors in the Exhibition of the Royal Canadian Academy for the purpose of varnishing or painting on their pictures in the places which have been allotted to them previous to the day appointed for the private view, but no member of the Academy or of the Council shall on any pretence whatever be permitted to paint upon or varnish his picture from the period appointed for receiving the works of exhibitors to the day of opening the Exhibition to the public, except upon the days appointed as above by the Council for that purpose accidents to works of art arising within the walls of the Royal Cana- dian Academy excepted.

16. No person can be admitted into the rooms before the Exhibition opens, the Council and necessary servants excepted.

17. No member of Council shall communicate with any member of the Academy or other artists on the situation of their works during the time of arrangement for exhibition, without the consent of a majority of the Council. All servants of the Academy, and other persons employed in tht^ arrangement of the Exhibition, are strictly prohibited from giving information to any artist or person whatever respecting.




the situation in which their works may be placed, and warning of such prohibition shall be given by the President previous to proceeding with the examination of works offered for exhibition.

18. Works sent for exhibition being a trust reposed in the Royal Canadian Academy, no permission to copy them during the term of exliibition shall on any account be granted.

19. Exhibitors shall have full admittance to the Exhibition.


20. There shall be a Loan Exhibition which shall form part of the Annual Exhibition, and it shall be in the discretion of the Council to place loan exhibits among those which are for sale.

21. The Exhibitions of the Royal Canadian Academy shall be held every year in a different city of the Dominion.

22. For the present Ottawa, Halifax, St. John, Quebec, Toronto and Montreal shall be the cities selected for the Exhibitions, if possible in the order named.




There shall be an Annual Evening Assembly in the Rooms of the Exhibition on some evening to be determined by the Committee of Arrangements ; and Academicians, Associates and Honorary Members with their amilies shall be admitted. Honorary members will be askei

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