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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmte A des taux de rMuction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clich6. il est filmi A partir de I'angle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 tSM-998 lZ-0^^ C8 30 ^ET. ^ \ W.*^. [Reprinted from the Canadian Record op Scibncb, January, 1889.] I Note on Balanus Hameri in the Pleistocene at Riviere Beaudette, and on the Occurrence OF Peculiar Varieties of Mya arenaria and M. truncata in the Modern Sea and in the Pleistocene. By Sir William Dawson, LL.D., F.R.S. (1.) Balanus Ham&n. The fine species of Balanus above named, which is still living in somewhat deep water on our coasts, was first de. scribed as a Pleistocene fossil of Canada by Sir C. Lyell in his paper on " Fossils and Recent Shells collected by Capt. Bayfield." • Bayfield found it in the Pleistocene at Beau- port, near Quebec. It was subsequently found by me in the Pleistocene at Riviere du Loup, St. Nicholas, and Mont- real.' From the loose attachment of its radial plates, it is ' Philoe. Trans. 1859. " " Notes on Post Pliocene of Canada." Canad. Nat. 1872- I * I 1 • t ' B J • • ••• . • . . • . . • '. • • • 288 Canadian Record of Science. usually found in fragments, but entire specimens occur attached to stones and boulders at R. du Loup. B. Hameri is at present extensively distributed as a living species in the North Atlantic and the Arctic Sea. I have specimens collected by Mr. A. Bovvnes of Halifax, Nova Scotia, in a living state, near Halifax harbour. As a Pleis- tocene fossil, it occurs at Uddevalla in Sweden, and Avas named by Linnaeus Balanus Uddevalensis. The name B. Hanieri, given by Ascanius in 1767, is that now recog- nized. It has also been found in Pleistocene clays in Green- land (Spengler), and in the Pleistocene of Russia (Murchison) . The specimens new under consideration are interesting, as being found farther west than previously ; River Beau- dette being on the line of the Grand Trunk Railway, 34 miles west of Montreal, and the locality being near its en- trance into Lake St. Francis. They are also interesting from their remarkable perfection and the large masses which they form, some of which contain as many as a dozen individuals attached to each other. The specimens were collected by Mi*. A. W. McNown, of Riviere Beaudette, and by Mr. Stanton, C E., of Lancaster, antl much credit is due to these gentlemen for their care in collecting and preserv- ing these interesting fossils. The animals seem to have been covered, when living, with an irruption of sand, for the opercular valves of many of them are still in place, and owing to a slight infiltration of calcareous matter, the radial plates and opercular valves have been cemented together, which accounts for their per- fect preservation. It is to be observed, however, that the shells of Balani are composed of a remarkably dense and in- destructible calcium carbonate, much less perishable than the shells of most moUusks. The original attachments of the animals, so far as ob- served, have been on pebbles on the sui'face of clay, and as these afforded s])ace only for one or two individuals, the young were obliged to attach themselves to the old in suc- cessive generations, forming most grotesque groups, which still remain entire. • • ,•• • • •-• •ir^-. • ! '. .* ••• 0 ••• • •••• • « . • • > • « « • - • • • • • • * •* * • • • • • • •, • • • •• • • • • .*. • • . . Note on Balanus Hameri. 289 In the nai/ie deposits were found ehcWe of Saxicava Arctica. Tellina (Macoma) Groenlandica and Mya arenaria of a small variety. These shells would indicate cold and not very deep WMter; and although B. Hameri is at present a deep-water species, it is probable that in cold water it lives, like some other species, nearer tlio surface than in the warmer seas. The specimens were found in an excavation near the rail- way, and so far as appears from the descriptions, in beds which belong to the top of the Leda clay and base of the Saxicava sand, a position which is usually the most produc- tive part of our Pleistocene deposits in fossil shells. From a note and sketch kindly furnished to me by Mr. Stanton, it appears that ihe shells occur about 27 feet below the surface, and about 11 feet above the level of Lake St. Francis. The containing beds are clay and sand, and above these are altei-nations of clay, sand and gravel, the top being gravel, with boulders immediately under the surface soil. The position of the shells would thus appear to be in what I have called the Upper Leda clay, or the base of the Saxicava Hand, and under the newer gravel and boulder deposit which otten caps the latter. (2.) Species of Mya, and Varietal Forms. In my Notes on the Post Pliocene of Canada,* I have re- marked on the small size, peculiar forms and comparative rarity of Mya arenaria in the Pleistocene, as compared with the modern Gulf and River St. Lawrence, and on the abun- dance of Mya trv.ncata, and especially of the short variety (M. Uddevalensie), while Mya truncata is comparatively rare in the modern waters of our coast, and the short variety especially so. 1 had last summer an opportunity at Little Metis to see both species and their ditlerent varieties living together in such a manner as to illustrate better the causes of the ditference of the Pleistocene forms. At the head of Little Metis Bay, where the water is shal- ' Canadian Naturalist, 1872. 290 Canadian Record of Science. low and warm, and tho bottom is i-oft mud and sand, a large variety o£ Mya arenaria is very plentiful in the flats bare at low tide; so much so that the place is resorted to by fishermen from localities lower on tho coast for bait. It sometimes attains the length of 4^ inches, and has a tliick, dense shell, without perceptible epidermis, and often with radiating bands. So far as I am aware, neither Mya trun- cata nor the peculiar variety of M. arenaria referred to below, occurs on this part of the coast. I have not infrequently dredged Mya truneata, usually the long variety, but sometimes the short Uddevalensis variety, in deep water outside the bay, but have not seen it above low-water mark, though it occurs not far from this line ; and, .:i the opposite side of tho Kiver St. Lawrence, I have found it at Tadoussac, where the water is still colder, close to low-water mark. I was not aware that Mya are- naria occurred on the comparatively steep and stony shore outside the bay, and it is certainly not found there inside of the low-water limit. Last summer, however, after a heavy easterly gale, great numbers of! Mya arenaria, in a living state, and a liew speci- mens of M. truneata, were thrown up on the beach, and must have been derived from the mud disturbed by the breakers at no groat distance outf>ide of low-water mark, or on a slight bank a little further seaward. These shells were all of small or moderate size, somewhat round and flat in form, much wrinkled and covered with a thick brown epidermis which extended a little way beyond the posterior end of the shell, which was, however, rounded and not truncated, and destitute of the corneous tube of M. truneata. Still, many of the specimens might, at first sight have been mistaken for M. truneata, with the tube partly broken oft*. This enabled me, for the first time, to understand the remark of Fabricius, that in Greenland the two species are so similar, that but for the hinge and the tube they might be confounded. With these were thrown up specimens of M. truneata, which must have lived with the othei-s, the inner limit of M. truneata probably overlap- Note on Balanus Hameri. 291 ping the outer limit of M. armaria. The short or Uddevalen- sis variety of truncata was, hov;ever, very rare, only a few shells in a perfectly recent state having been found, and they probably lived in somewhat deeper and colder water than the others. The water, I may add, on this coast is so far affected by the Arctic current as to be quite cold, except near the shore and in shallow bays, and the species dredged in 10 to 15 fathoms are, in general, similar to those of the Labrador coast, belonging rather to the boreal than to the Acadian fauna. With the Myas were cast up shells of Solen ensis, var. Americanus of Carpenter, and of Machaera Costata, the latter sometimes of large size, though it is more abundant in the warmer water at the head of the bay, where Purpura Lapillus, a rare shell on this coast, also occurs on the reefs. It is evident that though there is no passage from one species into the other, the long vai'iety of Mya truncata represents the extreme limit of modification of that species for a shallow and warm-water habitat, while the small epi- dermis-clad variety of M. arenaria represents its extreme modification for deeper and colder water than usual ; and along the coast at Metis these two varieties meet. The coldness of the Pleistocene seas thus explains the occurrence, in the Upper Leda clay, of the peculiar small and epidermis-clad variety of M. arenario and of the short form of Mya truncata. The conditions in the colder parts of the River St. Lawrence approach in these respects to those of the Pleistocene, though they are no doubt more fully realized in the Arctic seas. As I have remarked in my notes on the Post Pliocene, the brown wrinkled epidermis-clad variety of M. armaria occurs plentifully along with M. Uddevalensis in the Upper Leda clay at Riviere du Loup. From the accounts of Arctic collectors from Fabricius downwards, it would appear that in Greenland, as in Pleis- tocene Canada, M. truncata is very abundant, and occurs at low water in the sands, as M. armaria does farther south. It would seem also that it forms a large part of the food of il •P^wsv 292 Canadian Becord of Science. „.e wa,ru. and other animals and ■^X'S o^ ^'^1^: habitantB. It alBO We«™ «f J »™»^J i/oreenland naria, with bmwn ep.dmm.», is ""^, """""''"howove.-, more and oecu,B with Mya '