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Les diagrammes sulvants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ni'h I SYNOPSIS OF THE FLORA lit IIIK VALLKV of the ST. LAWRENCE AND CRl'AT LAKES, W rm DKSCKIITIONS ijF TUt KAKKK I'I.ANTS. UY .HtllN MACnL.V, M.A., l:'iliini.-on). Slississagui antl l>nunmonec (Bnniet). P. ]mra(loxa, Ntitt. Indigenous. Lake slioveR. Burlini,'ton Bay, T/ike Ontario (.1. M. Buclian). P. (.'anadrnsis. \.. Connnon ('iiu|UP-f'«)il. Indigenous. Dry soil. New Brunswick (J. F. Mathews). Vicinity of Quebec ; St. Hyacinthe (Brunet). Connnon in Kastern Ontario (Billings). .Montreal Island (Dr. Holmes). Connnuii in ('entral Canada (Mac(mn). Com- mon in Western (Mitario (L«igie. Saunders, KUis, fJihson). Biver du Loup (Dr. Tlioma.'*). Plains of the Saskatchewan (B»mrgeau). P. CaiiadtMisis, Ij. Var. simplex, Toir. &, Gray. Indigenous. Moister soil than the last. North shore of lijike SuiHjrior (Agassi/l. P. arp;ontoa. I. Silvery Cinque-foil. Indigenous. Dry harren lields. New Brunswick (Dr. Fowler). Sea shore, Tliver ilu Louji (Dr. Thomas). Toronto (Prof. KUis). Col borne • fields near Picton, Prince Kdward County ; near Kingston (Macoun). P. PeniLsvlvanita, I^. Indigenous. Dry gravelly soil. St. Croix; Iliver du Loup (Brunet). St. Itoche lies Autruts, (Quebec* (Maclagan). Lake Superior (Prof. Ellis). Oak SYNOPSIS OP TIIR FLORA OF TFfK I'oint to Kdinonton ami wtstwaid i> tlic l.'utky Mniintiuns (Macoun). Sa«- ktttcliuwau Plains (Itourgeau). Thnnigh iJiitisli America to KotzuJiUu's Somul (Torr. iV«!ray). P. armita, Pui-sli. Fiidigenous. Uocky ami gravelly hills. New HruiiHwick (MatliewH). r)t'vir8 IJapitls, Hivt-r Konge (DTrlKiii). Conimon in Central (anaila; II miles ui* the Kaministiiiuia (Macoun). Fr" N. (IJichanlson). P. Ansoriim, L. Silver-weod. Indigenous. Brackish marshes and river h.inks ; shores of the lakes. Xew }>runswick (Dr. Fowler), (^uehec antl Labrador (Brunet). West coast of NewfountUand (Dr. liell). lliver du I^oup (Dr. Thomas), ('(mimon throughout < 'cntral ami Western <'anada. North shctre of liJike Superior (Agassiz). Sas- katchewan Plains (Bourgeau). Kort Kdmonton ; shore of Little Slave Jiakc, and along Peace Kiver to the Jlocky Mountains (Macoun). Arctic America and i. SuuikI ll'S UJ) at. (J.-)^ V. vcsca, L. Wooil St 11 .hen-v. liitligfiiouM. Kitlds ami rocky placos. Frriiucnt in Ontarict ami Qiiolioc Ntw lininswirk (Dr. Fowlt-rl. Hivcr r. 'riioiiias). Nortli ^liore III' l.aki- Siipcridr ( Aga-ssi/). liniillc rMrtaj,'i', I'awsuu litiutc (.Macniin). .St. .).».si'|iir.i Island, liakc Hiiniii (|)r. I'nll). ■f Damkahda, li. I >. fcpciis. \j. Fnili^ieniius. Woodetl l»ank«. New Brunswick (Dr. Fowler), ('ninninn at t^iulicc (lirunct). liivcr Koii;,'!' (hTrlianl. .Near Mainilton (ii(ii,'ic). Nicoitt, M' (M;i'.-lagan). Victoria Cniuity, lOlliottH Falls (.Macoun). iimv l'>ay, l.iUc lliirun (Dr. lidl). Hirnr.s, Tourii. Biiunltle. \l. oilonitns. Ti. Pnr|>lo Flowt'iiii^' Riisj>l)('iTy. Indim'cnniis. Woods and thickets, (^uehec, St. Joacliini (Rrunet). 1-akc (iiinviile, Ikivcr Kouge (DTrlianl. iliver du lioup (Dr. 'I'lionias). .Montreal, Nicolet, Niagara ( Maelagan I. ( 'oniinou in Kastern < >ntario( IWllings). III t 'entral < 'aiiada (.Macoiin). ( oninion in Western Ontario (liuciian, Saiimlers, Kllis, (iilison). St. .losejili's Island, Lake Huron (Dr. Hell), (ioulais l>ay, l,:ike Superior (Prof. Hell). II. Niitkunus, Mocino. Indigenou.H. Rocky thickets. Shore of Lake Superior (Dr. Pitcher). North sliore of Lake Sujieiior (I'rof. Kllis). From Thunder Hay to Sault Ste .Marie, Slicliandowan Lake, Daw.son Koute; in woods near Fort St. .lolin, I'eace JJiver, and westward through tlie Kooky .Mountains t>. berrv. Indigenous. '• .«ick<'ts ;iu(l IiIIIh. ('(immon in < hitario and Quc)>vc-. Xew- ftmndland (Dr. Hell). I-iil»i;nli>r (Hutlcr). New Hrunawick \]h. Fowler;. Lakes Huron and Su|iLrior (Ikil, (Jilwon, Macoun). From I^ake Sujicrior wi'stwanl !>> IV'aoc IJiver Valli'V to (^uesnclle in IJpiMT HritiHli ('«dund»ia (Mai-oun). 1*. n(';;l('ctus. Pock. Indim-uouH. ThicketH ane Tourmente (Hruntt). Islaml of Montreal (Dr. Holmes). 4 'onunon in Eastern Ontario (Hillings). Helow the Mountain, Hamilton (bogie). Chiji- paw.i, .Miihlen (Maclagan). County Huron, Out. (Cil)son). AlMimlant in < 'enti.J ( 'anada ; Owen Sound (.Maeoun). P. villosiis. Ait. Common oi- Hif^h Blackberry. Indigenous. Horders of thickets and woods. Common throu;_dioiit Ontario and (^ueliec. New Hrunswitk (Dr. Fowler). Mi.ssissagni l.sland :iiid Hruie Mines, bake Huron (Dr. Hcili. boon I'ortage, Dawson IJoute (Maeouni. West coast of Newfoundland; .Mi.ssissagui Island and Hruce .Mines (Dr. Hell-. 11. villosus, Ait. Var. fromlosiis, Oray. Indigencais. Trailing over rocks in thickets and along fences. Abundant along the Grand Trunk Railway at Shaunonville, Hastings (ounty; and at the Carrying Place at the hea near Itnllcvillc. Hiistings <'i)iiiity; hIioith of i^iku iHaar ami Tiki* i!iv< r, Unices iViiiiiHula (Manmii). Near Kmiidka, twelve miles fmiii Lomlun (Siiuinlers). St. < 'atliaiiiies. Cliippawa aiwl ^lillllell (Maela^aii). \N hi>key l^lami, Ltku iiumii (Dr. Ik-Ill. Ciiiiiity Hurnn, Lake Huron (Ciltmtn). R. luci.lji. Klniijirt. Dwarf Wild IJusc. Imligenoiis Ihy .viil. or aloii^ niar;;iii> o|" >w,ini]ts. New !^!H!i«wick (.MatluWH). Uoi'iii;rs ot° wooiIk, C^hieltec. ( 'liai lesltoiirg ami iMi!irai l:iinia, .\it. Early Wil.l lmli>;enous. llockH ami l)ank.s. Cointnon tiirou|,'liout Ontario ami Qiiehcc. New Hruu.'wiek I .Matliews). Newloumllaml ( Dr. I>ell : Torr. A: ( i ray), .\lani- toulin I.xlaml.-*, Lake llurou(Dr. I*>cll). Nortli .siioreof Like Superior I Maeoun). Kroni Kort Carry westward to (^iie.snuUe in l"pi>er Hritiah Columliia (.Maeoun). Todreat Ik-ar Lake | KieliardHoii). K. i-ul)i;^iii().sa, L. Sweet I'riei-. Naturali/xHl from lOurope. lioaeduneles ; calyx -.segments spreading ; fruit ovoid, {K>iidulou.H. Liiii//ii/- A'"'. /». }.', f. !. North shore of Like Superior (.\giissi/.). North and east eoiwt of J.;ike Superior (.Maeoun). Plains of the Sasskatehewan (Drummond), Wlii.skey island, Like Huron (Dr. Hell). Fruia Fort Carry to Lac la Nun (Maeuun). L'KAT.f:tiL8, L. Hawtliora. White Thorn. (.'. O.xyacaatha, L, English Hawthorn. latriNluced from Kurope. More or less spontaneous. .New Hrunswick (Mathews). Charleabourg (Bruaet). Hank of St. Liwrenee, two miles west of Brockville (Hillings). Fre<|uent in the Counties of Hiistings aud I'etcr- iMU'ough (Maeoun). C. cocciuea, L. Scarlet-fruited Thorn. Indigenous. Thickets and rocky banks. Conaaon throughout Ontario and (^uel>ec. Up the Kaniinistiquia River, Lake Superior ; Mud Portage, Dawson Uoute (Maeoun). .Saskatehcwau Plains (Bourceau). Wi'st coast of New- foundhiad (Dr. Bell). .SYNOPSIS «M Tin; ll.nKA (M THK ■f: (\ toiiioiitosji, L. I Hack 'I'lioni. liitlii^iiKHis. 'riiickits. New I'liiiiiNM i. k ( MiiMnjWsl. I.nliiiiiri-c .-iml Mniit-.ial I liniiit'tl. I'lcMi'iilt I iiilliii;;>) llatlicr iar<- in <'tiitial ( 'aii.iila ' Ma>'iiiiii>, ll.iiiiiltoii I Kn^jiM. i!atli('i I III', V ii'iiiit\ <>|' hdiiilmi (Saiimlt r-i. Ilair <>ii |■,■l^l( in ina>t nl l.aki' lliiiiin (liiliMii;). Nicdlrt, < 'lii|uiiLriN.sitn UoiiU- (Mai-niin). r. totiiciito.sM, It. \ny. |iiiiicl.ila. (Ir.iy. liKligtiioiis. 'I'liicki'tM. Aliunihint in Ont.iiin. Mnillou Liko. Wcnl of I'l'it Kllitv, Saskatrlicwan I'lains (Maci'iin). ( '. ('iMi.s-;,'alIi, li. ( 'utk.s))iir Tliuni. lMili;,'iniins. TliiikttM. iJtanlnrt. l.lmlu <• (lirniirti. Nia;^.ira .inu, * hit., ran- Miili.nnMon in Ontario ( Mai nun, Logic, Saund"'><, (Jilison). North n1u>ii of Laki' .Sii|ii rioi' ( .Simtli .sliori' of l„i rador (llntlcr). St. •lo.scph .H and ('mUlniin i.slands, LaUt Union (l>r. IkU). Sturgeon Uikc, l>,iW>iou Koutu iMaoniin). P. Aiiirrieana, DC Aiurrieaii .Mtniii(aiii-Asli. Imligt nnu.'<. .S\\ani|i.s and rooky wonds. N\ \v l>iiin?>\\ iek (l>r. I'.imIcii. Nfwfoiinilland ( I »i . Ilill). (^Micln'c and < harkslMiuij,' i Urunct). Kiviitlu Loup, I'oninion (l)r. Thoma.s). Kivtr IJou-f (!> rrliaiii. Nt|)ian Townsliip (, Sjiaringly found in wood.s. lia.stiiigs and Northniiilnrlainl < 'ountiis ; ( Iwin Sound and north .sjioro of Lake .•^uiKiior (Maconn). St. .Jo.scph and Cofkhuin Islautls I Dr. IJtll). Laiiiatlor (Butlfi). Malinu Kaiiids, Oawsuii INnite (Mucouu). Siiukulchcw au I'lains (l^ourgeau). A.MKi.ANciiiKK, Mt'dii. .luiiL'-lJenv, A. < 'an.ult', T. iV: (i. V'ar. L>(jtrya[tiuiii, (jiray. Scrx ice; Jleny. Iiuligcnoiis. Along streams. Very coninion throughout (Mitario and i^'mliee. New Brunswick (Mathews). Newfoundland ('!'.&< 1. 1 North shore of Like •Su|)cri<)r (Agassiz, Muuuuii). MuJiituuliu Islands, Luke liuruii (Dr. i>ell). ^ \.\l.l,l.\ <»K rilK NT. I.AWICKNt K .\M» (.KKAT I.AKKS. 'J A. ( 'aiia(l«ii«i.s. 'P. it a. Viir. ul>luiigit«>lia, (Jray. Iiiili>;«'iiiiiiv Along HtifiuiiH. <'u|Mi K >U{;f (Kruiiut). Nfw itriiiiMNvii-l> (Iir. Kiiwlri). riiiiimitii at llivor lilt Lr. TIimih.i.h). I.akf Mnlil (l-i>^;ir). Aloii^ tlif Kiimimstiiiuia liivcr. Laki' SinM^rior, u>'>t\vaiil thnnigli IVacc Kivir Viillty (MaoKUii). A. ( ■ana«h'ii>'is, T. iV (J. Var. «)li)L{tM,'ar|ia. t'lMrrv. |{. ( 'viiMsliat i, r. Iniligciioii AiMr<n, Niagara. \ial'Kn (M.K-l.-igaii). Coniuio. nnl.iiio ;is faj vv.vit u^ t!u' llriici- IVuin.^iklt. if l ougliont II. u\yacaiiili(»itU'.s, Liitii. Stoni^4 nHualK clotliutl witli Itri.stly prickles; .snltaxiliary spiniH l-,'{(it't n uuitoil at till- 111!". ; U'iivi.s i-oiimhsli, stilicorilatu ."»-l<>l» |»iil»L'.siLiit or nijaily glabrous, till' lohf.s t;.'*cfnt at tlic within ; the sig- ni^nts .s] null ling, rathur lonu'iT tlian th- stann-ns, an-l aliont twi<'j thu Icn-th of the oiitvate [tetals ; style cleft to the ninlule, hairy iit tiiu l»asf, a littir e.vcouding tht' stiMH-ns, frnit •'in'«.itli. In 'i.: -i •u-. 1! • ';y inirgins of riwrs aiiil lak'js. Aluinlaiit in Xi w |{runs\vi..l\ i KowU-n. «j*'iirantini; Station ami Antioosjti (iJrunct). Kud Hay, L:ikc Huron; .Sault Ste-. Marie; Tliumlur Bay and Piu Islan'>uiK-rior; Islnuil in tliu haku of tliu Woods; .Siuskatcliuwan I'lains and westward to .StLwart'.s Like, I'piwr Hritisli Colundiia (.Maouin). K. hii-telluia, Miclix. IndtgiUiouH. In wet nieadow.s ami swamps, .unongst rocks in the north. New I5runswick (l'"owKr». Quel^ec, on mck.s, Saguen.iy, and at the l^hiarantine .St.ition (Hrunvt). Along the seashore, Kivor dii l-oup ( I'lionias). Coninion in niar.-.liy meadows around Belleville; Uwen .Sound ; anuind Lake .*^iip'rioi- ; Kort Kdimuiton on th«' Saskatchewan and I'oit AssinalMiinc on tlie .\i tli.iliasca (Maoouiii. .Mis.-.i.ssagui, .St. Joseph and ('ocklmni l.^landa. Lake Huron (l)r. Bell). R. rotuiulitblium, Miclix. Imligcm)U8. K(»cky hanks of rivers. Ca|»c liup (Thoma:i). Nunpartil (Maclag .n). Cummon at Prescott (Billings). U. lacii.stiv, Poir. Imligemuis. Ahundant in Cedar Swamps. New Brunswick ( Kowler). (juebtc and Point licvi (Brunet). Kiver du I.uup (Thom;w). Hiver ilouge ( l>'l'rban). Abundant in swamps chmugnnut Ontario, and uxteiidh by Lake Superior and 2 10 svNor.siH oi' riii; i'l<»i;a or tiii; the Dawson Ki'it ■ to l-akc Wii'; ipcL,', theme tliroiigh the Mfioded loimtry to the Kra^ier in Miitish Cohimhia (M.icouu). West eoast of .NewfoiiuiUaiid (IM'. liell). J.ahraihn' (IJutlei). R. piostnituni, L'll<'r. llKlii^eiious. Colli (laiM|> wooils ami rocks. New I'n'iiiiswieU ( Dr. Fowkr). J^othinieri' ( I'.iumti. ('tniiiiioii on inrks, Ifiver IJnime ( hTrlMii). Wiy eoni- inoii ;it liivii' till Lnu]i ( Tlioiiias). lioek.s west<»t' I'.roekville and ( 'helsca. ( ', K. (Hillings). .Muiiiilaiit on Laiii-eiitiaii rocks in tlic ( 'oiinties of .\ililii;;.'toii, Hastiii;.'s and I'lterlioio". Sliorc of l.ake Huron ; Kaniinistiijuia ItiviT and 'J'liundir l>ay : hawson Itoutc ; en tlic slopes of heer Mountains near Slave i.ake (Macoiin). Montreal and Kingston (Macla;.;an). l,al)rador iliuthT). West coast of Newfoundland ; ( )w< u ;>ound and (Jore I Jay (Dr. lleili. ]{. Horiiluiii, L. Indigci i\is. (Annnion in swamps and wet woods thro\igi»out the valley of the St. Lawrence and west to the Saskatchewan (Macoun). II. niljnini, L. Iniligcnous. Swanijis and wet woods. New llrnnswick (.Mathewsl. Vicinity of (^uel)ec, St. Joachim and Caiie 'rourmente ( Ihiimt). .Vhnndant anmnd clear- inu's. Ilivir llonne (l> I rlian). Very eomniiin at IJiver du 1-oup (Thonias). Connnon at London (Saiiiidersi. Swamjis, Ni:i!_'ai'a District (Machigan). West coast of Newfoumlland ; (inre IJay am! ililton, i.ake Huron (Dr. IVll). ( 'ool damp woods, Central Canada, < Hven Sound and Lake Huron, shore (»f Uruce Peninsula ; common aroiiml Lake Superior and along the Dawson L'oute, and westward l)y the wooded country to Peace IJiver and Ijiper liritish Coluinl>ia (Macoun). North to the mouth of the .Mackenzie ( Wiehardson). Paknassi.v, Touni. (jJras.s ot" Piinnissus. P. ptuviriuni, DC. Indigenous. Wet rocky shores of lakes and rivers, lionlers of the Kiver St. Anne and Ifiver .lacijues Cartier lilrunet). (Jeneral around Lake .SuiK-rior. also at Keil Hay, Lake iiurt>u ; at Kort Ivlmonton on the Saskatchewan, and at the Canon on Peace lliver (Macoun). Lahrador (liutler). Sandy hanks of rivers iu the IJocky Mountains (Drummond). P. palu.stris, L. Indigenous. Wet clay l>anks. Island of .\nticosti (Brunet). I'nder the hank at Fort Francis, Dawson Itoutc ; Lig Like, west of Sa.skatchcwan ; west of the Arthahasea ; shore of Little Slav>' i,ake (.Macoun). Saskatchewan Valley (Bourgeau). P. Cai'oliuiaiia, Micliy. Indigenous. Crevices of rocks ainnj; rivuis. N'icinity of (Juchjc ; Isle of Orleans (Hrunet). Banks of the mcky Saugocn, Durham (Logii'l. Santlwich (Maclagan). I'wo miles simth of L mdon (Saunders). Crevice* of rocks. Niagara Falls ; Presi[u' isle Point, Lake Ontario ; Potts Mill Dam, Brigiiton. Northumberland County; Bed Bay, shore of Lake Huron (Maoun). .McLuod'.s Harbour, Cockburn Island (Dr. Bell). S (it A Ni S. S S. Saxikuaua, li. ha.xiiVage. S. oppositifolia, L. Indigemms. Moist rocks. Island of Antieosti (Ooldiel. Labrador !p-!"tlcr). Cariboo Mountains (.Macoun). Iloeky NLumtains (Hourgeau). Newf.«undland aiid to the shores oi the Arctie 8oa ami to Kotzcbuo .Sound (Torr. & (J ray). VALLEY OF THE ST, LAWRENCK AND ;;IIEAT LAKES. 11 iiiiiiitrv ti> iillaiid { Dr. •r. I'uwltr). \\i y L'liiii- ilsc.i. < '. K. .\i|iiil;;.'tiill, near Sliiw r (I'Mitk-i). li. ic valley of I. N'it'inity I III 11(1 fk'ar- ('I'lidiiias). an ). Wfst It 11). Cool V, (ir IJnu't; .'luitf, anetal.s white, obovate, .S-nerved, twice the length of the calyx. — J f 111)1-. Fl. linr.-Aui. 1 ]>. '.'f.'f. On sandy places. Fortean Bay, Lal)rador (Butler). Arctie America from (ireenland to Behring Strait. Vancouver Island (M.acoun). S. Aizoon, Jacq. Indigenous. Moist rocks. Upper Falls on the River du Loup (Dr. Thomas). North shore of Lake Superior (Agassiz). Rocks four miles north of Michipi- coten ; also opposite Michipicoten Island, Lake Superior (Macoun). North shore t>f Lake Superior (Prof, Ellis). S. .stellaris, L. Indigenous. Leaves rosulate, or a little scattered, obovate-cuneiform, almost sessile, dentate-serrate at the ajiex ; scape corymlxise at the summit, calyx free, retlexed ; petals spreading, lanceolate, all attenuate into a claw. — Purxh. Fl. 1 p. ,110. Honk: Fl. Bor.-Am. 1 p. .,''jO. Canaila (I'ursh,) Labrador and (Greenland (Torr. & CJray). S, nivalis, L, Indigenous. Perennial ; leaves all radical, obovate or spatulate, attenuate into a petiole, crenate-dentate ; scape c.apitately or subcoryml)osely or ni.any Howered, the half-adherent calyx erect, shorter than the <»blong obtuse subunguiculate white petals ; cajisules purple, divergent.— S. \V(if.fft prtraUcl. Canada (Pursh). Labrador, Melville Island, Arctic Americu and (ircenland (Torrey & (Jray). S. rivularis, L. Indigenous. The root usually granulate ; plant glabrous or pubescent, steins weak, ascending ,3-.5-Howered ; radical leaves somewhat reuifornj, crenately lobed, with the petioles dilated at the base ; the c.auline ones lanceo- late, nearly entire ; 1' bes of the calyx ovate, l)road, as long .as the tube or at length shorter ; petals ovate, scarcely longer than the calyx ; stigmas 77. Stcnih. rcu. Saxij'r. I. '2.7. Hintk. r. .liphylla, L. Imligjuous. Hillsides in rich woods. Vicinity of Quebec and Cemetery of Sc. Chules (Brunei). River du Loup (Dr. Thoma.s). St. Valentin, Smith's Fills,!!, Chippawa and Maiden (Maclagan). Common near i're.scott (hillings). C-r.umon in Central Canada (Macoun). Common in Western ii4iioii'; Oat and (^ueltec. New Bru)i>twick (Mathews). I^iver Rouge (D'l'rlan). iliilside.s, Kortean Bay, Labrador (P>utler). Manitoulin Islands (Dr. B'.'U). From Like Superior, through the valleys of the Saskatchewan and I'eace Uivers, to t^uesnello on the Fraser, in Cpper British Columbia (Macouu). VALT-KV OF TfTr ST. LAWRKNf'F A\P ORKAT T.AKKS. 13 Montreal, Thomas). »n (Logie). LVent, and ■ior ; New •on (Prof, ^facoun). rray). •nn, palm- tlie stem lear-ovatc, ! ovary.— Am. Hot. We sns- .11, within lat hiku. UK I IVace nttfcery of I. Smith's I'rescott Westi-ni common r Rouge 1 TBlamU }wan and Macouu). TiARELLA, L. False Mitro-woit. T. cordifolia, L. Indigenous. Rich rocky woods. Very comiiioii throughout Ontario ami Quel»ec. New Rrunswick (T)r. Fmvler). (.'iiRYSOSPLENruM, Toiirii. Ooldon Sa\ifr.ii;o. C. Ainericaiium, Schweiu. Indigenous. C!old wet phvces. fommon througliout Ontario and Que1)ee. New lirun.sM-iek (Dr. Fowler). CRAS8ULACE/K. PKVTHORC.Af, Gronov. Ditcli Stone-cro]), P. sodoides^ fi. Indigenous. Open wet places. Ijothiiiiere, (Juu]>ec (Hruiiet). River du Loup (Dr. Thomas). Everywhere (Maclagan). Common in Ontario, llaniilton, London, Owen Sound, (Joderich, &c. Skdum, Tonrn. Stoiie-croj). S. iici*e, L. j\ tossy Stone-crop. Fntroduoed from Europe. Escaped to rocky ))anks and roadsides. \'icinity of Proscott and Brockville (Billings). Now Brunswick (Dr. Fowler). On face of a rocky liill at Picton Harliour, Prince Edward County (Maooun). Niagara Falls ((;. W. Clinton). S. tenxatum, Michx. Indigenous. Rocky woods. Rocky hanks of streams. Upper Canada (Torr. & llray). R. Telepliiuui, L. Livo-for-ever. Introduced. Borders of fences, banks, &c. Escajjed from cultivation in some places. Central Canada (Macouii). New Brunswick (Mathews). S. Rliodiola, DC. Rose Root. Indigenous. CliH's and crevices of ntcks. Lalmidor ( Brunet). Newfouml- laiid (Torrey & (iray). (Jreenland to Beliring Straits. S;i.skateheM'an Plains (Boiirgeau). Diinvegan, Peace Kiver (Macoun). HAMAMELACE.E. Hamamkus, L. Witdi-Ha/oI. H. Virtr'iiica, T.. Indigenous. Damp wooils. New Brunswick (Dr. Fowler). Point Levi • Isle of Orleans (Bninet). Conimou near Prescott (Billings). Scarce in Central (Canada (Macoun). Hamilton (Logie). liondon (Saunders). Kettle Point Lake Huron ((Jibson). Isle aux Noix, Wolfe Lsland, Cliipi)awa and Mahlp/i (Maclagan). Toronto (Prof. F' s). ■!F .^ 14 SYNOPSIS OF THE FLORA OF TIIK HALORAGE.*:. Myriophyllum, Vaill. Water-milfoil. M. sfucatnm, L. Indigenous. Ponda, slow streams and margins of lakes. New Brunswick (Dr. Fowler). Lake Temiacouata, Montreal (Maclagan). St. Lawrence Hi ver, common (Billings). Bay of Quinti-, Trent and Moira Rivers (Macoun). North shore of Lake Superior (Agassiz). Sandy Bay, Lake Huron (Dr. Bell), (ieorgian Bay, Lake Huron ; Rat Creek, west of Portage Laprairie, in brackish lakes, to Edmonton on the Saskatchewan (Macoun). (Jreat Bear Lake (Richard- son). West coast of Newfoundland (Dr. Bell). M. verticillatum, L. Indigenous. In marshes along the Bay of Quinte (Macoun). Burlington Bay, Lake Ontario (Logie). M. hetero))hyllnm, L. Indigenous. Lakes and rivers. River Trent, Heely Falls ; North River above Round Lake ; mouth of the Sydenham River, Owen Sound (Macoun). Niagara Falls (Maclagan). V'icinity of Hamilton (Logie). M. anjbisjuuiii, Nutt. Var. Indigenous. Ponds and ditches. New Brunswick (Dr. Fowler). M. teiiellnin, BijLjelow. Indigenous. Borders of ponds and mouths of rivers. New Brunswick (Dr. Fowler). Saguenay River, Quebec (A. T. Drummond). Abundant at the mouth of the River Buck, Stanhope Township, Peterborough County, Ont. (Macoun). Newfoundland (La Pylaie). Proserpinaca, L. Mermaid-weed. P. paliistris, L. Indigenous. Wet swamps, island of Montreal (Maclagan). Banks of the Nation River, Eastern Ontario (Billiugs). Marshes along Lakes Isaac and Sky, Bruce Peninsula, Lake Huron ; also Fishing Islands, Lake Huron (Macoun). t M^ (;. HiPPURis, L. Mare's Tail. H. vulgaris, L. Indigenous. Ponds and springs. Lotbiniere, Malbaie, Labrador (Brunet). New Brunswick (Dr. Fowler). Lake Temiscouata, Quebec (Maclagan). Banks of the St. Lawrence, Eastern Ontario (Billings). Scarce in Central Canada ; abundant on the Sydenham River, Owen Sound ; Pic and (Jurrent Rivers, Lake Superior ; Fort Ednumton on the Saskatchewan (Macoun). Gore Bay and Vermont Harbour, Lake Huron (Dr. Bell). Labrador, Greenland, Sub- Arctic America (Torr. & Gray). Little Slave Lake, Lake Arthabasca, and throughout the north-west to the Fruser in British Columbia (Mac(mn). ^ VALLEY OF THE ST. LAWUENCE AND OUEAT LAKES. 15 ONAMIACK.K. (■[RC'AKA, 'J'uuni. Kiioliautt'r'js Ni^htshailo. ( '. fiUtt'tiiiiiii, lj. iiulij^onous. IJicli \vi>>'ls ( 'ninuinii tlinm^iliuiit (>nt;irio aiul (^uebuc. New 4' Hniii«\vick (Miitliews). Isliiml of ( Jrluuus (l)r. 'I'Ikmuum). {'. alpiiiii, I.. IinliLtounti- l)i'f|i Wfxrls. ( 'oiiuiiiiii throughont Ontiirio iiiid Qufliec Ni-w llriniHwick (Mitlu-wsl. NWst coast < it" XcwfoiuKllaiKl ( Dr. Bull). I\aiiiiiii.sti(|iiia l»ivi.r, Dawson Itoutc, .Vrtlial» liivcr, I'cacc IJivt-r and Itocky .Mountains (Macoiui). 4# ,3^- ( I. liu'imis I ,. lu(liyenou,>< (Maclagau). (Jai.ka, L. Dry Inviiks. Motlatt'ii Island, Montreal ; Maiden, Ontario Kl'lLUBIlM, L. Willow-Heili. K. aiif' ihtitnliuiii, L. CJivat Willow-Hei'lt. Indigenous, liow grouiuls and utwly-i'lL-ared lands. < 'oninion tlirougliout Ontario and (.Quebec. C'ommun, New Brunswick (Mathews). \V(>t coast of •Newfoundland; Islands in l..ake Huron (Dr. Bell). ( 'ariboo Bay. Labrador (Butler). Krom Lake Superior westward to yuesnelle on the Fra.scr in Ipper :;m Colunibui (.Maeoun). E. aiigu.stitVdiuni, L. \ ar. ci!iit'.>>ci'ii.s. Indigenous. .Mariii >im Villag ■, Histings ('aunty ; Owen Sound, very rare "^ Cariboo, British Cidunibia (.Macouni. E. alpinuiii, li \'iii. iiij'jus, W'alil. Indigenou.s. l{ocky ground and mountainous regions. ( 'anada (.Mrs. I'ereival). Sault Moutniorincy. (^uebi e ; South coast of J..abrador (Brunet). l>eer Moun- tains, near Little Slave Lake (Maeoun). Kocky Mountains, lat. o'J' N. (Bour- geau). rpper British t'olunil»ia (Maeoun). E. palu.str(\ li. \'ar. liiicaif. (liay. Indigenous. Bogs. Nicolei, Montreal. Niagara Talis (Maelagan). In swanijis in Kastern Ontario (Billings). Marsiics and swamps, common. Central Canada (Maeoun). Hamilton ( Logic). Loiul(»n (Saunders). K:ist coast of J^ake Huron (Cilisou). Nortli shore of Lake Superior (.\gassi/). New Brunswick (Dr. Kowier). Swam|is, Labrador (Butler). Dawson Itoute, Loon Portage; Ednutn- V. ton on tile Saskatchewan ; tiie Artlialiasca ; Little Slave Lake (.Maeoun). Plains - of the Saskateiuwan (Bourgeau). Itocky Mf (^uehcc ami TjuloUhHiic (Bnuict). Ciiiiulu (Huokc-r). C'aii!iu;.'li tliu lUivky Mountains to MrlAMuls Lake, ami il(»\vu tlie Frascr to N'ancouvcr lislaml (.Nlacoun). E. coloratuiii, Mulii. Indigenous. Wt-t iil.ics. ('oniinon tlnouglioiit Ontario and ^MH'liec. New Brunswick (Dr. Fowler). Kaniinisti'iuia Itivor, Lake SuiKirior ; Koi-t I'.iiirionton an tlie Saskatchewan ; sliore of l-ittle Slave l/ike ; Dunvegan on tiir IVaoe liiver, and westwanl to I'pper llritish Columliia (.Maeouni. Suskatiliewan I'lains (Hourgeaui. Cucki>urn Island.s and liiuue Mines, Lake Huiini ; coiwt of Newftmndland (\)r. Bell). E. i»sinicnliituni, Xiitt. Indigenous. (Jlaln'ous or glaneseent altove ; .stem erei;t, .slender, terete, ' high ; riowers 14' long, light rose-eolour; capsules \ \ in length ; >u!iutimei glalnuis thrcmghout. On newly cleared land at Oxemhm, Coipoy s Biiy»,,. lieorgi m Bay, I^ake Huron, abundant (Mae((Uii). ||'; E. latituliuni, 1^. lndigen((us. Stem iiscending, often liraneiied, !> KS high, gla!)roiis or \'.ry minutely puherulent ; leaves <(vate or ovatedanceolate, sessile, eiiti'.e or nearly so, rather thick and rigitl, I' IV long, the veins not apparent ; lloweis a\il!,iry and terminal, on short pedicels ; style somewhat erect, glalirous, siiorttr than the stamens. Amour Bay, south e(»;'.st of Labrador (Butler). \\ Cst co,i,st of Labrador (Dr. Bell). (ExoTHEUA, L. Eveiiiiiy; Primrose. CE. bit'iiiiis, L, Var. luuricata, Gray. Tndigencms. Fields and waste jtlaces. Oravel 1)ai's around fiake Superiof (Maeouu). Hast coast of [>ake Huron ((Jibson). Vicinity of Hamiitou I Logic). .Montreal Island (Dr. Holmes), (iravel liars of the Manitoulin Islands, Lake Huron; west of Newfoundland (Dr. Bell). Dawson Boute ; Fort Ivlmonton on the Saskatchewan and Fort Assiuaboiuo ou the Arthaliasca (Mac(»un). Saskatchewan Plains (Boiirgeuu). (E. biennis, Ij. Vai'. grainliHi)ra. (Ir.iy. ^ Api>arently introduceil. ( 'tdtivated grounds and waste places. (Jonmioil thnmghout Ontario and (^uei>ec. New Brunswick (Mathews). Livke Superior (Prof. Bell). On sandy shores, east coast of Lake Sui>erior (Maeoun). (E. biennis, L. Vai'. parviHora, Grav. ludigenous. Open places in woods. Fre»iueut in Ceutral Canada (Macouu)» CE. friiticosa, L. Sundrops. i. Indigenous. Open plaues. Island of Montreal (Mr. Guldie). ^ VALLKY OF TIIK ST. LAWKKXCK AND (SUKAT I.AKKS. (E. clirysauthii, Mielix. c (Bruiict). wan Plains Moljeitil's Imc. Xew fliiMiiinton tlif \\:u:e katclit-wan iruli ; Wi'.st it, sit M(l«'r, Ijitf,; enninating ni'iinilil)iili> t' Addington and Victoria, Central Canada (Maconn). North coast of Ijiikv Superior (Prof. Bell). Vicinity of Hamilton (Logie). Island of Montreal (Dr. Holmes). Mississagui Island, Lake Huron (Dr. Bell). LuDWKJiA, L. False Loosestrif«!. \j. palustris, EH. Indigenous. Ditches and dried beds of ponds. Conway's Creek, and else- where in swamps, common (Billings). Nicolet and Maiden (Maciagan). Ditches and ponds abundant in Central f'anaila and at Owen Sound (Macoun). Very common at Ijondon (Saunders). Saskatchewan River (Torr. & firay). Ji. alternifolia, L. Luligeuous. Swamps, especially near the coast. In swamps, Canada (Torr & Gray). MELASTOMACE/E. R HEX I A, Ti. Deer-grass. 11. Virginica, L. Indigenous. Sandy swamps very rare. Shores of Muskoka Lake. k<; Sri)ieriof ion (Lfigie). lanils, i/ike )ut(! ; Kort Aitiial) Common kc Siiperioj n). I (Macoun). LYTHRACE.E. Lythrum, L. Loc;sestrife. L. alatum, Purah. Indigenous. Wet places. Maiden (Maciagan). L. Salicaria, L. Indigenous. Wet meadows, Canada (Torr. & Gray) Moist meadows near the Quarantine Station, Quebec (Brunet). NfiSiBA, Jura. Swamp Loosestrife?. N. verticillata, K.B.K. Indigenous. Muddy margins of lakes, rivers and ponds. Bank ol the St. Lawrence, near Brockviile ; banks of the Rideau, near Ottawa (BiUmgs). Bay of Quints, at Belleville ; Wellington Beach, Like Ontario ; River Trent, and many lakes and streams in North Hastings ; Cameron's Lake at Fenelon Fails, 1ft SYNOI'SIS OF THK KLOIIA OF THE I'c'terborn' County (Macoun). Burlington Beach, near the Water Works, anil' ill the "Old Desjanlin Canal," Burlington Heights (Logie). Montreal, Chip- ; ](awa an\voi ii. VALLKY OF TIIK ST. LAWIlENCi: AND {!KK\T F AKKS. 19 r Works, amlj mtrual, ('hip-| I'ri'scott (Billings). Along theCJnvnd Trunk llailw.ay ami in ganKiis. iU'llcvillf (Maooun). FounU at (Jalt by Mis.s Crooks (Ixgie). Montrtal (Ma>la;^aii). Owen Sound (Dr. Bell). running over] hn's, Quebec; un). Vicinity j >le. g over fences |V Laurent aniiii|». H. laiiatmn, Mieii.x. Iniligenous. Moist rich grouml. Common tlirouglimit Ontario ami QuclKr. l-al»ra. P. sativa, L. Connnon Parsiii]). Introduced from Europe. Fields, waste places and roadsides. New Bruns- wick (Mathews). Quebec (Brunet). Conmion in Central Canada; Owiii Sound; Fort Fr-ncis, Rainy River (MaeIathew8). T. aureum, Nutt. Var. apteruni, Gray. Indigenous. Dry hills and river banks. Vicinity of Bellevjlh- (Macuun^. Nuns' Island, Montreal (Dr. Holmes). T. trifoliatum, Gray. Var. apterum, Gray. Indigenous. Dry soil and banks of rivers. In Canada, according to Torrey & Ciray. Fort Garry to Edmonton, and west by Little Slave I^ke and Peacf River to the Rocky Mountains (Macoun). Saskatchewan Plainn (Bourgeau). in