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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. ata ilure, 3 I2X 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 h'^ it^ 7.-N()TMS()\ TIIH \\\\\W\ IMSllIiKV Ol- rill' N()RTII\V1:ST COAST I\ lSlir». By a. B. ALKXANDKR, Fishery Fxprrt, Steaimr .Uhatross. Tlie halil>ut flshery of the northwest , and in 181)2 to 1,410,000 poun«ls, representing a value of $20,140. The amount caught continues to increase yearly. From estiunites made by wholesale dealers and fishermen it is safe to say tl"it about li,."i00,(MK) p()unds were landed in l*ii};et Sound in 180r>. Two-thirds of this amount were taken in northern waters on banks oft" Cape Scott, Vancouver Island, Hose Point, aud North Island, which lie olF the northern end of (^ueen Charlotte Island. For several winters past, one and sometimes two steam vessels ha\o fished for halibut on the northern banks, sailing from Vancouver, Hritish Columbia. At first the enterprise was not very successful, owing to the limited demand for halibut and also to the inexiKM'ience of the fishermen. But it did not take long to find the best tishirig- grojunls, and much valtuible time was thus saved. The success of these vessels caused dealers atid fishermen of the Fast to become interested, and soon their capital was invested, and in the winter of 1805-JKJ three steam vessels were fishing for halibut on llie northern banks. Two sailed from Vancouver and one from Victoria. At Vancouver the fishery is under the mamigement of Americans and is controlled by * jcrican capital. It is estimated that the catch of these vessels was nearly half that of the American tleet, or about 1,(M>0,000 pounds, nearly all of which was exjMirted to the I'nited States. Fish landed at Victoria was shipped t(» Tiuionui; that which iii|»ai*-d witli Scatth'; litTrin^'. siiudts, and salmon an^ tlie lish ni(»stly sliippiMl from this nortluMii part of ViiavX Sound This industry has incioased TiO per irnt in tlii' |)ast year. In lH«>r> there were IS small boats sailiufi from Tort Townsend, Seattle, and oflier idaeeson I'u^'et Sound en^'a^nd in this fishery. These boats ranjied in si/e from ."» to 10 tons; most of them were sloops, but a few were sehooners. They rarry a crew ol 2 to I men. The smallest conline their fishin;^ to the banks otV Cape Flattery and in the Straits of I'uca. .\ few of the laifjer boats make occasional trips \o ('ai)e Scott aners and it was thought that the ground cov«-red a large area, but it was soon learned that the bank was small and the best localiti«'s confine