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Me misfliol •Stat8°, and in the winter it is relatively high as compared with similar lativ0 miles far- ther. Its current is strong, increasing greatly in the season of freshets, the late spring and early summer, when it overflows its banks to a greater or less extent in the lower levels. This flood condition is chiefly caused by melting snow in the upper and tributary waters, and while varying in extent it seldom causes any appreciable c^ i^ge, as dikes have been built around the farming lauds. Theit* 'kmy>% how- ever, been occasional extraordinary floods since the rf^ioii iiu.-i been sdttled, the most severe one on record having occurred the l-ira of May and the first of June, 1894, when the river burst all hour d '■ covering tlie lowlands and valleys, sweeping away houses, and (N vastatiiig crops. At this setison the fishing is not important and its interests axe not materially affected. 18 and ., as lOW- jeeu May jriiig ting 9 axe FI8HEBIES dV WAHHINOTON AND HRITIBH COLUMBIA. 257 Tho u[»|)er limit of tidal influence in the river is in tlie neighborhood of Suma^4, about Or> miles from the mouth, but braclcish water iasaid not to be |)eroeptible much if any above New WeHtminster. Tliese limitations ai<^ for the spring tides during the periods of low water. The freshets counteract the influiMice of the seu in proiM)rtion to their height, and at their maximum carry the ^r^'sh water, at least on tlie ■urfa<;o, as far as the river mouths and into t.' < Gulf of (}eorgia beyond. The ordinary rise and fall of the tide is about 12 feet at the mouth of the river and 4 or 5 feet at New Westm'nHler. A marked feature of the freshet sear >:., having an important bearing on the salmon Hshery, is the intense clouding jf the river by sediment, H f jie grayish silt, which remains long in ^sitspension and gives a light slaty color to the water. The deposition of this material is going on continuously throughout the lower level portion of the river, causing shifting bars and banks, which, with their accompanintont of snags, are a source of great annoyance to navigation. But the silt is also carried out beyond the river, where it is adding to tiie delta formation and building up a wide bank or shoal along the shore, from Point Grey to Point lioberts. This bank is broadest directly in front of the river mouths, of which the principal ones maintain their channels through it into the deeper waters of the Oulf of Georgia. In the early spring, when the quinnat begin to run, the river is com- paratively clear, so that in the daytime the gill nets can bo more or less plainly detected by the fish. I ater the sediment appears and continues in all its intensity during June and July and into August, when the river begins to clarify. In the opaque water the nets may be used as effectively by daylight as at night, and it is during this season that the great sockeye run takes place, the run on which the canneries mainly depend for their immense pack. Day and night the nets are in the water, not only within the boundaries of the river, but over the outside bank and sometimes beyond its margins where the discolored water extends for several miles in all directions. Aside from the Fraser there are numerous small rivers belonging to this drainage, of which the greater number and the larger ones are on the east side, taking their rise on the jiop&s of the Cascade Range. Those north of the Fraser are little known, but they end in large inlets. In Washington the most conspicuous is the Skagit, which is navigable for 60 miles, the other more im)>ortant ones, beginning at the north, being the Nooksack, Stilla'guamish, Snohomish, Dwamish, Puyallnp, and Nisqually. ^hese reproduce on a small scale the principal char- acteristics of the Fraser, the mountain features, the terminal lowlands, the deltas, and the flood season with its turbid waters. On the west side of Paget Sound and along the Strait of Juan de Fuca the streams are still smaller, scarcely more than creeks at the most, the highlands lying closer to the coast and greatly restricting the width of the drain- age area. The inner side of Vancouver Island has only two rivers qC any moment, the Gowichan and Naimiiuo. F C W 17 'I'i 11 I: If i 1 ] i 258 REPORT OP COMMISSIONER OF FI8H AND FISHERIES. FISHERY RESOURCES. The fishery resources of this region comprise a wide variety of prod- ucts belonging to both the sea and its tributary fresh waters, many of which are exceedingly abundant and some of high commercial value. As is naturally to be expected, however, in a comparatively new country, still having a small population, the development of these resources has so far been directed mainly toward a few 'forms especially adapted for export trade. In this respect the activities have been very marked during recent years and substantial progress has been made in building up a remu- nerative industry whose permanency may be insured by wise and con- servative measures of control, even though its further growth should cause somewhat heavy drafts upon the stock. Still other lines promise good returns foi the successful preparation of certain products suited for distant sale, but not until the region shall have become much more thickly settled can its rich fishery opportunities be measured at their full value. There is a host of species requiring near markets to be utilized, whose abundance is sufficient to contribute in due proportion toward the sustenance of an extensive population. As the time when such conditions may be expected to prevail is probably far distant, a large share of these resources must continue long in reserve, a guaranty for the ftiture! Besides its local resources che region should also have credit for its advantageous position in regard to fishing-grounds farther north along the coast, for which it is the nearest outlet, and with whose development it Is sure to become most intimately associated. Its convenient harbors and railroad facilities give it superior facilities for the handling and transshipment of any catch that may be landed on its shore. The salmon here, as elsewhere along the northwest coast, are the principal objects of fishery, no other group of species comparing with them in the extent and value of the catch. This resuHs from their phenomenal abundance,' the perfection to which their preparation has been carried, and, above all, from the firm hold which the canned product has secured in the markets throughout the world. Five species of Oncorhynchus and one of Salmo are represented, the quinnat, sockeye, silver, humpback, dog, and steelhead salmon. The quinnat is first in quality and, with the steelhead, stands most in favor for the fresh trade. Ganners prefer the sockeye, and would use liO other species could this one be obtained in sufficient numbers to satisfy their wants The remaining forms, after the common understanding of to-day, should probably be graded in the order given above. The silver salmon is most sought after, but all are utilized for canning — especially on the Washington side — and in other ways. It is a peculiarity of the sockeye or blueback salmon that it enters very few of tho rivers of this region, while the other species distribute themselves quite generally and may be taken nearly everywhere. The halibut should probably be accorded next place after the nalmons, FISHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 259 nions, not 80 much on accoant of the local industry as for the fact that the entire halibut fishery from Cape Flattery to Alaska centers here. The local grounds are mainly distributed through the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and from its inner entrance north to Boundary Bay and south to the mouth of Hoods Canal. The most important nearby bank, however, is in the open sea off Cape Flattery, and other smaller banks lie directly south from there. With the recent increased demand for halibut, the search for more extensive grounds was carried northward. The nearest one was located oil' the northern end of Vancouver Island in the vicinity of Cape Scott, but its area is restricted and its capacity relatively small. The most important grounds so far discovered are in Hecate Strait and its vicin- ity, and it is here that the principal catches have been made in recent years. They consist of numerous banks and patches, generally near the land, on both sides of the strait, the largest extending 60 miles along the northern side of Graham Island from Korth Island to Rose Point, and thence down the eastern sida of Graham Island to the vicinity of White Cliffs. Among the island.) of southeastern Alaska and about the southern end of Prince of Wales Island, small quantities of halibut are taken, but the Alaskan region is still open to development as regards this species. While halibut fishing has always been one of the chief occupations of the Indians in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the inner sea, the present status of the fishery has been the result of rapid growth dating back only about ten years, or to 1888, when it received its principal stimulus through the advent of two Gloucester vessels, which began fishing on Flattery Bank and in the adjacent region. Although tbe work of these vessels was not long continued, it gave evidence of abuixdant resources and led to the opening of markets even as far distuut as Boston and Gloucester oh the eastern coast, where the we:^:em product came directly into competition with that from tbe grent Atlantic fishing- grounds. In 1890 the total catch from all sources landed in this region amounted to 1,376,800 pounds; in 1891 to 2,124,500 pounds; in 1892 to 2,768,00(» pounds, and in 1895 to 4,251,000 pounds. Tbe fleet, which had doubled in four years, consisted in 1895 of 48 boats of 5 to 10 tons measure- ment, of 10 vessels measuring from 18 to 40 tons, and of 3 steamers. Only the larger vessels and the steamers ventured as far as Cape Scott and the Queen Charlotte Islands. The steam vessels have belonged entirely in British Columbia, their catch being landed at Vancouver, Victoria, and Tacoma, and in 1895 having comprised a very large pro- portion of the total catch, but their operations are controlled by com- panies originating in the Eastern States. Port Townseud was the first headquarters for the halibut fishery, but during the past few years Seattle and Tacoma, with their direct railroad communication, have absorbed nearly the dntire business on the part of United States fishermen. Within two years, however, a "i 260 REPORT OP COMMISSIONER OP PISH AND PI8HERIES. few small shipments have been made from Fairhaven aud New What- com. Fishing is carried on most extensively in the winter, and nearly all the catch is landed fresh, only an occasional trip being wade for fletched halibut. The main outlet for the Pacific catch is furnished by the Eastern markets, and is thus controlled by the large Eastern dealers, the sbi[>- ments being mainly made at seasons when the Atlantic catch is small- est. The cost of transportation across the continent greatly reduces the profit to the catchers,* who have to be satisfied with low prices, and who sometimes suffer considerable losses by producing more than the trade can handle. The demand, both at the East and in the interior of the country is said, however, to be constantly increasing, aud, if heed be given to the condition of the market at different seasons, there is every reason to suppose that the development of the fishery may go forward steadily and without reverses. While this fishery is assured a much larger growth, that it will ever approach the Atlantic fishery in extent or stand the same test of time seems improbable. The grounds in the Gulf of Georgia, Fuget Sound, aud Strait of Fuca, with those off Cape Flattery, have all together only a relatively small capacity, which has already been overtaxed. Along the British Columbian and southern Alaskan coast the continental platform is everywhere narrow, iirecluding the occurrence of extensive offshore grounds. On the Alatikan banks still farther north, made known through the cod fishermen and the investigations of the United States Fish Commission, halibut have not yet been found in the abun- dance characteristic of the North Atlantic, though further researches may show the conditions to be more favorable than now appears. But, however uncertain may be the future status of this important branch of fishing, the supply of halibut is undoubtedly sufficient to satisfy the demands of trade for a number of years to come. While the true cod is of no importance as a local product, yet this region affords convenient shipping facilities in respect to the Alaska banks and will doubtless soon come to dispute with San Francisco for supremacy in their development. Two or more stations for curing and handling this species have already been established in Puget Sound. Two species of sturgeon occur in these waters, the white sturgeon {Acipenser transmontanus) and the green sturgeon {A. medirostris), the former being the superior in quality and the only one utilized as food. It is exceedingly abundant, attains a very large size, and is regarded as one of the most important fishery products of the region. While probably ascending most rivers, it is best known on the Fraser, where alone it is now fished for regularly. Elsewhere in British Columbia and in the waters of Washington it forms only an incidental feature of the catch, so far as could be learned, a few finding their way to neighboring markets and some being sent inland. Manj' are sometimes captured in the salmon traps at Point Roberts, by which a part of the schools pass, apparently on their way to the Fraser River. The season jta^i FISHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 26l of their moveinent there, however, seems to be mainly before the traps are set, in May and June, and those obtained are mostly secured during the latter month. The facilities for shipping from that place are so poor that no disi)Osition was made of them until recently, but now a part of the catch is marketed. Sturgeon are said to be piesei>t in the Fraser Biver at practically all times of the year, but to occur most numerously from midwinter until in June, during which period the fishery is carried on, the largest catches being made in April and May, when the principal run is under- stood to take place. The fishing-grounds most commonly resorted to are in the main river between New Westminster and Mission, and in Sumas and Harrison lakes. Formerly the sturgeon were taken on the Fraser River solely by the Indians for their own use, and incidentally in the salmon nets. It is only within a few years that a separate fishery has been established, but at present quite a number of persons, whites and Indians, engage in the business, using gill nets and hooks and lines. Both the meat and roe are utilized. The demand for export is increasing, and in the course of a few years it may be expected that the catch will be considerably enlarged. The herring {Clupea pallaaii) is one of the most abundant of the exclusively marine species of this coast, but is described as generally inferior in size and quality to the well-known Atlantic form. For this reason probably it is not in much demand for food, a limited quantity only being pickled and smoked, and a few disposed of fresh. It is, how- ever, one of the most important baits of the region, and its value for that purpose may be expected to increase greatly with the development of the sea fisbei'ies. It has also long been utilized for the manufacture of oil, but, while a considerable industry of this character was at one time carried on, the business seems at present to be of slight importance. The dogfish is another species which has been extensively captured for its oil, and in this case, as with the herring, the fishery has declined, owing to the decreased value of this product, the fish being probably as abundant now as ever. The eulachon or candle-fish enter the Fraser River in the spring in large numbers for spawning, and although the run continues for only a few weeks, a <;ousiderable fishery is carried on. They also resort to other rivers of the region, and may be taken in the salt waters, but the catch in the State of Washington ii^ small. The amount obtained on the Fraser, owing in part to the shortness of the season, is said to be insufficient to meet the demands of even the local markets, which have to depend largely for their supplies upon the more northern rivers of Bri^^'sh Columbia, where the species occurs in much greater abundance. Th oO obtained locally are mostly disposed of fresh, while the salted and smoked fish come mainly from the north. The Indian practice of extracting the fat or oil of the eulachon for domestic use is well known. The smelt (Oamerua thaleichthys) and surf smelt {ffypomeniis prctiosus) are both ])lentiful. The former, which measure/S only about 6 inches iJ: I s i i 262 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. in length, is not of much importance for food, but the latter grows to the length of a foot, becomes very fat, and is greatly esteemed. It is already fished for quite extensively, but apparently for local use only. Both the sardine (Olupanodon cceruleua) and the anchovy {Engraulis mordax) are inhabitants of these waters. The former, which has attracted considerable attention on the California coast, seems to be present here only during a brief period in the warmer part of the year. The anchovy, however, remains from May to November, is more abundant, occnrring in immense schools, and is considered to offer an exceptional opportunity for the preparation Of " sardines." A few, which were canned experimentally at Port Townsend, are said to have given great satisfaction. The species is now utilized to some extent both as food and bait. The beshow or hlack-cod {Anoplopoma fimbria), which has received the high approval of many epicures, and for which an extensive fishery has been predicted by some, occurs in the inland waters, bnt is more abundant off the outer coast, where it also attains much the larger size. Up to the present tim^, however, it has been marketed only in small quantities and with no regularity, the catch being partly made in con- nection with the halibut. The very oily nature of the flesh makes its preparation difficult, and has undoubtedly retarded its introduction. The c(iItus-cod {Ophiodon elongatus), although not ranking as a high- grade fish, has excellent qualities at certain seasons, is very abundant, and is one of the most common features of the catch among the exclu- sively salt-water species, being commonly sold in all the local markets. It has a wide range in the North Pe 'fie Ocean, and attains a weight of 60 to 70 pounds. In this region it often goes by the name of cod and ling, to neither of which species, however, is it closely related. The tomcod {Microgadiis proximus), a small species, is also in consid- erable demand locally, and in some places is taken by the fishermen in large numbers. Of the numerous species of rockfish (Sebastodea) which inhabit this region, several are of excellent quality and much esteemed. They are very plentiful, and during the winter are among the principal fishes sold fresh in the local markets. With the increase of population this group is certain to be largely drawn upon. The perches, as some of the viviparous surf fishes are called, are a cheap grade of fish, very common about the shores, and extensively utilized. Among the dounders with which these waters abound are several species of great excellence for food, but the demand for this class of fish is still limited and the catch is small. The Atlantic shad, which has become well established on the Pacific coast through plants of fry made in the Columbia and Sacramento rivers, has worked its way north into Puget Sound and the Gulf of Georgia, where it is known to enter at least the Fraser and Skagit rivers. Not being specially fished for, information regarding its pres- ence is chiefly based upon specimens caught incidentally and mainly in the salmon nets, which are not well adapted to its capture. It was first FISHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBiA. 263 noticed in 1888 on the Eraser Ri , er, where in 1896 it had become saffl- cieiitly abundant to induce the fishery inspector to suggest regulations governing its capture. It seems bound to occupy a prominent place among the food-fishes of this region at no very distant time. Trout of several varieties are distributed in abundance thronghout the fresh waters, an attraction to anglers and a prospective source iff profit when the country shall have become more thiclcly settled. Aside from the sea otter, now extinct, the marine mammals Lave never figured prominently among the local fishery products, although some whaling has been carried on. The pelagic fur-seal fishery of the North Pacific Ocean, however, has chiefly centered in the ports of this region, furnishing employmoit to many hunters and producing a con- siderable revenue, but its continuance is no longer profitable, in what- ever way its future may be settled by negotiations. Among invertebrates this region is quite rich in edible mollusks and crustaceans. The small native oyster, while occurring in many places, is especially abundant in the shallow extensions of the southern part of Puget Sound, where tbe bed^ have recently been given some care and where quite an extensive business has been established. The intro- duction of the Atlantic species has been agi':ated and a few small plants have been made, but none of these has yet turned out success- fully, so far as can be learned. Of clams there are several species of small to large size, some of which are exceedingly abundant and quite generally distributed. Although constituting an important resource, and esteenred both for food and bait, they have not been very exten- sively utilized up to thn present time. Small quantities have been put np from time to time at one or more of the canneries. A large scallop and a cockle are also conspicuous among the useful mollusks. Large crabs belonging to the genus Cancer are very common, and at certain seasons come up on the shores, in some localities in large num- bers. They are in great demand for food and are eagerly sought for, although the total catch is small. Tbe principal if not the only ground where they are now regularly fished for is the shallow bottom along the south shore of the Strait of Jnande Fuca between Dunge- ness and Port Williams. From there they are sent chiefly to Seattle, Tacoma, and Victoria, but not being fitted to stand a long shipment they are scarcely known at a distance from the coast. Shrimps and prawns of good quality seem to be plentiful, but they are n«'>t much fished for, and little information regarding them could be obtained. The habits of these forms are such as to place them gener- ally outside the ordinary range of observation, so that fishermen may be scarcely aware of their presence, when an active search might dis- close them in abundance. At least two species of prawns are brought to market, one of rather large size, the other smaller. They have so far been taken princii>ally about Victoria and in the southern part ot Puget Sound, tbe catch being generally quite inadequate to satisfy the demand. The shrimps are umch smaller and are not fished for. if I '■« 264 REPORT OP COMMISSIONER OF PISH AND FISHERIES. THE SALMONS. SOOKEYE SALMON. The sockeye salmon, as the blaeback salmon or redflsh, the Onco- rhynchua nc^rA-a (Walbaum) of naturalists, is known in this region, is here much the i^ost i'nportant of its tribe, being especially in demand for canning purposes, owing to the depth and stability of its color and the firmness of its flesh, although in edible qualities it ranks below the quinnat. Jt has, moreover, quite regular and well-defined movements, and, beginning to run at a comparatively early date, it affords a con- siderable fishery so far in advance of the spawning season as to insure an excellent quality of catch. Its size is also in its favor, being quite uniform. In the Fraser River it generally averages about 7 to 8 pounds, though sometimes weighing not ov^r 6 pounds, and occasionally, but rarely, reaching 10 and even 12 pounds. IN THE SALT WATER. The sockeye which frequent the Gulf of Georgia and Puget Sound are supposed by the fishermen to enter from the ocean exclusively through the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and such few facts bearing upon the subject as have been collected tend to confirm this view. The species has never been observed in the upper part of the Gulf, and very rarely, if at all, to the north of Point Grey, at the entrance to Burrnrd Inlet. Some sockeye, which are said to average smaller than those of the Fraser River run, enter the passageway at the northern end of Van- couver Island and ascend thp Nimkish River at Alert Bay, and possibly other small rivers in that locality, but none of these fish appear to reach the Gulf of Georgia. On the outer coast, both to the north and south of the entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca, there are still other runs which are also distinguished by the smaller size of the fish, averaging from 4 to 5 pounds apiece. Very little is known regarding their abundance or habits, as the region is sparsely settled, but they are reported to enter only certain rivers, those having lakes in their upper courses. All of these rivers are small, but some of them, on the Vancouver Island coast at least, are ap parently resorted to by sufficient quantities of fish for the maintenance of canneries on a small scale. Operations of this character were started in 1895 on Kennedy River, a short clear stream draining a lake of the same name and emptying into the southern end of Clayoquot Sound. The season there is said to correspond with that on the Fraser River, extending from early in July until the last of August, but south of r-\pe Flattery an earlier period is given for the commence- ment of the runs, though on somewhat doubtful authority. All of the evidence collected goes to show that the sockeye entering the Gulf of Georgia and Puget Sound constitute a distinct run, which, approp.t.'liing from the sea, throws oil no schools toward the north or 1 TW: 1 ^#V3f^ ■'i^^m0^i^^$^ii^mi$iSi^^-..,^. R«geMa^US|F^je9^^^bfkce£aLffe264) izv I2li' plate; 9 TK »io<»«'» •crew CO moT(V4JTHO. The main eastern run, after passing around the southern end of the San Juan group, proceeds up through Bosario Strait and alon? the mainland of Washington to Boundary Bay aad'Point Roberts. During the first part of this movement, however, the fish seem to keep mostly out of sight, to the great bewilderment of the fishermen, who have been much puzzled at their failure to find good places for intercepting them. Tbey have been reported in small quantities at .the entrance to Belliugham Bay, but in Rosario Strait there are no distinctive places where they have been noticed abundantly before reaching the northern end of Lummi Island. Here they strike directly on the outer shore south of Village Point, where there is an important flslnng-ground, both for reef nets and traps, which has long been resorted to by the Indians. Thence northward along the mainland shore *as fiir as Boundary Bay they appear at intervals, but while nets have been set for their capture on some of the more prominent points, none of these bad given satisfaction up to 1895, but whether on account of faulty construction or the scarcity of fish was not learned. The fishermen, however, have been encouraged to renewed attempts in this section and may yet succeed. Boundary Bay and the waters about Point Roberts constitute a grand parade-ground of the sockeye, as it is here that the species uncovers itself in the greatest numbers in the salt water and to the best advantage for its pursuers. The quantity that appears at times is very large, and the catch may be enormous. The abrupt bending of the coast line toward the west in this locality interposes a barrier directly across the pathway of the fish, suddenly < becking their prog- ress toward the north and obliging them to mi.Ke a sharp detour in order to complete their passage to the Fraser River. They ent ir Boundary Bay apparently in a broad front, and then turn westward, sweeping around Point Roberts. Tho nearness of their approach to land dei)end8 upon the depth of water and the direction of the wind. A southerly wind tends to drive them farther in the bay, while a northerly wind holds them out. Tbey may enter the bay as far as the edge of the flats, thus crossing the boundary line to a slight extent, but FISHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 267 the small catches made in the inner traps, and then onlj' under the most favorable conditions, indicate their natural tendency to avoid the shallower water. Along the soatberii side of Point Eoberts the much bolder shore permits the fish to come within a few yards of the beach, and this is also true for a short distance on the outer Hide, after rounding the southwest corner; but then soon begins the shoal or flat, which widens rapidly to form the extensive bank commanding the approaches to the Fraser River. Much remains to be learned regarding the later as well as the earlier stages in the movement of the sock^i/e which pass through Kosario Strait. While the appearance of extensive schools in Boundary Bay and about Point Roberts is definitely established through the experi- ences of the fishermen, it can not be said that the entire eastern run approaches those localities so as to come within the range of observa- tion, and it is very possibl«> that some of the schools make the passage to the Fraser River at some little distance from the land. In fact, judging from the statements of the fishermen, when large bodies of fish are moving around the point they occupy a wide zone, extending some distance ofi' shore and beyond the limits of the trap nets. The latter are, therefore, said to intercept only a very small proportion of the run, notwithstanding the amount of ground they cover. The schools on which the fishermen depend are chieflj"^ those which enter well within the bay and, then circling, pass directly in front and within a mile or slightly more of the southeast corner of Point Roberts, called Cannery Point, which carries them over or around the large kelp- covered ledge south of taat point. Their course is thence along tiie southern side of Point Roberts, keeping well in until they have rounded the southwest corner, when they begin to follow the edge of Roberts Bank (so called), over the deeper parts of which they soon become distributed. The meetfng-place of the two divisions of the sockeye run — one coming throui^h the Canal de Haro, the other through Rosario Strait — is not known. Both are seeking the fresh water of the Fraser River and begin to feel its influence some distance off the shore. The flood which begins in tiie late spring couti auqs during most of the summer, so swelling the volume of the river and charging it with fine sediment that the brackish and discolored water is carried a long way out into the Gulf of Georgia and covers, during practically the entire sockeye season, a relatively wide area. In this mixed water both runs assemble preparatory to ascendiwg the river. It is also a common belief among the fishermen that they rest here for several days, or at least that all do not immediately begin the inland journey. While there is as yet no positive proof of this, it is not oat of keeping with the habit of some of the salmon species elsewhere, and the prolonged periods of fishing which are enjoyed in this position make it appear at least reasonable. The extent of this asaemblinrj- ground, as brought out by the' recent drift-net fishery, is from tiie neighborhood of Point Grey to about the ! ! s i', < ( , 1 f: ' ' 268 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. boundary line, while off shore it seems to reach beyond the margin of the bank and even at times to the middle of the gulf, if the fishermen's accounts can be regarded as reliable. It is also reiK)rted, though the fact is not definitely confirmed, that occasionally a few of the fish work around Point Grey iuto Burrard Inlet. ' Scarcely anything has been learned of the general habits of the sockeye in salt water. They take neither food nor bait and therefore lack the game qualities of the quinnat and the silver salmon. Unlike those two species, their salt-water home is exclusively in th'^ opeu ocean oflF the outer coast. When they enter the Strait of ^''ac t -jy are bound by the shortest routes to their spawning-grounds, : ' I'i )i .. ■ ''■■ tarry on the way it is only tor short stops in the manner desciibed above. The Strait of Juan de Fuca, Puget Soun ., and the Gulf of Georgia are to them practically only enlargements of tlie river, through which they must necessarily pass, but in which they have no special functions to perform. The adult fish occur there only during the period of ascent, the season when they are fished for, July and August mainly. They appear to move in compact, defined bodies, of smaller or larger size, sometimes very extensive, another evidence of their transitory presence. Occasionally these schools appear at tlie surface, as- has been especially reported at Point Roberts, but usually they remain lower down, although they may even then be seen at times in the clear waters, particular' " when they are passing over the shallow kelp- tovered ledges, which seems to be one of their delights, and which exposes them to capture by the Indian nets. Statements regarding the rate of their movement in the salt watoi- are greatly at variance, as is to be expected from the crude opportuni- ties for observation up to the present time. Varying conditions, due to the season and the weather, are very likely to cause a difterence in this respect. Schools reported at Bechei Bay are said sometimes to make the Eraser Eiver in five days, while again they may be as much as two week'i on the way. They may be taken at Point Boberts twenty-four hours before they are noticed off the Fraser River, or they may first bo observed simultaneously at both of thc3e places. KRK8H-WATK11 I>ISTRIBUTION. The Fraser is the only river of British Columbia : ji nng into tht Gulf of Georgia which the sockeye are known to uooend. lu Wash- ington this species seems to enter only the Ska^nt River in suflicient quantities for commercial purposes. It has ' ock repo; red in very small numbers from Lake Washington at Seattle, out els'^v 'c a in tlie fresh waters of the Paget Sound region its occurrenc-e "las rfver been iwsi- tively recorded. Skagit River.— The number of sockeye jiscending the Skagit River seems to be considerable, although the run is in no way comparable with that oil the Fraser River. They enter the former river by way of Decep- tion Pass and Skagit Bay. Fishing is mainly carried on iii the buy. FISHERIES OF WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 269 where both trap nets and gill nets are employed. In tbe river tbe prin- cipal flsburineu bave been tbe Indians, wbose operations have been chiefly limited to tbe vicinity of Baker Falls, but some fishing is also carried ou by tbe whites. Up to 1895 this species was taken only in relatively small quantities cither in tbe bay or river, but the establish- ment of canneries' at Ana<5ortes since then has- greatly stimulated the efforts for its capture, causing a rapid development of the fishery. No details of its gror:'th are at hand, but the size of the catch has appar- ently beer much increased. The only spawning-grounds which have so far been located in the Skagit Itiver are at Baker Lake, on the tributary of the same name, having its origin on the slopes of Mount Baker. It is the general opin- ion that the entire run turns up Baker River and that it ascends no farth'ir than the lake, but this supposition is not yet entirely confirmed. The inquiries already made, however, indicate that Baker Lake contains one, of the most important spawning-grounds of the sockeye known to exist in the United States, and advantage hrs recently been taken of that fact to begin its artificial propagation ir that locality. It is reported that the sockeye begin to be taken at Baker Falls, near the mouth of B.aker River, as early as the middle of June, but th's so far antedates the time of their appearance elsewhere in the region that the evidence seems to be in error. They are also said to reach Baker Lake chiefly during July, and to begin spawning the last of August or early in Septeu^ber. The hatchery on Baker Lake was established by the State of Washington in 1890. The first eggs were taken on Sep- tember 0 of that year and the last on October 8, when the capacity of the hatchery was reached, tbe total number obtained being 6,500,000. The season had not closed, however, by the latter date, and it was thought that fully twice that number might have been secaiwl had thefe been means for riiriu^ icr them. Tne number of fry obtained from the above eggs aiul planted iu the sprng of 1897 was 5,500,000. Tbe out- put of fry in tbe spring of ISSC «as 6,000,000, and 7,500,000 eggs were collected in rlio fall of that year. In his account of this subject for 1898, tbe fish commissioner of Washington states that Baker Lake is about If miles long by 1^ miles wide, and has two principal inlets, Sutter River and Noisy Creek. The spawning-places of the sockeye occur in the lake and in both of these streams. The silver salmon and steelheud also run np tu this locality in large numbers, and the quinnat appears here, though to a less extent. Frascr River. — From the bank in front of the delta, where they first ausemblc, the sockeye pass into the Fraser ^iver through both entrances, the main channel and the north arm, including also Canoe Pass, a ^hort offshoot of the former. The relative proportion which enters each is said by the fishermen to vary considerably in different years, as well as in different parts of the same season, but their evidence in this regard is quite indefinite. They claim, however, that at times as good I ■ 270 REPOKr OP COMMISSIONER OF PISH AND PISHEKIE8. fishing may be had in Oanoe Pass as in the main channel, through which the {greater number might naturally be expected to make their way, as probably they do. The species seems to distribute itself very generally throughout this river system, attaining the headwaters of its principal branches and entering a large proportion, if not the greater number, of its side tribu- taries, bn'h large and small. During the years when the larger runs occur tht, .' '" their appearance in many of these streams in extraor- dinary abui. . Pitt River, not far above New Westminster, is said to contain thui .earest spawning-grounds to the sea, but the quantity which enters this stream is relatively small. Other iower tributariee which later runs ascend are Harrison Biver and Lake, Morris Biver, and Silver Greek. Our knowledge of the season and movements of the sockeye in the Eraser River is based mainly upon the experience of the fishermen and canners, supplemented by the evidence of oiHcers of the Canadian government connected with hatching operations and the fishery police. Scient'.flc observations are wholly lacking, and it is therefore impossible to speak with confidence in regard to more than the main features of the subject. There is considerable variation in the date of beginning and ending of the season, the fish appearing and completing their movement earlier in some years than in others, although there may be more or less agreement in this respect during two or more succeeding years, followed by a marked change. It has been reported that a few sockeye sometimes work up the river in the latter part of May, but the testimony to this effect is of doubtful value. The fact is well estab- lished, however, that the species occasionally appears in small numbers during the last few days of June. Moderate runs may occur as early as July 4, but they are not generally expected in sufBcieut quantities to start fishing operations before the 10th of July, and even up to that date they may still be practically absent. By July 20 they should be running as heavily as they will at any time. A large run may occa- sionally take place at the very end of August, but the average fishing season ends somewhere about the 20th to the 25th of August, and years are recalled when nothing could be done after vhe first week of that month. Small numbers usually continue present during more or less of the early part of September, but with the near approach of the spawning period the fish rapidly deteriorate in appearance and condition and lose their commercial value. The fishermen are inclined to recognize two distinct runs after the movement has fully begun, these being separated by a few days of i>oor fishing. This view, however,^is not in accordance with the facts. There is, from the beginning of the season, a more or less constant fluctuation in the abundai>ce of the fish. Larger bodies come from time to time, the quantity diminishing more or less in the intervals between, while frequently the fish become very scarce or may be entirely absent. There is no regularity in the matter and nothing on which the tisher- lilMil. 1 lile jnt. ler- FISHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 271 men can depend. There nre good years and off years, as they are called, following one another in a certain order, as elsewhere described, but even in an off year very saccessful catches may unexpectedly be made. The year 1895 belonged in the latter category, and during short periods some single boats took as many as 450 sockeye daily with their one drift net, while catches of 200 to 300 flsh a day were made by many boats. During most of the season, however, the catches averaged no more than 25 sockeye daily to a boat, being often smaller, and frequently none was secured. When the number of boats engaged in this fishery is taken into con- sideration, one comes to realize how great is the quantity of sockeye entering this river system, and how relatively compact at times must be the distinctive bodies moving upstream. With the appearance of the latter the catch suddenly increases, often to such an extent as to give the canneries much more than they can handle, and the excess is occasionally so great as to cause an enormous loss of flsh. ISo other species of salmon is so abundant in the Fraser as the sockeye. Observations which seem reliable indicate that, in a general way at least, the earlier runs proceed farthest up the river. The flsh composing them are less mature when entering from the sea than those of the later runs and are better prepared to make the longer journey. Sockeye have been seen in abundance in the streams which empty into the South Thompson and in the Shnswap Lakes about the middle of July, yet on returning to the Harrison and other lo ««^er tributaries their total absence there was determined. It is on the later flsh, eagerly seeking the nearest spawning-grounds, and with their reproductive organs well developed as they move upstream, that the Canadian hatchery relies for its fiupply of eggs. These are the runs which have been most closely observed and are best known. The scckeye retains its freshness in the river longer than any other species of salmon except the quinnat and the steel iiead. This must be chiefly due to the fact that its movement begins quite far in advance of the spawning season, and during nearly the entire period of its run through the lower part of the river the catch is always of a superior char- acter, the flesh being flrm and of good color, while the external surface is clean and inviting in appearance. Beginning the latter part of August, however, the flsh rapidly deteriorate iti condition, and the close season, which begins on August 25, is as much in the interest of the consumer as for the protection of the species. In 1894, by request, the Canadian government extended the open season a week longer on the plea that the sockeye were late in beginning to run, owing to the heavy flood which occurred in the early part of the summer. Such was probably not the fact, although the high water interfered with fishing operations, and the sxtawning season began no later than in average years. The extension was therefore deprecated by those having the best interests of the fishery at heart, and it is not likely to be repeated. I-: ! RMil 272 EEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OP FISH AND FISHERIES. Whatever may be their stay in the brackish water outside the delta, when ouce inside the river their progress upstream appears to be quite rapid and continuous, if one may judge from the experience of the gill- netters, especially in conaection with the weekly close time, which per- mits the rate of movement to be roughly measured. These observations relate to the main part of the river, and more particularly to that portion where commercial fishing is carried on, but the movement doubtless continues at much the same rate until the fish are in the neighborhood of their spawning-grounds. The depth at which they swim while ascending the lower part of the river, where its volume is greatest and where the water is sometimes deep, is said to vary with the conditions. When the water is very muddy the fish are expected to keep nearer the surface than when it is more or less clear, and as the former condition prevails during practi- cally the entire sockeye season, the depth of about 50 meshes adopted for the drift nets has been found to be as great as can both profitably and conveniently be used. In deep parts of the river more fish are taken at the sides than in midstream, and the same is true during times of flood. In shallow sections and during low water they spread out more widely, ^ ecoming more generally distributed or finding their way wheie the contour of the bottom afibrds the depths i)referred. PROPAGATION. The sockeye and quinnat are understood to have substantially the same spawning season, which, in the Fraser Eiver, is mainly from the middle of September to the middle or latter part oT October, although beginning, in some seasons at least, a little earlier and continuing to a somewhat later date. It is supposed that the season in about uniform in all parts of the system, although nothing positive is known about the dates in the upper waters. 'According to the late Thomas Mowat, for some time fishery inspector for British Columbia, the sockeye, as a rule, spawn in the small creeks that flow into the lakes and larger rivers, very few depositing their eggs in heavy, rapid streams, as the quinnat do. This is essentially in keep- ing with observations made elsewhere. At Karluk, Alaska, Dr. Bean found this species spawning in the main lake and in the short and rapid streams connecting each of its arms with smaller lakes. The spawning- grounds at the headwaters of the Columbia River, in Idaho, which have been carefully studied by Professor Evermann, occur only in streams tributary to the lakes or in the lakes themselves. In 1884 the Canadian Government began the propagation of salmon on the Fraser River, at the solicitation of local canners and fishermen, who suggested a system of license fees and of taxes on the prepared products as a means of obtaining revenue for the purpose. The hatch- ery was established in the neiglibcrhocd of New Westminster, being completed in time to lay in a Svock of that season's eggs, and was votaiut'd at the original site until about 185)4, when i. vas removed to a 1 FISHERIES OP AVA8HINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 273 place nearer the collecting-gronnds. Attention was paid in the begin- ning to both the sockeye and quinnat. With regard to the former species, ijb was hoped to more nearly eoaalize the anunal runs, the great diversity of which if described further on. As to the latter, it was desired not o\aI^ to increase the supply, but also to introduce the more desirable grade from the Columbia Biver. The propagation of the (quinnat was continued during only five years, however, and was restricted to native stock, the output of fry never exceeding about 2,000,000 in any one season. The hatching of sockeye, started at the same time, has been con- tinued down to date. The eggs have been mainly secured in Morris Greek, a tributary of Harrison Biver, the parent fish being caught and held in captivity until the spawn ripened. While the quantity of eggs to a female has been calculated at about 5,000 on an average, the num- ber actually obtained from each has averaged only about 3,000 to S,500, owing to the fact that, being mostly taken during the progress of the spawning season, many of them are more or less spent when they reach the pens in which they are connued. The collecting season has varied in ditferent years, beginning in some as early as the middle of September and in others not until about October 8, and ending all the way from October 15 to the first part of November. The period of incubation is relatively short, the fry being produced and planted during March and April following. With few exceptions the plantings have all been made in lower tributaries of the Fraser Biver, such as the Harrison, Stave, Little Lillooet, Pitt, and Coquitlan rivers. Between 1885 and 1890 relatively small numbers of fry and of semi-hatched eggs were placed in the Gowichan and Nanaimo rivers, of Vancouver Island, neither of which are natural sockeye streams, but so far as can be ascertained this effort at transplanting has met with no success. The total number of sockeye eggs collected and the number of fry deposited in the Fraser Biver during each year since the establish- ment of the hatchery are shown in the following table, in connection with which it will be understood that the fry planted in any oue year were derived from the eggs of the previous year: 1^ I i S; i Table showing the total number of et/ga of the sookeye salmon collected and the number of fry deposited in the Fraser River from 1884 to 1897, Year. Number of esgH col- : lected. 260,000 1,487,000 4,780,000 9, 32G, 000 4,000,000? 1889 : 9.233,000 1890 3,881,000 1891 6,485,000 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. Number of fry (lepoaited iu the Fraser Klver. } I 2,406,000 3,870,000 4, 046, 500 6,640,000 3,603,000 K(;99- Year. Number of eggs col- lected. 1892 6, 237, 000 6,880,000 6, 752, 000 6, 830, 000 8, 770, 000 6,472 000 1898 1894 1896 1896 1897 1898 1899 .. Number of fry deposited in tbe Fraser Kiver. 6,600,000 6, 764, 000 6,300,000 6, 390, 000 6, 393, 000 6, 928, 000 5,850,000 5,600,000 -18 !IS1 274 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. Of the young of the sookeye little conld be learned, aud nothing of special interest. After hatching tUey are said to remain in the several tributaries until about June of tbe following year. A few grilse are reported to be taken occasionally in the river as well as in the salt water, but some question must attach to the identification of the speci- mens thus captured until they have been critically examined. The initial steps toward the propagation of the sockeye on the Skagit Biver have been described iu connection with that river, while the question as to what benefits may have been derived from the hatching on the Frazer Biver is discussed under the heading of periodicity, which follows. PBRIODIOTTT IK ABmTDASCK. A periodicity in the abundance of the sockeye in alternating cycles of four years' duration Las been recognized in this region ever since the first settlements were made upon the headwaters of the Fraser Biver by tbe Northwest Company in 1806. The species has been shown to attain its maximum abundance in every fourth year. The next season's run, while inferior, is expected also to be a good one, but those of the two following years should be relatively small. There is no question but tLat this fluctuation has occurred and tbat the sequence has been in accordance with tbe explanation given, but no standard can be fixed for measuring the extent of the variation. Tbe differences, however, have been sufiQciently great and regular not only to attract attention, but also markedly to affect the fishery and the canning industry. Tbe canners have been enabled to anticipate in large meas- ure the conditions of each approaching season, and to plan accordingly, thus regulating tbe extent of their preparations. The statistics of the fishery alone do not fuminih a suitable basis for determining either tbe occurrence or tbe regularity of this periodic variation, owing to tbe fact that the extent of the catch has often been influenced by the state of th^ market or the depression of trade. Thus, in the good years packers may have been led to greatly reduce their output, causing a shortage in tbe catch, while in poor years an active demand may have induced tbe fishermen to largely increase their operations. From information given in the cMcial Canadian repoits it has been possible to supplement tbe statistics by evidence as to whether tbe fish were actually abundant or scarce in any year, irrespective of the amounts captured in tbe nets, and while fine distinctions can not be drav n from this source tbe data seem to be sufficient to test approx- imately tbe correctness of tbe alleged periodic changes. These facts have been brought out iu the following table, in which the anticipated and actual conditions are shown for each year from 1877 to 1898. For reasons already explained it h ;; been impossible to use other than very general terms to express the .*.! conditions, but they will undoubtedly serve the purpose here desired. Tbe recurring cycles are Indicated by tbe numbers in tbe second column, number one in each cycle stand' !jg for the year of maximum abundance. FISHERIES OF WASHINGTON AND BBITIBH COLUMBIA. 275 Table thowing the antieipated and actual oondiliotu regarding the relative abundance of aookeye salmon for each pear from 1877 to 1898, in illuitration of the subject of periodic fluetuation. Year. Cycles. Anticipated conditions. Good Poor Good ... do Poor — do Good Poor Actual conditions. Good. Do. Poor. Do. Good. Do. Poor. Do. Good. Fell short. Good. Tear. Cycles. Anticipated conditions. Actual conditions. 1877 I 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1888. 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 Poor Good Poor Good Poor do Good Very poor. Do' 1878 1889 1879 18«0 1880 1891 .. Fair 1881 1892 Poor 1882 1893 Oood. Do 1883 1894 1884 1895 ... . Do 1885 1896 Do 1886 1807 Do 1887 1898 Poor From an inspection of the table a correspondence will be noticed in the anticipated and actnal flnctnations tor every year down to 1885, inclusive. In 1886 the quantity fell mnch short of expectations, although the catch was kept up by an increase in the number of nets employed, and in 1887, which should have been a poor year, the run was better than in 1886. In 1895, also theoretically a poor year, the run was above the average, while in 1896, exi)ected to be the poorest of its cycle, the catch is recorded as the third largest in the Eraser Biver fishery down to that time. As a whole, there were few measurable differences from the anticipated conditions down to 1892, since which time good runs have occurred during practically five continuous years. In 1898, however, which should have been a go jd year, the catch was relatively small. The run of 1897 was one of the largest if not the largest in the history of the region. Preparations had been made in anticipation of a good year, both on the Fraser Biver and in Washington. The great body of sockeye first made its appearance about the middle of July and continued until about the end of the first week in August, a relatively short season, but during this period the cannery pack was completed and in addition an immense amount of fish wad thrown away, the daily catch being often much larger than could be disposed of. It has, in fact, been claimed, though this is probably an exaggeration, that more fish were caught and wasted than were utilized. Where contracts had not previously been made, the canneries soon found it necessary to refuse much of the fish offered them, thus depriving many fishermen of their occupation through the very abundance of the objects of their pursuit. At Boundary Bay it is said that the traps filled faster than they could be emptied, while some of the gil'-netters caught fully 1,200 salmon to a net in a single night, and many from 500 to 1,000 each. On the Fraser Biver the individual catches were in proportion. While in 1897 the bulk of the catch was made early, the height of the season varies in different years. In 1890 and 1896, both of which were good years, the boats all made very small catches on the Fraser Biver until about August 10, when the fish began to run abundantly, raising the average daily catch per boat to from 200 to 600. In those I: ■HH 276 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. years also, as well as in some preceding ones, the canneries became overstocked and many sockeye were destroyed. The catch of 1880 was likewise an unusual one, some of the contract fishermen earning as high as $1,500 during the season. Several theories have been advanced to account for the periodicity in the abundance of the sockeye, which all seem willing to admit has continued, with at least some measure of regularity, down to within about a decade, but none of them is yet supported by conclusive evi- dence. An explanation is rendered easier if it be assumed that the sockeye makes but one spawning run, which seems in the main to be an established fact, and that its age at \ugh all agree in placing the death rate very high, especially as regards the humpback, dog, and silver salmon, as well as the sookeye. Some feel confident that of these species none survive, while others are equally certain that only a part meet death. The only serious attempt at a solution of this problem i tish Columbia was made by the late Thomas Mowat, whose exp^. ..iits, however, were cut short by his unfortunately early death. The most complete account of his observations and deductions that we have seen are contained in an unpublished letter written in 1890, from which the following is an extract: I have maoh pleaanru in informing yoa that I have proof without donbt that the OnwrhynchuB or Facifio saloion do ia many oases retarn to fresh water annnally for the pnrpose of reprodncing their species. I have proof of this iu the case of the qninnat (0. Uohaw^t»oha) and sookeye (O. nerka), and I am confident from observa- tions I have made that the oobo (0. kitmtoh) do return in larger numbers than those first mentioned. During the seasons of 1884, 1885, and 1886, 1 made use of a leather or harness- maker's punch to mark the qninnat salmon after they had lieen partially stripped of their eggs and were obliged to be returned to the pens. The marking was done by punching one or more holes through the adipose dorsal fin, then passing a piece of colored cotton oloth or twine through the hole, so as to distingnish them firom the fish that had not been handled. Sometimes we cut a portion or the whole of this fin ofT, and those fish were returned to the water after we had finished stripping them. Two successive years later a few of the fish so marked passed through our hands and were recognized, and I learned that some had been taken by the netters. It must be understood that the strings were not left on the fish. The fin was found to be withered somewhat, with the hole partially grown up. Since the season of 1887 we have been operating on the suckeye, and, as I have already described, some of these were marked in a similar way, but owing to having so many in the pens we had to keep different marks on them, so that the tails of some were bent or doubled up, a piece being taken out. Two of the fish marked in this manner were taken by nettera this senson and Bent to me. My contention has always been that at least four species of our salmon return to the rivers to reproduce. The fourth, including those alluded to, is the steelhead, of which none die except by accident. My opinion is that 75 per cent of the quinnat salmon snrvive that ascend from 75 to 100 miles inland ; those that ascend ftom 100 to 1,000 miles, or reach the summit of the Rocky Mountains, are reduced ttom various causes down to from 5 to 25 per cent. The perisentage of the sookeye that sur- vive are slightly under the quinnftt, while those of the cohoes are over, as they do not ascend so far inland and have a better chance of returning. The qualla and humpbacks die in larger numl)ers, oa they are more pugnacious, spawn in shallow water, and are more liable to disease. I qoite agree with yoa as to the views PIHHER1E8 OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 279 held in referenre to tbe Bsltnon returning. They no donbt descend very rapidly, and either in tbe deep water of tbe rente, ci tbe streams or along tbe abores, where tliey are less apt to oonie in contact vrith nets. I have on soveral occasions noticed tbe spent sockeye salmon swimming down this river toward tbe gulf, and I ha^ e been informed by tbe netters that they have token them; but of course there is uot tbe same chance of capturing them on their return to tbe ocean. Observations made elsewhere in Pacific coast rivers do not confirm Mr. Mowat's conclusions regarding; the sockeye. Dr. T. H. Bean, who made a study of the Karluk Hi ver, at Kadiak, Alaska, in 1880, expresses the opinion that no spawning sockeye leave that river alive, although they may live in the lakes at its source during more or less of the winter. Prof. B. W. Evermann, who has given much attention to the salmon question iu the headwaters of the ('olumbia Biver in Idaho, and whose statements are based on most painst iking observations, says of the sockeye in that region : What becomes of the redfish after spawning f Our observations, made at Altnras and Payette lukes in 1S94 and 1895, and particularly those at Alturas Lake in 1895, which have already been given with consideialile detail, leave no donbt as to tbe answer to this question. The redflsh which spawn in the inlets to the Idaho lakes never return to the sea, but all die at tbe close of the spawuiog season. The evidence is conclusive. Had Mr. Mowat been spared to continue his inquiries during a longer period, it is to be exi)ecte'l that he would have succeeded in throwing much light upon this still perplexing question. In the face of the other evidence just cited, it can scarcely be admitted that his deductions are conclusive as regards the sockeye. WLile Professor Evermanu's observations relate to waters at a long distance fh)m the sea, the Karluk spawning-grounds are much nearer to the ocean than any in the lower tributaries of the Eraser River. An argument may be bused upon the uniformity in size of the fish, but not safely without supi)ort from other evidence. Thus the sockeye, silver salmon, and humpbacks each run quite uniform in weight, the majority of those which enter any river averaging about the same. Did they make repeated ascents, the older fish might be expected to attain successively larger sizes, but as the sizes vary little, it is natural to assume that, with possibly few exceptions, they make but the one jour- ney— are adapted to spawn but once. Tliat a few escape might explain the occasional captnre of larger sizes, as reported from time to time. The quinnat and dog salmon, on the contrary, exhibit a consider.ible variation in size, suggesting the survival of a greater proportion of the fish after each spawning, a greater power of hmgevity, and the oppor- tunity of making two or more runs. Notwithstanding this argument, however, the dog salmon have been counted among those which die most readily after spawning. From a practical standpoint the question of mortality may be assumed as having some importance for consideration iu connection with regulations for the protection of the salmon. If all the individ- uals of a species composing a season's run die at their spawning- ^ II • -;( !i i 280 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OP FISH AND FISHERIES. grounds, why is it necessary to provide for the escape past the nets of the fishermen of more than are required 'm insure the perpetuation of that species by spawning? If, on the contrary, the mortality is small and the same fish ascend through t>ro or more seasons, then those which escape capture one year may bfj regarded as saved for the bene- fit of the fishermen iu succeeding years. In either case, however, the distirictious to be drawn are very fine, and it is difficult to conceive of a regulation based upon such condi- tions in view of the uncertainty at'^endinp all fisheries, and especially one whose operations are so extensive and whose resources are still so untried as the salmon fishery of this region. A sufficient quantity of salmon should be permitted co pass the nets to insure with absolute cerlainty the maintenance of the supply. The proper nuijiber for that purpose can never be accurately determined, but prudence demands a veiy large margin. QUINNAT SAI.MON. The quinnat, Onecr'iynohus tsohawytscha (Walbaum), known also iu this region as the tyee and spring salmon, is recognized here, as else- where, as the finest in quality of the Pacific group of salmon, its flesh excelling thav. of all tha other species in richness and delicacy of flavor, it is not, howci^er, nearly so important commercially as the blueback or sockeye salmon, being much less favorably regarded for canning purposes, mainly on account of the lighter color of its meat. Still, for other uses, and especially for the fresh trade, it is most highly prized, and, excepting the peculiar white-meated individuals hereatter to be described, there is demand for all that can be taken. While with this as with the other species, it has been necessary to depend chiefly upon the market fishermen and sportsmen for a knowl- edp-c of its movements, enough has been learned to establish several points of interest and to indicate that this region offers an exceptional opportunity for rounding out the life history of this conspicuous mem- ber of the salmon tribe. The quinnat differs markedly in its habits from the sockeye, and is apparently always present in the Gulf of Georgia and in Puget Sound, where it may be captured at practically all times of tlie year. This fact would seem m indicate that the inner salt waters of the region furni h conditions suited to its welfare during all seasons, although, of course, its entry into fresh water is essential for spawning purposes, and it is to be presumed that a certain proportion finds its way to the ocea-» every year. During the winter months gooind probably would be found in many others were trials made, but operations of this character are as yet restricted both as to locality and number of men employed, the Indians being the principal participants. The quinnat do not apparently then congregate together in as large or compact bodies as during the period when their inove- ments toward the rivers arc taking place. They are more scattered FISHERIES OF WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COI.UMBIA. 281 and seemingly remain more constantly, if not always, below the sarf9<;e, and to some extent at least in comparatively de^p water. It is accord- ingly impossible to judge of the gen'^ral abundance of the specie^i in the inner salt waters at that season, or of the proportion which may seek winter ouarters in the open sea, if any do. They are observed and may be taken at different places through the Strait of Juan de Fuca, but it could not be learned that they move through this passageway in such defined schools as are characteristic of the other species. Should they do so, however, they may swim too low to fall under the observa- tion of ihe fishermen. From all the data that have been collected it seems not improbable that the species, in general, never goes far from land, this view being strengthened by the fact that the river runs begin very early in the year. In tiid stomachs of individuals captured in the G-ulf and Son.^.d, shrinips, herring, and other i>>mall pelagic fishes have very commonly been observed^ showing positively, if such proof were needed, that they avail themselves of the opportunities for feeding afforded by the inner waters, as good undoubtedly as could be found upon the outer coast. It is this circumstance which leads to their taking bait and makes them the object of a hook-and-line fishery, both for market and for sport. Whether they continue feeding in the salt water during the spring and summer was not learned. They are said o refuse both food and bait during their passage up the Fraser Eiver, which is in accord- autje with the general understanding of their fresh-water habit, but exceptions to this rule seem to have been quite clearly demonstrated in the case of certain small rivers which will be referred to again. The line fishing or trolling is carried on mainly during November, December, January, and February, by both Indians and whites. The principal localities brought to our attention were oft" Nanaimo, Howes Sound; off tlio estuary of the Fraser Itiver; off Victoria, Becher Bay, among the San Juan Islands; off' P .itTownsend, oft' Fort Gamble, and in Hoods Canal One of our informants had often fished successfully for the quinuat during these months at Nanaiuio within 10 yards of the wharves, using spooa bait. The fish occurring there would disappear in February, beginning]: then to make their way up the rivers. Another inforuuiiit described th« gt^uera' fishery off Nanaimo as deep-water troll- ing with herring bait and spoon, which continues until into March or April, aft*,r which the fish become ucarce. At Victoria winter fishing is carried on to a distance of 8 or 10 railes from shore, chiefly from Decem- ber to February, inyhisive, thw Itidians going out whenever the weather is suitable. Supplies are also received at Victoria from Becher Bay, Some fishing is done at Port Townsend close by the wharves and farther off shore, but the ilsh do not seem to be as abundant there as in other ]>laces. The San Juan Islands afford good winter grounds, and quinnat are also taken among those islands in April and May. The quiuraL rommence schooling and running as early as February. On the upper part of the Washington coast the first run occurs in that H 4 I ^li 282 REPORT OP C0MlfI8BI0N£R OP PISH AND FISHERIES. month, the ^oh following the herring north aronnd Point Roberts. A second run is said to begin the latter part of April and to continue during May and June, small numbers also passing Point Roberts during the remainder of the summer, when they may be taken in the traps set for the sockeye. The fall run starts in the latter part of September and ends some time in October. Among the San Jnan Islands the movements were described as practically the same. This species seems to enter many, if not most, of the rivers of this region, the abundance in each being measured by the size of the stream. A few, it is said, may be found in the lower 40 miles of the Eraser Biver during the entire winter, but nothing is known of theii habits there at that time. Scattered individuals begin to enter and ascend the river in February, and in some years, it is claimed, as early as January, dependent npon the openness of the winter, but the species remains scarce until in April. Some fishing may be done the last of March, but not until the river becomes somewhat discolored by the spring freshets are the conditions favorable for the extensive use of drift nets. The main part of the spring run occurs in May and June, being heaviest in the latter month, when the best fishing may be bad. As July comes on the supply drops off, and during that moncii and August only a few are obtained, in conjunction with the sockeye. The fall run, commencing generally in the latter part of September and continuing into October, whi^e of sc/me importance, is much inferior to the spring run. The quinnat apparently distribute themselves quite generally thronc;hout the Fraser lliver system, and ascend the d'fferent branches as far as conditions permit. The earlier or spring runs travel farthest upstream, the fall fish, it is said, spawning in lower tributaries, one of which is Pitt River, only about 50 miles above New Westminster, and a^to^her, Harrison Bi\er, somewhat higher up. The spawning season, according to Oanad'idu authorities, is .nainly in the latter part of Sep- t«mber and during October. The artificial prupagation of the species was taken up on the Fraser River in 1884, at the same time as the sockeye, but was discontinued after five years' trial. It had been the origiaal intention to obtain at least a portion of the spawn from the Columbia River, with tlio object of attempting to increase the proportion of fish with more deeply col- ored fiesh, but this part of the plan was never carried out, operations being entirely confined to the local run. The parent fish were caught with dip nets at night in swift water on the Harrison River rapids, where they lay, and were held in cribs awaiting stripping. According to Mr. Mowat, the species is bard to strip, and in some cases it is necessary to handle the fish two c r three times to obtain all their spawn. The eggs are large and vary a jreat deal in color. Thbir number is small in comparison with the Salmo salar, averaging only about 4,000 to each fish, and the period of incubation is very much shorter, this being accounted for by the temperature of the water, which is higher If i: FISHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 283 in the Eraser fiivef during the winter than in the salmon rivers of the Atlantic coast. Parr kept to the age of seven months attained a length of 3 to 4 inches. The total number of fry planted during the five years was only about 6,000,000, an amount quite insufficient to have any appreciable effect toward increasing the supply.* Very little information was obtained regarding the runs in other rivers than the Eraser, as not much fishing is (^one in any of them, but the seasons are essentially the same in all, so far as could be learned. We were toid, by a close observer acquainted with the region, that in the Gowichan and Nanaimo rivers of southeastern Vancouver Island they begia running about the time the snow freshet commences i i February. During the early part of the season they ascend leisurely, stoppinpr in the pools, where good sport fishing may be had, and finally reaching the lakes at the head of both rivers, where they remain until the spawning time. Later runs occur up to and including the early fall. In Washington the Skagit Biver furnishes the largest catches which reach the Seattle market, but they are regularly fished for on several other rivers. Eighteen pounds is given as a fair average size for tbe qninnat on the Eraser liiver, but in the Seattle n* "ket tbe average was placed between 20 and 25 pounds. In the mark itch they range down to about 10 pounds, and individuals weighing 4o to 50 pounds are taken t' suiue extent. Tbe extreme sizes brought to our notice were 60, 70, and 80 pounds, but these are rare. N^otwithstandlhg the generally high esteem in which tbe qninnat salmon is held, it exhibits in this region a remarkable pecn arity, only exceptionally occurring elsewhere, which seriously lii'ects its sule. While in some of the fish the flesh has its ordinary de* : > pink color, in others the flesh is white, or only slightly tinged with pink. All inter- mediate gradations of coloration, as well as intermixtures of the two, occur, and no degree of this variation is distinguishable fr(^iii the out- side. One end of the fish may be pink and the other wt' or the two sides may differ in this respect. White stripes may extend through the pink meat, or the reverse, and spots of one color may be dissemi- nated through a mass of the other. In the paler fish tbe color may greatly fade or disappear entirely during the process of cooking, salt- ing, or canning. In a letter transmitting specimens to Washington for examination, in 1887, Mr. Mowat describes the conditions as follows: I find that some of tbe run are pure white; some are very pale pink; Bonie a little darker, and others of a fair color, like the samples sent. I also find that some are white on the outside near the skin for about 1 inch in depth, then gradually turn a pale pink, deepening in color as the bone is reached. A few fish of this description * Since the above was written information has been received regarding a private h"tobery built on Saiuish Lake, near Fairhaven, Wash., in the tall of ISSe, in which r »out 2('m),0(K) quiuniit eg^s from thn Columbia River were at once placed, And also about 100,U00 e^gs of the silver salmon from local sources. An effort is being made to have the iStatn assume the expense of running this hatchery and to have its capacity enlarged. i- )-i 284 REPORT OP COMMISSIONER OP PISH AND FISHERIES. are found among the July run, but the majority of the quinnat salmon running now are white or pale pink. Fish wanting in cole, are not canned, as cooking will draw the balance of the coloring from them. On examining a number of these fish n few days ago, I found some of them with a slight tinge of pink around the bone and that the majority of them would spawn within a month. The ova, like the fish, also varied in color ; but the lighter they were, the larger and nearer to maturity . The same par- ticularities as to color occur in eggs taken ttom the fish on the spawning-grounds. The lighter or off-colored fish are said to be found at all times, but their proportionate number may vary more or less at different seasons. Thus, for instance, on the Fraser River the white- meatod fish are reported generally to form only a small percentage of the spiing catch, though their number may increase toward the end of the spring run. Begin- ning in August or by September 1, however, the number becomes very large, and before the season closes may reach a', high as 60 to 90 per cent. In Paget Sound and the more southern rivers, on the contrary, it is claimed that the percentage remains more nearly iiniform throughout the fishing season, although the average co.^or may turn a little lighter as the season advances, and that the percentage of the whitemeated fish is not so large as at the north. That so marked a dift'eronce as is described should be manifested in a region of such limited extent is striking if true, but it is not at all improbable th^t the statements are somewhat at fault. There is no doubt, however, that a very laige number of the light-colored fish are taken. Epicures claim that their meat is as rich and as well flavored as though it possessed the deeper color, but by people generally the salmon are graded according to color, whether ft'esh, canned, or salted, and a prejudice exists against any which have not the prescribed shade. There is, therefore, scarcely any sale for the paler flsli. Win n placed upon the market fresh they command a very inferior, price, w liile canned or salted they rarely find a purchaser. It is hoped that this prejudice will soon be overcome, permitting what is now essentially a waste product to be utilized in areordance with its true value. Leaving the question of color out of consideration, the quinnat are said to be always in good condition when taken in the salt water, the winter catch being the best. During their movements up the rivj^r they are also in prime condition in i;he si 'ing, but as the summer advances, especially by August, they show i-onsiderable deterioration, which increases as the spawning season approaches, until finally they practically cease to have any market value. The quinnat taken in this region are most highly valued for the fresh market. There is, in comparison with the extent of population, a rela- tively large local sale, and in the spring a considerable export trade to the Eastern cities of the United States. The latter begins at an early date and continues on rather an extensive scale until about the 1st of June, by which time generally the season for the Atlantic salmon has fairly opened and the demand comes practically to an end. It may, however, still be shipped for a time in small <|uantities to inland points 1 FISHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 285 ab f'Kt east as Ohicago. The spring trade is said to be constantly increasing, and in a frozen condition the species is now being sent to foreign countries. A considerable quantity is also salted for export, and after the heavier shipments to the East Iiave ceased, and the high price then prevailing has fallen in consequence, they maybe put up by a few of the canneries, especially on the Fraser Biver. By the time the canneries are in full operation, however, the quinnat have become scarce, and in the fall their quality has depreciated, while the incon- venience otKsasioned by the number of light-meated fish in the catch causes many of the canners to avoid handling them even at a season when their condition might otherwise be favorable. The canned quinnat of good color is graded about with the sockeye, the deeper and more stable tint of the latter increasing its relative value as compared with the quinnat, despite the inferior quality of its flesh. On the Fraser Biver commercial fishing for the quinnat is restricted to the use of drift nets. On the Washington coast the species is obtained only to a limited extent in traps, which are seldom set until after the principal runs are over, and the catch therefore consists mainly of scattered individuals taken in conjunction with the sockeye. ]!7o dependence is placed upon the species at Point Boberts, and it has not been the practice to fish for it specially at that place. Nets are used for its capture in some of the rivers of Washington. Its game quality has led to a considerable fishery in the salt water with hooks and lines, which is carried on mainly for profit, but also to a slight extent for sport. The fishermen are chiefly Indians, and the season is l)rincipally the winter, beginning in November. The method followed is trolling with both bait and spoon at various depths below the .surface, dependent on the position of the fish. Herriu,-^ is the bait usually employed. The principal localities of this ^shery have already been enumerated. While no statistics on the riubject a?'e obtainable, the catch by this means is probably very inferior to that made by nets in the various waters of British Columbia and Washington. SILVER SALMON. The silver salmon or coho, Oncorhynchus kiautch (Walbaum), ranks next in imi)ortance after the sockeye and quinnat. It is considered the most handsome of the salmon tribe, and in the salt water has game qualities in common only with the quinnat. The color of the flesh, though much lighter than in the sockeye, is as deep as in the quinnat, but it fades to such an extent in cooking as to make the species less desirable for canning than either of the former. The flesh is also drier or less oily, but of excellent quality for the table when fresh, and packs nicely. The Indians prefer this species to the sockeye for their own use, probably because it is more readily cured by taeir process of drying. The size, as observed in these waters, is reported to range from 2^ to 10 and 12 pounds, but to run generally from about 6 to 8 pounds. The species is said to attain 30 pounds in Alaska. li 286 REPORT OF GOMMI8SIONI1R OF FISH AND FISHERIES. There is some nocertainty regarding the length of stay of the coho in the salt watert, f this region. From what appears to be good authority it was learned that individuals have occasionally been caught by troll- ing in the spring and early winter. It has a well-defined run, however, and occurs abundantly only during a limited season, lasting generally about six weeks. The date of its first appearance varies in different years, as well as in different places during any one year. The schools are expected to arrive between the middle of August and the first few days in September, being reported earliest at points along the Strait of Juan de Fuca, sometimes, it is said, before the middle of August. In Puget Sound the earliest recorded catch for the Seattle cannery was made on August 28, 1889. In connection with the fishery in that locality no preparation is made for taking silver salmon before Septem- ber 4, and no reliance is plared on the species after October 23, though large supplies have been obtained as late as October 28 in the vicinity of Everett, while in other localities the fishery has continued until November 1. A few may even be taken as late as between the middle of November and 1st of December, after which they are rarely seen. In the Fraser River, while the coho may begin ascending even before the sockeye season has fairly closed, they are not expected to run abun- dantly until about kicptember 10. Their movement continues through most or all of October, but the duration of the main run is said to be only from four to six weeks. The date of running in the other i ivers is probably about the same. A few may appear in the Washington rivers as early as August 15 to 20, but they do not become abundant until some time later, and may continue ascending until the last of October. The silver salmon become widely disseminated through Puget Sound and the Gulf of Georgia, and enter many of the narrower channels among the islands, in which respect they differ from the sockeye. They ascend the smaller as well as the larger streams of the region, but in the Fraser River they apparently do not proceed very far above the sea. Much of their spawning-ground la just beyond the influence of the brackish water, and for spawning purposes they may enter even little creeks and rivulets in which the water seems scarcely deep enough to admit them. Their spawning season, according to the testimony of Canadian experts, begins about the middle of October and continues until about January, but it is supposed to occur mainly during November. In 1885 a few thousand eggs were hatched artificially at the Canadian hatchery on the Fraser River, but no serious attempt has been made to increase the abundance of the species by this means. The silver salmon are described as active rovers in the salt water, and their habit of leaping makes them readily distinguishable at the surface. They occur in large bodies and also thinly scattered over extensive areas, being erratic in their movements and often changing thoir position rapidly. Near the close of October, 1886, after the fishing season had apparently ended, schools were reported off the town of 1 FISHERIES OF WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 287 Everett. Two purse seines were immediately put in operation, and in one haul it was estimated that fully 10,000 fish had been surrouuded. The fishing was continued nniutermptedly during three days, the quan- tity assembled beiug the largest ever known, but on the fourth day they hail entirely disappeared, and none were subsequently observed in this locality. This sudden disai>pearauce from the salt water in the fall is said tu be the rule, and those Ashing for the species find their occupation abruptly terminated. Tho last of the large bodies must therefore make a qaick move toward, the rivers and their spawning- grounds. The important flshiug-grounds in Puget Sound extend mainly from the vicinity of Everett to Tacoma. There is a considerable variation in the general abundance of the species from year to year, and also as regards different parts of the region. Thus, while they may be scarce in some localities and exceed- ingly plentiful in others during any one year, the following year these conditions may be more or less reversed, and this applies to the rivers as well as to the salt waters. There is a reported decrease in the quantity of this species observed in certain places, as in Semiahmoo Bay, Birch Bay, Bellingham Bay, Samish Bay, and Elliot Bay, but if such a decrease has actually taken place there is nothing to show that it is more than local in character. In Elliot Bay and some other places the fishermen claim that it is due to the amount of stearriboating now going on. In the other bays above named the decrease has been chargoi against the continued heavy fishing by seines at the period when the coho are entering the riv'ers. The silver salmon appears not to be canned on the Fraser River, except in the case of a shortage in the pack of sockeye. The same is also true in principle with regard to most of the W^^^ington canneries, but in fact it has been so difQcult to obtain sufficient supplies of sock- eye at nearly all the latter that the silver salmon is extensively used in place of it, and it also composes an important part of the catch made for the Seattle cannery, where the sockeye is not put up. It is extensively salted on the Fraser River for the exi)ort trade, and is one of the favorite species with the Indians for their own use. The traps at Point Roberts, Lummi Island, and the San Juan Islands are mostly removed before the run of silver salmon is fairly on, but some may be left in place for the special purpose of obtaining this species if the sockeye catch has been small, and it is also taken in the traps in Skagit Bay. The main supply from the salt water, however, has been obtained by means of purse seines, although drag beines and reef nets are also used, the former chiefly at the mouths of the rivers. On the Fraser River the fishery is by means of drift nets. The silver salmon, like the quinnat, affords good sport fishing \a the salt water, and may be taken by trolling, either with or without a spoon. This method is resorted to for commercial purposes in some localities, but the catch is small. It is also said tliat they may be taken in this way in the lower 2 or 3 miles of some of the small rivers. .is 288 REPOBT OF COMMISSIONER UF FISH AND FISHERIES. THB HUMPBACK SALMON. The humpback salmon or **haddo"of the Indians, Oncorhynohtu gorbuseha (Walbanm), is a small species, averaging only about 4 or 4^ pounds in weight, although the male may reach as much as 6 pounds. From the sookeye, with which it is most commonly associated, it is readily distinguished by the shape of the body, the much finer scales, and the coarse spots on its tail. In the salt waters of this region it occurs chiefly during August, though appearing generally the latter part of July, and may continue present into the early part of Septem- ber. Its season, therefore, practically corresponds with the last half of the sockeye run, and the two species are often obtained abundantly together in the trap nets, much to the annoyance of the fishermen, as the humpback is In little favor either for canning, or other purposes. A peculiarity of the species is the fact that it makes its appearance only in alternate years, those indicated by odd figures, as 1895, when we had the opportunity of examining many specimens. If any are present in off years they are so few as to escape the notice of the fishermen. During the years of their occurrence they are exceedingly abundant. They are said to move slowly, in large schools, rolling in the water somewhat after the fashion of the porpoise, with the dorsal fin show- ing at the surface. Dr. Bean says of them in Alaska that they are much addicted to jumping out of the water, one of the commonest sights in the vicinity of St. Paul, Kadiak, being the breaching of the humpback. In Puget Sound and the Gulf of Georgia this habit was ascribed only to the silver salmon. Although quite a vigorous fish, the humpbacks die quickly when taken in the nets. In Puget Sound, where they are regularly fished for, the earliest catches are generally obtained during the first week of August, and fishing is expected to continue until the end of the month. Small numbers have occasionally been takeii as early as July 24, and large hauls have been made as late as September 8. The season is probably approximately the same for all parts of the salt waters, except that they would be expected to appear somewhat earlier in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and occasional small captures by the drift nets have been reported in the lower part of the Fraser River by July 20. • While the humpbacks enter at least most of the rivers and smaller streams of the region, they are said to avoid certain ones, but the testi- mony in this regard is not conclusive. They apparently do not ascend very far above the sea, although they may reach the headwaters of the shorter rivers, to which class, in fact, belong most of the rivers along this coast. They enter all of the lower tributaries of the Fraser River, from Burnaby Lake at New Westminster to Harrison and Ohilliwhack rivers, and probably to a short distance farther up. They require but little water for spawning, and even resort for that purpose to the nar- rowest and shallowest creeks, sometimes not over a few feet wide, and a foot and a half deep. In their spawning-places they congregate in such exceeding abundance that they are described as forming at timeii FISHERIES OF WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 289 almost a solid mass, fi >m which the stench prodaced by the dying fish is said to be intolerable. The spawning season on the Eraser River is reported to be from the latter part of September to the middle of Octo- ber, and the occasional association of the hnmpback with the sockeye oil the same grounds daring this period has given trouble in securing the eggs of the latter for the Canadian ha'chery. The flesh of the humpback is of a very %ht pinkish color and much softer than in the sockeye and quinnat, for which reasons the species is not highly regarded for canning, and has been regularly used for that purpose only at Seattle. The fish deteriorate rapidly, especially when c&nght in large quantities and heaped in scows from the traps or seines. Those in the lower layers, especially, soon become damaged and mis- shapen and lose their scales, greatly detracting from their appearance. ^Nevertheless, the humpbacks are considered by many as having excel- lent food qualities when taken in the salt water, particularly during the early part of the run. In some of the local markets they are sold fresh in small quantities. On th^ Fraser they are salted and smoked for export to China and other countries demanding a cheaper grade of salmon, and many are taken and prepared by the Indians for their own use, both in the fresh and salt waters. The output of the cannery at Seattle consists largely of the hump- back, which, selling at a low price, finds a \eady sale in the southern part of the United States. The supplies for this cannery are obtained mainly in the salt waters near and to the north of Seattle, by merns of drag seines hauled on the beaches. Small quantities are also brought from some of the rivers. In the season of 1891, four seines operating for this cannery made a total catch of 275,000 fish, but this represents only a part of the fishery that was in progress that year. The local demands in ^ther places along the shores are also chiefiy supplied through the agency of drag seines, while on the Fraser River the commercial fishery is by means of drift nets. The trap nets would appear, however, to afford the best means for the capture of the hump- back in the salt water, and they are sometimes so taken in immense quantities during the sockeye run. In fact, they often compose by far the larger i)art of the catch, and as it is generally impracticable to do the sorting in the water at the net, the entire catch may be emptied into scows and the overhauling take place at the wharves. Here the humpbacks are culled out and discarded, causing a wholesale destruc- tion of the species. There seems to be no immediate solution of the problem as to how this loss might be prevented, but the question calls for serious consideration, as incalculable harm may be done the supply of humpback in the course of a few years, by which time its market value is certain to be much increased. 1 DOO SALMON. The dog salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum), comes next after the quinnat in size, but differs greatly from that species both in habits and in the quality of its flesh, while its peculiar color markings readily dis- F C 89 19 290 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. tingaish it from all other forms. On the Fraser Biver it is >said to weigh mainly from 12 to 15 pounds, although many are taken up to 25 pounds, and individuals have been caught weighing 40 pounds and over. Very little has been learned regarding its movements. A few may occasionally be secured as early as the middle of August among the other salmon. The regular run, however, is stated to begin in Septem- ber and to continue through October and more or less of November, sometimes not ending until about December 1. In the purse-seine fishery tributary to Seattle the first catches during the six years from 1889 to 1894 varied in date from September 10 to October 17, and the last from October 27 to November 17. These figures, however, can not be assumed to indicate at all positively the duration of the run in any of those yCfirs without other inform:He8, been the result of actual trial, generally following one or more faiiureb^ z o r- O z 3] O z z m < ? ■ CD -n - o -{ H T ^ mg r- w > !Tt > > ■D (/I Z (D H O z I o I (Tl O o z c o H o z o ■n ia= Report U. S F. C. 1899. iTo face page 296 I Plate I'f. 33 m s o < z s o z o -n 11 o > z z n 3] H m O <^ 5 5 - CD Tj - O S =0 CD H 5 5 > > Q O z I O t I m o O z i/i H 33 C o H o Z M^.-._ FISHERIES OF WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 297 as little reliance can be placed upon the existing knowledg3 of the mpveinentfl of the fish. How the growth of the industry may affect operations on the Fraser River and the abundance of the sockeye is also an important matter which remains to be determined. CONSTRUCTION OF THB TRAPS. The salmon trap nets are constructed on the same general principle as the pound nets of the Great Lakes, consisting of a crib, tunnel, heart, and leader; but they are usually made of a larger size, and experience has dictated some important modifications. The netting is of cotton twine, and is supported by wooden stakes driven into the bottom. Wire netting of galvanized iron, in place of the cotton, for the hearts and leaders, has been suggested as probably more durable, and experiments regarding it have recently been carried on at Point Roberts. Floating traps, such as are successfully employed for salmon and other species in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, have never been tried in this region, but their relative cheapness and the ease with which they can be shifted from place to place are advantages which might commend them to the fishermen of Washington. The fishing-sites in the track of the sockeye are largely in exposed positions, many of them being open to the full force of any gale sweeping across a wide expanse of water firom more than one direc- tion, as is especially the case at Point Roberts. This condition neces- sitates the building generally of stronger traps than are customarily used in other regions. The stakes are unusually heavy and are often ba(ked by additional piling. The crib, moreover, is frequently strengthened by a capping of timber which binds the stakes together, and this capping may be continued along the top of the heart and even of the leader to a greater or less distance. This construction gives the appearance of great permanency, but it is designed only to meet the requirements of a single season, and it sometimes fails even in this respect, especially if the season be a stormy one. While some of the upper timbers and the netting may be saved, the stakes are seldom, if ever, available for a second season. The latter are rapidly honey- combed by ship-worms and it is not the practice to remove them. They are liable to break in the attempt to pull them from the bottom, and in the course of two or three months they become so thickly cov- ered with barnacles as to chafe the nets badly. The length of the leader varies according to location and the slope of the bottom, but it is generally much greater than in the Great Lakes, sometimes exceeding a half mile. The cribs are also generally of extra size, rectangular, but not always square in shape, and measured in the several traps examined from 35 to 80 feet on a side. Their depth ranged from 3 to 9 fathoms, dependent upon the depth of water. The hearts are, as a rule, proportionally large for the size of the crib, are sometimes double, one leading into the other, and constitute the most novel feature of the trap. They vary greatly in shape to meet the sup- posed exigencies cf each locality, and often have a leader-like exten- 298 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. sion of greater or less length, the entire arrangement being planned to intercept and direct toward the crib-opening such of the salmon as do not follow close along the main leader, and to minimize the chances of escape of those which have entered. This construction, the out- come of much experimenting, is said to have very greatly increased the efifectiveness of the traps. There may be an opening into the heart and crib on both sides of the leader, but it seems to be the more common i)ractice to limit the entrance to one side, at least as regards the fishery for the sockeye, in view of the steady and constant movement of this species in one direc- tion while on its passage to the fresh waters. The customary double opening would offer no advantages under these conditions. The mesh of the netting is usually 3 inches in the crib and heart, and from 3^ to 4 inches in the leader. Mesh of larger size, from C to 8 inches, has been tried in the leaders, but it is said to have proved dis- advantageous, owing, in part at least, to the large quantity of coarse seaweed which is often found floating in the water, and which finds lodgment in the larger mesh, tending to clog it and weigh down the net. Observations on the general effect of using the smaller mesh in both the crib and leader are lacking. The gill-net mesh for sockeye on the Fraser Biver is 5| inches, and it would seem that the mesh in the crib might be increased above 3 inches without danger of gilliug adult fish. There would be no object, however, in taking such a step, unless it were found that the present mesh was destructive of young salmon or of other species smaller ' < size than the sockeye. This fact could rea.d a spiller, has recently been devised, and appears to be coming into quite general use. It is, in fact, an additional crib, square in shape, and con- nected with the first by means of a tunnel, through which the surplus fish of any catch may be driven. In this way large numbers of salmon may be kept in good condition for a considerable time, fishing may go on uninterruptedly and without loss, and the canneries continue in oper- ation during intervals when the runs are small or have ceased. niSTRIBCTION AND HISTORY. The shores first approached by the sockeye which have furnished sites tor trap nets are those of the San Juan Islands, but none of these has so far been more than very moderately successful. How many trials have been made there as well as elsewhere throughout the region it has been impossible to ascertain. In 1804 two nets of this character were built on hoyti"'. Island. < >ne was near Fisherman Bay, in San Juan Channel, where it is now thought the socke> e never enter, or, if at all, in Report U. S. F. C. 1899. (To face page 298.) Plate 12. k.PS I >B Point e%ftMi Kv..g •.tSVtAB*- yj ••• 0Ad4<' ""■■•1/ i Trap N0.I PrmpNo.2 msmm mm Report U. S. F. C. IS99. (To lacs paga 2»8.> OftB&<' a%fmi Trap No.1 Details of Traps 1 and 2 on scale o: aOO feet to 1 ineh mmtBamfn Plate 12. SALMON TRAPS In Vicinity of ViliIjAOb Point lummi island Summer of 1899 ttmrn. Trap No. 2 .,8%Ab«. 1 and. 2 on scale o± et to 1 inch l^ ^ J^ #• t f • > ■"Ir X \ V \ \ * \. -■!*.' Mt*B«. ^ '#«^-* ■^iw. ■ ' iiMi^itfji»#»»riM!iii iii'i^Mii i w .r,«rti» .--i .(M-v •,\;v- > -;':•: 1 i- FISHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BBITISH COLUMBIA. 299 quaiitttiea too Hmall to be appreciable. The other was off the Houth side of the island, in the vicinity of Long Island, where sockeyo were observed in 1803, though they failed to appear, or at least to be taken, in 1804. The same year there was a trap at Keed Harbor, Stuart Isliind, which also proved unsuccessful, and none of these three places has since been tried. lu 1805 there were again apparently only three traps among these islands, one of which was on Henry Island, near Koche Llarbor, but as the site was evidently unfavorable for the purpose it was <4oon aban- doned. The other two were located off the south side oi Sun Juan Island, just west of Cattle Point lighthouse. The eastern one was built on the northwestern edge of Salmon Bank, the other being about three-fourths of a mile farther west. The western began near the beach and extended off a distance of about 3,200 feet, while the eastern started some distance from shore and had about 2,000 feet of leader. The extreme depth of the cribs was about 7^ fathoms. It is said that the western net took but few sockeye, although the eastern did fairly well. Many humpback salmon and small quantities of other species were also caught. It was proposed in 1806 and 1807 to increase the number of traps among the San Juan Islands, but no def nite information as to the sites occupied has been obtained. As to the waters directly east of the San Juan group, trap-net fish- ing has been mainly limited to Skagit Bay and Lummi Island. In 1805 there were two traps in Skagit Bay, both of moderate size, one being operated at Demock Point, the northwestern extremity of Oamano Island, the other at Huuot Point, near the southern end of Fidalgo Island. In previous years the following sites, as well as others, had been occupied: Alaki Point, at the northeast end of Whidby Island; the west side of Kiket Island ; Tosi Point and Hunot Point, on Fidalgo Island ; and the shore between La Conner and Goat Island. The traps in Skagit Bay are placed to intercept the run of sockeye which, enter- ing through Deception Pass, are making for the Skagit Eiver. Silver salmon and the quinnat are also taken here in abundance, and supplies are shipped to canneries in other places as well as to the fresh market at Seattle. By 1807 the number of traps in operation had been increased, and the industry had assumed much greater importance owing to the establishment of two canneries at Anacortes. One small trap net was reported to have been fished in 1895 near Edison, in Samish Bay, and another was projected for William Point, Samish Island, in 1896. It was not learned for which species these nets were planned. On the west side of Lummi Island, south of Village Point, three trap-net sites, about equal distances apart, had been occupied up to the close of 1805, the farthest being about IJ miles from the point, the nearest within one-fourth mile. They lead off from the shore from 637 to 725 feet into depths of 6^ to 8 fathoms. One was built upon for the first time in 1805, but the others are of older date. One of the latter, 'i.>t^^jt-^*4iVA.r*i'^v(. *»1JIJWI1.I,I^U 300 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FIfiH AND FISHERIES, the from the point, has been abandoned. The remaining two, however, are said t> be favorably jjlaced, bat while both were put to use in 1895, an injunction obtained against theai by the Indians prevented their omployineiit during most of the seasoi.'. This was due to tbeir location inside of and iidjacent to one of the I'avorite reef-net fishing-grounds, which the Indians claimed was being injured by their prnxlraity. Here also, in 1897, a marked increase was shown in the extent of trap-net fishing. An elaborate trap built in 1894 at Sandy Point, on the mainland, a iV'h )rt distance north of Lummi Island, is reported to have taken no Hockeye; but while the site was not occupied in 1895, it was proposed to utilize it again in 1896. Projected traps for 1896 were also to be located at Cher y Point and Point Whitehorn, still farther north, on the main- land. One was erected in 1895 at Biroh Point, but was used for only a few days. It was intended to rebuild it on a larger scale in 1896. Point Roberts. — The advantages of the waters about Point Roberts %) trap-net fishing will be understood from the account of the move- ments of the sockeye after reaching Boundaiy Bay. The number of fl;?h which pass around the point and the regular course taken by the schools combine to malie this locality, as regards the species named, tha most favor c'd of any in the Siilt waterf^^ of the region. Point Roberta is about 3 miles wide along its southern shore, which is nearly 8traij.Vt, and between 4 and 5 miles long north and soutli, about 2 m;les in *iis direction lying south of the international boundary lipo formed by the forty-ninth parallel of north latitude. 0\\ the east side it if. bordered by Boundary Bay, whi-^h, including Semiahmoo Bay, has an extreme width of about 1 1 miles. ITorth of the boundary this bay is \ery shallow, being nearly everywhere less than 3 fathomsr- deep. The widi h of tL^' phallower water narrows in the direction of the southeastern cornar of Point Roberts, known as Cannery Point, south of which. However, there is an extensive kelp-covered ledge, long a favorite fishing-ground of the Indians. After passing this ledge the 3-fathom curve lies close inshoi-e along the st ath side of Point Roberts and ^ntil after rounding its southwest cornei, when it again bends offshore (piite abruptly as the broad bank otf the mouths of Fraser Eiver is approached. The facilities for the building of trap nets in this locality are mainly determined by the contour of the bottom. The shallow water off the east side of the point gives opportunity for greatly multiplying their number, but when the depths are slight, the conditions are generally h ast favorable for tlie movements of the sockeye, and much of the ground is practical ly valueless. More fish are said to be taken along the edge of the deep water than elsewhere, and those nets ftsli best which are in the deep water or lead into it. The ^ inds also are a factor as regards the shallow areas, as the nets up in : lie bay do nothing when there is a northwest wind, while a southerly wind, blowing on the shore and causing: rough water, seems to drive the ."^sh in. Cannery Point is .4 i »^ X FISHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 301 X consider jd to preseut the best advautages yet discovered, aud much larger catches of sockeye have been made directly in front of it than in any other part of the salt water. Along the south side of Point Roberts long leaders are not possible, and the (;ribs are invariably comparatively near the shore, but the fish also keep corrospondingly farther in, and after OaM try Point the next best sites are said to be in the neighborhood of the southwest corner. West of the pointy up toward the bouudary line, the bottom is again suited to long leaders. Trap-net fishing was started at Point Roberts some years before it was taken up at other plices. The first net of this kind was built by John Waller, about 1880, oft' Cannery Point, a short distance north of the Indian reef, and this position appears to have been more continu- ously occupied for the purpose than any other. For nearly a decade, however, such operations as were carried on were scarcely more than experimental, and the results for the most part were small. While we have little information on the subject, the traps as firvst constructed seem not to have been entirely suited to the capture of the sock eye, and the value of the different sites had yet to be learned. In Waller's trap the ci'.b is said to have been only about 20 feet nquarft, while the leader, measuring some 900 feet long, did not approaisb nearer than 300 feet from, the shore. It was set only during the sockeye run, the greater portion of the catch being sold to the canneries on the Fraser River, while the remainder were salted. Mr. Waller was succeeded about 1885 by a practical fisherman from the Great Lakes, who is still at Point Roberts and who has done much to bring the net to its present state of perfection. He made use of at least the same general position as Mr. Waller, but in 1887 a second trap w!i,s added on the eastern side, much nearer the boundary line. TJntil 1891 the number of these nets does not seem to have been increased beyond two, the catch by this means continuing small and being disposed of as in the beginning. In the last-nan^ed year, however, a small cannery, the first one in the region, was built at Scmiahmoo, at the eastern end of Boundary Bay, and arrangements were made to obtain the necessary supplies of fish from Point Roberts. This led to the erection of one or two, possibly three, additional traps. In 1893 a second cannery was built, this one occupying the southeast corner of the Point, and the number of traps was increased to 13, 11 being operated by the two canneries, and 2 independently. Before the next season both canneries had passed into the control of the Alaska Packers' Association, which made use of 12 trai)S during 1894, while 4 were under independent management, making 10 in all south of the boundary line. During this year the first net was placed in the Canadian waters of Boundary Bay, being located close to the line. In 1895 there were 33 trap-net locations about Point Roberts, of which 23 vere east of the Point in Boundary Bay, and the remainder south aud west of it. This number included both (he traps in use and those of previous years whose positions were still marked by more or 41 / 902 REPO«>r or coiniMMOin!!* ofc j»iMir aitd fisheries. less of f/be old ;«d4 ^eiKrally much deiSiiydn iA^'-::^^. One object ia leawii^ the laftteriPjIlMi^e, besides the i;Pou'te»W»»i,iK >v -rf^nse of removing tbeoi, «ai« to show a |>«!(»sMiption of the jfroui - "upy, and thus, as far am possible, to pr.-<«wit encroachment D- site*' to til* extent tbitt -.iJMiy have been discloK.: coul<^ be gadiMd, are tlKJoD*}' .'low occupies*, and the aueady to be j,w«tty ChiHuuj^iy tH>uLioli#!rf l>y fchow althougl' further expei-ience ^b^' sujjfest othef pv TUe extend of tiiifciMS'g at thiH poir** however, vfW j^ruu V i'>igalHte»<^ ^y the capar;* '>f tin* *;iM>iM>ii«j' nea»p ^ hand, or jjatlw^r by th^ir oot^H'* -*« dictate/l i ». ••«wk#' eondi^ioo*!, un'l«*'mpeti- UMa shield aa^use to rff««mlate an a«tjv<» civaiJiry. Jjleve» traps were .<• -oerntion t» the eswit o*' i^m 4W^ •^ thes*> being in .m wateni a.u in one coi/tM j»eBM»»>>'> from t^. lAore o<'/»o*i#y Point in - of i«b0«f ;» mile, p^i»fkfi»^ the ao»^> ledge eise*lM»re desci^WI. ^^ inner tr^ ,, feet, the mt^/mi of »1k>u<^ ' ^ imfif- a«d the^ The cribs *r«w j^r/jp* aod ^ f»e* |$t^^ 8ucc«»w;. . and 7 fathoin«, M noftft o< ti>* <>roacr «A(iif 4V^ 'l. The direction given to the l4MMl«r« i*- ^mtillff^ y ^ ^ the fishermen that the socioye appear <4^ <^4 <9M« t#W iK#«M*>»>■'■ J^ 'f i. .*?r .^• J. .J /) Roporl U S. F. C. 1899. (To faco page 302.) LINE. ''•S^^'Or, y^^ TRAP NETS AND TRAP NET LOCATIONS AT POINT ROBERTS. WASHINGTON Summer of 18 9 5 Scale 1600 feet«ii l«cl The trap nets in usr that seeson aro represented by full imes, while the broken lines show additional positions where traps had beon locatsd in previous years. Plate 13. * <:,/!r. -T ,1 -f ;> i-*r4i £.w M-^i »i^»^W. ■*»!<-** «- * ■-•-* ■ -/■ • ■ ^ii^' * -•■>-' ^"••i^' 'C.'-" .-'" .^■■ ,9 I rii T A kdOT?./^KKc AW ,3X9133011 TvHO' t « 'i '.' f 1 1 ;/ i) f^t .,i .'■ f -^ r ■, ,,'» tifrnt ,ii -; ■«■.;- •' 1 Fji l FISHERIES OF WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 303 leaders, not exceeding 1,800 feet, which begin near shore and extend into depths of 5^ and 7 fathoms. Off the west coast there were also only two single traps in 1895, both being well up toward the boundary, and off shore. They had comparatively long leaders extending over the edge of Roberts Bank, the cribs being located in depths of 64 and 9 fathoms, respectively, and at distances from shore of about 3,200 feet and 1^ miles. In 1897 and 1898 many additional trap nets were in use about Point Roberts, but their number and exact location have not been ascer- tained. The catch of sockeye in the former year was very large, and the capacity of the region was shown to be much greater than had been anticipated. 8EA80K AND CATCH. The canneries obtaining their supplies at Point Roberts desire only sockeye salmon, and take other species only when the sockeye catch is insufficient to meet their requirements. The trap nets at that place are therefore built almost exclusively for the capture of the sockeye, and, in view of the expense attending their construction and mainte- nance, it is doubtful if any would be used there except for the i)res- ence of this species. The season when they are set is mainly limited to the period during which the sockeye run continues, generally begin- ning between the first and middle of July and closing between the middle and end of August. In 1894 and 1895 one or two traps are said to have been set for the quiiinat salmon, commencing between the 10th and 15th of June, but as the weather about Point Roberts is likely to be stormy as late as that time, the risks attending the working of the traps have discouraged their use during the quinnat season. To maintain an active spring fishery for the quinnat by this means would require a special strength- ening of the nets, increasing the expense, while at the same time there would be constant danger of their serious injury or destruction. The prevailing summer winds are northwesterly, 1)ut easterly winds occa- sionally occur, producing rough water in the neighborhood of the nets in Boundary Bay and making it difficult or impossible to lift them for a «lay or two, especially the more northern ones in the shallower water. If the sotikeye season has been unfavorable, a few of the traps may be left in position during a part of September, in order to cover more or less of the run of silver salmon in case it is desired to fill out the pack with that species. As an indication of the recent rapid growth of the trap-net fishery at Point Roberta, it may be noted that in 1892 the catch of sockeye by that means was reported as about 37,000 fish, while in 1895 it had increased to about 080,000 fish, of which by far the greatest quantity was taken in the nets of the nearby canieries. The number of spring salmon caught during the latter year was reported at less than 5,000. Humpback salmon are taken in connection with apart of the sockeye run in very large quantities, but they are seldom, if ever, used i'or canning. w 304 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. Before the building of canneries at Semiabmoo and Point Roberts the Fraser Biver faruished the only market for disposing of the fish in fresh condition; but the establishment of canning operations near the location of the traps has changed all this. In 1895 the river canneries received out of the total catch of 680,000 sockeye only about 80,000, of which 30,000 came from the nets in the Canadian waters of Boundary Bay and 50,000 from three nets south of the boundary lino. In good years, when the Fraser Biver catch is ample, there has been no need to draw on Boundary Bay, although contracts previously made may have to be carried out, while in poor years there is a desire to retain at Point Boberts as much as possible of i^he sockeye catch made in that vicinity. The Fraser Biver canners are, as a rule, opposed to handling sockeye from Point Boberts, except in <;ases of emergency, for the rcasou that the fish are apt to deteriorate greatly in condition during transportation, whbu they are piled in large scows and towed from the fishing-grounds to the canneries. The season, being the height of summer, is unfavor- able, and the fish are often so soft upon reaching their destination that no use can be made of them. This happens most often in years of large catches, when the competition for markets is very great, and when the loss of fish from this cause has sometimes been very heavy. There is a marked inequality in the size of the sockeye catch at Point Boberts, as in other localities, from time to time during the same season, due to fluctuations iu the abundance of the fish, as elsewhere explained. Small catches for a period may be followed by excessive ones (amo^nting occasionally, it is said, to from 40,000 to 50,(>00 sockeye in a single day by the principal nets at Point Boberts), the latter sometimes causing a surplus which the canneries can not utilize immediately. In this respect the trap nets possess an advantage o>rer the gill nets, in affording the means of releasing or keeping the fish alive, through the crib itself or the spiller. The practice has also been followed of removing the surplus catch to cold chambers awaiting use. Notwithstanding the special advantages which the traps present in this respect, there is what seems to be well-founded complaint of the waste of many fish through their means, including even the sockeye in seasons of great abundance. The charges recite that this species is sometimes retained in the nets until no longer fit for use, and also that at times only a small proportion, the choicest parts, of each fish are utilized for canning, the remainder being rejected. As it is difficult to imagine the willful destruction of so valuable a fish simply, as it is claimed, to prevent their coming into the possession of others, it is to be hoped that the circumstances are not so bad as represented. The danger of the extermination of the species is too great to justify a resort to any such methods and most stringent measures should be adopted to prevent a waste in this direction. The principal destruction is probably of other species of salmon and of fishes belonging to other groups, which are trapped in conjunction with the sockeye and iu the removal of which no pains are taken to Report U. S. F. C. 1899, (To face page 304 1 Plate 14. Rppnrt U S F C. 1899 iTii (iice p«gn 304 ) Plate 15. > Z m o m s o n 7^ ■D O o o s > z o in r > z D 7; > I Z Q H o z m z 73 O s H I m (/) I o n IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 11.25 L21 us K& Hi 2.2 us 1^ 1^ 1 2.0 m U nil 1.6 7 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STRilT WEBSTER, N.Y. MSiiO (716) a73-4503 \ iV k L1>^ <^ ^.^. ygg|g| o n o O ■n H > Z m -1 o m z o o ■D o o o z > z o w > > z o 6 z Report U. S. F. C. 1899. (To face page 304.> Plate 16. i i i/ 1 } ! FISHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 305 return them alive to the water. This results mainly from the large size, generally, of the catches and the difficulty of sorting them during the operation of emptying the crib. With the exception of some of the largest forms, it is customary to load everything on scows by means of large dip nets or by reversing the crib net, after which the desirable parts of the catch are selected out and the remainder thrown away — nearly all being dead by this time. Experience with trap nets in other regions shows that some discrimination can be made during the progress of removal, especially when the species to be saved are large and easily recognized, as is the caso here, but in so doing the work is much prolonged and the expense increased. In a new region, so rich in resources as the one in question, Tvhere use can be found for only the choicer products and competition is exceedingly keen, it is questionable whether such exacting regulations of this character would be either wise or expedient at present. In fact, regulations looking to the release alive of any part of the catch of trap nets seldom con- ' template in any region the assorting of the catch by hand, but only the escape of the smaller fish through proper restrictions upon the size of the mesh. This is a question which indeed deserves consideration in connection witli the traps of the Puget Sound region. Among the species said to be destroyed in quantity are the quinnat, when off color, humpback and other salmon, sturgeon, herring, smelt, and flounders. As it is not possible to determine the color of the quinnat until it has been cut, there seems to be no way of affording the protection which it equally lacks when taken by other methods. Dogfish, which are sometimes captured in large numbers, are returned alive to the water, and a sale is springing up for the sturgeon, though many have been wasted in the past. GILL NETS. BRITISH COLUMBIA. / Gill nets are the principal appliances of the salmon fishery in British Columbia, but in Washington they are less important than the traps and seines. In Canadian waters, in fact, commercial fishing for salmon with nets is restricted to the use of drift gill nets, except in the upper part of Boundary Bay, where traps have been allowed, and in one or two northern localities, where seining is permitted because of the clearness of the water. The drift-net grounds are mostly limited to the Fraser River and the adjacent part of the Gulf of Georgia, where the advantages for fishing are much greater than in any other section of this entire region. Not only does this river and its approaches have the largest runs of all the species of salmon, but duriug the most impor- tant months for fishing they present together an ex(;eediugly large area of highly discolored water in which gill nets may be used as etlectively in tlie daytime as at night. This discoloration, which results from the floods caused by the melting snows among the mountains, commences generally about the middle of April and lasts until early in the fall, irc99 — so 806 BEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. thns covering a large part of the qninnat ran and all of that of the Bockeye. Before it becomes Huffluiently marked to obscure the nots, the quinnat fl8h«)ry is mostly carried on at night. This drift net fishery was being carried on in a small way as early as 1875 at least, but in the beginning it seems to have been entirely confined within the river. Finding, however, that good fishing by this means could be obtained ou1;Hide the delta, the fishermen began by 1885 to resort to the ''sandheads" ofi" the south arm, from which point the area of their operations has been extend(^d until by 1891 it reaithed as far ofilBhore as does the intensely mnddy water of the Fraser. Wherever this condition exists the sockeye can be taken in drift nets as readily and in as great abundance as in the river itself. This exten- sion of the grounds has given opportunity for a greatly increased catch, and has caused the bulk of the fishery to be centered within a radius of G or 8 miles of the river mouth, upstream in one direction and out in the Onlf of Georgia in the other. Drift-net fishing in the Fraser is restricted by law to that part of its conrse which is iutluenced by the tide, the upper limit being placed at Sumas River, between 50 and 60 miles above the mouth of the main river. Comparatively little, however, is done above New Westminster, though there are in this upper section a few good drifting-places during high water, where the qninnat are taken in the spring and the sockeye in July, but generally in August the river becomes so low as to interfere with operations. During a short period in each week of July and August, immediately following the weekly close time, drifting may be carried on largely about .New Westminster and thence down- stream, but as a whole by far tlie greater part of the fishery is limited to the lower 6 to 8 miles of the river and the outside grounds. This is explained by the fact that the current is not so strong below, there is more room and more certainty of .^ sailing breeze upstream to renew the drift, and competition naturally impels the fishermen to seek the grounds neai'est tiO where the fish first apfear, in their efforts to secure some advantage. The canneries have also become mainly concentrated along the lower part of the river, especially in the vicinity of Ladner, and at 8teveston, where they are convenient to the fishing-grounds now mostly resorted to. Fishing is carried on in all three branches of the delta, the main channel, the North Arm, and Canoe Pass. Outside the river there are no legal restrictions upon the extent of the grounds, their limits being solely defined by the opportunities for securing fish. As explained in the account of that species, the sockeye assemble in front of the delta, coming apinireutly both from the south and west^and occupying a considerable area both on and off the edges of the bank which stretches fruu. Point Grey to Point Uoberts. The discolored water permits tlie use of drift nets as far north as Point Grey, as far south as the boundary line, and to a distance of at least 5 or 6 miles offshore in the direction of Vancouver Island. The heaviest part of the fishing is dose off the main entrance and Canoe Pass, f FISHERIES OF WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 307 I; ^^ f- toward which the fish are working, but duriug a trip from the delta to Point Roberts, at the Iieight of the Hoclieye seaHon in 1895, the boats were observed to be also scattered elsewhere in all directions as far as one could see, to near the boundary line, south of which they do not go. There were at least 4U0 or 50U boats outside on that occasion, and the scene presented was one of great animation. While the nets are set with reference to the current, they soon take devious courries, and iu places were so close together that the tug on which we were had diflSculty in picking its way among them. Owing to the generally unfavorable weather in the spring, there has been practically no fishery for quinnat on the outside grounds at that season, but in the fall this species may be taken there to a small extent. The length of the drift nets in British Columbian waters is limited by law to 150 fathoms, and the most of those in use are probably of about that size. There is no restriction upon their depth, but custom fixes it at 50 to 55 meshes, though some are narrower. Two sizes of mesh are recognized by law. The larger, intended for the quinnat salmon, measured 7f inches in extension, until 1897, when it was reduced to 7 inches, and may be used from March 1 to September 15. The smaller, designed for the sockeye, silver salmon, etc., measures 5| inches, and may legally be employed from July 1 to August 25, and again from September 25 to October 31. Between September 15 and 25, and between November 1 and March 1, all salmon fishing with nets is pro- hibited. The quinnat nets are employed mainly in the spring and early summer, but also to some extent in September, when the quinnat run is smaller and the fish are not in so good condition. The smaller mesh is used mostly during July and August, when the sockeye are present and the canneries are iu active operation. season, beginning August 25, is to permit the last of the sockeye schools, in which the fish are well matured, to reach their spawning- grounds unmolested. The fall season of the small-meshed nets allows for the capture of tlie silver salmon, but the fishery at that time is not extensive, as the demand for this species is very much less than for the sockeye. The twine of which the nets are made is of the best flax, but being loosely laid has a very coarse appearance compared with that used for gill nets in the Great Lakes and elsewhere in the East. The nets con- structed of it, however, are said to be better adapted to the large catches of heavy fish so generally obtained on the Fraser River, although the fine hard twine is best for clear water. The cost of the nets fully rigged is about $100 apiece. They are lightly tanned and sometim'^s a little tar is used upon them. With care they can be made to last t. .ee or four years, but with the ordinary hired fishermen their life is generally measured by a single season. They are fitted with lead sinkers and wooden floats. The buoys are sometimes of wood, but square tin oil cans are very commonly employed for this purpose. The boats are mostly small skiffs, about 20 feet long, generally manned by two, occasionally by three, persons. In recent years the 308 REPORT OP COMMISSIONER OP FISH AND FISHERIES. Oolumbia Biver boat has been introduced and is now used to a consid- erable extent in the lower part of the river and outside. Its breadth and centerboard make it much safer for the more exposed places. All gill nets in British Columbian waters are, in accordance with law, used adrift. This method appears to be best suited to most of the requirements of the region and has given entire satisfaction. The cur- rent in the Fraser Biver is generally too strong for set nets, and with the large number of nets there employed only the one method of Ash- ing them would be advisable. All nets are drifted at the surface, each being handled by a single boat, to which it is attached at one end, the other end being indicated by its buoy. Up to 1891, inclusive, the number of drift nets in use was limited to 500. Since then, however, licenses have been issued to all bona-flde fishermen, British citizens and residents, who make application. The canneries and other establishments dealing in salmon are allowed sev- eral nets apiece, but each independent fisherman is entitled to only a single net. The number of licenses issued and the total length of the nets employed each year since 1891 have been as follows : Year. 1802. 1893. 1894. Num- ber of nets. Total length of nets in yards. 721 1,072 1,6M 252, MO ' 385,900 , 503,900 i 1 Tear. 1895. 1896. 1897. Num- ber of nets. 1,733 Total length of nets in yards. 528,000 803, 801 709,400 To insure their identification the boats of the independent fishermen must be marked with their license number, but canneries and dealers have each their separate series of numbers, as each receive^only a single license for all its boats. A varied nationality is represented among the drift-net fishermen, including Indians and negroes, there being a very large number of the former. The arrangements with them dift'er. Some own their boats and nets and dispose of their catch by contract; others are sui>pHed with their outfit by the canneries and fish on shares, while others again, the Indians especially, are employed on day wages. The inde- pendent fisherman in possession of an outfit is supposed to fish it himself, and his hours -are measured by his endurance. The canneries, however, generally hire two gangs for each of their boats, in order that they may be kept at work both day and night. The licenses do not define the position which each fisherman may occupy with his drift net. The law provides, however, that the nets shall be kept at least 250 yards apart and shall not be used so as to obstruct more than one-third the width of the river, but it has been manifestly impossible to comply with these regulations — the first, especially — since the number of nets has increased so greatly ; and the second, because in many places the width of the river is less than three times the length of the nets. The fishermen are left to arrange these matters among themselves, and whether they do so by tacit understanding or not, there is little cr 4- I FiaHEHIES OF WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 309 no interference among them. Each selects, no far as he can, what seems to him the best location, and may change it from time to time. As tlie nets are floating no fisherman has a li- anoe U8ed. This form of net is one of the most convenient to operate and tiHords a ready means for securing food. The total number of seines employed in the I'uget Bound region in both 1?: - ;^,ld 1898 was placed at 59. BSEF NETS. The reef net is the exclusive property of the Indians, by whom it has long been used. Its name is derived from the character of sea bottom for which it is specially adapted — the peculiar kelp covered reefs — but while such abound throughout the region, the number over which the sockeye pass in sufficient quantity to furnish good flsliing seems to be comparatively small. Formerly the nets were made from the fiber of cedar bark or' roots, the preparation of which was a winter occupation and consumed much time. Cotton twine is now used and since its introduction the nets have been enlarged. They consist of a piece of webbing, which varies more or less in size, but may average perhaps from 36 to 40 feet long by 25 to 30 feet across, the mesh being about S^ inches. To prepare for fishing a channel of suitable width is cut* through the kelp, and in this the net is set between two canoes so anchored from both ends as to keep them parallel with and at the sides of the passage- way. The suspension of the net is accomplished by means of guy lines leading from the canoes and head anchors. In the position which it then assumes the front end, facing the current, sinks near the bottom, while the hind end curves to near the surface. Although the kelp may be quite submerged along the sides of the channel, still it tends to direct the fish toward the net, and their movements may still further be controlled by short leads of kelp run out /r^'n the front corners of the latter. In case the depth of water is too great, ropes are sometimes sti'etched across the channel below tlie front margin of the net, and to these bunches of reeds may be attached with the object of turning the fleh upward. The salmon, approaching with the current, pass upon the net. They do not mesh, nor is there anything to prevent their escaping at the sides. It is at tlii.s point that the Indians are required to display their skill An experienced man stands in the bow of each canoe as a look- out, while each of the guy lines is in the hands of a member of the crew. The moment fish are seen coming over the net word is given to haul in, a command which must be promptly obeyed. The side lines leading to the stern anchors are tripi>ed at the same time, causing the lioats 314 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. to come together, so that the net can be gathered up from all sides in a sort of bag. The contents are emptied into the canoes, the net is again thrown over and spread out, and the watching resumed. Success depends upon the net being hauled quickly and properly at the right moment. Should the fish have turned before the first step is taken, they are likely to escape wholly or in greater part. Constant vigilance is required, but the Indians have become so expert that they seldom fail to land their catch, and their success seems to depend only on the appearance of the fish in sufficient quantity. When the fish are running well a large reef-net crew will consist of 10 to 15 Indians, as at Point lioberts, but in some i)laces the nets are smaller and the crew may not contain more than G to 8 men. On Cannery Point Beef it is said that under exceptionally favorable condi- tions a haul can be made every 2 or 3 minutes, and a single large catch may fill the two canoes. With fishing at its best a single net may secure as many as 2,000 salmon in a day, but to do this the fishing canoes must continue at their posts, the catch being transferred to shore by other boats. In 1894 and 1895, however, scarcely anything was accomplished with the reef nets in this locality. The proper time for fishing with these nets is during the set of both the ebb and flood tide, when the current is running not swifter than 5 knots an hour. They can only be used in clear water, as it is essential that the salmon should be plainly seen ; when the water is muddy or the surface rough nothing can be done. While originally the Indians employed this method only for a short period each season to supply their own wants, in recent years they have found a ready sale for their entire catch, which, consisting as it does mainly of sockeye, is in great demand at the canneries. The money value of this species is now so great that they retain only small quantities at the most for drying. Reefnet fishing could not, however, be profitably followed by the whites, owing to the number of hands required to operate the net and the great loss of time resulting from unfavorable conditions of sea and weather. The Indian reef-netters belong partly to the Lumrai Reserva- tion and partly to British Columbia. The latter lish chiefly about the San Juan Islands, coming over specially for that purpose. What is probably the largest and has been the most productive ground in the region for this kind of fishing is the reef directly south of Cannery Point, at Point Roberts, which 1ias been described in another connection. From 15 to 20 nets were formerly fished here at a time, and with much success; IG were ir» operation in 1889, but in 1894 the access of salmon to the reef had been so cut ofi' by strings of trap nets as practically to destroy its advantages, although the Indians still visit it. Each crew had formerly two places to fish upon, one for high and one for low water, in order to extend the hours of work, it being con- sidered preferable that the water should not exceed 8 feet in depth at the time of fishing. „ FISHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 315 Between Village Point and Bluff Point, on the outer side of Lummi Island, there is also an excellent ground, with capacity for about 6 or 7 reef nets, which is resorted to by the Indians from the neighboritig reservation. Salmon have been abundant here and large catches have been made, but, as at Cannery Point, trap nets have recently been so placed as to divert a large proportion of the fish from the reef and reduce its value for the purposes of the Indians. There is a small but productive reef inside of Iceberg Point, at the southern end of Lopez Island, on which a few nets are used, and where daily catches of 3,000 to 4,000 salmon are sometimes made. Both sockeye and silver salmon are taken at this place, the former at least being now mostly sold to the cannery at Friday Harbor, and in good seasons the reef is an important source of supply. The nets are sometimes set iu an extreme depth of 18 fathoms. We were told by some of the Indians Ashing here that although they have tried for quinnat they have never been successful with that species, probably because it does not appear in defined schools. Humpbacks and dog salmon occur abundantly, but are not fished for, as they have no sale. There seem to be no other reef-net grounds about Lopez Island, but sevei^al small ones are fished off the west side of San Juan Island and off both the east and west sides of Stuart Island. Others probably exist, of which we obtained no definite information. HOOK-AND-LINE FISHING. The quinnat and silver salmon are the only species which will take bait and can be fished for with a hook. The fishery by this means, trolling with bait or spoon, is insignificant compared with the net fish- ery, but it affords the opportunity for securing especially the quinnat in the winter and spring when nets can not be used profitably if at all. The catch so made is disposed of to the fresh markets or utilized for domestic purposes by the fishermen. Both Indians and whites engage in it,jthe fornner most extensively. Some of the more prominent local- ities for this fishery are off Victoria and Port Townsend, about the San Juan Islands, off Kanaimo, and off' Point Boberts, and in some places it is indulged in for sport as well as for securing food. Sport fishing for salmon with fly and spoon is carried on to a limited extent in some of the smaller clear rivers, especially in British Colum- bia. The quinnat is said to be the only species which can be so taken, and the fishing-places are the pools in which they rest during their journey upstream. Trout are also very abundant in such localities and are obtained by the same means. The Indians about 'Seah Bay do a great leal of trolling for salmon to supply their own wants, the fishes of this group following next after the halibut iu importance as an article of food among them. The fishing season there is chiefly the months of June, July, and August. Details regarding the hook-and- line fishery have already been given under the headings of the quinnat and silver salmon. 316 REPOBT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. SPBAB8. Spears seem to be used rather extensively, in the clear, shallow npper waters of many of the rivers, for obtaining salmon as they approach their spawning-grounds. The flsh so taken are, naturally, not in the best condition for food, nor are they soaght by this means for com- mercial purposes, unless it be to supply a local demand. The Indians follow this method most, but white settlers also employ it where they have the opportunity to do so, and often in this way add greatly to their stock of food. In some localities the catch must be relatively rather large, as is known to be the case in the upper waters of the Skagit Biver. Besides the ordinary form of spear, a gaff is also fre- quently employed, the handle to either one being sometimes made of extra length to permit of its being used from the banks of a stream. Under favorable circumstances it is said to be x>ossible to select from the fish, as they pass by, the particular species that is most desired or the more robust and healthy individuals. DISPOSITION OF THE SALMON CATCH. Until quite recently this region has occupied, from the standpoint of trade, a position of comparative isolation which the completion of railroads has only partly overcome, owing tj its distance from large consuming centers. In the development of tlie salmon fishery and the disposition of the catch it has, therefore, boen necessary to resort to methods of preparation which would insure the preservation of the product for indefinite periods. Salting naturally came first, followed by canning, while now the shipping of fresh salmon is a rapidly growing business. The salting process was introduced at the beginning of the century by the Northwest Company and afterwards continued by the Hudson Bay Company, primarily for the purpose of providing a winter stock for the use of their employees and for local sale. As the facilities for shipping opened up, an export trade began, which finally reached large proportions and ^:as long constituted an important feature of the salmon industry on both sides of the boundary line. Requiring little outfit, this branch has beeit engaged in by men of small means as well as by establishments having considerable capital. Wliile both the quinnat and sockeye are utilized in this way, the greater part of the output consists of the cheaper grades of salmon. The product is mostly dis- posed of to the eastern United States and to Australia, the Hawaiian Islands, China, and Japan. The smoking of salmon was also begun in British Columbia at an early date and was subsequently taken up in Washington, but the quantity prepared in this way has always been small. Canning presented a somewhat more refined method of preparation, the product of whirh soon gained great and world-wide popularity. The growth of this particular branch of the fishery was quite rapid •■■■■■ FISHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 317 upper »roach ill the com- Ddiaiis e they atly to itively of the so fre- lade of ;ream. from "ired or I from the beginning, and during the past few years has been remark- able. Its limitations are measurable only by the suppiy of fish and the restrictions of trade. The utilization of the salmon from this region in a fresh condition, except locally, was long delayed, owing to the lack of transportation facilities to large markets, of which there are none in proximity to the Pacific coast. The preference for fresh fish, however, led to the early utilization of through railroad communication to place the western species in competition with their Atlantic congener in the very home of the latter. This trade is now having a marvelous development. It reaches the larger cities along the Atlantic seaboard and in the interior of the country, and has recently found an outlet in Europe and other parts of the world. Shipments have chiefly been made during winter and spring when the salmon are in best condition and the weather is most propitious. Ice is used in packing to the extent made necessary by temperature and other conditions, and freezing methods have recently been introduced. The quinuat is preferred for the fresh trade, and in the spring, before the Atlantic salmon are in season, it commands so high a price as to make its purchase for canning purposes unwarranted. The steelhead is also a fresh-market fish and is sold almost exclusively as such, it being obtained most abundantly in the best condition during the winter, when the fewest difficulties attend its shipment. The sockeye and 6ther species are likewise utilized in this trade, but the latter least extensively on account of their lighter color. The most important centers for the shipping of fresh salmon are New Westminster, in British Columbia, and Seattle, in Washington, but small quantities may be sent inland directly from a few other places, more especially from Tacoma. The bulk of the fish intended for this trade, however, is forwarded to one or the other of these cities from fishing- grounds or from collecting places on steamer routes. Thus Seattle may derive its supplies of quinnat from the Strait of Juan de Fuca by way of Port Townsend, from the San Juan Islands through the several stopping- places which the steamers have in that group, from Skagit Bay and Eiver, and so on, the entire field tributary to Seattle being an extensive one. The New Westminster supplies come partly from the Gulf of Georgia, but mainly from the Fraser River. The freezing of salmon seems to have be3n started on the Fraser Kiver as early as 1886, but not much was apparently done in that line until within a few years. There are now several freezing establishments in British Columbia and Washington, and the business outlook is exceeding' . promising. By this method not only may a large stock of fish be laid in when the season serves best, to be disposed of as demands arise, but a way is opened to new and more distant markets. The prospects are for a large and profitable trade which shall greatly increase the fishing industry of the region. 318 BEPOBT OF COMMISBIONEB OF FISH AND FISHEBIE8. The local trade in salmon is relatively large in comparison with the extent of population, the low price at which they can generally be obtained, especially the least desirable commercial forms, placing them within the reach of all. Many of the inhabitants fl^h for their own table, using nets and spears in the rivers and the trolling hook in salt water. The Indians have always depended very largely on the salmon, one of their chief occupations having been the preparation of a large winter stock by drying. In some places, where they have come mnck in contact with the whites and are receiving pay for their labor or catch, this cnstom is not so strictly followed, if at all, bat the total Indian consumption in British Columbia is estimated in the official statistics at a very high figure. CANNEBIES. In that part of British Columbia here under consideration the can- ning industry seems always to have been confined to the Fraser Biver, for the reasons undoubtedly tliat it is the only place where the sockeye can be taken abundantly and where the other species of salmon may also be captured more readily than elsewhere. The first cannery on the Fraser was apparently built at Brownsville, opposite New Westmin- ster, about 1870 oi 1871. It was removed to New Westminster in 1873 and one or more small ones in addition are said to have been in ox>eration the same year, when the total output of canned goods was reported at about 390,000 pounds. The regular Series of statistics for the British Columbian coast date from 1876, wh -in there were 3 can- neries with a total pack of 511,056 pounds. In 1883 the number had increased to 12, but it fell off the following year to 6, and was the same in 1885. Since then, however, there has been a steady and rapid increase, their number amounting to 31 in 1895 and to 45 in 1898. Changes have taken place in the location of the canneries, which are interesting to note. The industry was formerly carried on more exten- sively in the upper part of the drift-net region, there having been at one time as many as 4 canneries in the neighborhood of New West- minster, where now there is only 1. The center of t'iie canning business has worked down the river, as the fishing has been carried more and more in that di ^-ection. Laducr and Canoe Faes became the centers for a time, but it has now been transferred to Steveston, at the maia entrance to the river, where in 1895 about one-half the total number of canneries was located. This place is now most centrally situated with regard to the more productive fisheries, having on one side those of the outer g^nnds and on the other those in the lower part of the river. In 1895 there were only 6 canneries above the village of Ladner, 15 at Steveston, the remainder being on the south bank from Ladner to Canoe Pass. The number of canneries on the Fraser Biver, together with the pack in each year since the beginning of the industry, is given in the statistical table for British Columbia. I FISHERIES OF WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 319 th the lly be ; them r own n salt ilmon, large much Dor or total official -f Outside of the Fraser Biver the principal caimery sites in British Columbia are on the Skeena Biver, where the business was started as early as 1875, and on the Naas Biver. There has been a small cannery at Alert Bay since 188U, drawing its supitlies of sockeye from the I^imkish Biver, which empties on the adjacent coast of Vancouver Island, and 2 are located on Olayoquot Sound, western coast of Van- couver Island, one established in 1895, the other in 1896. Except during three years when the sockeye runs were very small, 'the Fraser Biver pack has exceeded, and generally very greatly, the combined pack of all the other canneries of the Province. The greater part of the canned salmon produced in British Columbia has always been exported to England, being shipped by vessel, gener- ally in large lots. The remainder is divided between Australia, other foreign markets, and the Canadian trade. The canning industry is of more recent date in the Puget Sound region of Washing^n than in British Columbia, and is still less extensive, although during the past few years its growth has been very rapid. Not having the same river facilities as British Columbia, it is necessary to look more to the salt waters for its supplies, and in the matter of obtaining sockeye, the species most cherished for canning purposes, its advantages are considered not so good. It would thus appear as though Washington could never expect to produce as large a pack of the higher -priced fish as the Fraser Biver is capableof supplying, though it may prove otherwise, but of the inferior species Washington has sufftcient abundaace to permit as great an expansion of the business as the demands of trade are likely to warrant for some years to come. In 1895 there were only 6 canneries in operation on the Washington e ' of the line. The oldest establishment was started at Muckilteo in 1877, removed to Port Blakely about 1880, and subsequently to Seattle, where it is now located. The species put up are silver, hump- back, and dog salmon, together with a few quinnat when they can be obtained. In 1880, 15 bauds were employed and the pack amounted to 10,000 cases, while in 1895 the pack reached 81,177 cases. At one time there were 4 canneries in the neighborhood of Seattle, but 3 of these are no longer in operation, although a new one was established there in 1897. The next oldest cannery still in existence is the one established in 1891 at Semiahmoo, at the eastern end of Boundary Bay, which, beginning with 1894, has been run in conjunction with the one built at Point Boberts in 1893. Both draw their supplies from the trap nets about that point, the most of which they control, and also, to some extent, at times from other nets in Boundary Bay. These 2 canneries, therefore, under present conditions are the most advantageously placed of all the canneries south of the boundary with regard to obtaining supplies of sockeye, and their attention is almost entirely confined to this species except in season:^ when the run proves short. Some silver salmon, humpback, dog palraon, and quinnat have been put up at both of them. Ha 320 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. A good-sized cannery waa fonnded in 1894 at Friday Harbor, on the eastern side of 8an Jaan Island, which is a convenient center for secnring sockeye from the various fisheries about the San Juan group. Its supplies up to 1896 had been obtained chiefly by means of traps at the southern end of San Juan Island and from the Indian reef-netters, but apparently it has been found impossible to rely entirely upon the catch of that species. In 1895 » cannery was built at Port Angeles, with the expectation that a sufBcient quantity of sockeye for its own use could be obtained in the Strait of Fuca, but all efforts to that end have met with failure, and it has been obliged to look elsewhere for its stock of that species. Some years ago a similar experiment was tried at Clallam, but it was soon abandoned. The sixth cannery examined in 1895 was an experimental one of small size in Belliugham Bay. which expected to obtain its catch in the vicinity of the mouth of the Nook sack Eiver. There were 11 canneries in operation in 1896; 32 in 1897, and 18 in 1898. The new ones were located mainly at Blaine, on Lummi Island, in Belliugham Bay, at Anacortes in Skagit Bay, and at Seattle. At Anacortes there were 3 canneries, all established in 1896, with tlie object of taking advantage of the run of sockeye belonging to the Skagit River. The pack in 1897 was exceedingly large, and to a very great extent consisted of sockeye, of which the run in that year, as elsewhere explained, seems to have been unprecedented. Oil the Fraser River the canning season is practically coincident with the period of the sockeye run. A few canneries may start up in June in order to do something with the quinnat, and in those years when the supply of sockeye is inadequate for a full pack some establishments may continue operations during more or less of the silver salmon run. In Washington also little or nothing is done before the appearance of the sockeye, and while most of the canneries there would be satisfied to close with that species, could they obtain it in sufficient quantity, nearly all have been more dependent on other species than the Cana- dian canneries and are more likely to keep open later. The Seattle canneries, whose supplies are obtained outside the sockeye region, begin operations much later than the more northern canneries and continue them during the greater part of the fall. While the positions of trust in Ihe several canneries are chiefly filled by whites, nearly all the labor, both in British Columbia and in Wash- ington, is performed by Chinese, who become exceedingly expert in every branch of the business and work rapidly. The secret of their employment to so great an extent is the cheap rates of compensation with which they are satisfied — a condition which practically excludes white labor, but without wh^ch it is difficult to see how the canning industry could now be maintained. It would, moreover, be impossible, under existing circumstances, to secure the amount of white labor required in the large canning districts, in view of the temporary nature of the work. In sorje of the canneries, especially on the Fraser River, MP on the ter for group, aps at etters, on the igeles, tsown at end for its '8 tried ined in which oksack FISHERIES OF WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 321 Indian women and children are employed to clean the fish after they have been eviscerated, being members, generally, of the families of the fishermen who are operating in the same neighborhood. It is important to note in this connection the amount of waste which occurs in the preparation of salmon for canning. In cutting off the heads, tails, and fins sufficient care is not always exercised, and much flesh suitable for canning too often goes with the refuse. This improvi- dence is largely owing to the abundance of fish, and it is scarcely to be expected that a remedy for it can be found while the supplies continue so prolific. The total loss in weight to the fish during this process, including the removal of the entrails, ranges from 25 to 50 per cent, and is probably seldom less than 30 to 40 per cent. The greater part of the waste is of course unavoidable, and the most that can be hoped for in this regard is that some use will soon be found for it. FIBUEBItlEN'S PBTOES. The prices which the fishermen receive for their catch depend upon the species and fluctuate in accordance with the supply and demand. They vary markedly in different parts of the same season as well as in different years. The matter is mostly regulated by the canneries during the period when they are in operation. When the quinnat first begin running on the Fraser Biver in the spring and are in greatest demand for the Eastern trade they may bring as much as from $1 to $1.25 apiece, but the price soon falls, reaching 75 cents and even less. The highest price which the British Columbian drift-netters obtain for sockeye is about 25 cents each, but this figure prevails only at the beginning of a season or during one in which the catch is small and causes a sharp competition among buyers. As the season advances and the fish become more abundant it may fall off to any figure as low as 15 and even 10 cents, while during summers when extraordinary runs occur 6 or 7 cents may be as much as a fisherman can expect to receive, and even then not all of his fish may be wanted. In 1897 many were glad to get as high as 3 cents, and a large part of the catch was refused at any price. The customary range in price, however, is j&om 15 to 25 cents. At Point Roberts it is said that, except when sockeye are scarce, the •cost of their capture by trap nets is much lower than the prices paid 'On the Fraser Eiver, and it is probably the same elsewhere when fish are abundant. In this way the Washington canneries which obtain their supplies from this source are considered to have a miirked advan- tage over the Canadian. The sockeye taken in the reef nets at Point Boberta, Lnmmi Island, and the southern end of the San Jnan Islands were bringing 10 and 15 cents apiece in 1894 and 1895, but the Indians are often paid no more than 5 to 8 cents for them. From 5 to 8 cents is a common price for silver salmon, while dog «almon range from 2 to G cents apiece. During the winter the steel- head bring about 3 to 4 cents a pound for the fresh markets. FC9»- — 2X 822 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. POLLUTIONS AND REFUSE. There seem at present to be no sources of pollution in this region which can be considered as positively detrimental to the fisheries in the salt water, and the same also appears to be mainly trae as regards the rivers, except as to some localities of limited extent. This may be accoanted for in greater part by the scarcity of large settlements and the generally low temperature of the water. Sawmills have been built on many of the rivers, on some of them quite extensively, and the large amount of refuse which they produce may, unless suitably cared for, .be the cause of great and irreparable injury, as has been so strikingly illustrated on the rivers along the Atlantic coast. On the Fraser Kiver the number of mills is not great, and the laws regarding the proper disposition of the sawdust are said to be quite generally observed. In Washington, while the throwing of sawdust into the streams is prohibited, it is reported that the regula- tions had not been well enforced, although some change may recently have taken place in that respect. Attention has been especially called to the Skagit Biver, on whoso banks there are numerous shingle loills, from which a very large amount of refuse is allowed to enter the water. According to the statements from the fishermen in that region, this practice has caused a great deal of damage to the spawniijg-grounds of the salmon and has affected the fishery in other ways. The proper disposition of the offal produced in connection with can- ning operations presents a problem of very great importance for this region, especially as regards the Fraser Biver, where the industry is most extensive. The refuse from this source, consisting of the heads, fins, tails, and entrails, has as yet no market value and must be quickly disposed of. Its quantity is very great, equaling at the lowest calcu- lation more than one-fourth the total weight of the fish utilized, and at this rate amounting to from 650 to 3,800 tons annually on the Fraser Biver alone. In many cases it runs up to 40 and even 50 per cent. When it is further considered that the season lasts only from four to six weeks, and that the bulk of the fish comes in spurts, lasting only a few days each, the difficulties of the situation can be fully realized. The generally prevalent custom is to allow the refuse in its fresh con- dition to drop into the water underneath or alongside of the cannery. As the water of this region, both at sea and in the rivers, has a rela- tively low temperature at all times, this ])ractice is less open to objection than would be the case in a warmer climate. The Washington canneries are all located on the salt water in more or less exposed positions, where the tide generally runs strongly and the depth increases rapidly. The greater part of the refuse disappears at once and is never heard of, although in some places a certain propor- tion may be washed upon the shores. There is no reason to believe 7ISHEBIES OF WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 323 region ries in igards lay be ts and this that it has anywhere been detrimental to the fishing interests, and in vie^ of the sparsely settled condition of the coast in the vicinity of nearly all the canneries there seems to be little occasion for concern from a sanitary standpoint. The number of canneries must also for some time remain too few to make the disposition of their refuse a question to be handled by other than the local authorities. On the Fraser Biver the matter is more serious, as nearly all the canneries are located within a distance of 6 to 8 miles of the mouth of the river; yet even here there is no evidence that the offal has had any deleterious effect upon the run of salmon. That injury of that character is scarcely to be expected from this cause is indicated, moreover, by the still worse conditions produced each seafe;on about and immediately below the spawning-grounds by the floating masses of dead and decay- ing fishes through which the fresh arrivals continue their ascent, in no way checked by the foulness of the water. The pollution in those places is strikingly in evidence, while in the region of tli<> canneries there is generally little to be seen. The large volume of water in the lower part of the river, combined with the strong current and low temperature, tends to dissipate the ofi'al, which mainly disappears as completely as in the sea. It is a common local belief that much of it is consumed by the small fishes which are reported to Hwarm about the cannery sites, but it is doubtial if they exert any appreciable influence in disposing of this immense amount of refuse. Sometimes, it is said, the offal is stirred up by the eddies so as to become caught in the drift nets when they are fished in shallow water, but such occurrences are evidently quite infrequent. Prom a sanitary point of view, however, the offal has proved a nuisance in some localities. This is not so at New Westminster, wheie no trou- ble from this source has been reported. The uppermost point at which complaint was made is Ladner, and the conditions are also often bad in the neighborhood of Stevestou. In this region the offal is sometimes stranded by the current or retained by the eddies, so that when the tide is out it may become exposed on the bars and in places along the banks, emitting an exceedingly offensive odor. It is also drifted into some of the sloughs, and may thus be carried some distance inland, greatly to the annoyance of the farmers, who have often to depend upon the water from these places for domestic use. The local authorities at Ladner have been making strenuous efforts to abate the nuisance on the score of injury to the public health, but at last accounts they had not been entirely successful. Several expedients have been tried to obviate the trouble caused by the cannery refuse, but all have ended without definite result. The Canadian law forbids throwing it into the river, but as the enforcement of the regulation under existing circumstances seems to work injustice to the canneries, its operation has generally been suspended, with the expectation that some advantageous meth«d of disposing of the ofi'al 324 REPORT OF 0OMMI88IONBR OF FISH AND FISHERIES. would sooner or later be diRCOveretl. It was at one time inRisted that unless disposed of for fertilizing pur)x>8es it be buried on sliore, bo carried out and dumped in the Onlf of Georgia, or be confined in cribs underneatli the canneries; but none of these provJHioiis continued long in force. When held in cribs a nuisance was created by the oily matter running from the mass of decaying fish, and the inclosnres would often breal( open, allowing a part of their contents to escape. If retained in cribs or in scows, even for a short time, the refuse was rendered largely buoyant by the formation of gases in the putrid flesh, so that when deposited in the gulf much of it remained floating at the surface, and with a flood tide and westerly wind would be drifted on the shore or even into the river mouth. The outside dumping-ground has now become one of the most important of the drift-net areas, and the inex- pediency of continuing its use for the former purpose is fully recognized. Could the refuse have been carried farther out into the middle of the gulf this trouble would have been mostly prevented, but at a greatly increased cost. # Several attempts have been made to utilize the oflf'al by con vei ting it into fertilizer on a commercial basis, but as yet unsuccessfully. Its very oily nature makes the process difficult and expensive, and another serious trouble arises from the immense quantity required to be handled during the brief period of the fishery, necessitating extensive arrangements, the cost of which would scarcely be warranted by the shortness of the season. While the offal is fresh it sinks at once and gives no trouble, except under the circumstances previously described. Until some positively better plan has been discovered, this seems, therefore, to be unques- tionably the preferable way of disposing of it, provided certain precau- tions are observed. It should be allowed to go into the river only where tbe water is sufficiently deep and the current strong enough to cause its dissipation. If these conditions do not exist at certain of the cannery sites, then the offal there produced should be carried else- where for deposition. A study of the conditions is calle the water any substance deleterious to Ash, including the waste from sawmills, and the useof explosives for killing Ash are prohibited. ( 1890, 1891.) It is unlawful to take Halmon in any of the tributaries of Pdget Sound during April and f^om October 15 to November 16 in each year. ( 1899. ) All young salmon measuring 10 inches long or less which may be taken by any means except hook and line in either Puget Sound or any of its tributaries shall b« returned alive to the water. (1898. ) Indians residing in the State may take salmon or other Ae't by auy means at any time for the use of themselves and their families. (1899.) All moneys collected for licenses and Aues under provisioni* a he Anheries acts shall be turned into the State treasury and placed in the fish-hatctiei y fund. (1897.) BRITISH COLUMBIA. Following is an abstract of the more essential regulations regarding salmon fishing in the Fraser Biver district, which went into effect May 1, 1894, together with such amendments as have since been ordered : Commercial Ashing is restricted to the use of drift gill nets not exceeding ISO fathoms in length, and to tidal waters, the upper limit of which on the Fraser River is placed at the month of the Sumas River. The drift nets for quinnat salmon shall have not less than 7}-inch mesh, and can be used only from March 1 to September 15. (By order of June 19, 1897, the limita- tion upon the size of the uiesh of the quinnat nets was reduced to 7 inches, mainly with the object of adjuating them to the capture of the steelhead and silver salmon.) The drift nets for other kinds of salmon shall have not less than 6i-inch mesh, andean be used only from July 1 to August 25, and again from September 25 to October 31. All commercial fishing for salmon is prohibited weekly trom 6 a. m. Saturday to 6 p. m. Sunday, and annually from September 16 to 25, and from November 1 to March 1. Drift nets shall be kept at least 250 yards apart, and shall not be used so as to obstruct more than one third the width of the river. Above tidal waters the only net fishing permitted is the use of dip nets by the Indians to provide food for themselveM and their families. The Indians, however, are required to respect the spawning-grounds of salmon and the close seasons. Fishing can bo carried on only under license, except in the case of Indians Ash- ing to supply their own wants. Commercial licenses to fish for salmon are granted only to bona fide fishermen who are British subjects and residents of British Colnmbia, or to any company, firm, or person dealing in salmon when each member of snch company or firm or snch person is a British subject. Fishermen are entitled to 1 license each; dealers in f^esh, frozen, salted, cured, or smoked salmon for domestic or foreign trade are entitled to 7 licenses each ; can- neries are entitled to 20 licenses each. (Canneries were restricted to 10 licenses each by orders of Angnst 3, 1898, and March 29, 1899.) Every farmer or settler actually residing on his lands or with his family, being a British subject, is entitled to 1 "domestic " license, which gives him the privilege ke tide I Hamil- |ie food- flahing Ind shall Inlawfiil ^e waate 9,1891.) daring by any I ahnll bo PI8HER1ES OF WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 327 of tiahing for his own use in any of tlio waterH of Britiah (Juliimbiu, aiibject to cer- tain reatrictloiia as to nets, prrscrilxtd lioiitH, spawn ing-grounila, and close aoasona. The oaptiirt* and retention of any Hulnion under 3 pounila in weight ii proliibited. The use of lireurms, oxploaivea, apeara, torches, or other lighta to Icill flah \h pro- hibited. No deleteriuiia aubatanoea are allowed to be thrown into or to enter the water where they woul«l be prejudicial to the flaherieH. Under thia category ia included iiah ofl'ul, tlie throwing of which into the FraHcr River is prohibited by regulation. Ita diapoaal is provided for in the Fiaheries Art as foUowa: That it may be buried ashore beyond high-water mark, and that at eatabliahuientN aituutcd inaide of the nioutha of rivera for carrying on doitpaea tiahericH the aame may bi« dropped into perforated boxoa or inclosures built upon the beach or under stage lieada, in auch manner aH to prevent the aauie fVom Iteing floated or drifted into the atreani, or may be diapoHcd of in auch other manner na any llahery oincer preacribea. Fishwaya shall be provided at every dam, slide, or other jHtruction across or in anyatream whore the Miniater of Marine and FishericH determines it to bo uect^aaary for the poiilic interest. STATISTICS. Salmon catvh of the I'uget Sound district of the Slate of H'ashington . [Compiled I'roni the reimrU of the Unittnl Ktateit h'Mt Coniiiiiaiiion und the State FiHh CoiiiniiRaioner uf Waahtngton.] Tear*. I Qiitnuat. Kockeye. Silver. te ' ^g- Steelheatl. Total. 1888 Pounds. Povndt. Pound*. Pounds. I'oundt. Poundf. Pound*. 2, 036, 250 1889 96,228 132, 183 202, 075 28.5, 748 1, 405, 047 1,388,495 1,09.T822 1,414.010 1,836,904 9, 100, 675 283,042 366,117 854, 973 965,011 2,691,425 4,578,540 90,570 172.460 209,320 261, 142 1,965,552 2, 224, 452 1890 '""'522,766' 274,225 6,532,207 2. 253, 4:18 1891 715,061 4, 020, 737 1892 5, 319, 444 1895 2,260,766 25,851,787 1896 *I5,000, 000 1897 42. 725, 000 1898 82, 213, 000 KOTP— The flifiircR fr.r 1888, 1897, niitl 1808 are baaed upon the rotuma given in the reports of the State ttah commiasioner, and are only npproximato. Thoae for 181,6 are prohnb!y in error, being evidently too low. Salmon cannery pack of the Puget Sound district of the State of Washington. (Oompiled from the reports of tho llniteon the outer and more extensive sources of supply, yet the inner grounds have had to stand a more active fishery than before; and as they are small, scattered, and relatively few in number, have quickly felt the effects of overfishing, a very appreciable decrease being reported, A remedy will be difficult to find, owing to the indefinite character of the fishery, but some restriction should undoubtedly be placed uimn the quaiitity offish taken. - Attention slionid also be given to the oysters, of which the supply can readily be increased and the quality improved by artificial culti- vation. The fisheries for crabs and shrimps, and possibly for clams likewise, need supervision, the crustaceans being especially subject to depletion. The purely fresh-water fishes are of very much less importance than either of the other groups. Among them are no species of ftxteusive oommeicial value, but their protection is particularly desirable in the interest of local markets and sport fishing. International action is scarcely called for, however, unless it be to provide jointly for the enforcement of regulations to prevent illegal shipments across the border. In considering this group, the fact should not be lost sight of that the trout are among the worst enemies of young salmon, and that, in a region whose industrial prosperity is so largely dependent upon the salmon fishery, it would be unwise to jeopardize the latter for the sake of the trout. The third group consists of the anadromous fishes, whose most con- spicuous members are the salmons. The sturgeon also occupies a prom- inent place, the eulacbon is locally important, and the Atlantic shad seems destined to gain a foothold. While it may yet be too early to FISHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 333 take action regarding the 8])ecieH last named, the protection of the enlachon is of safBcient moment to be made the Hubject of inquiry. While the supply of sturgeon is presumably still intact, this bulky flsh, whose value is so greatly enhanced by its caviar, has been the first to suffer in each new fishery of which it has formed a part, and its early elimination from each as a prominent factor has been the rule. Attention here has been so closely concentrated upon the salmon, and the difflcnlties in the way of marketing the sturgeon have been so great, that the latter has been little fished for until within a few years. Its abundance, however, and the readineets with which it may be cap- tured ill both the fresh and salt water presage for it an extensive fishery, which has already taken form on the Fraser Kiver and pos- sibly elsewhere. In the salt water it is mainly caught incidentally in connection with the salmon, but with better means of disponing of the catch it is certain to be sought for specially. The protection of the sturgeon may, in a measure, be secured by pro- hibiting the capture and sale of any but the mature sizes, by making reservations of the spawning-grounds, by instituting close seasons, and by restricting the amount of fishing. The Washington law of 1897 makes a close season from March 1 to November 1 and forbids the use of young sturgeon less than 4 feet in length. In British Columbia there is a general close season from June 1 to July 15 a"d a weekly close time corresponding with that for the salmon. Fishing is limited to the use of gill nets, drift nets, and baited hooks, the nets being not longer tban 300 fathoms and having not less than a 12-inch mesh. They can not be set less than 250 yards ai)art. Not more than 6 hooks can be attached to each fishing line, and sturgeon under 4 feet long must be returned alive i,o the water. The salmons, much more than any other fishes, demand immediate and serious consideration, as they constitute by far the most prominent fishery resource of the region and furnish the bulk of all its fishing. Without them the fisheries here would never have attracted special attention, and should they ever meet with the mishaps which seem elsewhere to have been the inevitable result of civilizing infiuences this industry must certainly become of comparatively slight importance. Not all the other species combined could nearly take their place as a source of local revenue. The quantity of salmon which frequents these waters is beyond cal- culation, and seems even to be ko great as to challenge human ingenuity to afl'ect it in any way ; but upon reverting to the conditions that existed in the northern Atlantic rivers less than a century ago we are led to recognize the omnipotence of man in this direction at least. The destruction there, to be sure, was due only in part to overfishing, but today the demands are much greater and the fishing engines more powerful. The catch need not reach the consumer immediately, but may be stored awaiting his pleasure or a rise in prices, and may be shipped^ without injury, to the remotest quarters of the world. Such activity in 334 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF PISH AND FI8HFRIE8. the salmon fishery as now pervades this region, in common with the Columbia Biver and the Alaskan coast, was not dreamed of a few decades ago, and its eifects are not measarable by the older standards. In this particular locality the growth of the industry has recently been mnch accelerated, and with the experience now acqaired an increase in the catch from year to year is readily assured and will as manifestly be demanded. The question is, Where will it end? The circumstances have been so unusual that time alone can solve the problem. There appears so far to have been no appreciable decrease in any of the species, bnt, however abundant each may be, it seems impossible that this condition could continue long. The situation presented by the salmon fishery is briefly as follows: Six species of the group occur in this region, ail edible and uf uuiumer- cial value, but graded for the market in accordance with the quality, the color, and the firmness of their flesh. The quinnat and the steel- head are preferred for the fresh trade and the sockeye for canning. The silver salmon, the humpback, and the dog salmon are utilized in various ways, but whether fresh, salted, or canned they constitute an inferior grade and generally sell at a lower price. W'th the variety and abundance of its salmon the region combines physical characteristics which greatly iuf^-rease its importance as a pro- ducing district. Its rivers, instead of emptying ou an open and exposed coast, have between them and the ocean a large an^\ quiet sea, with many long channels, through which the fish must pass in the journey to their spawning-grounds. The advantages of this intermediate body are two-fold, in that it greatly enlarges the fishing area and brings the fish of every species in striking distance while still in the salt water, when their condition is certain to be good. With these unusual opportu- nities for following up the schools the necessity for adequate regulations must be manifest to all. The more important formn are naturally most actively and persistently sought after, leaving the others somewhat in reserve, but not to such an extent as the general accounts might lead one to suppose. The silver, humpback, and dog salmon are all employed for canning on the United States side, and throughout most of Puget Sound proper they are the only species which can be secured in suffi- cient quantity for that purpose. Any system of protective regulations should therefore contemplate providing for the welfare of the entire salmon group; but with some species there is much greater urgency for action than with others. Among the salmon, and in fact among all the fishes of the region, the sockeye occupies the place of most prominence. While it holds this position primarily by virtue of the deep color and excellent can- ning quality of its flesh, its importance is equally due to its exceeding abundance, greater in most years than that of any other species in the localities it frequents, to its regular and well-defined movements, and to its relatively early season, which insures the passage of most of the schools past the fishing- grounds quite well in advance of the spawning U^, FISHERIES OF WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 335 Pith the f a few indards. tly been urease in festly be nstauces There of the ible that follo'.fs : uuiiiiuer- (juality, he steel- cauning. tilized iu ititute an combines as a pro- d exposed sea, with e journey liate body brings the lalt water, il opportu- egulatious rally most newhat in night lead employed ; of Puget d in suffl- egulations the entire ir urgency ;he region, e it holds silent can- exceeding cies in the nents, and nost of the ) spawning period. The principal disadvantage under which the species labors arises from the fact that its spawning- grounds are almost entirely restricted to two rivers, and in greater part to one, the Fraser. After entering through the Strait of Juan de Fucaits course is so well known and its presence so readily detected iu many favorable localities that it is compelled to run the gauntlet of a very active and persistent fishery, which is stimulated by both local and international rivalry. While the movement of the species may not continue over five or six weeks, the amount and effectiveness of the apparatus employed for its capture more than counterbalance the shortness of the season. Every year adds new fishing stations and increases the quantity of nets about the older ones at a rate that threatens overfishing at an early period. While the main body of the sock eye passes north through the two channels on either side of the San Juan Islands, no noteworthy fishing sites had been discovered south of Lummi Island, at the last report. The next and by far the best of the Washington grounds are about Point Eoberts, the principal trap-net locality, where the question of greatest interest is to determine what proportion of the fish moving about the point strike within the range of the long strings of nets. The Canadian fishery is concentrated in the discolored water of the Fraser River from above New Westminster to some distance oft" the delta, where the conditions are such, moreover, that the entire run of sockeye might be practically wiped out by an extreme multiplication of the drift nets. In fact, in its possession of the Fraser River British Oolumbia controls the main situation as regards this species, having within its power the means of inflicting an incalculable amount of harm ; while, on the other hand, the preservation of the sockeye requires the concerted action of both countries. The conditions are more serious in regard to the run of sockeye which passes through Skagit Bay and into the river of the same name than with the northern run. This is chiefly due to the narrow and shal- low character of the bay, which permits the arrangement of a close network of apparatus, and judging from late accounts the fishery there is b '.ng pushed with great persistency and with little thought of the future. Any and all kinds of nets may be employed, which, in a restricted area, is a great misfortune, and in other ways the laws are also quite inadequate. The feature of periodicity in the relative size of the annual runs of sockeye is of great interest, and its causes have given rise to much con- jecture. Should its origin have been due, as some suppose, to local influences affecting the cpecies at its spawning-grounds, it would point to a source of menace in that connection, but time has shown that there is little occasion for anxiety on that score, and if the efforts now being made to equalize the runs through artificial propagation turn out suc- cessfully, all such natural dangers will be minimized. A much more important phenomenon is the great mortality which affects nearly all salmon at spawning time, and in the case of some ■f i! ! 336 REPORT OP COMMISSIONER OP FISH AND FISHERIES. species seetna t3 work an almost total destruction, the sockeye being one of the heaviest sufferers iu this respect. This mortality has a prac- tical significance iu that if none of the ascending fish are to return again to the sea there is no occasion for protecting them with the object of saying auy for subsequent fishing seasons, and all that need be done is to assure a sufficient run past the nets to provide for the requisite amount of spawning. With the information now at hand, however, no measure can be set upon the quantity that should reach the spawning-grounds, and for some time at least, if not forever, the question must remain entirely problematical, the only safe course to pursue being to allow the widest margin possible. The quinnat has not the same position here that it holds on the Columbia Kiver, in consequence of its being apparently less abundant and also because of the large proportion of ofi'-colored fish, which has mar canning iracticable stock from run of the ovemment jxperiment le problem lividuals is ported fish. the fishery liter in the vers where the fishery matches are 1. Its pre- mg salmon or denying ) upon this In British any of the ture of this Jcessity for ns. is the most naking up ixtensively atches are also taken FlhHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 337 in the trap nets, when left out late enough in the season, and by other methods. ^ While the humpback, whose appearance is strangely confined to alter- nate years, and the dog salmon have a lower standing than the fore- going, yet they are of sufficiently good quality to entitle them to a high rank among the food-fishes of the region. Both are canned to some extent in Washington. The humpbacks are taken in large quantities in connection with the later runs of sockeye, especially in the trap-net fishery, when they are customarily discarded, but not until after they are dead, causing an extensive waste. The dog salmon seem recently to be meeting with increased favor. Their condition is said to be excellent as long as they remain in the salt water, which is for a considerable period aft^r their first appear- ance, and they are now being utilized in connection with the fresh trade. The silver, humpback, and dog salmon, like the quinnat, spread to all parts of the inclosed sea and enter most streams, even those of small size. With this wide range of spawning- ground, their chances of survival are much greater than with the sockeye, while the extensive area over which they must be sought in the open-water fishery gives them an additional advantage. The activity of their pursuit, however, is certain to increase, and should there ever be a decided falling off in the supply of sockeye it would be greatly stimulated. It will be observed, therefore, that while the requirements of the sockeye have already been ascertained with some degree of definite- ness, much uncertainty exists as to the amount of protection that should be accorded the other species at the present time. The problem they present is more complex as a whole and will require more study to unravel the details, but there is no reason to suppose that it may not be as satisfactorily dealt with. None of these species, unless it be the quinnat and steelbead, seems to be in immediate danger, and if the ordinary precautious which should be taken in regard to any salmon fishery, such as safe-guarding their spawning, be immediately enforced, detailed regulations in respect to other matters can possibly await further investigations, if not too long delayed. The primary requisite in the protection of salmon is that they shall have such freedom of access to their spawning-grounds as will insure the perpetuation of the species without decrease. This provided for, it makes little difference, as regards the welfare of the species, how or where the fishery is carried on. It is unfortunately impossible to determine what proportion of any run of fish may safely be taken, and it would probably be impracticable to utilize that information were it obtainable. While theoretically any disturbance of the natural supply might be expected to cause a decrease, experience teaches that a certain amount may be removed each year without appreciable effect, as instanced by the large Indian fishery in this region, which has been going on from time immemorial. Between r C 89 22 ' 338 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. iP! ^t 'I'll I ! the practices of the Indians and those of the modern flshormen, however, the difference is very great, and it is with the latter ^at we have now to deal.* Commercial Ashing for salmon has become extensive in this region only within a comparatively short period, but while in Oauada it has been practically restricted to drift netting, in Washington nearly every form of apparatus known to be adapted to the purpose has already oome into use. Trap nets were the latest to be introduced, but are now recogniited as the most effective kind in salt water. Purse seines came next before the traps, and are probably to be considered as only second to them in importance. Still older are the drag seines and gill nets, the latter employed in both the salt and fresh water. Uook-and-line fishing is one of the minor salt- water methods, applicable only to the capture of the quinnat and silver salmon, but much of the local supply daring some seasons is obtained by this means. The Indians still use their reef nets along the route of the sockeye, and their spears and dip nets in the upper river courses, where at times they also build a small and rude forpi of weir. Wheels have been tried in one place, but they seem unlikely to gain a foothold here. While in principle there can be no objection to the employment of all the legitimate forms of apparatus, the Canadian system has the greater advantage from the standpoint of protection, in that a much simpler code of regulations suffices. It is to be borne in mind, however, that the Washington fishery is prosecuted under greater diversity of conditions, and to restrict it along a single line would mean its curtailment many fold, an extreme measure which would not be justifiable. * Since this paper was prepared we have received a copy of the report of the State fish commiBsioner of Washington for 1898, from whicn are taken the following extracts regarding the salmon fishery fur 1898 and the supposed evidences of a decrease in certain streams. Should the Btatements concerning decreases lie well founded the necessity for decisive action by the authorit 's of Washington is more pressing than the evidence in the possession of the writer had led him to suppose: " The report from the district of Paget Sound shows a still more marked decrease in the output in the salmon fisheries than does that of the Columbia River. The enormous run o( Fraser River salmon during the season of 1897 increased the annual output of this district to a remarkable degree. • ■> * 7]je run of other classes of salmon for the season of 1897, with the exception of the Fraser River fish, was not materially larger than in former years. The decrease in the output of the past season is entirely in the early runs of salmon. The fall varieties show an increased catch over the year 1897. The increased fall output was largely due to the shortage of the spring catch and energetic work on the part of the fishermen and canneries to make up for the spring shortage by a large pack of the fall varieties. • * * The numerous streams tributary to Puget Sound have in years gone by teemed with what seemed to be an inexiiaustibTe supply of salmou, and \. hile in a number of these streams the supply docs not seem to have diminished materially, in many of them there has been a wonderful decline, so much so that complaints during this season, and even during the season of 1897, when there was a phenomenal run of sockeye salmon on the sound, have come to us from different localities in which a great decrease of the ran of fish on certain streams has been noted. Daring the oeason we have examined some 14 different rivers tributary to the sound, with a view to better understanding the conditions prevailing with regard to the run of fish, and also tor locations available for the establishment of hatcheries. In every instance, f^om the people and fishermen living along the streams, has come the complaint of remarkable decrease in the run of salmon. While this may be attributed to some extent to an otl' year, ^et we find that during the season of 1897 very much the same conditions prevailed m many looalities." :s. FISHERIES OF WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 339 however, lavo now is region da it haH rly every s already t are now ines came ly Becond gill nets, ^-and-line nly to the al supply 3 sockeye, e at times 3cen tried e. While of all the le greater ;h simpler ir, that the londitions, aent many of the State le following deuces of a uses be well s^ton is more } Huppose : ied decrease River. The creased the ran of other 'raser River lie oiitpnt of bies show an rgely due to iie fishermen of the fall tve in years salmon, and I dimiuished mch HO that m there was om different uiB has been tributary to with regard f hatcheries, as, has come bhis may be ason of 1897 Except for a small amount of hook-aiid-line-flshing iu the salt water, drift gill nets are the only appliances allowed in the commercial flshery for salmon in this part of British Columbia. Their use is, moreover, almost entirely contlned to the lower tidal portion of the Fiaser Kiver and that part of the Gulf of Georgia immediately adjacent to its mouths, where the salmon runs are very much more extensive thati elsewhere, and where the discolored water effectually hides the twine during most of the open season. Although there is room for the expansion of this flshery to an almost unlimited extent, and certainly to the imminent danger of exhausting its resources — a condition which might apply, however, to any effective method adapted to the same surroundings — yet the simplicity resulting from the useof only a single kind of net makes the system most amenable to regulative measures and one greatly to be preferred. For the drift net, as compared with the trap and purse seine, the benefit is also claimed of dividing the fishery among the greatest number of fishermen, thus providing a means for' preventing a monopoly of the work by the larger operators. Experience has shown the necessity for only two kinds of tneoe nets, distinguished solely by the size of the mesh — a larger one for the quin- nat and a smaller one for the sockeye and other species of correspond- ing size. The former may be employed without interfering with the smaller salmon, the latter without taking the larger forms, and thus an opportunity is afforded for treating the two groups apart, for closing the flshery for one while the other remains in season. The length of the net in both classes is limited by law to 160 fathoms, and the depth, by custom, to about 50 meshes. These dimensions are reasonable and convenient for handling by the small boats employed in their use. Formerly a limitation was placed upon the total number permissible in the Fraser River district, which up to 1891 never exceeded 500. Then all restrictions of this character were removed, and every bona- fide fisherman who was a British subject and a resident became entitled to a license. Canners and dealers could obtain from 7 to 20 licenses apiece, though the limit to canneries was reduced in 1898 to 10. The effect of this modification of the law was felt at once, for in 1892 the number of nets increased to 721, and in 1893 to 1,072, in 1894 to 1,666, and in 1895 to 1,733. In the last-mentioned year the total length of the combined nets amounted to 528,000 yards, while in 1896 it had reached 800,000 yards. The principal weakness iu the Canadian regulations is in regard to this provision, which ^iractically admits of an unlimited extension of the fishery. The claim is not here made that the number of nets has already become excessive, though possibly it has, but extreme watchfulness is necessary to keep the quantity within proper bounds. A part of the recent great increase in the nets is aiscribed to the hard times prevailing in connection with other pursuits which has led to an influx of many inexperienced flshermen, whose catch is said to have been relatively small. The power exerted by the large amount of netting is strikingly illustrated in the year of big runs of sockeye, 840 REPORT OP COMMIRftlONER OP FISH AND PISHERIEg. :i I !i l! when the catch becomes enormous and sometimes far exceeds the capacity of all the establishments— including the can nuries— concerned in preparing the flsh for market. Considering the shortness of the season, the si/e of the fishery is all the more remarkable. The manner of using the nets on the Fraser Kiver is also subject to certain regulations. They must not, for instance, obstruct more than one-third the width of the river and must be kept at least 250 yards a])art. These measures are designed to maintain an open passageway for the salmon, in which they are protective, and also — the latter one at least — to prevent one fisherman from interfering with another. In principle they are correct, and they would also be good in practice, except that it has uoL beeu found possible to earry them out effectively, especially since the nets have become so numerous. Moving (continu- ously as they do, they are to a large extent uncontrollable, while the tendency to concentrate the flsliing over a small area neai- the river mouths leads to some crowding. In some places tlir river channel is not large enough to leave two-thirds of its width free when the net is placed, and again it is entirely possible to alternate tlie nets so as to virtually negative the intent of the law. Although gill nets were among the earlier appliances utilized in Washington, they have never been employed there as extensively or systematically as in British Columbia. They are used in both fresh and salt water, either set or drifting, as suits the pleasure of the fishermen, and are subject only to restrictions gcvt rniug their distance apart and the width of the river which they tauy occupy. In certain places, as in Skagit Bay and River, they have liecome a prominent feature, and their number maybe expected to iticie*se. In Skagit Bay competition with the trap nets has engendered an intensely bitter feeling, leading to a strenuous though ineffectual effort on the part of the gill-netters to secure the abolition of the larger nets. The use of trap nets is prohibited in British Columbian waters, except in the upper part of Boundary Bay, where the fish taken are headed toward the neighboring traps across the line. Within the past few years these nets have become a prominent feature in Washington, where they rank as the most effective apparatus employed iu the salt water. Their introduction had special reference to the sockeye, which had previously been mainly fished for in sheltered places along the shores with seines and gill nets. They met with very indifferent suc- cess at first, but experience soon dictated the necessary changes in construction and position to insure good catches. The earliest trials were made at Point Roberts, which has proved to be by far the most profitable location for their use, and where their number has always exceeded the total number elsewhere. The other principal fishing- grounds are near Village Point, on the outer side of Lnmmi Island, the southern end of San Juan lisland, and Skagit Bay, all lying in the pathway of the sockeye runs. /•! nyy B. Beds the oiicerned 18 of the ubject to lore than 50 yards SHageway ter one at ther. In practice, tfVctively, (tuntinu- while the the river lihannel is the net is » so as to itilized in snsively or i fresh and fishermen, apart and places, as tature, and ompetition ig, leading gill-netters ers, except iro headed B past few ashington, in the salt eye, which along the Ferent suc- shanges in rliest trials kT the most las always >al fishing- Island, the ing in the PtSHRRIEa OP WAHHINGTON AND HRFTISII COLUMBIA. 34l In the protection of this species, tlie one most urgently requiring sncli attention, the trap nets, therefore, figure most conspicuously and the importance of fixing their proper limitations will very readily be appreciated. With suitable restrictions upon the manner of their employment, the greatest danger lies in the tendency to multiply their number unduly, and in this direction there is reason to fear that much harm may soon be done. The trap nets are mostly- located in exposed positions, where it is necessary to construct them of unusual strength, but in spite of this precaution they seldom last a single season without repair. They are consequently expensive to build and operate, which places them beyond the means of the ordinary fishermen, and are in fact almost exclusively run by the canneries or directly for them. In size they generally much exceed the pound nets of the Great Lakes, after which they were originally patterned, aiid, with tiie improvements recently introduced, are certain of securing large catches whenever the Bockeye are abundant. Thus perfected, they have greatly cheapened the cost of capture and produced a sharp competition with tlie gill-net interests on the Fraser liiver as well as in Skagit Bay. The efforts made by the gill-netters in the latter locality to secure the prohibition of trap-net fishing throughout the Puget Sound region had apparently no reference to the preservation of the salmon, but seem to have been directed solely against the larger fisheries, to which the great pros- perity of the region in recent years has undoubtedly been chiefly due. The number of trap nets that might safely be allowed in connection with the sockeye fishery depends upon inforniation not yet available. It was not supposed that there were too many in 1895, when they were last studied, but a very large increase has taken ])lace since then and the limit of safety may have been passed. The danger is most immi- nent in Skagit Bay, where the run of sockeye is much smaller than toward the Fraser Eiver, and where the opportunities for establishing trap nets are exceptionally good. In this narrow and shallow area these devices, supplemented by other forms of apparatus, may readily be so multiplied as practically to barricade the way toward the river, preventing not only the sockeye but the silver salmon as well from reaching their spawning-grounds, and virtually breaking up the runs in this locality. If, as claimed, scarcely any young salmon are ever taken in the traps, the question of the size of mesh is not material, unless it be in the interest of other and smaller fishes which may be caught in the same connection, but regarding which we have received no positive informa- tion. The mesh should certainly not measure less than 3 inches in the crib and 6 inches in the leaders. A somewhat larger size could prob- ably be employed without detriment to the salmon catch, but floating seaweed is abundant in the region and the larger the openings the more readily these weeds become attached to the net, weighing it down and closing the meshes. The size of the crib is of practically little impor- 842 REPORT OP COMMISSIONER OP FISH AND PI8HERIE8. I !{ i 1 i' ' ! P ! ii I tance compared with the length of the leader and the scope of the wings, by which the capacity of the net is chiefly to be measured, because however large the crib may be it will oaly receive the fish which are directed toward its opening. Two thousand feet is as great a length as should ever be allowed for the leader, and in some locations this would be excessive. It may also be found advisable to limit the size of the wings, for they are practically only adjuncts of the leader and of great efl'ectiveness. But however important it is to restrict the size of the nets, it is still more important to regulate their arrangement or relations to one another when several are fished in the same place. It is a common practice in many localities to join such nets in a string of from two up, according to the width of bottom suited to the purpose. Pound nets on Lake Erie have been thus combined to cover a distance of even 8 or 10 miles without a single break. The longest string in the Puget Sound region in 1895 consisted of three nets at Point Koberts, which extended off from the beach somewhat over a mile. The effect of this arrangement is evident. Over the width which the string occupies substantially every salmon corhing toward it is destined to become entrapped. There is little chance for any to escape and a very poor showing for succeeding traps near at hand. Again, though they be not in strings, they may so alternate in position that the salmon which pass one net strike directly against the leader of another. Thus t'le interests of the fishery demand, where a number of nets are operated near together, that their distribution be so fixed as to permit a fair pro])ortion of the salmon to work their way from among them. Other- wise, with the rapid multiplication of traps which is going on, a time may come when the progress of the salmon will be so barred at inter- vals as to prevent their ever reaching the Fraser or Skagit rivers. This i^t least applies to the fish which skirt the shores, and it seems reasonable to sui)pose that a large share do so at one point or another. In any event, it would be quite injudicious to subject too large a pro- portion of the fish to capture at any t^iugle place. The matter may be definitely regulated by statute as regards the strings, but in respect to the alternating arrangement a consideration of local conditions may be required in each case. The opi)ortunities are few for a lineal arrangement on the Washing- ton coast, and it is doubtful if any string could be adva itageously extended beyond the distance given for the long line off Point lioberts. It was suggested by the Joint Fisheries Commission in 1896, however, that the proper limit has there been exceeded, and that no more than two nets, with leaders not over 2,000 feet long in f»ach, should be allowed in any string. Between the two nets, moreover, there should be an opening, a means of escape for a part of tiio sal.nou, and a passageway for boats. Its minimum width in tho regulations submitted was placed at 100 feet. It would be better to make it 500 or GOO feet. And it was further provided that the inner end of any leader should never come into yi :Mi e wiugs, because bich are a lengtb ons tbis e size of d of great it is still to one common a two up, und nets even 8 or le Paget 'ts, which ct of this occupies o become very poor they be Qou which Thus tbe 3 operated rmit a fair u. Other- ou, a time 1 at inter- git rivers. I it seems »r another, irge a pro- ;er may be respect to )us may be Washing- itageously t Uoberts. , however, more than be allowed uld be an issageway fas placed Lnd it was ' come into FISHERIES OP TVASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 343 a less depth than 1 fathom at low tide. Laterally successive iiets should be separated by at least 2,500 feet, approximately half a mile. The greater the distance in this respect the less are the evils to be expected from any alternating arrangement. By the act of 1897 the legislature of Washington recognized the jus- tice of these requirements. Besides prohibiting the use of trap nets and other fixed appliances in rivers or within 3 miles of their mouths, as well as in Deception Pass and in water of greater: depth than 05 feet, i>u8 law limitij the length of leaders to 2,500 feet and provides for an end passageway between all traps of at leasi 000 feet and a lateral passageway of at least 2,400 feet. The purse seines, though very unlike the trap nets', are nevertheless to be classed with them as having great individual scope and requiring a considerable outlay for their operation. They are chiefly fished in the upper part of Puget Sound for the \a,U r-running species, especially the silver salmon, of which they take enormous quantities. Elsewhere they are not much utilized, and in connection with the sockeye fishery thoy cut no figure, although sometimes set in the neighborhood of the traps at Point Roberts. The purse seine fishery has not been sufficiently studied to determine how far it should be restricted, but the important part played by these nets in the removal of salmon firom the ftaifc water and the almost certain future increase in their number make it desirable that the subject be thoroughly considered. Their use is now prohibited within 3 miles of the mouth of any river. The drag seine was one of the earliest appliances, if not the first, employed in this region for tsLlng salmon, and its use has been con- tinued and increased. The fishery by this means, however, is mostly scattered and irregular, being mainly conducted on a small scale in liiuerent places to meet local wants. In some localities more exten- sive operations are carried on, as about the mouths of the larger rivers at the period when the salmon begin to enter, and in certain pai ts of Puget 3ound to supply the canneries with fall fish. Some fishery experts regard the drag seine with unqualified disfavor under all con- ditions, but this universal condemnation is far from merited. While they may possibly be hauled eurreptitiously : itber more easily than most other kinds of nets, within proper limitations their use is quite as legitiiuate, and to abolish them here would be to deprive the inhabitants of thinly settled shores of one of theur most ready means of securing food. They are not now permitted to be hauled in any river or within a mile of its mouth outside. The primitive reef nets which well answered the requirements of the Indians, although now used for commercial purposes, are rapidly going out of use, and before many years they will doubtless cease to figure among the methods of the region. With an exceedingly limited scope at the best, no occasion exists for giving them oousideratiou iu connec- tion with any scheme of regulations. ■■■I 344 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. Only the quinnat and silver salmon take the bait in salt water and are fished for by hook and line, and this occars on altogether too small a scale to merit attention fror^ the standpoint of legislation. In fi'esh water the steelbead is the only species which might be caught in the same manner, but we are not informed to what extent it is so obtained, if at all. The well-known practice of spearing salmon in the upper, shallow waters of a river, long followed by the Indians, has also been taken up by the whites, and in some sections is extensively resorted to by bot'. for domestic purposes, as well as for making local sales among thi settlers. With salmon as abundant as they are at present, t^e danger from this source is much less than on the salmon rivers in the east, whore this method is enjoined. In at least some localities, however, the practice should be limited and possibly forbidden, this being espe- cially the case with reference to those streams in which the sockeye and quinnat spawn. It i» also generally so near the spawning time before this method becomes eft'ective that the fish so taken are not in the best condition for food, being unsuited for canning or the market trade.* Fishing has always been one of the chief occupations of tJie Indians, one of their principal means of securing food. Though of the wilder- ness, as the salmon themselves, and making use of crude appliances, their catches have nevertheless been large, and yet have seemed tx) produce no appreciable effect upon the abundance of the supply. Thus the advent of the whites found the fishery stock intact, so far as can be told. The Indians have greatly diminished; of the remnants many have been changed by civi.Uzation into commercial fishermen, employ- ing for that purpose the old-time reef nets, gill nets, seines, and hooks and lines, to all of which reference has just been made. Those which still hold to the primitive methods of fishing for their own needs, chiefly in the upper psxta of rivers, are con)paratively few. Their apparatus consists of spears, dip nets, and weirs, the last being a crude form of trap, which, though not extensively employed, can be so placed as practically to bar the entrance to important spawning grounds. The spear has already been discussed; the dip net occupies a «•; lively inconspicuous position from the standpoint of its catch. While under the original conditions the use of these several met>^ods to the fullest extent required by tho Indians mav hav^; c.ui'is -l j)o harm, with the heavy market fishery now in progress it z\-M>y be no* »-^?ary to impose some limitations. The steady drain near tihe m<)t' of the principal rivers makes it important that those salmon wtiiiib reach the upper waters should be interfered with as little as possible. The use * B.' the act of March 13, 1899, it is made unlawful to fish for saliuon by any meana except aoKling above tide water in the Nooksat'k, Skngit (up to the town of Hamil- ton), Stilfagaamish, Snohomish, White, NeHqnally, and Skokomish rivers. The State flsh oommissioner may also close to flsbine any stream or river of Washington emptying into Puget Sound whenever he shall consider that the protection of iti food-fishea require it. IB fi. ES. FISHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 345 water and too small lu ftesh ht in the obtained, ir, shallow taken up to by bot! imong tki >^e danger the east, however, >eing espe- he sockeye nrning time 1 are not in the maiket he Indians, the wilder- appliances, ) seemed to jply. Thus » far as can nants many ten, employ- >, and hooks Dhose which eeds, chiefly r apparatus rude form of 0 placed as junds. The a .eii).'"ively ral met^'ods r-'l jio harm, u«jc »-^?ary to c'cus of the jb reach the le. The use by any meana )wu of Haiuil- 1 rivers. The >f Waahineton oteotiou of its of the weir at least should be entirely prohibited, as has been done in British Oolumbia. It is important U> note in this connection that the Indians have been guaranteed certain treaty rights which should be respected. They are fast yielding to civilization ; their power for harm is already iulinitesimal when compared with the whites, and seems likely soon to cease altogether. In Washington no restrictions are put upon the Indians in flshii;^ to supply their own needs. In British Columbia they are permitted to take salmon for their own use by their customary methods, aside from the weirs, at any time and anywhere except on the spawning-grounds. In respect to the last provision many violation'.^ are reported and require attention. In all commercial fishing they are subject to the same regulations as the whites. While suitable regulations as to the character and manner of using the different kinds of apparatus might be expected to provide for the escape of a sufficient number of fish to cover all the requirements for spawning, yet in practice, and this holds true especially with the sal- mon, it has been found essential to supplement the restriodons already referred to by a total cessation of fishing during more or less of the period when the fish are running. The laws of Canada seem quite ample in this respect, but in Washington the matter has not been fairly treated. Although the need of such regulations may not appear nnportant while the supply of salmon continues large, yet we can not qat siion the benetlta alre.ady derived from the measures of this kind ^r'.f< reed ou the Fraser River, and urge their early adoption elsewhere u ^ 16 of the surest means of maintaining the supply of the choicer I'L .. most suitable periods for the close times and their proper dura- tion give rise in this regior to questions of so7ae perplexity. Had we to deal with only a single ppecieft, '>r at the mrst with two differ ing so much in size and season as the qnlnnat and the sockeye, there would be little trouble in reaching a satisfactory j,rrangemeut, bat with six species appearing at su no'^ssively later periods and yet overlapping, sometimes quite markedly, in their runs, many difficulties are presented. The time meet commonly selected for the salmon is toward the close of the run, when it has the additional advantage of preventing their u&p ure and sale when they are in eriods of rest at intervals * By act of 1890 the lattor oloae season extend* ftom October 15 to November 16. IE8. FISHERIES OP WASHINGTON AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 347 ith re^^ard eason may ill goes on. ler-mesbed til Septem- and only Uylofthe Between tev Iialf of run, while the benefit The open ber 15, and innat runs nstment of oas, taking >r the sock- The drag for others, ted toward >yed in the le trap nets pecies, and imployment customary. benefit all • requiring Ssliery is so 1 scheme is m be taken ^he sockeye sons could t and fresh on has no ir. On the itober 1 to ) first clos4* latter part otected by Columbia, )nld begin les may be ; intervals rambarlS. during the salmoc season. This measure is not suggested as a substi- tute for the other, but as supplemental to it and of great additional benefit. It is provided for in British Oolumbia, where all net fishing is stopped by law during the thirty-six hours from 6 a. m. on Saturday to 6 p. m. on Sunday of every week. The special advantages of thi» weekly close time are several. It assures the ascent to theii' spawning- grounds of fish of the same species at different periods during the entire season, thus meeting the objection raised against the fall close time as protective only of the later runs. There is likely to be consid- erable variation in the duration of the season, which, in the case of the sockeye at least, may end before the date appointed for the fall close time. The weekly periods make up for this discrepancy and also afford fishermen a regular period of rest from their work, which in the case of those who are in the regular employ of large establishments is not unwelcome, especially if it falls mainly upon Sunday, as is customary. The extension of such a regulation to the waters of the State of Washington, so far as this can be done advisedly, is strongly to be recommended. The measure is most important in respect to the sock- eye, and its utility is most evident on the rivers, where the salmon are pressing rapidly toward their spawning-grounds. In even the salt waters the sockeye move so quickly along their defined course that a weekly close time in their interest should be favorably regarded. The inner salt waters are to them apparently almost a continuation of the rivers in which their spawning- grounds occur. A period of thirty-six hours may be too short to permit the fish some distance out in the sea to pass the upper limit of the nets, and it may, upon farther inqui''y, be found advisable tnd their offal It is different )8tly collected iste materials the Canadian medies being Offal carried is liable to be zer on a large ce of allowing 8 fast as it is the one quite it it has been few localities bealtli of the i\ seems to be leu placed in it along the [ 1 *ng enough C€ Pending I M I ■^ 4 the discovery of some better way it seems advisable to sanction the present practice under due restrictions, the fishery ofBcers being empow- ered to prevent its deposition wherever it would be i^/ejudicial. The fishermen of this region are quite alive to the benefits of fish- culture, and many of them, in fact, have so strong a faith in its efficacy as to lead them to magnify its possibilities and to conclude that through its agency the necessity for any regulations may be dispensed with. They argue that if the eggs be secured in suflBcient quantities and the proportion of survivals be as great as claimed by some fish-cnlturists, why should not the supply of fish be capable of maintenance and even of unlimited increase by this means alonef There is no evidence, however, that would warrant us in anticipating so large a measure of success either here or elsewhere, and the time of unrestricted fishing is undoubtedly as far distant now as ever. The artificial propagation of the sockeye was started on the Fraser River in 1884, and since 1887 the number of fry and advanced eggs planted yearly has ranged from 2,400,000 to something over 6,000,000. Its primary object was to equali^ce the annual runs of that species, to make them larger during the off' years. The abundance of fish during the past few seasons has been very commonly ascribed to this ciuse, the quantity having apparently become greater in all years. While it is to be hoped that there is some foundation for this explanation of the increase, it is well to bear in mind that the annual output of fry, espe- cially after allowing for the inevitable mortality among them, has been much smaller than the annual cateh of adult fish, and scarcely sufficient to make itself felt to anything like the extent noted within so short a period. On the Skagit River fish-culture began in 1896-97 with an output of 5,500,000 sockeye fry; in 1898, 6,000,000 were planted, while the number of eggs collected in the fall of 1898 was 7,500,000. The opportunities for collecting the eggs on this stream are exceptionally good, but it is still too early to expect results. The quinnat offers a much more interesting field for experimentation than the sockeye in the direction of improving the color and quality of its flesh by the introduction of fry from the Columbia River — a project suggested some years ago, but never carried into effect. While the success of such a measure could only be determined by actual trial, it seems to be worth the effort, and the transplanting presents no difficulties that could not readily be overcome. An increase in the abundance of the species is also called for. A great waste of salmon occurs in connection both with canning operations and with the fishery, which may be expected to continue as long as fish are plentiful. Lacking an incentive to economize in the preparation of the catch, little pains are taken by the cannery opera- tives to cut closely in removing the heads and fins, and much edible meat is thus lost. The exercise of care would add to the expense of canning without material gain under existing circumstances, ill I i 'H rflii "hI 350 REPORT OP COMMISSIONER OP PISH AND FISHERIB?- but in time much of these rejected parts will come to have a value. The more serious waste, however, results from overfishing in years of great plenty, as in the case of the sockeye on the Fraser River, where in some years the catch is much larger than can be handled. Jmmense quantities are thrown away, prices fall, and the independent fishermen lose heavily, while the canners and dealers who control the market can so regulate the catch by their own boats as to keep it within the proper bounds. The impulse to increase the amount of fishing in the good years is quite natural, but it would seem as though the number of nets allowed might be adjusted to suit the conditions of each season, were the requisite discretionary powers conferred upon some local authority. The matter can not be remedied through the medium of an inflexible law, and decisive action ma^need to be taken after the season has fairly opened. As the sockeye catch has seldom, if ever, been equal to the demand in the waters of Washington, it is improbable that there has ever been a serious, if any, waste of this species south of the boundary. While the traps may secure exceedingly large catches at times, the methods of keeping the fish al'vehave prevented loss, except perhaps in some cases where they have had to be transported a considerable distance by scows. The discarding of the humpbacks taken in the traps with the sockeye after removal from the water causes much destruction of that form, which seems at present to be unavoidable. ERIE?. lave a value, ig in years of River, where id. Jnimense ent fishermen le market can lin the proper in the good imber of nets season, were )cal authority. an inflexible son has fairly o the demand has ever been dary. While , the methods haps in some 'able distance he traps with lestruotion of Ifipii'iFi ■K^^Mi^mpaavnpvBiir^nBWBwa