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Sargent, of the Arnold Arhoretuin, a mass of documents, both manuscri|>t and printed, relative to JeliVej' and his work has heen placed in my hands for examina- tion, a courtesy which I have to acknowledge with grateful ap- preciation. From these pai»ers the following sk(!tcli has bcjou chietlv drawn : *Accor{rin}r to Britten ami Houinor, Bi()}^ra|>liieiil Index of Uritish iviid Irish BotiiiilHtH, ISIKJ, p. !»:!. 12-Hioi.. Soc. Wash.. Vol.. XI, 1807 (W) 9? 173 ~ -'^'c ^'^- ^'s*^^-^ ^''^^^^ PROVINCIAL LIBRA. ^y VICTORIA, B. C. (In the •_'•_'(! oINiivciiiIht. I.S|'.». was lu'ld at tlu' I'.otaiiical (lar- ilriK ill Ivliiihiiri^li a incctiiiL;- o{' '• .o-cntK'iiicii iiitcrcstcd in the [MMiiKitiiMi 111" (he arlinricultinH' aiul lioili.ailturc ol Scollaiid." This iiu;eliii,M- rcsulti'd in a dt'cision to suiid to wcsttTii XoiHi Aiiiorica a hotunist. wlio should collect tIic:-oeds of trees, shmhs, and other plants lor horticultural purposes, in the re- gion traversed hy David Dou-las, " to complete his researches, aixl to extend them into those parts of the country uot fully explored hy him."' It was decided to raise the necessarv fund's throu.ivh suhscrihers, who should share in the .specimens received from the collector. Thesuhscriiicrs formed themselves into an oruaiuzatioii, under the chairmanship of I'r.)fessor J. II. lialfour. designated in their "IliiMal proccc(liii-sasthe"()re-on i'.otaiiical .\ssociation." The work of their collect, )r was called usually the - liotauical Kxpe- • litit)ii to ()re-on;\s()metimes the - Orcaou liotauical Kxpedi- lion." Kleven (|uarto circulars of one to four paj^cs each (in "lie case with live lithonraph plates), issued to the meinl.ers of the association hy .Andrew .Murray, its secretary, have been ex- amined ],y ih,. writer-douht'ess a ooinplete set-aiid from the niiscellaneous dates, numhers, and localities -iven in them the Itinerary of the collector has heeii compiled. Novell, her -Jd, ls.-,(i M,, .M,,,,,,. peported.'on hehalf of an ex- oeutive committe.>, that the services of .Mr. .lohn .lellVcv had heen •secured, and that with authentic credentials and the heartv ;■ 7"""" "'■ ""■ Il-lsnn-s r.ay Companv 1.,. luul saile.l from l'"ii'l'"i •■:ifly 111 .Iuii<>. iS,-,(), |-,„. Hudson l!ay. Oil April 7. |s.-,!..|,,nVey wrop. rn.iessor Italfour from Jasper I "I'se. Ill the l!ri,ish iiocky .Mountains, on the hea.lwaters of 1 H- Atliaha.^.a River, slating- that he had left V-u'k Factorv. on Hudson |!ay, Aiiunst 'JO. Is.-.o. and reached Cuniherland House. "'I tl>- Niskatchewan River, October s, where he remained till th"e'"Yl'='''^ "''•'''">'•"•>•• l'^"'l- II.' had then proceede.l up the . askatchewan to K.lmontoii House, overland to the Atliaha.^ca, and up that river to Jasper House, where he arrived March 'Jl. A sinad and unmiportant collection from the eastern .side of the b"<'kics was shipped ahont this time aiul n'a.dicd K.linhur^di late ill the year. l''n'>n Jasper llnuse JellVey crossed the Rockv Mountains at Atliahasca I'ass, |,et ween .Mount l!r.,wii and Mount Hooker, and ^••""'i',:^ to the Columhia River at the point where it bends ah- .lull I! •IlljlUlJ. ,")'.) ni|.lly MiMUinl tlit; nnrilMTn en,] of tin; Selkirk Moiiiitiiins. ile- siHMidcil it to I''()rt Colvillc. on Um- Coluniliia n lew miles uliovc the moiilii of Colvillo Ilivcr, in tlio pivsont statu of W'asliiiijitoii. lie arrived at tiiis place alKiut May ];!, ].S.")1, On .luiy \) JcdlVey was at tiie juiietion of (he Okaiioifaii and Siiuilkameeii (spelleil l)y iiiiii Seiuekemele) rivers, in Wasliiii'j;- toii. just soutli of tiie present liritisli liouiidaiy, liavinu reached that point (h)ul)tless liy descending; the Colundiia river from Fort ('olviih; to tiie mouth of the ()kano country we.stwanl to Fras(>r Kiver. He appears to have descended immediately to Vancouver Island, for th(! circulars mention certain plants collected (jiere in Julv, iS.Jl,;ind then to have returned to the Fraser. lie went up this river at leust as far as 00° 2:]' north latitude, collectinij; from Aiiuust 11 to September 27 to an altitude of (;.()( )() and even S,(l()ll feet ill th(! mountains east of ti:e river, lie made collec- tions also in the autumn on Mount Haker, in extreme north- western \\'ashiiiar Creek, .Mount Shastii, Apple<;iite River. Scott Mountain, and the Coast l{an;j;e, on the Sierra Nevada in latitudi' ."iS", in the Sacramento Nailery, and ilie .Vnierieaii u'k of the Sacramento, and at San Franeiseo liay. 00 < 'nrilli — ./oh II -liffiill- Tliu |)l;iiits of this season's eollt'ctiiii,', 1(S."».'5, IVoni tlu; localities mentioned a!)ove, \vt;re the last that JellVey sent to JMlinhurgh, and his eniplo^Muent hy the association practically ceased at this time, his oriijinal contract being for three years' service. The lollowinL,' extract from a letter received hy Andrew Mnrray in l']dinl)urgh from his brother, \\. Murray, \s\w was livini; at San Francisco, gives a liint of Jeifrey's |)rol)al)le movements : "San F|{a\(is((), Iti Mmj, lSo4. " I yostenliiy roceiviMl yoar letter enclosiiij; one for JellVey. * * * "1 went ii),'ain io MeKinliiy, (iiirrioeli & Co., and they have ileeipliered Ills to be Fort Yuma, on tiie (lila Itiver (just where it joiiLS the Colorado), whore he says he will probably be until the 1st of .\ugu;-t, and directs bis letters to be forwardecl by .Vtlunis Oi Co.'s JOxpress to the care of their aj,'ent at San Dioj^o, Mr. F. Ames. " I iiccordinj^ly i)Ut his letter in an envelope addressed in conformity with these instructions and took it to Adiims i^ Co.'s lOxpress. * * * "Tlu^y, McKinlay, (iarrioeh i<: Co., say he is a hard workinj;, enthu- siastic, very steady, and temi)enite man, and that just before starting for San i)ie<.;o he was some tiireo weeks iirranjjtini; the i)roceeds of his excur- sions, and they doubt not that he despatched them. He had been for some weeks sick before tiiat, whicli accounts for part of the long stay in San Francisco. * * * " 1 met the consul now and he said he had received anotlier letter for JedVey. I forwarded it ahjnjj; with ycau's. The consul says that ho (Jeffrey) never called at the consulate ; that there had been quite a budget of letters and other thhigs there for bim, wiiich have since been forwarded to him bv Ah-lvinlay, (iarrioeh i.*s: Co. at the .sime time as your previous letter. * * * " " You will i)ossibly think that I ou>;lit to havi' beiMi able to (ind out JellVey wiiile he was liere, i)Ut at that time 1 neither knew tiiat .Mi'lvinlay, (iarrioeh it (!o. were acijuainted with bim, nor tiiat .Mian, Lowe & Co. were connected with the Hudson's Hay Co." .Mr. John Halleiider, who knew .lellVcy at Fort Vancouver in 1852 and ISoo, writing to .\ndrew .Murray under date of Feb- ruary 1. 1.^54, gives a brief outline of Jell'; ey'.s movements in years, and .say.s : " if this can be in any way of service to you T siiall be most hap|)y, as I feel very anxious respecting: the fate of poor JellVey, knowing well that if he followed up the route hinted to me he had some dangers of no very trifling nature to contend with." No further information about JelFrey ai)j)earK to liave reached Edinburgh, but to those who know the terrible (diances taken by a man attein|)tinga trip to Vuma in the fifties, alone, there is little doubt that he perished of thirst upon the Colorado Desert. I