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DEPUTY MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE FOR ONTARIO FORMERLY PROFESSOR OF CIIEMISTY AT THE ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AMERICAN EDITION EDITED BY JOHN CRAIG PROFESSOR OF HORTICULTURE IN THE IOWA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE nuch fruit ? NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1899 Ef'fdlvioLoGICAL BRANCH r.P;:RTN;ENT OF AGRiCULiUu OTTAWA CAi-^iAOA Copyright, 1899, By D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. if PREFACE. The purpose of ihis book is to aid the reader and student in acquiring a knowledge of the science of agriculture as dis- tinct from the arf of agriculture ; that is, a knowledge of the "why," rather than a knowledge of the "how." The science of agriculture may be said to consist of a mingling of chemistry, geology, botany, entomology, physiology, bacteriology, and other sciences, in as far as they have a bearing upon agri- culture. The aim has been to include but the first prin- ciples of these various sciences, and to show their application to the art of agriculture. In a field so wide, and with so limited a space at the author's disposal, this work claims to deal only with the simple first principles of agricultural science. It is hoped, however, that the beginning here made will lead to a further study of what is one of the most interesting and most profitable sciences — one that is at the present time making most wonderful advance. From his expeiience of several years teaching at the Ontario Agricultural College the author believes that the rational teaching of agriculture in Public and High Schools is not only possible, but would be exceedingly profitable. An intelligent understanding of the science underlying the art of agriculture will add much interest to what is otherwise hard work, and, as a natural consequence, the pleasure of such work may be T W PREFACE. •I : I greatly increased.. The agriculturists of this country in the future will work at a serious disadvantage if they do not have some knowledge of the very interesting science that underlies their work. The residents of our towns and cities also will find that some knowledge of the science of agriculture may be of use to them, and may increase the respect and consideration for the calling that contributes so largely to the general wealth and welfare of this country. To the many who have offered help and advice and to all who have in any way contributed to this work, sincere thanks are offered. The First Principles of Agriculture^ by Dr. James Mills and Prof. Shaw will be found useful for reference, as some of the subjects herein dealt with are enlarged upon in that work. C. C. James. Department of Agriculture, Toronto, August ist, 1898. CONTENTS. If Part I.— The Plant. Chapter i.— The Seed II. — The Young Plant iii.~The Plant and Water . IV. -The Plant and the Soil v.— The Plant and the Air VI. — Structure and Growth of the Plant VII.— Naming and Classification of Plants « (( (( Chap- Chap. (( <( (( (I t( Part 1 1. -The Soil. VIII.— Nature and Origin of the Soil IX. — Tilling and Draining the Soil X. — Improving the Soil ... Part III.— The Crops of the Field. XI. — The Grasses .... XII. — The Grain Crops or Cereals XIII.— The Leguminous Plants xiv.-^Root Crops and Tubers XV. — Various other Crops XVI.— Weeds xviL — Insects of the Field xviiL— The Diseases of Plants XIX.— Rotation of Crops PAGE I 6 12 i6 20 24 29 31 37 42 48 52 57 62 67 71 74 S8 93 VI CONTENTS. Part IV. — The Garden, Orchard and Vineyard. Chap. (( u It « XX. — The Garden .... XXI. — The Apple Orchard XXII. — Other Orchard Trees XXIII. — Insects of the Orchard XXIV. — Diseases of the Orchard XXV. — The Vineyard . . . . Part V. — Live Stock and Dairying. Chap. xxvi. — Horses .... " xxvii. — Cattle .... XXVIII. — Sheep .... XXIX. — Swine .... XXX. — Poultry .... XXXI. — Milk XXXII.— The Products of Milk XXXIII. — The Structure of Animals XXXIV. — Foods of Animals XXXV. — Digestion and Uses of Foods u it it (( t( Part VI. Chap, xxxvi. — Bees " XXXVII. — Birds " xxxviii. — Forestry XXXIX. — Roads -Other Subject.s. (( PAr.R 97 103 107 1 10 116 118 122 127 133 136 139 143 147 155 158 162 u XL. — The Rural Home 171 176 i8i 187 193 Appendix. List of Trees List of Weeds Spraying Mixtures 196 198 200 ''Agriculture is the oldest of the arts and the most recent of the sciences." " Perfect agriculture is the true foundation of trade and industry— it is the foundation of the riches of States.'* Entomological Branch DEPARTMENT OF AGRiCUL lUrtE Offl/lW/4- - - C, 'r^i 4r\L^r\ CHAPTER I. THE SEED. The Forming of Skkd. — We scatter some oat-grains over the earth and then lightly cover them with the fine surface soil. The spring rain falls, and llie air grows warmer. In a few days the green blades of the oat plants a[)pear through the soil all over the field. If we ')ull up some of these green shoots we find that each one grows from a single seed, and each plant has a bunch of small hairy roots. If we look closely we may find the old husk, or the cover- ing, of the grain that we planted, but nothing more. What was once a seed has now become a plant with roots in the soil and stalk and leaf above the soil. Perhaps we may find some seeds that were buried too deeply and that have not sprouted. On through the summer the oat plants grow, tall and green ; soon the head branches out and blossoms . then the grain forms, first soft, soon becoming harder, and the plants lose their green color and turn brown and yellow. We cut down the plants and later on thresh them out, separating the grain from the straw. The roots or stubble left behind in the boil decay; they will not grow again. The straw also will not grow ; it is fed to the stock or used as litter. But the grain we may feed to the stock or we may use it again for growing another crop of oats next year. We began with the seed and the plant has given us seed again, just like the seed with which we started. The seei, then, is the beginning and the end of the oat plant, whose aim in growing appears to be to form seed that will produce other plants like itself. The AGRICULTURE. seed appears to be the most iaiportant part of this plant ; its life passes on through the seed. We therefore begin our study oi plants with the seed. Many other plants of the field, like the oat, sprout, grow, form seed and die in one season (Annurls). Some others, such as carrots and turnips, do not ibim seed unless left in the ground for a second season (Biennials). Then their roots and stalks die. There are others, such as fruit trees, nut- bearing trees, grape vines, that form seed year by year, but still keep on living (Perennials). Make a list of the plants of the farm and garden under these three classes : Annuals, Biennials and Perennials. Shape and Size of Seeds. — The seeds of the same kind of plants are very much alike in shape and size, but the seeds of oats, wheat, barley, corn, peas, beans, turnips, pumpkins, apples, red clover, and timothy all differ. So do the seeds of the grasses and of the weeds. Some are ball-shaped like peas, some are long and pointed like oats, some are flat like pump- kins, some are three-sided like buckwheat and beech nuts. And there are many other forms ; in fact, there is a different form for every different kind of seed. One seed may send up two or more btalks, but one stalk never grows from more than one reed. Find out how many grains of wheat there are on a single stalk ; how many seeds there are on a dandelion head, and how many grains of corn will be grown from one seed of corn. Get a number of small glass bottles about two inches long. Collect the seeds of grains, of grasses, and of weeds. In the summer and fall gather these seeds from the growing plants, in the winter get them from the bins. Put these separately in the bottles, write the name of each kind on a piece of paper and fasten it on the bottle. You can in time get a collection of all the principal seeds that are to be found growing in your locality, and you can then study them. After a while you can write on each its botani- cal name also. The Structure of the Seed.— Wheat and oats are too small for us to take apart easily. Let us take a large seed such as a hickory nut. First the rough outer husk is taken off, then we ' 'if \h THE SEED. come to the hard shell. If we crack this carefully we can take out " the meat " in one piece. We see that it is made up of two parts joined together at one end. Notice at which end of the shell the two parts are joined together. Now take another nut — an almond. We crack it ; the meat comes out in one compact piece. We place this in water for a couple of minutes and then we carefully rub off the coating. We find that the white almond will separate into pig. i.-An Aim ,,d showing two parts that are joined together at one ff rs^fXiwiri^lip end, very much as in the hickory nut. ^ -jj; fXuptTiuto We find also that there is a tiny tip ^^^'"• between these two parts. The nut appears to be made up of two thick leaves joined to a very short stem. It is somewhat like a plant with a short stalk, having two big leaves, but no roots. Fis. 2.— An Acorn cut Fig. 3. — A Horse-Chestnut Fig 4. -An Fig. 5. -A in two. cut in two showing seed Apple ■ Fumpkin- leaves and tip. Seed. Seed. We can examine the seeds of the acorn, the horse-chestnut, the apple, the pea, the bean, and the pumpkin, and we find them all made up or put together in much the same form. If we open up other seeds, however, we may find some that have only one seed-leaf, and some that have more than two. W^hat do you find in the maple tree seed ? The Sprouting of the Seed. — When a seed begins to grow, it is said to sprout. Seeds do not begin to grow in the }j,round in winter, nor will they sprout in summer if they are AGRICULTURE. II ni i \ buried too deeply in the soil. We can easily cause seeds to sprout, and we can, at the same time, find out just when they will sprout. If we place some wheat grains in a dry dish and keep them dry, they will not sprout either in winter or sum- mer— it makes no difference whether they are cold or warm, they will not sprout so long as they are kept dry. We there- fore conclude that seeds require water or moisture in order to sprout. If this were not so we would have the grain sprouting in the bins and granaries. At the same time we notice how important it is to have all bins and granaries quite dry. Now let us take three deep dishes, such as soup plates. We get three pieces of flannel and cut them so that when once folded each piece will just about cover the bottom of the dish. We place about twenty grains of wheat in each between the folded flannel. We then moisten one plate and set it away in a coyl place, and we keep the flannel moist all the time ; we moisten the second and set it in a warm place, in a sunny window, for instance, and we keep it moist ; we fill up the third and set it also beside it in the warm place, and we keep the ^\3Xefilkd with water. We can see what changes take place from day to day by lifting up the flannel. The grain kept cool does not sprout ; the grain kept covered with water so that the air does not reach it does not sprout, even though it is warm ; but the grain that is kept warm, that gets some air, and that has a little moisture soon sprouts and starts to grow. We now conclude that for seeds to sprout they must have water J heat and air, and if any one of these three be lacking, sprouting will not take place. By means of warm, moistened cloths we can tell whether the seed grain that we desire to sow is likely to sprout or not in the ground, and about how much is likely to grow. This is important, as seeds when they are old lose the power of sprout- ing. Some seeds lose their vitality or poWer of sprouting much sooner than others. Can you find out which these are ? seeds to len they lish and or sum- r warm, 2 there- >rder to ►routing ce how s. We n once e dish, en the way in le; we sunny ip the ; keep 3 take grain water lough le air, grow. have 'king, low a young walnut gets out (jf its shell. Note the thick, fleshy tap root. Compare with Fig. 7. Where are the seed leaves ? " Great oaks from little acorns grow." The young plant feeds on the " meat " in the acorn till the root is able to get rourishment from the soil. Look again at Tig. 2. li! ill THE SEEDl Conclusions : — 1. Seeds will not sprout unless they get some water or moisture. 2. Seeds will not sprout when the ground is too cold. 3. Seeds will not sprout when they are in undrained soil that is full of water, because they cannot get air. 4. Seeds will not sprout when they are buried too deeply so that the air cannot reach them. The seed is the beginning of the plant, and with the plant, as with so many other things, it is of very great importance to have a good start. This means that we should have good liv- ing seed — seed that will grow, free from weed seeds. Then we must have a good, fine, level seed-bed, on a well-drained field, so that the seed can be sown evenly and covered properly. Moderate rains and bright sunshine will cause the seed to sprout, and the young plants will soon appear at the same time in all parts of the surface of the field. This brings us to the study of the young plant, which will form the next chapter. Describe the seeds of corn or maize, buckwheat, the turnip, the thistle, the dandelion, the strawberry, the gooseberry, the pumpkin, the grape, the cherry, the apple, the mapk, the elm, the basswood, the beech, the hickory. What is the •flFect of steeping seed just before it is sown? What kind of water should be used — hot, warm, or cold ? How are seeds distributed naturally? What kinds of seeds may be easily carried by water, by wind, by birds, by animals ? Why do we find willows along streams ? ! J AGRICULTURE. CHAPTER II. Fig. 6 — A Bean showing tip of rootlet or radicle at r; also with parts separ- ated showing tip just starting to grow. THE YOUNG PLANT. We have learned that seeds will sprout when they have water, heat, and air. But there must not be too much water, for then they will simply become soft and decay ; nor must there be too much heat, for then they will be dried up and killed. We have shown how they can be sprouted between layers of moist flannel or blotting paper. When sprouted in that way their growth can be watched day by day ; but this plan of sprouting seeds will not allow us to watch their growth to a very large size. If we wish to see them grow up into full- sized plants we must plant the seeds in soil. We can do so in a box of clean garden soil placed in a sunny window, or out of doors in warm weather. We may plant some peas, beans, or pumpkin seeds. Let us take a handful of bean seeds. As they are rather large in size we must cover them thoroughly with soil about an inch deep. At the same time we might put in a few seeds four, five or six inches deep, and also place three or four right on the surface, to observe the effect on them in contrast with those planted at the proper depth. We then water the soil slightly every day. After two days we carefully take up a couple of seeds to see what has taken place. Then we put them back carefully. In this way, day by day, we examine carefully a couple of the seeds until we find them starting to sprout. jm THE YOUNG PLAXT. When they have once sprouted we can take up a plant every day to see what change is taking place. AVc should have enough plants growing so that we can throw away each little plant after we have examined it. First we find the seeds becoming moist from the water in the soil, and Fig 8.— Seed Pea and young pea plant. Fig. 7. — He.-in Seed ; also young plant on right, and, in the centre, a plant showing two seed leaves, also first pair of true leaves above. soon turning soft. The beans swell a little and soon break open the outer covering or husk. The two thick leaves of the seed separate a little and a few fine roots push out into the soil. The little tip between the seed leaves begins to grow larger and pushes up towards the air. The plant never makes a mistake ; the roots always grow out and down into the soil and the little tip 8 AGRICULTURE. ' ' I that forms the stalk always grows up into the air, whether the seed is lying upside down or not. The roots lengthen out and branch into a little bunch of fine fibres, and the stalk soon brings the two leaves above ground. Sometimes we can see the old husk of the seed still clinging to one of the seed leaves, which are generally quite smooth and simple in form. The stalk grows on higher and higher ; new leaves form ; little branches are thrown out ; leaves form on these ; and now we see the general form or make-up of the plant. By this time we observe that the two seed leaves have become thin and soon disappear. They appear to be of use only in the first few days of the sprouting of the seed and the early growth of the young plant. What is their use ? They are different in shape and size from the ordinary leaves of the plant. They are thick at first, and soon become thin and disappear. They are nothing else than little sacks of food stored up in the seed to feed the young plant until it forms roots and leaves and is able to get food for itself from the soil and the air. Parts of the Plant. — The roots spread out or go down through the soil ; the stalk grows up and branches out ; the leaves grow along the side and at the ends of the branches. These three parts — roots, stalk and branches, and leaves — are quite different in form and in color, and we may conclude that they also have different work to do in the life of the plant. We can easily study these three parts in larger plants. In the case of a carrot the root is thick and long and pushes itself straight down into the soil. We call such a root a tap root. But along this root we find a large number of fine, hairy-like ^ rootlets, to which the fine particles of soil cling Fig. 9. — Tap- ' . root, as of a closely. These are the feeders of the big root. carrot, show- '' fefdingrootr "^^ ^^^ ^^^^ °^ ^ ^^^^^ °^ whcat or oats we have THE YOUNG PLANT. a mass of fine roots. We call such a root fibrous. In the case of large trees, we find large rovots running off in all directions, many of them for long distances. If we take up a piece of tree root, we find the outer end covered with fresh, fine, hairy-like roots. These are the feeders of the big roots. How do roots grow? A man's arm is longer and larger than a boy's arm. How did it grow? Not simply by adding on at F'b- lo.— Fibrous root, ° X y y o as of grass. the end, for in that case the man's arm would be merely the boy's arm with very long fingers. All parts of the arm must have grown at the same time. A root would find it very difficult to grow in that way through the soil. It adds on at the end or the tip. Sometimes a root has to go around a large stone ; a bend is formed in the root. How difficult it would be for the root if it had to keep pulling itself around that stone as it grew longer. Roots, of course, grow larger and thicker, pushing aside the soil and even rocks ; but they lengthen at the tips and take in the food from the soil through the fine, hairy rootlets, which are always found in largest numbers near the ends of the newly- formed roots. Two other things we notice, namely, the roots do not bear leaves and they are not green. They are generally light colored inside with a dark covering. They are also (juite pliable— easily bent or twisted ; • , r . 4.1 J r 1 • , . Fig. u.— End of Root, rov in lact they are made for working their ered with fine, h way easily through the soil and around stones. Pull up a bunch of grass and observe how the roots cling to the fine soil. Also observe how crooked a tree root grows. feeding rootlets, a is tip h.-irdened for protection ; b is growing part ; c is older part of root. Thi; root pushes the protecting cap on through soil, for in- inj- new root at b, which ■' on changes to c. lO AGRICULTURE. The stalk is compact and strong, built for holding up a heavy weight. When young the stalk and branches are green in color ; as they grow older the color becomes darker and duller, and the soft, smooth skin changes to hard, rough bark. The stalk and branches are much stiffer than the roots ; if they were as pliable as the roots they would not be able to hold themselves up in the form that we see. Most plants, however, are pliable enough to yield to strong wind and thus avoid being broken. The last thing to be noticed here in regard to them is that what is called " the grain " goes along and not across the branch and stalk. We can split a piece of wood along its grain, but we have to saw or break it if we wish to divide it across the grain. What would be the effect of a strong wind upon plants, trees, forests, if the grain ran across instead of along the stalks, limbs, trunks, and branches ? The most noticeable points in connection with leaves are their shape, their number, and their color. The leaf is generally flat and very thin. Its outline or form varies with different kinds of plants. Contrast the thick, needle-shaped leaf of the pine and the thin, long, pointed blade of grass with the leaves of the oak, maple, basswood, and willow. Take a green maple leaf ; draw its outline ; trace the frame- work upon which it is formed. Then glue or paste it between two sheets of paper or cloth and dry carefully. Pull these two sheets apart and thereby split the leaf. We thus see that the leaf is a thin web stretched upon a framework of fine branches, and we observe that the branching of these Fig. 12.— Section of a Leaf. ^, row of cells ., r ^i i r • • j-zv to.ming skin on upper side; B, row of ribs of the leaf varies m differ- cells next to skin ; D, next row of cells ; . i • j r i r i.u C, air spaces in leaf; E, inner portion of ent kinds of leaVCS ; further, cells filled with sap: /''', row of ct lis form- .1 . .1 „i -1 1 c :„ ..^_., ing under skin o. leaf showing mouths that thoUgh the leaf IS VCry or openings (stomata). THE YOUNG PLANT. II thin, yet it is made up of different layers, two skins with softer layers between. Draw the leaves of all the difTerent forest and shade trees found in your locality. The new leaves of spring and early summer are green; as summer advances they change in color somewhat, and in the fall the green turns to brown or yellow or red. The young shoots also are green in color at first, becoming duller and darker in color as they become older and stiffen But observe the many different shades of green in the leaves of different kinds of trees — even different kinds of maples show tints that slightly vary. Even the two sides of the same leaf are not of the same shade. This can be seen on a windy day when the wind blows the leaves over. What causes the green color ? Place a small piece of board on the green grass ; after a few days lift the board and observe that the grass under it has become paler in color, has been bleached out. Leave the board off and the grass will soon become green again. When potatoes start to grow in a dark cellar their sprouts are white, the tips grow towards the light, and if they reach direct sunlight they become green. We conclude from the above that the sunlight in some way or other is the cause of the green color in the leaves. (The name chlorophyll applied to the green-colored matter in the leaf, means " leaf green.") Why are the roots not green like the leaves ? Are evergreens of the same color in winter as in summer ? Why is the growth of trees less and less, or more stunted, as we go farther north ? When do evergreens shed their leaves ? Compare the cones of different evergreens. Where do we find the most evergreen trees, and why ? Where the most deciduous ? 12 AGRICULTURK. ii f » CHAPTER III. THE PLANT AND WATER. TnK Watkr of thk Pi,ant. — In a long season of drouth, the grass turns brown and withers, the leaves of the trees dry up, and shrui)s and plants of all kinds droop and die. In the case of plants grown in the house, everyone knows that they must be watered regularly. When the rains are frec^uent, how the grass grows, and how all plant life becomes green and thrifty 1 Nothing more need be said to prove that water is one of the most important foods for plants. Further, we find some water in all plants, some fruits being made up of over nine-tenths water. If any j)lant, or any part of a plant, such as a piece of root, a chunk of green wood, a bunch of green grass, or a handful of leaves, be placed in a warm oven, it will gradually become lighter in weight owing to its losing water or becoming drier. Even well-dried wood will lose a little water. If we were to take loo pounds of several substances, such as the following, and dry them out thoroughly, we would find that they would become lighter by the following amounts, that is, they would lose these amounts of water : Roots, carrots, turnips, etc 85 to 95 pounds. Potatoes 75 " Green pasture grass 80 " Timber wood 40 to 50 " Dried or cured hay 15 " Grains, such as wheat, oats, etc. ... 10 to 15 " We can therefore say that roots contain from 85 to 95 per cent, of water, potatoes 75 per cent., etc. THK ri,ANT AND WATER. 13 How Dors tiik Watkr Okt in?— We ran answer this first (jUL'stion l)y carefully observing as follows: When house plants are watered, we do not pour the water on the leaves and branches, hut on the soil that contains the roots. When the earth above the roots has been allowed to become too dry, the gardener sometimes sets the whole pot, earth and roots, in a pail of water until the soil has become thoroughly wet. 'I'wo pots of the same size and shape may be taken, one having a plant growing in the soil and the other containing only soil. 'I'lien place them side by side and water the soil in both with the .same amount of water. It will be observed that the soil in which the plant is growing will become dry much more quickly than the soil having no plant. If we could examine the drains coming from under two fields having the same kind of soil, one having little or nothing grow- ing upon it and the other having a heavy crop, such as root.s, corn or hay, we would see that much more water drains away from the bare field than from the field bearing a crop. Perhaps you have noticed a bulb or a slip from some rapidly- growing plant being started in a vase or glass bottle filled with water. If you take two glass bottles of the .same size and fill both with water and place a growing plant slip in one, you will notice that the water in the one having the plant slip will dis- appear more rapidly than the water in the other bottle. Some- times it can be shown even more clearly by placing a few large white flowers, such as lilies or chrysanthemums, in water that has been colored red or blue. After a while some red or blue color will appear in the flowers. We conclude from the above that the water passes into the plant by way of the roots. How Does the Water Get Out ?— It is quite evident that there is not room in the plant to hold all that goes in. Wher- ever we cut into a living plant we find it damp and the cells ' i ■i ( I! ! t I \ 1 i hf i 14 AGRICULTURE. filled Up, SO that as water is constantly going in by way of the roots, it must l)e passing out by some way. When the soil becomes very dry and the plants, as we say, suffer from drouth, the first place where we observe the effect is in the leives. These droop and wilt and lose their freshness, and soon after watering they become fresh-looking again. Let us take a clear bottle and wipe it out so as to have it perfectly clear, clean and dry on the inside. Then we carefully place it over the branch of a growing plant so as to have the bottle pretty well filled with leaves. We leave it there, fastened up securely, for a time ; after a while we observe a fine film on the inside of the bottle. When we take it off we notice thai the bottle is damp on the inside, some water has been depos- ited upon it from the leaves. We observe the same kind of a film on a piece of looking-glass when we breathe upon it. In fact, we can take a piece of dry looking-glass and fasten it to a plant leaf and get a faint film of moisture from the leaf as from our breath. Further, if we try first the upper side of the leaf and then the under, we shall find that the moisture comes alniost entirely from the under side. We conclude, then, that the water passes out by the leaves and principally from the under surface. If we had a microscope, that is an instrument for ma.i ng small things appear large, we could examine the two sides of the leaf of any plant, and then we would observe that on the under side there are a great many little mouths, or pores, or openings whereby the water can pass out, and that these are drawn up smaller as the air becomes drier so as to prevent too great loss of water. Each of these mouths or pores is called a " stoma," and when we speak of two or more we call them " stomata." We have called these mouths or pores ; they are openings through which the plant breathes, and they are generally on the under side of the leaf, several hundred or several thousand on every leaf. In the case of such a plant as the water lily, whose THE PLANT AND WATER. ^5 1 large round leaves He flat on the surface of the water, the stomata or mouths of the leaves are found to be on the upper side. Why has nature made this change ? Animals soon suffer from thirst, although they have some water in nearly every kind of food that they eat. But plants require water quite as much. There is nothing so important in connec- tion with plant growth as having a proper supply of water — not too much and not too little. When the rains come at the right time and in the right quantities, nearly every soil bears good Fig. 13. -Under side of leaf, /i shows ■' •' _ '^ the mouths or stomata crops ; where no rains fall we find a desert. a with small hair on leaf at h. B is a section, showing stoma or mouth at j, the air space is at «, and < is a guard cell which opens and closes the mouth or stoma. Conclusions : 1. Water is found in all plants and in all parts of living plants at all seasons of the year. 2. Wuter is necessary for the life and growth of plants. 3. Water goes into the plants through the hairy rootlets at the tips of the fresh roots and passes out through the thousands of tiny moutlis on the under side of the leaves. 4. The mouths or breathing pores are called stomata. These open wider as the air becomes damp and partially close as the air becomes dry. Suggestive : — What gives rigidity and firmness to a geranium leaf? Which contains oroportionately the more water, an apple leaf or an apple twig? irrr Mil i6 AGRICULTURE. > I 11 u CHAPTER IV. il THE PLANT AND THE SOIL. The Power of Water to Dissolve Substances. — If we drop a little common salt into a glass of water, it will disappear from sight ; but if we taste the water we find that it is salty — the salt has been dissolved in the water. If we pour out the salty water into a saucer, and set it in a warm place, the water will gradually become less and less, and we shall soon see the white salt reappear as a fine white crust. We know now that salt is soluble in water. If we keep on adding salt to the water in the glass we shall find that after a while no more salt will be dissolved, but what we add will remain un- dissolved in the bottom of the glass. We conclude, therefore, that the water can dissolve a certain amount of salt and no more — that there is a limit to the power of the water to dissolve the salt. We can make the same trial or experiment with other substances, such as sugar, saltpetre, etc. But all substances are not soluble, if we place some sand in the glass of water it will not dissolve. If we stir up some road dust in a glass of clean water, the water will at once be- come dirty ; but after a while the dirt will settle and the water clear up. Sometimes when we examine salt by putting a little in water we find a small quantity of hard, gritty substance set- tling at the bottom undissolved — tnis is not salt, but an impurity in the salt. If there were any sand in the sugar it would not dissolve. A nail will not dissolve in the water, though it can be more or less dissolved if there is a little acid in the water. If we take a handful of hardwood ashes and stir them up in a bowl of water, a icirge portion will settle to the bottom undis- THE PLANT AND THE SOIL. 17 solved, but the water will feel and taste soapy. There is evidently something soluble in wood ashes, and also some- thing insoluble. If we take coal ashes instead of wood ashes, we shall find that there is little or nothing soluble in the coal ashes. It is evident, therefore, that wood ashes contain much more soluble matter than coal ashes. This soluble matter is food for plants. If we take a piece of limestone and pour water we shall find that little or no change takes place ; but if we use a little weak acid (even vinegar will have some effect), we find that the limestone will dissolve. If, in- stead of limestone, we lake freshly-burnt lime — quick-lime — we find that the water will take up some of the lime, as we can tell by tasting it. We conclude that some substances are quickly soluble in water, some slowly soluble, some insoluble, and that weak acids will have the effect of dissolving some substances, such as lime- stone and iron, that do not dissolve in water alone. Further, we find that water can dissolve only a certain quantity of any substance — that its power of dissolving is limited ; and when the water evaporates or passes off into the air, the substances, such as salt, sugar, and lime, that were dissolved in it, reappear as salt, sugar, and lime. If we pour milk through a fine strainer, the milk all passes through, and the dirt that was not dissolved remains behind. If we stir up some hardwood ashes in a glass of water and then pour it through a very fine strainer, we find the undis- solved ashes remain behind, and the water that passes through is soapy in taste. We conclude that the substances dissolved in the water go along with the water wherever it passes in the liquid form. Take a clean unglazed earthen flower pot ; stop up the hole in the bottom, fill it with water, and throw into the water a handful of salt. Allow the pot to stand undisturbed. After a while a deposit will appear on the outside of the pot. Taste it, it is salty. Explain. i8 AGRICULTURE. iil How Mineral Food Gets into the Plant. — We have before learned that water goes into the plant through the roots and passes out by the leaves ; there must therefore be a movement of the water through the plant ; and we thus conclude that the water can carry along with it into the plant, and through it, some substances taken up in solu- tion from the soil, that is, that it will take into the plant whatever it finds in the soil that can be dissolved. This is not quite the case, for the roots appear to have the power, in large measure, of taking up the substances that the plant requires ; the roots have a certain amount of what may be called " selective " power. One thing more may be mentioned in connection with the taking in of food by the roots ; there is a small amount of weak acid found in the ends of the roots, so that wherever the fine, hairy rootlets come into contact with the soil they are helped by this weak acid to dissolve small quantities of material that the water alone, without this acid, could not take up. It is because of this that we frequently find the marks of plant roots on the face of hard rocks, showing where the roots by their acids have eaten out some of the rock. When we burn wood in the stove we have left what is called the ashes. If we burn up some straw, or grain, in fact any kind of a plant, we have left some ashes. This ash is earthy in nature. Sometimes it is called the " mineral matter " of the plant. It has all gone into the plant by way of the roots, dis- solved in the water of the soil. When this ash or mineral matter is taken apart and examined by a chemist, it is found to contain such substances as compounds of lime, soda, and potash. From loo pounds of plants taken, v/e get one to five pounds of ash or mineral matter; we therefore say, that the ash or mineral matter forms from one to five per cent, of the whole plant, and it has all come from the soil. The mineral matter of the soil, after being dissolved in the THE PLANT AND THE SOIL. 19 We have ough the therefore and we h it into t in solu- the plant his is not , in large requires ; )e called with the nount of wherever soil they ntities of not take narks of the roots is called "act any is earthy "of the )ots, dis- mineral found )da, and e to five the ash e whole water of the soil, passes into the plant, is carried by the circulation of the sap to all parts, and is used in helping to build up the various parts of the plant. When matter gets into the plant in this way that is not required, some of it may be- come deposited in various parts of the plant, but much of it is carried to the outside of the leaf and of the bark, and left there as the water evaporates. In the case of some plants, more mineral matter is taken up from the soil than the sap can hold in solution, and some of the salts are found in a solid form in the little sacs or cells of which the plant is made up. These ; are often seen by a magnifying glass or microscope in the form of crystals either in the cells or in the walls of the cells. Conclusions : 1. The water of the plant comes from the water of the soil, hence the importance of rains. 2. All of the mineral or ash material of the plant comes from ,^the soil, being carried into the plant in solution through the roots. 3. The mineral matter is carried to all parts of the plant in the circulation of the sap. 4. Some of the mineral matter that is not needed by the [plant is given off from the outside of the leaves and through the I bark. 5. It is very important to have the mineral or ash material [required by the plant in as soluble a form as possible in the soil, hence the importance of good cultivation and of proper fertilizing or manuring. 1 in the i' « '. 1 ; 1 H i r Lii ' 20 AGRICULTURE. CHAPTER V. THE PLANT AND THE AIR. The CoMimsTiHLE Part of a Plant. — When we dry any plant thoroughly, we drive off the water that it contains when we burn up this dried portion, we have left the ash. But what about the portion that has been burned up ? What was it and where did it come from ? All plants contain fibre — woody fibre as we may now call it ; this has been burned up. Some plants, such as sugar beets, sugar cane, and corn, contain some sugar. Other plants, such as potatoes, contain a large quantity of starch. In burning, all the fibre, starch, and sugar are burned up. Then such seeds as flaxseed and cotton seed contain oil. There are other substances, also, that we should know. For instance, if we chew a few grains of wheat, we find after a short time a small quantity of a gummy sub- stance remaining in die mouth — it is called ^/«/^«. Then you all know that from many different fruits a beautiful clear sulv stance is got by boiling, known as jelly. Perhaps we have mentioned enough — fibre, starch, sugar, oil, gluten, jelly substances — all these and many others similar to them are found in plants. They do not pass off when the water evapor- ates, nor are they left behind in the ash. They are all con- sumed or burnt up when the plant is burned. What do they consist of? In burning any plant slowly, the first thing that you notice is that the plant becomes black — charred ; and by very slowly burning it we can turn it into a black mass that we call charcoal, somewhat like coal in appearance. This black color is given to it because of the carbon which it contains. If we could put some of this THE PLANT AND THE AIR. 21 m we dry t contains ; ft the ash. ip? What 3ntain fibre ten burned and corn, , contain a starch, and and cotton so, that we IS of wheat, jmmy sub- Then you clear suli- we ha\e uten, jelly them are ter evapor- ire all con- slowly, the es black — n it into a :e coal in use of the me of this charred plant into a strong iron vessel, having only one small open pipe leading from it, we would find that there were gases coming away that would burn with a flame ; and when you are further advanced in the study of chemistry you will be able to prove that these gases contain, besides carbon, (another substance also, called hydrogen. In addition to these two, carbon and hydrogen, both of rhich will burn in the air, there are in the plant small quan- tities of nitrogen and sulphur and some oxygen. All of this :annot be proved by you at present, but you will now have to iccept the statement that these parts of the plant that are fburned up contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and Sometimes sulphur in varying quantities. The chemist, for ishortness, refers to them often simply by the first letters, thus : |C H O N S. M What the Plant Gets from the Air. — The next 1^ is as to where these elements came from and when ^hey got into the plant. If they came fi-om the soil they must %have been contained either in the water or in the salts or [mineral matter carried in through the roots. Water is a compound of only two substances, hydrogen and oxygen. It wo of them, then, may have come from the rains and soil j water. The sulphur and the nitrogen may have come from [the soil in part or in whole, for we sometimes find soluble com- Ipounds of sulphur m the soil, and also compounds of nitrogen. [But the carbon which is for.nd in such large quantity does Inot come from the water, nor from the mineral matter of the [soil. There is only one other source, and that is the atmos- Iphere, or, as we say, the air. If the carbon comes from the air, [we at once conclude that it gets into the plant through the leaves. [And how wonderfully well supplied is every plant with leaves [for taking m food from the air ! The air is a mixture of gases. Coal and charcoal are almost [pure carbon, so that we think of carbon as being a solid. And 4 ili M : i'. ii ■il- 'fi'll 22 AGRICULTURE. SO it is. But in the air there is a gas called carbonic acid gas. It is formed wherever carbon is burned. The carbon unites with the oxygen gas of the air and forms a compound, a gas, that is called carbonic acid gas. This is the source from which the plant gets its carbon. There is only a very small quantity of this carbonic acid gas in the air, but the plants have a large number of leaves and they are broad and thin, and the air is moving more or less all the time, so that the plant has no difficulty in getting all the carbon that it requires. The carbonic acid gas of the air goes in through the leaves ; the plant takes up the carbon for its own use and sets free the oxygen gas with which the carbon was united. Just here we might mention that all animals are constantly breathing out carbonic acid gas from their lungs, and that when too much of it is present the animals will be smothered. We feel the effect of it when shut up in a close room. Plants take up this carbonic acid gas, keep the carbon and set free the oxygen, so that plants are constantly purifying the air for animals, and animals are constantly producing car- bonic acid gas to feed the plants. Nature has in this way made plants and animals dependent upon each other. The starch of potatoes, the sugar of beets, the jelly of cur- rants and apples, the oil of flaxseed and the fi bre of flax and of all parts of plants are made up entirely of the three elements — carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (C II and O). The plants get all the carbon from the air, and the hydrogen and oxygen can all be got from water, which, as we have said, is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, so that starch, sugar, jelly, oil and fibre are made up by the plant from what comes from water and the air. When a farmer sells from his farm sugar or butter (oil) or fibre he is selling what in the first place came from the rain and the air, and thereby he does not rob the soil so much as when he sells grain or hay, since these contain mineral or soil material. THE PLANT AND THE AIR. 23 We have said that the quantity of carbonic acid gas in the jair is very small ; there are only three [)arts in every ten thou- sand parts by volume. The air, or, is made up [almost entirely of nitrogen and oxygen, mixed together, not united, in the proportion of about four to one ; that is, in every [one hundred volumes of air there are nearly eighty parts of [nitrogen to a little over twenty parts of oxygen. In addition, there are very small (quantities of other gases, such as ammonia, )ut we need not refer to these here. The facts now to be |fixed in the memory are that the plant, through the leaf, does lot take up the nitrogen and oxygen which are in such large quantities, but does take up carbon from the carbonic acid gas iwhich exists in such small quantities, and from this carbon, ||llong with the elements of water, it builds up the larger portion |Df its entire structure. How it does this is largely a mystery. 'ONCLUSIONS : 1. Besides the water and the mineral matter of the plant, iivhich come in through the roots, there are in plants large luantities of such substances as starch, sugar, oil, and gluten. 2. All of these substances contain caibon. 3. This carbon comes from the carbonic acid gas of the air. 4. Animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbonic acid jas through their lungs ; plants take in carbonic acid gas and jive off oxygen through their leaves. 1 H AliRKJULTURE. :!ll CHAPTER VI. Ill I, STRUCTURE AND GROWTH OF THE PLANT. Thk Sai'. — All the water used by the plant enters through the roots, and along with it comes the material that we call the mineral matter, together with the nitrogen that the plants require. The stalks and branches form the frame work of the plant — its body, so to speak. The leaves give off the water taken in by the roots, and also take up carbon from the carbonic acid gas of the air. Now if the water goes in by the roots and out from the leaves it must move through the plant — through the roots to the stalk, thence to the branches, and so on to the leaves. This water contains many substances in solution (sugar, salts, and other things) ; we call it sap, and the movement is called " the circulation of the sap." We have already referred to the fact that a limb will split lengthwise, not across. Sometimes, as in flax and in the inner bark of basswood, we can pull off long fine strings of fibre. These long fibres that run up and down, or lengthwise, are nothing else than strings of little ceils, and in circulation the sap passes on through from one to the next. Frequently you see a hollow tree that is alive and thrifty ; and when you cut across a large tree you notice that the sap is principally in the outer portion. The outer rings of wood are much wetter than the inner or heart wood. We conclude, then, that the sap moves principally up and down through the layers or fibres of the plant near the outside, just under the outer rough bark. The life of the body of the plant is then mainly near the outer bark. When we girdle a tree we are apt to kill it ; we can cut a small nick into it, we can tap it, or we may bruise a piece of the bark, and we do not kill it. Now you see the reason. STRUCTURE AND llROWTH OF THK PLANT. as Work of the T.eaves.— The circulation of the sap l)rings ihe water and material taken up from the soil to the leaf, rhcre also is found the carbon taken up from the air. And \t is in the green growing leaf that all this material is worked )ver info such forms as the plant can make use of. The leaves, re may say, are both the lungs of the i)lant and also the stom- ich. If fire burns the leaves of a tree, or some blight or lisease attacks them, or insects devour them, the tree becomes ^eak and in many cases soon dies. We observe the vitality of any plant in the leaves ; and we Ihould always try to keep the leaves fresh aiul free from attacks ibfall kinds. The greenhouse gardener carefully washes the fcaves of his valuable plants, bserve their form in the closed md. They guard the more valu- ible portion, the pistils and stamens, and when their work is 1^.,^ 4-U^,. A^,^,^ ^ff" T'U^ C Fig- IS- — Stamen and Pistil. Stamenon lone they drop off. 1 he hne Ut showing a, the stalk, and b, .ne l.,<^4- ^- .^,.11„., f..^.^ 4^U^ ^«.^.« .»»^ head, covered with pollen dust. Pistil lust or pollen from the stamens „„ ^Ight showing c, the stigma on Irnnt; on thp fnn nf thf ni«j«-il«: which the pollen falls; 3 the style, and irops on me lOp OI me piS.US. ^ the ovary containing the seeds, a. ,? il MMU m 2o AGRICULTURE. Fipr. 16.— Complete riossom, iiu' ing calyx, corolla, sta- iiie.^s, and pistils. Sometimes the wind blows it over ; sometimes the insects carry it on their bodies and legs. As soon as the pollen reaches the upper end of the pistils, growth starts within the pistil, beginning at the top (the stigma) and continuing down through the fine stem (the styk) until it reaches the main inner part (the ovary). It is in this part of the blossom that the seed is formed. Figures 14 and 15, showing the different parts of a blossom taken apart, will help to understand what takes place. To form seed, then, the pollen from the stamens must reach the pistils. In some plants we have them side by side in the one blossom, in other plants some blossoms have only stamens and others only pistils. In this latter caae the pollen must be carried by the wind, or by insects, such as bees, as the^' eo from flower to flower. The seed ^W-- 17 --incomplete or ^_ ^ imperfect blossoms. Iliu forms in the ovary of the blossom after the "pp^^r one has stameii>, Init no pistils (malt pollen has fallen from the stamens upon blossom); the lower oik ,., has pistils, but no st:;- tne pistils. mens (female blossom). Compare the flowers of the apple with those of the cherry, and the flowers of the pear with those of the plum. THE NAMING AND CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS. 29 CHAPTER VII. THE NAMING AND CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS. The many millions of human beings in the world may be arranged in classes or great families. Sometimes the basis of classification is their color ; thus we have the white race, the black race, the red race, etc. I'he white race, also, may be divided in various ways. For instance, we speak of the English-speaking people, the French people, the German people, etc. 'J'he Indians aie divided into tribes. These classifications are based on color, height, form of body, language, and certain habits or characteristics. In a similar manner it is advisable to arrange the great plant world into groups or classes — all those somewhat alike in one class, all others some- what alike in another class, and so on. To these various classes names must be given. I'hese names are what we call the scientific or botanical names. They are not always much like our common names of plants. The common names may vary in different places, but the botanical names must be the same the world over. The botanical names are not so familiar to us as the common names, hence they appear to be very difficult ; but in studying plants, in naming them, and in re- ferring to text books on botany, it is necessary to become more or less familiar with them. How are we to study a plant, to describe it, to kno'w the plant referred to in any botanical work ? How arc we to identify any plant ? There are the four i)arts — the roots, the stem, the leaves and the blossoms. The leaves really include those parts which we call the blossoms or flowers, as these are made up of changed leaves ; but for the present we may say M f ! )i 1': vr • >!' . 1 (I i ■':^ i. 30 AGRICULTURE. that these are the four parts named. In studying or describing any plant, therefore, we find out the nature or make-up of its root, stem, leaves and blossom. In regard to the root, for instance, we observe whether it is tap-rooted or fibrous. We note the color and form of the stem. We observe the shape of the leaves and their arrangement on the branches. In the blossom we note the form, number and arrangement of the sepals or parts of the calyx, and of the petals or parts of the corolla; also the number, form and arrangement of the stamens and pistils. If we carefully observe a buttercup and a marsh-marigold we find that in the main they closely resemble each other, yet there are differences in their form and they grow in different locations. Meadow rue, columbine, anemone and hepatica also have a strong family resemblance to these two pi. «:. These are all classed together in one great order or family known as the Ranunculacecc or crowfoot family. The wild mustard of our grain fields and the weeds shep- herd's purse and pennycress are classed in another order or family known as the CrucifercBy so called because of the arrangement of the four petals forming a cross-like corolla. The olossoms of the field pea, sweet pea, bean, clover and locust tree are much alike. These are all classed in one family — the Leguminos(B or legume family. Compare the blossoms and leaves of the apple, pear, plum, cherry, strawberry and hawthorn with the wild or single rose. They all belong to one family — the Rosacece or rose family. The carrot and the parsnip form a cluster of flowers in form called an umbe/, hence these belong to the family Umbellifera. In many common plants we have the flowers in a dense or thick head like the blossom of a field daisy or of a sunflower. The thistles, burdocks, everlasting, golden rod, aster, yarrow, dandelion and lettuce are other members of the same farail) — the composite family, or Composite^. NATURE AND ORIGIN OF THE SOIL. 3J PART 11. CHAPTER VIII. ^1 1 k NATURE AND OLIGIN OF THE SOIL. All the plants grown upon the farm or in the garden grow in the soil; even those that appear to be growing in streams and marshes have their roots in the soil beneath the water. Sometimes we see plants grown in water only in the house or greenhouse, but most of those found there are grown in pots filled with soil. The plants found on the surface of rocks and on old rail fences are of a low, simple order. We may then conclude that most of the plants that we are now familiar with recjuire soil, and we therefore shall study for a while the soil, its nature, its origin, and its improvement. Kinds of soil. — Sandy soil is made up principally of sand. If we take a handful of dry sand we find that it consists of small hard grains that are easily mixed together. If we moisten it, it will cling together and can be moulded into various forms, but when it dries the particles all fall 'apart into fine sand as before. Then there is clay of various colors, sometimes red, sometimes almost white, sometimes nearly blue. If we moisten it we can mould it, but when it dries it keeps its shape and becomes hard. We readily see the difference. When we walk over wet sandy soil and wet clayey soil, the former, when dry, readily rubs off our boots, tlie latter sticks. Sand is used for making moulds in the Toundry and clay is used for making models by the artist ; the 33 AGRICULTURE. former readily falls apart after being taken out of the boxes and can be used again, and the latter when moulded and worked keeps its shape as it dries. Make two sets of objects (such as halls, cubes, cups, vases or simple figures of small animals), one set from wet sand and one set from clay. Place them in the sun or near the stove and observe the effect of drying. We see that sand as it dries does not stick together, and clay as it dries does stick together and also sticks to other objects. We now understand how it is that wet clay is sticky ; it clings to the plow and the harrow and to the feet of the horses and is hard or heavy to work. Sandy soil is said to be light and clay soil to ^e heavy, not because of their weight, but be- cause the forn.t easily worked and the latter is harder to work. If we watc. closely the drying out of the two sets of objects that we have moulded we shall observe further that the sand dries out more quickly than the clay; the latter holds on to the water longer. Clay soils are usually wet soils ; they are more apt to have water in them than sandy soils. The third class of soils is usually dark in color, from light brown to dense black, such as are found in the woods where leaves and branches have decayed, and in low pastures and swampy places. This soil is made up of the refuse of leaves, branches and roots of plants. Sometimes we can see pieces of half-decayed or rotten plants ; sometimes there are very slight traces of the original form of the plants. This soil has, how- ever, all come from former plants. We call such a soil a vegetable soil, and this dark colored loose material formed from the decay of vegetable matter is called humus. Notice how it differs from both sand and clay. It is light in weight and easily worked and it holds water readily. Place a handful of swamp muck or leaf mould (humus) on an iron fire- shovel and carefully set it upon the burning coals. It dries out, then burns away until only a small (juantity of ash is left. Place some wet sand on the shovel and heat, and then a little wet clay. What is the result ? NATURE AND ORIGIN OF THE SOIL. 33 These, then, are the three principal parts of soils — sand, clay, and humus, but in many cases we find them mixed together or one above the other. If sand is the principal part of the soil we call it a sandy soil ; if clay, a clay soil, and if humus or muck, a vegetable soil. A loam soil contains a mix- ture of sand and clay with some humus, and such a soil is usually best fitted for growing most of the crops of the farm. Origin of the Soil. — We already know where the humus or vegetable matter has come from, and, as it was formerly ])arts of plants, we conclude at once that it must contain some material for feeding new plants. But where did the sand and the clay come from ? Perhaps you have never before asked that question, thinking that the clay and the sand were always in the field in that form. This, however, is not the case, although they may have been there for many years, perhaps for hundreds of years, perhaps for thousands. Why do we say that they have not been there for all time ? Well, if we go to the shore of a large lake we see fresh sand being washed up day by day by the waves. If we go to the banks and mouth of a large river, or even of a small stream, we see sand and clay and vegetable matter being washed down, carried away, and spread out to form new layers of soil. If we go to the face of a high rocky cliff we can see the great rocks being gradually broken down and changed into piles of coarse stone, and later into finer material, and still later into sand and clay. But if we can go to a range of mountains or high hills we shall see more clearly the change of great rocks into fine soil. Under our soil we find solid rock. In some places the rock is at the surface, and we can see it becoming weathered and rotten. The outer surface is softer than the interior. In other places the rock is just under the surface. In some places we have to go very deep to find the rock, but it is always there, to be found if we only go deep enough. All of our sand and 111 i i ^h U '] 34 AGRICULTURE. ^''^■^ m^^^^^^m* Fig. i8 —Soil formed from rock underneath, a soil with grass growing in it ; /' subsoil, coarser and more rocky ; c coarse, loose rock ; d rock in layers, cracked. \ 46 AGRICULTURE. Soils dififer as to their composition ; some, such as mucky soils, may contain plenty of nitrogen but not enough phosphate or potash. In this case the use of a phosphate such as ground bone, or of potash such as wood ashes, would change a barren soil into a fertile soil. Such a soil as a light-colored clay may require nitrogen compounds to make it complete. Again, a soil may contain plenty of food, but it is locked up, it is unavailable ; that is, it is not soluble or in form ready to be taken up by the plants. If we drain and cultivate it so that the air can get in, these will in time be changed into soluble forms. But sometimes we can hurry up or assist in this work, as when we apply land plaster (sulphate of lime) to a soil bearing clover, salt to a root crop or to grain, and quicklime to to a heavy clay or to a fresh mucky soil. The plaster, salt, and lime are not direct foods, but they act upon the constituents of the soil, setting free potash and nitrogen compounds. Nitrification. — Wheat and other cereals take up their nitrogen from the soil in the form of nitrates. These are sometimes supplied in fertilizers in the form of nitrate of soda. Nitrate of potash, or saltpetre, is now too expensive to be so used. Humus contains nitrogen, and in its decay forms nitrates, especially nitrate of lime. The change from the insoluble forms of nitrogen in humus to the soluble nitrates is brought about by ferments. These are minute forms of plant life too small to be seen by the eye. Yeast that is used in fermenting dough is a ferment somewhat similar. In order to do their work, these tiny nitrate ferments in the soil require warmth, air, and moisture. Humus, of course, must be pre- sent. If the soil is sour, they will not work. Good drainage and tillage, therefore, assist. The fermentation of the manure pile in the barnyard is brought about by ferments. Green- manuring adds material for making nitrates, and barnyard manure adds not only humus but also the ferments. The making of nitrates in the soil is called nitrification. ■i ' r is the matured or ripened spike- let with seed inside; JC is the seed. When a grass plant grows tall and produces seed or grain large enough to use as food, we allow it to ripen its seed. We use the seed as grain and the leaf and stem we call straw. When a grass plant grows tall, but produces very small seed, we generally cut it down before it produces seed. We then call this hay. Such grasses are timothy, red-top, orchard grass, the fescues, the foxtails, brome grass, and rye grass. 50 AGRICULTURr. i When a grass plant does not grow tall, but grows short and thick, we use such plants for pasture grasses. Such grasses are June grass and Canadian blue grass. Fig. 21. — Kentucky lilue grass or June grass. A pasture and lawn grass. The best way to study the different grasses is to study them as they are growing ; you will then find out how many there are and how different they are in form of leaf and head, in color, and in their habits of growing. Blossoming of Grasses. — There is one other point to study in grasses, and that is their blossoming. The blossoming of the corn plant will be referred to in the next chapter. The blossoms of wheat and oats are much like those of timothy, shown in fig. 20. The grass blossoms, generally, are very small and are not very bright in color, we are therefore likely to overlook them ; but every grass plant blossoms before it forms seed. If we allow the timothy to stand too long before THE GRASSES. 51 cutting it becomes woody ; but dusty hay is caused by the pollen from the blossoms on the head. Notice, also, that all the blossoms on the timothy head do not come out at the Fid 22.— Illustration showing how some plants reprodiue l>y crecpini; roots. I, new plant just coming vip ; 2, plant before hlos^oming ; 3, ulii plant forming seed. June grass and couch grass spread in this way. same time. Some are a little later than others, liecause of this we sometimes hear it said that it blossoms twice, but thin is not the case. Grasses for hay are generally cut just after blossoming, or just as the seeds begin to form. Clo/er and buckwheat are not true grasses. Why not? "Why are foxtail and red-top so called ? Which grasses have branched tops and which spikes ? What is meant by " seeding-down "? When is this done. Why does not the grass outgrow the grain ? Explain why grasses, such as June grass, arc so common. Why do not wheat and corn spread ? 52 AGRICULTURE. m i 1 ,':/ CHAPTER XII. THE GRAIN CROPS OR CEREALS. The princi[)al grain crops of the farm are wheat, oats, l)arlcy, rye, corn, l)uekwheat, and millet, and to these we shall briefly reter. It must be remembered that these crops also may be, and fre(|iientl7 are, cut green and fed to stock before the grain is formed, es|)ecia]ly rye, corn and millet. Other crops also are used for soiling, such as clover, peas, and tares or vetches. While the plant is growing it takes in food from the air and the soil. It keei)s on increasing in size until in fall bloom. Then the seed begins to ff)rm from the blossom, and all the material that goes to form the seed is taken up out of the leaf, stem, and root, where it has been stored up. During all this time of seed-forming, very little plant food comes in through the root, so that when the seed is fully formed, the leaves and stalk and root are not so rich or nutritious as they were at the time of blossoming. From this you will see why it is that straw is not so rich a food as hay. Whkat. — Wheat is sometimes classed according to its color, red and white ; sometimes according to its grain, hard and soft; sometimes according to its chaff, beaided and bald; sometimes according to the time it is sown, fall or winter, and spring. We use these four methods in describing any variety of wheat. VVHiere the first wheat came from we do not know ; but wheat taken from one climate to another and from one kind of soil to another will change in size, form, and general ap|)earance, so that we need not expect to find the same variety of wheat always appearing exactly as described. THE (IRAIN CROPS OR CEREALS. 53 This we should rcmomhor, that wheat, like every other kind of grain, must be carefully selected if we wish to keep it improved. We can even change a winter variety to a spring l)y sowing gradually earlier year by year ; and we can change a spring variety to a fall variety by sowing gradually later year by year. (id a head of bearded wheal ; lake it to pieces, and observe Ihe long beards, whal ihey are and how allached. Compare with the beards t)f a barley head. .\re the beards t)n the grain ? The grain of wheat is made up of several parts, the three I)rincipal parts being — first the outer skin or the bran coatings, second the white flour portion, and third the little yellow germ at one end. This germ is the living [)art of the grain, the flour is the food stored up for feeding it in its early growth, and the bran is the covering or cloak. If we grind u[) the whole grain we get whole-wheat flour. By the old stone milling pro- cess the bran alone was separated from the rest. IJy the new process the grain is divided mainly into three parts, namely the bran, the white flour, and the bluish or greyish germ flour. Place several grains of wheat in your mouth and chew them. (Gradually you separate and swallow part of the wheat — that is the starch ; you will have left in your mouth a gummy sub- stance— that is the gluten. 'I'he gluten is the richest part of the flour ; it is what gives it its strength. RvK. — In some countries of luirope rye takes the same place that wheat does in America, it is the great flour-j)r()duc- ing crop. As with wheat it is sown both in the fall and in the sj)ring. It is very hardy and can be grown even on verv poor soils. With us it is sometimes sown in the fall to be cut early in the summer as a soiling crop. The grain is longer than that of wheat and it-; flour is ([uite dark. Oats. — The oat [)lant fiirnishesa most im[)ortant food for man as well as for horses and other animals. Oats are generafly classed according to their color. The head is branched and the grains are covered with a coarse loose husk, hence its light weight. 54 AGRICULTURE. I'ii This grain will grow in poorer soil than wheat and much further north. It is a rather hearty and gross feeder and produces very large crops on rich soil. Barley. — This grain is classed as two-rowed, four-rowed and six-rowed, according to the number of rows of kernels in the head. Th . two-rowed requires a longer season of growth than the six-rowed, which is one of the most rapidly growing and maturing grains that we have. Barley is used as a food for stock, and also for the making of malt out of which beer is brewed. Its value for malting depends upon the soil and climate. It must be of bright color, well filled, and all ripened so that it will sprout evenly in malting. Corn or Maize. — In Great Britain the name corn is applied to either wheat or any bread-producing cereal, in North America it means Indian corn or Maize. The distinction is made of sweet corn which is used for food by man, and common corn, which again is divided into flint and dent. Flint corn has a hard flinty kernel, and dent has the indented form on the tip of the grain. The roots are long and therefore the plant feeds quite deeply and requires a soil of deep cultivation. It has long heavy leaves and thick stalks, not hollow like the previous grains, but more or less filled. It bears heavy ears and pro- duces large quantities of food per acre. We at once conclude that it takes much more food from the soil than the others, that it is a heavy feeder and requires heavy manuring. When well cultivated, it is a good cleaning crop. The blossoming of the corn is worth noticing. Fine silky threads may be seen hanging from the end of the green ear, all attached to the cob — these are the "styles," the female portion of the blossom. At the top of the stalk is " the tassel " which carries the stamens or male portion of the blossom. The pollen from these falls down upon the pistils of the ear and there completes the blossoming. If different varieties of corn are planted near together the pollen from the tassels of one variety .'A THE GRAIN CROPS OR CEREALS. 55 may be carried by the wind or by insects to the silky pistils of another, and thus produce the peculiar kernels that are some- times seen on ears of corn. In growing corn for seed, there- fore, it is necessary to grow each kind by itself, far from any other variety. There are various ways of growing corn. It may be sown broadcast, when the plants grow close together and cover the entire soil. In this case the plants do not have sunlight upon the lower leaves and the stalks, and as a result the plants do not mature, and production of ears is prevented. The crop consists entirely of leaf and stalk, and is cut and used just as we cut and use timothy hay. The effect of the lack of sun- light is seen also in the pale yellow color of the under leaves. The stalks and the leaves are quite watery, and the amount of food per acre is less than is got by the other methods. If ears are desired the corn must be sown in rows or in hills far apart; the taller the corn the farther apart must be the drills or hills. A method adopted by many western corn-raisers is that known as " listing." The corn is grown in furrows, which are gradually filled in as the corn grows higher. Just above the surface of the soil a ring of suckers shoots out from near the joint or node, and as the earth comes up to them these take root. In this way the corn becomes deep rooted, is held firmly in place and is able to withstand drouth. A great deal of valuable information can be learned by care- fully watching the growth of different kinds of corn in the field. From what part of the stalk do the ears grow ? What is the effect of cutting off part of the tassels ? What is the effect of cutting off all the tassels ? What is the effect of re- moving the smaller ears and leaving only the larger? What is the effect of cutting away all the corn for about eight feet on every side of a single hill or stand ? Sugar Cane. — This plant, like corn, has a stalk whose tubes arc filled with a juice rich in sugar. New plants are started 56 AGRICULTURE. .^1 iH m from " cuttings." Its stalks grow from one to two inches thick and from eight to twenty feet high. It is cut before flowering and the juice pressed out. This juice is evaporated and a dark brown sugar remains, from which the white sugar is got by " refining." Sorghum. — This has pithy stalks like maize and sugar cane. There are several varieties of it, one, Indian Millet or doorha, is grown extensively in Eastern countries for its grain for bread making ; another is grown for its sugar or syrup, also as food for stock ; and still another (broom corn) for its tassels, out of which the whisks of brooms are made. The broom-corn tops are cut off while still slightly green and are dried in dark buildings, where they partially bleach out. These three members of the grass family, maize, sugar cane and sorghum, are then distinguished from the other grasses, in having their stalks filled, and all contain a considerable quantity of sugar in their juices. Sugar cane grows only in very warm climates, sorghum is found farther north, and maize, although originating in Mexico or Central America, will, in some of its varieties, mature its grains much farther north. Rice. — This is the great bread food of China and Japan, and is best grown in lands that are mild in climate and are capable of irrigation. The land is prepared as for grain. The rice is sown in drills and covered with about two inches of soil. Then the water is let on to a depth of 12 to 18 inches. After standing for four to six days it is drawn off and the plants allowed to get a good start ; water is again let in for a time and then drawn off before harvesting. The growing of rice upon wet soils gives us the explanation for the scriptural teaching : " Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days." (Eccl. xi. i.) THE LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. 57 CHAPTER XIII. THE LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. Nature of Legumes. — Plants such as wheat and barley were formerly cut with a sickle ; the pods of such as peas and beans were gathered by hand ; hence the latter were known as iegumesy from the Latin lego, "I gather." All plants resembling peas and beans in their botanical nature were called the legum- inous plants. They were also called puise because, as some say, of their being pulled or plucked. The most striking resemblance is in the blossom. The seeds are formed in pods Fig. 23. — I'lossom of a legume as of pea, bean, or flowering locust tree. Fig. 24. — Blossom of legume taken apart, showing five leaves of corolla. Upper lart;e leaf is the " standard," the two lower the "keel," the two .side the "wings." The pistils and _ .. ,, ^^^ stamens are enclosed in the keel \^_^ -^ y\S^ leaves. Fig. 24. or legumes of diiTerent shapes in different plants. In some of the members of the leguminous family, the blos.soms and pods are too small for us to observe readily their resemblance to those of the pea and bean ; but a careful study of the roots, leaves, and blossoms of the following plants will soon prove that they are all quite alike. They are all legumes with which we should be familiar. 5 c;8 AGRICULTURE. m Leguminous Family (LeguminoscB). Common pea. Common red clover, Common string bean, White or Dutch clover, Lima bean, Alsike or Swedish clover, Horse or Windsor bean. Crimson or scarlet clover. Common vetch or tare. Mammoth red clover. Common lentil, Lucerne or alfalfa. Lupines, Peanut or ground nut. From this list of plants we see that the family is large and important. In addition there are many weeds belonging to this same family. To speak of clovers as being grasses is bot- ^ anically incorrect, since in form or shape and in mode of growth they are entirely different. The most notice- able difference is in the shape of blossoms. The leaves also are different in shape and in arrangement. Contrast a plant of clover with a plant of timothy or wheat. The stalks also are different, and the roots are quite different. Pull up a large red clover or pea plant, and also a wheat plant, and contrast their roots. Which is the more fibrous and matted? The clovers send their roots deeper into the soil. Observe, also, the little knots, or balls, or tubercles on the clover roots. These tubercles play a very important part in the nourishment of the leguminous plants. They are filled with many little living parasites, something like yeast cells, that grow and feed upon the free nitrogen of the air, from it forming compounds that help to nourish the plants. Now we have already mentioned Fig. 35.— Root of a legume showing knots or nodules or tubercles. THE LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. 59 that wheat, for instance, will readily feed upon nitrogen in the form of nitrates ; but if we apply nitrates to clover no effect is produced. The wheat cannot take up the free nitrogen of the air, but the clover can, through these root tubercles. Sometimes clover does not grow well ; and when pulled up very few, if any, of these little tubercles are found upon the roots. If, however, some soil in which clover has been growing well, or the washing from such soil, is applied to the weak clover, the plants soon begin to thrive and the tubercles are seen growing upon the roots. These tubercles possess the power of taking up free nitrogen from the air in the soil. If we can get leguminous plants to grow in a poor soil and then turn them under, they will decay and produce humus rich in nitrogen that will give rise to nitrates (by nitrification) for the benefit of the wheat or other grain crop that comes after. The seeds from all leguminous plants are very rich. Then we can state the following as the valuable points in connection with leguminous plants : — 1. They have many leaves and are good for fodder. 2. Their seeds are very rich in food material. 3. Their roots are generally long, therefore deep feeders. 4. They take up free nitrogen from the air, and are therefore easier on the soil than are cereals or root crops. Peas are generally grown for the seed, which is very rich in nitrogen and in oil. The many varieties grown for man and stock are classed as garden peas and field peas. The straw is richer than that of the grain crops. When grown to be cut green for soiling, peas are generally sown with oats. Beans are grown in this country for the seed, planted in hills, as a garden crop, or as a field crop with good garden cultivation. Some of the varieties, as the horse bean, require a fairly mild climate. Some are short and bushy, others are tall climbers. Examine their means of climbing. ■Ml 60 AGRICULTURE. 1*1!! ^•1 f ■ 'I '! •A i ( ' Vktches or Tares have smaller pods and seeds than peas, and are grown for soiling along with oats. The stiff stalks of the oats help to support the slender vines of the tares. Common Red Clover is also known as broad leaf clover or trefoil. The peculiar light spot on the leaves and the closeness of the upper leaves to the head are to be noted. It grows to two feet in height, and the roots penetrate the soil deeply While in some localities it is a peiennial, in most temperate regions it is a biennial. Its form and mode of growth adapt it for hay rather than for pasture. It ripens about the same time as orchard grass and about two weeks earlier than timothy. It should be cut before the heads become very brown ; if left too late its leaves, which form a large part of it, become brittle and drop off in handling. After being cut once the plants rapidly grow up again, giving a second crop, the aftermath or rowen. The depth to which its roots go depends greatly upon the state of the soil ; therefore the soil should be well drained. When the sod is turned over, large quantities of humus, rich in nitrogen, are left near the surface for the wheat or other grain crop following. A variety of red clover is known as mammoth clover. White or Dutch Clover is a low growing plant, with creeping stems and white blossoms It is very hardy and apt to crowd or smother out other plants. It is one of the most frequent plants in pasture fields, and is especially valuable for sheep and cattle. It is usually sown with grass seeds in permanent pasture mixtures. Alsike or Swedish Clover is a perennial with pink blossoms, growing about two feet high. It thrives in cool climates. It does not give such heavy yields as red clover, but is specially adapted for hay fields that are to be kept for several years. It is sometimes sown along with other seeds for pastures. leas, :s of over the It soil , in and It two :ad.s n a fter Dnd ;go soil ,rge ace red dth apt ost for in nk )0l er, for for Owe ^ -c -a i '/. -:; - ^ G " := tx r! i 3 lO ^^ £ c .i rt -• c »^ rt 3 Us ^ .2 3 i2 S: x: !* ~ "2 '^ S ^ rt -o a > rt j; 0 5J y Y " rt ri js - J= F 0 rt TMK LEGUMINOUS PLANTS. 6i Crimson or Scarlet Clover grows furtlicr south llian the otlicrs, has a \on^ scarlet head and makes an early rapid growth even on poor land. It is a hay plant. In some places it is used as a "catch crop," that is it is grown on land after the removal of grain croi)s, for a light forage cro}) or to be plowed under as a green manure. Lupines include a number of little shrubby plants that ))ear very showy flowers. 'I'he plants arc apt to be too woody for forage, but sheep readily eat them. Their principal use in this country is for plowing under as green manure, since being leguminous they gather nitrogen from the air. The most common are white, yellow, and blue lupines. Lucerne or Altalfa is a plant resembling clover in its growth. It is not strictly a clover, although sometimes called Spanish clover. It is difficult to start upon land, but once well started it is long continued, being a dee[)-rooted perennial. It has a smaller leaf than clover and a i)urple head, more open. It is somewhat bushy and sends its roots as deep into the soil as the water level will allow. For this reason it resists drouth. It must be cut early or it will produce a very coarse woody hay. In mild climates it may be cut for hay several tunes during the year. The Peanut is an annual, growing in warm climates on light soil. Other names for the plant are earth-nut, gnnmd-nut, goober. Though not a nut its pod is somewhat like a nut and it belongs to the pea family. The seeds are very oily, giving an oil used for soap making. 62 AGRICULTURE. r? ' i CHAPTER XIV. p ■: ROOT CROPS AND TUBERS. Nature and Growth of Roots. — If \vc place some seed of the turnip or beet in the ground in early summer, we find a plant sprouting up that has broad thick leaves. The root is tapering, sometimes quite long, and has fine rootlets growing on the sides. Towards the end of the season the leaves wither, change color, and die. When we pull up the root we find a thick mass of juicy substance that is relished much by animals. This turnip or beet root has not finished its life- work as a plant, since it has not yet produced any seed or any new plants like itself. If we leave it in the ground, or if we take good care of it through the winter so as to keep it cool and unbruised, and plant it in the early summer, it will begin to grow again. A new growth will appear above the soil, a stalk will be formed and seed be produced of the same kind as that which we sowed in the first place. If we again pull up the plant, we find the thick fleshy root has become very thin and fibrous, and is of no use as food for stock. We conclude that these plants are biennials ; that during the first season they store up large quantities of food in their root, and that this food in the root nourishes the plant during the second season. Since they have a whole season to gather food, we find that the weight per acre greatly exceeds that of many crops that are annuals, and they take a large quantity of material out of the soil. These plants are heavy feeders. By keeping the soil well cultivated we destroy the weeds, keep the soil moist, and help the action of the roots. The roots are very watery and contain large quantities of the substances that are ,!l: ROOT CROPS AND TUBERS. 63 first formed in |)liints, namely sugar and starc-h. Tlic materials that are taken from the soil through the roots, and that which passes in from the air, are worked over in the green leaves, so that while green we would expect to find a considerable (juan- tity of mineral or soil material in the leaves. Any green leaves that are cut from the roois when they are |)ullcd, tiierefore, should be left on the soil where the roots grew, so as to help keep up the richness of the soil. The roots keep on growing during the fall until the weather becomes very cold, therefore they have a good chance to benefit by the nitrates that are formed during thelatter part of summer. They have the advantage of spring-sown grain crops in this regard. Since root crops are such heavy feeders, and since the ground should be kept thoroughly cultivat- ed during their growth, they are generally used as the crop to which the largest quantity of barn- yard manure is applied. In addition to heavy manuring, another very important necessity is thorough cultivation of the soil before the sowing of the seed. The root is thick and compact ; it has to push down and out on all sides. If it can- not go straight down it will twist about or push itself partly out of the ground. For well shapen and perfect roots, then, we must have a well-tilled and well-drained soil. Fig. 26. — Sugar beet on left grown in good soil, well drained and well cultivated ; beet on right grown in rough soil. 64 AGRICULTURE. m The Turnip belongs to what is known as the mustard family {Crucijercc). The princii)al members of this family are the turnip, the radish, the cabbage, rape, cultivated mustard, horseradish ; the weeds, wild mustard or charlock, shepherd's purse, and wild flax ; the flowers, stocks and candy tuft. The flowers of all these plants have 4 petals spread out in the shape of a cross — hence the name, cruciferce. The Carrot is a plant whose varieties differ gieatly in shape, size, and color. Celery and the parsnip belong to the same family. The blossom resembles the stays of an um- brella ; hence the name — uinbelliferce — applied to this family. The shape of the root, differing from that of the turnip, suggests that the plant goes deep and therefore requires a soil loose and open and deeply cultivated. The Beet belongs to still another family, the goose- foot family. The original of this root was a wild plant of Southern Europe. Gradually it has been improved, the root has been enlarged and the composition changed, until now we have several very valuable plants whose roots are widely used. 1 he mangel-wurzel or mangel is one variety, grown for stock feed- ing. The sugar beet is another, grown for its sugar. Mangels when grown on rich, well-cultivated soils produce enormous yields per acre. They may be kept stored for late feeding. The sugar beet is a good example of what can be done by way of improving plants. In its wild state the beet had very little sugar that could be extracted. By cultivation it was found that the quantity of sugar increased. Suppose we take a field of common white beets and select the most perfectly shaped roots of about i J^ or 2 pounds each, and plant them and then select the best seed from these and sow this seed. We pick out the best beets from that crop. Then by testing small pieces of the roots we find out wliich have the largest amount of sugar, and plant them. We keep on in this way for several years ; we find that at last we get seed that will produce beets ROOT CROPS AND TUBERS. 65 that are clear-skinned, nicely tapering, having a large amount of sugar and a small amount of ash material. We (X)uld thus develop beets good for sugar making, whose nature it is to produce sugar. In this way the sugar beets have been developed, and in this way the seedsmen are still [jroducing improved seed. To grow good sugur beets the soil must be well-drained and well-tilled, the ])lants must be grown closer together than when grown for feeding stock, and the roots must be kept well covered, since the sugar is stored in the part under the soil. Any green collar on the beets will, like the green leaf, have too much mineral matter. The beets are taken to the factory, cleaned, liiiped fine, the juice extracted, and the sugar obtained from it by evaporation. Sugar, like butter, is made up from carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which come from the air and the rain ; so that if the leaves are left in the soil, and the pulp taken back and fed on the farm there is little or nothing lost from the soil. The Potato is here included among the roots, and yet we all kn w it is quite different in form and growth from the beet .^nd the carrot. We do not sow seeds, but potatoes or parts of potatoes ; the method of growth under ground is peculiar ; and the branching tops and blossoms are quite different from those of the roots. If we examine a potato tuber we find upon it many eyes or buds. If we place the potato in a warm damp room these buds grow out into green stems. We can even cut it into many pieces and still the eyes will send out stems. We do not cut up roots for planting ; we sow their seed. If we pull up a hill of young potatoes we find what appear to be two sets of roots, one having little balls upon them, the other none. Trace those that carry the little potatoes back to the stem and you find that they are really branches of the stem, whereas the others are the true roots. Then we conclude that the potatoes grow on under- ground stems, that they are really swellings of the stem and the II n ^\i 66 AGRICULTURK. m eyes are l)ucl.s ; so that what we i)lant are cut- tings of the underground stems of tlie plants. Ol)serve the arrange- ment of the eyes in the potato. Rightly, then, we speak of the jiotatoes as being tubers not roots. Jerusalem artichokes also are tubers. If you cut open a potato you find it filled with a starchy substance generally white in color. Fig. 27. — Potato plant, showing /' the true roots ; If yOU CUt Up fine a SUgar C, the underi^rouiui stums; A, thi- tubers, whicli . , ■ • ■ are swollen (.renlar-ed parts of the stems. The OCCt and plaCC it in a eyes in the potato tubers, therefore, are buds. , 1 ^ ^ coarse towel you can wring the juice out of it quite easily, you cannot easily do so with potatoes. You conclude that potatoes have less water and more dry matter or food in them than have the roots. If you evaporate the juice from potatoes you find little or no sugar. Then we conclude that roots have large (juantities of sugar and water in their make-up, but potatoes have less water and quite a large amount of starch. The potato, the tomato, and tobacco belong to the family known as Solanacea;. The sweet potato is the root of a plant grown in very warm climates, and belongs to the family Con- volvulacea^ as do the morning glory and dodder. New varieties of potatoes may be got by sowing the seed and selecting the best tubers so grown, planting these and selecting the best grown from them, and so continuing. VARIOUS OTHER CROPS. 67 .1; CHAPTER XV. VARIOUS OTHER CROPS. Buckwheat produces seeds or grains which resemhle in shape small beech-nuts, hence the name beech-wheat or buck- wheat. The second part of the word would suggest that it is a kind of wheat or a member of the grass family. This is not the case, as the leaves and flowers prove. It belongs to the family known as i\iQ polygonacecc^ to which also l)elong rhubarb, the docks or sorrels, and knot grass. Its roots are tjuite short and it feeds largely on the air. It will grow even on very poor soils, where it is sometimes plowed under as green manure. Its peculiar blossom is noticeable in its color and odor, and is much sought by bees for its nectar. The grain is used for flour and also for feeding in moderate quantities to stock. Buck- wheat flour is not so rich in nitrogen as that of wheat, and the straw has more fibre than the straw of the graminece or true grasses. The Sunflower is an annual, growing very high on tough stalks with a large showy head filled with seeds. These seeds are rich in oil and nitrogen compounds. The oil forms nearly one-fifth of the dried seed, and is extracted for various uses. The seeds are used also for feeding stock. Why is the plant called the sunflower ? The sunflower is a fine example of the large family known as the compositce^ which have many flowers in a single head. The thistle, ragweed, goldenrod, aster, dajisy, yarrow, chrysanthemum, marigold, salsify, dandelion, lettuce, and sunflower are all members of this family. Compare the heads of any of these before and after seed formation. I I ; mi I!?' 68 AGRICULTURE. Rape has already been referred to as being closely related to the turnij) and cabbage. Its leaf reseml.>les that of the turnip, but its root is much smaller and its top much larger. It grows to a height of from one to three feet. Some varieties are annuals and some are biennials. It is grown both for its seed, which contains a large (|uantity of valuable oil — rapeseed oil — and also for its to[)s, which are used in ])asturing and in soiling. When used for soiling or pasturing, the biennial is sown in drills and cultivated. Flax is an annual with slender stems about two feet in length and bearing bluish flowers. The seed is known as flaxseed or linseed. The word linseed is from the botanical name Ihmvi^ which is also found in linen, the cloth made from the flax fibre. It is grown both for its seeds and for its fibre. The seeds contain a very large amount of oil (linseed oil), which is very valuable for paints and other purposes ; also a large amount of nitrogenous compounds, and of ash material. When the oil is removed the bye-product forms one of the richest foods used for stock-feeding. When the plant is grown for fibre it may be pulled at any time after blossoming. The fibre is obtained from the stalks. We have before referred to the cell-structure of plants. When we cut across a piece of wood we cut across its cell tubes ; when we cut lengthwise along the wood we cut these tubes from one another. The grain, as we say, runs along the stem or limb. In some plants these cells are strung together in threads and are very tough so that they will hold together. The cells in the bark or bast are generally longer and tougher than those in the wood, and are known as bast cells or bast fibres. The inner bark of bass wood (or bast-wood) is quite tough because of these. These bast cells in the flax are very fine and very tough, and, there- fore, make fine fibre. The best fibre is got from flax that has not ripened its seed-vessels or bolls. Why ? Generally, how- ever, the plant is allowed to ripen its seeds. The plants are 4 n VARIOUS OTHER CROPS. 69 pulled by hand, dried, and tied in bundles. The seed is separated by what is known as " rippling " or combing out. Then the straw is partly rotted, either on the grass or by steeping in vats of water. This process rots the coarse woody part of the stem, and separates the fine fibre from it. Tt is then dried and " scutched," either by hand or by machine. This process of scutching simply rubs or beats away the loose woody parts from the long fibres. The fibre is now ready for use, to be made into twine or thread or linen clotii. To grow good crops of flax, rich, clean, well-drained, well-cultivated soil is needed. It requires a moist climate, moderately warm. The plant is very rich in nitrogen, potash, and phosphoric acid, and therefore we may conclude that it takes a good deal of nourish- ment out of the soil ; but these constituents are found almost wholly in the seed and straw and not in the fibre, so that if the straw is returned to the soil, and the seed fed on the farm, there will be little loss in growing flax for the sale of fibre only. The Hop is a member of the nettle family. It is a perennial plant. It is started by cuttings, in hills about six feet apart. The plants are not woody enough to support themselves, and therefore climb up to the air and sunshine by twining. The hop blossoms are picked by hand when just ripe (a condition learned only by experience), and dried in a kiln or drying house (called an oast house in Kent, England), when they are packed and sold for use in brewing. The value of the hop is greatly influenced by the climate. Hop vines always twine in the same direction — to the right. Bindweed and morning glory twine to the left. How do the grape vine and Virginia creeper climb and supi)ort themselves ? How do peas and tares ? We have already learned that the two important parts of a blossom are the pistils and stamens, that perfect blossoms have both, but that in some plants there are blossoms having pistils but no stamens ; and in other plants there are blossoms having stamens but no pistils. The former blossoms are : 70 AGRICULTURE. - II called pistillate blossoms, and the latter staminate. Only the pistillate blossoms form seed. In some cases pistillate and staminate blossoms grow on the same plant, as in cucumber vines. These arc said to be moncedous plants. In other cases the pistillate and the staminate blossoms grow on different plants. These plants are said to be dioecious. The hop plant is diodcious. In setting out a hop-yard, therefore, it is necessary to have here and there some plants that produce staminate blossoms, to supply pollen for the pistillate. ToDACCO is an annual, grown only in warm climates, but much farther north than cotton, being grown in the milder parts of Quebec and Ontario. It is grown for its long, broad leaves. In the use of tobacco we observe three things; first, it burns readily; second, it give? a very large amount of ash; third, it has a peculiar effect upon the smoker. It burns readily because, in addition to its woody or fibrous matter, it contains large quantities of potash, which readily unites with the oxygen of the air. Its ash forms from 15 to 20 per cent, of the entire plant. Its effects upon the human system are due to a compound known as nicotine^ similar to theine in tea and caffeine in coffee. In their pure condition these "alkaloids " as they are called, are poisons. From the following sta^^ement it will be seen that tobacco is very hard upon the soil, and requires very rich fertilizing. An acre of tobacco will yield about 1,500 pounds of tobacco leaf. The whole crop will contain about 70 pounds of nitro- gen, 15 pounds of phosphoric acid (in phosphates), and 150 pounds of potash — 235 pounds in all. An acre of wheat, yielding 20 bushels of grain, will contain 40 pounds of nitro- gen, 15 pounds of phosphoric acid, and 18 pounds of potash — 73 pounds in all. An acre of meadow hay, yielding 2 tons, will contain al)out 56 pounds of nitrogen, 14 pounds of phos- phoric acid, and 60 pounds of potash — 130 pounds in all. WEEDS. 71 CHAPTER XVI. WEEDS. "A weed is a plant in the wrong place." Weeds are Plants. — White clover is frequently sown with grass seeds on lawns, yet a few plants in a fine lawn of June grass would be considered weeds. lares are grown as a fodder crop ; in a wheat field we call them weeds. Ox-eye daisies and goldenrod in a flower garden are fine plants, but in pastures or hay fields they are weeds. A weed is a plant just as much as wheat, corn, or clover. It has all the parts of plants, grows like other plants, and forms new plants. But it is a plant that we do not want ; it is a plant out of its place, or, rather, it is a plant in the wrong place. Objections to WEEr^.— We might say that weeds are objected to because, whether valuable or not in other places or at other times, they are not what we are working for. If a man engaged in moulding plowshares should find one- half of his work turning out to be large cannon balls he would consider his work, to that extent, a failure, because his business is to make plowshares, not cannon balls. So if a farmer finds his work resulting half in grain or hay, half in weeds, his work is a failure to that extent. But we must have particulars. isL Weeds require some labor, whether we permit them to grow or try to destroy them. Sometimes our labor helps the weeds to grow more rapidly, just because we do not under- stand their nature. Weeds mean work. 2nd. Weeds, throuirh their roots, take up food from the soil. Our most valoabie plant-i do 'ot tike vfy much out of the soil; on the avenge >, >t L-ore than une-twentieth of their m 72 AGRICULTURE. li! m total weight. Usually, however, there is not very much food just ready for the plants to take up. If there are weeds growing with the crops there will be less food for the latter. Some of the weeds are heavy feeders. 3rd. Many weeds have broad, spreading leaves which cover over the tender young plants of our crops, and by shutting off the sunlight smother them out. This may he seen best in a pasture or on a lawn (dandelions and plantains for example). 4th. Weeds draw moisture from the soil through the roots and give it off through the leaves; weeds help to dry up the soil. 5th. Weeds are feeding and breeding grounds for insects and they assist in the spread of many crop diseases. 6th. Frequently weeds are poisonous to stock, they taint the milk, or they destroy wool. 7th. Weeds offend the eye and degrade the taste for farming. Because of these facts every weed should be considered an intruder, a thief, and a murderer of other crops, and every farmer should try to keep his soil as clean as possible. To succeed it will be necessary to know as far as possible the nature and the mode of growth of the weeds. Nature of Weeds. — Wild mustard, lamb's quarters, shep- herd's purse, and wild oats form seed the first season ; the plants then die and the seeds are ready to sprout ihe next season. Such weeds are annuals. They generally have fibrous roots and produce a large number of seeds. The seeds in many cases are oily and are covered with hard coatings ; they are able to sprout after lying in the ground a long time, even for many years. Thus the seeds may be plowed under deep and the next year the field may appear clean. After a couple of years they are brought up by plowing and cultivation, and once more the field will appear weedy and dirty. If the weeds are cut off before the seeds form they will be destroyed, for they^ cannot survive or reproduce unless seeds are formed. VEEDS. 73 The wild carrot, the wild parsnip, teasel, burdock, blue weed, and mullein grow like our common garden roots — they do not form their seed until the second season. They arc Me»- fiiii/s, and are usually tap-rooted. It w'Ai not do in their case simply to cut off the tops tlie first year, for they will spring up again. Continued cutting off of the top, or, better still, the complete removal of the root, will be found necessary with such. The ox-eye daisy, plantain, sorrel, and dandelion live on from year to year ; they are peroinials^ and, tlierefore, most difficult of all to get rid of. Some of tlie perennials, such as the Canada thistle, couch grass, toad flax, milk weed, perennial sow thistle, yarrow, and bindweed are cree{)ing in their roots, that is, they spread by the root, and therefore arc.' among the worst weeds, and, because of this, they are most difficult to completely remove, and require most thorough treatment. It is important, therefore, to know the nature of weeds, as to whether they are annuals, biennials, or perennials, and as to whether they are creej)ing ])ercnnials. Naming of Weeds.— The weeds are classified like other plants. Frequently lists of weeds are given, having their common names and also long scientific names, difficult to spell and difficult to pronounce. \S\\y is it necessary to have long scientific names for weeds when common names are easily pronounced, are easily understood, and are so suggestive? Take an example. Teasel, watiT thistle, tall thistle, Indian thistle, English thistle, and r\iller's card are all local names for one weed. All do not know it by the same name, but as dipsacus sylvestris every botanist in any part of the world would know it or would be able to find it in scientific books. Blue weed, blue thistle, blue stem are various names in different places for the same weed. Stick seed, stick weed, stick tights are different weeds, although somewhat similar in name; and stick weed, in fact, is applied to difterent weeds in different places. I 74 AGRICULTURE. CHAPTER XVII. I ■p I" INSECTS OF THE FIELD. Grasshoppers. — Wc shall first refer to an insect that attacks nearly all the plants of the field— the grasshopper. You catch one of these insects in the hay field or the pasture and carefully observe its form. First of all you count its legs — there are six, three on each side. By comparing with other insects you notice that all except spiders have the same number. You observe that its legs are jointed and that its very long hind legs are well suited to jumping or hopping. Then Fig. 28. — A Grasshopper. you notice that its body is put together in parts or sections. So are those of other insects — hence the name "in-sect." It has also two long curved feelers sticking out in front of its head (each is called an antenna and the two are called antenucne). Then observe the two large eyes and the mouth fitted for biting or cutting through the leaf and the stalk of the grass. The outside of the body is hard and the inside soft — a dead, dried- up grasshopper has the form of a live one. A horse or a cow has its bones within and the soft flesh outside, but the insect has its bony part, so to speak, on the outside. ^w^ i|ij.«iBH -)ughed jp in the fall and their nests of eggs destroyed. A change or a rotaticjn of crops is advisable. Insects are arranged in orders. The principal basis of this classification is the form or structure of the wings. The grass- hoppers are " straight-winged." Crickets and cockroaches belong to the same order. Entomology is the science of insects, as Botany is the science of plants. The Entomologist sometime^ uses the word orthoptera when stating the order towhic'U grasshoppers belong. Moths and Cutworms. — In gardens and fields we t/ten find th " plants being cut off, but can see no insect or otlier .1* I n IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ■^■2.8 u lift u 1125 i 1.4 |Z2 1 2.0 li i^li4 -► <^ y ^ ^ ^;^*' ^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 2J WES : * WMN STREiT WEBSTER, N.Y. I4SS0 (716) 872-4503 %^ V ?v <^ ^'V^ V c> n 5r ^ !^ 76 AGRICULTURE. animal at work. If, however, we turn up the soil we find some dull-colored, greasy-looking caterpillars of almost the same color as the soil. On the top of the ring or section next to the head is a smooth shield ; the head is smooth and shiny ; there are some bristles along the side ; and, when disturbed, the worm curls up. This is a cutworm ; rather, this is one of the cutworms, for there are very many different kinds. They stay in the ground during the day and come out at night to eat off the leaves and stalks. These cutworms have been hatched from little eggs in the spring, summer, or fall. The rutworms, or caterpillars as they may be called, are quite small hen first hatched, but they are heavy feeders and grow gradually to the size shown in figure 29, and by their feeding they do great damage in garden and field. When they have become full grown they burrow into the soil several inches and become a hard, deadlike mass similar to that shown in figure 29. This is what is known as the pupa of the insect. Yox several weeks, jierhaps all through the winter, they remain asleep in this condition. Then another change takes place, the hard shell of the pupa cracks and there comes forth a moth with wings and legs and feelers, looking entirely different from the caterpillar or the pupa. These moths are the perfect insects ; they are dull in color and are very active at night. They lay eggs which hatch into cater- pillars, and the caterpillars go to sleep in the pupa form to again come forth as perfect moths. In most cases the eggs are laid in the fall, and the young caterpillars, less than half an inch long, lie in the ground quiet all winter. In the spring they attack the young crops and do most damage. About July they are full grown ; then they go into the pupa state and come out moths in August. If the fields become weedy and there is much vegetation on the land in the fall the moths have a fine place for laying their eggs, and there is plenty of food for INSECTS OF THE FIELD. 77 the young caterpillars. Therefore the thorough cleaning of the land after harvest is one means of checking them. The army worm also is the caterpillar of a moth, and is so called from its occasionr.l ap|)earance in immense numbers, when they devour nearly every particle nf plant food in the CHRYSALIS. A\OTH ARMY WORM. Fig. 29. — Army worm, pupa of same, and moth into which it changes. The eggs are seen along the leaf. This is a cutworm. course of their march. Then we have other moths, the larvae of which live upon the fibre of clothing, clothes moths. All these are similar in form and in their changes, and all are very destructive. Besides the egg we have, in most insects, the three forms or states, namely: the caterpillar, or larva ; the pupa^ or resting state; and the perfect insect, ov imago. All moths, butterflies, bees, beetles, and flies pass through these same three states — thus we see that the insects differ from other animals both in their general form or appearance, and also in their method of growth or course of life. In the case of grasshoppers and some bugs there is no pupa or resting state. 78 AGRICULTURE. Butterflies. — We frequently find mistakes made in the use of the words moths and butterflies. Hoth Kive scaly-wings as we see when we catch them and find the fine powder from the wings sticking to our fingers. This powder under a magnifying glass appears Hke scales of different sha[)es and colors. There may be several hundred thousand of these tiny scales on a single wing. However, there are differences in the two insects ; the ,;^00g»iiinmm!^it Fig. 3o.~Cabbage butterfly. The caterpillar above on the left; the chrysalis below on the left. moths usually fly about at night and the butterflies in daytime, 'i'hen if we examine the feelers or antenntc we see that those of the moths are usually feathered, while those of the butterflies are more or less thread-like and knobbed at the end. We can readily observe the changes in the common butterflies. The eggs are laid on the leaves of trees. Little, crawling, bristly caterpillars are hatched from these eggs. They grow in size, and it is only while in this larval state that that they are destructive. The caterpillars do injury principally to the plants of the garden, orchard, and forest. The pupa of a butterfly is called a chrysalis. It is usually rough and angular, whereas that of a moth is smooth and oval and often cov- ered with a silky cocoon. From the chrysalis later on there comes forth a beautiful butterfly. i-t<* INSECTS OF THE FIELD. 79 Beetles are so common that nearly every person is familiar with their appearance. Some are very small; those found in this country are usually not larger than the figure shown here. In some foreign countries, however, they are found four to six inches long. Observe the three sections of the beetle. There are two pairs of wings, the upper pair quite hard or horny, covering the pair of filmy wings beneath. These sheath-wings are pecul- iar to the beetles. How many legs have they ? Where are they attached to the insect ? Find the eyes and observe the shape of the mouth and feelers or horns. The beetles go through much the same changes observed in moths. In the case of the beetles, however, the Ir.rval form is known as a grub. The white grubs found in the soil are the larvae of large l)rown l)eetles. Fig. 31. — A ground beetle, 011; of the " slicath winged " insects, very destructive to cutworms. Fig. 32. — Lady-bird beetles, or "lady-bugs." The straight lines represent the average natural length. These beetles are very destructive to plant lite. Among the beetles we have a large number of very des- tructive insects. There is, for instance, the potato beetle which does so much damage to the potato plant by eating the leaves. See fig. 33. The hard-shelled beetle lays her orange-colored eggs on the under side of a leaf. These eggs hatch into the soft-skinned larvoe which eat the leaves. The larvae change to pupae and these to the full- grown winged insects. Since the larva) feed on the leaves a simple remedy is to sprinkle some poison (Paris green) on the leaves just before they begin to feed, or to destroy the I ; ■Jtl 80 AGRICULTURE. eggs before these hatch. Why does the eating off of the leaves above ground injure the plant in producing tubers under ground ? 5:7 Fig- 33. — Colorado beetle or " potato bug." a, eggs on underside of leaf; 6, larva that eats the leaves ; c, pupa ; tf, imago or perfect insect ; e, wing -cover ; /, leg. The turnip flea-beetle is sometimes wrongly called "the turnip fly." Our illustration shows the shape of the beetle and the larva much larger than life. The little black beetles pass the winter under any rubbish or clods of earth, and in the spring seek out some weeds near by that belong to the same family as the turnip, such as mustaid and shepherd's purse. As soon as the young turnips appear above ground they do great damage by eating holes in the leaves. One of the remedies appears to be the keeping of the ground clean of rubbish and the destruction of all weeds, especially wild mustard or charlock, false flax, shepherd's purse, pepper-grass, etc. The beetles lay their eggs on the roots of the turnip. In a few days the larvae or grubs hatch out and feed upon the roots. F'g« 34-— The turnip flea- beetle. INSECTS OF THE FIELD. 8t When full-grown they enter the pupa state in the ground and emerge full-grown beetles. There may be several broods in a season. By having the ground in good condition before the seed is sown the young plants grow rapidly and soon get the start of the beetles. The weevils also belong to the same order as the beetles, and are most injurious to grain crops. The pea-weevil may be taken. Its eggs are laid on the outside of the young pod. The larva hatches and eats its way through the pod and into one of the peas, where it lives upon the substance of the pea. The change to the pupa takes place in the pea. Sometimes these beetles come out in the fall, but in most cases they stay inside the peas until spring. They do great damage to the peas by destroying the germ. All grain weevils may be killed by placing in the bins some poisonous substance that will readily evaporate, such as carbon bisulphide. The bins are shut tight and the beetles are killed by the fumes. If the peas are kept over until two years old the beetles will mature and die in the bins the first year, and the seed then sown the second year will be entirely free from the pest. These beetles do not lay their eggs, or oviposit, on dry peas. Any seeds of which the germs have been eaten by the grubs will, of course, not sprout. Fig. 35. — Pea-weevil or " pea bupr," life size. A, the mature beetle, enlarged; H, tlie larva or grub, enlarged ; larva life size. 82 AGRICULTURE. ! ! Fig. 36. — Currant sawflies; grub or larva on the right. The perfect insects have yellow bodies. The eggs arc laid along the ribs on the backs of the leaves. \l Fig. 37. — Larvae of currant-worm, green, dotted with black spots. Transparent-Winged Insects. — This order includes ants, bees, wasps, hornets, and sawflies. The scientific name for this order is hymenoptera. The study of an ant hill will be found very interesting. We need not look for any in a well-cultivated field. No warning need be given that in the study o f bees, wasps, and hornets great care must be used. As for saw- flies, illustrations given in figs. 36 and 37 will serve to make their acquaintance — to "iden- tify" them. They are called sawflies because they are able to cut or saw into leaves with their abdomen in order to make nests for their eggs. The stems of wheat are sometimes cut off" by sawflies, and the galls in oaks are produced by gall-flies which also belong to the order of transparent- winged insects. INSECTS OF THE FIKLD. «s Bugs — All bugs are insects but all insects are not bugs. When we speak of bugs we mean such insects as the many kinds of plant lice. Aphis (plural, aphides) is another name for a plant-louse. This order of insects is known as the half-winged {hemiptera). Some have only two wings and some have four. We find plant lice quite conmion on many house plants and garden plants. Orchard trees, cabbages, hops and many other plants are much infested by lice, some very small, some large enough to be easily studied. There are some also Fijj. 38. — Plant lice, half-winged insects. Cross lines and small figure show natural size. that do much damage to grain, especially wheat, barley, oats, and rye. The plant louse or aphis is generally green or black, sometimes yellow ; in fact if we observe closely and frequently we shall come to the conclusion that the color of the aphis is not unlike the color of the leaf, stalk or head that it feeds upon. We notice also that the leaves of plants upon which the aphides are found in large numbers soon curl over and become sickly. If we examine a large plant louse we find that it has a strong beak about one-third the length of its body, so that it is well fitted to pierce through the skin of plants and to suck the sap. They live on liquid food. An- other thing we observe in regard to them is that the lice are found in large numbers, and they multiply very rapidly. Some lice feed largely upon other insects, and are therefore bene- ficial. 84 AGRICULTURE. In the case of house plants, garden plants and orchard trees we can wash and s[)ray with solutions that destroy the lice, hut with lice that injure the grain such means are not yet practi- cable. Why then do not the lice multiply so as to eat up everything in the fields? Simply because there are other insects that keep them in check. There are some tiny flies that attack the lice and lay their eggs right in the bodies of the lice. These parasites soon kill the lice. Other insects are destroyed in the same way, such as cater- ^'g- 39— Caterpillar covered with parasites. pillars and grasshoppers. If we carefully examine the leaves of trees or other plants infested with lice we may find some of the beautiful little lady-beetles and their larvae feeding upon the lice. Another enemy of lice is the aphis-lion, the larva of a lace-wing fly. Flies — If you examine a common house-fly or a mosquito, you observe that it has only two wings. Here then we have another order, that of the "two-winged" flies, known as diptera. The Hessian fly, the wheat midge, the many flies of root plants, mosquitoes, fleas, and many of the flies that annoy stock— all have two wings only and belong to this order. The Hessian fly appears in spring as a small winged insect with long legs. The female lays about twenty eggs in the fold or crease of the leaf of the young wheat plant. After a fe \v days the larvae hatch and get down between the stem and leaf-sheath. Here they feed on the plant and weaken it so that the heavy head soon after topples over and the grain is destroyed. The eggs may be laid either in the spring or in the early fall. When the latter is the Fig. 40 —The Hessian fly, a two-winged insect. INSECTS OF THE FIELD. 8s case the young insects generally pass through llvj winter in the pupa state, known as the *'the flax-secil*' condition, because the j)upa case is like a flax-seed. Any such found in wheat screening- should of course be burned, and wliere found in the field the stubble should be cut and burned. The principal remedy for the Hessian fly then is to com|)letely burn all material containing the young insects and to change from wheat to a cultivated crop, as roots or corn. The Hessian fly attacks wheat, barley, and rye. The Clover-Seed Midge lays its eggs in the young clover- heads W'here the larvoe or orange-colored nv^.ggots hatch out and do much damage. Then they fall to the ground and com- plete their changes, appearing as full-grown insects towards the latter part of summer, ready to do damage again to the second crop of clover. Where the midge is doing much damage it is evident that the pasturing off of the first crop of clover will tend to destroy the larvte. The first crop also may be cut early, when in full bloom, be- fore the first brood of maggots develop. A regular rotation of crops tends to keep in check these and many other injurious insects. Conclusions : 1. Insects are so-called because they are made up of sec- tions. There are three main i)arts, the head, the thorax or trunk, and the abdomen. The thorax and abdomen are also made up of sections (see illustrations). 2. The legs and wings of the adult or perfect insect are all attached to the thorax. Fig. 41. — Midge aiid laxva. 86 AGRICULTURE. 3. The adult insect usually has two large, compound eyes, that is, eyes made up of many parts. The antennae, or " feelers," are attached to the head. Some persons think that insects hear by means of their antennaj. 4. Insects breathe, not through the mouth, but through small holes or openings along their sides. These are called "spir- acles " and are connected with air tubes passing through the body. 5. As a rule insects pass through three forms after coming from the eggs, known as : first, the larva (caterpillars, grubs, slugs, maggots, etc.) ; second, the pupa (called chrysalis and nymph in certain forms) ; and third, the imago or perfect or adult insect (butterflies, moths, beetles, flies, etc.). 6. Insects are kept in check by nature in various ways. They destroy one another; for instance, the lady -bird beetle, the ground-beetle, the tiger-beetle, the aphis-lion prey upon other insects. Toads and lizards devour large quantities of insects. Many birds feed upon insects almost entirely, and are hence called " insectivorous birds." 7. Insects lay eggs when in the imago or perfect form, but the damage to plants is done principally when in the larval form. The imago or adult insect is full grown when it comes from the pupa. 8. Insects injure plants either by biting and eating the foliage and other living parts, or by sucking their sap. Biting insects, such as cutworms and grubs, may be destroyed by placing poison (Paris green, etc.) on the plants. Sucking insects, such as plant-lice, are destroyed by dusting the plants with insect powder or by spraying them with an emulsion of kerosene and soap— thereby closing up the breathing holes of the insects. 9. Where the insects of field crops cannot be destroyed by spraying, the best practice is to keep the fields and fence corners clean ard free from weeds and rubbish, to thoroughly till INSECTS OF THE FIELD. S^ the ground, to adopt a good system of rotation of crops, and to keep the seed grain clean. ID. Insects are arranged according to thi'ir wings. The following are some of the orders : 1. Nerve- winged or neiiroptera draj^on flics and inay-ilies. 2. Straight-winged or orlhoptera grasshoppers and crickets. 3. I lalf- winged or hemiptera hugs and plant-lice. 4. Sheath- winged or coleoptera beetles. 5. Scaly-winged or lepidoptera huit rflies and moths. 6. Two-winged or Diptera house-flies and nios(|U'loc's. 7. Transparent- winged or hymenoptera . . .l)ees, wasps, sawflies and ants. Note. — The scientific names for the alnwe orders of insects are accente 0 c = a. •£ i C -x '-" if ^ T D u .-3 ■J) u JZ u li (i 0 THE DISEASES OF PLANTS. 91 spores in the case of trees and shrubs is bluestone (also known as sulphate of copper). When the fruit grower sprays his trees to check disease on the branches or leaves or fruit he uses a solution of bluestone. Sometimes he makes a mixture of Paris green and bluestone, the Paris green being to kill all insects that eat the leaves, and the bluestone to destroy the spores or Fig. 43. — Two forms of minute plants growing in leaves and in fruit of plants, causing disease of plants. Very mucti enlarged. seeds of disease. There are so many different forms of disease (rusts, smuts, mildews, blights, etc.) that we have not space to mention them. But we shall here give only the simplest modes of preventing disease. Smut, in growing wheat, generally comes from wheat that has grown in fields w here smut existed the year before, that is, the wheat when sown had the spores of smut already in the grain. The disease then can be prevented by destroying the spores in the seed that is sown. Make a solution of one pound of bluestone or copper sulphate in twenty-four gallons of water. Soak the grain to be sown in this solution for from twelve to sixteen hours. Then the seed may be dipped in lime water for five minutes. After being thus treated it may be sown and no smut will appear. Sometimes the spores of smut 92 AGRICULTURE. on the seed wheat are killed by dipping it into hot water shortly before sowing, but the bluestone treatment is preferred. The potato tubers are sometimes found to be covered with a rough scurf. On cutting the potato it will be found to be affect- ed also under the skin. This roughness is the result of a disease called the potato scab. If scabby potatoes are planted the tubers produced from them will be scabby, and if clean potatoes are planted in the ground where scabby potatoes were lately grown, the new crop will likely be scabby. The best rule to follow, then, is to plant only perfectly clean potatoes in ground where no scabby potatoes were previously grown. Some success has been had from rolling scabby potatoes in sulphur before planting, but it is much more satisfactory to destroy the scabby potatoes and plant only clean tubers in clean ground. The rot or blight of potatoes is quite a different disease, produced by a different fungus. Different names for this disease are rot, blight, and downy mildew. It is also called " late blight," because there is a somewhat similar disease that attacks the plants earlier in the season called " early blight." The potato leaves show brown spots. These spread rapidly, especially if the weather is warm and moist. The under sides of the leaves soon become covered with a light colored growth ; these are the spores or seeds growing on tiny threads. The spores appear to fall to the ground and by rains are washed through until they reach the tubers, to which they at once attach themselves and then begin their growth. Then the rot ing of the potato begins. It is thought by some that the disease in some way reaches the tubers by way of the stem. It may be that the disease is transmitted from the leaves to the tubers in both ways. To prevent the spread of this disease the growing plants are sprayed or sprinkled with a solution of bluestone (sulphate of copper). The disease is sometimes called njungus {^luxA, fungi)^ hence the preventive is called 2^ fungicide. ROTATION OF CROPS. 93 CHAPTER XIX. ROTATION OF CROPS. Importance of Rotation. — If we get a large yield of ?.ny crop from a certain field, should we not grow the same crop year after year ? This is done, for instance, on the rich prairie soils, where wheat has been grown year after year upon the same soil. In former times this was done also on our soils when they were new and rich. But what has been the result ? The soils of many farms have run down and good crops are got only by heavy manuring. In the best farmed countries of Europe, where, after the experience of hundreds of years, larger yields of wheat and other crops are obtained than we get in Canada, it has been found advisable to change the crops grown from year to year. The experience of Europe and of Canada both prove that the best farmers succeed in crop growing only by rotating or changing their crops. Reasons for Rotation. — i. The different crops, as we have seen, are all made up of the same elements, and take up food from the soil ; but they do not all take up soil food of the same amount or in the same form. Thus the potato, tobacco, and fruit trees require a great deal of potash ; the grain crops take up more phosphates. The crops differ in their feeding just as animals differ. The dog does not eat just what the cat does, nor the horse just whit the pig does. If cattle and sheep are pastured together, the sheep will pick out certain weeds and grasses, and the cattle may prefer others. Wheat, for instance, requires nitrates as one 94 AGRICULTURE. of its most important foods, and if wc grow wheat year after year wc may soon exhaust tlic nitrates available; but if we grow wheat one year and some other crop the next, the second crop may be able to feed well and flourish upon food left by the wheat. 2. The plants have different methods or powers of getting the same kind of food. Thus clover or peas will get nitrogen by means of the little knots or tubercles (page 57) upon their roots, whereas wheat has not this power to take up free nitrogen. A clover crop will need more nitrogen than a crop of wheat, and yet, because of the root tubercles, we do not apply nitrates to a clover crop, but nitrates may be applied to wheat with good results. 3. The plants have different kinds of roots. Those of barley are very short, those of wheat longer, those of red clover and lucerne still longer. A deep-rooted crop feeds lower down than a shallow-rooted crop. If, then, we grow clover this year and wheat the next, we grow these crops, to a great extent, in two different sc^ils. We use surface soil for one and under-soil or sub-soil for the other. By changing from a shallow-rooting crop to a deep-rooting, or from a deep-rooting to a shallow- rooting, we, as it were, change the soil from year to year. This is one of the most important points to observe in rotating crops. 4. By rotating crops we change the treatment of the same soil, since we do not treat the soil exactly alike in preparing it for different crops. Some crops, also, are cultivated and others are not. We thus give the weeds different treatment. The weeds differ as do the crops — there are annuals, biennials and perennials ; there are long-rooted and shallow-rooted ; there are early seeding and late seeding weeds. The same treatment year after year may be just the right treatment to encourage certain weeds to grow and spread. The growing of wheat year after year in the west is causing the spread of some very noxious weeds. By changing the crops, and therefore the treat- ROTATION OF CROPS. 95 ment of the soil, we do not give the weeds so good a chance to rob the crops and infest the fields. 5. The insects also make their homes on certain crops and in the ground. By rotating the crops we disturb the insects and help to keep them in check. If we remove the food of the insects, bury them or their eggs deep in the soil, or turn them up to the frost we are hcli)ing to destroy them. 6. Some crops mature early in the year, as fall wheat and barley ; others late in the fall, as corn and roots. Some are in the ground but a short time, others for a long time, and so they have different lengths of time for feeding. It is often helpful to have a long-feeding crop followed by a short-feeding crop, as in the case of roots followed by barley. We may then sum up by saying that crops differ : As to the kind of food which they take up ; As to the amount of different foods which they take up ; As to the length of their feeding roots ; As to the length of time that they are feeding ; As to the treatment we give them (cultivated or not) ; As to the weeds that associate with them ; As to the insects that infest them ; For these and other reasons the best farmers always pay careful attention to the proper rotation of their crops. Samples of Rotation. — Let us take what is called a four- year or four-cour; e rotation — turnips, barley, clover, wheat. The first crop requires thorough cultivation and gives a chance to manure heavily for the entire course. Turnips are bi- ennials, and therefore long-growing, feeding until late in the year. Then comes a shallow-rooted, quick-growing crop of an entirely different nature. The clover at once follows barley and sends its roots deep. It feeds upon the free nitrogen of the air in the soil through its root tubercles, and when plowed in leaves a large quantity of material in the voocs and stubble to make food for the wheat. The manure applied with 96 AGRICUITURE. the roots has by this time been well worked over. Last comes the wheat with roots of medium length, feeding in the fall and spring and coming to maturity in the summer of thj fourth year. A variety of crops for the farmer's use is at the same time obtained. Here are some other rotations that may be examined : I. Wheat I. Barley I. Wheat I. Parley 2. Hay 2. Hay 2. Hay 2. Hay 3- Hay 3- I'asture 3- I'asture 3- Oats 4- Pasture 4- Corn 4- Pasture 4- Peas 5- Oats 5- Oats 5- Oats 5- Corn 6. Peas 6. Peas 6. Peas 7- Roots 7- Corn The system, of course, must be suited to the soil, the kind of farming adopted, and the circumstances of the farmer. Rotations may have to be changed from time to time, but, if the principles upon which rotations are based are well understood, there will be no difificulty in making changes, and in forming rotations suitable to the needs and conditions of the farm. The four-course rotation may be taken as a basis, and changes made to lengthen it ; thus corn may be put in place of roots, and barley may be seeded to clover and timothy, and a year or two of hay and pasture, or both, may be had before returning to a cereal crop. If the soil is the farmer's capital, then growing the same crop year after year leaves part of the capital idle. Rotating the crops causes all of the capital to do its share in turn in producing income, and, it may be, in increasing the amount of capital. ' THE GARDEN. 97 PART IV. CHAPTER XX. THE GARDEN. " A small garden well-kept will produce more than a larj;e garden neglected." Selection of Garden I^i.ot.— 'I'hc garden plot should be near the house, and at one side rather than in front of the house. A neat, dry walk should lead to it. A loamy soil, well drained, and well manured will be suited to the crops required. If it is long and narrow in shape rather than square, much of the cultivation may be done by horse help. A wind-break or shelter-belt of spruce or other trees will add to the appearance as well as to the value of the garden. Garden .Crops. — In every farmer's garden there may be grown the following crops : Beets, Carrots, Potatoes, Parsnips, Radishes, Cabbages, Cauliflowers, Sweet Corn, Onions, Asparagus, Salsify, Rhubarb, Tomatoes, Celery, Egg-i)lant, Lettuce, Peas, Beans, Horse-radish, Cucumbers, Pumpkins, Strawberries, Raspberries, Currants, Gooseberries, Spinach, Sweet Marjoram, Thyme, Sage, Summer Savory, Parsley, Garden Mint. Melons, Much that has been said about field crops, their mode of growth, and their enemies, both insects and diseases, will ap- I n 98 AGRICULTURE. ply to the crops of the garden. More may be learned by working among the plants growing in the garden, and at the same time using your eyes. What parts of the following plants do we use as food ? Common rad- ishes, horse radish, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, celery, artichokes, onions, asparagus, potatoes, rhubarb, and spinach. Explain the bleaching out of celery by banking up. Will the stalks bleach t)ut if grown on the level cU)se together ? What is the difference between top-onions, potato onions and onion sets? Is lettuce an annual or a biennial ? Classify the crops gi^ :a above as annuals, biennials and perennials. Are all the blossors on a cucumber vine alike? Which produce fruit? Is the cucumber plant monoecious or dioecious? See page 70. The Strawberry. — If you pull off the petals of a rose blossom you find the stalk on which it grew is somewhat enlarged at the end. This little swollen end is called the "receptacle." In the case of the strawberry which we eat, we see a large number of small hard grains in little pits on the surface of the soft, fleshy fruit. If the hard grains were large enough we could open them, and 'jee that each one is a little seed. The part we find so pleasant to eat, then, is not the seed. What is it? By examining the stalks bearing gieen berries as well as those bearing ripe berries, we ol)serve that u is the swollen end of the stem, that is the receptacle. If a ripe berry is cut in two, the seeds will be found to be connected with the stalk. The strawberry plant is a member of the rose family (rosaceie) to which belong a large number of our common fruit-bearing plants, as well as some other common plants, such as the plum, the cherry, the strawberry, the raspberry, the blackberry, the wild rose, the hawthorn, the pear, the apple, the quince. Fig. 44— A strawberry plant properly set out. THE GARDEN. 99 Compare the leaves and Wossoms of the strawberry, the apple, and the wild rose ; also the fruit of the huwthorn, the wild rose, and the mountain ash. Observe how the leaves are arranged on the branches. At wliat place do the blossoms appear ? How many petals in every blossom ? In a patch of wild strawberries you find that the plants spread in all directions, that the fruit is small in size and small in quantity in comparison with the large amount of leaves and runners. Most of the plant food is being used up in forming runners and leaves. If we wish fruit large in size and large in quantity we must plant improved varieties in rows at least three feet apart, and we must keep the space between the rows clean of weeds and runners. The strawberry is a perennial, but as the plants have been developed by cultivation and selection they tend to go back to their original habit of producing small berries. Therefore it is best to grow fruit only on young plants. The plants send out runners which take root and form new plants, and the best berries are on these new plants. The old plants soon become of little value. Therefore the beds must be renewed. If you examine the blossoms of many kinds or varieties of strawberries you will find that those of some are perfect, that Fig. 45. — A strawberry p'ant repro- ducing by a '■ runner." Fig. 46 —A perfect strawberry blossom having both pistils and stamens. Fig- 47- — An imperfect straw- berry blossom having pistils, but not stamens. is, they have both pistils and stamens (fig. 46) ; these will of themselves produce fruit. The blossoms of others, however. lOO AGRICULTURE. are imperfect, they have pisliis but no stamens (fig. 47) ; these will not form fruit, unless pollen from perfect blossoms is brought to them by the wind or by insects. Some of the best producing varieties of strawberries have imperfect blossoms ; they are pisti".ate varieties and if we wish them to produce good crops we must plant alongside of them some plants of varieties l)earing perfect blossoms. This is very imi)ortant and should be well understood. In some of the varieties of fruit trees also, the blossoms are either imperfect or else able to fertilize themselves only witli difficulty, and the planting of varieties whose blossoms produce an abundance of pollen is of great help. Raspberries. — When you pull off a strawberry, part of the stem comes with it ; but when you pull off a raspberry, it comes away freely from the stem, leaving a pointed end. This is because the receptacle or end of the stem is the fleshy pan of the strawberry, whereas the raspberry is a collection of soft fruits distinct from the receptacle. In the case of the straw- berry, we eat the end of the swollen stalk ; in the case of the raspberry, we eat a cluster of fruits like small cherries. The roots of raspberries are perennial and the canes are biennial. Thus, canes grow up one year, bear fruit the second year, and then die. Therefore, in pruning the bushes we cut away all the canes as soon as they are done fruiting, and save the new canes for next year's fruiting. The bushes arc increase I or propagated by suckers or by the tips. The suckers, which grow up from the roots, are removed by cutting away below the soil and then set out as new plants. The tips of the canes are bent over and buried in earth, when they take root. The red varieties are propagated by means of suckers or root cuttings ; the black*cap and purple cane varieties by the tips. f :» I . THE gardp:n. lOI Fig. 48.— A Rooseberry, slu)wiiin, seeds, S, at- attached to skin at P. Gooseberries.— Our garden varieties have been developed from natives of Europe and of America. Fig. 48 shows a fruit cut across containing the seeds, which are fastened to the skin by little threads. The form is similar to that of a grape. New bushes or plants are produced by layers and cuttings. In layering, a branch is bent over, a little notch cut in the under side where it will be under grornd, then bent down and covered with soil, leaving the tip above ground. After a little, roots will appear near the notch, and later on the branch may be cut from the bush and a new plant will thus be started. In using cuttings, good thrifty stems or branches about six inches long are cut in the fall or early in spring and set out with the top bud just above ground. These are covered for the winter. The next )'Tiar they form good roots, and the following year may be set out in rows. To prevent suckers, the buds below ground are rubbed off. Seedlings of all the berries may be obtained by rubbing up the ripe fruits with sand to separate the seeds and pulp. The sandy seed is sown on the surface of a finely worked bed, well enriched with decayed manure. The soil is kept shaded and wet with a fine spray. The plants are afterwards pricked out in another bed with more room and allowed to fruit to test. Currants. — These are grown very much as we grow goose- berries. Most of our varieties belong to three classes : I. The Flowering Currant, which is grown as an ornamental shrub. Its sweet-scented yellow flowers appear early in the spring. The fruit is black and of decided flavor or taste. By m Fig. 49 —Reproducing plants by layering. A is lir.mcb bent over and buried, held down by stake B. New shoots C start up, which are then cut off from parent plant at D. 102 AGRICULTURE. cultivation, it may be used in the future as a fruit producer. 2. The Black Currant, which came from Europe. The fruit is black, and has a peculiar odor. 3. The Red Currant, with berries red and white. Enemies of Garden Crops. — In connection with field crops we referred to the enemies under two heads — insects and diseases. These enemies are also to be found in the gar- den, and, as garden crops are relatively more valuable than field crops, they should be watched very closely. Many of the field insects will be found in the garden, especially the many small insects called by the general name " flies," which, of course, are quite different from our house flies. Then there are caterpillars of many sizes and colors, some of which closely resemble or " imitate " in color the plants on which they feed. A very common enemy is the cutworm. Frequent cultivation and the turning up of the soil will bring them to light. The birds will pick them up. Diseases are the second-class of enemies, which appear in so many forms, variously named rust, leaf blight, anthracnose, mildew. Strawberries, for example, are greatly injured in producing fruit because of leaf-blight. Spraying with sulphate of copper (Bordeaux mixture) before the fruit begins to enlarge will check it. In the diseases of currants, gooseberries, etc., the same may be used. Ful^ instructions as to what to use and how to apply the various preventives may be got in the bulletins of the various Depart- ments of Agriculture. All that need be said here is that thrifty plants grown in well-tilled soil, kept clean from weeds and rubbish, and properly fertilized, are least likely to be attacked by disease. Earthworms. — These must not be confusea with cut- worms, wireworms, and other insects that destroy crops. Earthworms play a very important part in working over soil and in producing fine mold. Their effect may be noticed especially in lawns. They come to the surface at night and after rains, bringing up soil from beneath. THE APPLE ORCHARD. 103 CHAPTER XXI. THE APPLE ORCHARD. c .., The Apple. — Let us take a fair-sized apple of good shape, cut it through as shown in fig. 50. We see that the stem is con- nected with the core, and beyond AtJ it at C are the small ends of what appear to be leaves. These are the ends of the calyx leaves. The . core is the seed box ; it is made up of hard, tough, fibrous ma- f '«• so- Section of a fulIy formed ' ' o ' apple. A, seeds in seed-i ox or core, terial, E^ in which are the seeds, ^ '■> c. the calyx ena ; y, the puip. A. If you cut another apple across the core you see the five seed boxes. The apple, then, is firmly attached to the branches by the stem which is closely con- nected with the core. The part j\ outside of the core, is made r i.u „i A I. 1 iU ^'ip- 51- Section of an apple blossom, up of the enlarged stem and the showing how the apple bejns to form: lower and thicker portion of the calyx leaves which have closed over the seed forming portion of the blossom (the ovary), and have become thick and juicy. What we eat, then, is really the leaf portion of the blossom, united with the swollen stem. Cut a thin slice across the apple and hold it up to the light — you will observe five parts somewhat resem- bling the blossom of the apple. Frequently the five tips of the leaves at C are easily observed. The relation of the apple to the blossom is now known. I04 AGRICULTURE. ! It I ii Skedmn(;s. — If we plant some apple seeds, plants will spring up that, after a few years, will become trees and bear fruit. These trees are known as " seedlings." But, what at first appears strange, they are not likely to bear apples similar to the apple from which we took the seeds ; in fact, the apples may be of little use. And why so ? Because the apple, in its wild or native form, has a small, rather poor fruit, and the many varieties have been produced by careful cultivation and selection. In this way varieties are obtained that are different in their hardiness and different in shape, size, color, and flavor. As is the case with other plants, while we develop them for producing fine fruit they frequently become more tender in stem and roots, and, therefore, the nurseryman has to use great skill in producing plants that are both hardy and productive of good fruit. If we grow apples from seeds only, the hardy seedlings will grow to a producing age. In this way we can obtain trees with hardy roots, stems, and buds. If, now, we can use these roots and stems for our trees, and at the same time cause them to produce highly-flavored fruit, we shall get trees such as we desire. This may be done by grafting. Grafting. — The hardy stem and root is called the stock. The part to be grafted on to the stock is called a scion. The nurseryman selects the young seedlings and cuts small branches as scions from the trees of improved varieties such as he wishes to produce. The scions are cut in the late fall after the leaves have fallen, or in early spring before the buds start to open. At that time the branch is dormant or asleep. The grafting is done, as root-grafting or as top-grafting, before the growth starts in the spring. In root-grafting, the stock and scion may be cut across as shown in P'ig. 52. This is called whip or tongue-grafting, and is the method of cutting when both are of same size. When the stock is large and the scion smafl, the latter is cut wedge-shaped, and the former is split so as to take in the little wedge end, as in Fig. 53. The scion is THE APPLE ORCHARD. »05 placed in the stock and the cuts are all covered with grafting wax, which is composed of a mixture of tallow or linseed oil, Fisr. 52. — Whip or tongue-graft- ing on root. Used also in the case of small stocks. Fij?' 53'— Grafting in deft or split limb. Used in the case of large limbs. In very larije ]iml)s two scions are inserted on opposite sides of the cleft. beeswax, and resin (about i, 2, 4 parts by weight of each). A very important point is to have the layer just underneath the bark (the cambium layer) of both stock and scion exactly opposite or against each other. Why is this important? The living part of a trunk or branch lies between the sapwood and the bark ; it is the thin layer of moist woody fibre just under- neath the bark. If we bring the living layer of the stock and the living layer of the scion together, the sap from the one will flow into the other, and the root and stem will continue to nourish the new branch. The nature of the fruit depends upon the kind of branch. Pruning. — The leaves and new branches are formed before the fruit, so that, if the tree is inclined to become very branchy, most of the food may be used up in producing new wood, and very little will be left for fruit. Therefore, in many varieties, pruning is very important. The proper time is to begin with I 1 06 AGRICULTUKi:. the tree as soon as set out, and to prevent the growth of too many limbs by cutting off limbs when small shoots and by rubbing off buds that are not required. Limbs growing too long may be "stopped"; that is, pinched off at the end. The thinning out of fruit will, for the same reason, have the effect of producing larger fruit. Feeding the Trees. — Three crops are produced yearly in the orchard — new leaves, new branches, new fruit. The tree needs food for all three. It is necessary to have the land drained so that the roots can go deep into the soil. Then the surface soil must be kept well cultivated about the young trees, that the moisture may be saved and the air get into the soil. But, in addition, food must be supplied, not merely to the young tree, but also to the old tree as long as it is expected to bear a crop. Wood ashes are the mineral or soil matter of the trunks and branches of trees, therefore we may conclude that wood ashes are an excellent food for fruit trees of all kinds. Wood ashes contain lime, potash and some phosphates. If any other manures are applied they should be such as fine bones, which contain phosphates and lime. Potash and phos- phate manures are the proper food for vines and trees produc- ing fruit. The proper place to apply such is, not close around the trunk, but beneath the ends of the branches. Why ? Suggestive : — If we plant the seed of a northern spy apple, may we expect that the tree thus produced will also bear northern spy? How are new varieties produced? What might be done with a seedling apple tree that bears poor Iruit in order to make it a useful tree? In peach-growing, is it best to have a large number of small peaches or a smaller number of large peaches ? Good orchardists now thin their peaches and plums. Why ? Did you ever notice how a wound made by cutting off a branch of a tree heals? If a stub six inches long is left it dies back, rots, and finally falls away, leaving a hole in the tree trunk. If cut close new wood grows over the wound until, in time, it is entirely covered. In pruning, then, cut close to the main branch or tree trunk. Remember that the tree itself is a crop, taking its food from the orchard soil. It is bad practice, therefore, to raise other crops such as grain or roots between the trees. This may occasionally be done with good tillage and good manuring, but more often the trees are starved as a result. OTHER ORCHARD TREES. 107 CHAPTER XXII. OTHER ORCHARD TREES. The Pear. — We have already staled that the apple, the pear, and the (juince belong to the rose family. The form of their fruit with seed in a hard box or core shows their resem- blance. Our different varieties of pears have all been derived from the common pear of Europe by cultivation and selection. These fruits all change somewhat with soil, climate, and treat- ment. According to the size of the tree we class pears as "standards" and "dwarfs." The standards are formed by grafting or budding from the improved varieties on to seedlings as stocks. The pear trees that are purchased for an orchard are therefore first grown from pear seed and then grafted or budded. Transplanting in the nursery induces a greater growth of fibrous roots than if the trees were kept growing in one place. So that better results are sure to follow from getting trees that have been well cared for, even if fhey cost more money. When trees are transplanted some of the top is pruned off and the trees are cut back. Why? In transplanting some of the roots are likely to be damaged, and all are not likely to start work at once ; therefore the old top would be too large in proportion to the amount of feeding roots. The dwarf pear trees are produced by budd'ng on the quince as a stock. The quince will not take the buds of all varieties of pears, so that it is sometimes necessary to " double work " them. This is done by budding on the quince with any pear bud that will take, and then afterwards budding on this pear stock with the buds of the varieties desired. ! io8 AGRICULTURE. Budding is a means of increasing very many kinds of fruits. Wc have, under the apple, referred to the fact that the living part of the tree is on the outside, just under the rough bark. If a living bud is taken from one tree, by neatly cutting it out with a little of the wood beneath, it may be made to grow if at once placed in con- tact with the similar living part of another tree. This is done by making a slit up and down and one across the bark, T-shaped. This cut is opened and the bud placed in and the bark lapped over it. The cut and bud in place are then Fig. 54. Budding. Carefully tied up. It will be seen that budding must be done when the bark is loose or will slip, that is in midsummer. In the following spring the old growth above the bud must be cut off, and buds are rub- bed off below so as to send all the sap into the new branch. The Plum. — We now come to the stone-fruits — the plum, the peach, and the cherry. They differ from the pear and apple group, but they belong to the large rose family. Exam- ine their blossoms. We have in America several wild varieties of plums, from which some of our hardier varieties are derived. f>om the European plum come our highly flavoured plums. As a rule they are not so hardy as the natives. A third class of plums is derived from Japanese varieties. The plum is propagated by budding and grafting. For northern climates the stock used should be seedlings or the native wild plum. In milder climates the peach is used quite extensively as a stock. The Peach tree is not known here in a wild state ; it has come from Asia and is closely related to the almond. OTHER ORCHARD TRrF.S. T09 The nectarine is quite similar with fruit of a smooth skin. Observe the blossom as to shape and color. In some vari- eties the stone clings to the pulp ; in others it sei)arate3 readily — hence the terms '* cling-stone " and "free-stone." The peach ripens only in a mild climate and reciuires a warm soil, that is, a light soil that readily drains and absorbs heat. As the peach trees mature or come into blossom earlier than apples, they are sometimes set out in young apple orchards. A few crops of peaches can thus be i)icked ^''^- "' ^'°"* ■■'"''• * ^'''^' before the apples come into bearing. When the apple trees become nearly full grown and begin to bear fair crops the peach trees are removed. The peach trees are increased by budding on stocks of seedling peaches or on plums. Why would you expect peach buds to take on plums and not on pears or apples ? What is the edible part of the peach ? The true fruit or seed is inside of the stone. Crack one open and compare with an almond nut. You may taste it, but do not eat it. If you tak«. a thick leaf you can peel off the skin on the upper side and also the skin on the under side. Between these two is the soft cell matter. The calyx leaves fold over the inner part of the blossom, enclosing the seed, the inner side of the leaves hardening to form the stone, and the outer part forming the skin ; the soft material between forms the part of the peach that we eat. The Cherry. — This tree is sometimes grown as an orna- mental tree ; sometimes for its wood, which has a beautiful grain and takes a fine polish ; but generally for its fruit. There are very many varieties of cherries growing . wild in America known by various names — dwart cherry, bird cheiry, choke cherry, wild red cherry, etc. Most of our garden varieties are derived from two European varieties. 1 1 j no AGRICULTURE. CHAPTER XXIII. INSECTS OF THE ORCHARD. The Borer. — This is a beetle that does much damage to the trunks of trees. It is about half an inch long, of a shining greenish-black color. It lays its eggs in summer in the rough bark near the ground or near the crotches of large limbs. From ttiese eggs come the lai vae, which, when full-grown, are nearly an inch long. As soon as hatched they begin to bore into the tree, where they remain one or two years. From the larva state they pass into the pupa state, and from this the beetle again comes forth. If many of these bore through the under bark and into the living wood they must injure a tree just as if it were girdled. What is to be done? We can dig out the borers and kill them, but already much damage will have been done. We can keep the rough bark scraped off with a dull hoe, so that there will be no convenient cracks and holes in which to place the eggs. We can also give the trunks of the trees a good coat- ing of whale-oil soap, then soft soap or whitewash in the spring and early summer. As the bark on young trees is soft and the young trees are most easily injured we should look out for borers in young orchards. The Oyster-Shell Bark Louse. — On the bark of the apple tree are frequently seen little patches that appear like Fig. 56.— The flat-headed borer— «, the larva, b the pupa, d the perfect beetle. It injures many Kinds of trees. \\ 'tin. INSECTS OF THE ORCHARD. Ill rough bark. If you pry them up with your penknife you find Fig- 57— Bark covered witly larva: oyoyster-shcll bark lice. that they are not rough bark, bjt scales. AVhat are these little scales or shells ? As the weather becomes warmer little white insects come out from under these shells, and for a coui)le 01 days the bark swarms with life. Then they settle down, get their tiny beaks into the soft bark, and suck the sap of the tree. At the end of summer we find the scales with a nest ot eggs underneath. Protected by the scale, the eggs remam until next summer, when out again come the tiny insects to live upon the sap of the tree. Spray with kerosene emulsion. The Aphis. — These are to be found on all of our fruit trees. They are noticed as green bugs less than one-tenth of an inch long. They suck the sap out of the leaves and green bark, and are sometimes found on the roots. The eggs are laid in the fall in the cracks of the bark, and in the next sunmier we are surprised at the large number of green wingless lice that appear as if by magic and do so much damage in a short t'me (see page 83). Keep the bark clean and s[)ray the tree:^ in the spring, as soon as the insects api)car, with kerosene emulsion, a diluted mixture of soft-soap and coal-oil. We have stated before, page 79, that lady-beetles are very destructive to plant lice. Different kinds of plant lice are found on the apple, cherry, peach, currant, cabbage, strawberry roots and in grain. Since they increase so very raj)idly, spraying should le done as soon as the lice appear. House plants may be washed with whaJe- oil soap or tobacco water. |VB^ 112 AGRICULTURE. Caterpillars.- -We already know that there are many kinds of caterpillars, and that they are larvae hatched from ^^ '■»!• ' Fig. 58. — Thetent caterpillar, a and d are caterpillars on the web, c is a mass of eggs, ti is the cocoon containing the chrysalis or pupa. The female moth is above. the eggs of moths and butterflies. Tent caterpillars live in nests and strip the trees of their leaves. Any nests seen on the trees or bushes should be carefully removed and burned whenever observed. These caterpillars come out of their nests INSECTS OF THE ORCHARD. "3 B^ two or three times a day to feed. Therefore we should be care- ful to see that they are all at home before the nests are re- moved. Spraying with Paris green will help to destroy all leaf- eating caterpillars. The Codling Moth. — Codling is an old word for a cook- ing apple. We know what a moth is (see pages 77 and 78). We have seen an apple with a dark worm hole in it, and we have cut the apple open and have found the little white worm inside. Now for its history. In our illustration, fig. 59, g is the moth about half an inch across the wings. The fore wings are grey, the hind wings light brown. As moths fly at night we are, perhaps, not so well acquainted with it as with the white larva. The female moth lays her eggs upon the little apple as it stands up-right. The larvae that hatch, usually enter at the blossom end, and bore to the core and feed upon it. Since the core is a continua- tion of the stem, the latter weakens and the wormy apples are the first to fall. After a while the larva eats its way out and falls to the ground, (ienerally it crawls to the trunk of the tree and after a little spins a cocoon from which in about two weeks the moth appears and begins the laying of eggs. Many of the larvoe of this second brood are taken to the cellar in the apples. To destroy them is important. All wormy windfalls should be gathered up at once and fed to the Fig. 59. — The codling moth, a is the bur- row ; 6, the entrance hole ; e, the larva ; d, the pupa ; /, moth at rest ; jf, moth with wings spread ; /i, head of larva ; i, cocoon containing pupa. 11^ AGRICULTURE. "III ! i ill pigs. The trees are sprayed with Paris green while the tiny apples are still turned upwards. If we spray the trees earlier for other insects we must be careful not to spray while in full bloom, since then we may poison the bees that are gathering honey and helping to fertilize the blossoms by carrying pollen from one blossom to another. Further, we may injure the blossoms and at that time the codling moth has not yet laid her eggs. The Pear Tree Slug. — The perfect insect is a very black saw-fly, with four wings of the form shovA'n in fig. 36. The female is about one-fifth of an inch long, the male a little shorter. Points to be noted are the nature of the wings and the color of the legs. Little cuts are made Fig. 60.— The pear tree slug. in the leaf in wllich the eggs are laid about June. From these the slugs are hatched, which are from one-half to two-thirds of an inch long, slimy, dark green in color. At once they begin to eat the leaves. The slugs change their skins four or five times, and in about a month they crawl or fall to the ground and change to the pupa state. After two weeks more these change to flies, which are ready to lay eggs to hatch a second brood early in August. After doing damage a second time the larvae enter the ground for the winter. In the spring the flies appear, again ready for destruction. I'he slugs are to be looked for on pear and on cherry trees in June and again in August, The Plum Curculio. — The perfect insect is known as a weevil or snout beetle. It is dark in color, and about one- fifth of an inch in length. During winter it remains hidden under rubbish. It comes out in the spring and does great damage as the young fruit is setting. It punches a little hole in the fruit with its snout, lays an egg, and then makes 'tW. INSECTS OF THE ORCHARD. 115 a moon-shaped cut in the skin near the hole. If this cut were not made, what would happen to the young larva as the fruit grew in size ? One beetle will lay from fifty to 1 00 eggs. A sort of gum forms around the hole. The stem of the fruit soon weakens, and it drops to the ground with the larva in it. The larva then comes out and burrows into the ground. In about a month the full-grown beetle appears. Some fight the CUrCUlio by jarring the trees Fig 61.— The plum-tree curcuHo. a, the larva; />, the pupa: c, the beetle; d, day after day, early or late, curculio, natural size, on young plum. catching the insects in a sheet, and then throwing them into water covered with kerosene. Paris green is used in spraying. It is applied several times after the blossoms have fallen. Other Insects. — New insects are constantly appearing, being brought in from other countries in fruit and nursery stock. When first introduced, these insects increase very rapidly, since their natural enemies are not always brought with them at the same time. Sometimes they come later on. V Fig. 62.— Bud moth. The larva feeds upon young buds of fruit trees. Fig. 63.— Canker worm, a, />, and c are e£';irs ; f the legs and the bending of the knees do not save the hoof from all \\v r and tear. If the shank and foot of a dead horse ' An be got, it will be an interesting study to take it a[)art and see the arrangement of the different parts. The wall of the hoof is what we see as the foot stands on the ground. It 'onsists of toe, quarters, and heel. The wall turns in at the ncel, forming the bars. Within the bars is the frog. Of what use is the h-og ? Should it be much cut down in shoeing ? The varnish 124 AGRICULTURE. I] - 32- 33- 34- 35- 36. 37- 38 39- 40. 41. 42. 43- 44. 45« Forearm. Knee. Canon or shank. Fetlock joint. Pastern. Coronet. Foot. Ergot and fetlock. Haunch. Thigh. Stifle. Buttock. Leg. Hock. Canon or shank. Fetlock joint. Ergot and fetlock. Pastern. Coronet. Foot. Lower thigh. Point of hock. Il^t HORSES. 125 on the hoof is formed by nature to keep the water out on damp ground, and to keep the hoof from drying up and cracking on dry ground. Should the blacksmith rasp off this varnish if it is the natural protection to keep the hoof sound ? Great care must be taken in shoeing young horses while their hoofs are growing larger. On sod, turf, or dirt, it would not be necessary for a horse to be shod, as the hoof is hard, and formed by nature for running over the natural soil and grass. But we cause the horses to work on hard stone roads and pavements, and therefore we fit them with shoes that are harder than their natural hoofs. The hoof is of the same material as our finger-nails — we may call the hoof a large, thick toe-nail. The foot is the middle toe, the other four having disappeared. We can cut and pare the hoof and drive nails into it, therefore, without caus- ing any pain. If we cut the nail too deeply, we come to a very sensitive part of the finger. So with the hoof; under it and within it is a very sensitive part of the foot. It we cut into it or drive nails into it, we cause great pain to the horse, and lameness and suffering follow. The horse, therefore, should always be shod by a good farrier or shoer. When you walk on your toes, or in a pair of boots too high in the heel or too tight, you soon tire out. If good shoes of proper form and weight are so important to us in walking, the proper fitting of shoes of the right weight and size is quite as important to the horse. This is another reason for always having the work done by a good workman. Fig 69 — The horse's foot : A is the pastern, B the lower pastern, C the navicular, and D the coffin bone ; E is the wall of the hoof, to which the shoe is nailed. mmmmrmm ml M n i 126 AGRICULTURE. Food of Horses. — The horse has a small stomach, and does heavy work, therefore we must remember that strong food and pure water should be given in moderate quantities, and at frequent intervals. The stomach when empty weighs from three to four pounds, and it will hold three to three and a half gallons. Horses are not built for coarse, bulky fodder. Nature and experience prove that such food as good hay and oats are well adapted to horses that have to work hard either in driving or in drawing. Overfeeding of ourselves makes us heavy and lazy, and causes indigestion. We should be careful to give the horse just enough to eat for its needs, and no more. Care of Horses. — Grooming to a horse is the same as washing to ourselves — it keeps the pores of the skin clean and gives a good appearance to the horse. Since it does all of its work on its feet, the health of the feet and legs is of the greatest importance ; therefore great care is taken in providing a proper floor for the stable. We do not rest or sleep well in a foul atmosphere ; the horse stable should be kept clean and neat. We do not rest well on too hard a bed, neither does the horse. We do not thrive well when exposed to cold winds or heavy rains, neither does a horse. When we come in from hard work and are in a perspiration, we do not sit or stand in a draught ; the horse is just as likely to catch cold. What is meant by the height of a horse ? In what terms is it stated ? When a horse walks, in what order does it lift its feet ? Describe the actions of the feet and legs in trotting, pacing, cantering, and in galloping. When a horse rises, which feet are raised first? Why does fitting on a horse's head prevent its rising ? Would such action prevent a cow ? Is it natural for a horse to reach up and pull down its food, such as dusty hay ? lach, and ong food s, and at jhs from nd a half Nature . oats are either in nakes us •e careful no more, same as lean and ill of its i greatest a proper in a foul nd neat, le horse. )r heavy Dm hard ind in a stated ? scribe the galloping, tting on a ow? i, such as Ti i i i t i i ; ■ • / V^y338!2? '■ , ^^^m 1 ^FC I- ■f^;.- v.- 9* {^ 1 ^^ > V*|^ V rJA- ■■ ' ^ . / 1,1, ^v\,. 1^,^ Ik i"i. f' m 1! ;^. L . • ^^1^ f""' •■'U 1 '^ "^ tI!'lM' I. ^K^mmUM' Mil ' ' . fe.- C!^" ' I N ^Br^^BlG^^H^^Rl ""tBI • * 4 , > "Tj 1 i' f -■: # ^ L ** %.•: \ s -0 c '/I u 1^ C o 3 O £ ■#^ h 01 ■«-' < t ■ ik: ; I CATTLE. 127 CHAPTER XXVII. CATTLE. Breeds of Cattle. — Cattle formerly included all the live stock of the farm ; we now apply the term only to bovine cattle or neat cattle. They are descended from wild animals, some of which are still found in the wild condition. As horses were at first used for warfare, cattle were largely used for work. We have now two uses for cattle— producing beef and producing milk. There are very many different bree.ds in these two classes, but we may give the four leading breeds of each class in this country as follows : Beef breeds : 1. The Shorthorn, or Durham, originated in Durham County, England, over 100 years ago from 'I'eeswater cattle. There are some dairy families also among shorthorns. 2. The Hereford, originated in Herefordshire, England, over 150 years ago. 3. The Galloway, a breed of black polled cattle or "doddies," from Southern Scotland. 4. The Aberdeen-Angus, from Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Dairy breeds : 1. The Jersey, from the Island of Jeisey. 2. The Guernsey, from the Island of Guernsey. 3. The Ayrshire, from Ayrshire, Scotland. 4. The Holstein, or Holstein-Friesian. In figure 70 we give the outlines of a beef animal. We shall now refer to a few of these parts. I 128 AGRICULTURE. 12 n I I. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6 7 Mouth. Nostrils. Lips. Muzzle. ••"■ace. Eyes. Cheeks. 8. Jaws, q. Korebead. K.. Poll. It. Horns. 12. Ears. 13. Neck n. Throat. i<; D'wlap. 16. Shoulders. Fig. 70. —The External Parts of a Beef Animal. 17. Shoulder Point, id. Shoulder Vein. 19. Elbows. 20. Arm. 21. Knees. 22. Shanks. 23. Hoofs. 24. Crops. 25. Fore Flank. 26. Kore Ribs. 27. Mid Ribs. 28. Hinder Ribs. 29. Barrel. 30. Helly. 31. Spine. 32. Flank. 33. Plates. 34. Rumps. 35. Hips. 36. Thighs. 37. Hocks. 38. Hind Leg. 39. Brisket. 40. Bosom. 41. Chest. 42. Loin. 43. Hooks. 44. Purse. 45. Twist. 46. Pin Bonfs. 47. Tail Head. 48. Tail. rl CATTLE. 120 Horns and Hoofs. — The horns of cattle were intended by nature for defence. In tlie domestic animal they are not recjuired, hence breeders have aimed at reducing or removing them. The " Longhorn " breed was once a favorite ; it has given place to the "Shorthorn." In some breeds the horns have disappeared. These are called "polled" cattle, as tlie Polled-Angus and the Red Polls. 'I'he bone of an animal is largely made up of mineral matter (phosphate of lime), with some oily and gluey substances. Horns and hoofs are (juite different from and independent of the bones. When burned, a piece of horn or of hoof will give off a very disagreeable odor. So will hair. The horns, hoofs, and hair are all nitro- genous in their nature. Since the horn is closely connected with a very sensitive part of the animal's head, when dehorning is practised, the horn should be cut off quickly and neatly. The horse's hoof is in one piece ; the feet of cattle are cloven. Is there any advantage to the cattle in this ? Which kind of foot is better adapted to climl)ing, and which to level travel ? Do all cloven-footed animals chew the cud ? The Mouth. — When full-grown, we have three kinds of teeth. The front teeth are for biting, and are called the incisors ; the back teeth are broad and double-rooted, formed for grinding, known as the moiars ; between these are longer teeth called the canines. If you examine the teeth of an ox, you find no upper incisors and no canines. There are eight lower incisors, and six upper and six lower molars on each side, making thirty-two in all, as follows : Incisors - o ^ . O-O Canmes — o-o Molars ^' 6-6 This arrangement applies to cattle, sheep, goats, and deer, though sometimes canines occur. How would you represent, as above, the teeth of a boy and of a full-grown man ? Hon- those of a horse? The molars of a horse are larger and broader than those of a cow. A horse bites the grass with the incisors, «iiN I 1 ■illj .■ il 1^ 130 AGRICULTURE. and by a nod of the head cuts it away. A cow wraps her tongue around the long, coarse grass, pulls it into her mouth, closes the incisors and upper gum upon it, and by a movement of the head tears it away. The horse is therefore able to take the fine grass, and to crop the pasture more closely than the cow. Tmc Stomach. — Sheep and cattle are ruminants — they chew the cud. See Mg. 71. a represents the gullet connecting the stomach and mouth through which the food passes into the stomach, and / the beginning of the intestine through which the food passes out of the stomach. There are four sacs all joined ; d is the first or largest stomach (^the rumen, or i)aunch); c is the second (reticulum) ; d the third (omasum) ; e the fourth (abomasum). When a cow takes in coarse food, it passes into the first or largest stomach until the cow is done eating. Then the cow stops taking in food and begins to digest it. Fig. 71.— The four stomachs of a cow. After soaking or Steeping some time in the large stomach, it gradually comes back through the gullet to the mouth, to be chewed over and over until it becomes more liquid-like. Then it flows back and passes right on into the smaller stomachs, and thence into the intestines. If liquid food is taken, as in the case of calves, the food passes right on into the third and fourth stomachs. The four stomachs of the cow therefore enable her to take in a large quantity of food, and to digest very coarse fodder. The chewing of the cud enables her to do without the complete set of teeth so neces- sary in the case of horses. The single stomach of a horse holds about 3 gallons, the four stomachs of a cow from 60 to 70 gallons. CATTLE. 131 Dairy Cattle.— Figure 72 shows the general form of a good dairy cow, an animal in which the end desired is to give as large an amount as possible of rich milk at the least cost for food. Contrast the outlines of this animal with the one shown in figure 70. As a rule, the large dairy herds are com- «V//i mik j^ittf tNNil. Fig. 72. — Parts of a model dairy cow. posed of grade cows; these are the offspring of pure-bred sires and common dams. There is an old saying, "The sire is half the herd." This is illustrated in the following table of the offspring of a pure-bred sire and of a common (scrub) sire : Pure-bred sire. Common cows or dams. 1. Grades, one-half pure. 2. Three-quarters pure. 3. Seven-eighths pure. Common (scrub) sire. Pure-bred cows or dams. 1. Grades, one-half pure. 2. One-quarter pure. 3. One-eighth pure (scrub). This statement means that in the first case we start with a herd of common cows and a pure-bred sire. The first genera- tion of calves will all be grades, one-half pure-bred. The calves of these and the pure-bred sire will all be three-cjuarters pure-bred, and their calves will be seven-eighths pure-bred. f ^^^ i 1 ! i ii ' 1 li ■ 1 'i I " 132 AGRICULTURE. , I H If, however, we were to start a herd with pure-bred cows and a common sire, the third race or generation would be only one- eighth pure-bred. The continued use of a pure-bred sire will in a few years bring the herd to the level of the sire. Beef. — As we have got most of our farm animals from the British Isles, the names applied to them have come from the same source. The living animals we call oxen, cows, calves, sheep, swine, but the meat from these same animals we call beef, veal, mutton, pork. Why these two sets of names? In early times the living animals were tended by the Saxon hind, and the meat was eaten by the Norman lord or baron. Thus the names for the living animals are Saxon names, and the names for the meats are Norman. But what is the meat? It is made up of fat and lean meat. The lean meat is of the same composition as muscle ; in fact, it is fine, tender, muscle fibre. Now we can easily understand why the differ- ent parts of a quarter of beef are not equally valuable. In some parts the fibre is coarser, more like muscle as we gener- ally know it. We can understand why the neck is tough, and why the meat of ii.jjrisket .2. Middle rib. the hind quarter, for instance, is tougher 13 hhouider. 14. Chuck towards the smaller or lower part or rib. 15 Miin 16. Clod. r 17. Neck, or sticking-piece. ghank. In finding the tenderest cut of the carcass, we look for that place where there is plenty of flesh and little work to be done, that is, where the muscles are least developed by hard work ; this, by reference to Fig. 73, we locate be*^ween parts 5 and 8. Fig. 73.— A Side of Beef. I. Leg. 2. Round. 3. Mouse buttock 4 Veiny piece. 5. Sirloin. 6. Rump. 7. Thick flank. 8. Porterhouse (including tenderloin), q. Thin flank. 10. Forerib. ,1 I SHEEP. ^33 1 CHAPTER XXVIII. SHEEP. "The foot of the Sheep bringeth wealth." Nature of Sheep. — Our domestic sheep are so harmless that we are not at first thought likely 'o see in them the descendants of wild animals. Their shyness, their flocking to- gether and following a leader, and their natural inclination to climb hills and even knolls, recall the characteristics of their ancestors, the wild sheep of the mountains. They are more closely allied to our cattle than to other farm stock. Like the cattle they are cloven-footed, have four stomachs, and chew the cud. Cattle are more in- clined to the wet bottomland and the water courses, sheep to the dry uplands. Cattle are coated with hair and sheep with wool. The sheep is one of man's earliest farm chattels, provid- ing him with both meat and clothing, and is of very great usefulness in helping maintain the fertility of the soil. Wool. — Hair and wool contain nitrogen, as you may prove by burning — ammonia being given off. Burn a piece of cotton thread and notice the result. The wool of the sheep is for its protection, and therefore the length and thickness of th'3 wool vary with the climate of the countries in which the sheep are living. The same is true of the hair of cattle, as we see in the case of the shaggy covering of the Highland breed of cattle. Horses exposed to the winter weather grow a coarse coat. Food also affects the quality of the wool. If the food is not uniform the wool will become irregular and be of poor quality Fig. 74.— What breed is it? 'I FT ' i i 'T III 134 AGRICULTURE. No Other farm animal is so much affected by its surroundings as the sheep. As a consequence we find so many different varieties, and for this reason we must be careful to choose the variety that is most likely to do well in the conditions of the farm on which they are desired to be grown — such as situation, climate, etc. Why is wool warm ? Because it is fine and open and holds so much air in its fibres, and this air prevents the heat of the body from going off; as we say it is a poor conductor of heat. It is not because it keeps out cold, but because it keeps in the heat of the body. If you wrap a piece of ice in a loose thick woollen cloth it will prevent the ice from melting rapidly. Why? Because the heat outside does not pass through or get in. Double windows in a house are a protection, not because of the glass in the panes, but because of the air between the two windows. So the hollow space in the wall of a silo keeps in the heat of the ensilage, and thus prevents it from freezing. A covering of loose snow protects the wheat for the same reason. Now that we under- stand that wool keeps the sheep warm while it is on the sheep's back, we ask why wool can be made into yarn and cloth. If you look at a fibre of wool under a magnifying glass you will see that it is made up of sections, that there are little joints or scales on the wool and when several fibres are twisted together these little scales catch into one another and the fibres thus hold together tightly — the wool, as we say, "felts" well. There comes from the skin of the sheep a soapy substance called the " yolk," which covers the inner wool and helps to shed the rain. It prevents the wool from felting on the sheep's body. When the fleece is washed this is washed out and the fleece becomes much lighter. Sheep are by nature fitted to stand cold, but not wet weather — they should always have dry quarters. Breeds of Sheep. — Sheep of various breeds are found in Britain, from the marsh lands of Kent to the mountains of Wales and Scotland. They have adapted themselves in time SHEEP. 135 to a great variety of soil and climate, and in selecting slieep for a farm it is well to get the breed suited to the situation. The following is a table of the principal British breeds : Upland or Hill Breeds. Dorset, Southdown, Suffolk, Hampshire, Shropshire, Oxford. Mountain Breeds. Welsh, Cheviot, Highland. Loivland Breeds. Cotswold, Leicester, Lincoln, • Romney Marsh. The lowland breeds are long-wooled and the ui)hnd breeds short-wooled. The lowland breeds are larger than the u[)lands. The upland breeds are the best mutton breeds. Short wool from 3 to 4 inches long is sometimes called carding wool, and longer wool, from 7 to 8 inches long, combing wool. The principal breeds of this country may be arranged as follows, according to the texture of their wool : Fine-wooled : — Merino ; Medium-wooled : — Southdown, Shropshire, Hampshire, Ox- ford Down, Cheviot, Horned I )orset ; Coarse-ivooled : — Leicester, Lincoln, Cotswold. Is the wool on all parts of a sheep's body of the same texture ? Are all lon^ wools coarse, ami all short wools line ? F roni what parts of Europe have the above breeds of sheep come ? AtAvhat time of the year does shearing take place ? Are goats covered with wool or with hair ? What kinds of cloths are made from wool ? Why is flannel cloth warmer than cotton ? What is. shoddy ? Ml % Vil 1 E! (i lii 136 AGRICULTURE. CHAPTER XXIX. SWINE. Nature of Swine. — The wild hog is still found in many parts of the world. Even in Europe there are districts where wild boars are hunted. From the many kinds of wild hogs our domestic breeds have been derived. In the wild condition the animal is very active, and well able to protect itself by its tusks and teeth. The improving of the wild animal has changer' the form, and made an animal that is quite compact and fieshy, and less active. There is less bone in the hog than in sheep or cattle, as one may see from the following statement, which gives the number of pounds of water, fleshy substance, fat, and ash or bony matter in every 100 pounds of a fat ox, a fat sheep, and a fat pig : Fat Ox. Fat Sheep. Fat Pig. lb. lb. lb. Water 48 46 43 Fleshy matter 15 13 11 Fat 32 38 44 Ash (bony part) 5 3 2 Thus it will be seen that a fat pig has more fat and less bone in proportion to its weight than a fat ox or a fat sheep. Growth. — Although the hog has cloven hoofs, it does not ruminate or chew its. cud as do the cow and the sheep. Therefore, we may conclude at once that it does not digest its food in the same way as they do. It has only one stomach. And yet we find tliat the hog grows in weight more rapidly. How do we explain this ? There are three things to be con- sidered : First, the kind of food which the animal eats ; second, the means which the animal has of digesting its food; and, third, what the food, after being digested, is used for. SWINE. 137 Sheep. Swine. Per cent. Per cent. 2>^ il ^V^ 4 45 73 First, as to the food eaten. Pigs are able to eat a greater variety of foods than cattle or sheep. The wild hog lives on grass, roots, nuts, etc. Our domestic hogs are generally Il-cI the richest kinds of food— peas, corn, wheat, skim milk, llcsh meal, etc. Pigs will greedily devour the richest rations day after day of which most other animals would soon become tired. Second, as to the power of digesting food. As we have stated before, the animal digests and takes up its food through the stomach and intestines. The pig has a small stomach, but a very long intestine. The following table gives an idea of the weight of the stomach and intestines in proportion to the whole body, and also the weight of the four (quarters : Cattle. Per cent. Stomach. 4}^ Intestines.. 2 Four quarters 47/^ Thus it will be seen that in cattle the stomach is over twice the intestines in weight, in sheep about ecjual, whereas in swine the intestines are over three times the weight of the stomach. We conclude that swine have small stomachs, and can take only a small amount of food at a time, but, because of their very long intestines, they are able to digest the food much more thoroughly— that is, they feed fret^uently and digest their food thoroughly. Third, as to the use made of the food digested. They are not so active as sheep or cattle ; they are generally more shut in, and therefore they do not use up as much of their food through exercise. English experiments prove that, out of every 100 pounds of digested food, cattle use 23 pounds, sheep 26, and swine 43, for making increase in their bodies. When, further, we remember that swine increase in number so much more rapidly than cattle or sheep, we can understand why the keeping of swine is so profitable a part of farm work. 10 i'- ki 138 AGRICULTURE. ' ■ s' Breeds of Swine. — Every country has its own peculiar breeds of swine. In England there are, besides many others, the following : The Large White, the Small White, and the Middle breeds (so named according to their size and color) ; also the Black Suffolk or Essex, the Berkshires, the Dorsets, and the Tarn worths. In America there have been developed breeds known as the Chester White (Pennsylvania), the Poland China (Ohio), and the Duroc or Jersey Red (New Jersey). The Yorkshires and Improved Yorkshires of America are derived from the Large White swine of England. Feeding of Swine. — In producing pork and bacon, three things are to be noted : Selection of the right kind of swine ; feeding the best kind of food ; housing the animals in suitable quarters. In producing swine for bacon and hams that are required for city consump- tion, hogs of medium size, that produce lean meat and fat in proper proportion, are the best. Foods such as the bye-products of milk, peas, wheat, and barley, will produce more leanmeatand less fat than corn. The hog is sometimes considered a dirty animal. For this the owner is as much respon- sible as the animal. Clean housing and good care will pay with swine as much as with other animals. Fig. 75. —Two sides of pork, showing method of cuttinq; up. ^ Streaky quarter. 9 Loin. 2 Rib quartet. 10 Fillet. 3 Middle quarter. 11 Shou'der. 4 H^iins " 12 Prime streaky. 5 End of neck. 13 Thin " 6 Middle of neck. 14 Flank. 7 Thick back and sides. 15 Middle of gammon. 8 Prime back and ribs. 16 Knuckle of gammon. 17 Fore end. POULTRY. 139 CHAPTER XXX. I POULTRY. Origin. — In addition to the common poultry of the farm, we have turkeys, geese, ducks ; also guinea-fowls, pea-fowls and pheasants. These are all closely related to various kinds of wild fowls and some of them are very similar to these wild fowls in appearance. In our common fowls there are very many varieties of breeds, from the "small bantams to the large brahmas, differing in size, in shape, and in the color and form of feather or plumage. It is believed that all have been derived from one original source, a wild breed of fowl. Many consider that the common Jungle Fowl of India is the source from which have come all the varieties. This fowl is somewhat like the Black-breasted Red Game, and is still found in India. Others think a wild fowl now no longer found is the ancestor. How have our breeds been formed ? Just as new breeds are now being formed. Suppose we take a flock of fowls and observe them from year to year, as they increase in number. We shall get some chickens that, as they grow, show differences in form, size and color. Even if they are all one variety, here and there one will appear having some slight difference from the others. We select two or three that have a new coloring in their feathers that we desire to continue. Those selected are differ- ent from the others, but similar to one another. We place them by themselves and allow them to breed. The chickens that we raise from them will probably have the same peculiar kind of feathers. We select those that are most alike and breed from them. After a few years we may be able to raise a number of fowls that are quite similar in appearance to one '•I I It ■:4 I40 AGRICULTURr:. another, out quite different from the original flock, and whose chickens will resemble the parent fowls. 'I'hus a new variety or breed will be obtained. Or we may take birds from two different kinds of fowls and cross them. By carefully selecting only those that have the peculiarities that we desire to preserve, we shall soon get a new breed which may be im[)roved in size and shape by selecting only the best, male and female, to breed from. Thus the Plymouth Rocks have been obtained oy crossing American Dominiques w'th Cochins. It is very important to note that the fowls are so readily changed in form ==.^V>>y;r7Tr^S^^gQ , — — •"^^'^^^^Xx^'Z^^^r^^. ^ ■^ -■-^ ^Zf^^ 2 2 Fig 76.- -Parts of a Fowl. I Comb. 12 Main tail feathers. 2 Face. 13 Wing-bow. 3 Wattle. 14 Wingf coverts formina; the " bar." 4 Earlobe. 15 Secondaries. 5 Hackle. 16 Primaries, or flight feathers. 6 Hreast. ij Point of breast bone. 7 Back. 18 Thighs. 8 Saddle. 19 Hocks. 9 Saddle feathers. 20 Legs or shanks. lo Sickles. 21 Spur. 11 Tail coverts. 22 Toes or claws. POULTRY. 141 fl; is .: ^l and feathers. Breeds that are so readily changed will soon run out unless care is constantly taken to improve them, hy weed- ing out the poorest and keeping the best with care. The Parts of a Fowl.— Since all have the same origin we may expect that they will all have some characteristics in common. The general form is the same. I'"ig. 76 gives us the names of the various parts. Varieties. —In some varieties, such as the Cochins, the Langshans, and the Brahmas, the feathers extend d(jwn the outside of the legs or shanks. From this fact we sometimes have the fowls divided into the two classes, the smooth-k^^^ed and the feather-legged. The different breeds are further sub- divided according to the color of their plumage ; thus we have Dark Brahmas and Light Brahmas ; also Black, Buff, White and Partridge Cochins. Another mode of classing fowls is into laying varieties and sitting varieties. Sometimes they are classed according to the country or region from which they have been derived, as Asiatics, Mediterraneans, Americans. Characteristics. — Common fowls have four toes, three in front and one to the rear. They are not web-footed, there- fore we conclude they are fitted by nature for hard dry soil. What is the use of the web foot in ducks and geese ? The toes have sharp strong nails for scratching. From this we notice that they should be supplied with a dry run where they can scratch and exercise themselves and their young broods. Fowls take their young to seek for food and birds bring food to their young in the nest. They need plenty of sunlight, as we may conclude from watching chickens basking in the sunshine. How do fowls drink water ? Have they teeth ? What is the use of the crop in fowls ? As to food we have only to remember what the fowls require food for to conclude that they need plenty of rich food. They are constantly growing feathers which are rich in nitro- gen, their flesh is principally lean meat, their eggs are what we VA W m ,,J \l- 142 AGRICULTURE. call "strong meat." For their good health they need also some green food. The shells of their eggs are largely com- posed of lime, therefore we must give them mineral matter, especially when more or less shut in and when the ground is covered with snow. They are fitted by nature for picking out the richest food, such as insects and small seeds. The health of the fowls depends greatly upon having a variety of clean food to eat, clean water to drink, clean places in which to roost and nest. The fowls keep their coats and skins clean of insects by dusting, as do many other animals. Because of the rich food, such as grains and insects, which fowls feed upon, we may expect the droppings to be rich in fertilizing material. The richest manure made upon the farm is that from fowls. It should be carefully saved and used where it will do most good. The use of gypsum or sifted coal ashes about the hennery, especially under the perches, (not common lime or wood ashes) will keep the buildings clean and sweet. In washing the bu. .ings with lime or other disinfectant, the orchard spray pump may be used. Eggs.— A good flock of laying hens should lay on the average ten dozen eggs each. The egg consists of the shell, which is porous, the lining or membrane, the " white " or albumen, and the yolk. Can you give any reason for some birds' eggs being nearly spherical in shape, and others oval like hens' eggs ? In which end is the air chamber of an ega; ? Why is a stale egg lighter than a fresh egg ? What is meant by " candling " eggs ? Why is the shell porous ? "Why does the setting hen turn the eggs under her ? What is an incubator ? How long does it take to hatch a chick from an egg ? Why does a " moulting " hen not lay eggs ? What are the principal methods of preserving eggs ? Which is the better test of a laying hen ? The number of eggs laid, or the total weight of eggs laid ? l:Hii V.' MILK. M3 CHAPTER XXXI. MILK. Milk. — Nature provides as a food for the young calf the milk of the mother cow. For a short time after the birth of the calf this product is called "colostrum." In a few days, however, the cow gives in her udder milk such as we use. The giving of milk is to a great extent an acc^uircd habit. In the case of breeds raised for beef only, as in the case of Herefords, the quantity of milk given is not large. Where, however, the aim has been to produce dairy cows the continued practice of milking has gradually increased the flow of milk. The knowledge of this is important. For instance, if we begin by milking a cow, say for only six months, and then allow her to go dry, she will of herself be inclined to go dry thereafter at about the end of six months. If we do not thoroughly milk out a cow at first, she will gradually drop off in her flow. It is of importance, then, to thoroughly milk out the cows, especially as the strippings are the richest portion of the milk. Anything that irritates or disturbs a cow will cause her to " hold up " and to produce a poorer milk. The cow as a milk-producing animal, it must be remembered, is very much what her owner makes her, and she will give many of her qualities to her calf. If we place some milk in a tall, narrow glass, and allow it to stand for a while, there will gradually rise to the top a thick substance, sometimes yellowish in color, which we call cream When this cream is churned, we get from it i)utter, which is an oily substance. Carefully remove the cream, and allow the other portion of the milk, the skim-milk, to stand for some time until it thoroughly sours ; we shall find that a curdy i'l 144 AGRICULTURE. substance separates and leaves a bluish water behind. The cream or butter, then, is an oil or fat which is mixed through the milk, and from the fact that it comes to the top we conclude that it is lighter than the skim-milk. It is not dissolved in the water of the milk as sugar is dissolved in water, but is simply mixed with it or distributed through it in very fine particles ; in fact, we can put it back into the skim-milk if we pour the two together from one vessel into another before the milk sours. It is in the form of what is called an "emulsion." When fresh milk is run through a cream separator, the heavy skim-milk is thrown away from the lighter fat or cream. This could not be done if the fat were dissolved in it. Milk, then, contains water and fat or oil — butter-fat, as it is called. Now Fig- 77.— Milk, showinc the fat globules take SOme skim-milk and slight- floating in it. , • * 1 • r ly warm it. A thm scum forms upon it. This scum is composed principally of albumen^ a nitrogen compound similar to the white of egg, which becomes white and nsoluble by heating or cooking. It forms but a small portion of the milk. If, however, we put a few drops of rennet or vinegar into the skim-milk, a curdling at once takes place, and a considerable quantity of material is thrown out of solution and floats about as a curdy or cheesy mass; this is the casein of the milk, also a nitrogen compound. Then we have at least two nitrogen compounds in milk— the albumen, which is curdled by heat, and the casein, which is curdled by acids. The latter is in much larger quantity than the former, and both are in solution in the water of the milk. We can readily prove that these two contain nitrogen, and differ therein from the fat. Take some pure butter and burn MILK. '45 it on the end of an old knife, then l)urn some casein curd or cheese, and notice the strong ammonia smell from the latter. If, now, we pour off the clea:i water from the curd, and carelully evai)orate the water in a saucer placed over the steam of a kettle or in a slow oven, we shall get a white substance ihat tastes sweet but gritty ; it is the sugar of the milk, callctl milk- sugar or lactose. Finally, if we carefully dry out a little dish of milk and burn it thoroughly, we shall have left a small quantity of ash or mineral matter. Milk, therefore, consists ot water, having particles of butter-fat floating in it undissolved, and having in solution casein and albumen, milk-sugar, and ash. The composition may be stated as follows : Water, from 80 to 90 averaging 87.0 per cent. (( (( (( u (< 4.0 30 4.8 0.7 (( II <( (( « Fat, from 2 to i o . Casein or cheesy substance . . Albumen Sugar or lactose Ash or mineral matter A pitcher of warm water gives off vapor into the air, but a pitcher of ice water will have vapor settle up its side>from the air. So it is with milk. Milk is warm when first milked and we can smell the odor, the cow odor, as it passes off into the air ; but it soon begins to cool down and vapors of the air will settle upon its surface as upon the cold pitcher. If, there- fore, we leave a pail of milk standing in the stable, or near any food that has a bad smell, it will take up foul air that can after- wards be tasted in the milk, the butter and the cheese. As soon as milking is done the milk should at once be taken to a clean milk-house or cellar. But bad odors and tastes can be given from the food. Thus turnips, bad ensilage, cabbage, rape and weeds of many kinds will affect the milk. All such should be kept from the animal. Here we see a strong argu- ment for keeping pastures clean. Every trace of musty food Guch as mouldy ensilage or rotting roots should be kept from !l: Urt'l ^ lii ^: '^1 i|! iM { i Si 1 146 AGRICULTURE. the COWS. The mangers should be kept sweet. No more food should be given than the cows will eat up clean, otherwise the feeding boxes may become stale. The best way to get good flavored milk is to feed only such foods as will give a good flavor. A plentiful supply of salt always within reach will improve the digestion, increase the eating power, keep the system in good condition, and increase the flow of milk. Fig. 78. — The udder, lef* s'de, with skin removed, a is an artery wi'h branches c, d, r id e carrying blood to u.lfcrcnt parts; ^ is a vein witli branches g, //, ando; I is a lymphatic gland; m is the milk vein ; / is a nerve, of which u is a branch and .;«: is a continuation. Heneath and connected with the above parts is a milk gland, the outlets of which are tlirough these two teats. In the upper part of each of the teals is a small milk cistern. On the opposite side of the udder is a second gland having outlets through the two right teats. Out of the blood brought to the udder through the arteries, \\\f. €(■''•■ ne.xt to the glands are formed. These cells are gradually changed into milk, which tills the glands and the milk cisterns, and passes ofl' through the nipple of tlie teats. 'A- ; Vii ;i^t Lit.-i PRODUCTS OF MII.K. 14; CHAPTER XXXII. PRODUCTS OF MILK. Cream. — The cream is formed by the particles or globules of fat which, because they are lighter than water, rise to the surface. These globules are very small— it would take about 2,000 of the largest of them placed side by side to make an inch. To see them, they must be examined under a powerful microscope. Some of them are smaller than others. The larger they are, the more rapidly they will rise, and the more quickly and thoroughly the milk will cream. Milk with large fat globules is therefore adapted to butter-making ; that with small fat globules is well adapted to cheese-making. These fat globules are not transparent ; therefore instruments are some- times ased to determine the quantity of fat in milk by determining how much water must be added before the milk can be clearly seen through. Such instruments are called " lactoscopes." The separating of the cream from the milk is done either l)y placing the milk in pans or cans, and allowing the cream to rise of itself, because it is lighter than the water ; or by running it through a machine called a "separator." This consists mainly of a steel bowl, which is caused to revolve at a very high rate of speed. The water, being heavier, flies to the outside next to the bowl, and flows off by one spout, and the cream is left behind in the inner part of the bowl, and flows off by another spout. In order to allow thti water and cream to separate more easily, the milk is warmed slightly before it is run into the bowl. The cream by this process is separated in !l 148 AGRICULTURE, m a fresh, sweet condition, whereas by the "cream-setting" process it may be more or less soured or ripened. The richness of milk in cream varies greatly with the different breeds, the different animals of the same breed, the period of milking, and the portion of the milk taken. The strip[)ings or last portions of the milk are richer in cream than the fore-milk or first portion milked, as the water comes away from the udder in larger portions at first, and the fat appears to l)e set free in the udder by the process of milking. Ordinarily cream will contain from 55 to 65 per cent, of water, 25 to 40 per' cent, of fat, and some sugar and casein. If the milk sours during creaming, so as to cause the casein to curdle, more- casein will be carried along with the fat. 1 herefore, the milk should be kept cool in creaming by the setting process. In creaming milk, the purpose should be to remove the butter-fat as thoroughly as possible, in as sweet a condition as possiole, and with as little water as possible. Skim-milk. — This is the milk that has been skimmed of its cream, or from which the fat has been removed by the separ- ator. If we could take all of the fat, and only the fat, we would still have left in the skim-milk the water, casein and albumen, sugar, and ash. The skim-milk would contain a large amount of very important food compounds, viz.: casein and albumen, which can make muscle and flesh, or form fat, or be burned up to produce heat ; sugar, which can be used for producing heat ; and ash of the best kind for making bone. Thus we see that skim-milk is a most important food, only the fat is lacking to make it a perfect food for young animals. We can replace this fat that has been removed in the cream by mixing with it a small quantity of some oily food, such as a little boiled linseed. If, then, we take away the milk from the young calf for making butter, we can give it back to it by adding linseed or some rich meal to the warm skim-milk, and thus imitate the natural cow's milk. When the cream is m PRODUCTS OF MII.K. 149 removed by the separator, the skim-milk is still ([uite sweet, but when we allow the milk to rise in shallow pans, or even in deep cans, the milk may become a little soured, unless we keep ice or cool water around it. When lic^uids become sour it is because of the forming of what we call an acid, like the acid of vinegar. The acid that is formed in milk when it first sours is called lactic acid (from the latin word /ac, meaning "milk"). This lactic acid is formed from the sugar of the milk or the lactose. Since the sugar is very soluble, any water 'that goes off in the cream will contain lactose, so that lactic acid will form also in cream. This acid at once acts u[)on the casein, changing it from a soluble substano; to an insoluble substance ; therefore, as soon as acid begins to form, the milk will begin to curdle. This lactic acid is not nearly so valuable for food as the sugar from which it is formed ; therefore, sweet skim-milk and sweet whey are always more valuable for feeding J^ . * (3) ':^^ ) than sour milk or sour whev, and care should be taken to keep them as sweet as possible. I)Ut why does milk sour? What causes the sweet sugar to change to the Fig. 79.-Veast plant, masnified. j^^^r acid ? VoU knoW that yeast causes bread to "work" or to ferment. The yeast is a mass of little plants, each plant very simple and very small. These plants feed upon the substances in the dough, changing them and making new compounds, som.e of which are gases. These gases push out in all directions, and make little air-holes all through the bread, causing it to be light, as we say. Now, yeast is only one kind of these minute little plants. They are found everywhere floating about in the air by millions, too small to be seen. Some of them, we have already stated, roots of clover ai i grow peas. "^ m |iii||S 'ii 150 AGRICULTURE. Fig. 80. — One of the ferments of milk, magnified. Some of them are acting constantly in the soil, changing some of the humus into nitrates for the roots of plants. Some of them gather on cheese and form blue-mold. Some of them get into the refuse barrels and cause decay of the pieces of food thrown therein. Some of them drop into the cider or wine and make vinegar. There are very many kinds, each kind working in its own way. They can be recognized only by a very power- ful microscope. One kind, that is very common, drops into the milk and changes the sugar into lactic acid. Supposing that we do not clean out a milk pail or a milk can thoroughly, what will happen? Many of these litde ferments, or bacteria^ as they are called, will settle on the sides and get into the cracks, and just as soon as milk is placed in the vessel they will begin to act upon the milk, causing it to sour rapidly, or to produce substances that have a nasty taste or an unpleasant odor. If there is any trace of milk left in the can after the milk is poured out, they rush down upon it and begin to feed and increase in number. Any dirty places about the floor, or table, or walls, will also cause them to greatly increase. Tainted milk is not pleasant to drink, it makes poor butter and poor cheese ; so that for success in dairying every- thing must be kept clean, very clean — the cows, the food, the stables, the pails, the utensils, the milk house, and the dairy workers. One of the great reasons for using ice and cold spring water to keep the milk, cream, and butter sweet is because these little ferments cannot do harm in very cold places. They do their work only when they are kept moder- ately warm. Science, then, teaches us that in dairying it pays to be clean. In addition to ferments which may get in from the outside it is thought that there are minute forms of life some- what similar to these ferments, which are contained in the PRODUCTS OF MILK. rsi milk itself. These work changes in the milk and milk pro- ducts when the conditions are favorable. Butter.— We have referred to the use of the separator for obtaining sweet cream from the fresh, warm milk. A machine made on a similar plan is capable of so throwing the particles of fat together that they come out, not in the form of cream, but of fine butter. This machine is called an "extractor." The butter made from it will, of course, be sweet cream butter. Ordinarily, however, the cream is obtained either by the separator, by setting in shallow pans, or by setting in deei) cans placed in ice water. Then the cream is allowed to ripen. This ripening is caused by some of the little ferments that were referred to before. These get in from the air, or they may be placed there by taking a little cream from some that has already ripened, just as we may take some dough that has already worked and place in a fresh lot of dough to start it working. At once these ferments begin work, and produce changes that give a new taste or flavor and a now odor to the cream. If we allow the cream to stand too h^ng, or in a foul atmosphere, some ferments will get in that will produce unpleasant taste and foul odors. These little ferments, then, help us in our work, or they can spoil our work. We must, therefore, learn the methods which will give us the best ferments to assist us and keep out the bad ferments that will hinder us. If the milk or the cream is first warmed for a few minutes the ferments in the milk will be killed — the milk will be "pasteurized," as v e ^ly. Then the right kind of ferment is added, and the ripening of the cream takes place. By this method the making of butter is under the perfect control of the dairyman, and butter of uniform (quality is produced. The cream, well-ripened, is placed in the churn, and the action of the churn throws the little particles of fat together, until soon we have them gathered into little masses ; the butter begins to come in little grains ; these grains gather into large m ^ I H I 152 AGRICULTURE. lumps, and soon the buttermilk can be drawn off. The buttev is washed in the churn with cold water, and then turned out and workevd and salted. The buttermilk contains some lactic acid and cosein, both of which, if left in the butter, would be further acted upon by ferments, and disagreeable compounds would be formed ; therefore, the buttermilk is carefully drawn off, the washing is thoroughly done, and the working of the butter drives off the last traces or almost the last traces. The working of the butter, then, is to take out the rest of the buttermilk, but it must be done carefully, so as not to break the tiny grains of the butter and rub them into an oily mass. Then the salting — what is it for? Salt, we know, preserves food. It attracts moisture, the moisture of the buttermilk, and it prevents the ferments from going on with their work. By all this process we have got rid of nearly all the casein, sugar, and ash ; we have still some of the water ; and we should have all, or nearly all, the butter-fat that was in the milk. Any sugar, or acid, or casein that is left, will in time be likely to set the ferments at work and make the butter rancid or stale. Buttermilk. — Since cream varies so much, according to the system of getting the cream, the buttermilk will vary a great deal in composition and value. It should contain very little fat if the churning has been properly done, less than one per cent. It will contain a little ash, quite an amount of lactic acid, and some casein. The casein will vary with the system of creaming. As a food, it should be used as soon after churning as possible, before further fermenting is set up. Cheese. — In making butter, we try to take all the butter-fat, and only the butter-fat, out of the milk ; in making cheese, we try to take all the casein and the fat out of the milk. If we were simply to take the casein out of skim-milk, we would get what is called a skim-milk cheese, or a skim-cheese. Usually, however, whole milk is used, and a great many different kinds of cheese may be made. The milk of goats and of ewes is \ I t PRODUCTS OF MILK. 153 sometimes used, but the cheese of this country is made ahuost entirely from cows' milk. Formerly, the cheese was made in the private dairies, but now principally in factories, to which the milk is drawn. The cheese usually made here in the factories is what is known as Cheddar cheese. It is more properly called American Cheddar, or Canadian Cheddar. The fat, as we already know, is simply floating in the milk in fine particles, but the casein is held in solution. To get it out of the milk it must be changed to an insoluble form. Rennet is the substance used for this purpose. This is an extract obtained from calves' stomachs. If a little rennet is dropped into a glass of milk, the casein will at once begin to appear as a flaky, curdy substance with the fat entangled in it, and the water may be poured off, leaving behind the casein and fat. In the factory, the milk is strained and run into large vats that have a larger vessel or jacket around them for holding water or steam. By means of this jacket the milk can be cooled or warmed, as the maker desires. The rennet is added, and at once curdling begins ; the proper heat is obtained by hot water or steam, and the curdy milk begins to "ripen." Gradually, by working, the flakes or grains of curd increase in size, and when the proper time comes the water is run off. This water or whey carries away the sugar of the milk and most of the ash material ; little or none of the fat should float away on it if the cheese-making has been properly done. The curd is heaped up and allowed to drain, when it appears as a crumbled mass. Some salt is added and mixed with it ; then it is run through the mill, and is ready for putting up in pack- ages. These packages are pressed out and bandages are put an them, when they are taken to the curing room. The curing of the cheese is a very im}>ortant pari of the making. The room IS kept at a warm temj>erature, and various ft^rments work in the cheese, causing changes that add much to the flavor and I ood value ot the -h«;ebe. Tae fresh, or "green," II m 'f1 i II illi 1 ; m m u 'J Pi 154 AGRICULTURE. cheese is not nearly so tasty or so digestible as the matured or well-ripened cheese. If the cheese is allowed to remain exposed to the air it will mold, and its value will be greatly decreased. Its rich flavor depends largely upon the cream of the milk and the changes that take place both in the ripening in the vat and in the after-ripening in the curing-room. Whey. — If we remember that the whey contains the sugar of the milk, most of the ash, and some of the albumen, and casein, and fat, we shall conclude that it contains some food of value. But this value depends upon its being used while "sweet," before it sours, for then its sugar changes to lactic acid, which is not of much value. As a food, it is specially adapted to the feeding of pigs. One of the greatest difficulties about cheese factories arises from the souring of whey. As before stated, success depends upon keeping the factory, the factory yard, and the milk cans absolutely clean. We may sum up the various dairy products as containing the following : Whole milk contains water, fat, casein, albumen, sugar, ash ; Skim-milk contains water, casein, albumen, sugar, ash ; Butter contains water and fat principally ; Cheese contains water, fat, casein ; Whey contains water, sugar, ash, some albumen. The average composition is about as follows in every one hundred pounds : Casein and Water. Fat. Albumen. Sugar. Ash. Whole milk. . . 87.0 4.0 3.5 4.8 0.7 Skim-milk.... 90.0 0.5 3.0 5.0 0.7 Butter lo.o 86.5 i.o 0.5 2.0 Cheese 35.0 33.0 28.0 0.0 4.0 Whey 93.0 0.3 1.0 5.0 0.7 THE STRUCTURE OF ANIMALS. 155 CHAPTER XXXIII. THE STRUCTURE OF ANIMALS. Plants and Animals.— What is the dilTorence between a plant and an animal ? It is sometimes very difficult to deter- mine whether some of the lower forms of living matter are plants or animals. In the higher forms the distinction is easily made by us. What is the difference ? A horse requires air, water, and food. So does a tree. The horse takes in oxygen from the air and breathes out carbonic acid gas ; the tree takes in carbonic acid gas and gives out oxygen. The horse can move about at will to seek food ; the tree remains fixed, and the food comes or is brought to it. The horse feeds upon plants— organized food; the plant feeds upon crude material, such as mineral compounds — unorganized food. The plant, therefore, is built up from the simple substances in the air, soil, and water. The animal builds itself up largely by feeding upon the material formed by the plants. This distinction, however, does not hold in the case of all plants and all animals. Can you state any exceptions to the above ? Bones. — These are the framework or foundation. They largely make the general form of the animal. The bones of a young animal are pliable, but they become more rigid as the animal grows older. They are the support of the animal, but to enable the animal to move, they are in parts joined together. Notice how every bone is suited to its place. The skull covers the top and back of the head, thereby protecting the brain. The ribs, front and back, protect the heart and lungs. Why are they not closely joined together, as the bones of the skull ? The bones are suited in size and length to the uses required ' 1 1 I'i 156 AGRICULTURE. i of the various parts of the body, as may be seen in the bones of the arm and the fingers. The bones are composed of mineral material, phosphate of lime being the principal con- stituent. In structure, they are more or less porous or cellular. Muscles, — 'I'he bones are ingeniously j(jined together in many places, but to hold them together and to move them muscles are recjuired. In some places these are large and tough, in others they are smaller and more tender. The lean part of an animal's body is a mass of fine muscle fibres. Feel their movement on the inside of the wrist while closing the fist. Grasp your upper right arm, then move the lower right arm up and down. We observe that the muscles that do the most work are the strongest and largest. These muscles are in all parts of the body, crossing and overlapping. By con- tracting and expanding them the animal moves the bones, and therefore the part of the body containing the bones. Around them and over them we sometimes find layers of fat which act as a sort of packing. The Organs. — In addition to the ordinary muscles, there are the tongue, the throat, the stomach, the heart, the lungs, the liver, the kidneys, the intestines, etc. These are different in shape and different in their uses, but all are very much like the muscles and tendons in composition — they may be calk 1 structures of muscles formed together into certain definite shapes, so as to do certain definite work. The skin, the hair, the wool, the hoofs, and the horns, that is, the outer parts of an animal, are also made up of the same kind of material as the flesh and muscle. Blood. — "The blood is the life." It flows through all parts of the body, and it is out of it that all the various parts — bone, muscle, organs, lean flesh, fat — are formed. When we examine blood under a microscope we find that it somewhat resembles milk, as shown in figure 77, page 144. First of all, there is the liquid part, which is called /'/ply of food and furs. Trees and forests also add to the fine ai)pearance of a country, whether found along the streams and rivers or on the hill tops. Trees for all hilly country is a good rule to follow. It is there that the streams ;ake their rise. Land there is of less value for grain crops. When we lay bare the hills we cut down the wind-breaks, we dry up the springs and streams, and we leave a poor soil, to be made poorer by the washing of the rains and the blowing of the winds. We should remember that the forest is a crop of the farm, and its nature should be considered as carefully as that of any other crop of the farm. The Forest as a Producer of Crops. — If the trees are a crop, how should that crop be harvested? We cut down all of a wheat crop at one time. If we are growing a crop of corn for green ears we do not pick all at once, but go over the field again and again, taking the ears that are full-grown and leaving the small ears to grow larger. If we were to cut down a whole forest or a wood, as we do a crop of wheat, we would have to wait many years for a new crop. But if we take out each year only the largest trees, and leave the others standing until they grow to full-size, we can harvest a crop of trees every year, and at the same time assist the smaller trees to grow more rapidly. The cutting down of trees, large and small alike, is wasteful; the proper cutting of trees, leaving the young forest to make growth, is alone worthy of the name of forestry. There is only one w ^y in which to become acquainted with trees, and that is by studying the trees themselves as they are growing. In studying a tree the following points are to be noticed. First, as to whether it is an evergreen or whether it sheds its leaves (that is, deciduous) ; second, the general shape of the tree, whether it grows tall or spreads out, how it branches ; third, the form of its leaves ; fourth, the nature of its bark ; and, fifth, the nature and form of its seeds or nuts. FORESTRY. i8c Contrast the cedar and the maple; contrast the branching of the elm and of the beech ; contrast the leaves of the nuii)le, of the oak, and of the ash ; contrast the bark of the hickory and of the birch ; contrast the seeds of the pine and of the bassvvood. The Forest Tree Nursery.— Every farm should, and every school might, have a small nursery, a plot fenced off so that cattle and pigs cannot get into it, and which should be as well tended as a flower garden. Here are the instructions of a forester, Sir Henri Joly, of Quebec :— "With a little attention, it is easy to tell when the seeds are ripe. Thus, tcnvard the end of June and early in July the seeds of the elm and those of the plane are ri[)e; if you sow them at once, they will shoot up nearly a foot that same summer. The seeds of the maple, ash, oak, wild cherry, and walnut mature in the autumn ; it is better to sow them innnediately than to kee[) them in the house all winter. Sow, let us say, maple seeds half an inch deei), and others, in i)ro[)ortion to their size, two or three inches for nuts. Sow thickly, and after the first year you can thin them by transplanting some. After four or five years you can {)lant your young trees where they are to remain. You should select cloudy or rainy weather in the spring. " In many cases you can even spare yourself the trouble of sowing. When the ground is favorable in July or August, along the ditches, the wo(xls, the fences, in the moss, in damp places, in the neighborhood of t'he elms and the planes, you will find hundreds of little shoots which have sprung from the seeds fallen from the trees ; plant them in your nursery. "The seed of the pine is very difficult to gather. Early in the spring, in the pastures near the pines, you can pull up, when the soil is damp, as many little trees as you will wish to plant; for this kind it will l)e better to take the precaution to shelter them from the sun until they have taken root." 13 1 86 AGRICULTURE. i [■:'■ 1 From this nursery you can set out a row of maples or elms along the main road and the lane, taking care to keep them well apart, so that they will branch out and not shade the road too much ; you can also plant a wind-break for the house and the garden ; you can cover the hilly ground and protect all springs and water courses ; you can also plant a small clump in a corner of the pasture, being careful to protect it from the cattle till well grown ; you can locate a few trees near the house, but not too near. There will be no difficulty in finding a place for every tree, and, if properly cared for, every tree thus set oul; will add to the value of the farm or the home. 1. How many dififerent kinds of maple, of oak, of birch, of cedar, of elm, of ash and of pine are found in your neighborhood? 2. What is pulp? What trees are used for producing pulp? 3. Which is more valuable, a pine from the open or one from a pine forest? Why? 4. Why will a hollow tree live and a girdled tree die ? 5. What causes the rings in a tree, and the grain in a board ? How can you tell a tree's age ? 6. How is maple syrup made? When? Do any other trees give similar products ? 7. What causes a knot in a pine board and a burl in an oak tree ? 8. What is the effect on forest growth of allowing cattle to browse and range through the wood lot. 9. What are the principal uses in manufacture of maple, ash, elm, birch, oak, hickory, basswood, black walnut, cedar, hemlock, spruce, and white pine ? 10. Explain the difference between log, timber, and lumber ; board, plank, and deal ; straight-cut and quarter-cut ; selected, mill-run, and culls. How is lumber measured ? Cone of white pine. (One half natural size.) ROADS. 187 ■ n CHAPTER XXXIX. rem a pine ROADS. " A good road is one that is good in bad weather." Early Roads. — The Indians made their journeys by canoe routes and by trails. The former followed the winding streams and lakes, shortened in places by portages or "carries." The latter were narrow footpaths that wound in and out, up and down, following the easiest natural route. There was little or no attempt at making or improving the road or path. Large stones and fallen trees were avoided, not removed, and a good surface to the path was got only by long use, not by any attempt at direct improvement. The condition of the roads is a fair test of civilization —the savages do not make roads. When the settlers first came into the forest to make their homes, the first thing required was a road by which to get in to and on to the lot. This road was made as quickly and as cheaply as possible. The trees were cleared away, making the " road allowance," some of the stumps were removed, and the road was thus used in its first stage. It was found, however, that such a road was impassable and useless in the spring and fall or during heavy rains, — it needed drainage. Then followed the next improvement, namely, the cutting of a ditch on each side, the dirt from which was thrown upon the road, thereby raising the centre a little above the sides. This second stage was a great improvement; the water drained off into the side ditches, and the roadway was kept fairly dry. The wheels of carts and the feet of horses and of oxen do not cut into the dry earth so easily as into the mud. Such a road as this we call a dirt or earth road. Many are still found, and they are 1 88 AGRICULTURE. the only kind of road to be useful th( ssihie in certain places, but in order must be kept well rounded up and well drained on the sides. The greatest enemy of all roads is water, whether it is water /';/ the material of the road or on the surface of the road. The frost can do no damage unless there is water in the road. You know that water expands when it freezes, so that when a wet road freezes it heaves, and becomes broken up. This, then, is the first principle of road-making — keep it dry by open drains on the side, or by covered tile drains on the side, or by tile drains below the road. 'I'he next principle in road-making is to get a fairly hard surface. In early days the settlers sometimes cut down small trees, and, after trimming them, laid them side by side across the dirt road. By this means there was made a surface that was hard but a little rough. Such a road, from its ribbed nature, was called a "corduroy" road. Later on, when saw- mills became common, sawn-planks were sometimes laid down, forming a plank road. The object in both cases was to get a hard, lev^l surface. A horse can pull but a light load through loose sand or deep miry mud ; he can draw much more on a hard, level road ; he can draw still more on a level steel track. Why is this so ? Gravel Roads. — Another way to harden the surface is to put hard, stony material upon it. First of all, good gravel may be used, and a coating of it laid along the roadway. You will at once ask as to whether loose gravel will not be difficult to drive through. So it is. Therefore we must get the gravel well packed together, and so a roller is used. After first rolling the dirt roadway, a layer of gravel is put on, and the heavy roller is again driven back and forth, every time crush- ing the gravel down a little, and packing it together a little more closely. This should be done scores of times if neces- sary. The number of times will, of course, depend upon the weight of the roller; a heavy 20-ton steam roller will not need ROADS. 189 to be passed over the gravel as often as a 6-ton roller drawn by two teams of horses. Unless the gravel is rolled in this way, it remains loose and soft when the fall rains come on, the wheels of wagons cut through it, and mix it with the mud beneath ; and so the gravel is wasted and the road is not nearly so good as it should be. Then more gravel is put on and rolled again, and a nicely rounded or crowned surface is made which will shed the rain-water into the side ditches, and which is so hard and compact on the surface that the wheels will not cut through. But big open ditches on the side are unsightly ; they get choked up with weeds, and they are frequently dangerous to horses and travellers. They should be kept clean, of course, so that the water will not stand in them. But the better plan is to put down a covered tile drain on each side of the road, and leave only a shallow ditch above it. The grass will grow over this, and a neat roadside will result. Fig. 83. — A gravel road properly crowned, with side ditches and tile drains. In order to get a strong, tough surface, the gravel must be well packed together, that is, it must "bind." If we mix together in the road coarse gravel and fine hard stony material and soft fine dirt the road will soon become uneven. It is necessary, therefore, to have the gravel well screened ; then the coarser part should be spread on the roadway and well rolled, and the finer gravel spread upon it to form the surface. All soft material, such as sods and loose dirt, should be kept IQO AGRICULTURE. out of the gravel ; in short, the gravel should be as clean as possible; it should be screened, graded, and put on in layers, and should be well rolled. Stone Roads.— As a rule, gravel is more or less rounded, and therefore does not at first bind well. You know that a road could not be well made out of marbles. To bind well there must be sharp corners and rough sides on the pieces. So we find that broken stone will make a stronger and more durable road than will gravel. But we must remember the points already referred to, namely, the road must first of all be thoroughly drained, both underneath and on the sides ; the stone must be put down in courses, the largest below and the smallest on the surface, and every course must be thoroughly Fig. 84. — This is the kind of road that is made by placing loose stones on a dirt road without properly preparing the foundation— the stones sink through the mud beneath. rolled as it is laid. It is a mistake to leave the rolling until the road is all filled in. The dirt sub-soil should first be well rolled. In using broken stone care should be used in choos- ing a tough rock ; if the rock is soft it will soon be ground into du.-.t. Tough limestone and the hard rock called trap are the best. Sandstone and most kinds of granite are too easily crumbled for use on roads for heavy travel. Now, as to the mode of building or laying a stone road. First of all, we may build the road of broken stones, none of which are over three inches in diameter, laying the stone in courses, and well packing it by rolling. In this way we make ROADS. 191 what is called a macadam road. It is so named after a Scottish engineer, John L. Macadam, who lived from 1756 to 1836, and who originated this method of making roads. Fig. 85.— A Macadam road. We may, however, begin the road by laying a foundation of flat stones from six to eight inches in thickness, then a layer of coarsely broken stone, another layer or course of more finely broken stone, and a thin coat of fine gravel or screenings on the surface — all well compacted by a heavy roller. This kind of road is called a Telford road, from the inventor, Thomas Telford, a Scottish engineer, who lived from 1757 to 1834. Fig. 86. — A Telford road. The legal width of a country road allowance is 66 feet. The usual travel on such a road does not require more than 24 feet of this to be graded and crowned. In the centre of this graded portion the metalling (that is, the broken stone or gravel) is placed, having a width of 6 or 8 feet and a dept,h of 9 to 12 inches, according to the number and weight of the vehicles which will pass over the road. As the country becomes more thickly populated, and the number of vehicles IQZ AGRICULTURE. using the road increases, it will be found necessary to make the metalled portion wider than 24 feet. Notes : — Broad tires should be used on heavy waggons and carts, as wheels with wide tires will not sink so readily in sand and dirt as wheels with narrow tires — in fact the wide-tired wheels have the same good effects as a roller on the surface of the road. The greatest enemy to good roads is water in the roadbed and water on the surface. Notice how a small hole on the sur- face of a road becomes larger soon after a rain. The best time to mend a road is just as soon as it needs mending. " A stitch in time saves nine." The road surface should be nicely crowned, so as to shed the water to the side ditches; the side ditches should be kept clean and uniform, so that the water will run away and not stand in them ; the road sides should be level and sloping towards the ditches, and should be covered with sod, all weeds, stumps and shrubs being cut out. The fences along the road should be kept neat and trim. If trees are planted along the roadside they should be far enough apart to allow the sunlight to keep the road dry. As a rule the roads are a sure index of the intelligence, enterprise, and prosperity of a farming community. Poor, cheap roads are a source of great expense to farmers. Good roads, well-kept, will enable the farmer to draw heavier loads in a shorter time, cause less wear and tear on vehicles, horses and harness, add much to the pleasure and satisfaction of living in the country, and increase the value of farm property. A good road brings a farmer nearer to his neighbors, nearer to market, nearer to school, and nearer to church. THE COUNTRY HOME. 193 CHAPTER XL. THE COUNTRY HOME. A Fine Country Home. — In the older countries of Europe most families of even moderate wealth endeavor to have two homes or residences, a city or town house and a country house. The greater pleasure, the more lasting recollections, are usually associated with the latter. When we clearly under- stand the nature and the surroundings of the rural homes, the country seats, of England, Scotland and Ireland, we do not wonder at the preference. With increased wealth, in the future a similar condition of affairs may, perhaps, result in this country, but the building up of pleasant, attractive country homes in this land need not be i)ut off until the day of increased wealth shall make such possible to a few. Far better will it be for this country if every farmer's home can be made attractive and comfortable. Many men of the towns and cities, wearied and perplexed with the driving cares and the never-ending anxieties of their busy life, look forward longingly to a time when they can return to the country, for a part of the year at least, to enjoy the quiet, the comfort, and the health- fulness of a country home, even though it may be a very humble home. The young people of to-day will ere long be making homes for themselves ; in fact, even now they can do something towards making their homes more attractive, hence it is not out of place to make a brief study of what the ideal country home should be. Home life in the country, as in the town, is the most important factor in building ui) character. A nation's life is largely the combined home life of all the families that make up the nation. 194 AGRICULTURE. The House. — The house depends for its attractiveness not upon what it is made of — stone, brick, wood, logs— but upon its form, its situation and its surroundings. In deciding upon the outhne of a house both plainness and too much variation and decoration should be avoided. It should, if possible, face towards the south, to see the first of spring and the last of autumn ; it should be near enough to the road to bring passing vehicles and traffic within range, and yet not right on or against the road. If possible, from the front there should be a pleasant outlook or landscape. It should stand on rising ground, so that there will be perfect drainage away from it, and no possibility of any drainage towards it. Having selected a good site, we begin with the house, and, of course, start with the cellar. This should extend under the whole house, otherwise some of the rooms may be damp at times. The cellar should be deep enough so that one can walk about in all parts of it erect ; it should have a concrete floor, and a well-laid drain from it to keep it dry. Have windows on all sides, so that the whole cellar can be kept well aired. If it can be arranged, have a root-cellar apart from the house, say in one corner of the garden. All this means a little extra expense, but damp, musty cellars and decaying roots result in sickness, sometimes in death, and the cost of a good cellar will be money well invested. The arrangement of the rooms in the house is a matter largely of choice. There should be a large kitchen, a pantry, a dining-room, and a parlor on the ground floor. There should be also a reading-room or library or study, in which will be found the best agricultural papers, and at least a small collection of the best agricultural books and reports. Two other things should be provided for, namely, one large bow window for house-plants and a grate for a log fire. The sleep- ing rooms may be on the second floor, and, in addition, there should be a store-room and a bath-room. ■^" THE COUNTRY HOME. 195 So much for the inside. On the outside there should be a wide verandah with comfortable t:hairs. This will be found to be the summer living room. It should run the length of at least one side of the house, and, if the style of the house allow and the outlook be favorable, it should run around on a second side, lioth sides will be used in different kinds of weather. Around the supports of the verandah there can be twined a climbing plant, Virginia creeper or ivy or honey- suckle or clematis or climbing rose. The Surroundings of the House. — Two great essentials to health are pure air and sunlight ; therefore, have plenty of windows, and keep all trees far enough away so that the windows will not be darkened. You wish a Hne outlook from your verandah, therefore do not plant trees to hide the view. You should, or may have, a few trees along the main road and on either side of the winding driveway from the entrance-gate, but keep the front well open, so as to let in the fresh air and the sunlight, and so as to allow you to see out and away over the country. In the rear have a clump of spruce, to act as a wind-break against the cold north and north-west winds. On the side you may have a neally-trimmed hedge of cedar, and here and there you may have a native shrub, but between your house and the road have a sloping lawn of green grass, clear of weeds, and well-trimmed. If the lawn is large enough you might have one or two shapely maples, but do not crowd out the grass or obstruct the view. And the flowers? On the side rather than in front, but choice and taste will settle where they are to go. Perhaps you can make a simple plan or sketch of a home such as we have briefly outlined. You will find that you will have to alter it to suit the general situation and lay-out of your farm, but, keeping in mind these simple principles as a guide, you can, if you will, make in time an ideal country home, which is one of the greatest blessings of any country. 196 AGRICULTURE. Suggestions to thk Tkacher : Are not the surroundings of the average country school bare and cheerless? (Fig. 88). May they not be improved by the planting of such native shrubs and flowers as might be picked up in a half- day's outing with the boys and girls? (Fig. 8g). In this connection the teacher will do well to consult " Hints on Rural School Grounds," Bulletin No. 160, Cornell University Experiment Sta- tion, from which the accompanying cuts are taken. _J L Hoar?. Fig. 87. — A "uorner" schoolhouse and how the grounds may be arranged. THE COUNTRY HOME. 197 Fig. 88. — A country schoolhouse. Fig. 89.— How it mietht be improved by addinf; some trees and shrubs. (From Bulle- tin, College of Agriculture, Cornell University, entitled " Hints on the Planting of bii.ubbery," Figs. 21 and 22.) m 198 AGRICULTURE. The leading thought in planting home grounds, but particularly school grounds, is to have a setting of green- sward for the central figure — the building — and then to frame this with an irregular border of trees, shrubs, and flowers, as shown in Fig, 90. The border can always be added to or taken from with- out disturbing the arrangement. A hill of corn or a canna root may be inserted in the background with pleasing effect, while the foreground may be used for annual flowers. TREES AND SHRUBS. 199 APPENDIX. TREES AND SHRUBS. There are special botanical names for all trees and shrubs, just as there are for other plants, such as grasses and weeds. In the following table the scientific or botanical name is put in one column and the common name in the other. In every case two words are used — the first being a noun and the second an adjective; as picea, meaning "spruce," and aWa^ meaning "white." In the same way, ^w^/^^j meaning " oak," quercus alba is the botanical name of " white oak," and quercus rubra "red oak." Abies bahamifera Balsam fir. Acer dasycarpttm Silver maple. [box elder. Acer negundo Ash-leaved or Manitoba maple or Acer Pennsylvanicum Striped maple or moose wood. Acer rubrum Red or soft maple. Acer saccharinum Sugar or rock maple Acer spicatum Mountain maple. Aesculus hippocastanum Horse chestnut. Betula lutea Yellow birch. B^.tula lenta . . . , Black or cherry or sweet birch. Bctitla nigra Red birch. Vi Uda papyrifera Canoe or paper birch. .0 >,rvo and add the other 30 galloos of water. Use only woorlen vessels. Pans Green solutionis made byotirring up i pound of Paris Green in 200 to 300 gallons of water (200 for apple trees, 250 for plums, and 300 lor peaches), adi about 4 gallons of milk of lime. When the Paris Green and Bordeaux mixture are to be used together to check the insects and di-sease at the same time, make the Bordeaux mixture as above stated and add 4 oz. of Paris Green to ihe 40 gallons of Bordeaux mixture. Kerosene Emulsion. Hard soap ^ pound, or soft soap, i quart. Boiling water (soft) I gallon. Coal oil 2 gallons. After dissolving the soap in the water, add the coal oil and stir well for 5 to 10 minutes. When properly mixed, ic will adhere to glass without oiliness. A syringe or pump will aid much in this 'voik. In using, dilute with from 9 to 15 parts of water. Kerosene emulsion may be prepared with sour milk (i gallon) and coal oil (2 gallons), no soap being required. This latter will not keep long. D. APPLETON AND COMPANY'S PUBLICATIONS. A PPLE TONS • BOME- READING BOOKS. Ed- •^^^^ ited by W. T. Harris, A. M., LL. D., U. S. Commissioner of Education. 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