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At tlie meeting of the Royal Society of Canada held in May, 1883, I presented a paper on "The Influence oi Sex on Ilylirids nmong Fruits*," in which reference was made to some cross-bred or hybrid raspberries, crosses between a variety known as Philadelphia, an im- proved form of Jiahiiti ferfect. Pease. — About 175 crosses have been made in this group and some very promising and prolific forms originated particularly among the crosses of 1892. From one of these between a variety known as Multiplier female and the Mummy pea as male the single pea produced a crop of 185 pods containing 840 peas. Another example of the same cross has a record of 146 pods containing 730 peas. A third, a cross between the Black-eyed Marrowfat, female, and the Mummy as male, gave a yield of 165 pods, containing 675 peas while many others gave a return of from 500 to 600 fold. A large number of the less promising of these crosses were discarded during the summer of 1893, but eighty-three of them have been pre- served all of which are being grown again side by side this year, for further comparative test. Oats. — Some experiments have also been made with oats, with the object of bringing about increased earliness and productiveness, stiffness of straw, plumpness of grain and thin- ness of hull. All the less promising sorts have been discarded, but 15 varieties have been preserved for further trial. 142 WM. SAITNI>!:US ON KXl'KRIMKNTS IN CJIOSS-FKRTILIZING, ETC. In fruitri also niai)y additional varieties have been obtained, both by ei'oss-fertilizati(»n and selection. LTsefnl varit^ties of gooseberries have been raised. Many new sorts of i'as|»- berries have been produced by crossing some of the leading varieties in cullivation, particu- larly the Cutid)ert, a large red raspberry, as female, with a large black caj) known as the Gregg a.-^ male. The progeny are all purple caps of large size, and some of them arc very prolific. Probably the most interesting of all the new crosses are the hybrids which have been obtained between the black currant Jiihes najram as female and the white variety of the red currant Jiihes nihrnia as nuile, also the black currant as female with the gooseberry Rihes (jrosmlavld as male. Many of these hybrids show the gooseberry and white currant blood very distinctly in their foliage and also in their flowers. Most of those which partake of the gooseberry and white currant types, altiiough raised from seed of the black currant, have entirely lost in their foliage the strong and characteristic o(' nir of tin; black currant. In two instances only in this class have F Vieen able to detect this odour, and in both of these it is faint. The gcosebcrry and white currant blood in these hybrids is also recognized by insects antl parasitica phuits. The gooseberry saw-fly Netnatii.s vaiitricosiif!, which avoids the black currant, feeds freely on these hydrids, and the mildew Sphaei'otkeca )ii(>rs-i(r(r, which attacks the foliage of the goosei)erry but does not aftect the black currant, thrives on the hybrids. The flower clusters are intermediate in chatiicter l)etween the parents, and usually have from three to Ave and in some instances as many as seven and eight in a bunch, thus resendjling the black currant. No thorns have in any instance been found on the wood. Notwithstanding that flowers have been produced on many of the bushes in abnndance dur- ing the past season, and careful examination has failed to detect a* y defect in the sexual organs or the pollen, tione of the fruit has set. Sevei'al hybrids have also been obtained between one of the cultivated red raspberries Habas striffosu.s, known as Marlboro, female, and an improved form of the blackberry Rahus villosus, known as Agawam, male. One of these will probably fruit in 1895.