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Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 i partir de i'angle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Lor diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 ♦ f 6 fi GI PUBLIi G3^ DEPARTMENT OF' AGRICULTURE CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM OTTAWA, CANADA RESULTS OBTAINED IN 1896 FROM TRIAL PLOTS OF GRAIN, FODDER CORN AND ROOTS BXJLLKTIN :N'o. 26 JANUARY, 1897 PUBLISHKO UY DIKECTION OF THE HOV. SYDNEY A. FiSHER, MiNISTKR 01!' AGRICULTDRB. m X ■ f 1 ."' ^1 l ' 1 ■ ll 1 ?! '? 1 j •i It !'■ ■(': \ ii rt" i >' To the Honourable The Minister of Agriculture Sib, — I have the honour to submit for your approval bulletin 26 of the Experimental Farm series, prepared by myself. In this bulletin will be found tlie results of a large number of experiments which have been carried on at all the experimental farms durin;r the season of 1896, with oats, barley, spring wheat, pease, Indian corn, turn'ps, mangels, carrots and potatoes, in uniform plots. This work has been undertaken with the object of gain- ing information as to the relative productiveness and earlinoss of the many varieties under test. The results show wide variations in the weight of the crops grown and point to the importance of greater care being exercised by farmers in choosing varieties of seed for sowing. I trust that the information given, covering the experience gained under most of the more important climatic A'ariations found in the Dominion, will be useful to farmers everywhere throughout Canada. I have the honour to be. Your obedient servant, WM. SAUNDERS, Director Experimental Farms. Ottawa, 4th January, 1897. I i! '. >J 11 ■ il' ; ■ ! • RESULTS OBTATT^ED IN 1896 FROM TRIAL PLOTS OP GRAIN. FODDER CORN AND ROOTS By William Saundeks, LL.D., F.R.S.C., F.L.S., &o. Director Experimental Farms. In March, 1896, Bulletin 24 of the Experimental Farm series was pub. lished, ilealing with the results obtained in ISOf) from a largo number of test plots similar to those now reported on, at each of the experimental farms with many varieties of oats, barley, wheat, pease, Indian coin, turnips, mangels, carrots and potatoes. In order to place in the hands of the farmers of Canada information which may be valuable for them to study before the planting season approaches, the present bulletin is issued in advance of the Annual Report of the Experimental Farms and will be found to contain, in a form convenient for reference, the experience gained from similar work carried on during the season of 1896. . ^ The experiments referred to have been continued with more or less com- pleteness since 1891 on all the Experimental Farms, where the important crops named have been grown side by side on land of fairly uniform character. In preparing for this work much care has been taken to have the seed of each variety chosen, uniform in quality and true to name. A sufficient quantity has been grown or procured at the Central Experimental Farm, and from thence distributed to the branch farms. Suitable instiuctions have been giv.3n as to the preparation of the land, the time and manner of sowing or planting each variety, the quantity of seed to be used ; also that the land selected for this purpose be as uniform as possible, with an available area sufficient to include all the varieties of one sort of grain, so as to admit of the plots being arranged side by side and all sown on the same day. These experiments were planned for the purpose of ascertaining the rela- tive productiveness of the many varieties in cultivation, of all the more valuable farm crops, when grown under similar conditions ; also their periods of ripening in the diflferent climates of Canada. In the following pages particulars are given of the crops produced at each of the Experimental Farms from all the varieties sown, also the average of the crops obtained at all the farms, The time required for the * 1; [■ \U tnaturinj; of the difTcrent sorts is also shown, and the varipties in ovory casp arn arrangod in tho order of tlioir produc.'tivtness at the Central lOxperiintintal Farm at OtUiwa. At the Central Farm moat of the crops have been good during tho season of 1S9G. Tliey have also bten exct-plionally good at the branch farms at Nappan, N.S., and at Indian Head, in tho North-west Territories. At tho ))ratich Experimental Farm at Brandon they have been above the average ; but at the farm at Agassi/,, B.C., tho soascm has been unfavourable and tho r<;turns are below the average of past years. OATS. Fifty-eight varieties of oats have been tested during the season of 1806. The size of the plots oa which they were gi-own was one-tenth of an acre each at Brandon, Man., and Indian Head, N.W.T., and one-twentieth of an acre each at Ottawa, Ont., Nappan, N.S., and Agassiz, B.C. The tjuan- tity of seed sown of each variety was in the proportion of two bushels per acre, and the dates of sowing wore as follows : — (')ttawa, 30th April and 1st May; Nappan, 5th May; Brandon, 14th May; Indian Head, 5th May, and at Agassiz o*i 15th April. The average crop of all the varieties of oats grown on these plots at each of the farms we <^.nd to be as follows : — At Ottawa, 62 bush. 17 lbs. ; at Nappan, 74 bush. 30 lbs. ; at Brandon, 63 bush. 17 lbs. ; at Indian Head, 76 bush. 19 lbs., and at Agassiz, 46 bush. 22 lbs. The average return given by the whole of the varieties at all the farms is 64 bush. 28 lbs. UNIFORM TEST PLOTS OF OATS. Yield of tho several Exiifviniental Number of Days Name of Variety. F arms, St'iison of 1890 from Sowing to Harvesting. 3 *5 a O 4-3 'A c 5 1 to to s O « i i o Iz; o •^ f— 1 HH < ) >. >, Si' 3 3 S XI ZT £ rt ^ rt rt ri c3 M 1 ^ 33 hH M 1^ M I-; P3 A M F-H « « « Q 1 Banner 85 10 99 14 100 94 4 54 24 SO 24 94 100 104 105 122 100 i 2 Golden Beauty. . . 80 7(i l(i 70 2(i S9 24 44 9 73 15 93 100 112 100 120 107S 3 Americ'nTriuuiph 7« is H4 4 57 32 97 22 48 8 !•> 10 95 119 113 100 127 112 4 Columbus t 1 2 83 18 00 30 S9 20 57 2 73 22 92 100 105 104 118 105? 5 White Russian. . . 70 6 S8 8 70 20 79 4 40 10 72 4 94 100 110 101 181 105f 0 Holstein Prolific. 7() 6 72 82 22 103 2.S 53 18 77 21 91 109 90 105 120 104i 7 Mennonite 75 .30 93 85 89 4 50 25 78 25 92 110 99 100 123 100 S Golden Giant 74 24 71 G 70 0 75 10 72 10 101 119 119 115 113^ 9 Brandon 73 28 82 12 70 08 28 ii 0 00 8 94 no 113 110 128 111 10 Hazlett's Seizure. 73 18 58 28 (52 32 75 20 45 10 (i3 8 93 109 103 104 120 \m 11 Bavarian 72 22 38 28 73 8 91 10 58 8 00 30 94 100 104 105 120 \m 12 Abundance 72 12 70 20 80 89 14 40 70 10 92 109 98 105 112 \m\ 13 Buckbee's Illinois 72 12 95 30 70 '2(i 70 55 30 72 32 94 110 110 113 128 111 14 Giant Cluster.... 71 2(5 74 4|44 24 45 .30 59 4 101 119 112 • • - 119 1129 15 Improved Ligowo 71 16,84 4 78 18 92 32 50 20 ,0 18 89 100 104 90 120 103 16 Early Archangel. 71 1()|65 3001 10 85 30 50 20 07 2 89 100 102 101 120 103? 17 Doncaster Prize. . 71 0 ,02 10 37 12 95 10 i51 11 03 17 102 100 119 100 120 IIO-^ UNIFOKM TKST PLOTS OK OYl^- Conlinued. Yiel . f the several Experiliirntal Number of F)ay» Name of Varii-ty. 1 'arms, Sea.s(Hl of 189( , from Sow ing to Ha rvestingf. 4^ 'A B ta.4 * , • "a c ■r O A d 1. EH u 5" 0 1 is A i It > is a '/J 5> > 'A O Y-i tt hH <; < 5 A J, P3 < *f. J .d jd ji M A pq r ■r r ii\ n tr! 7! T. r/. k> >> >t >, >i >> P3 2 3 'A ^ M ^ 3 CQ >^ 3 t4 Q ^ ^ ^ 18 Oderbruoh 70 20 81 24 57 "2 72 22 55 10 08 6 95 108 no 100 123 m\ 10 RuHHoU 70 09 20 14 89 70 14 1(> 07 78 22 18 02 89 33 24 41 50 13 20 0*; 72 13 32 92 110 108 no 104 114 103 119 127 loot 20 Amcricun Boauty 21 Kennie's Pri/.e . . . (IH H 01 20 08 18 00 20 37 7 00 17 89 100 94 97 119 99^ 22 Flying Scotchman 08 8 CO *l 00 20 00 10 42 12 tl2 20 9 0 85 10 01 20 09 27 94 lO'.l 113 10'i 119 108^ 24 Croniwt'U (J8 8 79 14 52 32 01 10 I'D 10 03 10 9t IKt 113 115 119 llOf 2.-) White Schonen . 0(> 0 97 2 75 20 84 14 55 30 75 2S 93 110 no 105 113 I05if 2t> PeiiHe ()5 3() 101 24 39 24 71 0 42 32 04 30 90 109 113 115 123 ll4 "7 Liincoln 05 04 20 21 79 33 14 18 88 i.s 02 95 >> 30 47 01 7 20 03 08 19 28 95 9('> 100 100 iio 104 105 127 128 108 28 Ey(J()lden Prolific Wallis 109 2(1 02 32 82 12 72 32 84 14 51 2() 70 30 92 100 no 105 118 106^ 30 Welcome 02 12 58 28 02 2 70 10 50 5 00 25 89 109 97 95 115 101 31 Miller 02 01 12 20 74 09 4 14 ()(i 02 2(i 2 59 71 10 0 38 44 20 9 00 (il 10 25 90 94 loo 10(; no 97 111 91 128 122 not 102if 32 Cream Egyptian. 33 Abyssinia 01 <) 77 2 (i5 74 24 50 10 ()5 22 95 10(i no ni 122 108^ 34 Master .... . 61 () 90 73 is 02 2 52 32 07 32 94 110 no 115 120 109,^ Sf) •foanettfi 00 00 30 30 88 84 8 14 54 44 14 14 77 79 32 14 34 54 9 24 (i3 04 5 20 90 90 110 110 111 119 111 111 119 119 109J in 3B Early Etampes. . . 37 Kosedale 00 20 82 32 00 30 06 10 42 12 02 22 94 108 no 109 119 108 38 Victoria Piize . . . 00 50 75 20 70 41 8 59 12 88 109 94 94 113 99* 39 Poland 00 00 20 00 30 64 4 37 22 56 22 92 100 101 97 119 101 J 40 Scotch Hopetown 00 (52 , , 10 20 03 IS 40 48 15 105 109 113 112 123 112'^ 41 Bonanza 59 21 81 6 08 8 1)7 22 51 8 05 20 88 100 90 94 112 99 It 4'^ Oxford 59 59 24 14 88 01 28 26 Oi) 87 20 08 12 04 18 24 40 46 20 .'50 62 ()4 23 95 88 no 108 111 80 115 97 123 100 llOJ 97 43 Winter Grey 44 Prize Cluster 58 28 50 47 22 07 2 38 21 52 22 101 109 98 97 123 Ht5^ 4f) King 58 57 56 8 22 11 85 83 55 10 18 30 80 2 77 10 07 30 00 32 22 10 31 41 44 20 8 4 60 00 59 2 2 17 99 94 88 100 no 108 105 119 107 113 115 98 127 128 113 110 4f> Mec al nsi 102^ 47 Scottish Chief.... 48 Imported Irish. . . .56 0 67 22 04 4 57 12 40 10 57 4 88 99 98 97 112 98* 49 White Wonder... 50 0 47 2 41 20 73 8 38 12 51 10 89 100 80 93 113 !»7? 50 Early Maine .... 55 55 10 77 49 22 14 19 71 4 0 92 71 12 10 47 39 2 14 04 57 10 10 96 98 no 119 116 119 100 113 123 113 1104 112? 51 Siberian 52 Wide Awake 54 4 84 24 70 20 90 47 7 09 11 92 106 no 104 112 104| 53 White Monarch.. 52 32 67 22 50 10 92 2 42 .32 02 14 102 100 no 100 118 108? 54 Pro! BlkTartarian 52 2 72 32 57 32 80 , 41 13 62 9 97 100 110 111 123 109? 55 Olive 4!) 14 80 45 81 0 40 10 61 20 98 no 112 112 113 109 50 Coulommiers 47 32 83 i8 54 i-i 58 10,44 14 58 5 105 119 120 115 128 117? 57 Early Blossom . . . Cal. Prolific Black 45 30 84 24 58 18 70 048 3 61 16 96 109 105 113 119 108? 58 45 10 83 18 57 2 84 24 44 24 63 2 90 100 113 111 127 IIOJ Among the varieties included in the above list there are ten of the cross-bred sorts which have been produced at the experimental farms, they are the following ; Brandon, Russell, Cromwell, Pense, Miller, Master, Oxford, King, Medal and Olive. The average crops obtained of these new varieties are, at Ottawa, 62 bush. 24 lbs.; at Nappan, 86 bush. 12 lbs. ; at Brandon, 56 29 lbs. ; at Indian Head, 67 bush. 21 lbs. ; and at Agassiz, 43 bush. 9 lbs. The average yield, taking the results obtained at all the farms, is 63 bush. 12 lb. per acre. The Golden Giant was omitted at Agassiz, the Giant Cluster at Indian Head and the Lincoln at Brandon for the reason that the seed was not received in time for sowing. I hi I \ ^'jiii y\ l! ! Ml The twfilvo varieties of nats wliicli liiiv(> proflurod the largest crop<» during 18'J(» at the s<^\t>nil (fxp liiiH'iituI fmins iini tho t'ollnwinjj : — CkNTIIAI, I'iXI'KlflMKNTAl. FaUM, OTTAWA, OnT. I'cr Acnt, UiimIi. I lli)lMtfiii I'rolilic 7<) H. IS !». •> 10. (> U. G 12. M»'iiiU(iiito 7f> «;nl,|..ii (Jiiint 7» I'.iiiii.loti 7.'« I I;i/.!ft t'M Sfi/.uro 7H M.'iv iniiii 72 Aliuiidiinco 72 :to 24 28 IK 22 12 All iiv> ■A j? ^ s? n ^ M ^ P5 ^q M h^ m h) pq ^ 0 » a Q a Q \ Bolton 51 2 27 44 43 16 55 40 27 4 41 2 91 103 87 96 1121 97 2 Newton 51 2 22 4 47 44 08 30 18 16 41 30 94 111 93 98 112101 3 Danish Chevalier. 50 10 20 32 41 12 01 22 40 .. 43 44 95 1 1 0 U s "b •r, < 1 & 1 pq i PQ hJ pq 1^ i PQ i i £ PQ 1-3 i 1 1 1 Odessa 69 62 8 4 22 29 44 8 32 24 41 42 62 24 61 40 25 25 22 42 20 44 4 86 86 103 103 90 90 87 90 100 100 93 2 Royal 94 3 Champion 61 61 60 58 58 12 2 46 46 47 61 36 47 42 44 32 12 44 4 52 4 59 18 36 22 40 40 29 38 53 16 71 42 65 .. ii7 14 59 18 20 28 28 22 24 is 16 24 28 46 44 56 22 45 10 47 24 42 46 82 87 S3 85 86 04 97 110 110 110 90 91 90 89 90 90 90 94 94 93 93 99 101 107 113 90 4 Mensury 93 5 Baxter's 96 6 Trooper 97 7 Summit 98 ft 58 57 56 55 36 24 26 .38 12 8 42 14 43 46 58 .. 54 18 48 16 55 30 15 23 26 19 36 12 28 40 3 43 26 40 15 42 44 82 82 89 83 97 94 105 110 88 90 80 83 86 96 iiO 95 107 98 112 80 q Excelsior 9?l 10 Pioneer.. . ... 32i30 .. 42 97 11 Stella 4 42 14 95 ^'> Common 54 50 48 47 38 25 10 47 26 .37 417 40 55 . . 44 45 20 4 34 2S 44i39 IS 68 36 99 8 8 16 28 46 34 43 30 42 36 .35 42 S3 88 88 83 110 110 97 97 8(i 90 85 88 86 90 86 100 107 112 107 100 94 13 Nugent 55 20 IS 65 10!28 55 20;19 98 14 Oderbruch 93 15 Rennie's Imi)roved. . 94 16 Vanguard 46 45 43 41 .32,37 40|17 46|44 2 56 4l40 .30 4433 26 20 35 .30 32 38 36 55 I0II6 58 1617 .50 . . 15 52 12 18 32 44 20 36 39 12 34 34 .37 42 41 24 81 80 80 89 97 105 94 110 90 90 84 90 86 86 79 90 93 98 93 112 89 17 Petschoro 9« 18 19 Success 86 Surprise 98 Among the varieties included in these tests of six-rowed barley are nine of the hybrid sorts, which have been originated at the experimental farms. These are Royal, Trooper, Summit, Phoenix, Pioneer, Stella, Nugent, Vanguard and Surprise. These nine new varieties have given the following average crops : At Ottawa, 54 bush. 12 lbs. ; Nappan, 39 bush. 43 lbs. ; Brandon, 40 bush. 11 lbs. ; Indir>,n Head, 57 bush. 2 lbs., and at Agassiz, 20 bush. 42 lbs. The average results of all the tests of six-rowed barley at all the farms is 42 bush. 22 lbs. per acre. The Pioneer barley was omitted at Brandon for the reason that the seed was not receivtrd in time for sowing. The six varieties of six-rowed barley which have produced the largest crop at the several experimental farms during 1896 are the following : — Central ExPEBiMENTAii Farm, Ottawa, Ont. Per Acre. Per Acre. Bush. Lbs. Bush. Lba. 1. Odessa 69 8 4. Mensury 61 2 2. Royal 62 4 S.Baxter's. 60 .. 3. Champion 61 12 6. Trooper 58 46 An average yield of 60 bush. 21 lbs. per acre. i ■ x\ % ■ i V? iw- i'p F . f' r^ 10 Experimental Farm for the Maritime Provinces, Nappan, N.S. Per Acre. Bush. Lbs. 1. Mensury 61 32 2. Surprise 56 32 8. Trooper 47 44 Per AcrOi Bush. Lbs. 4. Nugent 47 44 6. Champion 47 44 6. Success 44 20 An averai^e yield of 51 bush. 4 lbs. per acre. Experimental Fahm for Manitoba, Brandon, Man. 1. I»Iensury 59 2. Common 65 8. Cbainpion 52 An average yield of 49 bush. 33 lbs. per acre Per Acre. Per Acre. Bush. Lbs. Ciish. Lbs. 18 4. Nugont 45 20 5. Excelsior 43 46 4 6. Stella 42 14 Experimental Farm for the N.W. Territories, Indian Head, N.W.T. 1. Mensury. 2. Common. 3. Trooijer. Per Acre. Per Acre. Bush. Lbs. Biish. Lbs. 71 42 4. Odei-bruch Go 10 68 36 5. Baxter's 05 67 14 6. Odessa 62 24 An average yield of 66 bush. 37 lbs. per acre. Experimental Farm for Bruish Columbia, Agassiz, B.C. Per Acre. Bush. Lbs. Per Acre. Bush. Lb». 1. Common 29 2. Mensury 28 3. Baxter's 28 8 4. Oderbruch 28 16 16 5. Pioneer 26 12 16 6. Royal 25 22 An average yield of 27 bush. 31 lbs. per acre. The six varieties of six-rowed barley which have produced the largest crops, taking the average of the results obtained on all the experimental farms and hence may perhaps be regarded as the most promising sorts for general cultivation are : — Per Acre. Bush. Lbs. 1. Mensury 58 22 2. Trooper 47 24 8. Champion 46 44 Per Acre. Bush. Lbs. 4. Common 40 34 5. Baxter's 45 10 6. Royal 44 4 An average yield of 47 bush. 29 lbs. per acre. The average crop of all the varieties of six-rowed barley tested at each of the experimental farms we find to be as follows : — At Ottawa, 54 bush. 29 ibs. ; Nappan, 37 bush. 15 lbs. ; Brandon, 41 bush. 17 lbs. ; Indian Head, ^8 bush. 40 lbs., and at Agassiz, 22 bush. 14 lbs. The average re- turn given by the whole of the \ arieties at all the farms is 42 bush. 42 lbs. per acre. SPRING WHEAT. Thirty-nine v irieties of spring wheat have been under trial during 1896. These were 80^ a in plots of y^th acre each at Brandon and Indian Head and ^V*'^ ^^^^ each at Ottawa, Nappan and Agassiz. The quantity of seed sown of each sort was in the proportion of one and one-half bushels per acre and the dates of sowing were as follows : — At Ottawa, 30th April ; 1 2. 3i 4 5 6: 7' 81 9 10 : 11 : 12: 13 141 15: 161 17. 18' 19: 20: 21 22 23: 24< 25 26 27: 28. 29 ( 30: 31 32 33' 34 35 36 .371 38 39 < 11 Nappan, 25th April ; Brandon, 8th May ; Indian Head, 2nd May, and at Agassiz, 18th April. UNIFORM TEST PLOTS OF SPRING WHEAT. Yield of the several Expprimenta] Number of Days Name of Variety. Farms, Season of 1896. from Sowing to Harvesting. ,; s 1 1 K H P5 •s Si n 4^ <5 03 a an d =3 1 cf 1 o 2 c ■5 1 u > 3 u e9 s si o » O "^ n 1— t < < o "A P3 QD A •< < M J3 .£3 .d ^ J2 m S? f^ ? ■ m m n m ti m en m m >> >i >f >) >> ►» S O 3 X 3 ji 3 Si 3 Si 2 £1 rt (4 c4 cj eS 4 m ^ P9 1-^ M ^ PQ I-] n l-i « \A « tt « Q ft Q 1 Hungarian 24 20 31 40;30 50 38 30 .. 31 20 96 129 119 116 115 9, Preston 24 23 22 22 50 30 47 49 42 48 20 20 25 24 26 30 40 41 40 40 40 50 30 50 .30 29 21 23 40 40 35 31 30 34 37 50 42 30 95 95 95 101 120 120 118 127 iog 112 119 110 114 114 115 111 109 111 109 8 Stanley 109* lift 4 Alpha 5 W lite Russian. . . 115A 6 Monarch 22 10 50 40 32 30 41 10 23 40 35 14 100 120 116 118 115 113J 109| 7 Colorado 22 40 20 27 50 36 50 31 45 96 120 109 114 8 (jrolden Drop 21 40 36 40 18 30 42 is 10 27 24 96 120 109 114 111 110* 0 Beautv 21 30 40 40 25 50 39 20 16 40 28 28 99 129 119 114 115 1151 10 Rio Grande 21 20 45 40 38 30 39 , 16 40 32 14 101 127 109 116 114 113? 11 Progress 21 20 10 40 37 38 22 22 26 30 40 43 41 10 20 17 23 20 28 30 14 95 100 129 127 109 119 112 116 115 1(4 11V 12 Red Fife 115; 13 Beaudry 20 19 19 20 40 40 37 47 45 20 40 19 38 24 20 30 10 43 45 36 10 50 19 21 30 10 20 27 34 30 52 36 58 96 102 91 129 118 119 lOS 126 103 114 116 108 111 115 109 111 14 Goose 115 15 Dawn 106 16 Crown 19 20 44 40 27 40 39 50 23 40 31 2 90 129 109 115 115 112* 17 Advance 19 19 20 10 44 33 20 28 25 10 10 39 37 26 30 19 20 29 27 59 2 96 97 129 129 109 108 "iis 115 115 110 18 Vernon 112jf 19 Huron 19 45 . 28 10 44 40 18 40 31 6 96 129 109 114 115 112? 20 Pringl's Champl'n 19 41 40 29 20 42 30 23 20 31 10 100 120 109 116 115 112 21 Black Sea 17 40 39 40 18 30 38 50 28 40 92 119 104 114 107^ 22 Herisson Bearded 17 30 32 26 30 38 20 29 20 28 44 97 129 108 115 119 113» 9.3 Percy 17 16 20 40 42 38 20 20 20 25 40 40 40 10 20 20 19 20 20 28 27 10 56 96 97 127 129 116 109 114 115 109 111 ii2i 24 Captor 112i^ 25 Red Fern 16 40 46 40 24 20 43 30 27 40 31 46 100 120 118 116 111 113 26 White Connell... 16 40 44 25 43 28 20 31 24 102 129 116 118 119 116f 27 Ladoga 16 20 47 18 50 39 io 23 20 28 56 91 119 109 114 109 108if ?,8 Admiral 16 15 10 40 31 45 40 40 22 28 30 10 43 38 30 50 22 27 20 27 31 22 8 97 101 129 129 107 118 115 118 119 119 113? 117 29 Old Red River. . . 30 Dion's 15 14 50 41 50 40 24 20 io 38 42 50 19 25 10 27 31 44 30 100 101 127 127 119 116 116 118 115 119 115| no*. 31 Wellnian's Fife . . 32 Emporium 14 40 38 24 30 44 , , 28 20 2!) 54 100 127 112 118 115 114'^ 33 Cam. White Chaff 14 40 39 20 23 3(1 39 10 26 10 28 34 97 127 112 115 115 113i 34 White Fife 14 20 39 20 29 10 41 19 40 28 42 102 127 119 118 111 115if 35 Blenheim 14 42 40 23 40 41 io 22 10 28 44 95 129 109 115 115 112^ 36 Dufferin 13 9 30 41 39 43 34 20 20 40 24 24 21 25 30 43 30 20 10 50 £5 18 19 24 20 29 27 34 22 52 42 94 97 119 118 119 129 109 109 109 109 114 108 109 in 109 37 Gehun 10 4(i 108? 113i 115i 3S Rideau 40 20 43 46 20 31 112 11.5 39 Countess ■■ 32 112 111 Among the varieties included in these tests of spring wheat there are eighteen cross-bred sorts which have been originated at the experimental farms. These are Preston, Stanley, Alpha, Monarch, Beauty, Progress, Dawn, Crown, Advance, Vernon, Huron, Percy, Captor, Admiral, Blen- heim, DuflFerin, Rideau and Countess. These have given the following average crops ; At Ottawa, 19 bush. 18 IVjs. per acre; Nappan, 42 bush. 11 Iba. ; Brandon, 25 bush. 7 lbs. j Indian Head, 41 bush. 16 lbs., and at Agas- I ■A i; '1 • 1 i jl ! 1 ^ m 12 siz, 21 bush. 57 lbs. per acre. The average yield taking the results obtained from all the farms is 29 bush. 57 lbs. per acre. Preston, one of the cross-bred sorts between Ladoga and Red Fife which heads the list this year of the twelve best varieties at all the farms occupied the same position last year. This year, however, the record with this variety is not complete for the reason that there is no report from Brandon. As the three heaviest yielding varieties at Brandon have given an average of 36 bush. 30 lbs. per acre, it is highly probable that Preston would have given as good a record had it been sown and for that reason it has been included in this list. There are three other varieties with incomplete records, viz., Countess, 32 bush. 42 lbs. ; Rideau, 31 bush. 52 lbs. which were omitted at Ottawa and Colorado, 31 bush. 45 lbs., omitted at Agassiz which would have similar claim to be included in this special list, but for the reason that the best yields of wheat obtained at Ottawa and Agiissiz would not have been sufficient if added to the returns from the other four farms to have given these latter varieties that high standing. Besides the omissions referred to, Hungarian, White Russian and Black Sea, were left out of the tests at Agassiz for the reason that the seed was not received in time for sowing. The twelve varieties of spring wheat which have produced the largest crops at the several experimental farms during 1896 are the following : — Central Expkrimental Fahm, Ottawa, Ont. Per Acre. Bush. Lbs. 1. Huiiparian 24 2. Prcstt.n 24 3. Stanley 2.'3 4. Aliiha •.,. 22 5. White Russian 22 6. Monarch 22 20 50 30 10 7. Colorado 8. Golden Drop 21 9. P.eauty 10. Rio (Jrande 11. Progress.. 12. Red Fife , Per Acre. Lba. 2l> 21 40 21 30 21 20 21 10 20 40 An average yield of 22 bush. 16 lbs. per acre. ExPKUIMENTAIi FaRM FOR THE MARITIME PROVINCES, NapP VN, N.S. 1. Monarch Per Acre. Bush. Lbs. 56 40 7. 8. 9. 10, 11. 12. Ladofra Red Fern Old Red River. . . Rio (Jrande Huron Dawn Per Acre. Lbs 47 2. Wellnmn's Fife 3 Statdev. . 50 . . 49 4tj 40 4."> 40 4. White Russian 48 20 ... . 45 40 6. (Joose ... 47 40 45 6. Preston . . 47 .. .... 45 ,. An average yield of 47 bush. 48 lbs. per acre. Experimental Farm for Manitoba, BitAxuoN, Man. Per Acre. Bush. Lba. 1. Rio Grande 38 30 2. Goose 38 30 8. Mon.arch 32 30 4. Hungarian 30 50 5. Pringlo's Chainplain 29 20 6. White Fife 29 10 7. Huron 28 8. Advance 28 9. Old Red River 28 10. Colorado 27 11 Crown 27 12. Red Fife 26 Per Acre, Bush. Lbs. 10 10 10 50 40 40 An average yield of 30 bush. 27 lbs. per acre. 13 Exi'KRIMENTAL FaRM FOR THU N.W. TeRRITOIUICS, I\DIAN HkAD, N.W.T Per Acre. Vvv Aiiv 1. Countess 2. (icliun . . 3. (loose ... 4. Huron. . . 5. Kmiioriuiii 44 C}. Dutfeiin Busli. 40 Lbs. 50 20 50 40 30 7. Admiral r.usii. 43 Lbs. 3(1 46 45 44 8. Red Fern 9. Beaudrv 10. Rideau . . . 43 43 43 3(J 10 10 44 11. Piojfress 43 10 43 12. White Connell 43 An average yield of 44 bush. 13 lbs. per acre. Experimental Farm foe British Columbia, Agassiz, B.C. Per Acre. Bush. Lbd. 1. Dawn 30 2. Preston '9 40 3. llerisson Rearcied 29 20 4. White Connell 28 20 5. Emporium 28 20 G. Rod Fern ,. .. 27 40 Per Acre. Bush. Lbs. 7. Old Red River 27 8. Campbell's White ChafI 2G 9. Dutt'erin 25 10. Wellman's Fife . . 25 11. Countess 24 12. Monarch 23 20 10 40 An average yield of 27 2 lbs. per acre. The twelve varieties of spring wheat which liave produced the largest crops, taking the average of the results obtained at all the experimental farms, are : — Per Acre. Bush. Lba. 1. Preston 35 37 2. Monarch 35 14 3. Goose 34 36 4. Bio Grande 32 14 6. Stanley 31 50 6. Red Fern 31 46 Per Acre, Bush. 7. Wellman's Fife 31 8. White Connell 31 9. Prijigle's Chaniplain 31 10. Old Red River 31 11. Huron 31 12. Crown 31 Lbs. 36 24 10 8 6 2 An average yield of 32 bush. 23 lbs. per acre. The avei'age crop of all the varieties of spring wheat tested at each of the experimental farms is as follows : — At Ottawa, 18 bush. 28 lbs. ; Nappan, 41 bush. 46 lbs. ; Brandon, 25 bush. 41 Ibt,. ; Indian Head, 41 bush. 10 lbs., and at Agassiz, 22 bush, 34 lbs. The average return given by the whole of the varieties at all the farms is 29 bush. 50 lbs. per acre. PEASE. ■ |B> ^M m Ml Wi In H' '^' , „l mm}- ■ ' • m'^' ( iW^ WJ 'i 1 t ■ ." ''f ■ 5 % ,»,l . Tnenty-five varieties of pease have been under test during 1896. These were sown in plots of rV^h acre each at Brandon and Indian Head and ^^jjth acre each at Ottawa, Nappan and Agassiz. The quantity of seed sown per acre varied from two to three bushels, depending upon the size of the pea. The dates of sowing were as follows : — At Ottawa, 23rd April ; Nappan, 6th May; Brandon, 11th May; Indian Head, 9th May, and at Agassiz, 1st Ap», M'U 14 UNIFORM TEST PLOTS OF PEASE. Yield at the F ifneral Experimental Number of Days Name of Variety. Farms, SeaHon of 1896. from Sowing to Harvesting. iii a O 55 i 1. pq o 00 4^ 05 a a d pq =3 0) 23 1 i i r \ 0 -a "1 ^ ^ 1 ^ c8 rt o ^?s '7. f! C 1 S ■i 1 % i 10 > ^ U 31 f. '■i^ i tf^ 14 o ^ P3 < < O S5 pq M < < 1 i 4 a i J3 OQ S i 1 i 4 3 i 'fl 3 3 » 1 •A PQ ^ pq h] « yA pa *A pq hj pq ^ Q Q fi « u ■A 1 Creeper 45 44 60 20 45 22 52 47 ■• 30 37 30 35 18 10 40 38 32 24 11 106 111 113 107 103 107 115 109 127ill2t 127125J 2 Canadian Beauty. 3 Agnes. . .. 44 20 45 59 40 40 21 40 42 8 103 114 108 116 120 112i 4 Bruce 44 , , 40 25 20 28 20 18 20 31 12 108 113 111 117 1.32 116i 5 Mackay 44 43 20 40 40 40 60 61 40 40 45 35 •• 14 12 40 40 38 52 32 107 112 113 114 109 108 117 115 136 116* 130 117 6 Kent 7 Black-eye Mar- 1 rowfat 42 42 41 30 39 40 51 20 20 46 50 55 40 40 26 43 40 40 13 13 12 20 40 33 37 40 32 52 2 107 110 105 113 114 108 112 108 93 109 115 104 132114^ 1.32115* 8 Duke i» Crown 132 109' 10 Golden Vine 40 40 27 40 40 15 40 31 104 108 104 126 nog 11 New Potter 40 30 35 20 54 40 32 20 20 36 46 106 111 106 104 133 112 12 Prince Albert 40 20 30 52 40 40 16 40 35 56 110 HI 109 109 136 115 13 Dan'IO'Rourke.. 40 20 46 20 50 20 25 17 40 35 40 102 113 98 107 114 IOC* 14 Mummy 40 , , 24 40 55 40i37 10 11 40 33 50 97 107 103 104 130 109'( 15 Multiplier 39 40 30 36 20 45 12 32 36 109 111 135 109 13(! 120 1(1 Prince SO 40 20 30 45 45 44 20 00 50 56 40 40 36 43 33 40 20 20 15 11 20 39 38 36 24 32 50 106 107 96 114 113 111 109 112 97 117 115 109 13(1 136 126 116? 17 Paragon 39 38 116^ 18 Pride.. 107| I'J Macoun 37 20 44 20 17 40 14 30 32 109 113 120 115 140 119* 20 Arthur 37 20 40 40 42 . 34 40 27 20 36 24 103 108 109 107 126 110? 'M Trilby 37 37 31 35 20 40 55 52 40 41 40 40 14 20 20 30 36 56 109 111 108 111 107 109 117 111 136 133 Hog 115 22 Centennial 23 Bedford 36 35 20 47 45 40 41 62 40 38 56 20 40 18 20 40 40 36 44 24 111 110 114 114 no 111 119 115 128 133 11 Oil 24 Carleton 116jf 25 Large White Marrowfat. 34 47 44 31 20 10 40 33 24 104 ir. 112 115 116 In this instance the records of varieties are complete with the exceptioa of Golden Vine which was omitted at Brandon. Among the varieties included in these tests of pease there are twelve of the cross-bred sorts which have b^en originated at the ex peri- mental farms. These are Agnes, Brace, Mackay, Kent, Duke, Prince, Paragon, Macoun, Arthur, Trilby, Bedford and Carleton. These twelve new varieties have given the following average crops. At Ottawa 39 bush. 58 lbs. per acre ; Nappan, 41 bush. 5 lbs. ; Brandon, 48 bush. 58 lbs. ; Indian Head, 40 bush. 13 lbs. ;and at Agassiz, 17 bushels. The average results of all the tests of these cross-bred pease at all the farms is 37 bush. 26 lbs. per acre. At Brandon the varieties named Macoun and Bedford were both much injured by a wind storm, otherwise the crop would have been larger. X5 The twelve varieties of pease which have produced the largest crops p,t the several experimental farms during 1896, are the following : — Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont. Per Acre. Bush. Lba. 7. Black Eyed Marrowfat. . 8. Duke 9. Crown . . 10. Golden Vino 11. New Potter 12. Prince Albert 1. Creeper 45 50 2. Canadian Beauty 44 20 3. Agnes 44 20 4. Bruce 44 5. Mucka'" 44 6. Kent..' 43 20 An average crop of 42 bush. 44 lbs. per acre, EaPRrimental Farm for the Maritime Provinces Per Acre. Bush. Lbs. 1. Cro\vn 51 2. Larsre White Marrowfat 47 3. Bedford 47 . . 4. Carleton 4.") 40 5. Daniel O'Rourke 45 20 6. Paragon 4.") 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Nappan, N.S. Per Acre Bush. Lbs, Creeper 45 Agnes Prince Pride Macoun Kent An average crop of 45 bush. 26 lba. per acre. Experimkntal Farm fou Manitoba, Brandon, Man. Pfr Acre. Bush. Lbs. G2 . . 7. Trilby 65 40 8. Mummy 55 40 9, Crown 55 40 10. New Potter 54 40 11. Prince Albert 52 12. Creeper 52 .. An average crop of 57 bush. 1 1 lbs. per acre. Experimental Farm for the N.W. Territories, Indian Head, N.W.T Per Acre. 1 . Carleton 2. Kent 01 3. Mackay 00 4. Prince .. fiO 5. Agnes 59 6. Pride 56 Per Acre. Bush. Lbs. 1. Carleton 56 40 2. Mackay 45 3. ^xaltiplier 45 4. Paragon 43 20 5. Duke 43 «. Trilby 41 40 7. Centennial. 40 8. Golden Vine , 40 9. Prince Albert 40 10. Crown 40 11. Macoun 40 12. Agnes 40 An average crop of 42 bush. 58 lbs. per acre. Experimental Farm for British Columbia, Aoassiz, B.C 1. Arthur, 2. Agnes 3. Carleton — 4. New Potter 5. Centennial.. 6. Bedford.... Per Acre. Bush. Lbs 27 20 21 40 20 40 20 .. 20 18 40 7. Creeper 18 8. Bruce 9. Daniel O'Rourke. 10. Prince Albert. . . . 11. Golden Vine 12. Prince An average crop of 19 bush. 11 lbs. per acre. The twelve varieties of pease which have produced the largest crops, taking the average of the results obtained at all the experimental farms. are : Per Acre. Bush. Lbs. 1. Carleton 44 2. Agnes 42 8 3. Mackay 40 52 4. Crown 40 2 5. Prince 39 24 «. Kent 38 32 7. Paragon 38 8. Creeper 38 9. Duke 37 10. Centennial 36 IL Pride 36 12. New Potter An average crop of 39 bush. 1 1 lbs. per acre. Bush. Lbs Per Acre. Bush. Lbs 18 40 18 20 17 40 16 40 15 40 15 Per Acre. Bush. Lbs 32 24 52 56 60 46 16 )■ The average crop of all the variftties of pease tested at each of the er perirnental farms is as follows : — At Ottawa, 40 bush. 10 lbs. per acre y Nappati, 39 bush. 17 lbs. ; Brandon, 49 bush. .'}."> \h-i. ; Indian Head, 37 bush. 42 lbs. and at Agassiz, 15 busii. 48 lbs. The average return given by the whob of the varieties at all the farms is 3G bush 30 lbs. per acre. in INDIAN CORN. Twenty varieties of Indian Corn have been under trial during 1896, all planted on the same day on uniform soil in rows three feet apart, and the plants thinned out to six or eight inches apart in the row. The dates of planting were as follows : — Ottawa, 2^rd May ; Nappan, 22nd May ; Bran- don, 23rd May ; Indian Head, 23rd May, and Agassiz, 18th May. All were cut green and put into the silo for winter feeding of stock. The dates of cut- ting were Ottawa, 10th September ; Nappan, 9th September ; Brandon, 19th August; Indian Head, 31st August; Agassiz, 29 th September. The yield per acre has been calculated in each case from the weight obtained from two rows each 06 feet long. UNTrOllM TEST PLOTS OF INDIAN CORN GROWN IN ROWS. Name of Variety. Yield at the several Experimental Farms, Season of 1896. O 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 Pride of the North Learning. Cuban Giant Rural Thoroughbred White Flint, Red Cob Ensilage Compton'.s Early Pearco's Prolific ... Giant Prolific Ensilage Champion White Pearl Longfellow . . Mammoth Eight-rowed Flint Wliite Cap Yellow Dent . Sanford King of the Earliest Early Huron Dent Canada White Flint Angel of Midnight Country Gentleman North Dakota Mitchell's Extra Earlv 4^' a: a ■a tT a O y^ tf i e -^ is ji CS'" 4^ A 03 '-Hi^H o "A p; M § i t» "■ "3 rn a o s § 3 § .3 o H i-q H ^ H >A H >A H 20 1,672 17 1,310 23 200 10 900 11 20 1,527 17 650 24 400 9 1,250 11 19 1,349 20 975 20 1,800 11 1,100 20 19 42 19 1,050 24 400 9 1,800 9 18 736 12 640 23 200 10 680 8 16 670 17 G30 19 500 11 110 11 16 fi25 16 175 26 800 8 1,820 6 IG 234 14 1,150 19 1,()00 9 1,800 8 15 1,944 14 1,690 18 1,400 8 1,600 G 15 1,3G4 16 725 30 500 7 1,290 14 15 1,073 14 1,700 19 500 9 1,140 8 15 GOl 12 640 16 1,000 9 810 12 15 274 18 850 23 200 11 5.50 8 14 858 15 1,350 22.. .. 9 920 14 96 12 1,850 21 900 10 900 7 14 24 16 560 24 1,500 9 1,580 8 13 1,443 16 175 36 GOO 9 1,580 13 10 1,853 7 1,840 20 1,800 9 1,.580 4 10 1,635 26 800 8 1,600 G 10 1,635 11 825 21 900 9 150 3 bo h3 il6 20016 L43318 '70O:i6 966:14 1,70015 1,570 14 1,60013 1,00012 1,700116 50013 30013 8GG 800 720 1,233 1,500 1,900 836 1,340 1,216 1,205 1,331 798 l,u44 322 1,778 1,G7G 1,906 1,915 982 270 548 1,585 493 1,379 1,859 1,794 218 670 The records of the test of varieties of corn are complete with the excep- tion of the North Dakota which was omitted at Nappan because the seed did not arrive in time for planting. 17 Tlie six varieties of Indian corn which have given the heaviest crops afe the several experimental farma, during 1896, are the following: — Central ExPEniMicNTAL Farm, Oxtavva, Ont. Per Acre. Per Acre. Tons. Lla. Tona. Lba. 1. PriHn of the North 20 1,072 4. RurftlThoro'bred White Flint 10 42 2. Ijeaming 20 1,527 5. Ked Cob EiiHilaKo 18 73(i aCuLanGiant 19 1,349 6. Compton'e Early 16 670 An average crop of 19 tons 332 lba. per acre. EXPEBIMENl'AL FaRM FOR THE MARITIME PrOVIxVCK.S, NaPP^VN, N.S. Per Acre. Per Aero. Tons. LbH. Tons. Lbs. l.Cubaa Giant 20 975 4. Pride of the North 17 1,310 2. Rural Thoro'bred White Flint 19 1,050 5. Learning 17 fi.50 3. Sanford 18 850 6. Conipton's Early 17 630 An average crop of 18 tons 911 lba. per acre. ExPERIMENTAt FaRM FOR MANITOBA, BrANDON, MaN. Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 1. Angel of Midnight 36 600 2. Longfellow 30 500 3. Pearoe's Prolific 26 800 Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. North Dakota 26 800 5. Canada White Flint 24 1,500 6. RuralThoro'bred White Flint 24 400 An average crop of 28 tons 100 lbs. per acre. Experimental Farm for the N.W. Territories, Indian Head, N.W.T. Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 1. Cuban Giant 11 1,100 2. Sanford 11 650 3. Compton's Early 11 ^10 Per Acre. Tons. Lba. 4. Early Huron Dent 10 900 5. Pride of the Nortii 10 900 6. Red Cob Ensilage 10 680 Axi average crop of 10 tons 1,707 lbs. per acre. ExPERi 'ental Farm for British Columbia, Aqassiz, B.C. Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 1. Cuban Giant 20 1,433 2. Longfellow 14 1,700 3. Angel of Midnight 13 500 Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. White Cap Yellow Dent 12 300 5. Comjiton's Early H 1 ,700 6. Learning n 200 An average crop of 13 tons 1972 lbs. per acre. The six varieties of Indian corn which have produced the largest crops^ taking the average of the results of all the experimental farms, are : — Per Acre. Tons. Lba. 1. Cuban Giant 18 1,331 2. Angel of Midnight 17 1,859 3. Longfellow 16 1,915 Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. Pride of the North 16 1,216 6. Learning 16 1.2(15 6. Thoroughbred White Flint.. 16 798 An average crop of 17 tons 387 lbs. per acre. The Cuban Giant which stands at the head of this list is a large growing dent variety which does not mature well at any of the experimental farms and hence is much less valuable for fodder .than the other sorts which stand below it in the list. 2 \$. % 4 b . '::y 18 The average weight, cut green, of all the varieties of Indian corn tested at each of the experimental farms is as follows : — At Ottawa, 15 tons 1,377 lbs. per acre; Nappan. 15 tons 772 lbs.; Brandon, 23 tons 200 lbs, ; Indian Head, 9 tons 1,558 lbs., and at Agassiz, 9 tons 1,013 lbs. The average return givon by the whole ji the varieties at all the farms is 14 tons 1,"90 lbs. per acre. TURNIPS. Fourteen varieties of turnips have been under test during 1896, all sown on drills or on the flat in rows, 2^ feet apart. Two sowings were made at each farm about two weeks apart. The dates of sowing will be found in the accompanying table, the dates on which the roots were pulled were as follows : — At Ottawa, 15th October; Nappan, 23rd October ; Bran- don, 8th October ; Indian Head, 6th October, and Agassiz, 26th October. The yield per acre in each case has been calculated from the weij^ht of roots gathered from two rows each 66 feet long. 19 \ > H I a a o I 03 a. a O •O to bo |-* ^c2 k &i o CD ! r-( ^1 toJS c^ iS a:»g a52 <0 o •jaqum^ 2i )-9 § 1^ o 2 ^ i c o H te o CO o o s ■» 01 i-j r* ifi 2> CI h- "5 » s «■• Z " ?• '5 -^ 5 x i o rs «5 X « i-i « 1-1 J-. 'J W rH « O J5 ^__ rHpJ" iH i-lt-T i-f .-J' _?\Fi ?^_?1_S ?1 S ^ ?1 ?i ?i ?i ?i ?5_ r. ffj T V; ^ ■?■• * 1 - • < s> " Z? 1:7 " ^oortxi-iciOi-iXx •r»-<03 0i_t- tH i-T i-J't-l'i-J' rH t>. "»" e»j w M p lo in {1 cc ri « lO M rH t—t r-< 1-^ F-* rfl f— I ^^ gj »-^ .-- -- »-* fH f-T rH !i-r i-Tr-Ti-ri-J" t- eo lO IN 00 J3 1- in ^ « iM t- 1-. N l--« --<_ 3i lO in T « rH o 2 35 ti I- ic 1 - ,0 C; W 00 03 IC iB S e-4 V5 lO IM f N HJ r? e<5 0> "f 2 5^ <» 0> OJ QC »H r-C 00 o> .H 2 o S I- o c-1 iri c-1 * •» -Z * s « » a o H ^ ^ O3«O5Oin«t--a!co«su0S55Oosin g — ^ «5 P '-c o I?) oC' » "I '»• o -o ' •♦ 2 ifl ?i I- -I" Ci •»• o •— n cr. 1^ t--03'<»'lO'rCV?^Oi-HCi«l^fNC0 ' 85 o in X p I--. 00 OS t- i"'' ?? •~"n > r- 55 ?* iM c5 -H -H rH e-i M ?5 M Si B O H !.?S8.?SSS?.gKS >rHt-'>«<'*i-ir-ia;»t^mi^ «S«M??w«we?«?iS«?i s o in lO ■? iH S 5 § i» & :; S f ift o rHrHlBrHI^'«<03Tr«'*i-lrH'+iO M eo S: M « IM S>l CO CI !M « (M w ro n B o H SI opoio&iopoinooooo i>. C)_t>. B^ lO in c< --i'-ff 00 o» e* » so rHrH rH r^ri i-TrH r^ ©CCOSinrHinj-lCOrHMOr-IINrH CO T-i J^ ci^i?!*:' r< fi d c^ w i?ir< eo rH__c5 M <£ o w « « © ^ rt -Si rH rH l-Tr-T T^ I"; r-i o I •- rf ■>»• - l-r-tD-HJOmcONrHOOO e " > ^ aa,2 a.^ «• ^ Ck *^ o tSoPHSpu H^B «o^ 0) cr-2 * 3 N t- g N :3 B ta »J bS tHe«e<9'*»ocoi-.ooo30rHe<)ec'«»< 1.4 :£ K ?> j-i S> c oi p t- '^ i« O i-i C I rH rH rH Eh 6c . B .B * fl T) - 0] =3 -;55 bo eS fcC 03 j:3 a u a S •i-t a, a a 13 B.2 P3hh a' e? O O O O p3 / o ?i » ;■ t-.ri in 1 •«r c in gi^e5g?JoS rO o I rd 43 eS -2 o 'a, rd a ■5 •I •' !> ■ ! d 111 m m h It'll' li'i I ill so It will bo 8oe» that the first sowing of turnips at eacii of the oxpori- mental farms has given the larger crop, the average of all the sowings at all the farms ia 4 Iopk 1,424 Ihs. per acre more from the first sowing than it is from the second. The six varieties of turnips which hav«i produoorl the heaviest cropa at the several experimental farms during 18'.)(» are the following: — Central Exi'khimkntai. Faum, Ottawa, Ont. Pur acre. Ton a. Lha. 1. Tfartlpy's Rronzo, Ist 8l ng... 4^) 1)0 2. CiirtiTB Klfpliaiit " ...41 .155 3. rurplo Toi) riweilo *' ... JO IIHO Per acre. Tonii. LI)*. 4. MainmothClyde, l»t sowing. . .. 87 '2!yO 5. PoifeutioM " 87 250 fl. Giant King " .... 36 600 An average crop of 39 tons 1,117 lbs. per uore. Experimkntal Farm for thk Maritime Pisovinces, Kappan, N.S. Per aero. Tons. Lbs. 2. Purplo Top Swede, Ist Bowing.. 38 l.''»50 L Purfwtion " .. 87 12(H) 3. Carter's P^lephant, 2nd sowing. . 35 500 Per acre. Tons. Ll)s. 4. Ilartlny's Bronze, 1st sowing. . . 34 150 5. SiltiCted (Jlianipion " ... 84 150 6. Prize Winner, 2nd sowing 82 1800 An average crop of 35 tons 888 lbs. per acre. Experimental Farm for MANiTonA, Brandon, Man. Per acre. Tons. Lbs. 1. Hartley's Bronze, Ist sowing... 31 700 2. Perff";tion " ... 28 14(10 3. Prizo Winnoi " ... 27 l!)(i8 Per acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. East Lotiiian, Ist sowing 26 1724 5. I'lirpU' Toj) Swede " 26 1460 6. Maniniolh Clyde " 25 656 An average crop of 27 tons 1,644 lbs. per acre. Experimental Farm for the N.W. Territories, Indian Head, N.W.T. Per acre. Tons. Lbs. 1. Purple Top Swede, Ist sowing.. 24 840 2. Perfection " . . 23 1620 3. Hartley's Bronze " ..23 .332 Per acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. Prizewinner, 1st sowing 21 1560 5. Skirving's " 21 1560 6. Selected Champion " 21 240 An average crop of 22 tons 1,342 lbs. per acre. Experimental Farm for British Columbia, Agassiz, B.C. Per acre. Tons. Lbs. 1. .Tumbo or Monarch, Ist sowing. . 24 280 2. East Lothian, 2nd sowing 18 80 3. Prize Purple Top, Ist sowing... 17 1728 Per acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. Sutton's Champion, Istsowing. . 17 1468 5. Hartley's Bronze " . , 17 1200 6. Marquis of Lome, 2nd sowing. . 15 1328 An average crop of 18 tons 1,014 lbs. per acre. The six varieties of turnips which have produced the largest crops, taking the average of the results obtained j,t all the experimental farms are : — Per acre. Tons. Lbs. 1. Hartley's Bronze 23 165G 2. Purple Top Sweile 23 303 3. Mammoth Clyde 22 1195 Per acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. Giant King 22 130 5. Carter's Elephant 21 1860 6. Skirving's 21 1417 Average of 22 tons 1,093 lbs. per acre. 21 MAN(}RLS. Tliirtoon varictip-a of inaiigols were lUndor test during 1896, all sown on drills or on tho flat in ntWH 2^ feol apart. Two sowings were made at each farm, the second Howiti:^ about two wooks after tho first. Tho date.-- of Howing will he found in tho accoinpatiying table, tho dates on which the roots wore pullod weroa.s follows . — At Ottawa, 15th October; Nappan, 23rd October; IJrandon, 3rd October; Indian Head, 30th September, and Agassiz, 24 th October. The yield per acre in each case has been caloulatod from the weight of roots gathered from two rows each GG feet long. i,. If .i' % i . 3 1 r If II' > i1 ^' I! ' 1 i 23 D 00 bo cS w I •3 o -a OT a O es" ■^1 c9 j?5 o s to § O A 9 y In poo P >» O cj cog 'J9qnia|{ i ■^ci • CO X -f irj -t"M o • -r 5 CO • 5 IM b- iM • IM M 5M iM CO M IM M CO a o H CO a o OCOOXOXpfOC-fMO 00 -f -fi M X IM w (M I- t IM I— lO 0_0 ©^13_t^O_--. CO lO o eoeor-it-t-t-oomiMcct>.rH-<»< >oioift>n>o.r-iX©Cli>T»ocot««o>Or-i Or-IIMCO o P3 5 3s in IM r^ i< Bi«iaiWii'W 23 With the mangels also the early sown plots have given the larger crops, the earlier sowings having given an average of 4 tons 1,890 lbs. per acre more than that obtained from the later sowings. The six varieties of mangels which have produced the heaviest crops at the several experimental farms during 1896, are the following :, — Central Experimental Farm Ottawa, Ont. Per Acre. Toii3. Lbs. 1. Mamm. Long Red (Evan's) Isfe Bowing 40 1,840 2. Gat« Post, Ist sowing 40 520 3. Yellow Intermediate, 1st sow- ing 38 285 Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. Giant Yellow Intermediate Ist sowing 37 635 5. Red Fleshed Globe, let sowing 3G 1,095 6. Warden Orange Globe, lat sowing 3G 985 An average crop of 38 tons 560 lbs. per acre. Experimental Farm for the Maritime Provinces, Nappan, N.S. Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. L Warden Orange Globe, Ist sow- ing 33 1,200 2. Yellow Intermediate, 2nd sow- 32 750 ing .32 750 3. Mamm. Long Red (Evans), Ist sowing 29 575 Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. Giant Yellow Globe, Ist sow- ing 29 5. Giant Yellow Intermediate, 1st sowing 28 6. Maniin. Long Red (Webb), 1st sowing 27 400 940 750 An average crop of 30 tons 102 lbs. per acre. Experimental Farm for Manitoba, Brandon, Man. Per Acre. Tuns. Lbs. L Mamm. Long Red (Webb) Ist sowing 52 1,600 2. Giant Yellow Intermediate, 1 at sowing 43 1,648 8. Mamm. Long Red (Steele), 1st sowing 43 1,120 Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. Gate, 1st sowing 43 1,120 5. Champion Yellow Globe, 1st sowing 41 1,688 6. Yellow Intermediate, 1st sow- ing 38 1,616 An average crop of 44 tons 132 lbs. per acre. Experimental Farm for the N. W. Territories, Indian Head, N.W.T. Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. L Warden Orange Globe, 2nd sowing 16 1,528 2. Red Fleshed Globe, Ist sowing 16 736 8. Chaminon Yellow Globe, 1st . sowing 16 736 Per Acre, Tons. Lbs. 4. Mamm. Long Red (Steele), 1st sowing 15 1,812 5. Giant Yellow Globe, Ist sow- ing 15 1,548 6. Yellow Intermediate, lat sow- ing 15 1,153 An average crop of 16 tons 252 lbs. per acre. Experimental Farm for British Columbia, Agassiz, B.C. Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 1. Yellow Intermediate, 1st sow- ing 39 1,200 2. Mamm. Long Red (Webb), Ist sowing 35 224 8. Giant Yellow Globe, 1st sow- ing 27 824 Per Acre, Tons. Lba. 4. Mamm. Long Red (Steele) 1st sowing 27 296 5. Gate Post, Ist sowing.. 26 1,944 6. Warden Orange Globe, 2nd sowing 26 536 An average crop of 30 tons 837 lbs. per acre. s ■ i «-« iM i ' 1 The six varieties of mangels which have produced the heaviest crops taking the average of the results obtained at all the experimental farms are : Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 1. Yellow Intermediate 32 751 2. Mamm. Long Red (Webb)... 32 1,022 8. Mamin. Long Red (EvanH) .. 30 1,174 Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. Gate Post 30 1,028 5. Giant Yellow Intermediate. . 29 1,302 6. Red Fleshed Tankard 28 1,981 An average crop of 30 tons 837 lbs. per acre. CARROTS. Fourteen varieties of carrots were tested during 1896, all sown in rows or on the flat, two feet apart. Two sowings were made in each case, the second sowing about two weeks after the first, excepting at Indian Head, where the second sowing was omitted. The dates of sowing will be found in the accompanying table, the dates on which the roots were pulled were as follows — At Ottawa, 15th October; Nappan, 20th October; Brandon, 5th October ; Indian Head, 5th October, and at Agassiz, 23rd October. The yield per acre in each instance has been calculated from the weight of roots gathered from two rows each 66 feet long. 25 m (4 O O o H O H 02 H a o ;?; D bo m bo cS'O'- . '73 »' 5M iz; o pa O I T? bo 5^ * «2 CC *SP P^ CO tea cc o< X 3 QlO tn 3 c?5 aO X M OJ M rl t~. i-H ■+ SS I •"* iHiHi-T i-Ti-T to o ©©QOtopionocoe«5N'»»<' ?5 0^ -J r-" ?1 -Jj-I r-1 r-> — < -H I l«. t.- Ill, I •■ -!!" M O "»• 1-3 r9 ©-< c o lO cc — ' o ?c cc t^ 1-5 » - iH XI c: ■— o c; ti -^ lO 00 "i-li-HClxSvClt-X ry © r-< CI (M C; H *q CI i-H CI 1-1 ©©c;cvc5O'<« '— ' !•'■ ^i r/^ f* o = --^ M r t~. o f J5 C; 1^ :r M M5! •8 f^ w. S_^ ta'a ^^ ^^ V^^ ^^ ^v- ^K «-y V (_^ ... .'. -° co^o oj CO ;s c-i^x 2_-j M « ®.^,*^, ^- CI CI — Cl ^- C^ t-H r- rH r- i-H ^H CO © o o :S? 1 X CO Xl^Tt>TI< T-l •©rHOt^CiCCl- •jaqinn^ H S C5tscO'*N-7>cq©csxoc5'»'5a ^^ '.'W "^T' 'Mt ^i 't^ ^^ ^« »<-rc©©©©-r©x-t< N- • X ■♦ ic Tj< cq X X oo©©'-'C50©X'-iiHN5oec """■ CI »— I—" CI t-H CI -^ 1—t rH -^ »— 1— * c ^ % ©©OOC:_ _^ ;r O X X C4 -t< X © X C) O O ti! -.J QOloeoc^l-l■fl10CJCOCq©05iClCCCIC5CliOC^ !DeJb-OOTt f^ NWlClXClXiCCOCIXCOC5CC'.D 0'*'^1^©C1-»'©T-IO.«c~. opr-i©o5Tr©x©iox •*X©l~lSr-(l~0«5xmr-lC<5«OX t-lXXXt-t-t3'l<-^f-1<©l:^«0 CC CM Cq CJ CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI 1-1 r-1 Si^aca^cw-jor^ f-IN«*iOWt-00O5©THCqc«3* _• ^ 00 05 «> ^ '-X © I- "-^ IC t^ o w • w t-iXX to fcp-g to CM. • -S ■a 03 cS 0) > > r'^^'-ici 5^ rt C S to Mi5<; B! cq -r ©, CO © ,2 © X CI X X (J CI ■«»< lO o t- 2 rf S iP 1-1 «D "I* t-l O CI O iH rH C^ H g • -H a. •A o o 03 o u c3 o CM o m to a o 0) 03 o o o 3 to to 'X3 bofcc fern t< g-a o 3 -a a 2 « a. Hi B •r. O*** ft ?^ 1 a « 4J coo 0) '^'O I 60 JS ^ 00 !• i Tf^m 26 Nil The six varieties of carrots which have produced the heaviest crops at the several experimental farms during 1896 are the following : — Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont., • Per Acre. Tons. Lba. 1. White Belgian, Ist Bowing ... 31 1,470 2. Improved Short White, Isb sowing 28 1,800 3. IvtTson's Champion, 1st sow- ing 28 l,Oi)0 Per AcFb. Tons. Lbs. 4. Half Long White, Ist sowing. 28 7G0 5. Giant Yellow Intermediate, 1st sowing 27 505 6. Half Long Cliantenay, Ist sow- ing 27 110 An average crop of 28 tons 1,299 lbs. per acre Experimental Farm for tub Maritime Provinces, Nappan, N.S. Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 1. Mamm. White Intermediate, Ist sowing 19 1,950 2. Improved Short White, Ist sowing 19 540 3. Half LiMig White, Ist sowing. 18 1,000 Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. Half Long Chantenay, 1st sowing 18 1,050 6. Ea' V Gom, 1st sowing 17 1,300 6. Guerande or Oxheart, Ist sow- ing 17 1,250 An average crop of 18 tons 1,281 lbs. per acre. Experimental Farm for Manitoba, Brandon, Man. Per Acre. , Tons. Lbs. 1. Early Gem, Ist sowing 27 1,880 2. Iverson's Champion, Ist sow- ing 25 380 3. Giant White Vosges, Ist sow- ing 24 1,500 An average crop of 25 tons 86 lbs. per acre, Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. Half Long White, 1st sowing. 24 1,280 C. Guerande or Oxheart, 1st sow- ing 24 620 6. White Belgian, 1st sowing ... 23 860 Experimental Farm for the N. W. Territories, Indian Head, N.W.T. One sowing only. Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 1. Half Long White 13 1,8.52 2. Half Long Chantenay 13 1,192 3. Mamm. White Intermediate . 13 208 Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. Iverson's Champion.... 13 5. White Belgian 12 6. Improved Short White. 12 131 948 150 An average crop of 13 tons 91 lbs. per acre. Experimental Farm for British Columbia, Agassiz, B.C. Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 1. Improved Short ^ late, Ist sowing 26 700 2. Half Long White, Ist sowing. 24 400 3. Giant Yellow Intermediate, 2nd sowing 23 1,606 Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. Iverson's Champion, 2nd sow- ing 23 933 5. ^'^mm. \VTiite Intermediate, 1st sowing 22 6. Giant WhiteVosges, 1st so w'g. 20 1,000 An average crop of 23 tons 793 lbs. per acre. The six varieties of carrots which have produced the heaviest crops, tak- ing the average of the results obtained at all the experimental farms, are : Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 1, Half Long White 22 473 2. Improved Short White 21 351 8. Mamm. White Intermediate . 20 1,998 Per Acre. Tons. Lbs. 4. Iverso.i's Champion 20 1,645 5. Whitf; Belgian 20 1,409 6. Half ;CiOng Chantenay 20 188 Eighty-t during 1896. three eyes in being a foot t At Ottawa, 2 Indian Head, been calculate rows each 66 : Name of Va: An average crop of 21 tons 10 lbs. per acre. 18| 19 20 21 22 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 36 .39 40 41 42 43 Late Puritan . . Holborn Abunc L X. L Dreer's Standai Carman No. 1.. Clay Rose American Wonc; Polaris - Everett lOBurnabySeedlii ■" Empire State.. - Ideal 13 American Gian 14 Irish Daisy 15 Karly Harvesc. 10 State of Maine 17 Rochester Rose. I'^McKenzie ... . Pride of tiie Tal Seedling No. 23 Rural Blush — Brownell's Wini 23 Hale's Champioj "■' New Variety Nc Monroe County. Seattle Chicago Market Flemibh Beauty V I'ug Troy Seedling. ., Early Sunrise. Daisy OrpHans Pride of the Mai General Gordon. Brown's Rot-proc New C^ueen Crown Jewel Money maker.. . . Vick's Extra Ear Peerless Junior.. Delaware Vanier Russell's Seed! in J. 44jEarlyGem . ■i 27 POTATOES. Eighty-three varieties of potatoes were under trial in uniform plots during 1896. The potatoes for planting were cut into pieces with two or three eyes in each and these were planted in rows 2 J feet apart, the sets being a foot apart in the rows. The dates of planting were as follows : — At Ottawa, 2l8t and 22nd May; Nappan, 20th May; Brandon, 21st May ; Indian Head, 18th May, and at Agassiz, 14th May. The yield per acre has been calculated In each case from the weight of tubers gathered from two rows each 66 feet long. UNIFORM TKST PLOTS OF POTATOES. c % Name of Variety. Ottawa, Ont Nappan, N.S. Brandon, Man. Indian Head, N.W.T. Agassiz, B.C. Average of all Farms. 'A Per acre. Per acre. Per acre. Per acre. Per acre. Per acre. Bush. Lbs Bush. Lbs Bush. Lbs Bush. Lbs Bush. Lbs Bush. Lbs 1 Late Puritan 455 24 308 454 40 345 24 139 20 340 34 2 Holborn Abundance. 404 48 536 40 283 48 44 .. 317 19 3 LX. L 377 51 490 502 20 290 24 115 40 3r.5 15 4 Dreer's Standard.... 375 6 501 40 344 40 312 24 39 36 314 41 5 Carman No. 1 371 48 501 40 440 345 24 161 20 364 2 G Clay Rose 355 18 3S0 20 , 279 24 205 20 305 5 7 Americ-vn Wonder. . . .353 6 403 20 344 40 413 :iG 102 40 324 28 8 Polaris 351 350 340 4 54 30 441 280 511 40 473 4i<0 348 20 20 301 334 2(!8 24 24 24 176 .. 124 40 117 20 348 45 9 Everett 314 4 10 Tiurnaby Seedling.. . . 318 19 11 Empire State 344 18 536 40 454 40 389 24 96 48 .SCI 22 12 Ideal 341 301 40 326 20 2!)4 28 109 16 2S6 33 1.S American Giant 341 408 20 308 , , 376 12 1()8 40 320 22 14 Irish DuLsy 337 4-1 529 40 484 301 24 130 32 356 40 15 Eiirly HarvBHC :»7 42 396 40 366 40 314 36 102 20 303 36 IG State of Maine 336 36 466 40 410 40 .321 12 95 40 32(5 9 17 Rochester Rose 327 48 550 344 40 246 24 198 .. 333 22 18 McKenzie 320 6 490 370 20 279 24 161 20 344 44 19 Pride of the Table... 317 64 273 330 250 48 292 55 20 Seedlinpr No. 230.... 316 48 583 341 272 48 220 .. .346 43 21 Rural Blush 316 312 48 24 455 326 40 531 374 40 294 369 28 36 154 .. 146 20 350 23 22 Brownell'g Winner . . SO.") 48 23 Hale's Champion 311 18 382 40 390 23") 48 v^-z . . 292 21 24 New Variety No. 1 . . 309 6 254 20 355 40 299 12 132 .. 270 4 25 Monroe County 308 , , 478 20 341 , , 316 48 164 16 321 40 %\ Seattle 305 304 48 42 452 429 40 20 207 396 40 279 248 24 36 102 40 147 20 2S1 38 Ti Chicago Market 305 12 28 Flemibh Beauty Seed- ling Troy Seedling 304 299 42 12 465 344 40 259 310 36 12 95 20 103 58 281 19 29 443 20 300 8 30 Ear y Sunrise 294 48 408 20 517 , , 286 , , 110 .. 323 14 31 Daisy 293 42 473 40 4.')8 20 297 , 110 20 326 36 32 Orphans 289 13 396 40 242 198 , 146 40 254 31 33 Pride of the Market. 287 6 560 . 4(;9 20 .301 24 183 20 360 14 34 General Gordon ... . 286 471 20 363 276 42 176 .. 314 36 35 Brown's Rot-proof. . . 283 48 235 , , 275 , , 132 , , 231 27 %\ Nt?w Queen 282 280 42 30 420 492 20 421 396 40 341 332 12 66 .. 132 .. 306 16 37 Crown Jewel 326 36 38 Money maker 279 24 493 40 440 332 12 205 20 350 7 m Vick'fc Extra Early.. 279 21 3(51 40 201 40 310 12 t • . . . 288 14 40 Peerless Junior 275 408 20 242 237 36 103 24 253 16 41 Delaware 275 275 413 408 20 366 344 40 40 244 248 12 36 176 .. 161 20 294 58 42 Vanier 287 33 4.'^ Russell's Seedling.. . . 275 490 242 2i:6 36 161 20 278 59' 44 Early Gem 269 30 378 40 429 310 12 145 50 305 38 28 UNIFORM TEST OF POTATOES— (7oneiud«d. ^ Nwno of Variety. Ottawa, Ont. Nai)pan, N.S. Brandon, Man. Indian Head, N.W.T. Agassiz, B.C. Average of all Farms. ^ Per acre. Per acre. Per acre, i 1 Per acre. Per acre. Per acre. Bush. Lb.s Bush. Lbs Bnsh. Lbs Bush. Lbs Bush. Lbs Bush. Lbs 45 StourbriHpre Glory. . . 208 24 431 40 32(5 20 ' 217 48 110 44 270 59 4(1 Karly Rose 205 28 338 20 366 40 244 12 140 40 ?71 4 47 rearcd's Extra Early. 205 0 212 40 601 20 2S1 36 132 40 304 40 4S Satisfaction 204 2(il 200 48 42 273 308 168 40 293 355 377 20 40 40 206 206 253 48 48 146 117 95 40 20 20 236 46 49 50 Early Ohio 202 3 Earliest of All 230 66 51 Prize ^J^akor 259 256 30 18 443 415 20 20 3.59 43'! 20 20 253 261 48 102 110 40 283 35 52 (ireat Divide. ... 295 57 53 Northern Si)y 255 12 478 20 377 40 270 36 126 8 301 35 54 Mag^fie Murphy 253 , , 380 20 3()3 290 24 132 , , 283 45 55 Thorlnirn 249 42 525 377 40 195 4S 117 20 293 6 5G Early White Prize, . . 247 52 443 20 4S7 40 279 24 139 20 319 31 57 Early Six- weeks 247 30 410 40 377 40 224 24 73 20 200 43 58 V ictur Rose 245 245 18 18 415 499 20 20 319 454 40 312 .^12 24 24 117 154 20 281 52 51) lieauty of Hebron. . . 333 8 GO Early Norther . . 242 420 513 20 242 132 309 52 (il Lee's Favourite (ireen Mountain 239 235 48 24 413 548 20 418 311 40 345 261 24 48 354 3 62 154 302 14 ^y^ Chas. Downiiig Sharpe's Seedling. . . . Rea(iing Giant 233 231 12 44 490 332 •• 381 341 20 261 292 48 36 341 35 64 108 32 261 10 65 231 402 . 385 246 24 117 40 288 25 60 Wonder of the World 229 54 361 40 447 20 272 48 73 20 277 .. 67 White Beauty 228 48 457 20 469 20 237 36 95 20 297 41 68 Clarke's No. 1 227 20 433 20 458 20 28S 12 66 , , 294 38 lit) 1 )akota Red 22 » 221 217 24 0 48 445 382 466 40 40 40 278 399 396 40 40 281 376 217 36 12 48 184 SO 133 40 40 28 283 . . 70 London 292 4 71 Queen of the Valley.. 280 21 72 Seedling No. 214 ... . HopeiuT. 200 48 237 201 40 224 24 <)5 30 193 4 73 20'< 36 396 40 282 20 220 58 28 232 25 74 Lizzie's Pride 20o 30 455 436 20 369 36 70 20 306 57 75 Early Puritan 201 18 560 , , 506 .. 336 36 105 36 341 54 7<> Freeman 199 198 6 361 354 40 40 322 201 40 40 217 127 48 36 146 58 40 40 249 35 77 Table King 188 7 78 Record 198 420 333 40 187 148 52 257 30 79 Burpee's Extra Early 195 48 168 330 312 24 117 20 224 42 80 World's Fair Algoma No. 1 Harbinger 189 181 1.59 12 30 30 406 256 301 40 40 40 484 297 275 169 246 237 24 24 36 327 19 81 245 23 82 95 20 225 49 83 Puarce'sPrize Winner 159 30 459 40 498 40 314 36 88 •• 304 5 The following were omitted because the tubers did not arrive in time to be planted A^ith the others ; at Brandon, Clay Rose and at Agassiz Pride of the Table, Brown's Rot-proof, Vicks Extra Early, Lee's Favourite, Chas. Downing, Worlds Fair and Algoma No. 1. The twelve varieties of potatoes which have produced the largest crops at the several experimental farms are : — Central Experimental Fakm, Ottawa, Ont. Per acre. Bush. Lbs. 1. LatePuritan 455 24 2. Holborn Abundance 404 48 3. L X. L 377 51 4. Dreer's Standard 375 6 5. Carman No. 1 371 48 6. Clay Rose ... 355 18 7. American Wonder . 8. Polaris 351 9. Everett 3.50 10. Burnaby Seedling 3 16 11. Empire State 344 12. Ideal 341 Per acre. Bush. Lbs. 353 6 4 54 30 18 EXPERIMEN' The twel takins' the av An average crop of 3G8 bushels 55 lbs. per acre. The avei the experimei acre; Nappan Head, 277 bus given by the i 29 Experiment "L Farm for the Maritime Provinces, Nappan, N.S. Per acre. Bush. Lbs. L Seedling No. 230 583 . . 7. 2. Early Puritan , WiO . . 8. 3. Priile of the Market 5(10 . . 9. 4. Oreen Mountain 5 18 20 10. 5. Holboni Abundanci- 536 40 11. 6. Empire State 536 40 12. An average crop of 533 bush. 55 lbs. per acre. Por ai-To. Irish Daisy , Thorbnrn Late Puritan .... Burnaby Seedlin;^ iJreer's Staudnvd Carman No. 1 . . . , BuHh. Lbs. 529 40 525 513 20 511 501 40 5C1 40 Experimental Farm for Manitoba, Brandon, Man. Per acre. Bush. Lbs. 1. Pearce'a Extra Early GOl 20 2. Rural Blush 631 40 3. Early Sunrise 517 4. Early Norther 513 20 5. Early Puritan 606 6. I. X. L 502 20 Per acru. Bu»er Acre. per Aero, per Acre. per Acre. per Acre. .jd . -^ ^ ^ . -^ J -« ^ A . ^ .S s i 3 .S 3 i § i a 3 M h) PQ >A M 1^ M a PQ ^ PQ Hi Oata 85-10 51-2 45-10 34-38 40 0 10 IC 74-4 43-16 16-6 20-8 57-22 Bailey, t .vo-rowod 23-3 do six-rowed G9-8 41-2 28-6 58-6 32 14 25-26 St>rinR Wheat 24-20 0-0 15-20 30 40 13-40 17-0 Pcasn 45-60 34 0 11-50 40 10 30-20 9-50 Potatoes 455-24 § J 159-30 295-54 * . 385-0 133-50 251-9 iji H h) H >A H (J H K^ H >A H hi Indian Com (cut green for uilo) 20-1072 10 1035 10-37 37-470 13 1280 23 1190 Turnii)8 45 90 28 485 16-1005 13-400 0-408 7-888 MMifffIs 40 1S40 25 -HM 16-300 37-970 22-082 15-294 Carrots 31 1470 16-1880 14 1590 29 1400 11 1100 18-300 These experiences show the importance of selecting for seed such varieties as have proven most vigorous and productive. Since nearly all the work undertaken at the experimental farms has for its main object the gaining and disseminating of such information as is likely to make farming in Canada more profitable, it is hoped that farmers generally will carefully consider and take advantage of the experience here recorded, and as far as is practicable make their choice of seed for next season's sowing from among those varieties which have given the best results in these tests. Some idea may be formed of the gain which would accrue to the farmers of the Dominion from the addition of a single bushel of grain or ton of corn or roots per acre under crop of these farm products by referring to the following table where the acreage is given under cultivation with each crop in the single province of Ontario in 1896, and a calculation made of the money value of such addition at prices current in the markets of the east. 31 The acreage giveu is taken from bulletin 60 of the Ontario Bureau of Industries. Oats Barley Spring Wlieat. Pease Potatoes Indian Com (cut green for silo). Tumipd Mangels CaiTuts Area undfT Ci-op in Ontario, 18%. AcroB. 2,425,107 4t;2,7n2 255,301 82<»,(;01 178,985 178,962 148,234 8(j,101 12,333 " Si Value of each HuHhel IKT Acreof In- (T)'utie for Ontario only. cts. 25 35 75 50 20 PerTon. I ots. 1 50 3 00 3 00 3 00 $ eta. C03,276 75 l«l,i)77 20 191,520 75 414,800 60 35,797 00 Value of each Ton jKir Acre of Increase. f cts. 268,443 00 447,702 00 108,303 00 3«,99C 00 Particular attention is also called to the increase of crop had frcm early sceding-s of turnips, mangels and carrots. As many of the more promising sorts of grain are not yet easily obtained, instructions ha'^e been given by the Hon. Minister of Agriculture to distri- bute this season as heretofore, in 3 lb. bags, all the surplus seed grain available from the crops harvested at the experimental farms. These bags will be sent free to farmers in Canada on application, but owing to the very large number who now apply, it is not practicable to send more than one sample to each applicant. Last year about 40,000 farmers sent retjuests for samples, of which 36,000 were supplied before the stock was exhausted, and more than 50 tons of choice seed grain were used in meeting this demand. The available stock this year is somewhat larger than in ]895» and the distribution as in the past will consist of samples of oats, wheat, barley, pease, corn and potatoes. No provision has been made for the distribution of turnip, mangel or carrot seeds. It is desirable that each applicant should express his preference for the particular variety he desires to test and to name one or two alternative sorts in case the stock of the variety chosen should be exhausted. The new cross-bred a: id hybrid sorts are not yet available in sufficient quantity to admit of general distribution, but a limited number in each province can be supplied with samples of one pound each. The distribution is now in progress, and requests may be sent to the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, free of postage, at any time before the 1st of March, but after that date the lista will be closed, so that the applications then on hand may be filled before seeding begins. Those who apply for potatoes should also have their applications in before the date named, but the samples cannot be sent until danger of injury from frost is over. i! ;< 9 ■■ iKt *• i i- 11