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By henry M. ami, M. A., F. O. S. Notes and Descriptions of some New or Hitherto Unrecorded Species of Fossils From the Cambro-Silurian (Ordovician) Rocks of the Province of Quebec. / By henry M. ami, M. A., F. vriter in order to be uniform with the termin- ology employed by Mr- Foord, in his " Contributions to the Micro-Palaeontology of the Cambro-Silurian rock? of Canada," 1^83. I very much prefer the terms K-anthoporvx," etc , now employed by Messrs. Foord, ' autoporen, ' mennporex. Ulrich and other authors. !)8 CtiiKulinn llecord "f Scknre. structure ohservod in such fdi'iiiH ns (lirvdhcUa or Sircpho- cheius. or (lie ;;'('nMB Solnwjinni, thoie upjx'jir lo he two, anil perhaps throe distinct forms tVom the ( "anihro .Sihnian or Ordovician strata of Canada. 1. One of tliose, the typical Solenopora compacfn, Hillings, sp. (- Stioinafopora eoni])acta, JJiiiings; Stenopora com- pacta, DawsOM ; -^Tetradium Pea(diii, Nioh. ami I'lthcridge; - So]onoj)ora sponi^ioides, Ih'howski; -Totradiuni I'oachii, var. Canadonso, Foord ; (< 'ymafopora comjiaeta, Dwii^'ht, M.S.S.) ocelli's in ahunthmce through a co!isideral)U^ tliick- ness of the lower beds of the 'J'rcnton of Onlai-io and Quebec, and has /o(ecia varyinif from 1-320 th. to 1-400 th. of an inch in diameter, whilst the Scotch representative described by l)i-. Nicholson and J\[r. Ktheridge, jr., has zod'cia which measure 1420 th. of an inch — '• ono-thirty- tiftb of a line " — in diameter. 2. A second species of this genus Solenopora, occurs in the limestones of the Jiii'd's Kye and Black Eiver foi-mation at Paquetle's Rapids, on the Ottawa Eiver. This locniit}- is t'eferred to by lUllings ;is one of the phices where this Stromatopora (now Solenopora) cowpucta could be found, and gives no figure nor microscopic characters whei-eby the ■species may be recognized. Now that Solenopora compnrfn, liillings sp., is a well eHtabli^hed species which tinds place in the nomenclature of jiresent writers, it apj)ears fi'om an examination of micro.^eopic sections of the Pa(iuettoEapids foi-m, that it is distinct from the oi'dinary form and is readily distinguished therefrom by the large size of its zo(ecia— they vary fr(»m IGO to 200 in the space of one inch, i ('., each zoiecium varies from l-KJOth. to l-200tb. of an inch in diameter. The specific name Solenopora Paquetfiana, is here proposed to receive such forms as this which pi'Osent the generic characters of the genus Solenopora, but have zo(eeia or tubes much larger than in S. comjiacta, and also less wavy. The zoarium is also con- siderably larger than ordinary specimens oi" S. rompacta. No diaphragms have been detected in the longitudinal section of this form. There must obviously have been diaphragms Unrecorded Species of Fossifs. 9J> at more or loHs regular inlervairt in ilic Uiln's, hut, :i.s in most Hj)ecimons ()f'>S'. compacta, they uve not evident. Very nkilAiIIy preparid seftionn of esj)Ccially well jjreserved examples from the Tienton locks of Pou^hkecpsic, N. V., kindly pifsented to the writer hy Prof. W. B. Dwi^ht, of \'assar Collyi^e, have revealed the tabuhe of »S'. compacta. 3. 'i'iu! third form occurs in the liurd compact eherty limeHtone rocks of (Quebec city al (V>te d'Abraham. and closely resembles the ty|)e species S. compacta, but is clearly distinct from *S'. Pai/uetti((na, both from the si/,e and regularity of its tidjes. From .V. compacta, the Quebec variety ' miiiuta,' differs in liaving smaller /.oiecia, less regularly ai'ranged and olten very tortuous. There are 480 to nearly 600 tubes in the sjjace of one inch, and these ai-e all in close contact. No septal teeth orspirdform projections I'rom the wall inwardly have been detected in any of the zoa-cia, which are irregularly rounded polygonal and triangular at times. Tnder the microscope this form, S. compacta, var. miniita, may be readily distinguished from the other two species, and on this account has had the varietal designation affixed. Locality.— Cole d'Abraham, (Quebec City, Quebec. Collectors.— IL M. A. and X. .). Giroux,Ys88. Micro Sections. — 2,110 and 2,115. Prepared by Mr. T. C. Weston. DlCRANOPORA PARVA, N. Sp. Length of the only specimen (fragment) examined : '175 inch ; breadth, "05 of an inch. Tliere are from six to eiglit rows of cells across the polypary which are obliiiuely dis- posed in lines, so as to give to the /ou'rium a quincunxial arrangement which is characteristic and evident. Between the cell apertures, whose margins are somewhat thickened, are seen low depre.s.sed and indistinct lines which give a slightly longitudinal aspect to the rows of cells, besides the obli(£ue or quincunxial disposition. This form appears to be distinct from those described by Mi-. Ulrich from the Cincinnati group of Ohio, and tlie name JD.parva is here suggested for this form. TOO Canadian Record of Science. Locality.— (iix^non'fi Hoat-h. iioiir the Ijoundury between Mutiintu' and McNider Townnhips. Ciuebec. CoUector.—'W < '. Wcbton. 1S87. pRAsopoRA LYcoi'ERDON, Vaniixiini var. Selwyni, N. VAR. Zoarium sub-hemispherical, masBive, about half an inch in diameter and the same dimension in height; tubes erect, prismatic. Tangential or cross section. This section exhibits the chai-acters and gonei-al features of the genus Prasoi>ora, Nich. and Kther, jr. The zocecia are polygonal however, and in close contact witii one another, there being only an occasional interstitial cell developed between the zod'cia. This almost total absence of interstitial cells, so prominent and characteristic in tyjtical examples of Praso- pura lycnperdon, Vanuxcm, ( -P. Seiwyni, Nicholson), from the Trenton formation of Canada and the United States, differentiate the Quebec species or variety from the typical species. Longitudinal section. This section shows the characters of P. lycoperdon, save the smaller or interstitial cells with closely arranged tabulu' which appear to be wanting. The curious oblique funnel-shaped or invaginating diaphragms with tabuhe developed in them at different heights, are exceedingly striking and characteristic; some of the zorecia pres^ent horizontal and straight diaphragms from wall to wall. There are about 72 zooecia in the space of one inch, or each zofficium is -0138 inch in diameter. In this character this variety comes closer to the smallest representatives of the type (P. lycoperdon Vanuxem or P. Seiwyni of Nicholson), which are l-70th of an inch in diameter. Locality.— In the hard cherty limestone bands of Cote d' Abraham, Quebec City, Quebec. Collectors.— B.. M. A. and N. J. (liroux, 1888. Micro sections.— ^OH. 2,107, 2,108, 2,109, 2,116. Prepared by Mr. T. C. Weston. Unrecorded Species of Fossih. 101 DlPI.OTHYI'A QlKHECENsIS, X. Sp. Zotti'iuin 8ult-liemiK|)hei'iciil, base cotuavo, heii^ht about two liiiess, diametor about balf un inch. Tangential or crosf] Sfytion. Zou'cia about 1-60 tb. inch in "lianiotor. varying from 1-50 tb. to 1-7") th. of an inch. In Hliape, the zoa'cia are polygonal, but often circular, mostly in contact, but at times one zoiccium is almost completely isolated by the presence of interstitial cells, which are develo])ed througbout the zoarium but in greater number in certain portions of it. The interstitial cells vary con- siderably in shape, size ami distribution, being often triangular, hour-glass shaped, and four, five, and even six sided at other times. No spiniform tubuli are seen in this section. Vertical or lonyitudinat section. The tubes are perpendi- cular to the base of the zoarium and regularly disposed. The walls are comparatively thick, and especially in the upper portion of the zoarium. The /-0(ecia have a few distinct horizontal or slightly curved tubuhe or diaphragms, whilst the interstitial cells luive more numerous and horizontal diaphragms developed. Note. The paucity of tubuli in the specimen examined may be due to its state of preservation or fossilization, as the few that are seen in the zoo'cia are only faintly visible in the coarsely crystalline calcite which fills the tube. No spiniform tubuli are seen in this section. This species is most nearly related to Diplotri/pa Milleri, Ulrich, but differs therefrom in possessing much fewer diaphragms, both in the zoli'nopora ronipacfa. IJillin^'s, s{». ?). Sticto_i)ora acuta, Ilall. , 4. " sp. indt. 5. Ptilodlctyaniaculata, Ulrieh. <). Mnnotri/peUa Trentont'iisix, Nicholson. 7. Prasopora bjcopcrdon.Y •AwwxQm, 8. Amplexopora Canadensia, Foord. !•. Scrpvlites disaolHtiis, Billiniis. 10. (ilijptacrinm ramulosus, liilliiiifs. 11. Orf/d.porida\ 9. Streptorhynchus filitextum , Hall, 10. Rhynchonella increhescens, Ilall. 11. Ecculiomphalus Trent onens'S, (?) Conrad 12. Pkurotomaria suhconica, Hall. 13. Ormoceras liij/sbi/i, Stokes. 14. " {?)fimforme, IhiW. 15. Endoceras multitubulatuni (1) Hall. (=r Vaginoceras muUitubulatum, II. sp.) 1(». Endoccras proteijorme, TliiW. 17. (?) (roniorcras anc