IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // 1.0 I.I '"! 1.25 1^12.8 |50 '"^^ ^ 1^ t lis. ii'^-O IIM IIIIIM 1.4 1.6 vj elure, I A 3 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I'^niiii tlic Canaihan IhxoRi. oi- Scikaci:, Vdl. II.. So. I, ,laii., I'^sd. New Fresh-Watp^u Sponges from Nov.v Schti'ia AND Newfoundland. By a. H. JMacKay. In the articlo on Orgnnic Siliceous I'oir.ains found in the Lake Deposits of ^ova Scolia, published in the lasu num- bei-of llie REroRi) ok Sofenck, Nos. .'{ ants iilobular, 20 Canadian Rerord of Srienre. fonsislini!: of a tliick (ihitinoiis coat filled with the usual i;-erin'mal inatloi', from which is very slii^'htly prolono-ed an ev(M'to(l lriiin|iet-shM|)e(l aperture; bciariiiy- fslight ti'aces (•N'ieriially of niici'occll-striicturo an.--S)»(.iii;'(' li.^Iil n-riitre of the sj)ieule, elsewhci-e .generally ciirviiin-yo/7r• '.'V A C 7-' - / ■ f 7 HEri-EROMHYRNIA PlCTOVEXSiS. A. — Skeleton spicule. B. — Long .statoblast sj)icnle. ('. — Sliort statoblast spicule. Dermal spicub^s absent or undiscovej'e OOOT.") inch lonii", by t)-(lOil7r) inch I hick ; |i'ii (V0021 inch; ol' sliort hirol iihilcs O'OUrj ; (hanicUM- of disc <»r l;ilt<'r d'OllOO inch. ' This is one I'T He \\\>»\ hcaiitilnl nf uiir iVc-li-w alcr >|»onuo>. il is M» tnucji nioix^ compacl and lirni Ihan (»iii- other spono-o, tlial it can muirly inlallibl_\- l>e i-oc^gni/cd at sig'hl ()!• by tnipli whisn once >ccn and handled. Its range in Nova S(otia is i|U;tc c ::tonsiv(^: il has lieen found t»n the Atlantic and (ImII" slopes. It i> .also jilmndant in Newfound- land. S. ma-'kaiji is also easily recogni/e(l without micro- scopic examination when once seen. Its encnisting habit, with the conspicuously largo com|)Ound Htatoblasts, is veiy Si. ottaivaensis. ,lc( ut thoir easureinfufs. inch I hick ; liirnliilatcs lVc--li-\\ Jiloi' II lliun (•III' »c<»gni/o(l at 1(8 range Dtmd (Ml tiie I Nowt'ound- iiout inicro- ■iting habit, ists, is voiy variety of M. Dawson