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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent 6tre film6s d des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour 6tre reproduit en un seul clich6. il est film6 d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I I Organic Siliceous Hcmis in t LaKe §1 Bv A. H. MACKAY. [FiaiM THi:('A\AI>IAN I'lECMlUi "F SCIENCE. VoL. 1. No. 4.0CT.. IsS.",.] • t ■ • • ■ • • « . * * ■ * . > It I 111 * VII. OHCAXi.: SiMCKOUS RkmaIXS IX THE LaKE DEPOSITS OF Nova Scotia, i!v A. M. MacKav, I'u'toi; Acadkmv, N. S. The silicc.„us .Jcpusits in tlir lakes referred to are, fir.t aud Qiost abundantly, of vegetal.U. nriuin, consisting of the ex<,ui!sitely Hcndptured e,.ll-walls<.ftl.euniccilular plants, con^^titutino- theorder Ihatonwaa : and, secHnlly. ..f animal on>in. consi>t^in..' of the ..pieulrs whu-h H.rni th,. sk.l.tons ..I' that group of the fresh-water sponges k'nown a.^ S/»>,i(ji//i/iu. ''^''*' '"^-^^^f^-^"' 'ft'H- ehara.tev r,f tlu^ lake deposits of Nova Sootn. has nniy i, en cuimuieod and much is yet expected to be brought to iigir, The ..xploratinns made during the last two summ.rs uudude a la,-e nnnd.r of lakes throughout the province jaryn.gtron. five n,il, > in length to less than one half of a mile, and from KiO fe.t in deptl. of water (o that of only six or seven Deposits of.ume nf th. I.uger lak.s have been examined, but no systematic survey orrhem has yet been made. . • •• . • . • • * ***** •.•*• •.• ■ ■ a *.*«:•: :,.*••: .•* ••* : .•.••• .«. ** *• . . *,* • , .' ... •; »«♦*,.• . * * •• ••• ..' .... *,•«•• ' •• •*•,.. **• *... *•*•. *,' *.'..: •••..: •,• *•• . .• •*, .> ** *.. ....*.,, . ... ,., .: • * > O • . . . A . .J . * • . . .* Orcf(UK'!c Sil/rciui.s RcniHiiis. L';:7 Tlic's*! (I(!|M its may lif loiiulily classilicd as I'oUdws : — First J I'arthy muds. Srri)ni\ althuuj;!) in less comiKirative ahundance. These three classes, dI" course, shade oil" into caeli other with- out :iny distinct line of dcmarkatiou. In the first class there is a variable (juantity (»!' fine sand or clay introduced in times of Ireshets when the water becomes dis- colored from the earthy matter Ixtrne into it. Deposits ol' this class abound in lakes into which lari;t'. streams that readily be- <-ake, less extensive but nearly iiO feet deep, the same characters ol' the bed of the deposit wer(! observe'i.'< Jhnid'nis. 230 lie niiii'li iiiiit('ii:il nl" \\\'\ti kind is sul>iii(ri;o(l, and JU'iir an afflui-nt of MaiiH-y HivtT is ii ixood cxiinijile of a do}K)sit. wlii»'li is ik^w left liii^li and f till- frustulcsor »'})iurek's Atlas witli :}.0()() fiirures ..f Belgian forms, liijures and descriptions by Hrun of (jeneva in his " Diatomdes des Alpes et du Jura," and tlie deseriittioiis of RahtMih(»rst in his '' Flora Kurop.'ua Al,!i;arum A(|a;i', Duleis et Snbmarinai.'' 1. CoeeoiM'is pcibculus, Khr 2. C. plaoeiitnla, Ehr. 3. CM)ii(i)lKiiieina iieiunitsatuiii, Khr. 4. " '* rnr . (^ordimtuin, Ktz. r>. "■ " rar . laticcnM, FJn Ci. (!. cristaliini, luilf's. 7. (i. iznicile rar. iiavicMiloidis. (irun. 5. (}. al>l>reviatnMi, A(/. It. (i. capitatniii, Khr. 10. (}. jiiti'icMtMin, Kfz. 11. (i. eistula, Jlcmprr. 12. Kpitliciiiia turi^iila, FJn. i;{. K. i^ibha, /<;/(/•. 14. " " rnr. parailfla. (inin. 15. Vj. ar!j;us, Ehr. IC). Iliiiiaiitidium arcus, Fjhr. 17. " " rar- inajns, W. Sm. IS. "■ " rar. tciielluni. . <;o. (ii. r.4. Ho. 67. ()!>. 70. 71. 72. 7;{. 74. 75. 76.' <'\ Milirlla L'iistioido, l\tz. <' ••ll>|ii,l;itii, AVs. ('. fliiciilpciL'ii, Klz. <'. l.'uiccdIuiH, I'^Jir. (". y(//. Niiv iciilii cr.'issiiicrvir, Unit. N. -riicilis, /;///•. N. CllSllidul;!, A72. N. iiiiihiiiiiii, I'Uir. M. ii|i|(ciidiciilulii, AVa;. N. iillinis luir. iuii|)|iirliyii(:u.-, I'^iir. N. Iiaiisvrrsu, .1. ,S'r//. N. ;iiii|»liii;oin|>liiis, /•;//;•. r,n- ' N. liiiKtsji, A72. N. lirtiiji, (nun. " " rar. liil(s)clifuc.l. '* " r((r. liemipU'ia, AV6. I*. |»rri'j;i'iiia,, Klir. P. iiohilJH, a;///'. P. inajoi', li. St. punctata, Kfz. St. stauropheria, Elir. Surirella robusta, Uhr. [S. spleudida, E/ir. Onjdiiir SilitrAius Rrvuiins. 241 77. S. liiHi'iiiilu, lin;h. 7H. S, hitroiiH, K/z. 1'.). S. tiifiziilii. U'. Sill. so. S. Imcaris ror. ctniHtrii.tu. W. Sm. s|. S. slcvKM-iisiiJ, (,'nin. i^'l. S. i'l«"j-iinH, f'!/ir. H'.i. S icii.'ia. xv.<, FjIii', S(>. N. I'luiiLriilii, ilnin. 87. N. spt'ctjiliilis, Hull's (?) SS. N. ^iiiiiioiilfiu Silzxrli. HK, St('Iln|tt(I-ulii!l illlC.t'ps, Hill}. DO. Ffii;_'illiiri!i <'oiiN(nH'iis, dnm.. j)I. '« " *"?>•. ItinutJiH, Oriin. 1)2. I"'. ( apiKiiia, l)isiii. :>:{. !•' lata, ir. Ny//. tH. SviH'dra nliia, M/ir. '.).'"). Mcriiliiiii ♦•ircMilai'i', .(//. l>t). 'I'uliellaria tlDc.iilosa, Hoik. '.)7. T. fViu'Htrata, Li/nj/h. 98. Cyclutclla oppniulaU, J//. 9I>. C. coiutii I'll)-, alfiiiis, <7/v/H. ion. Melosiiii.li.'^taiiP, Khr. 101. M. arcnaria, Moor. 102. M. (iriclialci'a, Martenn. W^. M. <,'ramilata, ^vV/r. 104. M. crt imlata i^ir. vuliila, Uniii. This lint is not oxhaustivc. of all the forms found in any <;iv('n locality, much Irssof all the sptjcies iu the lacustrine denosit.s of the jtrovinee. Until (he siuicies havy been more fully determined in the whole; range of deposits there will bo little u.^c in attompt- inji; tin compare the forms of the lower deposits with those of the upper or more modern. Great variations are observed in many Mpecies of the diatomace.t), concomitant with their stage of develop- ment, and also probably with their different eavi'-onments. The conditions oi' I'nvironment also affect their distribution. It is ren'.arkabie in the Nova Scoti an species, so far as observed, that v/hile most of the forms di'tcrmined are also found in the dis- tant waters of the Alps and the Jura, some of the depositis taken from lakes but a few mikis apart can be distinguished by the pre- sence or abseuee of certain lorms or by their relative abundance. Oi'U ItlhW, S'l n rniis n r)iiii.i us. This iiiiliict inn \^ n-^ yet ha-^nl on Ikh I'tu i nuTiilur i»t nltscrv- atioiiH to In! oCimv sciciitifir viiliK Hut KiU'h Mistiiin'CiJ as rnl|((wiil'_' llilV(3 been obNTVi*! : Mthmhti nnnniid ( Mdor till' :iltuiHl:mt in till) Kiirltowti liiikos iitvir tJif snnmritof'ilic ('HlHcpiiij raii!^!' (if iiii>ii»'t:iiiis , wliilr * eon- liicli li but tain, not only trie or<;anismM wtiieii live in tJieir own waters, tii tliose wbieli are swept'into lliem by tlieir tributary streams. In addition to tlie I'l'iiiains of the diatomace.'v, tbe silieeou5 spicules ofsponi^es abound in all tbese (leposits, especially llie loiin skeletal s|)icules. In some few places, tbe silica from this source is in excess oftbat from tbe diatomace.'i'. A seandi for tbe orii^iii of tboBC bavini^ been manera liavc boon Tjund, and two of tbese are con- si(U>r(!d as new to science. Tbese fresli-watir sponlauts, stomas and oav.u on sand, Tbey are. all of some luie of i^retMi wben livinu; and exposed tot.be influeiute of li^bt. 'I'bcy vary in size from very small up to a speeiiiKMi of .\I(i/ini(i jfiivhifilis, :.',rovvlnu; in (Janbni-of-Kiden Lake, wliieb mea- sured twi>iity-seven iiiebes ir; li'nijtb by lour iiudies in diameter. Hurroundinn a small brancli as a core. In tlu; winter st>ason tbe flo.sb of tbese generally decays, and most of tbe skeletal spicules scatter and aci^umulate in tbe adjacent deposits. Tbe reproductive gemmules vvitli tbeir cbaracteristic spicules, also, in the course of time float away, or germinate next spring on the orie;inal site. The fbllowini;- are the species oi' siliceous sponges which have been identified as living in the lakes at present, and whose spicules abound in tin; (b'posits under consideration. These sponges, like the diatoms, have certain spiicies characteristic of certain waters, while others are more generally distributed. 1. Sjwngilla fragilis, Leidy. 2. S. lacufitris var. dawsoni, Hk. 3. S. mackayi, Carter. 4. Meyenia fluviatilis, Carter. '•I nliscrv- '••'.^ .IS fll,' (.MS/( nnn. ••^''IIItl-ilM'd 'I'tll, ('(111 fill inhin ■ flic n-lii- Ills. ■^iliccdu."! (Ilf luiii^ is source i»> (iri^iii '' species iro ('ori- i^row oil in; Jill of i('ii(!e ,,/' illKMI of I'll uiea- ameUir, sojj the skeletal . The Jso, in oil the JXIIl^OS t, and Those ■itic of .'». M. even 111, /'«//.sun«l )fills. t(. lleieioineyeiiiii ryileri, I'oHh. 7. n. iir;^\ ru,-j|K'riii!i, /'»i*:l(>Ve||MIH, /'(f(//.s', "J. 'riiliellii |»eriiiMylviviiifu, I'litts, 'I'hi! first ol'tlieso was deserilieil by |{ovv(irl»!iiik as S.lon/ii. The s|>(ciii)eii ciiiih' IVoiii Uritisii ('oUuiihiii. It was first dise(»vt;n'd ill Kii;^hiiid last suiiiiiier, .iccordiiii;' to (artcr. It turned out on exaiiiiiiatioii, that lA^idy, ol' IMiiladi-iphia, first di'scrilted it as .S'. JriKjilis. Mo. 'J wasdeM'.riluid by HoworbaiiU over twiiiity years aj^o as »S'. (/iiir.soiii ; iiext, by IVitts as »S'. btcualroidts. I (rallttd Mr. Potts' attention to Uowerbaiik's dos(;ri[)tion, and it lias boeii j:;cntwally eoneeded ^inee to be an Anieri(Mii variety (d' the Kuro- jteaii S. liu:iiHtria. No. 3 was described by (barter, of Kiit:,land, in the January niuiiber of tlie ''Annals and iMat;a/.ine of iNatural History,' London. I'otts chiinis that it is the same as his »S. iij/noi/urmisy a description of which, we think, has not yet bi^eri published. No. r> is reuiarkabh!, as the species has never been observed before except in a p(»nd upon Mt. Kverett in Mass., U.S.A., at an elevation of 1,800 or 2,000 feet alxjve the sea. It apjiears to be pi' ntiful in Nova iSeotia. No. S, provisionally named, is remarkable for the paucity of its .'• .,atoblasts, wiiich for some tiuio prevented its cla.-sitieation, although its skeletal spicules are very distinctive. Further investigation is neeessa.y for the elucichi- tion of the character and life-history of this spe(^i(!s. This classilieation and nonieiiclature has the a[»{)H»val oi' II. .1. (barter, th(! i-reatest living l<]iiglish writer on sponges. K. I'otts of lMiil.iliia, our l»est American authority, has observed that the s|»icules of spongi's undergo variations within a very considerabk; limit, and that, these variation.s arc; geniu'aliy concomitant with the variation of the altitude of their habitat. The spicules of several of thcH; Nova S(u)tian s{»oiiges he con- siders as varying Irom the usual type, but considers them a.-, con- forming to his hypothesis. The extensive deposits of these siliceous remains must have eoiue proximately from silica in solution in llu; water. The analysis of the waters of lljilifax lakes by Prof. Lavvson sliows the preseiict; t»f soluble silica as well as of alumina, lime and Iron, all ol' which have Iteeii found to exiht in diatomacuous earth.-? analy.scd by Zeigler, Iloliiuau, aud 1 244 Organic Siliceous licrtmUis. LoHMier. N„ less than from 2.13 .ntii.s io 2.44 per ^^aWuu of t.iese inor-anK! Hub.stunees were fbuiul in .solution in the waters of theHc lakes. ''^ Hum paper wan writtoiMM annwcT t... a n.pK-st for tl.e Author'n oh.s(Tvat.io„H on tlw .Jiafon,ae,.ous .l.-posits of Nova Scotia. It was Mnnpy^Mvcnasan.pnrtof the pn.j,r,es,s ,.(• tlu- Autl.or'H own