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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont fiimAs en commenpant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impresslon ou d'illustratlon et en termlnant par la dernlAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles sulvants apparaltra sur la dernldre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols — ► signifle "A SUiVRE", le symbols V signifle "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tabieeux, etc., peuvent Atre fllmfo A des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul ciichA, 11 est filmA A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'imeges nAcessaire. Les diagrammes sulvants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 ' 4^ 5 6 fm ',¥ ■/- -»,''■«■'« ft !■ . X; It;'- *'k" Conti ibutions from the Herbarium of the Geological Survey of Canada. ;*i'.. (6y Permission of the Director.) By James M. Macoun, ''' "•,-*■ 1 i_V. .--' Curator of the Herbarium. '; "^ \ f"!^*' ^ "'' ■ ^'' .'\->^- .-'"^>v • :fe:' ':'i'^/r V/'v.', IV. !/ .V ■r\ V ' ? ,> ^r' Reprinted from f/it Canadimi Record of Science, January, 1895. l-'- < * " r •■■'it ' • ' ' i.X ' -V \ i l> •••'-..- "\ n ■r- ■ .' * fa '#'" ' ,. * » I' <■ - , f -1 3* ' ' . il .' '..^ - / • J \t 1 I •:|:'. f '.,'"' ..i-;,:^l .'-■,- '- " 1 A^ _' -A. 'M-f,y T Contributions fronn the Herbarium of the Geological Survey of Canada. (By Permission of the Director.) Hv .Iamks M. Macoin, (Junttor of thv Jlrrliarinoi. IV. BtpriDhif from Ihr ('(inmlian lititinl af Svinirr, .Innnnrji, ISU5, Contributions to Canadian Botany. J'.y .Ias. M. Macoi'n, IV. VinLA iu,ANi)A, Willil., viir. a.m(i;na (Lo C) H..S.P. Seldom soitir.-;ilc.4'J4. *S'. Macounii, WatH., Proe. Amer. Acad, xxvi., 124. Our herbarium specimens of this variety are from .Mt. Aylmer, liocky Mts., alt. G,800 ft.; Lake Lou i.^^e. K'ocky MtH. ; Silver City, J^)cky Mts.; Kickini; Horse Lake, Eock}^ .Mts.. alt. 7,0()(» ft.; mountains north of Gritlin Lake, J5.C., alt. 6,500 ft, (John Macoun.) Mt. Queest, Shus- 1 The Geographical limits given in these papers refer to Canada only. 200 Canadian Record of Science. wiip Imko, R.C., all. fi,0()On. ; Aviiluncho Mt., Selkirk MIh., li.C, alt. 7,0i»0 a. {Jan. M. Macom.) WoHtorn Sumnut of North Kootanio l*aH8, Rocky Mt.-^. ; South of Tiilariioon IHvor, R.i:., alt. ti.OOO ft.. (/>r. G. M. Daivson.) A part of the sptHsirnonw roforrod to this variety aro perhaps iiitor- mofliato botwoon it and the ne.xt. SiLENE DouoLAsii, IFook, var. viscida, Uobinson, Proc. Amer. Acad, xxvii. 145. On Hlo|)eB of high mountains at Ivicking Horse Ijake, Rocky Mts. {John Macoun.) SiLKNE BouoLASii, llook., var MULTICAULI8, Robinson. »S'. multicaulis, Macoun, ('at. Can. Plants, Vol. II., p. HOD. Stump Lake, South of Kamloops, B.C. {John Macoun.) SiLENE (tallica, Linn. Common at Oak Hay, (roldstream and Victoria Arm, Vancouver Island. (John Macoun.) introduced. SiLENE NOCTIh'I ORA, Linn. \ weed in gardens at Rupert's House Jamos Bay. (Jos. M. Macoun.) in waste places at lievelstoke, B.C., and ('edar Hill, Vancouvei" Island. {John Macoun.) Not be- fore recorded from west of Winnipeg. Lychnis apfinis, Vahl. Between Lake Athabasca and Chesterfield Inlet. Lat. «i3° 27', Long. 102°, 189.3. {Jas. W. Tyrrell.) Cape Prince of Wales, Hudson Strait. (Dr. R. Bell.) Lychnis elata, Wats. Our only specimens of this species are from Avalanche Mt., Selkirk Mts., B.C., alt. 7,000 ft. (Jas. M. Macoun.) Lychnis Tatlor.^., Robinson, Proc. Amer. Acad.xxviii, 150. Very slender 1 to U feet high, puberulent, nearly smooth below, glandular above; stem erect, bearing 3 to 4 pairs of leaves and two or thice long, slender, almost filiform 1 to 3 flowered branches ; leaves thin, lance-linear, acute or Contributions to ( 'nnadian Botany. 201 attenimto ItDtli wiiyn, tinely ciliiito, and puhoscotit upon the Hitiglo Morve bonoulh, oIIkm-wiso ^'lubnito, 2 to J.V inclios in loii^tli ; Mowoin tortninul or HiiUurniintil on tlio hriinchort; calyx ovato, not much in(latorackon/,io River Delta, 1SI)2. (Miss E. Taylor.) .Lychnis triflora, R. Br. var. Davvsoni, Robinson, Proc. Amer. Acad, xxviii, 149. Calyx with principal nerves double or triple, Joined by interlacing veinlets ; the intermediate nerves beneath the Binuses inconspicuous or wanting ; petals very narrow ; the blade oblong, bitid, hardly to be distinguished from the narrow claw. Gravel banks, Boase River, 100 miles north-oast of Dease Lake. Lat. 59°, B.C., 1887. {Dr. (i. M. Dawson.) Claytonia Chamissonis, Esch. (I rowing at high-water mark at Comox, Vancouver Island, 189a. (John Macoun, Herb. No. 29.) ' These are our first authentic specimens of this species. Olaytonia parvipolia, Mof;. Damp rocks, Sproat, Columbia River, B.C.; Griffin Lake, li.( '. ; Agassiz, B.C. (John Mac jun.). Not before recorded between Selkirk Mts. and Vancouver Island. Oi'UNTiA fraoilis, Haw. This plant, of which specimens weie collected by Mr. A. C. Lawson in 1884 on islands in the Lake of the Woods, was found again in 1894 by Prof. A. P. Coleman on Ked Pino ' Whenever lierbarium numbers are given, they are the numbers uniler which specimens have been distributed from the hebarium uf llie (Jeolugical Survey of Canada. 20l' CiiiKulinn lleronl of SrirNtr. InlaiMl, \lu\uy Fiiiko, Jiisl williiii Canitdiaii (orriluiy. I( cuvrrod mIioiiI ji M|ii:irc rod <•!' tlio t'!i>lt'ni tMid lA' iUv island and '^vi'.w liall-liiii-ifd in li(di«MiM. TIm) Indians with I'lol". Coleman did nol Unow of its uccnircntt' (dsowlicic in thai I'l'j^ion. (iALIUM I'AMJSTUK, Ij. VaiV MINI'S, 1.,1,'f. A cotnitaiison oj spofinuMis coiU'cU'd l»y llio IN'V. A. W nii:- hornc at Lon.-- I'ninl, Lahiador, with (Iroonlan.l plants shows that what was at lirst (-((nsideiod a loiin of 2, are I'. Nutu-hora- eniJs. We have soon no other Canadian spoeimons ol' this species. Hkriocaiu'U.s RKiiDUs, Lindl. In open thieketH Mount Finlayson and (*odar Hill, near Victoria, V. I. and Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, 18S7. Oak Buy, near Victoria, V. I., llerh. No. 451. (.M/i Macoun.) Collected in 1887 but not recorded. IIelioi'sis scahra, Dunal. In thickets. Kicking' IlorsO River, liocky >[ts., alt. 4,000 It., 18!)0. {Jas. M. Macoun.) Woods, l{evelHtoke,C(»lumhia lli'ver, B.C. {.Joint Macoun.) I'l-obahly introduced from Manitohu hy the C. IMly. Not hefore recoided west of i\runito])a. .Madia olo.merata, Hook. Dry ^-round at Kevelstoke, Columbia River, B.C.. ISDO. (John Macoun.) Not hetore recorded west of Alberta. Madia »ativa, Molina, vur. racEiM(»sa, Cray. On dry banks, two miles from mouth of Ivootanie Kiver, B.C.. IS'JO. (John Macoun.) Not before recorded from interior of Britibb Columbia. Conliihntions lo Camnlimi linhnitf. •J():{ M.MtIA SATIVA, Mol., VIII'. CfiNtiKSTA, Cllliy. S|»(MMiiu'iis (IItM'I«. No. 4y liini to tliis vaiiuty iinvc lit-i'ii suhniitUxl to Dr. l{ol>ins(»ti, win) i<\\yf^, " a lonn >li()win,i^ churiulnrH of var. i-oiujCHtd (as (o iiiflurt'sci'Uft') and var. t'lii'i'iii'isd (as |u loavos and iiiiIm'sccmi'u. ) " nKMI/(»NKI,I.A |)l KANr)I, <. {John Md'oun, Herb. No. 47'>.j .Now (o Canada. ArTKMISIA IJirilARDSONIANA, Moss. Mount Kapho, liat. .')<;' i:;', Loiii^. l.'U ' 'M]\ alt. :;,8(»U ft., July, 1S!»1. [Otto KlotJ'MA II. W l-J. Canacan, Ilurb. .\o. 4,101.) Arnica i,atii'ol[a, Honi;'. var. visciiuri.A, (J ray. Woods at Rogoi-'H I'awH, St'lkirk MIh., ll.C,, alt. 4,500 It., 18'.M). {John Macoun.) Now to Canada. CeNTAUREA I'ANIfULATA, L. Dry waysides, Victoria, Vancouver Island. 189;^. (.John Macoun, Herb, No. 552). New to Canada. ('ASSIOPE SxELLEUrANA, DC. Mt. Kapho, Lat. 5G" 1.']', Lon,i,r WW'MV. Alt. ;:,800 ft. In flower July 10th, 18!)4. {Otto Klotz and //. W. h\ Canavan, Herb. ^no. 4,11)5.) First Canadian record. I'ri.mula ciNEii'OLiA, Ledeb. Mt. Hapho, Lat. 56° 13', Long. 1:51° 'MV. All. 3.800 ft. In tlower July lOtli, 1894. (Otto Klot:: and //. [V. E. Cana van, Herb. 4,192.) New to Canada. COLLINSIA VERNA,Nutt. In woods near Plover Mills, Out. In great abundance in 204 Canadian Record of Science. one locality but not found elsewhere. CoiloctoLl by R. Illliott, *iay 22nd, 18D4. Now to (Junadu. PEDICULARla PEDICELLATA, Hunge. Alt. Jleud, Ijjit. 56^ 0;')', Long. \'\\° 08'. Alt. 4,2U0 ft. {Otto Klot= and //. II' E. Canavan, Herb. No. 4,19(1.) Only authentic Canadian station. Utricularia resijpinata, ]i. 1). Green. Abundant on Kand and mud both in shallow and gently flowing water. Phippw Lake, Long Kcach, Kings Co., N.B., July 13th-20th, 18S0. (<7. //. Livingstone). Only Cana- dian station, though a plant believed to be this species was found by Prof. Macoun in Victoria Co., Ont., in 18C8. AMAKANTUS, Linn. Our herbarium specimens of this genus have been ex- amined by Messrs. Uline and Hray who have either con- firmed our determinations or made necessary corrections that ai-e included in the following notes. A. RETROFLEXUS, LlNN. Specimens collected by Prof. Macoun at Agassiz, B.C., and referred here are intermediate between A. Powellii and A. retroflexus. A. HYBRIDUS, Linn. References under A. paniculatus and A. hypochondriacus, MaconTi, Cat. Can. Plants, Vol. T, p. 89H, are, so far as our hebarium specimens are concerned, A. hyhridus. A. paniculatus, Linn. Waste places, Sicamous, B.C., 1889. (John Macoun.) Our only specimens or this species. A. GR.i:ciZANS, Linn. A. albus, L. ; Macoun, Cat. Can. Plants, Vol. T, p. 397. This species is well distributed throughout British North America. Specimens collected by the borders of saline ponds near Kamloops, B.C., by Jas. M. Macoun are near A. carneus, Greene. I Conlrihuliom to Canadian Butanij. 20/ I A. BLIT0IDE8, Wat. London, Ont (Millman.) Port Coll)orno, On(, (John Macoun.) F^oint Kdwaid, St. Cluii- River, Oni. (Jas. M. Mncoun.) POLYdONTM. All our hei'burium specimenw of this gonus hiivo been ex- amined by Prof. John K. Small, who has made several im- portant (change- in our determinations. lie had not our herbarium sheets at the time his revision of the Poly- (jonacew was published so that the distribution ol' the Can- adian species of Folyyonwii as given below will !.freatly ex- tend the range of many North American species. I follow Prof. Small's arrangement of the species throughout. (1.) P. viviPARUM, Linn. Throughout Canada. Our northern specimens are from Lat. 64° 2G', Long. 100" 45', 1893. (Jas. W. Tyrrell.) and Great Bear Lake llivei-. Lat. ilb'^, 1892. (Afiss E. Taylor.) (2.) P. Persicaria, Linn. From Prince Edward Island to Vancouver Island. Abundant throughout the settled parts of Canada. (3.) P. Careyi, Olney. Wet sandy banks, Moon River, Muskoka. Ont , 1878. ■(Burgess.) The oivly-Canadian-strrtiSn. (4 ) P. hydropiperoides, Michx, We hcve chis species from but one locality, Belleville, Ont. Many of the references given by Prof Macoun (Cat. Can. Plants, Vol. I, p. 411), probably refer to other species. This plant is certainly not of as general distribution in Canada as is supposed, or our herbarium wr,uld contain specimens from more stations than one. Of this species and var, strigosum Prof Small w'i'ites, " P. hydropiperoides, as well as the var. strigosum, has an almost invariable character which it seems, has never been re- corded. The stem or branches -alwtiys produce, at the dis- 200 Canadian Recor/l of Srimre. Itinco of three-fonrtlis ofuii inch or Icsh ubovo the ani,Me of l)i'unchirif^, a node witli a loaf and ocira, thus niakiii<; an intoi'iiode sovoial linios slioi'l sr than normal Iciiiftii." Var. STiuaosuM, Small, in ditches at (Jatinoau Point near Hull, <^nc. [John Mttcoun.) In water near St. Patrick's lirid^c, Ottawa, Ont. {Jas. M. Macoun, 11 orb. No. 1.50:i.) (5.) P. Hyuropu'er, L. F"om New BrunswicU- to Pacific Coast. (C.) P. I'UNCVATIM, Kll. P. acre, Macoun, Cat. Can. Plants. Vol. [., p. 411. Not rare in Kastoni Canada. Agassiz, B.C., and Kam- I()()j)s, B.('. (John Macoun.) Not before recorded west of Ontai-io. (7.) P. Pennsylvanicu.m, L. (Jommori from Nova Scotia to Western Ontario. (S.) P. LAI'ATIIIKOLUIM, L. Common from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Prof. Small thinks this species has been introduced wherever found. While this may be so in most cases, we have specimens from remote regions that are without doubt indigenous. Var. INCANUM, Koch. From Ontario to the Pacific. ([).) P. AMrilllUUM, L. Tadousac, Que. {Northrop.) Win.^ham, Ont. (J. A. Morton.) Hastings Co., Ont.; Long Portage, Nipi'-^n River, Ont. ; Tail Creek, N.W.T. ; near Victoria, Vancouver Island. {John Macoun.) Near Pincher Creek, Alberta. {Dr. a. M. Dawson.) (10.) P. EMERisu.M, (Michx.) iritt. Most of the references u dor P. Muhlenberg ii, .Macoun, Cat. Can. Plants, Vol. I., p. 410, and Vol. II., p. 35:}, go here. Our horbaidum spocimens are from Wingham, Ont. Contribidioiis lo Canadian BoIuhi/, 207 (J. A. Murton.) Lo:imy's Luke, Hull. Quo.; Tail ("reck, N.W.T. {-Juha Md'UAin.) Iiiue. ; Elzivor, irastiii<;8 Co., (Jut.; Vorinillion Lakes, near Uaiirt', ll(A',ky Mts. (Ilerh. No. 1,481.); Revelstoke, 15.C. ; Kaniloojjs, B.C. {John Macoiin.) Near York Factory, Hudson Buy. {Dr. M. Bell.) London, Ont. {Bia'ungo. Specimens collected on the 10a>-t Main JJivor, Ifudsou Bay, by A. II. 1). -'loss, in 18!)2, when compared with speci- mens trom Greenland seem certaiidy referable here. (15.) P. LITTORALE, Link. P. ereduin, Macoun, Cat. (an. Plants, Vol. 1., p. 4(17 iu part. Thunder Bay, Luke Su])erior. (N. L. Hritton.) Castle Mountain, Eocky Mts. ; BunlV, Rocky .MN.. Ileri). No. 1,487; near Devil's Lake, Rocky MtH., Herb. No. 1,486. {Jokn Macoun.) Walsh, Assa. (./. M. Macoun.) 208 Canndidn Record of Science. (16) l». Kayi, Bab. P. 7iiariti7num, Macouti, Cat. Can, Plants, A'ol. I., p. 408. Tiirnei-'H Head. Labiador. (Rev. A. Wac/horne.) Brack- ley Point. P.K.I. ; .hipitcM- River, AnticoHti, (^iie.; (iiuiliciun and Point llolmo.s, Conio.v, Vancouver Inland. Herb. No. 1505. (John Macoun.) HasH Kiver, N.B. (Fowler.) We do not believe, tliat Ibis plant, " wberever found," in Canada, lias been introduced. Prof. Small found among our wpeci- mens no representatives of P. marifimum, and as our speci- mens of P. Rai/i are from widely separated and remote localities on tbe Atlantic atid Pacific coasts, it seems prob- able that we have but one species in Canada, and that it is, at least in part, indigenous. (17.) P. Paronychia, J. & S. Beacon Hill, Vancouver Fsland. (John Macoun. 0. F. I^ewcomhe.) (18.) P. EUECTUM, L. Our only specimens of this species are from Winnipeg, Man. ; Banff, EocUy Mts. Herb. No. 1,485. (John Macoun.) Other specimens referred here by Prof. iMacoun, Cat. Can. Plants, Vol. I., p. 407. are now included under other species. (19.) P. BAMOSissiMUM, Michx. Petitcodiac, N,B. (J.Britain.) Rat Creek, Man. ; Hand IlillH,. :N.W.T.; So_uth of BalUeferd, N.W.T^ (John.- Macoun.) (20.) P. DouGLAsii, Greene. P. tenue, Macoun, Cat. Can. Plants, Vol. I, p. 408. Not rare frotn Ontario to British Columbia. Wo have apparently no P. tcnue in Canada. Prof. Small says of this species, " P. Douglasil can be distinguished from its relative P. tenue at a glance, and is beautifully distinct, as Prof. Greene has pointed out, by its one-ribbed leaf in place of the three-, ibbod of P. tenue, and the much longer, narrower and pedicelled, droopi.ig fruit, instead of the short, thick, sessile, ereot fruit of that plant." Conlributions to Canadian Botany. 200 {'1\.) P. AUSTIN.!:, rneoiio. South Kootanie PaMH, Rocky Mts., 1883. {Br. <>'. M. -Dawson.) Near the t^laeier at the head of Lake Louise, IfockyMtH. Alt. 7,500 ft. {John Macoun.') Dr. Dawson's KpocimeiiB were collected a year before Mrs. Austin's, and wore named P. tenuc, Michx., var. latiloliiim, Eng., by Prof. Macoun. (22.) P. SPERCJULARI.KFOHME, McisH. p. coarctatum, Ihnigl. From the Columbia River at Sproat, li.C, to Vancouver Island. (23). P. MINIMUM, Wats, South Kootanie Pass, Rocky Mts. {Dr. (,'. M. Dawson.) Ro^iiVH Pass, Selkirk Mts., B.C.; (uittin's Lake, B.C. {John Macoun. ) (24.) P. INTERMEDIUM, Nutl. Summit of Mt. Maik, Vancouver Island. {John Macoun.) (25.) P. IMBRICATIM, Nutt. Hand Hills and Cypress Hills, Alberta. {John Macoun.) {26.) P. (y()N VOLVULUS, L. ('ommon in tiolds and waste places from the Atlantic to the i^acitic. (27.) P. 8CANDENS, L. - '. P. dunittorum, L., var. scandens, (iray. From Nova Scotia to the Cypress Hills, Alberta. (28.) P. ciLiNODE, Michx. In pine woods and thickets from Nova Scotiu to the Peace River, Athabasca. (29.) P. SAOITTATUM, L. From Prince Edward Island to the Saskatchewan. (30.) P. ARIFOLIUM. From Nova Scotia to Ontario. 210 Cnuddiiui llecord of Science. (ol.) [\ Niiua.NiANUM, Linn. All ()iir specimens of this spo'^ios wore ('olUicted in Ontiirio. RoporLud Iroiii Nova Si-otiu iind (iiiebee. INM-YOONELLA AIlTICUIiATA, Moisn. Polfjijonum articulatuin. Willd ; Macoiin, (-at. Can. Plants Vol. 1., ^1. 4011. Sand dunes, Point Aux Pins, Jiake Siiporioc, 18ti!). {Jo/iH Macoun.) Spocimons collected by !)•. Ricliardson, and labelled •' Arctic North America," are probably from the isamo locality.