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Las diagrammas suivants lliustrent la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 i>i:i'ai;tmknt i)r I'IIK iNTKiiioii. INI I i.i> * I \ ' I -^ I ;i 1 'I ' II i ii ' \ I ^1 i:\ i; ) i n in i: i i'.ki;! k ii:ir.>. I' \ MA', I'I'.v, r. s. (il'i M,(M;|>r. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS. No. 10. innLriKiii vniv .N () K' I^ II AM K II 1 ( ' A TS^ I invi;i!Ti;i;i;atk rAiJioMoLudv. ti'. 4*' i.;i:i'Mi;i' i I'dn i in; I'lni.ii ai'mn--. in \ r !ia\ i-; hi rnriM o i'.i:i;n MAiM. ri'dx ■nil: iw i i;i i,i:i,'\ ri. I'M.r.nN rm,' i..\' oi' N'llMIl AMl'l.'KA. I\:|,l IHM: I ill; W T.-l ' iM'ii;> .\Mi (.i;i;i;m,\mi. ('. .\. wiiiri:, M. I).. I'M.i 1 1\ |i II • ■!.! - 1 III I III iM I III - I , II s i,r. 11 I .i,i( \i sri;\ IV, • \Mi II. .\Ll,i:^ Ni" M< imi.-soN. .\i. i>.., ||j:iiri;'---iii; \ i i in i \i\ i i:~i i v i ii ^i . \niii:i:u ^. -ci 1 1 1.\\:>. €■■' W ASH I NC ION: 1. M\ I' i;.s M i:.\ I im; I NT 1 N(; '5 A- ^-^ b "--J -> ■=$ G'1i>0 Jf. ^J '<-^y- 1^ i DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. IINITKU STATES aEOLOOIOAL SURVEY OF THE TERKITOItlE?!. F. V. HAYDEN, U. S. GEOLOGIST. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS, No. 10. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ISVORTII A^MERIOAN INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY, HKING A REPORT UPON THE PUBLICATIONS THAT HAVE HITHERTO BEEN MADE UPON THE INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY OF NORTH AMERICA, INCLUDING THE WEST INDIES AND GREENLAND. BY O. A. WHITE, M. D., r ALEONTOI-0OI8T OF THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL 8UKVKY, AMD H. ALLEYNE NICHOLSON, M. D., D. Sc, PROFESSOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS, SCOTLAND. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1878. , ' '' , * 1 4 .1 " >> S J » ^ ■> * t -1 '-■-:- '«] .J :. • • r • . ■ , i}'i 'i' w 1 \ 1- , • •• 1 I'UKFATOKY NOTK. ! 'i ^ I' ■ IT. S. tiKOLiKilCAL AND GEOUIIAPHICAL Survey of the Tebbitobies, Washington, D. C, January 1, 1878. This Bibliographical Jtecord has beeu prepared for the par- pose of conveying to the public a brief general view of the work that has hitherto been done in the Invertebrate Paleon- tology of North America, and also of furnishing students and investigators with a ready index to the works of all the authors who have made contributions to it. The fundamental value of paleontological research in coimec- tion with every geological survey renders it desirable to ex- tend all practicable facilities for ils prosecution. Part I of this work has been prepared by Dr. C. A. White, the Paleontologist of the Survey, and comprises the publications that have been made within the limits of the United States. Part II has been prepared by Prof. H. Alleyne Nicholson, of the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, and comprises the publications that have been made upon the subject herein embraced outside the limits of the United States. Professor Nicholson's extensive acquaintance with this subject, and the important part he has taken in paleontological research in North America, render this contribution especially acceptable. It is gratifying to note that so important a part of the paleon- tological research which is indicated in this record has beeu accomplished in connection with the Geological Survey under my direction during the few years that it has been in existence; and yet the field for future labor of this kind, in the same con- nection, is practically unlimited. Every year's explorations bring to light not only new speciCc forms, but also new and 5C"50 ) «l 4 lUBLlOOBAl'IIV 01' linKRTKHRATE PALEONTOLOOY. iiu^tortant facts bearing botli upon tlio geological and biological history of tUo continent. It is expected that additions to this work will appear annually in some of the publications of the Survey, so that a lontiunoua record may bo k?pt of the progress of the science in North America. F. V. HAYDEN, i'nited Stateti Gcologint. 'A i\ M w /• i BiBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. PA.IIT I. EMBRACING TITLES AND ABSTRACTS OF PUBLICATIONS MA*^E IN THE UNITED STATES. By C. A. WHITE, M. D. • ■> PREFACE TO 1»ART T A number of difticultiea have arisen in the course of the pre- paration of this work, which, being common to all works of the kind, are only mentioned that, the author may not seem to have ■been unmindful of them. Many of the publications that have been consulted are only in part devoted to the subject in hand; but the aim has been to record every publicatioa that contains a real contribution to the science, however slight, whether of recorded fact or philosoph- ical discussion. Thus, all purely geological writings have been excluded; but it has not always been easy to draw the line in this regard. Local lists of fossils, and lists given in geological ^writings merely Id characterize the formations there under dis- cussion, have also been excluded; but classified lists involving the relations of zoological groups have been included. Again, many of the publications consulted embrace a descrip- <^ion or discussion of both recent and fossil forms ; but a single tbssil species has been thought suflicient to entitle the work containing it to a place in this record. Furthermore, many of the genera and higher groups which jaclude some of the fossil species are found diagnosed or dis- cussed only or mainly in works devoted to living species. Therefore the subject has been left somewhat incomplete iu this respect; but the line must be drawn somewhere, and it has >>een thought best to include only those publications that treat, 41 1 least ill part, of fossil species. The scope of this compilation is primarily restricted to those works which treat, either wholly or in part, of invertebrate fossils found within the limits of North America, including the "West Indies and Greenland; but, for convenience, the compar- atively few contributions that citizens of the United States have made to the paleontology of other countries, and published in their own, have been f.iso included in Part I. The compiler has not felt it necessary to make any discrim- ination as to the relative value of the publications recorded ; bafc he has endeavored to include even the most obscure and care, if they have been properly published. 7 8 BIBLIOGEAPUY OF INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOOr. The scope of eaub separate entry has b<^eD a matter of inacb coDsideratioQ. It is iinpracticab'e to make an extended abstract of each publication in a report like this; and if it were not, such abstracts could not obviate the necessity of the student to con- sult the full original text. Therefore, only a brief indication of the character of the contents is r^ven in each case, except that a list of the genera therein diagaosed, either originally or other- wise, is included in the entry, no distinction being made in the entry between genera and subgenera. A list of the species is also given in the case of obscure publications; but they are omitted from those that one naturally expects to find in all good libraries. A very large proportion of the publications entered consists wholly of descriptions, no abstract of which is practicable, and it has been a custom among American writers to make the titles of their publications so full as to amount to a brief abstract of their work. The arrangement of the entries is by authors, in the alpha- betical order of their uanies, and subordinately by dates. The year only is given, although some of the works indicate the month of their publication, and in the case of others the exact year of publication is uncertain, as a rule, the date of the title-page is given as the date of publication; but this has been varied from in a few cases, according to the personal knowledge of the compiler, or attention is called to the discrep- ancy in an appended note. While no publication that would come properly within the scope of this work has been intentionally omitted, it is not un- likely that some have been overlooked; but it is expected that annual additions and corrections will be made in some of the publications of the Survey. Tl>«3 publications that are most likely to have been overlooked are "extra copies" or advance sheets of articles that afterward appeared in some of the scien- tific periodicals. Usually, exact date of publication only is in- volved in such cases, but sometimes the regular edition contains changes or modifications that are more or less important. How- ever, the cases of such omission are believed to be very few that would involve the exclusion of any fact or idea that has been advanced by any author. The compiler would esteem it a favor if those into whose hands this work may fall would promptly inform him of any error or omission, that it may be subsequently corrected. C. A. W. Washington, D. C, January 1, 1878. ti1^-SJim^;MllLititi -. I.-PUBLICATIONS MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. Anon. CorrespoDdenco of J. Barraude, W. £. Logan and James H«ll. "Ou the Taconic system and the age of the fis-tils found in the rocks of North- ern New England, and the Qnebeck group of rocks." <^Am. Journ. Soi., vol. xxxi, 2d ser., pp. 210-226, iSCl. Adthonj, J. Q. New Trilobitea. <^Am. Journ. Set., vol. x^xiv, 1st ser., pp. Vfd, 380, 1 woodcut. 1838. Ceratoeephaliu eeralepta. Anthony, J. O. Description of a new fossil (Calymene bucklandi). <^Am. Journ. Soi., vol. xxxvi, Ist ser., pp. 106, 107, 2 woodcuts. 1839. Anthony, J. Q., U. P. James, Q. Qraham, and. See James, U. P. 1846. Atwater, Caleb. On some ancient human bones, &,c., with a notice of the bones of the Mastodon, or Mammoth, and of various shells f uand in Ohio and the West. < Am. Journ. Soi., vol. ii, 1st ser., pp. 242-246, 1 plate. 1820. Tiribratula (^fV«r) pennata Is flgured snd described. Bailey, J. W. On fossil Infusoria, discovered in peat-earth, at West Point, N. Y.; with some notices of American Diatonioj. . Bailey, J. W. MlscollaiiPous notices <[ Am. Jtmrn. .SVi., vol. xi, Std ser., pp. S.-., 81?. 18.')1. Among these "nntici's" nri- tlioto of tlic iict'iirrence of foiiiiil Infuioria in the Southern ricetieWs in Miiryland, and In Fli>ri in California anil Orejion. <^ Am. Journ. Vi., vol. xvii, y5i>. II. On some new species of fossils from the C»l- « iferons, Chazy, Hluck River, ;ind Trantoii formations. <^ Ibid,, pp. !».->5-9(J0. 18f)l. Theiie two articleii are a reprint of ftio llrst '.M jini:f< of vol. i, Powii. from the Silurian and Devonian rocks of Maine. < I'roc. I'ortl'ind Sac. Xat. Hist., vol. i, pp. 104-126. 1863. Billings, E. Note on the structure of the Bhisloidea. < Am. Journ. Sei., vol. xlvii, 2(1 s< r., p. 353. 1869. Iti this note, the aithirpointKont the differenceit and iilmllarlticB between the^genera y.iclrorrinuf. Frnir.tnittt, and Coifiittrr, eripprlRlly with regard to the funrtlnn ef the lan.iiiit o| eningn. I.— PUBLICATIONS MADB IN THE UNITED STATES. 11 fua- \ttm. lent. in. »nd. 8er.. BilllngB, B. Notes on the Htructure of the Criiioidea, Cystidea and HIas- toidea. <^m. Ji/wm. )Sci.,vol. xlviii,2d8er.,pp.(]y-8;5. 1H69. Continu«Ml m vol. xlix, pp. 51-58, and in vol. 1, pp. 225-240. 1869. ThUneriesof articleiicoinpriiisiianexteudad dincuiiiiion of the Klruclure and func'tinnR of different parti of tlioite Ecbinodernm. Billings, E. FossilH frani theso-callud Hiironiau of Newt'unndland. < Am. Journ. .Set., vol. ill, Ud sor., pp. 223,221. 1872. A brief abatraot of a paper by Mr. Blllinipt read before the Natural HiHtory Society of MontrenI, January, lS7i. Billings, B. Fossils proUably of the Cha/.y era in the Eolistn limestone of West Kutlund, Vt. < Am. Journ. Set., vol. iv, 3d ser., p. 133. 1872. Billing!], B. On the structure of Obolella chroiiijitiea. <] .4m. Journ. ScL, vol. xi, 3d ser., pp. 176-178. 1876. The author here gives more extended and complete deHcriptionx of generic and upeeifle cliaracten than were allowed by the only iipeciinenit dinruvcred at the time hiH original deicriptionii were publlHhed. Bigsby, J. J. Di^Nuriptiou of ti new specieM of Triiol>it<>. <^./oitrn. Acad. Nat. Set. Phila., vol. iv, 1st ser., pp. 365-368, 1 plate. 182.'). Bouv£, T. T. Description of Pygorhynchna goulili, it new Kchinns from the Millstone Grit of Georgia. <] .4m. Jonrn. .Vi., vol. iii, 2d ser., p. 437. 1846. The rock from which Ihiii foKKil cnoies la Tertiary, not (JarbonifHriiiiu. The de«ci'iptioa ii aUo pabliahed in f'roc. Uort. Hoc. Xat. Hitt., vol. ii, pp. 192, t»:). Bouv6, T. T. Description of Pygorhynchusgonldii from the Millstone Grit of Georgia. < Proe. Bout. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, pp. 192, 193. 1847. The rock flrom which the foMll cumei is Tertiary, not Citrbaniferous. The deMcriptioa is also published in the Am. Journ. Set, vol. iii, 3d ser., p. 437. Bouv4, T. T. Descriptions of a number of new speciex of fossil Echinoderms from the Lower Tertiary rooks of Georgia. < I'ruc Host. f!oc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, pp. 2-4. 1851. Bradley, Frank H. Description of a new Trilobite from the Potsdam Sand- stone, with a note by E. BillingH. < .4.m. .loum. Sci.,, 2d ser., pp. 241-243. 1860. Republished, as in next entry. Bradley, Frank H. Description of a new Trilobite from the Potsdam Stand- stone, with a note by E. Billings. < Pror. Am. .4skoi: Adr. Sci., vol. xiv, pp. 161-166, 3 woodcut". 1861. Bradley, Frank H. Description of two new Lnntt Snails from the Cohl- measures. < /(m. Journ. Sci.. vol. iv, 3d ser., pp. 87, 88, 2 woodcnts. 1872. Brpwne, Peter A. Some notice of the fossil Cephalopodes behminosepia, long know n l>y the name of " Belemnite", and of the diphosphate of iron, called "Mullicite", found together at Mtillica Hill. < Proe. Am. Assott. Adr. Sci., vol. i, pp. 13-16. 1849 General and inineraloftical description, and not properly paleontologicul. Burbank, L. S. On Eozoon canadense in the Crystalline Limestones of Massachusetts. < Proc. Am. Assoc. .4dr. Sci., vol. xx, pp. 262-26S. 1872. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. 'f Caweday, S. A. See Lyon, S. 8., and 8. A. Casseday. Chapman, B. J. On the anppuHed fosrtil tracks called Protichnites and Cliniatichnitos. < .Im. Jouni. SM.'rlMlloi]K, Conrad, T. A. Descriptions of eight new fossil shells uf the UnitiMl Stiites. < I'roc. Acad. A'at. Sri., vol. ii, pp. 17y-17.'>. 11:44. All Tertiary except a IMUrophun from SatutOrnevievn (Mo. ?). Conrad, T. A. Observations on the Eocene formation of the United States, with descriptions of species of shells, «&c., occurring in it. <^ Am, JoHrti. .Vft., vol. i, 8d ser., pp. 809-221, 8 plates. 1846. Conrad, T. A. Tertiary 6f Warren County, Mississippi. < .-1m, Journ. Sci., vol. ii, 8d ser., pp. 134, 18.'). 184(>. In thia articln, Mr. Conrnd Htatea tbat al) the Tertiary foaalla fonod near Vickaburg are apeclHcally dllTvrvnt from thoae of the Eocene of Maryland, Virginia, and Alabama. Conrad, T. A. Descriptions of new species of organic remains, from the Upper Eocene limestone of Tampa Bay. < Am. Journ. Set., vol. ii, 8d ier., pp. 399, 400, 9 woodcuts. 184G. Conrad, T. A. Descriptions of new species of fossil and recent sheila and corals. < Proc. Acad. Nat. .Sot. Phila., vol. ii, pp. 19-87, 1 plate. 1846. Silurian, Devonian, Carbontferoug, and Tertiary. Conrad, T. A. Observations on the Eocene formation, and descriptions of one hundred and five new fossils of that period, from the vicinity of Vicksburg, Mississippi; with an appendix. <^Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. iii, pp. 280-299. 1847. Thia article ia rRpubllahed in the Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. i, 3d aer, pp. 111- 134, and iliuatrated witb 4 platea. (See lecond entry below.) Conrad, T. A. P'ossil shells from the Tertiary deposits on the Colnmbia River, near Astoria. . See accond entry above. Conrad, T. A. Descriptions of now fossil and recent shells of the United States. < Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci, Phila., vol. i, 2d ser., pp. 207-209. 1849. Upper Eocene. Conrad, T. A. Description of Tertiary shells from Astoria. Constituting pp. 783-730 of Dana's Paleontological Report of tVilkcs's U. S. ExpJ, Exped,, vol. X. 1849. Conrad, T. A. Descriptions of one new Cretaceous and seven new Zocene fossils. < Jowrn. Acad. Nat. .Sci., vol. ii, 8d ser., pp. 39-41, 1 plate. 1850. ^v. 1. — I'l'HLlCATIONS MADK IN THK UNITED ST A IKS. ir> |()b8erva- Atlautic Mm vol. i, IcHvriMilonit. ed States, tm. Jouru. Conrad, T. A. NotuH on hIioIIh, with (tuscriptioiiH of iit'W Hpeoifs. <:^ I'lve. Avud. Nat. SoL I'hila., vol. vi. iKVi. Tvrliary Hud UretaceouK, Uvniu SclihollittTuii. Conrad, T. A. KeuinrkH on the Turtii'.ry Htrutu ot .St. Pouiinxo uuil Vicks- burg (Miss.). < Proc. Aiad. Xut. .Si. J'liila., vt)l. vi, pp. I'.W, 199. 18.V,'. Conrad, T. A. IJeHCiiption of the foiwils of Syriu colleituil in tliu t'uIeH- tino nxptitlitiou. (■•, I'hilti.. vol. vi. \i}>. aao, 321. 1H5:1. Principally currectionn of prvvluun UeniTlptloai. Coorad, T. A. Synopsis of the genera Cassitliilit, Hiitnpli., liiul u propixti^il new genus. Tertiary, <^ fron. Afad. Sat. ■'4. Tertiary and Silurian. Trigoiiella Con. clianjcd tn I'arhijUeima Cuu, Conrad, T. A. Observations on the Eocone deposit of Jackson, Miss., with descriptions of thirty-four new species of shells and corals. <^ I'niv. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. vii, pp. 2u7-2()3. 1855. Qenera Lapjiaria, Futimitra, Plati/tptera, Papillina, Uiteotlet. Conrad, T. A. Descriptions of eighteen new Cretaceous aud rcriiary fossils, &o. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Soi. Phila., vol. vii, pp. •,i(i,')-'>G^, 1-.%. Oenua PetrophylUa. Conrad, T. A. Descriptions of one Tertiary aud eight Cretaceous fossils from Texas, in tho collection of Major F^uiory. <; Pnu: Acad. Nat. .*■». Phil«., vol. vii, pp. 268, 2*59. 1855. Qonu8 Uottellite: Conrad, T. A. Note on the Miocene aud i'ost-l'lioceue deposits t)f Califor- nia, with descriptions of two new fossil corals. <^ I'roc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol, vii, p. 441. 18.55. Conrad, T. A. Description of a new species of I'entaiuerus. < Proc Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. vii, p. 441. 1855. Conrad, T. A. Description of the Tertiary fossils collected on tlu' >inrvey. <^ Pacific Railroad Reports, vol. vi, pi». 09-73, 4 plates. 1855. Genera Schiiopyga, Tamiotoma. These deEcrlptionii accompany the geologlcul report of Dr. J. S. Newberry. 10 BIBLTOORArilY OF INVEllTEUBATE PALEONTOLOOY. il I ^ \h I ii i Conrad, T. A. Report on Uie paleontology of tbo survuy. < Paolfio Bail- roitil liiporta, vol. vii, pp. IHD-lim, 10 plutet. 18r>r». Tertiary. Tlila U au Appendix to the grologlcitt rt-port of Dr. ThomM Antliiel. Conrad, T. A. Report of Mr. T. A. Coiirail on the foHHil aliellH collootod in Culifiiniia by \V. V. Blake, goolo^jift of the expedition under the oom- miinil of Lieut. R. 8. W.llinniuon, U. 8. Topojjiuphioftl KuKineers, 1853. pp. 20, 8^. inr)5. ThI) In no apiiendii to tha pr«lluilnpr]r report of Profemor niaka of the Rxpl. and Aiirv. I'adflc Ii. R., and in coinprliied In one of the 8° volumek publiMhrd in advance of the qiiurto lerlen. Conrad, T. A. DeHrriptionH uf three new genera and twenty-three new BpecieH uf Middle Tertiary foHHih from California, and one from Texas. < I'roc. Acad. Xdl. Sci. Philu., vol. viii, pp. 312-316. 1850. OenuB Schizopyga, Tamioioma, Ailrodatpii. Conrad, T. A. Dtasriptiontt of two new genera of shells. < Prop. Aoai. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. i, 2d ser., pp. ICi, 166. 18.'>7. Oenera Gonidca, Calyptrapkorui. Conrad, T. A. Description of a now species of Myacilea. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. i, 2d ser., p. 166. l8o7. IlliiHtrated on pi. I, yol. It. (The plate in erroneontly numbered 7.) Conrad, T. A. Rectification of Home of the generic names uf American Tertiaiy fossils. <;^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Soi. Phila., vol. i.'iAsor, p. UiQ. 1857. Conrad, T. A Descriptions of Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils. <[ I'moiTi't ItejHtrt on the United Slates and Mexican Boundary Survey, vol. i,pt. ii, pp. 141-174, plates 1-21. 1857. Conrad, T. A. Observations on a group of Orotacoous fossil shells found in Tippah County, Miss., with descriptions of fifty-six new species. < Journ. Acad. Nat. Soi. Phila., 2d ser., vol. iii, p. 323, 2 plates, 1858. Genera Lr.gumen, PyriJu»Hi, Bullopiii. Conrad, T. A. Notes on shells. < Proa. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. iv, 2d ser., pp. 231, 232. J860. Mainly rectlflcatfons of former deicriptlona. Conrad, T. A- Descriptions of new species of Cretaceous and Eocene fossils of Missisi^ipni and Alabama. t. J. < Am. Journ. Conch., vol. i, pp. 213, 2 plates, which in part illustrate the preceding article. 1865. Conrad, T. A. Illustrations of Miocene fossils, with descriptions of now species. liite8. 18(6, Conrad, T. A. ('Iieuk liHtH of Mid Invortobratu foNNilH of North Anii«ricn. KouuiiM Hiiil 0|i^(icriM>. < Smilhaoniaii MiHVfllaiiKouM ruhUcntinnii (No. iiOO), i>i>. 1-41. IHdt!. 8iib|i»niiii I'liiitfhut itiiil ntbrr niiti-ii. Conrad, T. A. Kcplv t'* ^Ir. Oiiltb on th« CiutuutHiiiH rookH of .(.'uliforniii. < Am. Jnurii. Sci., vol. xliv, 'ii\ scr., pp. ;i7(i-;i77. |H(17. For Mr. GmIiIik iirtlcli', >«« pKBc S8H uf lli« ii»nii) voluiiir. Conrad, T- A. Nolo on tlit; Tertiary of North und tSoiith Citroliua. <^ .4m. Journ. Scl., vol. xliii, 2(1 ser., p. 2(50. 1H07. RftferenrH In msdo In thi* note to the orrurreDca of Crvtacciiua furinii In Kncenn utrsi* uf Aoiilh Cnrnliiiu; Slid th«i author HtHlcH thHt the HTldoiire In cimcluiilva that thxndinlxtar* took place by ii lirimkliiKUp of Ihtt prevloualy dupoiilliid CrFtaoeoiia atrnta In Kocana tlm». Conrad, T. A. ]',0. 1867. Tertiary. Conrad, T. A. Descriptions of new (genera and species of Miocene shells, with notes on other fossil and recent species. <^ .'Im. Journ. Coach., vol. ill, pp. 257-270, 4 platea. 1867. Oenera Brllanpira, Sthenorhyii$, Paranatm, Tritinria, Huccinofum; Meguiitma, Kry- einella. Conrad, T. A. Catalogue of the family Anatinidii-. <^ Am. Journ. Conch., vol. iv, Appendix, pp. 4U-58. 1868. Conrad, T. A. Descriptions of Miocene shells of the Atlantio slope. <^ .im. Journ, Couch., vol. iv, pp. G4-68, 2 plates. 1868. Conrad, T. A. Notes on recent and fossil shells, with descriptions of new genera. < Am. Journ. Conch., vol. iv, pp. 246-249. 1868. Genera Aphrodina, Vertocmdia,.MactTodtma, Hercorhynchui, SoUnaUk. The article eontaina alao " Notei on the genera Pyrifutut and Athltta, and other ihella 6gnred in the Oeologlcal Survey of India". 1.— rUULICATlONS MADE IN 'inU UNITED .STATES. 19 iiuw ApcuieH. Conrad, T. A. DrHoriptintm of Anil reforenoM to Mim-nne itlielli of t\\« At- lantic Hlopo, and (IcHorlptioni of two new NiippoHed Cr«tiicooti*t Npoci<><<. < Am. Journ. i onch., vol. Iv, pp. 'i78, 27!», « platPM. 1«IH. On« of tlia api'clKi {.litarU via) It rthrrad tn Tiiuaio. Courad, T. A. DeHcriptiou ot a new llniu iintl foNitil (ionioliuMiH ((), uurti-rl). <[ Am, Journ. Conch., vol. ',\, p. '^mO, 1 pluto. 1H(jh. Conrad, T. A. Noton on American foHailifcroMK Htrutii. <'.[m.Joiirn.!j Or, Morion lii vol, xxix, .Im, Journ. ,Srl., Int irrlnH, and r« fouud In Ni'W JarKi'y. Th» age of the depoiltn eontiilulriK theig lie r«giird« u iiomewh.-rx 'rom Mi, 'i platfH. IrtCiU. Oenua (laniumma. Conrad, T. A. ()l)NorvatioiiH on the gunuH Antitrto, witli ik-soriptiuiis ot tliruo otber genera of CrivHHutuIlidin. <^ Am. Journ. t'onrh., vol. v, pp 4tl-4H. \8m. Qenvrs t.iroJitcuii, HadioconfJia, Pachythitrut, .Scambula, t'ituatriliit. Conrad, T. A. Dunoriptions of new foAHil MoIIubca, principally CretucuDUN. < Am. Journ. Convh,, vol. v, pp. 98-10:{. lH()a. (tuners Pachiicardium i\emotlun, Pertiionoia, Urotrapha, Oj/priitoptit, I'aleocorbit. Conrad, T. A. Notes on recent and fossil shells, with desoriptions of new Hpecien. < Am. Journ. ( 'nnch,, vol. vi, pp. 71-78. 1870. Oenera .F.ort, TMlmera, IJitearia, .f'.ona, I'lledn, Oriacardium, Solyma, Arttna. Conrad, T. A. Description of new fossil shells of the Tppcr Ania/tin. < Am, Journ. Conch., vol. vi, pp. 192-198, 1 plate. 1870. Qenera Isaa, Lirh, Ebora, Neili, Hemitinnt, Dyrii, Ani$othyri$, Conrad, T. A. Descriptions of new Tertiary fossils, with notes on two genera of LamoUibranchiata. < Am. Journ, Conch., vol. vi, pp. 199-201, 2 plates, which in part illuMtrate " I'aleontological Notes "■, p. 314, of the same volume. 1870. Conrad, T. A. On the Eocene beds of Utah. < Am. Journ. Soi,, vol. I, M mt,, pp. 3H1-38H. 1871. Theie bedji are tboiie of the Laramie tlroup of KIdk, and ar» the Hauid an IhoM found la the Valley of Sulphur Creek, at Mellla'ii Station, on the U. P. R. It. Conrad, T. A. Paleontological notes. < Am. Journ. Conih., vol. vi, pp. »14, :n5, 1 plate. 1871. Th«Re notei contain redeacriptiona of Oatina bilir and C. arctalut; and alw " Oeiorlp> tion of a new freah-wuter and a laud abell of the Oregon Tertiary ", Conrad, T. A. Descriptions and illustrations of genera of sboUs. < I'roc. Acud. Nat. Set, I'hila,, vol. ii, 3d ser., pp. 50-Q5, 1 plate. 1872. Oenera Pleuroconeha. Plionema, Scambuln, Pteromeri; Euloza, Atveinu$, Latlarca, Idonearca, Brcviarra, felericnrdia (the latter ipellliig aubatltuted for the former " IVfu- coriia"). Conrad, T. A. Descriptions of a new recent species of Glyoimeris from Beaufort, North Carolioa, and of Miocene shells of North Carolina. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sri. Phila., vol. ii, 3d ser., pp. 216, 217, 1 pUte. 1872. Oenni 0$treonomia, 20 BlBLIOGBArHY OF INVERTEBEATE PALEONTOLOGY. I i i i 1 ( : I » ■'i! Ck>nrad, T. A. Ifeinarks on the Te.-tiary Clay of the Upper Amazon, with descriptions of new shells. < Proo. Acad Nat, Set. Pkila., vol. vi, 3d »or., pp. 25-:<2, 1 plate. 1874. Oonera Ostomyi, Tozasoma, Cirrobasit, Liosoma, Cijclocheila. Conrad, T. A. Description of two new fossil shells of the Upper Amazon. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. vi. :U1 ser., pp. 32, 83, 1 plate. 1874 GeniiH ll(iplolh($. Conrad, T. A. Description oi a new lossil shell from Peru. •< Proc. Aca,.. Nat. Sci. Phila., vdI. v, :Jd ser., p. 130, 1 plate. 187.%. Oitrcn eaUartn. Conrad, T. A. Notes on the genus Catillus, Hronjj. <^ Prov. .tend. Xat. Sci. Phila., vol. T, 3d ser., pp. 466, 467. 1875. Genus Haptoscnpha Cou. proposed aa a gubatitute for Catillui Bron^. Conrad, T. A. Descriptions of new genera and species of fossil shells of North Carolina, in the State cabinet at Raleigh. < AVrr's Gtol. Surv. North Carolina, vol. i, Appendix A, pp. 1-28, plates 1-4. 187.'>. Thifi paper Incladea tbe two following gub-titles :—" Synopsis of the Cretaceoui Mul- insea of North Carolina"; and " Remarks on some genera of shells." Genera Trigonarca, Nemodon, Plagicca, I'olynema, Inoptrna, Etta, BracAymtrit. raehylharut, Arene, Trachycardium, Cyclothyrit, (Ene, Linthyris, Cymella (Meek), Diplo- concha, OaUonema, Leptothytii, Ptiroth'jrii, Liopistha (Heek). Cretaceoni and Tertiary. Conrad, T. A. Description of the genus Haploscapha and subgenus Cuoalli- fera, together with the species H. grandis and H. (C.) excentrica. <^ U.S. Oeol. 4' dfog. Sun: Terr,, vol. iii, Cretaceous Vortebrata (Cope), pp. 23, 24, 2 plates. 1875. Conrad, T. A. Note on a Cirripede of the California Miocene, with remarks on fossil shells. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. vi, 3d sor., pp. 273-275. 1876. Conrad, T. A. Note on the relations of Balauus estrellanus of the Califor- nia Miocone. ■< Am. Journ. Sci., vol. xiil, 3d ser., pp. 156, 157. 1877. The author states his positive conviction that the fossil Is a tnte Balanut, and not refer- able to the Rudieta. In the lame note, he advances tho opinion that true CuculUa and ■evernl other genera should be excluded from the Cretaceous period, they bolng represented hy closely allied, but not identical, genera. Conrad, T. A. and Zokeli. 1877. On certain generic namee proposed by Zittel, Stolicxska , together with a map, are in a fascicle separate from the volume. Cozzena, Isaachar. Description of three now fossils from the Falls .>i'llie Ohio. < Ann. N. V. Lyceum Nat. Hint., vol. iv, pp. 157-159. 1816. Ocnorn Pi >ii»uoiiin and Piliolile.':. I I.— PI'BLICATIONS MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. 21 Dall, W. H. A revisioa of the Terebratiilidic and Lingnlidie, with remarks ou the desorlptioiiH of some recent forms. . <;.l»i. Jouni. Couch., vol. vii, pp. 39-85, 2 plates. 1871. Dall, "W. H. Note on the genus Aaisothyris, Conrad, with a description of a new species. <^ Jm. ./ouni. Cowc/i., vol. vii, pp. 89-92. 1871. Dall. V7. H. Index to the names which have boon ap[>lied to the subdivis- ions of the class Brachiopoda, excluding the Rudistes, previous to the year 1877. < Dulletin of the l'. S. Xat. Man., No. 8, pamphlet, pp. 88. 1877. The catalogue includes both living and fosall Brachiopndn, Dana, J. D. Genera of fossil corals of the family Cyathophyllidti-. < Am. Journ. Sci., vol. i, 2d ser., pp. 178-18G. 1846. Publtsbed in advance of Profesaor Dana's great work on Zoopliyien, ooiuprlsiug vol. Til of mihet't U. S. Ktpl. Exptd. Qenas Ciilnphyllum, ArachnophijUum, CliniophijllumA Daua, James D. Remarks on corals. < Am. Journ. .Svi., vol. i, -id .ner., pp. 220,221. 1846. Then remarks are in the form of an iippendix to an iirticle on Gocoue fuisiU of the United States, by T. A. Conrad. Dana, James D. Zoophytes. <^ fyilken'» U. S. EspJ. Exped., vol. vii. 1846. Tbii volume includes dvscriptiuus of several gnnera and species uf fossil, as well at of many recent corals. Dana, James D. Descriptions of fossil shells of the collections of the ex- ploring expedition under the command of Charles Wilkes, IT. S. N., ob- tained in Australia from the lower layers of the coal formation in lUa- warra, and from a deposit, probably of nearly the same age, at Harper's Hill, Valley of the Hunter. <^ Am. Journ. Soi., vol. iv, 2d ser., pp. 151-160. 1847. Continued in vol. v, pp. 433-435. Oenus Helicfrut, Pentadia, Oleobit, Astartila, Pyramus, Myonia, These fossils are «tl redeicrlbed and illustrated in the large report of the Wilkes exploration expedidon , where Myonia is changed to ilaonia. Dana, James D. Descriptions of fossils. <^ Appendix to cot. x, IVilken't r. .s. Expl. Exped., pp. 681-730, with atlas of 21 plates, folio. 1849. This work contains descriptions of Invertebrate fossils from Australia, South America, and Western North America. The Tertiary fossils of Oregon are described by Conrad. The following genera and subgenera of Hollusca are proposed by Daua-.— Astartiia, Mttonia, Pyramia, Clcohit, Pentadia, Helicerat. Dana, James D. Observations in reply to Mr. Lonsdale's "Remarks". <[ Am. Journ. Sci., vol. iv, 2d ser., pp. 359-362. 1857. For the "Remarks" referred to, see the same volume, p. 357. Dana, J. D. Note on a fossil Echinoderm from the Blue Limestone (Lower Silurian) of Cincinnati, Ohio. 1 m .i ' Hi i ' i i Dana, James D. Ou t'oHHil iusects fruiu the Carbouiferoiis format'on in llliuuiH. < Am.Jourii. ScL, vol. xxxvii, 2d ser., pp. 34,35,2 woodcnta. 18(^4. The two genera Miumin and Uemtrimia are her« proponed and diagnusvd. Dana, J. D. On the history of Eozooq cunadense. <^ Am. •lourn. Sci., vol. xl, 2d sen, pp. 344-3(12, illustrated by woodcu«^^8 and 1 plate. 186.'). Tbtt article appearii in tbe Journal without a name : i. e,, editorially. Thin bistory embraced a full diacusalou of Iba subject, and includes a enropletc deicrip- tlnn and illustration of tbe xtruL'tiire of the fuagil, and tbe cbemical coinpo«ition of ipeci- IllBUS f Dana. James D. On the supposed le<;s of the Trilo1>ite, Asaphus platy- cephiilus. < .!/». ■Iiiiini. ScL, vol. i, 3d ser., pp. 320, 321 ; additional note onp. 38('.. 1871. Sec aUo a note by rrnft-iigor Dana on tbe auine cuhiect in vol. iii, 3d sor., pp. 391, 333. Dana, J. D. On the supposed legs of Tiilobites. <^ .tin. Jouni. Sfj., vol. iii, 3d ser., pp. 221, 222. 1872. The author reHtatea bin belief that tbe aiippoMd legs of Trilobiten are archeit along the under surface, and not reiil legn. Sne hiit lornier reniarlcK, vol. i, p. 330, of tbin aeries of tbe Jonrnnl. f Dawson, J. W^. On the footprints of Litunlus as eomparcd with the Pro- t ichnites of the Potsdam Sandstone. ( Abstract of a paper io the Canadian Naturalist.) < Am. •loiirn. Sri., vol. xxxiv, Sd ser., pp. 416, 417. 1862. The author ngroes with Owen in supposing tbe impressions to have been made by •nme CrustRcean, In a note at the close n.'' the abstract, nv page 417, Professor Dana opposes this view. Dawson, J. TV. Xatis on fossils recently obtained from the Laureutian rocks of Canada, and on objections to the organic nature of Eo/.oon. < Am. Journ. Sci., vol. xliv, 'id ser., pp. 3G7-376. 1867. This article also contains notes by W. B. Ciirpentcr ; and "Summary " and " Con- clnsioi! " of Kln^ and Rowney on tlie same subject ; the latter gentleman opposing, and tbe former advocating, the organic origin of Eozo3, 9 indistinct photolithograpb plates. 1874. Derby, Orville A. Notice of the Paleozoic fossils of Lake Titicaca. < //w//. Mils. Comi). y.i'ol. Camhridgi'. MaoK., vol. iii. No. 12, pp. 279-286. 1876. Eaton, Amos. 'I'lilobites. <^ Am. Journ. Sci., vol. xxii, Ist ser., pp. 165, IGii. 1*{2. The article in deacriptive, and the genua Drongniartia in proposed and diagnosed, Eaton, Amos. Geological text-book for aiding the study of North Ameri- can geology. 8> . pp. 134. 1832. 32 pagea and 5 plates devoted to pnleootology. The following genera and apeciea are deacribed aa new—Jiellerophon volutus Baton; B. convoluiua Eaton; Bron- ONIARTIA Eaton: B. earcinuidea Eaton; NUTTAINU Eutoc ; y. conceritrica Entoa; A. tparsa Eaton; Echinus gyraeanthus Baton; Columnaria intermedia Katon; •'farcinuUt mirropkthalmn 'BMon : .$. ramaaa Eaton ; .■llcynniafungiaidf.a Katon; Flurira carbateoiilef Eaton; Tertbralitla njiirifrruides Eutun. Ebrenberg, C. O. Fossil Infusoria of West Point, New York. < Am. Journ. Sci., vol.xxxix, Ist Her., pp. 191, 1112. 1840. Abstract from J'roc. Royal I'ruman Acad. Sci. lierlin, Feb., 1839. The abstract contuina determinatlona of gpecific and generic furma ol' Infuaoria. Ebrenberg, C. Q. Notice of a memoir by C. Q. Ehrenbejjg, " On the ex- t<*nt and iutluence of microscopic life in North and South America." < Am. Journ. Sri., vol. xlvi, Ist ser., pp. 297-313. 1»44. Ehrenberg, C. G. " On Infusorial deposits on the river Chutes in Oregon." < Am. Journ. Sci., vol. ix, 2d ser., p. 140. 1850. Thia ia an editorial note giving a brief aummary of an article on that aubjert by Ebren- berg in Monalnb. Acad. Berlin, Feb., 1849, p. 7(i. Eights, Jamea. Description of Sphicroina bumastiforiiiis. <' Emmons's Iteport on the Second tivological District of Xew York, pp. 433, 434. 1842. Emmonrx, Ebenezer. Rt^i)i)rt on the geology of the second district of New York. 1842. In this work, Dr. Emmons givja two platca of I'onallrt from tlie PoatTertiHry bedaof N>'w England and CiinailH, but no dencrlptiuuH, Other foHxila lire ligiired and named by the author in varioua parta nf the volume, aouie of which are original, but none are de- acribed in the uaiiul n^anncr. Emmons, Ebenezer. Ou the identity of the Atops trilinoatus and the Triarihrus beckii (Green), with remarks upon the Klliplocephalus asa- l>hoideH. <: I'ntc. Am. .issoc. .idv. Sci., vol. i, pp. 1()-19. 1849. u 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. I'll !|ii;ll !!! It ' \ ^ EmmonB, Ebenezer. On new fossil corals from North Carolina. < Jm, Journ. Sci., vol. xxii, 2u ser., pp. 389, 390, 5 woodcuts. 1856. Oenus Paleotrochis. See aUo note on tbe aaine, by Prof. Jamei Hall, p. S78, vol. xxill, 9d aerien. Emmons, Ebenezer. Geological Keport Midland Counties of North Caro- lina. 1856. The following duacriptinnii occur in the volume: — Potidoiiia ovalii, p. 333 ; P. mutti- eottata, p. 337; P. triangular it, p. 338. Emmons, Ebenezer. Report of the North Carolina geological survey. 8<=>. Chapters xviii and xix, pp. 24.')-313, 157 woodcuts. 1(358. Chiipteia entitled reapeotively "Deacription of the Cepbalfipodi, Gaateropodi and I.Bmellibranchiata ", and " Deacrlptiona of the EchlDOderma— Sea Urchlna— Polyparia ". Two apeclea of Cretaceous Belemnittlla are deacribed, but all the other ipeciea are Tertiary. A portion of both the apeciea and genera are nenly deacribed. Osnera Microcrinui, Qoni- ocljfpeu.-. Evans, John, and B. F. Shumard. On some new species of fossils from the Cretaceous formation of Nebraska Territory. <^ Trann. St. Louis Jcnd. Sci., vol. i, pp. 38-42. 1857. Descriptive. Ford, S. W. Notes on the Priinordiiil rocks in the vicinity of Troy, New York. <^.l»i. Jo«r«. «Sci., vol. ii, 3d ser., pp. 32-34. 1871. Ford, S. W. Note on the discovery of the opercula of Hyolithes in New York. < Am. Journ. Sri., vol. i, 3d ser., p. 472. 1871. Ford, S. W. Descriptions of some new species of Primordial fossils. < Am. Journ. Sci., vol. iii, 3d ser., pp. 4iy-422. 1872. Ford, S. W. On some now species of fossils from the Primordial or I'ots- dam Group of Rensselaer County, N. Y. lratoa the metiiinorphoaea of Oliinlliis (Klliptocephalui) esKphuidts Emmona. .,;^!Mia:iM,i»:iiieiiinaMmiii.', < Jm. b. S78. vol. |rtb Caro- P. muUi- Irvey. 8°. leropodi and 1-Polyparia ". |sre Tertlar J, crinut, Ooni- la from the 'Mollis Jc»d. Troy, New .bes in New lial fossilt). lial or I'ots- 9l. V, :td ser.. Lower Pots- ew species. Dfdial fossils ser., pp. 204- lial of Troy Sci., Tol.xir Soi,, vol. xiii, e author in vol. urn. Sci., vol. [F.lliptacephalH$> -PUBLICATIONS MADE IN THK UNITED STATES. 25 Gabb, W. M. Descriptions of two new species of CarboniferoiiM fossils, bronght from Fort Belknap, Texas, by Dr. Moore. Illustrated on plate i, vol. iv. 1859. The plate is erroneoualy nninbered 7. Oabb, ^77. M. Descriptions of new species of Cretaceous fossils from New Jersey. < Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Philu., vol. iv, 2d ser., pp. 9:1-95, 1 plate. 1860. Oabb, W. M. Description of a new genus and species of Aniorpbozo<"m from the Cretaceous formation of New .Fersey. <^ I'roc. Acad. \nt. Sri, rhila., vol. iv, 2d ser., p. 518. 18, 1 plate. 1860. Une platr illustrates thin and thp following nrticle also. Gabb, TV. M. Description of new species of fossils, probably Triassic, from Virginia. Vol. i, Descriptions ofTriawio and Cretaceous fossils of California and the adjacent Territories, ftp. VJ- 243, plates 3-32. 1864. Gabb, W. M. On the subdivisions of the Cretaceous rocks of California. < Am. Journ, Soi., vol. xliv, 2d ser., pp. 226-229. 1867. Gabb, W. M. An attempt at a revision of the t<\'o families Strombtdii* and Aporrhaidii\ < .!..». Journ. Conch., vol. iv, pp. 137-141), 2 plates. 1868. Gabb, "W. M. Descriptions of fossils from the Clay Deposits of the Upper Amazon. < .tm. Journ. Conch., vol. iv, pp. 197-200, 1 plato. 186H. Tertiary. Gabb, "Vl. M. Descriptions of some Secondary fossils from the Pacific States. < .Im. Journ. Conch., vol. v, pi>. .'i-ld, 5 plates. 1869. Juroaiiic aud Trlassic. Gabb, "W. M. Notes on the jrenera Aluria, Diarthema, Dloroloma, &.C., being a supplement to "An attempt at a revision of the Strombidtu and Aporrhaidii- ". < .tm. Journ. Conch., vol. v, pp. 19-23. 1869. Gabb, W. M. Descriptions of new s[)ocie8 of South American fossils. < Am. Journ. Couch., vol. v, pp. 2.')-32. 1869. Tertiary. Gabb, W. M. Paleontology of California. > Vol. ii, Cretaceous and Ter- tiary fossils, pp. 299, 36 plates. 1869. Gabb, W. M. Notes on the genus PaIorthus,- 324, 1 plate. J 876. Genera VolUvderma, I'oliUovioriihn^ Ptydiosyctt^ Gyrotropii. Lajinf/ira, EndoptyQms. Atnpliruii, Paliurus. Gabb, W. M. Note on the discovery of representatives of three orders of fossils new to the Cretaceous formation of North America. < Froc. .lead. Xat. fici. Fhila., vol. vi, 3d ser., pp. 178-179, 1 pl.te. 187»;. . Pentacrinim brj/ani, Ooniasicr mammillain, Scalpellum conradi. Gabb, W. M., and G. H. Horn. Descriptions of new Cretaceous Corals from New Jersey. < I'roc. Acad. Nat. Sii. I'hila., vol. iv, 2i' ser., pp. 3C6, 307. 1800. Gabb, W. M., and G. H. Horn. Monograph of the fossil Polyzoa of the Secondary and Tertiary formations of North America. < Journ. Acad. Xat. Sci. I'hila., vol. v, 2d ser., pp. 111-179, 3 plates. 1862. Genera Phidiihpora, Oligofreaium, Ennallipora, Multipnrina, Pliophlira, HeternctU. All other Kenern iixecl arc aliio dingnoxed, an well aH some of tlie higher groupa. 1 lOGY. I.— VUBLKJATIONS MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. 27 Isof Triataio fries, |ip. I'J- |f California. lonibidH* and »teB. 1868. >f the Upper 18(58. [>at;itlc States. uroloma, &o., rfomludti' and urican fotMila. Bcous and Tcr- Aiad. Silt. Svi. >iii Chihuahna, >:{-*2Gri, 2 plates. desorlptions of 111 8er.,pp. 27(>- tl/ira, tindopliigma, three orders of <^ I'roc. Acad. it.aceouH C'oralH iv, '^i' Her., pp. Polyzoa of the <^Journ. Acad. I. iophlira, Htternctis. groupa. flill, Tbeodoie. On Contributions to Paleontology, iMiblished by the SniithHoniau Iiistituiion. < Am. Joiini. Sri., vol. xliii, 2i\ Her., pp. IM5.J-;J70. 18(57. Tlila in not only a review of tbe workit of ieek, of Meek and Haydcu, anil uf Conrad, re- ferred to, bat the arlivie nUo containii lonie phlloiophical dtjicauiion of important queitiona. Oill, ^Theodore. On tic systematic position of Ducciiuini altile and U. cschcri. <^ Am. Joiirii, Conch., vol. iii, pp. l.VJ, 154. 1867. Guaus Ptijrhnmlphit. The paper embraceii a diiicuRHlon of both I'oaiil uiid recent ahella. Gill, Theodore. On the genus Fulgnr and its allicH. x^ •'"'' fourn. Vondh., vol. iii, pp. 141-152. 18t)7. The paper enibracewa diaciiHHion of both I'osisU and rcoent ahells. Oill. Theodore. On tiie Ptcrocura; of Lamarck, and their mutual rela- tions. < Am. Jourii. Conch., vol. v, pp. l'20-i;Ut, 186!). Uenern Hiirpagodis, Crrninfiphon. The paper eniliraceK a iliHCiiHHion ol' lioth foBiill and recent ahi'lls. Qill, Theodore. Arraiigenieiit of the fainilioH of MollnskH. <^ SinitliHoniau Miscellaneous Collections (2'i7), pp. 4'.». 1871. The paper onibraceH a discuHbion of lioth recent and fo88ll MoUuna. Green, Jacob. A monograph of the Trilobites of North America, with oolored models of the species. Vi-. pp. !):t, 1 plate. With an appendix, !>1).24. Philadelphia. 18:W. The followini; genera and Hpecica are diiignoiied : — Brong. : C bliimenba.',hii Wtong, ; 0. call iccphala Qtean ; O.ecleiiccepholiiCteea; C.plalys Green; C. tnicroyw Green ; 0. anr.ltiopn Oreen ; O. dhps Green ; f •'. macrnphtltnlma Green ; C hufo Groen ; O. bufo var. rorm (ireen; AsAPHi;a Brong. ; A. Intirmialus Green; A. trlenuriia Kalon; A. limtilurut (Irenn ; .4. cni/dadis Brnnnich. (Brong ) ; A. hniiKmatini Rroog,; A. pUiiroplyj: Qrevn; A. mkri(riis Green; A. wethnilli Green; Parado.XIKKS Brong. ; P. iu/Jon i Bigsby ; ISOTEI.US DeKay ; I. gigns DeKay; /. planus DeKay; /. cijchpf Green; /. mcgalopi Green; /. »«fj^op« Green : OrTPTOLITHUS Green; C <«*»f/'at«» Green ; DlPLKURA Green; 7). ilekayi Green: TKIMERf3 Green; T. delphiuncrphaliiB Green; CISRAURUS Oreen; O. }ile.urcianllicmiif (Ireen; Triahthrus (ireeu; 7'. herhii Green; Nuttainia Eaton; A. ^parsa Katun ; BRONONIARTI A Eaton : H. plalycci'hnla Eaton ; 0(lV(iIA Brong. ; AONOSTUS Brong.; NiLKUS Dalmau ; HKMIcuurTUitUS (ireeu ; lLf.J':NUS Dalniun ; AmpYX Dal- ninn. Green, Jacob. Description of ajiewTrilobite lioniNova Scotiii (AsapluisT tTvptiiriis). <^ Trans. Crol. S,>c. Pciiii.. vol. i. pt. i, i>p. :{7 -;'.!•. I wood u(. 18:t4. Greeu, Jacob. PcHcriptioii of a new Trilobite. <./»(. Juiiru. Sci., vol. xxxii, l»t scr., pp. l()7-16lt. 18;!7. The article contains dcucriptionii of iir i npicii'K. Sec tilso noti' ol' corriction on page (i (if the same volnuie. Green, Jacob. DeHCriptious of several new Trilobitus, <^ Atn.-fonrn. Sci., vol. xxxii, iMt ser.. pp. l{43-:!41t, 2 woodcuts. I8;t7. Green, Jacob. UesiTiption of two new H|)ecies of Trilobites. <1 .lonvn. Arail. yat. Sci. I'hiln., vol. vii. 1st .ser., pp. 217-220. 18:17. Green, Jacob. Some remarks on the jjeniis Paradoxiiles of Urongiiiart, and on the necessity of preserving the genus Tri;irthrns, proposed in the .Monograph of the Trilobites of North America. <, Am. .lonni. Sci., vol. xxxiii, 1st ser., pp. :M1-'.M4. IKK 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. 1 ! f ; I :« t a'. f ■: Oreen, Jacob. New Trilobit«H. 2. Carlonifprous. :W niULKUilUI'lIY OF INVKIMKnitATK I'ALEONTOLtMiY. !| li ! ^ i ■ I ii 1 ! J 1 i 1 <> i 1 Hall, Jamaa. rnlt'oiitoli>(;.v ol New York. Vol.ii. pp. :MW, ltd plut^it. HOSJ. IJppxr SIhirliin. ii'iiiiii«, llMmfiliHiiiii. h hmiphyiuit, CnHiiimiHirn tMiipoT'i. f'litmnjmrn, llhuinj'orii, Sirnflieiiilunlii, J'!iriiiumiru», i'litioiirtna, Diteiitoriit, I'olifiiUatmii, Cunupkyllum, Piplii/ilii/llHm. Aiiroinium, I'lailiiimni, Callnporn, Trtmatopora, Strialopora, Piamrtiipnra, Mr^nlumu; Sirphnnocrinuf (Cuorad), Ctaihropnra, Vernmnjmra, t.lehenallii, Sa/ifeiittln, l>iili/onmui, iHiniinlit, CI(iHcr<>criiiii$, llvmpcrinut, (ilifplatler, Tkyianorrinim Ml/eliieuilrf>irinu$, L lil/ii/oiriiiiii' (Coarwi), l.ijrUnrinim,, Mncroitii- Inirinnt, Sannerinin, /lilirmuniilin, Ca}hiiij»tiir». llfmi-i)Hiir$, J'aUimlcr, Cntcnierinkt. rinlijiitioiim (Conrud). Hall, Jamea. Notes i>ii hoiih! t'oHHilH of tlit; HO-eiillud Tiicoiiii; Nysttiiii. ilescriltfd by \H- Kmuuiim. ^ .tm.-hiiiii. Sri.,'it\ hoi., vol. xix, pp. 4114, 4H5. lH,-):i. Hall, James. DeNniption of iiuw npt'cieH uC foHMilt) froui tlin C'urboniferous Linit8t<>ii('M of liiilijiiiii ikiul lllinuiH. <^ Tranx. .ilbani/ Initt., vol. iv, pp. l-:i(). le?.".(;. ThU paper piubrareH u InrKi* iiunibvr of miuu'n ipeciei of ahtillK, inninly from the local- ity in WufliiUHton County, Iiidiuna. knoWD a« " 8p«rgon Hill". Tbuy are all from tlie Lower CurlionlferoiH Horii'H, except 'J'rnhralula mUtrpuncinin, \vliicb In from the Coal- ini'anurHH. Oonwra Ci/pi iiaiJelln, llnlimella. Hall, James. DcscriptionH uiul iioticen of the foHHilticollocfetl on tli** n>iite. < I'aiijic K. I!. Rfiiorlx. vol. iii, pp. 'jy-lOf), 'i plates. HSMi. CarbouifprouD and CretacpnuH. Hall, Jamea. Descriptions of I'aleozuic fossils, cliieHy from those coiisti- tiiting the third volniuo of the Paleontology of New York ; with otheri* from tlie fourth volume, &c., &c. < 109. Hall, James. Tbe gonnH Rbynohospira. < I'ifA .Inn. Rep. Regent* Univ. X. Y. on I ondition of Slate Cabinet, pp. 2lt, 30. 18o». Hall, James. Tlie genus Tropitloleptufi. < Vith Ann. Rep, Regentt Unit: N. Y. on ( ondition of Slate Cabinet, p. 31. 185^ Hall, James. Tlie gcnns Leptoccnlia. < \ith Ann. Rep. Regents tiniv. X. Y. on t 'ondition of State ('abinet, pp. 32-34. 18.59. Hall, James. < >b8Prvutians on Ibo genus Katonia. < I2th Ann, Rep. Regents Univ. X. Y. on Condition of State Cabinet, pp. 34-37. 1851*. Hall, James. OhserTationn on tbe genus Kensselii'iin. <13(h Ann. Rep. Regents Univ. X. Y. on Condition of State Cabinet, pp. 38-41. 1859. Hall, James. Observations on the genus Camarhini. <^ I2th Ann. Rtp. Regents Univ. N. Y. on Condilion of State Cabinet, pp. 42, 43. 1859. Ball, James. Tbe genus Triplesin. m Conditiim of State Calnntt, pp. 71-7'2. 1800. Hall, James. Tho fjcnuH Vitultaii. . 1800. 8ep bIko obHsrvatloni in ISM Ann. Ilrpurt, pp. 178-161. Hall, James. UescriptiuoB of now species of fossils from the Hamilton Group of West ern Nuvr Yorl<, with notices of otburs from the same hori- zon in lowu tisd Indiana. < I'Sth Ann. Rep. Regents f'nii: S. Y. on Con- dition of State Caliinet, pp. 70-1(4. 1800. Hall. James. Notes and observations npon the fossils of the Uoniatite Liniestouo in the MarcoUns >Shale of the Hamilton Group, in the eastern and central parts of the 8t«te of New York ; and those of the Goniatite beds of liockford, Indiana; with some analogous forms from the Hamil- ton Group proper. < 13rt Ann. Rep. Regentn Univ. X. Y. on ConditioH of State Cabinet, pp. 95-1 12. 1800. Alito b •upplrmoutsry note on page 195. Hall, Jamea. Notu upon tho Trilobites of the Shales of the Qaeboc Group, in the town of Georgia, Vermont. < I'Mh Ann. Rep. Regentt Vniv. N, Y. en Condition of State Cabinet, pp. 113-118. 1800. Oenera Barrandia, Bath]inolu$. The (eneric name Barrandia it changed by ProfeMor Hall to OlentUm, on page lU, iSth Ann. Rep. Rtgtnu Unit. N. ¥. on CondUion of Stale Cabinet. See note on p. 196 of \5lh Ann. Rep. Hall, Jamea. Now species of fossils from the Hudson River Group of Ohio and other Western States. < 13(A Ann. Rep. Regents I nit: X. F. oa Con- dition of State Cabinet, pp. 119-121. 1800. Hall, James. Observations on a new gonus of Crinoidea, Cheirocrinus. •< 13(fc Ann. Rep. Regents Univ. X. Y. on Condition of State Cabinet, pp. 121- 124, 1800. Profeator Ifall abandons the name Oheirocriii ui, ai here propoaed, for Calceocrinui, which wa* propoaed by bim in vol. li, Pal. of y. Y., p. 353, both forma being congeneric. See 98Ttolife«. < Wih Ann. Jiop. Ihytntt I'luv, .V. 1'. on Condiiitn of State t'ahiiut, pp. lU-UH. iHil. OcnerH l'hrn/fmn$nma, Oltlndtrmn. Hall, Jamea. Di^Horiptions uf imv/ spccMns of rimxilH from the Upper Moliler- bi'i'^;, liitiiiiltDii, iviid Cht'tniitiK (inmps; with obrntrvatioim upon previ- ounIv il<'»i'ril>iMl HpttuidH, <^ lt//i Ami. ti'p, Hiijfnlt Ciiir, X, Y. on Cuiidition of Slate Coliiiiit, pp. ll'J-lU'.t. lH(il. fli'iitu Cry}iiimrlln. Hall, Janiea. C'oiitribiitioim to I'itluoiitnloi;y, (■(HnprlNiti)' iloscriptioiiM of nt^w NpiM'iim of fossils from \\w Uppi-r l[i-l(lurl)DprH AiicyTurriiiitH, XucUorrinut (Conrad), Cocnbnfrlnu$ (TrooBt). Hall, James. ObsorvntioiM on a now jjemm of IJraciiiopoda (Zysospira). < I'llh Ann. Rep. Regvnln Univ. N, Y.on Condition of State Cabinet, jip. 154, li"). iHtil. Hall, James. Observations on tliP Kut'Ta Atliyris (=Spirigera), Morista, C'amai'inin, and MeristolU. <] I'tth Ann. Rep. Rnjenta Univ. AT. r. on Con- dilion of State Cabinet, pp. 178-181. 18(11. Hue hIko oliMervatidua In i:ilA .inn. Rrport, pp. 7.1-75. Hall, James. DHScriptions of now species of fossils, chiefly from the liamilton (iroiip of Western Now York. <^ Vtth Ann. Rep. Regents Univ. N. r. on Condition of State Cabinet, pp. 181-1tnii(i, PaUrarc.a, Piatyogtoiwi (Co'.irad), StntphosiyUts, PlttlycTits (Courad), C'lnariiim, PItolidopf, Phyllo^raptus, Tlmmnograpliis. Triplisin. Pugei 14'J-15U contain • 8ynoi.>ii« of the Cyftidm, voiupriaingf ditti^noneii of eighleBu genera. Hall, JamdS. Descriptions of now .species of fossils. <^ Report of the Super- iiiteiidriit of the (ieologkal Harvey {of H'iscoimn), pauiphlut, pp. 5*2, S*j. ISGl. Siluriiiu. Hall, James. Notice of some now si)ecies of fo.ssila from a locality of the Niao;aru (iroiip in Iniliaoa, with a list of identilied species from the .same place. . Oivl, Siirr. H'ii- coiisin (Hall .| nhitney), vol. i, pp. 425-44>i. 1862. Hail, James. Descriptions of new species of Brachiopnda, from the Upper Heklerher};, Hamilton, and ClienuiiiK tJronps. <[ lti//( Ann. lltp. lieyentB L'liir. y. y. on Condilion of Stale ('alii net, Appendix 1), pp. 1S>-;17. l.SfW. Hall, James. Observations on some of the Itiauhiopoda, with reference to the characters of the genera Cryjitonella, Centronella, Merist '.a, Tre- matospira, Rl)ynchosi)ira, Uet/ia, Leptocodia, and allied forms. <^ Idth Ann. Rep. lUijentn Unir. A', y, on t'ondilhn of iintt, pp. ;W-51>. Irtti;}. Hall, James. Note on the genus Lept^ftn-lia. <; ltii$sel- ycrras (Conrnd), I4U-IS'J cuiilain t t of the Super- ot, pp. W, S'^. ooality of the from the same •^fiiM Univ. iV. ¥. not tlior'' rfpcBtuil. am Sandstoiiu ; Is, luiil doscrip- per MissisHippl Rcgetitt Vniv. XT. the rocks of the I tilt! I'iih'ozoic ) of tho known a vol. Sun: ICu- froiii tho Upper ((III. /iVp. liiijrnts I. ii»-;»7. i«i:<. ^ith retViviioe to Morist '.a, Ti«- \ foniis. < IWfc \hiitei, pp. ;w-r)i>. it'p. liegents Vnii: Hall, Jamea. Observations npon the ({eiins Streptorhynchiis, with remarks upon Monic species lieretoforo referred to the genera Stropliomuiia and Orthis. <; ](W,'i Atni. lieji. llcgents Univ. X. Y. on Condition of Slate Cabinet, pp. tU-()(). i?o;t. Hall, James. Note on the f^eoiojrical ranj;e of tho gonns Keceptacnlites in Aiiit'rican Pulcozoii! strata. < IQlh Ann. L'ep. Ueijtnts Unit: X. Y. on Con- dition of State Cabihet, pp. (>7-0t). 18li3. Hall, James. Note on the occarrence of Astylospouj;ia in the Lower Hel- iltu'licrj; rockH. <:^ Ki/A Ann. /iVj>. Hegentu I'nir.X. Y.on Condition of State ('((fciiit7, pp. tii), 70. ISti:?. Hall, James. On the orcinTence of Crustacean remains of the genera Cer- atiociiris and Ditliyrocaris, with a notice of uomc new species from the Hamilton (Ironp and Oenesee Slate. <^ Kith Ann. Kep. Regents Univ. X. Y. OH Condition of Slate Cabinet, pp. 71-75, 1 plate. 18GIJ, Hall, James. Observations n)ion some spiral growing Fucoidal remains of the Paleozoic rocks of New York. <^Utlli Ann. Rep. Etgenta Univ.X, Y. on Condition of State Cabinet, pp. 7t)-83, 18G3. Hall, James. Observations upon the genera lli>hanta;nia and Dictyophy- ton ; witli notices of soiiu' Hpecies from the C'beiuung Group of New York and the VVaverly Sandslmie of Ohio. <^ lC//i Ann, Kep. Ilegenta Univ. X. Y. on Condition of Slate Cal>inn, 5>p. 84-91. 18(j;5. 13 platea of IlluHtrHtionH uccoinimny tbiH and the followiug artlcleH. Hall, James. Preliniinury notice of the fauna of tlio Potsdam Sandstone, with remarks upon the previiuisly known species of fossils, and descriptions of some new ones, from tlie Sandstone of the Up|>er Mi-ssissippi Valley. \ UUh Ann. Itep. I!eyenln I'nii.X. Y.on Condition of Stale Cabinet, pp. 119- 'H'iii, including " Siipplcmeutary note ou the I'otsdam Sandstone ". ISdX Vi plutea nf illuHtrationit aci-om|iany thin au't the preceding ar'icleit. The following ginoni nro here propowd ; — I.inguhpis. I'tychaapit, Chiiriorqihaliit, HlanuruB, Triarthrella, .Agliifpit. Hall, James. On j. new Crnstacean from the Potsdam Sandstone. <^ Am. Jonrn. Sci., vol. xxxv, '2d ser., p. SiCi. 18ti:t. TIiIm ih n very brief alixtrHt't of a paper ou that suliject iu tho Canadian Naturaliit and Gcohgiat, Dee., IWiS. vii, p. 44:1. Hall, James. Observations npon some of the Bracliiopoda, with reference to the genera Cryptoiiella, C^entront'lla, Meristella, and fUied formti. < Am. Jiinriu Sci., vol. xxxv, M ser., pp. :iyt)-4U(). 1803. Many woodcut illimtratious. TliiH ariicli [h an extended aVrntriirt from Tram. .Ilbajty Inttitute of the name year, with ooniitiiiuH and additions by tiie author. It Ih conituiied in Tol. xxxvi of the same iierios, pp. 11-15. Hall, Jamos. I'reliniinaiy notice of some species of Ciinoidea from the Waverly Siinilslone series of Summit Ctmnty, Ohio, sujiposed to be of the age of the Chemung (Jroup of New York. <^ 17/.'i Ann. Uep. L'egents inir. X. y. ou Condition of State Cabinet, pp. .')0-00. 1804. See, also, I'lilrnnliiloi/y of U/iio {.\cicberry), vol. il, pp. 16S-179. 3G BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. Hall, Jamea. On tlio occurrence of a convoluted i)liite within the body of cerhiiu species of Crinoidea. < Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. x, pp. '^■^, :!4. it-c.-). Hall, James. Ohservjitions upon some species of Spirifera, being the con- cluding rcninrku of the chaiiter on the descriptions of species of that genus from the Upper Helderherg, Ilauiilton, and Chemung Groups. (From the Pahontulogn of Xeiv York; vol.iv, pji. a52-2r)7 ; unpublished.) < /'»•«(!. Am. I'hilon. Soc, vol. x, pp. 2Hi-2')4. 18()G. Vol, iv has ciiu'e bwii pulilislieil. Hall, James. Paleontology of Xow York. Vol. iv. pp. 42S, fiO plates. 1867. Devonian. (1fnert\ I'rinluciella, Mcristella, Cirlonpira, Stejweimni (Conrad), Leinrhyn- chu.i, I'fniiiimrcllii, (iypiilnla^DeXmixn), Amiihigenia, Crypionrlln, Tropidulrptui, I'itulina. Hall, James. Notice of vol. iv of the Paleontology of New York; with an enumeration of the species described, and observations on their relation toCurboiiirerous forms. <^'iiUh Ann. h'vp. Rvtjcnls Univ \. Y.on Condition of f Atrypa. <. "iOth Ann. Rep. Regents Unir.N. Y.on Condition of State (.u , ■.'■^ np. 267, 268. 18()8. Hall, .Tames. Remarks upon the genera Rhynchonella and Lci '^liynclius. <^'iOlh Ann. Rep. Regents Unir. X. Y.on Condition of State Cabinet, j}p, 269-27:!. 1868. Hall, James. Note on the genus Eichwaldia (Billings). ecie.s of Goniatitidio, with a list of jircviously described H))ecies. <] 27tft Ann. Rep. Regents Univ. X. Y. on Condition of Slate Cabinet, p]). 132-13G. 1875. Hall, James. 32 lithogr. iilates, illustrating a paper in vol. iv, Trans. Albanj' Tnst., pp. 195-208, 18(i2, entitled "Notice of sonic new species of fossils from a locality of the Niagara Group in Indiana, with a list of identilied si>e«',ie8 from the same place". i>.s(ri])ti(>n8 of new siiecies of fossils from tlio Cretai'eous forniations of Nebraska ; willi observations on liacnlites ovatns and H. coniiiressus, and tlie progressive develo)»niont of the Be|)tit in liut'ulitcs, Aninionitus. and Scapliites. <^Mom. Am. Acad. Art» und Sci., vol. v. new ser., pp. 371M11, 8 plates. 1856. Hall, James, and R. P. Whitiielcl. Description of new speeies of fossils from the vii inity of Louisville, Kentucky, and the Falls of the Ohio. < '2ith Ann. llqi. UegtnU Unir. N. Y. on Condition of Slate iluseum, up. 181- 200». lH7-.i. Genua I'tychodesma. The 27(/i Report containa 5 plates illustrating tliU article. Hall, James, and R. F. 'WhltQeld. Remarks on jieculiar impression* in the Sandstones of the Chemung (ironj) of New York. <'24tfc Ann. Hep. liegents Cniv. X. Y. on Condition of State Museum, pp. 201-204. 1872. Genua Hippodophynit. Hall, James, and R. F. Whitfield. Descriptions of new species of fossils from the Devonian of Iowa. <^ 23(1 Ann. Rep. lieyeiita Univ. N. ¥. on Con- dition of State Cabinet, pp.223-2:J0, r> plates. 1873. Hall, James, and R. F. Whitfield. Descriptions of Invertebrate fossils, mainly from the Silurian system. <, Paleontology of Ohio (Xetvberry), vol. ii, pp. C7-161, plates i-ix. 1875. Hall, James, and R. P. W^hitfield. Descriptions of Crinoidea from the Waverly Group. < Paleontology of Ohio (Netoherry), vol. ii, pp. 162-179, plates xi-xiii. 1875. Hall, James, and R. P. Whitfield. Paleontology. < U. S. Geol. Expl. \Qth Parallel (King), part ii, pp. 197-302, 7 plates. 1877. Silurian, Devonian, Carbonlferoua, Triaaalc, Juraaaie. Genua Heptocardia. Harlan, Richard. Critical notices of various organic remains hitherto d!s> covered in North America. ■< Trana. Geol. Soc. Penn.,v6\. i, part i. 1834. The portion referring to invertebrate paleontologj ia embraced in pp. 95-109, and containa the original deacription of Euri/pterui laciutrii Harlan, and diagnoaii of the genui. Harlan, Richard. Notice of nondescript Trilobites from the State of New York, with some observations on the genus Triarthius. < 2Van«. Geol. Soc. Penn., vol. i, part ii, pp. 263-266, 1 plate. ISS.'i. Paradoxidts (riartkt u« and P. arciintui, *the author takea the ground that the genua Tri- arthrui waa not correctly eatablished, and ia therefore obaolete. Harger, O. Notice of a new fossil Spider from the Coalmeasures of Illi- nois. < Am. Journ. Sci., vol. vii, 3d ser., pp. 519-223. 1874. Genua Artkrolycota. Harper, L. Description of Ceratites americanus. < Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci.. Phila., vol. viii, pp. 126-128, 4 woodcuts. 1856. s JGY. I.— PUBLICATIONS MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. 39 lian foHsilfl, rals of the Jiut It has not J and Philadel- |ubll8hed. IfosHils from lu liacnlitea lent of the .lead. Arlt |es of fossils )f the Ohio. mill, pp. 181- article, : impression* < '24tfc Ann. 204. 1872. axes of fossils N. ¥. trocera$, Oalottrai, Coronictrat, Cycloctrai, Doc. tylocern$, Derocera; Dheccerai, Orammocera; Hildocerai, Hammatocerai, Leioeerai, Liparocerat, Micrneerai, Ophiocera$, Ptletocera$, Peronocerai, Phymatocerai, PlatypUuro- cerat, VUurocirat, Psiloceras, Thyianocerat, JVopidocerat, Rhaeocerai. Hyatt, AIpheuB. On reversions amon^ the Ammonites. < Proo. Botton Soe. Nat. Iliat., vol. xiv, pp. 22-43. 1870. Profeaaor Hyatt announces the diaoovery of a aerlea of rrveraionary characteriatict among the Ammonitida, which be diacuaaes at acme length in connection with Mveral genera. 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. ■iiim Hyatt, AlpheuB. KinbryolDjry and development of the shells of Aramoiii- tt)i(U and Nautiloids. < Proc. lioatim Soc. Nat, Uiat,, vol. xiv, pp. 390-399. 1871. ThlH paper containii > brief auramarj of the lubject, Tvhlcb the author bo fully elaboratod aftfirwaril in Hull. Mui. Comji. Zotil., vol. ill, No. 5. Hyatt, Alpheua. The non-roveraionary series of the LiparoceratidsB, and remarkH upon tlie series of the allied family Dactyloidiu. <^ Proc, Boston Soc, Nat, Hist,, vol. xv, pp. 4-31. 1872. Tbe author contrasU thia seriea with those diijcniiBed In th« preceding article. Hyatt, AIpbeuB. Fossil Cephalopoda of the Mnsonm of Coniparative Zoology. Embryology. < JiiiU. Mh8, Comp. Zooh Cambridge, Mass,, vol. iii, No. 5, pp. 59-111, 4 double plates. 1872. ProfoKiior Hyatt deacribea and illustrate! embryologlenl features in Deror.ertu, Ooni- atitet, Arnioeerai, Aateroctras, Nautilu$, and Argonauta. Hyatt, Alpheua. Evolution of the Arietidio. <^ Proc, Boston Soc. Nat, Hist., vol. xvi, pp. 166-170. 1873. The author takes the gonus Arir.leg of Von Diich ai the "parent form " of th« family, and traces the differences and nimilaritiei that characterize the species composing the family. Hyatt, Alpheua. Genetic relations of the Aiigulatidte. < Proc. Boston Soc, Nat. Hist., vol. xvii, pp. MS 03. 1874. This family is one of those into which tbe Ammonitei have been divided by the author, Hyatt, Alpheua. Appendix to rommunications on reversions among the Ammonites. < Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. xvii, pp. 23-28. 1874. Sea Proc, vol. xiv, p. 22. Hyatt, Alpheua. Appendix to commnuication on "The non-reversionary series of the Liparoceratiduj, «&c." < Proc, Boston Soc. Nat, Hist,, vol. xvii, pp. 29-;«. 1874. See Proc, vol. xv, p. i. Hyatt, Alpheua. Abstract of a "Memoir on the biological relations of the Jurassip Ammonites". < Proc. Boston Soc, Nat, Hist,, vol. xvii, pp. 236- 241. 1874. Hyatt, Alpheua. Remarks on two new genera of Ammonites, Agassiziceras and Oxynoticeras. < Proc. Boston Soc, Nat, Hist,, vol. xvii, pp. 225-234. 1875. Hyatt, Alpheua. Jurassic and Oretat-eous Ammonites collected in South America by Prof. James Orton, with an appendix upon the Cretaceous Ammonites of Professor Hartt's collection. <^Proc. Boston Soo, Nat, Hist,, vol. xvii, pp. 365-372. 1875. The author Identifies a considerable proportion of these fossils with European species, and describes tbe new ge&us BuMtcrtu. Hyatt, Alphens. Genetic relations of Stophanoceras. < Proc, Boston Soc, Nat. Hist,, vol. xviii, pp. 360-400. 1876. Professor Hyatt divides the genua Siephanocera$ of Waagen Into ten " series ", or sec- tion*, besides one doubtful series, to which he refers the Ammonittt refraclut of D'Orb. XJT. |)f Amraoni- pp. 390-399. iilly elaboratod IratidiB, and I Proc. Boston Iticle. ::!oniparative \e, Mass., vol. 'erocerat, Ooni- ?oc. Nat. Hilt, of the family, II compoBing the Proc. Boston jed by the author. ns among the J3-28. 1874. n-roversionary Nat. Hilt., vol. relationa of the il. xvii, pp. 236- 18, AgasHiziceras rii, pp. 225-234. lected in South the Cretaceous ioston Soc. Nat. 1 European ipeciei, Proc. Boston Soc. m "ierics", or aec- ractui of D'Orb. •ft I.— PUBLICATIONS MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. 41 Jamea, U. P. On a new specioa of fus»il from the Lower Silurian (Cyrto- lites costatus). ^^HLJottrn. Soi., vol. iii, 3d ser., pp. 2G. 1872. James, U. P. Dosoriptions of new Bpecios of Brachiopoda, from the Lnwer Siliirian Roctka, Cincinnati Group. <^ Cin. Quart. ,7ourn. ofSci., pp. 19-22. 1W4. Tlie Cincinnati Quarlprly JuurnnI of Science was publiHhed by S. A. Miller at Olu- cluuHti, Ohio, for the yearn 1674 Hud 1873 only, making voU, i and ii complete. James, U. P. Doacriptiona of one new species of Loptaana and two apocios of Cydoiiema, from the Lower Silurian Rociis, — Ciuciunuti Uroup. < Cin. Quart. Journ. Sci., pp. ir)l-l.')4. 1874. James, U. P. Deafriptiona of new apeciea of foaaila from the Lower Silu- rian Formatiou, — Cinciunati Group. <^ Cin. Quart, Journ. Sci., pp. 239- 242. 1874. James, U. P. Descriptiona of now apeciea of Brachiopoda, from the Lower Silurian formation, — Cinciunati Group. <^ Cin. Quart. Journ. Sci,, pp. 333-;J35. 1874. James, U. P. Catalogue of Lower Silurian foaaila at Cincinnati, Ohio, and vicinity, with deacriptiona of some new apeciea of Corals and Polyzoa. Cincinnati, Ohio. Paniphl«t. pp.8. 1875. OhirUtes f aili/cula, Chaletet clavacoiHes, Cheetetea cincinnatiensit, Chatettit o'nmlli, Alveiilitta ? granulota, Cernmopora nicholtoni, Vlylodietya acuminata, Alectn nezilii. A previouH edition of thin catalogue waa publiahed, but without any deHcrlption of Hpeoieii, James, IT. P., O. Graham, and J. Q. Anthony. Two apeciea of fuaail Aateriaa in the Blue Liuieatone of Cincinuati. ■'^ Am. Journ. Sci., vol. i, 2d aer., pp. 441, 442. Illustrated. 184(5. See note by ProfpiHor Daua on page 'J9f, vol. xxxv, game aeriea ; and aUo both editiona of Dana'i Manual of Geology. Johnson, Alexander S. Notice of some undeacribed Infusorial shells. <. Am. Journ. Sci., vol. xiil, 2d aer., p. 33. 1852. Qenua Aatcrodiacui. Lea, Henry Carey. Descriptions of some new specioa of fossil aholla from the Eocene of Claiborne, Alabama. ti()nn of Uiiionidji-, from the Low«r Cretuceoiis roriiiutioii of Ni^vv Jrisey. < Proc. Actiil. 2fiil. .s'ci. Pliila., vol. xii, !id Her., pp. 1(V2- Le Sueur, C. A. OliHorvations on a now goiiiiH of foHsil mIioIIs. <^Journ. Aiad. Sat. fici. I'liila., Ut Her., vol. i, i>p. :U-2,:U:», 1 plate. 1818. (lemiH Maclurite. .Since changed by common coDient aud cuitom to Madiirea. Locke, John. On a new species of Trilobite oi very larjjo size. < Am. Jouni. Sci, vol. xlii, Ist ser., )'p. 3t>K-;{ti8, 1 plate. 184'i. ItotelUD mcgintoa. AUo pnblld'jed In Trim. Ataoc. Am. llenl. ff Nat., vol. 1, pp. 221-3S4. Locke, John. On the fos.-il Cryi)to ithus tesselatns. < Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. riiUii., vol. i, pp. I'Jti, iw. iH^a. Further obnervii'ionn on the UBiP.i, with one woodcut, p. S3tl. (1S43.) ThlH Trilobtte \» from the Lower Siluriiiu xlinttt at CluciDDati, Uhiu. Locke, John. Notice of a new Trilobite. < Am. Joitni. ScL, vol. xliv, Ist ser., p. 34fi, 1 woodcut. 184:$, Cernurut cru>otu$, Locke, John. On a new species of Trilobite of very large size .b» ezUtenc* of the foa,i platus*. 18()9. Oenera Hiidrocrinus, Ataziacrinut, Lyon, Sidney S., and S. A. Casaeday. Description of nine imw species of Crinoid(tafroin tliu .SulxwirlxxiiferouH rocks of luditma and Kentucky. <^Am. Jouni, Sri,, vol. xxviii, 2d net., pp. *i;{l{-ii4(5. 18."i9. (li'iiiTB (liiiiinsieroiiluiriiiiti, Krciimicrinun. Vol. xxlx cuiitaiOH an article by tliete autliiTH liiiviiiK the Hame title, but the article i§ wholly different. « Lyon, Sidney S., and S. A. Caaseday. Description of nine new species of Crinoidca, from the Siibrarboniferous rocks of Indiana and Kentucky. < Am. Journ. ScL, vol. xxix, 2d Her., pp. 68-79. 18li0. lii'iiuH Onychvctiniii. Vol. xxviii coDtaiiii) an article by thebe authom baviug the nam* title, but thu article ia entirely ditTnrent. Lyon, Sidney S., and S. A. Caaseday. A synon; mic list of tlie Ecbinoder- mata of the I'uleozoic Uocks of North America. <^ I'roi: Am, Acad, Artv, i^ ScL lionlon, vol. iv, pp. '282-304. 1859. Lyon, Sidney S., and S. A. Caaseday. Description of two new genera and eif{bt new species of fossil Crinoidea. 'C.l'roc. .int. Acad. Arts i)'* iSci. Boeton, vol. v, pp. 16-31. 1860. Genera Cotyledonoerinut, Alloproiallocrinui. Marsh, O. C. On the Paheotrochis of Emmons, from North Carolina. < Am. Journ. Sn., vol. xl v, 2d ser., pp. 217-219. 1868. ProfeHHor Manb taken the view that these bodies are wholly of mineral, and not of organic origin. ^ Marsh, O. C. Description of a now species of Protichnitcs, from the Pots- dam Sandstone of New York. tRci'0ui4. nnd Tertiary. RepubliHheil with lllui- trHllonn in H 'inurtu vuliimu of Ciiptuln 8iuipM0u'ii Rt'pnrtH, in 1876, Meek, F. B. Dcsoiiptions of nmv Crt)taiMM)iiH fossils collcctod by the North- western Itoiindiiry Coniinission on Yiincouver'H and Sncia IslaDda. < Pror. .luiil. .Vfl<. .Sei. I'hila., vol. v, 2(1 ser., pp. ;U4-:»18. lafil. Meek, F. B. Kenmrks on the family ActH'onidii", with dcHcriptions of some new •fentiiii and snbjfoufra. <]./»». Jouni, Hci., vol. xxw, 2d tier., pp. 84-94. im.l Oi-norH TrDchnruton, Eiiciiiiarlu-nn, Aplijrha. The author makeil two divUinna of tha fnnilly, naincly, Actn.niiiit and Uiii^irulinit. Meek, F. B. Hcinarks on the family I'teriidu' (— Avicnlida?), with descrip- tions of some new fossil genera. 6. The author placea thia family near Fitturellida, Haliotida, and Pleurotomariidct. Check lists of the luvertebratq fossils of North America. <; Smithsonian ifincehaueoiis Piiblicationa (No. 183), pp. 1-32. JHiY. I. — PUllLtCATlONS MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. 45 lubranka and dipt. J. ir. M froii: that k, vol. iv, 2d llxliuU with iUui- i>y the North- jicia Ishinds. Itions of Home f, 'M ser., pp. I (HvUinng uf the witli descrip- ^xvii, 2d stT., leiica. Crota- ioiis (No. 177), ilAc cliaractera, of orth America. 183), pp. 1-32. eciflc chflracteri. Is. < Paleon- (64. isils foiiud by it the highest xl, 2d sef., pp. < Proc. Acad. nun Pbillipa, Go- t uot mure than re of Spirifer < Proc. Acad. Proc. Chicago 'nmariidit. Meek, F. B. Noto on lit-llinnrus dniiii', from tlio Illinois Coul-moosiirea. < Am, Journ. Soi., vol. xliii, 2d ser., pp. 257, 258. 181)7. Ill fill* not", the «iitlii)riiX|)r«HHci( thn "|iliili>n llmt 'iilUnHrin ilmur M»ok and WiirtbHQ prippi-rly Im-Ihhkd In lliu recently prxpoHi-d kihiuh Prrsiiiifhia VViindwHrd, Meek, F. B. N(>li> on it now ^{onns ol' CniNtitccit. <^ Am. Journ. Sci., vol. xliii, .'it H(.|„ lip. ;ut4, ;t'.»5. 18fr7. (Ihhuk r.iiiird'i'iiin. Thin uiMUK whk nftprwnrd fully rlfHcrlbi'd and llluntr^ted In vol. ill lit Will ilii ii'n lllhiiiit tlii'lii/fii'n! ItiiiiirH. Meek, P. B. Nottuin tlifiiiiiictatcHhull-Mtnictiireof ,Syrinni>tliyri8. <^Am. Joiini. .Sri., vol. xliii, 2il Her., pp. 107, 408. lWi7. Meek, F. B. K'fiiiiiikhou I'lofi'SHor Gcinilz's vii^wii ri'npt'itinj{ Uiipcr Paleo- zoic rocks and foMKiln of Sonllicasteni Ntiliriiska. <[ .Im.JoHvn. Sv't.. vol. xliv, 2d ser., pp. ITO-H/; continued, pp. It27-lt.{l( ; note to tin; same, pp. 2H2.28;i. lrt(17. TIiIb Ih nn i-xti'inlinl disi iiH«l«n mid critJL'Uiii nf J'r. Ouliiltz'H " Ciirbonformatlon uiid Dyan in NcljraiikH". Meek, F. B. Nnteon tlifj^emt^ I'ala'ncis, Ifainie, 1800 (= Splieno])oterinin, M. iV \V., IftKi/ < .im. Journ. .-iiL, vol. xliv, 2d hit., pp. 41l», 420. 18(>7. Tim luulior Ui-re iHki'H the view tlint Sphennjuiterium. originally piililUIiud la the Illinuii (liril. Ilijiiiils, Im Idiiilltul with I'ntiiacit. Meek, F. B. I'loliniinary notice of a feiniirkiihle new j;eniis of CoralH, pi'olialtly lyi»ical of ii new family; forwiiidcil for Htiidy by I'rof. ,J. D. AVIiitney, from the Siliiriiin Koukn of Nevada Territory. '(^ Am. Journ. fici., vol. xlv, 2d Her., i»p. t)2-()4. lf:U8. Qunus Ktlimiipliylliim, Meek, F. B. Note ou Etlinio[diyllHm and Arclieoeyathns. <^ Am, Journ. Soi,, vol. xlvi, 2d Her., p. 144. It^iiS. Till' Htithiir nhandnua hlH formerly proponed genua Ethmopliylliim, believing it to be IdentlcBl with Archtorijathua of HllllnKil. Meek, F. B. Note on the Hhell-Htrnctnre and family afflnitieH of the geuns Aviciilo|)ectcii. ■< Am. Journ. Sci., vol. xlv, 2d Her., pp. G4, Go. 1808. The luithor shown that by the nhell-atructure the .Vvlculopeiteni are allied to Avicula rather ihiin to 2'iflen. Meek, F. B. liemiirkH on the geology of the Valley of Maekenzie River, with lijiiirt'H and desciiiitioiiH of fossils from that region, in the Miisimiu of the Smithsonian Insritiitiou, chierty collected by the late Kobert Keu- nicoft, eR()-t;4. 1(^70. Siliirlrtn. Divonliiii, hiuI Tertiary. Afterward republlnhed and Illustrated in vol. iv of Mr. Kiiig'K neriea of Biial reportn, 1877. Meek, P. B. A jireliminary list of fossils collected by Dr. Hayden in Colo- rado, New Mexico, and California, with brief descriptions of a few new species. l hit., pp. MKt, llOii. 1M71. Trimtrrltn ahiunian. lli'iiiiiill»lii'il huiI lllu«tr»tri| iu I'liltonlutugy of OMa {Stwherry) . Meek, F. B. On Houut now Siliiriidi (h'iiii)i(U ami .sliiillH. < /Ini. •/ourn, Art., vol. ii, :i(l Md., Pit. Vi>r.-:i(t-,'. isTl. TIiIh Hrtli In coiiHlit.. nl' .hxcniitloiiit of i>|iMciiiii, logi'tlier willi Homa exteud«d remark! on tht* HRIltil t.tchfnijrrtttuif of lliill. Meek, P. B. DusfiiptioiiM of nrw spocics of Iiivcrlnhrato fosnils, from t.bfi (Jarli.>iiiri T'lns and Devoiiiiiii of Ohio. <_ I'lui; Amd. Xal. Svi. I'hila., vol. i, ;iii scr., pp. r>7-i>:!. \h7\. Al't«rwiird rcpubli'liud niul llluatralvd In tint PuleaHlology nf Ohio ( .Vtwitrry), Meek, P. B. ]>i>scriptioiis of iii^w Hp<>uii>H of foHHils from Oliio ami other WfNtcrn .States ami riniitoiioa. < I'roc. Arad. \iU. Svi. I'hiln., vol. i,'Jd ser., pp. ir.!»-H4. IHTI. Tlil4 pitpiir riintnlii* di Mciiptiitns nf fotnllK, innntly ('iirlinnif«roUK, from Obto, Illlnoti, and 'I'uxuH, with a MiUnithn nnd I'iripurur, I'runi Wyoming. Meek, P. B. Noticu of n imw Itriu-hiopod, from the iHad-bnariiiK roc^ks at Miiiti La Motte, Missouri. . l.')-17. 1-7'i. * TlilH in nupplenifntiiry In ilif aiticlH iit piiBi' 2!MI (jf vol. ii. Meek, P. B. Descriptions of two new .Starlislics and a Crinoid from the Cincinnati (jronp of Ohio and Indiana. <^.l»i. Jouni. Svi., vol. iii, 3d 8or., lip. !i57 -yfi2. lf'7v!. Tlicsu UencriiitionH. w iili ilUiHtrationH, aru republliiked In lliii I'ahontoiogy o/ Ohio (New- berry). Meek, P. B. Desorijitions of new species of fossils from the Cincinnati Group of Ohio. < Am. .lourn. Sri., \ol. iii, ',Vi ser., p)). \'i\i-\'i>i. ViVi. Tliene are iilnce rudewribed and dgurcd in the I'alcuntolugy uf Uhio (Acichrrry), '1^ >LOOY. Ilu from Ohio. lo/iiu (AVifA^rry). < ^tm. Joum, i'ii(lH/ lU'nl I'irginia I tlirensoni, Yuldiit srinus. < Am, inoid from the .Vti'., vol. iii, 3d ^Joftij of Ohio (,yew the CiiiciiiDuti -4v>8. 1872. 1. — ri'UMCATIoNS MA1>K IN TIIK UNITKD STATKH. ■17 Meek, F. B. Di^HRriptioim of w filtiiicrllii'<| nntt lllui*tr«tetl In \h9 J'nleontolngy qf Ohii) (Siiihirryi, Meek, F. B. rnlimiiiary r.iUtoiitolo^iiiil rnporf, uoiiHiHtiii(( of llNtN ot foNsiJH, with ilf<(U'i|itii>ii>i of Mciiiii' ih'W types, iVo. <^ //rti/(/cH'« I'velim, lleii. r. S. dcol. f{ TtTiitorieH, with dencrip- tioim of ii fecimenH from Idaho. <^ .int. ./oiini, S<;i,, \ nj. v, ;iil iscr., pp, HHil, ;ifj4. IH73. The mill, or Ideiitillu'i, iiiiiiiii)( Mniiii> roIlHcUoiiH iniirte liy I'i'of, P, U. HmdlBy, Momu of till, uiiniitd MpucluH of Mnllu'i-a, for wliiili tliu lociillty lu Wtt'$it, Vdatrlhi. Meek, F. B. Descriptions of Iiivertelirate fossils of theSihirian and Devon- ian systems, <^ I'tiliuntolixjii of Ohio (.Veirberry), vol. i, pp. l-2i;5, plates l-'i'2, ami ;! plates of diaj;raiua of Crinoidg. Irt73. Meek, F. B, Notes on some of the fossils li<;nred in the recently issued lll'th volume of the Illinois State (ieologieal Report. <^Am. Joiirii. Sci., vol. vii, M ■ vr., pji. lp!'.t-llt:i ; continued on pii. 3t>'J-37(>, uml '|H4-'II)0, and 5ci0-58l. _ M74, III IIiIh 8iri<'s of ai tU'Ien, Mr, Meek revii^fR mid t'xtnnds the discriplloDK of a large iiutn* bir of llic M|)i!cieH I'liiliniued in tli« ftltl'. volume of III. Ilriil. Ilip, unA hIho preneotH hoiiib very iin|ioriiiiit pbilomi|iliieiiI dlHCUM-iouH of the rehitiouH of the upecioM aud of the higher groupH. Meek, F. B. The new genus Euchondria. <^./)/i. Jourii. Set., vol. vii, 2d ser., p. Jl.'). 1^71. Mr. Meok, In a brief note, propoHes tbo generic name Euchondria, of mblcb the PecUn egliCttiH of (leiiiil/. in the type. "'i •) li : Mil , i f 1 i"\ ; i '■ ■'■ ' 1 ! ii ,i ij,. : 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. Meek, F. B. Desrnptioii of Plourotoniiirift togRerti, <^ nai/den^a Ann, Hep. U. S. Gi'ol and Geoy. Suney of the Terr, for l5l73, p. 2^1, foot-uote. 1874. Cnrboniforoiia. Meek, F. B. Notes on soiiio fossils from near the castorn base of tbo Rocky Mountains, west of Greoley and Kvans, Colorailo, and othors from about aOl) miles fnitlier eastward; with dtscriptious of a few new species. < liuUitin U. S. a vol. and Geoy. Sun: of the Terr., 2d ser., No. 1, pp. 39-47. Thpse fosollii are from tlio Fox HiUii and Lnrainio (Lignltic) Clroupa. Meek, F. B. Di'scription of Unios, sn|i]iosed to be of Triassio ago. < niieeler's Aim. Hep. Krpl and tinrr. IVtut of the WOth Merid., pp. H3, 84. Meek, F. B. Description of Olenellns ^^ilborti and O. bowelli. < Wheeler's Kijil. and .S/irr. Jlest of the I0i)lh Merid., vol. iii, Geoloyi/, \)\t. I'^i, 183. 1875. These two speci-s are fullj- doKcrihed ami llhiAtrnted In White » Report on I'lrcrtebrati Paleo nitilugy , part 1, vol. iv, H'heeler't Krpl, and Surv. ff'int of the lOOth ileriilini. M-3ek, F. B. Di'scriptions of the Invcrtebnite fossils from the Carbon iferons System. <^ Paleonloloyi/ of Ohio (Xewherry), vol. ii, pp. '2tV.)-347, plates 10, 14, l.'), Hi, 17, 18, ly, and '20. Iri7.'j. Meek, F. B. Notice of a very largo fSoniatito from Kastern Kansas. (Car- boiiifci-ons,) <[ linUetin U. S. Geul, and Geoy. Sttrr, of the, Terr., No. r>, 'ii ser., vol. i, p. 41.'). 1876. The iiuthnr regHrdwit an at most only a variety of O. #2oi5»K»Meekit Worthen, although Httaiuiiig 80 great »i?.e. Meek, F. B. Descriptions and illustrations of fossil? from Vancouver's and Sucia I^'lands, and other Nortliwestern localities. ■<'^ linlletin U. S. GeoL and (reoy. Siirr. of the Terr., vol. ii, No. 4, pp. 351-374, G plates. 187G. CarboniferouH, Cretaceou«, and Tertiary ; mostly Crotacouui. A large part of the specli^s omliraced in thin paper were originally deaeribed by the author in 18,16, In vol. iv of 7Va«». Albnny hitituie, anj are here redeHcribed with othera, and llluHtrated. Meek, F. B. Note on the new genus ITintacriaus, Grinnell. <[ liulletin r. S. Geol. and Geoy. Sure, of the Terr., vol. ii, No. 4, pp. 375-378, 'i wood- cuts. 1870. Thiti paper coniiiiita largely of a redoncrlption and rectiflcalion of the genu*. Meek, F. B. Descriptions of Cretaceous fossils. <^ Heport ef Capt. Ma^ co.nb'g E.rpl. Exped.from Santa F6 to the Junction of the Grand and Green liivers, pp. 121-133, 2 plates. 187G. The expliiration waa made in 1859, but the report was not publiahed until 1876, when Mr, Muek ruvU^d the work, in accorduucc with bin viewii at the time of publication. Meek, F. B. Report on the Paleontological collections. <[ Capl. Simpson's lieport Expl. Great liMin of the Terr, of Utah, Apij mdix J, pp. 33l)-373, plates 1-5. 1«7(;. Devonian, OurboniferouR, Jurasnic, Cretaceom, and T -rtlary. The explorntiont were made ami the foKHiU collucted nearly eighteen years before the ptibllcalion of this report ; but the paleontology waH corrected in accordanie with the views of the author at the lime of publication. ►logy. I. — PUBLICATIONS MADK IN THE UNITED STATES. 49 fen'a Ann. Hep. -note. 1874. ( of tho Rocky Ira from about new specieH. 1,111). 39-17. Triussic ngo. Inrf., pp. 83, 81. i. < Wheehr'a . pp. IH,', 183. ion on /■ crtcbrale Mrritliii'i. CarboiiiftTons iC)'J-317, platfs Iviinsas. (Car- Tvrr., No. i\ 'iA Wortlien, nlthough aiicouvcr's and ktin V. S. Geol. ites. 187G. ',e part of the spccli'S io vol. iv of Tram. >11. < Hull, tin 75-378, 2 woou- s genua. •t «/ Capt Ma- rand and Green d until 1876, when publivatiou. Capl. Simpson's J, pp. 33y-373, > explorntiona wer« tioii of thia report : ' HUthor Ht the tiuio Meek, F. B. A report on the Invertebrate Cretaceous and Tertiary FossUs of the Upper Missouri country. < Haydcn'a U. S. Geol. Surv. of the Terr., vol. ix, pp. i-lxi., 1-629, 45 plates, 45 11. 4°. Washington: Goverumeut Printing Office. 1876. Thia groat work contain! deacriptiona and iUuatratlona of nearly 300 apeclei; more than 200 genera and aubgenera are fully diaguoaed ; bealdea Trbleh full diagnoaea of the familiea which ombraco them are given, Alao philoaophical diacuaaion of many Important queationa. The greater part of the apeciea embraced in thia volume were previoualy, from time to time, deacribed and publiabed, mainly In the publlcationa of the Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Meek, F. B. Paleontology. < U. S. Geol. Expl. 40th Parallel (King), part i, pp. 1-197, 17 plates. 1877. Silurlnn, Devonian, Carboniferoua, Triaaaic, Juraaaic, Crctaceoua, Tertiary . Genera Entumticfrai (Hyutt), Endiicoccras (Hyntt), Polyrhytit, Rhytophoru; Pyrgulifcra, Meek, F. B., and F. V. Hayden. Descriptions of new species of Gastero- poda, from the Cretaceous formations of Nebraska Territory. <^ Proc. Aoad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. viii, pp. 63-69. 1856. Meek, F. B., and F. V. Hayden. Descriptions of new species of Gastero- poda and Cephalopoda, from the Cretaceous formations of Nebraska Territory. < Proc. Aoad. Nat. Svi. Phila., vol. viii, pp. 70-72. 1856. Meek, F. B., and F, V. Ha> Ten. Descriptions of twenty-eight new species of Ai'opliala and one Gasteropod, from the Cretaceous formations of Nebraska Territory. <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. viii, pp. 81-87. 1856. Meek, F. B., and F. V. Hayden. Descriptions of new ppecies of Acephala and Gasteropoda, from tho Tertiary formations of Nebraska Territory ; with some g»»neriil roraarks on tho geology of the country about the sources of the Missouri River. •< Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. viii, pp.lll-iae. 1856. Meek, F. B„ and F. V. Hayden. Descriptions of new fossil species of Mol- lusna, collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden in Nebraska Territory, together with a complete catalogue of all the remains of Invertebrata hitherto described and identified from tho Cretaceous and Tertiary formations of that region. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. viii, pp. 265-286. 1856. Meek, F. B., and F. V. Hayden. Descriptions of new species and genera of fossils collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden in Nebraska Territory, under the direction of Lieut. G. K. Warren, U. S. Topographical Engineers; with some remarks on the Tertury and Cretaceous formations of the North- west, and the parallelism of the latter with those of other portions of the United States and Territories. <^ Proc. Acad, Nat. Sci. Phila., 2d sor., vol. i, pp. 117-148. 1857. Qenera Fteudebuccinum, Corbulamella. Meek, F. B., and F. V. Hayden. Note on fossils of PTebraska. (Letter to Lieut. G. K. Warren.) < Am. Journ. Sci., vol. xxv, 2d ser., pp. 433-442. 1858. This article la mainly geological, but the foaalla which eharaoterlie the formationa that «re diacuaaod are enumerated. Mis. Pub. No. 10- I !' ! <. „v OF IT^VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. '.'Sb"°""" ,„,„„,.— —.--•■"'•'"•"'•"°'"''"' M,«ouri. Smithsonian Con« - ^s fouUted i.. Nebraska J; of Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Ttrtiary „f ^j^^t. G. K. Warren.ofL.S.Topogr I vol.iv,'2c:ser.,pp.417 W^. g^ujjan Meek r B., «». Silnrlan. Devoninn, and CarbonKeroui. Oeoui Eiidolobu§. Afterward rcpabllihed in the HUnni$ Geological Rtportt, vol. it. Meek, P. B., and A. H. "Worthen. Contributions to the Paleontology of Illinois and other Western States. ti8 of new genera and species of the same, and of one Echiuoid. •< i'roc. Acad, Nat. Sci.Phila., vol. xii, 2d ser., ^o. 335-3.')'.>. 1868. Genera Darycrinu; yiplerocrinui. Afterward repnbliahed in the Illinoi$ Geological Reports, vol. V. Meek, P. B., and A. H. Worthen. Paleontology of Illinois. < Worthen^B Geological Surrey of Illinois, vol. iii, pp. 2'J1-!J65, plates 1-20. i868. Silurlnn, Devonian, and CHrbonifnroua. Genera A-.omalocrinu$, leoncma, JCractino- para, Lepide»the$, Onychaiter, Mnzonia. Meek, P. B., and A. H. Worthen. Notes on some points in the structure and habits of the Paleozoic Crinoidea. <[ ^m. Journ. Sci., vol. xlviii, 2d ser., pp. 23-40. 180*9. Afterward republished in the Illinoii Oeological-Reporlt, vol. ▼. B )GT. I.— PUBLICATIONS MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. 53 Dntology of PhUa., vol. |rd repnbltibed jntology of PMla., vol. jterwsrd repab- fossils from is and other 16. noil Qtologieal ites from the linoit, vol. ii, anorrinu*, Calo- Ortkonema, Sole- Volume! li, m, V, ite Pnleontolugy, ar« deflned, and a Scorpion, a B of IllinoiB. •,al Report$, vol. ill. the at ^ctiire 'at. ScL Phila., of Uarbonifer- >s of the etame, lii, '2il sor., ^p. niinoi$ Geological . < Worthen'$ iO. 1868. toncma, Eractino- I the structare , vol. xlviii, 2d Meek, F. B., and A. H. TVorthen. Descriptions of new Crinoidea and EchiHoidua from the Carboniferous rocka of the Western States, with a note on the genus Oiiychauter. <^ Proc. Aoad. Xat. 8ci, Phila,, vol. xiii, 2d ser., pp. 67-83. 1H69. Afterward republliibed in the IlUniii Otologl .'. Rtporti, vol. ▼. Meek, F, B., and A. H. Worthen. Remarks on the Blaatoidea, with de- scriptions of new species. <^ Proo. Aoai. Nat, Sei, Phila., vol. xiii, 2d ser., pp. 83-91. 1869. Afterward republlahed in the lUinoii Geological Reports, vol. v. Meek, F. B., and A. H. Worthen. Note on the relations of S.ynocladia. King, 1849, to the proposed genus Septopora, Prout, 1858. <^ Proo, Aoad. Nat. Soi. Phila., vol. xiv, 2d ser., pp. 15-18. 1870. The author regardi these formi as congenerio. Meek, F. B., and A. H. 'Worthen. Descriptions of new species and genera of fossils from the Paleozoic rooks of the Western States. <^ Proc, Aoad Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. xiv, 2d ser., pp. 22-56. 1870. Silurian and Garboulferoua. Genera Oodunitet, Oarbonarca, OUnopiitha, Solenocheilus, Temnocheilut. Afterward republUhed ai>d iUuttrated in the lUinoit Geological Reports, vol. vi. Meek, F. B., and A. H. Worthen. Paleontology of Illinois. Descriptions of Invertebrates from the Carboniferous System. <^ Worthen's tieological Sim)ey of Illinois, vol. v, pp. 323-619, plates 1-32. 1873. Qenera Phytetocrinut, Nipterocrinut, Codonitei. Meek, F. B., and A. H. 'Worthen. Paleontology of Illinois. Descriptions of Invertebrates. < fVorthen'a Geological Survey of Illinois, vol. vi, pp. 491-532, plates 23-32. 1875. Oonua Carbonarta. A portion of these detcriptiona are by Mi. tVortben alone. Miller, S. A. Cincinnati Quarterly Journal of Science. 1874. Thin Journal exlHted only two years, 1S74 and 1875. The flrat year it wan conducted by Mr. Miller as editor and proprietor, and the aecond year by the same in connection with L. M. Hoaea, when it was discontinued, inaking volumes i and ii complete. Mr. Miller contributed deaorlntiona of quite a number of gpeoles and two genera, which are distributed throughout the pageg of both volumei. As this publication is likely to be seldom found in libraries, a list of these species and geiera is here tciven. All yre of Lower Silurian age. AnomaI.ODONTA. a. gigantea BelleropKon mohri. Beytichia duryl. B. chamberii. S. richardeoni. B. Uriatomarginatun. Bulhotrepie ramulotui. Cyclora hoffmani. Cyrto- cerai vallandigkami. Oypricartiitu hainesi. Cyrtolite» elegant. C.carinata. Olyplocrinua forDKbelli. Leperditiabyrneti. Lichenocrinut tubereulatut. MeOALOORAPTUS. M.teelchi. Modiolopsit vertaille$en$it, Patcolu» daneini. P. claudei. Pleurotomaria kalli. Strepto- rhynchut 1 halli. Tentaculile$ rir.hmondenti$. Trematit dyeri. Acidaapii anchoralit. A, o'jitalli, Arthraria biclava. Beyrichia eincinnatienii$. Crania dyeri. 0. multipunclata, Cyrtocerai obicura. O. ventricoaum, Glyptocrinui ihafferi. Heterocrinut itodaetylui. Lingiila va/i kornei, Orthia meeki. Orthocerat bymeai. O. dyeri. O. cincinnaticnaia. O. kalli. O. harperi. O. foateri. O. meeki. O. mokri. O. tranateraa. Trematoapira (?) ijttadriplicata. Miller, S. A. The American Paleozoic fossils : a catalogue of the genera and species. Cincinnati, Ohio, published by the author. 1877. il ' ^m I ii I) f 54 BIBLIOGBAPHY OF INVERTEBBA.TB PALEONTOLOGY. Morton, S. O. Synopsis of tlie organic remains of the Ferrnginous Sands. Formation of the United States ; with geological remarks. < 4m. Journ. Sm., vol.xvii, Ist ser., pp.'i74-295; continaed in vol. xviLi, pp. 243-250. 1829. Cretaceoui. Morton, S. O. Description of the fossil shells which characterize the At- lantic Secondary Formation, including four new species. < Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. vi, Ist ser., pp. 72-100, 4 plates. 1829. Morton, S. O. Description of a new species of Ostrea, with some remarks on the O. convexa, Say. < Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. vi, Ist ser., pp. 50, 51. 1 flg. on plate i. 1829. Morton, S. O. Description qf two new species of sheila of the genera Scaphitesand Crepidnla; with some observations on the Ferrngiooas Sand, Plastic Clay, and Upper Marine formations of the United States. < Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. vi, Ist ser., pp. 107-119, 1 plate. 1829. To which l» added a ' ' Note, eontainiug a notice of loma fouUi recently dUoovered In New Jcwey ", pp. 120-129. Morton, S. Q. Additional observations on the geology and organic remains of New Jersey and Delaware. < Journ. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phiia., vol. vJ, Ist ser., pp. 189-204, 1 plate. 1830. Mostly corrected deacriptloni of gpeeiei formerly pablUhed in • preylou part of tb* lame volume, Morton, S. O. Synopsis of the organic remains of the Ferrnginous Sand formation of the United States, with geological remarks. < .im. Journ. Sci., vol. xviii, 1st ser., pp. 243-250, 3 plates. 1830. Contlnned from vol. zvil, pp. 274-295. Morton, S. Q. Synopsis of the organic remains of the Cretaceous Group of the United States; illustrated by nineteen plates; to which is added an appendix containing a tabular view of the Tertiary fossils hitherto discovered in North America. 8°. pp. 88 -f- 8 -f- 23. 1834. Qenera Venilia, Hamului. The "appeodiz" wai orlglDally publiihad In vol, vlii, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., but the body of the work ti an independent publication, and coDtaiui) many original deicrlptloDt of Cretaceoai foil 11 ipecies. Morton, S. G. Notice and description of the organic remains embraced in a paper entitled " Observations on the Bituminous Coal deposits of the Volley of the Ohio, and the accompanying rock strata; with notices of the fossil organic remains and the relics of vegetable and animal bodies, illustrated by a geological map, by numerous drawings uf plants and shells, and by views of interesting scenery; by Dr. S. P. Hildreth of Marietta, Ohio". <^ Am. Journ. ScL, vol. xxlx, Ist ser., pp. 149-154. 1836. 30 woodcnt plat«B, moatly plnnta ; but 6 of them contain flgnrei of Invertebrate foulli. Dr. Hlldreth'g paper oocuplen the 148 pageH immediately ptoceding that of Dr. Morton. Morton, S. O. Description of several new species of fossil shells from the Cretaceous deposits of the-United States. <^ Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. i, pp. 106-110. 1841. From Mew Jeraey and the Upper Hlsionri River region. lU' 'OLOGY. I PUBLICATIONS MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. OO nginouB Sands. < dm. Journ, a, pp. 243-250. boterizo the At- <^ Journ. Aead, 9. h some remarks vol.yi, 1st ser., of tbe genera he Ferraginoas ) United States. ),1 plate. 1829. AeDtly dUcoTered in organio remains 'hiia., vol. Ti, Ist l>reytoai put of tb* irrnginouB Sand I. < Am. JourH. retaceous Qroap > which is added T fossils hitherto 834. ubliibad In vol. tUI, tent pubUcatioo, ud Mns embraced in ,1 deposits of the ; with notices of id animal bodies, {8 of plants and }. P. Hildreth of ler., pp. 149-154. f Invertebrate foulU. lat of Dr. Mortoo. il shells from the d. Nat. Sci. Phila., Morton, S. O. Description of two new species of fossils from the Lower Cretaceous strata of Now Jersey. < Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. i, pp. 132, 133. 1841. ft Morton, 8. O. Description of some now species of organic remains of the Cretaceous group of the United States, with a tabular view of the fossils hitherto discovered in this formatiou. <[ Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. viii, 1st ser., pp. 207-227, 2 plates. 1842. ThiK article aUo embraces a " Tabular view of the organic remalni hitherto diicovered in tlie Cretaceoui Htrata of the United States ". NelBOU, Edward T. On the Mollnscan fauna of the later Tertiary of Pern. < TraitB. Conn. Acad. Aria and Set., vol. ii, pp. 186-206, 2 plates. 1671. Wholijr a deacription of gpecivi. Newberry, J. S. Paleontology. < Chapter xi of Lieut. Ivet'a Beport on the Colorado River of the West, pp. 116-129, jtlates 1 and 2. 1861. Carbonlferoui. Newberry, J. S. Descriptions of fossils. ■< Capt. Macomb's Exploring Ex ped., pp. 139-148, plate 3. 1876. The Invertebrale foKiiila are Carboniferoua only. The same article alao embraeea <]e- Bcriptiona of planta and flab remaina. Nicholson, H. Alleyne. On the genera Cornulites and Tentaonlites, an :>n a new genus, Conchiolites. < Jm. Journ. Sci., vol. iii, 3d ser., pp. , J2-206. 1872. Nicholson, H. Al\eyne. On the genera Conchiolites and Ortonia. < Cin- cinnati Quarterly Journal of Science, vol. i, pp. 236-238. 1874. In thia nnte, Frofeaaor Ntcholaon repliea to aome criliclama of the editor qaeationicg the validity of the genera named. Nicholson, H. Alleyne. Description of the Corals of the Piiurit.n and De- vonian systems. <^ Paleontology of Ohio {Newberry), «rol. ii, pp. 181-242. 1875. Thia and the two anceeeding articlea in the same volume are illuatrated on platea 31, 32, 93, 34, and 35. Nicholson, H. Alleyne. Descriptions of the Amorpbozoa, from the Silu- rian and Devonian formations. <^ Paleontology of Ohio (Newberry), vol. ii, pp. 243-255. 1875. For reference to llluatrationa, aee preceding entry. Qenera Syrinfottroma, Dietyottroma. Nicholson, H. Alleyne. Descriptions of Polyzoa, from the Silurian forma- tion. rniiB series of the Wustorii States, belonKing to the genera Spirifer, Bellerophon, Pleurotomaria, Macrocheilus, Natica, and Loxonenia, with descriptions uf eight new charActoristic species. <^ Joum. Acad. Nat. Set, Phila., vol. iii, 2d ser., pp. 71-77, 1 plate. 1855. Owen, D. D. Descriptions and figures of some organic remains supposed to be new. < Report of a Geol. Erpl. of part of Iowa, Wiaconrin, and IllinoiB, Appendix, pp. 69-86. 8°. Plates xi-xviii. 1844. Silurian, Devoulan, and Oarboniferoui. ThU work li mainly reproduced in Dr. Owen'i large report, labaequently pabltibed. Owen, D. D. Description of new And imperfectly known genera and species of organic remains, collected during the geological surveys of Wiscon- sin, Iowa, and Minnesota <^ Oiven'a Geol. Rep. of Wisconrin, Iowa, and Minnesota, pp. 573-587, 15 plates. 1852. Genera Mtnocephalut, Crepieephatut, Lonchocephalu$, DiktloeepktUui, StUnoidu. Silu- rian, Devonian, Oarboniferoui, and Cretaceoui. Owen, D. D. Geological reconnoissanoe of Arkansas. ^ Vol. it (Owen). 18G0. 3 platei of Cretaceous foHnili, with namei accompanying, but no text. Owen, D. D., and B. F. Shumard. Descriptions of fifteen new species of Crinoidea from the Subcarbouiferous Limestones of Iowa, collected dur- ing the U. S. Geological Survey of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, in the years 1848-49 < Joum. Acad. Nat. Soi. Phila,, 2d ser., vol. ii, pp. 57- 70, 1 plate. 18.50. Tbia article waa afterward republiahed in Outn'i V. S. Qtol. Rep.ofIowa,.Witconiin,and ilinnaota, with gome modificatiouB. Owen D. D., and B. F. Shumard. On the number and distribution of fossil species in the Paleozoic rocks of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. < Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci,, vol. v, pp. 335-239. 1851. Owen, D. D., and B. F. Shumard. Descriptions of seven new species of Crinoidea from the Subcarboaiferous Limestone of Iowa and Illinois. < Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. PMla., vol. ii, 2d ser., pp. 89-94, 1 plate. 1852. This article wan afterward republished in Oum'$ U. S. Qtol. Rep. of Iowa, WiteoMin, and Minnuota. Owen, D. D., and B. P. Shumard. Descriptions of one new genus and twenty-two new species of Crinoidea, from the Subcarbouiferous Lime- stones of Iowa. < Owen's Geol. Rep. of JFisconiin, Iowa, and Minnesota, pp. 587-598, 2 plates. 1852. Qenera Aga*i%iocrinut, Megittnerinu$. Owen, Richard. Description of fossils. <^Geological Reconnoissance of Indiana {D. D. 4- R. Owen), pp. 362-365, 11 woodcuts. 1862. Sipkonaria digitata, Halyitti lezto-cattnatut, Bucania tuomphaloidu, ayroetrai r*om. bolinearU, Ctripora tricarinala, i'ileopaii pablocriaut, Conularia crawfordiviUmiit. Silu- rian and Carboniferous. ! 1 I ii= rOLOOY. I.— PUBLICATIONS MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. 57 otn tbe Carbon- gonera Spirifer, Loxoneina, with n, Acad. Nat. Sci, mains supposed , Wisconsin, and i. idueedinDr.Owen'i nera and species veys of Wisoon- jonsin, Iowa, and 11, StUnoUt*. Bilu- Vol. ii (Owen). It, new species of a, collected dur- d Minnesota, in •., vol. ii, pp. 57- oua, Wiseomtn, and distribntion of and Minnesota. new species of IV a and Illinois, plate. 1862. >/ loua, Witcottiin, new genus and >niferous Lime- , and Minnesota, toonnoiasance of )62. *i, Qyrectrai rkom- }rdniUmMi§. Silu- Perry, J. B. On tbe "Eozoun" Limestone of Eastern Massachusetts. < Proo. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., vol. xx, pp. 270-276. 1872. Mr. Perry corroborates the ■tatament of Mr. Durbank M to the ozlntMce of £o>«on In the oryitalllae limMtoneii of Eaateru Masaacbuietti. Pitt, W. H. See Grote. A. R., and W. H. Pitt. Pratten, Henry. See Norwood, J. O-, and Henry Pratten. Prime, Temple. Synonymy of the Cyclades, a family of Acephalous Mol- lusks. Part 1. < Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pkila., vol. iv, 2d ser., pp. 267-301. 18(J0. The lilt coDtalDi foaill ai well aa recent i^elei. Part 3 U pubUtbed In vol. r, pp. 25-33. Prime, Temple. Synonymy of the Cyclades, a family of Acephalous Mol- lusca. Part 2. < Proc, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. v, 2d ser., pp. 25-33. 1861. The lilt coDtalot fotiil ai well at recent ipeolet. Part 1 ii publiahed in vol. It, pp. 267-301. Prout, Hiram A. Description of a new Graptolite in the Lower Silurian rocks near the Falls of the St. Croix River. <| ^m. Journ. Soi., vol. xi, 2d ser., pp. 187-191, 2 woodcuts. 1851. Prout, Hiram A. Description of a new species of Productus (P. margin!- cinctus) from the Carboniferous Limestone of St. Louis. <[ Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. i, pp. 43-45, 1 plate. 1857. Prout, Hiram A. Description of new species of Bryozoa from Texas and New Mexico, collected by Dr. George O. Shumard, Qeologist of the U. S. Expedition for boring Artesian Wells along the 32d Parallel, under the direction of Capt John Pope, U. S. Corps Topographical Engineers. < Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. i, pp. 228-235. 1858. Prout, HJram A. First of a series of descriptions of Carboniferous Bryozoa. < Trans. SI. Louis Aead. Sci., vol. i, pp. 235-237. 1858. Oenai FeneUralia. Prout, Hiram A. Second series of descriptions of Bryozoa, from the Pale- ozoic Kocks of the Western States and Territories. <^ Trans, St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. i, pp. 266-273. 1858. Prout, Hiram A. Third series of descriptions of Bryozoa from the Paleozoic Kocks of the Western States and Territories. <^ li-ans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. i, pp. 443-452, 3 plates. 1859. Genera Septopom, Semicoieini~.:* Prout, Hiram A. Fourth series of descriptions of Bryozoa from the Pale- ozoic Rocks of the Western States and Territories. <[ Trans. St. Louit Acad. Sci., vol. i, pp. 571-581. 1860. Genua Cyclopora. Prout, Hiram A. Descriptions of ne\r species of Bryozoa. <^ Trans, St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. ii, pp. 410-413. IbC^. Prout, Hiram A. Descriptions of Polyzoa from the Paleozoic Rocks. < Wortken'a Oeological Surveif of Illinois, vol. ii, pp. 412-423, plates 21 and 23. 1866. 1!;1 , L ., Mi ' ri 'il' • 58 BIBLIOOKAPHT OP INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. Raflnesque, C. T. Description of a fo8»ll Medusa, forming a new genus, Trianisitcs cliffordi. < Am. Journ. Soi., vol. iii, Ist ser., pp. 285-287, Illus- trated. 1821. Rathbun, Richard. Preliminary report on the Cretaceous Lamellibranch collected in the vicinity of Porniimbuco, Brazil, on the Morgan Expedi- tion of 1870, Ch. Fred. Hartt in charge^ < Proc. Botlon Sue. Nat. Hiit., vol. xvii, pp. 241-256. 1874. Rathbun, Richard. See Hartt, C. P., and Richard Rathbun. Ravenel, Edmund. Desori])tion of two new species of lv)88il Scutella ftom South Carolina. < Journ. Aoad. Nat. Set. Phila., vol viil, 1st ser., pp. 333-336, 2 woodcuts. 1842. Ravenel, Bdmund. De^oriptiou of some new species of organic remains from the Eocene of South Carolina. < Proc. Aoad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. ii, pp. lK)-98. 1844. Rogera, VTm. B., and Henry D. Contributions to the Geology of the Ter- tiary formations of Virginia, — second series — continued: being a de- scription of several species of Meiocene and Eocene shells not before described. ■< Trans. Am. Philoa. Soc, vol. vi, new series, pp. 371-377, 5 plates. 1837. Rominger, Carl. Description of Calamaporae found in Gravel deposits near Ann Arbor, Michigan, with some introductory remarks. < Am. Journ. Soi., vol. xxxiv, 2d ser., pp. 389-400. 1862. Rominger, Carl. Exposition of the true nature of Fleurodyctlum proble- maticum. < Am. Journ. Sci., vol. xxxv, 2d sen, pp. 82-84. 1863. The author regards thia fossil as only the cap, or mould, of a species of MicktUnia. Rominger, Carl. Note on the structure of the loop in Leptocoelia conoava, Hall. <.Am. Journ. Soi., vol. xxxv, 2d ser., p. 84, 1 woodcut. 1863. Rominger, Carl. Observations on Choetetes and some related genera, in regard to their systematic position ; with an appended description of some new species. < Proc. Aoad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. x, 2d ser., pp. 113- 123. 1866. Rominger, Carl. Fossil Corals. < Rominger's Geological Survey of Michigan, Lower Peniniula, to'., iii, part ii, pp. 161, 55 plates. 1876. Silurian and Devonian. Qenera Hou/fktonia, Qutmtedlia, VeicUularia. Safford, J. M. Remarks on the genus Tetradium, with notices of the species found in Middle Tennessee. < Am. Journ. Soi., vol. xxii, 2d ser., pp. 236- 23b. 1856. Safford, J. M. On the species of Calceola found in Tennessee : — Calceola americana. •<|Jm.JoitrH. Sci., vol. xxix, 2d ser., pp. 248,249. 1860. Safford, J. M. The Upper Silurian beds of Western Tennessee ; and Dr. F. Roemer's monograph. <[ Am. Journ. Sci., vol. xxxi, 2d sen, pp. 205-209. 1861. The monograph referred to is Die Siluriiche Fauna dts iee$Uickin Tenruitee, and the author's object is " to point out the fact that the fauna illustrated in that work is not (be only one occurring upon the glades". .i* NTOLOGY. ling a now gonus, pp. 285-287, illus- us Latnellibranch ) Morgan Exp«di- fon Sw. Nat. Hiat., kbun. sail Scutella ttom viii, Ist Bor., pp. t organic remains rat. Sci. Phila., vol. aology of tbe Ter- aed: being a de- sholls not before ies, pp. 371-377, 5 avcl deposits near ks. <^ Am. Journ. irodyctiura proble- -84. 1863. cleg of Mickelinia, iptocoelia conoava, lodcnt. 1863. related genera, in ded description of X, 2d Bor., pp. 113- Survey of Michigan, 176. •.ieularia. tices of tbe species :ii, 2d ser., pp. 236- mesRoe : — Calceola 48, 249. 1860. nessee ; and Dr. F. 1 ser., pp. 205-209. tlicktn Tenntiite, and ted in that work ii not I.— PUBLICATIONS MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. nO ^Bafford, J. M. Geology of Tennessee. 1869. * Tblit report contalnii titblea of the fosillii of the varioaa formstlonii and 9 platri of flgurei, moHtly of aew npnoiei, which are uamed but not deicribed by Dr. Safford. Silurian and DHvonlan. Baiter, J. W. Note on tbe fossils in tbe Crystalline rooks of tbe North Higblnnda of Scotland. <^ Proo. Am. Aaaoo. Adv. Soi,, vol. xi, pp. 62, 63. 1858. Baiter, J. W. On Oraptopora, a new genus of Folyzoa, allied to tbe Grap- tolitcM. < rroo. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., vol. xi, pp. 03 66. 1838. Bfty, Thomas. Observations on some species of Zoophytes, Shells, t&c, principally fossil. -^Am. Journ. Soi., vol. i, Ist sor., pp. 381-387 ; con- tinued in vol. ii, pp. !M-45. 1819. a»nurii Pcntrtmitc, Ezogyra. Bay, ThomaB. Fossil sbolls found in a shell-mass from Anastasia Island. Appendix to "Description of a Testaceous formation at Anastasia Island, extracted from notes made on a journey to tbe southern part of the United Ktates, during the winter of 1822 and 1823. By R. Dietz." < Journ. Acad. Nat, Sci. Phila., vol. iv, 1st ser., pp. 73-80. 1824. Thin apecleg all appear to belong to recent forms, although they were there foailUced. Bay, Tbomaa. An account of some of tbe fossil Shells of Maryland. < Jriitrn. Acad. Nat. Soi., vol. iv, Ist ser., pp. 124-155, 7 plates. 1824. I Oenui Diipotea, Bay, Thomas. On two genera and several new species of Crinoldea. < Journ. Acad.Nal. Sci., vol. iv, 1st ser., pp. 289-296. 1825. ■ Oenera CaryocrinUet, Pentremite (corrected). Boudder, S. H. On Devonian Insects from Now Brunswick. < Am. Journ. Sci., vol. xxxix, 2d ser., pp. 357, 358. 1865. Boudder, S. H. On tbe fossil Insects from Illinois, tbe Miamia and Heme- ristia. (Described in vol. xxxvii, Am, Journ. Sci., 2d ser., p. 34.) < Am. Journ, Soi. , vol. xl, 2d ser., pp. 268-271. 1865. Boudder, S. H. An inquiry into tbe Zoological relations of the lirst dis- covered traces of fossil Nenropterous Insects in North America ; with reni.irks on tbe difFerenco of strncture in tbe wings of living Neuroptera. < Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. i, pp. 173-192, plate 6. 1865. Boudder, S. B. Tbe Insects of Ancient America. < Am. Naturalist, vol. i, pp. 225-231, 1 plate. 1868. Boudder, S. H. Descriptions of fossil Insects found on Mazon Creek, and near Morris, Grundy County, Illinois. <^ Worthen^s Geol. Surv. of Illinois, vol. iii, pp. .560-572, 10 woodcuts. 1868. / CarbonlferouB. ^ Boudder, S. H. On the Carboniferous Myriapods preserved in the Sigil- fe lariau stumps of Nova Scotia. < Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Uiat., vol. ii, part ii, No. iii, pp. 231-239. 1873. l'.„:l'; 60 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP INVEUTEBKATE rALEONTOLOGY. Boudder, S. H. Turtiary rhysopoda of C«)lorft(la. <^nuUelin U.S. Geot. and (ieoy. Surv. of Ihe Trrrilorien, vul. i, No. 4, 2d »cr., pit. !Wl-i«U. ia7G. Qeuura I.iihadothripi. Vakothripi. Boudder, S. H. Tliu fowiil Biittertlies. < Mem. Am. Ataoc. Adv. Sci., I, pp. ih>, :t platos. 187.'). Tbii ia a nuimulr of nil tho foiiall Butturflivi known to aelonoa at th« dnte of publication. Boudder, S. H. FohhH Coleuptura, from tho Kocky Mountain Turtiaring. < ItuUetin U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. of the Tenitoriet, vol. ii, No. 1, pp. 77-S7. 1870. Q«nu> Oryetoiclrtetet, Boudder, 8. H. Brief s.voopBis of North American Earwigs, with an appen- dix on the fossil species. < Bulletin V. S. Ueol. and Qeog. Surv. of the Ter- ritorte», vol. ii, No. 3, pp. 24S*-260. 187G. Boudder, 8. H. New and intorestinR Insects from the Ci\rboniferous of Cape Breton. < Proc. A.n. Aitoc. Adp. Sci., vol. xxiv, pp. 110, 111. 1876. Boudder, 8. H. The first discovered traces of fossil Insects in the American Tertiarieb. < Jfulletin U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. of the Territoriet, vol. iii, No. 4, pp. 741-762. 1877. Qenera Lilhomyia, Splladomyia, PronophUbia, CvUaromyia, Saektnia. Boudder, S. H. Doscrlpt' u of two species of CarabidiB found in tho Inter- glacial (lepoHu ^ o.' 'corboro' Hei^l.ts, near Toronto, Canada. <^ Kulletin U, S. Geol. and Geog. Stirr, of the 'Jerriwitiit, vol. iii, No. 4, pp. 7GU, 764. 1877. Btialer, N. rJ Lateral sy Jimetry in Brachiopoda. < Proo. lioston Soc. Nal., vol. viii, pp. 274-279. 1862. Bhale., N. S. List of th Brachiopoda from the island of Anticosti, sent by the Museum of Comparative Zoolot;y to different institutions in ex- change for other specimens, with aunotations. <^ Bull. Comp. Zoiil. Cam- bridge, Mass., vol, i, No. 4, pp. 61-70. 1865. This paper la wholly deacrlptlve of Paleoiolo Brachiopoda. Qenera Brachyprion, Bra- ehymerif, Bhaler, N. 8. Memoirs of tho Greological Survey of Kentucky. 1377. On page S2Q, vol. xlii, 3d anrlea, of Am. Juum. Sci,, a work with the above title ii re- viewed ; la which review it la atateil that the third memoir treata of the Brachiopoda of the Ohio Valley. Hearch In the principal llbrarioH of th country has failed to And the work, and appllcutlou both tothe8ti. lWl-!«:i. 1870. U»oc. Adv. Sd,, i, pp. It tha dnie of pubUcallon, fuiintain Tertiarins. ie», vul. ii, No. 1, pp. vigB, with an appen- leog. Sun. of ih» Ter- he CLxrboniferous of ', pp. 110,111. 1876. ects iu the Aiiierican f the Territoriet, vol. 'acktnia, B found in the Inter- Canada. < liuUetin ii, No. 4, pp. 7G:{, 764. ^roo. JioBton Soo, Nat. id of Anticosti, sent t institutiouB in ex- uU. Comp, Zoiil, Cam- Iteaom Brachyprion, Bra- ntucky. 1877. ritb the above title ii re- of the Brachiopodi of the a failed to find the work, ilud to elicit nay loforma- bricoa in Kentucky. lated to the Spongei, and [indonad hii former view, niferous and Creta- S. Exploration of the Lates. 1854. Ihumard, B. F. DoncriptinnN of new Hpociod of orKanin romainH. <^ Swal' Iow'm Oeuhijical Surrey of MitiiouH, part ii, pp. IH.'i-aOci, H i)Iiito8. 18r>r). U|i|H'r Hllurlan and OarbonifHrnitii, Shumard, B. F. Description of now fosnil Crinoidea from tho Taleozoio K<>clNTOLOGY. , < Trans. St. Louin liffrona Hyitem wpat of aemer ia dlBcaaKd and f North America. ist of works which L £uhiiioderiuata. id B. F. Shumard. ?., and B. F. Shu- Rw fossils from the lOuia Acad. Set., vol. .Iinration. Each author hill owu rcspocttve por- )ssil ){onu8 beloDK- Im, Journ. Sci.y vol. -75. tssil genus belong- ca near Louisville, pp. 73-75, 1 plate. il. xxll, 2d aor., pp. 120- .rboniferous forma- 44-46. 1871. ik Spriuger. is from the Appala- rn. Sci., vol. xxv, 2d ;ical specimens ool- urn, Sci., vol. xxxv, res Bpcc'i«8 of which he the Pleistocene of , 8d sor., pp. 58, 59, I. — PUBLICATIONS MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. 63 Itimpson, 'Wm. On the fossil Crab of Gay Head (Mass.). <| Journ. Boston Sec. Nat. Hist., vol. vii, pp. 583-589. 1863. Qpnu§ Archaoplax. Btodder, Charles. A rcntribntion to Micro-geology. The "Infusorial Deposit" of Richt2i«\nd and other Virginian localities. <^Proc. Boston Sac. Nat. Uisl., vol. xviii, pp. 206-209. 1876. 8w?Jlow, Or. C. Descriptions of new fossils from the Carboniferous and Devonian rocks of Missouri. <^ Trans. St. Louis Acad. Set., vol. i, pp. 635- 659. I860. i^; Bw^allow, Q. C. Descriptions of some new fossils from the Carboniferous and Devonian rocks of Missouri. <^ Tratis. St, Louis Acad. Sci., vol. ii, pp. 81-100. 1863. 4 STi7allow, O. C. Some new varieties of Spirifer lineatus, M.artin ; Spirifer canieratus, Morton ; Spirifer kentuckonsis, Shumard ; Spirifer leidyi, Norwood & Pratten ; Spirifer increbescens, Hall ; and Spirifer keokuk. < Trans. St. Louis Acad. S-ii., vol. ii, pp. 408-410. 1866. Swallow, G. C, and F. Hawu. The rocka of Kansas. < Trans, St. Louis JcaJ.Sci., vol.;. pp. 173-197. 1853. Uiidnr a subtitle of this article " PoB«ll8 of the Permian Rocks of KanKBB" are descrip- tioiid (if -k nuinhor of ricvf BpecieH, to each of which the name " Swallow " in attached, but his ex jliiBlve authorahip a not mentiooed ia the title. Swallow. G. C, B. F. Shumard, and. Swallow. See Shumard, B. F., and G. C. I Traak, John B. Description of a new species of Ammonite and Baculite, from the Tertiary rocks of Chico Creek. <^Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. i, pp. 85, 86, 1 plate. 1856. (Traak, John B. Description of three new species of the genus Plagiostoma, fron» the Cretaceous rocks of Los Angeles. <^ Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. i. p. 86, 1 plate. 1856. TrooBt, Gerard. On Fenin-iuites rheinwardtii, anew fossil ; with loniarks on the genus Pentremites (Say), and its geognostic position in the States of Tennessee, Alabama, and Kentucky. <^ Trans. Geol. Soc. Penn., vol. i, pnrt ii, pp. 224-229, 1 plate. 1835. TrooBt, Gerard. Des ;ription of a now species of fossil Asterias. (A. an- titiua.) < Trans. Geol. Soc, Penn., vol. i, part ii, pp. 232-235. 1835. Trooat, Gerard. Description of some organic remaius characterizing the strata of the Upper Transition, which composes Middle Tennessee. < Trans. Geol Soc. Penn., vol. i, part ii, pp. 244-247. 1835. Hiimitet haanii U here deBcribed. Kr TrooBt, Gerard. Orp;»nic remains discovered in the strata of Tennessee. < TroosVs 5 I ONTOLOGY. . 1841. ally doicriptive, of Ten- I maclurii, LituUu fflur- a. lee. 1844. I on page 5. B. Also remarks of Am. Aaaoo. Adv. 5oi., ' them nevr, without de- genera and specie! hara the aatbor'8 5th Oiologi- 9sil in the Eooeno i., vol. xliii, 2d ser., e Cretaceous rockn 'a., vol. vii, pp. 167- juth Carolina, con- Ichiuoderoiata, and . 1857. few Jersey. < Ann. Jupplemontary note comprising the sur- .842. nt the text; and alao a t of descriptive geology, c deposits of North e of the species of 1 of the positions in uination of each of he Bulletin of the nios Hall.) t th« latter. I.— PUBLIC ATIONS MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. »a Vodgea, A. W. Notes on the genera Acidaspis Murthiaon ; Odon: pleura Eninieiich; aiul Ceratocsphala Warder. -^Pivc. Acad. Xat. Svi. PhUa., vol. vii, 3d ser., j.p. 138-141. 1877. 'Wachsmutb, Charles. Notes on the internal ami external structure of Palci.' .oic Crinoids. ■< Am. Journ. ScL, vol. xiv, 3d ser., pp. 115-127 and 181-191. 1877. 'Wachsmiutb, Charles, and Frank Springer. Revision of the genus Belemnocrinus, and description of two new spcciee. <[ Am. Journ. Sci., vol. xiii, 3d ser., pp. 253-259. 1877. Wagner, Wm. Dosoription of live new fossils, of the older Pliocene forma- tion of Marylaud and North Carolina. <^ Journ. Acad. Nat. Svi. Phila., vol, viii, Ist ser., pp. 51-53, 1 plate. 1839. "Walcott, C. D. Description of a now species of Trilobite. <^ Cinvinnati Quarterly Journal of Science, vol. ii, pp. 273, 274, 1 woodcut. 1875. Sphrrunorypht robuttni. Lower Silurian. Walcott, C. D. New species of Trilobite from the Trenton Limestone, at Trenton Falh, N. Y. < Cincinnati Quarterly Jonrn. Sci., vol. ii, pp. 347- 349. 1 woodcut. 1875. Remoiilevrides siriatulus. Walcott, C. D. The Trilobite, Ceraurus plenroxanthoinus, of Trenton Falls, New York. < Ann. X. Y. Lyceum Xat. Hist., vol. xi, pp. 155-159. 1876. The iiutlior explains tho mode of occurrence of the remains in the layers of limestone. Walcott, C. D. Preliminary notice of tlie discovery of the remains of the natatory iiud branchial appendages of Trilobites. < 28/A Ann. Hep. liegenln Unir. N. V. on Condition of the State Museum, pp. 89-92. 1877. Walcott, C. D. Descriptions of new species of fossils from the Trenton Limestone. <^2ith Ann. Hep. lieyents Unir. X. Y. on Condition of State J/«i('i(m, pp. 93-97. 1877. (ienus (\)}irfiopclti.t. Thia report l)enrs dati- ita title-page 1875, but it was not ins.' 1 until 1877, and then only a very small number ■ copies were i>ublisheil. .See Am. Jou, Sci. for December, 1877. Tliat tlio title-page date is wrong is manifest from the later 'es that two of the authors have appended t" their uvtieles, which no doubt correctly rt resent the dates of their preparation. Walcott, C. D. Notes on same sections of Trilobites, from the Trenton Limestone. 7 pp. and 1 plate. 8°. 1877. Pulilishfld in advance of Itrport of New Fork .'State Miueitm nf yatural Hinlory. In tliii paper, Mr. Walcott announces further discoveries concerning the ventral portion snd ap- pendages of Trilobites. and draws some important conclusions as to their hoinologics, Walcott, C. D. Note upou the eggs of tho Trilobite. 3 pp. 8^. 1877. I'ublirthed with the preei'dlng article in advance of Report of Sew York State Miiieuwt of Saturat llittory. In tills article, the author announces bis discovery of the eggs of Ceraurut pleiinrnulhemiii. Walcott, C. D. Descriptions of new species of fossils from the Chazy and Trenton Limestone.s. 7 pp. H^. 1877. Pnbllshed with the two foregoing articles in aivanco of a Report if Hew York Stai§ Mu.tfum of yalnral llUtory. Mis. rub. No. 10 5 jiill! 6G BIBLIOGUAPUY OF INVKaTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. ■Wagner, John A. Now I'lilobites. < ./m../oi(/H. 5'ti., Ist ser., vol. xxxiv, lip. :?77-;!7it, 1 \\!)odciit. mis. (li'iins Vniiliirriihula, f'.goiiiata. White, C. A. < )b.servatioiis upon tlii! Geol<>j,'y itiul ruleoiitolegy of Builinjj- ton, Iowa, and its vicinity. <^Jouni. Itosloii Soc. A'<(^ Hint., vol. vii, pp. Dt'scrlptioiis of Bi'viTiil speiiss oi fcisKiln from the LowiT (JarbonlferouH rocka lire appended. ■White, C. A. Description of now Hjiocios of fossils from the Devonian and Carboniferons loclvs of the Mississippi Valley. < I'roc, Jhnlon /Soc. y<(t. Ifiat., vol. ix, pp. a-SX 1H62. Oi'iiera Sdemnnrrimia, Ainmliona. White, C. A. Observations on the snniniit stnictnre of Pentremites, tbo structnro and arranfjeinent of certain parts of Criuoids, and descriptions of now species, from tbo Carboniferons rocks at BnrlinKton, Iowa. <^Jonrii. Boston Soc. Xat. Hixl.. vol. vii, pp. 4':il-5()(i. 1802. Gcmiit Ciiliiirriiiuf, White, C. A. Observations on tlio }j;i>nu8 Belomnoi'rinns. <[ I'voc. liosioH siH'.Xat. Hint., vol. X. (1. i^d. iH(;r>. lii'Ctilii'iitioti of the genc'i'ir fni'iiiulii of ISdiiiiiiiiiiiiinn. ■White. C. A. [Description of Sniitliia woodmani.] <^Geology of Joira I HliU('.i R'lMit), vol. i. p. IJ^S (foot-note). 1S70. White, C. A. The proposed jfenus Anomalodonta of Miller identical witli tbe earlier Mejfaptera of Meek. <^.lm.Jouni.Sct.. vol, viii, M ser., pp. 21i^.21i». l'^7.l. White, C. A. I'leliniinary rejiort npon Invertebrate fossils, with descrip- tions of new species. '."^ llhct'ti's lli'oii. and Ovol, Ej'J)!. and Shvi', leeat of the 100//I Mcrid., pamphlet, pp. 'i7. 1874. Tliesi' spi'cies wen- ufteiwiinl lepHlilinlnMl i\iiil illiiHtrated in vol. iv, pari i, ll'fieilei's (.'. ."<'. ICrpl. nnil Hiirr. infi of lln 10U(A Mtrii\ White, C. A. Keport upon the Invertebrate fossils collected in portions of Nevada, I'tah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona by parties of the ex- peditions of 1871-lr^74. < IVIinlfi's Ejpl. and Sitrw went oj'thv. 190th Mend., vol. iv, part i. 187;'). Sihiriun. CuilmniforoMH, Junisnic, Cretafconii, and Tertiary. OpniiH Lisjmdtilkti. Th» full yolumn, with p;nl ii hy I'l-oli'ssor Cope, win publi«hi.'d ill lfc77. ^"■hite, C.A. Invertebrate raleontology of thoriateanrrovinco. K,PoweU'^ Hcport on the (leologij of the Cinta .fountains, chap, iii, pp. 74-13,'j. 1870. Ciii-bouif, rnuH, .Iiintsaic. (.'n'tucoouH, and Tcrtinrr. White, C. A. Descriptions of new species of fossils from Paleozoic rocks of Iowa, < I'roc. Acad. Nat. Sci. I'hila., vol. vi, 'M ser., pp. 27-:J4. 187(5. .Silurian. Devonian, and f', Oenuii ./Ho'-ijstitei, White, C. A. Paleontoioffical papers No. 1 : Descriptions of I'uionidie and I'hysidic, collected by Prof. E. I). Cope, from tlie Judith KiverGronp of Montana, dnrin}? tiie summer of 1870, <; liuttetin U. S. (Jeol.aud Geoy. Sui-v. of the TerritoncK, vol. ill, pp. r)lK>-002. 1877. iill'l' rOLOGY. I.— PUBLICATIONS MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. (}7 ser,, vol. xxxiv, ulegy of Burlius- Uivt., vol.vii.pii. bonlfcrouH rocks are he Devoniau and I'roc, lioalon -Soc. Pentremites, tho , aud deacriptions Jnrlington, Iowa. 8G2. 8. < I'rov. JSoslOH <^ Geology of Iowa Her identical with ol.viii, 3d ser., pp. sails, with descrip- |)/. and Sun', west of vol. iv, part i, Whedtr's ccted in portions of ly parties of the ex- ltofihv.\%^ilhMer\d., JenuH Lifpodatket. Tho r. l?r.ovinco. ■ Voni Paleozoic rockf er., pp.27-'.54. 1«7»J- let. ons of Unionidie and adith River Group of ;^ Oeofi- I White, C. A. Paloontoloj.fical Papers No. 2 ; Descriptions of now spocies of llnioucs, and a new jjonus of fresh-water Gasteropoda, from the Ter- tiary strata of Wyoming uiid Utah. < liiilkliii U. S. (leol. nnd fleog. Sun: of the rviritorks, vol. iii, pp. G03-()OG. 1877. UcDUs Caasiopella. [White, C. A. Piileoiitologioal Papers No. 3; Catalogue of the luvorto brate fossils iiitherto published from the Fresh- and Brackish-water deposits of the western portion of North America, < linUetin U, S. Geol, and Ueog. Sun: of the Tenitones, vol. iii, pp. C07-014. 1877. White, C. A. Paleoutologlcal Papers No. 4: Comparison of tho North American Mesozoic and Cenozoic Unionidie and associated Molinsks with living species. <| Bulletin U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv.of the Terri- tories, vol. iii, i>p. 015-G24. 1877. White, C. A, Paleoiitological Papers No. ,"> : Uemarks on the Paloouto- logical characteristics of the Mesozoic aud Cenozoic Gro"ps, as developed in tho Green Kiver region. isc()very of niierosco))ic organisms iu the siliceous nodules of the Paleozoic rocks of Now York. <^ .Im.Jount. Sci,, vol. xxxiii, 2d ser., pp. 385, ;i8i'>. 1S&2. ■Whitfield, R. P. Descriptions of new species of Eocene fossils. <^A)n. Jouni. Conch,, vol. i, pp. "Jo'J-liCW, 1 plate. 18G5. Whitfield, R. P. Observations on tho internal appendages of the genus Atrypa, with a notice of discovery of a loop connecting the spiral cones. ■c^UOthAnii. Hep. Itegentu I'niv. X. Y. on ConiHlion of State Cabinet, pp. 14I- 144, 1 plate. 1308. Wliitfield, R. P. Descriptions of new fossils. < Captain Jjudlow's lieport on the nUick llilh of Dakota, pp. 103, 104, 1 plate. 1875. Thc«i> (luBcriptiims iind fi^nriiii arc repeated in the Iteport of the Chirf of Engineers V. S. Army for )^^5, piirt ii. Obnlui i>ceiinoi(ltK, Priinorilial; Tertbratula helcna, Cretaceou). Whitfield, R. P. Preliminary report on the Paleontology of the Blsick llilla. <^ Powell's Geol. an I Geog. Surrey of the liockij Mou)ilain Pegion, pamphlet, pp. 49. 1877. rriiHonlial, Jurnsaic, and Crotaceous. Tb« fiaal report on tbeto foaiita, illuttrated, is in courne of preparation. CS IJlBLlOCaiAi'llV OF INVEltTEBRATK rALEONTOLOGY. Whitfield, R. P. See HaU, James, and R. P. Whitfield ; aho, White, C. A„ and R. P. Whitfield. Winchell, Alexander. DesrriptioiiiJ of Cepbalopods from the Marshall iiJid lliiroii Groiiiw of Micliijjan. < Am.Juurn. Set., vol. xxxiii, 2d sor., pj). :iJ4-:5fi6. 18G'i. Ciirbonlferouii. Winchell, Alexander. Descriptions of fossils from tho Marshall and Huron Groups of Michigan. < Proc. Aeod. Xtil. Sci. Phila., vol. vi, 2d ser., pp. 405- j:W. 1-50-,'. Carboniferoiii*. Winchell, Alexander. Descriptions of fossils from tho Yellow Sandstones lying beneath the " Burlington Limestone " at Burlington, lowo. (Car- boniferous.) < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. vii, 2d ser., pp. 2-25. 1863. Genera Leptnpora, Syringothyrit, Deziobia. Winchell, Alexander. Notice of a small collection of fossils from the Fotsdum Sandstone of Wisconsin and the Lake Superior Sandstone of Michigan. < Am. Joiirn. Sci., vol. xxxvii, 2d ser., pp. 226-232. 1864. Winchell, Alexander. Descriptions of new species of fossils from tho Marsball Group of Micb'gau, and its supposed equivalent in other States ; with notes on some fossils of the same ago previously described. <^ Proc. Aaid. Xat. Sci. Phila., vol. ix, 2d ser., pp. 109-133. 1865. Gonora Conopoterium, Pernopeden. Winchell, Alexander. On the geological age and oiuivaleuts of the Marshall Group. < I'roc. Am. Philos. Soc, vol. xi, pp. 57-82 and (1870) 3-3-418. 1869. Tlii!< article contaiaa no deicriptivo pult'oiitology, but ayiiteinatic Until and other valu- able matter ia given, Winchell, Alexander. Notes on fossils from Tennessee, collected from the strata immediately overlying the Black Shale, and transmitted for examination by Dr. J. M. Safford. <^ Safford'a Geology of Tcnnetsee, pp 440-440. 1809. ContaiDi dencriptionii of four new gpeciea of Subcarbouiferoui foMili. Winchell, Alexander. Notices and descriptions of fossils, from the Marshall Group of the Western States, with notes on fossils from other forma- tions. < r oc. Am. Philos. Soc., vol. xi, pp. 245-260. 1870. Carbonifcrou9. Winchell, Alexander, and Oliver Marcy. Enumeration of fossils col- lected in the Niagara Limestone at Chicago, Illinois ; with descriptions of several new species. < Mem. liotton Soc, Nat. Hist., vol. i, pp. 81-113, plates 2 and :<. l!^65. Worttaen, A. H. Notice of a new species of Platycrinus and other fossils from the Mountain Limestone of Illinois and Iowa; being an extract from the Second Annual Report of thelllinoisGeological Survey. <7Vffln». St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. i, pp. .'J09-571. 1860. I.— PUBLICATIONS MADE IN THE UNITED STATES. G9 Worthen, A. H. 1875. A conaldernblo proportion of the Invertebrate fosniU of vol. vl, lyorthtn't Qtological Siiroeij of Illinois, iiro dencribed by Mr, Worthen alono, HlthouKli the general title gives bin name jointly with that uf Mr. Meek, Yandell, Lunaford P. On the distribution of the Crinoidea in tbe Wustorn .States. <] Proc. Am. Assoc. Adi: Sci., vol. v, pp. 2m-2'M^>, 1(^.")1. Yandell, Lunsford P. Description of a new genus of Crinoideii. < Am. Joiirn. ScL, vol. xx, 2d ser., pp. ir?.')-irj7. 185."». Gouui Acrocrinut. Tandell, Lunsford P., and B. F. Shumard. Contributions to tbe geology of Kentuckj'. Published at Louisville by Prentice and Weisinger. 1847. This la a small publication of 36 paires, 8°, and one plate of ilhiiitrationi of CrinoldR. It coutainH an enumeration of foBHilii from the vicinity of Louiaville, and from Grayuon County, Kentucky, but no Bpecific deecriptiona of foaaila, allhongb u few new ipeciea arc named, aome of which names have been adopted by aubnequent authora. Yandell, Lunaford P. See Shumard, B. P., and L. P. Yandell. and other vain- ,1 fil! : I ft. 1. I li I I i •II ::,: nM' -.v..^»ii>ttfiii i-aatmmtjmmm BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. IPA.RT II. EMBRACIXO TITLES AND AI5STUACTS OF PUBLIC ATIOXS MADE IN HKITISII NOirni AMERICA, IN THE WEST INDIES, AND IN EUIIOPE. By H. ALLEYXE NICHOLSON, M. D., D. Sc. 1 cat lii^ No Co co^ inc be to ac He T( w ra vr n e 0 i c PUEFACM<: TO I»Airr II Tlic following report comprises the titles iukI places of i)iibli- cation of all works ami memoirs relatiriff to North .\?nericaii Invertebrate Paheontology which have been published in P.ritisli North America, in the West Indies, in JJritain, and on the Continent of Europt-, so far as the writer has been able to dis- cover. That this report is imperfect, and that omissions of i\ more or less serious character are certain to be fonnd in it, may be taken for granted, since there are some serial publications to parts of which the author has found it impossible to obtain access, and since Pah-eontological papers are ocrasioualiy pnb- Hsbed in journals or works of a generally unscientific character. To ensure, therefore, anything like absolute com[», it would have been necessary to have surveyed almost the entire range of published scientific literature, a task for whidi the writer's leisure would have been insufficient; especially as notices of American fossils are often to be found in memoirs whicb, to judge from their titles, would be supposed to deal with subjects of an entirely different nature. It is hoped, how- ever, that such omissions as may be found will not prove to be of great importance, and that they may be excused on the ground that the writer's place of residence is one which renders itdiflBcult for him to onsult the large public libraries of Lomlon except at distant intervals. In conclusion, the writer \\ uild wish to use this opportunity of returning his best thanks to those of hi- fellow-workers who have been kind enough to assist him in the preparation of this report, among whom he must mention with special 73 l\ 71 lUIILlOaUAlTIV OF INVEltTElUUTK I'AI.EONTOhOOY. Kiiititiulo Prof. II. MiliioKilwanl.s, rrof. Dc Koiiiiick, I'rof. I'VnliiiaiKl I.'ooincr, M. JliirraiHlo, Dr. (liistav I.iiidstrom, M. ])o lioriol, I'iiiiciiml J)a\VHoii. l.'obert l':th«ri(l;,'o, Esq., Jan., It. .1. Locbinoro (Jui)|)y, l':s(i., Prof. Martin Duncan, jvml J. V. Wliiteavcs, Ilaq. n. a. X. L'niii;i> ('(ii.i.Kui:, Si. Am>iii;\vs. H( dii.ami. yoremliir II'. 1ST7. [of. U. in., mnUCATlONS MADK in IIRITISII NOKTH AMKIIICA. WKST INDIKS, AND KIJUOPK. Agassiz, Lotiia. Miiiio^raiiliit's trKcliiiioilcniiiis viviinls rt fo.'irtilrs. Ncu- . Iii\tiil. h:ih. Doacrlbea noine North American rniiill Kohlnold*. Anon. CurroHpondencoof Joacliiiii Harnitidc, Sir Will iiiiii L'i;;iiii iiiiil Jiiiiios Hull, on tlu) Tucoiiiu SyHh^iii, uinl uii the ii^^o (if tliu fu.s.iilH tnuiid in tlii> li'ockH of Northern Now Kngliind, nntl tlin Quol)t!r, (tronp of Kockn. < Ctnmd. Sal., vol. vi, p)). liHi-l'.Mt. [ l't;anisins in tlir, Siliiooiis NodnloH of tho I'aliDO/.oic Uockrt of New \'ork. '^I'anitd. Sal., vol. vii, pp. 281-'iS3. Iti'CordH ih(! illncDvury by Dr. M. IJ. VVIilti! in Imriiiitoiii' iiiiclulnH Imm ihu C«rboiiitor (III4, Di'VDiilan, Hiiil .SiltiriHU Rockn of numerous Mifrniiliyten nnd Authoiiy, J. O. liOttor to C. Lycill, Ks«i., V. 1*. 0. S., on iin iniprosnion of tlio soft pnrtH of iin Orlhofcras. <^ <>aai'l. Joiirii. (ieol. Sue, veil, iii, pp. •r.r>-ar.7 (with woodcut). H17. Notii'i'S tht' oi'ciirrflncH in the OinciiiiiHtl Group of Ohio ol' Hpi'cimcnK "f OrllinrrraM. :i|>|iari'iilly pruHcrviuK iink..i'c:i vid. and its fonnatioii in the oceaiia of the present ' toiij, ^ Ahh.'-.uu ,,iij. Xat. Hint., ,ser. '.', vol. wiii, pp. 4-.'.V428. l-.-)(!. Iteprlnted from I'ror. Iln^'iiiii .<.i,c. Xni. Ili»i., vol. v, p. aiii. Bailey, L. W., and O. F. Matthew, rreliniinary report on the ^jcoloi^y of t'out: >rii New IWuiiswick. <^ a cohujkal Snrn\ij of Canada : It'qxo/ of I'logrexs for 1870-71. pp. l:t--JI(l. Ottawa, 1-<72. C'oDtalna IIhIii of, iiml orcaxiiinal nntea nn, tln^ foH^rnf. Mux Sclinlt/", in which he cxiireHscs the o;iiu;o:i tlint. the " pni|ier wiiU" of'ihi U of inorganic origin. Barraude, Joachim. SystenieSilurien dn Centre de la Dolieino. F. 185'2-74. Uenerihea or iIImcubsbs critically a number of apeci'-'-i of American«ii«. '.'.':;(!:'!!!1i|gli'''"' 7G BIBLIOGRAVIIY OF INVEIlTEimATE VALEONTOLOOY. 11. Barraude, Joachim. Olt.^crvatioii.'* siir inuihines geiirfs ilo CophalopodcK .SiluritMiH. <, Hull, lie la Sor. lii'ol. ih Fraiuc, sor. 'J. t. xiv, pj). 4'Jrt-4:{7. 1857. The flutti"!- (lisciism s thi' clmiHctiTii of vHrioin (reiifrn of Silurlun C'epbiilopodil, wilt »p(ciul rt' fiTt'iii'i' til the types vviiioh occur in North Aiiierieii. Barrande, Joachim. Dociinienta ancioiis et nouvoaiix sur liv finiiie primor- (liiilo ct lo Bysti'ine TMcoiiiiiiie en Ain<^ri(iiio. <[ Bull, dc la Soc. Gi'ol.'jh France, ser. 'i, vol.xviii, pp. -JCKi-Iiil. plates iv, v. IH'.l. The following are thu priiicipHi snlijeflii (iiscumod in thiii elaborate memnir :— (1 ) The oliaracterH of three pi iniordial T'ilobiles illsoovereil at Ueorsia ( Vorraon!). The eh-.ttCter« «ndnllinitieaoftlu>ne are fully reatoilof. (0) Thonew fuiinadijicoveredip IBfiOinthe Point Levis beds, near Quebec, and the primordial character of the Trilobitet. (3) The extou- «ion of the prinim-dial fauna to Texas. (■)) Thii recognitiou of the primordial fauna in Tennessee in lt<5(> and in N'eliraska in lt'58. (.'>) The Taconic System of Dr. Emmoni>. Vnder this head, M. Barrande considers the aybtem of deponits, so-called, both geologically and pahvoutologically, in great detail ; and he describes and figures the Trilohi'tt quoted by Ilniinons. (6) The reir.aiuder of the memoir is occupied with discussing tbj viewi o;' Hall, Marcou, and Logau on various points bearing on the above subjects. Barrett, L. On some Cretaceous Rocks in tlio south-eastern portion of Jainaiia. < (^)uart. Joiini. Gvoh .Sw. Lond., vol.xvi, pp. ;{24-;{'26. 1800. A strHtigraphical paper, noting, however, the occurrence of Hippuritet, Inor.erami, and other Cretaceous fossils in limestones underlying the Tertiary sertrs of Jamaica. Bayfield, Capt, On the Junction of the Transition antl I'riniary Rocks of Canada and Labrador. <^ (Jiiarl. Journ Geol. Soc. Loud., vol. i, pp. 450-459, 1S45. Contains lists of the fossils. Bell, Robert. On the occurrence of Fresh-water Shells iu some of our Post- Tertiary deposits. <; Caitad. Sat., vol. vi, pp. 42-51. 1861. Describes the occurrence of various fresh-water shells in the I'oat-Tertiary depoKits of Lower Ci\nada, of the Lake Ontario region, of the Niagara Kiver, (lO, jdatcs xxv-xxx. If'i;?. This memoir contains various notes on tlie I'osails, and espi'cially on the ()r!linrrratile$ :ind Corals. In :ui appendix is a note by .Mr. Stokes on n Tritiibile, to which he gives the name ii! .Isitpliiif plntiji-iiihntin, from tlm Trenton I.iincstoiio of St. Joseph Island. One ol' the lignres in pi. xxvii exliibits the labium. In the explanations to the plates, varioug descriptive notes on the fossils are given, and Mr. .Stok. , "I'oends a description of his new genus Huronia (which he here regards as a Coral), and names 11 vi! spicies i>r the same. Bigsby, John J. On the Enatici of Caiiaila. < Quart. Jonnt. r- Bigsby, John J. ( ►ii tlie < Jeolojry of tlio Lako of Hie Woods, South lliulsou's IJiiy. < Qmrl. Jouni. Gcol. Sor. Loiul, vol. viii, pp. 400-10(i. is.ji. Notes the oocurnMioe of dcviTiil Upper SiluriuD fossils In llme.itone at Snadliill I.Hko, lioHr I.Hk« of the Wooils. Bigsby, John J. On the Geology of Qiuiieciiiulitseiivirons. < Quart. Jonrn. llcol. .Soc. Luiitl, vol. ix, pi>. 8:2-101, with map iinil 4 <'ngiavin<5s. 18,"):!. ConliiiiiH lints of fonsils collected hy the milhor from the Lower Silurluii rocks of tlis neighbourhood of limbec, and from tlie (Quebec (iroup of Point Levis. A description and li(?ure of a new species of Qraptolite (Hidy nigraptua racliiceiis) are supplied by .Mr. Suiter, the specimens ht^iug from the Quebec (}roup, Bigsby, John J. On the Puheozoic H,!i of the .State of New Vork. Part i. A synoptical view of the niineral>gical and fossfii chaiacter.s of the Paheozoic stiutii of the State of Now York. < <^)iia)t. Jonrn. (Uol. Sov. Land,, vol. xiv, pp. MOo, IJOti, and :{35-4'2<". 18.")f<. In the first portion of Ihig memoir, the anthor gives an account of the I'aheozoic strata of the Statit of New Vork, from the Catsktll I?\)rmation to the Potsdam Sandstone inclusive, each formation be'.ug treated of as regards its litholog'cal characters, its geological position Itnd Htratigraphicul relations, and its fossils, these last being divided into "typical", " re'< i- rout in linrope ", and "recurrent in New York ". A short section is devoted to geological and pnla:outulogical "inferences and conclusions", based on the preceding syvioptical view of the strata; and the memoir is concluded with elaborate tables of fossils. Theie tables are as follows:— I. The Silurian fossils of the State of New Vork ; II. The group- relations of the Silurian fossils of the State of New Vork ; III, The recurrent fossils of tlie Trenton Limestone; IV. The fossils escaped from l,.)wer to Upper Silurian, into and BcrosH the Middle or Transitional I'eriod; V. The fostils common to Kurope and the Niagara (iroup of the State of New Vork ; VI. The group-relations of the fossils of the four Lower llelderberg Limestones; VII. Thegrouprclu'.onsof the Devonian f.issilsof the State of New Vork ; VIII. The recurrent fossils of the Devonian System of the State of New Vork, iucluiling the spei-lea which enter tVom the Silurian : I.\. The reciirreucy of t!ie fossils of the Comiferons Limestone : X. IlHiniiton fossils common to the .State cf New York and Kurope ; and .\l. European fossils In the Chemung Group of the State of New Vork. Bigsby, John J. < >ii the Palu'ozoic Hasin of the State of New Yoik. Part ii. Ciasnilicatioii of the Paheozoic .strata of tho State of New York. <] ',>"'"''• Jonrn. lUol. Sue. Lontl., vol. xiv, i)p. 4'.i7-4.5!?. 1858. In this portion of bis memoir, the iiulbor indicates what he believes to be the n/itural clas^lllc'Htlon and arrangeMienl of the I'al.'eozoif Uoeks of tlie State of New Vork, us shown both by pBlie')nto|ogloal and physical evidence. Bigsby, Jehu J. 0;i the Palau)Z()ic' Hasin of the State of New York. Part iii. An ciKiuiry into the sedimBiitary ii'i'l other external relations of the Paiii'ozoic fos.sils of the State of New York. < Quart. Journ. Geol Soc. Land., vol. xv, pj). ^51 -3;ir). 18iil>. The chief Rnbjects treated of in this part of Dr. Bigsby's memoir are tlie characters and conditions of sediments generally, and of the Pal:e"/.oic sediments hi particular; the distri- bution and Immediate relations of ralitozoie animal life in Wales and in the State of I,iw Vork ; the groupings of fossils and their orderof precedence; the increment anddeerci, ent of I'ahetizolc genera and species; the duration of invertobratelife; the epochal and t'»' gra- phical diirustoa of species : the recurrence oi" organic forms ; and the resemblances between the PalnMroic basins of Wales and New Yor.t. Tlie paper it concluded by elaborate tables showing the distribution of the Silurian and Devonian fossils of the State of New Vork, and the dilTarent sedimentary habitsts of th j former. 31gsby, John J. On the T/aureiitian l''ormation : its eonstitution, its geographieal distribution, and its residuary elements of life. < G toxica I :ittt,jazine, Dec. 1, vol. i, pp. 154-1.58, 200-aOG. 1H(M. Contains remarks on the distribution of pliospbate of lime and carbon In the Lauren- tlan Rocks, and on the occnrrenco of F.oioiin. \i \i\ 'ii iii ajTTjiS"' 78 BlULIOGRAl'IIY OF INVKKTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. U. Bigsby, John J. Thesaurus Siluriciis. Tlie Flora and Fauna of the Siluriuu I't'ridd. Witli iiildtMula (fioin rt'ci'iit aeciuisitions). 1vol. 4\ pi>.'2l4. London, 18ti8. In this wull-kii"»n cHtiilogin- nf Silurian foisiN, ul! ilio specieH of Invertebrati' fonfill known to the HUtlior iit the date ot liis work nn- reconled, with the names of their anthora and their geological and geographieul positiontf. [Billings, B.] Fossils of the rotsdaiu Sandstone; sea-weeds, shells, and fooi-iirints on the rock at Boanharuois. < Canail N^at., vol. i. pp. :«-3'.t, with 2 woodcuts, l"'.")!!. Not ? on the fossils of tln' Totsdani .Sandstone. [Billings, E. i On some of the characteristic fossils of the Lower Silurian Hocks of Canada. < tV(»(i(?. .V(^^, vol. i, pp. :V.)-I7, with 11 woodcuts. i?r.r.. [Billings, E. 1 < >n the t'linoidea or Stoin^-Lilics of the Trenton Limestone : with a description of a new species. '^^^ Caiiiul. Xat., vol. i, jip. 4r<-."7. with 4 woodcuts. W^M. The new speeies di'Hcribcil is Clijploi riiiiif rnmidiiiini. [Billings, E.] Fossils of the L'pper Silurian Rocks, Xiaj^ara and Clinlou Groups. < Canad. .\itt., vol. i, pp. 'iT-liti. plate i. 185t). Deserihes some chaniL-terislie Niagara and Clinton to-sils. [Billings, E.] *>ii the fossil corals of the Lower Silurian IJocks of Canada. <^ (Jaiiad. y<(t., vol. i. pp. ll.'i- 1,'-, with l.'i wooditits. IH,",!',. Di'Scrilies some characteristic species. [Billings, B.] ( »n some of the tccliiiictil terms used in the description of fossil shells. <^ (amid. Xii. IIU-IIW, plate ii. It^")!). Dt'serilnjs soiiie of the cllaracteri^tic Brachiop'ids of tlie above-mentioned I\»rmati4>ni*. [Billings, E.] On some of the Lower Silurian fossils of Canada. < <'(iiiad. Xal., vol. i, pp. •JDIi-'iOS, with ',>;! woodcuts. Hr>t'i. Dencrifies a number nf Hrachiopojs from the Trenti'U and Iludu )n Kiver formal ioiih'. [Billings, E,] Descriiitiou of fossils ocemrin^ in the Siluriiin Hockn of Ciinana. < Cmmd. X((t.. vol. i, pp. ;?l'i-:W(i, w ifh 10 woodcuts, l-.'ti. Describes a number of characteristic .SiUtriau fosnils. [Billings, E. ] On thuVrertiary Hocks of Canaila, with some a<-coiint of their fossils. < Catutd. Xat., vol. i, jip. H-il-IMO, witii i:'> woodcuts. 1S5G. Dencribi's a number of I'ostl'liocene fossils from C-'uda. [Billings, E.] Fossils of the Hamilton Group. , with 18 woodcuts. l.<)(i. Descriptions of eoaimon Hamilton fossils, ipioii-d lor thi' most part fiom iho G< dusfyif .\'cw I'ert. '.'■ I'rof. Hall. [Billings, Li.] On the fronera of fo.ssil Ccphalo|)oda occurrinj; in Canada. < Caiiad. Xal., vol. ii, pp. i:io-i;i.-', plate ii. I~.'»7. Describes nine gijnera of fossil Ceplmlopo'ls as known to occur in Canada. Billinf l)i W( It II h. u I). U.— PDHL1CATI0NS MADE IN lUUTISU AMERICA, ETC. 71) Billings, E. Nott'H on some of tlio more reiuarkablo genera of Silurian and Devonian fossils. ^ Canad. AV(<., new ser., vol. li, pp. lf'4-l'J8, witli II woodcuts, and i)p. 4iio-4Uit, with ;! woodcuts. 1857. DiKcunwH tin- »tniclur« ami iiflinilicn of IhciiitncuUli!:, I'ateenliis, iiiul Ilrniricr.d. Billings, E. New ^(enera and species of fossils from the Silurian and De- vonian formations of Canada. <^ Caiuul. Xut., vol. iii, pp. 1111-14), with '24 wood ruts. I'-'W. Dcncriptiou8 of nuiiinrouii new tositilB, fnim the Itipurl nf Pmi^nss of tfir Siirvnj iij Canada for IS.'iT. Billings, E. Keport for the year 1857. < (leoloijknl Suywij of ( anadu : Uv- port of Vrogress for the year 1857. Toronto, 18.')8. iip. MT-l'.'v', with -,'4 engravings. lu the tirBt part ol tluH report, amoiinHt otlier iiiHtteri", iu an ensay on U\r tiamu of tliu Black Ri\cr anil Trenton I.hnentoneH of Canada, an compared with that of the einilviilent lorniationa in the United .StateK. Thr riMnai.iderof tlie report in occupied with dencrptions of new genera and species of fossils. Amongst the Corals twenty new i^peeies are dencrihed from the Lower and Upper Silurian and the Devonian formations ; the peiins l'ahrojiliijllu}u l>eiug described as new. Thirteen new species of l.iimelliliriiiiehs are described, allocated amongst the three newly detlned groups of Ctjrioilontu, f'niui.remia, and Mailnria. Lastly, the remarkable Olinhi/i {Diiioholim] raiimlinsis is described and ligured, and the new genus Kichtnihlia is propofed for a single new llrachlopod (A', sithiriijoiinlis) from the Trenton Limestone. Billings, E. On tlie AsteriadM' of the Lower .Silurian Ktxk.s of Canada. <^ I'iijiires and J>c^crii>lloiis of Ciiiiadioii Uryaiiic Jiciitahis : Ihrudv 111. Montreal, 1858. pp. 75-85, plates viii-x, with '^ woudeuts. This memoir di'scribes U Kchi'^odi'rms, uliich the nuthor relcis to the AfUrinil,i\ One ot these, however, belongs to Agt:bt<'riiiifin, and another is ri'fural>le to tlie abnorniiil sessile ^renits I'.ilriiHiflir (here proposed by the iiiitlior ill lieu of the name Ciiiiaslir, which he had lireviousiy brought forward, but which is preoccupieil). AH the species are from the Tren- ton Limestone or IliidMiii Hiver (Iroup. S/niasivr, I'i'raslir, and J'teiiia.'fir an' Jeliued as new genera. Billings, B. On the Cystidea; of the Lower Silurian liock.s of Can.ada. <^Fi(litnn ond l)tb( riplioiw of Canadian Ovijuwir Jlanaiiin: Dnade 111. Montreal. L-'5."'. pp. '.»-74, plates i-vii, with 'J'2 eiigravinos. In the hrst portion of this work, the author treats of the geological position, structure, and classilicatiou of the Cystideans, including such HUbjects as the general f inn and ex- ti'rnal skeleton of these organisms; the mouth, iimbulacral oriflce, and anus; the arms, anibulncral grooves, and plnuubr ; the pectinated rhombs, and tlie column. The second section deals with the ambulacra! oritlces of the Cystideans and Crinoids. and adduces a large body of evidence on tills head. The third section comprises descriptions of thespcies of Cystideans found In llie Lower Silurian of Canada, IH species being describid. belonging to the genera Vliuni-iinlilrs, Clyptoviialiiis, ComnroiijstUcs, Annjgiliilonj!'liHi. M.ilorytlUta, I'ahroi-yatHc.s, and Alileocyntiics, of which the last three are now for the first time founded. [Billings, E.] (it^ological Survey of Ctmada. Keport of progress for the years 18.5:{-.54-.')5-5G. Printed hy ordorof the logi.slativo assembly, 1858. The Valaiontological ..orlion of this report is by Mr. Hillings, and the first section re- views the paheontologlcttl relations of the Autlcosti Kocks. Jn the second section the aethor given detailed descriptions (unaccompanied by ligures) of nuiiierous new species of fossils from the Silurian Uocks of Canada, comprising 3fi Echinodormi', 4 Hrachiopods, 14 tiastero- podi, 3i Cepbalopods, 3 Trilobltos, '2 species of Pnscruliis (of uncertain atlinltios), and 2 of lieatricea (hero refarred to the vegetaVe kingdom). There are also descriptions of 10 ■peoieH of Cystldeftiis, which the author had preyiouBly puldished in the Vatntdiaii .lotinml (ser. 1, vol. 11, 1831). The new genera described are nyhocriiiun, Carabocriiius, Vle.iocri- nut, l'orocrinu$, Vaiceulii:, and lUairh-e.n. The Uuri,nuc of Stokes are referred to the KeDUS Ui'thoccrai, ! =53!^ i'V l^!i i 30 BIDLIOGRArnV OF INYEUTEIJUATE TALEONTOLOGY. Billings, E. On some uvw genora aud specit's of I'mcliiopoda from the Silu- rian iuxl Devonian Hocks of Canada. < Cantul. Xat., a'oI. i v, pp. 131-i;]5, with 10 il};iires. [From tho Itfjioft of Ihv (holoijiciil Surveif of Canadit for IriuS.] 18ot). ri>iiii(lH tlK'Kt'ni'ra CmtroniUnnwX Sirirkluiiilin {sulisiMiuiMilIy iilliTcil to Sirirkliiinlinia), ami descriliun tliivi' new Hpt'CioH of tlir liitlcr. Billings, E. Description of a new <^eiuis of Hraehiopoda, and on the jjemis Cyitodonta. < t'tuim?. \til., vol. iv, pp. :{(>l-:U);?. [I'libiished in ad- vance from the lUporl of Ihc (Ivolugicul Surrcji of Cunada, l8.">8-r)9.] H.VJ. Komuls thi' iriiuiji Cnmcnllii, with lliree new Kpotien, iiml aiiu'iids thi> oliara<'t«r« of Cvi!iiilu)lt(l. Billings, E. Fossils of the C'alciferousSandroek. inelndinijthoseof a deposit of White Limestone at Mingan, supposed to belong to the formation. <(>(»«(/. Xat., vol. iv, pp. :i4.')-:{(i7, with I'i engravings. [Fr'-in the ]itliO>i of till Geological Survey of Canada for lS.">S-,')i).J If^.'iO. Uesori!>e9 41 sprcii's from tlie Cttlcifi-roiiH .Suiiilstoiic. of which -'4 a"o new. Billings, E. Description of anew i^alieozoie Starfish of the genus I'alieaster, from Nova Scotia. <^Ci). (lit, 7U, with a woodcut. l>.V.t. P<^«crihi'M, luicli ;' \'.f iiiuiii' of Pnl, rafter ;w)!'ii/.>'cu/«,«, ii new .Startisli from the Lower Aiisaig Group (Mulile Silnrimii nf Arisaij, Nova Seotla. Billings, E. Deseriptionsof some new species of Trilobites from the Lower and Middle Silurian Hocks of Canada. <^ Camid. Xat., vol.iv, j)p. :?()<- .'W;!, with Iti engravings. [Extracted from the Nvjmrt of ' the Geological Simey of Canada for l!!'.")8-5l». ] 1«.')0. Deserihes 12 new species of Trilohitvs (9 of Ilhruuf, I of .Imphhm.ani I of Triarthrut). Billings, E. Fossils of the Cliazy Limestone, with descriptions of new speei(?s. <^ Canad. Xiil.. vol. iv, pp. 4'jr)-470, with IW engravings. [Ex- tracted from the Heporl of the Geological Snrreii of Canada for 18.')8-59.] I^.o0. Contains notices or descriptions of 12!t species of fo'isils from the Chazy T.iniestone, beinR the total nniiiber at that time known as occurring in tiiis formation in Canada. Thirty-four species are deacrilted as new. tUtnad. Journ., new ser., vol. iv, p. 1 Billings, E.] Atrypa hemiplicuta. ;J16. 18,VJ. A note statiiiR tliat .lirijim hemipliitin, n«ll, is a I'entamrruii, and that Pcntnmrrut rcrirxiix. Bill., is only a large variety of it. Billings, E. On the Crinoidea' of the Lower Siluriaa Rocks of Canada. •'^Fignres and Dei^iriptionH of Canadian Organio liemainn : Decade I!'. Montreal, Idfi'J. pji. 72, jtlates i-.\, with 24 woodcuts. In the first portion of this work, the author gives au account of the history and struc- ture of the Crinoids, and iu the second portion he describes all the Lower Silurian Crinoids of Canada which are in such a stateof preservation as to allow of characterisation. In all, 43 species are recognized, belonglnf? to 13 genera, and IS species of the a'^ove number are 'lescribed for the first lime. The new generic types described are lilaatoidocrinut, Par.hjo- trittK.t, Palitocrinus, IMcurrinus, and ■■\. rmsltl mill between the tlngioiilci' and the trui Crinoids. Billin < de lis ll- II.— PUIJLICATION'S MADE IN BUITISU AMERICA, ETC. 81 Billings, E. On the Fossil Corals of the nevonian Rocks of West. < CaiK.ul Jonrn., new ser., vol. iv, i>)i. 97-140, with 2'J woorli.nta. li^.V.). TfcU memoir contnlDD dHiieriptlom of 45 Hpecies of foimll Corals frn.u the Cornlferous nnd Humiltou formatioiiti uf Oiitnrio. The new gvnern llloiliropliijll n ani Haimcophi/ltiim nre fouiiiled, and the new species are dUtributed a« follows ■.—AlowHlcii labhsa, A. crypto- dtnt, fl!jringnpi>ralni.iHi, AiitDpnrn corniua. A fiUformia, A.umhcllifera, Ifelinphylluin crienif, H. Mijinfaciinf, II, cmiaicitae, II. tcimiarptatHin, II. eiilliifiUiim, Clinidphytliim (meidacnae, lllothrophyllum. dicortii-.atum, Ei 'ili)pli;/lliiin aimrncnac, DiphypKyUiini alriimiiieiim, D, ariin- dinure.nm, GyaliphyUiim agsirign'.uin, V. acntcacnsc, ('. grandia ^, a,\n\ lliiiincophylliim ordinaiutn, Billings, B. Notes on the structure of the Crinoidea, Cystiilea, and lihis- toidea. < I'anad. Nut., now ser., vol. iv, pj). 5i77-:20:{, with Hi w ■.(dents, and PI). 4'.i(j-4:i:i, witli 7 woodcuts; also, ibid., vol. v, pp. lf<0-19"<, with 14 woodcuts. 1H51» and IriCO. Billings, B. On some new 8i>ecies of fossils from the Limestone near Point Levis opposite t^uehec. <^ Citiiad. Xut., vol. v, pp, ■.!Ul-o24, with :i() eii- f^ravinys. 18G0. This memoir deals with tin- tossils found in four liinei'loni's wliich are I'xposi'd at Paint Levis, near Qiiebic, 64 spi'i'ies beiup; known, but only the /V/7n/<(/rs lining liure ili'»cril>ed. The new species described are 3 of Agiioatita, 1 of CoiKu'ephnlitca, (i iif l>i':iiloc.f Ihc (ieoloyical Surrey of Canada for 18(^)0.] l-i'iH. Sixteen new species are described in this memoir, 10 of these beiu;; Oastenipods and fi Cephalopods, Billings, E. On the Devonian fi)S4ils of Canada West. <^ Canad. Journ., new ser., vol. v, pp. 219-;}S3, and vol. vi, p,>. i:id-Urt, 8.')3-'.i74, and 329- 3615, plate i,aiul 13:! woodcuts. 18li0. This Is really a continuation of the memoir just noticed. Kleven additional species of Corals are degoribed, belonging to the genera S/riVi(u/;ora(ijHp.), 'fraehyiiora(\ sp.), Alvrolitea (4 «p.), Diphyphyllum (1 8p.), Hdiophyllum (t sp.), Chonnphylliim (t sp.), and Cyathophyllum (I spj. The Brai7i(o/n)e previously recorded forms, whilst 13 are described as ne v species. In the class of the LamrllihrancMiUa, the characters of the genus Cyrtodonta and its synonymy are treated at length, snd a now Coruiferouj Bivalve of the subgenus I'nniizemia is described under the name of ('. tompkiiiai. Three new species of Gasteropods are recorded, and, amongst Cephalopods, two new forms of Cyrlocernt. The occurrence of 1) species of 'J'ri.ubitca and 2 of Lipirdiila in these deposits is tiually noted. Billings, E. On some of the rocks and fossils occurring near Philipsbnrg, Canada East. <^Ca)iad. A'a(.,,p)». 310-3^8, wit iiOeugiavings. 18G1. Describes the roclis near Philipsbnrg, and the fossils contained in them. From strata of the age of the CalcifenniK a number of fossils were obtained, of which Camcret'.a falcifera k uUomphilut aiiiadeii.ii.1, I', iitiortua, /•;. fpiralia, and Ampliiuii lalicri are described as new species. Mis. Pub. No. 1<» G "iii'a^iiliA 82 niKLiodRAriiY or tnveutehrate paleontology. i: '5lf § Billings, E. On the (KcurnMU'c of Graptolites in the b;iso of the Lower Silu- rian. < Canad. X-I(i8). The fourtli portion of the work (pp. Iti9-3'14) was originally issaed in February, It^Sj, and the remainder (pp. 345-4' ;U) was Issued with the complete work in October, 1865. These two sections of the report aro occupied with detailed descriptions of the new species of fossils collected by the otiicers of the Geological Survey of Canada in the Lower Palico- zoic formations of that country, from the Qnebec Group to the Guelph Limestones, inclu- sive; but it would not be posi'lblo here to give any detailed analysis of the varied matter contained in llie jjiiges of this important work. It may bo noted, however, that a large amount of space Is devoted to llie description of the fossils of tlie Quebec Group, and tlial a considerable number of species aro characterised from tills formation In Newfoundland. Billings, E. Catalogue of tlie Silurian fossils of tlio Island of Anticosii, ■with descriptions of some new gt^neriv aiul spt'(;ies. ]ip. 'J;i, with 2S en- gravings. <^Givlo(jiital Siirveij of Canada. Montreal, 1800. In the first portion of this report (pp. .ViS), the author catalogues the Lowi-r Silurluu (Hudson River Group) fossils of the Island of Antieosti. The list comprises 118 species, Including 28 forms which are now described for the (Irst time. The second portion of tli9 report (pp. '2!)-7a) deals with the fossils of the "Antieosti Orou|) " of rocks (Viddle Silu- rian), enumerating 18'J species; the now species, to the number of 7t), beinor 'escrii.ed at length. In an appendix (pp. 72, 73), some additional fossils from the Hudson I'.iver Group are considered, the new genus .'.iriVA « i(c« l)eing proposed for some curious t-acks. An additional section (pp. 75-82) gives a general review of the pahoontological relations of tho Silurian deposits of Antieosti, and their relations to thu Silurian formations of other regions in North America and Europe. Finally, a noction is devoted to the description (pp. 82-!Ki) of somenewCephalopods, Cystideans, and Corals from the Clinton and Niagara formations. Twenty-four new species are described, and tho generic name of Strcptncerat is pmposed for Cephalopods witli the form of Oncoceras combined with the trilobed aperture of I'Urag- mocerat. Billings, B. On the classification of the sub-divisions of McCoy't. jremis Athj-ris, as dotermineil by the laws of zoological uomenclaturo. <^ Ann. 'tnd Mag. Xat. Hist., ser. 15, vol. xx, pp. 23:5-247. 1<^C7. Reprinted from .4mrr. Jniirn. Sri. ninl Ant, July, 18'!7, 81 lUlU.loGRAPIlV OF INVKIM'KIUIATK PALKONTOLOfJV. Billings, E. licscriittiini of two mow sjiecii's of .Stri(,'kliimliiiiii. <] (Icolniji- idl .UiujiKuii; Dlm'. 1, vol. V, jip. r>'.M)4, i»l. iv. l-'d"*. Till' ni'W B|)i>ci<'n flH»crll)f(i iiri.' Slric'ilnndinin dnviilfoiii hihI S. fnlirrii, Imtli limn the " AuticoKti Orimii". Bihii^ga, E. Xotn on tin- Htnntiirpof tlie lilastoiilt-a. <^ Ami. (itnl Mwj. Sid. llixt.. Ml'. I, vol, iv. |i. 7(1. l-(i;». Ui'|ii'iiilf(l Irom Hilhmnn'f Annr. .hnirii.. Miiy. li»lil). I Billings, E. ] Note on tlic llliistoidcii. <[(.'((»(((?. Sill., new Her., vol. iv, i>ii. .-;», ;"). i-i;:t. Billings, E. Xotison .soiiii'siicciiiii'iisof liOWtM'Silitrijin Tiilobiti's. <[ <,hiart. Jonni. (iivl. .*>■(»(. Loud., vol. xx vi, \t\>. IT'J— ISf), platij-s xxxi and xxxii. 1870. Tlip iiuthor ■lojfci'ilios (li a KpiM'imi'ii of .ianpliun ]>l(iliirc;.'hiilus, /mm the Trenton Liiup- Htone oFCaimiln, ["howhiu the miih'r niiie of thi! hoiy, logetlinr with whiit Appear to be the baHcii of cij^ht pairs of h'gs ; (i) spHClintMiii of Hi'Vfial Aiacrican Hpciien of Anniihun. bhow- ing "I'anilHilan iirgaiiH' ; (Hi a rulleilup ,. 'Z'>\-iWi and 40'J- 41(i, and M)1. vii, pp. 14'i-l.")8, with niunei'oim enj^ravings. 1-'7I)-71. An ehihorate papiT on tlic almve Hulijcct. Amongst the Hpecial poiiits treated of are tlie |Hl^ltion of the mouth in nlatiou to tliaanibiilacial sy«tem : the nature of the pectlnatoil rhumbs and oaliciiie pores of the (Jijstnidea : the mrncture of Codaaicr McCoy, ami of I'cinrimUiH : the hom"U); Billinga.E. On sonio fossils from t) • rrinionliiil Ii'imUm of NtnvfoiitKllaiiil. < Ctimitl .\ul., uv.w HIT., vol. vi, lip, l(;:.-17!t. with II eii-rniviiif{H. HTl. Prom fockH of I'riiiionliul agv in Creiit ll.-ll [..liiml, l.uigidii murriii/i, Lini/nl,:ll,if nffi'ih. L. <<) Kjii-'Hii. and Cr.i:iiiim sii.iilin nri> noplciirn cummuiiiii, Annimliniiii triiiitliis, I'arnih r i iU» liintlnt, /'. ilmirii>, [iiliitlai liilla, Stiiiiil/icrii paiiprr, iinil S'nnillii rtliniliitii are di'Mcrllmd an nfw. Ii>l,itlm In prDpiiHcil aa a new gciuiH fur Kinall HrHclii(i|ipiriilU. Billings, E. Xotc oti tlic discovery of fossil.s in tin; •• \Viiioosl new species lietermined from this series comprise .'i species of Corals, 3 of I'oly/.oa, l** of llrachiiipo Is. 10 of r.iiiuollilirauchs, 8 .if (iastero)inds, and 1 Trilobite. The next section gives descriptions of fossils obtained from the Primordial Kocks of Hell Island, Xewfoiuidland. tlie e.vact position of tliese deposits being somewh it nncertuin. Descriptions of some of these forms hiid been previously ptili- lished (Cnniul. Sat., 1870); but six are new speci"S. From lieds inferior to those of IJell Island, and thi.uglit to be referable to the Lower l.lngulal'iags or Menevian (iroup, eleven new species of fos.'ils are descritied. From the Ilnronian Rocks of .St., John's, N'eufound- land, the author describes Af/iiff'flti firm •mrici, Strmtihi in pinijii'r, atid S''i >iitla ritinilntii — the last two being small imtellil'orm (Jasti.ropods, whilst the alVinities of the lirst are un- certain. The author neitt discusses the characters of the j^-enn-' S'rir'.lmnliiiiii. di-scribing live previously recorded species and a ■•ingle new lorin i >'. melisun). The next portion of the work is occupied with a discussion of the structure of the OrinniJen, Oijuliiiilia. and llliistoii/nt. This seclion was originiilly pnlillshed in the Aimr.JoKnt. Si-i. and Artu, lf*t)!)-7il, and the Am. nnd Miif. .Vn(. ///.<(., 1^70-71. and it is reproiluced here with gome corrections aud aildillons. Fiinilly, the auihir describes IS new species of Lnmctlihrnni-hinla from the Arlsaig series (t'pper .SiluriiinJ of Nova Scotia. The new genu.i Pfeniii'illii is proposed for forms like Piirinca rr.iriijh rn, and U species are referred to it. Billings, E. On some new or little known fossils from Uw .SilnrJMU and Devonian HkcIvs of Ciiiada. < CaiKul. Xat., new st.-r,, vol. vii. jip. 'i'-V)- •J40, with '2 lifjnres. 1-71, Describes Aitlocopina ^'rniiii, a new genus and species of fossil sponges from the Niagara formation. The genus lliiern/ihrrniis is proposed for Corals of the type of /.n- phri'iilin iirnlilirii Bill. Species of Ampliras, Xn/ilireiiHi', Giirnccriin, Orllnifcriif, mid Livhiis are described from the Devonian ol Ontario. Fiimlly, some changes of nomencliilnre aro noted. ■ : : I ■n .S(J lUHLIOliR.Vl'HV ()!• IN'VKUTEUU.VTE r.VLEONTOLUG V. Billings, E. On nuiiu' nt-w ^(•iiciii ami Hpt'civs of Paliro/oic Moljiisea. V CiiiiikI. .\(it., new HLT., vol. vii, |i|i. ;t01, W',!, with -i lijjuros. l""T5, Koiiiiiln till' iii'W gpuiu lUiiinii for TetUna /iriica tlia., Anatinn tiiivnta Ilall, iiml tti« 111 Tf /. I'l ,1,1,/, ,i*n from I 111- t'|i|ii'i Sllurliiuof 111, "ny of llbiili'tini. Tliv gcmiH I'lcniniidtii \> |irop"«iil I'lir f iniiK uf lln' lv|ii> of Vurinin retrnjhin. Bouve, M. rygoiliyiichns gouldii, a, now Echinus from tlio MilUloiie Grit of licoi-irirt. <^\ Mmj. Siil. JUdI., sit. 1, vol. \ix, p. 1 1'J. HIT. A iviiriiit frimi Silliiii.iu's .iiuriinl, Miiy, IHIT, p. 4:iT. Bradley, Frank H. I)i.'.srii|itioii of a now Trilobito from this I'jliiliim SaiuNtoiic, witli a note by E. Hillin){s. <^ Caiuid. Sat., vol. v, jiii. \'H\- \-il>, with I ciigruviuj^.s. l-^dO. Till* paper by Mr. Hrmlli-y iK rcprhitiMl from SiUiiimnn Journal. 2il «i'r., vol. xxx, |>. 'Jll, liinl (le^icribi's aii'l ligiiri'rt h new TriinUitr from ttm I'otuclam .Saiuliioiiu of Keeiie- vIIIh. N. V. iiihlcr 111!' nmiii' of Oniocrjili'iliic^ minntiiH. Mr. IlilUiigHiiililn ii uoU- iliiicuiiKiiig 111,' iliiiraitc TH I,; tills fliiiMios mill iioiiiig tlii) otliiT foriiiH of tlui gumiH known lo occur la (janiulH. Mr, HillliigH uUo appc'uil< an adililional notn (reprlntt'd frion SilHiimii'ii .hmriinl, Novi'iiil),-r, l»7ili, ili>Hi'rllilag«oiiU' ni'iv H|iei'iiiU'n« of t'i,/ioi',/,/m//(c« miiiiiliif, In which fro»h clmr.ii'li'rs ari' cxhlliiti'il. Brady, G. S., and H. W. Crosskey. Note?* on foatdl O.^tracoilii from the rost-Tcrtiiiry deioiitsof Ciiiiada and New Kii);liuid. < UeoUxj'ual Magu- ciiK, Decade I.vol. viii, pp. lid-li"), jdiite ii. 1>71. Tim imthorH notice 3'] HpHcleiiof Oitracixia from the abovoiiiintioiieil cl'pmln. of which CiiOicri; CIS ihlalii, ('. mirr'iiniie:/!, O. logntii, OiJihtrHra grunnliimt, V. cristarn, and Oytht- ri'jininn rimiildii'iliim iir,' di HiT.lied for thu llrnt tiiiu'. Brady, Henry B. A iuono;;nvph of Carlioniforon.s and INirmian I'oramini- fcra ( till' nt'uiis I'nxulinaexcopteil). <^ I'lilironlogi'aphical .Sjciely, H7(i, ji]!. l-lCiCi, plates i-\ii. This work Is iiuci',: ,.,.iiy prliu'lpally coaoerncd with British forms, but not exclusively 8 I. At liaRc 17 is H sHiiiiiiary of geological localitleH In North America which have yielded Carbnuifeious or I'ermiiin Furuminifcrn. The lollowing foriiin are cleHcrlbeil !roni the < arboiiiferou« ilocks of Noi th Aiuerlcft :— ('n/w„/,«n paUrntrui-hiin Klirb., I', drrurrcn; v. pUcniii llr.i'ly, J', bnlldidis. n. Bp., ('. rMrfi<, n. sp., iVu tnsiiie'la i)ri.-!cHln Ditwson, fa/- cnri:ia iviihi^/na, n. Kp., and h'.inhiVujra hoininiiii I'liill. The laHt is »howii to be the Hubse- •jHeutly desLTilied II noti i hftilciji llall, from tlio .Speraen Hill l/miuitone of Indi.ina. Tom. ri, vi, Brongniart, Adolphe. Hist liio dl^s Vi'yt'^taiix rossiles. )>p.7U,71. l.;-.iJ-l-. The fossils deieiiijeil by Uroii,'iiiHrt under tlio nameti Fiirniiks ili;iiiiitii.i miil Finoidtn frrm, from the (^uebic (Iroup rif INiint I-i-vis, are really flrii/iKililvs : t'.io former being the Gi-iijiiiilii/iiiii [Dijiluifrtijiliis] prhiiiiijunnis of Hall, and tlie latter thu ','. \ I'ctragriijitua] hryonttidcs of the »ame author. Bronn, H. Q. Lctli.ia (ico^iiostloa, oder .Vbbildniij; iind Hisschreiliiing der iiir (lit! (iebirjjjsfonnatiiini'ti bezeiclineiidsten Versti;inoniii;,'un. [Fi^fures and dcseriptioiis of tlie eliara':tL'ri»tic fossils of the f^reat formations] Isl ed., 1-^:!.") ; yd cd. (Hniiiii it Uocnicr), lr-."jl-.")(). :i vols, p \ With atlas. Deseriben many spei ies of Aii^erican fossils. Buckland, William. 'Micolo^iy ", in •' V.)yaoc, iVe,, to the Tacilic and lU!hrin.i,''s Strait.s, performed lull. M. S. ' lUossom ' '", by Captain IJuechey. -V. London, IHy'j. p. l.-)7. Ill the geological appendix to Capt. 11,'echey'H work, I'rol. Hiickland notices the re- ■f»mblance of the CHrbuniferons I.ini.'stoiie of Cape Thomson, northwest of America, hit. •J7- ti N. lou;;. Ifii^ 45 W., to that of Ucrbyshire, and refers to its fossil contents. ii.__runLu:ATioNS madk in buu i.t«r Hermann. Tlu-o.naumalioi. <' irtCC. a,ul .VPy. A'"'- »-<■' '"'''■■ •'- ^"' ';/'..,•,,n , a,. , '.'. '"-'""- .,u„ fully .UHcu««e- [Not Hooni.ytlu. writer! ninUies of Ko/or.n oana- Carpenter. W. B ^^^^^. ^^^^ ^„, „_ ,,. ui U-K Areprlu.fro.u Journ. O.l. So. L , ^^,,, ,„a of , W B rurtbcr observations on tho bIuk ^^^^ ^^^^,,,^ Carpentei.W.B. 1 j.^,^ ,,ucr tothopi'^^'^l'^"^'- <"" Ko/.oiiu canaiionsi.. Ar,-. .ottUe«tateof...eKo.ooacontrov ^ .,„„. «"'l W B Ni.vv o1)acrvatiou3 on 1'^"''°"" \, ,,„.,,. a vings. I'^Ti. The uuthor treats more '''V- J f J^J ,, «uu»n.rU>ng tl.o yo-n,/ .v.!. „i,„„n,u.rtm.e skeleton -.mulcoucUuM tUe organic origin of £"--""«• ^ ,,,„ ,,„,, ,V,,tf. «r B VinalnotoonKo/.ooucanaaens>. . Carpenter. W. B. ^'^'^j ..sri/.'-T','. l^'*' Carpenter, W. u. ,1^^ Kozoiiu canadensc. <,^ ^recavi.uUvtion of the v.-K'.P»lf''^'- '"«"'' w B Xotes on Otto Uahu's ^^'.^ "'J^" "^^^._ 4, vol. s vii, pp. Carpenter, W. B. >"t^^^ ^ |,„,. ,, mi .!/«!/•'''"'• -^'"'■' ^ of Eo/.oou canaileiisB . ^ • 417-422. IS'^- ! IE ii IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (AAT-3) ^ C a 1.0 I.I 1^121 125 ■tt B£ 122 Z hS, 12.0 u t& I U£ ?■ 1.25 |,,.4 1^ ^ _. f^n ► FhotDgrapliic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STMIT WnSTGR.N.Y. 14SM (/16) •72*4503 \ ■<>' ^ # 4^ a\^\^ k # ^>> 88 BlULIOGllArilY OF INVKRTEBRATK V ALEONTOLOGY . Carter, H. J. On the stniotiue called E;)/.oon caniidenso lu tlio Laurentiaii Liincstoiio of Canada. (A lettor to I'rof. W. Kin;?,) <[ Ann. and Mag. y. Dl8ru9»e« llie niinuto utructure of tlie test of rccniit Fi)raminifern, na bearing on the nature of Eu-.u'vn ranndcnsc. Casseday, S. A. Beschreibnng einos ncnen Crinoiden-Geschlcchtes ana deni Kohlenkalkstein Nord-Anierikas. <[ /ritwhrift d. Deutfch. Geol. Ges., Bd. vi, pp. 2:{7-24'.>, plate ii. 1854. The author proposeii ami ileflneg the geniiit Ilalnrrinii.t for two new i"pec!e9 (B. kosa- dddylus and H. irrcgiilarif) from the Carbouiferous Lime«ti>iie of Inrtiiina. Castelnau, F. de. Essai snr le S.v8{^Ino Silinion de rAiiicrifine Septeiitrio- nale. I'aris, 1843. pp. 5i). With 17 plates. lu thin work, the author describes .. number of Cruntiicenna. Cephalopodn, QaHteropodd, Draoliiopodi., Conchifera, Corald, Crinoidii, &c,, from the Silurian of North America. A larite number of HpecioH are dencribed m new, liut many of tliesu hcve been BUbiequently Identitied with previously recorded formi4. C[hapman], E. J. Asaphns canadensis. <^ L'anad. Jonrn., new ser., vol. i, pp. 482, 48;!. 18r)(). Confers the name of Amiphus canndcnsh on m new Trilobite from the Utica Slate. Chapman, "E. J. A review of the Trilohites : their characters and classilica- tion. <^ Vanad. ./ourn., new ser,, vol. i, pp. 271-28t). 18r)t). A general review of the order Trilobita. C[hapman], B. J. Asaphns l.atiiuarginatus. <^ Canud. Jonrn., new ser,, vol. ii, pp. 47, 48. 1857. nirtcussefl a question raided by Prof. Hall us to the identity of the author's A'aphua cnitadciifis wMh the orevi"- Iv (i(.;)ciiljed A. liilimnrgnuilH:* Hall, and fully deiicribea the characters of the former. Chapman, B. J. On the ocfiirrcnce of the j;oiius Cryptoceras in Silurian Kecks. < Canud. Jonrn., new ser., vol. ii, pp. 2t.i4-2()8. 1857. Notes the occurrence of the genus Cri/ptD.rras in the Black Hiver LiraoKtono of Lorette in Eastern Canada. Cbapman, B, J. On the occnrrenco oi the genus Cryptoceras in Silnrian Kocks. < Ann. and Mag. Xal. IIM., ser. 2, vol. x\, pp. 114-117. 1857. Notes the occurrence 'n the Lower .Silurian Rocks of Canada of a species of Crypto- ceras [Liiuitfs]. C[hapman], B. J. Trinucleiis conrentricns. < Cuitad. Jonrn., now ser., vol. iii, pp. 414, 415, with woodcut. 1858. Describes the glabella of a specimen of the al)ove Trilnbilr from the Trenton Lime- stone near Quebec, which shows peculiar luisnl and central tubercles. Chal CM Ill II.— PUBLICATIONS MADE IN BRITISH AMERICA, ETC. SI) Chapman, E. J. On some now Tiilobites from Caiiailian Rocks. < Ann, uml Muij. Sat. Ilisl., ser. 3, vol. ii, pp. 0-10, with 2 woodcuts. 18.")8, MiilntBlnH the ilUtinolneBii n( Annjihua •anndrntia Chapiii., which the author had pre- viously dencrlbeil, by im unBlysin of the other knowu ii|iecii'H of the ({enug. The name Asaiiliits hnlli Irt proposed for u second form, fioin t!ie Trenton Limestone of Peterljoroufh, Ontario. Chapman, E. J. On some new Tiilobitos from Canatliiin lioeks. < Caiiad. Jonni., new ser., vol. iii, pp. '2:W-3I{"<, with 2 woodcuts. 1*58. Deicnbennnd figures as new species Asiiphitu canadensis from the Utioa Slali' and .(. haUi from tlie Tieuton Limestone. Chapman, E. J. On tlio HypoBtonia of Asaplins canciilensiri, and on a third new species of Asaphns from the Canadian Rocks. < Catiad. .fonni., now ser., vol. iv, pp. 1-4, with 2 woodcnt.s. Id.V.). The new Bpecic-s is from the Utica .Slate, am', U named Asn/ihus liinrksii. Chapman, E. J. Presence of Colnnmaria alvcolata and Strnmatocerinia rno;o.sum in Tn-nton Limestone. <] Caiiad. Joiini., new ser., vol. iv, p. 49:5. 1859. Notes the discovery of the tiboveniL'nlioued sp?cii.s in tlie Trcnlna Limestone of the neighbourhood of Itelleville, Ont. Chapman, E. J. On a new species of Ayrelacrinites, and on the strnctural relations of that j^enus. <^ Ann. ami Mag. Xat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. vi, pp. ir)7-l()2, with woodcut. 180(1. Describes Agdacrinitct billiiitrsii, from the Trenton Limestone of Peterbnrongu, Canada West. Chapman, E. J. Notes on the Geolopy of the l$lue Mountain Escarpment in CoHinsjwood Township, Caufida West. < Canad. Journ., new ser., vol. V, pp. 304, 305. 1800. Contains notes on the fossils (Utlca Slate and Hudson River Group). Chapman, E. J. On the geolos," of Belleville amt the surrouudiii;; district. < Caned. Journ., new ser., vol. v, pp. 41-48. 1800. Gives lists of, and notes on, the fossils of the Trenton Limestone of Belleville, Onf. Chapman, E. J. Aselacrinites billingsii : a new species : preliminary notice. < Canad. Jonrn., new ser., vol. v, pp. 204, W5. l-^OH. Chapman, E. J. On a new species of Agelacrinites, and on the structural relations of that genus. <^ Canad. Jonrn.. new ser., vol. v, pp. 35S-3C.5, with woodcut. 1800, The author deserllies a new species of Agilncrinilcs from the Trenton Limestone of Peterborough, Ont., under the name of .1. billinifsii. The structure and systematic re'.atlons .)f the genus are discussed, and the author proposes to found for its reception, along with EdriodsUr, a. new order, which he terms T/iyroiila. Chapman, E. J. A popular exposition of the Minerals and Geolojjy of Can- ada. < i.'anad. Jonrn., new ser., vols, v, vi, vii, aiul viii, with 248 en- gravings. 18C(M)3. Part iv of this series of papers (lor. cit, vol. vi. pp. 300-5ii?, vol. vii, pp. I0S-I'2I. and vol. viii, pp. 17-:t3> gives a general account of the fossils of Cem.da; and part v (vol. vill, pp. 111-127, Igl5-9I6, and 437-4p. 7. IS"!'. The author givps reasons lor bclioving Vrolirhiiiiet and i.limnclirhniirs, from the I'otii- (1iin> Sunilstone, ari^ tint th« tracks of UrnslacKanH, liut tbi impressions of large r'liuoidd. Cleve, P. T. On the i.'eolo<;y of the North-eastern West India Islands. <^l\ongJ, Sfeiiska retcnHkoi>K-Ahad. Handl., Ud. ix, No. 12, )tp. 48, with '2 i)late8. 1870. Contains unuierous notes on the fossils. Cotteau, O. Sur les Onrsins des Antilles suddoises. <[ ISutl. ilv la Soc. Gvol. lie ]-'raucc, sdr. ;?, t. ii, i)p. 1'2'>, VH't. 1875. A preliminary note, drawinj,' attention to the fact tliat tlie Miocene Echinold* of the Antilles have a close resenil)hince to those derived I'roui the same beds iu Malta and other Mediterranean islands. Cotteau, — . Koliinids of the West Indies. "^h'unijL Svenakn I'dcnHkapg' Akud. IlaiulL, Bd. xiii, No. (!. 187.'). (Not seen by the writer. ] Credner, G. R. Ceratitos fastigiatns and Saleuia cexana. <^ Ziiluvhrifl J'iir d, (ivnammlen yittniufhu., Bd. xii, pp. 10.")-11G. pi. v. 187."). De.scribis S'llciiin iiraita from the Cretaceous (!) deposits of Texas. Credner, Hermann. Die vor-silurischen Gebildoder oberen Halb-Insel von Michij^an. < Xeitschr, dir Dcntsch. OeoL lies., Bd. xxi, pp. riKWol). 18(i;i. Credner, Hermann. IMe Kieide von New J('rsey. <^ZcihLhr. di'r Deutsch. GvoJ. Gis., vol. xxii, jip. litl-i.")l, pi. iv. lt^7i;. A cnnsiderable section of this menmir is devoted to tlw description of tli" fossils mot with in the Cretacious deposits of New Jersey, and another deaU w itii their vertical exteii- tion mid ftratitjraphicHl relations. Dana, J. D. <>n the supposed legs of the Trilobite, Asaphus platycephaliis. <^ Ann. and Mag. Xui, JHhI., ser. 4, vol. vii, pp. ;!()G-;i(')8. 1871. An ndviince copy of au article imblished in the Amer. Jouru. .Sfi. and .Irli., May, ISVl. D'Arcliiac, — . Note snr rexisteneo des restes orsauiiiues dans les Kochi s Laureutienncs dn Caiiiida. <[ Complm J'cndiis. vol. liii, pp. IHJ-I'JI, l-^G-j. A note iires'iitKi by M, I) Ai' ' i;ic on tlie part of Dr. W. B. Carpenter as to the dis- covery of KoiKi'tii cnniih nsi . D'Archiac, Vincount, mid Edouard de Verneuil. On the fossils of the older dei)t)sits in the Khenish Provinces; preeeded by a general survey of the (auiui of the I'alaozoic Rocks, and followed by a tabular list of the organic remains of the De\oniau System in Europe. <^ TraiiH. Gvol. Soc. Loud., ser. 12, vol. vi. jiart ii, jip. :.lO;5-'illO. 4 . 1'^ l"». In the classified list puiiplied by the authors of the fossils of the older deposits of the UhenLsh I'rovinces, and of the Devonian syslein of Kiirope generally, many ppecies aro determined as occurring In corresponding deposits in Nortli America. Davl Scotia. V i „„,,„._;(;,y,u-/w'iaia W(5'»- ., , „„a fl.ur..\. th» following l.eL.g a> w . / ^:£:::..; , ^ - ■ "- _„„, „„,|Wir.iamKto6. "'■ " „„„r(.,Io«i». «'•l■*•'■ ^:£ :.::-, V,.. ---,tf :;::--- r - r-jr- ;U, i.l8. i and ii. ,,,.. „,,..i, M-.a-s .»■« f.-i'""^'" ''" ,,,., f„.U. of .UU .on.Uion .0 « '• t,.u.WHl.water in type. v,„au.u.ifora. Coccol.U.^.^V'..' Dawson. G- !»• , j- j^inuiubu. < ' """"• in the Cretaceous UuoKs oi :;:"=-:-: k:':;::S'-t^^^^^^ ■"" ^ iv/r U..)H)vt ou the ^eolojTN -i'"' '^ ^f Hie Woods to the tW (intl.eCoal-Meaauiertoi 111 ^_^.^_ DaWBOn, J- W • ^ ; ,„„J., vol. X, in>- > »- i,„„„.im,r.mul>i uih. ilg- 'Ih.. InviTtebruto lo»"iis ,.,„,„ KJ«,.r,U»la...l- „, ,„.„., .nl.. ™'"" Ibclr f«»Ml-. InChnpt.rXUUP. 92 lUBLTOCillAl'IIV OF liNVKUTEHUATK PALEONTOLOUY. (JoiilM.Mimiri-H iiriMniati'il nf. In Cli'iplei XVl (pp. 2'<'i-:iU), iliu author given anarroiint of till' fosHilii lit thii Ciirl)iiniti'ron» I.liunslimi', ili'iii'rll)iiiK in now lAthoatr'ttinn pictoemi, Za- pliriiilia tnini.i, ('ijnlhnphijUinn hilliilif'i, S'viiopnra irilia, t'eiirKtclla lyiili, Ithyiichuiiclla ilia Hurll, It.ifiiiii/rliiKi Uiirit, Ointrniirlln anna lliirtt, M^idioln pimlri, M, nrniiia, Pte- roiiiles jfnijcnaiH, Mncrihlon hariliiiui, M. nirtiis, M. • nhiihniiriiilirnfiii, Ediniiniliii kartii, E. anomiilii, Vi/prienriHn iiini'i'in, Pli:iir' ■ilinrnn iinailrii'nsintiia, Carilinin unhannnliila, C. itnliiimuneniiiii, Area pitnctifer, Avicnlnpn'te.n lijMi, A. relinilatUH, A. timpler, A. rora, A. k'l)rrliann.i, iloniilaria jiliiiiii'n.itaia, Knnmphiibin rturtiviin, Naticapnia ilinpa^fa, I'laly- Sihiama (hiUia, It'iruiifma arntiiln, MHrrhimnin ifi/puca, M.trir'mitiihitn, PUurnlomnria dia- prrsa, i*. ignahilh^ Xaitfilua ai'Ditftiahf ii'irortraa harltii, Orthoi'.rrna dtlaUtm, O. vhidoho- iiinHf, (K pfrsf.i'ictitni, Spirnriti'* itm^iilatii ', Syrpitlifra hiirtiitii'n''h, S, a nun buna, 5. inrlrgant, mid lli'i/ric'iia jii'iinii. In Chitplcr X VII U'P' 'tHil-IW), tlie I'ulinonate MdIUisok, Myriapoiit, unci liiKf rtH of lht< N'nvii Srotiii C"Hl-Korini»tii>n iiri- ilescrilu'd. At pp. ."ijll-.ljl! h mi Hci'ount of tti« CriislaociiiH anil In'teilii of tlii' Devonian, tlii' laltiT (likn tlin InntctM of llii' Civrlionifcr- oun) bi'inti duMrriticd by Mr. Si-ml.liT. In ('liapter .Will ari' noticcK and IIkId of tlio Uppor Silurinn fonnila, Dii'i/oiirma inhaliri bi-ini; tl','uruil an iimv. IJi'HcrlptlonHof the Upp"r Silu- rian foH.Hil!! (pp. .Vil-lilD) iirti Rivi'ii, prini'ipally an publinhml by I'rnf. ll.tU in 18li(), but sonii) ni'W I'.irnH art' iliiHeribtHl. Kinally. thi' iiutliur Kivrs ili-siTiptioiit (pp. (il I-'mT) of the Piiinoidial fossils of tliK .\railiaii OrcMip In a M^, ii'itm by .Mr. II irtt, a iinniln'r of uew fiiriiiH buing I'lmrai't'-risiMl uinl figured. Dawson, J. W. 8iii)pl(,'i!H'iit to \\w hccoikI tMlilion of Aciidiaii (ioolojjj', coiitiiiiiiiio; additional fact.s as to tlu)};enloo;ica) stnictiim, t'oH.sil rciiiaiii.s, and mineral resources of Nova Scotia, New Itriiiiswick, aixl I'riiico Edward I-slaiid. pp. 10"2. witli IS on<;ravini;.s. Montreal, 1878. Tli'sBuppli'iiU'iit contains nil tlio new niatti!r In 'lie lid I'dilion of the "Ai'iidian fji-ology". Tliero are varioui* noti'H on, and lljg'Uii'H of, invertebrate fosnilH from tbe (.'arboniferontt aud.Slluiian. Dawson, J. W. .Supplementary cliaptor to Acadian Geolo;ry. 1- . pp. 70. Kdinbiirjjli, l^liO. With enj^ravini^s. Noficea and flguren fossils from the CarbonilVroUH, Devonian, and .Silurian forinationM, Dawson, J. W. On tho newer PliociMio and I'ost-Pliocene deposits of tho vicinity of Montreal, with notices of fjssiis recently discDvered in them. <^ (aiKul. Nat., vol. ii, p]i. lOl-liCi, plate vii. l^TiT. Contains a I'.escriptive list of the Post-I'liocBiie deposits in the iieii;lil)oulio id of Mont- real. Dawson, J. W. On the Lower Coal Measures as developed in ISritisb America. < <^h(iirt..loin-ii. Ciol. Soc. Loud., vol. xv, pp. (5'i-7(J. 18."i'.». Part III of thin memoir treats of the fauna of the Lower CoalMeanures. The Inver- tebrate remains noticed cmnytn^a Kntomnalraca, Annelide burrowM and tracks (tigsi. (i and 7), Bupposed Crustacean tracks (tig. 8), and a small IJnio-like Bivalve. Dawson, J. W. On a Terrestrial Mollusc, a Chilofrnathons Myri.'ipod, and Homo new species of Heptiles, from the Coal-Formation of Nova Scotia. < (*iiart. .fourn. G, pis. vi, vii. 18(m. The author gives a detailed description of tlie structure of the bodies described by .Sir William Lig.-m as being organic and as occurring in the Lower Lanreiitian Llir.estoncii ...1..., f.iith.r oom-»vu\< « >'•>< '•' ■ l.•ol•(l"''"'/' imlhor lurlh.r oo.K-ivui. > Dawson. J. W, » . ^ ,,,,, ,,,a.V.>n«u«.»' < N-'^ ,,„„„,.. /u.n.. l.s.-.,.tl ( ''''^'^^f, ''!:,, ■,,.,,., .....l..n. ..«■ I. S" . '• '■■ "•'■ "^'"■" , , „„,„,, ,„ ,„, J..« •" ' "- '"' "::..;,,,...-.».-.......,.».»,.---"• -"•• Dawson, J. W- ^: „ ,,,,, ,„• . vol. n. m>. «l- Tn.lonsne. <. « " . .• ,.,..1 notes <»1 »>" '"''''*• „„ , W. on o..v,uu. ov.tauu. -"''^ ,' ,,,.,n.-Ul. l"^'- °^T"Lo.T:;n....^;:.;^;;|:;;;--;^^ vc,.,. / (...(»., V»'»- '^''"•' *'l • ' .>,.,„ of tlio Bon.r«l appear- ,.K..auau..r,«eoWc^U«^-«^^^^^^^^^^^^ ,, „,. *^''^'-^^^^ ;::^ .o... Lake an. Bock, ut -l'"*"- '"*'". '^r m.x. .».*l* «'«" '■«'-''''r*''.rhr objection, brought for- 'vUlch the caua»..y.wm ha. b. . dUcoVorod .rho.«thor»ot«..U---;:-^^^^^^ „p,.«.„l. .VsctUnum. of th.m by M ^^^^ discovered „ J W on souu«nMU.i«. of l^^a>r,V: >•:.»., mnvsor..voUii, Dawson, J. w- '^ . i v.uv UrmiA^viok. v^t^""""- iu Nova Sootn* ««»<» ^«>^ "; ^^^,^ ui> >»0'2--2i>li. with r. NVOiMU'Ut^. earboniferou. a«A Devomau * ^ „ . dWcovorv of l«..-ct.r.noaU,s in the ^^ „ ,,„„„,; (Carbou- .„,..;«..--«. ?rom .he IKvoumu. \n milLlOUIlAlMIY OF INVKllTKURATB PALEONTOLOGY. Dawson, J. W. Additirtiuil notes on tlio r.wt-lMioci'iio (lenosits of the St. Lawicmo Viillfy. < rVfiidiJ. .V.(^, vol. iv, Irt.V.t, pp. '-i:!-:}'.*, with If. on- gravinjis. l"'tilt. Tilt' HUtlior (U'Hcribi'D nml flBiinn tlit> Fdraminifira m\il Hryir.oa {I'ohjzon] of tlie Poit- Pliocene il>'|)n,iltH of Lower Ciiiittilft. Of thu former « npi'de*, »ail of thi' latti'r B Hpecleii nro .•nuiiicrrtli'd, of wliicli /.|)ic strucuiiro of some Ctinatlian Ijimo- stoiicH. < Camul Xat , vol. iv, pp. ICl-KW, with (! woodcuts. IHii'J. Treat* of the microscopic coimtltntlon of the Trenton, Black River, and CUany Lime- gtoncH, HhowhiK that all of theae are eaiiontlally of organic origin. Dawson, J. W. Note on Honio now aninuil reniains from the Ciirlwniferons and Devonian of Canada. < (iiuirt. Jo urn. G'««/. Soc. Lontl, vol. xxvi, p. KJfi. [Abstract.] 1870. Dealu chlelly wltU verte!>ratc», but notices noiae Insect-remains from the Coal-Moasures. Dawson, J. W. On the Silnrian and Devonian Rocks of Nova Scotia. < ( amul Xiil., vol. v, pp. i:t:!-l.j:!. 1670. This paper Is principally a gpolojjical one, but the fossils of the various lockgroups are noted, mid one new specicH, viz, Dictijuiiema wehstiri Hall, Is figured. Dawson, J. W. Notico of Tertiary fossils from Labrador, Maine, &c., and remarks on the climate of Canada in the newer Pliocene or Ploisto- ceno period. <^ Canaih Xat., vol. v, pp. 188-liOO, vith 5 enjjravinjjs. l."<70. Notices a collection of fn!<«Hs from the Post-Pliocene deposits of Tertiary Bay on the coast of Labrador, amon,{st which are several I'draiuiiiifera. The only new species is Noiiioniii ' lahrndori-ii. A oollecliou of Post-Pliocene deposits from Portland, M.ilne, Is also noticed, and the author likewise notlcos the occurrence of fresh-water shells In certain Post-Plioceue dcponits. Dawson, J. W. Notes on the Oeology of Murray Uay, Lower St. Law- rence. <^ I'unmJ. y'at., vol. vi, pp. 1:58-151. 1871. Contains lists of the fossils discovered, In a note at the end, Mr. Billings describes aiid tl),'ures as u new species Liiigula ffa, from rocka of the age of the Black lliver Limestone. Dawson, J. W. Post-1'liocpno Goolof^jy of Canada. < CaiiatJ. Xnt., now ser., vol. vi, pp. l!)-42, 1(U)-187, '.>41-'2.'.l>, 3f)l)-»l(). 1871. A series of papers descriptive of the geological and paht'ontological features of the Post-l'liucene deposits of Canada, subaeiiuently published In a collected form (Montreal, )87-J). Dawson, J. W. Notes on the Post-Pliocene Geology of Canada, with espe- cial reference to the conditions of acciunnlation of the deposits and the marine life of the period. 8\ pp. 112, with 7 plates, Montreal, I87'i. Most of the matter of this work was originally published in the form of a series of papers In the Canadian XMiiralisi between Ig-IT and .?5(), In Sir William I,ogan'« Report on tht (icofogy of Canada for 1883, and in the author't: Acadian Qeulugy, The present work snminari»es the facts and conclusions of the previous papers, adding a number of fresh facts, and correcting the formerly published lists of fossils, and thus presenting as complete a view as possible of the geology and pahcontology of the superficial deposits of Canada. The second portion of the work (pp. uli-lOj) is occupied with a catalogue, often of a critical character, of the fossils of the Post-Pliocene deposits of Canada ; and the third part (pp. 102-112) is largely concerned with the relations of the Post-Plioceue fossils to <|Uestlons as to the derivation of species. DaW or. II. ,,,, 40:«. Lomloii.t"**-'-^-H^^ ,„,.„.... A p„p«Ur account of th«-«cc..i , ...U the I'rot- 7r,i"fci"». , . , ,„.:,,,^ „( agnatic nnimnN nntl >»« - , w TbeD.uvuof Life; -°« ^^^^ f," L and to tho aev.U.l- ,„e„t ot the anunal ku.^ao, ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ .U^lutUe Known --—«;--„, ,,,.,™,.„.a j;^-— ::;^;,,. ««.. Ar- neriptive -ketch " /'"' ^"J, rLaureutlan lAmc.tonOH » J "^"^.^ ,„,,very of K.:..;.'. .howiug the .llHtribnOon n the U ^^^^^^^ _^^^,p^ ^^i,ieh le i to t ^^^^^ .^ ^,^. geatonll. Next. « ''-^'-y '-,«;« by C^rven.".' ««'» "- "f ! ,. J .ul iUU I. o.o.n,.«r.Hl L.l tt recora of »» >■""»""'""„„,« «tmctare exhibited by A- ■ " ^ „.■„„ ,he umu- ^ith the 8tvuct«rc ot recent !• ^„j „itu k ':"°7'^™ .le.U» with the *ucce-.- Zx m which K»-.-i'. "»« ^'"'" ^7 i„ ,„e Hixth chapter, «''7" ""'^Xr".'., S.r,m.<.<..r-«. chapter treats of certain l CaUlhriaii 291. 1»**^- , , fou'Kl in the^e rocks it. Cmaaa •---TfS5r:=r-<. - Pierve. <^V"""\ «. rAte St. 9G ninLioauAriiv of invkutkuhate pai.kontolooy. Ill diVu. NiimiTiiunclirysotllH v^lnn pan* llirnilgli the lliii«iitoa«, lint llie milbor cnnrludt't lliiil tlicy are allntti'lhi'rmilHfiiiU'iil lothc f.imll in iirliflii. Tlieclo»« ri'DemblHiioo of w«'uth- cicil Mpiilnii'iH tM .ST'imnl i/i'tV't is liiHittt*! upon ; unit two nt'W IViniiit nf fi.iMnn cii'iJilmtt lire MfKiTili"'! 114 viir. ini'itir mid viir. fir-rviilin i. Tin' liiiio>t'i|i« iiiMnDtiiiii'K coiit*in« imiinrmiK litlli" Klubnii' i-iwl* of I'limulnrli'ts, sliiulf or attai'luil In Rroiipii. euch of nrhtrh linsjuHHcii till' niriicliiri- (if till" " |iiii|ii'r wall " of Kn-.iuni. For tlu'Hi-, Ihi- uiithnr propo«e< till' liaiiii' of Ar,-liuiiMi)>i,rriiiii . DawBon, J. W. Eozoiln ciiiiikIoiiho nocnnliii}; ti> lliilin, -^ .tnti. ami Mag. .^(l^ Jiixt., HIT. 1. vol. x\ iii, itp. ','i)-;h. i>t7. A critical uollco ot a incnioir by Ilaliu (.tu-e jmst.), In wiiifli i;ii> latli'r t>iiili'u\our« to hIiow that ICir.DuH U a iiiiii'ly inintTHl Mriirturf. Dawson, J. W. Noti- on two I'jilii'Dzoic tlrii.staciMiiiH from Nova ISootia. <^i,,ol(iiii<(il M(iijii:tiii, I)i't'iiili) II, vol. iv, pp. ."iti-.")"", with '.* eii^riiviiiV>)ty of tin- towiwhips of Wiinlhiiin iuul Mitl- iUetoii, county of Norfjlk, k'. W. <,' Caiivl.Jo ii-n., iii>\v SL>r., vol. vi, pp. •J7.">-y77. l-(il. t'onlBlni) li«t< of foi»iS iliscDvcrtv! m ttiu Orinkany auil U iraifarou-i form ilicnii. De La Beche, [sir] H. T. Kfinarks on tin; Geology of Jaiiiiticn. < Ti'an». Ueol. Sov. Lon.L. hit. '2, vol. ii, pp. 1 IH-llM. l"",".*. Contains a few inti's on tlio fnsnilH. Desor. E. Synopsis dos I'l'liiiiiilos fossih-t. I'.iiis, l-i-. i>;\ 4'Ji), witli atlas of plates. Deiicribi'H viiriou* fosnil Ki'liinoiiln from tlin Auu'rican province. Desor, M. E., und Edward C. Cabot. <)u tbo Tertiary and nioiu recent depositH in the Island of Nantucket. (In a letter to Sit Cliarle.s Lyell.) < (,»««»•/. Joiini. (ivol. S'jr. Loud., vol. v, pp. ;ilO-'J44. HI'.*. Contain* li»tii of l'i>«tPliocone foHsila (principally M>llii«f(i) from Nantnckft. Devine, T. Description of a new Trilobito from the Quebec Group. < Caiirtd. Xat., vol. viii pp. 'Xt-OS, li^s. 1 and 2. l.'^t>;J. The apecles it iledcribej a. J'.eniit t lugani, Mr. Billiugn ailiU a nutf on Itn HlHiiiticd. Devine, T, noscription of a now Trilobito from the l^uebec Group. < C(((i«rf. Sat., vol. viii, pp. 'JIO, '.ill, with woodcut. l-Ti:!. The 8peciuii \i deacrlbod an Menocep'ialua talieri. D'Orbigny, Alcide. I'lilt'ontologie de Cuba. In Ramox i>k i.a Saoh.v's llixtoire I'hysiiiiii, Politiiinr it Xalurelle ik Vtk dr Cuba. Taris, 1S;U). (Dencrilieii the Foramhiifcra and Mollusca, Not aeon by the writer.] D'Orbigny, Alcide. Prodrome do ral<'ontol»>;ie Htratigraphiqno uuiver- selle des Animaux Mollusques etUayonnds. 3 vols. J'aris, li:J50-.V2. Dcrtui'H a few upecie* of Atnerleau foiisllit, and cuumerateo many otliem. Duchassaing, P. Essai sur la constitution giSologique de la parlie basse de la Guadeloupe, dito la Grai de-Terre. < />'«f/. de la Soc. Ct'ol. dt France, a6r. 2, vol. iv, jip. 109;!-1 11)0. li:?47. Thl* memoir i< principally geological, but tl;e nut'.ior notes nomc of fh'> foiiaila. i II.— l'UIILHATI(»NS MAI»K IN niMIISlI AMKKICA, ETC. 97 Diichaataliig. P. oii<«i>i°viitioii-> Hiir Ic^t foriiiiitioiiii iuoiIitid-s ii|u<. <^ Ihill. lU III .Sii(. (li'oi dr I'rnnve, wr. •,', vol. .\ii, jip. T.'ht-7ril>, l"*.Vi. Thl4 mpiiinir I'ln'a'ot n«l>'ii on ih>< I'oMiU nniini:i' ili V'i«riH(), HtM'. "J, vol. xi\. pi». «t»-:«(U, with 10 |>lntt'8. HiiT. Till* ui-in >lr tri';ii« |iriiici|i;illy <>f ihi' r.'o.Mi^ CuriiU nf iln' Aiilllli'ii, Iml uoticeii hIm ■ii lli West Iiiiliaii I^lamlH. Part 1, x ',*i»»'l- >lonni. Ceol, Sor. /.oik/., vol. \ix, pii. 4(>ii-|."i(J, pis, xiii- xvi; Tart II, ■' ;•«•; Part IV, ^ihiil., vol. .wiv, p]>. '.>-:!;(, jils. i aiitl ii. i«t;;i-(W. Kiuiin"rHt«>< Hill .t.>«iTlli.'< A l»iif« mi.iili.T of lu-w iiiul of prevl m-ly i^conl'it upodcn of foii.iil C'.ir«l'< I'mih llif W.'*! Iml-". (irinclpaUy frnii AiiliKiiH lin I Him noiniiigo, Imt iil^o from jHiiiKii'ii. ll,irli:tloi>4, Oii;k'litloii|ii-. Tiiiii'l il. \'''. Til' Hutlior hIko inHic>'K a nuiulur (if t.'''Ui'ral iiliii'rvHii'iii I on llm Kfiii'ni an I Hpi-i'it'4, uail ittatrts lii.4 f')QcUi'ii'< a* lu tUe ii|;a ol till" ili'p'wltH ill wliicli tlii'itii fiKtUn in'our. Ill l*«rl II, 111!' aiiilior ili«i-riln'!< J:? npin'iH* nf fo«iil Cornls from tln' Mioocni" fonimtiom of Shu Doiniaiti), l.'i np.'i'ii" li.'iug urw niii.<. Tli« spi'i'iiu'iH witp forwanleil to the (Ipo- lo^ioHl Sii ii'ly by Mr. I. iiu lali". aloiik' « tli h iI 'ut In lies in partien'.ar, bull prior I') mlu"rttllja- lion itiirini; the prm-ets of fns-ilisHti'Mi. lit I'ari IV. Dr. Dnnean troHM prinelpally of the fojwll CoraN of the Terliary ilepositij of .Sna Ooni,iin,«, (i »pei>le« being ileM'ribeil n* new. .Some farther notert ou the .Sau Do- inin.;o Coralii are Hit.le.l, J upecleH beins ileilueil for llio tlrst time; ami the Antijjuaa l-i'ral*. with ,'• new upeeies. are ileserib mI. The now ({en"ra l.amUnMr,r,i aui Diiilnr.e- •I ill are fotiinl.'il. Tliti memoir ooiu'inles with a lulile of ih" nynonynn au'l localities nf the ("retHoi'ons, K.wene, nni Mioeeiie I'nralii of th' West IniHos, aiil with a iliHCUSiiiou us to the natui-e aiul aliianees of the (.'orallami.e of this region. Duncan, P. Martin, f'n tin' lorn'Iation of the MiociMie bmls of the \V»'st Iiulian Islaiuls; aiul on tli'' syiirhroiiisiu of tho Cliort-forniitioa of Aiiti^iia with tlio lowost Lim-vstout' of M ilta. <] . Treat* of the AHphiilftm rirfinianns of the Miocene Tertiary of Virginia, which the •iithor helievei) to be upocidcally ideutioal with a recent form. Mis. r«ib. No. 10 7 t i ! 08 UlULKMiWAl'in el- INVKIM KUKATl'. I'ALEONKtLoaY. Duncan, P. Martin. ""'/ O, P. Wall. A iiotii-f of tlie «leol(tj(y of litmaira. ('»|)crjally willi rrtt'i'i'iiro (o tint JliNtrit't of ('lai'iMiiloii, witli , ami Mi mm> (.'omIh of tlio iMliiiiil-i. ■ '.'"i('7. .Iiiiini, (hol..Sit,, l.iHiil., vol. \\i, pp. 1-1.''>, pis. i, ii. Til" piil.i int"l"ijli'iil |hirtli)n nf tlii< iiii'iiiiitr coiitHliin luillrcn nr ili'm'rlpll mik hI i>7 npi" il.'Hot CiMHlii, of wliiiliwiiro ilHKiTlbeil HH iifw. TtiH piipi'p coiicOiiili'ii Willi riiiiiKrkii on I ho HlVniitli't of iIm> npi'cli-ii. ami nit iln' c«rr«lutiuii of thi< Crat.icvoiiii, KuceiU', Hiid MIovouh • triilii I r .l.iiiiiii 'II Willi lliom' of Kiiropi', DybowBkl, W, N. Mouo^iiipliii> ilcr /ioaiitliiniii Hrl*ii'oriiiitlii sun tier Silnrfoniiatioii KstlaiidN, Noitl LivlitiiiU, iiiiil ilcr IihhI Ootliiiiil, iiulmt I'iiici' .SynopHis allor p.'ilai'o/iiisi'lii'ii (iattiitiKi'ii ilinscr Alitlitiiliiiii; iiiiil I'iiuT Syiioiiyiiiik iltT ila/ii j;olii'irij;i'ii biTfits bukiiiititdii Artoii. [.Muiio< );iii|ili of (lii> Kii>;ost< Coi'uls of tliu .Silariait formation of Kstliotiiii, Noi'thfrn Livonia, ami tlio l!4iaiiil of (iotlaml, to^fcthor with a Nyiiopsis of all till' I'alii'o/.oic m-m-ia of tiiis j;roii|>, ami a syiionymy of tim hitliiT- to rt'conlwl upocios.] - . pp. 'J7ti, with ."(plates. Dorpat, l"^7ll and 1"<7I. Di-lliH-K iWvi'rHl ^KinrH of North AiiU'ilciiii Hiik'i*' CoriiN, iiml kIvvh ii Myiionyiiiy of ILp riToriliil npi'i'li'ii 111 fttili ir.'iiiK. Ehrenbeig, Christian Gottfried. I't-bcr ilii' niikiosnopisclifn kit^wd- Hrhali^en rol,\oyMtim'ii als niiirhti^c Ouliirf^NinasMt' von U.irbiuloN. fOti till' microHcopiu silicfous I'olyi'ystinn as foriiiiiin whole mountain-inasse^ ill Harbadoes. ] -^^ Muntitubtrkht d. A'. A'. Akud. d. Uiii. Itvrliii, 18 .7. (Ill tbi' Pi'lycyslluii of tln' BiirljiKlocH ciirth. Lt'ip/.i;,', lf".")4. pp. U74 Ehrenberg, Christian Oottfried. .Mikro};oo1oKio. and pp. Hf, with 40 plates. Thin work coniuiin ilfHprlptioni Hiiil rtirnrHK iif niimi-roim AiiiTiciin ani\ Mi- croplitjin. Till' Hi'conrt portlou of the work it i'xi'luiiii l'cily<'VHHiii'ti-.Mi'i;^i'l villi Miiiliuilni. [(.'iiiitiiiiiatiini of Micr(>^i>iili)|;i('.iil Mtiiiliiw.ii ^l•ll(M',ll r<>vli'Wol' tlii> iiiirpmuopir i'liLroaiiiJo^y III' ruriMiilitttm which liiivo Im-i-m siiiiihiily iiiiiil.VHnI, willi .s|ifi'iiil i'i'rluiii>ll<>i\H wliii'li il '(' b'lii iill'illly HXiM!iili'r| plHli'i*, Emmerich, H. T. Do TrilnhitiH iliHMfitiitio prlti'i'iK.'t's, II 'luliiii, 14:i'.). UrMTllii'ii K'lniM AiiiiTlriiii Tillnliili'ii. (Etheridge, Robert.] On tint ncriiiriMK!)* of niiiiiial t'osHilN, with a IIn^ (•rKriU'rii. •■ Afiiiiiiilir J lit " flriinvt on Ihr fifologi/ of Trinidad", I'nrt f !>/ lilt IVihI Indian (iiiiUujiiiil Siirnii, h,y I'. Wall iinil ,1, (J. SiiwkiiiM. jip. iV.l-Klli. IHIKI. C'lnlHliiK linliiiif iiciltnoullu'l'oKl riiixTin', Mli"yii(>, ami Creliii'i'iiiinfoiiBllH of Tilniilml. Etheridge, Robert. Noti-i, mi hduw iiii'k-Npfoi;iieiis I'riiin tlm Aictlc-Atnori run Ai'i'liipt'iiiKo. In tlii^ " Wlijiliii); cniisu to lliilliii'it Iluy iitid tho <^iiill' (if llodthiii, mill mi iicroniit ot' the rtHcim of IhniTinvof tlii^ ' Polaris' ", by Albert IIiiHtiiiKK Mai khitiii, H. N. 'i . Loiulon, 1871. OoiitnlDii II lint lit ru('k-H|i«clini>nH, luduiling Mume t'pprr .Siliirliiii romilU. Etheridge, R., ,/'ii/f'/'. On the relatioimliip cxistin;; botwoHii the Kchino- thnriilii', Wy villo 'riioniMoii, anil tlii< I'crisi'lioecliiniilii', McCoy. < (^tiiart. .fuiirn, y M. I'iiiart.] <^ Compten Jknd., \STi, vol. Ixv. jip. 17Hl-17H(;. Th» Hiilhor ileHcrilii-H tli« fuimiln collpcti-d liy M, I'inHrt hi it vIhII u> Aliinka. AmoDeit tht-HC in Maniilii lalinnria, Indicutini: lliu oicurrHticu of atrata ; by Captain Back ". 1 vol. S^K pp. r.4l{-r)ti'i. Lonilon, IKM). CoDtalna notes l>y Mr. .stokea on viniie iiiHHilH ubiaiiird from limeiitone at I..:ike Winni- VS- Forbea, Edward. On the V(>m\ Shells collected by Mr. Lyell, from tho Cretaceous Formations of New .leisey. < (Jiiart. Jouni. (Ivol. Sov. Land., vol. i, pp. tU-Cl, with 7 euyraviiifjs. 184"). TbU pape' in au appendix to one by Sir Cljarle< Lyt-ll deicribing the Cretaccoug itrata (if Sew Je-dey, 4c. Ulimrt. Jctiru. (livl. Sh:, \o\. 1, p. 55). Theii(;e(.-ieiiofijhelIj< collected by Sir Carles ainouutcd to lit) in niiiubcr, and of theiie the following fonr are described as s-v. .—Oitrta mibfiintulala, Lima rrti.-itlaut, Ttmhraluln vanu/emiana, and Bulla mor- toiii. A note is added by .Sir (;lmrle» I.ycll on two Fmimiuifira from the same beds. 100 IllULIOGRArilY or INVERTEBU IK PALEONTOLOGY. [Forbea, Edward.] 1 tost ript ion of soiiio m-w Fossil Sliolls from Bissex Hill and fSprinj^iield in Barbados t'ominnniunted by Sir Uobort H. iSchonibnrjiix, I'll. 1)., nionibor of tlie Imperial Acadomy Nat. Curios., «!to. < .tun. ami Mug. Sat. Hint., soi. 2, vol. i, jip. :M7-;H0, with ."> wood- cuts. I'i-i'^. An excerpt from Sir Robert .Schomhurgk'H '• History of BurbaiJos ", comiirising de- sorlptiona by Prof. E. Forbex and !'• -ures of .''faliiria ilircubcrgi. iS'ucula ,i,'ekiri, aud N. fcluiinfntri^liii. Fromentel, E. D. Inliodnotion a I'otndc des r.i>()n>;e» Fossilos. [Intro- duction to the stmly of Fossil Sponj^os.] 4-\ pp. .50, with 4 plates. Caen, IS.V.). The only Amorii'au I'lnii di'*c'ril>9d in tliis work is rnliochnniii (Vahrnfimngia) njat/ii- formit {- roriii:< cijithijormts Hall) from tU; Tranton I.imostoue of tile State of New York. Oabb, W. M. Notes on \Yest Indian Fossils. <^ (Icohijiail Mar/aiine, Decade II, vol. ii, i>p. rj|4, .">45. l'*73. The author uoteii that certain fossil shellii M-hii-h he ha from tli" Cretaceous, Miocene, aud I'ost- Pliocene deposits of San Domingo. Oeinitz, Hans Bruno. Die Graptolithen, ein mono^^raphiscber Versuch ziir Beiirtheilnns der Gi'auwai'keuforiiiution in .Saobscn nnd den au- j;renzeuden Liiiuler-Abtlieilnngen, sowie der siliirischen Formatiou iiberbaupt. 4\ pp. .">'^, with C plates, l.oip/ic, l-o'i. Though Hpocially devodd to German Graploliicn, some Ani'Mican forma are nolirnd. f^nnniiiidh Emmons is referred to the Grnplnliihl^. nwX the genus A'trco^/viyi'i/s fouuded for the reception (if tliis and of .Vini'n, Ai:mir/ilf». and Mijriaitiui. (irnpioUihits gracUU Hall and a. tlhiKhnin-njiliis'/ lirlliniiui I'i'out and G. oiwiinareits Hall are referred to the iSertulariaus. Geinitz, Hans Bruno, (.'arbonfornjation nml Dvas in Nebraska. <^ I'cr- hatidt. (lir hditoliclnt.}t(ttiliiro-('r-<(lur, Bd. xxxiii.pp. i-xii and 1-'.)1, with 5 plates. l"iG7. Till' iial.rontological portion of Important memoir Is occupied with the description of 9* species of iiiVfrtflirati' foss'ls iVoni the Carl)nniferou iund Permian Hocks of Nebraska, The paper conclud.'S with a tabular list of the fussils coUeete.l by M. Marcnu in thesa forMUilious in Nelira»ka. Geinitz, Hans Bruno. C'aibon-Forination undDyasin Nebraska. <^Xi'Hes •lahrh./iir .yin.,t;ii>ij)>., deol. und /V/»v/t»A/< (lA iiHrf', Jahrj;. isO", pp. 1-1). A general revi.nv of tin' Carboniferous and Permian deposits of Nebraska, with uoteg on the fossils. Gesner, Abraham. Uciiaiks on the Geolojjy and Mineralogy of Nova ^rrotia. Halifax, l*:!(i, jip. 'JIm. Contains notes on the fosi^ils. Gesner, Abraham. First report on the Geological Survey of the Tro- viii(!e of Now Brunswick, St. John's, l-^lW, pp. 87. Soiond rejtort on the same, l'^40, pp.7fi. Third report on the same, 1841, pp. HS. Fourth report on the samo, 184'2, pp. 101. These reports are primarily concerned with the geological structure of the province of New Bruuswlek ; but they also contain scattered notices of the fossils met with. II.- -PU«I,ICATION« MADE IN BRITISH AMERICA, ETC. 101 Oibson, John. (r., vol. vii, [-i). :il— 10. li'i\. CoiitniiiK ncitcH on tlio l'os^iN. GoldfusB, August. letrefactii Oermauiic. l-S.'O. DnscribtH HoriiO N'ortli .Vm"i-i;'au fosi!il« (V. ^. f'(ifo.0, pp. :M;t-;!(;(i, with :? plates. (>>iitiiiu4 II I'ouipli'to list of llie (irjCiinic nMiiuiiis known iit thn iihovc dati! n« occniTinR in NortiiwpHtorn Auierlcii iinil in tlic AliMitian Islmi'I't. Til" iKsils aru (tinn the Ciirl)ouil'. eronn, JiirftHiiic, Tortlary, and I'osl-TiTliary. Gre\viiigk, C. Heitraj; ziir ICcniitniss der oroifrupbisclion nnd jjeofrno- stiselioii lU'sebatlenlieit diT Ni.rdrt'cstkiiste Aiiu-ricas, luit deu anlioj;eii- doii Inselii. [On tlio oroirraphy and >;e(>;;iiosy of tlio northwest coast of North America, and the ontlyin;; islands. ] H. pp. :i.")l. St. Petin's- bnr>;, H.'.O. With \ plates of fo ils. NoticeH anr>-'.iy7, i>l. xix, figs. 1-3. 1866. l)HHcril)i'» and fiRures Trrebraiiila triuiintensL, 7. cnrneoidet, and T. Iccta la new Hpei'iei). In a note iiulijiiined to the paper, Mr. Davidson druwH attention to the roaeinblauce of 7'. ciriieiiiiln (iuppy to T. carnen of the CretaceoUH on the one band and the living V'. v'una on the other hand. Guppy, R. J. Lechmere. On Tortiaiy Ecliint)d(""inM from the West Indies. <^ V""'- ■loiini. HvoL Soi: Lond., vol. xxii, pp. 21t7-;{01, pi. xix, tigs. 4-3. 1^66. Noti'H nine »|iecii'!< of Erliinoidii, of which /? •Iihuilav pna fcmlurhiii, E, lijrniicr»icut, and /.'. ovuin-si rjii ntis are described a» new, Guppy, R. J. Lechmere. On tlio rtlatioin of the Tertiary formations of the West Indies, with a note on a now species of Raniua, by Henry Woodward, Esci-, K. G. .S. ; and on the Orbitoidos and Numiuulin.e, by I'rol'. T. Rnpert Jones, F. G. S. <[ ','"<"''• •'o'"'". (itoL Sot: Loud., vol. xxii, pp. ."ti-o'JI!, pi. xxvi. 1866. lu (lie liml portion of tlilii memoir, tlie uutlior pives a general review of onr knowledge of the Tertiary (ormi.tiona of the West Indien. lu a Hecoud Bection, the author deMcrilje* Ifi new upeoies of fo^nils, of which 16 are MoUiirtCu, one in a Spirorbi», and another id fjoubtfully referred to tije .Sponges under the naniii of Chsci)) (gou. nov.) anteriscus. The pnper roncludex with obaiTviiiiouK on tlie icI.'iiaH of the fauna of the Caribbean Miocene, and a t:ible Mhowing the attinitieH of some ot the foiiiiila from thin formation. In an ap- Iieniitd note, Mr. Henry Woodward gives the name of Uiinina porifera to anew Crusta- cean from the Tertiary of Trinidad; and lu a second note, I'rof. Rnp rt Joneg discusseb the OrhituiiltK and ynmmuUiut of the Tertiary Aiiphaltic Bed of Triui ad. Guppy, R. J. Lechmere. Notes on West Indian Geology, with remarks on the existence of an Atlantis in the early Tertiary period ; and descrip- tions of some new fossils from the C'aribb(ian Miocene. <^ Geological Ma- r/aciiie, Decade I, vol. iv, ]ip. 4'.tt)-riOl, with 1 engraving. 1867. The new siiecieii deHcribed are I.nlii inrngnha, L, hinulcata, Tornalina coiilarrijma, Stnmatla fiditlun, i^'iirulti Kchnmhiir^ki, and Mitrtrti siihiiralina. The new genus Crepita- rclla is proposed for O. rrpiila Ciuppy, a Bucclnoid shell from the Miocene Tertiary. Guppy, R. J. Lechmere. On the Tertiary fossils of the West-Indies, with especial reference to the classification of the Kainozoic Rocks of Trini- dad, < /';•()('. Sri. .isxoc. of Ttitiidad, 1867, pp. 14r)-17(i. After a general Introduetiou, the aullior discnases tlie Atlantis theory, and the classifi- cation of the Tertiary deposits of Trinidad. A list of the fossil MdHuscs, Kchinoderms, Articulates, and Protozoa recorded up to this date from the Tertiary roelcs of the Carib- bian area (excluding Post I'lioceue forms) is next given. IjHstly, the author describes a number of new species of Alollusca and two new forms of Pciiiacrinus. Guppy, R. J. Lechmere. Notes on a visit to Dominica. < Proc. Sri. .Ihsoc, of Trinidiid, 18611, pp. ;i7'.>-:il'2. [St-e al.-o Civl. M, pis. .wi-xviii. 1874. The author dencribei* and figures a uumlier of Mullufca from tlie Eocene, Miocoup, and PiiocBiie deposits of tlie WeHt lu.linH, ineiuJiug 17 new iipi'cii''i, Tbo paper conoliiden witti a list of the Miillufr.a, Artinilaia, Ei-.hiiiodirmnin, and Prutoiun found la the abovB-meU- tioned depoHitH. Ouppy, R. J. Lecbmere, Supplement to the psiper on West Indian Terti- ary Fossils. < (leologkal Maguiiiic. Decade II, vol. ii, pp, 41, 4'2. I87.'>, TlilK Ik a iiuppiement to the preceding paper, in wlilcb the HUthor deiicribeg as new Lcda clnna him; Dilrupn dentatinum, and propones the name of Cnisainelln for that of ilouldia, pre-ivcupied for a genuH of birds. Ouppy, R. .7. Lecbmere, On tlie Mioeene fossils of Haiti. < Quart, •foiirii. tliol. Soc. Lund., vol, xxx.ii, |>p. ril()-,");{2, pis. xxviii, xsix, I87t>, A crlllcnl memoir, dealing principally with a communication by Prof. Oabli on •' The Topography and Oeology of San Domingo". Remarks are made upon the cbaracturs of I'ja species, all but one belonging to the Mallitsca. Twenty-one species are figured, of which 6 are new. Ouppy, R. J. Lecbmere, On the physical geography and fossils of the older rocks of Trinidad. , with 7 woodcuts. ]rtr.(>. Fully clmraeteriaes Tellinomija, Had di»cunnes thi> cburiicli>r:4 of .V/a-HdVe* C'mir. , t'u- cuUiUa McCoy, imd Lyrixhsma four. Hall, James. Descriptions of Canadian (Jraptolilcs. <'^ghaI Siir- nyof Canada: Enwrt of I'lvgrcsK /or the year l-T)?. Toronto, I'^M, pp. l(il»-14."j. In Ihii report, tin aiillior ilescribos the OrdpioliiLS found ill tlio " Ijucljuc Konimtiou " Ht Point Levis ; a fiillti- denTiptlon, accouipiinied by ciigravlngH, lieing subHeinicutly (fiven iti Decade II of tlie puljlicationn of the Canmliau Siirvoy. Tweutyoue new »pecie« of tho genu?) " Grnplolitlmi" are described and 4 new npecies of the new genua VhijUiigrtiptna. Hall, James. Note upon tho j^enns (iraptolitlms and description of some remarkable new forms from tlie shales of the Hudson Kivor Group, dis- covered in the investifjations of the C!eolo>jical tjnrvey of Canada, under the direction of Sir W. E. Logan, F. It. S. <^ Cuiiad. A'(i/.,vol. iii, pp. i;!l)-l.')0 and Itil-ITT, pis. i and ii. 1A")8. Descriptions of drnjiliiliics from tlie (jnebec Group, from the " Keporl of I'rogreHH of the (Janadiuu Geological .Survey" for IS 37. Hall, James. Descriptions of new siiecicH cf fossils from the Silurian Kocks of Nova Scotia. <^ Cunad. .^Vt^. vol. v, pp. 14l-ir>'.i, with 'M en- gravings. 18(!0. Deccribes 8 new speii"S of Braehiopoiln. 1,") new specie^* of Lainellil)iiau'hH, 'J of Gas- teropoda. 1 new form ot Orthoceraa, 2 of Trilobites), and :) of OHtrauoda. Several foriu* are described an new varieties, and some previously known species are also noticed. All the species are from the " Arisaig Series ". Hall, James. On a new Crustacean from tho Potsdam Sandstone. A hitter addressed to Principal Dawson, dated Albany, lUst October, 18(>vi. <^ Cunad. yat., vol. vii. pp. 4i;!— 14."), with an engraving. I8(i»'. Deacribea and tigurea from tlie Potsdam Sandstone of Wisconsin a singular Crustacnau (Aglafph), which appears to have possessed a caudal spine, and to have otherwise reaeiu- bled ilie recent Umiiluii. The author auggesta that it may have been thla animal which pro- duced the tracka of Prutiiliniii.i in the Potsdam Sandstone of Canada. Hall, James. Ciraptolitos of tho lj>uebet; (Jroup. < Figures and l>fncrip- tiona of Canadian Organic liemains, Decade II, pp. l.'il, pis. i-wiii, with 35 woodcuts. Montreal, l."'G."). The first portion of this work (pp. 5-f>4) is of the nature of a general introduction, deal- ing with the nature, form, and structure of Uriiptolitis, their mode of reproduction and development, their classiticalion, geological and geographieal range in America, bibliogra- phy, &.C. The second section of the report is occupied with descriptions of the apeciea which have been found in the Quebec rocka at Point Levla, Altogether, 5'J apecles are de- scribed and ligared, under the genera GraptnUlhus, Oiploifraptnii, Climaroifrnptnsi, Retio- lices, ItctiugrapluK, PhyllngrnpUts, Dciidroifrapluit, Callograplu.i, Oictyoiiema, Pliltigrnptuf, and Thamnugrapnm, Descriptions of moat of the species had been previously published in the "Report of Progress of the Geological Survey of Canada" for 1S.')7, but with- out illuatrations. In the concluding portion of his work, the author describes two 8{)ecie.4 of Graplolius from the Utica Slates of the L'nited States, introduced for comparison and illustration. Hall, James. On the occurrence of an internal convoluted plate within the b> dy of certain species of Crinoidea. < Ann, and Mag. Xal. Ilisi.y ser. "3, vol. xvii, pp. 398, 3'.)t). letKi. A note reprinted from the Pro--. Host. Soe. Nat. Hist., x, 3;i. i,._ri.Bi- OMimiiito"" BOr, '>•''• ^- . „„,„j ou ihe t'oan'l''' TV Pft'^'"°''''"«'7,,,/p.„t-PUocene to lU. l'nn.or,U»l. Mr. „„,! Post-Pliocene deposits of STb'b new species. ^ ^,^ ,^,, Mackenzie, vectieil- of ,Uo Uiver, Bud .denftt ^^^^^ g^,p^^,„. On the geology ol-tbo ^^^'^^^'^ ^f*^;,,Uels of latitvule), 180*5. „ . imt the autUor givs slior""'" L,. e^amiued in the This n.e«>o. is K ««•;;:;«:-;:;, rP.U.««ic deposits wh.h i.e had from the Cretaceovts rocks, .mdtr regiou in .l«e.tion. ij.'.^ 7I In vol. 1. PP* ' 1 1 of Cireeulami. p.^!^ fossil Uora of AlasUa. J plantbedBd'V-^"-'"'' IOC BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. Heer, Oswald. Contrilmtious to the Fossil Flora of Noitli Greenland, beinj? adescrii>tion of the plants collected by Mr. Edmund Whyuiper diiriuK the summer of ld()7. < Phil. Trans., 1869, pp. 445-488, At pp. 484, i^^. the Riithor dencribes two new inaectn (Ci'ttliten punctulalii* and Crrco- liilium ruguhsum) and an undcturiuiiiiid upecies of (hjclaii, from deposit! of Mioceno age. Heer, Oswald. Die Kreideflora der arctischeii Zone, gegriindet auf die von den swedischen Expeditionen von 1870 und 187;i in (iriinlaud nud Spitzbergon gesammelten Pllanzen. < Kong. Sveiiaka I'llenskaps-Akad. llanAUngar, now mv., vol. xii, Stockholm, 1874. Thin memoir in botanicHl. but tlie autlior describes, under the name of Iidnpain crclnce- im, H fosHJl Mjriiipod from AtanelterdUili in Greenland (p. I'JU, pi. .txxiii, tijj. 7), and also two Ubyncliophorous insects (pp. 'Jl, 92). Heer, Oswald. Nachtriigo /iir inioteucn Flora (irilnlands, enthaltond die von tier .schwedisclien Expedition im Somuier 1870 gesanuuelten mio- cenen I'llanzen. <^ Kimij. Srenska ritennkajtx-Akud. IlandliHgnv, vol. xiii, Stockholm, 1874. la adiliiiirn to tlie plant remuini, tliu antlior describes two species of Cnhoplcra (p. 25, pi. V, ti(,'s. Vi and 13). Helland, --. Oni de is f'hlte FJorde, og XatiirkiDidnkab, t'hrisliania, l-^7."i. Contains lists of shells by Sars. .u'» ''^'" ''"^ ^■'^'"". --'"» V>J-"It! Toronto, l^^d. Hunt. T. Sterry. ^\ ^. ^^. ,,^^. ^,,„, ,,,, , ^,y. l.U ,l _^^ ^^.^.^ „^ '■«»™""',.'""'"" ..d..™- ii7-7l. 1^" --_,„,„ -- - -"""" ,„r. of »:">■-. .■......,(.-.>.- ■■ - 1 i-»«toiie8, CJlVl'H ft ll-IftlUM "• • ,„r. of >.-'>■-. .......,(. -.> - Luuventiau Limestones. b«ftrlHg on Hi« u»'»f* " i ! 108 IllBLIOdRAPlIY OF INVEHTEnilATK I'ALEONTOLOrtV. Hunt, T Sterry. N'ofes on tlio silicitieation of lossiln. <^ Cumid, Xal., now stT., viii, i, (ip. iti-riO. i-' Isbiater, A K. <>ii tlip gooldj^v of flio Iliidaiii's Buy tt-rritoiii's and of portions of tlio Arctic and N'ortli-wcsttTii roj;ions of Ainorira; wiHi a foloniTil f^i'ological map. -^ V'""''' •'<>'"■''• '>'<'"'. Sur., vol. xi, pp. H(~-.V20. Thin raomiilr In pssi'iitiiilly (foolngipiil, Imt oi)nl«iii'< (jt'in-riil noliceii of iIk. fixnlla of the (I'Hfrlctii trpHtfil of. Tlio tninlls of the Crtrlnmll'iTotH fiiriimtlon. of tlii> JurnHalc ntrfttn, of till' TerliHiy bh 1 I'oHtTiTtiury ilHj,o .Mim'eiie bt-ili of Oivgnii Torrltory, are iipi'ciiilly alliuleil to. Jackson, C. J. Snr tin nionle dii rarailoxide."* Imrlani. <^ Comptvn lieiitJun, s'lil. xlvi, pp. vi.'>4,v!.'M. l-.'i-', AnnoiiHPi''< ttie ili^cnvi'ry i<( a r■^^\ of I'lrn luriii ^ horlnni nt Hraiiiti'ei-, sent to M. fille (le Bcuuniont, Jackson, C. J. Snr ridontiti' dti Piiratloxidos Iiarlani »'t (In ParadoxidoH terra-nova'. < Cttniplix /i'c/k/'is, vol. xlvii, p. '^."I'.t. Kt'J. Jameson, Robert. Notrs on tlin ifcolojiy of tlicconntriesdiseovered durinj; Captain J'arry's second expedition, A. D. l'"21-2'2-"2:?. In "Journal of a Third Vo}aj;o for the Discovery of a North West Passage from tho Atlantic to the Facilic; performed in tho years lSJl-jr», in His Miijosty's t^liips Ileclii and rnry, under tho orders of Captain William Hdward Parry". Appendix, pp. l:?J-l.")l. London, IS-iti. (JonlaiU!! viirliMiH iiotos on the fmsiU obnerved during the pxpeiUtlon. Mr. .Sloken I'oin- iii'iuicHt>'H n .iot« on h foHsil fVoni limes, mt' of the iKlimil of Iglonlik, wliii'h !< cleiirly a •ipe- cifB of lic'llltllClllitO. Jameson. Robert, Arctic jjcolo^y. In " Discovery and Adventnro in the Polar Seas and Rei^ions"'. I vol. Vi . <^ Edinhiirgh Cahhiit Library. The chapter on Arctic geology oontaius noticoH of the fossilit Jlacovered in the Arctic regioBH, Jeffreys, J. Gwyn. The fossils procured in the late .\rctic Expedition; with notes on some of the recent and living Mollnsca from the same expetlitioii. •'^.Imi. and Ma;/. Nat. Hint., tmr. 4, vtd. \x, pp. '-'•i'J-24'2. 1?:-. The foDslU descrllieil in tills coininnnicRtion wore coilecteil by the nntiirBlUtn of the Arctic Expedition of lH7."i-lt<7li in Post-Turtiary itaniln anil clays at heij lni'iii Van.). Jones, T. Rupert. Notes on the I'aln'o/oic Bivalved Entoniostraca. No. III. Some species of Leperditia. < Ann. and .May. Nat. Ifint , ser. fi, vol. xvii.jip. i^l-'Jl», pis. vi and vii. Iffut!. AmongHt the American species described nrj T.riieriliiia arnica Jones (Arctic regions, Upper SiUiriaii), L. alta Conrad, uud L. gihlicra, n. up.. I'pper Silnrlan, Ueechey Island. II.— rUHLlCATION'S MADK IN UUITISII AMKIIK!A, ETC. 109 Jones, T. Rupert. On tli7, i>1h. ix, x. 1^.")'^. The iii'W spi'Bli'ri (l.)«c,rlb«il iirn ll'ijri-Uli rugidij'tra, B. niifillarn, D. rl.t'hrna. nii'l It. /ilat/ciii (IVoiii ni'Hi'lioy'n IhIiiucI); //. loifmii and I.'iir.rditit e-iiiiiiliinis from tli« Calcilsr- oiM, ami tUi< latter from Iho TrHnton aluo; A. nuna ami /.. {Itochiliiia) o'fawu (Culiiffr- oun) ; L. {Innchilinii) grtfUin, Oijihiroini^ conr.innn, V. sili'iua, ami (7. r«yo,<(i (Treuton) ; IjipirdHiaiie)in!>y!etiitim ((Jiliiton) ; L. oea'a (Trunton) ; anil nri/riihin pr.nniii/lviiiii.-ii (Omm- rtagaSalt (Irouj)). Tliuro af aUonoteHoii sBVHr. .rnvloiisiy (l«, vol. i, pp. ;!lit-;!4'.'. Occupiol cblfHy with givliij? ni!w Iccttlitie^Biid horiz ms tor pri'Viout.iinud from tb" I.iw.t (jiiilonifisroin Sandrttono* of IVnn-ylvania. Lastly, tbe nnib'ir di!i)cribi)i( and ll;{iirBi4 two 0 li'!< troin tin; 'I'riaii ot North A;ii»riia as lu'W Hpi'cie*, under the iiaiiivK Cuiiilonii / icifir^ii and C. / ciiimniifii, Jones, T. Rupert. On fossil Kstlioriif tind tboir distribution. <] ',>"'"'• Jonrn. '' vl. Sov. LoniL, vol. xix, pp. 14i)-l.'>7. l" of ctMtain Westrndian and Maltoso strata, as slicwii by soiiio Oibitoidi's and otlior Foraniinift'ia. <^ <,'ti)- logiail Maijininc. Ducadu I, vol. i, i))». lO^-loiJ. 1-'(J4. The author reiniirks on fomo cxiimples of O/'"'"'''''.'! from .-Vntiguii anl Jamaicii, and on aonie .V«mH(i///"iP from tb.' foriiiT irland, and hIiowh that tli^rw 'n lliu.s estalilinbed a Mtrong relationnblp bcuvoen the Mid-Tertiary fauiui of Malta and that of the West ludiea. Jones, T. Rupert. On the oldivst-known fo.ssil, Kozoiiu canadtMiso of thi> Laureiitian Kocks (i Canada; its place, structure, and sigiiilioauco. <^ Popular .Science IliTiviv. I'tjT, pp. ;.!4:!-'.'>.Vi, -with plate xs" and *,! wood- ruts. A geml-popular account of Kouibit catiail< use. Jones, T. Rupert. >ranual of the Natural History, Goology, and I'hysiis of Greenland and the neighbouring regions ; prepared for the use of the Arctic Expedition of H7."), under the direction of the Arctic Committeo of the Royal Society. 8\ pp. 76:$. London, 1S7,">. Tbe portion of this w.)rk relating to geology (pp. 53I-')53) contains a summary of all that la known on Arctic geology, with repriuts or abjtracti of papers on this subject by different authors, and lists of fos!i. timl Mwi. Sal. Ilht., HIT. ;i, vol. xvi, i>|i. il I- IJ.'>, pi. \iii. l>tM. AiiioUKMl till' AmiTicHii toriiiH nmioi'il uro llri/rii hin Inifiini Jniu'ii hihI Cyihrruinii con- nil (1(1 Juiu'it, liiiili i>t which lire niiiiiv il In J'nmiliii, Jones, T. Rupff, kikI H. B. Holl. Notes on tlio I'lilii'o/.oio llivnlvcd Kn- toiiiostnii'ii. No. VIII. Somt> Lowi-r silnriini sjn'cies JVoiii the (.'hair of KiMun-. hcluiul. ■ ; .tun. (uid Mmj. Sul. Iliii.. ser. I. vol. ii, \t\i. o4-6'J, 1>I. vii. HtW. Ill II notr (p. .Vi). thi' Hnih":^ pnhit I'lii ih.ii ('v'/nrii/i»i.< ruiiuM Jiinen, from th» Trenton l.inimliilii' cpl (."Hiiiiihi. imi I'nmitin \»vv .{'in. mid .l/.iy. .Vm. Hiit.. M>r. :», vol. I, p. '.Mlt, pi. X, tli;. .'il HnuitMl npniiJi' ilnwii. Jones, T. Rupert, itml H. B. Holl. Noti.s on tlm l*iilnr, Ihf nulhom givo a llitt ul' ihi- known .Silurliin I'riiiiiii.i, iiolhiK varimiK nin'i'lcH I'roin North Auifrii'u, Jones, T. Rupert, and W. Kitchen Parker. On tlio iMiramiiiifoin of tlio I'aitiil.v Itotiilina' (L'lirpi-iittT) found in the ('ri>taci>oiis forinatioim; with notes on their Tertiiiry iind recent reiii'esetUulives, <^^^hlart. Jonrn. Gail. >'("'. Loitii, vol. xwiii, pp. l(t:i-KK>. I'i't'i. The Aintricau forniu tri>atpd of lu thin commuuicallon urethe Oelapeou* KotnlineH ilt- Bcrilieil tiy Khri'nlii'rg, Iroiii the MiHHoiiri iiml .Mi««in»ippl iMikroifmli'tfir), hihI thoiio ile- jcribeil li.v KiiiKN Iroiii thi' (IrmnKBinl of .N'lw in^vy (.tic Rkiss>. Kalm, Peter. Travels. 17.'iO. 1 Not Hern liy tlic writer. ] IJi-HcriliPH various fol^^iIl< which he hhw In liiuentone at Port St. I'riMlirick. or Crown Point, on Luke Chttmplain. Kent, W. Baville. On an existing Coral closely allied to the raheozolo Heniis I'avositeH ; with remarks on the allinities of the Tabnlata. <, .Imh. and Ma(j. Nat. Hint., ser. 4, vol. vi, pp. :W.|-;t?'7, pis. xvii, x viii. I''"!*. Founils the genuj Fiimnitipvra for ii recent Corul rilati'd to Alreoporn ; and deiicrili,. The niilhor§ de«cribo In thU memoir *ae roiiultsof a ciirefnl chemical and uicroscopiral examination of the OrenvUle " '.l'MtiiiiniMl luliiciimlly from a Fo- rnmiiiifiTiil st!tiiil|ioint. v <"». <'»i/ M'.». |.l. \i\. H7I. A riinlrov.'rKinI impcr. In wlilvli «>vli|onet> la linmglii fiirwiinl to •how Hint Kn:"'^') nina- dtu/r it InorRMuie in it* nutiir*. King. W., 1111,1 T. H. Rowney. Ui'iiiarks on tlic Hiiliji'd of Ko/oiWi. «^ JhH. iINW .W.I;/. .V(|/, llisl,, MT. I. vol. \iii, pp. itltii-iCMi. 1-71. A •uiiiiii«ry »f ibv vh\>'( iiniutii in ttivniir of tin' ■iilii>'rul iiHtnro nf Emwn i-nwitli me. King, W. >\n\l T. H Rowney. KiMimrkH on ilio 'Diiwu of Life' by Dr. Il.nvson: ti> which is lulilod it Hiip|i|fni(>iifiii',v note. <\ Ann, titid Mikj. .Sul. Hint., MT. I, vol. \\ ii. pp. ;t(iti-:i77. l~T(>. A onlii'Hl iiK'imiir. '.(ulii n iliu iili|i>t'iiuiift in-lil l>y iIh* luiliiiirri iiii In llii' i4ii{i|>i'inu'ns. Sii|ipl<'ineiit to tlio " .\]ipcii(li.v of Captain I'arry's Voyum> for tlio l)isco\ fry of a N'ortli-wcut l'as.saj;e, in the y«'ur« l-l'.'-'.Hi", pp.icxivii orlv ii. London, lf>\. I'oiltHIIH SOIIII' lllltici'll ilf tnoil'a, llll'l lllHll ■< M 1I"\V t'lliniinr't lilfl'li, frnlll II lilllt'HtllUI) difcov'Ti'l III I'r'iici' lti'|{i'ni « lulil. Koninck, L. de. IVwription H unini:in\ fosftiloH ipio se troiivent dans lo terrain t'arlHniifi n* dc la Hi'lKiipio. Avoc snppltMiifiit. li;*4"i-44. Tin- HUlliiir olli'* viirl'Mi* ii|it>riPi nt I'miliiitut. Siriijilinmi nil, Ur'hi», Si'iriJ'ir, t'uiintnka- tu$. unti <>»'iiiui.'» ill iH'i'iirriiig in ilif I'alit'o/.aic inokii of Nortli America. Koninck, L. de. Kfi-liorrlics snr los aniinunx fossilfs, I'rcmirrc p:irtii>. Mono);rii|)hio dos m»niv.s I'roductns ft I'lionoies, l-'. pp. 'i-i(i, with "iU pIntfH. I.i<*uc, 1'47, Uncrih"* ('ho-itii^ thiim:triliiiiiii Di' Knii. fiMin t!i<> Ciirlinnifiniun iif Ki-r.tiicky, mil cite* 7 »|iiiuh niiinianx foNsiles. Deiixiime pnrtie. Mono};ru|ilii«t dos fo^silcs C'arbonift~*re» do In Cnrintliie. Ir^l'i. (.'itr* n unnilMT of Itracliioiuxlii iiiid lUUcrnjihun ^rii im ocmirring in tilt! CJiirlioiiifpi'oui •lr»la of North Ainorlcik Koninck, L. de. N»nvt>llos voeln'rches snr lesauiinaux fossilosdn Terrain Carbmi<'re partie. IJrnxollDs, lri7"2. Tlio untlior I'iicnwvfralCornlii iw oocurriiig In llw CarboniferoiHrockii of North Aiuer- Irn. Il>' l oili/iirniiiift of Mwk with LuntilaUin nii/am Martin, ami hi> uliowii that the Spheii«i>otfrium of .Meek anil Worthen it idoutical with the prevloui* ly deotriued l',iiai,ifis of Julvii Haiine. Koninck, L. de, 4f planus Owen mid Shninard. Tiaspeyres. H. nasft>s8ile Phyllopoden-ficnus Leaia, K.Jones. < utxih. (I'cof. (I'fjt., vi>l. xxii. pp. 7lj;J-74»i. 1?^70. The iiutlior dencrilien and llgiiret Ai.kii liiiliji, and examlueii into the structure and rela- tions of Lram and ito known iipei'ie«. Leaueur, C. A. IVscription de plnsionrs animaleu appartenant aux I'oly- piors laiuellifiTos de M. le Che\alier de Lauutrck. < Mvm. dii Muai'am, vol. vi, pp. '.^l-'-W, plo. XV, xvi, liWO. Thin memoir dealt principally with the livlnn Cor^lo of tht West Indiet. In an appen. di«, however, the author treatt of the "Caryoph.Vilitet fotwiles que Ton trouve aitx fitiitt- Unit d' Ani«ri.|ne ". and detcrihet three I»evonian forms of /.tiplimuif, under the namei of Car^opk^iUa gigiiH'ta, C. puUn'inui, and C. curnhula. i H JIi: miii.iuuuAriiv oi- invkkikhuatk palkontoloov. Lludatiom, Ouatav. On tlio nhliiltit's nt' tlio Aiitlioxna tiiUulntii. <.1nn. and l\li\ij. Silt. //(W.,Ht'r. t. vol, xviii, ii|t. 1-17. 1"<7(». [ TriiiiMlutt'il IVoin (i/'irrsii/l of homjl, i'lliimkiiiiH-Ahiiil. I'HrhaniU. Slorklnilia, Irt*;!. l Aninni{»l Aiin'rliaii fr Tiilmliil" CoriiU iipi'rliilly iiotU'iol liy tlin Hiitlmr nmy hi iinnllom'.l ( '., i/iini liiilirli-iitii Hull iiii'l /'nmnM/Mrii mtitilniit Hull, hikI critlcttl iiMimrkit iin iilmi iiiHili- ii|Hiu tbc iitlliillii-ii i>r Ciilliiii'irn llitll, ('Iti^ln/iDru Ilill, Cu'mutl'tii^t DitUM, Vijiiili"iihura I)uli> Otvvn, Ti.traiium t>Hnit, lild'. Logan, W. B. On tlip |iarl cxi-'tfiit'cof Mai'int^ Shells in tln'ui niitl on th<> nioiintikin of Moiitiral. <^ Ijiiart, Joiini, »l, liulli'iitinK I'l'lr i'Xi"ii>tiiiii tn ii hiilKlit of HV) IVi't ntiDva thu li'vul uf till" HIM, Hii I'l lliHri'ia. Logan, W. E. On tlioocciirrtMico of a trark niiil footprints of nti animal in tli« Potsdam S.iiidHtono of I.owim' Canada, <[ (fiitirl, JDiini. Uiol, Soc. I.iiml.. vol. vii, pii. 217-".V)l', with sim tioii. l".")!. Tliii< pupiT (Ii>hIh prindpally with iheijuohiglcal hnri/.im uf thmitratucaiitaiulugth« fout- priiita iu i|ii<'in (VrotioliiiUm), Logan, W, E, On tho footprints oci'iirriiiif iti th« I'otsilatn Bundstono of C'atiitda. <^ (^hiart, •lourii. (ivol. Soc. Loni!., vol. viii, pin. vi-viii. H.V2, Owe* ft full account of th« |t«nlogy of thn dUtflot where tha rootprlatii (Proikh'iltei) occur, Willi lists uf tip' I'liHsilH fmmil iu th» as^io.-liiti'il Htnita. Logan, W. E. On tho track of an !iiiimi>.'i lately found in the Potudam Formation. < Cainiil. .\al., \o\. v, pp. ','7'.l-!2':^.'>, with .'> eiijjravingH, r^tio. l)i'iicrll)i'< ftii'l lljuri'K Clini'ii"i,hiiilt.t wilfDii, Hiii given rti-tull^ in to tUi) Ki^ologU'iil fea- tur« Quebec Group, with np^clal referonce to the Htratigniphiciil ponitioii of thin xenvn of dcponita. Logan, W. E. On the l{ocks of the C/iiehee Gionp at Point Lt'jvis. [In a letter addressed to M. Itarrande.] < Cutitrt/. Xat., vol. viii. pp. 183- 11)4. 18(«, ContaiiiH liHtH of the fuflnilH, and nol>M thi-reon. Logan, W. E. On the occurrence of organic remains in th6 Laureutian liocks of Canada. ml rriiiii wlilcli wiM ubtiiliXMl th« litkiit nltHri-il )'x tiii|ili< III' Kir.ouii email iiti: {<\m " Tu lur npiMliiiiin "; im yi't kiiutvii to ncl- Lonsdale, William. \w m\tt ol' twunty-i'x NpiMiiut of l'oly|ini'iii, oltl^ikiatMl from tlio Kimoiid Tortiiiiy I'onn ilion of N »r(.li A'inricu. ■<^{i. HI5. Till' ii|i-."i01l, witli III oii^^rnviii^^M. 1815. The fu^HllM liiri> uolli-clud by Sir Khitrlun l.yidl, Hiid tevHii of the ton HpiM'lHH wblc'b form tbi< Kubji!>] Charles. On the Tertiary Formations and their connec- tion with the Chalk in Virginia anil other parU of tho United States. < I'roc. (ieol. Soc. Land, vol. iii, pp. 7:J5-742. 183». Contalnii notoH upon the foKiU, together with lutii of the apeciui collected, Lyell, t *'"'■] Charles. On tho Tertiary strata of the Island of Martha's Vineyard in Massachn.setts. < I'roc. Geol. Soc. Loml,, vol. iv, pp. :il-33. 1840. Contalna uotei* on the fomillii, Lyell, [«S'ir] Charles. IJeniiirks oji some fotwil and recent shells, col- lected by Captain liaylield, U. N., iuCanad*. < Tram. Gaol. Soc, Lpnd., ser. 2, vol. vi, pp. 1:15-141, pi. xvl. 1842. Conttthm \\*U of the Pont-Plloceue ahelU of the neighbourhood of Quebec, with deicrlp- live and general reiimrka lhor«ou. The author comparea tbeae ahella with thoae now Uviug In the Gulf of St. Liiwrence, and ludlcatoa their ruaemblance to the ihella of the Qlaclal Je- poalta of lldduvalla in Sweden, Mis. Pub. No. 10 8 Hi BIBLIOGRAPHY OP INVERTEBEATE PALEONTOLOGY. Lyell, L'"*'"'] Charles. Truvcls in North Ainorica; witli goolojjicnl ob- 8i>rviitioiis on tlll^ UnitiMl S^J^t(^s, Oiiiiiula, ami \ova Scotia. 2 vols. S"-*, With iiiiips iiiid iliii.sti'iiMons. Loinloii, 184'). Tlip r.'.itlio.' givis iiunn'rnu.H noli'n nn tlu' fii«ilr< whirli he collected In bin triivels, often Willi lists of s|)i'ci"s, iinl Willi iii;my observations, coiiiimilng the forms collected with tboge foiiiid In nil respouiliiiB I'onimtions in Knroliu. Lyell, [■*>'''■) Charles. Nom's mi tlio Cri'taci'.oiw tstrata of Nt!\v Jtifsi^y, and otlit'f ]iarts of tlio I nitcil Statps liordprinjj Atlantic. <^ Quart, .loiirn. (ifoJ. Soi\ /!.o»ff., vol. i, iip. ,'i.'')-(lil. 1>'I.">. Tills iiieiooii', ihniiKh princij iiUy K''ol"Ki.^iil, loiitiiins vMrious pula'jntologiciil notes. Tile l'o"s Is collei'teil were scpai'iiti'ly iloscribud liy I'rof. ICdwiird Forbes und Mr. lionsdaie ('/. I'.). Lyell, [•**■''■] Charles. (IlistTvatioiis on tli(> White Linipstono and other Koc'ouo or older Tertiafy Foriiiiitioiis of Viffjinia, South Carolina, and (iooi'fjia. <^ <,>iturt. Journ. Urol. Sor, Lond., vol. i, pp. 4"2i)-41iJ, with 7 wood nts. H4r>. Contains nninerons observiitions on and lists of the fossils collected, several being fig- ured, rirrliratulii initmiiiiftoiicnsis and Ciriihium georgiiiHum are described a8 new spo- cles ; and I'm*'. K. Forbes gives a duHcrlption of a new Kebinoid under the name of Sciilella jonetiii. Lyell, [Sir] Charles. On tlio Miocouc Tertiary strata of Maryland, Vir- j;iiiiii, and of North and South Carolintv. <^ Quart. Joiirn. (leol. Soc. f.oiid., vol. i, pp. 41l-4'Jl>, with 2 cn^ravinjjs. H4-">. The memoir contains nnmoruus pahrontological notes a'ld ll^ts of fossils. Liata of shells .10 givi'n showing the number "f Miocene species slill i>\isting, the specieH comraon to the Ami'riean and Knropeau Mloceni , &c. I'rof. 1.. Forbes gives descriptionH, accompa- nied with liguros, oi two new ICchinolds (viz, Airphidetuti rirginianua and Erhiiiut riijjinii). A list of the fossil Corals is given, and a note .'roia Mr. I.nnwiale is appended dealing with the indiCHtionn of climate atfurded by the Miocene Corals of Virginia. Lyell, ['*>"■] Charles. On the newer deposits of the Southern States of North America. <_ Quart. Joura. Geol. Sor, Lond., vol. ii, pp. 405-410. 1840. Beeldes scattered observation i on various Invertebrate fosaila met with, the author notes the occurrence ou the abores of the Bay of Mobile of inland dcpositx of the sholln of QnalhoJoii cunrntus. Lyell, [>SirJ Charles. On the structure and probable age of the coal- tield of James River, near Uichmoud, Virginia. < Quart. Joitrii. Geol, *■(«'. Loud., vol. iii, pp. "itil-'i^'O. Iti47. At pp. 274, a7.5, of tills memoir, the author describes and llgures a small Kaiheria [Poii- rlonomyn] as occuirlng In the Ulchmond strata referred to, and points out. that the occur- rence of these fossils would lead to the concluBlon that the Ulchmond coalHeld U of Trlaaslo age. Lyell, [.sir] Charles. On the relative age and position of the socalled Niimtnulito Limestone of Alabama. <^ Quart. Journ. Geol. Sor. Lond., vol. iv, pp. 10-1(). Iri4t<. Numerous fossils are alluded to as occurring In the strata iu (lueition, and the memoir contains notes from F.ilward Follies and .\lcide U'()rbigny as to the zoological position of Orhi.'oidin [XiimmiililrH] man/flli. Lyell, .Sic Charles, and J. W. Dawson. On the remains of a reptile (Deudrerpetuu acadianuiii, Wyiiian & Owen) aud of a laud-shell discov- ^ '« \ i ir. — PDBLICATIONS MADE IN BRITISH AMERICA, ETO. 115 ered in the intoiior of an erect fossil trw in the Coiil-Measnres of Nova Scotin. K^QiKtrt. Joitrn. Geol. Sop. Land., vol, ix, pp. ftB-filJ, pls.'ii-iv. I8r):i. Tills memoir eontiiinii ii iliincription, with rtRureH, of the firnt iliHcovurcd sprcimen of the llttlii Uurlii>nif»roitii litiirl-Hlieli Hinco well Itiiown uudur thn niinie of I'np'i (Dendropiipa) ve- tusta, Marcou, Jules. Ri\suin6 oxplicatif d'uno carto {;o()lo{;i(ino ilea l^tats-Unis et Z()lc deposits of the regions examined by htm. Ammunilin nhnmtirili, .l.hrlkiniiiii, A. iweimciiinni, HnmiUa fremunti, liwccramut leroH'xi, /.tocnntia iviishitfi, lloluMttr vnmtim'ht'^i, Orthttcr.ras noi'ii-mericana, Mynlina iipachesi, Prnduciiis ildnirarii, Orllih preosii, Sinriftr rockymontnni, Tercbrntula rorkijmunlana, T. marmimii, and '/'. iilii are deseribed as new species. Marcou, Jules. I'ne reconnaissanci! geoloniiiue ati Nchraska. <^BitV, de la Soi; Gi'ol. di [■'raiive, 'Je ser., vol, xxi, pp. I;i2-147, 18C4, Contains niiteu on the fossils, Marcou, Jules. Lo Terrain ('retac6 des environs de Sioux-City, de la nii.ssion des iiart. .foiini. Geol. Sov. Lond., vol, xxi, pp, 422-434, ISC'), Contains scattered notices of the fossils, Mathew, G. F. Note snr les Molln8((ties de hi formation Post-Plioctino lie I'Aeadii". . 434-452. 18Gi). Reprinted from the I'roc. Acad. Hat. Sci. I'liiU., 18B9. Michelin, Hardouin. Iconogrnphic zoopliytologiqiie. Description par localit6s et terrains des Polypiers ftwsiles do France et pays euvlron- nauts. Paris, 1840-47. pp. ;U8, with 78 plates. A few American Corals are described in this work, Michelin, Hardouin. .Mouographie des Clypi'^astrcs fossilcs. <[ Mem. de la Soc. Gvol. de France, vol. vii, pp. 101-147, pis. ix-xxxvi. Araongitt other forms, th" author of this m.Miioir describes various Clypcastroids from the Tertiary formations of tlie West Indies, Milne, John. On the rocks of Newfoundland, with notes by Alexander Murray. < Geol. Ma;<.. Dt>cade II, vol. iv, pp. 2r.l-2()2. 1877. Mr. Murray's notes to thi^ paper contain various observations on the fossils found in the rocks of Newfoundland, Milne-Ed'wards, H. lllstoire naturello des Crustaci'^s, comprenant I'aiia- tomie, la i)hysioloirie, et la class! tic.vtion de ces aniinaux. [Natural history of Crustacea, (^oinprisiii^j their anatoiiiy, j)hysiolof;y, and clas- .sification.] :? vols. '^", Paris, ls;54-40. Describes various species of American fossil Oriistacen (Eurypterids and Trilobltes), Milne-Xidvrards, H. llistoiro iiatnrelle des Coralliaires on PolyjH^s pro- preniciit dits. :! vols. 8 . Paris, 1857-00. Descrlljes a number of fossil Corals from North America. Milne Edwards, H,. and Jules Haime. Mi'nioiie stir Ics Polypiers ap- parteiiant aiix jjroupes uaturt^lles dtis Zuiinthaires perforcs et des Zoanthuires tabult^s. <[ ('nniiili.i litndnn, 1811I, t. xxix, pp. 257-2fiH. The authors found lln' giMius Dan la for the reception of the Nortti American ^>, liuri'iiica. Milne Edwards, H., and Jules Haime. A monograph of the ISritish Fossil Corals. lutrodtictiou, pp. i-lxxxv. <[ rahvjnlojrupb'wal SnoU'ly, 1850. In the Introduction to their monograph of the British Fossil Corals, the authors found the (renera -■lii.«'; ^'!"*" \,.^,,„,aria da^Usoa, h. & H- ; '•^'- ^f,.,„„,,,„,i<.H >»<.m.l(ar« B. & ». ■. K. ■^'"'^""'' f • *;^"-;„ • A>. A«rmo,ii. .-. Roderick I. ?il^""'- '^ 'r f ^o „,,. :,tW, with 41 ^^^^^^- '""r':.^«M-- Contalnii notices of Amerioiuu Hi « 13 •'M lis BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. Murchison, fUr Roderick I., Edouard de Verneiiil, and Count Alex- ander de Keyserling. (jioology of Riissin in Europe ami tho Ural Mouiitiiiiis. Vol. ii. Troi-jieiiie imrtio, Piil<^t)ntoloj;io. 4\ pp. 5ltJ. Loudon and I'aris, 1815. Tbi* iiuthora notu thi> oucurrcncu of luiiay of tlie Palieozoic fonaiU of KuhdU in dupoaitt of correiipnnding age iu North America. Murray, Alexander. l{i!j)ort npoii the Oeologii-al Survey of Nowfoimd- latid for the year It*71. St. .Jolin's, 187-2. jtp. 4S>. Contains a few noteH on the fonsilH. Murray, Alexander. Report upon the Geological Survey of Nowfoi;ud- laud for the year 187!i. St. Johu'd, 187;i. pp. 'M, (.'untainu many uotices of the foxallH. Murray, Alexander. Geological Survey of Newfoundland. Report of progress for the year 1873. Montreal, 187:t. pp. 47. Cootainii notea on the foBniU. Murray, Alexander. Report upon the Geological Survey of Newfound- land for the year 1873. St. .John's, 1873. pp. «!'.). Containi) a few uotos on thi> fomills. Murray, Alexander. Geological Survey of Newfoundland. Report of progress for the year 1874. St. .John's, 1875. pp. 74. Tlie portion of tlii« report by Mr. JiiineH P. Unwley, on the Geology of Port-a-Port and St. Gi^crgc's Buy, containu noticex nf tl'e foHMlIn met with. Nelson, Richard J. On the Geology of tlio Uerintidas. <^ Tranx. Geol. Soc. Loud., ser, 'i, vol. v, pp. 103-123, with IC engravings. I84(t. Contains nuincrouH olmervationH, dealing |with coral-reefn, formation of llniuatone, chalk, &('., of great ititereKt to the pal:e<>utologi!it. Nelson, Richard J. Ou the Geology of the Haha'nai^, and on Coral- generally. <^ Quart. Jonrn. (livl. Sor. Loud., vol. ix, pp. •200-yi5. [Ahstract.J 1853. Tliough not Htrietly piiliioatalogical, Major-Qeneral N'l^lnon'ri ma.uoir coutaina much matter of the higlieat intereat to the phllosophieiil palieontoiogUu Nicholson, H. AUeyne. Migrations of the Graptolites. < Quart. Journ. Geol. Sor. Loud., vol. xxviii, pp. '.il7-231. 187 (, > n •"is'l".,i;!s. <...».«.;. .''.»-^-- ""'•■•"■ „.:::r^" .:::"'' -•--?• ^to'L r::"-e";^.- ..^ «-'-'" = „c.^,f»a,«, ;.. "-"-"•• "; ;:::;:::;;;:,i;:v«d .0 be tl. gener.tWe cp-uWB . . . e ( fowlef tbiH genus recoe ks of WeHieiii v.'^.-. — -50. 187a. „f 6 ,f tue .pecie- of tbiH genu, recog- ~" . „r ,i,P eenus FMOSites, and oi o "' A critical account °f/*'^ «™ ^ o,u» of Ontario. nUed by tUe author in the Devonian dep ^^^^^^ .,<.™r annc'ies < son, »■ *- — .» , vii. np. »y-'^'^> !"• .■„.;n..u iif now ,.,.. .„ J ». — '"■» I"- "■" ,|. ,v„m the D«™»- u, n H AUeyne. On D.n.cauella, a ue ^ .,,.3-335, NVitb Nicholson, H. All y^ ^^^^^ ^.^^ ^,.^, ^,,. 4, ,ol. 1 ";;;;tvin«. 1^4. ^,^„^, ,„.„ ,., ,u.ara group of Indiana. cr.iviuU. 1«74. . „ ,. ,,i,,rifnrmh. tor aCoralfrom the Ciiicmn'*" t?' ' 120 BISLIOORAPHY OF INVERTEnRA.TE PALEONTOLOOY. Niohulson, H. AUeyne. DeHcriptions of now fossils from the Devonian rocixs of WPHtfiii Ontario. < ('annd. Xal., \u'\v sor.. vol. vii, pp. i;?8-147. 1874. DeHcribei m ni'w /.aphrenlia fcneslrain, Blnthrophylhim ilerorticatiim, Hdiophyllum col- bornense, Petraia (() liigani, aud Aleciu (?) cnnadtntia, Nicholson, H. Alleyne. On the afflnitiis of tbo jjorns Stronintopora, with (Ifsciiptions of two new species. <[ Ann. and Mug. Nat. Iliat., sen ■t, vol. xiii, pp. 1-13, with :? enf^riiviuffs. Irt7 I. Reforit Stroinatiipora to the Calcitpongln. The new apecles dencribed are .$. [Caunnpora] perforntn anil .s of Brnr.hiopnda, ID sp(>cie8 of Poli/zoa, 1 speoii's of Lainelli- branchiala, I species of I'leropndn, IJ spccios of (Itsteropmla, I! spiicios of Annelidi, and 4 species of Grunlatva. Most of ilie now forms had boeii previously loscril)ed by tho author, but tho foliowinj; are liore described for tho llrst time; — OlisinphnUum [Aero- phylUim\ pliiriradiah; IlcUnphiillinn proU/erifi, Favonilen chapinani, I'latj/cernn unite- riale, Strophostt/lus (.') subifUihimus, S. (0 oratus, S. (.'.) iiblimms, Uolopea eriensis, Helico- toiim (!) serotina, and Syrinynpora intermedia. Nicholson, K. Alleyne. On Fuvistella Htellata and Favistella calicina; with notes on the aflinitiesof Favistella and allied genera. <^ lirp. Jirilhh Asxof./or 1874, Siilionn, \\\). Kt, 'JO. Till' now species F. calicinn is I'oiiiuled for a Coral from the Hudson River Group of Ontario. Nicholson, H. Alleyne. Dciscripfions of species of Ilipiiothoa and Alecto from th(' Lower Silurian rocks of Ohio, with a description of Anlopora araebnoidea. Hall. <^ .tnn. and Mag. .Vit. Hint., ser. 4, vol. xv, pp. 123- 127, pi. xi. 187,5. Refern .-tlecm iiiflala Hall to Ilippolhon, and dexcriliei* ax new upeoieH Alccti^ nnlopo- roidis, A.J'Tondiim (Jamci', MS ), Hurt A. cunj'ufa. N > 4. } } \" II.— PlTHLICArroNS MADK IN niUTISIl AMKRICA, BTC. 121 Nioholson, H. AUeyne. Di'sciiptions of mnv spiTii's of Tolyzoa from tlio liowi'i mill rppiM- Siliiriati rooks of North AiiU'ririi. < Ann. and Maij, Sal, lli.ll., brr. I, vol, xv, jiji. 177-184, |>1. xiv. lt*7r). /Vi7iii//V(y.i Mlfit'irmh. r. r'H iivniM. i'. /Jiifr/N-n, /'. (M .iii(i;>,)Cn. P. frni-»lii\ifiirmii, •uiil Oiriiid i/i.iri i)*i,i. 1I.1M rti'o .|i'.n.Ml n* iivw mjiimm . fnun iln' Cliicliiiiiiti ruriiiiitiou, ami t'eiiifiiUa ii,ri-'ii,i iVmii lli» Niu«,irii (iSiit'lpti) l\iri»nltcni|m\i wlili'li thi< initli>r In 1 c Pulu>ontoloj;y of tho Province of Oiiturio, I'lint.'d liy onli>r of tln' l,»>j;isliUive Assembly. Torouto, It*"."). .s^\ pp. Dti, with 4 plikto!* inul l."» woodciitvS. Tlii.s rppnn is a > (mttiiiiiklioii of uno imliUxlioil in IriTt, ami oiintiiins an eniimora- tliiii 111' -JOO !«|ii>i !;,. Ill' Io.ssiIm i'iilU'<'ti>«l l>y ilio nnlliur from the 'L'rcntun Linieatune, Utioii Sliit«, IIiiiHtiu Uivor t'orinatiiin. N'i;)i;.ti'a l.inu'stiino, i]iiol|>h formation, Cor- iiilVroiia LiniKHliini', loul Hiinillun formaliun of \Vo4l«>rn Oiitjirio. To many of tlio 8pi>oii"s n itliiti^t iniiri' tli:\n i'i«l>>i'i>uo<"< .ir,> ijivtMi: Imf ili'si-riptioiis. gonnrally acooin- |ianit>il Ity tljiuron, rtic nlvon of all now sihhmo*. as \v«>ll as of tliosa which havn not been provlons'.y thoniii);hly «il or ilosorihoil in n'ailily aooos»ilih< works, lunililitiou to a nuuihorof s|ioi'itv< fur lhi> lirsi (into oniiniaraloil as ooourriii); in tho I^ahuo^oic de- poiiits of I'anaila, tlio l.illowiin; now .spooios aro iifMn\ti'\ . — I'tiloJicliiii fiUciformil (Tri'iiton Kiinostono), Kiii'i,<(.'((ii iMdVino (HniUon Kivor Group), Diploijrapswi hudao- nieiia (Kudsun Kivor tiioiipl, t'lilldju'ro mi»i((i.v'Kitna (Hamilton formation), Stromato- ))ori( iiii(/i'fior(it'((i'.« (ll.tinillou), ami vN'/iiroHu'v spintili/fnia (llaniilton). Nicholson, H. Alleyne. On Iho (iuol|tli LimcstoMos of North America anil thoir orKaiiic r(sori|>titii»s of now siiocicH of Cy.stiphyllum from tho Dovonian rocks of North .Vinorioa. <^(it'ologH'al Maija:ine, Deciulo II, vol. ii, pp. ;ui-;i;l, pi. i. IS7.'>. Tho author ilosorilios 4 now spoMiim) from iho Dovonian of Ontario. Nicholson, H. Alleyne. Dost-riptions of now .spocios ami of a new goiiu3 of I'olyy.oa from tho l'uhoo/.oio rooks of North America. < (ieological .Uooinlo 11, vol. ii, pp. ;t:5-;5s, pi. ii. Ii-i7r>. IK'sorllios I now spocios of I'olvf.oa from tho Dovoniiui rooks of Canada ami 1 (AVfi'/ini'ii litittoiti'nsi.t) from tho Tionton Liniostono. Tho jjomis Ilekrudkli/ii (with Iho sin^lo spoi'ios /(.j/i'iMii(i',i) is foimloil, a form in most roapoots vesombling I'tilo- lii'cfj/ii, hnt haviiit: tlio ooll;) tahiilalo. Nicholson, H. Alleyne. t>i» somo o( tho massive forms of Chietetes from Iho laiwor Silurian, x, (Ifoloii'irnl Minjachit', Decade II, vol. ii, pp. 175-177. I"*'.'!. 1)isoiis.soH llio alliiiitioa of Ch,rMeii j».'(i'i>|i,iliViinii,f rand, and soino allied forms, and pit>visionallv siitiitost.s ilio namo of V. unilulalus for lobt. Ti'i'iilHol' till' gi'iit'ia) anil Hpoulnl |ii>i'ii1iiiriti)>H'i'<'i('s and on the jjenoral (loctrino ol' evolniiiui, <] 7VnH«. I'lc/. /(cT, vol. ix, p. !Hi7. lf*7.'i. Aiii(in)(Ht iillii'V Hiiliji'i'lH, till' aiitliiir i>Miiiiini'H tlii' clilt'C fartx observable a» to the Hiu'ecsHiiin nt' lite In a siTien iit' ('(iiil'oriiiable ilepoHitH: the I'pper Silurian antl Oevo- nlan Kocks of Knilb America briiiu selerled for ttiln piirpoRe, anil lln' (|iiefitlon bein(( Hpeeiall.v invi'stiniitiil as renar'lH the Brachiupoda. Nicholson, H. Alleyne. NutoH on tlio I'nlico^.oic Cornlit of [the State of Ohio. < Aim. and Mag, Xat. Jliat., ser. 4, vol. xviii, pp. 8r>-SM, pi. v. 187(5. Given (letaiU an to Ilie niicroHcnplc churaetern of nevunil i4pecle«of Ohittetet, ContUlla- rin, and Pcknyin, The uiinute structure of Stripicla»mn corniciilnm Hall Ih aUo described am) figured. Nicholson, H. Alleyne. On the minute Htriicture of the C'oralM of the genera Heliopliyllnin and Crepidopliylliiiu. <[ Ann. tnid Mag. Xat. Hifil., Bcr. 5, vol. i, pp. 4'J-.'')4. 1878. DeBcribeB the niicroBcopical churactem of the above genera. Nicholson, H. Alleyne, and R. Etheridge, juti. Notes ou the geuus Alveolites, Lamarck, and on Home allied forms of I'alteozoic Corals. <^Joiirn. Linn. Soc, vol. xiii, pp. ICjIS-lCO, pis. \ix, xx. 1877. Some American ("orals are treated of in thi.>( memoir. The aiithorH conclude, from a micro.>, with 1 engraving. 1877. In the first part of this paper, the authors describe fully the microacopic charac- ters of Tetradium minus Satl'ord, from the Lower Silurinn of Ohio and Canada. Nicholson, H, Alleyne, and R. Etheridge, jini. On Ascodictyon, anew provisional and anomalous genus of Paheozoic fossil's. < Jn«. and Mag. Aat. IJist., ser. 4, vol. xix, pj). 46:{-4()8, pi. xix. 1877. The authors propose the peneric title of Ascodietyon for some siiiKular parasitic orjianisms, of uncertain aftinitii-s, found in the Devonian rocks of North America and the Carboniferous di iiosits of Itiitain. Two Amerkan si)ecieH are described under the names of A./usi/orme and A. stfUatum. Nicholson, H. Alleyne, and R. Etheridge, Jan. On the genus Palaea- cis, andthe species occurring in Hritisii Carboniferous rocks. <^Ann. and Mag. Sat. Jlint., ser. 5, vol. i, pi>. 'Hhi-'i'iT, pi. xii. 1878. The authoi'H denl in part with the American forms of the genua. ^ \ 11.— PUBLICATIONS MADE IN BRtTISH AMERICA, ETC. 123 > J \ Nioholson, H. Alleyiie, and O, J. Hinde. NoteH on tli« foHHilH ot tho Clinton, Niii^iirii, and (Inclpli lorniiit.ions ot Outinio, with dusoiiptionH of now N|u)(i(!M. Canad. .fount., new sor., vol. siv, pp. lUT-KJK, witli t> ongraviiijfN. 1H7;j. Thirty tlvn «|»>cirH are riicnrded from the Clinton t'ormiition, inoliidlDR tw^i in'w form* (I'tiludic'i/a • iitinridiii iinil Ti'iitarntifi-.i nei/lrclii»). I'roni tlii' NiiiRara foniMillou iiri- pnuiu- crated 49 npiM'ii'rt, iiichiillriK tli" in'w forms Civni'r.n liiiinlii, A>ri niaifureiiait, .4itrro- t'hyll'im i/riit:i!e {if"\i. iiov.), V^iiinapiirii iinnnlnta, Kiid Olathnipora iniirmelin. Twenty «pe- clea are ri'cordi'il ;'roin tliu nuulpli fonniitlun, tlioonly new cinicleK being Megnlomiti comprti- lui. Nicholson, H. Alleyne, aitd James Thompson. Doxcriptions of Home n»nv or iiii|t('rfncll\ iimliTHtooil forms of PaluMZoic L'oral.s. <^ I'roc, Itoyul Sor. Edin., vol. ix, pp. 149, ISO. [Alwtriiot.] l87t>-77. Tlic imtliors piDii isi' tlio ({(inus (hepidophnUuin for ConiU fiotn the Devonian of Ontario, wliioh |i)»s»»s IIk^ j^eiinal »tnic;tiin> of lldi'tphijlhua. Imt liave the ci'iitnil tuhiilate area eiioloied l)y u ilistiiiet aocos^oiy w.iH. 'I'he nenin include'^ (7. (.liiphy- phyUum) archiaci Hill., and some of tlio forrnn comprised •■\i\or C. {lleliophyHiim) eleftanluhim Xich. The tt'n'i'* IihuUtrVimia iti proposed for »lniplc Corals from the Duvonlan of Ameritsa, api>arently reforablo to tho Aporasa, and the Hln);l» species L. eolumnaria is ileHtrlbeil. Nordensktbld, A. B. HedoRJilrelso fiir en Expedition till GrJinland, 1^70. <^.Sr('nnka I'etenHkapH-Akad. Ofi'tr^iifler, StoMioIm, 1871, The Danish original of a paper pnblishod by the author in tho Oeol. Mmj., Docado 1, vol. ix, p. as!). (Jimtains lists of sulifosail shells by Lovfcn. Nordenskibld , A. B. Account of an expedition to Greenland in the year 1870. <^ Gvoloyical Mayaiinc, Decade I, vol. ix, pp. 5J89-30t}, 3Jr>-3GS, 409-4i>7, 44l)-4()3,51G-5'.i4. 1872. At p. 411, the author gives a list of subfosgU animals, almost exclntivi'ly MoHuiea, collectud in (iruenland during the expedition of IHTO, and d(>teriuiued by I'ruf. 8. Lovfn. Nugent, K. Sketch of the K^'^'^Ky "f Antigua. < 7V(im«. Geol. Soc. Lond., ser. i, vol. v, pp, 45'J-4t;9. 1821. roDtains notes ou tlie fossils. Owen, David Dale. On the j;eolog.y of the Western States of North America. <^ Quart, Journ. (leoL Soc. Lond., vol. ii, pp. 4;UJ-4:!7, with map. 1846. This is principally a geological memoir dealing with the States of Illinois. Indi- ana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, but it contains numerous pulieontologieal imtes. Owen, Richard. DcHcriptioii of the impressions on the Potsdam Sand- stone discovered by Mr. Logan in Lower Canada. <^ Quart., louni. Geol. Soc. Loud., vol. vii, pp. 2.''>0-2r)2. 18.')1. Gives a description of the footprints futind by Logan in the Potsdam Sandstone (see p. 112), and provisionally concludes that they were fornu'd by C'helonians. Owen, Richard. Description of the impressions and footprints of the Proticlinites from the Potsdam Sandstone of Canad:). <^ Quart, .fourn, Gfol. Soc. Lond., vol. viii, pp. 214-225, pis. ix-xiv, A. 18ri2. Describes and (iguros Vrotlchnitei septem-notatns, P. oclo-notatus, P. liUii.i, P. miilfi- notatus, P. Hneatus and P. (dlernans. The general characters of tho footprints are discussed, and the author concludes that they were formed by some t'rnstaceous ani- mal. 124 BIBLIOORAPHY OF INVKBTKBRATK PALEONTOLOOY. Owen, Richard. [Nt)t»«,] < (iuurl. .lourn. ticol. N)c. Loud., vol. viii, p. M, E. DoHor linviii^ cxIilliitiMl ti> tlio Ooolouioikl Sitcloty of t.iinilun a Minb with foot- printH from tlii'T'linton ul' tlu)St»li< of New Vork, l*rnl'i>iisor Dwoii nlvon a short iiotu oil their oliaractcrx. 't'hoy consUtucl of n iloul>l« 4«ritjoiich Uivcr. <^ Cnnail. Xat., now ser., vol. vii, pp. »l-r.». H7I. (/'outniim a IIhI of thu fossilH iletormiDiMl by Priiii'i|ml Uawnnii. Paisley, C. H. On tlie Post-lMioctMie formation near Hathurat, Now IJninswiek. < CaiituI, Nat., new ser., vol. vii, pp. '.JtSH-^Tt). 1874. Coiituiiig 118(8 of the fouiU. Payen, M. Snr divers fossilcH tronv69 aux environs ile la Basso-Terro (Guaduluiipe). [Ou some fossils from Guatlaloupe.] c to "Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years LSi.'S, Hit), and 18'27, by .John Fniiikliii ", pp. i-lviii. Lon- don, 18-28. Contains notes on tho fo.ssils ( Jotonninod by Mr. S )Worliy) uolleotud hy the expe- dition, Richardson John. Arctic scarchini; expedition: a journal of a boat- voyajjo tliron<;h Hiiitort's Land and the Arctic Sua, with an appendix on the jihysiciil j;eo;;rapliy of North America. "2 vols. 8'. liOndon. 1851, Contiiin.s notices of tho fn.ssils met witli diirini; tho o\pedition. Rink, H. Udsigt over Nord GrCmland's Goojjnosi, isaor mod Hensyn til Bjergmasserues mineralo^^isko Saiiimensaetning, [.Sl^etoh of the geog- nosy of North Greenland, with special reference to tho mineralogical composition of th(« mountain musses.] Art «l»«r ftnttiiiiK lUuinonbachinm (Kiiiiijj* nixl iiii'linTr nn^\v< S|>on){ion in ol)«)rHiliirinclu)ii Kulkstliioliti'ii (l«r (Jril'scliuri H.icatiir iiii Staiito 'iViuiOMnuo in Nonl- Anii>rii-ii. < AVmcs .Itxhrh. fiir iltn., Geojii., ISvol. mid I'drefaktenkumh, Jitlir^. 1*11. I'll. (WO-ihSi, pi. ix. IVKciilHM mill il^iiri'H \uri. fiir Mill., (iinjii., (Icol. unil I'l'lt'ffitklfiikiitiile, Jtilirg. l^*^^ |>1». lC.!t-l7H. A crilludl rovli'W of vol 1 of Ilikll t " riilirimt4ilojiy ol' tlio Stato of New Vork ". Roemer. Ferdinand, ^l^ll(>r ^oglicilertu ans Kalkstiiukulioii xiiHaininoii- g«'s(>t/t«' 'I'ont.ikflir odor I'iiiiinlao, aiif doii Ho;;()iiaiint.(tn .Viiibiilakrul- foldcrn dcr IViilriMniton. <^ .NViici Jiihrh./iir Miii., (iivgii,, iieol, uml I'v- tn/iiklriikiiiiiii. Jalirg. 1-^H, \i\>. 'i'lJ !i'.)t!, pi. v A. Tin- iuitlioi- iU>* lilii t spc-oMiU'iiH of I'l-ntri'inilfti fmiml in Aliibam.!. in whiub Jnintml l<'iila('li>M or " iMiiiiiil.c' iin> iloveloped iipuii tlm aiiibiiliisriil aixaa. Roemer, Ferdinand. Toxiis. Mil liosondorer Kiicknicht auf dcutsclio Aiis\vainli'riin<; iind dio pliyaiscln-ii Voi-liiiltiiisso dt'^ Liiiidos init cigeiier IWoltai'litmi;; ijc.Hcliililort ; '.iiit einoin naturwissoiisr.liaftlicben Anhatige, und ciiior topoj^rapliiscii-ivoof^uostisclicii Kartoi von Texas. Bonn, 1849. pp. 4(t4, with map. Till' " iLittii wi.HMi'iisi-liartlicli'ir Anli.ui^" (pp. ;)!ii-lii) roatiiini iloacrtptlons of fiHi«ili< fi'om tlio <'ivtat-( Hilt lioritosorilii's mill ll^iiroH ii spcoU's of Eurypterui from tlio " Water-Limo (ir.iiip' liiot itii> IVvi'iiian 1 of tlio .Sialu of Now York. Roemer, Ferdinand. Die Kroidobildiingen von Tuxas uiul ihre orga- nischon Kiiisebliisso, mit einoni dio Hisnlireibimj; von Voratoinornii;;eu ans pala«>o>!ois(>liiMi uml tortiiiriMi Sobichtcn enthaltonduu Anbaiige, und niit II von C Hobo uacb Moral nccoiiut of the geology of Texas, with special refor- oiK'i' to till' Cri'laiisius rocks. A portion of tlio work (pp. d7-HH) is ocoupiod with the (livsjription of a Urii> iiimilicr of Crotaoivms fossils; ami iu an apporulix (pp. Iii8-!14) till' author oiiuiiiiM'.itos ami ihtsoribos a iiuiiilmr of Silurian anil Curbonifaroiia fossils. Roemer, Ferdinand. Uobnr St«iiibanocriuus, oine fcssile Crinoiden- (Jattung nus dor iMiinilio dor Cyatidoon. <^ An '.r fiir Nahirgesvhichte, .labrg. xvi, Hd. i, pp. ;Ui.V-;i7r), t. v. If^ufi. Oivi>» a full ili'soription of tin* oharactors of the genus Sttphanocrinus, fouuiled on »|KM.'iniuu8 from thi> Niajjara Limestone of the State of Ni'W York. 120 niHt,rO»AI'IIY op INVKllTRimAlK I'ALRONTOLOOY. Roemer. Ferdinand, Miin()){in|>)iio ilcr foHMJIcn Crinoidi'ii-Faiiiilio dur |(liiHt(iiili'i>ii mill ili'i' (iiitluii^ lNH iiii ItHNouilri'ii. <^.lrt'hhi fiir Siiliiviji'nihiihlv, Jiilir^. wii, llil. i, pp. It'itl :i'.i7, willi ."> pItiteH. H.'i?. A n)i>iiii)|rii|ililo rt'vlnloM nl' iIik tilnnioiilin. Roemer, Ferdinand. l>t>i\\rrimiM, ciii nciu'H rrinoiilon-Ot'm'lilt'rlit n\\n tli'iii Kiilili'iikiilkc .Niiiil-Aiiicriciis. <^ .Inliir J'iir \iiliirtji'iirliirliU', Jn\ng, MS, 11(1. i, pp. iiOT-yyO, pi. X. IH.-,;). Tlir aiilliiii' rHtalili'-lii'H tlii' i^uniiH Itmin'riiiiiH, nilli ii hIii^Io m|m><'Ii. i/Mcmaip/ii- fintix I'. Kcii'iiiri), till' lliii ii'i'i>|itiiin III' tt (,'i iniiiil rrmii llii- Ciu'liiiiiit'i'niiiH Mini'slnnn of WarH,.tv III, 'I'lio lii'iMiii U H'IiiIimI to Amiihorafrinim iiiiil Aoliitiifriniin. Roemer, Ferdinand. l>io hiliirlHcho Fuiinii iIi'n wcNtlirluMi TiMiDOHHPe. I'litir pa!iii'iiiitiilii;riHrlic .Miiiii)iri'jiplii(>. | I'lit^ Silurian Fiimia ot' NVi'Htoni 'I'i-iiii('.sHt'i>. A |)iilii'oiit(ilii)(iciil iiioiioKi-uph.] I . pp. '.)7, with & plates. ItiiNlaii. !-<;<». A lai';.'!' iiiiinliri'iir Siliiiiiin I'liMHiU I'lDm Ti^nneHKito nrn tlt'Nnribnil in IIiIm inipiirtiiiit wiirk.df wlilcli llir I'lilliiNvliin Hin'i'ii'H and viiili'tlc^ imi'iIi'hciIIiciI iih tiiw .~t'iilniiiiiimra {Fdnmiles) forheHi, viii'. i/ivi'iiii/cn, ihiH'imle^iilt'A himiniilnirienH, hVneitilUt iicutironlii, I'laliicriiiim li'imexuffnuin, /.iiiiiiitirnri'iniin ti'mivfuii'imiii, ('iiliifriiiiin lirviK, lUtciiliipliwri- Il»^ /'iin/i /', CiiiTiifrimis hai'ca, I'nti'ri'n'riinin pini/nimiH. SinilinlhiH-iiniiii ti'itnemivDiiii, f'jiHliifriiniH ^')l)l,')«(•l'/lcM, OrDiin ihhiiilica Sin'rij, r uiiitinrcnHiK, var. idiiu'i'ljii'liii, llhyn- rhiiiii'HalfiiiifuseeiMU, anil Tinhn ti'iiin'uxcciiiis. .Viil()li;;sl ilii' Mpnii^TS, llic uriirni .»«• Ijlluxpuniiiii anil /'((/i'xi/kiiiom, anil ainiiii) tln't'i IniiiiN lln' ^ciicia /,a»i/''>'riM'r/mN|iiiniliii|;ili>|mNitH inulliin'ro;;!!)!)!! ill Ni'i'tii -Xmrricii ami |iH. Roemer, Ferdinand. r«l)i'itli!ii Jlaii vdii .Mt>loniti'siiiiiltipora, cin Kcliinid dt's aint'iikaniHi'licn IvoliUtiikalkas. <^ Avchlr I'iiv Xuliiriieitvhiclite, .lulir^. x\i, 15(1. i, pp. :il-,'-:i:!(), pi. xii. ISCI. .\ ri'itical aimlvHiH of lliu cliaraclnrg iil' Meloniles. Roemer, Ferdinand. la'tlitcn piiloo/oica. Atlas, witli ti-i plateH. Stiitt- jtart, Ir^'Ht. The ti^xt of tlii.s ivork is not yot pnhlixlicil, but tlii' atlan onntaiDs fliinicn of many American ...uIIh. Rogers, Willian. B. On thu discovery of i'aradoxides in tlio nltornd rocks of Kat*t(n'ii MasHUcliiisHttH. <^ Hiilnhtmih \ew I'hUoHophiral Joiirn., now .scr., vol. iv, pii. :W1-H(I4, Irtfit!, Uiciinls tliii (Um , cry iif I'aradoxitien hitrlani (iiri'ii (tlio locality of which was pri'vliiuxly iiiiknowi.i in tliu niatuH of niuinlri'o, near lioHton. Rominger, Carl. On the true nature of Pluiirodictyiini probluiuatioiini. <^ Ann. and Maji.>tlativo Assembly, April, If^.'ifi. Ottawa. Contains notes nf llu' fo.ssils, saiil to In- t'lom Lake Superior, but really ilerlveil from drifted bnulilers of Upper Silurian Liinestono. Other U'jlices of fosnila seem to be of no value. ? <^ '!■ H.—pirnr-irATroNs madk in nRiTiHii amkuioa, F/rr. 127 Salter, J. W. .loinniil of n vojukh in HiiDIii'm Hiiy and Harrow Htiiiit in tlio jfUiN iK'id-l, iiKit'oiriM'il hy II. M. NliipH " Liuly rruiikliii " iiiitl "Ho|iliiii'', iiiiiltT llif Kiiiiiiiiinil of .Mr. W'illiiiin I'lMiiiy, in H*p. rcwiii- ccxN.\iii, |iIn, V hikI vi. The iiiiltior iliHi rilii'H II miiTilpnror i'nultvui, MnUuHeii. iiiiil ('ulcntfrnti'i from lli* SiliirlMii HtniU III' IliK iiisii;lilii)iii-liiiiiil III' '.VkIIIiikIdii Cliiinrii'l, Ac. The new HpiTixi (li'Ki'iilii'il nil' —Orth'iii'ritH mniiiaiifiii, Slrniihuuifiiit ilniimil, UliiiiifhnnrUa I'hnea, UtriiihiKhx iilckHiiiriiii. S. (f) nimtini, Fai'luti'ltn nliaitata, h'. /ninklini, Hnlnmnaria niilhiilamli, .\racliii'iiihi)Uiiiit ri'hitrdKnni, Uhiiuchnitilhi maiiHonii, ami ('lUiiphiilbim lihrii'imiiieriiH. Salter, J. W. On Arotln .Silminii fossilH. -<, (,>iiitrl.-f ;U7. lH,-,:t. (iivi'H lixlH, with iloHrriptivi' I'KliliirkN, III' II iiiiinhri' i<( I'piii't' .Slliiiliiii I'lmHilH nil- Iwli'il liy th» .\trlh' Kiiii'ilitiuii nl' H,">i).,"i|, cliiilly Iriim tlin riitriiiici' nl Wt'lllniiliiri (Jhuiiiii'l. 'I III' iiiithnr iiIhii iiiili'N tliK iH'nii'ioiit'.i' III' I'li'lstoii'iir iliipiisiu. with mariiio hIii'IIn III' I'xiHiiiii: .\ trill', npi'i'liiH. nil lli'nilii'y ami CiirinvalllH Inlaiiiln. n\: tii .'lOO I'liot. Salter, J. W. .Violif, (J!irlionifi)ioii.s fort.ilJN, colimtti'il by llio cxiHMlltioii nndt^r Sir K. HcIcIkm', C. H., 1S:c.»-.'iI. lu thu •' Last ol tlio An lit; Voy- aHf«". by .Sir Hilwiinl Hiiltliur, (J. H. 2 voU. 8 J. Loinlon, IH.V.. Vol. ii, pp. 377, ;?'JI. pi. .\x\vi. Dt'Si'rlhi'H A iiiinilii't' of ('iiiliiinll'iTiiim fiifliiiU, i>( wliii'li tim I'ollnwliii; nrr ilfKcrlbt'il as lii'W spiMiiii!!: — FiiniiUna hi/in'rlxirrn, /,:ii>hri'ntii iiihIhih, Olininphiiltiim Inmulnx, Syrirf gnpora auloporn, anil FenvatflUt iirrlica. Salter, J. W. Fo.s.'^il.s from tlio bjiso of tlin Tronton riinit'«tont\ <^ Fiij- itrrn (tiiil l>(nn'ii>liiiiin of Canadian Oryaiiic licntainn, Dccudo 1, Muntruiil, 1859. pp. 47, pin. i-x. In this work, Mr. Sailer di'.-Hcrilii'.'^ a iiiuiiberur fn.i^lls, mostly I'lntii Hie Tiiintiiu I.iiiD'slimn III' l'aiii|iiettH'H Kapiils (III the Otiawa, in wliirli there ii* a Niii);iilnr inter- niixtiiri'ol' the tnrmH pniper to llie lllaek Klver and (Jha/.y liineHtoni-H with thoHochar- act of Olenodonlii (incliidliiK ■-' iie.w speeieH) are described. The ilianii'ters of Orlliis triceiiiirin Coiir. are fully treated of; and lastly th« author deaU with tlio alllnities and slriiirtiire of tiie genus lii'ceptili'iiliti'ii, refeirinj; the fon.'til.i of tliiA Hioiip to the Fiiraininifira, and plaeinn tliei.i in the iiuitjiiliiiiiihooil of Orhilo- litem. Two new HpieieH are de.'ieribeil, one, R. necidenliUii, from llii' Trenlon Lime- Htinip, and the other, A", tinnlraliii, introduced for eoinparimin, from thu Silurian rocks of New South Wales. Salter, J. 'W. Dn tlm foswils of tht' Linj^nla-lliiKs or "Zone I'riinonli.ale". < Qni:rt. ,/oitni. (Uiil, -Soc. Lond,. vol. xv, pp. ."j.')l-r»5.'>, with 4 (Mifjnvvings. 18.VJ. Two new speiies of L'rUultilfg are deHcribed and llniired, viz, I'aradoxidea hen- nellii,i'iitni the I'riiiiordiiil beds of Mewfimndland, and Ooiiiici'phalux anliiiiatuii, from R Imnhler of sandstone ilisenvereil ill (Jeiir'iia. All imperfect Triluhile from theC'nI- cilerons Saiiilrock of Caf.ailii, formeily referied by the author to Varaduxidei, U iio\Y doubtfully placed in Asiiphim. 128 DlDLIOGRArHY OF INVERTEBRATE PALliGNTOLOGY. Salter, J. W. On soino fossil Ci'ustacoa IVoin tho Coal-Moasuros and Do- voniiin Rocks of Hritish Anuu'iua. <. (Juart. Joiini. Geol. Soc, vol. xix, pp. TiVfO, tiati. 1-1:2. 1>^6:?. Tlii^ ){ti)SO(l for a Stoma- ]M)(1 (') CriistiK eaii froiii tlio Duvoiiiau iooUh of New Hninswick. Tlio ;;inma Piplo- stiiUis, Willi Olio spccion [!> i/n/cvmu'), in founilcii for an Amplilp'iil (') from tho (^oal- MoaRiiiBs of Nova Scoli v Eii'i/ptim pulicui-i/i is ilusoriliod >i^ now from tho Dovoniau of Xt'w Kriinswiok. and othor iinuaracil spocios of tho samo nenus aro iiotod from tho Coal-Mcasuros of Nova Si'otia. 'I'lioro is also a note (with tl:;iuoa) as to three I.anuOlibranohs from thi' CoalMi^isuro.s of Nova Sjotia, viz, Anthracoinya elongata l>awMon, .sp.. .1. {Xaiaditcn) lifi'is Dawson, s|i., ami Antliracoptera ( .Vataiiiteii) carbuiia- Ha Dawson, sp. Slater, J. W., nnd H. Billings. On CyclocystoidoB. a new goiins of Kcliiiioduniiata ffoiii tlio Lower ami Middle Silurian U'lcks. <[ Figures and Denrriptiotin of ('anaiUan Orf/anic Kemains : Decade III. Muutreal, If^'iH. jip. ?i()-lt0.^.1. X biH. Tho authors foiimi tho gonus OyclociisUndes for soino curious Kohiuoilonns, in some rcspofU intiMineiliato botweon tlio Cysti'leans and the Star-lislies. Of the two species described, one {C.halU Itill.) is from the Tnmton Limastono of Ottawa, and tho other (0. ddt'iwirSiilt.) is from the May Hill Sanlstone of Prostoijjn, Wales. Schcmb rrgk, .S'l'c Robert H. The iHicrosco|»ical siliceous Folycystina of HarbadoH, and their ■•■latioii to existing; aniinils. as diisuribed in a lecture by Professor Iv.irenbei'fj; of Herlin, delivered before tho Royal Ac'ideniy of Seienees on the lltli Kebrnary, 1S17. <^ An». and Mag. Xat. Hint., Her. 1, vol. XX, jtp. ll'i-l'iT, jds. v and vi, 1847. Schomburgk, sir Robert H. Tho History of Barbados. S \ pp. 7'i. London, 1848. ('(mtains notices of gome of the Tertiary fossils, especially of the Volycydiua. The new species SenlarUt ehrenheriji, Xiu-ula paekfri, and V. icIiDinhHrgkU aro di^scribed by I'rof. Kihvard Korbes. Schultze, Max. Eo/oiin canadonse. <^ Ann. and M'vj. Nat. llixt.,w,v.Ay vol. xiii, pp. ;V*4,:!.i(!. [From a Report of the Meeliiif; of tho " Nioder- rh(!iiiischeGe.sellschaft fiir Niitnr- nnd lleilkunde" at Bonn, .July 7, 187H, in ihe " Ki'dner /eitnno ", August 14, 1^*715.] 1874. A note in which this 'listinguished naturalist expresses bis conviction that " there ran be no serious doul.t as to the Foramiiiiforous nature of Koiimn eanadense". Scudder, Samuel H. The fossil insects of North America. < Geologi- cal Maga:inc, l)e( ado I, vol. v, i)p. 17'i-177, *2l()-\ii.»'2. HtiM. The author gives a completo rexiDm'' i>( the known fossil imecls of North Amer- ica up to date (ItiOS), .iccompanied by critical remarks on the specie », and detailed statements as to the precise strati);raphical pDsltiou of the remains in <|uestiou. Scudder, Samuel H. On the fjssil Myr'op:)ds of tho Coal-formatious of Nova Scotia and Kiiglatid. < (,>nart.,hnrn. (ieol. Soc. Lond,, vol. xxv, p. 441. [Abstract.] 18t)l>. The author reiuiniii/.es six species of Cliiloj;iiathous Myriopods in the CoalMeas- nies. live bi'loiigiui; to Xiilnbiun, and one. beinj; tho type of the new gonus Ari-hiubt.i. Tho family Arcliiulidie is proposed for the reception of these forms. Scudder, Samuel H. Two now Carboniferous Cockroaches from the Carbonii ous of Cajio Breton. < Canad. Nat., new sor., vol. vii, jip. 271, a72, with 2 figures. 1874. Describes hlattinn lirHonennis and //. heeri as new species. •iv 1 II.— PUBLICATIONS MADE IN BRITISH AMERICA, ETC. 129 ^ \ I Scudder, Samuel H. Fossil Paliooziio Inaeots. <^ Oeological Magazine, Dooade II, vol. iii, pii. 519, 520. 1876. (liviiH a complete liHt of the Carlionlforons Insects of North America, arrant;ed by fiiiiiilieH. Sharpe, Daniel. Report on the fossil romaiaH of Molliisca from the Palii'ozoic fonnatioiis of the United States contaiiiod in the collection of Charles Lyell, Esq. ; with remarks on the comparison of the North Auicrican formations with those of Europe. <^ Qiiarl, Joiirn, Geol, Soc. Lund., vol. iv, i.i..l>45-281. 1848. Tills memoir Ih prluoipnlly oonoerned with the i(li>ntifleatloii of the fo.isils collected from the Silurmn and DovouUiu Uocks of Xorth Amnrica by Sir Charloi Lyell, and the determination of Riich of these as appear to occur also in Europe. An elaborate list of the pultlmhod species of UoUuaca recognised 'n the collection is given, and de- tailed notes on a number of the spocies are appended. Smith, J. T.,jun. Note on the more characteristic fossils of the Hudson Uiver (ironji of Toronto and its environs. <" Canad. Journ., new ser., v(d. iv, lip. 450-452. 1859. StimpBon, 'William. Review of the Northern Buccinuins, and remarks on some other northern marine MoUusks. <" Canad. Sat., new ser., vol. ii, pp. :«)4-389. 18()7. Descriptions of the uorlhoin species of Jliiccinum, Including the forms found in the I'oHt-Plioceiie deposits of >forth Amerioa. Stokes, Charles. On some species of Orthocerata. <^ I'roc. Geol. Soc. Loud., vol. ii, pp. ()88-(«lt0. 181J8. Treats of the Orthocerntiten found l)y Dr. Bigsby and other observers in Canada, and by various explorers in the Arctic regions. The generic types Ormnceras and Iluronia arc founded and delluod, and the other forms are referred to Actiiioceras. Stokes, Charles. On some species of Orthocerata. <^ Trans. Ofol. Soc. Lond., ser. 2, vol. v, i>ii. 70.')-714, pis. lix, Is. 1840. The spt'ciniens ilesci'ihed are from Diummcmd Island and other Camulian locali- ties, as well as I'niin tli ■ Arctic reniona. The authoi- n-fers four species, all now, to the group Xi-tinoeevn^ Uronii., and desorilii's three new .species of the t;roup to which he lierc gives the name of Orinnecras. The chiiracters of those gro ups, and also of Uuronia, are considere.l, and the latter is referred to the Orlhoceratidte. Thomson, James, and H. Aileyne Nicholson. Coutrihntions to the study of the chii.f {generic typos of PalieJzoic Corals. <[ Ann. and Mag . Sat. HM., ser. 4, vol. xvii, p. 455. 187U. In a note, the authors propose and deline biielly the genus AcropltyUuin for the reception of A. {Vliintiphylluiii) oni'idJiih., both from th(> Oornifemus Limestone of Western Uutariu. Toula, Franz. DescriiJtion of Mesozoic fossils from Knhu Island. <^Di3 Zweile HfulHche Xordimlfahrt, I$,l. ii, fVkwnJich'i/lUGhe Enjiibnhxe, p. 497, with 2 plates. Leip/.ijj;, 1874. I Not seen by the writer. ] Oescribos a uumlior of Jurassic fossils From Kuhu Island, of whieii I'eriiphimten paijeri is miw. Tuomey, M. Discovery of a elia inhered univalve shell in the Eocene Ter- tiary of .lames River, A'iif{inia. <^ .inn. and Mag. Xat. U.M., sor. 1, vol. X, pp. 15(5, 157. 1S42. A reprint from HiHiman'i American Journal, July, lf4'-'. Mis. I'lib. No. 10 1) 130 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. Van den Broeck, ^ErneBt. Riipport siir uii ndmoiro de M. G. P. Matthew iiititulo: Notes on the Molliiscn of tlio Post-IMiocene t'onua- tiou ill Acadia. <^ .tnii. de la Soc, MaUu'ijlogiqne do Pdghiue, t. ix, Bull, des Svanccg, pp. cxliii-di. 187-1. Sci> tlio original momnir iindor O. F. Mathew. Verneui), Edouard Poulletier de. Siir iiii Orthocdratito gigantesciiie do rAiiK^riqiie. <^ Hull, de lit So(\ Gthl. de France, vol. iv, pit. 5.')r)-.'j.')9. ISiCu Di'scribes Orthoceras herculaiieus from the Lower Silurian rocks of tlio United States. Verneui], Edouard Poulletier de. Note sur le paralldlinmo des roches des ddpiVs pal<5oz()i(iues do I'Aiiidriquo septontrioiiale avec cenx de I'Enrope, Buivi d'ltu tableau des espdcos fossilos comniiines aiix deux continents, avec I'indication des 5-;iG4. 1872. A reprint from the Amer. Journ. Sci. ami ArUi, ilarch, ISTi. Vilanova y Peira, ^Juan. Estructnni de las rocas serpentinosas y el Edzoiin canadense. <^Soc. Espan. lHat. Xal., vol. iii, parts 'i aud 3. 1^74. Concludes that I^ozniin canadense is not the remains of an organism. Von Bucb, Leopold. Kreide am oberen Missouri. <^ Zeilschrifl d. Dcntsoh. Gvol. Gcs., Hd, V, p. 11. 185:$. A note on Cephalnpods from the Crataceous formation of the^Black Hills, Whiteaves, J. F. Notes on the C'rotaceons Fossils collected by Mr. .James Richardson, at Vancouver and the adjaceiit islaiuls. <^ Geological Surveii of Canada : Report of Progress for 1873-74, pp. '260-268, with 1 plate. A number of Cephalopods, Gastornpods. and LaroelUbranchs are noticed aud in part described. The following species are described as new:— iuciua richardsonii, Cowhocele cretncen, .Isfcirte cardinioidea, A. vaticouverfiitig, Tellinn tneekiana, and Fascivlaria nodidosa. Whiteavee, J. P. On some invertebrates from the coal-bearing rocks of the Queen Charlotte Islands, collected by Mr. J.ames Richardson in 1872. Mesozoic fossils. Vol. i, part i. pp. 92, pis. i-x, with map and 9 engravings. <] Geological . a y of Canada. Montreal, 1876. After a preliminary consideration of the deposits in which the fo.^sils occur, and the general nature of their organic remains, the author proceeds to describe the spe- ^i1 ' k\ II.— PUBLICATIONS MADE IN BUIIISH AMERICA, ETC. 131 oles. Miuiy of the specimens w(>ro ho poorly prosoj ycd as not to allow of complete speciflo (Ictinniinatioi), and otlipra woni idontical witli pruvioUMly recorded forma. Tile I'ollowin;; art) the new species doscribcd : — Ammonilen pereziantif, A.loganianiu, A. rkhtinlsonii, A. skidcijatenus, A. carlotlennis, A. UiperouHamis, A.jllocincttts, A. ere- nocostaliis (ptov.), ,lnioi(r«;)si'« teniiiiitriata, Pleurotomaria skideijatensin, Martegia (?) carini/era, I'leuromya (?) carU>Uennia, Pholatlomya oi'uloiiles, Oallista (0 subtrifiona, Triijonia iiicemimstata, Meleaijrina amygdaloidca, and Synei/clonctn^ metkinna. In a cnnclndiu}! cliaplcr, tlie autlior considers ttia paUeontulogieal relations and correlation of the Cn'laceon^ deprsits of Vancouver, and lie arrives at the ooncliisioM that the ceal-beariuf; rocks of (iuoen Charlotte Islands, from which the IbsHils described were cidlected, can liardly be older than tlio Upper •rurassle or later than the Middle Creta- ceous. Woodward, Henry. Note on the piil|msaiiliU3, from tlie Trenton Liuiostoiit*, in the Muhuiiiii. <[ Quart. Journ. Geol. Si>c. fjond., vol. xxvi, pp. ISH-Wd, with woodcut. 1870. The nntlior records the discovery of the Jointed palpus of one of the mpziilte in a specimen of Asaphus platycephalus from the Trenton Limestone. Wood'wrard, Henry. Note on a new IJritish Cj'Btiflean. < Geological Mttijazine, vol. viii, pp.71, 72, with engraving. IM71. A short paper, witli a letter from Mr. Riliinjjs, pointing out that Placocystitei forhesianus, ilescrilied by De Koniuck (Oeol. Ma;;., vol. vii, p. iPiH as a new liritiah Cyslidoan, is really identical with AtelocyHtites huxleyi BillinprH from the Lower Slla- riau of North America. Woodward, Henry. On some new Phyllopodons Crnst.aceans from the Palieozoic rocks. <^ iieological Maijaiine, vol. viii, pp. 104-107, pi. iii. 1871. The only American form described is the new Dithyrocaris belli from the Middle Devonian of Gasp6. Woodward, S. P. Some account of Barrettia, a new and remarkable fossil shell from the Ilipimrlto Limestone of .Jainaiua. < The Geologint, vol, vi, pp. 'M'.l-'.\77, pis. XX, xxi. ISiyi. The author describes and tigurea Barrettia monili/orviis from the Cretaceous rocks of .Tamaiea. Woodward, S. P. A manual of the Mollusca. bein^ a treatise on recent and fossil shells. M ed. With an aiipendix on recent and fossil coa- chological discoveries, by Uai.i'U 'rATK. 1875. The hoily of Ibis work contains numerous (h