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A I ■■■■• ij vf \ 't- -M ] •^ y ^^K JR . m / "^.^H r f> ll- 1 'b ^ ul thp: MUSCLES OF THE HORSE, Entciocl according to the Act of ParliaiBent of Canada, in the year one tliousand eight hundred and eighty-six, by WILLIAI^rSON ^- CO., in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. ii- \ i 1 f/ I ^ \ ] .1 i' aUSCLES OF THE HORSE REVISED AND SIMPLIFIED. BY W. P. McCLUKE, Student, At the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto. 1 '■ ■ f TORONTO : WILLIAMSON & CO. Veterinary Booksellers, 5 KING STREET WEST, NEXT DOMINION BANK. l886. ( "7 k ! I v/ ^,r <.<' 2l^ Co S7 i i MUSCLES OF THE HORSE. I I MUSCLES. Panniculus Carnosus. Orliihi Favial d't'i'lrnl Tlmrncif AMoininal lusrle of the Action From the angle of the maxilln, and orhirnl. mouth, foriiiiriLf the Retractor anguli oris. Contiiiiied over the inferior cervical r i^ion, attached to the cariniform cartilage and by aponeurosis to lif^. nuchae. Passes over the shoulder and in this region the fibres run up and down, differinL; from the c( rvical and abdominal which runs len;^th\vise and attaclud posteriorly to the stirte joint and fascia of the thigh. 'I'o twitch skin, and protef:t animals t"i )m flics. HEAD. Orbicularis oris. Orlyln, Imm'tlon Si)hincter muscle of the mouth, forming the lips Arfioii .'Vssist in mastication and closing lips. Buccinator. Oi'iyin From the alveoli of the molar teeth of both jaws under the masseter muscle. Insertion To the orbicularis oris. Action Forces food between the molars. Supernaso— labialis. Orifjin From the frontal and nasal bones. Insertion To the nostril, lip, and angle of the mouth. Action Assist to open the lips ; dilate the no: tril. Supermaxillo — Labialis. Origin From superior maxilla bone. Insertion. Vo the upper lip. Action To raise upper lip. MtTSCIiKS OF THE HORSE. ( I Dilator naris lateralis. Origin From anterior part of maxillary spine. Insertion To side ot nostril and upper lip. Action To dialate nostril. Dilator naris transveralis. Origin Nasal i)eak. Insertion To the alae of the nostrils. Action To dialate nostril. Origin Insertion Action Origin Insertion. Actioii. OHgin Insertiitn Action Depressor lab. inferioris. From the alveolar tuberosity and superior border of inferior maxilla. T'o the under lip. 'I'o depress under lip. Depressor lab. superioris. From the premaxilla. To upper lip and cartilage. To close the lips. Muscles that open the lips. Super naso labialis. •• maxillo " Depressor lab. inferioris. Muscles that close the lips. Depressor labii superioris. Levator menti. Orbicular oris. Muscles that assist in mastication. 1. Masseter. 2. Temporal. 3. Pterygoid externus. 4. " internus. Masseter. From spine and external surface of superior maxilla. To the surface, border, and nngle of inferior maxilla. Assist in mastication. i of inferior ~m f^^ ■^ ■^ MUSCLES OF THE HORSE. 6 Temporal Orii/in From the external surface of parietal, occipital and temporal bone. yJInsertion To the coronoid process of inferior maxilla. .g^Action To close mouth and give lateral motion to lower jaw. Ori(jin Insertion Action Orif/ln Insertion Action Pterygroid erternus. From ala and pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone. To a depression below condyle on the inferior maxilla. To draw lower jaw forward, singly a lateral movement. Pterygoid internus. From pterygoid process of sphenoid and palatine ridge. To posterior border and angle of inferior maxilla bone. To close mouth and raise the jaw also, singly a lateral motion. SUPERIOR CERVICAL GROUP. 1. Trapezius Cervicalis. 2. Rhomboideus Longus 3. Splenius 4. Complexus Major. 5. Trachelo Mastoideiis 6. Complexus Minor. 7. Rectus large or Rectus capitis Post. -Major. 8. " small " " " Minor. 9. Spinalis Colli ID. Oblique (posterior or large). II. " (anterior " small). Trapezius Cervicalis. Oritfin Insertion Action Oruiin Insertion Action ( hitiin From funicular portion of ligamentum nuchse. To spine of scapula along with the dorsalis. To elevate and draw shoulder forward. Rhomboideus Longus. From funicular portion of lig. nuchae as high as 2nd cervical vertebrae. To the anterior angle of scapula and cartilage of prolongation. To elevate and draw scapula forwards. Splenius. From spines at ist (4 or 5) dorsal veitebrae; along lig. nuchae superiorly, and to the transverse processes of 3rd, 4th and 5th cervical vertebrae. wf- 6 Acthni Action ^^E HOltSE. % one tendon nln^^ • . — ~~~- -— — _ Complexus Major. p, -x"-- .uo iviajor, ' o extend head. ^"oerosity. Oritfiu Action Trachelo Mastoideus. (J Oi'ifiiu Jn^Hcrtion Action (h-it/in Insertion Action [>nn To extend and curve the neck. INFERIOR CERVICAL GROUP. Levator humeri. Sterno-maxillaris. Sterno-thyro-hyoideus. Subscapula-hyoideus. Rectus long or anticus major. Rectus short " minor. Scalenus Longus colli. Levator humeri. (h-i'iiiii By one tendon to t'-e crest of occiput and mastoid process of the temporal bone ; by the other to the wing of the atlas, attached to the transverse processes of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae loosely by fascia over the shoulder. Imetiion To the deltoid ridge of the humerus. Action To extend or elevate the limb, depress head ; singly turn head and neck to one side. ( h-iijln lnsi'rtiu)i Action Sterno Maxillaris. From the anterior part of cariniform cartilage, united to its oi;posite fellow along the inferior third. To angle of the lower jaw. To depress head ; singly to turn head to one side. Sterno-thyro-hyoides. (h-Kjin From superior part of cariniform cartilage with its fellow. Insertion To inferior part of thyroid cartilage and spur process of os hyoides. Action To depress hyoid bone, larnyx, and tongue. (hiiiin Insertion Action Subscapula hyoideus. From fascia covering subscapularis muscle. To inferior border of spar process of os hyoideus, To depress hyoid apparatus. // 8 Oriyin ^^l^'SCLEs OF THE 'Pectus long-. HoitSE. miction ^nylii Act/uH ^^f'iinn ^"isenion Action ^'om transverse »rn. rv^ , ^®^'"s Short, ^•^oni body off h "''""'" flexing held. |. Scalenus. ^'"om the inferior £0 the SD np ^. .... "' ^^^t SIX cervrni '• T.,,... , '^'"''''^ 'REGION. Origin ^o 'he tubercle on , hi. •''"'•''" "ertebrf supraspinous iig. Action ToT"'"'- '""""■"'escwul, , ^°*^--apulaup,„,,^^^ ^-^P""" «'o%' with trap, To tnner and supe rioJ' ''"''S'" vertebra To draw scapula up. """ ««i'age of pro- #- '"^ ^'h cervical ^'^enoid bone. ' vertebrae. " one side. ertebrae, and »^ t six cervical m. 'Jnous Jig. »vith trap. - of pro- -m ?WI / 1 '^~>--. MU8CLKH OF THE HOKHE. 9 Oriffin Insertion Action Oriqin Imertion 4 Action i^ Oiiijin fnnertion j_. Action Latissimus dorsi. By aponeurosis from highest point of withers stretching as far back as last lumbar vertebrje, passing obliquely down and forwards. To internal tuberosity of humerus along with teres internus. Flex shoulder joint and assist in expiration. Serratus magnus. From transverse processes of the last five cervical vertebrae and external surface of th*^ eight true ribs from their middles to their cartilages. To the venter surface of scapula between rhomboideus long and subscapularis muscle. Great sling muscle of ant. extremity ; assists in inspiration and elevates the neck. Transversalis costarum. From transverse processes of ist lumbar vertebrae, and all ribs near tubercles. To last cervical vei'tebrae. Compress ribs and thus assist in expiration. Intercostal ext. Oriyin and Imeriton Fibres run down and backwards between each rib terminating at costal cartilages, Intercostal internus. Origin and Insertion Fibres run down and forwards, between each ri'j, and do not extend above the angle. Action Assist in inspiration, and aid action of diaphragm. LUMBAR REGION. LongissimuB dorsi. Spinalis dorsi. Longissimus dorsi. Origin and Insertion F'rom crest, inner surface and angles of illium, also spines and transverse pro -esses, of ist two bones of sacrum, and oblique processes of all the lumbar, processes of all the dorsral, " " last four cervical. Also attached to the external surface of last sixteen ribs. (( t( tt (( <( (( 10 Action Orifiin Action _WHCLK8J,K THE HOBSE. To «si« in kieki„g_ .^„^ ^^^~' SpiiuUi, dor,, 'Tom spines of anterini- i ••" nssis, in LZniZk '^"^'™' vereebr=«. SUBLUMBAR REGION. soas inafftiiis I' ^'«"as magnus '• " parvus .}• Illiacus. 4- guadratus Lumboruni. On'ffin insertion Action Oriffin Imertion Action Oriffin Insertion Actiofi Psoas magnus. '^"'"e .hi,,,, flex H::Tx::z'r- Psoas parvus. To'Je'^fcl^^ui::', tint;: 'or f ^" '"^ '"'-Onr. To flex pelvis and roaci, "he back "" ""^ '"""''• Illiacus. Origin ■! >isertion Action Quadratus lumborum. _ -« 'uinoorum. ;°o^.«tar"-""-%-enta„d.anve.ep,oc To posterior border of hst rih '" To ass,s< in flexing ,°;„'^ ^ebr^ . h . ««ebrs and drau. las. Wb back. ^ Siiperficiai 2. Deep PECTORAL GROUP. or pectoral,-, magnus. parvus. >^^.. 1 ,'«% im. I 11 MUSCLES OF THE HORSE. 11 Origin Insertion Action Origin Insertion Position Action Origin Insertion Action Superficial pectoral. From cariniform cartilage and first four bones of the sternum meeting its fellow on opposite side. To the olecranon, by fascia covering inside of the arm and to the anterior part of humerus. To adduct the arm and tense brachial fascia. Deep pectoral. From bones of sternum and cartilages (cariniform and ensi- form. To inner trochanter of the humerus, and by fascia over bioipital groove to ext. trochanter also to the anterior costa of the scapula as high up as antea spinatus. ABDOMINAL GROUP. Accessories. Muscles. 1. Tunica abdominalis. 2. Linea alba. 7. Poujjart's ligament. 8. Inguinal canal. 3. Obliquus abdominis externus. 4' " " internus, 5. Rectus abdominis. 6. Transversalis abdominis. Tunica abdominalis. Composed of yellow elastic tissue thick at the pubis extend ing on each side of the linea alba and thinning out to wards the sternum anteriorly. Gives mechanical support and elasticity to the abdominal viscera. Linea alba. A white fibrous cord extending from ensiform cartilage to the pubis, formed by the meeting of the aponeurosis of the abdominal muscles. Obliquus abdominis ext. From external surface of last thirteen or fourteen ribs the fibres running downwards and backwards, also to the anterior illiac spine. To the pubis and prepubian tendon, and to the linea alba. To compress abdominal viscera, flex vertebra, and assist in expiration, also assist in (defecation urination, parturition.) 12 MUSCLES OF THE HORSE. Poupart's ligament. It is formed by the aponeurosis of the external oblique con- necting the external angle of the illium to the symphysis pubis, forming the crural arch for vessels to pass. An- terior to this we have the mgninal canal, 2 to 3^ inches in length running in same direction, downwards, backwctrds and inwards. Inrernal oblique. External angle of illium, posterior border of last rib and cartilages of the false ribs. To the linea alba, and symphysis pubis by the prepubian tendon. To assist ext. oblique. Tunica abdominis. To inferior surface of ensiform cartilage and sternum, cartil- age of last four true and ist two false. Posteriorly on each side of iinea alba to pubis by the pre- pubian tendon. Compress abdominal viscera, flex spinal column and assist in respiration. Transversalis abdominis. Tranverpe processes of lumbar vertebrae and inner surface of the cartilages of all the false ribs. To ensiform cartilage and linea alba. To assist the oblique muscles, and raise viscera. Diaphragm. By two crura, right and left, below sublumbar vertebrae of which right is the longer and larger, and attached to bodies of all lumbar except last, while the left is inserted to about two anterior lumbar. To the cartilage of last twelve ribs and inferiorly to ensiiorm cartilage. Fleshy at cuTumference and tendinous in centre. Great muscle of inspiration. Foramen dextrum, below and to right— for passage of pos- terior vena cava. Foramen sinistrum to the left, near centre— for passage of oseophagus pneumogastric nerve. Hiatus aorticus above between pillars— for passage of pos- terior aorta vena azygos and thoracic duct. Oriyin Insenion Action Origin Insertion Action Origin Insertion Action Origin Insertion Action Foramens V«*s* ^j MUSCLES OF THE HORSE. 13 MUSCLES OF PECTORAL LIMB. xst Scapular group, external. 1. Antea spinatus. 2. Postea " 3. Teres externus 4. Deltoid. Antea-Spinatus. Origin From the anterior (fossa, costa) and anterior border of spine of the scapula and cervical angle of scapula. Insertion By two tendons, one to external trochanter and the other to the internal trochanter of humerus. Action To extend the humerus, and act as a ligament for shoulder joint. Postea spinatus. Origin From posterior fossa and costa of the scapula and posterior border of its spine, and cartilage of prolongation. Insertion By one tendon on the inside of the external humeral troch- anter, the other tendon passes over the trochanter and is inserted to roughened ridge below. We find a bursa in connection. Action Abduct humerus and rotate it outwards. Teres externus. Origin From dorsal angle and by fascia from tubercle on spine of scapula. Insertion To the deltoid ridge of the humerus. Action To abduct humerus and rotate outwards. Deltoid. Origin From posterior border of scapula and tendinous slips from posterior fossa and tubercle on rim of glenoid cavity. Insertion To the deltoid ridge. Action To abduct and rotate humerus outwards. Internal scapular group. 1. Subscapularis. 2. Teres internus. 3. Scapulo-humeralis. Subscapularis. Oriijin From whole of subscapularis fossa. Insertion To internal humeral trochanter. Action To adduct arm and rotate it inwards. 14 MUSCLES OF THE HORSE. Teres internus. Origin From dorsal angle and posterior costa of scapula. Insert'wn To the internal tuberosity of humerus. Action To adduct and rotate humerus inwards. Scapulo humeralis. Oriyin From the postero-inferior part of scapula. Insertion Just below the head of the humerus. Action To tense the capsular ligament of shoulder joint. BRACHIAL GROUP. Flexor brachii. Ant. Div. Coraco humeralis. Humeralis obliquus or externus. Flexor brachii. Origin From base of coracoid process of scapula over bicipital groove. Insertion By a strong tendon to bicipital tuberosity of radius. Actio7i Flex elbow joint and extend the limb. Coraco humeralis. Origin From beak of coracoid process on scapula. Insertion By one fleshy portion above internal tuberosity on humerus, and by the other below and anterior to it. Action To adduct and extend the arm. Humeralis externus. Origin Postero and superior part below articular head of humerus. Insertion By one tendon to inner head of radius. By the other to ulna. Action Flex elbow joint. IScapula-ulaaris. Triceps extensor brachii. Anconeus. Scapulo-ulnaris. Origin From dorsal angle of scapula by aponeurosis. Insertion To inner part of apex of the olecranon. Action Flex shoulder joint and extend the elbow. Caput Magnum. " medium. " parvum. "^""jp-^. «fc- '^ ^■"¥^4 *-'"x, '/, Li" / ^-N iA MUSCLES OF THE HORSE. 15 Caput magnum. Orufin From dorsal angle and posterior costa of scapula. Imerti. n To inner and superior part of olecranon, — bursa at apex. Action Extend the forearm and flex shoulder joint. Caput medium. Griffin From a ridge running from deltoid to neck of humerus at proximal end. Imertion To the olecranon with the caput magnum. Action To extend fore-arm. Caput parvum. Orvfm From the middle third on the inside of humerus. Insertion To the olecranon by two tendons. Action Extend fore-arm. Anconeus. Origin From the epitrochlea and capsular ligament. Insertion To the external part of the olecranon. Actio7i To tense capsular ligament of elbow joint. ANTITRACHIAL GROUP. Extensors 1. Extensor raetacarpi magnus 2. " " obliquus. 3. " pedis. (,4, " suffraginis. Extensor metacarpi magnus. Origin From the epitrochlea of the humerus, being joined by a strong tendon from flexor brachii ; about lower third of radius it becomes tendinous and passes through a groove at the anterior distal end of radius. Here we find a bursa. Then the tendon passes over the knee, being bound down by the anterior annular ligaments. Insertion To a tuberosity on the anterior part of metacarpal bone. Action To extend carpus. Extensor metacarpi obliquus. Origin From external border of radius, passing obliquely over the tendon of the exterior metacari)al magnus, then through an oblique groove on the antero-internal part of radius, \ 16 MUSCLES OF THE HORSE. Insertion Action Oi'ujin Insertion Action Oriqin Insertion Action Oriijin Insertion Action Origin Insertion Action To head of the inner metacarpal bone. To extend the metacarpus and rotate it slightly. Extensor pedis. From the epitrochlea and head of the radius. About inferior third of radius it becomes tendinous and bifid, |)assing through a groove on the antero-cxternal part of radius at distal end, over the knee, bound down by the anterior annular ligaments. Below the knee it sends a small tendon to join the tendon of extensor suffraginis. It passes over the front of the fetlock joint, being attached to cap- sular ligament, below fetlock it is joined by the suspensory ligament and is attached also to the anterior part of ist and 2nd phalanges. To the pyramidal jirocess of os pedis. To extend the phalanges on each other and also the carpus. Extensor suffraginis. From external part of the shaft and head of radius and the ulna, the tendon passing through a groove on the external part of the distal end oftl.e radius, over the carpus on the external border being joined below the knee by two tendons one from ihe extensor pedis and the other from the trapezium, a check ligament. To the head of the os suffraginis. To assist the extensor pedis. ANTITRACHIAL GROUP. /I. Flexor metacarpi externus. ■ 2. " " medius. ' 3- " " internus. Flexors - 4. " pedis perforatus. 5. " " perforans. 5. Ulnaris accessorius. 7. Radialis •• Flexor Metacarpi externus. From the epitrochlea terminating in two tendons. One to the external splint bone, the other to the trapezium. To flex carpus. Flexor metacarpi medius. From the epicondyle and hy another tendon from olecranon. By one tendon to the su!)ero-posterior part of trapezium. To flex carpus, li I r»- f-\ \W^ MUSCLEH OF THE HORBU. 17 f. Orhjin Insertion Action Orifiin Insertion Action Origin Insertion Action Oriyin Insertion Action Orifiin Insertion Action Flexor meUcarpi internut. From the epicondyle. To the head of inner spUnt bone. To flex carpus. Flexor pedis perforatus. From the epicondyle ; near the carpus it becomes tendinous and is joined by the superior check ligament from the radius, then it passes through a synovial sheath behind the carpus and is bound down by the posterior annualar liga- ment ; below the knee it forms a synovial sheath for the tendon of the perforans. At the fetlock it forms a sheath through which passes the perforans tendon and finally divides into two portions below the pastern joint. To the ridge of supero-posterior part of os coronae. To flex pastern and fetlock joints and partly the carpus. Flexor pedis perforans. From the epicondyle ; above the carpus it becomes tendin- ous and passes through the carpal sheath, and sheath be- low formed by the flexor pedis perforatus ; half way down the metacarpus it is joined by the tendons of the accessory flexors and by the inferior check ligament, then it passes through the sheath formed by the perforatus over the supero-posterior part of os coronae when it expands later- ally. To the semilunar ridge on the solar aspect of os pedis. To flex carpus and joints below the carpus. Ulnaris accessorius. From posterior border and summit of olecranon. It joins the tendon of the perforans below and near the carpus. To assist flexor perforans. Radialis accessorius. From posterior part of the shaft of the radius. It joins the tendon of the perforans. To assist flexor perforans. GLUTEAL REGION. 1. Gluteus externus. 2. " Maximus. 3- " internus. 4. Rectus parvus, 5. Obturator externus. 6. " internus. 7. Pyriformis. 8. Gemellus anticus and posticus. ^ 18 MUSCLES OF THE HORSE. Gluteus externus. Or'niln The anterior portion arises from the anterior spine of illium ; posterior from second and third sacral spines. Insertion To the trochanter minor externus. Action It abducts the thigh. Gluteus maximus. Origin From the iliac shaft, crest and spines; the side of sacrum ; the sacro-sciatic ligament, and the tendinous envelope of the longissimus dorsi as far forward as last rib. hisertion By two tendons, one to the summit of the trochanter njajor ; the other to the roughened surface below the con- vexity where there is a bursa interposed. Action To extend the femur and assist in rearing. Orifiin Insertion Action Gluteus internus. From shaft of illium, ischiatic spine, and capsular ligament. To a roughened space inside the convexity of the trochanter major. To abduct and rotate the thigh. Origin Insertion Action Rectus parvus. From the brim of the acetabulum. To the anterior and proximal end of the femur. To tense the capsular ligament of the hip joint. Obturator externus. Oriyin From the inferior surface of pubis and ischium below obturator fjramen. ■ Insertion In the trochanteric fossa. Action To rotate the femur outwards and adduct it. (h'iiiin Insertion Action Obturator internus. Krom above and around the obturator foramen, passing through the lesser sciatic notch, where its tendon joins the pyriformis. To the trochanteric fossa. To rotate femur outwards, and abduct it. .*■ -3^**- MUSCLES OF THE HORSE. 19 Oririin Insertion Action Orvfin Insertion Action Origin Insertion Action Origin Insertion Action Origin Insertion Action Pyriformis. From transverse processes of sacrum, and inner part of illiac shaft. Its tendon joins the obturator internus, and inserted in trochanteric fossa. To rotate femur. Gemellus anticus and posticus. By two tendons from the shaft of the ischium one on each side of the common tendon of the pyriformis and obturator internus, which it also joins. To the trochanteric fossa. To rotate the femur. FEMORAL REGION. Adductors Internal Internal External Anterior Posterior j Sartorius. Gracilis. , Pectineus. I Adductor brevis. Adductor lougus. \Adductor magnus. Group J Triceps adductor Femrois. Sartorius. From brim of pelvis near tendon of psoas parvus. To internal straight ligament of the patella. To adduct and flex femur. Gracilis. From inferior surface of ischio-pubic symphysis. To the internal straight ligament of the patella, and internal part of tibia ; its fascia aiding the biceps rotator tibialis to form fascia of this region. To adduct limb, and tense the fascia. Pectineus. By two tendons one on each side of the pubio-femoral liga ment to the pubis. To a roughened surface between the internal trochanter of the femur and the nutrient foramen To adduct and flex the thigh. 20 MUSCLES OF THE HORSE. Adductor Brevis. Origin From the inferior surface of the pubis. Insertion To a square roughened surface on posterior, middle third of the femur. Action To extend, adduct and rotate the femur outwards. Adductor longus. Origin From inferior and posterior part of the pubis. Insertion By two tendons one along with the brevis and by the other to the internal condyle of the* femur along with the magnus. Action To adduct, flex and rotate femur outwards. Origin Insertion Action Adductor magnus. By a slender band to coccygeal fascia, but chiefly from in- ferior surface and tuberosity of ischium. Along with the longus to the internal condyle of the femur. To adduct and extend the thigh, also to assist in rearing. Anteriur group Tensor fasciae lataa. Rectus femoris. Vastus extern ns. " intornus. .Crureus. Quadriceps cruralis. Origin Insertion Action Origin Insertion Action Origin Tensor fasciae latae. From the anterior illiac spine the fleshy portion, aud from it springs the aponeurotic portion divided into deep and superficial. The deep is attached to the external border of the femur along with the gluteus externus. The super- flcial spreads over tlie crural and triceps abductor. In its decent to be attached to the patella. To flex the femur and tense the fascia latse. Rectus femoris. From two depressions one on each side of illiac shaft before the acetabulum. To upper part of the patella. To flex femur and extend the leg. Vastus externus. Below the trochanter major occupying the external and part of the anterior shaft of the femur. )^ T^rn-rirKlvmVf^fr^P' f>-. MUSCLES OF THE HORSE. 21 Insertion To upper and outer part of patella Action To extend the leg. Vastus internus. Origin Fron\ the internal aspect of the shaft of the femur. Insertion To the upper and inner side of the patella. Action To extend the leg. Crureus. Origin From the lower third of the anterior surface of the femur. Insertion To upper surface of patella and capsular ligament. Action To extend the leg and tense the capsular ligament. Origin Insertion Action Oritjin Insertion Action EXTERNAL FEMORAL REGION. Triceps abductor femoris. From the spine of the sacrum, coccygeal fascia and sacro- sciatic ligament, also from the ischial tuberosity. To the external side of the patella, anteriorly to the tibial crest and posteriorly to the tibial fascia by strong apon- eurosis. To extend the femur and abduct the limb. Posterior f Biceps rotator libialis. group. "( Ischio fetnoralis. Biceps rotator libialis or Semitendinosus. From the spine of the sacrum and sacro-sciatic ligament also from ischial tuberosity. To the supero- internal part and crest of the tibia, To extend the femur, and to flex and rotate the leg out- wards. Ischio-femoralis. Origin From the inferior surface of the ischium in front of the tuberosity. Insertion To the posterior suiface of the femur just below the troch- anter internus. Action To extend and adduct the femur. 22 MUSCLES OF THE HORSE. ihiijin Action Origin ANTERIOR TIBIAL GROUP. Flexors -{ i. Flexor metatarsi. Extensors ( I. Extensor pedis. \ 2. Peroneus. Insertion Action Origin Insertion Action Origin Insertion Action Flexor metatarsi. It consists of a fleshy and tendinous portion. The tendin- ous part arises from a depression between trochela and condyle of the femur, in front of the astragulus it forms a ring, through which the tendon of the fleshy portion passes, in front of the tarsus it bifurcates and sends one sUp to the large metatarsal bone and one inclines outward to the cuboid bone. The fleshy portion lies in the external groove from head of tibia downwards, when it becomes tendinous it passes through the ring formed by the tendinous portion, then bifurcates sending one slip to the great metatarsal bone and the other winds inwards to be attached to tiie small cuneiform bone. To flex the tarsal joint. ANTERIOR TIBIAL— EXTENSORS. Extensor pedis. v From the fossa between the trochlea and external condyle along with the flexor metatarsi ; above the tarsus the belly terminates in a tendon, passes in front of the tarsus and bound down by the anterior annular ligament, about the middle of the metatarsus bone it receives the extensor brevis and the tendon of the peroneus ; attached at fetlock and phalanges similar to the extensor pedis of fore limb. To the pyrai>iidal process of the os pedis. To extend the entire digit, and flex the tarsal joint. Peroneus. From the external lateral ligament of the stifle joint and the whole length of the fibula. It joins tendon of extensor pedis. To assist extensor pedis. METATARSAL REGION. Estensor pedis brevis. Fronr» the infero anterior part of the astragulus. It joms tendor of extenon of extensor pedis, i o assist the extensor pedis. i)fWSI«* MUSCLES OF THE HORSE. 28 ^' i> (h'Hjin Insertion Action Orujin Insertion Action (h'iqin Imertion Action (hijiin Imertion Action POSTERIOR TIBIAL GROUP. f Gastrocnemius externus. Extensors. • I Plantaris. /Gaslrocnemius internus. ci..^.. Flexor pedis perforans Flexors ■{ .. * ., L^„„,„r!. accessorius. ^Popliteus. Gastrocnemius externus. By two heads, one above and external, the other below and internal to the supracondyloca fossa. To the posterior summit of the olecranon a bursa being in- terposed between it and the anterior part. To extend the tarsal joint. Plantaris. From external part of the head of the fibula. Along with gastrocnemius externus to the olecranon. To extend the tarsal joint. FLEXORS. Gastrocnemius internus. From the supracondyloid fossa — at first under the externus then winds round its inner side and surmounts it, at the calcaneum it forms a cap giving slips of insertion to the bone, and then continued down the posterior part of limb under the name of the perforatus tendon to be disposed of similarly to the perforatus in foreleg. We find a bursa between the internus and externus which is one of the seats of capped hock. Another between internus and skin (bursa mucosae) another seat of capped hock. To flex fetlock and pastern joint and extend tarsus. Flexor pedis perforans. From the posterior part of tibia and fibula by a fleshy belly above tarsus it becomes tendinous and passes through a groove on the inner side of the calcaneum being bound down by fibrous tissue in a synovial sheath, the seat of thorough-pin. It then descends behind the metatarsal bone, where it is joined by the check ligament and also flexor pedis accessorius — passes down in the same manner as the perforans of the anterior limb. To the semilunar ridge on the solar aspect of the os pedis. To flex the phalanges. Orhjin Insertion Action Origin Insertion Action Flexor pedis accesiorius. from the external tuberosity of the tibia and slightly from the tibula passes through a groove on the inside of the tarsal joint. It joins the teudon of the flexor perforans about one-third from point of calcaneum. To assist flexor pedis perforans. Popliteus. From a fossa on external condyle of the femur. To the triangular surface above the oblique line on the supero-posterior part of the tibia. To flex the leg and tense the capsular ligament of stifle joint. TONGUE. EXTRINSIC. Genio-hyo-glossus. From maxillary symphysis to hyoid bone and radiating fibres buried in the substance of the tongue. To protrude the tongue. Hyo fflossus long^s. From the corner of os hyoides external part. To the substance of the tongue. To retract the tongue. INTRINSIC MUSCLES. Linguals. Made up of different layers forming substance of the tongue. LARNYX. Extrinsic, (i) Sterno-thyro-hyoideus, and (2) Hyo-thyroideus. Larynx— intrinsic. 1. Cryco-thyroideus. 4. Thyro-arytenoideus. 2. " arytenoideus posticus. 5. Arytenoideus. 3. " " lateralis. The name will give the origin and insertion of these. ANUS. I. Sphincter ani. 2. Retractor ani. 3. Levator ani. Sphincter ani Around termination of the rectum, to close anus. Retractor ani From a rough margin behind the acetabulum. Insertion To the lateral aspect of the anus. Action To retract the anus, Levatm' ani Joins rectus to the coccyx above. - Origin Action Origin Insertion Action )r from of the e-third )n the joint. dating >ngue. I