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Bryn Maw«,


(From tiii; Tkansact'.ons of thk Conn. Academy. Vol. I\'. .Mauch, l.'*.s2.1



/ y

\\\ S. W. Wll.I.ISTON.

o V Ti



|5y S. W. Wii i.i>t<.n.

0|- tin' t'durtfcii species of l'i,iii>/)s recdrded in U.irmi Osteii- Sacken's valiiahle c-ataiooue of Xortii Ameii'aii l)i|iter:'. ImiI four arc (losignatod l»y the aiiilior as lia\iiiu' lieeii recoi^ni/ed, \i/,: i .rrl.^ii.t Wicd., iiiiiiiiiliK Loew, /i!i-fi(.-i l''al>.. and soi/if/orii's S-a\. As to the last, it is, liowcNcr. most proltalilc tliat tlu' species really rccoyiii/cd was tlhidlix S;>y, our most common one, and wirKdi liail Iteen coii- i'<)U!ide<l l»y l»<(tli Wiedemann and I.oew. and re-descrii)ed I»v hotli as nifp'lromlx Wii-d.. the real Hat/itttirlns itcini:' possibly dcscrili('(| anew WA tjcinoills I.oi'w, which I helieve to lie its synonym. ('. pirtiis is unknown tome; its recognition must depend upon that of its svn- onym, RdDnmill IJii^-ot (testi' Loew, vide ( )stcn-Saeken's Catalogue), as the original description of !"'al)riciu>^ is wholly iiisutticienl. in the present paper all of the ivcognizahle descriptions, whose hahitats are creditably referred to North America, have been detcrnune(l with sufficient certainty, except ijinn'ilis i.w., and I'tiHlniKiittt rus I.w.. both of which I believe to be of doubttul value. <\ iif/u'n/.s Walker iias been recognized with as much certainty as most of the dcsci'ip- tions of that author will admit of, while none of Mac(piart"s verv insufficiently descri1)ed species have i)een rt'co<'iii/,ed, nor the South .\merican s[»ecies identitied by him as also pertaining to Noi'th America. / Co/to/, n (/iia<Jn'tii(ifii/atift< Ashnrnml. is a syrphid. proba- bly a fi((i-liii.

The iiiiiterial herein described has l)een wholly derived from .Mr. liurgess, to whom my <incer( st thanks are due, :ind my own collect ions. uVlthough by no means so large .as I desired, it i-, I trust, sutlicient to remove many of the obstacles to the future study of oui- species. The indiscriminate description of new specie>i. without a considerable knowledge of allied species, is liei'c especially to lie d('precaleil ; ;iud, owing to t lie M'reat individual variation oj' color, and ; he paucitvof plastic (diaracters, large collections will be essential, excntuaily, to a complete and satisfactory knowledge.

Tiuxs. Tow. AiAH.. Vm,. iV. i:*. MAitcii. |ss2.

3V>(5 N. ir. W'llllxtoii ynrf/i Ainti'irdii i'oiiops.

.Mv kiM'w Icd'j,!- ut'Mifli \;ii'i;iti(>iis I linv cml.'aN <irf<| i«. su|t|»I('nu'iit, liv the sliiih 'il' (lir .l(">c!-i|)t ioii- nf f<)rci<j,ii '<|»('cu's, and I tU'C'in it wcn-tli till' wliili' til licic \i\\v a ti'aii>latinii u|' Dr. LocwV very perti- iiciit rciiiaiks iiiM)ii the value <•! tlic s|.(citi(' cliar.'ictiTs in this genus.

•''IMi.)s«' s))ecilic eliaraeters have tlie greatest wciirht licre, as t-lse- wliere, that, are l)ase(l ii|>un the <liileren<-es in Inrin ; sneli are not always easy t.. timl. yet the >haiie ol'tlie antenna' and anteinial style, the htrnclnre of the I'.'ee. the leni;th of the |iri)l)oseis, the strueture of the ahdomen and ol' the let;s, and linally the nenration ot^"ers many •.hhmX ehafaetei-s. Next in value to these charaeters are tliost' derived from the yllou or whiti' shimmering markings of the dor- sum of the thorax, the |ileni:e and the metaiiotmn ; so, also, from the form and l.onndaries of the coloration of the wings, when sucli is present. The presence or ah^encte of yellow spots on tlie sides of the UH'tanotuni, and tlie color of the soitellum are also good cliarac- ters. Finally, the color of the front is (piite useful, Avheii cautiously employed, as it is rather ehangealde in many species. Much less dci)emlenci is to be ]ilaced U)>on the characters derived from the dust-markings of the abdomen ; least of all upon the coloring of the l)ody in those species that are black and reddish brown, as sometimes they may l>t' (piite Itlack, somotinus reddish brown, \\'\{\\ nn)rt' or less black, or sometimes indeed (juite lerruginous.'' (Xeue Ueitr., i, p. 2' .)

The I'oUowing table of tlu' American genera of Conopida', adapted from Schiner, with the aid of a consideral>le number of our own spe- cies, will be of service to many:

CimnjiH liiiin.

I'rolioscis 'it'iit niily nt tlic liiisr. Zw//r'« Lat.

j'l'oliosris lii'iit at liase ami near tlic iiiidille, tlie anterior part closply folding '•i«('l\ ; Anal cell, slio't, olitn^c:

l<i-i<tli> (>r antenna.- ilorsal, probosris not of uinisnal It'ngHi. J)i(iiiiiiiiiiia Rol),

[Des. Bristle oraiiienu;e near the end of third joint (snl)-dorsal). prol.osein very long, alidoiiien rylindrieal. .^/i/lo./nsh-r Mae.

Anal eell, e.^tendinji' well toward the horde'r of the winy, acute:

Face nuieh produeed, interiorly, the eheeks l)roador than the vertical dianietor

of tlie eyes. al.(lonieii depressed, shor'. .Ui/iym Fi\h.

Face UKidoratelv produced inlVriorly. elieeks not hroadcr than the vertical

diameter of the eves : ahdonien iiKistly cyliiidrieal and moderately lonj;'. (infiunyin

(lioh. I>es,

'third riitennal joint witli a terminal style; ocelli wanting. 'I'liird antennal joint with a dor.«al. or sidi-dorsal hristle;

>'. ir. Willistoii Xm-tlt Aim ri'-iiH ('>ini,j,s.


Scliiiicr lias <li\ i.lcil tin- 'jfinis ' '<//My«, ujioii wlia' ajijiciis tiMnc insiirtlcii'Mt iiiuiuiiK.* I lia\c ictaiiicil ill mir Aiinricaii >)ii rir- iiiulfr till' gi'im- ill it> wi'Ki' xaisf.

In tin- lollouiiit;- l:il)lc I iiavt nut attt'iii|itiMl t<. inclmlc llif s|i('(ics of Mar(|iiart. iinr his iilciititicatioiis. I liavc a-Mtil I In nrii^inal (lfscri|>ti<)iis at the di^' nl (lie ai-ticlc. allln>UL;li \\\vvv is \vv\ linlc |K»ssil)ility i>t' their t'\cr lifiiiu' rt('i>L;'iii/t '1 '• /'"■'".^' I'", is alMi lud iiiclinlctl ill the table, Init it> ileseiiidinii is ui'ivi'ii:

A. Small er()s>-veiii in'arly opimsiie nr liclore the tip ut the ei»- t;il vi'in and near the middle dI'iIic discal cell. SI.

15. Small cross-vein Iteyoiid the tip ot c.otal \ciii and near the outer tliiftl <d' diseal cell; third joint of aiiteinia' niticli shorter than the second. «'.

jl, Third Joint of anti'iinu' miieh shoiU'r than tlu' second. l''ace a!id cheeks yellow ; facial o-roovi's not, darkened ; front wlndly l<lack ; wingh brownish before, sidih valine behind, pic-ture indi>tinct ''

iiltsinrl/H'.iniit^, n. sp

Third joint, of antenna- nearly or ipiite as lonn- as second, brown of anterior portion of uinu's with distinct outlines. b.

1),— .Attenuated p(M-tioii ofaiileiinal >tyie \ cry ^llort, head coinpar- ativelv narrow, |>rolioscis nciv shoii, a h\alini' cr(i>sliaiii| Int'ore the tip of the wiiiii, ShiniiiL!; black, dn>t giayi^li, front blacki-li or black.

si/h'itsti.-i^ n. .ip.

^.\ttennati'(l portion of style <piite loiiu' ; proboscis considerably lont^-er than tlii' head; the brown r( ai-hes the whole leii^ith of the win<r. <•,

C. Stripe of tiust on upper half of pleura indistinct or without dis- tinct borders. 1"' rout black, clieek> brown behind; proboscis alioiit once and a half the length of heail. (Dark colored species.)

/)l///t/)'()sf/-i:< \.\v.

Stripe of dust on iijiper half of pliMira as sharjily di'iined as on i he under half. <l.

tl.— Proboscis twice tlu' length of head. slri|(( up|)er half of

pleura narrow. Dust on the sides ot' ineiitanot iini much nar/owed toward tlie<lisk; front most ly reil, darkest abo\c base of antenna'. ^Ileddish species.) t.n ■/',•< us Wied.

Proboscis scarcelv emce and a half the Icng'th of, much swollen at the base; [tieural stripe brt)ai[ above. Dust broadly

* Si'hiiiL'rs rhal'.irtui'.-; arc as follows:

Schi'iiki.'! iiii'lu vcnlickt. wi'iiu sii,' a^(M• vcnlii-kt siml. ilniiii isi die N'^rilickcniuii' an dur Ha-iis iiiclil aallalli'iiil. s,,u,| tii voii ila liis ;,^iir .'<])i'/.e ciii rujr'liii,i-<>iLi-n : /.wcitcr Kintcrleilisriiin' nii'ht aiill'allcinl scliiii.iji'r unil l.-iiiu'cr .'il- ilir iiliriyi n IJin'^c.— ' V.,//.yi.v Liii.

ScliiMiki'l all clcr ^-asis pliitzlii'h iiii'l in aullalli'iiiliT W.isc vcrilirkl, so liass (lir X'cr- ilickoniii^' iliiincr illircjivimiissii;' iTSi'lmiiu ; /wcilri' I liiiU'iicilisiiiiL: aiilFalKMil - •lunaliT iliitl lilnger als ilic iiliriiri'ii Hiiiiic I'/ii/sorrni'in/ii ScIj.



>. II'. W lllisfiiii ,\(ii'f/i A nil rii'iiii ( <iiii>/jt<.

(•(ivcriiiti' tlic sides <ii .iici.-iiiotimi ; fioiit iiH'stly yellow; I'ik-c, clii'i-ks, and iiiidci' |i;irl d' (ic('i|)iit vcllow ; t';i<'ial lii-oovcs willi a lilack s|M)t on carli >idc ul iniddli'. .••<iiit}i ijtUiinx^ n. s|t.

t». "-'riic l>ro\vn ol' tin- win^s liils mit tlic discal fell to Itcyond tiic j^rcat. cross-x I'in. f.

Outer ))(>ition of discal cell iVoni neaf tlii' small cruss-vein dis- tinctly li^liter or liyaline. J?.

f.— Clieek- iniil'oiinly black; diisl mi tlic Imniei-i imlistiMcl ; )»os- ti^nor orliils with a very naia-ow wliiiisli line. (IMack species.)

tihlnHs Say.

"Cheeks l(l•^>u■ni^h vellow; |Misterii)r <>rl»it w it h yellowish l»ro\vn border; hiinieii du«>led with liohl'Mi yellow." iii^niiiilix Lw.

Cheeks with ,i yclhtw spot in I he iniddh', hiown in front and Itehind : hiiineri with distinct yellow dusl. \ st/if/ffrn't'i/s Sny,

I /■iisfioii>/)fi'n>-'< Lw.

jr. Cheeks iiiiir<)riiii\ Mack or hrowii ; l>a>al joint oi' ;int<'nna' very short. II.

Chet k> with a vcljow >pot in the iniddh': tiist joint of antenna' l)tit little or not at all shorter th.iii the third. i.

1l j-'ront with deep Idack t r.aiwverse ;ind median divaricate stripes. ( l);irk-co|ore(l vprcies.) J'/irriZ/nfi/s, u. sp.

l'"ronl with \ei_\ narrow reddish -Irlpes or wholly yellow; dor- siini of thorax with a l>road. nu'diaii. |)o>teriorly abhrex ialed, black stripe. (IJeddisli species.) />///v/r.v.s'/, ii. sp.

i. riliniate si'U'nieiit ol' fourth vein nearly twice as lono- .as the ]»enidtimate ; dorsum of thorax with a narrow, me<lian, bla(d< stripe. (Keddish species.) ti.i-iniiix, n. sp.

ritiiiiale segnu'iit of Ibnrth \v\\\ but little or not at all loiio'cr than i»eniiltiinate. k.

Iv. l'\aoial !j,ro<»ves .ind frontal stripes black. (Dark-colored species.) nnniiiiintiiH Say.

Facial irrooves but little or not at .all darkened; I'roiital stripes nearlv or (Tpiite obsolete; dor>^iim of thorax with three black stripes, narrowly separati'd or conlliient, the nu'(lian one more abbreviated behind. ' '#'"X "■ s]>.

Conops obscuripennis. n. s]..

' . I-'ace and cheeks yellow, facial e-roiucs not darkiaied; near the orbits a rather broa<l, LiTisteninu-, yellow border, extendinn' as a line to the vertex. I'roboscis nearly bla(d<, about .ns lonn' as the antenna', much swollen at the base, .\ntenna' nearly black, first and thinl joints reddish below, of nearly e<pial leny,tii, scarcely more than one- half as loiitj as second joint ; second joint of style moderately projeet- ing'; thir<l .joint urailually taperinti', of medium length. Front wholly black: with a coppi^ry lusler, wlieii viewed oblicpiely. Occi- put lilack, with a rather narrow golden yellow border alon;:- the orbit. Thorax black; spots on the inner sides of the Imiueri, the

•S 11. \\ )H iKfiiii-- .\ iii't/i A nil I'li'd II ('iinii)is.


upper liiiiiKr of ilic disk dI tlic iiict.-iiH'i mn. mihI l:ni;t' spots in IVoiit ot tlif lialttTis ii(;irly u'oldcii yi-IIow. ;i -iii;ill spot liclow ('!icli linmcr'.is. ;iii<i our alxtVf tlic loot ot tin win;,'. U's> distiiicl . of tlic Siinu' color, rppcr portion ot pleural stripe not distinctlv detiucd. A1)doiiieii Idack. second seLTUu nt nmstly Itiounisli. it^ tip, and Itetiin- niuLC <•! tile tliii'd, pure yellow ; tiist .iml second •>e^nieiits naiiowlv, or indistinctly, dusted ; third, fourtli and lillli with nntderatelv hroad yellow hind liordeis; sixth seynienl co\ered <.n the end with yellow- ish dust. Ia'u's brown or lilack : liasc and tips .»!' teniora and hasal portions of til»iie, yellow. Coxa' and anterior tihia- on their outer [•ortions with a more u'olden satiny lustir. Winj^s darker hefore the third longitudinal vein, snli-li\ aline behind ; the darker portion nowiiere with distinc-t outlines, a little dealer in-arer I he humeral cross-vein; slightly darker, narrow clouds lielore the tifth and si.\th ve'iis. Posterior cross-vein at riuht aiiulcs. Lonn'. corp., s-lo'-"". Five specimens, \'a. ( Davis) ; S. ( a., < '<:[. (.Morrison) ; Mass. (liurgcss).

Conops sylvosus, n. s|..

' . Face obscure white, or yellow, with a broad bor<ler of siivery dust near the orbit, oxteiiding, obli(|uel\ nanowcd, to near the ver- tex ; facial grooves not darkened, ("hecks like the face, oral bonier sharp. Front obscurely, or <|uite l)lack, extendiiii;- <lowii on the sides oi' the liase of the anleiina'. N'ertical callo--it v black. <»r red- dish-l)lack, flattened, ext(>nding far torward. Antenna' black, red on the under sides, third Joint as long as secontl. lirst joint more than half as long. Second joint of style projecting very little, third joint rather short, with a very liricf brirtle-like end. I'roboscis brownish black, scarcely as long as the two last joint«. of t he antenna'. Occiput black; orbits, e.vct'pt on the upper part bordered with vellowish dust. Thorax black, shining: inner sides of humeri, disk and sides of metanotum, fai.itly dusted with white. Abilonien black, shining; sides of the secfuid segment more or less re<1. All the segments, except the sixth, with nearly nnifoi'iii, rat her narrow, yellowish white hind borders; fifth, and es[)ecially t he sixth, dusted with whitish. Leo's black; coxa', particularly the lirst pair in front, and a small spot v.ciir the tip of each of the anterior tibia', with satiny white luster. Extrenu' base and tips of femora, rt'd or yellow; basal three-lifths of anterior, and two-iifths of hind tibi;e, light yellow ; distal portions and tarsi, reddish brown. Wings light brown and purt' hyaliiu', costal cell scairely lighter; the brown is limited by the tliir<^. longitudinal


■S M'. W }Uii*fiiii - .\ni't}i Aimririin ('iino/m.

vein ;i> liir :l^ t 111' ^iiimII (•io>v-\ cin ; \\\r\\ \>\ tlic luurtli loiiLfitiHliiial to tlif i;i('!(l cioss-N ciii. Itcyoiid whicli In ;i liv.ilinc cross-ltiuul rtacli- iii^- llif ciistMl iiiiiiuiii, i'\('(|>tiii<i -uiniliiiio ;i t,iiiit, ikiitmW doutl aloiiiT till' third vein. A hrowii -yn\ in tlic md nt tlic >nltiniiruiii!»I cell that cxtt'nds a slmrt distance on the [Motcriur side y^^ the third vein; iinat emss-vein and the aiileriui- side i>f the tilth vein I'rotn near the small cross-vein, with hrownish clonds. (Ireat eru^s-vein not at all ol)li<|ue. Lonu. cor|»., !»-| r " ; Loim. :d.. t»-7V""'. 'riirec' speeimens. On uiiderUriish, .Mass., .Inlv 1; ('oiiii., .Inne '_'■"•. New Kniiland (Sanliorn) ; liurj^i'ss' eol

'I'lie hairs on the vertex, dorHinn of thorax and sides (d' first ahdoin- inal sennient, are lonu'er an<l more ainmdant than in any (»ther species known to nie. Its parasitic haltits will proli.ibly l»f' found to 1k' (piite ditlerenl Irom any of the IoIIowiml;'.

Conops excisus Wiid.

Ans. Z\v. ii. 'I'.W. I.w.. \<'\ic l'i>iii., i. L's.

'. Kace yellow, the orbits with a latlier liroad uli>lening border of yellowish white, extemliiiL!,' as a narrow line neai'ly to the vertex ; facial grooves not darkened; cheeks nnnc reddish. I'l'oboscis about twice tlie lenutli <'f the lieail ; redilish brnwii; al ba>e and tip black. Antenna' red or reildish brown, niori' or less bi.'ick near the end of the third Joint ; first joint more than half as long a> second, second and third of e(|u:d U-ngtli ; second joint of style with a very incon- spicuous process; third jonil at th', ''a^e not very In'oad. and soon attenuated into a lony', bristledike point. \ Criex red or reddish brown; front mostly filled out with dark, reildish brown, blackish al»ove the l>ase of the antenna-. Occiput brown, orbits with a line of yellowish dust, bri»ader abovf and extendiiiif across lielow the ver- tex. Thorax black; humeri, sciitellui.., and the u|ip'r parls of the siiU's of the metanoiiim, red. 'i'he latei'al borders of i. rsiim nniy be of the sanii' color. Humeri on their inner sides and extendino- (Uit- wards aliMiLi' tli'.'ii' hind Imrder; a ^inall spot in I'roni below ; another in front of the ronis of the win^i's ;ibo\('; narrow pleural stripes, distinctly margined atiovi'; upper margin of the metanotum ; and a laro'e >|M)t in front of each halter, l>rii;ht golden yellow. Snndler spots on the sides of the disk of the nu'tain>tum and just back of the root «.'t the winys, more grayish yellow. .Vbdomen chieHy bbick; second seoinent on its sides or almost wholly, red; the threi' or four following segments with only the hind border, red, or also with large

•\ 11. ]\f/f>f<fotl JS'off/l .lliii rii'ilfl < iinnjn*.


spots oil the si(l»'S. Iliml iHUclcrs ot'tlic '•ri^iiicutN uitli Itri'jlit <x<>l<'iii vellow b.'iiiils. I>r<';i>l on tin- si'cuml, nairowt r mi \\\v tliini iiml toiirtli. ami Iti' a'_':iiii '111 tlif titth ; >i\lli ^cLTiiU'iit ln-liiiiil. >imil:irl\ chIuici!. Anttridr part- ot sccdiiil. tittli, ami sixth sfoinciit- iiiciri' <j;i'!ivi^l' <liist('<l. I-i'L's rc'l ; l>a>c nl' tiliiic ytllo\\ , aiiti rii>r pairs on tlic oiit- sidc witli wliitc luster; larsi In-Mwni-Ii lilai'k, tir>t jnint rfiidisli Idafk. \Viii'j;s ratlni dark Inown a., 'valine, distinctly cltaivr iK'l'orc the iirsi loiiMfit ndinal vein, {•"loiii tiic sniall cross-voin the tlisca' ct'll, oxcfpt a ilark Ihkuii ciuiid htton' tl;»' lil'lli xciii, is nearly hyaline, limited in front liy a very clear streak hetweeii the loiirth vein and a sort of spurious vein. e\leii<ling hetwei-n the anterior ends ol" the sniall cross-vein nearly to the posterior ; last se<;;ineiit ol' the foiirtli vein with a latlier narrow clearer space in iVoni. Sixth vein with a liark lirowii cloud, i.oiiui'. corp., l:!-|ti' '. l,oi,u-. .il., lo- ll '. (Ja., Flor., \. ('arolina ( Morri-oii).

The ien;ale, accordiiiir to I.oew. ha- an unusually lar^c process on the underside of tile fifth sei^rnieiil. 'Tlie reil I'ohir un the -Ides of the segments is not a sexual markiiiu'.

Conops bulbirostris Loiw.

Xeuf iJt'iir., i. \\ 110.

Very (dosely allied to the foreyoiiii;-, yi't evident iy distinct. A single female specimen was descril>ed V)y [,oew which agrees nearly perfectly with two nnde specimens before me, from Carolina and (ioorgia. (Ilurgess' collpctioii.)

The second joint of the antenna' is proportionately .a little longer, but I can sec no dilterence in the length of the terminal joint of the style; the jtroboscis, however, is distinctly shorter, and at its base more swollen. The second segment of the male alxlomeii, in my specimens, at least, is narrower.

(? . Front wholly and (|uite black, vertex :i more lirownish idack, fuce yellow, cheeks brown, the brown not reaching forward. Antenna' black, somewhat reddisli on the undersides of the first and tliird joints. Thorax and abdomen black throughout. The grayish or e-rayish yellow, and nnicli less distinct dusi markings of the head and thorax are ((uite as in e.irt\fn.f, except that tlu' spot on the side of the dorsum of the thorax, before the root f)f the winu', is less distinct, the dust on the disk of the metanotum broader and less sharply de- fined, and the pleural stripe is indistinct or difiused on the upper half. The third and tifth segments of the abdomen have r.ither narrow, the



A'. IF. WilliHtoji XorfJi .\/i/eff'rif/i Conojia.

loiirth very narrow, i>r:iy or ^liglltly yellowish liiiul holders; sixth segment, on the end, thickly dusted with gray, yellowisli at the tiji. Legs reddish hrown (or " Itrownish black,"' L(»ew). marked quite as '\n esfclsiiH. Color of wings lather darker than in f-,r6'/«««, especially before 'he Hrst vein; the first and second l»asal cells near the fourth vein are lighter or witli hyaline streaks; otherwise scarcely at all different. "Of the si/e of iiiediuni specimens, and the sha|»e fully as in e.rcisNs ''"' (i:}-14""'), l.oi'W. 'i'he sjieciniens before ine measure 16-17""".

An additional female sj>ecimcn from (Jeorgia has the antenna.' and j)roboseis nearly as in ^.cr/.sv/.s, l)ut its coloration and markings similar to biilinroxf.i'iti : the process of the fifth abdominal segment, below, is of extraordinary size. It measures l)ut it""". I believe it tt) be distinct.


Conops xanthopareus, n. sp.

,' ?. Face and cheeks yellow, with glistening dust near the or- bits, extending narrowly upon the sides of the front. Facial grooves witli a black spot on each side of the median prominence ; proboscis reddi'.di l>rown, black at the ends; l)ase much swollen, scarcely once and a half the length of the head. Antennte reddish brown, con- siderably blackened at the end of the third joint; first joint more than half as long as second; second and third of ecjual length; process of second j(*int of style small, but more projecting than in the two preceding; third joint moderately long, the attenuated portion scarcely as !• rg as its basal portion. Front and vertex yellow, brownish above the basi' of the antenna'. Occiimt brown, its under part pure yellow. Posterior orbits with l)orders of grayish yellow dust. Thorax black, humeri and more or less of the scutellum red. A spot on the inner side of cacti humerus, a small si)ot below; broad pleural strijtes, distinctly limite<l above; upper border of disk of inetanotum, extending broadly on its sides, golden or grayish yel- low. Abdomen mostly black, sometimes (juite ri'ddish upon the sides, especially of the second segment; the four anterior segments rather brofvdy bordi'red with golden or grayish yellow, nearly the whole up[ter surface ol' the fifth and sixth segments thickly dusted with the same; process of the fifth segment of the female rather small below. Legs red, basal half of tibia' yellow. Coxa' and outer distal part of anterior tibia' with silvery luster: tarsi brownish black, last four joints, <piite b'ack. Wings brown in front, snbhyaline be-

N. 11' Wlffistnii Xttrtli Atiitrirtiii ('onops.


liiiiil. a ^tii|M' ill tlic tii'^i tiasal cell, and tlic l)ai»c nl' tlif anal cell, pure hyaline. Tiic siildix aliiic tills out a larger ]>arl <tl the discal ami tirsi |Misteri<ir cells ; the stri|ies ahuiy the tilth ami sixth veins not so well iiiaiketl as in r.fv/.sv/.s-, otlierwise similar. liOUg. cc»rj».,

11-12" , loiio-. ;il.. Id'"". l""oiir spt'einnMis, Texas ( llelt'rai^e) : Mass.,


Two adilitional male specimens from ( 'onni'ciicul, ditt'er in tiieir mucli dee|>er lilaek, the ley's in part, t he antenna' almost wholly so, the spot aliove the hase ot the anti'nna- laru'er, the hnmeri and scn- tc'lliim s<'ai('ely ri'ildened, and the dust matkinu;s througliout are more urav.

Conops tibialis s


.luurinil Ac.'id. I'liil. vi. 171.

' '. iii)/iifuiiti.-' W'icil.. .\iis. /w. Ins,, ii. L':!!!, l, Locw. Xciie l'i(.'itr.. i. j). .'it.

' V. Face waxy yellow; eheeks l>laek. with a narrow silvery line near the orbit; faeial grooves deep hlaek. I'roboseis hlack, eon- siderai>!y swollen at the hase. ,\ntenrue black; the iindei- sides of the first and third joints somewhat reddish biunvn ; first and thiid joints of nearlv efiual lenoth scarcely half as lonu' as the second ; process of second Joint (»!' style only moderately projecting; third Joint conic, rather short. N'ertical callosity nearly black. I'ather shining, bordered in iVonI by a Itlack, oj)a<pie, transverse stripe, con- tinned as a me(lian stripe to near the basi- of the antennte, where it divaricates j^like on to the sides of the face. < )c(;ipnt black, dusted with whitish, above posterior orbits with a narrow white line. Tho- rax deep l)lack, with whitish bloom when \ iewed td)li(piely; humeri usnally coiicolorous, sometimes slightly tinged with red. faintly (»i' not at ail dusted witli white. aboxe; -ide'^ of metanotuni inconspicu- ously (lusted with while, .\bdomen l)lack, tirst and second segments with broailer, remaining segments with narrower, posterior yellowish white borders, fourth, tilth. ;ind sixth with white ilust above, becom- ing most abundant on the sixth. Legs iilack, coxa' with satiny white luster; trociianters. b;ise and extreme tips of lem<.)ra, yellowish red; basal liaUisof til»ia' yellow, distal portions rcildish brown; :interior pj'.irs. on their outer distal portions with satiny white Inster. 'I'arsi : anterior pairs recldish, becoming black at tips, hind pair mostly bhudi. Anterior half of the wings dark brown, before the first longitudinal vein not mmli dearer; the l)rown accompanies the lifth longitudinal vein nearl} to the liorder of the wing, then follows TitANs. t'o.sN. AfMi,, \ (II.. I\'. (I March. Ish;;,


.\ If. WinixtiHi .Yorf/i Ainerlcaii ilonopf.

jcirallcl to tlic giciit cross vein till it rcaclios tho last segtDent oir" the t'ourtli, which it Micoiiipaiiics to near the tip, ami then honlrrs the last seuinont of fix- third longiliulinal in the second posterior cell; sixtli lonoitin! vein with a dark hrown stripe in front. I^osterior cross-vein l»nt siit;htly o1)li<pie ; third and t'onrth longitudinal veins distinctly anyiilated at the tips of the small cross-vein. I^ong. Corp.,

Il-l:)"'". Loll-, al., D-IO""". Thirty s|.eciinens. Indiana (Say); Mass., Conn., 1). C, \'a., \. ('.

Oiir most common eastern specie>, and very uniform in its markings. Of the synonymy, there can be no doubt. I.oew's

h'scription o! the first and tliird joints of the anteinne being about <nn -third as long as the second, I can attrilnite oidy to an error, as iti neither this nor t<>((/itt<u'iHs is the <liscrepancy nearly so great. The differences between fihifflis a\u\ .^(i(/ift<(i'iu!< are such that Wiede- mann's supj)osition of the synonymy, drawn from Say's brief descrip- tion, is (|uite exctisable and fully accounts foi- his doubts in giving a new name. The description oi' tihuilis by Say appeared but a short time previous to Wiedeniann's second volume i>f his Zwi'itliigeligt' Fnsecten, and was also ap))arently overlooked by Loew. The two species arc most readily separated by the color of the checks, a character which 1 have found of excellent value in all the specimens of the genus examined by me.

Two female specimens from (Georgia (.Morrison), ami Texas (Bel- frage), in Mr. iiurgess' collection, differ in their much larger size (IG"""), and deepei- bluck color throughout, y(>t they are evidently the same.

Conops Sagittarius say {nm, Wie.l., Lueu ),

Jouni. .\c'ai1. Phil., iii. s;i 2.

? ('. (jviiuaUs Locw, ^^ciio Boitr.. i, \i. Tl.

'( ('. r(i.ila)iopterv.s Loew. loc. cit.

,'■ $. Face waxy yellow; cheeks behind and :i transverse sjtot in front, reddish brown, or browmsh black, enclosing a «piadraie yellow space; a white line near ine orbits, not extending higher than the antenna-. Facial grooves black, lighter in the median line. Pro- boscis reddish lu'own, black at the end, considerably swollen fvt the base. Aiitenme red, or reddish brown, deejter on the upper sides of the joints, first and tliird joints of nearly e([ual length, scarcely half as long as the second; process of secon<l joint of style a little more prominent, and tliird joint more acuminate than in tt'bialis. N'ertex varying from red to brownish lilack. l)ordered in

N. W. Wfffiston .Vorffi American ConopK.


front bv a black, ..p^'M"*'. trM.i>v(Ms. striiK.. roMtnuHMl as a tm-.han stripe X.0 its .livaric-ati<..,, Mcar .l)r .:>.< of tl.c anren.ia.. Occiput black 'luste.1 witl. wl.itc, postcri.-r ,.rbit with a n..Hlcratcly vcllowish wl.itc line. Thorax, with whitish bloo.n, sc.itellun. whollv ...■ ii. part red; hu.,.<n rcl or rcl.lish yellow, with a very con- <picuons sp„t of ochlen yelh.w -iast above, .ontinue.l on the.r inner sides, and less consp.cnonsiy bd.ind ; the narrow, and on the upper half indistinctly li.nite.l oblicpie stripes of the plenne, upper border of the disk of "the Mietanotntn and large sj.ots on tiie sides with yel- lowish ..rav dust. Abdomen black, more, or les> red near tlie tij. ot seooud scunnent : tirst seu men with white, end of second with yellow- ish dust "hind borders of third, fonrth. and Hfth se.iiments conspicu- ously u-oUlen vellow, broadest on the fourth; fourth, tilth and sixth scMmients coi.spicnonslv .lustcl with white or yellowish, l.e-s red or reildish brown. ..flen Muite black ..u basal half of fenun-a, behind : ba- sil halves of tibia- vellow, anterior pairs in their distal portions with a s'atinv white luster, like the .-oxa': tarsi bla.-k near the tips, .interior half of wiim-s brown, the markings cpiite as in ahinlU, a small sub- hvaline space more fre.iu*-nt in tlie first cell, i.ouo-. rorp., 11-13""", Lonti;. al., si-iO"" . Seven specimens. IVnn. (Say). Mass. Conn.; N.Carolina (Morrison).

LoewV ,lescription of //./''"'//x' a-ives very well, throughout, except that the cheeks are hrmniixl, nAhur. C ^7^^•^///o/>^yv^s■ agrees in some respects even better. 1 give here careful translations of both descriptions, as tlu-y are ratln-r inaccessible.

Conops genualis L'i.w.

Ncni' Bt'iM'.- i-lc. i. p. '■''-■ r $ '' Face yellow ; facial grooves black, the cheeks brownish y ,. 1 1 ow, witho'ul luster except on the under half of tlie orbit, when' there is a white liiu'. I'loiit on th»- sides yellow with a narrow me- dian black li'ie, bifarious above the antenna' and passing as a black line upon each si.le of the face. Vertical caUosity yellowish brown, bordered in front by a narn..w black transverse band. Occiput blackish br<.wn, posterior orbit with a b..rder of yel- 1 ow i s h b ro w 11 .lust, below yellow. Antenna" .lark brown, be- low nearly ferruginous: tirst j./mt about half as hmg as the secern I ; the third "at the eii.l att.'uuate.l ; second joint of the style mo.lerately large, stnmgly projcting, the ihinl short. Thorax black, humeri an.Iscutelliim'blackish brown, the form, r with m-aily g..l.leii yell.»w

.lust ab„v. whid, cxtcMwls i,.wanls on t.>o front Lonlcr ..f tl,. tho,-ax an.l<l nc-arlv to th. n.o.s ..f tin- svin.s : pUnua- witl. =,n ux .s- ,.,,, ,Mt. strip.; .n.tauotnn. mUov. ;uh1 th. two spots on tl.. si.les with ,rayisl. yellow .Inst. Ahaon.on :,nW, he hrs an. secoml seownts with n.tluT narrow ..t yelh>w,sh ,h,s, : ..n n thinl sc-/.-,neut ..nlv a y..ll<.wish .Inst.-.l posL^uor hn..: t... fonrtl> an.l iH'th sc-ment.- ..f th.. nnvk" ab.louu.u wuh a snndarly .luste.l so,newhat br.^a.lcr p.-st..ri.>,- h..nU.r; th.. Hlth wUh a vt>rv narrow posL-rior line ; the last two segn.ents in h..lh sc-xc-s ^^Mh veliow -Inst. The extensi..n ..rtl... fifth s...unn.nt h..low u. the (...nale ^s in Uihialhl hnt the last s.-gnn-nt s-mn-what sh..rt..r. I he .-..l.-ra- iion ..f the wing an.l the nenrath.n wln.lly as in n.y sp^.-nnen ..t \f,h!,it;x\. Length ..f as in \tihi<ir>s\r

C. castanopterus i..hw.

XiMiP H.'itr.. i. '■'•'■'■

"V thinl speei..s fnrth.-r remove.! fr.nn |//A/..//.l hut n,..r.. n.-arly .•elaml t.> <,euaui;s. It is r.a.lily .lis.inguishe.l by the .n..r. blackish Im^vn .-..h.r ..f.he anteri.,r part ..f the wtngs. wh..-h .s .Hstinetlv clearer b.tor.. the tirs. lougitu.linal vcn l.> th.. t.^rrngn.- .„s col.,; of the hn.n..ri. th.. lateral .nargins ofthe thorax, ,l,e s.utel- lum, ana a larger or s.naller, sonH.tint..s a v..ry large part .. the ab- dominal sc.tnents an.l the Thethir.l.ion.t. thca, enna-.s

,t the yet n.ore attennat..! ; .,n the .-hcks a l-'^;. X''' ^ ^l?^

11 1., ..11 ..U.. onitt' as 111 t/iiiiKi/iK. tioigia,

lies between the br.iwn. In all else .pmi a. o. ,/


Conops furcillatus, u

> r. .I'thiiiiis Wlk.. I.if^i- i.f- '

ii, iM 1.



f Q Fac.' waxv v.-lh-w, facial gn.oves not ,lark...u..h ..lic-ks black. ..-oboscis black, n..; ninch swllen at th.. has... \-..rtical .-alhisity ,la..k, b.>r.lere.l in front with opa.p... black, ..xtcn.ling as a nic. lat. l,ipe to the antenna, an.l th..-.. .livari.-ating an.l P-^'''^;^-' ^'''^ iJunot. .'ach si.le ..f tiie lace. Antenme brownish black, hrst an-l

thir.l joints n..>r.. iv.hlish below, Hr^t j..i.i. ve-y sh.n-t. s..airely a hiv.l as assec..,ul,.hir.l ioint ab.n.t half as; third ,onu of stvle short, .•.n.i.-al. Occiput black, broa-Uy .luslc.l with whitish belo^ the vertex. Dorsum ..f thorax black, nn.iv or less r...l.lene.l n,„. the bonlers; hu.neri with a spot ..f yelh) white .lust on their

S. W. WnHstoh Xoi'th Amerlam Conops.


in.ur <ia(- Srutrlhnn ino.v or h-ss iv.Misl.. tlu' usual spots un tl.o niKauutuut iudisliuotly .lustc-l. I'loura- rlm-rtv n-Ulisl., es,K.c.uhv along the sul.iR-s. tlu- .lisks of tl.t- s.-uu-nts . ...u-tnuos mostly hiark- isl, AlMloiuon l.iack, the sfcon,! scoincnt. on its sides, and somotnuos the he-inniuo- of tlu- th.inl. reddish \m^^^^^: tiist seguient with .l.s- tiuct seeond'uith broader. es,,e.-iallv on tlu- sides, thinl and fourth witl> moderately hroad, Hfth with l.-.rders ot o-rayish yellow dust ; posterior part of fi-urth. with llu- fifth and sixth (lis- tinetlv whitened above. Legs re.hlish ov reddish brcnvn ; tore and hind coxa' dark.'r, with satiny luster ;fenn>ra sometimes darker toward

the base basal halves of all the tibia- yellow, lips of all the tarsi dark l>rown or black. Win-s brown on the anterior half, lighter betiuv the tii-t h.nuitudinal vein; from a little bHore the sn.all eross-ve.n ,lH..r.sealeell is hvaline, exeeptin- a narrow dark eh.ud bcdoiv the fourth lonu-itu.linai vein, rea.-hing nearly or -p.ite to the great cross- vein- on the anterior side of the fourth vein an oval h.ngitudmal space in the tirst posterior ci-ll. reaching u.-arly the whole length <.l ,he sr..nn-nt of the vein, a lighter >pot in the outer part of the sub- .narginal cell, near the margin. I'etioh- of the lirst posterior cell about as long a> tin- | osterior cross-vein. Kong, c.u'p., 1<)-I'2"-, hun^-. al, 7-!l"'"'. Wl'ite Mts. (Tatton. Morrison), 'rhree specimens. The very short tir<t joint uf the antenna- ren<U-rs it probable that this is Walker's .^thin],.^. but his very indeHnite <lescri,.tion of the from and wings prevents me from feeling at all sun- of it.

Conops Burgessi. n. -]..

r 9. Face ami front yellow, vertex cuncoh.rou> ur reddish, when the latter, with a nnue or less faint nari..w nu-dian stripe, scarc-ely reachino- the bas,- of the anti-nna-. Facial grooves not distinctly dark- ened eh ek< red. I'rolu.scis bn.wnish red, black at tip. Antenna- ,,.d- 'first joint verv short, scun-ely a third the length of secoml ; Uunl joint a litth- more than half as long as second, rather symtm-tru-ally attenuated. St vie black, pi-oces> ..f s»-cond joint sm-all, not conspicu- ous third joint "not thickened, nn.derately long, coni«-al. Occiput red, not' .listim-tlv duste.l. Tiiorax red; a broad, nu-dian, posteriorly ab- breviated stripe, sp..ts in front .)f the humeri and disk .>f metanotum, except the sides and upper edge, blac-k. No, unless very indistinct, snots of dust near the humeri, nor elsewhere on the thorax. Abdomen red sometimes somewhat blackish on the sides of the segments, espe- cially of the third ; taint spots of dust on the tirst and near the tip ot

\ IV. WHIiHtoH Xorth Ameriran ('miopM.

sccoikI NfMinciit^ |i(pstcri(ir si'<j;iii('iits vcr raiiitly du^tiMl on llicir upper sidos. Process of fifth segment helow, in tlie feiinile, not large. I^etrs red, nnterioi- coxie lihicUcned in front, witliout distinct luster. Col- oration of w ino's as in the preceding species, the cloud along the fifth vein in the outer part of discal cell, often iiuite obsolete, scarcely any along the sixth. Long. Corp., lO-ll""", Colorado (Prof. Snow); .Mendocino, ("al. (<). T. Baron). It; specimens.

Conops texanus. n. >|..

' . [''ace and front yellow, antei'ior l»order of the vertical callosity a little darker, a narrow median stripe, divaricate at l>ase of antenna^, hrown ; facial groovi's not tlarkened. Cheeks with a transverse hrown spot in front, conlinned as a narrow line along the oral border to thi' brown of the posterioi' pait. Antemue re<l, a little tlarker at the ti)» of thii'd joinl. third Joint short, hardly

as long as first, dis- tin<'tly less than half the len<''th ol' secoinl : second joint of styh- pro- jecting strongly, nearly a^

far as third, third shoj-t. conie. Prol>oseis

n d, Itase :ind tip l>lackish. Occiput brownish below, posterior orbit with a vellowish white border, broader a!io\c. continued as a narrow



line behind the eye. and liroadei- on the >ide.s of the face,

of thoi'ax, pleura', and -eutelluni red. humeri lighter, .a narrow median

lorsal stripe an<l triangular sjxit on


k ol mi'taiiotinn.


humeri above, a >pot on the inner side and Itehind, with yellow dust, oblique stripe of the pleura' (ditl'used on the u)»per half), upper border td' disk and sides of nietanotum with faiutei', h'ss \ellow dust. Ab- domen brownish red, with uiore or less i)lack on upper jiarts of the seuinents, lirsi seiiinenl distiiu'tlv. the others in(»re i'aintlv, dusted.

Coxa' \isualtv l>lack

atniv luster distinc


not conspicuous.

Lesi's red, basal halves of tibia- vellow. \Viu/> brown and hvaline; costal cell much lighter, nearly hyaline. Discal cell from before the snndl cross-vein, except a cloutl along the liftli \ein, and an oval s))ot in first posterior cell, nearly hyaline. The peindtimate segment of the iourth vein is scarcely three-fifths the length of the ultimate.

10'"". Oiu' specimen. \V'aco, Texas



loiiLi'. al

(H«'lfrage, Huruess* col).

Conop o marginatus sny.

.loiirn. Acail. Pliil., iii, s'j. i, Coiiip. W'., ii. 7.".. $. Face and front waxy yellow, vertex rather brownish bla^k, with a bi'oad o]ta(pie black anterior border, extended as a luurow

'S. \V. W/'ff/'sto/i Xorfh Ariiiflrini (^otio/ix.


median stri|«i' to tin- liasc <>[ tin- aiiti-niia', there <li\ aiicatiiin ami l^assintf to tile siilcs of tlic la'-c -. facial <jji-iio\r-i Itlack. cliccks with a yellow space helweeii two hlacU ones. Pniliosci^ lilack. Alitemia' black, tirst and thifil joiiit-^, helow, red, oriiearl\ e<|ual ieiiiith, scarcely lialf the length of secoml, third joint (piite iinsyninietiically attenu- ated, ahont lialf as hroail at base as loiiLi', second joint of style with a considerably i>roji'ctinu'. rathef slender process, tliiid joint rnodei-- ately long, conical. Occijmt black, posterior oi-bits with a narrow silvery line. 'rhoi'..\ l)lack, sciitellMni red. iluineri abo\ c and on the inner sides with silviry w hite dust, sides of the nietanotnni and tin- ol)- r!(|iie stripe of the pleura' (indistinct in its upper part) with white dust. Abduinen black, secoml seuinent reddened on the sides mar the tip, hind borders of all the sewiiients with yellowish dust, rather Itroadest on the fourth, fifth and sixth lightly dusted w ith giay abo\ e. Legs brownish red, probably often <piite i)lackisii, especially near the base of the t'enmr; coxa- lilack with silvery luster. Wiuus Itrown on anterior half Costal cell lighter, outer jiart of discal cell hyaline, except a narrow cloud along the lifth longitudinal \ein: a more or less large spot in first |iosterioi-, hyaline, outer part of marginal cell less deeply colored. Sixth longitudinal vein without brown cloud. Long, eorj)., lU-Jl' ". Long, al., (i-T ' . 'i'w o specinnii-. White .Mts.

Conops aflanis, ». np.

' 9. Kront either whollv vellow. oi- with tiie vertex ratlu-r more reddish, and with a brownish anterior Imrder I'xtendinu as a narrow median stripe to the base id' tin antenna' and there divaricating. Face yellow, grooves usually <piite t he same, sometimes .-i little red- dish near the middle. Chei'ks w ith a yellow spot l>eiween the l)i'own. I*rol)oscis red, tip black. Antenna' yellowish vv>\. third joint more or less infuscated abo\e. The iclation of the joints ver\ nearly :is in iKiti'ffit/tifit.'i ; the process of the second joint of style is, however, broader, and the •"bird joint shorter and thicker. < )('ciput lirowu, pos- terior orbits with a narrow ytllow i>^li line. Thorax idl, dorsiuu with a broad, median, opaipie black --tripe beginning .-it the m.'ck and I'Xtend- ing beyoml the transverse -ntin'e, either very narrowly separ.ited or confluent on each with a similai' one l)egiunlng back ot' the humerus and extending to near the sciitellum. Disk of the nietanotnni, except the e<lges, black. Humeri above, a s]iot on the inner side, a faint one behind, with gohleii yellow, or in lighter colored specimens grayish dtist. Oblique stripes of the ph'ura' ami sides of the nietanotum very


S. \V. WiUiston North Anifriraii ('nnn}»t.

faintly <luste(l. AIkIoiiicii ml, witli inoiv or k'>^s black, on tin- il«ti- Hiun of the third, fourtli and antcrii.r i)art of fifth sciimonts ; posterior part of fonrth, the Hfth and sixth si'gnu'nt>, in well preserved speci- mens, (piite cunspicuunsly (hisled with golden yellow. Le.iis reil, coxje niostlv, or at least the middle ones in front. Mack ; hasal hall ot tibia' yellowish. Win^s liuht brown on the anterior half, coloration very nearly as in the precedino-, the first posterior cell, sometimes scarcely at all, sometimes for the larger part, nearly hyaline. I.o'io-. Corp., 10-11""". Twelve specimens. Kansas Plains; California (Haron) ; Washington .Ter. (Morrison).

This species is intermediate between nuin/hxitiix and fe.ranuti, holding the same relation to the former as /im-i/exsi does to fiin-IUn- tns. Fiotn t(X<iNi(K it may be distinguished by its much smaller size ar.d broad thoracic stripes, from iiKO'i/maftfs by the shape <•( Us antennal style and the strong ditt'erence in coloration.

Conops pictus Kmi..

According to Loew, who apparently has recognized this species, (Vide (). Sacken's ("atalogiie, Xote 2riH), pictux V. is not jiictus Wied. but liaiiiomli. liigot /.s' a synonym of the former. Not having seen the species I give here Fabricius' original description, together with Bigot's :

Fab. Ent. Syst. IV, ;i91, ;{. Cainit ferrugineum, rostro nigro orbi- tatpie oculorum aurea. Thorax niger antice utriufpie puiicto calloso, nnxro-inali ferrugineo. Mneolae duae parvae marginis aiitici, linea lateralis, scntellnm liiuwpie punctacpie duo sub scutello tlavis. Abdomen hamosum, ferrugineum segmenti primo el sccunda nigris margine tlavo. Alae hyalinae, cost a late Hava. Fedes ferrnuinei, apice nigri.

(\ Rantotidi IJigot, Haim)n de la Sagra, S()8.

"Niger, capite ferrugineo; oculis brunneis; anlennis fi-rrugiueo- brimneis, basi pallidis; haustello ferrugineo, acuminc bruniieo ; tacie ferruginea, aureo-niteiite ; fronte ferrugineo, linea media l)ruMnea ; orbitis, postice, flavidis; thorace nigro-piceo, antice, linea transver- sali siiiuata, interrupta, flava; metathorace postice snbtus linea lata transversali, flava ; pleuris externe auratis ; alis hyalinis, antice mar- gina ferruginea ; margine magna apicali fusca ; abdomine petiolato, seiTmentis duobus primis nigris, incisuris palli«le fiavis ; onniibus seg- mentis posti'rioribus rubescentibus ; incisuris superne obscure brun-


r K


>'. 11' Wlllhlnii Xnitfl Aliit r!<tin Ctniops.


ii('i>«; |M'ilil)u>. .iiitiff, tfrr\iij^iiic'is, postic;', |ialli<lf aiir.itis; taisis iiijjfricautilms ; |nilvillis tirruuiiieis l.diiyit. 2'-^ iiiiHiiii.

" Esta Itf'lla ('S))i'('ii' patoci' <'asi i(U'iiti<-a al *'. /ih'tii (k- Fal>r. (>'//.v^ .^V/^), auu(|iit' la tU'scripcion <|U(' lia dado cste alitor sea doinasiado iiK'oinjili'ta |iara servir a irsolver la diida. I'or otra partt', nos jtarecc dit'urir Hastautr do! <'. p!<'t(i dc \Vi»'(linaiiii (.I'^v. ZirciffHi/.^ fits.), para autorisariios a propoiu'rla como uuova, Tal vcz asi n<> ofrezca inas (pie una varicdad occifU'iital."

Coiwps hritchijrhyHcliH-s Mac.. Dipt. Ivxol.. ii. .'{, !'>, 1.'!.

LoiiLf. 5l. * . Tronipe asse/ cfnirt*-, iif drpassant pas Ic pivinicr article dos aiitennes. Fact' ot trout jaiiiii's. Ce di'riiii'r bniiiatrc an milk'u. Aiiteiiiu'S pen divergt'iites ; premier artick' toslace; douvi^me ot troisieiiu' iwtirs, d'onale loiigiier. Thorax et ; bdomoii noirs; dt'iix- k'me segiiieiit dc ee deniior a hord posterieiir I estaee. I'iedn tostari's ; Jainbes a base JauiH' et auiieaii brim an iiiilieu; tarses bruiis, iJalaii- cer.s tcsti.ces. Ailes brinies, liord ititL-rieiir bniiiatrc; premiere ccdliile j)«)StC'rieiiie, discoidale et aiiale asse/ chiires, iiervure termiiiale dc la disfoidak' olilitpie. Ameri(pu' Septeiitrionale. .M. Bastanl.

iioir; (k'uxieme v't partie aiitericiiro dn troisie;ue tauves; le reste do ce segment, qnatrieme et ciiu|noine noirs en-dessns, sixieme fanve, a dn- vi't d'un gris jannatre pale, bord poslerieiire des Iroisieme, (piatrieme ot cin(|iiieiiu' ;'i duvet semldable. I'ieds fauves; liaiiclies noires, jambes i'l jtartii anterit!ure jaiine, b's (|i,arte (k'rnieis articles des tarses iioir- atres. Ailes a large bord exterienro brnn, I ermine carrement, uiie |)etite taelie briiiie a rextreinite. l)e TAmericpie Septeiitrionale.

Coitops lulvijii'Uuis Mac. loo. cit., i:i. in.


>'. ir. WHIistini North Aiin-rlrmi Con >i>H.

JHiinatrc. Ticls t';iiiv('s; 1>;isc dcs cuisscs iiolrcs. AiU's: c-t'lli\l«' oop- tulo •run JMunc pule, iiii hirixc l»onl cxtcrieur iruii t'aiivc hnuiMtn', laissniit r.xtrcinit*'' .Ic l;i ci-lluli' sons-iiiMioiiiMlc (!<• la proniicri' jM.stcr- ii'urc ct .If la <iis.()i(laU', I't Ic iiiterii'iir liyalins; nurvurc termi- uale tie la I'cllulo tliscuidak' pcrptMidu'uluiiv a sa base

f'linnpx imaliK VnU.. Sysl. Kiitoni . 17;'). ;t.

AnU'iniii' totii- atra-. Caput nigrum, on; late flavo, liaustello atro, orbita oc-uloruin j.ostica tlavo micaiitf. Tli(.rax nigfr, utrinqui' lobo antico linea alba, niicantc iniprcssa. Abdoniinus ix-tiolus t'longatus ator; facia anti- apiciin Hava. ritiinuni scgini-ntuni macula magna <l(>rsali ttava. Abe albo-livalinii! : costa lata nigra. Pedes uigri.


Wied.. Alls. Zwci. Ins.. ii, |i. TM. 5.

Sclu'itel und Slirn l)is zur Fiildcrw iir/.d ticfscbwartz, wodurch dicso An sicli von I'oiitutNH F:ibr. Iciclit untcrscheidct, audi ist der Kurpor liberall tielcr ^(•ll\v;lrt/., dci- obtTc Hand des Hintcrnickons hat nichts Vcrgoldetcs und scbimnu'rl kauni an den '>v\U\\ cin wcnig woisslicli messiiiuuclb. An alU'ni Kinsclinittcn iK'S Hintcrlcibcs ist mclir wcni- oer Mcssingiii'Mics. .\ncli die Heine schiinniern in gewissor Rich- tung zuni Tlieil nie!*singgelb. Li'inge 5 Linlen. Aus Siidamerika.

('. costatns Fab. Wietl.. .\iis. Zwei. Ins,, ii. T.W. f,.

Fnhlerwurzcl goldgelblicb, driltes (Hied uiitcn ocherbraiin ; Au- jreidii'ildeiirandcr nu'ssinggelb. rntorgesicht u-id Slirn lioniggelb; Scbeitel mil scliwartzer IJinde, v<»n deren Mitte eiiio schwaryA' Strieme zur Fiibkrwurzel absteigt und bier gespaltcn diese Wurzel umfasst. Ruckcnscbild briiunlicliscbwartz; Scliultern vergoMet und neben ibnen nacb iinien ein vergoldetor Punkt ; Seitenri'inder des Kuekenschildes un<l einezu den mittleren Iliiitgliedern absteigonde Strieme vergoldet, audi an dem liintern Rande und den Seiten des llinterriickens ist etwas Vergoldetes. Das (idbe an den Riiiideni der ersten Ifinter- leibsabsclinitte reibt sidi entweder leidit ab, oder verscliwiiidet bei schndlem Zusammeiitrockiien, zuweileii sclieint es am zweiten zu felilen, zuwidon audi sogar am vierten vorliandeii; der sechste Ab- schnitt ist in gewisser Riditui'g (iberall gelb. Fliigel der Liinge nach halb braun, Sdiwinger gelb, mit sdiwarzeii oder scliwarzbraunen Kopfe, Sdieiikel mdir weniger braun. Liinge 5 Linien. Aus Siid- amerika.


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