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I PubUbhRd \.j ihe DeparMneat of Agricilture of the Government of Canada. « ^ 5«fl-^ .-.• ':'*J ''i -y^ % 1^w.ii»»_ OTTAWA : l'}a\'lED liV 15ROWN (JMA.MBIUILIN, PRINTER TO THE ^iUEENS MOST EX(^El.Li:NT MVJKHTY. 1890. I m lllj" AT.r.i'jrrA, x.w.t. [riiHi (IF si\ \[.\iin:\rEiiiEM:E 111' \ fmiieu IN TUK l^> ■< rT^ KT3 IIF.KK DlSTlftlCT BY REV. LEO. GAETZ. Published by the Department of Agriculture of the Government of Canada. OTTAWA: I'KIXTEU BY BRO\\-X < ilAMUKULIN, FKINTI'R TO THE (iUEEN'S MO^T EXCELLENT MA.IKSTY. 1890. Th ^ INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. Ttu- t ollouinn- is a n.'port o|' tin iiiformatiun iiu-ni-l' " tlK' ia. personal oxpoiiences of six yrar>' I'osideiicc- as .» tai-incr ill the .Uo'! I'ecr disti-ict of Xortlioni All>(.Tta. Mr. (iaoi tt) iil-licalth, was obliujod to re>i Willi;- I'V 111 til' yeti OlllSt Cliuroli, and in consequence he tool; up his residence in the locality Btated. The re<'()j'(l ;in e\[ierit nee of v,i\- years' faiininu- as a seUler ii: Xnith'-i'ii Alliei-ta i-y a man whi' had no experienco of this mode ot' lite prt','.eiiis new informuti'in which is of o-reai inierest, nnd which was liirnishe(l l.y ^Mr, (iaetz to ilie ( 'onnuitiee witli frankncsH. The facts stated are |u-oot' ol' the pleasantness ni' the eliinale and the Lieneral e'»nditioi,s of livinu- in ihai. at preseni. linie known portion ot tin XoithAVesi, and they convey a more faM)UiMli|.' im- pression of the fai'inintf resoui-ees of Xorthern Alherta than 1 iave j; e(?n lielieved by nuinv lo exist, J>EPAUT.MEN'T Ol' AoilICULTt HE, Ottawa, Tlh Mar.-h. ISOO. U i!i:i) i)i;i:k. DISTIMCT OF XojrniKRN AIJ'.KUTA. ('(i.M.MITTKh (I'MiM ."(I, Jloirsk; f»l' ('(i.M.M')Ns. <.)TT\.w \. L'litli Fehiuaiv. 1 '10. 'J'lu' Solfct Staii'lliii;' r!()iiimitt<'0 Oh A ;';ri< nil ni'c aiiil l.'nlMni/.;uii>ii luci this (lay in ilu' C'>iiuuiiLiH.' Ivuoni. Mi'. L'ettjr Whito. IJciilVi'W, (/liiiii'inan, |n'o>*i(Jeil. The Chairman. — Ifoii. Mr. Carliiiji; has ,-iii;-i;-t.'sU'il lo iiu- lluu tlu- Ifcv. liOonai-il (laet/.. who has livoil iiilht llcil Decf Iviv vi- "ust lict of tho Nort h-\\\.'-<1. 'J'li-rilorics, nii^'hl I'l- ahU- to j^ivf ihr < 'oiiiinilit'o s'.niK' iiifoi'inatio/i with rortjx'cl to '.hat counli-y. //"/J. Mr. Carliu'j. — The liev. Leonarl (iat;f/. wlio is well known la wcslcrn CaiKuhi, aiwl who, on :i('i.'oiuii o! pooi- hi'.-iltii, was oij!iH(;il somo years ai;-o to loavo llic ininisi i-y. s«.Mthii in Allierta. iihoiit lUO miles iiorth'of Calicuiy, in the \ieinily of the \\vi\ .Deer iiiwM-, aneer country, what its cldef attractions aie •un! how that country is ada])tod foi' airi-icultund ojier.ations ;' /ier. Lt'oinliil (lai'f:. — I havellu' honoui and pi'ivileu'c of appearing befofu vol.. iis the Hon. Minister ot" A^'i'leulture stated, through a kind ^u^•^estion of his own. 1 niay say here (hat J «)nce haU the ])rivdei;'(; of preachiim', not at hut to the jfiui. .^^r. (v'arlin^'in the city of Lorwlon. and Jio \vas a kindly friend tnen, and I believe, continees to bo, and from his intellii^ent ■levotion to ins Depmrtment he lias won the h«'arts. 1 thinlc,of alH hefarmei.s froiii ihewavo-washed shores (d'tlie Atiantii- to the ea^tern slope of the liocky Mountains, which 1 liav»' I he honour to represenl here to-ilay. 1 -howeil the Ministei'of .'V^rieulture some samples which are here betore you, and lie thoii:;-ht it mi<:ht be well if tlic.se were presented t(; the i'ommitiee; as it is no retlectioii njion the intelligence, even of tliis honourable body, to Htiy lliat few liavo the slig'htest conception of the .'xteiit. the product anm«"i f ^|M•!ll^illJ^ iimli-r Mich nu.s|ii('(':., Mil. I I atii voi'V niiicli :itiai iicli Mtrai'l tliMl ill inv nnl'ii;.' i iiuiy vii'latf nil tli<' riiU"* m|' l';iiliiitafiitiii;> ills- ciHhion anil braiK li mIV iniu mm oxlioi-Uition or .-t'ljiKUi. and l>o lalN"! t«r «'rn»i'^<»r till.' lii-ad railioi' tlian rlio lit-art. I am a tliorDii^li ( 'iiiui'liaii. Ircin ihc H<»le (.r tiiy t'fft lu 1 ho crown nl' my h<'a(l. I »tm an • nt||n-iM^l ''• farm or. I claim to 111' a co-svoikcr vviih yuii, il" iif)f on the t1'i..i ,,t' I'Mflin- tni'iii. vri in till' rciiilc liflds 't' flu; wosdin iirairic. I .ju .^ ct)- worUcr with V(»ii in cvijix ihinji thai leads t.i ific access and d'-vcl- (•pnicnt of this ami»ni and huiifinialiio indusiiy. I -)ii'Mk \[\oniativc ni' All'Ci'ia, my IVifii I Mi-. I»a\i«.. I>ii- ho is ]ioi'ft'ctly vvilliiiiT tli.it f -hoidd he his Aaron in -iM-aUiiiM- ..! that I'l'iiiiscl hind. I liM\ r 11(1 doiil't a'.»o thalni\' liioiid irum IkOLcina, Ir. hiivin .Mid Mr. .Macdnwall iVom .SasUatrhowan, will jircsi nt i n- tdi'niatii'ii with ro.-|i(ti;i. .'ind forty times as Ijir^io as Priin'«' I'idward l>lanl. 1 1 ^tiefeho-- from the 4!Hh parallel ot latitude — ijie Anu'rican liMiindary — u|i for oviT irm miles north to the 'I'tTritory of Athahasia. It extends from tin- llllii dei,'ree of longitude on the cast to the l*if>vince ..f British ('oliimli;i on the West. heini( .-oniewh.'it ol' wcdL'c shape. ahoiit I'JO mi es :ti Iho south Olid and soincwhric Mhout I!(.M1 miles at iioitli; ,,!• sa\ , ,1 nuMii ot' I'uu miles in width. Thi^ coiinli'v majk' ix'.'illy lie divided into three pait*. and ('a(li .tf the-e part- has a '■pocial and disiinctive cMjiahiliiy of its own. ileie is. tii'st. that western portion ot' Alheit.a whiidi takes in iho eastern -lope of the FJoeky Mountains and out throiiu;li the foot-hills to the prairie jiroper, in which division tin' hand of Providence h:is treasun-d immense Miiner.'i! wealth, and tor* ot 'imi'cr. and ever lasting ^^•^.•l•\ I ijrs of water iw. it does n(.t ri'quir(^ any ixi'eai ij'i'iidieiie L;'eiii::s to I'oretell the enninicreiMl possiluiiiios thai are t fe found in such a distriet. As yi't wo areonly pl;iyinii" a' mininii'; liut I firmly heiiove, .Mr. < 'hairman and irentlenii'ii. I hat onr children will see l>eii\ers and Hiitte Cities and lieiilon- north of the 4'Jth parallel. 1 .-vo no rt asoM why any s;inc man can "lueslion that, 'llio possi- bilities are theit'j and Avhile ca[>ital is sookinii; foi- investment, and lal> commandinn that the stones bi'm.-alc hrca( diir is clamoiirimi' for emj)loyn!ent, and onterprisf i.'^ everywheri eliove it is Hot impos- rt ^ihle that we shall see these things north of the 41dli parallel I kiiow th.'it in that country a ii'reat deal is beini^ done, but very liithj com- pared with what we have reasoTi to exjicet. This a.rise^ from the iat-t that the mineral resources and lesotirccs of timber have been .li-i-ov or.'il liy iii'livi'lii.t!- u li . Ikivo nnt hn yi't tl ;i|)it,il Ut o^n-u an! 'K'Vflop I'.i'iu. iiii'l "aIumi liic li-inr ari-ivoi aii'l ia|iilal i- loini'l tM mv«'-i ill tiitcritrises in thai \\«»>.loin portiDn <'! A'l'iM'la ii will 111' a ^I't-al s.nirri' of -.irunuili ^vl cniiiinrrcinl ailvaiilauc to fin- wImIc fi Hill I IT. Tlion. Sir, I lia-Irii t^'av iliai iht' 'i tnaiiidrr ol' Allifria, iiiikiii;;- n\ui(' than t\vn-lhir(l> nt' thv 'li'ti'ifi, niiiy bo iliviil'.'>l intn wha! wi; all SiihIkmii AH'Orla aivl N'oithcin AH'i'ita. Soiii licMi Aliit-rtn. A'hii'li t':\ttMi'l> tVi'ia the l"iiin(lai >• lino nnith .ihtiui J(n: iiiiU'-', to a |pi>iiii al'iiMi |u iiiil.-,-. n.iitli ot' ( 'ali;»iry, aii'l tVfirii t hi- tiiiiT*! ot' il;(' t'lHii-h'lUs Mill t() till! liMtinihii \' lin.' iti' As-iiii- hi'ia, I.'' oil' of (I ii> u-i\ «\ >i.icl< fMiiiit i'i(!s dt' lla^ I'fiiil ilifiit i»t' A lilt*; it;a. This is ikm a new KtaliMin'Ml. 1 1 i> a wcll-ixtU'Wii an_;'t' than can Ix- t'»uii'i lc)-(hiy in i-ithci' Wyumiii!^' 'r,.iM iiorVj Nc\-a'la', \Va-hin'j,iMn 'rorritcry or « )ri'i.':nn, \\>r iho .lc|»ih l'-,inura!l in '.vinli'i- is l(..'>s and the _!^n'a-s is hctii'r. Many .'vMri-i- • an rancliiiioii aio t'ii(h'av di>i)Mrt ut' S'litliHrn Ail'crla. in oidiT to ^-raf-o thorn thoro. Xmw, whih- 1 -•|it'ak of this section as hoiiu" distinctivi ly a|t|>rn|iiiiifc as a >t'iid<- rai-iny I'oimtry, ii is only Just tDsaythatin tnany |>ai■l^ ot'Soiitiioni Aihoita 1 havo scM,'n crops lit' the opdinai'v kinds of n'|';iiii — wheat, oat> and i.ai'loy — very cxcdlciit, lioth as I'cu'ards (jiiaiiiy and yiidd. l'r.)m iriuii l{i\or."Sh.o|. t'look. V'\uv Cnok, Fish Crc(ds and tho valloys (»i the I'llhnw and liow, I have seoii at aij;ficiiltural shows -orne very t'no sani]iles o|" u-vain. So she is particniary fuvoai't'd ill iiu\diiL'' one indusli-y which slio can conir"! in a i cmarkahlo man- ner, and yet C'apal»le o|' irrowini;; tiic u'lains of ciunniei'ec J insider this a ^reat soiii'ce ot w.iu th. as I am sui'o \ on all di and We ha\o the oiicoiiraiceinont liiaf on such iai^^re area- men are ahie to raise hundreds ot' thousand-: f and comparatively little ri^k', although I inu^i. admit thai in certain seas(now. there is sonic los.- of I'attie. I think it i> oidy fail' to say that sf>me will Ik> lost this year. Jhit should it roa(di even '_';"» percent., whicdi ha.- never y.-f hei n leaehoil. aside from the unolea-;'nl thoiiuht ot' ihc siilferiuii" o|' the animals, it is an incotisiderahle loss alter all, when yon take into consideration the i>ase and cheajmc's wiih whi(di the cattle i-an bo produce think thai if an Mastorn man can atVord to sill a three-year old steer for i?'>", :i"< I hear they have d.^ne, a Western ratndiman ou^'ht to In- able to ^ive tho steei" and a bonus tothe man who takes him to the amount of SlD; becau-e I diink it is pretty Well understood that you cannot '.^row steer)? to three years of a^'o under s^-tO, ov S45 per head. Takini? Souihetn Alberta, then, it ha.s iicli resources in its ea|)at»ilitios of cattle prodindng, and al.so to a considerable extent in _!;rain-u;rowini:\ )> To come more purticiilarly lo Nortlioni Alljcrfa, ilwii <;iv:it ioi'tilc vallov stretcliini;' iVoiu aliiuit lorty inllt's iiorLli ot Caluaiy on tor two inindro 1 miles uiul more )»ast tli.' JJe'l Doer liivcr, the Uiittlo River, Norili .'^ahkaleliewan ami Stiir-;'eoii Ivivcr, we have a s(.)m<'\vhat (li!Ver(Mii (Mttuiti-y, wUli fa])al)iiities ])ec'iili:(i- fo itself, aii'l, in mv hiiiiihle jiulii-ineiit. the i^aiden of Alberla. a ''ountry pri'-ismi- netitiv suited to mixed fiirniiriiT. 1' li;i< som.- peeuiiar atiii' 111 tl us re-^peel tJKit it i-a wel!-vvIed and a well-watered countrw It is true that (here is !ioL wo')d every whei'e where a farmer would wi^]| to liiid it, but it i^ true that it answei's (he dcsei-iplion of a ])ark-like Country wi!li siiflieieiii tiiuber for neeesnary ))urp ix'8 in "it is a .■ouhiry wheic a settler uoiiin- witli little the greater j)oi iioii me;lll^ does uol nerd to expend lii- efipital altoo.'tiior to provide shelter for himnelfaiid his stoek. but -wlnTe, it' he ha'- not timber on tiirt own land, he can i;'et a jiermit. from the '00 henal feet of buiidini;- timbei-, 40tl root poles, 2.OU0 tenee rails and .10 eoi'dsot'dry wood for .')() cents, ati'l j)ut up his b'iildini!,>. He can iiiisband hi- resources to exjtend ia lit tiii:^' himself out with >t)''k- nd implements to ca!'r\- on nis wo rk. Tin! is eertainU' a v<'rv i m- jiortiiii! item. iSo fur as water i>< cuiicerned. I am <;!ad to think that the indication- ai'e tl'al there will be no need to mention irrigation, at least in Nortlu'rn Allierta, for a y-reat many yt^ars to C(ime. We have those mngiiiticent \,;iler coui'ses--moiuUain streams and also creek and ."-jtrinu's. Kveii at a very high rolling' point on the prair\' lh lere i^ flowing out th. d( siaes ne and in the (!oulees bpriiig> of water tliat .-emain open the yvur round. 1 1 lave neve' :nown a solitarv instance in lliat section < ,f ti le country vviierc a man hirl todig trMin moj-eijian 15 to3ofeetto ha\e at liand a well of the purest ;ind best, water. I ^peak favouraiily of Xortliern Alberta also, beciai.-e we can grow cattle there I think iit one-third oi' the cost tjiat they can be jn'odiieed for in any of the i'i.e^tern TrMvinces. It is true, wx think it best at .-inv t imo a nd often lii;d it neces.-.ary to house uiir cattle, because the snowlall is dfOjier in Northern Alberta. I do not hesitate to s:iy liiat in in}' humble judgment the time is fast coming wlien the bc^t intere>tsof the country, the ;;reatest*i'ommercial prosperity ot tlie .'ountiy, will be l)est served by lioMinu" citth^ in such numl'iTs as can he lioused, as therefort! the l<)ss will be onlv such accidental los.st-s a>mav occur' to any i in>iei-. Ir (joes not take an}' very great sldil to raise cattle, which at twenty-eight or thirty months old will dres.s without an ounce of grain G')l> and 71>(J pounds of beet, or a three year old that will dress MUO to .S.IO pounds. I am speaking of what 1 Imv.v-ren. and ■oiial exoel'ieiie am testifying to whit ! Icnow tloes not take a ".'erv li'ie.at deal oi .-ikill in farminL^ 'V\ n, S It iLiVeii a novice lil vO nr.-st. If 111 al to 7,"» busheS to the aej verage years can grow crops of grain — oats from lushel uid weighing 4(5 to 50 pounds to the arley from 15 to 55 bushels to the acre, and weiirhinir ft ;1iinii- Gu to tl8 pouiuls to tlic bushel. We umvc i^towii }()0 l)iisli('ls of pof^iloos and 700 iMisliels of tufiiips ji> ihc nrro. 1 lUJi}' say 1 huNO seen ^'reater ihiiigH than thi'->'', hut I am not talcing what is phonoinonal under very exceptional anle ciretiinstanees, Imi wliat I helie\e the averaii'e (arnu'r with average care anay here, 1 have known yields of 8:> bushels to tlie acre of Wekv'ine oais, and I have seen I'M hiishels ^-rown at I'od Oi'er. A man at f'urt iSaskal(;he\vaii raised lb') bushels t(» the acre, and <^riWi) >\\orii testimony to that efte<'l. 1 am ptM-feclly aware that men tVum that cduntry ai'C su-pecied of beini;' aide to ttdl bii;' stories. The (^lui'rinan. — Corresj^ondim;' with tlio :'.1/a' Af the cmnlry. Mr. Gai'.f::. — Yes, ])re(.'isely ; liul I have taken Tne ]>ains to hrin^' my b(>nd>men witii me in the sliajie of i;'rain sain]tle.-. and I w ill leave ]iiae!ical farmei's to -tiy \\iu-ther the eollalcrals arc woi'tiiy ot 'inif aeci'pted o!' not . I am brini;'ini; saniph'-. produeed tVom m 'vii farm. I y one will I n; no exceptiona y 1 skill in larniiiiii". Some OU', a.re saniplos of the eroji o\^ 1:■^S!^ and some of tlu^ cro]) of Is'^S. N ^vhen W'' liave a count r}- that will ]>roiiuce such i;'r;iin as these and that number ol busliels lo the acre, I can safely leave it to the < 'nm- m'ttee to .-av ^^dlether there must not be somtdhin avoui'aliH; m AW SOI I and climaic winTc such jvoduets niay he r eaneu .hist to Ljive you an illu^t^al ion ol the [\ luilityof the soil, and the intluence of the loni;- lui'ilu d;iy> in the Ivoi'Mi-Wesi Ti'i'riloiie- iiave seen wht'at and oat straw that o-ix-w to ilu' hei^^ht of .'i.', an -I fe and ye' we licauc' !ino til Hamilton, Jiand < 'ommissloner foi witli plun>p ^:rain. y\v. L, A. U' ("anadian J aeihc ivadwav who is now in the c\{\ ot'Ott iv i. will atlest to the faci that I sent in ihe fall inches in lon!j,th. I am nol ijoinji; to ,sav to this honourahle bodvthat in the Xori !i-\\ v^ii Tt'iritofics, in AH.'crta, it i -5 a peidect parac W^Q \ that liere ai'e l\o dr;^whaldv^s or ?i() disad\'. intakes. I will nol imjiose upon The in lelli- U(-nce of the ('ommiitce by saying;- that there is noihinij," lha<^ the farinor has to conuuid with, no e veiy i;'lad indeed if any <;entleman hi''e will tell me where on Ihe face of (iod's eaith there ai'e not >ome ditlicultics and some disadvanlay;es f() bo conieuded wiUi in farminn'. I have to -Jav this in all truth and candour ainini d into ihc mat icr, .and I do not kn oW T h ■V on M earth, t-iilc-r suuih or north ol' the (ItLli jiaralkd, where 1 won rather laict' m\- chance- in tiie 'ndusi ry of mixed l'aj'mini>: than 1 jUst w an! to say, m order to dis arm would ill N'oidhei-n Alinuia. I any possible hostdo critic ism. that I hav<' no town property to .sc I have no land you can buy. I have no db'^jtosition tt^ he rcwarde 1. 1 want to he iu*the b(st part «)!' the country, for my own sake and 10 for my fainily'.s siKi\ I liavo como here, u-fntlcmcn, not as tho at^ont nfany ( iovoi-iuneiii. or nuy in;;ii. or of any (jorporalion ; I am at your own coiiunaiKl. telliiii; vou "f a ^^•(•lilll' ix yi'ar>, l.-n^ enough to liavo fiirnu'd a jiulii-nu'nt as to iis characft r ainl capaMlitics, ami tlierofon' I feel iliat I iiavi.' a I'iii'lil tn -peak with some a.-.-uraiK't,'. My inoiives forii-oiiiu' wort' various, Imt the cliit^f riM>ions wore sicUnoss, poverty, and a Me-i'.c '" ktcp my taiiiily arounil nif II was iioi a 'lisliko I'nr till' beaiitifiil Pi-ovim-i's of tlu' cast. 1 am (Kad in In-.c with (,'anaila any \\ay — 1 inflii'k' all llio lVovin('i,'> — oven (^iiolioc, wliicli seems lo have ln'cn lianiilcil m nu'whai vnimiily ot" lat(^ Hut I h:!«l i;or ihc r;ij)ital to invest in piiiTiiasiiin' a t'ai'in in tlio-o hcnntifnl rr.t\irK'c-. f iicvcr could havr liopcd to secure land in iho cast, to onaMc nic Ic.'p my Uu'l;'*.' faiiiilv' oi lioys around tuc, st-cin;^ that 1 acar i-Mininir \\'itliin llie ran^(> ni' Mi-. .>[ ii!--t in till' --anic' >it nation r o is 'loin:;- wr "wliv lit' slioiuti iihivti* ; hut HUM) who ai't,' mortuai^x'd hi'avily or I'ont- ini;- farms, and ai'O liktd\' in lfa\o tl,<' licntauc of mor;gaii,'o and wani to rluMi' idiildrt'ii, I l>o!i(">c' ii !-> their duty tn n'o out to tho Xo|•i^.-^Vt■•.i ;ind take up land whii'h will I'liahle ihem to maintain that family, and do morn for them in ti\e years than he could do iiiuler the same circumstances in tifteeii or twenty years in tin' east- ern i'io\inces. I may \v a-'kod if there is any vaiuui>le land still to be'ha'! thcie? if there is much of that land 3'ou spt>ak ol ? Whv, ly" a-Lntlemcii, I mi-i-hr almost sav it is all ailai'ie; there is on m the fertile valley of tli.' Red J^eer. that I have (lescrit»t»d to you, ji few hundred ol' nrcupicl ]ll^mesu'ad^ ; that is oidy a drop in the Ijucket, as eomiiarrd with the t-apahiliries "f these vast stretches ot' lerli e lail' and vt-rv nimli I.P( 'r than some of the land I ani farming-. 1 am on the hofloin lards hy the rivorsido. ^vt)itd^ are thinner and poorer, aiul will roquii'c t'l'dlinii; with mamiie a little ofteiier. But most of thesi; |)roduct.s are from these boriom lands. There are millions of ai-ros of diH^p soils in the various sectiniis of the J led i) eei' counirv aie miw entirely iinoccuj)i(!d. That is sayi}iu' noihinu- i>\'\h< ''ertile valley of tho Buttlo River, tho Saskat- chewan and the ivlmonion and Fort Sa-k-atidiewan distrier-.. and '>!' tlif Slur'i'fiM i\i-r I li-'riel, >irflchini:' up t'or l.'JO miles noril 1. a I'ouniry of wonderful j)rohahilitie! it seems to me in my zeal I am in dan,i>'er of ov(!rstop])inii; tho hound- of ]irivileii;es; hut liear with me Avlien T say the indicalioub sijM-oost jht; necessity nf a viu'oi'ou^ immii;-ratiou policy loi- tho X<)rth-\Vest country — a \ery vigorous immiu'ration jiolit'-y indeed. Wiilj the stronsi' ctun.irtition nf the Argentine iJeimhlii-, iiVa/il and Mexico, Australia and the United States. :ind a groat many t)1lmr Ciuintries.is it reaxmaliie toexpi'd that [>eoplo aregoin^- to fhu-.k into C anada without 'von the 'ts of tlie '-ase lieiiiij; set hefore them '? I think it is ([uite out of the ^iuestion for us to reasnnaliU- ex[(e'-i this. 1 11 .1. • I el- tliorel'oro lii>|if rhat tli.Tf will l.:e the tiliiiii; n\> o!' ihat (•oniilry . tor, let. iiif SUV, it IS i(» \»)ui intcn'st as wi'll a.-, o Ill's. Vou >eii'l us u llioM- aiul iacn, atvl in a !ow vt.'uis we will .seii'l vou hack •'^5i),00(» for c<»mni()(li(io,> iha! it i.^ iniiiossi 14e 1 or u- I'uprovide I'or ourst Ivc-^- cotniiKdlitios which Vi.u will foiUroi. ami in .vhich wo will noi ho likely to conu^ into V(;;'y -eiious (•ornpotil ion 'vilh yu. Ovv niarkei- will so-.u ho in ih(> other iliicciion. V'liiiia aid .Ia|iaii have bt'C'oino tii'cti ot' caliiii;' rice aii'l waul llour; and whv sh'tidd they take it iV'Tii Wa-hinijioii TeriMlory, Xc\ada. <'aiii'orMia — thai is, irom thijx' portions which i t'lU'iiaees uloni;- the niountains otNevada aii'l Washinu'ton 'I'errilory, whoie they ha\o to c;<» tothi> enormous expense "f cultiim' tiniher away till' up in tho hills. ai;d Tl ie\- are -hunt it down to the \allevs helow lor their I'urnaft elanioiirinj;- i'or ou-' coal. C>ur !)eet'. 1 \\i>]m\ will soon o-o to l']n<;iand hy tin' Hudson Hay I'oute, and -ave l-'iii;; li'avel. In this wav we diall k-eop out of your road. at;d w'ul ho a htdp to you in the east. I am not in-^en-'ilile tl.ai the eastern ! rovuiees have done a LCi-eat deal fur the we.-^li I'li di.-triets. aiKJ .-ntl'ir ine to mention thai what ihoy have done is no le.-s the duty >i[ jiuiriotism ttian an act ^f henovolt'iice. If I am i.-olated in tlie.-e jirairie di^'.ricts from my l.irethren In .Vova Scotia, I w-'Uld like to i'ee! that thert is enoU:^h )ia! iiol ism in ( 'anadi.'ins to str'eteh a(.'ro.>s throe thousand miles and uive me a sliow for mysi'lf aiKl family. I feel we are iiidehted for many ads of il'enerosilv iilreadv. Iiut it siems ti> me that we are just where ehildron gvt sonutirnes — whcii an e.\U'i:si\(' swaddlimi; hand ha-^ leu d(»\vii around his teei. JTe has a'ot, wheie iiis swaddliuu' is an ai ernbarrasHinen! to him. I want this ('ommitiee and luMioui-ahle hody of meri to say of tlds we-^tern child : •" Lt>oso him and let him y;o.'" l)o it hy ljonu>in^" railway-- with cash as well as land, liivo us railwayN lo o|)en iijj tho eoumry. imd 1 [dede'e you my word of honour that the day a railway ^.tes U|) throiiu;Ii Xoriherii Ali'Crta v fasie." than any part of Mainioha or she Xorih-W'esI has heen -elikd up. It is ni'M'' -"elf-siistaine*! and mii;-o selt-eontained. ainl ha- more of the eionieni'- ol sueee-'S than mo-^i ol ihe 'ilier [lortioiis "four ^leal we--tcrii ('anada. I cannot sit d"wn without lemarkiiie- that I am in duty hound to express the ohliL^a- !it)n that we are under to the Ilonourahh' Minister of A^'ricultiiro. and tho Parliament th.it sustained him in the esiahlishment of J'^xporimontai I'^arms. Tius T.adoo-a. wheal . a pamph^ ot' which f Imve hero, is a mutter which has laid us under oli|ii;ati(Ui. heeaiiso il puts \\-iihin our roaeh an oarly-nKiturinij: variety of ^rear merit So with other ,er;,iiis jind small fiuils; very low ot the Sittlers have tho time or means, or tho inteUiijoneo to oy|iorimont 1 or themsolvo-, S(' a.s to onahle thorn to conduct iheii' larmiuLr "pcra- tioii- inlolli^ontly, liir I iii;iiiit!iin it is just Jis iiOCfs^;)ry f;ll■miIl,^• a> iinytliiiiix olso. I'lio day was wli'.'U it was sii|i|)()simI a I'arnici' did uoL iuhmI l)raiiis in osder to slicceod. That war? al^\■ay^ a lui-takc: sharp eoinjx'titioii luakos it iiocos-^ary to iiso -olh h aiii and niiisclc, nr >'\>arv to us. W^ V have nu aurioidtural literal iiro. ^^'t' ha\o ni>l liuf ivptM'iments of others to i;uide us — not wvn their Muntlersi toshun. Wean' feelini;- our way; everythinj^ is tentative. In<;"oo«l lai'h we irieil the inetliods tliat were appropriat*; in 'ho east, hut oHen tailrd. In this laattei-. tlicretore, ! say that the lOxperinienial Farm, under its wise and dev(Med dii>'(M(jrs, will be of areat, viUio. .Not 'lit' least i;i inij^ortanc.' an, the ci'i'tenii)':!' 'd cxpi-riineats wilii natural i^i'as.^e.-. of the eountry, lor ihe liuie will eonie wjion settle- ment v,-ill limit our ranges, and in ordir to f.jed uur Jioidvs and are limited, it will he nccessarv to fall lei'O when the wilil laiii haek Uj)oneul1ivatioii of native <;'r:isse<. in tiienuselvt*- most nutri- tious, and whieh ean he onltivaled ''iih succe- \\ iih tiiH at- anee I have no tears with rcierenei' mi the t'utuio. I do not fear iht.^ conijietition of the United "^lares when ourcounii'v l'eL"me< known. I hax'e !io idra that the h*'-i portion of this couniry lies south oit iu? 4!Uh jiarallel. T have n'> .•onHdtM.ec 'u the idea thai tin- AinericaiiH have the bestofit. Tin itMiiurii-s wid telltlia! the l.n'>t portion of it lies to the norih-wetitot the i^reat lake<. I think when tho resources )f that vast re'j;ion aio ih-ttei- known » anadians \vill tlo> k back from the United Siales, In uiy connnunity two-thirds (»fthe seitlei'sare men who were onee in llic l.niled State,- — Canadians \\h(.i \v«'nt to the United 8'ates and tiaed it, ai.d havr e.nne baek again. In my own Province ofXova ."Scotia, tliat slrcinii, vigorous peojde arc /^'row- ing men and women so fast tliat they have not [ilaces to put 'them in, and God has proviiUd ihe prairie.s of iIr we.-t. \Vould the ])eople ot' Canada ratlierhave thi-ni -o to the Uiuted .^tate.s? If they do. I will tell them that -^ix of our lafi'si si-rtlci's go! lii'cd of goinu fr N ova i^cot i: die Unireii .'^tates. ,ind li.ive toiind tiieir" this tian.-eontinenial loute and aie doing well. Some baehelorstl ]ia\i' b< en able to make, in on oni way over lero rai-^ a band of calves besid e summer, {^toO worth of butt I'r anc I e. juntiy that ha^ h()i)e ;ind promise in it. and I thrreiore tin^t you will be able to develop some pktn that will settle up that country. Xow, 1 thank you veiy kindly indeed, honourable gentlemen" for the patient hearing you lave iii\en me. 1 have felt, i but my heart is full. My pul•po.^es and motiv ime aU'l again, that I am trespassing b<-f es are unimpeac ore make ?iiv ho habh heaven. I bcliuve in the country where I have «-ont.i t o me, country so perfect as it i> to be a fail I believe th<^ Providence of (iod never made uiv 1 b lievc there is a homo thej'e I'oj- millions of the earth, and I hope these facts will be calmly loukcd into, and J beiivvc llif u-iilis will Ke r;i\-'Piiriil>le. \ >}iall ln> <;lad to iinswi-r juij' (> ask _\mii wliy yoii privluci' sampk's ol the crop of ^c;j«> Surely rhore was sulliciiMit in that n'roat counl ry in issit lo till those Huh' bai;s, vrilhnut, taking the produce ol' 18>'S? A. It is well uiulerstood that iri every now country thi-re is a local niai'ket, and dial hxal mai'kct is the very best Wi- have. We have iio ''eaMiu ill the world I'oi' scndiiiii' our products aw.-iy and ii;ettin;j, 50 c«.'nts :i husjit'l, when wv can t^ot tiS (cni- riuhi a! our iloor. Thuio is in every ^c^v couiilry ilns lo(;il market, whicii. as huit;' as it lasts, is the very best. Uj) lo the presfiit time, we have always h.'id WAy^ ol'(lis|»osine<|uently wr did not. reali/e eitiier the (|uaiiiity or qua'iiy ol'grain we had in otheryears. This year, 1 ani ii,lad to say, we have an oMiasliioned Canadian wintci', with plenty of sntjw and plenty of cold. I belie\'e the pios- pocts were never better, Q. On what date."- do you commence •^ceding? \. About the latter part of Martdi or the ilrst of April. Some of our largest seeders, the Eeaty I'ros., for instance, have theirgrain mostly sown by the ■■^tb of April. I liavc known ii to be the hater ]vii't of April I'ofore it was Bown. in the year I's.Sti — oi' ISST — I caraiot just tell wdiich — the snow lay on until liie latter part of March, and .^ee ling d-"d not begin until the lOth of April. (^ Are you subject to any summer fro.-t? A. The only one we had was on the ll'tb of July, ]S>7, wdien the barley was just he:id- ingout. Frost in those localities, as many of you know, goes in veins or streaks, something like a hail st^ cm. and quiti' often you will find tiiat whih: the a-rain on one hail'-seetion has been injurdl, that on the neiuhbouring halt-seotion luis not been touched at all. u 1)0 tV().>t wars l'(i-al W li'iVe till?- lO IfJll, A i.s oni' <>i tlio ilraw- bucU^ that may ((iiir ; I i-aimot a-iianiiiti-c tliat it will nut. It isono ()) ilio.-.!' i)C'Oiu'r(_'iif't'>. liu\ve\or, that iiiay conit" to alinotsi any coun- ti\". ami wlion it laoi' was on the vxwv Iniloiii, and tlic lain! iiol so I'-i'tilc as hiii'luT U]>. Tli.it is iint our experitMico as :i i-uk'. l>.'.'au-r tlu' Jt!hn's is wa-'iod dowi; liy ilu I'aiii jiiul stoj'ins, and as a I'aic tlie bottom lands are mo>.i })fO(huMl\o ? A. The land is rich, but not so deep o:- s.» >ri'oii<>; as thi> bonch iand.^ jnimiidiaiidy abovf. When Mr. Hoyt, ulAiinnoapidis, was out to see Ur i\V(i yoai's ;(-:•(), with .Mi-. I'jastman. an old Canadian who had boen Miiuicaii'dis. llicy tn.dv up my land and .-■aid: '• Is that what you <-aii IV-'lit anil Tl lai 1- a! ii we tiavc iM ;hc Stait >r M ;il. il ii'it superiuf, lo I n«- \ei iniK sola. This bottom land (o I hf XLH'V best 1' IS ()|il\ s on jitrhi in (.'(ani^arisoM with what is t-alled the beiudi land, >>r land a hiu'luT elevation. One reason wiij- these bottom lands are thinner or lig'litei- is that the sifoums \vlto.>o wash ha.^ made them arc Dinuiitaiii -ti'eams. Mowinir throun'h rocky reifions and over ■ and- titonc depi'>:is. i'l ini;it'. do j^.t flow tlw. WluiJ-e d o \ on ( leri\e youj' InJormafion m rob' v-nee i(t th ])ercetHaii-t's oj: lo.->s in the ranelie distriets this season, because the sear-on is only j»ariially past? Twenty-live per cent, is very !aiL!,v, 1 undei-staiwl you to say 2^ jier eent. w.'uld \u> the loss? A. 1 ho"|.e J was uoi so undcivs'ood. I saiil: '• Mwu should it rea* h 2') per eenr.. whi(di it never had yet." In the winter ot' l^ST ii reu( hed per 'ent. I ai n sure iie.'e wil I » or .ie some tl winter. 1 wa.- mly 7nakinii- tiU' point thai .->hoidd it reach that iMi-ccntau'e (2... 'leeasowitji whitdi The cattle couM be ]))'..dueed would )iol mako tl if, ni'ler all, to a lar^•e ram-hmau. a vei-v s'erious i (^. What distance are vou nunoved t i;iies resci'Vf? A. Eiu-hty-eiiiht i j)oint . By Mr. Annstroii^j: — (}. Perhaps Mr. (raetz Avould liive rom the railw ay com])ai.y's I'un talijjary, my nearest railway rainl'all in tlic summer in th, us some idea al)0ut the i^'eneral It count]y. Is it ]-relty j.l.'ntiful and pretty evenly distributed, as a aeneral thin"- ? Oi this last ve; ir was dry all over the \ort1i-West ? A. J ,'ours(>, we l\now also to be able to ans\\-,;r that im V(.'i-v "■ lad i[Uesti(;!i. beeaube, of course, in diat 15 country, luninu' imliil'od from cxory source the h\vi\ ihat it never ranu'il, ilu' CniiMiliiiii Pacilii li.iilway »'ni|il<>y('- and tlit' ..\nM'i'i<'an nni| a^'ciil- werr ti'llinii' nic. wihmi I was U"in<;' inlo the Minti \- tliat it nr\ or rainni there. ail' \v<*l iL'. (li'iei out lU'l ic aiK tiiodofil I'rloi'c* verv loii'j,'. In tl; »a( >f this, i tli<)iii:-|it 1 h; h act in coining !■■ a <-ouutry wht w if lu'ver rainr>l. Diil hclnrc the 20ih of Aui^ust 1 wondircl \vhcthci-it cvor stoppod. Jt rained from alxuil the stii v\' .lunc, a( sliopt inloi-vals. on ihruiio-h .lime :ind .lu'y. and np to tlie iTth oi' Aul!"iisi, so that tlie hrooLs were booniin;^' and !h<- slon«^'hs wei'c fidl, and we couM lu^t ^t t 111' the meadows w.'h our ninwer and ad ti> u'O oni (»n t he hiu;h ])rairie to eiii i.ur \iiiy. Tho y(\ar Issii was u deli-rhtt'nl year, hccanse the lain Just ^^eemoil to f^nw wlien it wa> neciied. It was well disirihuted, and all avo needed, it \v:ik imt s.i is^vvai as in lss4 and 1; >^S."». hut it Avas sullicient foi- ail piup In 18»T there was al.-,o ai)iuidan('e ol ram. From ]^'^•l \n IS^O the )-ainfal Was lor ail purposes (»f au'rieuitnre. Last year, l.'^'^!', was tiie sullii-ieiii only .ve.axiii ijiat we had failiini o!' moisliir' an}' -^uspHioii ot the possibdity ot a Bi/ 3Ir. Truic: — Q. How many months do you hon-o y(jiir rattle and hoi'scs ? A . A li'i'tat many of them Wf d'.- nut. house at ad. (.'iir yoiinii' stock I!' yeai'lin^s sinijily go in the shed in tlie nighr. and arnund the >iraw >tael< in the day. <.)ur l'ri-e. My young liorsos were on; Us wilder until he last week in .lanuarv, thuUii-h one of the colde>t winter.^ since 1 have lieeii in tho country. Tliey were in perfectly good condition, and healthy. Horses accust(.imed to It w.iil iiet into one o f Ih e.->e ■iii- sloiiulis and will stav there Ave-'k after week, live well and come home t'af. S[ieaking ol' hist win* o'.ir vouii; lorses ' lid not come home at al er, AVe ne\'er fed 1 hem a p Mind ot' hay, htU 1 a winti'r nowlall ill! I cold aie heller than Ou>e mild winter (J, This has heeii ihe exj'ei'iener ot tin^ farmers e\en in ()niarii>. tlie e\]>erienoe ol' the new ^eitlei's when ihe ediintry was compari- tively a hlealc wildernes.s ; the eallh' lived on hroiise.. It lias also been tlio exiiei-icnce .jf Manitoha AV len tl le covnarv neeomes thickl V se !t! CO _\t>u expee raise ii:ituial uTasscs tlicie V lias the experiment d'ceii tried ? A. ' have never been under the necessity ol' tiying the experiment. .1 am experimenting now with a variety of gra.-«se.s nnder enliivation, including limothy, Alstisar- clover, l)lne-top. an I KentucKv flue gra I have tried these ; ^o lar J 1 la. e na d I ID slieees.s \v iih clover. La>t year 1 put do wn an en acre of timothy and hud an excellent yield — a ton to the acre, ev dry as it was, i will iu>t -a\- lur!her that the piece which had been sown two year-; was very .-.hort. and did not come up to my expecta- tion at all, and was 7iot cut. It would have cut, probably, half a Ion, but I thouiiht it was better to let what there was go to seed; 1(] (.•onsc(|iU'nil\ . I ;ini iinalilc iC lecitle us to ilio olhoi-s, \>nl I soi' no reason wlij'umoiliy .-hoiild ii'-l succccil. An to Llio native grasses, Ml'. .Nri'K.iv, who 'ha-' Im'OU .'X|ifrimcntlnic at tlie l']\'iu'riiiuMilal Farm ai lii'lian lload, will give us souic ui>ci)\u-a,i;'onu'iit, i hope, <>ii Iheso points. Q. Would n(tt tlio KNpeiimt'uial Farm be mucli iR-tter in your settlomi'iit lliaii at jiidian Head ? ..\. Certainly I would lilve that very much. Tlir he].artMieiit aid noi look at it, tliat way, and yet gen'oriiu- and uu'-cltish a neirt.'d as 1 ani, I tiiiidf, all thint>;s eon- sidorel, it is better where it i^ ; beeausr it is worUini;' lor a wooilud and ifurU-Iike eountry in Northern All»erta as well as I'nr tjio J'l'ovinee ol' Assinilntia, whiro tlu'ie is a ^creat dearth of W(.)od, and eonseqnenily 1 believe the lesulls wdl be iar bidter and more sa(i>l'a(ti»ry to have it loeateil whore it is, beeause ii" iliey siic- cei'tl with any experiment at Indian Jlead 1 lia\o no (b)ubt it will be a 2;reai succ*"s in NOrilirrn Albvrta. fl^' Mr. >"roi(lc : — Q. What Isihe mean depth ot'yonr snow in winter? A. Weil, it is very varinl. I have know it to be 5 or 0 in'die:? dee]) in the winters oT l^^st) and 18ST ; ii t!ie winter of 1S.S7-S8 it was lio and 24 inetie.- di'ep. but to strike an avcra,::-(>, 1 would say p-omewhero betv/et'ii ]i< and IS inelies, takinir a period oi' ten years. Jjii Mr. Trow : — Q. Has ;iny eoal been ijeveloped in your secti.)n ? A I may just say 1i» my iiouourable i'riend tliat the whole eounlry is undt'idaid with eoiil. Tliere is none yet lieini;' mined. 1 am witiiin twenty miles of 'he ,^re:it coal btii.k.s in i{am!,-e 24, Township 3S, west of the Fourth l*rinei]ial Meridian, where, by my own measurement, there ai'e of eoal from the lop rt' tn tiiml'l.' .ml ol ;i l-nllnDli ;it iMlnl.ilil hi' ( oiilil li;irill\- iiill oil u (|iiiir|.'f-s.M'tir)ii of laii'l iit (luit ('(miiii'v wlicK' ihtTi! wuiiM ii<>' l)c cMiiHin'li I'crtilt!. lillj.Mo land t'oi- a man ot >iiiall ••apital l'> _:;•> to \v'or|, upttn and fariii. TliaL is my lionosl ( Miivirtion ; tli;it is — iiido- In* Tell iiiio a lake, and providrd his iicdtli \va'> not i.in|)ali'»- I ''V ihf I'all. 'iood land is so alxindant it is rcnlly ca.si.T to \o,\\ wliat is not Hi.m'c tiian what is thi-rc. 'rhoro !ii\: iiiiiniMiso tiact-^; ot' rouivst", t ji.-io arc hhitVs of small linibci- hero aiid tJH'rr. Mit tl)t>s(^ an> a coiiwinioncc. Takiiii;' the land ^iMicrallv, I ilunk tlu> land to-day, in its virgin slate, without a ploui^Hishanj liavini;- tonc'hed it, would be worih .";: ;ilO to the aci'e iu'ai'<(»ine easi- ng ''ity of (own. Ft is so f'erlil'' and .>o e:isily hroken uj) 1 hat a man -an start and ptor.odi I'or a .|iiartei- of a nido. and if lir i;-ets;i ia\oiir. aMe j)o>iti(.>n Im' ran pi >uod 'and, and will he iiO(nl land, the satne as the siii-roiindin''' I) rill rie. when the timln'r is tak-en ol!""' A. 1 think it [> ti le ver\' h.'sl, <)t land, but it now eosis t')o inu(di loo eler.r while as yet fliere i^ su(di an abiindanee ol land. In my i^ai'den, for e.\aiiH)le, I have ihat k'ind of land — ami that wlii(di had lieen hiirii'jd over once. e'.vered with rose busl KV lere r-i not a roek m it; \'!>u eann'U .'Ti a roek to >hie at a i;ophci" Wn- miles in a streli'h. 1 b< Hove it to "' the richest lanil, from experience, wlierc these limber bliitfs •I'l heeii. /iij Mr. W<(t.'. Y>>\i have had eonsidenible experience there in re^•ard to .'ain- I'al!. hon'; you think it would be a <;-ood. thim; lo proieei a loi of this timber.'' 1 siip])ose it lias a crtain I'lleet on ihe atmosphere V A. I haW' n I doubt it would bo an important tliiiii;- to pi-dte i what iiiiihor we have. Tak'e i^oetions ot' the eoiinlry, say lorl^- miles Morlli of ('alirarv, Ihei-e is a distance of fr(mi lifteen to twenly miles where tliere are only scattered bliills. It is not i.id\- important to ,U' 'tect 'vh.it tliere is, bill lo u'row more. 'I^he e 1 Wr^. have ut a born 18 lo^i^islalor. I'lii I suiiiriimns ihiiilx it wmild Itc (it-siralilo licit tlnic hIkmiM Ik.' an dlUcur ii)i|t<'iiitr(l in (lio v;iriini«< 'listi'iclv — ;i hd; I <»l liro wiirilen — wii'i-o duty if sliuiild l)i% iu>l his lU'iviltv^c, wiit'iicvt'r n lire HliU'tt'il anywhcif, to ;;'<» out .'ind coinmiind his iK'inlilioiir,-- to i;(t mid a•*^i^l in piiitiii.i;" <>iii, timt life, mid linviiiu,' iiutlii»i'il y to fiuo tliDsc wlio n'tiiscd. As ii is, if wo .•(•»• u Hri^ and iviiow ii 18 ^oiii^C '" l*''"^"^ ijiii' own placf \vitli()Ul: doinH* siTinus liaiin to ns. in our own sol'isli way wo ot'tcn go to !ut lor ihc iiiujottled portion ot tin- eountry, ihosc vast slret(dn's ol the (onntry wiM(li are noh'uly's spoelal interest, it would he simpl}' iinptjssiMc to meet the d'tli^'ully with liiv-hridves. Q. Nobody i\i'epi ih'' (i'Arrnintnt. Would it not l.f will in llie intejvst. ol' that eountj-y and it- liiiuie liu- an cxjUMidilure to !)(> made in mal-Mng lire-l. takes \ery six, or oiglil or ten miles? A. That Nvould mean iriaiul hy m-xl si-ason tlnu'r Mould he a growth of '■'> (M- I feel »t' rank grass. Thai grass dies in the autumn and loaves yoii a.> holpU'Ss as }'ou were hefore. />'// ,)//•. Aniistr"/!// : — Q What are, the prineij)al varieties '.>l' limhei' you liave in yo'ir eouiitry'r* A, We have eliielly spnue jind poplar. In addition lo thoi5i\ we have tamaiac, ;i lit. lie hireh arid a small wood I'alled .Saseatoi n. of very lit tie commereial \'alno. I)iit of great value to the farmir. li is a \ »'r\' toU'j;li woodland makes an exeellent whiille- tree. or anytliing ol thai sod. 1 1 is ccpial to the roek elin in Ontai'io, Q. [>oes the s])ruee gr»w to any eotisidecalde si/,c ,'* A. 1 lia\e had some spruce taken out this winter for milling purposes ihat will go 2s; inches aeroHS the stump. Thai is a laigo si/-e. II' I were to strike an average. I woidd say 1:2 oi- !.-» inrhc.-i wt.mld \tv aji average all loutul. By Mr. Kirk: — Q. Is sj)ruee a desirahle wood lor feneiiiL!' '.'' A. ?sol^ lor fencing if just cat, down and immediately ])Ul in without any |)r(.'|)aration ; hut sprurr that, ha- tlic hark sliav«.(l oil" and put intn a hot willow lire and singed or di](ped in lime water is almost as desirable as tamarae, but, ol' course not ^o desii'ahh* as cedar. I It I ! i 1 i ■ gCM ke. !ha nut hut liol i I iti liro iMU'Vt'l" 11 lltOIll'^ to mrily lu Iviiow ii •Ml to IIS, llllI'M. i I «'IU>l!.;ll r ti l;ir:.!;»' ours. IC slai'U (I, uvcrled. awiii'il it ui. The I'olllll I'V, . sji(!('i;il lly will. 11 in [li(^ I'C lo be IK'S? A. Ulsi.' [\\v !j'l'niia(i I'l.i l.i" :i .-iiitunui III yoMi' li(»n ((• .•!illo wliilllo- )iil:u'i". 1 llilW i:, twill \SlM'0 to U'Ih'iiil;', iratiuii ; \vi^()^v al>l(^ as !!► (I. Il'iw dors il (•(ttunai'c wilji Xova Sci.tin Hpnirc ? A. I liiitik it is till' very saiiu' ; i s<'(> im <><>|)li^ will lako iliirtdfM I H]Hii,r ill' * tlii'y liii-l tire killed, and smal! nieces no Mi,'- <;vr than yoiii- arm. and hI ri/i:^' wire ii|.om il. They tale iio|)ainsto keep it Iruiii e<.|'ii, in places where ol' ■ r varieties can- not b«' had. /h/ M, . Ti'oii' : — (i. Has ihi' ' Io\ I'lniiiciii mad'' ;i piMpn- >vsl(^n» of survey of tho Iwwnshijis out Ihi'i-e'.' A. ^'''s.sir. 'Piie cnuni ry Ih alliihxdced out i:i l(»wnship>, and a <''insi(icrahU- portii'ii of ii, ^uh-divided into see- lions. In lh>' K'cd l)ecr IJi\-er ilislrici there are ten town>hi)>s divided inl() that ii man n ho '■ Ici-slands township siii'xeys can pretty nearly locate hinis(.df. (i. Why shouM he !•<• put to thai iiiinoeessarv irouhle? A. \Vi^ sJMiendy hope that \vill not lomain ;lie ease very I Mii;. 1 think- that wheiU'V(!r iininieTatioji hei;ins to swarni in tliere ' hat will \n- reme- died. I !)(•!;• lo suiTii'est, althon!i;h ih" I iovcrnmenl may not thank me I'oj' '• point e'lvs," ilmt it would he w-dl to i.<;el alieail ol tlu^ immi- un'alion, so that meiimi<;'ld ha\ e ! heir elioiei' and know what they have chosen. B)/ Mr. tSprouh' .• — 'J. ilow ar(> you oil" lor mills? A. We have no "^rist mills there yet. No man has had enough capital to start one. and it is one of tlie thing's I ])i(»pose lo (uiitiiiro ahoiii and see if a poitahle grist mill can he had. 'I'kere was a saw mill jiut in hy the .Niac ken/ios some years ago. :ind l.ist iall 1 was rash »Miough to jnil in a portable saw mill, with cdgcr, i.Uiiclier and planer, and a Ihii'ty horse-power .l"hn A. ikdl t-ngine. Wo ihink now of getting a grist mill lo run by this i'ngi'ie during that ],ortioM ot the year it will not he used by the saw mill, as we ha\e not eiueigl) ilemand cutting the whole your. The ilay we tii'e able to convert our wheat into tiour will gieatly lessen the cost of living, for i' costs !s I t.) ^l.i^o per liiindi'ed to freight our Ihuir from Calgary. The Ived J)e(M' liiver, Willi a Tail ol 1 t ie(>t pc!' mile, is one of the grandest of water p AVer., I hat nature has ever providc-d, wi'h good har.ks, and every taeiliry i'ov the establishment ol' mills. As yet. however, it is very iiiuiih cheaper, in a small way, lor men to employ sti'ani power rather 1 ban water. /) V Mr. Jniiei'. :-— (}. Hovv do vegetables and small fruits do? A. \'egetables do -])len(.lidly. We have had no manner of failure in regard to vi'gc- lables in any year but la^-t yi ar. The drought last year de(ddedly atlected us, as ii. did Manitoba and the North- West generally. I sup- I L'd ]vt«(o r tn;i\';isiuMi-«li soiii(!i»l y"U uln-ii I s-iv I Imvt'^rown |iii|:iliM'>i n\ tlic i;ili' I'l' Tl'O liiislii'!" td till- ufi'i'. Tliui i- M pli iionit'iiiil yuM. Imt not tliiii w<> !X''i\"«' 'li»iii any ^juM'iul iiHunliwii wofjin !i,i"i)\v Ironi .'!H0 Id 4(»() liii-lii U <»t' ]io|;»titc> |it>r iicn'. witliniit uny cMra uliniiion, skill '11 luiiniiit'. We can !i'«i) ^^imw cai-rols, cjiliIiiiL^oH nii'l caili- lliiutT. I lia\ r ticiiucni ly scfii taiililltiwcr at ('al^ary I'air iliat wti'i' a yard in ciiciiMil'trcnci'. \i'\\ may lia\ c ^'i'm t In-m lai'i;*'! , lail, I am ;;la(l !'• <;i'l i||i>in lliai lai.ui'. I n irlcrtMi' <• l«> >>nialll'riiils I tnay just >;»y tlial iliis !< anntliir nialti-c thai lia-- lo Im' .'xperinii'iiii-il ii)ii>n lor us, iMilii'i than W' titf >>iirs('lvi'». I have l-i-on lor l'"Hf or (i\ (' yi'ai's (h)iiiL; Illi^ '.vurk, ami nut wiilnMii son-.c rcsiiUs, I havt; ifidW'ti ri'il ciirrani.', Mai-i. rnrranis an'l >t rawlidt rii."; with riMisi-U'i- Mf -.tn'cc^s. I>iit not whai wi'uM saii^ly nir '>]• the t'i,-.td ul' any (.I'di- nary raiincr, I lin id 'a tliat it is our (Mil'l winttMs thai kill our iVuiis. I think it is th*- hot dry winds ot April and May. 'The sapfonu's up i-ai'ly : unir.'-s ilicy ari* nuilcdird tlifii tilt' hark ^id^ ln'isc, hccaust' *!n' sap sconis t(i (lr_\ it !i|i. I am wail in^' ti'r inl'iinial i'>n on tin- matU'r. hut in : he nc ani ImuH am liyinn' a heavy niulcli around the i-ouis this year, s»» as to ls«'«p ihi^ sap hai'lc, a^- \oii do wiihyotir ui'aj»c \iiU'--. If W'- can kc.'ji t he sap hjii k I lu'liovc We will niak(^ a -^uvcrss o|' small tVuils. It is done in niuny ]iai'f> ol' tii('C()iiniry. and -■iMno lia\c cxccllum siici'os. I have, not yet L'ol '.vha' I hope in ohtain. It;/ Mr. Ti"!!' . — li onuost (Milnooks there that they have had in an^• jjart of I hi' eonnliN'. Tlu-'snow went oil' veiy ipiickly. and the wliole Inind o|' cullU^ staried oil' to soi'k tluMr <'wn liii-e. and -uceec led so wtdl thai when they came hiudc the_\ would noi touch food, r.iil as a general tiun;i' we art' !\. as I hey arc Cuither soutli. B>j Mr. Annsir'ini/ : — i}. Have you any wild sn\all fruil.- that can hi' used '.'' 7V. i only planted some last year, ami eaniu)! :-ay. The u'rowth this year was reinarkahle. and I hetjin to foel this is a mat ler in which we can attain -onie -uceet crop of erain li'rown there, and wluil is the amount oj' area under s<'ttlen)ont '.'' A. The area of >et I leinent Would he over a len^i'-th of seven or eiudit miles alonu; ihc Ivlmonum ii-ail, hy Ihroeor lour miles eiist ami west of thelrail, hui it is .'i II 1 only ,(• can nf'h a.s \>y (Uir mil' ii ilill IS eiiiiril tillUoll i> a ^(•.•ltl»'|•(•l| >i'UlcliU'l|l. 'rilCI'o is M'» <|.i-,(>|y jijirknl scl I UiliKlit MM V- wlirr*'. v\s (o lilt" lai':4«"*l <'n.|»--il,. ynii u'u'uu lliat I Imvc Iiad ? ^^ I n«< an iho loial crop-* '.' A. 'I'lioro is no l»iin«aii oCaLCiii'Mltiinf ^^atlur • latistic-, ami I rtaliy rannDt. on the s|iiir of" tli.' rni'iiHMil, ;;'ivo any iiilorniation. Jn ijic M-a-ion iit'Iss;s j jirid :il„iiii :' (»(»(> I'l »i';is. Til lir.sJH'ls ol'irniiii ill ;|||, of A'li»;al, oafs, li.irl.'y am! sonin | Hi-aHics Iia|> wci'f LfioWM in llic lit;ln nri^'|il.(,iirlino I {\\vi\- ii\\i)'^viUvy. % Mr. <\j. hr liir : — (}. I>o pcasi- ^;ro\v well ihciv ? A. I Intv.- uTtiun .'{.'» Ihi-IhI.h i. thr acre, and \vi'ii>-liin;^- Cil |M.un K lo llir ItiiNJii'l, of Ihc (ioldcn \ inu variety //// Mr. 7 roll' *l. ho yon find tli(> will! pea (licrf? A. Wc iiavi; alHiii'l'inrr of Ihc pea vine, also u'tcji. all ili!onu,li lliat di-^lrict. lan'l is fi'i'l ilf. !■ Tii'M f i< oiif \ aiii't V llial *»,'. It Js rni;ard< d an a Nti'oMi; indiraiion thai llu' it not? A. VVc liavt' alaindarn-e olil il'inwH low and lanii'Icd in the v,i"as-. wliili- (Ikm'o is anotlitn ilial -•fows on tho \vi!lo\v> and poplars, rlinihing Ihcni *• m- > Ibut. /)// .1//. IWll.sni, : — Q. How is yoiir wheal inarlcelod, if yoii lta\i' n.i niaikd ? A. I disp(»so of i' lo iit'wroiii.'rs. \\\' k-rcp -,()inf l<>rvfcd, and Wf tiillcn pigs on il. and it; jiays lo liittm pitr-- on wlioat. when yon ,i;(t 40 ImisIu'I- lo the acre anil tI4 pounds to r.ji.' hiishel, and 10 cenlsa pound loi poi k. Jhf Mr. I'ishn' .-- il. How niaiiv' pe'>p|r :;r.' ihert^ in l hai -rii Icineid / A. I suppose ihcn'c ar«^ ahout a humli'id occnpyini!; liomesieads. 'I'lie^- woidd a^'i'age, including Itaeln. loi's, troni ir)0 ir. :j(i0 in (hat settlement. I wish lo >a\ iliai iliis is sonit* distanee ir>>m the Mormon settlement. Tiiere is nothing" that would give me more pleasure than lolnivo ( lovcrnment send alioat l.OOO men aiiti 2.000 women. This n'ould be the grandest thing I hat ever happened tc that country. 1 say when a man goes out to that counti'v o: to anv eonntry ho should lake Ins wife with him. If he has not a wife he should get one. ^^any pi'f-ons insure their own failure by going out f >r a year or two to get things lix^vd iijKind send hucdc ti»!' their wives and families. A wonuui who eanti'il do as nim h as a man and a-half iii ti.ving up is not miieh of a woman. 1 am worih a little, bni my wife is worth len limes as much as I am. Il 3'ou want a downright enthusiast in reference to the countiy, it you have iHoney to spcuid tor imnrigra- tion pui-])oses, she will do the W()rk. Whon she went out to the Noi-th-VVosl TeriiI'M'ics si.v yeai-s ago, tht dociors wore anxious in roferenee (o \\v.v char-ge of living. She had never been well in the Jiower Provinces for numy years. Now si>o is a i-obust, strong woman. 1 kn;)w also Mrs. Nelson, wife of tln^ Jtov. Mr. Xolson, who 22 % has ;ilso regained lieallli. 1 ain only ineutioniiiu; tliosr IucIh to siiow thai the cliniatt' I'aniiol Ix? so I'iifoi'oiis aiwl so fatal us some people wouM likoyoii to believe. Thai is not the ease. 1 do not want to di>pai'au,'o this eouiUiv, Iml takini^ even the low readini;' oI'iIkj lhei'ni<)niotei' lor the lust few days in the Noi-th-West. 1 will take the eliin.'ile indicated in pi'ei'ereneo to what we have had hero for the last two or three da}'s, I liave not had a cold or a sore throat lor the last two or three years till J eaine f(» Ottawa. It woidd Ih^ ioolish luj- ino to say that it is not e(»ld in the Xoi-t]»-\Ve.st. Y'ou do lerl (lie cold thejv, hut. at the same lime you don't feci the c(dd to the extent that you niii;ht iina^une fnun the readin^f ot' the therniniuelei-. \V"e have not lost u solitary day all winter in er'nsequenee of cold. My sons have i,'one three and four mih\s to work in the coldest days Wf have had, and cliildrcn ])hiy out of doors, in tlu^ liraeiiiii' alnios- phi 0, tiniess the temperature is y,;vy low indt'ed. IJij Mr I lines : — <4' What is theaverau,e ranu,o ol'the thermometer in winter? .\ . I can hardly m>11 jusi oll'hand. hut this winter, I helieve, the mc^an lemjierature in Nortlu'in AlbeiMa r,ieasiires down somewhere a few degrees below zero. It ha.s been very stead}' cold weather, abonl the eoldest J have known since I have been in the cijiintiy. In the >umjner months tln' mean temi>eraturo derived trom nu;teor<»- logical statislie^ at ]'>altlef)rd and Toronto, talcen thn-e y(>ars a^'o — I have no recent data — for the nionlle> of Juiu', .lidy and August, was <)1° in Toronto and OU-' in Battlef )rd. Bii Mr. Ikun [Wentirorth) .-— Q. TIow aie }'ou sunuuer niii;hts ? Under M-hat c.uiditions do you i;'et your sumniei- frost. — is it after a rain, or how V A. It is usually alter a rain, M-heii the wind is to the north-east. Q. Do your i-ain-j come from the north-tiast? A. 1^'rom tin; north- east ,ununer i-ains frtuu iJie north-i-ast — more apt to he from that quartei than any other. Q. It is veiya|il to settle down cold? A. It i> very aj)l to settle down cold in the early ])urt. of .hine. especially in li)e full of tln^ moor, in .lunct. It' we have lainlluui there is a liith' danger it might settle down inlii iVo'^l, lln.u-b verv sii. AViien the wind is in the north-east? A. Vi^s : lnnvever, in reality Wf have; nev-'r ht'en seriously atVected. II y Mr. Carlnuj : — ^l ^(Ml haveexperinuuileil w ilh diifiu'ent kind- ot' wheat, 1 Ihiid;, in that sticiioii of the CMUitryi' Vou have irie.d tiie lu'd Fife, anti y<..o;.v wheat ? 1 would liktMo ask yiui whether you have found the Ladoga wlirat to ri]un earlier than the oilier al that yu have, trilc (if Mr. (Inct/Zs \vli.;ii | ii'iv; pi\'K('iil oil (i .•I:'l<' is li 11 ■ 1 , . , .•>..iii wii |||i- i,i;)(' is ii> Ludoua vvlM.. .,n'.,wn .„ ll.,. 1J,.,| ]),.,■ u.^lrin, n.ul I !..v. n snnn.l. nnlcs n„rih-u-c.sl ot Kc „.,.,>,.„, whirl, wu;,l,s .14 ,„n.n,!s to' t J llu. I omv Iwvcr, i8 vrry ;,l,ic to -row a ::oo,l ,iuu!,iv of wh..ai I pass it aroiuid t(),i,^oiUl.„uMi n-ho woiiid l;k, i,, sor il v A I Iviv.- (I. -I thrc. yaritirs (.1 whrat-o,.., vaiie.y called tl,/ iViianro ano her iho h.h, and tl..^ tiord Ladoga. My expenenee s ,hal hJ La, o-a will npen alMMu a wushe!>. ' (Si-ncd) M'lO. tiAI'lTZ. ^ I 5 r Ari'KXDIX. XORTK-Wl'ST TKRKfTOKIKS SCliOOL,LAW. As (he mat lor of education is (.Hf ot" vital iniportauce to persons who contemplate reniovinu; with their faniilieH into a new country, we have -leenied it advisaltle to give a l.riet synopsis of the si-hoj.i hiw of the Xorth-W^e^t Terfituries. It wilT readily appear, even from those lew extracts, that both the Dominion and Territorial Guverntnents are fully alive to the importance of the subject, by funushini;- every possible tacility for the organization of schools, even in very sparsely settled localities, and granting exceptionallv Idieral aid t<> the hjcal Boards entrusted with their inaiiagement. D SCIIOOf/ IMSTRIL'TS. .School Ordinance, Section 18.— A school district shall comprise ;ir, aiea not moie than live miles in breadth and length, ;ind shall contain not leas than four r»-sident heads of famiUes and ten children of school ag.', whieh .-Iiall mean between the ages of five and twenty. rol{.MATroN OK .SCHOOL DlsTltfCTS. .Section IM,— Any three rale-i»ayeis, two of whom shall bo heads of families, may tiuni theni'-elves into a commi'lee 1o secure the erection of a s(du)ol district, and may jjotiriou the Lieutenant-Gov- ernor for such erection. _ .Section 23.— (>n !heappr..val of the Lieutenant-Governor to the limits of any };rop.>sed .iistiiet, a notice calling a meeting of the rate-payers shall be po-ted in at least live widely separatt'i^l j. laces within the ]■>loJ)o^eci .hstidci. to pull votes for or against the ei'oction of a school district. Section 35.— On reeeiving the report o{' the first sehoo! meetinu", the Lieutenant (;<)\e]'nor shall, if the majority of votes at the school districl^ meeting has been favourable to the erection of a district, f"r(h\viib jiroclaim the district in accordance to the terms of the [)etitions addi'cssed to him in that behalf. L m a 3 PfTfES UV TJiriSTPJES. Section fS.— It shall b<' the duty ot the Hoard of Trustees in every school district to select and aciiuire a suitable school site as near as possible to the centre of the disti iei ; to ennage a competent teacher: 2t> to liave custody of all ncltool property; to inakosucli assossinoiit (»ii roal and personal property within tlio dislriel, as may be neeossaiy to defray iill lawful expei'scs connected wi'h the riianageinent of the stdiooi. tinVERN.MENT AIH 'lO sr(lOOl..s. Seelicn 00. — (.iraiits shall bo paid i<> every schou] oi'Ljani/.ed uiider this Ordi'iance. as follows; — (a) A giant of 7.') ])er ocii!. of the teacher's salary tti every school cnijjloyitijLr a ttnieher holdini;- a tirst-elass certitii-ato from the Boaid of Kdiication of the Xoith West '^erriloI•i^•^. (M A ,^rant of 7'' ]mm<''iu. ol the teatdii'r'ssahiry to every school (■m]d''yinL:' ;i teaehei holdii!i; a >econd-cla>? ceriificate from ihe Jjoard ol Iviucation. (i') A '^yan\ of (id per rent, oi' ihe teachei''s salary to every school employin^i,' a tea'dier holding a ihird-clas> cei liticaie tj'om th'' ]3oard of f-diK-ation. CHANTS — WirKN PAID. Section HI. — All »rrant.-> to he ])aid to ihc treasurers of tjie sejiool di.sti'icts. qiiai'ioriy. after tlu; last days of March, June, Septeinlier and ih'conilier in e;i''h veai". T 1 M 1] FAl \{ !•;• i U LA'r I OiN S. X. W .T. TLMDEH Koa llOMKSTEAJ>KRS. See. 21. Any oeciipani of a homestead lead, not exeeedini;- ihe following: — (a.) l.i^lt'J lineal leet of building lindnM', no logs (o be over 12 inches at the biitl-md ; ^6.) -too roof poles , (c.) 2,UU0 ])oplai' feii(:(;-rails, no I'ail to exceed •""« inches at the buti-end ; ((/.) .'JO cords of dry wood; {e.) Burnt or fallen timber for fuel or fencinir. ol a (liaTVieter uo 1o iiudies iiieiusi ve Sec. 22. Should the hou.'-e timber be >awn at a inill, payment for Buwing must not be uuvle bv wav of toll, as the I'uU quantity of luiuber cii homestead jvv cut iVoin the logs mu^^t bo used on the permit holder's Sec. 2.'?. In oidei- that niill-()\viier s m;iy b<> able to give satisfactory it'ir possession have been evidence that sawiogs or lumber found in ll lawfully cut, they should require from ^ettlers bringiiii:' 'imber to be sawn, proof that the same has not been cut on J)<")min)on lands, or that it has been cut under a permit, which the settler should 27 .1. lu.o, HI order il.u ,1, w.unher, iis dale, and tin- n:iine oCtl.e wer- n roe may Iv noted by the mill owner. The l.tter .du>nld ds. ocord thequanuly of such timber .awn bv him. so that he inav ,je in a position to duly prot.^et Idniself ^ho.dd an a.-e.Muil or return thefeot bo demanded by a-ents ot tiie nep:irinient n.^""" 7 '•, V'"-' "!'Pli<"t>it will require to pay an otfiee feeoC twent v- n^. .onts before be can obtain a j.ern.it. but no dues will herhar-ed tor the tnnber or wood eut nndei-and in aerordanee therowirh " ?)ec o. Iloinesteaders whose farmn mav have ibereo,, a v.iin.lv -M imheror who are in possession of wood iot^ o,- <„ber timbered lan-t.-,, will not be ^nanted a tree permit. L iV 40 j 1 t 60 too \'jn llO .HCi 80 igo _ lao i-to .bo Tl6 46 130 :_^=^ 120 110 .■^:- ;•*^ "\ mmt ^jy-^ ^^aet vJf "■t'a =t.'V' iJ:* ■ ll-^ . ' ■i>>>>. >>.i '■.^j>^ ^rif^; #T^[ O a m 'A1 m I '': ?>%■''.' .y '//; r^ -,* y/ti 'p,' ^« l'j/'n\'///M,} "i Ik ^ '^?i iti-* 'iCi m y^^j^ m ■-.*:■' '.r *u,?f^'»^„'fe«i -•3'*''' 'Ji'"' , w'^lpf .1 ! Jli I ]']}]] ({ MORTIMER & CO., £•'./'■>')**'. MAP tNORAVERa. rrdr:2=~S5e3Cz::r:::::rrE= M :xr.-^.:;qp 60 ■ 40 30 ao 10 0 ID lao lao I j i . ^V^' ' -t 44;i'^ie^"^--.2;?;^..__...I ^^o-'P*' -"aO uiuM Hiu^ FrJuKiuoo ! J ' -I ^ i C I ■ i -rrLMl!"''. — -4- — -. ,« — Hopjfmw.i I ^*1 Amorlcni. In. .-.-i- J-. 80 00 ISO MO ^- — +- — -f-- *- EOUAT< 120 116 _lfi2_ !60 140 120 100 !!!!!3=^ 110 mmMi =t no 105 ^<^f" ' • nsitlonWl^' ) •• ■■ ■■ "i."" ^ ■• ■■? ■*■!•■? '•"•"flBTlT' » ' ■ L / projecVed EXT& ' S t"^T £ S| Jw^^i^n ' ' i . f -+ eo ^ 4- +|i» .•+0 ■"^i ; fjcjf^/ii^ ^W^i:-4 -f--t .jWJE'RIif; "1 1 — m^ c tj" \KS A 140 IZO 60 40 30 40 (W.^'l I'M .0 (^5*) K»i»H-'i ^:>* ^ ^'< >'.m.> lii V^ V»* ' IV no 105 =j. Ck«W *'''' lA''*'' -y w 100 I.