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TORONTO: ROWSELL & HUTCHISON, PRINTERS. 1892. J. H. A. Pr H. W F. N. W .B. F. \V. A. IX. DIR T] 1. the torn] of I intr 2. stuc deli 3 witl thes Thi ANATOMICAL DEPARTMENT. STAFF. J. H. Ricr\RDSON, M.D., Tor., Professor of Anatomy. A. Primrose, M.B., CM., Edin., Associate- Professor and Demon- strator of Anatomy. Tor., Lecturer on Anatomy. H. W. AiKixs, B.A.,M.B., F. N. G. Starh, M.l',.,Tor. W. B. Tinsri.K, M.B., Tor. F. W. Cank, M.B.,Tor. A. R. Gordon, M.H., Tor. -Assistant Demonstrators of Anatomy. DIRECTIONS FOR STUDENTS ATTENDING THE ANATOMICAL DEPARTMENT. The course of instruction in Anatomy will consist of: 1. A series of lectures on Anatomy for students of the First year, which will be delivered in the Ana- tomical lecture theatre by the Associate-Professor of Anatomy. The course is intended to serve as an introduction to the study of Human Anatomy. 2. A series of lectures on Reoional Anatomy for students of the Second year. These lectures will be delivered by the Lecturer on Anatomy. 8. A series of lectures on Topographical Anatomy with special application to siirger}^ and medicine; these lectures will be delivered to students of the Third and Fourth years by the Professor of Anatomy. .J The class will meet in the building of the Medical Faculty, Gerrard Street. 4. Practical instruction in the dissecting-room. Enrolment. Each student of Anatomy must apply to Professor Primrose, for a ticket, which he will obtain on pre- senting his registration ticket and signing the book kept for the puipose ; he must also i)ay a fee of two dollars. The number of the ticket corresponds with the num- ber of the student's locker, his coat-hook, and the number of his registration ticket. The number of his seat in the lecture theat'*'^ will a^oo be indicated on the ticket. The ticket must be produced whenever the student applies for a part, or for models, or bones (see also regulation No. 2, in " the regulations for the dis- secting room"). No student will be admitted to the dissecting room or lecture theatre unless he possesses the ticket referred to above. The Bone Room. A special room is provided for the study of Osteology and certain models illustrating myology, neurology, etc. Students of the Anatomical department are admitted to this room at any time between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. In order that study may not be interfered with, absolute quiet is insisted upon and talking pi'O- hibited in the room. Great care must be exercised in examinincr the delicate structures exhibited. Complete sets of bones and certain models are kept in the "osteological store-room" for the use of students. Dr.Gordv who has charge of the preparations, will be In attendance at stated hours. Models must on no account be removed from the building ; they may be studied in the bone room. Bones are lent for one week at a time if desired, and may be taken home for that peiiod, or kept by the student in his locker. Students must see that their hands are sen ' ' i i r^^.g haj^^iii^g bones or models. A de parts are issued an made before the student is allowed t' in the " regulaties or models. The deposit may be wibage 7). ne, provided all preparations have been returned in good condition, the student being held responsible for any damage. A form must be signed by the student before obtaining any of these preparations. Material obtained from the osteological store-rooini tnust, in all cases, he returned before the end of the session. a7id a certi^cate that such has bee)i done must be procured, from the demonstrator in charge of the osteological store-room. This certificate must beproducd, before a certificate is granted for work done in the dis- secting room. Students who retain material from the osteological store-room, for a longer period than the time allotted, luill he debarred from further privileges tuith regard to the use of similar material in future. He may, however, be permitted to avail himself again of these privileges by tendering a satisfactory expla- nation of his failure to comply ivith the regulations and by obtaining the special per'inission of the Pro- fessor in charge of the department. The Demonstration Room. Classes for the study of Osteology will be conducted for students of the First year bj^ certain of the assistant 4 demonstrators in tlie demonstration room. The num- ber of students in each chiss will be limited, and the hours of meetinrj will be announced early in the ses- sion. A series of demonstrations on the dissected sub- ject will be conducted daily at 4 p.m. for students of the Second year. The demonstration room will be used from ti"^'^ *''' *'"»" f'^'- *i^" purpose of demonstrat- ing? the bra?^ ^ ^^^^^'^' which ^^ organs, to a limited number of sC^i^tration ticket ai )ose ; he must also The text-book to be used in the dissecting room is Cunningham's Dissector's Guide, or Ellis' Demonstra- tions of Anatomy, edited by Thane. For Osteology, Gray or Holden. Instruments. The dissecting case employed by students should be furnished with (1) four to six scalpels, which should be the size and shape of the annexed wood-cut ; very large or very small scalpels are to be avoided. Scalp- els in which the point is on a line with the back, or which do not taper sufficiently towards the point, are a great obstacle to good work. 2. A good sized pair of dissecting forceps. The spring must not be too weak, else they will not take a firm hold of the tissues, nor must the spring be strong enough to fatigue the hand while dissecting ; the teeth of the forceps should interlock. 5 3. A pair of strong hooks, fastened at either end of a short chain. 4. A pair of sharp-pointed scissors. ' •' 5. A ly )w-pipe. (j. A needle. Thk Dissecting Room. ; * ' ' The manner in whicii parts are issued and dissection carried out is indicated in the " reirulations for the dissecting room" {vide page 7). Students are particuhu-ly urged to work regularly and without intermission of a single day, so long as the limbs are attached to the trunk. During this ])eriod each student has to consider the comfort of his fellow dissectors : he cannot stop his own work with- out interfering seriously with the work of others. Each student, when a part is issued to him, will receive a card which indicates the staijes at which he must show his dissection to Professor Primrose, and pre.«ient himself for examination thereon ; marks allot- ted for the dissection and examination will be recorded on the card. The card must be preserved by the student, and is to be handed to Professor Primrose immediately after the dissection of the part is com- pleted. Certificates will be granted at the end of the session, only when the requisite number of marks has been obtained. Each subject is numbered and the dates upon which its position is to be changed, together with the dates upon which students are to begin dissection on he different parts, are posted on the notice board. Prinued regulations for systematic dissection will be issued to each student when a part is allotted to him. 6 A .student wlio wishes to enter his name for a thorax should apply to the demonstrator ten days before he is ready to begin work, because the dissector of the thorax does not commence work until after the subject has been in the dissecting room ten days (vide regula- tion No. 13). REGULATIONS FOR THE DISSECTING ROOM. 1. The dissecting room is open from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Fi'iday ; and from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Saturday. 2. A student who proposes to enter the class of Anatomy must sign his name in a bocl'. kept by Professor Primrose ; by doing so he binds himself to adhere strictly to the regulations of the Anatomical department. He must at the same time pay a fee of two dollars, for which he i-eceives the key of a locker, which is furnished with an apron and sleeves, a book of instructions and a bottle of preservative fluid. 3. Each student is held responsible for the care of his locker, which must be kej)t scrupulously clean ; at the end of the session it must be given up in good condition, and 50c. of the fee paid will be refunded to the student when he returns the key. 4. The distribution of parts is made by Professor Primrose. Parts are distributed as far as possible in the order of enrolment of names. Students of the First year are required to pass an examination on the bones before being permitted to obtain a part for dissection. 5. The body is divided for dissection into Head and Neck, Thorax, Abdomen, each of which is dissected by four students ; two Upper and two Lower Extremities, which are each to be dissected by two students. 6. Each subject on being brought into the room will be placed for two days on its back, tied up for the dissection of the perineum by the dissectors of the abdomen ; during this time the dissectors of the head and neck dissect the scalp and remove the brain. 7. Each subject after being two days as above, will be placed on its face, in which position it will remain four days. 8. The upper and lower extremities are to be com- menced the first day the subject is placed on its face. 9. The Trapezius below the level of the shoulder, the Latissimus dorsi, and the two Rhomboidei muscles, belong to the dissector of the upper extremity, and must be dissected before the third day. The other muscles of the back and the spinal cord belong to the dissectors of the head and neck, and are to be dissected on the third and fourth days. 10. During the four days that the subject is lying on Its tace, the dissectors of the lower extremity should devote the first two days to the gluteal region, the third day to the popliteal space, and the fourth day to the back of the thigh. 11. On the morning of the seventh day after the subject has been brought into the room, the body will be turned, and will remain on its back until the thorax and abdomen are completely dissected. 12. The posterior triangles of the neck, and the axillary spaces must be dissected within four days after the body has been turned on its back, in order that the upper exti'cmities may be I'emoved from the ti'unk, and the dissection of the tiioi-ax commenced. L._. [•oom will p for the 's of the the head lin. Dove, will II remain be com- its face. shoulder, i muscles, iiity, and ^he other ng' to the dissected :t iy lying ty should sgion, the th day to after the Dod}^ will lie thorn X and the Dur days in order from the meed. 9 1'3. The dissection of the thorax is commenced on the morning of the lifth day after the body has been turned on its back. Two days are allowed for the dissection of the parietes and pleurae, and on the third djiy the cavity must be opened. 14. Tlie dissection of the abdomen is to be com- menced as soon as the body is turned, and its cavity may be opened as soon as tlie parietes are dissected, or on the fourth day after the body has been turned. 15. If the dissection of any part is not commenced on the days specified, in rules G, 8, 13 and 14, it may be given the following day to the first applicant. 16. If the dissection of any part has been com- menced, and then left untouched for two days without notice, it may be removed from the room, or given to another student to dissect. 17. Saturdiiy is not counted as an Anatomical day in the enumeration of the periods allowed for the dif- ferent positions of the subject. 18. Students are not allowed to change the position of the subjects on their own responsibility, nor are they permitted to move the tables. 19. Students are requested to call the attention of the demonstrators to any peculiarities in the parts they are dissecting — all such abnormal or morbid parts are the property of the department. 20. The student is provided with a bottle of pre- servative fluid which will be found in his locker ; this must be used wherever the cuticle has been removed, or there is a tendency for the parts to become diy. This fluid must be applied on a cloth which is provided for the purpose. If it be necessary to replenish the 10 bottle, the fluid mav be obtained horn the attendant at a cost of twenty-iive cents per bottle. 21. After the limbs are separated from the trunk, and the head and neck detached, the students working on these parts must see that a label is attached to each, and that they are placed every night in the boxes provided for the purpose. The tissues will in this manner be kept in good condition for dissection. 22. The material provided for dissection is intended for use in the dissecting room onl}' ; the students are absolutely forbidden to remove bones or other portions of the subjects from the room. 23. Professor Primrose conducts examinations on dissected parts, and allots marks, entering them on a card provided for the purpose. A certificate for Prac tical Anatomy will be granted to those students only, who have obtained forty per cent, of the available marks. 24. Scrupulous cleanliness is insisted upon in the Anatomical department,andthe USe of tobacco in any form is prohibited. Small boxes are provided at each table in the dissecting rooiri, and students are required to put in these boxes all particles of tissue detached during dissection. 25. The demonstrators are authorized to enforce these regulations and are required to i-eport students infringing them to the Professor in charge of the department, who may in turn, if he deems it necessary, report to the Medical Faculty.