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AS TO THB FOiniATION OF imANdll UNIONS, i;'' vt'. p ,^^^^Wl|||- OFIFIO'HIE.S OF THE MANITOBA AND NORTH WEST FARMERS' UNION. COMMISSIOXERS TO OTTAWA : E. A. Bailey, NgIhou ; Joskph Martin, m. p. p,, Portage la Pmirie ; Georcie Purvis, Brandoii. COUNCIL : Alexander FLEMiN 't expressing their views upon the causes of the said depres- Mon and the means of removing the same. And, whereas, the present and future prosperity of this *rovince depends both commercially and otherwise uj)on the mccessful prosecution of agriculture. And, whereas, numerous and embarrassing restrictions are placed upon the t;fforts made bv the settlers to extend [their operations and improve their condition. And, whereas, such restrictions are unjust and unneces- [Sary, and have been continued in detianco of the just rights 'of Manitoba. ^ And, whereas, some of the said restrictions consist of the oppressive duty upon agiicultural implements, the mon- opoly of tho carrying trade now enjoyed by the Canadian Pacific Railwav Company, and the improper and vexntious methods employed in the administration of the public lands of Mamioba. And, whereas, the inhabitants of Manitoba arc Britisli subjects, and have made their homes here upon tho vepre- sentation that they would bu allowed all the privileges which, as such subjects, the}' would elsewhere in Canada l)o entitled to, and it appears that by the terms of the admission of Manitoba into Confederation they should be allowed such rights and i)rivileges. And, whereas, they are denied such rights, and they find lihat the representative system of the Province is such that they are practically denied the privilege of securing the redress of their grievances through their tepresontativos in the Provincial or Dominion Parliaments. 10 f-. And, whereas, a larjjje iiroportiou of the bu'^iness ql IlkJ Dominion Government is wholly connected with Mai^ndbu and the Northwest, especially tlie important Departnlilili of the MiniHter of llailwayR, Public Works, Iramigratioi|>H|||l Agriculture, which should i)e eoutrolletl by our proviMiy legislatun;. *^" And, whereas, it is the right of every Britisli sn to call the attention of the constituted authorities to existence of abuses and wrongs : Thoeforc bo it resolved that this Convention demands: 1. The riuht of the Local Geverimient to charter raiR ways anywii(>rc in Manitoba free from int >rfernce, and ''' 2. 'j'he Kbsclute control of her i)ublic lands (includiu school lands) jy the Legislature of the Province, and corn pensation for lands sold and used for Federal purposes. ii. That the duty on agricultural implements and build ing materials be removed, and the customs tariff on article entering into daily consumption be greatly modified in th interests of the i)eople of this Pjoviuce and Northwest. 4. The right of representation in the Dominion Cabinet And that this convention is unaniuiously of opinion tha the Hudson's Bay Railway should be constructed with th< least possible delay. After the passing of the "Declaration" a debate took place as to the best course to \ c pursued iju order to obtain ti recognition of the above mentioned Rights, and the followin esolutious wore finally unanimously ai' '< u bclirves tlitvt •/ tlin llndsons 1 luicWv i4>V'>'"' )Utali"n (lav } I.UH Hi 1*. (i ,t t,l:v next. ii.i">U)i I,, nv^r tin- H' (t' :f of \hc. li( ■,-;'' Ml I ) 11 \ i .(•(• I' ^ccni s.iy ff lllO co.i.p.i-' u>i\ < ait •'i.'ilO ,f •. \\C\\ e ) 1- VUrl 1 \ ' • 1 t at II. i' (■'. 111.-: 1 '"'■ '■< '.1 l(l^-sl MiMlnt.\ ami that mum colli 1.1 r>.< ' ,1 ^' ■p in>;'!i t\ K' !•!'" Ul'!^ UlC IDllStlUCtlOU o 1 (Invcii.incnit .llx' '"<^"'-^ f raihvays to c;.»..iic it ISO sJty t, with llio Ainciu':ui s\ sleni at the Houtlicni boniulary tl Am )(,. vrco'^^*'.'^ trncU'1 t'l'lonnn a f<.;]n\viiip; points, ition ot tho vu ts, namely : ,\i',s of Manitoba ui i (>''!! p.,,, ngbt of tlio Local (Vovn nn lont I' cliarlo v-l to t\<^ aihv-.iy in Manilolia froo I'roni any intrrforcnc AlMt thut S '< 1 deputation bo a]:-o m. :n up bfinj.; ina( the Loral (lovrnnui Ic U) Via; Munujil t tla^ inipoi'tanfa im'lotl to inipiTs* f funcndr.icnt .n tliovi/iii;; th" n.uMcipi itios to couKtiuc'/ <" to issiK^ (lelKnituri't vator-, }j;vain ware illOUSOS am ;1 nii U lo (U.ii^y '>l'<-t'>«l'^"^'^ (,1 {\to. same That the C\)inn I .sioncvs i'«. I'ov am! s(U)l us tbcv votui-n Ironi O-tuva, so t to ibo Contcv'. ns that tbo uni'Mi luay, i: uro(*ssai y bo calUa t(^';c- la r to k^cimn tl JO h;uv CO' 'I t 111 :\c(.'o)ilaaco ^^l til tho I'mVc/,"!"!^ *'^'^" Ui'. ion'-; ll>«^ ^'<'' ,.;,iou tbon pvocHMloti to appoin 1 f„u3al Parlianu'Ut:^ and c.c< t (U^ioiVittv- I t'H'i>" offli't'i'^ an voai' Tbo ( "waitt (I upon ;,;;i;::;;i;s 1. ti.. i.o.-.i ^.^1!""-;; to ill.' Vri]vr fo- tb ' pn!s(U.l d ill iiMMh.»i(!'i> tliat, ail ;, tb.'l'ollos\in^VM-iII«nans\\(rvv |(H'(M\ rd ti;« -^^'^■^ t *<; b 0 1» L' •-^jt M 12 MiiiuU:^ cj iL.wcitlive Council in Reply to the (\>:iiiiiitL\: — '/lie Art <'!' P^'itiuil SJi\"i(;irnr(! to tlin iii-st rc^solution tlio unlersiiJtne 1 veconmKv.ils t'lat a coniuinnication be seno to t:io-.ij <^e:]t!o- mini iufoiniii:;^' tl)i':n that tlio Governtnont will always bo happy to KMiih;!" !i:iy assistance within thni- ]) jwer * vuls the consti'iiction ol i-ailways within the Provinca oi: Muiitoba. "That i 1 rcl'ereuuu to tin' Hndso'"' Hay railway His 11 oiioi-'s :ulvisor- liiiil, at'te.'an ex iniiaatiofi into the ])rov'isLons of t-ho C'oustitntion, that the J'rovinoe Ici^'ally ejiill no'i un;lerLaUe the constvncuion of the road referred to, nor p!e iLje its ciuidit to the s;inio, except in so far as the said road lay within the pi'esont limits of t!ie said Province. " That tlio a,(1visei's of His Honor are fni'ther of opinion that tin; eliartcrin,:^ of local railways to connect with the Aimn'icaii system sonth of the boniidary wonli bo an exercise of power not conferred n[)on the Province bv tlrj Constitution; th.t'j 111 us far as tlie ri^^htof the Prcvinci; to eVartn* railways within its limits, they are of oi)inion th;) saino c m i)'> irei'ly exorcised, subject to such conditions and limitations as lire expressed and provided in tlio Act to ]jrovide for tlie extension of the bonnd'.irie-; of tin? Province. '* In reference do the llu5 thnd stibjeiit of t,h'^ meinoran- dniii. which ;it1inns that it is tlu; duty of tlu! i'rovincia,! (Jov- ernmeiit/ t i lu ike such aniendnients to tlie Mnnicipii Act as Khail einiH)wer jminicii>al councils to build or iissisf) in build- \\v^ elev«tor4 M!id warehoiis !S, the advisers of His Honor boj^ to iiifoi in tlu^ dele;4 ites that this subject liu ahviady been bclore Conn il lor considerai ion and tlia^^i it is the inr.i>n',ion to r(u;onim(iU I to His Honor that the sabjocts be submitttvl to the Ii ';^islaturo at its next session, for its action there m. ( Si ;;ued I John Xoijcm^vv. Chairman. '• I certify the above to bo a corrcict copy of a minute of Council passed on tlio 'Jl'ind day ot Douombiu', IHs;!. " (Si;^nod) ".I. .\l(Hi;rii. " Clt'rU of the lOxecutive Council." ~'Sv. * ■' f ■"i 18 In Older that the j»rc. ent luovcmcnb may he thoi-ouuhly snccesslul it is ot the ^reat( r t inijx)) tliat hranch nniouH sliould he orjj;aiiiz(Hi cvervwhtre. Tlio Seereiary of each l)ranch nniou should iimil a li-.t, (.f tlie otlicers. toiretlu r \vith the iian)e adopted hy ihr !)r;iMch unii)n, to tlie Secretary of tlic Central Unio.i, wiio \\in clicei fully .^ive liivther iiilornia- lion on all "matters lehitini,' to the union. (iKOKCiK Pl'JlVIS, Secretary. Manito])a ;i;id North West Fariuer.-i I'nion, Bian(h)n, .Nfanioha. ALEX. FLEMING, Prcsi'loiit. Brandon, Jan. 1-t, IHSL ' L ■'^ --. * .I.ANr Aiiv Stii. ISSI. ritlNI'IK M' 'lUK »(Kl'i< I ().■• i'lll'.srN I'KINilN:: \NI> I'CiiLlSIl I M J ( TtR.rMM)\, MAN. :ti