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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont film6s en commen^ant par la premidre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole -^-signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film6s d des taux de rdduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 I^~^\ f^ J \ '0 ' i---4 ' 'x / « . H CHECK LIST OF North American Birds F'RKPAREI) HV A COMMriTKH OF THE American Ornithologists' Union SECOND AND REVISED EDITION Zoological Nomenclature i IS a means, not an end, of Zoological Sci gical Science li^EARY . NA^iiiXsAL MUSEUM ur CANADA '<>W- NEW YORK AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION i«95 \ .'V > 0l25i!5 ■vS Copyfight. fS()^. Bv Amerkan Ornithologists' Union. n craln^^:t^^Ie, fSiiMg. -. Phhss of KmvARi) W. W' I iJi »>• PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. . f, AT tlie lirst Congress of the American Ornilhologisls' Union, held in New Yori<, September 26-29, 1883, the tbllovving resolution was adopted : — '■' Resoh'i'd^ That the Chairman appoint a Committee of five, including himself, to whom be referred the question of a Re- vision of the Classification and Nomenclature of the Birds of North America." In pursuance of tiiis resolution the following Committee was appointed : Messrs. Coues, Allen, Ridgway, Brewster, and Henshaw. The Committee, having held numerous sessions in Wash- ington and New York, presented its Report at the second Con- gress of the Union, held in New York, Sept. 30 to Oct. 2, 1884, when the following resolution was adopted : — " Resoh'ed^ That the Report of the Committee on the Revision of the Nomenclature and Classification of North American Birds be ac- cepted and adopted, and that it be recommitted to the Committee, with instructions to complete and submit it to the (,'ouncil as soon as practicable; and that the Council be empowered and instructed to accept and adopt the Report as finally rendered, with such modifica- tions as they may deem necessary, and to publish the same, copy- righted, in part or in whole, and in one or more forms, in the name and under the auspices of the American Ornithologists' Union." The Committee, having continued its sessions, presented its final report to the Council at a meeting held in Washington I. OF CANADA i Iv I'REFACE. on the 2ist of April, 1S85. when the Report of the Committee was accepted and adopted, and was referred again to the Com- mittee for publication, the Committee to exercise such edi- torial revison as might seem necessary. Pursuant to the foregoing resolutions of the Union and Council, the Committee now offers to the public, in the name ,ind on behalf of the Union, the result of its labors, consist- ing of a List of North American Birds, preceded by the Code of Rules adopted by the Committee for its guidance in the preparation of the List. The Committee ventures to hope that the new Code will find favor, not only with ornithologists, but among zoolo- gists generally. KLLIorr COIJES. J. A. ALLEN. ROBERT RIDGWAY. WILLIAM BREWSTER. H. W. HENS HAW. I d le t- le »e ill o- PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. AT the Eleventh Congress of the American Ornithologists' Union, held in Cambridge, Mass., November 20-23, 1894, it was voted to publish, as early as practicable, a new edition of the Union's Check-List of North American Birds, to include the numerous additions and nomenclatural changes made in the several Supplements' to the Check-List since the publication of the original edition, together with a revision of the ' habitats' of the species and subspecies, but omitting the Code of Nomenclature.- The original Com- ' Supplement | to the | ("ode of XomencUiture and Check-List | of | North American Hirds | adopted by the American Ornitiiologists' Union | I'repared by | a Committee of the Union | — | New York | American ( )rnithologists' Union | 1S89. — 8vo, pp. 23. Second Sujiplement to the American < imithologists' Union Check-List of Xurth American ISirds. The AuA\ V'll, Jan. 1.S90, pp. 60-66. Also separate. Third .Supplement to the American ( )rnitiiol()}rists' Union Check-List of North .American lUrds. T/n- Aitk, \TII, Jan. 1891, pp. 83-90. Also sei)arate. Kourth Supplement to the .\merican ()rnithologi>ts' Union Check-1-ist of North American Hirds. The Auk, IX, Jan. 1892, pp. 105-108. Also separate. Fifth .Supplement to the American (Ornithologists' Union Check-I^ist of North -•Vmerican Hirds. The Ank, X, Jan. 1893, pp. 59-63. Also separate. .Sixth Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-List of North American Birds. The Auk, XI, Jan. 1894, i)p. 46-51. Also separate. Seventh .Supplement to the .Xmericai. (Ornithologists' Union Check-List of North American Birds. The Auk. .\II, .April, 1894, pp. 163-169. Also separate. Check-List | of | North American Birds | according to the Canons of Xomen clature j of the | American Ornithologists' Union | — | Abridged Edition | Re- vised I — I Published by the American Ornithologists' Union | 1889. — 8vo, pp. 71. Includes the additions to the original Check-List made in the first Supplement. * Republished separately in 1892 as a pamphlet of 72 pages with the following title: The | Code of Nomenclature | adopted by the | .American (Jrnithologists' Union | — | Zoological Nomenclature is a means, not an end, of Zoological Science | — | New York | American Ornithologists' Union | 1892. vi PREFACE. mittee on Classification and Nomenclature of North Amer- ican Birds was reappointed' to take charge of tlie work. The Committee held sessions in Washington, D. C, January 15-19, 1894, and February 12, 13, 1895. to outline the work and to rule on the questions involved in the publication of liie revised List. The revision ol' the matter relating to the geographic distribution of the species and subspecies was undertaken by the Committee as a whole, each member in turn taking it in hand, while the incorporation of typographic and other rectifications made during the sessions of the Com- mittee,- and the final preparation of the manuscript for the printer, was referred to a subcommittee consisting of the Editor of ' The Auk,' to whom was also assigned the general editorial supervision of the work. The toilov.infj extracts from the Introduction to the Code of Nomenclature (pp. 14, 15) will serve to explain the scope and plan of the Check-List, including the method of incor- ]')orating additions. '• I. That the term ' \orth American,' as applied to the proposeil List of Birds, be held to include the continent of North America nortli of the present United States and Mexican boundary, and Greenland ; and the peninsula of Lower California, with the islands naturally belonging thereto. " 2. That species he numbered consecutively, and that subspecies be enumerated by affixing the letters a, b, c. etc., to the number borne by their respective species ; provided, that any subspecies of a species not included in the North American Fauna shall be separately num- bered as if a species. "3. That stragglers or accidental visitors, not regarded as com- ponents of the North American Fauna, be distinguished by having their respective numbers in brackets. ' With the L'xieption of Mr. 11. W. Ilenshaw, who was unable to serve, and Dr. C Hart Merriam was appointed in his stead. -The Committee desires to here acknowledge valuable assistance received, especially in the preparation of the geographic portions of the list, from Major Charles Hendire, Mr. Frank M. Chapman, Dr. Walter Faxon, Dr. A. K. Fisher, Mr. Cierrit S. 'Miller, Jr., and I.V. T. .S. I'almer. 'i'he Committee is further indebted to Dr. J'almer for numerous corrections in the citations of original references. PREFACE. Vll " \. That anv Milisi'quenl additions to tiie list he interpolated in systematic order, and bear the number of tile s|)eeies imn.^diately precedinji, with tlie addition of a tip;iire (i, 2, etc., as the case may recpiire), separated from the original number by a period or decimal |X)int, thus givinj; the interpolated number a decimal form (<•. a'-. 243.1, etc.\ in order that the original numbers may be permanent. "6. That fiiraud's at present unconfirmed species of Te.xan birds lie included in the List on Giraud's authority. "7. That species and subspecies the zo«)logical status of which cannot be satisfactorily determined, like. f. ^'.. Kei^iilus cuvuri and Spiza townsendi of Audubon, be referred to a hypothetical list, in each case with a brief statement of the reasons for such allocation. "8. That a list of the fossil species of North American birds be added as an Appendix to the List proper. "g. That the names of subgeneric and siipergeneric groups of North American birds be included in the List in systematic order, to the end that the List may represent a classification as well as a nomenclature of the birds. "10. That references be given to the original description of the species, and to the publication where the name as adopted in the List was first used; that the number borne by each species and sub- species in the J,ists of Baird, 1858, of Coues, 1873, of Ridgway, 1880, and of Coues, 1882, be bracketed in chronological order after the synonymatic references. "II. That a summary statement of the habitat of each species and subspecies, with special reference to its North American range, be included in the List. • "12. That the name of each bird shall consist of its generic without its subgeneric name, and of its specific with its subspecific name, if it have one, without the intervention of any other term. ****♦♦♦ " 14. That every technical name be followed by a vernacular name, selected with due regard to its desirribility. "15. That the name of each species and subspecies be followed by the name of the original describer of the same, to be enclosed in parentheses when it is not also the authority for the name adopted. vHI PR F. FACE. "i6. 'I'hat all specific and subspecific names shall begin with a lower-case letter. " 17. That the sequence in classiticaticni followed in previous Lists be reversed, the List to begin with the lowest or most general- ized type, and end with the highest or most specialized." KLLIO'IT COUKS. J. A. ALLKN. WILLIAM HRKWSTKR. C. HART MKRRIAM. RDHKirr RIDGWAY. ?in with a previous >t g(.'neral- TABLE OF CONTKNTS. FKR. \M. Y. I'RKKACh; TO FIRST i:i)llH)\ J'RIiFACE TO SECOND EDITION CHECK-LIST I. Pv OOI'ODKS ft. Podiciped !CS I. Podicipidx CeppI u 2. L rinntoridif 3- Alcida- II. LuNGIPE.NXKS 4. Stercorariida- L iuida- f>- Rjncliopida' ill. Tll.lNA KES 7- Diomedeida- a. 1 rocellariid; l\'. S TKCJANOl'OOES 9- Phaethontiria- 10. Sulida- '. u. Anliingida . 12. Phalaciocoracidt 13- Pelecanida- . 14. Fre<'atida- V. AN^ SERES . 15. Anatida- V'l. Oi)ont()(;l oss.i: if>- Phanicopteiid;i- Nil- Heroijiune: c. I bides »7- Plataleidar iS. Ibidida- I'Al.K iii 3 3 5 '3 '3 IS -/ -•S -•>S -•'^ 39 39 39 4' 4.J 45 4^' 47 »7 r/, 6(, 66 66 67 TABLE OF CONTENTS. \ »! !l (f. Ciconice 19. Ciconiidiv e. Heroclii . 20. Ardeidie VIII. Paludicoi.v*: . /". Grues 21. Griiida.- ff. Ralli 22. Ar.Tmidit' 23. Rallidiv IX. LlMICOI-.'K 24. Phalaropodidit 25. Recurvirostriila' 20. Scolopacidit . 27. Charadriida- 28. Aphrizidiv 29. Haematopodi(l:i' 30. Jacanidit X. GalliN/*: . //. Phasiani 31. Tetraonida' 32. Phasianida' t. Penelopes 33. Cracida' XI. COLUMH/E 34. Coliimbida- XII. Raptores / Sarcorhamphi 35. Cathartidit k. Falcones 36. Falcon ida /. Striges . 37. Strigida- 38. Bubonida XIII. PSITTACI . 39. Psittacidae XIV. Coccyges . m. Cuculi. 40. Cuculida «. Trogones 41. Trogonida o. Alcyones 42. Alcedinidit PACK 68 68 69 69 75 75 75 76 76 76 82 82 83 84 98 103 104 105 106 107 107 117 119 119 H9 119 124 124 124 126 126 142 142 142 153 153 153 •56 1.56 156 . 156 i! TABLE OF CONTEXTS xi XV. Pici .... 43. Pic id if . XVI. Macrochires /■ Capriimilgi 44. Capiimulgida- y. Cypseli . 45. Micropociiclu' r. Trochili 46. Trochilida' XVII. Passeres s. Claniatores 47- Cotintridie 48. Tyrannidii- •'. Oscines . 49- Alaiididit 50. Corvidif 51- Sturnid* 5^- Icterida- 53- Fiintriliidit. 54- Tanaj^rida; 55. Hirundinidit 56. Ampelida- 57- Laniidie 58. V'ireonidic S9- Ca-rebida; 60. Mniotiltidit . 61. Motacillida' . 6j. Cinclidffi 63. Troglodytida- 64. Ceithiida- 65. Parida? . 66. Sylviida . . 67. Turdida; ..." HYPOTHETICAL LIST . . . , THE FOSSIL BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA I'AOK • 157 157 168 168 168 171 •71 ■73 '79 179 '79 '79 191 191 194 20.' il I •!54 256 361 262 267 268 288 291 291 303 304 313 3 '6 3^5 33.? INDEX. 347 I f I \ ■i V CHECK-LI ST Order PYGOPODES. Diving Birds. Suborder PODICIPEDES. Grehes. Family PODICIPIDiE. Grkises. Genus ^CHMOPHORUS Coues. ^'Echmop horns Coues, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. April, 1862, 229. Type, Podiceps occidentalis Lawr. 1. iEchmophorus occidentalis (Lawr.). Western Grebe. Podiceps occidentalis Lawr. in Baird's B. N. .\m. 1S58, 894. ^chtnophonis occidcnial'c, Coues, Pr. .Ac. Nat. Sci. Piiihi. 1862, 229. [B 704, C 608, R 729, C 845.] Geographic Distribution. — Western North America, eastward to Manitoba, south to central Mexico. Genus COLYMBUS Linn/EUs. Colymbns Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 135. lype, Wy elimination, Colymbus crista tits Linn. SuiiGEXUs COLYMBUS. 2. Colymbus holbcellii (Reinh.). Holb«Kll's Grebe. Podiceps holluvllii Reinh. Vid. Med. 1^53, 7 >■ Colymbus holbtellii Ridgw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1S84, 428. I ii .! 1 It f ! f : ll u { If, ij I* 'I 2 CHECKLIST OF NORTH AMERICAN lURDb. [i5 702, C 610, R 731, C 847.] Geog. DiST. — North America at larj^c, including Greenland. Also eastern Siberia, and southward to Japan. Breeds in high latitudes, migrating south in winter. Subgenus DYTES Kaui'. Dyk's Kaup, Sk. Ent. Eur. Thierw. 1829, 41. i'ype, Colymbus auritus Linn. 8. Oolymbus auritus Linn. llornod Grebe. Colymbus auritus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 135. [B706, C 611, R 732, C 848.] Geog. Dist. — Northern hemisphere. Breeds from the northern United States northward. 4. Colymbus nigricollis californicus (Hek.rm.). American Earod Grebo. Podiccps caUfornicus Heerm. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1854, 179. Colymbus nigricollis californicus Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIH. 1885, 356. [B707, C612, R733er, C850.J Geog. Dist. — Northern and western North America, from the Mississippi Valley westward, southward to Guatemala. SuiiGENUs PODICEPS Eatham. Podiccps Lath. Ind. Orn. IL 1790, 780. Type, by elimination, Colymbus JIuviatiUs Tunst. '^. Colymbus dominicus Linn. St. Domingo Grebe. Colymbus dominicus Linn. S. N. ed. 12, L 1766, 223. [B7o8«, C613, R734, CSsi.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Texas and Lower California southward through tropical America to Paraguay, including the West Indies. 1 I ORDER I'YGOPODIiS. 3 Genus PODILYMBUS Llsson. rodilyinhus Less. Traite, I. 1831, 595. Type, Colyinbu:> podUcps Linn. (i. FodilymbuB podiceps (Linn.). IMed-billed Cirubo. Colymlnis podiceps Linn. S. N. cd. 10, L 1758, 136. Podilytnbus podiceps Lawk, in Uaikd's V>. N. Am. 1858, 898. [B 709, C 614, R 735. C 852.] Giioo. Disr. — IJrilish Provinces southward to JJrazil, ArgcnliiK' iicpublic, and Chili, includini^ the West Indies and Bermuda, breeding nearly througliout its range. SuHOkDER CEPPHI. Loons and Auks. Family URINATORIDJS!. Loons. Genus URINATOR Cuvier. Urinator Cuv. Anat. Comp. L 1800, tabl. ii. Type, Colymbut. imbcr Gunn. 7. Urinator imber (Gunn.). Loon. Colyvibus /w(^6V' GuNNERUS, Trondh. Selsk. Skr. L 1761, pi. iii. Urinator imber Stejn. Orn. Expl. Kamchat. 1885, 313. [B 698, C 605, R 736, C 840.] Geoi;. Disr. — Northern part of northern hemisphere. In North America breeds from the northern tier of States northward ; ranges in winter south to the Gulf of Mexico and Lower California. iii' MMM n I i 'I I; i ii Ii r I ill ii;!' ill if!; 4 (JIIECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. IS. Urinator adamsii (Gray). Yollow-billod Lioon. Colymbus adamsii Gkw^ P. Z. S. 1859, 167. Urinator adamsii Stejn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 43. [B— C6o5«, R 737, C 841.] Geog. Dist. — Arctic America, west of Hudson Bay, and north- eastern Asia. Casual in northern Europe. 9. Urinator arcticus (Linn.). Bluck-throated Loon. Colymbtis arcticus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 135. Urinator arcticus Stkjn. Pr. U S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 43. [B 699, C 606, R 738, C 842.] Geog. Dist. — Northern part of the northern hemisphere. In North America of casual occurrence in autumn and winter in the northern United States east of Rocky Mountains. 10. Urinator pacificus (Lawr.). Pacific Loou. Colymbus pacificus Lawr. in Baird's B. N. Am. 1858, 889. Urinator pacificus Stejn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 43. [B 700, C GoGrt-, R 739, C 843.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast of North America, south in winter to Cape St. Lucas and Guadalupe Island. 11. Urinator lumme (Gunn.). Red-throated Loou. Colymbus lumme Gunn. Trond. Selsk. Skr. 1. 1761, pi. ii. fig. 2. Urinator lumme Stejn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 43. [B 701, C 607, R 740, C 844.] Geog. Dist. — Northern part of northern hemisphere, migrating southward in winter nearly across the United States. t^^ ORDER I'YCiOPODRS. 5 Family ALCIDiE. Auks, Mukres, and I'u:'iins. Subfamily FRATERCULIN^. I'ti i ins. Genus LUNDA Lnnda I'all. Zoog. Rosso-As. II. 1826, 363. Type, Alfn cirrhatc Pall. 12. Lunda cirrhata Pall. Tufted Puffin. u Alca cirrhata Pall. Spic. Zool. V. 1769, 7, pi. i., pi. ii. figs. 1-3. Lunda cirrhata Pall. Zoog. Rosso-As. II. 1S26, 363, pi. 82. [H 712, 716, C 619, R 745, C 856.] Geog. DiST. — Coasts and islands of the North Pacific from the Santa P.arbara Islands, California, to Alaska, and from Japan to Bering Strait, Accidental on the coast of Maine. Genus FRATERCULA Prisson. Fratercula Briss. Orn. VI. 1760, 81. Type, Alca arctica Linn. l'{. Fratercula arctica (Linn.). Puflln. Alca arctica Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 130. Fratercula arctica ScnXi-ii'ER, Mus. Orn. 1789, 61. [B 715, C61S, R 743, C 854.] Geoo. Dtst. — Coasts and islands of the North Atlantic, breeding on the North American coast from the Bay of Fiindy northward. South in winter to Long Island, and casually further. 13rt;. Fratercula arctica glacialis (Temm.). Large-billed Puffin. Fratercula glacialis Stephens, Gen. Zool. Avcs, XIII. pt. i, 1826, 40. Fratercula arctica Ii glacialis Blasius, List B. luirop. 1862, 24. i!if If! \u I ,• ^' u H »■ 1 i h:!! ii I it l'!' !?i ' ?i^ 6 CUhXK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 714, C GiSa, R 743^/, C 855.] Geoo. Di. t. — Coasts and islands of the Arctic Ocean, from Spitz- bergen to northern and western Greenland. 14. Fratercula corniculata (Naum.). Horned PiiOln. Mormon corniculata Naum. Isis, 182 i, 782, pi. vii. figs. 3, 4. Frateraila corniculata Brandt, Bull. Ac. St. lY'tersb. II. 1837, 348- [B 713, C 617, R 744, C 853.] Geoo. Dist. — Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, from the Kuril Islands to British Columbia. Subfamily PHALERINiE. Auklets, Murrelets, Guillemots. Genus CERORHINCA Bonaparte. Ccrorhinca Bonap. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 1828, 427. Type, C. occi- (lentalis Up. = Alca monoccrata Pall. IT). Cerorhinca monocerata (Pall.). Kliinocoros Auklot. Alca monoccrata Pall. Zoog. Rosso-As. II. 1826, 362. Ccrorhina immocerata Cass, in Baird's B. N. Am. 1858, 905. [B717, 718, C 620, R746, CSs7.] Geog. Dist. — Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, breeding southward (formerly) to the Farallones ; in winter southward to Lower California and Japan. Genus PTYCHORAMPHUS Brandt. Ptychorafnphus Brandt, Bull. Ac. St. IV'tersb. II. 1837, 347. Type, Uria alcutica Pall. Yh ORDER PYGOI'ODES. 7 K). PtychoramphuB aleuticus (Fall.). Cassln'a Anklet. Uria akutica Pall. Zoog;. Rosso- As. II. 1826, 370. Ptychoramphus ah'ut'uits IJrandt, Hull. Ac. St. IVtersb. IF. 1S37, 347- [B 724, C 625, R 751, C 862.] (iKor;. DiST. — Pacific coast of North America, from tiie Aleutian Islands to Lower California, breeding southward to San Gcroninio Island (Lat. 30°). .EMOTS. Genus CYCLORRHYNCHUS Kaui . Cyclorrhytichns Kaup, Sk. Ent. Eur. Thierw. 1829, 155. Type, Aha psittacula Pall. 17. Cyclorrhynchus psittaculus (Pall.). Paroquet Auklot. Aha psittacula Pall. Spic. Zool. V. 1760, 13, pi. ii., pi. v, figs. 4-6. Cydoihynchus psittaculus Stkjn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VII. Aug. 5, 1884, 2 16. [B 725, C 621, R747, C85S.] Gko(;. Dist. — ('onsts and islands of the North Pacific, from Sitka and the Kuril Islands northward. hward to Gi Nus SIMORHYNCHUS Mruri m SiiKii Nus SIMORHYNCHUS. Sinwrhyucfius Mkrrem, in Ersch & Grubk.r's I'.ncycl. 1 sect. II. 1S19, 405. Type, Alca cristatclla Pall. IS. Simorhynchus cristatellus (Pall). Crested Anklet. Alca cristatclla Pall. Spic. Zool. V. 1769, 20, pi. iii., pi. v. figs. 7-9- Simorliy/ic/ius cristatellus Bonap. Gonipt. Rend. XLII. 1856, 774. 8 LIIi:CK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN IWRDS t|:. [li 719, 720, (J 622, R 748, C 859.] Geo(;. Dist. — Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, from Kadiak and Japan northward. SuuGENus PHALZi.lIS Temminck. riioleris Temm. Man. Orn. 182 j, p. cxii. Tyi"-'' '*y L'liniination, Alca py^^nuca G.mel. I'.) SimorhynchuB pygmseus ((imkl.). Whiskerod Anklet. Aka py^^mwa Gmkl. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 555. SimorhyncliHs py}^m(CHS Brandt, Mel. Biol. VII. 1869, 222. [B 721, C 623, R 749, C 860.] Geoc. Dist. — Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, from Unalaska through the Aleutian chain to Kamchatka. SuHGENt's CICERONIA Reichenuacii. Ciccronia Reich. Syst. Av. 1852, p. iii. Type, J'haieris micro- ccros Brandt = Uria pusilla Pall. 20. Simorhynchus pusillus (Pall.). Least Auklct. Uria pHsilla Pall. Zoog. Ro.sso-As. II. 1826, 373, pi. /o. Simorhynchus pusillus Coues, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1862, 324-. [B 722, 723, C 624, R 750, C 861.] Geoc. Dist. — Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, from Sitka and Japan northward to Bering Strait. |:!i I Genus SYNTHLIBORAMPHUS Brandt. Synthliboramphus Brandt, Bull. Ac. St. Pctersb. II. 1837, 347. Type, Alca antiqua Gmel. 21. Synthliboramphus antiquus (Gmel.). Ancient Murrelet. Alca antiqua Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788. 554. Synthliboramphus antiquus Brandt, Bull. Ac. St. lY'tcrsb. II. 1837. 347- ■ '.A OUDKK I'NCJOl'ODKS. • g fH 734, 73(>, C 627, R 753, 759, c: 864, 870.] GEOd. DiST. — Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, from southern Vancouver Island and Japan northward. Accidental in Wisconsin. Genus BRACHYRAMPHUS HuANrn Jhacliyramphus IiRanot, Hull. Ac. St. Petersh. II. 1S37, 346. Type, Colymhns tnannoratus (jMEI,. ris nucro- 'l',\. Brachyranrphus marmoratuB (Gmki..). Mtirhird Miirroiet. Colymlnis marmoratiis Gmki,. S. N. I. ii. i7. Brachyramphus hypoleucus Xantus. Xantua's Murrolot. Brachyrhatnphus hypoleiicus Xantus, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., Nov. 1859, 299. [B— , C— , R 757, C 868.] Geog. Dist. — Coasts of southern and Lower California, from Santa Barbara Island to Cape St. Lucas. f lO CUF.CK-MST OF NORTH AMKRICAN BIRDS. 'J(). BrachyramphuB craveri (Saiaad.). C'ravorl's Miirroli't. Uria rrtirrrt Sm.vau. Atti Soc. It. Sc. Nat. VIII. 1860, Kstr. p. 17. />rtu//jr//a/fi/>/i/is rrar'cn'i Coves, I'r. Ac. Nat. Sci. I'l-.ila., iS6(S, [B- C-, R 758, C 869.] (Jeoc!. Dist. — Hoth coasts of Lower California, from Cape St. Luca.i northward to Kspiritu Santo Island in the Culf of California, and to Natividad Island (lat. 28°) on the Pacific side. ■:.;H .1 GENtrs CEPPHUS Pallas. CcppJiHs Pall. Spic. Zool. V. 1769, 33. Type, C. hutcohis Pali,. = C. ,i;ry//i\ albino. ii7. Cepphus grylle (Linn.). HIaok (iiuilloinot. Aka f^rylk' hx'^i S. N. cd. 10, I. 1758, 130. Ce/>/>hi(s f^ryllc Ukvaxw, Handb. Vo<;. Deutschl. 1831, 9S7. [B 726, /rtr;-/, C 631, /^arf, R 760, parf, C 871, f>art.'\ Gkoc. Disr. — Coasts of northern luiropc, south to Denmark and the IJritish Islands. Newfoundland and coast of Maine, south in winter to PhilacL'lphia, 2S. Cepphus mandtii (Light.). Mnndt's (iiiillomot. Uria viandtiilACivw in Mandt's Obs. Itin. Dissert. 1822, 30. Cepphus mandtii Wv. (1\\.. Parzud. 1S56, 12. [B 726, /rt-r/, C 67,1, part, R ^Go^parf, C 87 1,/^-/-/.] Geog. Dist, — Arctic regions of both continents; south on the Atlantic coast of North America, in winter, to Massachusetts, breedincj south to Hudson Bay and Labrador; Alaskan coast, south, in winter, to Norton Sound. ■ -A oKDF.u i'V(;()i»()i)i:s. II 'JU. Cepphus columba I'am,. I'lKeun <), ^ Uria troile californica (Bryant). California Miirre. Catarractcs californicits Bryant, Pr. Bost. Soc. VIII. 1S61, 11, figs- 3' 5- Uria troile californica Rinow. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 483. [B- C - R 763,;-, C 875.] Geoo. Dist. — Coasts and islands of the North Pacific, breeding from California north to the Pribilof Islands. '•K ■ •' A 12 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN niRDS. 31. Uria lomvia (Linn.). Briinnlch's Miirre. A/ca lomvia Linn. S. N. ed. lo, L 1758, 130. 6^r/rt /(y;«7^/rt! Bryant, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. VI I L May, 1861,75. [B73i,C635,, C876.] Geog. Dist. — Coasts and islands of the North Atlantic and eastern Arctic Oceans ; south to the lakes of northern New York and the coast of New Jersey. Breeding from the Gulf of St. Lawrence northward. t':ii' ;n «. TTria lomvia arrs (Pall.). Pallas's Murre. Ccpphus arra Pall. Zoog. Rosso- As. IL 1826, 347. Uria lomvia arm Ridgw. Water B. N. Am. IL Sept. 1884, 485. [B— , C— , R764, C-.j Geog. Dist. — Coasts and islands of the North Pacific and western yVrctic Oceans, south to Kctdiak and Kamchatka. !!«! Genus ALCA LiNNii':as. Alca Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L '758, 130. Type, by elimination, Alca tor (la Linn. m 32. Alca torda Linn. Razor-billed Auk. Alca torda Linn. S. N. ed. 10, \. 1758, 130. [B711, C6ir,, R742, C877.] Geog. Dist. — Coasts and islands of the North Atlantic, south in winter on the North American coast casually to North Carolina, breeding from eastern Maine northward. Genus PLAUTUS Brunntch. Plaiitus Brunn. Zool. Fund. 1772, 78. Type, Alca impcnnis Linn. ORDER LONGll'ENNES. 13 ;{;j. Flautus impennis (Linn.). Groat Auk. Alca impennis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 130. Plaiitus impennis Sikenstr. Vid. Med. Nat. For. Kj^b. 1855, 114. [B710, C 615, R741, C878.] Gkoo. DiST. — Formerly the coasts and islands of the North Atlantic, from Massachusetts and Ireland northward nearly to the Arctic Circle. Now extinct. SUUFAMILY ALLIN.S. DoVEKIEb. Genus ALLE Link. Alle Link, Beschr. Nat. Samml. Univ. Rostock, L 1S06, 17. Type, Aha alle Limn. ;i4. Alle alle (Linn.). Dovekio. Alca alle Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 131. Alle alle StejnkCjEK, Stand. Nat. Hist. IV, 1885, 69. [B 738, C 626, R 753, C 863.] Geog. Disr. — Coasts and islands of the North Atlantic and eastern Arctic Oceans ; in North America south in winter to New Jersey ; breeds in high northern latitudes. Accidental in Michigan. Order LONGIPENNES. Long-winged Swimmers. Family STERCORARIID^. Skuas and Jaegers. Genus MEGALESTRIS Bonai'arie. Afet^^ales/r/s \k)N\\'. Cat. Parzudaki, 1S56, 11. Type., Calliarae/a skua BkiJNN. I l\ ill ill 'I ? 1 ;- : 1 ifi H ClIICCK-LIST OK NORTH AMERICAN HIRDS. iib. Megalestris skua (^Brunn.). Skua. Catharada skua HkiJNN. Orn. Bor. 1764, t^t,. Megalestris skua Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. 111. Sept. 4, iSSo, 20S. [B 652, C 539, R696, C7C4.] Geog. DiST. — Coasts and islands of the North Athxntic, chiclly northward. South to Spain and North Carolina. Apparently rare on the coast of North America. Genus STERCORARIUS Brisson. Stenorarius Briss. Orn. V. 1760, 149. Type, Lartis parasiticus Linn. 30. Stercorarius pomarinus (Temm.). Pomarine Jaeger. Larus pomarinus Teuu. Man. d'Orn. 1815, 514. Stercorarius pomarinus Vieil',. Nouv. l^ict. XXXII. 1819, 15S. [B 653, C 540- X 697, C 765.] Gl >g. Dis t. — Seas and inland waters of northern portions ol the northern hemisphere, south in winter to Africa, Australia, and probably Sou:''" America. 37. Stercorarius parasiticus (Linn.). Parasitic Jaeger. Lar us parasiticus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 136. Stercorarius parasiticus Sciiaff. Mus. Orn. 1789, 62, pi. -^7. [B 654, C 541, R 698, C 766.] Geog,. DiST. — Northern part of northern hemisphere, southward in winter to South Africa and South America. Breeds in liii^li northern districts, and winters from New York and California .south ward to Brazil. J i m vnm'^m'mmmmmm* ORDER LONGll'ENNES. I 5 3iS. Stercorarius longicaudus Vikill. Loiig-tiiilud Jaeger. Stercorarius longicaudus Vieill. Nouv. Diet. XXXII. 1819, 157. \y> ^55. ^ 542, R 699, C 767.] Geog. Dis r. — Northern part of northern hemisphere, breeding in high northern districts ; south in winter to the Gulf of Mexico. irasi.uus Family LARIDiS. Gulls and Terns. Subfamily LARIN.a]. Gulls. Genus GA VIA IJoie. Gavia Boie, Isis, 1S22, 563. Type, Larus ebunicus Fiiii'i'S = Larus albus Gunn. ;iU. Gavia alba (Gunn.). Ivory Gull. Larus albus Gunn. in Lee.m's Beskr. Finni. Lapp. 1767, 285. Gavia alba Stejn, Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 39. [B 676, 677, C S5Q, R 657, C 785.] GEot;. DisT. — Arctic Seas, .south in winter on the Athintic coast of North America to Labrador and Newfoundland, casually to New Brunswick, and on the Pacific side to Bering Sea. Genus RISSA Stephens. Rissa Stephens, Gen. Zool. XIII. 1825, 180. Type, Larus tridactylus Linn. 40. Rissa tridactyla (Linn.). Kittivvake. Larus tridacfyliis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 136. Rissa tridactyla Bonap. Conip. List, 1838, C2. i6 ■if I'll CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN HIRDS. [B 672, C 552, R658, C 782.] Geou. Dis 1 . — Arctic regions, south in eastern North America in winter to the Great Lakes and the Middle States. AOa. Rissa tridactyla pollicaris Riuow. Pacilic Klttiwake. mssa tridactyla pollicaris " Stejn. MS." Riugw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 202. [B-, 0552./, R 658.^0 783-] Geog. Dist. — Coasts of North Pacific and Bering Sea, soutli in winter casually to southern California. 41. Rissa brevirostris (Bruch). Red-legged Kittiwake. Larus brevirostris Bruch, J. f. O. 1853, 103. Rissa brevirostris Lawr. in Baird's B. N. Am. 1S58, 855. [B 674, 675, C 553, R 659, C 784.] Geog. Dist. — Coasts and islands of Bering Sea. Ill * '■ Genus LARUS Linn/eus. Larus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 136. I'ype, by elimination, Z. ca7ius Linn. 42. Larus glaucus Brunn. Glaucous Gull. Larus glaucus Brunn. Orn. Bor. 1764, 44. [B 656, C 543, K 660, C 768.] Geog. Dist. — Arctic regions, south in winter iu North America to the Great Lakes and Long Island. 42.1. Larus barrovianus Ridgw. Point Barrow Gull. Larus barrovianus Ridcjvv. Auk, III. July, 1886, 330. OROER I.DNTilPF.WF.S. 1 America [H-, (•— . R -, ("--.1 Gecm;. Dist. — Berinf;^ Sea and (.■ontiL:;uous waters ; northeastward to Point Iiarrow, southwestward to Japan. ater B. N. ;a, south in 4:1 Larus leucopterus Faher. Iceland Ciiill. Lams leucopterus Fmikr, Prodr. Isl, Orn. 1822, <; i . [B 658, C 544. liill. Larus marinus Linn. S. N. od. lo, L 1758, 136. [B 660, C 546, R 663, C 771.] Geog. Dist. — Coasts of the North Atlantic; south in winter to Long Island and Italy. 4S. Larus schistisagus Stejn. Slaty-backed Gull. Larus schistisagus Stejn. Auk, I. July, 1884, 231. [B-, C— , R— , C-.] Geog. Dist. — North Pacific, chiefly on the Asiatic side ; Herald Island, Arctic Ocean, and Alaskan coast of Bering Sea. 49. Larus occidentalis Aun. Western Gull. Larus occidentalis Aun. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, 320. [R 662, C 547^, R 664, C 774.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast of North America, breeding from Lower California northward to British Columbia. [50.] Larus affinis Reinh. Siberian Gull. Larus affinis Reinh. Vid. Med. 1S53, 78. [B— , C— , R665, C776.] Geog. Dist. — Northern Asia and Europe, southward in winter to northern Africa. 'Accidental in Greenland. oL Larus argentatus Brunn. Herring Gull. Larus argentatus Brunn. Orn. Bor. 1764, 44. [B— , CS47, R666, C772.] Geog. Dist. — Old World, south to the Azores ; Cumberland Sound ; occasional on the eastern coast of the United States. \ '5 If 1 (■■. *^ ^c 'a«;b wmmm 1 winter to ORDER LONGIPENNES. ;')! ,7. Larus argentatus smithsonianiis (Duks. Ainerk-an Herring CJull. 19 Larus amithsonianus CouKs, I'r. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1862, 296. [.arus ari^entatus var. smithsonianus ('ouks. (.'heck-List, 1S73, no. 547^?. [B661, ('547", R 666r?, C 773.] GEon. DisT. — North .America generally, hreedinu; from Maine, northern New York, the Great Lakes, and Minnesota northward ; in winter south to Cuba and Lower California. .")•_'. Larus veg» (Palmen). VeKsi Cull. I.iuu^ Guthrie's (ieog. 2d Am. ed. 1815, 319. [B 664, C 548, R 669, C 778.] Geog. Dist. — North America at large ; south in winter to Cuba and Mexico. I ". 1 (i < . ;; 20 CHECKLIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. • >•'>. Larus brachyrhynchus Rich. Short-billed Ciull. lAtrus bracliyrliynclius Rich. F. B. A. IL 1831, 421. [1? 665. 673, C 549, R 670, C 780.] (Ikoc. Disr. — Arctic America and Pacific coast, south in winter to southern California. ■'4 ;">*>. 1 Larus canus Linn. >lew Gull. /avus (tviKs Linn. S. N. cd. to, L 1758, 136. [B— , C— , R67i,C 779.] CiKoc. Disr.- - Kurope and Asia; accidental in Labrador? •')T. Larus heerinanni Cass. 11 (>er Ilia nil's Ciiill. Iadus hcermivini Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VL 1852, 187. [B666, C 551, R 672, C 781.] (ii.tx;. DisT. — Pacific coast of North America, from British Columbia to Panama. \\ i \ 11 ."»s. Larus atricilla Linn. ijaiighing Gull. Larus atricilla Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 136. [B 667, C 554, R 673, C 786.] Ciood. Disi'. — Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, north to Maine and Nova Scotia ; south in winter through West Indies, Mexico (both coasts), Central America, and northern South America (Atlantic side) to the Lower Amazon. W. Larus franklinii Sw. & Rich. Kraiikliii''s SuHGENi's STERNA Sterna Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 137. S. hi run do Linn. Type, by elimination, ; 111 ' i" HI 'ill '^1 [Os.j Sterna trudeaui Ald. Triuleau's T«tii. Sterna trudeaui Aud. Orn. Bio<;. V. 1839, 125, pi. 409. [B 687, C 571. R 684, C 802.] Geog. Dkst. — Southern South America. Casual, or accidental, on the Atlantic coast of the United States (New Jersey, Long Island). Ol>. Sterna forsteri Nutt. Forster's Tern. Sterna forsteri NuTT. Man. II. 1834, 274. [B 691, 686, C 566, R 685, C 798.] Geog. Dist. — North America generally, breeding from Manitoba southward to Virginia, Illinois, Texas, and California ; in winter southward to Brazil. 70. Sterna hirundo Linn. Common Tern. Sterna /lirundo hiNN. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 137. S47. 257- n. II. 1884, I OKDKU l()N(;ipp:nnes. 25 [15 689, C 565. R686, C 797.] Gkoc. Dist. — Greater part of the northern heinispliere and Africa. Ill Nortli America chietiy east of the IMains, breeding from the .Arctic coast, somewhat irregularly, to Florida, Texas, and Arizona, and wintering northward to Virginia. AKso coast of Lower California. the United 1, in winter, elimination. accidental, tng Island). n 71. Sterna paradisaea I^kunn. An'tio Tern. Sterna paradis(ea Hrunn. Orn. Uor. 1764, 46. [H 690, 693, C 567, 568, R 687, C 799.] Gkoc. Dist. — Northern hemisphere; in North America breeding from Massachusetts to the Arctic regions, and wintering southward to Virginia and California. 72. Sterna dougalli Montag. Roseate Tern. Sterna dougalli Montag. Orn. Diet. Suppl. 18 13, — . [B 692, C 569, R 688, C 800.] Gk.og. D'ST. — Temperate and tropical regions; north on the Atlantic coast of North America to Massachusetts, and casually to Maine and Nova Scotia. Manitoba in winter 711 Sterna aleutica Baird. Aleutian Tern. Sterna aleutica Baird, Tr. Chicago Ac. Nat. Sci. I. 1869, 321, pi. 31, fig. I. [B-, C 572, R 689, C 803.] Gkog. Dist. — Coast of Alaska from Kadiak to Norton Sound. Subgenus STERNULA Boie. Steniula Boie, Isis, 1822, 563. I'ype, Sterna ininuta Linn. n I ■■ilk • ! 'I "I III 111 -I Mr ^iil l;!^ .-■i 26 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN HIRDS. I 74. Sterna antillarum (Less.). Least Tern. Sternuhi antillarum Less. Descr. Mam. et Ois. 1847, 256. Sterna atitillartim CouEs, I'r. Ac. Nat. Sci. I'hila. 1862, 552. [B694, C 570, R 690, C 801.] Geo(;. Dist. — Northern South America, northward to California, Minnesota, and New PLnj^hind, and casually to Labrador, breeding nearly throughout its range. SiiiCKNi's HALIPLANA HaliplanaWAOh. Isis, 1832. 1224. Type, Sten/a ///l/X'-i/iosa Gmkl. 75. Sterna fuliginosa G.mel. Sooty Tern. Sterna fuliginosa Gmel. S. N. L ii. 1788, 005. [B68S, C 573, R69i,CSo4.] Geog. Dist. — Tropical and subtropical coasts of the globe. In America from Chili to western Mexico and the Carolinas, and casually to New England. [76.] Sterna anaethetus Scop. Bridled Tern. Sterna amstlictus Scop. Del. Faun, et Flor. Ins. II. 1786, no. 72,92. [B— , C574. R 692, C 805.] ■ Geog. Dist. — Tropical regions generally. Casual in Florida. Genus HYDROCHELIDON Boie. Hydrochelidon Boie, Isis, 1822, 563. Type, Sterna nigra Lu\n. 77. Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis (G.mel.). Black Tern. Sterna surinamensis Gmkl. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 604. Hydroehelidon nigra surinamensis SrEjN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1882, 40. 1 "% DS. ORDER LONGIPENNES. 27 t7' 256- 1862, 552. to California, xdor, breeding" /i^i/iosa Cm EL. [B 69s, C 575, R 693, C 806.] Geoo. DisT. — Temperate and tropical America. From Alaska and the Fur Countries to Brazil and Chili, breeding from the middle United States, west of the Alleghanies, north'vard. [7s.] Hydrochelidon leucoptera (Mkisn. & Sciiinz). White-winged BlacI^ Tern. Stcnia Iciuoptcra Mkisn. tS: Schinz, Vog. Schweiz, 1S15, 264. HydrochcHdon leucoptera Boie, Isis, 1822, 563. [B — , C 575 bis, R 694, C 807.] Geog. Dlst. - F^astern hemisphere, accidental in North America (Lake Koshkonong, \Vi.sconsin). the globe. In Jarolinas. and I. 1786, no. ) i Genus ANOUS Stephens. Anons Stei>h. Gen. Zool. XIII. pt. i. 1S26, 139. stolid a Linn. I'ype, Sterna 79. Anous stolidus (Linn.). Noddy. Sterna stolida Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 137. Anous stolidus Gray, List Gen. B. 1841, 100. [B 696, C 576, R 695, C 808.] Geog. Disr. — Tropical and subtropical regions; in America from Brazil and Chili north to the Gulf and South Atlantic States, in Florida. Family RTNCHOFIDJE. Skimmers. Genus RYNCHOPS Linn. nigra Linn. S. Nat. Mus. Rynehopshi^ti. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 138. Type, A'. nigrahiNH. 80. Rynchops nigra Linn. Black Skimmer. Rynchops nigra Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 17 58, 138. [B 697, C 577, K 656, C 809.] Geog. Uist. — Warmer parts of America, north on the Atlantic coast to New Jersey, and casually to the Bay of Fundy. I s 28 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Order TUBINARES. Tube-nosed Swimmers. Family DIOMEDEID^S. Albatrosses. Genus DIOMEDEA LiNNif:us. Diomedea Linn. S. N. ecj. 10, 1. 1758, 132. Type, D. exulatis Linn. 8L Diomedea nigripes Aud. Blaok-footecl Albatross. Diomedea nigripes Aud. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, 327. [B— C579, R700, C811.] Geog. Dist. — North Pacific, including west coast of North America. 82. Diomedea albatrns Pall. Short-tailed Albatross. Diomedea albatrus Pall. Spic. Zool. V. 1769, 28. [B631, C 578, R 701, C 810.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific Ocean, including western coast of America, northward to Bering Sea. Cenus THALASSOGERON Ridgway. Thalassogeron Ridgw. Water B. N. Am. IL 1884, 357. Diomedea culminata Gould. Type, [83.] Thalassogeron culminatus (Gould). Yellow-nosed Albatross. Diomedea culmitiata Gould, P. Z. S. 1843, 107. Thalassogeron culminatus Ridgw. Water B.N. Am. IL 1884, 358. ^aV )S. ORDER Tl'BINARES. 29 OSED [B 632, C — R 702, C -^.] Geog. Dist. — Indian and South Pacific Oceans; casual off the coast of Oregon ; accidental in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. e, D. exulans )rth America. Genus FECCEBETRIA Rkichenhach. riiabetria Reich. Syst. Av. 1852, p. v. Type, Diomcdea fuligin- >^4. Phcebetria fuliginosa (Gmel.). Sooty Albatross. Diomedca fiirig'mosa Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 178S, 568. Pha'betria fuliginosa Retch. Syst. A v. 1852, p. v. [B 633, C 580, R 703, C 812.] Geoi;. Dist. — Oceans of the southern hemisphere, northward to the coast of Oregon. of America, 357. Type, [.1884,358- Family PROCELLARIIDiE. Fulmars and Shearwaters. Subfamily PROCELLARIIN.S:. Fiilmars. Genus OSSIFRAGA Homhron & Jacquinot. Ossifraga HoMn. & Jacq. Compt. Rend. XVIII. 1844, 356. Type, Procellaria gigantea Gmel. [^0.] Ossifraga gigantea (Gmel.). Giant Fulmar. Procellaria gigantea Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 563. Ossifraga gigantea Reich. Syst. Av. 1852, p. iv. [B 634, C 581, R 704, C 813.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Oceans ; casual off the coast of Oregon. H )j[| 30 CIIECK-LTST OF NORTH AMERICAN' HTRnS. Genus FULMARUS Stephens. Si lujKNL's FULMARUS. Fulmanis STEPiir.Ns, Gen. Zool. XIII. pt. i. 1826, 233. Type, Proicllaria )^laiialis Linn. ^<>. Fulmarus glacialis (Linn.) Fulmar. Procellaria glacialis L.inn. Faun. Suec. 2d ed. 1761, 51 ; S. N. ed. 12, I. 1 766, 213. Fuhnarus giadalis ' Gen. Zool. XIII. pt. i. 1826, 234, pi. 27. [R635. C 582, R 705, C 814.] Geoc;. Disr. — North Atlantic, south on the American coast lo Massachusetts, casually to New Jersey. ^. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1862, 290. Fulmarus glacialis var, rodgersi iZoxi'^'^, Key, 1872, 327. ORDKR TrBINARES. 31 Gro(;. Dist. [B— , C 582 A R 705/;, C 816.] Bering Sea and adjacent parts of the North Pacific. 235' Type, I ; S. N.ed. . 234,pl- 27. an coast to SUBGENL'S PRIOCELLA. IIomdron & jACqiUNOT. Piiocrlht HoMH. I'v: Jacq. Compt. Rend. XVIII. 1844, 357. Type. /'. i^^arnofi Hdmh. & ]\cai. = Proccllaria s^lacialoides Smith. .^7. Fulmarus glacialoides (Smuh). Sleiuler-hilled Fulii. r. Proa-llaria };lacialoides Smuh, Illustr. S. Afr. B. 1840, t. 51, Fu/iiuinis g/iwia/oides Stejn. Auk, 1884, p. 233. [B 637. C 583, R 706, C 8,7.1 CrKDi;. Disr. — Seas of the southern hemispliere. and northward along Pacific coast of North America to Washington. 187. to coast of 4, 234. n coast to 2, 290. Genus PUFFINUS Brisson. PuiTinus Briss. Orn. VI. 1760, 131. Type, Pnnellaria puffinus Brunn. '^N. PuffinuB borealis C'orv. Cory's Shearwater. Pu§iiius borealis Cory, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI. April, 1881, 84. [B— , C— , R— , C 888.] Geoc;. Dist. — Known only from off the coasts of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Long Island. 89. Puffinus major Faber. Greater Shearwater. Pujfiniis major Farer, Prodr. Isl. Orn. 1822, 56. [B 647, C 597, R 709, C 832.] Geog. — Atlantic Ocean, from Cape Horn and Cape of Good Hope northward to the Arctic Circle. m J ff fl fl ! til J i ^ ! 1 "11 \ ':} I 1 m. JtiU.:' 32 CMFXK-LIST Ol- NORTH AMKKICAN HIRDS. [90.] Fuffinus puffinus (Brunn.). Manx Shearwater. Procellaria puffinus Brunn. Orn. Bor. 1764, 29. Puffinus puffinus Light. Nomencl. Mus. Berol. 1854, too. [B 649, C 599, R 711, C 834.] Gkog. DiST. — North Atlantic, chieHy on the eastern side ; acci- dental in Greenland, and rare or casual off the North American coast (?). 91. Fuffinus creatopus Coues. Pink-footed Shearwater. Puffinus creatopus " Cooper, MS.," Cou?:s, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. April, 1864, 131. [B— , C598, R 710, C 833.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific Ocean ; on the American coast from Cali- fornia to Juan Fernandez Islands. 92. Fuffinus auduboni Finsch. Audubon^s Shearwater. Puffinus auduboni Finsch, P. Z. S. 1872, iii. [B 650, C 600, R712, C835.] Geog. Dist. — Warmer parts of the Atlantic, north casually to New Jersey and Long Island. 93. Fuffinus gavia (Forst.). Black-vented Shearwater. Procdlaria gavia Forst. Descr. An. 1844, 148. Puffinus gavia Finsch, J. f. O. 1872. 256. [B-, C601, R 713, C 836.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific Ocean, chiefly southward ; coast of Lower California, north to Santa Cruz, Cal. 94. Fuffinus Strickland! Ridgw. Sooty Shearwater. Puffinus stricklandi Ridgw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 390. f^;!!ii IS. ORDER TUBINARES. 33 , lOO. side ; acci- ;h American LC. Nat. Sci. [B648, C 602, R 714, C 837.] Geoo. Dist. — Atlantic Ocean, breeding; in the southern hemi- sphere; a summer visitor off our coast, from South Carolina northward. 95. PufBnus griseus (Gmel.). Dark-bodied Shearwater. Proccllaria grisea Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 564. Puffinns griseus Finsch, J. f. O. 1874, 209. [B— , C603, R71S, C838.] Geog. Dist, — South Pacific, north on the American coast, casu- ally to San Francisco, California. ^t from Cali- casually to 96. PufBnus tenuirostris (Temm.). Slender-billed Shearwater. Procellaria tenuirostris Temm. PI. Col. 1828, 587. Puffinns tenuirostris Temm. & Schleg. Faun. Jap. Aves, 1849, 131, pi. 86. [B— , C 604, R 716, C839.] Geog. Dist. — Both coasts of the North Pacific, from Japan and Kotzebue Sound south to Australia and New Zealand ; on the American coast to British Columbia. SUBGEXU.S PRIOriNUS IIOMBRON & JacC^UIXOT. Priqfinus Homhr. & Jacq. Compt. Rend. XVIII. 1844, 355. Type, Procellaria cinerea Gmel. st of Lower '4, 39°- [97.] Puffinus cinereus (Gmel.). Black-tailed Shear ater. Procellaria cinerea Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 563. Puffinns cinereus Lawr. in Baird's B. N. Am. 1858, 835. [B651, C 595, R707, C 830.] Geog. Dist. — South Pacific; accidental off the coast of California. 3 n h 1 I m , j\ 34 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus iESTRELATA Bonaparte. ^strclata Bonap. Consp. II. 1856, 188. Type, FroccUaria hasitata Kuhl. [9S.] iEstrelata hasitata (Kuhl). Black-capped Petrol. Procellaria hasitata Kuhl, Mon. Proc. Beitr. Zool. i Abt. 1820, 142. yEstrehita hcesitata CouES, Pr. Ac. Xat. Sci. Phila. 1866, 139. [B638, C585, R717, C819.] Geog. Dist. — Warmer parts of the Atlantic Ocean, straying to Florida, Virginia, New York (Ulster County, Oneida Lake and Long Island), Vermont and Ontario. Also England and France. ' 1 ; t [99.] 2istrelata scalaris Brewst. Scaled Petrel. yEstrelata scalaris Brewst. Auk, III. July, 1886, 300. [B-, C-, R- C-.] Geog. Dist. — Unknown, the single specimen obtained having been taken in Livingston Co., N. Y., in April, 1880. 100. iBstrelata fisheri Ridgw. Fisher's Petrel. ^strelata fisheri Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. June 26, 1883, 656. [B— , C-, R-,C— .] Geog. Dist. — The only known specimen was taken at Kadiak, Alaska. Genus BULTVERIA Bonaparte. Bulweria Bonap. Cat. Met. Ucc. Eur. 1842, 81. Type, Pro- cellaria bidw.ri Jard. & Selbv. ProccUixria 35 -, pi. 65. ORDER TUBINARES. [101.] Bulweria bulweri (Jard. & Selby). Biilwer's I'etrel. Proccllarhi biihccri ]\i\T>. ik. Selby, lUustr. Orn. - Bulweria bulweri I^oucard, Cat. Av. 1876, 69. [H_ C— R 718, C 820.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern Atlantic, including coasts of Europe and Africa. Accidental in Greenland. Also various parts of the Pacific Ocean. ned having Genus DAPTION Stephf Daption Steph. Gen. Zool. XIII. 1825, 239. Type, Procellaria capensis Linn. [102.] Daption capensis (Linn.). Pintado Petrel. Procellaria capensis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 132. Daption capensis Steph. Gen. Zool. XIII. pt. i. 1825, 241. [B639, C 584, R 719, C 818.] Geog. Dist. — Oceans of the southern hemisphere, north to about latitude 25°. Accidental on the coasts of California and England. Genus HALOCYFTENA Coues. Halocyptena Coues, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. March, 1864, 78. Type, H, tnicrosoma Coues. 103. Halocyptena microsoma Cuues. Least Petrel. Halocyptena tnicrosoma Coues, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1864, 79. [B— , C 586, R 720, C 821.] Geog. Dist. — Coast of Lower California and south to Panama. ■•f r:^i ; * i i'':'- ii 36 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus FROCELLARIA Linn/EUS. Procellaria Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 131. Type, by elimina- tion, P. pelagica Linn. 104. Procellaria pelagica Linn. stormy Petrel. Procellaria pelagica Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 131. [B64S, CS87, R72i,C822.] Geog. Dist. — Atlantic Ocean, south on the American side to the Newfoundland Banks. West coast of Africa and coast of Europe. Genus OCEANODROMA Reichenbach. Oceanodroma Reich. Syst. Av. 1852, p. iv. Type, Procellaria f areata Gmel. 105. Oceanodroma furcata (Gmel.). Forked-tailed Petrel. Procellaria furcata Gmel. S. N. L ii. 1788, 561. Oceanodroma furcata Reich. Syst. Av. 1852, p. iv. [B 640, C S91, R 726, C 826.] Geog. Dist. — North Pacific, south on the American coast, in winter, to Humboldt Bay, California. Breeds ou the Aleutian Islands and on Copper Island. 106. Oceanodroma leucorhoa (Vieill.). Leach's Petrel. Procellaria leucorhoa Vieill. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XXV. 1817, 422. Oceanodroma leucorhoa Stejn. Orn. Expl. Kamtsch. 1885, 97. [B642, C58S, R723, C823.] Geog. Dist. — North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans ; south on the coast of the United States to Virginia and California ; breeds from Maine and the Hebrides northward on the coasts of the Atlantic ; also on the Aleutian Islands and on Copper Island, Bering Sea. ORDER TUBINARES. 37 by elimina- side to the f Europe. Procellaria 106.1. Oceanodroma macrodactyla (Bryant). (iiiadaliipe Totrel. Oceanodroma Icucorhoa macrodactyla Bryant, Bull. Cal. Ac. Sci. II. No. 8, July 23. 1887, 450. Occaiiodnnna macrodactyla A. (). U. Comm. Suppl. Check-List N. A. Birds, 1S89, 5. [B-, C-, R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Guadalupe Island, Lower California. 107. Oceanodroma melania (Bonai,). IJlaik I'etrel. Procellaria melania Bonap. Compt. Rend. XXVIII. 185^, 662. Oceanodroma melania Stejn. Orn. Kxpl Kaintsch. 1885, 371. [B-, C589, R724, C824.] Geog. Dist. — South Pacific, northward to southern California. coast, in le Aleutian Nat. XXV. 885,97. s ; south on lia ; breeds sts of the nd, Bering 108. Oceanodroma homochroa (Coues). Ashy Petrol. Cymocliorea homochroa Coues, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1864, 77. Oceanodroma homochroa Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 356. [B 643, C 590, R 725, C 825.] Geog. Dist. — Coast of California. Breeds on the Santa Barbara and Farallone Islands. Subfamily OCEANITIN^. Genus OCEANITES Keyserling & Blasius. Ocranites Keys. & Blas. Wirb. Eur. I. 1840, xciii, 131, 238. Type, Procellaria oceanica Kuhl. 109. Oceanites oceanicus (Kuhl). Wilson's Petrel. Procellaria oceanica Kuhl, Beitr. Zool. Mon. Proc. 1820, 136, pi. 10, fig. I. Oceanites oceanica Light. Nomencl. Mus. Berol. 1854, 99. .Hi'' .11; Ml i 38 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN lUROS. [15 644, C 593, R 722, C 828.] Geog. DiST. — Nortli and South Atl.uuic aiul Southern Oceans, breeding on Kerguelen Island in February. Abundant off the eastern coast of the United States durinir the entire summer. i t i'iJ f ll '1 ^; • , i 'V 1 iki mt. Genus CYMODROMA Riikjway. Cymodroma Riik;\v. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 418. Type, rrocellaria ^^ra/laria Vieill. [110.] Cymodroma grallaria (Vieill.). White-boIIictt Petrel. P. wUaria ^^nillaria Vieill. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XXVI. 1817, 418. Cymodroma sr'illaria Ridgw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1S84, 419. [B 646, C 594, R 728, C 829.] Geog. Dist. — Tropical oceans generally ; accidental on the coast of Florida. Genus PELAGODROMA REiciiExiiACH. Pelagodroma Rkich. Syst. Av. 1S52, p. iv. Type, FroccUaria marina Lath. [111.] Felagodroma marina (Lvrn.). White-faced Petrel. ProceUaria mar ma Lath. Ind. Orn. II. ii. 1790, S26. Pelagodroma marini Reich. Syst. Av. 1852, p. iv. [B-, C— , R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — "^outh Atlantic, and Southern Seas. Accidental oflE the coast of Massachusetts. 3S. ()ri)i:r steganoi'odes. 39 Jem Oceans, dant off the imcr. 418. Type, Nat. XXVI. 1884, 419. on the coast :, ProccUaria % ■'ii. I I i Okdhr STEGANOPODHS. Totipalmate swim.meks. Is>Mii.Y PHAETHONTID^. Troi-ic P.irds. Genus FHAETHON Ltx.Viiius. IVuvithon LixN. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 134. 'I'ype, /'. athcrcns Linn. 112. Fhaethon flavirostris Praxdt. , Yellow-bllIo. Fhaethon sethereus Lixx. Red-billed Tropic Bird. Pha'dthon (ethcreus Lixx. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 134. [B-, C— R655, C762.] Geog. Dist. — Coasts of tropical America, north on the Pacific coast to Cape Colnett, Lower California; accidental on the New- foundland Banks. Breeds on San Pedro Martir and other islands in the Gulf of California. ccidental off Family SITLID^. Gannets. Genus SULA Brisson. Subgenus SULA. Sula Briss, Orn. VI. 1760,495. Type, by elimination, /V/^^<7««j' sula Linn. I' ■I 40 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [114.] Sula cyanops Sund. Blue-faced Booby. Dysporus cyanops Sund. Phys. Tidskr. Lund, 1837, pt. 5. Sula cyanops Sund. Isis, 1842, 858. [B— C— R651, C-.] Geog. Dist. — South Atlantic, South Pacific, and Indian Oceans ; West Indies, and northward to southern Florida. 114.1. Sula gossi Goss. Blue-footed Booby. Sula gossi i^\Y)C,\i . MS.) Goss, Auk, V. July, 1888, 241. [B— C— R-, C— .] Geog. Dist. — Isluids in the Gulf of California, and south to the Galapagos. 115. Sula sula (Linn.). Booby. Fclecanus sula Linn. Syst, Nat. ed. 12, I. 1766, 218. Sula sula Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII, 1885, 356. [B 618, C 525, R 652, C 747-] Geog. Dist. — Atlantic coasts of tropical and subtropical America, north to Georgia. Also, western Pacific and Indian Oceans. 116.1. Sula brewsteri Goss. Brewster's Booby. Sula brezosteri Goss, Auk, V. July, 1888, 242. [B— , C— , R— , C -.] Geog. Dist. — Coasts and islands of the eastern South Pacific Ocean, north to Lower California • breeding as far north as Georges Island at the head of the Gulf of California. [116.] Sula piscator (Linn.). Red-footed Booby. Pelecanus piscator Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 134. Sula piscator Gray, Gen. Bds. III. 1845, 666. % I 1i ^1 I; \M s. ORDER STEGANOPODES. 41 pt. 5. [B- C— , R653, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Coasts and islands of tropical and subtropical seas, north to western Mexico and Florida. ian Oceans ; Subgenus DYSPORUS Dysponis Illio. Prodr. 181 1, 279. Type, by elimination, Pele- caniis hassaiiHs LixN. !4I. south to the 556. al America, ans. si* 117. Sula bassana (Linn.). Gannet. Felecanus bassanus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 133. Sula bassana BoiE, Isis, 1822, p. 563. [B 617, C 524, R650, C 746.] Geog. Dist. — Coasts of the North Atlantic, south in winter to the Gulf of Mexico and Africa ; breeds from Nova Scotia and the Bridsh Islands northward. Family ANHINGID^. Darters. m Genus ANHINGA Brisson. Anhmga Brisson, Orn. VI. 1760,476. Type, .<4«/«'«^a Marcgr. =^ Plot us anhinga Linn. uth Pacific as Georges 118. Anhinga anhinga (Linn.). Anbinga. Plotus anhinga Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 218. Anhinga anhinga Stejn. Stand. Nat. Hist. IV. 1885, 193. [B 628, C 536, R 649, C 760.] Geog. Dist. — Tropical and subtropical America, north in the United States to the Carolinas, the mouth of the Ohio River, and southern Kansas. » 'il 1,1 I'l' ili ."P 42 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Family PHALACROCORACIDiE. Cormorants. Genus PHALACROCORAX Brisson. Subgenus PHALACROCORAX. Phalacrocorax Briss. Orn. VI. 1760, 511. Type, Pelecaniis carho Linn. 119. Phalacrocorax carbo (Linn.). Cormorant. Pckcanus carbo Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 133. Phalacrocorax carbo Leach, Syst. Cat. Mam. and Bds. Brit. Mus. 1816, 34. [B 620, C 528, R 642, C 750.] Geog. Dist. — Coasts of the North Atlantic, south in winter on the coast of the United States, casually, to the Carolinas ; breeding (formerly) from Massachusetts northward. 120. Phalacrocorax dilophus (Swain.), Double-ci-ested Cormorant. Pelecanits {Carbo) dilophus Swain, in Sw. & Rich. F. B. A. IL 1831, 473- Phalacrocorax dilophus Nutt. Man. II. 1834, 483. [B 623, C 530, R643, C 751.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, breeding from the Bay of Fundy, the Great Lakes, Minnesota and Dakota northward ; south in winter to the Southern States. 120 fl!. Phalacrocorax dilophus floridanus (Aud.). Florida Cormorant. Phahicrocorax floridanus Aud. Orn. Biog. III. 1835, S^?* Phalacrocorax dilophus floridanus Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 205. '^^ t I I itu s. ORDER STEGANOPODES. 43 lANTS. [B 624, C 53o«, R 643^, C 753.] Geog. Dist. — South Atlantic and Gulf States, northward in the Mississippi Valley to southern Illinois. 'ecauHS carho \. Brit. Mus. 1 winter on 15 ; breeding F. B. A. II. the Bay of d ; south in I'iO/'. Phalacrocorax dilophus cincinatus (Brandt). White-crested Cormorant. Carbo cincinatus Brandt, Bull. Sc. Ac. St. P6tersb. III. 1838, 55. Phalacrocorax dilophus cincinnatus Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 205. [B 622, C 529, R 643/;, C 752.] Geog. Dist. — West coast of North America, south in winter to California. Vl^c. Phalacrocorax dilophus albociliatus Ridgw. Farallone Cormorant. rhalacrocorax dilophus albociliatus Ridgw. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. II. Apr. ro, 18S4, 94. [13— , C— , R— , C— .] Geog. Dist. — California, south to Cape St. Lucas and the Revilla- gigedo Islands. 121. Phalacrocorax mexicanus (Brandt). Mexican Cormorant. Carbo mexicanus Brandt, Bull. Sc. Ac. St. P6tersb. III. 1838, 55. Phalacrocorax mexicanus ScL. <& Salv. Nom. Neotr. 1873, 124. [B 625, C 531, R 644, C 754.] Geog. Dist. — West Indies and Central America to southern United States ; north in the interior to Kansas and southern Illinois. 587. Nat. Mus. Subgenus COMPSOHALIEUS Ridgway. Compsohalieus Ridgw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 145. Type, Carbo penicillatus Brandt. i ! I 44 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 122. Fhalacrocoraz penicillatus (Brandt). Brundt's Cormorant. Carlo penicillatus Brandt, Bull. Sc. Ac. St. P6tersb. III. 1838, 55. Phalacrocorax penicillatus Heerm. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1854, 178. [B626, C532, R64S, C755.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast of North America, from Cape St. Lucas to Washington, Subgenus URILE Bonaparte. Urile BoNAP. Consp. II. 1855, 175. Type, Pelccanus urile Gmel. n. W '^^ \\ I I iil'l n, I ■1"', •Hlji I 1 li 123. Phalacrocorax pelagicus Pall. Pelagic Cornioraut. Phalacrocorax pelagicus Pall. Zoog. Rosso- As. II. 1826, 303. [B-, C— R— C-.] Geog. Dist. — Aleutian and Kuril Islands, and Kamchatka, south to Japan. 123 a. Phalacrocorax pelagicus robustus Ridgw. Violet-green Cormorant. Phalacrocorax pelagicus robustus Ridgw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 160. [B 627, C 535, R 646, C 758.] Geog. Dist. — Coast of Alaska, from Norton Sound south to Washington. 123 <^. Phalacrocorax pelagicus resplendens (Aud.). Baird's Cormorant. Phalacrocorax resplendens Aud. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, 148. Phalacrocorax pelagicus resplendens RiDe;\v. Water B. N. Am. I. 1084, 160. I li'.i 0 ORDER STEGANOPODES. 45 I. 1838,55- Phila. VII. pe St. Lucas urile Gmel. [B— , C— , R646.?, €759.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast of North America, from Washington south to Cape St. Lucas and Mazatlan, Mexico. 124. Phalacrocorax urile (Gmel.). Red-faced Cormorant. Pekcaniis urile G^x^L. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 575. Fhalacrocorax urile Ridgw. Water E. N. Am. IL 1S84, 162. [B— C534, R 647, C 757.] Geog. Dist. — Pribilof, Aleutian and Kuril Islands, and coast of Kamchatka. South in winter to northern Japan. 526, 303. latka, south Family FELECANIDiE. Pelicans. Genu FELECANUS Linn^us. Pelecanus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 132. Type, by elimina- tion, r. onocrotalus Linn. ST. Am. IL Subgenus CYRTOPELICANUS Reiciienbach. CyrtopcIicLVius Reich. Syst. Av. 1852, p. vii. Type, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Gmel. 'mi south to •)• i8. N. Am. I. 125. Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Gmel. Aiuericau White Pelican. Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Gmel, S. N. I. ii. 1788, 571. [B61S, C526, R640, C748.J Geog. Dist. — Temperate North America, north in the interior to about Lat. 61°, south in winter to western Mexico and Guatemala; now rare or accidental in the northeastern States ; abundant in the interior and along the Gulf coast ; common on the coast of California, 46 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Subgenus LEPTOPELICANUS Reichenbach. Lepiopelicanus Reich. Syst. Av. 1852, p. vii. Type, Pclecanus fuse us Linn. 126. Felecanus fuscus Linn. Brown Pelican. Pekcamis fiiscus Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 215. [B 616, C 527, R641, C749.] Geog. Dist. — Atlantic coast of tropical and subtropical America, north on the Atlantic coast to North Carolina ; accidental in Illinois. 'M 127. Felecanus californicus Ridgw. California Brown Pelican. Felecanus {fuscus ?) californicus Ridgw. Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, 143. P\elecanus'] californicus Ridgw. 1. c. [B— , C— , R-, C— .] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast, from Burrard Inlet, British (Columbia, to the Galapagos. Family FREGATIDiE. Man-o'-War Birds. Genus FREGATA Brisson. Fregata Briss. Orn. VI. 1760, 506. Type, Felecanus aquilus Linn. 128. Fregata aquila Linn. Man-o'-War Bird. Felecanus aquilus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 133. Fregata aquila Reich. Syst. Av. 1852, p. vi. [B 619, C 537, R 639, C 761.] Geog. Dist. — Tropical and subtropical coasts generally; in America, north to Florida and Texas, and casually to Nova Scotia, Ohio, Wisconsin, Kansas, and Humboldt Bay, California. ^-a3gg?yyg=p'^*»w mwuhmctw )S. ORDER ANSERES. 47 pe, rdccanus Order ANSERES. Lamellirostral Swimmers. Family ANATIDiE. Ducks, Geese, and Swans. cal America, al in Illinois. N. Am. II. sh Columbia, RDS. Subfamily MERGIN.S. Mergansers. Genus MERG-ANSER Erisson. Merganser Briss. Orn. VI. 1760, 230. 'Type, Mergus merganser Linn. 129. Merganser americanus (Cass.). American Merganser. Mergus americanus Cassin, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VI, 1853, 187. Merganser americanus Stejn. Orn. Expl. Kamtsch. 1885, 177. [B-, C— , R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — North America generally, breeding south in the United States to Pennsylvania and the mountains of Colorado and California. Bermuda. xnus aqitilus 130. Merganser serrator (Linn.). Red-breasted Merganser. Mergus serrator Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 129. Merganser serrator Schaffer, Mus. Orn. 1789, 66. [B612, C 522, R 637, C 744.] Geog. Dist. — Northern portions of northern hemisphere ; south, in winter, throughout the United States. |nerally ; in [ova Scotia, Genus LOPHODYTES Reichenrach. Lophodytes Reichenbach, Syst. Av. 1852, p. ix. Type, Mergus CHCuUatus Lixx. 48 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 131. Lophodytes cucullatus (Limn.). Hooded Merganser. MergHs cucullatus Linn. S. N. ed. lo, I. 1758, 129. Lophodytes cucullatus Rkichenbach, Syst. Av. 1852, p, ix. [B613, C523, R63S, C745.] Geog. Dist. — North America ganerally, south to Mexicc ^ad Cuba, breeding nearly throughout its range. Casual in Europe. Subfamily ANATIN.S. River Ducks. Genus ANAS Linnaeus. Anas Linn. S. N. ed. 10, 1, 1758, 122. Type, A. boschas Linn. I i! :i:4,:^ !;i ■■■ !3 1 132. Anas boschas Linn. Mallard. Atias boschas Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I, 1758, 127. [B 576, C 488, R 601, C 707.] Geog. Dist. — Northern parts of northern hemisphere ; in America south to Panama and Cuba, breeding southward to the southern U^nited States ; less common in the East. Hi :|: 133. Anas obscura Gmel. B!ack Duck. Anas obscura Gmel. S. N. I. 1788, 541. [B 577, C 489, R 602, C 708.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, west to the Mississippi Valley, north to Labrador, breeding southward to the northern parts of the United States. 134. Anas fulvigula Ridgw. Florida Duck. Anas obscura vax. fulvigula Ridgw. Am. Nat. VIIL Feb. 1874, 11 1. Anas fulvigula Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. IIL Aug. 24, 1880, 203. «v^l IDS. ORDER AXSERES. 49 2, p. IX. ) Mexico ^ad n Europe. . boschas Linn. :re ; in America o the southern he Mississippi northern parts "eb. 1874, III. 24, 1880, [B— , C 489,?, R603, C 709.] Grog. DisT. — Florida. 1:14 .'. Anas fulvigula maculosa (Senn.). Mottled Duck. Anas maculosa Senneit, Auk, VI, July, 1889, 263. [B Slh/'"''^^ ^ 489,/ar/.'] Geog. Dist. — Eastern 'I'exas and north to Kansas. SLiiGENus CHAULELASMUS TJonapartk. Chauklasinits Boxap. Comp. List, 1838, 56. Type, Anas strcpcra Linn. l-'.n. Anas strepera Lixn. Gatlwall. Anas strcpcra Linn. S. X. ed. 10, L 1758, 125. [B 584, C 491, R 604, C 711.] Geog. Dist. — Nearly cosmopolitan. In North America breeds ^ chiefly within the United" States. Slhgexl's MARECA Stephens. J/tzr^r^ Stephens, Gen. Zool. XII. pt. ii. 1824, 130. Ty^o.^Anas penclope Linn. loO. Anas penelope Linn. Widgeon. Anas penelope \a^^. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 126. [B 586, C 492, R 606, C 712.] Geog. Dist. — Northern parts of the Old World. In North America breeds in the Aleutian Islands, and occurs frequently in the eastern United States, and occasionally in California. liiT. Anas americana G.mel. Buldpate. Anas americana Gmelin, S. N. I. 1788, 526. 4 - !v|,!5.i J ■! •• .1 1 ■»« if^ i I ' 50 CHECK-MST OK NORTH A?TERICAX BIRDS. [B 585, C 493, R C07, C 713.] Geog. Dist. — North America, from the Arctic Ocean south, in winter, to Guatemala and Cuba. Breeds chielly north of United States. i ^if 1 I 1 ! 1 f i i ! I r 1 1 k SuBGEJTUs NBTTION Kaup. ArUio/i Kaup, Sk, Ent. Europ. Thiervv. 1829, 95. Type, Anas crecca Linn. [138.] Anas crecca Linn. Europ ma Teal. Anas crecca Linn. S. N. ed. 10, \. 1758, 126. [B 580, C 494, R 611, C 714.] Geog. Dist. — Northern parts of the Ola World. Occasional in eastern North America, the Aleutian Islands, and California. 139. Anas carolinensis Gmel. Green-wing<;d Teal. Anas caroli letisis Gmel. S. N. I. 1788, 533. [B 579, C 495, R612, C 715.] Geog. Dist. — North America, breeding chiefly north of thejUnited States, and migrating south to Honduras and Cuba. Subgenus QUERQUEDULA Stephens. Qiierqucdula Stephens, Gen. Zoo'. XI L pt. ii. 1824, 142. Type, Anas querquedida Linn. 140. Anas discors Linn. Blue-winged Teal. Anas discors Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 205. [B 581, C 496, R 609, C 716.] Geog.'Dist. — North America in general, but chiefly eastward; north to Alaska, and south to the West Indies, Lower California, and northern South America. Casual in California. Breeds from Kansas and southern Illinois northward. V'\lS •am-juri-mrwiMTrMi.f v-mm >s. ORDER AXSERES. 5^ an south, in I of United Type, Anas 141. Anas cyanoptera Vieill. Cinnamon Teal. Anas cyanoptera Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. V. 1816, 104. [B582, C 497. 1^610, C 717.] Gioc;. DisT. — Western America from Hritish Columbia .south to Chili, Patagonia, and P'alkland Lslands ; east in North America to the Rocky Mountains and southern Texas ; casual in the Mississippi Valley and Florida. Genus SPATULA Boie. Occasional in :)rnia. )f the'^United ;■«, Spatula BuiE, Isis, 1822, 564. Type, Anas clypcata Linn. 142. Spatula clypeata (Linn.). Shoveller. Anas clypeata Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, ^24. Spatula clypeata Boie, Isis, 1822, 564. [B 583, C 498, R 6c8, C 718.] Geog. Dist. — Northern hemisphere. In North America breeding from Alaska to Texas ; not abundant on the Atlantic coast north of the Carolinas. rV, , 142. Type, ly eastward ; ;r California, lia. Breeds Genus DAFILA Stephens. Dafila Stephens, Gen. Zool. XII. pt. ii. 1824, 126. 143. Dafila acuta (Linn.). Pintail. Anas acuta Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 126. Dafila acuta Bonap. Comp. List, 1838, 56. [B 578, C 490, R 605, C 710.] Gkog. Dist. — Northern hemisphere. In North America breeds from the northern parts of the United States northward, and migrates south to Panama and Cuba. "V ;M m 11 1^5 T If ilii 52 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus AIX lioiE. Aix BoiE, Isis, 1828, 329. Type, Amis sponsa Linn. 144. Aiz sponsa (Linn.). \Vou«l Duck. Auas sponsa Linn. S. N. cd. to, L 1758, 128. Aix sponsa Bonai'. Comp. List, 1S38, 57. [B 5S7, C 499, R 613, C 719.] Geoc;. Dist. — Temperate North America, breeding tiiroughout its range. Cuba. Accidental in Europe. Slufamilv FULIGULIN^. Sua Di cks. J Genus NETTA Kaup. Nctta Kaup, Sk. Ent. Europ. Tliierw. 1829, 102. Type, Anas rujina Pall. [14.').] Netta ruiina (Pall.). liufuus-crestcd Duck. Anas rufina Pall. It. II. App. 1773, 713. Netta rufina Kaup, Sk. Ent. Europ. Thierw. 1829, 102. [B— , C— , R— , C886.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern hemisphere; accidental in eastern United States. 1 !) ^ A i Genus AYTHYA Boie. Aythya Boie, Isis, 1822, 564. Type, by 3. R618, C 723.] Oeoo. Dist. — North America, breeding from California, southern Michigan, and Maine northward. 147. Aythya vallisneria (Wii.s.). Cauvjw-buck. ylfi(r\ vallisneria Wilson, Am. Orn. \III. 18 14, 103. Aythya Tallistieria hoiE, Isis, 1826, 980. [P. 592, C 504, R 617, C 724.] CIeoo. DrsT. — Nearly all of North America, breeding from the northwestern States northward to Alaska. 'ype, Anas rn United Inasferina Si IK i KM s FULIGULA Stki'IIKNs. FHV:gula Stephens, Gen. Zool. XII. pt. ii. 1824, 187. Type, by elimination, Anasfidii^uhi Li.w. 14S. Aythya marila nearctica SrKjx. American iSruiip Duck. Aythya fnari/a nearctica Stejx. Orn. E.\pl. Kamtsch. 1S85, 161. [B 588, C 500, R 614, C 720.] Geoc. Drsi'. — North America, breeding far South in winter to Guatemala. 14i). Aythya affinis (Kyt.). Lesser Scaup Duck. /'////',7//(7 affinis Eyt. Mon. Anat. 1S38, \^-]. Aythya affinis Stejn. Orn. pApl. Kamtsch. 18S5, 161. [B 589, C 501, R 615, C 721.] Geog. Dist. — North America in general, breeding chieHy north of the United States, migrating south to Guatemala and the West Indies. 150. Aythya coUaris (Dn.\c)v.). King-necked Duck. Anas collaris Doxov. Br. Birds VI. 1S09, pi. 147. Aythya collaris Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 356. 1^1 ■j { ■' •m ij t V I ' i i H 1 !i* ! i i 1 i 1 1 ^ 54 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B SQo, C502, R 616, C 722.] Geog. Dis t. — North America, breeding far north and migrating south to Guatemala and the West Indies. Genus GLATTCIONETTA StejxNeger. Glauciimetta Stejn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 409. Type, Anas dangula Linn. 151. Glaucionetta clangula americana (BoNAP.). American Golden-eye. Clangula a..^ericana Bonap. Comp. List, 1838, 58. Glaucionetta clangula americana Stejn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 409. Geog. Dist. — North America, breeding from Maine and the British Provinces northward ; in winter, south to Cuba and Mexico. 152. Glaucionetta islandica (Gmel.). Barrow's Golden-eye. Anas islandica Gmel. S. N. I. 1788, 541. Glaucionetta islandica Stejn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 409. [B594, C 506, R 619, C 726.] Geog. Dist. — Northern North America, south in winter to New York, lUinois, and Utah ; breeding from the Gulf of St. Lawrence northward, and south in the Rocky Mountains to Colorado ; Green- land ; Iceland. Accidental in Europe. Genus CHARITONETTA Stejneger. Charitonetta Stejn. Orn. Expl. Kamtsch. 1885, 163. Type, Anas a III eo la Linn. 153. Charitonetta albeola (Linn.). Buflle-bead. Anas alhcola Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 10, I. 1758, 124. Charitonetta albeola Stejn. Orn. Expl. Kamtsch. 1885, 166. %% ORDER ANSERES. 55 [B595, C 507, R621, C 727.] Geog. Dist. — North America ; south in winter to Cuba and Mex- ico. Breeds from Maine and Montana northward, through the Fur Countries and Alaska. Genus CLANGULA Leach. Clangula Leach, in Ross's Voy. Disc. 18 19, App. p. xlviii. Type, Anas glacialis Linn. 154. Clangula hyemalis (Linn.). Old-sqiiivw. Anas hyemalis Linn, S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 126. Clangula hiemalis Brehm, Handb. Vog. Deutschl. 1831, 933. [B 597, C 508, R 623, C 728.] Geog. Dist. — Northern hemisphere ; in North America south to the Potomac and the Ohio (more rarely to Florida and Texas) and California ; breeds far northward. Genus HISTRIONICUS Lesson. Histnonicus Lesson, Man. d'Orn. IL 1S28, 415. Type, Anas histrionica Linn. I" 'i . ,y'A lo5. Histrionicus histrionicus (Linn.). Harlequin Duck. Anas histrionica Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 127. Histrionicus histrionicus Boucard, Cat. Av. 1876, 60. [B 596, C 510, R 622. C 730.] Geog. Dist. — Northern North America, breeding from Newfound- land, the northern Rocky Mountains, and the Sierra Nevada (lat. 38°), northward ; south in winter to the Middle States and California ; Eastern Asia ; Iceland. '?\r! if. 41 I 1 n .• :i !ii i :i'' . «MI' '! 56 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus CAMPTOLAIMUS Gray. Camptolaimus Gray. List Gen. 1841 95. Type, Anas hihra- doria Gmel. 156. Camptolaimus labradorius (Gmel.). Labrador Duck. Anas lahradoria Gmel. S. N. L 17SS, 537. Camptolaimus labradonts Gray, List Gen. 1 841, 95. [B 600, C 510, R 624, C 730.] Geog. Dist. — Formerly Northern Atlantic coast, from New Jersey (in winter) nordiward, breeding from Labrador northward. Now extinct. Genus ENICONETTA Gray. Enkontta Gray, List Gen. 1H40, 75. Type, Anas stelleri Pall. 157. Eniconetta stelleri (Pall.). Steller's Duck. Anas stelleri Vw.v.. Spicil. Zool. VL 1769, 35. Eniconetta stelleri QtRtW, List Gen. 1840, 75. [Bs9S, C511, R 625,0731.] Geog. Dist. — Arctic and subarctic coasts of the northern hemi- sphere. Aleutian Island*;, east to Unalaska and Kadiak ; Kenai Peninsula. ■i4 l' Jf i; !".'■■ 1 ; : 1 ! ' ;, ; 1 ■'1 J 1 1 1 f li« Genus ARCTONETTA Gray. Arctonetta Gray, P. Z. S. 1855 (Feb. 1856), 212. Type, En li- giila Jjsikeri Brandt. 15S. Arctonetta iischeri (Brandt). Speotat'led Kider. Etiligidafischcri Braxot, Mem. Acad. St. Potersb. VI, 1849, 6, 10. Arctonetta fischcri Blakiston, Ibis, 1863, 150. ht ORDER AXSERES. 57 las /libra- [B 599, C 512, R 626, C 732.] Geog. Dist. Barrow. Alaskan coast of Bering Sea and north to Point ew Jersey ird. Now I/cri Pall. lern hemi- c : Kenai Type, Fiili- 1849,6, 10. Genus SOMATERIA Lkach. ' SuncENis SOMATERIA. Somatcria Lkach, in Ross's Voy. Disc. 1819, App. p. xlviii. Type, Anas viollissima Lixn. 159. Somateria moUissimci borealis A. E. Brehm. Northern Eider. Somatcria moUissima borealis A, E. Brehm. Verz. Samml. Eur. Vog. 1866, 14. [B 606, /; 'm^m^ Xinn.). Canada Go r ' Anas canadensis Linn. S. In. >. L 10, L 1758, 123. Branta canadensis Bannister, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 131. [B 567, C 485, R 594, C 702.] Geog. Dist. — TeJtiperate North America, breeding in the noi':h- ern United States and British Provinces ; south in winter to Mexico. Wla. Branta canadensis hutchinsii (Rich.). Hutchins's Goose. Anser hutchinsii Rich, in Sw. & Rich. Faun. Bor. Am. IL 1831, 470. Branta canadensis var. hutchinsii Coues, Key, 1872, 284. [B 569, C 485/^ R 594). WliiMtliiiK SwHii. Aiids lolumbianus Okd, in (Im hrik's (leoyr. 2d Am. eil. 1815, 3 '9- r '... Olor iolumbianus Sii'.jN. Pr. U. S. Nat. I\Ius. V. i88j, 210. [15561 bis, C 4 77, K 588, 0:689.] (tKoc. Dist. — The whole of North America, breediiiLr far north, (oinmander Islands, Kamchatka; accidental in Scotland. llSl. Olor buccinator (Rich). Trumpeter Swan. Cy,^niis buccinator Rich, in S\v. & Ru:n. I''auna Dor. Am. II. 1831, 464. V; . ■ " Olor buccinator V^ \v.\,v.^^\^\'i, 1832, 1234. . [H 562, C 476, R 5S9, C 688.] ' ' ' CiKoc. Dist. — Chiefly the interior of North America, from the (lulf coast to the Fur Countries, breedinj; from Iowa and the Dakotas northward; west to the Pacific coast; rare or casual on the .\tlantic. ,5 i i Dy \th i }h in '^rftii if 66 CMKCK I-IST or NOKl'll AMKUICAX HIKDS. ()kl)i:R ()I)()NTOGL()SS/Ii. Lamicllikos- TKAL GkALLATOklCS. I'AMri.v PHCENICOPTERIDiE. I''i,amin(;()e.s. Gknus PHCENICOPTERUS Linn. IVuriiico{>tcrus LlN'N. S. N. ct.1. lo, I. 175S, 1 59. Typf, /'. puher LlNN. 1S2. PhcsnicopteruB ruber Linn. Aiiii'i-ivau F'.iimiiiKo. rihvnicopicrus ruber Linn. S. N. ed. 10. L 175S, 139. \\\ 502, C 475, R 585, C 687.] C'lKon. [)isr. - Atlantic coasts of subtropical and tropical America ; soutiiern Florida. (lalapagos. OrdT'R HKRODIONHS. IIi-rons. Storks, Iblsils, inc. Suborder IBIDES. Spoonbills and Iihses. Family PLATALEIDiE. SrooNiuLi -S. Gents AJSA,1A. Reich. Ajaja Reich. Handb. 1852, p. xvi. Type, I^latalca cijaja Linn. ORDKK UKRODIONICS. 67 ls:{. Ajaja ajaja (Ij\n.). ICiiaoate Spooiililll. Pliilakc. ajiijit Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 175S, 140. Ajifja ajaja Houcard, Cat. Av. 1S76, 54. [Hsoi.C.iSS, R 505. <• 653.] CiKod. Disr. - Southern Alhmtic and (lull States soiitlnv.ird to the I'aikl.ind Islands and Patagonia. i'oinicriy north to .soullicrn Illinois. I'VMii.v IBIDIDiG. Ii;!si'>. Gknus GUARA Rkkiii:\iia(Ii. Guara RK.rcH. Syst. Av. 1852. p. xiv. Type, '/'an/a/ui ruber Linn. al America LS4. Quara alba (Linn.). Wliitt^ Ibis. Siolopax alba Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L lys-''). 145. Guara alba Sjkjn. Stand. Nat. Hist. IV. 1SS5, 9. [B 499, C 446, R 501, C 651.] (}k,()(;. Dist. — South Atlantic and Gulf States southward t(j the West Indies and northern South America ; north to North Carolina, southern Illinois, Great Salt Lake, and Lower California; casually to Long Island, Connecticut, and South Dakota. I ' pi 1' ; ■ .1 rl [185.] Guara rubra (Linn.). Scarlet Ibis. Tantalus ruber \_,\t^'S. S. Nf. ed. 12, I. 1766, 241. Guara rubra Ri' 11. Syst. Av. 1852, p. xiv. [B 498, C 447, R,5o2, C 652.] Gkog. Dist. — Florida. Louisiana, and Texas, southward to the West Indies and northern South America. No tecord of its recent occurrence in the United States. ~ '■ 1' il 68 CIIFXK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus PLEGrADIS Kaui-. Plei^adis Kaui', Skizz. Kntw. (lescli. Kur. Thicrw. 1829, 82. Type, Tantalus falcinellus Linn. .= Iri/iga autumnalis Has- SKI.(J. 1S<). Plegadis autumnalis (Hasselq.). Glossy ibis. Triiv^a autumnalis Hasselquist, Reisc nach Paliist. Deutsche Ausj;. 1762, 306. J''lcxa(lis autumnalis '6\v.]'^. Sland. Nat. Hist. IV. 1885, 160. [B 500, C 445, R 503, C 649.] Gicix;. Hist. — Wanner parts of eastern hemisphere. West Indies and southern portions of easterii LInited States, waniU'rini; northward to New iMigland and lUinois. In America only locally abundant and of irregular distribution. 187. Plegadis guarauna (Linn.). Whlte-faoed Glossy Ibia. Siolo/^ax guarauna Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 242. J'lcgatlis guarauna Ridgw. J'r. U. S. Nat. Mus. I. Oct. 2, 1878, 163. [H— , C 445 l>is. 445 tcr, R 504, C 650.] GI'Xk;. Disr. — Western United Stales, from Texas to (Jalifornia, r)rei;on, anrl casually to southern liritish Columbia, Kansas anil l'"lorida (breeding); southward through the West Indies and Mexico to South America. Suborder CICONIyE. Storks, etc. Tamiiv CICONIIDJE. Storks and Wood Iiusks. Siiti AMiLY TANTALIN.a3. Wood Iisisrs. Genus TANTALUS Linnvi:us. Tantalur. Linn. S. N. ed. 10. I. 1758, 140. I'ype, 7. lorulator Linn. *lt!S ■WWIMI » ORDER iip:R()ni()Ni':s. 69 1829, 82. talis Has- J )ciilsche , 1 60. est Indies northward abundant L. 2, 1878, California, insas and d Mexico l>s. Tantalus loculator Linn. Wood Ibis. Tivifa/tis locultttor Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 140. [B 497, C 444, R 500, C 648.] (Jeoc. I);.si. — Southern United States, from the (^hio Valley, Colorado, Utah, southeastern California, etc., south to ArU. Botaurus lentiginosus (Montac). American IMtterii. Ardea le/ifigiiiosa Mon'tag. Orn. Diet. Suppl. 1813, — . Botaurus h'liiii^nnosns Steph. Gen. Zool. XI. ii. 1819, 592. [1] 492, C 460, R 497, C 666.] Gk(k;. — Temperate North America, soulii to Guatemala, Cuba, Jamaica, and Bermuda; occasional in British Islands. Genus ARDETTA Gray. y//-,/^'/'/ri' Gray, List Gen. B. App. 1S42, 13. 'Vy^i^, Art/ra ?>iin!tta Linn. 191. Ardetta exilis (Gmei..). LeaHt LSitterii. Ardca exilis Gmei.. S. N. I. ii. 178S, 645. Ardetta cxi/is GuNOi.. J. f. (). 1S56, 345. [B 491,, C 461, K 498, C 667.] Geoo. Dist. — Temporate North America, north to the Ikitish Provinces and south to tiie West Indies and Brazil. Less common west of the Ro( ky Mountains; on tlie Pacihc coast north to northern California. 11)1. L Ardetta neosiena Cory. (Joi-y's Loast IJittorii. Ardetta uroxe/ia Cory, Auk, ill. Aj^ril, 1886, 262. [B— C— R-, C— .] Gedc. Dist. — Southern Florida (Caloosahatchie River, near Lake Okeechobee); Ontario; Michi;;an. SiMi A.\ui V ARDEINiE. Hk.rdxs and EciRiris. Genus ARDEA Linn. SiiJiiKNLs ARDEA. Ardea Linn. S. N. ed. 10, 1. 1758, 141 Type, by elimination, ./. liiierea Linn. i ORDER HERODIONES. 71 Hritish ir Lake llt2. Ardea occidentalis Aun. (Jreat White Heron. .Inkit oixUcntalis Aui). Orn. Hiog. III. 1^35, 542. [B 489, C 451, R 486, C: 656, /(f/A] Gkdo. Dist. — Florida; Cuba: Jamaica. iy;j. Ardea wardi Rinc.w. Wiird's Heron. Ardea 70(1 rdi Ridc.w. Dull. Null. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 5. [B__, C-, R— , C-.] GK(>(i. Di.ST. — Florida. 194. Ardea herodias Linn. (ireat Blue Heron. Ardea herodias LiNN. S. N. cd. 10, I. 1758, 143. [15487,^449, R 487, <^: f-SS'l CIf.oc. Disr. — North America, from the Arctic regions southward to the West Indies and northern South America. Bermudas: dalapagos. [19;').] Ardea cinerea Linn. Kiiropeau liluo Heron. Ardea cinerea Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 143. [H— C— , R 488, C657.] Gk(h;. Disr. — Most of the eastern iiemisphere ; accidental in southern Greenland. ScncKNTs HERODIAS Hoik. Jlerodias I'xjik, Isis, 1822, 559. IVpe, by elimination, Ardea egretta Gmel. 19(i. Ardea eg);etta Gmf.i,. Auicrieaii Kgret. Ardea egretta i^uv.h.'S. N I. ii. 1788,629. wm \' 72 CllliCK-LlST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [H 486, 486*, C 45^- R4S9, C6s8.] (Ii'.oc;. Drsr. — 'rcmpcratc and tropical America, from ."'.w Jersey, Minnesota, and ( )regon south to Patagonia; casually on tiie Atlantic coast to Nova Scotia Snu.KMs GARZETTA Kaui'. Garzdta Kaim", Ski/z. ImHw. Gesch. I'.ur. 'i'hierw. 1S29, 76. 'I'y|)e, Ardea ^iirzctta Linn. U>7. Ardea candidissima Gmi:l. Snowy lloron. Arilra i(ViiHiUssi>iui (iM [•:!,. S. N. 1. ii. 178S. 633. [I! 485, C 453, R 490, C 659.] Gf.O(;. Dist. — Temperate and tropical America, from Long Island and Oregon south to Argentine Rei)ublic and Chili ; casually to Nova Scotia and southern liritish C'olumhia. SriiOKM s DICHROMANASSA Rincww. Dichromanassa Rinc.w. IJull. LJ. S. (ieol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. IV. Feb. 5, 1S78, 246. Type, Ardea rnfii liouu. lys. Ardea rufescens Gmi:l. U<><1-] Gkoc. Disi. — (julf States, north to soulhcii; Illinois; Lower California and Mexico (both coasts), souMi (■. :._'aatemala ; Jamaica, and Cuba. SnujKMs HYDRANAS3A I'.\nu). Hydrauassa I^aird, 1j. N. Am. 1858,660 (in text). Type, Ardea liidoviciaiia W'li.s. = Ep-etta riifcoUis (jOssk. l!»i>. Ardea tricolor ruficollis (Gossk). fjoiiisiana Heron. Jigreffa rufnolUs Gossk, 1!. Jamaica, 1847, 338- 4rd:.i tricolor ruficollis Riucw. Vx. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, *■ (fffiMT'WT-snioific T' ' ea ORDER lUiRODIONKS. 73 [B 484, C 454, R 492, C 660.] Ci'.ik;. Disr. — (lulf Status, Mexico (Ix)lli coasts), Central America, and West Indies ; casually northward to New Jersey and Indiana. Subgenus FLORIDA B.Miti). Floriilii llAiki). r>. N. Am. 1S5S. 671. Type, Ardt'd umilra I, inn. •JIM). Ardea caerulea Linn. Little I5Iii«' Heron. Ardea acrulea Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1751S. 143- [15 490, C 456, R 493, C: 662.] C.Koc. DiST. — Isastern IJniti^d Stat(>s, from New jersey, liiinois, and Kansas, southward lhrou ifi'i 1 javan iai H o r s h' . liOi. Ardea virescens Linn. , i 10. Grus miwiiana Vieii.l. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XIIl. 1S17. 561. Cf-'t* 76 CHECK LIST OF NOFmi AMERICAN lilRDS. 1 1! 479, C--, R5S3, (:67o.| (Ikoc. Disi'. — Soiitlu'iii half of North America; now ran' near the Athintic coast, except in Cieorjjia and Florida. SuHORDicR I^ALLI. Rails, Gallinules, Coots, etc. Family ARAMIDuSi. Courlans. (Ik Mrs ARAMUS Vikii.i.ot. ^Iramiis V 11:11,1,. Analyse. 1S16, 58. l"yi>c', ^\>ilca srolo/uitca '207. Aramus giganteus (Honap.). Liinpkiii. Jiallits i^'it^^ij/i/riii lioNAT. Jour. Ac. Nat. Sci. I'hila. V. 1S25, 31. ^haiiiiis ^i^ii^(Vif('i/s I'aiui), U. N. .\m. rS^S, 657. [1! 4S1, C 464, R 581, (' 671.] Gkoc. Disr. — ■ Horida, Crreater Antilles, and both coasts of Central America. I'\\MiiA- RALLID^Sj. Rails, (Iai.mxui.ks, and Coors. SiMJiAMiLY RALLIN.S]. Rails. Genus RALLUS Linn/eus. Ralliis Linn. S. N. ed. 1 . I. 175H, 153. Type. R- a!». Rallus beldingi Riimjw. Uuhling's Kail. R.tllus behiiiii^i Riixiw. Tr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 1SS2. ;,45. [B_ C— , R— , C-.| Gk(I(;. DisT. — Lower California ( Ksjjiritu Santo Ishunl and viciiv ity of La Faz). -llH. Rallus obsoletus Ridi.w. (.'alil'oriiiii Clapiicr Kail. Rallus clc\i:[r 78 CIIKC'K-LIST OK NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. |M- (•-, R57W/. C675.J Geoc. Disr. — Coast of Louisiana. '•ill.l. Rallus scottii (Sknn.). Klori4la (iapprr Uall. Rttllns loiii^irostris scottii Sknn. Auk, V. July, i.SSS, 305. A',r//us so/ttii Sii-NSKTV, Auk, VI. April, 18S9, pp. 165, 166. [H— , C— , R— ,(:—.) (iKod. Disr. — Wcslorn Florida (salt marshes). |'J1I.'J.|. Rallus longirostris caribccus Riik.w. ('aribl>t'aii Clapper i{ail. A'(/////\ loii}^irostiis airilucus Rirxiw. I!ull. Nutt. Orn. Club, V. July, 1S80, 140. [H— r - , R_, c— .] Gkoc. Di.sT. — West Inilies and Gulf coast of Mexico, north to Texas (Corpus Christi and Galveston). 'J 12. Rallus virginianus Linn. Virginia Rail. Rallus viri^inianus Linn. S. N. eil. 12, L 1766. 263. [H 554, C 467, R 57J, C 677.] Gk(k,. Disr. — North America, from the British Provinces south to Guatemala and vAiba. Genus FORZANA Vieillot. SinoicNus PORZANA. Porzana Vieii.l. Analyse, 1S16, 61. 'Yy^c,-RiillHs porzana Linn. [2LS.] Porzana porzana (Linn.). Spotted Crake. Rallus porzana Lixx. S. N. ed. 12, L 1766, 262. Porzana porzana IJoi-cari), Ca . Av. 1876, 7. [U— , C-, R573, C678.] ^.\. ■WM;y *mM^mmmi\m iMwJByiftffJSgiiMI.^^^^ ORDF.R PAHDICOI.-i:. 79 CiKof;. Disr.- Nortlicni parts of tlic ( )l(l World; occasional in (iiccnIaiKl. •J14. Forzana Carolina (Linn.)- Sora. A'ii//iis ((iro/iniis 1,i\n. S. N. ed. lo, I. 175S, 153. rorzd/id uin>/in'i I'.aikI), Lit. Roc. iV jour. Linn. Assoc. I'tnn. Coll. Oct. 1845, -5.S- [H 555, C64S, K574, (:67,).l Gr.oo. Dtsr. — Tcnipcralc North .\incrica, hrccilin^ cliietly iiorlli- ward. but less conmumly on ihc I'acilic co.isi. ('asiLiUy north to South Grcenhiiid. South to the West Indies and norllicrn Soutii .Vinerica. Siiu.KNcs COTURNICOPS BovArAKi k. CoturnitOps IJonai'. Conipt. Rend. XLIII. rS56, 599. lypc, Fitlioi noveboniccnsh Gmki,. Ji >. Forzana noveboracensis (C]\ii:l.). Yolluw Kiiil. Indica noveboracensis G.mki.. S. N. I. ii. lySS, 701. J'oizana noveboracensis Uaird, Lit. Rue. i\: Jour. Linn, .\ssoc. l*enn. L'oll. Oct. 1845, 255. [B 557, C 4O9, R 575' ^ 680.] Gkoo. Uist. — Chiclly eastern North America, north to Nova Scotia, Hudson Hay, etc., less commonly west to Nevada and California. No e.vtralimital records except for Cuba and Bermuda. SuncjENcs CRECISCUS Cahams. Creciscus Cm;. J. f. O. 1856, 428, I'ype, Ralliis jamaiccnsis I.,inn. 2l(i. Forzana jamaicensis (Gmel.). Black Rail. Ralliis jamaicensis ^^\\v.\.. S. N. L ii. 178S, 718. Porzana jamaicensis Baird, Lit. Rec. X: Jour. Linn. Assoc. I'enn. Coll. Oct. 1845, 257. li: ■ m M^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) A WJ^ WJ. 1.0 I.I 1.25 UilM 12.5 U£ 1^ 12.2 lAo 12.0 K 1.4 III 1.8 1.6 V] ^ /a ^ c-l /: > ,>* ^ /A -^ y Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^4 .^\^^ m^mw 80 CHECK-LIST OF NOR ril AMERICAN IJIRDS. [B55^>. <^' 470, I< 576, C 68 1.1 GE j!| ^ff 82 CIIECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN HIRDS. Order LIMICOLyE. Shore Birds. Family FHALAROFODIDiE. Phalaropes. i I I 1 1 v ■■\ Genus CRYMOPHILUS Vieillot. Crymophilus Vieill. Anal. 1816, G2. Type, Triiiga fulicaria Linn. 222. Crymophilus fulicarius (Linn.). Red Phalarope. Tringa fulicaria Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 148. Crymophilus fulicarius Stejn. Auk, IL 1885, 183. [B 521, C 411, R 563, C 604.J Geog. Dis.'. — Northern parts of northern hemisphere, breeding in the Arctic regions and migrating south in winter ; in the United States south to the Middle States, Ohio Valley, and Cape St. Lucas ; chiefly maritime. Genus FHALAROFUS Brisson. Subgenus PHALAROPUS. Phalaropiis Briss. Orn. VL 1760, 12. Type, by elimination, Tringa lobata Linn. 223. Fhalaropus lobatus (Linn.). Northern Phalarope. Tringa lohata Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 148, 824. Phalaropus lobatus Salvad. Ucc. d'ltalia, IL 1872, 210 (nee Latham qui Crymophilus fulicarius, nee Wilson qui /V/. tricolor) . [B 520, C 410, R 564, C 603.] Geog. Dist. — Northern portions of northern hemisphere, breed- ing in arctic latitudes ; south in winter to the tropics. ORDER LIMICOL.E. 83 St it(ii;Nis 3TEGANOPUS \'if.u.i.ot. Ste!S[aiio/>iis\\VAh\.. Xouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XXXII. 18 19, 136. Type, S. //vtv;/*;/- ViEiLL. 'I'll. Phalaropus tricolor ( Vieili. ). Wilson's I'halaropo. Stc^aiiopiis tricolor Vikill. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XXXII, 1819, 136. Fhaiitropus tricolor Stejx. Auk, II. 1S85, 183. [15 519. C409, R 565, C 602.] Geog. DisT. — Temperate North Ameriea, chiefly the interior, lirccdinn; from northern Illinois and Utah northward to the .Sas- katchewan rejiion ; south in winter to Brazil and Patagonia. Family RECURVIROSTRIDiE. Avocets and Stilts. Genus RSCURVIROSTRA Linnaeus. Recurvirostra Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I, 1758, 151. Type, R. avosctta Linn. [ o (nee ui Ph. breed- 'i'Jo. Recurvirostra americana Gmel. American Avocet. Recurvirostra americana GyiEL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 693. [B 517, C 407, R566, C 600.] Geog, Dist. — Temperate North America, north to the Saskat- chewan and Great Slave Lake ; in winter, south to Guatemala and the West Indies. Rare in the eastern United States. Genus HIMANTOPUS Brisson, Himantopus Briss, Orn. VI. 1760, 33, Type, Charadriiis hitnan- topus Linn. fi »( ih .■' ■> . 1 84 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 226. Himantopus mexicanus (Mull.). BliU'k-necked Stilt. Charadri us mexicanus Mull. S. N. Suppl. 1776, 117. Himantopus mexicanus Oru, VVils. Orn. VII. 1824, 52. [B 518, C 408, R 567, C 601.] Geog. Dist. — Temperate North America, from the northern United States southward to the West Indies, northern Brazil, and Peru. Rare in eastern United States, except in Florida. Family SCOLOFACIDiSEi. Snipes, Sandpipers, etc. 'Mil'J^,!; li'S Genus SCOLOPAZ Linn/Eus. Scolopax Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 145. Type, ^. rusticola Linn. [227.] Scolopax rusticola Linn. European Woodcock. Scolopax rusticola Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 146. [B— , C413. 1^5^4, C606.] Geog. Dist.— Northern parts of the Old World ; occasional in eastern North America. Genus FHILOHELA Gray. Philohela Gray, List Gen. B. 1841, 90. Type, Scolopax minor Gm. 228. Philohela minor (Gmel.). American Woodcock. Scolopax minor Gmel, S. N. L ii. 178S, 661. Philohela minor Gray, List Gen. B. 1841, 90. [B 522, C 412, R 525, C 605.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, north to the British Pro- vinces, west to Dakota, Kansas, etc. ; breeding throughout its range. No extralimital record e.xcept Bermuda. '■m. ORDER MMICOLyE. 8S Genus GALLINAOO Leach. Gallimgo Leach, Syst. Cat. Brit. Mam. &: Birds, iSi6, 31. Type, Scolopax major Linn. [229.] Gallinago gallinago (Linn.). European Snipe. Scolopax gallinago Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 147. Gallinago gallinago Licht. Nom. Mus. Berol. 1S54, 93. [H_ c— , Rs26, C607.] Geog. Dist. — Nortliern parts of the Old World ; frequent in Greenland, accidental in Bermuda. 230. Gallinago delicata (Ord). Wilson's Snipe. Scolopax delicata Ord, Wils. Orn. IX. i8?5. p. ccxviii. Gallinago delicata A. O. U. Check-List, 1886, 148. [B 523, C 414, R 526^7, C G08.] Geog. Disr. — North and Middle America, breeding from the northern United States northward ; south in winter to the West Indies and northern South America. Genus MACRORHAMPHUS Leach. Macrorhamphtis Leach, Syst. Cat. Brit. Mam. & B. 18 16, 31. Type, Scolopax grisea Gmel. 231. Macrorhamphus griseus (Gmel.). Dowitclier. Scolopax grisea GuKL. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 658. Macrorhamphus griseus Leach, Syst. Cat. Brit. Mam. & B. 1816, 31. [B 524, C 415, R 527, C 609.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, breeding far north ; south in winter to the West Indies and Brazil. Casual (?) in Alaska (Nushagak River), Bermuda, Great Britain, and Kurope. m / r'ii- ! ; i ' ! 1 i 9 1 ! 1. ■ ) ii i 86 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 2:i2. Macrorhamphus scolopaceus (Say). LonK-l>illi>(l Dowitclier. Litnosa Siolopacea Sav, Long's Exp. II. 1S23, 170. Alacrorluxniplvis scolopaceus Lawk. Ann. Lye. N. V. V. 1852, 4, pi. I. Geo(;. Dist. — Western Norlli America, l^reecling in AlaslNAP.). stilt Sandpiper. Tringa hiviaiitopus Bonap. Ann. Lye. N. Y. II. 1S26, 157. Micropalama himan'opus 1!aird, B. N. Am. 1S58, 726. ' [B 536, C 416, R 528, C 611.] Geoo. Dist. — Eastern North America, breeding north of the United States, and migrating in vvinter to Bermuda, West Indies and Central and South America. Genus TRINGA Linn^us. Subgenus TRINGA. Tringa Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 148. Type, by elimination, 7! canutus Linn. 234. Tringa canutus Linn. Knot. Tringa canutus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 149. [B 526, C 426, R 529, C 626.] Geog. Dist. — Nearly cosmopolitan. Breeds in high northern latitudes, but visits the southern hemisphere during its migrations. ORDER LINUCOL-E. 87 Si'UGKNi's ARQUATELLA Hmkd. Ar,/U(itt'!la Baird, B.N. Am. 1S5S, 714, 717. Type, Tiin^a niaritivui 15kun.\. U3.'). Tringa maritima I^rlnn. I'lirplc Sandpiper. 7'ringii maritima Brunn. Orn. I'.or. i7C)4. 54. [15 528, C 423, R 530, C 6jo.] Ge()(;. Disr. — Northern portions of the northern hemisphere; in North America chiefly the northeastern portions, breeding in the high north, migrating in winter to the Kastcrn and Middle States (casually to Florida), the Great Lakes, and the shores of the larger streams in the upper Mississippi Valley. 230. Tringa couesi (Ri!)G\v.). Aleutian Saii«lpip<'r. Arqiiafella couesi KiMOW. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, V. July, 18S0, 160. Tringa couesi Hartlaur, Journ. f. Orn. 1883, 280. [H-, C— , R531, ('(.21.] GEOf.. DiST. — Aleutian Islands and coast of Alaska, north to Kowak River, west to Commander Islands, Kamchatka. -•'J7. Tringa ptilocnemis Coles. Pribilof Sandpiper. Tringa ptilocnemis CoUES, Elmoti's Rep. Seal Isl. Alaska, 1873 (not paged). [B— , C426-^/.r, R532, C622.] Geog. Dist. — Breeding in the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, and mi- grating to coast of adjacent mainland south of Norton Sound. I fUijii^r Sl'ugexus ACTODROMAS Ka II'. Actodromas Kaup, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Kur. Thierw. 1829, 37. Type, IVinga minuta Leisl. 88 CHi:CK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN niRDS. I I *2'.lH. Tringa acuminata (IIoksk.). Shiirp-tailcd Hundpipor. 'J'otanus (icuminaius Horsf. Linn. Trans. XIII. 1821, 192. I'ririi^a acumiuatir Swinh. P. Z. S. 1863, 316. [J]-, C-, R 533, C 619.] Geog. Dist. — Kastorn Asia, and coast of Alaska, migrating south to Java and Australia. 239. Tringa maculata V(eii.l. I'ectortii Hiiiidpiper. Tringa maculata Vikili.. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XXXIV. 1819, 465. [U 531, C 420, R 534, C 616.] Geog. Dist. — The whole of North America, the West Indies, and the greater part of .South America. Breeds in the Arctic regions. Of frequent occurrence in Europe. 240. Tringa fuscicollis Vieii.l. White-ruiiiped Sundpiper. Tringa fuscicoUis Vieii.l. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XXXIV. 1819, 461. [B 533. C 421, R 536, C 617.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, breeding in the high north. In winter, the West Indies, Central and South America, south to the Falkland Islands. Occasional in Europe. 241. Tringa bairdii (Coues). Bilird's Sandpiper. Actodromas bairdii Cov^^s, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1861, 194. Tringa bairdii ScL. P. Z. S. 1S67, 332. [B— , C 419, R 537, C 615.] Geog. Dlst. — Nearly the whole of North and South America, but chiefly the interior of North and the western portions of South America, south to Chiii and Patagonia. Breeds in Alaska and on the Barren Grounds. Rare along the Atlantic coast, and not yet recorded from the Pacific coast of the United States. ORDER LIMICOL.E. 89 242. Tringa minutilla Vieiil Least HaiKlpiper. IVini^n minutilla Vikill. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XXXIV. 1819, 452- [B 532, C 418, R53H, C614.] Gkog. Dist. — The whole of North anfl South America, breeding north of the United States. Accidental in l-.urope. [242.1.] Tringa damacensis (Horsk.). Loiig-toe<'r. Trini^ii ffrnv^mea Hrunn. Orn. l!or. i7(')4, 53. [U 529, C 425, R 540, C 625.] Geoo. Dist.— Old VVorld in ^^eiiL-ial; occasional in eastern North America and Alaska. m i ,' H'li'''- i ilMI ' Genus EURYNORHYNCHUS Nilsson. Eurynoihynchits ^ws's. Orn. Suec. II. 182 1, 79. Type, Plataka Py^mica Linn. [24;").] Eurynorhynchus pygmseus (Linn.). Spouii-bill !Siiii(l|>ipi'f. rhiLxlea pypnica Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 140. Eurytiorliynchits pygtmcus Pear.son, Jour. As. Soc. Beng. V. 1836, 127. [H— , C— , R 542*, C 884.] Geog. Dist. — Asia; in summer along the Arctic coast, in winter southern and southeastern Asia. Accidental on the coast of Alaska (Choris Peninsula). Genus EREITNETES Illiuer. Ereunetes Illig. Prodr. 181 1, 262. Type, E. petrifiaxtus Illig. = Tr'niga pusilla Linn. 246. Ereunetes pusillus (Linn.). Semipalinated Sandpiper. Tringa pusilla Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 252, Ereunetes pusillus Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. i860, 195. i;ik. ORDKR LIMICOL.E. 91 [H 535, C 417, R 541, C612.] Geoo. DisT. — Kastern North America, l)rcL(linjj north of the United States; south in winttrto the West Indies anil South America. 247. Ereunetes occidentalis Lawk. West«'rn SaiHliiipcr. Enunch's occiikntalis Lawk. I'r. Ac. Xat. Sci. I'hila. 1S64, 107. [I! — , C 4I7<^ R 541^/, C 613.] Gf.dg. Disr.— Chieliy western United States, freciuent eastward to the Ath'.ntic coast; brecdinj^ far north and migralini; in winter to Central and South America. Genus CALIDRIS Cuvikk. Calidris Cuv. Le9. Anat. Comp. I. 1 799-1800, tabl. ii. Type, Triiii^a arenariu Linn. :J4H. Calidris arenaria (Linn.). SaiKlcrliiij;. Triii^^a annaria Linn. S. N. ed. 12, L 1766, 251. Calidris arciuxria Leach, Syst. Cat. IJrit. ALun. li: B. 1816, 28. [15 534, C 427. R 542, C627.] Geoo. DisT. — Nearly cosmopolitan, breedinj^ in the arctic and subarctic regions, migrating, in America, south to Chili and Pata- gonia. Genus LIMOSA Urisson. Limosa Briss. Orn. V. 1760, 261. Tvpe, Scolopax limosa Linn. 249. Limosa fedoa (Linn.). Marbled Godwit. Scolopax fedoa Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 146. Limosa fedoa Sabine, Franklin's Journ. Polar Sea, 1823, 689. p^'Ji H yA 1 W H ^ a;n .ffif:" 92 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 547, C 428, R 543, C 628.] Geog. Dist. — North America ; breeding in the interior (from Iowa and Nebraska, northward to Manitoba and the Saskatchewan), migrating in winter to Guatemala, Yucatan, etc., and Cuba. 250. Limosa lapponica baueri (Naum.). Pacific Godwit. Litnosa baueri Naumann, Vog. Deutschl. VIII. 1834, 429. Limosa iappo/iica baueri ^VKji^. Oxn. Y.K^\. Kamtsch. 1885, 122. [B — , C 430, R 544, C 631.] Geog. Dist. — Shores and ishinds of the Pacific Ocean, from New Zealand and Australia to Kamchatka and Alaska. On the Amer- ican coast '"ecorded south of Alaska only from La Paz, Lower Cali- fornia. 25L Limosa haemastica (Linn.). lludsoniun Godwit. Scolopax luentastica Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 147. Limosa hccmastica Coues, Birds Northwest, 1874, 760. [B 548, C 429, R 545, C 629.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America and the whole of Middle and South America. Breeds only in the high north. [252.] Limosa limosa (Linn.). Blaclc-tailed Godwit. Scolopax limosa Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 147. Limosa limosa Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 356. [H— , C— , R546, C630.] Geog. Dist. — Northern parts of the Old World ; accidental in Greenland. 1 : Genus TOTANUS Bkchstein. Tetanus Bech. Orn. Tasch. Deutschl. 1803, 282. Type, Scolo- pax totanus Linn. 1 1 ll rior (from atchewan), , 429. 1885, 122. , from New the Amer- ,ower Cali- of Middle ;> 356- ndental in ORDER LIMICOI.^. SuncENLs GLOTTIS Kocii. 93 Glottis Koch, Baier. Zool. 181^), 304. Typr, Totanus glottis Bechst. = Scolopax nclmlarius Gunner. [253.] Totanus nebtilarius (Gunn.\ (Jreeu-sliank. Scolopax ncbularius Gunner, in Leem, Lapp. Beskr. 1767, 251. Totanus nebtilarius Stejn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, 37. [B 538, C 434, R 547, C 635.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern hemisphere; accidental in Florida. 254. Totanus melar»oleucus (Gmel.), Greater Yellow-iogs. Scolopax melanolcuca Gmel. S. N. I. i'. 1788, 659. Totanus mclanolcucus Vieill. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. VI. 1S16, 398. [^5 539. C 432v R 548, C 633.] Geck;. Dist. — America in j?;eneral, breeding from Iowa and north- ern Illinois, etc., nortJiward, and migrating south to Chili and Argentine Republic. 255. Totanus flavipes (Gmel.). YelloAV-legs. Scolopax flavipes Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, G59. lotanus Jla7'ipes \iv.\i.L. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. VI. 1816, 410. [B 540, C 433, R 549' C 634.] Geog. Dist. — America in general, breeding in the cold temperate and subarctic districts, and migrating south in winter to southern South America. Less common in vestern than in eastern North America. H '\ rl filers 1 (jRiiS J^Q, Scolo- SuHGENLs HBLODROMAS Kaup. Ilclodromas Kaup, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. luir. Thierw. 1829, 144. Type, Tringa ochropus Linn. 94 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 2."6. T'jtanus solitarius (Wils.). Solitary Sandpiper. Trwga solitaria Wils. Am. Orn. VII. 1813. 53, pi. 58, fig. 3. TotiXHHs solitarius Bonap. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. V. 1825, 86. [B 541, C 435, R 550, C 637.] Geog. Dist. — North America, breeding occasionally in the north- ern United States, more commonly northward, and migrating south- ward as far as the Argentine Republic and Peru. t.m fi « f' II 2")6n,part?^ Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast region, eastward to the Plains. [257.] Totanus ochropus (LuVxV.). Green Sandpiper. Tringa ocrophus (err. typ.) Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 149. Totanus ochropus Temm. Man. 1815, 420. [B— C-, R551, C636.] Geog. Dist. — Northern parts of the Cid World. Accidental in Nova Scotia. Genus S7MFHEMIA Rafinesque. Symphemia Raffnesque, jour. de Phys. LXXXVIII. 18 19, 418. Type, Scokpax semipcbnata Gmel. 258. Symphemia semiT./almata (Gmel.). Willet. Scolopax scmipalmata Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 659. Symphcmi. semipalmata Hartl. r\ev. Zool. ib:)5, 342. [B 537, C 431, R 552, C 632.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern temperate North America, south to the West Indies and Brazil. Breeds from Florida to New Jersey and locally and rarely tc Maine. Accidental in Bermuda and Europe. ORDER LIMICOL.E. 2hSa. Symphemia semipalmata inornata Bkkwst. Western WlUet. 95 Sxmplicin'ui semipalmata inornata Brewst. Auk, IV. April, 1887, 145- [B 537'A"'A K \2>\,part, R ^z^i, part, C 632, /.). Little Ring Plover. Charadrius dubius Scopoi.i, Delic. F, et FI. Insubr. IL 1786,93. y£,i;ialitcs dubius Swinh. P. Z. S. 187 i, 404. [B— , C 400 bis, R 519, C 590.] Gkog. Dist. — Most of the eastern hemisphere, breeding northward. Accidental on the coast of California and in Alaska. 'J77. iEgialitis meloda (Ord). Piping Plover. Charadrius melodus Ord, ed. VViLS. VIL 1S24, 71. ^i^iilites melodus Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 45. [B 508. C 400, R 520, C 587.] Geoc;. Dist. — Kaster'i North America, breeding from the coast of Virginia northward to Newfoundland ; in winter. West Indies. '1" a. JBgialitis meloda circumcincta Rinc.w. Belted Piping Plover. AL^ialitis melodus var. circumcinctus RiDciw. Am. Nat. VIIL Feb. 1874, 109. [B — , C 400^, R 520rt, C 588.] Geog. Dist. — Mississippi Valley, breeding from northern Illinois north to Lake Winnipeg ; more or less frequent eastward to the Atlantic coast. iu n ( 5.- t 1 02 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMKRICAN BIRDS. 278. JBgialitis nivosa Cass. Hiiowy l*lover. yEgialitis nivosa CkSfi. in IJaipd, B. N. Am. 1858, 696. [H 509, C 401, R 521, C 591.] Geoo. Dist. — Western U litetl States, from California east to Kansas and western (lulf ^lates ; in winter, both coasts of Central America, and western Sou'.i America to Chili. Western Cuba, ['i79.] JEgialitis mongola (I'all.). Mougoliaii I'lover. C/iarat/riiis 7iiongo/its Vma.. Reise Russ. Reich. III. 1776, 700. Ai^ialitcs vion^^olns SwiNii. I'. Z. S. 1870, 140. [H— C— , R— , C— .] Geoo. Drsr. — Northern Asia, south in winter to India, Malay Archipolago, Philippines, and Australia. Choris Peninsula, Alaska ; accidental. Si'iuiEM s OCHTHODROMUS Reichrxbach. Ochthodrovius Rkicii. Syst. Av. 1852, p. .xviii. Type, Chara- drius wihonius Ord. '280. iEgialitis wilsonia (Ord). Wilson's Plover. Charadrius loi/sotiia Ord, Wils. Orn. IX. 18 14, 77, pi. 73, fig. 5. Aii:;ialites wi/sofiins Konap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 45. [B 506, C 398, R 522, C 585.] Geoo. Dist. — Coasts of North and South America, from Long Island and Lower California southward to Brazil and Peru, including the West Indies. Casual north to Nova Scotia. Subgenus PODASOCYS Coues. Podasocys Coues, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1866, 96. Charadrius montanus 1'owns. Type, ORDKR LIMK'OL.i:. »"3 'jsi. iEgialitis montana (Towns,). Mountain riov.-r. Charadriiis motitatms Towns. Jour. Ac. Nat. Sci. I'hila. \'1I. 1837, 19?. /Ei^ialitis tnontntnis Cass, in Bairh, H. N. Am. 1858, 693. [H 505, C 402. R 523, C 592.] CfKor,. PisT. — Chiefly the IMains. from central Kansas to the Knrky Mountains, north to the Hritish hounchiry, breeding; from Kansas nortliward : westward, especially in winter, to central and southern California, and south to I^ower California and San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Accidental in Florida. I'AMii.v APHRIZIDiE. SuRK Birds and TrRNsioNEs. SlUFAMII.Y APHRIZINJB. SlRF UlRllS. i Genus AFHRIZA Auduiion. /////m(? Ai;d. Orn. l}io{j. V. 1839. 249. I'ype, ^. Av.v/jrW/ Aud. = Tringa virgata Cm el. 'l.'^'l. Aphriza virgata (Cm el.). Surf Bird. 'Jrifiga virgata Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 674. Aplirba I'irgata Gray, Gen. B. III. 1847, pi. cxlvii. [B sii, C 403. K. 5ii.<-^ S94-] Geoc. Dist. — Pacific coast of America, from Alaska to Chili. m , Subfamily ARENARIINiE. Tlkns tonics Genus ARENARIA I^risson. Areiiaria Briss. Orn. V. 1760, 132. Type, Tringa hiterp res l^xaa. 'J8;i Arenaria interpres (Linn.). Turnstone. Tringa interpres Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 148. Arenaria interpres WiiLXLh. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XXIV, 1819, 345- ,i;lf. I04 Cm:CK-MST OK NORTH AMKRICAN HIKDS. [B 515, C 406, R 509, C 59«.J Geoo. Dist. — Nearly cosmopolitan. Iii America from (Ireeniaiul and Alaska to the Straits of Maj^ellan ; more or less common in tin- interior of North America, on the shores of the (Ireat Lakes and the larger rivers, {{reeds in high northern latitudes. 'JH4. Arenaria melanocephala (Vu;.). lilark Tiiriistoiio. Strepsilas ttulivioapholus Vk;, Zool. Jour. IV. Jan. 1829, 356. Araiitria nu'lanoit'pliala Spkjn. Auk, I. July, 1884, 229. [H 516, C 4o6arrow. Alaska, to Santa Margarita Island. Lower California ; breeding from Alaska south to Hritish Columbia. Accidental in India. Family HiEMATOPODIDJES. Oyster-catchers. Genus HiEMATOFUS Linn/kus. H(('mato;^'is Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 152. Type, //. ostrale- gus Linn. [285.] Hsematopus ostralegus Linn. Oyster-catcher. Hu-matopiis ostralegus \.\^^. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 152. [B-,C— R 506, C 595.] Geog. Di-ST. — Sea-coasts of Europe and part of Asia and Africa ; occasional in Greenland. 286. Haematopus palliatus Temm. American Oyster-catcher. Hcematopiis palliatus Temm. Man. IL 1820, 532. [B 512, C 404, K 507, C 596.] Geog. Dist. — Sea-coasts of temperate and tropical America, from New Jersey and western Mexico to Patagonia ; occasional or acci- dental on the Atlantic coast north to Massachusetts and Grand Menan. i| ' r:>.'" ()Rl)i;U I.IMKOL.K. 105 'js(;.l. HaematopuB frazari IIkkwsi. Krii/ur's OyHtiT CMtrlirr. I lutnatopiis frazari IlKKWsr. Auk, V. I.»i\. iSSS, S j. [li -, C-. k-, C .] (]Kt)(;. Disi". — Lower (California (both coasts), iiortli lo I,os ( 'oro- nados Islands. 'J^T Haematopus bachmani Aid. illiu'k OysU^i'-oiiU'luT. lliematopus baihuiaiii \\)u. Orn. l!io^. V. iH^ij, „> 45. pi. \ii. 1 1! 5'3. ("t^S- '< .^^•^•<" S'>7-! (Ik.oc. Disr.— I'acific coast ot North .\mi rii a, tioiii the Alciiliin Islands to La I'az, Lower California. Family JACANID^. Jaianas. Genus J AC AN A Bkisson. Jacivia Hkiss, Orn. V. 1760, 121. Type, h) tliniinaticjn, luilica spi)wsa Linn. [U>ayi B\v. Auk, II, April, 1885, 199. [B— . C— , R— , C— .] Geoo. Dist. — Sonera to .southern Arizona. Genus OREORTYX I! \iun. Oreoriyx 15aird, B. N. Am. 1858. 643. Typi'. Or(y.\ /'ir/a Douci,. ■J92. Oreortyx pictus J)()uc.l.). ^fountain I'artrlilge. OrfyxfictaDovcA.. 'I'rans. Linn. Soc. .XYL i8:?9. 143. tm Oirorfyx picfiis Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, U\2. [i^ 473, ^ 39O' l'^ 4S1. G 57 1-1 Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast region, from San I'lancisio |!a\ noilh to \\'ashin[;ton. Introduced on Vancouver Island. 292 d -■!.. I ; linl n ' !?' 1 08 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B— , C— , R 48 u?, C— .] Gi:()(;. DisT. — Sierra Nevada (both slopes), east to I'anamiiit Mountains^ and to Mount Ma<;ruder, Nevada ; south in the coast ranges from San Francisco Bay to Lowei CaUfornia (Campos). 'ISyili. Oreortyx pictus confinis Anthony. San Pei Genus CYRTONYX Gould. Cyr/o/iyx (ioui.D, Mon. Odont. " pt. i, 1844. pi. vii. Or/yx massena Less. = O. moiitezuime Vi(i. Type, .1 ' * 'i no CUKLK-LIST OF NORTH AMKRICAN HIRDS. 2fi(!. Cyrtonyx montezumae fVir,.). 3Iussuiia l*urtriiisky (iroiise. Titrao oiisiui us Say, L(jn(;\s ICxp. II. 1823, 14. Deiidragapus ohstid us i-",i,Lioi, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. I'hila. 1864, 23. [li 459' ^ 3^^ I, !<■ 47'' <^ 557-] Ci-.oc.. Disr. — Rockv Mountains, from central Montana and southeastern Idaiio to New Mexico and Arizona, eastward to the r.huk Mills, Soutii Hnkota, and westward to East Humboldt Moun- tains, Nevada. iil>7 a. Dendragapus obscurus fuliginosus Ridgw. Sooty Grouse. Cunucc ohscura var. fuUginosa Rujcw. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Dec. 1873, 199. Daiihagapus obscurus fuliginosus Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [IJ— , (' 38 1 A R 471,;, C 559.] (ii'.oc. Disr. — Northwest coast mountains, from California to Sitka, east to Nevada, western Idaho, and portions of British Columbia. ORDER (;ALLIN\E. I 1 I 297/'. Dendragapus obscurus richardsonii (Douol.). Riclianlsun's (i rouse. 7eiriio rickanisonii '"'SiW^. MS." Douc.i,. Liim. Trans. XVI. iii. 1829, 141. Dt'iiihiii^dpiis obscurus richardsoni RiDcw. I'r. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885,355. [B— C38l,^ R471''', C5sS.] Geoc. DisT. — Rocky Mountains, osiiecially on the eastern slopes, from central Montana, northern Wyoniinj;, and southeastern Idaho into British America to Liard River. mw\\ SiuiCiKNcs CANACHITES Sikinkcjek. Qvuii/iitt's SiKjN. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1S85, 410. Type, Tetrao caiuxdensis Li\N. -20s. Dendragapus canadensis (Lixx.y Canada Grouso. Ictrao caiiadt'iisis 'Lx'syi. S. N. ed. 10. I. 1758, 159. Dendragapus canadensis Turner, I'r. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1S85, 245. [B 460, C 380, R47^^ <^'555] Gi'.oc;. Disi". — British America, east of the Rocky Mountains, and west in Alaska to the Pacific coast at Kadiak and St. Michaels, southeastward to northern Minnesota, northern Michij^an, northern New York, and northern New England. JDO. Dendragapus franklinii (1)(jugl.). Franklin's Grouse. Tetrao franklinii Dougl. Trans. Linn. Soc. XVI. iii. 1829, 139. Dendragapus franklinii \\W)(\\\. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355- [B 461, C 380^7, R 472(7, C 556.] Gr:oG. DisT. — Northern Rocky Mountains, from northwestern Montana to the coast ranges of Oregon and Washington, and north- ward in British America, reaching the Pacific coast of southern Alaska (lat. 60" N.). x^ i 1^" I' *l 'W ii t Ijl 112 CUKCK-MST OF NORTH AMERICAN HIRDS. Genus BONASA Stephkns. Botiasa SiKi'H. (Icii. Zool. XI. 1S19, 298. Type, Tetrao umhcllus Linn. :;(>(». Bonasa umbellus (I-inn). iiullcd <>ruiisc. Tctitio ttDil't'lliis Linn. S. N. cd. 12, L 1766, 275. Bonasa uinlicUns SiKi'ii. (Icn. Zool. XI. 1H19, 300. [15 465, C 3S5, R 473, C 565.] (Ikoc. Disr. — Kastorn United States and . southern C'anada, to Minnesota, south in the mountains to noitiiern (leorgia, Mississippi, and .\rkansas. .^0(L^ Bonasa umbellus togata (LrNN.). Cuiiadiaii liiilft'd (iron so. Tclrao foi^a/ns Lin.n. S. N. ed. 12, 1766, 275. Inmasa umbellus fogata Rinnw. I'r. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355- [15— C— R-, C-.] (Ikoc. Disk. — 'The spruce forests of northerr New England, northern New York, and the Uritish Provinces, west to Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, nortii to James Bay. MOO/;. Bonasa umbellus umbelloides (Douni,.). (Jray Riiltod Grouse. Tdrao unibelloiihs Douci,. Trans. Linn. Soc. XVI. iii. 1829, 148. Bonasa uinhcllus var. nmbclloiiks Raird, B. N. Am. 1858, 925. [B 465*, C 385,., R 473.^ C 566.] (jix)c;. DisT. — Rocky Mountain region of the United States and British America, north to Alaska, east to Manitoba. MOO (. Bonasa umbellus sabini (Dougl.). Oregoii Riiffert CJroiiso. Tetrao sabini Doticr,. Trans, Linn. Soc. XVI. iii. 1829, 137. Bonasa uml>cllus var. sabinei Covks, Key, 1872, 235. ORDER GALLINyE. 113 [B 466, C 385^, R 473/;, C 567.] Geoo. Dist. — Coast ranjjos of northern California, Oregon, Wash- ington, and British Columbia. Genus LAGOPUS Bkisson. Lagopiis Bkiss. Ornith. I. 1760, 181. Type, Tctrao /agopus Linn. 801. LagopuB lagopus (Linn.). Willow Ptarmigan. Tetnxo lagopus Linn. S. N. ed. lo, I. 1758, 159. Lagopus lagopus Spejn. Pr. \5. S. Nat. Mas. VI I L 1885. 20. [B 467, 470, C 386, R 474, C 56S.J Geoo. Dist. — Arctic regions; in America south to Sitka and the British Provinces. Breeding range restricted to the arctic and sub- arctic regions, mainly north of 55° X. lat. Accidental in New England (Bangor, Me., and Essex Co., Mass.). 301 (^ Lagopus lagopus alleni Stejn. Allen's Ptarmigan. Lagopus alba alleni Stejn. Auk, I. Oct. 1S84, 369. Lagopus lagopus alleni Stejn. Pr. If. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 20. Geog. Dist. [B— , C— , R— , C— .] Newfoundland. 802. Lagopus rupestris (Gimel.). Roek Ptarmigan. letrao rupestris Guv.\.. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 751. L^agopus rupestris Leach, Zool. Misc. II. 1817, 290. [B 46S, C 3S7, R 475, C 569.] Geog. Dist. — Arctic America (except the northern extremity), from Alaska to Labrador and the Gulf of St. Lawrence ; portions of Greenland ; Aleutian Islands. 8 ■1 'i ' ■ iH ' ■£ t 1^ * ^^nM t if M yHfe^^ ,AM ^!f fl|^^^ It'N^'ifl '■ kj Hi ■ f i I'A 'I H 114 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 802 rr. Lagopus rupestris reinhardi (Hrkhm). Keinliurdt's I'tariiiigaii. Tetido reinhardi Hkkum, Lehrb. Kaif. Vog. 1823, 440. Lagopus rupestris reinhardti Blasius, List P'ur. H. 1862, 16. [H— , C-, R-, C-.] Gkoc. Dist. — Greenland, western shores of Cumberland Ciiiif, and northern extremity of Labrador. 802/'. Lagopus rupestris nelsoni Stkjn. Nelson's Ptarmigan. Lagopus rupestris nelsoni Stejn. Auk, L July, 1884, 226. [B-, C— , R- C-.] Gixx;. Disr. — Unalaska, and some adjacent Aleutian Islands. 802 r. Lagopus rupestris atkhensis (Turnkk). Turner's Ptarmigan. Lagopus inutus atkhensis Turner, Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. July 29, 18S2, 227, 230. Lagopus rupestris atkhensis Nklso^i, Cruise Corwin, 1S83, 56 e-|- 82. [H— , C-, R_, C-.] Gkog. Disr. — Atka, one of the Aleutian Islands. 808. Lagopus welchi BRKwsr. Weioli's Ptarmigan. Lagopus 7c>e/chi V)RE\vsT. Auk, II. April, 1885, 194. [B— , C— R- C-.] Geoc;. Dist. — Newfoundland. ■4' ■' :"' rf^ii 804. Lagopus leucurus Swains. & Rich. Wliite-tailed Ptarmigan. Lagopus leucurus Swains. & Rich. Fauna Bor. Amer. 11. 1831, pi. 63. [B 469, C 388, R 476, C 570.] Geog. Dist. — Alpine summits of the mountains of western North America, from New Mexico to Liard River, Ikitish America, west on the highest ranges of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. viiiki ORDER GALLINVE. Genus TYMPANUCHUS Glooer. "5 Tympatinchiis Gi.ockr, Gemeinnut/ig. Hand, und Hilfsbuch Naturg. 1842,396. Type, '/chuu) cit/^i^/o Iass. 8O0. Tympanuchus americanus (Reich.). Prairie Hen. Cupiiiofiia iimcricvius Rkicu. Syst Vv. 1S52, p. xxix ; based on VoUst. Natur^. Hiihncn. pi. 217, lij;;s. 1896 189.S. Tympanuchus txruiricanus Riixiw. Auk, Jan. III. 1S86, 133. [H 464, C 384, R 477, C 563.] Geog. Dist. — Prairies of the Mississippi Valley; south to Louisi- ana and Texas, cast to Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Michic;an, and Ontario; west throui^h eastern portions of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and the Indian Territory; north to Man- itoba; general tendency to extension of range westward and con- traction eastward ; migration north and south in Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri. H05(?. Tympanuchus americanus attwateri (HExniKE). Attwutor's Prairie Hen. Tympanuchus athiHxteri V>v.^v>\\K^^ Forest and Stream, XL. No. 20, May 18, 1893, 425. Tympanuchus americanus athvatcri \.0. l^ Check-List, 6th Suppl. Auk, XL April, 1894, 130. [B 464, /. Pediocaetes phasianellus campestris Ridcw. I'rairle SliHrp-tMiled tiroiise. PeJuecett's pluisiancUus campestris KinciW. I'roc. lliol. Soc. W'asli. II. April 10, 1884, 93. [H- C— k- C-.] (Ikck;. Dist. — Plains and prairies of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains ; north to Manitoba ; east to Wisconsin and Illi- nois ; south to New Mexico. Genu.s CENTROCERCUS Swains, Hist. N. km. H. IIL 1874, 410. [1] 458, C 379, R 470, C 553.] Geog. Dist. — Southwestern United States, from western Texas to Arizona ; south over the tablelands of Mexico. BIO/'. MeleagriB gallopavo oBceola Scun. Florida Wild Turkey. Meka}:;ris i^allopavo osceola Scott, Auk, VII. Oct. 1890, 376. [B Ml, part. C zT^a^part, R ^Toa,part, C 554, A^'''-] Geog. Dist. — Southern Florida. HlOr. MeleagriB gallopavo ellid Bennett. Rio Grande Turkey. Melea}^ris ga/hpaTo ellioti Sennett, Auk, IX. April, 1892, 167, pi. iii. [B 458, /^r/, C Z19^part, R 470,/^/-/, C 553. A?'"''-] Geog. Dist. — Lowlands of southern Texas and northeastern Mexico. .4 ORDKIl lOI.lMl'./K. 119 SuHORDER PENELOPES. Cirassows and Guans. Family CRACIDJE. Curassosvs and Guans. Slhfamii.y PENELOPINiB. (Ji ans. Gknus ORTALIS Mkrrkm. Ortalis Mkrr. Av. Rnr. Icoiu's et Desc. II. 1786, 40. Type, J'/iasiaiius mot mot Linn. ;ni. Ortalis vetula maccalli liMRD. Cliiirhiiliicn. Orfa/iila maccalli Haird, H. \. Am. 1S5S, Ci i. Ortalida vetnla var. maccalli JUird, N. Am. \\. HI. 1874, 398. [H 456. <-' 378, R 469. C 552.] Geoo. Disc. — Valley of the Lower Rio Grande, and southward in Mexico to Vera Cruz. Order COLUMB^E. Pigeons. Family COLUMBIDiE. I'l' ikons. Genus COLUMBA Linn/kus. Coltimba Linn. S., N. ed. 10, 1. 1758, 1C2. Type, by elimination, C. cenas Linn. 312. Columba fasciata Say. Band-tailed Pigeon. Columba fasciata Say, Long's Exp. II. 1823, 10. It \i II I : WW ti 1 20 CHECK-LIST O?' NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [ii445» <-" 3(^7. ^ 45(J> ^ S39-] Ge()(;. Drsr.— Western United States, from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific; north to Washington and Jiritish ('olunibia; south to Mexico and the highhxnds of Guatemala ; distribution irregular, chieriy in wooded mountain regions. 312 <^ Columba fasciata vioscae Hrfavst. ViuBca's Pi($eon. Columba fasciata viosuv IIrkwht. Auk, V. Jan. 1888, 86. [B_ C-, R-, C_.] Geog. Dist. — Lower California. 318. Columba flavirostris Wagl. Red-billed Pigeon. Cohiviba fla^'irostris Wac.l. Isis, 1831, 519. [B 446, C 368, R 457, C 540.] Geog. Disr. — Southern border of the United States, from Ari- zona and the Rio Grande Valley south to Costa Rica, breeding throughout its United States range. 314. Columba leucocephala Linn. White-«'rowiied Pigeon. Columba Ifucocephala Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 164. [H 447, C 369, R 458, C 541.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Keys of Florida, the Bahamas, the Greater Antilles and some of the Lesser Antilles, and the coast of Honduras. i> :' ; ^ir Genus ECTOPISTES Swainson. Ectopistes Swains. Zool. Journ. IIL 1827, 362. Type, Columba migratoria Linn. 315. EctopiBtes migratorius (Linn.). Passenger Pigeon. Columba migratoria Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 285 {i). Ectopistes migratoria Swains. Zool. Journ. IIL 1827, 362. l!l ■ ff!t ORDER COLUMB/E. 121 [B 448, C 370, R 459, C 543.] Geog. Dist. — P^astern North America, from Hudson Bay south- ward, and west to the Great Plains, straggline; thence to Nevada and Washington. Breeding range now mainly restricted to portions of the Canadas and the northern border of the United States, as far west as Manitoba and the Dakotas. Genus ZENAIDURA IJoxai-artk. Zenaiditra B(JNAP. Consp. Av. II. Dec. 1854,84. Type, Colnmha carolinensis Linn. = C. macroum Linn. 310. Zenaidura macroura (Linn.). Mourning Dove. Colnmha macroura Linn. S. N. ed. 10, 1758, 164 (part). Zenaidura macroura Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B 451, C 371, R 460, C 544.] Geog. Dist. — Temperate North America; from southern Maine, southern Canada, and British Columbia, south to j'anama and the West Indies, breeding throughout its North American range. \^ Genus ZENAIDA Bonaparte. Zcfiaiiia Bonap. Geog. & Conip. List, 1838, 41. Type, Columba zenaida Bonap. 317. Zonaida zenaida (Bonap.). Zenaida Dove. Colnmha zenaida Bonap. Jour. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. V. 1825, 2,'^. Zenaida zenaida Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B 449, C 372, R 462, C 545.] Geog. Dist. — Florida Keys, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Porto Rico, Santa Cruz, Sombrero, and coast of Yucatan. Genus LEPTOTILA Swainson. Leptotila Swains. Class. Bds. II. 1837, 349. Type, P\eristera\. ruf axilla Selby, Nat. Libr. V. pi. 24. < 1 tf l^a ».%;. *'4;i iX\ k- WW w : , I'If'l I '' ' '• 1* ' ■t t t ':- f 1 , 1 i ■ { i j i ' ffMBi 1 f - 1 t/^. 122 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN HIRDS. .'US. Leptotila fulviventris brachyptera (Salvadori). White-fronted Dove. Lehtoptihi brachyfytcra SAi.VAnoRi, Cat. IMs. Brit. Mus. XXI. i«93. P- 545- Leptotila fntviveiitris brachyptera A. (). U. Check-List, ytli Suppl. Auk, XII, April, 1895, 167. [H— , C— , R 463. C 542.] Geog. Dist. — Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, and southward to Nicaragua. Genu.s MELOFELIA IJonaparie. Mflopelia Bo.vap. Consp. Av. II. Dec. 1854, 81. Type. Coliimba leiuoptera Linn. 31 i). Melopelia leucoptera (Linn.). WIiite-wiiige ^ 374, K. 465, C 547.] Geoo. Dist. — South Atlantic and (julf States; West Indies and northern South America. Breeding, in the United States, from South Carolina to Louisiana, chiefly coastwise. ORDER COLUMB.^E. I 23 320 a. Columbigallina passerina pallescens (IUikd). Mexican Ground Dove. Chamccpelia passerina ? v^x. pal/escens Baird, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1859, 305. Colmnbigaliina passerina pallescens Ferrari-Ferk/;, l*r. U. S. Nat. Mus. IX, 1886, 175. [B 4S3»/<'^A C 374, /'>'■'', ^ •':f>5» A'^'A C 547, A?/-/.] Geog. Dist. — Mexico, -ind conlij^uous territory of Unite(i States from Te.xas to Lower California ; south on both Mexican coasts to Central America. 'lin m H 1 H 1 III 1 |lBBg nH 1 w|n nl iffl H I^H| n wSl H 1 1 Genus SCARDAFELLA B(;naparte. Scardafella Bonap. Consp. Av. II. Dec. 1854,85. Type. Columba squamosa I'emm. 321. Scardafella inca (Less.). Inca Dove. Chamcepelia inca Lesson, Descr. Mam. et Ois, 1847, 211. Scardafella inca Bonap. Consp. Av. II. Dec. 1854, 85. [B 452' <^ 375' f^ 466. C 549.] Geog. Dist. — Rio Grande Valley, southern Arizona, and Lower California, south to Nicaragua. r-i 1 V ■ I' !V ^ Genus GEOTRYGON Gosse. Geotrygon Gosse, B. Jam. 1847, 316, foot-note. Type, G. sylvatica Gosse = Columba cristata Temm. [322.] Geotrygon martinica (Linn.). Key West Quall-Dove. Columba martinica Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 283. Geotrygon martinica Bonap. Consp. Av. II. Dec. 1854, 74. [B 454, C 37C, R 467, C 550.] Geog. Dist. — Key West, and some of the other Florida Keys ; Bahamas; Cuba; Hayti. 'rr ! ' i ' . 1 I W:^ ■v I ^- : M 124 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [:i2'2.1.] Geotrygon montana (Linn.). Itiiddy Quail-Dove. Coliinilm montana Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 163. Gcotrygou vwntana Bonai*. Consp. 11, Dec. 1854, 72. [15_ C— , R- C-.] Gkoc. Dist. — Tropical America in general, including West Indies ; north to Cuba and eastern Mexico ; accidental at Key West, Florida. Genus STARNCENAS Bonaparte. Starncenas Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 41. Type, Coiumba cyanocephala Linn. [3'2:i.] Starnoenas cyanocephala (Linn.). ISlue-heacled Quail-C377, R.468, C551.J Geog. Dist. — Florida Keys and Cuba. Order RAPTORES. Birds of Prey. hif III Suborder SARCORHAMPHI. American Vultures. Family CATHARTIDiE. American Vultures. Genus PSEUDOGRYPHUS Ridgway. Pseudogryphus Ridgw. Hist. N. Am. B. III. Jan. 1874, 337, 338. Type, Vultur californiamis Shaw. h'i'i ORDER RAPTORES. 125 824. Pseudogryphus californianus (Shaw). California Vulture. Vultur uxHfornitinus SiiAW, Nat. Misc. IX. 1797, pi. ccci. Psciiiiir^ryphus californianus RiDCiw. Hist. N. Am. B. III. 1874, [B 2, C 364, R 453, C 536.] Geog. Dist. — Coast ranges of .soutiiern California from Monterey Bay southward into Lower California ; formerly north to Frazer River. Genus CATHARTES Ii.lioek. Cathartcs Ii- 'G. Prodr. iSii, 236. Type, by elimination, VuHur aura Linn. :525. Cathartes aura (Linn.). Tiirltey V.ilture. Vultur aura Linn, S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 86. Cathartcs aura Spix, Aves Bras. I. 1825, 2. [B I, C 365, R 454, C 537.] Geog. Dist. — Temperate North America, from New Jersey, vOhio Valley, Saskatchewan region, and British Columbia southward to Patagonia and the Falkland Islands. Casual in New England. j Genus CATHARISTA Vieillot. Catharista Vieill. Analyse, 1816, 21. Type, by elimination, Vultur atratus Bartr. 82(1. Catharista atrata (Bartr.). Blaclc Vulture. Vultur atratus Bartr. Trav. Car. 1792, 2S5. Catharista atrata Gray, Handl. I. 1869, 3. [B 3, C 366, R 455, ^ 538.] Geog. Dist. — South Atlantic and Gulf States, north regularly to North Carolina and the lower Ohio Valley, west to the Great Plains, and south through Mexico and Central America, the West Indies, and most of South America. Straggling north to New York, New Eng- land, and South Dakota. Breeds in the United States from North Carolina coastwise to Texas, and in the interior to Indiana, Illinois, and Kansas. I n \i •• \ kl i •} n s i 'I . 126 CHECK-L.ST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Suborder FALCONES. Vultures, Falcons, Hawks, Buzzards, Eagles, Kites, Harriers, etc. Family FALCONIDiB. Vultu!"-'s, Falcons, Hawks, Eagles, ETC. SiPrAMitv ACCIPlTRINiE. Kms, Hi/zards. Hawks, Goshawks, Eac.lks, ktc. GF.Nirs ELANOIDES Vieillot. Elaiioides Vikill. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. N;U. XXIV. 1818, loi. Type, Faiio fiiraxius = F. forjicatus Linn. 827. Elanoides forfcatus (Linn.). Swallow-tailed Kite. Falco forjicatus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 89. F.lanoUcs forfcatus Coues, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1875, 345. [B J4, <-' 337. i^ 426, C 493.] Geog. Dlst. — L^nited States, especially in the interior, from the Carolinas and Minnesota southward, throughout Central and South America ; westward to the Great Plains. Casual eastward to south- ern New Knli, R 430, C 489-1 Gk()(;. F)ist.— North America in general; south to Panama and Cuba. Breeds throughout its North American range. \ 1 1* mi Genus ACCIPITER Brisson. SuBGEMJ.s ACCIPITER. Accipiter Bkiss. Orn. L 1760, 310. Type, by elimination, Falco nisus Linn. 38'J. Accipiter veloac (Wii.s.). Sharp-shiuned Hawk. Faho yr/ru' WiLS. Am. Orn. V. 18 12, 116, pi. 45, fig. i. Aicipiter vclox VuioKS, Zool. Journ. L 1824, 338. [B 17, C 338, R 432, C 494.] Geog. T)ist. — North America in general ; south to Panama. Breeds throughout its North American range. 888. Accipiter cooperii (Bonap.). Cooper's Hawk. Falco cooperii Bonap. Am. Orn. IL 1828, i, pi. x. fig. i. Accipiter cooperi Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. Accipitres, 1844, 38. [B 15, 16, C 339, R 431, C 495.] GEor,. DisT. — North America, from southern British America south to southern Mexico. Breeds throughout its range. SuB(iKNU.S ASTUR LACEI'iiDE. Astnr I,ACKP. Mem. de I'lnst. IIL 1801, 505. Type, Falco palumbarius Linn. i1 v-M^ ORDER RAPTORES. T 7t 334. Accipiter atricapillus (Wils.). Anioriran Ooshawk, F(j/co atricapillus Wii.s. Am. Orn. VI. 1S12, 80, pi. 52, fig. 3. Accipiter atricapillus Seeuohm, Brit. Birds, I. 1883, iv. [B 14, C 340, R 433. C 496-] Geog. Dist. — Northern and eastern North America, south in winter to the Middle States and southern Rocky Mountain region ; casually west to Oregon. Accidental in England. Breeding range restricted to the Canadian Fauna of the United States and northward. ZMa. Accipiter atricapillus st cuius Ridgw. AVesteni Goshawk. Astur atricapillus var. striatulus Ridgw. in Hist. N. Am. B. IIL 1874, 240. Accipiter atricapillus striatulus Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B— , C— , R 433 rt, C 497.] Geog. Dist. — Western North America ; north to Sitka, Alaska ; south to California ; east to Idaho. Breeds in the Sierra Nevada south to Lat. 38°. Genus PARABUTEO Ridgway. rarabuteo Ridgw. in Hist. N. Am. B. III. Jan. 1874, 250. Type, Fako harrisi AuD. 335. Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi (x\ud.). Harris's Hawk. Falco harrisi hxV). B. Am. V. 1S39, 30, pi. 392. Parabuteo unicinctus var. harrisi Ridgw. in Hist. N. Am. B. III. Jan. 1874, 250. [B 46, C 34S, R 434, C 512.] Geog. Dist. — Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, southern New Mex- ico, southern Arizona, and Lower California ; southward to Panama. Breeds from southern Texas westward to California, and southward. 9 W-'k^ \ \: 5b i \ V ■.'•'K^^ ... .sir ■ ' ■ ■ ."'i* h I i I,' i u ijlrili 130 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus BUTEO Cuvier. Biiteo Cuv. Leg. Anat. Comp. I. tahl. ii. Ois. 1 779-1800. Type, Faho buleo Linn. [336.] Buteo buteo (Linn.). European Diizzard. Faho buteo Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 90, Buteo buteo Licht. Nomencl, Mus. Berol. 1854. 3. [B_ C-, R435, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Europe and Western Asia. Accidental in North America (Michigan?). 337. Buteo borealis (Gmil.). Red-tuiled lla\vk. Falco borealis Gmel. S. N. I, ii. 1788, 266. Buteo borealis Vieill. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. IV. 1816, 478. [B23, C3Si,R436, C516.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, west to the Great Plains, north to about Lat. 60°, south to eastern Mexico. Breeds throughout its range, except possibly the extreme southern portion. 337 a, Buteo borealis kriderii Hoopes. Krider's Hawk. Buteo borealis var. kriderii Hoopes, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1873, 238, pi. 5. [B— , C 35 lA R AZoa, C 519.] Geog, Dist. — Plains of the United States, from Wyoming and the Dakotas to Minnesota, and south to Texas ; casual in Iowa and Illinois. 337 b. Buteo borealis calurus (Cass.). Western Red-tail. Buteo calurus Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1855, 281. Buteo borealis var. calurus Ridgw. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Nov. 1873, 186. Hi ORDER RAPTORES. 131 [U 20, 24, C 35 w?, R 436(6, C 517.] Geog. DtsT. — Western North America, from the Rocky Moun- tains to the Pacific, south into Mexico ; casual east to Illinois. 837 r. Buteo borealis lucasanus Ridgw. Saint Lucus Red-tail. Bi>teo borealis VAX. /iicasc. Falco harlani Aijd. Orn. Hiog. I. 1830, 441, pi. 86. Buteo borealis harlani Ridgw. Auk, VII. April, 1890, p. 205. [B22, C350, R438, Csis.] Geog. Dist. — Gulf States and lower Mississippi Valley, north casually to Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Kansas ; south to Central America. 80*.). Buteo lineatus (Gmel.). Red-shouldered Ila^vk. Falco lineatus Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 268. Buteo lineatus Vieill. Nouv. Diet. d'hu->t. Nat. IV. 1816, 478. [B2S, C 352, R 439, C 520.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America to Manitoba and Nova Scotia ; west to Texas and the Plains ; south to the Gulf States and Mexico. Breeds throughout its range. 889 a to Texas) westward to the Pacific, and from the Sas- katchewan region south into Mexico ; casually east to Illinois. Breeds from Utah, Colorado, and Kansas northward to the Saskatch- ewan Plains. Gen'^s AQUILA Brisson. Aqtiila Briss. Orn. L 1760, 419. I'ype, Falco chrysaetos Linn. 349. Aquila chrysaetos (Linn.). Goldeu Eagle. Fixko chrysaetos Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 88. Aquila chrysaetos Dumont, Diet. Sci. Nat. L 1816, 339. \y^ 39. ^ 361, R 449' ^ 532.] Geog. Dist. — North America, south to Mexico, and northern parts of the Old World. Breeding range in the United States, prac- tically restricted to the mountainous parts of unsettled regions. I' 3. Genus THRASAETOS Gray. Thrasa'dtos Gray, P. Z. S. 1837 (June, 1838), 108. Type, Vultur harpyia Linn. [8;i0.] Thrasaetos harpyia (Linn.). Harpy Eagle. Vultur harpyia Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 86. Thrasaetos harpyia Gray, P. Z. S. 1837 (June, 1838), 108. [B_, C— , R 450, C 631.] Geog. Dist. — Lower Rio Grande Valley, casual ; south to Para- guay. Louisiana (J). NATJCrjAL MUSEUM OF QAHADA i ^1 si i, 136 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. mi Genus TTALIiBETUS Sivigny. Haliceetus Savigny, Descr. de I'P-gypte, 1809, 35. Type, Falco albicilla Linn, [351.] Haliaeetus albicilla (Linn.). Gray Sea Eagle. Falco albicilla Lin^. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 89. Haliceetus albicilla Leach, Syst. Cat. M. E. Br. Mus. 1816, 9. [B 42, C— , R 452, Cs33.] Geog. Dist. — Northern Europe and Asia ; Greenland. 352. Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Linn.). Bald Eagle. Falco leucocephalus Linn. S. N. ed. 12, L 1766, 124. Haliceetus leucocephalus Boie, I sis, 1822, 548. [B 41, 43, C 362, R 451, C 534.] Geog. Dist. — North America at large, south to Mexico, north- west through the Aleutian Islands to Kamchatka. Breeds locally throughout its range. Subfamily FALCONING. Falcons. Genus FALCO Falco Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 88. Type, by elimination, F. subbuteo Linn. Subgenus HIEROFALCO Cuvier. Hierofalco Cuv. R6g. An. L 181 7, 312. Type, Falco candicans Gmel. = >". islandus Brunn. 353. Falco islandus Brunn. White Gyrfalcon. Falco islandus BrOnn. Orn. Bor. 1764, 2. ORDER RAPTORES. 137 [B II, C 341a, R 412, C 501.] G.:oG. DiST. — Arctic regions, including Arctic America and Gre niand, wandering soutli in winter to Labrador and northern Maine. '6b\. Falco rusticolus Linn. Gray Gyrfaloon. jFa/co rusticolus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 88, [B 12, C — , R 4i2«, C 500.] Gkog. Dist. — Arctic regions, including Iceland, southern Green- land, and Arctic America, straggling southward in winter. 354 J. Falco rusticolus gyrfalco (Linn.). Gyrfalcou. Falco gyrfalco Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, gi. Falco rusticolus gyrfalco Stejn. Auk, IL 1S85, 187. [B— , C 341, R \i2b, C 498.] Geog. Dist. — Northern Europe, Greenland, and Arctic America, from northern Labrador and Hudson Bay to Alaska ; rarely south in winter to New England (Massachusetts and Rhode Island). 354^. Falco rusticolus obsoletus (Gmel.). Black Gyrfalcon. Falco obsoletus Gmel. S. N. I. i. 1788, 268. Falco rusticolus obsoletus Stejn. Auk, II. 1885, 187. [B — , C — , R 41 2(;", C 499.] Geog. Dist. — Labrador, south in winter to Canada, Maine, and New York. h )i 355. Falco mexicanus Schleg. Prairie Falcon. Falco mexicafius Schleg. Abh. Geb. Zool. 1841, 15. [B 10, C 342, R 413, C 502.] Geog. Dist. — United States, from the eastern border of the Plains to the Pacific, and from the Dakotas south into Mexico ; casual eastward to Illinois. Breeds throughout its United States range. ...' I u* ^^•1* \ ;If ' < I A ■« 138 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Subgenus RHYNCHODON Nitzscii. Rhynchodon Nitp^sch, Pterylog. 1840, 78. Type, by elimina- tion, Fako peregrin us Lath. 356. Falco peregrinus anatum (Bonap.). Duck Hawk Fahv anatum Bonap. Geog. & Coinp. List, 1838, 4. Falco peregrinus p. anatum Blasius, List B. Eur. 1862, 3. [B 5, 6, C 343, R 414, C 503.] Geog. Dist. — North America at large, and south to Chili. Breeds locally throughout most of its United States range. 350 a. Falco peregrinus pealei Ridgw. I'eale's Falcou. Falco communis var. pealei Ridgw. Bull. Essex V. Dec. 1873, 201. Falco peregrinus pealei Ridgw. Pr, U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 192. [B— , C 343a, R 41 4«, C 504.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast region of North America, from Oregon to the Aleutian and Commander Islands, breeding throughout its range. Subgenus ^SALON Kaup. ^salon Kaup, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Eur. Thierw. 1829, 40. Type, Falco cesalon Gmel. = /'"". regulus Pall. 357. Falco columbarius Linn. Pigeon Hawk. Falco columbarium Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 90. [B 7, C 344, R 417, C 505.] Geog. Dist. — The whole of North America, south to the West Indies and northern South America. Breeds chiefly north of the United States. ORDER RAPTORES. 357 a. Falco columbarius suckleyi Ridgw. Black Merlin. 139 Falco columbarius var. suckleyi Ridgw, Bull. Essex Inst. V. Dec. 1873, 201. [B— , C 344rt, R 417^!, C 506.] Geog. Dist. — Northwest coast region of North America, from California to Sitka ; eastward in Oregon and Washington. 358. Falco richardsonii Ridcjw. Richardson's Merlin. Falco (^Hypotrionhis) richardsonii Ridgw. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Dec. 1870, 145. [B— C 345, R 418, C 507.] Geog. Dist. — Interior and western plains of North America, from the Mississippi River to the Pacific coast, and from the Saskatch- ewan region to Texas, Arizona, and probably into Mexico. [358.1.] Falco regulus Pall. Merlin. Falco regulus Pall. Reis. Russ. Reichs. II. 1773, Anhang, 707. [B-, C-, R— , C-.] Geog. Dist. — Europe, Asia, and Africa ; accidental in Greenland. Subgenus RHYNCHOFALCO Ridgway. Rhynchofalco Ridgw. Pr. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1873, 46. Type, Falco femoralis Temm. = F, fusco-coerulescens Vikill. 359. Falco fusco-ccerulescens Vieill. Aploinado Falcon. Falco fusco-ca'rulescens Vieill. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XI. 1817, 90. [B 9, C 347, R 419, C 511.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, south to Patagonia. i!'ii .(■. 140 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Subgenus TINNUNCULUS Vieillot. Tinnunadus Vimll. Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, 39. [.S.'iQ.l.] Falco tinnunculuB Linn. Kestrel. Falco tinnunculus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 90. [B— C— , R422, C— .] Geog. Dist. — Europe and northern Asia ; accidental in Massa- chusetts. 360. Falco sparverius Linn. American Sparrow Hawk. Falco Sparverius Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 90. [B 13, C 346, 346a, R 420, 420^7, C 508, 509.] Geog. Dist. — North America, east of the Rocky Mountains, and from Great Slave Lake south to northern South America. 3G0^. Falco sparverius deserticolus Mearns. Desert Sparrow Hawk. Falco sparverius deserticolus Mearns, Auk, IX. July, 1892, 263. [B x-^^ part, C 2^' '-• ^-^''^'*^ * Audubon's Caracara. « , .^ i O Ct '^ i^//rtf r//fr/7i'(7>' J ACQ. Ik'itr. 1784, 17, tab. 4. ' Polyborus cheriway Cab. in Schumb. Reise Brit. Guiana, III. 1848, 741. [B 45, C 363, R 423, C 535.] Geoo. Dist. — Florida, Texas, Arizona, and Lower California, south to Ecuador and Guiana. Breeds throughout its United States range and southward. 368. Polyborus lutosus Ridgw. Guadalupe Caracara. Polyborus lutosus Ridgw. Bull. U. S. Geog. & Geol. Surv. Terr. No. 6, 2d ser. Feb. 8, 1876, 459. [B— , C— R424, C— .] Geog. Dist. — Guadalupe Island, Lower California. Subfamily PANDIONIN^. Os preys. Genus PANDION Savigny. Pandion Savign. Descr. de I'Egypte, Ois. 1809, 95. Type, Falco haliaetus Linn. 364. Pandion haliaetus carolinensis (Gmel.). American Osprcy. Falco carolinensis Gmel. S. N. I. i. 1788, 263. Pandion haliaetus carolinensis Ridgw. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Dec. 1870, 143. [B 44, C 360, R 425, C 530.] Geog. Dist. — North America, from Hudson Bay and Alaska south to the West Indies and northern South America. Breeds throughout its North American ran.ue. 0^ i hi A h * pi 3t. 1 < 3 -A • 142 check-list of north american birds. Suborder STRIGES. Owls. Family STRIOIDiB. Barn Owls. Genus STRIX Linn^kus. Str/x Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 92. Type, S. aluco Linn. ed. 10. 365. Strix pratincola I^onap. Aiiterican Barn Owl. Strix pratincola Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 7. [B 47, C 316, R 394, C 461.] Geog. Disr. — United States, rarely to the northern border, and Ontario, southward through Mexico ; northern limit of breeding range about Lat. 41°. Family BUBONIDiE. Horned Owls, etc. Genus ASIO Brisson. Asio Briss. Orn. L 1760, 28. Type, Strix otus Linn. 366. Asio wilsonianus (Less.). American Long-eared Owl. Otus 7ai/sonia/ius LiESS. Traiti, 183 1, no. Asio wilsonianus Coues, Check List, ed. 2, 1882, 81, No. 472. [B 51, C 320, R39S, C 472.] Geog. DiST. — Temperate North America; south to the table- lands of Mexico. Breeds throughout its range. 367. Asio accipitrinus (Pall.). Short-eared OwL Strix accipitrinaVxhh. Reise Russ. Reichs. L 177 1, 455. Asio accipitrinus Newt. Yarr. Brit. B. ed. 4, L 1872, 163. I ■■:• ORDER RAPTORES. 143 [B 52, C 321, R 396, C 473.] Geog. Dist.— Throughout North America ; nearly cosmopolitan. Breeds, somewhat irregularly and locally, from about Lat. 39° northward. ■ ' . ' 'J '. ..i. Genus SYRNIUM Savigny. Syrninm Savign. Descr. de I'Kgypte, Ois. 1809, 298. Type, St fix stridiihx Linn. 368. Syrnium nebulosum (Forst.), Barred Owl. Strix ncbttiosaYoRST. Philos. Trans. XXII. 1772, 386. Syrnium nebulosum Boie, Isis, 1828, 315. [B 54, C 323, R 397, C 476.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States, west to Minnesota, Ne- braska, Kansas, and Texas, north to Nova Scotia and Quebec. Breeds throughout its range. 368 (Z. Syrnium nebulosum alleni Ridgw. Florida Barretc\ Swains. Classif. 13. II. 1837, 217. Type, Slrix cineren G.mel. 370. Scotiaptoz cinerea (Gmel.). Great Oray Owl. Strix cinerea Gmel. S. N. I. i. 17S8, 291. Scotiaptex cinerea Swains. Classif. H. II. 1837, 217. \}^ 53, ^ 322, R 399, C 474.] Gi;OG. DiST. — •Arctic America, straggling southward, in winter, to southern New England, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Illinois, Idaho and northern Montana. [370 (Z.J Scotiaptez: cinerea lapponica (Retz.), Lapp Owl. Strix iippouica Retz. Faun. Suec. 1800, 79. Scotii'ptex cinerea lapponica Rinow. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 260. [B— , C — , R 399<7, C 475.] Geoo. Dist. — Arctic portions of the Old World ; accidental in Alaska (Norton Sound). .' Genus NYCTALA Brehm. Nyctala Brehm, Isis, 1828, 127 1. Type, Strix tengmalmi Gmel. 371. Nyctala tengmalmi richardsoni (Bonap.). Ulehardsoii's Owl. Nyctale richardsoni Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 7, Nyctah: ieni^malini var. richardsoni Kidgw. Am. Nat. VI. May 1872, 285. [B 5.S. C 327, R 400, C 482.] Geog. Dist. — Arctic America, south in winter into the northern United States. Breeds from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Manitoba northward. ORDER RAPTORES. H5 37ii. Nyctala acadica (G.mki,.). Siiw-wlift Owl, Strix acaJica Gmkl. S. X. I. 178S, 296. Nyctak acadiciX Ji(>NAr. Gcog. & Comp. Libt, 1S38, 7. [B56, 57, C 328. R4oi,C' 4«3-] Geoi;. DisT. — North America at large, breeding from the Middle States northward, and in mountainous regions of the West southward into Mexico. Genus MEGASCOPS Kauh. ■ '' " ^. Megascflps Kal'p, Isis, 1848, 765. Type, Sirix asio Linn. 878. Megascope asio (Linn.). Screech Owl. Strix asio Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 10, L 1758, 92. ATcgasfops asio Stejn. Auk, IL April, 1885, 184. [B ^(),part, C 318, R 402, C 465.] Geog. Dis r. — Temperate eastern North America, south to Georgia, and west to the Plains. Accidental in P^ngland. 878 <7. Megascops asio floridanus (Riduw.). Florida Screech Owl. Scops asio V3S. floridanus Ridgw. Bull. Essex Inst. Dec. 1873, 200. Megascops asio floridanus Stejn. Auk, H. April, 1885, 184. [B — , C 3i8f, R 402s asio heUiUrei I'.KKWsr. Hull. Nutt. Orn. Clul). \'II, [an. 1882,31. Megascops aiio hendirei ^TV-i^i. .Vuk. II. April, 18.S5, 184. [H— C— . R~, C— .] Geoc. Dist. — Coast region of California. ■At/ 373^. Megascops asio kennicottii (Ki.r.ioi). Keuiiicott's Scrci'cli Owl. Scops kctinicoltii Vaaaov, I'r. Ac. Xat. Sci. Phila. 1867, 99. Megascops asio kennicottii '^YV.]'^. Auk, II. .Vpril, 1S85, 1S4. [B— , C3i8.?, R 402./, C 466.] Geog. Dist. — Northwest coast region, from Oregon to Sitka. 373 ('. Megascops asio maxwelliae (Ridgw.). Kooky 3Iouutain Sci-eech Owl. Scops asio var. maxivcUice Ridgw. Field tS: Forest, June, 1877, 210, 213. Megascops asio inaxtoei/ite '6v\'.]'s. Auk, II. April, 1885, 184. [B— , C — , R 402f, C 467.] Geog. Dist. — Rocky Mountains, from Colorado to Montana. 873/ Megascops asio cineraceus Ridgw. Mexican Screech Owl. Megascops asio cineraceus Ridgw. Auk, XII. Oct. 1895, . [B — , C — , R 403, C 470.] Geog. Dist. — New Mexico, Arizona, Lower California, and western Mexico. :! 4 ORDER RAPTORES. 373 A'- Megascops asio aikeni Hkkw^i'. Alkt'ii's Screeoh Owl. 147 Mt'gascops ash aikeni Hrhnvsi'. Auk, VIII. April, 1891, 139. [li-, C— , R-,C-.] Geoo. Dist. — Plains, Kl Paso County, Colorado, south probably to central New Mexico and northeastern Arizona. :j73//. Megascops asio macfarlanei I>kkwsi'. 3IiieFarliiiie's Scroccli Owl. Megascops asio macfarlanei Brf.wst. Auk, VIII. .April, 1891, 140. [B .\()^pa>% C 318,/./;-/, R 402, par/, C 465, /(/r/.] Geog. Dist. — East of the Cascades in Washington, interior of southern British Columbia, .southward to central Oregon and east- ward into Montana. 374. Megascops flammeola (Kaup). FlammulattHl Screech Owl. Scops flammeola Kaui', Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. IV. 1862, 226. Megascops flammeolits Stkjn. Auk, II, April, 1885, 184. [B — , C 319, R 40 t, C471.] Geoo. Dist. — Highlands of Guatemala and central Mexico, north to Colorado and northern California. 374(7. Megascops flammeola idahoensis Mekkiam. Dwarf Screech Owl. Megascops fiammeolus idahoensis Merriam, North Am. Fauna, No. 5, July, 1891, 96, pi. i. [B— C— , R— , C— .] Geog. Dist. — Ketchum, Idaho. Known only from the type. Gexus bubo Du'meril. Bubo DuMER. Zool. Anal. 1S06, 34. Type, by implication, Strix bubo Linn. im i: !. *■ "-'i 1 i'S :i: 148 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 375. Bubo virginianus (^G.mel.). Groat Horned Owl. Sir/x inrginuxna Gmei-. S. N. I. i. 178S, 2S7. Bubo virginianus Bonap. Geog. & (."omp. List, 1838, 6. [B48, C317, R405, C462.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, west to the Mississippi Valley, and from Labrador south to Costa Rica. 375(7. Bubo virginianus subarcticus (Hoy). Western Horned Owl. Bubo siihairticus Hoy, Pr. Ac. Nat, Sci. Phila. VL 1852, 211. Bubo virginianus /3 subardiats Ridgw. Orn. 40th Par. 1877, 572. [B 4.%, part, C 2y\ia,part, R \o^a,part, C 463, /rt'r/'.] Geog. Uist. — Western United States, from the Great Plains westward ; southward to the Mexican tablelands ; east, casually, to Wisconsin and Illinois; north to Manitoba and British Columbia. I' I !.'■■ ■ \Y\ i|il| 375 <^. Bubo virginianus arcticus (Swains.). Arctic Horned Owl. Strix {Biibo)arctica Swains, in Sw. & Rich. Fauna Bor. Am. H. 1831,86, pi. 30. Bubo virginianus var. arcticus Cass. Illust. B. Cal. etc. 1854, 178. [B \Z, part^ C ^11 a, part, R 405^^, C 46^, part.] Geog. Dist. — Aictic America, chiefly in the interior, south, in winter, to Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota. 375 c. Bubo virginianus saturatus Ridgw. Dusky Horned Owl. Bubo virginianus saturatus Ridgw. Orn, 40th Par. 1877, 572, foot-note, [B ^Sjpart, C 317/', R 405^, C 464.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast region, from Monterey Bay, California, northward to Alaska and eastward to Hudson Bay and Labrador; southward through the mountainous regions of the West to Arizona. ORDER RAPTORES. Genus NYCTEA Stephens. 149 Nyctca Steph, Gen. ZooL XIII. ii. 1S26, 63. Type. Strix nycteci Linn. BTti. Nyctea nyctea (Linn.). Snowy 0\vl. Strix nyctea Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 175S, 93. Nyctea nyctea Licht. Nomen. Mus. Berol. 1854, 7. [B 61, C325, R 406, C 479.] Geog. Dist. — Northern portions of the northern hemisphere. In North America breeding wholly north of the United States; in winter mij^rating south to the Middle States, straggling to South Carolina, Texas, California, and Bermuda. 1U Genus SURNIA Dumeril. Surnia Dumer. Zool, Anal. 1806, 34. Type, Strix ulula Linn. [377.] Surnia ulula (Linn.). Hawk Owl. Strix ulula Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 93. Surnia ulula Bona?. Cat. Met. Ucc. Eur. 1842, 22. [B— , C— , R 407(7, C 481.] Geog. Dist. — Arctic portions of the Old World. Casual in Alaska (St. Michaels). 377 (?. Surnia ulula caparoch (Mui.l.). American Hawk Owl. Strix caparoch Mull. S. N. Suppl. 1776, 69. Surnia ulula caparoch SrEjN. Auk. I. Oct. 1884, 363. [B 62, C 326, R 407, C 4S0.] GcoG. Dist. — Arctic America, breeding from Newfoundland north- ward, and migrating in winter to the northern border of the United States. Occasional in England. f ■ vli. m i ifii ^ll 150 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus SPEOTYTO Gloger. Speotyto Glog. Handb. Naturg. 1842, 226. Type. Strix cunicu- laria jMol. 378. Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea (Bonai.). BurroAviug 0>vl. Strix JiypogicaVM^.KV. Am. Orn. I. 1825, 72. Spheotyto cufniularia var. Jiypogcea Coues Key, 1872, 208. [B58, 59, C332,R4oS, C487.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, from the Pacific coast east throughout the Great Plains, north somewhat over the border of British America, south to Central America. Accidental in Nev York and Massachusetts. 878 a. Speotyto cunicularia flohdana Ridgw. Florida Burrowing Owl. Spcotytocunicularia\?iX, floridana Ridgw. Am. Sportsm. V. July 4, 1874, 216. [B — , C — , R-4o8(7, C 48S.] Gkog. Uist. — Southern Florida; Bahamas. ' ;r. I I- liin flH i viLmI^ 1 Gexus GLAUCIDIUM Boie. Glaiicidium Boie, Isis, 1826, 970. Type, Strix nana King. 379. Glaucidium gnoma W.vfiL. Pygmy Owl. Glaucidium gnoma Wagl. Isis, 1832, 275. [B 60, C 329, R 409, C 484.] Geog. Dist. — Western North America in mountainous regions from British Columbia to eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains and south to the tablelands of Mexico. ORDER RAPTORES. 151 01 9 a. Glaucidium gnoma californicum (Scl.). California Pygmy Owl. Glaucidium califoniiiinn Scl. P. Z. S. 1857, 4. Glaucidium gnoma califoniicum A. O. U. Check-List, ist Suppl. 1889, 9. [B 60, /(?;■/, C 329, /«;-/■, R ^o(), part, C ^2)^,part.'\ Geog. Dist.— Pacific coast region, from California to British Columbia. o79.1. Glaucidium hoskinsii (Brewst.). Hoskins's Pygmy Owl. G/aucidium gfioma /n>sl'i//sii JUiEWST. Auk, V. April, 1888, 136. Glaucidium hoskinsii A. O. U. Check-List, ist Suppl. 1889, 9. [B— , C— R— , C— .] Geog. Dist. — Lower California. 880. Glaucidium phalaenoides (Daud.). Ferruginous Pygmy Owl. Strix phahcnoides Daud. Traits d'Orn. IL 1800, 206. Glaucidium phalxnoides ilkv,. J. f. (). 1869, 208. [B— C330, R 410, C 485.] Geog. Dist. — Southern border of the United States, from Texas to Arizona, south to southern Brazil. Genus MICROFALLAS Coues. Micropallas Coues, Auk, VL Jan. 1889, 71. Type, Athene whitneyi Cooper. 3SL Micropallas whitneyi (Cjjoi'er). Klf Owl. Athene icdiitneyi Cooper, Pr. Cal. Ac. Sci. 1861, 1 18. Micropallas whitneyi Sennett, Auk, VL July, 1889, 276. [B— C331, R 411, C 486.] Geog. Dist. — Southern and Lower California, Arizona, New Mexicw, and southern Texas, south to Fuebla. Mexico. in I ,'^? IWP^ r , w r i It 'i ■ v S- ■ i ii m- fi HIP - I >i .• % ■■ f'r 1^ ii" 152 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH A>:KRICAN BIRDS. Order PSITTACI. Parrots, xMacaws, Par- oquets, ETC. Family PSITTACIDiE. I'arrots axd Paroquets. Genus CONURUS Kuhl. m. ^ Coniirus Kuhl, Consp. Psitt. 1S20, 4. Type, Psittaciis co/o/i- tiensis Linn. 382. Conurus carolinensis (Linn.). Carolina Paroquet. Psittacus carolinensis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 97. Conurus carolinensis Less. Traite, 1831, 211. [B 63, C 315, R 392, C 460.] Geog. Dist, — Formerly Florida and the Gulf States north to Mary- land, the Great Lakes, Iowa, and Nebraska, west to Colorado, the Indian Territory, and Texas, and straggling northeastward to Penn- sylvania and New York. Now restricted to Florida, Arkansas, and Indian Territory, where it is only of local occurrence. ORDER COCCYGES. 153 Order COCCYGES. Cuckoos, i:tc. Suborder CUCULI. Cuckoos, etc. Family CUCULIDiE. Cuckoos, Axis, etc. Si'iiiAMiLV CROTOPHAGINiE. Ams. Genus CROTOFHAGA Lixn,kus. Crotopliaga Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 175S, 105. Type, C. ani Linn. [383.] Crotophaga ani Linn. Ani. Crotophaga atii Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 105. [B 66, 67, C 288, R 389, C 425.] Geog. Dist. — West Indies and eastern South America. Rare or casual in southern Florida and Louisiana, and accidental near Philadelphia. 384. Crotophaga sulcirostris Swains. Groove-billed Ani. Crotophaga sulcirostris Swains. Philos. Mag. L 1S27, 440. [B— , C— , R390, C426.] Geog. Dist. — Mexico, north to the southern part of the peninsula of Lower California, and valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, south to Peru. Srin-AMiLY COCCYGIN.a3. Amickican Cickoos. Genus GEOCOCCYX Wagler. Geccoccyx Wagler, Isis, 1S31. 524. Type, G. varicgata Wagl. = Saurothera californiana Less. i f * I : f 154 CHECK-LIST JF XORTli AMEI^ICAN BIRDS. 385. Geococcyx f.alifjrnianus (Less.). .Road-riiur. :r. Saurothera caUforniana Lesson, Compl. Buff. VL 1829, 420. Geococcyx califortiianus Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 73 [B 68, C 289, R 385, C 427.] Geog. i)isi. — Northern and central Mexico, north to head of Sacramento Valley in California, southern Utah, southeastern Colorado, southwestern Kr^nsas, western Oklahoma, and western Texas. ■ - 1; ■ • ; i :' -Y'' i iPl i Genl's COCCYZUS Vieillot. Coccyzus ViEiLL. Analyse, 1816, 28. Type, ChchIus americamis Linn. m% i| %■ 386, Coccyzus minor (Gmel.). Mangrove Cuckoo. Cncuhis minor Gmel. S. N. L i. 1788, 411. Coccyzus minor Caii. J. f. O. 1856, 104. [B7i,C292, R386, C429-] Geog. Dist. — Key West, Florida, Louisiana, the West Indies, and Central America to northeastern South America. [386 a.] Coccyzus minor maynardi (Ridgw.). Maynard's Cuckoo. Coccyzus maynardi Ridgw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 274. Coccyzus mitior maynardi A. O. U. Check-List, ist Suppl. 1889, 9. [B 'ji,part; C 292, / r 156 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN IHRDS. SuHORDER TROGONES. Trogons. Family TROGONIDiE. Trogons. t Ge.^us TROGON Linn.kus. Tro^ ■ l.i.N^j S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 167. Type, 7'. viruiis LiNX. 389. Trogou ambii ■'.s Goui.d. Coppery-tailed Trogon. TfOgon amlngnus Gould, P. Z. S. 1835, 30. [B 65, C 284, R 384, C 422.] Geog. Dist. — Southern and central Mexico, from Oaxaca and Guerrero, north to the valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, and southern Arizona. 'f Suborder ALCYONES. Kingfishers. Family ALCEDINID.Sj. Kingfishers. Genus CERYLE Boie. Ceryle Boie, Isis, 1828, 316. Type, Alccdo ritdis Linn. llll '1 Subgenus STREPTOCBRYLE Bonaparte. Streptocerylel^o^KP. Consp. Vol. Anisod. 1854. 10. Type, Alcedo torquata Linn. 390. Ceryle alcyon (I inn.). Belted Kingfisher. Alcedo akyoH Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 115. Ceryle alcyon Bonap. P. Z. S. for 1837 (1838), 108. ' V us 1 j; : :: : ^- ORDER IMCI. 157 [R 117, C 2S6, R 382, C 423-] Gf.og. Dist. — North America, from the Arctic Ocean south to Panama and the West Indies. IJicetls from the southern border of the United States northward. [390.1.] Ceryle torquata (Lixx.). Kiuged Kingfisher. Akedo tonjuata Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, I. 1766, iSo. Ceryle torquata BoiK, Isis, 1828, 316. [B— , C- R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Mexico and southward to southern South America. Casual on the Lower Rio Grande. Texas. SuuGENus CHLOROCERYLF Lm . Chlorocerylc Kaup, Fam. Eisv. 1848, o. ''' ,)e, Alcedo siiperci- liosa Linn. 89L Ceryle americana septentrioual^.^ Jharpe. Texas Kingfisher. Ceryle americana septentrionalis Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. XVII, 1892, 134. [B 118, C 287, R383, C424.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Texas, south to Panama. Order PIC I. Woodpeckers, Wrynecks, etc. Family FICIDiE. Woodpeckers. Genus CAMPEPHILUS Gray. Campephilns Gray, List Gen. B. 1840, 54. 'I'ype, Piciis princi- palis Linn. ic8 CIIF.CK-IJST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. iid-2. Campephilus principalis (LrsN.). Ivory-bille«l VVoodpcckpr. Pkiis principalis Linn. S. N. cd. lo. I. 175S. 113. Caiupephiliis principalis Gray, List Gen. 15. 1S40. 54. [J] 72, C 293, R359. t: 43'-] Geo(;. DisT. — Formerly South Atlantic and Gulf States, from North Carolina to Texas, north in the Mississippi Valley to Missouri, southern Illinois, and southern Indiana. Now restricted to the Gulf States and the Lower Mississippi Valley, where only locally distri- buted. m ?■: \ •• ( ' it Genus DRYOBATES Uoik. Dryobates Boiic, Isis, 1826, 977. Type, Piciis pubescens Linn. 393^ Dryobates villosus (Lin\.\ Hairy Woodpecker. PicHS villosus Linn. S. N. ed. 12, L 1766, 175. Dryobates villosus Cabanis, Mus. Hein. I\'. ii. June 15, 1863, 66. [15 i^fypart, C 2()2>, part, R 360, C 438, /r?//.] Geoo. Dist. — Northern and middle portions of the eastern United States, from the Atlantic coast to the Great Plains. 893 a. Dryobates villosus leucomelas (Bcjdd.). Northern Hairy Woodpecker. Picus leucomelas }5oddaert, Tabl. PI. Knl. 1783, 21. Dryobates villosus leucomelas Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885,355- [B i\^part^ C 298. /ar/*, R 360^?, C 438, /r/r/.] Geoc. Dist. — Northern North America, south to about the northern border of the United States. i : !'■ 393 b. Dryobates villosus audubonii (Swains.). Southern Hairy Woodpecker. Picus audubonii Swains, in Sw. & Rich. F'auna I3or. Am. II. 1831, 306. Dryobates villosus audubonii Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885,355. ori)i:r I'ici. 159 [H ■]\,part, C 298,Ar/'A R 360, /(ir/, R 36i<^, A///, C 441,/.?//.] Okoc. Dist. — Pacific coast of the United States, north to Hriiish Columbia (lat. 55°). |J1» t /;. Dryobates pubescens orececus Baich. Batcli(>l(ler'i4 \Voodp«M'ker. Dryolmtt'.s pith'SiCnx orcivcHS IJatch. Auk, VI. July. 1889, 253. \\\ 1"], party C 2991:, part, R ^Gia, part, C 441,/^?/-/.] Geog. Dist. — Rojky Mountain region of the United States. 395. Dryobates boi^alis (Vikiij,.). " Red-cockaded Woo«lpecker. Ficns borealis ViEii,r.. Ois. Am. Sept. II. 1807, 66. Dryobates borealis Rid<;w. Pr, U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B80, C296, R362, C433-] Geog. Dist. — Southeastern United States, from North Carolina, Tennessee and Indian Territory, south to eastern Texas and the Gulf coast. vi9G. Dryobates scalaris bairdi (MALHERiiE). Texan Woodpecker. Picas bairtti {ScL. MSS.) Malherbe, Mon. Pic. I. 1861, iiS, pi. 27. Dryobates scalaris bairdi Ridgw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 285. [B 79, C 297, R 363, C 434.] Geog. Dist. — Southern border of the United States, from Texas to California, north from western Arizona and southern Nevada to southwestern Utah, south to the tablelands of Mexico. 896 r7. Dryobates scalaris lucasanus (Xantus). Saint Lucas Woodpecker. PicHS lucasanus Xantus, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phihi. 1859, 298. Dryobates scalaris Incasauus Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [B-, C297^, R 363a, C 436.] Geog. Dist. — Lower California, north to Lat. 34° in the Colorado Desert, Californi.i. ORDER IMCI. l6l 397. Dryobates nuttallii (Gamr.)- — "■" Nuttall'8 VVooiut((t//ii Vi\y\v.v.\., I'r. Ac. Sci. Hhila. April, 1843, 259. Dryobates nuttallii Riix.w. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 18S5, 355. [15 78, C J97.l .1 \ j! in "' i 401 a. Picoides americanus alascensis (Nels.). Alaskau Three-toed Woodpecker. Picoides tridactylus alascensis Nelson, Auk, I. April, 1884, 165. Picoides americanus alascensis Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885,355. [B— , C- R— ,C— .] Geog. Dist. — Alaska, south to northern Washington. 401 b. Picoides americanus dorsalis Baird. Alpine Three-toed Woodpecker. Picoides dorsalis Baird, B. X. Am. 1858, 100. Picoides americanus dorsalis Baird, Orn. Calif. I. 1870, 386. [B 84, C 301a, R 368(!', C 445.] Geog. Dist. — Rocky Mountain region, from J3rilish Columbia and Idaho south into New Mexico. ORDER PICI. Genus SPHYRAPICUS Baikd. 163 Sphyrapiciis Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 80, loi. Type, Piciis varius Linn. 402. Sphyrapicus varius (Linn.). Yellow-bellied Sapsueker. Piais varius Linn. S. N. ed. 12, L 1766, 176. Sphyrapicus varius Baird, B.N. Am. 1858, 103. [B 85, C 302, R 369, C 446.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America north to about Lat. 63° 30' (north of Fort Simpson), breeding from Massachusetts northward ; south, in winter, to the West Indies, Mexico and Costa Rica. 402 (?. F^phyrapicus varius nuchalis Baird. Red-uaped Sapsueker. Sphyrapicus varius var. nuchalis Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 103. [B 86, C 302c?, R 369a, C 447.] Geog. Dist. — Rocky Mountain region, from British CoUimbia to the Sierra Bolanos, Jalisco, Mexico, and the Cape region of Lower California ; and westward across the Great Basin to the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada in northern California. 403. Sphyrapicus ruber (Gmel.). "^" Red-breasted Sapsueker. Picus ruber Gmel. S. N. L 1788, 429. Sphyrapicus ruber Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 104. [B 87, C 302/;, 303? R 369/-, C 448.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast region, from British Columbia south in the mountains and foothills of California to northern Lower Cali- fornia. 404. Sphyrapicus thyroideus (Cass.). Williamsou's Sapsueker. Picus thyroideus Cassin, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1850-185 i, 349. Sphyrapicus thyroideus Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 106. ',' »■• ''lii^f It ..^: ^ ■I! ft W. i ; :' "■ a ' .1 *■ ■ 11: J '•■- '■ A ^ '; ■' 1 164 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 88, 89, C 304, 305, R 370, C 449.] Geog. Dist. — Rocky Mountain region of the United States, west to the Sierra Nevada, Cascades, and northern Coast Ranges ; south on the tablelands of Mexico to the Sierra Uolailos, Jalisco. Genus CEOPHLCEUS Cabanis. Ccophh^us Cahanis, J. f. O. 1862, 176. Type, Plcus pileatus Linn. ':!*l 40.5. Ccophloeus pileatus (Linn.). Pileated Woodpecker, Picus pileatus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 175S, 113. C\eophlo:us\ pileatus Cabanis, J. f. O. 1862, 176. [B90, C 294, R371, C 432.] Geog. Dist. — Formerly the heavily wooded region of North America south of about Lat. 63°, except in the southern Rocky Mountains ; now rare or extirpated in the more thickly settled parts of the I'^astern States. .■ s Genus MSLANERPES Swainson. SiBGENUs MELANERPES. Mehmcrpes Swains, in Sw. & Rich. Fauna Bor. Am. IL 1831, 316. Type, Picus erythrocephalus Linn. 406. Melanerpeb erythrocephalus (Linn.). " Red-headec' WoodpeclLcr. Picus erythrocepnalus Linn. S. N.ed. 10, L 1758, 113. Melanerpes erythrocephalus Swains, in Sw. & Rich. Fauna Bor. Am. n. 1831, 316. [B94, C 309, R 375, C 453.] Geog. Dist. — United States, west to the Rocky Mountains, and north from Florida to about Lat. 50°, straggling westward to Salt Lake Valley and Arizona; rare or local east of tht' Hudson River. 1 ! U i ORDER PICI. 407. Melanerpes formicivorus bairdi Ridgw. ^,„— Califoruiaii \Voo«lpecker. i6<; Melanerpes formicivorus bairdi Ridgw. Ikill. No. 2 i U. S. Nat. Mus. 188 1, 34, 85. [B95, C 310, R, 377, C 454.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast region of the United States, from southern Oregon south to northern Lower California and Mexico, east through Arizona to southern New Mexico and western Texas. 407 a. Melanerpes formicivorus angustifrons Baird. Narrow-fronted AVoodpecker. Melanerpes formicivorus \AX . angustifrons 'Rwkq, Orn. Cal. I. 1870, 405. [B— , C 3iooxap. Geog. &: Comp. List, 183S, 8. [B 112, C 265, R354, C 397.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North AmL*ric.i to the Plains, and from Lat. 50° south to Guatemala. ORDER MACROCHIRES. 169 417 a. Antrostomus vociferus macromystax (Waglkr). Stephens's Whip-poor-will. C(r/>n'm///{''/(s Mdin'Mys/irx \\\\G\,KR, Ibis, 183 1, 533. Capri)nul}^us I'Oiifcnis macromystax Hartkrt, Ibis, 1892, 286. Antrostomus vocifcnis macromxitax A. O. U. Check-List, 6th Suppl. Auk, XI. Ian. 1894. 4S. [B— , C— , R— , C 88 I.] Geog. Dist. — Arizona, New Mexico, and tablehands of Mexico south to Guatemala. Genus PHAL-HINOPTILUS Ridgway. PhahTnoptiliis Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. 1880, 5. Type, Caprhnulgus iiuttaUii Aud. 418. Phalaenoptilus nuttallii (Aud.). Poor-win. Caprhnulgus nuttalUi Kmd. B. Am. VII. 1843, 35°' P'- 495- Phalcenoptilus nuttalU Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. 1880, 5. [B 113, C 266, R 355, C39S.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, from the Sierra Nevada eastward to eastern Nebraska and eastern Kansas, north to central Idaho and Montana, and south to southern Mexico. 418 a. Phalaenoptilus nuttallii nitidus Brewst. Frosted Poor•^vill. P/'.ahenoptitus nutta/H nitidus J^KEw^T. \\xk, IV. April, 1877, 147. [B 1 13, /«/-/, C 266, /rtir/, R 355, /* ^ # y Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 , i it ':m m -i 9 l'^ ^ >ii mmm m i 176 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 104, C 278, R339, C 413.] Geog. Dist. — Rocky Mountain region (Idaho, Wyoming, and Colorado), west to the Sierra Nevada, and south through Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico to Guatemala. 438. SelasphoruB rufus (Gmel.). ■^ Rufous Ilummingbinl. Trochilus riifiis Gmel. S. N. I. i. 1788, 497. Trochilns {Srlasphonis) rufus Swains, in Sw. & Rich. Faun. Bor. Am. II. 1831, 324. [B 103, C 277, R 340, C 411.] Geog. Dist. — Western Texas to Montana, west to the Pacific, and north to Mount St. Elias, Alaska ; south in winter on the tablelands of Mexico to Vera Cruz and Oaxaca. 484. Selasphorus alleni Hensh. Allen's Iluniniiugbird. Selasjhorus a//e;ii HKyjuH. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, II. 1S77, 54. [B— , C — , R341, C 412.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast, north to British Columbia, east to southern Arizona. Genus STELLULA Gould. Sfe//u /<7 Gov LD, Introd. Troch. 1861, 90. Type, Trochilus calliope Gould. 430. Stellula calliope Gould. Calliope Hummingbird. Trochilus {Calothorax) calliope Gov lt>, P. Z. S. 1847, 11. Stellula calliope Gould, Introd. Troch. 1S61, 90. [B— , C282, R343, C4I7-] GEe)G. Dist. — Mountains of the Pacific slope, from British Colum- bia to Montana, Nevada, and New Mexico; south to the Valley of Mexico and mountains of Guerrero. >i ORDER MACROCIIIRES. 177 I Gexus CALOTHORAZ Gray. Calothorax Gray, Gen. B. 1840, 13. Type, Cyiianthus Inrifer Swains. 4:17. Calothorax lucifer (Swaixs.). Lucifer Iliiniiniii^bird. Cynanthus lucifer Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1S27, 442. Calothorax lucifer Gkw, Gen. \\. I. 1844, 110. []}_ C— . R344, C418.] Geog, Dist. — Tablelands of Mexico, from Puebla and the Valley of Mexico north to southern Arizona. Genus AMAZILIA Reicheniiach. Amazilia Reich. Syst. Av. 1849, pi. 39. Type, Orthorhynchus amazi/i Less. 4:!s. Amazilia fuscicaudata (Fraser). Rieffer's Hummingbird. Trochilus fuscicaudatus Fras. P. Z. S. 1840, 17. Amazilia fuscicaudata Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Miis. I. 1878, 118, 147. [B— , C— , R345. ^ 419-] Geog. Dist. — Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas, south through eastern Mexico to Central America and northern South America. 4:)9. Amazilia cerviniventris Gould. Buil'-bcllied Hummingbird. Amazilius cerviniventris Qo\:\.Vi, P. Z. S. 1S56, 150. [B— C-, R346, C420.] Geog. Dist. — Valley of the Lower Grande and south in east- ern Mexico to southern Vera Cruz. 12 *l ■ I. ■ t •%i t1 i; ■i'-' f f fi^ H ;^, .' . V *i i ill i !■ 178 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus BASILINNA Boie. Basilhma Boie, Isis, 1831, 546. Type, Trochilus kucotis 440. Basilinna zantusi (Lawr.). Xantus's Hummingbird. Amazilia xantusi Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. V. i860, 109. Basilinna xanthusi Elliot, Class. & Synop. Troch. March, 1879, 227. [B— C273, R 347, C 407.] Geog. Dist. — Lower California north to Lat. 29". V ' 1^ ' . ;';. ' ' • y 1-. llll I' > »HH ! ' ' mRSw' 11 ^ 1 jU Um^' i I:| iV' IMft ^ 1 ' 3'' ' ^ L 440.1. Basilinna leucotis (Vieill.). White-eared Hummingbird. Trochilus leucotis Vieill. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XXIIL 1S18, 428. Basilinna leucotis BoiE, Isis, 183 1, 546. [B— C- R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Mexico and Nicaragua, north to the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona. Genus IACHE Elliot. lache Elliot, Class. & Synop. Troch. March, 1879, 234. Type, Cynanthus latirostris Swains. 441. lache latirostris (Swains.). Broad'billed Hummingbird. Cynanthus latirostris Swains. Phil. Mag. L 1827, 441. lache latirostris Elliot, Class. & Synop. Troeh, March, 1879, 235- [B-, C-, R348, C421.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Arizona and south to the Valley of Mexico. ORDER PASSERES. 179 Order PASSERES. Perching Birds. Suborder CLAMATORES. Soxgless Perching Birds. 1 ' v^Hn 11 i'Wtt 3M Ir j^B^B ) Jl I j^^B n I9f 1 ■ If ' '4 'im '.' Jb> ': ,1 ■Ami. ■:,l m COTINGID2!. The Cotingas. Genus Platypsaris Sclater. Plaiypsaris ScL. P. Z. S. 1857, 72 (ex Boxap., 1854, = noinen nudum). Type, Pachyrhamphus latirostris Bon A p. 441.1. Platypsaris albiventris (Lawk.). Xantus's Beeard. Hadrostomiis albiventris Lawr. Ann. Lye. X. Y. \'III. 1867, 475. Platypsaris albiventris Ridgw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 325. [B— , C— , R— C— .] Geog. Dist. — Western and southern Mexico, north to southern Arizona (Huachuca Mts.). u:. '. \\ At Family TYRANNIDiE. Tyrant Flycatchers. Genus MILVULUS Swainson. Milvulus Swainson, Zool. Journ. III. July, 1827, 165. Type, Tyranfius savanna Vieill. = Muscicapa tyrannus Linn. [442.] Milvulus tyrannus (Linn.). Fork-tailed Flycatcher. Muscicapa tyrannus Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766,325. Milvulus tyrannus Bonap. Geogr. & Conip. List, 183S, 25. W -'■>% I So CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 122, C 240, R 302, C 366.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Mexico and southward throughout Central and most of South America. Accidental in the United States (Mississippi, Kentucky, New Jersey, southern California). 44:}. Milvulus forficatus (Gmel.). Sclssor-tailed Flycatcher. Miiscicapa forficata Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 931. Milvulus forficatus Swains. Classif. B. II. 1827, 225. [B 123, C 241, R 301, C367.] Geoc. Dist. — Texas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, southern Kansas and southwestern Missouri, south through eastern Mexico to Costa Rica. Accidental in southern Florida (Key West), New Jersey, New England, and at York Factory, Hudson Bay. .*■ f Genus TYR ANNUS Cuvier. Tyrannus Cuvier, Le9. d'An. Comp. I. 1799, tabl. ii. (C/. Tabl. Elem. 1797, p. 201.) Type, Laiiius tyrannus Linn. 444. Tyrannus tyrannus (Linn.). Kingbird. Lanius tyrannus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 94. Tyrannus tyrannus Jordan, Man. Vert. ed. 4, 1884, 96. [B 124, C 242, R 304, C 368.] Geog. Dist. — North America, from the British Provinces south, in winter, through eastern Mexico, Central and South America. Less common west of the Rocky Mountains. Not recorded from New Mexico and Arizona. 445. Tyrannus dominicensis (Gmel.). Gray Kiugbird. Lanius tyrannus (3. dominicensis Gmel. S. N. I. 1788, 302. Tyrannus dominicensis Richardson, Rep. Sixth Meet. Brit. Ass. V. 1837, 170. V 1 f ORDER PASSERES. l8l [B I2S. C 243. R 303, C 369.] Geog. Dist. — South Atlantic States (South Carolina, Georgia. Florida). West Indies, Atlantic coast of Central America, and northern South America. Accidental in Massachusetts. 440. Tyrannus melancholicus couchii (Hmrd). Coiicirs Kingltird. Tynmtius couc/iii \\.\\\, 15. \. Am. 1S5S, 175. Tyrannus melancholicus var. couchii CuuES, Check-list, ed. i, Dec. 1873, 51. [B 128, 129, C 246, R 305, C 372.] Geog. Dist. — Southern border of the United States (Texas), south to Guatemala. 447. Tyrannus verticalis Sav. Arkansas Kingbird. Tyrannus I'erticalis Say, Long's Exp. II. 1S23, 60. [B 126, C 244, R 306, C 370.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, from the Plains to the Pacific, and from British Columbia south through Lower California and western Mexico to Guatemala. Accidental in Maryland, New- Jersey, New York, and Maine. 448. Tyrannus vociferans Swains. Caasin's Kingbird. Tyrannus vociferatis Swains. Quart. Jour. Sci. XX. 1826, 273. [B 127, C 245, R307, C 371.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States from southern Wyoming, eastern Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, western Texas and southern California, south to Guatemala. Genus PITANGUS Swainson. Pitangus Swainson, Zool. Journ. III. July, 1827, 165. Type, Tyrannus sulphuratus Vieill. \% ■1 If '' tl < M ■i " I. I ^■1. ! i- :K H t J if,;- ' ^1 :iki-- ^i' rt ill 1; t J N ti 182 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 440. PitangUB derbianus (Kaup). I>erl)y Fly«'ut«'her. Siiurop/uj^us tkrl>ia>tus Kaui", 1'. Z. S. 1S51 (Oct. 1852), 44, pi. xxxvi. ritani;its derbianus Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856 (Jan. 1857), 297. [H— C— , R308, C 364.] Geoc. Dist. — Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, south to northern South America. Genus MTxOZETETES Sclater. Myiozetetes Scl. P. Z. S. 1859, 46. Type, Muscicapa cayenncnsis Linn. [450.] Myiozetetes tezensis (Giraud). Giraud's Flycatcher. Muscicapa tcxcnsis Giraud, Sixteen Sp. Texas B. 1841, pi. i. Myiozetetes texensis ScL. P. Z. S. 1859, 56. [B— , C— R309, C— .] Geog. Dist. — "Texas" (Giraud), south to Central America and northern South America. Genus MYIODYNASTES Bonaparte. Myiodynastes Bonap. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandi^'e, IL 1857,35 (ex BoMAP. Comptes Rend. XXXVIIL 1854, 657, nomen nudum). Type, Muscicapa audax Gmel. 451. M3riod7naBtes luteiventris Scl. Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher. Myiodynastes luteiventris Scl. P. Z. S. 1859, 42 (ex Bonap. Comptes Rend. XXXVIIl. 1854, 657, nomen nudum). [B- C-, R310, C365.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Arizona, south to Panama. Genus MYIARCHUS Cabaxis. J/v/V7rr//«J Cab. Arch. f. Naturg. 1844, i, 272. Type, Muscicapa ferox Gmel. ORDER PASSERES. 183 4o'2. Myiarchus crinitus (Linn.). Cr€'stt'«l Flyi-ati'her. Miisiicapa crinita Lin'n. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 325. Myiarchus crinitus LicnT. Xomencl. Mus. Uerol. 1854, 16. [H 130, C 247, R 312, C 373.] Cfi or,. Disr. — Eastern United States and southern Canada, west to Manitoba and the Plains, south througii eastern Me.vico to Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. Breeds from Florida northward. 45:}. Myiarchus mezicanus (Kaup). 3Iexioan Create*! Flycatcher. Tyrannuhi incxicana Kaup, P. Z. S. 1S51, 51. Myiarchus mexicanus Baird, B. N. Am. 1S58, 179. [B 132, C— , R 311, C 374-] Geug. Dist. — Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, south- ward to Guatemala. 4.')o a. Myiarchus mexicanus magister Ridgw. Arizona Crested Flycatcher. Myiarchus mexicanus magister Ridgw. Pr. Biol. Soc. Wash. IL April 10, 1884, 90. [B— , C-, R— , C-.] Geo(;. Dist. — Southern Arizona, south into western Mexico. 454. Myiarchus cinerascens (Lawr.). Ash-throated Flycatcher. Tyrannula cinerascens Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. V. 1851, 121. Myiarchus cinerascens Scl. & Salv. Ibis, L Apr. 1859, 121. [B 131, C 248, R 313, C 375.] Gkog. Dist. — Western United States, north to Oregon, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado, south to Guatemala. 454 It I . ;. I J ! !E m 450 a. Myiarchus lawrencei olivascens Ridgw. Olivaceous Flycatcher. Myiarchus hmifcncei olivascens Ridgw. Pi. Biol Soc. Wash. II. April 10, 1884, Qi . [B— C-, R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Arizona and western Mexico. Casual -^t Fort Lyon, Colorado. Genus SAYORNIS Buxai'arte. Sayornis Bovap. Coll. Delattre, 1854, 87. Type, Tyrannula nigricans Swains. 45G. Sayornis phcebe (Lath.). PhcjBbe. Miiscicapa phcebe Latham, Ind. Orn. IL 1790, 489. Sayornis phivhe Stejn. Auk, H. Jan. 1885, 51. [Bi3s, C2S2, R315, C 379.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, west to eastern Colorado and western Texas, and from the British Provinces south to eastern Mexico and Cuba, wintering from the South Atlantic and Gulf States southward. Breeds from South Carolina northward. ft" ORDKR PASSERES. 1 8; 457. ."^ayornis saya (Uunai'.). Say'a I'hu'be. Afiisficij/>a snya'. Am. Orn. 1. 1825. 20. Sayornis sayus Haikd, I!. N. .\m. 1858, 1S5.- [B 136, C 250, R 3.6, C 377.] (iEoo. Disr. — Western United States, from tlie Plains ( North and South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas) to tiie Pacific: north along the \'ukon River to the Arctic Circle: .south to Cape St. Lucas and over the Mexican Plateau to I'uehia and central \'era Cruz. Accidental in Massachusetts. 4o8. SayorniB nigricans (Swains.). Black I'hicbc. Tyrannnla nigricans Swains. Phil. Mag, I. May, 1827,367. Sayornis nigricans Hoxap. Coll. Delattre, 1S54. 87. [U 134, C 251, R 317, C 378.] Geog. Dist. — Southwestern United States, from 'I'exas through southern New Mexico and Arizona to California, and northward along the Pacific coast to Washington : south to Cape St. Lucas, Lower California, and in Mexico to Oaxaca. Gexus CONTOPUS Cabanis. Contopus Cab. J. T. O. IIL Nov. 1855, 47^. Type, Muscicapa vircns Linn. Subgenus NUTTALLORNIS Riuciw. Niittallornls Ridgw. Man. X. Am. B. 1S87, 337. Type, Tyran- nus borealis Swains. 459. Contopus borealis (Swains.). OUve-slded Flycatoher. Tyranniis borealis Swains, in Sw. & Rich. Faun. B. .\. IL 1831, 141, pi. 35. Contopus borealis Bairu, B. N. Am. 1S58, iSS. C 111 i '' \i'\ : 1 86 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B137, C 253, R 318, C 380.] Geog. Dist. — North America, breeding from the northern and the higher mountainous parts of the United States northward to British Columbia and the Saskatchewan River. Accidental on the Lower Yukon and in Greenland. In winter, south to Central America, Colombia, and northern Peru. i'1 ' ir'i; ^'). f %■ SuHGENUs CONTOPUS Cahanis. 4H0. Contopus pertinax Cab. Coues's Flycatcher. Myiarchiis pertinax LiCHT. Nomen. Mus. Berol. 1854, i6(nomen nudum). Contopus pertinax Cab. Mus. Hein. II. Sept. 30, 1859, 72. [B-, C 254, R 319, C 381.] Geog. Dist. — Mountains of southern and central Arizona, south through Mexico to Guatemala. 461. Contopus virsns (Linn.). Wood Pc^vee. Muscicapa virens Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 327. Contopus virens Cab. J. f, O. 1855, 479. [B 139, C 255, R 320, C 382.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, west to the Plains, and from southern Canada southward, migrating through eastern Mexico and Honduras to Colombia and Ecuador. Breeds from Florida to Newfoundland. 402. Contopus richardsonii (Swains.). Western Wood Pewee. Tyrannula richardsonii Swains, in Sw. & Rich. F. B. A. II. 1 83 1, 146, pi. 46, lower fig. Contopus richardsonii Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 189. [B 138, C255«, R 321, C 383.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, from the Plains to the Pacific, north to British Columbia and the interior of British America, south through Central America to Colombia. l": 1 ORDER PASSF.RES. 187 462 a. Contopus richardsonii peninsulas Brewst. Large-bille«l Wood Pewee. Contopus richardsonii peninsuhc Brewst. Auk, VIII. April, 1891, 144. [B— , C— R— C-.] Geog. Dist. — Sierra de la Laguna, Lower California. Arizona, south Genus EMPIDONAX Cabams. Empidonax Cab. J. f. O. 1855, 480. Type, Tyrannula pusilla Swains. 468. Empidonaz faviventris Baird. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. Tyrannula flaviventris Baird (W. M. & S. F.), Pr. Ac. Nat, Sci. Phila. July, 1843, 283. Empidonax flaviventris ')^K\KX>^ B. N. Am. 1858, 198. rBi44,C'259, R322, C388.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America v.est to the Plains, and from southern Labrador south thro'igh eastern Mexico to Panama, breed- ing from the Nc-rthern States northward. Casual in Greenland. 464. Empidonax difficilib Baird. Western Flycatcher. Empidonax difficiUs Bairp, B. N. Am. 1858, 198 (in text). [B \\\a, C 259, /(?/-/, R 323, C 389.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, from the Plains to the Pacific ; south to Cape St. Lucas and through western Mexico to Costa Rica ; north to southern Alaska. 464.L Empidonax cinoritius Brewst. St. Lucas Flycntoher. Empidonax cineritius Brews r. Auk, V. Jan, ;888, 90. [B— C— , R— , C— .] Geog. Dist. — Lower California. if» iU !' !' M ■ll live, ^ »^; I Ml V^:\f^ 1 88 CHECKLIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 4G5 Empidonaz virescens (Vieill.). Green-crested Flycatcher. Flatyrhynchos 7u'resi:ens V ieill. Nouv. I'ct. d'Kist. Nat. XXVII. 1818, 22. Empidonax virescens Brewst. Auk, XII. April, 1895, 157. [B 143, C 256, R 324, C 384.] Geog. Dist. — Kastcrn Ignited States, north to southern New York and southern Michigan, west to the Plains, south to Cuba and Costa Rica. Rare or casual in southern New England (Hyde Park, ivlass. ). 460. Empidonax traillii (Aud.). Traill's Flycatcher. Muscicapa traiUii AuD. Orn. Biog. I. 1832, 236. Empidonax traillii Baird, Bds. N. Am. 1858, 193. [B i4i,C257.^ R 32s, C 386.] Geog. Dist. — Western North America, from the Mississippi Valley (Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan) to the I'acific, and from the Fur Countries south into Mexico. 466 a. Empidonui: traillii alnoru.n7. Brewst. Alder Flycatcher. Empidojicx traiUii alnorum Brewst. Auk, XII. April, 1895, 161. [B140, C257, R32S«, C385.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, from the Maritime Prov- inces and New England westward at least to northern Michigan, etc., breeding from the sorUiern edge of the Canadian Fauna north- ward ; in wintpr south to Central America. 467. Empidonax n.inimus Baird. Least Fly.?ajcher. Tyrannitla minima Baird (W. M. & S. F.), Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. PL 'la. July, 1843,284. Empidonax minimus Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 195. [B 142, C 258, R3.'6, C387.] Geog. Dist. — Ghietly eastern North America, west to eastern Colorado and central Montana, south in winter to Central America. Breeds from the Northern States northward. '\Uf\ ORDER PASSERES. 189 -168. Empidonax hammondi (Xantus). Huinmond's Flycatcher. Tyramiula hamffiondi Xantus, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. May, 1858, 117. Evipidonax havifnoniH Hwvt.i), B. N. Am. 1858, 199. [B 145, C260, R 327, C 390.] Geoo. Dist. — Western North America, from the western border of the Plains westward, north to Lesser Slave Lake and Alaska, and south to southern Mexico. 469. Empidonax wrightii Baird. Wright's Flycatcher. Empidonax wrightii Baird, B. N. Am. 1S58, 200 (in text). [B 146, C 261, R 328, C 391.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, north to Oregon and Mon- tana, and south to southern Mexico. 460.1. Empidonax griseus Brewst. Gray Flycatcher. Empidonax griseus Brewst. Auk, VL April, 1889, 87. [B-, C-, R— , C-.] Geog. Dist. — Lower California and portions of Sonora. (Ari- zona .') [470.] Empidonax fulvifrons (Giraud). Fulvous Flycatcher. Mnscicapa fulvifrofis Giraud, Sixteen Sp. Tex. B. 1841, pi. ii. Empidonax fulvifrons ScL. P. Z. S. '858, 301. [B-, C-, R329, C-.] Geog. Dist. — " Texas " (Giraud), and eastern Mexico. 470 a. Empidonax fulvifrons pygmaeus (Coues). Bull-breasted Flycatcher. Empidonax pygimciis Coues, Ibis, 1S65, 537. Empidonax fulvifrons pygmceus Ridgw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. VIIL 1885, 356. [B — , C 262, R 329(?, C 392.] ■ Geog. Dist. — Western New Mexico and southern Arizona, south into western Mexico. ^'H^i ^^ 1i m'' ■'\yn Hi ' t ,.1- >J I- i C- 190 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus FYROCEPHALUS Gould. J'yrocephalus Gould, Zool. Voy. Beag. 184 1, 44. Types, " Pyro- cephaluspanirostris (Gould), "liW^Musckapa coronata (Auct.)." 471. FyrocephaluB rubineus mezicanus (Scl.). Vermilion Flycatclier. Pyrocephahis mexicanus Scl. P. Z. S. 1S59, 45. Pyrocephalus rubineus var. niexicamis CoUES, Key, 1872, 177. [B 147, C 263, R 330, C 394.] Geog. Dist. — Southern and central Arizona, southwestern Utah, and the valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, south to Lower California and Guatemala. Genus ORNITHION Hartlaubi Ornithion Hartlaub, J. f. O. 1853, 35. Type, O, iHermeYi\v:\h. 472. Ornithion imberbe (Scl.). Beardless Flycatcher. Camptostoma imberbe ScL. P. Z. S. 1857, 203. Ortiithion imberbe hAWK. Ibis, 1876, 497. [B— , C — , R331, C 393.] GeoCt. Dist. — Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, south into eastern Mexico, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. 472 a. Ornithion imberbe ridgwayi Brewst. Riclgway's Flycatcher. Ornithium imberbe ridgioayi Brewst. Bull. Nutt. Orn. CI. VH. Oct. 1882, 208. [B-, C-, R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Southern A izona, south in Mexico to Puebla and Jalisco. ORDER PASSERES. Suborder OSCINES. Song Birds. Family ALAUDIDiE. Larks. 191 '■i ^i Genus ALAUDA Linx/Eus. Alaiida Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 165. Type, by elimination, A. arvensis Linn. [473.] Alauda arvensis Linn. Skylark. Alauda arvensis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 165. [B— C55^/j, R299, C88.] Geog. Dist. — Europe and Asia. Accidental in Greenland and Bermuda. Genus OTOCORIS Bonaparte. Oiccoris Bonap. Nouvi Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, IL 1838, 407. Type, Alauda alpestris LiXN. 474. Otocoris alpestris (Linn.). Horned Lark. Alauda alpestris Linn. S. N. ed. 10, 1758, 166. Otocoris alpestris Bonap. Nouvi Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, H. 1838. 407. [B302, C 53, R300, C82.] Geog. Dist. — Northeastern North America, Greenland, and northern parts of the Old World; in winter south in eastern United States to the Carolinas, Illinois, etc. T Til* \\ Ilf*"«:i II 192 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 474 a. Otocoris alpestris leucolaema (Coues). Pallid Horned Lark. Enmophila alpestris b. kucolccma CouES, B. N. W. 1875, 3^ (P'irt). Otocoris alpestris leiicolicma Stejn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. June 5, 1882, 34. [B -, C 53^, R zooa, C 83.] Geoo. Dist. — Interior of British America, and Alaska, south in winter into western United States. 474^. Otocoris alpestris praticola Hensh. Prairie Morued Larlc. O\tocorys'\ alpestris praticola Hensh. Auk, I. July, 1884, 264. [B — , C — , R -, C — .] Geog. Dist. — Upper Mississippi Valley and the region of the Great Lakes to New England, breeding eastward to northeastern New York and western Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont, and migrating south to South Carolina, Texas, etc. 474 r. Otocoris alpestris arenicola Hensh. Desert Horned Lark. O\iocorys'\ alpestris arenicola Hensh. Auk, I. July, 1884, 265. [B— , C— R— , C— .] Geog. Dist. — Great Plains and Great Basin of the United States, south in winter to northern ^Mexico. 474 d. Otocoris alpestris giraudi Hensh. Texan Horned Lark. Otocorys alpestris giraudi Hensh. Auk, I. July, 1884, 266. [B— , C— , R— , C— .] Geog. Dist. — Eastern and southeastern Texas. 474^. Otocoris alpestris chrysolsema (Wagl.). Mexican Horned Lark. Alanda chfysolceftia Wagl. Isis, 1831, 530. Otocoris alpestris chrysohcma Stejn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. June 5, 1882, 34. III! ..%:•• ORDER PASSERES. 193 [B— . CS3.7, R3oo/^CS4.] Geog. Dist. — Coast district of California (north to Nicasio), northern Lower California, and parts of Mexico (Mirador, Vera Cruz, Valley of Mexico, etc.). 474/ Otocoris alpestris rubea Hensh. Ruddy Horned Lark. O[tocorvs] alpestris rubeiis Hexsh. Auk, I. July, 1884, 267. [B— , C— R— , C— .] Geog. Dist. — Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, California. 474^. Otocoris alpestris strigata Hensh. streaked Horned Lark. O\tocorys'\ alpestris strigata Hensh. Auk, I. July. 18S4, 2(^1. [B— C— , R- C-.] Geog. Dist. — Coast region of Washington. Oregon, and British Columbia. Islands off coast of southern California. 474//. Otocoris alpestris adusta Dwight. Scorched Horned Lark. Otocoris alpestris adusta Dwight, Auk, VII. April, 1890, 148. [E-, C-, R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Arizona and New Mexico, western Texas, and southward into Mexico. 474/. Otocoris alpestris merrilli Dwight. Dusky Horned Lark. Otocoris alpostris merrilli Dwight, Auk, VII. April, 1890, 153. [B- C— , R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern Oregon, Washington, and British Colum- bia, between the Cascade and Rocky Mountains ; soucnward in winter into Nevada and California. 474/ Otocoris alpestris pallida Townsend. Sonoran Horned Lark. Otocoris alpestris pallida Townsend, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mr.s. XIII, 1890, 138. [B— , C— , R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Lower California and Sonora. "(■ \' m k 14 '• m [94 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Family C0RVID2i. Crows, Jays, Magpies, etc. Subfamily OARRULINiB. Magpies and Jays. i L . /.. i- ^f Genus PICA Brisson. J^ka Briss. Orn. II. 1760, 35. Type, Corvus pica Linn. 475. Pica pica hudsonica (Sab.). American Magpie. Corvus hudsonicus Sab. App. Frankl. Journ. 1823, 25, 671. Pica pica hudsonica Jordan, Man. Vert. ed. 4, 1884, 94. [B 432, C 233, R 286, C 347.] Geog. Dist. — Northern and western North America, from the Plains to the Cascade Mountains and north to Alaska ; casually east and south to Michigan (accidental in northern Illinois in winter), and in the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico and Arizona. Replaced in California, west of the Sierra Nevada, by the next species. V '' 476. Pica nuttalli Aud. Yellow-billed Magpie. Pica nuttalli KvT). Orn. Biog. IV. 1838, 450, pi. 362. [B 433» C 233«, R 287, C 348.] Geog. Dist. — California, west of the Sierra Nevada, from Sacra- mento Valley south to about latitude 34°, locally distributed. , m r Genus CYANOCITTA Strickland. Cyanocitta Strickl. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV. 1845, 261. Type, Con'us cristatus Linn. 477. Cyanocitta cristata (Linn.). Blue Jay. Corvus cristatus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 106. Cyanocitta cristata Strickl. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV, 1845, 261. ORDER PASSERES. 195 [B 434, C 234, R 289, C 349.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America to the Plains, and from the Fur Countries south to Florida and eastern Texas. i-^ n 477 a. Cyanocitta cristata florincola Coues. Florida Blue Jay. Cyanocitta cristata florincola CouES, Key, ed. 2, 1884, ^21. [B— , C-, R-,C-.] Geog. Dist. — 1 Jiida and the Gulf coast to southeastern Texas, casually along the coast to southwestern Texas. 478. Cyanocitta stelleri (Gmel.). Steller's Jay. Corviis steHeri Gy.x'E.h. S. N. I. 1788, 370. Cyanocitta stelleri Strickl. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV. 1845, 261. [B 435. C 235, R 290, C 350.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast of North America, from Sitka south through the Cascade and Coast Ranges to Monterey Bay. 478 A. Cyanocitta stelleri frontalis (Ridgw.). Blue-fronted Jay. Cyanura stelleri var, frontalis Ridgw. Am. Journ. Sc. & Arts, 3d ser. V. Jan. 1873, 41. Cya?iocitta stelleri \^x. frontalis Boucard, Cat. Av. 1876, 279. [B— , C 235^, R 290^7, C 353.] Geog. Dist. — Southern coast range and Sierra Nevada of Cali- fornia and western Nevada, from Fort Crook south to northern Lower California. 478 1^. Cyanocitta stelleri macrolopha (Baird). Long-crested Jay. Cyanocitta macrolopha Baird, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1854, 118. Cyanocitta stelleri ?nacroloPka Coues, Bull. Nutt. Orn. CI. V. April, 1880, 98. Hi \t^ ."'! 'f '■ 3i| ■M ■'/J'-: f'M ^^ ill i 1 *,•' 1 Vi ! " ft IM ';t, ^ 1' / 196 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN IJIRDS. / ]l|i [B 436, C .135^?, R 29o/^ 290A C 352.] Geoo. Dist. — Southern Rocky Mounlains, soutlicrn Arizona and northwestern Mexico. 478^. Cyanocitta stfileri annectens iI'mrd). Black-hea«le(. Jay. [^Cyannra stellcri'\ var. annectens Baird, Hist. X. Am. li. II. 1874, 281, in text. Cyanocitta stelleri annectens RiD(;w. Proc. U. S. Xat. Miis. III. 1880, 184. [B 436, /^r/, C 2iia,part, R 290^ C 352, /, l\. N. Am. 1858, 585, pi. 59. Aphelocoma ivoodhousii Ridgw. Field and Forest, June, 1877, 208. [B 438, C 236,/, R 292, C 355.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, from the desert ranges of southern California north to eastern Oregon, east to Montana. Wvo- ming, Colorado and New Mexico, and south to northern Mexico. i'ifo ORDF.R PASSERKfl. 197 4S0.1. Aphelocoma cyanotis Riogw. f DliM'-eared Jay. Aphelocoma cyapotis Rinow. Man. N. .\m. Hds. 1887, 357. [n— , c— , R— c— .] Geog. Dist. — Northern Mexico, ran^in-jr nort!nv;\rcl into western Texas. 4s 1. Aphelocoma californica (Vig.). \ ~ Califurnia Jay. Garruhis caUfornicus Vig. Zool. i5eech. Voy. 1839, 21, pi. v. Aphelocoma californica Cah. Mus. Hein. I. Oct. 15, 185 i, 221. [B 437, C 236/^ R 293, C 356.] (iix»G. DiST. — Pacific coast region, including both slopes of the Sierra Nevada, from the Columbia River to northern Lower Cali- fornia. 4^1 <^ Aphelocoma californica hypoleuca Ridgw. Xantiis's Jay. Aphelocoma californica hypoleuca Ridgw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887^ 356. [B Ml, part, C 2T,6b,part. R 2^1, part, C 356, /(?r/.] Geog. Dist. — Lower California, from Cape St. Lucas north to Lat. 28°. 4s 1 b. Aphelocoma californica obscura Anthony. Belding's Jay. Aphelocoma californica obscura Anthony, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. 2d ser. IL Oct. 11, 1889, 75. [B-, C— , R_, C-.] Geog. Dist. — San Pedro Martir Mountains, Lower California. 4s i. I. Aphelocoma insularis Hknsh. Santa Cruz Jay. Aphelocoma insularis Hessh. Auk, IIL Oct. 1886, 452. [B— C-, R-. C-.] Geog. Dist. — Santa Cruz Island, southern California. n^' fi"\ Mi' ■ m i^riJr. ■ . > ;„■ );■ iii Wm II i " 198 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN HIRDS. 482. Aphelocoma sieberii arizonae Rti)(;\v. ,ji^'~*f /^ J.- /ji..I — ' /" Arizona Jay. I y t,/ Cyanocitta ultramnnna var, anzome Kidgw. Bull. Essex Inst. V. W tt7.^ l^t-'c. 1873, 199. ,-^f Aphelocoma sieberii arizonie RlD(i\v. I'r. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 355. [fJ 440, C 237, R 295, C 357.] Geog. Dist. — Southern New Mexico and Arizona, and southward into Sonora and Chihuahua. Gknus ZANTHOURA Bonaparte. Xanthoura Bonap. Consp. Av. I. May 6, 1850, 3S0. Type, Corvus yncas Bodd. 483. Xanthoura luzuosa (Less.). '~'~~ Green Jay. Garrulus /uxuostis Less. Rev. Zool. 1839, 100. Xanthoura luxuosa Bonap. Consp, Av. I. 1850, 380. [B 442, C 238, R 296, C 358.] Geog. Dist. — Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, and southward in eastern Mexico to Vera Cruz and Puebla. Genus PERISOREUS Bonaparte. Perisoreus Bonap. Saggio, 1831, 43. Type, Corvus infausttis Linn. m ii II "^i" . / 484, 484. Perisoreus canadensis (Linn.). '^^ Canada Jay. Corvus canadensis Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 158, Perisoreus canadensis Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 27. [B 443, C 239, R 297, C 359.] Geog. Dist. — Northern New York, northern New England, and northern Michigan, northward to Arctic America. ORDER PASSERES. 1 99 484 <7. Ferisoreus canadensis capitalis Rior.w. ,..//_ . Uocky Moiintniu .luy. '' ^V. f(^^^?fy Perisorcns cunaJcnsis var. dipitalis "Baikd MS." RiDOW. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Nov. 1873, 193. [B-, C 239^ R 297'^ C 36:.] Geoc. Disr. — Rocky Mou.itain region of the United States, south to New Mexico and Arizona. 48 1 /^ Ferisoreus canadensis fumifrons Ridgw. . /) / i / Ahiskjui Jay. ■ ,.,ir,. - ^'M'^^'C * ' ' .'^(_y Ferisoreus canadensis fumifrons Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. March 27, 1880, 5. [B-, C- R297/', C360.] Geog. Dist. — Alaska, except southern coast district. 484 o, part, C 338, /ar/,] Geog. Dist. — Northern North America, south to British Colum- bia, northern Michigan, New Brunowick, Maine, New Jersey, North Carolina, etc. 48V. Corvus cryptoleucus Couch. ""^ WJjite-necked Raven. Corvus cryptoleucus Couch, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. April, 1854, 66. [B 425, C 227, R 281, C 339.] Geog. Dist. — Southern border of the United States, from Texas to southern California, north to Colorado and western Kansas, south into northern Mexico. 488. Corvus americanus Aud. American Crow. Corvus americanus Avn. Orn. Biog. II. 1S34, 317. [B 426, C 228, R 282, C 340.] Geog. Dist. — North America, from the Fur Countries to the south- ern border of the United States. Locally distributed in the West. 488 a. Corvus americanus floridanus Baird. Florida Crow. Corvus americanus vciX. Jforidanus Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 568. [B 427, C 22Za, R 282 ' '; ■■ t '■ ^f 202 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. •>/ 492. Cyanocephalus cyanocephalus (Wied). I ~*^ Pinon Jay. Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus Wied, Reise N. Amer. II. 1841, 21. Cyanocephalus cyanocephalus Stejn. Auk, I. 18S4, 230. [B 431, C 231, R 285, C 345.] Geog. Dist. — Rocky Mountains, west to the Cascade Range and the Sierra Nevada, and from British America south to northern Lower California. Accidental in eastern Kansas and eastern Nebraska. F/MiLY STURNIDiE. Starlings. Genus STURNUS Sturnus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 167. Type, by elimination, S. vulgaris Linn. [493.] Sturnus vulgaris Linn. starling. Sturnus vulgaris Linn. S. N. ed. lo, I. 1758, 167. [B— , C— , R279, C363.] Geog. Dist. — Europe and northern Asia ; accidental in Green- land. Introduced and apparently well-established in the vicinity of New York city. ||^;- '■ '»;';(M Family ICTERIDJE. Blackbirds, Orioles, etc. Genus DOLICHON7X Swainson. Dolichonyx Swains. Phil. Mag. I. June, i8.i7, 435. Type, Fringilla oryzivoru Linn. 494. Dolichonyx oryzivorus (Linn.). Bobolink. Fringilla oryzivora Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 179, Dolichonyx oryzivorus Swains. Zool. Jour. III. 1827, 351. Ill: k. !l ORDER PASSERES. [B399, C 210, R 257, C 312.] 203 Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, west to Montana, eastern Nevada, Utah, and Idaho ; north to Ontario, and the southern parts of Manitoba, Assiniboia, and Alberta ; south, in winter, to the West Indies and South America. Breeds from the Middle States north- ward, and winters south of the United States. Genus MOLOTHRUS Swaixsox. Molothnis Swains. F. B. A. II. 1831, 277. Type, Fringilla pecoris Gmel. = Oriolus ater Bodd. 495. Molothrus ater (Bodd.). Cowbird. Oriolus ater Bodd. Tabl. PI. Enlum. 17S3, 37. Molothrus ater Gray, Handl. B. II. 1S70, 36. [B400, C211, R258, C313.] Geog. Dist. — United States, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, north into southern British America, south, in winter, into Mexico. 495 a. Molothrus ater obscurus (Gmel.). Dwarf Cowbird. Sturnus obscurus Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 804. M\olothrus~\ ater var. obscurus Coues, B. N. W. 1874, 180, in text. [B — , C 2ii«, R 258^, C 314.] Geog. Dist. — Southern United States, from Texas to southern Arizona and Lower California, south into Mexico. Genus CALLOTHRUS Cas?in. Callothrus Cass. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1866, 18. Type, Psarocolius ceneus Wagl. : * i W'- li 204 CHECK-LIST OP^ NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 4y«>. Callothrus robustus (Cvr.). Rcart, R 2G1, part, C 3 16, /«/■/■.] Geog. Dist. — Northern Mexico and contiguous borders of tiie United States, from the Lower Rio Grande Valley and southern Arizona north to the lower Colorado Valley, California, and Chilii- wack, British Columbia. 498^. Agelaius phoeniceus bryanti Rn^Gw. Uahanian Iled-wiug. Agelaius phoeniceus bryanti Ridgw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 370. [B ^01, part, C 212, part, R 2G1, part, C t^iG, part.] Geog. Dist. — Bahamas and southern Florida, west to the Gulf coast of Louisiana (Lake Borgne), south to Yucatan ".nd Nicaragua. 499. Agelaius gubernator (Wagl.). Bicolored Blaokbirrt. Fsarocolius gubernator \N \Gh. Isis, IV. 1S33, 281. Agelaius gubernator 'Qo'tiAW P. Z. S. 1837 (June, 1S3S), iio. [B 402, C 212a, R 26i(7, C 317.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast districts, from western Washington, south to Lower California, west of the Cascades and the Sierra Nevada. Casually to western Nevada and southeastern California (Inyo Co.). 500. Agelaius tricolor (Aud.). Trlcolored Blackbird. Icterus tricolor " Nutt." Aud. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, pi. 388, fig. i. Agelaius tricolor Bo^iAV. Geog. & Comp. List, 1S38. 29. [B 403, C 2 12^ R 262. C 318.] Geog. Dist. — Southwestern Oregon, south through California, west of the Sierra Nevada, to northern Lower California. %- I -, ir, '■ ■- m 1 ! ■ 206 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus STURNELLA Vieillot. Sfunic//a YiEiLL. Analyse, 18 16, 34. Type, A/au^a magna Lii^i^. •')01. Starnella magna Linn.). Meadowlark. Alauda magna Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 167. Sturnella magna Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 436. [B 406, C 214, R 263, C 320.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States and southern Canada to the Plains. Breeds from the Gulf of Mexico northward. .''Ol a. Sturnella magna mezicana (Scl.). Mexican Meadowlark. Sturndla mexicana Scl. Ibis, j86i, 179. Sturnella magna var. mexicana B. B. & R. Hist. N. Am. B. II. 1S74, 172. [B— . C-, R263(?, C321.] Geog. Dist. — Valley of the Lower Rio Grande and southern Ari- zona, and south through eastern and central Mexico to Panama. 501 1>. Sturnella magna neglecta (Aud.). Western 3Ieadowlark. Sturnella neglecta Aud. B. Am. VII. 1843, 339, pi. 487. Sturnella magna var. neglecta Allen, Bull. M. C. Z. III. No. 2, July, 1872, 178. [B 407, C 2i4rtr, R 264, C 322.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, from Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Texas, etc., west to the Pacific coast and north to British Columbia and Manitoba, south through central and western Mexico to Guanajuato and Jalisco. Genus ICTERUS Brisson. Subgenus ICTERUS. Icterus Briss. Orn. II. 1760, 85. Type, by elimination, Oriolus icterus Linn. ORDER PASSERES. 207 [r)02.] Icterus icterus (Linn.). Troupial. Oriolus icterus Linn. S. N. ed. 12, L 1766, t6i. Icterus icterus Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIIL 1885, 355. [B408, C— R26S, C323I Geog. Dist. — West Indies (introduced) and northern South America. Accidental at Charleston, S. C. (Audubon). r>03. Icterus audubonii Giraud. Audubon's Oriole. Icterus audubonii GiRkVD, Sixteen Sp. Texas B. 1841, 3. [B 409, C 220, R 266, C 330.] Geog. Dist. — Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, and southward in Mexico to Oaxaca. r)04. Icterus parisorum Bonap. Scott's Oriole. Icterus parisorum Bonap. P. Z. S. 1837 (J""6> 1838), no. [B 411, C 219, R 268, C 329.] Geog. Dist. — Southwestern United States, from western Texas to southern California ; north to northern New Mexico, southwestern Utah, southern Nevada, and California to Lat. 38° east of the Sierra Nevada ; south to Lower California and on the tablelands of Mexico to Puebla and Vera Cruz. SunGENUs PENDULINUS Vieillot. Penduliiius Vieill. Analyse, 18 16, 33. Type, Oriolus spurius Linn. 505. Icterus cucullatus Swains, Hooded Oriole. Icterus cucullatus Swains. Phil. Mag. L 1827, 436. [B413, C21S, R 269, C 328.] Geog. Dist. — Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, and southward through eastern and southern Mexico to British Honduras. 1 m ■ fl t "1 2o8 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 505^. Icterus cucullatus nelsoni Ridgw. Arizona Hooded Orlo'e. Icterus CHCiillLitKS nclsoiii Ridgw. i'r. U. S. Xat. Mus. Vol. \III. April 20, 1SS5, 19. [B- C- R— C— .] Geog. DrST. — Southwestern Xew Me.xico and southern Arizona, west to Santa Barbara, California, and south to Mazatlan and Cape St. Lucas. 50G. Icterus spurius (Linn.). Orchard Oriole. Oriolus spurhis Linn. S. N. ed. 12, L 1766, 162. Icterus spurius Bonap. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. IIL 1823,363. [B 414, C 215, R 270, C 324.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United Stages, north to the southern por- tions of New England, New York, Ontario,. Michigan, and North Dakota, west to the Plains, south, in winter, to northern Colombia. Breeds throughout its United States range. Sl'bgems YPHANTES Vieillot. Yphautes Vieii.l. Analyse, 1816, 33. Type, Coracias galbiila Linn, 507. Icterus galbula (Linn.). Baltimore Oriole. Coracias galbula'Li'S'S, S. N. ed. 10. 1758, loS. Icterus galbula Coues, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. V. Apr. 1S80, 98. [B 415. C 216, R 271, C 326.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States, north to Ontario and Man- itoba, west nearly to the Rocky Mountains, south, in winter, throu;,'h Mexico to Colombia. 508. Icterus buUocki (Swains.). Bullocli's Oriole. Xa/it/ior//us />ulloc/;i Swains. Phil. Mag. L 1827, 436. Icterus bullocki Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 29. 'A il- ;1 ORDER PASSERES. 209 [B 416, C 217, R 272, C 327.] GKcxi. DisT. — Tablelands of Mexico, from I'liebla and Valley of Mexico north through the western United States to Manitoba and I'.ritish Columbia east of the Cascades, and from the western portion uf the Plains to the Pacific. Gknus SCOLECOFHAGUS Swainson. Scolecoplui^u!^ Swains. F. B. A. II. 1831, 286. Type, Orio/us ferrugi'ieiis (}mel. = Tardus carolinus Mull. .'i09. ScolecophaguB carolinus (Mull.). Rusty Blackbird. Turdus carolinus Muller, Syst. Nat. Suppl. 1776, 140. Scolecophagus carolinus Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 356. [B 417, C 221, R 273, C 331.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, w6st to Alaska and the Plains. Breeds from northern New England, northern New York, and northern Michigan northward. Accidental in Lower California. 510. Scolecophagus cyanocephalus (Wagl.). Brewer's Blackbird. Psarocolins cyanocephalus Wagl. Isis, 1829, 758. Scolecophagus cyanocephalus Cab. Mus. Hein. I. 185 1, 193. [B 418, C 222, R 274, C 332.] Geog. Dist. — Western North America, from the Plains to the Pacific, and from the Saskatchewan region south o\\ the highlands of Mexico to Oaxaca. '- ■: iU Genus QUISCALUS Vieillot. SciiGKNUs QUISCALUS. Quiscalus \\TE.\hh. Anal. 1816,36. Type, Gracula quisculahiKN. 14 210 61 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN ItlRDS. Quiscalus quiscula (Linn.). Purple Orackle. Grain la quiscula LiNN. S. N. cd. lo, 1758, 109. Quiscalus quiscula Jordan, Man. Vert. ed. 4. 1884, 93. [B42i,C 225, R 278, C 335-] Ciiioc;. — Northern Alabama, eastern 'I'ennessce, and east of the Alleghanies from Georgia to Massachusetts. 511 a. Quiscalus quiscula aglaeus (Baird). Florida Grat'kle. Quiscalus aglaus Baird, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, XLl. Jan. 1866, 84. Quiscalus quiscula ai^ Stejn. Auk, II. Jan. 1885, 43, foot-note. [B422, C— , R 278.7, C336.] (Jeog. Dist. — Florida, and the southern part of the Gulf States to Texas ; north along the Atlantic coast to Virginia. 511/'. QuiscrJus quiscula aeneus (Ridgvv.). Urouzed Grackle. Quiscalus ceneus Ridgw. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. June, 1869, 134. Quiscalus quiscula ceneus Stejn. Auk, II. Jan. 1885, 43, foot-note. [B— , C 225^, R 278/;, C 337.] Geog. Dist. — From the Alleghanies and southern New England north to Newfoundland and Great Slave Lake, west to the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains, and south to Louisiana and Texas. In migrations, the southeastern States, except Florida and the Atlantic coast district south of Virginia. Subgenus MEG AQUISC ALUS Cassix. Megaquiscahis Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1866, 409. Type, Quiscalus major Vieill. 512. Quiscalus macrourus Swains. Great-tailed Grackle. Quiscalus macrourus Swains. Anim. in Menag. 1838, 299. [B 419, C 223, R 275, C iT,i:\ Geog. Dist. — Eastern Texas, south to Central America. d east of ORDER PASSERES. 211 5i:s. QuiscaluB major ViKii.t.. Boat-tailo«l Graekle. Qiiiscaliis major Vieill. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XX\'in. 1819, 487. [15 420, C 224, R 277, C 334.] Gko;. Dist. — Coast region of the South Athmtic and Gulf States, from Virginia to Texas. I r f ii .1866,84. foot-note, f States to Family FRINGILLIDiE. Finchks, Sparrow.s, ktc. Genus COCCOTHRAUSTES Bri.sson. Coccothraustes Briss. Orn. III. 1760, 218. Type, Loxia o>cco- thranstes Linn. ■■:.; II i \ 1869, 134- ;, foot-note. ;\v England Lhe eastern ind Texas. and the [09. Type, 299. ta. Subgenus HESPERIPHONA Bonapartk. Hesperiphona Bonap. Compt. Rend. XXXI. Sept. 1850, 424. Type, FringiUa rcspcrtina Cooper. 514. Coccothraustes vespertinus (Coo' ). Evening Grosbeak. Fringilla vespertina Coop. Ann. Lye. N. Y. I. ii. 1825, 220. Coccothraustes vespertina Sw. & Rich. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 269, pi. 68. [B303, C 136, R 165, C 189.] Geog. Dist. — Western British Provinces, east to Lake Superior, and casually to Michigan, Ohio, Ontario, New York, and New England. 514 rt. Coccothraustes vespertinus montanus (Ridow.). Western iCvening Grosbeak. Hesperiphona vespertina var. montana Ridgw. in Hist. N. Am. Bds., Land Bds., I. 1874, 449. Coccothraustes vespertina montana Mearns, Auk, VII. July, 1890, 246. \ I.: ' 11 - i %m I '■■■ Wv^ A, 212 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [H iOi,part, C 1:^6, part, R \Gk„ part, C 189, /«/-/.] Gkoc;. Dist. — Western North America, from the Pacific coast eastward to the Rocky Mountains ; southward over the tablelands of Mexico to Orizaba. Genus PINICOLA Vikim.ot. rinicola Vikill. Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, p. iv. Type, P. rubra ViEiLi,. = Loxia cfuckator Linn. TtlT). Pinicola enucleator (Linn.). Plue GroHbcak. Loxia enucleator Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 171. Pinicola enucleator Car. in Ersch & Grui!er, Encycl. ist .Sect. L 1849, 219. [li 304, C 137, R 166, C 190.] Geog. Dist, — Northern parts of the northern hemisphere, breed- ing in North America from northern New England, Quebec, the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, and about Lat. 37° in the Sierra Nevada, northward nearly to the limit of trees ; south in winter irregularly into northeastern United States, m Genus PYRRHULA Brisson. Pyrrhula Briss. Orn. II >' 1760, 308. Typt^) Loxia pyrrhula Linn, [516.] Pyrrhula cassini (Baird). Cassln's BuHQnch. Pyrrhula coccinea var. cassini Baird, Trans. Chicago Ac. Sci. L 1869, 316. Pyrrhula rrtJi-//// Tristram, Ibis, Apr, 187 1, 231. [B— , C 138, R 167, C 191.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern Siberia. Accidental at Nulato, Alaska. Pi i^ Genus CARPODACUS Kaup. Carpodacus Kaup, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Eur. Thierw, 1829, lOi. Type, Loxia crythrina Pali,. ORDFCR iv\ssf:rks. 213 .M7. Carpodacus purpureus (Gmei..). I'lirple Fiiieli. Fnn}:^ina purpurea G>iKi.. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 923, Citrpodaats purpureus Ct\<\\, (len. 15. II. 1844. 384. [H 305, C 139, R 168, C 194.] Gf.og. DisT. — Kastern North Amerkn, from the Atlantic coast to the" Plains. Breeds from the MicUlle States northward. bll a. Carpodacus purpureus californicus Haikd. Cullfornia I'lirplo Fiuch. Carpodacus californicus Baird, H. \. ;\.m. 1858, 413. Carpodacus purpureus var. californicus H. B. & R. Hist. N. Am. B. I. 187.1, 465. [B306, C— R i682a, C 216.] Geog. Dist. — Southern California, southwestern Utah, southern New Mexico and Arizona, southward into northern Mexico. b'i^b, SpinuB psaltria mezicanus (Swains.). 3Iexlean Goldflnch. Carduelis mexicanus Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 435. Spinus psaltria mexicanus Stejn. Auk, I. Oct. 1884, 3C2. [B31S, C 159/^, R 182^0217.] Geog. Dist. — Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, south- ward through Mexico. 08L Spinus lawrencei (Cass.). Lawrence'8 Goldfinch. Carduelis hnvrencei Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1 851, 105, pi. v. Spinus lawrencei Stejn. Auk, I. Oct. 1884, 362. [B 316, C 150, R 183, C 214.] Geog. Dist. — California west of the Sierra Nevada, from Lat. 40^ south to northern Lower California; Arizona (Fort Mohave and Fort Whipple) in winter. [;'»32.] Spinus notatus (DuBus). Black-headed Goldflnch. Carduelis notata DuBus, Bull. Ac. Brux. XIV. pt. 2, 1847, 106. Spinus notatus Stejn. Auk, L Oct. 1884, 362. ilif Vi It i m w :X ■/f:| r 'W ''. m 220 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 310, C— , R 184, C 218.] Gkog. Dist. — Mountains of Guatemala and southern Mexico, north at least to central Vera Cruz ; accidental in Kentucky (Audubon). 53H. Spinus pinus (Wils.). I'lne Siskin. Fringilla pinus Wils. Am. Orn. II, 18 10, 133, pi. 17, fig. i. Spinus ^nnus Stejn, Auk, I, Oct. 1884, 362. [B317, C 148, R 185, C 212.] Geog. Dist. — North America generally, breeding in the British Provinces, Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada, and high mountains of Arizona, south to Lower California and the mountains of Mexico to Orizaba. Also breeds sparingly in northeastern United States. Genus FLECTROFHENAX Stejneger, mM .% Plcdrophenax Stejn. Pr, U. S. Nat. Mus, V, June 5, 1882, n. Type, Emberiza nivalis Linn, 1 ■■; li.t.^ ■ i r 534. Flectrophenaz nivalis (Linn,), Snowflake. Emberiza nivalis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 176. Plectrophenax nivalis Stejn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 1882, n- [B325, C 152, R 186, C 219.] Geog. Dist. — Northern parts of the northern hemisphere, breed- ing in the arctic regions ; in North America south in winter into the northern United States, irregularly to Georgia, southern Illinois, Kansas, and Oregon, 534 7, Flectrophenax nivalis tovirnsendi Ridgw. Pribilof Snowflake. Plectrophenax nivalis townsenii Ridgy. Man. N. Am. B, 1887, 403- 111 ORDER PASSERES. 221 [B— , C— , R iSG, part, C 2i(),part.] Geog. Dist. — Pribilof and Aleutian Islands, Alaska, and Com- mander Islands, Kamchatka. 535. Plectrophenaz hyperboreus Ridgw. McKay's Snowflake. PUctrophenax hyperboreus Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VII. June II, 1884, 68. [B-, C-, R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Western Alaska, breeding on Hall Island (and propably St. Matthew Island), Bering Sea. Genus CALCARIUS Bechstein. Calcarius Bechst. Taschb. Vog. Deutschl. 1803, 130. Type, Fringilla lapponica Linn. 586. Calcarius lapponicus (Linn.). Lapland Longspur. Fringilla lapponica Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 180. Calcarius lapponicus Stejn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. June 5, 1882, 33- [B326, C 153, R 187, C 220.] Geog. Dist. — Northern portions of the northern hemisp'ere, breeding far north ; in North America south in winter to the northern United States, irregularly to the Middle States, accident- ally to South Carolina, and abundantly in the interior to Kansas and Colorado. 537. Calcarius pictus (Swains.). Smith's Longspur. Embtriza {Flectrophanes) picta Swains, in Sw. and Rich. Fauna Eor. Am, II. 183 1, 250, pi. 49. Calcarius pictus Stejn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. June 5, 1882, n. [B327, C 154, R 188, C 221.] Geog. Dist. — Interior of North America, from the Arctic coast to Illinois and Texas, breeding ^ar north. ■N' ! 222 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 538. CalcariuB ornatus (Towns.). Chestnut-collared Longspur. ricctrophanes ornatus Towns. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1837, 189. Cakarius ornatus Stejn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. June 5, 1882, [6328,329, C 155, R 189, C 222.] Geog. Dist. — Interior of North America, from the Saskatchewan Plains south through Texas to Orizaba. Breeds from eastern Mani- toba, western Minnesota and eastern Nebraska westward and north- westward into Montana and Assiniboia. Rare west of the Rody Mountains. Accidental in Massachusetts. Genus RHYNCHOFHANES Baird. Rhyfichophanes Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 432 (in text). Type, Plectrophanes mccownii Lawr. 589. Rhynchophanes mccownii (Lawr.). MoCown's Longspur. Plectrophanes tncroivnii Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. V. 185 1, 122. Rhynchophanes maccownii Ridgw. Field & Forest, IL May, 1877, T97. [B330, C 156, R 190, C 223.] Geog. Dist. — Interior of North America, from the Sackatchewan Plains south to Texas and northern Mexico ; breeds from about the northern border of western Kansas northward throughout Nebraska, western North and South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana to the Plains of the Saskatchewan. Genus POOCiETES Baird. PooccBtes Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 447. Type, Fringilla p-aminea Gmel. J: 640. Poocaetes gramineus (Gmel.). Vesper Sparroiv. Fringilla graminea Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 992. Pooccctes gramineus Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 447. ORDER PASSERES. 223 lila. VII. 5, 188., atchewan ;rn Mani- nd north- le Rocky [B I2>1^p(irty C 161, R 197, C 232.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America to the Plains, from Nova Scotia and Ontario southward ; breeds from Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri northward. 540(7. Poocaetes gramineus confinis Baikd. Western Vesper Sparrow. Pfloccetes gramineus var. confinis Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 448 (in text). [B in ^ P<-irii C i6irt, R 197(7, C 232.] Geog. Dist. — Western Ur 1 States, from the Plains to tb^ Pacific, north into Manitob ;id Assiniboia, south into Lower Cali- fornia and through Mexico as far as Jalapa, Vera Cruz. 540^. Poocaetes gramineus affinis Miller. Oregon Vesper Sparrow. Pooccetes gramineus affinis Miller, Auk, V. Oct. 1888, 404. [B m^P^^^i ^ i(>ia, part^ R k)-] a, part, C 232,/(?r/.] Geog. Dist. — Northern California and w'estern Oregon. Genus AMMODRAMUS Swainson. Ammodramus Swains. Zool. Journ. III. 1827, 348. Type, Fringilla caudacuta Wilson. Subgenus FASSERCULUS Bonaparte. Passerculus Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, n. Type, Fringilla savanna WiLS. 54L Ammodramus princeps (Mayn.). Ipswich Sparrow. Passerculus princeps Mayn. Am. Nat. VL 1872, 637. Avimodramus princeps Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIIL 1885, 354. \h''\ 1... 224 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B— C 158, R 192, C 225.] Geoo, Dist. — Atlantic coast, from Nova Scoth south, in winter, to Georgia. Breeds on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. r>42. Ammodraxnus Bandwichensis (Gmkl.). Baudwlch Sparrow. Emberiza sandwichensis Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 875. Ammoilramus sandwichensis Ridgw, Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B lll^ C 159^, R 193, C 226.] Geog. — Northwest coast, from the Columbia River to Unalaska. 542 a. AmmodramuB sandwichensis savanna (Wils.). Savanna Sparrow. Fringilla savanna Wils. Am. Orn. III. 181 1, 55, pi. 22, fig. 2. Atrmodramus sandwichensis savanna Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B 332, C 159, R 193a, C 227.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, breeding from the northern United States to Labrador and Hudson Bay Territory. 542 <^. Ammodramus sandwichensis alaudinus (Bonap.). Western Savanna Sparrow. Passercultis alaudinus Bonap. Compt. Rend. XXXVII. 1853, 918. Ammodramus sandioichensis alaudinus Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B335, C-, R 193^,0229.] Geog. Dlst. — Western North America, from the Plains to the Pacific coast region, north to the Arctic coast. 542 (-. Ammodramus sandwichensis bryanti Ridgw. Bryant's Marsh Sparrow. Passerculus sandtoichensis bryanti Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VII. Jan. 19, 1885,517. Ammodramus satidwichensis bryanti Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885,354. ORDER PASSERES. 225 [B 334, /rtr/, C 159^7, /(//-/, R \cf^, part, C 228, /«;/.] CiKor,. DisT. — Salt marshes about San Francisco Bay, and south along the coast in winter to southern California. 54:{. Ammodramus beldingi Rinr.w. Uel. Orn. liiog. I. 1831, 360, pi. 77. Ammodromus henslowi Ghaw^ Gen. B. II. June, 1849, 374. ORDER PASSKRKS. '2" [I^ 339. /''^A ^ 1 63, />(?/•/, R 199, /,?/-/. C 236, / 339»A'''A ^- if>3./<^''A R 199. /"'■''■ ^' 236,/rt;7.] Geog. Dist. — South Dakota. r)48. Ammodramus leconteii ( Aud.). Le«'oiite's Sparrow. Ember iza leconteii \.\3\^. 15. Am. VII. 1843. 338, pi. 488. Ammodramus /ecofiteii Gray, Gen. H. II. June, 1849, 374. [B 340, C 164, R 200, C 237.] Geog. Dist. —From the Plains eastward to Illinois and Indiana, and from Manitoba south in winter to South Carolina, Florida, and Texas. SuHGENL's AMMODRAMUS. Ammodramus Swains. Zool. Jour. III. 1827, 348. Orio/us caudacutus Gmel. Type, M \ 7^"}% r>49. Ammodramus caudacutus (Gmel.). Sliarp-tailed Sparrow. Oriolus caudacutus G.mel. S. N. I. i. 1788, 394. Amviodratnus caudacuta Swains. Classif. ]>. II. 1837, 289. [B 341, (- 166, R 201, C 240, J Geog. Dist. — Salt marshes of the Atlantic coast, from southern New England to Maryland, and south in winter to the Gulf coast. 549^. Ammodramus caudacutus nelsoni Allen. Nelson's Sparrow. Ammodromus caudacutus var. nelsoni .\, Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. XVII. March. 1875, 293. r ill ft rp'-r. h t ;.:i 228 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B — , C — , R 20irt, C 241.] CIeog. Dist. — Fresh marshes of the interior, from northern Illinois northward to North Dakota and Manitoba ; south in winter to Texas ; in migrations visits the Atlantic coast (New England and Lower Hudson Valley to Charlesto.i, S. C). Accidental in California. 549^. Ammodramus caudacutus subvirgatus Dwight. Acadiau Sharp-tailed Sparrow. Ammodramus caudacutus subvirgatus Dwight, Auk, IV. July, 1887, 233. [B — , C — , R 2 Q I, part, C 240, /«r/.] Geog. Dist. — Coast of southern New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island (and probably Nova Scotia), and southward in migration to South Carolina. 550. Ammodramus maritimus (Wils.). Seaside Sparrow. Fringilla maritima Wils. Am. Orn. VII. 181 1, 68, pi. 24, fig. 2. Ammodramus maritimus Swains. Classif. B. II. 1837, 289. [B 342, C 165, R 202, C 238.] Geog. Dist. _ Salt marshes of the Atlantic coast, from Connect, cut southward to Georgia. Accidental in Massachusetts. 550 a. Ammodramus maritimus peninsulae Allen. Scott's Seaside Sparrow^. Ammodramus maritimus pctiinsulce Allen, Auk, V. July, 1888, 284. [B 342, /t/r/, C iGe^,part, R 202, part, C 22,^, part.'] Geog. Dist. — Sout'i Carolina to northern Florida; Gulf coast from Florida to Texas. 550/^. Ammodramus maritimus sennetti Allen. Texas Seaside Sparrovr. Ammodramus maritimus sennetti Allen, Auk, V. July, 1888, 286. [B — , C — , K 202, part, C 238, /dtr/".] Geog. Dist. — Coast of Texas (Corpus Christi). ORDER PASSERES. 229 551. AmmodramuB nigrescens Ridgw. Dusky Seaside Sparrow. Atnmodrotnus maritimus var. nigrescens Ridgw. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Dec. 1873, 198. Ammodramus nigrescens Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 178. [B— , C 165^, R 203, C 239.] Geog. Dist. — Salt Lake and Merritt Island, eastern Florida. Genus CHONDESTES Swainson. Chondestes Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 435. Type, C. strigatus Swains. 552. Chondestes grammacus (Say). Lark Sparrow. Fringilla grammaca Say, Long's Exp. II. 1823, 139. Chondestes grammaca Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 32. [B 344, /ar/, C i2)6, part, R 204, C iSi^partJ] Geog. Dist. — Southern Ontario and Mississippi Valley region, from Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan to the Plains, south to eastern Texas and northwestern Alabama. Accidental near the Atlantic coast ('Massachusetts, Long Island, New Jersey, Washington, 1). C, Florida). 552 a. Chondestes grammacus strigatus (Swains.). Western Lark Sparrow. Chondestes strigatus Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 435. Chondestes grammaca strigata Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. II L Aug. 24, 1880, 179. [B344, /a/Y, C x'^G, part, R 2o\a, C 28 1, /(//-A] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, from the Plains to the Pacific coast, north to British Columbia and Manitoba, south through Lower California and Mexico to Guatemala. I t * ;" .1'* ,f I -' '•in i I'M 230 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus ZONOTRICHIA Swainson. Zonotrichia Swains, in Sw. & Rich. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 493. Type, by elimination, Emberiza leucophrys Forst. 553. Zonotrichia querula (Nui r.). Harris's Sparrow. FringiUa querula Nutt. Man. I. 2d ed. 1840, 555. Zonotrichia querula Gamb. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 2d ser. I. 1847, 51. [B 348, C 185, R 205, C 280.] Geog. Dist. — Middle United States, from Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa west to middle Kansas and the Dakotas, and from Texas north to Manitoba. Accidental on Vancouver Island and in British Columbia and Oregon. 554. Zonotrichia leucophrys (Forst.). White-crowned Sparrow. Emberiza leucophrys Forst. Philos. Trans. LXII. 1772, 426. Z\onotrichia'\ leucophrys Swains, in Sw. & Rich. Fauna. Bor. Am. II. 1831, 493. [B 345, C 183, R 206, C 276.] Geog. Dist. — North America at large, breeding chiefly in the Rocky Mountains, the Sierra Nevada and northeast to Labrador. South in winter to the Valley of Mexico. 554 a. Zonotrichia leucophrys intermedia Ridgw. luterinediate Sparrow. Zonotrichia leucophrys var. intermedia Ridgw. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Dec. 1873, 198. [B 2^i^Q), part, C 183/', R 207^', C 277.] Geog. Dist. — Western North America, from the Rocky Moun- tains to the Pacific, and from Lower California and Mazatlan, Mex- ico, to Alaska. Breeds, .so far as known, mainly north of the United States. ORDER PASSERES. 211 bbid. Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii (Nutt.). Gambcl's Sparrow. Fringilla gamlielii 'HvTV. Man. I. 2d ed. 1840, 556. Zonotrichia kucop/irys var. gambeli Coues, Key, 1872, 145. [B 346,/^?/-/, C 183^, R 207, C 278.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast region, from British Columbia south- ward into Lower California. 557. Zonotrichia coronata (Pall.). Golden-crowned Sparrow. Emberiza coronata Pall. Zoog. Rosso-As. 11. 1826, 44. Zonotrichia coronata Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 461. [B 347, C 184, R 208, C 279.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast region, from Alaska to southern Cali- fornia. Casually to Guadalupe Island, and in Wisconsin. ! 11 VA i I 't 558. Zonotrichia albicollis (Gmel.). White-throated Sparrow^. Fringilla albicollis Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 926. Zonotrichia albicollis Swains. Classif. B. II. 1837, 288. [B 349, C 182, R 209, C 275.] Geog. Dist. — Chiefly eastern North America, west to the Plains, north to Labrador and the Fur Countries. Breeds from Montana, northern Wyoming, northern Michigan, northern New York, and northern New England northward, and winters from Massachusetts southward. Accidental in Utah, California and Oregon. lit Genus SFIZELLA Bonaparte. Spizella Bonap. Saggio Distr. Met. 1832, 140, Type, Fringilla pus ilia WiLS. 559. Spizella monticola (Gmel.). Tree Sparrow. Fringilla monticolj, Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 912. Spizella monticola Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 472. 232 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. SI [B 1ST, part, C i^T^part, R 210, part, C 26%, part.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, west to the Plains, and from the Arctic Ocean south, in winter, to the Carolinas, Kentucky, and eastern Kansas. Breeds north of the United States, east of the Rocky Mountains. 559a. Spizella monticola ochracea Brewst. Western Tree Sparrow^. Spizella monticola ochracea Brewst. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Oct. 1882, 228. [B iSltpart, C IT], part, R 210, part, C 26%, part.'] Geog. Dist. — Western North America, east to the Dakotas and western Kansas, south in winter to New Mexico and Arizona, north to the arctic regions ; breeds in Alaska. 560, Spizella socialis (Wils.). Chipping Sparrow. Fringilla socialis WiLS. Am. Orn. II, 18 10, 127, pi, 16, fig. 5, Spizella socialis Bonap. Geog, & Comp. List, 1838, t^;^. \J^ 2)S9i P^''^f ^ 17^' R 211, C 269.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, west to the Rocky Moun- tains, north to Great Slave Lake, and south to eastern Mexico, breeding from the Gulf States northward, 560 a. Spizella socialis arizonae Coues, Wester 1 Cliipping Sparrow, Spizella socialis var. arizoncs Coues, Key, 1872, 143, [B 359, /«/'A C 178a, R 2\ia, C 270.] XjEog, Dist. — Western United States, from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific, south in winter to central and western Mexico and Cape St, Lucas. 561. Spizella pallida (Swains,). Clay-colored Sparrow. Embiriza pallida Swains, in Sw. & Rich, Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 251. Spizella pallida Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 2)Z- ORDER PASSERES. 233 [B 360, C 180, R 212, C 272.] Geog. Dist. — Interior of North America, from Illinois and Iowa west to the Rocky Mountains, Arizona, and Cape St. Lucas, and from Guanajuato and Oaxaca north to the Saskatchewan Plains, Breeds from Iowa and Nebraska northward. 562. Spizella breweri Cass. Brewer's Sparrow^. Spizeila brnveri Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. F'eb. 1856, 40. [B 361, C i8oa, R 213, C 273.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, north to Montana and Brit- ish Columbia, south to Cape St. Lucas and Durango. Breeds throughout its United States range. Accidental in Massachusetts. 563. Spizella pusilla (Wils.). Field Sparrow. FringUla pusilla Wils. Am. Orn. II. 1810, 121, pi. 16, fig. 2. Spizella pusilla Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, ^2>' [B358, C 179, R214, C271.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States and southern Canada, west to the Plains, south to the Gulf States and Texas. Breeds from South Carolina, southern Illinois and Kansas northward. 5G3a. Spizella pusilla arenacea Chadb. Western Field Sparrow. Spizella pusilla arenacea Chadb. Auk, III. April, 1886, 248. [B_, C- R- C— .] Geog. Dist. — Great Plains, from Texas to Montana and Dakota. Casual at New Orleans, La. 564. Spizella ■wortheni Ridgw. Worthen's Sparrow. Spizella tvort/ieni Ridgw. Pr. U- S. Nat. Mus. VII. Aug. 22, 1884, 259. [E_ C-, R-, C— .] Geog. DiST. — New Mexico (Silver City), and Chalchicomula, Puebla. 't \ m % \\ \ iff ■ % •ill Mm m p li !; H m ■•'i 1,: »U I 1^ [ , I, I 'h ":f ( 1 'r:,i 234 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 565. Spizella atrigularis (Cab.). Black-chinued Sparrow. Spinites af'i":ularis Cab. Mus. Hein. I. 1851, 133. Spizella atrigularis Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 476. [B362, C 181, R 215, C 274.] Geog. Dist. — Southern California (north in the deserts to lat. 37°), Arizona, and southern New Mexico, south to Cape St. Lucas and on the tablelands of Mexico to Puebla. Genus JUNCO VVagler. /w«rtf Wagler, Isis, 183 1, 526. Ty^e, J. phceonotus Wagl. = Fringilla cinerea Swains. 566. Junco aikeni Ridgw. White-winged Junco. Junco hyemalis var. aikeni Ridgw. Am. Nat. VII. Oct. 1873,612, 614. /unco aikeni Kincw . Field & Forest, May, 1877, ^9^- [B — , C 174^, R 216, C 262.] Geog. Dist. — Colorado, nort'i to the Black Hills, where it breeds. 567. Junco hyemalis (Linn.). Slate-colored Junco. Fringilla hyemalis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 183. Junco hyemalis ScL. P. Z. S. 1857, 7. [B354, C 174, R 217, C 261.] Geog. Dist. — North America, chiefly east of the Rocky Moun- tains, breeding from the higher parts of the AUeghanies, the Cats- kills, and the mountainous parts of southern New England north- ward. South in winter to the Gulf States. Casual in California and Arizona. 567 a. Junco hyemalis oregonus (Towns.). Oregon Junco. Fringilla oregana [err. typ.] Towns. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1837, 188. Junco hyemalis VAX. oregonus Ridgw. Am. Nat. VII. Oct. 1873, 612. li |.;t 11 ORDF- PASSERES. [B352, C175, R218, C2(:j.] 235 Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast, from Oregon north to Alaska, south in winter into California and Arizona. 567 b. Junco hyemalis shufeldti Coale. Shufeldt's Juueu. Junco hyetnalis shufeldti Coale, Auk, IV. Oct. 1887, 330. [B352,/drr/, C i']^,part, R 2iZ_ part, C 263,/^/^/.] Geog. Dist. — Rocky Mountain region, west in the mountains of the Great Basin to California ; in winter south to Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and northern Mexico. Accidental in Michigan, Illi- nois, Massachusetts, Maryland, etc. 567 <-. Junco hyemalis tliurbori Anthony. Thurber's Junco. Junco hyemalis thurberi Anthony, Zoe, 1. Oct. 1890, .^38. [B 352, /<7r/, C i-jc^^part, R 216, part, C 263, /ar/.] Geog. Dist. — Sierra Nevada, and deserts and southern coast ranges of California. 567//. Junco hyemalis pinosus Loom is. Point Pinos Junco. Junco pinosus Loomis, Auk, X. April, 1893, 47. [B— C— , R— , C-.] Geog. Dist. — Vicinity of Monterey, California. 567 c. Junco hyemalis carolinensis Brewst. Carolina Junco. Junco hyemalis carolinensis Brewst. Auk, III. Jan. 1886, 108. [B 2>S^iP^^^i ^ 174) /^''A ^ '^^Ttpart, C 261, /^r/.] Geog. Dist. — Southern AUeghanies (Western North Carolina, etc.). 568. Junco annectens Baird. Pink-sided Junco. Junco annectens Baird, Orn. Cal. I. 1870, 564. ■m I i ; I '< .1 ( |i| •I' ] r 236 CHECK-LIST OK NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B— , C— , R 219, C 264.] Geog. Dist. — Rocky Mountain region, from Idaho and Montana south, in winter, to Arizona, New Mexico and northern Mexico. 568.1. Jnnco ridg^vayi Mrarns. Ridgway's Jiinco. Junco ridgwayi Mearns, Auk, VII. July, 1890, 243. [B— , C-, R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. 569. Janco caniceps (Woodh.). Gray-hcaded Junco. Struthtis caniceps Woodh. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Dec. 1852. 202. Junco caniceps Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 468. [B353. ^ 176, R220, C 265.] Geog. Dist. — Rocky Mountain region, from the Black Hills to the Wahsatch and Uintah Mountains, south to New Mexico, Arizona, and northern Mexico. 570. Junco phaeonotus palliatus Ridgw. Arizoua Junoo. Junco cinereus palliatus Ridgw. Auk, II. Oct. 1885, 364. Junco plueonotus palUatus Ridgw. Auk, XII. Oct. 1895, 391. [B 350, /rt/-/", C — , R 2 12, part, C 26"] , part.'] Geog. Disr.— Mountains of southern Arizona, and soutliward into northern Mexico. 570 <7. Junco phaeonotus dorsalis (Henry). Red-backed Junco. Junco do r sails Henry, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1858, 117. Junco plueonotus dorsalis Ridgw. Auk, XII. Oct. 1895, 391. [B 351, C — , R 221, C 266.] Geog. Dist. — Mountains of New Mexico and eastern Arizona, south into northern Mexico. ORDER PASSERES. 237 571. Junco bairdi Belding. Bttird'8 Juuc*o. /unco dairai Beldisg, Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VI. Oct. 5, 1883, 155. [J]- C- R _,(:_.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Lower California. 671.1. Junco townsendi Anthony. Townsend's Juneo. /unco fownsem/t Anthony, Pr. Cal. Ac. Sci. 2d. ser. II. Oct. ii, 1889, 76. [B_ C- R- C— .] Geog. Dist. — San Pedro }*Iartir Mountains, Lower California. 572. Junco insularis Rinow. Guadalupe Junco. /unco msularis Ridgw. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. II. No. 2, April 1, 1876, 188. [B— , C— , R223, C— .] Geog. Dist. — Guadalupe Island, Lower California. n Arizona, Genus AMPHISPIZA Coles. Amphispiza Coues, B. Northwest, 1875, 234. Type, Emberiza bilineata Cass. 578. Amphispiza bilineata (Cass.). Black-throated Sparrow. Emberiza bilineata Cassin, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Oct. 1850, 104, pi. 3. Amphispiza bilineata Coues, B. Northwest, 1875, 234. [B35S. C 172, R224, C258.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, from western Texas and Oklahoma west to the west slope of the Sierra Nevada, north throughout the Great Basin, and south in Mexico to Cape St. Lucas and San Luis Potosi. Breeds throughout its range. 'Vt\ ?T" IB' f Xr... w < ' i 'J >' ,: 1 ■ I i' ■ i V 1. ■ ' i'' ;i 'l IhIbI '1 '1 ! hIbk r;! : , ; ; i! 1 1 ii tt i ! ' " ' 'l 1' II ■ ill:: H H 1 11 ||:| fi 1 8^9^ ill; m 1 !|b ''' \ il |0| 1 Hi u i 238 CHECK -LIST OF NORTH AMlCKfCAN BIRDS. 574. Amphispiza belli (Cass.). BolTs Sparrow. Emderi^a belli Cassin, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. I'hila. Oct. 1850, 104, Amphispiza befHi Cows, H. Northwest, 1875, 234. [B356, C 173, R 225, C 259.] Geog. Dist. — California west of the Sierra Nevada, north to about Lat. 38°, south to Lower California. Breeds throughout most of its range. 574 <7. Amphispiza belli novadensis (Riuow.). Sage Sparrow. Poflspiza belli vir. nevadensis RiiHjw. Hull. Essex Inst. V. Nov. 1873, 191. Amphispiza bcllii var. tievailcnsis iZovv.%, H. Northwest, 1875, -34- [B - , C 173^?, R 2 2S(?. C 260.] CrKOU. DiST. — Great Jiasin, from Oregon and Idaho south to southern Arizona and New Mexico, breeding throughout its range. 574^. Amphispiza belli cinerea Townsend. Gray Sage Sparrow. Amphispiza belli cinerea Townsknf), Hr. U. S. Nat. Mus. XIH- 1890, 136. [B— . C- R— , C— .] Geog. Dist. — Lower California. Genus FEUCiEA Audubon. Peucaa kMVt. Synop. 1839,112. Ty\m^ Fringilla bachmanii A.vx). bib. Peucaea aestivalis (Light.). Pine-wootls Sparrow. Fringilla ccstlvalis Light. Verz. Doubl. 1823, 25. Peuccea cestivalis Cah. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 132. [B ^10, part, C i']o,part, R 226, C 251.] Geog. Disr. — Florida and southern Georgia, migrating to southern Florida in winter. tfianii Aun. ORDER PASSERKS. bib a. Peuceea aestivalis bachmanii (Aud.). litirhinan's Sparruw. 2,S9 Fringilla bachmanii Avn. Orn. Hiof;;. II. 1834, 366, pi. 165, Penaea (estivalis baclimani Hrf.wst. Auk, II. Jan. 1S85, 106. [B 37o,/f7/'/, C iio^part, R 226^7, C 252.] Geoc. Disr. — North and South Carolina, (leorgia, and Alabama, west to Texas, and north to southern Illinois and southern Indiana. Florida in winter. 570. Feucaea arizonae Ridgw. Arizona Sparrow. Peuceea icstivalis var. arizoncc Ridgw. Am. Nat. VII. Oct. 1873, 615. Penaea arizome Rinow. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. I. Aug. 15, 1878, 127. [B— , C i7o«, R227, C2S3.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Arizona and Sonora. 577. Feucaea mezicana (Lawr.). Mexican Sparrow. Coturniculiis mexicanus Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. VIII. May, 1867, 474. (Mts. of Colima.) Peucica mcxicana Rinow. Pr. U. S Nat. Mus. VIII. No. 7, May 23, -885,99. [B-, C-, R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas south into central and western Mexico. 578. Feucaea cassini (Woodh.). Cassin's Sparrow. Zonotrichia cassini Woodh. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. April, 1852, 60. Penaea cassini IiAird, B. N. Am. 1858, 485. [B 371, C xiobis^ R 228, C 254.] Geog. Dist. — Centra! and western Kansas, southward and west- ward through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona an 1 southern Nevada. V'). ■I M IK ■>..i .#/ \h ■ 'I m; \ inr m m'' mm \Mk!& ii''l' -^13 i H 240 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 579. Peucaea carpalis Coues. KufouB-wliiK^a, part, R 2 7,1 it, port, C 245,/rtrA] Geog. Dist. — Northern Mexico, mountains of New Mexiccj Colo- rado, Utah, Nevada, and northward. •OSlr. Melospiza fasciata heermanni (Baird). Heerinan's Song Sparrow. Melospiza heermanni Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 478. Melospiza fasciata h. /leermanni KxuGW. \l\i\\. Nutt. Orn. CI. III. April, 1878, 66. [B 364, C 169^, R 23 1 /^ C 348.] Geog. Dist. — California, east into western Nevada. 581 d. Melospiza fasciata samuelis (Baird). Saniuels's Song Sparrow. Ammodromus samuelis Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 455. Melospiza frsciata samuelis Ridgw. Pr. U. S Nat. Mus. III. Mar. 18S0. 3. 16 I; »f, ill ' >, I ifr; I'l ,1 a I 1 yW 4 242 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 343> 365, C i69M !i Ji M .f '« l!,i ■ WW ORDER PASSERES. 243 h to Sitka. . 581 /. Melospiza fasciata clementae Townsend. San Glemente Son;; Sparrow. Melospiza fasciata clementce 1'ownsend, Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. XIII. 1890, 139. [B— , C- R- C-.] Gkoc. DrsT. — San Clemente and Santa Rosa Islands, California. 581.1. Melospiza insignis Baird. BischofTs Song Sparrow. Melospiza insignis Baird, Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci. I. 1869, 319, pi. xxix, fig. 2. [B — , C 169^5 R 22,2, part, C 2^0, part.] Gkoo. Dist. — Kadiak Island, Alaska. 582. Melospiza cinerea (Gmel.). Aleutian Song Sparrow. Frijigilla cinerea Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 922. Melospiza cinerea Finsch, Abhandl. Nat. Ver. Bremen, III. 1872, 20. [B— , C 169/ R232, C 250.] Gk.og. Dist. — Aleutian and Pribilof Islands (except Kadiak Island), and east to Fort Kenai, Alaska. 583. Melospiza lincolnii (Aud.). Lincoln's Sparrow. Fringilla lincolnii Aud. Orn. Biog. II. 1834, 539, pi. 193. Melospiza lincolni Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 482. [B368, C 167, R 234, C 242.] Geog. Dist. — North America at large, breeding chiefiy north of the United States (as far north as Fort Yukon) and in the higher parts of the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada ; south, in winter, to Panama. 583 ^^ Melospiza lincolnii striata Brewst. ' . Forbusli's Sparrow. Melospiza lincolni striata Brewst. Auk, VI. April, 1889, 89. ji! 246 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 587. Fipilo erythrophthalxnus (Linn.). Towbee. Frin;:^illa erythrophthalma Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 180. Pipilo erythrophthabnus Vieill. Gal. Ois. L 1S24, 109, pi. 80. [B 391, C 204, R 237, C 301.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States and southern Canada, west to the Plains, breeding from the lower Mississippi Valley and Georgia northward; in winter from the middle districts southward. 587 a. Fipilo erythrophthalmus alleni Coues. White-eyed Towhee. Pipilo erythrophthalmus var. alleni Coues, Am. Nat. V. Aug. 1871, 366. [B — , C 204a, R 237a, C 302.] Geog. Dist. — Florida, and northward along the Atlantic coast to Charleston, South Carolina. 588. Fipilo maculatus arcticus (Swains.). Arctic ToTvhee. Pyrgita {Pipilo) arctica Swains, in Sw. & Rich. Fauna Bor. Am. IL 1831, 260, pll. 51, 52. Pipilo maculatus var. arcticus Coues, Key, 1872, 152. [B 393. C; 205^?, R 238, C 304.] Geog. Dist. — Plains of the Platte, Upper Missouri, Yellowstone and Sa.skatchewan Rivers, west to the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains, south in winter to Kansas, Colorado, and Texas. ■■ I 588 a. Fipilo macr/latus megalonyz (Baird). Spurrefl Towhee. Pipilo megalonyx Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 515. Pipilo maculatus var. megalonyx Coues, Key, 1872, 152. [B 394, C 205^, R 238a, C 305.] Geog. Dist. — Rocky Mountain region of the United States, west to the Sierra Nevada and southern California, south into nortliern Mexico and Lower California. ; coast to ORDER PASSERES. 247 bSSl?. Pipi'o maculatus oregonus (Bell). Oregon Towhee. Pi/>i/o oregonus Bell, Ann. I.yc. N. Y. V. 1852, 6. Fipilo maculatus var. oregonus CouES, Key, 1872, 152. [B 392, C 205, R 238^, C 303.] Geog. Dl'^t. — Pacific coast region, from liritish Columbia south to San Francisco, and, in winter, to southern^California.j (l^„; .-i...-i 589. Fipilo consobrinus Ridgw. Guadalupe Towhee. Pipilo maculatus consobrinus Ridgw. Ikill. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. II. No. 2, April i, 1876, i8g. Pipilo consobrinus ividgw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, II. July, 1877, 60. [B— , C— , R238^, C— .] Geog. Dist. — Guadalupe Island, Lower California. 690. Pipilo chlorurus (Towns.). Greeu-tailed Towhee. Fringilla chlorura Towns, in AuD. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, Z7>^' Pipilo chlorurus Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 519. [B398,C 20S, R239, C310.] Geog. Dist. — Interior Plateau region of the United States, from the western border of the Plains to the Sierra Nevada, from central Idaho and Yellowstone National Park south to Cape St. Lucas, and on the tablelands of Mexico to Guanajuato. 591. Pipilo fuscus mesoleucus (Baird). Caiiou Towhee. Pipilo mesoleucus Baird, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. June, 1854, 119. Pipilo fuscus var. mesoleucus Ridgw. Bull. Essex Inst. V. Nov. 1873, 183. [B 397, C 206, R 240, C 306.] Geog. Dist. — Southern border of the United States, from the val- ley of the Upper Rio Grande west to the valley of the Gila, south into Sonora and Chihuahua. 'i; % i mk (II 148 CMECK-I.IriT Ol- NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 591 <7. Fipilo fur.cuB albigula (Baird). Sai ?♦■ F>ucas Towhee. Pipilo albigula IUird, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Nov. 1859, 305, PipU" fuscus var. albigula CouES, Key, 1872, 152. [B — , C 2o6<7, R 240^7, C 307.] Geog. Dist. — Lower California, north to Lat. 30°. 591/', Fipilo fuscus crissalis (Vig.). Crtlifomi*. Towhee. Fringilla crissalis Vig. Zool. Bios. 1839, 19. Pipilo fuscus var. crissalis CoutS, Key, 1872, 153. [B 396, C loGb, R 240^, C 308.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast region west of the Cascades and Sierra Nevada, from the Umpqua Valley, Oregon, south to northern Lower California. r \ H rw 591 c. Fipilo fuscus senicula Anthony. Anthony's Towhee. Pipilo fuscus senicula iiNTHONv, Auk, XH. April, 1895, in. [B 396, part, C 2o(}bipart, R 240^, /ar/, C 308, /ar/.] Geog. Dist. — Southern California, and Lower California, south to Lat. 29°. 592. Fipilo aberti Baird. Abert's Towhee. /V^/)//<; rt^^i?/-// Baird, Stansbury's Rep. Exped. Utah, 1852, 325. [B 395, C 207, R 241, C 309.] Geog. Dist. — New Mexico and Arizona, north into southern Colo- rado, southwestern Utah, and southern Nevada. Genus CARDINALIS Bonaparte. Cardinalis Bonap. P. Z. S. 1837 (June, 1838), 11 1. Type, C. virginianus Bonap. = Loxia cardinalis Linn. !■ :'■ '■• ' 'I ;H; ORDER PASSERES. 249 593. Cardinalis cardinalis (Linn.). Cardinal. Loxia cardinalis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, 1758, 172. Cardinalis cardinalis Light. Nomencl. Mus. Berol. 1854, 44. [B 390, C 203, R 242, C 299.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States, north to the lower Hudson Valley and the Great Lakes, casually further north, and west to the Plains. Resident in Bermuda. ni)8t/. Cardinalis cardinalis superbus Ridgw. Arizona Cardinal. Cardinalis cardinalis superbus Ridgw. Auk, IL Oct. 1885, 344. [B — , C 2oyi, part, R 2\2a^part, C ^oo, par/.'] Geog. Dist. — Southern Arizona and western Mexico, south to Mazatlan. 593 l>. Cardinalis cardinalis igneus (Baird). Saint Lucas Cardinal. Cardinalis ii,meus Baird, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1859, 305. Cardinalis cardinalis igneus Stkjn. Auk, L 1884, 171. [B — , C 202a, pari, R 24.2a, pari, C 300, /<»/•/.] Geog. Dist. — Lower California, north to Lat. 29°. 593 * ;i '* :r: i ' i n 252 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 598. Passerina cyanea (Linn.). Indigo Bunting. Tanagra cyanea Linn. S. N. ed. 12, L 1766, 315. Passerina cyanea Vikim,. Nouv. Diet. dHist. Nat. XXV. 1817,7. [B 387, C 199, R 248, C 295.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States, west to Kansas, north to New Brunswick, southern Ontario and Minnesota ; south in winter to Central America. 599. Passerina amcena (Say). Lazuli Bunting. Emberiza amcena Say, Long's K.xp. IL 1823, 47. Passerina amoena Gray, Handl. IL 1S70, 97. [B 386, C 200, R 249, C 296.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, from the Plains to the Pacific, north to the dry interior of British Columbia and Idaho, south to the Valley of Mexico. 600. Passerina versicolor (Bonap.). Varied Bunting. Spiza versicolor Bonap. P. Z. S. 1837 (June, 1838), 120. Passerina versicolor G^w, H;indl. II. 1870, 97. [B38S, C 197, R 250, C 293.] Geog. Dlst. — From the valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas southward to Guatemala. Accidental in southern Michigan. 600 «. Passerina versicolor pulchra Ridgw. Beautiful Bunting. Passerina versicolor pulchra Ridgw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 448. [B 385, /^r/, C i()T,part, R 2^0, part, C 293, /ar/.] Geog. Dist. — Lower California and northwestern Mexico. 601. Passerina ciris (Linn.). Painted Bunting. Emberiza ciris Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 179. Passerina ciris Vieill. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XXV. 1817, 17. ORDER PASSERES. 253 [B 384, C 196, R 251, C 292.] Geog. Dist. — South Atlantic and Gulf States to western Texas, north to North ('arolina and souliiorn Illinois, and south to Panama. Genus SPOROFHILA Cahanis. Sporophila Cahanis, Arch. f. Naturg. X. i. 1844, 291. 602. Sporophila morelleti sharpei Lawk. Sliurpe's 8i>ciza RoNAP. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. IV. i. Aug. 1824, 45. Type, Ernheriza americana Gmki,. (iOl. Spiza amoricana (G.mkl.). I>i(*ki-issol. Emberiza (imeriiana Gmet,. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 872. S/fizi ami'ricana Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. March 27, 1880, 3. [B378, C 191, R2S4, C287.] Geoc. DisT. — Eastern United States to the Rocky Mountains, breeding from Texas north to Miissacinisetts, New York, southern Ontario, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North Dakota; south in winter through Central America to northern South America ; southwest in migrations to Arizona. Now rare or entirely absent east of the Alleghanies. Genus CALAMOSFIZA Bonaparte. Calamoxpiza B(JNAp. Geog. & Conip. List, 1838, 30. Type, Fritigilla bicolor Towns. = Calamospiza melanocorys Stejn. 605. Calamospiza melanocorys Steji;. Lark Biiiitiiiji;. Calamospiza melatiacorys Stejn. Auk, II. Jan. 1885, 49. [B 377, C 190, R 256, C 286.] Geog. Dis r. — From the Plains of middle Kansas north to Mani- toba and Assiniboia, west to the Rocky Mountains, less commonly to the Pacific in southern California, and south to Guanajuato and Lower California. Accidental in Massachusetts, New York, and South Carolina. Family TANAGRID^. Tanagers. GenuS EUTHONIA Desmarest. Euphonia Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan.;. 1805, pi. xix. Type, Plpra niusica Gmel. ? ORDER PASSERES. •55 [GOU.j Euphonia elegantissima (Honap.). Ulue-heudod Kiiphuiiiii. ripra flt'^antissima Honap. P. Z. S. 1837 (Juno, 1838), 112. Euphonia f.lei;antissima (J ray, Gen. 15. A pp. 1S49, 17. [H 224, C— , R 160, C— .] Gk.oo. Dist. — Flastern Mexico, and south to Vcragua. Texas (GlkAUD). Genu.s PIRANGA Vieillot. Piranga V.' 't,L. Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, p. iv. Type, Muscicapa rubra Linn. 1766 = Fritif^illa rubra Linn. 1758. 607. Piranga ludoviciana (Wii.s.). Louisiana Tanaj;er. Tanagra ludoviciana Wils. Am. Orn. IIL 181 1, 27, pi. 20, fig. i. Pyranga ludoviciana Richardson, Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci. V. 1837. I75- [B 223, C no, R 162, C 158.] (iEOG. DisT. — Western United States, from the Great Plains to the Pacific, north to South Dakota and British ('olumbia. In winter south to Guatemala. Accidental in New York and New England. [()07.L] Piranga rubriceps Gray. Gray's Tanager. Pyranga rubriceps Gray, Gen. B. II. 1844, pi. 89. [B-, C-, R-, C— .] Geog. Dist. — Colombia. Accidental in California (Dos Pueblos, Santa Barbara Co.). 008. Piranga erythromelas Vieill. Scarlet Taiiager. Pyranga erythromelas Vieill. Nouv. Diet. d'Hi.«t. Nat. XXVIII. 1 8 19, 293 (= Pyranga rubra Aucx, x\qc Fringilla rubra LlNy). ' ^M :- ! 256 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 220, C 107, R 161, C 154.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States, west to the Plains, and north to southern Ontario and Manitoba. In winter the West Indies, eastern Mexico, Central America and northern South America. 609. Firanga hepatica Swains. Hepatic Tanager. Pyranga hepatica Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 438. [B 222, C 109, R 163, C 157.] Geog. Dist. — Southern New Mexico and southern Arizona southward to Guatemala. ■ -f 610. Firanga rubra (Linn.). Summer Tanager. Fringilla rubra Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 181. Firanga rubra Vieill. Ois. Am. Sept. I, 1807, p. iv. [B 221, C 108, R 164, C 155.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States, to the Plains, north to southern New Jersey and southern Illinois, casually north to Massa- chusetts and Ontario, and accidentally to Nova Scotia. In winter, Cuba, eastern Mexico, Central America, and northern South America to Peru. 610 and the Saskatchewan, south to the higher parts of Mexico, wintering in South America. 611 a. Progne subis hesperia Western Martin. Progne subis hesperia Brews r. Auk, Vf. April, 1889, 92. [B 2^1, part, C 1 1 7, /(?/'/, R iz^i^pari, C 165, /arA] ('egg. Dist. — Cahfornia, south of Latitude 40°, and southern Ari;,ona ; in winter, south to Nicaragua. 011.1. Progne cryptoleuca Baird. Cuban Martin. Progne cryptoleuca Baird, Rev. Am. B. L May, 1865, 277. [B 23 Ki, C — , R i52 252, C 126, R 140, C 176.] Gkog. Dist. — Eastern United States, north to Ontario and Mani- toba ; south, in winter, to Colombia. Breeds from Florida and the Gulf States northward. 62v». Vireo solitarius (Wils.). Bluc-headcd Vireo. Miiscicapa soUtiiri^i Wils. Am. Orn. II. 1810,43, P'- ^7' ^g- 6. Vireo solitarius Vikili,. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XXXVI. 1819, 103. [B 250, C 127, R 141, C 177.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America to the Plains, north to Hudson Bay and Fort Simpson. South, in winter, to Guatemala. Breeds from southern New England and the northern part of the Lake States northward. 629^a. Vireo solitarius cassinii (Xanfus). Cassin's Vireo. #V-(?(9 rd!ijv«« Xant. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1858, 117. Virto solitarius var. casiini ?Iensh. Rep. Orn. Spec. (Wheeler's Exp.), 1874, 105. Countries ORDKR PASSERES. 26 1; [B 251, C— R 141^7, C 178.] (iEoG. DisT. — Western United States; confined to the Pacific slope, from British Columbia southward, during the hreedinp: season. &29l>. Vireo solitarius plumbeus (Coues). Plumbeous Vireo. Vireo plumbeus CoiKs, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1S66, 74. Vireo solitarius var. plumbeus Ai.i.en, Bull. M. C. Z. III. 1872, 176. [B — , C 127^!, R 141/', C' 179.] Geod. DrsT. — Southern Rocky Mountain region from the eastern base of the mountains westward to the desert ranges of the Great Basin, and from southern Wyoming south, in winter, to Oaxaca. Mex- ico. Accidental in New York. 629 I. Vireo solitarius aiticola Brews 1. Mountaiu Solitary Vireo. Vireo solitarius aiticola Brewst. Auk, III. Jan. 1886, i 1 i. [B 2^0, part, C 12"], part, R 1^1, part, C 17 7, /«/-/.] GEoti. Disr. — Southern Alleghanies (western North Carolina, etc.). south in winter to Florida. 629,/. Vireo solitarius lucasanus Brewst. St. Lucas Solitary Viroo. Virso solitarius lucasanus Brewsi. Auk, VIII. April, i8gi, 147. [B— C— R-, C— .] Gkog. — Low'er C'alifornia. .'11 ■!•» " Ij i ill SriKJENis VIREO ViKii.i.oT. Vireo Vieili.. Ois. Ann. Sept. I. 1807. 83. Type, V. musicus ViEil-L. = Muscicapa voveboracensis Gmei,. 680. Vireo atricapillus Wooph. Black-capped Vireo. Vireo atricapillus Woodh. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. r8s2, 60. [B427, C 133, R 142, C 185.] Geug. Dist. — Central and western Texas, from the Rio Grande north to southwestern Kansas. !0 ! 4 I ft,.. 1^ "ll 266 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMEEIICAN BIRDS. 631. Vireo noveboracensis (Gmf.i,.). Whlte-eyod Vlreo. Muscicapa noveboracensis Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 947. Vireo noveboracensis IJdnap. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Pliila. IV. 1834, 176. [B 248, C 129, R 143, C 181.J Geoo. Dist. — Eastern United States, west to the Rocky Moun- tains, north to southern New iMigland and Minnesota; south in win- ter, from Florida to Guatemala and Honduras. Breeds from Florida and the Gulf States northward. Resident in Bermuda. 6;{la. Vireo noveboracensis maynardi Brewst. Key West Vireo. yireo noveboracensis may nirdiYiRV.Wi^i'. \\\k, IV. April, 1887, 148. [B— , C— , R_, C -.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Florida. 1 1' I n ■■ )■ * ■ ii n m :.' ■ 1 "' nr^ii^^HHB H' 1 ' ir 2^;^^^^m m \ ' V h P ■Si' !*;■ Ml'- lik H32. Vireo huttoni Cass. Hutton's Vireo. l^ireoAu/foni Cahs. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 185 i, 150, pi. 10, fig. i. [B 249, C 130, R 144, C 182.] Geog. Dist. — Southern and central California, west of the Sierra Nevada. i'iBtia. Vireo huttoni stephensi Bkewst. Stepliens's Vireo. Vireo huttoni stephensi Brewst. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. July, 1882, 142. [B— ,C— , R- C— .] Geog. Dist. — Arizona, western Me.\ico, and Lower California. (582 r. Vireo huttoni obscurus Anthony. Aathony's Vireo. Vireo huttoni obscurus Anthony, Zoe, I. Dec. 1890, 306. ORDER PASSERES. 267 f the Sierra [B- C-, R-, C— .] Gkog. Dist. — l*acific coast, from Oregon to southern Hrilish Columbia, south in winter to California. G3B. Vireo beUii Auu. Bell's Vireo. Vitro bellii Aud. B. Am. VII. 1844,333, P'- 485- [Ii246, C 131, Ri4S, C 183.] Gkog. Dist. — Upper Mississippi Valley and (ireat Plains, from Dakota, Minnesota, Illinois, and western Indiana, southwestward to Mexico. 633 fl. Vireo bellii pusillus (Coues). Least Vireo. Vireo pusillus CouES, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci, Phila. 1866, 76. Vireo bellii pusillus Rioi;w. Pr. (J, S. Nat. Mas. VIII. 1885.354. [B— , C 132, R 146, C 184.] Geog. Dist. — Arizona and California, south to Cape St. Lucas, and throughout western Mexico. 634. Vireo vicinior Coues. Gray Vireo. Vireo vicinior CouES, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1866, 75. [B— , C 128, R 147, C 180.] Geog. Dist. — Southern border of the United States, from western Texas and New Mexico to southern and Lower California and north- western Mexico, north to southern Nevada (Grapevine Mts., Lat. 37°) and the Grand Canon of the Colorado in Arizona. Family CCEREBIDiSB. Honey Creepers. Genus CCSREBA Vieili.ot. Coereba Vieillot, Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, 70. Type. Certhia flaveola Linn. t« Vi «>. VI ^ /a /j. o ^A ^^ ^W J^ *^.!^ j-^^ om s IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 2.2 12.0 U IIIIII.6 - 6" Photographic Sciences Corporation <^^ ^^ ^ #/% 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MiSO (716) 872-4503 /i ^ im:' ^m m :5« f 1 5 I M ! 263 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN* BIRDS. 635. Coereba bahameusis (Reich.). Bahama Honey Creeper. Certhiola bahamensis Reich. Handb. I. 1853, 253. Coereba bahamensis A. O. U. Code and Check-List, Suppl. 1889, 23- [B 301, C 106, R 159, C 153.] Geog. Dist. — Bahamas, and the Keys of the southern coast of Florida. Family MNIOTILTID.^. Wood Warblers. Genus MNIOTILTA Vieillot. Mniotilta Vieill. Analyse, 1816, 45. Type, Motacillavaria Linn. 636. Mniotilta varia (Linn.). Black and White Warbler. Motacilla varia Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 333. Mniotilta varia Vieill. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XXL i8i8, 230. [B 167, C 57, R 74, 74<^ C 91, 92.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States to the Plains, north to Fort Simpson, south, in winter, through Central America and the West Indies to Venezuela and Colombia. Breeds from Virginia and soutliern Kansas northward, and winters from Florida and the Gulf States souths ord. Genus FROTONOTARIA Baikd. Protonotaria Baird, B. N. .\m. 1858, 239. Type, Motacilla citrea Bodd. 637. Protonotaria citrea (Bodd.). Prothonotary Warbler. Motacilla citrea Bodd. Tabl. P. E. 1783, 44. rrotonotaria citrea Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 239. :i coast of ORDER PASSERES. 269 [B 169, C 59, R 75, C 95.] Geog, Dist. — Eastern United States, west to Nebraska and Kansas, north to Virginia, southern Michigan, and Iowa, casually to New England, Ontario, and Minnesota ; in winter Cuba and nortliern South America. Breeds throughout its United States range. Genus HELINAIA Audubon. Helinaia AuD. Synop. 1839, 66. J'ype, Sylvia swuinsonn .VuD. 688. Helinaia swainsonii Aun. Swalnson's Warbler. Sylvia siuainsonii AvD. Orn. Biog. II. 1834, 563, pi. 198. Helinaia swainsonii AviTt. Synop. 1839,66. [B179, C61, R76, C97.] Geog. Dist. — Southeastern United States, north to southern Vir- ginia (Dismal Swamp), southwestern Indiana, southeastern Missouri, and west to Texas ; in winter, south to Vera Cruz, Mexico, and Jamaica. Genus HELMITHERUS Rafinesque. Helmitherus Rafin. Journ. de Phys. LXXXVIII. 1819, 417. Type, Motacilla vennivora Gmel. 639. Helmitherus vermivorus (Gmel.). Worm-eating Warbler. Motacilla vermivora Gmki.. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 951. Helmitheros vennivora Bonap. Consp. Av. 1. April 20, 1850,314. [B 178, C 60, R77, C96.] Geog. I) — F^astern United States, north to southern New York and southern New England, west to eastern Nebraska and Texas ; south, in winter, to Cuba and northern South America. Breeds throughout its United States range. Genus HELMINTHOFHILA Ridgway. Helminthophila Ridgw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 53. Type, Sylvia rufuapilla WiLS. -I % } .-' 4?!,' ^It ^ jfli'' I mi t H, . 270 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 4'' R -■ lilr^ I; '■*' M ■i i\ 'J- Hi, 640. Helminthophila bachmanii (Aud.). Bachinan's Warbler. Sylvia bachmanii Aud. Orn. Biog. II. 1834, 483, pi. 183. Heltnifithophila bachmani Ridgw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 53. [B 182, C 64, R 78, C 103.] Ghog. Dist. — South Atlantic States (southern Virginia to Florida), and westward to Louisiana ; Cuba, in winter. 641. Helminthophila pinus (Linn.). Blue-wiaged Warbler. Certhia pinus Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 187. Helminthophila pinus Ridgw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 53. [B 180, C 62, R 79, C 98.] Gkog. Dist. — Eastern United States, from southern New York, soutiiern New England, and southern Minnesota southward, and west to Nebraska and Texas. In winter, south to Mexico, Guate- mala and Nicaragua. 642. Helminthophila chrysoptera (Linn.). Golden-winged Warbler. Motacilla chrysoptera Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 333. Helminthophila chrysoptera Ridgw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 53. [B 181, C 63, R81, C 102.] Gkdg. Dist. — Eastern United States, north to southern New England, southwestern Ontario, and southern Minnesota ; breeding from northern New Jersey and northern Indiana northward, and southward along the Alleghanies to South Carolina. Central Amer- ica and northern South America in winter. 648. Helminthophila lucise (Cuufer). Lucy'e Warbler. Helminthophaga lucix Cooper, Pr. Cal. Ac. Sci. July, i86j, 120. Helminthophila lucice Ridgw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, Vll. Jan. 1882, 54. •vM''- \\\\ ORDER PASSERES. 271 [B— , C 65, R83, C 104.] (iKOG. DiST.^ Arizona and extreme southwestern Utah, from the Santa Clara Valley southward to Sonora, Mexico. 644. Helminthophila virginiae (Baird). Virginia's Warbler. Hehninthophaga virginice Baird, B. N. Am. ed. i860, Atlas, p. xi. foot-note, pi. 79, fig. i. Helminthophila virginice Ridgw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan, 1882, 54. [B— , C66, R84, C 105.] Geog. Dist. — Rocky Mountain region of the United States, from Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada southward on the tableland of Mexico to Guanajuato, 645. Helminthophila ruficapilla (VVils.). Nashville Warbler. Sylvia ruficapilla WiLS. Am. Orn. III. 181 i, 120, pi. 27, fig. 3. Helminthophila ruficapilla Ridgw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 54. [B \%z, part, C 6'],part, R ^c^, part, C 106, part."] Gkog. Dist. — Eastern North America to the Plains, north to the Fur Countries, breeding from the northern United States northward. Mexico and Guatemala in winter. 645 a. Helminthophila rnficapilla gutturalis Ridgw. Calaveras Warbler. Helminthophaga ruficapilla var. gutturalis Ridgw. in Hist. N. Am. B. I. Jan. 1874, 191. Helminthophila ruficapilla gutturalis Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885. 354. [B 183, /(?/-/, C (i-],part, R %i, part, C xod, part.^ Gkog. Dist. — Pacific coast of North America, eastward, during migrations, to the Rocky Mountains, northward to Kadiak, Alaska, and southward to Lower California and western Mexico. ' ' li • Vu t vm ' Hu I '■m (I i1 M '!•? f-iiU U I li ( ti 272 ORDER I'ASSERES. 11] ill! 646. Helminthophila celata (Say). Oriiuge-crowne47. Helminthophila peregrina (VVii.s.). Teiiuessee Warbler. Sylvia peregrina WiLS. Am. Orn. III. 1811, 83, pi. 25, fig. 2. Helminthophila peregrina Ridgw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club. VII. Jan. 1882, 54. [B 185, C 69, R 87, C 109.] Geoc;. Disr. — Eastern North America, breeding from northern New York and northern New England northward to Hudson Hay Territory ; in winter south through eastern Mexico to Costa Rica and Colombia. :...-' I ORDER PASSERES. Genus COMFSOTHLYFIS Cabanis. 273 Nat. Mus. Compsothlypis Q\\i. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 20. Type, Parus ameri- canu$ Linn. 648. Compsothlypis americana (Linn.). Parula Warbler. Parus amerkanus Linn S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 190. Compsothlypis americana Cab. Mus. Hein. L 1850, 20. [B 168, C 58, R88, C93.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States, west to the Plains, north to Canada, and south in winter to the West Indies, Eastern Mexico and Nicaragua. Breeds locally throup;hout its United States range. 649. Compsothlypis nigrilora (Coues). Sennett's Warbler. Parula nigrilora CouES, Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. IV 1878, II. Compsothlypis nigrilora Stejn. Auk, I. April, 1884, 170. [B— , C— , R 89./, C 94.] (tEOG. !-)ist. — Valley of the Lower Rio Grande in Texas, and southward in Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, and southeastern San Luis Potosi. ■,^m\ , i;?i 1 ik t isa Ishmds, Genus DENDROICA Gray. Si iu;f.nis PERISSOGLOSSA Baird. Perissoglossa Baird, Rev. Am. B. I. April, 1865, 180. Type, Motacilla tigrina Gmel. t)50. Dendroica tigrina (Gmel.). Cape May Warbler. Motacilla tigrina Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 985. Dendroica tigrina Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 286. 18 -11 u. u i v I '* :?', M % 1 (■;'! 1 ;». ■ i 1 I 274 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B206, C 85, R90, C 126.] Geoo. Dist. — Eastern North America, north to Lake Winn'p. ^ and Fludson Bay Territory, west to the Plains. Breeds from noriu- ern New B^ngland northward; winters in the West Indies. Si'BGKNUs PEUCEDRAMDJ Coues. Peucedramus Coues, in Zool. Wheeler's Exp. 1876, 201. Type, Sylvia olivacea Giraud. 651. Dendroica olivacea (Giraud). Olive Warl>l«r. Sylvia olivacea GiRAun, Sixteen Sp. Tex. B. 1841, 29, pi. 7, fig. 2. Dendroica olivacea Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 305. [B— , C— , R92, C no.] Geog. Dist. — Highlands of (Guatemala and Mexico, north to southern New Mexico and Mt. Graham, Arizona, Subgenus DENDROICA Gray. Dendroica Gray, List Gen. B. App. 1842, 8. Type, Motarilla coronata Linn. 652. Dendroica aestiva (Gmel.). Yellow Warbler. Motacilla cBstiva Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 996. Dendroica (estiva Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 282. [B 203, C 70, R 93, C III.] Geog. Dist. — North America at large, except southwestern part, south in winter to Central America and northern South America. Breeds nearly throughout its North American range. 652 a. Dendroica aestiva sonorana Sonora Yellow Warbler. Dendroica cestiva sonorana Brewst. Auk, V. April, 1888, 137. 5i ORDKR PASSERES. 275 [B 202,, part, C 70, f>(7rt, R o^, part, C 1 1 1, part."] (iKoc. DisT. — Southern Arizona to western Texas and northwest- ern Mexico. 65:i. Dendroica bryanti castaneiceps Kinow. Mangrove Warl)ler. Dendroica bryanti castaneiceps Rimiw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. Sept. 2, 1885, 350. []]_, C-. R-,C— .] Geog. Dist. — Western Mexico, and southern part of Lower Cali- fornia. 654. Dendroica caerulescens (G.mel.). Blaokr>i). Dendroica pensylvanica (Linn.). Cliestnut-sidod Warbler. Motacilla pensylvanka Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 333. Dendroka pennsylvanica Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 279. [B 200, C 83, R 99, C 124.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States and southern Ontario, west to Manitoba and the Plains, breeding southward to central Illinois and northern New Jersey, and in the Appalachian highlands proliably to northern Georgia. Visits the Bahamas, eastern Mexico, Central America and Panama in winter. i'jx ORDER PASSERES. 277 660. Dendroica castanea (Wii.s.)- Bay-breastod Wurbler. Sylvia castiinea VVils. Am. Orn. II. 1810, 97, pi. 14, fig. 4. Dendroiia castanea Haird, H. N. Am. 1858, 276. [B 197. (• 82, R 100, C 123.J Geoc. DisT. — Eastern Nortli America, north to Hudson Bay. Breeds from northern New Kngland and northern Michigan north- ward ; in winter south through eastern Mexico (rare) and Guatemala to Colombia. 661. Dendroica striata (Forsi.). Black-poll Warbler. Mtixficapa striata Forst. Philos. Trans. LXII. 1772, 406, 428. Deniroica striata Bairo, B. N. Am. 1858, 280. [B 2C'. C 81, R loi, C 122.] Geo(;. Dist. — Eastern North America, west to the Rocky Moun- tains, north to Greenland, the Barren (Grounds, and Alaska, breeding from northern New Kngland and the Catskills northward. South in winter to northern South America, but not recorded from Mexico or Central America. '':! ht i " • ' If . 1;* fli 6()2. Dendroica blackburniae (Gmel.). Blackburniau Warbler. Motacilla blacklmrnice Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 977. Dendroica blackbiirnice Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 274. [B 196, C 80, R 102, C 121.] Geog. Dist. — • Eastern North America, west to eastern Kansas and Manitoba, breeding from the southern AUeghanies, Massachu- setts, and Michigan northward to Labrador. In winter, south to the Bahamas, eastern Mexico. Central America, Colombia. Ecuador, and Peru. 668. Dendroica dominica (Linn.). Yellow-throated Warbler. Motacilla dominica Linn. S. N. ed. 12, L 1766, 334. Dendroica dominica Baird, Rev. Am. B. I. April, 1865, 209. :R !:' I- :f 278 CHECKLIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 209, /«/■/, C 88, R 103, C 129,] Geog. DrsT. — Southeastern United States, north to southern Maryland and Virginia, and casually to southern New England ; south to the West Indies. CG3a. Dendroica dominica albilora Kidgw. Sycamore Warbler. Dendroica dominica var. albilora Baird MSS. Ridgw. \x\\. Nat. VII. Oct. 1873, 606. [B 20^^ part, C 88a, R 103^7, C 130.] Geog. DisT. — Mississippi Valley, west to the Plains, north to Lake Erie and southern Michigan, and east to western North ("aro- lina ; in winter south to southern Mexico, Honduras, Guatemali ;ind Nicaragua. 664. Dendroica graciaB Baird. Grace's Warbler. Dendroica graciie " CouES MSS." Baird, Rev. Am. B. I. April, 1865, 210. [B— , C 87, R 104, C 128.] Geog. Dist. — Southern New Mexico and Arizona, and southward into Sonora. 665. Dendroica nigrescens (Towns.). Black-throated Gray Warbler. Sylvia nigrescens Towns, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1837, 191. Dendroica nigrescens Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 270. [B 192, C 75, R 105, C 116.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, north to Colorado, Oregon, and British Columbia west of the Cascades, migrating to southern Mexico in winter. 666. Dendroica chrysoparia Scl. & Salv. Golden-cheeked Warbler. Dendrceca chrysoparia ScL. & Salv. P. Z. S. i860, 298. \\ ImHm li tInB:iilJL>i, ill H-illiii; ORDER PASSERES. 279 [B— , C 74, R 106. C 115.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Texas, and southward to Guatemala. 667. Dendroica virens ((imki.). BIuck-throatiMl Green Wurbler. MotaciUa virens Gmkl. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 985. Drndrpica virens Baird, B. N. Am. 1S58, 267. [B 189, C 71, R 107, C 112.] Geoo. Dist. — Eastern North .America to the Plains, north to Hudson Bay Territory, breeding from Connecticut and northern Illinois northward, and south along the Alleghanies to South Caro- lina. In winter, south to Cuba and Panama. Accidental in Green- land and Europe. Ii ( IP d southward 668. Dendroica townsendi (Towns.). Townsend's Warbler. Sylvia toivnsendi " Nurr." Towns. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1837, 191. Dendroica toumsendi Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 269. [B 191, C 73, R 108, C 114.] Geog. Dist. — Western North America, east to central Colorado, north to Sitka, south in winter to Mexico and Guatemala. Acci- dental near Philadelphia. Breeds from the southern border of the United States northward. 669. Dendroica occidentalis (Towns.). Hermit Warbler. Sylvia occidentalis Towns. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1837, 190. Dendroica occidentalis Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 268. [B 190, C 72, R 109, C 113.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific coast, and from Washington southward ; in winter, Lower California and Mexico to the highlands of Guatemala. rliFi 'Ii ;■; i;'.".iyv,j.i.. 280 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 670. Dendroica kirtlandl Baird. Klrtland's Warbler. Sylvicola kirtlandi Baird, Ann. Lye. N. Y. V. 1852, 216, pi. 6. Dendroica kirtlandii Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 286. [B 205, C 89, R no, C 131.] Gf:oG. DiST. — Eastern United States (South Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigr.n, Wisconsin, Minnesota), and the Bahamas in winter. 671. Dendroica vigorsii (Aud.). Pine Warbler. Sylvia nigorsii Axsn. Orn. Biog. I. 1832, 153, pi. 30. Dendroica vigorsii Stejn. Auk, II. Oct. 1885, 343. [B 198,0 91, R III, C 134.] Geog. Dist. — liastern United States, west to the Plains, north to Manitoba, Ontario, and New Brunswick, wintering in the South Atlantic and Gulf States, and the Bahamas. 67'J. Dendroica valmarum (Gmel.). Palm Warbler. Motacilla palmarum Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788,951. Dendroica pnlmarum Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 288. [B 20^, part, C ()o,part, R 113, C 132.] Geog. Dist. — Northern interior to Great Slave Lake ; in winter South Atlantic and Gulf States, the West Indies and Mexico. Of rare but regular occurrence in die Atlantic States in migrations. 672 a. Dendroica palmarum hypochrysea Ridgw. Yellow Paltu Warbler. Dendrceca palmarum hypochrysea ^IDG^. ViuW. Nutt. Orn. Club, I. Nov. 1876, 85. [B 20%, part, C 90, /«/-/", R 113a, C 133.] Geog. Dist. — Atlantic States, north to Hudson Bay. Breeds from eastern Maine, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia northward ; winters in the South Atlantic and Gulf States. itt. Orn. Club, ORDER PASSERES. 28 1 673. Dendroica discolor (Vietll.)- Prairie Warbler. Sylvia discolor Vieill. Ois. Am. Sept. I. 1807, 37, pi. 98. Dendroica discolor Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 290. [B210, C86, R 114, C 127.] Geog. DiST. — Eastern United Stat ;s to the Plains, breeding from Florida north to Michigan and southern New P'.ngland. Winters in southern Florida and the West Indies. Genus SEIURUS Swainson. 5t7«r«j- Swains. Phil. Mag. I. May, 1827, 369. Type, Motacilla aurocapilla Linn. 674. Seiurus auroc&pillus (LiriN.). Oven-bird. Motacilla aurocapilla Linn. S. N. ed. 12, L 1766, 334. Seiurus aurocapillus Swains. Zool. Journ. IIL 1827, 171. [B i86,C92, R 115, C 135.] Geoo. Dist. — Eactern North America, north to Hudson Bay Ter- ritory and Alaska, breeding from Kansas, the Ohio Valley, and Vir- ginia northward. In winter, Florida, the West Indies, southern Mex- ico, and Centra] America to Panama. 675. Seiurus noveboracensis (Gmel.). Water-Thrush. Motacilla noveboracensis Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 958. Seiurus noveboracensis Bonap. Geog. &' Comp. List, 1838. 21. [B id)-], part, C 93,/(7^A R 116, C 136.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States to Illinois, and northward to Arctic America, breeding from the northern United States northward. South in win*"er to the West Indies, Central America, and northern South America. 675 <;. Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis (Ridgw.). Grinnell's Water-Thrush. Seiurus noevius notabilis "Grinnell," Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. IIL 1880, 12. Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. ^M iri ■ I j'.i i. -■ ! ■■' > 1 ;< Ifli I 282 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B i8'j,parf, C 93, /«?/'/, R ii6- [B 211, C loi, R 124, C 146.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States, west to the Plains, north and east to southern Michigan, southern Ontario, western and south- eastern New York, and southern New England. Breeds from the Gulf of Mexico northward. In winter. West Indies, eastern Mexico, and Central America to Panama. 685. Sylvania pnsilla (Wils.). Wilson's Warbler. Muscicapa pusilla Wils. Am. Orn. III. i8n, 103, pi. 26, fig. 4. Sylvania pusilla Nutt. Man. Land B. ed. 1840, 335. ■ m 286 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. .'; h» i r. Wi I'T [B 213, parf, C 102, R 125, C 147.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, west to and including the Rocky Mountains, north to Labrador, Hudson Bay Territory, and Alaska. Breeds chiefly north of the United States, migrating south to eastern Mexico and Central America. 685 <7. Sylvania pusilla pileolata (Pall.). Pileolated Warbler. Motacilla pileolata Pall. Zoog. Rosso-As. L 1826, 497. Sylvania pusilla pileolata Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VI IL 1885, 354- [B 21^, part, C 102a, R 125^, C 148.] Geog. Dist. — Western North America, from the Great Basin to the Pacific, north to Alaska (Kadiak), and south, in winter, to Costa Rica. 686. Sylvania canadensis (Linn.). Canadian Warbler. Muscicapa canadctisis Linn. S. N. ed. 12, L 1766, 327. Sylvania canadensis Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIIL 1885, 354. [B 214, 215, C 103, R 127, C 149.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, west to the Plains, and north to Newfoundland, southern Labrador, and Lake Winnipeg, south, in winter, to Central America and northern South America. Breeds from the higher parts of the Alleghanies, and the more ele- vated parts of southern New York and southern New England, northward. Genus SETOFHAGA Swainson. U ! fi Setophaga Swains. Phil. Mag. L May, 1827, 368. Type^ Mota- cilla ruticilla Linn. 687. Setophaga ruticilla (Linn.). American Redstart. Motacilla ruticilla Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 186. Setophaga ruticilla Swains. Phil. Mag. L May, 1827, 368. ORDER PASSERES. 287 [B 217, C 104, R 128, C 152.] Geog. Dist. — North America, north to Fort Simpson, west regu- larly to the Great Basin, casually to California and Lower California, breeding from the middle portion of the United States northward. In winter, the West Indies, southern Mexico, Central America and northern South America. 688. Setophaga picta Swains. Painted Redstart. Setophaga picta Swains. Zool. Illustr. 2d ser. I. 1829, pi. 3. [B 218, C 105, R 129, C 151.] Geog. Dist. — Mountains of Mexico, north to southern Arizona. [689.] Setophaga miniata Swains. Red-bellied Redstart. Setophaga miniata Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 368. [B 219, C— , R 130, C— .] Geog. Dist. — Highlands of Mexico. Texas (Giraud). ill ■" ■ i III il ft: I'. ? i m Genus (JARDELLINA Du Bus. Cardellina Du Bus, Esq. Orn. 1850, pi. 25. Type, C. amicta Du Bus = Muscicapa rubrifrons Giraud. 690. Cardellina rubrifrons (Giraud). Red-faced Warbler. Muscicapa rubrifrons Giraud, Sixteen Sp. Texas B. 1841, pi. 7, fig- I- Cardellina rubrifrons ScL. P. Z. S. 1855, 66. [B— , C— , R 131, C 150.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico, through Mexico, to Guatemala. Texas (Giraud). I •iV'l ill Genus ERGATICUS Baird. Ergaticus Baird, Rev. Am. B. I. April, 1865, 237. Type, Setc phaga rubra Swains. %. 288 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [691.] Ergaticus ruber (Swains.). Red Warbler. Setophaga rubra Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 368. Ergaticus ruber ScL. & Salv, Nom. Neotr. 1873, 11. [B216, C— , R132, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Highlands of Mexico. Texas (Giraud). % I M ■ % ''' - Genus BASILEUTERUS Caranis. Basikuterus Cab. in Schomb. Guiana, III. 1848, 666. Type, Sylvia Termivora Vieill. = Setophaga auricapilla Swain.s. [692.] Basileuterus culicivorus (Light.). Brasher's Warbler. Sylvia culicivora (Light.) Preis-Verzeich. 1830, no. 78. Basileutertis culicivorus Bonap. Consp. Av. L 1850, 313. [B— , C— , R133, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Central America, from Panama north to eastern Mexico. Texas (Giraud.) [693.] Basileuterus belli (Giraud). Bell's Warbler. Muscicapa belli Giraud, Sixteen Sp. Texas B. 1841, pi. 4, fig. i, Basileuterus belli Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, 65. [B— C— R 134, C—.] Geog. Dist. — Guatemala and Mexico, north to the temperate regions of Vera Cruz. Texas (Giraud), Family MOTACILLIDiE. Wagtails. (^rxJ... )i)-J,. i Genus MOTACILLA Linn^us. Motacilla Linn. S, N. ed. 10, L 1758, 184. Type, by elimina- tion, M. alba Linn. rr Wn ORDER PASSERES. 289 [694.] Motacilla alba Linn. White Wagtail. Motacilla alba Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 185. [H_, C— , R 69, C 86.] Geog. Dist. — Northern Europe and northern Asia, south, in winter, to North Africa and India. Accidental in Greenland. I 6. Type, rAINS. [695.] Motacilla ocularis Swinh. Swiiihoe's Wagtail. Motacilla octilc -is Swinh. Ibis, Jan. i860, 55. [B— , C-, R-,C— .] Geog. Dist. — Eastern Asia. Accidental in Lower California. Aleutian Islands ? :«lli 8. '3- to eastern 3l. 4, fig- '■ temperate l:7''> J... ^^:A- Iby elimina- Genus BUDYTES Cuvier. Budytes Cuv. R5gne An. I. 1817, 371. Type, Motacilla Jlava Linn. 690. Budytes flavus leucostriatus (Hom.). Siberian Yellow Wagtail. Budytes leucostriatus Homeyer, J. f. O. 1878, 128. Budytes flavus leucostriatus Stejn. Orn. Expl. Kamtsch. 1885, 280. [B— C54, R 70, C87.] Geog. Dist. — Alaska and northern Siberia to China, wintering in the Moluccas. Genus ANTHUS Bechstein. Subgenus ANTHUS. Anthus Bechst. Gem. Naturg. Deutschl. III. 1807, 704. Type, by elimination, A. aquatints = Alauda spitwletta Linn. 697. Anthus pensilvanicus (Lath.). American Pipit. Alauda pensilvanica Lath. Synop. Suppl. I. 1787, 287. Anthus pensilvanicus TiU¥.yiKM. Rhea, II. 1849, 171. 19 : r I w^ ■ ■* i \ : I ■ ^ it I •■i: y 290 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B165, CsS, R 71,089.] Geoo. Dist. — North America at large, breeding in the higher parts of the Rocky Mountains and subarctic districts, and wintering in the Gulf States, Mexuo, and Central America. Accidental in Europe. fj' I i' I In' 'I -imiir, i I [698.] Anthus pratensis (Linn.). Meadow Pipit. Alauda pratensis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 166. Authus pratensij Uechst. Gem. Naturg. Oeutschl. IIL 1807, 732. [B— Cs5^/j, R72, C88.] Geog. Dist. — Europe, straggling to Greenland (and Alaska.'). [699.] Anthus cervinus (Pallas). Red-throated Pipit. Motacilla ceri'ina Pallas, Zoog. Rosso-As. L 1826, 511. Anthus cervinus Keys. & Blas. Wirb. Eur. I. 1840, p. xlviii. [B— , C-, R- C-.] Geog. Dist. — Northern parts of the Old World. Accidental in Lower California. St. Michael and Aleutian Islands, Alaska.? Subgenus NEOCORYS Sclater. Neocorys ScL. P. Z. S. 1857, 5. Type, Alauda spragucii AuD. 700. Anthus spragueii (Aud.). Sprague's Pipit. Alauda spragueii Aud. B. Am. VIL 1843, 335, pi. 486. Anthus spraguei Laird, Rev. Am. B. I. Oct. 1864, 155. [B166, C56, R73, C90.] Geog. Dist. — Interior plains of North America, breeding from the plains of the Yellowstone northward to the Saskatchewan district, and from the Red River westward (probably to the Rocky Moun- tains). South in winter on the tablelands of Mexico to Puebla. Accidental in South Carolina. ORDER PASSERES. 29 1 .he higher wintering :idental in . 1807,73: Alaska ? ). p. xlviii. Accidental in Uaska? iiTUcii AuD. |0 I486. reeding from [ewan district, [Rocky Moun- ho to Puebla. Family CINCLIDiE. Dippers. Genus CINCLUS Bechstein. Cinclus Uechst. Orn. Taschenb. Uoutschl. 1802, 205. Type, Sturnus cinclus Linn. 701. Cinclus mezicanus Swains. Anierieuu Dipper. Cinclus mexicanus Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 368. [B 164, C 19, R 19, C 30.] Geog. Dist. — The mountainous parts of central and western North America, from the Yukon Valley and Unalaska to Guatemala ; east, in the United States, to the eastern base of the Rocky Moun- tains. Apparently resident throughout its range. Family TROGLODYTIDiE. Wrens, Thrashers, etc. Slufamily MIMIN.S. Tiiiiasiiers. Genus OROSCOPTES Baird. Oroscoptes Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 346. Type, 0*'Pheus tnon- tanus Towns. 702. Oroscoptes montanus (Towns.). Sage Thrasher. Orpheus montanus Towns. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1837, 193- Oroscoptes montanus Bairp, B. N. Am. 1858, 347. [B255, (:7, R '°'^ 14-] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, from the western part of the Plains (western South Dakota, western Nebraska, and eastern Colorado), north to Montana, west to the Cascades and Sierra Nevada, south into northern Mexico, Lower California, and casually to Guadalupe Island. 292 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus MIMUS Hoie. i:^' ■' I 'ff:'' ! . Afimus RoiE, Isis, Oct. 1826, 972. Type, Tiirdus polyi^httos Linn. 703. Mimus polyglottos (Linn.). Mo('k.iiiKl*ii'(l. Turdus polyglottos Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 1758, 169. Mimus polyglottus Uunai". Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 17. [H2S3. 253". C8, R ii,C 15.] Geog. Dist. — United States, south into Mexico. Rare and of irregular distribution from Maryland northward to Massachusetts, and north of southern Ohio, Colorado, and southern California. Bahamas. Casual on Guadalupe Island, Lower California. Genus QALEOSCOPTES CAnANis. Galeoscoptes Cab. Mus. Hein. L 1850, 82. Type, Musciaipa carolinensis Linn. 704. Gale acoptes carolinensis (Linn.). Catbird. Muscicapa carolinensis Linn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 328. Galeoscoptes carolinensis Cab. Mus. Hein. L 1850, 82. [B2S4, C 9, R 12, C 16.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States and British Provinces, west to and including the Rocky Mountains ; occasional on the Pacific coast, from British Columbia south to central California. Breeds from the Gulf States northward to the Saskatchewan. Winters in the Southern States, Cuba, and Middle America to Panama. Bermuda, resident. Accidental in Europe. Genus HARPORHYNCHUS Cabanis. Subgenus METHRIOPTERUS Reichenbacii. Afethriopteriis Reich. Syst. Nat. 1850, pi. iv. Type, Turdus ru/us Linn. If i / ' OUDliR PASSERES. 293 705. Barporhynchus rufus (Link.). Drown TliriiHlier. Turd us ru/us Liw. S. N. cd. 10, T. 1758, 169. Ilarporhynchus nt/iis ('ah. Mus. Mein. I. 1850, 82. [H 261, 2G\a, C 10, K 13, C 17.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States, west to tlie Rocky Mountains, north to southern Maine, Ontario, and Manitoba. Hreeds from the Gulf States, including eastern Texas, northward. Accidental in Europe. 700. Harporhynchus longirostris sennetti (Ridgw.). Seniiett'a Thrasher. Harporhynchus longirostris sennetti Rincjw. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. X. Aug. 6, 1888, 506. [B 260, C 10^?, R i3 ! i- 710. Harporhynchus redivivus (Gamb.). Culiforoian Thrasher. Harpes rediviiHi Gamb. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1845, 264. Harporhynchus redivivus Cab. Wiegm. Archiv, 1848, i. 98. [B 256, C 13, R 16, C 23.] Geog. Dist. — Coast region of California, from the heads of the Sacramento and Russian River valleys south to El Rosario, Lower California (Lat. 30°). 711. Harporhynchus lecontei (Lawr.). Leconte's Thrasher. Toxostotna lecontei Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. V. 1852, 121. Harporhynchus lecontii Bonap. Notes Coll. Delattre, 1854, 39. m :as north to ORDER PASSERES. 295 [B 257, C i3'7, R i6rr, C 24.] Geog. Dist. — Desert region of southern CaUfornia, Nevada, and extreme southwestern Utah, from Benton, Cal. (Lat. 38°), southeast- ward through Arizona to Sonora (Lat. 30°). Local in the southern San Joaquin Valley. 712. Harporhynchus crissalis (Henry). Crissal Thrasher. loxostoma crissalis Henry, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1858, 117. Harporhynchus crissalis Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 350. [B2S8, C 14, R 17.^25.] Geog. Dist. — Southwestern United States, from western Texas to the Colorado Desert, California, and northern Lower California ; north to the Charleston Mountains, Nevada, and St. George, Utah. Subfamily TROGLODYTIN^. Wrens. Genus HELEODYTES Cabanis. Heleodytes Cabanis, Mus, Hein, L 1850, 80. Type, Furnarius griseus Swain. 713. Heleodytes brunneicapillus (Lafr.). Cactus \Vr 'i. Ficolaptes hruimeicapillus Lafr. Mag. de Zool. 1835, 61, pi. 47. Heleodytes bnimieicapillus Fisher, N. Am. Fauna, No. 7, May 31, 1893, 130. [B 262, C 43, R 56, C 63.] Geog. Dist. — Southern border of the United States, from the Lower Rio Grande in Texas to southern California, north to south- western Utah, and south to central Mexico. 713 a. Heleodytes brunneicapillus bryanti Anthony. Bryant's Cactus Wren. Heleodytes brunneicapillus bryanti Xiiino'S^Y, Ank, XL July, 1894, 212. [B262,/a/-/, C :\^, part, R ^G, part, C 63, /(?;-/.] Geog. Dist. — Northern Lower California, north into southern California. r' '1)1 '!■ S ill %v I 296 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. n-. 'f 713 l>. Heleodytes brunneicapillus affinis (Xantus). St. Lucas Cactus Wren. Campylorhynchus affinis Xantus, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1859, 298. Heleodytes brunneicapillus affinis Anthony, Auk, XII, July, 1895, 280. [B— , C44, R57, C64.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Lower California. Genus SALFINCTES Cabanis. Salpinctes Cab. vViegm. Archiv, 1847, i- ^"^Z- TyP^> Troglodytes obsoletus Say. i 715. Salpinctes obsoletus (Say). Rock Wren. Troglodytes obsoletus Say, Long's Exp. II. 1823, 4. Salpinctes obsoletus Cab. Wiegm. Archiv, 1847, i. 323. [L 264, c 45, R 58, C 65.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, from the western border of the Plains to the Pacific, north to Dakota, Montana, and British Columbia ; south on the tablelands of Mexico and Guatemala to Salvador. Breeds throughout its range, and is resident from about the southern border of the United States southward. lit 716. ii^alpinctes guadeloupensis Ridgw. Guadalupe Rook Wren. Salpinctes obsoletus guadeloupensis Ridgw. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Serv. Terr. II. No. 2, April, 1876, 185. Salpinctes guadalupensis l^ivtQw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, II. July, 1877, 60. [B— , C-,R58«, C-.] Gejg. Dist. — Guadalupe Island, Lower California. Genus CATHERPES Baird. Catherpes Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 356. Type, Thryothorus mex- icanus Swains. ORDER PASSERES. [717.] Catherpes mexicanus (Swains.). White-throated Wren. 297 'othorus niex- Thryothorus niexicanus Swains. Zool. 111. 2cl ser. I. 1829, pi. 11. Catherpes mexicanus Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 356. [B263, C— R59, C66.] Geog. Dist. — Mexico, from Oaxaca and Orizaba northward on the tablelands. Texas (Giraud). 717 a, Catherpes mexicanus conspersus Ridgw. Canon Wren. Catherpes mexicanus var. conspersus Ridgw. Am. Nat. VII. Oct. 1873, 602. [B 262„part, C 46, R 59./, C 67.] Geog. Dist. — Great Basin and Rocky Mountain region, from the Sierra Nevada and Cascades eastward to southern Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, and western Texas ; south on the tablelands of Mexico to Aguas Calientes. Breeds nearly throughout its range ; resident in the southern parts of its United States distribution. 717^. Catherpes mexicanus punctulatus Ridgw. Dotted Cauou Wren. Catherpes mexicanus pufictu/aius Ridgw. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V". Sept. 5, 1882, 343. [B 2^2,^ part, C dfi.part^ R ^<),part, C d'j^part.'] Geog. Dist. — Oregon and California, west of the Cascades and Sierra Nevada, and Lower California. Resident from central Cali- fornia southward. Genus THRYOTHORUS Vieillot. Subgenus THRYOTHORUS. Thryothorus Vieill. Analyse, 1816, 45. Type, Troglodytes arundinaceus Vieill. = Sylvia ludoviciana Lath. 'HI ! ■ 1 !' ■ 1 1 li'' i ti 1 \ ■ , i i t ■ i ',1 in' "H •i m 11 W^: :fm : 1 :'l^ H ' i I? ;h 'ft * !; 298 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 718. Thryothorus ludovicianus (Lath.). Carolina Wren. Sylvia ludoviciana Lath. Ind. Orn, IL 1790, 548. Thryothorus ludovicianus Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 11. [B 265, C 47, R 60, C 68.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States, north to southern New York, southern Michigan, and southern Nebraska ; west to the Plains. Rare or casual in southern New England and southern Ontario. Resident nearly throughout its range. 718 a. Thryothorus ludovicianus miamensis Ridgw. Florida Wren. Thryothorus ludovicianus var. niiametisis Ridgw. Am. Nat. IX. Aug. 1875, 469. [B 26^,, part, C i\.'], party R 6o(^, C 69.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Florida. 718 <^. Thryothorus ludovicianus lomitensis Sekn. Lomita Wren. Thryothorus ludovicianus lomitensis Senn. Auk, VIL Jan. 1890, 58. [B 265, /(Z/-/, C if'j^part, R Go, part, C 68, /ar/.] Geog. Dist. — Southeastern Texas. Subgenus THRTOMANES Sclater. Tliryomanes ScL. Cat. Am. B. 1861, 2;. Type, Troglodytes bewickii AuD. 719. Thryothorus bewickii (Aud,). Bewick's Wren. Troglodytes be^vickii Aud. Orn. Biog. L 1831, 96; pi. 18. Thryothorus bewickii Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 11. [B 267, C 48, R 61, C 71.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States, west to the eastern border of the Plains and eastern Texas ; rare east of the Alleghanies north of Maryland and Delaware; north irregularly in the Mississippi Valley to southern Minnesota. Migratory only along the northern border of its range. ORDER PASSERES. 299 719 a. Thryothorus bewickii spilurus (Vig.). Vlgors's Wren. Troglodytes spilurus Vig. Zool. Voy. Bloss. 1839, 18, pi. 4, fig. i. Thryothorus bexuickii var. spilurus Baird, Rev. Am. B. I. 1864, 126. [B -, C 48/^ R 6itz, C 73.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast region of North America, from British Columbia southward to Lower California and western Mexico. Breeds nearly throughout its range ; resident from central California southward. 719 (^. Thryothorus bewickii bairdi (Salv. & Godm.). Baird's Wreu. Thryothorus bairdi ?)\i.\\ & Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am. Aves, I.April, 1880, 95. Thryothorus be^vickii bairdi Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B— , C 48^, R 61/7, C 72.] Geog. Dist. — Southern Texas, Arizona, and California east of the Sierra Nevada, north to middle Kansas, Colorado, md southern Utah, south into Mexico. Breeds throughout its range ; resident from Arizona and Kansas southward. 719.1. Thryothorus leucophrys Anthony. San Cleniente Wren. Thryothorus leucophrys Anthony, Auk, XII. Jan. 1895, 52. [B-, C-, R-, C-.] Geog. Dist, — San Cleniente Island, California. 720. Thryothorus brevicauda (Ridgw.). Guadalupe Wren. Thr\'omancs brevicauda Ridgw. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geosf. Surv. Terr. 11. No. 2, April i, 1876, 186. Thryothorus brevicauda Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. VI. 1881, 227. [B— , C— , R62, C— .] Geog. Dist. — Guadalupe Island, Lower California. liitj f !f| ii alf r»4 . li' •. 1 1 I- i f J ' i';]i ti.i 1 300 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus TROG-LOIiYTES Vieillot. • Subgenus TROGLODYTES. Troglodytes Vieill. Ois. Am. Sept. II. 1807, 52. Type, T. aedofi ViEILL. 721. Troglodytes aedon Vieill. House Wren. Troglodytes aedon Vieill. Ois. Am. Sept. II. 1807, 52, pi. 107. [B 270, 272, C 49, R 63, C 74.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States and southern Ontario, west to Indiana and Louisiana. Resident from the middle districts south- ward. 721 a. Troglodytes aedon parkmanii (Aud.). Parkman's Wren. Troglodytes parkmanii Aud. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, 310. Troglodytes cedon v\x. parkmanni CouES, Key, 1872, 87. [B 271, C 49a, R63(?, C 75.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast region of British Columbia, Wash- ington, Oregon, and northern California. 721 b. Troglodytes aedon aztecus Baird. Western House Wren. Troglodytes cedon var. aztecus Baird, Rev. Am. B. I. Sept. 1864, 139- [B 2"] Impart, C \()a^ part^ R 6T,a, part, C 'JS,p(irt.'] Geog. Dist. — Western Unit-^d States, except Pacific coast, east to Manitoba and Illinois, south into Mexico. Subgenus ANORTHX7RA Rennie. Anorthiira Rennie, Mont. Orn. Diet. ed. 2, 1831, 570. Type, Motacilla troglodytes Linn. imbia, Wash- ORDER PASSERES. 722. Troglodytes hiemalis Vieill. • Winter Wren. 301 Troglodytes hiemalis Vieill. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. XXXIV. 1819, 514. [B 273, C 50, R 65, C 76.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America generally, breeding from the northern parts of the United States northward, and in the Alleghanies south to North Carolina, and wintering from about its southern breeding limit southward. 722 a. Troglodytes hiemalis pacificus Baird. Western Winter Wren. Troglodytes hyemalis var. pacificus BAiRr, Rev. Am. B. I. Sept. 1864, 145. [B 211, part, C 10, part, R 65^, C 77.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast, from Sitka to southern California, and eastward to the mountains of Idaho; south, in winter, to Mexico. 723. Troglodytes alascensis Baird. Alaskan Wren. Troglodytes alascensis Baird, Trans. Chic. Ac. Sci. I. 1869, 3^S> pi. 30, fig. 3. [B— , C sort, R 66, C 78.] Geog. Dist. — Aleutian and Pribilof Islands, Alaska. ^fH ii t 1 R 1 1" ( i : IJ i , % 1 i ! t llii !«'vt' Genus CISTOTHORUS Cabanis. Subgenus CISTOTHORUS. Cistothorus Cab. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 77. Type, Troglodytes stellaris Light. 724. Cistothorus stellaris (Light.). Short-billed Marsh Wren. Troglodytes stellaris Light, in Nau.m. Vug. Deutschl. III. 1823, tab. ad p. 724. Cistothorus stellaris Cab. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 77. 1 1 flK']. iM*! ■-•"■iff * I,;, f. I \.'t , , s. mm i If K !■' ■ 1 4.W iv< ij i^iiiiljfi 302 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 269, C 52, R 68, C 81.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States, north to southern New Hampshire, southern Ontario, southern Michigan, and southern Manitoba, and west to the Plains. Winters in the South Atlantic and Gulf States. Subgenus TELMATODYTES Cabanis. Telmatodytes Cab. Mus. Hein. I. 1850, 78. Type, Certhia palus- tris WiLS. 725, Cistothorus palustris (Wils.). Long-billed 3Iarsli Wren. Certhia palustris Wils. Am. Orn. II. 1810, 58, pi. 12, fig. 4. Cistothorus {Telmatodytes) palustris Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 364. [B268, Csi,R67, C79.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States, north to Massachusetts, Ontario, and southern Manitoba, wintering from the Gulf States south to eastern Mexico, and locally as far north as southern New England. Breeds throughout its United States and British American range. 725 a. Cistothorus palustris paludicola Baird. Tule AVren. Cistothorus palustris, \7ix. paludicola Baird, Rev. Am. B. I. Sept. 1864, 148. [B 262,, part, C l\, part, R 67^, C 80.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, east to the Rocky Moun- tains and north to British Columbia ; south to southern Mexico. Breeds nearly throughout its. range, and winters from Oregon southward. 725^. Cistothorus palustris griseus Brevvst. Wortbington's ]>Iarsh AVren. Cistothorus palustris gnseus Brewst. Auk, X. July, 1893, 216. [B 2G2,,part, C l\,part, R (iT,part, C -]<), part.] Geog. Dist. — Coast region of South Carolina and Georgia. ORDER PASSERES. 725.1. Cistothorus marianse Scott. Marian's Marsh Wren. Cistothorus mariame Scott, Auk, V. April, i88S, i88. [B— , C-, R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Western Florida. 303 Family CERTHIIDJE. Creepers. Genus CERTHIA Linn/EUS. Certhia Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 118. Type, by elimination, C. familiar is Linn. 720. Certhia familiaris americana (Bonap.). Brown Creeper. Certhia americana !Bonap. Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, 1 1. Certhia familiaris var. americana Ridgw. Bull. Essex Jnst. V. 1873, 180. [B275, C42, RS5, C62.] Geog. Dist.-- Eastern North America, breeding from the northern and more elevated parts of the United States northward, and casually further south, migrating southward in winter. 726 a. Certhia familiaris alticola Miller. Mexican Creeper. Certhia familiaris alticolaM.\L\.^^, Auk, XI L April, 1895, 186. [B276, C— Rscr,, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Guatemala, Mexico, and southern Arizona. 726 b. Certhia familiaris montana Ridgw. Roclty Mountain Creeper. \CcrtJiia fainiliaris\ Ridgw. I'roc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. July 8, 1882, 1 14. [B z-jl.part, C A2,P'irt, R 5S,/^^7', CG2, pari.] Geog. Dist. — Rocky Mountains, from northern Mexico to Alaska. I ,t :vi 1 1 304 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 720 c. Certhia famillaris occldentalis Ridgw. Califuruian Creeper. \Certhia familiaris\ occidentalis RiDGW. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. July 8, 1882, 114. [B 275, /rt;/, C a^z, part, R $$, part, C 62, part.'] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast, from California to southern Alaska. Family FARIDiB. NaxHATCHES and Tits. Subfamily SITTINGS!. Nuthatches. Genus SITTA Linn/Eus. Sitta Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 115, Type, S. europcea Linn. Sitta carolinensis Lath. \Vhite-breasted Nuthatch. Sitta carolinensis Lath. Ind. Orn. L 1790, 262. [B277, C38, R51, C57.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States, from Georgia north to the southern British Provinces, and west to the Rocky Mountains. 727 a. Sitta carolinensis aculeata (Cass.). Slender-billed Nuthatch. Sitta aculeata Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Oct. 1856, 254. Sitta carolinensis var. aculeata Allen, Bull. M. C. Z. IIL No. 6, July, 1872, i6i. [B278, C38.?, Rsi^?, C58.] Geog. Dist. — Western North America, east to the Plains, and south into Mexico. -ro- 727^. Sitta carolinensis atkinsi Scott. Florida White-breasted Nuthatch. Sitta carolinensis atkinsi Scott, Auk, VII. April, 1890, 118. M It. Mus. V. ORDER PASSERES. 305 Geog, Dist. — Florida, and northward along the coast to South Carolina. 7:28. Sitta canadensis T.inn. Red-breasted Nuthatch. Sitta canadensis Linn. .S. N, ed. 12, I. 1766, 177. [B 279, C 39, R 52, C 59.] Geog. Dist. — North America at large, breeding from northern New England, northern N<;w York, and northern Michigan north- ward, and southward in the Alleghanies, Rocky Mountains, and Sierra Xevada ; in winter south to about the southern border of the United States. 729. Sitta pusilla Lath. Brown-headed Nuthatch. Sitta pusilla Lath. Ind. Orn. L 1790, 263. [B 280, C 40, R 53, C 60.] Geog. Dist. — South Atlantic and Gulf States, north to southern Maryland and (casually ? ) Ohio, Missouri, etc. 730. Sitta pygmsea Vig. Pygmy Nutliatoh. Sitta pygmcea Vig. Zool. Beechey's Voy. 1839, 25, pi. 4. [B 281, C 41, R 54, C61.] Geog. Dist, — Western United States, from New Mexico, Colorado and Montana to southern California, Washington, and eastern British Columbia ; southward in Mexico to Mt. Orizaba. 730 a. Sitta pygmsea leuconucha Anthony. Whlte-iiaped Nuthatch. Sitta p\g7ncea leuconucha Anthony, Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. 2d ier. n. Oct. II, 1889, 77. [B 2d,i, part, C ^i, part, R z^\, part, C (i\, part,'\ Geog. Dist. — San Pedro Mountains, Lower California. 20 I tl liiii liMii 4 % *: *:: lil M li Pi:**' '■r, ill'!. 306 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMKKICAN BIRDS. Subfamily PARINiE. Titmice. Genls FARUS Lixn/Eus. StuGENus LOPHOPHANE3 Kalp. Lof^hophiXnes Kal'P, Eiitw. Gosch. Kur. Thiorw. 1829, 92. Type, J'anis crista tits Linn. 73 L Parus bicolor Linn. Tufted Titmouse. Pants bicolor Linn. S. N. ed. 12, L 1766, 340. [B285, C27, R36, C40.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United .States to the Plains, north to northern New Jersey and southern Iowa ; casual in southern New England. Resident throughout its breeding range. 731 a. Parus bicolor texensis Senn. Texan Tufted Titmouse. Pants bicolor texensis Senn. Auk, IV. Jan. 1887, 29. [B— , C-, R-, C— .] Geog. Dist. — Southeastern Texas (Bee and Cameron Counties). 732. Parus atricristatus Ca. Black-crested Tltmov^se. Pants atricristatus Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1850, 103, pi. 2. [B 286, C 29, R 37, C 42.] Geog. Dist. — Southeastern Texas and eastern Mexico. 733. Parus inornatus Game. Plain Titmouse. Parus inornatus Gamb. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Aug. 1845, 265. [B 287, /rt!/'/, C 22>, part^ R ^S,J>art, C 41, /(?/•/.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast of California and western Oregon. i>.:;l 9,92. Type, lins, north to southern New ;ron Counties). [850, '■ XICO. Aug. 1845,265. irn Oregon. ORDFCR PASSERES. 307 733 p/tant's inornatus ,!;r/svus Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mas. V. Sept. 5, 1882, 344. J'arus inornatus ,!;risciis Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, ,554- [13 287, /(//•/, C 28, /-J-//, R38,/,i/-/, C 41, /Z,part, R \'],part, C 53, /^r/.] Geog. Dist. — California, except the northern coast district. U «l lif. 'M ! I .■ ., '1 312 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. mm. 743 I). Psaltriparus minimus grindse (Belding). Griiula's Bush-Tit. Psaltriparus grinda Beld. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VI. Oct. 5, 1883, Fsaltriparus minimus grindcR '^IHG^ . Pr, U.S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B~,C-, R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Lower California. 744. Psaltriparus plumbeus Baird. liCad-colored Bush -Tit. Psaltria plumbea, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. June, 1854, 118. Psaltriparus plumbeus Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 398. [B299, C36, R48, C54.] r Geog. Dist. — New Mexico and Arizona, noith to eastern Oregon and western Wyoming. 744.1. Psaltriparus santaritae Ridgw. Santa Rita Bush-Tit. Psaltriparus santaritce Ridgw. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. X. Sept. 19. 1888, 697. [B _, C -, R -, C -.] Geog. Dist. — Santa Rita Mountains, southern Arizona. 745. Psaltriparus lloydi Sennett. Lloyd's Bush-Tit. Psaltriparus lloydi Senn. Auk, V. Jan. 1888, 43. [B297, C-, R49, C5S.] Geog. Dist. — Western Texas (mountains between Pecos River and Rio Grande), and west to eastern Sonora. Genus AURIPARX7S Baird. Auriparus Baird, Rev. Am. B. I. July, 1864, 85. ^githalus flaviceps Sund. Type, 'MW MhBIi' ' \ 11 ^l^lf H|4 I' i : i |4B^MH3ft ■h ORDER PASSERES. 313 746. Auriparus flaviceps (Sund.). Verdin. yEgithalus flaviceps Sund. 6fv. Vet. Ak. Forh. VII. 1S50. 129. Auriparus flavitej>s Baird, Rev. Am. B. I. July, 1864, 85. [B 300, C 37, R 50. C 56.]. Geog. Dist. — Southern border of the United States, from the Valley of the Rio Grande to Arizona and southern California, north to southern Nevada and southwestern Utah, and south to Lower California, Zacatecas, and southern Tamaulipas. Resident nearly throughout its range. Family SYLVIIDiE. Warblers, Kinglets, Gnatcatchers. Subfamily SYLVIINiB. Wardlers. Genus PHYLLOPSEUSTES Mever. Phyllopseustes Meyer, Vug. Lifi. Estl. 18 15, 122. Type, Sylvia sibilatrix Bechst. 747. Phyllopseustes borealis (Blas.). Keniiicott's Willow Warbler. Phyllopneuste borealis Blasius, Naumannia, 1858, 313. Phyllopseustes borealis Meves, J. f. O. 1875, 429. [B— , C20, R34, C32.] Geog. Dist. — Northeastern Asia and Alaska. Subfamily REGULIN^. Kinglets. icos River Genus REGULUS Cuvier. Regulus Cuv. Le9. d'Anat. Comp. I. 1799-1800, tab. ii. Type, Motacilla regulus Linn. 748. Regulus satrapa Light. Golden-crowned Kinglet. Regulus satrapa Light. Verz. Doubl, 1823, 35. i V I*' * . 3H CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 'V m m m u!l. 5 i; [B 162, ^arf, C 22, parf, R 33, C 34.] Geog. Dist. — North America generally, breeding in the northern and elevated parts of the United States and northward, migrating south in winter to Guatemala. 748 a. Regulns satrapa olivaceus Baird. Western Golden-crowned Kinglet. Kegulus satrapa var. olivaceus Baird, Rev. Am. B. I. July, 1864, 65 (in text under K. satrapa). [B 162, part, C 22, part, R 33a, C 35.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast region of North America, from Cali- fornia northward. 749. Regulus calendula (Linn.). Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Motacilla calendula Li>jn. S. N. ed. 12, I. 1766, 337. Regulus calendula Licht. Verz. Doubl. 1823, 35. [B 161, C 21, R 30, C 33.] Geog. Dist. — North America, south to Guatemala, north to the Arctic coast, breeding chiefly noith of the United States, and in the Rocky Mountains, the Sierra Nevada, and the mountains of Arizona. 760. Regulus obscurus Ridgw. Dusky Kinglet. Regulus calendula obscurus Ridgw. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Tcix. II. No. 2, April i, 1876, 184. Regulus obscurus Ridgw. Buil. Nutt. Orn. Club, II. July, 1877, 59. [B-, C— , R3i,C— .] Geog. Dist. — Guadalupe Island, Lower California. Subfamily POLIOPTILIN.a3. Gnatcatck:::rs. Genus FOLIOPTILA Sclater. Polioptila ScL. P. Z. S. 1855, 11. Type, Motacilla ccerulea Linn. ORDER PASSERES. 315 751. Folioptila caerulea (Linn.). Blue-gray Guateatcher. MotaciUa ccendea Linn. S. N. ed. 12, L 1766, 337. Folioptila ccenilea ScL. P. Z. S. 1855, ii. [B282, C 23, R 27, C 36.] Geog. Dist. — Middle and southern portions of the eastern United States, south, in winter, to Guatemala, Cuba, and the Bahamas ; rare north toward the Great Lakes, southern New York, and southern New England, accidental north to Massachusetts and Maine. Breeds throughout its United States range, and winters from the South Atlantic and Gulf States southward. 751 a. Folioptila cserulea obscura Ridgw. Western Gnatcatcher. Folioptila ccerula obscura Ridgw. Proc, U. S. Nat. Mus. V. March 21, 1883, 535, foot-note. [B 22,2, part, C 2^, part, R 2'],part, C 36, /«r/.] Geog. Dist. — Arizona, California, Lower California, and western Mexico. i !(■ 752. Folioptila plumbea Baird. Plumbeous Gnatcatcher. Culicivora phitnbea Baird, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. June, 1854, 1 18. Folioptila plumbea Baird, B. N. A. 1858, 382. [B 283, C 25, R 28, C 38.] Geog. Dist. — Western Texas to eastern edge of Mohave Desert and eastern coast of Lower California. 753. Folioptila californica Brewst. Black-tailed Gnatcatchttr. Folioptila californica Brewst. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VJ April, 1881, 103. [B 284, C 24, R 29, C 37.] Geog. Dist. — Southern California and Pacific coast of Lower California. i I 3i6 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Family TURDIDiS. Thrushes, Solitaires, Stonechats, Bluebirds, etc. Subfamily MYADESTINiE. Solitaires. Ml ^ ' 1,?? Gentts MYADESTES Swainson. Myadestes Swains. Nat. Libr. XIII. Flycatchers, 1838, 132. Type, M. genibarbis Swains. 754. Myadestes townsendii (Aud.). Townsend's Solitaire. JPtiliogonys townsendii Aud. Orn. Biog. V. 1839, 206, pi. 419, fig. 2. Myiadestes townsendi Cab. Wiegm. Archiv, 1847, i. 208. [B23S, C 121, R25. C 169.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, from the Plains westward to the Pacific coast, north *:o British Columbia, and south, in winter, to the southern border of Arizona and northern Lower California. Breeds from the mountains of New Mexico, southern Arizona, and central California northward. Subfamily TURDINiB. Thrushes. Genus TURDUS Linnaeus. I ! Subgenus HTLOCICHLA Baird. Hylocichla Baird, Rev. Am. B. I. June, 1864, 12. Type, Turdus mustelimis Gmel. 755. Tardus mustelinus Gmel. Wood Thrush. Turdus mustelinus Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 817. ORDER PASSERES. 317 [B 148, C 3, R I, C 6.] Geog. Dist. — P'astern United States to the Plains, north to southerii Michigan, Ontario, and Massachusetts, south, in winter, to Guatemala and Cuba. Breeds from Virginia, Kentucky, and Kansas northward. 1 Ijl :f 756. Turdus fuscescens Steph. Wilson's Thriisli. ^' '* - ' Turdus fuscescens Steph. Gen. Zool. X. i. 1817, 182. [Bisi, C6, R2, C7.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern United States to the Plains, north to Manitoba, Ontario, Anticost' d Newfoundland. Breeds from northern New Jersey and i .^: northern part of the Lake States northward ; winters sparingly in Florida, but chiefly south of the United States. 756 a. Turdus fuscescens salicicola (Ridgw.). Willow Thrush. Hylocichla fuscescens salicicola Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. IV. April 6, 1882, 374. Turdus fuscescens salicicola CouES, Key, ed. 2, 1884, 246. [B— , C-, R-, C-.] Geog. Dist. — Rocky Mountain region, north to British Columbia, east to Dakota, occasionally to Illinois, casually to South Carolina ; in winter south to southern Brazil. 757. Turdus aliciae Baird. Gray-cheeked Thrush. Turdus alicics Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 217. [BiS4, Csfl, R3, C 12.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, west to the Plains, Alaska, and eastern Siberia, north to the Arctic coast, south, in winter, to Costa Rica. Breeds chiefly north of the United States. Ihl a. Turdus aliciae bicknelli (Ridgw.), Bieknell's Thrush. Hylocichla alicice bicknelli Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. IV. April 6, 1882, 377. Turdus alicice bicknelli CouES, Key, ed. 2, 1884, 248. H.( I ! \i mn ir^' ; , 31^ CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 154, /rtr/, C la, part, R 7)^ part, C 12,/^^/.] Geog. Dist. — Mountainous parts of the northeastrrn States (Cat- skills, White Mountains, etc.) and Nova Scotia, niigrAting south in winter. 75S. Turdus ustulatus Nutt. Russet-backed Thrush. Turdus ustulatus Nuri'. Man. Orn. Land. B. ed. 2, 1840, 830 {cestu/atus, err. typ. p. 400). [B 153, C5^ R4, C II.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast region of North America, from Alaska to California, south in winter to northern Lower California, Mexico, and Guatemala. 758 a. Turdus ustulatus swainsonii (Cab.). Olive-backed Tlirush. Tun/us s7c>amsom't Cab. Fauna Per. 1845-46, 187. Turdus ustulatus /?. sivainsoni Ridgw. Field & Forest, IL May, 1877. 195- [B IS3, C 5, R ^a, C 13.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, and westward to the Upper Columbia River and East Humboldt Mountains, straggling to the Pacific coast. Southward in winter to Cuba, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Casual in Bermuda. P)reeds in the northern AUeghanies, the Catskills. the mountainous parts of southern Nev/ England, southern Sierra Nevada, and northward. 759. Turdus aonalaschkse Gmel. Dwarf Hermit Thrush. Turdus aonalaschkce Gmel. S. N. L ii. 1788, 808. [B 150, C ^l>, R 5, C 8.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific Coast region, from Alaska to Lower Cali- fornia and western Mexico, east during migrations, to Nevada and Arizona. Breeds from the southern Sierra Nevada in California northward. ORDER PASSKRES. 759 a. Turdus aonalaschkse auduboni (Baikd). AudubouS Ilerinit Thrush. 319 Turdus auiiiiboni Baikd, Rev. Ain. 15. June, 1864, 16. Turdus aomilaschkw, auduboni Ridgw. Pr. U. .S. Nat. Mus. III. March 27, 1880, i. [B 149(7, C \a, R 5^/, C 9.] Geog. Dist. — Rocky Mountain region, from near the northern border of the United State.s south to tiie highlands of Mexico and Guatemala, west to the mountains of Arizona and southern Cali- fornia. 759 Z». Turdus aonalaschkce pallasii (Cah.). Hermit Thrush. Turdus pallasii C\K. Wiegm. Archiv. 1847, i. 205. "Turdus aonalaschkce pallasi RiuGW. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. March 27, 1880, i. [B 149, C 4, R 5/', C 10.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America, breeding from the northern Alleghanies, the mountainous parts of southern New England, southern New York, and northern Michigan, etc., northward, and wintering from the Northern States southward. Subgenus TURDUS Turdus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. i/^S, 168. Type, by elimination, T. viscivorus Linn. [760.] Turdus iliacus Linn. Bed-wiuged Thrush. Turdus iliacus Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 168. [B— , C-, R6, C4.] Geog. Dist. — Northi^n parts of the Old World; accidental in Greenland. 41 Genus MERULA Leach. Mcrula Leach, Syst. Cat. Brit. Mam. & B. 18 16, 20. Type, Turdus merula Linn. 320 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 761. Morula migratoria (Linn.). American Uobin. Turdus mii^ratonHS Linn. S. N. ed. 12, L 1766, 292. Merula mii^ratoria Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827, 368. [B i5S,A?/-/, C x^part, R 7, C i.] Geog. Dist. — Eastern North America to the Rocky Mountains, including eastern Mexico and Alaska. Breeds from Virginia and Kansas northward to the Arctic coast ; winters from southern Canada and the Northern States (irregularly) southward. Casual in Bermuda. Accidental in Europe. 761 a. Merula migratoria propinqua Ridgw. Westorn Rubin TS^urdus] propinquus Ridgw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, II. Jan. 1877, 9. Merula mii^ratoria propinqua Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 166. [B i$S,pnrf, C \^ part, R "ja, C 2.] Geog. Dist. — Western United States, from the eastern !;base of the Rocky Mountains westward, and south to northern Lower Cali- fornia and the tablelands of Mexico. ij t\ \ 4 762. Merula conflnis (Baird). St. Lucas Robin. Turdus confinis Baird, Rev. Am. B. I. June, 1864, 29. Merula confinis Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 166. [B-, C i.r, R8, C3.] Geog. Dist. — Cape region of Lower California ; accidental at Hayward, California. GENf s HESFEROCICHLA Baird. Hesperocichla Baird, Rev. Am. B. I. June, 1864, 12. Turdus noivius Gmel. Type, ORDKR I'ASSERES. 7C:i. Hesperocichla naevia (Gmel.). Varied Thrush. 321 Tttrdus tucvius Gmel. S. N. I. ii. 1788, 817. Hesperocichla mcvia RiDow. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, i66. [Bis6, C2, Rq, Cs.] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast of North America, from Bering Strait to southern California. Accidental on Guadalupe Island, Lower California, and in New Jersey, Long Island, and Massachusetts. Genus CYANECULA Brehm. Cyanecula Brehm, Isis, 1828, 1280. Type, Motacilla suecica'Li^'^. [7G4.] Cyanecula suecica (Linn.). Red-spotted Bliicthroat. MotaciUa suecica Linn. S, N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 187. Cyanecula suecica Brehm, Isis, 1828, 1280. [B— , C— , R 2o,C3i.] Geog. Dist. — Northern parts of the Old World ; casual in Alaska. ;idental at Genus SAXICOLA Bechstein. Saxicola Bechst. Orn. Taschb. 1S03, 216. Type, Motacilhi (enanthe Linn. 765. Saxicola oenanthe (Linn.). Wheatear. MotaciUa cenanthe Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 186. Saxicola cenanthe Bechsi'. Orn, Taschb. 1803, 217. [Bis7, C 15, R 21, C 26.] ^ Geog. Dist. — Europe, North Africa, Asia, Alaska, Greeenland, and Labrador, straggling southward to Nova Scotia, Maine, Long Island, and Bermuda. Accidental at New Orleans, La. 21 I 1; IP' i t ^i M l! w ^ ! 322 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Genus SZALIA Swainson. Sialia Swains. Phil. Mag. I. May, 1827, 369. Type, Motacilla stalls Linn. 766. Sialia sialis (Linn.). Bluebird. Motacilla sialis Linn. S. N. ed. 10, L 17 58, 187. Sialia sialis Haldem. Trego's Geog. Penn. 1843, ll- [B 158, C 16, R 22, C 27.] GtoG. DiST. — Eastern United States to the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains, north to Manitoba, Ontario, and Nova Scotia, south, in winter, from the Middle States to the Gulf States and Cuba. Bermuda, resident. 766^. Sialia sialis azurea (Swains.). Azure Bluebird. Sialia azurea Baird, Rev. Am. B. July, 1884, 62. Sialia sialis \-sx. azurea B. B. & R. Hist. N. Am. B. L Jan. 1874, 62. [B— C— , R— C— .] Geog. Dist. — Southern Arizona and eastern Mexico. 767. Sialia mexicana occidentalis (Towns.). Western Bluebird Sialia occidentalis Towns. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. VII. 1837, 188. Sialia niexicana occidentalis Ridgw. Auk, XI. April, 1894, 151, 154. [B Jt59>/^'"A C 11, part, R 22,, part, C 22>, part."] Geog. Dist. — Pacific coast, from British Columbia to southern California, east to western Nevada, and casually, during migrations, to New Mexico. t / ORDER PASSERES. 767 a. Sialia mexicana bairdi Ridgw. Chestnut-backed Bluebird. • 323 Sialia mexicana bairdi Ridgw. Auk, XI. April, 1894, 151, 157. [B \i,(),part, C i^^part, R zt,, Part, C 2^, part.'] Geog. Dist. — Rocky Mountain district, south to northern Mexico. 767^. Sialia mexicana anabelae Anthony. San Pedro Bluebird. Sialia mexicana anahehB Anthony, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 2d Ser. II. Oct. 1889, 79. [B— ,C— , R— C— .] Geog. Dist. — S?n Pedro Martir Mountains, Lower California. 768. Sialia arctica Swains. Mountain Bluebird. Erythaca {Sialia) arctica Swains, in Sw. & Rich. Fauna Bor. Am. II. 1831, 209, pi. 39. [B 160, C 18, R 24, C 29.] Geog. Dist. — Western North America (chiefly the interior), from the western parts of the Plains to the Pacific, north to Great Slave Lake, south to northern Mexico. It; f H '1 ■'i I Ul I HYPOTHETICAL LIST.' Family FODICIPIDiEi. 1. iEchmophorua clarkii (Lawr.). Clark's Grebe. Podiceps clarkii Lawr. in Baird's B. N. Am. 1858, 895. ^chmophorus clarkii Coves, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1862, 229. [B 705, C 608^, R 730, C 846.] Probably the temr.le of yE. occidentalis (Lawr.). {Cf. Henshaw, BuU. Nutt. Orn. Club, VL 1 881, pp. 214-218; B. B. & R., Water B. N. Am. IL p. 423 ; and especially Bryant, Auk, II. 1885, PP- 313, 3 1 4-) Family ALCID^I. 2. Cepphus motzfeldi (Benick.). Black-Tiriuged Guillemot. Uria motzfeldi Benick. Isis, Aug. 1824, 889. Cepphus motzfeldi Stejn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VII. Aug. 5, 1884, 210. [B— , C— ,R-, C-.] North American, but its specific validity not satisfactorily estab- lished. {Cf. Stejn. /. c, and Water B. N. Am. II. 1884, pp. 497, 498.) ' Consisting of species which have been recorded as North American, but whose status as North American birds is doubtful, either from lack of positive evidence of their occurrence within the prescribed limits of the present Check-List, or from absence of satisfactory proof of their validity as species. ^kn 1:1 %V'. 1-f it 1 Ml I : 326 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 3. CepphuB carbo Pall. Sooty Guillemot. Cepphus carbo Pall. Zoog. Rosso-As. II. 1826, 350. [B 728, C 633, R 762, C 873.] No evidence of its occurrence in North America {Cf. Stejn. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. VII. 1884, pp. 225-227.) Family LARIDiE. Genus CREAGRUS Bon. Creagrus Bon. Naumannia, 1854, 211. Type, Lams furcatus Neboux. 4. Creagrus furcatus (Neb.), Swallow-tailed Gull. Larus furcatus Neb. Voy. 'Venus,' Atlas, pi. 10 (1846). Creagrus furcatus Bonap. Naumannia, 1854, 213. [B 679, C 559, R 678, C 791.] In all probability erroneously accredited to North America. At least nine examples are now known, — the type, said to be from Monterey, Cal., three from the Galapagos, one from the coast of Peru, and four from Malpelo Island (Lat. 3° 59' N., Long. 81° 34^' W.). Family DIOMEDEID^. 4.1. Diomedea exulans Linn. Wandering Albatross. Diomedea exulans Linn. S. N. ed. 10, 1. 1758, 132. [B- C-. R-,C-.] Geog. Dist. — Southern oceans ; said to have occurred in Tampa Bay, Florida, and off coast of Washington. {Cf. Coues, Auk, II. Oct. 1885, 387 ; XII. April, 1895, 178 ; Ridgway, Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 51. The Florida record is open to question, and the others are unsatisfactory.) HYPOTHETICAL LIST. Family PROCELLARIIDiE. 327 5. Fuffinus kuhlii (Boie). Cinereous Shearwater, Procellaria kuhlii Boie, Isis, 1835, 257. Fuffinus kuhlii Bonap. Consp. II. 1856, 202. [B 651, C 596, R708, CS31.] An Eastarn Atlantic species, of which no American specimens are known to exist in collections. 6. Oceanodroma hornbyi (Gray). Hornby's Petrel. Thalassidroma hornbyi Gkw, P. Z. S. 1853, 62. Oceanodroma hornbyi Bonap. Consp. II. 1856, 195. [B641, C 592, R 727, C 827.] A very distinct species, of which only one specimen has been obtained, the alleged locality being the " northwest coast of America." Family PHALACROCORACIDiE. 7. Fhalacrocoraz perspicillatus Pall. Pallas's Cormorant. Fhalacrocorax perspicillatus Pall. Zoog. Rosso-As. II. 1826,305. [B621, C 533, R648, C 756.] Believed, on good evidence, to be now extinct, as it unquestion- ably is in the locality (Bering Island) where originally discovered. Only four specimens are known to exist in collections, — two in the St. Petersburgh Museum and one each in the Leyden and British Museums. Even if existing, it has no valid claim to a place in the North American fauna. {Cf. Stejn. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VI. 1883, p. 65.) Family ARDEIDiE. 9. Ardea wuerdemanni Baird. Wiirdemann's Heron. Ardea ivxlrdemanni Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 669. ^<% I 328 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. [B 488, C 450, R 486, /.T!r/, C 656, /«r/.] Believed to be either the colored phase of A. occidentalis Aud., or an abnormal specimen of A. wardi Ridgw, {Cf. Ridgw. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. IV. No. i, 1878, pp. 229-236 ; Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. 1882, pp. 1-6; Auk, I. 1884, pp. 161-163; Water B. N. Am. I. 1884, pp. 7-13.) 10. Ardea (Dichromanassa) pealei Bonap. Peale'8 Egret. Ardea pealei Bonap. Ann. Lye. N. Y. II. 1826, 154. [B 482, C 355, part, R \i)\, part, C 661,/^-;'/.] Supposed to be the white phase of A. rufesccns Gmel., but possibly entitled to recognition as a local or geographical race. i i ' :i I 1 fit i ^ Family SCOLOPACIDiE. 11. Tringa (Actodromas) cooperi Baird. Cooper's Sandpiper. Tringa eooperi Baird, B. N. Am, 1S58, 716. [B 527, C 422, R 535- C618.] Known only from the single specimen from which the species was originally described, taken on Long Island, in May, 1833, and still extant in the National Museum. The status of the species is in doubt. 11.1. Numenius arquatus (Linn.). European Curlew. Scolopax arquata Linn. Syst. Nat. I. 1758, 145. Numenius arquatus Lath. Gen. Syn. Suppl. I. 1787, 291. [B-, C-, R-, C— .] Geog. Dist. — Northern Europe, migrating to southern Africa. Recorded as occurring on Long Island, N. Y. {Cf. Marshall and DuTCHER, Auk, IX. Oct. 1892, 390-392.) While there is no question as to the proper identification of the specimen, the evidence that it was taken on Long Island is not considered entirely satis- factory. \. X ^ IIYPOTI riCAL LIST. 329 Family CATHARTIDiE. Genus GYPAGUS Vieillot. Gypa<;iis ViEiLL. Analyse, 18 16, 21. Type, by elimination, Viiltur papa Linn. 12, Gypagus papa (Linn.). King Vulture. Vultiir papa Linn. S. N. ed. 10, I. 1758, 86. Gypagus papaNv£MA..^o\\v.Y)\QX. d'Hist. Nat. XXXVL 1819, 456- [B_ C— , R-, C-.] Geou. Dist. — Tropical continental America. Reco'ded as occur- ring on the Rio Verde, Arizona, but its identity not satisfactorily determined. {Cf. Coues, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI. 188 1, p. 248.) 13. Cathartes burrovianns Cass. Burrougbs's Turkey Vulture. Cathartes burrovian us C\?<%. Pr. Ac. Nat. vSci. Phila. IL 1845,212. [B 4, C — , R — , C -.] Geog. Dist. — Mexico and eastern South America. Reported as having been seen near Brownsville, Texas. {Cf. Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 322.) Family FALCONID^. 14. Buteo cooperi Cass. Cooper's Henhawk. Buteo cooperi Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. VIII. 1856, 253. [B 29, C 349, R 437. <^ 514-] Probably the light phase of B. harlani Aud. {Cf. Ridgw. Auk, I. 1884, pp. 253, 254; ibid., II. 1885, pp. 165, 166.) 'Mi' m m (I iff mm. r:^ Jl! ■ m ||t: 'l|i|it 330 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. * Family PSITTACIDiB. Genus RHYNCHOFSITTA Bonaparte. Rhynchopsitta Bonap. Rev. et Mag. Zool. VI. i?34, 149. Macrocercus pachyrhynchus Swains. Type, 16. Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha (Swains.). Thick-billed Parrot. Macrocercus pachyrhynchus Swains. Phil. Mag. I. 1827,439. Rhynchopsiiia pachyrhyncha Bon A'P. Rev. et Maf. Zool. VI. 1854, 149. [B64, C— , R39i,C— .] Geog. Dist. — Mexico. There is said to be a specimen in "the collection of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, labelled Rio Grande, Texas, J. W. Audubon," but there is doubt as to whether the specimen was really taken within the limits of the United States. {Cf. Baird, Birds N. Am. 185S, p. 66, foot-note; Ridgw. Man. N. Am. B. 1887, 269.) Its occurrence in Texas is not improbable but the evidence is unsatisfactory. Family CAPRIMULGID^. 16.1. Chordeiles virginianus sennetti (Coues). Seiiiiett's Niglithawk. Chordiles popctue sennetti CovE-S,, Auk, V. Jan. 1888, 37. Chordeiles virginianus sennetti Chamberlain, Systematic Table of Canadian Birds, 1888, Appendix A. p. 14. [B lit,, part, C iG^a^part, R 367^,/^^/, C ^00, partJ] Geog. Dist. — " Dakota to Texas, in any treeless country." Family FRINGILLIDiE. 17. Acanthis brewsterii Ridgw. Bre^vster's Linnet. y£giothus {flavirostris var.) brewsterii Ridgw. Am. Nat. July, 1872, 433- Acanthis brewsterii Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B— , C 147, R 180, C 211.] HYPOTHETICAL LIST. 331 The type-specimen, taken at VValtham, Mass., remains unique. It cannot be identified with any known species, but may be a hybrid between Acanthis linaria and Spiniis pinus. {Cf. Brewst. Bull. Nult. Orn. Club, VI. 1881, p. 225.) 18. Spiza townsendii (Aud.). Townsend's Bunting. Emheriza townsendii KxiV). Orn. Biog. II. 1834, 183. Spiza townsendii Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. III. Aug. 24, 1880, 182. [B379, C 192, R25S, C 288.] The original specimen, taken May 11, 1833, in Chester County, Pa., by Mr. J. K. Townsend, remains unique. Its peculiarities can- not be accounted for by hybridism, nor probably by individual varia- tion. Family VIREONID-ZB. Genus HTLOPHILUS Temminck. \ Hylophihis Temm. PI. Col. III. Livr. 29, 1823, text, and pi. 173, fig. I. Type, H. thoraciciis Temm. 19. Hylophilus decurtatus (Bonap.). Short-winged Hylophilus. Sylvicola decurtata Bonap. P. Z. S. 1837, 118. Hylophilus decurtatus Baird, Rev. Am. B. I. 1866, 380. [B-, C-, R— , C-.] Geog. Dist. — Mexico and Central America, to Isthmus of Panama. Southern Texas ? {Helinai brevipennis Giraud, Ann. Lye. N. Y. 1850, 40. " Mexico and Texas ") t'l «i Family MN lOTILTIDiB. 20. Helminthophila lawrencei (Herrick). Lawrence's Warbler. Helminthophaga lawrencei Herrick, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1874, 220, pi. 15. Helminthophila lawrencei Ridgw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club. VII. • Jan. 1882, '^i. ^■'!iiii 332 CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMFRICAN BIRDS. 4, Is/ tr<{' |ii:; In' [B — , C — , R 80, C 99.] About a dozen specimens have been taken, chiefly in New Jersey and southern CoriOecticut. Supposed to be a hybrid between H. pinns and H. chrysopkra. {Cf. Ridgw. Ibis, 1876, p. 169 ; Brewst. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI. 1881, pp. 218-225 ; Eames, Auk, VI. 1889, pp. 305-310.) 21. Helminthophila leucobronchialis (Brewst.). Brewster's V.'arbler. ITelminthophaga lettcnhronchialis Brewst. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, I. Jan. 1876, I, plate. Helminthophila leucobronchialis Ridgw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII. Jan. 1882, 53. [B— , C— , R82, C 100.] Known from numerous specimens, taken in Southern New Eng- land, Lower Hudson Valley, New Jersey, Virginia, Michigan, etc. Supposed I'o be a hybrid between H. pinus and H. chrysoptera. {Cf. Brewst. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI. i88i,pp. 218-225 I Ridgw. Auk, II. Oct. 1885, pp. 359-363 ; Eames, Auk, VI. 1889, pp. 305-310.) 22. Helminthophila cincinnatiensis (Langd.). Ciufiuuati Warbler. Helminthophaga cincinnatiensis L.'ngd. Jour. Cine. Soc. N. H. July, 1880, 119, 120, pi. 4. Helminthophila cincinnatiensis Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. [B— , C— , R— , C loi.J One specimen taken near Cincinnati, Ohio. Probably a hybrid between ZT. //wwj- and GeotJil^pis {Oporornis) formosa. {Cf. Ridgw. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, V. 1880, p. 237.) 23. Dendroica (Perissoglossa i") carbonata (Aud.). Carbonated Warbler. Sylvia carbonata Aud. Orn. Biog. I. 183 1, 308, pi. 60. Dendroica carbonata Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 287. Perissoglossa carbonata B. B. & R. Hist. N. Am. B. I. Jan. 1874, 214. HYPOTHEIICAL LIST. 333 [B 207, C — , R 91, C— .] Known only from Audubon's plate and description of two speci- mens killed near Henderson, Kentucky, in May, 181 1. 24. Dendroica montana (Wils.). Blue Mouutaiu Warbler. Sylvia montana VViLS. Am. Orn. V. 18 12, 113, pi. 44, fig. 2. Dendroica montana Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 278. [B 199, C — , R 112, C — .] Known only from the works of Wilson and Audubon. Taken in the Blue Mountains of Virginia. Not as yet satisfactorily identified with any other species. 25. Bylvania (?) microcephala Ridgw. Small-headed Warbler. Syivania microcephala Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. VIII. 1885, 354. {== Miiscicapa miniita WiLS. Am. Orn. VI. 1812,62, pi. I, fig. 5, nee Gmel., 1788.) [B 212, C — , R 126, C — .] Known only from the works of Wilson and Audubon. Claimed to have been taken in New Jersey and Kentucky. M ! Family SYLVIID^. 26. Regulus cuvierii Aud. Cuvier's Kinglet. Regulus cuvierii AvT). Orn. Biog. I. 1832, 288, pi. 55. [B163, C— R32, C-.] Known only from Audubon's description and figure of the original specimen, killed in June, 18 12, on the banks of the Schuylkill River, in Pennsylvania. « 11! i' k ■ irlRi ^ ■ 1 i MF Dl 1 ' ^H 1 ^B ( W ! ' M 1 1 i i ' 1 i 1^1 '^ ■ n iH n THE FOSSIL BIRDS OF NORTH AMFRICA. A. — JURASSIC. 1. Laopteryx priscus Marsh. Laopteryx priscus Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. XXI. 1881, 341. Upper Jurassic beds of Wyoming. B. — CRETACEOUS. ' 2. Apatornis celer Marsh. Ichthyoruis ccler Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. V. 1873, 74. Apatornis celer Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. V. 1873, 162. Middle Cretaceous of western Kansas. 8. Baptornis advenus Marsh. Baptornis advenus Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. XIV. 1877, 86. Cretaceous of western Kansas, in the same beds with Odontor- nithes and Pteranodontia. 4. Cimolopteryx rarus Marsh. Cimolopteryx rarus Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. XLIV. 1892, 175, pi. iii, fig. 2. Laramie beds of Wyoming. 5. Cimolopteryx retusus Marsh. Cimolopteryx retusus Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. XLIV. 1892, 175. Laramie beds of Wyoming. ' The genera alphabetically arranged. \ « "V ''!■ 33^ CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. >' •■! M > I, - IE !f t . 1 , 6. Coniornis altus Marsh. Coniornis altus Marsh, Am. Journ, Sci. XLV. 1893, 82. Cretaceous of Montana, near mouth of Judith River. 7. Graculavus velox Marsh. Graculavus velox Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. III. 1872, 363. Greensand of the middle marl bed, or Upper Cretaceous, near Hornerstown, New Jersey. 8. Graculavns pumilus Marsh. Graculavus pU7nilus Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. III. 1872, 364. Greensand of the middle marl bed, or Upper Cretaceous, near Hornerstown, New Jersey. 9. Hesperornis regalis Marsh. Hesperornis regalis Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. III. 1872, 56. Pteranodon beds of western Kansas. 10. Hesperornis crassipes Marsh. Lestornis crassipes Marsh, Am, Journ. Sci. XI. 1876, 509. Hesperornis crassipes Marsh, Odontornithes, 1880, ig6, figs. 40 a-d, pis. vii, xvii. Yellow chalk of the Pteranodon beds, western Kansas. 11. Hesperornis gracilis Marsh. Hesperornis gracilis Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. XI. 1876, 510. Yellow chalk of the Pteranodon beds, western Kansas. 12. Ichthyornis dispar Marsh. Ichthyornis dispar Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 344. Pteranodon beds, Middle Cretaceous, northwestern Kansas. FOSSIL BIRDS. 337 13. Ichthyornis agilis Marsh. GmcuhivHs agilis Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. V. 1873, 230. Ichthyornis agilis Marsh, Odontornithes, 1880, 197. Pteranodon beds, Middle Cretaceous, western Kansas. 14. Ichthyornis anceps Marsh. Graculaviis a?iceps Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. III. 1872, 364. Ichthyornis anceps Marsh, Odontornithes, 1880, 198. Gray shale of the Middle Cretaceous, Smoky Hill River, western Kansas. 15. Ichthyornis lentus Marsh. Graculaviis lentus Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. XIV. 1877, 253. Ichthyornis lentus Marsh, Odontornithes, 1880, 198. Middle Cretaceous beds, near Fort McKinney, Texas. IC. Ichthyornis tener Marsh. Ichthyornis tener Marsh, Odontornithes, 1880, 198, pi. xxx. fig. 8. Pteranodon beds, Middle Cretaceous, Wallace County, Kansas. 17. Ichthyornis validus Marsh. Ichthyornis validus Marsh, Odontornithes, 1880, 198, pi. xxx. figs. 11-14. Yellow chalk of the Middle Cretaceous, near Solomon River, northwestern Kansas. 18. Ichthyornis victor Marsh. Ichthyornis victor Marsh, Am. Journ, Sci. XL 1876, 511. Middle Cretaceous of Kansas, in various localities. 19. Laornis edvardsianus Marsh. Laornis edvardsianus Marsh, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 5. Middle marl bed. Upper Cretaceous, Birmingham, New Jersey. 22 n V M U ' 111 M 1 ( t| 33S CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 20. Palaeotringa littoralis Marsh. Palceotringa littorals Marsh, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil a. 1870, 5. Greensand of the Upper Cretaceous, near Hornerstown, New Jersey. 21. Falaeotringa vagans Marsh. PalcBotringa vagafis Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. III. 1872, 365. Greensand of the Upper Cretaceous, near Hornerstown, New Jersey. 22. Falaeotringa vetus Marsh. Scolopax Morton, Syn. Organic Remains of the Cret. U, S. 1834, 32. Pahcotringa vetus Marsh, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 5. Lower marl bed of the Cretaceous formation, near Arneytown, New Jersey. 23. Telmatornis priscus Marsh. Telmatornis prisms Marsh, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 5. Middle marl bed of the Upper Cretaceous, near Hornerstown, New Jersey. 24. Telmatornis affinis Marsh. Telnatornis affinis Marsh, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 5. Middle marl beds of the Upper Cretaceous, near Hornerstown, New Jersey. O. — TERTIARY. Subclass RATITyE. 2o. Gastornis giganteus (Cope). Diatryma gigantca Cope, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1876, 11. Gastornis giganteus Coues, Key N. A. Birds, 2d ed. 1884, 825, Wahsatch Epoch, Eocene of New Mexico. DS. a. 1870, 5. irstown, New 72, 365- 1, New Jersey. 2 Cret. U. S. [870, 5. Arneytown, . 1870, 5. irstown, New 1870, 5. erstown, New FOSSIL BIRDS. 876, II. i. 1884, 825. 339 26. Barornis regens Marsh. Barornis rcgeiis Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. XLVIII. 1894, 344. Eocene of New Jersey, near Squantum, N. J. Subclass CARINAT^. Order PYGOPODES. 27. Uria antiqua (Marsh). Catarractes antiqua Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. XLIX. 1870, 213. Uria antiqua Coues, in A. O. U. Check-List, eel. i, 1886,' 363. Miocene of North Carolina. *^8. Uria affinis (Marsh). Catarractes affinis Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 259. Uria affinis Coues, in A. O. U. Check-List, ed. i, 18S6, 363. Post-pliocene of Maine. Order LONGIPENNES. 29. Larus robustus Shufeldt. Larus robustus Shufeldt, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XL 1892, 398, pi. XV, fig. I, 2. Pliocene of Oregon. 30. Larus oregonus Shufeldt. Larus oregonus Shufeldt, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XL 180-- 398. Pliocene of Oregon. \\ Ji' ■ill^ 34° CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. Order TUBINARES. .:,. i fl ' ^i: i « ^ I' ( Ki 31. PuffinuB conradii Marsh. Puffimis conradii Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. XLIX. 1870, 212. Miocene of Maryland. Order STEGANOPODES. 32. Sula lozostyla Cope. Sula loxostyla Cope, Tr. Amer. Philos. Soc. XIV. 1870, 236. Miocene of North Carolina. 33. Fhalacrocorax idahonsis (Marsh). Gracnlus idahensis Marsh, Am, Journ. Sci. XLIX. 1870, 216. Fhalacrocorax idahensis Coues, Key N. A. Birds, 2d ed. 1884, 824. Pliocene of Idaho. 34. Fhalacrocorax macropus (Cope). Graculns macropus Cope, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr. JV. No. 2, 1.878, 386. Fhalacrocorax macropus CouES, Key N. A. Birds, 2d ed. i8f\-^. 824. Pliocene of Oregon. FOSSIL BIRDS. Order ANSERES. 341 85. Anser condoni Shufeldt. Anser condoni Shufeldt, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 406. Pliocene cI Oregon. 80. Branta hypsibatus (Cope). Anser hypsibatus Cope, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr. IV. No. 2, 1878,387. B'r'anta hypsibates CouES, in A. O. U. Check-List, ed. i, 1886, 364- 37. Branta propinqua Shufeldt. Branta propinqua Shufeldt, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XL 1892, 407, pi. XV, fig. 17. Pliocene of Oregon. 88. Cygnus paloregonus Cope. Cygnus paloregonus Cope, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr. IV. No. 2, 1878, 388. Pliocene of Oregon. Order ODONTOGLOSS^. 89. Fhoenicopterus copei Shufeldt. Phoenicopterus copei Shufeldt, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 410, pi. XV, fig. 41-43, pi. xvii, fig. 28, 29, 38. Pliocene of Oregon. Order HERODIONES. 40. Ardea paloccidentalis Shufeldt. Ardea paloccidentalis Shufeldt, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 411, pi. xvii. fig. 31. Pliocene of Oregon. W . ! i' u I. I 11 i ■ * . • ■' ii I'l^ mQ , i ii: , . 1 g||!:|.;.i;^ 1 Ik' : ' '' i m' ' '^ P^'' i - r "1 !s!ii^ir ■>{,'*! i \ HA 3.2 CIIECK-LT3T OF North AMERICAN BIRDS. Order PALUDICOL^. 41. Grus hayu-^ni Marsh. Grus haydeni Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. XLIX. 1870, 214. Pliocene of Nebiaska. 42. Grus proav'us Marsh. Grus proavus Marsh, Am. journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 261. Post-pliocene of New Jersey. 43. Fulica minor Shufeldt. Fulica minor Shufeldt, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 412, pi. xvii. fig. 32. Pliocene of Oregon. 44. Aletornis nobilis M..rsh. Aletornis nobilis Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 256. Eocene of Wyoming. 45. Aletornis perniz Marsh. Aletornis pernix Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 256. Eocene of Wyoming. 46. Aletornis venustus Marsh. Aletornis venustus Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 257. Eocene of Wyoming. 47. Aletornis gracilis Marsh. Aletornis gracilis Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 258. Eocene of Wyoming. { i 'MA FOSSIL BIRDS. 343 48. Aletornis bellus Marsh. Aktornis bellus Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 258. Eocene of Wyoming. *l 14. XI. 1892, 56. ;6. 257- 58- Order LIMICOL^. 49. Charadrius sheppardianus Cope. Chnradrius sheppardianus Cope, Bull, U. S. Gcol. Surv. Terr. VI. No. I, 1881, 83. (Formation and locality not given.) Order GALLING. 50. Falaeotetrix gilli Shufeldt. Falceotetrix gilli Shufeldt, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 415, pi. xvii. fig. 37. Pliocene of Oregon. 51. Pediocastes lucasi Shufeldt. Pedioccctes lucasi Shufeldt, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 414, pi. xvii. fig. 30. Pliocene of Oregon. 5'2. Fediocsetes nanus Shufeldt. Pedioccetes ?ianus Shufeldt, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 414, pi. xvii. fig. 36, 37. Pliocene of Oregon. 53. Meleagris antiquus Marsh. Meleagris antiquiis Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. II. 187 1, 126. Miocene of Colorado. V 344 * CHECK-LIST of north AMERICAN birds. 64. MeleagriB altus Marsh. Meleagris altus Marsh, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, 11. Post-pliocene of New Jersey. 55. Meleagrs celer Marsh. Meleagris celer Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. 1872, 261. F st-plir^ le of New Jersey. Order RAPTORES. M>1 '. (I •'111 I !■£ ' ' i 56. PalsBoborus umbrosns Cope. Cathartes umbrosns Copk, Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1874, 151. PaliBoborus umbrosus CouES, Key N. A. Birds, 2d ed. 1884,822. Pliocene of New Mexico. 57. Bubo leptosteus Marsh. Bubo Icptosteus Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. II. 1871, 126. Lower Tertiary of Wyoming. 58. Aquila danana Marsh. Aquila danana Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. II. 187 1, 125. Pliocene of Nebraska. 59. Aquila pliogryps Shufeldt. Aquila pliogryps Shufeldt, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 416, pi. xvii. fig. zz- Pliocene of Oregon. 60. Aquila sodalifi Shufeldt. Aquila sodalis Shufeldt, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 417. Pliocene of Oregon. II FOSSIL BIRDS. 345 Order COCCYGES. 61. Uintornis lucaris Marsh. Uintornis lucaris Marsh, Am. Journ. Sci. IV. 1872, 259. Lower Tertiary formation of Wyoming. Order PASSERES. (*M -c. >,•»:. Sci. Phila. XI. 62. Corvus annectena Shufeldt. Connts annectens Shufeldt, Journ. 1892, 419, pi. XV. fig. 14-16. Pliocene of Oregon. 63. Scolecophagus affinis Shufell . Scokcophagus affinis Shufeldt, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. XI. 1892, 418, pi. XV. fig. 10. Pliocene of Oregon. 64. Palaeospiza beUa Allen. PalcBOspiza bella h.i.1.^^, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr. IV. No. 2, 1878, 443, pi. i. figs. I, 2. Insect-bearing shales of Florissant, Colorado. \ % >! 'l; m^ ^HIh i i'^^l'l i i ^■-■f L INDEX. ' ACANTHIS, 217. brewsterii, 330. hornemannii, 217. hornemannii exilipes, 217. linaria, 217. llnaria holboellii, 217. linaria rostrata, 218. Accipiter, 128. atricapillus, 129. atricapillus striatulus, 129. cooped, 128. velox, 128. Accipitrincc, 126. Actitis, 96. macularia, 97. Actochelidon, 23. Actodromas, 87. itchmopliorus, i. clarkii, 325. occidentalis, i. -Egialitis, 100. dubia, 1 01. hiaticula, loi. meloda, loi. meloda circumcincta, loi. mongola, 102. niontana, 103. nivosa, 102. semipalinata, 100. vocifera, 100. wilsonia, 102. Aeronautes, 172. melanoleucus, 172. ^salon, 138. /Estrelata, 34. fished, 34. hasitata, 34. scalads, 34. Agelaius, 204. gubernator, 205. phcEniceus, 204. plioeniceus bryanti, 205. phoeniceus sonodensis, 205. tricolor, 205. Aix, 52. Aix sponsa, 52. Ajaja, 66. ajaja, 67. Alauda, 191. arvensis, 191. Alaudidx, 191. Albatross, Black-footed, 28. Short-tailed, 28. Sooty, 29. Wandering, 326. Yellow-nosed, 28. Alca, 12. torda, 12. Alcedinida:, 156. Alcid.x, 5, 325. Alcinne, 11. Alcyones, 156. Aletornis bellus, 343. gracilis, 342. nobilis, 342. pernix, 342. venustus, 342. Alle, 13. alle, 13. Allinx, 13. Amazilia, 177. cerviniventris, 177. fuscicaudata, 177. Ammodramus, 223, 227. bairdii, 226. beldingi, 225. caudacutus, 227. caudacutus nelsoni, 227. caudacutus subvirgatus, 228. henslowii, 226. henslowii occidentalis, 227. leconteii, 227. maritimus, 22S. madtimus peninsula, 228. maritimus sennetti, 228. nigrescens, 229. princeps, 223. rostratus, 225. I 1 :i , 348 INDEX. 1 1 Ammodramus rostratus guttatus, 225. saiuhvichensis, 224. saiulwichensis alaudinus, 224. saiuhvichensis l)ryanti, 224. saiulwichensis savanna, 224. savannaruni passerinus, 226. savannarum perpallidus, 226. Ampelidx, 260. Anipeliiuu, 260. Anipelis, 260. cedrorum, 260. garnilus, 260. Amphispiza, 237. belli, 238. belli cinerea, 238. belli nevadensis, 238. biliiieata, 237. Anas, 48. americana, 49. boschas, 48. carolinensis, 50. crecca, 50. cyanoptera, 51. discors, 50. fulvigula, 48. fulvigula maculosa, 49. obsciira, 48. penelope, 49. strepera, 49. Anatida;, 47. AnatinK, 48. Ancylocheihis, 90. Anhinga, 41. anhinga, 41. Anhingidx, 41. Ani, 153. Groove-billed, 153. Anorthura, 300. Anous, 27. stolidus, 27. Anser, 61. albifrons, 61. albifrons gambeli, 61. condoni, 340. Anseres, 47. Anserinx, 60. Anthus, 289. cervinus, 290. pensilvanicus, 289. pratensis, 290. spragueii, 290. Antrostomus, 168. carolinensis. t68. vociferus, i( -i. vociferus macromystax, 169. Apatornis celer, 335. Aphelocoma, 196. Aphelocoma californica, 197. californica hypoleuca, 197. californica obscura, 197. cyanotis, 197. floridana, 196. insularis, 197. sieberii ari/onae, 1 98. woodhousei, 196. Aphriza, 103. virgata, 103. Aphrizid.T, 103. Aphriziiijc, 103. Aquila, 135. chrysaetos, 135. danana, 344. pliogryps, 344. sodalis, 344. Aramidx, 76. Aramus, 76. giganteus, 76. Archibuteo, 134. ferrugineus, 135. lagopus, 134. lagopus sancti-johannis, 134. Arctonetta, 56. fischeri, 56. Ardea, 70. candidissima, 72. cinerea, 71. CKrulea, 73. egretta, 71. herodia;;, 71. occidentalis, 71. paloccidenta'is, 341. pealei, 328. rufescens, 72. tricolor ruficollis, 72. virescens, 73. virescens frazari, 73. wardi, 71. wuerdemanni, 327. Ardeidce, 69, 327. Ardeinae, 70. Ardetta, 70. exilis, 70. neoxena 70. Arenaria, 103. interpres, 103. melanocephala, 104. Arenariinae, 103. Arquatella, 87. Asio, 142. accipitrinus, 142. wilsonianus, 142. Astur, 128. Asturina, 134. plagiata, 134. i ; 1 1 1 Al INDEX. 349 >34- Asyndesmus, 165. Auk, Oreat, 13. ka/orl)iliccl, 12. Auklut, Ca.sisin's, 7. Crusted, 7. Least, 8. I'.'irofjuet, 7. Rhinoceros, 6. Whiskered, 8. Auripaius, 312. flaviceps, 313. Avoceu American, S3. Aythya, 52. attiuis, 53. americana, 52. coUaris, 53. marila nearctica, 53. vallisneria, 53. Baldpate, 49. Baptornis advenus, 335. Barornis regeiis, 239- Bartramia, 96. longicauda, 96. Basileuterus, 288. belli, 2S8. culicivorus, 2S8. Basiliniia, 17S. leucotis, 178. xantusi, 178. Becard. Xantus's, 179. Bird. Man-of-War, 46. Red-billed Tropic, 39. Surf, 103. \ellow-billed Tropic, 39. Bittern, American, 70. Cory's Least, 70. Least, 70. Blackbird, Bicolored, 205. Brewer's, 209. Red-winged, 204. Rusty, 209. Tricolored, 205. Yellow-headed, 204. Bluebird, 322. Azure, 322. Chestnut-backed, 323. Mountain, 323. San I'edro, 322. Western, 322. Bhiethroat. Red-spotted, 321. Boiiolink, 202. Bob-white, 106. Florida, 106. Masked, 107. Texan, 107. Bonasa, its. umbellus, 112. umboUus saliini, 112. umbellus togata, 1 1 2. umbellus umbelloides, 112. Booby, 40. Blue-faced, 40. Blue-footed, 4c Brewster's, 40. Red-footed, 40. Botaurinx, 69. liot; .iiirus, Cn) lentiginosus, 70. Brachyraniphus, 9. craveri, 10. hypoleucus, 9. kittlitzii, 9. inarmoratus, 9. Brant, 63. Black, 63. Branta, 62. bernicla, 63. canadensis, 62. canadensis hutchinsii, 62. canadensis minima, 63. canadensis occidentalis, 62. hypsibatus, 341. leucopsis, 63. nigricans, 63. propinqua, 341. Bubo, 147. leptosteus, 344. virginianus, 148. virginianus arcticus, 148. virginianus saturatus, 148. virginianus subarcticus, 148. Bubonidiv, 142. Budytes, 289. flavus leucostriatus, 289. Buffle-head, 54. Bullfinch, Cassin's, 212. Bulweria, 34. bulweri, 35. Bunting, Beautiful, 252. Indigo, 252. Lark, 254. I,azuli. 252. Painted, 252. Townsend's, 331. Varied, 252. Burrica. 213. Bush-Tit, 311. Californian, 311. Grinda's, 312. Lead-colored, JI2. Lloyd's, 312. Santa Rita, ;,I2. ( I 350 INDEX. I Buteo, 130. abbruviatus, 132. alljicaudatus sennetti, 132. borealis, 130. borealis calurus, 130. borealis hailani, 131. borealis kricierii, 130. borealis hicasauus, 131. Ijrachyuriis, i^^- buteo, 130. cooperi, 329. latissimus, 133. liiieatus, 131. lineatiis alleni, 131. liiieatus elegans, 132. swainsoiii, 132. liuteoia, 133. ]:)Utoriiles, 73. Bu/izard, European, 130. Cai.amosi'iza, 254. nielanocorys, 254. Calcarius. 221. lapponicus, 221. ornatus. 222. pictus, 221. Cali 'ris, 91. arenana, 91. Callichelidon, 259. cyaneoviridis, 259. Callipei)la, loS. californica, 109. californica vallicola, 109. gambeli, 109. squamata, 108. squamata castanogastris, loS. Call. -til riis, 203. robustus, 204. Cahjthorax, 177. lucifer. 177. Caly|)te, 175. anna, 175. costiE, 175. Cani;ie])liilus, 157. principalis, 158. Caniptolaimus, 56. labradorius, 56. Can. '.chiles, in. Can'. as-back, 53. Ca]jrinuilgi. 168. Capriniulgidiu, 16S, 330. Caracara. Audubon's, 141, (hiadalu|)e, 141. Carclelliiia, 2S7. Cardellina rubrifrons, 2S7. Cardinal, 249. Cardinal, Arizona, 249. Gray-tailed, 249. Saint Eucas, 249. Texas, 250. Cardinalis, 248. cardiiialis, 2.19. cardinalis canicaudus, 249. cardinalis igneus, 249. cardinalis superbus, 249. CarinataN 339. Carpodacus, 212. aniplus, 214. cassini, 213. niexicaiuis frontalis, 213. mexicanus ruberrinuis, 214. purpureus, 213. purpureus californicus, 213. Catbird, 292. Catharista, 125. at rata, 125. Cathartes, 125. aura, 125. burrovianus, 329. CathartidK, 124, 329. Catherpes, 296. mexicani:.-,, 297. mexicanus conspersus, 297. mexicanus punclulatus, 297. Centrocercus, 1 17. uropliasianus, 117. Centronyx, 225. Centurus, 165. Ceoplila;us, 164. pileatus, 164. Cepphi, 3. Cepphus, 10. carbo. 326. columba, 11. grylle, 10. mandtii. 10. motzfeldi, 325. Cerorhinca, 6. monocerata, 6. Certliia, 303. faniiliaris altlcola, 303. familiaris americana, 303. faniiliaris occidentalis, 304. Certhiida;', 303. Ceryle, 156. alcyon, 1 56. americana septentrionalis, 157. torquata, I 57. Chaclialaca, 1 19. Chxtura, 172. pelagica, 172. vauxii, 172. Chx'turina;, 171. H [ [ . ^ INDEX. 351 Chama;a, 310. fasciata, 310. fasciata henshawi, 311. Chanutina;, 310. CharadrikUt;, 98. Charadrius, 99. ai)iicanu.s, 99. dominiciis, 99. doniinicus fulvus, 100. sheppardianus, 343. scpiatarola, 99. Charitonutta, 54. albuola, 54. Chat, Lung-tailed, 285. Vellciw-breasted, 2S5. Chaidelasmus, 49. Chelidon, 258. erythiogaster, 258. Chen, 60. cxrulcscens, 61. hyperborea, 60. hyperborea nivalis, 60. rossii, 61. Chickadee, 307. California, 310. Carolina, 308. Chestnut-backed, 310. Columbian, 310. Ilutlsoiiian, 309. Kowak, 309. Long-tailed, 308. M(.'.\ican, 309. Mountain, 309. Oregon, 308. Plumbeous, 308. Siberian, 309. Chloroceryle, 157. Chondestes, 229. grammacus, 229. grammacus strigatus, 229. Chordeiles, 170. acutipennis texensis, 17 I. virginianus, 170. virginianus cliapmani, 171. virginianus henryi, 170. virginianus sennetti, 330. Chuck-will's-widow, 168. Ciceronia, 8. Ciconia;, 68. Ciconiida:, 68. Ciconiinx', 69. Cim(>lo])teryx rarus, 335. retusus, 335. Cinclidiu, 291. Cinclus, 291. inexicanus, 291. Circus, 127. Circus hudsonius, 128. Cistothorus, 301. marianiv, ;^o^. palustris, 302. palustris griseus, 302, palustris jjaludicola, 302. stellaris, 301. Clamatores, 179. Clangula, 55. liyemalis, 55. Clivicola, 259. riparia, 259. Coccothraustes, 211. vespertinus, 211. vespertinus montanus, 211. Coccyges, 153. Coccyginx', 1 53. Coccyzus, I 54. an)ericanus, 154. americanus occidentalis, 155. erythrophthalmus, 155. minor, i 54. minor maynardi, 154. Coeligena, 173. clemencix, 174. Coereba, 267. bahamensis, 268. Ca'rebida;, 267. Colaptes, 166. auratus, 166. cafer, 167. cafer saturatior, 167. chrysoides, 1O7. ruti])ileus, 167. Colinus. io(>. ridgwayi, 107. virginianus, 106. virginianus tloridanus, 106. virginianus texanus, 107. Columba, 1 19. fasciata, 1 19. fasciata vioscx, 120. flavirostris, 120. leucocephala, 120. Columbx'. 1 19. Cohnnbidx, 1 19. Columbigallina, 122. passerina pallescens, 123. passerina terrestris, r22. Colymbiis. i. auritus, 2. doniinicus, 2. hoUxc-lii. I. Colym!)us nigricollis californicus, 2. Comp;>ohalieu>i, 43. Compsothlypi.s, 273. americana, 273, i I" f> ' I 352 INDEX. ^1 i' Compsothlypis nigrilora, 273. Coniornis altus, 336. Contopiis, 1S5. borealis, 185. pertinax, 186. richardsonii, 1S6. richardsonii peninsulae, 1S7. virens, 1S6. Conurus, 1 52. carolinensis, 152. Coot, American, 81. European, Si. Cormorant, 42. Baird's, 44. Brandt's, 44. Double-crested, 42. Fc rallone, 43. Flo.ida, 42. Mexican, 43. Pallas's, 327. Pelagic, 44. Red-faced, 45. Violet-green, 44. ^Vhite-crested, 43. Corvida;, 194. Corvina;, 199. Corvus, [99. americanus, jog. americanus floridanus, 200. caurinus, 201. corav principalis, 200. CO ax sinuatus, 200. cryptoleucus, 200. ossifragus, 201. Cotingida;, 179. Coturnicops, 79. Coturniculus, 226. Cowbird, 203. Dwarf, 203. Red-eyed, 204. Cracida;, 1 19. Crake, Corn, So. Spotted, 78. Crane, Little lirown, 715. Sandhill. 75. Whooping, 75. Creagrus, 326. furcatus, 326. Creciscus, 79. Creeper, Bahama Honey, 268. Brown, 303. California, 304. Mexican, 303. Rocky Mountain, 303. Crex, 80. crex. So. Crossbill, -American, 214. Mexican, 215. Crossbill, White-winged, 215. Crotophaga, 153. ani, 153. sulcirostris, 153. Crotophaginx', 153. Crow, American, 200. Fish, 201. Florida, 200. Northwest, 201. Crymophilus, 82. fulicarius, 82. Cuckoo. Black-billed, 155. California, 155. Kamchatkan, 155. Mangrove, 154. Maynard's, 154. Yellow-billed, 154. Cuculi, 153. Cuculidce, 153. Cuculus, 155. canorus telephonus, 155. Curlew, Bristle-thighed, 9S" Eskimo, 97. European. 328. Hudsonian, 97. Long-billed, 97. Cyanecula, 321. suecica, 321. Cyanocephalus, 201. cyanocephalus, 202. Cyanocitta, 194. cristata, 194. cristata florincob, 195. stelleri, 195. stelleri annectens, 196. stelleri frontalis, 195. stelleri macrolopha, 195. Cyclorrhynchus, 7. psittaculus, 7. Cygninae. 65. Cygnus paloregonus, 341. Cymodroma, 38. grallaria, 2^- Cypseli, 171. Cypseloides, 171. niger, 171. Cyrtonyx, 109. montezuma:-, no. Cyrtopelicanus, 45. D.VFILA, 51. acuta, 51. Daption, 35. capensis, 35. Dendragapus, iio. canadensis, in. frankl.nii, iii. , . iJj t j ilj-^i INDEX. 353 Dendragapus obscurus, no. obscurus fuliginosus, no. <3bscuru,s richard.sonii, in. Dendrocygnu, 64. aiitiimnalis, 64. fulva, 64. nendroica, 273, 274. .X'stiva, 274. it.stiva sonorana, 274. auduboni, 275. blackburnia;, 277. bryanti castaneiceps. 275. caerulea, 276. caerulescens, 275. carbonata, 332. castanea, 277. chrysoparia, 278. coronata, 275. discolor, 281. dominica, 277. doniinica albilora, 278. graciae, 278. kirtlandi, 280. maculosa, 276. montana, 333. nigrescens, 278. occidentalis, 279. olivacea, 274. palmariim, 280. palniarum hypochrysea, 2S0. pensylvanica, 276. striata, 277. tigrina, 273. townsendi, 279. vigorsii, 280. virens, 279. Dichromanassa, 72. Dickcissel, 254. Diomedea, 28. albatrus, 28. exulans, 326. nigripes, 28. Diomedeidcc, 28, 326. Dipper, American, 291. Dolichonyx, 202. oryzivorus, 202. Dove, (Jroiind, 122. Inca, 123. Mexican Ground, 123. Mourning, 121. Wlute-fronted, 122. White-winged, 122. Zenaida, 121. Dovekie, 13. Dowitcher, 85. Long-billed, 86. Dryobates, 158. j Drj'obates arizonre, 161. i bi)realis, i()0. nuttallii, 161. pubescens, 159. pubcscens gairdnerii, 159. pube.scens orea'cus, 160. scalaris bairdi, 160. scalari.-s lucasanus, 160. villosus, 138. audubunii, 15S. villo.sus harrisii, 159. villosus liyioscoi)us, 159. villosus leucomelas, 158. Duck, American .Scaup, 53. IJlack, 48. Florida, 48. Harlequin, 55. Labrador, 56. Lesser Scauf), 53. Masked, 60. Mottled, 49. King-necked, 53. Rudily, 59. RuUuis-cresled, 52. Steller's, 55. Wood, 52. Dunlin, 89. ))ys]jorus, 41. Dytes, 2. I",.\i;lk, ]5ald, 136. ('.olden, 135. tlray .Sea, 1 36. Harpy, 135. I'^ctopisles, 120. n^igratorius, 120. ICgret, American, 71. I'eale's, 328. Reddish, 72. I'Jider, American, 57. King, 58. Northern, 57. Pacific, 57. Spectacled, 56. Llanoides, 1 26. forficatus. 126. Elanus, 126. leucurus, 126. Embernagra, 245. rutivirgata, 245. Empidonax, 187. cineritius, 187, difucilis, 187. Havivenlris, 1S7. fulvifrons, 1S9. fulvifrons pygni;eus. 189. t ' i'' 1 f 5 23 354 indp:x. (, .. Empidonax griseiis, iSg. hammondi, 189. minimus, 188. traillii, 188. traillii alnorum, 18S. virescens, 188. wrightii, 189. Eniconetta, 56. stelleri, 56. Ereunetes, 90. occidentalis, 91. pusillus, 90. Erionetta, 57. Ergaticus, 287. ruber, 2S8. Erismatura, 59. rubida, 59. Euetheia, 253. bicolor, 253. canora, 253. Eugenes, 173. fulgens, 173. Euphonia, 254. elegantissima, 255. Euphonia, Blue-headed, 255. Eurynorhynchus, 90. pygmasus, 90. P'alcu. 136. cohimbarius, 138. columbarius surkleyi, 139. dominicensis, 1 40. fusco-coerulesccns, 139. islandus, 136. mexicanus, 137. peregrinus anatum, 13S. peregrinus pealei, 13^. regulus, 139. richardsonii, i^o. rusticoius, 137. rusticolus gyrfalco, 137. rusticoius obsoletus, 137. sparverius, 140. sparverius deserticolus, 140. sparverius peninsularls, 140. tinnunculus, 140. Falcon, Aplomado, 139. Peale's, 138. Prairie, 137. Falcones, 126. Falconidai, 1 26, 329. Falconina;, 136. Finch, California Purple, 213. Cassin's Purple, 213, Guadalupe House, 214. House, 213. Finch, Purple, 213. St. I ucas House, 214. P'lamingo, American, 66. Flicker, 166. Glide '1, 167. Guadalupe, [67. Northwestern, 167. Red-shafted, 167. Florida, 73. Flycatcher, Alder, 188. Arizona C'rested, 1S3. Ash-throated, 183. Beardless, 190. Muff-breasted, 1S9. Coues's, 186. Crested, 183. Derby, 182. Fork-tailed, 179. Fulvous, 189. (Jiraud's, 182. Cray, 1S9. ( ireen-crested, 188. Hammond's, 189. Lawrence's, 184. Least, 1S8. Mexican Cre^^ted. i'";. Nutting's, i8j. Olivaceous, 184. Olive-sided, 185. RidgwayV, 190. St. Lucas, 187. Scissor-tailed, r'^o. Sulphur-l)ellied. iS?. Traill's, 188. V'ernni'i ,:', 190. Weste; : , 187. Wright's, 1 89. \'ellow-bcllied, 1S7. Fratercula, 5. arctica, 5. arctica glacialis, 5. corniculata, C). ^ Fraterculinae, 5. Fregata, 46. aquila, 46. Fregatida;, 46. F'ringillida?, 21 r. Fulica, 81. americana, 81. atra, 81. minor, 342. Fulicinx, 81. Fuligula, 53. Fulmar, 30. Giant, 29. Lesser, 30. Pacific, 30. ! fl TNDEX. 355 Fulmar, Rodgers's, 30. Slender-billed, 31. Kulmarus, 30, glacialis, 30. glacialis glupisclia. 3(1. glacialis minor, 30. glacialis rodgersii, 30. glacialoides, 31. fiADvvAi.L, 49. Galeoscoptes, 291. carolinensis, 291. (iallinaE, 106. Gallinago, 85. delicata, 85. gallinago, 85. Gallinula, 81. galeata, 81. Gallinule, Tlorida, 81. Purple, 80. Gallinulina;, 80. (iannet, 41. Garrulinae, 194. (iarzetta, 72. Gastornis gigaiUeu.s, 338. (javia, 15 alba, 15. (ielochelidon, 22. nilotica, 22. Geococcyx, 153. californianus, 154. Geothlypis, 282, 283. agilis, 282. beldingi, 284. formosa, 282. macgillivrayi, 283. Philadelphia, 283. trichas, 2S3. trichas ignota, 284. trichas occidentalis, 284. poliocephala ralphi, 284. (ieolrygon, 123. martinica, 123. montana, 1 24. Glaucidium, 150. gnoma, 1 50. gnoma californicum, 151. hoskinsii, 151. phalacnoides, 151. Glauciunetta, 54. clangula americana, 54. islandica, 54. Glottis. 93. Gnatcatcher, Klacklailud, 315. Bine-gray. 315. Plumbeous, 315. Gnatcatcher, Western, 315. Godwit, Hlack-tailed. 92. 1 fudsonian, 92. Marbled, 91. I'acific. 92. Golden-eye, American, 54. Harrow's, 54. Goldfinch, American, 218. Arizona, 219. Arkansas, 218. Hlack-headed, 219. Lawrence's, 219. Mexican, 219. Western, 218. j (ioose, American White-fronted, 61. I Barnacle, 63. i Blue, 61. J Cackling. 63. ! (-anada, 62. j Emperor, 64. ! ' ■■ j^ater Snow, 60. I Hutchins's, 62. Lesser Snow, 6c. I Ross's Snow, 61. I White-cheeked, 62. \ White-fronted, 61. I Goshawk, American, 129. ' Mexican, 134. ' Western, 129. Grackle. Boat-tailed, 211. Bronzed, 210. Florida. 210. Great-tailed. 210. Purple, 210. (iraculavus pumilus, 336. velox, 336. Grassquit, 253. Melodius, 253. Grebe, American Eared. 2. Glark's, 325. llolball's, I. Horn 2. Pi«l-' ed, 3. St. J uingo, 2. W»- m, I. (ireen-shank, 93. Grosbu Hlack-headed, 251. Bb .251. E\ening, 211. 'in.. 212. ♦ O.St -breasted, 251. We.-tern Blue, 250. Western F^vening. 21 r. CJrouse, f Canada, iii. Can.idian Rutted, 112. Columbir.n Sharp-tailed. 116. Dusky, 1 10. I I lit V t i/l \ I i I ! I » 1 1 356 INDEX. i'^ II f .1 m PI Grouse, Franklin's, in. (Iray Ruffed, 112. Oregon Ruffed, 112. Prairie Sliarp-tailed, 117. Richardson's, in. Ruffed, 1 12. Sage, 117. Sharp-tailed, 116. Sooty, 1 10. Orues, 75. Gruidx, 75. Griis, 75. americana, 75. canadensis, 75. haydeni, 342. mexicana, 75. proavus, 342. Guara. 67. alba, 67. rulira, 67. Guillemot, Black, 10. Klack-winged, 325. Mandt's, 10. Pigeon, II. Sooty, 326. Guiraca, 251. ca2rulea, 251. crerulea eurynrha, 251. Gull, American Ilerring, 19. Bonaparte's, 21. California, 19. Franklin'.s, 20. Glaucous, 16. Glaucous-winged, 17. Great Black-backed, 18. Herring. 18 Heermann's, 20. Iceland, 17. Ivci), 15. Kurnlien':-,, 17. Laughing, 20. Little, 21. Mew, 20. T'elson's, 17. Pallas's, 89. Point Barrow, 16. Ring-billed, 19. Ross's, 21. Sabine's, 22. Short-buled, 20. Siberian, 18. Slaty- backed, 18. Swallow-tailed, 326. Gull, Vega, 19. Western, 18. Gypagus, 329- papa, 329. Gyrfalcon, 137. Hlack, 137. (]ray, 137. White, 136. IIabia, 250. ludoviciana, 250. melanocephala, 251. Hncmatopodidas, 104. Hxmatopus, 104. bachmani, 105. frazari, 105. ostralegus, 104. palliatus, 104. Haliplana, 26. Halocyptena, 35. microsoma, 35. Ilalixetus, 136. albicilla, 136. luucocephalus, 136. Hnrporhynchus, 292, 294. bendirei, 293. cinereus, 294. cinereus mearnsi, 294. crissalis, 295. curvirostris, 293. curvirostris palmeri, 293. lecontei, 294. longirostris sennetti, 293. redivivus, 294. rufus, 293. Hawk, American Rough legged, 134. American Sparrow, 140. Desert Sparrow, 140. Broad-winged, 133. Cooper's, 128. ("uban Sparrow, 140. Duck, 138. Florida Red-shouldered, 131. Harlan's, 131. Harris's, 129. Krider's, 130. Mansh, 128. Mexican Black, 133. Pigeon, 138. Red-bellisd, 132. Red-shouldered, 131. Red-tailed, 130. Rough-legged, 134. Sennett's White-tailed, 132. Sharp-shinned. 128. Short-tailed, 133. St. Lucas Sparrow, 140. Swainson's, 132. Zone-tailed, 132. Heleodytes, 295. INDEX. 357 Heleodytes Iiruiineicapillus. 295. hruiincicapillus attinis, 296. bruiiiieicaiiillus bryanll, 295. Ilelinaia, 269. swainsonii, 269. Helminthophila, 269. baL-liniani, 270. culata, 272. celata hitesceiis, 272. culata sordida, 272. chrysoptera, 270. ciiicinnatiensis, 332. lawreiicei, 331. leucobronchialis, 332. luci.x, 270. pcregrina, 272. piniis, 270. ruficapilla, 271. ruficapilla gutturalis, 271. virginix, 271. rielmitheriis, 269. vermivorus, 269. Helodromas, 93. Hen, Attwater's Prairie, i i 5. Heath, 115. Lesser Prairie, iiC. I^rairie, i i 5. Heuhawk, Cooper's, 329. Herodias, 71. Herodii, 69. Herodiones, 66. Heron, Black-crowned Night, 74. I'hirojiean IJlue, 71. Fra/.ar's Green, 73. Clreat Blue, 71. Great White, 71. (Jreen, 73. Little Blue, 73. Louisiana, 72. Snowy, 72. ^ Ward's, 71. Wiirdeniann's, 327. \'ello\\'-crnwned Night, 74. Hesperiphona, 211. Hesperocichla, 320. HKvia, 321. Hesperornis crassipes, 336. gracilis, 336. regalis, 336. Heteractitis, 95. incana. g^. Hierofalco, 136. Hinianto]ius, 83. mexicanus, 84. Hinmclinidx, 256. Histrionicus, 55. histrionicus, 55. Hummingbird, Allen's, 176. Anna's, 175. lilack-cliinned, 174. Blue-throated, 174. Broad-billed, 178. Broad-tailed, 175. I'.uff-bellied, 177. Calliope, 176. Costa's, 175. Floresi's, 175. I.ucifer, 177. Kiutfcr's, 177. Rivoli, 173. Ruby throated. 174. Rufous, 176. \'iolet-throated, 174. White-eared, 178. Xantus's, 17S. Hydranassa, 72. Hydrochelidon, 26. leucoptera, 27. nigra surinamensis, 26. Hylocichla, 316. Hylophilus, 331. decurtatiis, 331. Hylcphilus, Short-winged, 331. IiCilK, 178. latirostris, 178. Il)ides, 66. Ibididie, 67. Ibis, Cilossy, 68. Scarlet, 67. White, 67. White-faced Glossy, 68. Wood, 69. Ichthyorni.s agilis, 336. anceps, 337. dispar, 337. lentus, 337. tencr, 337. validus, 337. victor, 337. Icteria, 2S4. virens, 285. virens loiigicauda, 285. Icteridie, 202. Icterus, 206. audubonii, 207. bullocki, 20S. cucullatus, 207. cucullatus nelsoni, 20S. galbula. 208. icterus, 207. parisorum, 207. spurius, 20S. t ) h' i* 1, 358 INDEX. K ,1 h If if 1 1 I I *i V * ( Ictinia, 127. missi.s.sippiensi.-i, 127. lononiis. So. inurtinicu, So. Jaiuru, 69. Jacana, 105. spinosa, 105. Jacana, Mexican, 105. Jacaniclie, 105. Jaeger, Parasitic, 14. I'oniarine, 14. J.ung-tailcd, 15. Jay, Alaskan, 11)9. Arizona, 198. Uelding's, 197. 15iack-iieadccl, 196. ]{lue, 194. 151ue-eaied, 197. ]51iie-fronted, 195. California, 197. Canada, 198. Florida, 196. F'lorida Blue, 195. Green, 198. Labrador, 199., 195. Oregon, 199. Piflon, 202. Rocky Mountain, 199. Santa Cruz, 197. Steiler's, 195. Woodhouse's, 196. Xantus's, 197. Junco, 234. aikeni, 234. annectens, 235. bairdi, 237. caniceps, 236. phaeonotus dorsalis, 236. phaeonotus palliatus, 236. hyemalis, 234. hyemalis carolinensis, 235. hyemalis Oregon us, 234. hyemalis pinosus, 235. hyemalis shufeldti, 235. hyemalis thurberi, 235. insularis. 2-^7. ridgwayi, '36. townsendi, 237. Junco, ArizvVia, 236. Baird's. :?37. Carolina, 235. Gray-luMded, 236. Guadiiiupe, 237. Oregon, 234. Junco, I'ink-sided, 235. Point I'inos, 235. Red-hacked, 236. Kidgway's, 236. Slate-colored, 234. Shufeldt's, 236. Thurber's, 235. 'rownseiul's, 237. White winged, 234. Ki'.STRKi,, 140. Killdeer, 100. Kingbinl, iSo, Arkansas, iSi. Cassin's, iSi. Couch's, 181. (Iray, 180. Kingfisher, ]5elted, 156. Ringed, i 57. 'I'oxan, 157. Kinglet. Cuvier's, T,iZ- Dusky, 314. Golden-crowned, 313. Ruby-crowned, 314. Western Golden-crowned. 314. Kite, Everglade, 127. Mississi|)pi, 127. Swallow-tailed, 126. White-tailed, 126. Kittiwake, 15. Pacific, 16. Red-legged, 16. Knot, 86. Lagoi'us, 113. lagopus, 113. lagopus alleni, 113. leucurus, 1 14. rupestris, 113. rupestris atkhensis, 114. rupestris nelsoni, 114. rupestris reinhardi, 114. welchi, 114. Laniidte, 261. Lanius, 261. borealis, 261. hidovicianus, 262. ludovicianus gambeli, 262. hidovicianus exculiitorides, 262. Lanivireo, 297. Laopteryx priscus, 335. Laornis edvardsianus, 337. Lapwing, 98. Laridif , 15. 326. Larin;e, i ;. INDEX. 359 Lark, Duscrt Homed, 19^. Dusky Horned, 193. Hcjnied, 191. Mexican Horned, 192. Pallid Horned, 192. I'rairie I lorned, 192. Ruddy I lorned, 1 9 ^. Scorched Horned, 193. Sonoran Horned, 193. Streaked Horned, 193. Texan Horned, 192. Larus, 16. atTinis, iS. argentatus, iS. ap-'entatus smilhsonianus, 19. atricilla, 20. barrovianus, 16. brachyrhynchus, 20. cacliinnans, 19. californicus, 89. canus, 20. deUiwarensis, 19. frankhnii, 20. ghuicescens, 17. glaucus, 16. heermanni, 20. kumlieni, ry. leucopterus, 17. marinns, 18. minntiis, 21. nel.soni, 17. occidentalis, 18. oregonus, 339. pldladelphia, 21. roljustus, 339. schistisagus, 18. vegie, 19. Leptopelicanus, 46. Leptotila, 121. fulviventris brachyptera, 122. Leucosticte, 215. atrala, 216. australis, 216. griseonncha, 215. tephrocotis, 215. tephrocotis littoralis, 216. Leucosticte, Aleutian, 215. Black, 216. Brown-capped, 216. C; ray-crowned, 215. Hepburn's, 216. Limicola', 82. Liniosa, 91. fedoa, 91. luemastica, 92. lapponica baueri, 92. limosa, 92. Limpkin, 76. Linnet, Brewster's, 330. Longi])ennes, 13. Longspur, t'hestnutcollared, 222. I,a]-ilanil, 221. McCown's, 222. Smith's, 221. Loon, 3. Blacl. -throated, 4. J'acitic, 4. ked-thr(>ated, 4. Vellow-biUed, 4, Lophodytes, 47. cucidlatus, 48. Lophophanes, 306. Lophortyx, 109. Loxia, 214. curvirostra minor, 214. curvirostra stricklandi, 215. leucoptera, 215. • Lunda, 5. cirrhata, 5. Mackociurks, 16S. Macrorhaniijhus, 85. griseus, 85. scolopaceus, 86. MagjMe, American, 194. Vellow-biUed, 194. ■ Mallard. 48. Man-o'-War Bird, 46. Mareca, 49. Martin, C'uban, 257. I'urple, 257. Western, 257. Meadowlark, 206. Mexican, 206. Western, 206. Megalestris, 13. skua, 14. Xfegaquiscalus, 210. Megascops, 145. asio, 145. asio aikeni, 147. asio bendirei, 146. asio cineraceus, 146. asio floridanus, 145. asio kennicottii, 146. asio macfarlanei, 147. asio maxwelliie, 146. asio trichopsis, 145. llammeola, 147. Hanimeola idahoensis, 147. Melanerpes, 164. aurifrons, 166. carolinus, 166. I i 1'^- .':, i \ 'I .,'-" 360 Mflanerpes erythroi ipliahis, 164. fomiicivorus mmustifrons, 165. formicivorus l)uiitli, 165. toi([uatiis, 165. uropygi.ilis, 166. Melanitla. 5S. MeleaKriiix-, 1 17 Meleagris, 117. altus, 344. antiqiuis, ^\:i. celer, 344. gallupavo, I iird, 292. Molotlirus, 203. ater, 203. ater ohscurus, 203- Motacilla, 288. all)a, 289. ocularis, 289. Motacillidiu, 288. Murre, 1 1. Jiriinnich's, 12. ( 'aliforiiia, 1 1 . I'allas's, 12. Murrelet, Ancient, 8. Craveri's, 10. Kittlit/.'s, 9. Marbled, 9. Xantus's, 9. Myadestes, 3t6. townsendii, 316. Myadestina', 316. Mycteria, 69. americana, 69. Myiarchus, 182. cinerascens, 183. cinerascuns nuttingi, 1K3. crinitus, 183. lawrenceii, 184. lawreiiceii olivascens, 1S4. mexicanus, 183. mexicaiiiis niagister, 183. Myiozetetes, 182. texensis, 182. Myiodynastes, 182. luteiventris, 182. Neocorys, 290. Netta, 52. rufina, 52. Nettion, 50. Nighthawk, 170. Florida, 171. Sennett's, 330. Texan, 171. Western, 170. Noddy, 27. Nomonyx, 60. dominie us, 60. Nucifraga, 201. columbianus, 201. Numenius, 97. . ! f INDEX. 361 Numcniua arquaHis, 328. boiealis, 97. htidsonicus, 97. loiiniroslris, 97. pbii'opus, 9S. taliiticiisis, 98. Nutcracker, Clarke's. 201. Nuthatch, Hrowu-headed, 305. Khiriila \Vhite-brea.stetl, jf)^. Pypiiiy, 305. ., Ked-hreasted, 305. Sluiider-billed, 304. White-breasted, 304. White-iiaped, 305. Nuttallornis, 1H5. Nyctala, 144. acadica, 145. tengmabni richardsoni, 144. Nyctaiiassa, 74. Nyclea, 149. nyctea, 149. P.'ycticorax, 74. nycticorax ntevius, 74. viohiccus, 74. Nyctidromus, 170. albicollis merrilli, 170. OCEANITES, 37. oceanicus, 37. Oceanitina;, 37. Oceanodroina, 36. furcata, 36. homocliroa, 37. honibyi, 327. leucorhoa, 36. macrocLictyla, 37. melania, t,-j. Ochthodronnis, ro2. Odontoglossa;, 66. Oidemia, 5S. aniericana, 58. deglandi, 59. fusca, 58. perspicillata, 59. C'id-squaw, 55. Ol- r, 65. buccinator, 65. columljiaiuis, 65. cygiuis, 65. Oporornis, 282. Uieortyx, 107. pictus, 107. pictus conlinis, 108. pictus plumiferus, 107. Oriole, Arizona Hooded, 208. Audubon's, 207. Oriole, Raltimore, 208. r.uii(H k's, 208. Hiiodeil, 207. Orchard, 208. Scott's, 207. Ornithion, 190. imberbe, 1 90. iinhribe ridgwayi, 190. ( )roscop;es, 291. inonlanus, 291. Ortalis, 1 19. vetula maccali, 1 19. Oscines, 238. Osprey, American, 141. Ossifraga, 29. gigantea, 29. Otocoris, 191. alpestiis, 191. al])estris adusta, 193. alpestris arenicola, 192. alpestris chrysohema, 192. aijjestris girantli, 192. alpestris iLiicdhvma, 192. alpestris niei riUi. 193. alpestris |)allida, 193. alpestris praticoia, 192. alpestris riibea, 193. alpestris strigata, 193. Oven-bird, 281. Owl, American Karn, 142. Aiken's .Screech, 147. American Hawk, 149. American Long-earetl, 142. Arc tic Horned, 148. ]5arred. 143. IJiirrowing, 150. California Pygmy, 151. C'alifornia .Screech, 146. Dusky I [orned, 148. Dwarf .Screech, 147. Klf, 151. Ferruginous I'ygmy, 151. I-'lammuiated Screech, 147. Florida IJarred, 143. Florida IJurrowing, 150. I'lorida .Screech, 145. (Ireat (iray, 144. Clreat Horned, 148. Hawk, 149. Hoskins's I'ygmy, 151. Kennicott's Screech, 146., 144. .Macl''arlane's Screech, 147. Mexican .Screech, 146. Pygmy, I 50. Richardson's, 144. Rocky Mountain Screech, 145. li IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) .tacea, 245. iliaca unalaschensis, 244. Passeres, 179. Passerina, 251. ama;na, 252. cins, 232. cyanea, 252. versicolor, 252. versicolor pulchra. 252. Pavoncella, 95. pugnax, 95. T'edioca-'tes, 116. lucasi, 343. nanus, 343. l)hasianeiius, 1 16. phasianellus canipestris, 117. phasianelhis colunihianus, 1 16. I'elagodroma, 38. marina, 38. Pelecanidit, 45. I'elecauus, 45. calitornicus. 46. erythrorhynchos, 45. fuscus, 46. Pelican, American White, 45. lirown, 46. California Drown, 46. Pelidna, 89. Pelionetta, 59. Pendulinns, 207. I'enelopes, 1 18. Penelopin;v, 1 1 8. Perdicina', 106. Perisoreus, 198. canadensis, 19S. canadensis capilalis, 199. canadensis funiifrons, 199. canadensis nigricapillus, 199. obscurns, 199. Perissoglossa, 273. I'etrel, Ashy, 37. lilack, 37. Black-capped, 34. Pulwer's, 35. Fisher's, 34. Fork-tailed, 36. (luadalupe, 37. Hornby's, 327. Leach's, 3G. J: I Petrel. Least, jt;. I'intado, 3j". Scaled, 34. Stormy, 36. While'ljJlliecl, :;.S. \Vl)ite-facec!, •j.S. Wilson's, TIJ. PetrochL'licion,"257. fiilva. 25S. luiiifroiis, J57. Peuca;a, j^S. acstixalis, 2-\S. a'stivalis haLlinianii, 239. ari/^ona?, 239. cai|)alis, 240. cassini, 239. me.xicana, 239. rutice])s, 240. rulicejjs buucanli. 240. nifK:f|)s erema'ia. 240. I'eucedianuis, 274. Pewee, l.arL;e-hiiled, 1S7. Western Wood, 1S6. Wood, iSC. Phaethon, 39. a,'thereus, 39. tiavirostris, 39. Phaethontickv, 39. Phainf)])epla, 26 r. niteiis, 261. PhalacroLoracidx", 42, 327. Phalacrocorax, 42. carbo, 42. dilopluis, 42. dil(.j)luis alboc'liatus. 43. diloiihus cincinatus, 4 5. dilo])hus floridanus, 42. idaliensis, 340. niacro])iis, 340. niexicanus, 43. pelagiciis, 44. pela.:;icus respleiidens, 44, pelagiciis robiistiis, 44. penicillatus, 44. perspicillatus, 327. urile, 45. Phalanoptilus, 169. nuttallii, 169. nuttallii californicus, 169. nuttallii nitidus, \U). Phalarope, Northern, 82. Red, ,S2. Wilson's, 83. PhaIaropodid;t,'S2. Phalaropus, ,S2. lobatiis, 82. tricolor, S3. INDEX. I'halerina', (1. I'haleris, S. I'hasiani. 106. I'liasianid.c. 1 17. Philacte, 04. canagica, 64. I'hilohela. S 4. minor, S\. Iha-be, t.S4. lilack, KS5. Say's, 185. I'hctbetria, 29. fuliginosa. 29. I'ha'nicoi)terida-. C>6. J'luLnicoi)teru.s, 66. copei, 341. ruber. 66. I'hyllopseustes. 313. borealis, -ji ;. I ica, 194. nuttalli, 194. pica Hudson ica, 194, Pici, 157. Picidie, 157. I'icoides, ku. americanus, 162. amoricanus alaste'isis, 162. am.-ricanus dorsalis. 162." arctic...;, [62. Picicorvus, 201 . Pigeon. Pand-tailed. 119. Passenger, 120. Red-billed, 120. Viosca's, I K). White-crowned, 120. Pinicola, 212. enucleator, 212. Pintail, 51. I'ipilo. 245. alberti. 248. chlorurus. 247. consobrinus. 247. erythrophthalnuis, 2.(6. erylhropluhalnuis allcni fuscus albigula, 2.|.S. fuscus crissalis, 2.j8. fuscus niescjleucus. 247. fuscus senicula, 2 (,S. mamlatus arcticus, 2.|6. ma. Hiatus megalony.x, 2 i( maculatus oregonus, 2.(7. Pij)it, American, 2S9. Meailow, 291. Redthroateil, 290, Sprague's, 290. Piranga. 255. erythromelas, 255. 3^3 240 v. ' Hi,. 364 INDEX. 1^ m if! m i;l .!• ii :il Mrr.nga hepatua. 256. luduviciaiKi, J55. rubra, 256. rubra coopuri, 256. rubriceps, 255. PitaiiRus, iSi. derbianus, 1S3. I'l.ilalcidx', 66. I'.atypsaris, 179. albivcntris, 179. I'lautus. 12. ini])uniii.s, 13. I'lectrojjlKjnax, 220. hyperboreus, 221. nivalis, 220. nivalis townsendi, 2:0. riegadis, 6S. autuninalis, 6.S. guaiaima, 6S. Plover, American ("lolden, 99. JJelteil Piping, loi. lilacU-belliecl, 99. (lolileu. 99. Little King, loi. Mongolian, 102. Mountain, 103. Pacific Golden, 100. Piping, 10 r. Ring, loi. Senii|)alniated, 100. .Snowy, 102. Wilson's, 102. '.isocys, 102. ,;iceps. 2. odicipedes, i. odicipida', i, 325. (idilytnbus, 3. podiceps, 3. i'.ilio]itila, 314. ca'rulea, 315. cierulea ob>c'.ira, 315. calitornica, 315. phimbea, 31 5. Polioptilina;, 314. Polyborus, 141. cheriway. 141. lutosus, 141. Poociutes, 222. gramineus, 222. graniineus allinis, 223. gramineus confinis, 223. I'oor-will. 169. Dusky, 169. Frosted, 169. Porzana, 78. Carolina, 79. coturniculus, So. Porzana jamaicensi.s, 79. noveboraccnsis, 79. porzana, 78. I'riocella, 31. I'riofinus. ^}. Procellaria, 36. pelagica, 36. I'rocellariifl.T;, 29, 327. ProcellariuK\;, 29. I'rogne. 256. cryptoleuca, 257. subis, 257. subis hesperia, 257. Protonotaria, 26.S. citrea. 2L1S. I'saltriparus, 3[ 1. lloydi, 312. minimus. 311. minimus californicus, 311. minimus griud.e, 31 2. plumbeus, 31 2. santarita", 31 2. Pseudogrypluis. 124. californianus, I 25. I'sittaci, 152. Psittacid.v. 152. 330. Ptarmigan, Allen's, 113. Nelson's, 114. Reinhardt's, 1 14. Rock. 1 13. Turner's, 1 14. Welch's, I 14. White-tailed. 1 14. Willow, I 13. Ptiliogonatin.x. 261. Ptychoi-am]jluis, 6. aleuticus. 7. Puflin, 5. 1 lorned. 6. Large-billed, v Tufted, 5. Puffin us. 31. audulioni. 33. borealis, 31. cinereus, ^j- conradii, 340. creatopus, 32. gavia, 32. griseus. 33. kuhlii, 327. major, 31. puftinus, 32. stricklandi, 32. tenuirostris, ^^. Pygopodes, i. Pyrocei)lialus, 190. rubiueus mexicanus, 190, uw INDEX. 365 Pyrrhula, 212. cassini, 212. Pyrrhuloxia, 2.(9. siniiata. 250. siiuiata I)eckliumi, 1:50. sinuata iJeninsulx-, 250. Pyirluilo.xia, Arizona, 230. Saint J.ucas, 250. Qt'AH.-novK, l?lue-headed, 124. Key West, 123. Hiiddy, 124. Quur(|uedula, 50. Quiscahis, 209. macrourus, 210. major, 211. quiscula, 210. quiscula a'nuus, 210. quiscula agla;us, 210. Rail, Belding's, 77. Hlack, 7c). California Clapper, 77. Caribbean Clapper, 78. Clapper, 77. Farallone, iSo. Florida Clapper, 78. King, 76. Louisiana Clapper, 77. Virginia, 7,S. \'eIlo\v, 79. Ralli, 76. Rallida;, 76. RalliniE, 76. Rallus, 76. beldingi, 77. elegans, 76. crepitans, 77. crepitans saturatus, 77. longirosiris cariba;us, 78 obsoletus, 77. scottii, 78. virginianus, 78. Raptores, 124. Raven, American, 200. Northern, 200. White-necked, 200. Ratita.', J38. Recurvirostra, 83. americana, 83. Recurvirostrida;, 83. Redhead, 52. Redpoll, 217. (Greenland, 217. RediioU, C/reater, 2t8. Hoary, 217. Ilolba'U's, 217. Redstart, American, 286. I'ainted. 287. Red-beliiud, 2S7. Red-tail, St. Luca.-, 131. Western, 130. Regulinx, 313. Kegukis, 313. calendula, 314. cuvieri, ^2^- obscurus, 314. satrapa, 313. satrajKi olivaceus, 31 4. Rliodostethia, 21. rosea, 21. Rhynchodon, 13S. Rhynchofalco. 139. Rhynchophanes, 222. mccownii, 222 Rhynchopsitta, 330. pachyrliynca, 330. Rissa, 15. brevirostris, 16. tridactyla, i t;. tridactyla poliicaris, 16. Road-runner, 1 54. Robin, American, 320. St. Lucas, 320. Western, 320. Rostrliamus, 127. sociabilis, 127. Rough-leg, Ferruginous, r 35. Ruff, 95. Ryncho))ida;, 27. R.ynchoi)s, 27. nigra, 27. Sai.pi.nctks, 296. guadelou])ensis, 296. obsoletus, 296. .Sanderling, 91. Sandpiper,. Aleutian, 87. Haird's, 88. ISartramian, 96. Huff-breasted, 96. Cooper's, 328. Curlew, 90. Green, 94. Least, 89. Pectoral, 88. Pribilof, 87. Purple, 87. Red-backed, 89. Semipalniated, 90. ^66 INDEX. 4 ^i3 '■ •!. •ikf: ■'■ 'M: m< Saiulpi])er. Sharptailcil. SS. Solitary, <)\. Spoonbill, >)0. .Spotted, <)7. Stilt, 86. ' Western, o'- We.stern Solitary, 94. White-niniped, 88. Sapsuckor, Red-hreastcd, 163. ked-naptd, 163. Williamson's, 163. V'uKow-bL-lliud, 1(13. Sarcorhaniphi, i2.\. Sa.\ic<)ki, 321. aMianthe, 321. Sayornis, 184. nigricans, 185. plKtbe, 184. saya, 185. Scardafella, 123. inca, 123. Scolecophagus, 209. atfinis, 345. carolinus, 209. cyanoceph.'dus, 209. Scoloijacidx, 8.<, 328. .Scolo[)ax, 84. rusticola, 84. .Scoter, American, 58. Surf, 59. Velvet, 58. White-winged, 59. Scotiaptex, 144. cinerea, 144. cinerea lapponica. 144. Seed-eater, Shar|)e's, 253. Seiuriis, 281. aiirocapilliis, 281. motacilla, 282. noveboracensis, 281. novebcjracensi.s notalnlis. 28 1. Sela.sphorus, 175. alleni, 176. rioresii, 175. platycorcus, 175. rufus, 176. Setophaga, 286. miniata, 287. picta. 287. ruticilla, 2S6. Shearwater, Audubon's, 32. Rlack-tailed, 23- Black-vented, 32. Cinereous, 327. Cory's, 31. Dark-bodied, Greater, 31. jj- .Shearwater, Manx. 32. I'ink footed. 32. .Sleniier-billed, 33. .Sooty, 2^. Shoveller, 51. Shrike, t'alifornia, 2(12. Loggerluatl, 2G2. Northern. 261. Wiiiterumped, 2C2. Sialia, 322. arctica, Ti2;'y niexicana anabel.v, ^,22. mexicana bairdi, 22'{. niexicana occideMtaii>. 32; sialis, 322. sialis azurea, 322. Simorhyni.hus, 7. cristatellus, 7. ])usillus. 8. ])ygm.fu.*, 8. Siskin. I'ine, 220. Sitta, 304. canadensis, 305. caroliiiensis, 304. carolinensis aculeata, 30 (. carolinensis atkinsi, 304. pusilla, 305. l), 305. IjygnKva leuconuchi. 305. Sittin;v, 304. Skimmer, Klack, 27. Skua, 14. Skylark. 191. .Snipe, I'airopean, Wils^ 8: •"^S- 116. 57- Snowflake, 220. McKay's, 221. I'ribilof, 220. Solitaire. Townsend's, ;: Somateria, 57. dresseri. 57. mollissima borealis spectabilis, 58. v-nigra, 57. Sora, 79. Sparrow, .\cadian Sharp-failed, 228. Aleutian Song, 243. Arizona, 239. Hachman's, 239. Haird's, 226. 15eldiiig's Marsh, 225. Bell's. '238. Hischoff's .Song, 242. Hlack-chinned, 234. Black-throated, 237. Boucard's, 240. Brewer's, 233. ttU INDEX. 367 Sparrow, Urown's Son;;, 242. liryaiit's Marsh, 224. Cassin's, 239. Cliippiiig, 27,2. Clay ciiloix'd, 232. Desert Song, 241. Dusky Seaside, 22'j. . l'"iel(l, 233. Fori)usirs, 243. Fox, 244. (lamliel's, 231. (joldenciowneil. 231. (;ras^liui)|)er, 226. dray Sage. 2;^l-i. I /arris's, 2 30. Ifeerniann's. 241. Henslow's, 226. Intermediate, 230. Ipswich, 223. Large-l)illed, 225. Lark, 229, Leconte's, 227. Lincoln's, 243. Mexican, 239. Mountain, 241. Nelson's. 227. Oregon Vesper. 223. I'ine woods, 23.S. Kock, 240. Rufous-crowned, 2.10. Rufous-winged, 240. Rusty .Song, 242. Sage, 23S.' .St. Lucas, 225. Sanuiels's Song, 241. San (.'lemente Song, 243. .Sandwich, 224. .Santa Barbara Song, 242. Savanna, 224. Scott's Seaside, 22.S. .Seaside, 2:.S. Shar|)-iailed, 227. .Slate-coloied, 245. Song, 241. Sooty Song, 242. .Swamj), 244. Texas. 245. Texas Seaside, 22S. Thick-l)illed, 245. 'I'ownsend's, 244. Tree, 231. Vesper, 222. Western Chi])ping, 232. Western Field, 233. Western (Jrasshopper, 226. Western Henslow's, 227. Western Lark, 229. Sparrow, Western Savanna, 224. Western Tree, 232. W estern X'esper, 223. White-crowned, 230. White throated, 231. Worthen's, 233. .Spatula. 51. clypeata, 51. Speotyto, I 50. cuniculara tioridana, 150. cunicLilaria hyi)f)g;va, 150. Sphyrapicus, 163.' rulier, 1(13. thyroideus, 163. varius, 163. varius nuclialis, 163. Spinus, 21S. lawrtincei, 219. notatus, 2ic). piniis psalt psalt psalli ;20. ria. 21.S. ria arizon.x. 119. ia niexicanu.-., 2 if Spi tristis, 21S. tristis pallidus, 21S. -J'l aniericana, 2:14. tounsendi, 3 ;r. Spi/.ella. 231. atriguiaris, 234. brevveri, 233. nionlicol.'i, 231. monticola ochracea, pallida, 232. pusilla, 233. pusilla arenacea, 233 socialis. 232. socialis ari/cor.iV, 2 52 worthen j- .Snoonbill, I Sljorophila, 2 : i-voseate, (7. morelleti sharpei Scpiatarf)la, 99 .Starling, 202. OJ- St arnu-Mias, 124. cvanoce l)hala, 124. Steganopodes, 39, .Steganopus, 83. .Stelgidopteryx, 260. serripennis, 260. Stellula, 176. calliope, 176. Stercorariid .Stereo X, 13. ran us, 14 longicaudus, 15 parasiticus, 14. pomarinus, 14. !2i 368 INDEX. I i . * \V':l'l I.;; t "I Sterna, 23, 2^. aluutica, 25. anxthefiis, 26. antillaruii), 26. dougiilli, 25. elugans, 23. fnrsteri, 24. fulif^iTiosa, 26. liiniiulo, 24. nuixinia, 2j. ])ara(lis.v:i, 25. saiulvicuiisis acullaviila, 24. triulL-aui, 24. tsi.'he};rava, 2^. Stcrniiix', 22. Stenuilii, 25. Stilt, Hlack-nuclccd, .S4. Stint, l.onfj-tocd, S9. Streptocui ylu, i 56. Strigus, 142. Strigida;, 142. Strix, 142. ])ratincola, 142. Sturnella, 206. magna, 206. magna mexicana, 206. magna nuglucta, 206. Sturnidx, 202. Sturnus, 202. vulgaris, 202. Sula, 39. bassana, 4 1 . brewsleri, 40. cyanops, 40. gossi, 40. loxostyla, 340. piscator, 40. sula, 40. Sulidie, 39. Surnia, 149. uhila, 149. ulula caparoch, 149. Swallow, 15aliaman, 259. Hank, 259. Ham, 25.S. Clitf. 257. Cuban (."liff, 258. Rough-winged, 260. Tree, 257. Violet-green, 259. Swan, Trumpeter, 65. Whistling, 65. Whoo])ing, 65. Swift, Black, 171. Chimney, 172. Vaux's. 172. White-throated, 173. Sylvania, 2.S5. canadensis, 286. microcephal.a, }2;}. milrata, 2S5. pusilla, 2S5. |)ustlla pileolata, 286. Sylviid.x, 313, :i:iy Sylviina,', 313. .Synijihemia, 94. seminalmata, ()^. semipalinata inornata, 95. Syntliliboramphus, 8. anti(|uus. S. Syrnium, 143. nebulosum, I 43. nebulosuin alleni, 143. occidentale, 143. Taciivcinkta, 258. bicolor, 258. thalassiiia, 259. Tachytriorcliis, 1 32. Tanager, (.'oop'jr's, 256. (Jray's, 255. Heiiatic, 256. l-ouisiana, 255. Scarlet, 255. .Summer, 256. Tanagridii.', 254. Tantalinie, 68. 'I'antalus, 68. loculator, 69. Tatler, Wantlering, 95. Teal, HUiewinged, 50. Cinnamon, 51. European, 50. (Ireen-winged, 50. Telmatodytes, 302. Telmatornis atlinis, 33S. priscus, 33S. Tern, Aleutian, 25. Arctic, 25. Black, 26. IJridled, 26. Cabot's, 24. Caspian, 23. Common, 24. IClegant, 23. Forster's, 24. Gull-billed, 22. J, east, 26. Roseate, 25. Royal, 23. Sooty, 26. Trudeau's, 24. White-winged Black, 27. Mi",- I* ' ill INDEX. 369 Tetraoiiid.u, 10''). 'retraimiii.T, 1 10. Thalassoiis, 2]. 'riial.iJ-sogt'ron, ^S. culni'matus, zS. Thrasai'tds, [^5. harpy ia, 1 ^5. Thra-slit-T, liL-iulire's, 293. Hruvvii, jijj. C!alifi)tiiia, 2tj.\. Cri.ssal, 2(j^. C'urvf-billcd, 293. Ixcontc's, 294. Meariis's, 294. Palmer's, 293. Sage, 291. St. LllC.lS, 2Q4. .Scniittt's, 293. Thrush. Audiiljon's Iluimit, 319. Hickiu.ll's, 317. Dwarf Hermit, 318. (Iray cheekec!, 317. Hermit, 3I(). ( )livu-l)a( keil, 31S. Keil-winjied, 311). KiissL'tliacked, 31S. Varied, 321. Willow, 317. Wilson's, ^17. Wood, 3rr,. Thryomaiies, 2yS. 'J'hryotlionis, 297. bewicliii, 2'^.S. hewickii l)airdi, 299. bewickii s])ilurus, 299. brevicaudus, 299. leuco])hrys, 299. ludovicianus, 29.S. ludoviciaiuis lomitensis, 29S. ludoviiianiis miamensis, 29S. TiniumcidLis. 140. Titmoust', Ashy, 307. Ulack-crested, 306. Bridled, 307. Gray, 307. Plain, 306. Texas Tufted, 306. Tufted, 306. Totanus, 92. navijjes, 93. melanoleucus, 93. nebularius, 93. ochropus, 94. solitarius, 94. solitarius cinnamomeus, 9.;. Towhee, 246. Abert's, 24S. Towhee, .Anthony's, 24S. Arctic, 2 i*). California, 24S, Caflon, 247. Green tailed, 247. (iuadalui)e, 247. Oregon, 247. Saint l.ucas, 24S. Spurred, 246. White-eyed, 246. Tree-diick, Black bellied, 64. l''ulvi)us, 64. Tring.i, .SCj. acuminata, SS. alpina, 89. alpina pacilica, .S9. bairdii, t>S. canutus, 86. coo|)eri, 328. couesi, 87. tlamacensis, 89. ferruginea, 90. fiiscicollis, 88. niaculata, 88. maiiiima, 87. niinutilla, 89. ptilocnemii;, 87. 'I'rochili, 173. TrochiliiUv. 173. Trochilus, 174. ale.xandri, 174. colubris, [-4. violajugulum, 174. Troglodytes, 300. aedon, 300. audon aztecus, 300. aedon i;arkmanii, 300. alascensi.--. 301. hiemalis, 30:. hiemalis pacificus, 301. Troglodytidx', 291. Troglodytin.x, 295. Trogon, 136. amhiguus, 15(1. Coj)pery-tailed, 156. 'I'rogoiies. 1 56. Trogonidiu, 156., 207. Tryngites, 96. .subriilicollis, 96. Tubinarcs, 28. Turdidif, 3(6. Turdina.', 316. Turdus, 316. alicia;, 317. alicia' bicknelli, 317. aonalaschkie, 318. 24 r ! I I, P II 370 i\i)i:x. Turclus aonalasehka' audiihoni, i,n). aonalaschka- i)alla>i, 319. fiiscocuiis, 317. fuscesceiis salicicolus, 317. iliaciis, 319. tiHisteliiuis, 316. ustulalus, 31S. iistulatiis swa'msoni, 'jiS. Turkey. Florida Wild, 11 S. Mexican, I iS. Kio (Jrandc Wild, I iS. Wild. iiS. Tiirn->t()ni,'. 103. lUack, lO). Tyinpaiuicluis. 1 15. aincricamis, 1 1 5. anifricaiius attwateri. 1 1 5. cupido, 1 1 5. pailidicinctus. 1 16. Tyraiinid.L'. 179. Tyramuis. iSo. doininiccnsis, 180, melancholicus couchii, iSi. tyrannus. 1.S0. verticalis. iSi. vocifcrans, iSi. m ITiNToRMs lucaris, 345. I' ria, 1 1 . aCtiiiis. 339. aiititiua. 339. lomvia. 12. lomvia arra, 12. troile. 1 1. troile caiifoniica, 1 1. Urile, 44. Urinator. 3. adamsii, 4. arcticiis. 4. i 111 her, 3. lumme. 4. pacificus, 4. Urinatorida,'. 3. Urubitinga, 133. anthraciiia, 133. 98. vanellus, 98. Verdiu, 313. Vireo, 272, 265. atricapillus. 265. bellii. 267. bellii pusillus, 267. calidris barbatulus, 263. Viruo llavifroiis, 264. llavoviridis, j(f\. gilviis, 26. (. hntttoni. 2'i('). liuttoiii nh.^ciirus. 2(>(). litittoiii stuplifiisi, 266. n(>veb()racL'ii-.i.s. 266. iiovcborateiisis mayiiardi, 2GC). olivaLuus, 2^13. philadL'Ipliiius, 2(')3. s<)lilariii>. 2(14. solitaritis alticola. 2G^. solitarius cassiiiii. 264. solitariiis lucasaiuis, 265. soUlarius pUinibcus, 265. viciiiior, 21)7. Vireo. Anthony's, 266. Moll's. 2(17. IMaik-capped, 265. lilack-wlii.-kurud. 2(1;^. HluL'-headcd. 264. Cassin's, 264. dray. 267. II niton's, 266. Ke-y West. 266. Least. 267. MouTiiain Solitary, 265. I'liiladelpliia, 263. I'lumbeoLis, 265. Red-eyed. 263. St. I.ucas Solitary, 265. Stephens's, 2()6. Warbling, 264. White-eyed, 266. \'ello\v-green, 263. Vellow-throated, 264. Vireonida:, 262, 331. N'ireosylva, 262. Vulture. IJlack, 125. lUirroughs's 'I'urkey, 329. California. 125. King. 329. Turkey, 125. Wactaii,, Siberian \'ellow, 2S9. Swinhoe's, 289. White, 2S9. Warbler, Audubon's, 275. Hachnian's, .^o. ISay-breasted, 277. Hell's, 28S. lilack and White, 268. Iilackburnian, 277. Hlack-poll, 277. IJlack-throated Blue, 275. Black-throated dray, 278. INDEX. 371 i. 2O6. Sy. Warbler. ISlackth mated Green, C79. llliic Miiuiiiain, ^'^^. Illiii.'\viiij;c(l, 270. ]! rasher's, jSS. Urcwstcr's, 532, Calaveras, 271. fanadian. 2S6. (.■a|)u May, 2j }. C'arljonalL'cl, 332, C'urulcaii, 276. Chustnut-sided, 276. Cincinnati, 332. Connecticut, 2S2. I'lisky, 272. (iolden-cheeked, 27,S. Cnlden-winged, 270. tiraie's, 278. 1 lerinit, 279. Hooded, 2.S5. Kcnnicott's Willow, ^i^. Kentucky, 2S2. Kirtland's, jSo. I^awrence's, 331. Lucy's, 270. l.ute.scent, 2J2. Macgillivray's, 2S3. Magnolia, 276. Mangrove, 275. Mourning, 2.S3. Myrtl^i, 275. Xasliville, 271. Olive, 274. Orange-crowned, 272. I'alm, 2.S0. I'aruki, 2y;^. I'ileolated, 2cS6. I'ine, 2.S0. Prairie. 2S1. I'rothonotary, 26S. Red. 2.SS. Red-faced. 2.S7. .Sennett's, 273. Sniall-heiKled, ^^y Sonora \ ellow, 274. Swainson's, 269. Sycamore, 27S. Tennessee, 272. Townsend's, 279. Virginia's, 271. Wilson's, 2S5. Worm-eating, 269. Yellow, 274. Yellow I'alm, 2S0. Yellow-throated, 277. Water-Thrush, 2S1. Grinnell's, 2S1. Louisiana, 282. ; Waxwing, llohemian, 260. Cedar, 260. Wheatear, 321. Wliinihrel, 9S. Whip poor will, KiS. SU|)hens's, lUj. Widgi.-on, 49. WiUet, 94. Western, 95. Wootlcock, American, S4. Kuiopean, S4. Wood|)ecker, Alaskan Tluve-t.jed, U'>2. Al|)ine Three toed, [()2. American Three-toed. 1(12. An tic Tlue'-toed, 162. Arizona, \{>i. liatchelder's, 160. < '.di.mis's. [59. Californian, 164. I )owny. I s() (I.'iirdner's. 159. (Jila. r()6. (iohlLii-fronted, 166. Hairy, 1 5.S. Harris's, 159. Ivory-hilled, 158. Lewis's, 164. Narrow-frf)nted, 164. Xorthern Hairy. 13S. N'uttall's, 161. J'ileated, 164. Red-bellied. 165. Red-cockaded, iGo. Red-headed, 164. .^aint Lucas. 160. .Southern Hairy, 15S. Texan, 160. White-headed, KJi. Williamson's, 163. Wren. Alaskan, 301. I'alrd's. 299. Hewick's, 29.S. I'ryant's Cactus, 295. Cactus, 295. Caflon, 297. Carolina, 2<;S. Dotted (.Nation, 295. Florida, 29.S. (Juadalupe, 299. Guadalupe Rock, 296. House. 300. Lomita, 2gS. Long-billed Marsh. 302. Marian's Marsh, 303. I'arkman's, 300. Rock, 296. St. Lucas Cactus, 29f). 372 INDEX. 1^' Wren, S;in ('lemcnte, 299. Short l)illi;tl Marsh, joi. 'I"ii!(5. 30J. V'igOli^'s, Jt;(). Western House, 300. Western Winter, v>'- White-throated, 2')j. Winter, joi . Wortliington's Marsh, 30: Wren-lit. }io. I'allicl,'3ii. XANlllnCKI'ltAI.US, 204. xanthocephalus, J04. X ant ho lira, lyS. hixuosa, 198. Xema, 22. saliinii 22. Xenopicus, 161. all)ularvatus, 161. Vei.i.ow-lkcs, 93, (jreater, 93. V'ellowthroal, Mehiing's, j8.}. Florida, J.S4. Maryland. JS3. Rio (Jraiule, J.S4. Western, JS4. Vphantcs, 20S. Zknaida, 121. zenaida, IJI. Zenaidura, 1^1. ni.ieroura, I2i. Zonotrii'hia, J30. albicollis, J31. coronata, J31. leuco|)hrys, 2]0. leiicophrys gambeli, J31. leiicophrys intermedia, 230. querula, l4:.l w ing's, 284. beli, 231. media, jjo. . f i f