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Aiillii'Jilic iiiti'llimiii'i' (Voiii Wiisliiii^Mnn shilcs lliiii ii rnninil claim fur s|»':ilir <(iinm''cs li;is III .Ic liv l!lc lllili'.l St itrs (1 n cTiniii'iii liif illjlUA illlll los IX'l'HsiullI'll llV till' illll'l'I'l'l-CMCl' (jC crltaill illllill'ihtlllS uf NcwInlllMUalHl \\'v\\ Nl'VV K lictriiii; tl>iicniicii, .it Foiliiiii- l!:iv aiiil i-I.svwIk Mt till' licuiiiiiiiii; liiiii;luii. iiml lliat tlicii'l'iMf tlii'V wci-i' iiKili'sinl ill till' lawful niioviiu'Ml of ri''lits iiaiil for iiii-lii-%iM'!v liv till' Ami'ricaii iialiim in tin' Halifax Awanl. Tl owners iif twriitv-om,' (liuiici'sti'r lisliiiii; vi'ssrls, I'si' ilaiiiai,'i's an' niL'ilij,' from lai.l llf of til,. .I',n to SCi, :!()'.» cai'li. it iliifs ii'it a|i])c ir that tlic ili'|Mitatiiiii of p iJMoni'r-, wlio iati-ly inti-ivii'Wi'il Mr. Si'crclai'y Kv.uts, ainl loliliii'il tin' Si'iiato ami ( 'on^'icss, rcallv ('.\]i<'i-ti'(l to rcaji any iliroi't lii'iii'lit IVoin their extiaiinliiiary elaiins, Imt sim|ily plit'il tlieiii for tliP inilirert |nii |M>si' of |irejiiili.iii;,' pMlilie sintimriil ami iiilliii'iieinn eNceiitive .action in the ilirectioii of restoriii'.' to llsh ilealeis, in New Knj;iiinii, the |irivilci;e of iimiliiii: snpiilies of t'aiia I'l'l iliaii pan;;ht li^li to I'liited Stiite.s eon.sniners, ami ihereliy eiihaiiciii'^ the market value of their own int'eiior ealili. 'I'lii-y |M'iitioneil an ■' immeiliate aliroualioii " of the (i'liery articles of the Washinutoii Treaty. Tin? re]iort say.s : " They 'fiWi' us a reasm for askiiii; " for the iiliro.^'.iliin of the Tieaty that, unless it was iloiip at once, the tishery traile will " he riiiiieil. The ( 'atiailians were eiialileil, umler the Trea y, to |iroiii|itly stock the " Aineiican maiki'l. wliile the catch of the (iloni'ester vessels was ilelaveil several nionllis il when tliev arriveil there was comiiar.itivel v no mancc't for their lalior. Thev I'llie.l to consi !• r that the Ti-eatv "as in,i''e fur tlie exclusive lienclit of (Uoiicester merehants. Mr. Kvart'* wouhl lie " vi'joroiislv iire^se- is reiioiteil to have inonii!. 'il the inti is that these I'laims Iso, that he Wouhl eii.leavoiir (i) ellecl an early termimi tion of the li heiy chiiisi's of the Treaty ; failiie^ which, the rei|uiii'i| milice woiihl he i^iveii in older to leiiiiiiiati? them in I S.s.j. All of which merelv I'liltils Mr. Kvarts' prexioiis sn<;;;estion i iiaiie liy u il('s|mteh of 27tli Se|)temli"l' last, to Mr. Welsh, in the foilowii It is still ll III llle o|>l .f thi> (i iiiieni. ill" {II M's^iiiii ot our own mi rkel jf vital ini|iorlaiice to the .Maritime I'rovinces, ami such possession a loiiuiihilile lace. if not a fital woiiml. In our own lisliin;' interests. I ilo not think that 1 mis- iimlerstaml, or mis i preseii'., lliose interest.s when I say tint, slamliiiu' i's « e i Iway III ;iie 1 reat\ pcno it w.iiil.l 111- lietter for thosi! interesi.s to suire.iilcr tl enjoymeiil of the llshing privilege of ViLiL-le XV'JlI for the rem liiiin;^ six years of iln twelve, upon a re.-iiniptioii, liy the ( lov ernment. of the c hiIimI oI ouc own iiiarket fo thi s nnexpircil pr .iirti\ of course is, after al but the forei,'oi review of tl le eoiicliision express! ll liv Mr. I'lv.irts. ill Septcmli'i- last, in his lahoreil le piocee I lilies ( f tie; llilihix Coiiim The whole coriespomleiice e.xhihils some very rciiiaikalih' coiiti iilictions hetweeii .Mr. i'^.irts' elaborate aiijuments ai,'.iiiist the llalifix .\war.l ami his acipiiesi'enee in tiiL'au tilmicestei- claims. l.,oril Salislmry's ailmiraKle rejilies to the I'liiu'il Stutc Secretary of Stjitc derive iid.litionnl force iVuiii tlic siirniiiiiiut ailiniH-iioiiH iiii|ilii'il I'V the lUCM'ut sei|iu'l. Altliougli the iimttcr more iiiiiui'iliiitcly cuticcnis Ncwfciiiiilliiiul, tlio fiicts of till' Fortiiiic liiiy "oiitnige, " anil tlie conHi'i|iioiit claims for imli-miiity, are liiglily iiitcreHtiiig to t^aiiadu. liaving taken special pains to verity tlie jiarticMlais tioin impaniai and tr' stworlliy sonrccs, 1 state, witii entire coiitidi'iK'e, that tliey all'ord no just or ccinitahle <^, unds for cnmpensation. However unfortunate they may iiave lieen, lis are all dilliculties occurring lietwecn neis;hhor«, tliey nevertheless appear an almost proviilcntial cdntrilmtior, to the interests of j\istic" involved in the so n\uch liispnied findings of lie Halifax Commission. Canadians who Imvu lieen scolded ever since the issue of that imiiiiry, bccatisc of the "monstrously excessive" award, Mnn is altaeln^l to the shore, no other nets can lie used until it is drawn and emptied. A gang of smaller seines can be used for a I'ke jiurpose. This method ot fishing is called " in-barring." and is unlawful, as well as obstructive to other fishermen, and injuiious to the local fishery. It is admitted by the documents fyled in support of the present elaini. that the petitioners, when molested, were actively fishing with their immense purse seim-s, at a time ami in a mannei' prohiliited by the provincial statutes, wliieh .Mr. Kv.irts Cfintends are incoin|ietent to restiain treaty rights. The same evidence establishes that the interrupted fishing in ipieslion is /m/ oni' of the privileges secured to L'niteil fUates citizens by the Treaty of Washington, ljem\ise it was prosecuted from the lieach, auil tii' Anieiican lishermen were aotually hi ideil upon the strand, anil hauling their nets ashore wlien interfeied with. Judge Foster, the able and iinlefatiga lie Agent and Chief ' nmsel (,f the United States, at Halifax, insisted -1 ipiote his words from page 2ntl of the Olli.-ial Hecord -that : — " No rights to do anything upon the land are conferred upon tlii! cilizMis of the " T'liited Stales nmler this Treaty, with the singli! exception cf the right to dry nets ami " cuie fish on the shores of tln^ Magdalen Islands, if we diil not possess that liefore ; "no I'ight to land for the purpose of seining from the shore ; no right to the 'strand " ' fishery,' as it has lieen called ; no right to do anything except, water-liorne on ours •• vessels, to '_'o within the limits which hail lieen previously foibidden." .\gain, at p. I'l"), .luilge Foster insists : " So far as the herring tr.idegoes, we could " not, if we wei-e disposed to, ciiriv it on successfully under the provisions of tie-Treaty, " for this lieiiii g 1 iisii;i.'-s is .ml siiiiitially a seining from the shore— a stiand fishing, a " it is callid and we have no right anywheie conferred by this Treaty to go ashore and " seine heriing .,n\ moie than we have io establish fish-traps." How, then, can Mi-. Fvarts el.iim, as he does in his despatch of L'8th Si'ptember, and now repeits, to .Mr. Welsh. " that [leacefid oci iiptinis of these fishing grounds, pursuing their industry under " a claim of right secured to them by Treatv.' have suslaiiie 1 damages cxce-'iling one huiidivd thousand dollars ) -4 I I f ^ 'riiis iiiit'iiiiniliMl I'liiiiii ii'M'iils oiliiM- unci hIiII iiiuit irii|inrliifif iMconsi'tlriicicR ill Mr. Kviiild' (■(mtciilioii. in jill of tlio ci'li:l)i;ilcil Si iln puiicis licliltliii^,' the valiii,' of till) |iiivili'nr.i lu'iniirnl liy tin' 'I'li'iily. miil t'liili'.uoiiiln;,' Vi iiiMiliil.iti' :iiiil t'Viiilc (lie lliilil'iix AwMi-il, iilliiMuti'lv |i;iiil iiiiilii' piiilcul, Mr, I'lvmlH I'uhIcikIh ilml llii; iiisiiorc " iiiiU'kHii'l lishci V " iilolif was tl very lliiiilcil Miil.jccl, " of iin(ili.>i'n \\iv iHiMir'. Iliiil IIm' |>iih li' n\ iim ikiim' nl llii- j< is.jf.n In ilir '• rnitiMJ Stalls i.f Ailiclr' \h ^nl^ iljr 1:1 nilol'llir {un lli i|,,iii.,ii l,v mii .iliz.ri. in lli.^ iii-lioiv •' lislicrii's of th.' (iiill' cf SI. l.uHivii. 1- : iIimI i- t.. -nv. nf llj.' Irv.- loirl .'>|iiiil riu'lit to' |uol in llir " lishcrics witliin ihr Ihrii'-iiiili's lin<'. in..liiMl of iHiiiK rx. hnh'il ili'ii liniri. iih iinilrr llii' r,,rnin:Min " ot lt (' iii^>iou win to ilcihii'' till' |pi'ciiiu,iry vmIiic of icci|iiMiMl concc^sioiih iinidi' liv 'In' I' Stiili'.s ; 111. il any tuiliiMci' tlms prod 1 " slioiilil coiislil iito llic nwinl jiiHtiliiilili- luidir tlio Treaty.'' This was prcrisi'ly till- firoiiinl tiikrii l.y ,1 ii'l^r i'"cisli'i ;■ llnlifnN. lie sniil (p. L''.'ll) : - ■ " NVliatcviT liciii'fir, tlio nitizi'ii.s of tlii- I'liilcil Slatcn iiv provi'd to ilciiv /mm Ih,' " iiis/iiii; miii-i-n;-! jixh'i-irs, witliiii tlircc mill's of tin- -ilion of !l,|. (lolf of St i„i»ri'iiri', " for tliut yini arc to make an award. Iiaviiin ri'i.';nd to llii- olVset, of wliieli il «iil lie mv " iliity to speak at a later pei'iod." Tliere could In- no iiiisi.die alioiit lliis limitation, since IMr. Kvarts reiterates it in his correspondcni'e with .Mr, WeUli, from wliicli tlie fi llowiiii; (piotation is made :— ' '■ It seems to tills (iovenimeiit ipiile cert:. in, llieo, iljat ii{ on a corni't c.vpositi in of " tlie .snlimissioii of tlie 'I'rcaty, and tlie coiiciirriin,' action of the two (iovernmen ts in "the iirodiiction and ajiplicitioii of what they deeim d iippropiiate proofs, //•/(/// lln' " /icniniiiii/ I'ltJiie. iif iiiir /i irlir://,ili,iii in l/ir iiis/1,11:: m i,;',-i;'l /iM/iiri/ /;/' l/ir d'nl/' „f Si. " Iauivi-iu'i whs l\tii-h/ I'nliiiiitli;/ ill, riiiialiliili,! Ilir ixlrriiii; liiiiil ,1/' ,1111/ /inMihli' /i,fiiiii,iri/ " atfitri/ hi/ III,! J/ii.i/',i.i- I'liniiiiisKioii iiijiiinsl lln' I'liilr,! .SIhIi'h," \ I't .Mr. Kvarts promises to press ilaims to indeninily for losses siiMtained liv "Aino- " rican lislR'r..ii'n a^'tivily en^'a^-'d in llf h- i-rin / liflifi-ij mi lli,' nimil nf S, ii)foiiH,lliiiiil, •• i'n/ji!ciitl/i/ ill till. iinii/lilMUi-lmiii/ 11/ Luiiij ll,iili,ir ," and ilistniels I he /\ineii. an .Minister at London to ivprcselit thai smli deprivation of 1 iylils hcciiicd to tlieiii hv the 'I'reaiv lias resulted," Beside the fjrcat of properly, in the vesnels lieio){ ol.liifid to return '• to their home port in liallast, and also almndoii their llshinj; enterprise for the season. " When It is ivnii'inliered at what considerable ex peiise ihi' prepaiations are made for a " season's fishiiiir in these northern latitudes, and that m ry miiiiyof the meii,liolh masters "and mariners, emiiark their all in the enterprise, the serious characler of these losses "may he partially understood." Is it possilile 1 hat I hese are the same n from (iliar cester who have convinced the United .Slates «' mid tlnn, it' tlui ihitv oil < ';(ii!iiliiin ciiiinlit (isli slioiilil lie icHlorcil so tliiil tlii'X ronlil i-ljiii'^f tlieir own i)iic<' to AiHi'iic'iiii'is iiiiil (loincstir roiiHUiiU'iM. I'.iit now we iiiH-t tliiMn Icstifyiin; Hint tlii'V iniik" ii^ioiit ;<. Alno tliMl in II very sluu-t time, even one iluy. tliry can rati'li cno.i;,'!! toloail llic wliolc llci't, KdiiU'tiini's live or six thoMsiiml luiirt'lH at a liaiil, if only iiilowi'd to hinil on tlio liciicli mid fasti'ii llicir lines iislmre, wliiili llio Treaty ;jives tLem no ii;^lil to do. I!e(!ause nil tliese iidvantaLTes wliieli lliey ihiir claiiii to l.e entitled to " under tln^ I'l'eaty of \S'asliin>{toii were not fully enjoyeil last winter, more tliaii twenty vessel owners mid tlieir crews ^-ivciir tiiat lliey have lost aliuiit liv<' tlioiisaml dollars eaeli. Let lis ipe tliankl'nl tor iliis ad.'iiis- sion. If tlll^ lierrinj; lislieiy iiloue, iitiistri|i ofsamly lieiieli in one small liar'ionr inside of Fortuni' Hay, is worth so much for oiio season, its worlli for twelve years should lie connidfrali|e. Several montlis' lisliiin; each year, diiiiii;; twelve ye irs, for vmioiis kinds (if (Isli, ill which several hundred vessels ciil; ij^e, on all the (Jiilf shores of ( 'an i la and other parts of Newfoundland,