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Universitt Pbess; John Wilson and Son, Caubiudqe, U. S. A. W.I C O N T E N T S. THE NORTH AMERICAN CRINOIDEA CAMERATA. Rv Ciiahles Waciismith and FiiANK SrniNOEii. PLATES T. TO I.XXXIIT. ToOETIIF.n WITH THE ACCOMPA.NYINO EXPLANATION, I JDtm(,ir» of tbt Htuseum ot -f'^'- it-.J.-''"-'y-'.,--JJV*.. .;i.'."l"A'«!)i''Ti»HM8' Fig. 1. 2. 3. 4. (I. k 5. fi. 7. 8-/ 9, PLATE I. I'AnE A long stem with a finoly preserved Root, probably belonging to Poteriocrintis. From the lUirlington Limestone 44 Stem with enormous Cirri, probably of li.tocrhius i/miu/is, witli large eysts on ttt'o of the cirri. From the Keokuk group at Crawfonlsville .... 43 Stem fragment from the Upper Devonian of Kentucky, with five rows of large cirri, longitudinally arranged 43 Ti i"iinal end of a Stem, apparently of JSunji-rinus, attached by a flat surface. From the Lower Burlington Limestone. Profile /lew of the same. Surface of attachment of same, showing open grooves passing out from the axial canal of the stem 4C Terminal end of Stem of linrycrimis, showing the large asteriform canal of stem, and the linear canal of the cirri 40 The quinquepaitito Stem of a Han/rriniis, somewhat weathered, showing the longitudinal divisions, and two series of pores to eaeli segment . . . . 4() Terminal end of Stem of Bdvijci-inus, showing the largo axial canal, with the laminated structures 46 . //. Sections of stem fragments of Banjcrinus, showing slits and pores through the walls 46 10. Plates, supposed to belong to a species of Ifeteromniis. From the Hudson River group at Cincinnati 49, 51 (All specimens are in the oollectiou of Wachsmuth and Springer.) I'.'KJH i;; !A 'Al'.t.HfWA ^ I III! »i iiijiiiij'i'ri PLATE II. Dktacued Stbm Joints of various fossil Crinoids. Fig. 1 is a joint of Pentacrinus ; fig. 2 of Rhigocrinus. The stem fragment, fig. 3, belongs to Mespllocrinus ; figs. 5, 8, 9, 11, and 12 to Plati/crinus ; fig. 6 to Teleiocrinua, and fig. 7 to Cactocrinus. The specimen fig. 10, which probably belongs to an Actinoerimu, shows beautifully the striations at its upper face, and fig. 13 the connection of the cirrus canal with the stem canal. ill and b represent the proximal end of the stem of an Onychocrinus, — 4 J showing the infrabasals coalesced with the top stem joint (pp. C2, 65). 17 and 38 represent wide nodal joints to which extremely narrow internodal ones are attached. Figs. 39 to 41 are nodal joints, with or without internodals ; figs. 42 to 48 nodals, followed by internodals resting wholly or partly between the projecting margins of the nodals. Traces of new joints occur in figs. 33 and 35. The joints iii figs. 14 and 20 probably belong to Megistocrinus Evansi ; fig. 21 to Periechocrinus Whitci ; figs. 32, 36, and 39 to Cactocrinus ; fig. 40 to Teleiocrimis ; to the five oval pieces shown by figs. 49 to 53 to Platycrinus. > iN'j;ri:A •?^M]^'.'.A^,A. I i^'i'i. &3^. '. T ",- '^^ J Sli jit ^^luj^' |# '•yiiiufc*' -<• £s » -^ •^ JIC Jtf ® f «■ i!r /y <(r ® *> 0 v/ ^ (it^:--s) Vj"VfT^!' It:: i ivft- rT.r-.;\? ,■.. I! Jill' '' m K-.i- , .™. ■1 ;M .'.!■' A 'AMt'CM.'. I PLATE III. Tub Plates subroundino and closino tub Peiustome, I'AOK Fig. la. CvATiiocRiNus GiLEHi W. and Sp. The intorrmlinl plates abutting upon the radials preserved, but those covering the peristome removed. ((Joll, W. and Sp.) 95, 1 14 JJ. Another specimen of the same species, xyith the intorradial i)latcs partly covered by small marginal pieces ; — otherwise in the same condition as fig. la. (.Siime collection.) '.)5 2. Cyatuociunus niiEVtsAccuLus W. .and Sp. (Ms.). Sliowing the disk ambulacra and the madreporitn; tliu largo pl.atus exposed to view. (The figure is drawn witli the anal side n\>. Same collection.) .... 'Jfi, 114 3. CvATiiociiiNus NoDosiis W. and Sp. (Ms.). Like fig. 2 ; but tlie orals still more asymmetrical, and the interradial plates covered by marginal piocps. (Same collection.) i < ' Fig. 1. li. ;t. r., 0. 10. It. 12, 13. 14. IS, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, PLATE IV. Ventral aspect nf tlip intprtial wist of a Hpi'cimcii of TileiwHnu$, with lub- tt'tjiiiiiml aiubuUivni rvHting auuiimt tliu iiiiiut' IIodf ({) Wi Tho oaino aiiicct III a luiturnl coat of /'/if/«Wiii'n'»»fi i'i'H//-iVu! Fig. In. The crown with a portion of the stem ; the angles of the latter interra- dially disposed. (After de Loriol ; C'linoides de la France, I'l. 110, fig. 1.) U. Inner aspect of the base; the space which is empty in most species of Millei'kriniis occupied in this specimen by small intrabasals. (After fU8 from tlie Keokuk Group. (Same collection.^ . . 152 Antedon Rosacea Lamarck 152 18. In its young stage ; tlie centro-dorsal and succeeding stem joints interradi- ally disposed, the primary cirri radially. (After W. B. Carpenter; Pliilos. Trans. 1800, PI. XLI.) 19. In its adult state. (Ibid., PI. XXXVIII.) Onyciiocrinus TJLRicni S. A. Miller 162 20. In its general structure resembling a young Antedon. (Figs. 2b, id, la, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, are drawn witli the interradial side up ; Figs. U, 3, V>, C, 19, 20 with the radial side up.) mu ■#fliw ■%■■, t PLATK VII. ScAI'lllOCIlINrH KLpiANH \V. 1111(1 S|l. (.MS.) Kljt l'"ig. 1((. Anterior siilu of tlii; Mpocimoii, showing the vi'ntnil sno ftnil tlio anal o|)cn- iiiK linv (luwn in tlm nuc, (Only the lowor Imlf of the 8|ii;ciniun is drawn.) 1/'. ToskTior siile of tlic HjifcinR'n. (Ka.iliiiskia grunii, Kontucky.) ScVTAtocBiNiH vAi.iins \V. aiiil Sp. (MS.) 138 2'/. Lateral asjiect of a siiooinicn with arms ; tliu anal opening located anteriorly in the lower jiart of the vontial Hac. 2li. The ventral sac sonii'wliat enlarged. ;i. Anterior side of the sac of another specimen. (Itoth from the Kiokuk grmiii, Indiana. DECADOrlllNl'S OIIANDIS W. atiil Sp 138 4. opening (jcciipying the anterior side of tlie sac a little jiliovc midway; the jwri's at tlie lower part of the sae passing through the test, as shown upon tlie lateral edges of the plates. 5. A specimen showing the posterior side of the sac. (Keokuk group, Craw- fordsville, lud.) ScAi'iiiocuiNus UNiciTs Hall 138 0. I'osterior side of a specimen, showing the ventral sac to its full length. (Locality and position same as last,) ScVTALorBlNUS (sp, uudct.) LSS 7. Anterior view of ventral sac, showing the pores along the siilea of the plates, and the position of tho anus. (Kaskaskia grou]>, Kentucky.) ScAfiiiocRiyus SwALLOvi Meek and Worthcn 138 8. Portion of the ventral sac; composed of stellate plates witli jiores around their edges. The duets of the pores ])lainly visible in places where the plates are slightly pushed out of position Aii.ociiixijs A(iAssizi W. and Sp. (MS. Nov. gen. and n. sp.) . . 138 (luUdj a small tube, KiUmv a lily.) 9. Ilight postero-lateral aspect. Anus at tho end of a special tulw, given off half w.iy down from tho anterior aide of tho ventral sac. Sae and tube profusely perforated by pores. (Keokuk group, Indiana.) CcELIOCIlINtS VKNTUICOSfS (Hall) 138 10". Posterior side of the ventral sac. lOi. Anterior side of it. CvATiiocniNUS NODOSus W. and Sp. (JIS.) 137 ll'(. The anus at the end of the ventral sac slightly excentric iu position, and closed by eight or nine plates forming a pyramid. Hi. Distal end of the ventral sac enlarged. CvATiiocniNis nnRvisAccrLus W. and Sp. (MS.) 137 12(7 and li. The ventral sac with tho anus in tho same condition as in the pre- ceding species. (All specimens are in the collection of Wachsmuth and Springer.) i \ „g', g J I a'''.i.'>Tf Il.rtiftr < J b.'-.tT PLATE VIII. Pa(;f. Babrandeocbinus sceptbum Augel 1^4 Fig. 1. Showing arriingeiiiont of the plites in the ciilyx, and struotuve of arms anil pinnules. (Drawn by >rr. G. Liljevall from a specimen from Gotland in the Zobl. Uiks Mus. at Stockholm) (f). CuoTALOCBiNua puLCHEB (Hisingcr) iri4 2. A specimen from Gotland, showing the net formed arms. (Coll. \V. and Sp.) Cbotalockinus n. sp ^*>l 3. The tegmen of a specimen from Gotland ; drawn by Mr. G. Liljevail (Zoiil. Kiks Jfus., Stockholm) (f ). Cbotalocbinus buoosus (J. S. Miller) 104 4. Tegmen of a tine specimen from Dudley, Eng. (\>). (Coll. W. and Sp.) TAXOCBINU.S iNTEEMEDics W. and Sp lis, 123 5a. Showing the pavement of the ventral disk, and the pouches along the free rays. Antero-lateral view. 5i. Posterior view. (Coll. W. and Sp.) FoEBESiocuiNua xoBiLis do Kon. and le Hon 87, SS (Plates showing the fossse along the edges.) C'(. Distal face of the axillary costal (V). C.'i. Proximal face of the same (V). Ot. Lateral face of an interradial plate (V). (Same collection.) ' Symbathocbinus Swallovi Hall l''ih. Cxi. {•,'1. 7h. 7c. PLATE IX. Paor Reteocrinus Onealli (Hall) 179 Anterior view of a siiecimen with arms {\). (Coll. I. H. Harris.) Posterior view of anotlier speoiineii with arms. (Coll. W. ami Sp.) Lateral view, sliowing ventral disk. (Same collection.) A portion of the ventral disk enlarged. (Same collection.) 'nner floor of the calyx, showing the small supplementary plates which surround the primai'y interbracliials (^). (Same collection.) The type of " Gli/jitoerluiis cor/natus." (After Miller.) Reteocrinus magn'ificcs S. a. Jliller 181 Side view of a specimen with arms and portions of stem. (Cul. I. II. Harris.) Reteocrixus 8TELLAKIS Billiugs 178 One of the type specimens, posterior view. (Museum Geol. Smv., Canada.) Anterior view of another type specimen. (Same collection.) Part of the calyx, showing the iixed brachials. (Same collection.) Reteolkinus fimbriatus Hillings 179 The type specimen in a lateral view. (Museum Geol. Surv., Canada.) Xexocrini's Baeui (Meek) 18.5 Posterior view of a specimen witli arms. (Coll. I. H. Harris.) Lateral view of another si)ecimen witli arms. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Inner floor of calyx (V). (Coll. I. H. Harris.) Section of an arm, greatly enlarged. Xexocrixis pexicillus S. a. Miller 183 Lateral view of one of the types'(f ). (Same collection.) I'ostcrior view of another type specimen ({). (Same collection.) Tanaocrixus tvpvs W. and Sp 18C Posterior view of a type specimen (f). (Coll. W. ond Sp.) Anterior view of another tyjie specimen (f). (Same collection.) The steiQ, enlarged. iff il i I •^:^ PLATE X. Page AhCH.EOCKINUS LACUN081I8 (liilHiigs) 253 Fig. 1. Posterior view of thn type specimen. (Museum Oeol. Surv., Canada.) Akcii.eocuinus micbobasams (Billings) L'oO 2a. Specimen with arms and stem. (Coll. John Stewart.) 26. Another specimen. (Same collection.) 2c. Basal aspect. (Same collection.) Arch.bockixus pyrifgrmis (Billings) 255 3(1. The type specimen, (Museum Geol. Surv., Canada.) 3b. A crushed specimen, showing the arms. (Same collection.) ARCII.EOCRINfS DE.SIDERATUS W. R. BilHngs 257 4(t. The type specimen with arms ; the left posterior radius in front. (Coll. W. U. Hillings.) 46. Dorsal aspect of the calyx. (Coll. W. and Sp.) DiABOLOcRisus HiEROOLYPHicus W. and Sp 252 5(1. Dorsal aspect of a large specimen. (Coll. W. and Sp.) 56. Side view of the same. 5c Anal side of a s* all specimen. (Same collection.) (Figs. 2c and 5a arc drawn with anal side up.) l^^-f: :.;\ k I '"**BH» ,. * ' f 1 ^ i 1 (1 ; 1 i PLATE XI. I)|.\llcll.n(Hl.NlS rKKfLKXl'M W. 1111(1 Sp. I'AI.II Oorsul vii'w III' a large calyx, slinwiiij; very siimll suiiplciiiriitary [licccB (iloiig till' sidcH uf the niilials and bctweun the iiiturradialti. Ventral aspect of the same. l)l.Vll(lI.r)lIllNIS VKHPKRALIft W'llitO . 201 1''. 1'/. 4". U. Jr. 4'/. 4«. 4/ Lateral \ iew of a specimen in wliicli iin snpi>lenieiitaiy pieces are developed. Lateral view of a speciiiien in which the primary iiiterradiuls arc completely Hepiirated from the radiaU by supplementary pieces. (All in Coll. W. and Sp.) UiiAriiANocHlNrs MruxouoMUs (Wulcott) The typo specimen. (>liis. Comp. Zoiil.) KiiAPiiANficBtNus sci'M'Tus (Millor) A specimen with arms. (Coll. I. II. Harris.) liYUIOCni.Vl'S MELISSA (Hall) . A specimen with arms. (After Hall.) . Dorsal aspect of a large specimen. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Ventral aspect, showing portion of the tegmcn. (Coll. W. F. E. Gurley.) A smaller specimen, with the tegmen preserved, and showing the anus. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Lateral view of the calyx. (Coll. W. F. K. Gurley.) A young specimen with arms. (Coll. W. and Sp.) 200 2G0 2C3 LyRIOCRINUS DACTYIUS Hall c. •and b. The types. (Amer. Mns. Nat. Hist, Kow York ) Specimen showing the pinnules. (Mus. Comp. Zool.) RlIODOCRINUS WORTIIEJJI Ilall A slightly crushed specimen with arms. (JIus. Comp. Zoiil.) EnonorRiNt's nanus M. and W 262 220 228 7n. 74, Th3 type specimen, lateral view; from the Burlington Limestone. Ventral aspect of the same. (Mus. Comp. Zool.) ■|-.N -;. I /. -A, '|-|-AlA 5 Ci-h: :'K,V. Ah''.VV,v..,j.i.^ ,t; I--- h ■"'"-» I ■ '% •s. ^ PLATE XII. Pace KnoDOCRiNus KinDYi W. and Sp 226 Fig. In. Specimen with spreading arms. 16. Another specimen with arras and column, anterior view. Ic. Posterior view of another specimen. 1(1. The calyx, posterior view. RiioDOCRiNus NANUS M. and W 228 2a. Anterior view of a specimen with stem. 2J. Posterior view of another specimen. (Both from the Kinderhook group.) RiioDOCKiNus Barbisi Hall 230 3. A small specimen with arms. 4a. A very large, nodose specimen ; dorsal aspect of the calyx. 4i. Side view of same specimen. 4c. Posterior view of same. ■id. Ventral aspect of same. 5(1. Lateral view of another specimen. 54. Dorsal aspect of same. RnoDOCBiNus Babrisi, var. striatus W. and Sp 231 6. Lateral view of dorsal cup. RlIODOCBINUS WOBTHENI Hall 220 7a. Specimen with arms. 7A. Dorsal aspect of calyx. 7e. Ventral aspect of same specimen. Rhodocbinus Wobtheni, var. ubcbolatus W. and Sp 221 Sa. Posterior view of the calyx. 86. Ventral aspect of same specimen. RiiODocRiKus watebsianus W. and Sp 221 9. Specimen with arms and stem. (All the specimens are in the collection of Wachsmuth and Springer.) '!< ;N JIL'KA 'At/KrtA'IA H-lioivp? !'ni.Mti! :-. V,-- ■^ M l£ i PLATE XIII. Paok BiioDOCRiNus AViiiTKi Hall 223 Fig. 1(/, Dorsal aspect of calyx. (Coll. W. aud Sp.) lb. Ventral aspect of same specimen. 1b, I'osterior side of same. RiioDocniMus TUUNCATU8 W. and Sp 231 2(1. The type specimen, lateral view. (Coll. W. aud Sp.) 2b. I'osterior view of same. 2c. Dorsal aspect of same. 2il, Ventral aspect of another specimen. (Same collection.) 2e, Side view of same specimen. 2/. Side view of a very large specimen. (Same collection.) RnoDOCKiyus tuberculati's W. and Sp 232 3. Side view of the type. (Coll. W. and Sp.) 4. Side view of a largi'r and more nodose specimen. (Same collection.) RiiODOcutxus Waciismutiii Hall 222 txi. A large specimen witli arms. (Coll. W. and Sp.) 6i. I'osterior view of calyx. (Same collection.) 5c, Side view of same specimen. 5(1. Dorsal aspect of another specimen. (Same collection.) RiioDocRixus coxANUs Wortheu 222 G. The type specimen j lateral view. (Coll. L. A. Cox.) 7. Another specimen of this species, described as Rhodocrinus poli/dactylus. (Same collection.) RiiODOCRiyus NODULOsus Hall 225 8. The type specimen. (After Hall.) Trysanocrinus Halli Lyon 196 9a. Dorsal aspect of calyx. (Coll. Borden Institute, New Providence, Indiana.) 9i. An abnormal specimen. (Same collection.) L/i MPTKROCRiNus Ten'nksseensis Rocmcr 208 lOo. Posterior view of the calyx. (Coll. W. and Sp.) 104. Ventral aspect of same. 10c. Anterior view of another specimen. (Same collection.) lOd, Portion of the stem. Tiivlacocrin'us Clarkei W. and Sp 248 lla. The type specimen, lateral view. (State Cabinet Nat Hist. N. V.) Hi. Infrabasal disk, showing the stellate column facet. s I it -K>. 5fe '>^: PLATE XIV. QllDKaTSOCRINI'.l TVrCS (llilll) Fig. 1. I)on,.il aspect of a largo siiocinuii witli tlio apiwiidages proscrved nearly oiitiro. From the Hurliiigtoii ami Keokuk Triiuaition Uei ' 1 1...I' ■ "r.::.:.t ' ?'.M ■ — 11 in;ygr PLATE XV. Gli.iiKKTsocuixrs TI-11KUU8US (Lyoii ami Cass) Kij,'. 1". A lar^'e spcoimen sliowiiig the calyciiic apiMMiilages. 1/'. Auuther siiociiut'U, showing the aiipeiidages anil arms. GiLiiKRTsoriiisi's Disi'Axsrs W. and Sp. Paoi 239 240 1V». 2''. 2«/. Vuntial aspect of a specimen, witli ealjcine appendages and arms preserved. Dorsal aspect of the same specimen. Lateral view of the calyx. Ventral aspect of the same specimen. Ull.llKIlTSOCUINrS SI'IXKlKBf.H (Mali) Tim type specimen, dorsal aspect of the caly.\. Lateral view of the same specimen. Ventral aspect of tlie same. GiLiiKiiTsdCKiNis sTKi.r.Aiiis IX' KoM. and Le Hon 247 230 .''idi^ view of a sliLfhtly enlarged specimen from Helginm. (In this species, and the succeeding one from Kngland, the appendages are arranged in live ji.airs of separate tul)es ; dilTering from most of the American species, in which tliose of adjoining interradii are coalesced for some distance beyond the calyx.) Gd.llEItTSOCKIXUS CAI.CAKATrs Pliillips 230 Figured to illustrate the dift.'rences in the structure of the genus between Kuropoan and American forms. Mountain Limestone, England. UiionociiixLs WiiiTKi Hall 223 Side view of a large and very perfect specimen. Dorsal aspect of same specimen. Kiionoruixis \Va( usMrrai Hall .\iiterior side of the calyx. (.Vll tlie specimens are in the collection of Wachsmnth and Springer cxcejit tliat illustrated by figs. .Icj, h, <■, which is in the Canada Survey Museum at Ottawa.) '-' \i'j»vi: mri t ■ \.„ — -_» ^i. fl^ i 1r i ■iiii I PLATE XVI. GlLBEKTSOCHINUS TUBEROSUS (LyOU aUll CuSS) Fig. 1. Si)eciineii with stem. 2. Another specimen ; ventral aspect. 3. Ventral aspect of another specimen with additional branches in the appen- dages. The anal opening covered over by a I'latycems eijuilaterum. 4. Ventral aspect of another specimen. r>. Dorsal aspect of calyx, showing the bases of the arms. fi. A crushed specimen with api)eudages, arms, and pinnules. (All specimens in the collection of Wachsmuth and Springer.) Paqk 239 4 ■Mm 4- 'f'-cUl •s* rSBSSr i i I i if PLATE XVII. Pack GiLUERTHOCRIXUM HETICULATl'f (ILlll) 244 Fig. 1(1, Dorsal nspuct of the calyx. 14. Lateral view of auotlicr siiccimcn. GiLiiKiiT»(p( Rixis KiscELLus (M. auil W.) 248 2'/. Anterior view of calyx. L'/<. Posterior view of same. "<■. Ventral asjiec't of same. 2(/. Posterior view of another sppcimen, in which the appendages next to the posterior side separate within the calyx. GiLiiEiiTsocRixus TKNiiu.viii ATI'S (M. and W.) 240 3. Dorsal aspect of a crushed specimen, showing parts of the appendages. Gii.nEHTsoenixf.s obovati's (M. and W.) 241 4". .Side view of calyx. ■\li. \'entral aspect of same. (Figure drawn anal side up.) GiLBERTsocRiNTs TunKRcrLosrs (Hall) 24.'{ ." (. A specimen with arms, appendages, and stem. 'ill. Dorsal aspect of another specimeu. ;")(■. Ventral aspect of same. GiLHERTsocBixus Ti'BEROsrs (Lyoii and Cass) 239 (■). Dorsal aspect of calyx. GlLllEKTSOCRIXl'S TYPfS (Hall) 242 'ii. A large specimen from the Upper Hurlington Limestone. 74. Portion of the arms, showing mode of bifurcation. (All specimens in the collection of Wachsmuth and Springer.) ■ MM I I r PLATK XVIII. I'TVi IICIC UIM'« I'AHVI N (IlilU) lUU Fin. I' Vi''W ut tlic a|H'i.'iiiii'ii ilcMi'iilH'il liy S, A. Mill"'!' us llhiiil'ii-iiniia niii/iihnlii (f). (toll. S. A. MiU.T.) lA. Aiiiillirr i(|it!i'iiin'ii Willi ilic iiniis liottiT |ni'si'i'vi!il (j). (SaiuK t'dlloctioii.) U. rill' s|M'eiiiii'ii lU'SoiiU'il by Wi-lliciliy lu (ilijiil'irvhiim (liili'iiriiin») i/riifilin (fi. (full. Mr. ViiuiH'l.) I'tYi lllPl III.S'l'N HI'LKNDK.NH (Mllll'l') 108 Hi, T'lt' typo niii'ciiiu'ii (^ 1. (Coll. S.A. MilliT.) Jli. AiiotluT »iioi'iiiiuii (. Anterior view of calyx, (lull. \V. F. E. Uiirley.) (')''. I'o.stciior view of same Mpeeimeii. lie. Ventral aspect of same i'i). (■'/. A yoiiM}{ gpuciiiien, prubalily of this species, (8aine coUoction.) Tiivs.\NociiiNiH iiii.kriii.vTi'it (Hall) 193 7. aspect of the type apeciineii ; the matrix removed so as to show the pinnules ami the arraiiijemeiit of the plates. (Am. Mus. Nat. X. V.) IiiioiHiN-is Ki.oNo VTis W. and Sp 2(13 S.i, The t\ io specimen; side view, (Coll. \V. ami Sp.) H'l, Ventral aspect of same ( |'). S''. Another view of tlio ventral disk (}). (Anal side to the rijjht. (Ndl. W. and Sp.) iDiorKixrs vKNTiciiosi's W. and Sp 203 !l". The type specimen i side view. (Same collection.) %. Dorsal aspect of thu ilorsal Clip. (Anal side to the left. Same collection.) Idioirints iMM.VTiiits (Hall) 2tt0 10./. The type specimen ; anterior view. (Am. Mu8. Nat. Hist. N. Y.) lOA. Posterior view of same. lOc. Dorsal aspect of same. (After Hall.) Ikiochixi-h tkxnksskknsis ^Wurthcn) 2()(J II. The typo specimen. (Illinois State Collection.) I - \ \i I J ss^www**^ i*^**' v!i /.: , !!■»*• I I PLATE XIX. l-ij-. 1'/. •J//. 3.'. ;(/,. «>''. Sii'uuxoi liiN'is (Hall) Gutta perclia cust made from a natural moiilil. (After Hall.) Till' iiuimiuepartito iiifrabasal disk. Internal (!ast, .showing the arrangement of the ambulacra upon the left side (Coll. T. A. Green.) Lateral view of a similar cast, sliowini; their arrangement at the right side. (Same collection.) Ventral aspect of another east. (Same collection.) Sii'iio.NoeiiiM's AHMoscs MeC'hesney Left siilo of an internal cast ; the anal tube overlying the andiulacra, and passing over to the anterior side of the calyx, being subtegndnal to the arm reijions. (Same collection.) Another speeimen, showing tho right side of the calyx. (Same coUeetiun.) Ventral asiiect of another oast. (Same collection.) Paiif L'lL' '.Ml 4./. 4A. Sii'iioNocuiNis I'KXTAdo.Ncs W. aud .Sp. .... The tyi)e specinuMi J l.ator.vl view. (Same collection.) Ventral aspect of another siiecimen. (.Same collection.) TiivsAxncnixrs ixokxatis (llall) Dorsal aspect of specimen with jiortions of arms. (Coll. W. and Sii.) Hvi'Tiof uiMs Tvi'is W. and Sp L'l.'i I'.l.f 'JOl 0..'. Dorsal aspect of the specimen described by Miller as Cijiilini'rlniis «^ f* m ,>j»"* '•v^, »*l .- N^,P. wmmrmmtmm.M fp -^i." --^ihs^^:-^ KiK. hi h: ii. 4/.. 1./. r»i. a,. PLATE XX. Pitnc OLYPTOCRiNrs DvKKi (Mi't'k) 271 A larno spociinou with arm.'f. (CdU. I. II. Hiirris.) I'cistorior view uf n larj;i', llattciicil s|ii'ciiiiL'n of tlio tyiic of (SI. Ji'ii/iur'ls'ini Wctlicrby, shuwiiig the tixwl iiiiimilos. (Oolh W. and Sp.) Thr li;isp, showing the angles of the axial c iial to be intiiiadial. (Coll. Mr. K. II. Vaupel.) Oi.Yi'TocHi.sTs MAH(!iN.\Tis Hillings 'J~!i The type specimen; i)osti'ii,-la(ern! vimv. (.M'ls. (ii'ol. Snrv., fiuiada.') Glyi'TOckisi's F.M'v.iiKLLt Millcf 270 The calyx anil part of 'i' ■ st-m. (Coll, I. II. Harris.) Gi.'. ,, .iiNis n; I Ail ACTVLUs Hall 270 A very lar^. f|»T... i. ' I'.'r Meek.) I'osterior vi mt ^l .-alv.*. ( .'oil. I. II. Harris.) Ventral aspi ■ : of u .-tli. ■• »'<:■,<]] ^;pccilnen (J). (Coll. K. (). I'lrich.) Viutral aspt of Bii oMit ^;.eeimon (}). (Coll. W. and Sp.) I'ortions uf the anas, slw.\ i-s i;overini_'-plates (f). (Same collortion ) Gi.Yi'T()cKi.vr8 HAMULosrs Hillings 27.'J One of the type siieeiniens ; lateral view. {Mwf. Geol. Surv., Canada.) Another type siiccimen, showing the raniilieations of the arnia. iSamo collection.)'TocniNfs oRNATi'H Hillings 274 The typr apoeimeii ; anterior view. (.Miis. Geol. Surv., Canada.) I'osterior view of same specimen. jsmatfiiuswH :^- i! . '4^:yf^^<< ViiS'.'Aii^'^ ^awafe-A'^^^^a^'-' ■•"'* ^>a£=r£'i'^'i' I'l' -^'"•'"'•'*'^'^^'™^''''-'-'-'^"*---" ,L.-.-^-''A-5jil'WjS^^'^>^" A ^ PLATE XXI. t PacH l'r.ll|(iI.VI'T(M IXIK lllLLINIlNI \V. 1111(1 Si '1-7 Viu. 1". I'ostiMior viuw of ii H|ici'iim'ii willi nriiM mid »tfiii. (^CuU. Juliii Sti'Uiiit, now in tlio Ciumila Hiirvfy .Musi'uiii iit (Jltiiwa.) V>. AiiotliiT si)t.'('ini(!ii ill tlio sauiu uolloctiun, sliowiiig tliu left iKistcro-lntornl ray uml niial iiiturradiug. I'KHiriLvrTociiiNrs I'ltmcfH (ItilliiiHs) 278 'i. Xhu tyiie siifciiiipii. (Musoiim tii'ol. Siirv., Ciuiiula.)'TiicmNiH DvKui (?) 271 M<(-c. Yonnfr s|)i>tiincns, jirolmljly of U. Ihieri (J). ;i./. Tyiic of Miller's />■«.»■)•;«(()( .S7<./;/eW (J). (Coll. H. A. MilliT.) .... I'TZ ;ic. Typo of .\Mli'i'.s I'l/iiinn-iitiii Slmffin, var. f/iriiiniiiiii ((). (Saiuo collection.) ;)/'. A soincwliat largur Bpooinicii (f). (Coll. \V. ami Sji.) (il.Vl'TlM (tINUS IIKCAIIAl TVI.IH Hall 27(1 ■|.(. ItiiiiT floor of till' ilorsal oiij) (if). (Coll. K. (). I'lrirli.) Vi. Iiit.'vior vii'w of till! Iiasal (p. The aiiglos of tlio axial canal directed iuterradially. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Gl.YI'TOCBIJfUS FOHNSIIBLLI Millct 270 r«. Interior view of the basal eiip (|t). Tlio angles: of tl.u axial canal directed radially. (Coll. ! M. Harris.) ('Toi uiNid OiKisi Meek 271 G. Calyx, showing the posterior side of it largo, hitili^j ornanientcd specimen. (Coll. K. O. Ulrich.) CoMi'soiui.vuH MMMIF.N8I8 S. A. Miller CIR 7". Tlio type specimen; jiosterior side. (Coll. I. H. Harris.) "/'. Anterior view o." another specimen. (Coll. \V. ami Sp.) Co.Mi'soriii.vrs HAUiiist .S. A. .Miller C17 8'(. One of the typo spccimer.'i; lateriil view (fl). (Coll. 1. H. Harris.) 8A. rosteri-i" view of another type specimen J). (.Same collection.) Jf •'n \*- U.'< il 1 1' I ujjvim.'* if \'- ^, .«:^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 1.1 128 ut 1^ |25 ■ 2.2 £ IA& 12.0 It i L25 IID 1.4 I Ji 1.6 v] 7 f ^ y -^ Photographic Sciences Corporation '^"^J-/'^ ^^^J^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) •72-4503 '^ \ ^ ri-Mi I '. 1 r !i'-.i,'.vi<- rnnuii)! .5 r:. iti^r. ^mmm PLATE XXII. Pace Mariacrinus W'arreni Riuguebcrg 283 Fig. 1. The type specimen. (Coll. Dr. E. N. S. Kingueberg.) Mariacrinus Cableyi (Hall) 282 2a. Postero-latoral view of calyx. (Coll. I. 11. Harris.) 24. Anterior view of same specimen. 2c. Ventral aspect of the same. Technocrinus 8PINUL0SUS (Hall) 305 3. The type specimen. (Am. Mus. Xat. Hist. N. Y.) Mklocrinus baisbridoknsis H. and W 297 4ff. The type specimen ; side view. (After Hall and Whitfield.) Ab. Dorsal aspect of same. Ac. The arms. (After Hall and Wliitfield.) Melocbinus gracilis W. and Sp 298 6. The type specimen; side view. (Coll. J. M. Clarke.) Melocrinus CALVijfi W. and Sp 300 6. The type specimen. (Coll. Prof. S. Calvin.) Melocbinus Tifpanvi W. and Sp 299 7(1. The type specimen; right posterior view. (Coll. A. S. Tiffany.) 76. The basals of same. Melocrinus parvus W. and Sp 303 8. The type specimen ; anterior view (|i). (Coll. W. and Sp.) Melocbinus oblonous W. and Sp 300 9. Lateral view of a very elongate calyx. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Melocrinus obconicus Hall 302 10(1. Lateral view of calyx, (Same collection.) lOi. Ventral aspect of another specimen, (Same collection.) 10(!. The basals. sasaaityg! MELOcRiyus RoGMERi W. and Sp 301 Kig. llfi. Lateral view of calyx. (Same collection.) 11/'. Ventral aspect of same specimen. Melocbincs oblonous W. and Sp 300 12. The type specimen; lateral view. (Coll. W. and Sp.) MAOBOSTVLOCIUMUH FASCIATL'S Hall 288 13. Lateral view of calyx (i«). (Coll. W. and Sp.) JIacrostylocuixus stkiatus Hall 287 14a. view of calyx (p), (Same collection.) 11/). Posterior view of anotlier specimen (}'). (Same collection.) He. The basals. Mackostylocrinus OBANur.nsus Hall 289 Lw. Lateral view of calyx (Ji). (Coll. W. and Sp.) loll. Anal view of same specimen. Macrostylocrixus Meeki (Lyon) 290 1C«. The type specimen; lateral view. (Coll. Horden Institute, New Provi- dence, Ind.) ICi. Dorsal aspect of calyx. (Coll. Sidney S. Lyon.) i i' h 1 PLATE XXIII. h Melockinis nodilissimcs (Hall) . PAOK 2U5 rig. 1. Tlie type siocimon. (Amer. Mus. Nal,. llist.) -. Diaginiii she iviiig tliu ai'rangeiiu'Ut of the plates. 3. roitiou uf Oil .' of the radial trunks, showing the origin of the arms. (After Hall.) MELOCRINUa PACIITDACTVLU.S (Hall) 4. The structure of the radial truidis and the origin of the arms. (After Hall.) 5. The type specimen of " Miirlni-rhiiis " jxiurlddcti/liis Hall. (After Hall.) Mahiackini's i'lvmosus Hall C. The typo specimen. (After Hall.) 7. Dorsal cup of a larger specimen. (After Hall.) 290 284 Macbostylociiixus orxatus Hall 28G S'l. The type specimen. (After Hall.'; 84. One of its radials, enlarged. 8c. A portion of an arm, enlarged. Macrostylocrinus FusiBRAcniATus Eingueberg 291 9. The type specimen. (Coll. Dr. E. X. S. Ringueberg.) 10. A smaller, somewhat distorted specimen. (Same collection.) V "■■■SK:: 4- + 4^ M ^ I [' :i3 I: 1/ FiS. 1. 8-( 84. PLATE XXIV. Hadbocbimih Diitri'ii Lyon 328 Till' typo spoc'imon ; dorHal aspoct. (Coll. 8. S. Lyon.) II.uiKiii'iiiMtM pi.KNissiMi'H I.yon . 32S 'I'liij typo spiTimi'ii; dorsnl nspoot. (llcili. S. H. Lyon.) Iiiiiur lliior of dorsal oup. (Hanio oolloctioii.)'h A.NiniKWHi Hall 300 The typt! specimen, .it'tiT Midi. (From a gutta pcrchn oast made from a natural iiuudd in aaiulstono.) .Mkloihini's r.vciivo.vcTYi.ti* (Hall) 20(1 Tlic typo specimen. (After Hall.) Another specimen. (.Vni. Mua. JJat. Hist.) Mkloiuims nAiNMKiixiKNsm Hall and Wliitf 297 The specimen described by S. H. Williams as Mihrriiiun Chuh'i. (N. Y. State Cabinet of Xat. Hist.) (?) Stklii)io(.uinit» AiiouTL's (Walcott) . . 280 Tho typo specimen. (After Walcott. Coll. Mus. Comp. Zool.) Allocbisus TYi'i's W. and Sp 307 Side view of one of the types. (Coll. W. .ind Sp.) liasal view of same specimen. AtLocuiNus Benedicti S. a. 'Miller 308 , Side view of calyx. (Same collection.) Uasal view of same specimen. ;..■.,/ li ■ I. t u^ I PLATE XXV. Pack DoLATOCBiNus ExcAVATus W. and Sp 321 V\g. 1. Dorsal aspect. (Coll. Victor W. Lyon.) DoLATOCBisus JIarsiii, var. iiamiltojjensis W, and Sp. . . . 314 2(1. Dorsal aspect. (Coll. Victor W. Lyon.) 26. Ventral aspect of the same specimen. DoLATOCEiNi's TUBEBCULATus W. and Sp 324 3. Dorsal aspect. (Victor W. Lyon.) DOLATOCBINUS SPBCIOSUS Hall 323 id. Dorsal aspect. (Coll. W. and Sp.) 4i. Side view of the same specimen. DoLATOcBiNus MA,ioB W. and Sp 322 6. Dorsal aspect. (Coll. Victor W. Lyon.) DoLATOCBisus Lvoxi W. and Sp 314 Ga. Dorsal aspect. (Same collection.) , 66. Ventral aspect of another specimen. (Same collection.) Cr. Side view of the same specimen. 6:1. I'ortion of the tegmen, showing the slits ; enlarged. DOI-ATOCRINUS CANADENSIS WhitCaVCS 315 ^ In. Dorsal aspect. (After AVhiteaves.) 76. Ventral aspect of same specimen. Stebeocbinus tbianoulatus Harris 325 8a. The type specimen. (Museum Davenport Acad. Nat. Sci.) 86. Side view of same specimen. Stebeocbinus Barbisi W. and Sp 326 9((. Side view of a fine specimen. (Same collection.) 96. Ventral aspect of another specimen. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Centbocbinus pentaspinus Lyon 309 10(1. The type specimen ; dorsal view. (Coll. S. S. Lyon.) 106. Side view of same specimen. 10c. Side view of another specimen in the Lyon collection. (Described as Actinocriints multkornus.) .'KltlCl'I'LA ;.A!.'.r.RATA Plait. XX.: Jhas K Kw;. fc'. Hp'.Kivir PTir,!ii:e '.'i E^stfti, '■'t I w ' •n Fig. hi U. U. hi. 2b. \ii. 4/,. Ac. 5/'. 5c. 0(/. G'l. Gl>. Gc. PLATE XXVI. PA(iE DoLATOCBiNus Mausiii Lyou 312 The type speeiinen; posterior view. (Coll. S. S. Lyoii.) Dorsal aspect of same specimen. Ventral aspect of same. Inner floor of the inverted basal cup, showing its derivation from 3 plates. DOLATOCRINUS OLYI-TUS Hall 317 The typo specimen ; posterios view. (Am. JIus. Nat. Hist. N, Y.) Basal aspect of another specimen. (Coll. J. 51. Clarke.) DOLATOCBINU.S LIHATUS Hall 319 A somewhat flattened specimen. (Am. JIus. Nat. Hist.) DoLATOCRiNUS TiiiADACTVLUs Harris 310 The type specimen ; anterior view. (Museum Davenport Acad. Sci.) Another specimen, giving a posterior view of the calyx. (Same collection.) Another showing the dorsal view of calyx. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Ventral aspect of the same specimen. D0LAT0CBIN'U.S ICOSIDACTYLUS W. aud Sp 319 Dorsal aspect of calyx. (Coll. V. W. Lyon.) I'osterior view of the same specimen. Ventral aspect of same. Dorsal aspect of another specimen. (Coll. W. and Sp.) DoLATOcuiNus LACU8 Lyou 311 The type specimen ; anterior view. (Coll. Sidney S. Lyon.) Dorsal aspect of the same specimen. Ventral aspect of same. DoLATOCKiNus ExcAVATus W. and Sp 321 Inner floor of the ventral disk. (Coll. V. W. Lyon.) Inner floor of basal disk. 1 %l .'rtl- 'i r.-V: \:-' H-.i v/r- ri.T-.i.- 4 ' > PLATE XXVII. Batocihnus (iranuis (Lyon) PAor. 381 Fig. 111. Lyon's type specimen, — a fine example with arms V>, I'ortion of an arm from near the top, enlarged. I'd. Lateral view of tlie calyx. 2li. I'osterior view of a specimen with anal tube. 368 llATocKixuH IC08IDACTYLU8 Casssday 3ff. Lateral view of a largo specimen. 3!>. Dorsal aspect of anotlier specimen, 3e. I'ortion of the anal tube. Datocbim's iniiEouLABis Casseday 309 4rt. Posterior view of tlio calyx, somewhat cnlargetl. 4i. Lateral view of the same specimen. 4c. I'ortion of the anal tube. Uatockints TURBisATi's (Hall) 375 6a. Posterior view of the calyx. 6b. Lateral view of another specimen. 5c. Antero-lateral view of a specimen with arms. BaTOCBINUS TURDINATU8, Var. ELEOANS (Hall) 370 C((. Lateral view of tlio calyx. 6/'. Posterior view of tlie same. Batocbixus cANTONENsis Miller and Gurley 7«. Posterior view of a specimen, Bhowing anal tube, 111. The same view of a specimen with arms. Batocuivus clypkatus (Hall) Hn. Lateral view of the calyx. 84. The same of another specimen (variety B. piijnilatiia). 8c. Anterior view of a more wheel-shaped specimen. S(l. Posterior view of a yonng specimen (typical form). 8e. Lateral view of a small specimen with arms (variety B. inomatus.) (All the specimens are in the collection of Waohsmuth and Springer, except that of Fig. la, which is in the Lyon collection.) 383 380 \'i ,f ''I 1°: ,*„ 1 r* PLATE XXIV. I'aok IIaurochinuh DiHciH Ljon 32H Fig. 1, The tyiMj spccimon ; dorsal aspect, (Cull. 8, S. Lyon.) lI.vDiiDruiNin I'l.KNiHHiMi'H Lyoii 323 'Jii. Tlie type Hpi'ciiiu'ii | ilorsal aspect. (C'dU. S. 8. Lyon.) ill, ItiMur tluur uf dorsal oiip. (Sauiu collection.) Tecii.nocri.M's Anouewsi Hall ... 300 3. The typo specimen, after Hall. (From a gutta purchft cast mode from a natural nuniM in HamlHtonu.) ^MeLOCUIN'US PACIIVllACTVLUS (Hall) 2'J(i 4(1. The typo specimen. (After Hall.) 4A, Anotlior specimen. (\m. Mua. Sut. Hist) Melocbinl'h iiAiNiiHiiKiR.Nsts Hall and Wiiitf 2'J7 5. The specimen described by 8. H. Williams as MilorrinuH Clmkii. (N. Y. State Cabinet of Nat. I list.) (?) Stelidiocui.nuh ARfiuTi'.. The same of another specimen (variety S. jwiiillhitiis). 8c. Anterior view of a more wheel-shaped specimen. 8(/. I'osterior view of a young specimen (typical form). 8c. Lateral view of a small specimen with arms (variety li. inornatiis.) (All the specimens are in the collection of Waelismuth and Springer, except that of Fig. la, which is in the Lyon collection.) 383 380 \ •A'-.i'i-.Sivl, W 0 \A % ^f PLATE XXVIII. LOBOCRIKUS LONGIROSTKIS (Hall) •142 Fig. la. Anterior view of a specimen with arms, anal tube, and column. (Mus. Comp. ZoOl.) lb. Portion of an arm with the pinnules, enlarged. Ir Anterior view of the calyx. (Coll. W. and Sp.) 1(/. Posterior view of the calyx. (Same collection.) le. A very young specimen. (Same collection.) Batocrujus lepidus (Hall) 372 2. Side view of the calyx, showing tlie bifurcation of the left jiosturo-lateral ray. (Coll. W. and Sp.) 3. Posterior view of the calyx. (Same collection.) BATOCRiyus QUASILLUS Meek and Worthen 372 4(1. Side view of the calyx. (Same collection.) ih. Specimen showing the anal interradius. (Same collection.) Patocrinus .uqualis (Hall) 371 5. Posterior view of the calyx. (Same collection.) 6. Specimen with arms. (Mus. Comp. Zobl.) Batocuinus 81-n.EQUALis (McChesncy) SC>0 111. Fine specimen with arms. (Same collection.) 7b. Portion of an arm with the pinnules, enlarged. Sa. Lateral view of the calyx. (.Same collection.) 8/). I'osterior view of the same specimen. 9. A specimen with portion of anal tube, and showing the bifurcation of the right postero-iateral ray. (Same collection.) B.ATOCKiNus TUUERci'LATis W. and Sp. 379 10,1. Posterior view of the type sppcimen. (Coll. W. and Sp.) lOi. Another specimen, showing tlie loft postero-iateral ray. (Same collection.) S' <1 PLATE XXIX. Fig. In. 1/-. le. 2I>. 2d. 3,1. 34. 3c. 3 typical form | part of atem and nnal tube preserved. 3/'. Poati'rior sido of a varietal form. ;)('. Anterior view of an elongate variety. Hil. Perfect siiocimen witli stem, arms, and anal tube. 3i'. Section of an arm (enlarged), showing tiio spinous processes along the sides of tlio free brachiala. Batocrisi-s pistilluh M. and W 378 4(1. Posterior view of tlio calyx. 46. Anterior view of another specimen. (All the specimens in the collection of Wachsmuth and Springer.) ? '. A) • r i i I ^ PLATE XXXII. Page EcTROCHOCRiNus CnRisTvi (Shumanl) 409 Fig. la. Lateral view of a specimen, showing arms, stem, and anal tube. l/>. A specimen preserving tlie extremity of the anal tube ; viewed from above. Ic. Posterior view of the calyx. EuTRocHocRiNus LovEi (W. and Sp.) 412 2((. Lateral view of the type specimen. 21). Anterior view of the calyx. EiTuociiocRivu.s CiiRisTvi var. trocuiscus (M. ami W.) ... 410 3. Posterior view of the calyx. ElTUOCnOCRINUS 1-LAN0DI8CUS (Hall) 411 4'(. Ventral aspect of the calyx. 4b. Dorsal aspect of same ; basals and first radials broken away. (All specimens in the collection of Wachsmuth and Springer.) 'i i I PLATE XXXllI. Faoc DiZYMOCiiixrs OKioiNAitus W. awl Sp. , , , 421 I'ig. 1". Tlic type speciiULMi. 1/'. Specimen with one arm paired, the others single. EuKTMocHi.NTS i.NTKUMEDUs W . and Sp 404 2ii. Side view of a specimen with arms. '2b. Another example. 2c. Another specimen; top view, showing the spatulate, infolding arms. DizviiocuiKi-s MtVTaoMKKYKXsis (Wortlicn) 428 3. Specinrcn witli arms, anal tuue, and stem; from Crawfordsville, Ind. 4. Another specimen with arms (all paired but one) ; from Keokuk, Iowa. Dizv(ioti!iNi-.s MO.VTOOMKRVENSI9 var. ixiiiUAcuiATi's W. and Sp. 429 5((. A somewhat abnormal specimen with arms and stem. (Coll. L. A. Cux.) 54. Another speoimen with arms. (Same collection.) 5c. Posterior view of anotlier specimen. DizvoocKixis iN'DiAXEXsis L. and C 415 Cm. I'ostero-lateral side of a specimen with arms. W. Calyx of another specimen, exposing anal side. DizioocuiKus ixDiANExsis vat. SIMPLEX W. and Sp 415 7. Anterior view of a specimen with arms. Di/.V(ioci{ixfs CAXTOXENsis W. and Sp 423 M". Specimen with portions of the arms, and showing anal tube. 8//. Another specimen, showing the arms and anal tube. DizviioiRixrs niTrijiiiXATis (Hall) 427 0. Lateral view of the calyx. DizvuoiKixis WiiiTEi W. and Sp 41i> Kid. Specimen with arms from the Keokuk group of l?ono, Ind. 1(1/;. Lateral view of the Pidyx. (Same locality.) 11. Posterior view of the calyx. (Specimen from the Warsaw limestone of Kentucky.) DizYoocmNTS FACETi's Jlillor and Gurley 418 12. Specimen from Canton, Ind., showing anal interrodius. (All specimens in the collection of Waehsmuth and Springer, unless other- wise stated.) ll. I ^ i'wM! IMr'.yti !>!-:.; ! »."^ PLATE XXXIV. EnKTMOCIilXlH rAf.Vri'UiMiKM (Mull) aor. I'ig. Irt. r.aturut viow of a Hpci'liiicii Imviiiy tlip loivir part nf tlic iiriii.s picstivpil. l/i. Opposito view nt the HpiMtiiiim, NljnwiiiK aiiiil tiilii'. U. A spei'iiiicii .sIuiwiriK thv pailillc-sliapnl tips of tlio anus. ;». Lateral view (if the calyx, sliowiii^- lli. excciitrii' positiuu of the auiil tube. 4. Showing tho curvatmv of thi' anal tiibo. Kl^KT.MlM liiNiM cKANii.irKnrs W. and S| Bit. Lateral view of the typo ^^pcciiiien. bit. Ujiposito side of the .spoeinien, sliowiiig tiie paddle shaped anus and anal tube. 6c. A detached plate showing suvfaee ornamentatiun. Eiti-.TMocuixiH cALYcfi.oiiJEs var. .Noijosi-s \V. and .'^p C. Posterior side of the type speeinien. 7. A specimen showin;,' the anal si(h'. 8. Lateral view of a very elongate specimen. 3'JO 390 KuKTMociii.Ms I'u.KciiiAvis S. A. JliUcr 0. Lateral view of tho calyx. 111. Posterior view of another specimen. Or.X.N.HOfUIKlS KE.NTlCKIKXaiS (Shuni.) 1 1 . Dorsal aspect of tho calyx. 12. Hi^dit posterolateral side of another specimen. 13. Aspect of tiki ventral disk. -10,") r.iH GeNN.KOCUINIS F.LXMAIilS (Hall) . . It. Portion of the dorsal cu]) AcArorHixis ameimcanis \V. and Sp. L"((. Anterior side of the typo specimen. liili. Posterior side of tho samo specimen. AcAcocRi.vas Eluobi W. and Sp. . . IG. The type specimen. 549 515 51,- 1-A<,II AoBoi HrNi'i KiKoA!** (8, A. Miller) |so Kin. i'li, I'oHti'riof HiiUiof tlio typi! spociiiioii. I't/, Vuiitnil iispout ut' tliu Hiuiic. LoBiicKiNUN iNKLATiTu (Uowley 1111(1 Hare) ,^^^ tXii. Aiituriur viuw of tliu typu apt'uitucn, IH/i. LutiTiU view of tlic speclmou iloscrilied by Kowloy iiiul ll,iri> an nnlii^riiiiiii liiil/iiiiiiiii. Pi»voocKiNUn UiKLKvi (S. A. Miller) 11). Thu ty|Ki spouiuion. (All tliu spcciiiR'iis aro In tlio ooUection uf U'achsimith and Springer, except tlioHO repruHiMiti'd liy Ki«s. lH,i and IS//, wliitli aii' in the posHcssiiin of Jlr. U. U. Uowloy, and 1'^. ID, wliich in owned iiy Mr. 1''. A. Sampson.) 4TJ ^ 111 i ■f Fig. 1, •I 3. 4. 8. 9. 10, 11, 12. i;!. n, i.», ir,, 17, i.s, 2i\ PLATE XXXV. I'.\.,n M.vcuociiiNUS KoxiNCKi (.Sliuniard) 117 Specimen with aiidl tube, firms, ami stem. (.Miis. Comp. Zuol.) Calyx, sliDwiiit; anal side. Anuther speeimen, showing anterior side. JlALitocurxis i,A(iiNiii.i's (Hall) l.j.'i Calyx, postero-lateral side. DizYdiMuixis iNDiANKxsis (Lvon) 11"> The arms of tlie two posterior rays nearly all paired; of the tliree an- terior r.iys mostly single in the speeimen. DizKiocuiNfs nKcouis (Miller) 420 Caly.x, in a sidi; view. DizviioiuiMS EiidSi's (Meek and Worthen) Calyx, showing the postero-lateral ray, and tlio anal interradins. (.\ speci- men from Taylor Co., Ky.) Dorsal aspect of tlie same siiecimcn. DiZYdocuiMs MiTAiiiMs W. and Sp 4l"J Anterior side of the calyx. Specimen witli arms in a side view. .Specimen with an^U tnl)p, and most of the arms paired. Specimen in which one half of the arms are single. DizvoocniNfs Wnnr.i var. didactvms W. and Sp 420 Specimen witli thi' arms all jiaired. Specimen in whieii most of the arms arc single. Di/.viiocKixi's oKioiXAitirs var. aihi.tis V.'. and Sp 422 Speeimen with most of the arms paired. Anotlier in wliich most of the arms are single. HizvoocKixis ixioxKxsis (Worthen) 424 Anterior side of calyx. .\nal side of a crnshed specimen. Side view of another specimen. I'osterior side of a si)eeimen with arras. .\notlier specimen, showing posterior side. i Dizviioiiiixi-.s i-xiiixKNsis var. (S. A. Miller) Fig. t^l. .SiweiiiuMi with arms, slunvini. uiituriur side; llio arms altur.uitoly naired --. Side view of tho calyx. I'.'l. Dorsal aspect of a specimen in which all the arms are paired. 24. Specimen with some uf the arms paired. (All specimens in the collection of Waehsmuth and Springer, unless other- wise stated.) Tacib 41'6 4> Ji i PLATE XXXVI. EltKTMOtmXUS HKMIllHAl IIIAllX KXTAXSIS W. ailil Sjl. , . . Fi,:,'. 1. Ventral aspect of a largo siieciiuen, sliowini; tlii' fdkliiifj of tlip Trins Tlio radial trunk uf aii Eiu-lnttiicrinus iiii/Zi/n'oi/iiiitiis Ivin,; on tii]i. EuEnioi liixi-s CMC (Hall) i"'/. Siiociiiicii with arms ami coluniu. -Ii. I'osterior side of the calyx. l-AC-.K 3'.K> 3'.)3 KiiKTMiH KIMS NEiiLKCTi's (Muck aiul Wortlicii) 3. Anterior side nf the calvx. .•!1)1 Kiir.r.MoriiiMs ( i.dci.iA (,IIall) 31 IS •l'(. Spccinien witli arms and (■(dnmn. ■III. Side view of a si)mi.'uliat cnislicd si)ecimen. Kiii-T.MOiitiNis (Hal!) 3'.)!) u'l. Ventral aspect of the calyx. M. Dorsal aspt'ct of the same. iir. Lateral view of another speeimen. (!. Kim- siiceimeii witli arms. Ki!i:iMc)i Kixis i.ionnsiA ^Hall) 4iil 7". Spccimi'ii witli part id' arms (hasals and r.adials not jireserved). 'Ii. I'osterior side of the c.ilyx. "'■. Dcu'sal aspect id' tlio same. Maiiiihijims oilMMll'iiiiMis (Hall) I I'.l .S. I'osterior side of the calyx. Kki'.t.miii'UIM's Ki'oosrs \V. and Sp |(IJ '.)(t. I'listerior siclr of till' type spreinien. Wi. \'i'ntial aspect nf the calyx. iSame specimen.) 'J': The base of the same specimen. I'.ni:rMiiii;iMs Mixoit \V. and S| ,'J'.il 10 W. :iinl S;'. . . . ri,'. ]ii. S|ii'oimuii Sunn llic l!iirliiii,'liin ainl Ki'uUiil; liuii.sitiuii licil ; asiiict, 1'.. Side vii'W of llio I'alyx; irum saiiio \ifA. lOuKTMl" ItlMS l!i::Mllii;.M lllATl ,s (ll.illi L'.i. I.atrral \ iow of a s|irciMirn Injiji tin' I'lipcr limliiigtuii I.inu'stciiie. LV.. Aiiuihci' exaiapK' Iruiii tlio saiai' lu'il. Kur.iMiM s MAiiXiKiirs Lyon ami t'lss :!. .V lar:,'!' siu'cinnii, with rows of angular iioiU's fullowiiig the rajs ami tlu'ir su'.iiUvi.sioii>, Kiii:T.M(M uiMs liAMi i.dsrs ('Hall) I'l. I'listi'rior siili' uC a lartrc calyx I'mia Tciiiicssi'i'. •I''. Tlifsal aspcrt nf a liij,'lily uriiaiib'iitcil s[icciiiuMi from Inwa. ."'(. \vm fraLtiiii'iit, prol.ialily Ivluiigiiii,' to lliis speoii'.s (from Tcmicssci'). .-|A. Cniss-soctioii of it. '>': V\t\yv jiortioii of aU'iilKT anii frai,'iuriit from tlio same locality. .')'/. Th(-' cross-soi'tioii. I'.iiirrMoi liivi -; matita (Hall) ('.■(. Sin'oimrii with arms; tli.- anal tulir l«'nt i^iitwanl. ti'.. Spcpiuicn showiii;^ the natural curving,' of the anal tulie. 0'-. .V large calyx. Kiirr\iori;iNr> ((ii;oxatis (Hall) 7'/. Dorsal asp. ,t of th" calyx. 7/'. .\iitcrior miIc of same. 7'-. Neutral aspect of amllicr siiccimiMi. Mai |;oi lilNLS (.Mill A (Hall) cS. .Vnterior side of the cah x. Vm.i ayti ;j8,s 3SC. .?8: .iii;i 4IS '.hi. KliKTMoenlVIS rl.lo (Hall) .\nfcrior sirle of tlie calyx. Ventral aspect (jf a iiiorr lohate sjiecimcn. (.Ml specimens in tlie collection of Wachsiuuth and Sprinpor.) 3'.».S "^ I ^^i^^M^i^ ,<~>^^ I'U'. I", •J/,. :'./. I'i'i. V,',. 7l>. I'LATK XXXVIII. r>.,K AnARII IKIIIM'* idNVKXl'R (llallt .VI8 Sill' vii'w iif tliii oalyx, luwl ll(ll•li(lll^^ of tin' iirins. ^ Vi' iis[Hi'l cif llir fill) X. Ai.Allh III IIIM '< IIIMIM- lllilll) . , . Tilt A lilli' s|H'('illM'll with iU'lllH. Vi'iiliiil ii»|»'i't 111' till' calyx. I'listi'i-iiir siili' (pf till' riilyx. Dorsal amiiTt <•( tlii' ralyx, Side view (il (111' I'alyx. A>i Mil' iil'IMM •> I'll! I'l.M'M (It;i11) . ril'J Diii'sal \irw iiC till' ciil^ \. Vi'iilial as|i('i't lit' till! saiiir S|iri'illl('li. I'usti'iD-lati'ral siili' iif saiiii". All Allli 111 IIIM s I'VII VMIHATl s (Hall) • fill*' Siu'i'iini'ii Willi anus, Idii'sal a>|)rrt 111 till' oalyx. Vi' a<|ii'rt 111' tlio piilyx. I'litti'riiir siili' of a youii!,' spi'i'lnu'ii. l)iirHal vimv nf saiiic. asiHTt uf saiiii'. .\i.Aiiiriii iiiNi 1 i'HMiniNV|.:xfs (Hall) TiOM D.irnal viinv iif lln' calyx. Siilc vii'W 111' aiiiitlicr s|K'ciiiicii. Vi.'iitral asiii'ct nf saiiii'. Ai.Aiin iHiMM .H siri.i.ATi's Hall .'ii!'^ Il.ii's il vii.'\v III' a s|ii'ciiiii'ii «illi arms. .V .small S[ii'i'imrii with arms. Diirsal aspiTl nf the calyx. .ViMthcr siii'ciiiiiMi, shmviii',' the anal siilc. 'I'lii' simc, sliuwiiii; the ventral aspect nf the calyx. (All li^'iires from .specimens in the colloccion of Waelisnuith anil Sprini,'Pr.') li 4 } ^w^ f I'LATK XXXIX. I'A. 1 Ai.Mii' ■'' liixt > (.'.■iiKYl (li. and C.) ,"il(i l-'i;;. 1". lljMil vli'U III llii ty|io siioi'iiiifli. (I,yi)M CulU'ctiuM. ) \/i. Silk' \ ll'W III tllf t-aiiir. Ai.AiJi III M\i > iiiAssr.- Wctlirrliy . VM> 1''. Siili' \ ll'W III a;,'i' siM'ciiiHMi. (Cull. I,. A. i ■x.) lY'. I>iirs,il asiiiH't df llif saiiir ^lll■l■iull.•ll. ">i, \uii III i;iM « r.M A\ Alls Hall ... i;'l .i. virw ul a h|'Liiiiiin Willi p'li'ally priil rinliii'^ anu.s. (Cull. W. ami Sp.j I, hur^.il as|iri-l cil .iiiiithn- siirciiiiiii, (Sauif colln'tinii.) .". I'l'isal asiiri't (if aiinlli'T. iS:inn' niUrclion.) Ai..MM' I" i;iM^ .Mini iii^i >, v,ir. M \i aham.^i Wi'Vllirii Ills (i Siilr \ low ol a lal;,'!- ."I" cillirll. |S;UllO Cllllfl-linll.) Ai.AiiH 111 Ki.M > 1 iiNii IS W. ami S|i. . r,i>\ 7. .\ line .■^[lOL'inirii wu!i Mij-.n^inum r.'i i\-.t, mi luu mai--. f' ^||.■^t^ riui' vi.'W III the fah N. (Hntli siiuoiiiifiis in tin.' cull. W. ainl Sji.) .\i.\M iM ~ \Viii:riii:M Hall I'.iii '.I l>iii-al a^i I 111 a ^iii'i'inuii in whicli llii' m-'cuihI co.^taU .ur |iruiliiri.'il inln l.ll-c miilrs. (Cull. 1,. A. Cu.\.) ^ -^' WWBStBB9fBftBSP-^ " M . - I'LATK XI.. AcAlili III lilM s sii,i;siii:s- S. A. MilUr I'.i'i Ki>;. 1". A l:ii-,'i' siicciiiu'ii witli arms iiiul slcni. I/'. DiM'sal ;is|M'ct cif anotliiT s|ii'i'iiiRMi. l'-. N'.'iitral asiH'ct ol tlic calvx. (,'.■) Ai.Aicii ■" i:iM , Mint I.I1-.I « Wcirtlic'ii I'.l? 2. Dorsal aspciM nl a vrry smnnili .■.ijiciiin'ii «illi |iurnipiis nl llir arms, liimi Cantdii. 1ml. Ai.AiMi 111 I!IM s i:i.i:i;a\s Wullirrliy "iHll :■'. Porsal :i-|ii'ct III a s|ii'i'imrii Irnm ll.iliiilluii. 111. :'•/'. \'iiitral as[iri'l nf thi' sami'. .\i,Al: itlM s I ItAssl < Wrtln'iliy '',•'.' ■I. Tru'liU'ii (il a small s|iri'imi'ii Imm 'rriiiii'ssi'r ; tin- I'iukI gr'Hivi's nf tin' |in.s- ti'riiir rays covorcil liy lartjc altornatt.' plati's. .VdAiiii I" liiMs WniirJiiM ll.ill . . r.lii .''./, l'n-.ti riiir siili' 111' a larj;i' s|ifrim('ii. ."I'l, Aiiti'riiir siilc dI' tlic saim'. ,V. jiiir.iil aspect of same. ,■)./. V'l'iitral aspect of same. .Viaitii III liivi s AMi:i!i' A.MS, rMii:i!iisi» (Mall) IS'.i (i. IVrsal 'ispi'ot of tlie caly.'i. (.Ml tlio sppcimiMis in tln' ciilli'dinn nl Wai'lisiinitli ami ."^prin^'cr, I'Xi'i'pl lliat of ri^'. o, which i.s i!i tlir Mu-i urn of (.'oiiiparativc /.ooliii;y.) I 1 ■.^■'v'*' f 1 I'LATK XI, I. All vim 1" IdSlH INKI.AITH il;lll v.'. I'l. A l.U'gl' S|i('rllllrll Willi IinilH (\\\C Ul'lll!* bllghll.V I'UStul'Vll.) lA. riisti'viiif nil'' III' till' imIvx. |i'. l>iii'>iil aspi'i'l III aimlliii' .iiii'iiiiirii. \'l. Tilt' millllllit 111 llli' Ir^'llli'll. Ai. Mill 111 IIISI 4 III 1. 1, ATI- II. ill 'Jo. S|ii'rliiii'M \villi .iriiis ami mIiiii, L'/.. I) asiu'i't iif a larj,'!' ralyx. 'Jr. Vrlitiiil as|ii'rt iif saiur. •J'l. Iniirv lliiur iif ilmsal ciiii. Ai.Aiiii 111 KIM 1 1. KM Ills M. anil W I'll. A lai-),'!' spiTimrii Willi anus :u,. I'listcvior siili' (it im1\x. .'Ii: l>iirsal asiiri'l of saiiir. Ai. Mill 111 ItlNIs IIKI.I.AIIIFMA Mill ■I '. A '^iii'i'iiurii Willi iHiitiiiiis 111' till' alius, |/.. rnsti'iliir' 111' tlio calvx willi mir iii'iii atlachril. •Ic I'listrrjiir siili' (if a sinallor s|ii'riiiirii. ■['/. Siile vifW of a lar;.';' siici'iiiicii. Ainiiii III utM s m;i,i.ATiti:MA, vav. ma.ihii \V. ami ."i. \'i' asiitrt iif n very nodose spci'iiiion. I'^i.r. ■AfJ vxi I'lUl "iiiri 1 (All Npi/ciiiiciis ill the colU'Laimi of Waclisiiuitli ami Sj. linger.) i 1 i s^. o '^*^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I li;|2^ Ui ■ 4.0 2.5 2.2 18. 1 1.25 III U|,. 6 ^ 6" ► ^ ^^ '/ Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STMiT WEBSTER, N.Y. MSSO (716) •72-4503 y ^ • PLATE XLII. Agaricocrixi-s amehicanus (EoBmer) 488 Fig. 1. Speeiiiieii witli anus, from Indiana. 2ii. I'listerior sule of the calyx (specimen from Tennessee). 2f>. Anterior side of another specimen (from the saaie locality). AOARICOCKINI'S WlIITKIEI.DI Hall 49G 3. Ventral aspect of the calyx. (Illinois State collection.) AOAKICOCRIXUS AMERICANUS, Vat. TUBEROSLS (llull) -189 4. Dorsal aspect of the calyx. DOHYCRIXUS CORNKiERUS (Hall) 4^8 5. Specimen with arms and stem. 6. Postero-lateral view of calyx. DOKYCRINUS QUIXQUELOBUS Hall 400 7. Side view of the calyx ; the spines broken away. 8. Lateral view of a specimen with arms. 9. Posterior side of calyx ; the spines intact. DoRYCRixus suiiTCRiiixATUs Mcck and Worthon 400 10a. Antero-lateral view of the calyx. lOi. Tosterior view of the calyx. AoRor'Risi-s Cassedayi (Lyon) 483 ]1'(. Ventral aspect of the type specimen. (Lyon collection.) 1 Ih. Posterior side of the same. 12. Side view of a specimen from Alpena, Jlich. AoKOCRiVL's coNCAvus ( Meek and Worthen) 482 13a. Dorsal aspect of the type specimen. (JIus. Comp. ZoiJl.) ISIi. Ventral aspect of the same. 13c. Side view of same. Alloprosallocrinus conicus Lyon and Cass 407 14a. Anterior view of the calyx. 14J. Posterior view of the same. 14c. Dorsal aspect of same. (All specimens in the collection of Wachsmuth and Springer, unless otherwise stated.) 1 ^j,^^^ CiiiN'iir>r;A t.:At;iKUAiA. I i.^r\: '■■i: «•*- f A M \\V(irfiri«irr. iel IKi'^lvq" I'nr.'nif i-f P'.'itrii:. 'J, IK- m / -4 » 1 f i 1« I V>-A. I. 7/' 9. PLATE XLIII. PAdR I)iii:v( iiiM s Mrssis.sii'iMKNsis K. Iulmiri' 455 S|ifi'iiiioii willi arms uinl sU'in. (C!oll. Lisbon A. Cox ) DlllfVi UIM'.s (iol'I.KI (Hall) 4i'lli'Ki' spociiiu'ii with anus ami stciii. (Cull. \V. and S]!.) A yiiiiiii,' spi'ciiiioii witli arms. (Saim' cuUoctinii.) AoiiiMiiiNis si' (IFall) 478 S|ii'ciiiu'ii willi arms. (Cull. L. A. C )X.) ItoitvcuiM s coiiNKiKiuM (Hall) 458 Calyx, slidwiiig tlio anal siilc. (Cull. \V. ami Sp. ) lloHVcuiNis MissouKlKNsiH (Sliiunan') 4(13 rosteritir side of tlio calyx with most of the spines intact. (Same collci'tion.) AiiAUicocKiNts xoorr.osr.s Wortlion 41)7 Oor.sal aspect of the calyx. (Same collection.^ Ventral aspect of the calyx. AoAltllOCKIXl S WllITKIEI.DI Hall 400 Dorsal aspi'ct of the type specimen. (Illinois Statu collection.) Ventral aspect of the same specimen. AoAHiroriUNis nodosi'.s Meek and Worthen 493 Calyx and portion of the arms. (Coll. \V. and Sp.) J. \ !• ,N"^il A 'Al.U'.WAIA ll.AII y.Mii .' 1. JiiWwv/ 1/. H'ii..T>T' riir.tii.f :u Briton I I t / H I'LATE XLIV. Vauk DoRvcttiM'K isTKKMKhiiH Moi'k and Worthcn Iiil Kirf. 1 Spcoiinoii with nrins, siiinoH, iiml Hti'Pi. l)illlV< UINUH MIHXIHSll'I'lKNHIH ItiL'lUOl' 4M Z I'oatL'iiiir hIiIu oC tlio calyx. 3. Ventral aspect of a Bpociniou with lonK spines. UoHVOltl.vufi (Hall) 4. A npi'cimeii liaving the aims and pnrtioiia of the 8i)ines preserved (from Indian Creek, Ind.) 5. Anterior view of the calyx. (Specimen from Kentucky.) I'OHVCHI.VI'8 1 OHXIl^ElllTg (Hall) 1). aspect of the oalyx. 7. Ventral aspect ot another specimen. too 468 478 AOROCBINUS Sl'INOHULl'S (Hall) Ha. Posterior side ot the calyx. Hli. Ventral .aspect of the same specimen. EuETMoiuiNus liKMiiiKACHiATi'H, var. Kxi'ANsus W. and flp. . . 39() A largo specimen, sliowinjj the calyx, anal tube, and the infolding of ti.- arms. (All the specimens in the collection of Wachsmuth and Springer.) . i.. ■Mli !' \.A ' : \-Mr.T V- ■ ^^fus r>fisri!fA (Hall) 407 Speciiu'-'U witli an uiiusiially large spiiiu and portions of the arms. DoKYCitiNL's Missoi'KiENsia (Sliuuiaril) 403 Anterior view of tlio oalyx with spines intact. Ventral aspect of the same specimen. Posterior view of another si)ecimen. An abnormal specimen ; posterior side. DuuYCKi.N-L'3 KuiMEBi M. and W 4C4 Anterior view of tlie caly.x. Posterior view of another specimen, (.Vll specimens, except C and lb, iu the collection of Wachsmuth and Springer.) i PLATE XLVI. Pai.K (?) rEHIEniOCRINl'S WllITEI (Ilall) 5o() Fig. 1. A very largo specimen from the Upiicr liurlingtoii limestuue. (Coll. W, aiul Sp.) 'J. A smaller spoeimcii from the same bed. (Sanio collection.) 3. Side view of the calyx. (Same horizon, and same collection.) (?) I'KKiKciiocuixrs TENa-ii)iscu.s (Hall) 531 4. Lateral view of the dorsal cup. (Same collection.) A(i.vuicof.'Rixrs Sami'soxi S. A. Miller 505 5. The type specimen. (Cull. V. A. Sampson.) LiiruiriiiNis .niH'iDUAC'iiiATUs McChosuey 440 C>,i. Specimen with only eighteen arms. (Coll. \V. and Sp.> Gh. Ventral asjiect of the same apecinieu. Hatociuxis uoTADKxrATL'.s Rowlcy and Ilar^ 374 7. The type specimen, showing the dorsal cnp. (Coll. K. R. Kowley.) liAToriuNi's Cai,vixi Rowley 373 i'>. Ga. Gb. Gr. JlKuisTof.uixi's co.NX'Avi's \V. and Sp Dorsal view of the calyx. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Lateral view of the type specimen. (Davenport Acad. Sci.) Ventral aspect of the same specimen. RUGosi'.s Lyon and Cas.s Dorsal aspect of the calyx. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Ventral aspect of tlie type specimen. (Lyon collectiou.) Anterior view of a smaller specimen, shoving portion of the anal tube. (Same collection.) C39 543 543 //. 7.-y Jy: />.' / :■; :•.:,".!: itO i { i IP jmpiiHiii I iii'jy! <- >fc 1(1. 3. ■1.'. ■ill. •If. 4,/. PLATE XLIX. 5Ii:(ilST(IClUNlS AllNOKMIS Lyoii Dtirsal aspect of llie calyx. (Cull. W. and Sp.) I.,atcral view uf tlic same specimen. Ventral aspect of another specimen. (Same collection.) r.ioE 540 ;Mi:iiistoikims depuessus Hall SIO A specimen from New York. (Coll. A. S. Tiffany.) Side view of a specimen from Louisville. (Coll. W. and Sp.) l)orsal aspect of a specimen from Xcw York. (State :Mus. Xat. Hist. X. V.) Ventral aspect of another specimen. (Same collection.) I'ortion of the arms. (Same collection.) Dorsal aspect of a small specimen from New York, showing the ornamenta- tion. (Coll. \V. and Sp.) JilEcisTocKiMs xoDosus Barrls 0((. nil. Literal view ut the type specimen. (Mus. Davenport Acad. Kat. Sci.) Ventral aspect of another specimen. (Same collection.) JIegistochixus MfLTtDbxouATis liarris Lateral aspect of the type specimen. (Same colleetiou.) 541 542 .^ ... t}l. 7/.^ / 1 1 <■ h wv ii. : 1 f • 4^ ■! t h H'.i-iv- rnr-:-;- " f in Kig. 1(J. U. •2b. :Vi. 51). 74. PLATE L I'AOE I'EBIECIKK KISUM NKCIS (Wiiicli. aiul Mai'cj) oL'l I'ostorior sido of an iiitornal oast. (Coll. W. C Egan.) Ventral aspect of another cast. (Same collection.) I'KUiKcmnKiNi-s i.s'KKLi.\ W. ami M 523 An Interior cast in a side view. (.Same collection.) Ventral asi)ect of an internal cast. (Same collection.) Lateral view of a specimen iiguriMl liy S. .\. Miller as Snrrorriiius Egani. (Same collection.) Ventral aspect of another oast, fii^iired as .S'. Ju/nni. (.Same collection.) rKKiKcnociii.NCs ou.vATi;s Hall andWliitf 527 Giitta-pcrcha cast from a mould in the rock, showing surface markings; posterior sido. (After Hall and Whitlield.) Anterior view of an internal cast. (After Hall and Whitfield.) I'KUIKCHOCUINCS TK.SN i-^SSKK.VSIS (Hall) 528 I'ostorior view of Uiemer's type specimen, (After lloemer.) rKiiiEcriocKi.vus URNiFouMis (S. A. llillcr) 52(5 Posterior view of an internal cast. (Coll. W. C. Kgan.) Ventral aspect of another cast. (Same collection.) rKKlKClIOOKlNlS Sl-ECIOSUS (Hall) 521 The typo specimen. (After Hall.) Part of an arm enlarged. (After Hall.) l'EKiKciiociiixi'3 M.VKCor.vxus (Wincli. and >rarcy) 52.3 Sido view of an internal cast; anal side to the left. (Coll. W. C. Kgan.) Anterior view of the dorsal cup. (Same collection.) 11 1- PLATK LI. rKllll:i 11(11 tlfMH WlllTI'IKLIll (KllU) ... I\,' 1 A vi'i;v l.ii'j;o lunl miiciuu siit'ciiiH'ii witli anus, 1''. Hiilu vifW of till' (liiisal cup. (After Hull ) '.''•. Till' |il;it('.s iif one iviv, sliDwiiiff oniiiini'iitiitinn. (MWt ll.ill ) .'1. I'listiTiur view (if li lai'gi' t'loii({iiti' .siiccinicii. ■I. W'litr il aspect of iiiiutlier gpeciliieii. •'i:iiK' .iNis M.MUdiAXiH (Wineli. (uid Maicy) Silk' view (■' tlie 'lui'sal cup. I'liiii I ii(i< iirMs Ti;.Nfiiii»ii H (Hail) (i. Aiitcrii-I.iteral view iif tlie ilnrsal cup. ri:i:ii:riii" iiixi-i dUXAii-.s (Hall) 7 Side view (if the calyx; fi'ciiii St. I'.luI, I ml. .Mr.iii.sTiiciiixi s xoiiii.iH \V. aiul Sp. S. A ymni,:; speciiiuMi, (Type (if .Vi;/''.«^/i'ci'/(/r.< /»(,•,•».«.) I'j:iiii:i 11(11 iiiMs \ViirTi;i (Hall) '.). AhteriiT view (if a lar^je .specimen with anus fi-diii tlio I.uwcr lUirliiigtoii Kivup. 111. .V speeiuieii from tlie Kimlerliouk f,'roiip of Mar.sliall Co., Iowa. (All speciiiieiLj, oxcciit LV( ami /; in the collectiun of Wachsmnth ami Springer.) I'AnK r.2;i r,in C27 mo ] J. PLATE LII. I'ig. Vi. U. ■3. 2c. S. ■I/'. 0. ACTINOCRINIS LOUATUS llall 5"" Ventral aspect of a large siieoimen. Anterior view of the same. ArTixciciuxL'.s VKKUi'i.'Osus Hall Oi).S A largo speeinieu with anal tube, and portions of the arms. Posterior view of the calyx. Ventral aspect of the caly.x. AcTINOCKINLS MILTIK.IDIATL'S Sluun 5o."i Large specimen with arms. Posterior view of the oaly.\. Ventral aspect of the same specimen. Lateral view of another specimen. Another specimen with arms. 8i. AcTixocRixrs GiuiTiTiii W. and Sp. Anterior view of tlio calyx. Ai.'TixocKixus Ti-nr.i!(iT,osiTs W. and Sp. Posterior side of the type specimen. The structure at the upper part of the arms. The proximal arm plates (enlarged.) i-fiS 57.'? (All the specimens in the collection of Wachsnuith and Springer.) fj^^^ U; W-.-.-em PLATE LI II. AcTINOClilNTS Ml'LTfKAMOSlS \V. mill Sp I'i;^. 1. A tiiagniticL'iit spcciinoii with arms nnd anal tube Ai TiNiM i;iNis MAiixiinis \V. and S]i 'J. A very laru'o siiocimon witli arms. (I'lOtli ill the Cdlk'utioii iif Waohsimith aiul Spfingei-.) r.\(.E . fiCI fi67 ■*«''**!&rF:!!:^ J 7 PLATE LIV. AcTINOCIMNl'S ,UllliSl-.s Hall y"\ii. 1. Posterior side of a lai'h'i' falyx. (_Cull. L. A. L'ux.) Ai TiNoi iiiNi-s LiiwKi lla'.l 2. Lateral view of tlio oalyx. (Same i-Dlloctioii.) Ai iivoi iiiNi's t.fiiiATi -I Itall 3. Anterior view of a .s|ii'(.'imi'ii with arms, (^[^ls. Ciiinp. Ziml.) i''. r.. (id. AcTixoc'UiNis ruiJi'iiis (S. A. Milli'rl Posterior view oi tliu calyx. (Olio iif tlie typo specimoiis; in the I'". A. Sanipaon.) Ventral aspect of the same specimen. r,G;t r)(ii' oTd Coll. of Cactocuinis ol.vns (Hall) Posterior view of the calyx. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Lateral view of a loss nodose .specimen. (Same ei)lleetion.) Another view of the same specimen. Hall's type of AHiinn-rimis eryx. (Mns. Comp. Z. .j1.) AMl'llOKAflllMS VIMIN.VI.IS (HaM.) Specimen with arms. (C(j11. W. and Sp.) CiLTj rm «k 1 X J 2 trrt 1 I i "1 u. '21: 4". 4//. 8'.. 0'. 10. 11, 12, PLATE LV. A( TlNOi lilNL'.s I.OII.VTIS H;lll Tm? I'listorior view of .i fine spcciniLMi ; slunving iiortions of anal tulic and arms. (Coll. W. aiul Sp.) Stem near the calyx. AfTi.Mii KIMS ri:uxonosis Hall Otil viow of tlio calyx. (Same culloction.) I'osteiior view of another sijccinien. (Same collection.) AcTIN'lll Itl.VLS JUI.TIUAMOSIS W. auil Sj) 504 Tlie calyx with an (hiiichastev fastened to the anal tube. (Same collection.) AiTixornTNTs TF.Nri.scui.rTis McChcsnoy . 571 Anterior side of a siiecinicn with arms. (Same collection.) I'osterior side of the calyx. (Same collection.) A( riNoi iiiNis seiTii.r.s M. and W 559 Anterior side of a specinK'n with arms. (Same collection.) Side view of the calyx. (Same collection.) I'osterior view of tlie same specimen. AcTixiM in.vrs .viiuosi's (S. A. Miller) 577 One of the type specimens. (Cidl. V. A. Sampson.) Dorsal aspect of the calyx. (Same collection.) Side view of the same specimen. Ventral aspect of same. C.iCTOCKi-vi s oi'.Ksis (Koycs) ('>!.'> Side view of the typo specimen, (Coll. .Missouri Surv.) Ventral aspect of the same. (Coll. \V. and Sp.) C.\ni" niNTs sEXAiiMATfs (Hall) CI." Left postero-lateral side of the dorsal cnp. (Coll, \V, and Sp ) I'osterior view of the calyx, (Same collection,) Cactochincs (S. a. Miller) 620 The type specimen, showing the posterior side of tlie calyx, (After Miller.) Fis. 1. C>. 10 11 PLATE LVI. Talk ACTINOCBIN-US DAIMINE (Hall) •"'" ' I'ostcrior view of a largo speciiiicn. (foil. W. ami Sp.) Ca(,tu( iiixi s THALIA (Hall) cot Specimen with arms, described by Hall as AclinorriniLi injWijtwns. (Mas. C'omp. ZoOl.) CacTOCIIINL'S TllKTIS (Hall) *51l Posterior view of the caly.\ and anal tidio. (Coll. \V. and Sp.) .V large specimen with arms. (Same colloi'lidu.) Cactociuxus oi'i-sin-i.i-s (Hall") G"' Specimen with arms. (Mas. Comp. Zoid.) Calyx, showing the loft posterior ray and the anal interradius. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Cactochixus .ML-LTiBisAniiATrs (Hall) 017 Antero-Uteral view of the calyx. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Posterior view of another specimen. (Same collection.) Cahocuixus h'cixa (Hall) '''^3 Anterior view of a specimen with arms. (Mns. Com]!. Zool.) Posterior side of the calyx ; from near T.(misiana, Mo., described by Rowley and Hare as Acthion-iiiii.i initciiliis. (Cull. K. 1!. Uowley.) Cactochixi'.s EcTvrrs (Meek and Wortlien i 'ill Side view of a large specimen. (Coll. \V, and Sp.) AciixocHiNrs liUAi IMS W. anil Sp oi- A specimen with arms ({'). (Mns. Cump. Zool.) r •:(• ■|' !».'■.: i: A 'AMKHAIA ^ ^ A :.' ■.'/"■•■! r:»! ic. i'.>'.i:w r:::v;:.? ri-. 1 3. r>. 10. 11. 11'. 1.1. (l,.k. PLATE LVH. Pacik ('.\i riuiii.Ms .N(iD(p|iu.\( iiiATis W. and Sp (121' I'l'stui'icr side of a fine siiociiiiL-ii with anus ; llic anus iiicuniiij,' and loiifh- iiig tlie summit of tlio disk. Aiiti'i'ior view of aiuitiuT .siieuinieii. Cm Tim KlXl s (IliN.VTl.s.sI.Mi s W , and i'[ 021 I'ostorior view of tlio type siiooinicn. Caitoiuixis Auxoliu W. and Sji 024 Sporimon uitli arms and pinnules (the nodus upon the arms are not pru- servcil.*) Side view uf the calyx, showing the left antcro-lateral ray. Cactucuixis uKXTicii-ATis W. and Sp COO Tlie type specimen, sliowins tlio right posterior ray. I'dition of an arm from near the upper end (enlarged). Cai Till iM.xis .•< \V. and Sp ClU Lateral view of the calyx. Specimen with arms, anal tulie, and column. I'm TiiiKixis i.oxdis (Meek and Worthen) GO!) Anterior view of an unusually tine and large calyx. CAfToiiiiN-L-.s cLAnus (Hall) OIU Lateral view of a large dorsal cup with almost smooth plates. .Vnterior view of a specimen with ornamented plates. Cactochixis uETiciLATis, var. nvATf-i (ITall) 000 Anterior view of tlie calyx. CACTomixus THALIA (Hall) 004 Anterior view of the dorsal cnp. .Vnotlier specimen, showing the left posterior r.ay and anal interr.adius. (All the specimens in the collection of Wachsmuth and Springer.) i« tiiiinT is iiiislc;nliug iu giving tlic appraraiicc of siiiiics to some unM-fiagimuts Iviug u|iou tlic •1 ;■ 1: I h ;n •:, I .\ A!.:i.ii/.iA •1 .• 1 u i I'LATE LVIII. Caciim mscH cLAin ■" (ll.iU) . I''i^'. 1 Sliowiiii,' tlic :uin stnicliirc, ;iiiil llif iirraiim'iiuMit of tlii' liooka nloiiK tlin liiiimilt'H. CArT on .1. A lar^jo siH'ciiiRMi wiUi ;iniis. 1. Aiiutlior 9|)('oimi'ii witli iiniiH. .">. rosti'i'ioi- view of tliu ciilyx. (i. Lixti'ral view of a siu'eiiin'n, .slnnviii},' a portiim of the anal tiilie. "'(. Portion of an arm, showing the (l(]rsal side of llie iiiniuiles ami tln> hooks; the food grooves open at pUvees, auil eUisecl at others, f. 'd. The ventral side ut the pinnnles still more enlargiul, showing the arrange- ment of the covering plates and side pieces, and also at intervals the l)ottoin of the food grooves. 'c. Dorsal aspect of three ailjoining iiininiles greatly enlarged. ~il. A single pinnule joint, greatly enlarged. Cai Toi Kixrs Mtl.TinitACIIlATls (Mall) H, Anterior side of a line specimen with arms. CAl'TorlilNHS I.IMAIlUAllllAH ■< (Hall) '.». Lateral view of the caly.s (one of the rays ahnoniial, havin;.; Imt one costal). 10(1. Specimen with arms. 104. Arm joints, much enlarged. (.Vll the specimens in the collection of Wachsmnth and .Springer) (117 co.s T I'i PLATE LIX. PACiE Ti:i.r.ii'i liiMs ijLiiis (Ihll) (jyii I'i;,'. 1. S|i(>fiiiieii willi :inus ami stum. ■_'. Aiitfiiur view ol' ;i siiL'ciinoii with anns, anal tuU . ,itul :-tiui. .'! LatiMal vJL'W of tlio calyx (a vory larye siiecimcii^ TKI.KlOililXts ADllLKSCKXS \V. ailll Sp (iX) I. Siilo view of tlic type spociiuen. 'ri:i.i'.ici(iiiM s TDxrntADiATrs (Hall) G34 ."r Dorsal aspect of a siicciuuMi witli arms. • '■. Anterior siile of a laru'i' calyx. Ti:i.EioiiiiNis iMiuiosfs (Hall) 028 7. Portion of the stem. ('Arro( ItlMS ( .Kf.ATI-S (Hall) (il8 S. L.ateral vii'W of the calyx ; typical form. '.). I'osterior view of a sliglitly lubed .specimen. Cm Toi liiM s (.i:latis, var. .si'i.voTE.NTACfLus (Hall) Cl'J ]ii. Anterior view of the calyx. (All specimens in the collection of Wachsmuth and Springer.) . Oir'lEg . Nf I Fig. V,. LV.. ■M. 3. PLATE LX. STROTOcniNis (ii-vi'Tis (Hall) Spoeimcii with arms ami stem. Posterior viow of a very largo spocimcn. Ventral aspect of a natural cast. TixKiDCHi-Nrs iMiiiiiisr.s (llall) A fine specimen with arms and stem. Anterior view of the caly.x (typical form). Ventral aspect of another specimen. A very yonng specimen ; the rays free above the distichals. Tklkiockixis i.iit.Mis (Hall) A largo specimen with anal tube anil stem. C40 fil'S 033 Tklkiockixis ai.tiika (Hall) 032 Anterior view of a large calyx. AcTiNOcuixis Asi'KKiuMr.s JI. aiiil W TiT.") I'osterior view of the calyx. Anterior side of the calyx (specimen with unusually strong riilgos). (All the specimens in the collection of Wachsmuth aud Springer.) V >^ A ■■=>sssEmm N A y / \ J ws^m - ■-"*?-.«»- v/ 1'.. 1.'. 17. 1.'. ;;■/. TLATK LXI. Pacii' Stkiianiichini'ii (•(•(•i.rrt'H (IFall) ONI I'dStcrioi' vii'W iif a hirtjr Hiirciiiu'ii witli iinns. iiii;il tiilu', iiinl sti'Jii. I/iti'ial view 111' a very Imp' ciilyx. I'dstoridr view ol aiuitlior calyx. Niiiui^ !i|ii'i'iiiiuii with ariiiN ami chIiiiliii. I'nrticiii (if uw of tlio tuliiilar a|<|>i'ii(lagi>8, Bhowiiig the'.s dl tlic anus (if). L'riiss-Si'fliun of tin' sainc (f), SiKii.vNcM uiM H au.\m:(i|,i .< M. and W •"''1 Piii'sal as|M'('t (if a siicciincn witli arms. Lateral view cif tlic calyx, ami tlic Imvcr cml of tlic anal tiilic. Sii:(,,\N(iciiiMH i'i:xT\(iMN( » ( llalh Ch'.^ Ventral asjicct (if a siiccimcn. slinHiiiy liurtiiai.s iil tlio arms. .Aiitiriiir viiw of a largo calyx. Ventral aspect, of tlio same s|ieciiiicii. Iiistal face of tlio lirst (ILsticlial (cnlargod) I'ostpriiir view (if a smaller s|ieciiiicn wiili mfirc rc^;ular1y arranRod covcrinp jiieccs. I'osterior view of a siiecinicn from New Mexico. Ventral aspect of tlio same specimen. Srri.ANociii.M s ( oxiiNxrs (>liinnar(l) fiSJ Lateral view of the calyx. Ventral aspect of a small spcciiiicn. Sri:i;A\o('i!iNrs cm.oiiosi s W, and Sp CS,") Lateral view of the type s|ieeimen. (All specimens iii the uollecliun of Wachsmutli and Springer.) I ^-2*;*<»-*»> ■ ■ f ■ yi I'l-'. 1. I. ('./.. s/.. III. PLATE I A II. Am1I|iiK>i 1!IM S >llNiir.l!M III All s (Mall) Pursal asprct nf a siirciim'ii willi a |iuilii]ii nl llii' arms. Siilo view of a siH-i'iinrii with arms. I.atonl vii'w of tlu' cal_\.\. Oiirsal asiH'ct of tlio oalyx, slmwinj,' tlic (iniaiiniitatidii. .\MlllnUAi llIM s 11IMI!I.I\S ( llalh Piirsal asport (.f :t sniiicwliat ili>lorl<'il sipcimiium willi arms. l)(>i>al :ts|Mct iif a liiii' sinTiincii «illi spi-faililig anus. A liTkril oral sjiiin' uf lliis s|icciiiu'ii. I'.'Sli'riiir vii'w .■(' a tiiu' spfciiiiin, sliduiiii; lln' arms and spiiios RiirrouiuliMii till' amis. ( Tlu' spi'iiiiifii was ili'srrihcil liy .Mri'k ami Wurllion as .(. tlli-i r- 'I • 11.1, var. miilf!iiiiii"i'iix.) ViMtral aspect of tin- .saiiir spcciinrn, slmwiii;,' tlio oral ami anal spiiii's. SiiU' vii'w of a very small spi'i'liiifii, sliowinj,' llic dial spines. Porsal aspeet uC llie same specimen. V'liitral aspect of tlic same, sliowiiii; tlie oral and anal spines. I'o-lerior view of tlic calvx. I.,ileiMl view of tile calvx, sliowiiii; lower part of anal tnlic. (I'i^'s. .", 7', and 7'' were made from specimens in the cidleetioii of llie Mils. (.'om[i. /.oi'l.; tlic (•tilers are in the colleetion of Waclismiilli and S[iriiiger.) V.u.t rv.ti ■| :, ., ' A ■.■\:.'i !■ i/ f , . ^ .. . ,. .f,,' anuwi.. est; I'LATK lAIII. Talk 1'|IVS|:Tim lilNl S HUNATIS (Hall) •'"'I'' "i;,'. I. AiitciM-latrnil view uf a s|K'filiu'li willi aims. iColl \V. ainl S|i,) U'. I'lPstc'iiur vii'W (if tlio I'alyx. (Saiiic chIKtUiHi ) ;;. \'iiitial a>|'i'rl. iliowiii),' annular iinprcssion iiiaiU' l>y :. ('"jui!'!. wliich coveri'd till' anal upcniny. . (Siiuu- colU'cticin.) 1. Antoi'ioi- view uf a largi', slightly eruslioJ siicciniiMi. (Sanio cdlU'Otidn.) rnvsr.TMc liiNi - ('.>ri;i (Milh'iO ^'■^^ .1. Siilo vifW (if l,^■^■c' siicciuicn. ^Saiiic cdllecliun.) rnv>i Till iMMs vi-.M i;i( iisi -i (Hall ) >i'Xi t\ 'I'viic (if lln' varii'ty inl. riinil'iu.-i Hall. O'"^- <-'i'"il'- Z""l-) I'livsi ;iM s .\si'i:i; .MufU and Wurllicii f''."' 7 '. I'ciitcridr vi.'W df tlio ty|n' spcinincn. (Miis. C'umii. Zunl.) "A. W'Utnil a.-iK-i'f df lliu sanii.'. I'nvsrKM i;ists i.diiMi s W. and Sp '>'.•'.• 8.(. Side vi.w df llid ralyx. iCdll. W. and Sp.) Wi. Vuntral a-*] t df tlu.' calyx. (Same t'olli'ctiun.) Ti;i.r.idi iMNis .u.riii-..\ (Hall) C3l' ',». I.ati.'1-.d view iif tlio type sprfinicn. (.Mu-^. Cdnip. Zddl.) *Sf f ■■^llAS* .rr^'i '^■^^^ 'i PLATE hWV. I'ltVSF.TOrlilXlS VKSTIill'iisl s (Hull) ri^'. 1. Spoeiiiioii with anus, sti'in, unci root. 'J. I.atiTul vii'W of tliu calyx. ;!. AiitiTiof viuw of till' i'al_vx. 4. rostorior viow of a small rloiiijatc siiooimon, r>. I>or.sal a.s] t of a ilcpn'ssecl siieciiiifii of Ilall'ti varii'ty " Actiiincriinis" nti- CI(l'ltl(X. fi. .Vnti'i-ior view of tlio ralyx. 7. Aiil.'iior viiMV of u sin'ciini'ii of tin; tyjii' of MrClii'Siicy'.s ■' Ai-tiiiorriinta" niilirriitriinniin. S f. Spcciinoii from the I.nwiT linrliiij^ton limestone'. Sh. Vontnl a.^spoi't of tin' sanu' spruinK'n. P.M.K I'liv-KToi uiNi s iiM.ATATis Jf. and W. .V.I,-, ;». The typo spi'i'imcn. (After Meek and Worthen.) 10. Horsal aspect of another s[M'eimen. (All specimens, except l'"ig. '.>, in the collection of W.iehsinnth and Springer.) •MUs :T'— ~'" - "~ ss sss sm -iiiiimiBauiim ^^^^^^^^^BS^^fr ^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) e ^^.% ^ 1.0 I.I UitM Li2.S tJi lii |22 1^ li& 12.0 i 11:25 ||U ,6 ^1 6" ► / '/ ij^ Photograiiiic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716)872-4503 4 v.. PLATE LXV. Page St otockinus beqalis (Hall) 638 Fig. 1«. Lateral view of the calyx. lb. Ic. 1<;. Half of a ray to the fiftli bifurcation, drawn from a large specimen. The extended rim of a large specimen, having portions of the dorsal cup broken away, exposing the subtegminal galleries at the inner floor of the tegmeu, and the grooves passing out from the centre and diverging to tlie arms. Specimen showing the outer face of the tegmen. Stbotocbinus glyptus (Hall) 2a. Dorsal aspect of a medium sized specimen. 2b. Tegmen of another specimen. (All specimens in the collection of Wachsmuth and Springer.) 640 ■.ri L; lluir :\ ■{■■■/ 1.' k-. ri-l!.;vTe iTir.*-:.)! i 1 ■nHMM 1 PLATE LXVI. I LATYCRINUS lIEMIgPIIEHICUS M. ftiul W. Paoe 703 Fij;. Irt. Specimen showing arms and stem. \li. Dorsal aspect of another specimen with arms spreading, and a Plafyceras hifiinililiulum covering anal opening. !<•. Lateral view of the calyx; also a I'l'iti/certm infundibuluni attached. 1(/. Ventral aspect of another specimen. rLATycniNUS sunsi'iNui.osfs Hall C84 2i'. Lateral view of tho dorsal ciipj a very large specimen. 'Jb. Base of the same specimen. ri.ATvcHixus VEiiiiucosrs Wliito 703 3'(. Lateral view of tho dorsal cup. 3b. Dorsal aspect of the same. rLATYCUTXrS KXCAVATUS Ilall A specimen witli arms. (Tho figure does not show sufficiently the abrupt depressions on the radials just below their facets.) Pi.ATVCKixus Nono-STRiATUs W. and Sp 718 COS r>'i. Dorsal aspect. 5''. Side view of a somewhat depressed specimen. Platvckixus O. and Sh 706 (xi. Dorsal aspect of a specimen with arras. (l/i. Vostcrior view of calyx. (jc. Ventral aspect of the same specimen. rtATvcKiNTs si'ixii'ER W. and Sp 708 7. The type specimen with arms. Platycuini's ouxiohanulus McChcsney 701 8. A specimen with arms. Platycrikus sriisrixosrs Hall 9'(. Dorsal aspect of a perfect specimen with arms. (Mus. Comp. Zocil.) 9i. Ventral aspect of the calyx. Platvcrini-3 discoidevs 0. and Sh , , 10((. Dorsal aspect of a specimen with arms, tho outer parts of the latter slightly restored in two rays. lOJ. Ventral aspect of the calyx. lO*-. Posterior side of the same specimen. (All specimens, except Fig. On, in the collection of Wachsmuth and Springer.) 717 713 Ji-, ;no;I'F.a :Ai.:r!-/viA ' i.A ri. (^ (I y^-- Si PLATE LXVII. I'ACK ri.ATVirirNis;iii Hall (iW Fi;,'. 1. A fine s|u'('iiiii'ii with nniis mid ('(iluinii, Iruni liiili;iii C'lciU, Iml. (Coll. W. iinil Sp.) 2. Siilo view of tho calyx. (Sumo cullcctioii.) n. Doi'siil ciiii of a siicciiiuMi fnjiii lUiiliiijiton. (Sanio culloction.) I'l.ATVciiiNaM (ii.Yi'TiH ir. ami W fiO.T ■I. Siicciiiicii with nrina and (•(ihuiin. ((.'nil, W. anil Sp.) fi. Dorsal piip of a large, flongato siu'ciuien. (iS'inie collection.) I'l.AT'ciiiNis iNcoMpris White tiOl (i. A young spfcinii'n with arms, showing tho numerous bifurcations of tlio rays, and a faint rugose ornamentation. ri.ATYcniMs Hi'is'iKKii, var. ELONfiATus W. and Sp 709 7. Lateral view of tho calyx, showing portions of the arms. (Same collection.) 1'latychixi's cavl-h Hall 71"i i>'i and /'. Dorsal cup of two specimens. (Same collection.) I'l.ATVi ijiNts AVoiirMKXi Hall 702 9. The type specimen. (Illinois .State collection.) ri.ATYciiixrs oEOMi'.Tiiicrs W. and Sp C97 10. The typo specimen. (Mus. Comp. Zoiil.) I'l-ATYClilXl'S TIU'.VCATfl.US Hall G7.'> 11/1. Side view of tho calyx, showing the bases of the arms (enlarged). 1 [li. Side view of another specimen. 1 . ,M 1 ,^i'tv.. \.V '.■/-■i'.i-c:i-i 1^; ii'-".vU7- lYx'J!^ :|t f. ' '■t m PLATE LXVIII. A(IB rLATYCHINU': VEKKUCOSUS WllitO 705 ri;^ id. Tlie typo specimen, (^[lls. Coinii. Zool.) 111. Oblique view of the dorsal cup. (Coll. W. and Sp.) ]'• Another specimen ; dorsal aspect of the calyx. (Same collection.) 1(/, aspect of a variety from New Mexico, showing the aual opening. (Same collectiou.) I'latvchikus pocillifoumis Hall TdC 2(1. Lateral aspect of the dorsal cup (the ornamentation from another specimen). (Coll. W. and Sp.) 2b. Base of a specimen with larger nodes. (Coll. W. and Sp.) rr.ATVcuiNL's YAsn.;.r,i O. and Sh. 700 3n. Dorsal aspect of the calyx; a very mature specimen. (Same collection.) 3i. Ventral aspect of the same specimen. 3c. Posterior view of same. Platvcuixus Yandelli, perasper 4". Lateral view of a specimen with arms. (Afus. Conip. Zool.) ■Ih. Dorsal aspect of the same specimen (the stem removed). rLATVCIilN'ia SOIT.PTI'S ILall 5. Specimen from Xew Jlexico, view of the calyx. (Coll. W. and Sp.) I'latvcuixi's pauvixodus Hall (id. Side view of the type, the specimen somewhat flattened. (JIus. Comp. Zoiil.) (j/>. Anterior view of another specimen less distorted. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Pr.ATvcKixus PECuLiAins W. and Sp 7d. Posterior view of the calyx ; the nodes partly eroded by weathering. (Coll. W. and Sp.) 71). Ventral aspect of the same specimen. Platvcuints GEOMETurcvs W. and Sp 8. Another type specimen. (Coll. W. and Sp.) 70« r.91 cm 700 097 Plattcrinus asfer M. and W. Fig. 9n. The type specimen. (Miis. Couip. Zool.) 9J, Uasal view of another specimen. (Mus. Comp. Zool.) PlATYCRINUS ORNIGRANITLUS McCh. Paob 090 701 lOff. 10/<. 10,'. 11<(. lU. VJ,,. UY-. 13/. 134. 13c-. 14/(. Hi. A fine specimen with arms, representing the typical form. (Mus. Comp. Zool.) Dorsal aspect of a very short calyx ; showing the ornamentation. (Coll. W. and Sp.) A costal and two pairs of distichals. A specimen with coarser ornamentation. (Same collection.) A specimen with a somewhat different ornamentation. (Same collection.) A young specimen. (Coll. W. and Sp.) A still smaller specimen ('^). (Same collection.) Platvcrixus EMiNULrs Hall 713 Anterior view of calyx. (Mus. Comp. Zoiil.) Posterior view of another specimen. (.Same collection.) Ventral aspect of the calyx. (Coll. W. and Sp.) .L Platvcrini's .scohina M. and W. . . The type specimen. (Afus. Comp. Zoiil.) Dorsal aspect of the calyx. (Coll. W. and Sp.) 693 Platyckinus Gorbyi S. a. Miller 710 Dorsal aspect of the calyx. (Mus. Comp. Zoiil.) .L PLATE LXIX. I'l-MVI UIXIS SVMMKTltlCL'S W. aiid Sp Kii,'. 1<(. Sppoiiin'ii with ai'ins and coluimi. ]/'. Vi'iitnil asjiuct of tliu calyx ; a large sin'ciiiu'ii. 1.'. Wiitral asjiout of a young speoiniun ; tlio orals almost sj-ninietrical. I'LArvtuiNus I'l.Axi's O. and Sh 1' '. A large speciincn with arms. 'J/'. ],iiti'ral view of the dorsal cup. "'•. A portion of the arms enlarged. 1''/. A young specimen, apparently of this species. I'l-ATYciii-srs iuuLiX(.T0XKNsis O. and .Sh ;i'(. A medium sized siiecimeu with arms. (After Jtcck and Worthcn.) o/i. Lateral view of a large calyx. ."'•. Ventral aspect of another large specimen, showing the anal tube. .'If/. Posterior view of a smaller specimen. >"/ . \'entral aspect of another small specinu'n. ";/: ])Lirsal cup of a young specimen. (Inadvertently drawn with left antero- lateral interradius at the top.) .";/. A very young specimen with zigzag arms, composed of single joints. o/(. I'ortion of an arm showing the lateral processes (enlarged). Si. I'ortion of an arm in a dorsal aspect (enlarged). I'l.ATvrnixi's A(iAssizi \V. and Sp 4. A very large specimen with arms. ]'i,ATV( liixis i'ir,i:iroi:5iis Hall .'). A specimen with arms (slightly restored). I'l.ATVc tnxL-s nox(i;xsis Wliito 0. A siiecimen having six arms to the ray. PLATvriiixrs sak.t: TIall 7. The type S]ieciinen. (After ILill.) Somewhat flattened. l'.\r:K Uo5 CG8 633 OO'J 0^() CS.-j (hT (All s|)ecimens in the collection of •\Viielisinuth and Springer, except that of Sn, which is in tlie ^Fuseum of Comparative Zoology, and Fig. 7, which is in the Illinois'J Museum.) " lu-vi !.' ' ■t I PLATE LXX. Pai.e 1'i.ATvrnivi's sAii.K Hall - (577 l"ig. 1. Specimen with faintly ornaniuntoil plates. rLATYCIlIXl'S N0D0-8TlilATIS W. ami Sp (lOS .'!. Specimen with six to the ray, the must frequent number. •I". Lateral view of the calyx; an older specimen. ■I/'. Anal side of the same specimen. •Ic. Ventral aspect of same. I'latycuixi's niiKvixoDis Hall (iSS L*. Siiecimen from the upper part of the liurlingtun limestone ; with column, root, ami four arms to the raj'. o. Specimen from same horizon with six arms to the ray. C'( ami b. Two specimens from tlie Keokuk groiiji of Indian Creek, Iml. I'l.ATVc uixis TcxiiimAciMATrs Jleck and Worth G87 7. A specimen with arms. 8. -Another specimen, slightly differing in ornamentation. rr,..TVii!ixis srusMNitosis Hall c,^\ 9. A highly ornamented calyx. I'latvckixus Samtsoxi S. a. Miller 07,3 10. view of the calyx. Tf.ATVCRixrs ruArTKXi Worthen (;7i 11. .\ specimen with arms. 12. The b.isal disk. Pr.ATY( liixcs iMr.riFoiiMis Hall (;,v; l.'V/. Lateral view of the enlyx. 13/*. Posterior side of the enlyx. Pr.ATYcnixis Davis! W. and S; (;si It. Lati>ral view of the type specimen. (All the specimens in the collection of Wiehsnnitli and Springer.) "•V - -f. ? ,if. .'('IIMIl'tA 'MM'K.M/ i i-'.ri L. .w ■::: "iK'.-rt ' ;. Hi;iif\JY -If". Hf'.iiW- Fl-:-.-.!.? .'. y ■•.;!, i PLATE LXXI. I'A.I Pf.ATV'^BIJlUii INroMl'TUH White (1(11 I'ij,'. 1 V very liii'Ko spociiiu'li, showing tho numerous rainitioatiiins ut llu^ arms. (O.U. \V. anil Sp.) '_'. A Hiiiiill H|i«('iiiit'ii, bliowiiiK tho saiiip. (Siuiio collection.) ;l. 'riio type siH't'iimMl. (Mu9. Coinii. Zoiil.) I'l.ATYciiiNi's .WjiAi.ift Hall on ■|r', A very liirun Hpoclinon with amis. (Same collection.) •16. I'ortion of an arm (enlarged), r>. The calyx, shciwing the nulial facets and the small lirst costal. ((Jnll. W. aiidSp.) I'l.ATvritiNis i.dDCNsin Hall nncl Wliitf (!('(! (i. Tlie type specimen. (Alter Hall imd Whitfield,) rr.ATVi'HiNis ciiiAi'iiiiis Hall and Wliitf , 071' 7. The typo specimen. (After Hall and Whitfield.) I'r.ATviitiM's coNTiiiTi's Hall and Whitf 1(17 S. Tho typo specimen. (After Hall and Whitfield,) I'l.ATVcitiNi's NioTKNsis Mcck and Woithon (IM.' 9, Specimen with arms (from Indinua). I'r.ATVcniM'M Hkitthi S. A. Jfiller (l.Mi 10, The typ(^ specimen. (Cull. F. A. Sampson, Sedaliii). ri.ATvi'iiiNis cnnmMFdKMis IJowlcy and Haro (lt")7 11". Dorsal cup in a side view. ll/(. Dorsal as[ieet of the same specimen. (Coll. 1!. R. Kowley.) Vi.ATvritiNi's .I'.gi'iTKiiNUS S. A. Miller OoH V2. Tho type specimen. (C^'^viM^ft^if^p''*?i^ga*-';^rs"-^!^*^ s^5r» "r?g^«t^^^" PLATE LXXV. CaMPTOCUINUS MYKLOI>ACTVI,rS W. aiul Sp Fig. 1. A specimen with stem and cirri. (Coll. W. and Sp.) 2i and A. Portions of the coiled stem in different specimens, showing the cirri. Diciiocnisus Blaiui S. A. Jliller .'{. The type specimen. (After Miller.) Pai^k Ti.s huntsvii,i,.u W. and Sr. 4. The type specimen. K'oll. W. and Sp.) PlCIIOCRINlS (.INcnS S. A. Jfll.LKU . 5. Specimen with arms. (Same collection.) Diciiociiixus foxr.s Jleek and Worthcn (i. The type specimen. (Illinois State coUoetion.) rLATVCUINlS I ANAI.IClI.ATrS Hall. . 7". Specimen with arms. (Coll. W. and Sp.) "'*. JVn-sal aspect of ilie calyx. (Same collection.) I'l.ATVCHIXUS .SCl'LPTl'S Hall .... rro Gfi'.) cm S. A large specimen with arms. (Same collection.) 9. A smaller specimen, (^[ns. Comp. Zoiil.) Platvcrixis AMKiiKAsus O. .and Sh dSG 10. A mature specimen with aims; the latter biserial from above the last bifur- cation. (Coll. W. .and Sp.) 11. A young specimen ; the arms uniserial and zigzag, the joints elongate, and the pinnules far apart. (Same collection.) llj. Dorsal .aspect of the calyx. (S.ame collection.) lull. Side view of the calyx of a large specimen. (Same collection.) \!M). Anal side of the same specimen. \"'\ aspect of the same. 14. Natural oast, probably of Culicocriku.s From the Niagara group of Iowa. (Same collection.) ,1' j,i I nil-* wBmmmmmmmm i ^4- Paok CoccocKiNus BACCA F. Roeiiier 739 rig. lou. Dorsal iispeot of the calyx (drawn with the aual intcrradiua at the lower loft side). 15i. Kight anterior side of the same specimen, lye. Posterior side of same. (Same collection.) Marsupiocbinus TENNESSEENSI.S (F. Rocmer) 731 ](!«. Dorsal view of the calyx. (Coll. W. and Sp.) IGi. Ventral aspect of the same specimen. Mausupioceinus stkiatus W. and Sp 732 17. Dorsal view of a rather small specimen. (Same collection.) 18. Ventral aspect of another specimen. Mausupiocuinus tentaculatl's (Hall) 733 10(1. The type specimen. (After Hall.) 19i. Enlargement of one of its rays. (After Hall.) COUDTLOCIUKUS PLUMOSUS (Hall) 737 20. The type specimen. (After Hall.) U: ii - 1 »' I \ 1 ' ^hiu ■:: ■■^\ ! :./. IT. L. ■ I I V v.', lit: L^=» — »w "nawrnpW' rig. la. U. Ic. 2a. lb. 3a. 3i. \a. 4i. 4c. 6A. Cc. 10, PLATE LXXVI. Faor AnTiiKACANTiiA iTiiACENSis Williams '''49 Lateral view of a specimen with arms. (Jluseum Cornell University.) Hasal disk. Tiio movable spines upon the tegmen. Abthbacantiia punctobbaciiiata WilliLms 750 Specimen showing spine bases. (Coll. W. autl Sii.) Another specimen with some spines attached. (Coll. Prof. S. Calvin.) Abtiihacantiia depkessa W. and Sp ""1 Dorsal aspect of the typo specimen. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Ventral aspect of the same specimen. DiciiocBixus LINEATU8 Meek and Worthcn 7G1 The type specimen ; posterior view of the calyx. (Mus. Comp, Zool.) Anterior view of the same specimen. Dorsal aspect of same. DicHOCRiNus pisuM Meek and Worthen 7C3 Specimen with arms. (Mus. Comp. Zocil.) DicnocRiv^s cRASsiTESTi-s White "GO Tlie type specimen ; the anterior side exposed. (Same collection.) Another specimen with part of the column attached. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Posterior view of the calyx and anal tube. (Same collection.) DiciiocRixus OVATUS Owcn and Shumard 7C0 A fine specimen with arms. (Mus. Comp. Zool.) DiciiocBiNus r.iRATus Hall 7o9 Specimen with arms and part of column. (Same collection.) DicitocRiNus coxANUs Wortlicn 763 The type specimen. (Coll. L. A. Cox.) DicnocBiNus IiaMiltonensis Worthen " - The type specimen. (Same collection.) ■mm-rwm' Pack DicnocBiNUs ANOU8TU8 White 7*'8 Fig. 11. Postetior view of a specimen with arms. (Coll. \V. and Sp.) DlCIIOCRINUS 8UPEKSTE8 W. au(l Sp 'CO 12. Side view of the type specimen. (Same collection.) Camptocbinus cirbifeb \V. and Sp 780 13(7. The type specimen, showing the curved cirrus-bearing stem; from the Kaskasliia group of Kentucky. (Coll. W. and Sp.) 13A. Another specimen from the Kaskaskia group. (Same collection.) 13f. A specimen from the St. Louis group of liuutsville, Ala. (Same collection.) •sp •lla«*^-*f!»;: A I PLATE LXXVII. Paoi DiciiocRiNus roLYDAcTYLua Cass. and Lyon 756 1(1. A largo spoeiinon with arms. lb. Postcriur view of calyx, showing the elevated dome and disk ambulacra. DiCIIOCBINUS LACIIBYMOSUS Hall 754 2. Postf rior view of calyx. I'c. Ventral aspect of same. DiciincuiNus LiHATrs Hall 7C9 3((. Specimen showing the arms and stem, 34. Posterior view of the dorsal cup. DicnocKiNis fivcTus Miller and Gurley 7C4 4rt. Posterior view of specimen with arms. 46. Ventral aspect of the calyx. 4c Distal face of first distichal (J). Diciiociiixus PLicATrs Hall 758 5(1. A small specimen with arms and stem. Ci. Another specimen, giving a side view of the dorsal cup. DiCIIOCBINUS oiijTATus W. and Sp 7G2 C. Specimen with arms and stem, from near Srt. Pleasant, Iowa. DiriiocRiN'us LyKVis Hall 705 7rt. Specimen with arms. (Coll. Mr. Fultz of Burlington.) Th. Another specimen. (Same collection.) 7('. Portion of an arm with pinnules (enlarged). DiCIIOCBINUS ovATus O. and Sh 7C0 8(1. A specimen with arms. 86. Posterior view of the dorsal cup. DiCIIOCBINUS OBLONGUS W. and Sp 7-;9 9. Posterior view of the type specimen. I'AdK Diiiiocm.Ni's risuM M. and W "'••' Fig. 10. Posterior side of the dorsal cup. (After Muok and Wortben.) DiouocuiNUS 8TKIAT18 O. and Sh 7C7 11(7. rosterior side of tlio dorsal cup. 114. Side view of another s;/ouiuien. DiciiocniNi-n iNouxATus W. and Sp 770 I'^ii. IVjstorior view of a specimen with anus. iL'i. Another specimen. DiciiocKiNUS DBLicATUS W. and Sp 706 13. The typo specimeu. (All the specimens, except 7", /' and 10, are in the collection of Wachsniuth and Springer.) - h '■',; ;: t.A "M:.y '*/■.■> a ly.i'l. I. Vlll y* 1^ ^ til il-it:vvpc Pnr.iiiii; ''o.Ri.itgr. ruTK Lxxvm. Ill 2k TaI.AHOc HIM 1* HKXI.OIIATIIM (Sl.illlllird) I'osti'rior view of it Hpcciiiioii fnuii l"iii,'|icpiit, Va, (Vj, (VM, \\. luid Sii.) Vi'titnil aspect of tlio Raiiio Hporiiiii'ii (',"). Duisiil view ot tlio calyx. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Paoi ■Mj. 4-1. ■1/'. Cut. (I/.. "'I, til. »li. 9ti. Oft. 10. TAI.AHOCUINCH OVATIM Wortlu'll I'tmtciinr vii'W of the typn Hpi'ciimii (','). (Illinois St, Coll,) Ventral asiicct of tlio .saino Hin'cinicn ('i'). Tai.ahoc iiiNi M DijcoiixiM W. and Sp Toatcrioi \ ii'w of the typo siircinicn (','j. (Coll. W . and Mp.) Ventral aNpcet of Iho aamo (','), Specimen with arms (','). (S.imo collection.) 7«7 78H TAi.AKorniNMi sYMMKTuiri'H (C'aN.s. n)i(l Lyon) I'oatprior view of tlio calyx (','). (Coll, W. and Sp.) Ventral aspect of the same specimen (',"). I'osterior view of typi' t^','). (Coll. S. H. T-yon.) Tai.ahik itrM-.i coKNiaKiu'D (Slnimard) Toateiior view of a .specimen from Vulaski Co., Ky. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Ventral a.speet of tlie same specimen (V). .\nterior view of ilio typo specimen, from Alabama (',")■ (Mas, Wnsliint,'ton University, St. Louis.) Ventral aspect of tlio same ('('). TRfi 7S,1 Tai.ahochiniis stmpi.kx (Sliumard) Anterior view of tho dorsal c\ip (i,";. (Coll. \\. and Sp.) Dorsal aspect of a larger specimen. (Sniiio collection.) TAr.AKoritiNTS ap. (?) I'osterior view of a s)ieeinioii from rulnski Co., Ky. (','). Perhaps fn ab- iiornial specimen ot J\ scrlolmtiis. (Coll. W. and Sp.) Oral plates of tho same Q{). 70O HEXAcniNus 0CCIDESTAM9 W. and Sp Anterior view of tho type specimen. (Mns. Davenport Acad. Nat. Sci.) }■ &: Tacik DicnocRiNt'8 PKXTALOBua (Cass. and Lyon) 775 Fig. 11(1. Lateral view of the type specimen; somewhat crushed. (Coll. S. S. Lyon.) lib. The fixed brachials, enlarged (f). lie. An imperfect specimen, showing parts of Iho pendant arms. (Coll. S. S. Lyon.) Hexacbinus Lea I (Lyon) 74(> 12a, Anterior view of type; the lower brachials and a few joints of the stem restored from another specimen. ^Coll. S. S. Lyon.) 12b. Busal cup of same specimen. DiCIlOCRISl'S SCITULl'S IIiiU 7G7 13a. Side view of a large specimen with arms, from the Lower Burlington lime- stone. (Coll. W. and Sp.) 134. A small specimen from tlio Upper iturlington limestone. (Same collec- tion.) 14. Side view of a specimen with arms from the same horizon. (Same collec- tion.) DiciiocRi.Nus I'EXDExs W. and Sp 774 15. Specimen with pendent arms from the Upper Burlington limestone. (Coll. W. and Sp.). DiciiocuiMs KICU8 Cass, and Lyon 774 IGa. Posterior view of the calyx. (Coll. W. and Sp.) ICi. Side view of another specimen. (Same collection.) i '-■sSaJ ) A Al.Ii'.KAiA lT.\n. I.. li ,^- ■C;; t i!f:intn:« Fn'.*;:i? .', !*•■.■. .11 i PLATE LXXIX. Talarocrinus suuglobosus W. and Sp 78'J Fig. In. Posterior view of the calyx. (Coll. W. ami Sp.) 16. Ventral aspect of the same specimen. PiEROTocuiNus DEPRESsus Lyou and Cass 79(5 2(1. Lateral view of the type specimen. (Coll. S. S. Lyon.) 2/i. Lateral view of the calyx, showing two of the wings, (Coll. W. and Sp.) 2c. Dorsal aspect of the calyx. (.Same collection.) 2(/. Another type specimen, showing the wings in position. (Coll. S. S. Lyon.) 2e. A wing, showing the face of attachment Pterotockixts ACUTi'S AVetherby 790 3((. Posterior view of the calyx. (Coll. W. anil Sp.) 3b. Anterior view of tlio same specimen. 3c. Ventral aspect of a specimen with two of the wings preserved, and the anus covered by a Gasteropod. (Same collection.) 3'/. Anotlicr specimen, sliowing the wings in a side view. (Same collection.) 3i'. Dorsal aspect of a line specimen witli arms and wings. (Same collection.) S/andg, 2 wings of a different species. (Same collection.) Ptekotocrints ri'RAMinALis Lyon and Cass 798 4(/. TIio typo specimen ; lateral view of the calyx. (Coll. S. S. Lyon.) 4''. Dorsal aspect of the same specimen. Pterotocrinus ciiesteressis Meek and Wortlien 802 5((. One of the type specimens; lateral aspect. (After Meek and Worthen.) ail. Another type specimen, showing the posterior side of the calyx. (After Meek and Worthen.) Pterotocrinus Lyon 7'Jl C>a. Postero-l.ateral view of the type specimen. (Coll. S. S. Lyon.) 04. Ventral aspect of the same. Ptkkotocri.vus cohon'arius Lyon 7y." 7". Venti'al aspect of the type specimen. (Same collection.) 71). Side view of the same ; the dorsal cup not preserved. Tage I'TEitoTOCRiNrs CHASSU3 JIt'L'k aiul AVurlhcii 801 Fit;. 8. Posterior view of the type specimen. (After Jleek and Wortlien.) Pteuotocrin'us Aci'Ti's, var. BiPtmcATi-s Wetlieiby 801 0(1. Dorsal aspect of the type specimen. (After Wetherhy.) 01). Ventral aspect of the same. 10. Diagram, showing the arrangement of the lower brachials in Pterotocriiius. i Li PLATE LXXX. f I ArKociitNTS Shumabdi Yaiidell . P.AliE 801) Fijj. 1, Lateral view of tlio type specimen. (Dr. Yaiulell's soUection.) 2. Fragmentary specinici: from Iluntsvillc, Ala. (Cull. W. and Sp.) .'i. The lower part of tiie ilo-sal cup; from I'lilaski Co., Ky. (Coll. W. ami Sp.) AcitociiiNis AMi'iioitA W. aiitl Sp 808 ■1. A large specimen with portions of the arms and stem. ."i. A smaller specimen, enlarged (f). (i. The caly.K somewhat llattened and enlarged ('{). The right posterior ray forming tlio median lino of figure ; the anal inter- radius occupying the left side. 7. Another specimen showing calyx and lower part of the arms (J). 8. Ventral aspect of a large specimen (f ). 9. A specimen showing the calyx, the pendent arms, the turned up pinnules, and the stem. (All in the collection of W. and Sp.) AcROCRiNus WoBTiiENt Wachsmutli 807 lOrt. Diagram made from the type specimen in the Illinois State Museum. 104. Showing the outlines of the specimen. a^^aiM ;; ; : A 'a:': a, a m ^ w4m ) I i ■■^•ox.«/' V. y -\}--\VTr -jr.: •■.•.4 ' I PLATE lAXXI. li rig. El CALVl'KK HIM > ( llASM s II, lU 1. A Very largo siiefiiiicii witli iinus. (C'mII. W. :iii(l Sji.) •i. A siiiiiUiT speoiuifii with luuis. (Siunc I'olloi'tinn.) ;■,. Calyx vitli arms reiiiovi'il, loaviiit; the i);ii'titions mcloniiii; the arms. ifiMMo I'ollt'cliuii.) 4. A siii'ciiiioii with an iiuusMally liinail hasc. (Sumo rcllcctiiin.) f>. Ventral view of ealyx willi arms ami iPiirlUinns reiimved, showing the plaees tor tho iittachnient of the arms. (Same eoUectiuii.) 0. SUdwiiig the inner floor of the disk. (Same collection.) If. Inner Hoor of tlie third ring of jilates in the disk, enlarged. (Alter Mall.) 1,",, One of the plates of the third ring, enlarged. •Ai.r :!ij El I'To2 \ I I ^.^n II ■■IIWM r 4 PLATE JAXXUI. Kic ALViTKiuiM !i ixcoxsi'iaiis Kiiiguubt'ig Fiy. 1. Tlic tviu' siiociiiicii. (Cull. Dr. Uiiiguebeig.) i.'. A siu'ciiiifu with arms. (Suiiiu collectiun.) KrcAi.YrTociuxis s S. A. Miller 3. The calyx ami the iiartitioii walls eiichisiiii,' •■'"-' anus. (Cull. \V. C. ligaii.) 4<(. A natural oast 111' another sjieeiiiiuii; lateral view. (Same cullectioii.) 4^ liasal aspect of aimtlicr speeimen. (.Same coUeetiun.) En Ai.vrrnriuxis cELArrs Ilall o. A iihim|> spei-imen frum Kiiehester. (Coll. \V. and Sj..) 0. A erusheil specimen from Lockport, showing the ornamentation. ^CuU. Dr. liingnebert;.) 7. A very yonng speeimen referred to this species with some doubt (j). (Mas. Conip. Zoul.) I'Al.K .^i'.» 330 Kn'Toc liENi s Tiiirui ii.ATis S. A. Miller cS. One of the type specimens. (Mas. Com|i. Zui)l.) II. Another type specimen. (Same colleetion.) 10. Type of E. murnlis Kingueberg (from his collection). Ei< Ar.YPTociuxfs vKxriiicosrs W. and Sp. . . 11. Speeimen with arms. (.Mus. Cnnip. Zoiil.) 12. Dorsal aspect of the caly.K. (Coll. W. and Sii.) EicALvrTocuixr.s ohcoxhis Hall l;). Natural cast of the dorsal cup. (Coll. Thomas A. Cireene.) Cai.i.ii uixi s liKAciii.KKi \V. and Sp 1 !•'. Lateral view of the calyx. (Coll. W. ami Sp.) M''. Another view of the same specimen, showing the partition walls to their full length. CAI.t.K IMXIS (iJliXlTlS Hall 1.'). Natural cast of the calyx. (Coll. Thomas A. Greene.) 10. Im|iression from a natural moidd. (Same collection.) 17. I'robably an nndescribed variety of C. cuniutii.i. (Same collection.) Cai.i.h'isixus ACAXTiiixis Ringucbcrg if<. Inner aspect of the dorsal cup; the type specimen. (Coll. Dr. Uingueberg.) 337 311 353 3j5 357 350 4 ,.. ■M' «/ ♦1 !>'iSC& .fnT^"".' ''^W m !V33 5.1c. PUBLICATIONS OK TIIF. iMUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Tlioio have been published of the Biillktin» A'ols. I. to XXIX.; uf the Mkmoirs, Vols. I. to XXII. Vols. XXVIII. aiiJ XXX. of the IIullktin, and Vols. XIX. and XXIll. of the Mkmoiks, are now in coui-ho of publication A price lint of the puhlicatiom of the Mineum will lie sent OH applifalion to the Director of the Mueeum of Comparative Zoiiloi/jf, Cambridye, Mam. ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, Director. V 4 m ■Kt^' '■M f4, ■ V .;,%">■ M,:---'^'- \ .£ ^\, • ! *• ^ '..J. / . -4 . >. "^^: fe?*^^^::' l^-fe ''■''V"*:.;^.-;^'-^'- "■■'.v.'*"''.''.''^jyi? .'^ "