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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sent fllmte en commengant par ia premlAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'Impresslon ou d'ilK.stratlon et en terminant par la dernlAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un dee symboles sulvants apparaltra sur Iq dernlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon ie cas: ie symbole — ► signifle "A SUIVRE", le symbole ▼ signifle "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fllmAs A des taux de reduction diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, II est f llmA A partir de Tangle supirleur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'Images nAcassaire. Les diagrammes sulvants illustrent la mAthode. irrata to pelure, nA □ 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 mmmmmmtaitvKsmmmmmmmm(U^ u'^^^im l.-> JL.^ii THE ORNI'i;pOLOGISTS' OOLOGISTS' MANUAL. Being a Complete Cfttalogne of North Ameriosn Brrdd, Skins and Eaf(B; also OrnitttOlngists, UOlogiBtB and Ivxidenninta Snppties rORSALCBY WALTER F. WEBB, .<^ EDITOR AND PUBLI8HB|<, ALBION, N. Y. PRIOB. 25 OBNTS. cvnr*(fMi MM ^ yr^i**^ f- )f«M. ^-ij?,;** OOLOGISrS OUTriTS. No. I. PoMiMad for as eenta. ^ 1 ^to metal blow-plM, i IS-IOO drUl. I4H In. nlekle embryo hook, Head peMUudieinohiuIe. AU in a neat box. Me. a, laat Prepaid fbr 35 eente. inoaggdriii. AU& a neat, tamed, wooden box. No. a, lent PmiiiaM for 90 eenta. 1 OraltliolOKlat and OologUt Handbook, 0 obecUns Uata, 80 latM. 1 a-STSax. \ braw Uowar, I ■oH penolT uel Initte book. Mo. 4, Bent Prepaid for $1.00. IHandbo^. 6 ohMkliw Uata, lOO data*, 1 note book. J bottle OHMvt, 1 wtt panell. l white metal blower, 1 is-ioo drill, 1 em- bryo nook. AQlnaneatinatmmentoaee. No. s» teat Prepaid for only 9t.n- JLP*V^l^''^.J/^Sft V>9f,l Handbook. » Field note SS?*. IJ!?'"'!"?^* "Hft «»ook,itoxlble iM^or: U obetdd UiM^ 1 book of dataa, lOOamall dataa, l MtMll, 1 Ma dr Ip^rtoirMmL t bMtUower, l onbryo aelaMrs, in " I «Uino hMt, 1 bottle oemeoll wooden eaae. Thiab bettMFtkaa the »o«Slt 01 other dealen. IVDe C» vBM Pnpftld ter 05*^^ a to AM ROHla iMthMTOMe, which wm juSiMat pookat. rriTS. In. nteUe embrro t naat box. «d embrjro koQk, box. cbeoklns llato, 80 penoU ane 1 note oto book. 1 bottle ■••lOOdrlU, leitt- ook. a Field note in, 1 Mllper rule, w. Men. m le. flneetqnall^, DMV IDnMpS. jllm«Nilpooli»t 1895. RNITHOLOGISTS' U(h I H and OOLOGISTS' /MANUAL. covBZSTDra of a complete list of all North American Birds, with prices of their Eggs and Skins; also an exhaustive line of Ornithologists', Oologists,' and Taxidermists' Supplies; Valuable Information for the Amateur, Recipes. Compilad and PMblishad by WALTER F/^/EBB. ALBION. N.Y. t;^-^ •ii 1896. A. H. EDDT, FBINTEB, ALBION, N. Y. ^ 1^ \4 ^'^^ ^ BB, INTRODUCTION. } R^alizinff the ereat help that a good manual U.to all worklfg Ornithologists and OologisU. I have undrrtaken^ the task of P'-«T„l.?„«/Kv serve o volume at a nominal price, hoping it may serve lo assist vou in your future work. ^. ,. . = „„«. •"f K take'n great pains to make tje lis J co™^ nloie in every detail as possible. It mcluaes ine Eumbers in vogue by both the American Ornitholo- S?8 Union Ind Ridgway's nomenclature tlie Ker of which is now recognized as the stand- a% but the latter is still in use to some extent; The soientific and common names; the value of a firat-clMS skin of each species as we.l as a tirst^lass eS, where it is possible to quote a p.^ce. A Iwt of tff Wmilies of Birds and the apijroximjle number if egm laid; also other valuable nformauon m re- »rd to preparing and preserving Skins. Eggs, Nests, &c. LABELING SPECIMENS: All eggs or skins will be numbered according to the list of numbers preceding the name, called: the A OU All eggs are side blown with small, neatty driuid hole. All sets are accompanied by full and SoSte data, and all skins are properly labeled, giving date, locality, sex, &c. SBCOND-CLASS SPECIMENS: In handling so many thou«a°d eggs annuaHy a larze quanUty are accumulated which are eunei llSbtly cracked, end blown, large hole or other- SiSe mperfect. These, in many cases, look as well aaTrfect specimens, and to ""f "J collectors would be as satisfactory, in view of the fact that JSy wUl l» furuUhed for Just one-half regular lUt « OrnlthologiiU' and Oolof tato' Manual. » Rood asaortmeot of .good for study, aot^ Pmnf;# ^^'f? "«"«"7 have imperfect skins, whfch are worth OD the areragMOceLh" EQGS IN SETS: fully lO.OOOeSTn sets fa 'foor.*'?'"''- .^'havS this manual. i^dfufjV\i'^/'7hl*« "?« of issuing e»g8. Monthly buBns are ^^nf ."«"?■''''''.?' ''"S'e sets firra/«s. ' """euns aie sint to all collectors of WHOLESALE PRICES: EXCHANGING: ^kfolia SU'in'in (f'onfh'alttt.^'"''' «««» - tity. I to select value o C^ sent L ~» *° *°^ «"»'>• living In remote corners S North aS"' ^«"°'"' me by mail or express Dr«n«iw H; T'?"* <"»" "end cate skins or eim and P 1%^ ' ^^plr lot of dupli- value in specffns" not foinfin ST ?°*^r" Always pack in «ion» »«^4 .. '° ^hel*" locality. ;*over well, wd mLrk yX'^^nfr*!! '"JS'-S t^e #ach packiMce. This Is imnL-n?® *"*' address on Nxceeds any other deaw'^ in /L*: "?.<""* daily mail desirable mJlerial that w« a°J?'" ""i" *'o*^ very allow full catal^SL'tSelin^e^hlnge'' »'•''« '''^ SUBSTITUTES: me\iVu'd^X'S-3rok'a?Ll?t*? ^^^^Sl' "P-i- stock Is tbe firiS* I™ . t^* • •" tmea. While mv WenaT id SSii to'';.™°.°5!' "'"' ?• •* »" i •'Manual. rood assortment of •a for study, ant^ at all limea and J to see. We have It time of issuioir number of single to all collectors of [lequeutly takln* >i"l, I am able at souquitealarire uroiDg to press I •f ejrgs and skioM tor cash than the »'or. Write for irst-class eggs or tes In any quan- •eturn. Persons merlca can send leir lot of dupli- d them onevlulf n their locality tes, bracing the ind address on » our dally mail ine. For very sed of, we will keep all speoi- >ej. While my tUl we ask onr r snbstitates if w qooQ W9 oaa X Ornlthologl.t»' and Oologtot.' Manual. 5 Often fill an order entire when it would otherwise be impossible to do so. ^AVincRMY Our Oval Convex Glass Shades. robes, mats. etc. «» putting birds or snaall mountiDR b g h/»°»' ^^^ Pconvex Glass Shades, mammals "n^^^^^?"^ "„rri„i^d the finest thing at a.OOO squarefeeet. around the walgo^.^'^ ^^^ hung over ^0 °J 'f ^IVTramed a^^^ mounted work is suitably J™™*" *'|j jj^t corners. L''" P*.\"oaUv"?eairm*akiirihem du8? and moth •"w ^lee add elsewhere). The scenery is viv- proof. loee »''","'»,, .nd the birds mounted iu SiB'poSSs o°n nLranSc work or branches. Every Naturalist should secure one of these. •-ez^iiiiirforpS^^^^^ led by few and ««prfy 7rnow''the mS SI deuce in »y,7^»}f^en°s trealh^desUnXn safely. TekS" M yo« ^4 ««' y«« '^"^ ^^P'"** °° prompt and efficient service. HOW TO SEND money: „, p o • Ornitholocisto' and Oolofiate* llaaual. order or registered letter, cost of snme may be de- ducted from order if for $1 or over. Aniounta of II or under may be sent itr U. S. stamps. Smidi orders under 60 cents must contain 5 cents add!- tioQal for postage and packing. IN CONCLUSION Let me add, that as all the entire mammoth midl business of F. H. l^attin & Co. was turned over to me on August, last, all the old friends and patrons of above company, should order anything desired direct from me. I hate a complete stock of every- tbiug advertised in the old " Pink Catalogue." NLj large catalogue which will be mailed for stamp, not only covers 8p«oimens in the manual but a very oomplote line of shells, corals, minerals, fossils, curios, novelties, &c. i^iMMIiMMi ta* Ifaaual. >f snmo may be de- er. Aniounto of II 3. stamps. Small tain 5 cents addi- ire mammoth midl ras turned over to riends and patrons ' anything desired lete stock of every- k Catalogue." ill be mailed for ms in the manual s, corals, minerals, Jlrtt numbers ue »A.O.V. RWMway^nomenclature. The MterUk ( prlM to for European speclmenB. No. 1 JEctunophorua occldentalta 7» Western Grebe » OottmWiBholbeeUllWl TIolboBll's Grebe 8 ColymlmsaurlttMTaB Horned Grebe 4 Oolyintm«iilgrloollto«»llfoml«jusT88a American Eared Grebe 5 Oolymlmsaoinlnlcusra* St. Domingo Grebe s podUymtmsBodlws'nft Pjed-billed Grebe T Urlnatw Unber TSB Loon a UrliiataradaittsU''T YeUow-billed Loon fl UrlnatorarottcuB 7» Black-throated Loon 10 urln»tfflrpartflcu«7» Paoiffo Loon n trrlnatorlttinineTiO Red-throated Loon LnodadrrhaU'l^ Tufted PufBn FratMranla areaoa 748 Puffin " ^'"ssssisssWer It u IS PtyoboraiftphiiBalirattfns m CaaslnMi Auklet The Mcond u« 1 )8iKniflos that the ■ Skint. Egg.. 12 00 » 50 2 60 60 1 60 20 1 50 15 1 00 50 100 10 400 1 50 10 00 800 7 00 1 60* 6 00 200 sod 75* BOO 80 800 SO 600 100 4 50 200 • 00 900 800 180 1 I Arnitholoiiirti' and dologteta' Itaoiiai. IT Cl7(donli7iichn«iMlttMiiIaB747 Paroqaet Anklet 18 Slm«rh]niehiiacrtoutellu8 748 Crested Auklet SO BUnprhyiiohtu puBUina 7B0 Least Auklet « BynthUbomnphnsuitlqaiuTia ADoient Mart«let « Bra^ynmphiM nuurmontiu 7t» Marbled Murrelet Kfttiitz's Marrelet •6 Bra^yrftmphnRiijrpoleneusTS?: Xantus's Murrelet «6 BrMbynuaphiu enyerl 7M Crarari=s Murrelet 9t Cemhiugn'UenoBt BlackGnillemot SB OBpa^asmaiidtUfaopt Mandt's Guillemot » C!«|Miinoaluint»76i FIgeoii Guillemot W tMatNUtoTn Mnrre •1 UrlahMBTiaMM Bmnnidi's Morre California M^ khMBvlamM Smnnidi's Mm sunrtalpaiTUi|m7«4 Falias's Murre M AiMtoMarii Kaaor-bllled Auk M Plaataa impMiiUa 741 Great Ank •♦^^AuHtoWi*** ''"^ "*" """ *** •""*■ Dovekie 600 800 4S0 800 460 960 460 960 600 800 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 400 800 96 860 76 1^00 60 900 90 900 90 900 96 800 60 900 96 OQ. 1 oot 1 80 196 lOo' 80* U«0ii«l. 500 800 400 800 460 860 460 860 600 800 400 400 600 6 00 600 600 600 4 00 200 86 8 60 76 aoo 60 aoo 80 9 00 80 800 86 8 00 60 soo 86 1 80 too' 1 oot 1 86 W M steHwrartuBpomMtnniiaw Potnarine Jaeger W 8tort»mljMp««rttlcii««W Parasitic Jaeger Ix>ng tatted Jaeger Ivory Gall 40 Rian trldaetyla 068 Klttlwake «-«?.a§rgat«r'^ Glauooos Goll ^oint Barrow GoU " ^iJ^^lHln'SKiGuU * ^a'S«G«U ^^•e'ffflGull „ x^™»^r.S.b»okedG«ll Slaty-backed GUU Western GoU ^ Siberian GuU --Tm'ssrseTwr'^ 00 80 ^ 10 ©"•JtlwkittaH' MMt (Mggtet*' UuMM. M Laraa delawarenalB gO0 RJngbilled Gull ohort-bllled Gull PW] l»»» 900 809 77 HyaiocheUdon nigra snrlMmenBto BUok Tern l«'"'«^rnS25KkTern 7« AnonsBtoUdoBMB Noddy *' ^**"Slila!tffi Albatross " "-SSSR.'gWaatros. ^ ' ^dSir^oMd Albstroes frOmtx 8MFuUnMns. M» w _____ minor 'almu- etallsglaplMba nx* » Jalmor '-SKTd.'ffltffl'M'mar * "•SS!;Sr82Sanr.fr « ''tSSrfflSKiU r „J 1 w 2 50 8 00 1 00 800 800 1 00 800 800 10 00 10 00 10 00 450 400 5M • 00 10 00 600 800 8808 800 8 00 6 00 75* n Oraltholofbta' and Oologiau' Manual. M Pnfflnus andnbonl 7t8 Audubon's Sheariratei- M PnfflniugaTiaria Black-rented Shearwater M Pafflnns atrlckluull 7M Sooty Shearwater W PoffliinagriaecBTls I>ark-bodied Shearwater W Pufflnos tonulRMtrls 716 r«^ 81endei>bllIed,Shearwater Wn Pnfflni»elnenns707 Blaok-talled Shearwater IBfl] •A«toeIauiiasiuU7l7 Wack-capped Petrel W .^Batralatasoalarls Scaled Petrel lOO •SMr^ataflaheri Fisher's Petrel fMHj Bnlwmtetmlwerf7i8 Baiwer's Petrel [lOS] Damion cAPNiala 710 ^ Pintado Petrel •« HMoQ)rp««UiiilcroMmi»780 Least Petrel JW ProMltort»petairto»7Si Stormy Pet; al Fork-tailed Petrel «oe OojMwxIroinaleuoMrhoaTM Leaeh's Petrel 108.1 OoMnodronwaMirodwitria Oaudalupe Petrol >0T OoMaodWOTiameUnUTM Blaok Petrol Ashy Petrol "'"'"WS?afiS3^StS """WrSTcSJlSrtrol 4 UO 4 00 1 60 a 50 8 00 S 00 800 800 SO 4 00 2 00 1 M 80 8 00 g 00 1,50 200 • 00 1 50 il -- H Manual. 400 1 60 a 50 4 00 8 00 S 00 500 8 00 50 4 00 2 00 1 85 90 000 800 1^50 200 «00 1 00 / Tellow-blHed Tropic Bird lis Fhaethon BthereiiB 886 aBdbilled Tropic Bird »"'^'Sl„%^d"Booby ""^"BlSttoted Booby 116 Sou aula MB Booby llMSuUlwewBtert Brewster's Booby nun Sola Blaoator M3 " ' BiKoted Booby 117 SnlaMunanalSO Qannet lis Anbtnga aahlnga M9 Aahinga 119 piiBlacrooorax carlw «« Oormorant '» 'IKS^^-SfcSrmoraat 1Mb Phalaciocorax dUoirtiuB dnelMtaa 1Mb law *^"^n^.cre8ted Cormcrant U6e pjialacroconaatloplmaaltocUlatiw Farallone Cormorant ISI FhalaofoooraK in««loaiww«« Mexio»n Cormorant m PhalBcrocoraxpenlcUlatnae* Brandt's Cormorant IM PhaJaoroeorwtvelai^cnB PelAglo Cormorant '-^'«sr;^erc«s?So'sr"* »* ItSffiSaSSrant J eoo 4 00 8 00 8 so 8 00 aoo 800 8 00 800 800 500 400 8 50 500 • 00 85 25 85 25 25 05 50 1 00 25 1 00 • 1 00 85 1 00 80 1^ »4 <*'"'"«"°«»-f«ndOoIoH,t.'M.nu.l. I* PeJecanusfoBonBMl Brown Pelican California Brown Pelican 188 Pwgattaaqulla«» Man-o'-War Bird 1» Merganser amerloanns 038 American Mei^fanser i» MerpuiBergerratoreST ««I-brea8ted Menianser »W I^ghodTtejcpcullatUBBSS Hooded Merganser ** Anjjboscliaafloi Mallard 188 AouotMcimi()(»,pt Black Duck "* A'^'nJIgulaaB Florida Duck 1»5 Anas strepera 004. Gadwall '* ^"JHjynelopefloe Widgeon [isrj Ams Mnerlcana (Wr Baldpate [188] Anas oreoeaeii Adropean Teal 18P Amu caroUnensls 818 Gieen- winged Teal 140 Anas dlsoors flog Bine-winged Teal Ml Anas oyanoptera 610 Cinnamon Teal 143 DMlaaentaflOK Pintail 14« AizspoDsaflis wood Duck [146] NettamliBa Rufous-crested Duck 600 80 6 00 1 CO 600 1 00 1 76 1 60 1 60 76, 26 aoo 1 60 1 75 80 1 76 40 260 1 00 800 1 00 8 00 76; 60 800 26* 8 00 T» 8 00 20* 1 86 60 1 86 80 8 00 86 8 00.6(1 ;.80» 800 80» 860 76 8 70 800 J Manual. 000 80 6 00 1 CO 600 1 00 1 76 1 60 1 SO 75, 36 300 1 60 1 75 80 1 76 40 2 60 1 00 800 1 00 3 00 76; 00 300 36* 300 T« 8 00 80* 1 80 50 1 80 80 8 00 86 8 00 .00; .80* 800 80» 8 Op 76 8 75 8 00 Ornitbotogiatt' and Oologiata' Manual. 1«» Aythya wnerlcana 8J8 Bedhead 147 AytHya TaUlBiieria 617 Canvas-back 148 Aythya mtoilanearcUcaOW American Scaup Duck '« ^tSrsSS Duck "» ^1fffg!^Xed Duck 161 Giatiolonetta clangida amerloana American Golden-eje ISS ai«wsl<»nettalBl8iiaica«19 Barrow's Golden-eye IBS oharlotaetUalbeolaflBl Baffle-bead 154 oiananlahyemaUsflaa Old-squaw lfi6 HUitrlWilc'wWBttlMaottsM* Harlequin Duck IBS camiitolalnMUiUbradortusM* LabnUlor Duck 167 Eiilo«MplcW»ta««' Sarf Scoter IS 2 60 » I 8 00 1 25 1 300 60* 1 200 75* 1 1 75 1 25 1 75 1 25 1 . 2 26 1 00 1 50 2 00 1 800 40* 800 1 00* 600 6 00 1 13 00 3 50 f: 8 50 50 800 26 400 1 00 ' ' 7 00 1 50 I 2 25 2 00 1 2 50 50* ■ ^ 8 60 3 50 -^ p 2 26 3 eg .|| gMPH t6 Oraitboloftota' and Oologtott* Mamul. 1 00 107 Ertomatnra miblda 8M Buddy Duck [108] Nomonyz domliilcuB 886 Masked Duck l» Chen hnMrtwrea Mia Lesser 8do# Goose WBa Ohtti byperboTM nlvaUi 591 Greater Snow Goose 100.1 Chen oatmleaoMia BBO Blue Goose « in ChenroasUNe Boss's Snow Goose [171] Anwr albUnma 808 White-fronted Goose „ ^ 171« Aoaer albUrona sambelt IMNia " "" American White-fronted Goose 8 SO 4 00 400 4 00 0 00 8 00 in BraatooaiiadeiialaBei Canada Goose iTSa Branta (wiadraali huteUnaU «Ma Hotchin's Goose 17» DrMtaoanadeMteoecMantalUaaete White-cheeked Goose iWc B»Mt» oanadrartB minima OHb Cackling Goose ITS BrutolMnaeU6S6 Brant 174 Brute nigrioaas ess Black Brant 1175] Bnmte tonooiMls 807 Barnacle Goose lcaB88 oose . aatomnalla on .jllied Tree Duck 178 DcBdrooTgnafaiTaSOO FolToua Tree-duck [IT*] oior^gniusas Whooping Swan 180 OlOToolnmblana8 688 Whistling Swan 181 OUnrbncolnatorBSV Trumpeter Swan 880 8 60 4 SO 000 800 400 880 HOO i 78 1 78 10 00 700 900 85 1 00* 1 00* 1 00 1 60 2 00 400 860 860 400 SOO 2 00 1 SO* 2 60 400 -i _ Manual. 1 80 400 4 00 4 00 6 00 8 00 « 8 SO 880 8 50 4 60 600 8 00 400 8 80 15 00 i 76 1 78 IP 00 700 800 88 1 00* 1 00» 1 00 1 80 8 80 400 880 800 400 SOO 800 1 50* 8 00 400 Ornltholoiita* hod Ooto««-f -»«>- «7 I '» ^^slS'te^ooablU '«* °Vhfte Ibis 18B TartjaaslocQlatotBOO Wood IW» w *^»rd's Heron ^•* niMSferon ""'^•SiS^ Blue Heron »» nm'Sto^ E^ret ^nowy Heron tag ArdearufeM«aa4Sl Reddish Egret '" ^Jooisiana Heron «» ^tto mne'Seron 901 Atd«»vlw«WB»« Gr»e» Heron 16 00 1 7 00 1 200 8 00 8 60 8 60 400 10 00 100 185 860 16 00 600 800 8 60 8 60 800 885 1 126 75 -_i • — .kk»,feJMJJlMiiM."'Mi^.l' W^fl^l .;^ r °'"'"*"**"'«''Oolo,l«..M.„„.,. aiaArdMTireseeMftaairt Ite* "'''*'«»'" "evluMOB Whoooping Crane Little Brown Crane ^ SaBdhiire,^e "" LiS'p'gfr*"'"*' Belding?^] 810 RMlMobMetMMO Ctepper Ball «... » ">^"J*n» ClappSrB* M. , » *'*"*'bean CJapper KtU Soott'8 Bail pM7]Orejtcn»x877 Corn Otttke 1 60 3 60 18 00 6 00 6 00 8 50 1 50 3 00 1 00 1 60 800 1-60 60 I 80^ 40 860 509 6 00 1 86 12 20 800 6 00 3 00 75 80 86 18 85 76 80» 10 800 80O 8 00 80 Manual. 1 60 13 2 60 20 18 00 800 6 00 600 6 00 3 00 8 60 76 1 60 30 2 00 86 1 00 18 1 60 86 8 00 76 1-60 60 30 160 80» 40 10 So 800 09 80O 00 800 36 20 918 Ornlthologtoto' and Oologist.' Manual lonornta marttolca BW Purple Galhnule 2ig aaUlnnlagaleataBro Florida Gallinule European Coot 921 FuUcaamerlcanaBBO American Coot lledPnalarope Northern Phalaiope WlSon'B Phalarope iS6 Recurvlr«rtrownerlcM»8B66 American Avocet ""^"~K^t"oSdcock American Woodcock European Snipe WiSon's Snipe asi MacrortiamplHMgrtaeu8 6CT Dowitcher «*» ^Longrbflled Dowitcher ass MlorwMaMnahimHitopttBB* StiRSandpiper 8S4 Tr^gaeanntusSiS Knot « ^ISSfflSpTper »" '^u^S^lndpiper «" •^IS^miSSpTper "^ •^a'gltSfflSidpiper 1 t'- issgW8S««9B«^ ^ *» "'"••holotJrt.'.adOologirt.- ** Trlng«nwcnUU8Si 9Mi ^^""to'*! Sandpiper sii -.^y^*'«f""»>p«l Sandpiper BaJrd^ Sandpiper »« mngftininntUUtas Least Sandpiper Loog-toed Stint (X3]Trte|aaii>i]u6iie » Danlin ««« watKea sandpiper Curlew ^ndoipor Spoonbiil Sandpiper , wr isi^ **"''"**'^ Sandpiper Sanderling m Umonfedoaso Marbled Godwit r««,. "**""'*" *^0d wit r««,*^'"'''**"'«' Godwit fS58)Tot|um«nebntartu8 Mr Green-slianlE Maiiaal. 80 2 00 7« > 800 1 00 200 80 2 00 2 00 500 1 ffO 85* 78 8 00 1 50 6 00 10 00 40 8 00 1 00 2 00 75 1 50 1 25 460 800 1 75 2 60 1 50 800 800 2 60* 1 00 600 75 2 60 78 4 00 100 BOO ^^^,■-■l^j.ll.lji>■£:Jlr*■|"iy||^i'|^^J'^'-' *^ Mubnal. «0 8 00 7« > 800 1 00 800 80 8 00 2 00 800 1 00 88* 75 8 00 1 50 6 00 10 00 40 8 00 1 00 8 00 78 1 fiO 1 88 4S0 800 1 78 8 60 1 80 800 800 8 60* 1 00 800 78 8 60 78 4 00 100 BOO OrnlthoJbgUf iiftd OologteU- M.0U.1. (jHn] Tetanus oS»'«>B«»,*i_ Green Sandpiper M symplien»l»8einlP»Hn»'»»'P' 8680 SymPhe^»'»IS»?»r*'* ""*"'** "^^ Western WUlet SM Heterw!tlU«lncM{u»»3 Wandering 'fatler [9fl0] P»TonceUa pugnu 6M 881 *i see «tL?SJ:»S»per ^uTbr'^iSSrKpiper "^ nSi»aTlper aw NumeiilMlwidaonlciuiWJ Hud«onlan Curlew ten NumM»ln« *>«•*'}••*' Eskimo Curlew t-^^^rtte-riSSrcTrlew [Mti VaneUua TaneUos 1 18 Lapwing •^ ^•'SffieTe^tover """°^^d^js?erer'" *«• ""^ffiSaS^SSa Wev "-^^rfflTpi^^'^ ITS 874 8fm jBslaUUa TOoUers 516 ^llldeer Ung Plover jver 2-00 2 00» 1 60 40 1 80 50 2 60 6 00 1 80 20» 76 88 1 00 800 40 16 160 1 00 150 800 • 8 00 9 00 ISO 80» 1 60 16* 9.00 400 900 40* 900 900 9 60 9 00 80 90 40 1 00 100 90* mm ■uual. 1 Sff 00 1 00 i 00 800 80 100 SM 100 1 M 1 80 1 80 800 100 100 100 •0 108 100 180 88* 78 78 80 8 00 88 1 00 800 800 88* 78 1 78 880 10 18 10 80 100 iriiimed Partridge i «» S»D Pedro Partridge ■ "" q!Uin>ta484 ^satrasissssrKSSidg. 78 ^ffiisrea^ge 1 00 « ^-ffiSWErffitridge '^^iSoiSr'SroMe W6 At tnUgtauMiu 47U m'tGrooM MtnakUiiU^Taa In't OrouM laa^r"** UOa «»-... Qw»«Me "* ^'SSfS'Saifl^uie •" '-ffSKrarrSgan J_. «ifl"ip«l!!W tOtb Ornltholoftat.' and OoIofiM.' Muwi. Nebon'8 Ptarmigan '"^RS?" ".P^SJ**« MkheMto Tatner'i Ptarmigan i-aaopM wwiohi • Weloh'i Ptarmigan Whitptalled Ptannimin aos L aM 800 1 8S 800 15 00 8 W 1 8R -iKtliHen ao» pJSS^ K -^^••■***»"~* 6w>u.e 1 50 m nl^^^* 8»»»rp-tailed OroSw """itea'^^is^fsssr'"''* •w OolnntefuoUtaM Band-tailed Pigeon 8 00 8 00 8 00 800 18 00 10 00 1 00 1 60 800 1 85. 8 00 500 80 75 8 00 1 50 8 50 50 50 50 76 1 00 8 00 8 00 76 1 00 8 00 1 00 1 00 faniul. 800 soo 1 M 80 800 76 IS 00 8 00 8 85 1 60 1 8R na 1 so 8 60 SO 8 00 SO 800 60 800 76 800 1 00 18 00 8 00 10 00 8 00 1 00 76 1 60 1 00 800 800 1 88 1 00 8 00 1 00 •" ^•mtStftSffi Dove 310 MelgpeU* le«»ptOT» 4«* mite-winged Dove an o»toHii> p««»tmt <« 800 400 9 00 1 00 1 00 000 800 »fO 2 00 8 00 60 40* »3 1 8(1 00 880 600 88 88 1 00 800 188 80 100 800 880 00» 800 initwl. 8 80 -tr: ■ 4 00 1 85 seo 1 80 4 «0 1 SO 800 SCO. 1 78 176 800 400 900 1 00 1 00 6(M 8 00 8#0 100 180 8 00 8 00 60 40» 83 1 60 00 880 600 86 08 1 00 800 186 60 100 600 880 80» 8 00 Oraitliologirta' and Oologtoto' li«M»« FerruginonB«ough-l€g l^olden Eagle f am ThMkBaetuB hwpyl* «» Hwpy Eagle '""GrtySe* Eagle Ma H»UeBtiuleuoooepIiBlna461 Bald Eagle White Gyrfalcon SM FrteoHi«ttoolu«4l«a Giray Gyrfalcon OMa Faloo rusUfirtn* gyrfalco *126 Gyrfalcon $M raloo nutloolt»pl)«»letu« 4Kc Black Gyrfalcon aB6 raiooiiMila|nnB4i8 Prairie Falcon ass F»leopeT«nlniw«n!itum4l4 Dock Hawk aua F«Ioooolmnli«ln8TOoUeyi417a Blaek Merlin « 'UffiKaerlin [H&l] Frtooregtans Merlin [SN.!] Wtoo timnmonlu* 4W •"'raSffiSS'SSSS'wHawk nRI tv Ornlthologtat.' and Oologlrt,- Manual. OMl] Falco domlnloensla tti Caban Sparrow Hawk *» Polyborna cherlway 483 Audubon's Caracara «« PoWbonuiato8ii8 484 bandalupe Caracara a» Sttte pratlncola 304 Amerioan Barn Owl 3fl0 AatowUsoiilanasSH American Lonjj-eared Owl «" Alto acdpltrians 896 obort-eared Owl S"8 SynUam nebnloeum 3B7 Barred Owl a» Smium ooeldentale 898 Spotted Owl «ro 8oottapt«rolnei»»8» Great Gray Owl ^ f'»-lSg^t«*.~e.,apponlc3»9. 8W Nyotaiaacadlca40f Saw-whet Owl »» >'«|aaooM Mlo «B Screech Owl Florida Screech Owl ■Lexan Screech Owl California Screech Owl Kennlootfa Sorweoh Owl Kooky Mountain Soreech Owl Mexican Soreeoh^l 1 60 5 00 8 00 8 00 1 £5 1.00:1 1 00 1 80 6 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 1 00 1 00 1 8S 1 00 1 60 8 00 2 03 »00 1 00 3 00 60 80 86 60; 60* 1 00 1 26 6 00 10 00 8 00» 800 800 60 60 60 60 2 60 75 1 60 Manual. 1 60 1 00 5 00 3 00 800 80 800 80 1 «« 86 100; 1 60; 60* 1 00 1 00 1 80 1 25 000 500 8 00 10 00 8 00 8 00* 800 800 1 00 1 00 1 86 1 00 1 60 8 00 2 03 8 00 800 60 60 60 60 2 60 75 1 60 Pysmy Owl ^, «>¥»SSS1?l«y owl ... .11.. wtiUBMrl 4t t Mt KidopiaiM whittwyi 4»t ElfOwl **" ^Mottna Paroquet .-^J r OraitlMloBtate' and Ocloftot.' Ifwiual. — - — yj. cMtantimah 38B noad-ruDnor aw CooQTnu minor as^it Mangrove Cuokoo 887 OoMm«Ma«riauin«M7 Yellov-billed Cuokoo [SBB] TrMon Mnblgniu Ml Coppeiytailed Trogon a» Oerrtoaiqjronatt Belted Kiogtisner SM OeiTle Mbuusi ns Texan KingtLsher aw C»mp«jtoUM Mtacipaito SM Ivoiy-billed Woodpecker W DrmbMMTUlosiuiHO: 8M asta D H«Ii7 Woodpeofctor Northern Hairy Woodped^er *"1S»erTS2f^-t«^?^«r„ nrxpiwtM imbeMana Mi l>owny Woodpecke.' «d-oockad6d Woodpecker Baird's Woodpecker Wotliuoa. WoSSpSSteT 75 60 5 0» 80 i is 16 00 80 80 80 76 75 05 <6 1 OG 60 60 }«0 25 1 00 10 20 15 8 00 SO 2 00 10 00 60 1 00 1 00 75 1 00 20 .60 1 00 1 50 1 00 rpt 'Maniial. 1 00 3 80 8 00 60 75 50 5 00 50 J Mi 15 00 80 80 80 75 75 25 « 1 00 60 60 150 25 1 00 10 SO 15 2 00 20 2 00 10 00 50 1 00 1 00 75 1 00 20 .60 1 00 1 60 1 00 ttrnJthoiogtou' and Oolo|Ut»* »!•»«•» «• ^"aKSaTwo?5pecker •» ^^ic^eZ^A Woodpecker *" ^^1,ISS'Th?Sl?Uwoodpeoker2 60 «>• «Xl2rk^«r^-t"SSr^pecker **^ "SJjTne'«nS^'«;^*er 2 00 *• "'WTbSmrd'sapsucker « «» *'|SS?b««ted 8?p8uoker 1 00 ** ^^-WSSil^^rSPoker 1 W ** ^tKf^vlSSSSoker 1 W ** -tSmSS*«grcS?r 40 *^-''ffirfflSTo^3?ffir""i25 ** 'tSX.^S^SSPcTer 1 OO «•* "•gSSS-frSS'ted Woodpecker 4U ocmmmnuiBm ^ 4U Oottl 'SSr.P^Fttoker ,4«i.ittaiuw i I I Si i *aa OolMtoii CM er aatontlor xTorthwestern Flicker «4 Ottis: 416 ColM>tMruapUeiu889 CTandftlnpe Flicker 4W AimwitomiucuoUneiislsSBS ChDck-will's-widow 417 AntoMtomusTacireniBaM' Whip-poor-will 4tta Antrortoiniui vojBlfenu srlcoiw Stephens s Whip-poor-will 418 PbjOmioptUns nnttaUl stent Poor-will 4I» ^^^^U^t^ caufonucu. aB6pt '^%irrn^ififfl:4r'«"- 4n ChordallestezmulassB Texan Nighthawk 60 1 50 ^'isa?^^'"" : m Clwtorapeliwimasi Chimney Swift 4M OhBtara Ttumi an Yaaz'a Swift White-throated Swift •BlwniMfDlmiuaM KlToIl Hnmmingbiid 4>7 Oo^naaelemencUB Blae-throated Hnmminebiid 4H Trains winlMiaaK Boby-throated Hnmmingbitd i oo dOO 1 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 a 00 I 60 60 60 1 35 SO 460 50 300 350 8 00 00 35 j 60 1 80 1 60 8 60 800 800 3 60 40 40 1 00 40 18 76 50 t to' Manual. 60 1 60 doo 1 00 4 00 8 00 3 00 a 00 I 60 60 60 1 85 60 460 50 900 860 8 00 8 00 100 7b 28 60 1 60 1 60 8 60 800 800 8 60 40 40 1 00 40 18 75 80 A^PM Ori»ithoU>gi»to' »i»dOolofl»t«' Maauai ** "^affiS^Sf Hummingbird *"•' ^K-tKiS^Hummingbird Coata'a Hansmingbird 181 TroohlluB anna 888 Anna's Hammingbird 481.1 TrooWlM.florertl , . Floresi's Hnmmingbird 488 Troehllns platyoerens S80 ^oad-talfed Hummingbird 488 TrooHUuB rujrua 8« Bdfoos HummlDgMra AUen'fl HummingMrd 480 Troclilli»c»Ulope848 Calliope HummlngUrd 487 TrocbUuB lu«lfer 844 Luotfer HummmgUrd 488 Ama«nUimd Crested Flycatclier «S UTiwraliiuiiMztourasni Mexican Crested Flycatcher ffSa Mylanhna mezloMiiu nuglator Arizona Crested Flyoateher 4M MytMohoB olnenaeana SIS Ash-throated Flyr?toher Nmtlng*s Flycatcher [4K] Mjlacehiu UwranoeU 814 Lawrence's Flycatcher «• MylMohM towTMUMl oUTMoana Olivaceoas Flycatcher 480 SaforelH Phoebe sis Phoebe 4fi7 SwronlaMjraSlS Say's PfioBbe 4B8 Saronlii mgrtouaSlT Bhkok PhcBbe 4M CtaMoBosliorwUiSlS Olfve-sided J*']ycatcher 460 Oontopas-. Conesli 461 oon 468 SlB 'catcher ilnassao Pewee ^ood Pewee '"T-SiiKd Teltow^biSueTJnyStehar 464 y!lMl>lu>pluuwaBUMeowaUllO MflOowan'i Longapur Btt Poomtm gigmiamuwi VMper Sparaeir OragOB Veapw ipSiDw 85 88* 3 00 100 86 05 80 10 SS 10 40 85 ISO 50 » 80 185 1 86 100 43 60» 78 180 10 00 80 78 80 180 40 88 40 100 86 06 10 08 W 18 _^^^^ " CiMs'llaflml. ,'r^ ,„ ™ Lucas Sparrow "* BSrdTSparrow ■__,.^ GriMhopper Spswow 100 1 60 950 1 60 1 00 80 2 80 MM Ammodteimia •»VMH««™ *ffl2SSi* 88 ■^ *'TOternGraS8hopper SpaffOW » LmodM^ Sparrow Melson's Sparrow ^ 200 126 85 20 m A '"oSSySSiSSJSSrroif ■ati,liiinwi Oralthologiate' and OolofiMa' Manual. Ht 8B7 m 880 Ohondestm gnunnuoos t04 Lark Sparrow Beta Obondestea gnunmaona atrlgstas ma Western Lark Sparrow 86S Zonotrtdila auomla VB Harris' Sparrow BM ZanoMehtaieiioophmaM W blte-orowned Sparrow "** ^*Tl^,^li1°?*'S^*"*«™«>l»«Wa Intermediate Sparrow t64b Zoiu>tafl(mia lencpphrya guntwll an uambelrs Sparrow ZcmotrlpUa ooronau 908 Golden-crowned Sparrow ZtxwMchla aiHooUls aw White-tliroated Sparrow Sptoella monUooU sio pt Tree Sparrow B80a SiiiMllaiiuMitioidooelmoeaaiODt Western Tree Sparrow 8<0 Siriaella aootelia SU Chipping Sparrow Btta SijjMUa aoolaUa utaontB Stla Western Chipping Spanrow 681 Bi^MlIaipaUldaUS Clay-colored Sparrow BM MMllaimwarlsis Brewer's Sparrow t» SptaaiU]maUuai4 Field Sparrow Western Field Sparrow SpiaaUaworthanl Worthen's Sparrow 864 B8B 866 067 SMMlUMrlsQiarlB S16 Blaok-chlnned Sparrow JnnepatlwniaM White-winged Jnnco JnnoohyttuUaaiTM Siate-eolored Jnnco 867a Jinuo liyamMla ongonas 818 Oregon Junoo 40 05 80 05 SO 85 50 85 1 00 85 15 50 1 50 35 85 85 75 86 76 85 08 M 10 80 85 40 85 85 08 75 85 800 8 00 1 00 75 1 60 86 80 60 50 ; ..Kssssseawfe'f "*?a;s*«9i4a«s8S»asiasiWJ.'Si»»3»'ii*>*'"' iti' Manual. «Ma 40 80 60 05 06 %xna n 86 85 85 60 1 00 16 > 60 1 60 25 86 85 75 85 75 86 08 r 80 10 80 86 40 86 86 08 78 85 800 800 1 00 76 1 60 86 80 60 50 Ormthologtott'aiidOologtoto'M. »a». mb Junco hyen»UB «l«if eWtt 818pt Shnteldt's Junco Thurber B Junco M7d jnMOhs«n»«.oarolliieiuito8lTpt Carolina Junco BM Junco aonectaiu SIO Pink-Bided Jnnco '^'''^i^^ Junco "• "^?fflld Junco 800 Junco diMwn? !»»»"•*«■ **P* Arisona Junco gjoa Junco otaMWUiaowaltoW iSd-backed Junco Badrd 8 Junco m I Junco town«endl ^wn«end'8 Junco ^- •"^^ffl'S Junco «» ^ia?hr^**s?.rrow ai^Sparrow BTio »^^bman'8 Sparrow BIS P«w«?*''"*«S*"L« Arizona Sparrow Bn Peuc«»ni«'l'9"» _ Mexican Sparrow "• "SStoSJ^>SiBp*now 1 00 50 00 00 8 00 50 43 76 76 60 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 75 1 100 iw 1 100 1 00 1 100 100 100 1 so 100 800 ' 160 76 1 50 , 100 875 ^.imu£% 44 Ornittolggina' aiui OolggiMa' llantwi. B80 PTOcasa ruflcep* SSO Bnfoas-orowoed Sparrow MOa Pencna rnttcepa bonoMdl tNa BoQcard's Sparrow BW» Penem mfleepa eeriboeca Book Sparrow Ml MeloaplMfaMUUtsl So^g Sparrow ma MchwplM taaetoU fMUax ttlopt Desert Soog Sparrow M16 >(eiMplM.fwctatamonUii»aBiapt Moantain Sonsf Sparrow Hi« IfelMpiu fWwtot* hMmmaal «16 Ueermann's Song Sparrow v B8|<| M^oaplw fuetau nmuaUii Mi« Samners Song Sparrow Hi« Mt^mtfca fMelMa vuttau SBltf BnsUr Song Sparrow U^ Htf ospla» fMoUta mflaa i>s Sparrow fi84 MehMplnfieMglaiiafln Smanp Sparrow 885 PaMoellauiaoaMB FoK Sparrow Townsend's SpaSSw" TWck-billed SpStotT^ Stete-oolored SpMvow 78 200 100 2 00 100 200 05 02 W 85 8S 25 8S 10 M 05 BO 40 1 00 50 «oe 800 w 75 so 12 u 1 00 40 200 m 200 9 00 200 |i*l«' Ifaniwi. r 78 800 1 00 a 00 100 8 00 95 08 8S pt 88 n m - 86 85 85 10 80 05 w 40 1 00 50 torn ow 5 00 800 80 75 80 18 81 M 40 K 1 00 800 800 800, 800 Oriil«H.lof«.'.«dOotettott' M«««> Twu 8p»rrow m Pl^oerytmopbthtliinwW Towhee A886 Plrtlo mwnUatuB WB0B1I* « Oregon Towhee ^wlalape Towhee ^wen- tailed Towhee iCamn Towhee Bt. Lucas Towhee BBI6 WnUo fMca* crtiMiHg*** taWoniia Towhee B8B PlpU* *»«%?** . Tkbert's Towhee 188 OataUuJU cwdliifcim Itt Ccdlnal gosa OM^iuaJB nmuMB »ap«rtm» aiKWt Atlaona Cardinal "^^^StLucai Cardinal . •** '^■^Sy^ailed Cardinal AM Pyrtl«aoxto««mwU MSpt Texan Cardinal *•* VTitoonaPyrrhuloxla St Lacas Pyrrhuloxla •* «*S«l?«ta Wroabeak •»• ^•laSSlS^'SrTabeak io 50 40 00 00 100 40 10 85 76 80 05 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 75 1 00 1 00 1 00 46 60 86 8 00 1 00 10 15 /" Ornikholoiirt*' adt^ OotegUita' Manual. wr OutecaenraiMaMpt Blue Grosbeak 8Wa OnlnoK cnralM mirhyDolw *Mpt Weatent Blue Grosbeak BM Panwrlna WMrtauoruiMMS Indigo Banting sw PuMiliiaanuBiiaatt Lasaii Bunting aoo PaaaarluTmloolorlBOiit Varied Bunting flOOa FuMrliiaTttMh»lorpolchr& tnupt. Beautiful Bunting Ml pMawUudrtawt Fainted Bunting toe SpgraphUamnreUetlaluurpeiaM Sharpe's Seed-eater MS EnetiwlablcMarSBS GtaHqnit [flOB.1] Entbataoaaon Melodious Grassquit tot Sirinamflfloaoa«M Diokcisael «B O^moiMiaiiMUuiooonraSM Lark Bunting tO$ Snphoma elMaotlsaima 100 Blue>heaaed Euphonia t07 PlnamiadoTMaiiaiflB Louisiana ^Hmager [<3T.i] nraaga rnbrloepa Gray's Tanager tn PinngamhUhRmMiaalOl Scarlet l^inager too Plnuigaiiepatloaiss Hepatic Tanager 610 PlnngaralmlM Summer Tanager «10a Ptnnga nilira oooparl lOto Cooper's Tanager on Proama mUa IN Furple MarUn sua PiOBM mbia haaparU iMpt Western Martin 1 00 '"■mm lite* llaniMl. >t. 00 60 80 50 1 60 700 00 60 1 00 40 1 as 78 «0 1 60 60 1 60 40 «0 80 I 85 08 i- SO 10 50 1 00 05 85 8 00 75 85 1 50 85 1 60 18 Owitboloftatt' Md OoJogirtt' M.BU.J. •ts OheUdomgrytluPOiJirterCiM Barn Swallow ei4 -TMhyeJniiUWoolOTlK Tree Swallow "•^SSS'Wtow Eb5Koi»pl» « ^^^SSSTsWKe « ^tSS^ffirShrite Whlleriiinped Shrike - ^eKJSS'n'^ireo •" 'IfhffiSlliTir^ 80 80 60 85 60 86 90 60 40 80 76 85 1 26 00 86 15 -- :^'yi OwlttolOKlti' aM OMagim< «M Virgo flaTUroiM 140 xeliow-throated Vireo ON VlrepmUtarliui Ml iKOBoUtarliw uipt BliM-headed VIr ireo •Ma Vino K>Uteiiiis eanlali uia CaMtn's Virego "^ ^HS? "offtwliMpiumbwx Mift Plautbeous vireo MoDiitain Solltaiy Vireo MM Vlrw ■^tUllM llMMMIUU St. LbMs Solitaty Yirao no VlnpsMcai^iuMS BlMk-e» TO 100 'im,f%Tr' w ?5 8t 1 00 m 1 00 50 75 M 75 1 00 100 100 ao 16 1«0 1 80 •i 200 78 too a» 16 too 78 !•» 1 80 lOOi 1 S6 M 60 n M »6t 100 » 76 • 0» 7» 160 6M 647 648 O„riM*l0fte»i' hod OrtOfirt-' MMiWt Vli^ni»'« Warbler NMhTilirWarbler ^^,._^ G»)»TerM Warbler "iCSSSSwSSSwarbJtr -WyTa'^fiT"''"' «-TSffliSWSrr" ^^STTartSr"'" ^^tSTllS^Sibler «t «T ' "tSSaa'Wrtler Hue Warbler Oraitkoloitata' ud OolagiMi' MmwU. rndndm pconrlTaaln t0 CbettnatHAded WurMer i DtaaniM oMMuiwioo Baj-brMuted Warbler Dculniiw ■Mate m BlMdc-pollWkrblflr vwlRiloa MaekbnnUB in BUekbarnUa Warbler Tcllow-throated Warbler DanOialoa domjUM AlUUon loia Syoamore Warbler Daaaratea grMte MM Oraoe'i Warbler DwHlralM mgnwens 1« Black throated Gray Warbler wMbvloa eluqrMMrlB MM Golden-oheeked Warbler DMdmwTinuioT Blaok-.throated Green Warbler IM townMBdt 108 nsend'f Warbler. -leaoeoManUUaloe irmit Warbler DmdNlMUrUMaillO Klittiuid'rWarbler DagdMeayiflonu 111 Pine Warbler BdntoaMlmamm lU PalfflWarbler '"'«sis:ffi:^a\w™ **«a-W2Siyr* ■•tarM auraespuiui OreD'bird Monw aojiborMMMta lie Water-Thrneh I^oiaamkWater-Tlirueb Ills 16, 78 1 80 M 78 M 800 60 180 6S 800 800 880 1 00 8 60 600 800 80 80 8 80 800 8 80 800 6 08 86 00 00 800 IB 40 80 86 80 80 60 78 1 00 80 80 ah| MsBwa. 1 m w, \ 7S 1 60 M 78 M 800 60 1 80 OrnlUiolQgteto' Md Ootoftow' Itoniwl. Bf 68 8 00 1 00 600 80 800 880 600 88 80 88 40 88 80 78 •0 800 8 80 8 60 800 00 800 800 80 800 80 8« 80 1 80 80 •« ^Wl,affitW«bler •» *^g!iS%"u"^-thro.t « ^U^rSSited Chat *■' ' JoK'iiWwbler t*^ ■'MKlliSdiWiUrt « ^TBCSSSWblSr 1 00 1 00 78 76 86 60 1 00 4 00 800 40 40 60 80 60 40 86 800 860 800 800 800 s> 76 8 60 1 60 18 86 1 00 06 18 60 100 76 180* 18 8 00 880 S* Orf hhologlato' ud ODlof^' Ifamial. [Om BMUentenu t«lU 184 B«n>s Warbler [6M]MoUelUftmlba(W Wkite Wagtail [M6] Motullte oonlaria Swiohoe:* Wagtail «•» Bi^nMflaTnsieaetMtiiatiuTO Siberian Tellonr Wagtail N7 Aathiu penaliTanloiu 71 Auerioan Pipit [MQ Anthna pntamia tb Meadow Pipit . [aW] Aothns oervtBna Bari-throated Pipit AaUins qmurneU 78 Sprafiie(inniapol7|dott08U Moekiogbird "** 0*}P'5UP*f"«'«>WnMMtai» CiMnird 305 TOO 701 708 n» « 7DT TOT* 708 700 710 711 7U HwporhjmBliua rnaiM is uiowii Thrasher Smnett'* Thrasher HajpoAjraohtui corvlrMtrla 16 OnrTe-billed Thrasher •rhyaekva oomroBtrta paiiBMl Ma -ler's Thrasher -, johaajMndlni Ma idire's Thrasher HafporhjraeliiMotaMraaa 14 St lAcas Thrasher RMVorhjmohas NdlTlTiis l« Caiifbrnia Thrasher Huporhyaohna laocmtei ICs LMonte's Thrasher "'sgssr^g'riSjr'" 800 65 ioi> 7S 1 00 80 Vi 00 10» 800 75» 1 50 8 00 • 76 1 00 80 60 88 06 86 08 ID 08 40 16 40 16 800 75 800 78 1 60 80Q 78 80 8 00 800 8 00 100 ..iMt 2^S£ 800 6S ioi> 75 1 00 80 Vi 00 10» 800 76* 1 50 8 00 • 95 100 80 60 85 06 86 OS ID 40 08 16 40 Mfl 800 16 75 • 00 78 IM 800 W 80 too 800 800 100 CMnpylorIilSJ*««»»™>»«>«lcaplU«uM OftctasWren * "^ .otaoletaaH Wren 8 00 40 BBd vea 718 TM 7» Wb T19a TligjottwnwtwItoWl ■pUuni* •!• 719ft TV UVWiMap" ▼ 7M "*—•"*••»■ «•«<«« ''^^^"wT.n •8 Wren •"•esassST^"" TMft ibUM tman't Wren 7« IM "XWasM Wren ^nh Wren _^ .uaiifHir I OiliUlMtoKltts' and Oolggiats' IfanuiJ. rrec S4 ns olrtoUianMMitutttear « LoBg-bifled Ifush Wran '"" ^^"^i*^"^ PAlwtrto pAladleoIa Via me olMUonuipaliittrls BlMna trpt Worthington's Harsh Wrai nt,! CtatoUunma nuilauB Mwiatn's Marsh Wren m OacttteninUluUisiiMrlcuiaSBpt Brown Creeper ma Owttte ftHDlllftili mixteMiA sea Mflsican Creeper fW qMfhiafamlllazlainonUuuiaept Boeky Monntein Creeper nr nMapHoUiMaali 6lBt WUte-breuted Nathatoh mm StttaesnUiisuliaoalMteSla Slender-billed Nuthatch 25 40 40 80 75 45 45 80 40 mi Sittft osfoUMUria ttkliial 5lpt Florida White-breasted Nuthatch 1 00 TH StttaouiadnwIaL. Bed-breasted Nuthatch 7W sittapuiiian Brown-headed Nuthatch no BiMaiiyiBMM Btot Pripny Nuthatch 710s Kmvnmmtk ImMoonolui Mmt Wfiite-naped Authatoib 7*1 PwmsMooloras Tufted Titmouse ma PHiia Mooter taamulR T«nn Tufted ntmouse m PMrusMrinrtotatBBsr Blaok-crested Titmouse TH Pum* iBwutaia^it Plam 'Xltmouse IMS PwrastBonutos grlaooa^pt Gnj Titmouse m» Fans lamutOBolaonwtiui Aukj :ntmouM 85 85 85 85 85 40 SO 75 1 00 05 12 75 1 00 1 00 1 25 85 76 60 1 00 86 50 85 75 76 50 fMWIk MMHMI'II ■um^ I'ManiMl. 35 40 05 13 80 75 75 1 00 45 1 00 45 1 35 80 85 40 75 totohl 00 • 85 50 1 00 85 35 85 60 86 85 85 75 40 75 50 50 76 100 OrnitbologlMt' ud OelagMa' ll«w«l. 784 PMfn»woUw«5erl» Bridled Titmoiue 7t5 Pamsat(louilUiM4l Chioludee ^^ hon^SSi^ Chickadee 7SU PMna •trlOMHUuf oooWenUlte 416 Or^{on Cblokad'w 76 35 W 66 ■t 786 PanMoaroUiiMMia;^ Carolina Chlch Tana PWUB VKNlttMB^Mi^.^ ^Inmbeons Chickadee ^ ^^SSfSSlSdee '^ ^SSffchlok^iee ^« "SiSSffiS^ok^lSe 1M,' Puna hndMAlniB ootoimUuM iHsit OolumWuSnUhlckaclee "' ^aSSMtedChlck^lee ^3ud Wren-Tit Ttt pMattipMnuinlnlnnu4Tpt Busb-Tlt '«- '•^ffiJSSaWoTh.ff '^'^*^ '***^.niSS3'^.tTit. ^^»^SCTiur«Tit 1 00 800 76 600 40 300 13 60 85 16 60 1 00 60 136 80 100 66 1*86 88 86 180 10 1 80 76 60 80 76 86 16 160 iu» gnmmiwii..jni»>i PMaMRMnis Uojrdl « LloTfl's Bnab-Tit 146- AiutBtnuflATloaMtO Tertin FhillofaeiutMlKAttUla S4 Kenttieott'a Willow Warbler "TSaS^"*^" i^J'b^ OralthiiiogiMi' and Ootogiati' Muiiul. 1 W 500 Ita-orowned Kinglet 80 4 ntnM l«»*prt»pn»pliiqi»''<» Western Bobin '« ''*§2!Y'SSr^bin "^ «1^"%SSh • ^'°^Sd!So"SwdBUiethroat m BMiaol»fleiumtli«ai Wheatear Blaebird Azure Bluebird '^ ''•IftSSni^sbird * "iSToSfflumueblrd ■89 4 00 75 1 85 50 85 800 80 00 $» 80 86* 08 10 8 50 78* 10« 08 18 18 INTRODUCED 8PBCIE8. dnoeOtotoUie United SttrtMi ubA wn fcaown to twM in in» wUdatnte. PhulMnM ooldiloua Bnglish Pheesant Pliaalana>t«v»tDS lUng PheMant PhMlurai Tjwtopior Qreen Pheasant ^Hbrw Pheasant MhiM viotas lenPneasant 8 50 500 800 500 700 80* ■.^^^.^^liy^lJlHHj;!:. I Wpm>^9.Jjri-!iTl- )i Araitboloikta' and OoMgkta* llaaual. Tetnpt«trlx Bbek Qtonse 8 00 Inalii osidnellB European Goldfinch 70 dO* 85 01) M IB* 1 I* Manual. 800 76 SS 80 !iO» Of» 16* i OrBithoioiteta'aBdOolPftet.' Manual. 59 Prices of Mammal Skins. Being a brief list ol iome of the mo>t desirable varieties. __:o. jioo ootoiw 00 IPellBleo (Uon)... flow " pardalla (Ooelot) ^jq qooq " ""** ^f«JBd&C ZZZ:. 8 00 Byena »teS^ W^tS'^iii) » 5 Orooutamaculata (Spottea Sfmo») , ^^ vra^t^^;^^^^^ lis .. S^uB (AToUcPiw) '555 Canto latr»i»(Ooyotrt.^.^. % go Miutela am«rloaiia(SaW«) 15 go " pennnatt ®SfS\ too " vnlgarto/WeMel) ^^ jj^ Btoon£SSSS?wiAgW^^^™-• aOOO "SS Maaanaame^loanaflSod^ !»•»«*;{. ggQ ggoo Alim)cap«M«jgte«« (*"*••">"> ; 00 00 WOO ^%,oai»deMto^W»«J« "^ gooo " len«n»a» CI^**S^^'£m' «00 aAvmttaatmJgnM-}»^-r is 00 Bealops aanatteoa («™5gi'^U I 00 cXiS!?Sl^^^f= I S. OlmitlMeglMB' MM WhffiaV ■M«u». Vaapernto MTOtiuaa (SwoUiw BMt) '^ ieorKianus (Qeornui Bat) BMiMnia (ETenlxurBat). AUtapih* iioV«lM)i«fl«ikte (Itod Biil) olnen* (Houry Bat) VespOTtUlnltldua (OaUtondiMi Bat) '^ rabnlatiu (Brtiwa Birt) V«n«Fii(o BootlTamna (Sllrer Blavk Bat). Mpua amenoaaoaTNortlieni Hare) " Andnbonl (Andulwii's m«e) < " oampeatrto (Ootton-taU Rabbit) • caUoS* (Jack RaWIt) sylvatlcnsiWood Bare). Lagomjra prtnceps (N. Amerloati Plka) Xrethlson dorsatuni (Ouiaaa Forcapme). Mdzaiitbna (WMteni.IV)rotii»ine) SSa#ua bndaonltts (Jnmplu Hooai^ Qgomfn barwurtns (Pt>ok«t Oopher) Thomomys talpoldas (Nor. Fodut 0<^er) bnlbivonu (Pacific Fbcket Oopiur) duBlus (Bocky Mt. Pocket (3oiiber) Dipodomyu phlUlpel (Kangaroo Bat) tmUiwda. BTangaroo Bat) Parosnathiu faaoiatUKBandedPoeKet Monae) Mw aeoumninu (I^rway Rat) MM deoummnu (Irarway J " rattoB (BUok Bat) " alexaaorinna (Boof Bi ipsi;i m< rBat) mnaeidnB (HauMMotue) Beeperomys p*Iiutrl> (Bloe-fleW Moose) " anreolna (Golden monae) calUomltfiu (Paraaltto Itoiifle).. leuoopna (WUfe-footed Monae).. Naotomaotiierea (MouMatnBat) " flartdana (Woodlwt) " fuaolpeaCDDtky-footWooaBat) Awlcola riparloa (A0i«r. Wunoom Mbtiae) ... anatertu (PHkttle ileadow libaae).. . onrtatOB (Waatenk Pndrte KoOae) .. ■' pliMtorum (Pine MotiM) ^ " oregonna (Ore. Meadqy MotM) Opbetodon fitintllla (Banreet Monae) Stapnodon hlapldns (Cotton Bat).,. Snaptomnaooonperf (Oooper'&lfonae) Oa^or onnadaiau (Aiuerloan Bmtw) Scinmahndaonltta (Bed Sq^nM) oarounsnala (G)ray Snntmi^ " lenooUna orogrth. amy SQUfinel) " niger (So. Vox SqiSttinir ctawrena (Nor. Vtat ~~ ludoTlotaanameat. foa8or(CaUtaM ^ - albertKAlbe^- ' anzeogaater , Scloroptema TolnoeUa niwiflil'.'.'; 4)...:^"::::.:;;:::: ' Sbnlnei) lafirel) 7S 1 OOr 800 n I w 1 80 100, sm 200 soo 800 i BO 800 <00 800 1 W 800 SOO 1 80 200 800 800 180 too 180 1 00 00 1 80 8k 1 80 7S 8 SO lltO 1 BO 7B 1 80 180 1 80 75 I 00 186 10 00 1 00 1 00 1 W 180 1 80 180! 1 A SBD SOO 1 00 ■ IWIIi,U' nMiuft. lit).'" r.z:. ) toiir) [ffieor) Bi»t) 9iue) i''V'.'; o:r «:::: ■ IB 1 00, 800 n 1 w 1 BO 100| s3 200 8 00 800 1 BO 800 • 00 800 l«0 800 3 00 1 BO 200 800 800 IW too IBO I 00 00 1 SO 8i 100 7B 850 1 IW 1 60 7B 1 BO 1 80 1 BO «B too 1» Iff 00 1 00 1 00 1 M I 80 IBOc lift 2n 8 00 100 ._ ._i»B(ll«l(lBi-itWWW«"- Or-lthotoftaf .»d Oologtof *Ua^. .. auadlvittatu8(Bk«!g, Mt^^^j4 :: Si2£L^ife*^> Reptiles. Bretinochely«toB"^*»S?^o,^,codUe l«t.).. IB 00 !i.»WUU!>B!»."..' a* OraitbologtoU' and Oolotlif' llaauai. The Number of Eggs Considered a Set of North American Birds. Arranged in families according to the Nomenclature of the American Ornithologists' Union. A. 0. U. Numbtra. ' Eggi In ■ Sat Oreboa, Fodietpida. > to 9 ■• Four to Bine Loons, UrintUoridte. 'toll _ TwotoUme Aulw, Maim and Puflins, AMda. WtoM ,. OMtotwo SkuM and Jiagon, Stereorariida. » to as Two to three Qolls and Terns, LaridtB. » to 19. Two to flvs Wdmmeis, Rynchoptdm. «>•••- Wvm Albatraasos, DUmedtidai. M to8« om Pulmais and Shaarwaters, Proe^lariidm. • tolll .One Tro^ Bifds, FheUhoniida. llftolia „ One aamwts, Bididce. IM to 117 One Danan or Snat.tt Bltds, A»Mngida. "•• " Thiee to tour Cormotanta, naheroeoratidm. nttom „ .^rwoto tow Pt^fCMM, PeUeanidas. into 1*7 „ .....Twotoi Man-CWar-Mfda. FregaUdm. l^..M«i*(*>-'>fi>«ttrt«t(**.t* •.••••■•> .., , --. _. .afcjT.ii f-^ (to'llanuai. of Eggs Set of ail Birds. Bcording to the ! American Jnion. ' Cggi In • Sat da. Four to Bine idas. Two to time M, AMda. Om to two torariida. Two to three tridm. ~ Two to Ave Pour dtidai. One Proe^lariidat. .One mUda. One a. One inhingida. Thieetotour Toratidm. .^Pwoto tour idas. .....Two to lowr tgaUdm, MBtoW tastoW. mtoiw. lOStOlTS. 179 to in OmWioloftat.' enA Oologtat.' Itaii-*!. «» Dttcks. Oeew •nd 8w«», ^«««*f;, ^^ ^-tw " ■' '"mns to BUteeii ;" SIX toten , ;•■" Two to Ave Fl»min«oe», Phcmieopieridm. ^^ \m >» IMtOlSB.. igOtoflOB.. SMtoMS.. SpoonbUls, PMakida. j.^ ^"~"' !^— -Tbreetofonr HMOM-Bittem., ^J^^^' _voax to llw CrMiet, arHiaa. ,^^ C^Mtaii. irawW* ^^ ^ ^^ *" R^»ioi»"»»«i"^^^ w to ^ f;;;^'^i'%^^^ ^^ ** *** " , " JM«>«. '^««*^*: roar to rlTt nototiob x::!*' "^ •II „.. , ............... « ...«-••- PigwM. OolumMda. o^j^o^. pi to W.... " ■••- ■' Mllll—Wi uiMiim '»'"'" t4 OraitlMtofiMa'MMlOelaglrtt'lUaiuit. Vultum, Falcons, Hawln, B«glea, Ac., Fateonida. wrtoW. „Twato^ Ml to il ... ._ Jatae to ite aMt'>SM. - J»M0tO«lE SMti^aH..... Twotottoe ■• to M. Thwo to am Bam Owl*, Strigidtt. W. Foot to tm HoRMd Owls, Mitivnidit. m to aw FlTetoyron m to tri ....— ....". "Two to tje tntotli ».... Three to Six an to ST6 JPwo to Foar an to ni - .Threo to nlm Paioquats, P$Utaeid0 m „_ Two to tlUTM Cuckoos, Anis, Oueulidm. M to an Fowr to «T« an to 188. - -Thrw to ftmr Trogons, Trogonida im....„ J......... > .ThiostotTS Klnvtslists, Ahedinidm. mtotn .™!r. FonrtossTWi Woodpcclms, Pteida. Qoattuckan, Cttprinilgidm. fliinfti, Mienpodtda. .Fonrtoslgbt -Two ...FoartolTo HummlngUfda, TrockUidm, 41Sto41l..... TWO nycatcbsis, Ttframntdm. Am%om. Ttess to ato Larks, iltaiMta. «n to 4Mh ^Thiss to toar CNws, Jays and Macpiss, Oorvidm. _ SSar::::::::.:':::::::::::::::::::::....:::::::::::::::::::'^^ StoS::..: Foattossm Starlings, Stumtdm., M. rr. — FO«fto(tt Blackbirds, Orielss, sic, Itkridm. aloMlb. tosia.. »•••••■•••••••• •••■ ..Foartodz .Fnartotvo 1- », Ac, Fateonida. Two.to ■*• Vonr to Mix .TlWMioafK Tw*toa«M TtaiMto Ave 00. Four to aw titbt. Five to MTCB Two to «▼• Three to Six Two to Four TbiM to Blue id« TWOtOtUM tUdm. Fonir to avo .„ .Thno to four da .,... .Tbnw toaTO lidm. FonrtoMTni Fonrto oiibt ilgidm. -Two 1m. .FonrtoaTo kUidm, TWO wtdm. , ThiM toava iTbrMtotow ifOarvidm. Flv«lo«l|ftt Wattfammm Four to ■IX Ittwidm. ...... ,..:. Fo»r to jdz ..„„,.».• Four to an OrnltholoBtatt'MdOoloflrt.'lfaou»l- *» Finches, SpmowB, etc., fringHUda^^ ^ ^^^ 6t4 to 8M ■.■.■■.".".. -TlireB to tame HO to on .:... Fourtoilx m to 898 ■;■..■.■;.■.■.■.■.■.■.■■.".'.'.■.".'.■.■.. -Four to ttve "" *** "*■ Twi^flVmoffi^. ^^^^ ^ a^^ ***** '^° Sw^o^B,Birunddinadm. ^^^^ *"**"" WaxwiniSB, AmpeMm. ^^^ ^^ «i8toflao •■ •••""■ Shrikes, iomWo!. ^^^rto^ MitotiRR) ;•;; ""' Vlreos, nreomdo.. ^j^toaw "" *** Hoiiey Creepers, C«re«d«. ^^ ^ ^^^ ** W^iM^^MfrioUUidtB y^^.^ 212 '^'^^'^"^"- ^""""'^ Dippers, Cinclida. ^^ '"' W^nsrXhrMV^iireWMlV'V'^^^^^ ToatoTia '!.'j:"Z'..'Z^"^'^'-^^^JnnUtvia» "'***"* *^'"'^":.5*'?*?.*: Ftretoseven '**"'^Nuthitthw»nd Titmice, Paridair SclssorH. 3. Forceps. 4. Needles and Thread. R. Plenty Plaster Paris, or iti Us absence fine saw dust or cotton. 6. Preservative, iarsenlusind alum or arsenical soap for large specimens.) 7. Labels. We would also advise having heavy cartilage knives, heavy bone snips, bottle benzine or naptha for cleaning feathers, several sizes of wire, tweezers, wire cutters. Ac, &c. NoTBs.— 1. The foUowlnt; notes should be taken at once on securing the specimen : The length, in inches, from tip ot bill to end of tail; the distance between the two extremeties of the outstretched wings: and length of the wing from the first joint. The numbers may be recorded as follows: 44-02-1 j (as for a Swan) without any explanation: it being well imderstood that the atMve measurements follow each other In a fixed succession, i. The color of the eyes, that of the feet, bill, etc. 3. The date locality, collector, etc. 4. The sex. (as not (Hi further along). Immediately after the bird is killed, the holes made by the ahot, together with the mouth and internal nostrils, should be plugged with cottim. to prevent escape of blood and Juices of the stomach. When rciuly to commence skinning, remove the old cotton from the throat, mouth and nostrils and replace it by fresh. Make an incision through the skin only, (be careful and not cut any deeper) from the lower end of the breast bone to the anus. Proceed carefully to separate the skin on each side, until you reach the knee and expose the thigh, when taking the leg in one hand push or thrust the knee up on the ab- domaii and loosen the skin around it until you can place the scissors or knife underneath, and (separate the Joint from the accompanying muscles. (Yom the beginning to this point it is well to sprinkle the bodv and skin freely with plaster garis, which will absorb all moisture and esneoliilty with irds that are very fat. Skin the legs down to the Hcaly part, or tarsus, cut the tendons and remove all the muscles, ex- jmsing the bare bone. Apply the preservative to the bone and skin thoroughly, then pull ba(tk in place. lAKisen the ■kin about the base of the tall, and cut through the vertebra at the last Joint, taking care not to sever the oasis ot the its' Manual. FOR Mammals. iss skins for the iting. < Jons" of the r. S. Na- -p knife. 3. A pair d Thread. 5. Plenty w dust or cotton. 6. senical soap for large cartilage knives, heavy for cleaning feathers, itters, &c., &c. luld be taken at once 1, In inches, from tip of a the two extremeties gth of the wing from ) recorded as follows: explanation: it being lurements follow each >lor of the eyes, that of r, collector, etc. 4. The the holes made by the «rnal nostrils, should lape of blood and Juices remove the old cotton nd replace it by fresh. y, (be careful and not the breast bone to the he skin on each side, le thigh, when taking 9 knee up on the ab- mtil you can place the irate the Joint from the ginnins to this point it 1 freely with plaster '6 and eappoliiUy with down to tho Kcnly part. 9 all the miiHcles, ex- iservative to the bone in place. Ixiosen the I through the vertebra sever the oasis of the Ornithologists' and Oologiits- Manukl. oulUs, lest an t'je/eat^^rs of th^taU^d^^^ ?he m^wcle ?;?lt?>J^^„^.We At this point if desired. ire to tne u»»» "» v..u •■••- the muscioauuiKv """-••"•;* r-,„ At this point if desirea. and put on plenty of pt«8OTvaU\e.Aiin.a,g^ ^^ ^^^ thelwdy maylw susMnded. by 1^^^^^^ ^^ „, rump. alaina^HMks^^ info the low^^^^ ^„ tYi^boay. ^„ J Hioks.- info the lower ParU^n; -- ^"^^'^^; ;£d invert the skin. I»«««^'»€e*i^fhthe^nger8. Onreach ^ ^ fr^3^?}iitl^J^J^S}^\^^v?^viomly by stretch- 5^1crc:nf;^«enuy-bed^^^ ing the wtogs, which should be TO^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ bone ii^ ami pufilng, loosen the sKiniTOTnar ^^^^ ^ j, and cut through the middle »* "• , ".^ ' Vibow. Skin down eSough, separate it ff''n"'''thf legs and "^^^ oH «««»»• Efe«?of.X;:^i?s^=^^^^^^ a little preservative inside. .,^^,^„,1„^ it over the ' Continue the inversion "' the «um '^^^ instances M neck, until the sk"" f "^V^a is solarge that the skin of Ducks, Woodpecker, eto the head 18 so larffB ^^m tne theneckcannotbedrawnover H^ in^^^ j. „„ t.^^re. neck down to the base "f^V" .?„,,, naUlng an Incision on Then draw the head "'^il^-oJ the skiiU sUlS the ht .vd. Be- the outside down the haok of the HKu^^^ ,^ ^^In.i careful not to make t ^^^^ nails, loosen Ung or tearing it^ then by means mi ^^ ^^^ ^^^ „„t,l the adhesion of tho skin to tne oiiieii"' taking care to vou^me to the very bawe of the J^^^f'Z; when exposed. ?ut through the white membran|o the ^ ^^ j, without lacera"n8„^.S ^^.^I'iof The head, through the small making one cut ««« a^l^ "''l^ho loVei- 1aW with the skull, an- bone connecting the base of thoh^v.^ij>v ^^ ^^^^ ^ S«ioU'!'y^u'^it»^rfPtSeL^ull from all ,he ac- companylng brain and museie. ,^ ^^^ ^p. aean oft all fat and muscle fwm tne m^w» ,,^^ ply the preservative abtmdantly |1^ the skuu. lus™ „,^iurol Ss well as t« the sk n^^ rest^rlng^t^e^^^^ t^^^ ^ ^ position. Agof^pianlstotomiecvt skinned and SSrlng inside. You now have t)w^^^^^ ^^^^ ^y Sff^'^^'c^Cn'orrr Nre?«seany animal substance VureVe'cS^Cand upper ^^^^^^^ have their naturel shape. Next It wine^^^^^ making a short stick or wire and wind with t()Wor^^L^ ^^,^ Httle«f»wH«r than the original nw-K,^^^^^^^ j,^„ „^^ and push firmly Into the base of the HKuu ^ ^^^^ untlflt IB U anything shorter^hanin^ ^„ contract it. i??j!rpWh£SH^r » c-^ffnrgTt ?r5i^e"SS:aSd'^S^tSSMl "from the Inside out- M Ornithototitts' aod Oologiito' Maaual. warda. Tie the legs and mandibles together. If the bird have long legs and neck, these had better be folded Aawa over thebody, and allowed to dry In that position. To der te'rmine the sex of a specimen, take the body that has beett detached from the skin, make an Incision in the side near the TertebriB, and exposing the inside surface of the "small of the back." The genera tlv3 organs will be found to be tightly bound to this region, and separating it from the intestines. The testifies male will be observed as two spheroidal whitish VK)dles varying with the season and species nrom the size of a pin heiul to that of u hazel nut. The ovaries of the female, consisting of a flattened mass of spheres, variable in size with the season, will be found in the same region. The skin should be placed in a round tiilw of paper until thoroughly dry when It will retain its proper shape. II. MAMMALS. The mode of preparing Mammals Is precisely the same in Its general features as for birds. Space will not permit us to mention all the flnor details, therefore the directions will be as brief as posslljle. following the plan outlined by BIr. W. T. Ilornilay-in the proceedings of the U. S.National Museum. Lav the amlmul flat upon its back. and. beginning at the throat, make a straight, clean cut in the skin along the mid- dle of the neck, breast, and abdomen, quite to the base of the tall. Except in very small animals the tail also must be slit open along the under side froii about one inch above the root quite to the tip. . . . ^ The bottom of t'te foot must be slit oi)en lengthwise, from the base of the middle toe to the heel, AU the opening cuts in the skin are now made. Begin at the ml(Ml3 of the abdomen, and out the skin neat- ly from the body, leaving no flesh, or at least but very little, adhering to It. We come very sotm to where the fore leg joins the body at tie shoulder, and the hind leg at the hip. Out throuuih the muscles at those points, disjoint the legs, and detach them entirely from the body. Skin each leg by turning the skin wrong side out over the foot, quite down to the toes. When this has been done, out the flesh away from the bones of the leg and foot, but be care- ful to leave the bones attached to each other by their natural ligaments, and to the skin Itself at the toes, fftver throw awav the Ug boneii of an anhnaHf the ikin it to be tnounttd, but leave tnem attached to the skin. . Detach the skin from the back, shoulders, and neck, and when you come to the ears cut them off close to the head. Turn the skin wrong side out over the head and proceed un- til you come to the eyes. Now work slowly with the knife, keeping close to the edge of the bony orbit, until you see, through a thin membrane under your knjfe edge, the dark portion of the eye. You may now cut fearlessly through this membrane and exjjose the eyeball. It Is a good plan with lai'ge mammals, to hold one finger of the left nand In the eye and cut against it to avoid cutting the liu. Skin down to the end of the nose, cat through the cartUaoe close to the bone, and cut on down to where the upper Up liMiaMMMRaMHMI! I' Maaual. gether. If the bird bter be folded down \t position. To der iKidy that has beeli u In the side near the Lce of the "801811 of je found to be tightly from the intestines. m spheroidal whitish ^lesnTom the size of 'Varies of the female, res. variable in size ne region. The skin ler until thoroughly reoisely the same in will not permit us to he directions will be outlined by BIr. W. S. National Museum, td. beginning at the ) skin along the mld- ilte to the base of the tail also must be slit ne inch above the root len lengthwise, from Ul the opening cuts nd out the skin neat- least but very little, I where the fore leg hind leg at the hip. ts, dltjouit the legs, ing side out over the 9 has been done, out : and foot, butbeoare- tther by their natural B toes. iVtver throw •in ii to be mounted, Iders. and neck, and ft close to the head, lead and proceed un- jwly with the knife, orbit, until you see. knife edge, the dark earlessly through this Is a good plan with le left hand In the eye llu. through the cartilage where the upper iTp OrnltholosUt.' and OologUt.' Manual. 64 front of the incisors. and must be split open from The llns are thick and »«?•»/, mu "*rfl j^ j^ ^hem can be thM» an* fi»i*«,?f^ffThe'?<^te oW whtekers. or they TMLTfld off. Do not cut off the r°?~ "' „ " which adheres to the ^W^e»TnYt*^"hfer^o^>« °^^ at the '^To^rrouja^iythefle^h^^^^^^ ^ ^^,^^^ n the ears have hate upon tt^mthginus^^^^^ ^ from the inside and tinned «nron^«n^^j^^^^oiag the hair, to ord«to_set«rate^th« outside 8K f^rSecart^ Which sup^rtst^^^^^^^^ t oSrclean the skull. c«VSr1f ha hint wire or a spoon handle thVeyes *»* l"e^«i^^ ;j;jrthe'CWro«gh tCocclpital SS^ at the *»«^k of the slmU. ^^^ ^oody ^nffls time the skin wmm<»t8urBiyutt y^ti^e ft in^vwal Plac**. a«!* ^'^J^jJ^.^PSraef^SpSn the hair im- SS?s^na^S^tC^A'.'1Sd usually causes the hair to ^ome o« m mounting. hat according to the These diWKsUons may be.variedBOin^na ^ j «i«! Of the w>Jn>a>'a'»*.*!'*-fiISve tklns for mounting, is to gh»o«fa««hKt 1^^^^^^^ SSol^r milk warm, it is wadv for »;«;Q^i,™»che8 every part. Satli and move it about uptime soiuuouro ^^ Glwartesh ai'ln plenty "f'SSSiv'ry day tor &ree days so rfVt'bSaUW^ne'movetti^ou ev^-^^^^ tliat the Bolntion cau a^ ^Ittfull Jo ^^ thLuhe"^l5tton7cau a^ wlth^tull ^-^j- Stalh-fs bath (leg Fresh •W?«P' ?lL'?HiktM may also be left attached) anS bones and skulls of •n»»""«™OTth8 without deteriorating in SUr^y*^ e'?SSri?tl? AvrjeSSIhey are HtlU aa soft and plia- ble as when arst tak«n o«. ^^ cabinet is to wrap The ntatett way topwpai*;"™^^, around the leg bones, a little tow. oakum, rag. »^JLt^*Sut a little loose WUng to the turn theskln back over them, put au»v^ j^e skin to hold it he^ and body, and Uke a fewMiwiOT. ^^^ bnttie»t to E^rratilvl'^-S^^Tcf^ulate Uly arounS It, OSTEOLOGY. Mthongh thi. «uU«SJi^thrp'SirttoX«^"'»K hor wishes to state that at t?«,PS?^, „i}J5erly prepare* and Sit' SSS^^daoSS^^KVose^^owlsh S*c55SSttotttot.miohof«M«noe. 7» OrnitholoKisto' and Oologlats' Mac-Jal. Instructions for Collecting, Prepar- ing and Preserving Birds ' Eggs and Nests. [We are indebted to Capt. C. E. Bendire's report to the U. S. National Museum for many of tlie notes herein given. | In maklug a eollet-tlon of Nests nnd EggB to lusiire positive lilentlttfiitlou the parent Wril Mhould be so<;ure<1. with all the less kno^vn and rarer birds until the collwtor is thoroiiKhly familar with the breeding hal)lt». nesting sites and eggs of the speeies In iiiie?!tlou. The mere aecnnmlatlou of speci- mens Is the least Important objeet of the oologlst. His prin- ciple aim should be to make careful observation on t)ie hab- its, call notes, song, the character of the food, mode and length of incubation and the action of the species generally from the beginning of the mating season to the time the yoimg are ah'e to leave the ne.sts. With this end in view every collector should keep a note book at all times. Take It with you as surely as you take your coUec-tlng box and use It. When you set down to rest, out with your pencil and not<> down everything of Interest. A plan we would recom- mend to all collectors Is to number your '-take" each season In successive order. 1-et your first set of eggs bo 1 and your ne.xt set 3 and so on. Then record In your Hold note book evervlhlngof Interest connected with cai'h set. This will en- able you to wTlte up your d.itas when the "evenings gi-ow long'"' and you have more time. Eggs when first taken shotild have all stains and dirt on the shell cleaned oft. Do not scrub the shell too much as in some cases this will effect the coloration. A cake of sapollo. a clean rag and a little patience will clean the dirtiest speci- men we have ever seen. It will even remove ink marks. Care should be taken In washing eggs of game birds, as Orotise, Quail. &c., else the coloring matter will come off, also the shells of some of the water birds as Pelicans, Oan- nets and Cormorants are covered with a deposit of lime, which should not be scraped off. Thoroughly clean all white To drill and blow eggs, take the specimen In the left hand, using thumb and first two fingers, your drill In the right, and gently twirl the drill first one way then the other. In some specimens the holes had best be started with a pin first, where shell is very hard. The hole should be In the side about midway lietween the two ends.and should never be made any larger than absolutely neceisary. In all eggs up to a Crow In size, from l-S-J to 1-8 of an Ir b In sjwtted eggs, make hole on the side least marked. Further on will be found cuts of some Instruments used- To Wow the egg, hold as before,placlng'the tip of the blow pipe near the edge of the hole blowing gently. If the egg is tresn the contents will come out very (jtilckly and thoroughly. If the yolk has eet- TTrrjM^UBWMWiWBgC ■ _ tt' Macjal. ing, Prepar- g Birds sts. re's report to the U. S. lerein given. | ggs to lusiire positive soeured. with all the lleotor Is thoroughly ig sites aud eggs of suniulatUm of speci- le oologlst. HlH prin- ervatlon on the hab- the food, mode and ;ho spet'les generally ison to the time the 1th this end In view E at all times. Take ?olle<'tlng box and use rtth your pencil and an we would rceom- r "taUe" each season nf eggs bo 1 and your vour field note book luh set. This will en- the '•evenings gi-ow II stains and dirt on shell too much as In n. A cake of saimllo. an the dirtiest specl- i remove Ink marks. ?» of game birds, as natter will come oil, ds as Pelicans. Oan- th a deposit of lime, jughly clean all white men In the left hand, ar drill In the right, ■ then the other. In e starlod with a pin lole should be In the Is.and should never be 9ttry, in all eggs up to b In spotted eggs. FTU*ther on will be I- To blow the egg, V pipe' near the edge of tresn the contents will , If the yolk has set- Ornithologist and Oologlst.' Manual. 7« tied to one side it can uB«aUy 'h, loo«e"<;f ^y^T^/^hauS pSpe with water and ''>y«*"«,'?:^" Uer ^y reiieating this op- th™egg when partly ttlled with ^v.UtI^o> ^^^ ^^y wItloS tmtil the water comes out Igerieiy ^^^^ cleMieA know when th? egS !« ». AltCT «e ^» paP«'; «l°«'»i.°I It should be laid aside on a piweoi^^ recommend the latter when removed. v„toiied should never be tajt"'** .P?" Eggs that are nearly hatched snoum ^^^ taken they l«Si very rare and hard to secure. " "c j ^^ ^^^.^ mtK handled ^"^„f«?rhe bote must iSf made larger In ™nder than in ."^sL^^^is advancid and the embryo cut up TiroDortion as incubation is "wvauj-cu, tweezers. Do SSdreni.>vedwithemMToh«oU«oraJ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ jly not attempt to blow out a^J^^",!'?, 'i^ny collectors drill a b°ow haraWgh to bur.a the 8^^^^^^ larce hole and place tne egg m " ." ^ easily re- wllf sometimes «ofteV^lkn is to lAject raa,Ue potath Into moved. Another good plan ^ to ingec ^^^^ ^ iSe egg Which ^;»" e'^.^.^efvJ^eKKS at^ome or alter returning Tt is amays best to blow tneebil" ",,,./„„ ,„ jxo the work well. ^ camp where you have beuer^^^^ • ^ the It Is sometimes *'"n^f"*®'^u,S.?,imeM in Quantities. In this field where collecting large sif/;™^^r blower which Is used connection we woaici suggest the water Di(^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ BO wSce-ssfully by many ^ol f'^^'^Vo to fow quarts of water, ^on^ts of a rubo«- bat holding two^to^i^ ^^^^^ to bottom of which i ''"'*/-.,„".„„ v,ag up say » teet from ing blowpipe, etc. ^7,,. ^?„^i«,^fufflcTenVto blow the largest the OTOund the force "1 jvatei is ^«mueni i y^ egg. and it also rinses them at the ^^^^ „„t very q" «"? ^"^ atukUtlty of water lott m tne cb» appliance Is the air aM*her blowpipe. Another first cias^uyp ^^^ advan- hU,wniT)e figured on another page- ^"" gt, .^-uh success. t^^o^er all other l'i«««?'J^*f,e*Stld8 i^st collectors have As a collecting lx)X to use to tuoneius ^^^^^ ^^^ ^ theteindividuaV taste »?, ."^e matte^ ^'» ^ ^^ .^^j.ap- chtap and handy as anything that can Msew^^^^ ^^ i,inff fresh eggs care should be taKen vim^ i j^ heavier S^thorougity c''^;erea, as the e^^H are^^«Y m i^^^g^^Vr^tsfauSTn^ carefully in cotton a.d n^^alrre^^Vwfsmall^neatflgu^^^^^ four eggs each. ■ 'mm . i,7,>iiw«,«MgffiiW*wg;s^; 7« Ornithologists' and Ootogists* llanusl. All sets of eggs should be accompanied by a full and com- plete data. Tbe following form Is a good one • 8i»a StUBN ■S ^; I ^ s I I 5 !^ .§ I Its' llaaual. )d by a full and com- odone* ^ .§ Ornlthologlrt.' wd Oologlrt.' »«.«»«•«• 73 Thte 18 of couwe r«»««S* »^ ^i^SAr^aWnt^fflS jper iMiiiarorder an* a IHwe 81V v'^'j^-llty ^^t^ and coiiei,- tMnm if the cover to braced so po*^"... Moar boxes should S?lt'?alSorcr'SSh to. '""".rSSYM^n thrOUK t^^lfif^l^^iSbr^i^Wli^'rpSJlo^'Xo'Skh -ix s;'^iS^^:reror^^^^«^^^^^^ cemer. 8lde.r ularl sizec lota. or cor «^ti^th^e"rS*¥The set-^J-^^^-^P^^^^^ uandX up in tissue 5*per.ThU*maK«»»F^ ^^^ ^y m.' s sew--' '■■■'"""" 74 OrnithologUta' and Oologiiti' Manual. TAXIDERMISTS* INSTRUMENTS. We send all Taxidermists' instruments prepaid at prices quoted. ANVIL.— 10 lbs , ..V •- W 00 AWL.— with bollow handle, enclosing 10 tools 75 BRUSHES.— For cleaning blood and stains from the feathers of birds and fur of mammals. Llgbt and nar- row, aoo; narrow, i9Sc.; wider 40 RABBITS' FEET.— Best for cleaning feathers 18 BRUSHES.— For using preservative, each, lOo; small torpnlnting feetof birds, each 10 BONE CUTTER 9 BO BONE BNIPES.-large 1 10 BRAIN SPOONS.-Cheapest. ain. 85c; extra nnlsb, 8 in M)e; double«nded, new, 6 in. (Scoop on each end of handle.) W CHAIN AND HOOKS 90 EYE INSTRUMENT.— For taking out and putting In eyes and tor taking skins off small birds; very ueseful 76 FILES.— Large. 000: medium, aOc; small 12 FLESHING KNIFE.— 7 in. blade, 11.00; 11 in, very large 3 00 FURRIER'S combs 60 HAMMERS. Small. S5c; m<>dium, SOc; large 75 HAND VISE.— Ltng handled 1 00 NEEDLES.— Curved surgical, each lOc; doz. assorted 7Bc; straight 3-comered points, each lOo; long 8 In, each 16c; 18 In. each 96 OIT< STONES.~Small, 85c; large, SOc; oil stone In box... 76 LBO DRILL.— For making holes up legs of dried skins of birds, when mounting 60 PINS.— 9Ji in. long, per 100, 80c; l'/4 In. long, per 100 16 PLIERS.— Round nose, 4-in, 90o; 6-in, 40c; 6-in, 60c; 7-in, TBc; 8-111 1 00 Flat nose, same sizes and prices as round. Long nose, small, aoc; 6-ln 60 OutUng. German, 5-iuob, T5C; 3-inch 40 RULES.- 9-foot folding. 16c; 8-foot, brass bound, 35c; 6-fl. Tapeinease 36 SCRAPERS.-Best make «6 SEWING PALMS 26 STUFFING FORCEPS.— IS in. line. $1.75, evi in. W.JO; Spring handle, OVi in. 1.15; Spring handle 6 in 76 SPRING FORCEPS.— The best made for handling feath- ers. 7'>c; 4-inch, extra, 7rc; common, 380 : cheap 6-lnch, 80 4-inch, 15c; 3-inch, 19 Manual. tUMENTS. its prepaid at prices ...., V - •3 00 iools 75 tains from the Light and nar- 40 toers 19 ach, 100; small _ 10 8 80 1 10 ztra nnlsb. 6 in >n each end of 76 90 Eind putting In [Tetyueseful 75 18 II in, very large S 00 »3 »rge 78 1 00 oz. assorted 76c; IK 8 in, each ISC ; as I stone in box... 76 I of dried shins ;. BO ng, per 100 16 c; 6-ln, 60c; 7-ln, i 00 round. 60 40 ibound, 3Bc;6-fl. 35 66 ....: 85 .75, i% in. $1.S0; le6in 76 ■ handling feath- c: cheap 5-incb, 80 19 Ornithologist.' and Oologi.ts' Manual. 75 SHBARS.-Good 85 SHTJTTLB.-For holding cops Msmim^misx' |ta' Manual. handle, one piece nickel plated; Up les; aiao makes a M « flO - DO rs 76 ^ ■-•• ., 8 60 8 76 6 00 - 188 , 60 »• I» _."■- • 86 m. W« guarantee either of the above sets of Instmments to be flmt-oMM^a every respect, and to give better satisfaction Uuta any eaae of tnetmmente evar offered before for the luoiwjr. 7l OrnithologiaU' and OoIok'sU' Manual. TAXIDERMISTS' TOOL CHESTS. A few Dealen olT«r Chests filled with tools for TaxldenntBtli at VHrtouB prices ranging from IIO.OO to feft.CO. From oar ez- pwlence we find tbat in purcltastng a chest of tools already pot up, one Is Itafile to obtain taany Instruments not really needed. We put up Tool Chests for Taxidtemlsta as follows : Select from our lists such tools or instruments as you mi^ nf^A to the amount of 118 GO or over, we will allow you a dis- count of 10 per cent, from the list and wiU put them np in a fine case or chest tbat cannot be purchased for less than M.00 oris. 0. Naturalists will please bear in mind that by our scheme they can select, say, f lb.00 worth of instruments such as they need, and have them placed in a chest or case made expressly for them for only 111,80. TAXIDERMISTS' SUPPLIES. ALUM POWDERED (Burnt) Bs exmess. Per lb 16 " bibs TO " 10 lbs -... 1 «« AR8BNI0AL SOAP [Soft] . Not Mailable. Sample Bottles 85 Pint 46 Quart 75 This soap is our own make and is the purest and stronxest we have ever seen. No better preservative has yet been made. ARS^.NICAL SOAP [Hard]. NotMallable. Very convenieat to handle when travelling and will remain the same in any climate. Porcake 1 86 ARSENIC [Not MaUable]. Dry, per lb 1ft Per. 6 lbs «0 •' lOlbs 100 ARSENIC And ALUM MixiD. Not Mailable. Pulverised, per lb 80 " 51bi » " ' 10 lbs 160 ARTirtOIAL L.EAVBS.-Small, without stains, pr. gr's SO Very small, with stains, per gross 35 Common slses, " " » BOcto06 lArge. " '• 75 finest Autumn, " " 76 Twelve varieties, assorted » iO Sample one-half gross 86 We can furnish any style or color of leaf oMatnable. Bend sample of what you 'want. BIRD LIMB. [Not Mailable].-ror catching small birds, with directions for use. Our make, per bottle 86 BestUauine Imported, per botUe SO ' Manual. [chests. "•O. From oar ex- .™. of tools Already —Jtrumenta not really Jdtoalauaa foUow*: Jf[}"»P»«'youadls- rm pat them np in a Md tor less tban li.00 that by our scheme omenta such aa they p case made expressly 'PLIES. 16 TO I •« Me. 85 f « 1 75 Is the purest and •tter preaervatire »ble. veiling and will =»"• 1 86 16 flO ,■ 1 00 ilahle. 80 m I so It stalna, pr. gra so 36 800 to 06 - 76 - 7B ■» 10 Qfl >«af ofeilainiibte! in* amall blrda, bottle iH SO Ornithelociats' and Oologiata' Manual. 79^ CAMPHOR (Not Matlable.)~Value fluctuates. Can send any amount ordered from 3Rc up. Present value pr. lb. 1 60 CAMPHOELIN BRICKS.— Claimed to be the most power- ful moth destroyer and Is Invaluable in preservlnR spec- imens, furs, feathers, etc., etc. Each e cts ; i for 90 cts ; 18 for 60 cents, prepaid. CLAY, POTTERS.-Used In moulding, 6 lbs. SiSc; 60 lbs. 8 00 COPS.— For winding birds 4 tor 86c; 18 for 80 CORK BARK.— Finest for rock work, 1 lb. 16c; lOlb.fl-86; 100 Ibe 10 00 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE.— One oz 16 Two OS - -. 25 One-half lb 75 One lb 1 85 CHENILLE CORD.— For trlmmlnn the bases of glass shades. This cord gives a very pretty effect. Silk. 1 yard 10 Wyard piece 1 00 Colors, scarlet, maroon, blne.green and white. Worst- ed, same colors, per i2-yard piece SO EXCELSIOR (by express].- For making bodies for blrda Fine or coarse. llD,5c:861bs 100 FLOWERS.- Immortelles, small bunch mixed 00 •' dozen buncheH flO " large bunches, \-ellow 40 Large bunches of either white, green, orange, blae,Bcar- let, purple or maroon, per buncn BO OLUE.— Pulv«rl«ed,'(by express) Per lb 86 (IRASSES— ^flMll bunches, for case decoration W Dozen bunches • 06 GLASS FKOi}'riNO.-For mow scenea. 1 ounce, lOc; Mlb. BOo; 1 lb - 86 IOIOLB8.-A8aortad.doz. 40c; 100 8 60 MOSS. French.— Dark green, per bnnob ..>. SO 19 bnnches 1 78 Long, drooping, per hunch 90 Rock lichen, line Tor making moss branches. Per box ... 85 Brown, sray and red lichens, in cluaters. for trimming atanda and caaea. Pexbox 95 MICA SNOW.— For snow and winter scenes, 1 oi. lOct* ; X lb 80 cts; 1 lb - Hft Large quantities nf this mica snow are used on cotton, for decorating, Cferlstmaa times NAPHALI.VE FLAKES ("Cryst Alba.") -The best pro teotlon against moths and derroestea, and will not In- ture fabric or apaolmens. By mall, smaU package — 10 will g'lot* price. STUMPS (by express.)- Natural, on turned ".lases. deco- rated. Sizes for small hawks and owls ib Medium . W Large ^ I® I^argest. for eagles, etc ■■■■■■ 1 W 8TAPI.E8."For fastening leg wires of large birds to lower Bide of stands and for pinulng toes in place. Made Jong and short Perhundred 10 1 00 Manual. with brush H box 60 S5. 85 b6t, bills, glass burnt umber, 'ondyke brown, 1, ochre, chrome )r. postpaid for , 85 cents. Can black, white, Indian idyke brown, burnt ome green at 8 cents Venitlan red at 15 ' each, 13 oolors, and \,IA. for only $1.00, an keep on hand. ao 18 vo 10 aces, shields for Be, beads, etc. B «>r pattern de- B paper pulp, : work, stumps }r use, with full lbs 1 00 .)— Handsomely >ut leaves and 16 SO 86 d beads, assort- 00 1 86 150 ■ylng skins that 10 pounds HO I. list with prloe», as we lie and size, diameter ned '.laaes, deco- i V5 BO 1 00 1 80 r large birds to Dg toes In place. IB Ornlthologteta* and Oologtatt' Manual. Ii SMALTS (Not maUable.)-Green, per pound........ „ muervemlUlon. or maroon......-......--^^^^ • ; 86 Black.. SANDS (by exPTMS. and covering bases. ilMicasani Be«t for rock work ^^ 1 pound 1 00 |^^,iK«t for snore birds: i^und:::::;::=^ ,« Larger s**«8,^ per iocq ui-m ^j ^^j^,, Medmni Large K waliut; eitriflnlsh ^^^ZZZZZZZl » Small IB 85 (0 75 85 medium large ^^x^iZZ-ZxiMtoi^ twoDOundfi oroverea?h TlosT^tU strtng«.) -Best made for labeUng bird skins Small per 1,»» Medium pSJ^'iOO small, «c; medium, MoVlargi tInNING LIQUOR-Best m.«e. Par c««t. by express Tow.-Be8t hemp, per pound^ :::::;:;:;::::;:::;:;::: i» 180 10 40 80 1 as 16 100 18 Fine low, per ,^unrt^^^ Ooirse tow, for large work, per ^'J,^^ ;.;...... T5 special prices given on lots of iCO pound, or more. WAX.-54 Pou»« » WIRE. Best annealed, cut lengths. Law «)f„°»^ ui and »tr»lght. in '« *"«* ^•"Bths. i-"«^";'V8ert run about a^folVows: Bagie, The sizes 8««'f "^ '1*^ Sot H ai«i *• "•*''»»^''J£{ w ''^irbrrd!'>io^"^'™n?"d visu, 81 to 84; Hummers, 2(>' , _,, n»»^^'^'' ^ «\-^ ,3 to 14, dltlonff Sizes No. 1 W y*.^, t'SfaJi.-W to 35 aOc. %^t:^^S^^^^^ ^11. at 10 per cent. less. r Ornithologist*' •nd Oologisi** Manual. Veiy fine wire. forwiringblUs, etc, per ob. or spool 10 We bare arranged an aHSortmetit of wire for the taxider- mists', stralglit cut, well assorted as to sizes mostly used, from Nos 8 to 8B. We send a pound bundle and spool of fine \rire, prepatd,tor only 60 cents. Order a sample lot; will guar- aniee it to please. OVAL. CONVEX OCASS SHADES.— For wWl pieces. 10zl4.forsmaUbirds.net 8 00 16xas, Medium size: ducks, grouse, &c., net 8 CO 18i3B, Laige size, pair ducks. Ac. net 6 00 iffixSS, Largecspread birds, gulls, &c 8 00 OAK OR EMBOSSED GOLD FRAMES.— 10x14, 8V In. deep 1 85 " Sin. deep 1 BO 16x88, 8W in. deep 1 » " 3 In. deep 1 80 18x80, 3 In. deep 8 86 " ft in. deep 3 50 88x38, 5 in. deep 4 7B " 7iD. deep ., 8 00 PLUSH BACKS.- 10x14 t 7S litxSa t!.85 18x86 8 00 88x88 3 86 OIL PAINTIUGS.- 10x14 8 60 16x39 4 50 18x86 3 60 88x38 - 6 00 ANIMAI/ HBADS OF PAPIEK M.iCHE With bone teeth. We have never yet seen any American heads that were superior to the following : Polar Bear, large, wltii teelb mediam, " " small Grizzly Bear, large " " medium " " small " Black B •• small, " Jaguar of So. Am..^; .• '• sm. ' Canada Lynx, 8 sizes Wild cat. with teeth House Cat, Mink 3 16 8 16 8 40 3 15 3 16 840 SCO 176 1 00 75 Timber Wolf, large, wlth.teeth | 00 med. >• small '° prairie wolf, large.^^^;: Coyote, „ . _„ .. Bed Fox, a sizes. Grey Pox SWtSi'UMdDog.Sslz.;; Com. Dog. 8 large s^s. "8 sm. sizes. Deer Seal, large " small 835 336 830 1 75 1 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 875 8 60 1 60 >3 60 60 50 85 ar> 75 30 30 SO 18 50 45 45 60 iO 80 SO 80 80 10 60 85 70 60 40 i^^^^ £k3(^ r I4 OrnitholoBbu' and Oologiata' ttanual. Oologists' Instruments, and Supplies. All InstramentB are guaranteed tobeof thebestquaUty, and are thoroughly tested before leaving our office. Should any patron, by mistake, receive an inferior article, we will thank them to return same; that the order may bedupU- cated. EGO DRILLB.-Our home made drUls are equal to any In the market They are more convenient and less ex- pensive than the long handled drills. They are made ezpreaaly for us from the flnesx. quality of Stubbs' steel. Na i. Short hand., aioo.good for aU fresh eggs LOT No.». " I8J0O, " " 0» No. 8. " IRlOO, " •' " No. 4. " 18-100, " " 13 No. 6. •• 81-100, " " 15 No. 0. Medium handle, fine cut, burr 4-33 inch » The following six sises come in both medium and long handle, at same price. They are made with One, clear-cut burr, nichle plated and engraved handle. Note reduced prices: No. 1. 8,8»in.bmr £0 No.a. 5.aa •' ao No.S. 6.3« " « No. 4. 8.ffl " 60 N0.6. i8ja " .X No. 6. 18.88 " 100 BIX)W PIPES.— No. 1. Brass » No.«. White Metal » No, 8. Best NlclUe-pUted 80 EMBRYO HOOKa— Collectors frequently obtain speci- mens heavily incubated which they cannot save. To overcome this difficulty ev«ry collector should have an embryo hook. No. 1. Plato, NicklePlated IJ No. 9. Nickle Plated and Engraved handle )» No. 8. The finest ever made . Consists of th>>ee sizes of hooks, which screw Into a fine engraved handle . Handles, each * Hooks, each, 'three slses) » Handle and Hook JO Handle with three hooks, assorted siaes, 75 EMBRYO SCISSORS.— Just what is needed for removing embryos; _ No. 1. Pine Soisaors, cheap » No. 8. " " best 80 No. 8. " " curved.extra TO No. 4. " " elbow, extra 100 Na B. " " straight, extra 1 00 •'■^S htanuai. nd Supplies. e of fhe best qoaUty. ; onr office. Sbould rlor article, we will order may bednpll- i are equal to any enlent and less ez- 3. They are made of Stubbs' Bteel. iheggs • .07 ^■- 09 n 18 16 Inch « th medium and long ) with One, clear-cnt [die. Note rednoed Orntthologiito'andOologi.t»'M«nual. IS tOROBPS.-We have recently had made an unusual One, *ToMt^ted forceps for Oolog^rts. ^ NSrirBest qualfty.as above ^ No. 8. caieap __^ CLIMBING lRONS.-Wehave for years made a specialty prmimmimmmm U\ IllfillUii. . ot securing the very finest g»deSlS»SiSSS "sS^^" nl^at^tM Avarv nslT to do Kood servlce. Btraopea, S:f aaual. BOOK OF TISSUE PAPER.-For patching eggs^aad ffp^memi. Ckmtalns over 100 diaerentshadMofpapw, BO arnwiged that you can pick out the desired color promptly. Price '" COURT PLASTEK.-Per envelope of 3j)leceB w POOKBT CASE, Kussla t«ather. For carrying Instru- menSlntheneld. Very deslraWe. Nlckleclasp 125 WATEB BLOWER.-Thls appliance Is acknowledged by all werienced collectors tolbe the only quick method of b^M largo quantles of eggs. A few years ago we Sent a yoMg Sm to PyTamld'Ltke. Nevada, where he Spired ovw 1 ,800 egM of the AaertcanWhte Pelican. Doubtless 10,000 bMs,or more, were breeding at that Ume HadhViot b^n supplied with flfst-class water blowers, he would, PWhaps, have been blowing yet. It consists of a large rubber bag. with 6 ft . of tubing at- tachST* flowers, *r., all packed In a neat box for 1 7B RUBBER TUBINiJ .-Extra length, per foot, 7c; 8 ft. for 60 DATA BLANKS. We carry every style of Data Blank obt^imbie. They are printed on good calendered pa- §Br and put up In i)ads of ICO. ,. maU.per IW ig Medium, " - ^ Large, " • ■■••ax 35 Extra large, perlOO S Medlum,.best tinted bond paper •" BOOK OF 100 DATAS.— Bound In Check book style, with neat stub, the best form for Oologteta' «> CHBCKINO LI8TS.-Revl8ed to 18M, printed on fine pa- gw.8 pages • ,5 Per dozen . nn Per hundred ' "" COTTON.-For lining trays, cabinets, Ac, comes In strlpsria in. wldo. Blue, white, canary, or pink colors, BittTqnaU^." >2c ft. : 80c yard or 80c per roll of 8!^d8., oStoaxy m«ie, pink or white. 80 per f t. ; aoc yd. : eoc per roll. Samples of all colors and grades. 3c. CALIPERS AND MEA8URE8.- No 1. Fine 6 in. brass trimmed, with caliper attach- ment, registering Wths •._ • S No.»: ?ame as above, ivory trimmed.^^..... » No. 8. Plain 8 ln.8teel rule, marked lOOths ^w No. 6. Pair s'l^ oaUprs, 8 In, to use with aboVe riles % Nat A smaii. neat caliper siiuaVeiregi^ 1 00 No. ». The new sliding caliper, m**" "JPr^SJ'^ Ji' ""' trade, millimeters on one «de and lOOlhs on other ^J M^MSmt _ anual. ling eggs and :ades ofpaper, desired color • 10 ileces 06 irrylng instru- kle clasp 1 85 iknowledged by quick method iw years ago we irada, where he White Pelloan. reeding at that Srst'Class water blowing yet. It n. oftubingat- sat box for i 7ft oot, 7c; 8 ft. for BO of Data Blank calendered pa- 16 80 25 36 fiO book style, with 86 "inted on fine pa- 08 15 1 00 Ik., comes in , or pink colors, »r roll of &% yds. . ; 80c yd. ; fiOc per 3c. *^ 1 caliper attach- 85 85 Oths 00 «* 1 S5 *ith above riiies 85 60 \i caliper attacb- 8 CO (glstering looths 1 00 xpressly fur our ttas on other e.'">.itifc41 Ornlthotogicts' and Ooiogists' Manual. ETyg! iMvira UK X) 1 00 4 in. pocket size, length of jaws, 1)4 in 8 60 flln , '■ " iiiln 800 8 in . " " SHln lOln " " 85S£ln 19 in " " a% in TRAYS. -The beet thing for holding eggs in cabin IHro of one size just equal to one of the next. Can easily changed about atfx»i, per dozen 10 10 per 100 9xSxii '• . 18 " 4xsx^ ' 13 " 6X4XX •• 16 " Fifty or more of one size at one hundred rate. We keep In stock trays covered with white, black, dark red and green colored paper. For eg7s. shells, minerals or specimens of any kind, nothing has yet been found to take the place of good trays. We have Bold nearly fiO.OOO during the past two years. Sample set of trays 05 We can furnish 7Vay« jn^a^ ready to make up, at one-halt of above prices. Fostage extra. Anyone can easlU^ make them. Trays are always sent by freight or express at purchasers' expense. m OrattholoBiata' *nd Oologtots' Manust. TAXIDERMISTS' DEPARTMENT. PricM for Mounting Birds, M«mm«l8, H«|ids, Fiihet and Rugs. MOUNTING BIRDS. 1. Canary, Hummer, Warbler*, Blue Birds and others^ ^ ^ TMTSlirlkeB. and Klngflaher ^... .^^... ....^"^:- 1 «> 3. KUlSJer Plover, Yellow Leg. Woodcock, Least Bit- ^ ^^ 4. G^^tlf *cWv Wild Piijiii, Spaiiriw Hiwk. . 5. O.^^J^^Le'^SWJSeiHeroiiGiuiembWaid ^^ 6. Twl!jB^?^Head. iaiid^^Md^i^ Duck, CJooper, Broad-wing and ^?^ onwUS' Orstor-catclwr, PUeated Woodpecker, R««ed, Sfeaip-toti; and Pinnated Grouse, WBO; wings ^^ 7. Hwl^'iiWi, Long, Short Ew aiS^R^^^^ ^ ^ 8 nSSSg Guii. BlttMnVshridtikeVoii^^^ mawon! Redhead, and PlntaU Ducks.lvory-hfll . NlJTufe."^ ?irRS"|'S>uider^^ GOB Hawks Velvet.Malliwd,Surt and wood Ducks, Bured Owl, »8.R0: wines spread •;• iii-v,^"-i; * ™ W. Bttmt, Bed-throated Loon.Sage Gronse, IMsh Hawl^ Elder Duck, Black-backed_5ull, Anhlnga, White Th": and Wilte Egret, tl ; "^PW^ n^i^^i^A 1. t oTT Owl, Great Bomed OwC Turkey BuBzard, ^^ la WHd Turkey, Brown PeUcan, Eagle, SandlOU Crane, ^^ ^ U, WhlloItofcrTMrFii^iili, Swill. W^^^^^ ,j,g„ ,6. pricWaP^.) «8; taa ii^iid:::::::::::::::::: « « MAKING BIRD SKINS. 1 Toslzeof Pox Sparrow, excluding waders ^.-.^.» » i* G?£kle8, Woodpeckers, and wiaers to size of SoU- ^ 8. i^n^HatWdwaderiiU) G^eiM^^^ » B. 0, Large 1 —wsem MM iM / JTMENT. I, Fishes and Rugs. 18 and others ( 1 95 Ingblrd, Red- «7SnowBant 1 oO ck, liCast Bit- 1 76 airrow Hawk, . a 00 loiiiemot, and 9 50 »r Black-head larab Hawks, cker. Ruffed, WW! ^l»f 3 00 Ribhwfdson's 8 75 en Eye,Dusk7, icks, Ivory-bUl 3 W lifed, buck and 1 Wood Ducks, 4 CO Be, Fish Hawk. Qhlnga, White read -■ 6 00 rkey Bnezard, 6 00 ; wings spread 7 00 SandUU Crane, White Peiioim, id::::::'"'::'^^' ■■• » oo NS. aders w ;; • * ■a to size ot Soil- 25 Plover 86 D ^ BO ow. Teal, Eared 75 kctoi'and Bittern., l 00 wl I 5S;,s»i8««i^ '■^^SSa'W^F'' T I 'i CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICIVIH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical MIcroraproductlons / Instltut Canadian da microraproductlons historlquas r Ornlthotogirt«'tBdOoloftati»l«»Btt*l. Ig B. orSt Blue Heron. BiiieiVSwani^^^ « » MAMMALS. IIM 00 MOOM 100 QD Blk 78 00 Caribou.. .■■ ""'isb do'to TO 00 VlrgliiJft Deer *g M S W W Antelope " SO OOto » 00 Sheep IH 00 SS??!?;- 15 OOto WOO WUdC»t 8 OOto 10 00 %t— i WOO Camel 100 00 Cow StO 00 SH^'^^" » 00 to MOO S!5? 16 00 to »oo Wolf 10 X SSL ::;::::::::::zr;.:"T.. looo Otter goo SfmK '.'■.'.■.■.■.■.■..■.'.'.■.'.■.".■.'. 15 OO g«»^« 8 00 to 80 00 Seal 8 00 to 10 00 R<»cooon._^. .. .^■- 86 OOto »» D08". Newfoundland ■■■••••■•• gSg g $ ^^Sjj, 18 00 to fl6 00 £2?*" IS 00 to WOO gn«i- 10 CO l^^iidTi.^:;::::;:::.::::::::::::::..^..... jggto «« JMk g 00 Bqnlrreli, grey g go tSS ::::::::::::::::::;:":"z m 5fd . IQ J>y»«>«i I BO Ground goo Weaael "■' g go Ferret « 00 a?r':3:rr: .=:=:::==:"::• ■•*♦- ^ « MMk-rnS;. r:;;;vzr'333.''Z.'.^^v.':... 1 s oo j^ OrnitttologisU' and Oologists' Manual. BatUe Snakes ^^^^^ |0 gg 5iMgaior: :;;;■■:••::■:■:::■::::;:::::::::":::: --^^ . «> to « oo HEADS. Moose |!»00tO»S5 00 Caribou lauoto 2fi CO BockyMtSheep 10 OOto IS.OO Bear, open mouth IB 00 Fok ^^^ ^^^ Dog Elk «.>fiooto$3ft ao Deer 10 00 to 15 00 Antelope 10 00 to 19 00 o 00 FISHES. H,^Tarpon.ll,OOto,«0 00 P^j;^,„„,^i^ ; ;; ;; ,g^ Pickerel Strlded ^88, 00 Ibe SO 00 Lobster low BUck Bass. ft 00 to 10 00 Erook Trout. 3 lbs 6 OO Black RUGS. Black Bear, dresBlng, lining and stuffing "ead^c^swi^ ^ mouth.. ; ;:;^ «IK m tn 40 OO 80 00 inou 1«00 16 00 500 ttOO same with open mouth iSmm Mt. Lion, with closed mouth ISmiX game with open month ... snotn Oamtda Lynx, with closed mouth ,SmiS ^^^ame with open mouth 10 OOto Fox. with closed mouth ^ samewlthopcn mouth ?J" Wild Cat. with closed mouth "^ aame with open mouth iiii,y^ «n m Dog, with closed mouth 7 Sow 8ft 00 with open mouth • ■■-■■■. i2 m Deer skin, dressing and lining, without head l» w BOOKS FOR Ornithologists and Oologists. -:o:- We herewith present a list of some of the most desirable books that we usually try to keep on hand at all times. KEY TO NORTH AMERICAN HIBDS,t)y EUlcrt Coues, M. A. M^., Ph.D Contains a concise aeooimt of every llv- Iniand fossil bird at present know on t he oontlneut north o?*tS IwSndary line of the U. S. and Mexico. Iticludlng QreSlMdTfvJm-th edit ion revl«ed to date. W th whlcK ^MSorporated gem-ral ornithology, an »;•"';'« ",'^« BtructMeand classlflcatlon of birds, "Vl Held oruitholo- Sy'SoMiil of coUectlnK.prepar lug and pre^frvtog birds '^CoueTkey" Is too well known to need further com- .i~^ Manual. 10 00 10 PO to IB 00 1 M) to f5 00 . ('>{i00tot3A no ... 10 00 to 15 00 je 10 00 to 19 00 ^- 500 8 CO to 10 CO 3 50 rout. 9 lbs ; 10 00 r 10 00 rrbut. 31bB 6 00 Hng he ad. closed tiiOOOtu . as 00 to .. 13 00 to . 18 CO to . 8 00 to .. 10 00 to laooo 40 00 aooo in 00 1«00 1«0U 600 (100 600 710 . »notoaooo I head 7B0tO.8ft00 18 00 Oologists. of the most desirable land at uU times. by Elliot Coues, M. .eoountof every 11 V- t he fontlneut north 1 Mexico, liioludlng odiite. With which ry, an outllae of the and field orultholo- md preserving t)ird8 need further ccm- OrnltholoHati' and Ootoflato' JUnual. 9» turkey morooeo. ^»"«°K'''';- . •"IrJi^iv r a Species, and 503 woodcuts. 3 vol8.,4to., i8ecles, Including those added In the Supplement. Price $ .50 DAVIE, O. Nests and Eggs of North American Birds. Fourth edition. This work Is descriptive of the Nests and Eggs of the Land and Water Birds of North Amer- ica, wEfch Includes all the species known to exist— those that occur or are Indigenous north of the Southern United Stat«8 boundary, including Greenland and the peninsula of Lower California. The breeding range of each species Is given, the tlma of nesting, the exact number of eggs laid, their color and size together with the chief characteristics of the birds. The work con- sists of 476 pages and 18 full page illustrations. Paper edition. »1 •&; Cloth »1 T5 ELLIOTT. V. a. A classlflcatlon and Synopsis of the TrochllldOB. 1 27 wood-cuts. 4to. Paper W 60 List of Described Species of Humming-birds. 8vo., paper ' -25 HARRIS, A. B. How We went Birds Nesting. Field, Wood, and Meadow Rambles. Illustrated. Square 18 mo *• W HOLDEN, GEO. H. Canaries and Cage Birds. Wood- cuts and beautiful colored plates. Royal 8vo J8 00 INGERSOLL, E. Birds Nesting: a Handbook of Instruc- tion in Gathering and Preserving the Nests and Eggs of Birds; for the Purposes of Study. 12mo W 88 LANGILLE. J. H. Our Birds and their Haunts. A Pop- ular Treatise on the Birds of Eastern North America. Illustrated. 8vo tin LAWRENCE, GEO. N. Birds of Southwestern Mexico. 8vo., paper * -W MAYNARD, C. J. Birds of Eastern North America, with origlnsl descriptions of all the species which occur east of the Mississippi F ' 'er, between the Arctic Circle and the Gulf of Mexico, with full notes on their Habits, etc. Many hand-colored plates. 4to. Sample pages &c.... 110 00 Eggs of North American BU'ds. A full description of all Eggs with breeding dates. 10 full page hand-col- ored plates representing the eggs of 82 species. 160 pages. Cloth W 76 MINOT, H. D. The Liind Birds and Game Birds of New England. With descriptions of the Birds, their Nests and Eggs, their Habits and Mat«s. Illustrated. 8vo. .13 00 Nemenclature of Colors for Naturalists. A Nom- enclature of Colors for Ni..urali8ts, and Compendium of useful knowledge for Ornithologists. With ten colored 81ates and seven plates of Outline. Illustrations. 8vo. loth MW ,1 »f. Manual. (The American aining the Latin find Subspecies. nt. Price $ .50 Vmerluan Birds. tlve of the Nests of North Amer- n to exist— those [)f the Southern reenland and the eedlng range of 9stlng, the exact ;e together with The work con- trations. Paper Jl T5 Synopsis of the er tSSO Ling-birds. 8vo., « .25 Nesting. Field, kted. Square 18 tl 60 [e Birds. Wood- 'al8vo te 00 Ibook of Instruc- Nests and Eggs 3mo VI 85 Haunts. A Pop- North America. $1 75 western Mexico. « ,50 ih America, with which occur east irctic Circle and :heir Habits, etc. pie pages 6c . . . . VIO 00 A full description 11 page hand-col- '. »i species. 160 !?!: II 76 He Birds of New )irds, their Nests ustrated. 8vo. .13 00 ralists. A Nom- 1 Compendium of With ten colored lustrations. 8vo. MOO Ornlthologtati' and Ootogtatf Manual. « STEAKNS, w: A and COUE8^,^Vn^ro,!^nir^^ vSOT^ofS^r^»»»i,, Royal 8VO • • :^;: • •. p]. „;pg c. L. American Oml- WILSON. A., and BONAPAR'l^,'--^- ^^^ ^j ^jje Half morocco... ^.•••^•••—■ — ••_^^ ^^ ^^d a -Tn7eorx?rn'^"Mla"mKme. Colored plat.«.^ ^ MkSKrLXVETrK"^^:•■B■-a:ways;• iemo.. .. .». ^ MILLER. "i^J;*^^ ^ . Morulug-the American CoNTBNTS-The Bird ot. the MoruiuK g^mude and a Gentle Spirit -the wood Turubn. x Thrush. A Winter*^ Blrd-Stutl^y-theEur<)^an »^^ s^ ^^^^^^^ Turdm «>»f<="'>i,l'^J^^„^f^ot^Cat.MrA: The Bird of ensU; Tricks a^rt Manner^ or a ».at ^^^^^ Phmtictui; Soclety-the Redwmg B ackomi,^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ oa<6«Ja; Upon the Tree-top-Baltimore uruH«, -^ p^^_ Transient Guests In the Bird room ^^^^ ^ *.''TT,55«M^n?eT?& Trouble in the Honeysuckles -.f he ^=Jr?oWiree^tI^Tto,e are Your Brothers." ^^ ^ in Nesting-Time '«^°g- ;,L:p„;pfo" bro^ Blakblrd. 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