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Containing BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS OF ALL THE KNOWN INDIGENOUS AND NATURALIZED PLANTS GROWING WITHOUT CULTIVATION XORTH OF CALIFORNIA, WEST OF UTAH, AND SOUTH OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. BY THOMAS HOWELL VOL. L PHANEROGAMiE. ^^ ^^?..^^u-«^ FASCICLE 4, LIOUUFLOB^: TO HYDKOPllYKLACE^t: /'^■^-N.-VJi.^^ Price Fifty Cents. ^ ^ PORTLAND OREGON, , ,- ^C^ Z/l March gist, 1901. (>$' ■f 4-4? ■■*•**. ■A FLOU BRIEF DESC] NATURALIZE NORTH OF Entered accord in the // FLORA OF NORTHWEST AMERICA. Containing BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS OF ALL THE KNOWN INDIGENOUS AND NATURALIZED PLANTS GROWING WITHOUT CULTIVATION NORTH OF CALIFORNIA, WEST OF UTAH, AND SOUTH OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. BY THOMAS HOWELL VOL. I, PHANEROGAMiE. FASCICLE 4, LinULIFLORiU TO HYDKOPIIYF.LACRiK Price Fifty Gents. PORTLAND OREGON, March 2l8t, 1901. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1897 by Thomas Howell in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. te i 1 ■ ■ ■ • •■ 1 • CiCHORIACEiB )7 HjrpochflBrI with or with mit or upwan pappus of awn( pa eaceous bas >8 Ptllooalais branching ati bristles with % '. 1 90 Mlcroserls pappus of 4-] > ■ - < ■ 100 Scorzonelia roots: pappu : " ■ ■ . ■ 101 Uropappns scarious bide 102 Nothocalal ceolate silver § 3 Pappus never plumous * Receptach flowers. i, ■":-.' " • " ■ ' . ■ • ■ 108 Malacothrh ciduous, mos ■*- Achenes falling quite se] 1 , ■ < *♦ Bej r 1 . --. 1 " - : ■ ■ ' ; r 104 Apargldinn acnenes colu brownish, of 05 Hieraclnm striate: papp single series. 06 Crepis Ac white and sof 07 Nabalns A pappus of cop .■■■'"■ s ^ .'. ,* ■;■; ■'' , . '-.v.. » 08 Lygodesmi copious and v ■ ' : - \ ■ .: -.^ .^--^■■^, >. j',^ i - *♦ Beak of i " ■ "' '*■■-■•• 09 Agoseris ] achenes 10-co 10 Taraxacnn angled and us ■ - "."." x" 11 Raflnesqnia slender softly *- ■*- Leafy- achenes flatten< 1^ • \ _ : ^ i CICHORIACKiB COMPOSITiE 387 >7 HypochoBrtR Flowers yellow : pappus a series of fine plumose bristlea witli or without some naked and shurtur outer ones. ^ •*- t- t- Receptacle not chaff jr : achenes either truncate at sum- mit or upwardly attenuate, yot with no distinct or prolonged beak : pappus of awned or pointed scarious palete, or of awns or bristles with {•iiteaceous base, or plumose. )8 I'tUoealals Perennial herbs with biennial fusiform and more or less branching and leafy stems: pappus of 15-20 white and soft plumose bristles with paleaceous base. itf NicroReris Annual or j erennial herbs with branching leafy stems: pappus of 4-10, usually 6 paleie tapering into scabrous awns. 0<) Scorsonella Glpbrous pi>rennials with leafy stems from fusiform roots : pappus of 5-10 bristles with small paleaceous base. 01 Uropappns \caulescent or subcaulesccnt annuals: pappus of 5 scarious btdentate awn-tipped paleie. 1U2 Xothocalais Acaulescent perennials: pappus of 20-25 linear-lan- ceolate silvery-white palese in 2 or more series. § 3 Pappus of capillary bristles scabrous, rarely barbellate, [lover plumouB nor rose-tinted : except in Rafineaquin. * Receptacle with or without some capillary bristles among the flowers. 108 Malacothrlx Achenes terete: pappus soft and white, promptly de- ciduous, mostly together. * * Receptacle naked. ■«- Achenes not flattened : pappus persistent, or the bristles tardily falling quite separately. ** Beak of the achene none, or a mere attenuation. 104 Apargfdlum Heads solitary, terminating simple bra< tless scapes : achenes columnar, truncate, not tapering at either end: pappus brownish, of soft and rather fragile capillary bristles. 105 Hieraclnm Achenes oblong or columnar, mostly 10- ribbed or striate : pappus tawny, of rather rigid scabrous fragile bristles in a single series. 06 Crepls Achenes from columnar to fusiform, 10-20-co8tate : pappus white and soft, in 2 or more series. 07 Kabalns Achenes terete or 4-6-angled, linear-oblong or cylindrical : pappus of copious rather rigid capillary briutles. 08 Lygodesmla Achenes terete, linear or slender-fusiform : pappus of copious and usually unequal capillary bristles. ■>* ** Beak of the achene distinct, usually slender : beads always erect. 09 Agoseris Involucre more or less imbricated in more than 1 series : achenes lO-costate or 10-nerved. 10 Taraxacnm Involucre of a single series : achenes 4- or 5-co8tate or angled and usually with some intervening nerves. Ill Raflnesquia Achenes terete, obscurely few-ridbed : pappus of 10-15 slender softly lonfcplumose bristles. *■ ■*- Leafy-stemmed plants with more or less paniculate heads: achenes flattened : pappus of copious fine and soft capillary bristles. 388 C0MP08IT.*: I. APIAN A CICHOBIUM 118 Lactactt Achenca with a beak or narrowed flummit falling separately. 118 HoiichuH Achenes without ))eak or neck: pappus of very loft ami HnehrlBtlen which fall more or lesn in connection, and commonly one or twoBtoutor ones that fall separately. m LA PS AN A L. Gen. n. »!« Krcot piiiiiculatoly branching annual horbs with alternate leavcH and small heads of yellow flovvern. Involucre nearly cy- lindrit!, its principal bracts nearly eijual, and with a tow exterior sniall ones at base : Receptacle flat, naked. Rays truncate A- toothed at the apex. Anther sagittate at base. Style- branches slender. Achenes 20-30-nerved, somewhat flattened, with rounded apex and small areola. Pappus none. L. COMMUNIS L. 8p. 811. Stems 1-4 feet high, paniculately branchpd glabrous above more or less hispid-pubescent below : lower leaves ovati repand-dentate, obtuse, thui, pubescent or glabrate, petloled, 2-4 inchct long, often with 2-G lobew on the petiole; the uppermost oblong or lanceo late, Bpssile, acute, much smader, mostly entire: heads very numerous, 3- H lines broad, lonaely paniculate : involucre oblong-oylindric, 2-3 lines high of about 8 linear glaucous connate principal bracts and several very smal outer ones Along road cides and moist ]J-\ces, Oregon and the Eaateri States. Naturalized from Europe. 94 OICHORIUM TOURN. L. Gen. n. 921. PTII.ORIA TKAOOI'OOO.* II OH, not rare pappus- briatlus acle (juite n iiitcrmediato i chiifTy awns, i P tenairoliii Perennial, 1t2 f< merous small In runclnate pinna times runclnate' narrow, usually ate Bcarious-ma Plains and moui braska, V rirgata ( Stt-ms rigid, 1-4 spatulate, often tire : heads 3-4 1 "r tliyrsoidly dig smaller branchei involucre 4-8 flo between the nar not paleaceou8-( P. panicalat StemB erect froa Erect branching herbs with alternate and radical leaves and or else more stri large heads of blue, purple, pink or white flowers panicled or in sessile clusters along the stem. Heads several to many-flowered Involucre of 2 series of herbaceous bracts with coriaceous or in- durated base ; the outer somewhat spreading; the inner sub tending and partly enclosing the outer achenes. Receptacle flat lower lanceolate ; long, rugose-tubJ ■oUB.its bristles t )r squamelliferoi P. exlgna G naked or slightly fimhrillate. Anthers sagittate at base. Style ets, 1-2 feet higl branches slender, obtusish. Achenes somewhat angled ; tb ifid, those of th« broad summit bordered with a crown-like pappus of numerou "yolucre 4-5 line short and blunt palete in 2or more series. lilated'SpaTe^. C. iNTYBDS L. 8p. 813 (chicory) Perennial from a long deep tap >r 6 phalanges a root: stems 1-3 feet nigh, with stout, rigid branches, more or less hirsute oroia and Texas at least below : radical leaves spatulate in outline, runcinate-pinnatifid, 3- inches long, narrowed into long petioles; cauline oblong or lanceolate, con monly dentate, those of the flowering branches mostly reduced and seal^ Biennial or p like, subtending solitary or clustered sessile heads, or some heads raise* ;e8Bileand clas on fistulous peduncles : flowers sky-blue, varying to purple or white, opei ' nnmlp only at night or in cloudy weather. Roadsides and waste places. purpie 96 PTILORIA Raf. Atl. Joum. 145, 1832. IJlnfa^?^'^^;" STEPHAmMEBrAN^. _ rtLXed Smooth and glabrous herbs with branching or virgate ofte )ranche8 slen rigid or rush-l^ke stems, small or scale-like leaves on the flowei ibbed, termin ing branches, and usually paniculate small or middle-sized head ^appus-bristle of white to pink flowers that open only at night or on cloudy dayAlume-branche Heads 3-20-flowered. Involucre cylindraceous or oblong, of !?e\| j, pobbipolic eral appressed and equal plain bracts and some short calyculatleet high from a ANA RIUM PTILORIA TRAOOI'OQON COMPOSlT/tO 380 |<»noB, not rarely with two or throe of intermodiate length. Ilecep- lacle (juite naked. Aclienes S-angled or ribbed, Hoinetiines witli intermediate ribs. Pappus a series of nlumosi' bristles or rarely chaffy awns, not rarely naked toward the base. P tenalfolia Raf. All. Joiirn. 145, 1832. Stephanovwria mhutt Xutl. Perennial, 1t2 feet high, sterna Blendur, I>ranehe8 ascending bearing nu- merous small heads of pink flowers in long looBt> raccnat^s : radical leaves runcinute pinnallfld, those of the stem linear or filiform, entire, or some- times riincnuite-dentatc, the uppermost reduced to small scales : involucres narrow, usually 6-tlowert'd with about the same number of linear-lunct'o- iate scarious-niargined bracts: pappus white, verv plumose to the lume. Plains and mountains from British Columbia to California, Texas and Ne- braska, P Tlrgata Greene Pitt, ii, 130. Slephanomeria virgatn Bmith. Stems rigid, 1-4 feet high Irom an annual root: lower leaver oblong or apatulate, often sinuate or pinnatifid ; upper leaves linear, small and en- tire: heads 3-4 lines long, mostly subsessils or short-peduncleil, spicately i id, witl branchpd ^es ovtit'i 2-4 inchc or lanceo merous, 3 lines higl ery small le Easteri led or ini flowered )U8 or in iner sub )tacle flat gled ; thi numerou 5 deep tap ess hirsute inatifid, 3- eolate,coni d and scale e. Style ets, 1-2 feet high: radical and lower cauline leaves pinnatifid or bipinna- ' * ' ifid, those of the branches mainly reduced to short scales: heads scattered : nvolucre 4-6 lines high, usually 5- flowered : achenes thick-ribbed and tuber- :ulate-rugose when mature: bristles of the pappus 8-18, their more or le«H lilated and paleaceous or thickened base commonly a little connate into 4 >r6 phalanges and often I-2-8etose on each side. Idaho to eastern Cali- orma and Texas. »B. )ng of sev 96 TRAGOPOGON L Gen. n. 905. Biennial or perennial somewhat succulent herbs with alternate, 6ads raise* sessile and clasping leaves, and long-peduncled large heads ofyel- white, opei ^^ ^j. purple flowers opening in the early morning, usually closed )y noon. Involucre cylindric or narrowly eampanulate, its )ract8 in one series, nearly equal, united at base. Rays truncate md 5-toothed at the apex. Anthers sagittate at base. Style- rgate ofte )ranche8 slender. Achenes linear, terete or 5-angled 5-10- the flowei ibbed, terminated by slender beaks, or the outermost beakless. iized head ^appus-bristles in one series, plumose, connate at the base, the oudy dayi )lume-branche8 interwebbed. T. poRRiFOLius L. Sp. 780. (Oystrh Plant. Salsify. ) Stems erect, 2-7 caiyculatleet high from a long fleshv tap-root: leaves entire, linear-lanceolate, long 390 COMPOSITiE HYPOCH(EBIB FTILOOALAI8 acuminate : peduncles very much thickened and hollow for 1-3 inches be- low the heads : Heads 2-4 inche;? broad, very showy : bracts of the in- volucre linear-lanceolate, acuminate usually much longer than the purplf rays : acheneg sometimeB 2 inches long, the outer ones covered with scale- like tubercles especially on the ribs below. Escaped from cultivation. 97 HYPOCH(ERIS. L- Gen. n. 918. Mostly perennial herbs with scape-like often branching stems, chiefly radical leaves and large heads of yellow flowers. In- volucre campanulate of somewhat herbjjceous marginless bracts imbricated in several series. Receptacle paleaceous with soft, narrow and scarious scales among the flowers. Anthers sagit- tate. Style branches slender, obtusish Achenes oblong or fusi- form, tapering upward at least the inner ones into a beak. Pap pus a series of fine plumose bristles, with or without some naked and shorter outer ones. H* radlcata L Sp 811. Ktems several together from a perennial root, slender,l-2 feet high, branched or rarely simple.bearing a tew scales, leaves oblanceolate to obovate in outline, piimatiCd-lobed to dentate, 2-6 inches long, hirsute on both sides : involucre oblong-cylindric, about an inch high its bracts glabrous, or sparingly pubescent: achenes rough, all with very slender beaks longer than the bc^y. In waste places, Western Washington to California. Naturalized from Europe. 98 PTILOCALAIS Greene Bull. Cal. Acad, ii, 59. MICROSERIS § PTILOPHORA Gray. Glabrous herbs from fusiform biennial roots laciniately cut leaves and middlesized to large heads of yellow flowers. Heads nodding in bud. Involucre campanulate, its bracts imbri cated in several series, the inner long-acuminate the outer succes sively shorter and acute. Receptacle flat, foveolate. Achenes' linear-columnar, of the same diameter from base to summit Pappus bright white, soft, of 15-20 truncate or emarginate palea' terminating in a long, soft-plumose capillary bristle or awn and often with one or more short external merely scabrous bristle. P. nutans Greene 1. c. Microseria nutans Oray. Stem slender, 6-18 inches high : roots either fascicled or solitary : leaves from entire and spatulate-obovate to pinnately parted into narrow linear lobes : heads 8-20 flowered, slender-peduncled: involucre cylindraceous, of 8-10 linear-lanceo- late gradually acuminate principal bracts and a few short calyculate onee below, bristles of the pappus several times longer than the oblong palea' In open pinev/oods, Britisn Columbia to California and Montana. P. major Greene 1. c. Microseris major Gray. Stout, often more than 2 feet high : leaves oblong lanceolate, entire or sparingly laciniati involucre sometimes an inch high; "its lanceolate bracts imbricated in 3 lengths. Idaho to Utah. 99 MICROSERIS Don Phil. Mag. xi. 388. Acaulescent glabrous annuals with entire or laciniately lobed or pinnatifid leaves and rather small nodding heads of yellow flowers on slender peduncles. Involucre oblong-cylindraceous to MlCROflRRIi SCOBZONBLL liemispherica menibraneoui terete, 8-10 ci at the inserti( scabrous colls mostly short M. Douglas inches high : le; s])iitnlate, entii of 4-10 oblong, calyculate ones summit, 3 lines abruptly into ai M. BigelovJ ceolate to lineai ed into linear Ic acuminate prin( ones at their ba truncate summi pappus 6, oblon thrice their lenj 100 SCO Glabrous pe ately cut leave are nodding ceous, imbricj: other shorter j alveolate. Ac ttriate, trunca panded, areoli tipped with a lulate bristle c S. procera Stems robust, 2- dentate or entir radical larger : ii 3 series, the out nate : achenes n late palese with Washington to ( S. pratensis (iuncles 1-2 feet inches long : liea in 3 sei'ies, ovat< larrowly lancec meadow lands n S. lacinlata Gray Glaucesc< leaves laciniate cal 4-10 inches 1 with dilated has H(EBI8 ALA 18 inches be- 1 of the ill- ,he purplf rith Bcalef atioD. ig stems, rs. In- !S8 bracts irith soft, srs sagit- g or fusi- ik. Pap me naked perennial tew scales, mtate, 2 about till rough, all 3, Western itely cut Heads iS imbri er succes Achenei" summit ite palea' awn and bristle. ender, 6-18 pntire and heads 8-20 ear-lanceo- culate ones )ng palea?. la. >Iten more laciniate Icated in 3 }ly iobed Df yellow raceous to MICROflRRIS 8COBZONBLLA COMPOSITiE 391 hemispherical, inner bracts in one or two series, equal, thin,with membraneous margins outer, very short. Receptacle flat.Achenes terete, 8-10 costate, with a broad basal callosity which is hollowed at the insertion and produced upward into a sharp denticulate scabrous collar-like rim. Paleae of the pappus 4-10, usually 5, mostly short and tapering into a long or short scabrous awn. M. Doaglasii Graj^ Proc. Am. Acad, ix 210. Stem& slender, .S-24 inches high : leaves chiefly clustered at the base of the stem, linear to 9]«itnlate, entire or sprarinlgy laciniate, 1-S inches long: involucre oblong of 4-10 oblong, obtuse principal bracts and 3-5 very short erose dentate t'iilyculate ones at base: achenes oblong-tarbinate, contracted under the summit, 3 lines long : palem of the pappus, ovate, 2 lines long, tapering abruptly into an awn. Southwestern Oregon to California. M. Bigelovil Gray 1. c. Stems slender, 4-12 inches high : leaves lan- ceolate to linear in outline, entire to laciniately toothed or pinnately part- ed into linear lobes : involucre campanulate, of 8-10 lanceolate acute or acuaainate principal bracts and several smaller obtuse or barely acute ones at their base : achenes oblong-turbinate, not contracced under the truncate summit, 2 lines long, outermost sometimes villous : paleae of the pappus 5, oblong to lanceolate, gradually tapering to an awn twice or thrice their length. Along the coast, Oregon and California. 100 SCORZONELLA Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. vii, 426. MICROSERIS § SCORZONFLLA Gray. Glabrous perennial herbs with fusiform biennial roots, lacini- ately cut leaves and long-peduncled heads of yellow flowers that are nodding in bud. Involucre campanulate, its bracts herba- ceous, imbricated in several series, the inner long acuminate, the other shorter and acute. Receptacle flat or convex, foveolate or alveolate. Achenes linear or somewhat turbinate, H-10-costate or striate, truncate at summit, the basal callosity acute and not ex- panded, areola lateral. Pappus 5 or 10 ovate or lanceolate palese tipped with a generally much longer, straight scabrous orbarbel- lulate bristle or awn. S. procera Greene Bull. Cal. Acad, ii, 50. MicroserisproceraGray. Stems robust, 2-3 feet high : leaves chiefly oblong apiculate-acuminate, dentate or entire, rarely laciniate-lobed; larger cauline 6-8 inches long, radical larger : involucre an inch or more high and broad, its bracts in 2 or 3 series, the outer ones ovate, the inner ones ovate-lanceolate, all acumi- nate : achenes nearly columnar 3 lines long, pappus of 10 brownish lanceo- late paleae with long barbellate awn<>. Rather common in open places, Washington to California. S. pratensis Greene 1. c. 51. Le^fy at base only, the scapose pe- duncles 1-2 feet high : leaves linear-lanceolate, long-acuminate, entire,6-12 inches long : heads an inch high and nearly as broad, bracts of the involucre in 3 series, ovate to lanceolate, acuminate : pappus of 10 white or sorded narrowly lanceolate paleae with long minutely plumose awns. Moist meadow lands near Ashland, Oregon, and Yreka, California S. ladniata Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil Soc. vii, 426. Microseris larAniata Gray Glaucescent: stems rather stout, leafy and branching, 2-3 feet high : leaves laciniate pinnatifid into attenuate lobes, or sometimes entire ; radi- cal 4-10 inches long: involucre an inch or less high, its bracts nearly all with dilated base and more or less abrupt acumination. Achenes columnar, S- I! 392 COMPOSITiE 8C0RZ0NBLLA UR0PAPPU8 2 lines long : paleae of the pappus deltoid or triangular-ovate, abruptly tipped witn an awn or bristle 8 or 9 times longer. Alluvial grounds, Brit- ish Columbia to Northern California. S. leptosepala Nutt. 1. c. Microaeris leptosepala Gray Stems slen- der, a foot or t>o high : leaves from linear to lanceolate ancl from entire to att«nuate-pinnatifid, all attenuate : heads comparatively small and few- flowered ; involucre 6-10 lines high, of 6-12 lanceolate acuminate [principal bracts and a few small, ovate, abruptly acuminate ones at their base: achenes slender-columnar: paleae of the pappus ovate-lanceolate, or nar- rower, tapering gradually from the base : into an awn or 4 or 5 times &s long. Moist ground, Brit-sh Columbia to California. S, Bolanderi Greene 1. c Microseris Bolanderi Oray. Stems slender, 1-2 feet high : leaves from narrowly linear-lanceolate to somewhat spatu- late, entire or with a few small salient linear lobes, 6-12 inches long: in- volucre 6-9 lines high, its bracts all gradually lanceolate-attenuate from a broadish base, or some small outermost abruptly acumina'e: paleae of the pappus little exceeding the breadth of the'achene, broadly ovate, mostly obtuse, tipped by the long slender awn. In swamps near the coast, Washington to Call ornia. S. Howelll Greene 1. c. Microseais Howellii Oray. A foot or moie high from a fusiform root slender bearing solitary or 2 or 3 heads : leaves elongated-linear and attenuate, some bearing a few attenuate reflexed lobes: involucre half-inch hijjh, narrow, 15-20- flowered, its bracts all acii minate; the inner oblong- lanceolate, aud all nearly equal; the outer much shorter and mostly ovate achenes 3 lines long, narrower at base : pappus of 8 or 10 conspicuous and firm lanceolate palese 2-3 lines long, tipped witli a denticulate-scabrous awn of hardly greater length. Hillsides about Waldo, southeastern Oregon. 101 UR0PAPPU8 Nutt. 1. c. 425. MICROSERIS ^ CALAIS Gray. Subcaulescent annuals with laciniately lobed or pinnatifid leaves and erect heads of yellow flowers on long scape-like strict and erect peduncles which are thickened above. Involucre cam- panulate, its numerous bracts imbricated in 2 or more series, the outer successively shorter, all thin and scarious margined. Re- ceptacle flat, more or less alveolate-chatfy in the centre. Achenes terete, 8-lO-costate, glabrous with scabrous costa, the basal call- osity not angled. Paleae of the pappus 5, elongated, flat, hispid and short-awned at the apex. U. linearlfolius Nutt. 1. c. Microseris linearifolia Gray. Scapes or peduncles 6-24 inches high : leaves linear, coarsely few-toothed or pinnati- fid, 2-6 inches long, more or less villous-pubescent when young: achenes black. Blender, tapering above almost to a beak, (5-8 lines long : paleee of the pappus silvery-white, linear oblong 4-8 lines long, deeply notched above and bearing slender awns barely half their length. Dry hillsides, Brit. Columbia to California and New Mexico. U. macrochwtas Greene Pitt, iii, 137. Microseris macrochxla Gray. ' ' Ideates or peduncles sometimes 2 feet high : involucre narrow, 8-10 lines h'gh, its bracts attenuate-acuminate : paleee of the pappus thin, small, cleft quite to the middle from the first, bearing a long and weak awn. South- west Idaho to California. " NOTflOCALA) MALACOTHBI 108 Acaulescen (sized erect he late ; its bract ous with som ceptacle flat, or rostrate-al and soft, of 1( or without soi \. Soksdor high: leaves li from the crown long-attenuate, filled by the e Plains of Klicki N. troximol stems 6-12 incl root, rather fie inches long: a( contracted, neai below, very une and Washingto: N. cngpidat Hhorter than or pubescent or gli cate, their mar{ quite glabrous, mit, about 3 lin poil, Idaho to I Leafy-stem all radical lea of yellow or \ Involucre m£ calyculate. les among tl columnar, gh gled by the narrowed eitl or denticulati scabrous, or uous more o\ stouter ones M. glabrat) or with ascendi ing and bearinf yellow flowers ! or almost fiUf outer bracts s NBLLA PPU8 abruptly nds, Brit- ems slen- , entire to and few I principal leir base: e, or nar i times as IS slender, lat spatu I long: in ite from a paleae of [ily ovate, near the or moie Is : leaves be reflexed ts all acii Iter much pappus of pped witli aes about >innatifi(l ike strict icre cam ;erie8, the led. Re Achenes )asal call- at, hispid Scapes or )r pinnati- ;: achenes : palese of ly notched ' hillsides. imla Gray. , 8-10 lines small, cleft n. South- NOTflOC&LAIS MALACOTHBIX COMPOSITE 393 102 N0TH0CALAI8 Gr-^ae Bull. Cal. Acad, ii, 54. MICROSERIS ' ■ HOCALAIS Gray. Acaulescent perennial herbs svith linear leaves and middle- ized erect heads of yellow flowers. Involucre oblong-campanu- late ; its bracts in two series, narrowly lanceolate, membranace- ous with somewhat thinner hyaline margins, nearly equal. Re- ceptacle flat, alveolate. Achenes fusiform, slipitate, contracted or rostrate-attenuate at summit, lO-costate. Pappus very white and soft, of 10-40 scabrous-margined narrow unequal paleaj with or without some capillary bristles. N. Sak8dorfll Greene 1. c. More or less pubescent : scapes 4-10 inches high : leaves linear, attenuate nearly equalling the flowering scapes, all from the crown of a thick perennial root : bracts of the involucre lanceolate, long-attenuate, 6-12 lines long : achenes slender, 6-6 lines long, only half fill«i by the seed: palese oi the pappus 10-12 nan ow and nearly equal. Plains of Klickitat Go. Washington and adjacent Oregon. N. troximoides Greene 1 c. Microseris troximoidea Gray. Scapose stems 6-12 inches high : leaves tufted on the crown of a thick perennial root, rather fleshy, narrowly linear-lanceolate, entire or undulate, 4-6 inches long: achenes fusiform, scarcely 4 lines long, its summit merely contracted, nearly filled bv the seed : palese of the pappus 20-24, lanceolate below, very unequal half-inch long. Plains and hillsides eastern Oregon and Washington to (Jalifornia and Idaho. N. cnspidata Greene 1. c. Troximon cuspidatum Pursh. Scapes stout, Hhorter than or equalling the leaves : leaven linear, long-acuminate, thick, pubescent or glabrate, 4-8 inches long, 2-5 lines \iide, somewhat condupli- cate, their margins wldte-tomentose and crisp, or entire : involucre usually quite glabrous, nearly 1 inch high : achenes slightly contracted at the sum- mit, about 3 lines long : pappus of 40-50 unequal paleae and bristles. Dry poil, Idaho to Illin< is. 103 MALACOTHBIX DC. Prodr. vii, 192. Leafy-stemmed or sometimes scapose herbs with alternate or all radical leaves and long-peduncled, panicled or solitary, heads of yellow or white flowers that are usually nodding in the bud. Involucre many-flowered, its bracts either imbricated or only calyculate. Receptacle with or without delicate capillary brist- les among the flowers. Achenes not flattened, short-oblong or columnar, glabrous, terete and striately 5-15-costate, or 4-5-an- gled by the prominence of the stronger ribs, slightly if at all narrowed either way with broad truncate apex having an entire or denticulate border or sharp edge. Pappus a series of soft and scabrous, or near the base barbellulate, bristles which are decid- uous more or less in connection, and commonly 1-8 outer and stouter ones which are^ more persistent and smoother. M. glabrata Gray Syn. Fl. i, pt. 2, 422. Subcaulescent annual : erect or with ascending branches from the base, these leafy, often again branch- ing and bearing a few lateral as well as terminal long-peduncled heads of yellow flowers : leaves once or twice laciniately pinnatifiJ into narrow linear or almost filiform lobes : involucre fully half-inch high, glabrous, or the outer bracts sometimes canescent when young : achenes narrow, lightl 394 COMPOSITiE APARGIDIUM HIERACIUM coatate : outer pappus of 2 persistent bristles and between them some miii- 1 ute pointed teeth. Eastern Oregon to California and Arizona. M. Torreyi Gray Proc. Am. Acad, ix, 213 Stems 1-12 inches higli Iroiii an annual root, branching from the base : lower leavres oblong, rather short, pinnatifid with short and dentate lobes, teeth and lobes callouH- mucronate: heads seldom less than half-inch high, broadish-campanulate, short peduncled on the leafy branches : bracts of the involucre lanceolate, acuminate: achenes linear-oblong, 5-angled b^ as man^^ salient often almost wing-like ribs, a much less prominent pair in each interval : outer pappus of 2-8 stout persistent bristles, between the thickish bases of which are minute teeth. Southeastern Oregon to Nevada and Utah. 104 APARGIDIUM T. & G. FI. ii, 474. Low herbs with fusiform biennial roots, all radical leaves, and rather small heads of yellow flowers on slender scapes. Heads many-flowered, nodding in bud. Involucre narrow-campanulate; its bracts strongly l-nerved, in 2-3 series. Receptacle naked. Achenes columnar, truncate, smooth. Pappus brownish, of copi- ous rather rigid and fragile barbellate-denticulate capillary bris- tles, with some outer and smaller ones nearly smooth. A. boreale T. & G. 1. c. Scape solitary, slender, 6-12 inches higli, bearing a single head : leaves linear-lanceolate, 3-6 inches long, attenuate at both ends, entire, or obscurely undulate : invohicre 6-9 lines high ; of 10-15 lanceolate acuminate principal bracts and about as many similar but smaller outer o;ies. Wet meadows in the high mountains, Alaska to California. 1' '• • < ^ > (^^.►?v. .. 105 HIERACIUM Tourn. L. Gen. n. 913. Perennial herbs with alternate or all radical leaves and small to large erect heads of yellow, rarely white or red flowers in pan- icles or corymbs, or solitary. Involucre several- to many-flower- ed of narrow equal bracts and some short calyculate ones, or sometimes imbricated, not thickened at base nor with thickened midrib. Achenes oblong or columnar, smooth and glabrous, mostly 10-ribbed or striate, either terete or 4 or 5-angled, slightly contracted at the very base, commonly of the same thickness to the truncate summit. Pappus of rather rigid scabrous fragile bristles, brown or brownish, rarely white and soft. § 1 Archieracium Fries. Heads corymbosely paniculate, involucre of the comparatively large heads irregularly more or less imbricated. Achenes columnar. Pappus of numerous un- equal bristles. H. Caiiadense Michx. Fl. ii, 86. Stems robust, 4-6 feet high : leaves from lanceolate to ovate-oblong, acute, sparsely and acutely dentate, or even laciniate, at least the upper partly clasping and broad or broadish at base: involucre usually pubescent when young, occasionally glandular, the narrow outermopt bracts loose : pappus sorded. Dry open woods, Oregon and northward to Pennsylvania and Canada. § 2 Stenotheca T. & G. Fl. ii, 476. Involucre a series of equal bracts and a few short calycula'e ones, usually narrow HIERACIUM jiulfew- to ma iipering to th gristles. * Crinite-hi rspecially on I columnar and H. longrlber fitems usually i lanceolate, entii in an irregular eolate acumin base, all densel liffs along the ( H. Sconleri hairs, pale and leaves lanceolat( rather few, in a linear-lanceolat( Buccessively 6h< glandular: papp * * Crinitt hairs above, m flowers yellov H. triste C few-leaved, bea radical leaves o sparse pale haii ous-lanate: hea clothed with lo lands to norther * * • Dark and lower par H. gracile stems tufted, si obovate to oblo entire or repan lower linear-bn bracts all nearl and also tomen most white. Ii and the Rocky '. * ♦ * * Nol stem sparsely +- Flowers w H. albiflom to numerous si cyme: leaves o upper sessile b; involucre camp bracts, imbricat or nearly so, n long. Commoi Rocky Mountai niERACIUM COMPOSlTiE 3d& iiiulfew- to many-flowered. Achenes in a few species slender or iipering to the summit. Pappus of more or less scanty equal liristles. * Crinite-hirsute with long and whitish or vellowisli shaggy hairs, especially on both sides of the entire leaves : flowers yellow : achenos coluiunar and short, not at all narrowed upward. H. longtberbe. Whole plant sparsely covered with long Foft hairs : Isteras usually slender and ascending or suberect, 6-18 inches long : leaves llanceolate, entire or sparingly dentate. 8-6 inches long: heads rather few, |in an irregular panicle: involucre rampannlate, 6 lines high, of 10-20 lan- ceolate acuminate principal bracts with smaller calyculate ones at their sase, all densely clothed with long spreading hairs, not glandular. On cli^s along the Columbia river near the Cascades. H. Sconleri Ho-k. Fl. i, 198. Sparingly pubescent with long crisp Ihairs, pale and more or less glaucescept : stems 1-2 feet high, very leafy: Ileaves lanceolate, eessi e or the lowest short-petioled, 2-6 inches long : heads Irather few, in a loose irregular panicle: involucre 6 lines high; its bracts linear-lanceolate, often acuminate, imbricated in 2 or 3 series, the outer Isuccessively shorter, all beset with long bristly hairs, and more or lees glandular: pappus whitish. Brit. Columbia to Oregon and Montana. * * Crinitely long-villous with soft-woolly and blackish smootli hairs above, wanting below : without stellate or glandular pubescence : flowers yellow: pappus fuscous. H. triste Cham, in herb. Willd. Stems simple, 4-12 inches high, Ifew-leaved, bearing solitary or 2-4 racemosely disposed small heads: Iradical leaves obovate to spatulate, entire, green and glabrate, or with jgparse pale hairs ; cauline oblong, upper ones and stem more or less viil- lous-lanate: heads half-inch high, livid: involucre and peduncle densely Iclothed with long dark-trown or partly grayish soft wool. Aleutian Is- llands to northern Washington. * * * Dark-hirsute and somewhat glandular on the involucre: leaves and lower part of stems glabrous, or at most pubescent : flowers yellow. H. gracile Hook. Fl. i, 298, Pale green and more or less pubescent : stems tufted, slender, 2-18 inches high : leaves mostly in radical cluster, obovate to oblong-spatulate, 1-3 inches long, attenuate below to petioles, entire or repand-dentate : heuds few to several, racemously disposed, the lower linear-bracteate : involucre about 4 lines high, its numerous linear bracts all nearly equal, beset with short black somewhat hispid hairs and also tomentose and glandular: achenes short-columnar: pnppus al most white. In open places on the highest peaks; Alaska to California and the Bocky Mountains. » » » « Not crinite but at least the radical leaves and base of the stem sparsely or even thickly setose-hirsute with spreading hairs. ■*- Flowers white : stems leafy, and in large plants loosely branching H. alblllorum Hook. 1. c. Stems slender, 1-3 feet high, bearing few to numerous small heads in an open, simple or compound paniculate cyme: leaves oblong to broadly lanceolate, thin, 1-4 inches long; the upper sessile by a broad base, the lower tapering into slender petioles: involucre campanulate, 4-5 lines high, of several linear-lanceolate acute bracts, imbricated in 2 or 3 ranks, the outer successively shorter, glalarous or nearly so, not rarely with a fevv bristly hairs: achenes black, a line long. Ooramon in dry wooded districts, Alaska to California and the Rocky Mountains. . ': 11 396 COMPOSITiE HtBRAOnTM *■ •*- Stems more or less leafy: involucre 16-30-fiowered, oblong- campanulate, of rather numerous narrow and acute or acutish bracts : flowers yellow: achenes not narrowed upward: pappus from sorded to dull white. H. cynoirlosgoldes Arvet. Gra^ Proc. Am. Acad, xix, 68. More or less pubescent with somewhat hispid haiis, and the inflorescence glandu- lar : stems 1-2 feet high, numerous from the crown of a perennial root leafy : leaves lanceolate, mostly acute. 2-6 inches long ; the upper sessilt by a narrow base ; the lower narrowed to a winged petiole : heads few to several in an open corymbose cyme : involucre 6-8 lines high : its linear acute bracts and short peduncles rather densely hirsute with short black hairs as well as glandular : achenes rather short. In open woods British Columbia to California and the Rocky Mountains. H. amplnm Greene Eryth. iii, 101. "Stoutish 2 or 3 feet high, amply leafy up to the rather broad corymbose panicle, but no radical tuft of foli- age : leaves oblong-spatulate, acutish, entire, 4-^ inches long hirsute along the margins, and with scattered appressed hairs on both faces : upper cau line leaves and branches of the inflorescence pale and glaucescent, seem ingly glabrous, but somewhat tomentose-puberulent under a lens : involu cres about 6 lines high, loosely calyculate the subequal bracts dark with black setulose stout nairs otherwise glabrous : ligules yellow : achenes col umnar or eyen slightly widening to tne summit: pappus white. On hill sides at 6000-7000 feet altitude Mount Adams, Washington, Suksdorf," H. barblgernm Greene Pitt, iii, 228. Stems slender, tufted, from deep seated somewhat running rootstocks, 4'-10 inches high, leafy only near the base : leaves somewhat crowded but not rosulate, lanceolate to spatalate short petioles and leaf-margins hirsute with long spreadine hairs which extend more sparsely to both sides of the leaves and stem, the lower faces of the leaves also tomentulose with branched hairs : heads 1-5, in a loose cyme: involucre campanulate. about 6 lines high its linear bracts hirsute and tomentulose like the leaves with also a few dark setulose hairs : pap pus nearly white. On grassy slopes of Ashland Butte, Oregon, to Lassen county, California. H* cinerenm. Cinereous with a minute white scurfy tomentum: stems rather stout, 6-10 inches high, from stout creeping rootstocks form- ing large patches leafy only toward the base : leaves lanceolate or narrow- er, acute or acuminate, 3-4 inches long, sparsely denticulate narrowed be- low to broad winged petioles ; sparsely hirsute with crisp hairs : heads sev- eral to numerous in a close corymbose paniculate-cyme : involucre 5-6 lines high, its linear principal bracts with broad scarious margins, the outer and shorter ones subulate all sparsely ortfotatall hirsute: pappus sor- ded. In open places near Table Rock, Clackamas county, Oregon. ****** Leaves all at the base of the loosely branching scape-like stem : flowers yellow only 5-15 in the narrow and diffusely paniculate heads : achenes slightly if at all tapering to the summit. H. Bolanderi Gray Proc. Am. Acad, vii, 265. Stem slender, 6-18 inches high, commonly solitary, glabrous: leaves nearly all in a radical tuft, ovate to broadly lanceolate mostly obtuse, sparingly denticulate or entire 2-3 inches long, taperiug below to a winged petiole, pale and glau- cous below, green and beset with bristles above : heads few to several in a loose paniculate cyme : involucre narrow, 5-lines high, glabrous of 5-10 linear-lanceolate, very acute principal bracts and a few smaller ones at their base : achenes fully as long as the pappus. H. Howellii Gray Bot. Gaz. xiii, 73. Stems 1-2 feet high, hoary with close stellular pubescence, hirsute below : leaves spatulate to oblanceolate entire or some of them sparingly dentate, 3-4 inches long, obtuse, tapering CRBFIB below to short p tose-canescent b flowered : involu obtuse principal close stellular pt young. Open R Perennial oi toothed or pir yellow flowerf pjinulate, or s equal, with a i flat, naked or form, 10-20-r at the base an capillary brisi * Bracts o rigid at base i C. VIRENS L. high corymbose from dentate to petioles: caul in upper usnally v involucre 4-6 li principal bracti 10-striate, smoi places, British < » « 0. nana Ricl wholly glabroui clustered and ovate to spatul the clustered t smooth and nai calyculate ones tracted under ( Wallowa Moun C. rnncins scape-like, 1-3 ovate-oblong tc runc'nate-pinn narrow at the I sute, sometime ately narrowed eastern Oregon Tar. hisp places, southei C. Anders< or more high : involucre half and firmer bra achenes fusifoi beak. " East CRBFIB COMPOSITE 397 below to short petioles, or the cauline eessile, villous-crinite and tomen- tose-canescent both sides : heads rather numerous, in an open panicle few- flowered : involucre about 5 lines high cylindrical of 6-8 nnear-lanceolate obtuse principal bracts and a few shorter ones at their base, all hoary with close stellular pubescence, without any setose bristles : pappus white when young. Open Rocky ridget, Mooney Mountain, Josephine county, Oregon. 106 CR£PIS L. Gen. n. 9. 14, Perennial or annual herbs with alternate or all radical mostly toothed or pinnatifid leaves and small or middle-sized heads of yellow flowers. Involucre few- to many-flowered, cylindric, cam- panulate, or swollen at base, its principal bracts in one series, equal, with a number of exterior smaller ones. Receptacle mostly flat, naked or short-fimbrillate. Achenes from columnar to fusi- form, 10-20-ribbed or nerved, not transversely rugose, narrowed at the base and apex. Pappus of copious white and usually soft capillary bristles. * Bracts of the involucre thickening and becoming more or less rigid at base in age : achenes beakless or nearly so. C. viRKNS L. Sp. ed. 2, 1134. Glabrous annual; stems leafy 1-2 feet hifch corymboselv oranched above: radical leaves spatulate to lanceolate, from dentate to laciniate pinnatifid, 2-8 inches long, narrowed below to petioles: cauline smaller and narrower, clasping by a sagittate base the upper usnally very small and entire : heads numerous, slender-peduncled : involucre 4-6 lines high, oblong, more or less pubescent or glandular, its principal bracts lanceolate, the outer mostly appressed achenes oblong. 10-striate, smooth slightly contracted at both ends. In fields and wast'i places, British Columbia to California. Naturalized from Europe. * * Perennials: achenes beakless or short-beaked. 0. nana Richards, App. Franklin Journ. ed. 2, 62. Glauccscent and wholly glabrous : low ana depressed, formine tufts and bearing numerous clustered and narrow short peduncled lieaas : leaves chiefly radical, ob- ovate to spatulate, entire, repand-dentate or lyrate, commonly equalling the clustered scapes or stems : involucre cylindrical 8-14 flowered, of 8-10 smooth and narrowly linear obtuse bracts in a single series and 3 or 4 short calyculate ones at base : achenes linear, unequally costate, obscurely con- tracted under the moderately dilated pappiferous disk. Alaska to the Wallowa Mountains of Oregon and to California. C. rnncinata T. A G. FJ. ii, 438. Slightly if at all glaucous : stems Bcape-like, 1-3 feet high, paniculately branched above : radical leaves ob- ovate-oblonp to oblong-lanceolate, 2-^ inches long, from repand-dentate to runc'nate-pmnatifid, with short lobes or teeth; cauime none or small and narrow at the forks: involucre half-inch high or less, pubescent, often hir- sute, sometimes glandular-hispidulous : acLenes narrowly oblong, moder- ately narrowed upward, somewhat evenly 10-costate. In moist soil, south- eastern Oregon to Manitoba and Iowa. Tar. hispldnlosa. whole plant hispidulous and glandular. Moist places, southeastern Oregon. C. Andersonl Gray Proc. Am. Acad, vi, 436. " Not glaucous, afoot or more high : leaves laciniately pinnatifid or dentate, but not runcinate: involucre half to three-fourths inch high, cinereous-pubescent, of broader and firmer bracts, more imbricated, outermost oblong- to ovate-lanceolate: achenes fusiform, usually 8-10-costate, tapering into a short but manifest beak. " Eastern Oregon to Nevada and eastern California. 398 COMPOST r^E CPr.PIS C. platyphylla Greene Pitt, iii, 27. " Belated to C. nmcinata, ainiil larly acauleecent, the corymbosely panicled stout scape 12 to 18 inches high. rattier strongly liispid and somewhat glandular : leaves depressed or m\ tending, oval and oblong to spatulate-oblong, subse^sile or Fliort petioledl mostly 4 to 6 inches long, often 3 in breadth, obtuse, coarsely and remotelyi often somewhat runcinately toothed, green and glabrous above: involucrel 4 or 5 lines high, veiv hispid, slightly glandular: achenes dark brown, ob-f lon^-fusiform, slightlv contracted toward the summit, sharply 10-rib1x^d,| Moist mountain meadows of southern Idaho and northern Utah." C. sabcarnosa Greene 1. c. 107. " Stout and low, more or less pubes cent, slightly succulent, the scape about a foot high, bearing at summit few and long-peduncled heads : leaves of spatulate- oblanceolate outline obtuse or aculish, saliently but not runcinately toothed: peduncles and| involucre glandular-hispid : slender-fusiform achenes tapering ; pappus fine fragile. Meadows along the Humboldt River at Deeth and elsewnere in eastern Nevada, thence northward to southern Idaho." C. acvinlnata Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. soc. vii, 437. Minutely cinere- ous-pubescent below, but green : stems slender, 1-3 feet high, 1-3-leaved, bearing a fastigiate or corymbiform cyme of numerous small heads: leaves elongated, slender-petioled, oblong-lanceolate in outline, laciniate-pinnati fid, tapering to both ends, the apex usually into a lanceolate or linear pro longation : involucre narrow-cylindraceoup, 4-6 lines long, rarely more tnaii 6-flowered, of 5-8 principal bracts, glabrous, or the few minute bractlets tomentulose : mature achenes fusiform, considerably longer than the pap- pus, lightly striate-costate moderately attenuate at summit. Dry ground eastern Oregon to California, Utah and Montana. C. intermedia Gray Syn. Fl. i pt 2, 432. Cinereous- puberulent: stems 1-2 feet high, 1-3-leaved, terminating in a rather few-flowered corymb or paniculate cyme : leaves elongater", slender-petioled ^ oblonjt-lanceolate in outline^ laciniate-pinnatifid, tapering to 1 otn ends, involucre half-inch or more high, canescently puberulent ; its bracts in age carinate by thickening of the midrib : achenes acutely lO-costate when mature, oblong-fusiform, slightly attenuate upward, longer than or equalling the pappus. Eastern Washington and Brit. Columbia to California and the Rorky Mauntains C. occidentalis Nutt. Joum. Acad. Philad. vii, 29. Canescent with a close -scurfy tomentum ; stems usually 4-18 inches high, solitary or 2 or 3 from a single caudex, corymbosely branched above, rarely from near the base, often with glandular bristly hairs above : leaves from runcinately toothed to deeply pinnatifld, or somewhat bipinnatifid; the lower and rad- ical 4-10 inches long, narrowed into petioles; the upper sessile and slightly clasping : heads few to several, corymbosely panicled : involucre 6-8 lines high, cylindraceous, its principal bracts linear and acute, with severa small ovate to subulate calyculate ones at their base, all canescent with close minute tomentum, and often with a few short bristles : achenes fusi- form, truncate at the apex, 10-18-co8tate. On dry plains and hillsides Brit. Columbia to California and Colorado. East of the Cascade Mountains C. montlcola Coville Cont. Nat. with long brownish glanduliferous freely branching, 6-12 inches high : in outline, 2-4 inches long, acute, narrow sessile base ; sometimes with deeply pinnatifld with toothed or lines nigh, narrow-campanulate ; its acuminate, nearly or quite equalling Oregon to California. G* scopuloram Coville 1. c. 563. Herb, iii, 562. Crinitely pubescent hairs: stems stout, usually solitary leaves oblong to broadly lanceolate narrowed below to short petioles or merely dentate margins, sometimes even pinnatifld lobes : involucre 8-l( principal bracts narrowly lanceolate the ligules. Dry hillsides, southern Scantily tomentose, usually glabrate II CRBPIB .LU8 III age, and beari hit lier slender, 1 ^,x, bearing 1-5 nianately or blp kler.der, usually Its bracts linear- lichenes 4-6 lin Linetimes obscu ton to Montana, V, rostrata ml more or less triate-angled, b utline, 4-6 incl oothed lobes : ong gUndless w art contracted i «rn Oregon and 0. barblger minute somewhi rem tiie crown ( hearing an amp anceolate in ou into linear-lance tuse principal bi base, all caneace bristles. Dry ri 1( Leafy-stemi natifid leaves, of white yelloi cylindric, usu equal bracts a flat, naked. . times striatel copious rathe N. alatus H or nearly so: s hastate-deltoid, ruptly contract petiole, or sma tooselv and bog long, "of 8-10 of ptins, imperfect flowered: coro sometimes witl 108 ] Smooth he linear or seal of pink or ros cylindric, its equal, slightl ones. Recei CPT'.PIS lata, fiinii ches high Bed or as peiioled remotely, involucrt; rown, ob- lO-ribbed, ft ess pubes it sdtnnnt e outliiH' tncles and appus fine ewnere in ly cinertf- -3-leaved, ids : leaves e-pinnati- inear pro- naore than bractlets n the pap- ■y ground iat: steins Jorymb or iceolate in alf-incfa or thickening 5-fuBiform. Eastern a un tains. icent with iry or 2 or 1 near the incinately r and rad- id slightly 6-8 lines th several 3ent with lenes fusi- hillsided, [oantains. pubescent r solitary, lanceolate Jetioies or lometimcs lucre 8-10 j.nceolate, southern y glabrate CREPIS .LUB rOMPOSITiE 390 II age, and bearing toward the base scattered eglandulose bristles: steins Mflier slender, 10-20 inches high, 8olita»*y or rarely 2 from the same cau- X, bearing 1-5 heads leaves broadly lanceolate in outline, 4-6 inches long, )iiinately or bipinnately divided into linear-lanceolate lobe:*: peduncles iler.der, usually ihickened just below the li^ad-i: involucre 6-8 lines high ; ts bracts linear-lanceolate and barely acute, or tlm shorter oniM acuminate : Lchenes 4-6 lines lung, fusiform, truncate at the apex, not ostate, but loinetimes obscuroly striate. Dry hillsides, eastern Ore^o j and Waahing- on to Montana, Utah and Nevada. <*. rostrata Coville I. c. 664. Sparingly hir.«ute with glan Hess hairs, 111(1 more or less tomuntose : stems 4-15 inches high, 1-3 from each caudex, triate-angled, bearing 1-3 heads : leaves oblong to broaJly lanceolate in >utline, 4-0 inches long, pinnately parted into linear-lanceolate entire or oothed lobes : involucre 6-8 lines high, more or less densely clothed with ong glandless white hairs: achenes 4-5 lines long, not costate the upper art contracted into a distinct beak 1-2 lines long. Rocky hill:y a tapering liase : heads loosely and somewhat corymbosely panicled: involucre campanulate-ob- long, of 8-10 often livid brauts, nearly or quite destitute of scarious mar- grins, imperfectly calyculate by 2 or 3 loose linear accessory ones, 5-16- flowered : corollas purp ish : achenes slender, 3-4 lines long, at least sometimes with tapering summit. On moist cliffs, Alaska to Oregon. 108 LYGODESMIA Don Edinb. Phil. Journ. vi, 305. Smooth herbs with usually rush-like rigid or tough stems, linear or scale-like leaves and terminal or scattered erect heads of pink or rose-colored flowers. Heads 3-12-flowerod. Involucre cylindric, its principal bracts 5-8, linear, scarious-margined, equal, slightly united at the base, with several very short outer ones. Receptacle flat, naked. Achenes terete, obscurely striate 400 OOMPOSITifi LYGODEflMIA AOOBIRIS or angled, usually linear or slender-fusiform. Pappus of copioiKJ and usually unequal soft or somewhat rigid bristles, from whitfj to brownish. L* Inncea Don I.e. Perennial by a thick woody root: stems stifij much branched, 8-18 inches high, striate-ansled, not spinencent: loweiL leaves lanceolate, rigid, entire, acute or acuminate, %-2 inches long; thJ upper similar but smaller, or reduced to subulate scales: heads mostivT 6-nowered, solitary at the ends of the branches : involucre about halMnchI high, its bracts usually gland-tipped : achenes narrowly columnar or shortlyl tapering to the summit : pappus light brown. Dry plains, eastern Idah'o| to Nevada and Minnesota. L. splnosa Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. vii, 444. Stems slende" and! rigid, low, much branched from an indurated and matted-woolly perenl nial base, otherwise glabrous: branchlets divergent, spinescent, beariiigl minute scales in place of leaves, and lateral very sbort-peduncled heads f lower cauline leaves linear, entire, thickish, above soon reduced to scales:! involucre 3-5-flowered ; its principal bracts not more numerous, ratheil loose, lanceolate ; the unequal and more imbricated calyculate ones comT paratively broad and large : achenes much shorter than the pappus, not atl all narrowel upward, 4-5-coatate: pappus white, of uneaual bristles! Gravelly hills and plains, eastern Oregon to OaUfornia, Nevada and Idaho| 109 AG0SERI8 Raf. Fl. Loudv. 58. TROXIMON Nuttall, not of Omrtner. Acaulescent perennial or annual herbs with clustered radical leaves and mostly large heads of yellow flowers on simple scapes, InvDlucre campanulate or cylindraceous, the bracts mostly lan- ceolate, imbricated in few series, the outer loose and often some- what foliaceous. Receptacle flat, naked. Achenes oblong orl linear, terete, 10-ribbed, the apex contracted into a neck or prol longed into a beak, the broad base or basal callus to a narro\v base more or less hollowed at the iusertion. Pappus of copious white or whitish merely scabrous capillary bristles, which are either persistent on or separately deciduous from the dilated! terminal areola. § 1 Achenes more or less linear, beakless, or tapering gradually into a beak on which the nerves or ribs of the body are produced to the apex: acaulescent perennials. * No beak to the achene, its moderately short continued summit of the same texture as the body and equally 10-costate: involucral bracts somewhat equal, all tapering to a slender aoumination: the outer from an oblong or ovate-lanceolate base, glabrous: pappus rigidulous. A* alpestris Greene Pitt, ii, 177. Troximon alpentre Qray. Glabrous: rootstock or caudex elongated; leaves narrowly spatulate or lanceolate, pin-l nately lobed or incised, or paiied into narrow linear divisions; scapes 2-31 inches high, weak: involucre campanulate, 7-8 lines high, the bracts inl about 2 series: achenes 2-3 lines long, equalled by the slender pappus- bristles j In the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington. * * Achenes with apex tapering gradually into a rather stout and nerved beak which is shorter than the body A. barbellnlata Greene 1. c. Troximon barbellulatum Greene. Noll AOOBKRIS COMPOSlTyK 401 jsiiicoas: scapes slender, 1-3 inclitm high: linear-lanceolate, laoiniate-pin- litifld into a few short and narrow lobes, or some entire: involucre narrow, |vor half -inch high, rather few-flowered; its 10 ov 12 bracts nearly equal, lan- eolately acuminate, glabrous: flowers yellow: t, clients 3 lines lonff, about the aiigth of the soft distinctly barlwUulate pappufi. Grassy slopes, nigh moun- ilns of southern Oregon and northern California. A. tomentosa. More or less tomentose up to the involucre: scapes ather stout, 4-10 inches high: leaves lanceolate to linear in outline, irregu- »iiy and often retrorsely lobed or toothed, or some of the inner ones entire, ^cute, or acuminate, attenuate below to a Hhort winged petiole, nearly as }ng aa the scapes: involucre campanulate, 8-9 lines high, of rather numerous nbricated, lanceolate acuminate scarious-margined mostly glabrous bracts: slienes fusiform, short-beaked, much shorter than the brownish pappus. On sy slopes, Stein Mountain southeastern Oregon. A. parviflora Greene 1. c. Troximon parvijtorum Null. Glabrous throughout : scapes slender, much longer than the leaves 5-15 inches high: leaves narrowly linear, acuminate, entire, 3-8 inches long: 1-3 lines wide: Vads an inch broad or less: involuore oblong-ovoid, becoming nearly hemi- kpheric in fruit, 6-8 lines high; its bracts lanceolate and acuminate: achenes conspicuously beaked> about 4 lines long: nappus of numerous unequal very pleniler bristles. Plains, Idaho to Manitcoa, Nebraska and New Mexico. § 2 Achenes with a slender and mostly filiform nerveless beak and soft pappus: aoaulescent perennials. * Achenes acute or tapering at summit into a beak but little if at all loni^r than the cylindraceous or narrowly fusiform body. A. anrantlaca Greene 1 c. Troximon aurantiacum Hook. Nearly ■glabrous, deep green and not at all glaucous : leaves oblanceolate, obtuse, lentire, naiTowed to a slender, petiole: involucre 7-9 lines high: its bracts Ifrom broadly to narrowly lanceolate, acute, or the outer and looser ones ob- llong sni obtuse: flowers orange, drying brownish or purple achenes tbickish, Itapering gradually to a shoi-t stout beak. High mountain prairies, Oregon to JAlaska and the Bocky Mountains. A. pvrparea Greene 1. c. Sparsely lanate when young, in age glab- Irate, more or less glaucous: scapes 6-20 inches high, enlarged and tomentose I at the summit: leaves from linear to lanceolate saliently or often runcinately Itoothed or lobed: bracts of the involuore moderately well imbricated, 4-12 I lines long, lanceolate and long-acuminate, or the outer ones oblong and ob- Ituse: corollas deep saffron-color, drying purple: achenes black, fusiform, I with a slender beak about as long as the body: pappus white. Mountain I meadows, Oregon and Washington to the Bocky Mountains. A. Kraeilenta Greene 1. c. Troximon gracilens Oray Scapes slender, 1 10-18 inches high: leaves mostly entire, from lanceolate to nearly linear, or some narrowly spatulate: involucral brads narrow: corollas deep orange: achenes fusiform-liueai', 3-4 lines long; the very slender beak as long or longer: pappus soft but not flaccid. In the Cascade Mountains of Oregon I and Washington to Wyoming. A. elata Greene 1. c, Troximon Nuttallii Oray. Robust; scapes 6-20 I inches high: leaves thickish, from lanceolate to spatulate, and from spar- ingly dentate ^o pinnatifid, 6-12 inches lung, glaucous: heads an inch or more high and broad: involucral bracts lanceolate, acute, more or less pubescent: corollas yellow: achene thickish, 8 lines long, with a beak as long or longer. Moist ground, eastern Oregon to California and Utah. ; '% r I: ^ I- f 402 COMPOBITiK AGOSBRtt A. ftparirloldeR Greene I. c. Troximon npnrgiuhle* Le»». T.ow an> tufted fruni a inultitMpitttI ctiudex, glalii'Hto; loavoH Hpatiilutc, olitiiHU. *,'- iiu^hcH U»nK. nurrowetl Mow to a Hlemler i>ftiolo, entiro or with a few Halii'tit teetli or IoIm'h, or plnnatiflil with Hparxc linear dlvlBionH: Hcapen 0 I indicaliigh: lieodH half-inch liiffh: involucre campanulate; the inner bruiti linear-lnnccolate, the outer oblong, acute, more or Ichh tomentOBf*: achene) and l)flak each al)ont 2 lines long: pappus soft, dull-whit«). Handy aoll aloiii: the coateak 2-4 times as long : pappus 8oft and fine: tlowern all yellow. -^ Pappus about as long as the l)eak. A. hIrHOta Greene I. c, Troximon hnmile Oraif. PcapeH 8-20 inclies high, slender: leaves hirautely pul)escent, from lanceolate to spatulate in out line, and from repand-dentate or lyratc-pinnatifid to pinnately parted iiit(. linear lobes; involucre permanently villous: flowers cxHt^rted: filiform iM-uk only about twice as long as the whitish achene. Near the coast. WaHliingtmi to California. •*- *■ Pappus white, much shorter than the almost filiform lieak. A. lacinlata Greene 1. c. Troximon lacinialum dray. Smooth am glabrous or with sparse soft pulK'Scenco: scapes 1-2 feet high: leaves clon;;ii ted-lanccolatc, laciniate-dentatc or commonly deeply pinnatifid with linear lobes: involucre glabrous or glabrate, or the base of the outer of the; lanceo- late bracts tomeutose : achenes 2, and beak 5-7 lines long. In low gi'ound, Vancouver Island to California. A. grandlflora Greene 1. c. 178. Troximon grandiflorum Graij. Hcapes stout, I -2 feet high: leaves hirsutely or cinereous-pubescent, or glalir- ate: spatulate to lanceolate, sinuate-dentate to laciniate-pmnatifid or even pinnately parted: involucre broad, usually well imbricated: its bracts lanate or tomentose when young, often glabrate in age: heads in fruit 1-V4 Inch high: achenes 2, and capillaiy l>eak 6-8 lines long. Plains and moist hill- sicfes, Washington to California. A. retrorsa Greene 1. c. Troximon retrormm Gray. Yillous-tomen- tose when young: scapes stout, 12-18 inches high: leaves pinnately parted into liaear-lanceolate usually retroi-se lobes, the tei-minal lobe long and nar' row; all callous-tipped: involucre narrowly oblong, l>^-2 inches high wheii mature: its linear- lanceolate bracts hardly surpassed by the soft white pap- pus: ligules short: achenes 3 lines long: abruptly contracted at summit; their filiform beaks 10-12 lines long. Open pine woods, houthern Oregon to California and southern Idaho. § 3 Achenes fusiform, with filiform nerveless beak and soft pappus: subcaulescent annuals with yellow flowers. A. heterophylla Greene 1. c. Troximon heterophyllum Greene. Some' what villous, or hirsutely pubescent or glabrate: Hcape-like peduncle 3-12 inches high : leaves from spatulate to linear-lanceolate, denticulate to pin- natifid: involucre oblong-campanulate, 6-9 lines high; its bracts erect, lun- ceolate or norrower; the outer decidedly shorter than the glabrous inner ones, more or less pubescent but not villous: achenes various, but at most only 2 lines long, usually fusiform ; beak 3-4 lines long, mostly longer than the white or whitish pappus. Open places, Brit. Columbia to California. Yar. glabra. Glabrous throughout and more or less glaucous : small, 2-4 inches high. Hillsides near the Columbia river, eastern Oregon and Washington. TARAXACUM l-ACTTTCA 110 Acimlescoiit hat elongate IcucIh many-tl( ilo hollow Hcaji )ract8 that arc yculate onon >i- i'uHiform, 4- k'cning nnrvcB, )ich is abrui ind capillary, T. OPFICINALK rown of a thick lutline, and from ong: bracts of th lexed, all acute: he summit, abri ntoa 61iform bei ind waste places. Ill RAFl Leafy-stemm jeadfl of white )ranche8. Hej aceous, of 7-11 oose calyculate omewhat fuHif beak, the broac nsertion. Paj )se from the ba K. Californk )ranched, 2-3 fee )er gradually redi Dore or less conic ipreading: ligulei t8 lone as the bo (round, eastern C 112 LA Tall herbs w jrellovv "white ( many- flowered, Receptacle flat narrowed aboy< Dr lesa expand( copious white < I 1 SCARIOL ular to oblong )ear8 the soft \ }BERtl T.OW RtK htUHO. ',>- ^ith a fi'ui [■Hpen 6 mur brm ti '•: nclieiies Huil alonj HlmONt yellow. -20 incliet late io out itrted iiitol form iK'ttli ''aHliingtnn teak. kooth aiiill res elon)rii' vith linear he lanceo' w grountl, im Oraij. ;, or glabr- il or even cts lanate -\)4 inch noiat liill- us-tomen- el}- parted and nar- ligb wlien vliite pap nmit; their Oregon to pappus: e. Some uncle 3-12 te to pin rect, Ian nner ones, ost only 2 r ttian the lia. us: small, -egon and TARAXACVM I,ACTrCA COMPOSITitJ 403 110 TARAXACUM Haller Ftlrp. Helv. i, 23. Acaulescont jwrpiiniiil liorlx* with roHulute K;is''8. ii.ikotl HcapoH liiit elongate in iiit, and mostly large heads of yellow flovvorH. |( juIh many-rtowered, usually solitary at the miniuiit i.i the siin- \\W hollow Hcaftes. Involucre a single serios of nearly (M|ual narrow )rii(!ts that are slightly united at base, an10 inches otii;: bracts of the involucre linear-lanceolate, hot glaucous, the outer re- lexed, all acute : achenes greenish-brown, fusiform, squiimulose toward he summit, abruptly contracted into a conical apex which is prolonged into a Qliform beaic 2 or 3 times as long as the achene. Common in fields nd waste places. Naturalized from Euroiie. Ill RAFINESQUIA Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. 8oc. vii, 429. Leafy-stemmed annuals with pinnatiHd leaves and rather large leads of white or flesh-colored flowers terminating the paniculate iranches. Heads 15-30 flowered. Involucre conical or cylind- aceous, of 7-16 equal linear attenuate principal bracts and some cose calyculate ones. Receptacle flat and naked Achenes terete, otnewhat fusiform, obscurely few-ribbed, attenuate into a slender Deak, the broad base hollowed but not callous-thickened at the nsertion. Pappus of 10-16 capillary bristles, softly long-plum- )se from the base to near the tip. K. Callfornica Nutt. I. c. Glabrous throughout: stem stout, much )ranched, 2-3 feet high : leaves oblong ; the lower 4-6 inches long ; the up- )er gradually reduced to small bracts : involucre becoming thick at base and Dore or less conical ; its rather numerous calyculate bracts subulate and ipreading : ligules short, white : achenes tapering into a very slender beak 18 long as the body : pappus dull white, the bristles fine and soft. Shady (round, eastern Oregon to California. 112 LACTUCA Tourn. Inst. t. 267. L. Gen. n. 909. Tall herbs with alternate leavas and small panicled heads of yellow white or blue flowers. Involucre cylindric, several to many-flowered, either calyculate or more regularly imbricated. Receptacle flat, naked. Achenes flat, 3-5-ribbed on each face, narrowed aboye, or contracted into a narrow beak, which is more or lesa expanded at the summit into a small disk that l)ear8 the copious white or brownish pappus bristles which fall separately. ] 1 ScARioLA DC. Prodr. vii, 133. Achenes very flat, orbic- ular to oblong, abruptly pr\.duced into a filiform beak which bears the soft white pappus on its dilated apex. W 404 COMPOSITiE LACTDCA t ONCHCS L. BCARiOLA L. Sp. ed. 2 1119. Biennial: glabrous throughout or hirl Bute at the base ; green and glaucous : stem stout, 2-7 feet hiith, leafy, usuJ ally paniculately branched : leaves lanceolate to oblong, with spinuloHel denticulate margins, sometimes sinuate.toothed or pinnatifid, sessile oil auriculate-clasping, midrib below beset with weak prickles : heads small] 6-1 2- flowered, very numerous, in an open panicle: corollas pale yellow] achenes obovate-oblong, severa'-nerveo, margined, about as long as thtl filiform beak. Becoming common in fields and waste placefl. Introduccii from Europe. Lt SATivA The common Lettcce is common along the Rail Road in tht] southern part of Oregon but is hardly naturalized. L. Canadensis L. Sp. ii, 796. Biennial or annual: glabrous andl glaucescent: stem strict, 4-12 feet high, very leafy up to the elongated narrow panicle: leaves mostly sinuate-pinnatifid, 6-12 inches long, witlT margins entire or sparingly dentate, and midrib naked or rarely soma sparse bristles, most of the cauline partly clasping by a sagittate or aurioul late base: involucre half-inch or less high, 12-20-flowered : flowers yellowJ achenes blackish, obscurely scabrous-rugulose, lightly l-neryed on thJ middle of each face, broadly oval, with distinct thin margins, rather long! er than the beak : pappus white. Moist woods, Oregon and Washingtoof to the Eastern States. L. sasrittifolia Ell. Bot S. C. & Ga ii, 253. Glabrous; 3-6 feet higlil leafy nearly to the usually loosely paniculate inflorescence : leaves oblonJ to lanceolate, 3-10 inches long, acute or acuminate, entire or denticulate the lower sometimes pinnatifid, whitish beneath, midrib naked : involucre 5-7 lines high : flowers pale yellow or purplish : achenes oval, thin-margineMCHD8 out or hirJ leafy, usuj spinuloHel aeesile oil ads smallJ le yellow'I one as thi] ntroduccd SONCHUS LOBELIACEiE 405 itcly dentate leaves and middle-sized heads of yellow flowers, involucre campanulate, in age usually broadened and Heshy- [liickened at base, becoming conical. Achenes obcompressed, nthout beak or neck or dilated disk. Pappus of very soft and ine flaccid bristles, which fall more or less in connection, and [loiiimonly one or more stronger ones which fall separately. 8p. 794. Fibrous-rooted annual : stem nearly simple, 10 feet high: lower leaves petioled, lyrate-pinnatifld, 5-10 inches long, S. 0LERACEU8 L, 8p. 794. Fibrous-rooted annual cad in thi he terminal segment commonly large and triangular, the margins dentic iliite with mucronate or scarcely spiny teeth; upper pinnatifid, clasping by 111 auriclate or sagittate base, the auricles acute : involucre 6-8 lines high : , - ,. ; ichenes flat, longitudinally ribbed and transversely rugose. Common in long, Witt j^.|jjg ^j^j waste places. Naturalized from Europe, irely som^ ^ ^ S. ASPEB All. Fl. Ped. i, 222. Stem often stout. 1-6 feet high, from u annual root: leaves undivided, lobed or pinnatifid, spinulose-dentate ; brous and elongated or auricu' ers yellovf I'ed on the ather long (TashingtoD ) feet high .ves oblonj enticulatc. involucre [1 -margined tes. perennial 5, flat, not dth of the 5 feet high mceolate U les pinnati lose panicle rate-lanceo lines long, I. Alluvial erbs witli nth soint lort stout stout. 3-1 2-6 broiiil loubly den 5 or parti; e oblong, a short I ml 3 E. States sly or cili he lower spatulate to lanceolate, more or less distinctly petioled ; the up- )er clasping by an auricalate base, the auricles rounded : involucre glab- 0U3, about 6 lines high : achenes smooth, 3-nerved on«ach side. Common n tields and waste places. Naturalized from Europe. Order LII, LOBELIACE^ Juss. Herbs, or rarely shrubs, with usually milky acrid juice, alter- ate leaves without stipules, racemose inflorescence and perfect )-merou8 flowers. Calyx adnate to the whole or the lower hall of the ovary, the limb cleft to the ovary into 5 lobes. Corolla inserted just where the calyx becomes free from the ovary, its lobes valvate or induplicate in the bud, commonly deeper cleft or completely split down between two of the lobes, me cleft mostly on the upper side in the open flower but becoming so by a twist; in the early bud the split looks toward the bract; the lobes sometimes disposed to separate from below upward and the limb to be bilabiately irregular. Stamens inserted with the corolla and mostly free; anthers 2-celled. introrsely dehis- cent, firmly united around the top of the style into a ring or short tube. Ovary 2-celled, with placentae projecting from the axis, sometimes l-celled with two parietal placentae. Style entire : stigma usually 2-lobod, girt with a rim of hairs. Ovules and seeds mostly indefinitely numerous, small, anatropous. Embryo straight, in the axis of fleshy albumen. * Corolla cleft to the base on one side : capsule free at the apex. Lobelia Calyx-tube short: capsule many-seeded, 2-valved at the top. * * Corolla with a closed tube : capsule wholly inferior. Howellia Calyx-tube linear-clavate : capsule l-celled, few-seeded. Laurentia Calyx-tube turbinate'or oblong, corolla with tube as long as the limb: capsule short, 2-valved at summit. Bolella Calyx-tube very long : corolla tube very short : capsule very long, opening by 1-3 long fissures. 406 LOBELIACE^ LOBELIA L. Gen. n. 1099. LOBELIA qOWBLLIA Herbs, or rarely shrubs with alternate leaves, and red ,yellowi blue or white flowers. Calyx-tube turbinate, hemispheric orl ovoid, adnate to the ovary. Corolla-tube divided to the base onl one side; the limb bilabiate, the lobe on each side of the ckfti turning away from the other three, which are somewhat united.) Stamens free from the corolla-tube, monadelphous, at least aboveJ 2 or all of the 5 anthers with a tuft of hairs at their tips, 3 of thenil usually larger than the other 2. Ovary 2-celled, the 2 placentaej many-ovuled. Stigma 2-lobed. Capsule loculicidally 2-valvecl. L. Dortmanna L. Sp. 929. Aquatic perennial: glabrous throughout! stem -slender, simple, erect, hollow, naked except a few fleshy bracts, 6-18| inches high : leaves all eubmersed and tufted at the base of the Bt«in,r terete, obtuse, 1-2 inches long, hollow and longitudinally divided by partition : flowers blue, in a loose terminal raceme, 6-8 lines long, on fili-i form pedicels : calyx-lobea subulate : larger lip of the corolla glabrous ori nearly so. Borders of ponds, northwestern Washington to subarctic Amer-| ica and the Northeastern States. 2 HOWELLTA Gray Proc. Am. Acad, xv, 4iJ. Aquatic or semiaquatic herbs with alternate leaves, at leastj below, and small white flowers. Flowers of 2 forms ; the emersed with conspicuous corolla, the submersed with corolla undeveloped. Calyx with slender tube, adnate for its whole length to the ovary, and a limb of 6 nearly equal narrow lobes. Corolla not surpass- ing the calyx, its very short tube split nearly to the base on one side ; its 5 lobes almost equal. Stamen-tube nearly free, and with the included style slightly incurved. Anthers oval, the two smaller trisetulose; the three larger naked. Ovary strictly l-cell-[ ed, with two filiform parietal placentae, each 3-5-0 vulate, upper ovules ascending, the lower pendulous. Capsule membranaceous, at maturity bursting irregularly on one side, seeds few, large, smooth, callous-apiculate at the chalaza. H. aqnatllis Gray 1. c. Aquaticannual:stem weak, 6-18 inches high, branching: submersea leaves linear-setaceous, 2-6 inches long, entire; emersed leaves linear to oblong, sometimes sparingly toothed : flowers ax- illary, short-peduncled ; calyx-lobes subulate or filiform, 2-4 lines long; corolla white, its lobes oblong: capsule half-inch long, linear-clavate, bear- ing a few soft white seeds. In ponds, in the vicinity of Portland, Oregon. 3 LAURENTIA Neck. Elem. i, 131. Small and diffuse or creeping herbs with alternate leaves and axillary blue flowers. Calyx-tube and adnate ovary turbinate or oblong, the 5 lobes narrow. Corolla with tube as long as the limb, and not split ; its larger lip 3-cleft and v/idely spreading; the smaller of two more erect or diverging divisions. Filaments and anthers completely united ; two of the latter minutely bristle tufted at the apex, nearly included. Capsule 2-valved across tlie projecting free apex, 2-celled. Seeds oblong or almost fusiform L. carnosala Benth. Glabrous somewhat succulent annual : stemo 1-5 LAURBMTIA BOLBLIA LOBELTACEiE 407 Inches long, rooting at the nodes : leaves oblong-linear or lanceolate, entire, Icssile, 3-6 lines long: flowers axillary and above corymbose or racemose, long-pedicelled : calyx-lobes somewhat foliaceous, linear, obtuse, equalling [he oblong-obconical or clavate tube : larger lip of the corolla 8-cIeft into loundish-pbovate lobes, blue with tlie 2-ridged palate yellow or whitish ; [he smaller lip of 2 lanceolate lobes : seeds smt oth. Low and muddy pla- ces, southeastern Oregon to Wyoming and California. 4 BOLELIA. Baf. Atl. Journ 120, 1832. DOW NINO I A Torrey. Glabrous annual herbs with sessile narrow leaves, the upper pes reduced to bracts, and axillary sessile flowers. Calyx-tube |ind adnate ovary very long and slender, 3-sided, usually twisted, limb divided down to the ovary into five foliaceous lobes, jorolla with very short but entire tube and bilabiate limb ; the Imaller lip of two narrow recurved or spreading divisions, the ])ther very broad and 3-lobed. Filaments and anthers both uni- into a somewhat curved tube ; two of the latter bristle-tipped. ;japsule very long and slender, early becoming Icelled, with two iliform parietal placentae, remaining closed at the tip but the |ides dehiscing by 1-3 long fissures. B. elegrans Greene Pitt. 11, 126. Downingia elegana Torrey. Stem pimple or diffusely branched, 4-12 inchee high : leaves ovate to lanceolate, cute, 3-15 lines long : calyx-lobe'3 linear-lanceolate, 6-9 lines long : larger p of the corolla .^-lobed, the lobes acute or acutish the other lobes lanceo- late : capsule often two inches or more long : seeds short-oblong. In wet Vound) Brit. Columbia to southern Oregon and Idaho. I B. pnlchella Greene 1 c. Downinpia pulchella Torrey, " Mostly low- r or weaker* stemmed: leaves more linear and obtuse: large lip of the rolla deeply 3-lobed; the other two lobes oblong-ovate : seeds dlongated- blong. Wet banks, Oregon to California and Nevada " Order LIII, CAMPANULACEiE Juss. Gen. 163. Herbs, rarely shrubs or trees, with bland milky juice, alter- late simple leaves without stipules, regular 5-merous flowers, nd 2-5-celled many-seeded capsules or berries. Calyx-tube idnafce to the ovary; its 5-lobed persistent limb usually divided iown to the ovary. Corolla valvate, induplicate or rarely im- )ricate in the bud, inserted on the calyx just where it becomes ree from the ovary. Stamens inserted with the corolla and ree or adnate at base: anthers with two parallel cells. Style )De, almost always pubescent or puberulent for some distance )elow the 2-5 introrse stigmas. Ovules anatropous, on pla- centae projecting from the axis. Seeds small, usually smooth, "mbryo straight, in the axis of fleshy albumen . * Ovary and capsule long and narrow, or at least oblong Githopsis Capsule opening at the top bv a hole left by the falling away of the base of the style between the long calyx-lobes. Legrovzia Capsule opening on the sides by 2 or 3 little valves which leave small round perforations. i^ \ 408 CAMPANULAOEiE GITHOPBIb ■LEGOUZIA * Ovary and capsule short and broad. 8 Heterocodon Calyx-lobes very broad: capsule thin-walled, notdehis-j cent but bursting indefinitely between the ribs. 4 Campanula Calj^x-lobes narrow : capsule opening on the side by 3-5| small valves leaving definite round perforations. 1 GITHOPSIS Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. viii. 258. Annual herbs with alternate leaves and blue flowers. Flowerl all alike and corolliferous. Tube of the calyx club-shaped, stron-r gly 10-ribbed, adnate up to the summit of the ovary : the limljj of five long and narrow foliaceous lobes. Corolla tubular-caml panulate. 5-lobed, Filaments short, dilated at the base: anthersl linear. Ovary 3-celled. Stigma 3-lobed. Capsule clavate, c«)ri[ aceous, crowned with the rigid calyx-lobes, strongly striate-ribi bed, many seeded, opening where the base of the style falls awavj by a narrow hole. Seeds very numerous, smooth. H. specnlarioides Nutt, 1. c. Stem rigid, 2-10 .ncbes high: leavcl email, linear-oblong, coarsely toothed, sesbile: flowers solitary terminatinJ the stem or branches, or becoming lateral, strictly erect : corolla blue : rigidl capsule tapering into a very short and stout peduncle. Open p1ace8,[ western Washington to California. 2 LEGOUZIA Durand Fl. Bourg, ii, 26. (1782.) SPEC UL ARIA Hiester. Annual herbs with alternate leaves and axillary blue flower Flowers often dimorphous, the earlier ones ■ smaller and with undeveloped corolla, and cross-fertilized in bud. Calyx-lobes in the early flowers 3 or 4, in the later ones 5, narrow. Calyx-tube narrow, more or less elongated. Corolla short and broad, rotate or nearly so when expanded, 6-lobed or 6-parted. Anthers linear. Stigmas and cells of the ovary 3-4. Capsule obconical or cylin draceous, opening by one or more small valvular openings on the side, either near the summit or near the middle. L. perfoliata Britton Mem. Torr, Club, v, 309. Specularia perfoliah A. DC. iStem 6-20 inches high, very leafy throughout, simple or oranched from the base, hirsute or hispid on the angles: leaves round cordate and clasping, mostly crenate, veiny, 6-12 lines broad : flowers sessile, single or clustered in the axils : calyx-lobes of the early flowers S-4 and short, of th( corolliferous ones as long as the ovary : capsule oblong or somewhat coni cal, the 2 or 3 valvular openings at or below the middle : seeds lenticular. Open grounds and fields, Brit. Columbia to California and the Eastern States. 3 HETEROCODON Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. viii, 265. Slender annual herbs with alternate sessile leaves and blue flowers of two forms. The lower and earlier flowers with merely rudimentary corolla. Calyx with short tube and large foliaceous lobes. Corolla 5-lobed. Capsule obovoid, 3-angled, 3-celled, many-seeded, very thin and membranaceous, the delicate walls bursting indefinitely on the sides. Flowers d, stron- the limLi ilar-cam-l : anthers! ate, coril riate-ribl alls awavl gh: leavetl irminatinJ blue : rigidi en placesT e flowers and with c-lobes in alyx-tube ad, rotate rs linear. or cylin- igs on th( HETKBOCODON CAMPANULACEiE 409 CAMPANULA H rariflornm Nutt. I. c. Sparingly hirsute: stems filiform, leafy, diffusely spreading, 4-12 inches long : leaves orbicular, with cordate partly clasping base coarsely many-toothed, 4-8 lines long : flowers solitary, axil- nry and terminal : calyx with short ovoid or inversely pyramidal tube and loliaceous broadly ovate sparingly toothed veiny lobes : only the later flowers vith developed pale blue corolla which barely equals the lobes of the calyx : ^eeds oblong, obscurely triangular. In wet places and fields, Brit. Colum- bia to California, and Idaho. 4 CAMPANULA. L. Gen. n. 218. Perennial or annual herb? with alternate leaves and usually showy blue or white flowers. Flowers all alike and corolliferous. yalyx with short and broad tube and 5-lobed limb. Corolla campanulate or nearly rotate, 5-lobed or 5-parted. Filaments lilated at base: anthers oblong or linear. Stigmas and cells of the ovary 3-5. Capsule mostly short, opening on the sides or lear the base by 3-5 small uplifted valves or perforations. * Root perennial : style not longer than the corolla, straight. ■*- Openings of the capsule toward its summit. C* Piperi. Glabious: f>tems numerous from a multiuipital caudex, 1- inches high, very leafy to the top, bearing one to several bright blue Iflowers : leaves cuneate to spatulate, narrowed below to broad petioles, oarsely and sharply serrate, or irregularly dentate, < -18 lines long, those of tiie shoots withering and persistent for several years: calyx-tube short, obconic, the subulate or linear-lanceolate lobes 6-8 lines long, about equal- ling the open-carapanulate corolla anthers linear: stigmas usually 3, Btrongly recurved: capsule almost globular. On cliffs. Mount Steele, Olympic Mountains, Washington. Distributed by Mr. Piper as C. aurita. C. scabrella Engelm. Bot. Gaz. vi, 237. Cinereous-puberulent or minutely scabrous to nearl^r glabrous : numerous stems from a mul- ticipital caudex, 2-5 inches high, 1-4-flowered: leaves thickish; radical spatulate ; upper cauline linear: lobes of the corolla ovate- lanceolate as long as its campanulate tube capsules oblong-turbinate, not narrowed at sunamit. Grass]^ slopes. Mount Adams Washington to the highest moun- tains of California ■*- ■*- Openings of the capsule near the base. •<;i'. I perfolittU Toranchei ordate and 9, single 01 lort, of the what coni' lenticular he Eastern 255. and blue th merely foliaceous 3-celled, cate walls C. rotandlfolia L. Sp. 163. Stems slender, erect or diffuse, 6-30 inches long, one to several-flowered : lowest leaves orbicular or ovate to cordate, slender-petioled; cauline leaves all linear and sessile: flower-buds erect on the slender pedicels ; flowers drooping or spreading ; calyx-lobes subulate, spreading, longer than the short turbinate tube ; corolla blue, campanulate, 7-12 lines long : capsule obconic or ovoid nodding, opening l)y short clefts near the base. Common on rocky banks and creek- bottoms, Alaska to California and across the Continent Europe and Asia. A varia- ble species, perhaps as here defined includes more than one species. * * Root perennial : leaves sharply or laciniately serrate: inflores- cence centrifugal and racemiform: style filiform and straight, exceed- ing the narrow-campanulate corolla : capsule hemispherical or short- turbinate, the openings near the middle or near the base. C. Sconleri Hook. Fl. ii, t. 125. Glabrous or a little pubescent: stems slender, 6-13 inches long, often branched : leaves from ovate to lanceolate, 1-8 inches long, acute and acutely serrate, mostly tapering at base to a margined petiole : flowers more or less panicled, drooping, on long filiform pedicels, pale blue, the terminal one opening first: calyx with oblong tube I i 1 410 VACCINIACEiE VACCINIUM VACOINIDM and setateoua-Bubulate lobes: corolla 6-8 lines long, its lanceolate acntel lobes longer than the tube : capsule 3-4 lines long, strongly angled. Comi mon in coniferous woods, Vancouver Island to California. C. prenantheldes Durand Jour. Acad Philad. n. ser. ii, 93 Glaltrl ous or roughish-puberulent : stem erect, 1-3 feet high : leaves numeroiial 6-18 lines fon^, from ovate-o^>long to lanceolate, the cauline mainly sessileir flowers racemose, scattered or clustered, generally numerous, bright bluel on short pedicels: corolla alender-cylindricalin bud. twice the length oil the slender calyx-lobes, almost 5-parted, its lobes narrowly lanceolate, 2-a times as long as the tube : capsule thin-walled and with broad and retusH base. Coniferous woods and open places, southern Oregon to California.! Order LIV, VACCINIACEiE Lindl. Veg. Kingd. 757. Shrubs or small trees, with alternate simple leaves, and small pink or white perfect flowers in clusters, or solitaiy. Calyx tube aduate to the ovary, the limb 4-5-lobed or 4-6-cleft. Co rolla gamopetalous, 4-6-lobed, or rarely divided into separate petals, deciduous. Stamens twice as many as the lobes of the corolla, epigynouu, or inserted on the base of the corolla; fila ments usually flattened, anthers dorsally attpv>hed, 2-celled, the connective entire or 2-awned. Ovary inferi r, S-lO-celled, with placentae in the axis, with one to several anatropous ovules in each cell, crowned by the epigynous disk. Style fil- iform : stigma simple, or minutely 4-5-lobed. Fruit a berry oi drupe in our genera. Seeds compressed. Embryo small, in fleshy albumen. 1 Yaccinlani Corolla urceolate, subglobose, cylindric, or campanulate. 2 Oxycoccns Corolla deeply 4-cleft or 4-divided, the lobes reflexed. 1 VACCINIUM L. Sp. 349. Branching shrubs or small trees with alternate often coriace- ous leaves and small white pink or red flowers. Calyx-tube glo- bose, hemispheric or turbinate, not angled, adnate to the ovary, the limb 4-5-toothed or lobed, persistent. Corolla urn-shaped campanulate, cylindric, or subglobose, its limb 4-5-toothed or lobed. Stamens as many or twice as many as lobes of the coroHa Anthers awned or awnless, upwardly prolonged into lubes, open ing by a terminal hole or slit of the tubular apex of each cell. Ovary 4-5-celled, or 8-10 celled by false partitions ] ovules several or numerous in each cell. § 1 EuvAccTNiuM Gray, Leaves deciduous. Flowers on drooping pedicels, solitary or 2-4 together, developing with or soon after the leaves. Corolla from ovate to globular, and more or less urn-shaped, 4-5-toothed. Filaments glabrous: anthers 2-awned on the back, included. Ovary and berry 4-5-celled, with no false partitions. * Leaves quite entire and usually almost sessile : flowers 1-4 in a fascicle from a distinct scaly bud, more commonly 4-merous and 8-and- rous : limb of the calyx deeply 4-5-parted. V. vliiriBog .stiff, much brai ^'laiicescent, ob< veiny especially ovate, solitary c diameter, sweet across the Comi Var. iiini bright green fc aliruntly mucn Alaska. y. Occident leaves rather tl long or oblancec tary : corolla obi mountain marsl: * * Flowei 10-androu8 : cs y. CSBSpitOSl high : leaves frot ly serrulate, bri ovoid-oblong: b Mountains, Was yar. cane inches high, bus late-lanceolate ai Columbia to Cali y. arbaseali inches high, mu green : corolla o a bloom, sweet. ■^ ■•- Lo y. Myrtlllna ovate or oval, th with a prominet limb of calyx all Alaska to Idaho y* mieroph erect, with nun inches high : lea' a line long ; btr est mountains, y. membrai not of Michx, G gied branchlets branaceous, gree inches long, the the calyx entire ice Is erect in fri On the high mot yar. riyld VACCINIUM VACCINIACE^ 411 V* vllflBOsam L. 8p. 360. Qlabrous or ininatel3r puberulent : stem fli iff, much branched, 6- 24 inches high: leaves thickisb, mostly pale or ^'lancescent, obovate oval or oblong-cuneate, obtuse or retuse, reticulate- veiny especially beneath, 5-12 lines long : corolla urn-shaped, globular or ovate, solitary or 2-4 together: berries dark blue with a bloom, 3-4 lines in diameter, sweet. Summits of the high mountains of Oregon to Alaska and across the Continent. Also in northern Europe and Asia. Var. macronatam Herder. Depressed-cespitose : leaves small, bright green both siden, conspicuously reticulated, usually roundish, ttWruptly mucronate or cuspidate. Along the coast, southern Oregon to Alaska. y. occidentale Orr.y Bot. Cal. i, 451. Glabrous shrub, 1-3 feet high: leaves rather thin, ghucescent, obscurely veiny, from oval to obovate-ob- long or oblanceolate, obtuse or acutish, 6-9 lines long: flowers mostly soli- tary : corolla oblong-ovate : berries small, 2-3 lines in diameter. In high- mountain marshes, Washington to California and Nevada. * * Flowers solitary in the earliest axils, usually 6-merous and lO-androus: calyx less deeply or very slightly lobed. ■*-' Dwarf and cespitose : branchlets not angled. y. csBspitosttui Michx. Fl. i, 234. Glabrous or nearly so 3-7 inches high : leaves from obovate tocuneate-oblong, obtuse or rarely acutish thick- ly serrulate, bright green both sides, reticulate-veiny ; corolla ovate or ovoid-oblong : berries large, blue with a bloom, sweet. On the highest Mountains, Washington to Alaska and across the Continent. Var. onneifollam Nutt. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. viii, 262. Stem 8-12 inches high, bushv: leaves spatulate-cuneate with rounded apex to spatu- late-lanceolate and acute, the earliest not rarely entire. Mountains of Brit. Columbia to California, Colorado, Utah and Lake Superior. y« arbascala* V. caespifoaum var. arbuscula Gray. Stem erect, 6-18 inches high, much branched: leaves obovate, 5-7 lines long, thickish, pale green : corolla oblong-ovoid : berries 2-3 lines in diameter, dark blue with a bloom, sweet. In open pine forests, Alaska to California. ■*- ■*- Low : branches sharply angled and green : leaves small. y. MyrtlUns L. Sp. i, 349. "A foot or less high, glabrous: leaves ovate or oval, thin, shining, serrate, conspicuously reticulated-veiny, and with a prominent narrow midrib ( in ours half to two-thirds inch long ) : limb of calyx almost entire : corolla globular-ovate: berries black, nodding. Alaska to Idaho and the Rocky Mountains. Eu., Asia. " y. microphyllum* V. Myrtillus var. microphyllum Hook. Stem erect, with numerous slender strict green branches and branchlets, 3-18 inches high : leaves ovate or oval, ^-4 lines long, bright screen : corolla ovate, a line long : btr'ies 1-2 lines in diameter, bright red, sweet. On the high- est mountains, Washinp'ton to California and the Rocky Mountains. ■*-•*-■*- Mostly tall with spreading branches. . OJa* f y. membranaceum Dougl. Hook. Fl. ii, 32. V. myrtilloides Hook. '»^ A<.*v(y \, u ml of Michx, Glabrous or glabrate, 1-5 feet high, with erect slightly anA I gled branchlets: leaves ovate or oval to oblong, sharply serrulate, mem- branaceous, green both sides but not shining, loosely reticulate-veiny, 1-2 inches long, the larger and later ones mostly acute or acuminate: limb of the calyx entire : corolla depressed-globular or semi-globose-urceolate : ped- icels erect in fruit : berries 3-4 lines in diameter, purplish-black, sweet. On the high mountains, Alaska to California, and east to Lake Superior. Var. rif idam Hook. Branchlets slightly pubescent and more com- M, 412 VAGGINIAGEiE VACCINtUH OXYCOCCU8 OXYCOtCOS pact: leaves rigid. In the mountainfl of Brit. Columbia and Washington y. orallfollnin Smith in Reos's Cycl. No. 2, Olabroas and glaucescent, 4-12 feet high, straegling : branchlets more or lesii angled : leaves thin, oval to obloQg, mostly obtuse or rounded at both ends, merely mucronulate, entire, or with a few irregular serratures, 1-2 inches long, pale and slau- Descent: limb of the calyx minutely 10-toothed: corolla ovoid- urccolate- Sedicels recurved in fruit: berries depressed-globose, 3-5 lines in diameter: lae with a bloom, acid bnt very good. Moist woods, Oregon to Alaska, Quebec and Michigan. y. Alaskaensls. Stem erect, 2-12 feet high, with erect branches and spreading sharply angled branchlets: leaves tnickish, 1-3 inches long when mature, mostly ovate or oblong, not rarely acute at both ends, mucronu- late, on very snort petioles, dark green above, paler beneath : limb of the calys obscurely 10-toothed : corolla giobular, 2 lines long : pedicels nodding in flower, erect in fruit : berries black, globular 4-6 lines in diameter, acinulate, 5-lobed or parted. 8 Kalmla Leaves comparatively broad and ample, persistent saucer-shaped, 5-lobed and lO^saccate below the limo. +- •*- Flower-buds scaly-strobilaceous, the thin or scarious scales caducous or deciduous : corolla gamopetalous : capsule 4-5-valved from apex to base. 9 MeuBiesla Shrubs with deciduous leaves: corolla from globular- urceolate to cylindraceous, 4-toothed or lobed : stamens not exserled. 10 11 Azaleastrniii Shrubs with deciduous leaves : corolla subcampanulate, regular, 6-Iobed : ttameiis not exserted. Azalea Shrubs with deciduous leaves : corolla funnelform, sligl'Uy irregular : stamens exserted. 12 Rhododendron Shrubs with evergreen leaves : corolla campanulate, slightly irregular. ■*- -i- ■*- Corolla polypetalous or very nearly so. 18 Lednm Shrubs with evergreen leaves : flowers umbellate from sepa- rate scaly buds: capsule 5-valved from the base. * * Anthers opening from the apex nearly or quite to the base of the cell : corolla of distinct petals or deeply 6-uleft : capsule 2-5-valved from above. 14 Cladothamnas Erect shrubs with deciduous leaves : flowers from leafy shoots of the season, solitary : capsule 5-6-celled. Tribe 1 Arbutese DC. vii 581. Trees or shrubs with scaly buds and alternate evergreen leaves. Corolla urn- shaped or globular, 5-toothed or rarely 4'ioothed, deciduous. Stamens twice as many as lobes of the corolla, included. Fruit fleshy, either a berry or drupe. 1 AEBUTUS L. Gen. n. 552. (madrono). Low trees or shrubs with thick evergreen leaves and small pink or white flowers in panicles that terminate the branchlets. Calyx small, 5-lobed, persistent. Corolla ovate, globular, or urn-shaped, 5-toothed, the teeth recurved. Stamens 10, included : anthers flattened, furnished with a pair of reflexed awns on the back be- low the summit; the cells opening by terminal pores. Ovary raised on a hypogynous disk, o-celled : ovules numerous on a fleshy placentee projecting from the inner angle of each cell. Style rather long : stigma obtuse. Berries with a rough or gran- ular surface, maturing several seeds in each cell. A. Menztesii Pursh. Hook. FI. ii, 36. A tree 20-100 feet high, and AlUTOBTAPRYLO 8 ERCICEiG 415 Iriink 6-30 inches in diameter: bark close and flmooth l>y exfoliation, on ifiv trees becoming rough near the base, turning browniah-rud: leiives (al or oblong, entire or st^rrulate, green with more or less red veins above, Uu and finely reticulated beneath, 3-6 inches long by 1-3 inches broad, |ru-coriaceo(iB : branches of thu panicle minutely pubescent : calyx-lobca |u!i(lly ovate, about a line long : corolla globular, 3-5 lines long: berries [lewnat drupaceous, reddish-orange, 3-5 lines in diameter On dry hill- ties, Vancouver Island to southern California: west of the Cascade Mts. I 2 ARCTOSTAPYLOS Adans. Fam. PI. ii, 165. (MANZkNiTA.) I Shrubs or small trees with alternate broad coriaceous evergreen ives which are usually vertical by a twist of the petiole, and Liiill white to light red flowers in terminal, usually pendulous, [cemes or panicles. Pedicels bracteate and bractoolate. Calyx sply 6-parted. Corolla urn-shaped, with 4 or 5 recurved lobes, [aniens 8 or 10 ; filaments dilated and hairy at base ; anthers ith 2 reflexed awns on the back, the cells opening by a hole at le top. Ovary 4-10-celled, with a single pendulous ovule in Ich cell, in fruit becoming a 4-10-celled, and by abortion, 1-7- jeded stone or patumen, or the cells distinct or more or less co- lescent at the ventral edge. Seeds with a slender erect radical lid small cotyledons in fleshy albumen. Depressed and trailing or creeping, green, glabrous or minutely pubescent, no bristly hairs : flowers rather few in simple small clusters : Dvary and fruit glabrous: nutlets 1-nerved on the back. IJva-irsi Sprang. Syst. ii, 287. ( Kinnikinic. ) Diffusely much inched and rooting at the' no«les, forming depressed patches several feet [diameter from a smgle main root: leaves oblong-Hpaiulate, obtuse or re- pe, an inch or less long, tapering into a short petiole, bracts ovale, acute, newhat foliaceous: flowers few, in short racemes, white; corolla ovoid, nstricted at the throat, about 2 lines long : drupe globose, red, glabrous, lines in diameter, containing 5 coalescent nutlets. In open woods, ^lifomia to the Arctic Circle and across the Continent. .. intermedia Greene Pitt, ii, 171. Diffusely branching, the main isions of the stem procumbent, a foot or two long ; leafy branches as- iding or erect, less tnan'a foot high : leaves obovate-cuneiform, about an ch long, obtuse, puberulent beneath : racemes terminal, subsessile, few- wered : fruit globose, slightly depressed, 8-4'line8 in diameter; nutlets 7, firmly consolidated. On dry gravelly ground. Mason Co. Washington. At Nevadensis Gray Syn. Fl. ii. 27. Stems loosely branching from e base, the branches decuml)ent, 1-2 feet long: leaves ovate or oval to iceolate-spatulate, cuspidate-mucronatei abruptly petioled, 6-12 lines IK: racemes few-flowered : corolla white, oblong, 2-4 lines long: drupes 11 red, 3-4 lines in diameter: nutletf* mostly separate. On the high luntains, Washington to California. * * Erect low shrubs : leaves at most an inch long : flowers on short, mostly clustered, racemes or spikes, only a line or two long. A. hisbidnla. Stems 4-6 feet high, with very dark colored bark, ther strictly branched ; branchlets glandular-hippidulous, very leafy : ives oblong or oblong-ovate or some oblong-lanceolate, with indistinct rtilaginous margins acute at both ends, cuspidate, green and glabrous, th round pubescent petioles : bracts glabrous, triangular with a very Dad base, acuminate, not foliaceous : pedicels glabrous, longer than the 416 ericagej: ARCTOHTAPHYLOt bracts: corolla rcae-color, 2-3 lines lontt: fllaments sparingly hairy: ovai glabrous : fruit not seen. On '...Atom landn along Smith river at UaB({ui Del Norte Co. California: no doubt in adjacent Oregon. A. Intrloata. Stem erect, 3-6 feet high with very dark-colored bark irtegularly and intricately branched, the hranch lets tomuntoau and gland ular : leaves oblong to ovate, acute and cuspidate, usually abruptly con tracted below to a short glandular-hispid petiole, bright green, minutd; tomentose, the margins cTliate : bracts acuminute-ovate with a broad baHe hispid'ciliate, somewhat foliaceous: pedicels very short, glandular : cor* illi^ bright rose-color, about 3 lines long : fllaments loosely hiurv : ovary deiiw ly tomentose: fruit not seen. On 6tonv hillsides near Hmitn river west Oasque, Del Norte Co. California; no doubt in adjacent Oregon. A. clneres. Erect, 3-6 feet high, densely branched from the with rather light-colored bark and cinereous branchlets: leaves obioii|Hptly contracted or obovate, obtuHc or acutish to acute, cuspidate, whitish-green, tapering rJKose pubescent below to a stout flat cinereous petiole, smooth : bracts not foliaceous, acu minate-lan<;eolate with a broad base, minutely cinereous; pedicels lontjer than the bracts, minutely tomentose: corolla dark rose-color to nearl) white : filaments dennely hairy : ovary hairy at the top : fruit globose, flat ened at each end: some of the nutlets coalescent. Rocky hillsides along the eastern base of the Coast Mountains near Waldo, Oregon. * * * Erect shrubs or low trees : leaves 1-3 inches long : flowers 3-4 lines long, on short clustered racemes: drupes obcompressed-globose : some of the nutlets coalescent. ARCrOSTAPnVL OADLTHBRIA vate, obtuse oi tiole, not at all iiiat(>-lanccolatc, al)rous: fliamer uiintainsandsoi A. braoteata. mentosc branchi iDiGiitosu, contra te: pedicels pu nH«ly haiiy. N A. BtriffOMI. wliitc-tomentosi buHeAuully rounded a A. oblongifolla* Densely branching from the base, with reddish brown bark and cinereous branchlets, 4-6 feet high : leaves oblong or the lowest obovate, obtuse, cuspidate, usually abruptly contracted below to a rather long round petiole, whitish-green, smooth : bracts Somewhat folia' ceous, acuminate-lanceolate with a broad base, minutely pubescent : pedi eels lonxer than the bracts, minutely pubescent and sparingly glandular: corolla white tinged with red : fllaments very sparingly if at all hairy : ovar; pubescent at the top. BQcl^y hillsides, eastern base of the Coast Mountain! near Waldo, Oregon. A. parvifoUa. Stems branching from the base, with, light reddish bark and minutely white-tomentose branchlets: leaves small, oblong or cuneate-obiong, obtuse or acutish, minutely cuspidate, whitish-green, on flattish petioles: bracts triangular, short-acuminate, minutely pubescent: pedicels not longer than the lower bracts, minutely pubescent: fllamen*.i sparingly hairy: ovary glabrous. On the high hills near Andersons, Jose phineCo. Oregon. A. palchella. Arborescent, 6-12 feet high, branching from the baee with dark -colored bnrk and minutely pubescent branchlets: ieaves ob ovate to oblong, obtuse, obscurely mucronate, smooth, cinereous-green bracts acuminate-ovate with a very broad base, ininu.tely pubescent: peil icels much longer than the bracts, sparingly glandular : filament« sligbtli|the hairy : ovary glabrous. On the mountains of Josephine Co. Oregon. A. visclda Parry Proc. Cal. Acad, ii, 496. Arbore'icent, intricateli|es8ed branched from the base, with dark- colored bark and glabrous branchlets leaves orbicular to ovate or oblong, acutish to rounded at the aqex, with ^rt or without a small cusp, ashy-green and glabrous : bracts broadly triangu lar, shortly acuminate: pedicels much longer than the bracts, densely viscid-glandular: filaments densely hairy: ovary glabrous. Common Josephine and Jackson Counties Oregon and adjacent California. A. Minzanita Parry 1. c. 7. Arborescent, 6-10 feet high, with redd! brown bark and the young branchlets black-glandular :- leaves ovat« ringly hairy: o\ Oregon. A. tomentosa ill tomentose tin( ute and cuspidat spid and tomentc entose and ciliat< aringly hairy : o^ lumbla to Orego Tribe ii, Andi ternate evergree ns twice as nu nthera opening my-aeeded capt nratefrom the Shrubs or um xlding floWers ilyx 5-cIeft or niilate. Stam lis usually 2-pi p. Capsule .5- closed at niati shy and berry Corolla shoi anthers obsci in Myrsinites ", glabrous, ntled, mostly < 3-5-bracteolj yx : fruit scarlet, ns, Washington >. OTatlfolia G ending branches vea broadly ovi gi serrulate, dar lYLOS ry: oviir t U»B(|U(| red bark] ,nd glanill iptly conj minutcljf road baHej »r:cor<>ll4 iry dense' er weBt AROTOBTAPnVLOa OADLTURRIA ERIOAOEiE 41T Kiite, obtUBe or aciitiBh, UBUally abruptly contracted below to a Blender etiole, not at all cuapidato. glabr'oiis.'dark green lM)th flideB : bracts acu- [inato-lanccoltttc, gruen and ginndtilar : |iedicelB shorter than tbo bracts, lalirouB: filaments tomentnae: ovary glabrouH. Top of the Hisklyou luiiiitalnB and southward. lA. kmoi . bracteata. Strictly branched trom the base, 4-0 feet iiigh, with LMitosc branchlets : leaves oblong, o>)tii8e, obpciirely cuHpldato, minuUdy m.oiitose, contracted bi>low to a tlatt ah pi>tlole: bracts follaceous, lanceo- te: pedicels pubescent, shorter than the bracts: fllaments and ovary inHely haliy. Near Waldo, Josephine Co. Oregon. I A. BtrlgOM. Erect and loosely branching, 8-10 feet hlgb, with dense- wliitc-tomentoBU branchlets : leavea oblun^; or ovate, obscurely cuspidate, kiuilly rounded at the apex, minutely white-tomentose, light green, ah- ^)tly contracted below to a round petiole: bracts follaceous, lanceolate, rittoae pubescent: pedicels shorter than the bracts, pulH'scunt: fllaments iringly hairy : ovary densely pul>escent. In the mountains of Josephine Oregon. lA. tomentoaa Dougl. Llndl. Bot. Reg. t. 1791. Erect, 2-10 feet high Ith tomentoBe and setose-hispid branchlets : leaves oblong-ovate or oblong, jute and cuspidate, densely tomentoae, contracted below to a short setoae- Ispld and tomentosc petiole : bracts follaceous, narrowly lanceolate, to- jentoae and dilate : pedicels shorter than the bracts, ^omentose : fllaments [aririgly hairy : ovary densely tomentoae. Rocky and sandy places, Brit. ])lumbra to Oregon and perhaps farther south. J Tribe ii, Andromedeie DC. Prodr, vii, 588. Shrubs with chiefly \ternate evergreen leaves. Corolla gamopetalou8, deciduous. Sta- ens twice as many as lobes of the corolla, more or less included. \xthers opening at the top. Fruit a loculicidal chiefly 5-celled and iny'Seeded capsule, the valves usually bearing the partitions, which irate from the persistent placentiferons axis or columella. 3 GAULTHERIA L. Gen. n. 551. Shrubs or undershrubs with broad evergreen leaves, and small (Iding floWers either solitary in the axil , or in axillary racemes. lyx 5-cleft or lobed, persistent. Corolla urn-shnped to cam- nulate. Stamens 10 : filaments dilated toward the base: anther- jils usually 2-pointed or 2-awned, and opening by a pore at the p. Capsule 5-celled, depressed and umbilicate, many-seeded, closed at maturity in the calyx which enlarges and becomes shy and berry like after the corolla falls. Corolla short-campanulate, 5-lobed : fllaments glabrous : apex of he anthers obacurely 4-polnted. Myrsinltes Hook. FI. ii, 35, t. 129. Cespitose-procumbent or de* ised, glabrous, the flowering branches 1-5 Inches long : leaves oval or nded, mostly only half-Inch long : pedicels solitary in the axiles, very irt, 3-5-bracteolate : corolla depressed-campanulate, little surpassing the yx : fruit scarlet, 2-3 lines in diameter. In foreats on the high raoun- ns, Washington to California and the Rocky Mountains. Common in j^ ovatlfolia Gray Proc. Am. Acad, xir, 84. I^epressed-trailing with ending branches, with some at length rusty hairs, at least on the calyx : ith reddisli ves broadly ovate, or even subcordate, the largest an inch and a half ea ovat«to g, serrulate, dark green and ahining; corolla campanulate, twice the the banej rea obloii|[ , taperind eoua, iicul «ls longer! ■ to nearly! iboae, fliitT dea along! iwera 3-4 -globose : h reddish] long or the below to vhat folia I cent : pedi] glandular: liry : ovarj Mountain^ ht reddisb oblong on i-green, on 3ubeacent;| fllamen*.! ■Bona, Joi the base, leavea ol joua-green scent: pel ita aligntl; Bgon. intricate! jranchleU aqex, witi ly triangu ;t8, denael; u ■ 418 ' ERICACE^ andromkda CA8SIOPB length of the calyz-Iobea : pedicels solitary in- the axils, usually 4-bractei late : fruit scarlet. Cascade Mountains, Oregon to Brit. Columbia. * * Corolla ovate or urceolate, 5-toothed : filaments hairy : anthers | 4-awiied at the summit. 0. Hhallon Pursh Fl. i, 284, t. 12. (salal) Shrubby, 1-6 feet higll with rather stout spreading stems : bianches, pedicels and even the corollj glandular-hairy or pubescent: leaves ovate to cordate, often acumlnatt strongly serrulate, 1-4 inches long : flowers in open bracteate many-flowertj secund racemes, from axillary and terminal cliartaceoua-acaly buds: pej icels 2-bracteolate below the middle : corolla urn-shaped, 3-5 lines loon 5-toothed, viscid : fruit black, 8-6 lines in diameter, edible. Very comtuij in forests, Alaska to California. 4 ANDROMEDA L. Sp. 393. Low shrubs with coriaceous, linear or oblong evergreen leave: and small white to flesh-colored flowers in terminal umbel Calyx deeply 5- parted, persistent but not becoming fleshy in fruii Corolla globose-urceolatCj 5-toothed, the teeth recurved. Stame 10, included ; filaments haii*y; anthers attached to the filamentHcanMiZe; tfie'va at about the middle, ovate, obtuse, the cells opening by large i^msistent placenti minal pores, each with a recurved awn. Ovary 5-celIed. Ca[p sule subglobose, 5-angled, the top intruded, loculicidally 5-valv( many-seeded. Placenta borne near the top of the columella, th] seeds spreading in all directions. PHTLLODOC] BRYANTHDB a.'<»d in 4 ranki liickened dowc Inlands and Sib C, Mertens nd fastigiate b urinate and no tither short: c n the highest V. tetragron ith fastigiate I ow on the back flowers Bometinc lightly tbickei regon to the A Tribe 3, RJ imbricated in i \ma not rarely A. polifolla L. 1. c. Stem 6-18 inches high, simple or branchi leaves tirm-coriaceous, glabrous and glaucous, linear to fanceolate-oblonj with strongly revolute margins, white beneath : flowers in a small lermii al umbel : pedicels from the axils of ovate persistent scaly bracts, nake( calyx small, deeply 5-parted, early open; corolla globose-urceolate, 3^ lines long : anthers short, each cell surmounted by a slender ascendin awn: seeds smooth and shining. Wet bogs, northern Washington Alaska and across the Continent. 5 CASSIOPE D. Don Edinb. New Phil. Journ. xvii, 157. Fruticulose evergreens with small or minute imbricated ( backs oblone Ovary 5-cellec crowded, entire and veinless, often opposite or whorled leavi and solitary flowers nodding on the summits of erect naked ped Dbsciirely "5I10 eels.. Calyx ebracteolate, of 4 or 5 dmbricated sepals that ai oblong S-valv thickened at base. Corolla open-campanulate, 4- or 5-lobed 0 ' parted. Anthers short, attached nearly by their summits, tl cells each opening by a large terminal pore, and tipped by slender recurved awn. Style thickened at base, or conical Pli mt somewhat centae many-ovuled, pendulous from th« summit of the shoi columella. Capsule globose or ovoid, dry, loculicidally 4- or valved, the valves 2-cleft. Seeds minute, with a thin close coat * Anthers c •*- Flowers , r rarely frorr 'ilaments and rom above. 6 Low branch: evergreen leav umbels. Pedi ent. Corolla oriaceous. P* glandultl d, fastigiately b 81 C. Stellerlana DC. Prodr. vii, 610. Diffusely spreading: leaves 0 long-? i near, obtuse, widely spreading, flattish, obscurely serrulate, 2-^ lln long: peduncle terminal, very short : corolla 4- or S-piarted : style coiiioi Washington to Alaska. G. lycopodloides Don 1. c. Stems filiform, very low and creepin leaves barely a line long, roundish on .the back, not ciliate, closely imbi white line thro >t base to a shor ines long, glanr ines long, glai he short lobes g )regon to Alaski Small evergi eaves and sho" )se-crowded a OMBDA IIOPB 4*bractei i)ia. I anthers I feet higlJ the corollij acumlnatt ly-flowerej buds: pel lines loojl rv cooiinol ;en leaves 1 umbeli ly in frui Stamei filament large tei led. Ca|j y 5-valv( inaella, thl branch^ ilate-obloni nail termii icts, nakei rceolate, er ascendii ishingtoii PHYLLODOCB BRYAIITHDS EBICACEiE 419 rated in 4 ranks: pedicels filiform: corolla 5-Iobed: style slender, slightly thickened downward. In the Blue Mountains of Oregon to the Aleutian llnlands and Siberia. {\ Mertenslana Don 1. c. Rather stout, with risid ascendins stems uul fastigiate branches, a foot or less high : leaves 1-2 lines long, glabrous, carinate and not furrowed on the back, imbricated in four ranks : pedicels rather short : corolla 5-lobed : style slender, slightly thickened downward. )n the highest mountains, California to Alaska and the Rocky Mountains. {). tetrairona Don 1. c. Stems erct or ascending 4-12 inches high, rith fastigiate branches : leaves 1-2 lines long, thick and with a deep fur- Irow on the back, imbricated in four ranks, often pubescent when voung : Iflowers sometimes four-merous : peduncles 5-12 lines long : style slender, slightly thickened below. Higher parts of the Cascade Mountains in >egon to the Arctic regions and across the Continent. Tribe 5, Rhodoreae Don. Corolla deciduous, its lobes or petals ^mhricated in the bud. Anthers without awns or appendages. Stig- \ma not rarely surrounded by a ring or border. Fruit a septicidal capsule: the valves (in ours) in dehiscence separating from the per- sisient placentiferous columella. ^ Anthers opening by a pore or chink at the apex of each cell. •- Flowers from the axils of coriaceo-foliaceous persistent bracts, or rarely from those of ordinary leaves. Corolla gamopetalous. 'filaments and style filiform. Capsule globular, 4- or 5-valved irom above. 6 PHYLLODOCE Salisb. Farad. Lond. t. 36. 157. »ricated rled leav liOW branching more or less glandular shrubs with small linear [evergreen leaves and white to purple or blue flowers in terminal umbels. Pedicels bracted at the base. Calyx 5- parted, persist- lent. Corolla ovoid, contracted at the throat, 5-toothed, Stam- ns 10, included: filaments filiform; anthers attached by their acks, oblong, obtuse, the cells opening by terminal oblique chinks, vary 5-celled ; ovules numerous ; style filiform, included ; stigma laked pedlobscurely 5-lobed or capitate. Capsule subglobose or globose- Is that ai Bblong, 5-valved to about the middle. Seeds minute, the testa 5-lobed 0 'oriaceous. 7^"™^^'. P. glandaliflora. Bryanthun glanduliflorus Gray. Stems rather rig- ippea oy j, fastigiately branched, 3-12 inches high : leaves numerous and crowded nical Pli )ut somewhat spreadine, linear-oblong, obtuse, 3-6 lines long, thick, with ' the shoi t white line through the centre below and a deep furrow above, narrowed llv 4- or '^ ^^^^ ^° ^ short petiole, the margins thick and scabrous : pedicels 6-12 Y ~ , ines long, glandular-hirsute : sepals lanceolate, acutish to acuminate 2 close CO!U j„gg long, glandular-hirfute : corolla yellowish, ovoid, 3-4 lines long, leaves 0 *"* "^^''t lobes glabrous. On rocky banks and cliffs near perpetual snow, nVtiin [)regon to Alaska and the Rocky Mountains. ate. 2-3 lin style coiiio nd creepi losely imbi 7 BRYANTHUS Gmel. Fl. Siber. iv, 132. Small evergreen shrubs with much crowded, linear alternate eaves and showy rose-color to purple flowers umbellate or racem- se-crowded at the ends of the branches, Calyx 4-6-toothed or U 420 ERICACEAE KALHIA MBNZIB8IA parted, persistent Corolla eanipanulate, 4-6-lobed, the lohei short, recurved, simply imbricated in bud. Stamens 8-12 : fill aments filiform : anthers oblong, opening by oblique chinks aj the top. Capsule subglobose, 4-6-celled. Seeds small, witli ; firm coat. B. empetriformis Gray Proc. Am. Acad, vii, 377. Densely miiclj bran<:hed from the base, 1-2 feet hieh, often forming clumps 1-3 feel ij diam\>ter: leaves 3-7 lines long, with strongly revolute thickened anl rough margins: pedicels several, somewhat umbellate, subtended bl foliaceous and rigid bracts: corolla rose-color, 2-4 Imes long, campanuluki barely 5-lobed, tbe lobes much shorter than the tube: stamens include/ On the highest mountains, northern California to Vancouver Island aiii the xtocky Mountains. 8 KALMIA L. Gen. n. 545. Shrubs with entire evergreen coriaceous leaves and umbellat clustered or rarely scattered showy flowers. Calyx 5-parted o of 5 sepals, imbricated in the bud. Corolla saucer-shaped, wit a short narrow tube, 5-lobed and 10-saccate below the limb, whic is strongly 10-ca'inate in the bud from the pouches upward, th salient keels running to the summit of the lobes and sinuses, th limb imbricated in the bud. Stamens 10 ; the short anthers fre '!» uaked or soi and on erect filaments in the early bud, in the full grown bu received in the pouches of the corolla and the filaments bent ovt as the corolla enlarges and still more when it expands, straighi ening elastically and incurving when disengaged, thereby thro;? ing out the pollen. Anther-cells opening by a large pore; sonw times extending into a chink. Stigma depressed. Capsule glol ular, 5-celled, tardily septicidal. Placentae pendulous or porrec from the upper part of the small columella and mostly close coat. Seeds with a thi sparate 1-3-flo iducous. Calj K. glanca Ait. Hort. Kew. ii, 64, t. 8. Shrub 6-18 inches high glabrous throughout and mostly glaucous : leaves all oi)posite, or rarely i , threes, almost seHsile, ovate to linear-oblong, or appearing narrower by th '1® at the ap usually strong revolution of the margins, dark green above, glaucous whit apsule 5- valve beneath, 6-20 lines long: flowers in terminal fascicles, lilac-purple, 6- *' lines in diameter ; bracts large ; sepals ovate, scarioua-margined, much in bricated, persistent. In marshes near the coast, Oregon to Alaska an across tlie Continent. HBNZIB8IA AZALEASTRUM i«bed. Corol 1 or lobed. g nthers mostly ore or short c ilt^ short. PI lolumella. M. ferrngrlnc xi^^ose chaffy fei at<3-obovate, aci •onate, ciliate w: ale beneath: pedi idraceous: filamc lort tai ed. In 1 M. sriabella C rigose chaffy sea aves obovate, ni abrous or nearly »ove, an inch Ion; ore or less ciliate neaily so: seei damp forests, C RHOl Shrubs with ght-colored fl rsistent. Coi not declinec Var. microphylla Hook. Fl. ii, 41. Stems 6-12 inches high : leavi . „^„_,,„ ., oval barely half-inoh lonar: flowers only 2-6 in the clusters, smalle eeT fl '^ i *?' High mountain marshes, California to Brit. Columbia. i„„ " „ ^^^.^ ^~^. itUHe, 3-4 lines lo H — •- Buds scaly-strohilaceous; the thin or scarious scales ciuh ies long, 5-Iobed cous or deciduous. Calyx often much reduced or obsolete. Coroll gamopetalous. Capsule 4- or 5-valved from apex to base. ,S'cf(I*^"° *** ^*''*- Co mostly scobiform, having the loose coat produced or appendaged both ends. 9 MENZIESIA Smith Incon. Ined. iii. t.*36, Shrubs with alternate deciduous leaves and small, mostly iul ith a loose cha A. alblflorani h with slender short glandu Erect branchi id large flower! at terminate t ,MIA ;iEBIA le lobe! -12: fill hink^ a| ., witlii lely mnct )-3feetii (ened unj tended hi ipanuliiul i inclu(le( Island anj imbellatl parted oi iped, wit nb, whic| )ward, tl nuses, till ithers im jrowh bill 1 bent ov( ^, straighi by throw HBNZIE8IA AZALBABTRUM ERIOACEiE 421 Mored flowers on nodding pedicels, developed at the same time [s the leaves from separate strobilaceous buds that terminate the jianches of the preceding year. Calyx bristly-hirsute, usually Idbed. Corolla from globular-urceolate to cylindraceous, 4-tooth- 1(1 or lobed. Stamens not exserted, usually 8: filaments subulate : [nthers mostly linear-sagittate, the cells opening by an oblique lore or short chink. Style not exserted : stigma truncate. Cap- Jule short. Placentae attached to the whole length of the short lohimella. ferrnginea Smith 1. c. Erect straggling shrub 6-8 feet high with kigose chaffy ferraginous scales on the young parts: leaves oblong or lance- Jate-obovate, acute or acutish at both ends, prominently glandular, mu- fonate, ciliate with glandular bristles, rusty strigose-hirsute above, merely lie beneath: pedioels bristly-glandular: corolla oblong-ovate, becoming cyl- jidraceous: filaments glabrous: capsule ovate: seeds merely apiculate, or very lort tai ed. In the high mountains and along the coast; Oregon to Alaka. M. glabella Gray Syn. Fl. ii, 39. Erect shrub 6-8 feet high, without krigose chaffy scales, or very few on the young petioles and midrib beneath: [aves obovate, mostly obtuse, barely mucronate-tipped, glaucescent and labrous or nearly so tbeneath, spiinkled with some small appressed hairs pove, an inch long, the obscm'ely serrulate margins minutely ciliolate: pedi- fls naked or somewhat glandular : corolla ovoid-campanulate: filaments [ore or less ciliate below: capsule oblong or ovoid, erect, smooth and naked neai'ly so: seeds with appcadages at each end as long as the nucleus. 1 damp forests, Oregon to Brit. Columbia and east to Lake Superior. 10 AZA.LfiASTRUM RHODODENDRON § AZALEASTRUM Maxim. ore; Boni(« psule gloll Shrubs with thin deciduous leaves, and rather large white or "ght-colored flowers. Inflorescence lateral, the flowers from parate 1-3-flowered lateral buds below the leaves. Bud-scales ducous. Calyx 5-parted, the divisions more or less foliaceous, rsistent. Corolla almost rotate, regular. 6-lobed. Stamens , not declined: filaments filiform : anthers erect, opening by a le at the apex of each cell. Style filiform: stigma capitate, psule 6-valved from the summit. Seeds numerous and small, ith a loose chafi-like coat. or porrejj ith a thi| iches high or rarely « rower by tL| lucous whil 5-purple, d, much ii Alaska aul high : leav^ 3rs, smalle scales ca(h te. Coroll mae. Sm )endag€d nostly dull lA. alblflornni. Rhododendron albiflorum Hook. Stems erect, 2-6 icet Igh with slender branches, pubescent with slender straight or silky and If-} short glandular hairs when young, neai'ly glabrous in age: leaves mem- : jaceous, oblong or narrower, obscurely undulate, 1-2 inches long, pale en: flowers 1-3 in the fascicles, nodding on short pedicels; sepals oblong. Ituse, 3-4 lines long, somewhat foliaceous : corolla open-campanulate, 8-10 leg long, 5-lobed, bright white: filaments bearded at base: ntigma peltate, fobed : capsule ovoid, 3-4 lines long. On the highest mountains of northern egon to Brit. Columbia and the Booky Mountains. 11 AZALEA L. Gen. n. 212. Erect branching shrubs with alternate thin deciduous leaves, Id large flowers in terminal umbels developed from scaly buds |at terminate the growth of the previous year and surrounded at 422 ERICACEJB AZAIiBA RHODODBNDRON liKOUM CLADQTHAMK1 If ft the base by lateral and smaller leaf-buds. Bud-scales and bractsw^^^P®*! ^''<*™ ^ caducous or early deciduous. Calyx small or minute, S-parted. Baducous scale Corolla funnelfoim, glandular- viscid outside, with narrow tubew^tals 5, widel and 5-lobed, often more or less 2-lipped limb. Stamens 5, rarely"'^^^^ °^ *^® *"^ 10, exserted, usually declined: anthers attached to the filaments_ by their backs, the cells opening by terminal pores. Style slen der, declined exserted. Ovary 5-celled, many-ovuled. Capsule oblong or narrower, 5-valved from the summit. Seeds minute with a loose chaff- like coat. A. occldentalls T. A G. Pacif. B. Rep. iv. 116. Rhododendron qcci dentale Gray. Stems erect, 2-10 feet hiKh, much branched: leaves obovate- oblong, nearly or quite glabrous at matiurity but minutely ciliate, bright green and shining above, paler beneath, 1-2 inches long, taporing below to a short petiole, tipped with a short red gland: calyx 5-lobeid, the oblong or ovate lobes glandular and ciliate, about a line long, corolla cream-white with orange stiipes, 2 inches long, with conspicuous funnelform tube, slightly irregular limb and acute lobes, glandular-viscid outside: stamens 6, exserted and declined: filaments hairy below; style long-exserted, curved upward; capsule oblong, 8-12 lines lon^. About springs and along streams, south' western Oregon and Oalifomia. 12 RHODODENDRON L, Gen. n. 548. Shrubs or small trees with alternate evergreen coriaceous leaves and mostly large showy white to rose-colored or purple flowers in terminal umbels or corymbs from scaly buds, the thin scales de- ciduous when the flowers open. Calyx small or minute, 6-lober equallj ells open ,ly woody ,nd small I feet hif^h nches long icles: calji ittle irregii •road lobe 10-18 line lumbia. feet high lish: coroll tly hirBut« imenta fit columeUi 3 resinou' Bowers di epticidally 5-valved from the bas3 upward : placentte pendiilous. 5eeds slender, with a loose coat. * Leaves densely tomentose beneath, the wool soon ferruginous and the margins strongly re volute: inflorescence all terminal. L. Orcenlandicnm CEder Fl. Dan. t. 567. L. lati/oKum Ait. Stems rect or ascending, 1-4 feel high, the branchlets rusty-tomenfcose: leaves ob- ong, obtuse, 1-2 inches long, green and slightly rugose above: flowers 4-5 ines broad, umbellate or short-corymbose, numerous: pedicels brown-canes- ent, 10-12 lines lon^, recurved in fruit: stamens 6-7,: capsule oblong, canes- ent, 3-4 Hoes long. In cold marshes, northwest Washington to Alaska and icrnss the Continent. * * Leaves glabrous both sides: inflorescence terminal or sometimes lateral. L. glandnlosam Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. viii. 270. Stout, 2-6 feet high: leaves oblong or oval, 1-2 inches long, green above, white and resinous atomiferous beneath: inflorescence often compound and crowded: flowers numerous, white, 3-4 lines in diameter: calyx 5-parted : capsule oval, refuse. In wet places, California to Brit. Columbia and the Rocky Mountains. * * Leaves entire. No thin-scaly strohilaceous buds. Corolla of distinct petals or 5-cleft. Anthers opening longitudinally from the apex nearly or quite to the base of the cells, or by terminal pores. Capsule 2-6-valved from above. 14 CLADOTHAMNUS Bong. Veg. Sitk. 37, t. 1. Erect branching shrubs with alternate deciduous leaves and solitary terminal or axillary reddish flowers from leafy shoots of the season. Sepals 5, somewhat foliaceous, as long as the five spreading petals, persistent. Stamens 10 :*filaments dilated below : anthers oblong, opening longitudinally from the apex nearly or quite to the base of the cells. Style long, declined and incurved, thickened at the apex, and annulate around the discoid stigma. Capsule depressed-globose, 5-6-celled; septicidally 5-valved from above, many-seeded. Seeds oval, with a loose cellular coat. €. campannlatns Greene Eryth. iii, 65. " Shrub 4 to 5 feet high, with lew and stoutish ascending branches: leaves lanceolate, 1 to 3 inches long, tapering to a abort petiole which, together with the veins beneath, is more or less strigose-hirsute with red hxirs: flowers solitary or in pairs or in threes, from lateral buds, on pedicels % inch long, these setose-hispid with red hairs: sepals ova'i«-ublong, densely ciliate with short gland-tipped hairs: corolla light salmon-color, oampanulate, the petals join^ together at base into a short tube; anthers opening only by a pair of large round terminal pores. High mountains of Washington and British Columbia; hitherto confused with the typical species, which belongs to Alaska." Order LV a. PYROLACEiE Agardh CL PL 18. Low mostly evergreen perennials with petioled leaves, and 424 PfROLAOEiE PTROLA white pink or red, perfect and nearly regular flowers solitary or in racemes or corymbs. Calyx 4- or 5-lobed. Corolla very deeply 4- or 5-parted, or of 5 petals. Stamens twice as mauy as the divisions of the corolla. Anthers introrse in the bud, inverted when matu^-e, opening by pores or short slits. Pol- len of 4 united grains. Ovary superior, 4- or 5-celled. Style short or slender, often declined. Ovules very numerous, anat- ropous. Fruit a loculicidally dehiscent capsule. Seeds min- ute, with a loose cellular coat much larger than the nucleus. 1 Pyrola Flowers several or numerous, racemose on a scape-like pedun- cle: style long and usually declined. 2 Honeses Flower solitary, on a scape: style long and straight. 3 Chiinaphila Flowers few to numerous, in a corymb or umbel on a leafy stem. 1 PYROLA L. Gen. n. 554. Acaulescent or subcaulescent perennials with all radical ever- green leaves and rather small white, greenish, or red flowers in racemes on simple scaly-bracted scapes. Cal^'x 5-parted, persis- tent. Petals 5, concave, or incurved and more or less converging, sessile and deciduous. Stamens 10, declined, or straight and connivent : filaments subulate, glabrous: anthers erect in the bud, emarginate or 2-beaked at the base, mostly reversed at maturity, each cell opening by a basal but apparently apical pore. Style straight or declined: stigma annulate, 5-lobed or 5-toothed Cap- sule subglobose, the apex and base intruded, 5-lobed, 5-celle(l, loculicidally 5-valved from the base, the valves woolly on the margins when opening. P. minor L. Sp. 396. Scapes 6-10 inches high, 7-16 flowered: leaves orbicular to oval, rather thin, obscurely sen-ulate or crenulate, 9-18 lines long, rounded or slightly narrowed or subcordate at base: pedicels recurved, rather crowded: flowers white or pinkish, 3-4 lines broad: caljTC-lobes mostly triangulai- -ovate and acute: petals orbiculai', naked at the base, globose- counivent: stamens equally connivent around the pistil: anthers not narrow- ed below the openings: style straight,much shorter than the ovary, included: stigma large, peltate, obscurely 5-Iobed. In the Cascade mountains of Ore- gon to Alaska and across the Continent. P. secanda L. Sp. 396. Somewhat caulescent from a branching base : scape-like peduncles slender, 4-10 inches high: leaves ovate to oval, mostly thin, acute, or rarely obtuse at the apex, rounded or narrowed at the base: crenulate-seiTate, 1-2 inches long; flowers numerous, in a secund raceme: pedicels at first merely spreading, in fruit recurved: petals greenish, with a pair of glands at the base of each, campanulate-connivent: stamens equally connivent ai'ound the pistil; anthers not narrowed below the openidgs: style straight, as long or longer than the petals; stigma peltate, 4-lobed, the lobes at length radiately projecting beyond the boMer. In mountainous districts, California to Alaska and across the Continent. Europe and Japan. P. chlorantha Swartz Act. Holm. 1810, 190, t. 5. Scapes 6-12 inchi-s high, 3-10-flowered: leaves small, 6-12 lines in diameter, orbicular or nearly BO, coriaceous, not shining, shorter than their petioles: flowers nodding, 6-7 PYROLA MONESEH lines broad; caly: ftis very obtuse, i i>A below the opi (lie apex curved Brit. Columbia t P. elllptlca fltnvored: leaves baHO, plicate-crei lont^er than thei alioiit one fourth ed : anther-tips h curved ; .pward, < bia and the eoste P. rotundif nmny-flowered, ( long, obscurely < than the petiolee lat(! or ovate-Ian the white or flei long cells, contri at base very shoi California to Ale Yar. incar from flesh-color Idaho to Alaska P. bracteat many-flowered, not shining abo' on slender petio spicuous: calyx- red petals : stan openings into a mountains, Cali P. picta Sm ered: leaves fir blotched with w .ong, from broa longer t han the bracts few and i white petals : it under the orific wooded districti aphylla i P. api or lurid, from several to many much shorter th declined: anthi strongly decline Var. paut at base: bracts Mountains. 2 MONEg A low pere and a solitar PYBOLA MONEBRH PYROLACEiE 425 jiiiuis broad; calyx-lobes short, ovate, or triangular-ovate, aouto or obtuse: put- (rIm very obtuse, greenish- white: stamens declined ; anthers distinctly contraet- |{'il t)elow the opanings, with distinctly beaked tips: style declined, and toward Itlic apex curved upwai'd, longer than the petals. In dry woods, Idaho to I Brit. Columbia and the noi-thern States. P. elllptica Nutt. Gen. i, 273. Scapet 6-10 inches high, loosely 7-16- floAvored: leaves elliptic to oval, 1-2 inches long, acute or merely roundish at l)aHO, plicate-crenulate with very low teeth, membranaceous, dark green. Ioniser than their petioles: calyx-lolws ovatc-tnangular, acute or acuminate, al)uut one fourtlt as long as the greeuish-whitc, obtuse petals: stumeus declin- ed; anther-tips hardly if at all beaked : style declined, and toward the apex curved ; .pwai'd, exseilied. In rich, mostly dry woods, Idaho to Brit. Colum- bia and the eastern States. P. rotundifolla L. Sp 396. Scapes 6-20 inches high, several to many-flowered, soaly-bracteate: leaves orbicular or broadly oval, 1-2 inches long, obscurely orenulate or entire, shining above, coriaceous, mostly shorter than the petioles: bracts lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate: calyx-lobes lanceo- late; or ovate-lanceolate, lax or with spreading tips, usually half as long as the white or flesh-colored obtuse petals: stamens declined; anthers with long cells, contracted into a very short neck under the openings, the mucro at base very short or obsolete; style declined and exserted. In dry woods, California to Alaska and the eastern States. Var. Incarnata DC. Prodr. vii. 773. " A rather small form : flowers from flesh-color to rose-purple: calyx-lobes triangulai'-lanceolate. " Bogs, Idaho to Alaska and northern New England. i'. bracteata Hook. Fl. ii 49. Scapes 10-16 inches high, usually many-flowered, scaly-bracteate : leaves oval to ovate or oblong, acutisb, not shining above, often variegated with whitish bands, 1-3 inches long, on slender petioles : bracts broadly lanceolate, acuminate, large and con- spicuous : calyx-lobes acuminate-lanceolate, more than half as lor><^ as the red petals : stamens declined ; anthers with long cells contracted under the openings into a short neck : style declined, exserted. In wet places in the mountains, California to Brit. Columbia. P. picta Smith Rees Cycl. xxix. Scapes 6-12 inches high, 7-16-flow ered: leaves firm-coriaceous, dull-coloredor whitish, commonly veined or blotched with white above, pale or sometimes purplish beneath, 1-3 inches .ong, from broadly ovate to spatulate or narrowly oblong, the blades all longer t han their petioles : rootstock rigid and often branched or clustered : bracts few and short : calyx-lobes ovate, not half the length of the greenish- wiiite petals : ilamens little if at all declined : anthers with a distinct neck under the orifice: style strongly declined. Under Pine trees in sparsely wooded districts, Nootka Sound to California, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah. P. aphylla Smith 1. c. Scapes 8-12 inches high, strictly erect, reddish or lurid^ from deep scaly-toothed branched rootstocks, usually leafless, several to many-flowered: bracts subulate: calyx-lobes ovate, acute, very much shorter than the obo^'ate whitish petals : stamens but slightly if at all declined : anthers tubular-beaked under the orifice : style almost straight, strongly declined. In coniferous woods, Alaska to California. Var. paacifolia. With or without one or two small orbicular leaves at base : bracts larger, broadly lanceolate. In dense forests of the Cascade Mountains. 2 MONESES Salisb. in S. F. Gray Nat. Arr. Brit. PI. ii, 403. A low perennial with opposite or verticillate evergreen leaves and a solitary drooping white or pink flower at the summit of a m PYROLACE-E MONIBII CHIMAPHILA slender scape. Calyx 4.5-parted, persistent. Petals 4 or widely spreading, sessile. Stamens 8 or 10, glabrous : anthor 2-beakea at tb*^^ " se, reversed when mature, each cell opening bj a basal but apparently apical pore. Style straight: stigma pel tate, large, with 4 or 6 np;row lobes. Capsule subglobose, 4-5 lobed, 4-5-cell«d, loculicidally 4-5-valvea from the summit; thi valves glabrous on the margins. Seeds numerous, minute, lh( testa reticulated, produced at both ends. M. nnlflora Gray Man. 273. Stem very short and decumbent, leafy leaves orbicular to ovate, petioled, serrulate, 6-20 lines long . scape 2-< inches high : flower white to rose-color, 6-10 lines broad : calyx-lobes ovate obtuse, about one-fifth the length of the broadly ovate or orbicular petali capsule erect. 3-4 lines in diameter. In forests, Oregon to Alaska hik acrosd the Continent. Europe and Asia. 3 CHIMAPHILA Pursh Fl. i, 279. Low perennials with opposite or verticillate evergreen leave! and spreading or nodding white or purplish flowers in termina corymos. Calyx 5-parted or 5-cleft, persistent. Petals 5, con cave, sessile, spreading or recurved. Stamens 10; filamenti short, dilated, and mostly hairy in the middle ; cells of the anther oblong, with a short narrow neck. Style very short, obconic immersed in the umbilicate summit of the globose ovary : stigmi orbicular-peltate, barely 5-crenate. Capsule erect, globose, 5-lob ed, 5-celled, loculicidally 5-valved from the top, the valves noi [d woolly on the margins. Seeds very numerous, the testa reticu lated, produced at both ends. C. umbellata Nutt. Gen. 1, 274. Stem stout, 4-12 inches high.ver] leafy, often branched: leaves cuneate-oblanceolate with tarring base sharply serrate, not spotted, bright green and shining, 1-3 inches long flowers several, umbellate or suroorymbose, white or pinkish : bracts nar row, deciduous : filaments hairy on the margins only. In dry woods, California to Alaska and across the Continent. C. MenzleHti Spreng. Syst. ii, 317. Slender, 3-10 inches high, spar int;ly branched from the base : leaves from ovate to oblong-lanceolate, EoUte at both ends, small, sharply serrate, the upper surface often motti with white : peduncle 1-3-flowered : bracts ovate or roundish : filamenti slender, with a round dilated portion in the middle villous : flowers about half-inch in diameter; petals dull white. In forests, California to Brit. Col Order LVI. MONOTROPACEiE Lindl. Nat. Syst. ed. 2, 219 Leafless fleshy herbs with the flowers in spikes, racemes, capitate, or solitary. Flowers regular and perfect. Calyx ol 2-6 erect lobes or segments or imbricated sepals, free from the ovarjr. Corolla 4-6-Iobed, or of 3-6 petals, rarely wanting, imbricated. Stamens 6-12, hjpogynous: filaments equal, dis tinct, or connate at base : anthers 2-celled, or conmiently 1 celled, attached to the filaments by the back or base, opening by longitudinal slits: pollen grains simple. Style short oi longated: stigma capitate or peltate. Ovary superior, 4r-6 ALLOTROPA PTEROSPORA ol)(J(l, l-()-cel] oliiniolla, or j: ons. Fruit a eods minute, Pkibe I. Ovj oluinolla. Allotropa C Pterospora Sarcodes Ct ctimpanulate, Mouotropa < base, tardily ' llynopitys S at Tbape. Tribl II. 0 iicentflB pariet rieuricospor sepais: coroll. Ncwberrya < tubular-urceo Tribe I Eumc imea 4-celled, 1 Scapose red o owers in a vir unt under the idymous on lo oniing intrors( pparent apex apsule globes e loose coat p A. virgata T. lotstock, G-12 im ly scaly at base, e, the upper 1 a:./ {lowered sr oaely dentate, b ascade Mountaii Tall scapose I long racer imopetalous, rsistent. sta ithers ovate c iflexed, attac «BBEI APRILA 4 or 01 : anthcrl 3ening bJ igma ]iel| (ose, 4-5| nmit; th| inute, Ihi ALIOTROPA ITEROai'ORA MONOTROPACEiE 427 )ent, leafy] ; . Huupe 2-< lobes ovatel liar petultl Alaska ani een leave 1 termina als 5, con filamenti he anther: , obconic ry : stignii )08e, 5-lob valves noi Bta reticu 3 high.verj ering nches long bracts nar dry woods 1)U(1, l-()-celled; with tho placenta) projecting from a central iolniaella, or parietal and 2-lamellato : ovules numerous, anatro- ons. Fruit a loculicidally 4-6-valved many-seeded capsule. eods minute, the testa reticulated. Tribe i. Ovary 4-5-celled, with the placenta) on a thick central loluniolla. Allotropa Calyx of 5 roundiish marcescent sepals, corolla wanting. I'terospora Calyx deeply 5-parted : corolla globular-urceolate. Sarcodes Calyx of 5 erect persistent sepals : corolla cylindraceous- ciimpanulate. Mouotropa Oaljrx of 2-4 deciduous sepals : petals 5-G, not saccate at base, tardily . jiduous. liyuopitys Sepals .^-5, commonly as many as petals : petals saccate at bape. Tribi: II. Ovary .-celled or spuriously 4-5-celled ; the 4 or 5 acentae parietal and 2-larccllate. lieuricospora Calyx complete, of 4 or 5 scale-like fimbriate-laciniate sepais : corolla of 4 or 5 plain petals : ovary strictly 1-celled. Newberrya Calyx incomplete, of 2 bract-like entire sepals: corolla tubular-urceolate 4-5-lobed, marcescent: ovary spuriously 5celled. Tribe I Eumonotropex Gray Syn. Fl. ii, 18. Ovary 5-celled. or so- letimes 4-celled, the placentx projecting from a thick central columella. 1 ALLOTROPA T. & G. Bot. Wilkefj 385. Scaporie red or whitish scaly-bracted herbs with numerous small owers in a virgate spike. Calyx of 5 rounded sepals, marces- rat under the capsule. Corolla none. Stamens 10: anthers idymous on long and slender filaments, extrorse in the bud, be- oniing introrsely pendulous ; cells opening by a chink from the parent apex to the middle. Style short ; stigma peltate-capitate, apsule globose, very many-seeded. Seeds minute, ecobiform. high, spar ^t^*"moUl« ^^ ^°^^® ^^^^ produced at both ends. A single known species 1 : filamenti to Brit. Col d. 2, 219- racemes, Calyx oi B from the r wanting, squal, dis fluently 1 A. virgata T. & G. 1. c. Stems several from a deep-seated perennial owers about wtstock, (5-12 inches high or more, deep red or yellowish, thick and den- ly scaly at base, more sparingly scaly above; lower scales ovate, acumin- e, the upper lanceolate passing into the linear bracts of the virgate a:./ {lowered spike: pedicels erect or spreading, 2-bracteolate : calyx osely dentate, shorter than the filaments. On dry wooded ridges of the ascade Mountains, Washington to California. PTEROSPORA Nutt. Gen. i, 269. Tall scapose scaly-bracted plants with red or yellowish flowers la long raceme. Calyx deeply 5parted, persistent. Corolla iimopetalous, globular-urceolate, with 5 short recurved lobes, ersistent. stamens 10, not exserted : filaments subulate-filiform: ' short 01 "^hers ovate didymous, introrse, erect or in the bud horizontal jrior, 4-6 iflexed, attached near the base, there doi sally 2-awned, the 428 MONOTROPACE^ BARCODES MONOTROPA % slender awns deflexed, the cells openin^j; lengthwise. Style short) stigUKi o-lobed. Capsule depressed-globose, 5-lobed, the tliia walls persistent after dehiscence, being attached by the partiticnH to the columella. Seeds very numerous, the nucleus ovoid, witli a close thin coat, apiculate at both ends, the upper apiculatii bearing a broad thin wing. A single known species. V, Aiidromedea Nutt. 1. c. Stems several from a shallow seated p«r| ennial root, 1-3 feet high or more, HkIiC brown or purplish, glandular an| viscid-pubescent throughout, bearing numerous lanceolate or linear scaleJ and many flowers in a long raceme : pedicels slender, spreading, soon rn curved, 3-10 lines long: sepals oblong, 1-2 lines long: corolla white, I lines long, viscid. Under Pines, California to Brit. Columbia and tli| eastern States. 3 BARCODES Torr. Smithson. Contrib. iii, 17, t.iO. Low fleshy plants with numerous scale-like bracts and ninn red flowers in a short terminal raceme. Sepals 5, erect, persi^tj ent. Corolla cylindraceous-campanulate, with 5 barely spreadin lobes. Stamens 10, shorter than the corolla ; anthers linear-o long, erect attached above the base, the 2 cells confluent througl out, the whole apex opening by a large introrsely oblique terniin] al pore. Ovary low-conical, 5-lobed. Style columnar, rathe long : stigma capitate, somewhat 5-lobed. Capsule depresHC(l| 5-lobed. Seeds very numerous, oval, the coat reticulated, closel fltted to the nucleus except a small conical protuberance at th apex. A single known species HTPOPITYS Pt.EUHOCOBPO fiow fleshy loose termini Kis. Petals 4- lith spreading luhiilate; antli |iio, which ope preuding, the imnar: stigm Capsule ovoid, jrous, small, sc loiit. Only th( H. lotea Dill Items 6-12 inchei leneely imbricat Ironping at lengt pie Others usual! jnd the eastern fi H. Hmbriata. or yellowish, leate, erosely or 1 Vandrous : sepals fountains of Ore Tribe 2 Plet^ spuriously^. S. sanguinea Torr. 1. c. Whole plant bright red: stem stout, W yisk none or obi ached by the ba dinally 6 PLE Low fleshy w •etals, and wl omplete, of 4 Is resembling inches high, thickly clothed with, when young, well imbricated, firm flesli scales ; lower scales ovate; upper narrower and more scattered, and abov passing into the linear bracts of the thick raceme which subtend the re flowers, all ciliate : pedicels erect, the upper ones very short : sepals obloni 6-^ lines long, ciliate, a little shorter tnan the glabrous corolla. On tb high mountains, of southern Oregon, California and Nevada. 4 MONOTROPA L. Gen. n. 536, in part. Low fleshy plants with many scattered scale-like bracts and solitary nodding white flower. Calyx of 2-4 irregular sepals*, i perhaps bracts, the lower ones rather distant from the flower, di ciduous. Petals 5, rarely 6. §rect, not saccate at base, tartlil deciduous. Stamens twice as many as petals: filaments filiforn subulate : anthers somewhat reniform, opening at first by U transverse chinks, at length 2-valved, the valves almost equa and equally spreading. Style short and thick: stigma funne form, with naked edge. Capsule ovoid, erect in fruit. Seeds smal very numerous, scobiform, the nucleus minute in the loose-cel lar elongated coat. A single species. M. anifloraHL. Sp. 387. Bright white and glabrous throughout : sten clustered, 6-12 inches high, rising from a thick and matted mass of fibroi „ ^ - rootlets, 1-flowered, scaly : scales broadly lanceolate, entire: petals 4- nbncated, lano puberulent within, 6-10 lines long: filaments pubescent, throughout North America. Japan and India. In damp wood laments ligu pening from b ne-celled. St hat funnelfori P. flmbrlolaf nearly so, clotl iitlre; upper pas nd lacirate frinj ;pals and petals ot exceeding th( id the Sierra Ne P>, longrtpetal lite or yellowisl ute or acuminaf nTPOPITYS PI.ECROCOSPORA MONOTROPACEiE 5 HYP0PITY8 Adane. Fam. PI. ii, 443. [iow fleshy scaly-bracted plants with red or yellow flowers in looHC terminal raceme. Sepals JJ-f), nearly equal, erect, decidii- Hifi. Petals 4-5, longer than the sepals, saccate at base, erect ritli spreading tips, deciduous. Stamens G-10; fllainents filiforni- juhulate ; anthers reniform, the cells completely c nfluent into jno, which opens by very unequal valves, the larger broad and preiiding, the other remaining erect and contracted. Style col- limnar: stigma funnelform, glandular or hairy on the margin, Capsule ovoid, the columella thick and fleshy. Seeds very num- [rous, small, scobiform ; the nucleus minute in the loose-cellular lout. Only the following species known. H. Intea Dill. Monotropa Ilypopityg L. Red yellowiah or white Items 6-12 inches high : bracts ovate-lanceolate, entire or slightly erose, len^cly imbricated at the base, scattered above : flowers 3-20, in a loose Ironping at length erect raceme, 6-7 lines long, the terminal one 5-merouB, pie others usually 3-4-merou8. In forests, Brit. Columbia to California |iid the eastern States. Europe and Asia. H. flmbriata. Monotropa Jimhriata Gray. Stems 6-12 inches high, ed or yellowish, somewhat hairy : upper scales and bracts obovate to cu- |eate, erosely or laciniately fimbriate : lateral flowers often 3-petalous and Undrous : sepals spatulate, laciniate. In forests of the Cascade and Coast plountains of Oregon. Tribe 2 Pleuricoaporefn Gray Syn. FT. ii, 18. Ovary 2-celled |r spuriously 4-5-celled: the 4 orSplacentw parietal and 2-lamellate. iak none or obscure. Anthers linear or oblong f erect, introrse, at- irhed by the base to the long and slender filaments, opening longi- }^ulinally 6 PLEURICOSPORA Gray Proc. Am. Acad vii, 369. Low fleshy white or yellowish herbs with fimbriate scales and [letals, and white flowers in a short terminal raceme. Calyx amplete, of 4 or 5 scale-like sepals. Corolla of 4 or 5 plain pet- |ls resembling the sepals. Stamens twice as many as petals : llaments ligulate-filiform : anthers linear, apiculate, the cells Ipening from base to apex into two equal valves. Ovary strictly Ine-celled. Style columnar : stigma depressed -capitate, or some- }hat funnelform. Seeds ovate, with a smooth or polished coat. P. flmbrlolata Gray 1. c. Stout and erect, 3-10 inches high, glabrous ' nearly so, clothed with imbricated scales; lowest scales ovate, firm. btire; upper passing into the narrower and lanceolate scarious margined Ind laorate fringed bracts of the dense and erect cylindraceous raceme : jepals and petals white, oblong or oblong-lanceolate fimbriate-lacerate, |ot exceeding the bracts. In the Cascade and Coast Mountains of Oregon nd the Sierra Nevadas of California I P. longlpetala. Stem rather slender, 4-6 inches high : scales well abricated, lanceolate, more or less acuminate, laciniately toothed : flowers [bite or yellowish, numerous, in a dense oblong raceme : sepals lanceolate, pute or acuminate, sparingly laciniate-toothed, about equalling the bracts : 430 ARMERIACEyE NKWHRRRYA ARMKKIA I ; r petals narrowly Bpatulate, 0 lines lotiK. much loiigor than thuaopnlN, iIih obtuse apex luciniately timbriolatts In dense forests of tlic CuNcad. Mountains near the hot springs in Claclcamiis Co. Oregon. Uaru. 7 NEWBEURYA Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. viii, 55. Low fleshy eroct plantH with rod or browniHli floworH in a td minal cluster. Calyx incomplete, of two l»ract-like entire h«'|>;i1. Corolla tubular-urceolate, 4- or .^)-lobe(l, jwrsiHtent. Stamens twii as many as lobes of the corolla; filaments filiform, lonj^-liiiir above the middle; anthers oblong, the cells opening from apex t base into two unequal valves. Ovary ovate, contracted at tl j apex into a long style ; stigma depressed-capitate, umbiliciiti Placent« 4, with broad divergent lamellae which meet adjacinf edges, ovuliferous both sides, giving the api)earan('o of 4 exterii cells surrounding a central larger one. N. congesta Torr. 1. c. Whole plant brownish, glabrous, 4-8 inclie' high : scales crowded or looBcly imbricated, obtuse, thinnish, with obsciircl arose margins ; the upper forming similar bracts of the densely crowiliJ glomcrule of flowers : lobes of the corolla ovate, one third the length of tiJ cylindraceous or slightly urceolate tube : filaments equalling the slondel style: anthers narrowly oblong, the line of dehiscence close to the coniucl tive. In the high mountains of Washington to California. Order LVII ARMERIACEiE Somewhat woody plants with alternate leaves and regulai symmetrical 5-merou8 perlect flowers: chiefly of saline soil: Calyx costate at the sinuses, persistent. Corolla with claws ti the nearly distinct petals, or tliese united into a tube, convoluti or rarely imbricated in the bud. Stamens as many as division^ of the corolla and opposite to them : the filaments adnate on to their base, or completelv hypogynous: anthers 2-cello(i opening longitudinally. Disk none. Ovary free, one-celloi with a solitarjr anjttropous ovule pendulous on a slender funic] ulus which rises from the base of the cell. Styles 5, distiiie| or united. Fruit dry, utricular or achene-like, somewhat delii cent by a lid, or by valves. Seed with a straight embryo , an with or without mealy albumen. 1 ARMERIA WiUd. Enum. Hort. Berol 333. Acoulescent perennials with narrow persistent leaves in clo: tufts and naked scapes with a reversed sheath under the compjifl head of red flowers which are surrounded and subtended scarious bracts and bractlets. Calyx funnelform, regularly H costate at base, the limb scarious. Corolla of 5 nearly distinf long-clawed petals, each with a stamen attached to its base. Style 5, filiform, united only at the very base, stigmatose above aloii the inner side. Utricle at length bursting irregularly at the basf A. vulgarig Willd 1. c. Scapes 8-12 inches high: leaves narrow! linear, flat or flattish, 1-3 inches long: bracts very obtuse: calyx at bai simply decurrent on the pedicel ; the tube 10-nerveaiiniburgla L flowers 5-7-m| er tube, the if «Iaux stems, posite leaves,] the calyx. ■*- *• Capsui PRIMULACE/E 481 4-8 inche liol)8Ciin'li ly crowtlfi nnll> of tliJ tiie sU'ivUI the coiimfl cl regulaj lino soils h claAVs tj convoluti i divisioiil inate onll } 2-cellciir me-cellcil ider fviuici 5, distincl rliat tlelii ibryo , mil Bs in clo' le compaf] tended 1 ularly 1'' ly distinfl ase. Style ibove alonj at the basf ves narrowl calyx at bal ,t least on tl| Ipl ioniser nerves or antflen; the lobes blunt or (uispidiitH. AIomr tlie ooaHt, ICitlil'iirnia to the Arctic re^s'ionH and the Atlantl*' coast. Euro|K> and A«ia. Ohokr LVIir PKIMULACKyE Vent. Tabl. ii, 2S't. Herbs with simple loavos and symmotrical flowers. Calyx 4- lohod or 4-8-partod, free, or rarely adnate to the base of the )V!iry, imbricated in the bud, usually persistent, Corolla liypogynous, excoi)t in Samnlm in which it coheres below with lie base of the ovary, 4-H-lobed or 4-8-parted, rarel}' none, ^taraeus as many as the lobes of the corolla and opposite to hem, inserted on the tube or base of the coi'olla, rarely peri- (Vnous: anthers introrse. Ovary one-celled, with a free central |)laconta. Fruit capsular. Seeds with small straight embryo uid copious albumen. TuinE I. Ovary wholly free: ovules aniphitropous or half- inatropous. * Scaposo or tufted : flowers cbiefly r>-meroii8, uni1)ollilte or solitary : capsule dehiscent by valves, at least at the apex. +- Stamens connivont in a cone around the pistil, monadelplious. Uodecatliooii Corolla 5-parted, its division reflexed : fllainents shorter than the anthers. -t- -•- Corolla salverform or funnelform: stamens distinct, included, with short filaments and short and blunt anthers. I'riiiinla Corolla with tube surpassing or at least equalling the calyx, and spreading, mostly obcordate or emarginatc lobes : capsule many- seeded. Doaglasia Corolla with tube equalling or surpassing the calyx, and entire lobes : ovary 6-ovuled : capsule l-.*{-seeded. AndrOHBCe Corolla short, its tube shorter than the calyx : ovules and seeds numerous or few. * * Leafy stemmed : corolla rotateor somewhat so and thedivisions convolute or sometimes involute in the bud, wanting in Cllaux. +■ Capsules mostly globose, dehiscent vertically by valves, or irregularly. Trientalls Leaves clustered at the summit of a simple stem : flowers mostlv 7-merous : corolla completely rotate, without a tube, deeply parted : filaments long and filiform, united at base into a ring. Steiroiienia Leaves opposite, without dots : flowers 5 merous on slen- der drooping peduncles: corolla rotate, with no proper tube, deeply parted ; the divisions each wrapped around a stamen. Nanmburprla Stems leafy throughout, the herbage glandular-'lotted : flowers 5-7-merouB, on stout axillary peduncles: corolla without prop- er tube, the lobes not wrapped around the stamens. I 9 Anagallis Corolla completely rotate, 5-parted. 10 Centunculus Corolla with a globular tube and 4-5-Iol)ed limb, short- er than the calyx. Tribe ii. Ovary connate at base with the base of the calyx. 1 1 Samolus Leaves alternate : flowers 5-merous : corolla nearly cam- panulate : capsule 5-valved at the apex. Tribe 1 Primuleie Endl. Gen. 730. Ovary wholly free: ovulenl fixed by the middle amphitropous or half anatropous. § Scapigerous or tufted. Flowers chiefly 5-merou8, umbellate or\ solitary: lobes of the corolla imbricated in bud. Capsule dehiscent] by valves sometimes obscurely so. ^ Stamens connivent in a cone around the style, monadelphous 1 DODECATHEON L. Gen. n, 200. Low acauleseent perennial herbs with entire leaves and few ori numerous flowers in an umbel terminating a naked scape. Calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes reflexed in flower, erect in fruit. Corolla 5-parted, with very short tube and dilated thickened throat, tliel long and narrow divisions reflexed. Stamens inserted on thfl throat of the corolla: filaments short and flat, monadelphous, bul separable in age. Style filiform, exserted: stigma small. Plal centa columnar, many-ovuled. * Filaments distinct. D. dentatum Hook. Fl, ii, 119. Glabrous throughout : leaves ovatej the blade 2-4 inches long by 1-2 inches broad, irregularly dentate, usiialljl abruptly contracted below to a margined petiole nearly as long as the blade: scapes 4-8 inches long, few-flowered : involncral bracts linear, acuminate] calyx lobes triangular, acuminate, a line or more long : lobes of the corolli white with two purple spots at the base of each, linear-oblong, obtuse. 4 lines long : filaments very short ; anthers linear-lanceolate, 2-toothed at tb^ apex, brownish-red : capsule but little longer than the calyx, early opening from the apex by valves : seeds flat. In wet places on the bluffs of thi Columbia river, and in Idaho. D. campestrum. Glabrous throughout: leaves oblong, obtuse or acaj tish, 1-2 inches long, tapering below to a broad petiole: scapes 3-6 inclu high, l-S-floweped : iuvolucral bracts lanceolate, acuminate, 1-3 lines longj pedicels 4-6 lines long: calyx-lobes lanceolate, acute, 2 lines long: lobes the corolla narrowly oblong, abruptly narrowed, near the apex, 6-7 linf long, a line or more broad, pink above, with blue centre and white biisel filaments very short, : anthers linear-oblong, obtuse, pink with dark ijurj pie base : capsule oblong, opening by persistent valves. In prairies on th| Klickitat hills, Klickitat Co. Washington. * * Filaments more or less joined together into a tube : *■ Capsule opening by an operculate tip. D. Tiviparnm Greene Eryth. iii, 38. " Rootstock stout, horizoni or ascending short, simple or with a few branches, bearing coarse whit fibrous roots beneath, and rather large bulblets above : leaves 6-10 inclii long, oblong-lanceolate, tapeting to a winged petiole, acute or obtuse apex, the whole margin coarsely and regularly but not deeply crenalj Iwith a callous ] I point only: sea Ibel : the stoutii {pubescent: flow \hiif0: capsule o I wards parting i |littie below the 1>. tetraudi Icence minutely J3-12 inches lonj Iscapes stout, 6-; Ibracts setaceous lers mostly 4-m corolla piirplish |6-8 lines long: lark purple: ca] jpex, then splitt • marginal wing W. Jettreyi jlabrous except late, erect, 5-1(1 Inches high : uml red-purple: stam kery distinctly hi blves from the \ Oregon and Calif I), alpfnnm < fliroughout:leavj .apering below t lowered : involuc alyx about as Ion blong abruptly rownish-yellow long, often apicul alifornia. D. conjngend scicle of fleshy ; ing: whole plant, ncluding the dis| igh: umbel few- eep purple, vary, he connective laJ Ihroughout all bij >egon and Mont ^' HeudersoJ florescence mini ng narrowed bel owered : involucl cuminate, twice f ellowish base : b\ "tuse, short-apiq »g by a flat operJ lar, minutely tul "d into Californf ■«- +- ^' paaciflori IKON lb, short- 5alyx. rly cara-l e: o%n\m lellate orl iehiscenll Iphous id few orl B. Calyxl Coroilal iroat, the! 1 on til J hous, bull all. Plal DODECATHEON PRIMULACE^ 433 icttminate; the corolli obtuse, U thed at th( Iwith a callous point in each sinus, or th^ crenation reduced to the callous Eoint only : scapes 10-20 inches high, stout, bearing a many-flowered um- el : the stoutish pedicels aud deeply parted calyx somewhat giandular- I pubescent: flowers deep purple througnout: stamens distinct to the very Ibiif'e: capsule ovate-oblong, coriaceous, circumscissile near the apex, after- Iwards parting into 10 valves whose tips are closely recurved. At and a llittle below the limit of trees on Mount Rainier Washington. " 1>. tetraudrnm Suksdorf, Greene 1. c. 40. Glabrous, or the inflores- Icence minutely glandular : leaves spatulate to lanceolate or oblanceolate, J3-12 inches long by 1-2 inches broad, tapering below to a winged petiole : ■scapes stout, 6-20 inches high : umbel few to many-flowered : involucral Ibracts setaceous: pedicels 1-3 inches long, enlarging at the, summit: flow- lers mostly 4-meron8: calyx-lobes lanceolate, acundnate,' 3 lines long: corolla purplish with a yellow ring near the base, its lobes lanceolate, acute, |6-8 lines long: staminal tube very short ; anthers linear-oblong, obtuse, iark purple : caijsule surpassing the cal^x, circumscissile very near the apex, then splitting into 10 short recurving valves : seeds oblontr, flat, with , marginal wing all around. In wet places In the Cascade Mountains. I). Jeffrey! Moore in Van Houtte Fl. des Serres xvi, 99, t. 1662. labrous except the hirsute and glandular inflorescence : leaves oblanceo- ate, erect) 5-10 inches long, entire, acutish, mucronate : scapes 12-18 nehes high : umbel many-flowered : segments of the corolla ample, deep ed-purple : stamens dark purple, usually only 4 ; anthers emarginate : style ery distinctly hispidulous : capsule not surpassing the calyx, opening by alves from the very apex. In wet places in the mountains of eastern regon and California. 1>. alpinum Greene 1. c. D. meadia var. alpina Gray. Glabrous hroughout: leaves oblong-lanceolate to spatulate, obtuse, 1-3 inches long, ape ring below to a short petiole: scape 4-10 inches high 1 to several- "owered : involucral bracts lanceolate, acute, 1-2 lines long : lobes of the alyx about as long as the tube, narrowly lanceolate : corolla-lobea narrowly blong abruptly contracted near the' apex, 6-8 lines long, purple with staminal tube very dark, a line long: anthers ob- On wet banks and margin of lakes, Washington to aves ovale! ite, usualljT the blade jrownish-yeriow base : tuse or acn 3-6 inclie ) lines long ng : lobes o jx, 6-7 line white base th dark pui liries on th je ong, often apiculate. Mifornia. D. itneaaiiiit™ coDJugens Greene Eryth. iii, 40. "Short crown with a dense rlv «Denini *^c'cle of fleshy fibrous roots that are deciduous from it after the flower- bluffs of thi "8" whole plant glabrous: leaves obovoid and elliptic, 2 to 5 inches long ncluding the dist'nct petiole, obtuse, entire : scape stoutish 3 to 8 inches ligh: umbel few-flowered; flowers large, 4-merous, rarely 6-merous: corolla leep purple^ varying to rose red and to white: anthers di'' 'net, obt'iae, he connective lanceolate, acuminate to a linear point, delicttely rugulose hroughout all but the linear tip : fruit unknown. Dry hills, southeastern )regon and Montana. D. Hendergoni Gray But. Gaz. xi, 233. Glabrous throughout or the nflorescence minutely lelandular : leaves elliptical to obovate, 1 inch or more ong narrowed below to a short petiole : scape 4-16 inches high, rather few- lowered: involucral bracts triangular, acuminate: calyx-lobes trii^ngular, icuminate, twice m long as the short tube : coiolla-lobes dark purj^ le with ellowish base : staminal tube a line long, dark purple: anthers oblong, , short-apiculate : capsule ovoid, much longer than the calyx, open- g by a flat operculum and splitting downward into 10 valves : seeds glob- ar, minutely tuberculate. Common throughout the Willamette Valley id into California. ■*- -t- Capsule dehiscing by valves from the apex. D. panciflornm Greene Pitt, ii, 72. Glabrous throughout: leaves ,, horizon coarse w I 6-10 inch( or obtuse rtply crenati 434 PRIMULACEiE DODECATHE PKIMCLA N Ml %-)4 as long as the scape: involncral bracts lanceolate: segments of the 9 corolla rich lilac-purple the undivided part yellow, with a scolloped ringj of deep purple midway between the base of the segments and the stamen} tube : stamen-tube often nearly as long as the anthers, yellow: antherel purple: capsule crustaceous, 6 lines long, nearly cylindrical, acute, opeii[ ing by 5 short teeth. At middle elevations, eastern Oregon to the Rock;^ Mountains and New Mexico. D. Casickii Greene 1. c. More or less pubescent and glandular: leavesl broadly to narrowly lanceolate, entire, or dentate toward the apex, usualljl obtuse, 1-2 inches long, narrowed below to a winged petiole : scapes 341 inches high, few-flowered: bracts of the involucre narrowly lanceolate, 1-21 lines long : lobes of the calyx lanceolate, acute, but little longer than tliel tube : corolla-lobes dark purple with yellow base and a dark purple liiiel at the mouth of the tube: stamen tube less than a line long, almost black :[ anthers yellow with a black stripe through the centre : capsule ovoid, aouteJ scarcely surpassing the calyx, 5-vaIved from the apex. Dry hillsides, cas-| tern Oregon and Brit. Columbia. * * Corolla salverform or fimnelform: stamens included, distind\ rvith short filaments and short blunt anthers. 2 PRIMULA L. Gen. n. 197. Perennial scapose herbs with all radical leaves and large orsmallj flowers umbellate or in involucrate or bracted racemose whorl at the summit of a scape. Calyx tubular, funnelform or campanl late, persistent, often angled, 5-lobed, the lobes imbricated. Col rolla funnelform or salverform, the tube longer than or ai least equalling the calyx. Stamens 5, distinct, inserted on the tube on at the throat of the corolla. Style filiform: stigma capitate. Ciip sule 5-valved at the summit, many-seeded. Seeds peltate: the| testa punctate. 8 P. Broadheadffi Jones Zoe iii, 306. " 2 to 4 inches high ; 1 to 4 Hon ered; scape 2 to 4 inches long ; leaves 1 to 4 inches long, narrowly elliptici rounded at apex, glabrous, rather thick, smooth, entire, narrowed at basi to a winged petiole an inch or leas long; flowers purple, about 5 lines wide! lobes orbicular or nearly so, notched, with a very snort claw 2 lines long] tube exceeding the calyx by 2 lines ; funnelform above the calyx ; calys lobes Ij^ lines long and subulate lanceolate, barely acute, equalling tlii e slendler^annua tul)e of the calyx ;|pod nearly spherical; pedicels of the lateral flowers abou oq jjjj^ j^ ^j a line long, the terminal one 2 to 6 lines long; bracts oblong to ovate lin jthed 6-12 line! ceolate, entire or toothed at apex, 1 to 6 lines long ; base of plant coveiei j t^ many-flowt with the dead sheaths of former leaves. Marshy places at Ketchum Idahu. Yar. minor Jones 1. c. " Leaves an inch long or less, elliptical ob lanceolate and acute, thin : lobes of the corolla as large as the type, bu obovate ; lobes of the calyx longer than the tube ; flowers 1 to 2 on tb scape ; bracts long ; plant 2 inches nigh. Bayhorse Idaho. P. Casickiana Gray 8yn. Fl. Supp. 399. Leaves oblong-spatulate o red at base to a narrower, 2 inches long, entire, or rarely denticulate : scapes 2-6 indie inches hiirh • b high, 1-4-flowered : involucre of 2 or 3 conspicuous unequal bracts: caly ia,ui inch loi green with a whitish line down from the sinuses of the campanulate tube uiguiar lobes* t its lobes from lanceolate to subulate, about the length of the tube an isEort ovate lol nearly equalling the tube of the corolla: lobes of the corolla retuse. 0 jx: seeds eiobu rocky hillsides, Union Co. Oregon. Jve Oregon. nOUGLASiA ANOROBACE 3 DO Depressed ai Jereistent stei jmewhat umb ersistent. Ci l^hat inflated i jrnicate benej lort filaments |!apsule turbin D. dentata 1 irm !S08tIy denn DC nodes, oblong ^ard the summit few-flowered uml ^ng in fruit : the olongj slightly 8 ^maCo. Washin I D. Injl'gaiA < pves glabrous or Dt at all ciliate, Inceolete, obtuse V3 lines long^: pe( pe involucre oval I long as the ova ia river from Bri Small annual! hite or pink rolla salverfo e calyx ; the uded, distinct yle mostly m the apex, A. septentrio form, 1-2 inche bulate acute gre m the obovate 1 ids ovate, flattis cky Mountains. HE N LA. ta of the] iped riiigj e stamen I : antherel te, opeii[ he Rock} ~ nODOLABtA ANOROBACE PRIMULACE^ 435 3 DOUGLASIA Lindl. in Brande. Journ Hci. 1827. ar: leaves X, usually scapes 3-V (olate, 1-2 than the lurple line ost black: old, acute, sides, eas- Depressed and tufted little herbs with suffr .itescent or at least [ereistent stems, imbricated or crowded leav».s and solitary or jmewhat umb'^ilate small flowers. Calyx caripanulate, 5-lobed, •rsistent. Corolla tube equalling or surpassing the calyx, some- jrhat inflated above; the throat more or ]fu» contracted and 5- )rnicate beneath the sinuses. Stamens included, distinct, with lort filaments and blunt anthers. Ovary 5-ovul*'d: style filiform, [lapsule turbinate, 1 or 2-8eeded. D. dentata Watson Proc. Am. Acad, xvii, 375. Canescen:; with a [rtn Tsostly dense pubescence : rather stout, branching : leaves rosuiate at )e nodes, oblong,, obtasieh, mostly with 1-3 blunt teeth on each side to- ard the summit, 4-6 lines long: peduncle an inch long, bearing a simple, w-flowered umbel; ped'cels very unequal : calyx narrowed at base, 3 lines ng in fruit : the acuminate lobes nearly as long as the tube: capsule ', distindJV^ong, slightlv stipitate, equalling the calyx-tube. On high ridges, Ya- ' "'inaCo. Waenington. D. iBTijfata Gray Proc. Am. Acad, xvi, 105. Depressed cespitose : [avea glabrous or with a few minute and scurfy deciduous branched hairs, lot at all ciiiate, entire, or with 1 or 2 teeth toward the summit, oblong- [nceolate, obtuse, mainly in rosuiate radical or simply proliferous clusters, |-3 lines long? peduncleti short, scurfy-pubescent, 1-5-flowered : bracts of be involucre oval or Ov ^ xhort : corolla bright red^ jts tube almost twice I long as the ovate ac 'es of the calyx. On bluffs along the Colum- ia river from Bridal " ' <>> uear Hood River: blooming in early spring. 4 ANDROSACE Tourn. L. Gen. n. 196. Small annual or perennial herbs with tufted leaves and small [hite or pink flowers. Calyx persistent, 5-lobed to 5-parted. )rolla salverform or funnelform; the tube short, not longer than ke calyx ; the limb 5-lcbed, imbricated in bud. Stamens 5, in- luded, distinct, with short filaments and' short blunt anthers. ]tyle mostly short: stigma capitellate. Capsule short, 5-valved am the apex, few to many-seeded. |A. septentrionalis L. Sp. 203. Leaves all rosuiate at the summit o slender annual root, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, narrowed at base* en into a winged petiole, from irregularly denticulate to laciniate- othed, 6-12 lines long: scapes usually numerous, 2-10 inches high, sev- al to many-flowered : bracts of the small involucre subulate : pedicels iform, 1-2 inches long : calyx-tube obpyrimidal, white or reddish, with Dulate acute green lobes mostly shorter than the tube and rather shorter an the obovate lobes of the corolla : capsule ovoid, shorter than the calyx : ^ds ovate, flattish. In open places, Brit. Columbia to California and the cky Mountains. Europe and the Arctic sea coast. flliformig Retz. Obs. ii, 10. ? Annual : leaves ovate, obtuse, har Kred at base to a winged petiole, entire, 2 lines long: scapes filiform, 1- lincbes high: bracts of the involucre minute, subulate: pedicels fili- , an indi long or less: calyx-tube hemispherical, green, with short bneular lobes: tube of the corolla at length much longer than the calyx, ) snort ovate lobes closely reflexed : capsule ovoid, much longer than the n: seeds globular, minutely tuberculate. Edge of water near Forest pve Oregon. Q or smalll 56 whorlJ r campaivl ited. Col [)r at leastl ie tube or| ,ate. Cup- eltate: m 1 to 4 flo«i y elliptical wed at baai lines wide] i liueu lond lyx; calyx quailing tli( owers abou 0 ovate li,iij ant covoi umldahu.'l elliptical ol he type, buj 1 to 2 on thj spatulate ea 2-6 inche )ract8: calyi mulate tube! the tube tinj retuse. ^'1 486 PRIMULAGE^ TRIENTALIS 8TBIRONKMA § § Lfafy-stemmed. Ijeaves entire. Corolla rotate or aomewhoi so; the divisions convolute or sometimes involute in the bud, wanthiA in Glaux. * Capsule mostly globose, dehiscent longitudi lally by valves orj irregvJarly. 5 TRIENTALIS L. Gen. n. 461 Low and glabrous perennial herbs with a simple stem, simpld leaves mostly clus .ered at the summit and white or pink flowersl on filiform pedicels. Flowers 5-7-merous, usually 6-meroiis,l Corolla completely rotate, without a tube, deeply parted, the divil sions convolute in the bud. Filaments long and slender, unite at base into a short ring: anthers linear, recurving when oldl Style filiform. Capsule about 5- valved. Seeds few, rather large] covered with a white cellular-reticulated pellicle, remaining fo| some time fast on the placenta in a globular mass. T. latifolia Hook. Fl. ii, 121. Stem slender, 2-6 inches high ,froiii| a small snbterraneau tuber : bracts subulate to lanceolate : leaves fronl lanceolate to ovate, usually abruptly acuminate, 1-3 inches long, narrowedl below to a short petiole: pedicels filitorm shorter than the leaves: calyxl lobes linear-lanceolate, acute or acuminate : corolla-lobes lanceolate, acu] minate one third longer than the calyx. Common in forests, California! Vancouver Island. T. arctioa Fischer in Hook. 1. c. T. Eunyptea var. arctica Ledeh\ Stem very slender, 1-4 inches high, with small scattered obovate leavej below; upper leaves obovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, C-12 lines long: pedl icels filiform, longer than the leaves : lobes of the calyx linear, very acute] 2-3 lines long : lobes of the corolla lanceolate, acuminate and tipped witbl a slender bristle, nearly twice as long as the calyx. In high mountain! jBiarshes and along tne coast, Oregon to Alaska and Bebring Straits. 6 STEIRONEMA Raf. Ann. Gen. Phys. vii, 192. NADMBURGIA OLD AX iiii, not at all cil lie lower ones < puminate, about ^aii the calyx. I 7 Erect perenn [need to scales, lalyx 5-7-divi( ?eply 5-7-par tamens 5-7, 3; [1 at base, altet each sinus of ligma capitate, |X. thyrslflon Glabrous or b ives lanceolate, ^luced to ovate a |iddle of the men il or numeous s [lyx linear-lance 33 of the corolla fgs, Oregon to Al Small leafy-si hall axillary w je lobes petaloi Impanulate tul Jd alternate wi Irdate, attache jived at the to maritlma I Leafy-stemmed perennial herbs with opposite or verticil 1 atet ^j^^j'"^^®^* mple leaves and axillary yellow flowers nodding on slenderlthe middle axire yx-lobes oval, liiornia to Alask Glabrous * * Sim pedicles. Flowers 5-merous. Corolla rotate with no proper tube, deeply 5-parted, the minuses rounded ; the divisions ovate, cuspi date-pointed, each separately involute or convolute around ils stamen. Stamens 5, alternating with 5 sterile filaments; distinct fdn numerous or nearly so, inserted on a ring at the base of the corolla. Capsule iO-20-seeded ow annual 0 S. elliatam Raf. 1. c. Glabrous throughout except the petioles istemi [1 g^nall red erect, 2-4 feet high, mostly simple Heaves Qvate-lanceolate to oblontc-ovate .„;'*__ x p' ■ gradually acuminate, 2-6 inches long, mostly with rounded or subcordaU "'sieni. cor< base, minutely ciliate, membranaceous, pinnately veined; their long peti' 'v'^'"^'' < oles hirsutely ciliate : calyx-lobes linear-lanceolate, acuminate : lobes of tbe corolla obovate, obtuse, nearly twice as long as the calyx, erose-denticulate, 4-6 lines Ictn^ : capsule longer than the calyx. Low grounds, Oregon to Brit. Columbia and acro^is the Continent. 8. Inrif atvm* Stoma slender, 1-3 feet high, white and smooth, pan iculately branched af ove : leaves lanceolate to linear-lanc(K>late, all petio ivolute in the olla: filamentf le filiform. ■ ARVifiNSIS L. :h branched, ralte or in thre< lines long: fl( NAOMBUIUIfA GLCAX PRTMULACE^E m high jfronj saves {roal ires : calyxj olate, acu[ alifornia Hca Ledeh. vate lenvei > long: pedj very acute! bipped withl ti mountain! aits. ^erticillale on slenflerl oper tube, ate, cuspi- iround ilsl s; distinci Capsule! ioles : etemil bloiiK-ovatej r BubcordaW >ir long petij lobes of ttej •denticulate^ Si Oregon imooth, pani te, all petio itii, not at all ciliate except a few hairs at the base of the clasping petiole, lie lower ones often sabcordate at base : lobes of the calyx lanceolate, puniinate, about 4 lines long : lobes of the corolla ohovate, but little longer ^an the calyx. In marshes along the Rogue river near Grant's Pass Or. 7 NAUMBURGIA Moench Meth. Supp. 32. Erect perennial herbs with opposite euUre leaves, the lower re- [uced to scales, and small yellow flowers in short axillary spikes. lalyx 5-7-divided, the sepals iii^iar, slightly imbricated. Corolla Beply 5-7-parted, with very short tube and narrow segments, jtamens 5-7, 3xserted; filaments slender, glabrous, slightly unit- |1 at base, alternating with as many small tooth-like s^taminoidea each sinus of the corolla. Style slender, equalling the stamens: [igma capitate. Capsule 5-7-valved, few-seeded. |V. thyrslflora Duby in DC. Prodr. viii, 60. Lysimachia thyrsiflora Glabrous or becoming so : stem 1-2 feet high, from a slender rootstock : Aves lanceolate, sessile, 1-2 inches long, the Tower siballer and the lowest iluced to ovate scales : peduncles from only 2 or 3 pairs of leaves near the |iddle of the Htem, axillary, shorter than the subtending leaf, bearing sev- aI or numeous small flowers in a dense head or oblong spike: lobes of the llyx linear-lanceolate, acute, half as long as the narrow purple-dotted Ites of the corolla : capsule elobose, glandular dotted, few-seeded. In wet |g8, Oregon to Alaska and the eastern States. Europe, Asia and Japan. 8 GLAUX Tourn. L. Gen. n. 291. n. I Small leafy-stemmed herbs with opposite entire leaves and aall axillary white or pink apetalous flowers. Calyx 5-parted, le lobes petaloid, imbricated in the bud, about as long as the Impanulate tube. Stamens 5, inserted at the base of the calyx \d alternate with its lobes: filaments subulate-filiform: anthers Irdate, attached by their backs to the filaments. Capsule 5- jlved at the top, few-seed'^'d. maritlma L. Sp. 207. Glabrous and glaucous or pale : stems slen r, 6-12 inches high from slender perennial rootstocka, very leafy : leaves |m oval to oblong-linear, 3-6 lines long, entire, sessile : flowers usually the middle ax^ls only, solitary and very nearl v sessile, white or pink : lyx-lobes oval, 1-^2 lines long: seeds oblong, brown. In salt marshes, lliiornia to Alaska and across the Continent. Europe and Asia. '* * Glabrous f capsule circumsciasile; the top Jailing like a lid. fds numerous. • 9 ANAGALLIS Tourn. L. Gen. n. 206. pw annual or perennial herbs with usually opposite leaves small red, white or blue axillary flowers. Calyx 5-parted, histent. Corolla completely rotate, 5-parted, the rounded lobes Ji volute in the bud. Stamens 5, inserted on the base of the loUa: filaments bearded or pubescent: anthers broadly oblong. fie filiform. Capsule globose, many-seeded. Seeds minute, ARViSNsis L. Sp. 148. Glabrous throughout : stems diffuse, usually fch branched, 4-8ided, 4-12 inches long from an aunual root : leaves joaite or in threes or sometimes the upper ones alternate, ovate, sessile, ' lines long : flowers scarlet, 2-3 lines broad, solitary, on long filiform HI 438 OLEACEiE CRNTUNCDLUS BAMOLDS I pduncles thftt recurve in fruit: lobes of the cor6IIa Unceolnte, acute] minutely denticulate or glandular-ciliate, but little longer than the ealyxl seeds minute. California to Oregon and the Atlantic States. Naturalizeill from Europe and Asia. 10 CENTUNCULUS Dill. L. Gen. n. 145. FRAximrs )uraen, or ex Trees with innate leaver efore the lea^ ainous, somei Low glabrous annuals witii mostly alternate leaves and miniit solitary flowers in the axils of the middle leaves. Calyx 4-5-par ted into linear acute lobes, longer than the corolla, persistentHarly toothed Corolla small, with subglobose tube and 4 or 5 acute entire teeth.BndupIicate-vs Stamens 4 or 5, inserted on the throat of the corolla, with distinclftt the very ba short filaments and broadly ovate to cordate obtuse anthers Styl] filiform : stigma capitate. Seeds minute, numerous. C. minimus L. Sp. 116. Stems ascending, 2-6 inches long, simple oi branched : leaves ovate, obovate or spatulate-oblong, tapering at base, 2-r lines long, all but the lowest sessile : flowers 4-5-merous : calyx-lobes lanl ceolate, acuminate, fullv as long as the capsule. In moist ylaces, GaliforniJ and Oregon to Brit. Columbia, Minnesota and Illinois. Europe and S. AnJ Tribe 2 Samolese Endl. Gen. 734- Ovary connate at base will the base of the calyx. 11 SAMOLUS Tourn. L. Gen. n. 222. Low glabrous caulescent herbs with alternate entire leaves an( small white flowers in simple or panicled racemes. Flowers 5 nierous. Calyx persistent, its tube adnate to the ovary below Corolla perig)'nous, nearly campanulate ; the rounded lobes imbri cated in the bud. Fertile stamens 5, inserted on the tube of thi corolla; with short filaments and cordate anthers: staminoideaS in the sinuses of the corolla, or wanting. Style short or slender stigma obtuse or capitate. Capsule ovate or globular, 5-valved the top, many seeded. Seeds minute. 8. florlbnndns H. B. K. Nov. Gen. ii, 224. Stems erect or ascending G-18 Indies high, diffusely branched, leafy up to the racemes: leaves ob ovate to spatulate, 1-3 inches long, tapering to a short petiole: flower usually numeroud, less than a line broad, in loose paniculate racemes pedicels filiform, spreading, 4-12 lines long, bracteolate near the middle calyx adherent to the middle of the ovary and capsule, the lobes ovate half as long as tbe short- campanulate corolla : sterile filaments in the sino ses reflexed. In wet places, California to Brit. Columbia, Canada, Florid and Texas. Order LIX OLEACE^E Lindl. Nat. Syst. Perennial he pped leaves ai id axillary sn irent by the d Trees or shrubs, rarely almost herbaceous, with colorlea mulate 5-clef bland juice, opposite, rarely alternate, leaves without stipulei ipendage opp and perfect or dioecious regular flowers. Flowers gamopetal e corolla: fila ous, 2-4-petalous, apetalous or even achlamydeous. Stameni te, conniving )vary 2-celled itigma 2-lobe( ^he wing main F. Oregrana t high and 1-4 ubescent; leafle T nearly «o, 2- owers dioecious , ense, with oblc •anicles: fruit wi iiied edges grac ich or more lonj Order LX Perennial h lice, opposite ipules, and lours adhen involute and le corolla an( osed to cohei lutinous. Ov as united, or vules few to ten bearing a 2, sometimes 4, fewer than the parts of the corolla, distinct Ovary two-celled, with one or two pairs of anatropous ovules in each cell. Style one or none. Fruit a capsule, samara, berr or drupe. Seeds with a rather large embryo in firm fleshy al oad summit varies two, ovi Glands o| androsienilj pRAXimrs APOCYNACE^ 439 eaves an^ i'lowers iry belowl bes imbrij ube of thJ linoidea 5l )r slender! valvedall r ascendinj leaves ol ale: flowei » racemeii the middle] lobes ovat( I in the aim ada, Florid/ colorlet it stipuld ^amopetalj Stamei Bt, distinct] B ovules ii iara,berrj n fleshy Hiraen, or exalbumenous. Cotyledons flat, or plano-convex. 1 FRAXINUS Tour . L. Gen. n. 1100. Trees with rather light tough wood, chiefly opposite and odd- Dinnate leaves, and small flowers in panicles, appearing with or jefore the leaves from separate buds. Flowers dioecious or poly- eamous, sometimes perfect. Calyx very small, 4-cleft or irregu- larly toothed or entire or wanting. Petals, when present, 4, jnduplicate-valvate in the bud, either separate or united in pairs it the very base, often wanting. Stamens 2, sometimes 3 or 4. )vary 2-celled, with a pair of ovulds at the summit of each cell. Jtigma 2-lobed. Fruit an entire dry indehiscent samara, with jthe wing mainly terminal, and suspended seeds. F. Oregana Nutt. Sylv. iii, 59, t. 99. (Obegon Ash.) A tree 20-100 «t high and 1-4 feet in diameter : leaves and young brauchlets villous- bubtiBcent; leaflets 5-7, lanceolate-obloT^^ to oval, usually acuminate, entire n nearly so, 2-4 inches long, ^ , rarely glabroiiB with a^e : stem stout, 2-6 feet h\gn : leaves from sub- lordate-oval to oblong, tliickisb transversely veined, etioled : peduncles shorter than the leaves : calyx-lobes densely tomentose, itnceolate, 2 lines long, closely refli^xed : lobes of the corolla oblonir, more llian twice as long as the calyx, reflexed : hoods 4-6 lines long, spreading, Ihe dilated body and its short inflexed horn not surpassing (he anthers, \\\t the centre of its truncate summit abruptly produced into a lanceolate- Lulate thrice longer termination : staminal column hardly any : wings of me antliers notched and obscurely corniculate at base : follirles echinate rith soft spinose processes, denbely tomentoee, 2-4 inches long. Along {treams, California to Washington, Nebraska and Arkansas. A. oryiitoceras Watson Bot. King 283 t. 28. Glabrous : stem decum- ent, 6-10 inches long, simple : leaves 3-4 pairs, rounded-ovate, 1-2 inches |)ng, on very short petioles : umbel solitary and terminal, sessile, few- Dwered : corolla-lobes ovate-lanceolate, spreading, greenish-yellow, 5 lines kng: hoods of the crown 3 lines long, equalling the disk, purple, ovate, l)ruptly pointed with 2 short recurved beaks ; horns short, incurved, not all exserted : follicles 1-2 inches long. Eastern Oregon to Utah and Nev. A. Mexicana Cav. Ic. i, 42, t. 58. Glabrous: stems erect, 3-6 feet |gh: leaves in whorls of 2-6, sometimes also in axillary fascicles, petioled, lear or narrowly lanceolate, 3-6 inches long by 2-6 lines broad : umbels ensely flowered: pedicels and flowers softly puberulent: calyx-lobes [ate-Ianceolate, reflexed : corolla-lobes oblong, 2 lines long : hoods broadly jrate, entire, shorter than the anthers, exceeded by the stout subulate Drn: follicks smooth, narrow, 2-3 inches long. Along streams, Wash- ;ton to California, Arizona and Nevada. 2 GOMPHOCARPUS R. Br. in Mem. Wern. Soc. i, 37. I Our species herbs with erect stems, opposite leaves and num- Bus flowers in terminal and axillary umbels. Differing from Mepiaa only in not having horns nor crests to the hoods, jilyx 5-parted, the divisions soon reflexed. Corolla rotate, ,5- [rted, dextrorsely valvate-convolute in the bud, soon reflexed. lown consisting of 5 distinct cucullate appendages, destitute of Jest or horn and more or less elevated on a column. Body of the Igma 5-angled. cordifolius Gray Bot. Cal. i, 477. Glabrous : stems rather stout, feet high : leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, with cordate clasping base, fte, 2-5 inches long : umbels loosely many-flowered: slender pedicels and filiform, equalliue or shorter than the peduncle: calyx villous- iBcent: corolla dark red-purple, the lobes oval or oblong, 3-4 lines long: Is e''ect on the summit of the short column, purplish, thin, ventricose, 1 dorsally truncate summit, produced at the margins into subulate jtder ascending cusps, equalling the anthers, a narrow fissure down the jtral side : follicles ovate-lanceolate, smooth and glabrous, erect on the lexed pedicel- On dry hillsides, southern Oregon and California^ H m GENTIANACEiE MICROCALA Orekk LXII GENTIANACEiE Dumort. Anal. Fam. 20. Smooth herbs with bitter colorlesa juice, opposite, rarely alternate or verticillate, leaves without stipules, and perfect regular flowers. Calyx mostly 4-12-lobed or -toothed, of leu j marcescent. Corolla gamopetalous, 4-l2-lobed or -toothedJ convolute or imbricated and usually twisted in the bud, oft on | marcescent. Stamens as many as lobes of the corolla, alter- nate with them, inserted on its tube; the 2-uolled anthers! opening longitudinally. Ovary free, one-celled, rarely 2-celledi| with two parietal placentae, or the whole parietes ovuliferous. Style singlr. with usually two-lobed or two-lamellate stigma.l Capsule dehiscent through the placentee. Seeds indefinitely! numerous, rarely few. commonly small, auatropous, with a| minute embryo in fleshy albumen. Si'BOKDER I GENTiANEiE Leaves always simple and entire] Lobes of the corolla never valvate in the bud. * Htyle filiforni, usually deciduous from the capsule. 1 Microcala Calyx 4-toothed and 4-angled : anthers cordate-ovate and! unchanged in age. 2 Erythrsea Calyx 5-parted, or sumetimes 4-parted: anthers obions; or| linear, twisting spirally in 1 or 2 turns in age. * * Style short or subulate and persistent, or none. +■ Corolla without nectariferous pits or large glands. 8 Gentiana Corolla funnelform, campanulateorsalverform: seeds verj| numerous and small. ■*- ■*- Corolla with 1 or 2 nectariferous pits or spots, or an adnate scale to each lobe. 4 Swertta Corolla rotate, usually 5-parted: capsule ovate: seeds com-| paratively large. 6 Frasera Corolla rotate, 4-parted : seeds comparatively few and large.l Suborder ii MENVANTHEiE Leaves often crenate or trifoliol late, all alternate and petioled. Corolla induplicate-valvate in| the bud. 6 Menyanthes Corolla somewhat funnelform or campanulate, 5-cIeft, Suborder 1, Gentianeae DC. Prodr. ix 38. Leaves always sim- ple and entire, sessile, never alternate except in Swertia. Corottal never valvate in the hud. 1 MICROCALA Link&Hoffm. Fl. Port. i. 359. Little annuals with opposite entire sessile leaves and yellowl flowers. Calyx 4-toothed and 4-angled. Corolla short-salverfornij bearing the 4 short stamens in its throat : anthers cordate-ovatej unchanged in age. Style filiform, deciduous : stigma as if coraj pressed-capitate but of 2 fan- shaped lobes that are at first con-I nivent, but at length separate. Seeds numerous, with close and foveolate coat. MICHOCAL KBVTHRiK M. qaadr or branched, : long: flowers first ol>long-c Htiougly 4-ani 3 lines long : i Low herbi commonly i spiki's. Flo vorform wit contorted an Anthers oblo in one or tw( the lobes frc cento) more fusiform, 2-v E. Mnhlen at length fastie mit: leaves obi any in the fork summit: lobes merely oblong anthers oblong E. Douglas loosely and par oblong to lineal or pedicels : lol mostly half the ttlobular. In n E. XattalU ched, 3-lJ inch) icie dichotomoi lobes of the somewhat cup- nearly twice thl Utah. E. minimaJ I high : leaves lail all pedicellate:, long, more thail I fan-shaped seel western Oregon £. cnrvlstt I or sparingly bj acute : flowers < lanceolate, 2 lii curved downwa seeds not seen. Erect herbsl ous flowers tl MICHOCALA KBYTHRiKA GENriANACEi*: 448 M. qaadrangolarlH Qriaob. DC. Prodr. ix, 63. Stt^m filiform, simple 01 branched, 2-3 incheb higli : leaves 2-3 pairs, ovul or oblong, 2-3 lines JDiig; flowers solitary at the summit of the stem or branches: calyx at first oblong-campanuli'te, in fruit broader, trnncatt^ at top and bottom, Htrongly 4-anglea; the veeth short and subulate: corolla saffron-yellow, 3 lines long: capsule ovoid. In prairies, UmiMjuu Valley Oregon to Calif. 2 ERYrHR;EA Neck. Elem. ii, 10. Low herbs with sessile entire leaves, and small or middle sized commonly numerous pink white or yellow flowers in cymes o»* .spikes. Flowers S^merous, sometimes 4-merous. Corolla ^^al- vcrform with either a short or rather long tube ; the lobes often contorted and becoming narrower with age. Filaments slender. Anthers oblong or linear, commonly exserted, twisting spirally in one or two turns after opening. Style filiform : stigma 2-lobed, the lobes from oblong to fan-shaped. Ovary 1-celled : the pla- centa) more or less intruded. Capsule from oblong-ovoid to fusiform, 2-valved. ' • E. Muhlenbergll Griseb. DC. Prodr. ix, 60. " A span or less high, at length fastigiately branched from the base, cymosely flowered at sum- mit: leaves oblong, obtuse; the floral lanceolate: pedicels short or hardly any in the forks; the lateral often afrlong as the flower, but2-bracteolateat summit: lobes of the rose-red corolla oval, very obtuse or retuse, in age merely oblong, 2 or almost 3 lines long, much shorter than the tube : anthers oblong: seeds short-oval. " Western Oregon and California. E. Douglasli Gray Bot. Cal. i, 480. Stem slender, 6-12 inches higli, loosely and paniculately branched usually sparsely flowered : leaves from oblong to linear, mostly acute : flowers all on strict and slender peduncles or pedicels: lobes of the pink corolla ob ong, obtuse, at most 3 lines long, mostlv half the length of the tube : anthers oblong : stigma fan-shaped : seeds globular. In moist places, Oregon and California to Utah and Wyoming. E. Nattallii Watson Bot. King 276. t. 29. Stem erect, loosely bran- ched, 3-1^ inches high: leaves linear-oblon^', 6-12 lines long, acute: pan- icle dichotomous, few-flowered: flowers on elongated slender peduncles: lobes of the pink corolla elliptic-oblong, 2-3 lines long, acute: stigma somewhat cup-shaped, slightly 2-lobed : capsule 4-7 lines long, becoming nearly twice the length of the calyx : seeds oblong. Nevada to Idaho ana Utah. E. minima* Stem filiform, simple or sparingly branched, 1-2 inches high : leaves lanceolate, acute, 1-3 lines long: flowers racemosely disposed, all pedicellate : lobes of the pink or white corolla lanceolate, acute, 2 lines long, more than half as long as the tube: anthers oblong: lobes of the style fan-shaped seeds globular, strongly pitted. In wet places, throughout western Oregon. E. carristamenea Wittrock. Stem slender 2-4 inches high, simple or sparingly branched: leaves oblong-lanceolate or the upper ones linear, acute : flowers on long blender pedicels : lobes of the light red corolla linear- lanceolate, 2 lineu long, half as long as the tube : summit of the filaments curved downward with the anthers in a tangled mass about the stigma: seeds not seen. Lincoln County Washington. 3 GENTIANA Tourn. L. Gen. n. 322. Erect herbs with chiefly sessile opposite leaves and conspicu- ous flowers that usually open only in sunshine. Calyx common- ■ & ^ m GENTIANACK^: (IKNTIANA liKNTIANA ly with a membranouH orHpatliaceouH tube. Corolla funnclfoiin or campanulatc to Halvcrforni or r tate, without pits large glaiil- or scales; the hIiiusoh with or without j)leats or appendages Stainenw as U)any as lobes of the corolla and inserted on its tube, included: anthers connate into a tube or separate, renuiinin;.' straight after opening. Style very short or none : stigma of tun spreading or rarely united lanielhu, persistent. Seeds very numerous, often covering the whole inner walls of the tliin 2-valved capsule. § 1 Genttanella Gray Syn. Fl. ii, IIG. Corolla without extended pleats or lobes or teeth at the sinuses. Anthers usually versatile. Stigmas distinct or only cauBua,lly united. * Flowers larsEe ormiddle sized, solitary on a naked peduncle ter- minating the stem or branches, not bracteate at bane, mostly 4-mer- ous: corolla campaoulate-funnolform, its lobes usually flnibriato or or erose, not crowned : a row of glands alternating with t* e base of the filaments. G, serrata var. holopetala Gray Bot. Cal. i, 481. Slender, 2-lii inches hieh, with comparatively long peduncles : leaves linear or lanceolate' linear: calyx-lobes ovate-acuminate, acutely carinate, the 2 exterior lon^'cr and narrower than the others: corolla an inch or more long, its oblong lobes entire or merely erose-denticulate around the summit: capsule short stipitate : seeds squamulose-n jghened. In the high Sierra Nevada Moun tains and northward to Oregon. 6. slmiilex Gray Pacif. R. Rep. v, 87, t. 16. Stem 2-10 inches hi»;li simple, bearing 2-4 pairs of lanceolate or linear-oblong leaves 3-9 line! long, and a single blue flower on a slender peduncle: calyx-iube and lubeij hardly at all angled or carinate; the lobes nearly equal and similar : corolla an inch long, its oblong spatulate lobes entire or erose-dentate, and some times a fringe of a few bristly teetli low down on the sides: capsule raieiM on a short stipe : seeds smooth but longitudinally striate, narrow, wingle when mature except a cellular appendage at both ends. Higher parts ol the Cascade and Sierra Nevada mountains. * * Flowers small, 4-6-merous: corolla somewhat funnelform or salverform when expanded, the lobes entire. CI. tenella Rotth. Act. Hafn. x, 436, t. 2, fig. 6. " An indi to a span higli : leaves (2 to 6 lines Ions) oblong or the lowest spatulate : calj'x dee|)lj 5- (sometimes 4-) parted; tlie lobes foliaceous, oblong to ovate, usually unequal: corolla 2H to 4 lines long, double the length of the calyx (more lengthened in fruit), blue; its lobes ovate-oblong, rather obtuse, little shorter than the tube : fimbriate crown conspicuous at the throat." Higli mountain summits, Idaho to the Rocky Mountains. 6. acuta Michx. Fl. i, 177. O. Amarella var. acuta Herder. Stem leafy, slightly wing-angled, simple or branched, 6-20 inches high : lowei leaves olravate to spatulate, obtuse, the upper lanceolate, acute or acutnin ate at the apex, rounded or subcordate at base, sessile or somewhat clasp ing, 6-24 lines long: flowers numerouH, racemose-spicate, 5-8 lines highflo^ate, 6-15 line pedicels 2-6 lines long, leaf y-bracted at base : calyx usually almost 5-parted, the lowest pairs its lobes lanceolate or linear, equal or one or two of them longer : corolli so; the uppermo longer than the calyx, usually blue, its lobes oblong, acute or beconiini commonly t-oliti obtuse: crown in the throat of few setae: capsule sessile. In the liigi -ordHte, about a mountains California to Alaska and across the Continent. pis aprjendages U. strlvta. Iiigli, with Hti liinceolato-line tilt' lobes unec I lie ealvx: en l(liil)i), "WyomI J? 2 Pneis r)-iii«!rous. ( extended int( or glands. S * Pcrenniii ose: calyx si eroct. U. Honprlaf cvmosely bran remote pairs a lines lonir, its I it" long as the c iiitpsule stipitat lung, apiculate * * Root I uncled or sess: unconnected, ■*- Dv a. Newberr iiiolit's long, an these obovate c smaller, connat« calyx lobes lane late tube: coro white within, gi appendages 2-cli roadly winged from Mariposa ( ;t- +- Low: pairs, more o involucrate ai G. bisetiea. rather thick, ov the apex ; narro uppermost pair 4-6 lines long b lobes of the blu lite tube ; appei apsules stipitat wiliest on one ear Waldo, On G. calycosa lANA tlKNTIANA OENTlANACEit: 446 nt'lfoMii! itH tulx', mainiii;.'! a ot" twii (Is very thu ill ill without s usual Iv U, strlcta» O. Ainuftllu var. Hiricta Watson, Stem fltrict, 1-4 feet lii^'h, with strict bi-anches, remotely leafy: leaves thiukisli, the cauliiie iiiiiceolato-linear: flowera numerous, uflually 4-merouB: calyx deeply cleft, till' lolies unequal: corolla whltiHli, ',i-rt lines long, hut little longer than the ciilvx: crown in the tliroat of few setae or wanting. Mountains of Idiilio, Wyoming and Nevada. U 2 Pnei'Monantha NccOc. El. ii, 12. Flowers almost always /)-iiierous. (Corolla plicate at the Hinu.>^('S, the pleats more or less cxtciulecl into thiii-memhraiiaceous teetli or lohes: without crown or glands Stigmas disUnct. Capsule more or less stipitate. * Perennial by offsets or propagula '..leaves marginless: flowers cym- DHo: calyx short, 5-cleft: anthers oblong-linear, introrse, remaining erect. U. DooKlaslana Bong. Veg. Sitlca, 38, t, 0. Stem 2-10 inches high, cvmosely branched : leaves ovate, the lowest rosulate, the cauline of few remote pairs and somewhat cordate, 2-4 lines long: corolla yellow, 4- ^ lines lonir, its lobes oblong, shorter than the funnelform tube, not twxce if long as the conspicuous and equally broad 2-cleft lobes in the sinuseb: capsule stipitate, ouovate, two-euged above : seeds elongated-oblong, a line long, apiculate at both ends; eoat close. In wet places, Oregon to Alaska. * * Root perennial : flowers comparatively large, mostly 8hort-i)ed- uncled or sessile, usually two-bracteate below : anthers linear, or oblong, unconnected, seldom connivent, more or less extrorse, remaining erect. ■*- Dwarf ; 1-^-flowered : cauline leaves only 2-4 pairs. (il. Newberryl Gra; Proc. Am. Acad, xi, 84. " Stems 1-flowered, 2-4 I indies long, and ascending from the axils of the rosulate'radical leaves: these obovate or b^atulate, an inch or more long; cauline leaves much I smaller, cunnate-sheathing ; the lowest obovate, the uppermost lanceolate: Icalyxlobes lanceolate or oblong, nearly the length of the oblong-campanu* I late tube: corolla broadly funnelform, inch and a half long, pale blue, I white within, greenish dotted; its lobes ovate, mucronate; the interposed lappendages 2-uleft or lacir.iate, subulate-tipped: seeds round-oval, smooth, iiroadly winged. Sierra Nevada, California, in or near the alpine region, [from Mariposa Co. north to S. Oregon. •*- ■*- Low : stems several from the same caudex : cauline leaves 6-16 pairs, more or less connate or even sheathing at base, the uppermost involucrate around the sessile terminal flower or 3-5-flowerea cluster. G. bisettea. Stems decumbent or ascending, 8-16 inches long : leaves rather thick, oval to oblong, or the uppermost larceolate, all rou: 'r-fl at the apex ; narrowed and connate-sheatbmg below, about an inch l(>r.u ^:ie uppermost pair close to the solitary flower: calyz^lobes lanceolate, acate, 4-5 lines long by a line broad, about as long as the tube, strongly nerved : lobes of the blue corolla oblong, acute, not half as long as the campanu- lute tube; appendages in the sinuses two setae from a rather broad oase: Itapsules stipitate : seeds oblong, with a broad wing all aronnd, usually idest on one side. In marshes, eastern base of the Coasc Mountains ear Waldo, Oregon. G. calycosa Griseb. Gent. 261. Stems erect, 6-12 inches high, leaves ovate, 6-16 lines long, commonly equalling or exceeding the internodes, the lowest pairs smaller and with connate-sheathing base, the upper hardly 44d GENTIANACEiE GBNTIAKA tip, shorter than the broadly ovate lobes: seeds lanceolate, acuminate, wingless. On the highest mountains, Washington to California and tlie Rocky Mountains. G. Parrjrl Engelm. Trans. Acad. St. Louis ii, 218, t. 10. Stems numerous from the crown of a somewhat woodv root, 10-15 inches high : leaves glaucescent, thickish, ovate, varying to oGlong-lanceolate, 9-18 linos long, most of the pairs with somewhat sheathing base; the upper 2 or 8 pairs involucrate around the 1-5 flowers, conrealing the calyx and some- times almost equalling the bright blue corolla: lobes of the calyx small, moderately or much shorter than the campanulate tube : appendages in the sinuses of the corolla narrow, deeply 2-cleft, but little shorter than the obovate lobes: seeds lanceolate, wingless, with obutse or ac itish edge. Alpine and subalpine in the Cascade and Rocky Mountains. G. Gormaiii. Stems erect, 10-18 inches high: lowest leaves small, with contiate-sheathing base; the middle ones broadly ovate to nearly or- bicular, with very short sheathing base, about an inch long, shorter than the internodes, the uppermost one or two pairs cordate or subcordate and involucrate around the usually solitary flower: calyx-lobes only 2, broadly ovate, acute or acuminate, longer than the tube : corolla bright blue, an inch long, nearly campanulate, its broadlv ovate lobes short-acuminate: appendages in the sinuses very short, nearly entire : seeds oblong or lan- ceolate, apiculate. Moist subalpine meadows, northeastern Wasliingtun to Alaska. ^ •*- *■ Stems cither tall or low, many-leaved flowers not involu- crate : style manifest. Corolla oblong-campanulate, with broadly, ovate lobes more or less narrowed at base and the intervening plaits entire : calyx lobes usu- ally from ovate to lanceolate, equalling or longer than the tube. G. Menzlesll'Griseb. Gent. 191. "Stems afoot or less high slender: leaves from narrowly oblong to lanceolate (inch and a half or less long), somewhat 3-nerved : flowers one or two, short-peduncled or sessile : calyx according to Grisebach spatliaceous ana the lobes obsolete, in 'our speci- mens with oblong-lanceolate foliaceous lobes (5 lines long) equalling the turbinate-oblong tube : corolla an inch long ; its lobes 3 lines long and wide ; its plaits truncate and obscurely -3-crenate : seeds ovate-lanceolate or ob- long, barely acute or both ends obtuse.— Bogs, W. Oregon to Mendocinj Co., California." G* sceptrnm Griseb 1. c. Stems erect, 2-4 feet high, simple, or short branched above, few to several-flowered : leaves ovate to oblong- lanceolate indistinctly .3-7-nerved: calyx-lobes unequal, lanceolate to ovate-oblong: corol' a 1-2 inches long, its lobes nearly 4 lines long and wide, its plaits truncate or with barely rounded entire summit : seeds nar- rowly lanceolate with scarions acumination. Western Oregon to British Columbia. G. Orfordil. Stems slender. 1-2 feet high, several from a thick per- ennial root : leaves linear-lanceolate, 3 nerved, 1-3 inches long, below re- duced to connate-sheathing bracts: flowers on rather stout peduncles: calyx- lobes linear lanceolate, acuminate 5-6 lines long, longer than the tube : corolla blue finely specked within, an inch or more long, its short lobes acutish; appendages in the sinuses rounded : seeds minute cylindra- ceous, not appendaged. Poit Orford, Oregon, Oct. 1892 Joseph Howell. *<■ ♦* Corolla funnelform, with ovate lobes not narrowed at base: the plaits extended into conspicuous laciniate-toothed or cleft appenda- ges: margins of the leaves scabrous: seeds surrounded by a distinct and rather broad wing' ovate or oblong. 8WERTIA FKASERA GENTIANACE.E 447 involu- more or lobes usu- B. h slender : 688 long), lile: calyx our speci- ailing tlie and wide; ate orob- Mendocir d ] simple, or to oblong- iceolate to long and seeds nar- to British thick per- below re- peduncles: !r than the I, its short e cylindra- Howell. base: the ; appenda- a distinct Oroyana Engelm. in lierb. Steams erect and rather stout, 1-2 feet gh: sometimes more slender and ascending : leaves ovate, to ovate-ob- bg or lanceolate 1-2 inches long: dowers few at the summit or sometimes re 'ill and racemose-scattered : bracts oblong or ovate : calyx lobes from |long to ovate-lanceolate as long as the tube: corolla broadly funnelform E>r ail inch long, its short lobes roundish. Brit. Columbia to California Id hliiho. afltnis Griseb. Gent. 191. Stems clustered, 8-12 inches long, mostly bending: leaves from oblong to lanceolate or linear: flowers from few to Imerous and thyrsoid-racemose : bracts lanceolate or linear : lobes of the lyx linear or subulate, unequal and variable, the longebt rarely equalling i tube, the shorter sometimes minute : corolla an inch or less long, rather rrowly funnelform, its lobes ovf.te, acutish or mucronulate-pointed, |-eading. Brit. Columbia to California and the Rocky Mountains. anfsosepala Greene Pitt, iii, 809. *' Annual, erect, slender, simple, LO inches high, with a few small flowers terminal and in the upper axils: Ives in a few pairs, the lowest obovate, the middle pairs oval, the npper- pstcordate-oval, all obtuse, sessile, \4 to more than % inch long: the few vers about 4 lines long; calyx parted almost to the base into 5 narrowly tptical very acute segments of unequal length, the shortest hardly equal- ly the tube of the corolla, the longest almost equalling the full length of 'Corolla; corolla broadly funnelform, the segments shorter than the be, rather obtuse, almost equalled by the longer setae of the crown. Nez Vces Co. Idaho, Heller, July 1896 (n. 3440). " w- -*- Calyx 4-5-parted. Corolla with one or two nectariferous or spots or an adnate scale to each lobe. Seeds comparatively 4 SWERTIA L. Gen. n. 321. Simple-stemmed perennial herbs with mostly opposite petioled Ives, and blue or white flowers in summer. Corolla rotate, 5- rted; the lobes dextrorsely convolute in the bud. Style none Ivery short: stigma 2-lameIlate or 2-lobed. Capsule ovate: the jicentre not intruded. obtQSa Ledeb. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. v, 526. S. perennis Pall. UfL. " A span to a foot or more high : lowest leaves oblong or obovate- |tulate (2 to 4 inches long ), tapering into a long petiole; upper cauline f and narrower, sessile ; some commonly alternate : inflorescence racem- [m or narrowly paniculate, few-many-flowered : flowers 5-merou8 : sepals howly lanceolate : lobes of the corolla ( 4-6 lines long) oblong-ovate loming lanceolate, the base bearing a pair of nectariferous pits which Icrested with a fringe. Subalpine in the Blue Mountains of Oregon to ] Rocky Mountains, Alaska and Siberia. 5 FR.\SERA Walt. Fl. Carol. 87. pooth heibs with erect stems, opposite or verticillate leaves numerous flowers in thyrsoid or paniculate cyme*:. Corolla ftte, 4-parted, the lobes dextrorsely convolute in the bud, bear- a single or double fringed gland, and sometimes a fimbriate Iwn at base. Stamens inserted on the very base of the corolla: Inients subulate, often united at base, occasionally with some prposed small bristles or scales. Ovary ovate, tapering into Bstinct and often slender persistent style : stigma small, 2-lobed : iii^ tively few, compressed, commonly smooth and margined. * Leaves inarginless: sepals narrow, almost as long as the corolla;! corolla with a single round gland upon each lobe; no crown at base, capsule strongly flattened parallel with the valves: seeds orbicular,! wing margined : stem large and stout. F. thyrsiflora Hook. Kew Jour. Bot. iii, 288. " Stems 2 or 3 fe| high: leaves in pairs or threes, oblong or spatulate-obovate, the cauli 3 or 4 inches long : flowers in a dense interrupted thyrsus : sepals subiilatj linear ( 4 lines long ) : lobes of tlie pale blue corolla ovate-oblong, tliil bearing the gland near the base : style short and conical, in some flowtf hardly any. Idaho and interior of Oregon on the tributaries of the Coliiij bia. " FRASKRA .MKNVANTHK6 rando Ronde '\ IF. albicaail; lems 10-18 inch Iteniiate below |liiti' margined, near, closed bel |)]onir, laciniate I Idaho. Suborder 2. j frennials witi ostly petioled. §at rrustaceous 6 Leaves not margined : sepals linear, equalling the corolla: a pair of oblong glands on each corolla-lobe and a separate crown below them : capsule compressed contrary to the almost conduplicate valves: seeds oblong, flat margined. F. speciosa Dougl. Griseb. Gent. 329. Stem, stout, 2-5 feet hij very leafy : leaves in fours and sixes, nervose ; the radical and lowest caul obovate or oblong, 6-10 inches long, the upper lanceolate and at leni linear : flowers very numerous in a long leafy thyrsus : the peduncles slender pedicels at length strict : lobes of the greenish-white or ban bluish and dark-dotted corolla oblong, acutish, half inch long, bearing tl pair of contiguous and densely long-fringed glands about the middle, ai a distant transversely inserted and setaceously multifid scale-like cru near the base, usually some minute setsea between the bases of the ments : style subulate, shorter than the ovary. In the mountains, east Oregon to California, Wyoming and New Mexico. * * * Leaves with cartilaginous white n'argins, thickish, lanceo'atej or linear and grass-like, merely opposite, the cauline only 3-5 pairs inflorescence a virgate interrupted thyrsus of 3-7 pairs of sessile or| short-peduncled dense cymea, forming'a series of glomerate clusters pedicels very short : sepals subulate-lanceolate, about equalling tlie| oblong or ovate lobes of the blue corolla: fringed glands solitary, eloii gated, extendin,'; from the base of the lobe to near the middle, saceatel and with a longer and coarser fringe at base : crown staminal, connist- ing of a c.mspic'ioasly laciniately parted or nearly entire scale between! the filau«ents : ityle slender, twice the length of the ovary : capsiili compresse«^ parallel with the flat or flattish valves, few-seeaed: seedfl as far as known flat, smooth, acute-angled. F. nitlda Benth. PI. Hartw. 322. Completely glabrous : stems slein 1-2 feet high, simple: leaves linear-lanceolate; the radical ones 6-8 ind long ; those sul ending the upper flower clusters reduced to small brad iUS 5, distinc sepals linear- lanceolate, acummate,, scarcely margined with white, entii Hi {jg lobes corolla blue, sometimes spotted with greenish dots, thw lobes barely acii bearing an elongated-oblong obtuse gland: thin scales between the fi ments ovate or oblong-linear, entire or sparingly laciniate, longer t\v\n i ovary. Common from Brit. Columbia to California, Mountains. east of the Ca^ca pons or nei fliiionly devel F. Casickii Gray Proc. Am. Acad, xxii, 310. Glabrous : atemB sl( [1 rather lari der, 2-S inches higi, hut little longer than the radical leaves: thy" tyli>dons flat either of s mple glomerules or interrupted spiciform : corolla large ; its loP '' nearly halfinch long, oval, obtuee: scales between the filaments large, bicular, concave, nearly entire, surpassing the ovary. HiIlsi>. corolla: filaments slender, often exsertedJ * ^ * * Leaves vi iouu : seeds almost always mucilaginous wheil wet. •*- Leaves either opposite or palmately diviled to the sessile basel usually both: seed-coat mucilaginous when wetted but destitute o| spiral threads. 4 Linanthns Low glabrous annuals with opposite leaves. ■*- *- Leaves alternate and pinnatel^ incised cleft or divided, rareljj entire : seed coat mucilaginous and sending out spiral threads when weir 6 Navarretia Low and much branched annuals, not floccose-wool mostly glandular and viscid : flowers capitate-crowded and dens/ foliaceous-bracted : lobes of the calyx rigid and acerose-pungent| spinulose : corolla tubular-funnelform. 6 Husrelia Floccose-woolly annuals, neither glandular nor viscid : flJ ers capitate-glomerate and foliaceous-bracted ; lobes of the calyx aceij or subulate and cuspidate or pungent. 7 Ipomopsis Biennials : not woolly : flowers thyrsoid paniculate : lo| of the calyx subulate : corolla narrowly tubular-funnelform. 8 Gilla Flowers scattered, crowded, or capitate-glomerate : corolla fr^ funnelform to nearly rotate. 9 Polemonlum Mostly smooth perennials with pinnate leaves thyrsiform or cymulose-paniculate inflorescence: lobes of the caj foliaceous, enlarging in fruit. PHLOX L. Gen. n. 214. Herbs or siiffrutescent plai)ts with opposite entire leaves, showy red, white or blue flowers in terminal cyteee or cynii panicles. Calyx tubular or tubular-campanulate, 5-cleft 5-ribbed. the lobes acute or acuminate, mostly scarious-margi and the sinuses commonly scarious, not enlarging in fruit often bursting when the seeds mature. Corolla strictly sal form, with slender tube and narrow orifice, the limb 5-lol Stamens 6, straight, inserted irregularly on the tube of the coiol filaments very short; anthers not exserted. Ovary oblong ovoid, 3-celled; with 1-4 ovules in each cell. Capsule ov 8-valved. Seeds not mucilaginous nor emitting spiral threi when wet. Ours all belong to a peculiar section that is Suffruticulose or suffrutescent, rarely herbaceous to the gron chiefly with narrow or minute and thick-margined leaves one-flowered branchlets or peduncles. PHLOX t'Ht.OX POLEMONIACEiE 461 pungent; and eeHRi ilcts. noUB andl hroat oftl exeertedl lOUi wheii * Densely ceapitose and depressed, mostlj forming cushion-like evergreen mats or tufts : the short leaves crowded up to the solitary and sfrtsile or siiort-peduncled flower: ovules solitary in each cell. -t- Leaves subulate or aoerose, somewhat rigid, more or less beset or filiate with cobweb-like or woolly hairs: plants forming broad mats 2-4 inches high. P. Hoodii Bichards. Frankl. Journ. Appx .t. 28. Sparsely or loosely lanate, becoming glabrate: leaves subulate, rather rigid, erect, somcwha loosely imbricated: tube of the corolla not exceeding the calyx; its lobes ob- pvato, entire* 2-3 lines long. Sandy plains and hillsides, Wyoming and erhaps Idaho to Nebraska and the Saskatchewan. +- ■*- Leaves rigid, 4-6 lir•• C,.. V / V C.n-tf. v [xcer'fT.entai Frff ■, K ^^«w.,. f^'^;^,> 452 lOLEMONlACE^ PHLOX CANTUA COtLOUtA ;1 entire or baldly retuse, 6 lines long: ovules 2 in each cell. Along tbj Columbia river from The Dalles eastward. P. longlfolil Nutt. Jour. Acad. Pbilad. vii, 41. Nearly glabrous ti pubescent, much branched or many-stemmed from a woody base, 3-8 in< liesl high : leaves mostly narrowly linear, 1-3 inches long: calyx more or h: angled by the white-membraraceous replicate sinuses: iobfH of the cordiif" obovati3 or oblong-cuneate, entire or retuse, 3-5 lines loEg: ovuitss a)lno^:j always solitary in the colls. Dry plains, eastern Oregon to Brit, (."olumtny and the Rocky Mountains. P. Stansburyl Heller P. longifoliavor. Slansburyi Oray. Oonepiciioi! pubescent throughout, or sorretimes glabrate, generally stout'sh and soni( what open in growth,, 6-8 inches bigh: leavi's from linuirto lin ?ur-lauceolat(i 1-3 inches long: pubescence of tbo branch iet*. and calyx viscid or glHndi;]a[{ tube of the corolla about twico the length ot the calyx; its obovate lob ijntire or barely retuse : ovules 1 or 2 in each cell. Dry prairies, eastern Oi ;;on and Washdngton to the Rocky l^'fountains. P. adis'liiferens TOrr. in Herb. Gj-ay 1. c. 256. (llabrous oxctv' thj ■ the length of jnr.rrowly obloj I of eastern Orej Var. Hoo I rigid leaves ai ICaMff^rnia. hi; sp v-ar. squ; '1' with virj ;U jKj punj glar dular-pTii;escent slender pedicels and calyx: Aems Hlendei-, traii.r, asceadirig, ii-lO inches Inng: leaves ovate to broadly lanceolate, t;cute, .)-;] liueblrng Ly iiulf fj.s broad, ali but the lowest shorter than the internotlt tube of the tiotolSa isoarly twica as long as the calyx; its obovate entire retuse lobes 5~(! Jo f.s long * ovules solitary in the cells In dry open forest Bouthwesteru Ov«;gr.n. •«- ■*■- Calpc-tube oylindraceous, the thin membranous portion be- tween thoribt? not projecting into salient angles: style very shoit, most- ly shorter than the ovary. P. 8peel08a Pursh Fl. 149. Stems 1-3 feet high; the branches ascenj ing from a shrubby base, somewhat viscid-puberulent or glandular abov^ leaves lanceolate or linear, 1-3 inches long, very acute above, sessile with broad base: flowers corymbose : corolla rose color or pink to white; its tul but little longer than the calyx; its obcordate lobes 5-6 lines long: ovulij solitaiy in the cells. Diy ridges and rocky banks, California to Brit Coli bia and the Rocky Mountains. Var. Sablni Gray I. c. Lobes of the corolla entrre or barely retui obovate with a narrowa' cuneate base. Spokane river Washington. Annual ov leaves and pi cymes. Calj reset -it in fri [f snle; its lobes into re volute tbe limb 5-lol corolla: the f cell. Seeds c wetted. * Annuals v and numerouE . C. srrandiflo inches high, ei ntire or coarael early so: flow< eafy-bracted oh unnelform, the orolla nearly ai 8 long as its fai pen woods, Cal C. linearis 12 inches high blong, entire o low, sessile, oi us, in a close ci o?ate, acute: ( ngerthan the ( nes long : ovule 2 CANTUA Juss. Gen. 136. . Very leafy commonly tufted perennials or undershrubs with leaves all alternate, rarely opposite, and showy flowers either & itary and sessile or few in a cluster at the ends of short branchBanitoba Minn or branchlets. Calyx tubular to campanulate, the lobes shoi subulate, pungent. Corolla salverform ; the tube more or exceeding the calyx ; the throat somewhat funnelform. Filamenj short, inserted in or below the throat: anthers short, includi Ovules numerous in each cell. Seeds with a close coat, develo ing neither mucilage nor spiral threads when wetted C. pnngens Torr. Ann. Lye N. Y. ii, 26. Gilia pungens Beri. Fuberulent) glabrate, or somewhat viscid : stems woody, usually mu branched or *" ' 3-7 rigid «nd ones fascicle » » Var. snbnr '■m, diffusely w in the lowl iwn-like from ^jacent parts oi * * Annual! or quite bract| branches. C. tinctoria I COtLOMiA tOLEJIONiACE^ 453 Along thfj [labiouH t(i| 3-8 incbesi iiore or k the core! life ■\\U-n ulraiwj L. v.olun r, traiii^ , scute, 5-1; internodei ite entire open foresi )ortion be- toii, most- iches asceni 4u1ai' abova sessile witbl hite; its tui i long: ovuli| > Brit Colu barely retu tgton. abs with tH rs either so »rt branchj lobes bM more or le Filamen| rt, include oat, develoj I the length of the tmbe; corolla rose white or yellow, 8-12 lines long, the |nr,rrowly oblong lobes 4-5 lines long: ovules 8-10 in each c '1. Dry plains |of eastern Oregon to California, Arizona and Colorado. Var. Hookerl. Gilia Hookeri Benth. Taller, with sparser and more [rigid leaves and viscid-pubescent flowering shoots. Eiuatern Oregon to ICalifornia. Tar. sqvarrosa. GiUa pungens var. squarrosa Gray. A foot or two |hi>.'b with virgate branches beset with stouter and more rigid recurved- iBpr '!^.V.n% pungent leaves. Dry interior of Washington and Idaho to Nev. 3 COLLOMIA Nutt. Gen. i, 126. Annual o" rarely perennial herbs with mostly entire alternate leaves and purple white or yellow flowers in capitate clusters or Icymes. Calyx obpyicimidal, 5-clefi, scarious in the sinusos ac- resct at in fruit, not distended nor ruptured by the maturing cap- [fsnle; its lobes erect and entire; the sinuses often at length enlarged iiuto revolute lobes. Corolla tubular- funnelform or salverform: the limb 5-lobed. Stamens unequally inserted on the tube of the Icorolla: the filaments unequal. Ovules few or solitary in each cell. Seeds developing both mucilage and spiral threads when [wetted. * Aunnals with strict and leafy stems, entire or merely toothed leaves and numerous flowers in c&pitate-crowded terminal leafy clusters. C. grandlflora Dougl. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1174. Stems erect, &-20 linchea high, simple or sparingly branched: leaves lanceolate to linear, entire or coarsely serrate, acute Or acuminate, 1-3 inchec long, sessile or nearly so : flowers yellow or salmon color, numerous in a dense capitate Deafy-bracted cluster: bracts broadly lanceolate to ovate: calyx somewhat jfunnelform, the triangular lobes about half as long as the tube, glandular: corolla nearly an in(!h long with a long filiform tube ; the oblong lobes about bs long as its funnelform throat: ovules solita:v in the cells. Common in [)pen woods, California to Brit. Columbia and the Rocky Mountains. C. linearis Nutt. Gen. i, 126. Viscid-puberulent annual : stem erect, -12 inches high, simple or branched : leaves narrowly lanceolate to linear- [ibiong, entire or few-toothed or few-lobed, acute at the apex, narrowed elow, sessile, or the lower short-petioled, 1-2 inches long : flowers numer- ous, in a close capitate cluster, 5-7 lines long: calvx-lobes triangular-Ian- eolate, acute : corolla purple to nearly white, with a very slender tube onger than the calyx and but little enlaraed throat, the rounded lobes 1-2 Bnes long : ovules solitary in the cells. Eastern Oregon to Brit. Columbia, ^lanitoba, Minnesota, Arizona and California. Yar. subnlata Gray Proc. Am. Acad, viii, 258, " A low and slender orm, diffusely branching from the base : leaves narrow and acute : flowers ew in the lower forkf>: calyx-lobes attenuate-subulate, the tips almost Iwn-like from a broad base, rather longer than the tube. Nevada and Idjacent parts of California and Oregon. ungens BeiA usually maj ly divided iij an with sraall julate lobes * * Annuals usually branching from the base, the flowers in nearly I or quite bractless small clusters in the axils and at the ends of the branches. Il\ tinctorla Kellogg Proc. Cal. Acad, iii, 17, t. 2. Gilia arislella Gray. jtem slender, 2-10 inches high, few-leaved, diffusely branched, minutely ubescent and glandular above : leaves lanceolate-linear, tapering to both Ms, 6-14 lines long : flowers 1-3 in the forks and upper axils : calyx cam- 464 tOLEMOUlACfi^ COLLOMlA LINANTHCB :-*M panulate; the lobea attenuate from a broad base to a Blender awn : corollal purple, with filiform tube 4-G lines long and small oblong lobes: capsule! obovate, with attenuate base, 3-lobed, On open hillsides in mountains,! Brit. Columbia to CaliK 'nia. C. heterophylla Hook. Bot. Mag. 2895. Gilia Seasei Don. Diffuneljl branched from the base, i6 inuhes high, soft pubescent throughout:] leaves thin mostly pinnatifici "ith the lobes again incised, or bipinnati some of tl>e uppermost less cut or even entire and bract like subleiKliiiJ the flower-clusters : caljrx acute at base, cleft barely to the middle the Inbel ovate-lanceolate, acuminate: corolla light purple to pinic, slender, 5-6liiiei| long, 2-ii times as long as the clayx: stamens very unequally insertedl ovules 1-3 in each cell. Common in open woods, Brit. Columbia to Cali'| fornia west of the Cascade Mountains. * * * Perennials with exserted and declined stamens. C* Mazama Coville Proc. Biol. Soc. of Wash, xi, 35. Glabrous oil with a few arachnoid viscid hairs on the stem and leaf-margins, the inl florescence gland ularhairv: stems few to many from a slender perennial tap-rout> 6-15 inches high, usually simple: leaves oblong-ianceolate tJ lanceolate, 1-2 inches long, acute at both ends, acutely and somewlial laciniately 3-5-toothed toward the apex, the upper entire and sessile, thl lower often oblanceolate and petioled : inflorescence subcapitately cymostj calyx commonly 4-5 lines long ; the triangular-lanceolate acuminate lob about as long as the tube, enlarging in fruit : corolla about 7 lines long| deep blue to violet-purple, funnel form; the narrowly oblong- obovate obtust lobes 2-3 lines long : anthers and style slightly exserted : seeds linear-ob| long, solitary in the cells. On Mount Mazama southern Oregon. C. debilis Greene Pitt, i, 127. Oilia debilis Watson. Minutely pal bescent or hirsute and viscid : stems loosely tufted, 2-8 inches long leaf] to the top: leaves pedately 3-7 -parted or the upper ones 3-cleft, attenuatf below to a petiole ; the lobes 2-6 lines long, linear-oblong, or the larger moi^ dilated and 2-3-cleft : flowers subsessile and solitary in tlie forks and axilsl calyx cylindraceoua ; the short subulate teeth but half as long as the tubel corolla funnelform, 6-8 lines long, with elongated tube and deeply clef limb, light purple to blue : capsule a line long ; the cells 1-seeded. In ioosf volcanic sand on the highest mountain peaks, Oregon and Washington I California and Utah. C. grlutinosa Benth. Bot. Beg. 1833. Slightlv pubescent, and glandd lar above : stem loosely branching, erect or diffuse, 1-2 febl long : leave! nearly simple, or cut or parted into lanceolate or narrowly oblong divisl ons : flowers loose or scattered : calyx obtuse or roumleol at base, deeplf cleft ; the lobes subulate : staipens moderately unequal in insertion : ovuleT 1 or 2 in each cell : capsule globular. In open wooJs. California and Ore| gon to Washington. 4 LINANTHU8 Benth. Bot. Reg. xix. t. 1622. Erect and slender annuals with opposite leaves and sma| flowers solitary and terminal or in the forks of the branches, or ij capitate leafy-bracted clusters. Tube of the calyx cylindraceous| white-scarious except the ribs which are prolonged into aceroa linear teeth, not enlarged in fruit but usually ruptured by thj maturing capsule. Corolla rotate, cam panulate, funnelform. ( salverform. Stamens equally inserted on the tube of the corollii| Seeds numerous or rarely few in the cells, developing mucilagj when wetted. LIltAltfRtitl POLEMONlACEiE 465 § 1 Dactophyllum, Qilia g Dactophyllum B. & H. Flowers |looso or scattered on slender pedicels. Corolla funnelform or ilniost rotate. Stamens inserted in the throat of the corolla : lanthers oval. L. pharnaceoides Qreene Pitt, it; 254. Oilia Unifiora var. pharna ceoiiUa Gray. Stem slender with diffuse filiform branches, 6-10 inches bigli : leaves palmately 2-5-parted into acerose pubescent segments, 2-6 |ineH long; flowers paniculate, on filiform pedicels: calyx campanulate, 2 line» long; the triangular acute lobes not as long as the tube : corolla almost rotate, the broad tube hardly as long as the cal^x; the broad lobes obovate, rounded at the apex, 2-3 lines long : ovules 6-8 m each cell : capsule shorter {than the calyx. Dry sandy plains, eastern Oregon and Washington to California. L. Harknessll Greene 1. c. 256. Gilia Harknessii Curran. Stem erect, liffusely branched, 3-10 inches high: seed-leavea oblong- linear: leaves di- vided to the base into filiform segments, 2-10 lines long : flowers paniculate, on tiliforqi pedicels 6-12 lines long: calyx minutely pubescent; its lanceo- hate lobes afi long as tlie tube: corolla white. 1-2 lines long; the tube but pittle longer than the calyx and about as long as the lobes: capsule oval, exceeding, the calyx; seeas solitary in the cells, smooth, turgid, oblong, a pine long. In bare places on the high mountins, Washington to California. L. flllpes Greene 1. c, Oilia filipes Benlh. Stem slender, 2-4 inches [ligh, diffusely branched: cotyledon leaves obovate: leaves 2-5 lines long, divided to the base into filiform pegments : flowers panicled, on capillary pedicels an inch or more long : calyx campanulate, pubescent ; its trianpu- far acute lobes not longer than the tube: corolla 2-3 lines long, exceeding ]the calyx : ovules 3-5 in each cell : capsule about equalling the calyx. On ilry plains, eastern Oregon to Nevada and California. L. Bolanderl Greene 1. r. Oilia Bolanderi Oray. Stem almost flli- jlorm, 2-10 inches high, dichotomously branched: cotyledon leaves oblong, narrowed below to a broad petiole : leaves 2-5 lines long, divided to the base into linear or spatulate segments : flowers on filiform pedicels 1-2 Inches long: calyx cylindraceous, pubescent and glandular; its subulate lobes shorter t^an the tube ; corolla o lines long ; the slender tube exceeding |he calyx, much longer than the funnelform throat and obovate obtuse obes : capsule oblong, shorter than the calyx :seeds 1-5 ir each cell. Dry plains, Ortigon to California. § 2 Leptosiphon Qilia § Leptosiphon Endl. Mostly low or felender, with opposite leaves, and small flowers crowded into a capitate leafy -bracted cluster. Corolla salverform, with the tube postly filiform and elongated: the very short throat commonly Qore or less cyathiform-dilated. Stamens inserted i)i the throat |)r orifice ; anthers short. Ovules numerous in each cell. * Leaves commonly with smaller ones fascicled in their axils and all palmately 5-7-parted into linear segments : filaments slender, exserted more or less from the throat of the corolla, but shorter than its entire lobes : ovules 6-10 in each cell. L. bieolor Greene I. c. Oilia tenella Benth. Rough-pubescent through- out: stem slender, 1-3 inches high, simple or sparingly branched : cotyle- Bon leaves petioled : divisions of the leaves acerose or some of them linear- kpatulate, 2-6 lines long : tube of the calyx short, cylindraceous : its subu- ate lobes several times longer : tube of the corolla filiform, 10-12 Hues long, ft- 456 POtEMONIACEiE LINANTHUB NAVARRBTIA NAVABRKTIi much longer than the bracts and calyx, abruptly widened into the obconiJ throat and oblonu obtuse loben: Howers purple to pink or straw-color ; wiil| yellow throat. Common on dry open hillsides, Fuget Sound to Californiii] L. clllatns Greene 1. c. 260. (iilia ciliala Benth. Rough-pubesctui throughout: stem rigid, 4-12 indies high, virgate: divisions of the leavt<. acerose, 2-8 lines long : tube of the calyx cylindraceous, half as long as \h\ subulale pungent lobes: tube of the corolla filiform, 4-6 lines long, little if any longer than the hispid-ciliate bracts and calyx: throat of thJ corolla funnelform, yellow, nearly as long as the oblong rounded l<)bt:<| In groves, southern Oregon toCalilornia. * * Wholly glabrous: very dwarf: leaves entire: anthers sessile in | the throat of the corolla, the cimeate lobes of which are sometimes un- dulate-toothed or 1-3- dentate at the apex: ovules 10-16 in each cell. L. uudicanle. Oilia iiudicaidin Gray. Very glabrous: stem 1- inches high, at length branching from the base, leafless from the cotvlJ dons to the inflorescence which is a close head or glomerule subtended t| an involucre of several ovate-lam eolate or lanceolate foliaceous bractl corolla white, pink or yellow; the tube 3-4 lines long, about3 timisa long as the calyx, rather longer than the lobes. Sandy plains, interior(| Oregon to Nevada and Colorado. 5 NAVARRETIA Ruiz it Pavon Prodr. Fl. Per. et Ohil. 20. Low annuals with alternate pinnatifid leaves and small floAver| in leafy-bracted capitate clusters. Tube of the calyx scarious tween the 5 prominent green angles or costa, its lobes unequa| erect or spreading, pungent tipped, all entire, o.r the 2 larger on | spirulose-toothed or cleft. Corolla tubular-funnelform or aim.. salverform, with rather small oval or oblong lobes. Stamens iii serted in or below the throat : anthers short. Capsule dehiscenl from above or from below, or indehiscent. Seeds one to many i each cell, mostly mucilaginous and developing spiral throad when wetted. * Some of the leaves and bracts more than once pinnately parted,] that is their primary divisions incised or parted. +- Herbage very glandular- 'iscid and unpleasantly aromatic- scented: stamens included in '. ■ throat of the corolla, commonly I unequal in length and slightly so in insertion: ovules and seeds 8-12| in each cell : N. squarrosa H. A A. Bot. Beech. 368. Gilia squarrosa Gray. Vei glandular-viscid: stem rather stout and rigid, 3-12 inches high, simple much branched: leaves twice pinnatifid, or pinnately parted and the di sions either parted or incised; upper ones and bracts spinescent: lobes the calyx subulate and spinescent-tipped, mostly entire, longer than till tube : corolla blue to whitish, 4-6 lines long, with slender tube and funne form throat, but little surpassing the calyx : capsule ellipsoid, inclined | be stipitate. Common on plains and along roadsides, western Californi and Oregon to Brit. Columbia. •4- ■*- Herbage neither viscid nor glandular : p.tamene exserted out of the throat of the corolla, at length mostly equalling the lobes : ovules 1-4 in each cell. N. stricta. Stem strict, 4-6 inches high, divaricately branched above leaves few, bipinnate, the divisions all spinose : bracts similar to the leuve! NAVABRETIA POLEMONIAOBiE 467 .rliite-pubeecent : calyx piibesct'iit, the teeth all 8piiio8e-ii|jp, with filiform tube and funnelform throat ; kint exceeding the brncta : etumena about equalling the oblong corolla-lobea : capsule obovoid few-seeded : eef da winged. Southwest Oregon. N. Intertexta Hook. Fl. ii, 72. (rilia interte.rtn Stend. Neither vla- cid nor glandular: gtem erect, aimple ur widely branched, 4-8 inchea high, father atout; leavea nearly glabroua with divaricate aceroat* apineacent di' vlsiona aparingly divided or aimple: floweradenaely glomerate: tube of the plyx and bnae of the bracta atrongly villoua with white aproading haira; Jl8 unequal apineacent and entire lohea equalling the white corolla : ovulea Itind eeeda 3-4 in rach cell. In damp places, Brit. Columbia to California ]nnd the Rocky Mountaina. N. Sukadorfli. Low and depreased, or erect, 1-3 inchea hijfh, much Ibrnnched ; leavea linear, an inch or two long, entire or with a pair or two of linear lobea near thebaae, notapinoae: flowera in denae globular heada, {the subtending bracts bipinnate with apinoso lubea : lobes of the calvx ahor- tertlian the cylindraceoua tube, which ia but alightly contracted at the BiiiuHoa; the smaller onea entire: corolla white, barely exceeding the calyx : ^tamena aa longaa the corolla: capsule very thin, 3-aeeded : aeeda oblong. I^ow grounda, Falcon Valley, Klickitat Co. Waahington. Diatributed by tVr. Siiksdorf. aa Gilia viiiihnn, from which it differain its denae heads and •lobed calyx-teeth. N. minima Nutt. PI. Gamb. 160. Depreaaed, often forming broad Jtufts, )^-2 inches high glabrate: leaves acicular with aimple and tew diviaiona : flowera in small luoae heada the aubtending bracta apinosely pinnate : tube of the calyx white-hairy in the broad ainusea, as long aa the ppinose entire lobes which equal or exceed the white corolla: ovulea 1-3 b each cell : capsule oblong-obovate, attenuate below. Interior of Oregon and Washington to Arizona and Nebraska. N. Brewerl Greene 1. c. 137, Gilia Breweri Gray, Erect or at length :iuch branched and diffusely spreading, 1-10 inchea high, very minutely glandular-puberulent throughout : leavea with moatly simple acicular-aub- alate diviaiona : flowera in lax glomerulea; the aubtending bracts similar ko the leavea : tube of the calyx a line long, 2 or 3 times shorter than the iinequal entire lobes: corolla yellow, the slender tube equalling the calyx : ptamena and style equalling tne oblong corolla-tobea : ovulea 1 or 2 in each keii. Southeastern Oregon to Wyoming, Nevada and California. Ni leucocephala Benth, PI. Hartw. 160. Glabroua except aome woolly pubescence at the aummit of the atem and acarioua calyx-tube: stem alen- jler, 4-10 inches high, aeldom rigid: leaves aoft, their often aimple divisions lelender-apinulose : flowersin rather small beads, thesubtending bracts with parely pungent divisions : calyx-tube contracted at the ainuaea, about equ- (illing tne subula'e entire lobes: corolla white, longer than the calyx: ata- aens exserted : ovules 2 in each cell. In wet pi acea, southern Oregon to California * * Leaves simply pinnatifid or incised or many of them entire. X. divaricata Greene 1, c. Oilia divaricata Torr. Stem slender, 1-6 Inches high divaricately branched not glandular-viacid but glabrate : leaves lender and filiform, or the upper with aceroae diviaiona and paaainginto Iho bracta of the email hea'a which are palmately 3-5-cleft: calyx woolly- pubescent ; the acarioua tube much ahorter than the unequal entire lobes : forolla rather alender, 3-4 lines long; the slender tube about equalling the 'lyx-teeth: stamens included: ovulea 5-7 in each cell. Washington to California, in the high mount:iina. N. atractyloides H. & A. Bot. Beech. 368. Pubeacent and very viscid : 458 POLEMONIACEiE rnther stout 6-8 inchM high, very rigid, especially the leaver ana bra< tn I these lanceolate or the uppermost ones ovate, all pinhatUid and with (lival ricate siibiilate-spinose lobes: flowers glomerate: calyx cy 11 ndraceous with! unequal, entire or 3-cleft, pungent teeth: corolla purple about twice thel length of the calyx; ovules 6 or 7 in each cell. On dry ridges, 80Uth^e8i| Oregon to California. 6 HUGELIA Benth. Bot. Reg, 1652. Low floccose-lanate plants with narrow or narrowly lobedalj ternate leaves and blue or white flowers in leafy-bracted terniiiiall glomerules. Calyx densely woolly, 4-5-lobed, with acerose or Buh^| ulate and cuspidate or pungent lobea. Corolla salverform; wit ovate or oblong lobes. Filaments filiform, exserted: antherl deeply sagittate. Seeds few in each cell. H. floceosa* Oilia tloccosa Gray. Floccose-woolly, at least when vouns: stem 2-12 inches nigh, simple or branched, often diffuse or spread ing : lobes of the calyx subulate, unequal, one large and three smaller ones, pungent: corolla yellow with blue or white lobec; its tube 3-4 lines long, B irpassing the calyx-lobes: anthers narrowlv oblong: seeds 1 or 2 in eacb cell. Dry plains, southeastern Oregon to California, Utah and Arizona. 7 OILIA Ruiz & Pav. Prodr. Fl. Per. & Ohil. 26, t. 4. Herbs with alternate or opposite simple or compound leaves and various inflorescence. Calyx campanulate or tubular, 5-toothe(l| or 5-cleft, the sinuses usually scarious. Corolla funnelform oi salverform, or sometimes campanulate or nearly rotate, regularBirbroadry obTo'n Stamens equally or unequall}f inserted in the tube or in the throiped in the oinusc of the corolla: the mostly slender filaments sometimes unequal inP length. Ovary oblong or ovoid, 3-celled with solitar}' or several ovules in each cell. Seeds 1-10 in each cell, usually developin; mucilage, and often spiral threads, when wetted. CILIA nelow the sinu antliors sbortt iii^' mucilage toinous distrio » « # Yk conspicuousl ■*- Ovules <■(! in or just ••♦ Core = Leaves mucilage am ii' capitata ruthor slender. pinnately divid( (lenHe capitate c or nearly so, th late tube: core the narrowly ob very sinuses of t mon in open pU d). achlll8er« rather stout, 1-5 pinnately partec Iclusters terming spinose-tipped Ic * Bracts and calyx-lobes commonly cuspidate or aristulate, and pubescent with long and many-jointed somewhat viscid hairs : flowers capitate-congested or sometimes more loosely cymose. G. oongesta Hook. Fl ii, 76. White-^ubesnent throughout : root per] ennial : stems erect or spreading, 3-12 inches long from a tufted base] bearing simple terminator few and corymbose capitate cymes: leavi mostly petioled, H-£ inches long, pinnately divided into 3-0 narrow!] linear mucronate divisions, or the uppermost entire : calyx campanulate with vorv short tube and oblong cuspidate-pointed lobes: coroHa white with o\al lobes nearly as long as the tube, which does not exceed thi calyx-lobes: filaments short, at length as long as the anthers : ovules 1 in each cell. Dry plains, eastern Oregon to California and Nebraska. * * Rather tall biennials with thyrsoid-paniculate inflorescence. G. agf regata Spreng. Syst. 1, 626. Somewhat pubescent : stems ereclAostly oppoe'lte 1-4 feet high, leafy, simple, or sometimes loosely branched : leaves thick isb, 1-3 inches long, mostly petioled, pinnately parted into narrowly linea it, the slender mucronulate segments : flowers in a thyrsoid niirrow loose or interrupti panicle, sessile, in small mostly short -peduncled clusters : calyx commonl glandular, 3-4 lines long; the campanulate tube about as long as the subo late teeth: corolla from scarlet to pink or white, 12-18 lines long, tubnlai funnelform; its lobes ovate or lanceolate, acute or acuminate, 3-4 lini , - .— long, widely spreading, soon recur\ J: stamens inserted in the throat i * "^'^P' ^mua " 'e cauhne smal 'alifornia and O ,6. Inconsplc Ith slight wooll iranching from he lowest bipi mall, subulate t lensth loosel' ines long, the larrowly funnel alvx : seeds seve nd eastern Orej Var. sinnat lie length of the obea more ampl = = Seeds ^' gracilis orynnbosely mu( "" the lower rongly carinate stand somewh California and Ni G. le^tomer 'cheahigh: lea\ GIMA polemoniacej: 450 tielow the BinuMfl of the corolla, not longer than its lobes ; filaments slender; antltors short, oblong or oval : ovuleH numerous in the colls; seeds develop- ing! mucilage and spiral threadb when wetted. On dry ridges in moun- tainous districts, Oalffornia to Brit. Columbia and Nebraska. * * * Flowers scattered, crowded or rarely capitate-glomerate, in- conspicuously bracted or ebractate. ■♦- Ovules and eeedH few or numerous in the colls : stamens insort- cd in or just beluw tho sinuses: annualn. •••■ Corolla more or less funncKorm, having a distinr-t tube. => Leaves once or twice pinnately parted or cleft: seeda developing mucilage and spiral threads when wetted. U. capitata Dougl. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 2608. Nearlv glabrous : stem I rutlier slender, usually 1-3 feet high, paniculately branched: leaves 2-3- I pinnately divided into slender or even filiform lobes: flowers numerouH, in lilenHe capitate clusters terminating long naked peduncles: culyx glabrous lur nearly so, the lanceolate acuminate lobes not longer than the cumpanu- llate tube: corolla blue to white, 4-5 lines long; its tube about as long as I the narrowly oblong or lanceolate-linear lobes: stamens inserted in the Iveiy sinuses of the corolla and equalling its lobes : anthers elliptical. Com- |mon in open places and fields, California to Brit. Columbia. ti. achlUaBfoUa Benth. Bot. Beg. 1622. Somewhat pubescent: stem Irather stout, 1-2 feet high, loosely l)ranched above : leaves once or twice jpinnately parted into linear lobes : flowers numerous, in dense capitate clusters terminating long peduncles : calyx pubescent ; its ovate almost Ispinose-tipped lobes longer than the tube : lobes of the blue corolla obovate nr broadly oblong; its throat abruptly and amply dilated : stamens insert- ed in the sinuses of the corolla and about equalling its lobes. Western [lalifornia and Oregon to Brit. Columbia. 6. Inconspiona Dougl. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 2883. Viscid, and usually vith slight woolly pubescence when young : stem stoutish, 4-12 inches high, branching from the base: leaves mostly pinnatifld or i)innately parted, or Ithe lowest bipinnatifid with short cuspidate lobes, the upper becoming imall, subulate and entire: flowers somewhat crowded and sulsessile, or kt length loosely panicled and some of them sLender-pedicelod : calyx 2 lines long, the short subulate teeth not half as long as the tube: corolla narrowly funnelform, vith proper tube shorter or slightly longer than the kalvx : seeds several in each cell. Dry hillsides and sandy plains, California jind eastern Oregon to Brit. Columbia and the Rocky Mountains. Yar. slnnata Gray Proc. Am. Acad, viii, 278. Corolla becoming thrice |lic length of the calyx, with the tube more exserted, with the throat and obes more ample. Dry plains, eastern Oregon to California and N. Hex. = = Seeds destitute of mucilage and spiral threads when wetted. ti. iri'acllis Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 2024. Stem stout, simple, or at length lorymbosely much branched and spreading. 2-10 inches higb : leaves linear ir the lower ones obovate to lanceolate, entire, sessile, the lower ones postly oppoeite, 4-10 lines long : calyx rounded at base, deeply cleft, with pongly carinate subulate lobes : corolla about 5 lines long, purple or vio- ft, the slender tube yellowish, and seldom longer than the calyx : seeds lat and somewhat winged. Common in open places, Brit. Columbia to palifornia and Nebraska. I 6. lejptomeria Gray 1. c. Somewhat glandular viscid : stem 6-12 pchea high: leaves mainlv radical, oblong or broadly lanceolate, incisely othed or sinuate-pinnatifid the obtuse teeth or lobes minutely cuspidate; he cuuUue small and reduced upward to the subulate bracts of the open 460 POLEMONIACEiE GILIA POLEMONIUM effuse cj^mose panicle; flowers inconspicuous; corolla white, 2-3 lines long,! fully twice the length of the calyx, slender-funnelform, with very small I acute lobes: capsule ovoid, equalling or exceeding the triangular acute | calyx-teeth. Eastern Washington and Oregon to Nevada and Utah. 0. hispida Piper Erythea vi, 30. " Annual, prostrate, 3-5 inches in diameter, hispid throughout with white hairs; stems usually purplif?h, branched from the base in a falsely dichotomous manner, the Dranciies curving inward in age; leaves all alternate, spatulate-lanceolate, acutish or the earliest truly spatulate and obtuse, 6-12 lines long, all tapering to a narroM'ed base; midrib prominent in age, the veins not visible: flowers solitary and sessile in the forks or terminal, the latest ones loosely crowded in very leafy capitate clusters : calyx green , very hispid the lobes nearly eq- ualling the corolla.becomingf carious at base in age ;corulla pinkish,tubular, 4 lines long, the lobes very short and obtuse, very slightly dilated in tlie throat, sparsely hispid above both within and without; stamens unequally inserted, entirely included in the lower half of the tube : ovary 2-celled; style short, one-half the length of the corolla: mature capsule oblong, 1-2 lines long with about eight ventricose swellings on each valve marking the posi- tion of the seeds; seeds 10-12, black, wrinkled, the coats not developing mucilage when wetted. In drifting sand at Pasco Washington. -f* •♦■»• Pedicels slender or filiform, scattered, becoming horizontal or reflexed : corolla campanulate or rotate. G. mlcroiiieria Gray 1. c. Nearly glabrous, glandless, effusely mucli branched; branches filiform : radical and lower leaves pinnatifid, with ob- tuse lobes ; the upper linear and entire : pedicels capillary, 6-7 lines long, axillary, or opposite leaves : flowers barely a line long : corolla campanulate, white, a little longer than the 5-cleft calyx : capsule globular, few-seeded. Northwest Nevada, to be looked for in adjacent Oregon. G. flliformls Parry, Gray Proc. Am. Acad, x, 75. Completely rous and smooth: stem erect with filiform spreading branches: leaves all filiform or nearly so, entire: pedicels scattered, capillary, at length refract ed : corolla cream-color, very open-campanulate, 2 lines long, deeply 5-cleft, exceeding the 5-parted calyx ; its lobes truncate and obscurely erose-den tate: capsule globular: soeds few, developing mucilage but not spiral threads when wetted. Eastern Washington to Utah. •*-^ ■*- Much branched annuals with filiform or slender-subulate and entire or sometimes 3-parted leaves and rhort-campanulate 5-toothed calyx: flowers scattered, small: stamens inserted on and included in the tube of the corolla: ovules solitary in the cells. G. minntiflora Benth. DC. Prodr. ix, 315. Glabrous or minutely glandular-puberulent above: stem erect, 10-20 inches high, with many virgate and rigid, slender branches: upper leaves all reduced to minute subulate appressed bracts, the lower larger and some of them 3-parted: flowers 2 lines long, terminal and spicately disposed along the branchlets tube of the corolla about twice the length of the calyx and of its own loljes filaments slender: capsule ovoid: seeds oblong. Eastern Washington and Oregon to Idaho and Wyoming. G. tenerrlma Gray Proc. Am. Acad, viii, 277. Minutely and sjparsely glandular: stem 4-10 inches high, effusely much branched with nliforn branches: leaves entire, linear-lanceolate: flowers loosely panicled, on slender divergent pedicels, minute: calyx campanulate, the lanceolate lobes equalling the tube : lobes of the corolla oblong, as long as the calyx capsule globular: seeds turgid-oval. Southeastern Oregon to Utah. G. capillarls Kellogg Proc. Cal. Acad. v. 49. Slender annual 2-li inches high, glandular, otherwise glabrous, branching into an effuse pan- POLKMONIUJ I icle : leaves 6-2( bracts, entire o filiform or capil lines long; its I expanded into £ I spreading lobes, G. linearlfi [branching into i I at both ends: I triangular- point I gradually expai I oblong lobes. I Herbs with mostly showy form. Calyx slightly accres late or narrow connivent ove Corolla regu^a more or less ( slender. Ovu winged, develo j 1 Root i Corolla alnios 5-cleft calyx. P. micranth cent : stem 2-8 it 5-13, obovate to 1 ly lanceolate lob mostly solitary, > wo long : ovules In moist places, 2 Root p( confluent. Ini campanulate-fi anulate caly Filaments usu * Stem 6-1 thickened roo only 1-3-leavec P< eleirans ( fixcept thecoroll ched above : leaf! » line or two Ion cleft to the midd throat, 6-7 lines 1 pilose at base : st alyx, few-seedec P> hnmile T POLBMONIUM POLEMONIACEiE 461 iclo : leaves 6-20 lines long or the uppermost reduced to small subulate bracts, entire or the lower sometimes with 2 or 3 small lobes: peduncles filiform or capillary : calyx small ; its lobes subulate : corolla pnk-red, 5-10 lines long; its slender tube longer than the calyx, and rather abruptly expanded into a wide funnelform throat of about the length of the oval 1 spreading lobes. On wet banks, California to Washington. ti. linearlfolla. Minutely glandular: stem slender^ 6-12 inches high, [branching into an effuse panicle: leaves linear, 6-12 lines long, attenuate at both ends: peduncles filiform: calyx a line long, with short-oblong I triangular-pointed lobes : corolla with a slender tube longer than the calyx, [gradually expanded into a funnelform throat of about the length of the [oblong lobes. In moist places, southern Oregon. 8 POLEMONIUM Tourn. Inst. 146, t. 61. Herbs with alternate pinnate or pinnately parted leaves, and Imostly showy flowers in cymose panicles, or racemes, or thyrsi- jform. Calyx herbaceous throughout, neither angled nor costate, [slightly accrescent and loosely investing the capsule, campanu- jlate or narrower, cleft to the middle, the lobes equal, erect or Iconnivent over the capsule, or campanulate-spreading, entire. [Corolla regular, from funnelform to nearly rotate. Filaments Imore or less declined, and usually pilose-appendaged at base, Islender. Ovules few or several in each cell. Seeds angular or (winged, developing mucilage when wetted. 1 Root annual. Flowers solitary, opposite the leaves. ICorolla almost rotate, shorter than the broad and open deeply |5-cleft calyx. Filaments almost naked at base. P. micrantha Benth. DC. Prodr. ix, 318. More or less viscid-pubes- |cent: stem 2-8 inches long, diffusely much branched from the base : leaflets -13, obovate to lanceolate, 2-4 lines long : calyx truncate at base, the broad- py lanceolate lobes 2 lines long, twice as long as the broad tube : peduncles nostly solitary, opposite the leaves or terminal : corolla white, a line or Itwo long : ovules 1-3 in each cell : capsule globose, shorter than the calyx. |ln moist places, California to Brit. Columbia, east of the Cascade Mts. § 2 Root perennial. Leaflets simple and entire, sometimes ontiuent. Inflorescence open and with very few bracts. Corolla ampanulate-funnelform with tube not surpassing the open-carn- anulate calyx, and shorter than the ample spreading limb, ilamonts usually dilated and pilose-appendaged at base. * Stem 6-10 inches high, from cespitose-branching and mostly thickened rootstocks : leaflets seldom 6 lines long: flowering stem*] only 1-3-leaved : flowers cymulose. P. elegans Greene Pitt, iii, 305. Very viscid pubescent throughout except the corolla : stems slender, 2-6 inches high ; simple or sparingly bran- ched above : leaflets very numerous somewhat ci'owded, obovate to elliptical, I line or two long: flowers in a small cymulose cluster; calyx carapanulate, cleft to the middle, with broadly lanceolate lobes : corolla fclue with yellow Ihroat, 6-7 lineslong, the broadly obovate lobes equalling the tube : filaments pilose at base : style barely exserted : capsule ovoid, much shorter than the calyx, few-seeded. On Mount Adams Washington near perpetual snow. P. hnmile Willd. in Soem. & Sch. Syst. iv, 792. Somewhat pilose 462 POLEMONlACEiE POLEMONIDM m below, pubescent above: stems rather atout, 4-8 inches high, corymbosely branched : leaflets 15-21, oblong to broadly lanceolate, or some of the lower ones obovate, 4-8 lines long : flowers in cymulose clusters : calyx open- campanulate, 2-3 lines long, cleft to the middle, with short triangular lobes : corolla pale blue or purplish, 4-6 lines long ; its ample rounded lobng much longer than the tube : filaments pilose and dilated at base : ovulea 2-4, and seeds 1 or 2 in each cell. On the highest mountains, California to the Arctic coast and the Rocky Mountains. P. pulchellnm Bunge in Ledeb. Fl. Alt. i, 233. Minutely puberu- lent and viscid-glandular : stems rather slender, sparingly branched, 6-10 inches high: leaflets 9-21, oblong to lanceolate : flowers in cymulose clus- ters, mostly slender-pediceled : calyx narrowly campanulate, cleft to below the middle, 2-3 lines long : corolla blue with white tube, 6-8 lines long, tlie ample oblong lobes much longer than the short tube : filaments pilose but not dilated at base : capsule obovoid. much shorter than the calyx : ovules 2-4 and seeds usually 1 in each cell. On high mountains, Oregon to Alaska and the Rocky Mountains. * * Tall, from slender rootstocks or roots : leaves and leaflets com- paratively large. ■<- Stems erect, 1-3 feet high : leaflets numerous and mostly approx- imate, not rarely confluent or the rachis winged : ovules 6-13 la each cell. P. occidentale Greene Pitt, ii, 75. P, cceruleum of authors as to our plant. Either glabrous or viscid -pubeiscent: stem strict and virgate, 2-3 feet high, from running rootptocks, 5-xO-leaved : leaflets 15-23, from linear- lanceolate to oblong-ovate, 5-20 lines long : flowers numerous, in a naked and narrow thyrsus or panicle : calyx cleft to or below the middle, with short lanceolate lobes : corolla blue, an inch or less in diameter, the obovate lobes much longer than the tube : filaments densely bearded at base, often equalling the corolla-lobes : style exserted. In springy places on high mountains, California to Alaska and the Rocky Mountains. P. follosissimnin Gray Syn. Fl. ii, 151. Very viscid-pubescent throughout and strong-scented: stems a foot or more high, very leafy ; leaflets from lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate : flowers corymbose-cymoae. small : corolla commonly white or cream color, sometimes violet, twice as long as the calyx which is 5-cleft to or beyond the middle : style and sta- mens not exserted. Idaho to the Rocky Mountains and New Mexico. P. pectinatnm Greene Bull. Cal. Acad, i, 10. Glabrous or the inflor- escence viscid-pubescent : stems clustered, a foot or more high, slender, leafy to the summit : leaflets linear-flliform, an inch lonj^, in about 5 pairs: flowers corymbose-cymose : calyx cleft to beyond the middle : corolla half- inch broad, white or cream-color: seeds wingless. Collected in eastern Washington by Prof. E. W. Hilgard in June 1882. •«- Herbage glabrous or slightly pubescent, neither viscid nor glandular : stems lax, with diffuse branches and open corymblform or paniculate inflorescence : leaflets fewer and rather large, membranace- ous, only the ultimate at all confluent : style and stamens rather shorter than the corolla : ovules only 3-4 in each cell. P. carnenm Gray 1. c. Stems rather stout 1-2 feet high : leaflets 5-15, from ovate to oblong-lanceolate, 6-18 lines long: branches somewhat urn- bellately 3-5-flowered: pedicels slender, pubescent: calyx campanulate, G-IO lines long, pubescent ; the lanceolate acute lobes longer than the tube: corolla salmon-color or flesh-color, 12-18 lines broad, the ample rounded obovate lobes thrice longer than the tube : filaments slender, villous at the ■ightly dilated base : capsule oblong not longer than the tube of the calyx: | s ede 2 or 3 in each cell. In damp places, southwestern Oregon to Calif. Ing, the broad ol boEB LXIV HYDROPHYLLAOE^ 408 I as to our ip, amoennm Piper Erytbea vii, 174. " Perennial, erect, or nearly so, L24 inches high, glabrous below, sparsely viscid-paberulent above ; stems krete.slightly wing-margined; caulme 4 or 5, 18 inches long; leafleti 15-21, inceolate, sessile, attenuately acuttu 1-2 inches long rinflorescence leafy- Lcteate, open, the flowers in clusters of 2-4 on slender peduncles ; bracts [to 0-foliolate ; calyx deeply 5-cleft, 5 lines long, viscid-pilose, the narrow Lute lobes about twice as long as the tube; corolla pale blue, 6-10 lines Ing, the broad obtuse lobes exceeding the tube ; filaments dilated at base, Ilose-appendaged ; style 3-cleft at the apex included ; seeds 3-4 in each cell, lumtulips, Chehalis Co. Washington. " Ir. lotenm. Slightly pubescent : stems slender, ascending, 6-18 inches Ing leafy, cymosely 3-9-flowered: leaflets 11-21, oblong to almost lanceo- Ite, acute, or the terminal ones rounded at the apex, 2-8 lines long, the iwer ones smallest : calyx open-campanulate, 4-6 lines long, cleft nearly )the base, the ample lobes lanceolate, often more or less acuminate : kroUa yellow, 8-10 lines long, the ample obovate lobes 3 or 4 times as [ngas the tube: filaments slender, pubescent at base, about half as long as )e corolla-lobes. In forests of the Cascade Mountains Oregon. 3 Leaflets very small and crowded so as seemingly to be ver- Icillate. Inflorescence capitate-congested or spiciform. Corolla Irictly or even narrowly funnelform ; its tube more or less exceed- )g the oblong or cylindraceous calyx, prominently longer than 1 lobes. Filaments naked or nearly so, not dilated at base, usu- lly inserted on the middle of the tube, or occasionally adnata jgher. |P. confertnm Gray Proc. Acad. Philad. 1863. Stems 10-12 inches ^h from a tufted rootstock, glandular-pubescent and viscid, musky-frag- nt: petioles of the radical leaves conspicuously scarious-dilated and leathing at base : leaflets 1-3 lines long, mostly 2-3-divided and so appear- ig as if in fascicles or whorls; the divit'ons from round-oval to oblong- fear: flowers densely crowded, heavy-scented: corolla deep blue, 6-12 lea long, its rounded lobes 2-3 lines long : ovules about 3 in each cell. leak pomts on the highest mountains Idaho to the Rocky Mountains and llifornia. Ler LXIV HYDROPHYLLACEiE Lindl. Nat. Syst. 271 Herbs, or rarely shrubs, with colorless insipid juice, alter- Ite or sometimes opposite leaves without stipules, and moatly Bcorpioid bractless inflorescence or the scorpioid cymes more [mmoniy reduced to geminate or solitary false spikes or racem- which in descriptions may be termed spikes or racemes. klyx 5-parted or nearly 5 sepalous inferior and free from the jary. Hj'pogynous disk at the base of the ovary often con- Jicuous. Corolla regularly 5-lobed, with the 5 stamens borne 1 the base or lower part, and alternate with its lobes. Styles [distinct or partly united, or rarely completely united: stigma ):minal. Ovules amphitropous or anatropous, from 4 to very finy, pendulous or when numerous almost horizontal. Fruit ^valved capsule, 1-celled with 2 parietal placenta), or incom- etely 2-celled by the approximation or meeting of the placentae, [even completely 2-celled by their union in the axis. Seeds 111 a close and usually reticulated or pitted coat, and a small I ! 464 HYDROPHYLLACE^ HYDROPHYLLUM ;i I ! ■ or slender embryo in cartilaginous or firm-fleshy albumen. Tribe i Ovary and capsule strictly 1-celled, lined with a {)aii| of expanded placentte. Capsule loculicidally dehiscent 1 Hydrophyllum Root perennial c biennial : leaves all alternate : calyil nearly unchanged in fruit : style and stamens exsertvd. I 2 Neniophila Root annual : ijome or all of the leaves opposite : calyx enj larged in fruit : stamens and style chorter than the corolla. Tribe ii Ovary either strictly 1-celled or 2-celled by the meet] ing of the narrow placentae in the aris, * Leaves all or all but the lowest alternate. •*- Style 2-cleft, at least at the apex. 8 Phacelia Corolla not yellow, deciduous: stamens equally inserted 1ot| down on the corol'.a. 4 Einmeuanthe Corolla yellow or yellowish, persistent: stamens equallj| inserted low down on the corolla. d Conanttaas Corolla purple, deciduous, funnelform; the slender S\i\ ments unequally inserted more or less high up on its tube. ■*- +- Style and even the stigma entite. 6 Bomaazoflia Corolla white or pink, funnelform ; the stamens insert on the base of the tube. * * Leaves and 1-flowered peduncles all radical : style 2-cleft at the apex. 7 Capnorea Corolla campanulate or rotate, with the stamens insertei 'uu!f^' '"<5*8®ly on its base. "White or nearlv . Tribe hi Ovary completely or incompletely 2-celled. Caj sule loculicidal bearing the half dissepiments on their middle. 8 ^ama Mostly low herbs : capsule membranaceous, the valves and pit centfie undivided. Var. Fendle t all canescent oi Mle, incisely ite or nearly sc rado and New Ji H. Ylrginlcai ems few or soli !ry long-petiole( bes or divisions acuminate, coa 9 Eriodlctyon Shrubby plants : capsule crustaceous, loculicidal thei le terminal onv^ septicidal, thus apparently 4-valve'i. le leaves, usual!' d to the very bag rolla nearljr wh ore than twice a iddle. In rich 2 NEB Annuals witl Tribe 1 Hydrophyllex B. & H. Gen. ii, 825. Calyx sometime appendaged at the sinuses. Corolla mostly convolute in the bui Style more or less 2-cleft at the apex. Ovary hispid, at least at tk apex, strictly 1-celled, lined with expanded, at first fleshy, at matvf ity thin and membranaceous placentse, which form a lining to tl pericarp, and enclose ' ir more amphitropous ovules. Cajml i(j"!!g,"^n "^^i^ nlnhnaa Refill a hti nh"' rnm.mnnlii>T thn/n nmtilea ninhiilnr r. i . y HYDBOPHYLI NKMOPHILi •"ila ments slei linear or obi or pd. Seeds 1-^ H. capttatai )id with minute small fascicle i leaved, erect in i oetioled, exceed! [he lanceolate d |te-tipped: flow* learly to the bas little longer than jblonsr, attached leed a line in dia jast of the Casom H. occldeista ir sparingly hispi brous roots, 12- ne, pihnately p btuse divisions 1 [urpassing the si leeply parted, its ijolet-ptirple, 4-5 Washington to C« globose, Seeds by ab" commonly fewer than ovules, globular (} angled by mutual presb^.e: albumen cartilaginous. 1 HYDROPHYLLUM Tourn. L. Gen. n. 204. Perennial herbs with alternate petioled and lobed or divide leaves and small flowers in terminal scorpioid racemes or liead on long naked peduncles. Calyx early open, without appendagi at the sinuses, nearh' unchanged in fruit. Corolla campanulatffc. Menziesll the tube within bearing a linear longitudinal appendage opposit fuselv braache each lobe with infolded edges, forming a nectariferous eroovi ],» ^ l^"'? leav< ^^ ' ** ^ fted mto roun ilyx deeply 5- 'ndage in each mpanulate, us with 10 appei ually sagittate ciduous or m YLIiUM HYDBOPHYLLUM NBMOPHILA HYDROPHYLLACEiE 465 aen. th a paiJ i'ilaments slender, long-exserted, bearded at the middle ; anthers linear or oblong, inflcxed in the bud. Style slender, long-exsert- fed. Seeds 1-4, ovulefl only four. ate : calyi| H. capltatam Dougl. Benth in Linn. Trans, xvii, 273 Ketrorsely his- >id with minute white hairs : stems often tufted. 4-12 inches high 'from j,j^]y2 g^K small fascicle of thickened perennial perpendicular roots: one-several- ^eaved, erect in flower, recurving and often prostrate in fruit : leaves long- aetioled, exceeding the stems, pinnately 6-7-parted or at base divided ; the meet-Hhe lanceolate divibions entire or often 2-3-lobed or 2-3-cleft, all mucron- te-tipped: flowers in a dense capitate cluster: calyx very hispid, parted learly to the base, with linear-oblons;, obtuse divisions : corolla blue, but ittle longer than the calyx : filaments twice as long as the corolla; anthers blonz, attached near the middle; style equalling the stamens, 2-lobed: leed a line in diameter. Under shrubs &c. Brit. Columbia to California iserted lo^Bast of the Cascade Mountains. ens equallJ lender filaj be. jns InsertB 2-cleft at I ens inserts led. Cai) ' middle. ves and plal ilicidal the] sometim in the &«« least at (111 , at matv\ ning to tl . Ga}ml\ globular or divide bes or hea*!! appendaj impanulat ige opposin ■ous grooYJ R. oceldeietale Gray Proc. Am. Acad, x, 314. Pubescent, hirsute, it sparingly hispid : stems erect, usually numerous from a fascicle of fleahy- ■brous roots, 12-18 inches high: leaves elongated-oblong in general out- Ine, pinnately parted or divided into 7-15 oblong, mostly incised or cleft Ibtuse divisions 1-2 inches long : peduncles rather slender, elongated, often lurpassing the subtending leaf: cymes mostlv dense or capitate: calyx leeply parted, its divisions lanceolate and rather obtuse : corolla white to pt^t-piirple, 4-5 lines long : anthers oblong-linear. In moist shady places, Vasliington to California. Var. Fendlerl Gray 1. c. Pubescence mainly hirsute or hispid, not It all canescent or cinereous : divisions of the leaves broader, acute or acu- jiin^le, incisely serrate: peduhcles shorter: cyme rather open: corolla ihite or nearly so. In shaded ravines, Mount Adams Washington to Col- Vado and New Mexico. [H. yirginlcnm L. Sp. 146. Pubescent with short scattered hairs: ems few or solitary from a short rcaly rootstock, 1-2 feet high : leaves ery long-petioled, ovate or cordate in outline, 3-5-parted or divided, the ^bea or divisions 2-4 inches long, ovate-lanceolate to rhombic-ovate, acute acuminate, coarsely incised-toothed, the lowest commonlv 2-cleft, and he terminal onv^ often 3-lobed : peduncle elongated, at length surpassing tie leaves, usually oiice or twice forked; cymes at length open: calyx par- Id to the very base Into linear and spreading hispid-ciliate acute divisions : IroUa nearly white, or sometimes deep violet, 8-4 lines long: filaments lore than twice as long as the corolla; an hen oblong, attached below the liddle. In rich damp woods, Oregon to Alaska and across the Continent. 2 NEMOPHILA Nutt. Jour. Acad. PhilaK ii, 179. [Annuals with mostly opposite and usually pinnatifid leaves, nd usually large flowers on rather long axillary peduncles. ftlyx deeply 5-cleft or 5-parted, with a reflexed or spreading ap- bdage in each pIhus, enlarged in fruit. Corolla rotate or nearly [inpanulate, usually longer than the calyx : the base within most- with 10 appendages. Stamens shorter than the corolla: anthers fcually sagittate-oblong, Ovules 4-20. Seeds commonly with a [ciduous or more persistent caruncle. MenzieRli H. & A. Bot. Beech. 126. Sparingly strigose-pubescent : fusely branched from the base, the branches mostly prostrate, 2-10 fches long leaves oblong in outline on rather short winged petioles, 3-}» Irted into rounded obovate lobes 1-2 lines long : peduncles 2-3 inches II 466 HYDROPHYLLAOEiE NBMOPHtLA PHACBLIA long : calyx hirsute, deeply parted, with lanceolate lobes and linear appenj dages : corolla an inch or less in diameter, rotate, the ample obcordate lobeil white or light blue speckled with dark blue : scales at the base of the! short tube narrow, wholly adherent their free edge densely hirsute-ciliiiteT ovules 8-24: seeds 5-15, globular, with a very prominent papillseforni cal runcle. Common in open places, Willamette Valley Oregon to CaliforniaJ N. pedancnlata Dougl. Hook. Fl. ii, 79. Minutely hispid: stemil slender, 2-6 inches high, paniculately branched: leaves bipinnatifid or tbJ upper ones pinnate only, with rounded lobes: calys 5-parted, with oblonj acute lobes, the appendages iu the sinuses very small or obsolete : corolliT white, 4-5 lines broad, the obovate emarginate lobes longer than the tubl and surpassing the calyx ; appendages in the throat broad and glabrousl stamens inserted on the base of the corolla and not longer than its tnbel ovules : a pair to each placenta: seeds globose ; the caruncle at length evaf nescent. In damp places, southern Oregon to California. TH. parviflora Dougl. Hook. Fl. ii, 79. Rough-pubescent with sliortl retrorse hairs: stems slender, 4-16 inches long brunchlng from the basel prostrate or ascending : leaves broadly ovate in outline 6-10 lines long bj[ 4-8 lines broad, pinnately 5-lobed, with ovate acute and mucronate lobeil the lower sometimes coarsely 2-3*toothed; petiole shorter than the blade! Seduncles slender, an inch or less long in iruit : calyx 2 lines long or lesiJ eeply 5-lobed with lanceolate lobes inconspicuous lincu,r appendages] corolla white, campanulate, but little longer than the calyx, the rouiidei obovate lobes longer than the tube, the appendages in the throat lineail and glabrous, or almost obsolete : stamens inserted on the base and noj exceeding the tube of the corolla: anthers short, cordate, very obtusel ovary 4-ovuled, very hispid: capsule much longer than the calyx, l-i\ seeded. Common in forests, western Oregon and Washington. N. densa* N. parviflora Gray in part. Sparingly pilose : stem somej what succulent, decumbent and spreading from the oase, forming dcnst round mats 2-3 inches in diameter: leaves cblong in outline, 6-7 linei long by 2-4 lines broad, pinnately 7-parted, with obovate, barely apicul iate lobes : calyx 1% lines long, with subulate lobes and linear appendaJ ges: corolla blue, campanulate or more open, twice as long as the calyx;| the broad lobes longer than the tuba : the ovarj' 4-ovuled, pubescent : cap sule longer than the calyx, l-4-8eeded. Under small trees in open placesj Washington to California. N. breviflora Gray Proc. Am. Acad, xi, 315. Stem erect, 4-10 inclia high, weak, branching from the base: leaves sometimes all alternate, pin' nately 5-parted, the divisions approximate, oblong-lanceolate, acute, entire] 3-9 lines long: peduncles seldom exceeding the petioles: appendages ofthi calyx nearly half the length of the proper lobes, both ciliate, with long liirj sute bristles: corolla .chitis': or tinged with violet, broadly short-campan ulatei decidedly shortv. thau ihe calyx; the lobes considerably shorter thai the tube; appendages in the throat curtate, the broad free summit briate-incised : style minutely 2-cleft iii the apex : seed usually aolitar; almost filling the cell, globular, nearly smooth and even; the caruncli evanescent. In the Blue Mountains of Oregon. Tribe 2 Phaceliese B. & H. Gen. ii, 826. Calyx naked at th sinuses, deeply 5-parted. Corolla imbricated in the bud. Styk from 2-parted to entire: the branches at the apex or the stigmas oh scurely if at all thickened. Ovary mostly hispid or pubescent, least at the apex, either strictly 1-celled or 2-celled by the meclw of the linear or lanceolate placentae in the axis: these separatimj the loculicidal dehiscence and borne on the middle of the semiseptij- crous valves, Annual or loaves, and racemes, of 1 or nearly so thrown off b with or some generally in pairs either j tlie slender f corolla. Ov nearly as lor § EUI'HAC] late corolla e at the base Seeds as mar or favose. * Lower 1 of the cyme 1: P. Priiigle high from an ar entire, ta|)erin| calyx-lobes line panulate blue ( not hollowed v( ern California. * Pubescen the cyme scoi (lages of the < the base of tli +- Leaves 3^-parted or acute: leeds c P> nemoral year from seed, and destitute c lower ones mo inches long, pe cemes geminatt greenish-yellow globose ; the ob low, connivent ovate, acutisli, ton to Califoru P« matabl to 18 inches hi 'ew and ascenc out, and with leaves of thin 'he radical wit PHACELIA HYDROPHYLLACEiE 467 ernu8valve8, or sometimes falling away. 2 PHACELIA JuBS. Gen. 127. Annual or perennial herbs with alternate simple or compound loaves, and more or less scorpioid cymes, or so called spikes or racemes, of blue purple or white floAvers Calyx-lobes all similar or nearly so, more or less enlarging in fruit, deciduous, at least thrown off by the enlar, ng capsule, except in P. sericea; the tube with or sometimes without appendages within: these when present generally in the form of 10 vertical folds or lamellar projections in pairs either adnate to or free from and alternate witii the base of tlie slender filaments. Stamens equally inserted low down on the corolla. Ovules and seeds when reduced to a pair collateral and nearly as long as the cell. Seed-coat reticulated or pitted. § EuPHACELiA B, & H. Gen. ii, 818. Lobes of the campauu- late corolla entire ; the tube with 10 laminate appendages in pairs at the base of the stamens. Ovules a pair to each placenta. Seeds as many as ovules, or by abortion fewer, areolate-reticulate or favose. * Lower leaves and all the branches opposite : spikes or branches of the cyme hardly at all scorpioid : pedicels shoiler than the calyx. P. Pringiei Gray Pre. Am. Acad xvii, 223. Stem slender, 2-6 inches liigh from an annual root, glandular and pubescent : leaves linear-lanceolate, entire, tapering at base, obfcurely petioled, only the uppermost alternate: calyx-lobes linear, 3 lines long, about half as long as the very open-cam- pauulate blue corolla, longer than the globose capsule : feeds angled and not hollowed ventrally. On the mountains of southern Oregon and north- ern California. * Pubescence or some of it hispid or hirsute : ppikes or branches of the cyme scorpioid and dense: pedicels short or hardly any: appen- dages of the corolla broad and salient, usually more or less united at the base of the filaments. ■*- Leaves all simple and entire, or some of the lower pinnately 3-5-parted or divided ; the segments or leaflets entire : capsule ovate, acute: feeds densely alveolate-punctate, the upper end acutish. P. nemoralis Greene Pitt, i, HI. Perennial, often flowering the first year from seed, 2-6 feet high stout, loosely branching; hispid throughout and destitute of canescent pubescence : leaves simple and entire or the lower ones more or less lobed or parted at the base, ovate-oblong, 2-6 inches long, petiolate, rugose and without conspicuous parallel veins ; ra- cemes geminate, short and spreading, slender but not loose : corolla small, greenish-yellow : stamens exaerted : fruiting calyx round-ovate or nearly globose; the oblanceolate calyx-lobes spreading away from the rapaule be- low, connivent over it above : seeds 2, (the other 2 ovules always abortive,) ovate, acutish, deeply pitted, dark brown. In rich alluvial soil, Washing- i ton to Califoru a. P. matabilis Greene Erythea iv, 55. *' Biennial, erect, slender, 10 to 18 inches high, not much branched, sparingly leafy, the radical leaves few and ascending, not forming a depressed tuft, sparpely hirsute through- 1 out, and with a short somewhat villous pubescence beneath the hirsute: leaves of thin texture, mostly entire and simple, elliptic, acute, some of the radical with a pair of pinna; at the summit of tLe slender petiole: ra- I r 468 HYPROPHYLLACE^ PHACELtA PIIACIXtA cemes several, terminal and subterminal : corolla nearl}* cylindrical, either | deep purple or ochroleucoua : mHlure calyx-segmentB narrowly oblanrio- late, or Home of them more dilated at summit, hispid with spreading baira, without finer pubescence : capsule small, ovate, acuminate mostly 4-8eed<'d. In rich moist soil, southeastern Oregon and adjacent California. P. heterophylla Pursh Fl 140. P. circinata. Jacq. f Hispid and the foliage caneFcent: stem stout, 6-24 inches high from a perennial root; leaves from lanceolate to ovate, acute, pinuately and obliquely striate- veined, the lower tapering into a petiole and commonly some of them with 1 or 2 pairs of small lateral leaflets: inflorescence hispid; the dense spikes thyreoidcongested : corolla bluish, longer than the oblong-lanceolate or linear calyx-lohes: filaments much exserted, sparingly bearded. Dry grounds and rocky ridges, Brit. Columbia to California. P. Tirgata Greone Erythea iv, 54. Hiapid and the foliage strigose; stem usually solitary, erect and strict, simple, 1-2 feet tiigh from an annual or biennial root: leaves pinnate or the upperones simple and entire, leaflets lanceolate, acute or acuminate, 6-12 lines long, strongly pinnae- veined : flowers in dense glomerules in a long virgate spike or thyrsus; in- florescence hispid; sepals oblong-lanceolate, corolla white or yellowish, little exceeding the calyx; filaments long exserted, often curved or twisted, pubescent. Dry ground, southwestern Oregon. P. leacophylla Torr. Frem. Rep. 95. Perennial by a stout roofslock, pale, densely silky-puhescent, the hairs appressed or ascending : stems sim- ple or branched, 12-18 inches high: leaves lanceolate to oblong, entire; pinnately veined, 2-4 inches long, 4-12 lines wide, the lower long-petioled, the upper sessile or nearly so ; spike-like bran< Jjea of the scorpioid cymes very dense, nearly straight and 1-3 inches long when expanded : flowers sessile, very numerous, about 4 lines high : calyx-lobes hispid, oblong-lan- ceolate or linear, somewhat shorter than the white or bluish , 6-lobed corolla; corolla-appendages conspicuous, in pairs between the filaments ; stamens exserted glabrous ; ovules 2 on each placenta; capsule ovoid : In dry soil, Idaho to Dakota and Nebraska. P. hamllls T. & G. Pac. R. Rep ii, 122. Pubescent or the inflorescence often hirsute : stem 8-10 inches high from an annual root, diffusely bran- ched from the base: leaves spatulate-oblon^oroblanceolate. rather obtuse; the lower rarely with 1 or 2 lateral ascending lobes, the veins branching; spikes loosely paniculate or solitary, in age rather slender : pedicels either all very short, or the lower sometimes almost as long as the calyx : corolla indigo-blue, rather deeply lobed, suroassing the linear calyx-lobes: fila- ments moderately exserted, glabrous or sparingly bearded above : capsule ovate, acute, 1}4 lines long, 4-seeded: seeds a line long, minutely pitted. Eastern Oregon to Nevada and California. ■^ +- Leaves simple, all petioled rounded-cordate, somewhat pal- mately lobed or incised, the lobes serrate. P. malvteflora Cham. Linn, iv, 494. Rather tall and stout, hispid with spreading or reflexed bristles and the foliage more or less pubescent : leaves green and membranaceous, round-cordate, incisely 5-9-lobed, acutely toothed, somewhat palmately ribbet' Ktbase: flowering spikes solitary or geminate, an inch long: corolla 3-4 lines long, white, longer than the un- equal linear and spatulate calyx-lobes: stamens exserted: seeds alveolate- scabrous. Along the coast, southern Oregon and California. P. Rattani Gray Syn, Fl. Supp. 413. Hispid with slender stinging bristles throughout Troot annual : stem slender and weak* 6-18 inches high ; leaves oval to oblong-ovate, with truncate or barely gnboordate base, in- cisely somewhat lobed and crenate, only the lower palmately veined at I basi': spikes sle of ■> spatulate whitish: stame places along str -•-■•-•♦- I nately compo P. ramoslss branching, 1-3 leaves pubescer or incised divie dense, but little on the rachis: ci nelform, hut lit truncate free ap ovoid, much sh( [On rocky hills ai P. ciliata B( stem erect or asc leaves 1-3 inches merely cleft; the short and in fru calyx-lobes fioa cnlated in age, tl corolla but little aearthebaceof tl nucronate, half j ern Oregon to C § EUTOC^ lampanulate c 'apsule ovate o he testa areola ' rugose. P. Bolanderj ristles, also visci ial root, stout, e nd lower caulint mall and incised vateoroval, coi ilyx-lobes hispit early rotate wl ppendages semi- ise jn front of bnut equalling tl le: capsule broa ' each dilated p !'• procera renniai root, ei the simple eien ""ous, 2-6 inches nnatifid or cleft ate or bifid cyn oiate, minutely ipendages unitec serted : anthers ri(ACEL(A HYDROPHYLLACEiE 409 lorescence iely bran- ler obtuse; ranching: els eitlier corolla obes: fi la- capsule y pitted. httt pal- spid with ut : leaves i, acutely Holitary or an the un- alveolate- stinging cheshigh: base, in- veined at baHi' '• spikes slender, often solitary, short and rather loosely flowered : calyx of 4 spatulate and 1 larger obovate sepals: corolla obovrttu 2 lines long, whitish: stamens and style included; seeds email, alveolate. In shady places along streams, southern Oregon to California. ■*-■*-■*- Leaves from simple and pinnately dentate or lobed to pin- nately compound : flowers crowded in the scorpioid spikes. P. ramosissima Dougl. Hook. Fl. ii, 80. Stems rather stout and branching, 1-3 feet long, spreading or ascending from a perennial root, leaves pubescent, ft-9-lol)ed or divided into oblong or narrower pinnutitid or incised divisions : inflorescence hispid ; spikes glomerate, short and dense, but little elorgated in age: flowers subsessile and in fruit ascending on the rachis: calyx-lobes entire, linear-spatulate to obovate: corolla fun- nelform, but little exceeding the calyx; the appendages within with a truncate free apex: filatnents exserted, glabrous: capsule ovate or short- ovoid, much shorter than the calyx; seeds oblong, rounded on the back. On rucky hills and banks, eastern Oregon and Wasliington to California. P. ciliata Benth. Linn. Trans, xvii, 280. More or less pubescent: stem erect or ascending, scabrous, 3-12 inches high, from an annual root: "eaves 1-3 inches long, pinnately parted or the lower divided and the upper erely cleft; the ob]org divisions or lobes pinnatifid-incised : spikes rather hort and in fruit rather loose : pedicels short or hardly any ascending : jcalyx-lobes from lanceolate to ovate, accrescent and becoming venose-reti- iilated in a^e, then sparingly ciliate with snort rigid bristles, 4-6 lines long : orollabut little surpassing the calyx, its appendages short and broad, ear the baee of the tuoe : filaments not exceeding the corolla : capsule ovate, ucronate, half as long as the fruiting calyx : seedsoval smootnish. Eas- ern Oregon to California. § EuTOCA Gray Man. ed. 2, 329. Appendages of the mostly ampanulate corolla in the form of 10 vertical salient lamellae, apsule ovate or oblong. Ovules and seeds 6-50 on each placenta; he testa areolate-reticulated or favose-pitted, but not transverse- y rugose. P. Bolanderi Gray Proc. Am. Acad, x, 322. Hispid with slender ristles, also viscid-pubescent, especially above: stems several, from aperen- ial root, stout, erect or ascending, 1-2* feet high, freely branching: radical nd lower cauline leaves lyrate, and oblong in outline, with 1 or 2 pairs of all and incised lateral divisions : the terminal division and upper leaves |vatfi or oval, coarsely incised or lobed, truncate or subcordate at base : lyx-lobes hispid, at length spatulate, 8 or in fruit 4 lines long: corolla |early rotate when expanded, 8-12 lines in diameter, white or blue; its ipendages semi-ovate, almost as broad as long, distinctly connected at se in front of the adnate and sparingly bearded filaments: stamens mut equalling the' corolla; anthers oblong: style cleft nearly to the mid- lie: capsule broadly ovale, acute, shorter than the calyx: seeds about 50 1 each dilated placenta. Southern Oregon to California, near the coast. 1'. procera Gray Proc. Am. Acad, x, 323. Stems several from a rennial root, erect, 3-7 feet high, minutely soft-pubescent; the summit the simple eiems glandular but not hispid : leaves green and membran- •fona, 2-b inches long, ovate-lanceolate and ovate, acute, mostly laciniate- natitid or cleft : the lobes 2 to 4 pairs and acute : spikes of the glom- ate or bifid cyme somewhat lengthened in age : calyx-lobes oblong-lan- joiate, minutely hispid : corolla ochroleucous, the semi-cordate oblique pendagea united over the base of the sparsely bearded filament: stamens serted : anthers oblong, style 2 cleft above the middle : capsule globular- t II 470 HYDROPHYLLACEiE PHACKUA ovate, hardly mucronate : seeds 10-18, wing-angled. In the high mouiitaing o! Brit. Columbia to California. P, nericea Grav Am. Jour. Sci. ser. 2, xxxiv, 254. Stems 8-1' inches high from a branch ig perennial caudez, eilky-pubescent or caneacent ' i the simple virjrate Htomn and inflorescence villous-liirsuto. leafy to the top: leaves pinnately parted into linear or narrow-oblong numercuj and often again few-cleft or pinnatifid divisions, silk v-canescent or somethnr ^rreenisJi : the lower petioled ; the uppermost simpler and nearly sessii' : ahurt spikes crowded in a naked spike-like thyrsus: calyx- lobes linear, minutely hispi:er than the calyx ^nd mar- cescent corolla, 12-18 seeded : seeds ovate-oblong, terete, acutish, longitud- inally costate and transversely alveolate-reticulated. On high mountains, Oregon and Washington to the Arctic regions and the Rocky Mountains. P. Frankllnli Gray Man. ed. 2, 329. Villous-pubesoent throughout: stem erect, 6-18 inches high, from an annual root, simple or corymbosely branched at the summit: leaves l}4~'i inches loag, pinnately parted into 7-16 linear or linear-oblong acute entire dentate or incised segments: flow- ers blue to nearly white, short pediceled, in dense scorpioid racemes; calyx-lobes linear-lanceolate, acute, longer than the tube of the rotatc- campanulate corolla: appendages of the corolla long and narrow, free at the apex, and at base free from the filaments: stamens about as long as the corolla; anthers short : style 2-cleft at tlu apex : capsule ovate, acute, about equalling the calyx, seeds numerous, oval, minutely alveolate in ver- tical lines. Along the Snake river southwestern Idaho to Lake Superior. P. Menzlesii Torr. Watson Bot. King 252. Hispid or roughish-hirsute, and usually cinereous-pubescent also: stem ere t, 4-12 inches hi^h from an annual root, at length paniculately branched :leaves mostly sessile, linear- lanceolate, entire or some of them'deeplv cleft; the lobes few or single, lin- ear or lanceolate ei'.rtre: spikes or spike like racemes thyrsoid-pu lculate,at length elongated and rjrect : calyx-lobes linear, hispid-ciliate, 4-5 lines long: corolla blue varyj,:^ to white, rotate-campanulate, 6-10 lines in diameter; its appendages wjnnivent in pairs opposite the lobes, forming 5 nectarifer- ous grooves : altt vnate stamens shorter than the corolla : style 2-cleft at the apex: capsule ovate, acuminate, about half the length of the calyx: ovules 12-16: seeds oblong coarsely favose-reticulated. Common in dry grounds, Oregon and Washington to California, Brit. Columbia and Montana. P. verna Howell Erythea iii, 35. Soft-pubescent and cinereous: stem 4-10 inches high from an annual root, paniculately branched: leaves obovate tospatulate, entire or rarely some of the lower ones iucisely toothed, abruptly contracted below to a winged petiole, or the upper ones sessile: corolla pale blue, but little exceeding the calyx, open-campanulate, cleft to the middle, its appendages broad and free from the filaments ; calyx-lobes linear-lanceolate, 2-3 lines long, hirsute: stamens exserted, anthers oval; style deeply 2-cleft, hispid ulous : capsule ovoid, acuminate, more than half { the length of the calyx ; seeds 8-12, oblong to obovate, favose- pitted. On rocky ridges in the Umpqua Valley, Oregon. § 3 MicROGENETES B. & H. Geii. ii 828. Low annuals with mostly pinnatifid leaves. Appendages in the corolla present or rarely Avanting Style 2-cleft only at the apex. Stamens unequal, not exserted. Ovules several on each placenta. Seeds oblong, | strongly corrugated transversely. P. Iveslaiia Torr. Bot. Ives 21. Hirsute-pubescent and glandular: rilACELU r.HMBNANTHB HYDROPHYLLACEiE 471'. is with jsent or I inequal, oblong, I lflte:/^ H-lO inches high, diffusely branched from the Ixise: leaves pinnately |pai'"1 into 7-15 linear or oblong and entire or inciHely few-toothed lobea Irarc'y bipinoatidd: racemes loose, 6-20 flowured: sepals linear, minutely Iciliatc, :i lines long: corolla white or pale purple, slightly longer than the leal vx, its appendages adnate to the dfamo'ita only at base, vertical, long and Inafrow: style hairy below: capsule obluiig, 16-24-8eeded: seeds strongly Icornigated'. Dry plains eastern Oregon and Washington to California land litah. P. blcolor Torr. Watson Bot. King 255. Viscid-puberulent: stem l(]-8 inches high, diffuselv much branched: leaves pinnately parted and the Idivisions again irregularly pinnatiQd into small nearly linear lobes : racemes gpiciform, loosely 10-20'fiowered : calyx divided to the base, the lobes jlinearflpatulate, 3-4 lines long, often unequal : corolla nearly funnelform, B-8 lines long, with violet lobes yellow throat and white tnbp h iippen- dagea long.and narrow, united for more than half their len^t --'i the fil- AOient forming a long tubular cavity behind it: capsu' ':ite oblong: beeds about 16; minutely corrugated. Under Juinpers, sou Oregon ito Nevada and California* 4 EMMENANTHE Benth. Trans. Linn. Soc. x\n, J^'.. Low annual herbs with alternate, pinnatfid or entire leaves md yellow flowers in simple circinate racemes. Calyx 5-parted. Ihe sinuses naked. Corolla yellow, campanulate, 5-cleft, without appendage persistent. Stamens included, inserted at the very base of the corolla, with slender filaments and elliptic anther-', pectiiry or disk annular, surrounding the base of the ovary, rather Ihick, free or adnate to the ha^e of the corolla. Ovary ovoid or j)blong, compressed, 2-celled. by the union of the placentae in the axis, many .ovuled: style 2-lobed at the summit, subpersistent: btigmas capitellate. Capsule ovoid or oblong, incompletely 2-cell- fed. Seeds 2-20 reticulated, or pitted and transversely rugose, pendent. E. parviflora Gray Pac. R. Rep. iv, 85, t. 15. Densely pubescent knd viscid ; depressed annual : leaves deeply pinnatifid : flowers crowded in Ihort spikes or racemes, on very short pedicels : corolla bright yellow, 1-3 lines long, merely 5-lobed, not "longer than the linear obscurely spatu- ate calyx-lobes, withering persistent and enclosing the capsule; the tube JFithin furnished with 10 narrow appendages: style hardly longer than the lyary, persistent: ovules 20-40; seeds 15- 20. Shores of Klamath Lake ])reKon. E. Intea Gray Proc. Am. Acad, x, 328. Somewhat canescent with a Ine pubescence, and viscid above : stem ascending or depressed, much |ranched from the base: leaves oblong in outline, 1-2 inches long, petioled, ubpinnately parted, the 5-9 lobes entire, oblong or obovate, 1-3 lines ong: flowers crowded, on ver^ short pedicels: sepals linear, obtuse, be- lomins 3 lines long : coroiiA bright yellow, narrowly campanulate, merely j-lobea, equalling the calyx, persistent at the base of the capsule, the tube rithin furnished with 10 narrow appendages : style filiform, much longer nan the ovary, persistent : ovary densely hairy, about 11-ovuled : capsule 3 Inea long acutish, S-lO-seeded : seeds oblong, finely reticulated as well as ligose. Southeastern Oregon to Nevada and California. ! E* pnsilla Gray Proc. Am. Acad, xi, 87. Pubescent: stem 1-2 inches |igh, at length diffusely branched: leaves spatulate or oblong-Ianceolatc, ptire or nearly so, 2-5 inches long, tapering into a petiole of equal length: s^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) I I.I 11.25 ■50 1^ Ui us KS ■it L£ 12.0 J£ U 11.6 1^ V vQ V Photographic Sciences Corporalion 23 WfST MAIN STMET WEBSTn,N.Y. 14SS0 (71«) •73-4503 >;*rked from »wed below I the forks, ling hairs; mple limb: r, the testa excavated, r . nd, rem- showy orcaylx- ate : the and small Ovary ipsule oh- reolate-re- )arsely pu- nding, 4-10 diameter, els filiform, ate, about 2 jes rounded calyx. On d placentae undivided. Seeds usually numerous. N. demissnm Gray Proc. Am. Acad, vjii, 283. Hirsute-pubescent to ipid: stems diffuse or depressed, 2-4 inches long, dichotomously branched* ives linear-spatulate, 6-^15 lines long, all or most of them tapering into a lole: flowers subsessile in the forks: sepals linear or setaceous, 4 lines long: olla purple, narrow-funnelform, about 6 lines long: capsule short-oblong) 16-seeded: seeds oval or oblong. Dry interior regions, Washington to 1 s on J'^**™'** Utah and Arizona, i or root- 1 ® ERIODICTYON Benth. Bot Sulph. 35 peduncles BShrubby plants with alternate pinnately veined and finely re- 474 BOBAOINACEiE BRIODICTYON m ■j; i m ticulated leaves and violet purple or white flowers in scorpioidl cymea. Sepals narrow, not enlarging upward. Corolla funnel-[ form or approaching campanulate. Filaments more or less inl eluded, inserted on the tube and more or less adnate to it, usuallyl sparsely hirsute. Ovary nearly or completely 2-celled by the! meeting of the dilated placentae in the axis. Capsule sniallj crustaceous, 4-valved, that is first loculicidal then septicidal thusl splitting into 4 half-carpels which are closed on one side owing tol the widely dilated placentae, and partly open on the other. Seeds' rather few, pendulous, E. glatinosQin Benth. 1. c. Glabrous, and glutinous with a balsamicl resin: stems erect, 3-5 feet high: leaves lanceolate, 3-6 inches long, inepT larly more or lestt sierrate, sometimes entire, whitened beneath between thel reticulation by a mirute and close tomentum, dark green and glabrous abovel persistent for more than a year : flowers piurple, numerous, in elongated naked! thyrsoid cymes: sepals subulate, 2 lines long, sparsely hirsute: corolla 6 linol long, tubular-funnelform, sparsely hairy: capsule globose-ovate, pointed;'! lines ong. On dry open hillsides, southeiii Oregon to California. ■ Order LXV. BORAGINACEiE Lindl. Nat. Syst. ed. 2, 274. Mostly scabrous or hispid-hairy plants with bland water juice, mostly alternate entire leaves without stipules and ratheij small regular flowers in scoipioid racemes spikes or cymes. Flowers perfect, generally o-merous. Calyx free from M ovary, usually persistent. Corolla gamopetaious. mostly regn] lar and 5-lobed, sometimes crested or appendaged in the throaif Hypogy nous disk usually present but inconspicuous. Stamen inserted on the throat or tube of the corolla, as many as -^nJ alternate with its lobes. Style simple, rising between tbj divisions of a deeply 4-parted ovary, or from the summit of i undivided one. Ovary of 2 bioviiled entire or more commonljl deeply 2-lobed carpels, making it appear like 4 1-ovuled carl pela. Ovules anatropous or amphitropous. Fruit 4, or bj a' ion fewer, nutlets, or a drupe containing 2-4 nutlets 0*^ rarely reduced to one. Seeds with little or no albumeij and straight or curved embryo with superior or centripetij radical. I Ovary undivided and surmounted by the style. Tribe i Low. herbs shrubs or trees. Style once forked : th branches tipped with a simple stigma. Coldenla Corolla-lobes imbricated or partly convolute in the bud: st; simply and deeply 2- cleft : fruit separating into 4 dry carpels. Tribe ii Herbs or sometimes shrubby plants. Style termina] sometimes very short or none, entire. Stigma a fleshy ring, margin of a disk, often surmounted by a mostly conical appendagj 2 Heliotropinm Corolla-lobes imbricated in the bud with the sinuses pli ed: fruit splitting into 4 one-seeded or 2 two-celled and 2-seeded caii DICTYON scorpioidl lla funnel-l or less inl it, usually! led by thel jule smalli icidal thusi le owing tol ler. Seeds! h a balsamicl long, ineguf between tbel bbrous above! igated nakedl orolla 6 lineil e, pointed;! ia. i.2,274. ,nd water and ra or cymesi B from thq ostly r the throat] Stameu iny as -uii etween \' immit of I commonli jvided t 4, or M : nutlets o albumei centripeti tyle. forked: tb the bud: stj jels. ^le termina shy ring, lappendag lesinuseBpli eeded cai-pel