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THS CONDITION OF TEST CULTURES ESPECIALLY AS BEOAbDS TITRATION FAVOURABLE TO CLEAR SERUM REACTIONS BY THE DRIED BLOOD METHOD. BT WYATT JOHNSTON, M.D., and D. D. McTAGGART. [From the Laboratory of the Board of Health of the Provinoe of Qnetiec.] Tms matter was referred to in the disoassion at Philadelphia on Jane 3rd, 1897, before the American Medi(»l Assooiation, by Bates Block and one of ns. We found that by vatying the composition of the mediam and the conditions under miich the cnltnre is kept, it is possible to obtain a culture which will yield excellent results or the reverse. We can now at will obtain a bouillon culture which cfin be left in contact with solutions of non-typhoid blood for 24 to 48 hours without giving any reaction, and will react promptly with typhoid blood. On the other hand, we can by neglecting certain details, get a test culture which will give one of two pseudo-reactions with almost any blood solution or serum, rseudo-reaction a is a decided clumping of over 95 per cent, of all the bacteria, but without loss of motion. Pseudo-reaction b culture with most blood solutions will show cessation of motion, with defective clumping. The former (a) we found to occur with cultures made very active by daily transplantations, and the latter (b) to growth in rather too alkaline bouillon. Our earliest observations happened to be made with bouillon giving satisfactory results. These became unsatisfactory for a few weeks under daily transplantations and good again on returning to monthly changes of stock cultures. After a few months a change in the laboratory peraonnel with different assignment of duties led to the second class of pseudo-reac* tions troubling us for a few weeks. Attention tolhe reaction of the culture medium remedied this difficulty, which seemed entirely due to a trifling increase in the alkalinity of the la- boratory bouillon. At another laboratory in charge of one of us there was still a supi)ly of bouillon remaining which gave satisfactory results. This reacted 3.5 per cent, acid to phenol- pthalein and just verged on the acid point with litmus. The adoption of tbouillons having a reaction requiring 3.5 per cent, of normal alkali to restore the tint of phenol-phthalein led to satisfactory results once more. The reading of the end point varies somewhat with the observer and the optimum reaction varies slightly with the particular culture and the composition of the medium, but always lies between 3 and 4 per cent. iJ ':■ ■ h The pscndO'reactions here described occur in bonillona giving a heavy growth and some sediment at the end ol twenty-foar honrs at 37° 0. They show a tendency to the spontaneous clamping mentioned by Widal, bat this is greatly exaggerated by adding blood solation. Seram does not have the same tendency to cause pseudo-reaction a. Dilution alone did not prove in our hands a satisfactory remedy. We believe that these anomalies explain the statements ol some writers that all serums tend to cause clumping sooner or later. The optimum reaction depends somewhat on the tem- Krature ol the thermostat and the age o! the culture. Satis* story cultures show gentle clouding only at twenty-lour hours, and have no pediment or serum, il the culture medium is made too acid it becomes insensitive, loses motility, and does not react promptly, but gives no pseudo-reaction. We note lor the first time in the British Mbdioai. JoxjbnaIi ol December 4th, 1897, that Del^pine had already in the Journal on April 17th, 1897. called attention to the danger ol pseudo-reactions il the bouillon is alkaline. He recommends neutral bouillon, whereas we lound acid bouillon prelerable. The question is one ol intensity of growth rather than of pure alkalinity alone, since the pseudo-reactions can also be avoided by raising the alkalinity till the growth becomes scanty. Per- sonally, our interest lay piore in deciding the most suitable reaction lor dried blood work. \h %, i i'. % r m (:■■ wWWHiMiiiiCTlwW* -^WWtw* ill I Wlliiifj^iimiit'ifii I J-ff J- '^