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Un dee symboles suivsnts. appereiira sur la damiAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le caa: le symbols — »> signifle "A SUIVRE". le symbola ▼ sif;nif!e "FIN". Mapa. platee, charts, ate., may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thoae too lerge to be entirely included in one expoeure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand comer, left to right end top to bottom, aa many framea aa required. The following diagrama illuatrate the method: Lee cartee. planchee. tableaux, etc., pauvent itrm f]|mcoinca, Hall. 1847. Pal. St. N. York, vol. i, pp. 174 and .304, pis. xxxvii, fig. 8, & xxxviii, fig. 3. «« " Billings. 1863. Geol. Canada, p. 180, fig. 174. " « Whitfield. 1882. Geol. Wiscons., vol. iv, p. 216, pi. vi, fig. 1. The Dog's Head (two specimens), and Stony Point (one specimen), Lake Winnipeg, T. C. Weston, 1884. Pleurotomaria muealib. Pleurotomaria mnralis, D. D. Owen. 1852. Rep. Geol. Surv. Wise, Iowa and Minn., p. 581, pi. ii, fig. 6. " Lower Fort Garry, Ked Eiver of the North," Owen (op. cit., p. 626). A natural mould of the exterior of the test of the upper portion of a specimen, collected by Dr. R. Bell, in 1879, at the Limestone Kapid 100 miles up the Nelson River, Keewatin, and a very badly preserved speci- men collected by Mr. DowJing, in 1891, at the Dog's Head, Lake Winnipeg, are both possibly referable to this species. 320 Canadian Record of Science. MURCHISONIA MILLERI. Murchisonia bidncta, Hall. 1847. Pal. St. N. York, vol. i, p. 177, p. xxxviii, figs. 5a-h. But not M. bidncta McCoy, 1846. ** " Salter. 1859. Geol. Surv. Can., Org. Rem., Dec. 1, p. 19, pi. iv, figs. 5 & 6. Murchuonia Milleri, Hall, 1877. In Miller's Am. Pal. Foss., ed. i, p. 244. Plenrotoviana bidncta, Lindstrom. 1884. Sil. Gastr. and Pterop. Goth- land, p. 106, pi. viii, tigs. 15-25. Rlk Island, Lake Winnipeg, Dr. A. R. C. Selwyn, 1872 : one imperfect and badly preserved specimen. Snake Island (near the Dog's Head) in the same lake, Messrs. Dowling and Lambe, 1890 : a well preserved mould of the exterior of the shell. Murchisonia oracilis. Murchisonia gradlis, Hall. 1847. Pal. St. N. York, vol. i, p. 181. pi. xxxix, figs. 4, a, b, c. " " Salter. 1859. Geol. Surv. Can., Can. Org. Rem., Dec. 1, p. 22, pi. V, fig. L Billings. 18(i3. Geol. Canada, p. 188, fig. 178. " " Nicholson. 1875. Rep. Pal. Prov. Ont., p. 18, fig. 7c. Snake Island, Messrs. Dowling & Lambe, 1890: four casts of the interior of the shell. Murchisonia bellicincta, var. tbretipgrmis. Murchisonia teretiformis, Billings. 1857. Geol. Surv. Can. Rep. Progr. 1853-56, p. 298. 1886. Cat. Sil. Foes. Isld. Anti- costi, pp. 18 & 55. Murchisonia beWdncta, Whiteaves. 1880. Geol. Surv. Can., Rep- Expl. and Surv., 1878-79, pp. 47c, and 48c. Cfr. also Murchisonia major, Hall. 1851. In Foster and Whitney's Rep. Geol. Lake Super. Land I^'str., p. 209, pi. xxvi, figs. 1 a-c. " Whitfield. Geol. Wiscons., vol. iv, p. 244, pi. ix, fig. 4. Trenton Gasteropoda of Manitoba. 321 One of the most abundant species of gasteiopoda in the Ti-enton limestone of Manitoba is a hirge Murr/usonia which the pi-esent writer has identified with the M. major of Hall, but which does not seem to differ materially from M. betli- cincta except in size. Specimens of this Murchisonia (which had previously boon collected at two localities on the Nelson River in Keewatin by Dr. R. Bell in 1879), were obtained by Mr. Weston, in 1884, at East Selkirk and Lower Fort Garry, at Klk. Big and J)eer Islands, Big Grindstone Point, the Dog's Head, and Jack Fish Bay, Lake Winnipeg ; by Mr. Tyrrell in 1889 at Berens (or Swarapy) Island; and by Messrs. Dowling&Lambe in 1890 at Black Bear, Snake, Little Tamarack and Jack Head islands, in Lake Winnipeg. All the specimens from these localities, like those of M, major from Wisconsin, are mere casts of the interior of the shell, which are imperfect at both ends but especially so at the larger end. They rarely exceed four inches and a half in length and not more than six volutions are preserved. Not a vestige of the surface ornamentation can be detected on any of them, and indeed Professor Whitfield has ex- pressed the opinion that the fossils from the States of ISTew York and Wisconsin, which have been described as M. belli- cincta and M. major, are not true Murchisonias, as, so far as ho has observed, " none of them show any evidence of having been marked with a revolving band." In regard to the typical form of M. bellicincta it may be remarked that Ferdinand Eoemer has figured a European specimen of it, in which the spiral slit-band, and backwardly divergent growth lines are cleaily shown on each of the volutions, on Plate V, fig. 7, of the Atlas to the first volume of the Lethcea Geognostica, published in 1876. In 1890 Messrs. Dowling & Lambe collected, at Berens Island, Lake Winnipeg, two specimens which throw quite a new light on this point and upon the characters and affini ties of this large variety of M. bellicincta. One of these is upwards of seven inches and the other fully eight inches in length, and nine volutions can be counted in each. The shorter of the two has the test preserved on the last two 822 Canadian Beord of Science. volutions, though tho whole of the specimen has obviously been subjected to abnormal and lateral compression. Its surface markings consist of a broad, flat and nearly central, spiral slit-band, to which the growth lines on each side con'- verge obliquely backward. Apart from its abnormal com- pression, this specimen is essentially similar in size, shape and surface markings, to the specimens from Gamache IJay, Anticosti, which Mr. Billings refers to his M. teretiformis mi»r««w.s, Conrad. 1838. Ann. Rep. N. York St., p. 119. Cyrlolites compressu^; Hall. 1847. Pal. St. N. York, vol. i, p. 188, pi. xl, figs. 2 a-f. Lower Fort Garry, Dr. R. Bell, 1880: one small but well preserved and very characteristic specimen. East Selkirk, A. MacCliarles, 1884 : a large cast of the interior of the HhcU. EUNEMA STRIUILLATUM. Eunema i^lngillata, Salter. 1859. Geol. Surv. Can., Can. Org. Rem., Dec 1, p. 29, pi. vi, fig. 4. .< '. Billings. 18()3. Geol. Canada, p. 145, fig. 88. Lower Fort Garry, T. C. Weston, 188-t : one nearly per- fect and well preserved specimen. IIelicotoma planulata. Helicotoma planulata, Salter. 1859. Geol. Surv. Can.. Can. Org. Rem., Decl.p. 14, pi. ii, figs. 6-7. East Selkirk, A.. MacCharles, 1884: one good specimen, with the test preserved. Trochonbma umbilicatum. Pleurotomariaumbilicata,nB.\l 1847. Pal. St. N.York, vol. i, pp. 43 and 175, pis. x, figs. 9 a-b, & xxxviu, figs. 1 a-g. rrochonema umWicatum, Salter. 1859. Geol. Surv. Can., Can. Org. Rem.. Dec. 1, p. 27, pi. vi, fig. 3. i!,:*li«i«».«>>»-J«53 Trenton Gasteropoda of Manitoba. 326 All the localitieH at which this species had been found, up to the close of 188!>, are enumerated in the paper in which it was described. Since then it has been collected by Messrs. Dowling and Lambe in 1890 at Berens Island, at Sturgeon, Snake and Black Bear islands. Lake Winnipeg; by Mr. Lambe in 1890 at the Dog's Head ; and by Mr. Dowling in 1891 at (Commis- sioners, Little Tamarack and Punk Islands, also at Grind- stone Point, Lake Winnipeg. It is one of the most abun- dant and characteristic fossils ot the Trenton limestone of Manitoba, and according to Messrs. Weston, Tyrrell, Dow. ling and Lambe, it always occurs tvith the flat side upper- most in the rock. In 1890 Mr. Lambe collected an operculum, which is pro- bably that of a large specimen of this species at Jack Pish Island, Lake Winnipeg. This operculum, which is represented in outline in the wood cut on page 324, is a little more than four inches in height or depth, and not quite three inches in its maximum breadth. Its outer sur- face is completely buried in the matrix, the inner surface only being exposed. In the woodcut, the side indicated by the letter A clearly corresponds to the outer side of the shell, and the concave side opposite, — B, — to the inner or columellar side. The side marked C corresponds to the flattened spiral side of the shell, and that marked D to the inner wall of the umbilicus. The margins of the sides C and B, whose junction forms the " nuclear angle," ai'e thickened, hut the edges of the other two sides are very thin. This thickening of the sides (' and B is immedi- ately followed by a shallow depression in the nuclear region, but the inner side of the operculum is otherwise nearly flat. The surface markings of this side consist of numerous concentric raised lines of growth, but there are no clear indications of ary "internal projections for the attachment of muscles." Although the opercula of M. fjogani, Salter, and M. crenutata, Billings, are known to be provided with well developed muscular processes on the inner side, this is by no means always the case in other 320 Canadian Record of Science. spet-ies of the genus. On page 238 of the tivHt volume of the " Palfeozoic Fossils " of Canada, R. liillings distinctly states that there are no muscular processes on the inner side of the operculum ofhisiM.oceana, and on page 243 of the same volume he figures opercula of two other species of Madurea, from Cape Norman, Newfoundland, in which there are no muscular processes on that side. In the Museum of the Geological Survey at Ottawa, there are two opercula from the Calcifcrous of the Mingan Islands, whi<-h were referred by E. Billings, with some doubt, to the M. matutina of Hall. There are no processes on the inner side of these opercula. LOXONEMA \VlNNIPE()ENS!i. (Sp. nOV.) Shell large, attaining to a length of upwards of five inches, terebriform, elongated and nearly thi-ee times as long as broad: spire, as measured on the doi-sal side, occupying not quite two-thirds the entire length : apical angle 27". Volutions ten, allowing for the a])lcal one, which is broken off in mU the specimens collected, increasing slowly in size and obliquely compressed, the latei- ones slightly constricted above and moderately inflated below, those of the spire much broader than high : suture dis- tinctly compressed : outer or last volution a little higher than broad, moderately convex buf scarcely ventricose in the middle and narrowing abruptly into the somewhat pointed base. Surface of the spire nearly smooth, that of the last volu- tion marked only with a few flexuous lines of growth, which curve gently and (^oncavdy backward above, and still more gently forward below. Four fine large specimens of this species, each with nearly the whole of the test preserved, have been collected at as many different localities on or in Lake Winnipeg. Two of these specimens were collected by Mr. Weston iii 1884, one at Stony Point and one at Jack Fish Bay; one by Mr. Tyrrell in 1889 at Berens Island; and one by Mr. Dowling in 1891 at the " Dog's Head." Trenton Gasteropoda of Manitoba. Z21 /.■>.•:■„■ mi W..,,n,„,„n...~l>nrm\ view of ii s|.oeiiu«Mi In.m Stony Point. Laku Winnipeg, iu outline only, and of thu natural size. 328 Canadian Record of Science. Nine volutions are preserved in the most perfect of these specimens, the slender apex of each being broken oif. In the perfect shell there must have been at least ten and prob- ably as many as eleven volutions. The species is of considerable interest on account of its strikingly close similarity to some of the most typical .Tunissic species of Pseudomelania. KUSISITRA VENTRICOSA. Fimsjnra rentricosn, Hall. 1871. Twenty-fourth Rep. N. Y. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., p. 22;-), pi. viii.fig.O. «« " Whitfield. 1882. Geol Wiscons., vol. iv, p. 245, pl.ix, fig, 2. Miller. 1889, N. Am. Geol. and Pahi-ont., p. 405 fig. 676. Abundant at many of the linieslone exposures on the western shore of Lake Winnipeg and on the islands in that lake. It has been collected by Mr. Woslon in 1884 at Lower Fort Garry; at Bull's Head, the hog's Head, Big (Jrindstone Point, Big and Hlk Islands : by Mr. Tyrrell in 188!>, at Kerens Island ; by Messi's. Dowling and Lambe in 189(1, at Berens, Snake and Black Bear Islands: by Mr. Dowling in 1890 at Commissioners and Punk Islands; and by Mr. Lambe in the same year at the J)i)g's Head. Ottawa, March 22nd, 1893. I