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J ■ • .--\ , a. ■1 ■I-- ■:'i-,a«>?s« HMBWBI . ' t^a-v^w -■■ ": .V . -.^ NP\r. THE CONSTITUTION ... AND.. BYE -LAWS ■ ....OF THK.... Natural History Society. .. OF.... NEW BRUNSWICK. ST. .JOHN, N. B. : H.vuNKs it Co.. I'lUNTKus, 84 1'uin<;k SthkivT. 18!IJ». THE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OK NEW BRUNSWICK. OFFICE BEARERS FOR J899. Patron. HIS HONOR THE HONORABLE A. R. McCLELAN, I.IEIM'ENANT i;oVKRNOK, I.TC, I;T('., K.Tf. President. <;eor(}E u. hay, m. a., f. r. s. c. Vice-Presidents. WIUJAM MURDOCH, (*. E. H. OEO. ADDY, M.I). Treasurer. A (iORDON LKAVITT, ES(,». Secretary. CHARLES l<\ P.. ROVVE, ESQ. Curators. OEO. F. MATTHKVV, 1). Sr., F. R. S. 0. WILLIAM MoINTOSH, ES(,>. Librarian. SAMUEL W. KAIN, ESQ. Assistant Librarian. MISS EDITH McBEATH. (II \ ■"— '--T-^rTiT' I t CONSTITUTION AND BYE-LAWS (11 Ol' TIIK NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY 0¥ NEW BRUNSWICK. Adopted 17th January, 1882. ARTICLE I. OP ITS OBJECTS. The Natural History Society of New Brunswick is established for the purpose of promoting the study of the Physical Sciences, for effecting the formation of a general and Provincial Museum, and a Scientific Library, and for the purpose of facilitating the acfjuirement and dissemination of useful knowledge. ARTICLE II. OF ITS CONSTITUTION. 1 . The Society shall consist of five classes, namely : Ordinary Mem- bers, Members for Life, Corresponding Members, Honorary Members, and Associate Members. 2. Members shall be persons desirous of forwarding the objects of" the Society. 3. Corresponding Members shall be persons residing at least ten miles from the City of St. John. 4. Members for life shall be persons who may make donations of $40 in money, in articles for the Museum, or lx)oks for the library (the two latter to be valued by competent persons); or who may be elected as such at the annual general meeting of the Society, for important services perfonm-d, and aiivv due notice has Ijeen given. T). Honorary Members shall Imj persons of high standing who are eminent for their scientific attainments. (». Associate Members shall consist of ladies who shall be iiistitu ted by tiie Council, and who may form an Associate Members' branch, and who shall have power to elect a president and secretary of their branch. 7. The officers of the Society shall consist of a Prenidcnt, two Vice-i)residents, a Treasurer, a Hecietary, a [iibrarian, and three Ouratois ; all of whom shall be elected annually from the ordinary members, ami shall be re-eligible. ARTICLE in. OF TlIK KLKCTION OF MKMHKHH. 1. All persons desirous of being adnutt(!d into the Society, either as Ordinary Members, Corresponding Members, or Members for ^ ife, must be proposed agreeably to form (A) in the Appendix hereto, whicli form must be subscribed by at least two members of the Society. 2. Honorary Members must be recommended by at least three members, who shall certify that the candidate is a person eminent for his attainments in science. 3. Every recommendation of a candidate, Jis an Honorary Mem- ber, must be delivered to the Secretary, who shall submit the same to the Council for entjuiry ; and when the recommendation of such candidate is appioved by the Council, it shall be signed by the Chair- man, and read at the first following ordinary meeting, previous to the ballot being taken. 4. The proportion of votes recjuisite for the election of any person shall be at least three-fourths of the ballot. 5. Whenever any person is elected an Ordinary Member, the Secretary shall immediately inform him of the same by letter (accord- ing to fornj B in the Appendix); and the election of Corresponding, Life and Honorary Members, shall likewise l)e communicated to them by the same officer, as soon as possible, by a letter suitable to each particular case ; and no person shall be considered a member of any of the above clr.sses until he has signified his acquiescence in the election. 6. Every person elected an Ordinary Member is retiuired to pay his first contribution within three months of the day of his election. 7. Ladies desii-ous of admission to the Society as Associate Mem- bers shall have their mums submitted to the Council through the Sccrctaiy ; and, if approved, shall be instituted members of this class without election, of which institution notice shall be given according to form 13 of the Appendix. I ARTICLE TV. ■t \ OF THE ELECTION OF THE OFKICERH AND COUNCIL. 1. The ofticerM of the Society, with three membeiH to form a. Council, >i\ni\\ be elected annually by ballot at tho general meeting of the Society, on the third Tuenday in January. 2. The ofiicerH whall entt-r upon the discharge of their respective duties at the meeting following their election ; and the Council for the past year shall continue in office until that time. ARTICLE V. OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF MEMRER8. 1. The first annual contribution of each Ordinary Member shall be the sum of 13, and the annual contribution of such member after the first shall be the sum of $2. All contributions to be due in advance on the first day of January ; and all new members to pay their contribution for the year in which they an; elected, unless elected after the first day of October. 2. No Ordinary member whose annual contribution shall be in arrears for one year, shall be eligible to office, or to vote at any meet- ing of the Society; and should such annual contribution remain unpaid for two yea's the member shall be notified personally to pay the same within twenty days ; and if the same shall remain unpaid after the expiration of such notice, the name of such member shall be erased from the roll of the Society at the next monthly meeting thereof. 3. The annual contribution of each Associate Member shall be one dollar ($1), and shall become due at the same time as those of Ordinary Members, and Associate Members shall forfeit membership when default of payment for one year has been satisfactorily shown to the Council. ARTICLE VI. OF THE PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENTS. The President shall take the Chair at all meetings of the Society at which he is present, and r'lall regulate and keep order in the pro- ceedings. It shall be his duty to state and put questions, according to the sense and intention of the meeting, and to carry into effect the Constitution and Bye-Laws of the Society. In the absence of the 6 PreHklpnt, a Vice-PreHident «hall preHich' ; and if the PreHJdent and Vice-PrenidentH are absent, the inemberM prcNent may eUct a Chairman for the occaHion. ARTICLE VII. OP THB CO UNCI I,. 1. The Council shall consist of the Officers of the Society and three other memVjers, who shall have the general direction and man- agement of the affairs of the Society. 2. The Council shall meet at least once a month (luring the Session, or oftoner if necessary, to conduct the general routine busi- ness ; and any two members thereof may, by letter to the '' :retary, require a special meeting to be called, two days' notice of which must be given to each memlt)er of the Council. 3. At any meeting of the Council, five members thereof shall constitute a quorum. 4. The Council shall have power to appoint Committees for special objects connected with the affairs and business of the Society, and the reports of such Committees shall be submitted to the Council previously to their Ixiing read to the Society. .5. The Council shall draw up a yearly Report upon the state of the Society, in which they shall give an abstract of all the proceedings, and of the receipts and expenses of the past year to be accompanied V)y vouciiers ; and such report shall be read at the Annual General Meeting. 6. In case of any office becoming vt cant by death, or otherwise, the Council shall have power to appoint any eligible member to fill the place ; and in case of any officer being unable, through illness, absence, or otherwise, to perform his duties, the Council shall have power to relieve him therefrom, and to appoint any other eligible member to fill the office for the time being. ARTICLE VIII. OP THE TREASURER. 1. The Treasurer shall have charge of all moneys belonging to the Society and shall deposit the same in any bank of the City of St. John approved by the Council ; and shall keep a regular account of the income and expenditure of the Hocioty, which account he Hhall lay iM^fore the Council whenever recjuired. 2. No sum of money payable on account of the Society, shall Iw paid at any time, except W order of the Council, signed by the Chair- man and Secretary. ARTICLE IX. OF THK SErRKTARY. 1. The duty of the Secretary Hhall be to attend the meetings of the Society and of the Council ; to take niinutes of all their proceed- ings and to enter them in the proper books ; to read the minutes of the preceding meeting, with a view to their verification, and have them signed by the Chairman, as an attestation of theii accuracy ; to record and announce any donations made to the Society ; to give notice of any candidate proposed for admission, or to be balloted for ; to keep a list of the members of the Society and an account of the contributions and fees that accrue, and to collect the same and hand the amounts to the Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor ; to conduct the correspond- ence of the Society and Council, and to read the letters and papers addressed to the Society, in the order of time in which they were re ceived, unless the Council shall otherwise determine. 2. The Secretary shall be paid a salary to be determined by the Council, but the same shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars (.f 25) per annum. ARTICLE X. OF THE LIBRARIAN AND CURATORS. L The duty of the Curators shall be to have the superintendence of the Museum ; to take charge and care of all articles given to the Society and deposited with it, except when the same shall fall under the supervision of the Librarian. They shall also in concert with the Committees, in the various departments, arrange, label and catalogue the articles and specimens contained therein. 2. The duty of the Librarian shall be to take charge and care of all books, papers, maps and drawings of the Society ; to catalogue the books of the Libiary, and to issue them to the members of the Society in accordance with the rules now and hereafter to be enacted. ARTICLE XT. OF THK ORDINARY MEETINGS. 1. Meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday in every rao-^h, and the chair may be taken when five membero are present. 2. The chmr sliall be taken by the officer or member entitled to the same ; the business of the evening shall commence at eigl-t o'clock precisely, or at such hou.' as the Council may appoint, and be con- ducted in the order prescribed by the Bye-Iiaws. 3. Every member shall have the privilege of introducing two members to be present at the public buniness of the Society, by ticket of admission, on which the name and address of each visitor must be written. ARTICLE XII. OF THE ANNUAL MEETING. The annual general meeting of the Society shall be held on the third Tuesday in January, at eigh. o'clock in the evening, to receive and deliberate upon the report of the Council on the state of the Society, and to elect the officers and members of the Council for the ensuing year. ARTICLE XIII. OF THE PROPERTY OF THE SOCIETY. L The whole of the property and efiects of the Society, of what kind soever, shall be vested in the Council ot the Society, and subject to its control for the time being. 2. Every paper, map, plan, or drawing, which may be presented to the Society, shall be the property the -eof, I'nless there shall have been a previous arrangement to the contrary; and the Council may pul lish the same in connectiou with their transactions, or with the consent of the author, in any other form. 3. No comniunication made to the Society shall be published by any other person but the author, without the previous consent of the Council. 4. No papers, plans, maps, or other property belonging to the Society, shall be taken out of the rooms thereof, without the consent of thp^ Council, or in accordance with a Bye-Law hereafter enacted ; but every raembe:- shall have a right to inspect the same at such hours as the Council may direct. ARTICLE XI V. OK DOXATIONS. The names of all persons who shall have contributed to the Museum or Library during the past year shall be read at the annual general meeting ; and such pt rsous shall be recorded as lj<'nefactors, in a V)ook kept for the purpose, and in the published transactions of the Society. ARTICLE XV. No alteration of, amendment of, nor addition to this Constitution shall be made, except at the annual general meeting, and after a previous notice of at least one month, given to the Council, stating the subject and nature of such alteration, amendment, or addition by the member or members proposing it ; and no such amendment nor addition shall be adopted, except by a vote of two-thirih of the ordin- ary members present at such annual general meeting. (5 "'^'ilVJT'* It) BVL-AiAZS. I T. At Uiu oidiiiiuy iiiwtin<,'s of llic Soticty llic fullowiiij,' ovdv.i of business shall Vje attended to, as closely as circumstances will admit : 1. The Minutes of the previous meeting to be read and confirmed, and signed by the Chairman ; and no entry shall be con- sidered valid until this be complete. 2. New members to be introduced to the meeting. 3. Names of candidates for admission to be announced. 4. Business arising out of the JNIinutes to be acted upon. o. Communications received since the last meeting to be announced, and read if required. 6. Communications from the Council t