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Toua las autras exemplairaa origlnaux aont fllmte an commandant par la premiere page qui comporte une emprainte d'imprassion ou d'illustration at en terminant par la darniAre page qui comporte une telle emprelnte. Un dea symbolas suivantti apparaltra sur la darnlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon ie cas: Ie symbols —»> signifie "A SUIVRE", Ie symbols V signifle "FIN". Lea cartea, planchaa. tableaux, etc., peuvent fttre filmte A dea taux da rMuctlon diffirants. Lorsqua ie document eat trop grand pour dtra reproduit en un seul cllchA, 11 est film* i partir da Tangle aup^rieur gauche,, de gauche A droite, et de haut an baa, en prenant la nombre d'imagea nteeasaira. Lea diagrammes suivants lllustrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■o^ ^ 5 INFORMATION CONCEKNING THE OF THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. The Queen vs. Robertson. EXTBACTS FROM THE FEDERAL FISHERY LAWS AND REGULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER. The Quebec Fishery Laws and Regulations. ^Bprlm0itl of irnuin Jf nnb : QUEBEC. January, 1885. Hi( '■» %\ ! more right to the pro- i^ing on the [iterferences )r less than PROVIN^^ OF QUEBEC. 11 EXTRACTS FROM THE DOMINION FISHERY LAWS AUD HEGULATIONS. The foUowing extracts from the Dominion Fishery Laws and Regulations are selected principally for the information of lessees of rivers and lakes in the Province of Quebec, and anglers gene, rally. For complete copies of these laws and regulations application should be made to the Fisheries Department, Ottawa. 31 VICT. CHAP, 60. ^f'- '^•-It shall be lawful to fish for, catch and sai.on a„g,i„g icill salmon with a rod and line, in the manner known "^"°''- as fly surface fishing, between the thirtieth day of April and the thirty- first day of August, in the Province of Quebec. Sub-sec. 3. — Foul or unclean salmon shall not be at any time caught or killed. Foul Salmon. I Sub-sec. 4.— Salmon fry, parr and smolt, shall not Fry. parr or be at any time fished for, caught or killed, and no salmon kmi™' '" "* or grilse of less weight than three pounds shall be caught or killed ; but where caught by accident in nets lawfully used for other fish, they shall ])e liberated alive at the cost and risk of the owner of the fishery, on whom shall, in every case, devolve the proof of such actual liber- ation. 12 INLAND FISHERIES. Use of nets 'e- Kulated. I'onnJaries of esiuary fishing to be defined. Penalty for fishing alxjvc limits, except with a rod and line, (Sf'c. Mode of kill- ing at certain places. ^ Sub-sec. G.— The use of nets or other apparatus which capture sahnon shall, except in the Trovinces oi Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, be confined to tidal M'aters. Sub-sec. 7.— The Minister, or any Fishery Officer authorized to such.effect, sliall have power to define the tidal boundary of estuary fishing for the purposes of this Act ; and al:)ove the actual limit so to be laid down, it shall be unlawful, without the special fishery lease or license above provided for, to fish for salmon, except with a rod and line, in the manner known as fiy surface fishing, under a penalty not to exceed one hundred dol- lars, and imprisonment in default of payment for any term not exceeding two months. Sub-sec. 11.— Except in the manner known as fly surface fishing with a rod and lino, salmon shall not be fished for, caught or killed by any artificial pass or sal- mon leap, nor in any pool where salmon spawn. Si white-f Kovem of any . and tli(j nor sha Su white-fi tention tw(j mil Su have m measure Salmon spawn. Not to he kill- ed in certain ways and at certain season. Sub-sec. 12.— Except under the authority and for the special purpose provided for in this Act, no one shall take, buy, sell, destroy, use or possess any salmon roe, nor injure any spawning bed. LAKE AND RIVER TROUT FISHERY. . Sec. 8.— It shall not be lawful to fish for, catcli ui kill any kind of trout (or "lunge") in any M-ay whatever l^etween the first day ol October and tlie first day of January; and no one shall, at any time, fish for, catch or kill trout by other means tlian angling by hand witli hook and line, in any inland lake, river or stream, except in tidal waters. Sec (doree), Governo Sec. proof of ^ buy, sell thereof, ( means w by law. Sul) officer, e: a market in any vi to his ow xffi PliOVINCE OF QUEBEC. 13 other apparatus the Provinces ol confinod to tidal WHITE-FISH AND SALMON TROUT FISHERY. Oil liiets Sec. 0.— It shall not bo lawful to fish for or catch cios. s.. white-fish in any manner between the nineteenth day of ''^"'"^'hitc'rh. Kovember and the first day of December, nor by nleans Fishery Officer ^^ '^"^^ ^'"''^ ''^ •'*-'"^^' ^^'tween tlie thirty-first day of July ver to define the *"'^ ^^'"^ first day of December in the Province of Quebec, piir]ioses of this ^'''' ''^'''^^ ^^^"^ ^''^ ^^' ^^^^ same be at any time destroyed. ' t Z exec," :'""'"'■ ''"'" '""'™ ""'^'^^'■^ "f ^' '-•'' «™ "-''- -- n as ny surlaw t,v„ miles of a.,y seining gronnd. lie hundred dol- ayment for any Sub-sec. 3.-Seines for catehing wldte-fish shall s.,„. bivo meslKs of not less than four inches extension measure. er known as fly ton shall not hv ^'^'"^^ ^^^ PICKEREL FISHERY. >ial pass or sal ^.c. lO.-Close-seasons for bass, pike, picKerel c... spawn. (doree), maskinonge and other fish, may be fixed by the Governor in Council to suit different localities, ithority and fiji is Act, no on. POSSESSION OF FISH. sess any salmon Sgc- H.— No one shall, without lawful excuse the proof of which shall devolve wholly on the i.arty char-'od ^^"^^^ " buy, sell or possess any fish named in this Act, or parts '" '" ""*■■ HERY. . thereof, caught or killed during seasons when and by sh ^,, catch o. "^Z^'^' "''"'"' " '''"' *'' """^ is prohibited M'ay whn.tevei the first day of Sulvsec. 2.— It shall be the duty of every customs , fish for, catch ''^'^''''' excise officer, police officer or constable", clerk of ^"-i- "li^r^ M^yhand witli^^"^^^l^'«t brother party in charge of any marketplace "'°"' '" • stream, except ^" ^^'^^' village, town or cii}\ to seize and forfeit on view to his o^^-n proi.er use, or gift, any fish enumerated in Idj-u season. season. ^■pos salo in close season. 14 INLAND FISHEEIES. And report the same. To be made where and in such manner as Fishery Officer may determine. I'enalty for con- travention. this act, caught or killed during prohibited seasons, oi which appears to have been killed by unlawful means : but every such seizure and appropriation, with the date, place and circumstance thereof, shall be duly reported together with the name, residence and calling of the per- son in whose possession such fish was found, to tht Fishery Officer having jurisdiction over the district with- in which such seizure, forfeiture and appropriation have taken place. CONSTRUCTION OF FISHWAYS. Sec. 12 — Every dam, slide, or other obstruction across or in any stream where the Minister may deter, mine it to be necessary for the public interest that ii fish-pass should exist, shall be provided by tlie ownei or occupier with a durable and efficient iishway, ti be maintained in practical and effective condition, in whatever place and of whatever form and capa- city will admit of the passage of fish through the same, (which place, form and capacity any Fishery Offi- cer may, by written notice, determine) under a penalty of four dollars fcr each day during wliich any such ob- struction remains unprovided with a fish way, after three days' notice in writing to the owner or occui)ier thereof construe Any owi Act, the plete th( with the may rec( pense sc bunal. Sul any fish entering jure or c Sec of any st othfer fisl any rive main cht always b material weirs \isi mill-dan] To be kept open, 6f'c. Minister may pay one-half the cost. Sub-sec. 2.— Fish ways shall be kept open and u?i- oljstructed and be supplied with a sufficient quantity v\ water to fulfill the purposes of this enactment, during; such times as may be required by any Fishery Officer. Sub-sec. 3. — The Minister may authorize the pay- ment of one-half of the expenses incurred by such ownei or occupier in constructing and maintaining any fisli- way. Sub-sec. 4. — Should it be expedient to procure tin ence onb juie othe shall dep and such mined b] Sub as entire! any of tl nary cha: passage t increasinj PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. 15 )ited seasons, oi inlawful means : n, with the date, e duly reported illing of the per- is found, to tht' ilie district wit h- jropriation have LYS. her obstruction ter may deter. I interest that ii id by tlie ownei ent iishway, tt itive condition, form and capa- ih throufijh the ly Fishery Oflfi- nder a penalty 1 any such ob- way, after three cupier thereof the cosl in cer- tain cases. construction of any fish way pending proceedings against ^^^ conrtruct toy owner or occupier for the penalty imposed by this Act, the Minister may give directions to make and com- plete the same forthwith, and to enter upon the premises with the necessary workmen, means and materials, and may recover from the owner or occupier the whole ex- pense so incurred by action before any competent tri- bunal. Sub-sec. 5. — No person shall injure or obstruct any fish way, nor do anything to deter or hinder fish from entering and ascending or descending the same, nor in- jure or obstruct any authorized barrier. Not t3 be ob- stru:ted or in- jured. topen and un- nit quantity ol Lctment, durini: shery Officer. Sec. 13, Sub-sec. 4. — The main channel or course of any stream shall not be obstructed by any nets or other fishing apparatus ; and one-third of the course of any river or stream, and not less than two-thirds of the main channel at low tide, in every tidal stream shall always be left open, and no kind of fishing apparatus or material shall be used or placed therein ; provided that weirs used exclusively for catching eels, and the usage of mill-dams for catching eels, shall be subject to interfer- ence only in cases where, and at times when, they j.r • juie other fisheries, or by completely barring any passage, shall deprive other weirs of a share in the run of eels ; and such place, time and circumstances may be deter- mined by any Fishery Officer. Main chanmels not to be ob- structed Proviiio ; as to eel fishing. Sub-sec. 5. — Nonet or other device shall be so used as entirely to obstruct the passage of fish to and from any of the waters of the Dominion by any of the ordi- nary channels connecting such waters, or debar their passage to and from accustomed resorts for spawning and to procure tin increasing their species. iiorize the pay- i by such ownei ining any fisli- No net, £>'c., to obstruct en- tirely thi: pass- age of fisih. in INLAND FISHERIES. KillitiR fish nt certain places forbiddeii. Sul,..,ec. fi.-Tho etching, killing ,„■ „.„lu»ting o, ;» . when i,as.s,ng „v attempting to im, through !»,y .shway or n.,h.i.as8, or in aunnonnting any oh»taole or le.ti«-tho „.e of any invention to catch, kill, or molest h,h m the null head, and water-cour,e» an.urtenant thereto, are hcrehy forhitUleu. Fish not to be killed ill cer- tain ways. Proviso Indians. YouHE of fish not to be taken. Nets, d-c.in small rivers. Fish to be allowed free passage on Sunday. Sub-sec. 8.- It shall not be lawful to iish for. catch or kill salmon, tn^it (or "lunge") of any kind, maski- non.i^e, wmnoniche, bass, bar-iinh, pickerel, white-fish herring or shad by means of 8i,ear, graimel hooks, iie-w to ornishagans: Provided, the Minister may appropriate and license or lease certain waters in which certain In- dians shall be allowed to catch fish for their own use in aiidat whatever maimer and time are specified hi the ;^or lease, and may permit spearing in certain Siib-sec. 9.~No person shall fish for, catch, kill buy sell or possess the young of any of the fish named in this Act, or in any Regulation or Eegulations under It. . Sec. 13.-Nets or other fishing apparatus shaU not be so used as to impede or divert the course offish in any small rivers. X of he clock m the evening or, every Saturday, to the time of low water nearest six o'clock in the momin- on every Monday, in tidal waters, and from six of thecbck m the evening on every Saturday to six of the clock in the morning of the foUowing Monday, hi ft-e.h water - semes, nets, or other apparatus used for catching il, shall he so raised or adapted as to admit of the free l-assage of fish through, past, o. out of the so.mo, for the PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. 17 ulu.sUug ot I'ou^'h any f>l)>stacle or , or molest >l)urtenaiit for, catch J, niaski- v'liitb-fish, )ks, iiegog >propriate iitain Iii- ■n use ill d ill the II certain tch, kill, h. named IS under ihall not f fish in nearest Y, to the ning on lie clock lock in 'ater, — ag fish le free for the And forfeil'^l if tlien t.tKi- , purpose of affording a free pass from six of the clock on every Saturday evening to six of the clock on every following Monday morning ; and during this dose time it shall be unlawful to catch fish by such means ; and any fish so taken, caught or killed, together with the nets or other api)ai'atus used, shall be forfeited, in addi- tion to the penalties imposed by this Act. (This applies to angling, which must be suspended between six o'clock on Saturday evening and six o'clock on Monday morning.) Sec. 14, Sub-sec. 2. — Lime, chemical substances or Poiscmou* drugs, poisonous matter, (liquid or solid), dead or decay- wti'S "'" ing fish, or any other deleterious substance, shall not be drawn into, or allowed to pass into, be left or remain in any water frequented by any of the kinds of fish men- tioned in this Act ; and saw-dust or mill- rubbish shall |!,w.'dust'''*''' not be drifted or thrown into any stream frequented by fish, under a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars ; Provided always, that the Minister shall have j>ower to I'roviso: Min- exempt from the operation of this sub-section, wholly or empt"y from any portion of the same, any stream or streams in wliich he considers that its enforcement is not recjuisite for the public interest. Sec. 15, Sub-sec. 2 — Nothing contained in this Act Licenses to shall preclude the granting by the Minister of written A-° ''^'"*^"' permission to obtain fish and fish spawn, for purposes of stocking or artificial breeding, or for scientific pur- poses. FIXES AND FORFEITURES. See. 16. — Except for offences to which penalties are p^n.,i,y j,, iilready attached, each and every offender against the lio^'oth^^'ir provisions of this Act, or the Regulations under it, shall '"""'''=^^ ster mav e.v« smpt any stream, iSt»c. 18 INLAND yiSHEllIl^^S. I'roviso : dis- .relionary pijwer in cer- laiii ca"**' dollars, besides all costs i.""'' '",•'«' ^^^J^ /It less vieti„« .na,ist™te. that "^^ J ,^„„ poverty ill iijiiorance of the; law ; and that ottaus ',„,.„.. ol the defendant, the renally imposed wonld be jes sive, adiseretiouaiy ,ower may be --™-^- '';^;;/^ >-i,lery Officer or other magistrate may grant a wai a !;lt«,ss for the amount of fine and costs imposed .„ any case. Sub-sec 2 -The contravention on any .lay of any MiD-set. ^. Ue<'ulat urn made of tlie provisions of this Act, or ot any i e under it shall constitute a separate ottence, and may punished accordingly. Sub-sec. S.-Shoul.l any .lefendant have gocKls and ,,atteU Uereon the costs may be levied, t.>e comij-ian i,„v aistrain for the amount nnder warrant by any yi:! Officer, or other magistrate, notwithstanding the f <• iiu. i>tjrtv convicted and nneu. iniprisornnent ot the paii> ujuviv. Sub-sec 4 -All materials, implements ov appliances used, arrd all lish had in contravention to t^^^^^^^;; - any Rcuaation or Ke^^vdalions under it, sha 1 bt coni. ' 1 t:Her Maiesty, and may be sei.ed ani.sire>s for fietialiy, &-"<;. Forfeiture ol iirticles Uf-etl lu coiUraveii- lioii of ibis All. i I I'KOVIXCE OF QUEr.KC\ 19 Avcnty cut of lot less jvided, le coii- iniitted poverty uypres- iiul auy warrant i08eil in T of any on made may be oods and iplainant by any iiding the Lppliances is Act (^r be contis- ontiscated I removed !, and tlie (Wards de- or penalty 3r Majesty, to the pro- I 4 s(;cutor, together with the costs taxed to liim for attend- ance as a witness or otherwise. MODK OF UKCOVERY. »SiW. 17. — Kach iicnalty or forfeitiire imposed by „ , this Act, or llegulations made under it, may be recover- to i)c sueii for. cd, on j)ar()le complaint, beiorc any Kisliery Othcer, sti- j)eiidiary »n- other magistrate, in a summary manner on tlieoath of one credible witness. Sub-sec. -. — Thrne days sjuill elapse between the ^^^^-^^.^^^^ service and the retiu'ii of summons to any defetidaut for ^'"""""'-Ac the fii'st five leagues, and one day more for each additional live leagues of the distance between the place at which the summons is dated and the place of service. I'ro- ivovis,. : for . . , c;ise« not vided that when it is exi)edient to proceed against a (.le- MdmittiMs fendant without delay, any Fishery Othcer or other magistrate may issue a summons, returnable immediately, or may issue a warrant for the apia'cheiision of such de- fendant simultaneously with the summons. .ijiiit;ili'iii Sub-sec. 3. — Penalties incurretl under tliis Act, or the Kegulations made under it, shall lie suetl foi' within "*^^"'' twf» years from the commission of the offcMice. Sub-sec. 4. — When not otlierwise s[)eciti(.Ml, every wi,,, >ti,iii i.c )>ro[)rietor or proprietress, owner, agent, tenant, oecui>ier, ''"'''^• partner or i)erson actually in charge, either as oecuiiant or servant, shall be deemed to be jointly and severally liable for penalties or moneys recoverable under any of the provisions of this Act or an} Kegulation or Kegula- tions under it. 2(1 Nil i|iia»hin|{ fi'r want of I' mm, ir'c. INLAND KISHKKIKS. Suli-suc. f). — X(i imj(!(' convict upon his own view ol any of the oft'ences, 1)11 view. both as infractions and for non-compliance, i)nnishabl under the provisions of this Act ; and shall remove, or cause to be removed instantly and detain any materials illegally in use. Mny cause search tn he liiadu. Sub-sec. 2. — Any Fishery OtHcer or other Magis- trate may search, or shall grant a warrant to have searched, any vessel or place where there is cause to believe that any fish taken in contravention of this Act, or anything used in violation thereof, may be concealed. Ill what local- ity Ic lie prosecuted. Sub-sec. o. — "When any offence under this act is committed in, upon or near any water forming the boundary between different counties or districts, or fishery districts, such ottence may be prosecuted before any Magistrate in either of such counties or districts, or lu'fore the Fishery Officer for cither contiguous fish- ery district. Act, or any it, sliiill bt' 1)0 eing liable for treapasH. OTIIFR FEDERAL REGULATIONS. Magistrate le oft'ences, punishable remove, or y materials her Magis- it to have is cause to ni of this , may be his act is rminj; the istricts, or ited before I' districts, pilous lisli- The use of ex[»losive materials to catch or kill Hsh is forbid- den in the Dominicm of Canada. (O.C. 20 April, 1876.) The use of seines for the purpose of catching smelts is pro- hibited in the Dominion of Canada, (O. C. 26 July, 1877.) The use of smelts for mamire is ])rohibited in the Dominion of Canada, (0. C. 21 December, 1877.) No person shall fish for, catch, kill, buy, sell or have in i)os- session any speckled trout {nalino fontimdia) between the first '; INLAND FISHEETES. SYHOPSIS OF THE FISHERY LAWS RKfJARDINc; CLOSE SEASONS IN THE PROVIXCE OF QUEREC. IT IS rXLAWFJ/L TO TAKE Piclcerel, Dore, \ Maskinonge. ( From tlie loth of April to tl.e 1 oth of Ma v I »^;^ person may. during their respective close season., fish f.r catch, kill, buy, sell, or have in possession, anv of the kinds of fish' mentioned al,ove. Any person doing so is liable to be fined or imprisoned. Net or seine fishing witl.out license is prohibited. Nets must .e raised and angling suspended from Saturday night until Mon- ^lay n^ormiig^ .^ets or seines must not be set or used, so as to bar channels or bays. 'i^u. ...n These prohibitions apply to Indians as well as to white men. 7S PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. QUEBEC FISHERIES ACT. KREC. lav. iiig year. )er. fish li i\ s offish fined or ts must il Mon- -s to bar ie men. i 46 VICT., CAP. 8. An Act respecting tlie management of public lands adjoining non- navigable streams and lakes in the Province of Quebec, and the exercise of the fishing rights thereto pertaining. {Assented to Wh March, ISSo.) HEK MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of tin- Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows : 1. — The Commissioner of Crown Lands or any officer or agent under him authorized to that effect, may grant leases of such of the public lands of the Crown as are situated along the banks of such rivers and lakes in the Province of Quebec, where the ex- clusive right of fishing is vested in the Crown as the riparian pro- prietor, at such rates and subj 'ct to such conditions, regulations and restrictions, as may from time to time be established by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, and which shall be published in the Quebec Official Gazette. 2. — No lease shall be so granted for a period longer than oni' year from the date thereof, and if, in consequence of any incor- rectness of survey or other error or cause whatsoever, a lease is found to comprise lands included in a lease of a prior date, the lease last granted shall be void in so far as it interferes with the one previously issued ; and the holder or proprietor of the licenst- so rendered void, shall have no claim for indemnity or compensa- tion by reason of such avoidance. (Repealed, and replaced by sec. 1 of Act of 1884.) ¥1 24 INLAND FISHERIES. 3.— Sucli license shall confer, for the time being, on the lessee the right to take and keep the exclusive possession of the lands therein described, subject to such regulations and restrictions as may be established, and shall vest in him the right to fish in the waters thereto adjoining, at such times and in such manner as may be regulated and allowed by any law or statute of the Parliament of Canada then in iorce, or by any regulations passed in virtue thereof. It shall also entitle the lessee to institute in his own name any action or suit at law against any wrongful possessor or tres- passor, and to ])rosecute the same, and to recover damages if any there be. 4. —Each lessee shall be bound to establish and maintain, on and over the ten-itory covered by his lease, an efficient guardian- ship to secure a complete protection of the fishery rights belong- ing to it. He shaU finther l)e answerable for damages done to the tim- ber giov.-ing on the said territory and in the adjoining territory, by himself or the people under his control, either from waste or from want of sufficient precautions in lighting, watching over or putting out fires, and it shall be incumbent upon him, in case of damage done by fire, to prove that all such precautions have been taken. 5.__N() lessee shall have the right to sublet any privilege Ill-anted him under the provisions of this Act, without first notify- ing the Department of Crown Lands, and receiving the written I'onsent of the ( 'onniii.^sioner or of sonu; other person authorized to that efiect. (). — The rental .shall be paid in ailvancti ; and any lessee who fails to do so, shall not be entitled to claim the renewal of his lease. The lease of any person convicted of an infraction of this ^w rnoviNCE OF quebec. 25 the lessee the lands ictions as sh in the ler as may ail lament in virtue wn name ir or tres- ;es if any intain, on guardian- ts belong- o the tim- fritory, by B or from or putting jf damage a taken. privilege I'st notify- le written ;horized to lessee who wal of his on of this Act, or who has violated any regulations under it, may be an- nulled by the Commissioner of Crown Lands. 7. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may, if he considers it expedient for the better protection of the ja-ovincial fisheries, divide the province into fishery divisions, and may appoint a fish- erv overseer for each such division, whose iluties shall be defined by the regulations made under this Act. 8. Except in the discharge of any duty imposed by law, no person shall enter upon or pass over the land described in such lease without permission of the lessee or his representative, on pani of incurring a fine of not less than one nor more than ten dollars, and in default of immediate payment, of an imprisonment not ex- ceeding one month. It shall be lawful, nevertheless, whenever any such land is included in any timber lincense, that the holder there- of shall have at all times the right to cut and take away all trees, timber and lumber, within the limits of his license aud during the term thereof, and it shall further be lawful for him to make use of any floatable river or watercourse, and of any lake, pond or other body of water, and the banks thereof, for the conveyance of all kinds of lumber, and for the pa.ssage of all boats, ferries and canoes required therefor; subject to the charge of rei)airing all damages resulting from the exercise of such right. The present section shall not apply to any person simply pass- ing over the said land, or engaged in any occupation not inconsist- ent with the provisions of this act. 0. If any person, without permission of the lessee or his representative, fishes or employs or induces any other person to fish or assist in fishing in the waters adjoining any such leaseenalty imposed by virtue of this act shall belong to Her Majesty for the uses of the Province, and the remaining half shall be paid to the jaosecutor, together with the costs which he may have incurred. Each penalty or forfeiture, imposed by this act or by the regulations made thereunder, maybe recovered t-n parol complaint before any fishery officer or other magistrate, or before anv Crown Lands agent or other officer irv employee of the Oown Lands Department, in a summary manner, on the oat'a of one credible witness. Any fishery officer or other official, mentioned in this section, may convict upon his own view for any of the offences mentioned in this act. 12. — The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may, from time to time, vary, amend, and alter all ajid every regulation as shall be found necessary or deemed expedient for the better management and regulation of such land as is leased under the operation of this act and the fishing rights thereto ])ertaining, and such regulations shall have the same force and effect as if herein contained and en- acted. Every offence against any such regulation may be stated as having been made in contravention of this act; and for the pur- rilOVIXCK OF QUEBEC. 27 ]K).SL'S of onfoi'cing the same, Fishery Overseers as well as all agents for the sale of Crown Lands, all employees of the Department of Crown Lands, and all wood rangers, and other persons employed hv the Department of Crown Lands, shall be ea; q^cio Justices of tlie Peace. 13. — The remuneration of tlie Fishery Overseers and of all other persons employed to perform any duty imposed by this act or by the regulations made under it, shall be determined by tlie Commissioner of Crown Lands, eitlier by conrmission or other- wise, and in either case shall be paid out of the proceeds of the operations of this act. 14.— It shall be lawful for the Commissioner of Crown Lands, or any officer thereto authorized by him, to grant permits to fish in any waters adjoining lands not under lease, for a period not ex- ceeding one month, upon such terms and subject to such restric- tions and conditions as shall be provided liy Oi-der in Council to that effect. 15, — Bonajide residents may fish in such unleased rivers as are known not to contain salmon, and in unleased lakes, without first obtaining the permit mentioned in the preceding section. IC, — 'i^his act shall come into force on the day of its sanction. 28 INLAND FISHERIES. LEASES OF PUBLIC LANDS. 47 VICT., CAT. 27. An Act to amen 1 the Act of this Province, 46 Victoria, chapter 8, respecting the management of public lands adjoining non- navigable streams and lakes in the Province of Quebec, and the exercise of the fishing rights thereto pertaining. {Astiented to lOth June, 1884.) HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows : i 46 V., c. 8, s. 2, replaced. l.__Section 2 of the act 46 Victoria, chapter 8, is repealed, and is replaced by the following : Duration of " 2. No Icasc sliall bc so granted for a period longer !,ionrs°/imo"i''' than five years from the date thereof; and in the case of lands situate along rivers known as ' Salmon Rivers,' leases therefor shall be made only to and in fiivor of the highest bidder, after the same shall have been put up to public competition, of which at least one month's notice shall be given in the 'Quebec Official Gazette,' and in such other way as to the Commissioner of Crown Lands may seem the most advantage ous. Provided always that the price offered be at learst equal to the upset price fi.xed by the Commissioner, and that if not sold, the Commissioner may afterwards, by ]»rivate sale, dispose of the said leases at such upsot price, c)r for a greater siun. Proviso. VKOVINCE OK Ql'KV.EC 20 i Whenever a lease of lauds, previously under lease p"eviou"7es"ee .1 for actual to one person, is adjutl<^ed to auotlier person, tne new v"i''eofJ»'- ._^ lessee shall be held to indemnify the previous lessee for pjJJJfp^'-"' the real and notartiticial value of any necessary bniM- l;;-;;^ '" =*"" iniis or improvements existing on the land leased, which value, in case of any ditterence of oi)inion, sliall l>e de- finitely fixed and determined by the Cummissioncr of Crown Lands ; and such new lessee shall not be entitled to receive a lease until he shall have furnished proof that he has so indemnititHl the previous lessee. And if, in conseciuence of any incorrectness of sur- |'^;;-'- -,i" vey or other error or cause whatsoever, a lease is found |^Satn«- to comprise lands included in a lease of a ]M'ior date, '^""^« ''"^"-■• the lease last granted shall be void in so far as it inter- feres with the one previously issued, and the holder or proprietor of the lease so rendered void, shall have no claim for indemnity or compensation by reason of sucb avoidance." 2. The Commissioner of Crown Lands may, upon Appointment tne recommendation of the lessees of Hsbing rights, or "'■^"-'i'--- M-ithout such recommendation, appoint as many guar- dians as may be deemed necessary for the eftectual pro- tection of tlie tislicries in the different rivers and lakes under his control. Such ouardians shall be sworn to the faithful dis- oaiuoi g....- charae of "their duties and espec'ially to prevent the ^.-s. taking or killing, or attempting to take or kill hsh uithe waters under their charge by illegal means, or at tnnes when the taking or killing of fisli is ,,rohibite.l by law They shall be eiuph)yed for such length of time as lermofsev- e Commissioner of Crown Lands shall consider neces- i:^;^'^^l thi sary ; and their services shall be paid f<.r by the lessees. 30 INLAND FISHERIES. SintemeiU to l.e fiirnishcii !iy lessees. Kighl of pas- •>iige reserved. Leases to be iiKule in the ii:inie of one person. Cancellation of lease in certain cases. Rivers, <5r»c,, may he reserv- ed for certain time. Commissioner may, with con- -en't of owners, assume con- irol of fishing lights fronting (in lakes, <5^c., tor certain |Mirpo>es. Share of rent paid to owners. :^._It shall 1)0 made a condition of leases of lands conveying fishing lights that lessees sh ill, as soon as ])os,sible after the clo.se of each angling season, transmit to the Department of Crown Lands a statement of the number and weight of tish caught in the waters affected by such leases. 4. — Leases of lands to convey fishing rights sludl be made subject to a general right of })assa.Li;e tt) and from the water in favor of the occupants, if any, under title from the Crown, of the lands immediately in rear of those leased. 5. — Leases of lands conveying Hshing rights shall l)e made in the name of one person oidy, who shall 1)0 recognized as the lessee. ().— Excessive or wasteful fishing or killing of sal- mon or trout shall involve the cancellation of the lease covering the waters in which it has taken place ; and the lessee who has been guilty of such excessive or wasteful iishing shall not be eligible to receive another lease of fishing rights or permit or license to lish within this Province. 7. — It shall be lawful for the LieuteuauU'rovernor in Council, upon the reeomuiendation of tl e Commis- si(jner of Crown Lands, to reserve from lease lor one or more years, for i)urposes of improvement, any river or lake not leased or jtart thereof, the exclusive light of fishing in which is vested in the Crown, 8. — The Commis.sioner of Crown Lands may, with the ctaisent of the owners, and for purposes of manage- ment only, assume the control of fishing rights pertain- ing to granted lauds fronting on any river or lake, with ii. view to imi>roving or leasing the same in connectirui with those pertaining to ungranted hinds fronting on th(! TROVIXCE OF QUEIiKC. 31 same river or lake, and paying over to thv. private own- ers of sneh fishing rights a i)roj)ortionate share of the rent received for the whole. 0. — It is obligatory upon a?n- ^,tirson who has no , . 1 ..•..,, . ^ l.icenscs to be 'loniKnle m the Trovince of Quebec, and who desires to "»''•'»".«='>'•>• ... -V > .^j..w.3 i.^j certain per- tish in the salmon rivei's \uu\v.v the control of this Pro- '""' vince, to i»rocure a i)ermit or license to that effect from the Commissioner of Cnmn Lands before beginning to fish. ° cense. Such license shall be granted upon the pay- I'riceofii ment of a fee of ten dollars, and shall be valid until the close of the angling season of the year in whicli it is gianted. Lessees of fishing rights from the Crown are ex- KxeM,ption h. empt from the ol)ligation imi)Osed l)y this section ; l>ut oni'sWug ''^''' no more than two persons shall be exempt under any "'''"^ lease, notwitjistanding any arrangement that may exist with regard to the payment of rent. 10. — This act shall be read and construed as though , t.»nnmgi)art of the act hereby amended; and the two •0 united shall be known and may be cited under the name of "The Quebec Fisheries Act." Name ot iict. 11 — This act, with the exception of the first .section . • thereof, shall come into force on the day of its sanction, '"'" and the said first section shall come into and be in force only on and after the first day of September next. 32 INLAND FISHERIES. REGULATIONS. The followiiKr regulations, made and passed by the Lieutenant Governor in Coundl in connection with the (Mebec Fisheries Act. have the force and eiVect of law : 1 __The Commissioner of Crown Lands may at his discretion reserve from sale or location any puWic lands adjoining non-navig- •vble rivers and lakes, such reserve to bo for such depth as may be ibund expedient, and leases granted under the provisions of the Ouebec Fisheries Act, for the purpose of conveying the hshing eights pertaining to such lands, shall be for the depth so reserved. 2 —Such leases shall be granted, as far as practicable, to responsible parties, able and willing to improve the lakes and rivers J guard them well. Applicants having in view the personal use and enjoyment of the fishing rights to be generally pi-eferred to - such as may offer higher rents with a view to farmmg or subletting the riaht to fish. Care to be taken that residents in the province be allowed to enjoy a due proportion of the ilshing rights. N B —Leases affecting salmon rivers are sold at auction to the parly offering the highest rental. They are made for five years or less. ' (See Quebec Fisheries Act, part 2, sec. 1.) 3 _-The valuation of the lands for rent shall be based on the character and condition of the lakes or rivers which they adjoin, as ,,ade known to the Department of Crown Lands by reports of offi- cial inspector or private individuals. All such repoi s shall be considered confidential, not to be communicated to other pauies without the express authorization of the Commissioner or A, .ant Commissioner of Crown Lands. I'HOVINCK OF QUKBEC. 33 4.-I., ea.sc ol ,l,fl.ront parties making upplicati,.,. for a least- Of he .s.une lands, they .l.,.|l I.e asked tc, state in writing the »nn,nnt 1 rent they a,,, sexerully disposed to pay therefor, and the (Jo.n- n assioner o Cnnvn Lan.ls n.ay at his timtier tliereon. "^ n.n,ty dollars, and im,iiis.mment up to one month. Fxcessivo or wasU^ful tishing .«■ killing of .sahuc. or trout m- volvct'the cancellation of the lease covering the waters .n wlncl. tt ha taken place, and the i«rson guilty of such excess.ve or waste- fulfiltn. is not eligible U, receive another lease of hshn.g r.ghts or permit to Hsh within this Province. It is oblig.itorv upon any person who does not reside n. the l.,„vi nee of Quebec,' and who desires to hsh in the salmon nvers ,lr the control of this Province, to pmcure a permit or license to hat effect before beginning to «.sh. The fee for such permit is ten d^s ($10). They "may be p.cured from the Depirtment of Crown L»nds at Quebec. lessees of fishing rights from the Crown do not require such permiubut not mo^ than two ,«rsons are exempt under any lease. le rs to is nt ch