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Les diagrammes suivants iliustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Michigan, Ohio IUMDO.-J <*r6 k ulNO kf C.J.Whitney. A.C.Roote ONTARIO. Lessee:. Manager- W. SMITH. E. HOLLAND. «_ -=-- W. 8. PARTRIOQE. _> I *^ wm ll::':':; ;iiiii.ill;HliirHii,r;'.;;tliirH'llllMHi!lln;illMi:iiilli. ii..ii,i!iii;i;niii;tillllliltlinii. ^-v ..iitiif ' it! ■<■ i,:t'i(t.i|lt!Miiiii".'M' miMlti'i'iv ■> r^:^ 3T6 <>?-j RICHMOND STREET, iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiffiiiinii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i!iiiiiiiiiui!iiiiiii!iiiittiiiiiiiw> -_. ^ Ti-vnTTxrxitT -^ (Loadon PHdUds ud Litbo, CoJ OPPOSITE ORANn OPERA HOUSE BUILDINQ. A full stock of Supplies always on hand. EOnrXI B38. LAMBS I THB ONLT WAT TO Oat SBU IS THROTTflH TBB "yRBS TMIflS'' WAITT OOLTnOT. ^*^ * - - - n iiiiiiii.r.iii I I iij|iii!iiii:ii iim iiiiiii,ii'iin'ii,i::iiiiiiii:i i'i|iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|iiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MMllllllllllllllil .1 I I I I I I 'I I i I I I I > * I I ! I I 'l"l''l parisiaDf . Steam liaandpy 73 LONDON 8 FASHIONABLE HATTER AND FURRIER 400 t^ICHIMOHD STt^HBT. iiiiTmI iliiliiliii:j.iliiliiliil:iliilnli!li:liJni!'li>l<:|"l' XV 70V |i!|ii|r|i'| I WILLIAMr; Pmnox CANADA'S FAVORITK Cannot be excelled for touch, singing quality, delicacy and great power of tone, with highest excellence of workmanship. ALL THt LATCST VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL :r:rr^z: =z=z=====:iir=^ UUSIC BECEIVCD AS PUBLISHED. Musical Instruments of all kinds, Strings and Fittings AT LOWEST PRICKS. R. g. wmm^M^ § g0N. 171 DUNDAS STRriT, LONDON, ONI. J. A. CRODEN, IVlanager. iiMwamtmiitiiinimiiiiMtM Matinee and Night, Saturday, Feb. 17th. /^9i iif pf IP Capipe ^ fafadox A Grand Display of Intellif nt Dogs. DO EVERYTHING BUT TALK, so- IN NUHBER— 50 (Programme continued on next page.) ■ ■■■■HUMMIMIMIIMNIIIMIIiaillHIIHIMIIUIHIHIIIIII SOMETHING NEW. Opetra Caramels, English Bt Canadian Choeolate Cfeams. VERY FINEST French Crystalized FRUITS. 0Iiu^5 ii) BulK. . Fresi; Roquefort Sneese.. FITZGERALD, SGANDRETT & GO. 100 r>u.zicl»i» Stx-eet. F.STAIll.lSIIKI) 183I. H. DAVIS & SON, --fc.iT=>- , , . OKALERS IN . . . m Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Spectacles, i Silver Plated Ware, do. | W. T. Strong ( Dispensing | Chennlst, § 184 Dundas Street, London, - Ontario. B I Central Shoe Store, 145 3D"CriSri5-A.S ST. i I /gN < Iniitntoey Februaru 20th, and are determined = to reduce our Stoch as much as possible before ? that date. To do this, we have cut down prices to a = figure heretofore unheard of for such quality of " goods. This Oreat Reduction will place the best ^ selected stock of Staple and Hlgh-Qrade Shoes ~ within the reach of all. " m RKMEMBEW, WE KEEP NO INFgRlOW OW m ^ SHODDY GOODB. ^ i EVERY LINE OF BOOTS, SHOCS, SUPPBRS, RUBBCRS, OVCRSHOiS, OVlROAITEfiS. LEOeiNOS, MOCCASISS, ETC., IS THE BES'l OK ITS KINU. Otir position enables us to sell cheaper than any other shoe store In this western section ; but this Special Reduction cannot fail to further convince the Public, that for reliable footwear in all Stan- dard Styles, ' ' Brouin 's Is undoubtedly the Cheapest. ' ' — will also apply to our — Handsome American Designs in LADIES' AND GENTS' DRESS SHOES, WALKING. SKATING «no HOCKEY BOOTS ; Also car CairiBlsis. and uncxcsllsd (for Siuls and Finish) assortment of YOUTHS; Miasis'.BOli'.'oiRLS' AND BABY SHOiS. John S. Brown, TELEPHONE 881. m m ■ * i 1 I i i ISO 1 ■ i FOR 9 5 i 1 A.. 1 ■ i ■ i .•OR I ; NUTU« 1 m Satii \ I 361 ^ 1 /■J ■ ^ I ' 9 Illlll|i:|nllllllll1ll{|llli!lll|lill!llll<:|lli.l|ll|ill!|:i|:'l l'|::l!'|ll|ll|{.|:il VJUStT TSS BBSS, TiUJSB TBS " TRBB I|l!|ll|:illll1!|ll|i!lll|lllll|tilllllllll|llli'llllllll!llllllllllllllllllllti!|lllllll!llllllilllllllllllllllll|llli:llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllll PBSSS." iJU. XSB XTBTS! XT Toir sn XV m tux "lohtsok XT IS 80! lll|iillllli|ll|ii|llllll:illlllillillillllllllllllllllillillllli|lillll>i|i!llllliliilll|ii|il|ii|illii|ii|ii|{|ii|M|. |ii|ijii|ii|ii||i|ii|ii|ii|i:iii|ii|,i|ii|,,|r|i,|,j TR-y — S0UTH60TTS FOR A . ■ Nice Suit i Fancy Vest I .OR Trousers I NUT LINE OF IIGH(-WEIGHT OVERCOATINGS IN STOCK. I Satiafaotion Aaaured. Prioea Right. i 861 RICHMOND STREET. 9 I-I-H-I-I-I-I-I-I-I PRINTERS LITHOGRAPHERS ENGRAVERS T he London Printing and Lithographing Hft'lf SUOOESSOHS TO FREE PRESS UU If nmm and litho. OFFICE, FREE PRESS" ■UILDINQ. 0EPHTMENT8. ■ EST WORK « MODERATE PRICES. I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I JECDIBSEH JHOUSE LONDON. Directly opposite G.T.R depot; street railw.iy past the doors ; convenient to all the wholesale , and retail business houses of ] city, making it the most desir- I able hotel in thecity; elevator, 1 and heated throughout with ! steam . Porter in attendance on arriual of all trains. 9 a ^ES, $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY, ACCORDING TO LOCATION. ? No iixlra Charge For baggage. C. W. DAVIS, Prop. LATEST SHAPES -"' . In American and £ngliah ii — Spring Hats GRAHAM BROS., Leading Hatters and Furnishers. CAST OF CHARACTERS. Tip 1 Dan HIei I Bruiser f Snyder ) Teddy, the greatest of all- Mex. Hairless Dog Spaniel and Setter Estiuiinauy Poodle Ladder Dog '. Coach Uop Clown Dogs. Illll|llli:illlllllll!llllllllllllllll|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllillil)iilil|li|:ill Punch and i/urfy P"g Do? Punch, only Pug Dog ever known to walk a rope. Sport— Th'! Hoopof-Firc Dog Pointer Frank Mayo and Joe Jefferson In their Novel Brother Acts Jim Tough -lt\!i\e Impersonator Scotch Terrier T/-//!- Champion Hindfooler and Female Impersonator Mexican Dog Ten Brook, Star, Trix, King, Keno, Pedro, Queen, Wonderful Leaping (ircyhounds. King is Champion of the Wurld. Lilly The Wonderful Somersault Dog Ben Butler, Cleveland, Texas Jack Russian I'ooilles Yam Yum, Paris, Tom and Jerry Png Digs Fred, Spot, Tony and Dick Coach Dogs Dude, nybs ami Bruce Esquimaux Shoofly, Peach, Snowball and Silk Poodles Fly and Dish Hags Thoroughbred Pointers Sammy, Billy and Jack Water Spaniels Sanko Sky Terrier I Cigar Very Ordinary Dog Prince Italian Hound | Baby and Boby Silver Terriers Dash Cross between Spaniel and Setter Sleepy Fred I.a2iest Dog in Town Doty, Smallest While Poodle in the V\ ond— Pel of Ladies and Children SiriTOFSIS. ACT I.- On the rise of the curtain there is to be seen some eighteen dogs, arranged in a semi-circle with Clown Dogs (Dan Rice and Bruiser) each dog understanding his part and displaying a degree of intelligence, answering to the word of command of their master, and going through all sorts of tricks too numerous to mention. Closing scene, School Out. ACT II.-— Punch, the only Pug Dog ever known to walk a rope. Bruce and Tip in their racing act, Dan Rice a*- the Judge. Sport, the Hoop of Fire dog. Jeff, and iMayu, Shooting scene. Lilly, the wonder- ful Backward Somersault Dog. Tip and Jim Tonyh, Impersonators— Tip as .'Vnnie Kooney, Jim Tough as McGinty. ACT III.— Teddy, the wonderful Ladder Dog. The Revolving Canine Pyramid, a picture oni -ten never to be forgotten. .•\CT IV.— The wonderful Leaping (Jreyhounds. King, the Champ- ion, assisted by Keno, Pedro, Star and Trix. Bruiser t.lking the part of clown. NoTK.— Prof. Norris offers one thousand dollars to produce the equal of his wonderful Leaping Greyhound, King. Prof. Norris' Book, Simple Methods of Educatlngr and Training Dogs. Price, Ten Cents. PROF. NORRIS, Sole Proprietor and Manager. (Programme continued on last page.) I>j:oXiE3-A."N 'S EC.A.IilD'^Ar A.HE - FOR - Bisseil's Carpet Sweepers. WE CAN SHOW YOU TWELVE DIFFERENT STYLES .SAME AS ARE NOW DISPLAYED BY THE BISSKLL COM- PANY AT THE world's FAIR. AT^— McLEAN'S HARDWARE, asa. !.a»a ■I'fca^aa^'fe. Wm. Stevely & Son, — THE LKADING UKAI.RR!, IN — STOVES, RANGES, . . AND . . HOUSE FURNISHINa GOODS. Our Stock is the Largest. Our Prices the Lowest. 36j RICHMOND STREET. 'phone 462. Vl^ T. p^% \ Dispensing- Chemist, IB-^t DUNDKS ST., LONDON, ONT. .. S-OPi... pipe ^tef^iiji^s... —AND— ^9^rauir/(58: -TRY- 0. B. GRA VES, 222 DUNDAS STREET. FOR SALE AT s JOE RANKIN'S I OPPOSITE MASONIC TEMPLE. ? *.^.» i^»- --■»*-»'»— -^— — — • urruaiir, niAsunii; ItMPLE, li'llil ||i|i!|ii|ii|;i|ii|iiliili:|nllllllliill'!llillllli|l{|llllllMI!llllllll!IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl|'l::inllllllllll!llll|i||li|illilllirili:lill;{|:J LOQS OTJT FOR TSS "LOKSON TRfiB PaSSS" ON ALL BABLT ICOBNINO TRAXSrS. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU Jll|ll|ll|illll|li|ll|lllll|li|ll|ll|ll|ll|ll|ll|ll|ll|:i|ll|li|ll|t!|ll|lllll|ll|ll|il|l'|ll|i!|il|ll|ll|li|ii|ll|ll|ll|ll|l:|ll|li|ll|ll|ll|ll|li|ll|li|il|li|ll|ll^ a I Ei^ BROS. I The Artistic Photographers, = — HKCKlVEr> — m I Tt^rgg • First • Prizes m g -AND — DIPLOMA 9 I For Finest Display of Photography I AT WESTERN FAIR, 1893. I Cabinet Photos, $3 per doz. § 214 DUNDAS STREET. j I^estatiraQt, 1 203 & 205 DUNDAS STREET. I For a NICE LUNCH after the i Opera, go to the I Httb Restaut^ant. i steaks, Chops, Chicken, I Oysters, Etc. S - — i o:PE]Sr TILI-. 12. OO -^.li/L. I J. W. MARTIfJ, PPOp. § (I^te of the Martin House) «MMIfMIHtlll(IMHtU*IIMI»HllttlHHItllMMt*MlltflHMItlMHIIfltltlllHIIII '■L'^'-^^'^ ■* *'<*' '■'-^■/A' ii:m.\.m. .m. :m. '»■■»■ l»- '» '■1J«- ■■.■ ■-■ '«■ ,'n','f-' -' Wft Yll 'ft__Jl 'ft n HWjl During the evening, incidental to the stage performance, the ORCHESTRA of the Grand Opera House, under the direction of MR. FRED. L EVANS, will perform the following selections OVKKIURK -" Diamond Necklace,". . . Herman Wai.iz — " Mil llvindert Atmospliartn," Ciiiig'l Makch— " Uerkshire," k'ot/i I,AMKK8— "(irand Durhess," Offtnhach The above prograninie sulyccl to transposition N. II.— I'he Orcliestra of the (Iraml Opera House may be secured fur engagetiienls outside tlie theatre, by applying at or addressing the llox Office. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 19, 20 and 21. MATINEE Tuesday & ■Wednesday,at 3.30 p.m. Prof. D. M. Bristol And his big City ■•EpEpdU^IdULUlIf-. 30 Educated Horses, Ponies and Mules, including all the old Equine Actors. The only equine comedian DENVIiR. The only ecjuine mathematician SULTAN. \Ufl ^'^^ °"'^ equine trapeze performer TONY. Y^ The only equine rope-walker DYNAMITE. The great military drill by 25 handsome .Arabians, and ail the great wonders. The greatest show oiv earliv. Grand famUij matinees on Tuesdaij and Wednesday at 3.30 p.m. I'liees 2r>, 3/> and 50 cents ;' matinee prices, ;?,> and 3o cents. At the matinee eliiidrcn will i>c admitted, to any pari for 20 cents and given a FREE FOXV HIDE. MIIIMttnUWM H FINE PERFORMimCE is a satisfactory return for your money, hict ivhen you can get from us a superior tjuality of Coal or Wood at the same price you would pay for an in- ferior quality, it is even more satisfactory. When in need of " tvarmth," try us. GfllWEEON'S 42. RICHMOND STREET, and BURWELL STREET at G. T, R, 3:^ > ^ § 09 to s. o 3 a. S ». ^--■a pi ■lHlillllllilililll>i):lilllMlllliil.:|jllllllllili.li:l!llillllllllllllllll|llllieillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|li|ii|llllllill