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Le Phoque a Collier Twn « " ^''''*^"' Fabricius. ■ iwo Specimens from Gulf of St. Lawrence 6 Hooded ^a^^LeStemmatope a Casque. Cystophora cnsiata, Erxlebeii 7 Fur Seal. L'Otarie. Callorhinun ursinus Two young specimens fron. Pacific Ocean. 8 Atlantic Walrus. Le Morse Cheval Marin <^^o&«^««rom«rus, Linnaeus Aapec.™„ofhead.„dafewt.J,™„H,*„„Bay This species is cosmopolitan in Canada. 10 Three specimens of Mink. Le Vison d'Amerioue ^ P«tonn« n.on, Schreber. ^"^^"^"e- This species is cosmopolitan in Canada 2 n Fisher. lAa'echour. Muttela pcnnanti, Erxleben. Ono Bpeci 11)611 from Ontario. 12 Musk Kivt. L' Ondatra Musqnfi. Fiber zibtthicris, Linnnnis. Tliroe specimens from Ontario, 13 Beaver. Lo Castor Fiber. Caxtor canadensis, Kiilil. This si^ecies is cosmopolitan in Canada. 14 Tuslc of Narwhal. Lc Narval Monoceros. Monodon monhceros. From Hudson Bay. 15 Moose Head. L'Elan d'Ameriqne. Alee alce8ameri''Mnus, Jardmo. OOLLBOTION PP BIRDS AND SMALL MAMMALS FROM PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. 16 Mink. Le Vison d'Ameriqne. Putoriu-,,,, From one of the outer islands near 8te. Augustine River, Gulf of St. Lawrence. BIRDS' EOaS. CBUP3 DOISBAUX. CASE I. Tray 123. 43 Canada Goose. La Bemache du Canada. Branta Canadenm, LinnteuH. A specimen from Morell, Prince Edward Island. Collected by Mr. Ernest Kemp. Razor-billed Auk. Le Pingouin Commun. Alca torda, Linnseus. « „ ,. , 44 A specimen from Bird Rocks Magdalen Islands. Collection of Mr. Rodolphe Lemieux, M.P. Trav 124 45 A specimen from Magdalen Islands. Collected by Mr. Camille Delaney. Kittnwake GulL La Mouette a trois doigts. Risaa THdactyla, Linnseus. 46 Two specimens from Magdalen Islands. Collected by Mr. Camille Delaney. 47 Tw^^specimens from Bird Rocks, Magdalen Islands. Collection of Mr. Rodolphe Leniieux, M.P. Murre. Le v nillemot h ventre blanc. Uria troile, Linr feus. Tray 125. Tray 126. , .. „ .^ •„ 48 Four specimens from Magdalen Islands. Collected by Mr. Camille Delaney. Trav 127. Tray 128. 49 Three specimens from Bird Rocks Magdalen Islands. Collection ol Mr. Rodolphe Lemieux, M.l . White Gannet. Le Fou de Bassan. Svia baasana, Linnseus. Tray 128. 60 One spociinon from Fiird RockH Mai„lni<>. r i ^ Tray 129. 51 Two specimenH from Bird Rockfl Mn„,ioi of Mr. Kodolphe Snde,ix''M pf^'^" ^"'"^"dH. Collection Trays 130-131. Great Northern Diver. Le Plongeon a Collier. Urxnator imber, Gunner. Tray 132. 53 Puffin. Le Macareux Arctiqne. Fratercvia arctica, Linnteus. ^""kTlXhit2?et:».^'- I^'-^"' Collections, Tray 133. 54 American Bittern. Le Butor. ^i/Jaurua Imtiginosus, Montague Three specimens from Long Point, Lake Erie. 65 Least Bittern: Le Petit Butor. BotauHn exilis, Gmelin. Three specimens from Long Point, Lake Erie. Tray 134. Common Tern. La Sterne de Wilson. ii'terna hirundo, Linnaus. 66 Six specimens from Morell, Prince Edward Island. Tray 135. 67 Th.egectae„a_fro„ T™«^ie, Nova Scotia. Collected L, Mr. Tray 135. 58 Black Tern. La Sterne Noire. Hydrochelidon nigra mrinamemds, Gmelin Four specimens from Long Point, Lake Erie. Tray 136. 59 Common Gallinule. La Gallinule de la iloride Oalhnula galeata, Light. Five specimens from Long Point, Lake Erie. Piping Plover. Le Pluvier Criard. Aegialitis meloda, Ord. 00 One »P-i™n ta„^Mo«l,, Mnce Edwanl Island. Collected b. m^ Tray 137. 01 Four 8{H!ciiiH'iia from I^mg I'oint, Ijike Erie. Troy 138. 02 Four speciineiiH from Sable IriUmd, Nova Scotia. 'i'niy 137. 63 Kill-Deer Plover. Le IMuvier Kildir. Aegiulitis vocifcra, Limueus. Four Hi)ecimon8 froniLong Point, Lake Erie. Tmy 138. 04 Least Sand-pii)er. La Maubeclie de Wilson. Tringa minutilla, Vieillot. Four 8i)ecimen8 from Sable Island, Nova Scotia. .. CASE J. Trays 139-1^4. 05 Murres' Eggs. Uria troile, Linnicus. Sixteen specimens from Bird Kocks, Magdalen Islands. Collected by Commander William Wakeham "La Canadienne." 912 Province of Quebec, Department of Agriculture. Hon. F. G. M. Dechene, Minister, Quebec. GO Mo(j8e. L'Elan d'Amerique. Alee alces americanus, Jardine. Specimens of male, female and calf. 67 Two specimens ofl Woodland Caribou or lieindeer. Le Renne Caribou. Rangiftr tarandus carihu, Kerr. 08 Red Deer. Le Cerf de,Virginie. Cariacus virginianus, Boddaert . Two specimens of adults and a fawn. ()9 Two specimens of Beaver. Le Castor Fiber. Castor canadenns, Kuhl. 70 Black Squirrel. L'Ecureuil Noir Sciurus caroliverifiiii, Gmelin. .. 71 Two HiH)ci,nonfl of Hlack boar. L'(),„h Noir .IM . • 72 Siwciinmi of Br„u-„ Hoar. f/Onrs FJr.m ,1'A • Authorities diff(>r rh tn n.;<, i • above. "" *" ''"« ^*""K '^ 'I'Htinct HpecieH fro,., M.e 73Two«pechnenaofWolf. Le Loup Vulgaire. 74 TwospecimenHofKwiuirmuiK I),.^ r m- , Cant, horealil **" ^' ^'"°" ^^" Ksqui.nnux. 75 Th^e apecrmens of Marten. La Mart<. Co.,.„„,,, , Mumeln amencann, Turton. 7U Two specimens of Skunk. I^, Zorille Vari,'. Mephutis meplmtica, Sliaw. 77 Specimen of Fisher. T^ Feciieur. Muttela pennanti , Erx loben. 78 Specimen of Mink. Le Vinon (I'An.erique / wou, Schrober. 79 Two specimens of Wolverine T^ri^.,* . . Oulo gulo, L. ^°"'^" ^''*''1"« «" ^^rt-'al. . 80 Two specimens of Otter. La Loutre d' Amerique. L^Ura canadenm, Turton. 81 Red Fox. Le Eenard Ro.ige. Vvipea vulpes, L. 82 Cross Fox. Le Renard Crois^. Vulpes decmmtm, 83 Silver Fox. Le Renard ArgentC>. Vulpef, sp. 84 Two specimens Canada Lynx. Lynx canorfenjis, Desmarest. 913 Hon. P. a. M. Dechene. Qaeh,,, q„,. 85 Moose. L'Elan d'Amerique. Alee alces americanus, Jardine. 86 One specimen Moose Head. L'Elau d' Anieri,, ne Alee alces americanus, Jardine. 8 87 Two specimens Red Deer Heads. Le Cerf de Virginie. Cariacus virginianus, Boddaert. 88 Two specimens Wapiti Heads, Le Cerf Wapiti. C^rvtu canadensis, Erxleben. 89 Four specimens Moose Heads. L'Elan d'Amerique. /Ice alces umericanus, Jardine. 90 Five specimens Woodland Caribou or Reindeer Heads. Rangifer tarandus caribu, Kerr. 91 One specimen Buffalo Head. Le Bison d'Amerique. Binon americanuff. 92 Tv/o specimens Musk Ox Heads. L'Ovibos Musqu6. Ovibos moschatUK. Le Renne Caribou 914 Sir Adolph Oaron, Ottawa, Ont. 93 One specimen Buffalo Head. Le Bison d'Amerique. Bison americanus. 015 D. R.. Wilkio, Esq., Toronto, Ont. 94 One specimen Buffalo Head. Le Bison d'Amerique. Bison americanv^, 916 J. R. Q-ill| Esq., Ottawa, Ont. 95 One specimen Moose Head. L'Elan d'Amerique Alee alces americanus, Jardine. 96 One specimen Wapiti Head. Le Cerf Wapiti. Cervus canadensis, Erxleben. FURS OF MAMMALS Inhabiting Anticosti Island, Piovince of Quebec. 917 Henry Menier. Through Dr. Schmitt. 97 Black Bear. L'Ours Noir d'Amerique. Vrsus americanus, Pallas. 98 Red Fox. Le Renard Rouge. Vulpes vtUpes, Linnaeus. 99 Silver Fox. Le R6nard Argent<^. Vulpes, sp. 9 100 Cross Fox. Le lOll R^nard CroiscS. Vulpes diCussaluK. 101 Marten. La Marte Commune. Mustela amcricuna, Turton. 102 American Otter. La Loutre d'Amerique ^ulra canadensis, Turton. PURS 918 The Hudson Bay Oon^pany. Zondon, England. 103 Conamon Raccoon. Le .iaton Laveur -Procyon ;otor,Linnjeu8. 104 Different varieties of the Black ) Brown, or Cinnamon Bear. ' \ ^'Ours Noir d'Amerique. Utsus americanus, Pallas. 105 Polar Bear. L'Ours Blanc ou Polaire. inalarctos maritimtis. 106 American Otter. U Loutre d'Amerique Lulra hudsonica, Lacepede. 107 Skunk. Le Zorille Varid. Mephitis mephitica, Shaw. 108 American Badger. Le Blair^au d'Amerique. laxidea americana, Boddaert. 109 Wolverine. Le Glouton Artique ou Boreal uulogulo, Linnseus. 110 Sable or Marten. La Marte Commune. Mustela arrnricana, Turton. 111 Mink. Le Vison d'Amerique. I'utorius vison, Schreber. 112 Ermine or Weasel. La Belette-Hermine. rutonus erminea, Linn.nus. 113 Red Fox (different varieties). Le Rdnard Rouge Vvlpes vulpes, Linnaeus. ^ 114 Silver Fox. Le R^nard Argem4 Vulpes, sp. 115 Cross Fox. Le Rdnard Croia4. Vulpes decussatus. 10 116 Wolf. Le Loup Vulgaire. Canis lupuf^, Linnseus. 117 Canada Lynx. Le Lynx du Canada. Lynx canadensis, Desmarest. 118 Fisher. Le Pecheur. Mustelapennanti, Erxleben. 119 Beaver. Le Castor Fiber. Castor canadensis , Kuhl. 120 Northern Hare. Le Li6vre du Nord. Lepus americanus tnrginianus, Harlan. 121 Musquash or Musk-rat. L'Ondatra Musque. Mber zibethicus, Linnteus. 122 Musk Ox. L'Ovibos Musqu6. Ovibos muschatus. 919 G. E. Atkinson, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. 123 Holboell's Grebe. Le Grebe a cou Rouge. Colymbus holboellii, Reinhardt. 124 Horned Grebe. Le Grebe Cornu. Colymbv,s auritus, Liniueus. 125 Pied-billed Grebe. Le Grebe a Bee Bigarr6. Podilymbus podiceps, Linnyeus. 126 Common Loon or Great Northern Diver. Le Plongeon h Collier. Urinator imber, Gunner. 127 Franklin's Rosy Gull. La Mouette Rose de Franklin. Larus franklinii, Swainson and Richardson. 128 Forster's Tern. La Sterne de Forster. Sterna forsttri Nuttall. 129 Common Tern or Wilson's Tern. La Sterne de Wilson. Sterna hirundo, Linnieus. 130 Black Tern. La Sterne Noire. Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis, Gmelin. 131 Double-crested Cormorant. Le Cormoran a Aigrettes. Phalarrocorax dilophus, Swainson and Richardson. 132 Hooded Merganser. Le Petit Harle. Lophodytes cwullatus, Linnteus. Uier. 11 133 Mallard or Green Head. Ledn-rHnr • Anas boschas,Unt^:'''''' ''''''''''''■ 134 Gadwall or Gray Duck. Le Canard Chipeau Ana8 8trepera,Unn'^m. 135 Baldpate or American Wideenn T^r^ Anas omericana,GZnn. ^""'^ ^'^'"^ d'Amerique. 136 Pin-tail Duck. Le Canard Pilet Dafila acuta, Linnjeus. 137 Wood Duck. Le Canard Hupp^ Aix sponsa, Llnnseus. .38 Redhead^ 1, Canard Miiouin a «te rou,^. Aytfiya amencana, Eyton. 139 Canvas-back. Le Canard m;u • Aytkya .1S:?„ . wZn.'" '^"^ ""^^«- 140 Lesser Scaup Duck. Le Petit Men Hon Aylhya affinis, Eyton. 141 Ameriodn Golden-eye or Whisf l^r t t, . , 142 Buffle-head. Le Petit Buc^phale Charitonetta albeola, Linnjeus. Le Canard a Longue Queue. 143 Coween, Long-tailed Duck, or Old Squaw. Vlangula hyemaln, Linnjeus. 144 Ruddy Duck. Le Canard Roux. Erismaiura rubida, Wilaon. 145 Blue S.0W Goose. L'Oie du Nord. Ghenc(erviescens,Unnsim. " m;lotr?hrFS&*« ^^- ^T^^y -^ ^^e next Blanche are appSlet bSKarieuls.'" ^^^^' "^^ ^'^^« 146 Snow Goose. L'Oie Blanche. Chen hyperborea, Pallas. 147 Blue-winged Teal. La Sarcelle a Ailes Bleues. ^«a« dtscor.«(, Linnreus. 148 Shoveller. Le Canard Souchet. Spatula clypeata, LinnfPiig. Specimen of male. It 12 149 Canada Goose. La Bernache du Canada. Branta canadensis, Linnteus. 150 American White-fronted Goose. L'Oie d'Amerique il Front Blanc. Anser albifrons gambeli, Hartlaub. 151 American Bittern. Le Butor. Botaurus lentiginosus, Montagu. 152 Great Bine Heron. Le Grand H^ron Blue. Ardea herodias, Linnaeus. 153 Sandhill Crane. La Grue du Canada. Grus mexicana, MuUer. Some ornithologists consider this and the next to be the same species. Hence the name " La Grue du Canada " as applied to both. 154 Little Brown Crane. La Grue du Canada. Orus canadensis, Linnaeus. 155 Virginia Bail. Le Rale de Virginie. Eallus virginianus, Linnaeus. 156 Sora.Rail or Ortolan. Le Rale de la Caroline. Porzana corolina, Linii;ous. 157 American Coot. La Foulque d'Amerique. Fulica americana, Gmelin. 158 "Wilson's Phalarope. Le Phalarope de Wilson. Phalaropus tricolor, Vieillot. 159 Pectoral Sandpiper. La Maubeche Tachet^e. Tringa maculata, Vieillot. 160 Least Sand-piper. La Maubeche de Wilson. Tringa minutilla, Vieillot. 161 Sanderling. Le Sanderling. Calidris arenaria, Linnteus. 162 Marbled Godwit. La Barge Marbr^e. Limosa fedoa, Linnaeus. 163 Greater Yellow-legs. Le Chevalier Aboyeur. Tetanus melanoleucus, Gmelin. 164 Lesser Yellow-legs. Le Petit Chevalier a Pieds Jaunea Totanus flavipes, Gmelin. 165 Spotted Sand-piper. La Maubeche Tachetee. Actitis macularia, Linna3us. 13 166 Willet. Le Clievalier So lane. same plied - niipiiliiie. Symphtmia semipulvuUu, (Jiuolin. 167 Bartrami^x Sand-pii^, ^a MauWche a Longue Queue. Bartranna lovg,cauda, Bechstein. 168 American Golden Plover. Le Pluvier Dor6. Charadrius dominicus, Muller. 169 Killdeer Plover. Le Pluvier Kildir. ^gialitis vociferu, Linnseus. 170 Spruce Partridge or Canada Grouse. Le Tetms du Canada. Vetdrayapus canadensis, Linnanis. 171 Willow Ptarmigan. Le Lagopede des Saules. Lagopus lagopus, Linnteus. 172 Ruffed Grouse. La Gelinotte a Praise. Bonasa umbellus Linntt'us. 173 Pinnated Grouse or Prairie Hen. La Gelinotte des Pniirie« ^ympanwhus amcricarMs, Reichenbach. 174 Sharp-tailed Grouse. La Gelinotte a Queue Aigue redxocsetus pJiasnvnellus, Linnteus. 175 Mourning Dove. La Tourterelle de la v'aroline. Zenaidura mocroura, Linna-us. 176 Turkey Vulture. Le Vautour Aura. Cathartes aura, Linmeus. 177 Marsh Hawk or Harrier. Le Busard des Mamis. Circus htidsoniiis, Liiiniuus. 178 Sharp-shinned Hawk. L'Epervier Brun. Accipiter vclox, Wilson. 179 American Goshawk. L'Autour a Tete Noire. Acciptter airicapillus, Wilson. 180 Red-tailed Hawk. La Buse a Queue Rousse. Buteo borealis, Gmelin. 181 Swainson's Hawk. La Buse de Swainson. Buteo s^vainsoni, Bo; /..-arte. 182 Broad-winged PLwk. La Buse de Pennsylvanie. Buteo latissimus, Wilson. 183 Rough-legged Hawk. La Buse Pattue d'Amerique. ArcMbuh'o lagopus, Brunnich. i 14 184 Golden Eagle. L'Aigle dn Canada. Aguila chrysaetos, Linna;u8. 185 Bald Eagle. L'Aigle i\ T6te Blanche. HaliieetM^ leucocephalus Linnjeus. 186 Peregrine Falcon or Duck Hawk. Le Faucon Pelerin. Falco peregrinus anatum, Bonaparte. 187 American Long-eared Owl. Le Hibou a Aigrettes longues. Asw wilsonianus, Lesson. 188 Short-eared Owl. Le Hibou a Aigrettes Courtes, Asio accipitrinus, Pallas. 189 Barred Owl. La Chouette du Canada. Syrnitini nebulosum, Forster. 190 Great Grey Owl. La Chouette Cendr^e. Ulula cinerea, Gmelin. 191 Richardson'^ Owl. La Nyctale de Richardson. Nyctala tengmalmi Hchardsoni, Bonaparte. 192 Saw-whet Owl or Arcadian Owl. La Nyctale d'Arcadie. Nyctala acadica, Gmelin. 193 Burrowing Owl. Le Pheleoptynxdes Hypog^es. Speotyto cuniciUaria hypogaea, Bonaparte. 194 Western Horned Owl. Le Due de Virginie. Bubo virginianus subarcticus, Hoy. 195 Snowy Owl. Le Harfang. Nyctea nyctea, Linnaeus. Two specimens, male and female. 196 American Hawk Owl or Day Owl. La Chouette Eperviere. Surnia vlvla caparoch, MuUer. 197 Black-billed Cuckoo. Le Coucou a Bee Noir. Coccyzm eryihrophlhalmus, Wilson. Two specimens and nest. 198 Belted Kingfisher, Le Martin Prehear. Ceryle alcyon, Linnaeus. 199 Hairy Woodpecker. Le Pic Chevelu. Dryohates villoms, Linnaeus. 200 Downy Woodpecker. Le Pic Minule. Dryobates pubefcemt, Linnaeu8. l 15 201 Arctic or Black-backed throe-toed Woodpecker. I^ Pic Arctlane Prcoidesarcticns, H^yaimon. J^l ic Arctiqne. 202 Yellow-bellied Woodpecker. Le Pic Macule SphyrapicuH variw, Linnaeus. 203 Pileated Woodpecker. La Pic a Huppe ecarlate. Ceophloeus pileatus, Linnaeus. 204 Red-headed Woodpecker. Le Pic a tete Rouge Melanerpes erythrocephalm, Linnaeus. 205 Flicker, Golden-wingedWoodpecker or High-holder. Le Pic Dor6 Colaptes auratus, Linnaeus. Two specimens (One a hybrid). 206 Chimney Swift. Le Martinet des Chemin^es Chcetura pelagica, Linna3us. 207 Ruby-throated Humming Bird. Le Colibri a gorge rubis. 208 Kingbird or Bee-martin. Le Tyran de la Caroline Tyrannus tyrannus, Linnaius. 209 Crested Flycatcher. Le MoucheroUe a Huppe. Myxarchm crinitus, Linnaeus. 210 Phoebe. Le MoucheroUe Brun. Soyornisphoebe, Latham. 211 Olive-sided Flycatcher. Le MoucheroUe a cotes Olive. Contoptis borealis, Swainson. 212 Wood Pewee. Le MoucheroUe verdatre. Contopus virens, Linnajus. 213 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. Le MoucheroUe a ventre jaune Empidotiax flaviventris, Baird. 214 Traill's Flycatcher. Le MoucheroUe de Trail. ^fnpidonax pusillus traillu, Knd^xhon. 215 Least Flycatcher. Le petit MoucheroUe. Empidonax tninimus, Baird. 216 Horned Lark. L'Alouette Ordinaire ou de Vii^inie. Otocoris alpestris, Linnaius. 217 American Magpie. La Pie de la Bale d'Hudson. Pica pica hiidsonica, Sabine, 16 218 Blue Jay. Le Geai Hiippi". Cyanocitta cristata, LiniiiuuH. 219 Canada Jay or Whisky Jack. I^ Geai du Canada. Perisoreus canadensis, Linnjcus. * 220 Northern Raven. Le Corbeaii du Nord. Corvus corax principalis, Ridgway. 221 American Crow. La Corneille d'Amcrique. Corvus americanus, Audubon. 222 Bobolink. Le Goglu. Dolichonyx oryzivorus, Linn.x'us. 223 Yellow-headed Blackbird. L'Etourneau k tete jaune. Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, Bonaparte. Three specimens and nest. 224 Red-and-buff-shouldered Blackbird. L'Etourneau a ailes rouges. Agelaius phoeniceus, Linnanis . 225 Meadow Lark. L'Etourneau des Pr(5s. Sturnclla magna, Linnixius. 226 Baltimore Oriole. L'Oriole do Baltimore. Icterus galbv la, lAimwM^. ' 227 Rusty blackbird or Grackle. Le Mainate Couleur de rouille. Scolecophagus carolinus, Muller. 228 Brewer's Blackbird. La Mainate de Brewer. Scolecophagus cyanoccphalus, Wagler. 229 Evening Grosbeak. Le Groa-Bec a Couronne Noire. Coccothraustes vespertina, Cooper. 230 American Pine Grosbeak. Le Bourreuil du Canada. Pinicola enucleator canadensis, Cabanis. 231 Purple Finch . Le Pinson Pourpre . Carpodacus purpureus, Gnielin . 232 American Red-cross bill. Le Bec-croise d'Amerique. Loxia curviroslra minor, Brehm. 233 White- winged crossbill. Le Bec-Crois6 t\ ai'.es Blanches. Loxia leucoptera, Gmelin. 234 Hoary Redpoll. Le Sizorin Blanchatre. Acanthis hornemannii exilipes. Cones. ss. 17 235 Redpoll. Le Sizerin a tete rouge. Acanthi s /inaria, Uimmxn. 236 American (ioldflnch . Lo Chardonneret jaune Sptnus fnstis, LinnHsiis. 237 Pine Siskin. Ut Chardonneret des Pins. Sptnus pinus, Wilson. 238 Snow Bunting. Le Plectrophane des Neiges Pledrophenax nivalis, Linnseus. 239 Lapland Longspur. Le Plectrophane de Laponie Calcanus lapponicus, Linnseus. 240 Chestnut-collared Longspur. Le Plectrophane Calcarius omatus, Townsend. 241 Vesper Sparrow or Gray-winged Bunting. Lo Pinson des Poocaetus gramineus, Gmelin. [tJ"erets. 242 Savannah Sparrow. Le Pinson de Savanna Ammodramus sandwichensis savanna, Wilson. 243 Le Conte's Sparrow. Le Pinson de Le Conte Ammodramus leconteii, Audubon. 244 Lark Sparrow. Le Pinson a Oreilles Brunes. Chondestes grammacus, Say. 245 Harris's Sparrow. Le Pinson de Harris. Zonotrichia querula, Nuttall. 246 White-cmwned Sparrow. Le Pinson a Couronne Blanche Zionotnchia leucophrys, Forster. 247 White-throated Sparrow. Le Pinson a Gorge Blanche Zonotrichia albicoUis, Gmelin. 248 Intermediate Sparrow. Le Pinson interm^diaire. Zonotrichia intermedia, Ridgway. 249. Tree Sparrow. Le Pinson de Montagne. Spizella monticola, Gmelin. 250 Chipping Sparrow. Le Petit Pinson a Couronne Rousse. Spizella socialis, Wilson. 251 Clay-coloured Sparrow. Spizella pallida, Swainson. IS 252 SlaUf-colotinul Jiinco. ia> PiiiHon Niverollc. Junco hj/cnialu, IAimmvwb. J53 Lincoln's Sparrow. Lc PiiiHon a MaraiH. Afelonjihn (jeorgiana, Latham. 256 Fox Sparrow. Lt? Pineon Fauvc. Panserella ilinca, Morrein. 256 Towhee. Le Pineon aux Yeux Rouges. Pipilo eri/throphthaiiuuif, LinnaouH. 257 Rose-Breasted Grosbeak. Le Groa-Bec i\ Poitrine Hose. Hahia ludoviriann , Linnanis. 258 Scarlet Tanager. Le Tangara Kcarlate. Piranga erythromelan, Vieillot. 259 Cliff Swallow. L'Hirondelle i\ Front Blanc. Petrocheiidon lunifronn, Say. 260 Barn Swallow. L'Hirondelle des Granges. Cluiidon erythrogaster, Boddaert . 261 Bohemian Waxwing. Le Jaseur de Bohcme. Anipe/is fforrulus, Linnauis. 262 Cedar Waxwing. Le Jaseur du Cedre. Ampelis ccdrormn, Vieillot. Three specimens and neat. 263 Northern Shriite or Butcher Bird. Le Pie-Gri6ch(; Boroak'. Lanius horcfilis, Vieillot. 264 White-rumped Shrike. La Pie-Griiiche i\ Croupion Blanc. Lanim ludoncutnus excuhitoridei>, Swainson. 265 Red-eyed Vireo. IjC Vireo aux Yeux Rouges. Vireo olivaceus, Linnseus. 206 Philadelphia Vireo. Le Vireo de Philadelphie. yireo philadclphicus, Cassin. 267 Warbling Vireo. Le Vireo Gris. Vireo gilviis, Vieillot. 208 Blue-headed Vireo. T^e Vii-eo Solitaire. Vireo solitarius, Wilson. 10 2<)9 Black uiid VVIiito VViirhli-r t^ (^ • Mnudilta vnna, Linna'us. ' 270 Nashville Warbler. U Fauvette do Nanhviile Helminthophila ruficapilla, Wii«oa. 271 Orange-crowned Warbler. Lu Fanvoffo .•> r- 272 Tennessee Warbler. La Fauvett. dn Tcuu.hoo. "ehntnthophllapen■}rri,ul,\\\\m^^. 273 Yellow Warbler. I^ Fauvette janne. Dendroiea aegtiva, Gmelin. Two specimens and nest. m Myrtle W..bler. U Fauvett,. ,V 0™„pl„„ )„,„„, Vendroica coronata, Liniia'us. 275 Magnolia Warbler. La Fauvette ,1 uHe condn'-e JJendroica maculom, Ginelin. 270 Chestnut-sided warbler. La Fauv.tte do Ponsylvanie Dendrotcapensylvamca^Unmms. 277 Bay-brea.ted Warbler. La Fauvotte a Poitrine Baio JJendroica castaneu, Wilson. 278 Black-poll Warbler. La Fauvette Ray^e. Dendroica striata, Forster. 279 Elackburnian Warbler. La Fauvette de Blackburn Vendroica blackhurniae, Ginelin. 280 Palm Warbler. La Fauvette a t^te Rousse. Dendroica palmarum h;/pocfmj sea, Ridgway. 281 Oven Bird. I^ Grive Couronnoe. Seiurus aurocapillus, Linnjoua. 282 Water Thrush. La Grive Hochequeue. Seiurus novehoracensis, Gmelin. 283 Mourning Warbler. La Fauvotte de Philadolphie GeotMypis philad-lphia, Wilson. 284 Maryland Yellow-throat. La Fauvette Trichas. Geothlypis trichas, Linnjous. 285 Canadian Warbler. L^ Fauvette Mouchorollo du Canada • Sylvania canadensis, Linnsous. 20 28H Amcricnti RcdHtart. Im Fimvotto MoucIutoIIo Dorc^. Selopliaga riUiciUa, LiiiiuiuiH. 287 Cat-bird. Tjiv (trive de la Carolliio. OaleofcopteH carolinenm, Liiina>UH. Two flpocimens and nest. 288 Brown ThraHher. La Grive Rou8h<*. Harporhynchus ru/us, Linna-iis, 289 House Wren. I.e Troglmlyto A^Aon. Troglodyteii a*don, Vieillot. 290 Winter Wren. Le Troglodyte d'FIivor, Troglodi/teH hiemali^, Vieillot. 291 Short-billed Marsh Wren. Lo Troglodyte des Marais. Cistothonis stellaris, Lichtenstoin. 292 Brown Creeper. Tje Grimpereau d'Ani^rique. Certhia familiaris amcricana, Bonaparte. 293 White-Breasted Nuthatch. La Sittelle de la Caroline. Sitta carolincnsis, Latham. 294 Red-breasted Nuthatch. La Sitelle du Canada. Silta canadensis, Linnjeus. 295 Chickadee. La Mdsange A t^te Noire. Parus aMcapillus, Linnjeus. 296 Golden-crowned Kinglet. Le Roitelet Huppe. Regulus satrapa, Lichtenstein. 297 Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Le Roitelet i\ Couronne Rubis. Regulus calendula,, Linnteus. 298 Wilson's Thrush. La Grive de Wilson. Turdus fuscescens, Stephens. 299 Gray-cheeked Thrush. La Grive aux C6te8 de la tcte GrisiUrc^,. Turdus alicice, Baird. 300 Olive backed Thrush. La Grive de Swainson. TurduA nxttUatus swainsonii, Cabanis. 301 Hermit Thrush. La Gdve i^olitaire. Turdus jo.U'- :U'.' :e pallasii, Cabanis. 802 Blue Bird. Le Ro ige-gorge Bleu. Sialia sialis, I innteus. ' 303 MooHe Fr«uclM. I/Elan d'Am.'.riquo. Alee alcen americnnm, Jardine. 920 Alex. Oaldor, rn,„,>,,, .«-.,.//„,., 304 WeHtern Urobe. r^ Gn>bo Occldentalis ^chmophorun occidentalU, rAwrcico. ^ American Hed-neck.l (.,.,., or Holboeli-a U..«. Lo a Co/ym/>u. kolhoellii, lieinhardt. ^^""^ ^°"«°' 306 Horned Grebo. U Grt^b(> Cornu. * Colymbm aufituD, Lin mens. 807 Created Grebe. I^ Grc^be Huppd. Podicipes cristatm, Latham. 308 Great Nortiiern Diver or Ccr^rr^r.^ t Urinator ^X GunnT "' "" "^'^^^^^^^ ' ^«»'-- 30!) Double Crested Cormorant. Le Cormoran d' Aigrettes Phalacrocora.dUopnu., Swainson and R^Jhardson 310 American Wiiite Pelican. Le PcMican Blanc Pdecanmerythrorhynchos, Gmelin. 311 American Merganser or Sheldrake. Le Harle d'Am^rique Mergamer amcricanm, Cassin. ^""erique. 312 Hooded Merganser. Le Petit Harle. Lopkodytea cucullatm, Linnjeus. 313 Mallard or Greenhead. Le Canard Ordinaire Ana8 hoschus, Linnieus. 314 American W,dge.,„ or Baldpatc. Le Canard, Siffleur d'AmiSri- Anasam'Hcana, Gmelin. '■^"^' 315 Green-winged Teal. La Sarcelles a Ailes Vertes. Anas carolinenns, Gmelin. 316 Blue-winged Teal. La Sarcelle a Ailes Bleues. Anas dtscoTK, Linuieus. 317 Pin-tail Duck. Le Canard Pilet. Dajila acuta, Linnreus. 318 Wood Duck. Le Canard Iluppe. Aix sponsa, Linmeus. r I 22 319 American Pocliard or Red-head. Le Canard Milouin A t^te , , „ [Rousfie. Aythya americana, Eyton. 3?0 Canvas-back Duck. Le Canard Milouin aux Yeux Rouges. , Aythya vallisneria, Wilson. 321 American Scaup Duck. Le Morillon ii tete Noire. Aythya marila nearcticn, Stejneger. 322 Buffle-head. Le Petit Bucephale. Charitonitta albeola, Linnaeus. 323 Laughing Goose. L'Oie d'Am^rique il Front Blanc. Anser albifrons gambeli, Hartl. 324 Canada Goose. La Bernaehe du Canada. Branla canadensis, Linnieus. 325 Black-crowned Night Heron. Le H6ron de Nuit. Nycticorux nycticorax nievius, Boddaert. 320 White or Whooping Crane. La Grue d'Amerique. Grus americana. Linnteus. 327 WiLon's Fhalarope. . « Phalarope de Wilson. Phalaropus tricolor^ Vieillot. 328 Ma' ' 1 or Great Marbled Godwit. La Barge Marbree. Limosi fedoa, Linnseua. 329 Dusky Grouse. Dendragapus obscurus, Say. 330 Ruffed Grouse. La Gelinotte il Fraise. Bonasa umbellus, Linnreus. 331 Rock Ptarmigan. Le Lagopede des Rochers. Lagopu9 rupeslris, Gmelin. 332 Pinnated Grouse or Prairie Hen. La Gelinotte des Prairies. Tympanuchus americanus, Reichenbach. 333 Golden Eagle. L'Aigle du Canada. Aquila chrysnlos, Linnjeus. 334 Bald Eagle. L'Aigle a Tete Blanche. Haliicetus levtcocephalus, Linnteus. 335 Duck Hawk or Peregrine Falcon. Le Faucon P^lerin. Falco per^.grinus analum, Bonaparte. ■ ifie. 23 33(5 Western Barred Owl t » m 337 screech or Mottled (M, Le Seopa Mac,,,,. Megascops amo, Liniic'eus. 338 Gi^at Horned Owl. Le Due de Vii^inie Jiubo mrginianm, Graelin. 339. Snowy Owl. Le Harfang. Nyclea nyctea, Linnreus. 340BnrrowingOw,. Le Pheleoptynxdc Hypodees 341 Black-tail Deer Head. t'ervus columbianm. 342 Wapiti Heads. Le Cerf Wapiti. C^rvm canadensis, Erxleben. 343 Moose Heads. L'Elan d'Amerique. Alee alces americanus, Jardine. 344 Woodland Caribou or Reindeer Hend t t. Jtangifer tarandus cZu^rr. '"^' '''"'^"• 345 Rocky Mountain Antelope Head T„no • Antilocapra ameHcanaOrd ""''''"' ^'Amerique. 346 Buffalo Heads. Le Bison d'Amerique. Btsm americanus. 347 Musk Ox Head. L'Ovibos Musqu6. Onbos rnnsclialus. 921 John Perrett, Slurbrooke, Province of Qurbec. A.-Group of Water Birds in a case of rock work. B.-A case of perching, climbing, and ground birds. C. -Group of Birds in winter plumage. a-Birds mounted singly upon stands. E.-Mammals mounted singly upon and Mam..a, lle.a.l. 24 (A) GROUP OP WATER BIRDS. 348 Horned Grebe. Le Grebe Cornu. Colymbus auritus, L. 349 Pied-billed Grebe (male and female). I^a Grebe il Bee Bigarr^. Podilymbus podiceps, L. 350 Great Northern Diver. Le Plongeon A, Collier Urinator imber , Gunn. 351 Red-throated Loon. Le Plongeon du Nord. Urinator lumme, Gunn. 352 Black Guillemot. Le GuillembtNoir. Cepphun grylle, L. 353 Razor-billed Auk. Le Pingouin Commun. Alca tor da, L. 354 Long-tailed Jaeger. Le Stercoraire de Bnffon. Stercorarius longicaudus, Vieillot. 355 Ivory Gull. La Mouette Blanche. Oavia alba. Gunn. 356 Kittiwake Gull. La Mouette a, Troia Doigts. Rism tridactyln, h, 357 American Herring Gull. Le Goeland Argent^. Larus argentntvs sinithsonianus, Coues. 358 Bonaparte's Gull. Le Mouette de Bonaparte. Larus jthiladelphia, Ord. 359 American Merganser (female and young male). Leilarled'Amer- [ique. Mergannr americanus, Cass. 360 Black Duck (male). Le Canard Noir. Anan obscurd, Gmelin. 361 American Widgeon (young male). Le Canard sittleur d'Amerique. Anan amtricana, Gmelin. 362 Green-Winged Teal (male). Le Sarcelle A, ailes vertes. Anon caroliiliensis, Gmelin. 363 Pin-tail ( male ) . Le Canard Pilet. Dafila aiula, L. 364 Wood-duck. Le Canard Huppe. Atx sponsa, L. : ■L ler- [ue. 25 365 Red-head (male). Le Canard Milouin -X teie Rousse. Ay thy a americana, Eyt. 366 Canvas-back Duck (male). Le Canard Milouin aux yeux Rouee« Aythya vallisneria, Wils. ^ Kougea. 367 American Golden-eye. Le Buc^phale d'Amerique. maucxonetta clangula americana, Bonap. 368 Old Squaw, (male ) Le Canard a Longue Queue. Uangula hyemalU, L. 369 AmericanBlackScoter(male). I- Canard Macreuse d'Amerique Oidemia americana, Sw. and Rich. ^merique. 370 Ruddy Duck (female). Le Canard Roux. Erismatura ruhida, Wila. 371 Canada Goose. La Bernache du Canada. Branta canadensis, L. 372 American Bittern. Le Butor. Botaurus lentiginosus, Montag. 373 Least Bittern. Le Petit Butor. Botaurus exilic, Gmel. 374 King Rail. Le Raleei egant. Rallus elegans, Aud. 375 Virginia Rail. Le Rale de Virginie. Rallus virginianus, L. 376 Wilson's Snipe (male and female). La Becassine de Wilson Galhnago ddicata, Ord. 377 Least Sand-piper. La Maubeche de Wilson. Tringa minutilla, Vieill. 378 Red-backed Sand-piper. La Maubeche a Dos roux. Trmga alpinapacifica, Coues. 379 Greater Yellow-shanks. Le Chevalier Aboyeur. Totanus melayioleucw, Gmel. 380 Least Yellow-shanks. Le Petit Chevalier a Pieds Jaunes Totanus flavipes, Gmel . 381 Ring-necked Plover. Le Pluvier semipalme mgialitis hiaticuia, L. 26 882 Wilson's Plover. I.e Pluvier de Wilson. .Kgialitis wilsonia, Ord. 383 Belted Kingfisher. Le Martin Pecheur. Ceryle alcyon, L. (B). GROUP OP PERCHING, CLIMBING, AND GROUND BIRDS. 384 Virginia Rail. Le Rale de Virginia. Rallus virginiunus, L. 385 Wood-cock (male and female). La Becasse d'Amerique. Fhilohela minor, Gmel. 386 Wilson's Snipe (two males). La Becassine de Wilson. Gallinago delicata, Ord. 387 Solitary Sand-piper. Le Chevalier Solitaire. Totanus solitarius, Wils. 388 Canada Grouse (male and female). I^e T^tras du Canada. Dendragapus canadensis, L. 389 Ruffed Giouse (male). Le LagopMe des Saules. Bonasa umhellus, L. 390 Northern sharp-tailed Grouse. La Gelinotte a Queue Aigue. Fedioai'tes phasiunellus, Linnjeus. 391 Sharp-shined HawV (male). L'Epervier Brun. Accipiter vHox, Wils. 392 Red-shouldered Hawk. La Buse a Manteau Roux. Buteo HneatUb-, Gmel. 393 Pigeon Hawk (malej. Le Faucon des Pigeons. Falco columhariuH, L. 394 American Sparrow Hawk (male), Le Faucon Epervier. Falco sparverius. 395 American Long-eared Owl. Le Hibou a Aigrettes Longues. Asia mlsonianus, Less. 396 Short-eared Owl. Le Hibou a Aigrettes Courtes. Aitio accipitrinus, Pall. 397 Barred Owl ( with Weasel ). La Chouette du Canada. Syrnium ml/tdomm, For,«t. 27 398 Richardson's Owl. I.i Nyctale de Richardson. Nyctala tengmalmi richardsord, Ronap. 399 Saw-whet or Acadian Owl. La Nyctale d' Acadie. Jyyetaln acadica, Gmel. 400 Great H„„ed Owl („,ale and female). Le n„c ,lo Vl™i„i„ 401 American HawK Owl . La Chouette Eperviere fiumia ulvla caparoch, Mull. 402 Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Le Co„co„ d-A„,eri,„e. Loccyzus americanm, L. 403 Belted Kingfisher. Le Martin-P^chenr Ceryle alcyon, L. m Hairy Woodpecker (male). Le Pic Chevelu ■Lfry abates mlloum, L. 405 Downy Woodpecker (male) . Le Pic Minnie ^ryobates pubescens, L. 406 Black-backed, three-toed Woodpecker (,„ale and female). Picoide.9 arcticus, Swains. ^® ^^^ Arctique. 407 Banded ^n^ .«,d Woodpecker ( male and female). U Pic Vein J^^ coides amenranus, Brehm. « ^'t- veiu. 408 Yellow-bellied Woodpecker (male and female, Le Pic MacuM 409 Pileated Woodpecker (male). Le Pic a Hupp6 ecarlate Ceophlceus pileatm, L. ^^ ^ ' 410 Yellow Hammer or Flicker (male) . Le Pic Dor<5 tolaptes auratuK, L. 411 Chimney Swift. Le Martinet des Cheminees. thpctura pelagica, L. 412 Ruby-throated Humming Bird. Le Colibri a Gorge Rubia Trochilus colubris, L. ^ 413 Bee-martin or King Bird. Le Tyran de la Caroline. Jyrannus tyrannm, L. 414 Phojbe. Le Moucherolle Brun. Saimrnia PI.^Lm i „ii. 28 415 Wood Pewee. Le Moucherolle Verdatres. Contopus virens, L. 418 Blue Jay. Le Geai^Hupp^.; Cyanocitta cristata, L. 417 Canada Jay. Le Geai du Canada. Perisoreus catiadeusis, L. 418 American Crow. LaCorneille d'Amerique. Corvus ante, icanus, Aud. 419 Bobolink. LeGoglu. Dolichonyx oryzivorus, L. 420 Cow Bird. L'Etourneau Ordinaire. Moloihrus a^er, Bodd. 421 Red-and-buff-shouldered Black Bird (male). L'p:tourneautl ailes Rouges. Agelaius phoeniceus, L. 422 Baltimore Oriole. L' Oriole de Baltimore. Idertis galbula, L. 423 American Pine Grosbeak. Le Bouvreuil du Canada. Pinicola enudeator canadensis, Cab. 424 American Red Crossbill. Le Bee Crois^ d'Amerique. Loxia curvirostra minor, Brehm. 425 White-winged Crossbill (:iiale and female). Le Bee Crois6 j\ ailes Blanches. Loxia leucoptera, Gmel. 426 European House Sparrow. Lc Moineau Domestique, Passer domesticusylj. (An introduced species). This specimen is of the nature of an albino, being a uniform light gray colour. 427 Vesper Sparrow. Le Pinson des Gu^rets. Pooccetes gramineus, Gmel. 428 White-crowned Sparrow. Le Pinson il Couronne Blanche. Zonotrichia leucophrys, Forst. 429 Yellow-winged Sparrow. Le Pinson A, Ailes Jaunes. Ammodramus savannarum pafserinus, Wilson. 430 Tree Sparrow. Le Pinson de Montagne. Spizella monticota, Gmel. 20 431 Chipping Sparrow. I e Petit Pinson A Couronne Rousse. fipizella SOCIO Hk, VVils, 432 Field Sparrow. I^ Pinson dea Champs. Spizella piuilla, VVils. 433 Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Le Gros Bee a Poitrine Rose. lialna ludonciana, L. 434 Indigo Bunting. Le Pinson Indigo. Passerina cyanea, L. 435 Scarlet Tanager. Le Tangara Ecarlate. Piranga erythromelas, Vieill. 436 White-bellied Swallow. L'Hirondelle Bicolore. Tachicineta tricolor, Vieill. 437 Cedar Wax-wing. Le Jasenr du Cedre. Ampelis cedrorum, Vieill. 438 Vireo. Le Vireo. Vireo, sp. 439 Blue Yellow-backed Warbler. La Fauvette d'A.nerique tompsothlypis amiHcana, L. 440 Cape May Warbler. La Fauvette du Cap May. Dendroica tigrina, Gmel. 441 Summer Yellow Bird. La Fauvette Jaune. Dendroica aestiva, Gmel. 442 Yellow Rumped Warbler (male and female) Der^droica coror^ata, L. ^' ^''"^'''" ^ ^'^"P^^" J^""«- 443 Magnolia Warbler. La Fauvette A tete Cendree. Dendroica maculosa, Gmel. 444 Chestn^Jj-sMed Warbler (male and female). La Fauvette de Dendroica pensylvanica, L. 445 Blackburnian Warbler (male and female). La Fauvette de Dendroica blackburnice, Gmel. Blackburn. 446 Black-throated Green Warbler. La Fauvette Poitrine Noire. Dendroica virens, Gmel. 447 Maryland-yellow-throat. La Fauvette Trichas. Geothlypis trichas, L. 30 448 Black-ciipped \Viul)U;r. I.u Fiiuvetle do Wilson. Sylvauia pnsil/a, WUh. 449 American Redstart. La Fauvette Mouclierolle Dor6. Sctophaga ruticilla, L. 450 Cat Bird. Lc (irive do la Caroline. Galeoscoptes carolifiensis, L. 451 House Wren. Le Troglodyte yEdon. Troglodytes aedon, Vieill. 452 Wood Thrush. La Grive des Bois. Turdns miisfc/itius, Gmel. 453 Blue Bird. Le Rouge Gorge Blue. Sialia sialis, L. (O.) GROUP OF BIRDS IN WINTER PLUMAGE. 454 Two Willow Ptarmigans. Le Lagopiide des Saules. Lag-opus la^opus, L. 455 Great Gray Owl. ^.a Chouette Cendree. U/nla cUurea, (Tmel. 456 Snowy Owl. LeHaifang. Nydca nydca, L. 457 Three Snow Buntings. T^ Plectrophane des Neiges. Pledrophenax nivtxlis, L. (D). BIRDS MOUNTED SINGLY UPON STANDS. 458 Horned Grebe. Le Grebe Cornu. ColyinbuK auriiUK, L. 459 Canadian Ruffed Grouse (male and female). La Gt'Iinotte du „ , „ Canada. Jionasa umhdlus togata, L. 460 Sharp-shinned Hawk. L'Epervier Brun. Accipiter velox, Wils. 461 Cooper's Hawk. L'Epervier de Cooper. Accipiter cooperi, Bonap. 462 American Gos Hawk. L'Autour a tete Noire. Accipiter atricapillus, Wilson. 463 Red-tailed Hawk. La Buse a (^ueue Rousse. Buteo boreaiis, Gmel. Ill i 31 4«UUe>l-slH>uiaored„awk. La Hnne A Mant.a,. IJonx. 4G5 American 0«prey U> Balbunard a. ia (Caroline . I'andxon haliaetus carolinenm, Gmol. 4()6 American-long-earert Owl Tp i^.k^. •> «• 407 Short eared Owl. Le Hibou ,1 Aigrette, Courtes. Asto accipitriniis, Pal] . 468 Richardson's Owl . Le Nyctale de Richardson . Nyctala tengmalmi richanhoni, Bonap. 469 Saw-whet or Acadian Owl. La Nyctale d'Acadie ' ' Nyctala acadica,Gm(i\. 470 Great-horned Owl . Le Due de Virginie. Bubo Virginian us, (hw\ . 471 American Hawk Owl. La Chouette Eperviere. Surma ulula caparoch. Mull. 472 King Bird or Bee Martin. Le Tyran de la Caroline. ^yrannus iyrannus, L. 473 Phoebe. Le Moucheroll(3 Brun Sayormsphoebe, Lath. 474 Canada Jay or Whisky Jack . Le Geai du Canada. t'ensoreus canadensis, F.. 475 Butcher Bird or Great Northern Shrike . La Pie Grieche Boreale Lamus boreaU8,\iQ{\\, ^'i«one ijoreaie. (B). MAMMALS MOUNTED SINGLY UPON STANDS AND MAMMAL HEADS. 476 Northern Hare. Le Lievre du Nord. Lepus americanuR virgivianm, Harlan . 477 Musk Rat. L' Ondatra Musque. I'Hber zibetkicm, L. 478 Skunk. Le Zorille Varie. Mephitia mephitica, Shiiw . 479 Mink. Le Vison d'Amerique. Putorius rison, Schreber. 32 480 Red Deer Headfi. Le Cerf do Virginie. Curiae us vir^inianus, Boddaert . 481 Moose Heads. L'Elan d'Amerique. ^/ce alces americanus, Jardine. 482 Woodland Caribou or Reindeer Heads. Le Ren ne Caribou. Rangifer tarandus caribu, Kerr. OOLLEOTION OP BIRDS; MOUNTED IN OASES. 922 Ool. Thos. J. Egan, HaUJax, Nora Scotia. CASE A. Common Loon or Great Northern Diver. Le Plongeon & Collier. Urinator imber. Gunner. 483 Male. , 484 Female. 485 Two young ones. Red-throaced Diver. Le Plongeon du Nord. ^„o ,, . ^*^fi(^^or lumme, Gunner. 486 Male. 487 Female. Red-necked Grebe . Le Grebe k Cou Rouge . .o„ ,, , (^olymbus holhoeUii, Reinhardt. 488 Male. 489 Female. Razor-billed Auk. Le Pingouin Commun. Aka torda, Linnpeus. 490 Two Males. 491 Female. Puffin. Le Macareux Arctique. Fratercula ardica, Linnaeus. 492 Male. 493 Female Black Guillemot. Le Guillemot Noir. ^^PP''^^ d^lle, Linnpeus. 494 Male. 495 Female. 496 Young. ler. CASK H. While. (iu,„u,t or .SoJaii(Jo<,Ht.. F^. Knn ,1. i, /w/r//.v^V««,v/.v, nrtuiuich. •'>(H.) Wliiic-wiiiL'cJ (Jiill r /. , 'Ma (Mill. Lc (Tooland A AiU-H nimwhvH Arotif or Luntr-taileil l-i, .«•..,• i 603 PVinale. CASE ('. '»<'"bk. created Cunuorant. Le Oonnonn .^. v . Male. ^^^'— --^^v^^-X~;;,;:;s^^^ ^. I'^aber. r>07 Female. r>(»8 Arctic Jaeger. Le Stercoraire cle Buffon. ■^f^'rcorarius /o„^i^^,,^,^^^ Vieillot. '•'•Hk.v Shearwater. Le Puffin Noir 509 Male. ^"^""' ""'^"^''''h Finch . r>10 Female. Fniniar. U PetreKilacial. Fulmirus glacialis, Linnu'us. 511 Male. 512 Female Yellow-billed Tropic Bird. LePhaet.m. fin w • ^^''''^^'''^"■/^«'">«^/m, Brandt. Old Specimen of male. ('ASK l>. 514 llurKomuHU'r (Jull. rxMJoohuul tV «Ioh HI»Mmtiv. Lnrn» fllancw. Knuiiiiuli. AiiiiTiniii llt'iriiig CJull. I^ (ioeluiul AikiuiU'. J^aruf nrijmtalm nniilifiojiiauun, Coiuw. 516 Male. 510 K(>iiuile. UuiKliing (iiiil . La Moimtto UioiifM' . Larii» atririlla, LimuveiiH. 5I« Male. 5H» Female. .V2(> H.Miapartc'M (iiill. U> Cioeland do lioiiapuiU". I.arua philnt/flpliia, Ord. Murre. Le (Juillemot A Ventie IJlanc. Uria troile, LinnatMiH. 521 Male in Summer. 522 Femaie in Winter. Dokekie or Little Auk. Le Mergule Pigeon. Allc allr. Linnaeus. 523 Male. 524 Female. 525 Dabc'liick or Little (Jrebe. Le (irebe A Hec Hi, Linnaeus. Horned (ir(*be. Le Grebe Cornu. 52(J Male. 527 Female. CASE E. ( Treat Jilack-backed (Uill. Le Goeland'A Manteau Xoir Larus inarinw, Linnaetis. 52« Male. 529 Female. 530 Eggs. Kittiwake (iull. La Mouette A Trois Doifits. Larns tridacttiln, Linnaeus. 531 Male. 532 Female. I* 85 Ivory (iull. I.a McietU- HIanch.. m Male. '"""" ""'"• ^ •""""'•• ^34 VvumU'. CuHpiun Tern. I>a Hu-rno CuHpien,... •"i-ie H{Mjfiim'n of iiinlo. ' HoHeuteTern. La 8Utriie H„H,'r. 03H 8pt'ciriien of male. '"'tKiu . 837 Conuuon Tern. La Stm.e ,1. Wilnon ftfW Ar(tieT(.ru. La Sterm, ArcMq.u.. HIack Tern. La .sternc Noire. Yuiuig male. 540 Young female. m Yonng nfaif "''"''^"" "'•'"'" •^'•'^""»"--. ^^-.H-n. CAS I-: F. < a..a,lu La liernache cln Canada. •>^» ''^iMicimen of male. Hrant Goose. La Hernaclie Commun." 542 Male. ^'■"'"" '"''''"'"^ ^'^^.n^^m. <^4.S Female (albino;. American Merganser. U Harle tI-Ameri,,,u« M4 Male. '^''''^""'''*" ''"'^''•»''«n«^ Casfi. Mfi Fen.aie in) and young j^pecimens (/>). Hooded Merganser. Le Petit Harle. o4t) Male. ^'""P^""^^'''" '•"''«/^"<«.«. f.innaeuK M7 Female. CAISE Ci. Dusky Duck. Le Canard Noir. A7iax ohHcura, (imolin. 548 Male. 540 Female (a) and young .specinienH. [h] Mallard. I -e Canard Ordinaire. Anas bofc'idn, LinnuMis. 550 Specimen of Male . Shoveller. Le Canard Souchet . Spatula clypeaia, Linnfeuw. 551 Male. 552 Female. American Widgeon. Le Canard Siffleur (i'Ain«'riq\ie Anas nmcricnvitu, Gnielin. 553 Malti. 554 Female. Wood Duck. Le Canard Huppe. . Aix i^pouxd, Linna'us. 555 Male. 556 Female. Blue-winged Teal. La Sarcelle A Ailes Bleues. Arui>< fJi/tcon^. Linna'U.a. 557 Male. 55S Female. • (Treen-vvinged Teal. La Sarcelle ii Alien N'erten. Avaa caroHnenids, Cniolin. ■559 Male. 5G0 Female. CASE H. Eider Duck. L' Eider Coinmun. Soutatcria uiollissinia horea/is, Brelim. 5{il Male. 562 Female. 56:^ Eggs. 564 Barrow's iiolden Eye. Ixi Bucephale d'Islande. GlauHoueUa ishindica, Graelin. .565 An»erican (Jolden-Eye. Le lUicepliale d'Auiericpie. (rlaiu'ionetta tTixuii>iila atnci-iairia, lionaparte. I-K>ng-tailed Duck. T>» re.,>....^ ^ t obC Male in ^^l^! '''"'"^^'^' T.inru.„s. 66/ Male in winter. oW Pemnle specimen. •'^tJlt A rnerican 8caiip Duck T.a vi •.■ Av/hya mar,/a nearctica, Stejneger. o7() Huttie-head. Le Petit Bucephale CASE I. KingEuler. L'Eider Kemarquable 671 Male. ^'""''^"'^'' 'P^ctobilis, Linna> 672 Female. MS. American Scaup Duck . T., Morillcu A tete Noire 67H Specin>en%Sir"''' '""'''''''• '^^^^ Harlequin Duck. Le Canard Histrion 574 Male. "'''''''''''''' hhtrionicy., 675 Female. White-wluged Scoter. La Mac-reuse Velout,-« 67«Male. '''!'''"'''' ^''^'''"^^ Honaparte 677 Female. Surf Scoter. Le Canard Macreuse a large B,m- 578 Specimen of Mal<'. '^'un.ius. An.erican Scoter. Le Canard Macreuse d'Amerique 679 Sp,.cime.?::J'?nur'''''"""' '"'""^^" '"^^ Richardson, Ked-brea«ted Merg-anser. T>^ Harle a Poitrine He 580 Male •'""''''' ''''"''''^ ^^"'"-"■''• 681 Female. Misse. S8 CASE J. (iryjit Bhu- Heron. Le (irand IK^ron Bleu. Ariien hei'odiaK. Itinnu'us. 582 Male. 583 Female. 584 Young specimens and eggs. American Coot. Lii Fonlque d'Amerique. Fulica americana, Gmelin. 585 Male. 586 Female. American Woodcock. Ije Becurtsc d'Amerique. Philnhi'la minor, Gmelin. 587 Male. 588 Female. 589 Nest and eggw. Wilson's Snipe. La B^cassine de Wilson. Gnllinago delicata, Ord. 590 Male. 591 Female. 592 Young. (JASK K. Great Blue Heron. Le Grand Heron Bleu. Ardea herodias, Linnseus. 593 Specimen in young plumage. American Bittern. Le Butor. liotaurus lenliginontiK. Montag. 594 Male. 595 Female. ")96 Specimen of young. Green Heron. Le Heron Vert. Ardea mreimenn, Linnmus. 597 Specimen of Male. Least Bittern. Le Petit Butor. Botaurus exilin, Gmelin. 598 Specimen of Male, Virginia Rail. Le Kale de Virginie. Rallus rirginianuH, I.innjeus. 599 Specimen of Male. 3« <'«'„Kailor.Sora. U Kale de la CW r 07 Specin.en orS;.^"'"'-'' ^^•""'^""- •A mericaiKJreat White Egret | .> h - u, Ardmear.ttn r- ,• '^' ^^'''''o" Blanc. W'« .Specimen of Ma/e " ' "^''"• Male . Hlack-<;ro\vned Night Her on. Le fferon du \, m^^ Male. ''""''''''"' «•'^"''>'>^^'^• n-/«.rBodd! ^10 Young Female. KinKHaMu-H.Ue Elegant. 01 J Male '^"''"•^''''•"""•^AudnbMn. 2 Female. I^ittle HlueHen.n I .. twi, ii- lA ietit Heron Ben. «>'-i ^peclnlen of male nt, OH '^''Pvviiig. U Vanneau Hnppc N-n.nen collect..! in ■^ being. K„ro,H«in one. 40 CASE M. (.Treat Marbled Godwit. La Barge Marhivc, Limomfedoa, Linnrpus. (il5 Male. «>16 Female. Hudsonhin (fodwit. La Barge de la Kaie d' Hudson. ()17 Male. (518 Female. TAmow hoimv»Mir. TofanH$ uielaHolcHCHS, timelin. (»24 Male. 025 Female. Lesser Yellow Shanks. I^e Petit Chevalier A pieds .fannes. Totaiius //ing Plover. Le Pluvier Criard. ^gialiiis nit'loda, Ord. 028 Sj)eeimen of ^Vlale. Kildeer Plover. Le Pluvieii Kildir. ^Ei>ialitis 7l Female, er. La Muubeclu' Tachefr 632 Mai,. ^'^'""'"''^"''"•'"'^'innacus. 633 Fomiile. 634 SpociiTien.-oi voiing. Soli.ary Sand-pip.,.. I.- Chevalier Solitaire. U35 Male """'' ''^'"''"''- ^^'■•-'"• 6'36 Feinalc. Sanderling. U- Sanderling. 637 Male. ''"''"' "''■""^^<^^ "i^inn^.ns. 638 Female. T^Hst Sand-piper. La Maubeche de Wilnon. uof^ o • ^'"I'^ga rmuuti/h, Vieillot 639 Specimen of Male. I'ectoral Sand-piper. La Maubr'cl.e Tachetee 640 Male ^""•''" —'«'". Vieillot . 641 Female. H..«-bre.i.Led Sund-piper. La Maub^che A Foitrine jaunat.v. 642 Male ^'^^""■'^'^''•' •""'"'"A-^'^/'S Vieillot. 643 Female. I>ong.legged Sand-piper. L'lu-hasse A L,>ng Pied. 644 Male, ^'''''f'"^'''^" /""'^'"^o/'WS Bonaparte. 645 Female. Knot. ..r A.h-colored Sand-piper. La Maubeche a P.nt.ri 7v;- . . . Ronsae. .■A.. »i , ' i^tnc/n aoiutnn, Linnaeus. 646 Male . tm Female. ne I'lirple Saud-piper. La Maubeelie Ponrpre. «Hc. I. . ^^'^ff" maritimrt, Brunn. 648 Male. 649 Female. 42 Turn,slM,K.. U Tonrnupiern, a I'uhrhw V.,iiv (iSOMaJe. '■^'•''"""" '''^'''•?"-'". r^innnons. «n«.,, Linnaeus. 656 Female. Northern Phalarope. I. Phalarope Hv,>e.h„ven. 667 Male ^''"''"•^P"" ^o'>«'"". Linnaeus. 668 Female. 659 Male in winter plumage. Canada Grouse . U T6tras du Canada 660 Male. ^^"^^"^"/'«-'"*«""'/"-W.«, Linnaeus. 661 Female. Canadian Kuffed Grouse. La (u^linutte n Frain- 662 Male. " ''"*'"^^''' «".'/"<"■ Linnaeus. 663 Female. 664 Specimens of voung. Dusky f young. 44 Ainorican Sparrow Hawk. I^ Fauoon K,M3rviHr 684 Male. ^''"'^" •'/""•'''■^'«'. 685 Ftunalt'. PiRf..,, Hawk . Le Fauoon des Pigeonn «8G Male "''''■" ^"^"""'^"•"'•'. ^imiMMus. 687 J^emale. 688 Nest and Eggs. American Sparrow IJawk . I.,- Fa.icon Kpervier 689 Specimen of young male . (*(l Turkey Vulture. Le Vauu.ur Aura. C'ltliartfK aura, Linnjeiis. CASE R, An.encan 0«p,ey or FiHh Hawk. Le Balbuaard de la Caroliue Male. '"'' f-^^^oef',scarollnerms, (j.nelin. 691 692 Female. 693 Young Speeinieu^ l"ick Hawk. Le Fa.icon Peleri]!. ^ 694 Male. ^'""^'^ P^'^'Winm anatnw, Bonapar.e. 695 Female. Hed-tai led Hawk. La Bu8e A Queue K< «9.i \ • ^'^^y f>or,'alh, Graelin. 696 A s|)ecimen m first plumage. »U8se. CASE 8. An A.neriean Goshawk- L'Autom- a tete Voir.- 697 Male ^■'^^>"'''^ "''•'•'•«F///«^ Wilson. 698 Female. 699 Specimens of y.miig. Ked-tailed Hawk. La Husea Queue K'ouss.. 700 Male. ^«"« ''«^-^". <''.,elin. 701 Female . 702 Specimens of young. 45 WmyGyr-ful,,,,.. Lc Fui.c.m N<,ir. 7(W Specimen of tiiah'. '>*wMf-. CASE T. 704 A.nericun lougli-legged Du./.ard. U Ii„H,. P.,ttn«- ,- . • 70o Female in llrst plumage. "'■"""■"S/'r': LuH,.„ac,,.™,„,,v„„i,.. 708 Female. ^•'-»t<''-Hy()wl. UChouetteCendvee. 7.^^'Speei„.en'S1,;,r™'^'""""- :iUWe.sten.ilon,eaUwl. Le Due de„i, />///v; v„xn„ia»us subardicus, Hoy. S».arp-«hinnedHawk. LKpervier Hrun '11 •V'cunen ,n young plnnuige. CASK U. '•'•-f"onu.dOwl. Le Due de Virginie. 712 Male. ^'''TA'''" '>/;///,-, GmoU,,. 7'3 Female. 714 Specimens of young. HarredOvvl. U Chouette du Canada. 715 Mule. ■""*'" "^■^"fos,o„, Forster. 716 Female. 4ti Snowy Owl. liO llaifuiig. -1-7 «* . ^yhocnicens, Linnietis. 730 Male. 781 Female. 782 Specimen of young male. Ku.sty (Jrackle or Blackbird. l,a Mainate Couleur d<> ,. , ., .. Rouille. 1 66 Male. 734 Female. 47 HrMii/,(.(| (Jriu'kic or Cr ■ MM,,,,,.,, ,,ruckU. ,„(Vow HliickbiP.1 r VI • 73. s,. ^;;ri?:i----'--Hi..X^^ ^MU.\ Kingli.h,,, u Martin K.cluM.r 737 Kt'iiijilc, 738 Albino Hia'cinirn. Hairy WoodiMcker. Le Pic Chcvein 739 Sp«M.inu.,?y,S:;''''''''-'/--'«^^-. Hocld. »>«'wn.v WoodiH...ker. I.e Pi, MinuU- 740 Mule. ''^•''"^"''-■^•/^"^'^.^'■'v/.v, [.„„,,,, 741 Fi'inali'. Arcti,.TW, l,Voodpeck.r. I. Pi. An-M.,,.. 742 MaK-. ^'""^'''•^ "'''•''^^•''•S Swain«on. '"" ' 743 Female. Yelh.w-bollied Sap-nuc-ker. U Pic Man.K^ 7^4 S,H.inu.n^o}B:!"' '•''"■"•'■ ^^^ »'ilt'at«d Woodpecker. Le Pic a H,n,„M. '4.) I w,, specimens. > '^mn, ppo Kcarlat» (WIS. lied-hoaded Woodpecker. U. pi, , ,^^ ^ 7^n Sp.cim.n'^t^nX"""""''''"^" ' ^-"-"- < 'Olden-winged Woodpeck(>r or Flicker. Le Pic I), 747 Male. "^''''' "'"*'""'' ^'innirns. 748 Female. 'ore NiKl.t Hawk |/Kngo„Ievent d-An.eriqne 745) Male. ^ ^'''''^''^'' ^">^'"'Vr,/,... (Jnielin. 7oO Spocinien of young. 48 \Vliip-|«.oi-.will. l/KiigoiiUn.uit Criunl. Trio •^"{">';'"s.!MiM ''''''•'"■''' '•"•■'^"^ ■ "•'" ^•'^''•' " "»^ '"k"- i" V\HV. W. PjiHwiigor l%,.„„., L,. |»igt,,,„ V„yug(>ur. 7o8 Male. 754 FniinU'. nr ('iin,liim I),.vi'. i.u T„urterelU- ,lo la CmnWiw ..r ,, > y-<'>tnu1um niatroitm, Linnji'UH. /o5 Mall', "iin Fcrimlf. Yj'IIow -bt'llitHl Cucku<.. 1a" Couccmi d'Ana'riqiu'. Coayzus americanus, Linnanis. ".)/ Speciirn'ii of Male. Black-billed (.'uckou. Ia; ('oiicuii a Bee Noir. Coccy-us i-yythrofyhthalmns, Wiinon /5N Male. 759 Female. 7(50 Nest and I'Kf?!^. King-bird or Hoc^ Martin . I.e Tyraii dc la Caroline Tyranutis tvniuuiis, Liiinjens. 7()l Specimen of Male. Olive-sided Flycatcher. La .Moucherolle A (Y.tes Olive Con f opus hona/is. Swainson. 762 Male. :(\'.\ Female. Wood Pewee. I,e Mouclierolle Verdsltre. Contopiis fin'f/s, LinnaMis. 7(54 Male. 765 ?Vmale. 40 Shore or Iforned F^urk I ' ii 7«fi Male 7(i7 Fcirmio Meadow Lark L'Etou,n.undeHPn.H. Purple Find.. I^ Pinson I..,„r,.ro 769 Male. ^"''^^''«^«^- /'«'V^«n7.., (^nidin. 770 Female. 771 Neat and egga. Common Ued-poll Le Si.erin A t^-^. Uoug.. 772 Male. ^^^"'''^'" ^'««'-'«. 773 Female. American Gold-Hnch. Le Ohardonneret J. 774 Male. '"""' "**''"' I^'""i^'"s- 775 Female. nine. Pine Siakin. Le Cliardonneret desjP 776 Male. '^^^^"''^"'""^ Wilson. 777 Female. ins. Snow Bunting. Le Plectrophane do. Neigea 778 Male. ^'''^'•''^'''^'»«^ «^^«^'«, Liniuor 779 Female. Ul'US. na. Savanna Sparrow. Pe Pinson de Savunn. 7.>0 Male. ^'^'"^'^^«''^'^'' P^nceps, Mayn. 781 jVmale. White-throated Sparrow. Le Pinson a Gorge Blanche. 7«2 Male '^""''^'"'^'^" «^'^^^««^', tinielin. 783 Female. 784 Nest and eggs I M 50 Tree Hparrow. Le Piiison do Montague Spize/la monitcola, (Tinelin. 785 Male in winter. 786 Female in euminer. Eastern Snow-bird. Le Pinson Niverolie. Junco hyemalU, Liiinjeus. 787 Female with nest and eggs. Song Sparrow. Le Pinson Chantenr. Melospiza fasciata, Gnielin. 788 Male. 789 Female. 790 Nest and eggs. Swamp Sparrow. Le Pinson de Marais. Melospiza gco.yiana, Lath. 791 Male. 792 Female. Fox Sparrow. Le Pinson Fauve, Passer dla iliact, Merr. 793 Male. 794 Female Red-eyed Vireo. Le Vireo aux Yeux Rouges. Vireo olivaceus, Linmeus. 795 Male. 796 Female. Warbling Vireo. Le \'ireo Gris. Vireo gilvus, Vieillot. 797 Specimen of male. Solitary Vireo. Le Vireo A Tete Bleiuitre. Virio solitarius, Wilson. 798 Male. 799 Female. Black and White Warbler. Le Grinipereau Noir et Blanc. Mniotilta varia, Linnjeus. 800 Male. 801 Female. 51 Blne-yellow-backed WarbicM. La Fauvette d'A 802 Male. «03 Female. CompwthlypiH (mericavo, Linnjcus. irneriqiie. Cape May Warbler. La Fauvette d,, Cap May 804 Male. ^^'"''''''^''« ^'^rina, Graeliu. 805 Female. Yellow Warbler. La Fauvette Jau Dendroica oesliva, Gmeliu. ne. 806 Male. 807 Female, 808 Nest. Black-throated Blue Warbler. La Fauvette Bleu a Gorge Noire 809 Specimen'^ofS: """'"'"''' ^^'"^•-• Yellow-rumped Warbler. La Fauvette a Croupion Jaune 810 Male. '^'^""'"' ''''""«'«' 811 Female. Magnolia Warbler . La Fauvette u tote Cendr^e 812 Specimen''?maf:. "'""'""' ^'"'^'•"• Chestnut-sided Warbler. La Fauvette de Pensylvauie. 813 Male. ^''''^*"''*^"' pensylvanica, Linmeus. 814 Female. Bay-breasted Warbler. La Fauvette a P, 815 Male. 816 Female Dendroica castanea, Wilson. )itrine Bale. Black-poll Warbler. La Fauvette Rayee. 817 Male ^'^^"'^'^'^ •'"''^«'«. Forster. 818 Female. Blackburnian Warbler. La Fauvotte do Blackburn 819 Male. ^""^'■'"'■" W«rA/m,'nf.r, Cin.olin. 820 Female. 52 Black-throated (4reen Warbler. La Fauvette a Poitrine Noire. o... ,, , Dcndroicavircm, iimeUn. 821 Male. 822 Female. Yellow Red-poll or Palm AVarbler. La Fauvette Sl t6te Rousse. 823 M t)endroica palmarum hi/pochrysea, Ridgway. 824 Female. Nashville AVarbler. La Fauvette de Nashville. 825 Male. 826 Female. Helmintkophila ruficapilla, Wilson. Maryland Yellow-throat. La Fauvette Trichas. Geothlypis trichas, Linna'us. 827 Male. 828 Female. American Redstart. La Fauvecte Moucherolle Dori^e. Setophaga ruticilla, Linnfuus. 829 Male. 830 Female. 831 Nest and eggs . Canadian Fly-catching Warbler. La Fauvette Moucherolle du o , . , . Canada. ^yl'^'(^nia canadensis, Linna'us. 832 Male. 833 Female. Chipping Sparrow . Le Petit Pinson a Couronne Rousse . Spizclla socialis, Wilson. 834 Sj^ecimen of male. CASE X. Ruby-throated llumnung Bird. Lo Colibra a Gorge Rubis. Trochilus colubris, Linnreus. 835 Male. 836 Female. 837 Nest and eggs. Blue Jay. Le Geai IIui)p(''. Cyanociila crista la, Linnjcus. 838 Male. 839 Female. 5.", Canada Jay or WhinLy Jack. J.e Uoai du Canada 840 Male. ^'''""''''''' canadm.ns, Linnajua. 841 Female. Rice-bird or Bobolink. Le Goglu 842 Specimefof ir "'"'""' ^"'^"^^-• American Pine Grosbeak. Le Bouvreuil du Canada 843 Male ^*''**'''^'* enucleator canadensis, Cab. 844 Female. White-winged Crossbill. Le Bec-croise -X Ailes Blanches 845 Male. '^''^^" '^"''^''"«' ^^^l"^' 846 Female. 847 Nest and young. American Red Crossbill. Lo Bec-croise d'Am(3rique 848 Male curvirostra minor, Brehm. 849 Female. 850 Nest and eggs. Scarlet Tanager. Le Tangara ^'carlate. 851 Male ^"'''"^'' erythromelas, Vieillot. 852 Female. Bohemian Wax-wing. Le Jaseur de BohOn.e. 85J Specunen of Female. Cedar Wax-wing . \^ Jason r du Cod re. 854 Male. "^'''P'^^' ^'d-oru'u. 865 Female. 85() Nost and eggs. 857 Female in first plumage. Northern Shrike. La Pic Gri(:.che Boronlo 858 Male. ^'^"'''^ ^-'■^''^'''^■> VieiHut. 85!) Female. 860 Female in first plumage. ,54 Cat-bird . La Grive de la Caroline. 861 Male. ^"^''''"'''P^^' corofinevsis, Liniiious. 802 Female. Winter Wren . Lo Troglodyte d'Hi ver. HM «r^« • '^''(^flodytes hiema/is, Vieillot. mi bpecimen of Male . Brown Creeper. Le Grimpereau d'Am^rique. 864 Male, ^""''^'''"^/'^''"^^^^f'^s americana, Bonaparte. 865 Female. White-breasted Nuthatch . La Sittelle de la Caroline . c«« o • '^^^i^ caro/ifievsis, Lath . 8bb Specimen of male.. Rea-breasted Nuohatch. La Sittelle dii Canada. ««7 c • "^^^^ canadetisis, Linnajus. 867 Specimen of male. Hudsonian Chickadee. La Mo.«ange de la Baie d'Hudson. 868 Male. ^''''''' ^^'^dsonicus^Yo^x^r . 869 Female. Black-capped Chickadee . La Mesange a tete Noi 870 Specimens mat:"''^""'^' ''^'^' re. Golden-crowned Kinglet. Le Roitelet IIupp<:> 871 Male. ^^•9"^"'' •''«^^«^«. Licht. 872 Female. Ruby-Crowned Kinglet. Le Roitelet A Couronne Rnb 873 Mai ^^i7«/ws r(r/en(Ma, Linnjeiis. 874 Female. Water-thrush . La Grive Hochequeue. H-. o . ''^''■•'■«''«-\''«'<'^«r«mm.'(, (Jnielin. omniun. Clnpca han'Htrns, Linnaeus. Specimens from Magdalen Islands. 910 American Sliad. L'Alose d'Araeriqne. Clupea sapidissima, Wilson. A specimen from River St. Lawrence. 911 American Smelt. L'P]perlan d'Amerique. Osmerus monia.v, Mitchill. Eight specimens from Miramichi River, New Brunswick. 912 Common White Fish. Le Poisson Blanc. Core^ofius clupeifonnis, Mitchill. !u!' JPn^' ^^"^' '^^"^'^'' specimens from Simcoe, Ontario. (B), (C), 2 large specimens from North West Territories. 913 Cisco or Lake Herring. Le Scisco. Corefronus artedi.lj^'^wwv. Six specimens from Lake Erie. 914 Quinnat or Chinook Salmon. Le Quinnat. Oncorhynchus tschazvytscha, Walbaum. Specimen from British Cohnnbia. 915 Quinnat or Chinook Salmon. Le Quinnat. Oncorhynchus tscharvyischa, Walbaum. Five small specifuens, reared by Samuel Wihnot, Esq., Fish Cul- turist, in his garden, Newcastle, Ont; 4 vears old- etres from California. ' ' 5U m« (A) BI„e-back S.I,non, or Suck-eye. Lo Nork-. Oncorhynchus nerka, Walbauu, Pecn.en fro. New W.t.inster. ZL. Co,„.M. (B) Dog-salinon. Le Keta. Two specimens from Coast of British Columbia. 917 (A) Ouananiche. L'Huanaaiche. Specimen from Lake St. John head of %. " of Quebec. "' ''®^^ <^^ Saguenay River, Province (B) Atlantic salmon T,p am,..,^ c^/ 7 , saumon comnum. Sahno salar, Linnaeus. Specimen from Restigouche River. 918 Atlantic sahnon. LeSaumon Commun. Salmo salar, Linnaeus. Two specimens from Lake Ontario. 919 Salmon Trout, or Great Lake Trout F n T •. . (A) Specimen from Lake Superior, Ontario (B) Specimen from Lake Huron, Ontario. 920 Speckled or Brook Trout. Le Truite d^. R ■ (A) Twospecimens from Rook T-iW it'.-. 921 Speckled or Brook Trout. LaTmif^^ t>- A Two .peci,„e,., fro,., c^„„a„ j^^e, P.„,i„„ „, q„^^^ (B) A specmen fro,,, Restigouche River. !)22 Ked-spottecJ or Dolly Varde„Tio,if ,., -r • Salvelin, J „„,„:' ^^^^ '""^ " Dolly Varden," Two specimens from ConniM-im u; fiiver, British CohTbil "^ ^''''' " '''^'^'''''y of Fraser 923 Green Pike. Le Brocliet I^'ticule. ESO.V reticulatus, Le Sueur Fo„r ,peci,„e„, fro,„ Uke Me,„p„.„,a„, p,„,„^ „, ^^^ 024 Common I'ikc. Lo Htoclici Commun. Esox Indus, LinnaetiH. Two spociiiu'riH from North Wewt Torritf)ri(!y. 925 (A) Common Pike. Le Broclict Commun. Eso.v liiciHs, LinniuiUH. Specimon from Lake Onfcjirio. AIho a very small npecimtMi fn.m same locaiityt (B) MiiHkollun}i;o. Le Maskinonf,'('. Iiso. r nohi/ior, '1' 1 1 o m pson . Si)ocimen from Bay of (iuhite, Ontario, .'{5 Ibw weight. 926 Muskellimge. Le Maskinonge. Esox nobilior, Thom|)8on. (A) Specimen from Bay of (iuinte. (B) Specinien from Rideau River, IG lbs. weight. 927 American Eel. L'/Vnguille d'Ameriqne. Auiriiilla angiiilla ros/raia, Le Siifur. Speeinien from Rideau River, Ontario. (^oIK-ctedbv Mr. .1 M. l.alonde, Department of Marine and Fisheries.' 928 ( A ), ( C ), Common Mackerel . Le Maquereau Commun . Scomber scomhrus, Linnaeus. Four specimens from CJulf of St. Lawrence. (B), Spanish Mackerel . T^ Tassard Tachete. Scotnhcromorus maciilatus, Mitchill. Two specimens from (Julf of St. Lawrence. 929 Tunny or IForse Mackerel . Ta Tlmnine, ou Touna. Le Thon. Thvnnus thynnus, Linnaeus. Specimen from Sagnenav District. Moiinteu on Standards." Weight some 400 lbs. 9;}0 Two .iwords of Sword-fish. L'Kspadon. Xiphias }iladius, Linnaeus. From Atlantic coast of Canada.. 9;n (A) Calico Bass or Strawberry Bass. T^ Craix>t (\vlicot. Pomoxys sparoiifcs, Lac(''pCde. Two st^ecimens from Burlington Bay, Ontario. men from r. J. M. Thou, (B)S(,rip,„lHaH.s. Lb Auwrw.un. /Coccus lineatus, mo(!li. Five specimonn from Mira,nichi liiver, ^rosv Bruuswick. (0) While BaHs. Le Bur Blano. Roccus c/irysops, UufhieHqiio Two specimoiiH from Laku Erie, Ontario. 932 Striped Bass. Lo Bar Am.'ricnin. Roccus lincatus, Bloci, Two specimenn fro.a Mira.niohi Kivor, New BruuHwlck. 933 (A), (BJ, (K) (F), Rock Bans. Le Crapet Vert Amhhp/itcs rupestris, Iiatino«que. *our specimens from Lake Ontario. (C), (D), Sun Fish. Le Crapot Jamie. Lt'Pomis ,iribbosus, Linnaeus. Two spe-imens from Lake Ontario. 934 (A). T.arge mouthed Black Baas. L'Achi,an (i.ande i..iiche. Micyoptcrus sahnoidcs, Lac.'pude A specimen from Lake Erie, Ontario. Micropterus dolomicu, Laci'pode A specimen from Rice Lake, Ontario. 935 Small-mouthed Black Bass. L'Achigan Petite Bouche. Mtcroptcrns dolomieu, Laci'-pude. Five specimens from Bay of Qtiinte. 936 Yellow Perch. La Perche. Percaflavcsccus, Mitciiijj. Five specimens from Bay of (iuinte. 937 Pike- perch. Le Grand Dord. Stizostcdio7i vitreuni, Mitcliill. (A) Two specimens from Rideau Lake. (B) A specimen from Lake Huron. 038 Sheepshead or Fresh water Drum. Le Malachigan Aplodtnotusgrutinicns, Rafinesqne. (A) A specimen from Detroit River, Ontario. (B) A specimen from Ottawa River. 9 I* W2 n;iO (A) Rock-tioiit or Bon-f^ut. r,(> non.gut . /fc.vai;ra,ni)i,)s t/rnn; nun inns, Tal Iuh Rpecimoii from K«(|.iinmli Harbour, ItritiHh (.'olmnbia. (B). (C), CiiltUH Cod. F,a Morue (.'hImjh. Ophiodon chnnratns, ( \ i rurd . 940 Snapper. Lc St'-lmHto. Sfhas/cs inarinns, Linnaeiw. A specimen from Atlantic coa-st of Canada. Wl RodRock-flHh. LeTambor. Sehasfodfs nibrniinns, Cramer. A specimen fron. Coaat of Hritisb Columbia. 012 (A) Lump-rtsli. I.e Cycloptere Lomp(,. Cychptcnis Inmpns. Linnaeus. A specimen from ( Julf of St. Lawrence. (B) Common Sculpin. Le Grand Cliaboisseau a dix-lmit epine de rAmerique du Nord. ^cantlwcottns ododecimspinosns, Mitcbill Two specimens from (iuif of S. Lawrence. (C) Sea Raven. L'Hemitriptere. Hi-mitripfcrns americanns, (Jmelin. A si^eciraen from Atlant ic Coast of Canada . 043 Wolf-tisii. L'Anarrhiqiie i.onp. ^nan-hic/ias Inpiis, lAnnmni^. A specimen from (inif of St. Lawrence. 044 Burbot or Ling. La Lotte Commune. * Lota maru/osa, Le Sueur 945 Cusk. Le Brosme. Brosuiins brosinr, .Mtiller. Two specimens from Atlantic coast of Canada. 946 (A) Haddock. L'Eglefin. Melanoirrammns afflijinns, Linnjeus. (B) White-hake or Codling.. La Merluche Blanche Physis tenuis, W\\,^i\\\^^^ Specimen of each from Halifax, Nova Scotia. H3 04' (A) I<.in-«M,|orK,nH(-llHh. I.:, I'rfi,,. M,,,,,,. ^lurofiadustomaui, W'nll,,,,,,,, fourHiKHMinenHfiurn IFiiliiux, N<,vu S,.„t, till (B) Cod-fish. i,a Monic. Cadus cal/dHas, Lirirni'ii.s. A Hpecimen from « Fli'aan .hi llalilM.t. ff'/>t>o,^/ossnship/,oM/ossns, LinniniH. SpecimcM. Iro.nCiuif of St. I.awronce. »50 Rough Dab. La I.iinun. i/ifiMr/ossou/rs p/ait'ssoides, Fabriciu.s . Two specimeiiH from (iulf ..f St. Lawrence. 951 (A) niackSole.. La Sole Noir. /^•pidopset/a hiliueata. Ay res. (B) California Flounder. L,. Flet de Californie f fatu/it/iys s/f/hitiis, I'alhis A specimen of each from of I'.ritish Colu.nhia. American Lobster. Le Homard d'Ameri.pu'. Homarus auicricaniis, lulward- 5>o2 Male from Grand, New Hr.mswick. Loaned by Mr. Henry (iatehouse, of Montreal. 954 Spoeimon from Arichat, Capo B„.,o„. (Tl.rougl, C„„„„a„der Crabs. LesCrabes. Chionoaetcs opi/io, Kroyer. 955 Two specin.ens from mouth of Gasp.". Bay, of Quebec. lenne 64 Ch iouoacles opiHo, K n )yor . 95G (A),^(Drrw<, Hpecinu-Ms fron. monti, of (!aBiH> Bay, Province of {^) Caricer boreal is, mn\Y,m\\. A specimen from Port Daniel, Bav Chaleur. "La Canad Dredgmgs, 18i»9." ' ^^anaa (C) Lithodes maia, Latr. A specimen from Wfstport, Nova Scotia. 957 Chionocevtcs opilio, Kroyer. 958 Cancer magister, Dana. A specimen from Victoria. Vancouver Island. MARINE INVERTEBRATES, SMALL FISHES. ETC. ARRANGKD IN CASES IN A SERIES OP TRAYS. T.ayl. ^^S^^^- Sponge. Eponge. 959 Suberiles compada, Verrill. A specimen from Sable Island, Nova Scotia. OCELENTERATES. AOALEPHES. 9fi0 AUyonimn rubiforme, Ehrenberg. A number of specimens from Orphan Bank Gulf of '-n isiauus. 68 Tray 23. Strongylocentrottis drobach icnsis, Mil 1 ler . 997 Specimens among algae, etc. , from Bird Rocks, Magdalen Islands. Tray 24. 998 Numerous specimens from Cape Gasp^ Head. Tray 25. 999. Five specimens from Rimouski, Province of Quebec. Trays 26, 27, 28, 29. 1000 Thirteen specimens from Paspebiac, three being denuded of spines . " La Canadienne dredgings, 1899 . " Tray 30. 1001 Six specimens, denuded of spines, from Bird Rocks, Magdalen Islands. Tray 31 . 1002 Three specimens from Ungava Bay, "Hudson Bay Expedition 1 897 . " One denuded of spines . Tray 32. 1003 A spechnen denuded of spines, from Grand Manan, New Bruns- wick . From Lt.-Col. Gourdeau, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Loxechinus purpurahis, Stimpson. 1004 Two specimens from near Victoria, Vancouver Island, one denuded of spines. n. • CASE C. LAMELLIBRANOHS. LAMELLIBRANOHES. Trays33,34, 85, 36. Hmniies giganieus, Gray. 1005 Two specimens (or four valves) from near Victoria, Vancouver Island. Tray 37. Pacific Oyster. Huitre de Pacific. Ostrea lurida, Carpenter. 1006 A number of specimens from Britisli Columbia. n Islands. G9 Tray 38. 1007 American Oyster. Huitre de Virginie. Ostrea virginiana borealis, Lamarck. A specimen (or two valves) from Prince Edward Island From Mr. R. N. Venning, of Department of Marine and Fisheries. nuded of Magdalen Tray 39. 1008 Peden caurtnus, (iould. A specimen (or two valves) with barnacles attached from Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. Tray 40. Peden Islandicus, Linnaeus. 1009 Three specimens (or five valves) from Northern part ot Gulf of St. Lawrence. rpedition w Bruna- )f Marine ind, one Tray 41. 1010 Two specimens (or four valves) from Cape Gasp6 Head, Gulf of St. Lawrence. Trays 42-43. 1011 Four specimens (or eight valves) from Mai Bav, Gulf of St. Lawrence. Tray 43. 1012 One very small specimen (ortwo valves) from Cape Gasp6 Head Gulf of St. Lawrence. ' " La Canadienne Dredgings, 1899." S. 1013 Two valves from Grand Manan, New Brunswick. From Lt.-Col. Gourdeau, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries. incouver Trays 44-45. Peden tenuicosiafus, Mighels. 1014 One specimen (or two valves) from Gaspe Bay, Province of Quebec. Trays 46-47. 1015 One specimen (or two valves) from Douglastown Bank, Pro- vince of Quebec, "La Canadienne dredgings, 1899," 70 CASE D. Modiola piicatula, Lamarck. Tray 48. 1016 A „„„,tor of ^eimen, from Carlottetown, Prince Edward isiana. La Canadienne dredgings, 1899." Tray 49. 1017 One specimen (or two valves) from Pictou, Nova Scotia. Modiola modiolus, Linnaeus '"" '"'"Z^ t^-^ ™'-' '-» ''""^^--wn Ban.. Tray 50. Tray 51 . 1020 One specimen (or two valves) from Nova Scotia. Tray 52. Mussel. Moule Comestible. in9i o ^yiil^^sedulis.Vmximi^. 10-1 One specimen (or two valves) from Metis, Province of Quebec. 1022 A few specimens from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. -L.a C^anadienne dredgings, 18vt9.'' 1023 A valve with barnacles attached, fron. Ungava Bay, "Hudson Bay Expedition, 1897." Tray 53. Tray 64. Mytilus calif ornianus, Conrad. 1025 Two^^specimens (or four valves) from Victoria, Vancouver Tray 55. ModiolaHa corrugata, ^Wxa^^on. 1026 Three valves from Cape (^aap^ Head, Gulf of St. Lawrence. J^a Lanadienne dredgings," 1899." Yoldia thraciaeformis. 1027 Two specimens from Gulf of St. Lawrence. #^* 71 Cardium islandicnm, LinuiiMis. 1028 A specimen from Nouvelle, Bay Clialeur. 1029 Three specimens from Cape Gaspc Head, Gulf of St. Lawrence. " La Canadienne dredgings, 1899." Tray 56. Serripes groenlandicus, Gmelin . 1030 Specimen of valve from Metis, Province of Quebec. 1031 Specimen of valve from Paroquet, Gulf of St. Lawrence. 1032 Specimen of valve from Orphan Bank, Magdalen Islands. " La Canadienne dredgings, 1899." Cyprina islandica. Linnaiua. 1033 A specimen (or two valves) from Bay of Fundy. Tray 57. Astarte lactea, Broderip and Sowerby. 1034 A specimen (or two valves) " Hudson Bay Expedition, 1897." 1035 A few specimens from Orphan Bank, Magdalen Islands. "La Canadienne dredgings, 1899." Astarte banksii, Leach. 1036 Numerous specimens from Cape Gasp6 Head, Gulf of St. Law- rence. "La Canadienne dredgings, 1899." Astarte eiliptica, Brown . 1037 A few specimens from Orphan Bank, Magdalen Islands. "La Canadienne dredgings, 1899." Cat lis ta convexa, Say. 1038 A specimen (or two valves) from Pleasant Bay, Magdalen Islands. "La Canadienne dredgings, 1899." Tray 58. Mercenaria violacea, Schumacher, 1039 Three specimens (or four valves) from Pictd6j Nova Scotia. Tray 59. Madra ovalis, Gould. 1040 Two specimens (or three valves) from Gaape, Province of Que- bec. 72 Tray (iO. Madra solidissima, I )i 1 1 wy n , 1041 Two specimens (or three valves) from Huy of Fuiidy. 1042 Two small specimens from Pictou, Nova Scotia. " La Cana- aienne dredginga, 1899." Tray 61. Ceroniajauressii, Toannis. 1043 A few specimens from Metis, Province of Quebec. Macotnacalcarea,Q\\Qm\i7.. 1044 A few specimens from Orphan Bank, Magdalen Islands. " La t^anadienne dredgings, 1899 " CASE E. Tray 02. Razor Shell. Solenide. Enshtella avtericana, Gould . Tray 63. Siliqua costata, Say. 1045 Two specimens (or four valves) from Metis, Province of Quebec. 1046 Two specimens from Bay of Fundy. Cyrtodaria siliqua, Spengler. 1047 Four valves from Gulf of St. Lawrence. Tray6i. Myaarenaria, Linnajus. lots Two specimens (or four valves) from Port Daniel, Bay Chaleur. La Canadienne dredgings, 1899." 1049 Numerous tiny specimens from Murray Harbour, Prince Edward Island. Collected by Mr. Ernest Kemp. Tray 65. Saxicava rugosa, Lamarck. 1050 A few specimens from Ungava Bay, "Hudson Bay Expedition Zirphaea crispata, hmniem. 1051 Specimen of valve, from Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Triiy65. 1052 Specimen (or two valves) from Victoria, Vancouver Island. mmmmm La 78 GASTROPODS. GASTROPODBS. Tray m. 1053 Chiton emersonii, Coiithouy. A specimen from Riviere du Loup, Province of Quebec 1054 Katherina tunicata, Gray. A specimen from Victoria, Vancouver Island. 1055 Tonicella niarmorea, Fabricius. Three specimens from Ungava Bay. "Hudson Bay Expedi- tion, 1897." 1050 Planorbis parvtis, Say. One specimen from Ottawa, Ontario. (Freshwater). 1057 Planorbis campanulatus, Say. A number of specimens from Ottawa, Ontario. (Fresh water). Limpet. Patelle. 1058 Acmaea tcstndinalis, Mil Her. Six specimens from Tadouaac, Province of Quebec. Tray 67. 1059 A number of specimens from Grand Manan, New Brunswick. From Lt.-Col. Gourdeau, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries. 1060 Haliotis Kamtschatkana, Jonas. Two specimens from Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Tray 68. Margarita cinerea, Couthuoy. lOGl A few specimens from Ungava Bay, "Hudson Bay Expedi- tion, 1897." 1062 A few specimens from Cape Gaspe Head. " La Canadienne dredgings, 18U9." 1003 Crcpidula fornicata, Lamarck. A number of specimens from Pictou, Nova Scotia. Tray (JO. 1064 Pachypoma gibherosum, Chemnitz. 1 Wo specimens from Victoria, Vancouver iKland. • 74 10<)5 Liinatia /ewisii, (ioiild. A specimo,. from Victoria, Vancouver Island. Lunatia Aeros, Say. 1066 A specimen from Gra.ul M.Mun, New Brunswick. From Lt -(^ol Gourdeau, Deputy Minint^r of Marine and Fisheries. ' Tray 70. 1067 Three specimens, and an operculum, from Pictou, Nova Scotia. Tray 71 . 1068 Tlxree small spocimms from Pa.,,ebmc. Bay Chaleur "La Canadiennedredgings, 1899." v^"»iour. i^a Periwinkle. Littorine Littorale. 1069 Littorina littorea, Linna3us. Four Specimens from Grand Manan, New Brunswick From Lt.-Col.Gourdeau. Deputy Minister of Marine and FisherTes. 1070 A few specimens from Georgetown. Prince Edward Island. 1071 A few si)eciraen3 from Pictou, Nova Scotia "Ton ,• dredgings.l89y." ^'^ Scotia. La Canadienne 1072 Littorina rudis, Maton. Numerous specimens from Pictou, Nova Scotia. "La Cana diennedredgings, 1899." ^ Tray 72. Pelican's Foot. Pied de Pelican. Aporrhais occidentalism Beck 1073 Four specimens from Ungava Bay. «• Hudson Bay Expedition, 1074 A few specimens from Nonvelle, Bay Chaleur 'Tn r^ diennedredgings, 1899." ^ ^""iieur. La Cana- Tray 73. Dog Whelk. PourpreaTeinture. Purpura lipillus, Lamarck. 1075 A few specimens from Metis, Province of Quebec: 1076 Two Bpeclmens, with opercula, from Columbine Bank, M.vgda- len Islands. " La Canadienne dredgings, 1899.>' 1077 Cerostovia foliatum, (imelin. Two specimens from Queen Charlotte lslands,lBritish Columbia. >■ ^% in Tmy 74 . 1078 Trilia obso/eki, Say . Four HpecimeriH from rictou, Nova Scotia. " LaCanadienne dredgings, 1899." 1079 Buccinum ten tie, Gray. Two Hi)ecimens from Metis, Province of Quebec. 1080 Buccinum plectrum, Stimpaon. Two siHjcimena from Metis, Province of QuoIhjc. Wlielk. Huccin Ond6. 1081 Buccinum undatum, Linnaeus. Two Hpeciraens from Metis, Province of Quebec. Tray 76. 1082 Priene oregonensis, Redfield. A Hpeci' on from Victoria, British Columbia. 1083 Sipho kroyer-, Muller. ' Three specimens from Metis, Provinco .f Quebec. 1084 Neptuvm decemcostata, Say. Two specimens from Rimouski, Province of Quebec; one with hermit-crab. " La Canadienne dredgings, 1899." Tray 76. 1085 Fus'isdec: ncostatus, Say. One specimen from Grand Manan, New Brunswick. From Lt.- e spec Col Gourdeau, D* puty Minister of Marine and Fisheries. 1086 Spindle-shell. Fusus islandicus , (Jould. One specimen from Grand Manan, New Brunswick. From Lt - Col. Gourdeau, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries. " 1087 Trop I sralariforme, Gould. Four specimc from Metis, Province of Quebec. CASE F. ORUSTAOBANS. LBS CRUSTACEANS. Trays 77, 7y, 79. 1088 Cancer borealis, Stimpson. Three sixjcimens, und a few specimens of carapaces from Port Daniel, Bay Chaleur. mak.. i 70 Trays 80 and 81 . ffyas ariitica , I,iniiaonH. 1089 NumemuH^H^cunoaa of va, u.uh hIzc^h from Paroqnot, Province Tray 82. 1001 Two «J-i-™ -;1 -japace with ban.aclu, aUaohed. ...lud,,,,, Trays 83, 84, 85. Chionocaetcs opinio, Kroyer. 1092 Five fipecln.ons fro.n Orphan Rank, Magdalon Islands "Ta Canadienne Dredgings, 189*J." '"nos. j.a Tray 86. Panopeus, sp. 1093 Two specimens from Ucluelet, Vancouver Island. Epialtusprodudus, Randall . 1094 Three specimens from Victoria, Vancouver Island. Tray 87. Plermit Crab, Eupa^urus bernhardus. 1095 Three specime^^ two being in shells of Gastropods from UngavaBay. " Hudson Bay Expedition, 1897." Arcturiis baffinii, Sabine. 1096 A specimen from near Churclull ; "Hudson Bay Expedition Salve Bug. ^ga psora, Kroyer. 1097 Three specimens from Churchill. " Hudson Bay Expedition, 1098. One specimen from Grand Manan, New Brunswick . From Lt - Col. Gourdeau, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheriet 1099 Two specimens from Canadian Fishery Museum. Tray 88. Coronula diadcma, Blainville. 1100 Five «P;'f;jne^ns fron. the back of a whale, being still attached "•mmmmm 77 Numerous specimens of Barnacles (Balanus) attached to shells of bivalve-molluHks and to stones. Tray HS). 1 101 Small spocitnonH on valvo ot Madra solidissima, trom F'lctou, Nova Scotia. 1102 Three speciinons from a largo stone from I'asbebiac, Bay Chaleur. 1103 Two elongated apeciniens, united, from Gulf of St. Lawrence. Tray 90. 1104 A number of specimens on stoneH and on valve of Madra orMt/is, from Paroquet, Province of Quebec. " La Canadicnno dredginga, 1899." Tray 91. 1105 A number of specimens from Alberni Canal, Vancouver Island. Lepas/asdcularis, YAWb and Solander. 1106 A few specimens on alga from the Pacific Coast. FISHES. Tray 91. 1107 Otoliths of God-fish. Gadus callarias, Linnaeus.. Specimens from Port Daniel, Bay Chaleur. Otoliths of Fresh Water Drum . Aplodinotiis grunniens, Rafmesque . 1108 Two specimens from Detroit River, Ontario. 1109 Two specimens from Ottawa River. Tray 92. Aspidophoroides monoptcrygius, Bloci. 1110 Two specimens from the Gulf of St. Lawrence. "La Cana- specimens from the Gulf of dienne dredgings, 1S99." Acanthocottus ododcdmspinosits, Mitchill. nil A specimen from Cape P^gmont, Straits of Northumoerland. " La Canadienne dredgings, 1899." Zoarces anguillaris, Peck. 1112 A specimen from Gasp6 Bay, Province of Quebec. " La Cana- dienne dredgings, 1899." Hippocampus hudsontus, DeKay. 1113 A specimen from Atlantic Coast of Canada. ilj 7.S OVSXKKS PBOM PBmOE EDWARD ISLAND Collected by Mr. Ernest Kemp. Canadian Oyster Expert. American Oyster. H„itre de Virginie Ostrea virginiana borealis, Lamarck. CASE G. Trays 93-96. • Trays 97-98. 1115 Two specimens or four valves, from Migell River. Tray 99. 1116 Five specimens from Orwell Bay. Tray 100. » 17 One speci„,en, or two valve.. f™„ Pinette River. Trays 101-103. "" ^'•'^^^"'^-■--"■■'IveMro.nBedequeB.ry. Trays 104-107. 1110 Eight specimens from Bedeque Bay. CASE H. Trays 108-122. 1 '20 Eight specimens, or sixteen valves, from Bedeque Bay. MISCELLANEOUS SPECIMENS Shells Of Lamellibranclvs, collected by Mr Ern« . I^emp. Canadian Oyster Expert ' '* 1121 American Oyster. H„itre de Virginia Ostrea zn,xn,na?ui borealis, Lamarc-k .^Pecnnens from Mig.n and Morell KivLTrte Edward Island n-2 Quahogor Hard Chun. I^ Q„,,„og. ^^^-c^nariaviolacea^m^xxmTxch^r Speonnen, Iron, Ki„,„„„„<, ,;,, p.^ rl.rd I„a„d. 79 1123 Soft Clam. Mye des Sables. Mya arenaria, Linna'iis. Specimens from Murray River, Prince Edward Island. 1124 Giant Clam or Sea Clam. Moule de Mer. Madra soildissitna, Chemnitz. Specimens from Murray Harbour, Prince Kdvvard Island. 1125, Mussel Moule Comestible. Mytilus edulis, Linnreus. Two specimens, or four valves, from Richmond Bay, Prince Edward Island. 112G Specimens of Valves of Pedcn hlandicus, L., one valve with egg-capsules of Biicdnutn uiidatuin, L., attached, from Anticosti Island, Province of Quebec. 1127 Cry fodii ton sielleri, Widdendori. A specimen from Victoria, Vancouver Island. 1128 Basket-flsh. L'Astrophyte. Astrophytoti a^assizii, Stimpson. A specimen from Gulf of St. Lawrence. 1129 Star-fish. L'Asterie. Asierias polar is, MuWer and Troschal. A specimen from Nouvolle, Bay Chalenr. A specimen from Mai Bay, Province of Quebec. " La Canadienne dredgings, 1899." A specimen from Gasp6. 1130 Sand-dollar. Echinarachnie Parma. Ediinaradtnius parma, Lamarck . A series of specimens from Douglastown Bank, Province of Quebec. " La Canadienne dredgings, 1899." 1131 Sea-urchin. Toxopneuste. Loxediimis purpuratus, Stimpson. Two specimens from Victoria, British Columbia, one being denuded of spines. 1132 Sponge. Eponge. Halichotidria. A siiechnen from (Jrand Manau, New Brunswick. From Lt.-Col. Gourdeau, Deputy Miniat^n- of Marint, and Fisheries. I ■■"^S*«ft««*.«*»., 80 MODELS OF CANOES AND FISHING GEAR. 1133 Two modelB of Canoes, Ontario Canoe Co., Peterboro, Ontario. 1134 Two Indian Paddles, 1135 Model of Cedar Canoe, 1136 Model of Cedar Canoe, with 3 paddles, from British Columbia. 1137, Model of Scow from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. 1138 Model of Ice-boat from Prince Edward Island. 1139 Ten Indian spears. 1140 Two shields with Fishing Gear. 924 Henri Menier, No. 8, Rue Alfred de Vigny, Paris, France. 1141 A Collection of Deep Sea Fishes from Anticosti Island, Province of Quebec. 925 Luc Dupues, Les Aulnaies, Que. , Fish Oil. Huile de Poisson. ' no. ice