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Un des symboles suivants apparaîtra sur la dernière image de chaque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole ~*> signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbole V signifie "FIN ". ita lure. : IX Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at différent réduction ratioa. Thoae too large to be entirely included in one expoaure are filmed beginning in the uppei left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many f rames as required. The foilov.'ing diagrams illustra^e the method: 1 2 3 Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent être filmés à des taux de réduction différents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour àtre reproduit en un seul cliché, il est filmé à partir de l'angle supérieur gauche, de gauche à droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nécessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la méthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 mmmm I mmmm J^cU. ^c. ttZr eJ'A h */ NOTES ON THE NATURAL HISTORY OF LABRADOR. BY W. A. STEARNS. ï i p— r THE NATITRAL HISTORY OF LABRADOR. The followins:; article, oiit'tlcd "Notes on tlio Natnriil History of Lab- rador," appeared in the fitli volume of the Proceedings of the United States National Muséum, pulilisliod at Wasliinjiton, T). C, in 1883, and}!; tlie i)aj:ns 111 to i;{7. 1 am awaro of so few additions to the list, exceptinjj; nrnon}! the Birds, that I reprint with but siiiiht revision. Tho Birds are trcated of separately and at lenjith, in my pamphlet " Bird Life in Labra- dor." The article entitl^d " List of the Crustacea Dredged on the Coast of Labrador by the Iv\i)edition under the Direction ofW. A. Stearns, in 18S2." occupied pages 218 to 222 ; the " Ileview of the Marine Crustacea of Labradn " pages 22.'î to 2;i2 ; the " Catalogue of Mollusca and Ecbi- nodermata Dredged on ibe Coast of Labrador by the Expédition under the Direction of Mr. W. A. '^tearns, in 1882," pages 2:î() to 247 of the s;iine volume. 'ilie one hundreds cojjies furni.' by tiie Muséum were used up in ulmost immédiate distribution. Sjiecial callsof late hâve decided me to reprint. thèse four article.'i at least, uuder oiie litic. Notes on the Natural History of Labrador. Tlu're ha.s booii imu^li contention botwoon tht' two groat ])ower.s, Franco and England, as to who discovcrcd this o:reat peninsida of Labrador, It wa.s cortaiiily visitod by Sébastian Cabot in 1499; and more or Icss explored by the Portiiiiiiese Cortereal, who, it is su|)posed, nanied it. •''ï::n::tv'ti:-lu>.t that ... coa. lu... .as visita i,y ineniwpi'"'»- , , , • i „i„..,.l,„. •iiwoars to Ik' tliat ,t" Brest" n.«v Bi-ailuir, «hicW «as l...nKl,.cl 1.j08 aiul s,km, c„nHi„«'200 i,o»ses a„cl 1,000 inhal.itan.s, .ln,.l, m,n> , r ■ ZluoL\ in tl.o sununH- .inu. o,- fislnng s<.a.s«n ; but tins ri:.,!;*'.! „„* sunlve ov..,- a o,- a c.ntnn- a,u, a '"'m l.vesent lV„i„ 1!..! lî^.v t» Xataslu,nan, a .li.stanco „f i\\>\u thirtv résident familier. rr» i r ^ ïl, ' . ..ipal s,.al-tlsl,in, es,al,r,sl„ne„.s a,v a. La, Dot II' B.-1".-. ■"■■'g '•-"■""' '"''yr ,"""';. a "e e .l,e ave^age catch .,f eight stations, whe„. l.n. ,^s a „.ocl, that arc aUont 40 to 75 fa.hon.s long an.l JO *^',t, <^' ■ ; J 800 argc a.ul 50 to 100 snmll l.arp a", hoo.l scnl. ih catU of LalLlor and otUe.- st .an.ers an,! :^^^'^J'^2 IG 000 voung " white coats " on thc .ce m thc sp ing. ilu« l„L incrcased o,- aiminishc.l accovdiugto H.n-hnr some m es north ot Belle Ibic, anu !r;.i!^:'St^:;:;^^ u.. . .o.. a. thdt. «...,• m •'■X:rbl!:rO.™s.hoaiviainglinol,ct.c hcP,-ovincc :i t ono ■c, in fur as l'cnth t'roin (m1 Uy .f tliis )lislu'(l Jishir- 1)0 tlint cl IS()t)ll lurubor •ut this aiul a ance oi" ig more 'iibatier, uj). At nets are deep, is he catch 3,000 to . Thèse eason. om Min- Isle, ami lishcrv in (»r(iii('h('(' un thc Icl't haïul uiid soiithwest and Labrador on tlie noi'thcast. AH ah>nng tlie coast in sniall Ixiats, stopping hère or there in rongh weatlier or at night. In l])tend)er, and remained there the f'all, winter, and spriugot' 1880- '81, retnrning home after an abscn(!e of just one year on the coast. During that time I visited nearly ail the important points from Mingan to \iv(\ lîay. In 1882 I sp<'iit flie sum;ner <»n tlie coast again, starting from Boston, as [ had donc in 187") (my 1880-'81 trip had been from Ciuebec), with a party ofaliout twelve yoiing collège nien, when much good work was doue in collecting, but (twing to insuffi- cicnt apparatus only enough to show what n)ight be doue with a properly iitted-ont crafrgoing for this express purpose and no other 'rh(> Ibllowing list of mammals, birds, and plants will show what lias been aecomj)lished in thaï line, and it is lioj)ed that they will add, if ever so little, to our knowhdge of the J^ab- rador fauna and tlora. Much more remains to be doue, however, in each of thèse de|)artments. My examinations hâve been chieHy along the sca-eoast. The interior bas been rarely, if ever to auy great extent, invaded by man. \V. A. STEARNS. Province 4 MAMMALS. Grmj Wolf. m-d fox. Silrer Fox; Diirinj? iho t'oiir trii)s tluit 1 luivc m;\dv to Lahriulor 1 liavc foiuul tlu; followin^^ nuinunuls nioir or Iosh abumltint (ac- cording to tlu-ir (lesi«;nation) ail along thc coast : LYNX CANADENSIS (l).«sm.), Kn<- Coiimlo l.yux. Cominon, especially in winter, wlien it is huntcd for its fur ail aloiig the (H)ast. CANTS LUPUS, Linno, var. fîHISKO-ALliUS. Jioportod as seen occasionly, but vory rare. VULPKS FULVUS (IVsm.K vnr. FULVUS. Abuudant, t'specially in furriu^' season. VULPES FULVUS (Dcsni), var. ARGENTATUS. JUarl^ Fox. The former variation is not uncomnion ; tlio lattor is rare aloug the coast. 1 saw tluve beautitul skins of the blaek va- riatiou, with searcely a liglit hair in thoni, cauglit ou t!ie eoast. VriJMOS LAGOPrS. (IJnnc) Grny. Arriir Fox. Kather eonimon, but gctting luoro and more searce m Northern Labrador. MUSTELA PKXNANTI, Ei-xlcl.<'ii. Fi.s/m: Found oceasioually in the southern portion of Labrador. MUSTELA AMERICAN A, Tiirton. American Sab'e ; Martcii. Abiindant inland, in the furring season, throughout the j)eninsula. PUTORIUS ERMIN'EA, (Linno) CriH'. Eninuc ; SL:iif. Conimon ail aloug the eoast and probably eciually so inland. PUTORIUS VULGARIS, (Erxl.) GiiH'. Comnion SiiKtU Weu.sel. As far as I can diseover e(]ually abundaut with P. ermiucn. PUTORIUS VISON, (Srli/cl..) (in\)\y Mink. Al)undant everywhere, aloug the eoast and a])out inlaud poiuls. i) • I liavc mt (ac- r its iur W„lf. 'i.V. ■r Fox; r is rare lack va- ; on t!ie ;c'aro(' in 'ador. Marien. liout Ûxv Unit. io inland. Weasel. ('niii)ica. it inland (iVlA) l/L'SCl'S, (l.inrif) Siiluno Wnlverinc. Hatlicr conimon, but not noarly so oftcn takon l)y the ^rap- pors UH onf would itnagino. Ht'cniH to be prctty jjjent'rally dis- tribiitcd aloiit; tlu* (îoant. MKt'UmS MKPIMTICA (Hhnw) Hniid. XA//MÂ-. Sopii tuî in tbe, lowcr portions of liabradc-r, but is rare. IJ'THA ('ANAI)KXSIS, (HIn: Cojnnioii in tlie iurring scason 'dl alon^ the coast. UUSUS AMKRirANl'S, Pallas, Blnvk Bear. Comnion inland and alonj^ the high bUiiïs by the s«*n shore, ail alon-iï tiie coast. 'l'MALAIlCTOS xMARITiMrS, (Linné) (Iray. Whife or Pofur Bear. Rare, oceasionally nevn an blooks of floatinj; iee oif shore in the extrême northern portions. Twiee reeorded as far down tlirongh the Strai^^s of Belle Isle as Blane Sablon. PHOCYON l.()T()l{, (LiiiiH'i Stoir. Unrcoon. " Oeeiirs at Sipiare Island." — Pdckird. PlIOrA VITULINA, l.iiuH', Harhcr Seal. Coninion. llears its voinisjj on sand-bars about lô to 20 miles np the rivers in the interi(»r in the spring. Abnndant untside in the fall. l'H()(\\ FŒTIDA, Fiibricius. lHitged Seul. Jar. Nol iineoi.imon in harbors in sjji'ing and i'all. Distinguish- ed from last species only ou elose examination. PHOCA GRŒNl.ANDICA Fabricius. Ilarpi SeaJ. Conimou in wuy/m//o/i.s ail along the shores south of Belle Isle. EPJGXATHUS BARBATUS. (Fabricius) (Jill. Square- Flipper Seal. lîather eommon on cakes of floating iee in the spring, ail along the eoast, CYSTOPHOUA CRISTATA, (Krxl ) Niisson. Ifonded Seal. ^^'ith p. (/rœnhindivtt, but less eommon. ■ 0 ODOB.K'L'S OBKSrS, (lllitrcr) Allen. Wa/rus. Rare aloiig tho coast of Nortlicrn I.nbrador. Two wcre shot in 1880 and 1881, at 1m)x llarbor, St. Lewis Sound, olf the shore a little way. A gentleman ofoiu- party obtained tlie tu.slvs of one of tlieni, whieh wcre about 7 inches long and nearly an ineh in dianieter. llegavding tlie deer of Labrador soine confusion exists. Twospecies, about equally common, are found throughout tlie peninsula in small, or less frcqufMitly in large (300 or 400), lierds. They are probably the following : TARANDUS KANGIFER, Brookes, var. CARIBOU. Woodland Otrib'iu, and TARANDUS RANGIFP:R, Brookes, var. (îRŒNLANDICUS. Barren Grouiid Caribou. ALCES MALCHIS, (Linno) Gray, the Moose, and CERVUS CANA- DENSIS, Erxleben, American Elk. Both hâve been reported as found in the .south western por- tion of Labrador, about north from Anticosti, but they are doubtless very rare and oeeasional only. OVIBOS MOSCHATUS, BlainviUe. Musl- 0.r. On the authority of Prof. A. S. Packard a single relie of this animal may be aeeredited to this région. Probably it was its most Southern limit in former times. DELPH1NAPTERU8 CATODUN, (Linné) Gill. White Whale. Common in the St. Lawrence River, at least as far east as Atiticosti Tsland. MONOUON MONOCEROS, Linné. Naru-hul. Given on the authority of Professur Packard, but it is probably very rare. ORCA GLADL\TOR, (Bonnaterre) Gray. Killer. Apparently oeeasional ail along the coast. GLOBICEPHALUS TNTERMEUIUS, (Harlan) Gray. Black-fish. Common in the Gulf, at least to the mouth of the Straits of lie! V r-!c % CiUAMPUS GRLSEUS, (Cuvlor) (Jray. (Iraiiqwx. Xot uncomnion ail along the shores to Belle Isle, and per- haps fartluT. PHYS1':TKR MACROCEPHALUS, Uww. Spenn Whale. Occasionally takeu along the coast, as I ani informed by the traders and people. SIBBALDIUS BORE A LIS, ( Fischer ) Geoffroy. Siilp/nir-ltottam Wliale. Not regarded as rare. Frequently taken by tho people along the shore. One towed ashore at Old Fort Island in 1878 or 1879. One of the whalebone whales is oocasionally taken along the sea(!oa?y the Indians for Ibod. LEPUS AMERICAXUS, Fixlcbon, var. AMERICANUS. Northern Vanjimj Hare. Common, somc years even abundant. [LEPUS AMERICANUS, Erxlebeii, var. VIRGINIANUS. Siwthcrn Vanjhuj Hare. Occurs in Xowioundland, bat bas not yet been reoorded from Labrador.] VESPERTILTO SUBULATl'S, Say. LilU- Bnnvn Baf. A spécimen flew on board oiir vessel oiie nigUt, when about opposite Natash(|uan, and was secured. Other speeies doubt- less oeeur. BIRDS. Tiie ibllowing li.^t of birds those ecdlectod dnring a stay of twolve months on the coast in ISHO-'Sl, and also some'additions made tho summer of 1882. A few are added on the authority of Dr. a)ues in 1800. 1 think tbat the number of land birds will probably be largely increased by further investigation. 1. MERULA MIGRATORIA. Uidun. Haw a snud). flock at OUI l<\.rl iîay, 0<-tobcr 10, 1881 ; shot dvd a spocimcn April 2u, 1882 ; Ibiind them breeding in the iu- torior in Jiine, .same year, 2. HÏLOCIOHLA MUSTELIXA.» Wood Thrush. Certainly lieard tins bird repeatodly — o'ier persons présent verified the same — 10 miles up Esquimaux River, oue day late in July. •5. SAXICOLA ŒNAxXTHE. Stonchat. Dr. Coues procured a single spécimen at Henley Harbor, 25, 1K()0. 4. REGULUS CALENDULA. Rnhy-crowned Kinylei. Sliot a single spécimen at Old Fort Island, Octobcr 11, 1881. Dr. Coues shot one August 6, 1860, at Rigoulette. '^. PARUS HUDSONICUS. Hndsonian Chickndee. Abundant everywiiere aloiig the eoast ail the year. 6. EREMOPHILA ALPESTRES. {ihore Lark. Conimon everywiiere, except in the winter. 1 ANTHUS LUDOVmiANUS. THhrk Cotnmon everywhere, except in the winter. 8. DENDRŒCA COROXATA. YelloxP-rumped Warbler. Common in interior. Breods. !>. DENDRŒCA STRIATA. Blnck-poll Warbler. Common in interior. Breed*. 10. GEUTHLYPIS TRICHAS. Maryland Yelhw-throat. Common nt Xata.«hquan. 11. SIURUS AURICAPILLUS. Golden-crowned Thrush. Xot uneommon in the interior. Breeds. 12. SIURUS N.EVIUS. Water Thruh. Not unconunon in the interior. Breeds. *Morp liko //. aliviœ ( Grny-ciiocked Th: ), sinop the Wood Thrush is Ilot known to occwr even .so far north as the southern shores of the Gulf oî Saint Lawrence R. R. il) ^ i;j. MYIODIOCTI<:S PUSILLUS. 6';ftn Blackcapped Flycatcker. A spécimen was ehot hy D. II. Talbot, Sioiix City, lowa ; 10 miles up Esquimaux River, aiiother speeimen was seen and others heanl. The bird cannot be rare. 14. PINICOLA ENUCLEAÏOR. l'iiie Grosheak. Common in fall and winter. l.y .EOIOTMUS LINARIA. Red-poll Linnet. Rather common in tlie interior. Brceds. Ifi. PLEC'I'ROPIIANES XIVALIS. Snoto Buniinff. Common in large flocks in winter. 17. CENTROPIIANES LAPPONICUS. Lapland Longspur. Rather common. 18. PASSERCULUS SANDWICHENSIS SAVAÎSNA. i!îavanua S2)anow. Abundant cvcrvwhere. Brceds. None seen in winter. 19. JUN'CO HYEMALIS. Snaw Bird. Xot so rare in .spring and fall. Oi)tained several near Old Fort. 20. SPIZELLA MONTICOLA. IWe Sparrow. Xo*^ rare in spring and fall. With tlie last. 21. ZONOTRICHIA ALIÎICOLLIS. White-throated Sparrow. Common everywhere. Breeds. 22. ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPllRYS. Whiic-crowned Sparrow Common everywhere. Breeds. 23. PASSERELLA ILIACA. Fox-colored Sparroiv. Common at ieast as far as Red B;iy in ïNDlACA. iinowy Owl. Not rare in winter. Ali along the coast to Red Bay, at least if not further. 3T. CIRCUS HUDSOXIUS. Marsk Hawk. One speeimen fbund at Dead Island harbor. 38. ACCIPITER COOPERI. Cooper's Haiek. Seen several times. 3J>. ASTUR ATRICAPILLUS. Go.ihawk. Dr, Coiios obtaïnf'd one «pooimfn. ■ 40. ilIKROFALCO (iVKFAl/'O OHSOLKTrS? Labrador firi/J'a/con ? Saw the hird, atul havo no dt.iibt l)iit tliat ne liad a iiest on an inaoces^ible crag iicar tlie liouse, l)ul was luiablo to ob- tain it. 41 ..1':SAL0N COLUMIJARIUS. Pir/eo„ Ihmk. Soen sevcral tinics on oiir way down tlu; coast. 42 CANACE CANADENSIS. ^prvce Partrichje. Oonimon ail tho year arounil. 4;? LAGOPUS ALBUS. WiUow Piarmijau. Xot rare. In wiiitor gcnerally comnion. 44 LAGOPUS RUPESTRIS. Rode Ptavmhjaii. Not rare. Gencrally comnion in wintor. 45 SQUATAROLA HELVETICA. lilark-bvllicd l>U'cr. Comnion in spring and lall. 46. CHARADRIT'S DOMINJCUS. Golden Plarer. A . spécimen oftliis bird was obtaincd at Fox Islaiid, Saint Lewis Sonnd. 47. yEGIALIÏES SEMIPALMATLS. Se,„ipal,na(ed Plocer. Comnion. Breeds everywhere. 48. STREPSILAS INTERPRES. Turuntune. Comnion at Dead I^land and along the l' in.small flocks. 49. PIIAI.AROPUS FULICARIUS. lied Phalarape. Giveu by Dr. Coue.s, wlioproeureil them froni oiï' Belle Isle. 50. GALLINAGO WILSOXI. Americun Snipe. Given by Dr. Coues. A single speeimeu secured. 51. MACRORHAMPHUS GRISEUS. Ped-breasted Snipe. Given by Dr. Coues. A single .speeinien secured. 52. EREUNETES PUSILLUS. Hanipabnated Sandpiper. Coniniou in spring and f'all. 53. ACTODROMAS MINUTILLA. Leasl Sandpiper. Comnion in .spring and fall. Breeds in summer. «7. •s f l;5 :>\. A("r(H)K()MAS MACri.ATA IWInml Sn„i1i>ipn: ( )ceasi()iia! in l'ail. .-.5. ACTODIIOMAS IJOXAPAKTHI. Il, impart,' s Sauilpiper. Al)uiulant in large flocks in spring and l'ail. A tVw brcod. .-)G, TlîlXCA CAXI'ïrS. A'//»/. Not vcry conmioM in t'all. -■)7, ("ALinins AlîENAlllA. HamhrliiKj. Cominon in iiooks of^O ami .'30 at OUI Fort Island. -)H. IJMOSA IIJ':MASTICA. JfmlsoHiau OodwU. 1 ohtaint'da singlo spocMmoii at 01. TOTAXrS MKI.AXOl.El'CrS. Creaicr Yelhwlei/fi. Xot rare in spring and f'all. I think breeds. Havo found it lato into breoding .soason. Cm. IIHYACOPHILUS SOLITARirS. So/itar// Saiid/nper. Xot rar? in spring and iall. lirccds. m. TllIXr.OIDKS MACULAHirS. Spof/rd S'unlpipcr. Xot rare. Jîroods. 112. Xr.MKNirS lirnSOXKn'S. nt„Jxn,n. XKTTIOX cifKCCA. /;,,,///./, '/;„/, Aiitlion'ty ot'Dr. Coiics, wlio ohtaiiied une specimcii. TI. XETTION CAKOIJXHXSIS. (.■rn.Mrn,,/,.! 'IVal. Dr. Colles obtaiiu'd one single spécimen al lii^oiilette. 72, AL\ SPOXSA. \V„„,I I),„k. Xot rare in intcrior. Breeds in liollow trees. T.î. J-rUYIA AMKIÎICAX. AW//..,,/. 1 sawa siufrio .spocimon in tlio water at Haie des lUwlws, St'pteniher 2;î. Am told that \t is conunon. 14. CLAXGULA JSLAXDJCA, /iamur. (l„l,l., F,,,. Comnion in rivers as llir as Xatashquan. Said (o oecur in Ks<|ninian\ KMver in mild winters. 7.>. CI.AXCn.A ALBEOi.A. HnjU.-ln,,,! l>,„-k. Connnoii in iidl, Td. ^HAltKJ.DA CEACIALIS. L„n,j-(„il,.,i />,nk: Coninion in moutlis of rivers in sprin^' and fail. 77. IIISTRJOXlCrS MJNUTUS. J/ar/,,jnin J>,„± Rallier ran-. Afonths of rivers, sprinjr ,uu\ fiill. l'rol.ahlv Mi'ceds. ■^^- SOMATKIMA MOI.MSSIMA I>|{K,SSK1M. Anii'ricdii K!,l,r /hi,-/,-. Abundant evervwliere. Breeds. 79. SOMATKRIA SPECTABILIS. KIn,, Fid.',: Abundant i„ sprin,ir i,, lar-e fioeks. I sbof a ureat n,:.nv of thcm. h is said to broed in tliis région oceasionaliv. \n\\^v Canadian Sportsnian and Xaturah^st, vol. 1, Xo. 7 j„iv 1-, 1.S81 p. ôl, in an article headed " lîini-nestinj.' in llbrailor,'' Mr. Napoléon A. Comean, the writer, wboni 1 know person- nlly and who .spoko with me personallv t<, tl.e san)e purport snysthiit «il'aMiuiII islaiid (>|t|)itc Miiipin : " Iii(l('('(], om-snuill isliitid, visitrd hv iis, was ahnost ('(.vcrcd witli tlic nosts of tins spccios (.S. iiio//!sslni(i), (ind Iwir m: firsf /omid t/ic iirst nf ifs cuii- f/nivr, h'iiif/ h'idiiiS. Hitv,'h(h',lîx)r Tins is, 1 hclirvc, tlic lir>t rfcoi-d (tl'tlii- niri' iicst lliimd <»ii (lie Atlantic. so.MATi'iiiiA \-M(;iî.\ i'„rHir /■;;,/,,' Al)iindaiit iii larjicHtx'ksiii s|>riii<>'. 1 iiiysciriiKtaiiicd spcci- mens tha! Iiad tlic dccidcd " N'-sliapcil hIacU iiiarl< " on tlic cliin, and was tl('|l.I,\TA :„l. ('(Hiiinon in sprinsr, rare in latc (iill. Xof ,,n/,. I liave scen onc spceimeti tak«'n n<'ai' i'^ort Island. SI. MKIMICS SKIîRATOlî. /,'rn,srr. Ratlier rare hnt oecasional. si;. ,Sri,.\ i;.V,sSA\.\ Cinnirl ('oniiiMni in (inli' of Saint i.,a\vi'enee. Oecasioiiallv t. ST. JMI.\l..\('lî(»("()l!.\.\ C.MilîO, Cnuimiui l\,ri,i(.roid Ahnildant otV Mceattina Islands. lîi'ceds. ' Sincc coillil'lllcii. Sri' (h'nilll(iliiillsl .l- Oii/n,//s/. .\\{;n/,/r.nrs(ed C.rnuninit. Coiiunou witli tlie forinor. 8!). STKltCOHAUirs l'OMATOKHINCS. l' ,mmnr Jar.jn: 1 liuvo f^ecn a specimoii ot' tliis spccios takoii 1 think iicar mouth of E,s(jnimaiix Jîivcr. J)r. Coiics also (.htaiiicd it. 90. STKHCORARirS PARASlTlcrs. Rirhanho,,', .hu;jn: Shot a sj)ociiiu'n in Saint Lawrence Hiver, abont o))|>(».site P(tin* (1p8 Monts. yi. STERCORARJUS BUFFONI nvffun , Jacjer. Scon hy Dr. Coucs. !)2. LARUS GLAUCUS. HvrgoruxsU;: Not rare. I obtained several spécimens. JJreeds. !):i. LARUS MARINUS. 6V.«/ JUark-har/ced Cdl. A blindant an»on Tern. Heon at Rigoulette by Dr. Coues. 99. FULMARUS GACIALIS. Fuhvar. Reeorded by Dr. Coue.s otf Bell Isle. 100. CYMOCHOREA LEUCORRHOA. Leache. Pétrel. Common off eoast as far at least as to Bell Isle. lOL PUFFINUS MAJOR. Oreater Shecmvaier. Not rare offshore along the whole c(.ast. (dit. lu'iir )MSlt(' //. not ^ IfJ l'I'l riNi:> !• ri.KiINOSUS. !jii|)|m>miI lu 1)«' (tf tliis 8pe- cifs al Sluiip IIai'ln(i'. on tli< llli «itMiiiv." 10.') COl.VMIîl S AlîCTICrS. Iihirk-tlnu„h-- radoi' coasf l)y onc {\ï tlu- l'eciidi |»rio«ts at Rorsimis, one in ISSO. Km;. I'ODICKI'S 1I()|,|{( >IJJ1 A,„!AXIA TOUDA /.^^i./, ////AW Ank Abnndaiir, nior*> sd nnrili of Ks(|niMianx Iviver. Br<^eds. l'i.s FiîAIKIK TLA AilCIlCA /'*///«, AlMindant ot) on*- «ir two islands ncar Brad<»re ; not raro in oHicr localitirs alon>i tiic cnast. lii'.l AI.LK XKilMCAN.s. Sr„ Jiorr A blindant certain srasous. Oct^asional ail alonji thc ooast. 11(1 TRIA GTIYLIJ-: /Uark (iuilttmoL Comnion ovcrywhcrc in sprin<>: iuid tall. Hrocds in cortain l(M'aliiiift\ 111 LO.MVIA ri{()lM"; Foolis/i aiiilkiDol Aljiindant ; more iso soutli oï Esquimaux Hiver, Brcods like ('. forcld in vast eoloni<'s on tlie islands aloMij: ihe ooast. 112. 15RLNN1(;H'S r.UILl.EMOrV Lnmria Ana More or less conunon willi ilic last. ■ i.^ REPTILES AND BATRACHIANS. TluTc iirc liw iiu'iiibcrs ol'tliis du» to hc Himidim tlu' I/ili- nulor coast, yct, 8trariHi(! to si\y, on (»>ic part of tlio ('(»a>t, in tlic nuirslics al)()iit tlic lUdUili of Piiiway (lilack liivcr on tho ('liarts)Rivt'r, al)(»nt lii miles froni l'oint Anionr Lij-lit-IIonsc, tlic air was fnll .u'ilic pipin^j^s (jfsonio Hpt'cics ot't'rotr wliidi 1 was niK l)ie to «l'ciiro spcciiut-ns of, as wc did noi stop at tliis lioint. Tlic inliabitaiits at onc or t\\<» places al(»nj>; thc «-oast invarial)ly said : " Tliero are tVo; and tli(Mi<.!i tliey are only thc most rommon and al)iiiidant species, tliey will per- haps serve to slmw a part of tlie eliaraeteristie tisli famia of tins région. CTENOLAimi-S ADSPKIISUS. V„nn,„„i JW,,. /;,.,/,. Was very eommon ail about Cape Jîrclon. CASTEIlOSTKrs ACLl.KATUS, Coj^nuon S/ùkhb»r/,. A blindant in larIX(J1TIUS. \Va.s fonnd oceasionally otf Ca|)e lireton eoasl. OSMEUrs MOHDAX. Smelf. Common in Angnst, ail alono the shoal water ..H tlie wliîirfs of C'îipe rtreton. :w iii' St'Moiu (iikcii :if ail on tlic Labrador «'(, except as îmo- latcil iiidividiuils or l»y twos aiid thivcs. ()n(. juM-sonMit Tri- aii;::!*' llarlxir tofdc oiglit uliilc wc wcro tlicrc, l)iit said tliaf ho liad n(»t lal<<'ii as niaiiy brfiirp in as niaiiv vrars. SAl.Mt» S.\1-A1! SitliiHiii C'uiiinioii cvt r\ wIm rc in tlic inoiitlis of rivt-rH ail al«»ti"' llic coa. t. 'l'Iic iiio>t ahinidaiit spccics cd' ail thc laiiuly. SALVKLIM'S FONTINALIS s>rA/r,/ lin,ul,'T,„„t Aliiiiidant in ail tlie .stivanis alon^' t!ic coast. .st-ldcnn tiinw- in«i' laiiic Is said not to hc i'oiind in tlic ponds or iiii' iiofn iIk' ninnihs oftin- >tfcahis, noi ndnylinf^ iniich if anv with lue l;M'i!<- x'a t l'ont. M S \'l|,l.(isrs. Ca,,n/iii. Alnindant in lar^c colonies in >lioal walcr ail along tlie toast, l'scd toi' cod hait, and piiisnod and f'ed on l)v tlie ••odHsIi in tlic watcr. Wlicn havcliiiii' in tliosc larj;c i)odio:s tlic niovcnicnts of tlic wlndc l)ody sci'in to hc alin(»st sitnnlta- ncons, and llioiijxh tlic iront (»f tlic plialiuix is ^cncrally coni- poscd oT a sinjilc tisli, llic two sidcs liill oll' trian<>iiJarly, so tliMt. stran^^c tosay.tlic clian^-c of direction appcar.s, if it i,- not in rcality, to hc .-iinply tlic a,>siiininu tlic cliicf position l»v any lisli, in any po^iiiun alon^ tlic linc, wliilc ail tlic olhcrs iinnic- (iialcly tall iiitc» tlicir projtcr place, ainl tlic wlndc l»olit lo swiiii sinjj'lv, or l)v t\vo> or thrccs il; ;i joiii; line, i'c|)cat<'dly >inlt caiclies. Tlic i/oiiih/ lisli rcniaiii al)ont in flic watefs (i// flic iicar. it îlic ri'Ouri- ol' -;evef;i I (|i!](' cnt individu- J rc.^ioii is s(. (•(•1( bratt'd, hut tluit tlic nets iiii.-iiit hc .irawii tiiil ofsiriall iish /;/ aitij laonth of the ijvnr ir/wii thc ire did noi /ntcrfere. GAI)['S .MOJilMllA, r,.wmo„ <%!. AlxiiultiTiti-vorvwluiv ; l.iit ii.siially tlic H.sliarc siiiall, and .-d- doin tlics'zc of thosc takcii oif tlic (Jraiid lîanks. M(.sl, of thcni go to France, uiicrc rlicy swm t(. I.c pivfcnvd (o thc large fisli. Tlic largcr fish arc takcn cli.iefix in tlic dccp watcr —70 to 100 liithoms— tJK! spriiig aiid su m mer lisli avcragc 3 to^ 8 and 10 poniids, and arc takcn in al.oui S to lô fatlioins ol watcr. Thc Sjnid is not conmn.n n(.r cvcn " not rare" ahuig thc I.ahrador coa<(>ine of the inmimerable hooks ofthis saine troll, Al'ter (an«>-liiio- {,nd oth- erwise rnininir the lines to the best ofits power, it ilseji" be- eonies the prey of the tishernien, who enrse it heartily. Tiie liver (.Cthis iisli is said to yield the niost délicate and pure oil of any Hsh know n upon the coast. lèverai portions of the vitals are pre.^erved by the peoi)le with the jireatest of care iinder the supi)osition that the wuirin^ or carrying of them or the simple havintr them in thc lioiise -.vill ])rove snre protection auninst not only the rheumatisni, but several diseases peculiar K' . ih' n.ale sex. Thei'e ai'e several otiier species conimon along- the coast but (»l"\vhieh \ve were not fbrtnnate enouuli t(» obtain spécimens iiotably the l. année, or Lance, the fall bait Ibr the coilfish. Several i'" La!)rador IMants, " by the iîev. S. R. lîntler (Canadian Naturalist, vol. V, 1S70, S.j.tembi'r, p. oôU), it seems neeessary to sav a few Word-, i xplaiiatory olthe nature of the reuions ';orderin^ thc .■>' :i-e in the inlerior of Labrador. r!i< re are two well-deliued areas to w iiieh 1 \V(-uld eall aiten- tion ; a simple dcsiL-nation of them a> i-.nd iiihrior uiii présent io you the ucneral iiha whieli I wish to eonvev. i ^vill <\i",\\v Tilt' line, as near as niv own oli^ervaiion eoincides •;•; with tliatofothor.s, at or tlio interior of tliis wliol .sonu'whcrc bclwcon 2 aiul 1 inih's iulaiul. I e rcn-ion vorv littlo i> Kiiown. n sutiun n-, Woods ofiuostly low, stuntcd spnicc, with varions cvernrmMis, are overywlicro nl)iin'r(',s,s wluîtovcr. Fe liave attfinptCMl to lu-nctralo tliis area, and wo know bnt littl w (.) f it. It s accessible edi;e,s abonnd in inany jdanis vcrv .siniilar to onrs, espeeially tliose crownino' tl„. snniniits of the White "ountains. That part .stvled tlie coast dil^ers frorn tli M ince nientioned in tliat it le proN- low, hillv, island s. ev ^traits oï water, hesides a the coast line itself. I is eonij)o.>-ed mostly of niuncroiis erywherc iiitrrspersed with nari narrow ril)l)on oi" land up and dow ( ) w •^ is luuch tiie sa me. The <,^eneral fiora of ail the island bnt there are l.u-aliml speeies of hoth wild and introiinecHl plniits. ?,!r. Jjutler niak.'s the i'oll iiis ennnieration of s two places I hâve most throui-h! dwino' renuirj ivs pivfatory to pccies in the above-nanied j)aper:"Tl le land and Fortean Eav. Wl y exaiuined are Caribon h leii :! plani is niarked ' Cari it is mcant that I foinul it ouly at thaï place; when ' 1" nientioned, the plant mav Utill. ork'.'ui IS w hih Ain oecnr ail aronnd ]w)rt<>ai! 1 our' ineans that I fonnd it onlv at ' I >:iv v'an(!e and that it is not likelv to ocenr ( where no localiry is spocified, the speeies ma Al ■Isewlu'i'c il) the J^av noiH aïK. oeeiir at niiuiy i)laees, it not ail ah.inr tl y be expeeted to tion of Miss MacFarl le coast. ^1" le co llec- also afforded nincl lectcd bv nivself sonth uie, referred to in tl le aine papt'r, bas 1 valuable niaterial. The siieeiniens <'(d- w cre j>rocnr((l at 7/ rhc,% J ■riiK/fov Jldjùor, tl le (in and abont Sal tl R mon JJav) ; also tl , huniic hftjjcnnu-e ic • wmter onarters >> ic inhabitants, a distance of 7 .f iver, and whieh l)el()n'-'s to t The list h ' miles inland, iip Escpiimanx ic mainland I but it will sud icre j)resented is impartial and imperfect at best, ice nntil a more accurate and thoromrh tiou of the eonntry shall perfect it. The ietter B siLHiifies that tl examina- after a i)lant ic remnrks are bv Mv. lîiitler :| 23 1. AXKMONK PAKVIFLORA, Michx, ComiiKiii tijmii the liighlands of Fortoau. B. 2. TIIAUCTRUM DIOJCUM, Lini.. Comiiion on hif^^lilaiuls, along- the niargin ofstreams, and in tlic interior vi.siti'd l)y me, Augnst 5, :i. TMALKTRrM C'ORXUTI, Linn. " ( Miss MMcflu-Ianc, Xo. 1 )." !. RAXCNCri.rS ACRIS, LImm. Ratlior (.'oninion on tlu' level grassy plats of Forteau, B., prnbably more or less distributed ail along the ooast in snit- al)le localities. .-), COPTJS TRIFOIJA, Ratlu'!' conimon in niarshy grounds. (i. XL'RHAR ADVKNA, A\u,n. '' in ponds, Caribon." Jî. 7. SARRACENIA PURPUREA, Linn, \ (.ly abundant in one or two eonfincd arcas on the large ]\k'cattina Island, at Ilarrington Ilarbor, Jnly 26, and f'ound also in t]i(> wot places aniong the roeks inhmd, October, 1880. H. ARABJS ALPINA, lÀnu. " Hrooksides Forteau." Il il. I»1:AHA IXCAXA. l.inn, "("arilmii." H. 10. COCIII.KARIA TRIDACTYLITIS, Linn "S'a-hore, Caribou." W. 11. ('(M'ilLl.'.APvIA, . •' Forteau." lî. 11. <'AI',., and jirohdhhi ()fli(>r places along the ooast. Wl. !>OTi:inr.M CAXADENSE, Bonth l'c Hook. N'oi'v coniinon on lln' dry, slopinu; flats alonn; the coast. Auiiusr f>. :;:i. .\i,(Mii:>rii.i,A \'ri,(!Ai;is, Lim.. " A!)!indanr an iiill-^idcs, Amour," B. I also fonnd it in sovcral localités aht'iv; llic coa>t. :;i. DlIVAS (M'T()1M-:TAI.A. Eiiiii, '• iliMto])-^, Amour." !>. [',:,. (iill'M IMWMJv In similar situations as those in which it is foimd in Xew Kn;.rla!id. al! :domi' the coa.-t. Karly An^u^t. M. l'oTi'lNTlLl.A N(>i;\'K(;!('A. I.iiiu. AI! alono' (!u' coast. and in ihc intcrior, more or less ahnnd- ant. .V.iL'Ust 5. ;;7 POÏl'lNïll.l.A A\Si:i;XIA. l.inii. On sandy oi' marshy Hat.- ail alon^r the coast, of>en very a'vinJan.t. ("-pceialK' '^o n.t Ilarrin^tou il.arhor. Julv 24. ■ •i(i ■ S« POTEKTILLA PALUSTRIS, ScopoH. ■-Mar.hy places, Caribou," B. : also at Bonne Kspcranoe. Angu.-^t (]. ••,., l'oTKNTlI.I.A TlîlDKNTATA, S.,l..nlrr. E.,ually abundant near tlu' c.ast and in tiu- intcnor. Au- gust 5. 40. J'OTKNTILl.A MACCl-ATA l'ourrot, " Hil!, Amour." Jî. 41. FRAGARIA VIlUilNIANA, Duchosnc Fourni oocasionally, but apparcutly rathor rare. 42 RUHUS CHAM.EMOIirS. Lin... One ofthe abundant and ehanu-tevistie plant.s borh m flowcr and fruit of Labrador ; jrroxvs .ve.-vNviiere, on i)lain and i.illtop, be it dry or damp. The ben-y, when ripe, iornis thc oelebrated " Baked Apple" of this région, and is a most deli- eiou.s artiele of food. August and Septeuiber. 43. RUBUS Al? ('Tiers, Linii. This isnot eomnion, and yet is harùly rare ; is found in greator or les.s abuudance ail along the coast. August 12. 44. RUBUS TRiULOlMS, Uichni'd. llather common on tl.e hilly slopes ulong the coast. 45. RUBUS STRIGUSUS Midis, " In inland guiches." B. Chiite common, 1 judge. m;. RUBUS CASTORKrS, Fi-ics. " Forteau. " K 4 7. PIRUS AMERICANA, D. C. Common on the highlands along the coast. 48. P. AMKRICANUS vi.r. MICROCARPA. Xot rare. 48rt. AMELAXCIIIER CAXADENSIS, Toit, it (n-.\y, viir. ULICOCARPA, Common in swamps and on low grounds everywhere. Julv 24. I 4!». RIliKS LACrSTRIv l'oint. "Comiuoii in tlic intcrior." H. :,(l lîll{l-:S l'IiOSri! ATC.M. 1,11(1 " ( 'oiiimoii in tlic intcrior."' 15. 51. SAXIFHA(iA A1Z()II>KS, Liim. ('(•niinon in rockv places at Fortean, and other places. f)-.'. SAXIFI{A(ÎA OPPOSITIFOIJA, Liiin. " On rocks, Amour." B. :,:'>. SAXIFRAGA T.ESPITOSA, Linn. " In level sandy |)laces, Forteau." B. I fouud other spéci- mens, Lut thc locality was lost or mislaid. I tliink tliey are IVum l'xtnnc Fs|t('rancc, howcvi r ; late, in July. ôl. MITHLJ.A NL'DA, Linii. " llillsides, Fortcan." B. :..-). I\\R\ASSIA l'ARVIKI.ORA, 1). C. " Hlllsick's, Amour." B. ■)i; SKDIM RHODIULA. D. C. W-ry common in localitics al! ak)ng the coast, in damp ])laces ; quitc abundant at Ilavrington Harbor and on neighbor- in^ji i.ilands, .îuly 'i(). -.7. IIIPPCRUS Vri,(lARlS. l.iiin. liatlicr rare. My spécimens were fi;athered by asmall pond iii thc interior, if I rcmember eorrcctly, August 2. ij.^. KPILORIUM SPICATUxM. Lam. " On liiHsiik',-, Caribou." B. It is also not rare in the in- tcrior. August 5. ,V.i. KPII.OBIUM MOLLK, Torv. At Bonne Fsperanc^e and hi tlic interior. Very common. August ô and 12. t;o. Kl'ILOBU'M ALPINTM. !.um. " Wet pUtces, Forteau." B. (11. F.IMI.ORIl.M PALl'STRF, l.iim. (Jiiitc conunon in damp j)kiccs ail along thc coast. •J. <;;;. IIIIIÎACI.IUM LANATIM, Midix. " lîill.-ùlos anil niviius. " lî. (It. AIM'IlANfllil.K'A ATlîOl'riîlM'IÎI'lA. Tloll'in. " llillsidcs îuul raviiu's." B (l.-), I.Kil'STlcr.M SCOÏK TM, I/inn. " Cnriliiui/' 1». In tlic iiitcrior, ratlur- rare. Aiigtist ô. OC. ('()|;XIS ('AX.MM'IXSIS, l.iiin. Almiidaut . wrywln'iv l/nth on i\\v cwast and in llit' iiitorioi'. A md.^l cliai'actti'istic 'n and utlicr place.-, aloug tl.c eoast. 'Inly 'li. es. J.OXICKiîA r.Klîn.KA, Lliui, '•On liillsidcs." r.. (II). \'iHri!Xr.M PAI'CIFI.OIM'M. IVlni,.. " lu ravines." l'>. 70. GAIJI.M TlMl'lDr.M, L.. var. IM'.si i.|.i-.M. (iniy. 1 t'ound tiiis spccio, tlini'.'.li I caiiiHit trll iiic locality froni a nushiyinij; <»t' tlic label, ! t!iiid< il Ma>al iiunne i^spefancc, or in tlie inti'vior. 71. ASÏi-:i; HA.Dl'LA, Aii.m. Ail alonii' the sea-shore, Anuaist "j td lô. 7:'. SKXl'iCiO AflilOl'S. L, viir. I!A LSA.MIÏ.K, (iray. " In s\vainj)s." IJ. 7:;, SI'IXKCK) l\sl-:[-|)()-Al:XH'A. I.osin-. "On hid.vides."' il T.Ui. TAliAXAC'l'M DilXS -l.l'iOX IS. I), .-^f. Not unconunoi! al'uio' tlic cnast ; Huwers \erv lariïe iisnallv. t\b. CAMPAXn.A r.OirXDII'Ol.lA, Liun. " It {^rows at ^Tiddlo lîav, Indles Aniour, and L'Anse Ain- ■■%» 2!) oiir. I liuvo novcr lioard of its hciiij^ fonnd on any of tho is- lands," B. I foiind it ail al(»n. M. ANDHOMKDA l'Ol.lFOLI A. Linn Rather eommon mi ravines and swampy grounds, July 20. ^•1. KALMIA LATiFOl-lA, Linn. Ofthis plant Mr. Butler writes me : "1 hâve f'ound it in ra- vines and near ponds in the interior, up Salmon River, and on Ks(|uimaux Island." M', KALMIA Cl-Al'CA, Aiion. With .4 j>oliJ'olia, rather eommon at llarrington Ilarbor as wvU as more or less so apparently ail along the eoast. s:;,/. KALMIA AN(;rSTIK()LL\, Linn. " In ravines near ponds in tiu> interior, up Sahnon River, and on ICsijuiiuaux IshiiHl. " !'. :î<) Kk UiU)l)Ol»KNl)l!ON KllOiX'l.'A. Don. Oftliis Mr. Hutlor wriU's: "I l'ave lumul it vcry nl)iiii(laiit at oiio placo at the wcstNvnrd «)f lionne Ksi)oran('C, but <)n tluit ishind it onlv srow.s spaiin.içly in one littlo spot. SimiUirly nt Caril.ou Islnnd, and I saw it noNvheiv olso, ti.ou-h it is proh- ablv to he f'ound sparin-ly rdl alon,!,s l)iU by no nieans so pl. 89. MONESES UNIFLOUA, Oniy. " In damp, sliady places. " li. 90. PEANT.-UJO MARITIMA, Liiin. Not uncommon at Bonne Es]ioranee, August 12. 91. PLANÏAGO PAUCIFLORA. Pur.h. " (Miss Maefariane, No. 42.) " (P. umnfnaa or P. dklpkm, lîarneoud.) 92. ARMERIA VULCARIS, Willd. " Ou hilltops, Amour. " B. 9S. PRIMULA FARINOSA, Einn. Rathcr rare at Harrinjj;ton Ilarlior and on the ueigliboring ishmds, July 24. 91. PRIMULA MISTASSlNICA,Michx. " It p;rows both at Bonne Espérance and neighboring is- lands (l'ox Island near Caril)on)," and Forteiui. 9(; ;i.-,. rilIKNTAI.lS AMKIIICANA, l'ursli, (.iiiitc «'onii.ion on tlu' higli grouiids in carly Angu^t. . I fonnd spccinicns on sevoral of tlu> sniall is- lands in dainp places in and aronnd Ilarrington, Jnly 'iO. (ma.) In a lettor Mr. lîntlcr says : *' Tliere is a rinrjuicnla which von luivc oinitted, and T believc stncia was tlie spofilio iianu', a low, white-Howeml .sjK'cies; it grew both at Bonne ]>pcr:in(!(' and noiirhborintr islands and Fortcan." I di. UIO. DIAI'KXSIA LArî'OXK'A. I.inn, " C'..inmon on hill tops at Caribou." B. 101. ilALKXlA DKFLKXA, (iv'i^'h. On (licliillsidesat Amour and the lowlauds at Bonne Es- pérance August 12. Idi (iKNTIANA ACITA Il(M,k f "On tiat.^, ('aril)on."' 1». lu:;. CKNTIANA I>H()IMN(,)rA, lliLliunl.< Distributed inucii as //. (Ictle.v>[. loi. MKNVAN riIKS 'l'rj FOI.! A'I'A, Liini In a IctterMr. Butler mentions this plant as"t'ound in small at ( aribon Island and Bonne Espérance. l also fonnd it .piitc abondant -u, thc shorcs of a pnn, or on liill slopos, " at Caribou," 1), and lîoniie F>|)( ranee, Angnst TJ. 111», IIAI'.!:NAKIA DII.ATATA, . r.'.l i.iSTI'MîA CORWATA, 1! liv " lu raviiiis, ( 'arilx'ii," I). Vl-2. MK'iJOVI'Vl.iS MoNOrini.LOS, I.iiill. 1 l'ound rare oreiiid in oïdy one locaiity, a sinall trian- pidar pateli ofdanip grouiid, alniost wiiolly eonoealed by short I^rMss, at JJonne Ksperanee, Anunst V2. Tlie plant is mncli Mualler t'iian thosi" e()!lceted in Massachusetts and Vcrmont." 12:;. IIMS \!':i;Sl('OL()l!. Ijmi ( 'onimon ail alonu the coa^l. llil STlîKl'ÏOlTS iîoSKrs, .Micli.s. Rare in danip ravines and iiulehes, Angnst 10. l-J.-) STliHl'rolTS AMi'LKXM' î^. 1» C "(:Mi>s Maelarlane, X... Ci.)" !>• m; {"i.iX'i'oxiA uoiîi', Uiiiiii. Kather ge-ierally distributed ail ahnig theeoast. Common, or no( i-arr, Aauu.-^î 1 îo !•>■ ■ 127. MAIANTIIKMrM CANADEXSK, Dost'. Common ail aloug the coa,«t in wet places, Augnst 12. 128. SMILACINA TRIFOLIA, Dcsf. Xot as coiumon as tlic last, apparcMitly. 12!). SMILACIXA STELLATA, De.sf. " On the sea sliore." Mr. Butler mention.s but fow of tlie ru.slie.'^, sedges, or gra.sses in liis, merely saying tliat lie eollected " neither pines, willows, nor gluniaeeous plant.s." I give a list of wiiat si)ccinien^-i I eollected, but ani not able to .sav anvthinir about tlieir apparent rarity or abundance, as tliey were eollected has- tily and indiseriminately; the majority of those I did notice appeared to me to be more or Icss common ; they were named through the of a l'riend to whoni ail disi)uted cases were referred. Unless otherwise moitioncd, the locality is the inland "winter quarters" of the iiihabitants. of them are thonght 1- be char!)cteri,stic .spécimens of the région. i;iO. LAZL'LA PAKVIFLOIIA, Oe..v. " On hill.<." B. 1:î1. JL-NCrs FILIFOR.MIS, Lim.. 132. SCIRPUS CiESPITOSLTS, Linn. 133. ERIOPHORUM CAPITATIM, Host. "Onhilltop.s." B. 134. ERIOPHORL'M VAGIXATUM. Einn. 135. ERIOPHORIM VAGIXATUM, var. RFSSEOLUM, Fries. " In svvamps and on high hills." B. Kather rare. 13G. CAREX CAXESCEXS, Lin.i. 137. GAR].:x MARITIMA, Vidii. 138. CAREX LIMOSA, Linn. 13'J. AGROSTIS CANIXA, Linn. 140. CALAMAGROSTIS LAXGSDORFFII, Prin. 141. PGA ANXUA, Linn. 112. P().\ ALPIXA. I,itin 35 POA PRATEXSIS, 1 uni. u On tlie seashore." lî. Rather comnion. 111, KESTUCA OVIXA, l.inii. 1 15. ELYML'S MOLLIS, liiu. " On thesea-shore." B. I^ither eomnrion. 11(). AIRA FLEXUOSA, Linn, 117, HIKROCHLOA HOREALJS, Roem. et Schultez. " On tlu'st'ashoro.'' B. Tlie fërns hâve rcceived a little more attention, though there arc frwer of'tlicni. lis. FHKGOPTEHIS DRYOPTERLS. Feo. " On rocks." B. Mil, PHEGOPTERIS POLYPODIOIDES, Poe. *' In ravines. " B. BotU species are more or les.s abnn- (lant ail along the coast, the latter more than the former. !.■)(), PELL^A (ALOSORA) GRACILIS, Hook. Xot vory eommon, but distributcd in loealities apparently along the coast ? Mv. Butler fbund it " but upon one small rock which iiad fallen from the clifïs at Forteau ; and on my last visit to F. I could not tind even that. " I am sure I bave seen it more than once in my ex})editions, but, unfamiliar with its small size and délicate texture, I bave not collected and idcntitied it. 1.01, ('\'ST()PTERiS FH AGI LIS, iJ.'inh, " AuKuir. " B. LVi, CYSTu. ;:R1S MONTANA, H^mmIi "Amour." B. 10:1, ASPiDU'M SPiXl'LOSrM, Suiirtz. Abundant evervwhcn» aloni»; the coast and in the interior. I.j|, ASPLEXH'M FELIX-FŒMiXA, H.thIi, "On hillsides." B. l.V), OSMFXDA CJXXAMOMEA, Liuii, Rare. I fbund .several small spécimens growing a!)out the Mi e(l<:;es of'a siiuill jxtiid ut Boiiik' I^sjHTaiR'e, AuLiust 11, »ii/ 1(1 sixiccii îlioiis.iiul yniiiiu scal.-. As n nuittcr ot'racl, a sinu'I( \('S aiiitiial (■•lICII ( if'lhc .\('\\fitiin(llaii(l s-aliiiu' ili-ct rai'clv lalls Ix^low t \vu i)iacl< t(i.\('s arc ac iiiimli'i'd t!i()iisaiiaiid. 'J'wflvc liiiio durinj:; llic prc.-ciit ccntui'N- it lias cxcct'drd li\i' liinidri'il tlimi^aiid ; t'oiii' tiini'S it nasscd >!.\ liiiiidrcd ili(iii [/'. rifii/iiKi] u\',\\ on clo>ci' cxaininatioii.' In vicw oi'tlic l'act tliat tlii> scal docs not rank anionsi' tlic iniiira- t<»r}' spccics, i,s it not possildc tliat a stiil ciosci' cxaniinatioii wonld dcnionstratc ils idcntitv willi /'. rihi/hid '.' \ l'M r. StcaiMis hronulit hack so niiicli as a sinulc sknil of'tln' animal in (pics- tion, and will sn!»inil il to cillicr Mr. AI' n or in\-clt' l'or c.\- aininatioii, tii<' nialicr can al on"c i)c scttlcd T'nc aWscncc o!' tiic lari^c scal ( l l'n/irim i riis I ■/riijiiis) j'i'oni thc i.-l i,- -nr|irisinu'. i ionu' oCihc localilio nicntioncd, ( )ni- antlior sa\s : ' Uci^ai'clinu- ll'c dicroi' Lahradoi' somc conlnsM)n c.\i: ■ts. T \vo snccics, aliont cciiiallv conitnon, ai'c ionnd tlironuliont ihc ])cninsida in -in:dl, or Icss t'rc(jncnlly in iariic (;il»() or 4(H)) lici'ds. Thcy arc prol)al»ly llic iiillowin^' Tara inli 'v r>iti(/il'< r. I)i'o(d:, \n\\'\'r\\ 1/rcN ///'/AA/n ( lannc) < iras-, thc nio(>^c. and i^i'onnd cai'ihon ( crriis r aiiii(!h'ni(tpfei'm' catodon) is ' common in the St. Lawrence River, at least as far as Antieosti.' It is eqnally common at certain seasons oif the entire Labrador eoast, and great nunibers of tlieni annnally pass tlirongh the Strait of Belle Isle. ' Gray sqnirreîs are said to occnr hcre also, but I did not see any,' writes our author. The faihire to insî)ect the gray squirrel on the far-otf rocky coast, should not be attributed to ne<>-ligence or bad eyesight ; for Labrador is not only far north of its known range, but the i)liysiograi)hieal conditi(»ns that obtain there are sueh as W(»nld preelude its oeeupancy by this animal, even if the area were not latitudinaliy exeluded froni its habitat. The concluding mamnril is the little brown bat {VespertUlo subulatus), and the record wonld be more accepiable were it accompanicd by the name of tlie person wiio identified the spécimen. The list of birds contains one hnndrcd and eleven s|»ecies, and some startling statements. The record of the wood thrnsh {Jfi/locich/a vimtelina) bas already beeu (pieried by ?dr. Jîidgway, and I will only add that I hâve found both the hermit and ihe olive-backed thrush breeding along the north shore of the (Juif of Saint Lawrence, The pine grosbeak {Pinicohi enucleafor) is givcn as * com- mon in fall and winter.' It nncpiestionably breeds through- out Labrador, and I hâve myself found it breeding near Point des Monts. The common Junco is said to be ' not rare in s})ring and fall.' Ot course it breeds. The rock Ptarmigan {L(((/opi(.s rupesti'is) is cited as ' not rare. Generally common in winter.' 3'J Wheii tlie autlior, in rcfi'vrin^ t<» tho discovery of tho ncst <»f' tlu' kiiit;:; ouler (Soiii(deri<( .sjjcct(t!)iJi.'<) on an island off Min- uan, savs tliat ho bclicves tliis to l)i' ' the record ot" this rare ncst f'ound on rhe Atlantic,' hc cniploy the terni Atlantic in a soniewhat re.strieted sensc, for the species is known to breed ahnndantly in Hndson's Bay and Davis Strait, and probably along Northern Labrador as well. IVlr. Stearns nuikes the oxtraordinary annonncement that the Pacifu! cidcr {Somaterca v-nUjni) is ' abundant in large docks is spring.' If this statenient can be authenticated, it is certainly a niost interestinti' and valuable contribution to ornithological science. The Arctic tern (Sfcnia tiKicriira) is given as ' an abundant spring and fall migrant in the gnif.' Large munbers breed at certain places along the coast. Under the head of ' lleptiles and Batrachians,' our author tells us that we heard frogs ' in the niarshes about the niouth of Pin vay River/ and enunierates Euna septentrional la and J'kthodcn gintinom as having been fouud by Dr. Packard. Without nientioning a single reptile he goes on to say, * The re|)tilian fauna will probably be enlarged, but not to any great extent, ' and passes directly to tiie considération of Hshcs. Turning to the list of plants, we find lô7 spcies enumer- ated, twenty-eight of which are gluniaceous and cryptoga- nious. rience oniitting the grasses and scdges, we hâve but 129 flowering plants, more than tilly of which arc included on tlie authority of the Rev. S. R. Butler, whose list was i)ublish- ed in the Canadian Natuvalist, in 1870. This leaves less than oi<''htv sDccies as the resuit of our author's botanical investiga- tions during one entire year and two summers. 1 hat this is not wholly attributable to the nuagre flora of Labrador is évident fnmi the fact that I hâve myself found, in an hour's time, nearly this number of species growing in a single locality not'reinote l'roni the seat of our author's labors. C. H Mît Meiîiîiam, M. D. LdcisT (iuuvr, \. Y.. Mardi 12. l^si " Ml W hi vdur la-t is^-n', A] ■hat l.'imllivcriticisiii ot niy \l)ril :;, 1 nul 11 <■ w ill, picasmv il .-^ninr- Li^i- Natural Uislory ol ai)- vMUtV, as r(»iiiair.c( 1 in thf 1 rni-ccuin Muséum, sonii to a; inar 1 iimicf 1 ;s..l" thc r. S. NatKM.a t, 1 >av, willi pleasurc a^ I liclicvr lliat tliciv is u.. trae uaUirali -t or anlluir luit wIm», whiic (lc|)lt)i'in!:' liis ttwii cn'or-. \\ 1 Il ,„,, ,,„lv invite enti(a-ni lai! \vi 11 thank lus (jHite iauii f (îodhout River: Mr. S.'olt. ( liawrenee, aiu Comoau, o Couipnny's ixhT at Minpiu ; ai tel the uorth sli.uvs ot' the Si. liai- witli Ml'. Najiol''»'" ,r tlie llu(lH'n>' Hay 1 aiM' Ml'. <':iiitt', ot' '^^'l' aie llead. L(t n>e a- k Mr. Merriani, liowever a.nvn tlie slaa-es uf ll.e river an.Uult an.l exUMi m Lal)ra(l<»r, ^iuee a 1! ilie reu'i"!! west o lo the Troviliee (.f( >uel.e( (junlu i! ilid he iolh'W his researeli t lUaue Sal)h>u hehuurs he ha>. I^ .M.Ue.-l "t he ti.>ra<)ri.ahra.l..r,ei,-hty ..t plan ^poeimeu ofl)(>tli i>henero,uams an. 1^, ineliuliii.i: .'very 1 Irnis that he .'au ])i nie, in three wei! ks' timeanvwhere .»ii tli.^ .' ast .)i' I.ahra.lor pr.^per w hieh is hleak ami harreii hnal .•..mpand t.. th.. vieinity ..t Mintrau aiid its snrroun. lilio- Pr.ivitiee ol Hueltee M\ lists are prosumahly imperle, is apparent to anyh.i K'd as aid t.> l"ntnr" inv estiuaii"!!, and ai'.' h. Tiiat they .•.nitaiii error: Iv. I am -hul tl':" ^'>'- Mtarî wn ont some .) 1' them. It is well to >ay, Imwt'ver that 1 visited n hoth tinie< more i.ti' my the rcii'i.» tniv.' more atleiuioii to t health thau otherwise, and lie <,,:e,-t- of lishîii.u' ai'd -h.)otin> (aiid their aee.)mpaiiyiiit Mv hist vova;^.' was uiven 1,. autres of h astiu.Li) tliaii t.) .•..UeetitiL-'. lo eoll".'tiii,i: invertei)rates, and 't- resiilts sent t.) in tho same v.diim.' Flirt her. 1 .h' n"t crrors hut mvse |'n,l<. VerriUan.l liair.!. Thèse re^ilts app.^ar wisn o hohl anvhody resp.>nsild.' lor my .Aï vet the li-ts Mr. Merriam .'riti.ase^ Il nVe'pare.l umler Mr. Uoh.'ri i:idi>\vay - l sharply were ail pre] s.mal supervision, w that lie wished or suppress any mi. at hi- ..w u option. »er- ho had authority t.> .•haii.-c irma anv iiam"s ti(,n .•ontain.'.l therein WiUMl U. S, extVîi asth iro tl soini'- 1 ID- lltUMUll it wlio, •itici-m tu. Si, liiolcoll H:iv W lîUC t()l|i>\V hclnliu'S me :(V )ll('('t P'':ir le |nv mv tl('ISC< nv iiaii'"s cd tlicrciii Ik' liicts and < rroi's wliaî tluy iiiay, I consider that an in- acrnracy in tran^rribin^ tîio title and \)h\CA\ of any scicntiCK! liapi'V is t^rcatcv tlian ail thc crntrs oï [\\v i^iu'i' l'i.nil/mcd, and ts his article hv taviii'j; tliat tlic bol'ore- \v luMi Mr. M( rrian .stai nK'ntii)in< U. S. Xat. Mu> 1 lisls arc containcd in tho fitth volnmo oftlu- Proc, wlio niav » I fcid bonnd to siy, Ibr thc bcnclit of any U'siiT tu ri'lcrto lluMii, lliat it is tlie .sixth voliinu' of aid Procccdiii^s, ani tonn, 1 tliat ilu'v liavc not vet ai.jH'arcd in book tlu but Ihat a icw caii bc siipplicd to tlnisc desiring theni as ex iras witliont «îliaiiuje or Now lor tlic crrors in quostion. Tlic estinintc ol'yonnjr scals hitccoats ' .shoiibl lead, and was so intended by the aiithor, il of Labrador visscls, and a.- (.ncli 1 believe the as tiu' vx\{i statcn.cnt is correct. Thc >ilvcr aiH tion mens I bel at. 1 levé 111 1 black fb\ are' accorded [a] varietal distinc- >tlv. Ot" the rinued seal 1 hâve two speoi- ^(»nne I{ sncrance salted down ' with othors, and ired, as 1 exjx'et they will bc this suinnier, both Mr. Allen and Mr :slerriain ^liall hâve the pleasnre oi' believe that thev will bc tbuiid event- \\hen thèse are seci exaininiiii. Xtl lem. 1 IloW uallv more coinnion than is li'cnerallv believe iij'on the coast l"still doubt if the IhilichœruH f;r;)pii.^ i> fourd, rarely at anv rate, on the coast of Labradfu- propi r. My reniarl(Hiirrel, I saw t\v«t -kiiis. au 1 to be takeii on the coast, but I sn]>piv.-.sed f.irther mention o f them (br want of more i»o.-it ive evuleiiee IK.' hrown bat i.' sti >me\vliere m iny co lied ions 1 nul slia U ' hnnted up ' at once. With the birds, the record tho bird bcini:;. donbtles- a s oi \Vl>0( s "Mr. Hid'^wav rema 1 thru.-h \va> a mistake, rks, //. (iliciir. llu.l..n';,la.' Non. <.i' M. M<'n-..n s .tl..- n..n:uK. .K.o.lcumnu.ntiM,n,,nu,as ilu-y amount t.. hUc nu... th.n -v rovicsv ..r tho authur's cwn ^vu,^!s hy <,uot,n^ th. sa.u. w>th- out anv rnuarks. The ' ^hu'in^ m-.nM.U.ncy, U .u-l. liin,n;ain,.ain tl.S.xtnMnuunyan- ,,oras, ana 1 .sub.nit li>t.. .rrurs, a-ul roply K. lu^ pnl.l • Tl.o tha(, t.. us. a slanj; i-hrasc-, !.. mas - wav otr" in tins ann..un..n,.nt ; h. stiU tl.nt !.. eau sustain 1ns position. Ton n.u.h .r..lit nn.^t n.t h. ,.v.n to th.'nativ.s'in oasos .,f' s.i.ntiii^" a.-.uva'v, yt .v.rywlu.r. in.nrino: th. 'natives' nrn^ni/. tlnro kina. .>t ' passn,- an.ks.' On. kina stay ana Inv.a - ih. .la.r pr.p.r. 1 wo kina>,th.v snv, r.main .a.l, only a U u xv..ks .nul ll.n a.s- Of th.^., if l.- tu-, un. i^ lU' uu,^ .ni r X .pectnhih.^. I l.av. sln.t th.^.- i.y ihc a-z^., tVnn, ilo.k.^ni n. „,anv tlumsanas, whil. th. nalivo'vs k.u. ^ayin;., wa.t. anaVon'lUrtth.oth.rkina;' ana th.n a.rain, ' h.r. s an- oth.r kinaV.t that vnn hav.n't L-t.' On. aay, wlul.. s hoot- in-n. l sti i I can snilal.l. sp..inu ns uï S. r-u./ra Innn Lahnulor. or this ki.ul if it su lu-, th. j-annuTs say. ' It oulv stay. h.r. a wc.k or tc^n davs,' and is tiot tonnd lik. -tli. otiu'r passnig- au.k,'allth..sp,-inu." W. A.STKAUNs. Amhkiist, Apni ^ l-sl List of the Crustacea dredged on the Coast of Labra- dor by the Expédition under the Direction of W. A. Stearns, in 1882. liV SII.NKY I. SMITII. Tlie t'iilU'i'tioii, tlic cnistiic'.ii iVuiii wliicli are \nw imuiiiu'- riiU'd, was niadc in Au-iist, 1882, by an expc-ditu»» luidcr the «lipw.tien (.f Mr. W. A. St.arns. Tlu' (liTd.irii.^.s Nvliich Wi've n'I in sliallow waU r, wcn- madc l.y Mr>H-s. Stearns, H. S. Barrows, Edwin R. Flint, .1. A. Allen, ant K.n- iiitnde .Vi" .>V; L'anse an Lcnp, ahout rA" -MV, and .".(J^ IS' ; 'IViuple r»av, al.unt Ô2° 2' and -vT 5.V ; H<-nley Harlx.r. near the nu.uth oi' T.'inple Bay; Vus Oi. St. Leuis S..nnd ; nnuDead Ishn.d, near Scp.are Ish.nd. .Vi° 4S' and ôY- 48'. A part o\ the speeinuns weie sent tu tiie Mnsenni oï Vale (\,lleoe l,v M.s>rs. Barruws and Allen, ol' ti.e Sliellield Seien- tifie SVhonl, anrul lu lln^ National Mnseun. l)y Mr. Stean«s. Bcth |.arls of the c.ileeii.Mi are eomhii.ed m tlir luUowin'^' list. 'n„. préparation ofthis li.t lia- involvd a more or less enl- i,.a! ..Nan.inarion ofthe lists ot ern^ia-ea of the sa.ue re-.on .riven l.v l»rofee speeinienw npot, whieh Frotess<,r l^iekard'> Nvork wa< l.a^ed, 1 hâve att.Mnpt. .1 to revise the marine .•ni-t;ir,a ot lus hMs, and hâve ...nhodied thi. revi-i-n. in a eaialnnue of ail the .pe- eiesknowt. iVo.n tl,<' Lahrador eua.t. Nvhiel, is g,v. u m the pajter lollowiiii: lie pr''-ei,t ti-t. liiîA' Il vru A. HYAS AlîANKl'S. l.r, .>■':: Forleaii liav. 'jn l'ni. 1 1 v,,i.ii^. 11 L'aii sniall. lîcMiley llarl).)!', slmal watcr, 2 liw'^c aiul sniall. Tt'iiiiilc Hay, 10 im, 1 small. Fox ILirhor, o i'in, saud, 1. Dcad Jslaiid, l-'.i fm, locky, 1 hir^c. EUPA(iUUrs KROYKHI, Siimpscn. IJi-ulcy Harlx r, .']-« fm, 2siiuill. IK'iiloy HarL»(U-, lO-l.'j fm, :] smail. Ti'iiiplu J^ay, lOi'iii, vnvky, 4 small. Duad Lslaiid, nullijiorc, 1 small. MACKIUA. CEPvAPIIIH'S BORI'AS, Kinnlian (CnnH/on hnrcas, Fahririus). L'anse au Loup, 8-10 fm, :>> (émules. Henley llarbor, ,"> females. Dead Lsland, l-.'î fm, rocky, 1 iemale. NKCTOCUANGON LAlî, llenley llarbor, 10 lin, 1 femalc. Dead Lsland, nullipore, 1 small. HIPPOLYTK FAIUtlCIJ, Kvayvr. Forteau lîay, 20 fm, .j yoimo-. L'anse au Loup, roeky, G small. L'anse au Louj), lô fm, sand, 2. lleulcy Ilarhoi-, 10-15 fm, 4 small. Fox llarbor, 1 fm, 2 maies, 1 female. Doad lsland, :] fm, 1 female. ïlie teniale irom Fox llarbor lias well-developed epipods 4r, on cîuli «if tlif M'coiid |)air *t\' Iciis Tlii> S' ppoi min, ^' hu'l I is iciiiiiil scal»', ii.l ; sixtli soiiiitc of abdomen, ncM'iual in otlicr icspi'cts, nivcs tli" Inllowinj; nicasnrcniciits Lfnirtli, ôliuiii. ; Icnutli ot caiMpMx, in('lu(lin tm. 1 f.-inal. llIl'l'()l-^ 11'. l'Ol.AlMS, Uu thc «Icrsal crc-t, two on llic carapaN, jiiul onc «>m tm th Vdslnim, w hih' thc otli' r siHcimon has but tour tccth in a 11. •rsv..ol'thçsiK".iincMshavcn wc ll.dcvcl.tpcd c'i>il)<>< 1 nt the base ol' dlU' () f thc thirtl i)aii-nt (H) )c lias a \vi ll-ilcvcl'»l>^'^^ ^'P>" niH 1 Ht thc ba^c et ca rll i> i r s])( c'iiU'Mis ai'c, thinl pai normal. r o f thc thlrd pair as usual, willu.iU cpi]"»- f IcLis. In otlH'r r'«>i.c >l'lcLr^ w 1 1 lie tlic o th- Is at iIk' ba.'cs of tlie •is the >]) •fiiiu'us arc Four of the spécimens «,nve the t'nllo\vin;4 n>< asiircments m luillimeteri Leiisrth L'Mi.Lith ofcarapnx Length of ro-trum Len;ith ofantennal seah Len.iith of sixth somiie o Lcniîth of tclson includin^ rostrnm 40 4« ô< -jW 17.1 IV.O 21. .J -i-i.T T.S S.(> 10.4 lU.O 7.0 G. S l>.l 9.4 ,r abdomen 5.0 4.1) G.7 (5.8 1 7.1 i'.O D.5 IIIPPOI ,YTE0UŒXLAN1)1CA, M'"'>' L'anse an Lonp, 10 to 1.-., Ifemalc, 1 young. Fox Harbor, 1 fm, 1 i«''":i Deadisland, l-4fm, 11 maies, female, yo rWDALUS MON TAOll, Lf^icli. Fortouu T'iy, 20 im, 1 yoni nny;. L'anse an Lonp, Temple Bay, ro< Temple Bay, 10 fm,l,sma 8-15 fm, n, ail sniall. kv, ;*., ail snmll. , -M 11. M'HIZOPODA. MYSIS OCULATA, Kroyor A few iVa^nu-nts fiom D"ad Tsland. l)l.\S'l Fo livi'i-: De AN()> uuci 11. roN' F( PlIO ACA ACA D ACA ŒDl PLI OA ME pai 47 m < I \iA( i:a. DIASTVLI:^ ItAlIlKH l!af. Fi.x Ihirhnr,:'. fat h. mis. sini.l ; silmmlaul. AMl'Illl'uDA. IIVI'KUIA MKDrSAlîlM, Mat.- Dcad l.-Uui(l, 1 sia'ciiiH'ii. ANONVX Nl(iAX. Mi.i's. lltM.lcy Haibor, 10-15 rat!i(.:n>, 1, imiuM-lfct. K(.N liarbor. '^ fatlioins, 1, yoim>>. lUnk'y Uarl.or, 1»)-1"> tath^'ia 1 spcciinen. P0NT01'()lli:iA FHMOHATA, Kn.v.r. F(.x Uarbor, 1-4 fm, 2 siu' PllOXrS llOl.r.OLI.I. Kiovcr. L'iinsr au Lnup, 15 fm, 1 spécimen. ACANTllUZONK (TSIMDATA, IWck. Temple Hay, H> fm, 1 >*pi'*'i"ieii. U' VNTIIONOTOZOMA SKKllATr.M. \Un-Ai Deaa Island, sl.all<.w uaK'r, 1 speeimon. \('\N'rnOXOT()ZnMA INFLATUM, ' i/aMsc au Loup, S t>n, n.eky, 1 spécimen. ŒDICKIIOS LYNCEUS, M. Snrs. _ Fi.rterM Hav, '20 fm, 10 spécimen-. L'ans.-au Loup, 15 fm, (5 spécimens. Hc.lev llarlHH-, 10-15 fm, 4 specnnens. TemplV Bay, 10 f. m, 2 spécimens. PLKl'STKS l'ANOlMAS. Hnic. L'unse an L-np, 10 i'ni, i -pecm.n. (;\MMAH.AS l.OCrsrA. Ki.l.i-K'ius Fox Harb'T, 1-4 Im, abiuulant. MELITA DKNTATA l{.."»-k Honlev Harhor, 10-15 f.a, -> .-pecmens. Tem].ie Bay, 10 I"., 1 >pecime.i. UIIACIIOIIIOIMS ACn.AlA. L.'pecl.u. sp. Henley Uarbor, 10-15 fm, 4. Temple Bay, 1<> tm, 1. \6 AMPKIJSCA MACltOCl'.PilALA. Liiljc'iori:. L'anse au Lnup, 10 im, 1. Ilciilcy Ilarhor, 10-15 Ini, 2. liYIM.I.^ (lAIMAIîDII, Kro.viT. Jlcnlcy Harlxtr, 10-15 lin, 1. Tcni|)k' Bay, 2. IX'ad l>lan"(l, 1^-4 Cm, 1. CAPRHLLA SKPTENTRIOXALIS, Kiuycr. Henloy Hurbor, 1 .-[)C('un( n ISOPODA. PIIRYXUS ABDOMJXALIS, Lilljebory; (KroyorV L'anse au Loup, ont; six'ciniou on a liMnale llippohitc Gai- mardi L J.ER^V Al.RlFROXS. Leach. FoxMiai-bor, one si)eeimrn. C'OPEPODA. LERX.'EA RRANCIIIALIS. l.iuu. vir. SKi.MOIDEA, Stecnst. & Lutkoii. One spécimen. KUIPKDIA. BALANUS rRl':NATrS, Brni, .orc. L' au Loup, 10 tin. RIIIZOCEPIIALA. PELTOGASTER PAGURI Rutlike. lienlcy ILirbur, one s[)eeunen on Kiip(i(jiii'H>^ puho'ccn^i IVoni shallow \vater. New Havi:n, Conn., Maij 1, LS83. Review of the Marine Crustacea of Labrador. HY SIDNKi" I. S.MITH. Almost tho only .sonree of information in re;;aril to tlie crustacoan faunu of tlie coast ot" Laltrador lias heen Protessor Paekard's" A list oftlie animais dredjied near Caribou Lsiand, -11) soiitlicrn Ltibrtidov, duriiiLi' •Iiily niid Aii«i;ust, 1860" (Qip.adiim and Cifologist, viii, pp. 401-429 (1-29), I)ecend)er, 18(53), and lus " View ot" tl.e rc('(>nt invort(4)rate fauna of liuhrador" (Moinoirs Boston Soc. \at. Hist., i, pp. 2()2-;]0;>, ])11. 7, 8, 1867). At tlie tinu' tliese pajxTs wwe writton it uns cxc'ctHliniïlv ditficult in tins (îoniitrv to idcntifv tlio ma- riiu' inv('rtol)rata ot'onr northcrn coast, and thc lists of'erusta- cca u'ivcn l)v Profcssor Packard were necessarilv verv iniix'r- lict ; tlie ^pccio8 doscrihed as ncw liad apparcntly hecn prti- viously dt'scribcd by Europeau author.s ; thc identifications were m nianv cases incorrect ; and m several cases tlie saine s[)ecies a})p('ars under di (ferent nanios. ( )t' this last class of errors sev- eral arediie to tlie faet that sonieofthe Aniphipotla were iden- tiiied forProtVssor Pacivard by Dr. Axel Boeck, (»thers were de- tcrinined by coinparison with Arctic spécimens froin Dr. Lut- ken, of Copeniiîigen, wliile still others wen deter mine d f V om the |)ublished descri[)tion by American and Kuropean autliors. In the followin^ pajïcs I liave attempted iiot only to revise Professor Packard's lists, but also tojiive a complète catalogue oi' ail the speeies known f'rom the Labrador coast. In deter- miiiiiig- Professor Pa(!kard's spcoies I hâve been grciitly aided by a set of his spécimens collected in 1864 and labeled by him for the muséum of Yale Collège. Tliis collection lias en- aliled me to détermine many of the speeies eniimerated by l^ro- fessor Packard which were otherwise indéterminable, and also to add a iiiimbr" of speeies overlo(d olilv w licthcr the .-|>ecies lias been foillid .•)(» on the Giilf or Atlantic coast, or on l.otli coasts, and l'or tliis purpose I arhitrarily (livide thr coast at 51° ÔU' nortli latitude, a little f^oiitli ofClniteaii and Temple Bays, ail soutli and west of tliis point as Guifcoast and al! north (.fit as At- lantic eoast. When not otherwise indieated tlie régions froni^ which 1 liave examined spécimens are foUowed hy a n)arU ot affirmation (!)• 1UIA( iivruA, CANCER IRRORA'l rs, Suy. Cancer boréal is V:\vki\i-d, Canfullai. Nut. and Ccol., vin, pp. 402 (2), tlO (19), 42Ô (25), LSGo; Moin. Host. Soc. Nnt. Hist., i, p. •M\ IHGT. Straîts oflîelle Isle ! (Packard). Packard also says tliat lie was informed ihat it \va,s found at Hamilton Inlet. CHIOXŒCETES ÛPILIO. Ivroycr. PiiCKiird, Caiiîulian Nat. ami G(h.1., viii. p, 411) (I!)K 180;; (Chiuiiu- ceies) ; Mein. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., i, p. :i02, ISC.T. Straits of Belle I.^le, 10 to ôO l'athoms and Cliateau Bay, .'iO to 50 fathoms (Packard). Young spécimens sent to tlie mu- séum of Yale Collège by Pa<'kard are laWeled " Henley Ilarl.or." HYAS ARANEl'S, (Limi.l. Piiokard, Canadiaii Nat. and Gcoi., viii, pp. U.> (l'J\ 425 (25), 18(13 (aranea) ; Mom. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., i, p. ;i()2, 1S(J7 [aranea). Gnlfcoast ! (Packard, Stearns exped.) , Atlantic coast ! Pack- ard, Stearns exped.). HYAS COARCTATUS, Ecacli, Packard, Canadian Nat. and (icol. viii, p. 4111 (ll»i, IStl;} inuirctala) ; Mcm. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., i, p. 302, 1807 (coarctata). Gnlfcoast! (Packard)! Atlantic coast ! (Packard, Stearns exped.). ANOMI'H.V EUPAGURUS PL'BESCENS, Kroycr (J5iandt). Packard, Canadian Nat. and Gool. viii, 411) (ID), 425 (25), 18(i:î ; Mcm. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., i, p. 302, 1807. (înlf coast! (Packard, Stearns exiu'd.) ; Atlantic ! (Packard, Stearns exped.). EUPAGURL'S KROYERI, Stiniphon. Packard, Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist.. i, p. 302, 1807. Wholc coast friu-kavd': Allatttic foiisi ' (StcHrn< .■\;!><'d. i, 51 ^lA( IM'lîA. HoMARfS AMKHlCANrS. Mihif-lùhvanls. Pai-kard, Caniuliiin Niit. aiHKu'ol., viii. pp. K)2 (2), 41ilil9), 425 (25), 1H6:5; MiMii. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist.. i, p. ;U)2, l.^HT. Gulf coasr, tuul rare at Heiiley Ilarhor (Packard). ("KHAPHILI'S BOUKAS. Kinaliaii il'hippsi. ('i(tii(/iiit Inircits Kahrioiu.s (Pliippsi.- l'ackanl, Caiiadian Nat. and (îool., viii. p. 125 (25), lS(i;!; .Mem. lîost. Soc. Nat. Hi.'i Packard. Canadian Nat. and (îooi., viii, p. -IP.» (19), 1863. Mijsis ncii/alu Packard, Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, i, p. 301, 1867. '' Abundant along the wliole coast " (Packard) ; Atlantic coast ! (Stearns exped.). CrMACKA DIASTYLIS RATHKII, Batc (Kroyor). Alatina Goodsiri Packard, Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., i, p. '^01, 1867. Gulf coast! (Packard) ; Atlantic coast ! (Packard, Stearns exped.). IMIYI.LOCAKIDA. NEBALIA BIPES, Fabricius. Packard, Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., i, p. 295, 1867. Atlantic coast (Packard). \;:i'iiii'(»i)A. îlVri'MîlA Ml'lDrSAr.r.M. l'.utc iMullcri. Pîickiinl. Mciii l'.'isi. S(.r, \';!i. iii.M., i, v 2V:, iMn. Atlantic coust ! ( l'ai'kai'd, Stearns expcil.). 1 liavc iiot soen PaclcaniV s|)('('iiiu'iis. lie (jiKitcs as a syimnyui "J/r^rcc.s ,ii('('ii>itriiiii (l'^ahr.) K r.," whicli is iiot an Ilinjcrid, but tlu.- ( îrccnlandic T(niril'lii|.ii>>. Aiifuy: Kii'jiiillii \\fuy\ Natnli, 'li'i^-k. 11. i p. ."i7> l>ll. AliKiii/.r ililipil//(l t\'\\\]>\t>l Vu\:\'J.-- 1>7:'> . i':ii'k,:iil. Mi'IU. lîosl. Sdc. Xal. llisl.. i. 11. :!ilO. i^r.T Aiiiiii'/.i' /ii;/('int i*;ickiil'il. luf. cil.. ]i. illU, Li/siiniiiss(i iii)j)<'iiilii-/iiii/nl'ii'j>-ii(lir:i/n.sii] l'ackiiiil. kic. cir.. |i. :i(ll. Allantic Coast ! (Packai-d, Stearns exped.). Caiinr (iinjuil/ii, Pliijîps, was su])i>i>sed l>y Krnyer to he tins -.pei ies, util it really belon^s to Kroyer's ycnus S(c(/i,v<'i>halnx, and is N. (niii>!ilînl)M'<|nently, as indieated . ve, enn- iiierates t'iis sanii' .-^peeies iindei two oiher liâmes. ,\NnNV.\ ITMCLIS. ..illjfkdPi. ■■.i m, „!/..- j,rndt, l!i't. p :u)l, is(i7. 1 liiive seen no speeinieiw. The .-peeies i> plaeed inuiledi- ;ite!v at'tei' " .l//"/'//.(' J lorrl ii;fil " l'V I\uKard. wIk. ,siy> oïdy " the-e two foriii- were foiind top'tlier in liitlmiiis, >aiid,'' ;ilîlioii-!i nnder tlie lir-t oftiie i wo .^pceies lie lia.- not!iin,ii- e.x- -■ept tlu' reinark, " A eoiiMiioii t'oriii, oecurrin^' a'Miiii(kintly on ihe e(,as' of Maine, in ( aseo 15ay. teii lallioins. ' oXiSlMlS l'IDWAlîKSll. lîd'.-ck .Kinv-r'. Atlantic eoa.-t ! (Packard"- eorection), 'riii.-.-peeie> is iiot luentioiud liy Packard, but a '>,iii.r Din/'i.r, bv liiiii lo tic- Mii.M'niii ol' Yale dA- 3î li'i;e. In tlic lonn of llic cjùincrtni ot' t'iic t'nird <(>iiiit(' ol' llic alxloiucn, howcvcr, tliis sprciincn docs imt :il!I('|' i'iilly willi Ivmyt'r's litiiirc in llic \'< ynucs vu Scnixliniivic, iioi- wilii iMX'ck's (liauiH)sis, I)iit willi Micrs's dc^ci'ij)! ion and iiuni'c (Ann. Mag. .\ut. llist., IV, \x, ]>. !»!», isTT). tlic acntc postcni-latcral an ot' tlic ('|)ini('r((n hcinji,' slili'htiy ni)tui-r)('d, ()IM'I1().M1':NK MINTïTS, r.n.'.k iKioycri. Athuuic ooast ! (Stcains cxpi'd.). Noi nicniioncd i>y Pack- ard, but ail the spécimens xMit tu tlie Mnsenni oC \'ale ('(dleji*' as".l/(0////.T ll()rri)if/ii'" are ap])arently ol' tins s|)eeies. whieh oe- eurs u]ion the Xew Entiland eu;\>t, and is sonietiines vei-y aluin- dnnt in X'ineyard Sound in winler. TltVI'llOSA IIOIMNCII. Ductk. f " Aui'iii/.r //(-/■/■//*(/// lidr lîoi-.'k ." l'nckiU'il. Mcin l'us Sor. N'at. Ilisl. i. Il :;i)o. Jioeek undoubtedly luid speciniep.s ot" tins spceics iVoni Paekard's collection, l'or lie iSkandina\iske ou' Arkiiske Ani- ])liipoder, |». 1S4) dislinctly nnntions it as liavini:' been ibnnd in Lal)rad(U' by l'acîkavd, luit, as jnst notieed.all the s|)eeiinens sent bv i'ackard under the abo\-e nanie to tiie Miisenni ol" Vale C exped.). ACANTIKI/OXI': crslMDATA, Wo^rk v L-'ia-ehiii ). ( Jnir ciiast ! iSicaiMis cxpcd.). At'ANÏll()N()T()Z(>M.\ SIllMiATIM. liorck M). Faljii,.iu.s). Atlantic eoast ! (Steaiai- exped.). ACANTIlnXoToXo.MA IN IM.ATl'.M, lin.vk i Kiuv.tI. ( !nir cdiist ! (Stearns e\[)ed.). ■)■) (i:!>l''Ml!()S I.VN('i:i s. M. S;i Mniiaril /(idrs lin lii '(I / Il s l'arkiii'd, Mcin. l'.nsi. Suc Nai, l]i spécial locality was -cuii i:i\'cn II l'or tlu- sj)cciincns, but tlicy wcrc iiiost likcly fntin Me cv 1 lai'hov, as that is tlic (inl\' liicaiii\' iii\'eii l»y Packard l'or- tlic " AI;/h!-<." r()\T()C.l-:NlA 1aI:I;MIS, \UHrk ^Kioycn. A/i/Ziis ni//jnn's l'arkanl, Mmi. lio-t. Soc Nat. Ilist . i. |,. 'Jlls. IsCT. Allaiiti<' coasi ! ( Pay l'neck a- ahuve (lUoled l)v Packard were nndonbtedlv l'oiifiuji'iiid imr- llllS, I) nt tlic species dcscrilx'il and li^^iirei 1 hv l^Kd^ard li'ti nn- Acv the nanic i»iven hy l>(M>ck is cei'tainly di-tmct Innii that lentiv sii!)p()-^e(l hv peeies. \\(i --ix'ciniens whu'h wcrc c\ k Pa'dlated aijove. is rirnstis /linisjiix, and i~ cvidcnlly nnt the species deserilx'd and species (1 I havin.u' "the lir>t thneah- (Idininal segments prtuhieed into three stronuly-honkvd projec- tions, the third (d'whieh is nin<'h the hiruvst : Ihnrth .ul. a- his iiMirc shows, it is r';i( last tlioi-iicic ainl livst two alulomiiiiil snmltcs whicli arc pr.)- «liK'C'l, aiitl tho loiivth alxloiniiial wiiidi i^ simiati'. lOxcaptiiiu' tliis aiul tlio nniiidod inslca.l «.f aiiiitilar ahiloiiiiiial opiincra, rlic description and ii;^Miri' as^rcc with Ihillrinjcs julroi-im-tii.^. CAl.I.IOl'illS l..i:VirS(U'LrS, Itot-ck (Kroycn. ('•(Iliop, f((riii.-. 2T:i, ISCT. Atlîllllic nrA-t 1 ( Packard). CAMMAlil'S l.oCCs-TA. l'':ilirii in-, (i(tiiiiihini:< iiiiit'itiis l'nckiini, (';iiiiiili;iii N;il, ;iml (icul.. \lli. \>Y. ■Wl ri), un 1 1'.". 1-3 (-•"'), l-^ti:'.. CinitDuinis IncHsIii l'.ickanl. Mc^ni, \\t\<\. Snc. llist.. i. 1». l!T:t. IMIT. (Juif c..;ist (Packiird); Aiianiic cna-t 1 ( l'ackui'd, . oxpcd.). lUlACUOTlîOlM.S ACrLlvVTA. Smlili ^ I.,pc<'hih i. AiJi)i/iitiiiin<\. Sue. Nat. Ilisi,. i, )). Atlantic c,,ast! (Packard, Sicai-ns cxjicd.^. AMPHLISCA KSCllI'iicilTIl. Kio\ci. l'arkar.l, Caiiailiaii Nat. ;uh1 Ciol.. viii. p. 11!' M'.'i. lsi»ccia! k.calily \va> ,civ( n l'ni- tlu' sjH'cimcus sent a.- tliis spccics in tlic MuM'nni of Yalc C-d- icirc hv Packard, l)ut thcy arc prcsiiinaMy fruni ("ariUou Is- land, thc onlv Incality uiciitiuiicd in his papcrs. Spcciincns of this spccics wcrc, howcvcr, .sent hy hini with A. iinicrorciih- (tla and Ih/hli.-< ( lit'nn'trtVii tVoni Clialcau l>ay. A.Ml'KMSCA MA(;I{()CK1M1AI.A. l/illj.iMiri:. Aiiipiiscd jH'/(((/ira l^ickard, ('aiiailiiiu Nat. ami ( ! :iin» IstlT, :u (iiiU' cunst ! (Packard, Stoarns cxped.) ; Atlantic coast (Packard, Stearns cxpcd.). IhUM.OOPS TTIUCOLA, I. ill,)t'l)(trir. Pack .M( >r(l, .Mcin IJ()s(. Suc. Nat. Flist., i. \). liOO, iHCu. Atlantic coast ! (Pacikard). Tlicre were s])ecinien.s of thi.s specics sent to tlic Muscuni of Yalc Collc<>;c with Ampeliftca Esclu'Iclilll, wliicli wcrc prohahly troin Caribon Islaïul, as incntioncd undcr that specics*. HVIMJS CAIMAKDII, (Kroycr). Aiiipe/i si'd hiiniHi rdi Packiinl, Mcm. B(»st. Soc. Nat. Hist.. i. p. 2!!!), pi. S. Wiis. 1, \(i. 1S(!7. Atlantic coast ! (Packard, Stearns exped.). AMPniTllOK PODOCEROIDKS, Hathke. 184:5. Aiiiphifhiii' Di.fini/dhi Stiiii) ISOIl. Iinert. (îraiitl Meiian, p. 53, 1H53; l'ackard, Mom. Host. Soc. Xat Hist., i, p. 2!I7, 1807 (Awphi- thn'V Suiitli. i II vert. Vincyard Sd., Report U. 8. Coin, Fi.slKM-i.'S, i, 1». r)(;:5 (2r.!)). pi. -l, fiji. lO, 1H74. Fish aiu Atlantic coast (Packard). I hâve seen no spécimens froni Labrador, l)nttlie speciesisconunon front Halifax, NovaScotia, nM( 1 the Hav of Fiindv to LonjU Island Sonnd. ERICTHONU'S DlKFORMiS. MiliH-lvlwan 'ji-ii th util IIS ( iW Il nui s Milnc-Kihvarils : Smitli. Traiis. Conn. Acad. 17s, isso. Ci'Vfinu.s riihriroriiis Stiinpsoi ;{. fin. lS(i7 { riiliij'iriiiix^. (iulf coast (Packard). INCIOLA IRUOKATA, Sa.v. Uiicidla irraratii Sav, .lour. Invcrt. Orand Menan, p. 4(), pi. IS;-):?; Packard. Mcm. i5ost. Soc. Nat. Hist.. i. i». '2!t7, Aciui. Nïit. Sci., Philadelphia, i, p. :'8!). 1818: Pac. ard, Canadiaii Nat. an 1 vù-oL, viii, p. 419 (IIM. lS(i:{; Gla Smith Traii.- iiroiionii' leuco Conn. Acad,, iv. p. 2S0, 1880, qn H Krov'.T Naturh. Tidsskril't. 11. i. p. HH. p 184;" G ulf Coas't (Packard) ; Atlantic ! (Packard coll.). Packard does not mention tliis spccies in liis final pajter, al - thonirh he had previoiislv mciition animais dredjied near ed it in his " List of the Caribou Island," as qiioted above. indoubtedly'coUected it on his last expédition,' however two spécimens were sent to the Muséum o Ile for f Yale (\)lU'„iirlna pornr/d. \vh' l{('"tl<, PiM', M.-iii, lîost. Soc-, Nal. Hist.. i, 11, 21)7, iSdT. PacUara .says only, " Tliis i.s a nircly l'oiiiul .speeios." CAPRKLLA SEPTFA'TUIOXALIS, Kioy.r. Tackiinl, Mcm, Host. Soc. N'iit., i, p. 'l'M, 1H(.7, Atlantic i:<.a.>-t ! (Stt'anis cxpcd.). l.>OlM»l>A. l'HliVXrS AliDO.MINAI.IS, Lilljflinry: iKiovit). Giilf coast! (Stianis oxpcd.)- DAJUSMISIDIS, Kioycr. Bupurm iiu/sidain Packiinl, M.'in. Bost. Sno. Xat. Hist., i. p. 295. pi. S. fi^r. 5, 1S()7. Packard docs not .^tatc IVom wliat part oftlio couf^t l)is .spec- inuMis canu', nor npon wliat tlicy wcrc i)arasitu', but tlicy wcre iiiiduiihtedly fVoiu Mi^i-^ onihita, wliicli hc .siy.s i.s " ahiindant aloiig thc wiiolc coast." I havo soon no siH'ciniens. J.ERA ALHIFUONS. Lcnel.. ,A,>(VM7//>/o,s7( Stiinp.son, Iiivcrt. Gnuid Mciiiui. p. W, pi. :?. (i^'. "J!»' l.S(i:{; Piii'kanl, Caiiadian Nat, and (it'ol., viii, p. 41!» (IDl, 1land and Iloiu'dalo, in soil nndcr stones, tfec, in Company with Liniax"; but thc spccinicns sont nndcr this nanio and f'roni thcsc localitios to thc Mnscnni of Yalc (.'ollcjîc arc ail Juni copioxa, wliich, on thc New En^land coast, is ot'tcn Ibnnd at .somc littlc distance froni hi . ii 1H7',), p l(i(>, 1H71». Atlantic cojot ( Packîirtl). .H(IA l'SOlîA. Kn.uT. Whitcavcs iiu'iili(»iis tlu' (x'ciiri'ciM'c (»!' tliis spin'ics on thc iKtrtli slidrc ot'tlic (JiiU'of Saint Lawroix'c, atid it i^ probahly tlic spccics rei'crrctl to hy l'acUanl as yE;/ii sp,, "taUcn froiii thc niMlcrsidc n<: Island" (Packard). TAXAIS l-'lLl'M, Siiinpswi. (inlfc(.a.-^t (Packard, Mcni. Host. S(.c. Nat. Hist., i, p. 21»(}, is(i7). (»S'n!A(<)l>A. t'Vl'lili INA KXCISA. Stimp.Miii. Piu-lviU(i, Mcin. I5(»st. Soc. Niit. Hist , i, p. 2!».'». 18(;7. Insortcd withoiit rcniark l)y Packard. 1 bave sccn no jipcciini'u.^. ( (H'i:ru]».\. i.KIlN.KA BUANClllALIS. I.iim. l'iickani, Mfin. .S.K'. Nat lli.^t., i, p. 2!»,'). 18(;7 [LeviiouD, Variety HujmoUlva (Stearns cxpcd.), williout spécial locality. Packard gives no spécial locality, and says his s|)eciniens were attachcd to the .s^-i/t oftlie codtish, wliicli niakes it aluiost cer- tain tliat lie ohserved some entirely différent parasite. CjlMtlJ'KDI.V. COROXUI.A DIADK.MA, !>.• Hlaiiivillf iLimi l Piu-kiifd, ('anii.liau Nat. an.l (icoi.. viii, p. ils (Isi. l^ti:'. ; Mom iJd.'it. Soc, Nal. Hist.. i. p. 2!t.'». Istu. (iidf (Miast (Packard). HALANl'S CUKNA'irs. Mnurni.'ic. Packai'd, My l'iwlviU-d. HALAXrS POUCATTS. Cosiii. l>iickanl, ("anadian Xat. and C.'ol., viii, p. IIH (IS), ISC,:! ; M<-m. lîost. Suc. Nat. Ilist., i, p. 2!»ô, 1H(17. Wholo (M)iist (Packard). •HIII/OCKI'IIALA. rELTOCîASTER PACTUI, Katl.kc Packard, -Mcin Mo^t. Soc. Xat. Hist,, i, Jt. 'I'Xk Wû. Wholc coast î (Stcanis cxju'd.). ra<'kard m-urdcd t!io .-pi'c- ies t'ntm Maiiio, not Lalirador. Nkw Havf:x, Conn., Mati 1, l«\viii<ç cataloiiin' is bascd \\\\< (d)faiiii d l)y tlif i'.\|Kditi(m (d" 1882, iindcr the direction of Mr. W. A. Stearns, l'art of tlio sjK'ciincns wcrc sont to the J\'al)odv Muséum of Yale Collège i)v Messrs. B. S. Har- rows and .1. A. Allen, and the rest to the National Muséum by Mr. Stearns. The drediriny; was doue mostlv hv Mr. Stearns, Mr. H. 8. Barrows, and Mr. Edwin Iv. Flint ; but Messrs. J. A. Allen and Charles L. Flint, jr., assisted in tins work. The dredtrings were niade durinu the nionth of August, in shallow water, at dilïerent points alon»;; the coast included be- tween Forteau Bay and Dead Islatul. The principal localities Ti'anse an Ijoiu) jio'.th. hilitiule •"•î'' •W. west l('n ô') are \H' ; Ilcnli'v llarlKU", nlx.iit n«»rtli hititiulc ô'i" Oô', wrst l()ii}i;i- tinlc ôô° •">!' ; I>t'i»y VnA'. A, K. Ven-ill/^= Tlie naines ii-ed in l')inney's <'diti(ii- "f (ionid's Invertebrata (d' Massaclnisetts are added in parent ..- sis wlien différent fVoni tliose atlnpted. Fur sueli speeies as ar(> mit ineliided in (îould's repn ' .cler- <-nees hâve l>een k'v<'I1 to at hast one \V(.rk in whieh tiie spe- <'ies is (h'serilu'd or ti<>ured. A list (d'the speeies lunnd hy Prol'. A. S. Packard, jr.,! dnr- ini: the sumnier 1'<>1>A. OMMASTRKIMIHS lI.l.XCKlUîOSrs, (l..s.) Several adnlt speeiniens were taken at L'anse au Loup, m 1.") iath(-)ms, and l"ox Harhor, near the sliore. (;AST1!()I'<)1)A. BKL V SCAl.AUIs, (MoU.) II. k A. Adiims. Jhlu sra/uris Vcrrill, Cat. Mi.r. MoUusca, in Trans, Comm. AiîmI , V..I. V, part ii, p, LVIiJiLis, VI. Via. Oeourred at Forteau Bay, '■^O lathonis ; L'anse an Loup, H to IT) tatlioms; Henley Harl»or, :'. to 1") tathonis. *l'n.linunarv ClH-ck-llst ef tl.." Marin. I nv.Ttrl.rata ot tl... Atlantu', N.'w llavi.n, Cmn,, IM!». ("atal„.n,. of Marin,- MoHuscm, .m Irans. Coiin, Acad., vol. v, part 'J. Aprii. l^s'^. + (>,., ,,,„i !|,v,.r!<'l>vatc' l''aiuia of l-uKratlor. \>^i>'>. (11! Hl lih "2( liJ H A S »)-) X* r;l AS îUl to Sll lui m !».J iiiisc ;u 1 l.oui», 1»! to lô Inllinms ; J Iciilcv Ihirlinr, :'> tn ir, fathoins; Ti'ini.U" Uay, 10 latlmms. ASTViîlS HOSACKA. (doul.ll H. .V A, Adains ( (\,l,nnhrll„ rosa- A f'cw «i'Odd six'ciim'iis wcrr takt'ii at L anse :ui Loup, h> S fallu. lus; IlciiUy Uarlx-r, in :'. lo ,S lathoms. Tlicy ditTcr l'n.iu iiH.rc lypical shclls (»f tlii.- sjH'cit's iVoni New Knjrlaiid, in /,M3îM liavintr tlic transverse nl>s moro distinct <.n .^l,„„/,;,„,„nin. ui.i.rrwhnrlsl..d..NVtlu. nu-dc- ^i^|^ VIS. Tlicy aiT al)S('nt IV.. m tlu' tw.. last wliorls. N \ TICA CLATSA. linul, A Sow.'rli.v. ' llenlrv IlarlH.r, S fatlionis; 1 ad lslan X latl.onis. I,MlnM,lor, VKH-TINA I.KVKIATA. iL.Kù.uiai I'. l.>/inh,hha iM.i \ vers- frw sn.ali .iH-ciniens w(mv K.und at Ilcnlry Ilarbor, ;UuSiathoms; Drad Island, nrar S,,narr Island, 1 to 4 tath- (uns, nuid. Fox Ilarl.or, Saint Lewis Sonml, 1 to -1 tathonx. sand ; onc «Icad. ClNdlLA CASTANKA. i.MnlI.i Vrnill '.ia., p. 10, li-. 1". 1 /'. lsTS:\..mll. ( at. Mai- Mollusa. pi. i:'.. li'i 1 IVadl.^land,nearS.,nar.. Island, 1 to Mathon.s, liai'd hottt.n». Kij,, I). i.iTTolilNA I.ITÏolîKA. il.iiiiM-i Mnikc Ciiujiiln \\^Y\ rare a.t so northern a latitude. ^ WiKn.oded>,H.einu.nsoeeurreda. alllh.lo- l.awifiHi' calitie.-. LACrNA VINCIA, M,, ut, I Tuiioii. onat F<.rU-au liay, 20 iathom^_; L'tiMM" au Louj), S oms;l)<.adlslana,nonvsp,a..lla U larsor spécimens lueasmv alx.ut lo.n.n. m .. iii hreatlth. Comnumatall thelocalities. J::'t:.:;ù. bIû. 10 fo,h ^.i>™>'s. i, „..,. s,,»-..,,. Island, -2 t<. 4 l'athoins. ■ITKlMTKl.l.Ol'SlS A(M(-ri.A. S.ns. ^.^^ .^, ^, ,„,„';■;„;:;;:,■ -^!;,-,.w„ r.. .,. s,,,., m,.., .... a.- n----. ."■ I.b,,,!, noa. S.,,u,n. Islan,!, 1 t., 4,-, n.n.l. ^■,th<,ms ; Temple Bay, ô to 10 iathoms ; IVa.l l.laml,n.a, Siuare Isla.ul, 2 to 4 l)or, Saint Lewis Sound, 8 latliom^ , i * a . Island, 2 to 4 tathoms, dead. xT Kxw \v\\- \ MKLH'INA. (Fiilir. ' M"" n,;rn;.iù.m.,a'K..xlIa.W,Sain.l...«is>f „1, analVa.l Island, near Spiare Island. >t V 1)/' \ iMi' \ ('l\l':i!K\ iCoiiili. ' OdiiM. '■\ Xll I,; al .L,la,u „ sa,„l, l».t...n. n U"^" •.-;l;"- "V!" ; in : u- il .- Al l.-a.l Wan,l, S,,ua,v ( Ommtin at ail tiie kk.uuh ,■ i Islau.l, 1 tu Hatl.un.sih.'Mnnuth vanety wasionn.l. (h iir ns : iir- I, m )in? l.i. iiare ■ Vvs. \\—Mni<:s- IIk, (l/hllld. X S. l''r(iiii i.ahrador. TlîACHVDKlt.MoX AI.IU'S, (l-inii.-) Ciirp. ( ('/'if<"i "H"'^ '■l'' ' A l'cw wciT tuuiid at L'anse an lioup, K t(. H» ^ " liithonis. roi'ks, saiid, and niuc" au lioup, 10 tatlionis, nuul aiul k«'ll). Tliis s|HTinien .Incs iiot a.tïrcc ])ri'('isi'ly wilh (îrccnlaiid cxainplrs. CVI.iCllNA ALI'.A. (l'.iowiii Lovi'ii, IK'ad Jsliind, ncar Si(uar(' Island, 2 t'> A fatlioiuiï, nulli|)i>re hottoin. COHVPIIKi.LA DIVKJiSA, (('(.m!, i Vcnill. Two spociincns. L'anse an Lonp. 1,AMK1,LI1'.1!AN('I1IA'1"A. SAXICAVA AIM'TK'A. iLinno Krsli. C'oninion at niost of the loealities. CYRTODAlii A Sll-iQl'A, iSi)(>iiy:.) Woodw. (— (llurnwcyis ^ll'ujva Cl'l.). One verv vounir s|)e('iinen. L'anse au Lou]», 1*> l'atlionis, mnil and kel]). MVA AUKXAinA, l.inno Verv .-'(Mnnion in 1 to ô fatlionis. MYA TlirNCATA, l-inii»'. L'anse au Loup, 10 iatlioius, wilh si.nd and kelp. oue younn; speeinien. LYONSIA AIU'IXOSA, iMollcri Moich One valve was tnund in Temple lîay, in 10 iatlHuns, niud. PP:RIPL0.MA TAPYRATI^A, (Savl ("onriid; Vcnill i Amitiini iki/'i/- !■(<<'>■(( (îld.) One valve of a very youn^ .-iK<'inien \va^^ dredii'ed in Ilen- ley lIarl»or, lO to 10 t'athonis. MACOMA FltAOlLlS, (Fahr.i 11. .V A Ad. i M. J'iisni (ild.). In abnndance in Fox Ilarbor, Saint Lewis SduikI, 1 to 10 f'athonis, niud. MACOMA SAIU'LOSA, (Sitcny:. i Morcli i -V. jiri (ild.i. L'an.>-e au Louf) and li-nlev Ilarbor. 10 to 1 •"» l'atlionis. ",'/- 10 (11) AlîDllM <'11,1 VriM. l'iiln- <'. Is/,iii>liriiw (i ( 'il ni i mil cl II 'Il Fiil.r.. Fiiiiiiii (iid'iil.. 11. Il(». (1T><(H (')iidiinii /sliiiiiliiiiiii (iiiif S, I. Nîit. 1' ;2.'>'i ilTii-ii. Coiiimi'ii il, Hculcv Ilarlxir, 10 1») 1^") iatli(»m> ; Tcinnlc l)!iv, 10 thtlioms ; lù>\ 1 larix»'. Saint Lewis Sound, shal wtiti r ; Dcad IsUmd, ncar Si|iiarc Ishuul, 2 to 4 latlionis. SKHlîllM-'.S (;iî(KN'I,ANl»l('I"S, idnul i Urck. Found in ail tlic localitics, in 1 to 1 •") liitiinnis. low ■ M) IJ'IDA .l.\('KS!()|,AinA XKiltA. iCinivi Lovcii. ^ Sevcral yoiin^' si.fcimciis wiTc f'cinul at L anso an l.oup, I" fatlioms. MOUIOLAKIA DISCOUS, il.imuM l,, -v.xT Mutihtx iahii Fal.ricius. Faunii Cm-n- t^>*^^^^^^>^^ linxlii-i, 1). tl'.i. Tlu' voiuit;- of this spccies wcrc F,.on> Labraao/ t"^"ul at L ansc au Loup, 10 to lo fathouis, sand, imul, kolp ; Fox Ilarbor, Sa.ut Lcnv.s bouud, 1 to 4 f'athoms, Kiud, al.undant ; Dra.l Island, S<,uaiv Lsland, shaliow watcr. CUKXKl.LA (!I.ANI)ri.A. iTottcm II. iV A Ad L'anst" au Loup, in S to 10 latliouis. CUKNK14,A DFCl-SSATA, (Mont.) Ma.- ..,,,,,.- Scvcral spoi'inu-ns nvcto tound at L'anse au Loup, 10 tath- s ; Fox Ilarbor, Saint Lewis Sound, o iatlionis. sn-ciKs wAs Misi'iAi r.i> am. not i-oind at timi: ok ColNC TO l'UKSS ] oni [tIIK fl'T ()K TlU PKCTKX ISI.AN'DKTS, Mull.r IVad Island, near S.iuare Island, in 1 to 4 fathoins. ANOMIA ACl'LKATA. Mull. L'anse au Loup, « t<. lô tathonis ; Ilenley Ilarbor, 10 to L) latlionis. 71 1î1;A< IIIOI'ODA. UUVNCllnNKLl.A PSll TACKA. '(iin.i Owrii. llcnloy Harbor, ;'. t<) S ththuins ; Temple r.:iy, 10 fallioms Dcad Ishmd, iiear Scpiare Island, 1 !«• 1 fallinius. List nj Lnl,r,i/////)'. Fusils svrteii-'is, uov. sp. (Ao/ sccii.) Fiisus toniatus (ihl. (N.'ptimea despeeta ( L.) Ad). Hiiceiiuiin ternie (iniii. :> Xatica lieros .sV);r/>. (Lmiatia héros (Sa}/) II. d: A. Ad.). l>itt«)riiia ])aHiata (Hd. Scalaria ( irceidaudiea rcrri/. Mar«iarita eaiM|)a!iulata Mors,; ii>>r. kjj. (M. lielieina, rar.). Seissurella erispata /Vr//;. Adeorhis eostidata Sflmp. (Moileria (•()stnlala(.l/o//.)./'/.. /'>•)• ? Laïuellaria i)ersi)ieiia Lomi. (Xot .•<(<■ II.) liiilla perteiiuis MiA. Fio. 1. Krininlin .V''"'"'- ('] i,„„. I i luacl ua /V^/yv-MC- papilioïKi- /;.s \ 2, Siiicinirn iVuiii 1' Il \ l^al.ra.lor. .■ hv I>r..r. «•'•' ' '" "•^' ; . ,,, . A. S. l'iukMnl. j!.. ixiit. Liinacina hclicina l liii>i>^. i'i-i 1" n"'^^'""' "••"'- lAMKl.l.lliliANClllAlA. Snl,.n .■nsi> Lniiir ( Fusatella Ani.MM.'ana ( ^""/'0 \rrrdh. Ki'iiiii'rliii iilaci!ili> (/.'■"•/() ( (tri>S' Tlinicia ( ''Minidi Conf/i. '[ liniciii iiiyopsis IhcL Mactra sorulissima ('Imn. (Spisiih s..rnlissima ( Dillw.) (îniy). Mactra polyncma Sfimp. (S|)istila ovalis (Jld.). T^Ii'S(HU'sma.Iaiir("sii./ornN(.((\'r(»iiiii(l('aiii-ata('rMrt.)Stimp.). (îcinma Tcittcni Slioip. (Tottoiiia o(.mnia (Totton) PorUins). VC'anliiiin i)iiiii\ilatiiiu Cour. ■'■' Cardiimi Hayosii Stimit. (('. ciliatuni, var.). YoUlia sajMitilla Stiiiip. Mytiliis luodioliis 7.////(r (M<»t sccii.) Cnhiloniic <>f l'j-hiiimhrnutfit obUiinal hi/ Ihc >'/«7//',(.s K.vpediiiini. Lol'HoriiriMA FAHllK'll, Vmill. Psolus Ftihriiii Dmicaii A: Sla'l.Mi. Kcliiii. Arctic Scii. p, 10, \)\. 1. dus. !)-i:'., iH.^l. Yoniu'- wcre foiind at Hculcv Harl)()r and 'rciiiph' liay in S to 10 tatlidiiis. PKNTACTA (ALCIOKKA, Siiiiip, ViiniDiariu cti/rit/eid Dmiraii A Slailcii. Mcliiii. Arctic S(>ii. p. 5, lil. 1. iiy:s, :!-s, issi. Fox llarbor, St. Lowis Sound, in 1 to :) tatiioins. A nnni- bor of good .spécimens were witliout a locality lal)el. CillHODOTA L.KVK, (irulic CliiniiJdla /(l'i-h l»miciui u Sladcii. Kcliin Arctic Sca. p. 12, pi. 1, HiTs, I 1-11», issl. Temple Hay in 5 tatlioms ; Fox Ilarhorin 1 latliom ; Dead Island, near Square Island, in 2 to 4 tatlnnns. ■«■'Three spécimens, sent to tlie IVahody Muscuin oi' Yiile ColicjJic, were labelod Paiidoni tri/iiienid Sny. »-Oiie spécimen Itibeleil C. jiiintii/atiiin Cour., sent to tlie iVabody Muséum of Yale (\}]\oiLO----Cn sandy, iiiikUIv, and k(>l|)y Ixtttonis, in 10 to 1") (atlioms. STK()N(}VL()<"KNTl{()'l"rs DKOKIJACHIKNSIS, A, A«. Two larjio spécimens were tonnd at L'anse au Lou]) in 1.") fathouis. ASTHUIAS VrLdAUlS. Stiiiii». Largo spcciniens were tnniid in abiuidanro at low-water mark at lionne Esperauee, Ks(|ninKUi-\ Bay. AS'I'KIMAS l'OLAinS. (M. iV Tr, ) Vciiill. Astvrdcaiitluoii palan- Diuioaii iV Shult'ii, Hchiii. Arctie Soa, p. 2:5, 1)1. 2. fi-is. I-H, ISSl. Found in ahundanee with the i)reeedin}>'. At L'anse au Loup a younjT speeimen was taken in 8 fathoms. LHI'TAS'IKIUAS LITTORAI.IS, (Stimii.) Veriill. Several sjH'eiinens were tonnd at Dead Island, near Square Island, in 1 to 5 tatiionis. CHIMHKM.A SAX(;riN()LKNTA. iMiil!) Lutk. CrihrHIa xtiiif/iiiiw/viitK A. Ay:assi7., Nortli Ainor. Star fishcs, pi. 18, 1S77. Crihi-f/ld oniliitii Diiiicaii A' Sladcii, lù^liiii. Arctie Sca. p. ;52. pi. 2, lijrs. ls-21, ISSI. Henlev Ilarhor in H) to lô latlu-nis ; Dead Island, mar S. 1. p. -"O, pl. 1, lijzs. i-n, ist;,-). L'anse an Loup iu 8 to 15 fatlionis ; llenley Ilarhor at low- water mark, and 10 fatlioms ; Temple Bay in 10 fatlioms ; Dead Island, near Scpuire Island, in 1 to Ô tathoms. Common. A.MlMlli KA SINDHVALM, MuU. & Tur. Anipliiiini Holhol/i Duncaii & Slad.Mi, Kcliiii. Arctie Sca. p. ()7. {.l. I, tius. 1.V17. Issl 71 Oiu" iniitiliitcd sni'ciim'U \v:i^ tniiiKi ii» 10 to lô lUthnin^ at Ilt'iilcv Ilarl)nr. OIMIIOCLVIMIA SAKSll, (Lutk.i Iaiii. Op/iiui/h/pho S,irsii DuiK-a-i .V SI.uI.mi, Iv'lnn, Anne S,.a, p. M), pi, t,"ti«.s. :5, I, l.^^'^l. Two wore takcii in 10 tathoins at Ilcnky llarbor. OPHKXÎLYIMIA UOlirsTA, (Ayres) Lvm. Oi,lii<>illin>li Har- Ixn-, andTemple Bay, in 10 to lô fathoms. X/.s/ of Labrador Kchiiuxh'rmH rccordcd h y Dr, A S. Pack- ard, Jr., Ind Dot ohi