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Tous les autres exempiaires originaux sont filmis en commen9ant par la premiire page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derniAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles sulvants apparaitra sur la dernlira image de chaque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atra filma- nec,.ssar,v, carr.v a tair constru..tion ,-nsurin- ,lnrahility and a capacity to cmsum, penerat,. all the p,.W(>r that is possible,. As also with tli, of th,^ liorse for work will ensure the jtroduf.ti farm ,.nf.'ines of all kinds, an,l so with th,. hors,., thi. main reipiisites aii,l str,.n-tli to pi'rform th,> rcfrular v,'rload for a short ti , sutli,.i,.nt fn,.l (f,.,.,!) iMiu-ine, th(. thori>Uf,'li tittinp n of mor,> power at ]<.ss ,.ost. I DEVELOPMENT OF HORSE-POWER. . The power develop..,! by a hors,. of th.. rijrht ty,,.. is „,,.!.. up entir.^^- .,f ,1,. cl the b,).-, u.nts .,f pow..r, and fr..m S ins n.. nvadable power, sin,-,, the , n..rjry ..„Mtain..d is l,.ss than the •, 1 1_ 1,. h,>rse to dip:,-st it. It ia clear, thor,.for,% that the „^.m1 and it must b.. in a n^adily availabl,. form For th.^ av,.ra^v ]..-,00-po„nd b„rsc at hanl w.,rk a ration of JO p,.unds .nts ^ S/: v:tv r 7''t "•""■' ^'•""* "'"^^ -^ ""^^■"■•- -•■-'> - ■.'"..*" ;i ^n. u a liors,. IS capabl,> of p.irformiiifr. iiiDunt us.'d by ie oners:^' must be ...mtain,..! in the DOMINION EXPERIMENTAL FARMS. J. H. GRISDALE, B.Agr., Director. E. S. ARCHIBALD, B.A., B.S.A., Dominion Animal Husbandman. 1T10rk than liorscs lent on a |jni)d maintenanei' ration. Tlie snft hurse witiistands iu'avy laiiour ami llii' I'eat of .sununer very poorly. Tla' preparation of all horses for sununer work should eonuiien<-e at onee. Horses " iiii'li are .v.t ( -1 a maintenanec ration r.f roufih feeds siioidd now receive a medium :.'raiu ration and hi'tter (juality routrliatre ( preferalil.v timotli.v) in inereasiiifr (juantities until up to a full wm-kinfi ration at the eonnneneement of the hard si)rinjr work. liy the middle of March the horsi- should he on regular li;^iit work or at least rcfrnlar exercise and a frrain ration of fr.^in T) to 12 i)'iu:ids daily, divided into three feeds. \t tile coinmencement of the heavy s|)rinfr work he should receive from 1 lo 1| i)o\imls I f trraiu jicr ll"t jiounds nf live weif'hf. I'or example, a l.."O0-p',und horse sluudd at t;m<' receive from l-"' t > 10 pounds of ,'rrain and l'> jhiunds of hay dail.v. The hest method of feedinu: is as follows: — ."> a.m. 0 iiuunds jrraiii mi.xture, ."> jiounds ha.y. 1:.! a.m. 0 ])ouiids ^T.iin mi.xture, •"i pounds hay. • ') p.m. 4 iiounds irrain mi.xture, "> jionnds hay. When the horses are idle f"r a day or so onl.v, reduce the frrain one-half. licf-Mdarity in feedinsf and uniformity of feeds, hoth as to quantity and quality, are essential. Civain ini\rures. sncii ;s oats ."> jiarts, hian 1 part: or oats 3 parts and harley 1 part will he found satisfactory. One or more feeds of warm inaslies per week are essential to prepare or maintain a workinjr horse. A bran mi-'i re- l-einii tlie Saturday niuhf irrain is excellent. This inifrht he replaced h.v li-iilicl hirh-y or otlier trraius mixe drink hotli liefore and after feediuir, liut the larpor suppl.v should he jirevious i< feeditip. 4 w ii ti o III m i! til ments. (iradual ehantrcs not only liuild U] th( muscles and »>nerjry of the hm-si' hut Rradunlly streiifrthen the diirestion in iirepara- tion for the heavy strain on these orpnns during the heav.v work. CLIPPING AND GHOOMING. Clipping' tho in tlu- .pH,,^ wl„.„ slichlintr ,•„,„..„.■,<•,.« will sav.. ,„u..|, ,11.. .•,.nt„rt to t!u. Imrs.. and ,uwh f.v.l, an,| nm.v al-„ pivvrnt uv.rlu.atin^^ w„h ,v.ult „',t .ra Is .•Ml..', vu: horouf.!, f.r„„nnM^- .Inrin:.' tl,,. hravy w..,-kinf< .....sou will s„v.. f,...,l and will laci-cuoc tliu liualtli, viiroiir, nud p.,wi.'r cf tlic liorsf. HARNESS AND SHOULDERS. Many i,,>s. .^,,,.,.ia]iv yu,,,;. l,„rs,.s a>v t.-.,ul.l,.d with >,„■,• should..,-, in n< nihil' ( tl...>. ht ;1„. .-..llar ,,rop..,.ly, ,,nd pay parti-nla,- aft,.nti„n to .-l.-anin.' .■olar aM.l ,,,,u,uh:ar t ..n, .n,.,-,!. A ..a-vfui .laily wa-hi..^ , f .|,„„U.,.s and w,tl, ,. Id w::r,.,. .„•, l„.,t,.r, ...Id .alt wat,.,-, will ,.l,.an>,. a::.l , .n.da.n tl„> .kin ,n pr,,,arat,o,, lor th,. s,.v,.n. .-..l „f wann w..atl,..r. T... „,„,,;,„ ,,„.„,.i ,„. ,.,.„. CARING FOR THE TEETH. Ow.nfr to s mrp ,-orn,.,N an.l nn..v..nn,.ss of tl,.. .n.da,-.. ,nany l,.,rs..s fail t.. prop,.,.lv .nast„.at,. an.l .„ th,.,,- f 1. U:..r a ,. 1 v,.t,.,-i..,anan ,„■ othor ...xp, ,.i,.n,.,.!n ',,.', '^ man ...v„n„,.. tl„. ,„,,,„,. ..a,...f„lly an.l til,. ,n- ■• lloat - ,!„. t.vth into nonnal ..on-liti,.,, i.v S.I do,uf,'-, niin-h turil an.l lioi-sc i.ner^ry will 1,,. saved. CARING FOR FEET. lip 1 Mu-h valuable and h.,rs.> labour is lost annually by^ss in attondinf '. the rininmiK and shoeing- .,1 tli.. r,...t ..f the hors... Wh. n th.. I,.,rs.. remains unsh.i tln..,u.ho,,t th..,.ntire.v,.ar. .-aro tak..,, to k,...p the wvarin^r surfa-.s Miiooth and M.'ii. Wn.-n sli.u.n,.;- is n..,..-sary. parfii-nlar att,.ntion must he pai.l t,. the fr...,ii,.n.v r! ,,t trininiini.- an.l I,npn.,ier ...-ire of th.. f,...t is ]■„ l^ .lonsihl.. t ,r niu..h tins.,un.lii,.ss aii.l ,dso f,,r nni.-h Mrture to the hors.., witl^tli.. .Miltuif? loss ot power. PARASITES. L.xternal an.l ,nt.>rnal i.arasit.s, s, as li..,. an.l worms, inav ,^ause the loss „f o- t ;.(l p.-r ..ent ot t,.:.,l and liors,.-pow,.r. Ui.l th,. anin.als ami ;tal,h.s of these p.-st' A tew ..heap window ami ,loor will ,1,, ,nu..|i t., frnv e.mdort to th.. hors,.' n.'.t •^^|y u. the keepinj, out of tlies hut also in the pr..vidi.i^ of ^ood stable ventilation .iiiniiir tlie summer months. Published by direction of Hon MARTIN BURRELL, Mir :.ter of Agric^^i^tta^Oru!