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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included ir one exposure ara filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartas, planches, tableeux. etc., peuvent dtre filmte A des taux da reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atra raproduit en un seul clich*, 11 est filmA A partir da Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droits, et de haut en bes, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants iliustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MKtocorr mowTiON tmt chart (ANSI ond ISO TtST CHA»T No 2| ^ APPLIED IfVHGE In gar. '6^J Cast Main <^tre«t S"-£ HochMttf. f«c. York 14609 USA ■Wg f^'6} *82 - 03U0 - Phon. ^S ('!«) 2M- 5989 -Fo« UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ST i; DIES PHVsioi.ociifAi. si:ries No. VV OBSERVATIONS ON THE GLVCOGEN CONTENT OF CERTAIN INVERTEBRATES AND FISHES, uv L. G. KlUlORN AND J. J. R. MACLEOD iRtPHIMKl) HIDM IIIE Ul \S ON IHK (iLV((HiKN (((NTKNT nh CllilAIN INVKK'IKIiHA'I'Ks ANI> Kl ilKS. hy I. (i Kii.i...iix nnd J. .1, II. M.v I.Kuli. ( Ftuiii till' Miiiiiif Hi;;il<>;;y 'I'lii' l'iii\.-rsit_v "I' TMroiito.) (l!r,tivt'i fnr f.M 11, thiu, ••lOi llrr.iuhr, 11(111 ) Tllltui'iiiliM T llic lUiiinul kiii;;>|i>iii from \\\f .\iiiu Im lo Man ■■iitlim. It is cliunu'teristirally rf|ir.'>ifnti-il witliin ihr iiIIm l.y \\-- |io|\ Hi^'i-imiide jflyootrrn, anil in the i-iicnlatiny; tliiiils hy ;;luco^' In tli.' Iii'dirr vtTtpbrati'.H till- |KTr(;!itiii,'c iimoiitit of ;c'y''"K''" '" <'"■ 'I'lli'ii-nt oi;;ans tiiul tissues xaiicH (ionHi(K-iulil\', Ikmiijj usually ^iicutt'st in iIih liver. 'I'he amount is. however, elosely related to the time of feeding; and the nature of tli»! fiKMl. In the eireuiatin;; fluids of tie' animal, on the other hand, .here is apparently a toieralily constant peic<>tita;;e of ;jlucose, if the temporary increase which follow.s immt-diately u)H)n the in;jesiion of fooli»ti'>n lunl liy'li»t<' vilmh liavf Ummi nhown to \x' r»«liii*>l> fur hij(ln'r lanil uminiiiiiU iitii"! u\m< ik-ii-hxiu ily Iw ho in the vnriiMl rotulitioii« iiH't with in tlii« lowi-r iiiurirn- imimalt. Tin- t-lifinicai »truftur«> of tli*- ciiniliitiii^' fliiir rxanipltv !>.• no fur tliUVrfiit AH to intttfrn- with idi- |iic)|Hr iciiiuvai of tli-- | roti-in>« prior to I'^tiiiialion of lliu j{'y'^'*t{''" '"■ k''"'"*'' NotwilliHtiiiidin;; tliin |M«itilil»» liav.- more or Ij-nm iH-arinj;. AninnjjHl thu I'roto/.uH. )»lyioj{t'n hai Itei-n inolatpil liy too Hrticke Kulz Hiithotl in Ii'*>iH"riu (Hiirfurth (3)), jMirticularly in a culture of tJiiiUfonia Hfinti tns The iioliitid ^lyfo>ji'n jjavo the (harncterixti"' rtwtioii with iinJine. and yifld.d a rfdi.{ranuicn. called para^lycojjfn. which have iH'fH dcHcrilwd in tln' prutuplasm of ccrtrtin of the InfuHoriu ((Ji „ -ina). ari- upptin-ntly not ordinary >{lyeoj{en, for altliouRh they give a brown n-actinn with io4line. they are insoluble in cold water, and an- not hsdrolyscd to riducinj; HU^ur by naliva. Hy prolon;;e;en. They are readily formed in the e no chemical evidence that the Ixxlies are really }jlyco;ien (Creeff (ti)). Hiedermann. in sumniinjj up the work on the I'roto/.oa, states that the digestion of starch pnK-eeds in these animals much ' the same way as in the Meto/ou. and that stora;;e of the ditjested starch iti the form of lAycoff'U certainly CK'curs in I'elomyxa and often in the Ciliata and (ireijarina (loc. cit., p. :{S(I). In Kuijleim. which represents the hijjhest of the Flajjellata, a substance called paramyloii 1ms Ijeen extensively studied by microchemical methods, and has been found to vary <;reatly in amount accordin;; to the pabulum upon which tlit- Ku>;lena is jjrown. and whether or not it is as.sociated with The tilyn^n CamIbuI of c«rUm InvertrbfAU.. «nll Wh«ii chlorophyll .h ,.rr«..„t ... th- r..|l |Nir».i.> I.,,, ,n formal «,„| ran I... .|iM.,lv«l out by w.*k Hikali «n.| ,,r. .■.I,.Ut«l hy ..n.l alcohol It ^iveH „., colour with ..kIj,,.. i, i„*,|„h|^ i.. vvat«r. »..hi.uKl..r.„ata (HHtvrui.l. holothuri«..«, a,.,| .„ MK.IIK.-.. It h«« h...... .|«t.ct«l hy<.»| i.i tl... ..jfij. ,,f ......■.•tH ,u„l ...nlluH,-, Am ..n,.h tt. 2 p. rt.nt. of |tlv.-o«.„. apmr-ntly Mlt..,r,,.al with that pr..,.a.e.l fro.,. r»l,f,it liver and fm,,, oy.t,.ra, hm molateil hy HardBii him] Vom.j; (H) fn»i„ wit^htMl |.r.Hw»i| y,n»t. TakiMK tl... ol««rvatio..H a., a whole, it in eerUin that |H)ly«cchari.le M.a...r,Hl, wh..-l. .. .„or.. or 1«.,h relat.'d t-, -ly.o^en. is a .om.non .oiiHUtUfiitof th«celUof the low«Ht ar.iu.alM a* well .h of su.-h plant-, an yeiiMt. .lo not 8y„theti»e .ugarM through th.- a :i->H) VOL. XII., NO. 4.-1920. r B , y .i_,^p. j.n,. sto KiliMtrr. aihI MtM'txiil Tht-Mf olMi-rvittiuiix HIP of ifiiciMiJ Ml r.niiii>«iiMi with III- .>li- *>) <'l.iin|p Hrriinr-I mil »iil»w'i|urntly •' iitlriii.'.M.y llttifiutli ,u,.| Hii •l>-iiii nil. l'> ••»'• j» I pirtiiMi of llip int. -.tiiKv ulu-r i\u' •lij,'.-^«'-\ •ml -ml ..i' itir lisr |Mi«H ),'.'» .\li»«ir}»ii.-rur» IIiikmi^Ii Hi*- "II'' l><>tl, til ill'- iiiif»liii<' mnl liiltiiry |hi»x.i^i"' uikI wlnti it i» »t<»iii«('li i» roluiirl'-'t lli'iii;,'li »t Hr-tt it wi»» ••oLiitriMJ hy th. •mmTiUkii "if tli«> liviT It m iiii|Miitatit ti> iKttH tli^of fwti ill ftmiM'^i'Mi Willi tli« [(r'-'-iil iii\i«tli;{'ili'ili l>.« or;;i»ii iit •^ucli. At n iimll«T of li»'"t wvii,.! inv.«««ti«i4lor«. (Ki.-nt>!i'l. Koliiniuiii ilU), Hott»!'.*i ( U)> Iwvi. U"i{.ii .itli.r l>y ii(i'tlii p«-nfo»>-vi''l'linu ••iilmtmiif ( ixiitiwMHi). tli.' prociw i way into llu' biliary iHimaK'"* *" Nti|U)>) which talcfH tli.' plm-f of luiinnil aciil. which in ahieiit m them' niolluHCH. \I. H.'ii/,*' (lo) <'oulin' out that if this foni'lusion in i-ontiruifii it >voiiiil inilifate that, in so far »i thi-ir ciirliohvilnite mctalHjIisni in coiii'irn. i|. ■i-rtain nmriiiH moliuHcs oocup\ a pi-culiar |)o.sitioii in tlu' animal >cali', ;.'lv<'ojCfn Im iiij; apiHirmtly prcHent in all othtTH. Thi'y show that a ofrtaiii ♦■rror may l»' inciirroil in isti mating jjlycoj;<>n in the oijjans ot H.a aniniuis on utcount of the preHcme of the Halts of soil wat.;r partic-iilariy M«. Tin- .Mt,'(<)ll». whiih h formed with Koll ailsorhs som« of the j;lyL'oj;fii. ami wln-n alcohol ih subseiini'iitiv atlilfil a pr-eipitut-' is formiiiK volimm HMC'tnl ni Imli»l to ttrtnipiUt* lli«- i{lyi'.>i;.fi nii>l lliiiilly liyi|«iiii{ th« rthohol |irif-i|>i(iitii liint'lly witliiMil tif'.t ■>' nil .|ivH.lviiii{ It III w.»I.T 'rti«> o»rtr li<> ••x|h rim.-iiUl |tr.Hif ltitwi>v*-r lliiit tln'ir iiiM(hr>> (••■••itntl.- ili.-m ti ri;;iiiat iiitfth- Si-y|«r (17) tlmt ihrr* WM -(tiii luiiiM' j{lvct>i»^ii III ill.' \\\,.r of •» «i yinrul.l finvti^d (Khfik r.liiiii) aft.i altttviilioii CUinJ.' Ki'itutKl liint |( foiiiMl the aiiioitnt to vary iiMirK or N-m in rp|ittioii>thi{i t.> tlif tim« of iii.iiiltiii;j. lM>iiit{ ;,'r'rtl<'xf jiiJit j.rior to ilii!« |»'ri>xi At tlm tiiiii of iiioiiltiii^' Kirwi-li ( |H) t'liiiil ll eilirf Unly loli tli fn-Hli wUii iriiytlKli) to iMiitmii It H2 jmt niit , whrn-an four iiioiitln Ufoiv llii^ |M.ri>im>iir« of j{lyro}j«>ri ill llif HnIii'k 'rimt tiiiii' iit U'unt \n pr- -(I'lil in tlu' tmmi.ncif Miarih.' tisli linH Iw.ti dliowii liy (I |trriii(rtici! of ixmt-niortcni i'lian;{i''». «nii tliiit it (lo*-* not ri»- glypoyt-n rapiiUy ili.ia|i[H'iirH. Schoiidorff nnil (l!l| (nl«ti|uuiely review all tlie»>' ■ i|il«»r inv<'»tij{utio.i>t. ittnl coiitriliutf nunitroiiM ot>>u'rviition» of tln>ir own III whifli till* ftiiiount of y:lypo;,'i'M, iJi't<'riiiin<'Htiiiiiition» were iiijuh- hy iii.mimiii iii^ Ixjth t lit- i-.-diiciii;; and fhf rolatiiij; {»<>wer of tin- hydrulyHi'd },'ly<'o;;eii prt-cipitat-H. the cIohc corrt'HjMinih'nre of the i-'MultM olitum.'d hy the two ni.thixN indicatiii;; that tli<' niat>'rial is ilunnically identical with that present in nianiinaliiiii tissues. Mktiuids. (;iycoj;..n. The orjjaii or lissiU' was cut into hihuU pieces, pressi-d lietween tiltiT paper. wci;;hei|, and dropped into !>.") per cent, ali'oliol, in wliii-h It was shipped frcjin the station to 'I'oronto, the journey 'M-eiipyiii;; aljout .1 week. It is pi)-<>iilili' in the rjisc of oil'- or two specimens ut niiiscle (e.jj. siphon •iHiscle of elaiiu that tle-r.' wis rel.itiveiy tmt small a .piaiitity of alcohol "iitirely to prevent a oitain uiiiounl of ^^lycojjenolysis, 'I'he inu.scle in II . .^..M^kT^l'l^j^JjT'M^M'^.L f :i.* 822 KillHirii and MhcIoo'I tlii'so cAHflH wii." (It'cidtKlly coinpart, hiuI may not have Item sufficiently cut up to PUHure inniu-diiitc penetration hy the alculiol. I'hiH |)OHNil)lt> Houroe of error wa.s, however, not incurred in the vaHt majority of caNcH. The alcohol-preserved material wa.s pressed bef>'"en tiller paper and again weij;hed. It was then lieateil for three hoi with ♦!() percent. KOH and th.! ^;lyc<)j;en determined hy l'llilj;er's methiHl. An already uieiitioni'd. .Starkenstein and Heii/.e state that j;lycoj;en determination hy the I'Hii^er nietluMl is inaccurate in the prenence of «ea water Ix-ciiuse of adsorption of the }jlycuj;en hy the Mjj(OH)^ and Fe(()H)3 that are formed when KOll is added. This adsorU'd ^jlycojjen after precipitation with alcohol does nut iK'conie completely dissolved in boiling water. Hy dissolving; ei|ual amounts of |)ure glynijen in sea water and in distilled water aiici then cirrying out the usual f'lluger procesa with both, we have contirnied tlu- observations of the abt)ve authors. We do not l)el'eve, however, that the organs and tissues of si a animals contain a Rutficiency of salts preci|iital)le by KOll to make »ny signiticant error in the glycogen determinatioiLs. This conclusion is Itased on the following observations : — The liver o' it rabl)it was cut in snuill pieces and ijuantities of 20 grin, each were added to eipial voliunes of (a) sea water, (b) 0"!> per cent, sodium chloride solution, in which they were thoroughly ground in a mortar. To each of the resulting suspensions ei|ual volumes of 60 per cent. KOll solution were added and the gly<'ogen content deterniined by the PHiiger process. The following results were obtained : in (a) 067r>, (b) 0784 per cent. Kven in the presence of a very large excess of sea water — very much more than could l)o present even in tissue which has not been pressed lH>tween Hlter paper — the error incurred is not excessive. In order to see whether any large yield of glycogen would be obtained when the alcohol precipitate was directly hydrolysed, 2S grm. of oy.ster (from which the excess of sea water had been removed by pressing between Hlter papers) was treated with KOH and the glycogen precipitated with alcohol and divided into two portions, >i and h. The precipitate in (t was dissolved in l)oiling water in the usual manner (i.e. on the filter pajHjr, and the filtrate hydroly.sed), whereas that i:i '< was removed from the filter to a flask by a fine stream of water and directly used for till' e.stiiiiutioiiN. Hksii.ts. ( Jly co^jcii Tln'si> im- given in ptTcciitujjfM liotli of flip original hiiiI tlip iilcohol- tliii'd raatciiiil. Althoui;li iioitlur result in itself is inoie tliiiii upproxi- iiiiite because of the iinpns.-iijility of ri'inoviiig all tlie aillierent moisture or alcohol by nieiins of tilter paper, they are siitliciently closo to he u.sed for the purjHJse in view, namely, to determine the relative ami>unt8 of jflycojjen in the tissues of ditlerent animals. The observations were made on speeimens f oiii the following itouds 01 animals: — The Kchinoderinata ( Asteroidea). The Mollusca (I.ainellibranchiata). The Arthropoda (Crustacea). Tlii Fishes (Elasmobraiu-hii and Teleo.stomi). I. THE ASTKUOIDKA. TaBI.K I.— 'PrKCBNTAOE ok (ilAlOliK.N (AS MkXTKOBK) IN THK HkPATIC Cwa OK Stakkishes. ( ilyoof;en i)ercoiit)ige.H Weight No. Species. of material (gnu.). M Pisaster oelira«r 41!) •r ,1 II 14-2 *:> Iti'ti H. I'ixanter brevixpinus H L PycnoinKha lieliantoiilcs . 34.1 1, „ ,) 24 ti s Kvaatariii.M Tnwchelli 11 '9o t'l Liiidia fuliata . •>•> «. '♦»».-• 18 Calculatcil for original material. 1-2.T Oli2 Calculated fur aU'ohol- pres«'rvern and Macleixi ri. THE M(»l,I-l'SCA. TaIILK II. PERCENTAliK OK (i[.Y('lMIEN IN VaBIOIR I'aRTH OK THE lioflY OK THE IIuHSE Cl.AM (Scill/llTHOtlllH NlTTM.I.I). tllvro^'en perrentafji's . No. OrgHii or tiwiue. A Dif^eNtive glanii eUms that had lieeii kept fur some time ( 1 -'.i weeks) in a ^ack imiueised in the sea at the wharf Those marked (h) were made on clams that had been kept only a day or so after diRjjinf; them up. ob.servati')n.s wt'ie carried out on two batelie.s of clams. Att:r being dug from a suiidy beach at low tide the clani.s were placed in a sack which was then immersed in the sea at the end of the wharf, .specinii-iis being removed from time to time for analysis. The clam.s of the first batch a, although leceiving no food, remained alive in the sack for over two weeks, but. those of batch '- did not survive in the .sack for more tluiii a few days, and they di.siiitegrated very rapidly after death. The e.stinm- tions, the results of which are recorded above, of group n were made after one week in the sack ; those of group //, on the other hand, were made within a day or two after the clams were collected. It is po.ssible that variations in the .state of the material accounts for tlie persistently higlier percentages of glycogen in group /< than in group d. In order to make a comparison of the glycogen in the various organs and tissues, it is neces- sary, therefore, to take the results of each batch, a or h, separately. In batch 4ili-*W' .JC'^iWiU.' JilA'. S">''flBiS?""n|*'j (t ^z Tilt' Olyidgen ('ontent of certain Invertebrates and F'ishes 32.'5 thi- procipitiitt! prixlucfd by alcoliol did not m-ttle hh urdinarily, hut re- i|uired the aose per cent.); this muscle is used to hold the tul)es open as well as to retract the siphon on the approach of danger. It will be observed that a considerable amount of glycogen was found in the liver. This is of interest because i,\' tlie belief already referred to (p. 320), that there is no glycogen in the liver of certain molluscs (Aplysia and Arion). That the material found by us was glycogen, as ordinarily understood, was shown by its general behaviour towards strong alkali, iodine, etc.. and by the fact that the hydrolysed glycogen readily fermented with yeast and gave typical glycosazone crystals. It will be recalled that several observers (Frentzel, K(dimann, Hotta/zi) have averred that tliere is no glycogen in the liver of certain other species of the .Mollusca. These workers found evidence of the presence of pentoses and niethylpentcses, and they ha»e suggested that [)olymerised forms of these may replace glycogen. Since they did not consider the likelihood that the were derived from inosinic acid or guanylic acid, the conclusions cannot be given much weight. As a matter of fact, it has been shown by Mr i'.. K. Berkeley, workin" in the biological station that the pentose present in the tissues of closely related species is derived from one or other of the above-mentioned nucleotids. The percentage of gljcogen is notably different in the small crab (Cancer productu.s) and in the lobster. The difference is probably dependent upon feeding conditions. The lobsters were shipped from .St Andrews, on the New Brunswick coast, to Toronto in moist seaweed, tlie first batch in September, when the weather was warm, and the second liatcli in November, when it was very cold. The difference in temperature does not appear to influence the results. The larger crabs were caught at St Andrews in \oveml)er and transported to Toronto. They were almost dead when received. Although they contain much less glycogen in proportion than the smaller crabs, it will be noted that there is decidedly more in the liver and in mu.scle than in those tissues in the loKster. A comparison of the glycogen content of different muscles in the lobster is of interest. In the muscles of the back and tail the average for four .-■"If i ■■^t ;! .■''J^>^^&:±^.:. 326 Killtorii uiid Macleod 5^,.,? 111. TIIK UMMKOI'ODA. TaIILK 111 l'KR.K.NT,\.,K „t < JlV. .MiK.V IN VaHI.M m PaKM "t TIIK M..1.V OK I UIHTACKA (CaMKR I'HODUCTIJK AND lloMAHl .S AMKRI. AM H). No. I Sj>ecie Oigitii or ti-i»ii«. D E Cancer prtxiiii'tiin Liver MuDclen p. 34 Homaruii . „38 „ 40 .. 41 .. 44 ., 48 I (p. 3) Humane I. (p. 4) Homarus II. j Honiai'u* III. . i Cancer irrotatiis Liver I. Heart II. „ 1. Muacle (tail) „ (claw) II. Mu«le (claw) n. „ (t« 1) i an (of >\x lob- sters) t Liver Muscle (liai'k) .> (claw) Liver Muscle (red claw) ,, (white claw) „ (back) Muscle (liack) Heart J Liver Weight of material (g""). 7 37< UK, .•JfttU 2 37 194 ftft Si) 4ri7 4S'fi 7'32 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 277 24-47 ()lycof{ei> ,«rcentageii <'.l.ulHte.l /''»'"''*l«<| fro.u oriK.nal '""""'"^"h'.l n.ateriil. I'r«»«"e.l material. 139 0-.J7 0M7 0-7H OUI 142 036 igan ur ti. -ue. Calculated imiiiuriKinal Calculated from alcohol- i materi'il. preserved 1 material. H Klasniobraiicliii (Sijii*lu< Sucklii), dog-tish Liver 44-2 1 O-ttST (»0«I9 I ti ,, 1 20 0-16 0-209 V .. ..♦ 198 Xoue None K Muscle (body wall) 50 0018 0-025 W Miucle* IK'S None None (t Heart , 7-3 0-447 0847 IT • 44 ... 0172 Z Chimaira (rat-flith) . Liver t 16-7 None A, 162 .. Teleoatiinii (( 'ypritius Mu.scle 10-3 carpio), rarp p. 9'i (a) Liver 344 (a) Trace 96 (a) Muscle 50 (a) ,. 99 CO „ 50 (b) 0-021 (1)) 0 028 23 Liver 10 (i-60 24 MiLscle ■20 0-2W 25 Liver 10 5-60 26 Muscle I 20 Trace 98 Christivoiiier Numiycush (lake trout) (a) Liver 26-6 None 98 (b) „ 45 0-055 97' (a*Muscle 1391 Trace 97 (b) „ U-70 1 " * Dnglish caught in nets and kept in .small Unk for some days. Otherwise the dog-fish freshly caught by line from the end of the wharf. t Dead Kome time. * Fish dead at Iea>t -24 hours. ".' 328 Kil)H)rii iiikI Mac'li'txl • r.K I Tilt' oiitMtHhilini; iVatun- of ihomI of tin'**" rcHnlts js tlit- iilimMic' <>r t}n> •tli. rntrniiiMil in intH weru brought to tht-Ntntion in n lmlf|' ('••rtnin Iiivi«rtehr(»t«'H and Fi^lifH '.\i\) 111 f»iliii;j to Ht'cure more iiintfrial ujioii whii-h to follow up tliis iiitert-tttiH;; i>l«ervation, L'(»V(Lf,srnN,s. |{y Pflilj^cr'n iiD'tiiixl the folldwiiii; |»!rceiitiip' niiiuuiitx of jjlycu^'fii wero fuuiiii present in tin- ili;;4'>itti('ient uniotiiit of heart muscle the jjlycojjen content was fctund to he several times ;;reater than that of the other muscles, and sometimes ;;reater than that of the liver; thus in the las (ilykogeii," Arch. f. .1. ^es. I'hysiol., 1903, scvi. 1. (2) iSiRUERMANN, W., ill W i II te IS t e i ri 's HiU!ill)iicli iler vei'^'leiclieiidHii Physii)!., ii. 1 Halfte, 1910-1'Jll. (3) Uarkuktii, " Vergleicli. Iii.stiiilicmisrhe Uiitersuihunj;eii uhenlagCHykiiHe'ii Arch. f. laikr. Aimt., I8f<6. x\v. 259. (4) lii'TsciIi.l, ()., " Bciiu'rkuii^'cii ulwr eiin-n der (flykiij,'('ii verwandteii Kciriier ill (leii Gregar'iien," Zeitschr. f. Hiol., 18(S5, .x.\i. 611. (5) Maupas, K., "Siir le >;lycogeiie rhez les Iiifusoires cilies," Compt. lleiui. Acad, des .Sciences, l8cS5. t. 101, 15(i4. (6) UiiEKFK, I!., " I'fliiMiy.'ca pahi.hriit«'M itrul KiMlien (III), •• n*r .|.Mi «)lvk..vTiiuM'l..ilt Zuimclir. f. Hi..|., 1901, «li H9 , uU.. |»0'.'. xl iiKi'ii.ilt piniKtr lumitiiichcr Wuriuei III. .'.«. Ml) I.K-KH, K. I.. "(I l»0!>. ifliiNi In- l'r"we"»« l..i Kn>{>-iiwiirtiii>rii," /•>it««lir. f. Bn (I'.') Cl'r>'i L, " Ktu.leii |itiy>|<>f{tr)iiv« Mir leu (UiKiMhiuti'H, ' ,Vrt!li. lU llml IM»«, XV. Cf. iiiH.l^r inunn, ii|i. cit. (13) K'XIMamn, R, •• KiiiiK'* l!.'nl«ii|iiiiiim.|i iil».r(lif Vfriliiuiiii« ■l«r Knliinliyilrnt. Iwi A|.lyniiMi," (Viitrull.j. f. I'lijiinl., IS'J'J, xiii. 465 (14) UoTUWi, K, "<'oMtril)iitiiiii« .1 III |.liy»ioli>Kif c. Anh. ital. »Ih l.iol., IKOl, x\xv, 317. >lil|inri't' lie la (JlKentinn, (IS) Krn'xk, M., •• lifitni^'f mr Miixki'lrliiMiile ilffi- ()ct<>|H)di>ti,"/<>it.4chr. f. phyoioi C'licm., lyi»4, xliii. 47 (16) .Stahkknstkin, K., Hill M. Mkn/b "n»T.I.-ii N»cli .M«ere»iiiol)iiMkHii. ■ Zeu,rlii. f. pIivhihI. Cli.-ni., lUI:.', Ixxxii. 41 wfis von (ilykoKfli \m (17) lloii'B, K, " riiterwliitii,"2fitN.lir. f. I'.iol., 191.1, Ix. 388. (21) HJ.CIBTRIU, M., "\Veit«re Uiiter»ucliiiii({eii iiber lUa Verhalten l., 1911, cxii. 328. (23) Cruukshank, E. VV. M., "On the rroilri |»hw wnw, »y A. B. MwMUW 9: Oa tkt 'AUribulfiMi of potMriim la rami eoil^ by C. P. Buntnt 77. ' Hfc 10: On tte pntbBM* M^iira of iIm ■obMwM prometiait Erowth in ymmg wrinwla, by CMUint Fuw umI A. Aiua I4CMXVM Mo. 1 1 s Tb« eoomorativ* vkIho of kiri nd butter io nowth. by Casihib FwiK «ad A. tbrnea tiMMXxm No. la : The fMm oTjrt^ fracttope ott tk« frowtli of rats, by Casimm ^mc Md A. tmvat Macauwm No. 1.1: A oew Mtoee^tion o* tlM tHomtviv function, by T. G.B11001S On duuifM ki Um ftouwrult and ttdMil*^ irf tiw kklooy Micompw^nBf aetiv%. by T. G. Wttuemmi I. J. MAOcmxtt No. 14: Purther Mrv«tiaiMi on tho diffiervaOBl Mtion of\ aOrma&a, by Fkamk A. HaAhmah and Lms McI^mnMJUf . No. 15: TIm oicdMiiiain for vModibrtatioo from •drmotin, by FsAMK A. Hastman aod LoM MelMBituM Fiunm No. 16 : AlfaciMlin VModitetor niccliiai«m w ^m cat at dtffamit affH. by Pranii A. iiMni.ti and U«u« 6. Kiuonf . . . . No. ITS Location of^^^^ adrMalia VMoiUator mccMoisaM, by FtaAmc A. HMWfwm, L.G. Kiukmw and Lots Frasbs.. No. it: VaseiAtfeba^tN»ad»sa{ia ae^g^ obor igwmtbetic aad dorsa! root g ai^is, by Frank A. Hartmam, Lbslib G. KiUMiN asd Lora Frasbr •.90 0.7s <»-7$ o.$o 0.85 OiS<* O.S| 1.00 ass ass aas a as 1.00 a SO aas 0.1s aas 0,50 M 1 I i; f ! ■ M • S4< ji The «poiilit)i*i>it« dfv ■*l>>pi>irnt of an li ulo«i« vOnUititfn m »li-viMi-br.»ii.- c.ilo. h\ | | K M \n M>l« 035 S- .1 I lu' ili.iynn'.i'. i>l .ulilnsl^. h\ I J tt MxiiMiK o 3S V>> j(. Siiiiplili.'il K I- •">•''*"<''»• ''^ 1 J K M A< I I i>l> 035 \i». 35: Dh^crvalii'ic I'li ilccrrcbrate cats, by l.<>i-> l-Nx-m, K s l.vM. ,in»l I I K Mm iu>i> o 35 No .Ml l>t .ith pi.Klii.ol h\ t\iin; lU* vtiii< hv !■ A II \Ml\i\N .iiul \V I, Hi m/ o 3S Ni) j; A.ii.'ii.ii \ilffiialiii i I \ H\kimvn .iikI K.<»' S I \m. "35 N.>. JH; rill' .uiiKii 1)1 \ilrriialin mi tli» ki»lii»\. by Ikank A. llvKiMW .iiul Ki'«» S l.wi. i< . . "35 \,i v>: Sliulics III lln? ri-i;iMicr.ilii>ri el ilciici \ .iKil iii, iiiii>iU, bv K A n \KiM\N. W K Hi M/ aiiU I. ti Kn homn •) 5" No •,! lln- luiKtu' patlioUiyy of klir^'iciil shoik, by J. J. R. M M 1 MM. " 35 Nil \J i»n ^fiihl.iiioii, h\ I I K Mmium' ii.'S No, ;v Ob'.erv .iluiii- on the i;l\i:omMi conU'iit ot cm. ini in- viiubrali* anil li^lu•s. by I,, li. Kli liOKN .nul ). |. K. M \i 1 Kon " -'> No -,4: 'I lie bchaviotir of the respiration* alter detcrebration III the.. It. by J. J. K. M \i 1 l-.oi> . '<^S '■ i 4 rS ... M!P '