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Laa diagrammea auiventa iNuatrantia mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ••CKJconr HMumoN tbt cnaut (ANSI and ISO TtST CHAKT No. 2) E Iss I '•* A 1653 Edit Uoin SIrMt (7U) 288 - MM - r« SNTtfF AGRICULTURE OF THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC Entomological Section BULLETIN No 87 T\^e Enemies of our Orchards and Vegetable Gardens HOW TO FIGHT THEM BY ^QEORCES MAHEUX, B. A.. F. E. ErUomologieal Inspector ateMB. G. Prp4t, Company. THE LESSON OF A CROP 9° **»«if 't »« apples from a sprayed tree On the right, m a Uaket. are tfie sound apples from a tree not sprayed. rfUhed by order of Hon. Jos-Ed. Caron. Minister of Agriculture of 1917 the Province of Quebec ur Orchards Gardens HOW TO FIGHT THEM In the few foUowing pagas, the reader will find a list of the inseets and diseases harmful to fruit trees, vegetables and ornamental trees. After that/the best preventives and surest remedies wUl be indicated. It seems needless to lay stress upon the necessity of fighting those enemies which frequently reduce crops to their simplest f.xpreseion. When one thinks that Canadian farmers yearly lose, through those parasites, over ten miUion dollars on thei.- fruits and vegetables alone, it is evident that such a heavy loss mv t be diminished at any cost. The measures we advise below will enable that result to be obtained and the enormous sum of which the farmer is deprived, to be restored to him if he will put them into practice. INSECTS Principal spaciM of injurious insects Toimlt «r«M: FruiL- eolding moth and apple maggot, plum curculio, apple curculio, cherry maggot, green-fruit worm. Budt: bud-moth. Lett90$: tent, yeUow-necked, red humped, white-marked, caterpiUars, autumn and spring canker worms, leaf roller and miner, pear-tree slug, plant lice, pear psylla. Bark buffalo tree-hopper, woolly ayhis, oyster sheU scale and plum tree scale. Bwrowing under the bark and in the wood: flat-headled apple-tree borer, round headed apple borer, imbricated snout-beetle. To fmlt busbM : Raspberry: cane-borer, red necked and crown borer. Strawberry: striped flea-beetle, plant lice, white Vub, weevil. Gooseberry and currant: currant worm, plant lice, saw-fly, striped oug. cane-borer. J — 4 — , To VcRvtabMi t CaL^ag,: imported okbbsge ijorm. root maggot, cut-womw, lebra-caterpillar Tt^nip: iea-bMtle, plant Hoe, red beetle. Potato,: Colorado potatoe beeUe, white grub, flea-beetle. blister-beetle wire-worm, stftlk borer. Onion: onion maggot Carrot: carrot nut-fly. Celery: celery caterpillar. Pea: pea-weevil, plant lice, bliater-beetlea. Bean: weevil, blister-beetles. A$pmra{iut: asparagus beetle. Cnevmber: striped beetle, twelve-spotted beetle. Squaek: squash bug. Melon: blister-beetle, plant lice. Beet-root: flea-beetle, blister-beetle, plant lice. Tomato: tomato worm. \ OnaoMntal tree* : Tent caterpillar, elm-tree borer (saperda), poplar-tree borer, larch saw- fly, spruce bud-worm, pine-weevU, poplar weevil, birch and oak borer, brown- tail moth, gypsy moth, bark-beetles, white-marked tussock-moth, forest tent caterpillar, fall web-worm, elm leaf beetle, plant Hoe, etc. PkWVMltivM Bl.Ji'^rrThr"'* '^'""^T'" ^r""" '" ""^^"^ »"^ '«'"*• ^^'"^ "« breeding pUeee for the insects. Remove di.ea.ed part, and withering branehe. from the CoJnT^^trJwtri*''^"'*/^'^'^'''*''*"'^*-'"**^ °° *»»« i^»"'»»d the silk, should be gathered in a box or bag and burned. 3--Bru,h the bark of the apple-tree,, especially the old ones, destrov the scale insects setUed there. ' °*"'°y *"« destroying a great many parasites, their eggs or cocoons. nni^^T/*"*';"""^ **'/"•* °' **'P'* *"**' *" * ^*^«'»* «>' '^°» »2 to »« "ches, not only prevents m«e from gnawing the bark, but also the insect, from laying their eggs. Tarred felt paper, wire netting, etc., are used for that purpow it w\ur fro™ "T • ' •"'*' ""' ""'~"" *''~- ^••'•P"*' »"' »>• W>*d by wfttor from melting mow or rain-w»t«r. 7-.Bandiy th* truArunk or put .round it . .trip of .om.thing gummy or grcMy "tr.-tan|Moot". co.It.r. . mixture of ctor oU .nd ""n or Z tree. The sticky .ubetwee iru.t ' removed when dried or covered with insect.. The .tnp i. u.ually put on from 4 to 8 Jeet from the ground. 8-On ••gaablt,: the egg., Urvae and inwct. Men on plant, mu.t be removed •t once, and frequent virit. .hould be made for the purpo.e. ,,, •~",^** J*"' •P7»^"» 0' the orchard prevent, the growth of the bud-moth kill, .ealea, egg. and .mall caterpillar.. ' he round, l«vin, onljr a .pac. -n the middle large enough to allow the .talk to pami through. Th.. iran excellent preventive againet the cabbage maggot U-WaicheorUinuiMy the tree, in the orchard and vegetable, in the garden, remove and deetroy the fir.t noxiou. in.ect. that make their appearane.. 12-5pec<«H» proled bird, (except .parrow.). mo.t of which feed chiefly on T: * JV^'* "*'• ""^*' '^"' ***»» "P^"^-*- "d hang them on the tre." .0 that the bird, may nest there and breed. 18— 5«iM 9g«eti»t HMsiM /or e*«eMfi« wA»t« trubt and eutvomt : a). Do not plant tender plant, (cabbage, tomato, etc.), before June. b) Spray cabbage, turnips, ete., as .oon a. the firet grub, appear and repeat th. .praying frequenUy. Soot and wood-aahe. may also be .pringUed. e). Mix the onion seed with soot or wood-ashes and >ow the whole U jether. If this pmaution ha. not been Uken spraad a tUn Uyer of hen manure on the d). Pull up and destroy the eabbage stalks after the crop is gathered. l-Shaktng. Many smaU inaect. and .ome caterpillar., drop to the ground when the portion, of the tree on which they Ue are .trongly .haken. To better succeed, a padded mallet with a long handle i. uwd for .triking the branches oaded with duster, of caterpiUar.. If care i. taken to first spread a .heet on tue ground, it is easy to gather the insects, etc. and burn them; the bandins process mentioned above may al.o be followed. ^-Dettruetion of tenU and eaterpiUar: With a averruncator the parts of branches covered with tents and caterpillar., are cut off and burned. Trying to burn the tents with the flame of a torch endanger, the life of the tree i-8prninng,. This b th« moat «ompl«t« .nd .ffMtirt r«B«dy »nd i only pr.etie.l on. for orchard, and |.rd«D. of half an aere and ov.r. Many .ubatancoH •r. uNd for th.» purpoae and w« r««omm«nd only the b«at. A diatinetion n.u*t •ThwUll^ -",*•? 'It *'*"'••*'• *''• "tin«««»e«t. provided with jaw., ing th«rfood. Tha other elaaa eonaiata of the auatorial or iueking inaaeta provided iHth • long anout with which thay piarca the tlMua. of tha plant and auck it. Ty^ll .».i'".i /k ?""* ** ^^"""^ ''"* *''«y •'• «"•«» ^»«» aubatance. cat* or "*"'*"*■ **" »*'"*-"«• ■'«' wale inaacta belong to thin du.t\rJl!'T'J"7?l! 'f^* *'" '*• '^''- '^''•*' P'"-"** *• »«»'*y.d by worm duat at the foot of the tree. A flexible wire introduced into the opening of the gallery will wmet.mea reach the borer and kill it; thi. can. however, be more eaaily effected by .quirting biaulphide of carbon into the gallery with a .yringe. ^i:zt'Js^ tTur/derr ^""' " •'••* "-• -'- ''^-^ '' ••-" •'-• 8-7n Mli* 0/ cag4,, turnip, and btan, outworma often do much damage An excellent way to get rid of them i. to apread arou^ the threatened plants a The worm, are attracted by .t, leave the plant, eat the bran and die poi.oned. It u preferable to apread the bran in the evening. 6-By d^Uroying the r,fu,e and what i, Ufl after the crop i. gathered, not S '' * ^K "i t"^°"» ^«''«' but many inwct. seeyng a refuge for the winter, will be destroyed. DISEASES PHncipal siMciM of diaMMM ^alt traaa: Root»: crown gall. canke'^Ttc. *^'''* ""''"' '""°"' **' **'' ''**"'' "•«*'*^' '''***' '°*' ""'^'"^ curl.'*''""**"' '"*'"■■ "'**'*' ■""'' """^ "*' ''^***' "*' "P**" <"» '"»-. •««' FruU: scab, dry, bitter and brown rot. Fruit bushes : Raipberry: blight, yeUows, anthracnose. Strawberry: spots on leaves. Gooseberry: mildew, anthracnose, blister rust (also 6n white pine). CurranL' mildew, anthracnose, blister rust. V«g«taMMi Cabba94, cauiijlowtr, turnip: bi.ek rot, .oft rot, white cvitopu, Poiato: b.lck leg. dry rot, common .c.b, powdery .cab, e.rly .nd I.te blight. Onton: mildew, smut, ruit. • Carrot: baetcrial rot, rhiioctonia. CtUrtt: blight, leaf spot. Fm.. bean,: mildew, blight, .nthr.cno.e .nd bacterio.i. of bean. MOon, ,qua,k, cucumber: mildew, .talk rot, bacterial wilt. BeO-root: heart-rot, .potted leave., rhiioctonia. Tomato: mildew, rot. QrauMatal trMs i ^^^ Brown, white, dry, heart and root rot,' .potted leave., white pine blUter PrVTMItivM 2-Koep the orchard dean, remove all that is unneccary wood^.tHpped or its bark, must be covered. NE7ErPAINT%lEVAKKV; i~For vegaabU; the wed inu.t not be .own in .oil infested. 6— Use only perfectly sound seeds. «llonro?t'!L7.""* ^T"" '" * ■°'"""° •*' °"'' P'"** °f '»"»•"«« to thirty gallon, of r'ater is a good preventive against scabs ^ ^oZZllZZL"^'"''' ""^' ' ""' ^"^ *»>- "- — ientions and put a\Tn?of fl? 'f '"••^''^"'r ''"''*'"^ "" *'''^"« «"•"" '* <'«°*"°''. « necessary. put a pint of formaline in twelve and a half gallons of water; sprinkle the soU ft he rate of two thirds of a gallon to the square foot; the^ Ter the soU fo i:rrhor;bi;ri^^^^ --' -- ^« - - -- -- "- harmleTs^" ""^^ ^'''^'''^ '»«"«^« i" o'd" that the disease germs may be IQ-DeHroy th€ weedt which often infest good plants. — 8 — RMnttdias I— Pull up, or cut off and fturn <««», plants or parts seriously affected by disease; this will prevent infection from sp. jading. 2— Remove and burn diteated h '•, nu paint the spot. Z— Remove the rotten wood down to the sound wood and daub with tar (put none on the bark), then cover with paint or grafting wax. If the wound is deep It must be filled with cement. (See Bulletin No. 16 for manner of proceeding). ^— Gather and burn all spotted fruits and leaves; then spray with Bordeaux mixture. B— Contaminated fruit and sound must not be put together; the former will spread disease to the latter. APPLY TO THE HORTICULTURAL SERVICE IF YOU NEED INFOR MATION RESPECTING THE MANNER OF PLANTING AND KEEPINP AN ORCHARD OR VEGETABLE GARDEN. WRITE TO THE ENTOMOLOGIST AND T^LL HIM THE INSECTS AND DISEASES THAT TROUBLE YOU; HE WILL HASTEN TO TELI YOU THE BEST MEANS FOR GETTING RID OF THEM. SEKD HIM SPECIMENS OF- THE INSECTS OR DISEASES THAT SEEM NEW OR STRANGE TO YOU. SPRAYING MIXTURES INSECTICIDES We have seen, ;a the chapter on insects.that the best way t6 get rid of those minute but formidable pests, is to poison them. There is a difference in the manner of doing it. If we have to deal with leaf-feeding insects, such as tent and other caterpiUars, cabbage worms and potato beetles, we must poison their food. The foUowing substances or poisons are the most recommendable. LMd arMnate. Leaf-eating insects are fond of this poison. To be effective it must contain 26% of arsenic. It is generally used in the foUowing proportions: Water, 60 gallons; arseniate of lead (paste) 2 to 3 pounds. Water, 60 gallons; arseniate of lead (powder) 2 pounds. The poison is dissolved in the water and the whole is mixed. Used with fungicide. A double object is attained by mixing substances for insects with others for diseases. To Bordeaux mixture or sulphur mixture, the poison is added in the proportions given above, the mixture replacing the water; say 2 to 3 pounH" of arseniate of lead (paste) to from 40 to 50 — 0 _ Water 60 gallons; Paris Green J^ pound ZW t^- *!l"°"'i ***"' °'"'*" ^ P**""^' quiek-Jime M pound. When used alone: >^ pound of sulphate of nicotine in 40 gallons of water FUNGtCIDES BordMiu mixtur*. Formula: Sulphate of copper (blue vitriol) 3 pounds QuicWittrtJ (best quality) 3 pounds' ^'^"^^ 40 gallons. -lo- in a barrel containing 20 gallons