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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clich*. il est film6 d partir de i'angle supArieur gauche, d« gauche A droit i, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RiSOlUTION TIST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ^ /APPLIED IIVMGE I ^B^; 1653 Eost Mam Street B^S Rochester. New York 14609 USA ■^S (716) *82 - 0300 - P' - ^= (716) 288- 5989 ~ (^'^ I FROM THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA SECOND SERIES— 190S-1906 VOLUME XI Report of the Botanical Club of Canada for 1904-1905 By A. H. MacKAY. IA,.B., General Secretary (ISSUED JULY, 1905) FOR SALE BY J. HOPE & SONS, OTTAWA; THE COPF-CLARK CO., TORONTO BERNARD QUARITCH, LONDON, ENGLAND 1905 Report of the Botanical Qub of Canada for 1904-1905 By A. H. MacKAY, LL.D. General Secretary ISSUED JULY, 1905 X\I.-/.' ».T., .,,„ i„ ■"..- .v„c ^fcj „::,:' :X'7,;'"'' "•''•■'>■ ■» 'H. lTo.,„ee. M...„i„alio„. „.K.,|„„ ,: , , ""■'"*' l'lionolo„i™| .,„„ ,„, «'..i»crvo„ i„ ,„.,!;;.,' :;:;:";:: ^•■';'«'7 '- •'■■• b^wu J Torn ,,a^e .2 to .' < „f the April issue, ll»05. Ht'gion n '• (^tiiiioutli iV Di>'l.i > \ IV II « Salem Sdioul. Vnrn.outl.. ' ' Acaiioiiiy, Sheluunic ^ n. (^^ucen. j;o.). M.S M. C. Hewitt. Science Teacher. Academy, Luneni.urg ''■ (l'""-burg Co.), B. McKittnek, B.A.. Prindpa. Academy, l.uiienlniig ' ' '""h'Z '■:■'•,■'• "„"«^'""'-V, B.SO., Scienc >-T /^ , ' '^™ nr- ffivor, in the Ifl«f table: Xou Hr„ns«i,.k: Go,.. V. JIav. D.So.. Samt John. Pnnoo V uanl f.h.n.l: .r„h„ MaoSwnin. (■h..rlo.tetov,-n. Prinoo IvhvnnI Islnn.l : J. M. F)„noan. Kon«i„^-(on. Ontan..: ( ,.,.1ms (;iiillot. JMi.K.. Ottawa Ontario: Mrs. F. E. WohBter, Croemore. Ontario: A. 15. Kl„rrh. (;„ol,,||. SaskatolH-wan: Hev. Char!.. W. Bry-l.-n. B.A., Shollhrnok. Bntish folumhift: .7. K. Henry. PA.. Vanoonvor. It was fourul to l.o i,„po..ii,Io Inthorto t„ ol.tain roport. fro,„ Yukon and ^owfoun. lan,l. Sovornl partioH at tho i.o,inni'„, o t o " r^ ; ^ ; ;;- ;-ni o..orvations. h.,t hefo.e the el^e of th • «eZ prour of othor had provont..! th..,n fr,,,, makin.^ a so, i,s of ob«orva .ons wh.oh t„oy oaro,l to r port. H„t wore only a half a .lo.en ob.ervafons .na.lo. tlun- w.n.M ho of vory ,.ront i,.t..rost. for the ' o M fon„ a l,as,s of 00,0 ..rison with as m„nv ohjoots obsorvcl in the ot er pronnces. K n hopod we may he n,ore snooossful in *ho future n Ob a,n.n. ohsorvvtions represontin. portion, of the continent f -omtho .^ilant,c to the Pno,fic and north to the Ar,.tio. Even should the observations bo very few. they wouhl be of vorv 'neat value Circular a-.d special letters w^ro sent out to hundrerls of a.ldres.eH dunn. ho year, asking f.. oopor.tion in fh. vario,,., kinds of botinioal If the n iT' '"'"* ""'"^^"""^ '" "''■' -'''''^'^- The exploration of the loca floras .. » '"'. - til, ilr; SfCl'l'- u- to l>l>i"Mtioll gcvrnphical .li.str.l.uti..n. nn-l t.. ..arry -m ,.., ,,,...,11, ,„,,„,,, , „,,,.,. vatiutirt on liotaiiiral [ilif iiu'iui. of m.t.,utioa or rul... incTea^cKl activity „„„.„. .,.,., i.,' ,.:! Wnhtv. t-. ,.r,.at.. n .or,, of ,„ll,.,in, ho,,,,,,,. „,„„.,..„, „, „. " ,;",', f.w or nono nt ,„.,.,•..,., to .nn rugo the forn.ati.., ..f ,i,.|,i .h.l.. to l">h o, local ,lorus „. ,|H, Io,.„l i,r,.... ,o.„„|,.., ,>„„ ,..,., ^.. \.'ar .■xa.'f ,,',o.,olo, oi,s..rv,,„o„.. ,,,,; f.., „i,„., , taricM for the prosinr-s „ ,,|, .0,,,, ...-r-i iri.- f,,,- ,.o;„„,.. who w,|| 1m. ..,V|.....,.m|. i., , „, ,„,,„„.,, ,„ ,p,.„„„;, »,„. ^,^^ H« trmny an p<..sil,|.. j„ tl„.i,- ,„or • |,..;,i ,phor.N of nrfioi, M..n>lM.r.. a..l sor-tario-. h-IuIm .airvin.' o.„ p|,M. *?■;•'• "7 ''■■■'■ ''"'• "-"-"^ or -"•'- in tivM- parti^ni;,;':;;;. r.Hs, u-,1 Ir., .•, n. fre-|U..,.tlv .h ..o,uo„i,.„t to tl... ollu-or uu,\.r wl.o,,, iiioy nii'\ Im> iiiiiiiodiati'lv actiii:;. M-.for.. ,!,.. ,.,,.1 of"' :t Ih. I„.s. r.,,or,« of ,1„. ,„... .,,.„.. ttitiuM iho vario.,. proviruH... Onriw: t|„. ear .m,.I,.,| fv,,., „!,..,. ,i,.. nta pr..v,o„s. sho„|,l io :„a,lo !,y tl,o m^n.lario. for ,|,o pro^i,,,... to ,1,.. ;:pt.oral s.rr..(ary. fnr„ w!,,', tl,., annn,,l ropor, to tl„. Ifo-.l,v ^l.nll ..' prmnpnliy oompil. Ry ,1,.. (Ir^t of .T,n„:,p,. t,„.„.f,„. <,„. r.ports of county secretaries and membere should bo sent in to tiio ••JecTctanes of the [)ro\ ii,o, s. To rover the oxpciiwo. of olTlcial printin and ,u.,,. v ;, ,,„.„i,„d 00 of twenty-fivo cent. p,T annnn, is cx,H,.,.t, ,r ,!,ip (or on. •lollar for ,,vo years in ndvan,o. or Hvo doll for lifo momlK-rsbip) Secretaries for the pnniMcos. when rnnittin^ the n.„o,„„ „r n„.s fr!,',, me, to the poneral treasurer, are nuthoriml to ded:iet ,'.,• n.-c.^irv expenses for provincial ofTice ,vork-. transmitfin-: voiwher^ fo- ,!„. ^,,,,0 with the balar.-e. The names of tho.e reportin- any kind of valuahle l.otanicMl work dur.n^' the year will l,e published in the list of activo „,o:nhors even should the payment of fees he forgotten. All pavments an. cnnli'ted to the current year and the future. Lapsed active membership <,,n there- fore, be restored nt any tin-e without the payment of arrears — 6— o a. o 55 O ii u n ;; o b: &3 o o z H « u B H Q < X u O fe o) s<1o|g wdujSAax '01 ■(iiijojai_\ pu« ''"I) Mors JQ.P "-"a 8 0<1«3 pun pQouiqoiy -g tfi 'V • ' n „ « 2 S R 'T r* te a w : S S g ?? ? •Hiliiy ptrn nojaij Cioo pui! -qumf) -fj) 8do|g pinbaqof) i|iiiog -g •ojoqaXno P"" 'rajIpiH 'S "" tpnos puB_sjire(j -p ■sauijj piio siiudnauy "E •S(jnqa3tin7 pin •Aqaiq piio qinouuvx "l ■ODiji.uuj joj aHviOAy cc ^ el o « ■ojuiAojj j.)j ogBja.vv ^ "Jin:} £ a. 1 .0 > W « ■^ U3 U3 M ^ •(TIUOJ3I \ pim ■Anp ■)''l"|!j-io,pCTj(i -8 •IlOlOJjf »il«0 pun piionmai)[ -jj ■JiiJiiV P"B nojoij '■|i)j -qiun;) \{Uofi -i s i § 3 g g « « lO IV cp ci o -^ « m t» m -« f- t» (N CO « — « ft i ( I" J I"- qumj -o) 1^ t^ M ■ojoqs^no puu x«j![b{{ -j ■J3)8aqa|03 qtnug pire hjubq -f -sSui^ POT i o z u. o a u 2 > a. B E- m S5 § ! z o M a o oj adois sviiiusADi '01 •(•ijoiofA puo •AUi) odoig jo,p Mjfi 9 ■uo^ajg sdog pan puoun{3t^ -jj 6 0) O tA o ^ w — CI — n 'r V N m •Sijay pira no)ot,j w (loo pun -qimi;-) -s) o f» -- oi — V « •* ^ ^ " -■ — CI IC « t^ ' — CI d « M ^ ^ d — — — (M 1^ 3 S ^ ^ m « ^ S o « lO p? ^ — CI — ■Q 3x r^ lo o lo in •ojoqsXnr) puo xcjijcjj -g I t^ si lo ¥ 2 3 3 § 5 CO f **« M ^ t^ ■V C't tes to ^ ^ — tn is ^-i '.i-i i^ TJ^nOS pun >:}UTIJ[ -f. 0(3 eo M t^ •I- ^ o V — ei — M "3 '■I O r^ to *:' »0 M ei M •sauf^j pire STiodtiuuy •Sanquaun-j puo I suaan^ 'aujnq[3t{c; •- o w r- o X to ^- "f « »/5 1/3 ^ N — CI — J Z •XqaT(j puB qjnomjn_\ • i o •aauiAojj joj aaojaAV -^ 5 c a m g < m § u te e u o o 2: < o 2 n ■V ■* ; M T o § CI X § 00 i « « ^ or 2 tc s -5 a |i 11 o» <* a -"OOO— < CO »0 0> CI IC ,0 i '•='_: : • - 0 § I C ■-' i .2 J I c u a O O -T o S H ■§ = .3 u ^ " C u S = -s a. 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I- I 1 3 e s a ^ to 2 s 5 -5 ;2 s CI f5 X = e Cm 2 I a g .2 E a £ E 9 £ H a, d5 S S 3 S S i I II 1 f •oootAoj J joj aaojaAy , Jina O) a(lo[g (BaujaAQi •(Btjojni^ piIB •Aai) siloiiS Jo.p vsui 01 •6 — IN — odso pun |,;ioiuqay[ O - o ?; 2 2 2 S to 6 =r » ?= - ■s Z •aijuv puB tiojaijj ■•pj -qiuny qjj'o.v ( loo pUB ■qiuiij s) aiiois pjnbaquj qjnoy c — ' T O — fl .- __w ^ § 2 § c» 3 2 2 00 ■v « « I'. Cl~ 2 to 2 £ " V i'S m S S o: ci to .- •ojoqs\ii>) ptiB xBjifBi; p i« C^ »i ^ „ "^ *** ** to tfl. X OS to ^»c ■ : ft S S !i t:: - « *ja^saqoro3 qinog puE ijUBjj > r •sSmji puB s;io(:buuv •(; ■8iviqaaiin'[ po« Kuaaii^ '.'lunqiaqg •- •XqaiQ paB qjnoouBji "l "us" wax" "^ s S W5 'T PJ C^ V •?• _ « — ^ w « —11- I 5 I, 5 i o o U ca a A O (<• 09 S o »! Ed S a. a; :d s H O a < O a a s Co 2 M E to US « 0) odom iiuaiua.\u| 01 ?i ?! 00 •(BUO(3i.\ pan o -.vtil; jdois j(j,p K»an •6 _5_ s iioiajff adoO (>uo piiouaqai}! •9 « s K a CI »« 0> •ailtiV pun noiai.i lA t> OC '1".) -qiuno qjJON ■■i 2 s S R do.-) ptin quino s) • 9do|^ p!nbj<|03 ifjnog ■9 -• M M •ojoqgXno pu' *"J!FH •8 o § % w^ « r* •jajsaqDjo;-) X « T 1- s 1 a> 'fiilui>] pun sqodoaav •£ ;: li o rt W h- •Sinqaaiin'x pim at o r» CO sua.»niS 'atjjnqiaqc; '• 2 s r» 00 •XqSig puo qinouuflji •I § « 2 a 1 h- •* N ■a3UT.\ojj jo; a9sjaAV S ^ to g 04 oi 0 firjni'fio "o .fl ■o w c 1 \ 1 ay of the year corresponding the lu.'it day of each month. an 31 July 2 eb 59 Aug 2 arch CO Sopt 2 pril 120 Oct 3 ay l.''-l Nov 3 une 181 Dec A 1 S o M C 3 \ 1 3 ■g i;5 ! .1 \ I .1 i \ ( e 1 ' i ■ 1 e ■^ c •c ■s > : E 1. .£ < s •• .. low First autumn froet — hoar . . hard... ( f ( J3 a .a s o w c ■ p ■> If n tt l-l ri-^^K^^ t» '■* - ^ • b- . t» ^ . t» t» t» 0(ieO puB puou]q3i}[ -g X u) ca r» CI CJ •aoUTAOJJ JOJ 08«J3AY i t* x' M § 01 00 i i X S n ^ JinO oi adoia KbaujaAai "01 x w c3 »0 s m <0 li n n n (S 6 s i 00 f: s ■(Bijoioi ^ ptre •Aai) adoigJo.psBJH "a gijay puB nojai,! ■■\nj ••qumo qjj'ofj 'i ( ['o pu" qujtia (3) 9"l"Ib' pinbaqoo qjnog -g ■ojoqs.tnr) pire XBjipifi 5 enaanf) 'aainq|aqg -g V r* e n « <0 a> r* » « m s s i CI s s 0 h- ?§ !5 « : cs n ei 00" - S e< s s tC O X N — tc r* - S 8 •jajsaqajoo qjnog puti K}u»H "t 0 i 0 s CO s C4 U3 « 00 00 0 S2 S <0 ■s8ii;ji puB tiqodBunv 'E 00 10 s X 0» 0 00 g 11 M 5 i s • (0 i i « M ■* N 0> ^ »H a> oa 9 o OJ e5 X n CO ^ C4 04 s s ■Xq>!a pt™ mnoniw;^ 'i In -" — (N N N — « S w s 16 CO n eo N »-- 2 R S -12- T S i tl. o u s ■a td C! TO T. o ri C 3! •a o o -< c 3 I o ■A -(■ijoiai,\ |>u« •AUi) adoiB jQ.p rtiJH t, •d»3 pu» puoiuqai;! x 'Siiuv pua no|3i,f ' •|uj -qiuno qiji.(j i I (■|03 pu» -qiuna -g) »do|8 pinbaqoo qjnog -9 ojoqsXnr) p'ln xDjipiJi '9 qinujj put f^)uv([ •» *llBut^{ pun ii!|oduuav X •8jnquaun'"{ pun '.IqSig pun qinoiuju^ •[ ■aauiACjj juj aih:j«Av o •o ^ ■Si O 0 ga l\ » : c •r, I ■a i g ,= 3 ii - c- 1 < aa i I 3 'SoaiAojj joj . j'vjaAv 01 3du:g Bv-iujSAur oi ■(B!JO>"\ P'lw ■\xx\) aUois jQ.P ™jH -a v. ■• I " -jrj i-» !■» ■■ -T h« 1- -^ s s ^ I •♦ C « CI adB3 piii puouiqaiji '8 00 a % s S 9 S i S •8i}"V P'-re nojoij •10.) -q lino MWON -i - CO ^ 10 s ss ^ 10 « m ( loj pno qinno s) sdois pmbiqoo q,noK 9 1/5 t^ s; C3 M ■J r» * S5 $ !? ■oaoquitnj) pun rsjipif j -g •j.''(Baqaio;) qjnog puB i>«u«[j '^ tf r4 n '■Sai}! puo KipdBunv E ■Sjnuu^gn'x puB cuaan^) 'aan>q(aq>! - I 0 w ? .? R « s s t § ■* ^ h. oc kQ X 0 i- i ■*« s i 3 i i s X 2 § M 00 r- a tf» » r» ^ •a ua e « s rt % i § s w S? s s s «* § 'iCqaiQ ptre i{)noaLraj^ ■ i 10 us a» o 5 t K3 -13— K O a o o s if X o 0| adoiij >ia.,T pas quino •«) ojoqajCno pan xbjijuh jj qinog pun »ia«i| •» 'aaai\{ pu« oiiodiaav 'G 'Sjnqaaan'T pa« •uaano 'aujmnaqg 'z 'XqStQ pun qinoouiA 't ■aauiAOjj JO] aaviaAy ■3 M rt 1 1* f IQ •- — -f r* O ."? « OB J .S-3 ■.•:::: •gg :■••■•. > 3 >. >.-g 5 3 a i 9 ■3 5. 'S I 2L i -S3DIAOJ J JO) aSvja.vy 3 s 9 s s 3 s s s s s ■e • ih S S « •Jinn 01 sdO|S sijOUjaAUi "OI •(CIJOJDt^ PUB •AOi) adoigjo.p MJH 'B -aojajti ad83 pan paomqai^ 'g '3h)av pa* no^aij 'lob -qumo qiaoN 'i ( lo.i pan qrano g) adoisg pmbaqoQ qjnog -g S ft S ^ <«• n 6 n ^' — id ifl ^ V CO »- 00 ojoqaXno par zvjipig -j r< M a -cSai^ pas Bif°<'*'™V 'E 00 « o> « w « 01 hi ;d o ** OS 00 'Sjnqoaonq pas (oaano 'aainq|aqg -" <0 "J "" ■XqSia P" ipnoiius;^ "i — 14— THUNDKRSTOHMS- PHENOLOOICAL OBSERVATIONS. NOVA SCOTIA, moa. TiiK indices inil cate the number of Mtatioi)« frmii which the Tliuii(li-ntoru. 229^^ 229** ZM)* 230* 231 230" 23P 2:12 233' •£10" 231* 232* 2:«ii ZU' 2:tfi^ 2:«P 233'* 234* 234* 2363 234 234» 234" 235' 235'» 23(1* "m" "238" 2:«i« 240' 237 240 237 238' 2.a>» '■240" 239" 240 242 243' 244 240» 240» 242' 242' 243* 243'» 244 24.3' 244' 245 248 243 244 243 243'* 244" 245 240 247 248 246' 247 248» 24U 24S1' 249" 2.VI2 25P 24S7 24!)- 24h7 2198 2o0* 261* 252 248" 2493 2481 24s)'i 250'* 2-.l'» 252' 2.54 248 249 251' 248 250 J48» 24>.«> 250*' 251 2512 251 •' 251"^ 252* 254 256 '259 m 256 259 2.i9 200 261 2593 200 261 263 •am 206 2fl7 2(i7 267' 1 _ 1 —15— THUNDKItSTORMS-PHENOLOGICALOHSBIlVATIONS. NOVA SCOTIA. ItMl Till' indicBN iiulicatrt tin- iiiiiiil;er nf MlatioiiH (lom which llu> Thuiidenitornn were reiwit'tl nn the day of the jear iqM'iided. OllHKKVATION STATIUNA. 1 u It ' 11 1 h I ?! ' ic "5 « s ii 7. North Com.. Col., Piclou & Autig. { H. Richmond and Cape Rn-tun. ll II 1 ^ »3 d" -o-i i'o Ykak IMCi. 9lll ' ■ 270 .::.:;::;:::;:;: 27l« :. ... i 271 272 27r 272 273 1 272' .... j.... . . . , . 1 . . . . 273 278 27U 280 •478 i7» • • • * ' 280 281 281 1 282 282 ■■■gSfti' 288* 289 i 28H 2H(F 1 mp 291' j 2U1' asff" ' 28S» '2U6» ■ 2yo aJW ■"2H('h' 2Ul» ... .... ..... 28l»» 2!Kl" 2»»1" 1 2»9 21)»» ;:i»* •2W 304 ' 3ii«' 31 2« 318 :i2i 322* ;<23 324 328 341' ini •AVP 322 304 .•ill" 312 ' 311 312 311 312 'liti 30«i 310 310> Sll' 3l(F< 311*' 312» 318 ! ' ! ! ] "322*' 32l» :i22" 323 324 ... 1 328 341' 360 j 360 i 1 1 YKA^ 1904. — . ■ 4 4 32 32 32» 38 38 56 60 '"ia*" 03M fl4« 66 54 , . .. raiV ■ 56 60 62'» 03« 64 "63» 64 00' ill 'eaio ■ 02' 63i» 04 67 ' 68» 61' 62" ■fl^iV " 64 64 63 63"< 64" ; *i8> 1 7(1 -(•> 71 71 72 71 ' 71* .._..• 72 73 73 74 . . .1 74 77 77 77» — !«-• TUlfNUKIWroUMS- I'HKNOUXilOALUItMKKVATiUNH, NuVA SCOTIA. lUM. TImiiuiiciii iiuiicut<> tlio iiiitnlxT nf i^tHliiitM fniiii which the Thiindenitorniit wen* ri*|K)rt4>il on the i 1 1 M 'f<5' ' 'oi 'iia ml 1 ioy 1 ■ ! i U7' ■joi"" lOli* 1U3 'ioi*" j 102" ioi" 1 10-^ 108 j"iw' ■ i(tt« 10H» lot ' \ 1 !.... 109 low 109 iii ' 1 110» . . . . , 'ii7 ( 1 iii 1 114 "iifl ■ 120* 121* 122» Via 124i» 123 120 12N» 1^ 120 "m" ■ 121'« 120 120-1 120a 1217 j 124 120 128 1 129 i:« 1») 137" * i37 138 141 ' 137 l:i8 140 141" ■ lit' ' 147' ' 149 144^ 145« 140 1453 14(1 117'' 148» '■i47»' 146* 145 14rt»' lav liki ItfT" ' ' i«7' lfl7* Iit7 ' ! 1(17 Ufl" 1X8 Irt-' 1(W> len* UH« l(l«*' IdH t Ulf* l(lc»- IIP l(f.i l(!l»» ItHM \m . ! Km ItlO" 17« 17i.^ 170" 17tJ» 170" 17(»»l 170 17tH 17(1"* .'"I 'i7i ' ..'.'. ... 17P ni 171^ I7r i7r 172'" 17:<» 17.1" 173'- 17:»» I7:i» 17:»" m ! I7:t"-- 174' 174 i74« 174' 174' 174^ 174'^ .... ' 174 174" I7A 17.V 17.'*r mlil nnn In •acli vsatpl jMnwry. I! n •1 3 A « 1 • l» •II 19 IS 14 16 IS IT l» 111 •ill 21 at 14 ai a? i» 10 31 m I f 2 h' i^ 1 *; < i «■ 'i 1 1 i Altma inoin*. WI1I4 ; |u«.|j ||« I I'lipiilm Iramiiloid*! ' III. i I'M r,pi$mi nftnt, U lull! l.» i I liT..; IM.Sj III IK) ! Ill W 7 161 !l 111 I iw.; isi^ 111 IIA ISI Kll IIA li<|UlMtuiu arvf-Mr , I m.K Skiiguliiari* C*niid»nil4 Viol» liUmla VloU ptlniaU, euentlala ... lUputlcs Irllohn, ttc Ills Aorr r.ibriim i las ► Kr«|i»rl» Vlrginluim " " (frn.lrt|Mi). Tiraiiii:uiiiolUulnitl« Kijrtlinml iim Anuricsnuin L lUlrlfull* Clii, ioni» C»rulml«ii» \ ym ^ Xi'l'cia aUelioma Amflanchler t'anailoiKii " (rrullri|>«).. Pruui.s Pvniiijlvaiiici " " rfriillrlpi').. V»"T mmC»ii. anil Punn '■ (fruit rip*) . hauuncului aorta U. rept*n$.. Trillluni •rjrthrocarpum Rhododenilrou Bhodora Comua Canadeniii " " (fruit rip.) Trientalla Americana CHiilonia borealii Culla p.'iluatrii IM.4 i.v I i;.9 1"".!^ .,,, 144. a; Its il» " ... I4» 111. JOT.l 147 B I Iftb '.ll 145 II; 1.10 U!> 1 147 2 213 i; Hi 5 IJll .1 198 e 1311 146 140 IN IW III lie 111 147 l»4 11 I. Ill III 111 IIP tl34 114 fllT 111 11.T 137 117 lil till 111 tlS3 194 iir in 141 IM IM 13^' lil 117 117 \.% III 111 Mi l-U lU 117 144 117 111 1 1 17. 141 1.51 147 1.59 lei) 131 127 ni isi 138 138 1«3 Hi. I. ."whlrKV"'"""' ' '•■ Acrmmropbyliumi c. Pranu. emarg uat „ • when bcconnnir common, aiiwpt i and !!. fWhcu becoming common. u I I I 101 lolk IM 114 111 —lU- - rHNNOLOMOAL OMKHTATIOKII, CANADA, IM4 ••W«»it Fiwr •■■».•• nHaa*4Tioii tTAtion, D»7 of »IM rMf «t^ nrraiM^laa lo tU« lM«4ay ariMk mamik. Mwtk. Jalr , 10 (M.. .IW m III .III Ml tn Ml J If** . Dm. r Lmi> TtM iM OB* 10 MMk MoMt W Cx^rlpfdlum Maul* M Iliy tiMhi am aaawMfbUaa U UaaaabnrMlla •• KalmU (laa«a M Kalmia »ga«iireila It Oral»(ui OayMauth* M Cratacaa eoeataaa, ato. »» Irla Ttralaelor M Chfraaalhamun Laaaaatbaaaa . . «1 Nnyhar advana 41 Rubai •trlgMiu ** •' " (frutlrtpa) M Bhiaaulliui Orials.^11 *^ Rub ji Tilloaiia «• •' •■ (fruit ripa) «t Banaaenta purparaa. U BruMlla Tulcarla ** Boa* lucid* W j Lrontouon aalumnala 61 I LiBarIa rulgaiii U Tiraa appear gn-an Kibaa rubruiu (calliTatod) ( 141 si " (frullripa) !„„ J a M u M «T H •I •0 tar I lu. i Hi M IM I in, I IM i»r r IM.. iM.m 1 leo.aj SIT a' «T« 7 IM 3.1* T IM II ITS. 3 IT».» KT.e I7« 1M.8 B. nigrum (oahlTatad). . . . " (frutripa).. P»uniia (;«raiui " " (fraiiilpa), VruDua domaitiea Pyrua malna •I I STTiaga Tulgaria. M { Trifolium repana, , 142 » i.i« 4I IV i' aio IM.I J.'O ft i6T.a 187 S d. Kubut iiieuUbllii, t Whan becoming common. H I i m •i III IM IH Itl IM ITt IM ITt IT? I«T IM Ul IM lU IM ITO ISI ISI 14* IM !«• in lU TM IM 148 149 181 14« l»b IM I7( 1*7 14« IW I4S IM IM IM IM iia las lar —20— PHUNOLOOICAL 0B8EHVATI0NS, CANADA, IB 4. ' Wbih FnuT Sben." Obiirtatiox STATion. Day of the year 190S oorretpondii the last day of eaeh month. i»P 81 Jaly Feb 59 j^ug ig to ..119 il43 .878 ..304 .834 86S cept u it S s ° X'x. > < a ji o s" o •c M H Sk O .1 s c t 1 B I s i 1 1 1 March.... ... 90 Sept'"." .".'.■. 0 April ISO Oct » May iM Not u 1 a 9; June 181 Deo For Leap Tear add one to each ex Januaiy. a > as Trifolium piatcntr 154.' IB- S 176 8 119.3 1*8.4 128 6 119.6 115.7 248 3 266 2 88 5 107.1 112 2 118.4 138 9 159 8 102.6 1H6 8 271.9 296.3 299 C 308.3 342 5 340.9 8,><.3 2i)5.7 83.9 312 5 91 2. 88.1 . 87.3 i ■•■■ 159 124 127 tl28 140 04 Phleum prutenfte 188 • 65 Solanum tuberosum eo Ploughing (flrit of seaion) «7 Sowing ■' '• 68 Potato-planting " 146 144 194 202 131 196 611 Sheep-ihearing " 70 Hay-cutting " 71 Grain-cutting " 78 Potato-diftginp " Opening of rirera '■ Opf'uiiigoflakL'B " 276 73a 103 7 74a '•Mtinow to whiten ground 88 74h " to fly ill air 163 281 i 1 I 126 232 j 262 \ 344 j 117 97 124 252 280 301 300 107 267 TSa 75b i4. "When Fimt Seem." OaiiavATioH STATiojrj. the lut d»y of each month " I J»n 31 Feb 69 March .... go ^pril ,2) M'y- ....161 June 181 July Aug.. Sept. Oct... Not... Dec. E s ai2 ... .343 273 . ...3(14 334 . . SOS For Leap year add one to each except January. 86 i Actitii maonlaria, North. 87 i Sturnella magna "' 8» Ceryle Alcyon " 89 I DendroBca coronata " 9U D. DBitiTa •> 81 Zonotrichia alba " 9a Troohilui colubrii •• Tyranni49 Carolinen»i«" Dolychonyx oryzivorui" Spinia tristit .< »6 I Setophjga ruticilla •' 97 Ainpelii cedrorum 98 jChordeileiVriginianin *• 99 I Kir«t piping of frogi 100 j Firtt appearance of makes n > •H «f a< a s i * ■ » S 2 M O JB. "3 a