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Un das symbolas suivants apparaitra sur la darniira imaga da chaqua microficha, salon la cas: la symbole — *> signifia "A SUIVRE", la symbola V signifia "FIN". Las cartas, planchas, tableaux, ate, pauvent Atre film6s i das taux da reduction diffdrants. Lorsqua la documant ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul clich6, il est filmi d partir da I'angla sup6riaur gaucha, da gaucha d droita, at da haut an bas, an prenant la nombra d'imagas n^cassaira. Las diagrammas suivants illustrant la mithoda. 2 3 5 6 T.fK.':^>Kaf MICtOCOPY RESCHUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) A ^IPPLIED IIVMGE 1653 East Main Slrwl (716) 482 - OMO - Phone (716) 288 - 5989 - Fo« Cowichan Field Naturaliata' Club. BuUetin No. 1. ['R()f'FKT\ 01 ilBHARV DFIMKrviFNT Oi A(.KI(llIIKK ((»NiH)|RM10N|;i(»(K,0lI\W.\ rnl !.. '.ill- i'll^-^f• I.TIIKS An Annotated - - Check List of the Flowering Plants - and Ferns - - - - Native and Introduced GROWING WITHOUT CULTIVATION ... IN THE COWICHAN DISTRICT .... VANCOUVER ISLAND. B. C. Comp*' id by R. Glendenning Price 25c. NOTE. The following list ia the precursor of a aerie* cover- ing all branches of Natural Hiatory which the Club hopes to publiah in due courae. I This list makea no pretence at being complete, nof in the present chaotic ttate of botanical nomencbkture, will it give satisfaction to all, bat it ia hoped that it may be helpful to the amateur botanist and be the foundation of a complete list, the reault of further reaearches. While the author was much inclined to be eclectic in the nomenclature, the list follows that of Henry's Flora of Southern British Colombia, not on account of its accuracy, but on account of that Flora being in most general use. .\ T^ Professors John liacoun, J. M. Macoun, and J. Davidson, my thanks are due for their valued assistance in identifying difficult ap^ctea, and to aeveral members of the Club for kindly bringiffg to my notice new and uncommon foeciea. To Mr. G. Buchanan Simpson, of Cowichan take, I am also indebted for a list of alpine and subalpine species found in that locality and which is incorporated herein. The district included in this list is a natural one. and may be deicribed roughly as the valley* of the Chemaimis, Cowichan and Koksihh Rivers, from Chenuinas south to Shawnigan and west to Cowichan Lake. R. GLENDENNING. Duncan, B. C, April, 1918. AbbraviatfoM V. C. Very Common. L. LocaL C. Common., S. Scattered. F. Frequent. R. Rare. Flowering Plants and Ferns PILICES (FKRNS) Adiantum pcdatutn L. Maidenhair. Wet rocks. C. Asplenium cyclosoruin Rupr. I,ady-fcrn. Dairn woods. C. Botrychium silaifoliuni Prcsl. Moonwort. Damp places. S. CheUanthes K'-acillima I). C. Lip-fern. Siinny rocks, Maple Bay. R. Cryptogramma acrosticlioidcs R. Br. Parsky-fern. Mountain tops. L. Cystopteris frajjilis L. Bladder-fern. Wet rocks. L. niontana B-jmli. Bladder-fern. Rich woods. R. Gymnogramme triangularis Kauf. Silver-hack. Dry rocks. F . Pellea den«a Hook. CliflF brake. Sunny rocks. R. Phegopteris dryopteris Fee. Oak-fern. Damp woods. L. Polypodium vulKarc var. occidental Hook. Polypod. Damp woods. C. Polystichum dilatatum Horafti'ata Hfxik. Fir wood*. L picta Stnitli. Fir woods. S. var. ili-ntata I'ipcr. Fir wofxis. R. scLtinda U. l-'ir Avoods. F. Phyllodoce enipetriformis Don. False 'leather. Cowichan Lake. Rhododendron albirioriin) Hook. Mount Brenton. 3,000 feet. R. Vaccinium cacspitosum Mich. Blueberry. Mar(,'in.s of lakes. F. nienib-anaceum Doutjl. In the mountains. R. ovalifo'iuin Smith. In the mountains. F ovatiim I'ursli. Koksilah hills . L. parvifoiium Smith. Damp woods. C. uli^inosum I.. Bors. R. MONOTROPACEAE (IXDI.AN PIPE F.\MILY) AUotropa virpata T. & G. Fir woods. S. Hypopites Hypopites Small. F.r woods. R. Monotropa uniflora L. Indian nipe. Fir woods. S. Pterospora andromcda Nutt. Fir woods. R. PLUMBAGINACEAE Sutice armeria L. Thrift. Rocks by shore. R. PRIMULACEAE (PRIMROSE FAMILY) Dodecatheon pauciflorum Greene. Shootins star. Wet rocks. Cow- , . , . ichan River, etc. F, Lysimachia thyrsiflora L. Loose strift. Lake sides. C. Trientalis arctica Fisch. By lakes. L. latifolia Hook. Star flower. Open woods. F. GENTIANACEAE (GENTL\N FAMILY) Gentiana acuta Michx. Open places. S. sceptrum Poll. Swamp gentian. By lakes. R. Menyanthes trifoliata L. Buckbean. Margins of lakes. C. im^- .»?iitt«ap-.j,w-'^iBiA: If APOCYNACEAE Apocvnum an(rr..| L. Dng bane. Dry woodi F cannah.num L. Shale by Cowich.n Iftiver R. CONVOLULACEAE (CONVOLVULUS FAMILY) Convolvulus arvinsis L. Bindweed. Introduced. F Cttscuta arvcnsis Beyrich. Dodder. On clover. S. POLEMONIACEAE (I'HLOX FAMILY) Gilia caritata DoukI. Shale. R. gracilis Hook. Gravel. F. Krandifiora Gray. Gravel. S. heterophylla Dougl. Open woods. F. H-aris Gray. Open -woods. S. cnella Benth. Grassy banks. F squ^rrosa H. & A. Grassy banks. R. Phlox Douglasii Hook. Phlox. In the mountains. Cowichan Lake. HYDROPHYLLACEAE Nemophila parviflora DourI. Grove lover. Open woods F pedunculata DourI. Dry slopes L scpulta I'aris'i. Dry slopes. F. Romanzoffia sitchensis Bong. Cowichan Lake. BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) Amsinckia lycops. (les Lehm, var. bracteosa. Alluvial lands F Allocarya californica D. C. Damp places. F. Lappula echinata Gil. Stickseed. Introduced. S. lf> >80tU arvensis Hill. Forget-me-not. Wet places. Cowichan macrospt rmr, Eng. Gravel bet^s. Sahtlam l versicolor bm. Introduced. LABIATEAE (MINT FAMILY) Lycopus uiiiflorus Mi. Bugleweed. Lake margins. F. Mamibium vulsarc L. Iloichound. Introduced. L. Mentha canadensis L. Mint. Wet places. F spicata L. Introduced. L. Micromeria Douglasii Benth. Dry woods. F. Jv:.^^^kLAl>T :^:m 17 Ncptta Cataria L Catnip. Intrruluccd. C hcdcracca 1 rev. Or.uin.l Ivy. Intro,l,u-cd. S Prunella vulgaris L. Seal heal. Op.n place, C Scuttlliria MtcriMora I.. MarKin of Sum, n<.s l.ake F Stichys ciliata DoukI. HcHkc nettle. Wet place*. F. SCROPHULARIACEAE (FIGWORT F.AMILV) CaatiUeJa ariKustifolia var. iJradburyi Fern. Paint^h. Grassy banks I mmiata DourI. Grassy banks F " Chelone neinorosa Dougl. Turtle hea.l. Cowichan Lake. Couinsia Kran.liflora DoukI. "Rlue-eyed Mary" Stony phues F var. pusiJIa Gray. "Bliic-eved Marv" K, !»\, V. i , h' parvitlor, Dou«l.^Stony JlaS M^pie Ba;^l'''"^- ^^ Gratiola virRiniana L. Hedge hyssop. Wet places \- L Linaria yul^. -3 Mill. Toad (lax. Introduced. L Mimulus alpinus Gray. Monkey flower. Cowichan 1 ak-c aLsino.dcs DourI. Wet banks. F. LanRsdorfii Don. W.-t places C var. nasutus Greene. Wet rock.s. L I.ewisii Pursli. Cowichan Lake Moschatus DourI. Musk. Wet places. C Orthocarpui attenuatu.5 Gray. Small paint brush. Sunny banks. Gulf. pusillus Benth. Grassy places. F. ^ Penstemon Veronica arvensis L. Speedwell. Introduced americana Schw. Streams C percgrina L. Wet places F scutulata L. Swamps. F serpyllifolia L. Wet places. C. OROBANCHACEAE (BROOM RAPE FAMILY) Boschniakia strobilacea Gray. Poque. On salal by Cowichan Riv^r Orobanche \' £ compsa Hook. On Grindelia. Gulf Islrnds \- I fasciculata Nutt. In sand. Menzies Creek VL pmorum Gey. On firs. Cowichan RUer V. L unifloraL. Cancer root. On grass etc. Cowichan. F. 18 LENTIBULARIACEAE Pinguici'la vulgaiis L. Butterwort. In the mountains. Cowichan L,. Utricularia vulgaris L. Bladder-wort. Keatings Lake, minor L. Somenos Lake. PLANTAGINACEAE (PLANTAIN FAMILY) Plantago lanceolata L. Plantain. Introduced. C major L. Plantain. Clearings. C. maritima L. By the sea. Cowichan. S. RUBIACEAE Galium aparine L. Cleavers. Damp places. Cowichan. boreale L. Shaly banks. Cowichan. L. trifidum L. Open places. F. CAPRIFOLIACEAE (HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY) Linnea borealis L. Twin flower. In fir woods. C. Lonicera ciliosa Poir. Orange honeysuckle. In fir woods F hispidula Lmdl. Purple honeysuckle. Rocky hillsides L mvolucrata Banks. Bush honeysuckle. By streams. F. Sambucus glaura Nutt . Elder. Open woods. S. raceniosa L. Red elder. Wet places. F. Symphoricarpus racemosus Michx. Snowberry. Open woods. F var. pauciflorus Robbins. Snowberry. Dry woods. S. Viburnum pauciflorum Raf. Bear Lake, near Cowichan Lake. VALERIANACEAE (VALERIAN FAMILY) Valeriana sitchensib Bong. Valerian. Rocky woods. L. Valerianella congesta D. C. Sea blush. Shaly banks. F samolifolia K. Open woods. Sahtlam. L. CAMPANULACEAE Campanula rotundifolia L. var. Alaskana. Bluebell. Rocks. Chem. River. V L Scouleri Hook. Dry woods. S. Specularia perfoliata A. D. C. Sandy slopes by Maple Bay. V. L. COMPOSITAE (DAISY FAMILY) Achillea millefolium L. Yarrow. Dry woods and clearings. C. Aeroseris heterophylla Greene. False dandelion. Gravel. Saht- lacmiata Greene. Gravel. F. lam V L 19 Adenocaulon bicolor Hook. Silver green. Damp woods. F. Anaphalit margaritacea Benth. Everlasting. Damp banks. F. Anthemis cotula L. Mayweed. Introduced. C. Antennaria Howellii Greene. Dry fir woods. S. Artemiaia ludoviciana Nutt. Sage brush. Open places. S sp. ? Rocks by sea. L. Arnica aspcra. Gordon River. Cowichan Lake. River. F latifolia Bong. Rocks by Chemainus River. L. Arctium minus Brh. Burdock. Introduced. C. Aster Douglasii Lindl. Michaelmas daisy. Open places C modestus Lmdl. Michaelmas daisy. Damp places. F. Balsamorrhiza deltoidea Nutt. Balsam root. Oak woods. R. BelUs perennis L. Daisy. Introduced. F. Bidens amplissima Greene. Bur marigold. By Somenos Lake. L. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L. Ox-eyed daisy. Introduced. C. Cotula coronopifolia L. Mud, Cowichan Bay. L. Carduus arvensis L. Canada thistle. Introduced F edulis Greene. Open places. S. lanceolatus L. Spear thistle. Introduced. V. C. Crepis biennis L. Hawksbeard. Introduced. \'. C. Cichorium Intybus L. Chicory. Introduced. S. Crocidium niulticaule Hook. Spring daisy. Shaly banks. L. Erigeron canadensis L. Fleabane . Introduced. F. philadelphicus L. Fleabane. Damp clearings F strigosus Muhl. Fleabane. Rocks, Chem. River. V. L. Eriophyllum caespitosum Dougl. Woolly sunflower. Dry places. L. Gnaphalium microcephalum Nutt. Cudweed. Dry woods L purpureum L. Cudweed. Dry ground F uliguinosum L. Cudweed. Dry ground C 80 Grindelia nana \iitt. Gum weed. Sunny rocks. Gulf. F. Hieracium albiflorum Hook. Hawk weed. Dry woods F canadense Mich. By Somcnos Lake R Hypochoeris glabra L. Cat's car. Introduced. L radicata L. Cat's ear. Introduced. V. C. Lactuca scanola L. Prickly lettuce. Introduced. S. Luina hypoleuca Bcnth. Sunny rocks. Chem. River. V. L Madia e.\i,i,'ua Greene. Tar weed. Dry woods S g omerata T. & G Tar weed, "koad sides F. madioidcs ^utt. far weed. Dry woods S racemosa T. & G. Tar weed. Dry woods F sativa Mol. Tar weed. Clearing , Cobble Hill. L Matricaria suaveolcns Buck. Pineapple weed. Introduced. C. Petasites speciosa Nutt. Colt's foot. By streams. F. Prenanthes alata Gray. Damp woods. Cliemainus River. L. Rudbeckia liirta L. Cone flower. Introduced. R. Senecio balsamitae Muhl. Ragwort. Gravel L •uraT' ^°^n^H^rPT^^'°°i'^• Chemainus River. L. \uigaris L,. Groundsel. Introduced. F. Sericocarpus ridigus Lindl. Oak woods. R. Solidago elongata Nutt. Golden rod. Open woods. F. Sonchus oleraceus L. Sow thistle. Introduced. C. Taraxacum officinale Weber. )andelion. Introduced. V. C. Tragopogon porrifolius L. Salsify. Introduced. L . Cowiehan Leader, Duncan.