CIHM ICIVIH Microfiche Collection de Series microfiches (Monographs) (monographies) fi I Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut canadien de microreproductions historiques 1996 Technical and Bibliographic Notes / Notes techniques et bibliographiques The Institute has attempted to obtain the best original copy available for filming. 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Ne« York 14609 USA '-^ (716) 482 - OjOO - Phone ^S (7,6) 288 - 5989 - Fox ^ M NOMENCLATURE I-ATI\K, ntAM/AIM: KT AMil.AIsi; MAMMiMliES ItK I, A PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC PAU '-/■/ V. I I QUÉBEC Iiiil nnu. pfti- la Coraiiagnie .I'Jmprimerie " Le Sor.Eii„ 1902 NOMKXCLATl'KK LATINK. KI(AN«.AISK KT ANdLAISK UKM MAMMIFÈRES l>K I.A > ;î "^INCE de QUÉBEC r^î?^ NOMENCLATURE LATIN K KirWi.M.sK Kl vN«il.\lsi; l»Ks MAMMIFÈRES l>K I, A PROVINCE DE QUEBEC l'Ai; V/ALTER P. VENNER - '»^--^ <.tri:iîh • Iiniuiin. iiiii- U ( ()iii|)iit;iiir (il n|)iitin;iii- ■ Lk Sui.KII.. l!MC' i I'lM'.IACI ( 'uii-»itlt'i;tiii t|iriiii(' iioiii'-iMliit ii|f l.iiiiK'. I'ranrai> Mamniirci' - «le la pruxiiicr i|r «^hitlicc x rail n.: i|iii'l(|ii<- utilitf a (•rii\ i|iii il('>ir('iil cMiiiiaii If «•i'> aiiiniaiix -«uu- Inir ti-i|>lr a|;|MllatiMii. i ai tin (li-\<>ir |)iilili(i- (•»' pi'til lt'<' -iMi lixit : /rs M'/)//nilf> /•> < '/>/'/ iii'i'i'iiii'i' !<'. ("t'st avcf coiilianct' (|iic j'oitVc aiiJMmtriuii vv pctil travail, an |»ulilic aiiiaffiir. ctuiiiitaiit (luil lui tria Imii accin-il. ■■ t NOMKNC'LATlliE 1. ()i;i.iîi: QLIRKS.— lvuNi:. s-Ki-k-s. Genre ERETHIZON, F. Cuvier. Erethison dorsatus, ( Linnt'). Le I'orc-Kpie 'l. 4. Genre SCIUROPTERUS, F. Cuvier. Sciuropterus sabrinus. ( Shaw ). Le Polatouclu- «lu Canada. Northern Flyiii<; S(|uirri'l. 2. OitfMtK INSECTIVORA. T.\ri'i:s, Ml SAIJ.MCNKS. 1, Famillk SORICID^. .>risAitAi(i.\K.s. 1. Genre SOREX. Linné. 1. Sorex albibarbis, ((ope). La Musarai^'Uf à moustaches hlanchos. Whitr Heard Shrew. 2. Sorex personatus, (deof. St-Hilaire) T^i Musaraii;iie conimuiK-. Coiiiiiion Slirew. '<• Sorex hoyi, Haird. ]^a ^Insaraiiiue i\v Hoy. Hoy s Shrew. 2. Genre BLARINA. Gray. Blarinabrevieauda, ('Say). '[ax ^lusaraioin- à (|UeUe couite. Mole Shrew. Il . •2. Ka.mii.nkTALPID^. rvrcKs 1. Genre SCALOPS. Cuvier. Scalops aquaticus. ( IJiiih'-). Ln 'lanjH- oidiimiic ('Olilliidll .Mdlf. 2. Genre CONDYLURA. Illiger. Condylura cristata, (Lim»'). La TiUUM- a nniscau t'-tnil.''. Stai'-ll()s.'>lauc. VVIntr Wlmic. 6. Genre GRAMPUS. Gray. Grampus srriseus, (C.'ii\ 1 r). Le ( î rail» pus '^ns. (jiraiii})us. Cow Kisli. 6 5 I «I — !•{ — 2. Famii.m: PHYSETERID-ffi. ( 'a« iiai.ijts. Genre PHYSETER. Linné. Physeter macrocephalus. rjmif. I^c ( "arlialot ù ^I'ossc tt'tc Spcnii Wlialr. ( 'acliiiliit, :{. Famii.i.k BAL-fflNID^ffi. Hai. kinks. 1. Genre BALiENOPTERA. Lacépede I- Balîenoptera physalus, ( Mmih). Lc Korijual Lniiiiiniii. ('oiiiiiniii l!oi<|UaI. Finl)ack. - Balaenoptera musculus. ( Linii.'). Lc Koniual «:ris. lilu.- Whal.-. 2. Genre MEGAPTEHA. Gray. Megaptera nodosa, ( H»» iiaU'iif ). ).a I5alfini' à Im>.ssc. Hup-Iiiick Whale. 3. Genre BALjENA. Linné. Balœna glacialis. lionnati nv. La Halfiiir rraiicln- Hi-lit Wlialc. ,"). OiMiiiK UNQULATA. M ammii i.iiKs A N\i!(.rs. Famim.i: CERVIDiE. ('kkis.>. 1. Genre ODOCOILEUS, Ratinesque. Odocoileus americanus. ( laxlf'i'ii ). ]j- ('.■!•(■ im i\ l!iii 1 )i cr. 1 «IVRP — u — 2. Genre CERVUS. Linné. Cervus canadensis, ( Ki \l. ()i{in;i-: FER>E. C.vitMVuitKs. 1. Si.r- oitlUîK 1*INMI'KI)L\, Pi.nmi'kdks. Fa.mii.i.k PHOCID.ffi. riio(^iK.s. 1. Sors-i-AMiij.K PHOCJN.K. 1. Genre PHOCA. Linné. 1- Phocavitullna, Liniu'. Lt' lMio(|Ut' comiiinii. Harbor Sfal. 2. Phoca foBtida, Fabiicins. Lf lMiin|Ut' amitdt". Kiii^ffd Seal, •i. Phoca grœnlandica. Kabiicius. Lv Pboi|Ut' ks. 1. F.AMii.i.K PROCYONTD-ffi. Ifatons. Genre PROCYON, Storr. Prceyon lotor, (Kimit). T^c Hilton onliniiiv. CoJiMiion Kiiet-oon. — k; -. 2 Kwiii.i.K URSID^. 1. Genre URSUS. LInne. Ursus americanus, l'a I las. L( )ms iKiir (|'Aiiit''i'it|iif. A?iii ricaii lUack lîiai-. 2. Genre THALARCIOS. Gray. Thalarctos marltimus, ( I'liipps). I- < )uis |inlairc. I'uiai- iScar. While Mrar. :{. Kamii.i.i: MUSTELID^. Ijx iitKs, Hk;i{MiNh> Ktc. I. Snr>-iAMii.i.i Ll'TUIN-K. Genre LUTRA, Linné. Lutra canadensis. (Scliicr». La Loutre «111 ( "ana'la. Anieiicaii Otter. 2. S(.i N-iAMiM.i: MKl'liiriN.K. Genre MEPHITIS, Ciivier. Mephitis mephitica, (Shaw ) La -Moutt'etle (■nliiiillUle, ( "-i AMiM.i; M KLIN. K. Genre TAXIDEA. Waterhoiise Taxidea americana. ( l'> ortiiiiairc. < American Wolf. .'). Famillk PELIDiB. Chut.s. 1. Genre LYNX. Kerr. • ■ Lynx canadensis ( DosmurcHt ). L«; Lynx ilii ( 'ana