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Laa diagrammea suivants illustrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 1^ 150 156 2.8 3.2 ■ 4.0 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 A APPLIED IfVMGE Inc 1653 East Main Street Rochester, New York '4609 (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 - 5989 - Fax USA r INSTRUCTIONS I OK TK\IMV ■ ■.AVi=« L\STKL(TIO.\S BEGIN traininjr puppies about the yard when they are about two and one half or three months old. For the first two or three months it is best for them to run some one they know and be entered to one particular scent, and kept to that only. After they learn what is wanted of them, it does not mat- ter how often the runner is changed. The runner should first begin with them by dragging something (an old shoe or hat) carelessly about the yard. Thi' pups will soon learn to run after it, and the runner should try to get away from them by hiding and by going through a house or through crowds. Th'- should be repeated several times. i he pups should be taken to an sx eld where a lew minutes before tn . . inner had already gone. The runner should tramp around a certain place, leavinir a stake where the trainer can find his starting place. The trainer will take the puppies and say to them in a loud tone: "Man's gone!" pointing to the ground and repeating "Man's gone!" when they will take his track. This trail sh^iy^ be tw^o or three hundred yards long, and the runner should climb a tree or fence. When the pups come up to him he should fight them from the fence or tree with teach them to bay hi conies up, when h( chains on them and and permit him to their sight and do assist them to find lose it, unless they i ways give them thi -Man's gone." Thes i;iven them twice a d weeks and time of tr they will soon be abl( eral miles long and hours old. The train daily trials and the ing what to expect much must not be until they are thoroi their trainer and the: well as the human : taught and educate( accomplish much. \ take a great deal of to teach a child, sc much of your young hounds should always man only, as it is n them to have too mi To teach them t( horseback, have the i good gentle horse a with the same old C( has used on the gro about twelve feet lor 0 92147] «."r 7Mis»\*iiieaSJ'« ''■^■yfc?.-»a8(i^=-««*>«^ ,atatr#ii.: ^vith his hat. This will ay him until their trainer m he should put their and let the runner down n to run quickly out of i do as before. Never find a trail when they hey refuse to hunt. Al- Ti their trail by sayin i; These lessons should be :e a day for two or three of trail increased, when e able to run a trail sev- and from one to two trainer can tell by these the way of their work- :pect of them; but too t be expected of them horoughly familiar with d their work, as dogs, as nan family, have to be icated before they can h. You will find it will al of care and patience Id, so don't expect too oung dogs. The young Iways be handled by one is not a good idea for )o many masters, jm to trail a man on the runner ride up on a rse and fight the pups old coat or hat that he i ground. Have a rope et long and tie the coat or hat to one end. and afti-r fightinir them from the horse until they are may wliieh the runner e r. .-red. and they will smell around the house to timl him. When th.-y nnd that h«- has passed out oi" the door, they will at oiue t'lid his trark. and tj-ail aid tree him. 'I he next (\;iy ha\e a n< \\ nimier ;.ro to the same hoiis^- as l.rt'oi'e, and let them VO thi-ou.jh the saJle les-on. These les- sons for a \\-\v days will leai h them to take ti'ack iV'-m srent in any house. The runner should. iT eon\ement, he a nei^'ro, as he has a str(ei;:er sev-nt I'or puppies to Work on than a white man has. These various lessons sh'-uld 1k» ^'iven them daily and with ;rn'at care and i;atiene»'. Time and len^'th ot" trail should i)e increased a little with each lesson. As they j.'row older their scent becomes more sensitive, and at the a'Je of maturity they can run a trail from 15 to oO hours old. Always tr<'at your doi.;< knuily. but at the same time let them know that you .re theii master. We would draw your attention to the fact that the I'loodhound is ' y no means the blood thirsty animal he is ah/ays depicted and supposed to be. On the contrary, he is most good tempered and :^:m^yrj^ -mmm t rust wort li V ; vwy taithl'ul ami atVci- ti< .late to is master; I'onipanionaMc and ".'it'lli .t and .just as trai-taliK' as any other ..rt't'd. Keep thiii; tiod at U'a>t 10 hours out of the 21. and never let every man who eomes alon^ make new su^'j-estions, and handle and play with them. Ki'ep them in K«><'d, dry, warm kennels, with as much yard as possible to run in. and where they ean Kt't plenty of blade Ki'it-^-^. lor this is a do;^'s medicine. Never let your do^'s ji^et too fat as a lean do'^ will do better work than a fat one. Always j^'ive them their morning lesson before feedinK- A hungry do^ will do better work than an overfed one. Never allow them to run after any kind of vermin or animals; train exclusively for human track. Always keep your kennels clean and supplied with fresli wheat straw. Give them as much but- termilk as they will drink o! e or wice a week. With these suj^K^'stion.- md a little experience, any intelli^eiT m^m or ooy, with .''ome patience, ca?^ each these dogs to be expert man tr. 1^1 National Library of Canada Biblioth^que nationals du Canada ^ ^'t ' A >*.' V*. 'T^,^rr ^ 'P^'-:^: i.J'i J» ' , ^ zi: Jt- •