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MICROCOPY RBSOIUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ^ APPLIED IN/MGE 1653 Za%{ Main SIreel Rochester, Ne» York 14609 USA (716) 482 -0300 -Phone (716) 288 - 5989 - Fox '^S^i^^i^'i^. THE LIFE OF THE CATERPILLAR BOOKS BY J. HENRI FABRR THE LIFE OF THE SPIDER THE LIFE OF THE FLY THE ?IASON-BEES BRAMBLE-BEES AND OTHERS THE HUNTING WASPS THE LIFE OF THE CATERPILLAR i Lt; i\ rtyT'wl ?i mmifmsti^r e ii ; THE LIFF OF THE CATERPILLAR A > HY J. HENRI FABRE ^2 ■■-^ „i il ^;^:S^ translated 3y Alexander Thixeira de Mattos flLLO* OF THE ZOOtOCICAl lOClBTt OF lONDOH Ci k TORONTO McClelland, goodchild & stewart LIMITED kA h i // /XT; S ^J^W w ^ ^S?WS^1PWqPSE C^. L i H H eemtoHT, 191' •V DODD, MIAO AND COMPAHV, IMC. MADE IN U. S. A. CONTENTS translator's notk CHAFTK* I T|! FINK PROCKSSIONARY: ING TFII- KGGS II THE PINK PROCKSSIONARY: NKST; THK COMMUNITY III THK PINK PROCKSSIONARY: PROCKSSION IV THK iMNK PROCKSSIONARY: TKOROLOGY PAoa V THK PINK PROCKSSIONARY: MOTH . VI THK PINK PROCE SIONARY: STINGING POW ' • • Vn THK ARBUTUS CA iKRPILLAR VHI AN INSKCT VIRUS IX THE PSYCHES: THK LAYING X THE PSYCHES: THK (ASKS XI THE GREAT PEACOCK 5 LAV THE • • THE • • ME- THE THE 9 27 56 90 III 128 150 161 186 217 246 Contents CHAFTEH XII THE BANDED MONK . XIII THE SENSE OF SMELL . XIV THE CABBAGE-CATERPILLAR INDEX PAOK 300 373 ■■'J . ,l»'.«'iV""Taj*e--*'*L».aHMlf . TRANSLATOR'S NOTE nnHIS the sixth volume of the Collected Wnrtc P r u .^•'^'■^'^ Entomological Works m, is the first that I am pre- parmg for publication since the author's death on the nth of October, 1915 at an exceedmgly advanced age. It c;ntains all the essays, fourteen in number, which he wrote on^ and Moths, or their catTrpIl! Three of these, the chapters entitled The Great Peacock, The Banded Monk and The W 0/5..// are included under the title of The Great Peacock, The Oak Eggar and a volume of miscellaneous extracts from the Souvemrsentomologiques translated by Mr. Bernard Mia^l and published by the Cen ury foetal Life m the Insect JForld; and I strongly recommend it to the readei if only because of the excellent photographs from nature with which it is illustrated Chapter III. of the present volume, The Pine Processtonary: the Procession, has ap- \ TT ',?•/ -v ..«;.. ■ « .i».- ■ mr- -z Translator's Note peared in the Fortnightly Review; and Chap- ter XIV., The Cabbage Caterpillar, the last essay but one from the author's pen, written, I believe, within two or three years of his death, was first printed in the Century Maga- zine, some time before its publication in the original. It does not form part of the Sou- venirs entomologiques. The remaining es- savs are new in their English guise. "Once more I wish to record my gratitude to Miss Frances Rodwell for the faithful as- sistance which she has lent me in the prepara- tion of this volume, as in that of all the earlier volumes of the series. Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. Chelsea, 1916. 8 CHAPTER I THE PINE PROCESSIONARY: THE EGGS AND THE HATCHING q^HIS caterpillar has already had his story ^ told by Reaumur/ but it was a story marked by gaps. These were inevitable in the conditions under which the great man worked, for he had to receive all his mate- rials by barge from the distant Bordeaux l^andes. The transplanted insect could not be expected to furnish its biographer with other than fragmentary evidence, very weak in those biological details which form the principal charm of entomology. To study the habits of insects one must observe them long and closely on their native heath, so to speak, in the place where their instincts have full and natural play. With caterpillars foreign to the Paris cli- mate and brought from the other end of 1^ ranee, Reaumur therefore ran the risk of sam. The Life of the Caterpillar missing many most interesting facts. This Is what actually happened, just as It did on a later occasion in the case of another alien, the Cinda.* Nevertheless, the information which he was able to extract from a few nests sent to him from the Landes is of the highest value. Better served than he by circumstances, I will take up afresh the story of the Proces- sionary Caterpillar of the Pine. If the subject does not come up to my hopes, it will certainly not be for lack of materials. In my harmas^ laboratory, now stocked with a few trees in addition to its bushes, stand some vigorous fir-trees, the Aleppo pine and the black Aus- trian pine, a substitute for that of the Landes. Every year the caterpillar takes possession of them and spins his great purses in their branches. In the interest of the leaves, which are horribly ravaged, as though there had been a fire, I am obliged each winter to make *For the Cicada or Cigalc, an insect remotely akin to the Grasshopper and found more particularly in the south of France, cf. Social Life in the Insect World, by J. H. Fabre, translated by Bernard Miall : chaps, i to iv. — Translator's Note. -The harmas was the enclosed piece of waste ground in which the author used to study his insects in their natural state. — Translator's Note. 10 ^fsivi;-^'^'.- The Processionary: the Eggs a strict survey and to extirpate the nests with a long forked batten. You voracious little creatures, if I let you have your way, I should soon be robbed of the murmur of my once so leafy pines I To- day I will seek compensation for all the trouble I have taken. Let us make a com- pact You have a story to tell. Tell it me; and for a year, for two years or longer, until 1 know more or less all about it, I shall leave you undisturbed, even at the cost of lament- able suffenng to the pines. Having concluded the treaty and left the caterp.l ars m peace, I soon have abundant material for my observations. In return for my indulgence I get some thirty nests within a few steps of my door. If the collection were not arge enough, the pine-trees in the neighbourhood would supply me with any necessary additions. But I have a preference and a decided preference for the population of my own enclosure, whose nocturnal habits are much easier to observe by lantem-light. With such treasures daily before my eyes, at any time that I wish and under natural ron- ditions, I cannot fail to see the Processir v's story unfolded at full length. Let us . y. II ■ !^K^'' -"JW^Ji^ffi The Life of the Caterpillar And first of all the egg, which Reaumur did not see. In the first fortnight of August, let us inspect the lower branches of the pines, on a level with our eyes. If we pay the least attention, we soon discover, here and there, on the foliage, certain little whitish cylinders spotting the dark green. Thesp are the Bombyx' eggs : each cylinder is the cluster laid by one mother. The pine-needles are grouped in twos. Each pair is wrapped at its base in a cylindri- cal muff which measures about an inch long by a fifth or sixth of an inch wide. This muff, which has a silky appearance and is white slightly tinted with ruSset, is covered with scales that overlap after the manner of the tiles on a roof; and yet their arrange- ment, though fairly regular, is by no means geometrical. The general aspect is more or less that of an immature walnut-catkin. The scales are almost oval in form, semi- transparent and white, with a touch of brown at the base and of russet at the tip. They are free at the lower end, which tapers slightly, but firmly fixed at the upper end, which is wide, and bUmter. You cannot de- tach them either by blowing on them or by 12 K" mm^k.^u The Processionary: the E' ?gs rubbmg them repeatedly with a hair-pencil. They stand up, hke a fleece stroked the wrong way. .f the sheath is rubbed gently upwards and retam th.s bristling posidon indefinitely ! tetTn' -' f «'"^^ "rangement whJn he fnction is .n the opposite direction. At the same time, they are as soft as velvet to eggs. It IS impossible for a drop of rain tiles '''"""'' ""^'^ '*^'' '*^^^^^^ °^ so^t c.l7^'/"^'".°^ ^**''' defensive covering i, self-evident: the mother has stripped a pan F der'/l"^^ i° r°*^^^ ^^'' «gg^ Like the Eider-duck, she has made a warm overcoat for them out of her own down. Reaumur had already suspected as much from a very curious peculiarity cf the Moth. Let J quote the passage: DatJ^n Ir'^"'" '^^ '^y^ "^»^= » shiny patch on the upper part of their body, near the hind-quarters. The shape nd .fcss of this disk attracted my attention :he fim" me touched •; / ""'' '^^^^'"S ' P'"' -'^h which 1 touched It, to examine its structure. The «3 ■i^m^ '-w''-" The Life of the Caterpillar contact of the pin produced a little spectacle that surprised me: I saw a cloud of tiny spangles at once detach themselves. These spangles scattered in every direction: some seemed to be shot into the air, others to the sides; but the greater part of the cloud fell softly to the ground. "Each o. those bodies which I am calling spangles is an extremely slender lamina, bear- ing some resemblance to the atoms of dust on the Moths' wings, bu^ of course much big- ger. ... The disk that is so no iceable on the hind-quarters of these Moths is there- fore a heap — and an enormous heap of these scales. . . . The females seem to use them to wrap their eggs in; but the Moths of the Pine Caterpillar refused to lay while in my charge and consequently did not enlighten me as to whether they use the scales to cover their eggs or as to what they are doing with all those scales gathered round their hinder part, which were not given them and placed in that position to serve no purpose." You were right, my learned master: that dense and regular crop of spangles did not grow on the Moth's tail for nothing. Is 14 ^^':vi i'^vtSBOJ The Processionary; the Eggs there anything that has no object? You did not th.nk so,. I do not think so either. Every thing has .ts reason for existing. Yes you were we.Hnspircd when you foresaw that the cloud of scales which flew out under the po n of your p.n must serve to protect the e Js remove the scaly fleece with my pincers like' little "r-f^' '^\'''^' appear Poking 1 ke httle white-enamel heads. Clusterin-r losely together, they make nine longitudin 1 ''ve .ggs. As the nine rows are very near y all to ± TTV^^' ^^'''-'- ^--n n famUv for ' '''"^'?^ '^^'> ^ respectable ramuy tor one motiier' exactly w,th those in the two adioinine files so as to leave no empty spaces. They 1^ gest a p.ece of bead-work produced wi^h ex qu,s,te dexterity by patient fingers. iTwo^^J a cob nf T T" "'" '° "'"P"'^ 'hem with seed, h / '" ?■■"' "■'"' ''^ ""' ■•'>»■=' of of who "h' ^"■''^^ '■"^r'' "'^' "-^ 'i"i"«s pre sion JT""' "'"''" '"' -""hematical precision all the more remarkable Th, grains of the iVIoth's spike have a slight tend! ency to be hexagonal, because of theh- mu- IS -Rifv:.: Ill k»-:"i n The Life of the Caterpillar tual pressure; they are stuck close together, so much so that they cannot be separated. If force is used, the layer comes off the leaf in fragments, in small cakes always consisting of several eggs apiece. The beads laid are therefore fastened together by a glutinous varnish; and it is on this varnish that the broad base of the defensive scales is fixed. It would be interesting, if a favourable opportunity occurred, to see how the mother achieves that beautifully regular of the eggs and also how, as soon as she has laid one, all sticky with varnish, she makes a roof for it with a few scales removed one by on^ from her hind-quarters. For the moment, the very structure of the finirhed work tells us the course of the procedure. It is evident that the eggs are not laid in longi- tudinal files, but in circular rows, in rings, which lie one above the other, alternating their grains. The laying begins at the bot- tom, near the lower «;nd of the double pine- leaf; it finishes at the top. The first eggs in order of date are those of the bottom ring; the last are those of the top ring. The ar- rangement of the scales, all in a longitudinal direction and attached by the end facing the i6 11 The Proccssionaryj the Eggs top of the leaf makes any other method of progression madmissible. Let us consider in the hght of reflection the el^qant edifice now before our eyes, loung or old, cultured or ignorant, we shall a J, on seemg the Bombyx' pretty little spike, exclaim: ^ "How handsome!" And what will strike us most will be not the beautiful enamel pearls, but the way i which they are put together with such geome- trical regularity. Whence wc can draw a great rnoral, to wit, that an exquisite order governs the work of a creature without consciousness, one of the humblest of the hu-ible. A paltry Moth follows the harmonious laws of order If Micromegas' took it into his head to leave Sinus once more and visit our planet, would he find anything to admire among us? Voltaire shows him to us using one of the diamonds of his necklace as a magnifying- glass in order to obtain some sort of view of 17 1 The Life of the Caterpillar with the crew. A nail-paring, curved like a horn, encompasses the ship and serves as a spcalcing-trumpet; a looth-pick, which touches the vessel with its tapering end and the lips of the giant, some thousand fathoms above, with the other, serves as a telephone. The outcome of the famous dialogue is that, if wc would form a sound judgment of thingj and see them under fresh aspects, there is nothing like changing one's planet. The probability then is that the Sirian would have had a rather poor notion of our artistic beauties. To hi;u our masterp-eces of statuary, even though sprur from the chistl of a Phidias, would be mere dolls of marble or bronze, hardly more worthy of in- terest than the children's rubber dolls are to us; our landscape-paintings would be re- garded as dishes of spinach smelling unpleas- antly of oil; our opera-scores would be de- scribed as very expensive noises. These things, belonging to the domain of the senses, possess a relative aesthetic value, subordinated to the organism that judges them. Certainly the Venus of Melos and the Apollo Belvedere are superb works; but even so it takes a special eye to appreciate them. i8 mL''Miisrii^mmmEg^m^^mmim^\';MW'i5!''"- three'sidesVh';: ■ dlvTaf J^i?"-' "' t geome,^, he eternal bTa^er of 1=7' ''° ^arT^un^Berr-"™ "" -^^ red, blue or yellow Th ! °''"'"^.' »'■"= " order. Every wl ■ j' ""T'"' ^""'V " measure, a Trea? L"^""' ''>' "■^■'S'" »"J breaks ^pon Ta , ,t '"' ^'""' "•""' probe more deeolv n n ,1,"""'' ""'">" '' "^ ore aeeply ,nto the mystery of things 19 The Life of the Caterpillar Is this order, upon which the equilibrium of the universe is based, the predestined result of a blind mechanism? Does it enter into the plans of an Eternal Geometer, as Plato had it? Is it the ideal of a supreme lover of beauty, which would explain everything? Why all this regularity in the curve of the petals of a flower, why all this elegance in the chasings on a Beetle's wing-cases? Is that infinite grace, even in the tiniest details, com- patible with the brutality of uncontrolled forces? One might as well attribute the artist's exquisite medallion to the steam- hammer which makes the slag sweat in the melting. These are very lofty thoughts concerning a miserable cylinder which will bear a crop of caterpillars. It cannot be helped. The mo- ment one tries to dig out the least detail of things, up starts a why which scientific inves- tigation is unable to answer. The riddle of the world has certainly its explanation other- where than in the little truths of our labora- tories. But let us leave Micromegas to phi- losophize and return to the commonplaces of observation. The Pine Bombyx has rivals in the art of 20 The Proccssionary; the Eggs gracefully grouping her egg-beads. Among he,r number ,s the Neustrian Bombyx, whose caterpillar ,s known by the name of "Liverv " sembTed in f 7'""" "^^ '^^' "^ - sembled m bracelets around little branches varymg greatly in nature, apple- and pear- branches chiefly. Any one seeing this elegant work for the first time would he ready "o nf K i' '\'? '^' ^"^^" °^ ^ skilled stringer of beads. My small son Paul opens eyes wide with surprise and utters an astonished "Oh!" unnn ?' 7 • ^'""'y °^ °'^^^ ^o^'^es itself upon his dawning attention. Though not so long and marked above all the Neustrian Bombyx reminds one of the other s cylinder, stripped of its scaly covering It woMld be easy to multiply these instances ot elegant grouping, contrived now in one way, now m another, but always with consum- mate art. It would take up too much tim^. rhe hatching takes place in September, a anothe? rr r '^''^ ' ^'"^^ J^ter in born . ; u^"'-^ ^y '''^y ^^^^h the new- born caterpillars m their first labours. I have 31 The Life of the Caterpillar placed a few egg-laden branches in the wind- ow of my study. They are standing in a glass of water which will keep them proper- ly fresh for some time. The little caterpillars leave the egg in the morning, at about eight o'clock. If I just lift the scales of the cylinder in process of hatching, I see black heads appear, which nibble and burst and push back the torn cei* mgs. The tiny creatures emerge slowly, some here and some there, all over t! surface. After the hatching, the scaly cylinder is as regular and as fresh in appearance as if it were still inhabited. We do not perceive that It is deserted until we raise the spangles. The eggs, still arranged in regular rows, are now so many yawning goblets of a slightly translucent white; they lack the cap-shaped lid, which has been rent and destroyed by the new-born grubs. The puny creatures measure a millimetre^ at most in length. Devoid as yet of the bright red that will soon be their adornment, they are pale-yellow, bristling with hairs, some shortish and black, others rather longer and white. The head, of a glossy black, is big ^.039 iach.— Translator's Note. 22 The Processionary ; the Hatching WdT^TK ^'^ *'^"'"" '» '"'« ">" of mplt 'a I;;e3'"'''' ''" Z' "'^ ''"'' r^oi^ ki r ^^'^^esponding strength of iaw cap ble of ,„ ,i ,„„g, J^ ^of J w start. A huge head, stoutly clad in horn U the predo..„a„t feature of L budding cate^: These macrocephalous ones are, as we «e welUrmed against the hardness of hip ne needles, so well-armed in fact that the mea scaled '7 """nents at random among the scales of the common cradle most n? Ih. young caterpillars make for the dolle I a ana spread themselves over it at len«h From time to time thrc^ r.- ™" of winter? Ei;"' r '" .tiT,- 33 m^M^^^^^^^^^^^^^t^^^- -■•Ai m The Life of the Caterpillar months' experience — if indeed experience can be mentioned in connection with a caterpillar — tells them of savoury bellyfuls of green stuff, of gentle slumbers in the sun on the ter- race of the nest; but nothing hitherto has made them acquainted with cold, steady rain, with frost, snow and furious blasts of wind. And these creatures, knowing naught of win- ter's woes, take the same precautions as if they were thoroughly aware of all that the incle- ment season holds in store for them. They work away at their house with an ardour that seems to say: "Oh, how nice and warm we shall be in our beds here, nestling one against the other, when the pine-tree swings aloft its frosted candelabra ! Let us work with a will ! Lahore- mus!" Yes, caterpillars, my friends, let us work with a will, great and small, men and grubs alike, so that we may fall asleep peacefully; you with the torpor that makes way for your transformation into Moths, we with that last sleep which breaks off life only to renew it. Laboremiis! Anxious to watch my caterpillars' habits in detail, without havin'^ to sally forth by lan- 34 v.*:; The Processionary : ,he Nest .'■'«"^>--. : have huSjuu "f "' '^' ^n- *ft'cn, t!.ough harHlv , ' S'"^''' shelter °"'»ide, at feast fftds'n"'r""'^"">e air "'■nd and rain. F\Zt T'""T ^'°"' 'he of about eighteen inche" bv'tl,"'''K'' ' ''?«'" hough that serves as both, ^ ■ ^ ^ase of the "-ork. each nest receives f' ""'•"'"^ = '"">=- of li'fle pine-braX whth""°"' '' ''""'^'^ »oon as they are conlLmed 7 T^"^'' "^ tern every evening j ' 'ake my an- "»it. TWs i^Te* '"''. P'>; ."y boarders a '»cts are obui^ed '' '" "'■'^'' "">« of my ™^/' TheLSlaTrd' "Tr '"^ --ng adding a few Ze ,,?""''<' f™-" the nest^ sheath of the suDoort I^' '° 'he silver^ fre^h green stuffXh rstir^' "'' ^^^ "^ - a magnificent sight to te^'h'"'' "i"- " hand hned up in L' f fhe red-coated "eedle and in fa, fc '™c „lf r""'^" °" '=ach Breen sprigs of the buncth *'/°''T'='' 'hat the , The diners, all mo^^tlesaN."'' '"'''■ heads forward, nibb e ' «■? ''°^'"« 'heir rhe,r broad biackforel^^adsT' "''"^'y- ureneads gleam in the 35 ••K^:.iJ?efflii^at(» The Life of the Caterpillar rays of the lantern. A shower of granules drops on the sand below. These are the residues of easy-going stomachs, only too ready to digest their foe/. By to-morrow morning the soil will have disappeared under a greenish layer of this intestinal hail. Yes, indeed, it is a sight to see, one far more stimu- lating than that of the Silk-worms' mess-room. Young and old, we are all so much interested in it that our evenings almost invariably end in a visit to the greenhouse caterpillars. The meal is prolonged far into the night. Saiisfied at last, some sooner, some later, they go back to the nest, where for a little longer, feeling their silk-glands filled, they continue spinning on the surface. These hard workers would scruple to cross the white carpet with- out contributing a few threads. It is getting on for one or even two o'clock in the morn- ing when the last of the band goes indoors. My duty as a foster-father i? daily to re- new the bunch of sprigs, which are shorn to the last leaf; on the other hand, my duty as an historian is to enquire to what extent the diet can be varied. The district supplies me with Processionaries on the Scotch pine, the maritime pine and the Aleppo pine indif- 36 r.4ir^^%. The Processionary: the Nest ferently, but never on the other Conifers leaf ZJr'' '''''' f ^'^^ '^y resin-scen ed' leaf ought to suit. So says chemical analysis We must m.strus. tl ' ^hemist's retort when It pokes ,ts nose into kitchen. It may sue" and bran7''"f '.""" °"^ '' tallow-cand es us2t "hlr «"7^ potatoes; but, when it tells us that the products are identical, we shall do well to refuse these abominations. Science aston.shmgly rich as it is in poison, will neve; provde us with anything fit to eit b caus/ hough the raw substancf falls to a large ex' scapIsItT ''\tT'''u ^^^^ --^ -bS- escapes ,ts methods the moment that it is defi"n>ei:Tv"'th''' ''''''' ^"^ -divided i! bv the J^ ^ t' T'''' °^ ^•^^' «s needed N. be m T''^' ^^"f requirements are not o be met by measured doses of our reagents aDs h? "".T-'f •^^.^^" ^"^ fibre may pet' :fau ^[^'fieially obtained, some day cell and fibre themselves, never. There's th^ rub with your chemical feeding "^ mlnt.lfy^^'? ^""J^^y P'-^'^'^'"^ the insur. mountable difficulty of the problem. Relying on my chemical data, I offer them the X? ferent substitutes for the pine growing In mv enclosure: the spruce, the yew, the thujl" t^ 37 a 8 "A m ■'*«»«.. m:^ j I I The Life of the Caterpillar juni' sr, the cypress. What! Am T asking them, Pine Caterpillars, to bite into that? They will take good care not to, despite the tempting resinous smell ! They would die of hunger rather than touch it! One conifer and one only is excepted: the cedar. My charges browse upon its leaves with no appre- ciable repugnance. Why the cedar and not the others? I do not know. The caterpil- la.- s stomach, fastidious as our own, has its secrets. Let us pass to other tests. I have just slit open longitudinally a nest whose internal structure I want to explore. Owing to the natural shrinkage of the split swan's-down, the cleft reaches two fingers' breadth in the centre and tapers at the top and bottom. What will the spinners do in the presence of such a disaster? The operation is performed by day, while the caterpillars are slumbering in heaps upon the dome. As the living-room is de- sorted at this time, I can cut boldly with the scissors without risk of damaging any part of the population. My ravages do not wake the sleepers: all S?y \°"| "Of o"e appears upon the breach. Ihis mdifference looks as though it were due 38 ^ ji A -v^-* y The Processionary : the Nest that Hugh ,vin,)m„ k u I «"^'nly notice .deadly dt:g;t:f;tt'T„'^"''™•^'•'^ =ny amount of paddit U "' P"'"='''"« fa.rt7„i!LtroV:Hf:LC.r'«^' K'uvoKes not a sitn of eve (-emt f -ru '^ove to and fro on the si-rfaceTf h ^'^ they work, they spin as u ua Th ""''* change, absolutely none in LuT '•' "" When the road ml T'l ^'^"" hehaviour. of the. to tt "b^'k'o^^h:" ^^-'^'"^ ^°"^^ no alacrity on thei; par/ no si^n'of' "'• "^ no atteniDt tn rl^o L ^n of anxiety, 'lit- They slnlv Z ""' ''™ '^''e" of 'h difficult crossr/a„,r' '"."""■P^i'h the ?«^i41hftLrdiliraTt^,°^V" their body permits. ^^' ^'"^^^ °^ 39 V y 1; .m h ■;*" '^ i- :!i; '^f^ ^^mib^.ci'^jrim'M^^-^hi^^-;^^;tJu 1 The Life of the Caterpillar Having once crossed the gulf, they pursue their way imperturbably, without stopping any more at the breach. Others come upon the scene and, using the threads already laid as foot-bridges, pass over the rent and walk on, leaving their own thread as they go. Thus the first night's work results in the laying over the cleft of a filmy gauze, hardly perceptible, but just sufficient for the traffic of the colony. The same thing Is repeated on the nights that follow; and the crevice ends by being closed with a scanty sort of Spider's web. And that is all. There is no improvement by the end of the winter. The window made by my scissors IS still wide open, though thinly veiled; its black spindle shape shows from the top of the nest to the bottom. There is no dam in the split texture, no piece of swan's-down let in between the two edges to restore the roof to its original state. If the accident had happened in the open air and not under glass, the foolish spinners would probably have died of cold in their cracked house. Twice renewed with the same results, this test proves that the Pine Caterpillars are not alive to the danger of their split dwelling. 40 .--■^.nr^^^j The Processionary : the Nest Expert spinners though thev he tU., as unconscious of the ruin ?f .f' • ^ f '"" solid ^sZ\7stJ\L'""ir^i' "•'''' '"'' as they spun yesterday and as they wilf spn o-morrow, strengthening the parts Tha' are already strong, thickening wha' s aire- Hv th,ck enough; and not one thinks'o stoppln' the disastrous gap. To ]pt -> r.\. ."oppmfe I have often called attention to this feature n an,ma] psychology; notably I have d/ scribed the ineptitude of the caterplllarof th." Great Peacock Moth.^ When^hl ? menter lops the ton off thl , ^""P^""'- fro« u- y , ^°P On the comphcated eel trap forms the pointed end of the co coon th,s caterpillar spends the silk It in;- English—rranj/a/o?/^;;;;^'' " ""* ^^' translated info 41 3 The Life of the Caterpillar to him in work of secondary impc-tance, in- stead of making good the scries of cones, each httmg mto the other, which are so essential to the hermit's protection. He continues his normal task imperturbably, as though nothing out of the way had taken place. Even so does the spmner m the pine-tree act with his burst tent. Your foster-parent must perpetrate yet another piece of mischief, O my Proces- sionary; but this time it shall be to your advantage ! It does not take me long to per- ceive that the nests intended to last through the winter often contain a population much greater than that of the temporary shelters woven by the very young caterpillars. I also notice that, when they have attained their ulti- mate dimensions, these nests differ very con- siderably in size. The largest of them are equal co five or six of the smallest. What is the cause of these variations? Certainly, if all the eggs turned out well, the scaly cylinder containing the laying of a single mother would be enough to fill a splen- did purse: there are three hundred enamelled beads here for hatching. But in families which swarm unduly an enormous waste al- 42 The Processionary: the Community a well thinncd-out troon t ' '^?''" "^ ^■f organic matter nf.'?' """"'" ""^i"' vivors around XlUt J2 , ''"'"' "< ^'"- which the fam ly nat ^^th. """'"'' '" days. Soon thev uH' h? ^'"""y ^"'""i" rhe stoutiy-bui,,; ;;;,'; % "'v'-i"'""? °f 't would be a boon if thev con 1 K ''' ' "?^' from union springs strenU ' "''"^' '" in their pe Irina^ont"? """1 " » ^uidf caterpillar^ haveX." ilk °KK ""^ T"' ""= follow on their refn I ,'''"'"' «'"ch they They may abo 2 I "^'7 ''"""""g a bend Jifferingfn no rToec T^ "f ? ^"''"'"' ""' new nbbo„"°mrrS" h ^^af^: T ' ^""^ Situated in the ne\^uu u ^, ° ^°'^e ""t 'A ored "^'g^bourhood. The strayed of prayer. Cf. Sodal LifTinn}'''^^ resembling that 43 fi« W, '>- 'W-mil^^aAiiJm^i ^^L.fcV^-v^' I Ihe Lite of the Caterpillar caterpillars, failing to distinguish it from their own ribbon, follow it conscientiously and in this manner end by reaching a strange dwell- ing. Suppose them to be peacefully received : what will happen? Once fused, the several groups assembled by the accident of the path will form a power- ful city, fitted to produce great works; the concerted weaklings will give rise to a strong, united body. This would explain the thickly- populated, bulky nests situated so near to others that have remained puny. The former would be the work of a syndicate incorporat- ing the interests of spinners collected from different parts; the latter would belong to families left in isolation hj the luck of the road. h remains to be seen whether the chance- comers, guided by a strange ribbon, meet with a good reception in the new abode. TI -> periment is easily made upon the nests in lue greenhouse. In the evening, at the hours devoted to grazing, I remove with a pruning- shears the different little branches covered with the population of one nest and lay them on the provisions of the neighbouring nest, which provisions are also overrun with cater- 44 >-.l^r-^ Thr Proccssionary: the Community pillars. Or f can make shorter work of It irefhrr- oil I '>"i' n.uc always lived to- feetner, a 1 do some spinnin.^ before reflrln renenM-nrr fk *^^ "'' e dormi- others' gra,inltoun"r ' V ""'^ ""'' The in.which\:'ins;;tr;r™''"''' neither greater nor .r», ii f ^"^'■^' ""^ Po.u / "'^.f'lsuaJ companions. I^ach for all and all for each S the Processiomrv .,.», ^" s»ys his little cap ta of s |k° "'"^ """"« ^''^''^ 'hat is often' ne^to^ „ " ^{itt'T 'I /t^"," «.th his puny skein, if alone' I? n ' ''° 'h'ng- But there ar hundreds aii h 'VT of them in the spin„ing.m[^f rd'tHrrtut 47 The Life of the Caterpillar of their infinitesimal contributions, woven into a common stuff, is a thick blanket capable of resisting the winter. In working for himself, each works for the others; and these on their side work as zealously for each. O lucky animals that know nothing of property, the mother of strife! O en- viable ccnobites, who practise the strictest communism ! These habits of the caterpillars invite a few reflections. Generous minds, richer in illusions than in logic, set communism before us as the sovran cure for human ills. Is it practicable among mankind? At all times there have been, there still are and there always will be, fortunately, associations in which it is possible to forget in common some small part of the hardships of life; but is it possible to generalize? The caterpillars of the pine can give us much valuable information in this respect. Let us have no false shame: our material needs are shared by the animals; they strug- gle as we do to take part in the general ban- quet of the living; and the manner in which they solve the problem of existence is r o be despised. Let us then ask ourselves .at 48 The Processionary: the Community existent Peace retL^"''' " ^"' """- A P'ne-needle ;,"^ ':'C'tffi " "Z'-^^^- caterpflJar's mp-,!. J^ [ ^""^^^^^ ^^r the there' waWngTo'breaEl" ""^ V'"^^' haustible numbers aLn , ' "u"'"'^ '" '"«" the home. When 'T """"^ ""'"'''•''i <>' caterpillars go oufwe tar;r ""'"' ''^ 3 little in procession fh ^t """' "'^ "'"< seeking, w.^hout lu^rTv'aw!'™' '=''°"°"» fives at the banquet Tb! ,1,""' '"' O"^" fully spread and will nevl b. h " P'^"''" and generous is tT pi„e , tt' '" '"^^ do is, from one evening ,!,' ,k ^' "^ "^'^d our dining roomTmH*- Tart"™' V°" quently, there arp nr ""^'"^i^ on. Conse- cares on the sub ect „r"'"''"'' "° f"ture pillar finds food to ea/a'ir'"""'^ "■= "'^'- finds air to breathe " "' "^"^ ''» he witl": ru°:?'':'-b^,./rft' ■"" ^^"'"- ^ - crave AJl .L " ""^ necessary to ^" ""^"°^" t« '>self, without the 49 The Life of the Caterpillar agency of any effort or labour, the animal re- ceives its share of the most vital of elements. The niggardly earth, on the contrary, sur- renders its gifts only when laboriously forced. Not fruitful enough to satisfy every need, it leaves the division of the food to the fierce eagerness of competition. The mouthful to be procured engenders war between consumers. Look at two Ground-beetles coming at the same time upon a bit of Earth-worm. Which of the two shall have the morsel? The matter shall be decided by battle, desperate, ferocious battle. With these famished ones, who eat at long intervals and do not always eat their fill, communal life is out of the question. The Pine Caterpillar Is free from these woes. He finds the earth as generous as the atmosphere; he finds eating as easy as breath- ing. Other instances of perfect communism might be named. All occur among species living on a vegetable diet, provided however that victuals are plentiful and obtainable with- out a hard search. An animal diet, on the contrary, a prey, always more or less difficult to secure, banishes cenobitism. Where the 50 t!rr\«t^jK m^'^. The Processionary: the Community portion is too small f^ would there be fT^Jl', ""^^ W-" excuse pnvatL''"^^^^ Totrre,;:: :X?^^ '^^^ ,=! half of the sZsshZoV^' '"" " ■"" I'fe: we must also as f7 "P™ "» '>y P"e a place for „,',. "^ ^^ Possible, pre- preservaWon of th° pecr-°"j ='"<'• "">' Ponance than that of h "."'s.'-^"-'- -m- ^--uggle for the future s el„ «*'"'?'• *« "■•uggle for the preser P "'"'■ "'^" ""e gards the welfare of her' ^ff""^ ""'"'" «- mary law. Perish all .1 °'''P''"'g »s her pri- brood flourish I Evervt'- "/""l'^'^ '^" 'he maxim, imposed by th^ T H""'^^ '•' her conflict; every one for hir",7-°l"'^ 8™"="! safeguard of'ihe future ' " ""^ "•"'■=• 'he ^ith maternity anrf ,Vo • communism ceases to hi '"^P^'-'ous duties, ^'•ght, certain Hvmnon?^"^^^^^- ^t firs the contrary, 'we fi'nd"' '"-"^ ^° ^-^^- Mason-bees of the Shed.=5 ^o^^^.f^nce, the , ^The order of ,•,;. ""'^'"S '" Myriads Ants S. «,;;/, --^^^^^^^^^ the Bees. LspT -Cf. The Mason-bees I,v f]^' ^■~^'''""'''*<^r'sNote 51 tr^^Ji^ I' ■f, ■I i< The Life of the Caterpillar on the same tiles and building a monumental edifice at which all the mothers work. Is this really a community? Not at all. It is a city in which the inhabitants have neighbours, not collaborators. Each mother kneads her pots of honey; each amasses a dowry for her off- spring and nothing but a dowry for her off- spring; each wears herself out for her family and only for her family. Oh, it would be a serious business if some one merely came and alighted on the brim of a cell that did not belong to her; the mistress of the house would give her to understand, by means of a sound drubbing, that manners such as those are not to be endured ! She would have to skedaddle very quickly, unless she wanted a fight. The rights of property are sacred here. Even the much more social Hive-bee is no exception to the rule of maternal egoism. To each hive one mother. If there be two, civil war breaks out and one of them perishes by the other's dagger or else quits the country, followed by a part of the swarm. Although virtually fit to lay eggs, the other Bees, to the number of some twenty thousand, re- nounce maternity and vow themselves to celi- bacy in order to bring up the prodigious 52 ■Wmihmnh'w:. 'MmSiSmt .^^^m The Processionary: the Community ct^Lt't;:: 2L' ™'^ -'-"■ Here, forthwith Shed ^ '"'• "■""■"hood i^ Te™"es"a„d 'i^'e ™i„'J"' ' ,""= ^«». '^^ in common costs he™ dear'Tr^'"^' ^'<' thousands remain in^m^ et'e ami°b""* "l' humble auxiliaries of , T 'f . ' '''™™« 'he endowed. But wh-n. "''° "" ^""'""y genera, portio^ M::,^'^' '" "'' Tw- &-- — Sn-het; Pt but must onel ^rVth h'\^' '^ "ot ng of matcrnitv thaf fl„ , ^ Wossom- ■ndividual property wlulTf" '''''" "«'■ attendc. :^s riv i;i^ "tu/".'' '° =PPear, peaceable wii, .I '• ' "« 'nsect now so P'^y^ of selfish'' n^tjfcrarce^V'T^ '■\*'^- wll isolate themselv^lr i ,''^ mothers pine-needle in whi h i,' r"'.°' ""' ''""We 'o be fixed., thetats 'fluSbt th:' '^?' ''' ■Wh,-,c Ams.-r™,„,„„;, ",7'"S 'heir wmgs, 53 if' ? .- '11, 1 . It WSS^^^ ■A "'H .1 jiy;-:,Mf > The Life of the Caterpillar will challenge one another for the possession of the coveted bride. It is not a serious strug- gle among these easy-going ones, but still it presents a faint picture of those mortal affrays which the mating so often produces. Love rules the world by battle; it too is a hotbed of competition. The caterpillar, being almost sexless, is in- different to amorous instincts. This is the first condition for living pacifically in com- mon. But it is not enough. The perfect concord of the community demands among all its members an equal division of strength and talent, of taste and capacity for work. This condition, which perhaps is the most import- ant of all, is fulfilled preeminently. If there were hundreds, if there were thousands of them in the same nest, there would be no dif- ference between any of them. They are all the same size and equally strong; all wear the same dress; all possess the same gift for spinning; and all with equal zeal expend the contents of their silk-glands for the general welfare. No one idles, no one lounges along when there is work to be done. With no other stimulus than the sat- isfaction of doing their duty, every evening, S4 The Processionary: the Community '» no question of skiLrl L ,^^f"' ^"^<= '^ere °- weak, of ab tetiol ^""f '"=* "^"^""g »^' "either hard-Zkers „„® ""r""'' "-"^ "vers nor spendthrift. wT ."""'' "'''"'" Equality is a mLTficenTn 7"'f ^ ^^^°'-'" but little more. Whe e is'it ^^ '''^'^^°^d' °""? In our sociaf 1 ' ^^" ^^"^''^7 of ^« "'any as two pts^^^^P^' ^'f^ we Ld ^t'-ength. health inteS '''^^ ^^"^^ '" work, foresight and al f !L ''P^^'^y ^^^ are the grea? factors of n' °'^'' ^'^'' which should we find an;ThLg anaTo'f"'^ ' .^^^^^ parity prev,i]in/3^"^^„^"^j°gous to the exact -^orSpiL7t^'''--e.ho.. Puea, does not constitute a 55 The Life of the Caterpillar harmony. We need dissimilarities, sounds loud and soft, deep and shrill; we need even discords which, by their harshness, throw into relief the sweetness of the chords. In the same way, human societies are harmonious only with the aid of contraries. If the dreams of our levellers could be realized, we should sink to the monotony of the caterpillar so- cieties; art, science, progress and the lofty flights of the unagination would sJumber in- definitely in the dead calm of mediocrity. Besides, if this general levelling were ef- fected, we should still be very far from com- munism. To achieve that, we should have to do away with the family, as the caterpil- lars and Plato teach us; we should need abundance of food obtained without any ef- fort. So long as a mouthful of bread is diffi- cult to acquire, demanding an industry and labour of which we are not all equally capable, so long as the family remains the sacred rea- son for our foresight, so long will the generous theory of all for each and each for all be absolutely impracticable. And then should we gain by abolishing the struggle for the daily bread of ourselves and those dependent on us? It is very doubtful. S6 W^^^mM The Processionary: the Community ness. And the resnl^ .f .u- u^" °"'" ^''^at- would be a ommun V o/h" ^"''^' ^^^"'^^^ Thus does th^ Ph VL """'" "^"P''"ars. by his example. ^'°""'onary teach us £1^ CHAPTER III THE PINE PROCESSIONARY : THE PROCESSION •p\ ROVER Dingdong's Sheep followed -*-' the Ram which Panurge had maliciously thrown overboard and leapt nimbly into the sea, one after the other, "for you know," says Rabelais, "it is the nature of the sheep al- ways to follow the first, wheresoever it goes; which makes Aristotle mark them for the most silly and foolish animals in the world."^ The Pine Caterpillar is even more sheep- like, not from foolishness, but from necessity: where the first goes all the others go, in a regular string, with not an empty space be- tween them. Th / proceed in single file, in a continuous row, each touching with ' head the rear of the one in front of it. ne complex twists and turns described in iis vagaries by the caterpillar leading the van are scrupulously described by all the others. No Greek theoria winding its way to the Eleusinian festivals ,vas ^Book IV., chap. \m— Translator's Note. 58 The Processionary: the Procession ever more orderly. Hence th. pt"-"""^«^--Xnterr.Hr he^rro^^rc'/rTKlr^rV" -.'<'<'''■« ?nly on the tiRhtro ' a 1'°"^ ' ^ 7"'''' ■n position as he advances Th "' "'',?'' who chances to he TZl' , f "'"P'"ar sion dribhies his thr„ i 'i"^ °' '''' P™«»- fi"s it on the d;^ h K "i r-"'j"'" ""'"8 »nd cause him to tak rh\t" "'i''.'^ Preferences ";-^e,th"o:;!;%,^rw[;htr,'"r''" g'a«, suspects it rather than sees "'"'''""«• footaX°n"d'Si:^1t"Sr'\'^'-''- spinnerets, so mtht h^t >:i"^ l"" "'" «on has marched by, there t' ''™'"" record of its nassin^ , «mams, as a whose da.ziin"" :hf;;„,;"™- -•"'' nbbon sun. Very much "''""ess shimmers in the their systZm^rrtTrntS"'""" "l'" °""' stering with silk insTead L""'"";" "P*""'" ™"- '"ey C-Xr ^Lhs^rrrS 59 The Life of the Caterpillar rail, a work of jreneral interest to which each contributes his thread. What is the use of all this kixury? Could they not, like other caterpillars, walk about without these costly preparation-^^ I sec two reasons for their mode of progression, it ■s nip'it when the Processionaries sally forth :r h i'' upon the pine-K aves. 'I'hey leave "iv nest, situateii at the top of a bough, in . • ti J darkness ; they go down the denuded '' ■ .» they come to the nearest branch that lias not yet been gnawed, a branch which be- comes lower and lower by degrees as the con- sumers rinish stripping the upper storeys; they climb up this untouched branch and spread over the green needles. When they have had their suppers and be- gin to feel the keen night air, the next thing is to return to the shelter of the house. Measured in a straight line, the distance is not great, hardly an arm's length: but it can- not be covered in this way on foot. The caterpillars ha\c to climb down from one crossing to the next, from the needle to the twig, from the twig to the branch, from the branch to the bough and from the bough, by a no les« angular path, to go back home. It 60 mmMf^m^^^^m^ .-n* The Proccssionary: the Proces.sion 'f is true, has /iv • „c /r 3,/.^ ■""^'.'''f' ^>"ary. «f his head, but the arc r-'''''^''''''"^^ difficult to .ake:uti;:,;Htt::^^^^^^^^^ glass, that ne cannot attrihu e ^n T ^'*"^' great pouer of vision Zl i ^^"^ ^"y -uM those sho^^si",hte.te 'Absence of hy,, in bltck jark^^^^^^ it IS equally useless to think of .h« or srne I Itc ^k,. 0 . ^ °^ the sense b'viii^ a positive answer fr. t-u,. I can at least dcclnre ,ha his"e„se Tf"""';; 's cxceedinirlv dull an.l L °' *""'" help hin, fi-nd h"s w,v tI° "">' '"'""^ '" my experiment, hv ! '^' ■.'"', " f"°^<^« some heSton FoT' ^''"^ "P *'"'- caterpillars whelon ^^"^T' "■" '^e eompletely; to wheelrounj on h • "'T "'^" IS a method utterlv n„t ^'"' "ght-rope order therefore to rega^rr '" t'"' '" covered, they have to describe' •""'^ '''^"<'>' windings and eiten, T j " ^'8-'-»8 whose ieaderl fancy Hne'^ot:™'"'' ''' "'^ ' "encc come gropmgs and 63 The Life of the Caterpillar roamings which are sometimes prolonged to the point of causing the herd to spend the night out of doors. It is not a serious mat- ter. They collect into a motionless cluster. To-morrow the search will start afresh and will sooner or later be successful. Oftener still the winding curve meets the guide-thread at the first attempt. As soon as the first caterpillar has the rail between his legs, all hesitation ceases; and the band makes for the nest with hurried steps. The use of this silk-tapestried roadway is evident from a second point of view. To pro- tect himself against the severity of the win- ter which he has to face when working, the Pine Caterpillar weaves himself a shelter in which he spends his bad hours, his days of enforced idleness. Alone, with none but the meagre resources of his silk-glands, he would find difficulty in protecting himself on the top of a branch buffeted by the winds. A sub- stantial dwelling, proof against snow, gales and icy fogs, requires the cooperation of a large number. Out of the individual's piled- up atoms, the community obtains a spacious and durable establishment. The enterprise takes a long time to com- •?"f>\''<»V%:\^f'^ii&-^S.ife- ' 1liSi'S9\f^^^ii.~J-h r^'. The Processionary: the Procession -Cthf rjK ^he weather per- enlarged. It il fn r ^! ^fengthened and ^^e ^oradU^^ t^;-^^^^^^ ^hat solved while the stormv "''^ "°' ^^ ^'s- the insects are sdr^^^h'"'"" '°"''""" ^"d But, vvithout spec a r ^''^^^'•P'^ar stage. ^-nal expedite fgT^Tnfr"'^' ^^^^ "-* C'-'use of separation. Th^ "' """"'^ '^^ ^ P.^f'te for food there s '"°'"'"' °^ ^P" v'dualism. ThecTtem.n /''"''" ^" '"'^'■ Jess scattered, set h-l7J'';' ''^^°"^^ '^"''e or -ound; each brotfs ht ' '" '^' '"'"^"^^es '•fely. How are they to Tr""^'^ ^^P'^' afterwards and bemrr,? "^ ""^^ another The several thSleTo'^r''^ ^^^'" ? th's easy. With that J ^ ^' '^"^ "^^^^ however far^e mavl. ' '"''"^^ ^^^^rpillar, companions witho'rev:; Ts" '"!: ^° ^'^ They come hurrying fromJt"^ ''!" ''^y- rom here, from thefe fr^ u°'' °^ ^^'g^' ovv; and soon the sc;tr^ '.^°"'' ^'""^ b^' 'nto a group. The s k th f^'*'" '•^'■«'-"^» "lore than a roid mnL '"'^ '^ something 65 iSSKIa*'-: '<" 4, ... i The Life of the Caterpillar short, goes a first caterpillar whom I will call the leader of the march or file, though the word leader, which I use for want of a bet- ter, is a little out of place here. Nothing, in fact, distinguishes this caterpillar from the others; it just depends upon the order In which they happen to line up ; and mere chance brings him to the front. Among the Proces- sionaries, every captain is an oflicer of for- tune. The actual leader leads; presently he will he a subaltern, if the file should break up in consequence of some accident and be formed anew in a different order. His temporary functions give him an atti- tude of his own. While the others follow passively in a close file, he, the captain, tosses himself about and with an abrupt movement flings the front o{ his body hither and thither. As he marches ahead he seems to be seeking his way Does he in point of fact explore the country ? Does he choose the most practicable places? Or are his hesitations merely the re- sult of the absence of a guiding thread on ground that has not yet been covered? His subordinates follow very placidly, reassured by the cord which they hold between their legs; he, deprived of that support, is uneasy. 66 The Processiona,y: .he Procession J"> by auction , the e A "" °' '"' ^o "f discernment ;hich « ,m''' '/"■"" ''»« no resistance and, above 'T '^iV^'l """ by other excursiomstV Tb- • ^'''^' '^'^ all that my Ion,. Tr„ ■ ' " a" O"- "early cessionar™' hasU^ht'"''"'' "'■"• ">' P^* '''"y- Poor bran ,td«d"oo° ""'" ™- utn:rerdr^'>^^''-s;r,Sg' ThltrsTUHeerr^ '•" !-«"■• 'he ground measured twelve o^b?"'"^ °" ^nd numbered about three hu„^T" >■"* 'ars, drawn ud wifh lu , """dred caterpil- lengths fn the g'rcenhouse wZTl "' = P'aj upon them ? I seennl ! '"*' "" J '^TVe^^u';;^^^^^^^^ P™-ces S— L:!^, '-r 0. the^^e I . 1^- - fj :-.t-:?4¥(- •zi^ ii/m . r-:-*^" The Life of the Caterpillar done without creating a disturbance, the pro- cession does not alter its ways at all. The second caterpillar, promoted to captain, knows the duties of his rank off-hand: he se- lects and leads, or rather he hesitates and gropes. The breaking of the silk ribbon is not very important either. I remove a caterpillar from the middle of the file. With my scis- sors, so as not to cause a commotion in the ranks, I cut the piece of ribbon on which he stood and clear away every thread of it. As a result of this breach, the procession ac- quires two marching leaders, each independent of the other. It may be that the one in the rear joins the file ahead of him. fro.ii which he is separated by but a slender interval; in that case, things return to their original con- dition. More frequently, the two parts do not become reunited. In that case, we have two distinct processions, each of which wanders where it pleases and diverges from the other. Nevertheless, both will be able to return to the nest by discovering sooner or later, in the course of their peregrinations, the ribbon on the other side of the break. These two experiments are only moderately 68 The Processionary: the Processior, ™ '» a branch line 7f Th "p' "•" f''""'^'' «nJ (he silken raN .I , ' "•"""ionaries 'hem, ,vieh no wLl '"^' ''l" '" '"'"' "f c--lnue on Z :::' ^e^:. ij^i, '^'" '".^^ •n /olIowiriLr a road fW ^"'^ P^^^'^^ '^n^I? What ue h'vctV'"'' '""'" ^" «" C'-rcuit, which s unknc, v^ " 1 '" ^?'^"'' ^^'^ of the train, to^nj It ! Vh^'^'^^^u '' ^"^ '^^'^'^ to bring th; end of L °f ^>'^'^'"ff 'f ^"d the caterpillar nnrchinVf.^ "'^ '^'-' ^^'- ^^ '•^ the thing is done fh" ^' "'''^ ^'^P^ "P°n him faithfully The oue't '" "'" ^«"«^^ -n theory bul very dXuIt Tn " ^'"^- ^'"P'^ produces no useful results Tb ?k?'"'' ^"^ 's extremely siiL^ht br. ?' , ^ "^''""' ^^hich fhe Rrains'o t.nd ht sr t" '^^^ "^'^^^ °^ hfted with it Ifk ,t '"'^ '" 'f •''"d are ^^ 't does not break, the cater- 69 ill . "!' reguar procession „vr r ** "dvance in -iving';nd";::rt;:;uTntth" "ier'jr -r;'^ the string to close ,m ,1. ! • * ^'^ 'or leader, who keeps ^fon"!' '° l'^' '°^ ''«= moulding, to return /T"""? 'he circular he started Mvohlr?-^\^°'V'°"' ""hich of nn hour^^Scored'c'""^ '?'''"""' magnihcently, in omethL "" " "'''"'' proaching a circle '""'""8 "'T «arly ap- 71 iJtl The Life of the Caterpillar The next ffiin|^ is to get rid of the rest of the asceruliriK cohimn, which would disturb the fine order of the procession hy an excess of newcomers; it is also important that we should do away with all the silken paths, both new and old, that can put the cornice into communication with the grouml. With a thick hair-pencil I sweep away the surplus climbers; with a bi^ brush, one that leaves no smell behind it — for this mijrht after- wards prove confusinjr — I carefully rub down the vase and get rid of every thread which the caterpillars have laid on the march. When these prepara- tions are finished, a curious sij^ht awaits us. In the uninterrupted circular procession there is no longer a leader. Each caterpillar is preceded by another on whose heels he fol- lows, guided by the silk track, the work of the whole party; he again has a companion close behind him. following him m the same orderly way. And this is repeated without variation throughout the length of the chain, None commands, or rather none modifies the trail according to his fancy; all obey, trusting in the guide who ought normally to lead the 72 The Proc.s,,io„„y: .he Procession "••i-ch an,l nhn in rcihfv 1. i I'y my frickcry * '"'" '"""' •''■olish,.,! ''^ ,"'-■••.1 as i, ' „ ""." '■^■"- ' '''"""I .--n,! „ rhc oW schooln'r w rff" ',"",™"-l>'? -hen pr.ccvou d rc^l "to'tr /"' "t "'^" l-y f-sting off both buS, : "W'i'r "' "'"^^ 'J«n B„ri,la„ („„. " '" '"> Cater- works.- /'raMjA^^^^.^y A^o/,., *° ^^ ^ound in any of his 73 i: -r =i»= i,v-.? I The Life of the Caterpillar pillars show a little of his mother wit? Will they, after many attempts, be able to break the equilibrium of their closed circuit, which keeps them on a road without a turning? Will they make up their minds to swerve to this side or that, which is the only method of reaching their bundle of hay, the green branch yonder, quite near, not two feet off? I thought that they would and I was wrong. I said to myself: "The procession will go on turning for some time, for an hour, two hours perhaps; then the caterpillars will perceive their mis- take. They will abandon the deceptive road and make their descent somewhere or other." That they should remain up there, hard pressed by hunger and the lack of cover, when nothing prevented them from going away, seemed to me inconceivable imbecility. Facts, however, forced me to accept the in* credible. Let us describe them in detail. The circular procession begins, as I have said, on the 30th of January, about midday, in splendid weather. The caterpillars march at an even pace, each touching the stern of the one in front of him. The unbroken chain eliminates the leader with his changes of direc- 74 ?s®n:^'wr^fjr''^*ir^. The Processionary th*. P, ^onl'nues for hours an Ih'''- ^"^^ ^^-'s f "/ar beyon I do,, and no 7' ^^^' ^^V '« faken phce In th. •■ ^^'''^^^'on has yet «^^g proof :-on:.;::^f;:;" ^' ^'^^ ^-''- ^ r^'-^ri^;^;'t^--.utone down a Ifttle „„ " P^'" • ''"'ates and goes "mice, remr„;;^'o^ttirr '"^f--- " 'he f""!". I marked tiesVfl'"- "«'" '"'^''c. t on ,„ pencil on the v/,, T, ^"'"'^ "' ''".n - »" 'ha. ''fternoon and ml '""'«'• We. "n 'he followinedav, l- I, ' ""'^'"sive sti'' m»d dance, I ^"^ Jf^ 18^' to the end of this under the ledge aT th ??«"' "'"P"'^" dip to the top again ^,,h ''"'.PO'nt and come 'hread is lail' h;„;''J ^'^ond. Once the fo "ently established *" P""«d is per,„a. ?5 ■ff^KW I if "•*' The Life of the Caterpillar If the road does not vary, the speed does. I measure nine centimetres' a minute as the average distance covered. But there arc more or less lengthy halts; the pace shickcns at times, especially when the temperature falls. At ten o'clock in the evening the walk is little more than a lazy swaying of the l.ody. I foresee an early halt, in consequence of the cold, of fatigue and doubtless also of hunger. (irazing-time has arrived. The caterpil- jars have come crowding from all the nests in the greenhouse to browse upon the pine- branches planted by myself beside the silken purses. Those in the garden do the same, for the temperature is mild. The others, lined up along the earthenware cornice, would gladly take part in the feast; they are bound to have an appetite after a ten hours' walk. The branch stands green and tempting not a hand's breadth away. To reach it they need but go down ; and the poor w .-etches, foolish slaves of their ribbon that they are, car.not make up their minds to do so. I leave the famished ones at half-past ten, persuaded that they will take counsel with their pillow and ^S'/i inches.— Translator's iWotc. 76 The Processionary: the Procession ^ was wronir. I wnc "f them uhcn I [^n^^'TT"^ ^°« "^"ch « ciistrcssful s ,^, nc I u '^' ^^-'^^''^^tJ^ns of t" have arouse" I i:;;t'""%^^""'^^hink, less. When the i.V ^ '*''• ''"^ "^"f'on- ^'-■y shake of he t!;:::"'^ '-^ '':^^'^ — e,-, ^valkinu- a,rai„. i'L '"^r; '•^•-^^ -uJ start Kins aneu-, like tnt "T ''\^"'"'''''^'''' ^^- secn. The;e s MO ''' ' ^''''' ^'''"^•ady This tnt s"V>r''''"V''^^" ohstinaV has supervend ^aJl'ri^^- ^'^ -'^^ snap evening by the\r r "^"'^^ ^"''^"^"'d '■" the ^-ed t'o cLe'ouf S^r^P'''-^' -ho re- to my duller senses se.rl.^^'"""'^^^ ^^h'<^h the rosemary-walks arr.II /Y daybreak and for the s'cond tm^'^' '"'''' ''''^ '"''' sharp frost. The 1^ ^'' /'''' '^''<'' ''« a '•s frozen ov.M^^vfc ^hc conservatory be I-:"/' V^^^f''''^'" - see. ■ '""^- i^t-t us go and '"' =■" "■""-"' ■■" "■- nests, except the 77 41 *1 '^«i €3 The Life of the Caterpillar stubborn processionists on the edge of the vase, who, deprived of shelter as they are, seem to have spent a very bad night. I find them clustered in two heaps, without any at- tempt at order. They have suffered less from the cold, thus huddled together. Tis an ill wind that blows nobody any good. The severity of the night has caused the ring to break into two segments which will, perhaps, afford a chance of safety. Each group, as it revives and resumes its walk, will presently be headed by a leader who, not being obliged to follow a caterpillar in front of him, will possess some liberty of movement and perhaps be able to make the procession swerve to one side. Remember that, in the ordinary' processions, the caterpillar walking ahead acts as a scout. While the others, if nothing oc- curs to create excitement, keep to their ranks, he attends to his duties as a leader and is con- tinually turning his head to this side and that, investigating, seeking, groping, making his choice. And things happen as he decides : the band follows him faithfully. Remember also that, even on a road which has already been travelled and beribboned, the guiding cater- pillar continues to explore. 78 •;^'-;:;'^^v^' The Processionary: the Procession -^i" find a chance of ^71'' °" ""? ''''«' "atchthem. On reco. ..■ r "'■ ^M us Por, the two eroum T ^^ /'''"" '^"'- '"r- two distinct fifer'^Th'"' "P by degrees ,„,o leaders, free to go It/e th' "T'"^' "^'' pendent of each other VVinTh/''"'' '•"/'- "ymg the enchanted circ I tlh^'^t^ "' their large Mack hp,T 4' ™ sight of from side to side la™' 7^'!!^ ^""'""''v for a moment But In ""• '° '^'"'^ '° A/ the ranlcs (ill out th°°". "'"'eceived. "f the chain me" and th ■ '7° '«'™^ "ituted. The moLntl I T''' '" 'econ- become simple suZTZ '"'^"' °"ee more «ten,i||ars ma ch ^"f?^' ""'' -8='" the day. " """d and round all whS'i^v^rcalm"'; I" '"««»'■''"• 'he night, brings a har3^f"tr t^?'=8"'«eently stafry cessionaries on the t„h ,1 ""'"i'"^ ">= P™- bave camped "ou'unshdterL""'' """u^"" ■nto a heap which large! ovel''-*''^ °f the fatal ribbon I ""^""""^ both sides =^'''"-8 °f the numb d ols'^^The T "'^ •'•^e the road is, as luck wil? have'it.^tid: ■if* /^ fiMs^i'-^'^^i^'^'ri-^ Il'^t! The Life of the Caterpillar the track. Hesitatingly he ventures into un- known ground. He reaches the top of the rim and descends upon the other side on the earth in the vase. He is followed by six others, no more. Perhaps the rest of the troop, who hav^e not fully recovered from their nocturnal torpor, are to la/.y to bestir themselves. The result of this brief delay is a return to the old track. The caterpillars embark on the silken trail and the circular march is re- sumed, this time in the form of a ring with a gap in it. There is no attempt, however, to strike a new course on the part of the guide whom this gap has placed at the head. A chance of stepping outside the magic circle has presented itself at last; and he does not know how to avail himself of it. As for the caterpillars who have made their way to the inside of the vase, their lot is hard- ly improved. They climb to the top of the palm, starving and seeking for food. Finding nothing to eat that suits them, they retrace their steps by following the thread which the\ have left on the way, climb the ledge of the pot, strike the procession again and, without further anxiety, slip back into the ranks. 80 The Proc«.io„ary: the Procession dragged along in an /nHP °^ P"'"' '""'s hellish cham,^- "broke„ ['" "'T'' """' 'h' »"«er. What drop will »„!. r ''''''P "^ ''°h and bring them bacT „ °h ""'? "•^''- "^''■•de 'r means of con iur^n^ ,.""'' ' ^« ""Ix '-'"ing a release from h! .• •'""•l ""> °^- '■"k'ng of cause and X" frt„ '^ ''™"8^ "retchedness good is to come '"™" """^ And, first, shrivellins a, ,L f he caterpillars cather^, ■" '""'' "^ "W- "rder, heap theS " T*" "''''""^ •■'ny Among the latter there ml I '"^"'^ '*■ '^J some revolution;;"! '':• '°°"" "^ beaten track, will trace?^, T ' "'"•"'"g the l'»d the troop back bn ' »'" ™^d and \«n =n instance of it c'- ^"^ <>"- i"« 'he interior of the v,.,' , if" '"^""rated to T.™e, it ,vas an attemnt ''l'"'"''' "'^ P^l-". t" »n attempt. 1^7 ""? "" '•«"lt, but 'ha' need be done would h°vTb"' '"""'' »" " nave been to take the 8l t ■ . * ' '' ■.».». .'J I The Life of the Caterpillar opposite slope. An even chance Is a great thing. Another time we shall be more suc- cessful. In the second place, the exhaustion due to fatigue and hunger. A lame one stops, unable to go farther. In front of the de- faulter the procession still continues to wend its way for a short time. The ranks close up and an empty space appears. On coming to himself and resuming the march, the cater- pillar who has caused the breach becomes a leader, having nothing before him. The least desire for emancipation is all that he wants to make him launch the band into a new path which perhaps will be the saving path. In short, when the Processionaries' train is in difficulties, what it needs, unlike ours, is to run off the rails. The side-tracking Is left to the caprice of a leader who alone is capable of turning to the right or left; and this leader is absolutely non-existent so long as the ring remains unbroken. Lastly, the breaking of the circle, the one stroke of luck, is the result of a chaotic halt, caused principally by excess of fatigue or cold. The liberating accident, especially that of fatigue, occurs fairly often. In the course of 82 The Processionary: the Procession the same dav fh*. «, • ^.'■' up severj times Tt'"^, ^'^cumference is ''<"'».• but continue; soon ™ "■■ ""•" »«• ■change takes place TV ""''"' '"^ "o »?'"«• The bo d ,-n„ovat„7l^" °" '"" ">^ »'t""ion has not ZtlTtu-^- " '° »"= ""e There is noth „f net'on'th"'?''""'?"- \ft" an icy night like Th ^ °""^ ''^X- "•ing to tell excVp, the foil '"'"""'' ""'■• »"- J"day I did no "Remove h?;"^ ''?='''• '^"- /r caterpillars whoTade th'-" '''' ''^ "■' ■ of the vase Tt^A "'^"' «■">■ '<> the ? /unction connecting it vi,';7^ '°6«her with IS discovered in th? 1 , "^"''^ular road Half the tro„; take, ad "' "' '^' ""''"'"S- 'he earth in the pot and?l"T.°^ '' '" "^^ other half remain"^ on ?he'T ""' P"'™' "-= to walk along ,he dd rail t' l"'^ ™""'""es the band of tmiL^t"-' ■ " ""^ afternoon circuit is con,pTeted "nVt?'"' ""^ '"^"'' "-e original condition ^^' ''""'■'' to their f-herr:„:^,,itt[th ^^.' "■* ?» yet reaching the IrTl ^""^ however l">ved by brighf s n hfnc ""l™?- ^' '^ M- l^y- As soon as eh u"^. "rls h^ """^ '™P''' '"^ P-« a little, the c t ,t:,;^7^„^ 'If ill 'I 9 '^ ■"»■-. The Life of the Caterpillar heaps, wake up and resume their evolutions on the ledge of the vase. This time the fine order of the beginning is disturbed and a cert- ain disorder becomes manifest, apparently an omen of deliverance near at hand. The scouting-path inside the vase, which was up- holstered in silk yesterday and the day before, is to-day followed to its origin on the rim by a part of the band and is then abandoned after a short loop. The other caterpillars follow the usual ribbon. The result of this bifurcation is two almost equal files, walking along the ledge in the same direction, at a short distance from each other, sometimes meeting, separating farther on, in every case with some lack of order. Weariness increases the confusion. The crippled, who refuse to go on, are many. Breaches increase; files are split up into sec- tions each of which has its leader, who pokes the front of h-s body this way and that to explore the giound. Everything seems to point to the disintegration which will bring safety. My hopes are once more dis^^ - pointed. Before the night the single file is reconstituted and the invincible gyration re- sumed. 84 n The Processionary: the Procession did" T^daT'thi"!':, pt''"'^ " "'= "'-1 ful, mild day Th °' ^'''™">'' '.' » beauti- life M.. ; greenhouse s /ull of the ring on the^ ledl f .'u ""'' '""'"'"f. and col,"Che.fga "'^"1''^'" "'' I see darinir |p.,H,„ u , "" ""t hme standing only on th!ir\°'.""'' "'"■ •"«■ extreme edge of ItJl" P™''^'' " "-e themselves forw,M-."''™"'"' "■"■ «ing 'oundin^ he dep hs tT"'' ^ '"'"« "^"^ quently„p=ated whileS,/ Tl"™" " '"" perfidious silken nlth d, " """*"« '" "-e -pe to g^X'tt'ol-drS^ ''--'' chal'g^tsaloufa'Sirr t 'T'' on the side of the vase 7, L u if""" '°"8 ^He .ttempth- fateX, , .^Xro; 8S 1 « ■ pi fci^' 111 i ^;> j The Life of the Caterpillar the vase, not nine inches away, there lay a bunch of pine-needles which I had placed there with the object of enticing the hungry ones. Smell and sight told them nothing. Near as they were to the goal, they went up again. No matter, the endeavour has its uses. Threads were laid on the way and will serve as a lure to further v'nterprisc. The road of deliverance has its first landmarks. And two days later, on the eighth day of the experi- ment, the caterpillars — now singly, anon in small groups, then again in strings of some length — cone down from the ledge by following the staked-out path. At sun- set the last of the laggards is back in the nest. Now for a little arithmetic. For seven times twenty-four hours the caterpillars have remained on the ledge of the vase To make an ample allowance for stops due to the weari- ness of this one or that and above all for the rest taken during trie colder hours of the night, we will deduct one-half of the time. This leaves eighty-four hours' walking. The average pace is nine ceptimcrres* a minute. *3/4 inches. — Translator's \'ote. 86 The Proce«ionary: th. Proce«io„ °'' mile, which hllZT '^? " 1""'" ^f perimeter of the ,17 *■'"" °' "" "»«■ Therefore the circ e cotr^ ""J''^ ' "■■ ''' - ^i-crihed th.^ti^/;„'5-, -^, »f insects as a claTs wh *■?"' ""Pidity dent occurs, it,! TneT "T "" '"« ""^ whether the Process.onart? '" "»'' ™>'^'f 'here so long by thTdM i'""' "°' ''^P' »P °f the descent rather ,fu.' "'"' ''"gers gleam ofintJCtlinX"-^'''^ ''''' "f W The facts. hoXerreptThrf '"5'^ """<'« «|,J_sy as the asclm. '^^ "" '''^""t i, '•daptTfStt'ro'undr"-'''''' ''«''• -" P-ng underneath. He can ^ u'"-?"' °' '''?■ "« vertically or horiZ, n^ "'^^ '^' "me down or up.*^ Beside h'"''' """> ^'" hack ""d until he has fi"'ed ."'''I'' '"°'" f""- ground. ^Vith ,h s sun„n 1' "'?»'' '° the 87 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 I.I l!f IS 2.0 14.0 1.8 A APPLIED IM/IGE Inc ^^ 1553 East Moin SI'eet r^S Rochester. New >'or(( U609 USA •-^ (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone gas (716) 288 - 5989 - Fox The Life of the Caterpillar has no falls to fear, no matter what his position. , I had a proof of this before my eyes du- ring a whole week. As I have already said, the track, instead of keeping on one level, bends twice, dips at a certain point under the ledge of the vase and reappears at the top a little farther on. At one part of the cir- cuit, therefore, the procession walks on the lower surface of the rim; and this inverted position implies so little discomfort or dan- ger that it is renewed at each turn for all the caterpillars from first to last. It is out of the question then to suggest the dread of a false step on the edge of the rim which is so nimbly turned at each point of inflexion. The caterpillars in distress, starved, shelterless, chilled with cold at night, ding obstinately to the silk ribbon covered hun- dreds of times, because they lack the rudi- mentary glimmers of reason which would advice them to abandon it. . . • Experience and reflection are not in their province. The ordeal of a five hundred yards' march and three to four hundred turns teach them nothing; and it takes casual circum- stances to bring them back to the nest. They 88 Whl^^^^m*^ The Process} on ary : the Procession would perish on their insidious ribbon if the disorder of the nocturnal encampments and the halts due to fatigue did not cast a few threads outside the circular pa-h. Some three or four move along these tra,k, laid without an object stray a ,:rtle way and, thanks to their wanden: =, prepare the descent, which IS at ast accomplished in short strings fa- voured by chance. The school most highly honoured to-day is very anxious to find the origin of reason in the dregs of the animal kingdom. Let me call Its attention to the Pine Processionary. '4- 1 Bg m. CHAPTER IV THE PINE PROCESSIONARY: METEOROLOGY TN JANUARY a second moult occurs, A leaving the caterpillar less fair to the eye, while at the same time endowing him with some very peculiar organs. When the mo- ment has come to shed their skins, the Pro- cessionaries cluster higgledy-piggledy on the dome of the nest and there, if the weather be mild, remain motionless day and night. It would seem as though the fact of their con- tact, of their mutual discomfort, while thus heaped together, furnishes a resistance, a ful- crum, which favours the process of excoriation. After this second moult, the hairs on the middle of the back are of a dull reddish colour, which is made paler still by the inter- position of numerous long white hairs. But this faded costume is accompanied by the singular organs which attracted the attention of Reaumur, who was greatly perplexed as to their function. In the place originally oc- cupied by the scarlet mosaic, eight segments of the caterpillar are now cleft by a broad QO 7>:mk' The Processionary: Meteorology a tumour w'thf(in''e"r„l^''?'''"? "<""''» "»« 'he creature war" ;™ •'■'""'""• ""-ough and inflating T/or tr'"^ '" ""'f" '"^'de that wl,icl, would be preseTdT".'' ''.''"°" protruding throuffh «k:„ • " j .^ ''" "««" Two largf da °k"&j"'"'<' '"' 'he scalpel. foce of fhe pttubr„ce ^'ir^r l!"/™'" two short. Hat f.,ffc ? ^ ^"^ ^ack are !nthe.u;,i^hVshte"t™hTrtr'b"^,^'''^'' All around i, a radiating border of 1^^ 2^- haira spread almost flat "^ '^'"'« AtThe's&S> '"""■"y -"-tive. disappearfund Th d™ i^" '" '^''" '"^ place opens an Zltter T"'"'''. {" '''' "oma, which swiftly brfng 'it's C,°' ''."«' doses and entirely dislptars '^T^^'f"' white ha rs that fL™ PP^'"- The long Perial around'^L-s'routh'^fXftr"'' ™ Stin°g^trcr"^? ^'- «-^:err-^y;;|«^«;;t;hese ail ^? 't t i vm ■U'2«|^. The Life of the Caterpillar has caught from beneath and meet to form a transversal crest, perpendicular to the crea- ture's back. This hairy erection produces a sudden modification in the caterpillar's aspect. The red shiny bristles have disappeared, buried under the dark skin; the white hairs, now standing on end, form a hirsute mane; an ashy tinge has crept into the general colour of the costume. When calm is restored, as soon happens, the slits open and yawn afresh; the sensitVe protuberances emerge, quick to disappear once more should any cause for alarm occur. These alternate expansions and contractions are rapidly repeated. I provoke them at will m various ways. A slight puff of tobacco- smoke immediately causes the stomata to yawn and the protuberances to emerge. One would think that the insect was putting itself on its guard and displaying some special ap- paratus of information. Before long the pro- tuberances go in again. A second puff of smoke brings them out once more. But, if the smoke is too abundant, too acrid, the caterpillar wriggles and writhes without open- ing his apparatus. 9a -iKi5t'.r-.*';' i'^'i»&?l' The Processionary: Meteorology a bit of straT The n- "l ^'"''>'' """■ horns of the s"ail a„7 ■'"'° T'"' '"'' "-e ping mouth, wh?ch •„!'' 'f 'f '•^''' l-y " g»- but not alwavrthe ''°'''- ^'"''"y. contact of my «rat u ^v'"' ."'"^<' l-^ "•' both front a^nd back 7hT^^ '^' '"''««• Paratus one by one ^' ^^"^ ^'"'^ 'heir ap- PilKeneSiivha'/t^"? '" ^P"-' 'he cater- ■n moving hesometim'. ™' ''''' ^^P"'''=d; closes thfm ?n " the T"' '"'^ '°"'"™« contraction are freoueLl '"P""'''™ ""^ «antly coming togetKn 'T'''^' ^°'- 'he skin, the lins ^f !fc '"'' Wreatrng under therefor; end fy tjt ,T""^''^ "P^'-e t«hes of russet hairsTh^ I ,, "■ ,'"■'«'' """-s- way a sort of dust coT£ atlh t' '" ""■' the c ater a H.,.. , '^"f at the bottom of which, thanks toXjirTt °' '"•"''=" hairs, little tLfts Whe^*".!"^ '^Y''^' »°°n collect into t"'x. the cS pr'oi«tirt""'"^">'- .olden atoms higST^-ere ^o^ ob! 93 .5 j ■:*.>-^;-;^f. Tii2'^'i«-:-^'*!j»:*i^ The Life of the Caterpillar server. I shall have something to say presently of the itch to which he is at such times exposed. Are these peculiar stomata designed merely to collect the adjoining bristles and to grind them to powder? Are these fine-skinned papilla, which inflate and ascend from the depths of their hiding-place, intended to get rid of the accumulation of broken hairs? Or is it the sole function of this peculiar ap- paratus to prepare, at the expense of the cater- pillar's fleece, an irritant dust which shall act as a means of defence? Nothing tells us so. Certainly the caterpillar is not armed against the enquirer who from time to time takes it into his head to come and examine him through a magnifying-glass. It is even very doubtful whether he troubles at all about those passionate caterpillar-lovers, Calosoma sycophanta^ among insects and the Cuckoo among birds. Those who consume such fare have a stomach expressly fashioned for the purpose, a stomach that laughs at blistering hairs and possibly finds an appetizing stimu- lant in their sting. No, I do not see the mo- tives that prompted the Processionary to *A large carnivorous Beti\t.— Translator's Note. 94 ^ IW^W The Prccessionary : Meteorology be something else ir' ""« "ot, its back! Mo'reov r Th ""'^"'.".''•'-'■oles on veals no channe" of'.n '""8."">""S-8'"s re- '•n;".w. Ctti ;X™:rpr h-"> '<;» -^olut,on of the enigma mu't I,e e sewt?; '^' pan^e^c^^erarr:!;^' t%'™ "^^^^^^ hairless membrane lh°r"' °^ " '"''• P^'e, of a visceraThern ; t tb^'T '^ ™P^«''°n were wounded a 'd II """"Sh the caterpillar trails to the at Th.*^"""^ "^ *''"'^ ^n- is great The'i; I, ''"^'''veness just here of 'a hair-penci tr" '^^^ "'•"■ '> P"'"' drawing of the proa .. ., .' ,'Tf *«' .'"• of the containing li, ' ' ""^ '""^ <^'osing The touch of a « '":vi^of^tt"L-£^-;'^--^ p-nt this d^; t^thrst -[i^tvt^i-^. 9S i ( ., A'-. *''.««>;■ ^ ■••**„ The Life of the Caterpillar At the moment when contact occurs the ap- paratus contracts and closes up. The recoil of the Snail's horns, withdrawing the visual and olfactory organs into their sheaths, is no prompter. Everything seems to prove that these op- tional tumours, appearing anu disappearing at the caterpillar's will, are instruments of sensorial perception. The caterpillar exposes them to obtain information; he shelters them under his skin to preserve their delicate func- tions. Nov/ what is it that they perceive? This is a difficult question, in which the habits of the Processionary alone can afford us a little guidance. During the whole winter, the Pine Cater- pillars are active only at night. In the day- time, when the weather is fine, they readily repair to the dome of the nesl and there re- main motionless, gathered into heaps. It is the hour of the open-air siesta, under the pale December and January sun. As yet none leaves the home. It is quite late in the even- ing, towards nine o'clock, when they set out, marching in an irregular procession, to browse on the leaves of the branches hard by. Their grazing is a protracted affair. The flock re- 96 ^ The Proc«.io„„^, Meteorology ■Ing the roughest' moth''"'L "^ *'-""• d- "°nar,- display" hLr»'- "■" "■= '''■ ce.- Wy « this ti^o yi'r""'^- '"defatfg,. '■me, whenever the wea t^ ■'."'■ " thf, '-■es abroad on the n tl '"r"""- >" ven. By a very remarkahu ^". "'''"■ "' S'fk- '"son marked by „ac Lr^P'r,"' "■' '■»«'• PO", in other inJ.c"Tf'/h-"'^l"^"^'' ^'- bustle and labour o„ 1 j™ ""= «^s™ of ">« the inclemen ies of th """' u"' """=• "ceed certain lin,i n't' """•" do „o •oo vi„,e„„y, ^ ^^- /,!f^ north wind blow floek away; if the cold be ton „ '""'P ''« 'h"e ,s a riak of free"' to7T"f- '" ">" Of ram, or if the m... .■?•."'• ''^" snow, drizzle, the cat.rn'^ "'"'"" '"'o an ,cv •■o-e, si.'".„?f P^'^:" Pn-dently ,tay 7t tent. ^ """" 'neir weatherproof dreads them. A droD of • ^ ^^t^rpilJar """"•• » --"^^A^rtrhit;- %i 97 l«- <• 7 R 1 'i ii .l^jj a:^'- > The Life of the Caterpillar start for the grazing-grounds at dark of night, in uncertain weather, would be dangerous, for the procession goes some distance and travels slowly. The flock would fare ill before re- gaining shelter did any sudden atmospheric trouble supervene, an event of some frequency in the bad season of the year. So that he may be informed in this particular during his nocturnal winter rambles, can the Pine Cater- pillar be endowed with some sort of meteoro- logical aptitudes? I.'': us describe how the suspicion occurred to me. Divulged I know not how, my rearing of caterpillars under glass acquired a certain re- nown. It was tailed about in the village. The forest-ranger, a sworn enemy to de- structive insects, wanted to see the grazing of the famous caterpillars, of whom he had re- tained a too poignant memory ever since the day when he gathered and destroyed their nests in a pine-wood under his charge. It was arranged that he should call the same evening. He arrives at the appointed hour, accom- panied by a friend. For a moment we sit and chat in front of the fire; then, when the clock strikes nine, the lantern is lit and we 98 y.M ^'le Processiona - )\/r.» '■"rd such »on,lcr ,,!,•■ "' "1"''' ''''y h" c "'■«'!'« 'hey cai;r „ t' \"'' "" "-c prcvfou^ 'p-"'gl>t not „„e reveal »>•'" ""■"••»«; 'h" they are mere y Tat t""-'- ^'" '' te C»n (heir habitual p„„'',rrL"'^ '" <"""«'■? "">e appetite ha, n^f ".*' ""^ « f"' be. he patient. '"'" ""J" »7 ved? We ,„„« J^'"^"- Still nothing Mi?, '!"[''■ Nothing. ."-hen we abandoned tur„^f I,*'" "" '' •'""'I " '-""Id be vain to pr„ ont'th """""'' "■« "n imagine whnf ,„ l"^ ""^ '"""g- Vou " havinf thus tc end n'"' '""' ' '""^"^ ,N"t day I though? ,ha.!T,^"'^- 'h? explanation of ,hi j ,! ™'>' P""''"''' ramed in the nieht anH ''"''PP°'""nent. It Snow not the trfet '„*?'".'" ''" "T'^K" I'" the most abundant whV /I"' ''« »° 'he Ventoux.. Had 'the atr tnt' ''™" "' o 'Th. higiie,, „„ . . "'erpillars, more 99 ' V- '^^^*c^8B^'.fs.f3a'T*'^2aiifi«K.->::af. ^ ;"■ *«'•»% The Life of the Caterpillar sensitive than any of us to atmospheric changes, refused to venture forth because they anticipated what was about to happen? Had they foreseen the rain and the snow, which nothing seemed to announce, at all events to us? After all, why not? Let us continue to observe them and we shall see whether the coincidence is fortuitous or not. On this memorable day, therefore, the 13th of December, 1895, I institute the caterpil- lars' meteorological observatory. I have at my disposal absolutely none of the apparatus dear to science, not even a modest ther- mometer, for my unlucky star continues in the ascendant, proving as unkind to-day as when I learnt chemistry with pipe-bowls for cruci- bles and bottles that once contained sweets for retorts. I confine myself to visiting nightly the Processionaries in the greenhouse and those in the garden. It is a hard task, espe- cially as I have to go to the far end of the enclosure, often in weather when one would not turn a Dog out of doors. I set down the acts of the caterpillars, whether they come out or stay at home; I note the state of the sky during the day and at the moment of my evening examination. 100 ^ssx The Processionary : Meteorology Normal School at a!^ ' ' ''^''''"' '^e trical records of ,"t i""'''"'^". 'he barome- •''-., docur:;:;f~;^ These are n>e':tzrT;ratir'"°'''^'-^''« meteorological insS has two' ""^P'"""' ■" the greenhouse and one r,h '™' '^ ™' on the pines i„ ,he enclosure T^' T" "'• tected against the wind and rl- ^!" t''' ^'°- I prefer: it provide 1' "'"•," ">" "-hich continuous St 0""^ tr th"' "■°" »"■ caterpillars often enouth t ' "P^"" °"t, even though th,^ .'''^''"^ '" come favourable K t„f k""' .""ditions be home if there be tn""^**" '° ''"P 'hem at the boughs, or even a ,:r^ '■ ^'"^ '^'^'^« on the web of the „ J f ?'°'?7 ''"PP'"g two perils fl,, L ^^''ed from these only to on^der^?"'"'r "terpillars have higher^ord ''"Th TS™ ''^"'^'^'^ "^ » them; the great aloL u ""I'-t'ons escape then,., a m^ lst7 p'ot^oVXT " °" -d «o,„g a long wa? towa'^ds'^:,"';,",;- lOI ''I "IS The Life of the Caterpillar problem for him. The colonies under glass, therefore, provide most of the material for my notes; the colonies in the open air add their testimony, which is not always quite clear. Now what did they tell me, those green- house caterpillars who, on the 13th of Decem- ber, refused to show themselves to my guest, the forest-ranger? The rain that was to fall that night could hardly have alarmed them : they were so well sheltered. The snow about to whiten Mont Ventoux was nothing to them : it was so far away. Moreover, it was neither snowing yet nor raining. Some ex- traordinary atmospheric event, profound and of vast extent, must have been occurring. The charts in the Temps and the bulletin of the Normal School told me as much. A cyclonic disturbance, coming from the British Isles, was passing over our district ; an atmospheric depression the like of which the season had not as yet known, had spread in our direction, reaching us on the 13th and persisting, in a more or less accentuated form, until the 22nd. At Avignon the barometer suddenly fell half an inch, to 29.1 in., on the 13th and lower still, to 29 in., on the 19th. IQ2 *.w.J The Processionary: Meteorology violent gusts of T. ? "'" ""'' some «ky was superb and .r ? "'^'"" "'''^" '^e «te. The nruln, l '^P^^ure moder- low the^Xstl^tgh't" T1 "- ='■ :";pefeiT^"--"-^--^^^^^^^^ unexpected tS L"' "'"™^'' =" «-' f-V 'he reassured th mseTves?n^7"^ '•""''"* ^ad ing nothing, TnZ;? t-'™'? "'"*' '"'• would have^ uffered out n'f 7' °' '"^'' ""ey »nd furious mis ral u ts ,17^^' '""^ P'nded their wort »„?■ ~I "'' ^'' '""^n sus- bad weather i'crted "^'" "" "'"'"' "^ melt''betj«j"he'^„'ji/'"'^ "«"""= 'Sree- 103 i. its :[ W /!^ ■•'#» ,*:ii-* The Life of the Caterpillar on the 19th, the night of the lowest press- ure, 29 m., not a caterpillar ventures out- side. As the wind and rain can have no effect on my colonies under glass, one is led to sup- pose that atmospheric pressure, with its physiological results, so difficult to define, is here the principal factor. As for the tem- perature, within moderate limits there is no need to discuss it. The Processionaries have a robust constitution, as behoves spinners who work in the open air in midwinter. However piercing the cold, so long as it does not freeze, when the hour comes for working or feeding they spin on the surface of the nest or browse on the neighbouring branches. Another example. According to the me- teorological chart in the Temps, a depression whose centre is near the lies Sanguinaires, at the entrance of the Gulf of Ajaccio, reaches my neighbourhood, with a minimum of 29 2 in., on the 9th of January. A tempestuous vvind gets up. For the first time this year there is a respectable frost. The ice on th- large pond in the garden is two or three inches thick. This wild weather lasts for five days Of course, the garden caterpillars do not !04 The Procession..,r>.: Meteorology °« of their ne«s e?,her A h" ""'venture fliere are „o bough In„ /'* ^'"" "-em cold piercing bevonrf , l^erously shaken, no .free^ing unferX i," "'^r'/,!'^ '■' " "« '" can be only the fa/,L ?",.''"P' 'hem depression. On the , rT u^ """ «■»« of and the barometer remf- f' "°"" «ases; 30 in. for the r« 0^7 "T"" ^9« ""d P« of February 0^177^ .'"'^ ' K<>od 'here are maeniLnf I .? ^" '""« Pe"od especiaily in Z'tZZT "'^ '-"«■ ,^e^;'tet?:,Utt:p^';t-'^' -'^- for no aoDarmf . P "' home aeain ■.„j "Pparent reason. f)f ,1,. • »■""' under cover, only two have » f "" ""'* P'llars out on the nin, k I ^"' '"^ "ter- 0"sly. in the ca e oF I ^1^^"'"'' P^'"" o «e the leaves bendlg u'nderfh '^"-^ [!'«•" ^n mnumerable multitude w*' T^^ht of forecast, I enter in my notes ""' ""^ ">'» ."'"'"' ''"P -^^P-ion ifabout to reach A"d I have guessed right. Two days later ^f US ■^* !'''«N..^, The Life of the Caterpillar sure enough, the meteorological record of the Temps gives me the folio ving information: a minimum of 29.2 in., coming from the Bay of Biscay on the 22nd, reaches Algeria on the 23rd and spreads over the Provence coast on the 24th. There is a heavy snow- fall at Marseilles on the 25th. 'The ships," I read in my paper, "present a curious spectacle, with their yards and rig- ging white. That is how the people of Mar- seilles, little used to such sights, picture Spitz- bergen and the North Pole." Here certainly is the gale which my cater- pillars foresaw when they refused to go out last night and the night before; here is the centre of disturbance which revealed itself at Serignan Ly a violent and icy north wind on the 25th and the following days. Again I perceive that the greenhouse caterpillars are alarmed only at the approach of the wave of atmospheric disturbance. Once the first uneasiness caused by the depression had abated, they came out again, on the 25th and the following days, In the r.idst of the gale, as though nothing extraordinary were hap- pening. 106 The Proeessionary: Meteorology excursioL. ™ "''"^'' '^""'^ ™P"il his soo^'Von 'tt" ^" "="""8 bad weather very Whin we had J"^"^'"-"' "" '""■"'"'Id provision,^ tbeeamX^T^' '° ™™ "- the night before Tndt,"' "■"""" ^'"" H;,.t «f '=""^^' and, according to his ver n:verVel"e7:;"7n\h?"'"^' "''""^ ^^>k..h.t wete?e, IZtTr^^^-^ to interrogate the Dor-beetle ',„ ^i!'^ doughty nocturnal worker. Bu 'a |i h! d" morahzed by imprisonment in a caL anH parently devoid of any specll ITJ '^' fn'r ';^d^'°™'"« ''' '-°'-^"~e:vr piua' who' ;?c^rd7ri":lf^ ""•": ^«"- son of the year and .^d^ a """^^'"^ »"■ ■G„, . endowed, as everything 107 i;.' ***#» ..ll The Life of the Caterpillar would seem to affirm, with organs quick to perceive the great atmospheric fluctuations. Rural lore abounds in meteorological fore- casts derived from animals. The Cat, sit- ting in front of the fire and washing behind her ears with a saliva-smeared paw, fore- tells another cold snap; the Cock, crowing at unusual hours, announces the return of fine weather; the Guinea-fowl, with her screech- ing, as of a scythe on the grindstone, points to rain; the Hen, Dtanding on one leg, her plu- mage ruffled, her head sunk on her neck, feels a hard frost coming; the pretty green Tree- frog inflates his throat like a bladder at the approach of a storm and, according to the Provencal peasant, says: "Ploura.ploura; it will rain, it will rain!" This rustic meteorology, the heritage of the centuries, does not show up so badly beside our scientific meteorology. Are not we ourselves living barometers? Eve;y veteran complains of his glorious scars when the weather is about to break. One man, though unwounded, suffers from msomnia or from bad dreams , another, though a brain-worker, cannot drag an idea out of his impotent head. Each of us, in io8 T^m^'^M. The Proccssionary: Meteorology his own way, is tried by the passai.*. n( fk press on? It l« .mk r l, '^'"^ °' '"'- r i> "II . It IS unbelievab e Th,. .'^c- * more than any ocher ceature shouM K ' animated meteoroIoLncal Inc/ ' "^ ^^^ ^" ful in its forecasf V '"'^''""1^"^ as truth- them a thri fe e ; T' ^"'^' ^°^ ^° '"^^d vator.r with thl- '"'''^"^^"^^ o^ our obser- Ail. i^diff" en d LTefr "' ^'^^'^ ^^^«"^- pressionability analolu.r"''' ' ^'"^'•^' '"^' cised without the a d^nf °^"'" °^" '"^ ^^^^- better-gifted ecause n^'vl' ' °'"^'"'- S^"'^' might Ll be furnfh ^ '" ""^^^ ^^ ^'^^' logical apparatus. '^ ^' ™«eoro. The Pine Processionarv seems r„ k.i th.s numter. I„ his ^JJ.7 ° '""? '" the segments bear n„ X-"'' ««"n-^. when eleganfred mosaic h. Iff'"' ''°""' ''"' "" other caterpHlar ' 'k I '" =PP»«ntly from eral impresTn W i, ' untr thif ""''• ^l"" 109 *?' :j" The Life of the Caterpillar dition is nearly always clement. The really formidable nights hardly set in before Janu- ary. But then, as a safeguard in his pere- grinations, the Pine Processionary cleaves his back with a ser* s of mouths which yawn open to sample the air from time to time and to give a warning of the sudden storm. Until further evidence is forthcoming, therefore, the dorsal slits are, to my mind, meteorological instruments, barometeiS in- fluenced by the main fluctuations of the atmo- sphere. To go beyond suspicions, though these are well based, is for me impossible. I lack the equipment necessary to delve more deeply into the subject. But I have given a hint. It is for those who are better favoured in the matter of resources to find the final solu- tion of this interesting problem. 1X0 "*■«• CHAPTER V THE PINF. PRO(i:ssIONARY: TFir MOTFI TI^ HEN March comes, the catcroillars ▼ ^ reared m domesticity never cease pro- cess.onmg. Many leave the greenhouse, which remams open; they go in search of a suitable spot for the approaching metamor- phosis. This IS the final exodus, the definite abandonment of the nest and the pine-tree. Ihe pilgrims are much faded, whitish, wi^h a few russet hairs on their backs. On the 7.oth of March I spend a whole morning watching the evolutions of a file some three yards h length, containing about a hundred emigrants. The procession toils grimly along, undulating over the dusty ground, where it leaves a furrow. Then it breaks info a small number of groups, which crowd together and remain quiescent save for sudden oscillations of the hlnd-quarters. After a halt of varying duration, these groups resume their march, henceforward forming independent processions. They take no settled direction. This one III I «• . , '*«' . -'v <%, '^ !.|''W«x. i . ^ •' .- The Life of the Caterpillar goes forward, that one goes back; one turns to the left and another to the rlijhi:. There is no rule about their marching, no positive goal. One procession, after describing a loop, retraces its steps. Yet there is a general tend- ency towards tl at wall of the greenhouse which faces the south and reflects the sun's rays w'th added fervour. The sole guide, it would m, is the amount of sun which a place obtai"s; the directions whence the great- est heat comes are preferred. After a couple of hours of marching and countern- arching, the fragmentary proces- sions, comprising each a score of caterpillars, reach the foot of the wall. Here the soil is powdery, very dry, easy to burrow in, al- though made somewhat firmer by tufts of grass. The caterpillar at the head of the row explores with his mandibles, digs a little, in- vestigates the nature of the ground. The others, trusting their leader, follow him with docility, making no attempts of their own. Whatever the foremost decides will be adopted by all. Here, in the choice of a mat- ter so important as the spot whereat the trans- formation shall take place, there is no in- dividual initiative. There is only one will, iia The Proccssionary : the Moth stak 'th;'" '^'^"^ '■' ""'y ""^' hea^l, so to IhTchJ f""^"'"" "'ay he compared >vith tlous \TT" r^"' '■' '•^^«K"'-^d as propi- w^h hi, h ''r'"^ caterpillar halts, pushes with h.s head, digs his manolMes The Zhrl""'"' '°'"' ^" '-^ '^«'^- Then the e ch o th"/ '?° ^r^^rming heap, in which All th^f Jhe caterpillars resumes his liberty. neads are plunged into the dust; all their feet are rakmg all their mandibles excavati:; the gang of ...dependent workers. little, the caterpillars bury themselves. For some to come, the undermined soil cracks and nses and covers itself with little mole h.ns; then all Is still. The caverplflars h^ ^ descended to a depth of three Inches. This Jhe^r^tro-^Totrift^^^'^^^ would atfain a JXyelrXTTh^ greenhouse shelf, supplied with fine sand, has prov.ded me with cocoons pl.ced at a depth of from eight to twelve inches. I would not "3 * ■■■ 1 !?# ' - ■ jy The Life of the Caterpillar assert that the interment might not be made still lower down. For the most part, the burial is effected in common, by more or less numerous clusters and at depths which vary greatly, according to the nature of the soil. A fortnight later, let us dig at the point where the descent underground was made. Here we shall find the cocoons assembled in bunches, cocoons of sorry appearance, soiled as they are with earthy particles held by silken threads. When stripped of their rough ex- terior, they are not without a certain elegance. They are narrow ellipsoids, pointed at both ends, measuring twenty-five millimetres in length and nine millimetres^ in thickness. The silk of which they are composed is very fine and of a dull white. The fragility of the walls is remarkable when we have seen the enormous quantity of silk expended on the construction of the nest. A prodigious spinner where his winter habi- tation is concerned, the caterpillar finds his glands exhausted and is reduced to the strictly necessary amount when the time comes for making the cocoon. Too poor in silk, he strengthens his flimsy cell with a facing of 1,975 by .351 inch.— Translator's Note. 114 ^ M The Processionary ; the Moth earth. With him it is not the industry of the Bembex,^ who inserts grains of sand in her silky web and makes a soh'd casket of the whole; it is a summary sort of art, devoid of delicacy, which just casually sticks to- gether the surrounding earthy refuse Moreover, if circumstances demand it, the i;me Caterpillar can do without earth. In the very midst of the nest [ have sometimes --very rarely, it is true— discovered cocoons vvhich were perfectly clean. Not a scrap of alien matter defiled their fine white silk I have obtained similar specimens by placing caterpillars under a bell-glass in a pan pro vided only with a few pine-twigs. Better still: an entire procession, a good-sized one too gathered at the opportune moment and '■nclosed in a large box containing no sand nor any material whatever, spun its cocoons with no other support than the bare walls The^e exceptions, provoked by circumstances in which the caterpillar is not free to act ac- cording to his wont, does not in any way in- validate the rule. To prepare for the trans- formation, the l^rocessionary buries himself, "5 'h ;< r I The Life of the Caterpillar to the depth of nine inches and more, if the soil permit. , . ^r Here a curious problem forces itself upon the observer's mind. How does the Moth contrive to ascend from the catacombs into which the caterpillar has descended? Not in the finery of her perfect state— the big wings with their delicate scales, the sweep- ing antenna-plumes-dare she brave the as- perities of the soil, or she would issue thence all tattered, rumpled and ""^^^og^'J^^^; And this is not the case: far from it. More- over, what means can she employ, she so feeble, to break the crust of earth into which the original dust will have turned after the slightest of showers? j r t i , «r The Moth appears at the end of July or in August. The burial took place m March Rain must have fallen during this lapse of time, rain which beats down the soil, cements it and leaves it to harden once evaporation has set in. Never could a Moth, unless at- tired and equipped with tools for the pur- pose, break her way through such an obs acle^ She would perforce require a boring-tool and a costume of extr.aie simphc.ty. Guided by these considerations, I institute a few expen- ii6 aasatat^m The Processionary : the Moth ments which will give me the key to the riddle. In April I make a copious collection of cocoons. Of these I place ten or twelve at the bottom of test-tubes of different diameters and, last of all, I fill the apparatus with sandy soil, sifted and very slightly moistened. The contents are pressed down, but in moderation, for fear of injuring the cocoons below. When the month of August comes, the column of earth, damp at th outset, has set so firmly, thanks to evaporation, that, when I reverse the te<; ibe, nothing trickles out. On the other iiund, some cocoons have been kept naked under a metallic cover. These will teach me what the buried cocoons would not be able to show. They furnish me, in fact, with records of the greatest interest. On issu- ing from the cocoon, the Pine Bombyx has her finery bundled up and presents the appear- ance of a cylinder with rounded ends. The wings, the principal obstacle to underground labour, are pressed against the breast like nar- row scarves; the antennae, another serious em- barrassment, have not yet unfolded their plumes and are turned back along the Moth's sides. The hair, which later forms a dense "7 il < pr i * ,',f'' The Life of the Caterpillar fleece, is laid flat, pointing backwards. The legs alone are free, fairly active and endowed with a certain vigour. Thanks to this arrange- ment, which does away with all awkward pro- jections, the ascent through the soil is made possible- True, every Moth, at the moment of quit- ting her shell, is this sort of swathed mummy ; but the Pine Bombyx has in addition an ex- ceptional aptitude rendered necessary by the fact that she hatches under the ground. While the others, once out of the cocoon, hasten to spread their wings and are power- less to defer their development, she, by virtue of an indispensable privilege, remains in her compact and wrapped-up condition as long as circumstances demand it. Unde- my bell- glasses I see some who, though born upon the surface, for twenty-four hours drag them- selves over the sand or cling to the pine- branches, before untying their sashes and un- furling them as wings. This delay is evidently essential. To as- cend from beneath the earth and reach the open air, the Moth has to bore a long tun- nel, which requires time. She will take good care not to spread her finery before emer- ii8 The Processionary : the Moth ging, for it would hamper her and would it- self be rumpled and badly creased. There- tore the cylindrical mummy persists until the deliverance .s effected; and. if liberty happen o be acquired before the appointed moment, the hnal evolution does not take place until after a lapse of time in conformity with usage. ^ We are acquainted with the equipment for emergence, the tight-fitting jerkin in- dispensable m a narrow gallery. Now, where .s the boring-tool? The legs, though free v-ould here be insufficient: they would scrape the earth laterally enlar- ging the diameter of the shaft, but could not prolong the exit vertically, above the fron? '^^'' '°°^ "^"'^ ^^ ^" Pass the tip of your finger over the Moth's • ,-, ^°^,^'^^ ^^^^ ^ few very rough wrmkles The magnifying-glass shows us more We find, between the eyes and higher up, four or five transversal scaies, so set as to overlap one another; they are hard and black and are trimmed crescent-wise at the ends 1 he longest and strongest is the upper- most, which IS m the middle of the forehead. 119 Vi i The Life of the Caterpillar There you have the centre-hit of your boring- tool. To make our tunnels in granitic rocks we tip our drills with diamond points. For a similar task the Bomhyx, a living drill, wears implanted on her forehead a row of crescents, hard and durable ;is steel, a regular twist- bit. Without suspecting its use, Reaumur was perfectly aware of this marvellous im- plement, which he called scaly stairs: "What docs it profit this Moth," he asks, "that she should thus have the front of her Iiead formed like scaly stairs? That Is just what I do not know." My test-tubes, learned master, will tell us. By good fortune, of the numerous Moths as- cending from the bottom of my apparatus through a column of sand solidified by the evaporation of the original moisture, some are making their way upwards against the side of the tube, enabling me to follow their ma- na'uvres. I see them raising their cylindrical bodies, butting with their heads, jerking now in one direction, now in another. The nature of their task is obvious. The centre-bits, with an alternating movement, are boring into the agglutinated sand. The powdery wreckage 120 The IVoccssionary: the Moth trickles down from overhead and Is at once thrust backward by the lea, A l.^.i fo™, a. the top o^ehcvS, ItS move, ,0 much nearer to the surface By the fol owing day, the whole column ten ^r^^hl\"'\ ";" "^J P"f-«^J with a Straight, perpendicular shaft Shall we now form an idea of the total work performed? Let us turn the test tube Z;t'7^; The contents, as I Lve said will not fall out, for they have set into a ^^'''h:\^V''^. the tunnels bored by the Moth tnckles all the sand crumbled by the crescents of the drill. The result is a cy fn! dncal gallery, of the width of a lead^peS Are you satisfied, my master? Do you sta7rs?"X'l^ ^"^^ "^'''^y -' '^^ A stairs ? Would you not say that we have here a magnificent example of an instrument super latively fitted for a definite task ? I share thiJ opm.on. for I think, with you, that a sovereign Reason has in all things coordi- nated the means and the e.d But let me tell you: we are called old- fashioned, you and I; with our conception of 121 ■ =f 1 '''<♦■••< The Life of the Caterpillar a world ruled by an IntelliKence, we are quite out of the swim. Order, balance, harmony: that is all silly nonsense. The universe is a fortuitous arrangement in the chaos of the possible. What is white might as easily be black, what is round might be angular, what is regular might be shapeless and harmony might just as well be discord. Chance has de- cided all things. Yes, we are a pair of prejudiced old fogeys when we linger with a certain fondness over the marvels of perfection. Who troubles about these futilities nowadays? So-called serious science, the science which spells honour, profit and renown, consists in slicing your animal with very costly instruments into tiny circular sections. My housekeeper does as much with a bunch of carrots, with no higher pretention than to concoct a modest dish, which is not an invariable success. In the problem of life are we more successful when we have split a fibre into four and cut a cell into shavings? It hardly seems so. The riddle is as dark as ever. Ah, how much better is your method, my dear master; above all, how much loftier your philosophy, how much more wholesome and invigorating! 122 The Processionary : the Moth W th the deliberate slowness demanded by so debcate an operat.on, she spreads her bunched wmgs, expends her antenna- and puffs out her neece. Her costume is a modest one: upper wmgs grey, striped with a few crinkly brown vi?h /h'- T'^'^'^r^' ''^''''^ thorax covered with thick grey fur; abdomen clad in bright- russet velvet. The last segment has a p'afe- ftsnotT ^^ ^r ^'ght it appears bare. sal surface scales so well assembled and so close together that the whole seems to form a contmuous block, like a nugget. Let us touch this trinket with the point of a need e. However gently we rub, a multi- breath ',h " 'T, '^ ^-"^ ^""'"'^ '' '^' '^^«t breath, shining l,ke mica spangles. Their concave form, their shape, an elongated oval, reddish gold in the upper, give them, if we allow for the difference in size, a certain re- semblance to the scales surrounding the heads of some of the centaury tribe. Such is the fnnn'h T- "^ ''^''^ '^' "^^^h^"- ^vill de- spoil herself in order to cover the cylinder of 123 *■•» 1 'W The Life of the Caterpillar her eggs. The nugget of her hind-quarters, exfoliated spangle by spangle, will form a roof for the germs arranged like the grain in a corn-cob. I was anxious to watch the actual placing of these pretty tiles, which are fixed at the pale end with a speck of cement, leaving the coloured end free. Circumstances did not favour me. Inactive all day, motionless on some needle of the lower branches, the Moth, whose life is very short, moves only in the darkness of the night. Both her mating and egg-laying are nocturnal. On the morrow, all is finished: the Bombyx has lived. Under these conditions, it was impossible, by the doubtful beams of a lantern, to follow satisfactorily the labour of the mother on the pine-trees in the garden. I was no more fortunate with the captives in my bell-glasses. A few did lay their eggs, but always at a very advanced hour of the night, an hour which found my vigilance at fault. The light of a candle and eyes heavy with sleep were of little avail when it came to analysing the subtle operations of the mother as she puts her scales in place. We 124 ^ s T The Proccssionary : the Moth will sav nothing of the little that was imper- fectly seen. Let us close with a few words of sylvi- cultural practice. The Pine Proccssionary is a voracious caterpillar who, while respecting the terminal bud, protected by its scales and its resinous varnish, completely denudes the bough and imperils the tree by leaving it bald. The green pine-needles, that mane in which the vegetable vigour of the tree resides, are shorn to the roots. How are we to remedy this? When consulted on the subject, the forest- ranger of my parish told me that the custom is to go from tree to tree with pruning-shears fitted on a long pole and to cut down the nests, afterwards burning them. The method is a troublesome one, for the silken purses are often at considerable heights. Moreover, it if not without danger. Attacked by the hairy dust, the destroyers soon experience intolera- ble discomfort, a torture of irritation which makes them refuse to continue the work. To my thinking it would be better to operate before the appearance of the nests. The Pine Bombyx is a very bad flyer. In- capable of soaring, almost like the Silk-moth, r,.i. i; - tki ^p 1 '**-** *•« The Life of the Caterpillar she flutters about and blunders to earth again; and her best efforts barely succeed in bringing her to the h)wer branches, which almost drag along the ground. Here arc deposited the cylinders of eggs, at a height of six feet at most. It is the young caterpillars who, from one pro'i'isional encampment to another, gradually ascend, attaining, stage by stage, the summits upon which they weave their final dwellings. Once we grasp this peculiarity, the rest is plain sailing. In August we inspect the lower foliage of the tree: an easy examination, for it is car- ried on no higher than our heads. Towards the far end of the twigs it is easy to espy the Bombyx' eggs, packed into cylinders that resemble scaly catkins. Their size and their whitish colour make them show up amid the sombre green. Gathered with the double pine-needle that bears them, these cylinders are crushed under foot, a summary fashion of stamping out an evil before it spreads. This I have done in the case of the few pine-trees in my enclosure. And the same might be done in the wider forest expanses and more especially in parks and gardens, where symmetrical foliation is one of the 126 The Processionary : the Moth great beauties of the tree. I will add that It IS wise to prune every bough that droops to earth and to keep the foot of the conifer bare to a height of six feet or so. In the ab- sence of these lower stairs, the only ones that the Bombyx with her clumsy flight can reach, she will not be able to populate the tree ! 127 CHAPTER VI THE PINE PROCESSIONARY : THE STINGING POWER THE Pine Pro.essionary has three cos- tumes: that of infancy, a scanty, ragged fleece, a mixture of black and white; that of middle age, the richest of the three, when the segments deck themselves on their dorsal sur- face with goiden tufts and a mosaic of bare patches, scarlet in colour; and that of ma- turity, when the rings are cleft by slits which one by one open and close their thick lips, champing and grinding their bristling russet beards and chewing them into little pellets, which are thrown out on the creature's sides when the bottom of the pocket swells up like a tumour. When wearing this last costume, the cater- pillar is very disagreeable to handle, or even to observe at close quarters. I happened, quite unexpectedly, to learn this more tho- roughly than I wished. After unsuspectingly passing a whole mom- 128 i^^.'^fiW^f^^iicsf:! The Stinging Power <"ng with my insects, stooping over them, mag- n>fying-glass in hand, to examine t!'. ^-ork- eyehds suffenng with redness for f A^-ntv-fouv hours and afflicted with an itching tv^n^ior. pamful and persistent than that produced by doln t'lf d " ""^t". ^" ^"'"^ '"^ '0^' eyes reddened and swollen and my face unrecognizable, the family anxiously en! quired what had happened to me and were not^ reassured until I toid them of my mis- I unhesitatingly attribute my painful ex penence to the red hairs ground to powder and collected .nto flakes. My breath sough? them out in the open pockets and carried them to my face, which was very near. The un- thinking intervention of my hands, which now and agam sought to ease the discomfort, merely aggravated the ill bv spreading the irritating dust. ^ No, the search for truth on the back of the Froccssionary is not all sunshine. It was only after a night's rest that I found myself pretty well recovered, the incident having no further .11 effects. Let us continue, however. 129 il= ! 1 1 m ■J.'jS.-.r ^•i./iZiy?. i-tj _< ^ T J The Life of the Caterpillar It is well to substitute premeditated experi- ments for chance facts. The little pockets of which the dorsal slits form the entrance are encumbered, as I have said, with hairy refuse, either scattered or gathered into flakes. With the point of a paint-brush I collect, when they gape open, a little of their contents and rub it on my wrist or on the inside of my fore-arm. I have not long to wait for the result. Soon the skin turns red and is covered with pale lenticular swellings, similar to those pro- duced by a nettle-sting. Without being very sharp, the pain was extremely unpleasant. By the following day, itching, redness and lenticu- lar swellings had all disappeared. This is the usual sequence of events; but 'et me not omit to say that the experiment does not always succeed. The efficacy of the fluffy dust appears subject to great varia- tions. , L T U fl There have been occasions when 1 have rubbed myself with the whole caterpillar, or with his cast skin, or with the broken hairs gathered on a paint-brush, without producing any unpleasant results. The irritant dust seems to vary in quality according to certain 130 The Stinging Power circumstances which I have not been able to discover. From my various tests it is evident that the discr r fort is caused by the delicate hairs which the lips of the dorsal mouths, gaping and closing again, never cease grinding, to die detriment of their beards and moustaches. The edges of these slits, as their bristles rub off, furnish the stmging dust. Having established this fact, let us proceed to more serious experiments. In the middle of March, when the Processionaries for the most part have migrated underground, I de- cide to open a few nests, as I wish to collect their last inhabitants for the purpose of my investigations. Without taking any precau- tions, my fingers tug at the silken dwelling, which is made of solid stuff; they '^ into shreds, search it through and throu^ rn it inside out and back again. Once more and this time in a more serious fashion, I am the victim of my unthinking enthusiasm. Hardly Is the operation com- pleted, when the tips of my fingers begin to hurt in good earnest, especially In the more delicate part protected by the edge of the nail. The feeling is like the sharp pain of a sore 131 5fe,.«^^ii^. .m^::^ "r-s •.::-• 1 The Life of the Caterpillar that is beginning to fester. All the rest of the day and all through the night, the pain persists, troublesome enoi gh to rob me of my sleep. It does not quiet down until the following day, after twenty-four hourr of petty torment. How did this new misadventure befall me? I had not handled thj caterpillars: indeed, there were very few of them in the nest at the time. I had come upon no shed skins, for the moults do not take place inside the silken purse. When the moment has come to doff the second costume, that of the red mo- saic, the caterpillars cluster outside, on the dome of their dwelling, and there leave in a single heap their old clothes entangled with bits of silk. What is left to explain the un- pleasant consequences to which the handling of the nest exposes us? The broken red bristles are left, the fallen hairs forming a dust that is invisible with- out a very careful examination. For a long time the Processionaries crawl and swarm about the nest; they pass to and fro, penetrating the thickness of the wall when they go to the pastures and when they return to their dormitory. Whether motionless or 132 The Stinging Power on the move, they are constantly opening and closing their apparatus of information, the dorsal mouths. At the moment of closing, the lips of these slits, rolling on each other like the cylinders of a flattcning-mill, catch hold of the fluff near them, tear it out and break it into fragments which the bottom of the pocket, presently reascending, shoots outside. Thus myriads of irritant particles are dis- seminated and subtly introduced into every part of the nest. The shirt of Nessus burnt th» veins of whoso wore It; the silk of the Processionary, another poisoned fabric, sets on f re the fingers that handle it. The loathsome hairs long retain their viru- lence. I was once sorting out some handfuls of cocoons, many of which were diseased. As the hardness of the contents was usually an mdication that something was wrong, I tore open the doubtful cocoons with my fingers, in order to save the non-contaminated chrysalids. My sorting was rewarded with the same kind of pain, especially under the edges of the nails, as I had already suffered when tearing the nests. The cause of the irritation on this occasion was sometimes the dry skin discarded by the 133 hm **^«t»« The Life of the Caterpillar Processlonary on becoming a chrysalis and sometimes the shrivelled caterpillar turned into a sort of chalky cylinder through the invasion of the malignant fungus. Six months later, these wretched cocoons were still capable of producing redness and irritation. Examined under the microscope, the russet hairs, the cause of the itching, are stiff rods, very sharp at either end and armed with barbs along the upper half. Their structure has absolutely nothing in common with nettle- hnirs, those tapering phials whose hard point snaps off, pouring an irritant fluid into the tiny wound. The pbnt from whose Latin name, Urtica, we derive the word urtication borrowed the design of its weapon from the fangs of the venomous serpents; it obtains its effect, not by the wound, but by the poison introduced into the wound. The Processlonary employs a different method. The hairs, which have naught resembling the ampullary reservoir of the nettle-hairs, must be poisoned on the sur- face, like the assegais of the Kafirs and Zulus. Do they really penetrate the epidermis? Are they like the savage's javelin, which can- 134 •j«0*J6t; .f^JiWI*.. mi. SI The Stinging Power not be extracted once it has gone in? With their barbs, do they enter all the more deeply because of the quivering of the outraged flesh ? There is no ground for believing anything of the kind. In vain do I scrutinize the injured spot through the magnifying-glass; I ''an sec no sign of the implanted dart. Neither could Reaumur, when an encounter with the Oak Processionary set him scratching himself. He had his suspicions, but could state nothing definitely. No; despite their sharp points and their barbs, which make them, under the micro- scope, such formidable spears, the Proces- sionary's russet hairs are not darts designed to imbed themselves in the skin and to pro- voke irritation by pricking. Many caterpillars, all most inoffensive, have a coat of bristles which, under the micro- scope; resolve themselves into barbed javelins, quite harmless In spite of their threatening aspect. Let me mention a couple of these peaceable halberdiers. Early in spring, we see, crossing the paths, a briskly-moving caterpillar who inspires repu- nance by his ferocious hairiness, which ripples like ripe corn. The ancient naturalists, with 135 :?^.- ^ ..■^*u';:> , .» ' i • The Life of the Caterpillar their artless and picturesque nomenclature, called him the Hedgehog. The term isworthy of the creature, which, in the moment of danger, rolls itself up like a Hedgehog, pre- senting its spiny armour on all sides to the enemy. On its back is a dense mixture of black hairs and hairs of ashen-gray; while on the sides and fore-part of the body is a stiff mane of bright russet. Black, grey or russet, all this fierce-looking coat is heavily barbed. One hesitates to touch this horror with the finger-tips. Still, encouraged by my example, seven-year-old Paul, with his tender child's skin, gathers handfuls of the repulsive insect with no more apprehension than if he were picking a bunch of violets. He fills his boxes with it; he rears it on elm-leaves and handles it daily, for he knows that from this frightful creature he will one day obtain a superb Moth {Chelonia caja, Linn.), clad in scarlet velvet, with the lower wings red and the upper white, sprinkled with brown spots. What resulted from the child's familiarity with the shaggy creature? Not even a trace of itching on his delicate skin. I do not speak of mine, which is tanned by the years. In the osier-beds of our local stream, the 136 ry.' The Stinging Power rushing Aygues, a thorny shrub abounds which, at the advent of autumn, is covered with an infinity of very sour red berries. Its crabbed houghs, which bear but little ver- dure, are hidden under their clusters of ver- milion balls It is the sallow thorn or sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoidesj. In April, a very hairy but rather pretty caterpillar lives at the expense of this shrub's budding leaves. He has on his back five dense ufts of hair set side by side and arranged like the bristles of a brush, tufts deep-black in the centre and white at the edges He waves two divergent plumes in front of him and sports a third on his crupper, like a feathery tail. These three are black hai- pencils of extreme delicacy. His greyish Moth, flattened motionless on the bark stretches his long fore-legs, one against the other, in front of him. You would take them, at a first glance, for antennae of exaggerated proportions. This pose of the extended hmbs has won the insect the scientific label of Orgyia, arm's length; and also the vulgar and more expressive denomination of t'atte etendue, or outstretched paw Little Paul has not failed, with my aid, to U7 ...... ...k^ WLf-.^i^,^t. ^ !■ !*-*i The Life of the Caterpillar rear the pretty hearer of the tufts and brushes. I low many times, with his sensitive finger, has he not stroked the creature's furry cos- tume? He found it softer than velvet. And yet, enlarged under the microscope, the cater- pillar's hairs are horril^le barbed spears, no less menacing than those of the Processionary. The resemblance goes no farther: handled without precautions, the tufted caterpillar does not provoke even a simple rash. No- thing couh^ ^e more harmless than his coat. It is evident, then, that the cause of the irritation lies elsewhere than in the barbs. If the barbed bristles were enough to poison the fingers, most hairy caterpillars would be dan- gerous, for nearly all have sj in . i /istles. We find, on the contrary, that virulence is be- stowed upon a very small number, which are not distinguished from the rest by any special structure of the hair. That the barbs have a part to play, that of fixing the irritant atom upon the epidermis, of keeping it anchored in its place. Is, after all, possible: but the shooting pains cannot by any means be caused by the mere prick of so delicate a harpoon. Much less slender, the hairs clustered 138 miM J«M^.. The Stinging Power Into pads on the prickly pears are fero- ciously barbed. Woe to the fingers tha^ handle this kind of velvet too confidently! At the least touch they are pierced with har- poons whose extraction involves a severe tax upon our patience. Other inconvenience there IS little or none, for the action of the barb is in this case purely mechanical. Supposing— a very doubtful thing— that the Processionary's hairs could penetrate our skin, they would act likewise, only with less effect, if they had i;5'"^'y Jheir sharp points and their barbs. What then do they possess in addition ? They must have, not inside them, like the hairs of the nettle, but outside, on the surface, an iritant agent; they must be coated with a poisonous mixture, which makes them act by simple contact. Let us remove this virus, by means of a solvent; and the Processionary's darts, re- duced to their insij, cant mechanical action, will be harmless. The solvent, on the other hand, rid of all hairs by filtration, will be charged with the irritant element, which we shall be able to test without the agency of the hairs. Isolated and concentrated, the sting- ing element, far from losing by this treat- 139 ■•' i ml » "*»f*.. ,1^ ,•-•,■ I The Life of the Caterpillar ment, ought to gain In virulence. So reflec- tion tells us. The solvents tried are confined to ♦hree: water, spirits of wine and sulphuric ether. I employ the latter by preference, although the other two, spirits of wine especially, have yielded satisfactory results. To simplify the experiment, instead of submitting to the action of the solvent the entire caterpillar, who would complicate the extract with his fats and his nutritive juices, I prefer to employ the cast skin alone. I therefore collect, on the one hand, the heap of dry skins which the moult of the second phase has left on the dome of the silken dwelling and, on the other hand, the skins which the caterpillars have rejected in their cocoons before becoming chrysalids; and I leave the two lots to infuse, separately, in sul- phuric ether for twenty-four hours. The in- fusion is colourless. The liquid, carefully filtered, is exposed to spontaneous evapora- tion ; and the skins are rinsed with ether in the filter, several times over. There are now two tests to be made: one with the skins and one with the product of maceration. The first is as conclusive as can 140 ti.3 ^vmm 1. f •^F The Stinging Power be. Hairy as in the normal state and per- fectly dried, the skins of both lots, drained by the ether, produce not the slightest effect, although I rub myself with them, without the least caution, at the juncture of the fingers, a spot very sensitive to stinging. The iiairs are the same as before the actio., of the solvent: they have lost none of their barbs, of their javelin-points; and yet they are ineffectual. They produce no pain or incon- venience whatever. Deprived of their toxic smearing, these thousands of darts become so much harmless velvet. The Hedgehog Cater- pillar and the Brush Caterpillar are not more inoffensive. The second test is more positive and so conclusive in its painful effects that one hardly likes to try it a second time. When the ethereal infusion is reduced by spontaneous evaporation to a few drops, I soak in it a slip of blotting-paper folded in four, so as to form a square measuring something over an inch. Too unsuspecting of my product, I do things on a lavish scale, both as regards the super- ficial area of my poor epidermis and the quantity of the virus. To any one who might wish to renew the investigation 1 should re- 141 'i 1 > < -\ . \ ■ 1 ♦ i\- ii- i*f '* i^: •■*■».. B'l-. fc "t^^H R-i The Life of the Caterpillar commend a less generous dose. Lastly, the square of paper, that novel sort of mustard- plaster, is applied to the under surface of the fore-arm. A thin waterproof sheeting covers it, to prevent it from drying too rapidly ; and a bandage holds it in place. For the space of ten hours, I feel nothing; then I experience an increasing itch and ^ burning sensation acute enough to keep me awake for the greater part of the night. Next day, after twenty-four hours of contact, the poultice is removed. A red mark, slightly swollen and very clearly outlined, occu- pies the square which the poisoned paper covered. The skin feels sore, as though it had been cauterized, and looks as rough as shagreen. From each of its tiny pustules trickles a drop of serous fluid, which hardens into a substance similar in colour to gum-arabic. This oozing continues for a couple of days and more. Then the inflamation abates; the pain, hitherto very trying, quiets down; the skin dries and comes off in little flakes. All is over, except the red mark, which remains for a long time, so tenacious in its effects is this extract of Processionary. Three weeks after the ex- 142 The Stinging Power perJment, the little square on the fore-arm subjected to the poison is still discoloured. For thus branding one's self, does one at least obtain some small reward? Yes. A little truth is the balm spread upon the wound ; and indeed truth is a sovran balm. It will come presently to solace us for much greater sufferings. For the moment, this painful experiment shows us that the irritation has not as its primary cause the hairiness of the Procession- ary. Here is no hair, no barb, no dart. All of that has been retained by the filter. We have nothing now but a poisonous agent ex- tracted by the solvent, the ether. This ir- ritant element recalls, to a certain extent, that of cantharides, which acts by simple con- tact. My square of poisoned blotting-paper was a sort of plaster, which, instead of raising the epidermis in great blisters, makes it bristle with tiny pustules. The part played by the barbed hairs, those atoms which the least movement of the air disseminates in all directions, is confined to conveying to op- face and hands the irritant substance in ch they are impregnated. Their barbs hoio them in place and thus per- 143 r •' The Life of the Caterpillar mit the virus to act. It is even probable that, by means of slight scratches which would otherwise pass unnoticed, they assist the action of the stinging fluid. Shortly after handling the Processionaries, a delicate epidermis becomes tumefied, red and painful. Without being immediate, the action of the caterpillar is prompt. The extract made with ether, on the other hand, causes pain and rubefaction only after a longish in- terval. What does it need to produce more rapid ulceration? To all appearances, the action of the hairs. The direct stinging caused by the caterpillar Is nothing like so serious as that produced by the ethereal extract concentrated in a few drops. Never before, in my most painful mis- adventures, whether with the silken purses or their inhabitants, have I seen my skin covered with serous pustules and peeling off In flakes. This time it Is a veritable sore, anything but pleasing to the eye. The aggravation Is easily explained. I soaked In the ether some fifty discarded skins. The few drops which remained after the evaporation and which were absorbed by the square of blotting-paper represented, there- 144 The Stinging Power fore, the virulence of a single insect fifty times increased. My little blistering-plaster was equivalent to the contact of fifty cater- pillars at the same spot. There is no doubt that, if we left them to steep in considerable numbers, we should obtain extracts of really formidable strength. It is quite possible that medical science will one day make good use of this powerful counter-irritant, which is ut- terly different from cantharides. Whether voluntary victims of our curiosity, which while affording no other satisfaction than that of knowledge, exposes us to an into- lerable itch, or sufferers through an accident, what can we do to give a little relief to the irritation caused by the Processionary ? It is good to know the origin of the evil, but it would be better to apply a remedy. One day, with both hands sore from the prolonged examination of a nest, I try without success lotions of alcohol, glycerine, oil and soapsuds. Nothing does any good. I then remember a palliative employed by Reaumur against the sting of the Oak Processionary. Without telling us how he came to know of the strange specific, the master rubbed himself with parsley and felt a good deal the better 145 'if %'i"^ The Life of the Caterpillar for it. He adds that any other leaf would probably assuage the irritation in the same way. This is a fitting occasion for reopening the subject. Here, in a corner of the garden, is parsley, green and abundant as one could wish. What other plant can we compare with it ? I choose the purslain, the spontaneous guest of my vegetable-beds. Mucilaginous and fleshy as it is, it readily crushes, yielding an emollient liniment. I rub one hand with parsley and the other with purslain, pressing hard enough to reduce the l'.\,ves to a paste. The result deserves attentidn. With the parsley, the burning is a little less acute, it is true, but, though relieved, it per- sists for a long time yet and continues trouble- some. With the purslain, the petty torture ceases almost at once and so completely that I no longer notice it. My nostrum possesses incontestable virtues. I recommend it quietly, without blatant advertisement, to any one who may be persecuted by the Processionary. Foresters, in their war upon caterpillars' nests, should find great relief from it. I have also obtained good results with the leaves of the tomato and the lettuce; and, 146 The Stinging Power without pursuing this botanical survey further I rema.n convmced, with Reaumur/that an^ efficacV"'' '' "'"''^ P"'"^ ^ "^^^'^ admf/^K' !\' 7°"^' °^ ''''°" °^ t^'s specific, I admit that I do not understand it, any more han I can perceive the mode of actlon'^oT^he caterpillar's virus. Moliere's medical studen *JB"^ ''' '" '"^ "'"'■'"' ^^'•'"'^^^^ cujus est proprtetas sensiis assoupire." Let us say likewise: the crushed herb calms the burning ,tch because It possesses a calm itciiC whose property is to assuage The quip Is a good deal more philosophiVal than It looks. What do we know of our remedies or of anything? VVe perceiv* effects, but we cannot get back to their In my village and for some distance around It, there is a popular belief that to relieve the pain of a Wasp's or Bee's sting all ha we need do is to rub the part stung with thr^e herbs, the first that come to hand, make them 147 ■'«ff 1 1 pi The Life of the Caterpillar into a bunch and rub hard. The prescription, by all accounts, is infallible. I thought at first that this was one of those therapeutic absurdities which have their birth in rustic imaginations. After making a trial, I admit that what sounds like a nonsensical rer-edy sometimes has something genuine about it. Friction with three kinds of herbs does actually deaden the sting of the Wasp or Bee. I hasten to add that the same success is achieved with a single herb; and so the result agrees with what the parsley and purslam have taught us in respect of the irritation caused by the Processionary. Why three herbs when one is enough? Three is the preeminently lucky number; it smacks of witchcraft, which is far from de- tracting from the virtues of the unguent. All rustic medicine has a touch of magic about it; and there is merit in doing things by threes. Perhaps the specific of the three herbs may even date back to the materia medica of an- tiquity. Dioscorides recommends rpitpvUov: it is, he states, good for the bite of venomous serpents. To determine this celebrated three- leaved plant exactly would not be easy. Is it 148 The Stinging Power a common clover? The psoralea, with its pitchy odour? The menyanthcs, or uck-bean, that mmate of the chilly peat-bogs? The oxalis, the wood-sorrel of the country-side? We cannot tell for certain. The botany of those days was innocent of the descriptive conscientiousness of ours. The plant which acted as a poison-antidote grouped its leaves by threes. That is its essential characteristic. Again the cabalistic number, essential to medical virtues as conceived by the first heal- ers. The peasant, a tenacious conservative, has preserved the ancient remedy, but, by a happy inspiration, has changed the three original leaves into three different herbs; he has elaborated the rpitpvUov into the three- fold foliage which he crushes on the Bee's sting. I seem to perceive a certain relation between these artless ways and the crushing of parsley as described by Reaumur, 149 CHAPTER VII THE ARBUTUS CATERPILLAR I HAVE not found many species of urtica- ting caterpillars in the small corner of my investigations. I know of two only: the Pine Caterpillar and the Arbutus Caterpillar. The latter belongs to the genus Liparis. His Moth, who is a glorious snowy white, with the last rings of the abdomen bright russet, is very like Liparis auriftua, Fab., from whom she differs not only in size — she is smaller — but, above all, in the field of operations se- lected by her caterpillar. Is the species class- ified in our lists? I do not know; and really it is hardly worth while to enquire. What does a Latin name matter, when one cannot mistake the insect? I shall be sparing of de- tail concerning the Arbutus Caterpillar, for he is far less interesting in his habits than the Pine Processionary. Only his ravages and his poison deserve serious attention. On the Serignan hills, sunny heights upon which the Mediterranean vegetation comes to an end, the arbutus, or strawberry-tree, ISO The Arbutus Caterpillar abounds: a magnificent shrub, with lustrous evergreen foliage, vermilion fruit, round and fleshy as strawberries, and hanging clusters of little white bells resembling those of the lily of the valley. When the frosts come at the approach of December, nothing could be more charmmg than the arbutus, decking its gay verdure with both fruits and flowers, with coral balls and plump little bells. Alone of our flora, it combines the flowering of to-day with the ripening of yesterday. Then the bright-red raspberries— the dar- bouses, as we call them here — beloved by the Blackbird, grow soft and sweet to the palate. The housewives pluck them and make them into preserves that are not without merit. As for the shrub itself, when the season for cut- tmg has come, it is not, despite its beauty, respected by the woodman. It serves, like any trivial brushwood, in the making of faggots for heating ovens. Frequently, too, the showy arbutus is ravaged by a caterpillar yet more to be dreaded than the woodcutter. After this glutton has been at it. It could not look more desolate had it been scorched and black- ened by fire. The Moth, a pretty little, snow-white Bom- M^ The Life of the Caterpillar byx, with superb antennary plumes and a cot- ton-wool tippet on her thorax, lays her eggs on a leaf of the arbutus and, in so doing, starts the evil. You see a little cushion with pointed ends, rather less than an inch in let gth; a white eiderdown, tinged with russet, thick, very soft and formed of hairs fixed with a little gum by the end that points towards the upper ex- tremity of the leaf. The eggs are sunk in the thickness of this soft shelter. They pos- sess a metallic sheen and look like so many nickel granules. Hatching takes place in September. The first meals are made at the expense of the native leaf; the later ones at the expense of the leaves all around. One surface only is nibbled, usually the upper; the other remain^ intact, trellised by the network of veins, which are too horny for the new-born grubs. The consumption of leaves is effected with scrupulous economy. Instead of grazing at hazard and using up the pasturage at the dic- tates of individual caprice, the flock progresses gradually from the base to the tip of the leaf, with all heads ranged in a frontal attack, almost in a straight line. Not " bite is taken 15a The Arbutus Caterpillar beyond this line, until all that lies on this side of it Is eaten up. As It advances, the flock throws a few threads across the denuded portion, where nothing remains but the veins and the epi- dermis of the opposite surface. Thus is woven a gossamer veil serving as a shelter from the fierce rays of the sun and as the parachute which Is essential to these weak- lings, whom a puff of wind would carry away. As the result of a more rapid desiccation on the ravaged surface, the leaf soon begins to curl of its own accord, curving Into a gondola which is covered by a continuous awning stretched from end to end. The herbage is then exhausted. The flock abandons it and begins again elsewhere in the near neighbour- hood. After various temporary pastures of this ^ind. In November, when the cold weather is at hand, the caterpillars settle permanently at the end of a bough. Nibbled one by one on their upper surfaces, the leaves of the terminal bunch draw close to their neighbours, which, excoriated In their turn, do the same, until the whole forms a bundle, which looks as if it had been scorched, lashed together with mag- 153 ' ; '*M' 'i ^.i ri' i ^-r ^ Mi bi^.^' ' irj;^,-.' f**!j 1 The Life of the Cater] illar nificent white silk. This is the v'n'f habita- tion, whence the family, still vcr fc'-'o'^, will not issue until the fine weathei r .urn.-.. The assembling of this leaf) • n ev irk is not due to any special industry m tn cater- pillars* part; they do not stretch (fv:i. threads from leaf to leaf and then, by pu' ' ;4 a- :*'»' • ropes, bring the various pieces M tv . ' into contact. It is merely the r. suit . " iccation on the nibbled surfaces. ' ,xed ' it is true, solidly bind togethe. the leaves brought close to one another by the contrac- tion due to their aridity; but they do not in any way play the p:irt of a motive mechanism in the work of the assemblage. No hauling-rupes are here, no capstans to move the timbers. The feeble creatures would be incapable of such effort. The thing hap- pens of itself. Sometimes a floating thread, the plaything of the air, enlaces srme adjacent leaf. This chance footbridge tempts the ex- plorers, who hasten to strip the accidental prize; and, without other labour, yet one more leaf bends of its own accord and Is added to the enclosure. For the most part, the house is built by eating; a lodging is procured by dint of banqueting. 154 The Arbutus Caterpillar A comfortable house, tightly closed and welkaulked, proof against rain and snow. We, to guard ourselves against draughts, put sand-b igs against the cracks of our doors and windows; the extravagant little Arbutus Cat- erpillar appli( s pipings of silk-velvet to his shutters. Things shouKI be cosy inside, how- ever damp the fog. In bad weather, the rain drips mto my house. The leaf-dwclling knows nothmg of such troubles, so true is it that animals often enjoy advantages which rele- gate human Industry to the second rank. In this shelter of silk and foliage, the worst three or four months of the year are passed in a state of complete abstinence. No out- ings; not a bite of food. In March, this torpor ceases; and the recluses, those starving bellies, shift their quarters. The community now splits up into squads, which spread themselves anyhow over the ad- jacent verdure. This is the period of serious devastation. The caterpillars no longer con- fine themselves to nibbling one surface of the leaf; their keen appetites demand the whole of it, down to the stalk. And now. stage by stage, halt by halt, the arbutus is shorn bare. The vagabonds do not return to their win- '55 m ,}■• '^!-.-», ^"^ a . The Life of the Caterpillar ter dwelling, which has become too closely cramped. They reassemble in groups and weave, here, there and everywhere, shapeless tents, temporary huts, abandoned for others as the pasturage round about becomes ex- hausted. The denuded boughs, to all seem- ing ravaged by fire, take on the look of squalid drying-grounds hung with rags. In June, h-'.ving acquired their full growth, the caterpillars leave the arbutus-tree, descend to earth and spin themselves, amid the dead leaves, a niggardly cocoon, in which the in- sect's hairs to some extent supplement its silk. A month later, the Bombyx appears. In his final dimensions, the caterpillar mea- sures nearly an inch and a quarter in length. His costume does not lack richness or origin- ality: a black skin with a double row of orange specks on the back; long grey hairs arranged in bunches; short, snow-white tufts on the sides; and a couple of brown-velvet protuberances on the first two rings of the ab- domen and also on the last ring but one. The most remarkable feature, however, consists of two tiny craters, always open wide ; two cunningly fashioned goblets which might have been wrought from a drop of red seal- 156 4 '■ ■ Mi The Arbutus Caterpillar ing-wax. The sixth and seventh segments of the abdomen are the only ones that bear these vermilion goblets, placed in the middle of the back. I do not know the function of these little cups. Perhaps they should be regarded as organs of information, similar to the Pine Processionary's dorsal mouths. The Arbutus Caterpillar is much .Ireaded in the village. Woodcutters, faggot-binders, brushwood-g.uiierers, all are unanimous in re- viling him. They have such a painfully vivid memory of the Irritation that, when I listen to them, I can hardly repress a movement of the shoulders to relieve the imaginary itching in the middle of my back. I seem to feel .he arbutus-faggot, laden with its glowing rags, rubbing my bare skin. It is, it appears, a disagreeable job to cut down the shrub alive with caterpillars during the hottest part of the d^y and to shake, under the blows of the axe, that sort of upas-tree, shedding poison in its shade. As for me, I have no complaint to make of my relations with the ravager of the arbutus. I have very often handled him ; I have applied his fur to the tips of my fingers, my neck and even my face, for hours at a time; I have ripped up 157 II.-' The Life of the Caterpillar the nests to extract their populations for the purpose of my researches; but I have never been inconvenienced. Save in exceptional cir- cumstances, the approach of the moult per- haps, this would need a skin less tough than mine. The thin skin of a child does not enjoy the same immunity, as witness little Paul, who, having helped me to empty some nests and to collect the inhabitants with my forceps, was for hours scratching his neck, which was dot- ted with red wheals. My ingenuous assistant was proud of his sufferings in the cause of science, which resulted from heedlessness and also perhaps from bravado. In twenty-four hours, the trouble disappeared, without leav- ing any serious consequences. All this hardly tallies with the painful ex- periences of which the woodcutters talk. Do they exaggerate? That is hardly credible; they are so unanimous. Then something must have been lacking in my experiments- : the pro- pitious moment apparently, the proper degree of maturity in the caterpillar, the high tem- perature which aggravates the poison. To show itself in its full severity, the urtica- tion demands the cooperation of certain un- is8 ■ t ; '; 1 The Arbutus Caterpillar defined circumstances; and this cooperation was wanting. Chance perhaps will one day teach me more than I want to know; I shall be attacked in the manner familiar to the woodcutters and shall pass a night in torment, tossing and turning as though on a bed of live coals. What the direct contact of the caterpillar did not teach me the artifices of chemistry will demonstrate with a violence which I was far from expecting. I treat the caterpillar with ether, just as I treated the slough of the Pine Processionary. The number of the creatures taken for the infusion — they are pretty small as yet, are scarcely half the size which they will attain when mature — is about a hundred. After a couple of days' maceration, I filter the liquid and leave it to evaporate freely. With the few drop that remain I soak a square of blotting-paper folded in four and apply it to the inner surface of my fore- arm, with a thin rubber sheet and a bandage. It is an exact repetition of what I did with the Pine Processionary. Applied In the morning, the blister hardly takes effect until the following night. Then by degrees the irritation becomes unendurable ; 159 jiif--; ;ii The Life of the Caterpillar and the burning se;isation Is so acute that I am tormented "ery moment with the desire to tear off ti l .ndage. However, I hold out, but at th' ^ t of a sleepless, feverish night. How -li I now understand what the woodcutters tell me 1 I had less than a square inch of skin subjected to the torture. What would it be if I had my back, shoulders, neck, face and arms tormented in this fashion? I pity you with all my heart, you labourers who are troubled by the hateful creature. On the morrow, the infernal paper is re- moved. The skin is red and swollen, co- vered with tiny pimples whence ooze drops of serous fluid. For five days the itching per- sists, with a sharp, burning pain, and the run- ning frcTi the pimples contiiiues. Then the dead skin dries and comes off in scabs. All is over, save the redness, v/hich is still percep- tible a month later. The demonstration is accomplished; the Arbutus Caterpillar, capable as he is of pro- ducing, under certain conditions, the same ef- fects which I obtain by artificial means, fully deserves his odious reputation. i6o CHAPTER VIII AN INSECT VIRUS QNE Step forward has been taken, but only Y a very I.ttle one as yet, in the problem of the stinging caterpillars. The drenching with ether teaches us that hairiness plays a very secondary part in the matter. With its tiust of broken bristles, which the least breath wafts m all directions, it bothers us by depo- sit.n.:- ,'W' "f-Vs ♦1 An Insect Virus that produced by the droppings of the Proces- sionary, assures me that logic was right. Yes, the virus which makes one scratch so much, which bhsters snd eats away the skin, is not a defensive product vested in only a few caterpillars. I recognize it, with its invariable properties, even in a caterpillar which at first sight appears as though it could not possess anything of the kind. The Silkworm's virus, besides, is not un- known in my village. The casual observation of the peasant-woman has outstripped the precise observation of the man of science. The women and girls entrusted with the rearing of the Silkworm — the magnanarelles as they are called — complain of certain tribulations caused, they say, by Ion verin di maj^nan, the Silkworms' poison. This trouble consists of a violent itching of the eyelids, which become red and swollen. In the case of the more susceptible, there is a rash and the skin peels off the fore-arm, which the turned-up sleeves fail to protect during work. I now know the causr of this little trouble, my plucky mapiauarclles. It is not contact with the worm that afflicts you ; you need have no fear of handling him. It is only the liiter II The Life of the Caterpillar that you need distrust. There, jumbled up with the remains of the mulberry-leaves, is a copious mass of droppings, impregnated with the substance which has just so painfully eaten into my skin ; there and there only is lou verin as you call it. ' It is a relief mer :y to know the cause of one s trouble; but I will provide you with an- other consolation. When you remove the lit- ter and renew the leaves, you should raise the irritant dust as little as possible; you should avoid lifting your hands to your face, above all to your eyes; and it is just as well to turn down your sleeves in order to protect your arms. If you take these precautions, you will sutter no unpleasantness. The successful result obtained with the Silk- worm caused me to foresee a similar success with any caterpillar that I might come across. 1 he facts fully confirmed my expectations. I tested the stercoral pellets of various cater- pi ars, not selected, but just as the hazard of collecting provided them: the Great Tortoise- shell, the Heath Fritillary, the Large Cab- bage Butterfly, the Spurge Hawk-moth, the Great Peacock Moth, the Death's-head Moth, the Puss-moth, the Tiger-moth and the Arbu- 172 An Insect Virus tus LIparis. All my tests, with not a single exception, brought about stinging, of various oegrees of violence, it is true. I attribute these differences in the result to the greater or lesser quantities of the virus employed, for It is impossible to measure the dose. So the urticating excretion is common to all the caterpillars. By a very unexpected rever- sion of the usual order of things, the popular repugnance is well-founded; prejudice be- comes truth: all caterpillars arc venomous. We must draw a distinction, however: with the same venomous properties, some are inof- fensive and others, far less numerous, are to be feared. Whence comes this difference? I note that the caterpillars marked out as stinging live in communities and weave them- selves dwellings of silk, in which thev stay for long periods. Moreover, they are furry Of this number are the Pine Processionary, the Oak Processionary and the caterpillars of various Lipares. Let us consider the first-named in parti- cular. His nest, a voluminous bag spun at the tip of a branch, is magnificent in its silky whiteness, on the outside; Inside, it is a dis- gusting cesspit. The colony remains in it all i73 4u !'^*^. II ;i = '\ The Life of the Caterpillar day and for the greater part of the night. It sallies forth in procession only in the late hours of twilight, to browse upon the adjacent foliage. This long internment leads to a con- siderable accumulation of droppings In the heart of the dwelling. From all the threads of this labyrinth hang chaplets of these droppings; the walls are upholstered with them in all the corridors; the little narrow chambers are encumbered with them. From a nest the size of a man's head I have obtained, with a sieve, over three-quarters of a pint of stercoral pellets. Now it is in the midst of this ordure that the caterpillars live and have their being; in the midst of it they move, swarm and sleep. The results of th'r, utter contempt for the rules of cleanliness are obvious. Certainly, the Processionary does not soil his coat by contact with those dry pellets; he leaves his home with his costume neat and glossy, sug- gesting not a suspicion of uncleanliness. No matter: by constantly rubbing against the droppings, his bristles are inevitably smeared with virus and their barbs poisoned. The caterpillar becomes Irritant, because his man- 174 I iMBa«s»« -'- W^sri An Insect Virus net of life subjects him to prolonged contact with his own ordure. Now consider the Hedgehog Caterpillar. Why IS he harmless, despite his fierce and hirsute aspect? Because he lives in isolation and IS always on the move. His mane, apt though It be to collect and retain irritant part- icles, will never give us the itch, for the simple reason that the caterpillar does not lie on his excretions. Distributed all over the fields and far from numerous, owing to the caterpillar's solitary habits, the droppings, though poisonous, cannot transfer their pro- perties to a fleece which does not come into contact with them. If the Hedgehog lived in a community, in a nest serving as a cess- pit, he would be the foremost of our stinginc caterpillars. * At first sight, the barrack-rooms of the Silkworm-nurseries seem to fulfil the condi- tions necessary to the surface venom of the worms. Each change of litter results in the removal of basketfuls of droppings from the trays. Over this heaped-up ordure the Silk- worms swarm. How is it that they do not acquire the poisonous properties of their own excrement ? 175 ''"■♦♦♦fci-"'- •i *5'^ The Life of the Caterpillar I see two reasons. In the first place, they are hairless; and a brushlike coat may well be indispensable to the collection of the virus. In the second place, far from lying in the filth, they live above the soiled stratum, being largely separated from it by the bed of leaves, which is renewed several times a day. Despite crowding, the population of a tray has no- thing that can be compared with the ordmary habits of the Processionary; and so it remains harmless, in spite of its stercoral toxin. These f rst enquiries lead us to conclusion:* which themselves are very remarkable. All caterpillars excrete an urticating matter, which is identical throughout the series. But, if the poison is to man! est itself and to cause us that characteristic itching, it is indispensa- ble that the caterpillar shall dwell in a com- munity, spending long periods in the nest, a silken bag laden with droppings. These fur- nish the virus; the caterpillar's hairs collect it and transfer it to us. The time has come to tackle the problem from another point of view. Is this for- midable matter which always accompanies the excretions a digestive residuum? Is it not rather one of those waste substances which 17G •;t;: All Insect Virus the organism engenders while at work, waste substances designated by the general appel- lation of urinary products? To isolate these products, to collect them separately, would scarcely be practicable, if we did not have recourse to what follows on the metamorphosis. Every Moth, on emer- ging from her chrysalis, rejects a copious mixture of ur.c acid and various humours of which very little is as yet known. It may be compared with the broken plaster of a building rebuilt on a new plan and represents the by-products of the mighty labours accom- plished in the transfigured insect. These re- mains are essentially urinary products, with no admixture of digested foodstuffs. To what insect shall I apply for this re- siduum? Chance does many things. I col- iect, from the old elm-tree in the garden, about a hundred curious caterpillars. They have seven rows of prickles of an amber yel- low, a sort of bush with four or five branches. J shall learn from the Butterfly that they be- long to the Great Tortoisesheil (Vanessa polychloros, LiN.). Reared on elm-leaves under a wire-gauze cover, my caterpillars undergo their trans- 177 ..i»t The Life of the Caterpillar formation towards the end of May. Their chrysalids are specked with brown on a whitish ground and display on the under sur- face six radiant silvery spots, a sort of decora- tive tinsel, like so many mirrors. Fixed by the tail with a silken pad, they hang from the top of the dome, swinging at the least move- ment and emitting vivi i flashes of light from their reflectors. My children are amazed at this living chandelier. It is a treat for them when I allow them to come and admire it in my animal studio. Another surprise awaits them, this time a tragic one, however. A fortnight later, the Butterflies emerge. I have placed under the cover a large sheet of white paper, which will receive the desired products. I call the child- ren. What do they see on the paper? Large spots of blood. Under their very eyes, from up there, at the top of the dome, a butterfly lets fall a great red drop : plop ! No joy for the children to-day; anxiety rather, almost fear. I send them away, saying to them : "Be sure and remember, kiddies, what you have just seen; and, if ever any one talks to you about showers of blood, don't be silly and X78 An Insect Vir us 1 frightened. A pretty Butterfly is the cause of those blood-red stains, which have been known to terrify country-folk. The moment she IS born, she casts out, in the form of a red hquid, the remains of her old caterpillar body, a body remodelled and reborn in a beautiful shape. That is the whole secret." When my artless visitors have departed, I resume my examination of tho rain of blood falhng under the cover. Still clinging to the shell of its chrysalis, each Tortoiseshell ejects and sheds upon the paper a great red drop, which, if left standing, deposits a powdery pink sediment, compnseu of urates. The liquid is now a deep crimson. When the whole thing is perfectly dry, I cut out of the spotted paper some of the richer stains and steep the bits In ether. The spots on the paper remain as red as at the outset; and the liquid assumes a light lemon tint. When reduce by evaporation to a few drops, this liquid provides me with what I require to soak my square of blotting-paper. ui %u^^^^ ^ ^^^' ^° ^^'^'"^ repeating my- self? The effects of the new caustic are pre- cisely the same as those which I experienced whtn I used the droppings of the Proces- 179 IM i The Life of the Caterpillar n 1 i V ■^ I sionary. The same itching, the same burning, the same swelling with the flesh throbbing and inflamed, the same serous exudation, the same peeling of the skin, the same persistent redness, which lingers for three or four months, long after the ulceration Itself has disappeared. Without being very painful, the sore is so irksome and above all looks so ugly that I swear never to let myself in for it again. Henceforth, without waiting for the thing to eat Into my flesh, I shall remove the cater- pillar plaster as soon as I feel a conclusive Itching. In the course of these painful experiences, friends upbraid me with not having recourse to the assistance of some animal, such as the Guinea-pig, that stock victim of the physiolo- gists. I take no note of tlieir reproaches. The animal is i stcic. It suys hothing ol its sufferings. If, the torture being a little too intense, it complains, I am in no position to Interpret its cries exactly or to attribute them to a definite impression. The Guinea-pig will not say: "It smarts, it itches, it burns." He will simply say: i8o An Insect Virus 'That hurts." . As I wi f,t to know the details of the sensa- tions exj-erienced, the best thing is ro resort to my own skin, the only witness on whose evi- cJence I can rely implicitly. At the risk of provoking a smile, I will venture on another confession. As I begin to see mto the matter more clearly, I hesitate to torture or destroy a single creature in (iod's great community. The life of the least of these IS a thmg to be respected. We can take It away, but we cannot give it. Peace to those innocents, so little interested in our investigations I What does our restless curiosity matter to their calm and sacred Ignorance? If we wish to knou , let us pay the price ourselv( as far as possible. The acquisition of an idea IS well worth the sacrifice of a bit of skin. The Elm Tortoiseshell, with her rain of blood, may leaxe us to a certain extent in doubt. Might not this strange red substance, with Its unusual appearance, contain a poison which IS likewise exceptional ."^ I address my- self therefore to the Mulberry Bombyx, to the Pine Bombyx and to the Great Peacock. i8i ^■':-4. MICROCOPY RESOIUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) _J APPLIED IIVMGE Ir ^^ 1653 East Mom Street T^ Rochester. New York 14609 USA ^5 (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone ^5 '''6) 288 - S989 - Fox The Life of the Caterpillar I collect the uric excretions ejected by the newly hatched Moths. This time, the liquid is whitish, sullied here and there with uncertain tints. There is no blood-red colouration; but the result is the same. The virulent energy manifests itself in the most definite manner. Therefore the Pro- cessionary's virus exists equally in all cater- pillars, in all Butterflies and Moths emerging from the chrysalis; and this virus is a by- product of the organism, a urinary product. The curiosity of our minds is insatiable. The moment a reply is obtained, a fresh quest- ion arises. Why should the Lepidoptera alone be endowed in this manner? The or- ganic labours accomplished within them can- not differ greatly, as to the nature of the materials, from those presiding over the maintenance of life in other insects. There- fore these others also elaborate a by-product which has stinging powers. This can be veri- fied— and that forthwith — with the elements at my disposal. The first reply is furnished by Cetonia fioricola, of which Beetle I collect half a dozen chrysalids from a heap of leaves half- converted into mould. A box receives my 182 w^"^^:^ An Insect Virus find, laid on a sheet of white paper, on which the urinary fluid of the perfect insect will fall as soon as the caskets are broken. The weather is favourable and I have not ongto wait. The thing is done: the mat- ter rejected is white, ti.c usual colour of these residua, in th.- great majority of insects, at the mome.' of t .e metamorphosis. Though by no means abundant, it nevertheless provokes on my fore-arm a violent itching, together with mortificadon of the skin, which comes off in flakes. The reason why it does not dis- play a more distinct sore is that I judged it prudent to end the experiment. The burning and Itching tell me enough as to the results of a contact unduly prolonged. Now to the Hymenoptera. I have not in my possession, I regret to say, any of those with whom my rearing-chambers used for- merly to provide me, whether Honey-bee or Hunting Wasps I have only a Green Saw- fly, whose larva lives in numerous families on he leaves of the alder. Reared under cover, this larva provides me with enough tiny black droppings to fill a thimble. That is sufficient : the urtication is quite definite. I take next the insects with incomplete 183 '&ir*^^Ti s; , ti- ! 11 % ^ The Life of the Caterpillar transformations. My recent rearings have given me quite a collection of excretions ema- nating from the Orthoptera. I consult those of the Vine Ephippiger^ and the Great Grey Locust. Both sting to a degree which once more makes me regret my lavish hand. We will be satisfied with this; indeed my arms demand as much, for, tattooed with red squares, they refuse to make room for fresh brandings. The exanples are sufficiently varied to impose the following conclusion : the Processionary's virus is found in a host of other insects, apparently even in the entire series. It is a urinary product inherent in the entomological organism. The dejections of insects, especially those evacuated at the end of the metamorphosis, contain or are even almost entirely composed of urates. Can the stinging material be the inevitable associate of uric acid? It should then form part of the excrement of the bird and the reptile, which in both cases is very rich in urates. Here again is a suspicion worthy of verification by experiment. For the moment it is impossible for me to question the reptile ; It is easy, on the other ^A species of Grasshopper.— Jraw/a/or'j Note. 184 .^^t.H'jim:-'^: '^m^ An Insect Virus S;*"!"'"™^".' "•= ''''•''• »''«'« "ph will ?uffi«. I accept what is offered by chance an msecfvorous bird, the Swallow, and a eram," mvorous b,rd, the Goldfinch. Well'.heir u" from ti r'' ■ '"'"" "^''""y «P""«d sliXi,- ?'"'»' '•""'"^' h^ve not the sl.ghtes st,ng,ng effect. The virus that causes tchmg ,s mdependent therefore of uric ac d It accompanies ,t in the insect class, withou .nvariable concomitant e^^ else- to totlT T"^"' 'r "* "> '»'«■ "»"><=Iy. to isolate the stinging element and to obtain ;t m quantities permitting of precise °nquiri« a materiT^r '"'"" ■"'«''' '""> '" «™"nt thaTies ff ir '""^y ""^'^ ">" of ""■ tnariaes, if it does not exceed it. The oi.i.«> reLnt "^""''^^^y'- but I should want Xrsen^fo?'"h' KT^'^^^^^^^y' « -^^^ «icted as I am with a terrible ailment- imne cun.os.ty, the searcher's habitual lot ^ 185 -.*iEfc.^rrvui«S-v ^, r^H^i-': i'4 CHAPTER IX THE PSYCHES: THE LAYING ¥N THE springtime, old walls and dusty •*■ roads harbour a surprise for whoso has eyes to see. Tiny faggots, for no apparent reason, set themselves in motion and make their way along by sudden jerks. The inani- mate comes to life, the immovable stirs. How does this come about? Look closer and the motive power will stand revealed. Enclosed within the moving bundle is a fairly well-developed caterpillar, prettily striped in black and white. Seeking for food or perhaps fr- a spot where the transforma- tion can be effected, he hurries along timidly, attired in a queer rig-out of twigs from which nothing emerges except the head and the front part of the body, which is furnished with six short legs. At the least alarm he goes right in and does not budge again. This is the whole secret of the little roaming bundle of sticks. The faggot caterpillar belongs to the Psyche group, whose name conveys an allu- i86 B»jey iff C^-'^gtn^ The Psyches: th< Laying soul. We must not allow this phrase to carry our thoughts to loftier heights than is mtmg. I he nomenclator, with his rather arcumscnbed view of the world, did not trouble about the soul when inventing his de- scr,pt,ve label. He simply wanted a pretty name; and certamly he could have hit on no- thing better. To protect himself from the weather, our ch,l y bare-skmned Psyche builds himself a portable shelter, a travelling cottage which the owner never leaves until he becomes a Moth. It ,s something better than a hut on wheels with a thatched roof to it: it is a hermit s frock, made of an unusual sort of frieze. In the valley of the Danube the peasant wears a goatskin cloak fastened with a belt of rushes. The Psyche dons an even more rustic apparel. He makes himself a suit of clothes out of hop-poles. It is true tha beneath this rude conglomeration, which would be regular hair-shirt to a skTn as Th 'n 'u ^'i ^' P"^^ ' '^'^'^ J'n>ng of silk' The Clythra Beetle garbs himself in pottery this one dresses himself in a faggot In April, on the walls of my chief observa- 187 i-T I i • l#*Tir^\S6i. •♦h. The Life of the Caterpillar tory, that famous pebbly acre with its wealth of insect life, I find the Psyche who is to fur- nish me with my most circumstantial and de- tailed records.^ He is at this period in the torpor of the approaching metamorphosis. As we can ask him nothing else for the moment, let us look into the construction and composi- tion of his faggot. It is a not irregular structure, spindle- shaped and about an inch and a half long. The pieces that compose it are fixed in front and free at the back, are arranged anyhow and would form a rather ineffective shelter against the sun and rain if the recluse had no other protection than his thatched roof. The word thatch is suggested to my mind by a summary inspection of what I see, but it is not an exact expression in this case. On the contrary, graminaceous straws are rare, to the great advantage of the future family, which, as we shall learn presently, would find nothing to suit them in jointed planks. What pre- dominates is remnants of very small stalks, light, soft and rich in pith, such as are pos- sessed by various Chicoriaceae. I recognize in ^Psyche unicolor. HuFN.; P. graminella, SCHIFFER- itijujcs..— Author's Note. i88 ';:i !1 I w ^^^0^ ■^^^^si^-^ '.w^-i^M'Ms^ms^ The Psyches: the Laying particular the floral stems of the mouscear havvkweed and the Nimes pterotheca. Nex[ come b.ts of grass-leaves, scaly twigs provided by the cypress-tree and all sorts of litde st cks coarse materials adopted for the lack of any: thing better. Lastly, if the favourite cylin- times fimshed off an ample flounced tip. pet, that IS to say, with fragments of dry leaves of any kind. " Incomplete as it is, this list shows us that the caterpillar apart from his preference for Pithy morsels, has no very exclusive tastes He employs indifferently anything that he comes upon provided that it be Hght. very dry softened by long exposure to th! a r and of suitable dimensions. All his finds, if they come anywhere near his estimates, are used aW t ^'^"^' Y'^^°"^ ^"y alte'rations or The C " ' '^T '^ ^^ P^°P^^ ^'-^'^^ to form ^ "ot trjni the laths that go them r" ^^ «f.^^"s them as he finds ncm. t K IS limited to imbricatinff them one arter the other by fixing them at Th! In order to l.nd itself to the movements of ' Journeymg caterpillar and in particular to 189 th B" t ">.■■ I'i^w^'^'l f^i^ssmas^::^^. ''ir mwLi' fiWP The Life of the Caterpillar • fh facilitaie the action of the head and legs when a new piece is to be placed in position, the pnrt of the sheath rccjuires a special structure, I lere a casing of beams is no longer allovvab'', for their len}j;th ami stiff- ness would hamper the artisan and even make his work impossible; what is essential here is a flexible neck, able to bend in all direc- tions. The assemblage of stakes does, in fact, end suddenly at some distance from the fore-part and is there replaced by a collar in which the silken wooi" is merely hardened with very tiny ligneous particles, tending to strengthen 'he material without impairing its flexibility. This collar, which gives free movement, is so important that all the Psycl es make equal use of it, however much the rest of the work may differ. All carry, in front of the faggot of sticks, a yielding neck, soft to the touch, formed inside of a web of pure silk and velveted outside with a fine sawdust which the caterpillar obtains by crushing with his mandibles any sort of dry straw. A similar velvet, bu^ lustreless and faded, apparently through age, finishes the sheath at the back, in the form of a rather long, bare appendix, open at the end. 190 !::i IMf- !m^ Msl? &MW ^ The Psyches: the Laying Let us now remove the outside of the straw envelope, shredding it piecenical. The demo- lition gives us a varying number of joists : I have counted ;:s many :,s eighty and more. I he rum that remains is a cy mJrical sheath wherem we discover, from one end to the other, the structure which we perceived at the front and rear, the two parts which are natu- rally bare. The tissue cvervwhere is of very stoui- slk, which resists without breaking when pulled by the fingers, a smooth tissue, beautifully white inside, drab and wrinkled outside, where it bristles with encrusted woody particles. ' There will be an opportunity later to dis- cover by what means the caterpillar makes himself so complicated a garment, in which are laid one upon the othei-, in a definite order, first, the extremely fine satin which is in direct contact with the skin; next, the mixed stuff, a sort of frieze dusted with ligneous matter, which saves the silk and gives con- sistency to the work; lastly, the surtout of overlapping laths. While retaining this general threefold ar- rangement, the scabbard offers notable varia- tions of structural detail in the ' h 1 i, ^rent 191 t|=ii»»f hi The Life of the Caterpillar species. Here, for instance, is a second Psyche,' the most belated of the three which I have chanced to come upon. I mt\t him towards the end of June, hurrying acro.os some dusty path near the houses. His cases surpass those of the previous species both in size and in regularity of arrangement. They form a thick coverlet, of many pieces, in which I recognize here fragments of hollow stalks, there bits of fine straw, with perhaps straps formed of blades of grass. In front there is never any mantilla of dead leaves, a trouble- some piece of finery which, without being in regular use, is pretty frequent in the costume of the first-named species. At the back, no long, denuded vestibule. Save for the indis- pensable collar at the aperture, all the rest is cased in logs. There is not much variety about the thing, but, when all is said, fhere is a certain elegance in its stern faultlessness. The smallest in size and simplest in dress is the third,* who is very common at ..:«: end of winter on the walls, as well as in the fur- rows of the barks of gnarled old trees, be they *As far as can be judged from the case only, Psyche febretta, Boyer de Fonscoujmbe. — Aut'r.or's Note. *Fumea comitella and F. in*ertnedklla, Bkuand. — Au- thor's Note. .■A3V.I1i'J - The Psyches: the L; ying •> holm-oaks, dms or almost nny (Hher. H.s case, a modest litrlc InmJlc, is hanlly more than tuo-Hfths of an inch in l^n^th. A dozen rotten straws, gleaned at random and fixed close to one another in a parallel direction, represent, with the silk shea h h.s whole outlay on dress. It would be difficult to clothe one's self more eco- nomically. This pigmy, apparently so uninteresting, shall supply us with our first r ords of thJ cunous hfe-story of the Psyches. [ gather h.m m profusion in April and instal him in a wire bell-jar. What he eats I know not My Ignorance would be grievous under other conditions; but at present I need not trouble abou provisions. Taken from their walls and trees, where they had suspended them- littirr k'^'"" ^""^^-"^^^ion, most of my ■ttle Psyches are m the chrysalis state. A few of them are still active. They hasten to clamber to the top of the trellis-work; they hx themselves there perpendicularly by ncins of a little silk cushion; then everything is st^^ll June comes to an end; and the male Moths are hatched, leaving the chrysalid wrappe half caught m the case, which remains fi^xed 193 'i^. ' i ■ y^mM I.' Hi H The Life of the Caterpillar where It is and will remain there indefinitely until dismantled by the weather. The emer- gence is effected through the hinder end of the bundle of sticks, the only way by which it can be effected. Having permanently closed the top opening, the real door of the house, by fastening it to the support which he has chosen, the caterpillar therefore has turned the other way round and undergone his trans- formation in a reversed position, which enables the adult insect to emerge through the outlf: made at the back, the only one now free. For that matter, this is the method fol- lowed by all the Psyches. The case has two apertures. The front one, which is more regu- lar and more carefully constructed, is at the caterpillar's service so long as larval activity lasts. It is closed and firmly fastened to its support at the time of the nymphosis. The hinder one, which is faulty and even hidden by the sagging of the sides, is at the Moth's service. It does not really open until right at the end, when pushed by the chrysalis or the adult insect. In their modest pearl-grey dress, with their insignificant wing-equipment, hardly exceed 194 K-^' P^ "■fr-H' snj^*^:^. mwf' The Psyches; the Laying i"r? stnf not' w>h"""" ,^^^ ' ^"^ ''"'^ ^^oths are stiJJ not without elegance. Thev have handsome feathery plumes for antenn J- the^r wmgs are edged with delicate fringes Thev i:i:Z%'f '"''r^^ ^^eH-Jarftheylt tne ground, fluttering their wings; thev crowd n'th 'ouS'h"-"'" ?'.^^^^^ -hich'LZg Thev ali2 ^'^''"g"'^^" f^om the others theiTplufeL""'" '''"" ^"^ ^^""^ ^'^^ --^h This feverish agitation marks them as tr7\LV''''\''^ ^^^'^ ^-d"- Th "one mate Bu^.h '^''''' '^'^ °^ ^^^"^ ^"ds his mate. But the coy one does not leave her home. Thmgs happen very discreetly through he w,cket left open at the free en'd of the case Ihe male stands on the threshnlri J IS over the wedding is finished. There is no need for us to linger over these nupt a Is ■n whieh the parties eoncerned do not know do not see each other. ' cases'iri'h- 1^£'"' '" ' S'»^' '"'>' the few out of the sheath Jnd hows her t ^llT" w-tehedness. Cal, that Me" f HgLVa" MotM 195 :■" I •»i..- The Life of the Caterpillar One cannot easily get used to the idea of such poverty. The caterpillar of the start was no humbler-looking. There are no wings, none at all; no silky fur either. At the tip of the abdomen, a round, tufty pad, a crown of dirty-white velvet; on each segment, in the middle of the back, a large rectangular dark patch: these are the sole attempts at orna- ment. The mother Psyche renounces all the beauty which her name of Moth promised. From the centre of the hairy coronet a long ovipositor stands out, consisting of two parts, one stiff, forming the base of the implement! the other soft and flexible, sheathed in the first just as a telescope fits in its tube. The laymg mother bends herself into a hook, grips the lower end of her case with her six feet and drives her probe into the back-window, a wmdow which serves manifold purposes, al- lowing of the consummation of the clande- stine marriage, the emergence of the fertilized bnde, the installation of the eggs and, lastly, the exodus of the young family. There, at the free end of her case, the mother remains for a long time, bowed and motionless. What can she be doing in this contemplative attitude? She is lodging her 196 ^■?C^' The Psyches: the Laying eggs in the house wh.Vf, »u . ■ i» bequeathing the 'al ^' ^"^ '=''' 'h' heirs. Some thrtvl ™"^S'' '" h" Positor is at las vithT" "'"-,'■""' "■= °>'i- finished. "''" ''■"W"'vn. The laying is on^he tdXtS 7„f ^-^."^'"^ -™« '»ys the dan'g:rs ^fl:;:;;''; ''°- -^ al- mother makes a ho..- /^t'°"- The fond 'he sole otLnt whi?h ^i/l''" ''""^ "^ d'Senee, she Possessed BetrersI'llT"^'"- a rampart of her bodv r""."'",' she makes vu'sively on the tSold ^/'hfr ho^" T dies there, dries un th. j "°'"^' «^e family eve; afrdeTthTn^r^'^ ^° ^^^ a breath of air to nf.V ^."""^l^" ^^^ident, post. ' ^° "^^^^ ^e'- fall from he^ Let us nov open the cn ■ $ The Life of the Caterpillar flight is possible, right in front of him. The mother, unprovided with wings and plumes, is not compelled to observe any such precau- tions. Her cylindrical form, bare and differ- ing but little from that of the caterpillar, allows her to crawl, to slip into the narrow passage and to come forth without obstacle. Her cast chrysalid skin is, therefore, left right at the back of the case, well covered by the thatched roof. And this is an act of prudence marked by exquisite tenderness. The eggs, in fact, are packed in the barrel, in the parchmentlike wallet formed by the slough. The mother has thrust her telescopic ovipositor to the bot- tonj of that receptacle and has methodically gone on laying until it is full. Not satisfied with bequeathing her home and her velvet coronet to her offspring, as a last sacrifice she leaves them her skin. With a view to observing at my ease the events which are soon to happen, I extract one of these chrysalid bags, stuffed with eggs, from its faggot and place it by itself, beside its case, in a glass tube. I have not long to wait. In the first week of July, I find myself all of a sudden in possession of a large family. 198 "Fl?^ ^">fas^^'.f?rai^'^; The Psyches: the Laying tiara nda7.7.1,ng nh.te plush. Or to aban don h,gh-flow„ language, let us sa cotton nof ;?nVun f"' ' 'T'.! ™'y 'hi cap doe" not SI and up from the head: it covers the t e-Th-ris f ^"^-™«»" -ignVh tt vemin Tt 'P""""' "'•'^""'^'^ for such capT«icklL '' "■■'?'" '^°"' 8^"y. ^>!"> "'^-ir floor With 7/"'7, P"P^"''i™l'r to the eat ilf. !. . I " ''''' ">« ^nd things to Mt, life must be sweet indeed. But what do they eat? I trv a l,„i i everything , hat gro>!:s on the ba?e sto e^nl Mor'e"ete°i'd""\ '''"'"•"« '^ -"--1 r. D ? ° '''■"* 'han to feed themselves tl P^Khes scorn what I set beforrttm My Ignorance as an insect-breeder will „^; matte, provided that I succeed ,^ see^g'w th otjLT:r;t:;'^'rwter"" ''■'«- asthTc^h:;i&;;r^r'";:;t"''''-- h-sted its contents^ itd'rit'^Zirg 199 %. i'-' ■ Ji , ■ i /' ' ! '■ ,^ ) . i ' ' . *•: ' ! !|! ^,r (I ?s,- rP !».: . .i«i' 1. i The Life of the Caterpillar amid the rumpled wrapper of the eggs, an additional family as numerous as the swarm thdt is already out. The total laying must therefore amount to five or six dozen. I trans- fer to another receptacle the precocious band which is already dressed and keep only the naked laggards in the tube. They have bright red heads, with the rest of their bodies dirty white; and they measure hardly a twenty-fifth of an inch in length. My patience is not long put to the test. Next day, little by little, singly or in groups, the belated grubs quit the chrysalid bag. They come out without breaking the frail wal- let, through the front breach made by the liberation of the mother. Not one of them utilizes it as a dress-material, though it has the delicacy and amber colouring of an onion- skin; nor do any of them make use of a fine quilting which lines the inside of tht bag and forms an exquisitely soft bed for the eggs. This down, whose origin we shall have to in- vestigate presently, ought, one would say, to make an excellent blanket for these chilly ones. Impatient to cover themselves up. Not a single one uses it; ther' would not be enough to go round. 200 J mvm 'l^^^i:mS'^ J The Psyches: the Laying I leTif "n?''^,*" V^^ '°"'' f^KS"'. which cnrysalis. Time presses. Before makini? your entrance into the worh; and go ng you must first be clad. All there fore w,th equal f.,rv, attack the old sheath cast clo^h ^ %''' *™'^'^-^-^ - 'he mother' cast clothes. Some turn their attention to bits h sof?"'",,'? ''• "P- ,1™*"'"-'= and scrape the soft, wh.te inner layer; others, greariy danng, penetrate into the tunnel of a hollow t^ ^"^5° f '' ""'■'« 'heir cotton gooX firs c a« i^'.'"* '™" ""= "^'"i'l' " first-class; and the garment ivoven is of a dazzlmg wh.te. Others bite deep into he p.ece vvh,ch they select and make fhemsel es ParTic Is mfr™'"'' '" ^y:'^ J"t-coloured particles mar ,e snowy whiteness of the rest I he tool they use for their gleaning raTwi"; f' '"'"''''''• "'"P^J h'^ "id? Dlan« fi /' '"u"« ['"^ "P'^"- The two P anes fit into each other and form an im- plement capable of seizing and slicing Z fibre, however small. Seen under the micro^ cope, ,t ,s a wonderful specimen of mechanic- a precision and power. Were the Sheep sm. ..liy equipped ,n proportion to her size, 201 : i|r i ' Mil 1 ■r. , I 4 I 11 i The Life of the Caterpillar she wjuld browse upon the bottom of the trees instead of cropping the ^rass. A very instructive workshop is that of ihe Psyche-vermin toilinjr to make themselves a cotton night-cap. Ihere arc numbers of things to remark in both the finish of the work and the ingenuity of the methods em- ployed. To avoid repeating ourselves, we will say nothing about these yet, but wait for a little and return to the subject when setting forth the talents of a second Psyche, or larger stature and easier to observe. The two weavers observe exactly the same procedure. Nevertheless let us take a glance at the bottom of the egg-cup, a general workyard in which I instal my dwarfs as the cases turn them out. There are some hundreds of them, with the sheaths from which they came and an assortment of clipped stalks, chosen from aniong the driest and richest in pith. What a whirl! What bewildering animation! In order to see man, Micromegas cut him- self a lens out of a diamond of his necklace; he held his breath lest the storm from his nostrils should blow the mite away. I in my turn will be the good giant, newly arri- ving from Sirlus; I screw a magnifying-glass i:o2 .jiAr m^m^r^'^Tf^r. The Psyches: the Laying ■•fence myc,,; :^ ,";, r";?r "1 "' "; them, to foci, h;™ i ' """^ O""-" "f point of a nee le w'k'Tk''™ "•'"■ "•' «"'•• my lips T^ken / ''"'' P"'"'' over tiny cr terpi hr l;"'7 '""^ •>'« "orl,, the needle hrivs„n*''*l'" ." ""' ""^ °< ">e incomplete, "hen, re 'tfc, "''■':'' =^ ^^ '» h"zrji::'Terr"«'::^'.he:-v; h\s coat Tgiv Zr^ . T '° "™P'«' swallowed up^-n the';:!;e?"„V.: ~ it i^:et' ^-r^t'rt^irhia [' '^ '"^'^^^^^^^^ eSiftt'^J^T^^^^^^^ thewherell-^'^tj-S^-n-'ftrr"" i'3 delicat; fabric Wht"'-"''"''"^ '«■■ ^;r'-'---rsuchlS«t: "is at the end of June also that I oUain, 203 iii(i 'l.!l' 1^! ft' 11 "•»».•«» The Life of the Caterpillar in his adult shape, the Psyche whose bard is continuctl underneath by a long, naked vestibule. Most of the cases are fastened by a silk pad to the trelliswork of the cage ami hang vertically, like stalactites. S(nne few of them have never left the ground. Half im- mersed in the sand, they stand erect, with their rear in the air and their fore-part buried and firmly anchored to the side of the pan by means of a silky priSte. This inverted position excludes any idea of weight as a guide in the caterpillar's prepara- tions. An adept at turning round in his cabin, he is careful, before he sinks into the immobility of pupadom, to turn his head nov/ upwards, now downwards, towards the open- ing, so that the adult insect, which is much less free than the larva in its movements, may .each the outside without obstacle. Moreover, it is the pupa itself, the un- bending chrysalis, incapable of turning and obliged to move all in one piece, which, stub- bornly crawling, carries the male to the threshold of the case. It emerges half way at the end of the uncovered silky vestibule and there breaks, obstructing the opening with its slough as it does so. For a time the 204 '^7f^^m^'^m::mmti^^ '"iw^ 7^'^^^i^i^Wt*^'^'^ 41 The Psyches: the Laying Moth stands still on the roof of the cottJM tne gallant takes A.^-ht, in search of her for whose sake he has ,„a.le ' „self so spruce He -vears a costun.e of deepest black all' Hkewfse huT '''".!;''»"■'"'• Mis antenn^T S ttehe^e "SeJ .tth:""^^, T'" and Ostrich into the sh .1 ThCr'' "v b"" plumed one visits case aft.r case n h s tor-' Zef'^iwr^s '■""''■' "™^ "f">o°= alcoves. , f things go as he wishes, he settles wMd n„ "''.!''^""'I^J ^"tibule. Comes the Psvche^' H •""' "' "■=" of ""^ ^""ll" see or ;, I " \" """"'" "ho does not see or at most catches a fleeting glimpse of feath'std" 'm ^ t' V^ ''""-'1 W^abou! reamers and a black-velvet cloak. tient. I he lovers are short-lived; thev die Ihat^forr "'""" [^^" - f"- 'i4', t so™: t J°"^ '"'""Is. until the hatching of some late-comer, the female population is 205 III : ii m ^^■€ '^r'^'W-^^^^' The Life of the Caterpillar short of suitors. So, when the morning sun, already hot, strikes the cage, a very singular spectacle is repeated many times before my eyes. The entrance to the vestibule swells imperceptibly, opens and emits a mass of in- finitely delicate down. A Spider's web, carded and made into wadding, would give nothing of such gossamer fineness. It is a vaporous cloud. Then, from out of this in- comparable eiderdown, appear the head and fore-part of a very different sort of caterpil- lar from the original collector of straws. It is the mistress of the house, the mar- riageable Moth, who, feeling her hour abiut to come and failing to receive the expected visit, herself makes the advances and goes, as far as she can, to meet her plumed swain. He does not come hastening up and for good reason: there is not a male left in the esta- blishment. For two or three hours the poor forsaken one leans, without moving, from her window. Then, tired of waiting, very gently she goes indoors again, backwards, and re- turns to her cell. Next day, the day after and later still, as long as her strength permits, she reappears on her balcony, always in the morning, in the 206 v■, on a ,„f, «nd turns fo a-u u if i!' ",'"^? '''''''"«» my hand. Airain m, "'''>' '"" '' »''»• Douiloir, never u^ I..,. • ^^ "^^ ^° her sooner or l,t Toer tLr;:'""" " ''"•""• tim.s, leaning Jfar L h '"""i *°"«- "Iculating the balance l?T " "Z"''''"- ""■«• the body, whfch i, ^",.^,"»«" the front of which r/^ain, she'a'th Jtilrca^"' ,f ^^\ ^^u;;r;!eVt°het{;"'"'«-"'^i Still there Ts one L^."^°" ""'' ''" """g--- dento such as thl ft '^'".^ "''"■" '''■ Acci- without ouha^w'toT I' "'""'" ''^^^''^• What a mtrTye creature T ■''" •""■"■ d"l uglier than thf " '^ "• ^ R'""' Here transfiguration sr^lf:"- V ?'"'''"=^' progress n,ean^s ret o^ress':^' Whf'T"'' before our eves 1= '',*';"; , V h'^t we have eyes IS a wnnkled satchel, an 207 '~\ '. ■v^_% The Life of the Caterpillar earthy-yellow sausage; and this horror, worse than a maggot, is a Moth in the full bloom of life, a genuine adult Moth. She is the betrothed of the elegant black Bombyx, all plumed with Marabou-feathers, and repre- sents to him the last word in beauty. As the proverb says, beauty lies in lovers' eyes : a profound truth which the Psyche confirms in striicing fashion. Let us describe the ugly little sausage. A very small head, a paltry globule, disap- pearing almost entirely in the folds of the first segment. What need is there of cranium and brains for a germ-bag ! And so the tiny crea- ture almost does without them, reduces them to the simplest expression. Nevertheless, there are two black ocular specks. Do these vestigial eyes see their way about? Not very clearly, we may be sure. The pleasures of light must be very small for this stay-at-home, who appears at her window only on rare occasions, when the male Moth is late in arriving. . The legs are well-shaped, but so short and weak that they are of no use at all for loco- motion. The whole body is a pale yellow, semitransparent in front, opaque and stuffed 208 i The Psyches: the Laying Wi-th eggs behind. Underneath the first se^ through the skin A „ j / I "°P ''•'""'ing the ofl(:™„ ^, rh'e'btf ° t' 'i^T, 'I'' remains of a fleece of 3 I- , " "" 'J'" the insect rubs off al if,.. . 'f "" "'''''^'' forwards in its n!r "^ S". "rl't "^ winr^atT :;:ii:F ?^v«™«- the inside 'fW^T:-:,"',:!:: "t wr"efhediet".°"' """""« '°"" '" '"^ -^'^ of witMhfs"Te«LT o7 1'e'"' Tl "t ^■"■™' short and hSl%ll^,^\,^^:^ '°™.'oo wav fhaf oil '."PPorcs, it gets about in a Sy^si tditrntrT°"''^''r''' .owedo„tatthe'hSj„T;?:C deep d.v,d,ng groove which cuts the fns'ect nto two. It runs to the front part, spreadrnl h/h'ear V"' f ?"^ -<< 'lowirrS ef When it' ;. i ""l"'^"™ constitutes a step. 200 ■ii :^ I > f}- ,r,'f iUli ■• '^s • '•>«,,» }"''*, The Life of the Caterpillar To go from one end to the other of a box two inches long and filled with fine sand, the living sausage takes nearly an hour. It is by crawling like this that it moves about in its case, when it comes to the threshold to meet its visitor and goes in again. For three or four days, exposed to the roughness of the soil, the oviferous bag leads a wretched life, creeping about at random, or, more often, standing still. No Moth pays attention to the poor thing, who possesses no attractions o'ltside her home; the lovers pass by with an indifferent air. This coolness is logical enough. Why should she become a mother, if her family is to be abandoned to the inclemencies of the public way? And so, after falling by accident from her case, which would have been the cradle of the youngsters, the wander.'^r withers in a few days and dies childless. The fertilized ones— and these are the more numerous— the prudent ones who have saved themselves from a fall by being less lavish with their appearances at the window, reenter the sheath and do not show them- selves again once the Moth's visit to the hreshold is over. Let us wait a fortnight 210 The Psyches ; the Laying and then open the case lengthwise with scissors. At the end, in the widest na.., c site the vestibule, is the slough of the ch lis, a long, fragile, amber-coloured sack our part, oppo- rysa- open o«. <.k« J I vw.wuicu auLK, open at the end that contains the head, the end K '"^^1 ,V'^'P^''^Se. In this sack, which M ' \'^' ^ "^°"^^' l'« the mother, the egg-bladder, now giving no sign of life i^rom this amber sheath, which presents all the usual characteristics of a chrysalis, the adult Psyche emerged, in the guise of a hap^'ess Moth, looking like a big maggot; at. present time, she has slipped back into her old jacket, mouldmg herself into it in such a way that it becomes difficult to separate the container from the contents. One^ would take the whole thing for a single It seems very likely that this cast skin, which occupies the best place in the home formed the Psyche's refuge when, weary of waiting on the threshold of her hall, she re- tired to the back room. She has therefore gone m and out repeatedly. This constant going and coming, this continual rubbing against the sides of a narrow corridor, just wide enough for her to pass through, ended 211 m h. ■■a -- m :*?f t H If ■i v^^.. The Life of the Caterpillar by stripping her of her down. She had a fleece to start with, a very light and scanty fleece, it is true, but still a vestige of the cos- tume which Moths are wont to wear. This fluff she has lost. What has she done with it? The Eider robs herself of her down to make a luxurious bed for her brood; the new- born Rabbits lie on a mattress which their mother cards for them with the softest part of her fur, shorn from the belly and neck, wherever the shears of her front teeth can reach it. This fond tenderness is shared by the Psyche, as you will see. In front of the chrysalid bag is an abund- ant mass of extra-fine wadding, similar to that of which a fev/ flocks used to fall out- side on the CvCasions when the recluse went to her window. Is it silk? Is it spun mus- lin? No; but it is something of incom- parable delicacy. The microscope recognizes it as the scaly dust, the impalpable down in which every Moth is clad. To give a snug shelter to the little caterpillars who will soon be swarming in the case, to provide them with a refuge in which they can play about and gather strength before entering the wide 212 The Psyches: the Laying ^JA'SLi'.sr"^""- _ s agdinsc tne low-roofed wa «?• Knf «-k» IS nothing to tell us so \7f ' f ^^^'"^ fa: .T "7- ^^^" ' 1 cneretore picture the hairv Xlr^^u . • • No matter what tne method of ZtL^ tne case in front of the chrvsalid hirr r leaving the'igg. Herl ^ '.^t; e^^;;*: ^j^" ™g of extreme softness, they call a Int 213 i ki ■mv ' '. ^'f >'' '• ' ■;r-i ^i .Pf . ' -^n if Vi'iU't' h^»K The Life of the Caterpillar ring his time as a spinner and a picker-up of straws. The whole interior of the case is padded with thick white satin. But how greatly preferable to this too-compact and luxurious upholstery is the delightful eider- down bedding of the new-born youngsters! We know the preparations made for the coming family. Now, where are the eggs? At what spot are they laid? The smallest of my three Psyches, who is less misshapen than the others and freer in her movements, leaves her case altogether. She possesses a long ovipositor and inserts it, through the exit-hole, right into the chrysalid slough, which is left where it was in the form of a bag This slough receives the laying. When the operation is finished and the bag of eggs is full, the mother dies outside, 1 anging on to the case. The two other Psyches, who do not carry telescopic ovipositors and whose only method of changing their position is a dubious sort of crawling, have more singular customs to show us. One might quote with regard to them what used to be said of the Roman matrons, those model mothers: "Domi mattsit, lanam fecit." 214 The Psyches: the Laying reaTlvVorT/''''- , '^^^ P^^^^e does not least s^h 'r^ °" '^' '^'^^^<^' but at least she bequeathes to her sons her own fleece converted into a heap of wadding. yIs dornr mansu. She never leaves her"" house not even for her ucdding, not even for the purpose of laying her eggs We have seen how, after receiving the visit couth ,""' '^' '^'^'^''' Moth^hat un- couth sausage, retreats to the back of her Xh"she7^'""^'"^" ^^^ ^'^^y-^'^ «i-g never left it Th''"^' ^"'^ '^ ^^""^^'^ ^^^ had TJa\u J^^ ^^8s are in their place then avour^eTL''.r ""^^ ^'^ ^^^"^ '^'- - ^ favoured by the various Psyches. Of what use would a laying be now?' StrictlV sp'ak- eL/'" " r"'' "■• ^^'^' ^h^t •■« to say, the eggs do not leave the mother's womb. ' The kJeos^h^'^•]:''^^ ,¥^ ^"^-^^-^ them Keeps them withm itself. rattT' >^!? -^"^ ^°'" '■'' "^^'^^"^^ by evapo- ration; ,t dries up and at the same time re- mams sticking to the chrysalid wrapper, that firm support. Let us open th< ching^ Wha does the show us? A few trachean threads, lean bundles of muse ^7 nervous ramifications, in short, the relics of 215 nil If 5 ,hi> ,'' P »'■ i '■ } The Life of the Caterpillar a form of vitality reduced to its simplest ex- pression. Taken all around, very nearly no- thing. The rest of the contents is a mass of eggs, an agglomeration of germs numberng close upon three hundred. In a word, the insect is one enormous ovary, assisted by just so much as enables it to perform its functions. i ""<* 3l6 m CHAPTER X THE psyches: the cases first (horac c sclmen? '" "T' P"' <>' "-e next two s™3, K "^\8'<'«y black, the ">e body a ^pT Lk '"'c'l. ""'' ">= ■■«' "l c-tu J, ;i;f r rout itn";,!':^'^ ""i- steps, they swarm all over rf,e J„ ' r"^ -u^e^resultin, from th^LtrZC;;? banquet for which 1 "'"il"^ " '°"'''''™^ ceptresponsibufty'' see ™th ""''^ T " «■ and I do not Zln . a °''""^ °' "■= 'ort; "ose. ThelTh" K '■"I"'' ''°«' "^e idea case, whose s"ral;, ''""'?' '° •>" »"» her the mater al of .r «/'"''■"'' ^^ """^^ng. salid slough a d herlr»'^ ""' °/ ''"u^''^'- two.fold shelter forM\ I""''" "'='" ' " for the hatching-time; with 217 ^1 I t I- J The Life of the Caterpillar her down she prepares a defensive barricade for them and a place wherein to wait before emerging. Thus all is given, all spent with a view to the future. Save for some thin, dry strips which my lens can only with difficulty distinguish, there is nothing left that could provide a cannibal feasi for so numerous a family. No, my little Psyches, you do not eat your mother. In vain do I watch you: never, either to clothe or to feed himself, does any one of you lay a tooth upon the remains of the deceased. The maternal skin is left un- touched, as are those other insignificant relics, the layer of muscular tissue and the network of air-ducts. The sack left behind by the chrysalis also remains intact. The time comes to quit the natal wallet. An outlet has been contrived long beforehand, saving the youngsters from committing any act of violence against what was once their mother. There is no sacrilegious cutting to be done with the shears; the door opens of itself. When she was a wriggling speck of sau- sage, the mother's front segments were re- markably translucent, forming a contrast with 218 The Psyches: the Cases the r„, of the body. This „,s very prob. t^LlT i \'"' '''"" '"<' '«» tough ead „" ">:;" ^'^-'•"c. The sign i, „„, J,. cuiu. f,j of'^^^r Jd, rt I ;Xd oh hy the p,gn,ie, ™p«ien, ,„ g^, "^wav' n,rird'::o;'':ff.""™^ °" " ■' -»"«'- "^ In anticipation therefore of the emergence an exceedmgly easy and perhaps even snon lea« th, "''"'/' "'' Pi-oP" 'i™' =nd thus Z ( A "'^ '"' '° "'^ youngsters is an m t^naraT"'" ^^"^ ""^ -"« ""conscious maternal affection stands sublimely revealed That miserable maggot, that sausage Moth wheTe ^h %'V"*' '"^ '" - clefr-sfghted Where the future is concerned, staggerl the mind of any one who knows how to E. through thT-T"^' '■•°'" '''' "«"' w'll" through the window just opened by the fall of 219 IH i 4 .J9 ') i, in. IJ'IH'' '■-L»»'- m The Life of the Caterpillar the head. The chrysalid sack, the second wrapper, presents no obstacle; it has remained open since the adult Psyche left it. Next comes the mass of eiderdown, the heap of fluff of which the mother stripped herself. Here the little caterpillars stop. Much more spaciously and comfortably lodged than in the bag whence they have come, some take a rest, others bustle about, exercise themselves in walking. All pick up strength in preparation for their exodus into the daylight. They do not stay long amid this luxury. Gradually, as they gain vigour, they come out and spread over the surface of the case. Work begins at once, a very urgent work, that of the wardrobe. The first mouthfuls will come afterwards, when we are dressed. Montaigne, when putting on the cloak which his father had worn before him, used a touching expression. He said : "I dress myself in my father." The young Psyches in the same way dress themselves in their mother: they cover them- selves with the clothes left behind by the de- ceased, they scrape from it the wherewithal to make themselves a cotton frock. The ma- terial employed is the pith of the little stalks, 220 "I "'•'■'»" The Psyche.: the Cases especially of *hc pieces which, split length- wise, are mere easily stripped of their con- tents. I he Krub (irst finds a spot to suit it. Having done so, it gleans, it planes with its mandibles Thus a superbly white wadding IS extracteil from old logs. The manner of beginning the garment is worth noting. The tiny creature employs as judicious a method as any which our own in- dustry cou d hope to discover. The wadding IS collected in infinitesimal pellets. How are these little particles to be fixed as and when A^uJ T i^^^ached by the shears of the man- dibles / The manufacturer needs a support, a base; and this support cannot be obtained on the caterpillar's own body, for any adher- ence would be seriously embarrassing and would hamper freedom of movement. T^e difficulty IS overcome very cleverly. Scraps of plush are gathered and by degrees fastened to one another with threads of silk This forms a sort of rectilinear garland in which the particles collected swing from a common rope. When these preparations are deemed sufficient, the little creature passes the garland round Its waist, at about the third segment of the thorax, so as to leave its six legs free,- 221 : . ■ ^ t '" ^ ' 1 ■ 'V 1 . '• ' : i i; ». *■ J . f ; J • i The Life of the Caterpillar then it ties the two ends with a bit of silk. The result is a girdle, generally incomplete, but soon completed with other scraps fast- ened to the silk ribbon that carries every- thing. This girdle is the base of the work, the support. Henceforth, to lengthen the piece, to enlarge it into the perfect garment, the grub has only to fix, always at the fore- edge, with the aid of its spinnerets, now at the top, now at the bottom or side, the scraps of pith which the mandibles never cease ex- tracting. Nothing could be better thought out than this initial garland laid out flat and then buckled like a belt around the loins. Once this base is laid, the weaving-loom is in full swing. The piece woven is first a tiny string around the waist ; next, by the ad- dition of fresh pellets, always at the fore- edge, it grows into a scarf, a waistcoat, a short jacket and lastly a sack, which gradu- ally makes its way backwards, not of itself, but through the action of the weaver, who slips forward in the part of the case already made. In a few hours, the garment is com- pleted. It is by that time a conical hood, a cloak of magnificent whiteness and finish. 222 ii a*-." -.*:^ • . ■ 1 i » j The Psyches; the Cases We now know all about it. On leaving the materna hut, without searching" . h"ut ous at that aj .. -h. h,,ie Tsyche finds in the oth"h,"Tl' '!"' '"^'^ '^^ wherewithal to clothe himself, n, ,, .p^red the perils of .n a state of nudity. When he leave he Zhl ' T" '^', ^"'^^ ^^•^^-- shanks to the mother, who takes care to instal her family ,n the old case and gives it choice ma' tenals to work with. If the grub-worm were to drop out of the hovel, ,f some gust of wind swept him to a d.s ance, most often the poor mife wodd be retted to a turn, are not to be found everv- where It would mean the impossibility of any clothmg and, in that dire pove ty an early death. But, if suitable materia b are encountered, equal in quality to ho be lolLTht'^"^'^""^'^^^"^^ Let us I segregate a few new-born grubs in a glass tube and give them for their materials some old stalks of a sort of dandelion, PteJheTa 223 .% rill I- 1 1 iif S-! .ij> r • rS L * ' A p. w It rS^v'^ lit*^'' :r i, I II II The Life of tHe Caterpillar nemansensis. Though robbed of the inherit- ance of the maternal manor, the grubs seem very well satisfied with my bits. Without the least hesitation, they scrape out of them a superb white pith and make it into a del.cious cloak, much handsomer than that which they would have obtained with the ruins of the native house, this latter cloak being always more or less flawed with darker materials, whose colour has been impaired by long ex- posure to the air. On the other hand, the Nimes dandelion, a relic of last spring, has its central part, which I myself lay bare, a spot- less white; and the cotton nightcap achieves the very perfection of whiteness. I obtain an even better result with rounds of sorghum-pith taken from the kitchen- broom. Tlus time, the work has glittering crystalline points and looks like a thing built of grains of sugar. It is my manufacturers' masterpiece. These two successes authorize me to vary the raw material still further. In the absence of new-born caterpillars, who are not always at my disposal, I employ grubs which I have undressed, that is to say, which I have taken out of their caps. To these divested ones I 224 = l.-.-j!: u\i ill A .^ii ^'^ K:^:-r'^h rMK ^^ 'C,^» The Psyches: the Cases P»Per free frlp"^'; ™i''' "''''"•=' "^p of Pi«es. ,n short " oil' ?M "'" '° P'"^ "> Here agai"'the e ° '''""'"8-PVer. grubs lustily scranefh "°, ''"'""■^"- The 'hough it be anS mak^'lh ^'' ,"™ ■'"" '"'t of it. Cadet Rousser nf r ' ^^P" mory, had a coat nf 1' -f ' ^ '^"""'"^ m^- less fine and sTv m""'"" ''""' >"" ™^h "e so wellple sed w^h'tf """"^'^ ^''"S" rf>ey scorn their nativLe ':„"''" •''' ">"' -vards placed at the7r d t^al a"n '/ '' "^'"- are able to get at tL?„ t"I '" '^'^ '"he, but dwelling-hofse Th,^ i^ " ''f " "'^ 8'^^^ draped ones hasten t„, '"""^''u ^''' ""■ break it i„,o ato" ,„d ,1?'^^ '^' "^''- '" themselves a I'^./f f '''"'= '° '"^l'* elegant as the. . . et raceld "', ''"'""''^ use of this material Th , ''*'>'' '"'de employed perhTos fn.Th 2°"'"' "' ""e stuff, "O ch/ngerrcut^heTor" "" ""'' lotor', Note. " ^ contemporary bailad Jr?l„']! 225 ■:»■ f: h. #'vib t The Life of the Caterpillar To sum up, they accept any vegetable mat- ter that is dry, 'ght and not too resistant. Would they behave likewise towards animal materials ar.d especially mineral materials, on condition that these are of a suitable thinness? I take a Great Peacock's wing, left over from my experiments in the nuptial telegraphy of this Moth,^ and cut from it a strip on which I place, at the bottom of a tube, two little caterpillars stripped of their clothing. The two prisoners have nothing else at their dis- posal. Any drapery that they want must be got out of this scaly expanse. They hesitate for a long time i.i the pre- sence of that strange carpet. In twenty-four hours' time, one of the caterpillars has started no work and seems resolved to let himself die, naked as he is. The other, stouter-hearted, or perhaps less injured by the brutal stnpping- process, explores the slip for a little while and at last resolves to make use of it. Before the day is over, he has clothed himself In grey velvet out of the Great Peacock's scales. Con- sidering the delicacy of the materials, the work Is exquisitely correct. 'Cf. Chapter XI. of the present volume. — Translator's Note. 226 The Psyches: the Cases iected from a p an ' ift^r'''^^^ -^- from the wing of a M„Th ' "^"n" ^^'^"^d rnugh stone. In their fi J ^' ^'" ^"^^^^'t^te Psyches' cases are o ten ^.f'^' 1^"°"' ^^^ ^^nd and earthy par dcs h ? T'^ ^'"^'"^ °^ dental bricks, vS hav; h 'v"' ^'' ^'''^' :°-^ed by the s^tntet a'L" '"'^^-^^-tly unintentionally in the th.^ T JJ}''''P^'^ted creatures knovv too vvel M , ^ '^^ ^^^'^^te pebbly pilJow to seek I ^^^^vbacks of a Mineral matter is d si ^fT^'P'^''^ ^^ «^°ne. '« mineral matter th'f"u '° '^^"^' «nd it i'-ke wool. '^'' "°^^ ^^« to be worked powers of my grubs r"^ ""'^ '^^ ^^^ble o<^ flaky hematite At 1^"'""' " ^P^^'"^'^" hair-pencil it break.- 7 """'"^ ^^^^^ of a .'--ute as the dust ^hT 'T' ''^^'^ - ^^^ves on our fingers On ' K^^^'j^^^'^ ^'""^ ^-'^'-vhich glittfrs iike a sted Ir ' ^'1^ "^^ bJ'sh four young caterniM ^^'"S' ^ ^^ta- fheir clothing \ 7„':^"""''^ extracted from Periment and ■consequentl?' '^''^ '" ^^'^ ^- ber of my subjects ^'^^ '"^'"^^^ '^' "um- 227 »? iiW' : i ! '- h ^mKSQnsmmA.v> 1 1 'i i ^1.1: The Life of the Caterpillar It is as I thought. The day passes and the four caterpillars remain bare. Next day, however, one, one alone, decides to clothe himself. His work is a tiara with metallic facets, in which the light plays with flashes of every colour of the rainbow. It is very rich, very sumptuous, but mightily heavy and cum- brous. Walking becomes laborious under that load of metal. Even so must a Byzan- tine emperor have progressed at ceremonies of state, after donning his gold-worked dal- matic. Poor little creature! More sensible than man, you did not select that ridiculous mag- nificence of your own free will ; it was I who forced it on you. Here, to make amends, is a disk of sorghum-pith. Fling off your proud ti?ra, thrust it from you quickly and place in its stead a cotton night-cap, which is much healthier. This is done on the second day. The Psyche has his favourite materials when starting as a manufacturer : a vegetable lint collected from any ligneous scrap well softened by the air, a lint usually supplied by the old roof of the maternal hut. In the absence of the regulation fabric, he is able to make use of animal velvet, in particular of the 228 ■^IH The Psyches: the Cases scaly fluff of a Moth In oo„ r I Jil!!' "'"^ °"'»'-t*s that of nourishment uccausc 01- jts white fleece. I t-ilce hlrr, r &o^tt-:i''''-'^'''-'''™-i^s! nil ot eating, ,„ spite of his long fast first abourmg to make himself a new feat hv rJ f«'"?,fl',= hairs of the hawkweed. His app " hte will be satisfied afterwards. ^'^ in tt mitVf-thr&'ff!:': ^^^ -- .Slti;t"ofl^;^„'',;Vh^^^^^^^^^^ to and am working m my shirt-sleeves- and bovl'aTth'"'"' ""-■ ^'''^' clamour fort above all thmgs, a warm covering. Well It tie shiverer, I will satisfy you I 229 li ■ J ■ 1 . ■ - 1 -"■■s-rxi, St 1 -^ia' ^H: , The Life of the Caterpillar I expose him to the direct rays of the sun, on the window-ledge. This time, it is too much of a good thing; I have gone beyond all bounds. The sun-scorched one wriggles about, flourishes his abdomen, always a sign of discomfort. But the making of the hawk- weed cassock is not suspended on this account; on the contrary, it is pursued more hurriedly than ever. Could this be because of the ex- cessive light? Is not the cotton-wool bag a retreat wherein the caterpillar isolates him- self, sheltering from the importunities of broad daylight, and gently digests and sleeps? Let us get rid of the light, while retaining a warm temperature. After a preliminary stripping, the little caterpillars are now lodged in a cardboard box, which I place in the sunniest corner of my window. The temperature here is well over ioo° F. No matter: the swan's-down sack is remade at a sitting of a few hours. Tropical heat and the quiet that goes with darkness have made no difference in the in- sect's habits. Neither the degree of heat nor the degree of light explains the pressing need of rai- ment. Where are we to seek the reason for 230 ';**-l^'> J ,. :J-:-± .k:.M*^ '££2!%^^. fi*- f*> The Psyches : the Cases that hurry to net rl-iH? t a presentiment' of tt ,u'„T ^Th™",? "." caterpilln. has the wi'nte ' ,1 J ^L ^^ leaves, of nd 4 ^ , a-r"*} ^'"^'■""'^'>'"8 old cracked h.rt f u " ' "^ '^"'^'"^ under in shor of ,h' ',"/ '''"■>' '■"°f'> »f ^-ocoons, against the se;*;;";", he'^Xr^'T,-'- to spend the winter exposed to , hi ■ ', " c es of the air Tl,- -1 *"' mclemen- lar talent ' ^"'' ''""'' ^'" P^t'Cu- 4«ance, when the case t fixed an h'' "' ' rage: the Psvrh. ;.T ■ "^ "°'^^ '™'°" "iH not - -na^„le^l::'^•:;,;■;,7„rrar^• ^"" ask for? You certainlv l ^^^ "^^ y^" for your suppi es ' /n fh" ""' '°""' "" "^^ would have found v . f "^''" ^^'^^ V"" much more eJiIv?h T^'l ^" V^^r liking for yoT S nee mv • k'" ^"^'^ ^" «"'» ^^em yo/pIaces'rin"^yTf^J;tr'^"'^^^ which I must observe- tht;/f '7 ' ^"'^ What do you want? ^ ^''^'"^ y""- one'J:Xy'S'^hT'^"'"^^^'-^^'«-'^ thinking^oTthe'trrrrin^^'^"'^^"^^' tions so that thp hnm! L .^ "'^ Precau- iess supp ed Derfnr T.'^ ^' "'^'^y^ ^^'^ or 233 li-i i W f /• I •' f The Life of the Caterpillar will come. Ah, how well lonjj practice has taught iiie to know the trade, with all Its wor- ries and all its joys! Behold me to-day the Providence of a thou- sand nurselings thrust upon mc by my studies. I try a little of everything. The tender leaves of the elm appear to suit. If I serve them up one day, I find them next morning nibbled on the surface, in small patches. Tiny grains of impalpable black dust, scattered here and there, tell me that the intestines have been at work. This gives me a moment of satis- faction which will be readily understood by any breeder of a herd whose diet is unknown. The hope of success gains strength: I know how to feed my vermin. Have I discovered the best method at the first attempt? I dare not think so. I continue therefore to vary the fare, but the results hardly come up to my wishes. The flock refuses my assorteii green stuff and even ends by taking a dislike to the elm-leaves. I am beginning to believe that I have failed ut- terly, when a happy inspiration occurs to me. I have recognized among the bits that go to form the case a few fragments of the mouse- ear hawkweed (Hierac'mm pilosella). So the 234 The Psyches: the Cases JmZr'''" ''''''''^'>' '" ''■"!'■• ™"n.l flow. We will leave them fr. fk„- his digestive refuse? R *u f '•''' »' enclosed in a sack n™''™ *" '' the thought orofd„re°Tec eTanTa^r^'r'" ™-ing. Howisthesord-re^^ctattTr poinrf'^;tt;etrat:r°ri c-inuity,,hesackis„:tXt"a:thrhi„d- {• ^^^' ■ 'V' llii El ,*- w ;(•»•■ r»»,..* ■■■* '-lli^: I'M .1 '( ^ ' ^: The Life of the Caterpillar er end. Its method of manufacture, by means of a waistband whose fore-edge in- creases in dimensions in proportion as the rear-edge is pushed farther back, proves this sufficiently. The hinder end becomes pointed simply owing to the shrinking of the material, which contracts of itself at the part where the caterpillar's decreasing diameter no longer distends it. There is thus at the point a per- manent hole whose lips remain closed. The caterpillar has only to go a little way back and the stuff expands, the hole widens, the road is open and the excretions fall to the ground. On the other hand, so soon as the caterpillar takes a step forward into his case, the rubbish-shoot closes of itself. It is a very simple and very ingenious mechanism, as good as anything contrived by our seamstresses to cope with the shortcomings of a boy's first pair of breeches. Meanwhile the grub grows and its tunic continues to fit it, is neither too large nor too small, but just the right size. How is this done? If the text-books were to be credited, I might expect to see the caterpillar split his sheath lengthwise when it became too tight and afterwards enlarge it by means of a piece 236 The Psyches: the Cases woven between the edges of the rent Thn^ is what our tailors dof but it is not the ^sv cnes method at ill Tu^ « y* much better They keel ™ ^ '""'"'j'^^ coat, whieh is oW at ,hrb.r^"^ •".""'■■■ and al,vays a perfcrt fit for ,h ' "'"• '" /™"' 1V««.»,- • ^ . ^^'^ "'^ ^or the growing bodv Nothing ,s easier than to watch the dailv progress in size. A few caterr^II.rc u • ^ made themselves a h^d oT i", 'T The work is perfectly tuti^ul ; r^^hTh'lve been woven out of snow-flakes. I isolale these smartly-dressed ones and give them a^ weav,ng.materials some brown Lies ch'sen bark. Between morning and evening the the conr""n "^" Wearance: thetip o rnn^ 1"' '"" ' '^^'^"^ ^^'^e, but all the colouring from the original plush. Next dav s reXtrfrf '" ^^f ^^-PPeaS an'd oth^r^ta'WoTbat^^^'^^^"^^ I then take away the brown materials and put sorghum-pith in their stead. Th t me td:Te\'''Vf r"-"^^ gradually^! white snff ^ ''^- '^'.^°°^^' ^^'^'"'^ fhe soft, white stuff gams m width, starting from the 237 tn ft i ! ■^i; * The Life of the Caterpillar mouth. Before the day is over, the original elegant mitre will be reconstructed entirely. This alternation can be repeated as often as we please. Indeed, by shortening each period of work, we can easily obtain, with the two sorts of material, composite products, showing alternate light and dark belts. The Psyche, as you see, in no way follows the methods of our tailors, with their piece i taken out and another piece let in. In order to have a coat always to his size, he never ceases working at it. The particles collected are constantly being fixed just at the edge of the sack, so that the new drapery increases progressively in dimensions, keeping pace with the caterpillar's growth. At the same time the old stuff recedes, is driven back to- wards the tip of the cone. Here, through its own springiness, it contracts and closes the muff. Any surplus matter disintegrates, falls into shreds and gradually disappears as the insect roams about and knocks against the things which it meets. The case, new at the front and old at the back, is never too tight because it is always being renewed. After the very hot period of the year, there comes a moment when light wraps are no 238 ■ .iwr ...--. '"I*-- STf ^^■L Tht Psyches; the Cases pets. It b:x,"eh r;:^a°;:rrr' ''"- bend freeIy^-„r;.;Xecr''^ "'""■"" '" building, they are destined Z^A^"'" "' "" will be pushed back and hf T- ''''"PP"'' ^"'^ bett/rSo™;,!" ''/arcr f",^ Y'" '^"^ tudinally The nl!I- '"^f^'Iy ''id longi- -th sujprislg%tk„"fss" and h"" '' ''°"'= the log which he has LnH "I"'*'- " .cateT,ill^,r takes i: between "ws S anTl ""^ It round and roimH n ■ ■ ^? "^ '"f"* mandibles by one "nd ? ''^'7 I' "'"> bis a few morsels fron, Thi's l\» ™i'-''= '^"""^ fi^es the™ to the";:ck^7;:"sa;k":"Hlrot ii'-^ m U h The Life of the Caterpillar ject in laying bare the raw and rough sur- faces, to which the silk will stick better, may be to obtain a firmer hold. Even so the plumber gives a touch of the file at the point that is to be soldered. Then, by sheer strength of jaw, the cater- pillar lifts his beam, brandishes it in the air and, with a quick movement of his rump, lays it on his back. The spinneret at once sets to work on the end caught. And the thing is done: without any groping about or correct- ing, the log is added to the others, in the di- rection required. The fine days of autumn are spent in toil of this kind, performed leisurely and intermit- tently, when the stomach is full. By the time that the cold weather arrives, the house is ready. When the air is once more warm, the Psyche resumes his walks abroad: he roams along the paths, strolls over the friendly greensward, takes a few mouthfuls and then, when the hour has come, prepares for his transformation by hanging from the wall. These springtime wanderings, long after the case is completely finished, made me want to know if the caterpillar would be capable of repeating his sack-weaving and roof-building 240 The Psyches: the Cases XrCsJ,,t\,^™ "« "f hi, case and sand. I sive Mm ' °" ? ''"'' °f "ne, dry »?'nning, taking as prsfo"l''"''T<"S' ««» that its lips encounter^ he bd ^7 T'^''"^ foot, the canonv nf . • " "' '""^ under- '■"«, .-t bind ""o^^thert^f .r^M^''- ^^ "O" all the pieces touched bvthr'' '°"''"'">"' and short, light and heavy at'^^r' '™8 he centre of this tangledscaffllH "''°"'- '" " pursued of a auitf rllff "»' ' ™* 'hatofhut-building Th! ?' "?,'"' ^™'" and does nothing efse It "'"P'"ar weaves assemble into ayop;r iT T"'P'''"« '» ol which he is able fn / ^ """ materials Tk. D ■ ^ t° dispose. The Psyche owning ■ n^rfert . he resumes his activity w.mTc ""' "''=" scorns his old trade /. '"■"' '^'"her, a. trade practtd s„ ," lolrr"" "^ '°^'' ^'"--in,:tifl;tt::^^tL%X' 241 if . t f ! r il "] ' '■*ll ■'lllt'l The Life of the Caterpillar of his case. The silky felt of the interior is never thick or soft enough to please him. The thicker and softer it is, the better for his own comfort during the process of transformation and for the safety of his family afterwards. Well, my knavish tricks have now robbed him of everything. Does he perceive the dis- aster? Though the silk and timber at his disposal permit, does he dream of rebuilding the shelter, so essential first to his chilly back and secondly to his family, who will cut it up to make their first home? Not a bit of it. He slips under the mass of twigs where I let it fall and there begins to work exactly as he would have done under normal conditions. This shapeless roof and this sand on which the jumble of rafters are lying now represent to the Psyche the walls of the regulation home; and, without in any way modifying his labours to meet the exigencies of the moment, the caterpillar upholsters the surfaces within his reach with the same zest that he would have displayed in adding new layers to the quilted lining which has disappeared. Instead of being pasted on the proper wall, the pre- sent hangings come in contact with the rough surface of the sand and the hopeless tangle 242 .'7«:-=-T-^ --^jjw^far.-!*^- The Psyches: the Cases notice.' """'•' '"^ ""' 'P'""" '^k,, no The house is worse than ruined- if „„ onger exists. No matter : the c™erpnia con mues h,s act,;al work; he loses si?h of the' real and upholsters the imaKinarv ' A^d 1.! everyth „g ought to apprise hte 'of ^he It sence of any roofing. The sack with whfch h» f '"T^"' '" '"''" '"•■nself, very skU. the In ect"s ho7 \f' '^'^ "•°^^™=« °f me insects body. Moverover, it is made heavy with sand and bristles «^ith spikT, In evey direction, which catch in the dust of the lZt"i ?''': "" P™S"^^ impossible Thu I takes f™ h ""' '° '•'''' '"■=' position- It takes h,m hours to make a start and to move h,s cumbrous dwelling a fraction of a^ With his normal case, in which all the beams are .mbricated from front to back w th «.ent,fic precision, he gets alo .^ry ntwy ".."■.»? °t,Uc',yT,b! """ """f ?"' "">' !"""•» «»".' R,M.n,"j:; Tn.MP:'L?J" -'if. '-iMed, III' "VSMcr. r. ..""•(- !'- i .«i Tl > ( The Life of the Caterpillar His collection of logs, all fixed in front and all free at the back, forms a boat-shaped sledge which slips and glides through ob- stacles without difficulty. But, though pro- gress be easy, retreat is impracticable, for each piece of the framework causes the thing to stop, owing to its free end. Well, the sack of my victim is covered with laths pointing this wa and that, just in the position in which they happened to be caught by the spinneret, as it fastened its threads here and there, indiscriminately. The bits in front are so many spurs which dig into the sand and neutralize all efforts to advance; the bits at the side are rakes whose resistance can- not be overcome. In such conditions, the in- sect is bound to be stranded and to perish on the spot. If I were advising the caterpillar, I should say: "Go back to the art in which you excel ; ar- range your bundle neatly ; point the cumbrous pieces lengthwise, in an orderly fashion; do something to your sack, which hangs too loosely; give it the necessary stiffness with a few props to act as a busk; do now, in your distress, what you knew so well how to do be- 244 'W^p^m..^^'^ The Psyches: the Cases ^ore; summon up your n?r1 .. ents and you will VsaTed •' "''P*^"^^^'"«-taI- Useless advice f TK- *•' r over. The hour harcomr? "' 'JT"'^ '' and he upholster, obSv tdT °'"r« = which no longer exi,t,Hcwmt"A' ''?''" ably, cut up bv the Anf. [ P""'' ""«>•- too-rigid instinct '• " "" '•""l' of hi, as much' t-k'cTn-"' ''''" "'"''y 'o>d u, ci™b,,ope^t7wS;or„o?^tt".""' menced. The ftlhe h"? """"' ""^ «"">■ penter. will die fS- w ' ^ ofT ' ■'^''" '"■ & a beam. ' "' knowing how to '(■ •>-'M* 1=1 ■ '■ r' .. ' 245 CHAPTER XI THE GREAT PEACOCK 1^ if / -« Ir WAS a memorable evening. I shall call it the Great Peacock evening. Who does not know the maj^nificent Moth, the largest In Europe, clad in maroon velvet with a necktie of white fur? The wings, with their sprinkling of grey and brown, crossed by a faint zig-zag and edged with smoky white, have in the centre a round patch, a great eye with a black pupil and a variegated iris con- taining successive black, white, chestnut and purple arcs. No less remarkable is the caterpillar, in colour an \ ^decided yellow. On the top of thinly-scattered tubercles, cro' led with a palisade of black hairs, are se /eads of tur- quoise blue. His stout brown v >coon, so curi- ous with its exit-shaft shaped like an eel-trap, is usually fastened to the bark at the base of old almond-trees. The caterpillar feeds on the leaves of the same tree. Well, on the morning of the 6th of May, a female emerges from her cocoon in my 246 (\ The Great Peacock plans. I incarcerate h' I '' "° P""cular habit of the oSver ,^ ""' ''='"''• "«= for what mayl:;;;:; "'""^^ °" '"= '"'"'-•'t bed. there i?'e';'',t,.''?"«'"''d '» Boing to "ine. Little pfu7 L f . *" ™°'" «xt to "bout, jumle M'j''! '^■""'^'■"'ed, '' '•"'hing me; """g- ^ near him call Come ruirlf f" u^ »« these ,V^o t' bi» asTr;- ^^°'"' ^"^ full of them !•• ^ '""'' ' The room is 1 nurrv in TUa child's enthu;iastic anrf'lf"°"f ,'" ^""'f^ 'he tions, an inva io" as vl '^''"'"''j"' ""^'"'"a- house. a .raid of^irntXh^'r' '" °" already caught and odgei t a h "^ "' Others, more numerous. fre\:tt:,„^;t"«=- ' °" ''°" ""•"«». 'aJdie," I .,y ,„ r ?r I H- The Life of the Caterpillar son. 'i.cavc your cage and come with me. VI t 'ih,' ! see something interesting." \Vc r.n downstairs to go to my study, '.vnUh o .upies the right wing of the house. I ' the f -chen I find the servant, who is also beviifitnd by .vhat is happening and stands fii to. "•ought out beforehr„r'"'" '"'"™8»'-y But first let us clpnr ^i, 0/ what happen" ever" ^flf™""'' »"d «Peak 'hat my observation la" f' r'?« "" ^«k P'tch dark, between TJh, j'*" """" " '^ "hen the Moth? rtvfoL^b '" °'t^''' stormy weather, the skv U '' ""'• '' '» cast and the darkness kl ''V ""'''' °'". in the open air i„ ,1 Pr°f»""d that even 'hadow of th 't e« t^"?'"^/'^ f™" the - one's hand befo^ lU^'stcf ''°"''"' *° 249 ii< ri r li. i% ' « * - ^pg' ' 'W-F' 1 ■' K ^ ^>%4 The Life of the Caterpillar In addition to this darkness there is the difficulty of access. The house is hidden by tall plane-trees; it is approached by a walk thickly bordered with lilac- and rose-trees, forming a sort of outer vestibule; it is pro- tected against the mistral by clumps of pines and screens of cypresses. Clusters of bushy shrubs make a rampart a few steps away from the door. It is through this tangle of branches, in complete darkness, that the Great Peacock has to tack about to reach the ob- ject of his pilgrimage. Under such conditions, the Brown Owl would not dare leave the hole in his olive- tree. The Moth, better-endowed with his faceted optical organs than the night-bird with its great eyes, goes forward without hesitating and passes through without knock- ing against things. He directs his tortuous flight so skilfully that, despite the obstacles overcome, he arrives in a state of perfect freshness, with his big wings intact, with not a scratch upon him. The darkness is light enough for him. Even if we grant that it perceives certain rays unknown to common retinae, this extra- ordinary power of sight cannot be what 250 W^ The Great Peacock him the !e. warns t hurrying to th^'VorrreT.'^' screens interposed make th '"'' - - Besides, apart fmmi' '^.""' ""Possible, of which there L no m f''^ -'^'^ ''efractions, indications p/oWdrdi;^"^;"^"^^'^^^ that we go straight to the ^h '° ^'"'^^ ff^e Moth sometf-nes M / "^ '''"• ^ow general direction She"fs"otaT l^ ^° ^^^ the exact spot where fh! ^^^' ''"^ ^s to ^'•e happening. Ihlfl •^'["^'"^ ^^^nts -n's nursery'whih is -11'^^^^^ .^^'^d- house opposite my studv tl .'"^^ °^ ^^^ v'sitors at the present mn '''' ^"^^ ^^ "^X .hy the Moths b^;:;:" ZTth:"''' r^p'^^ !" niy hand. TheL T f^'^^ ^ %ht mformed. There wasfh! '^ ^ '""''^ '"" hesitating visitors in 'he kitch^l '^i°"^ °^ ^•f .^ of a lamp, that irrest Se"i;. "J ^'^^ '^' na^'nsects, may have begutd tie''. ' "°""'- . L^t us consider only the nl "'P'* «"«. '" the dark. In these fh ^ '"' ^^at were ^oths. I fin, ^hem :, trr "'"'^ ^^-y around the actual SD^^ i'" "'^''"y^here stance, when the cao^.V. — "^ "'• ^^' '"" visitors do not a 1 en'^^lrbv^h" "^^ '^"^^^ ^^e fhe safe and dir c road 'n V °P'" ^'"'^°^' rect road, only two or three 251 f >:,' ^ ■r I ■ I "'■"■'■'*'*i '»«,„. ''I* The Life of the Caterpillar yards away from the caged prisoner. Several of them come in downstairs, wander about the hall and at most reach the staircase, a blind alley barred at the top by a closed door. These data tell us that the guests at this nuptial feast do not make straight for their object, as they would if they derived their in- formation from some kind of luminous ra- diation, whether known or unknown to our physical science. It is something else that ap- prises them from afar, leads them to the prox- imity of the exact spot and then leaves the final discovery to the airy uncertainty of ran- dom searching. It is very much like the way in which we ourselves are informed by hear- ing and smell, guides which are far from ac- curate when we want to decide the precise point of origin of the sound or the smell. What are the organs of information that direct the rutting Moth on his nightly pil- grimage? One suspects the antennas, which, in the males, do in fact seem to be question- ing -pace with their spreading tufts of feathers. Are those glorious plumes mere ornaments, or do they at the same time play a part in the perception of the effluvia that guide the enamoured swain? A conclusive The Great Peacock experiment seems m «.. Let us try it P""'""^ "« difficulty. closed The"Xi,rht"';hel'"J' " """ over, about ten o'clock in .h. •'"" "" out as they came ,„,(,„ „^' '*''"'"8' "ent firstwindow, whi h'is leftn "J' '^""'^*' ">» Those eight Ve.triferai'l^."'' ".'«•■'; want for my schemes ^ ^' *'"' ' oth^wL Vuchl^g ?ht MothT"' -••'<»" antennae, near hf base th^ ' '"J "« *eir hardly any notice of fk ^''=. Pa''ents take moves"; th^r: -rrr e tir:"- th^'"- ""' These are excellent conditions ,.*' """^J does not seem at all seriouT n 5- ""'""'' by pain, tne Moths be eHf th. "^"'""«'" adapt themselves all he bette,''^" t"", ""' The rest of the dav ;. LI- . '"^ P'ans. "'ade. It is imnnrf/nf- """?«"ients to be the scene o oZlTo' '" J"^'^"^" ^o shift female beforeThe !" Tf .hT ^"- ^^T ^^^ ^yes of the maimed ones 353 .^ ' J I i ™ !^W ■if ; '■ i Ij - I • ? hi •■ firi ! "" -4H-, f-i i iii .7 -■' ■ i! If ] ,;; The Life of the Caterpillar at the moment when they resume their noc- turnal flight, else the merit of their quest would disappear. I therefore move the bell- jar with its capti^'es and place it under a porch at the other end of thc^ house, some fifty yards from my study. When night comes, I go to make a last in- spection of my eight victims. Six have flown out through the open window; two remain behind, but these have dropped to the floor and no longer have the strength to turn over if I lay them on their backs. They are ex- hausted, dying. Pray do not blame my surgi- cal work. This quick decreptitude occurs invariably, even without the intervention of my scissors. Six, in better condition, have gone off. Will they return to the bait txiat attracted them yesterday? Though deprived of their antennae, will they be able to find the cage, now put in another place, at a considerable distance from its original position? The cage is standing in the dark, almost in the open air. From time to time, I go out with a lantern and a Butterfly-net. Each visitor is captured, examined, catalogued and forthwith let loose in an adjoining room, of 254 The Great Peacock which I dose the door Ti,- 'ion will ennble meto ,eTl hf"'"''' ''™'"^- with no risk of coumLV LtmTw'o^h""'''"' than once IUnr«^ V ^ ^>^ioth more which is spaci^r:n7b;,f ;[-P--y ^-'' danger the prisoners wh"' ,1'"."° ^^^ ^"- treat there and pTemV ,f ^" ^"^r ' ^"'^^ '•^- similar precautions dL ''''''^- ^ ^^^" ^^^^e vestigations """^ "^^ subsequent in- At half past ten no more arrive TU ■ ting IS over In nil . ajnve. The sit- been caught o "vhl ''f ^"^"' "^^'^^ have antenn^.^ Thereforo^ J! °"' ""^ ^'^^^"^ operated yesterday ' and .Ih" °" "^T ^ enough to leave mv^^^ , '"'^''^ ^ale «e.ds« one Z: TaV^ u^Jj" f^eK 'n •'"' the antennae ;' a S"^ " ''^"^-g 'hal begin all over aLin^l ! P"'' ^^^ «"« vci dgdm, on a Jareer snl#> 255 'iff- f,a U' f. ■ li I [»"♦—* 11 •■■ ' i 1 1 The Life of the Caterpillar recover their vigour when the time comes to dance the lovers' round. The twenty-four new ones undergo ampu- tation of the antennae. The old, hornless one is left out of count, as dying or close to it. Lastly, the prison-door is left open for the remainder of the day. He who will may leave the room, he who can shall join in the evening festival. In order to put such as go out to the test of searching for the bride, the cage, which they would be sure to notice on the threshold, is once more removed. I shift it to a room in the opposite wing, on the ground-floor. The access to this room is of course left free. Of the twenty-four deprived of their an- tennae, only sixteen go outside. Eight re- main, powerless to move. They will soon die where they are. Out of the sixteen who have left, how many are there that return to the cage in the evening? Not onel I sit up to capture just seven, all newcomers, all sport- ing feathers. This result would seem to show that the amputation of the antennae is a rather serious matter. Let us not draw con- clusions yet : a doubt remains and an import- ant one. 256 The Great Peacock ii( his earl "How df I ,h'""''" 5'"' '^°^'«d the other Dogs^" ''°"' '">' '«« before Mo'ul,:;d.t'=a;p:'eh^tt^(5"'''!?'" M"'- their fine plumes, dare the v 2, f '''"'"'"^ "' amidst their rivals and ^ ° '?"«" "PP'" itbashfulncss on thefr ^T"^ f ? '» guidance? Or miffhf , "^ ".■■ '"'' »' haustion afte T^wai Zt """^ .''^ '^• duration of an ephrmeral fl T'^' ""^ mcnt shall tell „/"'™"^' "ame? Experi- Mo^hs/^H tv"o„er:T' ' '■"''' '-"«n 'hey arrive, in": rTom TherXrVr' " pass the night Nevf • '"'' ""em to vantage of Their dayHn,e"Z^h-^'^'"S "* -"ove a little of the /rf ' T,'"'"''' ' ^e- their corselet. The s Ikv fl° *' ''""' <"' easily that this sligh ton!ure' H™" "^ "' convenience the inse«s a al t H^'' "'". '"■ ° no organ which m y b "n'eeS'r^ir ^*'" later, when the t;«,^ "ctessary to them " m;ans nottgTo'tSXrl"'"' ''^ "«'' means the unmiftakable st .haTtL'" T " have repeated their visit. ' ""'" 257 ♦ ' . '1' * 1*' i J 1 i^.;' }•, ; J ; ,1 ij ^ ""*«'«■*.,. The Life of the Caterpillar This time there are no weaklings incapable of flight. At night, the fourteen shaven Moths escape into the open. Ot course the place of the cage is once more changed. In two hours, I capture twenty Moths, including two tonsured ones, no more. Of those who lost their antenna two days ago, not one puts in an appearance. Their nuptial time is over for good and all. Only two return out of the fourteen marked with a bald patch. Why do the twelve others hang back, although supplied with what we have assumed to be their guides, their antennary plumes? Why again that formidable list of defaulters, which we find nearly always after a night of sequestration? I perceive but one reply: the Great Peacock is quickly worn out by the ardours of pairing- time. With a view to his wedding, the one and only object of his life, the Moth is gifted with a wonderful prerogative. He is able to discover the object of his desire in spite of distance, obstacles and darkness. For two or three evenings, he is allowed a few hours wherein to indulge his search and his amor- ous exploits. If he cannot avail himself of 958 fi'y The Great Peacock them, all is over • tU ftila, the brightest of r" ""'."' compa„„ the u,e of livfng afer h\^P%«P'««- What i, draw into a corner an J J *"""">' "^ with- which is the end of our l"*^ °" ''" »'«?■ woes ahke. "^ '""""•"« and of our in Jttptp^rt^^tTp™:,' '^t °"'^ rW of eating. WhilT. ™ ''"ows )0"y companions one anrf ill «• ""/">■ o""". '0 flr-r. """'"inTthe'^sp ral 'f^r"""" hoses and dipping it h,n 1\^ "'"'" P^o- he, the incom^par^be tster' hT"^ ™P'' from the bondage of th/h.n '■.*''°"'' fr«d °( refreshment His ' ^ ?' '""' "° ""ought rudiments, vain Simula^ *"P'"' "' ■""« "P=ble of perLmTn' th |r"f?' "'' °^«»"» ■> S"P enters his stomafh » 1 '™"'°"s- Not f»-e that it invo ""a brie? •°'" P^'"''8'. '^7 needs its drop of o^^' f''^!'""- The "tmguished. The r~ V d '" "°' 'o be ■h« drop, but at tL ^■^'°''' renounces long life IVo or thre? '""? ''^ ""''""«> .enough to ailo^the coul'r"'"^'' ^"" ""'« '» ?!|^ the big M„?bS!ved "'"'"'"''"■" «aV:f rht ;:htharK-'^^ ^^-^ "»ve lost their antenna? 259 :< •I,*;' ir r . .' ! rill' n "■* '•*«i:( The Life of the Caterpillar Does it show that the absence of these organs has made them incapable of finding the wire bell in which the prisoner awaits them? Not at all. Like the shorn ones, whose operation has left them uninjured, they prove oidy that their time is up. Whether maimed or intact, they are unfit for duty because of their age; and their non-return is valueless as evidence. For lack of the time necessary for experi- menting, the part played by the antennae es- capes us. Doubtful it was and doubtful it remains. My caged prisoner lives for eight days. Every evening she draws for my benefit a swarm of visitors, in varying numbers, now to one part of the house, now to another, as I please. I catch them, as they come, with the net and transfer them, the moment they are captured, to a closed room, in which they spend the night. Next morning, I mark them with a tonsure on the thorax. The aggregate of the visitors during those eight evenings amounts to a hundred and fifty, an astounding number when I consider how hard 1 had to seek during the following; two years to collect the materials necessary for continuing these observations. Though 260 M-r.^ 5 ?^^^«;'i ^s^y '~ 3*^'^ The Great Peacock M-irfQ v "^'^P"V"^s live, are scarce n these trunk, under the Lnlr °"" P^« "f 'ht which they are claS^. . • ''"'' 8"«" i" -urned eLpT;.ha„1;r''Trr:f: f ''T ' dred and fiftv M .u "^^'^^^oje my hun- «iiu ;ijcy iviotns came frnm of l^rom very far vu'.t-u- '"""^ ,/rom afar, han. o -1 ' ,W'fn«n a radius of ner- study? ^^ ^l•lppenmg m my at,-o„'%''rr''f'uiI""!'''-l"" ^-'^ -f-- ^■i-'s: iighe:.otdr„d LiT";: -' "'^" - e .o speak of vision T his ins an^T'^- »-.ll admit that sight the i-,' TS once they have oasserf ,!,?„ u l ^"^ window. But before »h-„ • ^? '^'' '''' "P"" cuss anything so outragLus. let us pTss on ^^- 261 >• . ,^ ,1 ' l.i ki ffflfS .' I I ■ \\> ■* -i"-*,. ■ "■! The Life of the Caterpillar Sound Is likewise out of the question. The great fat Moth, capable of sending a sum- mons to such a distance, is mute even to the most acute hearing. It is just possible that she possesses delicate vibrations, passionate quivers, which might perhaps be perceptible with the aid of an extremely sensitive micro- phone; but remember that the visitors have to be informed at considerable distances, thousands of yards away. Under these con- ditions, we cannot waste time thinking of acoustics. That would be to set silence the task of waking the surrounding air. There remains the sense of smell. In the domain of our senses, scent, better than any- thing else, would more or less explain the on- rush of the Moths, even though they do not find che bait that allures them until after a certain amount of hesitation. Are there, in point of fact, effluvia similar to what we call odour, effluvia of extreme subtlety, absolutely imperceptible to ourselves and yet capable of impressing a sense of smell better-endowed than ours? There is a very simple experiment to be made. It is a question of masking those effluvia, of stifling them under a powerful and persistent odour, which masters the olfactory 262 h .^vA rm§''^r^ iln^'lWM The Great Peacock "•ening. Also i„ h ' , '• ^'"^^•^'^c^l this "and in the door«av „f ,!,„ ''''■^' ""'v « distinct smell ofg^-l"/,""',;" ""," K« ••• The Moths >rrWrjl,Jlr"'''"'''t- is sh/ken"" Beside," ??'''"°^^ -'"--- on. Worn ou bv her IrT "'"'''"^ '" «° soner dies on the ninth j. *"','' "'^ P"" unfertilized eggs on ,h/''' • '" ^,=>"'"« *"■• cage In fh, fP , wirework of the --;, th:.f .^noZe" o\"h''" "' '."P"'- year. "^ ^° ^^ ^«"e until next as often Is I w^^t ,^ "' '° ^' "''''= '" ^'P<^« Have ,, JVJJ'-JS-P-^^^^^ rs'iir ""^ ""^'' "■'"■ »^ 'Lrwii 263 .1 ( i r. '"&. ;< 'rn--" I, :• :, (I ■^"^HiiiW: *"**«,. *»;!!„ H< The Life of the Caterpillar In the summer, I proclaim myself a buyer of caterpillars at a sou apiece. The offer ap- peals to some urchins in the neighbourhood, my usual purveyors. On Thursdays, emanci- pated from the horrors of parsing,^ they scour the fields, find the fat caterpillar from time to time and bring him to me clinging to the end of a stick. They dare not touch him, poor mites ; they are staggered at my audacity when I take him in my fingers as they might take the familiar Silk-worm. Reared on almond-tree branches, my me- nagerie in a few days supplies me with mag- nificent cocoons. In the winter, assiduous searches at the foot of the fostering tree com- plete my collection. Friends interested in my enquiries come to my assistance. In short, by dint of trouble, much running about, commer- cial bargains and not a few scratches from brambles, I am the possessor of an assortment of cocoons, of which twelve, bulkier and heavier than the others, tell me that they be- long to females. A disappointment awaits me, for May ar- rives, a fickle month which brings to naught * Thursday is the weekly holiday in French schools. — Translator's Note. 264 \ The Great Peacock fht let s r 't:t:r' t leave off. ^ oeginning to ;n which the fZL Jll^ rCLX; .o-mo-row, ,ccordi„g ,o the orde/of their s d ' ATdT^'."' "°"^ ^""^ f™" 'hVou : wVh , >'";'>"» are some close at hand grown cold The lovers have :i:ts:drr''rr"P * *"^^^ y year ,s lost. Oh, what laborious work is 265 I i I- • i N . .( ^1 The Life of the Caterpillar this experimenting at the mercy of the sud- den changes and deceptions of a short season ! I begin all over again, for the third time. I rear caterpillars, I scour the country in search of cocoons. When May returns, I am suitably provided. The weather is fine and responds to my hopes. I once more see the incursions which had struck me so powerfully at the beginning, at the time of the historic invasion which first led to my researches. Nightly the visitors turn up, in squads of twelve, twenty or more. The female, a lusty, big-bellied matron, clings firmly to the trellis- work of the cage. She makes no movement, gives not so much as a flutter of the wings, seems indifferent to what is going on. Nor is there any odour, so far as the most sensitive nostrils in the household can judge, nor any rustle perceptible to the most delicate hearing among my family, all of whom are called in to bear evidence. In motionless contempla- tion she waits. The others, in twos or threes or more, flop down upon the dome of the cage, run about it briskly in every direction, lash it with the tips of their wings in continual movement. There are no affrays between rivals. With 266 ^^^^^ :W The Great Peacock closure -nrit „?'!" ^"'^ "> '"'" '^e en- fly away and iofn .t ™.'" »"™P'^. 'hey dancers.' SoL^i.L'g u^a rL''™^ °' til ten o'clodc "n th " ' -"P °' "«^ "8=. •"- proach are inceJanr'"'"^' T"'P'' '" ^P" ^bandoned andTst^Tn TZtf '"" ^ "= I-te.^yt™ea„dl„gen;)f;t\;*\'-:: Yetdar^^^^iifr" "'T "^ P'« here. instaUed ^; a certat "' *%./=■"''= was males came «„"eril S; /''' '""'"''^ hours; several even spent A • u°"P ' "^ Next day, at sunt? , k^ i *' "'S'« 'here. are out o doors 1:^^/" ' "JT ">' 'S^' "» aoors. Ephemeral though they be IF u W p :v. *'^jii «*!. Ki %f •if.tll • : ; n The Life of the Caterpillar the newest comers are ready to repeat their nocturnal expeditions a second time and a third. Where will they go first, these vete- rans of a day? They know all about the meeting-place of yesterday. One is inclined to think that they will go back to it, guided by memory, and that, finding nothing left, they will proceed elsewhither to continue their investigations. But no: contrary to my expectations, they do tiothing of the sort. Not one reappears in the place which was so thickly crowded last night; not one pays even a short visit. The room is recognized as deserted, without the prelimi- nary enquiry which recollection would seem to demand. A more positive guide than me- mory summons them elsewhere. Until now the female has been left exposed, under the meshes of a wire gauze. The visit- ors, whose eyes are used to piercing the black- est gloom, can see her by the vague light of what to us is darkness. What will happen if I imprison her under an opaque cover? Ac- cording to its nature, will not this cover either set free or arrest the tell-tale effluvia? Physical science is to-day preparing to give us wireless telegraphy, by means of the 268 i f, The Great Peacock Hertzian waves Tan *i,^ r- ^ have an-icipnte lour Snri ^,^?",.P""''' trie or magnetic waves, which one sorf nf nothing impossible in this- in.Prfc '°Tlr pent things'!;:i;e'rw:„x;;"^ vaL^4tc:;^^^roLt:'r/T>^ some of cardboard, somTo wood 1 1 ""' puccy. 1 also use a elass HpII Jo- .* i- the insulating suppoft Tf a ^i/of gl ^s' ^" Well, under these conditions of sTric "do sing, never a male arrives not on. h favourable the. i;idnessa"drulrof\te: mg No matter its nature, whether of metal Im?' 1 . ' '" insuperable obstacle to the effluvia that betrav the cinflv^v . "^, ^"*^ A lo, r ^ captive s whereabouts A layer of cotton two finircrs thick trives the same result. I place the female in a la ge Ja, tying a sheet of wadding over the moutVby 269 > ' '•ft' • f J' ' ' it ' I : y i I. :W * 'SS U ^■'■. *m», "*'^'i :fr • The Life of the Caterpillar way of a lid. This is enough to keep the neighbourhood in Ignorance of the secrets of my laboratory. No male puts in an appear- ance. On the other hand, make use of ill-dosed, cracked boxes, or even hide them in a drawer, in a cupboard; and, notwithstanding this added mystery, the Moths will arrive in num- bers as great as when they come thronging to the trellised cage standing in full view on a table. I have retained a vivid recollection of an evening when the recluse was waiting in a hat-box at the bottom of a closed wall- cupboard. The Moths arrived, went to the door, struck it with their wings, knocked at it to express their wish to enter. Passing way- farers, coming no one knows whence across the fields, they well knew what was inside there, behind those boards. We must therefore reject the idea of any means of information similar to that of wire- less telegraphy, for the first screen set up, whether a good conductor or a bad, stops the female's signals, completely. To give these a free passage and carry them to a distance, one condition is indispensable: the receptacle in which the female is contained must be imper- 270 I >a* The Great Peacock brings usb^ck eo hrprobaWi.?"; "'^ Z''" 'hough ,h,t was conSctd L '" '"'""r- ment with naphthali"r ^ "">' '"P"'" another year, the four h' I I 7 "«'.'" 'Jought for the foZL'g r LsonT^Mott gallant certaWy needs „rn" •'"'""'• "^he his ends; but 2 feebLZli """' '° "'»'" ion eannot dispeLet^tTlt '.^^ ^IZ nave at leasf a /^o^^i l- , "e"t- i must saves us from these sudH,r T- ^ I'"'"" dim light, streaked ;ihb;o,d£?' '"'^ '" not suit a conscientious observeH^"^' ■'/ who wants to see and to see deajf ' ""'^"'' A:hf;roiZ'?'''«!'"'f="-P diverts f- .bo,>\ires:td," /;t C"' '"? ™akT ;°,rrh fo:^:h""fl "-'" *- '^' a a ' • " '^'^ tne name s mn*. f»,»- """ '" " "^' 'henceforth, fnght'enTby't if' ■ i 1,1^ .y h '• .' ^■*«%: %'t.,, The Life of the Caterpillar scorching received, cease to be trustworthy witnesses. When they are not burnt, when they are kept at a distance by a glass chimney, they perch as close as they can to the light and there stay, hypnotized. One evening, the female was in the dining- room, on a table facing the open window. A lighted paraffin-lamp, with a large white- enamel shade, was hanging from the ceiling. Two of the arrivals alighted on the dome of the cage and fussed around the prisoner; seven others, after greeting her as they passed, made for the lamp, circled about it a little and then, fascinated by the radiant glory of the opal cone, perched on it, motionless, under the shade. Already the children's hands were raised to seize them. "Don't," I said. "Leave them alone. Let us be hospitable and not disturb these pilgrims to the tabernacle of light." All that evening, not one of the seven budged. Next morning, they were still there. The intoxication of light had made them for- get the intoxication of love. With creatures so madly enamoured oi the radiant flame, precise and prolonged experi- ment becomes unfeasible the moment the ob- 272 !-; ' mi^.^ 1'he Great Peacock tials. I wan' i M ,p, • , """"''nal nup- equally .kZ ICC'J""T *"''''^' d" for a momcn Id „ P f "-onologlcal or. a late.con,er wl Trnvfj \t Tr?^"'" P'cted my enauiries I , " ' ''•'"J com. cocic r^«,cl Z ' • "■"" "'e Lesser Pea. ««. its thick, irre/uL f" ,°^*" ^"«■•- to extract a case s mil! •/''*' " "'^ easy Peacock's, bu n''^y V-fPe to the Great fore-end, vorfced Into 1 /' J"""""' The '-P by means of " « „d ^'"''" °' '" eel- «h,ch prevent access t„ 1 7"'^'"K '"'™. permitting egress „,h° , ' ^"^"'"8 ^^'le >"lls, inJicatfd a kT„' "' " *"•'"■"'' "f 'he ""•nal Moth the sfikh?"'!" °^ ""^ '"'k "°c- And, in point o fa,/?''' '^'."'""'' "'"''• March, on fhe morn " 'o fp Y^""^ ^"'i "f "coon with the ee"" °f '^''".S"nday, the ■"-i^Hafemalj'^TrEcIt' 273 ' i ■ 4 li % 'li * .:■•, I.-' h r: .N I u The Life of the Caterpillar whom I at once seclude under a wire-gauze hell in my study. I open the window to allow the event to be made known all over the dis- trict; I want the visitors, if any come, to lit^d free entrance. The captive grips the wires and does not move for a week. A gorgeous creature is my prisoner, in her brown velvet streaked with wavy lines. She has white fur around her neck: a speck of car- mine at the tip of th^ upper wings; and four large, eye-shaped spots, in which black, white, red and yellow-ochre are grouped in concen- tric crescents. The uress Is very like that of the Great Peacock, but less dark in colouring. I have seen this Moth, so remarkable for si/.c and costume, three or four times in my life. It was only the other day that I first saw the cocoon. The male I have never seen. I onlv know that, according to the books, he is ha.r the aize of the female and of a brighter and more "orid colour, with orange-yellow on the lower wings. Will he come, the unknown spark, the plume-wearer on whom I have never set eyes, so rare does he appear to be in my part oi the country? In his distant hedges will he receive news of the bride that aw; " him on my study 274 ,. i ,^- The Great Peacock expected. ' """ '"O"" 'han I ''■h«eagc.ri„;;;^,^;^-. ";»'»'« "Wing pen, suddenly runs un^„ u, h' t I '" ''"''■ 'n his fingers flu«crs';;S,J'Mth''"^"*^ aught that mompn. i, '^ ■ °'''' " Moth an unspoken question. '^ ' ^" "^^ ^^^^ "Hullo!" I sav "Tu:. • .l we were expec tn^g. L f,'foW ""^ P"^"'" 'o-we^h::"';;-^^^^^^^^ rive one by „ne "^^ ,^,7^'^ ""• They ar- "f then, ine U'Ve '„"; ^""^ fe""', ^^IJ n IS Its s irnificanrp a ^ "'^ detail ring thc.*p tTe'k t\T"" "' ^'"' '^''- fierce return of w7n,e Th '"P,"''""-! » 275 !{ f l'^-, >Wi .. 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