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I< " uliir .v.. ; I in'^.i^:. ^t:^fc»v.; M M.,.,.,., I, \ - . i ' tirrt t' I I , I] YE AS A WEED ERADj|,GA,TOR By Hon, VALENTINE WINKLER, Minbier of A„icult»r^ "" Perennial Sow Thistle 'S'oin-lius ,tr:\'iis:s i. Jl ''"''''- "'>-""l'"rilJ- of Il„„ V..I..M,M,. Wn.kl,.,, M,ni.„.,-of \.,i.„|,u,. Ry e as a Weed Eradicator This circular jjives the tentative results of the experience of farm- ers in the Morden-Khineland District in keepin|i>: down noxious weedN by KrowinK Fall Rye and Spring Rye. These grains have been Krown in that District for over five years. Their cultivation was undertaken in the first instance for the money value of the rye crop, but owinj; to the additional value of these >;rains as a means of eradicating: weeds their cultivation has been extended till a substantial area is now sown. FALL RYE. This should be sown from August ir>ch to September 15th. as snini as the previous crop is harvested. The ground should be plowed Jirul harrowed and the rye seeded at the rate of about I'-j bushels to Wv acre. It ripens about the last week in July and is cut with the binder, stocked, and threshed in the same way as wheat. The yield runs from 15 to 25 bushels per acre. On jjfood clean ground it yields more, but it i> ordinarily sown on the weediest ground the farmer has. It makes a strong stand in the fall, which helps to hold the .snow. Thus far it has not winter-killed. When sown early the weeds grow up w'lth it and the tender varieties of weeds are killed by the frost. The rye grows rapidly, leafs freely and ordinarily outstrips the weeds and tends to crowd them out and weakens the growth of perennial weeds. When the frost comes the rye forms a carpet on the ground, which further tends to smother the weeds. It starts early in the spring, grow,* rapidly, and shades any weeds that grow up — such, for example, s Wild Oats, Sow Thistles and Canadian Thistles — and thus tends *■■ prevent them blossoming. Few of the weeds that do blossom are i; enough advanced when the rye is cut to mature their seeds. While the above is the normal mode of culture there are sevtra! variations — (a) The rye may be pastured in the fall when it has a fair growth, say after it has boen sown six weeks. (b) It may be pastured in the spring till about May 20th. (c) Or it may be cut for hay early in July, after the head is well formed. Light pasturing does not appear to affect greatly the yield of either grain or hay ; but heavy pasturing lessens the yield of both and affects the quality o. the grain, the kernel not being so plump. Fall rye is sometimes sown on very weedy summer-fallow as an additional measure for cleaning up the ground. I SI»RIN(; u When t.<. of hay an 'L^t ':';.;;' ^^^ n.;^! '[Irill^l^'^r^./l.^^^^-t. o. 'vS'J" ^!"^p;:;^;:'i!;:;:'';;;;j',^!^ r'-' that the cultivation H-aciication of noxi.nJ woe, * T J'^' .hI; ::?^ ;"imirahl.v ,„ the vvhich it has heen cultivaterisdth :;,..*': ','"\?'''''-^ ''"^ ea.h year. Some farmers are still Kr.," nj^ t w i ;':' *'^'' •'^"^■" cn.p while others are trrowinir it 1, t tv.. ; "' '"''•.' ^■'''"^" «« " 'i"stroyinjr noxious weeds '" '^" '•'""•■>■ ^•''»*' "•"! f'^r ;--acre Plot. seedJ^f w!;i;i^;i,;S ' J Sh u-S'^"'"'"^ ^ tive method of eradicatinR noviou-. weecis • ,, n,. ' *- • " ^""«true- » 'i-op of either jrrain or IVxldor. "'^ ^*'' '""'*' ^'"^'^ Krowin^ thri^5nXKn.^ir;Xes"LT''f' n^'"''^ where water lies. It ..• theyear4reSpi?S!rir£:Sl in .l^i'^S^^ "''""^^ ^^« -h"'« cattle or pigs It is s'l d tS f . " admirable lation for horses. that it shou d not b^ feci to h . 0.1/?^ '" '• ^*" '^'''''^''^ ^''Jf"* «"' 1 . THE MARKET FOR RYE. per ^:^:?'Si^z:'i^?y^^tr^z;a^ ^'^ I'l' ^-n - ^^ -"ts carload is grown tributary to an elJvatm'' ^'""^'^ '''' '^ ^'^^''^^'^r ^ is ciparS^r hS^S^^S^'nilTt^'f ' ^^ satisfactory. Rye straw for fodder. It i^, however eaten f^PhK^'' f ' ,''''l"'*^^*^ "'' ^^^eat straw fed apart from othe. Sv-f; t '' '"•'' ■'^t«''l^ : but as it has not been 'lata 0? its Se as': foSder. " ""' ^'"'^ ""'^"^ '""''^ '^ "«t suffioien? be nSL"ne^'L^'j^i;rMS;'^75^2%T%?T'"f'.^'^«"^ «^hers. may John Oddv (21-1 r.) lu^fi] i'^ i}' (»erhard Braun (19-;j-4) and ^uu have grJw^'iye extenS'?^^^^^^ ^^^''''- ^'^^^^•^- McKay and handsome c?op of both faH rS nnH'"""- ^'^^''' ^^"^' ^^'*- Oddy has a -a.e in ./this sSnfnVe^^isStTs^Sfin^ffe^?;^^^^^^^^^ tl > . , Full rv fc.r M-vi\ nin hv ..l.taiiu-.l in the Monlfii-Khineland Distri. • al«o sprink rye in limiU-.l (,uantities^ A fiiir l'''";^; ';*J. ';;!'';i^'':;, , 1 $1.00 per bushel, in.ludimr .^arks. 'I hat is to say. .$l...0(> tor six sa> „> of 2'/a bushels each, whuli would seed lU acres. Depart them. Those vvishiriK to buy -r sell Fall Kye for seed should write tiu. irtment at and li-ts ..f names of sellers or buyers will be >.Mt 'he n alts set out in this circular are tentative and subject .1 c-nauKe. beinK based on limite.l data. Reports to the Department as .0 resul s by growers will be Kla.lly received In all correspondence t should be clearly indicated wheth.r it is Fall rye or Sp.-injr rye that i> The chanK' referred to. HON. VALENTINE. WINKLER. Minister of Ajfricultuie. l^,ra->iltt««.i|w|/^..c. '.>,\. v.^^ ^^-\^?ii^~-A?3sm^i,.