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Porrif of thnsp may do r.>nsidprablp iii.juiy iM.'h year, whih' olhcrs may d.) liltio apparoiit damaRp. In ^..iin- .as.'s (•(■riaiii foiiiis of ins.M-t lifo aro to ho found dojnp a rfv. lam ainoiiiil of iii.iiiiy i^ach yoar. wliiif in other rases the damage is liimc ijiiiiii^- periodical oiithreaks. Becoming a more Complicated Question. Willi th.' setllemcnt of the West and with the opening up nf new ilislricl>, llic iiisi'.l pi'obleiM becMnies a nioi'e eornpliented one. From tliiin III liiiM^ new iiisn'-ts are boine iiitrodueed in sundry ways, and Willi III.' intro.fuc'ioii of new crops, new food plants are beinp'pro. M.j.'.i, Soiiio inon us. "^^ "' '""" '"""'"' "< f'-'"^^ f-rnhb .„,- V«rtou« Ways of Attack. dono. Some insoH,;';!'' ,'^; ;; ''"""'''•'■^ ••"•" -v-0 ini,n> ,. '•n,iwn- i, offon don. In tJ^in ,vin, Ul^ ^<•^Horu„ont. S,>ri„u. Htnso loaf patina j^,^^,, in J' ' ''"'' '" '""' ^"'■""' '•^' M.0 frnit and ran". ?f fn '"""'""' ^'^ '■'"*'^^'* ^^■^"''f' ^^t. info drrny. " ^' ^"'^"'"" s.ri,.„s|y dofnnnod nr ,„ f.,,, ,„„ Metamorphosis. p.ay m:nr?.lS;Vi:.i?;t-;;;-,i;r ^^; ^-' '^'^t m.v di. nnmhnr nf ';vo„ donld "haJp" ? o,.'" ,! ^'^ '""'^ ^"^^ '!!'""^" '^ fMiisoa domestical w«« n^ o. ' "''•'•'"f'". a common honso (lv a ny. it ro«t«i for n fimo „. j "" ■^""'»'^>' As if dovolop^ toward* n.ovos boforo J^om. ;"s%Ta fnll"r' '7'- Zi'"''' """^'^'- ^^'^ "- n frw days, as in fh. rase of onr l "•'vHopmonf may vary fro,,, as in tho caso of hn .n'^o h.ot o """ "'''""''^- '" '''''"'''' >'^''^'' Some Specific Insects. TurninL' now fo a '^tiidv of f , well fo deal with a fnw of thpso , . rnpf.hod of al,fark, dosrrib.ntr brio, . n mi?, if possible, methods of contr. IIiorii.;olv<.<. if would he inserts, outlining fhrir 'c hisforirs. and snfrs.^t- GARDEN INSECTS. Out Worms. In the sprias: and parly snmmnr mor. or |o«. ,ni„rv ,. d.n. . garden crops by insc.s afTcctin,. fhc ..o,.. ,„c .l"!:; ^Jri ''"' l!? Cut Worm Enlurs-.d U, Twi.-o Natural l)im..n«i„„v Which are the garden cut worms, which are the larva, of „ig!,t Hvimk >;*^g3@6§sef&^ Uh beJuilRiiiK In th iiieh. ,k..,J, th,. ra K'-IIUS N.M'tui.l; III vag.vH i,r .'ui v,..r •^ \ViUi t.Miil •'I Hi'viiK, which inf I, uuiin) out .JiiiiiiK th. I iwiiish riiM may i,.,.,„ Kar.leii plaiil,., '"■ Klrr'lllsh, la, '"• "*erioufi. •■^'■'iiHK iiii.l ml. uir ,,.,„| '" t'"' inil, ami • iI'Im: 'IiiIiMmwim ••r KfUtJ.'ii (,|m,t. I'Uuiy .•uus..,l hy thr ami ii iiiiiid • iii'h Ih ^^';;:« II... HaMN an. y.„uig. 1 11.. iiiusL, "' '« rii..s( m.ti.Hahl.. III. ■"' (.rmibl ■>ii| h'l niK thi' 1 Ian ('!> 111^ |..ii>. 11... iiii\..,| 1,1 Ih. • f. ••SI.. iris Mi) W:,i,.r . H'.ri White Qpubs. ii..ii> . ■ " IIm. I 11. I nail.. I, 1 '■-• (•ll.,i, ; 'M^anl.M t!H-w,.rk,.rvvhit..KM.hs. ssh„-h a> .i.n.. |,.,.(i.. l.a.hiM.stHrna hisria ..iiv ?"';"""7" '^"'' •'"n,.K their ia.vul pe'.I, Kanl.-n au.l urass.-s ' 3 ,J ''",' "." ''"-' '•^"'^ -f l""ci" -'" "• ..V- an o,.,.,„.:n.uv J, ",n' "" ;;":^i ''r '''"■ ■"^"'•'^ m -iiMS |,,r-.. iiMiiih.Ts iif Iheiii. leii- d r s WiPo Worms. f^li.'k H....II,.. ■AKn,....:iVn ,.?/ r'*" '"""■'■^^ ' ""'^ '"'"^^" "^ '•'H'kM,.- s..uml Tt.e.r ri a i , "'' ^"'" "^■•"' ^'"' ^ "'■'•""«'• White Maggots. ■ ,ln.. .>.n,rl.,^; ,;,,,';;,:' r^^;^'^ .^'•-'- t;' ^- U.e larvae %f v.-"lo,...I an. ah..ut the s^ , ' ^ ' '^'■»^=^"-/'" ' ^vhi,li uhe„ r.illy d... trul, rotation .,f crop., h u'.T h^ r n i f'' '1 ""'■ '" '''""- ^•""- ■Pianls -should be stiimilated l^' he ' e f ""T^ ''•"''^"^' ^'•"^^"' "' ers a« nitrate of Waterin th • V.'in h"""^' "'""^^ *■•^'•^"''- •■very s-ne. to (en days ..tL h leb re En irf U.e^ two onnees to one -.■.Ijon nf ™..f .,. -^"'"'■'"" '" tl'O pn.porLion of the oni..n .na^got. '^''^"' " '^"'"' ^'"'''■•^i^^ *" 'Controlling 3 Cabbage Worm \ll iii-.tI (•(.(iiinoii Mil fhc h'.iM'^ .if , ,1,1,11;;. •« ,- III,. t;;i|,|,;,-, Wnnii. the lf»i\a.' ul lli.' iiii|M.rl<-i| i .nhhau.- |iiilt.Tll.\ iM.-iis i;.|,.h' ThfUf lar%ai'. winch ui.. ,,|' ;, |,i,|, ^ |,,, ,|,, .un-Hlfialil.. ,|iiiii UK*- l)> •■UIIIIK llo|,.M in till' lfil\M> ,,| III,' iMl,i,;,y.'. Ih.-y jaliT .|,'S,.1,,|. Illu till- |,alf Willi llli'lll\ •■•.•il llllhll- lli.illl III.' , villi, ;!..• Ii,.|i|- tlui llHf tin- Ni.Miiii.T, ('iijlf.'liii- .111.1 .{.•>ll ii> iir. ii'lii... Ix u-j iiImHiI rlif raljliuge lli'ldn am! ^|.^a>lllL lli.' Ii'avi'« ,i| iln- liiUti-iiJc wild a «'(lull(j|l uf Wlllli- Mi'llt' III III.' |i|. |inilii,|| ,,|' Isv.i (illiiCi;- I., ijih' kialluli uf WUliT IS f;nVi'li\f ill' III.' iii-i'.l ill rli..i-k. ■Ilstar Baatle and Potato BMtte. Leuvfs of III." i>iitali) ar.' I'r.'.iu.'iilly ,|.'-.| i .n ,.,| \,s, \,^,^\ i.,,||||_.- I'.'t'tlt'.s. TIlO i.lij la>li|. .1 lijl'-li'i 11. '.'11.' |.;|.|iai|la l*i'ilii-\ h r.iiii';! ami UiH (Julorailu i'ntalu it.-.'tli' |ic,is|i|i.iia il.'i-.'tnliiii'al.i ai.' fi i' i|iuMiUy foiiiitl in polat.i ;i.'l(U. I h,' lall.T, wh'.li wa- iii>l iVhiimI III the staU' iif C.iliiiail.i, i-^ (lailirnlarly div-l iml i\.', Ih,' lai\a.' an. I ailiilt."* raliiiM- III, III l.'avi's ami -l.-iiis. Tli.'i'.' ar. iiMiall> l\\.i In I- iluniiiif a -it'astiii, th'- sci'iniij li.-jn;: in.i-l i|i.-l I'M-. 11,. m^.'.l, winltT a-* ailiilt ll^•t!ll»>^. ami lnr llii» h'.i- i|| ri'in-,. -|i,,.||,| j„. fullectftl and dfistruy.'il, Tli," -iiiaviiiL: uf lli.' |.'a\.'- with ;.i -.-iii, ,ii pyisuns, Micit as l'ari« grc'ii .,r arM-nal.' ..I ii'a.l. -Ii.'ul.l In' i.n..i'ii\,' \U keeping lln'se iiiseil.s in ronti-ul. Army Worm. The \iiiiv' Wunn i l.ciifaiiia iiiii|iiinrla i~ a -. !.•- m| liiiiihniu' I'lit W'irm and the larva uf a ni^lil living lli.' \iiii\ \\'..>in derivM lis nanic from il.s p.'cuhar halut uf inaii-liiii:; .iv.t Hi.- jiclds 111 large niiiiihei-^ and m fasioiiallN il."'- .-.tmhi- iii.|iii> I.i ;;aril.'n H'lips. I'hese iiiM'.'ts f I an. I rai:> nn lli.'ir m ,l; r;il i.m .luiurj Hi,' iii^hl and remain durmanl dm inn Iln- day. lli.' u-.' ,,| mal tar I, ai- rier.s t,r -sprayiiiif H'e atVei'l.'.l plaiiU willi ai-.i' -.|iia>- ma\ I, 'ml til cliBck the onward ..t IIi.'m' ii'mtK an.l l,.'.'|. lli. 'in iiinlcr control. Grass Hoppers. iii,iuriiiii> In iiai.l.'ii niiji,-* |,>' .-at- • iig the leaves. 'I'lie vniiiii; li.ip|..'i'-. wliirli lial.-li in Hi,' --i.rin:.' Ii.iin eggs laid in sand the pi.'x ions fail. Iiejiin f Iiiil: mi IIi.' I.'as.'- - after hati'hini:. rii.'> r.-acl- their d('\ .'lupin. 'iil |.\ tail t'lii-- li.,p- peivs may he collected in specially dcsif^iieil Impper .li./.'is |.'s- (royed hy s.-alleriii-i alimit the j.:ar.lfii m- lield- llii. ■ i iil.ll.' n, .r,.. ' which is prepared hy Ihoroiiiihly niivinv; uin' | ul i.| I'ari^ l/icii and two pounds of sail with sixly |i.iiim|.- ..I In'^li inn-.' ilr.ippiin^s. i'hese inse-fls are very fund uf Iln- I'lrNlnrr :ii;.l ,.\ii|,.i.||\ i,i,.|Vr il to the food plant.'S. Plant Lice. On garden vejielahles. friiil plant- and mi plat. I.- :;i(,winy in trreenhouses are lu be fmind .small snikin.i; in-. d- knuwn a- Manl lice or Aphids. These insects, mi a.'cuunt uf Ihe rapi.lily with .\liirli tliey develop, frequently hecmne very nui'i.'i'.ni- ami du cmi-.iil.'ialiii' n r.'ttli.T r.'' " l,\ ,11,1^ iirj ii|, (III. jii'.-.... 'I'llr \Mni.t| Ip.iii |tl;i<" I.. |,|:i,,. I l|i'> -.r-iTl'li' ., p. I', ^ llllal'. -w.'i'l, .Ii,-ky "' fliinl i'al|i-il lioiicy dt'NV. \', liirji i> al - l.l'.lrlu,. I,, .'III-,. I li''> liill> 111- r,,ii. tl.illr.l In II,,. .,|,. "'" ■" • ••"I"-- •"--"■:;: ~;;-,..'.;s'v:;",;.j;'"> - ■ :::;.:;;:.r::;'":;,;:,:-;;:-';;;;,:;r:::;r';::,^ s„„„„„., „„„„,. Cjppant Worm. ■'•'"• ';"••;•.■'■" WuiM. ,„ CurrunI Saw Fly .Nen.alu.s Wnlnrus,.,' ,-^ ''""""V''-' n .M.i,,,,. I- III,, gar.l,..,, r .mranl 1., I>...J 1 ,. , , ■.; l"'M.i- an, I >,„„, -iMi, ,.|l all lli,. l.-av... ,r uif.,.,! - ••'! ,, Al.-n inlh .|,.s ..|„,...., Mi,,, ,„H,a.. ami lal.-, Ll t ?\a.n.t Lvct .ll-ll\(; r.ilii >v I •> imiiul..' ami later .'iiiiM-gw u^ j„ ---I uilli ..„ ,a.U or MiH.r an.l .IuM.mI „„ n,- l.^n./^l ihi 'HI fre- IN8CCTS AFFECTING SHADE AMD FOREST THi„ rii-'r- ,.r- ninniTuus ,ik„.,|.s allrcliii;; lli,. 1,- ^,,, • u..MMy a,., ,„ ,a,,.. ,„.,„i„.,, ,,„, ,,„ ^,„.,^,,^ , -*" ' .■'•"lHu,„ aiul uintVr,,.,. Ir...-, I.avv th.Mf ui.n.| ,,:,.;.. it.. J* 'i I.. .■,„i,!,M.,M,s tn.,w ,s,,i„|s ar- atf.' t,v ihe 'lu vaiKiLiB l.i.niig beptlf.-i. Canker Worm. \in,..M,u lliM.o .„,,hN alliMlnm 11,,. |,,HVe.s .,f (le,,.i,l,u,us Iivh. 11... <.a„k,.r\\., ,■„,-. Tall Cank-r V\ .„•„, (AI=.oph,ia ,.n„.,.tana , S|,ru.. (.ank..- VN-,.nn Pal-uiMla ^e,■^ata . Th. larvae Hthl- which ha^.. a peculiar looping niotion, feed ou the leave, o i 01 J^-?^. •I' li I If-- ;»>. Ilie Muiwilol)ii tiiaiilH, ,iiiU if ii.,t lU-^t ' <'iin,|,.i,.ly il.'f.ihatf tJ H'lll. The iiiliill fiMiiiilf III III riiy«*(i ... nine may I"'"-, liiil III.' ihhIi'o itrn wiiiKMil i h at! ••««» nil II,.. Hir..||...| lu'vs. H||||,>- iiiK Itip ii.'..« on III., iirsi ai-iM-iii. •» >>t injur) with arHKiiicil Njnay II.' wing. •I \M -■ /• W /I ^' ur .11 'I',- i"> itii .iri».t,M wav 'f li.'i.iiiij ill. Ill III ilH'i'k, wiiilf lianiliiiK III.' hi'.'- »-urly III til., full with liun.l- ..r jtipi'i .•iivt.iftl Willi (.ill., lur Ml- Miiiii. >.h. |,v iiiult-rjjil i« altii I't'i'iiiiiiiH'iiil.'il. Tent GaUrplllara. OlIliT III jiii l.iU-< lli-i'il « alhil - iii,K art' tlic I .'iil Hal. i - |iillui> .iilisuii'aiM|ia l^l^".l^la . Tl.-M. IIIM....I, dui-.iiK III.',,' larsal •,,,. ^,^^l!X'r I2"\lll •ll'\l'lll|l|lll'l||. llVf III SIIIJIJI I, 'III, ,,|, '" li^-nr. \ til.' Hlhttl,,. ',.,,1 uie i,ruii,-i..;s .,!• ir.'..,, ^immk ii„. ':!' ,l::t:uS'\':[ ' " '■•""■' ♦ iv.'s an iiiHiKlilly aiMM'aiain'.'. !■ ,•,,„: (h.-.s,- |.'nt> tl... laivat- pi,i..i'j." a»»U li'i-a i.u uii' l..|j.l..r l.'us.'.. ami liml,. (Joll.i.'lMi;^ ;u'(i < 'Kfiuyiiig tent« Ml- Ui.. ..gK iiia«>.."H m wi,„'h ,',,in|,||„ii \.U,. in.«.!.'l , aises " tin- wiiil.'i- nr .s|.iu>iiii; Lli.. I.'UM". Willi aisi'iiieal ,i.iays an; e(T.TliN,. nn-aiis III .|.'>li-..yuiv; till' iiitiui't. Western Willow Leaf lle«tle. nuriiiK ••.H'oiiL M'ai.s ni..i.' ..i- it..,-, uijiiiy tia^ Lii'eii nius.'.! lu tli,! will., A,, ami i.,>|iluis liy a 'o(1> on lli,. U'.'ives ..r Uiesc IruL's ami lr.'.|ti.'iii iy ai.|i.'ai-.s m mi,.|| |;, ,;.-,, ini:,il,..r, ^i^ .■.'liilileti'ly Im .1..|u|iuI,' lli.'iii ami l.'av." tlu'in hrcwn ami l.aiv Jliis .small tii'i'll.' is til.' W.' Wilmw |,,.a| IS.', 'II,. ilal.Tiir.'ll, d«i,'.,rai. (j„ arri.iii.l ,,l the >ml.l.'iiM.'>, ,,\ ihoii' ap|..'aiamv ami injury i.-uus.-d hy IIh'im. .'ir.'cl i\,' ,'.,iiir,,| m.-asiji .-s ,1 |,| |„. ..i,,. pl.iyi'd U91 «(jmi as ttify aiipcar. Tliese bfi'll.'.s an- ti.-siic .';iU'i's, ami lln' ar>.'iiii'al s|iiav,, ■<\u'h as I'aris (Jn'.-n ami \rs..iiat,. ..r L.-ad. may he .'iii|,l,,y r.l auaiu^t Plant Lice on Maples. fclwi'y miir.' nc l,'>s injuiy is caiistul t,> th,' .Mmi.Utiha .Mapl.' by th.. .N.'Kumld I'laiil l.i.usi' ir.liaitni.lninis N.'mimllmisi , •, si,. all tfiviMiisli plant lulls,, wlii.'h L'ullcls III lumv miiiiliois ,,ii I'i,.' n,,,,,^ giuwllis and l.-ti\.'s ut til.; I!,.x Kl.i.T ,,!• Manitoba Maple. 'I'lirs are suc'kiiiK iiise.'ls and IVeii ,,if tli.' luiies of lb,' t.'iider parts. ,\s they draw their food from benealli liie surface, Ib.-y are not destroy- ed t'y any application ut poisoii.ou« sprays applied fo lli,' snrfaee .if the tissmes. The most elVeelive means of eoutn,! is the ai,pli/al on of eoiitail -..luMoii-. smli as Meolin',. Siilpbal.', known a- -HlacK I.CHf U), ksroseiie eimilsion ..,r I he tobaeeu suliiliuiis or s.ia;. washes. Larch tfaw Fly. (If inse.'ts alTceting forest trees, and parlieularly coniferous forest trees, none are more widely distribnleil or d.'struetive than 6 ''"• I infi -^inv Klv .If f |i ,1, \\ Miifak « (iti- ri>|iiii't'^il ^> iir ■< il liitH 111. I'M r.Miii.l If (III ai iii'i'il Iiri« I in I '" 111 N>'iii.i».|. .•! i.i'tisiinti f 'ifcil \.My rnrfflilh ^tii(|i...|. It ,, f, .r II. ' r.-nifili.., ,■,,•,. ,|ini< '■.111 III- l|.l-,| I,, t;,,.,li ..fl'll ,. 1. , ,t , . . • .1111.1 (flat III,. , I. lull -iH.h M. .s...„„.nl ,. .lii. Th.. ,.„,... ., ... „..,„,., ,,, „ ; ;: m f.-..|„»u ,.., Ih.. rr..,|, .,.,.,.„ ,.„„,„. „„, , ,,,..,, , ,, ,. ; ',; ' "I"""-. -"' (h.. ^vh..|.. Ir..,. ,.f ,N f.illHu , .,|,. I. ..x,.,,,,, jOi .r....„ ,„|..,.. ,r.. full .....xvi, |„ ;. f..,v w..,.k.. W,,..„ f,.|| ,;„„,; ' 'U'l'l^. I"if llif iir-i'iiic, -ij.iiiy* - Ill will. Ill' .'nl. « ,i|- ,,n liiwiii, tpiuoe Saw Ply. rip' S,,ii|,.,. Saw Mv ( ti.Mu. ,.,!,i..||. v^|,„ (, fo,.,|, ,,„ ,|,.. I,,,.,, I iMl, |.h. l„. ..M.M'lu..|v .■.,nlr,,||,..i u-,t|, ih,. ai-.,.„i.'al s,, ,■„>«. IM8ECT OONTflOL. In all iiruhal.ihlx ll„. n.all.T ..f ..'r.M(,..|. ,nl..r..>l |,, li,,. lilw,.,- Ml." iiiii-«ii,,ii ,,{ ui>..,i '•'.III I'll Fr'f'f|ii.Mi(ly Hio iiicnsiir.w ,.||i|)tM\-_ .'il havf (.. II.' appli.-.j iniit'k:y I.I lii^ I'fT.'.'liv.'. .'I* llio Inlvry will li.- fl'inc in n •i|iarali\.'- Jy short (i Ti,,. n;il- ural aeonc whi.'h aiv .'il w.irk in li..!(lina- in, ^''its in rlit'ck. im-h a-* liHils, ) ,, , ,.,,,,1 riiii-asitir jiisorl- an. I IKi^rtdiYiaTit Lite. 'II. I.i.l.v II... l|..^ .,r, ,,.111, 1,1 ,|,.^i,-,,, ,,,^ |.|,.,, I ,„ rnnv'M. .li.oaso a :■,. pn-haMy U,.- ,m.,.| ..llWiivo ,n..||,.,.,, ,,f ,„.... f •■n(r..|. an.! (ho ,.h,i,.,.( of (h. farni.-n sho,,!.! !„. I.i (• an.I „r..|....! 1" .•v.M-y ,i,,s.,h|,. way tl...... ,„.,„..,.,„,. a;;.-,,,-,.-. (Ml..,, .•i,l!,ual ,,...,, M-. s,,,. , as .M-o,. n.(a(i..n, ,.|, raimin^. u,.,.win^ .,r n-^i.,..,,! sail- — >,„■ Ih.. .I...|.„.-M„H„.||„. ,.,.„,,,, a,.,.,t,„-al fi ,; ,h.. hf.. .,f h. in...,.|, may h,. (h.. m.,.( ,.,r....|n.. ,„..ans „f .|r.«| r..v„i^ i,,,...!. ..r In himsr (h.Mii in ,...n(r,.l. Wl,,.,,. (Ii-s.. ar.. |r,.,.fiv,. (h,. ..,,„^,.,. I'u.y ivsori i,,||„. MS.. .,r ,„..,|,.,.| „..,,,,,.,,„.„, ,,„„,^,^ Snlul,,,,,^ i.s.Ml f.i,. II,.. ,|,..,n„.|„,„ „(• ,,„„,u an. ,.all...| i„.....|, .Hlos un.l a... .•la.ssiflo.l a.r.„nli,iv' I., Ih.jr a,l,.,n ,i,H,n M... l„i,li,., ..f HIS., s. s.iin.- oxort a p.iison.iiis a..t,.., ||„. i„sorr< )„„|v i,,- |,,. .H,.l hiMu-f. those an- ..allorf fno.i ,„.,snn.. Oihor- kill fv .■.„„,.. ,„ I. direct oon(a«n with Ihe insprt's horty. nnd are cnllod contart poisons. Food Poisons. Pari* Grpen. arsonal.; '>f load, Jind .Hliriirn arsfiiato nr ciilpni^n arp <«r>iHP nf llic must efToci^-p loofl pnisons on tin' ni.Tikcf at pi-fsfiit. Tn (ivcrcomp t\\v iMitniiK.' pinppily wliirli is !»nmpfijiiPs prPSPtil ill Paris Grppn, add douhlp (in' cinantily of frn^h uiislackpd liiiip whon prppar'iiiK' if for \\

nn?Hh of linip lo foily pal- loiTis of wator. From a lialf to onp pound nf Paris prt'iMi tn forty pailoiis of wBfpr is ttip quantify frpnorally nspd to dcsir'oy PtiPwins irispfts, TIiP non-adtinsivp nnalilirs tif ttiis poison, ttip dan.fror from bnrninp. and Hip prp.spnt hipli prirp of tliP [nodncl liaNr- caused soimp fallinjn "fT in its nsp. .\rspnatp of Ipad is one of tlin tipwit insppt.ipidi'> lo ho used In Manifnlia. It possp.ssps spvpral disljiifl adxanlapcs over Pans crppn. and in nia?iy pjacos in Fasl.prn Canada and Ihe liiili-d Stalo^ it tias supprspdpd Paris '.M-npn pntirply. At prpspnt if, is nnicli rliPappr fhaii Paris prppn. will not hnrn flu- ffdiapp in Hip least, will adtipf-p much hpftor fo thp foliasp nf tlip planis than Paris prrppn, and. In addition lo (hpsp adxautasres. it is fpiife pfTerlivp as a fond poison. U. can bp imi'cha.spd in ImMi j^astp and powd-ied foim. Thp powder s ppi'baps the hptlpr of thr two forms as it can hp ti-anspnrtpd pasier. will n)ix more rpadily with water, and will kpep for a lon^rer lime wilhnut dptpririfation. Dosaare: Powder fi'oni one lo thi-pe pounds to 40 gallnns n, wafer, dpppndinu-- on Ihe kind of inspcl i( is used agrainsl. Pastp- from ftiree to four pounds lo 'in u'nTIon< of wafer. Calcium Aj-senatP— r.nlcium arsemite. Ihe trade namp for' which is "palpoisn." has recpotly hee.'i piil iU) Ihe niaikel in Weslern Canada. II is imp of the npwpst arsenical poisons, and. according' lo some autharitips, it is quifp salisfacloi-y as n means of destroying many kinds of hilinp in.sprts. 'Chp crnnniPrcial ai'ficle is sold in Ihe r^n'm of a very finp powder. It mixes readily wilh water and lemain- in suspension for some lime, nosacc: three pounds of powder In in gallons of water is tin- quantity recommended hy the manufaclurprs. Contact Poisons Nicotinp solutions, such a^ nicotine sulphalp and "Black leaf )0." arp anionpst thp hpst ronlaet poi- .ns. Pyrelhrnm powder ;'nd hellelioTP may also hp used as contact poisons on the larval fnim of cei'tain ruserts. Black leaf iO and nicitine snln'Kite are made f' oin the sIpuis and leavps of lohacco and are ;ruaranteed to contain iO ppr cent, of nicotine. Both of these materials ha\e hepn used in Canada for some time and have proved to he quite sal isfaclory. They mix readily with water, will not in.jui'c the mnsi delicate foliape. and ai'o comparatively low in cost. As a means of destroyinpr all kinds of plant licp or aphis they ;\rp unexcpllpd. In thp facp f>f what has hepn stafpd ahnvp. a SPnpraT slatpmeuT can l)p made repardint: Ihe c(uitir)l of inspct [)ests. Insects which iJPMnir thp external tissues of planis can be most effectively con- trolled hy usin^ food jioisons. Those which suck the jufres of plants cannot he killed hy a find poisim but. instead, require a contact poison .sucli as "Black leaf 40" or nicotine sulphate. :!ss:^^-^:ii