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Fiura Oum, Miairtw ; W. W.. Oon. Dttmtr MhlrtM F0BE8TRT BBANOE— BULLETIN No. 18 S. H. Ciwi. lr.^wiatMdMt ti Vanitty ROCKY MOUNTAINS FOREST RESERVE REPORT OF BOUNDARY SURVEY PARTIES e. H. HNHOOMBI, B.Be., BJe.7., AND P. I. CATIIHILI; BJef. r OTTAWA QOVaBNlflNT FfclNTINa BUBBAa 1911 00u;;505l ^^Wr^ I'KI'AIMMKXT n,.- rilK rVTKUlor;. CKSM^K Ki>i;i:sTi{v iii:.\\( II m ii^nv ,^,, ,, " " '■"'"■ ■ >ll|-llht..l„l..l,( ..I l..,..tly It'X'KV .MOUNTAINS FoltlXr KESKHVK K'Hi'oirr OK HorxDAiiv sriiVKv pautiks 0. H. EDOECOYBE. BSc. B.Sc.F.. AND F. Z CAVERHILI. B.Sc.F Miia liin . II, ■ ■ „. ,, ,. "I ' **^ ' •\ in, |!i| I "' 1""^ Mini-, f ,.| il„. Iiii, rp.r. M'. I. /. I .,^,ilu)l. tl„. ru',, f„r,.-t.,- .■„ .■I,at...,. .,!• t ..■ '■"''■'■" -' ' '!"■ '.'■■■I>^ ui,Mn:l,,i„- ,|„n„;.. |l,r |, -'"'"■'■ '■'■'■ '•■ 'I''"" ll..- i;,M ..I il„ ,,,.,,,„ |.,„ '"'■"■' '■'-'•'^'•' "'"I ■'"'■!• '■■iivl„| .■„„.i.l..r„i,,„ ,„hI r , '■■■{'•■rl- :l lill, .■ -I -111' 'v piirrii'. i,.,.| ,.| ,j„ "' '!» 1;... I, . III. . Mill. lin- ■■ rr.|...||. j,.( ,,:,, III (|„,|, ,.„ „ ,, " ^'"""■■'i;i--"i ii..i.-..>,.i r.,,,,. , -,,„i ,v.., „-,M,i„„,,„.„.„i IiiihI mIm.u. ill, It ,|,,,i, 'I'll "■■'iM 1"' ri|,,-l V:,l,Kil.|, il II-,. I '' i M-l.|,.|,,| ni; |l|,> l'..r till, 1 • I . |. . I "'I I iiMi.. r |.uiii..'i... i , "'"■■"'""V"" "■"""' '•^'' -"™"l '■'■■^- ..n.l .li,.,v|.„v ;r „i.. tni.t, ■""""■•"■> " -"I'll. i.ii... ,.„„„, .„.i,,,„i ,„, , , ■'■•"- "-■■■•■■'- ■l"-i-l '- M.itI,, 1, I .„i„M,l, tl„.,ii.,,.||... 7;;"" """•'■"7;--" "'■- = • -I I'll MMi- 1 :i- .11, ,.-t,.,.„ ,.„. 'IT tlip rr-(in(>, nil, I :i..|-,.,. ,, .1, ,i ;.. ., i • ' ' ■'-'•• "irii Ih.ic i',.,-..iiini,'iH|;it|. II, I ll'IIV ,|.| I I ,;|t I ,-,,|,,|,|, llin'hi;- th, |,;i-| y,;||. 1,,, >■ 111.' "..ik ill;, I ||;|. I,,,. I, ,|,,|„, 1,^ ill, -I- l\(.. |,;irlli-. '•'■" 'i'^ -iti'l. I'.fv. Til,., Ii.iv,. ,.,„,.,,„| ^, ,^,,„,„ ,,,., :;;;,•.:!,. "^"■'' ' ■- ""■ - - ••■- -' - --^ '■ -i. ., , I U .III, I 'I--' -' II' ■ till' r, i...i't- ,,i„i .,,.,., 'IlliCtlll. Il'l'^'l'^ll'^ I'l^lp I" |M|l.|i.|„.,| ;,. ,1 ,|„.,,i,l f!osiici.|riiII.\' sill, mitt, (1, If II 'AMIMUa.L. .imm^tTT^jak^ "w \rf'./!«f.. . .,f a wlneh .l,.,„|ci l.c 1.NC.I n. ,1.. ,.;,.„.,•>, l,„„n,hu.y ..f a 1„,..H n-.Tv,. ,„ 1„. ,.„.Mi,l„.,l ,„■ ,1 .,„-,■,; ''" ' ''"■ ''""'^^ u.„ „(■ ,|„. ,K,(u,v ..r . r n„Mi-.n,v .„rvoy :uu\ i,,- I'lAlK II. ••liMled tlie null. pill- nf il,o r..r,w| lypc an.l pii>>i,Ml I'lMiinv,, h, r,,ll,,uin- ln-ini,- ''""■^ '" ''^-'-l"'!'- :ill .ii;rirnliunii Ian. I. a liii,. at a! I'i' Irrt wa- l',.iiii,! •<> tlio ai;rirultural fro,,, the n..ii-a.i;riri,li „im1 an. I trn.. u-..„.llan.|. n.iw(nvr. I'M a. . ..nnl ..t' LlmI .-..n.lil i..n> a lin,. at an .■l,vali..n ..f I. -no i.^i an. I ..^rr wa^ ..rt.'ii fullowi'ii iH-riih 1 Tnw Ki,wi:n. Tlie ^ilMrirt fran.r...,| «-:h from tlio Kll.ow rivor. in t..wnnniti..nal h..un,lar.v i„ t..wn-liip 1. ran^'O 27. w..>( ..)■ th,. (til niiTi.liari. TIMK I\ sfl!\KM\i; riKTIili T. Tl,.- party, uai.-l, wa- at tir-t .■..n,p..-, ,1 .,f -ix ni.Mnl,,,-. l,ut in .\t,en-l In.ava-o.l to ,.,f.l,t. Mart,..l w,„-k .Tun., lo. .V 1,„. „,• „,,,.,. ,,.,^,,, t;,,,,, „,^,^ ^„,„^,^,, .,_ ^^^^, ^^_^ j RBn!B'ncc^R=!HEaa August by forest fires. On account of this delay and to hasten the work, two mem- bers of .he party, II. ('. Belyeu and ('. II. Morse, spent most of September in collect- ing data along the Crowsnest branch of the Canadian Pacific railway, while the rest of the party continued the work southward. The international boundary was reaohii»fl October 10 when the party broke up. TUK BOUNDARY I.AUJ D:>\\S BY OKOKR IX COrXCU,, MAY, lOlO. In .May, I'JIO, an order in council establi^jhed a line as the eastern bounilary of a reserve on the above slope. I'pon examination it was found that for a large part of this Southern district this boundarj- would not fulfil the object of the reserve which is to supply timber and wood to the prairies and protection to the watershe viiHiijf'-—**. I. i ^ ■2| 3 c x •i 5 I ^SB^BmXWAJUK JiiiUiCB^r! 10 TOPOORAPIIV. iralr^i; riut; ''^ ""^""*'""^ '''''' ^•"'^" ^-'""^'^ "•""'"'^ -*» ^^ -llin« North of tho Oldma,, river the foothill. oxt..n,l ea.t of the Ro<.kv mountain, nZ-.t into 7' ^''" '^^""V'r '""''" ■""' '""^ ^""'"«"^ ''~ ■" ""it...le, Wilson r'l Tl . r"' '""' ''''•'"'^'■^' '"'" ■■*• T" *»•<' -"^ -"tl^ the .L i: ?f rr '?*"•. \"'"'* "■■"•' ""^'^ "'-"'^ ""•' -♦"-»'-«! boundary. .Inst south of the houn'dary .t roacho, an elevation of 9.000 feet hut on this side tho elevation ranges from 5,000 to 0,500 feet. the '^T""'^ "'"'•*■ ^''t^"'*"" '"'^•' "^ th« f""thill., takes i,, the same as that of th2 JtHwrn "'• Ir '': '■""^"'"""^ ''""•"^"^ northward to th The l,;il . , . , "'"'' ''"''" ""■•*'' '" « -lireotion of X 35° \V ROCK A\D soir,. TREE GROWTH. The principal trees found on the eastern slope are- P^rea Ennelmnnm (Kngelm.) Enpelmann spruce Ptc«a canadensis QfiH B.R.P.) White spruce 11 Paeudohu'ia munoiialn (Sudw.") DohkI.h fir. Pinus Murrayana (Xrurray.) Lodgopole pi);e. Populus hthamifera (Linn.) Uulsani poplar. Populus acnminnta (Kyi^d,. whil,. the be-iKht was l;l() f.-et. loung spruce s^edlinps require shade and thus th.- more liKht-requirins lodfiepolo pine and poplar are apt to obtain possession of the land, a t.'mporarv tvpe. Thus alon« the slope arc lar^o areas, where fires have d.'stroy,.! the fc.rmcr spruce forest, which is now rcpla.'cd by one of lod^epole pine and poplar. Like Engelmann spruce the white spruce was chiefly nssoniated with northern exposures and also on stony slopes. Of the merchantable spruce, however, Kngelmann spruce appeared to be the chief timber tree, but the white in favourable conditions produces excellent saw material. Black spruce comes in on the edge of muskeps and on barren stony slopes. South- ward it gradually disappears. Douglas spruce or red fir was found mostly on southern exposures and only on the lower slopes. It occurs in small groves in the open, likely cau.e.l by the protec- tion of its thick bark, while other species have been kille.l by tire. The .(ualitv is variable. In seeling ,;ualities it appears very much lik." the .priuv. The diam.t.T ranges to 34 inches and the heiglit to 00 feet. Lodgepole pine, like spruce, was found mostly on nortborn exposures, but also oi, the dry, sandy soils. The swd is esp....ially a^Inpt..! for ..-cding uo bun.d over area- and on the eastern slope over whid. repeat..! tins have pass,..l. lo.lp.pole pi,„. pre.lom- inates and thus will bwonie in the future the principal commercial tr,^.-. It is no-,v much used for mine props. It rarely exceeds IS im-hes in .liameter an.l in !ioight 85 feet. In close stands it grows very tall an.l straight, with little an.l ho» from branches, thus prcMlucing excelli^nt poles. The poplars apparently come in anywhere from rich river bottoms t.> thin stony soils of the upper slopes, but they are favoure.1 by tiu- s.iuthorn exposures. On the river bottoms and lower slopes, the balsam poplar Iwomos a merchantable size S to 28 inches in diameter and up to 18 inches is apparently sound. The pr)i)Lirs are. however, mostly small in size f.irming a fire or tcmporin.- type. The larch was noticed only near the intcrnntior, ui.lary. where it was foiin.l on the upper r.jcky exposures of Table mountain at ; , .-levation of over :,.:,{M) f,.,.t. It was of a stunted scrubby growth. The forest type on the eastern slope is a temporary type cause.l by the repeated iires. Merchaiitublc spruce occur.- in a .-ompiiratively few small bhicks, which are mostly under license. Lodgepole pine frrmi ." fo 40 years old covers over 40 per cent of the area. ^aK;»J^^ 1-2 '■'"■ '■■■"■■"i"*-' i" l-nvMt.u'.- of ,,n.„ i.Mlir.t.- t ...n.liti,, "■ 'il-"l ^0(» M|„„ro mil,.- ,,I.,„ff tl,.. „ron„...,| huun.inr.v : - " "I' til" «■ 1-cn.vvtI. TiiiiliiT Spnu-c .mikI |,iri,. p.. I,,. I'iit Mfid |M,|,liii- Pnl)l;ii- OpoM yr:i/iiiir Fiiirvi 1;,. I'll ii'iii. .. ■•: 1 10 It 111 ;;:vU':::::;:;::;::;,v;:::r ';;:■;::;;::; ;-/i:rr-^:'-- f"un,l tn ,,v,.n,.., |„, ,|„. I-,,, ,.^ ^,,„,„^ ,, 1^^^ 1-' iIl(•lll•^. in nil vn > .vc'iir-. yrnvM I r I"'""' ■ml i'i''l 'ir- tin. i\\: tiT frmwt'i wiis III iiiiii'tv .vc;ir-. nii.l in fl,,. l^tirr '■^'■''"''■''- "■•"■'■'■ "-'-^'•''■- ■>■ -i->- ■■.„.„ ,.,,.,.,1 J-..-,;:;:,, I'lii ;;nuiny Viili,.\ , wci-c inilc- nlnllfr I'l.MK V. /''-'.'.. //. /;,/.,.,..„,/„. /..,/, •'■ - ''-■■'•^---^.■•-.-^..w:....i,.,::::::„:^.;i:^^^^^ tlir rivci' v.illrv-. „l,i,.!, :,,,. „,,,.,■..«■, winl,. til,. I, ill lillllill Jil'M--. will! ri,.,. IV c.ivriv.l uit I Mine ,-|l|,| p,,|,|,.|,- •I v^in.-l.v ..I MiniUiiU tnnii tli,. ,]>],.< |„..i ,,.,,.. '■ '"itfl-^ ^iiv not Milow,.,! to y,,,/.,. o„ ,n,,.:. „nM- t iiiy III tlir sprinif. ■ in ""■ 7V""" ""■■'""■'' ' -^'^ ..ii.ii..v,.,i.u,ii.. ,1, ni h;, '''T'^" "■■ 7""^ ^ "-- "■""''' •■'-" ^--n f. ,|ou-,i tl,.. vo „; . ,,., „ •^ii'l: nrriw. li,,u-..v,.r. tlv i-ntt!,. ,o„l,i 1„. „s,.|n,l,„l. ' Til fiM-f tlv .l,.,i,l,l ,„, ,,„,, 1,.,,,,^, ;,, ,. , ^, _ ^_, .1.1--. iMi.ltlni. l...-,.„„i. tho Htv .1.11.,.,.. w!,il, :,1.,I„ „i..i,. w ' "" I'l'i' i~ 'iiiinpcrod. 1 1 ry I'll ti-ocMi-n ti-iiil-. til,. X'i^SC. I'r.Mt \ I I •Jift. Kan» ,.11 KlU.w I :n.r fr,.,„ which i( «,-,< ,,r„|»„..,| ,„ |,r.«l„c-.- -I,, trictv t,. M^ht (■.■.I.-.rv -Nut.- ,.|i,.n «„«| «r..»th (.11 riicky hill»i(l,.«. ^ '' 14 NVl ATTKIIS. n.i Mu tl,o pr.,iM,.,.,l l,„u.„Inry .scv.n,! .,,u.ttor* aro lo..„tt..l wdl u|. i., thr f.M.t- InlN. IIH..V Imv,. ...|,l...l .„, ,|,.. |„„.| will, . „• hop,. ,\u>t H.,. muutw will |,.. M,m.v,.,| "-"I 'I-- >l,.,v .■.„, th..u l,o„u.-,..,„l. Tl,c,v an. l,„.at,.,| ,.„ ,.arr„vv riv.r Ha... «• :,i,l, wl.-n ,lu„l,.,| l,v .!„. pr,....„t ..vsr.. f .,.rv.,v. will 1„. in.apaM,. „f >„ain(aiMin», ,l„.,n '".■■ ""■ '''-^ ' "'■ 'I'— l-l'.-,w w„„|,| ,.r„l,il,i, ,1,., rai-inu of ^^rain a.,,1 tli- rai-in^^ "I iMttli. u. iijd r..(|iiirc tlii' wliolc an-a. Whil.. it is not ,|..,|ral,l,. to havo '.on.-t I.r. o„ a n-.Tv... ,|,.. tiat. nn«l,. I,.. l..a.,.,l fo tl». pn.,.,,. o.^npant.. .luring- ^.-,1 l,..|,avio„r ■,. ]o„t' a- tla.y ,"''•,'■ ""■ '•'•^"'"'i""*- yr..,„ ,l, io,.a,io„ o,, ,nurU 1 faiU an.l with thoir lrKSTKAIIKIIK. nf. looato,! fro,,, o,„. to .jpht .niJM cam of ,h,. li„o, a„.l aro ,„o.tlv nnph.y..,! „, ..attlo an,l horse ,-ai,i„^r ,„„| j,, w„r|,i„^, ,l„. p^,,] ,„i,„„ .''''"'"■ '" ''"■ '"■'»■'''' "•'"""' "'■ fl'" l'ropo,...| lo,„„lary ,.|ai,i, that it U i„„H,,l.. f" r,p,.„ ^,ra,„ aral they fn v o„ly a ..nail .p.antity of k,.,.,.„ fo,l,l,.r. Ifanlv v.^.f- tnhk-. siich as turnips and .Ml.laip.vs nrp raiso.I in small .piimtitjVs. I'Nrinu ,1,,. tiv,. nionths whil,. w, uvro o„f fro,t- „rr,.,l ,.,,•!, nionth Th.. sotllors claim..,! that .Iiino was tho only month likely to l,,- freo from frost. KC(1\cjM|( I'HotPI ( TS. , ^:'7''- ""■ " '• ""■"• '"■ »'"■ ■••• ■•'•'- "'• tl'" >•-■•>-■- <>■•- -oal. oil. ImiMin^r .tnno nmi. iii(lin.onth appe:.r,.,l partieularly rie', in th.. pro.lnet. So far, for laek of tran^poi-lation ,ui„es have iieen little developed. , ''"'' ' "'"^ "^" "^ >■"' ""''• 'l"v. I'.|.."l. Plant, an. estahlisho.l on hoth l.raru-he. of the sont , forls of ,he Oldnnm river. I,„t are not now in operation. With fa.,.sportation faeilities. huildinfr stone will likely ho quarrie.l in Inre^ qiiai,titi(.B. S,.veral >mall falls loeated fron, wl,i..h water-powe, „ld 1,. pener^ite,! y'"" ''■■■•"■' "»" '^ ♦'"^ ^"l" "" tl"^ Klhow river fro.n whi,.], it was proposed to pro- iltii.e i.leetri(.ity to lisrlit Calpnr.v. K(il!i:.ST IIIIKS. Sinee forest ti,-es have so atTeeted the eastern slope and as tire profeetio,, mnst lo tlie einet taetor ,n the administration of the r-o.erve it ,nay he w,.|l to .nentio,, this suhjcet. It has heel, alr.ady mentioned that repoafd fires have ,levastat..d the eastern -lop., an.l that the forest type e.i„s,>.|uently has heen alter...l ami areas oro.le.l Dur IM^' th.. la-t s.xty y..a,-s .10 p,.r .-..nt of the eastern slope h.-en fir,, swept r.ast, -m a.-eonnt of the rv,.ept;..nal dry„,.ss. hi^i win,!,, la.-k of assist- nnce at first, ami la..k of knowl..dKo of th« interior country. fir,.s, starte,! l,y tli.- care le, .,f fishermen, surveyors and als,. l.y i„eendiari..s soon rea.-he.I unmanacahl eare- e ^i/c■. I'irc KniiriU win- lui-iiK '''"'"''"■'' '" • I"" ^M'S' an,| \nu-k.,niu>! fm, tlic-i' 'vii* li,.i,l,|i,,-,,t,.,., „,,r,. I „-a|,.,| „„ rli,. n-,.nv '•:'■:"""""-""" "i' . '!..■ Prl.,..i,,.l ,n,ils. t.Mv..|i,.,.< „..,i,M 1„, „„„.,■ •, ,1,,,,,, \- ■" ■ '■'^"■';' r;; "•■ •'■'^^- -^- '■■■■• --- ■ 'i-. L.,„u,.t -..ti.„. ,.„i„,i , . :: , '■" --.niiiimlnifr hill. :i,i,l ..„f,t„ t|,,.m. Tlin. tli,- .„„orii ,, f 1 ,■,.,,1,1 I,. „„,l.,.,„i ■■•,... _. ,', ., "" -'.l'fr.i-.„n „f M Inr^r,. ,r..„.f '■""I'l I- i.M.l,.rt„l<..M. Tl„. n,M.:.,.r .f, ,„1,| 1,,.,^^.,,. f„,„i!i„,. wit If ,.ff liy fir,. f;,l,ir,|., Iiy t ,-,, nth 111. iliMri.-t ,1,1.1 ,|ivi,Ip n.lir,.<, si, M fin. ,„ny 1„. ,.i„p,| t„ „„^ ,„• „„„^ ^,,,^,„,.^ ^^^^^^ ""^^> only ,y pr„sp....t„r. .,,,1 ., f... oth.r. than „l,„i« ,|„. ,.„il„„,, ,„„, ^J,^^ ," , T 16 Till- uiiiiii' wiinliii- ill r.i ii| ir^iih'ii «itli till runmr- i-niilil ii»-i-t grfntlv in wnrii- iiiK <'iiiii{>i T" mill ki'i'|>iii^ tlii'iii iiiiilir "Uini'x i'|iiilm' uil 1 tl-i|ii riiii'ii. I»iiil<, tiri.ii-c mill iniiiiii- iliiikiM Will' -iiii III lirKi' iiiiinUr-. llmU were pur- lieiiliirlv Miiek in llii> siuilli mi ji-iuiiiit ol' (lie iiiiiiieruii- -liiimli-. |!eer were liKhleil i|iii|i t iei|iieiill\ . e-|iei'iiill\ iillir the tire win n lliev Were ijriveii cii.^lwiiril to liiiik t'nr t'liiiil. Ill llie >i'iitli ill eiiiiiieetiiiii witli the- K.i.lriiiiy l.iiKi' tun -I ri-erve. there i- u IIHMIlltililliill-. ili-triet wllieh i- I le llollle iif llliilllitil ill .||ie|> mul «-ii;lt, iltlil heiir. TIlO riiiteil Stiitei Kiive'iiiiic lit hiive ~el ii^iile, iit n cmne'c, in Slutitiiiiii. mi urea ef l.liMl -i|iiiire iiiile<. jii-t ^I'lilli lit' the iiiteriiiitiuiiiil h ■iiiiihir.v. It' the sniitlierii ilii- tric't lit the ea-tern ilupe re-nrve were al-u -et a->ii|e iw a (.'ame n-erve, the (laiiie tlien- im wiiiilil he aeees-iihip tu tile Cmiailimi ■i|iiirf-iiimi. ami in en-iiperiitiiin with the I'liited S»-ites niime reserve, fn.ter the i-iiiitiniiaiiee of the t'liim-. Otherwi-e, with the i.'anii» el. line -.iile nf tile iiiteriiatiniial hniinilarv |iriiieiteil ami the ether -iile tint, the wmiin will •iiiiin leei.nie inaeee-isilile In the CanailiaiH, a'* the aniinal'i will ern'i-i mer ti tlio (iriiteetoil liile. Tlll^' Pi nil I fiVK mils. Kii^t ipf tile slope* i.f the Koek.v inoiinlaini from fieir to iiim? milei end imrtli of tile iiort I fork nf tli" OMniiin river are the I'ori iipiiie liilK. '!"h hill-, whieh arc in iiri'a ahoiit fifty -qiiare mile-, are of a nature whieh wmilil -eeii to remli r them siiitahle fur re-ervation. hut interxeniii)? -ettler-i. although seattereil. preventel iii- eliKliii^ the-e lamlTi within the ea-terii slope re 1^1 IJOCKV Mdl NTAIN FoilKST liliSKiai; A'.,,.,,/ ,.f /', / f '„,,,,,,// i;. II. • vMiiuM. K.„.. •»,,,»«. i.,,, „i„, .. ,.,|,, •lltlWil. ((III. , ^"', ' "■ ' ^' ' .1.. l,.||.,ul,„ „,„.■,„„ H„ u,.,i. ,1.,,,. |„ ,.„ iM'.llllt.illi, l„ l\u • }, ||„- " '■"'• I" -I I I Hi, I; .rkv |-.|l-> an, I .Sa.kal.JM.u.iN iImi' , , '"■'•■'■;-'■ ;—;i i i .\„i,i -,, , ,,,„,,„,, ,„ „,. ,.,„„,,„, I""""'''' •■• 'I" I'll-n rn,r in ,,,ui,-l,,|, ■.;. ,„„^,,, -, „,, , , , . . ;:,!::::;;:■•:;-''•■" ;'•• - ■•' ■. ii.. v: :,:i::L::;.,::;::;r" "'"""'"■■ i'l 'In ,. I.. r..r ,„•.„■,,•,.,! ,„in -. ,l„. nv„,.|a-,- '^1 I »ll' !"■» N ll\ ,,|,,|,||| |\ ,,,, v I, ■'■'"■'"" '"''' ■'■•"" I' --.i,.,. in , ,„.,| ,„ \i,,.. |,.|„ "'-I. ill lniiii> i.l.Mi- II U.I, 1,1 I'IiihI I,, I I |,„, t'.ir ii'"l tin- liiM. iiiMJ .,,|i„|,i,„.. |„.|,i,„| ,1,, „.,.,„„|^ „. ■■"■"■:"""■"'"■■''-'—'-■■■■" -I. -.-i,.-u,..i,, I,,., ■,,.,,,„„., ,,„.;;;■;";;': ■ ;,"""';''" ■■"■>■ -I"--.!.. ,. n,. iii.i.i.,.,.,,i,. ,,;,,„.:, , ,' ::,,;:;,';,"'■'"■■; :.-;■■': • - ^'--" i...ii„. a,.., .„',.,, ::;:;'•-;''•': -7 ':^'- -^ -'■''■ '■■■'■ -''i-'''''- •''•■— ^ i,..'-i.: ' l--"-"i-..i...n,. .,.,.„„„„, |_ „„, ^ iliii 1 . ii ■ I , l-cil. „v,|j i|a\~ >ii|-|, '"" "■ ""-"^ ■\'"^-' -„i ,i„ ..,.|iK ,,.,., „rs„,,„. ,, „„. .„.„„.|. „■.„ .,.,,, ':"-'■•"';'• ' '■■ '" ruin- ,|,.U,.,| ,1- .iva.K. 1„„ .ai|. „|. .iv- „,, '■"7 "": ""■ ""''"'■ "' '">■ l-'-'.v. f. .v.iini , II,.,,.. A,-„ , , ,,u ,|.v, -,„.„, :::;;::':: V":" ;''-•-';'!-> --..i-. . ..n. 1 ,i„. sa-,.,„.i„..a,.. a. r-;.l.l,. till N..v,.,„l„.,. a., „.|„.„ , ,,,,„,v,„.,| ,„, „„„i, ^,,,,1 .,;,,_ ,^^ "- ni-»ni,-l,,| l,y v,,i, ..:,„1 rrtiir 1 I,, Ottawa. Til .lr,|,|i„ir „,„„, ,|„, ,||-,,r,,,.,|,, , _^,,^_.^. ^ 1^^^^^ 1^^^^ .^ ^ ^^ t>,,iiit.:— ■■ ■'■'■ ■■•■■.•■•■v.ius ( 11 Til.. t,.|„,i.'rnpli,v all,] -,,il. (-'■) Thi' ilrviition iiiii! oliinntr. (■'<) TiniluT. it^ future srn.wtli nii.] vnluf. •■J^siZit?"^ .*--?p^ip- 20 TIh. t.,|.nKr;,|,I,,v ,.|.,n,p...| Knntl.v „. „•„ w,,,! m,„-,|,. !{,,(„•,•,> I tlic Kllii.u- and •I) !,. ,, . "■• ■'■ Kill ri ujc i-.iiiiiu- ana ,, ... tl„. ,.,.„„,., ,, V..O- lull.. ,.,.a,.,,i„. i. |,i,,,.., .,,,.,„ , „„„^„ ,„„„,._ of..„„U,„„.. ,.,,.,l,,„.„<„t,l,„l...,.„.„„t,„H„. -,„„h WW ,1„. hilU .|„„« the I'l MK .\. 1, „ 1 t • 1, , I'li'il'' I'. X. l',i,,rlulL lUlii ' ►■'■■'" '"■ '" '■ '* '■'^"- ^">i''.v. 1>..-U.>, t, r l„„,st hiKl, 3(1 t„ .-Kl ,„c.l„,. ('iiM.iii Imiiicli i.f ill,. Kll„,\v „,.,. ,,|- I,M.. fnnnatio,, mm,1 f;,r too nifrKeJ f,,,- tree Rn.uth. il,<> sn.l I,,.,.,. vnrM.s fr,„„ .|,.,.,, „||„vi,.l ..|,.,y i„ ,l,„ vnlLvs to gravol with ^..n„. o, san,lst„ne ,., the hill. An..,. ..n.s.i,,, ,|„. ..,„„„„ ,„,„„,:,,. ^..^^^^J St„„y l,.linn ,v-,.rv.. (!,„ nlruu.i.. ,1,,,,,. su,i,i..nly t„ an elevati.u, of 4,(X)0 foot, in tho vnll,.,v „, , „ |i„u- riv.T. Tl,i- v.ll,.y ..x„.,„U I, vl uwl „,„.,, t„ ll„. f„„r „,• ,1,„ (TM r,n,K,. „| M,nu„tMiM.. ()„ ,1,.. ,..,t of ,|„. lin,. n ,„„„.,„l,. I ,|„. ,- ,rv U ....... Iv roU.MK .M,l .I.M,.-t .„. ,.x,.,.,,t on f„. |,ill,„,,. wlu,.l, aro ,:,u;:.] wi,!, „ li^hr Jrowtl. o( po|il;ir. '■''•'"" •'"■ """■ '■'"■'■<■ '" 'I'" li'"l l»,.,.r .1:,. „ nl.-iin-. r,,,.,!,. „, ,1„. „,.. .„„l -, .r.l n.MKo^ of l.ilU ,,N.,.,„1 „loM;r tlulr l.n^,.. Ti,..,.. lunv -,..,.,, «■ |,.,| ,i,|,.- -,.|,.„-,.,.,| l',v liMrrow muAce v;,ll,.,vs. Tlus,. ninges arc .nit arro-, l,v tlio (;l,o,,.. Littl.. I!,.,| I),.,>r i-an,-nfnnl,.,- „n.| l;,.,| |).,.r rivrs. luAiu-^ t'lo uhol,. ,.,,„„.n v,.,v l.n.k.,,. |.v„, ,,f ""■ '""• ''"■'■" '- ■■' -i"'il^" -"'il' -i^ '■■ "ii-'I't - wl.l,., II,.,.,.. how,. >,.,.. ll„. v.ll,.v. iiiv .,|,oM iiri,! ,-..Mt:.iji j;,„„| «,■„-, f,,|. Hni/iiiK or lia.v. I'l.KfK M. '■';•'>" 'l^- -Imm,.., ,o ,l,e ( Wnvator i- . l,.v..l ph,,,.,,, ,.M,.,„II,„ „.v,.,-.l ,,,11..- ,„, '■^"•li -"U- ,.| ,1,,. Iin,. ,„„1 l,rol hor,. i,i,,iv -,.nll, fartli^.r -oi.tli Ta,. vall,.y ,,f ,1„. -i-,, of a ,„n„l„.,. „f „.,.,.,■,.-. va.-yi,,. f,- 1" t,. 4(> r,,N u->,l,.. aa.l ,|irf,.,-lM^^ i„ ..|,.vation fr .,„ !(> t. :, . tWt. TI„..o an. Nvrv ^..ny a,,,! I„.a,.|,-,ik„ ,, „„. ..,|^,, „„, ,„„„. „^,„„,|.^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^ _^^._^^ ^^.^^^^• "■ " ; V""' ''■" '"■•■" '""• ' ^'^ '^"- "■'-' ''^ ^'i'v ••'•'■'■!< ^H, i a „atMrallv r ^oil viTy Tini.'li inip,.-,-(.|.ivl)|,,]. ' ' ' 1^1 mi: \\h I.I.I \ Mi,i\. ::: :t /''•''':' r'' i ...,,-„,,,„.,.,„, „.„-,. a , ,.., ,., ., ;■:';::;;::; •'7;-.^^-''''\-'"'> '■-'■'•-'•'-''• - n.ii. .J,. ;;!: ' ".i-t..i.ll..^ r.MHl,,.,. ,1,., ..:i.- .■n,.i oil,,. MMr,K .,,„,■„- ,„i;.l„ illl'l I lic.\ ;iri I' i'M«i' In If'i \. Ml-, , ';'"">■ i'i^'""'i '■■i-.iv,.,, r 1. Tin. ( I i-„,„ , .i,|,.,,„| ^ I .,, „,,. "' ''■' •" ''■ '"■'■'^'" "- |H-.H-,„.;,| V in tl,i. ,.,,„nt,^ i-. ■ ";■" •"■• '■'l-'i- Tl„. inl.;,;n,U h„,„, I,,,,,., '■'" '""■'""■ '■'I'"" -'■•'ill- Tl„. ..|,.VM(i,,„ i, I,,.,,. ;;. ""I-I !"■ 'llM"ll ll.;|| tIl.T,. i. Mill, '■ I1"1V '■nlti\;lli..|| f, |„. .,1,1, "'" '■'■'•'• '•''■•"" tl"'M.,-..,Hlin„„- ,|„ „.|„-i,, iii.v |>""il.ilit.v ,,|' f,r..(ii;,|,| i'>ri ii'liiin;; ln.iiii; i-iii- i-ii-'i "II ,i;...\,. ..Ill clcialion ,it' l.iMHi !',.,. t i ,J'''::" -'-'-'i''-' ill. „, ,. „„. ,, .,„,.i,iiv. wi„.„,..i„ "" ""'""^ "^'' ' '" -il'l'' '■■■.• .1,,. n„„.l„.,., ,„,.„,„ „„.i, v'v '"'■'"'"'""' '"""--"'■■-•■"-Hu,.hhi.|„.,.,.|,.v,,n„„ .,,,,1,.. ' ""'"■-'■'^"- -li-ii,- .ilniM. il... I',., I ■ , -i.i-'ini: ,111.^1- ,i|.,. in ,i;in.,,\v in-Mi. .,,.,..,,,„ ,1, |. I I, ,, ■"^' '"■'■■'^ •n"M-,ill,.|itiM,l„.r. will, ., ^-'■^::'^^^^^ '■" '•"- "'^ h,,-i :i- ,ir..-,.. Tin; iTMiiiu. '""■' ' ' ■■■- '■ .1... .:;::!, ;:;:;'t;;.Z";- ■iii|i..-...| ..(■ |,, ■,,,.. ,|,ni..,. ;.;,,! iis-.-mi M,l..]ivi,|,.,| il,,,, ,1,,.,,,, , ,^. I "1'''"' 'I' V.ll-.V ,I,L'- |ll-..|,||-, .!,.||, I" -: i"i tit.. -1 |,. iv|., '"I'll- ■■>' r\|.-i,|., . . ,i|. ,|,,,„. I,.,,, 1],: ,, . , . I- •■II,. I ,,, .,-li,v,. ,.,,,,. .„,""•."' ':""' •'-"" ,.,!,. ,;„,,,., ,„„, :__, i:;:::::::::::^ ::;;:;.:::;!,.:::;:,,;:,■ ;:^::::::;:;:;,r7':-*; - , II , . • l( 1 ( 'MID^.*,. 1 .il *tli;i i.H-U -.lilMic.' ■111,1 ;;:i,7 1"; • :'--"• '''--' ■ 'n- -i^. ^.i... -<..h„.. ,•:,;:..: ''"■'"■">■•'■ " — I"- ""ii'l-'fi.l.v..r.„l,i,.,iv.. ..,,,„„.;, ..„,•„„ ''Il^l ll''.ll' '1" PIMiri.' .l-li,.,, I..,l;..- tl I .•.,,■., ;, ,, . . •■■• • ' ■■'■ 'I'l-^ !•■■;:, Ill' I'iiii'. A- \vi> CI ,i> ciMIK^ hi-. 24 'riic iiicp>t I'oiMiii' II «|n'i'ic> fniiinl iirc: — I'iKlls .]/ Ill iili/illlll. LihI^-I'IiiiIi' pine. /'/'((/ l-'ii!iiliiiuiiiit. KiijrcliiiiiM (White I spnicf. I'nlniliis I iiiilllhiiihit. .\-|M'Il. I'liliuhls hilUitinifi III. liiiliii. I'.si iKl'iilsiiiin iiiiK rniiiilii. |)ll^l^'■lil- tir. I'iiiil mill itiiiii. I Unci; -iH'iico. Tie-iili'- tlir-r iil'i' rniiinl ill liiiiilccl i|ilMlititir- M'ns hulsiiiiiin . I.nii.r hiririiin ilhll llrhllil till,,!, VMT. I'll/l/ll ill III. l.iiiiM i- till' I'l-I w I I'Miml in liii- ri'j;iiin, liiciin-i' I'l' ir- In-linu i|ii:ilil ic^ iiini lirriili r -li'c'ii;;lli. Iiul "wiiiL; tn it- liniilr.j iiuantilii'- will -tfeain- ami ..n inn'thein s]ii|ie- v.\\i\\. it i-e;iehc - a iliainet -f nl' .'I Icet ami a hi'Iirht "T Hn tn |no reel. It tho ilryer fjr.nniij ami ih.e- nut -ced in fm- yeav- after a tire, wailintr for euver uf -nine (. tiler tree- 1 i le lir-1 e-talili-lie.l a- a niir-e erep. 'I'lie Lirnut I i- fairly raiiiil a- slii.wn li\ the lM|l,,wii:M lallc niaile fr.iiii the stmly ef a U'W mature ti'ee-. IMMU Til (>|- v\ IIITi: sl'lil ( K. Hilllll.ler llrii;hl ■'-'■ I" >eM-. ill ill! 111-. ihle,.t. 1" (1.0 7 ^" 1.!t \1 :H' ■.•,.-j. is 41' \.f, ■>< :.|^ :;.(( :!: 11" r.T K! Ti' ^.,; -1 ^11 0.(1 fil no 111.'^ t;: ino 10. n -t I'l vn \IV. k l'i,.,t„ I', /, (, I, ,,■!,, ii. r'l" Vall.y c,l S;«un l.i,,Uiii>; \u-l .li.iwiiiir mil.- i.f I.UI11..I iiiiil.ii'. r,,uii-hi|. III. ranv.'*' I'J. \\t>t of thf r>lii III. I I'll. 111. I'|.\TK .W. /')..,(.. /•■. // r., „,,.'..//, I-'ir i.ii Ol.iiiian ri\» f, aft. r Hit of smiiiii. r, I'M'*. •,L HlA-Jl' J ,■,:.-■■->.>■■' . V, I- 26 this ro'tn ""' '"""'"'" '"""■'■ "'""' ''"•'""'••"' 'l"..litu.« und •» tho rhief timber t«« of L."Ik.,h,|,. pi,,.. f„ll„w. spru.... .•luM.l.v l,ut U >„.,r., lial.lo to .l.tV-t a„.l .I.h. „ot I..~ .1,.. ,tn.„K,l.. Wi.l: tl,.. h,rK.- an ver..,l l,.v s..,.,.,..| ^r.,u-,l. pi,,., it is 1 1 ". th,. futur.. to W. the ..l,i,.f tr..,. for .•o„„„ercial ,„.r,H,,s.... It s,.-,|s i„ „„ a larK,, rai,^,. of l,„r„..,l-ov..r soils l,„t .l.«.s l„>st o„ Ij^l.t day ,.r s..n,l avo,,!,,,,. ,:,.. rl.v .lrai,...,l soils. Tl,.. tfr.,«th is rapi.l at firs, |.,„ fali: off nft,.r forty or hft.v years. It is „s,.:.Ily short a„.l bushy in o.M.n J ho foll„n-,„tr ,.,i,i,. ,,„„,, ,,,p ^,^„^^,j,^ ,_^_ ,^^_^__^| ^^^.^^— .\i;i. ii, yciirs. liiiiMiHtei' ITeJKht ' in iiiihes. in fnet. y,» 10 T-.". ■Hk] 2.0 15 40.. ''-2 21.5 m 4-« 28 W.. "-2 ;!4 S.2 40 w../r"l "n'T'"' ""r"'"'-^" ^'"'-^- --'""^ '"-'K the eas, h„t .li,„p,H.„rs a. T).,„slas „r ro,l f=r is found in the vallevs of the Bow an.! Ghost .,,,.1 while n.aeh,n. .. ar.e s,.e is very lin.h,. U is use.l to „ ,„.„s rahle extent for ^ The other spee,es are of less imp .rtaue.. „n.J only uso.l for posts or fuel. FISH .\:,D GAME. Fish „l,„un,] i„ „|| th,. s,r<.an,s an.l L,k..s. The following varieties were noti..e.l- ;!•';! rep:;;;,. "" '""" '''""' '■"-''' "••"■'-'•"■"^ - ^^ « ^'-'"'^ -l --h >-.or on.. Oan,e is al„,„,lant especially in the north. Jfoose. deer, elk an,l -heep were seen. "Inle the s..v..ral var„f es of grouse an.l prniri.. ehi,.ken were verv plen.ful Fur l-r,n. an„„als su..], ,.s k. otter, l.vnx. wolves, hear an.l heaverare fo n S t , "r i:r ::;r-iT "t"""^ '^" -'-- -'-'" -^ *'- --- -- fut ure V r '" '"" '"'"^ "'"""^ '" ''^^^^ ^'■^•™- «■■" '- "''t---'' '" MIXINO AND MrXERALS. Titti.. miMln,- is ..arrie,! on in this region. Poal .u.terops in various places on et i;:i.J^7"/""r*r'T- ""'' ''^^ -''' ««^k"tehewan. hut the seanJ are o„| a fe„ , ,.he, tln.-k an.l of „ low jrrad,.. Valuable seams exist farther west on the S >Kn ..bewan. ra^.u an.I .r..T.o,, rivers, whieh .re bein. .levelope.l and rail o r,.j„.l|,- p„sb,„^ ,„„, i„ that .lireetion by way of the Saskatehewan i.unestone shale and sn„dsto„o exist in l.rjre quanlities and with 'better trnn=- rortnt.on fae.bties will be valuable for buil.linfr purposes. jCtJtefirain^^aTAiiMflBS&fi'^i&^Hr'X^j 87 riuE. Fire is the wurst ciieiiiy tlie forest lius. Eighty (mt eeiit of tlu- territory sur- veyed lius lieeii luirii.ii in tim lust tifty yeurs, ami tin per eeiit of this or 4»i |)er cent of tliu entire eountry iiiis U-eli burned over in tiie hist tweuty-tive yeurs. Tlie eaiises of these tires iiave heen viirioiis. many hiying tiie l.hinic V< tlie Indians, who helieveil if the forest were destn.y.'d new (frazin^ land would k' found for tlu' disapiH^ariiiH hutfulo. This nniy he true in some eases, l)Ut more I helii-ve l« the .•areles,n.-^, of the white trapiH'r and the numerous ..ther campers we timl within tli. hord. r- <>( tlic forest. How host to dciii with these tires reipiires more study than I have In en iiMe t« Kive it. 1 woulil. however, reeommeiid liuildinR a tiro Ruard ah.iiK or near tli.' eastern boundary of the i-oservo to prevent any settler.,' Hr.-s from sproa.ling into it. Stri-ntrtlien the present tiro patrol; RJvinn i'a<-h man a certain definite territory to cover and not mure tlian ho <'an cover in a week's trip. He should be in the reserve at all times durinjr dr>- seasons. The came and fish (jnardians should sr that the ranker has notice of the whoreabouts ,,f all hnnfinp and fishinjr parties in his territory s„ that ho nniy keep in touch with them and sec that they exercise duo care with restnrd f.i their camp-fires. As time permits the ranper oouM be oxplorinp his terriforv and mnppinjr it. i.inkinp trails and fire-punrds to connect streams an 1. Xrtie-TICBtlag ^ ^e Ttftiiiat— It M. loM. " 8. Bmaiaiwi fawrt Bewrwi A. J&rtehtd. '\ " 4. Vmrt VM<«0ta «f Oiaads (ii» to 19M)-*A. H. 9. Bm. " 1. VocMt QoatttiMs i& Qrsvniwt VilB»f> Alberta^. B. W^oMflTaii. *' 6. BUiaff ItooBiiia fomt l«R«e— I. B. JMekwa. " 7. FocMt lim in (kiuiit, IWS-B. £. ItadfilUs. 8. Iwert fndvete of tJtniii, 1808~-{J J Sjff"' B^ U R^^ (( Ilk M Si « « p. U **-.'. T' B M ■ l< '^- -- : - t. VocMt I^MiiA Cbuwda, It^-^ If B. B. ]fBo|Efll»- 10. Tb« I!iu»