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Ca »bbll, Director of Foreitry ■■'i-y t X- / ^''^^z:/: .J-^;-!:: .SATiO.N'AIJ? THE CARE OF THE WOODLOT B. R. MORTON, B.Sc. F. (Thit Bulletin supersedes Circular No. 10) OTTAWA THOMAS MULVKT J-RINTER TO THB Kmos MOST aXCBLLKNT MAJHSTT DKl'AiriMKN'r (H Tin; I.N'IKKK < AWDA U<^H ARTHIR Mfi.ilKs, Min:at,.r U >\ ,-.„:\ ] ,. ,-j \|,.,...r l'>i;i:>Tin l;|;A\(ri lll i.l.i:TIN .\,, .;:i THE CARE OF THE WOODLOT B. R. MORTON, B.Sc. F (Thiy liiilhliii yiiii.r^nl.s ( ir' .\ i . Im. 84- -1 OTTAWA THOMAS XIULVKY I'lil.NTKH TO THE Kl.\,;.s Mo.sT E.\lI:l1j;.\T MA.iksty VJ20 CJJ; TENTS I. Iiitr...|u.-ii.,i, J. riMt,.,-ii..„. . i' . I liiiiliirju ''I'll'-"' "T th:hliiiM t. Illll I'.rv, l|;i III , iittil i;, " ' l''lll . « lull I,, |i,.i;i l.^l-JMt|..|| .■ill!.,l;;s ,,,, I , I. .,,11. I,;;, .1. |t.'Vr|,,|,iriL; -II-imL'liiii; \ ,iiii •I. Ki|ir.ii|ii,.|i,,ii ' ^ '""■ " " ""^ • ■" '■' '■'' i-« ■ I"-'- « ' -'■i-ni .V .i.piM,'.. '.lU,;,,,, ; 7. ( 'iillcctili:; trie .,|M'|| '''■""■■ '■'"■ '"•''- "«: "•■» "• ' •■": 'l'^ n- ■ o,,,.- , ..xl ,m. l,,m '.„'.1| " ^-rtiiiim j».>.-.i I *■ 'I'lii' r^iriii hiii'~crv I Soil .,11,1 |,„.,|, ^,^,. ,,, I ••■••« M.^ -.LMlirm; ...iiili.ilinu ,|i».vi.-,. ll.ill-j'l.niliiii; ; !.,l,iiiL. I,,, > It. Xiitc- ..II Viiri..!!- -p.'.'ii-, ,,t' tr.-.-. 111. 'i'.!!.!.- .,1 ,|i>tiiii,.,.s .111.1 tiii,- I' iKO M»tli III!., i:i:irk,.iiil,l,. ti,i||„.r l,.\ |,r ■iii il. . .. IS H.i« i.> imin, . |.i,,i,,.i,;,. .■,,, ■!'>;■. ;il •,<■,{! ,,i- III III,, |,,n i,-„.|.^ •' "-i- I'iiM- liMn.|.|.,i,t- v! ..lit t,, |,n>, nt - .il-,|rit;i„;: ^\''li''' I'ill' |'l.lUt;lt:..|| t.,|l|- \,.;||., ,,|,| I l'r'..r ..f' V, liii,. |,i|„. |,|.|„tiiti..ii tiMiitx liv,, \,, .- M I :llll;llM.'l< |.l;llit^|Ih.,l turhtv liv, \,.,.|,.. ,,|,| '''.|.pil„.,l- ,,| ,,|.,|,, \<> In I I |:: i:. i:. i» I'l '■'ill :','.> II I-' 17 17 liiillltll!;; .■lillill. ■^\-J'. THE CARE OF THE WOODLOT 1— INTRODUCTION Tl,rniii;Ii,„,t K;,-hr!, Cn,,;,,!;! ii.iu-ly ,.vrr,v farm 1:;,- it w..,„II,,t ,„• lai-li. It, ni;n,y ■M-i.-' till- i...rtlM,, Ml tlic l':iriii i- in,lUprn-:il.;c t.. ili,. ,nviicr^ .•..tiifoi-f ,,,,,1 prosperity. Ur ,-M„l,| ,„,, „(r,,r,l t.. l.nv !h,- f,„!. |-,.Mc-,.-p,,M- ;.„.l tinilMT tlut ;,,•,■ r,M,uir,Ml mL..,',! fll" P1:1'V. Tl„. .-MltiML' nt ,!„.-,. iriv,.. l,i„l .,,-,.„p:,ti,.„ ;,t a M.,.,.,, uhcn tiuTc- is <■,.,„- I'i>-;,tiv,.ly littlr ,-Ur l„.i„:;- ,ln,„. „„ thr f;,n,l. iuhI tllr -mI- nf ;,„ o i.ioiKil lo;„l "f liicl Ml- p,,-t- l.rihi;- liiin in rr;i.|y ! ry. TIm- pr..t.-.-i i,,„ the \v.)o(ll„t iiiTor.U iii-Min-t ^ull,|. fur ,lw,.llini,'s frnnl.-ns nn-l,Mnl-. nii.l livv -l.M-k is ..ft,.,, of ^mv;,i '■"'""''•""■•■ •""' '" '■ it- ">■■"» va!„o. wl,i,-i, .■.■i,„„.r 1„. ,-,.„liiy oxpr,-M.,l i„ ,',,11^,.. ami i-(»nts. I'.Tliaps tl,. i.T,.a.o~t ,.l,i,.,.,i„„ „,„!,. ,„ ,,,,;„. )■„, ,,„, ,,,„„„„f i^ ,,„. „,„,, ;, ,^^^^,^ to pro,i,„.o larjr,-.i/,.,l ,l„,l„.,-. <)„ ,]„. f;,,-,,, l,.,uv^,,- ,l„.,v aro n,:,„v „s,., f.„. .,„vi ^",(1 l„.,. tako a , pa,-;,tiv..!y .-hort tin,., to ,„-o- ''"''^- *'" '"""•^' " 1'"'^ ^' ""-i'ty .vouii- ^^row.l, o.xists tl,af will „„t ro,|,.in- ".^."y yoars l„.f,„-,. i, is s„ffi,-io„tly la,>',. t.. „s,.. A littlo att,.„,io„ will .l,„r,,.„ '■ tla- ti„io ,v,|iiiro,l to,!ii,.,- ii,ark,-tal.|,. 7i,atorial. Tl„. us,> of s„,„il ,]i„„.„sio„ ,„;,t,.rial is ftoa.lily in.Toasi,,- si„,-o tlir srar.-iiv ,.f wood m larp. din,.„sio„ has fo,-,.,.,l tl,o att..ntio„ of „. ,1„. „„. „f I,„i!,- iip wood. Tlio wa,. l,as d.,„o t,,,,,-!, ,., inoivaso o,„- k„.,wl.Hk^,^ ro^^ard,,,^. ,|,.. p..ssil,ili,i,.. ■n Iho „-o ot la„„„at..,l p,-,„|,„.,s. „f wl,i,.l, ti.o airpla„o is a„ oxan,plo. This „-. , ( "o..d ,„ M„all sizos ,„akrs it possiM,. ,„ ,„a,-k,-r tho p,-,.d,„-ts of ,ho w 11..,. whilo ,i.. t,-i'i.s aro .■oiiipai-ativrly yo,itijr. ■ni-,v a,v ,„a„y n.a,-.,„s why it is ^„..,1 1,„m,hss to ,„ai,„ai„ a woodl„t ..„ ,!„■ t.,r.„. I...U- fa,-,,,- a,v >,, ^„vaI\ thai it would i,ot ,,ay to i„ai„tai.i a sn,all pai't „,„lor tvfos. 'I h.. w..odl,.t „r,. and .s,fo way ..f ImildinK np a hank acfount ior o,i,.-s old ai;o ,„• ono's ohiM,-,.,,. On „,any -anas ,1,.,,,. aro ono or n„.,v wasto a,-,.,.- - pat.-hos ,ha, aro no, s„i„.,l ,„ .^r.onltoral M.,ps, Tho soil o,, ,l,„,n ,- ..-d, „r ,.,.,-haps ,1,,. -„rfa,.. is ,„., nn,..l, M..ny, or s,,-,,. ,., all,.w i,. I.,a„^ ..„l,iva„.,: Why ai;,.u th,.s„ „,.as ,.> n.nain idlo tronera,,,.,, alt.r ,.,.,„.,.„ i..„ «1,.„ with a litth. initial .-..-, thov oan ho n,ad,. to .m-ow .roos wl.,.-l, u,;l ho ia.avasin^ in vain,, a- y„u .U,, '. Ka..]. pi., f ^,,., si,.„.!d ho ";■■'' "'• ','"■ '""•' '■•"• "''''•'' '' '-^ '»-' ^"i'^''l- A I r pi,.oo of soil .should n,.t ho ^''"""'"',"''' '"^•■■'■'•^- ' ^"-' ■' ""' ""t .vi-l'l >" l^'ruv a n.tnrn as the re,nai„.l,.r ,.f the lra.'t. ih,.r.. is „„ part ol tho farm so j.oor that it will „„t produoo tr,...-rowth. 00025057 WM /■0/.7..V7/.') III! Will III i.i.i:ii\ \„ r,n 2— PROTECTION I ill \/l\l, riu-^v^mu:: ..( -r,,,-!. ,,, ,1;,. u I!,., i- ,„„. ,,l ,1„. o,,,„„„ ,,„„.„ ,,,■ ;,, .i,,,,,,,,,. nti„M I h,. -,,„„. „.,■,■,• ni :;,-.. ,„h| uill „,i -,.,-v,. „, „ i.^tinv an.l ivii,;ni; :, pn.titnM,- W.,o,ll„t ,„■ .,„>■ .■..nM,!,.,-;,!,!,. i..n^Ml, .,( ,i„„.. (,„„-, ,|,„,.„, 1„„.„.,. ,,„, ,..,„.; ,,;|| ^,,1 '7"'','^' •';"•''" I —'llin.- I.v l„-„„,i,„^ ,,„ ,h.,M. (i„;„- .,,.1 -l„-,.|, .,v il„. w,„-, ""',""■'': '" '"' '■'-I""'- ■'■'"•^ "ill '■•" nu„,v w ly |,h,„l. ,„,| t..,„.|„.,l l,v t .1,,.,- ^""V'"'''''f, " '"" ""■' "'' ',„.r ,h,y ,l„,v .tay in .1,,. -l,;„h i.n-t ,,|- thr "■ '-• '"l'''li"« ^it tl„. -M,„ll ti ~ in |,n.|,rr,„v I,, yra/inu ..„ ,|„. -n,,, -n,wi„.. i„ nil' Minny ii|)i'ii;im~. ^ Catll,. ai.,1 1„„.-,., ,„,, ,,„K i„.j„,v -,.,.,ili„i;- |,„t ut't,.,, ,l,.Mruy -apli,,:;, ..f ,..,i,-i,|- .■niMc ~iz,. hy -tni.Mliii}; ;.n,| ualkini: lli.„, ,I,,wn in ..nlcr to road, tlic Icmv,.< I|,„s,s will kill ynuntx Ininlu U l.y i;n;nvin- at ihr l.ark. I-,,aK ,1,, ni.,-f ..{ tli,.ir injurv l,v iMinniin.' ih,. uml, rlinwli. ' ' 'J'h.. sc'cljinii- nf l.n.a,l-l,.avr.l or •■ l,a,-,l«- 1" tr.M- aro ih,- nnc- nio-t injniv.l l,y '"'""-'■"■-• '■ '''■'■■'■ -•"•'' ^" -■"■"'■'•. l'^il-^i>n Hr. .•...lar, laivli, ami pin,., ar.. prartHMlly An iinKi-az,.,! w.., 1^ In tl,^ foivBroun.l of tli.. nirtiir. a win- f,.n,v l.a.s 1„.hm fi-wtetl he (.nt> sal,- has 1.,.,.m Kraz. .1 ,lean. while oa lli,- .,th,-r unurazeii si,l.. the udihI clueticin to he iioleil farllier ha.u lias siiraiiii up repro- iiiMiiuiio. Cattle will >,,inrti -. h,,w,.v,r. Lite nff tia- ti|K ,,f y.innir jiinc-. 'Maplo. :\^\vo(Mi, ,.|,n, .-iM-stiuit. ami nak ^ntV.T tli,. nio-t ; walnut, hi.-korv. willow, on,] lurch ilo so t,) a Ic-s ilcirrcc. Til,, injury ,1,m„' Ky live >to,-k in tli,. w 11, ,t is, Iiowcvit, n,,t ,Mntin,.tru,-ti,,n .,f tl„. nn(l..rl,i-u.-li tli,. s,.il is oxpos.vl to the =1111 .ii„i w,ii,i~. 1 ia>,., i,,„vtii,T with tiif trampinj; al„iiit ,.f the livo st,ick. caus,^ ''"' '"""''■ ''■ ' '""• I>i>''l«-<1. dry. .ntnl linrd. ami the rain, in.stoad of laMiip readily <- . fltni 1.1 rin\ g i'T''"';"'lV""'"''' ('"■ '.:',r'' "^ ''"■ '■• • '■'"- "'f ""• -"^l^"-. •■a.-ryi,,;. will, i, mmh ^„lu.l,,. ,„a,..r,,,l M,„ll„w.r.,„„.,i „•,■,.- ,„•,. .n.,,,-!, i,,i,nv,i l,v luvinu' tl„i,. roots ox,,„.,.,l „n.t l,„rk,..i. M,,,-!, ..f tl„. -t:,,l„M,l,.,I, i.,. . ,i,,a,l ,„,,.. |, ,a,H,.,| l,v tlii-i tdriii rit iii.iiiry. FlHKS ''''"•'•'■ '"■'■ '■'•»■ " II, „, „f nny -iz,. i„ which f-M.vs „f tir.-,i,n.,n^v ,.,h,m,.. l,- f...»Ml. Im many ,•„.,.. thi> l,;,s I,.-,.,, ih,. rr.ult ,.f r:,n.|,.sM„..s „■■ tl». part of tli- ownor .\„ |,r, woro tnk..>, wh,.,, hurniMtr .tinni,. ,,r hrn^li. „>i,l th.. tin. u,,, allow...! to run throush tho 'oavps and mMh-rhru-l,. S,„n,. arr ,hnrt-,i.'ht..a enough to M„.vo that, no harm is .l,,,,,. if tnv. .,f n.ark-.tahh. -i/o hav.. n„t ■„ ..-troy,.,!. Th,..v pla.,. no vahu. o„ tho s..,.,lli„K- and y,,,,,,^- ^n.wth whirh will 1„. tlii> trcps ot thi. fiitiiri'. It is ho\y,.v,.r. iM.t l.y th.- .h'Strurtion nf y„w„:r tr,.... that tho fi--.. in tho woo,i ot ,loo> harm.'.T trros ,,ro also ii.jurod. This at first n>av not ho appan,,. tor tl... roMilts may n..t show for somo yoars after. Firos, whi.-li at rir-t sifrht do no, .-ooni to havo dono much harm to tho ..ld..r tr,-os, will frocpi.-ntlv s -o,-..!, tho ha,l< at tho has.. sutK..t..ntly to kill th.- living tissue h,.m.ath it. Th,. hark ,.n thi, s,..,r,.h,.d iwti-h will dr,.p otf ami th.- w.iod will 1m^ oxpos.-d to th.' organisms .,f .le.-av Tn mstanco :!0 ,„^r ,t „f all tiv.s ov.t si.x in,.h..< in ,liam,.t..r woro foiin.l .l^-avin,' at th.. I'litt as a n.sull oi a tir.> rnnnimr throuirh tii.- ph M'vral voars hof,,,.,. Ih.. .l..,trn,.tion .,f th,. h^av... an.l twii:- on th.. f,, floor is al-,, a s.M-ioiK lo-. .Not ,inly .h«.s thi, htr.'r .h...ay an.l form a f.rliliz.r f,.r th,. ,r..,.,. hnt it al-.. a.-t^ ■., a sp.-,nK0 in ahs..rhMm- the nioistnr... In w Is on r,i,-ky situation- this .l....av,.d liff,.r may ho pra< th,. .n,ly ,oi| in whi..h th,- tr,...s hav.- to r.w.t. IJurnins this off have ,mly di-astron~ ,.ff..,.ts. Many tr....s will .li.. a, a ,M..,u,.n,.o .>f having their roots s..or..h...l an.l ...xpos.>.I. an.l ., will !>.. ,,v..rthr.,wn l,y th,. win.l. Kir,. -h,.uh! never he al„iw.>.l t,i run tlinjudi the \vo,,.II,it. Wivn H..f..r..n.... t.i th,- damaw hy has alr, h....n ina.l... Th.- inj.iry to th.. s,,il h.. pr..v,.nt..d hy k.^.pinff th.. ^T.oin.l ....v.^r.-.i with litt<.r and. in th.' ,,p..n hy .■M..,,nra«-in- th.. ;rrowth ,,f yonny tr...-. The h.,r.I...s .,f tlio wooilhit shouhl he .N,mpl..t,.ly l,ank..,l up' with hran..h,.s ami f.,lia;:e in ..r.l.'r that the interior may !,.• prot.><.t,..l. Tr....-^ u-rowiuK ah.njr the ..l-e of th.. w.M,.n.,t shiMild hi- aI!ow.>d to retain l.rMn<.h..s ri«ht to the ami oi).n and frap> should he eloM..! hy Iilantintr, if n.'e..sciary. Th..,.t of stn.n- win, Is ,.n a -tan.! that has b....n s,.v,.r..|y thinn.-.I is usually .li-,i>tr,.us. \Vh,.n the thinm'uy- ..f a .h.n<.. .fan.l is ne.'.^ssary is sIduIiI be mad.' with th.' jrr.> ,,t ,.ar.., ,.sp....ially with shall, iwr,„,t...l on ..xi„„..d hillsi.l,.s. I, i. h.-t a littl,. at a time and .spr..a.l over a ien,.,l .,f M.wral years. This ni..|h,,f dea.l trees. rns.>,-ts w,,rkiiiir .'ither in th.. trunk ,,r un.l..r th.' hark usually make their presen.-e kiuiwn hy th.. Hn.' iM.rinr dust at the tiny ..p.-niny^ or entran,.,>s in th.' hark, or hv the iilli,. h.-ap- of ihi.. .l,i>t at th,. ha-.. ,,f th.. fr,.,.. In th.' ..ase ,,f livinjr .-verffreens the Kum. ,,r r,Mn, is usually f,,un,I ..xu.linu: from the small h.d..*. (Vrtain of these - ic — o I'ltOTElT li,\ f1 insfM^^ do the iN.riii;? in tlio uruh ^ ,,f tli,.lr .1 , i l-rk form numerous „-avv Jler ... or . V ''' '.''/'""'^"^ ■•""' "orkin,^ un.I.r tlu> free. ' ^•""^"'■' <"• P^'-age. wln-h eventually girdle „„.l kill ,|,e vijrorous trees. Tli.v IvwMiile to k....,, the WoodJot free of i..roS ^f. "^z :;:::r;; t :;;:,:;:r':i:i::;::;i;r ---"r r ^— - "••• inject with it. A eo„,„arative:v f" 1 "i . " *";!"7 ''" ''-'-"-tioM of the n;;.i.y ..ttaek the weak , , , ;. ,„e:;;;,.':d:i::,r"" .■■lekly or dying trees. Rorersworkinffin the trunks,,,, in ti ut l„s.s ,1 n.M.ler.hl I inif useless, or n..arly so. „n„.h valnal,!,. ni.teri-il V '"'^"'''^;''^''; ''^'''^f^v l.y nnd.T- «-od with numerous .^alleries .,nt th e « 1 H " ff, h ""'■^' t ""•■^- ''""'■.voon.h the or,^.nisu,s of decay to estubli.,h themsel^vs "'""'*""" "'""'^ f"-" ^■"'"- I.caf-eatinpr eaternilhirs .nre -i s,,r;,,ii „ f ■ 'lu-so inseets will kill the 'rVe. ' '" "'"'" •^■''"^' ^''"'■"t'''l .''ff.''"I<. of Windfall, the res.alt of a„ o„,.n border l.|lot,i worm), which destroys he bnd , f 1 ^ """""""■■^ <■""-! <1'- -Pru..e bud- rr J. DiSEASK Iree diseases are usually caused by parasitic fnnxr! TV,o ordmarily met with in the woodint „,. ft ^ ,'.", *""ff'. The most common funpi hollow t unk. ,-.r"iLc h h- T . .'' ^"'V'' '""''' ^''"'y- Tliscolourrd •.v....d attached to th; side tre^;^^^ P'/J-'-- f-quently found the.v lecay-pr.> are sometimes 12 /"/,7>77M ItUWill III l.lfllV \,i. r.'J '■^ii:';.i iMv iM..r..|.v Iruiliny l„„|i.., „f ,1„. owmh-im uruvvi,,^^ „i.ln„ tl,.. u 1 ;„hI ,■ ,„- ;"*■' "-'''•;"•';'•'!•■"■ Tl„... I s ,„-„|,„... n ,„. .,...,1... ,„. -,„,,,.- .. ,1.,. ;„v MHi.llv IrrMMMl wln.-l, „n. .-Mrn..,! l,,v tl„. wi,,,! ,„• „,1„,. „„,,„. ,„ i,,,-,.,., ,„i„,. ,,,,, ,.■„,. ,|,-; n;;,^.M_.l,.,.:,y,,,^ ,r..,> ,,,„! l,^s Mr. . -„„n.,. „f ,l,n,.vr t,. .1.,. „,|„.r tr,-... Tl,.. n.n„v.l "' '"■ '"'"'^ , "''• ••'■''• ""■ "UMM.Ii.t,. clMMfx.T ,.f tl„. -|,„n., .|,r,.„li„;.'. l,„t it -I ,| '-I I- M--,„M,.,I ,1,:,, „ „ill ,.r,„li,..„.. ,!,„ .1,.,,,,. i„ ,|„. „tr,.,.,..,l tr,.,.,. Tl„. ,|,..,,v i„ ,|.,. '■'7 "'." '-" -IMVn,!,,,:: ;„„i -,„„„,■ .„• l.„.r nrw 1 i... „il| 1„. ,i. v..!,,,,,.,!' in tlut I'.ii't "I- 111 -..,„,. ,,||i,T |,,irf i.f tlic trci-. Ma.,> .1 II,,.-,. ,l,.,.M.v-|„.,„ i„(,. f„„.i ,,r, M„t ,..|„.|,1,. ,,f „tn„.ki„^' „ t.-,.,. ,.x,.,,„ . n„,„l, . u.,„„.l ,„. .vl, n. ,1,.. l,,.,rk I,,...,. |„.„k,.„. ,„„l ,|„.r,.,„n.. ,„ ,„i„iM,i.,. , ,.. li ..„- t,,,- -l,„„.,| 1,,. :,v„„l,..|, ll„. Iruiti,,.. 1„„|:,.- IV, ,„„.„,l.v ,l,..,.|„,, .„ „ ,,|,„,. "I,,..-,. tl„. tn,. 1,;„ l,..,„ ,„,,„,.,,! „,„1 tl„. I„n^i„- 1„„ „l,t„i,„,l ,.„fr„,„.,.. 3 Thinning 1 1,1' i',ii,iliti,ii, Inu K.' MTnl ,.,lv,.... u, r.>.„r.l t„ ,,r„,H.r tl„„„i„;r. It i- ,.„-il,l.. „„lv ,„ ' ■„ ^^^i -m.. ol tlu. ttun^s wln,.h sl„,ul.l 1... l,„n„. i„ ,„i„.l wl,..„ „„!i,.,.t:,ki ; : ^ rk 1 |...,k^„^ .„..r ,„Mpl,.. ..1,„, whit., asl,. l.i..k„r.v. wl,i„. ,„k. l,......l,. ..l,...„,ut ,-,.,i "I' - PH,... r,..l ,,„,... wlut.. >pr,...,., r,.,i s,,ru,.... „„,1 ,.,,h„. ,,.. ,1,.. „„., ,|,.i „,,|.. , ,,, ! ,ii- ' ..v..rL'r('('i,s. ' .v..rKr('('i,s li, i„;,i,.v wu,,.ll,,t, whi,.l, l,;,v,. 1,|.,,„ ,„.,,t,.,.t,.,l fr„m ,-. ;,fr,'.i frn.wth „f ,v„uMf< tr.vs ln,s,.,« „p i„ tl,.. in„r.. „p..„ ph,..,.s. This is u .I,.-;,- t'riMi, i.;i,||,. iiii.l tir.. ii «l..|,si.| ^.I'K; ••"M.l.t,,,,,. Jn v,„.th th,. tr....s sl,„„l.' 1... c-l,,-,. ..„,„.Kh t„,..r t., 'f,,,-,... ', n,p,. h..,trht-Kr,.wtl, „■„! pr.„iu,... .-h-ar trunks. \Vh,.n nl,„ut tiv v..„rs „1,1 th,.v s|„.„M .,UM^...r tr,w„ ,...«, •,, .,.,0 p..r ,„.r... This „u,„.,..r will ,ra.h,„lly ..i„ .h'„„ i M ars .'t "K- ... stan.i w.ll ..„„„,„ ,V,.,„ ,.,„„ t„ ,•;....„ rr....s. an.l at „,at,.ritv ,„„ thai, l..(l of the orimnal tr....s will rciii,iiii. I...ft t., its-.lf th'.s tl„n>,i„fr w„ul.l ,.„„„. ahout in a „at,„-al wav. Tl,.. „,„r,. vi..„- ..... tr....s will K,.t ahea, ,,f th,.ir w..ak..r „..i>.hl,.,„rs a„,l .s..„„..p „r l.tor ov..rtop tl^.,,, •nu.MMK tl,..>n to die. J ■-.■..s. .v..,, „f th. sain,, spo.-h.s. ditf.r i„ ra-.. „f U.utI," ^atu.•.. h..wev.>r. ,s slow. a„,l a littl.. assista,,-.. l,v wav „f artili.ial thi„„i,.,: w, 1 stnnulate th.- ,^n,w,h a,.,l .,.,„rat.. it i„,„ a sn,all..r „un,l„.r of th.. ,nost ,!..<; «hl,. troes lr.,p,.r art,l„.ial thi„„i„u will short,-,, th.- tin,.. r..,p,irr..l for tl,.- tr,...s ,,. r.-ai-h inark..tahl.. >iz.. I,y ten to fift....|, y,.ars. ThKoIU c V '.'lIlNXIN.; The prmiar.v ..hje.-t ii, thinnii,- is to stiinulat,. growth hv trivinL- ..a.-h tr.-.. s„ffi e.ont hpht an.! spa..e to develop and .v..t ,„ai„tai„ a eomph.te' eanopy ov..r the entir.. ar..a of the w..o,llot. so that there will h.. no deteri<,ration of the soil Tk. ninnlHT of tn^-s per aere or th.. spa.-in^, of tl,e trunks i„ the stand an- not Kuuies to the ..rop.T an.ount of thinninfr to Ik- do.,,.. To u.„lerstand the prineipl,.s w.,i..l, un.h.rl,.. th.. pro,.,.ss of thi.,ni„;?, .„„. ,l,oui,l kn,.w ,so,„..t,hinjr ..f th,. phvsioloc. e,! KTowtli of a tree. ■ ".-e-n Ckovmh ok ,,ik T„KK.-The jnaterials whi.-h .nake up a tr,,. are earhon. various ..i.n,Tal ...atfrs. a.,,1 wafr. The earhon is d,.riv,..| fro.., th,. ,.arl,on dio.xi,le gas wl,i,-h OF CROWN COVEH. ren.oval nf any parti, ul:.r tree VmZ« ,h, , T '"- "'"'" ''"' •"■ •■""»«■'' •'V the rnakMii,- a ga), ^^l.i^l, will take,. ' t'ime'V,', «'l''''*'u' " "T ''"'°''' "> '" •'^■"''' the ground '""'^ '" "'■ '^*''-l' the tops tcuehins and M— lit 14 /■((/(•A.v/AT lll;\.\(ll III III ll\ A',. til> >^ .■v,.r.vwl„.n. pr..s,.Mt ,„ -1„. a,r mm.I i- ,.1...,, in |,v tho l..n,„ Tl,.. iniiHTal inattor. ar.' tMk.n ,,. I.v tl,.. ru„tM an.l .•.,,.tr,l |„ th- l.'av.-s. ,ii..„lv,.,| in water. In fl„. \.^^^■c* a lari.'.' fart of tho wal, r i> c-vaporat-.l aii.l nivii out to tl... air. l..avinir tl,,. .„i„,.r,l niatt.r. A portion ..t tl,,. n,in,Tal niattor r.niain^ ,l,.po,it,.,| in th,. I.av.-. an,l ntun',.. to th,. ..arth wh,.n tlu- l..av,.. ,lr,-p oil. Ti„. r.„,ai, r i. a,.tcd upon l,v tl,.. .nnliRhf whn-h strik... th.. l..av,.. an.l a pr -, .„rr,..pon,lin8r to ,li^,..tIo„ in'anin,als tako- pla,.,.. Jn th.. th.. various ni,„,.,aU an.l tl arlx.i, ar.- nonihii,,..?, or as.imiiat.-.] to form fo.Ml tor th.. tr..... Th.. f,,o,| i, th..,, .-arri...] .lown from tl„. I ... throuKh th.' ..iif,si.l.. la.vrs of th.. t,..,.. an.l n.'w ,.o,,.| i. f,,rm..d imni,..liat..l.v ui,.|,.r th.- hark -ill alone till' 'iiani'lu's, trunk, nn.l roots. Th.- inin..ral3 wl,i,.h make up th,. f 1 ,,f a tr...- r.'allv f,,rni a ,nv,ll p.rt ..t Its mas«. This ran h..:.t h,. r.-aliz,.,l l,.v ..onipariritf th.- w,-i«ht of a ^'ick of w,'„„l with th,- wvitrlit of it.s a>h nff.T it ha« h,..:, h,„„(. Tho „>h 1, ft is ' tl,.- minora' suhst :„",. whi.'h was tak.'M ii, hv ,1„. p,,,,,. Th,. carlK.n tak.'n in hv th.^ I, iv,- ■,n.l' a-,,v moisturo in tho w,.o.| l,av,. pa-,..l otT a- i:-.,.. .ni,,ko, an,] st.-a,,, EFKK.-T .,r {'«..« i.iv,,.^ It will th.-nfor.. 1„. .,.,.„ that a vory larffo prop„rtion of any tr.'O hm U,;; .hr.-.v-l thnaiph tho :,.av..s from tl,.. air ami that .Minli-ht ami foliap,. an- v.'ry n.-oiN^ary a>;..nts in it, ;.rowth. .Sl,a,ll:,i: or .-rowiin- wl,'.'!, ii,i,.rf,.|..- with tho .l,.V(-l.ii,m..nt of tlw loav.-, mu.-t n,.,-,.>-arily ,.I,|.,1- il„. ni.,,„-tl,. To J^.'op tr,.os too lontr in orow.h-,1 ,tai,.U i, n,,t a.lvi-ahi,.. siniv, nih.T thin-- Hint; .^pial. tho tr.'C r.-'.-ivinfr tho m,vt llnht will p,o,l ,|„. „„,st wo,„l. W,. n„i-. !"• oar.'ful. how,.vor. not to p„ to tlio oth.'r .xtr.nio an,| -row our tr,.,.s in ,tai„ls whi.l aro too opon, tor our ohji-.f in irrowii,./ w 1 i. ■.,„t i,, - „•,■ it in ,|,iai,titv • w,. also .loMr.. .pl,^lity. W,. n.piiiv tl„. w 1 in a form iu ulii.O, -v,. mako h,M MM- of ,t. Onhnanly tl,,- [,„•„, wo mn-i ,l,.-i,.,. ;, i„. u -.nn.-. -t,-:,i.l,t, ,,•„„!,., ,.1,„„ ol .-talis ami braiirlas. whirl, ran lu -awn iiil,, .' -n,,,,,! li,i,,l„.,>. It i, «,.ll, ilan.for... lo I,,,,,- i„ ,|,i,„| il|.,t tiv.s n,,,^^,, ; , ,]„. ..,„.,, ,|,, ,„,, ],,^,, .l.,-,ral.!,. ti-„„k>. .-inr,. it i- .hara.-l.-ri-l io |-.,i- a Iiv,. ulai, ^-,„„L' „„1 vi ■,,;,- t. s|>r,.a. ,.ut a,„l tak,. all ll„. -p,,,-,. i, ,v,,„i,v-. ami V. ,|,.v,.lop ,, 1:,,^,-. l.,w. l.„-l,s l„.;„i on a short trunk. To soour.. fall. ..k-ar trunk- w,. must pivv, „t tho .Town or h,-a,l l„.,-,,ml„.' t,.,. nr,'.. ami spiva, ,i,,- A\ .- mus, ..a,,,,. ,!,.. low..,- l„.,ii,-l,..s to l„. prum.,1 otf whil,. ,.oi„- I.mmv..Iy Mual- -,. that ,h,.y will ;,.av.. .o L.r... .tuhs ,„ form kuo,- ;„ ,1,.. ,,w„ Tl,.. most pra,.tioal way nf hrin^i,,^ ahout tl„. .h-sir.-.l r.^ult is t„ .row.l tho tiv... 1 =tamis an.l thus limit tho .piautity of li^ht which .^an roa.h tlu.m. I!v ,.i-„w,lin.. hom r,,m tho time that th,y„,v ,,„it.. small ami fr.,m timo to tin,., thinning thoin .St 1. roquiro ,t wo ,.a„ retain a si.lo sha.lo of tho proper donsify, wliirh will eaus.- ho prnnini, ,,, take phu-e hut at tho same time will not provent tho tree from main- tariiii- a ^ooil rato of jjrowth. Dkvsitv ht and. th.-r.-for.-, a ,■ roaaily prunt-d hy erowiliiiLr. Foresters ola*, the ditfer..nt sp,.,.ie, ao..ordin^ to their .sha.lo-endurin.^ qualities, o a ''ttr nt"' t ""'''t^T '""""''; ''' '''' '"""^ *^hade-en,liirers an.lnn- spoken ^reat e.x,..nt, and ,f erow. led wil prun.. their tniTiks when nomparativelv vouns. .^udi trees aro^l as intolerant or spo-ies. Between the twn ..].,=4' Mix.'.l .t.n,.l „f ,vl,l.o „ln... «ln... s„n„ ., m,„i ..„..,„ fir l„.f.,r. iliihiilnK suu.a of »i,Ke ,„no. .,„„.,., nn„ „a,sa,n fl,. af,..r ,.„nni„« 16 riti/tMin iiinMii niirnn v.. .,'i '" •'':; '■"l"7"" li>' ""• tr,.- I,.,v, I „ ur ,1 „. nhn.z ... th-ir li«l,f r .ir.- ...._.,.-. In- ynl.r i- „.. „l,„.;„t,.l.v nx...l. 1„„ «,ll l„. f,„.n,l ,„ v,.r,v .„m..«lmf iu -iitf-r..,., I-nl,n,.. II,.- -,i.. M,M,M .1,:,.!, „ ,r.... ur..«- ,„„l it. „u.. intl,,,.,,.-.. >t. ..l.ilitv !■• . ,„li,r.. ,1,;., ,.. \ „„„« ,r...... „. „ ml. . will ,„:..nit.. M,„r.. ,hn.lii,ir tlwn, il...-,. n.M.r.T m;,n.nt,v. wl„.,. ,, ,n... «n.winH: .„, ,. .,t.. n..t l,...f .„if.l t.. it t.... wt „r t,,., ,ai,.lv t-r ,M.t..„'. will ,„,|„r,. I..... .|,„.l.. .I,„„ if it hml pr„,,..r ,„il „n,| .n„i-t„r ...lit^ .„^; SiiKiir Miipli' n.MS'li Il.nii.M-k Itiil-iiiii I'lr S|iriic(> WliiliM',..!,,- Silver Mii|plt> li.'^l .Miipl.' Khn llll' linrtliiilr CllC'-tllllt liir.'h W'liiti- I'iiic nin,'k'Miihir.' Ithi.'k (li.rr.v Hnk l.lilhtltimillflf ,:i lilll.k A-ll Whit,. A-ll .lii.'k I'in.' Norw.iv Till.. <' I l'..|>liir I iiinnriirk lli.'k..rv I ii-t III the ciiM' nt" 11 VLiiiitf -tiiiLii ,if inixi'il .p.iri..* it js .Icsinil)!.. t., li.iv.. »n,ii,. Mowl.'.li:.. ,,f til.. m)iiir..iii..iit.* of fadi s\H-rw^ j-i rwiird f.i liBlit iiiuj sl,„,l,.. TA.- lor .v.mip:.. n >tnii,i .•niitiiiiiiiitf n mixtnr.- iif .v,,iiiil' wliit<> piiio niwl ti,.ml,„.k. ....iniiiif u,, tivftii.r. 111., wiiit.. pill,. Lciti^f til.. iii„r,. valiiiil.l,. is the oii.< w,> ,i,..*irc to m.^cmrni;.. till. iiior<>. mill it j.; fli..r..f<.r.. w..ll t,. kii-.w tlmt tli.^ li.tiil.H-k will Imtli , .i.lur,. „m.I prn.iu,... iiinr,. -lui.i,. tliiui tli.. wliif,. pit,,.. W,. Illll-t f;iv,,iir 111., wliil,. pi„. 1,1 thiiii,:,, . im.l ..n.-oiiniw.. it to kr.'p uli 1 ,.f tli.. l,..i,i!..rk. f,,r .l„„il,| tl,,. I;,„il.„.k I, ,ii,. ,l„. "lc'iiii„iiiit tl-.... tl,.. whit., pill., wmil.l ^,,,,,1 |„. <1i:i,1.kI ..lit. It i- ,1 ,.h,ii.,i,.t..ri.ti.. ..f wlii.-l, iir.. ii,t..l(n,„t of ,li„.l,. t.. Inn., nipi.l «,-,,»iS m iiirl.v lit... iiii.i l,.,-!,,,.,. .,f tl,i< ,,ui,.k «-r..wtli wl:..„ ,v,,ii„a ti„ v .;,„ i„ ;, „.,.iiMir,. coiiipif.. with th.. -haili-i.mliiriiiu; -p.^.i,- , „ tli.. -iiiii.. lm I S|.,...i... whi.-li „n. iiit.h.niMt nf .hii.h. iir,. i,U„ tlm... whh.l, p,-,,.!,,,.,. vrrv littl,. -Ii.iil... anil -li.i,l,-,.|i.iuriiitf sik.|.i,.- ....riiin- up iulKt th,.iii nro thi r..f.,r.. ii,.t H'.ri..ii-I> liiiii|.v..i| 111 tfi-nwth inr.c- th.. ov,.rh..aii staml i- v..r.v .I.tisc. Wii vv TO Thin As iioiiit..,! .,ut, tiv, , ..v.u „f th.. saiiu- s|),.,.i,.s d., n.,t all «■,■,, w at ih,. ■am., rati.. Aii.l. althoiidi ii ^tiiii.l ,.f tr.., s may -tart up t..>f, tlii-r, -o „i..r .-r iai - |...rtaiii iiidivi.hial tr...- will ^rv' al,..a.l ,,f tli.ii- ii..itrhl„„„.s. 'pii.'-.. m.,r.. vi-., o!i,.l "ill u'l-a.Imill.v ..niwil ami ..>.•■ top tli.iso siirrmimiim.' tlirm. until maiiv'havc 1., ..i, wak.iu..! and killcil. rp.)ii .xaniiiiin^' such a stand wv will find trcs t'rndiiii.' fr nil' most viu.iroiis to those which an- ami .lead. Fnr, liav.. divi.l.-,? ;v..s into four i.lass,.s; dominant, iiitcriiiiMliat... supim'-scd. and d.'ad. The vi'L''j'r,.ii ones ill..-., with till. Iiir;.'... full crown, staii.iinjr well up into the liirhi, ar,- tii.- ihiiMiiint. Tho... whU'li ari. ..rowd..ii at the si.lcs hut still rccciv.. ,.on,-ial.le to reiii.ive ....rtaiii tre..s .,f til,. .l..miiiant elas-; this, li,,v.-..v,.|.. ,|, np.,ii me .indj;m..|i, ot th,. p,.r>..u in charfre. S, ress.«i ami , tr.r.s can 1... v. ' er the same tun... 1 nt th,.ir removal is onlinarily s,,.,k..u .,f as - improv,.,a.iit .•uftin-" :'"'■■ " " ""' '"■' ''»■ I'l-im^nv pnrpoM ,,|- .timiil.illnjr Lrrowtli. liii|,rov..|ii..nt ..iitt-i- ']-. ili-.-i|..iMl i.n aiiothir piiL','. Ill liiiiiimiu-, -,i,.-t lii,. in...s ymi ,\,-^ur to retain ami th..,, ,i....i.l.. • tr.-,- -h .n'.! '' ■ '•'" •" '"''l' '•" -^ tli^" ^'i-'' I" ivmaiii. It i. uvil t.) thin on th.- i.le :..„; ta!;,' Ill III,-. I lll\ \I\U i; • Mit too liiilr nilli.r tliiiii too <) nii iiluiiv. i.- 1 k lufir iiihI rv vr .1 l<« iiiorf tr.'.-, if iH,-..,.nr.v. wliil.' it i- u iiiikIi w>rr .litlli'ult inntt.r to ovir ii.' th. "■v;l ' too M'viTi' lliiniiiriir. '' '- " ^ I ifM.Tnl rulr not to nil ,, ir,.,. if ii, rnnoMil wi!! |...n,. .,., o,„.|ii,m "Im.-Ii niiiiioi I,.. cloMil \,\ III.' lin'ii.'li.. of >urroiiMclina: tr.r- in ihr.v or four mm.--, hor till, rr,i..,ii liu'lit tliiniiiiiif. iii^i'l-' r\,r\ tivr or ■i\\ .vnir- iirr li.'ltrr tliuii -.'V.r.' tlniiiiiiii.'^ iii^iili' iif loiiLNT |H.ri.ic|.. Will N To l!i.i,i\ Tiiiwim: Forr^trr.. ill Ki.roj,,. |„iv,. u nilo wi,i.|, .nx*: - TU\u -Mrl.v. oft.., „1 in„,l..nitrU " I 111- iiHMiH to l».tfii, whrii till- triv. arr ,till Miinll, ,im soon ,h tl,r !o«, r -.•! of l.ninri,, . Ii.iv.. 1,,.,'n Jiill.Ml, iiimI tli.ii to iT|...|if th.. tliii.iiiii,; .-virv fo,,.- or ti^,- ll i. , "■'■■'■ K 1 f"' '• i'' l">-<-il'l.-. -hoiild 1,.. follow..,!. Ill il,i, .ouiitrv. Iiowv.r tl.o lUTiitf,. w.HMllot owiH.r will prolmlil.v tiii.i ,1 1 .,v..|,i..„, to l,..tfii, tliiniiini; wli.ii 111.. iiii.l..niil to 1,.. r..|ii,,v...l i- of siit«(.i.Mt ,ii... lo 1,1,1k.. tiri.woo.l or li. iiv.l for ,oi,„. otluT |.iir|K,-... Ill „ W..1I st.,..-k...l iif..r .tnii.l th.. Hr^t fhiiiiiiiin is nir..|v ii.v.|...| l"tor.. th.. r...., iir.. fr.mi t.-ii to Hfl-.i, .vnr. oM; »irii iiio..t hroiLl-h.^v..! tr....,' it i, i.oi '"■ ;'' '"■'"'■•■ ""• '""■"t.v-Hfth v,.„r. Thi- ,l..|K.|„!s of r-.-, „ il,. .h.iiMtN of ,1„. 4— IMPROVEMENT CUTTINGS Til.. t.V|,i,-iil w Hot of fo.j.iy ,h,.- not coiitiiii, tl ii;.lilv of iiiiit.riiil that it iiiiirht, hail It not h..,.i, n..«l....t...|. Tl aivl,.- ri'iiiova! in tl;,- jui-t of th. ,on,„| an. I vmoroii* tri...H of th.. h,.tt..r spc.ii.s un.l th,. l..»vin>r of ov.TMiatiir.. ami .li.,-a\ iinr oii.- a- H-..11 as th,. 1 ,,.ri,,r kiinl-, have rf>ult...l in it, i.r..>,iit i,o,.r .•ompositi.Mi. Infi-rioi- ,;..-|.|..s ar.. o,-,.uiP,vinK >im-t} that slum:,! h,. urowinsf in,,r,. ,l.-irahl.. tr..,,. l'o|,la|. »Mi hiv, liawth,,rn, imin-oo!, h,>nih„-k, aii,l ji.nin..r hav.. tak..n th.- .,1a,-,. of iimph. a-h in.-k.,i-.v. ..|ni. an.l pin, ()|,| tn-.,. I,,i,»r ,.v,Ti,iatiir... hav.. I .•■ 1, ','t ,tan,linjr- ii, many ,.a„> tl„-ir > :,l,.-,,,i...a,liiii; top- -hiittiii- ,,ut th.. liu'lit voiin-.T tr.., . .ii,i pM.vcntiiiK their propir . soil an.l u-row-th l>..low. Th,. app..anin.... ,,f -ra-s i, a sii,'i. that no iiior,. ,Mitlii!.4 -h .,ihl h.. ,loii,. until ,t ha- h,-,.n -lia.1,.,1 ..nt. It is. th..r..for,.. n,.t always l...-t t,, w, I out th,. in|-,.i-ioi. -p, ,■„., all at ,,ii.. liin,'; If n,.,. — ary it -hoiihl ]-.,. ,.'xt,.n,l,.,l ,,v,t a pi'iioil ot y,.ar-. 'I'll,, ri'inova! .,1 many ,l,.a,l. inipi,.v,. th,' •i|;l;''iu-aii,-,. of th,. w,H„ll,,t, hut ,,n.. shouhl n,it f.irg.'t that this is not th.- r.-al piirpo-,. ,,t iinprnv,-ii..nt ,.ii!tin)i-. I),, not att.iiipt t,) iiiak.- th,. w II,, t " I.,.,k" ..s,,,.,.],,);., if this n<.,.,.-sifat.'s the rutting of th,- iin,l..rlini-li ,.oiiipo-,.,l ,,f ymin^r tr..,.s of , ,|,.,ir- ahl," sp,..i,.s. an-l. mor,. jmi ih-nlarly. if tlii- umhrhru-h is ,.umiMir np in th,. in .iv ..pon phic's uh,T, th,. ov.a-|i,.a,l ,"inopy i- thin ,,1 1111, I.t ..|,h.r tr....s will 1,.. niiMs,.,! Within til.. , oil!-,, nf ;, U-w y,.ar.. Th,. yoii'i- tiv..s ar,. i-,.,piir,.,I t,) r,.|,la.-,. th,. .,1,1 "'"■•■ '""' ■" 'i"' >"">''■ "p, II plai'i's an,] ar,,uii,i th,' l„,ril,.f ..f fli.' w 11. .t tli,.\ ai,- iv,piir,. 1 to pr,,t..,-t th.- -.,il fr..m th,- ,li-yii|.j: ..fT,,,.t ,,f th,- win.l ami -iin. II Klin > / /,■ I iiuwi II III 1 1 1 ii\ \„ lit, I.. |.r,.,h.-.. i, i. n„t HlwM.v, ,M..,|.|.. ,„ .|r;,« „ .l,.li,„ r U.,„. .,„,,r..v..M,.„. ;• "•""' "■;:' •'""•"""■ "" l-r-^l^-- '.f .l.-r, „m,| 1„„|, ,„„v 1 „r ,...1 , Mif ■.iirnr tilt •. ' I.IIIHivri..\ (I TTIM.S Wli Cl I »MV, \VI,.„ -f .- M..r:,„.,„ ...iHu.u. „„.■.. .1,. V I,l...n.... „r fr... ,1... .„„„;, ,r..,., f„,„, „,., ',„„,„ N..tun,l t,r..M.I-l,.«v.-,| ,,|„.,„i,„-ii„„ ,.„,„i„« in umler r tr.^,.« IToi,.., ihinr.i.,., I,.r wouM l-enctlt both th,. ol.l „nd y.mns trprs <>>'""'■•« !'«.• In ,1...,-.. s,.,„|. „|- .v.uM^r , ,|,li„^-. wlH.n. tl,.. ,|r-in,M,. .,,..,.i.., arr ,•u.u,..^,tiv,.!^ S;. .s „M,.,i,nt..l.v ,ur,-,„nMlu,». ....•!. un.. „f .h. I.Ht,.r s,„ is ,..r.n..,l " .-l J„i,„." ^ ...n,^ . „. ,.„„„„,. .„ uMdor s.,,.1,,,;: I,,,..!, ,„• ,,„|.lMr i« .,.„,. |.e„oHt..,| l,v this ,.|eanins t..|. ot .. f.-w „-,l. -,f„.„ ..rv.. tl,.. ,.,„•,...... nn.l i,. .„„.,. .-a.., will 1,. hH .'r than .. m .•■■■t.'b HH„... th..,M out. n,.. 1„„„..,| ,n.... will ,„ll -nnti,,,... t„ ;,n,r,.,.t th, I • 1 5 DEVELOPING STRAGOLINu YOUNG GROWTH INTO MARKETABLE TIMBER BY PRUNING On .„:,„>• farn.s. ..., i„U,v in th,. m utlvinK nKrirultural districts of Eastorn oo':; inv ';;:,' nr 'T'^ "' ""-'/'-'^-l ^•'--"^- The... are areas wllh a • pro Tahlv work..l Thoy ha.o there.,. ^ been i inpr abandoned or neglected for „>anv years, and a -Growth of you,^^ j.,ne, balsan. Ilr. o. cedar has sprung, up on the Th,s new growth has originated from wind-blown se-d of „ei,.hl.o„ri',« stands o r n seed of a few tr«.s w-h.-h have escaped the axe durinf. the clearing.. This new ,^r nv ," should be encouraged since it occupies land unsuit^-d for cltivatini; In some places the growth mav b." .iiiitedr-i.-f -ind :<■ nrrr.vrr 1 i' • i n „, 1 oi • J.1 1 . ", if'tr uti. t aiiu .. prrniittc-u to come aiieaci will soon be sufficiently crowdc.1 to produce desirable clear straight timber. On -.her areas. fill \l\li It III. IT I. h"W,.y..r. ...,H,..,,lI,v .m tl...... .., „„„.. .|,.,,„„'.. fr..m th.. ^..,| ir.,-. tl... „^nvtll wiM !«• loi.i„l v.rv u|K„ ,.,mI „„It..r...|. TI... ir.-. i.r.. *, far .ipiirt. iImi .l,..,r l.r.i Au-* «i|| .i.-v.T lii.-t t.. l„riii a -I .,;„„1. ur ..I I..,,! .„,( ,,,,(.1 th.. tr.r, h,n.- r.,.,- I „ lawo P»1Z('. Wli.r.. |[„. lrr..H arr Mill ,timll. t«.. or thr... f.^t hitfli. ih.. |,r r ,|.n,i|v f,.r pm- .lunnK tf,„.,| Miahriiil iim.v Ih- „l,tai„r.| l.v urtiti-iai «.-.|i,w .,r ,.h,nt,Mtf ,.ii„„,if iImii Or If r.i.i.v Imi.fN-i, that ui. .•x.M.,,ti.,i,all,v u I I -t,,,, .vi|| |,ri„tf aJH.ut a thi.k.Mi,, ..f Hi.. iMv. -faii.l. S....,! yrar* ar.. iin....r(aii, an.l, «h..r..f„r,.. plain i„if i^ r...N.iii.M.„.|.„ lli.r.. ar.. irian.v ,ii..|i „|„.„ -ia,„N, hmuvr. in whi..|, th.. tr-.- liav.- r..a.h. ,| th.- Ii^itflit ..t l..n to litl...M f..,t nr iMur... ai.-l ar.. now loo f„r a.lvai. I to I,. ov..rt«k..n au.l «'tT....tiv..|.v .■r..«,l,..| l,.v aii.v h>t..r irn.wth that ..uiv ..oi,i.. i„ ,.i,|,..r n.nirallv or arlilh.iall.v '"■"""'« '""''•'■ •'"•-"• "I"'" I 'i"i'- III., tr.,- will alua.v. rrmnn l,rai,..|,v aial wl,.'.,, 7" "'" I"''"'"' ''.^' "if.Th,i :Mat..rial. -ii hraia h vvhi-h ha, In...i, alhiu.-.l to ;:;'■"'"' ""■ '"''" l-"-''"" "f H"' "-'"ik «ill r..-nl' ;„ r rnor.. k,wt. i„ ll„. ,l.,.r ihi- str.iiKth aii.l valii.. ..f th.. mat. rial i, th.r.h.v T..atl.v r...lii.i..|, lio« 1.1 I'm m: . ■' '- "l'lMin.,,1. tlhi,. t it tl;,..,. Iari:,r.|., iiuroui, tr,,r ar.. t., |.r,.,lu,.,- saluaUo tinuMT lh..y iMii.t Im. artili,.i..:,, :,nu„ ,1. Tl„ lo||.,«i„:: ,,|;,„ i. .n.^^,..^,.,\■, Th.. pnin- iiiL'_-li,,iihi h..t.'lii, if p,.s-ih!.., l„.|,,r,. ll„- :,iu,r hr.nM.I:, - l,.,i,. ,l„,| ,,r h,,.,,,,,,. ,,v,.r ,.11.- •'i''' "" '"'■1' ill 'li^ I' 1- an,l iM'tor,. tl„. tnuik i- „\,\- Imut,. til ,liaiiii.t,.r at Soatl.T.-l „-tnwth ,:..>, 1„. rii:..le |.. ;.nHlu. ,- w-s.-lul ,n,,l,ri,,l l.y s> .AHi.E Cost This i8 a simple methnd of i>blainiiig good material from trees which would other- wise produce little better than fence-posts or firewood. ]t is not a costlv method when one considers that the work can be done during the winter when there is comparatively little work being done on the farm. The total value of the labour when the pruning has been completed would probably ii,,t amount to more than ten or fifteen cents per tree. " ^ 6— REPRODUCTION Keproduction may be secured by .-(idiug ur i)hiiit.iiig or by ^prclllt^. Skkding. The w,.o.i:,.t which i.- in i:r.Mt, -t n,,.,! of ivMnekiu;: „ften i^ the ,.nc in which it is most difficult to Mvure a iinfm-;.! rcprodu.-tion. SiuOi a woodlot contains maiiv ..pen gra>-y pal,-h,-, and any .-cmI slid by the surrounding trees has a poor chamv of n arhini.^ tlie ~..ii an.l gvrniinating. Kven if it .li,l germinate, but a small percnta-e ol the seedlings would riirvive in ciini|)('tition with the grass. In many woodlots pra.-tically all the desirable sjucics have been cut out T ul,--,- abie >pcr,es >nch as hawthorn, ironwood. blue b<.ech, |).,plars. willows, grev brich uhI hem,.,ck torn, the greater part of the >tand. These are of .mall .•ommercial va'luc rnd as a result have not been kept in check by pa.* cuttings. Thev are, ther,.fo,v alilc to pi-o.luce seed in irreat..r quantities and thus have an a.hania-e ovr the otho,' Alth,Migh trees of d.Mi-ed speci(s may be present in larg,. nmnbers thev mav be o.tlier too voung or ,0,, ol.l to produc good see,!. Trees which are over.m'iture' will go on pro,lueii,g seod. but a-, ll.e ,|„a,:tity is -luall aii.l th,- ,|n,-,lilv , , „„lv „ ,,„.,n percentau'e will gerniinate. ' ' ''"•"' Again, as a ivmiIi of pa.l .-utting-, one part of the w.odlot may contain tl,.. in,„t d,^.rabie species aim tlu- olher contain no,,.. Tnder m,cI, cinnnn^lances i, niiv tale when it is nn a.hantaw to run hogs in the woodlot for u time. If turncl i„ j„st l,ef,,re the s.m.I l.e^in^ to fall they niay have the soil well turned up and in ^^,od eondition t,. n.eeive th<> seed lIoRs, however, are very fond of the seed of some of our heavier-s.-eded s.peeie- sueh" as beech and oak, and should therefore not he permitttnl to remain too long nft.T th.- Iieechnuts and ncorns have hepun to fall. lender sonte conditions it may l.e advisable to pn-pare th,. soil in the neiphhour- hood of desirable seed-trees after the manner described for broad.'ast .v,winp. Artificial Seeding. By "artificial seeding" is implie.l the sowinp of se,.l '.v hM.ul or some m.H.hanieal device. I- or this purpose s.vd may be gathered where it i most abundant or it mav be .ouKht fn.m a dealer. It can be sown where most desired and in this wav one becomes to a certain extent at least, indept-ndent of the s.-ed-trees. New s|Kvies ,,„, in this way be introduced into a woodlot. Bhoapcast Sou,N,:.-Ti„.i.e are sev..n,l ways of sowing s,vd. !iroa,lcast sowinp s the simplest ot these. It consists in scattering the setnl over the area to l>e rcst^,eked by hand, or m the case of small seeds like those of the .■oiiifers, a hand-seeder ,.ai, sometimes be used to advantage. When the seed is very sm.-iil mixii,^^ it with sand sawdust, oi bran will be of assistance by luhliny bulk to it. ' " It is not advisable to use the broadcast nutho,] where 'lliere is „ h.^ivv .rrowth of grass and wee*ls or where litter on the forest tloor is (he)). It is Letter to b,vil- this sod by .li.king. Heavy litter need only be well stinvd up. This ran often bVdone by dragging a heavy bundle of brush over if after the s 1 has bee,, ,ow„ Where the forest floor is known to be in favourabl,. eondili and wheiv there i~ littb- .bui-er from birds a- ,1 ro.l-..t?, the sowing is somet;,,.,.. ,' ,,, early in the ^pvin- on the s„ow A teble ,.f the (piantities to be sown | er -.u- ■ lor ditT..r,.nt sp,vi,.s is piven els,- where. Sk,:,.-s,.ot Sou, X,: Where the area t , 1 ie,l ;, „„„,, „,,.,,, ,„„„,,„, ^^.|„, brush, ,n the side of a steep bill o,-. i„ .r,.,ie,.,,l. too vnu^U to i.erniit the use of ho,-ses ,n pr, pari,,^, the soil. ;, ,„et!,od koown :,- -ee,l-.pot sowi.ig is .ometi„,es u^e,l By th,s methid small siwts or areas, varying in size from a foot t.. two yards s,||.,iv are eb'aivd mhI worked np to the de|,th of several inches. Tiie.e s,,ots nre sp-ieed it more ,.r le~. iv-ular intervals dependiiiL- iip..„ tlie nature of the irround The n„„v overrun tlie pla.v is with nn.h.sirabl,. gn.wlh the Ini-gei- ,he spm- .h..ul,| be Spots tw.. feet squar.. and spaed .ix feet a,.art will be fou,„| .ati-faeto,-y „„d,.r maiiv eonditin,,- Twenty to forty see,|s are rakedinto enel, spot. Some .p.,t- will be t:,il„ve- and oii.e,-' .will produce ni.iiiy .ee.llings. Wl„ n o„ • ,„,, yea,-s old the M,,,erll,ious seedlin-s may be tr,ii,s|e,re,l t., the •' f:iil placvs," that is. pi , „l,e,-e tli,. sou,, l,,ve faile,!^ to eome up. ,.r where the see,|li,ifr, have died. Thi< nic'tlio,! lins ih,. ailvantage of re,|,iirinL- o,,ly fioin o,ie tent], to one rpmrtei' tlie 'iiiantitv of sc-e.l required in broad'east sowing. I'lAMlvo \i IS, -.\e,„,is. bM.eliiinIs, hiekoi-y n,„s. binte,-,,uis. walnuts .,,1,1 cliestinit- a,-e better plni.ud than sewn. The planting cnsists in removing a square ol s,.,|. nKikni- :i hole with a point.',! stick and. after dropping in the nut, coveii,,..- it " ' !'''■."'' ""■'"- ''''•!' "itli enrfh and pressing it d.wn tirnily. The nuts „,,-,y b,. '■':""'■'' '" I'' "'Ill''- if ''"■•■'• i^ no danger ..f their being fo,,,,,! l.v -.|uirrels ;n,d ' : otiier»vi-e tliev sliniilil he planted in Ih.' s,,riiig. TbtwvmcKs To Si.iniN,: , •\l''i'""-'ll ^ li"^' i< "fin, v,a-y S„e,.e~-f„l. the -„eee-. of a„v seediiur meth.-.j snwiiiL' wimld result in the d'eslruetinn nf a larf-'e iiereenta'-'e iif the seediini;s. Warm humid weather is alsn midisirahle since it favours a diseas.> known as ••danii)intr olT" which kills many seedling's when they are hut a few days or a week old. With s>me species the hisrh prier- of seed is one of the preat drawhacks to hroad- cast sowinfr. f)n larue areas it almost prohiidts the seed heinp n-ed in snUicient (luantity to ensure a stand .if proper density. However, when the seed can he ohtained ;it a low cost and there is little ,.r no preliminary preparation of the s,,il reipiireil -eedint.' i< eon-iderahly idieaper than i)lantiTiir. A IJUMil ],!:!(■(■ to It::iM. t '|jfl I'liimm;;- i- ni^re certain of ~nc.-,.-- ti.aii M-cdinir on .-w,nii|iy -;te-, on shiftinur -and. '■r on liill-idr> and ntlier plaee- whiM'c the -c<"d i~ in da:!^'.r 'f \->-\]\ii w:!-ii.-d aw.ay. It is :iIso hetter to ))Iant ..n arc. is o\-,.;L;'r.,wn wiih iJra-- or uc.d- or wIkm'c the L:ra-s and weeds are likely to c,,uie in Leforc the yain^' tree- can '.jet them-elves (.stahli.-lnd. Pl.ANTINf, Plaiitin:.' is tlie \.r-t nictiiml ..f .■staiilishiiiy a forc-t L'rowtli. It nin-t not he imagined, however, that plantinir a f -t is like planting' an orchard and that the .-anie time and lahour are m ce.-ary to ))la: ,i forest tree as is refpiired in si'ttini; out a fruit or ornamiMital trer.. l!y •'forest platitim;"' is implied the -i^ttinii mir of small trei- from three to eiL'!il(,.n inclie- hiiih, which hav,' either hcen raised in the nnr.-ery esp,.,-a!;y f.,r this puri>ose or have hmi c.,lle,-t,d from plac, s where they have sprunsi up from natural siM.lini;'. Tln' c.-t in time, lahour, ami money i- very much less tiian tiiat rciuiri d to >et out .in e.iiial numlier of orcliard trees. Wn.n Stock vki;si > Xi hskrv Sto, K.---Wild p--t not hi.n sntticiently lar^e or Meady to e „,m:;,. ,.nm„,eri,.al tirm- to rai-e it in .-r.-it e.ioudi iiuaatiti.- to eiiahie then, ,o ...jl at price, low enoii-h to ei uri".. iiiinno'" I le .e who a,-c not „, a ,H,sitio„ t , nii<,. their own -to k o,- who ,lo „ot !iv,. i„ a pn.-inc,'. >unplyim;' the ma,er,al mn-t. thcvlore. di^end lar-ely u|io„ deaie,-. i„ ,1„, I-,,;,, | ^late-. 11.;. ,s uiitnrtunate leean-,. it is always advi-ahle to -,.,■„,■,■ pl.,,„in- maler:,! Whirl, I, as he, -11 -rowii l,.,.ni -i ed pr..:!„ j a- i.-ar home a-^,., ,,,■ ,,, ;,,,,, i,.,,], ,, climatic conditio, ,s a- ri-.„-oii- ;,- ,h,<-,. o, wli|.-h the tree will ti'i 'liv 1 ,p,.-,.,| '' '''.'"; """'V'^'-" '■even,me„t eiM-.Mira:,,.- ,vfo,-estiii^ hy pmniitin^' |,la;-.i,r. n.^-terial lor tin- p.r, .,-o ,,, ,„ter ( 'anaua dun f,ve. The importar; f ,.. ,,,:„ ,,,.,: rcvcver ;- proh;!,; lod. W „„e pine. .„■ any of i,- related Ii; e.„. ..■:,,! pim.. m.v ,„,; he l„-o„dit into Caiiada. hccail -e of ,he very .,v:it da,:^e, „|- hc-, idinjr the w pii'r lil'-^ter ni-f a m -o winch ,- mnaiein- the white |,in,. of 1m,.!, Ca,,.,,]., .,, ,| ,■„. ,.'':"" ^■■"'-- . "^^' ''■••■■•,, of eh,.-,„„r ir,.., li.... th,- ,-,i;hi,. ,.1m.-,o,„ ) r,.,„ ,;:,. '.'""■;' ^;^";^ :~ "'•■"!'^i'i"'l ^■'■-■•u- ■ a di-a-,.. Conlferou, tree. -n,-h a- .pM,,.;. pni.% i^ieinio.-k. In-, eic. a,e ii,:| p,riiut!,d t,. I'lmr Canada fr.,m the Siai,- ,,f Vi rnio,,, ■New Haiiip-li.iv. .\la--ac!in-,.tt-. C,,|., ,;,.ut. and Klio.ic Island. l„-, of .vrlr.,' m-iM-t pe-t-. ' '■ 'i ho-,, iiiti'iidini,' to inip,,rt i,ur<, i-y -p.ek -hoi, Id write f,.r Circular 1. issued hv th,. J-iitom,)h.iii,-al lirancdi of the Departnient ,d' Ai;ricultiire. Ottawa, which will fiinr-h them wiiii !ii,. ,ii>tructions and r.ruh.ii.uis .uovcrniii- the iinportaliou. fnmi..ati,,n and inspectain of -uch stock. SK,.;n,.,N.s VKKS, s Tlt.^NM.^.v^Ts.-Xursery stock may be bought at prices ran^i,,.. ti-.,m .v. to if:.'.. ,,er thousand, depending on whether the little trees are -eedlin..- ,,r transplants, and u|)on the species and size. •■ .^ccdlinHs" are young tr.vs wlii.di remain in the nursery bed. f,,r one ,.r more years; untd they are taken up .iiid phintcd directly in the permanent plantation. •• Ti-ansphmts " an- those whi.-h l,ave been taken out of the .seedd)eds and tran- planted one or more times into other parts of the nursery before being finally set out. Trei-s which have been tran.i)lanted in this manner have more abundant and cumpai't roots. I'hey endure adverse conditions better than seedlings. Jt is best to use transplants where there is a likelihood of their having to endure a summer drought or having to e,,miiete with grass and other on the planting site. UF.I'lKtltl crios 25 Si-^(lliiij;s li.nv..v,T, Miv Irss ,.X|,..ii-iv.. In |Mir.'l,i,.,., fmI^o. »ui\ pl^iuf. Tli.v iiv I,-. Iikri.y u, 1„. „i.iur.Ml in lifti,,- tnin- -tinL'. ^uhI -rtlin- ..,;!, ;„„|. ,.x,v,,t iuhNt rnf.v- (mralih' roMciitinns :is nic.itiniir.l mI.ov,.. it i> u-iiiiily l„ -t I.. ii-(- tli.-m. Conif.Ts ,„• ••,.v,.,-i.nT,.n-." i,,v l.,.-t Inr ,,|;,„tinir wIh^m fr,,,,, thn ,'■ i,,,-!,,- t,, „,„> iMof 1;,].. i„„l |,.„m tw., t., |-„„r ,v,.,r< „M. l!r.uM..av,.,l or •' hMnluno,!" ., i,.. .r. ..r.iin.rn.v .,t out ul,,,, ,„„• ..,• two voar. ol,l. ami l,,...,.,!-.^ of tlioir i v ,-n,l,l LToull, wj„.„ .,.,.,lli„fj. tli,-v aro MHiMlh -o„„-u|iat liiiilio,- than tl„. .-ofit'or. of tlm >itr?i(' .iL'f. Tim,; m I'i.vm-. Tlio 1., -t tinio to ,,:„nt i, i,, tl„. -|,fii,|.- ImIoiv tli,. l.a,!.- l„....j„ ,„ "I"'"- I' '"•'>• '"■ 'I""" ^'- - '^ ^1- tl„. ffo-t i. o„t ol tla. Kromnl. Fall plant!,,... ysp,.r;a,lv w;ti, -.■,aiii,«^ ii, w. i .oil. may r,-.->ilt ii, tlir i,l„iits ht'iii- ii,ii,,-,,l l,v -jaav- iM- a- a ly-iilt of alternate tliawiii;,' and freeziiij; of il,,. -ro,inii. lii'oa.l 1. av'.,! tivos ■■'""■'-'" I-" '-ii"'i''l never !„• trai,.|.laiito,l wlai, in l,af. mil,-, it i- i,, il„. f;,!] j,,,, when till- 1, avi- a,,. iM.L'-inni,,^; t., ,|i'o|i. ^SSWl*"^'! 1^'' ' i|^' " ^Pf'~ ■> '■.!,■-, .1,1 l.jtl.- St--.|liliU. 'I "Hi, li'ill-^. ■I liai.' I,:, lis. ^ Dull Mui.t days are l„-,ter f,r plantin- ti,an li.,t, Miimy ,,r w;,„|y dav., mhoo l,aa-e ,s !,■» ,lan-r,T of il,,. y,.,i,i^r ti',., , liaviiif; tlieir r,".t- dri.'d otit. DlsTANCK Al'AUT TO Fl-ANT.— The closer tiic trees are planted toffother the .,>-,ner th.Mr braneiie, w.U ni,-et and -hude the soil, thus dostroyin- any ^ra^s and weeds aud lireservmt; the luoistiu'e. This erowding als.i produees tlie tall, .raiffht, linildess trunks, whieh are- most desired. However, no speeiHe ruU-^ e.,n 1,,^ lai,l d,)wn for ^pacmK trees in the phuitatioii. It depends lar-.-ly up,,n il„. sit,. an,l the -iiecies being used. The spaein- f,',Miera!ly used is :> by ,", ft., that is .a.-ii tr,..- is set :. feet Irom its nearest neighbour. Any spac.iny j-reater tlian C l,v d ft. is c.nsid.ri.d t,.,, wide for most species. On poor .s,iil, or where there is ,-,.n shade, are best planted ! by ■! feet; whil,> others like the white pine, red pine, jack pine, chestnut, whit,, a-h, red oak, and black walnut may b<. spaced 5 by 5 ft. or 0 by G ft. according t.. the site 26 nti:i:sii;y iih'AM ii in i.i.mis \i Til !■ >\KU-\u^. ns |-:,r a- |M„>il,l,.. .l,,„iM („. k,pt uniform in oi.I.t that riich i.::,nt will luivf the MiiiK' nindiiiit of (.'niwiiitr •'iiiicc. S. Krouiid, •.tciiiip-, rocks, etc.. tli IIanhmnc; Yni \a Tiii:] iiiiictuiics. liowcvci, owiiijr to roMuli !>■ -inicinK uil linvp to b" V •T.v irrctriiliir. Tl 'isiiiill.v (luiic up in liiinilli- of twciity-tivc, fifty or inu tries when s'lipp or crMtc- Th, M(l from tlic iiurscrv iire idrcj 1111(1 piickcd in liii>ki'ts r roots lire kept moi-t l.y Inyers of (iiiiiip mosi. Wlieii properly piickeil iiiiil liiindled tiny will ('iidiin Tho tr tlii- condition fi ir several wcel however, should not he kept packed for a longer sary. Iiiiiiiediately upon their arrival from tl time tliiui 1- III the iTates and their roots le nursery they shoiihl he taken out of mid tl .'ht le plants he •led ■J he 1 water. The hiind! e.'* snoiili 1 then 1 JC opeilel (lilt or nine inches deep witl uclmi; III consists in (lii.'f.'iiin a .shallow trench iihoiit I'iut' side, then siireadimr the small tr.e-- thin la.ver nlnnt; the slopin}; side and covering tlie roots with fiv I', a moist earth. This will kee|i tliem from dryinj.' out and tin ey are reipiired for setti the is eontiiiiially -liadid and planted. it. Tl le niiiiny in sno Jios-ilile to the phi lid he di e or si.\ inches of ■y can readily he lifted as ne in a cool pi; that v] place wliere tlie tree,- arc U KMlii-yi'iir-Cilil jiiiie triuis;)laMls lii'eiiil T) the plaiitiic; tiic planter draw- his jilants from a pail which he carri. ahoiit with him a- lie niove- aloiiy. This iiaii contains a mi.\t and water of the i>on-i-feiicy of ..rd urc of fine chivev earth inary paint, and not deeper than will jii- the roots, Thi- muddy mi.xtuiv ■ t- the -iiiali ro,.tht- and aid t cover dried It is very important at all time- during' the tak permit!, ul 1.1 1,, 111 preventiii.i. the iii,u' up. Iiieliiiir in. and iilantinj,' dry. Tiii- is |iarticiilarly of the trees, that the ro ,ts \>i ii..t im|M, riant in the ea-e of , ifer-. Once dry, uvttin- them a-aiii i- of little avail. I'l.vNTivo Tin; Ti;i;i:s, -1,1 actual phinlim; it i- u-inil for tl one yiiiiiL'- ahead and makilie- the I the jiail of plants and M-ttim.' tin le men to work in pairs. lol.i- for the i.laiil- and the other foliowiii;; with in III the ar •oiind. .\ strong In for .settiiifi the plants. 'The inaii who makes the hole estimato.s tl ill often he f(>imd iiie iM.iui^. 1 lie man wno maKes tlio note estimato.s the apjircx- een iioles and need waste time in actually measuriiifr. allhoufrh le proper lenjrth to imah- ilislaiico heiw he should check himself from time to time 1, determine whether he is keepiiij; the ,-paciiii; appro.ximatt'ly corre y \\>'u\tx a stick of tl •t. lie kceiis tl ^ lu.i'iiDhi ( ri<)\ 27 rows Mtniit'lit li.v fnrintr l.jirk iin iiiii.l.' with . ilh.T ^i >.|.m.1.'. l..n>.'-h:iii,llr,| -huvrl. -nil. 1 or iniittofk, (icpfii.liii^r iip.,ri th.' loiliiro ..f th.^ u'r..iiiiil. th.- -i/.' .if ih,. phmtini; rnatoriiil, mul the fhoi,.,. i,f th,. u~,t. Mmuv ~p,,.iiil t..oU linv.. h.-.n ,1, vi<,.,| |,,r phnit- liijr, hut th.' (U-.TiifT,. ,.wi..T will tii„l thiit tl:..-.- alM.v.' iih-iiti 1 uill an-w.r his ri'.|iiireiii.'iits. Th.' holi's shiiiil.j h.. .if Mitfi.'i.'iif il.iilli ail, I wiilth i.. ).iTiiiit tlir r...its nf ih,. plants boiiiff sim'nil out in a natural p..Mti..ii ainl all p.iint.'.l ,i.iu nwanl. TlH.y ~li..iil,| ii,,t ho so shallow that tht. r.iots will li.. ,l,i,ili!,.,i in tlio .Ms... tli.' In-.' iiiii-t ii..t he set to,, i|,.|.p. Tliat is. th.. lartli niii-t 11..1 \>,- l.Mikcl up ar..uii.l the st.iii. It is however. p..rniis>il,l,. t.i s.'t them al«.ut half an in. h m- s,, ,|,.,.p,.r than th.^.v ..riijinally stoo.l in the imrs.'r.v. This is to allow for the s.-nlini.' . f .artli. Car,. -h,,iil,| he tiikeii not to overdo it, esp,.,.ially in ela.v s,iils whi.'h d.i littl.. >.ttliii^'. In setting out hirp,->iz,Ni niat.'rial. smii as f,iiii-y,.ai-.,I,j ,-,inif,.r tran-plaul, it will 1„. ti.uiul , v.iiiiait for th.- " '• ami th,. plant. t t,. w.n-k el„s,. |,,..,.tl,er I h.. hol,.-,„ak..r r.'tains on his spa.le th.- .'artli he has ju.t du>r up whil,. tli,' planter pla.M's the tree nn.l h..l.Is it. Th.' earth is thr,,wii l.a.'k int., tli,- la.l,. ,-..v,riny up th.' ro,>ts. The j.laiit.'r iinni.'.liately tramp, tin' >.iil firmly into pla.',. wliil,. the hole-maker ni.iv.-s en. Th.' trampiim- must h.' w.'ll an,| it i> a.hisal.l.' t., 11-.' the heel, not the s.,1,. .,f th.' f.M.t. f,,r it i- very Impn' that tiie plaiiU 1„. s.-t selidly. If prop.Tly >,•( it will r,'.|uir,' <',in-i,l,'ralile , ir..rt t.i pull tli,. tr. iit ..f th. trroiin.i. When usinjr small su.-h as tw,,l iif,.r >, ,.,llin,js. i,, ^, or soil that has at one time Leen it ha.'k nn.l forth a few times an opening' will he ma.le int.. whi.'h th.' plant. t .'an in-iTt tlie r.iots of the plant, an. I the spad.' i- tli.Mi withdrawn. Til,' s,,il „„„t tlini he lirnily .stamped aliout the tree. On stmiy or wet Rniund. or in ..tli.'r pla.'cs where th.' u~i' ,.f a i,l,ir.f,'h a> .lesiTihed below is praetieal. all .sod or other (rmwth should h.' rem.iv.'d in a pat.'h a or more in diani.'t.'r wliere th.' tree is to bo set and the tree planted in th.' eentr.'. 1 hese patches nre nut made in ndvanoe but at the same time a.s the Iml.'s ar.' nia.l,'. In pra.'tiee this nii'r.'ly ani.nints t,i makiiifr a li.ile .semewhat whler than w,,iil,| .itlnrui-,' be rcpiir.'.l. Il.iwev.'r. do ii,,t use pi.'.-e^ ,.f sod t.i till in th,' hub's ili.' i'.„,|,, '111.' pra-s will start to frru-.v atrain ev.'ii if jilant,,! iip-iil,' ,l,,wii. At ln-l. ,.id .luis not mak.' a firm tillinir and it is har.lly po..-iM,. f,, park th.' r".it- t.,., firmly. I'l.ANTlN.: r\ Fiitiiows.— On .ip.'u sit.'s uhi-r,' it is fu.i st,.,.p ,,i' ,,t.,iiy tu u-.' a iil.iiiKh it is a.lvisatile t.i ploufrh furrows. .-p.-,'ially if the site is pras~y ami th,' pluntint-- material is ,',,nii.iis.',l uf >inall -.■.■dlinj.'-. Th,' furr., ws n,-,',l nut lie ,le,.pi'r than will just turn tlie .suil, hut shouhl li,- a- wide as po,>ihli.. They an- pl.iuLrli.'d at th.' ri'f;iilar int.r.. at which it is intcnd.'.l to spa.'e the plant.s, and alonir ,'aeli furrow the plants an> set in lioles at the proper distan.'e apart. ^ On hill.-iil.'s the furruws shuul.l run aems, tli,' fa.-.' uf th,- hill, nut up and ,luw'i. This will jiri'V.'iit heavy rains fnim wa-hiiiy uiit th,' small tri,-. Olli,rwi~i. it i> will to I'lm till' furruws in an east-aml-w, ,| ,lir.,-tiun. Furruw- pl.iii^;li.'d in tlii~ manu.'r ar.' mori' or 1,'ss shad.'d fruni th.' sun diirii.L' the hut jiarr uf the day. and th.-nl'iir.' not so r.'a.iily .Iried uuf. In planting', e-peeially if u^iiiM- -mall s.'.'dlin^;-. thi' plants sh.iidd he sot .'lo^e to the suuth side of the fiirruw in ur.l.'r that th.'V may li.'iH'tit by the shade, liy turiiiiif; the furr.iws .so that the soil will fall to the south, the south si.b' of the furrow is iner.'ase,! in lieifrbt by the thi.'kn.'s, of th.- turne.l i-u.l ami tla- tr.-es ar.' thus art''d nr.'at.r shaile. In v.ry liulit soil. Imwi'Vir, jilantin^ thu trees next 28 i<>iii:.^iit\ itnwi II III ii.r.iis \„. ,::> tiM. >,„| -i,|,. ,„• ,1, ,,„,„„. „,,, I,,,,. ,|,i, ,|i-M,K,„„.,... ,|,a, ,|„. -,„| „. ill -'iiiii'l iiiiiM r, liiw i:;, !,:;;:""■ '" ""■'■■•"- -'"'■"'•■I' -• -.-,Mh,. r,n.-,,u,j,iii:::.;;,;;; ' '" 'I" 'il -ii.v liriic .il'ri-i' ' ''i'li'T mil Il,.|,.|y iil't,.,- it I. -.'t ^1 'lM\la n| I M|.,,|,| ,v,| |>,,.^ ,., |-j^^ II Al '"!' 11:11.1 li.ih'^> I.. ..U,.n,. .,l...ut |.|;„,llnv' ..MM,„i,h ..„,.,. N,.v'':';.:.,!::.';v'; ^;;-'', "'-"!- '■■'■7 i'i--n, ....u |':-i. t .mI ii ih..\,. :i- mil. h ,,.,1 1- 1>im.-:i.mI uiicn ^-ijln...' i|,,, i,.,. ■"■''i;-'! !■ •■!' r-i'i';( i Ml n '"■'■ '''■'■'' ""■'!■"' • I' -M-iiri,,:; r.|.r.l,, ,■,:,,„ ,,,, ,|„. ,,, ...n , ; , ■" ' ■' '■'■'"- "- '' '-"'> -"I'- 1 III- l.,-....l-l..av,.,l „.,.,.. ,1.:,, ;, ou,....n...i...,f/;j;;::v:;:ri::;:i,:,"::;,.:::::;:;r:::;:'- ■"■'' "^'^- -■' '"-^ '--• I'lrintiii:; M- illinu |.i ill fiiil'Mw- h, imhi «,,ii ., ,i.« ci; iil.nilir.-. -lit fH. III. ins I:,, I -. .-.Hi! L> ., .I,,v M nv,-.i, .'.in .-.-t Two-yiar-iihl jiin,' soe'llinil set in fiirruw. Arimv iiulii :.ti'3 the ■iiiito. l>PL':ii JO yttin.sTiiy uuwrn iiii>t:i!\ \„. ,;i> fnrlli«T w.iilli. Si .),„. „r ,1 1 V • ' """■'■ ^■'"''■'" "'"" >'"""' -.i'.lliM^ fn-H .,..: ..w "" ■; r:;^^:';!:'T;V'"' -"•" """-• '^ ""• -".I'^-^^f .ho «''<■ r.u.t .i„i,is tlio trunk. '"•••iir nt a point wljvrc ... ^.rip ..r U^.r the bnrk '" "' •^'""' "'"' ^'"" *^'"-^' ""'^t '- '"k™ not ....rk. i. in .h„^;;;r;';:in:'km:;t :::;:r;:-rT r;!' ,!r.rr^;""'^ "^'-"" "•'■ i-iiiiuyli M,- liav,. siillii'icMi Mtr.'iir to spruit. "".I l.irc-l, will ^t , Iv '1 ' t " «""''' '""" "'"" "'"'■' -"'■"''■■^- '""'•'' th. J::^::::/";;,:i!:::-:rt:;;;-- o.. ..... fr.,...., «o.,ea ..... h.^uh^:;.rto';rSr''u";:!t';"iv t'"' "'" ^t'" '■■'™ ^"^- ^^"""^- ^^" ^''-"'' .'f .1... st„n,p are Vrnut ti t r '^ in vL"\l . t' T' '"'"T' °"" "' "- ^"- "^'-^ ' e thinn.I o„t. ..,n. on, Z .^^L S .^:t:;th-t Se .^ """" 7-COLIECTING TREE SEED Fur he usi'fu .We who desire U. collect their own tr.x. s«.,l the following informnti,.„ Tl.MK KOR COLI.KCTINO Tlic snniint r time of : accordin Seili^C'!! \v .;■ tinii? it i? ri|K ; "tl^ r L • ■•'te.Khn^' to coiieet shouid examine the s.vd from "time It do to ua.t too lon^', l.,vause ,t i. impos.d.Ie to coll.vt the s*^l of rnu,Kcri\a rnt.K 31 «i.ii.<< upwU-s oftiT it had Uv-i ^liiil nn tlir irruiind. ']'\w ii|^r..xiiiiiiU. linio fur n.^lLvt- iiiK th.' hwhI i)f t\w iudiviiluul s\xv\v* ^^^ tii.-iitioniil liiu-r wln-n (U-uliiig iH-iKinitfly willi eacli tree. UoW T"i r<)l,l>.c T In the ciiM^' cif miist ,,-s nl' t'uri-»t tr.^-. the wshI niii»t Ih^ . it in pu^sihie in i»l>tjiiii it from f.ll.^l tr.H«t wlirti ffllitiu' it \t«\n\t on (iuriiKT thi- tinw thi' svrd in riin- :iii(l -till uttiii-fi..! t.) tli." tr«'.N. It i>i iinTi- .ifti'ii nootwury to climl) the trii- iiikI oitluT i.i.k tin- s.-.>.l inN, n 1),^, by liiiiul or .lii- IoiIki- it by tni'iui!« of ii lotiff-hanillt'il iiniiiintf fork or rake. In the cnsc of a few friM-t. like tho ••liiiH. niapl'w, iiiul iihhcu. it imiv U' i»i«i-iMr to >< . r«' niii.-h of th.. m<.,'.1 ).>t lie deli rniineiild lint hf eollcvfod from .stunted, diMnseil, or lickly troths. Si^'d fn.iM siioli tri'es will not M- a rule iipmliK-e as (rood plants as that from healthy tr.Ms. Th.- »itt\ from trn i).Mirly developed and will not spmut well, so it iit ndvisalilo to eontine the eolie'-tinir to older trei^s. Flourishing, well df veloixnl, o|)c; ^'rnwn tre<-i are the Im'sI fprtn wliii'h t-i (latli.T -C4'i|. Ilaviiiv' im..i-c liraiii-hcs they prodiiee more .«eed, aii;rowii tr(H>s niatiires earlier than that on trees ii ise stands. Si;i:i>s of- liiiovn i.i:\vi:i) TitEEs 'I'iie s,.ids of hroail-lcavi-d ( ■iiai'") s|ieeic> var.v i{reiill\ in tfi/.e and appi-ar- an.'i'. Si.nie a-e (piit- Imi-lm- Iiko thi-s,. ,,t' the ualiiut and hickory. nthiTs .iii tiny like till -e of' hireh and alder. Affain certain siMvios, like the black cherry, liave ihi m- seeds ''overod uilh .■! ih-hy I'niit. while others, like tho.-o of tlio iliii, ari- -iMrou.idod hy a dry, p.ipery win;;. Ily o.\anniiiiiK thi' seeds ,if the Jiro.'id-leavod spii'ies, as later dr-.-rihed for eohifiT-, one can determine whether thi\v are ripe. .\s m ruli', howrvor. the eolcair and ifeiieral out- ward appearaiiee of the fruit "liable one to determine the eoudition of the .seed. Tlie .SI Ills iif many sperie.. niay he stored or -..\vii jii-t n-- tliov arc t:;ithiTed, wiili- out liny further irealmetit. Fle-hy fruits. Imwiver, like the wild rhrrrv or pliini. .should he dried in the siri hefnre citoriiiR for the winter; or they riiny ho )pl,i.-td in wafer and washed ahout until the piil|i is IoosciumI and float- to the f,,p. and can line 'he poured otr. Tile -ic.N ;irc lift in the hctfcin. W.ilnuts and iMiilcrn li.s are -uiin- liiHcs -lured ill ihcir hr.-k-. Init it i- u-u:d (■> rcnio\e 'Im m. Tliis .^n in' d-aie when lliev are -1:11 fn -li liv ur-inj :i h:iiiiniir m|- nuillci and drivina' tin in tlirciiirh a:i answer \\<,\i- in a pi. ink cr iii-ck ..f wncd. wliirh uiii cut ..>I the hu-k .imi iii-riiiit the in.t to pa>s ihrcurh. 'I'lie liu-k- ..f hiekcry nut- fr.i|ncnlly cnic ,.i; in ihe handlint;. When tliey d not CI. me oil nad:l> t'ie\ Iihiy he !, fl un. Ski;i)s ok ("omfkus The seeds of our conifers (also eallr-d "evert-'reens "" or needlodeaved trees), as indieatid hy the name which means " eone-hearers," are l>orne in cones whicii in most .speciee haiis at the top of tho tree. While the red juniper (sometimes called red cedar or pencil cedar') v.-enld seem at first. r;!-!..t t.-: i-.c ■-.r-. .••\cr-;.t;.-.T-, t.-. tj;:= rrde it i-' no! so. heeausc the dark-hltie herry wdiich contains the seed is reallv a cone covered with pulp or flesh. While tamarack or larch is not an ever;,'reen it is a true conifer, as it bears its scihIs in cones. 33 rni,-isiu\ nitwni in urns >.,«,<» I'|'"ii ixiimiiiiiitf a frf»li v,.\w if will I.. f,„,,„l t i i , . "'-•'"•■I ' ..tral .,..,„ or „,„ ' L .,| . i', :;.r"'-'l*' 711^ "-'v -„U • "• '•>'"" --I- i" rs ..,„.i, „„..,.),..,i ,„ „ ,„'„:,;'";.;"'*■ ;/ '*• *•"' '•• Ih.- ...,.,U .Iron .,„t |„ ,,,ll,-.ti,>.r .1, , < . ^ ''" "'" '■"'"• •'•"^•^ "I"'" 11. n..' In ,n ,";,::',:'• '"r, "'":' '"■ l"^"" •"" •" """'- ".'<- ^^_ _ .„r.. to ...ll.vt ^„«1 „„„,. „ „ „„.,.,^ry t-, .,a(h..r fl«.n> fr,„„ ,|,.. How To DkTKHMINK WIIK.N Skiis »nr Ttii.i Tl. . i M....1 i, l.rowni.l, ,1,.. ,.o ,i,„. ,nnv ..„„,,,:. A^'V''^'' '"" !""' ""' ■•""' "^ "" i1i-1m.!1,,ii . .1 ,|n ,,,! riilltO M II In lliN ■iilii'i t:.|i ii j. » : "'.:' "• '!"^^- "-' ^:ii i'i'„. „.,.,.- ,...,,„;,... ,u-„ von 'Maliiiv thrir ,■,,„.. Tl,,. ,,,,„ ,■,,.,„ I ■ '"'"■ "■'■'- i-'-'|iiMV two v,nr, >'-•": .■■■>i t.J;;::''T':^;:;;;r;:'7:^^:i;'';';:•■''='^-7-''■;' '■'■'■I' ■•' I'i" i ;i N,.r lM.f,,r,. it :- H, • \1 . '"'■'"^' ""' I"'"''^ i I.. il M ll.l. Ill-I l>lt\ l\(. ( ,,\\ . ;'""'' ^l"HI^'•. <■,„„.- ,:,„y 1... o;„|„.,.,. I III in I l\i, I III I -I f I, 33 l',\ri,wiis, XKM..^ .\„-:lrninr,. J.. ,Mr„. f tl„. ,„..| ,1, ,„- „r. f„rll,. r ,lr,.,| h \h-iuu III I, tliiii hi.v.r mi „ nulir ||,.,.r ,i„|,„,r,. A- ih.v .lrv ih,. ..^ ,U ,|r..p out. , .11.1 if tl«. tl.u,r i^ ,„,t tiulit ll,.- ...,| ,|r, I- tl,r..ut!li lU.- .ni.'U. Ki..|,r „r I.' '""'"•'• "' '•"■"•■' '•"" ' ,|,r.-.,.l ,.„ l.i, -,„„r.. f...!. If ih.- tl....r i, n,.» ■'"''"• '■• «'' ^''O" "f "I"-" l"ll' • th.n ..r will, l.,.||,„„. ,,f wire -.T.rti .mii I... .■,,i,,triirt.-.|. 'Ilir tni.v. i.rr plurnl „nr aUnr tli. „t|.,r in Ii.t* in a «-„.„l.'M frmii,.. wlMil, will iM.r.nit tl„. tniv. t.. -ii.l.. i„ ;,„.l „„t 1, ;. .Iri.w.r., Tlir ,»,. .Iiiirii.t. r ..f tlir, ..II, .,| III., ir.i.v, uill „||„« ll,.. «...,| . .|,-,,|. iliroutrli ai, |„ ,.„in.l.t l,..l„w l-...i.,ilfl. -|„i,-.. k1i,„iM I... |..ft l,..t„,.,.„ th- tra^ in a t„r t.. p.-r...,! thr .•,.,„•, ),, l... htirri.i| Ir.iii t.. ti.ii... Kr....i ll.r,.,. .lay. In tw,. «,...k. an- ,i.,ii,rr,l ... „|„.„ ,..o.,, in llu, .Manii.-r. Th.. rapi.liu „t ilr.M.iK cI.|m-i,.1. „,„„, ,|„. -,,..,... ,„,! ll,.. w.ath.T .■..„,li.i.,„.. S,,.,. „.- Ilk.- tl,„„. ,,| ll,.. -,,r,„.,. „„.| „i,il, ,,i„.. «,ll ,,,,..., r,.a.l,l,N U air-.lrvi.,;.'. ,..i„.r.. l,k,. lla- jack |.ii,.. aial ml pm,.. ii.,|iii|... arliti.inl i.iu'. A|.p.,i;,tu.- u.... .1 1,1 11,1. Hi ,|,,..1 .,11,,.-. ,,n.| ^ll:,k.• ,.iil ll.,- I lii- ilf.V Mi;;' l,l;iv !„■ i|,,|, t , I i|,„,,-, ji, ,1,,. ,, n,..;.. '. i: , , , 'II. |'i-"M.I..I 11 :- |.--il.l,. |.. pr..|,.. t a:.'ani-t ram, wiml. aial n„l,i,t-. Sn„-,lrvii,. will -1„. ,■(,■,, , •,.,;-;, I, tl„- li,,,,. l-|.<|ll:,-,-,l t,, ,,|H.|| til,. ,-M|||.<. AHIll,;,,! Dnjni.,. |)r>in- ti„ ,„.- .„ ,1, .,.,■, |„,1 .,l,..u .v.piii-.- ,..„-M,.r i,',- ' ■■ '".'^"■'; ^'^"■^•■ '"""'"■'■ ■•'■ '■ - "-.^ "iN |..irtU ,.,.,:. ,.„„1 „,1„,,.. ,,:|1 ,„',, '■'"■";" ^'"- '' ll'ii-i'l"''- "It'll i- 1H-. -.,n t,. ,!,■> ,!„„. ;.,'tili,.;Mi:v, Tl,i. .-an 1„ .I..n,. l,v n-,,,^aM,.vr t.. !„.„ ,1:.. ,i,. :,., ,■....,., .,,.,1 k.-.-pi,,.. i, !„.,,..,| ,„„,1 .!„.,■,.„.. .Mv pra.-tM-ali.v all ,.p,i,. A t, i,ip, lat i,,-. ..f liin ,l,.M-r,-,, Falir,.|,l„ r,'* ,1. :l will iMt liui-l ill , '',''"■ ''""■ '■'''l"''-'^'l '•• ■I"" "■■"'■- I'.v a>.t:ii,-i,ii li,...,.i„.^ ,1..,,..„U np.,„ 111,. -p,.,.i.., an, I III,, t.-inpi-i-atai-,.. a- w,ll a- ii,..,,, tl,.. !,r.-> ;..,,. ,,;,.. J,... ;:,■ ih,- ....,..., !....,. !...,! j.- ". II1..-I .-p,.,-:,.- it rnii> l'i-,an ,.iic t.. tin,, n lii.ur-. "" ''' nn.A/,,.. A,-„.r ,i„. ,.,„„.. „ „, , ,„„, .I,,,,,;,! ,... Hi,.,.,a,.l,ly siirn-d u, sl.ak,. '" "■' ■'•"!• ^""■'- "l'^"!' 'i'-> -n i- .!ir,-li,,l ,., an ,.p,„ ,1,..,. ,„■ in a i.a^ with a /^Jtttf^Cn.i*.-*Asl;^'♦ loiasrin iiitwin „i i.i.i:ii\ \„. ,:;, ll.iil. Tlic ..;:....::i:;::,;,;;,",;;:!';;;:,;'':;":^:;.';,,::ff r ■-- -r'' r' "^ '"' '"^ -"' - '".■>1, i- oft,.,. «iv,.M .„ l.r.- k otr 1, ?"■"' •'"^""*'' ""■""-'■ ••1 *'i» -■"■■'li.T i.y .TMsi';;; '"l;;,,: ■;;;; ':"' „f ;'" •"" ";,-■*>'•'''; i' f'>r f.,,r of i,,i„ri„^ ,i„. .,„„, l..'.nlo,.k. .,,r, , ..,,,.1 w.. '"■■■'"■ ""'"'■'' "^ ■^■""" '•'""■^ liko ,l,o.. of ,l,o St, .i;i\i; Si: Olio ,.f tho lost iiu'MhkIs ,,f st^.riM,' i^ to ,i^o ..-l , . c •, ■■•• 'i- -....i.t:,..!,. wi,i..i, i„v,. v,.,.v iHMi i' .' T r ■■'• "'^™••"— •• I'l^ ' iH ti,.^,„ i, ...ii„,.iv ,„;„ ,: , "^. fx.,- "'" ■ :t'"- ^'"•"''' ""' '"■ l'.n-.i.,l ,„^' is n,...,....„-v ,„ ,„vv..,T 'Mi^.-iMf; „r „.lnl,. ,t is .i,,„i,,. \ "I 111, ,-,l. |,...vli, lu.-kory. waliu.t. l.Mlt,.,-Mi,t. ,.li,.rrv l,„..,..„.,.i ' _, ' '"'" " "-'' >lon',l l,v .s|r:itif.viiijr tli,.) , , , '■'-• "iMvy - s lili,. til,,,,. nuit. ,.l„.rr.v, l,„,.sw„o,l. nii,I ••h.'stnut ar.. 1„.-| ■■•■;■•-■-".,,, i.miih: iii.'iii 111 :i I, iixiuiv ,.f i,„,is| -.,,,,1 .,,1,1 I.. „v •!■ • , . , "- ^''-''-''n-- 'r.n™:v!:;i,;:r,::i::::,:!;r:r;;:;,V'r;r- '"'^'"'■'■'l^"' ;,ll. h -1„,„1,| 1„..,„,„ ,_ .,.„., I..,. I ' '"ni'l.. sli,,„l,| ,„,, 8— THE lARM NURSERY tliaii ra:~i!m' \,.-,-|a "7"'""' "'■■ 'l" ~-.-,.,an-,. I.,.|l.rn.,ul,/,h;',,; Vl,; '^l-'H'^ lr„„i .,v,l ,s lil.l,. if a,,^. ,i„,r,. ,lllli,.„l, ■""""" '""■-Onian. i, i. ,,,„, „;,), |„s I,,.,,,., - va,„i ul,y ,!,„ aura... f.„i,.r .!,.„' „ , I , "• ' ""'"• '"'"■'■*■''•• ""'■'■ I no <'oiiiri.i.,ii|, ir, .,.-., ;|, .| ,,. liio la'na,! i,.n,,| -,.,.„,. Tl„A a:" 'I'-' 'iiii'niL: tli..,i- li;.l N,.,,.. XIh '■■"'I'- '-"IllilV .1 lilll:. Ml,.,-,. ,.aiv ,1,„| ,,,,, t. II. I. r a '.^ ai-.i r..||iiii-, 111,. Ill 1,111 ili-ij, '" 'I- "'■■"■•I M .vrtaiu .11 ,„| „,■ ,,,,,, I i'-^"i l.:iw..l lia. .| 1 Hi,. . i P. :' ' : -. ■:.:":."" '',!•■"'-'■: """■ ■" 'l- nm-..^ ,|„ r;i-,Ml I . |iri.\,nl an i' - ill ..|MU,im- 111, .1,1, ji.,„,.v,.,. .,,.,. ,,,,, ,,,,. : , . ,. , '^'Hian.,,,. ,n.„ii„„,„,,,|,„.„,_^ ,., , ,,„^,|, l','.,; ,,,'"" -H-nKv '"■ --'nia :. -II ,.,-,„.„,,., i,.:,,,„„;„^,„^,„:,,.^;,^^^^^_^^. _, "^i.\ ..r n h.i iii.i\ I'.ir ,,i ,, cuvii ir,,.- i|.,,,,, niir.s, r\ . '■""■ '"""-'■^ '•■■-' 'ii-M..M.a,v ,;.,.„,■„, I,!,,,.,!,;;;: ';, S.iii. \\ii 1,.„ vii.iv ■^ "'" '''•■• 'I. 'I'-l'. I'orlil,.. i,,,„, „ |„, . „;, ,, ,. ^ ■ ,^"7 iin:.i.:...n, i;f ,v ,„;„ ':•;,: ,:"■"■- - •-'■>■ 111 lo'Mtni- 111,. „ii,.„.,.v 1^,,!^ I, I., a.lvisil,!,. , , |,.,v . tl ' ::i''^:\:;:i'":!:::f- -» - ' ■■■::• -■ ■■" »™.- r:..r;;:.,:i:i',::r,.": fflfi nil: /Mm m hsiin 35 Uvtiiii: Miow fn.iii tliriii ill winter. I'ln-^.il ..1 llio Tlio site should lie level <,r iieiriv -o \ >ii;,rlit •,, .r .■ ;:i:;;;^;i;;;-i;-:-' "..■■'.-t:';,;:,:;r:,;:,-;;;:™;;::r.;; ^''"■- '"■' ■"'^: ■•" "II'S AM. I'KKrAKvnnN „K ,„i: S,„l. ''"'"■ "'":^' ......venieMt .i/.e f.,,- .ee.i-l.e.l, i> six „p ,„,.U,, f,,, 1„„„ ,,, |-,„„. ,- „, i-i.^ n!:e;:;v:;;- ;:,;:; ,,r'^ J. ;•:;::: ^ -■■-''■ ^' rnn-„.r d„ri,„^ verv „et w,;,,!,,.. '" '""'■^ '""'' " ''^'"-■^ ^' "■■"■" ''^'l-l ';"■ ™^- '■'"- ■ n;!;i~;'"»;:;;'l-:^,:r ,'■;;;,;'■ S^^:r■T"'■■" ' - ii. ow I,,,,., ',;,,'" j, ;;.■■",:,''';'''■■ r' >> '"-j J"i„ , n.Td bo .„ fcci,,, „„,i.« „ ii T ,„",,, ■ '■"■""■' ■— -l»'t •f'-l.T ll,«„ i, »i....t o„c-„„„,, i,„.,;",',;;,.'i':" " ' '"" 'i-i'". ti„„„fi. „ „„„„. .,„ , '" ''"'-"'t n,a„er .„ ,l,i„ a^.l if o ,■ ;(liniKS is too .jeiise. TiMi; To Sow- It is the iisiiiil imictici- to m.w th,. v,,.,| ,,.• • • , certain 8,.eei.>s. however, who.,- mv.! -li„„i,| 1, , "~ "' "" '" ' ''""'-■ ■'''"'■'■ ■>'■■ "'"•■"Pt n,,„le to hold the .eed f,.- -pH,... Jw I'l./^" tI •''" ."""' ''• "•'•'""■"•'' ^""' "" ■Mnple. nnd white ouk. "^ ""' '''"^^ "'^■'"'''- '1- >hu. .,.tt CoVKUINC liKDS AlTlli SoWIN,; After the heds have Urn sown an,l the .se. d eovered will, 'I ,, roded or patted lichtlv. and then watered Dnrini. tl, , '^"■' ''"'"''' '" shonld he kept nniforndv „,oisf T , ^ent . ''l "^ K.T>ni„atio„ ,|„ „„, »"ll ' ver the bods witl, old saekVo , 1 , l""" '^'''"^ ""J' "^ '^"^ ' • i- is ;;r ha. shenh. not he nsed for tht Iw i';;,;,:::::':? ^ t;"^ ' '/ '?^-' ^-" '"■ I'm-iap or ninst Ik. removed a. «oon •,. the'^el) ~"'' ' ''"• '•""'^""• '1-Ml.^ ynu, plants may reeeive the neeess:;.' M:! ^iid . -7"^ '" ^"""•- ' ''^ 36 ii>i!i:.siin iiifwi II III \.,. -,;i MlAli]\i, Si:i:iii i\,:^ '.;■ -■'■'■'"i7'.v'"^ pi.ot„;.n,pi., ui,i,.i, ,.;„, i„. iit„.,i „„ .,,,1 ,.ir thr i...,i: ■ - V .'■' ■ ■ '"■■"' ''^'■^- "" ■■'■'•■■- ■■"■'■ ''■••"■•- !"■• '.rf -iH 1„.,1-. ()„ ,|rv ,rill 1 ■I'M'..,.- Il„. t„-t -n,„„„T th,y .h„„l,l .lu.n, 1,.. ,„ ,,;.. T,, -u,.,..rt , , "■" ' " "^""" ' ' '--'•>■ -'^'1-- 'Invru i,„„ ,1„. .r,.,n„i .-.t ,1„. r.Lr.lnt -ll'lUII ill ill,. ; t- ^^MiMHn tl„. .,r..,.ns ' ■- ■^'"'" " ^''"■^•' 'l''"^ '■■^""- -!s., s,.,v,.s h,. v ,„,,;; -.,.,ll,„o-. yp.wn,- ,.,1,,,,;.. tl.,. -,,„.|, hn,.,l,r ,,r ,)„. 1„.,L T, , Wkkiiin., wii Wmkihm; •;■'■'■;';;■ ';';;- :i'-i.i !.■ k,.,,,t u- r w..,.,u. s,„.ii i„„.i ..„i„v.,.,.. .„.,, ,. ,,, -■'..!> l,;,v,. 1m,.,i ...u-ii ii, drill.. pi.ip,.-,. uh,.,.,' tl.,' ■•'1' ■ '..llii.;.-. -l.n„l,| 1,„ „,,„,r,„| ,l.nly ,|,„-i„„ v,.,.v ,lrv u,..,,l„.r Tl I III: i\ini \t usiitv 37 ■■ l»:ill]|illi- oli" i, ,-| i|i„.;i„. ,.:ni-r,| l,v ,|„. .,,,111,,,, I,,,,- ,. ,1 , ■ " l''"^'-""- '""iJii- ul.i.h t,v.|ucntl.v Mlhi.'k- in. -(.(iniii;, I,,.),,,,' the Ml'.' i|intr n ...v.> 1 he .■■n,ii,i,l \r ,. . c, "■:,;:;:.;';■ -; :;- " ^- , ■' ,; - '"'"-'"■■ ''-■ ■'";''""":::":;::::i :: I'"""' "' '";,'"■ tl'r v,.,.k, |,,ll,,u■,„^^ u-.ul,. th,. >l,.,n. ,,r ,1„. , ||,„„. ,„,. ,;, :'ir:,Jt':;:l.::::;zt:::r('\ ; <:^..<.": :;.:.. nv,.r;,„.l wilt- -^ '"'■ '"■ '"■' '^"••'- ''"• -''lli'i^ l''i'- ^..;.:"l;;r''L:l;,:j:;:Jl;:::^;^l::;;;;•::;r;;,,:;;;;■■;,;... ->....■ '--■'«..::;:;:::::;::;;!;' ;:::7''';;:;,;:;„::':j:;;'{-"*^-^ \Vi\TM: CnMllIM, Diirinn- tl„. tir.t «int,.,- if i, 1,,.,, ,„ ,,,,„, ,,., ,.,,„;,..,. Icivcs or >ti',iw. Ill ViTUI^' >li,.|lli II- -cfillini;- Willi ;, iiiiil,-|i ,,| j;i-..m„l (>,.,.„.,. I!,,„l, ..M ,„,„„., ,. ■ '""■ '" ","■ '•"'■;"""■""• "^il^illy HINT tiM- i'l! \\-i'i. WTiXi; 'A 1" ci^IlT liii'ii-^ ;iii;irr 111 I, I.,,] tl. 1 . iri'iti :■■*""' •■■'■"'- I "• -"I 'I- .■-« .■; I..,,,.; ,,..,„. „■':,'■;■"■ (•,,M|.-|.:i!s._S,,,l|i,n.^ ,,,■ ,j^^, I' ri--llll- !l;-ni Mil.. ||]:l]| «.,|-klii__ •■-. (^ "cvi.rtrnM.iis ■■), ..,,■,. rarely -,.t .,iit in !l ^ni.l '•;,': '" '"'"• •"•■111- iiP^irf III tl„. n.u-. uiil, |-r,„„ .i^ ,,, ,.i„.,,, ;„ , i , '" '111- tran-pLiMtiiii,-. a. witli th,. l,r„.Hl1,.,v ■ " ' i-lw,.,.ii ,■„ .!,„...i , , .. " "" I'r'Mil-ii'.nr,! sjhtics, o«iii|.acts th,. ,:.nt.....i i ", ", ■' •"■'■ '■'.' ;■ '■' "' a,lv,.rs,. .■,„„litio,w. (■,,„i|-,.r- .,n. I, 'f't "•■,..'. z.LTsz:i::::::^: '"'■■ ■ - '"■■•■' "■■■y -'S^ "'<■:. •I tr..iii •ii r.n. -. 1 38 iuin:sritY itii.wcn iii i.i.i:r/\ y„, ,-,'.> ■•arotully liftul. at.,.r tir.t U,..uin^ ,1,, .art v h a i ,1 ', '.' '""' "'"-'' ^^'""''' l""' free „r ..a,.,l.. They „,ay „,..„ !«? h..!.: r ,a,^ i^: "I '"^ 7'"^ ^'-^'y ^^'^'k"" -ranees mkiv dietate. Jf the Mte tn V „I.., ■ . r • "^•"'-l""-''i"<'n. as ein-i,m- -..- .i.^' Plants, with ..Sini.;:.!;': ;;':;/- ; -r'V rrr'- "^^^''^"^ " Pa^re L':i). If this eann„t he ..onvenientlv , ' i e h 1 V ^ " /', ^""'' ""•""■" "" in 1-Nes. erates. „r ha,irefully paekod 'o .he c,„,-i,l,. and their ro„r- „. he ' ' ' . ':\," ''r "^ '•?-^-'-'-^ ^^'^h "■->• '"P- 9— NOTES ON VARIOUS SPECIES Tree, are divided i,.,„,.,.,.n„rale, ,., .Meh hav. , n .iv.n the t^IWin. iiaini Kardw 1 I'eeid .l>deaved ifallinn i„ „,,^„,', Kread-leavod Sfiftu-ood Kvert're< II Xeedle-leavid • 'iinit'ers (eone-lx>arers) .,.ii..:/t;^:;:„;f- ,t: t; >:::,::-::\:'""'rf-' * -"r"- ■"" • < oXIFKIiS Wimi: Cki.m!. mt auBnii-MTAi: r77,„;„ occid,„l„Hs> year, with ,ho dd f a s J hdd r ht ""S "' ?'T-/";"" "■'"^ ^"^* "' ^ ^^'^^^ -'-' Ti 1 • ,' ,' ladULr, It K- ...-ually not diflien l to .. htain lar-e mi-uitit;.. five ou:,e:;:,n'itLi:;t';;;;L':ft; rtv^rir't "/sv""-'; "■"'.'""^ °" 7,000 stH^dlinfrs • "• '" ~''^' '"'J ^° preduee li.ono or olose stands to;hedevi,;,:;,t:,ftS.^:d;Srunks:'"^'^'^ '" " '^"""'^ "^ \(iri:s ()\ \ iinm s sm ii:s 39 T},,. sod of balsam fir ri,,r„- ..Ihuu il... first nf Sr,,i,,„l„.r, Tl „cs niu.t 1„. j.,.her.l e.„ ... an, « e„ .l^l.l, ,r.... for .hoy fall t,. pi.vs sh„r,ly af,,. o a np... 1 ho M.,i wh,..h ,s al..,„. ,1,.. sam,- si... as that of wlnt.- pi,,.-, ro.„iir,.s ,o 1... sown qu.t. thu-kly m tho .Inll-. Thr,.,..,„ of a ,,ou,„l of 1 luil! '!■ ' I,' ot ts viuar,. tt. a>Ml. if of ;roo,l ,,„nlif.v. will pro.l„,v 7.00,1 .,.,., llin-- Ihr l.aNam ),r >s suit.-.l for planting. o„ wot >it,... 1„„ ,„;,!o.- i',- l.-t j^rowtl, on -11 "1'"-1^ '■■■"' hr pla„to,l o,. almost an.s .-oil u|,i,-h i, not too ,lrv. It i. not a tno to 1... ro,.,.i„„„.t,dt.d tor for,.st phuttinfr, Thor,. arc oth..r tr,.,.s s,,,-!. a,- r«l pine or aro well s„ite,l to tho samo soil as th,. h,.n>l,.ok an,! w 1 pro,h.oe a „nahty of tin,h..r. It is a ;r,K.,i ,ha,l.. on.iurer a,„l pro,h„..r .. then^toro a valuahl,. tree for nn.L.rplantins in stan,ls c-ontpo,,.! of ;p,.ei..s wlm-h ,lo not ]ir,>,hi ■icnt sha,ii. for tho prot,>ction ,)f tlic soil ii,i,lo ■LwK Pine (l'i,u(s Banl.sinui) I he jack pute its ,n Octoh.^r, but owin^ to the faot that the con,.s n.,„a„i on the tr«. for a nnmhor of year. ..vithotu opcinK, the .-oiieetinfr can be do e a almost any season. ll,jwever, only fresh, brifrht ,.o.,es shouM be pioke,!. for th.. ol,l,.r. dark-grey cones are likely to have poor seed and they are also mor,. ,liHi,.„lt to o|„'ii as a rule. 40 /"„7..s//.i II I!, \, II III i.i: ii\ \u. ,:ti ■ ...S: i';'.:' it-';!,::::;;,:;:'^:,.;''!;:';,:;,;:;:"; " •-— " - I -.r. ,-,. ,...,,r ,,,:;;; ;■■•'■•'''•'- ^ -i— i, i. .„iv,.,i,„.. - M.rti,.,,.,,, ,„ .„„. ,„.,. ,„„, ' :;;,'';,-':'■'■'"■'' ''"■ """."■ '"■■-• ^'^ "— inniv „.,.,K. • lir Miri.,1, IV ..„ ,n ,.,„„-. ()i„. ,„.,n„n-..„f.n,,- IiuMMMP,,r 111. / ^ - .II,,,;.- .,•,. tr,.,„ two „, ,h,v,. i,„.|„.- hi^l,, - ■■ r''i''-- '■•'•"'-' -^'^^^^ ;■■' iMctiirv ( Cvc .riiirirni ,,111,.. tL - 11,. ' ' ""■ -.III- •■" — :i-^;^:";:;:;;i'":;;t;r;:,.,'-^;':S,.''' '■■■'■■■""■ I{i;i) I'l\|.- -( I'iinis f s/iiov,,* ;!::;;:: ;:L;:;,r;;.*,r;;:L,,;'„S',^;:: ;:;,;;•'" - «"' ■" '- ^'i-" ■■ ;t.^:r:^;:;;:,z;l,;:;:,,:':;:-:^;-:::::;^--'™;-,.'u^ it Wl".-;!."" """""■'' ''''",""" '"• '•"■■"''''-'" ""■"-.»^l. .l.'nl.Ts i„ tn... ...,.,1. who i„„,„,. It troM Kuro H., (,r it niny »> inpnrttil diicct Ft , »■ li i , ' Om V ,r 1 "Pl.n,.xnn.„.ly .i.MKm s,...,lli„j.s if ,1... m..,! is fn.l,. miuh-on'niM'lri """^ '"■'; '"'"■ '"■" '" •"""■ '"'■'"■^ '"«'' "'"' like otlur ...inif..,. r.^iuiri partiiil slui,!,. (luriii^r tlicir trst vc;ir Wlu'ii (,„.. v,..,- l ' ♦! i JS' "■""■'■ - '■■' ' -;:;: Ziz::':;z;zxrz S«iSa^<-V.!'£^t'i1:^ Wmii: I'lVK , I'liiii- Sir,, I:, IS I 4! Tin '•'■HI. ,.\ :hr \\\n\i- |>iiji iii-c ii-u;illv ii'Mily i,.r c.H.-ci iiij; .luring' lli. I.iihr |, n -t .\ii'_ni-t or ih,. ,.„,'l,\ part ..f Scptcnilicr. I. ill i!,r .And liim- .I.|,,.m,|, :,| ii„. -.•,i...n. '""■ ' 'i-i ' ' '•'ill- al'-ui 'ii'<. ,,r Tlid :,ii;. riniiK.l.. Liii .ill, i, ; i-i.|,r- •'''!'■ I'r"l"'i-li..ii ..f -.'..I uill li,. ,,M r initil ll.c ii,.\t -prin- :in.| th.-n -pr..ut. Wiiiti- jiim. |.l.;iitMti(iii four yiiiis Mft.r s.ttint' mil ;is tr:iiisi l.-mts (>iic-.vciir-.,l arc set mit in rlic iKM'iiiancnt pliiitatinns. Tlic wliiti. pjiic inr pi.Ml dcvcLipiiiciit n^.piiiv-. a lair am.. nut ..f inoi-tiirc in tif Mild wiiil,. it ,,ii IJKlit saiiciy s,.ils it is n..t <,. well suited t.. very dry pla.-,s as arc llic- red pine ,,r jack pine. It may he plant, -.1 in pur,- stand- ,.r tnixcil with ..tlicr Jiiiies, red ,iiik ,pr sujrar maple The white pine is fairly tolerant and thi'relure n.piir,- ,-|..s<. iilantiiifr. ahont .". I.y .". it., t.i pr.>ili|.',. a ,dean st,iii early in its ,vd-l„.arinf.' aee, liavc lK.,.n piunU'd. It lias been u.«tn,„i,>,Ml it in ,.n Lr.Xt " v "'"'" "'" ^""''' "'"'■ '' ' '* tho tnn. havo Ik.„ rAnuSuliZZ Z l^niTlZ^Z Tm ^"■""'-' '"""^ '»"> tniM.phuitii,^ i,.,ls l„f„n. >..tTii..' onf *"'"'"'" " *'""■ ''■■ '"■" '" It .„. ... on a ,i;;;:t:i ;;----- ii-^:- ,':;!';;;"!;!:. White SmrcE and Kko SrRircE fP,V.a alha and Pirca rubra) sea JJ -^^^ t:-;- :-;';.?rt s;;; ^tS^ - ^ ™'^- - ^" ^^ ■ quart, or nonrly two pounds of ,ocd "'"""'■^' '"^''''^ "''^"^ ^'''^ ""^ ""-I'^'f otiJ^'^if^i'Tr.^ :^Z-^ "r ''"'"" "L/^" '"o^'^'^ ^""'^ '""-^ - ''-■•i^''^ ^T si.e and will pr d -o a,n. xUltr'-^rS^^ '^,"'''"^"' *" ^"" " ^^' 1" ''>• ^ ^'^ '- fiom U to 2i in. i„ hoipht ' «,M>dl,n«. sprucx^ sr^-dli,,,^ are or into the transplant ,";,; ;™"^'''-'"""J «« ^f^-^H-nfis urto the permanent plantation .6.^!^^::::::;:. ^^:t St^ri^ii.t''^ r^*^ °^ -"«• ^hey are wen and therefore s.iould h.^ spac^^lB:r4tr;t.'r";ntr a 0^^."^" ^"^"^'^ .vo7/,.s *).\ (I /,•/»// .s si-t:(if:s 43 tw,. y..„^ ,„ t.l,.. ,-.,.,1-1,.,,, U.,- ,„„„H.„„i„.., Tlu,v ,„,,v iJ :, u . i, tr.iT.^ . ,u.t Uh\. „n,| M,.,, ,, ,i„.,„ ,„„ ,,,,„.„ f,,,,^ ^^^„ ,j^^.^^ ^^.__^^_^ ^ |^| llw t;„MMra..k is M,u,.,| f,.r planting i„ v.t.v u,., ,.r Mv.m„.v .Itua,!.,,,.. l,u. i, 'iK(VM> i.K.WKF) Ti;i:i:s Willi 1, Ami I FriuLiiiis ani' rli- Th. ^^.■li riiX'iis in OctnhiT and iiia.v U- >own in tlio fall m- .priii" It IS sown IM ,lnlls M, thir|„w alMuit KMI f,.,.t „f .Irilj. (),„. |.„nMi of ..-.on .-I'lMlhlipS. 0:„.-y,.ar H.r,llin}.'> an- fimn rlx t,. t«vlv,. inrli.-s in lici^rht. F..r i.laMliii- it i< bt-^t to us,. on.-voar-oM or tuo-v,-ar-,,l.l ^lo.■k. ram-in- in Ini^ln fp.m -,x in.'li,- ;., two k'ct. _ Till" white iish ,l,.v,lo|w hot in fiv^h. loani.v ?oil ami will iioi ,1,, a. w, 11 in >v.t sitrs as the hhi.'k ash. It will not ,h. w.ll on puro san.l oven if tl„- nioi^tiiiv ,-nntrnt IS eiiitahlo. Brcaus.. of its p,M,r >ha pnip. Th,' two f„rm.'r .p,..-i,.. aiv liahh- to ,,v.t rowd ti„. ,,^h and' slioui.l ho mixed sparuiKly, that i>. in tlie plantation wh.Te th,' fr.i- ar,- -,,irc,l -, l,v -, tt. ,,r ti hy (i ft. every third or f,,nrth row should ho siUvr niaph' or .'ottonw I ' ^ Very (rood results have he,,, ohiai,,,',! hy .-uwin- whil,. a-h in tli,- u l!,,, ,..,„',.:,1\ in the seed-spot n,etho,l. liy ..ui,,- ,,.„ or tw.-K,. >,.,..!., ,„ a -pot a |„..,a,| ,.r tw!. will sow an aero. lil.M K .isii t Friuiiius niijrii) 'I 1,,' hlack iisl, is h,.tt,'r snlteil for th,' v,'ry wet and swampy >it,'> than 1- ll,,- whit,- Msh. On Mieh site's it ean h,' prowi, mix,.,! with siirn,-.', taina,'a,'k. and ilni, ..,: ,,,, the >P"ts son„.what hotter drained, with whit,' pine. The s,,yl of tl„. hlaek ash is h,'avi,.r than that ,.f th.' whit*, a-li and th, ,',■ ■ ,■,. fewer s<.eds jx-r iH.und, almut :.(M» as a rn!.-. It is also sh.w.-r to f;v,-minat" aial n- 'pni-i's fp'm one to two years. Th,. iuelh,.d of growinfe' in the nursei-y is mn,'h th,' same a- ,h».,i'iU-,l f^r wh t,' Bass\mio|) {Til id amrricdiui) Th,. ha.^Ho„d ripens its seed in S.-ptemU.r or early Oc-toh,.r. It mav ho 8own at oneo or .t,.red ,n the same manner as d..s,.rih..d for nuts until sprin^^ " The se,.d is soparat,'d from its winp or bract h,.fore sowinL' an.l is sown i-:, ,lrill. on,. i„,.h d,.,'p -- -^l^' '*:«-.. .-", V 44 Utin.y'llty in: Will III I.I II l\ \„ ,!i, •*'"• l"""ii'l "I 1 hiiii- nl'nilt il.KMt „.,;U iiimI will .,iw alMHit :.Mi» f.vt ..f l.ill ^"""' "•' "' '-'' '"•'> I''' 'I' |-.,r a ,v.,,r ..■.•.111.,^, ,,r.- fn.iii ,ix i,, tw.'lvc iiidir- liitfli. Thf hii-sw I i, l„-,t Miitcl f,.r fr.^li. 1...1III.V sitiiiitluni iiii^i ..,ri I,,. |i!aiit>'r III lliixnl hIiiihU. It iiiiiy \,r pliiiit.'.i witli ouk, vvliit,. ,liii. -iiuar iiiiipl.' or lii.'knrv. Tho l.ii«*w.H..| i^ ,,:.,• (,r,n.r 1.0.I »|.rniitiin{ trrri ami can !..• pinpairatcl a* (!..>.. rili.-.i in .h^ni^iinf tin. ,|,rnut ,,r .pi.v „.. i1„m1 „f rc|.r„ail.'ti,Mi. In planllim if -lin,il,| !„■ ■>paii'.| aUmt 4 l>,v J ft. Bkeiii {F'UiiiH nrnwlifolia) Th.. ...„l of tl,.. I,....,l, ri|M.,H in 0,.„.lM.r an,! ma> I,,, plant,.! „, ,1„. f.ll „r -,„r..,l l..r plant, n;rm I ,.• ,prin«. It s1h,„I,1 I,.. , ,.„1 )„ ,,...,|.,,,„,, ;„ ,|,.. ,i„|,| ,„ „, ||„„ I fli.T.. ,, liti!,. ,la,m^,.r „t Its l«.iM« ,!,.,.r...v..,| !,v -,,uirr..!s „r „il„.r r„.l.nt.. Tli- I I, '"l ^"TJ""*-' ■■'""■^ 'I':'' '^ <"♦«':"" "• '^' '"'t if IWt n„,n. tl „• v-ar ,n inir-rv %, «'""->•'•'"■ -'••llin^^s nr.. tr,.ni tlir.... t„ ,ix in..!,... in la.i^.|,f .,.«<..!. an.l l,la-k ..iHTry. s- tl xfiisiv.. planting „f ,|,i. tr..,. i. |,ar,llv jn.,irt...| "'"■" ""■ """■•■ ^ '''""' '"- «ill >rr,m-. If ,h„ul,l 1.,. plant,.,! » l,.v | ft. TlIK linn IIKS I Hrlllhll. Til,. M.,.,1 „f ,1„. I,ir,|„.« i. v.Tv Mnall an.l !i„hf. th.r,- lHi.i« api,n,xin,af..iv SUO.ii.M MM'ds t,. 11,.. p,.„.i,!. f ,„.,.„r. in -t.iall ,■„,„.. „p ,.atkiM, wl,i,.|. rip,.n aLont tli-. n.i.l.ll,. "f A„«u.t. rii.. ..... i. „f„.„ np,. «l,il.. th,. ,.,.,„. i. -fill ;rr....„ i„ ,.„|„„r. Uip,. s..,.,| has a l„.|,t l,n ,,l„„r l",,!,.-- ,h,..v ar,. ..xp„„..| ,„ vi.,!,.nt win,!- fh.. ,.afki„. will '•lt,.|i 1.,. to,iM,| liaMH-intr tla- fip< ,,f th.. l,ran,.li..H hit., int,. th.. fall .,,, . •V":'' ".'""" "!'■■"■"« ""■ '•"'^'"" <>>">■ '"- '"-"k-'M h.v rnhhiin.' iH-tw,.,.,, th.. han,U I hw ,!« IS n,,t always n..,...ssar.v lor ,n„s, „f tl, „... |,. l„„k..„ )„ „,„ .,.,,,„; ^'< atf...npt n....,l ho ma.l.. t., s..paraf,. tl ha,T-lik.. ,■„,,.. .r,U- .h,. -.,.,1; it i- aliiicisf niip,i:*il,I|.. Ihcy arc sown t,)K,.th<.r Th.. s„wi:,s may I,.. ,h,,„. ,.i,h,,p i„ ,i„, ; „, ,|,,i„^,_ ,„i,.,^,^ ;,, ,,_..|l^ ^^^ c•J.^f .n th.. nurs.^ry If th..y ..„m,. „p , ,hi,.:dy in tl. . ,!ri;is fh..v .-an lat.T 1.,.,., ,,ut Iti th.. oas.. „f fall „,win.^ ,!,.. h..,U ar v,.,-,.,! with a inul,.!, whi,.h i- r.-miivcl in the .sprmp. TlLvvonm.' M^..,llin«s Hk.. tli.xs.> „f th,. , ar- !„..t sha,i,.,l in t)„. h„t w..afh.-r .lM,.,n.,^ ,h,.,r timt y,.ar In th.. fall tli..y may ..itlu.r h,. tak,.„ up a,i,l h..,-!,. r,.a,lv I'.r fran.plaMt,n»r in lli.. ,prin« .,i- l,.ft i„ th.- 1 s .h-.t wiMt,.r. In th- sprin- tli.'v ■■nr -,.| ,„„ ,„ „ur-,.ry t-ows ah,„„ ,w,. ,„• th, in,.h..s apart, fl -tan...„ ,1,,. '■•"• Althou^.h ,h,. i,n.,.l„.s pro.ln,.,. v..ry „s..ful w.„>,! th,.,. pla.ifin- of tl,..m in _. ,. woo, h, K ,„„ ....,.„„ini,.n.!,.,l it is for fh. pur,.,s.. of pnahn^ln^ Hr,.woo,l. i!nt a,.::!;:.;:;'!':::,!:"""' ''"'""' "'^"' "■"■'^ "^ ""^ '■"'^" ^■^''•■^''■'" '>--M'--,.,i ,r,.,.s I'.l.MK CliKHii (I'riiiiKx Sf'roliiKi) The fr,iif of fl,.. |,la,k ..h.-rry rip..n> in August or early in Septomhi^r. Wh,.,, unrip., the fruif i> Kr..,.n m ....lour an.l a. it riiM.ns it takos on a reddish tin..,, an.l finally l),.(..)m..s .(uife hhvk. Th,. .s,.,..l may hi. s.iwii in tl„. fall ,)r spring. It is st,>rod in moist sand as ,!..s,.rih..,l t,.r niifs. Ill sowintr, th.. s<...d.s aro plant...! thro.. in..hes apart in drill.s and ,.,)V..r,.d one "f\ u'^'r^-'l ^';;'""' "• ' ' """^■'''- ^^'-"t -!.<>*» -'-'''i^ ^nd win ^,u „u,„( ;;».) f«.t ot drill. The drills ar.. eiglit t.) twdve iiR.h.>s apart for hand cultivating „r two t,) tliree lei't f,)r hors.. ..ultivating. Mills ii\ I \iniil \ >/7.»7/v 46 Oii.-.v.'iir .'III IliriL'-" iin- t'f..iri i^^lit f.. t»ri\.' in-ln', '•' li.iulii :iii,| l,,,^,. • •IIMIIUII t.. ..( .,111 III III,' ti.'lll Mf HM,.,||,,t. Til.' lijii.'k ilHTry iiii' "•""111 f"r .'ulliviitiiiif Im.|w,.ii i-,,h,. On.. l,i|.|i..l ,,t' ,'li.-liii;t^ .'..nlaiii, fniin li..MHI t,. x.iHM) nut,, will plant t;.Vl f.-.t ,,l' mn-.ry r,.w. an, I pr.,.iii,-.' alM.iit l,i;uii plillit'. '■'' li'-lniil will ,l..v.'l,,p w.'il ,,n fairly .Iry. liirlii, -aii,|y ...iN, l.iit it i- at it* '"'■' '"'■!'• I'niiny, wt'll .Iniinc.l s.iil-i. wlii.'ji arc oft. n f.i.i .jry f,ir suvrar iiiapl.. .,i- l>i'.','li. If may I... plant. '.I in pur.' -tainU liv.- f..,.t aiuirt ..n.')! way ..r if may l..' iiii\,,l with whit.' pill.', r...! pill.'. ,,r rt.l nak. aii.l .in Mi,.r.' iii,.i«t *it..^ with -iiL'ar iiiapl,', whit.' ,>ak. Im'c.'Ii, iir vliit.' ii«li. rii.' .'h.'snut s|ir,,iil>, ,,r .•,,ppi.'..~. with n iiiarkiii.l.. \ ly,,iir fr.,iii ,iit -ii,iii|„ ai..i it .■an li.' r.|ir,i.lii''i'.l in fhiit nmiin.r. Tiii.4 is :h.- .■Ii....tnnt li that pnuln,.... tl lihl,. mit^. ami -h.nil.l n,.t 1 ..n fii-.'-i with th,. h..r>,-,'li,.,tiiiit whii'h i, II, ,f a iiativ,. hut ha- Im.'ii wi.l.'ly plant, '.I f.,r ..rnaiii.-ntal piirp'--. K,.i- , . ..ii..iiii,- pLii.tiii- in ( ana, hi. l! ii, -inm ',, pr,i.-i i.Mliv ■ ■,,Mtin,-,l 1,1 th.. Niai^ara p,-;nn-iila an. I tl.. ,...iiiiti,-. a,lj,,Jiiii,L' lli,' i.ik, - Kri, ai,.| .^t (-'l.iir. .\t lla- piv-,.nl till,,. ih,r,. i. a fiiiii;.,ii- ,ll-,.a-,.. th.. .•iu-iniit l,aik hii-lit. ait.i.-k- in- an. I killiiii.' ih,. ,-li..tnnl in iari;,. i.iiiiii.,T- in many ,.i' tin- ii..mIi,- i,i, rii I'nit,,l,.- fr,iiii .Marylan.l ami l'..nn-\ !\ .,nia t.. .M.i-,i,'liii-,.ti,. .\. y,t n.. pi'.i,.ti,.a! iii,.ai,- ,.l .•vi.r.'..iniiiif it ha-i 1,.-.t. .li>.-.,v.T.-,|. ami a- tli,r,' is a p,,-.;l,ility ..f t|». ,li.,-;i.,. -pi.^niinti int.. t' it,l ii.,l 1,. a.lM-ahli' t,, -.t .ii' ,-m,.|imv,. piai tit i..- , ,,'' Ukii Ki,m m.-.i iM.i.Kii Si,ii'i'i;i:\ Ki.m tl'lmiix liilni} Th.- -.■.■li,.rt tini.. ,iml th.r.'f,,r.' -li'.iiM 1,,. -.,un -',,'11 afi,-i ^atli.'riii;;. S.,w in .Irill- ah,,ut J.". ..r :;u k.rm.'s t,, th,- Invar f,„,t ami ,',.v.'r ..n,.. .■:i;htli t., ..|]i.-ipiai-t..r ..f an in.'h .L.p. 'i'liin ,iiu t,i alK.iit nni' incli apart if tli.y ,'.iii,' np t,„, thi.'k. On.' 'mnc' ,,f wiiiK-Ii>- -..-.I will |ir.i.lm'.' aliiiut l'.ihmi plant^. Om-y.'ar-.,hl -.-.'.ilinKs uvi'mp' fr.iin t.-n t.. ciKlitv-'ii in.-li.'s in lu'itrlit ami may !.,• set .'lit in jiur.' plaiitiiti,,ns ,.r with whit." ash, whit.' piu.'. white ,iak. -nuar maple. .>r hhmk .'li.'rry. \\'liiTR Ki.m {I'Imii.'i amfriiiinn) Seeil ,if the whito i^hii ripens in JIay. Care -luinhl h.- tak.'ii n.,1 (,. pi,'k it i,,., >.>,,n. Only piimip and well tilled seed sliould ho taken. If milky ami ii,>t tinn tli.. piekiiiK sh.iul.l be deln.ved for n fow dn.vs. The s.iwinjr should be as snon as p.issihle. Before sowing, hnwev, r. tli.' -,. ,i sh.juld be drie(» to so k-^rnels per linear f.i.,t. ami .'..vtwd lijrlitly .ne-.iuart.-r .,f an inch deep. L.'ave fr..m tw.'lvr t,. eighteen inches sjia.'p l> /(/,• I \( // /,•/ /// //\ \. I'll.' |..,ll||.l ..t ..,,1 vmII „,u .lU.Ilt 1 '(HP r,,l ,,(■ .lr,ll .11 ::•■"">> .-.■.li,,,.. \v„), ,,..,-,, I,.- 1,,.,!,.,, Iln^', ' """""'"'^ I' I.- Ihl.k;\ I|„> ||l;l> Im tl,l|,|M(l t., ,,!,.. -.,u.r,.f,...,„f„„r.,r>. I...,., , ,„..„,, ' ' ' ' "'" ^^ '•""' iii'ii (i|iiirl, In |.: iiitihu. ',n.' Miir n|,| „,,|i I'l' -iiilcil t..r -I riiii^. ,, ■r iiii ' ■■' '■> ■■' "■ "'■ '■ !•> 'i I'l. «ill Im. |- „l I HI l|i( K.iiiiKs ( f'ania) Mihstai'ton . ,, "'•■'^"'•> -•;' "V"- in 0,.,,,|„. I ,u.n 1„ |,h„.l,.,! ..:tl„r in tl,.- fall .,r -f.nw. •l"n, It i- nil, II |„hi,,,l.!, t,, |,li|M til, Ml liin:.'' iiinl In,' ,lilli,-iilty ,,f traii>|.laiitiiiir 1''"'^' "" '" III 'I"!'- IXTIIIIIIl, tit -it.'. Ill |ll,llltillK ill tlll- '"^'""■'- '>' ■ -l'^"' iiH'- i.iv ,.hi,.,.,l i„ thr .,ni„- -|.„t 'i' 'III' I'lir-Mv tl.,> iin ,,l:i,„.,| i,. ,„u. ,, , ,i„,,,. i„,|„. ^„„,,, ^,,,,1 .,,„„„ ^„^ V' ','';■ ' "'■ ! '!'' ';•■'"'"'- "-"I '■" '" "•' iii't- -Mar,.:.! v..,lii,i^. atv 1> Til,. >lui.^l,a,-k i,i,.k..rv i,;nu, ,n.U,n ,,n„l,„-,., th,. ,„„.t. viiIui.M,. „ 1. It .ii„v ..■ |.la.,t,,l ,,„n.„r n.iM.l w„li wlii,,. „-li. ,„■ l.i.vli, ,,r„u,l,.l tli,-,. latt,-,- atv k, ,.. i„ '.Ha. I,";'f, Tl' '' ';■ ";"7''"" •'"• '-■'^"■■>- >-' l-.-i.i*^ Hi- spa..,,,, i, n-„alK ...Ha. I » |,\ 1 It. Ill, >liai:lMirk lii,.k,,f.v i- ,, ,_r \ ,|,r,,|,|, ,. .\l^^>l,,lu MAfii. Mi l:,,v K,,,,:,: ,.|,,,. .V,,/.,,,,/,,-) .';;'■-;''.■•'■ •!- Manit.,l.a tiia,,],. 1- ,„...,|,„.,.,l „,a.i„l,„itly ,.,.1, ...r. I, rip..,.- in • .M. la.-l,.. ,,t .,.,.,1 „Mdi- „|,.ait ..|,v,.„ ,„ai„.l. I, h,,, a uvrtintialin,, ,„.r,.,.nta.;. I in.a. ..n to .„. ,„T ivnt. aial ,„,. ,„mi,hI u,II ,a-,„l a|,,,r,,Ni,„ .;.iHin „' „„, l-l"|- ^"Ui,,.. „ „ „.,.|| ,„ ,l,n i, i„ ,„,,|„^ ,,, 1,,.^.^,,, ^,,^ _^^^^, ^^j, ^,^^_ ^^._^^_ I tiiay I,,. .,u,i ,11 ,1,,. fall „r -,,ri„^. S.„i„. -,.,1 „iay 1„ ,l,„-,i,a,it r„r ^ S.. Ill n^kl.v in ,1,|||. .. ,1 , .,„,,. „„„.,, „,„^_ ^„„, _. ,^^^,^, ^ ._^^|^ ;l-' ■■ «',„. ,.,,ii,„ ,,| -,,,.,1 „,,! ~,.u- al...ut -KM) f,...t of drill. Tho ,lrilU .ho„l,l i„. :;,, ni-i- ,t a l.o,-,. oiilt i^;„.,r i- t„ 1„. „s...l. Sooilliim, -|io„|,l 1 „|,i,„„., ,!,„;,„. 1- tnM y,.,ir. Oii,.,v,,,r.„l,l ...,.,lli,i,,. arc ,>.„„ twoK,. t„ h.m,. |„ , i„ , ;„,;,- uo y,.a,--, ,1 .,.,., |„if.-.t,-o,M :;i to ;»! i,„.|„.,. Th..y ,,..„ 1„. ,,!a„t,.,l out in ,!„. i..,-,,;,,: '■nt plantathai uln^u ntlur oi„. ,,r two nl,l ';,'":' '''^"""^^ '" '■•-."■-■" •■■'-'I^i. -I.-.-- many ,v ,1, -ir.,1.1,. -,„.,.;,. ,. ,„ 1„ .J,„ „ nrxin.^ w, 1. ,n„iv v.ilual,!,. .,„.,.|.., .vlil,.h ,lo no, ,m-ou ...r\\ i,, ,,„r,. ,,,„„1 I, ,.,;, l :;:::;; i:: ;.•;:;■< -:.-.-.-whi,..a.„.,„„,i ,. ,,'.„.,o.,„.,i.itii," ;;:;;,;: Si i.m; oi; Hmmi Mmtk (.Icr,- sarrharum) Th,. .o,.,| of tlio .=„frar tnaplr ripotis nl.out tho first of O,.tol,..r ami hi. ■, Imv imntcb <.0 (•iic-vnir-.'lil >cim-ar-niakers claim that forest-jrrown tnnis will produce more than tho-c H;rown ill an open, orchard-like urovi . This is jirolialily due to the fact that tree, iiiKler which tli.-rc i- p.od coverinK of fore-t litter and liiimii- are more viM-orous a- a ruli- than tne~ ^'rowii so far apart that they are surrounded liy hmI. It i- well to plant the trci, close eiioujrh to ensure proper ^'roulld i dil^ms at the start, .ind wluMi lhr\- are ahout ti'ii fei't liiiih and hc^rin to crowd seriously iii^iicc t.i thin ill. Ill f:iadually. The~e conditions ,,f sjrowlh [iroducc Ion;; trunk> which all'..rd a stoi-aiic place tor thi' -ii^ar contained in the -ap. ami the yield of -uf^ar is thus ii: rcased. Till; Sort .M.M' i-'^J'-^'^'^ "H Wmri: M.M'I.k ( Act ,-.•<„,, I, miiuim i /lvi;iion .Sprlnii' piaiilin- It will -pnoil hi a f.w Work- ai d the -. e.lliiii.'- will make u I liTowtli during' the fir-l Ma-in. Iloth ..| the -ofi iiLii'!. - thrive on wci place, alal are suited for plantiiiu where the they develop a deep r,.nt -o ihal lran-|ilantin>r them is ditticult. They can he rai-cd in the inir,cry hut if eoniiitien, are lavdiirahle it is well to ,et them out where it is intended tl»\ are |o rcm.iiii ji,r- inaieiitly. Ill planting in tlie nursery they are spaced three' inehi's apart in eirills. ami .'ove ri;l on,' anil a half iiie-hcs dei-p. One' pound of ai'orns will iilaiit ahout L'.'>.fee-t of drill. (Ine> liii-hil eif ae'orns contains ahout S.fKMt siM'ds and will proilue'e ahout T.lMlll MiiHinL;-. ()iii'-yi>ar-old si'celli.ifrs are' from five to nine' im-hi's lii;;h. I'lantinK in the' lie'lil eir weieiels in se('el-s]vits the- .s])ots shoulel hi' ahout six fee't apart I a.i'h way ami four ai-oriis plaiite'd in I'ae'h spot. I.ik" the- ^iipir maple the while' oak el'ii', hi'st em a fri'sh. well draine'el, lemmy soil. It may he pmiite'el in pure stanels ahout f air fee't aitart eiii-h way or mixeel with siivrar maple', !ie<'ch, reel e.ak, hie-kory. white' e Ini. ha,sw(iiil. e'hestnut. white ash or white' pine'. IJki) Oak f<,hu'nu.i nihni) 'i'lie' ai-eerns of ihi' ri-d oak ripe'ii in Septi'mher ami may hi' plante-il in the' -prinj; or fall. The' plantiniJ shoulel he elone' as di'scrihi'el for the' eithe r oak^. The' acorns are' larfrer thiin tluise' of the' white oak and run approximately :!,(1IM» to the- hushel. Oiu'- yiar-eilel >i'i elliii;;, are- freiin ,ix to twe-lve- ine'he's hi^rh. \(iir-< rlit. ^iimix. ..r L'niv.ll.v ,-oiU, but >h»uU\ i:n\ I,,- liliiiit.MJ (HI vtT.v lirv, sliiltiiit.' siind-. It iii;iy lie pliiMl.d in pure >tiuuU cr mixed with wliilr pine, Sciiti-h pine, rril pinr. clii^liiut or iiii'ki.rv. Spncinjr -ImuM lie hIihuI .". t>.v :> ft. (ir ci'd .i|- ciittiims. Iml. ii- tlic sci'd (if tlii'sc trees i- ver.v dilHi-ult I Uect mid - I.i-es it- vit:ilit,v, ^.'ri'uiiii,' tlielii frriiii cuttiiifrs is tli(> more euiiveiiieiit liietliml. ('iittiiiH-s are iTiiide fmiii well rii-ciied w.mmI. ^'eiienill.v (.f the previ.iiis .ve:ir's i-'n.ulh.^ Tliey ciiii l.e iii;i.!( :iliii..,t ;r.iy time in the l;ili ^.fier the Ituve- dn.p. Vr ill llie spriiiL' liel',,!-,. the yi'Mwlh i iiieiie, - The l„.t tliiii' i^ pr,ili;il,l,v e;irlv in .M.iivh. ■|''ie i-iiltiliii- -l:..iil..ilh. K, Milts (,l II. ,-|il .nliiiv -l-vv.. ...r.!^ ef nupl:,,- , ul flniM .-, |.l:,malioi, : ,t ..ut l.x the iM.n.stiy Hralirli «lii. h > i.1.1,-,1 at tli, ml, ,.r .iizlii,, i, e„i,ls |..r ;i.f,- , lulii \ ,iv iiftiT (•l.intiiij; lieiilthv hniiieli, - (.r -li....t-, I'leiii i|iiiirli-i- t.. thne-i|iiMrlei - ,.1' im in-h in dnimeter. Cut tlu' twi;; otf s.piarel.v at Imtli end- with a sharp knife or liatehet, makiiiir the upper eiii. pnferahi.v. jii-t ahevc a hud. Then lie ihem in hiiiid:e- u( Jrciii te-.i Ic, Iweiil.v-tive. anil •■ plelel.v enver tlieiii with lii..i-t soil er -.Hid in ,- e eool phiee where tlie.v will ii..| ,-pr..iit h.d'cre it is time te pl.inl them, 'I'liev mii-l never he allowed to dry out. j-'reezimr will iiol iii.jiire theiii. As early a- p..s.-il,|e in the spriiiy they should he .set out in well prepari'd soil ill nur-ei-y row-. Hefoiv planting; it i- often a.K i-ahle to -oak lliei lav or tw,v Ml water. In plantiiiii they are -,■! in hole- ,.;ade with a suitalile pointed sliek. hut !lie hole -hoiild ■;iot lie mad. mm h lar;;er than the diameter of the eiltliim. l!v makiii- the hoh s .-hmlini.' hotter eoinael ean he ^e.'iired with the -oil A firm elo-e contaet with the soil of the wliol,. portion l,elow ^rroimd is very The platilin- must h,. d, ep and with hiids pointing upward-. hurv the tntliii;.' except for the upper -t l.ud. .\ever leave iiior.' than all iii-h' or all itieli 50 rni{h:srin- nirwrii iii i.i.f.ny \„. no "f tl.,. t eo. A now shuot will spr,,,^ fnm. tl,o 1„„1 m.mI l,o,.on>o tho upri^.t main *(..,„. Ahvnv. use a point..! sti.k or .libl,],.. n.-vr push tl,o ou.t mr n o L " wnhoMt ., ,n.kin« :. hole. Th.. dihl.l... h-ro referU to, i. „ ,' nle^ ol ", '" '""]■ '""""■'' ='' "- ™,I ,uM with „ suiua.lo handlo nt U,o oZr i, .l.>..n.-,. a >l,.rp.,„„nt,.,l stu: will .c^uTally 1... f„„n,l satufaotory for planting ■ m.l tho ow, >houl,! l„. t;.r ..noujrh „part to permit thoir boin^ cultivat,..!. If 75 per .•■•MO, tlu. ,.„tt,n«. sprout tlu- pl.,,,!,,.^ „,av l,o ,.„nsi.ior,..l ., ..f,,]. Th..v should iM' plant,.! to tlu- pcrnumont plantatin.;, i„ rl... followiuL- sprin- This one is correctly planted because 1 Set In ground on slant. 2 Soil well firmed and in close contact with the whole length below ground. 3 Only one bud above ground. ProiHT and improper mT-thuds ot planting cuttinKS, These three are Improperly planted because (a) Too upright — soil loose, only in contact with cutting at surface of ground. I 6) Much too shallow. Soil too loose, (e) Cutting at right depth and correct slant but soil not in contact with lower part of cutting which would dry out before roots coul'' form. ^rnS^ «it;^««l>"e the cnttings will not have to compete with srras« and other .^row h. and the sol ts light aud in good condition, the ..uttings mav be set out directly in the plantation or. where desired, without first rooting in the nursc"v rows. Any failures or !,lnnk plnc«= may be filled in the following spring In >etting out tliey may be spa,.ed 6 by C ft. or 7 by 7 ft. Black \V,\lnl't (Jurjlans nigra) The nuts of the black walnut rip<>n in September or October and mav be planted 1". either the spring or fall. Under favourable conditions they are best planted where they are to remain iiermanently. The deep tap-root of walnut seedlings makes their transplanting from the nursery difficult. In the nursery thev are planted in rows si.x inches apart in the row. and three feet between rows. Thc're are about «00 hu^ke(! nuts to a busliel. One-year-old seedlings arc from twelve to fourteen The bl.ick walnut will make good growth on heavy clay soils, but thev must be well drain, d. The foliage is very tliin and open, and it is therefore not a suitable tree for gr,,wuie ,n pure stands. It should always be mixed with species producing a heavier shade but of slow growth, since the block walnut is of slow growth -ind very intoleraiit of shade. If fast-growiTig species arc u.sed in the mixture thev should not be introdu,.ed until the walnuts have several yaare' start, and should 'then be .VO/7..S ((V 1 lA'/or.v sl-rclF.S gf w:it.-li..,l to Mc that thrv ,in Mot ,,v.Tt(,p th.. w.ilrnit trc.'S. K.mI „ak, wliil,- i^pnic.., or winic piiir should prov.. .uhM,- for tlii- iiiixtiin. The wiiliiut trees ar.. spaced al.out tl l,v t! ft. ,,r ; \,y T ft. and tl,.. ,,thrr tn-,- phipifd hetwe,,,. K,.r ■■ronoinie piiuiliiiL'- 111 Cniiada this tree is ro'iHiwd to tho -.iithuc-terii part of Orit^irio. TliK lilTTKIIMT tJll'/linis rhuna) The l.iitt.riiiit (soin.tiiii,,. ealle.l the wiiite waliiiit) -houM h- propagated in ih.' salii.. iiiaiuier as the hiaek walnut. The nut.- are ripe ahoiit the sani.^ lime It i-an he f;rown tliron>;iiont the ,M,t setth.! part- of Ontario and guel a? well a- the senthern ol New linniswi.k Nova S.otia. and ha- th.refore a wider ran^e than the l,hie., walnut. It is howev.r not a de-irahle tre.^ to plant ixt.'n-ivcxv It rarely «row, without a nuniher of .-rook- and •,!„.-. an,! i- ninrh iriveu to d,.-;,v wlieii .dd. It make- lairl.v rajdd f:rowth w) n- l,ut is not a lonA;-lived tree. 10 TABLES OF DISTANCES . -JUANTITIES Taim.k ]-Ni Mm;i; ok |',„m,- or .Sr .,:i, .\, i:,; |\, „ in 1!,,,m. x-t .^ouin,. •">'/"■'"'<■ /i ,•; ' (lll'llllll 'I A-h ,. , .,,, , p , ,,. ••' '"-11 poiinil.-. Halsam I'lr 'Oio"" " '' .-,(lto 1-:, ■ !;;^"'' i^to.. •■ ,'"': -te.^ •• ■"■'I''' 'Of ,u •■ White Pine f ♦ 111 •• '-'■'i- ■.■.;;;: :: :: :: :!;; „ .. laniaraek or Maekniataek C, to ,S " •'^'"•"•■" .'.' .; to S •• W hite Oak in n i Keil ( (ak S " lilaok Oak !.'.... . .' .'.' .'.' .'.' .'.' '.',][" s " T^:. K :/--Nt MMKH .,K I-,.. MS l;,,, „:,:„ n. Pivv, ^^ Ann: vr Vvino, s Distamks / Idiilnirj Dislaut !• •• , A iimiHr 1 foot h.v 1 foot V"":"'/'::^ ■'::::::;;:::::::: ;: i,;;;;,; '' .. '! 4.8.T4) . ,. . ' e,725 ;; ■■ ;; :: ^--^-^ - . . ,. 1,210 ' SH9 ,. ■• M .' fi«l r'iu '" ■■ >" •• :: aZ INDEX Collpcttnvr trff >. .1 C'Of>pic« or sprout method Crowding, effcctji of • 'ullinKS, improvt-nit-nt DfUMity, how Ko\trni'ti I_)i' Nui-st'ry, the farm Planting. ■ l'n>liM-tii>ii ... I'liiniiiK Qiiarility of n f\ r.'-jUit ••'l tr) scpw an at-rc. Hi pitnliirtion , S.'.Hhn^,'. . S<'f(|lin«» viTsufl traiis|.l.inl.s Sh;uh*-( frtn-s ThinniiiK-. . TraimplantinK Tre« Ket'il, i-oUectiriE'. ♦ i-ifTjni;. and storini?. Tree Hpccica, notes on Arhor-vitai', or wh r ct-dar AHhcH. Th.' Hals;ijn fir }t;t.sswoud rh Hinhtw. the Butternut ('(Mlar. white Cherry, blaok Chestnut Cottonwoods and poplars. Kims, the Henilm-k Ilickoriee, the Maples, the Oaks, the IMni-**, the roplars and coitonwoods. Spruce^ the Tfuniirack Willows, the Walnut. bla>ck I'arfe 28 14 17 14 1. ;!T ifi 14 .'1 21 34 ■>'> 8 IS 51 20 20 24 1« 12 37 30 3S 43 3:< 43 44 4t r.i 3.< 4) 4r, 4 'J V, 3J 4i! m 48 33 4:) 41 43 4.1 iO 62 m&mmmmm^ NwaiP^Vi ^^^^i^^^^^n