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Laa diagrammaa auivanta iihiatrant la mMioda. 2 3 5 6 MiaOCOW RiSOlUTKM IBT CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 21 1.0 iriia lit 1^^ ■ 22 |Z0 11.8 iiii^H^ r^E9=!ig. 'fVMGE Ine '653 £oil ua,„ street (716) 2M-5989 - r,. CIRCULAR No. 27. PROVINCE OF BinITISH COLUMBIA. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (HORTICULTURAL BRANCH). METHODS OF FRL'IT PICKING AND HANDLING. f> Hv Ki.wix Smith. B.Sc. (in r„AROE or Cabefi l Handliko INVESTIOATIONS. ETC.). 'pU0.\f tlin tinu. th.,t a Krow^r plnntx „ troe until the time that It has L ni„ nml ir„lr ho always hnn the aHMstan.-e of .-ature. If he has n nla^M, ' '^\TV'"' "'"' '"' "'" """'"""' """ ""«' "-""""• ""o" lei" always be harked up and assisted by the unfalllnB lawH of „„t„re which "n,.eaHl,^,y tend toward reproduction. But as soon as the f™it h.'.s biS projluoed and reaches n.a.urlty the laws of nature are reversed and so we find hat even before maturity the life processes of a fruit are started In a direction toward Its de,.„n.,K,sl,lon. and do not end until the flesh of the fruit is entire y d.slnte^ate,. and Its seed or seeds are ex,,l and ready for ger„,ln«tlon. (V.nse that most people e.sllv n.t;n sufficient knowledge to assist nature to the end of having beautiful and de clous f,| bend n« every .^an,.h and twl« of a carefully planne<. orchard: but whe, e what meth!;:i'"\ "',"■•"*-""«•"« ^"0 have n.ade a study and know J.m ^hat methods to use In handlluK the fruit of a vine or tree which has been attention, we And the number Is surprlsluRly small Even s<-lentlflc horticulturists have neglected the studv of means and me, ...xls Which should be en.ployed In handlln« fruit so that the iTa" v d us"» end ha en atta ned. Many men have successfully brought an orchard to a profltaWe bearing „ge „n,l then have gone bankrupt for this very reason. So gaf he ma t'eVr-" f "'*'; '"'' ''"'^*"""' "' "'""••'' 't "' comparatively an ■ t matter ,0 uroducc a fruit, but the difficult problem comes when we ^n -er hat after pr.Hluctlon we have nature fighting „s. and when we co,TsIdrr wli'iil Injury In plikln);. Miirliitc till- Hi'iiMitii i>r 11)12 till' InvcNtlkCiitcir liiNinitol ii \;\rtti- niinilHT iif liitM iif iippli'M IIS llicy wiTi' l>riiimht friini tlic iirrhiirilM liitn tli<- viii-Iiiiih parkhiK- limiHi'M i<( ItrlllNli I'liltinililii, mii'I rmniil tlial iiii iiri'riiiti* i I'ai'f rxliiliitcil liv the orrlianllNt. ami aitorillni; to till- varli'ly srlccli'd. Till* amount of In.hiry I" far tiMi Kri'at, for tlic pmktT raiiiiot 111' i'X|«'rli>il to asMort all Injiiri-il HiHK'Imi'iis. ami If lie illil, lum lilsas- troiiH till- ri-xnltH woiilil l»' to snim- of tlii- uroHrr'H ri'liirtisl Invi'stluatloiiM WITI' iiiiiili' III till' wiioli'Niili" Iiiiiimi'm of VaniimviT. t'altfary, ami Kilmoiitim. ami from Ls'ls Mpitimi'iis rxaniliii'il it wan foiiml that an avrnitfi' of tTi.J piT ri-iit. of No. 1 ap|ili'M In Tlrltlsli Colnnilila Ihixi'n wi'ri' lirnlsi'd or pnmiiiri'il. This was iiiorr than 111 iirr ii-nt. IiIkIht than tln' nii'ilianlial Injury fonml In thi" Anii'ririin "fam-y" uraili' of tlu' sami' varli-ty. I'nim -■'■ to 40 piT I'l'iit. of tin' iippirs In till' Irox ari> ili-stini'il to l>i> sIlKlilly lirnisi'il liy pri'sslii^ thrill Into thi- lio\ tirnily ciioiikIi anil with I'lioiiirli liiil);i> to till' liox to maki' a sntlsfai-tory park, llowi'vi'r. it was vi'ry notlci'iilili'. In inaklin; thi'si- Invi'stiitations, that thi- injiirii's In th»' fnilt from this Trovinii' iliil not stop with tlii> flrst om' or two liiyiTs. hut iinitinni>.l throuahont thi' hox. show ini; vrry romlnslvi'ly that thi' frnit was Injiiri-il hi'furi' It was hroiieht ti> till' |>iirkinK-hous<\ In tlii'si- liivi'stiKatlons no ilii-ayi'il siHilmi'im wi'ri' fonml in tin' liii|Hirti'il frnit, wliilr in a nnnilii'r of Ilritish ('oliimhia boxes iippii's wi-ro fonml that were In a hail state of ih'eay. A few hriilses on fruit may seom an imon- siilerate matter to the Krower. Ilis fruit iisiks extniorillmiriiy well as lie wes it ill the onha '1. Itnt he iIih-s not see the frnit lifter it has passeil Ihroiiuh the series of trans|iortation ami hanilllni; hnrilsliiiis ami iipiwars upon tlie inarki't witli some of Its spii'lmens ileeayeil anil with iiriiises hroimiit out ilark anil iiKl.v. kIvIii)! the artiele ii ileelileilly inferior ai)|K'aranie when siiown liesiile lomiK'titors' fruit. CAREFUL HANOLINQ v«. PRECOOLINQ. Coiitlnueil comiilaiiits from the markets hiivp made Dritish roliiiiiliia Kfowers fii'l that somi'tiiiiitf Is wroni; with tiieir methods of handlhii: soft fruits. The Department of Agriculture has soiiisiit to remedy this by stiirtlnK prii'ooling invi'stlcations. The writer has sjient the season of IJH-J In that work. Failllties were not at liand to do prii-iMiliim at oiire. so a series of invest tirat Ions were undertaken to determine the need of It. if any. One of the exiierlmeiits dealt with the rareful hamlliii); of Kiirly Crnw- foi'd iM'iiihes. reai-hes were picked by tlie liivestlRiitor, piicked in tile oninird, and plined in a refrigerator car teiiiperaturi' — i.e.. 4i!-l7° Kiilir. In hamllini; the fruit there was no iluinpini;. no roilinR. nor any exi'e.ssive linnilliii);; still the iM'iiches were pin-ki'd in a manner that could be einiilo.ved commeriiall.v uitliiiiit aililril cjrpoisc. At the same time boxes of Early frawforil peaches were taken from the iiackliitflionse. these being hnndleil in the old way. After six. twelve, and eigliteen days, boxes of these jieaches were taken out niiil the di'<-a,ved speeimens counted. Then after the fruit had been exjiosed to market con- ditions for two, four, and six days, the de'-ayed speolmens were ngnin counted. lli-MilltH hIiiiwoI that tin- i-iirt-fiil tiiiiiillliiK leniOliflKil iiif life nf tlir fnilt mill riiliiii'il till- ili'iiiy fiioriiioiiMly, iin iiiiiy !)<> w«mi hi tlif t:ililit« Mow :— TliMf In Trunalt. t'uiiiiiirriial l-Hck. • 'nri'ful fiii'k. Avt>rtiK<> iiiwmiit of (itviiy after 0 dayH ],» iH'rcviit. O.N |mt r..iii. ,.12 IIM- .. 1.7 ..18 i!4..'. „ 1 0.5 „, , ,. I rari'fiil Handling .\rtiT six liii.vs (in til.' .Mnrki't. | hnil i ri'iluii'O li.'cii)'. Six iliiyH In trniiHit 27.3 |«t iTiit. Twclvi- iln.VH III triiiiHtt 27.1! Kicliti'i'ii iliiyx III triiiiNlt 311.4 AinoiiK iitluT wift fniitM Im-hIiIcm tin- pciirli, rnrffnl liiiiiilllni; <..\ii«>rliiii'ntH wiTi' nirrlfil mi with the Italhiii |iriiiH', with nlimwt NtiirtlliiK rcHiiltn. Tin- tlhiKriiiii Khdwii licliiw llluHtratfH a very HlKiiiheant Ii-mmoii. Wll,\T ('ABKKir. IlANIII.lMI UIU FOB ITALIAN I'iirNCH. TWKNTY-ftXK PAYS IX TIIAXSIT. CAUKFn.LY HAXIH.KI). U'r DKCAY. .'OMMEHCIALLY HAXr>f,p:i>, aiy, OKCAY. .V i>rp<\ -^ ' ■ ,i.. vlll not remedy onrelens hnndlliii; tuir di'lay hi shlii- iiicnt. Till- . . iiB fxiKTts rluldly iiialiitahi tlil« fact. Invt-stlKatlons Hliow that :• nhia would lie hcnetltcd liy more caroriil haiidllii); and U'HH delay .iidiistr.v. I'roroollpy Is a proccxN that <'li<'ckH the life prcx-enseH oi it before they have taken place, and does not stoji diH'tiy once started In the Injured fnilt. .None of the large |H'acli districts in the Xorth-west employ priHiMilliiK plants, anil still market their fruit in prime condition as far east as the Atlantic sealHiard towns. ('(insiMpicntly. in Impriivlne the condition of our fruit on the market, we must l(M)k to metluHls employed with suec<>ss In other places, some of which are given suhsoi|uently. STANDARD METHODS OF HANDLING FRUITS. TiMK OK I'KKINQ. The proiHT time to pick a fruit Is a probl tliaf the fruit-grower's best Judgment must dii'ide. Tlie best time to start picking most tree-fruits is In the month of June— I.e., Just after the '•June drop" or at thinning-tlme. Thinning Is the "first picking" and one that should never be negle<-tetl. Tlie next picking comes Just before maturity of the fruit, which may be iMiTinlmil |.y th ,i,„ir of iln- fruit for tho vnrloty, l.y IIh llriiiiic«« iiiuler im-MMtin', by the iniiiim'r iii whiili It ylchln from thf Hpitr ^r brnmli to which It In iittiu'hi'tl, mill III till- I'tiiH' of tin- ii|i|>li' iiiiil |M>ar »>y tlii" i-olmir of ilif wiiln. Thi- woIh Mhoiilti Jimt In- tiiriiliic to u liniwiiliih i-oloiir. or utiirtitJ to turn lilmk ill till' ciiiM' of the |H>iir. With th» n|i|ilc iiMil iM'iir. the proiH-r tlm<> Mi:,y |h- toll iH-xt liy tnkliiic tho fruit Hriiily In the full of the hiiiiil tiinl kIvIhb It n liiterni twiiit, with the xleiii takliiK leveriiue over the Index Hniter. If lit for plikliiK. 'he utein will let liHM<> fi the friiltnimr without lireiiklna. Knrly nppleii me heiit when ilH'y hnve nttiilii.Hl full it>loiir unil heiiln 'o yield to prexMiire. Tho«' whUh have a tend y to lieeouie dry or mealy when rl|K'iied, like the Yellow Trnnii- p.irent. Khoiild 1h' pUked mmie diiyn before fully rlfn- Winter a|ipleH with HiiMonn varyliiK from that of the Jonathan to that of the Baldwin iihould !"■ mature, but not r\\w. The |iear miiHt lie plekml before rljienlnd. In order to in't the IwHt i|uallty In flavour and luw-louHneNii. To exnetly determh ■ when to pl.k n variety of iiears tlie grower luimt Judge by the »lze the fruit '""* "*•"' 1 "'"1 hy the rliM'iiIng of a few premature MixHiiiienii that are iilwiiys prewiit In a ti*e of fnilt. The iieeib aloo will have Rtarted to turn at thlH time. Cherrle* xhiiiild l>e allowed to remain u|hiii the tree i.ntil they are well coh.iireil. of giHHl Hize for the variety, a. 1 hnve rl|H-ned HutBtlently to be marketiible. IMuiiiM niiiy be loft until they have attained a fairly k.hmI lolour for the variety. However, excesxlve loxKefi with the Italian prune have be«Mi ex|K.rl- enci-d by allowing them to get too rli>e. A plum nhould lie pl<'keerrU>. blacklierrlcs. currants, and gooseberries, must be jilck.'.! while Hrin. Overdelay In picking these most licrisliable of fruits Is disastrous. We sho.ild never .liidge the |i|c kliig-tlinc by the prematiiri' railing of a few fruits. This Is .so times mi iiidbatloii thn* fruit Is tit li- pl-k. but It Is not always a iidiil>le one. Do not judge an orchard by a iree that 1m diseased or one that is sufTcrlng from lack of water. These will always mature their fruit before normal trees. Almve all things, keep .lose watch of the orchard as plcklng-tlnie apiirotiches. The ne«l.- hnU „s |, rl|-.„-. In n,..l«t. «..rin «. all,..r. wh,.n ih.,,,!,,* rlj^.n vrry tl... t.-.,., MmmiI.I Im k ..vr .v.-ry .«,. . „y. „.l,ll.. In .•,-,! S,.,„..„„K.r .lay,. «h. n Int-r ,«.....|„.h Ilk., tl... KIlH.rt.. Mr.. rl|»...lnK. tl... tin... I...t«...n i.l.klnaN nn.y I,.. In,.r..««..| l.v ,, ,1,,, If th-.v rt« not til rl|H.n ti«> rmf. ' I'ln..." nn.l „r.,n..» ,ho„l.| |,..v.. two „n.I „.r.v „... «,; .,„H...,t« tl... -,.n... Z^L,n u ' ."""■" """"""' ■■*-"""■ """"' ""•'■' ""■ "•"•- ""■-• • • .«,.nlK.rrl..« „, f..,t as ,h..y ri,M.n-"„..t k...„ln, „„ ,vlt.. tl... .Lkln,, •-!. '""^'"" ""■•••'•■ '■•' "•• H' X'-' .'v-r at ,.rl. t « than tw.! l.v, K'«» will h" """"" ".';' "."''■ ■'" '""' """ '""■'■ '•" »''■'"•'> ff""' " ''t..p.|«,!,l..r. wl.1 I. ..n,,,r..H tl... |,.„H, ,K««|, „„.,„„ „r r,.,„t lK.|„tf k.,„.k..l off. .V Ht..,; m .liT witl, a -Intfl.. l,rn.....Htan.l«r.l hI.oiiM alwayx Ih- s..|.rt.M. ,x» It N tl.- IlKlit.-Mf an.l IH-Nt n.lapt.Ml to K..ttln« wMliln tl... t..v ar.. a « ma,.y ntyl.., .,r pl..kl.,« .ia«s ,ir hn»k..tH. Ii„t w.. h1,o,.I,1 . way. .hiioH,. on., that ..,„,.» a, the allowl,.., ,1... ,r„|, ,„ .^„„ „„„ th. or..I,nr.l.|i.i.x ,vlth.-..t r..:ilr.« .r .ir„lsl.,«. „, r tl... .if th-H,. \Z «alva.,lz...| s,.,..« „„., „ „„„,,„ ,„,„„„, „„., ,^ ,„„„„f„..,„,.,,, ,., ';^; '^'■''"''^"•' « f"-""' tl... ..., n.'V.T li.. t..l..rat..,l Tl... l,.«-lK.x or,, sho,„.i ,... Smugly Imilt with H„,i,.r..I..ats to ir.. . , ,,..ry fro,.. .....k,,,,. „ si ,., ,„„., „. t 7.. or -.•. m..'a„., .hon I '" ' ' '" "'•'■oinn.mlal.. tl.o ra.k of tl„. oriliar.lwaao.i -. -iiL's '"",."""" M "" '"•'•'""•'•-"•••"■•"" """ ^^ ""< P"l .vi,l, ,.Hi.I ..lastl.. "l iiiKs. nor .mi. that i-...,iilr..M hl«h xlarkina. MKTiiaiw. Tl,.. ....uMo,., of „.,,,„„„„e |„ ,, f,„„ ,.,,„„ „,„ ,,.^ i-ans.. o ,.,or.. „.|„ry a,.,, loss than ■ „h..r p„a... .if fn,lt-l.a...,ll.,«. S,i .' r-harilisti. „r..f..r to shako tl.o fr.,lt .on, tho „■....». whllo oth.Ts s,,,,p,..,„ ' t . "...'or p„ 1, anil r...,il..r an ..i,„al nn.nlior of Urnlsos hv ilroppin^ ... •„ ««tiir has s.H.n all ,.lass,.« .if fmlt-hanilMnu |„ Rrltlsh .Minn.!, .Is '"":::; ;; ' : '"" T"""'" """ ''^""■•■" '"^■" ^" ""^ •■"•• -^ •-i^ ""s;;;;L s.,..,ll frnits. s,„.|, as raspliorrlos. strawl.i.rrl..s. lo«anl...rri..«, ..t,- . an- ...ost r..spo,.slv.. to |.ari.f,. „,linc of „„y „,„, wo i.av.- I,, .i,.. Pro • , '.• , in ak..n l.,.„v ,„.. f., a„i- M.,,,.,... anil with a ip,l,.k la, .r: i wist .■..n,iiv...i anil plaivil In tho .v ppin^hox. ,f atten 1,.,, ,s .. '",""!""•""■ ""^ >"* '■"" >"'■ "tart. honlLs .„„ ho piok.,, „., rapl . v ,,V a hapha.aril n,a,.„or „.,.! with a r.-lnotio,. I„ Injnry . .t Is s.rpr s I, « J- hrnlso to tho p„lp of , f..,„s ,s ln.„.o,llat..Iy foi;.,w..„ „v , ,o ^ ,^ „; ^ a .nonl.l. wl.llo tho plnohl.... of „ i„„.ry r.>snUs I,, a .llsiolonrnt or. t has hoon on tho mark.t a few day,, which rese.nbles a soald, and Is .tav. r»lliiui'il li.t II i.i'i'iiiatiiri' M>rti'iiliii;. iiiakliii: iiii iin:itlriiHlvi>-li>iililiiK |Mt<-knK«> im H't'll iiM nil liircriiir rriilt. riirrrli". Im-Imk um of iin- mtttvr friiltn, rtfiioiMl In a n-imiiiiTiitlvi' wiiy tit iiiri'fiil liiiiiillliiir. nicrrli-K »liiiiilil !»• pli-kiil wllli llii' uti-iiix ri'liiliiol In till* fruit. IMi'kliiK'lHixi'N mIiihiIiI ii>>I Im' HIIi'iI iimri' tliiiii liitlf full, a» Injury I'liiiiiw 'niiii |iri>»iiri- ti> tin- friill In iId' Ixilliini of tlii' Ih>x. If imrkiil from II liilili'. Injury In ii\iili|i>i| hy ■•iii|>lyliiil tlir Imx from lln- olili-: iiiiil In |iliirliiK till- friilt III iIk' MliliMiliiKi'riili'a. ilo not irnih Into tin- friill. Init riilw II liy riiri'riilly I >iii|iiir tlic IiiiimI iinili'rnriitli. Ill |ilc ' ! . triT friiltx null plrki-r nlionNI liiivr ii xyati-ni of rovi-rlnu lli«' tri'iv It In iH'Hi III |>li'l>. Ilrxl. fruit thiil iiiiiy Ih- ri'ininil from tlic itroiiml. tl iiliiii' tl nliiinl liiililrr In tlir Ircc w> Unit tin' friilt tliiil Iiiiiikn lowiirtU till' iTiilri- iif l!ii' iriH- iiiiiy In- riMirlii-nm- of ili<- tnt- iiinl uorkliiK n|i\vnriln. In IliU »iiy II iiilnlnin:!> of frnlt Is kiitHknl rr'>iii tlif trii> liy rliniitflnic tin- hiililiT or by rllnililnu In iim: oiu of lli<> tret'. himI n icri'iit lU-r.l of llnii' In Hiivi'il III n iliiy'M work. Wtii'ii |ilikliiK |H'iii'lii>M I'xtri'iiii' riiri' must Im' inkcn In hninlllm: llio fniU n Itlioiil pliM'lili ic or niinii'cHHiiry iiri-NHiiri'. With n i hrnncli withont tciirlni; tlii> tl<-iili Tlii> fruit nIiouIiI not Ih- ilro|i|H-il In IId- pliklntfliiiski't. Iitit ili-ftly Inlil ii|hiii tin- othi-r fruit. Till- pIrkliiK liiixki-t mIioiiIiI Ih- lowi-ri-il Into the plrkliiK-lHix until It ri-xlH n|Km till- iHittoni of till- liox. then ri-li'iiM- tin- fnMti-nliik's iiinl nilow the fruit to rent III till- Ihix wllhont rollliiK or ilumplnit. I'l-nrln-H nIiouIiI Ih> pnckeil from thp ori'hnril-lNix without iliiinpliiic Inlo n pncklnK-tnlilt-. \Vi> rfiimiiiii-iiil pnrkliiK |H>nrhi-N In tin- onliiinl. Kor Ioiik Hhlpnii-iitN the |H>nrlii>i< wlnmlil Ih> plrk)- '.hat oraiii;t>N ilo. Yi-t th<> xkiii of till- apple or |K-ar iIih-m not roiiipiin v.i" -e tlilckiK-HM or tonisliin-HH of the oraniies; and just as extreme. If :")t .. .•. preninlionH ulionlil be taken III avoiillii); mei'liiinli'nl Injury when lininlllni; the apple anil pear as tln-y ilu with ritniM friillH. We Hnil four Important points wiieri- these fruits are Injnreil : — 1 1.1 I'iiniilt of stems when piekinK : (2.1 Urn. .line of fruit by enrelessly .' -oppinK It In the ploklnK-biiBket aKiiinst otlier frnlt : i.'l.) Ihiinplii)! anil rnlllni; from iilekine-basket to orebnril-box : (4.) Iniinpin); of fruit from on-hnnllHix to paekliiK-tRble. 'I'll.' iiMii III ili,irui. ..r till' |>likiiik( Kiiiiir N ri'a|iiiii»lhl<' fur llif • -i tlint- '•rliiir,. Hlill,. III,. r..iiiili It.-. »lth 111.. iMHklir.- Ii...i«. -niHrliil.ii.lii, aii.l niii Im..| I... ..||iiiiii,'it..| l,y ilii'i..! fn.iii II r,linr.|lH.\, |i, rml. III.. ''"'■""" •■ "»' pIiMmb kMiiK n-«iiiii..« .I.. I.iir.l>'ii .,r tlw r..«|N.ii«|l,|lliv In 'I'iiliiMilhlnu' .|iinlll.v Hli. I, r.Mili U iii.irk..|...l. In ,i .•,ilir..riiliiii .ir.lmnl Ii""'"il I'Ll'iry H,i« i-..,|ii, ...I |,„,„ .jii ,„ ,-. ,«.,. .,,,„, ,,, ..,|„.,|„« ||„. riBlil kiiiil i.r .1 fiir.iiiim fur tin. ph kliitf iiiiii;{, I'M kliitf liiiiiH,. i|i,„|h »lt.,i,|.| 1... .Inipllllr.l. II,. iv III,, rnilt lt«. ..Im.iiM '"' •"""' '"" """ "K'i lli'it i- "lii'ii til.. |,ii,k,i- Ink.., III., fruit I, .III III,. '"■'■'""■'""•^ '""' '-< 1' I" "'•• »lll|i|.illl.'..l«,.. Th.. PM, klhK I..I1.I1..M .l|.,l|l.| Im. «. .iir,iin{...l ,1- I,, iM-niili ili,. inili i iiii.k.-.| if,,i,i il,.. •• wiiu'liiiiu' In" ".ill,.- l.p III.. |„i.l.iriirl I.. ,,,„l II I,,..,. I,, III,, |,,m,|Im;;,,i|. ,,r .i,.K I n Willi, ml HlllHTltlHIIIN lllllMlllh.- • 'ii«i .11 ('Mill c I Ham, I i\i,. ■I'Im' .'i,M>',I .'vp..!!.... „f ,ii,|,|,,Oii.j ,,„i1i,„|« r,,|. ,„|.,.riil Iimii.IIIhi.' U II.. I iippi-..,.|,iiii... Ill 1.1,1, i,..|, ii;iv.. sihiHi, ii,„i ritiii iiiiiv 11,. iii,k,,i .;ir,.riiii.v Hill, ,l« IIMI.'ll ,1, |„ ||„. , ,,,,.,. I,.... I,,,,,., „|„| |„ ,.„„,. |„.|,,,|,,,; ullli ur.„|..,. .| I, ||„„,.v,.,.. I ,1,1s ,.y, . |,|,|^,.,. ,„„„ ,„, |r„||„.,, ,„^,| liiil>l il,. liU «„ik »,.«l..|ii,i||,iill.v iiiMl Mkliriiliy. iii.ikliiL' 11.1 11....I.-M iii.illiinK. iiii.l ii-l.iu .Irflii. <» liiM,-.„| „r ,1 |,n,rii«|„n .if iii,iv..|i I,. ,M,„.|| ,|,.,„,,|,|s ,, III.- Ill, kliiL' I'.in iiiiiii 111 iii«i-.|..|lm{ III,. «.,|.kiii..|, ,111,1 li.f.Uilii.! ih.ii II,, .|,.|„|,|im IM>r |-,.|llll|{ i« ,.||,|,l,,y,..|. 8UMMARV. .\t |.r..H..|it ,111 iiviTiiL'.. ,.f ..I.r :.'ii |i,.r .vnt. .,r llrliNh r.,|niiil,lii tippli.M iir.. Ii,.)iir..,| iiir..iitf|, ,„,.,.|..««' In ,.i',li,ir,|s, ,iii,| ,,v,.r lUi i,..|. , ,.|ii. ,.,.,...1,,. liiiiU.K „r luiiKiiin... |i,.|-,,|... r.„,.|||im ||„. ,ii,i,.k,.|N. Hnil«,.s niiik.. nil iiilVrh.r kiiiL' Hull ,iii.| Ii„m,. ,.,iy. Skin |.mii,|iiivi. "'■'■ i.'.tl>'":iA'< f'-r 1 1.1 Mp,.r.H ,111.1 „i.,. ,|ni.kly l.ill.,«...| |,y .|..,-,iy. I'|..-,iy In s.iti iinlu li,i« \>rr„ r,.,|ii,.,.,| i,',,ii| h ,,, j p,.,. ,.,,„, ,|«-,.lv,. ,liiy« in lr,iii»li i>'iii|i.'i\iiiii-,.) In ,,11-,. fill hiiiiiiiiim'. llrllNIi r,,liin,|i|,i |H',i,'|ii.M ,ir.. liiv,iri,ilily .. irs l„.lH..,.n pl.kll,- ,IM,I li... ri.friircr,,!,,!' liir. ''■'"' "" I' pi'Miii: ,.'i-.'iill.\ inlliii.|i,'.'M lr:iiir-|.,.i-i,iil,,i,. •;■.„, |i|,. |-|.|||. „,|| ini( siiiii.l l,,iii,' mIiIi nt. Kniil sli.iiil.l n.v..r 1... .Ii',i,i|i,.,|. i-,)l|,..l. ,„• ,|imii|.,-,I IlriiN..« ,ini| .l,.,.,iy t,.ll,,w. \.lili,.r sli,,iil.| iniil ll„ii li,is Inll.n ir.nii Ih,. ir..,. I,,. |,l;i.,.,l ,vii|, u,',. fnill ||,|M Ihh.ii pl,k,.||. iMiiil Unit iM I, HI NiiKill ,if |i;is |,l,.|,iisl, sli„iil,| ,„.v,.r I,,. |,i,.k,.,| ,111.1 |,l,i,-..,l Willi III,, iniil in,i| is I,, i„. |„i,.k„|. .\ ii,.«s Iniiiillii!- „r ,.|,||h ,„ii«.s ,i ;:,iikI irnit ,iiiil liiir..,isi.x cxih.iin.'. >I..||i,mIs ,,r pl,klni.' ,in,l li,iii,|l|iiu- nIi,.ii1.I I,.. |i,is<.,l ii,>.,i, „ ,.|ir,.fiilly ■il,inii,.,l -.yslnii wIlli ,i|.,,r„v,..l ii|ini,nt. f,ir ii,i r.iii..,ly ,.„n |i,. ,.m|,|,iy...l I,. (.iiiiil,r,i,t iiiin(..-,.ss,iry injury ,,r i.xii.sslv.. il,.l,iy In liiimllliii.'. Tli.r.. Ih ii,> ,i,|.|).,| „,st f,,r ,-,ir(.fiil Imii.Illii).' If w.irk is in..||i