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FERTILIZERS FOR FRl IT AND VEGETABLES. IlY n. Hoy, U.S.A.. .Vssisrvxr Hortk ri.TiKisr. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS. 'T^lir-: iisn of c.imii.Tcliil f..rtlli/..'rs Is l..>.„iiiins ninre kimutuI aiiii)i.« the 1 r.iniiM-s „f this .„i,ntr.v. ;ii'.l tl,.. ,|i„.stl,.ii .,l' IVrllllziiiK tlic soil .m„ii„iiiI- lally iiiKl ..m.-lciitly Is very (liscns.s,.,). |t is »n ( fact tliat ' "''■'■ secured from tlie air and hydrogen from water ^'"■"-'■"- '" '■ •'"■ "'"'''>' ''lemcnts tilicM from the soil, can be appropriated '^' ""' "''■ "»'J ''.^' I'l'ii't" helon«in« lo llie letfume family— ie form, or else the soli must be so treated as to make it available. 2 Tu line artinrlal fprtillwni with ■urretw a knowlnlgo of tUe BeiM-ral lnflu<>iiif> of the three main plant-roodi on plant-growth la required. MtroRen. one of the mtiat Imiiorlant anil nioat ooatly to imrrhaae In the nrtlitclal dtute. pronioten large atem anil leaf growth, and la ementlal to the forniatlon of protein, the luoat valuable part of any plant. Without nitrogen planta unually make nIow growth and their leavea are of a |iale-green colour. KertUlaera rUh In nitrogen are esiHH-laliy valuable In the prodmtlon of cropa where the leaf la the valuable ix.rtlon of the plant, auch aa aphiach, Icttm*. cabbage, rhubarb, etc. They muat lie grown quirkly In order to get the fine criap texture dealred. An ovcrtinpply of nitrogen or an exceaa over the other fertllliting conatltueirta pronioteH a rank, late growth of foliage and twlga of frult-tri'ca at the ex|iense of frult-productloii. An overaupply of nitrogen la detrimental to all cro|H» where early ninturlly la ilealrtnl. IHjtaMh la of Importance In the formalluu of carbobydratea auch na atarche* and angara. and la therefore an Important conntltnent In fertlllaera for IH.liitiM-a. beeta. and fruit. It la eapeolaliy lm|M»rtaut In fruit-growing, aince It aid* In developing colfiiir and la the baae In coniblnationa with the adds of frultH. It nl«o forma nbont no per cent, of the aah of frulta and couatltutea a large proiiortlon of the aah In the wood of frult-trecw. It adda to the quality and flavour of frulta, and In aome diatrlcta la uaed extenalvely on atrawUrrlea. and ia aald to prolong the kwplng ipialltlea of the berrlea. rhDMphorua tenda to promote frtiltfulneaa and nniturlty, helim to form pniteln. and Indirectly atari*, futa. and augara. It alao !■ irf Imimrtance In the (." 'velo|iment of aeeda of planta. HeaUlea knowing the fnnctlona of the dllTerent plant-fiaida in the growth of planta. It la neccaaary to be aiiiualnted with the sjieclal chnracterlatka of the croiM c\iltlvated. The compoaltlon of the crop la not alwa.ya a sufficient guide to the kind of manure that ahould be applied, even when the cinuiwaltlou of the aoll la known. The power of the particular cropa to aaalmtlate the dlfTerent materlala ahould form the baila of Judgment under ordinary condl- tWns. In the case of a very unfertile aoll that only eontalna a low percentoge of plant-food a complete fertilizer la necessary, but auch aolla are rarely - • ranally, by applying one or two conatituenta of the crop, aa gooil ' < aecured aa by applying a complete mixture. It la, na a rule, poor M buy complete mixturea, for rarely are all three conatituenta !!■ Cropa that are faat growera and mature In n abort period mnat ' .. plant-food In a readily available form; thoae having a longer jwrlod • wth iMve a greater command on the plant-food In the aoll, and alower- actlng fcrtilixera can be uaed for them. The form In which to apply the fertiliser will depend on the availability and coat of the material. NITROGENOUS FERTILIZERS. The forma of nitrogenoua fertilizera commonly found on the market are nitrate of aoda. aulphate of ammonia, and dried blood and tankage. Nitrate of aoda eontalna about 1« per cent, nitrogen and la one of the beat aourcea of nitrogen. It la found In large quantities on the weat coast of South America. It la the moat soluble of any of the artlflclal manures, and leachea out of the soli very rapidly If not uaed by the planta. For this reason small amounts ahould be applied throughout the growing aeason to obtain the best results. The flrat application should be when the plants flrat appear above gronud. For fruit-trees, as the blossoms are opening. 8 Rutphntp of ummniila oontatiw about 20 per i-ent. nltrofen. It I* pretand from nmmoi Inral (irotluctii of Kimworka, rukt>-ovena, bone-dlatlllvrlea, etc. It I* valunhit for Iti ultrnKeii only, and la not aa atilublt* aa nltrnte of aoda, iia It uiuRt b.' c'onvprttNl Into a nltratf form before It la available to plantM. The best reKiiltH are obtalnetl from It when It la ploughed or harrowed iu. lu wet a«HiMMa the loaa by li-aihlnu l» not ao icrent an with nitrate of aoda. Kor giMMl reauIlM with Hulplinte of ammonia the aull muat contain a fair qur.ntlty of lime. Dried b!o(Kl, tankage, and other alaughterhouae refuao vary In their nltrogen-iijutent from 4 to 1.% |ier cent., and are mui-h alower-aotlng manurea than those mentioned, a« tlii'.v mntain their nitrogen In an organic form which la Insoluble. Thew materiiila also contain a amall itercentage of phosphoric add. •^♦her aources of nitrogen arc calcium cyanide, guano, flsh-nianur<>, ground leather, bone-meal, woollen refuse, soot, oilcake, etc., but tbeae are rarely used In this country. POTASH MANURES. Potash manures are chletly producU of the Staaafurt mlnea In Oermany, and are aometlmea designated as German potash salts. The muriate of potash (potassium chloride) and sulphate of potash are the two most Imimrtant ixitash ninnures nseiii|KiM> III the will •I..wijr. their pffw-t U riirrl<<.iiint..) iiml Kyiwum tmilphato nf llim> i.r liiiul |,|,i»t the Mill. Tli.v .|.> not Mipply uiiy «|.|.r.Mliil,l,. nmmiiii .>r plimt . „i ,-.ire.t. hut nr.. vnliinhle In wttlnv free the liH keililp pliint r>NMl In winie ..r our millii. IJiiiInK Keiiernlly prixliin". the h»'»t rfmiltii on heavy clayii ami iioaty nolli ln.ll(i..l to he a<'lil. In the former .hh.. It aiiielloratiii the will. luaklnR It euHler to work, lem luble to hake niul puddle, and m-tx |»tHiih free Id ninck ..r l..»-lylnK hoIIk It .•ornvtii aridity. ninkinK It |H»«.||ile for nitrifying bniterlii to work, haiitenii the dei-ay of organli- luBller. and Bitelernte. the prixluetloii of . arbonic Add. whi.h n.tii u|kiii iiilnerHl plant-food In the Mill niaklnir It nvall,il.le t nnti.. ¥r H to 1 ton «f mm. .-very Ave or ils yean. l» Huffl.lei.t. MmliiR too often and not HupplyliiK other fornw of p|«nt- f.Nid to the noil would Roon leimn the produ.tlve inmer of the «oll. LIIKRATION or PLANT-POOD IN SOIL. Chemlrol nnalynls of the glvei. the n.tual amount of plaut-foo.1 contained In the mill nimlyKH!, but the rate of lllieratlon In itovern.-d b.- many faitorn. Ileiildeii the n.^mwry amount of lime, d^ayliiK organic matt, r li u great fartor In the llberntlon of plantfo.Hl« In the noil, it ha» bi-en found out by e:;|K-rlnient that the prewn.e <.f lime In the moII. ei.|K^-lnlly when nssoolat.^ with decaying organio mutter. InereaHen the availability of both potnxh and pho!.|iliorio arid. «J.HHl .ulllvail.m la alxo n,..-,.H««ry for the IllHTutlou of plant-foiHl Bv cu Itlvntlntf moisture 1m .•„n«.rv.Hl. In-tter Hrratl..n of the mill U «Kure«l the jHill U warmer, and the rate of decay of organl.- matter U \u.r,-.,»ed. This H wh.v It m so esHentlal to icrow ..over eropi, In ..rrhards where oloan intltir '"■"""""' '""' ''^"•">-"-'' """"••" '"'.not IH. .rfitaln.,! In HUlUclent Wl,..,, the supply „f „r.,;„„|,. „„„„.r ,« ,,,. „.,, „,^. J.,,.,,, |_^,^ _^_.^^_ 1^ rcIncKl and fertilizers cannot be useil as economically. To „i„„|„ ,h,. i«.,t results from .-ommerdal fortUlz. rs. the soil must contain a fair amount of Ihnc and organic ,.r and r.-celv.- k»,k| cuimatloii. A «rcat deal , ifc Is heard of how commercial fcrtlll^Ts ruined the r „;:;;. r"V': r •':" '•'"•'"""' """■"■ ■'"'"■ *"" •«"•'""" -M-roductlve >•'"■' •<""« "' Holl-maoMKcmcnt. Many farmers sold or destroycl M. j b.m..vard manure and l.o„«i,t commercial ferMlizer. The result ' was' the TtivrTte ' "' "" '""""•■ """"^ """ '""" "-""' " -->■ •■■"•■•" When fertilizer Is appli.Ml to the soil, the amount of plant-food is inc eased and toe s„ll ,s rl,.hcr than before. Where by spe nlln/rfew ;' "•" "V"'""" '" '"•' "•'""""•'■ ""■ '•^"" '■"" "^- ""•■•-m.! .no 0 , in enough to cover the .ost of the • t.ilzer supplied, it is a paying propositi. ' EXPERIMENT TO 8H< W OEHCIENCY IN SOIL. As chemical analysis dot-s not show the availability of plant-food In the -ii. a practical test l« Important and will well repay the u^of rlerclal f..rtlllw.r« for »hp fim.. nn.l nimu-y «|K.iit. Till. I* (thoiiRli i.> » ,-,.rt.ilii ,|.„rw rliHrn.trrliitl.-. ,,f rmwH, gWo «,g«p«fi„„«, ,|„. „„|y „„y ,„ ,|,.,Hrmlm. nmi- ratfly what )>li-iiH>iit U lackiiir \ fiilrly f<..iii|ilH<> Ill-Ill Id t.> illvlil.' II i.irtlon of tl.o Hflil wli.Tr Hoi, iii ii.n., two fihU will.. iii.,| f.,ur rotlN loiiK. ,„i,i nwily fertllUi-r to tli , tlii- rollowlim iimiiiii-r :— Plot t— riiffrtlll)!»Hl. .. a--«'onii.lfte <|iolM«li. phoHiihorlf mhl, nml nitrogpii). " 3— Without iiltrotr».ii rpotimh iiiiil phiwphortr ncldl. •• •♦—Without |N>tiiiih ( plionphorli' nvUl ^iihI nltromni). „ n— Without phoMphorlo arid i|K>tii- ind nltnwiiK n 0— Apply llnip. Th.m. ..X|H.rlliM.nli. will l>o InltiieiinHl In m,,m' d.-gn* hy fho wi-Htbt-r .•oudliloni.. hut th.-y will Klvo n f.ilrly n.runit.. Idi-i. of thi> .iHtl.lon.u* of the •oil The miiount of fi-rtlllxer to apply will Im- diteriuliuHl Inwly hy th.- •• •'' "■"'' «"■"«•"• •''"'• "*« puriHmo. th.-y may U- appll..,! at th- rati' of ;:.N. ih. jmrai.. of ««la, aw Ih. nmrlat.. or aulphat.. of ,H,taHh. ai.d hhimt- plionphatp 30U lb. jht aero. PUHCHAtlNO rERTILIZtRt. When piirtliaHliiK fprtlllwri. It In not l.ulk that .-ountH. but It U the a.tiial auiountN of iiltroKPii. pho»phorl.' add. and ix.taHh. Th^ae arc what you pay for, and the fertilizer bIvIub the Krealent lunnlM.r of iK>.;„dK of these m,l,stan.e-i |)er toil at the loweHt prl.v |«t imuiid Ix the ,iiura(,i«i- of An onia ^ ingen S urate of soila Itone-phiMphntc I'li<>K|iliori'' ai III .Muriate „t iMitash .\ctual iwt.'SNh Sulphate .■:' iHitaHli .\etiial iHilar^h To (tlve an exaiiiiile of liou luotiUK the nitrogen In dri.d I*, actual anioinit of nlfrnsen woiilil !» eonvirt this Into jioiiiiiU, hmltiply h- This would make 4.12xi'0=S2.4o Ih. Another example is takiiiK a mi. o-nt. .Multiply this by 0.4,t8, and tlir phospborle add present. pr .Ulll'lply hy .MlP'tfen (I.Si'JS \miii.|ilii,iic iiclil . ...0.4.'>-H I.'Uoiie-|,lM.s|>liate 2.1.S3 Arit' il |. 'Msh 0.<1.'I2 Mm .1,. .1 |«)tasli..l..'iS.*J \ liial iMitash (i.,-)4 ^nlphate of iK.nisb. .iM rlie above table. t;»ke !i KuaRniK ■ .iiifinal ainnionla ."i |s'r eent. The i.,S2.-Ci=4.11T5. or 4.12 [w-r ei-nt. To as 20 lb, la 1 [,rT cent, of a ton. !ual 'litrogeii In a tim of fertilizer. •<* •iu-. \rl>' mill I* i|c»lrii|. Tin- iirmtiliirf miuiIiI !>.• nit riilliiwa:— mUdirf itnal}HliiK 7 inrirnt. Tiltroicpn .. il iMiliuh .. It. IV ., |iliin|ihiirlr ii'lil Or. '.'.IMI*I 1 J. mm ^'.IMHI •Ml IMI I '"■.•« Ih I liriiai'ii. „ ImiUmTi. ,, phinphiirif wi 111 iilimiiiii I'll „ piiin.h l>'V I .. |itin«|ih<>rl< mill .'iiHilli nitrali' of tutU analvsliii |i' Mil; .. niiirlaiM iif imtaali .. ."i I.I Ml .. «iii"'r|ih"«|ihalH .. til •r liiit nltriNti'B, t>>iin»h. phiMtihiirlr a.-l' III II flTllllZlT r.lll||nMI')| of tlic Mllllll' IIHllfrllll, llllt III HllllllIlT lllllllltltlim, II iiiiiki' >vi>lKlit vt'iiilil Im- iii'ii'Manry. Tiiki- II ri>riiiiil:i iiiiiiI.vhIiik ;t \»-r n'lit. nltrotffii. tl |aT rnit. |iliuii|iliorU- mill, mill 4 |H'r ifiil, |hi|ii»Ii : I'.iMHi III. niUtiiri- anal.valng ;t per rir. 11" 111. nltriiji'ii. 1:^11 ., iihiiMiilitirk' add. »nIIIiiii or tin* liittiT wmilil Ih> imyliit; fur fri'lulil niiil IiiiihIMiik of th<> iiiiiki>-\r)-lK!it or flllrr. Where frelKht riiii« lire nx liluli hh in this i oiintry. only hrniKlK thiit lire high In pliintriNKln iir the neiiiirate tiinterlalH nboiild Ih> hoiiKht. ANIMAL AND CHEMICAL MIXTURKS. There U liuicli illM'tiMNloli iilmut thexe two (IIITerent kiiitlK of rertlltiprii, ami the i|iie»lloii. wlilili one In tl ,' lietter. ix often askeil. The chief differ iv lii'tw 1 the trtii In that anlniiil fertilizer* ifeiienilly iHMiinie avallatile k' than rhenilial f ert 1 1 Izerx. A purely anliiial fertilizer riiiitalnn prai'tleiill. I iHh. hilt thin Ih niiiile lip fur In the IiiiiikIm Kenerally |iiit «i the nia .. Iiy the aililltlon of either the xiilphate or muriate of i»itaxh. The rlii i fartcir 111 ileteriiilnliiK wlilrli one to liiiy ix the aniuunt of ai'tiial ii| fixMl In the nii.\tiin' iiffereil for xah". (iixK! rexiiItH are ohtalned from hlKi n.'.e uiiliual ferilllzerx ax well ax lilKh-xraile ehenileal iiil.x ,iii-. For eiii.i , ro|(x the rheinlcal inixtiireH are generally the bt-xt. hii-iiui' : i y are nvuilaole to the plant early In tin" xpriiiir; hut for late rropx imd Irnlt-treex . mmII iiinn imy Mili,.r nf tin- |>|iiiii f. .hI«. iiihI «,|i. ,l,.t|,|..|ii III |,„tii>li .? rally iminIii..' .iimII . r.i|w ..r |»h,..v "iiliiiiriil mill liinrliir friilr. Oil H.,11. Il, it.„H| |,l,ys|,.||| ,'i.ll.lltlnll |1„. f„|l,„vlntf MIIMMIIlN ..r rirllllziT iir.- irlvliiu icohI r.H.iili« \tli.'ii mi|ip|,.iiirlii,i| l,y .-..ur . ni|i|.liii{ : jtM, u> i-.iii,ili. „ iiiir„«,.,i l.|llll/,.i . ,11 I.,. ,i.,,|. |.r h„Kl U ,.11,. ..r til.. iH.Ht f.inii- „t iilii„a,.|i fur .iivliiinl |..ii,.,w.». iHH, r II. 1,1.11,:- ,.nv.i. viiral.. .if n.hI„ ,i,i. .iHl.kly. liiii 11. ,.|T.., t i« „ ..v.T. wiMT.. „iii-..if.., ...(..r .T.ii, ,ir.. i:i-..Hi. If'i.' II.'. r.Tllllwr I. ii..-c..iiry. Th.- »...irr,. ,,r f,.rtlll/.,T iiw.l in „r..|i,ii-,l. ,|,„.. ,i,,i ,„„i;„ , |, ,|||T,.r,.„ . •'" '■•' "'" •''■l'--">l "M 111- prl.r ..f tl... iiiMiirlal. Ilui, niiMhlntf ..i.... Tii. '" "'"" '"""• ""• " " "•..iiilr.- 111.' ., |.|,iiii.r..„| I, v.Mir 1.1 aii.l "'"•'■'■ " ' y "f '"Will.- iiiall.T 1. k.-i.t 1 U.HMI ,iillhatl..ii |,l "'""'•*■■"""- '"'■'"■' "I" '« av.illal.l,. fa.l .., m, |„ .iipp],- ,||,. ^aiil. "'■ ""• "''■'■"• ■'' '""- ■■!' l"'lll/..r i.'iv..,i I „,.„,. ,„r |„ „||| 1,,,,.,. '" '"■ ^•"■'"'' "■■ ••"'"- ' -II. Wh-r,. Is pni.ii. , „,.. """""" '■ '■ '^'" i" '"•^">' 'II- ^iM.i.r .i.lliiu' l..rtlll,,,.rs ,„;. ili,. ,i..,«, ,,,| III I,.*', FERTILIZERS FOR VEGETABLES. Sin I,... Ill v,n,.h,l,l,. .;l„« II,.- , ,11, „,|ly I |„„| „!„.„ „„. ^„„^ ,,^,. ^,^.|, ""''''""' "'"' ""■ ' '■•'••-■"•.V I'l """I" Mi.,1 ,1 L' 1 V .if iiinanlr iiiatln- It I. .1 w.llkii.mi. fa.'t aiiMiim t.,ir.l..ii..r. ilial «...! I.nnivani maiiinv a. a Ki'iHTal aar,l,Mi r,.rllllz,.r iaiii,„t I... l».ai,.„ vh..,, .iippii,.,| i ,.„i|y ,„ ,|„. M'lil. Th.. virlii.i ,.f lianiyanl luaiiiir.. 11.'. In tl„. ,ail that. hIiU,. Ii" .„p •''■'""■ '" '" •' '""■'.»■ "Villi liinii. Il ..ippll... „ri:ai,l.. niati-r «l..i WIlt.- iMi-nyaril nianniv .-ani..,! I tali,...l t.. mippl..n„.|it i.,niin..r,lal IVillllzir. Knvn .-r-.p. .Ii.inl.l l„. truvn „n.l i,iii,..l u ,• „ li,n..v..r ili,.iv i. • pp,„..' Ilinlly. It 1. all. I..|y , If tli,. iii.i.t pri.lltal vtiirii. aiv,H| """ -■" " l"-'"lii'>' ilii.iilil I..' nil III.. in,u.k..| .1. ...irlv ,iH iHis.ll.i.. |.-„r thi,i n.nN..ii. tl... 11... nf hiai.iy .„n,.,.„trat...l k.i.tlni.' iVrilllz,..-. i. ,i,iv,«-„t...l ill.- nianiii'ial n.i|.,livin..|it. nf y,x>'<: illvlij.. i|i..|„ h,,,. ,„,. |,|,||„ I'la..!'. :-— (I.I Tlln... »l,i,li „n. «rnH,i ,l||..,|y f,.,. 1,,,..,. ,,,,„ |,, „|„..,|.,„ .,., .pin,,,.,,. I iilil.iii:,.. aii,| |,.tiiii-,.: (LM Tlln.,. uhli'li ,„•,. iirnwn fnr i t m- i, ,• p,.,„i,i,.|i„|,. .,s i,,,,,,^ 'illrnl.. pntilti..., |.ti.. .Ml v..-,.talil... „.,. „ii ,|„. ,,,,.„ ^ „|. ^,,„„.,|, ,„„ I,, ^..,,.^1^^^, ^^_j|^|_^^ III .lllhivui ,.rnp.. .„ tl„. n... „f any p.irtl.nlar l.n f (Vrtlll/...,- f.,r all "■"I" "'"""' '■♦ I'l'">- sall.fa.tni-y pmiitalil... K,.,- v...'..t„|,l..s In tho "■■•" '•'■''■'"' '" •'• iiiaiiiir.'s .■niitalnlni; a law |i..i-r,.„tM«,. „f n|,,.,.-,.n ir.. 11....I Willi n..nlt.. Hi tl.ns.. in tli •„,,., .la.s aiv l...ii..tll..,ri,v l',..« "'"•'"■"'■' ""' ""■'•'• ■""■■"'I' "'"' l'l"« 'I'- I'.l.l: an ,.>.-,... ..f nltrn«,.n wail.l stlnnilal.. I,.af a I stt-m at th,- ,.x|i..n«,. ,.r tnli..r-tnnii,iil,,n ItwlK. .-aii <. w,... r,..| ,1 tn a f..rtlllz,.r .•mitiilnim: tl... f..i:'.w|„.. l.iKr..ll...itx: 7i il.. a.tiial | (K,<)) ; lU 11,. a.-tiial i.lioHi,h..rU. n.-UI U'O )" '£i lb. iilti-oj;...,. 8 Bwiiis niid peas also rcsitoud to this formula, with the nitrogen left out unless the soil be excp|>tl()iially deficient In nItroKen. t'abbiiKes and other succulent veKetables: 80 lb. potash actual; 80 lb. pbospborlc add (l',0,) actual; 40 lb. nitrogen actual. For celery and onions the following Is a good one : SO lb. jiotash actual ; 70 tb. phosphoric; 30 It), nitrogen. ThesM' t'orniulns are only given as those froiu which good results have been obtained. They are general, and on ordinary soils in good physical condition will jiroduce good in this way. a complete mixture Is apiilled in the spring (harrowed in when the land is prepared), and the needs of the growing cror) are met by applications of readily available fertilizer. When applying nitrate of soda after the leaves are out, care should be taken that It does not get on the leaves. Victoria, B.C., Darmbci; 1912. VICTORIA, B.C. : Printed by WiLLiiji H. Culli.v, ITIiiler lo the King's Most Eicellciit Majenly. 1912.