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I!^ M. S. Mn,i,ii i,,s, l.s.A.. A^sisi v\i |l,,iiii i,i-i.


MAI.l. riMII'

lii'i'ii (li'iiiiiiisrniti'il til III

u'fiiwiiitf in ilip liiii'ii.ii' \,ilic\s ,if liriii-h riiliiiJil.ii li;

if II

r-i li.iril. In iicirly nil s.'iii,.ii< .ii' Hi,' l'i-.)\iM.

If lliuSt |l|Mlll;||i|,. MlljlilH Is I.I III,'

cli>ti-iils. siiiiill fi-nils III'

il. III!' IiIimI I'I

nil kiiiils ilii I'l'iii.ii-kiili

iiiMlii- I cinililjiiiis. i|„, |,riixiiiiil.v I.

iiiil i'S|ir. i.illy in ihi' Iniri'iiir- l.V well, ■rill' ill.ll-.Hlrr iif llii.

lnMis|»,i-i,Mll..n. ,'inil ili.- . <!,ililisliMhiil nf r.iiliii'i.'s Mi-i- li,i\iiii.' .1 iiiMi'liiil iniliiciii

mI linnvini: MKirlvii, MHiiiTii's ,'ihil .inn

rl'iil-i ilf l),'l-rir> i,r llli> Ili-hi'Sl

lihiiilini:. 'riic l.-iri

.Hill sliii.iiiii^' i|ii:ililics Ii:ivi' l.i'i'n llii' ii

iiiiiiiin'iit fi-diii tliiisi' i-;iiiiililc 111' JiKliini: llii

I' ill '■iiniiir;iKinL; iimri' iaIimi^Ivi

i|ilMlily in ml. nil'. Hmmiiii-

rii(> prii-fs paid liy tlic I'lir Nii'iil tfmiils. ,is wi'll as tl

'.'iiiiilin; Mini J.-iiii fnchiric-

ii'.nis 1,1' .■I'l'Mllii;; raMiiiraiil iiicTils III' iiiir pr.MJniis.

in 111,' v:iri.,iis ilisii'iiis

1,' pn.

i'caliz,'.l f.,1' fi'i'sli si

ai'i" ('iii-,,iii'a;,'lii^' I'lirllii'i' iiianliiii;. 'I'lir I'Xtcnsivi' iil.inliiii: in in'rivly all scrti. parts llic liiiliaiis and |iiiiililiiili,irs li; cliildi'i'ii I'l'oin till' lnwns and litii's.

'i'lnisc Willi liM\,' 111,1 a siii'i' lalHiiir- wliii .'II',' iiiakinu' tiic ;.'r,'al,'sf si

lippi'd small fniils nil' r.'.iliii',' wliirli has i'.'i:ii'i|i',| iniir.

IIS is 11

>r si-anily i,r lal ■. In s,,i

ilM'll tills |il-,,|i|,.|


'iipply sliiiiilil

n; in nilii'is tin

pl.iiil in a SIM. ill way.

who plant in an'as sniall

1,','i'ss of sin.ill-li'iiii

ii'i' til,

fiiinitlli to liaiidli' wi'll, with 111,, h.'lp ,.)■ tli,.ii'

or tlicir ii,'ii.'lili.iiirs' I'aniilii's at pi.liiiii.'-liiii,'. Will ass,iriati.iii in ,'.i,'li ilisli'i.l wlnT,

. Il IZf


amount ol' g.ioil liiTii

1 a wi'!! ,ii'i.'aiiizi',l sliippiii;; ipi-r.-iiis in sliippiiif; a t'.iir

^■nal sii,,i'ss ami pi',iiits I'.'in h,. i',.aliz.'il. Tli

,',sp..('ially trii,' iliirirj; tl ally v,'ars ,,|' .ir. liai'dini:. ili,' lar-.T I'riiils ha

nut yi't I'oniini'iircil i,, I,. al)I(> to lii'i'p his lainily

:ir 111 payinu' iinantitii'


iinil'ortalily and .iKu p, maint

•f till' ori'Ii.i I'd hy L-rowint' small fruits, 'rh,.!'

.'rowiiij; wliirh r,.pa,vs h-iP'r r,,r i: I alP'iiiion n,,. ,.|,|ini',' ,,r

.'I'.wi'r Ik

liii 111,' rnniiin;.' I'.vpcnscs (• is p,issilily m of fruit

fruits; f.,r lliis ri'as.iii. y!"l,ls if till' writer ,if tl

ind prolils \

lis , ir.'iilar l.i cinpliiyi'il liy L'niwi'i's sli.iwini; lli,'

\r\ L'l'i'ally. Il will }„■ Hi,. ,.|ini

-'i\i' ;is ,'l,,s,'l\

I'ossilil,' th,' Iliods


Till' straw liiTi-y is nior.' lar;.'i'ly ;,'i'i


lis is pi.ssilily dill' to it .; .1,

iwii lli'iii ,iny ,,tli,'r ,,f tli,' sin.ill fruits

inauil ami ailapialiility t

in 111,' iir.liaid, .\n .ivir.i;:,. ,i',,p ,,f sti'awli,'rri,'s is alKiiit J.-Ki

II inli'r,'r,ip|,in)- i',iiiilitlons

'ales per ai'rc.

lllllliMmll illtlllll L'ni»l'l» ll.Hl' ri'ihiliil l.l»l cl^'lrx in ■.■■■.hI «!■ Slill". II in-l"

ri'iilll »11.'| III *IJ."| III phllll mil illlll r;ll|. III!' ,111 A'Vf i.l «ll;l«ll ItIi'H. lll'|ll'illlillK

Mil liillll I'lMlllllliill-': illinlll I'ltl irlilv I.. |i|rK MImI |>M<I. l\ L' I I I. iT.'lll'. Ilhlkllli:

;l Ii.ImI (m^I |ii'I' rlMli' ill >'I."JII Willi .ill ilM'nik'r i I'lip.

Ill III!' «i'li'i 1 iiir III I xlii' liir «tiMH iMTrii-i. lln'ir ;in- \i-i> I'.u iimIIv | i-

mil s. Willi ilii' f\i •■I'limi I'l llii' MTV iik'lit x.iiiil.v ~iiil-i cir iIimsc siliiati'il ~i

Inw Hull ll|i> IIm' illlll lull III till' WMlrl' illl'l'iN llll' |.hlllls. SIl-IIWlll'lTlis till Im'sI nil .IIIV L' I. I|i:l\,\. «ill,\ I" illiy llllllll «iiil. llMVillC II Umill i|llll III i I .V ilf

\i".'i'l.ilili- iiLilli'i- 111- liuiiiiis liiiiir|MHMi(.il III II. 'I'lii' -nil iiiii-il lir in II ihiiiiiiil, ciUiiT iiMliiiMlly 111- anillii;iil,\. I'lir Ihi' .ilmM- ri'.i-ipii «riiwiT» I'liriiM i > riili.slilcriil It Silllily, iilH'll >iill llli' Im'-I, lull rxjicl-ii'lu r lli'llliiiislr.'lli'll ir Hfll ilniliH'il. licii\liT liiinN will \lrlil llii> ln'si iiml lir:ivli-l iriijis. 'I'lii- lpri(|ir pri'|i:inilliiii nl' Hi" liiml liclmi- si-lliii;; ilir pi: k i< liii|i.irlaiil. N'rw ly

I'liMl'I'll lillllil'l' illlllU ■'IliMliil III' Wiil'Kl'll I'm' II .M'lll' III' IWii mill llir snil

I'lii'irlinl liy |ilmit'lilii« illiili'i' II ;:i'n'ii ri'ii|i. in-fliTiiMy li (iiiiiiiiMiii-. iil' liy il|>|i|ylim liil'liyill'il iiiiiiiiiri' lii'lnri' iiliiillii;;. rmillry iiiuiiiii'i' Is mii' nf llii' lii'sf fi'i'llllziTs I'lir slniuli 'irirs. 'riir u'l'miiiil slmulil 1m' wi'll li'M'lli'il lnfm'i' till' iiliiiils iiri' si't. Iiiili's mill liiilliiws lillc'il 111 liy iiiniii'* nf ii si i'ii|ii'i' nr split liiuilrni; li'vclli'r. II' sli'.iwlirrry plmits iiri- sil In niu'vi'ii liiiiil. llir crnwlli will Im- niii'vcii. due In tin' pliiiils In Ilii' linllnws ln'liii; klllnl ur iitT'Tti'd iiKili'iliilly liy siiiniliiii.' wiiirr nr ilic linn iiii; liy I'lu-I.

Sprint' pi.iiillii'.' i^ l"'s| : laki' tlii> pliiiits I'lniii ninnri's in ilii> licai'liii: piili'li, si'li'i'iiii;; till' lii-i twii plants nn ilii' niniii'i's I'rmii tlir nlil phiiit, 'I'lirsi' will 111- slinimi'i' mill ilii hi'llci' tlimi till' tlili'il. I'mii'lli. nr yiiii,ii.'i'i' plmils.

Whi'i'i- liiiKi' niiiiilii'is nf plmils iii'i' rcipiinil ilii> pin; hit- nl' a s| lal pi-iipaaiit-

Illtlllll Is pi'iii ilsi'il. 'Jill' piii'i'iit plants III'I' allnwi'il In sil all tlii' riiniii'i's mill iii'W pliiiils llicy will, miil in llii> sprini: llin wlmlc Ik'iI is iliii; up anil till- sli'iintiisl plains si'li'ili'il. 'I'lii'i'i' Is still a ;.'i'i'iil srnpi- I'm' linpi'ovi'iiii'iil liy sclcrlln): miil niarkiiiL' tlii' iimsl pi'nlllii aii<l lii'iiilliy plants in tlii> palili, anil tlii'ii pi'iipauMliii- I'i'mii llii'iii. < >iii- man < laiiiis in liavi' inrii'iisi'il lil.s

ylclil I'i'nni S.IKKI In l.-i.(Kiii 111. prf' aii'n liy Ilir si'li'iti r tin' ninsl pi isiii^

plants In his patch t'l-nin which In raise his new stiwk.

Till' system usually iiscil I'm' planllni; is ! iiiiwii as llic " nialtcil I'nw " 'liic plmils ill this system arc set 1^ In '.M inelies in Hie I'nw mill Hie fnws ;!'■.. |i. t feet apart, ilepeinlin;; nil Incatlnii aiiil Hie t'lnwlh nf Hie variety lieiii);

pl.'iiilcil. On new. w ly. nr pnnr snll H hill system " will (.-ive the best

results. Ill this system the phiiils are set Is liy '.'><• inches and are lint allnwed In make any rnnners. The rnnnirs are kept nlT liy the iisi' nf a sharp line nr a circular drnpper. \Villi the hill system the plants will siilTer less in case nf a dry spell, and in Hie iinn irrlifated ilistricis n is usually I'nlinwed.

Ill planlinir strawlierrics nn either plan, phiiit them in straikiit parallel rnws. In farilitate easy iinrse'Ciiltlvatlnn, Kvery i;rnwer sliniild eiideavmir In dn IIS iniich wnrk ils pnssilile liy hi.rse-ciilliviillmi ; there will still le plenty of hand-work. Several methnds are empliiycd in scttiii;; iiiit plants; smiie use a spade, nthers ii V'Slia|ied dilihcr; the main pnini in settiin; Is In pack the snil lifinly iirniind the plants ,|iist up in the crnwiis. The plants will start helter If their runts and lamer h-aves are |iniiied nff a hit and Hie snil iiinist.

The snliseipieiil ciiltival imi nf the patch will he In keep the ;.'rnniid clean mill ciiver with a ;iiKid snil niiilch diiriiis; the siinimcr; the nli.|ect heiiitj to develnp i;iKiil sti'nii'; ernwiis the tirsi year, and Hie seiimd .vear take nIT a crnp. In must seetinns and wiiere tlie snil is clean, twii crnps are harvested liefnre Hie patch is plnii;.-lii'd lip. II is iinl ailvisalilc In lake mure than Iwn crnps frnin a palcli unless heavy fertili'/in;; i.f the snil is practised, as strawlierrics

„■ .M,J 1 ,,::;;;;'' ;'• "i"' """""•-• " h...

. . M ,„I,1V „i..M , „.l l„.s„„„„.,| ,„„i, ,,,„„ I,,,,,.,,,...,

, ,"•""" ~ "'' '"■ i""l'li.-.| „i,i, s.,„„. nml.iiil i„ k,.,.i, il„. 1 ,.,■

>.■...,, .,,;r, ';','""" ""'" '■■•-■'"I-.I l.y ..M...,-in,..n,ln«

U'll. I'l|s,,|,'s |!,.,||„

iiriil lil.'ii .Mar.v. \,.„ y,,,!, Wrii I!,

lllll-lMI ..(• i:,,ll 1,1. I, „■!..,.

I III' ii.\i iin.^t |iji|„ii| III

III I I'll

111-.' Ilir

".V. ;ll„| <'|,,,.1>\ S.-,.,||iMu' r..r ,|,i|,|,i„^..

'I. mill S,. mil, 11- |iii,,i

Inr- III.' I, ■.Ml


ii.i..,ii..,i .i„i , >,„,- „,,':;';"' ';■"" " '"■■ "-' '■'■>■ " '- -iiv

••(I'll lllinll |,,|IL'IT Hitli :lllll ffllMlll' |, I, ■Illy ,,|- III,,

"I •■■'>■:: l{ii»|,|.,.||.j,„ .,,.,. ||,,,m.

\- sh.illinv f I,. J

MiMHl„.,-ri..s. li ,„,-oii.. V i.iN'li-'i-i-l.s „.< iii-nil„.i,.,l f„i-

III .11- i.-iii-i„. u \ '":: :"., -•■/••'•■■"■" <■'■ ." I „.- ,.,.„.

' '"" '" '!" -ITini.- in sli-;ilu-hl n,ws r, ,,, s ,•.,.,

"'■ii-iii;: iMt.-li, Mini ■'I""'' ''''l Ill'-' "11 111- viii-|,.|v. mill 111- I Mi^ ..., •. ,•

'•■■ •"- y '^ M w-i, ,,;.,.u XuL n r r ^"""■' '" ""• '■•'^*^-

,:;;.:;:';.::;;,r,;'r ■,,;:::'■.;!; ---•.■ ':..':'ui:.::::i-'u-;;;

"ill- ".• '■■ liiH- I , '"'.'"'"•^ ••'"■ """" ' " "v- t Ill

M;,.,,.-.;ii;;;r:j::::;,'::7:i''r-'-."':'''-.ivii .„„i,

, *■"'"■ 'ii"il 111'' rniii lii-liis I,, ,■,„.,„ .,,„, ,1


.i".i« 1,1 ii- ,;;:,::; i,:;.:i,';:::,""- """• '" "^ '"■ "" ""•

lli'is- .v.iiin:: ,,ii-s r,„- rli- f,,||,,„i||- v-.if

''"•'•■ "■■' i.Mir-,-! tii-ii-,-ir„tf,ii,i-saii,i

'••■1I-. All sin.iil. iim--,|iiii--.| ii-w |,||,„|s ,,!■

<l.Ni. .,1.1 si„„„i..,, ,, I " , : "• "" " " - "*•'••• •"" I""" '1-

■Hill II-I-I,-,-, Ii|.„.|. , , . Pn,„i|,Mll.V «,-.,w,l I,,--; II-,|--r,„|,|„.,,

'•' '^^ " ■■ ■mmiIi-,-Imii,I. Im,^ .•„|,„„|,i,,.


II. Imt III |.',Nm| |,K-||,|„||s (h-v

;.n.w,i ,„■- s,iy„-r. E,.,-, a„„ Kv-,.J,.-.:n' '"''"■'"" '"■'"'■ "^-

I..WiiiiIh nil's iii^- \|.|.v h,..u V !, ii, .. ,

'-.iwi, -iiiii. ,.„■,, V :",;,■ ' -■"-'■ '""^"'^- """


Tllf lihllilili;; <•( u'>»F«i'lMMTlr« li:i^ llii rr;l»ii| ..\ ti'li«h i'l> i.f l;llf III Illr

llllill'if. illH' I.I III.'


-t Iiiilliiiltnl i|. ml lit till' Jiilii mill . .iiiiiiiitf f.H lul'li'

••. Imi-i-.v i~ \iT.\ r,i-ll,v i;i-ii»ii .mil h.nMllnl, |.l. l.liiK |.i'..liiililv lii'liiK thi' k'l'iMli'sl lii»l.. I hi- ..III III. ili.h.' hIiIi aloMil liiiiiil". ami lli.' 1.'m\i'« riMiiniMl liitiT liy liMiiil ..r l.y i.iiiiliiit ll.r lii-rrii* tlir..iii!li n fiiiiiiliiu mill.

■riir iii'M li'W yi'iir- will >li.i\v imri'i«i'il pliiiitiiii; ..f lliN rniil. Tl.iTi' mr

IWil I I.I

i.i*l|..n'l|.» llli- I'.lllSllsIl \Ml'li.|lr

ill. Ii ii-i I'riiwii lliili.

Imlii-iiy, Willi. ■iiiillli. I.iiii.ii-.lilri. l.inl. iiml llii' Aiiii.| I. iiii ».ii'l«. iix tlir I '..wiiliii,'. I'l'arl, iiri.k'.iii t'liiiiii|il.iii. ,Ii»*i'lyii, i-U: 'I'll.. r.iiL'llHli vmii'tli'* liiiVf 11.11. Ii l:n\:if Ihtim- ami il.i ml rr.|iiir.. «.. iiim li |.niiiliii: a' llu' AiiiiTliaii mir..'; llii'.N ai'.' iii.iri' I', nil. .ml. al .inil |'. lint m>t wi ri'' owliiK tn tlirlr lliiliility 1.1 iiillili'W. Til.' .Xiii.ilraii vailitlrM. ax a iilli'. iiii' . \i'iii|it frniii tlilx illxi'ii.'i'. .Mili|i-» .III. ..!' ...iirsi'. Ill' lii'lil Ki'i'iilly ill rlii'i k ami rviii . iilii|ili'ti'ly ..Mitriilliil liy lai'i'fiil ami tli<ii'iiiit;li xprayliiu with wliii.r Hiri'iiirlli Ihiii' iiinl siilpliiir S..IIIII..II III till' xprlii;: ax '.lii' liiiilx al'i' liiirxtliit:, I'.ill.iw iii^' IliU »ltli raviiis.'x "llli -iiliiiiirr -Iri'liutli nl' I I.. .'!" nf llliit' ami iiilliliiir

i.r iw.t SI

«iilnll..ii. (J. iiwlii'iiii"* l.i'ir llii'ir fniil mi x|.iii's ..n iIh' ilii'ti' vai- ..lil wikmI.

riaii I., kri-j. till- liii-.lii"* ii|.i.|i .iml 1. 1 i'iir..iirai;i' m.«. \i

.niii-. » I t.i I'.ifiii.


Iti'il ami liliiik riiii'aiits .in' iiMially in ui»>il ili'inaml an.l at ■.•miil pi'lri'i". Ilia, k inn-aiiN ai-f i-.!.!'. lalh waiitnl at tlii' .jam fait. ii-ii-<. Tli.' ii'il iiirran;."

ail' till' laullllr nml "111 iIh t'ali'ly wrll ninlif r li'-" iiiilavniiralili'

ri.mlltiiiiii. Il.itli >iirls will, i.f ri.iii'sr. yii'lil iiii'iiti'i- .i-.iiis lit lii'lti'i- «l;'.i'il licrricM If well riilllvalfil ami |.f.i|ii.ily iniiiii'il. Illiiik iiii'tiinlx liciir lli.|r fi'iill nil till' Iw.i yi'aiiilil w.iiiil ami ri'il iiiri'aiits on tin' tin ■' yrarnlil. Sn It U liii|iii-laiil I., pniiii' till' lilaiks ri't'iilarly. in ..riliT In kin'p ilii- nlili-r vvimil rut nut anil In 111. i.iiiML'i' a k'n.iil tr.iMtli ..f iir« «nnil ra.'li yiiir. Ui'il riirranl-' arc llxiially pniiiiil tn two I'lnll nf HInrk 1 iirnintK tn llirri' I'lnli nf niii' , Iwn. ami lliri'i' ji'ai" nlil luiiinlii's.

'riii' rrniaik.i nil til" illtTiTi'iit xpiall IriiltN ari' nf ncri'sslty vny rid iiwlni; In till' liliiltril spar.- nf tliU ili'i ular. Init It Is linlHll it III' li'»v siiKtfrstiniis I'i'latlvi' In till" iiirilii .iillrriil inrtliiMls am: pni.i - may I"' valiii' t.i llinsi. wli.i ari' li.'«liimTs in llir s.i.ill friilt Imliisf

T.i snni lip llii' wlinl". It will Im' s.-fii that to nisiii'i' lln' cri'iiti'xt s|i. v. -< ill siiiiill fnilt Ki'nwln;;, lar.' iiiiist tii' iiivcii tn tlio prrparatloii of tin- s.ill; th-' iliai-aitrristi.s nf tin- kiml :iiiil vai'irl.v ..I fnilN miisl l.o slmli.'.l anil a lalinni'-sii|.|!.\ ' .nst l.i- prniiiri'il.

Iwn.. ilii'.'i'-, ami f.iir.'-yi'iir iilil linii' lies.

1 i, h,iia. Il.r.. Ill

V.n I

I'riiii.-il l.y WiiT

> n r..iti.x. ii.i'. ;

V. I'lh.l.T I" ll... Kiha'B M"M Km.-II.'..! M:.ji-»I.V.
