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INSECTS INTRODUCTION LIST OF NEW GENERA AND SPECIES COI.LECTEti BY THE EXPEDITION By C COKDON HEWITT G 670 1 S 1 3 C2t V . 003 Introd, THOMA-- Ml^I.Vr.V, FklMhR TO THE Ki.NGS Mix,! EX." ¥\ :: ». -.STY UbU' 1 L5i;C--Ili!;.-r M, I'' l\ Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. vol. I mi; 111: INSF.CTS. INTIioDl rrioN. Hy < (i,.i.|,.ii ll<»iii , I;irl A |]iij:!i. By A. VV. Makir /.■.,1,/.,' Jul:/ 10. inH'K 'i: I it. l:ir'). Jh'siitiljiiti, I',. I!JIJ< 1.1; Hv (■; V. l-.rn- -n.l C II, I- Xutiull Si'iiknih, , ; /. /,'*;//, l':.rl Iv ( iil.l.OI'Tl.UA. ! i.ri-t lfiM'ri>, iiiclij.llnu ljiiil;i-. < 'i-r:iiiil'Mi.l.i-. :itii| Hupn >ti'lir My .1. M, .Swaini :,r:iKi.l:i uvl Silplihlav By 11 C I : l.l:l1rri(l;l\ .\l.x. I) Mjh < iillivrN I'jrusitic- llyiiirii()i)iiT;i. Hy (;li;irl<-s T. Hru''S. W i.-ji.-; ■in (t Boi's. Bv 1'. W. I,. S1m. Hy i:. Porni- I'.'lt I'.'.r, :i SI'lDKliS. MITKS. AM) M Vi; I \l'i >!)> .^l)ifl('r^'. By ,1 II. KiiiorKui. Miles. Bv'NMtliaii Hanks MyriaiKiils. By Kali.h V < !.:inil.. : in l,l,l'IIMiPTi:i! A. Hy Arthur i,il,-i. (i|;TII(>1''II.I!A. r.v l. .M. WalK.'i ih.<„ I .Inh, !1, I'H: ,1 S,v:,mh.'r r]. lUfX^ I 'an 1: I 'art .1. ran K .[iK^irrl .lullj 1',. iUV) ' Irsii,,! .Ii}},ii(ini Id, I'JUh IfSHid S,pitcvibir ;, lii.'O). (.i.\i;i;ai. \tio\s (in i\si;< i i.iii: in Tin; .\!;i "rh . Hv li ii^ .i'.iiaiiscii . jiiir'itifin) REPORT (K THK CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1915-18 VOLUME III INSECTS INTRODUCTION AND LIST OF NEW UENEKA AND SPECIES COLLECTED UY TIU EXPEDITION Bv C aoKPON HFWITT ..ITAWA IHOMAS Ml'LVEV PRlNTE.i TO THE KINGS ^ «T EXf ELLKNT MAJESTY 1 -lu IjMj'.l Dr.tintx-! 1" l«»Jii l\ IS INTRCi .UCTION. B881— 3 INTRODUCTION. Our kliiiwlrd;;!' iil' the iiiM'cl lauiia nf liortliiTIl iiud Hiclir (';iii;iil:i li;is liitlii Ttu lirtii Ml iiicatrif, and oiii' ciiUcctiuiis .sn lackiiiu; in iiiafriial tidin that iT were entertained tiiat a rii-li iiarvest would result. The sad and untimely death of Mr. .lames Murray, the marine hinlosiist of the expediticin, fulldwinj; the hiss of lie' Kiirhik. placed upon the shoulders of Mr. Frits .lohansen. to whom the eiitomoloiiical work lia his botanical ami entomological work. The larue collections of marine and other invertebrates, lishes, and plants testify as to the assiduity with which -M]'. .lohansen collected. Hut, as w;is inevitable the number of insects collected was less than wi> had oriirinally hoped to receive. Nevertheless, the collection of insects broudht b.tck by the expedition was a very represcnt.ativo one, and, a-- the succeedin<{ reports will show, it has been the means of adding valuable information to our kiiowledjfr of the insects of the northern rejiioiLs of this continent. No less than S new genera, iti? new species ami ."> new siib- six'cies and varieties have been deseiibed ill the followiiis; |)anes. In addition, as a result of .Mr. .JohansenV keen dsire to obtain notes on the life-histories and bionomics of tlws.> northern forms and the investiirations that he carried on under the diiliical aspect of an insect fauna, and reports become mere systematic cata- logues and lifeless. 'I'lie abundaiici' and variety of the arctic and sub-arctic insei't life will be suiprisinii perhaps to many entomolonists who have not hitherto appreciated the burst of and insect life that takes place durinsi the short arc-tic summer when the land is clothed with veiietation and lloweis which are visited by innumerable bumble bees, moths and biitterilies and other sun-lovin(i insects, enjoying the brief spell of existence that nlease from the gelid land and water permits. We desire to cxpi' our warm appreciation of the assistanct so willingly rendered by the authors rthose names appear on the ditTerent reports in this volume in working i.' ' this interesting collection of the insects of the arctic and sub-an-tic region of North .Vmcric.-i, and we hope t litit this volume may stimulati further investigation of a fauna of intt rest alike ! i the systematist and to those who arc interested iti the broader <|Uestion of the distribution of animal life. < 1 1 1 \ w A, .lanuarv, 1(120. C. <;oi!I)ON HKWri'T, Uinniniiit) Kiilimnilinjist. LIST OF NEW GENERA AND SPECIES COLLECTED BY THE EXPEDITION By C. Gordon Hewitt '«-.-.'.-, A>„rf,,.„U „,,/ M,i.,„i„„, "■'"' ^rifii I xpodition, 1>iw «;(nc |-.'..'.v ' '■"■' i'- ^im;.„.,m.„„ K„,,. .1, ,„/.,./,„ , "••"•J"«arini>ii/,i„,l,y \(.,||,, Cimliilurrthi MallMrl, I>n.V//>ln,;!>,„n,,ii,, .il.lsnl, ,,.., . \|, ,, ,,„| l.n,„„;.l,,l., rl.„:l„,,l,l,.„l, I nr.ijih,,, ,1 l,r, ■ 'It, I ■"■!/J>'-fi„i Jn,/i,/„ .\|r\a„.|.j ;iflir„j„.s i,iirr„i,i/,-< \|, ■/'.'•••'" \I.A:,„,i. !■ • /'.„■,,// Al, \;,„.|,.r • y,l,i,„l„r,< .\I.a:,,„I. r ! ^ '/.'.vsv, /.v„„/, ., Al.'\:,ri.|. r ■■^'ihanhra Al(\..,r„l,r .l../,.v ii.drrlir,,^ liy.,f />»»«,.<,; ,;n7„Y; Mn||,,(|i rri,siiimlr,i,n lt,,t Si III III I urn .-ill ltfi'iiiijiliii)„i/iii • ■h "'/.v .M:,ll,„-li ■■.M.illorh. . ■""'■■'■"'■■/-• M:ii|.,cli „ "'■■-■""T .\l,-lll,,rl, . ! ^ xini,l„l„ .\1,.,1|,„.|| I _^ lirrsrlillli .M:i|lnr|, , I'll' ro/,, ,„■„.■< ji, I,, „r,,i,. .M;,ll,„.|, : ■'/■'■"" f"'''"''/r/4r„..,-., M:,|l,„.l, III"! lull ; III .M,|I,„.|, ':'/'•'•"'•" /'""v.v ,.■.„,/,, .M.,||,„,|, I .->!|^|,ll„s„.l„li,^■,r. ,„/,.,•,■-;,,;„, M,|i,„,|, ; / '..n»m, \\;\\,„.], I I'lliihiii iiiinj.,,,, .\[.|||,„,|| i '' iiiiiliiln \h,\\.„.h ! Mi/il'iiinn i,h.'■< '■-liir.sali, M:M„.}, ' '>r,l,il.,nlla;„ih,,it,„„ \IV1,„.|, Opilhci,,;,,, iihi,,l,.s .M,l|,;,.|, ^ H'im;/„7 Hngiiir,,!,,,,, .\[;, ||,,„|: Oecolliin,, .M.'ill,,..), •;'■"''•'"'" rntin.ili.i.rNU M.,i|,„.|, r'lOjM, l„. ".,/,s.M:,n.;,|, 1 Di- ll. IL'.' I !<■ II. II. C.'. li„- ii;. '»"'(• lilr i.iic ii7.' !'.!)<■ 7(lr 7-2v I -11' 77c 7S<: ro<; Sdc S2r S3c Sic Citniiduin Arctic tUimtilioit, ll>li-ls. I'nrt K. ('iii.BoiTKiiA. Nrw (li'tUT.i. I'anc. New Sprrips. Hi iidrnctnniin Juhnnseni Swiiiiu' ('iirjih'ilidniK tiiiilfrxnrii Swaiiic ('alliithim siiliitiHiiiiiii Sttaitic Trirhal(ij) xlifdiixsorii L<;i)({. I'ug.-. I'art 1'. ilKMll'TEUA. I Eusrftia hj/furltoreiia Van Duzpc. •-'Ok 4f I'art pi(lcrs Mites Myriapod.^i ' 'ruujihilus ( 'liaiiibcrlin 17h Tmeticus alntus Emertoii 3i| Mirrnnrln niiiritima Kmert(in 4h Li/i-oxii iisimk Mincrton 5jj Stigiiine'(s nrili(uslinnks> Hh Ciyoiiltilus nlnskanus Ch^mhnlhi. . 18h Ay/)0/)o/i/.s i?i/rf/cr Ghambcrliii 20h Klhnpohin integer subsp. alaskanus C'h'imborlin , Part I. I.Ei'iMoiTERA. I'lirriilnirriifin dibsoii . 33 I Ornrix srmidea vnT. arctica (iih^on. 13i " ximulnnn Gibson 141 " rnirnrsi Gibson J5j " hrucei var. yiikontnsis dibson 21i Brcnthiii nntnzhnti dibson 21i " dixtindn fiibsoii. . , 25i I'arnhnrriH-ia keelei (iibson 33i Annrin siihfiimnsn Gib.son 341 Hnmnglwn miirr/i;/) Gibson 35i [h'nscrrv'n nhffytlis Gibson 45i Pyla arcliella Gib.son 461 M MMAKV. 'irt I In I, J Ni» fi.ii. : .\,.wS|., : N,w ^ \„^, Vir "^ < '"III inliola tV \( uririi|cr..iiN •' Diptm I). .\Iiilln;)|;:i Mil. I Aii'.|iliir:i !■: C.I,,!,,!,.,-,., v. M(iiupi(r:i '!• Ilymin(ip;iru i SpiiliTf, Miirs Mini .Myri(ip,,.lv ■">l)iillT>< Mit.s Myrinpiifls I 1,1 pidi.p'ti r.i ■ I OrtliiiptirM 4 I IoImU u;! fVA' iniiiiiiiiiiiii 3 t004 Oa4047te • 1 .ft B: Southern P.ny, 1»1»-16, fly Hmlolph M„„i„ Andrr,<,n. ,/„ p,.,«,.,«,„ , \oluine III! Intrnti.. InlroUuotion. Hy C. (ii.r.lon M.uitt. (hc„r,„, rollamM.. Hy Ju.tu^U. ^,.|„,„„ (iZ.! Neurop'eroid ln«Ttv liy \,,tl.un H„„kH. ./.,„,,^ I'ait .: ( .,k-<> l.y .1. ^f. S«ui„... ll.V'. l' i 7' '•■ ' ' '""*• ""' ' ' " IW •• Vl""'"""" ">■ ! .'■• ^"" "«•■'■• '""'-" I art I.. Myi,.pni,|,i, r.i iin■ ■'• "■ I.....Tt.,„, \ .,!. ,„ ,, Hy Arthur liiljsiMi. i7»sii../i liy i;. M. Walker. r/».r.,,;,. ' iTVIlll.ilir. ..Jl IniMTl l.lfl ill ll,,. \, /13-18. Pari A: Part It: Part C: Part I): I art I: Lcpiilupieru Part J: ()rtlinpi,.r:., I'art K: (HMifriil ( il I'. Nullall, ^\. I.iiiir, aii'l I. j) |(!i..rinan. Jr. .\ri<-C.illivnn, Clrirlei v. lir,„-«, 1 . W. I.. V, ChMM Slad.-i, LiTlin Voliimr IV: HoUii). Ir>i-, nwli. i/fi piriKirdlti' |;art r: I„„«j; By .)„[„; l),:,,V,„.,'-' I art U: l.iclipiia. liv(.,K \!..irill -art K: M,„«,., Jtyli.s. \\,|I,an,,; ['.in A: I :,i«oriMn . Part Ft. (Ji-ncral .V. I'iirt A: Pari H; I 'an \: I'nrt Ii: Part '.': Piirt D: I'art E: Part !■ Part(; I'art II: I l^l:l-. Hy 1 Aiciilians. I'.li'. Ar.-I ■ Hy \. Ii..l, hi lirrjinnthnii). ■In pr, i„irnh:irfiuratiii» • mmn ii ."-«..., Till. _i||r| £^:^^s-:^:.ljy,;^aa„l : Pan"' H In ^"^- , ''-^''-''I'h \.t.'l.a,nb,.rli„. PaJf n- J''™''""-'^- *.v • ■ P. Moor,.. il„ ,„.,,,, ^ O.H: Tremutoda^^ad i^':,;;, '^■„ '; '1^'T-:^- iartM. l-.>raminif,.ra. Ily J. .V. (.-u.shnu.n: ;/.-,,,/,. Part \ PI I. r. , *"'""•* *= P«»nktoii,IIj• '" /"■-■/«'-(.'.'. ^ A