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Las diagrammas suivants illustront la m^thoda. 2 3 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOIUTION TfST CHART IAN5I ond ISO TEST CHART No 2i REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS PART B: NEUROPTEROID INSECTS By NATHAN BANKS SOUTHERN PARTY-1913-16 G &70 1913 C2t V . 003 pt.B C.3 OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIE TACHfi PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1918 Vol. iii— SttiSO-l Issued July llth, 1"19 The Neuropterold Insects of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 191.^-^8. M.\ Naiiian h\Nk>. Thr N..iirn|.t,.i(.i.l nis..tstMk(nl.y th. Ciiliadiiili Antic Kx|»Mliti,,ii l'l|:{-lti ..•luhu to Mv-rr, s,,((i.>. iu.. of vvliirl, aiv lunwith ,1. M-ril....! as ti.-u. ' M„>t „f th.- s,„.,.|tncris ,.ul|,..;t,..l l,y \Ff. I'nts Joha,,.,.,, 1.,.|,„ik to our sprcirs whir), is conitiioii III tin- Arctic rcjjioiis. PERF.IDAE, Alloperia pacifica Hanks. Two from Kctiliikaii. Mititli.rii Alaska. S.|itfiiii»r |(). n»|ii. Nemoura, s|). V ,\'''^''''"' :'l'''Vi"".'"-*' 'I"i" of a ih-w sjicics, from M.riianl liarl.oiir Northwest Icrntoncs. June ;<((, IKIti. aii,| ,l,ilv ;{(), |!.|tl. Tlicv arc in |.oo,' I'DiKlition ami cannot now he dcscrihc.l. Capnia nearctica, n. sp. HIack. Body lonu a- ,1 slcmlcr. I'ronotiim plainlv hn.a.lcr than lonn. a <• .n.a...r l.clnn.l in front, with a p transv.rsc groove in front paiallc to til., niarKin. Willis in the male not rea.'hinK one-fo.nth way I . ,T r.i" V"7''"''',''" '■',•"•'''"»-' '" ""• ''P "'■ '""I.V- Seta- al.oiit one-half the ••iiKth of the ,o,ly. In the mah' the thini segment from ihe tip has a rafher at-Kc roim.le,! tniMhan elevation, the surface of which is .{••eplv pitted ami .n.vided with short hair.s and I.ehin.l over tif last two se«m.nt; ii a media,' groove iK.rdeivd I..V nearly parallel el,.vat,.| ridges; in the posterior part the ■kIkcs swell out a httl.'; the groove is fuilv tw.. an.l a half til broad. lines as lollK as lieiiKth, (» mm. Many specimen.s from Mernar.l harl.our, T.'rritories. ( ■aiia.lian V.lTn^7•'l ;•''• ■''"'■• -•^' ""•"• "•"■ ■'<'lnm.s..n. ,oll.,. Typ.- in Canadian National onecti.,.i .,f Insects, Ottawa, paratype in Mus.uiii of Comparative /ooloL'y, ( aml.ndKe. Mass. Ditfers from other spe.ics in the shape and sculpture of the tiilxrch' iK'ar tip (,f body. ' TRICHOPTER.\, Rhyacophila alberta Manks. One from Ketchikan, southern Alaska. Sei)temlMr 10, l!(l(i. Chilostigma praeterita Walki r. Sent^r^' ^'^'"l!n -"• Ti^" *"•"'" "> '*""'"':'' ''^"■''"""■' >^""l'«-' Territories, f^cpt ml.ei M. I'.tl,). Ihere is much -ariation in the e.xtent of the markiniis on the front wings alin.,st uniformly dark-coloured. I)escril„.d from Canada „ rihl-nT..'^ f"/" '"'■"■'■''' "'"•»'>'■■•" !"'"ilitifs find it in the more nortnem parts of Kiirope. 4b Canadiiin Arrtir EijteiUtion, t!)l.i-IS Anabolitt emarftlnata, n. ^p. «nl.i.i.»- i»,rr.,»l,v » IH I"'',;. ''«";,"' „.;„, .,„,(,.,,■, .mall |iulc- X,ri'" »m"-'i«'' i« '««■■'■■■'• '""' ""■>■ "'■ ''"""■' '""" " ' "" Kx|>uii«>. ill mm. j, j,,,,,,,,,.,, ||.) Tyi»- i„ .:z^!"z a;;:,ir,^,S;V'\' .«. .V,- ... N. ' Com!, .iiitivi- Z in.Iu.led a number of immature .ta«e, of NeuroplerouU. the identifica- tion of which was not posaiblc. Sriifiifi'i I iml I .uxrU Ab KXPKANATION OK I'LATi: Fig. 1. Dorsal, iMjstcrior and lateral views of mail' genitalia of AutihuHn iin'H'j,- 2. Dorsjil view of tip rjf male abdomen of Cajinin urn red at. 3. Lateral view of tip of male abdomen of Capnia nea'clira. 4. Lateral and dorsal viewH of female genitalia of Limnephilux sp.