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Toua laa autraa axamplairaa originaux sont fiimia *n commandant par la pramiAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'impraaaion ou d'illuatration at an tarminant par la darniira paga qui comporta una talla amprainta. Un daa symbolaa suivants apparaitra sur la darniira imaga da chaqua microficha. salon la cas: la symbola ^•^' signifia "A SUIVRE". la aymbola ▼ signifia "FIN". Laa cartaa. planchaa. tableaux, ate. peuvant ixre filmis A daa taux da reduction diffArents. Lorsqua la document est trop grand pour etra raproduit an un saul cliche, il est film^ i partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche A droite. at do haut an baa. an prenant la nombre d'imagaa nicasaaira. Laa diagrammas suivants illustrant la mithoda. 2 3 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOIUTION TEST CHART ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 2i _J APPLIED INV5GE ■■ '6} ftS^ - 0^00 - Phor, ■''6) 288 - 5989 - Fo» REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS PART J: ORTHOPTERA By E M WALKER SOUTHERN PARTY, 1913-16 G fc70 1 9 I 3 V. 0<"> pt . J OTTAWA THOMAS MILVEY PRINTER TO Tllfc; K.Nl.S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY iMued Sfpt 4lh, 1)20 Report of the Cunadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. VOI.lMi; III: INSKCTS A I'lrl 1!! (■ i\ ri;il|)[ ( TioN I'.y (■ (,..,,l,,n ll.\\it! (•ill l.iMli(.;.\. \^,^ .I...1,., U, l,,|-,.|,i, , /„,.! :/.v../jr./ Jul^t III U'Ut) i)ii-rr.i;\ (•r;iiM-lii.-, r.v Clinrl. .< 1'. \\. \:m\ M(i-.|.,n(i. -. Hv iliitii Ci. I)-, r :li;il; Ii'ilik~ i7. <;. r. I. nis aii.l <;. U. I". Xiittall. . . .(7a^,/c/ Srj>l,n,'nr 13, IHI'J). Vm\ v.. (iJl.l.OI'TKliA Insi,'i<, imlucliiii: l|ii'l:i', (.'' ninhviiila'. :irul Hnjin :-uil:t'. I4v J. M. Swaiiic. C'lir.ihiiia^ ami Silplii,!;).. liy li. ( '. l-'all" ('iicciii(!li(ln., l.lati-riila'. ('liiy-ctin Inia', ami Uliy iiclniiihor.'t iiM'ludum IpnUi'). Hv <■ V. . 1. tin Dvlj-^cMla'. Hv J. 1). Sli ■Ir (/.s.sKi./ Ueviint'tr 1 J, :i>l:i). I'ari I I'lrt C, |;1;M!ITI.I;A. Hv i:.luani IV Van i)ii/. c IIVMIINOI Ti;i!A AM) I'l.ANT (lAl.l.S. fiawtliis. :T.Mitliiv,|iii(,i,l,-ai. Hy Al.-i. 1). MarC 'ari--ilic llyiiii iii^pt- ra Hy ( liarl>'s T. Hni. <. .(hsxinlj itbj 11, lOtH). Wit- KJ H, riai.i Caiu. r.v ;• I'oii. |!v W. I,. I /.«.,. J X, i:>iO). I'art li: .-l'llli;i;S, .MITi:s. AM) .MVKlAroI).- Spicirl-. I'.y .1. II, K Mil. Hv \atlian Haiik<. Mynapou.-.. Hy Ralph V. (:!iaii,l..ilin I'art I; l.Kril) r..l|iitr.| [i\ 111.. ( 'iill.Mill.lll Arrtic l'.x|»clitioii l'.t|:!-ls. Inn «(■ h.iM' rtniM.I .1 -inui.- i£ra->li'i|>|Mr cnllccii'il l>\ Ml \ . Sii tiui--..ii III \\<\ 1 Till' lu||c.« iim I- .1 mill oil till- in,-. it FAMILY ACRIDIDAi: Mi'lanoplus frii^idus Itoh. hkhi A -lliul"' filll:ili' (.1 tl liilldwiiiK .lata: •N... Iti7(l MiiiniitT ..f I'.tj 1. 11- -|MCII - III |) iImIiIIiMi. Inal- l:.l..i (ilMhU III. II ,11. I. ililitiitl l'a\ • I'lahklili i.a\ \iil lli >t(|ali--iiii III a liii'i' t.i til liriiiiKlit til u^ witli .iiliir ii il.r 1)1-. 1;, .M. A lii|i|-i)ll -tall that ur-l I II- -pii IIIHII. I»ti| >|M(iilli||- III j'.lj I lliilii Mill iilil liiill-r .It l.ailUtiill liiiv liy :i I'liiiiiir i;>kiiiiii i'iii|iliiyi'i'. « liil.. takiii in tlir i..iii; 'mi li;i\ iinimi. u niii*t prulialily pirknl up t'luiii iwciitv to luitv mill- inlaii. the llnrtmi liv. .south siilf III' til.' .\lil\ ill iiiK tl If >uUtli >ii 'I'lic •aptuif of tlii> I' !• iii.iiiiitaiii-, a laiiiic iit' liilN alMiiil I iMId pit Injih, -kirt- if rr.'iiikliii I -pi 'II- ill till- alpil\r liir.llil\ u:i- Hill Ml pi'clfil a- -I'Mral -|)t riiinti- vmt.. taken l,\ .\lr. .1. .M. ,li--up mi \\„- lni.ri liiiiiii.l, .Ma-kii, lat. HH •_'(!' N., |, Can. ' at., vol. \I,\II. I'.ll.'.. p. IC.di i.'ii iiiii,'il im. Ill W . mi .\uu. s. Ptll' !( aiiil'll. ( >ii arnniiit of till ilil!ii'ult\' of .Irtciinii llllj; -pi Ir- 0 f till- mmip from tli< female -i\ alone, the uiitei -ulilllit tei| tlii- -peri m.- 11 In .\||-, .Mol'^i.iu lleli.iiij is eii((at;eil in a fe\ i-ioii 1 •' the Mel.inopli. 1 hail iletiimineil it .1- I'ikIishui //•/;/((/i(/// I Hoheinaiii with -oiiie ilmilit. ;i- it ililT.r- -liirhily in ihe imm of the valves 1.1 the ovip.isilur flolii tli.' ^ilinle female -[leeiin. n I li,i\e of this species, liiit Mr. Ilelianl has cmifirineil tlii' del. imi. In :, liinr lo tin W'ter he -ay- "Vou will note the transfer of tlii- -pecie- ti the neiiu- M'hiiiiijilu.-'. I am lirintiintr out the i[ata on this ehaniie in a paper whieh will In- piiMi-heil sh.irtlv ia\(' heen likewis.- .if the .ipini.ili. for s.iliie time, that tlii- -peel. is !i trill' Miliiliis. and it is . f spe.ial interest as lieinn the oiih -peiie- of this Kenus known from the Old W.irl.l, it i- widely .li-trilniii d in northern reni.iiis, having lieen taken in Noiway, l.aplaiid ami Siberia, and ;i- a lilaiial reli.t ill th.' Swis- .\lp- and the Tyrol.- ither sp.'cies of Orthoptera are iletiiiilel\ reiorded li-,.ni ih \ -ctie Th regions of North America. Th.-e are (iniKiili hiirtiilis I Fielieri and M. fiiscKilun ( Mariistoii-W'.alk. Iihiii-) ni.-i chii iiliis 'riioiiii- Ml, nil mill jiliiici Ills I ■h'riU IIS w,as rec. ir lo.'alitv in ,\laska where M. friiiiil ded l.v Caudell ./„ il.< Irmii tl IjlllllS \\[\ - taki It spe.'ii's, r.iliKiiiK from ea-terii Manitoba to the Ho(k\ .Mount le same l> a widrl\ di-tribiited toN in th (•111 'i-Ka. .-iiisas. ( ' do anil New M.'xi nil- :i It i-fl lid -outhward e lu.iiiiitaiiis of ('olorado. U'yoiiiiiin. Idaliu and New Mexi iiind at ljii:li elevations r le (ji'iiUs loiiiji/imi nis IS .if Pal.aeari'tic oriijiii, (/. linnitiis beinn the onl>- .\mericaii s|i(.( le- Miliiiiiijilns hiir'iilis has been until very recently coiisiilen d as ;i typically arctic f.irin. It has been recor.led from ( ire.ii.l;ind (1 I.11I11-. Ill lS,-);{i 'Siniv tliv 111 iiivv «H-nraU'Ti A pri'liiiiinary ili»i-u»Miiii nf tlu- .sulij,.(l has amn in.l in tin. i'.iIIhwimk paptT i.'.v .Mr. Ili-i.unl New ( limra ami , i.f Mi.lanii[ili f..iinil witliin iln- I Am. Knt. \1V pp. L>.j7-i'r till' lasi'iitiat in 4 .1 ('iniiiiiinn Arctic Ksiicililiiui. IHli-IH L.-iliiador, HikIsuh Hjiv ami Alaska. 'I'lic spicin Icscrilii'il l>\- SciK his "Hcvisioii of till' Mclaiiopli" caiiic from the i'isciiiimaiix villajic of l{aiiiah. the coast of I.alirailor. lat. 'u" N., while the Alaska spccinicii (' (l< ll> '!>■ II irriiiian Alaska Iai)., I' Wash .1. 512, ntOO) wcr.' tak.'ii at Kiikak Hav, Alaska I'. II. a.Mi hv iii- pp 1 1 lavc a laruc scries o f tl (lat. r).")° 24"), Coast of Lahrailor, an cxaniinati that they are not siiccilically distinct from .1/. y Sciidder in a (lifTerent ^ection of tiie K<'nns. On siilnnittinn this (|\ic>tion to Mr. Hehard. I learned tiiat he had already' placed M . c lislied notes on this sroiii), and Messrs. Mor>e and Miatchli X r( iiiHx as ;i race ot humitis in lii> unpiili- f the :'.re also o opinion that tlie two forms an as a si)ecii specific. This heiiij; the case, M. h( .f <• liy no means exclusively arctic, hut ralisjes over nearlv the whole tn;itates. ever, a typicallx' horeal form and prohalily reaches it> highest develop- IIu iisomaii Zone .Mrldno/iliis f(i<:ri:e from Nain. I.ahraih has alx) I teen lecon that it led lie fairlv included in the arctic fauna Sever.'il other s|)ecies of .\crididae have heeii reported from ".\rctic .\merica' ■hielly hy V. Walker (Cat. nerm. Salt. Urit. .Mus., III-IV. lsti!t-7l), hut al>seiice o f definite localiti in the it is uncertain whether thev were Arctic zone proper or the Hudsonian. These are Acrijil akeii in tlio Chortlil i>i>u-< curti jii iinin f< nniir-nihnini !" (I)e( (Hi IT.), //, ppiscux (ijticn Intl. nun qninuliiln»i Kirt 1V, eer'. The type locality of .1. (jrninilntr Harr.^ and Mtlauoiih lat. (i <1 it was taken hy .Vdam White (Uichardson. .\rctic Search. I'^.x]).. 11. i). 'MW, 1S.")1) at Fort Simpson (lat. ()l° :{(t') and at the junction of the Mackenzie tinil Slave rds ti Tl reco certainlv erroneous, the it cannot he certainly regarded as arc'ic on other rei th. )f th ire indefinite and that of .1/. fnniir-ruhnim almost [■cies referred to lieiiif; jirohahly .U. horitilis. A few other ( )rtlio[)t'.'ra may he mentioned as very pos-ihly ranu;in}; into the arctic rejiions. Slrlnridpliis kcnnirnttii Scinld. and .U. ntlains iHilev) were taken liv Kennicott on the Viil kon river. Alask The former h: hoon recorded from Sa: ikatcl lewan. Alberta and .Moiitan.i. wh th. also atter i.s widely distrihuted over the jireater iiart of North .\merica. exteiiilin>: into Mr .\',l .\laska an IIIKII his i iniiuri Sciidi .1/. (lldsl.lll: I'Udd. IS also recorileil Irom dely /-i(/);/(77 Holiver (wliii'h is perhaps Ihetrue .1. (jmimhiluin 'Kirhy), and M(l(niiipliis hirittnlus Say .are recorded from the Hudson lia\' rejiioii. while Circotitlix r< rniriildtiis (Kirhy) r.aiijfes far north, the type specimen having come from at. N. s'/j/ifj;//) some claim to memliership in the .\rctic I'auna. This is lili All the species mentioned aliove are locusts or "short-horned jrrasshopp.ers' f .\criiliilae). hut there is one species of "loiin-horned }irasshi)pi)er" (Tettifioni- idae), which tm w redescnlieil liy ( auili bri'vi pis I.e.). (Walk.) (syii. /. Iiriri pi-s^ Caud.. I'lntiicU llitrlu rl Caud.), liich was orifjinally descrilied from St. MartinV I'alls, HudMtn Hay. It wa.s 11(1' Tl S(M;(lder iC roni a siiip;le male, take r.S. Nat. .Mils., XWII, p. ;5!tti, 1907) as hlmnolm ;in. llie specimen tiad ;i i;nt., .WVI, p. ISJ ih-cad\ Ceniiicolt in ".\rctic .\n a" (C.audell, [diotioliis. and is stated to have heen explorations in or i?i>i"K ♦<> .Alaska.' northwestern Ontario, Manitoba and .Klberta. ■n mentioiu'd but not described by IS'.tf) in his characterization of the jreinis •tcil bv Kennicott omewtiere on tils Th pecies is now known also Irom ■I : i(lplit(Ml I.I Mr. \V. S. nhitchlcv fur tlic fvi ..ff/.d. rihit< hrPvipfH Ciiutl. with^ I Irrticus ipha'jnorum VV;ilk. I lt;nl lonR suspontcfl tlii.s to be the r;i.HP. ha wp hrvve only one northern Oeotirine, aa far as known Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18, Vo'umP I: (iriirral Intrtxluition, Narratlvr, Ktr. T'art A: N'crtl.iTn l':irt.\. I'JI.'i !>. I'wt H: Si)iitliiT;i I'.ii'ty, I'JI.i-IH. liy liu 1.) jili M:ir;ui \!::i.T*m -iu (jrtjw, J1./-1 > \uliimr II: MimniaU and Kirds. Part \: '! iiilin i!-. Hy llj'lo!|]li \t:irtiii Vnl'r^iii In pr, •\iri''i,r%]. I'art H: hini-i. Hy It. M. Amlv'r-iiii ;in. Introilui'i i'lti. Hv 1^' (ionlon II<>«itt. /v ; ■. - I'arl \; (■.,llrliil..)!:i. I'.y lu-tus W . ^..I^M•Il. J.'-wJ\ i'.itt "• Ni'uri.pttniiil Ii'..-ci'ts. Ity Niit'iMi i'.ink-i. J ■n/i. r,!iti' l)i|it.T;i. r.v ('Iki:<. W. AloxrindiT. llalT' (i 1 )\ ar. ainlj. li. \I;ii!ii.h !■' i, !<. \'.in i). .M,ill„|,li:i::i:ir ii. l':irt i;: Cnlcoijti'ii. I'.v I. M. Swauic, II. (\ l^Ul. i '. \v . Ijt l-. and J, H. >U>-r:\■,.■'■. I'lirt I : H.'niiijl.Ti. liv ! :. I'. \:iir 1 )i!Zi.'. /«■,.,'. Tart C; Hvi]u-ii.»'-.r:i ami I'laiil (!s. Hy -\U-\. l> Mac' .iliivray, Cliarlca T. liruo-. I'. W. [,. Shulcn, iiii'l i: I'l.rn r I .'It :l^^i<,:l). I'art II: Spiil.T.-i, Mi;<'s, uad Mvri.-ipdds liv .1. II. lainTiun NatlKin Iiunk-<, acii I!alp!i V. ('liuinlierl'n. I'art I; Lciiirl.iptir I. liy \rllii;r ( 'h.^u.-h. I'arl .1: ("rllii'iitir.i. \\\ I.. M. W.alkir. hi i r. -■<.. Part K: (JuiiiTul i (bsi-rvutiniis un Iiiai'i-t I, lie in tl >• \rrtic. I'.y Frit.-* .loljali^ii'. 'In pri-iifim'i-'nK Voliimt' IV: Kolun)'. Part .\* I'rcsliwatt r .Mjjao and I'resli water I 'iatoiu.'*. Hy CharloE W . L'>\\n. In /'■■''puTiiri-'fJ. I'art H- Marino .\!ir:R' Hv !•'. <'iillins. iht vi P'"'ti'"i''- I art r*: I'uriLi. P.\' .lulm Dearnt'.--^^. ■ In pr* pun't^n). Part 1): I.ic licn.s. Hv K. L. Miarill. i/ti ,,ri!,':rn<\:m\. Part K: Mu-^.-ii'S. I'.y K. S. Uilliai.i.i. ih, pn' i Voliinu' V: Itiitaiiy. Part .\- riowcrinir l'lant.s and IVrns. Hy .I.anii~ M . Ma" an and 'V\:(-i llolni. /'i ur. j.aiv ,''"■! .. Part Ii: (ient-ral N'lte.soii .-\rctic \'fi'olali"a. Ip' Clarrnct' It. SlKn-inakfr. \In pr<.\.^). Part I'- Pyrn-'iinnidu. Loon . I. Cole, iln pn»ii\. Part'i; }aipli\ llopnila. liy I'. .It>hansen. (In pn pinifujn). Part II- Ciadoi'iTa. Hy ('lian'ir'tti'>n) . Part .1: Iri'.-liH.ali-r (iipfpiid:!. liy C. Dwi^-lit .Mar.--^S}. I'art I): (lopliyrca. Hy lialph V. Chamhcrlm. f/.^-.-uo/l. Parti--: .-\pan»hocopha!a. Hy II. . I. Wan ( 'leave. i^sitfJK Parti-'; Net: tod;*. Hy N. .\. '"i>t)t). {In iirrpuratinv'. T'art C; TreiiKitoda Hy .\. H.''oorx-r. 'hi pri ihinilfini. Part 11 : < 'e«toda. Hv .\. K. ''<»op(-r. ' In prrp^irr.tionK Part I: Turhellaite. 'liy .V. ILissell. inertini-. I'art L: Sporozoa. Tiy J. \V. M.avor. (In prfimrntv^n^. PartM; T'oraniinitera. Hy .1. .\. C'nshiii.-in. Ifxui;li. Volume X: Plankton, Hydrography, litres, KU I'art .-V: Plankton. Hy .Mlert Mann. {Ik prfpinat,i,'i). P;irt H Marine Diatoms. Hy L. W. Hailoy. (Ir jiniiiralum ) I'art C^: Tidal Ohsorvation-s and Results. Hy \V. HeM Uawson. {In prem) Part D: UydroKraphy, (In jn rpuration)